#but then perfect age to assist and support them as adult?
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Gifted Drabble - NewAgeAU - Understanding
Hey @spotaus !! As promised :3 I got a little something for you!
Your drabble got me thinking and made me consider something. (also i am so sorry if i got the ages wrong. I really tried)
As always. Feel free to use whatever you want from it or just ignore what doesn't fit <3 I am just having fun and it is meant as a gift for you <3 (also to motivate you to keep writing more about it!)
Nightmare gets off his horse as he stares at the castle.
Well. His castle now.
He is still not quite used to that. Refering to it with his castle instead of his mother's.
Even after almost 12 months. He still doesn't expect to see himself in the mirror. or maybe the problem is that he expects his old self. The young teen.
The weakling. The failure.
No focus.
He isn't that anymore. He now has the magic. He is the new powerful leader of his land. And he will make this work. Even if he still has no idea what he is doing.
No. He needs to get back and make sure no one tried to rebel against him. That no one tried to hurt Ccino while he was gone.
Nightmare gets off the horse and someone rushes over to take the horse. Nightmare stares at this person and figures out quickly it is the stablehand who has been taking care of the horses.
Nightmare looks over his shoulder and motions the new people to follow him. The set of brothers, the dog monster. and Killer.
Nightmare walks into the castle as he speaks "Some of the other servants will take you to your chambers to rest and clean up. Tomorrow the three of you will join some of my other staff to see what is needed and where you fit. Killer. You will-"
"My liege."
Nightmare blinks and looks over.
Ccino has appeared out of one of the servant secret passages and walks straight towards him. Nightmare can see, and feel, when Ccino takes in the new people and just who they are.
Ccino's face turns a bit harder and Nightmare can feel the annoyance and frustration in the air "My liege!" Ccino smiles brightly as he speaks "Have you eben succesfull in finding a possible knight?"
Killer chuckles behind him and mutters "someone is in trouble~"
Nightmare knows Killer is being sarcastic. But if only Killer knew how right he was.
Nightmare however could never be worried or afraid off Ccino. For him? Maybe. But never because of him. He gives a tiny nod. The only amount of respect their places and ranks allow them when others are near "Ccino." He waves into the direction of the new arrivals "These people will join my workers." He looks at the four new arrivals "This. Is Ccino. He is head of the house." a title that will never pass away from him. Not as long as Nightmare is in charge.
Ccino nods "Pleasure." he looks back at Nightmare "My liege. If you have the time. There is a matter we need to discuss."
Oh yeah. Nightmare is very much in trouble.
Nightmare's voice is still calm as he speaks "Very well. I will meet you in my study after i made sure they go to their chambers."
Ccino feels unamused but he nods with a bow before he leaves the hall with a quick turn.
Nightmare turns back to his new... servants? He never quite liked that word but it works. He turns to his servants and feel his tentacles slowly rise from their position on the ground. They slowly start to idle again as he makes sure the new people learn where their rooms are and where to get food.
He brings Killer to a room more seperate from the others. Beyond the guard positions. Just because Nightmare wants to give him a chance and the fact he doesn't fear him is refreshing doesn't make Nightmare forget how dangerous Killer is.
Fuck this was a mistake.
What if Killer hurts people here?
What if he hurts Ccino?
Killer looks around his room before lounging on the bed "So what is the deal with the other skeleton?" he grins and wiggles his eye brows "Little secret going on there?"
Ngihtmare needs a moment as he wonders what Killer could mean. Then it sinks in and Nightmare feels his tentacles all spasm as he shudders "No." the answer is final and harsh. Killer actually looks surprised.
Nightmare holds his sight and speaks slowly "I will only repeat this once and remember this well. I don't like having to repeat myself." he holds Killer's gaze "Ccino is head of the house. He will remain head of the house. Nothing anyone can say or do will change this." he holds his gaze before straightening himself again as he moves towards the door "Tomorrow we will start training."
Kilelr sputters "We?!"
Nightmare stops and shoots him a look "Obviously. How am I to keep track of your skills and promise if i don't oversee the training myself?" and he leaves the room.
He hurries back through th castle towards his study. Sinking in and out of shadows as his mind, body and soul all know where he wishes to go.
He stops by his study and enters it.
Ccino is already in there. Studying the old masks in the special glass casing.
Nightmare closes the door and Ccino turns to him with a glare "What were you thinking?"
Nightmare gets taken back to a year or two prior. When he was still small. When he had cut himself to practise for the ritual. He hadn't been able to sleep and had been nervous about the apple ritual already. He had wanted to practise his part. to perform a blood oath to promise loyalty until death to his twin.
Ccino had caught him with a knife out.
Nightmare blinks back into the here and now as Ccino looks at him expecting with his arms crossed.
Nightmare blinks as he looks to the side for a moment. How is it that even wiht him being taller than Ccino he still feels small compared to him? "They were innocent."
Ccino looks unimpressed as he crosses his arms "Now with less lies."
Nightmare blinks and shoot his traitorous tendrils a look. No doubt they did something to give his little slight lie away. Ccino jsut raises a brow as he taps his foot.
Nightmare speaks again "Most of them were innocent. I didnt want them to get hang for something they did not do."
Ccino hums as he waits "And the murderer?"
Nightmare looks at Ccino "how did you know?"
Ccino sighs but has a small smile on his face. an old fond feeling as ccino looks at him and the tiny part of nightmare that had been stressed relaxes. Ccino just keeps looking slightly amused "There is a reason i told you to get out more. you only hear so many things from people in the castle nightmare. You need to go out to hear everything from everyone. I know who he is because i go to the market sometimes."
nightmare gives aslow nod as he looks away. So Ccino knows that nightmare brought a serial killer home. great.
Ccino sighs and sits on the couch for visitors and Nightmare joins him instead of sitting in his own chair.
Ccino looks at him "Just... tell me what happened. Why did you decide this?"
Ngihtmare looks at his hands. again slightly shocked to see the goop. It never stains anything yet it feels like a reminder. It is dirty. it isn't the holy light the powers promised. it is weird and looks diseased which is fitting for him. someone who betrayed everyone. who betrayed his twin. He may have gone it to protect dream. But even dream doesn't see this.
Where does that leave him?
Ccino's hand rubs his cheek and Nightmare shakes himself out of it. Ccino looks so worried as he rubs his skull "Hey... it is okay... i am not mad at you. I am worried about you. I am sorry if it seemed like i was mad."
Nightmare knows ccino isn't mad at him. Not like that at least. Nightmare can feel that. But he likes that ccino still tells him as much too.
Nightmare sighs as he leans into the gentle hold and touch. Ccino had always been one of the few to hold him. As his and Dream's babysitter it had been his job. But Ccino had always truly cared about them both. The moment that Nightmare could feel emotions he had been shocked by that.
That Ccino held no hatred for him. Not even a little bit. He enver blamed either Nightmare or Dream for his situation.
Nightmare speaks softly "The... kngihts you picked out. they were amazing. They showed much promise and would have made fine warriors."
Ccino hums as he keeps rubbing his skull "But?"
Nightmare sighs "They hated me. Even if with time they would eventually grow loyal and accept their place. They would forever hold resentment towards me for making them come."
Ccino hums and nods "I get it. It were only options Ngihtmare. there will be more people who fit the job."
Nightmare feels another part of him relax. knowing that Ccino still understands him "Killer wasn't afraid."
Ccino hums questioning.
Nightmare speaks slowly "He wasn't afraid. Not of me. Not of his situation. He stood up when near me. He didn't cower and he didn't hide." he sighs as he leans into the hug. He shouldn't need these anymore. He is an adult now and not that awkward young teen anymore. Nightmare shouldn't still count this much on the other "He saw me and didn't hate me. He knew who i was and didn't hate me. It was... new."
Ccino still feels unsure but he holds him still "And that gave you hope? That maybe if soemone didn't start with that hatred they could maybe become truly loyal?"
Ngihtmare shrugs. He isn't quite sure. he didn't think that far ahead. He just didn't want to lose another person who didn't hate him.
Ccino sighs as he keeps rubbing his skull and the back of his neck "I won't say i trust him. Because i don't. And I worry about you. I am scared he will end up hurting you."
Nightmare rolls his eyes as he answers "I have yet to even lose a fight and i had almost no training." all because of his tentacles and his newfoudn power.
Ccino just holds him tighter "There are more ways someone can hurt you Nightmare."
Nightmare feels the fear of before return. THe idea that somoene would kill Ccino. "If... if him being here makes you feel unsafe i will return him to the guards."
Ccino laughs and shakes his skull "Ngihtmare I am fine. I am not scared for me."
Nightmare keeps holding him as he feels himself start to shake. fears he had been trying to ignore and push away return to the front of his mind "Waht if they realise just how important you are? What if they try to hurt you to hurt me? What if they kill you to hurt me? Ccino maybe it is better if you hide." hide... hide away... out of sight out of mind.
Ccino just rubs his neck "It is okay Nightmare. It is okay. They don't know. and even if they have an idea your reputation adn the past of this country will just make them think I am someone who will be used as sacrifice last. That i will be punished last or least."
Nightmare shakes as he keeps holding the one person who remained "What if they hurt you because of me?"
Ccino is so calm and sure "then it would be on them. Not you. You don't want others to hurt me. It wouldn't be your fualt Nightmare and I will never see it as your fault. It is okay."
Ngihtmare still feels unsure. He made it obviously clear to Killer that Ccino is improtant. Killer is smart and Nightmare has no idea what he could be planning.
Another thought enters his mind. Somethign he had found early on in his ruling.
A very very damning piece of paper. a slave contract.
Nightmare speaks softly "I am sorry you are stuck here..."
Ccino shrugs as he keeps rubbing his back "Not your fault."
Nightmare shakes as he holds him "I.... I can undo it... I can give you back your freedom..."
Ccino had been taken from his home. Sold to the castle with a very clear purpose. First to be a babysitter. and later... well... Drema had been planning to be all powerful and go from young teen to adult in just one ritual. There is a reason Ccino's age had been only 6 years older than them.
Ccino had been suposed to be Dream's from the very start.
Ccino hums "A nice thought. Not that i thought about that contract in a long time. It hardly matters nowadays. Not like I can just leave."
Nightmare feels his grip tighten and his tendrils curl around them. He doesn't want to let go of the one person who cared. The one person he could count on to help him. To give a single shit about Nightmare. But... but how long will it take before Ccino starts hating him? If Nightmare keeps him here?
Nightmare holds him close "I... I can get you a horse... I can give you gold..." He will just use some of the treasury. Ccino deserves it. "I can send some guards with you on your way. You could go wherever you want. Back to your family."
