#but then i'll see smth in that setting and it's like oh yeah that too is the south lol
orcelito · 5 months
Super sexy me is so sexy I accidentally set off the fire alarm while baking pie shells for my pumpkin pie. And now I don't know if I should've even baked them in the first place. But well. Too late now 👍
#speculation nation#i am not a fucking baker so something always goes wrong when i make these pies 😭😭😭#but i am craving my grandma's pumpkin pies... i gotta bake them myself if i want them rn...#see the thing is ive previously bought pre-baked like. graham crusts#but i was like 'that crust sucks lets get a different thing'#so i got tbis dough shit that i put into pans. the box said to bake it. and so i was like ok cool#then as they were in the oven i looked at the pumpkin pie recipe for starting the filling#and then saw that it says 'unbaked shells' and so 😥😥😥😥#but too late now and it worked fine with the graham. and well. the filling is what i care about the most.#the crusts are just an excuse for having pie filling.#anyways i did set off the alarm. i think it's bc the oven was on so hot#the box says 450 which is hotter than i ever usually do. the pies themselves ask for 350#so well i turned the oven off and i have the microwave fan running#which oh yeah the fucking handle to my microwave fucking broke. it fucking broke.#i think i'll duct tape it or smth lol. microwave itself works fine still. and i dont want people in my apartment.#it's just the bottom part but it sure did just. splinter off. that shit is Broke broke.#and i scared the shit outta my cats And me with that damned alarm. and now i am just waiting.#calming down some. chilling the crusts. soon i will resume making the pie filling.#it's not like it even takes much time i am just. Nervous now.#i wanna let the oven cool off more b4 i have it going for like 45 mins lol#the crusts are kinda ugly. one of them is inflated on the bottom. these pies r going to be disasters.#so long as they still taste good......thats what i care about the most...#maybe my crusts will end up nuclear... if that happens tho ill just eat the filling out of the crust... its fine... ill be fine...#😭😭😭😭😭😭 why is everything so hard
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gardenstateofmind · 1 year
it's really funny seeing people say "the south is actually only these states:" and then go on to list wildly different states that basically cover the entirety of the u.s. that isn't the northeast, great lakes, or west coast.
none of these people are wrong exactly bc regions can be more than one thing, and regions often overlap. but it is funny that people fight about it.
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lighthouseborn · 5 months
to balance the extremely odd energy i just put out here though i really do think. and i maybe think about this a lot but- i really do think. the movie is wrong because carina definitely kissed him first. send post.
#so much of this absolutely has to be. because of the way i filled out the empty parts of his writing i don't know if this would be true of#canon henry but i really do think. when speaking of hannah!henry and rora!carina she absolutely kissed him first ok ty#and not like. i don't say that because i think it's some kind of empowerment statement i just think that like#if there is one (1) place in the whole thing where he is clearly not really sure. what's going on exactly#it's between him and her. and he sets up a lot of the banter moment and definitely makes eyes and has little private moments where#he's just. he's so endeared and a little bit thrown#and he! sets things up. but she's the one that hits it home that commits so it's like#this dialogue where he is. not really asking exactly but creating places where she can go. Yeah Me Too. (?) if that#if that makes sense?? we're. we're wading into unfinished-rewrite territory here but this is actually;;;#my footing here comes from the movie (and the little bit more of it we get in the novelization!) where henry will sort of...#mostly he's just Like This i think but he shares and he offers and *yes* he's bold in that regard#and in the doing-what-he-thinks-he-must regard right but also when it comes to like.... dynamics?#or at least theirs specifically#he will. say something and then look. say something and then wait. set up and let her open up in response or not.#and she usually does! (which. smth smth she's used to no one asking. aaahhhhhh)#but all of that is just. u see how this leads me? to. i think she kissed him first#and i don't think he set it up in the same way as that .. at least half intentional ''i'll go first'' way but just in a#he would have found some way to make it known he likes her and i just think#when the first kiss happens it's because he did something really stupidly endearing and she couldn't bear it and i think#she kissed him first is all#woooo hannah's on her ship bullshit let's goooooo#oh i forgot about the very-run-through-the-airport thought until just now but i'm back on that technically aren't i#i said it there too.#anyway carina! kissed! him! first!!#(he did -however- kiss her back like three times in the next couple seconds)
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
could i get garlic cloves and a ❣️ for hobie? r is trying to sneak him somewhere as a bat. or maybe sneak him out of animal control or smth? -@thesevenofstaves
YEEESSS MORE VAMP HOBIE!!! I wrote this with IPOB in mind, I hope that's okay! Thank you, bestie 🩷
Pairing: Vampire! Hobie Brown X fem! Reader
Word count: 1.3 k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Set around my vampire Hobie series (In pursuit of blood), CW blood, mockumentary AU, Wwdits AU, Fluff!
In Pursuit of Blood fic
Katy's one year celebration 🎉
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“So yeah, that's how I found out that my great aunt was a succubus—” you stop talking suddenly, blinking, eyes roaming around the walls of Hobie's mansion. The camera crew follows you as you look under the couch and even peek inside the grand piano. “Do you guys fucking hear that?”
The camera shakes its head. You look at it weirdly, “you could just say no, Jason, like a normal person—” you gasp, “there it is again!” You frantically move books from the bookshelves, making the crew dodge oncoming hardbounds. “Is this a prank? Am I getting punk’d right now?!” You scream, footsteps heavy as you trudge along the big living room, tossing and turning things around. “Hobie! Where the fuck did you put the speakers you mythical bloodsucking straw!”
