#but then it became something so cute 😭😭
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grudgecollector · 2 days ago
hii queen! i saw that your requests are open, could you write something with daryl and a reader in the earlier seasons who are dating in secret? (they dont want no one to know because daryl is new to relationships and i believe he would be more reserved a little in the beggining), however the group ended up noticing how soft he is to her and how he always keep an eye on herđŸ˜© and also i just wanted to say that i read some of yours writtings and they are amazing💕💕
Gimme Shelter | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Tags: Swearing, twd typical violence, kind of slow burn, fluff, lightish angst, half proof-read
Words: 4.4k
A/N: Fank you so much nonny 💖😭 I've been really enjoying writing for Daryl, he was one of my biggest obsessions as a teenager, and that obsession will continue to prevail.
And this is such a cute request, I love secret relationship tropes so much. I decided to do Prison era!Daryl if that's okay, I assume you probably meant for like season 1 or 2, but I felt like it would be cute in the prison.
I know that a slow burn wasn't requested BUT the thoughts just kept coming the more I wrote. Also sorry this took so long to post.
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Growing up people would always say you will find the one when you least expect it. Whether it’s in a grocery store, at the park, in a museum. That one person you’re bound to spend the rest of your life with will be there. As if they were waiting for you, and you for them. It was a fairytale dream, one that you lost faith in long ago. 
There were moments you had thought that maybe you finally found that person. Until disappointment would strike time and time again. Your experience with relationships had been less than ideal, never lasting longer than a year. Cheaters, liars, and worst of all abusers. Those types of men had always been the most drawn to you. Making you feel as if you were cursed somehow, unlucky. 
After a while and a slew of pity attempts, you gave up on dating for your own benefit. Deciding it would be best to focus more on yourself. Not allowing yourself to succumb to the societal pressure of getting married by twenty and popping kids out by twenty one. 
That was the dream of a delusional small town teenager, too young to think for themselves let alone plan a future family, and that had been your dream once upon a time. Maybe you read too many stories about young girls finding their prince charming and living happily ever after.
You started to value your alone time. Enjoying the feeling of not having to walk on eggshells in order to keep the other party happy. Things were smooth sailing for about two years. You changed your life around, got a new job, a new car, and a new apartment all within a few months. 
A newfound happiness was settling inside of you, you were beginning to find yourself again. You became more confident in who you were as a person, allowing yourself to actually live your life instead of just simply being alive. 
But life had a twisted sense of humor. 
Things started with frantic breaking news segments on the news. Reporters talking about the horrifying developments coming out of France. In the beginning you had hoped that things wouldn’t escalate past that, hoped that this would be an isolated incident. But things just got worse the more you watched. An unknown virus wreaking havoc across the entirety of Europe, spreading like wildfire across each country. 
After the first case of the virus was reported in Ohio, you started to worry. Things were getting too close for your liking, and with the details they were releasing it wasn’t going to get any better. With each new segment that aired your mother would call, urgently telling you to come back to live with them until this sickness blows over. You knew that it would be your best bet. 
Once the local grocery stores started getting raided, you found yourself being thankful that your family was full of survivalist nuts. Growing up hearing them praise people like Jim Baker, and other televangelist hackjobs like him that weaponized fear mongering for profit. 
Your parents home was stocked full of all the essentials thanks to your aunt Jess. First aid kits, canned food, water to last just a little over a month. It was everything you needed and more. 
“Y’always gotta be prepared, honey.” Your wine-drunk aunt had told you after a week, the both of you lounging on the sofa as you watched the news. “You don’t know how long this crap’s gonna last.” 
It all went by so quickly. The news stations eventually stopped airing not long after the first report hit Georgia, they were urging everyone to evacuate to Atlanta, leaving the streets a mess of honking and dead-stop traffic right outside of your parent’s home. 
And for a short while you had settled into this false hope that you were safe there with them. 
That was until you came back from a short trip to a ransacked Dollar General just down the street. 
The house was oddly quiet when you walked inside. The TV was muted on a flickering static screen, your dad’s recliner was empty, a blanket on the floor. The backdoor that led to the porch was ajar, the sun shining through the crack onto the wood flooring. You remembered that feeling in your stomach as you walked closer, fingers slowly curling around the doorknob. 
When you walked outside it felt as if a bucket of ice water was dumped over your head. The horrifying sight of your mother’s body being gutted by your own father and uncle, fresh blood dripped down the side of the RV next to your aunt’s already mangled corpse. Your hands were trembling fiercely, a nauseating coppery smell filling your nose. 
All you could remember was running. Packing whatever you could get your hands on before taking your mother’s minivan.  
Not long after the death of your family, you were taken in by a small group of five. They were unstable, barely hanging on by a thread, with almost nightly arguments tilting them further over the edge. 
It made things harder for you. The tension starting to make you too nervous to sleep without a knife tucked securely under your pillow. 
The self appointed leader demanded too much, wanting more than half of the rations to himself. He was a cruel hearted individual, mind diluted by the atrocities you were all forced to witness. A dangerous man who was quick tempered, and ruthless to anything or anybody you came across. 
After a month of running with them you made a mistake. You hid a portion of your findings from him. Food that he would have taken the majority of. But you were starving, at the point of hardly caring about your survival if it meant you could eat just a little bit more.
Other members had found out though, outing you quickly. As a punishment he tied you up, stole everything from you. Photo albums, your weapons, your food, bandages, it didn’t matter what it was. After beating you he left you in the supply closet of a convenient store you were temporarily camping out in. 
Part of you half expected them to come back, but you knew better than to think positively now, that could get you killed nowadays. 
The minutes blended into hours into what felt like days. The zip ties around your wrists and ankles dug harshly into your skin, biting into the raw bleeding flesh as you struggled to free yourself. Eventually it got to the point where you started slipping in and out of consciousness, your body exhausted and dehydrated. You were sure you would die there. 
But, much to your surprise, your luck hadn’t run dry just yet. 
In your haze you could hear the sound of once shuffling corpses hit against the door with a heavy thud. Hushed voices barely graced your ears through the door, two men talking to each other. 
Your voice was hoarse as you pathetically attempted to call out. Your throat was dry from the lack of water, forcing your words to come out as a croaking squeak.  
The door had been opened cautiously, the beam of a flashlight assaulting your eyes. You attempted to focus on the man crouching down above you, his blurred features obscured by the baseball hat he wore. 
“Rick!” The man called over his shoulder, another figure coming into view. He was wearing what seemed to be a police officer’s uniform. Whether it was stolen or actually his, you didn’t care, you just wanted out of this damn closet. 
Both men were quick to cut your binds and hauled you to your feet. The quick motion was all it took for you to finally pass out. A thick blanket of exhaustion pressed into you, forcing your eyes to flutter closed and your body to go completely limp. Unable to cling onto consciousness any longer
In those last moments you almost thought that they would just leave you there. Not wanting to bother helping a now passed out stranger, and you wouldn’t have blamed them if they did abandon you. 
Instead when you woke up you were laying on a couch, an older man with short white hair standing over you. 
At first you had almost believed you dreamed it all, the outbreak, the group. That you were in some sort of comatose state and the world was not overrun by flesh eating monsters. But the stinging pain deep within your wrists proved otherwise, the gashes covered by white gauze and medical tape. 
The white haired man, Hershel, ran you through your current state. Malnourishment, dehydration, feverish temperatures. It was evidently clear that you had been through the wringer, and if Glenn and Rick had not found you when they did, you would have died within the day. In fact he had said it was a miracle that Hershel himself could have saved you. 
You figured you had always been stubborn, though, you never gave up easily. 
Hershel had been kind enough to allow you to stay in his house until you got better. Providing you with enough water and food to get you back on your feet. 
The family allowed you to use their shower. When you looked at yourself in the mirror you understood why they were so insistent. A thick layer of grime and blood coated your skin, your hair was matted, your clothes ripped beyond repair. 
You couldn’t help but cry, realizing just how quickly you lost yourself out there. Your humanity has faded so much in such a short amount of time, leaving you a hollow shell of your former self. You looked like a stranger to yourself.
Over the next week Rick’s group urged you to stay. They knew you had nowhere else to go, no family to run back to. 
You were hesitant, though. You didn’t want to continue to be a burden, you were a stranger infiltrating an already close knit group. The closeness they had made you feel even more lonely than you did in your previous group, because at least when it came to them, you didn’t crave that companionship. 
Gone were the days of blind trust, knowing that everything always came with a price these days. So your knife stayed tucked beneath your pillow, fingers clutching onto the handle as you kept an eye on the zipped up entrance of the tent. 
On many sleepless nights, which were frequent, you would sit yourself in front of the dwindling fire outside of your tent. Mind wandering to everything that’s happened to you in the past three months, the things you’ve done to stay alive, the permanent scars you would carry with you for life. 
You stewed in your bitterness. Chewing ruthlessly on the skin around your fingernails. 
Your tent was further away from the rest of the group’s, tucked away in your own area. You found yourself watching the rest of them at first. Thoughts of running away while everyone slept crossed your mind more times than you could count. 
Until one night you heard a twig snap behind you, your knife quickly unsheathed and pointing towards what you thought to be a threat, 
“Geez. You’re almost as bad as Daryl.” One of the older men from Rick’s group, Dale, chuckled as he walked closer to your secluded camp, his hands up in surrender. “But I can go if you want.” He smiled softly. 
 Bad habit.” You said quietly, setting your knife back down next to your thigh. 
He shook his head, taking a seat in front of the fire, “No need to be sorry. I can’t blame you for still being a little paranoid.” 
Dale quickly became a source of comfort for you, sporting an almost fatherly personality when talking to you. He was kind, and realistic which was exactly what you needed after everything you’ve been through. Over the course of a few nightly visits he was able to get you to open up a little, telling him about your former group, he was sympathetic and understanding. 
“The world has truly gone to hell.” He grimaced, taking his bucket hat off of his head. “But, we have good people here. Believe it or not.” His smile was reassuring. 
After a few days you started to come around more. Helping the women with laundry, listening to the stories they told about their lives before, anecdotes to keep themselves sane. 
It wasn’t hard to understand why they were so close. The tragedy of their former camp just outside of Atlanta, the C.D.C, Lori’s son getting shot, the people they’ve lost along the way. 
Slowly you felt more like yourself again.
Every so often they would mention that same name Dale did, Daryl. The only member of the group you had yet to meet personally. 
You had seen him walking around the camp, or tucked away in his own tent, further away from the group much like yours was. He was gruff looking, intimidating to the eye, and his occasional temper didn’t help much. But with how insistent he was on finding Carol’s missing daughter, you could tell there was warmth beneath his rigid exterior. 
The first time you talked to him was less than ideal. You were attempting to set up a snare trap in the woods, wanting to try and contribute a little bit more. The frustration quickly turned to embarrassment when he snuck up on you. Your feet got caught in your own trap and caused you to trip and fall. 
“Looks like y’caught somethin’.” Daryl attempted to joke, walking past you and deeper into the woods with his crossbow pointed towards the trees. 
You cut yourself free of the poorly made snare and ran to catch up with him. Choosing your words carefully. 
“Daryl, right?” All you got was a grumble in response, “Listen I know you don’t know me or anythin’... But could you teach me how to hunt?” 
“Teach yourself. I ain’t got time for babysittin’.” His response stung a little, harsher than you had hoped it would be. 
You figured you should have expected that, though, the conversation him and Shane had this morning was heated. An argument almost leading to a full on fight. The tension was growing higher and higher as the days dragged on with no signs of Sophia. 
Then the group found out about what was inside the barn.
One day when Rick was out helping Hershel, Shane took it upon himself to break the chains on the barn door. Walker after walker spilled out, being shot down ruthlessly by some members of Rick’s group, while the Greene family cried out for them to stop. Their worst nightmare coming true, as well as Carol’s. 
A little girl limped out, skin grey and beginning to rot. Her hair was matted with leaves, eyes a milky grey color, and a rasping snarl emitting from her. There was a large gash on her shoulder, a bite. It was devastating to see a child fall victim to such a death. But even more so for Carol, coming to realize that each day they restlessly searched, she had already been dead.. 
The safety that the farm provided didn’t last long after that. 
Shane was quickly losing his grip, Dale was killed by a lone walker, and eventually the fields were overrun by walkers. A massive hoard stumbling onto the property, drawn in by the frequent gunfire. 
You had lost quite a few on that night, good people that had helped you come out of your shell, people that didn’t deserve what they got. In all honesty you didn’t think you would have made it out either if it wasn’t for Andrea and Daryl. 
After the fall of the farm, you were all lost. Hershel and his family had lost their home, and the entire group was left to search. 
But you had to bury your sadness for the time being, winter was quickly approaching. The leaves were changing into a crisp orange color, and the wind had a bite to it in the mornings, leaving you shivering as you huddled closer to the fire. Daryl had been kind enough to let you borrow his poncho some nights, insisting you probably needed it more than him. 
Daryl seemed to warm up to you after a while too. He would subtly make sure you ate by leaving a half eaten can of vegetables next to you, or would occasionally sharpen your knife for you after doing his own. It was a kind gesture, letting you know that he was starting to trust you. 
Eventually it got to the point where your group finally ran out of canned food. There were no stores around, and everyone was too cold or tired to go anywhere. So Daryl decided to take you out to the woods, finally going out of his way to teach you how to hunt. 
“Y’know what you’re trackin’?” He asked one day, slowly walking beside you, following a small winding trail in the woods. 
You were quiet for a second, thinking as you analyzed the tracks next to your feet, “Could be a deer, whatever it is, it’s got hooves.” 
“Obviously.” He huffed, resisting the urge to smile when you glared at him. 