Ccino locks both his arms around his skull and hums softly. an old lullaby and Nightmare stops. The amount of memories almost hurt. It was always Ccino who held him on bad nights. Or when he was sad. Or when everyone pushed him aside again.
Ccino speaks sfotly "Nightmare. When I say i can't leave i don't mean i physically can't leave. It means i don't want to. I decided a while ago i want to stay here Nightmare."
Nightmare shakes but refuses to let go "What... what about your family?" Ccino's fmaily have to love him. Ccino is so amazing. There is no way he isn't missed dearly after he was stolen from them.
Ccino sighs sadly "Nightmare... They have been killed a long time ago. The day i was taken the guards made sure i knew there was nothing to return to. even if i ran." Ngihtmare feels himself freeze. why... why had he thought?
Ccino rubs his skull "It hurt a lot but i accepted a long time ago Nightmare. I accepted that you two were my family now... and well... now it is just you. and it is okay. I am okay with that. I will always support you Nightmare." he grins "You may be older now but i like to think i am still the older brother."
Nightmare feels aprt of himself break as he just sinks fully into Ccino's hold "please don't also leave me." it is weak. it is pathetic. He should be stronger than this. He should have been prepared for this.
Ccino just covers his skull wiht his body and holds him "I am not going anywhere Nightmare. I will be by your side. I swear on my soul."
Nightmare relaxes and lets himself enjoy the comfort he should not need this badly. He enjoys it and can't help but let his eyes slide around the room. His sight finds the masks and remembers.
The masks are the highest honour. only shared with those most special.
He thinks something catlike will fit his older brother.
#utmv#NewAgeAU#I am not gonna lie.#I could not for even a second remember if we like... spoke about which mask Ccino would have#but also like.#All the guys get cats.#Ccino OWNS a cat cafe in his own story.#This dude? 100% got the first cat mask.#the OG#it would ahve bene a house cat.#but anyone who has ever had or known cat knows not to underestimate a cat#*remembers the video of cats scaring of BEARS because that is THEIR house*#Also i couldn't fit it in but Ccino probably alreayd has liek 20ish cats roaming the area.#Nightmare is going to change nim's old wing into a cat wing.#so ccino has more room for even more cats.#Their capital city is NEVER going to see another mouse or rat ever again#I decided to add this silly energy becuase i may or may not have writen another slight gut punch#I don't know why angst/fluff combi is so easy for me to just go towards. it just happens!#also i am so sorry. i feel like i am changing the more neutral relationship you have between ccino and nightmare towards. older adopted bro#this does imply that ccino is upper big bro which is real funny to me.#also i started thinking about why ccino would even BE there. and well... skeleton. aged to first take care of them#but then perfect age to assist and support them as adult?#yeah. They were totally planning on just gifting ccino to dream after the pwoer boost like “here you go! Yours!”#be it mate or husband or like harem member. they didn't care. ccino was just a servant meant ot serve the ruler no matter what.#okay i will stop now.#Hope you enjoy your little gift ;)
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kink-o-ween - day nine
fernando alonso - semi-public sex
cw: smut/pwp, semi-public sex, age gap (20s/40s), assistant!reader, chauvinistic!fernando, age gap (20s/40s)
kink-o-ween: formula one edition - call of duty edition

"fernando? fernando?" lance's voice sounded a million miles away. fernando alonso was not paying attention. not while you were a shivering mess now under the protection of the roof of the garage.
you held onto your shoulders and shivered. you were standing there in a soaked white blouse (he could see your nipples), a pencil skirt that somehow hugged more of your curves, and high heels.
you looked delicious. a meal served up to fernando
fernando got up, ignoring his teammate as he headed towards you. the driver beamed as he took off his jacket and put it over your shoulders, "well, if it isn't my lovely assistant. what were you doing out there?"
you were pulled to his side, and let him rub your bicep, "i was out with the rest of the team and it started to pour. i should've brought a rain coat."
"ah well, next time. right? you'll remember." he chuckled as he brought you further into the garage. you needed to dry off, the team will be fine without their favourite assistant for some time.
while you thought you'd be with the rest of the staff before the race. instead you ended up in fernando's driver's room. but before he got you into the room, he kissed you up against the door of the place. he held onto your wet shoulders.
"you look good like this. all wet for me, everyone can see everything. i don't like that very much. you should be for my eyes only. right? you're not that dumb to think that i would let you whore yourself out like that." he got you up onto the couch in the driver's room. your clothes were restrictive so fernando did you a favour and got you out of them.
too bad he didn't leave them out to dry, rather in a wet heap. after he was done with you, you could wear some of his clothes. you'd look nicer anyway. he loved the sight of you down to your underwear, out of those restrictive clothes.
"they shouldn't be putting you in such tight things. you'd draw too much attention to yourself. i think something softer for someone like you. a woman." he chuckled as he invaded your space on the couch.
the walls of the driver's rooms were thin and the door to fernando's barely locked. it was risky, especially given your connections. you didn't want a scandal. but all caution was thrown to the wind when he got his cock out of his jeans.
there was a noticeable age gap between you and him. but you didn't care, you were an adult. and could do what you pleased. but still, the sight of a younger naked woman on top of a well known formula was driver would cause a scandal. but fernando didn't care, not when your heavy breasts were in his face, tempting him.
"you make me want to do bad things to you." he said, "things that would make a whore blush." he groped at your blush, "and you'd let me do it all, you'd let me pick you apart." his voice was hot in your ear and it made you shudder.
you were in his lap, your breasts so close to his face. his large hands groped your skin. you knew rationally it was wrong. that you should've high-tailed it out of there. but, you couldn't help yourself. not when his cock stood upright. you took a hold of his cock and sank yourself onto it before you started to ride him.
"oh perfect." he said softly, he couldn't be too loud. not while you were both on the clock. you also had to be quick as well, as you were also on the clock.
you whimpered a little but placed a hand over your mouth as you rode him. your other hand was on his shoulder for support as you rubbed yourself up against him. fernando loved the sight of you, you were so close to him. all naked on his cock, you bounced on him as you worked his cock so pretty.
"you always take care of me." he said as he kissed your neck, he could feel the sweat on your neck. his cock twitched inside of you with an insatiable need to fuck you harder.
he wanted to feel you inside and out, he wanted to drag his hands across your body. he wanted to feel the jump in your pulse as he dragged his fingers across you. he wanted to feel your nipples grow hard and your pulse jump. he wanted it all, he was greedy that way. why would he deny himself such a beautiful woman? you pranced around, all smiles, around the paddock. fernando knew that others stared at you, but you always ended up in his bed. with him. alone.
he wasn't sharing, he didn't care what gen-z did in their sexual activities. if he was going to fuck you, then it was you two together, rutting like rabbits. the idea of someone else's lips on you made him scowl without a second thought.
but you kissed away the look from his thinking as you continued to ride him. this position was perfect for a quick fuck, fernando loved you on top. it was the only time he'd allow you to be on top. since he was the man, he was always a little more ahead of you. and you were the innocent little angel that took him perfectly.
he gripped onto your hips tighter and started to control the pace more. you clung onto him with both hands as you bit your bottom lip to keep quiet. you could feel the rattle of your heartbeat in your chest. the rapid thump excited you as you moved faster.
"you're so pretty. better at this than being my assistant." he kissed at your breasts and felt good inside of you. you felt like a dream as he licked his lips and looked at you.
you replied, "i very much like my job, fernando." you clung onto him tightly. you moaned a little louder and it made you feel hot all over. the risk grew the longer you took to cum.
"i know, i know. it's perfect, even for a silly girl like you. you don't know how many men wish to eat you alive. but only i get to devour you." he groaned as he worked your hips faster. his large hands on your hips as he pushed you up and down onto his cock.
the kisses continued once more, you whimpered into it as you moved as quickly as you could. your sweat was combined with the leftover rainwater on your skin. when you pulled away, you had a blissed out expression on your face.
you looked beautiful, so, so beautiful on top of him. as your body moved against him. fernando gazed at your body and clutched onto you. he continued to move you onto his cock. it didn't take long before orgasm washed over you. you clutched onto him tightly.
he loved the feeling of you climaxing around him. he took you by the face and pulled you into a tight kiss before he continued to rut against you. it was alright, you did enough for him (for now). he let you rest against him as he fucked up into you.
you gasped and whined softly against his shoulder as you worked his hips. he was surprised that you didn't make some snide comment about how he could still fuck as good as he did at his age.
"so pretty." he said, "and so small. i could easily break you in half. you look prettiest like this. against me, letting me fuck you as i please. you're such a dirty girl." you whimpered softly in response.
it didn't take long for him to finish himself. he came inside of you, and left a red mark on your collarbone. it wouldn't be shown with any shirt you wore, but he'd know it was there.
he slowed his thrusts to a stop, but kept his cock inside of you for a moment longer to kiss you on lips. the kiss was deep, but there wasn't enough time for round two.
you pulled away from the kiss and pushed hair out of your eyes, "will you let me borrow some clothes."
fernando could never say no to you. he looked at your pile of wet clothes and said, "well, i don't have any extra bras." he chuckled, "so i guess you'll have to go without." he licked his lips.
he knew the sight of you bra-less in his clothes was going to drive him wild. at least you wouldn't complain when he tore them off of you later. <3
#bunny writes#kinkoween#fernando alonso smut#fernando alonso x reader#fernando alonso imagine#fernando alonso fanfic#fernando alonso#reader insert#formula one imagine#formula 1#formula one fanfiction#formula one smut#f1 x reader#the bakery#formula 1 fic#formula one#f1 smut#f1 fic#fa14 smut#fa14 imagine#fa14 x reader#fa14#fan fiction
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Japan 🇯🇵 A Guide to Some of the Best Queer Asian Shows
Full list here.
1. Cherry Magic! mind reading; secret crush; office setting
By still being a vіrgin at 30, Adachi gains a magical power – the ability to read other people's minds by touching them. At first, he’s overwhelmed by his new ability, and it’s not proving to be helpful to him. But that all changes when he accidentally touches their office’s most perfect guy Kurosawa, who he learns has romantic feelings for him.
WeTV (Cherry Magic) & no international streaming of Cherry Magic The Movie is available to my knowledge, so watch on bilibili or KissKH
2. Kieta Hatsukoi (My Love Mix-Up!) misunderstanding; high school setting
Aoki has a crush on Hashimoto, the girl in the seat next to him in class. But he despairs when he borrows her eraser and sees she's written the name of another boy — Ida — on it. To make matters more confusing, Ida sees Aoki holding that very eraser and thinks Aoki has a crush on him!
3. Our Dining Table food; child character
Salaryman Yutaka finds it difficult to share meals with other people. However, his life starts to change when one day, his cooking attracts the attention of a young boy named Tane and his older brother Minoru. The two brothers are impressed by Yutaka's cooking skill and invite him to their house to cook together. Yutaka's dreary life begins to change, and soon he finds himself looking forward to the meals he shares with the Ueda siblings together, as well as developing a taste for romantic feelings.