You suddenly straighten up, finger scratching your ear, eyes turning from confusion to amusement. “Oh you fucking idiot!” You guffaw, palm slapping your knees in laughter. The crew look at each other, not knowing what to do when their subject turns cuckoo. “Okay, I'll—” you breathe for air, tears in your eyes as you laugh. “I'll save you, you big ancient baby.” Nodding, you roll your eyes, “fine, I'll be subtle. No explosions, yep…wait not even a little? I bought this new thing from amazon— yeah okay, bye! Close the fucking link I don't want you in my brain!”
Your shoulders sag, smiling at the befuddled camera crew. “Good news I'm not crazy! That was Hobie talking to me telepathically and he— you know what, I should just show you what he wants.” You beckon them over to the front door while you put on your jacket and take your keys. “It's called the mind gift,” based on the producer's eyes, you already know that she was about to ask you the question. “You get old enough, you start getting different abilities. Don't ask me how, that's just the way it is with vampires.”
The camera hard cuts to you driving in your new kia. In the corner of the shot you can see the camera man's hand gripping tightly around his seatbelt as you drive recklessly, like you just learned how to drive yesterday. Or you just knew what a car is.
“Relax,” you say, smiling sweetly at the camera even though you pass a red light. “No one's even on the road this late at night. So calm down.”
Hobie's voice once again appears in your mind, ‘hurry up, love, I think this chihuahua next to my cage wants me. And it's not the hunger type of want.’ You snort at his comment. ‘Please? I'll make it worth your while.’ he says with flirty undertones, making you roll your eyes, cheeks warm.
The camera visibly shakes. The mic picks up a faint ‘I’m gonna die.’ The crew following behind you with their own van can barely keep up with you. They pity Jason right now.
“Okay, listen.” You start, the car is zooming past the road beyond the speed limit. “Hobie wanted to hunt some poor rich sap but,” there's rapid honking around you, “something happened, he wouldn't tell me exactly what, so he had to get out quickly and turn into his vampire form. Now animal control caught him at the park because he was too hungry to return to his form.” The car suddenly screeches to a halt, making Jason the camera man almost fly off his seat.
You park your car at an animal control center, the camera zooms in your determined face. “Operation: save my idiot vampire roommate has begun.” Your head quickly swivels towards Jason who seems like all the colour on his face has gone. “Don't fuck this up for us, Jason.” You point at his still chest.
You exit your car with the slam of the door. The rest of the crew follow closely behind you as you enter the animal control center with an uncanny smile that has the front desk worker perturbed.
“Hi, this might sound weird—”
“What's up with the camera crew, lady?” The man asks, blinking away the bright lights, weirded out by the whole situation.
“Oh, we're making a documentary.”
“About what?” The man brightens up, subtly fixing his hair with his hand.
“Uh…” you look at the crew for answers, they're not helping with their empty looks. “...About bats, yeah, bats. We're from national geographic actually.” You hear Hobie in your head ‘national geographic? Really, love? You don't look like the Steve Irwin type. Although, you'd look good in some khaki shorts.’ Blinking him away, you continue to convince the man. “And one of our bats escaped from their enclosure. You see that man over there?” Raising your finger to point at Jason, you accuse him as he stands there awkwardly. “His name is Hobie,” Hobie's laughter in your mind echoes. “And he's an idiot y’know, he's a nephew of our director so we just had to take him in. You get me?”
The man in the front desk nods, judging ‘Hobie.’ “Yeah, I know the type.” He whispers to you. “We have someone like him here too.”
You nod in understanding. “They're not the brightest, right?” Hobie's cackling laughter buries deep in your mind, almost making you laugh too. ‘you're making me have it, huh?’ Jason frowns at you while he zooms in your apologetic face.
Tapping the desk, you smile at the man again. “So! Our bat, please?”
“I'd ask for papers like usual but I'm too lazy.” Now it's you judging the man. “If you can get him from the back yourself without getting rabies then you're free to take him.”
“Yeah, okay.” You shrug, and you hear Hobie breathe a sigh of relief. Opening the doors, you're greeted by a dozen small animals, all angrily calling out to you. “Wow, this reminds me of my cousin's room!”
Your eyes roam over the cages, looking for a familiar bat. The producer points at a bat on your right, she has her hand on the lock but you stop her midway. “That's clearly not him. Good try though.” The bat squeaks, lunging at the cage, almost biting the producer's hand.
Hobie's voice calls out to you, then you see a black bat with large wings rattle its cage. That's Hobie alright. “Aww,” you tease, “is it just me or you look extra adorable right now?”
‘Open the bloody door!’ Hobie telepathically screams at you, continuing to rattle at his cage. Squeaking angrily. You guess that he's starving now that he has tossed being sweet.
“In a minute.” You say, pulling out your phone to take numerous pictures of him. There's selfies of you with the angry bat, and even a group picture of the crew and bat Hobie. With one final click of the camera, you finally open the cage.
Hobie comes flying off towards your face, clinging to you, claws holding on to you and his tiny bat body covering your entire head. ‘Thank you, lovie.’ He says in your mind, his tiny fanged face nuzzling you sweetly. The camera crew takes numerous angles of the whole ordeal. ‘Take me home, ‘m hungry.’
“Will you let go of my face first?” Your voice is muffled by his fuzzy bat body.
‘nah, you're too comfortable.’
“No blood for you then.” You warn, and it works as he reluctantly moves over to your shoulders instead. ‘Fine,’ he grumbles, squeaking disappointedly.
Waving goodbye to the front desk who again stares at you all confused, you have successfully rescued your idiot vampire roommate. Placing him on your passenger seat, he shakes his head when you coax him into turning back to his form.
Jason records from the backseat, eyes flicking from you and the agitated bat. He knows exactly what's about to happen.
“What am I supposed to do? Let you drink from me again?”
There's a bout of silence, and then Hobie the bat nods his tiny head.