“Shut the hell up, man.” A small sigh came from you, “Could be a hog.” You crouched down and moved the leaves out of the way to get a better look, “The prints are close together, if it were a deer they’d be further apart, right?” 
Daryl just shrugged, “You tell me.” 
That’s how your hunts would usually go, Daryl providing frustrating nonanswers as you attempted to close in on your prey. He wasn’t going to babysit you, as he had originally said when you first asked, you had to figure it out yourself. You knew that was the only way you’d be able to learn, even if it was mildly annoying. 
The winter finally started to melt into spring, temperatures rising and falling occasionally until settling into an in between. And soon enough your restless searching came to an end, the high chain link fences surrounding a prison with walkers meandering the expansive field calling your names. A soon to be shelter for your group and many others. 
The fight against Woodbury had been a painful ordeal, with Maggie and Glenn getting taken hostage, and Daryl leaving with his brother. The group was briefly left in shambles, hanging on by a thread as Rick slowly faded away, losing his way after Lori’s untimely death and the birth of her daughter. 
When Daryl left it broke your heart a little. The two of you had bonded over the course of the harsh winter, often seeking each other out as a heat source. Whispering stories of your families filling the silence as the biting wind wrapped itself around you. But you could never blame him for leaving, knowing you would do the same thing if you could. 
The first attack from the Governor was when Daryl finally returned, his mouthy brother in tow. They had rescued Rick on the outskirts of the fence, luckily finding him just in time before he was overpowered. 
It made you happy to see your friend again, a hand squeezing his shoulder before pulling him into a hug. It had been a lot less awkward than you expected, his arms wrapping around your middle and squeezing softly, reassuring you that he was okay. 
“Well, ain’t that just cute.” Merle had teased, pinching his little brother on the cheek. 
But the tragedies were never ending, your group seemed to constantly be one step away from death’s doorstep. 
The Governor decided to make his way back to the prison, armed gunmen following behind him. 
They wanted to execute every last one of you no matter what it took. Your group had laid out traps, pretending to have left as requested, lulling them in with a false hope that you were gone. Until the shrill sound of the prison sirens started, smoke grenades being thrown down at their feet in the darkened hallways. 
The armed militia of men, mothers, and teenagers the Governor recruited had run away in fear, knowing that their fates would be sealed if they stayed any longer. 
As the weeks continued after the attack, things started to look up. That once forgotten positivity slowly makes its way back into your heart, along with a smile as you allow yourself to get to know the former residence of Woodbury. Your community was slowly forming, a home being made out of the prison. 
It was easy to become comfortable. 
And as your fondness grew for Daryl, you remembered what your mother used to tell you. 
“You will find the one when you least expect it.” 
Who knew that the world had to end in order for you to find him. With every soft touch, lingering whisper, and a quick stolen kiss in the shadows of your cell, it grew increasingly more obvious that your mother may have been right. 
Daryl was the only person you felt safe enough to be vulnerable around. His gentleness towards you breaking down the walls around your heart, settling himself deep within it. And you gladly let him. You both decided to keep your relationship a secret. Enjoying the thrill of sneaking around, while also avoiding any teasing remarks that would come from your group. 
You knew that this was Daryl’s first serious relationship, so you wanted to allow him the grace of warming up to the idea. You wanted him to become more comfortable with himself, taking his time with you, soothing any anxious wandering thought he may have. 
But you knew that the group would notice eventually. Hell, they already were. The small teasing remarks being thrown your way would make Daryl stiffen. He would pick at the strings on his denim jacket as he huffed and grumbled something in response. 
“You want me to slip her a note or somethin’?” Carol teased him, nudging her elbow into his side, “Do you like me? Check yes or no.” She laughed quietly when he rolled his eyes, “Come on Daryl-” 
She was cut off by someone running up to him, Glenn’s frantic eyes meeting Daryl and Carol’s before quickly sputtering out your name, “I don’t know what happened but-” 
The poor boy could barely get the words out before Daryl ran off towards the cell block. 
You were laying in your cell, blood covering your shirt as your side bled profusely. Hershel was quick to try and stop the bleeding, urging everyone to give him room to work. 
“If you want her to live, get out, now!” 
The blood drained from Daryl’s face as he looked at you. Bruises were beginning to bloom on your face and arms, your nose was bleeding and there was a slash on your cheek. Your boyfriend directed his anger towards one of the new members you had taken on a run, pinning him roughly against the concrete wall with his forearm. 
“The hell happened out there?! Huh?!” Daryl shouted in the scared man’s face, shrinking in on himself as Rick and Maggie tried to pull Daryl off. “Talk!” 
“We-” The man gulped, “We got attacked by a small group
” There were tears in his eyes as he tried to explain, his swollen lip trembling. He didn’t look much better than you did honestly, his eye was almost swollen shut, and there was blood coating his hairline, “She said- said she knew them, some group she was with. I thought they were gonna k-kill us.” He swallowed harshly, “They shot her
Daryl swore he could see red. His shoulders heaving as he started to pace, fingers running through his hair as he tried to process what the man had said. His face was hot, body pulsing with anger as he glanced back into your cell to see you lying there motionless. 
He stalked back up towards the man, his gaze hard and threatening as he spoke in a gruff voice, “If she dies, her blood is on your hands.” He pressed his finger hard into the man’s chest, pushing him harshly back into the concrete wall before stalking towards the exit of the prison. 
It took the entire council to talk Daryl out of hunting this group down himself. Carol telling him it was a suicide mission, and he would die if he left like this. Going into a situation blinded by rage was never good for anyone, especially now, with you lying unconscious in your cell. 
Luckily for you the bullet went straight through, and all they had to do was wait for you to wake up. 
Daryl didn’t dare leave your side, a rag gently dabbing across your forehead as he whispered softly to you. Unspoken words that he had wished he had told you sooner, words that only you were allowed to hear him say, something he had never dared utter to another person. Not even his own family. 
“I love you.” 
The time seemed to drag on slowly as he waited, his watchful not leaving you for more than a few seconds. His gentle fingers traced patterns on your skin, ignoring the occasional staring that would come from someone passing by your cell. He couldn’t bring himself to care about the secrecy, not now. 
“That fuckin’ tickles.” He suddenly heard you rasp, your eyes fluttering open and glancing down at his fingers on your forearm. 
Relief washed over Daryl like cool rain on a hot summer's day. His shoulders sagged and he couldn’t help but lean his head down to rest on your arm, a long sigh being released from his lungs. 
” You whispered, making him look at you, “It was my old group.” 
The look on your face was similar to the one you sported when they first found you, terrified, lost, confused. You didn’t know what to do with yourself knowing that not only were they still alive, but a lot closer than you would have liked. 
“I know.” He replied, his hand holding onto yours, “You don’t have t’worry about that right now.” 
Even though you were able to find happiness in the apocalypse, tragedy never ceased to sneak up from behind every corner. And you guessed that it had become easy to forget that life had a cruel sense of humor. 
It always would.
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jellyjamheadobb · 3 days ago
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From @majorlikestoes !!!!
they drew my beloved Guajiro Cookie sooooo well!!! She’s so cute!! I literally love their style sm 😭 😭
also I’m adding lore here because I’ve realized I never did tell yall so shoving this down your throats 👇
I’m really bad at making coherent sentences so it’s more jumbled but here it is
Guajiro Cookie is the first daughter of Burning Spice and Nutmeg Tiger, being conceived around the time he became evil/a Beast Cookie. She was therefore raised by the hand of destruction, looking up to her father in awe of his ability to tear a kingdom with the swing of his weapon. Unfortunately, he wasn’t happy that his first child was a girl, having wanted a son to carry on his legacy (classic daddy issues, so original I know. Shut up /j)
Three years into her life, her younger brother Pasil Cookie (I changed his name from Spiced Coconut to Pasil, which I will be making adjustments to) came into their lives. Being the son Burning Spice wanted, he turned nearly all of his attention to his son, his heir
This made her work even harder to vie for his attention, training for as long as she could remember. Her most beloved memory was being gifted her very own weapon by her parents (cough cough mostly Nutmeg cough) her Morning Star (she affectionately calls it Spike)
Originally, she and her younger brother were close as kids, thick as thieves. It was rare to see them apart when they were little. As they grew up though, so did their views on their father. She continued to idolize Burning Spice, while Pasil grew to find his father’s looming influence of destruction to be distasteful. You could say that Pasil was more like Burning Spice before he became corrupted, wanting to see the good in people and believing in growing a kingdom, not tearing it down. Despite this, Burning Spice still believed that Pasil was the one who should be the next Leader. It didn’t bother Guajiro at first, hoping she could show her father that she was better fit for the role. But as time went on, a dark resentment festered and grew in her heart for her brother, despite not wanting to be so jealous and angry.
(now this is a bit off lore rails, but fuck it this is my story lol)
I’d like to believe that before Golden Cheese became an Ancient, she lived in the current kingdom that Burning Spice and the family ruled. Being the diva she is, she is constantly going against the will of the Spices, which often landed her in trouble.
Yadda yadda this part isn’t as well thought out but Pasil and Golden Cheese fall in love, and Golden Cheese tells him of her dream to become the next ruler, and how she would be a good queen. He begins to realize even more how bad Burning Spice’s leadership is, and decides to help her (they’re probably around mid to late teens for an immortal, so they’re pretty young or something)
Being as close and the siblings are, Pasil tells Guajiro about Golden Cheese and helping her find the relic
Guajiro doesn’t agree with the relationship between Pasil and Golden Cheese, but didn’t say anything to their parents about it. As the two got closer, she felt like she was losing her brother
more yadda yadda this is getting long Pasil aids the Ancients to fight the Beasts and seal them into the Tree in the Faerie Kingdom and fights Guajiro and after trying to save her (in which she refuses, calling him a traitor not only to the Beasts but to her) also gets her sealed
fast forward to current times Cookie world, she breaks free from the Tree around the same time as Shadow Milk did in the first two chapters of Beast Yeast. More things happen, eventually she turns good etc etc
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doctorsiren · 2 years ago
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“Sometimes when magicians vanish, they leave something behind
That’s how Trucy became Trucy Wright
my daughter. To be honest, I was pretty lost those first few days. Thinking back on it, it was a pretty dark time in my life. But Trucy
happy, smiling Trucy
she was my light.”
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moe-broey · 9 months ago
6/14 ‱ Day 6 ‱ Meet the Heroes
Princess Training?
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Decided to clean up this sketch! I wasn't entirely satisfied w it when I drew it, but eh... it's all I have LMFAOOO 🧍
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Some additional sketches! First one I was testing out/playing w casual outfits, second one I just really wanted to draw the active wear so I went w that LMFAO
Also made slight changes to CĂ©line's active wear palette, cause like.... they did her so dirty........
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Like even the canonish one doesn't follow canon, they just picked the worst palest yellow for her 😔
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hanafubukki · 9 months ago
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Wait wait wait omg?? Thank you!! đŸ„čđŸ„č💚💚💞💞💞 I’m so happy you like my works đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ©”đŸ©” ahhhh I’m just?? So happy??
Congrats on pulling for Lilia đŸ„łđŸ„łđŸ«¶đŸ«¶ so happy peepaw came home to you 👏👏
Me the whole time thinking about valentine gifts to Lilia:
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That smirrrkkk abdksjdjfbd
“You gulped hard at seeing that expression, out of all the time he has to make that face, does it really have to be now. You suddenly feel embarrassment creep up your face.”
God, I felt this. I felt this so much. Wbekwkdjdjeje
“When you are with me, It's like the world is painted in vibrant colors. Happy Valentines day, Lilia. I hope you like my gift for you."
Oh hello Prefect, can I date you instead?? What?? World becomes vibrant?? Yessss. That’s so sweet.
THEY RAN AWAY that is so me lmaoo đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
“Apparently, the mischievous bat has been bragging it to his sons”
HES BEEN BRAGGINF TO HIS SONS STOPPP đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł that’s so funny and cute

NOOOO They didn’t know?!? Noooo!! Now I’m getting second hand embarrassment. You know he’s going to tease for DAYSSSS AHHHH
Valentines Day gone wrong, ft. Lilia Vanrouge
Author's note: I feel like there's not much Lilia fic or I literally just read all them. Anyway, content for me to satiate my simping self because he came home 3x when I pulled for him on the stitch event banner. (This more like me trying to revive my passion in writing after moving on from my cringe writing phase.
If there were any word you would use to describe Lilia Vanrouge, a 3rd year from Diasomnia, he would be close to eccentric. His reactions to things were unpredictable, though that was the reason why your troubles has lessen this past few days. He would randomly appear randomly or sometimes when chaos was about to ensue between your first year friend. While you were anxious of the tension, Lilia just smiles, amuse at the situation and doesn't even seem bothered about it. Nevertheless, before he even leaves, he gives you advices, though some of it were questionable, parts of it we're pretty helpful when it comes to handling Grim and the Adeuce duo. And here you are troubled with another thing.
You've heard of a festivity celebrated here in Twisted Wonderland while Rook was busy rambling about Vil. It was called Valentines Day. You only have a pretty limited information about it, but all you knew is it's about giving gift as a form of gratitude. You already have gifts in mind to give to your friends, and since you have gotten pretty close to Lilia, you've been thinking of also giving him a gift.
Well, this shouldn't be hard at all. You know Lilia's love for sweets so you decided to pick a box of chocolate for him from Sam's shop. It was wrap neatly in a red cloth with a golden ribbon. Holding it close to your chest, you silently recite the words you'll tell him when you give this to him, but looks like you don't need to do that.