4. She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat wlw; neighbours; self-discovery; food
Nomoto loves to cook, but tends to make too much food and has no one to share it with. Luckily for her, turns out her neighbor Kasuga has a big enough appetite for the both of them.
No international streaming available, translated to english by Furritsubs, S1 & S2, watching instructions provided, please support translator on kofi.
5. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun high school setting; relationship exploration
Takara is a good-looking popular guy in class, while Amagi is a simple but bright and pure fellow classmate. The two begin to date in secret after Amagi's blurted out confession.
Viki or GagaOOLala
6. Old Fashion Cupcake! age gap; boss/assistant; self-discovery; office setting; food
At 39, Nozue realizes that by letting himself be carried away by his daily life, he ended up locking himself into his routine. It is Togawa, his 29-year-old subordinate, who shakes up his habits by offering him one day to go snack on pastries in an establishment more popular with girls. From one snack to the next, Nozue feels rejuvenated... But is it really the effect of these delicacies or rather that of emerging feelings?
Viki or GagaOOLala
7. Love is Better the Second Time Around second chances; adult romance
An associate university professor and an editor in their thirties, who promised to elope together back in high school but didn't because of a misunderstanding, find each other again after a magazine column ties them together.
8. Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss! lucky guy/unlucky guy; university setting
College student Fukuhara has bad luck that causes problems everywhere he goes. One day, Shinomiya, a student with super good luck, helps him out. Now, in order to divide the luck between them, Fukuhara needs to be with Shinomiya all the time.
Viki or GagaOOLala
9. Perfect Propose childhood friends to lovers; roommates
Hirokuni Watari, a cog in the corporate machine, faints on the street one day and ends up meeting Kai Fukaya, a childhood friend he hasn't seen in 12 years. With Kai having no place to stay, he ends up staying with Hirokuni and making home-cooked meals for him to soothe his exhaustion.
10. Two People Who Can't Fall in Love (Koisenu Futari) aromantism; asexuality; self-exploration
Sakuko finds it difficult to live in a society which operates under the assumption that people will fall in love with each other. She meets supermarket employee Takahashi and ends up living with him under one roof because of their similar values towards romance.
No international streaming available, watching instructions provided here.
11. I Cannot Reach You best friends to lovers; secret crush
Long time friends and total opposites, Yamato and Kakeru always stick together. When the reserved Yamato admits his feelings, can everything change?
12. I Want to See Only You best friends to lovers; coming of age
In the final summer of high school, childhood best friends Sakura and Yuma must start thinking about college and their futures. That is, until Sakura confesses to Yuma with a kiss.
No international streaming available, translated to english by Furritsubs, watching instructions provided, please support translator on kofi.
13. A Man Who Defies the World of BL breaking the 4th wall; comedy; university setting
It suddenly dawns on Mob that he lives in a BL world! So he must turn down any hot guys who approach him.
Viki or GagaOOLala (S1) & Viki or GagaOOLala (S2)
14. My Personal Weatherman roommates; under-negotiated kink
Yoh is a struggling ero-manga artist living with his Mizuki Segasaki, a popular weather forecaster. Yoh believes their arrangement comes with Segasaki providing for him in exchange for housework and sex. Segasaki always has sex with Yoh before the day when the rain season will be over, which results in Yoh being sexually frustrated whenever Segasaki predicts sunny weather for the next day.
GagaOOLala or Viki or Apple TV
You can watch some shows for free by setting VPN to Japan. In other cases I recommend paying for subscriptions to show appreciation and support of content in order to get more of it in the future, but if you can’t, watch on KissKH (better quality), Dramacool or get files from MkvDrama. Enjoy! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
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Soichi's family~
Soichi- She's a daughter, a niece, a cousin and a granddaughter. Being the most physically powerful family member and a strong protective instinct, she makes sure that her family is safe and sound. Her love for her family is remarkably shown through her 100% werewolf form as well, giving them the privilege to touch her compare to strangers or acquaintances. Because of the complications with Soichi's quirk, she still lives with her mother Ai, and they share chores like: cooking, grocery shopping and cleaning. Her bedroom is also big enough to give her plenty of space, and it's ground floor with its own exit door, giving her access to leave and return whenever without notice. It's also mostly off limit from her mother, only allowed to go inside without permission if it's an emergency, or if she needs to return some of Soichi's belongings back. Soichi works part time as an assistant at her mother's flower shop. Her working hours are normally on evenings or mornings, taking care of the inventory, restocking, plant care, cleaning and sometimes the delivery.
Ai- Soichi's mother. She lost her husband (Soichi's father) five months before she gave birth. She raised Soichi by her own, with some help from her sister Ume (Soichi's aunt). Ai gave her all to make sure her daughter was getting a safe and loving upbringing, even if the outside world showed cruelty to her. Due to Soichi's aggressive quirk, she made sure that she raised her to be a model citizen, and it worked quite well, all things considered. Because of this, Ai is the only person Soichi's 100% werewolf form takes orders from. Ai have a big interest in botany and owns a flower shop that she inherited from her grandparents. Her quirk is "Emotional Aura", which makes her silhouette show her strong emotions by colors.
Ashi aka Wolf Fang- (deceased) Soichi's father. He died five months before her birth during a battle with an S ranked villain. He was one of the top heroes during his time alive. He decided however to retire when his wife Ai got pregnant. To gather all his attention to his family. Unfortunately, when he was informed about an attack on the city in Hokkaido where he was raised, he felt responsible to go and protect the civilians and their homes. He sadly never returned to his wife and unborn child when he died by the fatally multiple punctual wounds through his chest and abdomen. Ashi being absent and a famous hero had a negative impact on Soichi's upbringing. It pressured her self-esteem. For not being as "perfect" as him, and it made her resent him most of her childhood. Her relationship with him did eventually ease up in her early adult years. Ashi's quirk was "Man-wolf", and it was by appearance and abilities similar with Soichi's 100% werewolf form.
Asako- (deceased) Soichi's grandmother. She got pregnant with her only son Ashi after the last night she spend with Einar (Ashi's father). Asako met the young Norwegian Einar when he was visiting Hokkaido, Japan, to join the disaster volunteer program after an earthquake disaster. Asako was attracted to the young man and asked him on a date. She knew that he wouldn't really stay in Japan for long but they decided to spend some time together either way. After Einar left Japan she realized she was pregnant, but she decided to not contact him and raised her baby alone. Asako was supporting her son's journey as a hero. She died at the age 71 by circulation decease, many years before Soichi's birth. Asako's quirk was a human-dog mutant type.
Ume- Soichi's aunt. She's Ai's younger sister, a wife to her husband Kosuke and a mother to her son Mei. When Ai lost her husband, Ume helped her through her deep depression, and when Soichi was born she sometimes helped her when times were extra rough. There was one altercation between Ume and her sister that happened during Soichi's early childhood, and it was when Soichi unintentionally injured Mei. Understandable, it frightened Ume and she kept her son away from Soichi and her sister for a while. Until Mei told her that he missed his cousin and that he doesn't blame her for what happened. This made Ume return to her sister and Soichi and restored their bond. Ume works as a landscape architecture and she share the same quirk as her sister, Emotional Aura.
Kosuke- Soichi's Uncle and aunt Ume's husband. Being married to Ume, he was also involved in helping Ai with taking care of Soichi sometimes. He usually was babysitting his son Mei and Soichi when Ume and Ai wanted some sister bonding time. There were a few chaotic days, but most of the time he handled the babysitting pretty well. Kosuke is a material scientist and his quirk is "Chemical Reading", it gives him the ability to visually read what chemical element objects are made of.
Mei- Soichi's cousin. He's one year older and was raised together with Soichi since early age. He was and still is her all time best friend and they've been through a lot together. Being Soichi's best friend, he's the one who knows her deepest thoughts and burdens. Soichi have saved Mei multiple times from getting hurt and he has saved her from her most struggling parts in life. At the age of 27, Mei got married to his wife Satoko, and a year later they got a daughter together, Laila. Two years after that they got a son, Nao. Today, they are waiting for their third child to be born, and according to Mei and Satoko it will be their last. Mei works as a programmer, both from home and his workplace. His quirk is "Aura Reading" and gives him the ability to see people's emotional aura.
Satoko- Soichi's cousin-in-law. She was a cashier at a small gift shop when she met Mei for the first time. He liked the shop and returned sometimes to buy gifts or something to himself. Sooner or later he asked her out. Satoko have always had a low self esteem because of the scar she has on her right cheek, so she was chocked when he asked her. But she decided to say yes and after their first date they continued seeing each other. She met his family, including Soichi and she developed a good relationship with all of them. Several years later Satoko and Mei got married and got two children and one more is currently growing in her stomach. Satoko works part time at the gift shop. Her quirk is "Glitter Tears" and her tears sparkles.
Nao & Laila- Soichi's two first cousins once removed. Laila is two years older than Nao and are daughter and son to Mei and Satoko. They spend most time with their parents, and their grandparents Ume and Kosuke. When they spend time with Soichi (and Ai) it's mostly during birthdays, holidays, when they unexpectedly run into each other or the few times she offers to babysit. Both Nao and Leila likes Soichi for her playfulness, but because of her complicated life she tries to be moderate with spending time with them. To make sure they're safe. Leila is the only one who has developed a quirk and it's "Joy of Glitter", makes her sparkle when she's excited or happy. Nao still have a few years left to yet develop a quirk.
Einar- Soichi's grandfather. He's Ashi's biological father, but he never met his son and didn't know about him until Soichi contacted him. She found about Einar when she looked through her father's birth certificate. Her goal with contacting Einar was to learn more about her quirk's origin. After messaging each other she decided to travel to Norway to meet him in person. At their time together Einar told her about his time in Japan when he was in his early 20s. That he joined the disaster volunteer program to help with tracking missing people around the area where the earthquake hit. Also telling about how he met Ashi's mother Asako, that they spend the last few months together to ease up the time he had in Japan. When he left Japan and went back home to Norway he thought about Asako sometimes, but life went on. He also told Soichi about his one older sister and two older brothers, and about his own parents. Like her great-grandmother, who was one of Northern Europe's history's greatest heroes. Einar being over 90 years old, he's part time retired, working as a private missing person tracker. He's quirk is mutant wolf-man, and the advance sense of smell and impressive physical capability was genetically granted to Soichi and her father. Einar being old though, has made his abilities decline somewhat.