With a huff, you give him your hand to bite into. “One sip, Hobie, enough to turn you human.” He nods, mouth opening to take a bite. You look over your shoulder towards the camera. “Cut the fucking camera, Jason.”
Hobie sinks his teeth into you just as the camera shuts off. But not the mic though.
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kurosstuff · 6 months
Feel free to ignore this if it's too confusing, I myself got a lil confused while writing this.
A'ight so.
✨siren!vaggie x human!fisherman!reader x siren!charlie✨
One of the two gets overly curious and gets caught in one of readers nets, maybe charlie (sounds like smth she would do) and reader finds her and vaggie trying to get her out. Reader pulls out her fish knife to cut the net but vaggie gets the wrong idea and tries to stubornly fight her on land with her bare hands while the reader is franticaly trying to explain that she just wants to help. Just some silly first meeting shenanigans.
Also Idk anything fishing. I went fishing once when I was a little kid also short fic♡♡
LIKE UH- Charlie being a siren which? Are cruel creatures the counterpart to mermaids who are innocent(in a human aspect) kind? Like she actually is? He'll y3ah.
Siren! Charlie x fisherman!reader x Siren!Vaggie: unexpected meeting
Being a fisherman is fun- you don't have to worry about other humans stealing from you. Not usually- nor interacting with them. Just can sit back on a your deck waiting for something to catch in your net.
But there's a huge downside. You'll have encounters with other monsters. Land or sea doesn't matter. But- the one you've always hoped to never encounter. The one you like all over fisherman were warned about.
As beautiful as they are- just like mermaids yet oh so different. Known for luring any human to crash or to get into the water. To eat. Hell apparently- they don't always need to eat. They hunt for sport.
They hunt humans for fun
Shivering at the thought, you hummed, having to be more cautious as you set a net out into the ocean humming softly. Apparently, more monsters have been spotted - blinking, you turned hearing your name be called seeing the grumpy old man go up to you huffing. "You be careful, ok, kid?" The man grumbled the as usual Beer in his hand, making you frown - raising an eyebrow, he grunted "you don't know do you?"
"Know what-"
"The fucking siren sightings" he cut you off growling glaring in the water "twos been spotted near the town. You gotta be careful. You know the rules with handling them, right?" Seeing you nod, he hummed, patting your shoulder "after you're done. Come to my bar. I'll get you a drink. On the house. Owe you one anyways-" without waiting, he walked off.
Sighing, you nodded, slowly moving to set out your net. Never was a fan of using the pole. Making sure it was ready, you cast it into the water moving to sit on the chair you brought along sighing.
Now. You wait.
It was uneventful. Hours you waited. Nothing- it usually didn't take this long to get a pull from any fish. It was always active. Now? It wasn't. Like the fishes weren't around.
It was weird.
You almost gave up abour to pull the net in calling it a day- wasn't unrare of getting nor good pulls. Just rare to get none.
Before a pull from the net making you grin, "YES!" You cheerer pulling the net in- needing to use more force "fuck big catch today huh-" taking so much longer to pull in then usual.
You wondered what fish you caught' or like your luck. What trash did you bring in
But the second you pulled the net our. You stared at the being in the net. "What the fuck" you choked out confused at what you were even looking at.
A siren.
A fucking siren is in your net.
"H-hi, my names Charlie-" the siren spoke speaking, but you didn't really hear her as you stared. Confused. "So uh.. can you.. let me go?"
"But.. your.. a siren. You'll know?" Gesturing to her claws making her look down yelping looking up at you like a kicked puppy. As if you just told her a horrifying thing
"I'd never hurt a human!" She stuttered out, shaking her hands,"not intentionally - accidentally yeah sure their like super fragile, but.. no- no- sorry i -" she rambled. Blinking, the more you watched, the more you sighed. She - wasn't actually that dangerous. Well. She is. All sirens are
But she was like- a puppy? A sea puppy,
She froze, looking up at you, confused, her rambling cut short "ok I'll get you free-... need to get my knife to cut you free. That's the only way ok?" Seeing her nod, you hummed, pulling out your large knife walking to her
A bubbling noise was heard as you cut the net freeing her- not seeing her panicked face. As she watched the water. "Hey, you ok -" you were cut off by a blur jumping out of the water snarling loudly with a deep hiss charging right at you
"VAGGIE! NO-" the one siren from the net screamed out as another jumped onto you cutting your arm making you kick her off scared- terrified.
Is this how you die? From helping a siren? To be killed by another?
How unlucky can you be?
Holding your cut arm from the grumpy snarling siren- apparently named Vaggie as Charlie? You think - rushed forward, smiling, acting as if she was a mermaid. But - she's a siren, right? "Oh! Yes! I am a siren! But uh.. don't worry, me and Vaggie won't hurt you well... not again!" Charlie laughed awkwardly, rubbing her neck making you flush in embarrassment.
You said that aloud.
Sighing, glancing at vaggie, kicking the knife you used to free the taller siren for from you praying. That wasn't a mistake the snarling slowed, calming down "no no- i- sorry I was just trying to get some food- I uh- didnt mean to trap you.. didn't know sirens like- came here?"
Charlie grinned, nodding excited "oh! Me and my girlfriend Vaggie-" gesturing to the grumpy siren who glared you down "were cutting through were to meet with some mermaids-!" Smiling happy ad you hummed
"Mermaids? Seriously. Ok- Charlie, right?" Seeing her nod in agreement, making you hum softly "the mermaids aren't here. Well not now. Their off doing some hunting and what not. But careful you two. People know your here and not everyone will be nice like I am to you two"
That caused Vaggie to be on edge more so then she was already while Charlie? Didn't look worried at all.
Which concerned you.