You almost smack yourself to the ground when Lilia appeared infront of you, hanging upside-down on a branch of a tree around campus. He laughs at your reaction, as usual, though it morphs into a smirk after seeing the parcel in your hand. You gulped hard at seeing that expression, out of all the time he has to make that face, does it really have to be now. You suddenly feel embarrassment creep up your face.
"Having trouble finding someone? I can help with that," He says before jumping down and properly facing you. "Or just uncertain about the gift? I have a lot of recipes in mind-"
Your mind turned into utter horror after hearing his next words. You've already heard of his infamous reputation so you already stop him. "No. I," You sighed.
"I was looking for you."
"Ohoho? May I inquire why?"
"This is for you," You handed him the gift as calmly as you could. His eyes slightly widen. Those crimson doe eyes look at you unblinking that it was almost adorable if it weren't for the fact that his face was morphing to that one every time he starts to tease you for something.
"This is my gratitude for last week, Lilia. If it weren't for you I would probably get another earful from the Headmaster. When you are with me, It's like the world is painted in vibrant colors. Happy Valentines day, Lilia. I hope you like my gift for you." You walk away from him before he could say another word. When he was already out of sight, you ran to your next class while covering your face. When you reach your seat, your friends huddled around you like bees. Seeing your flustered face, you were bombarded with questions about being sick.
"Im fine guys, really," you said, brushing off all of their words. Your friends however didn't believe the reassurance you gave them, but stop pestering you after Trein entered the room. It was only then that you notice how strong and fast your heartbeat was. You probably shouldn't have run that long earlier, under the heat of the sun.
Later that night, Malleus came to visit and he bluntly ask about the gift you have given Lilia. Apparently, the mischievous bat has been bragging it to his sons. You sighed, before remembering that you have also prepared a gift for him. You ask Malleus to stay outside for moment. When you handed him the gift, he was silent.
Malleus: Prefect tell me, do you really understand what this day means?
You then proceed to tell him what you know. Instantly, it clicks to Malleus and he laughs whole heartedly.
Safe to say, you tried to avoid Lilia for the whole week. (keyword: tried)
I dedicate my 2nd fic to @hanafubukki. Hi, I'm a big fan of you and Lilia ehe. Okay, but no way I'm reading this again. The idea was delicious, but after writing it, my perfectionist self just decide to possess me and now its cringe. Btw to all my readers, I hope you enjoy this.
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couldeatthatgirlforlunch · 7 months ago
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The Lost Condom
Synopsis: You were in the middle of a spicy time with your boyfriend, when something odd happened: the condom disappeared. Inside. Of. You.
The solution? Go to the hospital.
The problem? Your family didn't know about your relationship.
Pairing: Jon Kent X Gn!AFAB!Reader; Platonic!Batfam
Tw: 18+; Only mention and slight description of genitals and sex, but nothing too explicit; All characters are aged up of course; English isn't my 1st language.
Word count: 1,8k.
Requested? Nah.
Extra notes: This isn't an original idea of mine, it's based on a real life story someone told me. Also the family finding out scene was inspired by this fanfic from @dccomicsimagines and this scene from Megamind. Also, eventually I will work on the asks waiting for me I swear 😭
General masterlist
 You were in the middle of
 Having fun
 With your boyfriend
 When suddenly, he said something that really confused you.
— Hmm
 Where’s the condom? — Your head snapped back to look at him, since you were on all fours.
— Where's the ‘what’? — Your eyes were wide, unconsciously. Jon was blushing intensely, looking from your eyes to your entrance. He didn't know how to explain.
— I-I-I put it inside with the condom on, but now it's
 Gone! — You narrowed your eyes. You watched him wrap and then enter you, you didn't feel him pull out at any moment, and even if he did, why would he tell you that he pulled out, took the condom off and then put it inside again secretly while you were still going at it?
You were both silent for a few seconds.
— Search for it! — You practically yelled at him, making him scramble to get off of you. You laid with your back down and legs open, looking at the ceiling, trying to calm down and not feel embarrassed. You felt him entering you with his fingers and searching around for minutes, grumbling and getting frustrated. The sensation was good
 But you had bigger priorities at hand!
You huffed and changed positions a few times. A pillow underneath your butt, legs up, on all fours. Nothing worked. You even searched around the room and the bed, just to be sure. At some point, you both defeatedly decided it was best you go to the hospital.
The thing is, your relationship was still new, and no one in your family was aware. Lois and Clark already knew and approved, and you thought Cass suspected you were seeing someone, but you hadn't told them yet.
Especially Damian.
You and Jon knew each other years before Damian was even part of the family, since Bruce raised you since your birth — you were the product of one of his affairs, your biological mother didn't want to raise you, but she also didn't want to abort, so she and Bruce agreed that he would have you as soon as you were born — and he's best friend was Clark. Although, you didn't see each other much back then. It was after the Supersons became a team and besties that he started frequenting the manor more. You always had a childhood crush on each other — Jon thought you were beautiful and nice, and you thought he was cute and sweet, very different from the gross and rude boys from your school. —. Until you were each other's first kiss, then years later, first relationship, and first time. Of course, all in secret from Damian. The older family members only knew about your crush because of your physical language, but since you grew older and learned to hide, they assumed it was just a childish crush from the past.
Lois and Clark knew and approved, but they also always reminded you that you needed to tell Bruce soon, or at least Alfred, especially after you started being sexually active.
Unfortunately, the day came. Yes, you and Jon were old enough to have sex, but too young to be mature and brave enough to go to the hospital by yourselves. Lois was in another country for work, Clark was in the Watchtower in a League meeting, your dad was there too. Leaving the 2nd best option: Alfred — the best would be Lois, then Alfred, Clark, Cass, and then you would have to discuss which one of your other family members would it be.
Since you were in Metropolis — again, no one knew. More privacy wink wink —, Jon flew you back to Gotham, and you both almost cheered when you realized you were completely home alone, except for Alfred, of course.
Poor Alfred knew something was up when you suddenly were back from your “shopping trip”, with messy hair and clothes, red face and Superboy looking almost sick. He released a long sigh.
— Mx/Miss/Master (Y/N). Young Mr. Kent
 — You cleared your throat.
— Alfred
 We need help

After you explained everything, Alfred looked ten years older. He didn't comment on anything, but his face showed how unimpressed he was. He just gestured for you to follow him to the garage, took the keys and started driving.
— Let me warn Master Bruce while we are-
— NO! — You yelled, started. He looked at you through the rearview mirror disapprovingly.
— Should I remind you that he will see the hospital bill and go after the truth? — You bit your lip.
— No, I know that. Just
 Can't we pay on cash? — You smiled at him hopefully and nervously, but it was more like a grimace. Alfred was silent. You groaned. — I will tell him okay! Tonight! — Jon’s eyes snapped to yours, wide. — Relax! You're not gonna die!
— Yeah, until Damian whips out a kryptonite sword
 — He groaned, hiding his burning face in your neck. You huffed, now wasn't time for him to be adorable.
— He doesn't have a kryptonite sword. Dad didn't let him do it. He would have to build it first. That would give him enough time to calm down. — Jon looked at you, indignant. Alfred cleared his throat.
— While we're there, I can't make any promises that if your father asks, I will hide the truth. He will know. — You and your boyfriend groaned, rubbing your faces with your hands.
— Yes, Alfred, I know

Two hours later, you were finally laid down in position for the doctor to begin the procedure. Since if wasn't anything serious, you were on the emergency and there was only a curtain separating you from the rest of the patients outside. Alfred was sitting just outside, waiting, while Jon was standing by your side, holding your hand, as if you were about to give birth. The doctor was amused by your story, and her jokes helped you calm down.
She searched around you for a few minutes, the instrument she was using inside you being a little uncomfortable. Jon was silently horrified when he saw, you were startled too, but maintained the composure.
— AHA! Found it! It was really deep inside, almost on your cervix! — When she pulled out the condom, you both let out a breath of relief you didn't know you were holding.
You quickly put your clothes on again, you and Jon chatting as everything seemed lighter, and then left.
What you didn't know was that when Bruce got home and you and Alfred weren't there, it made him call, finding out just that you were in the hospital. Alfred refused to say much more than reassure him that it wasn't urgent and that he would soon know, thus he didn't have to crazily drive all the way there. That didn't stop him from alerting all your siblings.
When you got home, your whole family was there.
— Jon?! What're you doing here? — Alfred kept a straight face. Wow, he really wasn't going to help.
— Hmmm... — Jon subtly and subconsciously hid behind you. You shifted from one foot to another. Damian got up with a threatening scowl. You just came from the hospital. With a kryptonian.
— Kent! If you hurt my sibling I will-
— I didn't! — Jon almost yelled, then covered his face with his hands.
— Then, what is happenning here? — Bruce got up with a raised brow, analyzing the situation.
You thought for a moment. You either told them now and made things easier, or you spent all the way to dinner with them bothering you to tell. You could take it, Jon couldn't.
You took a deep breath.
— JonandIwerehavingsexwhenthecondomdisappearedinsideofmewecouldn'tfinditanywheresoweaskedAlfredforhelpandwenttothehospital.
They blinked.
You huffed.
— Jon and I were having sex, when the condom disappeared inside of me. We couldn't find it anywhere, so we asked Alfred for help and went to the hospital. — You said, slower this time, although uma lower, more abashed tone.
 It was stuck inside? Weren't you wet, though
? — Tim's analysis broke the silence.
— SEX?! — Dick and Jason exclaimed.
— Knew it. — Cass smiled and nodded, proud of herself.
Bruce heaved a sigh and sat down again.
— I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS! — Damian threw Tim's coffee mug in your direction and Jon zoomed in front of you. The mug broke. Jon had a sheepish expression.
— Tim, go grab kryptonite. — Jason ordered and got up, walking toward the hidden compartment in the shelf where he kept his guns. Dick held him back while Damian threw a flower vase at Jon.
— No! Don't do that, Tim. — Dick ordered back. Tim shook his head.
— I wasn't going to anyway
 — He mumbled. Damian threw the center table.
— I'm sure civilized conversations don't involve breaking the forniture. — Alfred shot a pointed look at Bruce. — Master Bruce! Say something! — Your dad just kept gazing at you and your boyfriend.
Cass sighed, stepping toward Bruce and sitting beside him.
— (Y/N)’s happy. He’s good. They're careful. — Bruce nodded, finally showing some reaction and looking pleased. Jason stopped struggling against Dick and looked at you.
— I don't care. I'm going to kill him. — Damian growled, starting to pace around the room in anger. Jon silently sighed in relief that Damian kept his distance by being on the other side of the room, the couch and the whole family serving as a barrier. You stepped forward.
— It's not casual. We've been together for almost two months now. — Everyone but Alfred and Cass gasped. Damian burned holes in Jon’s head with his eyes and your dad looked at you, masking his mix of emotions.
Cass tsk.
— So clueless. Many signs. — She shook her head.
— (Y/N), why didn't you tell us before? — Dick asked carefully, walking in your direction and stopping in front of you. Jon fiddled behind you. You shrugged.
— Didn't want to deal with you all while we were just starting things. Especially if it didn't work out.
— When were you planning to tell us? — You pouted.
— I don't know
 In a month or two? You guys probably would find out by yourselves. — You shrugged.
— You've been sneaking out a lot
 — Tim spoke up for the second time, catching everyone’s attention. He was fiddling with his laptop, likely doing his own investigation. The ones closest to Tim looked from the monitor to you again.
— When did you go to Metropolis?! — Jason exclaimed, indignantly.
— Hehe

Damian growled.
— So that's why you've been ditching me?! — Damian pointed a finger at Jon, who scratched the back of his head.
— Surprise...? — Jon weakly sang the word.
Bruce cleared his throat.
— So that's why Clark’s been acting like he was happy he knew something I didn't
 — He got up and pointed at you. — No more sneaking out. Ask permission before going anywhere. — You opened your mouth to protest, but he stopped you. — Either that or you're grounded. — You pursed your lips and nodded in defeat. — Now we will talk about birth control

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DC Taglist:
@wandalfnation @vadersassistant @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @hxsun4 @silverklaus @toast-on-dandelioms @bluewillbon
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joonjuul · 12 days ago
hii im the same person who said i refresh ur page everyday idk if u remember 😭 idk if this is something u would be into doing but a req id love to see is like maybe kidnapped.. stockholm syndrome dom!(whoever) x sub!reader i think itd be so cute and i love ur writing so much <3 pls lmk if this is too much i can req smth else..
bound2. jjk
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pairing: kidnapper!jk x victim!reader
wc: 5.4k
warnings: obsessive!jk, possessive!jk, soft&harddom!jk (he’s a little bit of both), slightlysadistic!jk, sub!reader, desperate!reader, they’re both down bad, kidnapping, oc sleeps in a grungy basement, slight choking, slight manipulation, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up), creampie, oral (f receiving), jk is a munch, overstimulation (f receiving), pet names, (pls lmk if i missed anything!)
a/n: tysm anon for requesting !!! i love this idea so i hope i did okay executing it for you !!! this was a hot mess to write but god am i a mess rn after writing it phew, PREPARE YOURSELVES
he was a good man, that was what he told himself when he looked in the mirror each morning.  he was protecting you, loving you, providing you with all the attention and care you deserved.
or at least that’s what he thought.
it’s been two years now, but things felt different.  when jungkook first saw you, he was intrigued, almost as if it was love at first sight.  you were at home, spending time in your garden as you often did in the spring, and he happened to be driving by.
everything about you was special, unlike any other.  the way your hair carefully trailed over your shoulders, your perfectly smooth skin.  he had never seen a woman quite like you, and he needed to know more.
each day he found a way to get closer to you, whether that be by finding out which grocery stores you shop at, or sitting beside you on the train.  never once did you notice that his face became slightly more familiar with each ‘coincidental’ bump into each other.
it wasn’t until the day he spoke to you did he realize that you needed to be his.  girls didn’t smile at him, nevermind speak to him so kindly and softly.  it was so simple, yet it changed the course of both of your lives completely.
but it’s been two years now.
it was scary at first, being away from home, unsure of whether or not you’d survive, but he cared about you.  he always made sure to feed you, bring you water, spend time with you.  and with each passing day you only became closer, and closer.
and when he wasn’t around, you started to notice a strange feeling inside of you — almost like a sense of anxiety.
it was almost like after all this time, there was a sort of attention he gave to you that you subconsciously craved, it was like you couldn’t live without it, and as strange as it was, it didn’t feel wrong.  after all, jungkook was a good man.  he never laid a hand on you, nor touched you without your consent, in fact he rarely touched you at all unless you initiated it.  it was like after all this time, you knew that he could be trusted, and that he simply cared about you in ways that were different from others.  in some ways, his love was beautiful.