Kajsa- Soichi's grand-aunt. She's Einar's older sister. Soichi meets her the second time she travels to Norway to meet her grandfather. Kajsa lives in Jämtland, Sweden. She's married and a retired Captain from The Nordic’s United Armed Hero Forces. Compare to her brother's she's more experienced with dealing with war and conflict. Interestingly she's also the only one with a scarring, a missing piece of her right ear. Her quirk are very much similar to Einar, only a fraction she's physically weaker, but her hearing is exceptionally more advance than his. Her old age has declined some of her abilities.
Ingvar- Soichi's grand-uncle. He's Einar's and Kajsa's older brother. Soichi meets him the third time she travels to Norway. Ingvar lives in Ostrobothnia, Finland. He has two children that are now middle aged adult. and he's a retired child protective service worker, his specialty was to deal with families who were affiliated with criminal networks. Just like his siblings, he shares the same quirk.
Bo- Soichi's grand-uncle. He's Einar's, Kajsa's and Ingvar's older brother. Soichi meets him at the third time she travels to Norway, together with Ingvar. Compare to Bo's siblings who lives in northern Europe, he lives in Inverness, Scotland. Bo has been married twice, and the first one got him two children that are now late middle aged adults. The one he's married to now is his everlasting love. Bo is a retired private investigator and therapist. He share the same quirk as his younger siblings, and like them his abilities has declined due to old age.
Thank you for reading all that!~ It's a lot, I know. But I really wanted to share a little information about every family member. Some have more development than others depending on how much of a role they have in Soichi's story.
#my art#art#ocs#bnha oc#mha oc#original character#character design#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bnha#mha#toboe soichi's family#furry oc
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Chapter I: Secret's Keeper
A/N: RAHHHHHHHHHHH Cherry Bomb is finally yours. Thank you to everyone for the tremendous support and excitement leading up to the publication. You guys loving Laurie means more than I can express.
A special thank you to w1steriaa_for being Laurie's biggest cheerleader and also the best proofreader ever. Guys, please go give Amber's works a read bc she is so immensely talented and I could not have done this without her.
see you guys in two weeks for the next update! lots of love, m<3
Word count: 2.8k
Cherry Bomb Masterlist
Seven in the morning was an ungodly hour to expect a fourteen-year-old to pay attention to ninth-grade algebra. The bell had just rung and I was already sitting in the same spot I had been since January. I may be my father’s daughter, but Pepper Potts drilled punctuality into me like it was my life’s blood. And I’d grown up watching how stressed she would get every time Dad ran late for an event or press conference. Being Tony Stark’s personal assistant was hard enough, so I decided when I was still pretty young that being early was another way of being kind. It was the least I could do.
My classmates started to file into the room and take their seats. Despite it still being early in the morning, the New York City summer heat was well on its way. And it was only May. Being on the fourteenth floor of a really old building didn’t help either. But hey, I was not one to complain. I was just happy to be at school at all.
Kidding, of course. That was horseshit. It was mornings like these, when the humidity made it feel like I was underwater and I’d only gotten four hours of sleep because I had been studying for the history test I had next period, that I truly cursed my younger self for wanting to go to real school so badly. Being homeschooled made the most sense when I was younger. Dad was hardly ever in one city for longer than a month and he had crippling undiagnosed separation anxiety to me. So, I spent my childhood following him around the world. It was nice though. I had complete control over my education and my dad did a pretty good job of being involved, as much as a billionaire harlot with a small gambling addiction could. Naturally, Dad spent the most time on science stuff with me. He’d work in his lab on weapons, and then eventually the Iron Man suits, while I did spelling and math and science. It was nice, nearly perfect. As I got older, I think I began to realize my dad was definitely working overtime to be a better father than his was. And he was a really, really good dad.
Homeschooling also meant that I had a lot more freedom and flexibility than the other kids my age. And where some kids do hard-core dance or varsity one sports, I would bother the Avengers over their intercom. So basically dance, if Tony Stark being a dance mom equated fighting by his daughter’s side to protect the people of New York…You get the gist. I was a registered agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. for a couple of years. It was never anything crazy, I just helped where I could. It started eight years ago, with Loki. Nick and his team knew virtually nothing about controlling the Tesseract and he thought me and my abilities would be helpful. They weren’t. So, Nick found other uses for me.
The Battle of New York left me fairly shaken up and my parents were super against any active participation during missions. In between my schooling and singing lessons, I would help with the preparation: scouting locations, hacking enemy mainframes, anything that let me feel like I was truly a part of a team. I was always desperate to impress the adults in my life, to show them that I could be useful and worth something. That feeling sparked when I first met Nick Fury and it never truly went away.
I liked being an agent. I liked being in on all the secrets, I liked helping people, and I loved working with the Avengers. Nat, Steve, Clint, Bruce, and Thor became family. Suddenly I wasn’t a lonesome only child whose only friend was her dad and his assistant. I was the guy in the chair, the one handing out coordinates and fallback plans. I had a purpose.
Sokovia changed everything. I still had nightmares about what happened a year ago. I’d wake up in a sweat, feeling the phantom grip of metal fingers around my arm. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sounds of screaming people I couldn’t save because I froze up. They died because I wasn’t strong enough. Dad put his foot down after that. He told me that what I was doing wasn’t good for me and he’d be a terrible father if he let me continue. He was right, but I was still angry about it.
Real school was our compromise. If I wasn’t allowed to go on missions anymore then I needed someplace else to have a social life. It was pretty good timing too because I had just wrapped up the eighth grade curriculum. It took a lot of convincing and three PowerPoint presentations to finally convince my dad that being a normal kid in a normal school would be beneficial for me. He got me into Dalton and the rest was history.
However, what wasn’t history was the test on that very subject that was surely going to kill me next period. I spent the remainder of my math period going through my flashcards and study notes. I wasn’t alone, nearly half of the class was in the same boat as me. And if they studied as much as I had, then we were all fried.
Halfway through my history test, I knew I was screwed because all I could think about was lunch. Every factoid about Greek history was clouded with fantasies about turkey avocado sandwiches. There was a little French sandwich place just down the road from my school and it was my favourite. The owner was a true French man from a town just outside Paris and he let me practice my French with him. I spent at least two lunch periods a week being ruthlessly criticized by a middle-aged man, but that made it more authentic. I wasn’t super fluent, but I knew enough to hold a conversation, or at least get through a conversation with Emery. But French was not going to help me pass this history test and I was beginning to recall all my knowledge of Percy Jackson as a last resort.
Forty-five minutes later, I gathered all my dignity and shame and walked my test up to the front of the room. I handed it off to my history teacher, who gave me a grim smile. My classmates seemed to be just as stone-faced as I was and I think we were all hopeful that our teacher would curve the grade.
I rocked on the balls of my heels outside the classroom door, waiting for my two best friends to finish their tests. When I first started at Dalton, making friends was a challenge. Quite a few of the student body had been attending the school since kindergarten, so their relationships had been forged nearly a decade ago. I didn’t have an abhorrent amount of friends; I knew enough people to say hi when we passed in the halls or have someone to sit with in the cafeteria. I would have been content with just that, but I was fortunate enough to have made two wonderful best friends.
Like many of the numerous friendship pacts, Brianna Sinclair and Meredith Camden had been best friends since their preschool days. We met briefly during freshman orientation, but it was first-semester theatre class when we really got close. Brianna and I were both huge theatre nerds and she was quick to sit at the desk next to mine. She was a redhead with the spirit to match the fiery hair. She loved performing and astrology, and she was definitely the epitome of an Aries. It wasn’t long before she introduced me to Meredith and we all became happy chums.
Meredith Camden was perfect. She was the only freshman I knew who was already planning her senior year class presidency. And, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and I don’t even like girls. Meredith was a true stunner, from her long, silky coils to her perfectly smooth dark complexion. She was kind as well. Even though I met Brianna first, Meredith was the one who really made me feel welcome at Dalton. At first, I was apprehensive about making a trio out of an already tight-knit pair, but Meredith always made sure I felt included. And soon enough we were as thick as thieves.
Post-test stress had kicked in while I waited for the girls. I used my thumb to rub circles into the centre of my palm, switching back and forth between my hands. When I caught a glimpse of red, my back straightened.
“How bad was that?” I asked.
Brianna swung her ponytail over her shoulders. “That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done,” she huffed.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Meredith chimed in softly. “Everything that was on there was in our notes.”
“I was up until like three in the morning studying and I still think I failed,” I said as we began to walk towards the stairs to our next period.
“Well studies do show that quality of sleep greatly impacts test performance, maybe next time you should prioritize getting a good night’s rest and study more in the morning.”
Brianna rolled her eyes playfully at Meredith’s info dump.
I smiled at her. “I’ll give that a try.”
We squeezed through the flood of students walking around us and I slunk back behind the girls to give us some more room.
“So what are we doing today? Shop along Park? I think Madison Beaucard is having people over. Oh, we could go to the flower market, I have been dying to get my hands on fresh tulips now that they’re in season.” Brianna’s hands were flying around as she talked.
“Right now?” I asked.
“No, stupid,” Brianna teased. “After school.”
“Be nice,” Meredith chimed in. Brianna shot a playful look at the other girl.
“We finally, finally finished the renovations on the indoor pool yesterday so you guys could come over to test it out!” Meredith offered. Her family had been chipping away at that project for as long as I’d known her for.
Brianna tugged on Meredith’s arm excitedly. “Oh my gosh, yes! We are so doing that.” She turned around to face me, still hanging off of Meredith. “You in, Laur?”
I smiled but heaved a high. “Sorry Bri, I wish I could, but my family is gonna want me home right after school.”
“Of course, how silly of me,” Brianna feigned an English accent. “It’s Wednesday.”
“Are you sure your Dad wouldn’t miss you just for one week?” Meredith pouted.
“I’m sorry dude, it’s out of my hands.”
“Ugh, your parents are no fun.”
I smiled inwardly. “You know I’d be hanging out with you guys in a heartbeat if I could.”
To Meredith and Brianna, Wednesdays meant I had “family time” immediately after school each week. If it were any other day I would have happily tagged along for shopping or swimming or whatever new activity Brianna found on Instagram was. But Wednesdays were always signed off.
The truth was that I had training at the compound. Although my dad was firm about pulling my involvement with S.H.I.E.L.D., he allowed me to go Upstate once a week to do drills with Nat. Natasha Romanoff had been training me in hand-to-hand combat since I was seven or eight. She said it was important that I knew how to protect myself. At first, it was just for fun, but with how defenceless I’d felt in the last few years, I started to get more serious about it.