"Wait' Charlie- don't tell me are you still gonna continu-" you were cut off by Charlie jumping into the lake. Swimming off as Vaggie stared at you. Unreadable
"I'm sorry" she spoke for the first time Grunting it out as if she never- or hardly spoke or apologied "Charlie does this. Jumps into things without much thought" making you nod slowly trying to understand- before you could reply to her.
She was gone. Following Charlie.
Staring off watching them both disappear you sighed. "..that's it I quit" you grumbled turning to pack up
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bad268 · 1 year
Hi! if you want to or if you feel like it can you write anything about droid pezzy grizzy or puffer any of them you absolutely don't have to and if you want to can you write smth related to this
Bubblegum Bitch (Big Puffer X Streamer! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (Took me a minute, I was tossing up different ideas for this I hope you like it!)
Warnings: Language ig
Pronouns: You/your
W.C. 1159
Summary: A broken promise leads to revenge.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^Screenshot from sleep stream vid/can't remember which)
Chat was being a pain today. Well, they were always a pain, but it seemed more than usual. After your 3 month hiatus from streaming and social media, the chat was bound to be hectic. Add to the fact that it was a sleep stream. Yeah, it should've been expected that chat would have a field day.
"I get it, guys," you started off as you started setting up media share, "I haven't been active in forever. Y'all are just crazy, and I needed a break." You glanced over at the messages, most of it is just random letters and emotes. Some of it was welcoming you back to streaming, some asking if you're going to have a regular streaming schedule again, and some complaining that media share is not working. "Hold your horses, guys. I'm still setting it up, takes time."
You ended up putting on some elevator music to fill the silence as you continued to set up media share. At one point, someone sent a donation, and apparently, the sound was already connected to the speakers, so it nearly blew your eardrums out.
"Is Puffer joining you?" It said.
"Jesus, fuck, no," you laughed. "Ain't no way I could convince Puffer to join me for a sleep stream. Actually, maybe..." you trailed off, pulling your phone off the charger to text our chat. "Okay, we'll see what he says. In the meantime, feel free to blast him on Twitter or something. Blow up his notifications, so he'll have to join. I think he's streaming now, too, so feel free to leave while I set up media share."
Meanwhile, Puffer was streaming a you laugh, you spin the wheel, and his own chat had convinced him to add "sleep stream" to the list. Just as he spun the wheel, the last time for his stream, his chat starts blowing more so than usual. Instead of paying attention to the wheel, he focuses on what the chat is talking about. Most of them begging the wheel to land on the sleep stream or asking him to join his significant other.
"Did (twitch user) send you? I already told them I'm not joining," he laughed before beginning to dial your number but immediately stopped once he saw what the wheel landed on: sleep stream. "Oh fuck off. Really?" His attention flips to be solely focused on the wheel, making sure it actually landed on the sleep stream. "What if I just go join (twitch user)? Will that make you happy? Will that count?" Seeing the chat fill with yeses and happy emotes, he started setting up for a raid to his significant other with a sigh. "Fine, head over there. I'll be over there in a minute."
In your room, you finally got media share to work, and all of your viewers (plus Puffer's from the raid you didn't know you had) witnessed you get jumpscared by the Buzz Lightyear commercial. "There's gotta be a minimum for that. I can see why Puffer does $50 minimum for it."
"Puffer is coming" A donation read through the speakers, scaring you once again.
"Oh, how did y'all convince him? I'm curious," You asked chat, looking through the messages in hopes of seeing anyone answer my question.
"Unluck of the wheel and opportunity," Puffer answered as he walked into your office in a comfier outfit than what he was streaming in with a pillow and blanked. "The wheel landed on sleep stream, so I'm just going to join you."
The stream was hell, to put it lightly. With Puffer's audience excited for the sleep stream and your chat finally happy to see some content, there were no silence moments the entire night.
"I am never doing a sleep stream again," Puffer groaned as he hid his face in your neck while you checked the chat on your phone.
"On the bright side, it's gonna be over soon," You laughed, setting your phone down as you played with his hair. "Mods just told me that someone just sent in the last video of the night. Should be playing soon."
Looking up at the screen when you hear a song playing, it's Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA. Your eyes grew wide as you registered that it was the video you made over the break, teasing Puffer. The same video that you swore not to post.
"What the fuck is that..." Puffer trailed off, seeing you and him in the video. Then it gets to the chorus, and the video shows you grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him in like you were going to kiss him before pushing him away again. Immediately, he remembers when that happened. "You said you weren't going to post that!"
"I put it in the member's discord," You defended, "It was a challenge they asked me to do anyway, so one of them is a little snitch."
"On that note, we are done. I am done. I am never doing a sleep stream again," He exaggerated as he jumped out of the bed, leaving the room. "And I am never trusting you again!"
"Look at what you guys did," I lectured chat as I moved to end the stream. "Just for that, no stream for the rest of the week. See you guys next week! Think about what you've done. Bye!"
Two days later, Puffer was still salty. You promised not to post that video, yet there it was on the internet. He was going to get back at you, and he knew exactly what he needed to do.
It was a chill day. One where you were cuddling into Puffer’s side as a movie played in the background, and you both scrolled through your phones. You put yours to the side as you got hit with a wave of exhaustion, pulling the blanket that was across your laps up to your shoulders.
This was his chance, he thought. You were nearly asleep, so you would not question his actions. He made sure his headphones were connected before setting up his phone to record your reaction. He gently shook you away during the lead-up of the song, your face filled with confusion, as he moved his hand to rest on the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss, but he stopped just short. 
“I’ll chew you up and,” He whispered against your lips before pushing you back, “I’ll spit you out.” Your face dropped in shock as you realized what he was doing. “Cause that’s what young love is all about.”