“y/n?” you heard the softness of his voice as he opened the door to your room, the warmth of the main house seeping into the surrounding concrete as he shut the door behind him and approached your fragile frame.
you turned to face him, eyes lighting up as your gaze fell to his hands, carefully holding a small box perfectly wrapped and topped with a bow.
“kookie!  what’s this?” you lunge forward to grab the box only to watch his hands quickly retreat.
“ah ah ah!  not so fast, little one.  now tell me, do you know what today is?” he softly falls down to your level, his knees meeting the cold floor as he watches you rearrange your stance on the flimsy mattress.
you nod your head excitedly, “it’s been two years!  i marked it on my calendar every day!” your eyes flick to the small calendar taped to the wall, each day crossed off with a blue crayon as they were the only objects he let you have when you first arrived.
“yes that’s right, baby!  happy anniversary!” he extends his hands to you and watches as you excitedly grab the box, peeling the paper off quickly until you’re met with what seems to be a box made for jewelry.
“listen, before you open it any further.  i want you to know that i think you’re ready for this.  i feel like we’re strong enough, and i think you’ve finally come to your senses about what’s good for you and what’s not, yes?” his tone is gentle, but you can feel the seriousness through his voice as you look up at him.  the way his brows furrowed tightly together made you nervous.  he’s never gotten you a present so formally before.
your fingers fumble with the box briefly until you’re able to lift the top.  your eyes widen as your heart pauses in your chest briefly, your breath immediately becoming shallow.
“what is this?” your voice is shaky as you wrap your hand around the small metal object.  it was certainly a metaphor, or maybe even a bluff, he couldn’t be serious.
“your freedom, if you so choose, darling.” he smiles at you reassuringly before tucking a hair behind your ear.  you tighten your grip on the key, realizing now how serious this truly is.
he was letting you go?
“i don’t understand, kook.”
he lets out a small sigh before sitting on the mattress beside you.
“i think you’re ready to choose whether or not you want to stay.  you know now how much i love you, how well i’d take care of you, adore you, in any way i possibly can.  you have me wrapped around your finger, sweetheart, but i no longer feel obligated to keep you wrapped around mine if it’s not what you want.” he places gentle pats on the back of your head as he speaks, the small smile on his face reminding you that he’s being truthful, yet still you were unsure.
“do you not
 want me anymore?”
his eyes widen at your question as he uses his hand on your head to pull you against his chest.
“of course i do, baby.  this is something i’ve been thinking about for a while, i wanted to simply show you how much i love you, never bring any harm to you.  sure i may have became a little overzealous, but at the end of the day, i want you to be safe and happy.  if that’s with me, you can come upstairs and join me the way you deserve.  if not, i’ll let you go.” you pull away from his chest, cheeks feeling warmer than before as you listen to his words.
you missed your home, your family, your life.  but you knew if you left, you’d miss him even more.  your body was screaming at you to run, use the key and finally escape, but your heart was begging you to stay.
your eyes flicker between his for a moment.  you’d never even seen the rest of his house.  what if it was cozier than yours?  what if it was better than home?  he did take awfully good care of you, and you were beginning to enjoy his company, his endless affection.
you gripped the key tighter momentarily before holding it back out to him, placing it gently in his palm without a word.
he looks at you, his eyes filled with surprise as he wraps a hand around yours.
“are you sure?” his voice is soft, laying over you almost like silk as you carefully nod your head in return.
“i’m sure.  i want to stay.  i want to be with you.” you watch as his eyes light up, his reassuring smile now turning into a huge grin as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him tightly.  his breath is warm against your neck as he inhales your scent in deeply, his fingers tightening against your waist before letting you go completely.
“i knew you were the one, the second i laid eyes on you.” he brings his hands up to the sides of your face, cupping it gently, the feeling of his hands against your cheeks making your stomach flutter.  if there was one thing about jungkook, it was that he was a gentleman.  within the two years you’d been ‘held captive’, he never once made any advances towards you.  you’d be lying if you said you didn’t wish he would at times — the nights where you find yourself with your hands between your thighs, imagining what it would feel like to have him there instead, what his perfectly tattooed arms would look like on either side of your head, or his skilled fingers inside of you.  even the slightest touch from him could drive you into a frenzy, especially since the last time you’d been with a man was well over three years now.
you quickly shake the thoughts from your mind and send him a gentle smile, feeling him engulf a hand within yours as he walks you to the door of your bedroom.
“are you ready, sweetheart?” he turns back and looks at you carefully, examining your expression for any signs of discomfort or uncertainty, but there was none.  he was your person now, it just took you being kidnapped to realize it was him all along.
“i’m ready.”
you follow behind him, practically stepping on his feet with excitement as he travels throughout the house, letting you look at every nook and cranny you wanted, before you finally landed on his bedroom.
“this is my room, our room, darling.” he opens the door carefully, allowing you to enter freely as you slowly walk in.  it was simple, yet dark.  the walls were painted black, bed littered with blankets and various instruments scattered throughout the room.
you approach a guitar leaning against the wall, leaning down to examine the stickers plastered on the wood.
“do you play?” you ask, your voice gentle as you trace the pads of your fingers against the strings.
“sometimes.  not as much anymore.” he takes a seat on the bed behind you, watching you carefully.  he’d never seen you so intrigued in something before, not something related to him, it was almost vulnerable.
“why’d you stop?” you turn your head slightly, landing on his built figure sitting on the bed calmly.
he shrugs, leaning forward so his arms were resting on his knees.  “something came up.” he smirks, and you can feel your cheeks blush at the thought of him putting his life on hold to take care of you.
you stand up, approaching the edge of the bed and sitting beside him.
“kook, can i ask you something?” your eyes are wide as you face him, somehow still filled with innocence and he can feel his dick twitch at the sight of you sitting so politely on his bed, what would now be both of yours.
“of course, darling.”
you gulp slightly, subconsciously fidgeting with your fingers as you build up the courage to talk to him in what feels like such an intimate setting.  it was different like this, without the safety of your concrete bedroom.
“how much of your life did you put on hold for me?”
jungkook chuckles slightly at your question, but tries to respond as best as he can.  “well, most of it, baby.  i still work obviously, but you’re kinda time consuming.”
“do you have like
“i have you.” he reaches up and tucks a hair behind your ear as he speak, causing another wave of butterflies to rush through your stomach.
you pause for a moment, gaining a little bit more courage as you speak again.
“do you have like, girl friends?”
jungkook quirks a brow at your question.  “what are you getting at, baby?”
you continue to fidget slightly as you speak.  “well you must’ve
 dated girls, right?  i don’t know you don’t talk about stuff like that.”
jungkook smiles at you, admiring your cuteness, “i’ve dated women, yes.  but none like you.  and none since i met you.”
“did you
 do this with them too?”
his cheeks flush at your question, slightly embarrassed at the situation he got himself in by meeting you.
“no, you’re the only one.  and honestly, i didn’t really plan for it.  i just had to have you.” his voice is laced with desperation as he speaks, recalling the moments leading up to your kidnapping.  he knew there was no avoiding how you made him feel, it was like his desire for you overpowered every moral and every fiber in his body.
“why are you asking all this, love?” his voice is soft as he places a finger under your chin, lifting your face to his level.
“i don’t know.  it’s just— it’s hard to explain— when you’re down there— i don’t know— sometimes i get—“
you feel a heat rise between your legs at his voice, the words falling past his lips, the closeness of his skin, all of it.  you’re only able to send a small nod to him in response.
“i know, i understand.”
your eyebrows furrow together, “you do?”
“well you didn’t think i would leave you in that room completely unattended, did you?  i gotta keep an eye on my girl.” you feel a sense of confusion wash over you at his words, until it’s followed by a wave of realization.
all those times you laid atop your blankets, fingers between your legs, forehead covered with a sheen of sweat, moaning out
 moaning out for him.
you feel your cheeks flush as you pull away from his touch in embarrassment, causing him to chuckle slightly, moving closer to you in response.
“don’t be embarrassed, baby.  it’s normal, i mean you were down there for so long, you had to do something to keep yourself busy, hmm?”
“why didn’t you tell me?  why didn’t you
 help me?” the twiddling of your fingers has intensified now, your skin practically burning up as you avoid his gaze.
jungkook smiles at you, even if you didn’t see it, and takes your fumbling hands in his reassuringly.
“because i knew you’d stop.  i wouldn’t take away the only thing you could do to keep yourself satisfied.  and i didn’t want to touch you until you were ready, until you asked for it.” as comforting as his words were, knowing that he cared about you enough to respect your boundaries, you wanted to scream at him.  all those nights that you were writhing in desperation, and he was simply watching upstairs?
he watches as your eyes dart aggressively, your mind wandering and he taps your hands gently, pulling them closer to him.
“hey.  i know it doesn’t feel like it, but you’re in control.  you always have been.  trust me, it was hard for me too.”
“how did you do it?  how did you not come in?” jungkook remembers every time like it was engraved in his mind.  he always checked up on you throughout the day, he had motion alert notifications, and the first time he saw it, he almost went breaking down your door.  he never missed an alert after that.  every time you were moaning downstairs, he was moaning upstairs.  the thought of you both gaining pleasure from each other, at the same time, without the other knowing drove him more wild than the fact that he wasn’t the one being able to satisfy you.  but jungkook was a patient man, he never wanted to rush you nor make you feel pressured into doing something you didn’t want to.  he knew when the time was right, you’d be begging for him the same way he begged the universe to let you fall into his life.
“good self-control?” he responds carefully, gauging your reaction as your face contorts with confusion.
he places another hand under your chin, gripping it slightly and holding it to face him.
“i didn’t want it to be like that.  you deserve more.  you deserve all of me, all i have to offer, and that definitely isn’t it.” he speaks again.  you were unable to distinguish your emotions.  why did your body crave him so bad?  crave his comfort, his validation?  you constantly ached for his touch, his attention — it felt almost sinful.
“i want all of you, kook.  i have for a very long time.” you place your hands on his chest for what might be the first time ever.  his shirt tight against his muscles, you wanted to roam every inch.
he lets out a groan, your words and touch making his pants tighten.  he didn’t lie when he said he hadn’t been with anyone since long before he met you.
“you don’t know what you’re asking, baby.” his voice is strained, his hands falling to his sides as he pulls away from your touch.
“tell me you don’t want me, and i’ll stop.” your hands begin to travel, running over his taught muscles, down to his stomach.  every inch of skin untouched, the tension only growing thicker with each passing second.
“if i start i won’t be able to stop.” his restraint was frustrating, but it only made you want him more.  your hands continue to fall before landing on the waistband.  he tosses his head back quickly before grabbing your hands.
“then don’t.  you don’t have to be gentle with me, i don’t want gentle.” you lean forward, your face only inches away from his as you wait for him to release your hands, to allow you to finally become one.
“you don’t have to hold back anymore.” your voice is nearly a whisper as you slowly close the distance between the two of you, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.  you pull back briefly, eyes scanning his carefully before you feel him release your hands, bringing his up to your face before pulling you into him — your lips meeting passionately.
he was consuming, his lips feverishly fighting against yours as his hands fall to your waist, pulling you closer towards him.  everything about him was hot, his skin, his mouth, his breath, it was all too much, especially after so long.
he brings a hand around your neck, gripping it slightly before pulling you off him.
“i tried to be patient.  i tried to be good.  but you?  you don’t want good, do you?” his voice is low as he uses his hold on your throat to push you against the bed, your back meeting the soft mattress gracefully as you watch him bring his hands to the neckline of his shirt, pulling it over his shoulders swiftly.
he was
the tattoos scattered perfectly along his arm, his sensually toned stomach, the shaggy hair sat atop his head — he was indescribable.
he smirked playfully and leaned down above you, ducking into the crook of your neck to place gentle kisses on your skin.  you could feel yourself go red, a heat overwhelming your body from your face to your core.
“i need to feel you, taste you, make you mine in every way possible.” his voice is husky, but barely a whisper as his mouth travels down to your collar bone, his hands easily finding the hem of your shirt to tug it over your head quickly.
“so beautiful.” he breaths, his mouth latching onto any piece of skin he can find, his hands roaming your body skillfully as your eyes wire shut, your panting and whining the only sounds filling the room.  he made you wait so long, how could you possibly contain yourself now?
“kook, i can’t — think
“then don’t.  just let go.  i’ve got you.” he brings his hands to the waistband of your pants, carefully bringing them down almost as if he could break you, a deep contrast to his roughness before.  your mind is completely lost, totally consumed in his every movement that you don’t even realize his gaze fixated on your core.