There was also the small matter of superhuman powers that I had very little control over. They showed up when I was seven, pretty soon after my father was kidnapped and held hostage overseas. They say it was the trauma and intense emotionality that triggered my powers being awoken. But my knowledge of the powers ended there. My father absolutely refused to let Nick Fury or his team study me or study the things I could do. Which, if I was honest, was a good call on his part, but it did leave me living with a lot of questions. From what we could tell, it was some sort of gravitational and elemental manipulation; the product of experiments my birth mother ran on me as an infant. I tried not to think about that too much, though. I just knew that when I feel things too hard, the powers can get out of control. It was pretty scary, and really confusing as a kid. But thankfully the Avengers found an expert.
Wanda Maximoff has been a great help in the last few months. Training with Nat became also training with Wanda after Ultron and the destruction of Sokovia. Her powers are very different from mine, but she approached me after she moved into the compound to see if I wanted her help. I remember I had woken up in the middle of the night to my bedroom at the compound looking like a storm had passed through. I must have been having another nightmare and set myself off in my sleep. After I did my best to put the room back in order through tears, I found myself on the roof of the compound, looking out at the stars. Wanda found me sitting out there. Turned out she was having similar dreams. She asked me about my powers, I asked her about hers and soon enough she was offering skills and advice and suggesting I start honing in on training. It had been about a year since then and my control had gotten a lot better. But of course, this was all a humongous secret I was keeping from my friends. One secret wasn’t too bad though.
“I was thinking we haven’t done our monthly movie marathon sleepover this month,” Meredith pointed out as we took our seats. The three of us had history and English class together this semester. “Laurie, is your place free?”
And there was the other shoe. Secret superhero shenanigans weren’t the only thing I kept from Meredith and Brianna. I was also under strict orders to pretend that I didn’t exist. Or rather, pretend that Laurie Stark didn’t exist.
Sometime after the battle of New York, probably during all the stuff with the Mandarin, my dad asked Nick Fury to erase me from existence. It was a safety thing. Somewhere between aliens and terrorists attacking our house over and over, my dad decided he needed to take a more proactive role in my general safety. Hazards of the job, he called it. I understood, I guess, but it just meant there were even more secrets to keep. I was enrolled in school as Laurel Potts. My private social media accounts were under that same name, and I even carried a fake learner’s permit with the alias. I always felt really guilty when I had to turn down bringing friends over or lying about why they had never met my parents, but the secrets kept me safe. And they offered me freedom. Win some, lose some.
“Sorry guys, our kitchen is undergoing a huge reno,” I blurted out the lie. “My dad has been super into…dutch ovens?”
I could tell they didn't believe me but they shrugged it off. Guilt panged at my heart and I rubbed at the centre of my palm again. When it was just me and my dad and our small world, I could be anything. And as much as I loved being out in society like a normal teenage girl, I wished I could live it authentically.
The girls snuck a look at each other they thought I wouldn’t see. I could almost hear the best friend telepathy going off. They were definitely thinking I must not want them around. With their backs to me, I felt my shoulders begin to tense. My girls had never once made me feel out of place since starting at the Dalton, but I had never been oblivious to the fact that three was a crowd.
I turned away from my friends when our English teacher pulled the class’s attention to the front of the room. We started our lesson on writing comparative analysis essays, but the only thing I was analyzing was the body language of the girls beside me. The pinch of my thumbnail against my palm was enough to bring me back to the present, and I forced myself to focus on worrying about that rotten history test instead…
#fanfiction#marvel#peter parker x reader#tony stark#steve rogers#tony stark x daughter!oc#peter parker x stark!oc#peter parker x stark!reader#tony stark's daughter#laurie stark#peter parker#natasharomanoff#original characters#marvel fanfic#marvel fic#mcu fanfic
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Long, rambling post incoming.
I'm a DSP. I work in a group home for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. I'm also autistic; I just happen to need low support.
I do tangible, good work - the individuals I take care of are always happy to see me and like when I'm there to help them. (And being autistic myself, I have a unique perspective on things because in many ways, I'm a lot like them.) For many of these people, their families live not too far away but they still never come and visit or take them on home visits. (No all of them though-three or four of them do go home regularly on weekends, out of fourteen.) DSPs really are their family to them, and many view the older, longtime staff as parental figures.
But this post isn't about me.
The home I work at does not pass the burrito test. Or at least, I don't think it would. I don't think most of the individuals would even get the idea to try. Most of these people are in or approaching their fifties and sixties and have been living in this sort of environment since they first came of age. I wonder how much their autonomy has been repressed over the years. We don't have a set bedtime, but most are in bed before 8 or 9 pm (likely because of the medications they take and also many have to get up early to get assistance for morning showers). Most lack the skills to safely go out in the community unsupervised, as well.
As staff we micromanage so much of their daily lives. We have menus we are supposed to strictly follow and portion sizes we have to adhere to. We can substitute a food for a like food, but we still have to stick with what's on the menu. We can take suggestions from them but we have to follow what the dietician and doctor say, and any restrictions that come with that (like limiting junk food and pop to Saturday's Special Snack).
But even then, in training, it is hammered into our heads that these people are in fact people and that they do have rights. The individuals know it, too, and will tell you that. As staff, we can't just take away their things for misbehaving unless it's causing an immediate threat (like as a throwing projectile) or it's been laid out very specifically in a maladaptive behavior modification program, which has its own detailed process to be put in place, and it can't be permanent. Also, a number of these people are not their own guardian and there's all that entails.
They are getting to go out on outings a lot more nowadays thanks to our new house manager, and they love to do so, but that's all reliant on adequate staff. And let me tell you, the retention rate is terrible for DSPs because it's grueling, thankless work. You can easily end up running around like a headless chicken trying to keep everyone's needs met and make sure things are done on time (such as medication passes and dinner, while also ensuring showers are getting done and cleaning up any accidents or messes and making sure nobody starts a fight). I have my days where I get completely overwhelmed.
I'm honestly not sure where I'm trying to go with this post. I'm part of this massive and far from perfect system, and sometimes I wonder if I'm just adding onto the systematic oppression disabled people face...
#direct support professional#disability awareness month#is it still disability awareness month? i lost track of time#actually autistic#i brighten their days though and i guess thats always something i can hold on to#longpost#actuallyautistic
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𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤❜𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫
This verse is a bit new, so bare with me! I still need to work on it a bit more thoroughly, because I want to it make perfect sense when it's all done. And this verse can still go a multitude of ways, but this will be her main direction, at least to start.
This is basically her MARVEL verse! Not entirely set in stone, as I said before.
She's still a witch; a mutant perhaps, if you will. Her parents, however, are not. However, unlike most who have no control over their abilities, Hermione Granger does. Studying, concentrating, self-training; things she did to hone her abilities. And instead of her parents resenting her and pushing her away, they supported her throughout. She uses her wand to help channel her magic, but as she gets older, she can channel it without and through her fingers, or just through speech.
After doing a lot of research, Hermione comes across a forum online, something about ❛Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters❜, specifically for children like her. Actually, for people of all ages, so it reads. Helping people who have difficulty with their abilities, to hone them, to be better with them and to help others. Her stubbornness says she doesn't need help; but she also knew that it would help her more to receive lessons and assistance from people like her. And obviously, when she transfers, she obviously brings her cat, Crookshanks, with her.
And before you ask; she doesn't have a code name, not yet. She doesn't really wear red, and Scarlet Witch is taken and most likely copyright claimed.
When she's enrolled into the school, she's around 13 ( PoA age ), but she's about 16-18 in the main area of things. And I'd like to think, as an adult, she's a witching doctor or lawyer, but that's just me.
She is open to crossovers of muses from the Marvel side of things, or any hero side of things.
#✦ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐆𝐎 ➜ 「 Verse Notes 」#✦ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝟏𝟐 ➜ 「 New York's Magical Transfer 」#✦ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐎 ➜ 「 Save 」#⦗✦| I've been working on this for a few hours and I THINK it kinda works??? |✦⦘#⦗✦| and yes I made an aesthetic thing for it instead of using my verse notes banner |✦⦘
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More obscure muses ( introduction ) series.
Age: 13-15 ( manga and anime )
Death the Kid, commonly referred to as simply Kid, is the second son of Death himself and the Meister of the Demon Twin Guns, Liz Thompson and Patty Thompson. Created from a piece of Death himself, Death the Kid is known to be one of the top 3 EAT students in the DWMA.
After his father's death at the connection of the Lines of Sanzu and Asura's defeat on the Moon, he inherits his late father's position as leader and headmaster of Death Weapon Meister Academy as well as his name, Lord Death.
Described as possessing an "uptight personality" by Franken Stein, Death the Kid is known to be a normally calm and mature individual compared to those like Black☆Star and Soul Eater. Throughout the series, he's shown to be prideful of his status as a Shinigami, wanting to become the next full-fledged Shinigami and inheriting his father's responsibilities However, he also wants to do so in his own unique way, even telling his own father he wants to makes his own weapons to his specifications despite Death informing him that as a Shinigami, he doesn't really need to collect souls. According to Black☆Star's testament of his view on Death the Kid, despite being a Shinigami he is also capable of being humane and not displaying the typical arrogance of someone who has the status of a god. This is true, so much so that he even see's himself partly as a human and expressed this fact to Asura.
Kid also has a great sense of morality and order, having expressed to the Flying Dutchman that despite being a god, he doesn't deny evil and that there's no one person without some evil within them. However, he believes that everything is about balance instead and strives to keep the balance between "good" and "evil" in equilibrium. When expressing this, he also informed the Flying Dutchman that cares little for other's view on the subject and strives for a "absolutely" perfect world, granting no one freedom to kill.
Kid's view on balance is partly due to his father's teachings to him on order as a child. Despite favoring order, he also aware of not following it blindly. He's quick to question his own father's actions when he had the DWMA storm into Baghdad when searching for Asura and explained that it's wrong to impose their will on others, though was understanding and sympathetic of his father when he realized that due to the threat of Asura, his father doesn't have the luxury of "playing it safe" and may be reckless in his decisions. When the majority of Spartoi was ordered to execute Crona, Kid was the only one who supported the action, citing that Crona's actions were unforgivable and even alluded that the reason why they were ordered to do so by his father was for them to decide how to face Crona but said that both them and "order" must move forward to take care of the threat Crona possessed.
Kid is also extremely humble, shown when he pleaded to the Witch Order, the Witch Judge, and the Witch Queen to assist the DWMA in stopping The Clowns and pushed for both Humans, Witches, the DWMA, and the Witch Order to have better relations. He also put good faith and trust into the Witch Order, despite the protests of Azusa Yumi. He also explained to Azusa that merely holding ideals means nothing and one must realize that people must make an effort to make things better and that If being an adult means "stapling out ideals" because of experience, he doesn't mind being called "Kid". Because of his views, Azusa comments that he is also pushy, much like his father.