“So pull me closer,” You whispered back, overcoming the shock, as you grabbed his chin to pull him in, “and kiss me hard.”
“I’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart,” You both whispered together while jokingly glaring at each other. 
“I’m gonna post this,” Puffer said after a minute of just staring into your eyes. “I think that’s fair.”
“All is fair in love and war.”
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puzzled-pegasus · 5 months
Christina Posabule thoughts (tiny little female christ is eating my brain today/pos)
This is mostly me working out some parallels between her and Orel's families but there's some cute hcs for her and Orel in here too :3
Her mom Poppit is influential to her as a parallel to the way that Clay affects Orel. Poppit is selfish, drunk, bitter, and very two-faced parent just like Clay is, who just like him, confidently gives awful advice and takes advantage of Christina's trusting nature.
Art is less involved with Christina and loses interest in conversation with her as soon as anything remotely associated with femininity comes up and he's just like ew gross go talk to your mom. the most positive attention he gives her is about her appearance and how cute or pretty she looks. He likes to constantly condescendingly tell her that any given thing she's interested or asking advice about in the moment is for boys or "a little girl like you doesn't need to worry about that :)" and it drives Christina nuts so she goes and talks to her mom anyway
Similarly to Clay and Orel, Poppit decided to take Christina on a picnic in the woods and they get lost, and Christina gets permanently injured due to her mother's carelessness, though I haven't yet figured out how. (Man, I just realized that if that happened after the events of Nature and Orel found out, he would probably be out for Poppit's BLOOD on behalf of his puppy crush sweetheart)
Idk whose post I read but I'll add the credit in later, but I read earlier the idea that as a parallel to Orel's masochism episode Christina has an arc where she turns sadist and I thought that was fuckin hilarious so yeah I need that to be a thing. I wonder what would set that off though. Maybe instead of taking to heart the idea that suffering is good for her, she might be like "wait friends I don't want you to go to hell for being happy" and beats them up...or smth i dont know. And also as parallel to Orel's dreams of God in that episode she could be like. Beating the shiz out of Satan. Lol. anyway,
I have this feeling that she and Orel have like the sappiest pet names for each other but like you cant even be mad about it cause they're so sincere lol. like they meet up for a date and Orel's casually like "there's my bright little daisy" and Christina is like "oh hello my sweet pudding pie" and then they hold hands and walk to the park or whatever tf
This is a smaller hc but if you remember that moment before the Puppingtons found out the Posabules were Catholic when Clay noticed Orel making 😍 eyes at Christina and he asked Orel if he thinks she was cute,,, I think it would be nice if Poppit and Christina were doing the same thing at that moment like Poppit was like "oh he's a doll isn't he?" And Christina's like "yes, ma'am, and so polite too!" and Poppit says something cheeky about how Christina better not start bringing boys around Art because he'll shoot them or whatever (you know like how dads threaten their daughters' boyfriends for no reason because of weird possession issues) and then they giggle together
Since Orel's been shot Christina worries over him a lot and especially in the first few months of their relationship she kept asking him how much it hurt and and even into adulthood she checks with him every day to make sure he's not exerting himself too much
Christina had a cat briefly and her parents killed it because they thought it was bad luck or smth
instead of "meet me in my study" Poppit's the more involved parent when it comes to discipline so she's just like "go see your father" cus he's the one with the belt
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
shark week is here and i'm so tired but i'm finally getting around to this, woohoo!
me and my sister are gonna see the haikyuu movie next week and i'm SO excited so i got a haikyuu hc (tho it includes neither nekoma nor karasuno lol)
suna struggles extremely hard with falling asleep and aran is a light sleeper, so whenever they're away for a training camp or smth he always wakes up to suna shuffling around, being frustrated and on the verge of tears because it's 3am and he's so exhausted but he just. won't. fall. asleep. but ofc aran is there to take care of it (platonically, in a big brother way, bromantically if you will)
as always, i totally get if you don't want to write this and i wish you the best of days and happiest of lives, stay hydrated ♡
Oh jeez- shark week! I'm sorry friend; I know that feeling all too well! AND THE HAIKYUU MOVIE YAS!!! It's so GOOD you're gonna love it! kjarkjekjrekjjkj the Suna headcanons YES! I love this so much Rey AHHH! Big brother Aran is so good! I've gotcha covered!
Aran was awakened by a low groan, so soft no one else seemed to hear it but him. He dared a peek at the futon next to him, finding Suna laying there with an arm tossed over his eyes. His jaw was set- and he looked rather distressed.
When he dared a peek at his phone- dear god why was it so bright?- it was 3 am. Shoot.
“Are you good?” He asked in a low voice, giving up on pretending he was still asleep. Suna seemed to stiffen at his words.
“I…no. I’m not good. I can’t sleep- I’m so tired and I just-” It was too dark to see, but Aran was sure he heard tears. “Fuck, I just want to to reach into my head and shake my brain until it turns off!”
“You’d be dead if you did that.” Aran gently pointed out, going for humor. Suna’s tch in response told him not to try again. “What do you need right now?”
“What-I don’t know! I c-can’t…” Aran shuffled closer, practically in the other boy’s futon now. He reached up and took the arm pressing into his friend’s face, catching his watery gaze.
“I’m here.” He spoke again, reassuring and soft. “What do you need?”
Suna took a few quick breaths, lips flattened to hide their tremble. “Talk to me. I don’t care what just- talk. Say anything.”
“Hm.” Okay- Aran could do that. “I’m from Hyogo. We’re close to the sea.”
Suna nodded, listening. Aran continued. He spoke of his family life growing up, how his dad would take him and his brother out to sea to catch shrimp and mussels. He spoke of their fishing trips, and the time his brother got two fishing hooks caught in his hand.