“fuck, baby.  you’re soaked.” he falls between your legs, his grip on your knees spreading you apart even further as he inhales your scent, watching as your body quivers.  he runs his hands along your legs, a small attempt to soothe you as he drops his face eye level to your core.
“shh, i know, baby.  it’s a lot, isn’t it?  but you can take it.” he places a small kiss on your clit and watches your body jolt in response, a small grin appearing on his lips as he realizes just how sensitive you really are, his hands falling to your waist to hold you down as he licks a stripe up your core.
you’re unable to contain the moan that escapes your throat as your hips buck up involuntarily, his hold barely doing anything to keep you in place.
“look at you—so sensitive, so perfect for me.  you can take it, right baby?” his eyes meet yours for a moment, your chest heaving as you nod in response, your hands falling to his hair as you grip it tightly, admiring his cheeky grin before his face disappears between your thighs, his mouth immediately latching onto your core.
“ooh—fuck.” you moan out, his hands fighting against your hips as you attempt to grind against his tongue freely.  every lick sending shots through your body as your mind begins to spiral.
it made you drunk—he made you drunk.  it was like you could feel every bump on his tongue, the pressure of his finger tips in your sides, the feeling of his soft hair twisted between your knuckles.  it was perfection, and you were wasted on him.
you can feel yourself begin to melt into him, his tongue endlessly working on your core, slipping between your clit to your center as his grip on your sides loosen as he feels you begin to relax.
“k-kook—fuck—please.” you mumble nonsense, the feeling of his hand gliding from your side to your stomach as he presses down gently making you almost dizzy, his mouth never once fumbling as he keeps up a persistent pace, your movements now less rutty and more intense as you ride his face softly.
your legs begin to tense, a coil in your stomach building as you clench around his head tightly, causing him to gently pry your knees apart as he pulls away from you, his chin dripping with your juices as he wipes it with the back of his hand.
“that’s my girl.” he coos, his hands landing on his boxers as he begins to peel them off.  “you’re doing so good for me
 think you can take a little more?” his question rings aimlessly through your head as you watch his cock spring free, the tip red and angry as it leaks precum.
he was big.  i mean you hadn’t been with anyone in a long time so you didn’t have much to compare him to, but he was certainly bigger than you were used to.
jungkook notices your hesitation and leans down, his lips meeting yours in an intimate kiss, your mouths moving together skillfully before he pulls away.  his eyes are soft, almost reassuring as you feel the head of his cock press softly between your legs.
“look at me, baby.  i need to hear you.” he nudges your chin with his finger to redirect you.
your body is humming, on edge, oversensitive yet somehow you still crave more.  it’s like he could never give you too much, you just want him completely and fully, whether it hurts or not.
“i don’t know if i can take it all.” your voice is shallow as you feel a sense of shyness take over, your nervousness getting the best of you.
he smirks darkly and brings his tattooed hand up to your face, soothing the stickiness of your skin with his simple touch.
“my sweet girl, i’d never give you more than you can take.  i’ve got you, baby.  just let go.” his voice is sweet, the sound almost sending you into coma as you feel the head of his cock nudging at your core.  his hands carefully fall to either side of your head, his mouth dipped into the crook of your neck as he peppers gentle kisses on your hot skin, the dull burning in your core barely noticeable behind the mindless praises he whispers into your ear.
“that’s it, baby.”
“so perfect for me.”
“fuck—you’re so tight.”
“just a little bit more, sweetheart.” 
before you’re able to fully respond or digest his words, he’s already bottomed out.  his forehead buried in your neck as his breath is unsteady.  he’s practically panting as his hips stall, the silence filling the room as he tries to regain his composure.
“kook—“ you whine, wiggling your hips slightly until he quickly brings his hands down to hold you in place.
“fuck—i need a second, baby.  don’t move.” his voice is laced with desperation and tiredness as his cock twitches inside you, making your stomach nearly flip.
your movements become restless now, your body fighting against his hold as you beg for some sort of friction.
 i need to feel you.” your voice is a whimper as your breath quickens.
“stop fucking moving, or i’ll take my dick out of you.” he snaps, his tone no longer a warning as you fight the urge to grind up into him.  you’d never seen him so mad before, and it was only making you want him more.
your body trembles as you fight the urge to hold still, your hips shifting involuntarily as hushed whimpers fall from your lips.  you wanted so bad to be good for him.
“kook—please.” you beg.  he lifts his face to meet yours, his eyes hooded and low as he sees how fucked out you look, he wanted nothing more than to destroy you right then and there.
“if you don’t stop, i’ll take you how i want you, right now.” he shoots you a glare, but it’s not one of dominance, but rather a warning, one of his slipping self control.
“i don’t care
 take me, just please don’t make me wait.” you beg, and with one last rut of your hips, he’s pushing you deliberately further into the bed as he pulls his hips back and begins a rough pace on your cunt.
the speed takes you by surprise as you double over, your arms instinctively gripping his back as your nails drip down his skin, his cock prodding the lower half of your stomach with his length.
“you just don’t know how to shut that pretty little mouth of yours, do you?” he grunts, the feeling of your nails in his back only spurring him on more as he continues his tireless pace.
“oh-fuck-jungkook.” the feeling of his cock stretching you completely is nearly painful, it’s like he was punishing you, the roughness of his thrusts sending shockwaves through your body.
“this is what you wanted, isn’t it?  you wanted me to lose control, to fuck you like this.” he wraps an arm under your knee as he pushes it against your chest, the new position sending your head spinning as his cock drills directly against your g-spot.
“t-too much, kook—“
“aww my pretty baby.  you were practically begging me to fuck you like this, and now you can’t take it?” his tone mocks you, mocks your state and your eyes widen as you feel him begin to slow his hips.
“come on, i want to hear you beg for it again.  you wanted it hard, remember?” he smirks down at you as his hips nearly come to a complete stop.
you’re now a whimpering mess, your lower body squirming as you whimper out to him.
“what is it baby, hmm?  do you want more or not?” he leans down, his head in the crook of your neck again as he breathes out, his cock slowly stretching your walls as he awaits your response.
“ugh—kook.  please.” he smiles into your skin as he hears you fall back into a vulnerable state, losing any sense of control you thought you might have as he begins to pick up his pace again, moving your legs to wrap around his waist as he rolls his hips up into you sensually.
“such a whiny little brat.  is this better for my baby?” his voice is deep, the raspiness of it sending a shiver down your spine as your body naturally meets his movements, the two of you moving perfectly in sync as he molds into you, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly.
every thrust, every roll of his hips, random kiss on your neck or whisper into your ear, it was all deliberate.  it was like he knew your body perfectly without ever touching it, like he knew exactly what buttons to press that made you want to claw the skin off his back, and it wasn’t long before you felt the coil in your stomach return.
your moans are falling freely now, your grip on his shoulders tightening as you find anything to ground you, but your mind was completely lost in the moment, spinning nearly a million miles an hour, and it wasn’t long before jungkook noticed your dilemma.
“that’s it, just like that
 you’re close, aren’t you, baby?” he rasps into your ear, his kisses falling down to your collarbone as he brings his hands up to your head, soothingly pushing the hair out from your face, and it only made the coil in your stomach tighten more.
you were a moaning mess, everything falling freely from your lips without any sense of reasoning.
“look at you, so desperate for it.” he speaks carefully, pulling away from your chest.  he brings a hand to the back of your head before pulling you into an intense kiss, his hips still holding their pace perfectly as you finally topple over the edge, your body convulsing around him as your legs shake relentlessly, causing him to bring his other hand to the legs around his waist to stabilize them quickly.
before you’re able to fully grasp how hard you came, you feel him gently lay your head back down before bringing his body up above you, admiring the mess between your thighs as his pace begins to get rougher again.
“you have no fucking idea how good you feel, do you?” he feels his balls twitch at the sight of your legs, covered in a mixture of your juices, shaking relentlessly as you try desperately to recover from your high, blissfully unaware of his quickening pace.
“ahh-kook.” you squeal, your mind finally returning as you feel his cock nudge your already sensitive g-spot with every thrust.
he leans down once more, gripping your hands in his as he brings them over your head to hold you in place, your body fighting involuntarily from the dull pain building inside of you.
“fuck, i don’t want to hurt you baby, but i need you so bad
 just hold out a little longer.” his thrusts are messy as he feels himself begin to reach his high as well, the tightening of your cunt only making it harder for him.
“i can’t—too much.” you squeal out, your arms wiggling harshly in an attempt to escape his hold, but it’s no use, not when he’s so close, not when you feel so good.
he feels his cock twitch at your resistance, a sadistic side of him brewing, one that he’s fought to keep hidden.
he stifles a groan, his head dipping down as he fucks into you rougher.
“fuck—please don’t beg, you’ll just make it harder.” 
his hips are now at an inhumane pace, your body going completely numb as his cock drills into you relentlessly.  it seems like it’ll never end, your cunt only getting tighter with each thrust as every nerve inside of you begins to tense.
“fuck—close baby.” he barely whispers before you feel his hips bottom out inside of you, his cum filling you up completely as it seeps into your walls with ease.
he ducks his head down, catching his breath for a moment before realizing the intensity of the situation.  he brings his hand down to his cock and pulls it out carefully, trying his best not to fixate on how perfect your cunt looked when it’s pulsing red and spitting out his cum.
he quickly addresses the state of your body, shaking under his touch as he wraps an arm around your back and pulls you close to him.
“you did so well, baby.  are you okay?” the gentleness of his voice pulls you back to reality and you find yourself quickly falling into his arms, his touch consuming you indefinitely. 
you nod against his chest, your frame feeling slightly more fragile than normal as he swiftly picks you up and carries you to the bathroom, cleaning you as best as he can.
“my sweet girl, you’re mine, you’re safe.” he coos, peppering affectionate kisses and touches on your skin with every piece he cleans.
it was like you were meeting him all over again, a different side of him that you had yet to experience.  even if it was scary at first, you knew that you couldn’t live without him, even if you wanted to.  you were his whether you liked it or not.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 5 days ago
no one has said anything to me about this yet so i'm coming out and saying it myself
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IGNIHYDE DUO (trio) REALLY WERE BOOK 7 MVPS. HOLY CRAP 😭 Of course, that's not to talk down the contributions of the other characters (like damn, did Silver's UM come in clutch, and everyone had their own moments) but!! Right now, there's already a lot of talk about Diasomnia--for good reason, it's their book--so I want to give Ignihyde their stars too.
Like Silver said at the party, none of this would be possible without them and help from S.T.Y.X.! It was Ortho's very nature of being a robot that allowed him a loophole to reach out to Idia and navigate the dreams. Otherwise, Silver would be dream hopping randomly and it would take so much longer to invite all the relevant people. Ortho also helps S.T.Y.X. gather data about the current situation on Sage's Island. And--MAY I ADD????--at one point, Ortho was confronted by THE Malleus Draconia, who threatened to end him on the spot with lightning (which, may I remind you, is something Ortho's official profile states he dislikes). Not only that, but to be brave enough to believe in his brother not rejecting him in favor of a reality in which OG!Ortho never died... ORTHO'S BITE SIZED BUT HE'S SO BRAVE
Then Idia????? He provided a ton of useful support. Making that cheat tool, summoning everyone, coding in all those hacks, explaining what's going on in a way that's easy to digest (and that video????), TELLING MALLEUS TO HIS FACE HE'S TURNING INTO THE RULER OF EVIL... Rushing in to send the sword flying at Malleus when Silver dropped it??????? And can we talk about how he's so pathetically out of shape but pushes himself to sprint to the meeting point anyway?! HIS MOMENT ON THE MAGICAL WHEEL???!??!?!?????? 💀 (otaku) PRINCE RIDING IN ON A (mechanical) HORSE
Let's not forget OG!Ortho too!! He may exist only as an entity in Idia's dream space, but it's so clear he's important too. Maybe not as a physical force, but definitely as emotional support OTL OG!Ortho being so friendly with Idia but then deciding to stand in his way as a "final boss" to test Idia's resolve??? Him sending Idia off by telling him "the entire world is waiting for you", not genuinely wanting to trap him in the cold, dark Underworld... His reappearance in the Ignihyde battle map against Malleus??? POLITELY GREETING MALLEUS AND THEN CASUALLY COMPLIMENTING ORTHO ON HIS NEW GEAR??? I can't with this cuteness đŸ€Ą AND THE WAY ALL THREE OF THEM CALL EACH OTHER BROTHERS...