Like his father, he also has a fierce and much darker side in his personality. While normally calm and collective, Kid is still susceptible to being angered, such as when Mosquito insulted his father and when Noah's Group announced their plan to assassinate Maka Albarn, he showed a considerable amount of anger. When he later faced Noah (Greed) on his plans of "replacing the gods", Kid even gave him a death threat, in which was guaranteed when he used the Parent's Seven Rays attack on the Sorcerer, killing him.
Despite his great capabilities, Kid also possesses some flaws, most notable him being a perfectionist to the point of having OCD/OD-esque qualities. Described as being "too much of a perfectionist", he initially was very obsessed and concerned with orderliness and paying excessively close attention to detail so much so he chose them as weapons due to their twin appearance in their weapon forms, and even refused to attack the Wrath of the Pharaoh due to symmetry. As well as this, he dislikes the fact that his Lines of Sanzu were incomplete and upon Liz pointing it out, he called himself an ugly pig and worthless piece of garbage until he was quickly cheered up by his fellow weapon partners. He is even physically repulsed by asymmetrical arrangements.
Due to his wanting to be precise in detail, it even took him over a month to help Liz pluck her eyebrows; in addition, he fails an entire test due to being unable to correctly write his name symmetrically and accidentally ripping the paper while erasing, before being reduced to tears. He also let Crona and Ragnarok get away to admire the sky and it's symmetry. Even the mere sight of something asymmetrical causes him to become more aggressive, not only killing the Wrath of the Pharaoh in a fit of rage, but also destroying the Pyramid Anubis due to his recklessness. In actuality, this part of his personality is a manifestation of the Madness of Order due to being a part of Death himself, a fact he himself is unaware of.
Despite this flaw, he is noticeable not unaffected by his father's appearance despite it being asymmetrical possibly due to his immense respect for him. This is a bit more evident when Kid was shown to even willingly sport the same robes of what his father wears on missions. As time passes throughout the series (and the anime), he becomes less affected of his perfectionist nature and matures enough to accept it, though will still occasionally bicker over small details. This remains true even when he became a true Shinigami. One of the earliest examples of this improvement is displayed when he claims not to care about the DWMA's broken spike as Black☆Star begins to descend into madness during their second duel.
Kid has his own, odd quirks. His favorite number is eight due to its symmetry and, according to Liz, was willing to try and place himself in exactly eight seconds during a 100 meter dash test and end up not meeting the time. He can also be somewhat overconfident in his ability, feeling the need to not study Soul Studies just because he was a Shinigami. Due to his perfectionist personality, he is the type of person to recall and correct people on the small of detail, pointing out even when infected by the Madness of Power to Black☆Star he never punched him and instead used his heel during their fight when Black☆Star erroneously stated he punched him into submission, something the assassin noted to be unique to Kid.
#medical cw#long post cw#bio;;#about;;#death cw#soul cw#self deprecation cw#violence cw#murder cw#biography; death the kid#let me knw if anything else needs to be tagged
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𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 : rowan picard 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 : ro , ro-boat ( baby sister ) ��𝙶𝙴 : twenty-four 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : asexual 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 & 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚂 : he/him & they/them 𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 : receptionist at the world’s dingiest motel, super 8 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 : on the edge of town, just before a crossroads. one road leads further into mercer hollow ; while the other seemingly diverges away from civilization. 𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽𝚂 : pisces sun, virgo moon, aquarius rising
when rowan was born, he was graced with the world’s strongest set of lungs. as his mother would go on to tell him, he was a baby determined to ensure everyone around him knew of his presence by frequently wailing and screaming. he would eventually grow out of this but forever coined the nickname “little wolf”, gifted by his father, after the old wise tale of the boy who cried wolf. if you asked just about anyone, they’d tell you just how beloved rowan was, which only makes what happened next all that more heartbreaking.
eight years later, rowan’s father awoke to a day just like any other. he placed his boots on his sock covered feet, pulled his lunch from the fridge ( admiring the handwritten note by both his wife, and his son who assisted in the preparation ), and grabbed his keys from the ceramic bowl next to the front door. he left for work, but he would never return home. you see, richard picard worked in the mining field and though the risks always stared him straight in the face, he’d reassure his wife that he’d always make it home.little did he know, it would be a promise he wouldn’t be able to keep.
with a single mother working two jobs to meet their needs, it was true that rowan didn’t see his mother all that often. though young, he was riddled with the death of his father at every turn and in some ways, this made rowan grow up faster than other children his age. in addition, ro found the educational system to be far too straining on his otherwise overloaded mind. often did he find himself getting stuck in what he referred to as “a loop of thoughts”, distressing in nature and causing him to have extreme panic attacks. one of which got the school’s counselor involved and resulted in rowan being diagnosed and treated for ADHD and anxiety. nevertheless, he would eventually drop out at the ripe age of fifteen.
around this time, molly had begun to see a new man, whom she’d go on to introduce to her son. rowan would be the first to tell you how much he resented the thought of john replacing the position of his father, but came to understand ( through the support of his mother and john alike ) that no one could ever replace him. thus, rowan leaned into the new living dynamic and eventually was thrilled to welcome his baby half-sister, aria, into the world just two years later.
when rowan became an adult, his mother assisted him in renting out a trailer near the edge of town. though disheveled and falling apart at the seams, rowan spent a good amount of time fixing the place up and restoring it to its former glory. it’s his biggest pride and joy, and the perfect little home for him and his german short haired pointer, dottie.
hope was on the horizon for rowan. only, not the type of hope that’s a shining light leading you out of a dark cave. no, not that hope, but instead hope mercer : mercer hollow’s most shining star, and news of her disappearance swirled around the town like an inescapable plague. worst of all, rumors came about that led to rowan being questioned by the police. what rumors, you may ask ? well, they weren’t entirely rumors, per se. anyone who attended high school alongside rowan and hope would tell you that rowan wasn’t all that fond of mecer hollow’s golden girl. some speculated this was why he dropped out, a feeble attempt to flee from her ; while others stated they’d patch up their differences and rowan was even invited to hope’s birthday party… but if that was the case, didn’t that mean he was at the site where hope was last seen ? only time will tell.
though treated for a short time for his struggles with ADHD and anxiety, rowan has since fallen off the bandwagon. upon turning eighteen, affording the medication and treatment of these disorders was unrealistic to a high school dropout, stuck in a minimum wage job. so it’s often he suffers in silence, simultaneously feeling guilty for being otherwise “defective”, as he would put it.
rowan is a music connoisseur. he loves nearly every genre, but leans more towards folk, rock, & classical. he’s also versed in playing the guitar *wriggles eyebrows* & harmonica.
if he were to hit reset on his life, he would’ve chosen to stay in school and go on to seek out a profession in the culinary field. instead, he spends his free time foraging nearby forests with his dog, dottie, who assists him in hunting. the ingredients he finds he uses to make his meals, and only once in a blue moon will head to the grocery store for items he otherwise can’t obtain himself.
#mhintro#i Really hope this isn't too raMBLY ajkdha#anyways hihi^.^ i'm mina !! feel free to msg me always#i'm a sucker for plotting and writing alike c:#ᴅᴏssɪᴇʀ » ʀᴏᴡᴀɴ ᴘɪᴄᴀʀᴅ
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Choosing the Best Treats for Your Pet: Why Applod Dog & Puppy Biscuits Stand Out
Every pet deserves the best nutrition and care, and when it comes to choosing treats for your furry friend, quality matters! Whether you’re training your pup, rewarding good behavior, or simply spoiling them, Applod Dog & Puppy Biscuits are an excellent choice. With premium ingredients, a balanced nutritional profile, and irresistible taste, Applod treats ensure your pet enjoys a healthy and delicious snacking experience.
1. Made with High-Quality Ingredients
Not all dog treats are created equal! Applod Dog & Puppy Biscuits are crafted using nutritious and safe ingredients that contribute to your pet’s overall health and well-being. These biscuits contain essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support strong bones, a healthy coat, and an active lifestyle.
2. Perfect for Training & Rewards
Training your pet becomes much easier when you have tasty, bite-sized rewards on hand. Applod biscuits are crunchy and delicious, making them a great motivator for positive reinforcement during obedience training, tricks, or simply reinforcing good behavior.
3. Supports Dental Health
Crunchy biscuits not only satisfy your pet’s taste buds but also help with dental hygiene. Chewing on Applod biscuits can assist in reducing plaque buildup, keeping your dog’s teeth clean and strong while freshening their breath.
4. Suitable for Puppies & Adult Dogs
No matter the age of your furry friend, Applod biscuits are a safe and nutritious treat. Specially formulated to suit both growing puppies and adult dogs, these biscuits cater to their nutritional needs and taste preferences.
5. Easy to Buy Online at Zigly
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Give your pet the best treats for a healthy and happy life—order Applod Dog & Puppy Biscuits from Zigly today!
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Retirement Home Independent Living: A Guide to Senior Independence and Comfort
As we age, the need for a living situation that supports both our independence and well-being becomes increasingly important. For many seniors, retirement home independent living offers the perfect balance of freedom, security, and social engagement. These communities are designed to provide older adults with the opportunity to maintain an active, independent lifestyle while ensuring that they have access to necessary amenities and care should they need it.
What is Independent Living?
Independent living in a retirement home is a housing arrangement that caters to seniors who are largely self-sufficient but may seek a community that provides certain services and amenities. Unlike assisted living or nursing homes, independent living is for seniors who do not need daily medical care but want to live in a community that offers social interaction, convenience, and some level of assistance with day-to-day tasks if necessary.
Key Features of Independent Living Communities
Private Living Spaces: Independent living communities typically offer apartments, cottages, or villas designed specifically for seniors. These homes often come with one or two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The spaces are designed to be safe and accessible, with features such as wider doorways, grab bars, and wheelchair-friendly layouts.
Maintenance-Free Living: One of the major benefits of retirement home independent living is the lack of maintenance responsibilities. Homeowners are relieved from chores such as lawn care, housekeeping, and home repairs. Instead, the community’s staff handles these tasks, freeing up more time for residents to enjoy their retirement.
Social Engagement: Independent living communities often have shared spaces like dining rooms, lounges, and activity rooms where residents can socialize. Many communities offer a calendar full of activities, such as fitness classes, arts and crafts, group outings, and educational seminars, promoting both mental and physical well-being.
Access to Healthcare Services: Although independent living communities do not provide full-time medical care, many offer access to healthcare professionals, such as nurses, physical therapists, or visiting doctors. Some communities also have partnerships with nearby hospitals or clinics. Additionally, residents may have access to emergency response systems and on-site health assessments to monitor their needs.
Security and Safety: Safety is a top priority in retirement home independent living. Most communities have 24-hour security and staff available for assistance in emergencies. Many communities also feature gated entries, surveillance cameras, and emergency alert systems in apartments.