“He tried to get the first out with another one.” He grinned, earning a weak smile from Suna. The brunette was starting to calm down- Aran could feel his slowing pulse through the grip on his wrist. “It was worth it though. My grandmother- she loved seafood gumbo. She made it every Sunday without fail. If she was even late making it, everyone would be worried.”
“Sounds good. I….I’d like to try some.” Suna yawned, finally starting to drift away. Aran carried on with his childhood stories until Suna was properly out, lowering his wrist and scooting back towards his futon.
Only to realize in the middle blocker’s twists to get comfortable he was practically in Aran’s. Without meaning to, they were sharing the beds.
Giving up without much fight, Aran reached down and dragged the blanket up, whispering a few soft words as he started to fall asleep himself.
“Yeah..grandma would do this too…talk to me until I passed out..I miss her..” He let out a small sigh as he drifted, dreaming of sitting with her by the water and eating gumbo with ritz crackers.
“You’ve done good, Aran.” She told him with a smile.
“I hope so, Grandma.”
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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accirax · 2 months
combining some of @sapphireroses282's asks into one post! (what they said is indented)
2nd greet from the same person but I guess with a slightly more positive ending/reply. (Almost feels like a take two haha. 😅) Also, oooh~ I wonder what they said to him at the end to get that response~? 😏😉
Alec, with Derek threatening him at gunpoint behind the camera: haha yeah i guess my life isn't totally over asker hahahaha
given that it's for the same person and Alec somewhat retcons what he said, i do wonder if it was genuinely a re-do of a greeting that someone wasn't happy with. either way, i wonder what happened for Alec to go from 7th most favorite to most favorite in the interrim.
makes sense that he used to be a librarian, though, given his title of The Librarian. that also means he was probably making a slightly above average salary for the UK, given some baseline research. though, if he's competing to be Riya's sugar daddy, he's still losing to Connor. (/j)
My two favourite Aiden greetings~ ^^ Viester's singing voice is ❤Godly❤ and Aiden was super cute in the 2nd one~! 😊
the Aiden singing greetings make me conceptually happy because i feel like Viester enjoys the chance to learn and perform new songs for everybody. you can hear the happiness in his voice... or he's just flexing his acting skills as well, lol.
and that staring contest cracked me up. i guess the asker really did only ask about Aiden's favorite color? funny, given how everyone else seems to be asking for like three answers minimum plus a song. speaking of alternate universes, though, Aiden has the same rationale behind his favorite color as an alternate universe version of Winnie the Pooh. not the canonical one, though.
That lucky little... H-huh!? 😳 Jealous?? Who's jealous? Not me-! Who- Who said I was jealous!?!? Ok jokes aside, I'm kinda confused on why his fav dish is grilled asparagus now when he said it was spaghetti bolognese or smth in another greeting... Ah well, whatever.
i wonder how Alec's ex-wife would react to knowing that so many people are trying to rizz this dude up in her absence. then again, he's popular on the "we love pathetic men" website, so if she's not into failwives, maybe she just thinks everyone's insane.
as for the food thing, i'm guessing they might not have wanted to double up on the exact same content in greetings? like, especially if they were sent in at around the same time, i could see them not wanting the second person to feel like they were ripped off for getting the exact same info that someone else already happened to ask a little bit earlier. perhaps Alec's favorite meal is spaghetti bolognese with a side of grilled asparagus.
Yep. This is it. This is the best one. No question. It's stuff like this that truly makes me thankful for the DC fandom! 😭❤ Why did that last meow sound so suave/flirty too?!?! 😂🙈 (I'd be surprised if Raitix didn't have to do multiple takes of this because he kept bursting out laughing during it. Sounded like he was close to it tho) I'd say it was definitely worth the $80~! 😁
y'know, if they were going to go this far, they should've added cat ears as a costume as well. (/j)
Oh hey, I've just seen some art you've done for DC and stuff, do you take (free) requests?
i've been looking at setting up a ko-fi recently, so hopefully i'll have an option for paid commissions open soon!
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phayz · 1 year
pleeease keep talking about toys...i think this is interesting and smth i've never thought too hard about but it makes sense and i like to hear your opinions on modern toys
(ask pertaining to this post)
holy shit okay !! i would love to ramble on so, i shall!
okay im no expert on toy sales history, this is all just observation from my life experiences and i'll try to keep each part i want to go over relatively short!
that being said lets start with a small one that i've personally noticed as a canadian: Kinder egg toys! i remember when they used to come with like 4-8+ pieces, and you needed the included step by step manual to assemble them. they would often come with sticker sheets to decorate them with, and they would often be articulated or be set on wheels or have some sort of fun or movement or general functionality to them:
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dont those look awesome? wrapped in 2 kinds of chocolate, and for only like 2$! i remember they would come in all shapes and sizes, all sorts of animals and vehicles and sometimes freaky little abominations, as you can see above, and sometimes even puzzles! they were such a special treat as a kid.
but kinder eggs now? come with a maximum of like 3 pieces that just snap together (usually the front and back of the toy, and then the platform they stand on). and thats all they mostly are now, stiff toys that stand on platforms wahhooooo yippeee
idk just look at the quality difference from the old ones above compared to some of the new ones:
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like..... these are..... nothing! literally nothing. just a figure snapped to a pole/platform and thats it! not very interesting for more than 3 minutes max.
now i know what you're thinking: "not ALL of the old kinder toys had to have been bangers" and you'd be right, some were lame as hell, but even the lame ones from before look more intricate than the ones we have now, like can you see what i mean, just detail-wise?
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it just feels so cheap and shitty, i could go on and on but more is explained later. point is, it sucks.
anyway that's a very small example and we can move onto bigger and better ones, and maybe even one that everyone else might have noticed by now; McDonald's toys! remember when they were actually toys?