 Dreams do come true after all, fellas ❀
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leclercwriting · 8 months ago
leo leclerc | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
you and charles get a dog together and you come out as a couple
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liked by francisca.cgomes, yourbff1 and 12,547 others
caption: find yourself a man who buys you a dog xx
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francisca.cgomes: when is my time :(
y/n.user: @ pierregasly buy her a dog!
pierregasly: on it
yourbff1: omg he's grown so muuch. I remember him as a little babyy
y/n.user: yeaah:(( i miss my little doggie. now he's a crazy dog, and he barks all the time
user83: what is his name?
f1fanpage: I heard that his name is leo or something like that. But she never said it publicly
user93: she's getting princess treatment. I need to find a man like this
landonorris: I want to take photos of your new family member
y/n.user: hmm he's pretty photogenic so that's not gonna be a problem
f1gossip: there's no way that they're dating lol
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liked by y/n.user, pierregasly and 345,738 others
caption: my babies. the leclerc family
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y/n.user: ugh I look so bad in the first photo
charles_leclerc: but leo looks cute
y/n.user: I hate you. if you don't want me to post you playing football, then you should consider how you're going to apologise
maxverstappen1: I fear that she ate him up
user34: max?!
user94: I want what they have
francisca.cgomes: can you fight charles?
charles_leclerc: I mean maybe, why?
francisca.cgomes: I want your gf and dog
pierregasly: I'm gonna buy you that dog kika. just wait, no need for violence
user85: can we talk about how they haven't publicly said the dog's name? does anyone know what he's called?! :((
y/n.user: his name is leo leclerc xx
user93: omg I love that name!!
charles_leclerc: she picked it and I love it too
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 233,485 others
caption: i enjoyed the summer break with the loves of my life. we took leo to the trainer so he doesn't bark at people randomly, lol. anyway, I'm announcing that pierre finally bought kika dog!! his name is simba. yall wait for puppy dates xx
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charles_leclerc: I love you mon amour
y/n.user: love you more ❀
maxverstappen1: Ugh, too much
user83: max is secretly a shipper of them. I'm just saying
maxverstappen1: naah. I just love the dog
francisca.cgomes: simba can't wait to meet leo
charles_leclerc: and leo can't wait to meet simba
y/n.user: simba is so cutee and small
user838: we NEED to see simba and leo content. Also ROSCOE
y/n.user: I already texted lewis and he said that next time in the paddock leo and Roscoe can see each other
charles_leclerc: ferrari dogs
charles_leclerc and lewishamilton
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liked by y/n.user, landonorris and 987,939 others
caption: next years ferrari duo. dog dads
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y/n.user: they are so cute. Leo is having his ADHD moment while roscoe is chilling 😭
lewishamilton: roscoe is like a dog grandpa compared to leo
maxverstappen1: i love roscoe
user84: max is so random lol
landonorris: I need to tell oscar to buy a dog so we can have mclaren duo dogs
charles_leclerc: lando, you stick to your goldfish
oscarpiastri: he had a goldfish..
user29: I love how random the comments are. since y/n became a wag every f1 driver is in hers and charles' comments
user49: we love the ferrari duo!
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buntanteen · 7 months ago
bestie fwb!mingyu headcanons (nsfw)
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summary: kim mingyu and reader's bestie fwb dynamic headcanons :3
contains: 18+ nsfw writing so mdni!! implications that reader is smaller than gyu
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
bestie!minyu who is just a poor puppy not catching a break from anyone 😔 especially from you lmao. you're one of his biggest supporters but also biggest teasers. post-concert, you'll be imitating how he's trying to make carats swoon with his charms (the both of you know how proud you are of him <3 you just love seeing him pouty) 
bestie!mingyu who lets you use his chest as a stress balls. you once said "honk honk" while squeezing them and got your mingyu tiddies card revoked for a week😱
during bestie!mingyu’s night dance practices to finish, he'll come whine to you that "jeonghan hyung is being meanđŸ„ș" or complain about whichever member is pulling jokes on him. he should've known better that you’d be riling him right with them đŸ„°
fwb!mingyu who comes home to bury his face in your chest after a long day. you think he's knocked out...only for him to start licking, nipping and sucking marks onto your skin :3
bestie!mingyu who will always provide you delicious meals😌😌 is constantly cooking you a something when you come over and has deemed you his official taste tester! if you insist to cook alongside him, he'll refuse. he might let you peel the veggies tho <3
when you go out to eat, bestie!mingyu will always insists on picking up the cheque. since you get pouty about him not letting you pay, he lets u buy the dessert at the convenience stores or cute lil cafes as a compromise
bestie!mingyu who always asks you to take pretty boyfriend pics of him for his caratsđŸ„č ofc you oblige, loving to see his fans fawn over new pictures that you so carefully asking him to pose for  
fwb!mingyu who begs to eat you out and hits you his đŸ„ș puppy eyes so you to let him (you were going to anyways)
bestie!mingyu who comes to you for relaxation or advice when he's stressed out of his mind. he lets you pamper him with gentle touches and soothe away his worries with sweet words. you tuck him into your bed so he rests well to tackle the next day😊
feeling safe enough to initiate touch with bestie!mingyu :) he gives as many piggy backs as you desire as long as you let him bite his fangs into your arm when he's bored đŸ„° sits you in his lap in crowded group hangouts. you've insisted that he sit in yours too, but your legs became numb after 5 minutes😭😭
good puppy fwb!mingyu whimpering pleads against your neck or between your legs for you give him permission to cum while he ruts against the bed sheets đŸ„ș
always having sleepovers with bestie!mingyu. atp you could be another roommate to the minwon household for how often you're just vibing at their place when they arrive home
fwb!mingyu who got caught sniffing your underwear post sex when you went to get him water. you end up stroking his hair with his head in your lap, jerking him off with your underwear around his cock...but you leave him blue balled as a punishment <3 "oh! i'm late to work, see you later after your tour?😘”
while he's on tour, fwb!mingyu won't have phone sex with you, but leaves you voice notes of the pretty noises he makes jerking off as payback <3
ames note: hi hi! this is my first time writing wooooo~ this was definitely self indulgent😅 i just wanna be friends with mingyu! he seems like the most fun guy to hang out with...and to get dicked down by lmao. i hope y'all enjoyed it and are doing well!! i tried for something gender neutral but i'm not sure if i achieved it? feel free to kindly give feedback <3 ς(.-‿-)
author note: do not distribute my work on other platforms without my consent. if you see my writing in places other than this tumblr account, please let me know. my writings are purely fictional fantasises for fun. the people i write about are real human beings and should still be treated as such. please do not take my writings seriously or as truth.
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azulpitlane · 11 days ago
i love you, im sorry l fc43
summary: in which youre tired of your brother charles scaring off your dates, so you break his one rule—don’t date f1 drivers. you choose franco as revenge, but he doesn’t realize he’s being used and you don’t expect to fall for him.
tags: leclerc!reader, a bit of angst, DRAMA💜
notes: im still using my phone to post cause I haven't replaced my laptop lol so enjoy this draft. it was made during franco's rookie season so keep that in mind‌
masterlist 1k celebration
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liked by charles_leclerc, francolapinto and 15,493 others
yourusername night out
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user picnic date??đŸ€š
user is she soft launching omg
charles_leclerc why have you turned off your location?
user she just posted 2 seconds ago, how fast do you type😭
user baby leclerc is on a date aww
arthur_leclerc charles says to answer to ur phone asap
yourusername well tell charles he is one call away from getting blocked
user charles is an annoying older brother confirmed✅
alexandrasaintmleux 😍 liked by yourusername
user her brothers freaking out in the comments is killing me
user free y/n from charles
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liked by arthur_leclerc and 27,290 others
f1gossip Y/n Leclerc on Lily Muni's instagram stories today. Many believe she's Franco's guest for the Abu Dhabi GP.
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user seeing her outside of ferrari isnt right...
user and she was pictured hugging franco earlier today oop-
user and she finally followed him back on ig 👀
user arthur liked this so hes probably showing charles right now😭
user poor y/n is probably gonna have her phone blowing up rn
user knowing francos been lurking in her likes before he even became an f1 driver is so funny
user was not expecting this but im obsessed
yourusername 📍abu dhabi
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 45,839 others
yourusername another gp, but different view this time
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user so who gave u those flowersđŸ€”
francolapinto better* view this time
arthur_leclerc do you have a death wish?
charles_leclerc you are lucky the season is over.
yourusername CHILL OUT???
francolapinto oh...
alexandrasaintmleux i need a debrief
yourusername yes yes😋 lets meet up at our usual place for drinks?
alexandrasaintmleux yes! ill text u
charles_leclerc IM COMING WITH
yourusername pls do not bring ur bf with
user charles crashing out while franco is probably hiding in some corner rn
charles_leclerc i am calling maman and demanding a family meeting. you better show up, im not playing games anymore!
yourusername "no more mr nice guy" ahh reaction
arthur_leclerc lmfao
yourusername what are you laughing at?
arthur_leclerc nothing damn!
carlossainz55 hey so your brother is on the verge of a heart attack
yourusername is that ugly vein on his forehead protruding rn
carlossainz55 yeah actually wow! ive never noticed that
charles_leclerc ?!?!
yourusername 📍buenos aires
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 34,324 others
yourusername my tour guide around argentina is pretty cute
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user oh mygosh i was not expecting the hard launch so soon
user just gonna patiently wait for charles comments now
user the hottest couple ever omfg
leclerc_pascale hope youre having fun ma chĂ©rie❀ be safe!
yourusername i am maman❀ ill see you soon
charles_leclerc MAMAN?!?!
charles_leclerc this is just unnatural.
yourusername there's something seriously wrong with you but we gon get you professional help i promise <3
landonorris remember when i looked at you for 0.3 seconds and charles barked at me
charles_leclerc you were ogling. not staring.
alexandrasaintmleux you two make an ugly pairing.
alexandrasaintmleux no.
francolapinto your natural hair😍😍
yourusername đŸ©·
user wait this was cute-
charles_leclerc barf.
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yourusername posted a close friends story
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alexandrasaintmleux if this is franco, i’m gonna lose it.
yourusername um
 so it’s franco.
yourusername yeah, so
 i kinda joked that he should come to monaco if he was serious about asking me out.
yourusername and he actually did😀😀
alexandrasaintmleux y/n!!! i thought this was one of your schemes to mess with charles?? this is starting to sound serious?
yourusername i thought he was just some fuckboy who wanted to sleep with me since he’s literally been flirting with me since day one, but now he’s saying he actually wants something serious.
alexandrasaintmleux oh my god. im actually speechless right now.
alexandrasaintmleux does he know the real reason you agreed to a date in the first place

yourusername but in my defense, i didn’t think he’d take it seriously!! i thought he was just messing with me like always, so i went along with it to annoy charles.
yourusername and now he’s out here being all sweet and genuine and saying he actually wants to be with me and i think i might be in trouble.
alexandrasaintmleux đŸ€šđŸ€šyou’ve accidentally fallen for him, haven’t you?
no comment
alexandrasaintmleux oh god, I'm nervous on how this is gonna end
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liked by francolapinto, leclerc_pascale and 49,352 others
yourusername maman and i got a new chef and he was 1/10 would not recommend
tagged leclerc_pascale, francolapinto
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user so they're actually the only couple ever!
user maman leclerc approves aww
arthur_leclerc wow even I feel betrayed, am i being replaced?
user the leclerc men are so dramatic i'm crying
lorenzotl beautiful ladies! so sad i couldn't make it
charles_leclerc excuse me?!?? am i not apart of the family anymore where I don't get invites😒
arthur_leclerc i didn't get one either...this hurts
charles_leclerc i've honestly run out of things to say
yourusername good cause he's coming to maman's birthday party
charles_leclerc WHAT
yourusername posted stories
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burnforyou · 2 months ago
PLEASEEE can we have sweet luigi bc weve had so much of him being like a dick LMAO i feel like kinda sweet geeky lu would be so cute
i know!!! i just know he is the sweetest boyfriend ever

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SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who got nervous when you approached him with a question during office hours, even though he’s a TA and gets questions from so many other people.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who would bring you flowers before every date. from little, sweet wildflowers he pulled over on the side of the road to pick, to beautiful magnolia bouquets he ordered from a florist. one date he brought you lego flowers and you two had a lego date night.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who knows he is inexperienced in dating, but doesn’t want you to know, so he googles “how to kiss a girl” in a private browser.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who didn’t know he pouts his lips everytime he’s deep in thought until you point it out and start pressing little kisses on his lips when he pouts.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who just stares at you when you cuddle for the first time, not really sure how to hold you.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who asks his sisters for advice. they tease him about having his first ever girlfriend.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU whose love language is acts of service, so he offers to do all your maths and science homework. you feel guilty every time, but you really need the extra help, so you agree to let him do it.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU whose love language is acts of service, so he’ll take off your heels after a date night and carry you back to your house.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who never mansplains to you. he’s very aware of not being an asshole when he’s explaining something to you.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who’s kinda ashamed of how nerdy he really is because he doesn’t want you to think he’s really weird.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who wants to tell you he loves you very early on because he genuinely feels like he wants to be with you forever and doesn’t know what love bombing is.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who’s still a little shy around your friends, but he tries really hard to be funny around them and you think it’s so cute 😭😭😭😭.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who falls asleep everytime you two are just laying around and hanging out at your houses. especially if he’s at your place, there’s something that’s so relaxing to him about your house and the smell of it. he considers you his comfort place, somewhere where he can let go of all his stress and pain and just lay in your arms.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who asks you to go to his frat’s halloween party with a matching costume, luigi and princess daisy <3
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who’s confused when you sigh when he puts on the fuck ass bali shirt.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who purchased an old camera at a thrift store and became obsessed with capturing you through his eyes.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who really wants to introduce you to his family.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who doesn’t get mad when he’s jealous, he just gets sad. but when his asshole cousin flirts with you at his family function, that changes.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who whimpers when you two are intimate.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who sends you songs and says they remind him of you.
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who stalked your spotify playlists and then started incorporating your favorite songs and artists into his playlists. he’d purposely play the playlist he made that was mixed with yours and his favorite songs so you’d gasp everytime your songs played. “i didn’t know you knew this song!”
SWEET BOYFRIEND!LU who usually never let anyone touch his curls because his sisters used to mess with them when he was growing up. until you came around. then your fingers are almost always twirled around his little curls. he starts growing his hair out more when you tell him how much you love it.
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srjlvr · 1 year ago
ê’Šê’· enhypen ! the moment when fans started shipping them with you <3
idol-ot7!enhypen x idol-fem!reader .. fluff .. no warnings<3 not proofread!!