Dining Options: Many independent living communities offer restaurant-style dining services, where residents can enjoy chef-prepared meals. This allows seniors to maintain a social life over meals while ensuring they have access to nutritious food. Some communities even offer flexible meal plans, enabling residents to cook for themselves when desired.
Benefits of Independent Living for Seniors
Freedom and Autonomy: Independent living communities are designed to give seniors the independence they want, allowing them to live life on their terms. They can still drive, cook, and enjoy the activities they love, but without the worry of home maintenance or isolation.
Social Connections: Living in a retirement community opens the door to new friendships and connections with peers. These communities often host social events and provide group activities, helping residents form meaningful relationships and combat loneliness.
Safety and Support: Although independent living doesn’t provide around-the-clock medical care, it offers peace of mind that help is available if needed. Most communities are designed with senior safety in mind, making them a safe choice for those who may be worried about living alone at home.
Convenience: Many independent living communities are located near amenities like shopping centers, restaurants, and medical facilities, making it easy for seniors to access everything they need without venturing far from home. Additionally, many communities offer transportation services for residents, helping them maintain mobility and independence.
How to Choose the Right Independent Living Community
Choosing the right independent living community can be a big decision. Here are some factors to consider:
Location: Choose a community that is located in an area you’re comfortable with, whether it's close to family members, friends, or your preferred activities.
Amenities and Services: Consider what types of services are important to you. Do you need a full dining service or would you prefer to cook for yourself? Is access to fitness classes or a library important? Make sure the community offers the features that meet your needs and interests.
Cost: The cost of independent living can vary widely depending on the location, size of the apartment, and services offered. Be sure to review the pricing structure and understand what is included in the monthly fees. Some communities may charge extra for services like transportation or housekeeping.
Social and Activity Options: If staying active and engaged is important to you, look for a community that offers a wide range of social and recreational activities. Speak with current residents if possible to understand the overall atmosphere and the level of social interaction.
Visit Multiple Communities: To get a feel for what different communities have to offer, schedule visits and tour several independent living facilities. This gives you the opportunity to compare living spaces, amenities, and the overall environment.
Retirement home independent living offers seniors a comfortable and secure living situation that provides both independence and access to essential services. It’s an ideal option for older adults who wish to enjoy their retirement years without the burdens of home maintenance and isolation. By choosing the right community, seniors can experience a fulfilling lifestyle with a strong support system and plenty of opportunities for socialization and engagement. If you're considering independent living, take the time to explore your options and find the perfect fit for your needs and preferences.
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Is It Hard to Find Good Hearing Aids in Noida?
If you're struggling with hearing loss, you're not alone. Finding the right hearing aid can be challenging, but Noida offers several great options. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, including where to find the best Digital Hearing Aid Services in Noida.
Understanding Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can develop gradually, making it difficult to notice at first. Common signs include difficulty understanding conversations, frequently increasing TV volume, and asking people to repeat themselves. Early intervention is key to maintaining a good quality of life.
Types of Hearing Aids Available in Noida
BTE (Behind-the-Ear): Durable and suitable for all ages.
ITE (In-the-Ear): Custom-fit and easy to handle.
CIC (Completely-in-Canal): Nearly invisible, offering discretion.
Digital Hearing Aids: Offer superior sound quality and customization.
Why Finding the Right Hearing Aid Can Be Difficult
Many people are unaware of their hearing aid options.
High-quality brands may not be easily accessible.
Choosing the right fit requires professional guidance.
What to Look for in a Hearing Aid?
Sound clarity and background noise reduction.
Comfortable and lightweight design.
Long battery life or rechargeable options.
Bluetooth connectivity for seamless use.
Digital Hearing Aid Services in Noida – What to Expect?
Comprehensive hearing tests.
Custom fitting by expert audiologists.
After-sales support, maintenance, and repairs.
Soft Hear: The Best Place for Digital Hearing Aid Services in Noida
At Soft Hear, we offer advanced hearing aid solutions tailored to your needs. Our professional team ensures you get the perfect device for your lifestyle.
How to Choose the Best Hearing Aid Provider in Noida?
Read customer reviews for insights.
Look for trial periods before purchase.
Check for warranties and repair services.
Cost of Hearing Aids in Noida
Prices range from ₹15,000 to ₹3,00,000 depending on features.
Financial assistance and EMI options available.
Why Digital Hearing Aids Are a Better Choice
Enhanced sound processing for clarity.
Adaptive settings for different environments.
Wireless pairing with smartphones and TVs.
Overcoming the Stigma of Wearing Hearing Aids
Modern designs are sleek and discreet.
Educating people about the benefits reduces stigma.
Tips for First-Time Hearing Aid Users
Wear them consistently for better adjustment.
Keep them clean and well-maintained.
Visit your audiologist for periodic adjustments.
Common Myths About Hearing Aids
Myth: "Hearing aids restore perfect hearing." Truth: They improve hearing but don’t fully restore it.
Myth: "Only older adults need hearing aids." Truth: People of all ages can experience hearing loss.
Hearing Aid Technology Trends in 2025
AI-powered noise filtering for better clarity.
Environmentally friendly rechargeable models.
Finding a good hearing aid in Noida doesn’t have to be difficult. With Digital Hearing Aid Services in Noida like those offered at Soft Hear, you can get expert guidance and the best hearing solutions. Visit us today for a consultation!
How do I know if I need a hearing aid?
Get a professional hearing test to determine hearing loss.
Are digital hearing aids better than analog ones?
Yes, they offer clearer sound and better noise cancellation.
How long do hearing aids last?
Typically, 5-7 years with proper care.
Can I get a trial period before purchasing?
Yes, many providers offer trial periods.
Where can I get the best hearing aids in Noida?
Visit Soft Hear for top-quality options and expert service.
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Enhance Therapy Sessions with Premium Occupational Therapy Equipment
When it comes to supporting individuals in their therapeutic journey, having the right tools can make all the difference. Occupational Therapy Equipment is essential for helping individuals develop essential skills, whether they are working on fine motor control, sensory integration, or cognitive abilities. At Sensory Wizard, we offer a wide range of top-quality equipment specifically designed for occupational therapy, catering to individuals of all ages and needs.
Why Occupational Therapy Equipment Matters
Occupational therapy (OT) plays a vital role in assisting individuals with various physical, mental, and developmental challenges. From children with sensory processing disorders to adults recovering from injuries, OT helps improve their ability to perform everyday tasks. The right equipment is essential for supporting and enhancing the therapy process, making tasks more manageable and building skills in a fun, engaging way.
At Sensory Wizard, we understand the importance of having the right tools to foster growth and healing. That’s why we offer a carefully curated selection of Occupational Therapy Equipment designed to support individuals’ physical, sensory, and cognitive development.
Benefits of Occupational Therapy Equipment
Sensory Integration Many individuals, especially those with autism or sensory processing disorders, require help integrating sensory information. Sensory equipment like textured mats, tactile toys, and interactive lights helps individuals better process and respond to sensory stimuli, enhancing their ability to engage with the world around them.
Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development Occupational therapy often focuses on improving fine and gross motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, grasping, and balance. Equipment like balance boards, fine motor tools, and hand strengthening gadgets support the development of these skills, making daily tasks like writing, dressing, or eating easier and more independent.
Cognitive and Perceptual Skills Occupational therapy equipment also helps with cognitive and perceptual development. Puzzles, matching games, and sorting activities can help individuals with learning challenges, brain injuries, or developmental disabilities work on problem-solving, memory, and spatial awareness.
Emotional Regulation For individuals who struggle with emotional regulation, sensory-friendly tools like weighted blankets, calming sensory lights, and soothing sound systems can provide comfort and relaxation, helping individuals cope with stress, anxiety, or overwhelming emotions.
Encouraging Independence Many OT tools are designed to help individuals become more independent in their everyday tasks. Adaptive devices, such as assistive technology or self-care aids, allow individuals to take on tasks like dressing, grooming, or eating with greater ease and confidence.
Types of Occupational Therapy Equipment
At Sensory Wizard, we offer a wide range of occupational therapy equipment designed to meet the needs of individuals across various age groups and therapy goals. Some of the key products we provide include:
Tactile Toys and Tools These help individuals with sensory processing disorders explore different textures and sensations, fostering sensory integration and engagement.
Interactive Projection Systems Our interactive projectors create dynamic and engaging visual displays that respond to movement, perfect for developing motor skills, coordination, and focus.
Balance and Coordination Equipment Balance boards, stability balls, and other tools designed to improve balance and coordination help individuals work on gross motor skills in a fun and engaging way.
Hand Strengthening Devices These tools help individuals with fine motor control by providing exercises and activities that strengthen hand and finger muscles, aiding in daily tasks like writing and typing.
Weighted Blankets and Comfort Tools Sensory-friendly tools such as weighted blankets and pressure vests help with emotional regulation by providing deep pressure, which can be calming for individuals with anxiety or sensory sensitivities.
Cognitive Development Games Puzzle sets, sorting games, and memory aids encourage cognitive and perceptual skills development, supporting learning and problem-solving abilities.
Why Choose Sensory Wizard for Occupational Therapy Equipment?
At Sensory Wizard, we are committed to providing high-quality, effective equipment to support the goals of occupational therapy. Whether you're a therapist, educator, or caregiver, our products are designed to create positive outcomes for individuals of all abilities.
Our products are carefully selected for their ability to support sensory integration, fine motor skills, emotional regulation, and cognitive development. Each piece of equipment is tested for safety and effectiveness, ensuring that it meets the needs of both clients and professionals.
Ideal Environments for Occupational Therapy Equipment
Our occupational therapy tools are suitable for a variety of settings:
Therapy Centers Enhance your therapy practice with specialized tools designed to support a wide range of developmental and sensory needs.
Schools and Educational Institutions Occupational therapy equipment can be used in classrooms to assist children in developing motor skills, focus, and sensory regulation, contributing to a positive learning environment.
Home Use Many of our tools are perfect for use at home, allowing families to support their loved ones' occupational therapy goals outside of formal therapy sessions.
The right Occupational Therapy Equipment is a crucial component of the therapeutic process, helping individuals build skills, improve sensory processing, and promote independence. At Sensory Wizard, we are proud to offer high-quality products designed to support the needs of those engaging in occupational therapy. Whether you're a therapist, educator, or caregiver, our equipment is designed to provide the best outcomes for individuals at every stage of their development.
Explore our wide range of occupational therapy tools and resources today! Visit our shop for more information and discover how we can help enhance your therapy sessions.