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and not just stiff figurines?
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(the minions franchise was like CRACK for companies who love making profit off of nothing but stiff rounded plastic. probably the cheapest form of "toy" i can think of)
and yeah, again, its not like there werent figurines back in the day too, there's ALWAYS been lame as hell mcdonalds toys, but looking among many modern mcdonalds toys, you dont see anything as cool as the old ones. literally every major modern movie/franchise right now is nothing but figurines. the most recent actually interactive mcd's toy ive seen is when they collabed with hasbro games
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again, companies just seem to be pumping out quantities over quality.
but why?
well, for starters toys are becoming cheaper (both in price and quality) because prices have sky rocketed and stores are forced to only stock cheaper things, therefore the cheap things sell the most, and then more of them get made, and statistics get fucked, etc etc the cycle repeats.
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but toy companies know one thing, and that's that things that are "cuter" always sell more. "cuter" being used with vitriol because their idea of 'cute' is 'more glitter and sparkles and rainbow colours and obnoxiousness' oh, and dont forget the huge soulless bug eyes on all of them!
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i know that people love these things, but theyre so..... uncanny. their stare is piercing, their stance is so stiff, i always felt bad actually playing with the only one of these i had growing up, and not just because it freaked me out, it just genuinely didnt feel good to play with.
and i knoowwwww people are obsessed with these things, but come on, you have to admit theyre SO unoriginal! theyre just cookie cutter shapes!
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these things are horrifying and, at best, belong on a shelf.
these "beany boos" are so woobified and almost feel like a flanderized version of a stuffed animal, and they've completely taken over "beanie babies", which were wonderful soft little things that actually had movement and weren't stiff to cuddle! I also feel like they're almost trying to copy what webkinz was, in a way, as some of those were stiff too (but still loveable and not burdened with an uncanny, vacant stare)
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anyway this is getting insanely long and im sorry but i feel like im going insane every time i see new toys nowadays. the like.... "cuteification" of everything is driving me insane, and the fact that they are simply just lower quality than what we used to get, because of prices rising and causing easy-to-make things to become more and more popular.
examples to further prove these points:
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extreme woobifying or "cuteification" by almost completely removing all horse anatomy in favour of thin limbs, heavy makeup eyes that are now on the front of her face, and modern influencer eyebrows. on a horse.
and the extreme-simplifying of toys can be seen quite well on those mini polly pocket sets!! see this one here?
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almost allllll of those little plastic things could be rotated or rearranged or moved or fucked with in some manner, it was awesome. i loved these miniature houses they always came with so much shit. wanna guess what the newer ones look like?
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you guessed it, like shit!!
man even beyblades used to come with like, all sorts of different pieces both metal and plastic alike, and you had to assemble them yourself and you could interchange pieces to obtain a different weight which would affect your attacks against other beyblades, etc etc:
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and looking at them now? they seem to be mostly made of- yep, you guessed it, hard cheap plastic.
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anyway holy shit i literally reached the 30 image limit on a single post tumblr really said thats ENOUGH !! i cant believe i just spent that long talking about the worlds most pointless thing but at any rate i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you see my vision. because like i said im not insanely knowledgeable on any of this in particular, but its hard not to notice the decline in quality of all of todays modern toys.
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ilyasorokinn · 11 months
if you can, a blurb of samuel ersson <3 (free to do what u want, i would just like to read smth you've written for him)
whoever sent this in, i love you <3 i still love him even if he didn't take my bracelet lmao
you felt lightheaded as you pulled the balloon away from your mouth and tied it off, "how many are left?" your friend asked from the other end of the couch, tying off her own balloon.
"well, we've got 10 here right now, the ones we blew up makes 12, so only 21 more to go." she fell back on the couch and groaned.
"we're gonna pass out before we get this done." she looked over at you, "they could have done this at party city, ya know?"
"yeah, i'm realzing that now." you sighed.
"you know what? i'll go tomorrow for you and get them done, just so we can stop blowing them up before we die."
"really. that's how much i love sam." she patted you on the back, "21 more balloons, 11 orange, 10 black, and 2 3s."
"i love you." you sighed, setting down your balloon and leaning back, "i miss sam."
she groaned, "you'll see him tomorrow."
"i know, but that's so far away."
"get over it." she tossed a pillow in your direction, which you caught and then promptly threw back at her.
the next day after work, you got home to find all the balloons already in your apartment. you shot your friend a quick text then set them up in the way you thought looked nice.
you set up the birthday banner and hung it up, then brought the cake out of the fridge and set it up, centering it with all the gifts you got for sam around it. you then ordered sam's favorite food and waited for him to get home.
a few hours later, you had dug into the food already, but you heard the lock turn and your head whipped over just in time to see sam coming through the door.
"your home!" you jumped off the couch and ran over to greet him. he smiled, catching you when you jumped into his arms, "happy birthday."
"thank you, love." he hummed, running a soothing hand up and down your back, "i missed you."
"i missed you, too." you pulled away and looked at him, brushing a stray piece of hair out of his face, "i got you some stuff."
"what kind of stuff?" he asked, setting you down on the ground. you grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen where he finally caught a glimpse of the banner and all 33 balloons hanging up, "whoa." he let out a chuckle.
"happy birthday, sammy." you kissed his cheek.
"thank you." he hummed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. you took the cake out and pressed a candle into it, lighting it for him.
you smiled as you sang to him, enjoying the bashful look on his face. he blew it out with a smile on his face when you cheered for him. once the cake was cut into, you watched him open his gifts.
"just some small things because i got you one big thing but it hasn't arrived yet."
"y/n..." he sighed.