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Δ ї Đ· — heeseung
fans started to notice how heeseung kept stealing glances at you when you were busy interviewing them.
you, a new mc in a rookie group got all heeseung’s attention. you’re giggling? heeseung giggles too. you’re smiling? heeseung’s smiling too.
“how do you feel about your comeback?” you made an eye contact with heeseung and your heart skipped a beat. “um
” he was left speechless because of the short interaction you both had.
jungwon took the mic and giggled, speaking instead of the stressed heeseung and making a joke about heeseung being too tired to focus.
fans couldn’t ignore how heeseung kept looking at you with a smile all smeared over his face, as if he just now fell in love with you.
not even a day passed after the interview and all the fans would go crazy with videos and tweets about you two.
“have you seen the way he looked at y/n? i swear we were all just witnessing this man falling in love with her for the first time”
Δ ї Đ· — jay
one of the things that your fans loved the most was to watch your lives and ask you questions.
you decided to do one on valentines day and one of the most common questions was if you got something for valentines day when you were younger.
“if i got something for valentines day
?” you repeated the question, thinking about your school days, “i did actually! it was a flower bouquet and a few chocolates with a cute little note on the side” you giggled remembering the cute gift you got.
“jay from enhypen was my classmate back then” you added right after.
fans went feral, making up conspiracies about you and jay being classmates and jay being the one who got you the valentine gift.
he went on live at the same day and his whole live was filled with questions about you and valentines day. he just giggled and confirmed that you and him indeed were classmates, no mentions of the valentines day gift at all.
that didn’t stop the fans from shipping the both of you and videos from yours and his lives became trending.
“jay and y/n confirmed being classmates! y/n also spoke about getting a valentines day gift and right after that she mentioned jay! if you’re asking me, jay has been crushing on her for a while ;)”
Δ ї Đ· — jake
a new jake en-log was uploaded and fans rushed to view jake’s vlog. jake was so excited to film a new en-log episode so he filmed everything literally everywhere.
he made a small tour in his room. completely forgetting your signed album that was hanged on his wall.
it didn’t help at all when you also posted a vlog and behind your room wall was an enhypen album, signed by jake—even though it was far, fans could recognize his signature
you and him once met, and he brought you one of your albums to sign on it, and you brought him one of enhypen’s album for him to sign on it.
both of your fans went crazy with theories about the two of you dating and giving each other signed albums as gifts.
“did you see their albums just hanging there on their room wall? they’re fr a power couple😭 jake teach us ways to get y/n signature on one of her albums!!”
Δ ї Đ· — sunghoon
a rumor has been going around lately that you and sunghoon were chosen as the new ambassadors for a famous brand.
the rumor kept on going until a new photoshoot came out, and not-so-surprisingly, it was a new photoshoot of you and sunghoon together, presenting you as the new ambassadors for the brand.
you and sunghoon stood extremely close to each other, posing extremely close to each other as well. you had an interaction that fans has never seen before between a fem and a male idols.
a few days later the brand posted a short video of the behind the scenes, showing the both of you really close to each other with such a good interaction between you two.
fans went insane, making your photoshoot trending everywhere and talking about it all the time. especially shipping the both of you nonstop.
“have you seen y/n’s and sunghoon’s photoshoot?? I’M GOING CRAZY OVER HERE!! i’m thankful for that brand for making them the new ambassadors and we better get new photoshoot every monthđŸ™‡â€â™€ïžâ€
Δ ї Đ· — sunoo
interaction between idols on award shows isn’t something new so are the reactions to other groups.
sunoo is already known as the king of kpop, who knows all the trends and new kpop songs. to other fans it wasn’t new when he was cheering for you when it was your performance, to his fans it wasn’t the case.
sunoo himself got up and danced to your performance, he cheered and chant for you, it’s something they’ve never seen before, even his members looked surprised.
you also went down the stage and interacted with other idols, when you got to sunoo, both of you danced together and had the cutest interaction ever.
the other fans started to notice the cute interaction and agreed that this is something they’ve never seen before.
sunoo and you went trending as the new kpop queen and king without even trying to do so.
“did you see their interaction and how he cheered? YOU CANT TELL ME THEY’RE NOT DATING!!😭😭 HE’S SUCH A SUPPORTIVE BOYFRIEND”
Δ ї Đ· — jungwon
new MCs were introduced, aka you and jungwon. the fans weren’t expecting for much interaction between you two. they mostly thought it’d be so awkward between you two at start.
it wasn’t the case at all. the minute the camera started rolling, you and jungwon had the best interaction MCs has ever had.
both of you looked a bit more than comfortable around each other, making jokes and playfully pushing the other.
the idols you interviewed together looked shocked mostly from the way the you acted around each other, they could’ve swore you two are dating but hiding it.
even you were asked multiple times by your idol friends you interviewed if you and jungwon are dating. the both of you left the whole kpop community in shock.
you made fans wait impatiently every week to see new interactions of the both of you, you got the kpop community wrapped around your fingers. both of you even won as the couple of kpop in one of the award shows.
“did you see their new interaction today? I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEK HONESTLY!! if they’re not dating then i don’t believe in love at all”
Δ ї Đ· — ni-ki
you wanted to get some coffee since you craved for some. you argued with your manager and told her you’d be careful enough to not get recognized and she let you off.
ni-ki at the same time lost in a rock paper scissor game and had to buy coffee to all the members.
you both happened to go to the same coffee place without even knowing.
he accidentally bumped into you and the both of you had a short interaction of a ‘sorry’ and ‘it’s okay, no worries’ type of thing.
the fans who recognized you from afar and were respectful enough to not bother you, took some pictures of your short interaction with ni-ki, which made his fans and your fans go wild.
they immediately started shipping you, thinking that you were on your way to have a date together and didn’t have much interaction because you both were in public.
“they won’t go to the same place for no reason!! they probably bought some coffee and went on a date in a more private place after that!! they look so cute!!😭😭”
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‱‱‱ copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts
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takes1 · 22 days ago
HOORAY I just read ur bokuto x reader p4 it was really cute :3 sorry havent updated in awhile i got busy with life
 but i never forget to keep u in mind đŸ«¶ love ur work as always, very memorable writer to me -🐈🐈‍⬛
[final] bokuto teaching inexperienced!reader
only fitting to respond to you for this last one. ughhh ilysm đŸ„č😭💕💕
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warnings. heavy nsfw, minors DNI
details. fem!reader / first time / soft kissy missionary / safe sex / BIG praise kink!bokuto / himbo!bokuto / sweet, dumb!bokuto / inexperienced!reader / possessive!bokuto / f!rec oral / guided handjob / kuroo's sister!reader / 2.3k words / last installment
links. my masterlist. my ao3. more haikyuu. part one here. part two here. part three here. part four. request box
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You tilted your head, eyes narrowed a little at the generous, clear bulge in his tiny shorts.
"Can I see it?"
He fisted the sheets in his excitement that you were thinking the same thing, biting his cheek so he didn't shout. Just by the obvious elation on his face, you could tell he was in the process of holding back a million bad responses.
Instead, he let his hands talk, lips crashing against yours all rough and thirsty as he pulled it out. You didn't want his kisses, though-- you grinned as you avoided what you could, so you could see.
Propped up on your elbows, you looked from his vigilant stare, trailing down his sculpted, smooth body down to his cock between your tummies.
It looked heavy.
You quickly learned that it was hot, too, as he guided your palm around it, and used your hand to pump himself. Your heart was racing- it was so weird, and you liked it so much, and he liked it even more.
Bokuto always stood by the idea that 'it always feels/tastes/sounds better when somebody else does it.' The kind of guy to only drink out of other peoples' cups, ask other people to read things out loud to him, massage a part of his shoulder he could get but won't.
While you didn't know what you were doing in the slightest, and he was controlling your pace, even the harsh grip, it still felt 40x better than all the jerking off he usually did.
His tongue got confident, and a bit curious, diving deeper past your teeth. He was just trying in whatever way he could to be inside of you. The weight of his body became more substantial.
You loved feeling his strength falter, his lust heightening, compelling him to get closer.
When he pulled away, he looked a little crazy- like he forgot to smile, or something. It was the nature of his eyes to not look very friendly, but it gave the impression that he was really holding himself back.
"Are- you okay?"
"Just-," He takes a sharp breath, eyes squeezing shut for a second, like he's recalibrating, "Feels really g-ood."
He wasn't prepared in the slightest for the smile you gave him. It was sweet, and prideful, and too cute with his cock in your hand.
That tortured look was back, briefly before he shoved his face in the nook of your shoulder.
"Fuck-! I need you s-o bad," He whined, pitiful, "Are- h-ahh, you ready yet?"
You could try.
With a question like that, asked so sweet, so sugary- you hummed against his hair, not quite understanding what 'ready' meant.
You hardly noticed how he plucked a condom from his shorts, somewhere in the mess of sheets to the left of you- and slid it on between clumsy kisses. Lots of practice must've made the process second nature.
It was difficult, to say the least, adjusting to him. His eagerness was already so spoken for, and you realized too late that you probably did need more time.
Bokuto could feel it too, though.
He could hear it in the thinly-veiled fear, making your voice waver, break, as you asked him to be gentle with you.
"Even if it takes all night," He kissed your nose while you couldn't move away, "I'll wait for ya."
Rough hands, so used to force and recklessness, practiced paying attention through running smooth lines across your skin.
Those hard kisses turned softer, slower, across your jaw and down your throat. He moved at a near imperceptible pace, just to get you accustomed to all of his size.
"Sooo pretty," He whispered to himself, forehead heavy on yours as he closed his eyes, "Fuck..."
The discomfort was just starting to be overshadowed with better, pleasurable, buzz. Your legs were slowly relaxing, a jelly-like feeling that spread from your thighs, squished comfy next to his hips, down to your toes.
Bokuto was capable of deliberate and soft sex. He wasn't always an animal, and he wasn't ignorant to somebody else's needs.
He was just excitable, and stupid. But all he needed was a whisper, a hint, or a reminder sometimes.
You kissed the tip of his nose, a way of telling him you were okay. Your fingers started to rake through his spiky hair, and the little smile on your face waited for him to he open his eyes.
"Shit--," He stole another few kisses from you, "Oh, you're so- mh- you're soo cute."
Between kisses, his tongue lagged, always proceeded by a sharp sigh. Almost like he was struggling to multitask. It made you curious when it started to get more frequent.
"Sh-it--h-ahh--," His curse broke into a shocked whine-- he stalled, deep.
Your higher, cuter sound at how good it felt did nothing to help to bring him down.
You watched him bite his own wrist, a small concern furrowing his brow.
Craving more, and only knowing one way to cheer him up, you rolled your hips up and locked your ankles around him with a squeeze.
"W-ait, waitwaitwait," He seethed, "Ahh- fuck-- stop moving babygirl- stop moving."
The person he looked down at was no longer a shy little nerd, incapable of handling his flirty second nature. Your mouth was curled into a coquettish grin, your pecks soft and affectionate and too much, scattered around his face.
He had to cum so bad that he felt sick. He had to look through you- draw blood to his palm, just to clear his filthy mind.
"Do I really feel that good?" You giggled- beyond flattered by his tortured expression.
There was no beat between the end of your sentence and his hushed response, "Yes."
You knew about vague stereotypes of guys with shitty endurance. You didn't have first-hand experience until you watched his expression shift, swirling, panic and euphoria taking one another over again and again.
He 'ruined' his orgasm by keeping your needs first. He knew you couldn't take what he wanted. His body was like iron, forced motionless, like a statue, except for the rapid, uneven rise and fall of his chest.
It looked like a delicious mix of pained and sexy as he came, almost perfectly still, so he didn't hurt you.
A kind of psychotic, intrusive desire made you tense-- the curious, hungry want to get rid of the condom between you. How much better would that have felt without it?
The sheets groaned, fabric snagging and snapping, under his grip. His body was all flexed up for you to watch. You knew he was trying to keep you in mind, so you didn't try anything too cute until he started relaxing, again.
"Hm-mmph--, fuck--," He groaned, a tremble in his arms as he slowly pulled out.
His exhaustion was short-lived, only manifested in a breathiness in his chuckle.
"Good thing I brought two."
This time you saw him take out a second one- but it wasn't just two. He had a whole row of condoms in his pocket this entire time.
You giggled at how he tore the second one off. What could he have possibly been thinking to bring seven along?
Bokuto harnessed some pornstar-like efficiency, tearing the outside open and pumping the latex onto himself with no waste of energy.
"Y'know," He cocked his head to the side, silly, despite his thumb sliding over your clit, "I've never cum that fast."
"Mmn-h-- Ah- that's- that's good--," You struggled.
A useful thing to know, sure, but it's not like you really cared- he never got soft. It was a non-issue because he was still clearly up for more.
He filled you back up so easy and slow, his thumb prodding stuttery waves of pleasure where there was once pain. He watched it with an air of pride about him. He sat up straighter, focused on where he disappeared into you. He soaked in all your twitching until he got his fill.
Only when he was satisfied did he lean down to his elbows to check on you.
Your had to fill your hands with his perfect muscles, all bouncy and twitchy at how overstimulated you got him. He was huffing, swallowing his groans so he didn't look uncool-- restrained or not, he would've looked just as cute.
He just wanted to fuck you good. For you to remember it well.
"Mmnh-! You're so big-,"
Those giant, fuck-me-harder eyes kept his shoulders tight. His hand was gripping your hip like a vice and bringing you down onto him.
His cock sank deep, a grumbly sound under his quiet, breathy whining-- your breath caught, and you had the brief revelation that you had been missing out on this for so long. How long had they been friends for? Years?
You wanted to make up for all the lost time. You locked your ankles around him for the second time, your hands pulling him back so you could put some hickeys all up and down his thick neck.