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Animals and Pets: The Role They Play in Our Lives
Animals and Pets: The Role They Play in Our Lives
Animals and pets have been a vital part of human society for thousands of years. From companionship to working partners, they provide emotional support, security, and entertainment. Whether it is a dog wagging its tail at the entrance or a cat snuggling up with you on a cold winter evening, the human-animal connection is simply extraordinary. With increased interest in pet adoption and animal welfare, sites like Classified Ads Surat and Classimonk are assisting people in discovering their ideal furry, feathered, or scaly companion.
The Importance of Pets in Our Lives
Pets also contribute significantly to the happiness and positivity of their owners. Research has indicated that playing with pets can lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Having a pet present can reduce blood pressure, alleviate loneliness, and enhance social support. Pets also help teach responsibility, empathy, and patience to children. Older adults also enjoy the company of pets, which keeps them active and motivated.
Emotional and Psychological Benefits
Pets give loving support and companionship without any conditions, which makes them perfect for mental health. Most pet owners treat their pets as family and count on them for emotional support. Dogs and cats are utilized as therapy animals in hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation facilities to help in the healing of emotions and recovering.
Physical Health Benefits
Many times, having a pet instigates a more active lifestyle. Dogs, for example, need to be taken out every day, which makes the owners fit. Exercise with pets also can be a great means to do physical activities in an entertaining manner. Moreover, exposure to animals during childhood has been identified to be associated with a more powerful immune system and less risk of allergies.
Choosing the Right Pet
Selecting the right pet depends on an individual’s lifestyle, space availability, and personal preferences. Dogs and cats are the most popular pets, but there are many other animals that make great companions, such as birds, rabbits, hamsters, fish, and even reptiles.
Factors to Consider When Adopting a Pet
Space Availability: Large breeds of dogs need open spaces, while smaller animals like fish or hamsters can thrive in compact homes.
Time Investment: Pets need time for feeding, grooming, and companionship.
Cost: A pet has its own costs involving food, visit to the doctor, grooming, and accessories.
Allergies: Certain individuals can be allergic to fur; therefore, adopting hypoallergenic breeds or furry-free animals would be an ideal choice.
How Classified Ads Surat and Classimonk Assist with Pet Adoption
It is not easy to find the right pet, but websites such as Classified Ads Surat and Classimonk make it easy by bringing pet seekers together with pet owners and breeders. The websites provide a variety of listings, from puppies and kittens to birds and exotic pets. If you want a particular breed or a rescue pet, classified ads bridge the gap between the buyer and seller.
Benefits of Utilizing Classified Ads Surat and Classimonk for Pet Adoption
Diverse Options: Users are able to surf through various pet postings according to breed, age, price, and location.
Direct Contact: Potential buyers are able to contact pet owners or breeders directly, cutting out middlemen.
Reasonable Prices: In contrast to pet shops, classified ads tend to provide more affordable prices and even adoption options for rescued pets.
Transparency: Sellers give full information, photographs, and health condition of the pets, making the adoption process smoother.
Responsible Pet Ownership
Having a pet is a lifelong commitment that needs responsibility and dedication. Pets are not meant for short-term entertainment; they need care, love, and attention throughout their lifetime. Responsible pet ownership entails:
Supplying a balanced diet and clean water for drinking.
Providing regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations.
Training and socializing pets for improved behavior.
Providing them with adequate exercise and mental stimulation.
Proper hygiene and grooming requirements.
Animal Welfare and Adoption
While most people purchase pets from breeders, adoption is a kind and humane option. Shelters and rescue groups care for abandoned or stray pets that require homes where they will be loved. Adopting a pet not only provides an animal with a second chance but also assists in preventing the overpopulation of strays.
How to Adopt a Pet
Go to local animal shelters or look in Classified Ads Surat and Classimonk for adoption ads.
Select an animal that suits your lifestyle and personality.
Fill out the necessary documents and know adoption regulations.
Get home ready for the new pet by having essentials such as food, bedding, and toys in place.
Let your pet settle in and overwhelm them with love and patience.
Pets and animals make our lives richer in many ways, bringing love, companionship, and happiness. Whether you opt for a playful puppy, a cuddly kitten, or a chirpy bird, the connection you have with your pet is absolutely irretrievable. With online sites such as Classified Ads Surat and Classimonk, adopting the ideal pet is now more convenient than before. Nonetheless, it is vital to understand that taking care of pets is accompanied by responsibilities, and every pet should be given a secure, loving, and nurturing home. By embracing responsibly and promoting animal welfare, we can create a better world for our feathered and furry friends.
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Aging in Place in PG County: A Safe and Comfortable Choice
Aging is a natural part of life, and for many seniors in PG County, staying in their own homes is a top priority. The idea of aging in place—remaining in a familiar environment while receiving necessary care and support—has become increasingly popular among older adults who want to maintain their independence. With the right modifications and assistance, seniors can continue to live safely and comfortably at home rather than moving into a nursing facility.
Why Aging in Place Matters
The decision to age in place is about more than just comfort. It provides seniors with a sense of stability, control, and emotional well-being. Moving to an assisted living facility or nursing home can be overwhelming and stressful, especially for those who have spent decades in the same home. By creating a safe and accommodating environment, seniors in PG County can continue enjoying their routines and surroundings without unnecessary disruption.
Benefits of Aging in Place
1. Maintaining Independence
One of the biggest advantages of aging in place is the ability to continue making personal decisions. Seniors can set their own schedules, enjoy their favorite hobbies, and engage in community activities without restrictions.
2. Emotional and Psychological Well-Being
Moving to a care facility can lead to feelings of isolation and anxiety. Staying at home allows seniors to remain close to family, friends, and neighbors, providing a sense of belonging and emotional stability.
3. Cost-Effective Alternative
Long-term care facilities can be expensive, and not all families can afford them. Aging in place can be more budget-friendly, especially when using in-home care services tailored to specific needs.
4. Personalized Care
With in-home care services, seniors receive personalized attention based on their unique health requirements. Whether they need assistance with daily tasks or specialized medical care, aging in place ensures they get the support they need in a comfortable setting.
Home Adjustments for a Safer Living Space
Aging in place requires some modifications to ensure a senior’s home remains safe and accessible. Some key home adjustments include:
Installing Handrails and Grab Bars – Essential in bathrooms, staircases, and hallways to prevent falls.
Non-Slip Flooring – Replacing slippery surfaces with non-slip mats or carpet to reduce accidents.
Improved Lighting – Brightening dim areas to enhance visibility and prevent tripping hazards.
Stairlifts or Ramps – Making multi-level homes more accessible for those with mobility challenges.
Wider Doorways – Accommodating wheelchairs and walkers for easier movement within the home.
The Role of In-Home Care Services
For seniors who need assistance but want to remain at home, professional in-home care services can provide the perfect solution. Reliable caregivers from Senior Helpers PG County offer comprehensive support, including:
Personal Care Assistance – Help with dressing, bathing, and grooming.
Meal Preparation – Ensuring seniors receive nutritious meals every day.
Medication Management – Keeping track of prescriptions and medication schedules.
Companionship – Providing social interaction to prevent loneliness and depression.
Housekeeping Support – Light cleaning and organizing to maintain a tidy and safe environment.
How Families Can Support Aging in Place
While professional caregivers play a crucial role in aging in place, family members can also contribute to a senior’s well-being. Here are a few ways loved ones can help:
Regular Visits – Frequent check-ins help seniors feel connected and supported.
Encouraging Physical Activity – Simple exercises or short walks can improve mobility and overall health.
Technology for Safety – Installing security systems, medical alert devices, or smart home assistants can enhance safety.
Social Engagement – Encouraging seniors to join local clubs or participate in community events keeps them active and engaged.
Finding the Right Support
Aging in place in PG County is a feasible and rewarding option with the right support system in place. Whether it’s home modifications, professional in-home care, or family involvement, seniors can enjoy their golden years with dignity and independence.
For compassionate and reliable in-home care services, consider reaching out to Senior Helpers PG County. Their dedicated team provides tailored care solutions, ensuring seniors receive the best support while continuing to live comfortably at home.
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The Right Age to Marry: A Life-Changing Decision
As per cultural and family ethics, early marriage is always a priority but if you see modern expectations, there is no right or even wrong age to marry, so you can marry depending on when you are ready, especially financially.
The perfect age depends on various factors, including personal objectives, financial stability, and emotional maturity. Finding a compatible lifemate who shares their beliefs and aspirations is something that many people do by consulting the Best Marriage Website. Age alone won't guarantee a good marriage; compatibility and the proper fit are more important.
The Role of Matrimonial Services in Finding the Right Partner
Marriage services are different from dating apps or apps designed to make friends; they really find marriage matches and place a greater value on long-term partnerships. Marriage is a friendship that you make with your partner to live with them and make a family.
Matrimonial Service just help find that friendship of love that will give you a home. But early marriage or late marriage can be a problem for some people, so it's better to marry in the adult age when you start to earn money as well.

When Should You Consider Marriage?
Marriage timing is influenced by several social and personal factors. People may be prepared to settle down if they have built a solid job, improved their emotional intelligence, and clearly defined their marriage goals.
One way to find possible mates in their community or interests is to use matrimonial services near me. By using professional services, people may make sure they make well-informed choices instead of jumping into marriage too soon because of outside pressures.
Online Platforms: A Game-Changer in Modern Matchmaking
If we want friends, then we go to apps for that, or even if we want to stay connected with them we use technology. So now if we want a life partner, we can go to the Best Marriage Website and easily create a biodata to write about our interests in the marriage.
Before choosing to be married, people can utilize these websites to get to know possible partners. People who use the Best Site for Marriage may make sure they make an informed decision at the appropriate age, which will result in a more secure and satisfying married life.
The Importance of Cultural Compatibility in Marriage
In different nations have different types of cultural values or preferences, and the success of marriages is greatly influenced by cultural compatibility. According to customs, values, and family expectations, people are matched by the Best Matrimony in India.
An arrangement where families are heavily involved in decision-making is preferred by many. Nevertheless, mutual understanding and a common future vision are still crucial, whether the marriage is arranged or the result of love.
The Function of Matchmakers in Providing a Happy Marriage
Matchmakers before did the job to find a husband or wife in a family, and some people still get help from them. To guarantee compatibility, a Matchmaker for Marriage thoroughly assesses the expectations, values, and backgrounds of possible matches.
Many families still use matchmakers or a member of the family who is good at finding the right match for marriage. Age is an important factor, but so are other factors like how much your partner respects you or your family, and common goals matter in marriage
Conclusion: Matchmaking Services for a Perfect Match
To provide a more close experience, Premium Matchmaking Service and intimate Matrimonial Services offer individualized matchmaking support. People who have particular preferences in terms of their family history, occupation, and level of education are served by these services.
When a person is emotionally and psychologically ready for marriage, they should get married. Marriage is a lifelong process. A successful and happy married life is the result of people making well-considered decisions with the assistance of experts
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