Though you had some vague idea that he loved when you hugged him close, you didn't understand the depth in which it turned him on.
It was one of those quick-affirming, sweet and wordless praises that resonated so hard with Bokuto's insatiable need to be validated.
He had to ask. He wanted more, he wanted to hear you.
"That feel good?" His hand cupped your entire jaw, forcing your eyes on his, ever so focused.
Your grip on his forearm was like an ant trying to push over a tree. It would never budge. And when it didn't, it took very little time to realize you actually liked it there. Your reflex did nothing to serve you, but you kept your hand still to prod at the muscle.
The breath you took to answer him was wasted on another moan.
"I want ya to tell me," His insistence was daunting, but filled with need.
Your nails were digging into his skin, and you were gasping, trying to tell him you were close- but none of it came out properly.
It was all just improper, uncontrollable, unmasked whining.
A bit late, he was witness to your adorable realization that you were cumming. He murmured a small, infatuated, "Aww..."
His lips pressed hard to your temple, and he let you pull him in, offering only the bulk of his shoulder as consolation for his deeper thrusts. It was a taste of what he could give you if only this wasn't your first, if you had been used to him from the start.
An orgasm had never felt so filled out, before. Like it was larger than you, stronger than anything you'd be able to craft on your own, from just your fingers. It was him. His cock, but moreso was his intensity and devotion to getting you there and fucking you all the way through it.
His hand was still cupping the bottom half of your face, but not covering your mouth. God, he wanted the entire world to know how good he made you feel. Especially Kuroo. Fuck that guy for keeping you a secret.
"Good girl, ohh- you did so good," He was slowing, still seeing those last, shallower, mellow waves through with dedication, "Sound sooo pretty."
Those eyes were softer, but still eating you up, savoring you while you were all messy for him.
Were you dating, now? It felt like you had been shot forward about ten years with this guy.
A light buzzing -the muted ring of a phone- was somewhere near you, interrupting your giggly, feel-good vibe. Again, and still just as surprising, Bokuto slowly pulled out of you and made quick work of that second condom.
He patted around the sheets for the source of the sound.
He let the ringing continue- he had to get his idea out immediately: "That totally reminds me! I should get you a vibrator or something."
Jaw slack, you weren't given the opportunity to respond, before he answered. You lay there, a bit shivery and empty-feeling, as he hugged your thigh over his own.
It was quiet. There was a faint, urgent, tone on the other side.
His fingers tapped against your skin. He was lost in deep thought of how to respond. You were glad you couldn't hear the words being spoken, because you knew it was not going to be a pleasant earful.
"Yeah-... I mean, we were just talking... and... stuff."
Bokuto got droopier. He sank, sitting on his heels, still sitting butt-naked and hugging your thigh. You squeezed one of your blankets to your chest and frowned.
"It's nothing personal, man..."
He held the phone away from his ear as he was verbally berated, a pout making his whole face look cartoonishly sad. It was difficult, on your end, to understand that he could both be super into you and want to stay friends with Tetsurou.
"Would it make it any better iiiif I told you we were dating now?"
Bokuto winced and slid his free hand back and forth over your leg as consolation, for himself.
"Yeahyeahyeah, I gotchu, yeahyeah. Okay'bye," He hung up at the soonest crafted opportunity.
"Soooo," He sighed, distraught, instantly making up any distance between you. He dropped so much weight atop your sore body and covered you like a warm, weighted blanket, that you struggled to get air in your lungs.
"He's... not... happy."
The big dummy on top of you deflated with each word in a dismal decrescendo.
You had to wriggle around to find somewhere to breath from; room for your chest to expand at least a little.
"I thought you knew that?"
Bokuto made a high humming sound, feet kicking in the air, "Mmmmmmyeahhh, kinda, but..."
You freed one arm to wrap around him, so you could play with his hair, "He can't stay mad forever. He'll see that you're not- harmful- I guess, eventually."
He let his brow relax, shoved hard into your shoulder, and took in your new comforting scent.
Part of you couldn't blame your brother for assuming the worst. It took until incredibly recently for you to understand the full scale of Bokuto's fixation.
Despite all his sad body language, he couldn't have been that worried, because he was already back to sly, tongue-centered kisses on your neck.
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@integers @paradoxicalwritings @yuchacco @megapteraurelia
taglist. thanks for your patience again!đŸ˜«đŸ’•its been fun!
@tuamadrequellavacca @dumbpuppyluv @raracha @jenerator10 @thisiswhereishitpostalot @feiwelinchen @loodleloodle @partyinthepants @ghostreader0307 @101crows @asthmaticcchoeee @littlebunny-angel @ffismylaif @beet1ebum @charlotterosea13 @feiwelinchen @mammonsprettiestgoldie @poepard @intervalsofpeace @jiiisungpark @whymooniemoon @camc07 @lis4lipsi
@2dmenfr @justmanu @aldebrana @iheartyaemiko @sloppierjewel @karinaaanakamura
my masterlist. my request box. wanna talk? lmk here
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blackenedsnow · 5 months ago
Hiiiii so if you want to ignore this you can, but I just got a dog, His name is bubba, (yes, TCM ref.), and it got me thinkin, "hey, what would the slasher's reaction be to the reader having a pet that shared the same name as them?" I'd like this maybe with Bubba, Thomas, Jason, Michael, the Sinclairs, and whatever other slasher you wanna add (luv ur work btw :3)
slashers with a reader who has a pet that shares a name with them ; headcanons
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PAIRING: Bubba Sawyer x Reader, Thomas Hewitt x Reader, Jason Voorhees x Reader, Michael Myers x Reader, Lester Sinclair x Reader, Vincent Sinclair x Reader, Bo Sinclair x Reader
NOTE: Thank you for the kind words! :) This is such a cute idea and I loved writing these. Also this was mostly aimed towards cats and dogs because I literally couldn't think of anything for like.. any other variety 😭😭
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When you introduced your pet as "Bubba," you fully expected Bubba himself to tilt his head like a confused puppy.
The second he realized the two of them had the same name was priceless.
He started pointing at himself, then at your pet, as if to confirm he was hearing things right.
After the initial shock, Bubba became incredibly attached to your pet.
He'd follow Bubba Jr. (LOL) around the house, and you'd catch him feeding stuff to your pet that he shouldn't be when he thought you weren’t looking.
It was strangely sweet how proud he seemed to share a name with your pet, even if it did get a little confusing at times when you called for one of them.
If anything, Bubba grew a bit possessive.
He wanted to be your favorite Bubba, after all, and you could swear he would get jealous if you gave the pet too much attention!
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Thomas was initially quiet about the whole name-sharing situation.
He didn’t show any particular reaction when you introduced your pet as "Tommy" (or "Thomas"), but you could tell something was on his mind by the way he kept glancing between you and your pet.
At first, he just gave an amused huff and shrugged it off, figuring it was a funny coincidence.
But deep down, he was secretly touched.
Not that he’d admit it, of course.
Over time, though, you’d notice him sneaking affectionate looks to your pet when no one was around.
Thomas actually liked the idea of having a namesake—even if it was a animal—because it made him feel a little more connected to you.
It was something small, but it gave him a sense of belonging, which was rare for him.
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When you told Jason you had a pet named "Jason," he froze for a solid minute, staring at you with that blank hockey mask of his.
He didn’t really know how to process it at first.
On the one hand, it was strange hearing his name on your lips when you weren’t talking to him.
But on the other hand, there was something oddly endearing about it.
Jason grew protective of your pet in his own silent way.
He’d keep a close eye on them, ensuring they were always safe and sound.
Whenever you called for "Jason," he’d appear too—just to make sure you didn’t need him for anything important.
The fact that he shared a name with your pet didn’t bother him too much, especially since you never mixed up the two of them (though there were a few amusing moments when both Jasons turned their heads at the same time).
Ultimately, he found a sense of kinship with your pet, almost like they were a little duo.
Two Jasons, both devoted to you.
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Michael’s reaction to hearing your pet’s name?
Pure silence.
As usual..
He just stood there, staring at you with that emotionless mask.
You couldn’t tell if he found it funny, annoying, or if he simply didn’t care.
But in classic Michael fashion, he wasn’t about to make a big deal out of it.
Over time, though, you’d start to notice little things—like how Michael would give your pet long, lingering looks whenever you weren’t paying attention, or how he’d mysteriously disappear and reappear at the same time as your pet's walks.
It was as if he was silently competing for your attention.
Not that he’d admit it.
He wasn’t jealous exactly, but Michael didn’t like sharing.
Especially not his name.
That being said, he tolerated your pet because it made you happy..
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“Oh, wow! You’ve got a dog named Lester? Ain’t that somethin’!”
Lester burst out laughing when you introduced your pet, finding it genuinely hilarious that your pet had the same name as him.
He didn’t take it seriously at all—if anything, he was proud.
"Now we’re like a little team, huh?"
he joked, ruffling your pet's fur and making fast friends with them.
Lester thought it was funny whenever you called for "Lester" and both of them turned to look at you, and he’d laugh every time.
He didn’t mind sharing the name at all—in fact, he loved it.
Your pet quickly became his partner in crime during his rounds through Ambrose.
He’d always bring treats for them and refer to the two of them as "the Lesters," thinking the whole situation was a blast.
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Vincent was intrigued, to say the least.
He didn’t talk much, but when you introduced your pet as "Vincent," you could see the curiosity in his eyes behind the mask.
He wasn’t used to hearing his name spoken aloud, so it was a little strange at first, but he didn’t dislike it.
He found it almost poetic that your pet shared his name.
Vincent wasn’t one for words, but the quiet moments when he watched you with your pet made him feel a strange warmth in his chest.
Your pet often sat in his art studio while he worked, and over time, Vincent would even carve small figurines resembling your pet.
While it was a bit odd at first, Vincent enjoyed the quiet companionship.
Your pet’s presence wasn’t invasive, and sharing a name felt more like sharing a piece of himself with you.
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Bo wasn’t exactly thrilled when he found out you had a pet named after him.
he’d ask, raising an eyebrow.
"You named a damn animal after me?"
At first, he acted annoyed, but it didn’t take long for that classic Bo charm to kick in.
"Well, I guess it’s fitting. Both of us handsome devils, huh?"
He’d joke about it, brushing off the initial surprise, but there was always a part of him that felt a little smug about it.
Bo liked the idea of you having a constant reminder of him, even if it was in the form of a pet.
And while he’d never admit it, he found himself getting a little jealous when you called your pet's name, and he didn’t get the attention.
You’d catch him grumbling, muttering under his breath,
"Don’t forget who the real Bo is, sweetheart."
He’d eventually warm up to the pet, though, and you’d see him giving them sneaky pets when he thought you weren’t looking.
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wandurlvst · 9 months ago
ken sato x gn!reader one shot
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notes: ALMOST 700 NOTES (as of editing this) ON MY FIRST KEN SATO ONE SHOT WHAT TY!!??!
warnings: none! just emi and your daughter being the cutest siblings ever
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“how do you think emi would handle it?” you and ken were heading back from the hospital, with your newborn daughter sleeping soundly in your hands, “it’ll be fine. don’t worry. she’ll probably be happy she has someone other than us or mina to play with her.” ken chuckled, “or she’ll freak out and be jealous daddy has his attention elsewhere where.” you joked—adjusting the blanket the baby way wrapped in, to better protect her from the cold japanese weather hitting the island
“she won’t. you saw what happened when she met you.” “she shot a laser at me, ken.” he froze, “okay, yes, but after that- you two got along really quick!” “shh!” “sorry
” he brought his voice down again for the baby
you pulled into the driveway and ken got out of the car, coming around to your side of the vehicle and opening the door for you. when you stepped out completely he closed the door and grabbed the baby carrier and any other items you two brought to the hospital. you ascended the stairs and tried opening the door but ken insisted on doing it for you. “you’re already carrying so much hon.” you pointed out, “you have the baby which is way more important than a few bags.”
he plucked the house keys from his pockets and pushed the door open for you. when you stepped inside mina was there to greet you two. “welcome home. how is the baby?” she floated in front of the newborn. “she is healthy.” you smiled, “that is very good to hear.” mina said
“how has emi been, mina?” ken placed everything down next to the door, he took your daughter from your hands to relive you. “she has been fine. though, she misses both of you. the photos and videos can only last so long.” mina floated to the elevator and the two of you joined her. descending to the basement, emi was sitting in the middle watching said videos and photos of you and ken, but also playing with her giant toys ken had for some reason
“there’s our girl.” ken smiled and emi turned around to the familiar voice. she chirped loudly and got up to run to you two which almost woke your daughter. “shh shh emi.” ken held his finger in front of his mouth and emi. she was confused at what ken was doing and became quiet once more—tilting her head in curiosity. “we have someone we want you to meet emi.” you told her
ken turned your daughter to face emi, while she was still sound asleep. the infant chirped again and leaned. she tapped the baby with her beak and she started crying. you placed your hands on her leg and she lunged back at the sudden cry of the other baby.
ken handed your daughter to you while he comforted emi, you moved your body around to try and calm her. which worked, but now she was wide awake. “seems like she isn’t sleeping anytime soon.” ken commented once he got emi to calm down
you two tried introducing the baby again, this time she was smiling at emi. reaching out to the kaiju—opening and closing her hands. your daughter babbled at the sight of the cute creature and emi leaned in. she laughed and was entertained by the smaller human.
you two stood there together in silence, watching the newborns interact with each other. their laughter and joy filled the echoing basement.
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this was so RUSHED AND SHORT i apologize 😭 but it’s been two days and i wanted to get something out fast but sweet at the same time
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