"stop, you literally got me concert tickets, so one big thing is acceptable." you playfully glared at him, watching him open the gift. he smiled and profusely thanked you when he opened each gift, a simple pair of cufflinks with his initals, a new hoodie that he had been eying for a while, and a few gag gifts. a shirt with your face on it and a pin that read 'i <3 my gf!' that he immediately put on his backpack.
"open the envelope," you told him, pushing it towards him. he opened it with a raised brow and a confused look. he opened it and read what it said before looking up at you with wideeyes.
"are you serious?" he asked.
"yeah, trips planned for off-season." you smiled with a nod, a smile on your face at the excitement on his, "we're going to sweden!" you cheered.
"oh, my god!" he jumped up and picked you up, spinning you around. you laughed, wrapping your arms around him tighter, "this is insane!"
"you've been talking abot going home, and i know we didn't get to go to sweden this summer, so we're going next year. i planned the whole thing with your family already."
"i love you." he placed a sweet kiss to your forehead as you hugged you tight.
"i love you, too." you hummed happily.
requests are open!
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Oh my god capers reaction to seeing sparrows being back and knowing that she was tink (sorta) will be priceless emotional destruction in the au where she is brought back after tinks ascension
Also how does sparrows come to terms with the 2 lives she remembers and two very different identities.
the first one i'm making that big comic for! the reuinion plus some buffer at the beginning so it's a bit more whole. the fact that Sparrows was That One Slug won't come up *there* so i'll tell you now: bro will be flabbergasted, panicked, confused and stutter through like a trillion question marks. he will have to clear some things up for her if he will remember them too, so recounting the whole Memory Crypt burning will be a Thing
"they did What to my memory???" "built a fake crypt right at my feet..." "oh those fucking [insert low circle @ high circle slur here]" "damn, yeah i don't know what i was expecting"
HMMMMM..... yeah, how, i don't know either i'mma try brainstorm hmm...
aha! i think Fish could help out with that well! she Is his student in this (as a continuation from her presence as smth of student when she was a sluggy) and she'd be way more... idk believer in the spiritual? more open to it and stuff? and with Fish's main arc of setting his mind right on these things done, he's able to really truly help out with things like this. so he helps her to meditate, guides her through using the wheel flowers (the situation that happened with Euros was like that cuz Euros didn't exactly... have the knowledge on what to do during it for a beginner, they were mostly fooling around so ofc it ended up bad), and so on
which would help her better understand both of her lives and consecutively be at peace with her identity again. it becomes a blend, Fish guides her to look for the best of both worlds n embrace that. accept her strange existence as is, because ultimately what matters is the present moment and in the present moment she is simply... Living. and that's good. she'll be okay as she is
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aloera · 4 months
Aloera hii came running when i got the notification, djdjd incredibly as always ❤ can i ask how much time did it took you to find that tone in ur writing? I mean they way you describe things and feeling without making them too "poetic"and corny like it often happens when one tries to write? Also i wanted to share with you the manga panels i searched after reading your fic just so idk gsjd the expressions and significance fjdjf (i love this face is so :() (second one their canon dynamic>>> fanon)
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I know these last too have been brought so much times but idc this will always be iconic, the first high epic point in the manga, everything got set in motions after this(to me) wish with a follow up more substantial after this a hint of a conversation idk (a lot of people have move on from this but i will always remeber) sorry that this got so long i just wanted to share this with you excuse my english have a great week/end.
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first off thank you so much!! youre so sweet :)
as to how much time it took ive been writing since i was like.. six. and im twenty now. so ig fourteen years skull emoji.. but in general i think i focus less now on trying to sound like... super smart? if that makes sense? sometimes i think what makes things sound kinda corny is when youre describing stuff that you dont actually know.. so i try to just focus on stuff that i do know!! like for example with similes and stuff i just draw from stuff that i see in my own life.. common things.. and the hope is that it comes across as familiar and people reading that go oh i know what that feels like. yk? instead of trying to like.. idk be the next shakespeare and be super poetic and delve into topics that are maybe beyond me or just not really suited to my style of writing. no shade to people who do that!! thats just what worked for me in terms of developing my style :) for dialogue as well i'll sometimes say it out loud to see if it sounds like smth a real person would say outloud bc sometimes... its not... and i rewrite it until im not like. cringing as i say it LMFOA but also mind u i think there will sometimes always be a certain level of corn bc we are writing fic. like it is inherently corny asf. but once you get over that you can have a lot more fun with it :D
KIRISHIMAS LITTLE FACE SHUT UPPP i love him. i love him so bad. he actually invented facial expressions its crazy. have u seen that one panel of him glaring at monoma i think about it everyday hes SO FUNNY
you r so so so write on canon>fanon w them. their canon interactions are just so lovely and so full of heart and so recriprocated like i just know they are the most annoying two people to be around but they dont even care bc they are having so much fun with each other!!! which is why i love them :)
also. yeah. you and me are very right where you left me coded re kamino. i will never be over it i fear. i will be like seventy years old talking about "it has to be you" "if i cant do this im not even a man" "come" "you idiot" LIKE THAT WAS CRAZYYYYYYY i feel like as much as i get annoyed ab horikoshi kind of forgetting ab krbk i will never fully be able to be mad at him bc he gave us that.... like That Moment seared itself into my personhood. kickstarted a hand fixation and an undying loyalty fixation and like. twenty other fixations. is what it is ig.
sorry this is so long omg i just had sm to say but in conclusion thank you so much for the ask!! i will always love talking ab krbk so i really appreciated getting to talk about them with you :)))
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godtier · 8 months
so this is a very good question that was posed on my RE6 jake characterization meta post i put up a few days ago:
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i DO have an explanation for this and where i'm getting that inference from, but i didn't think i could fit it into reply boxes on that post and not be obnoxious with the multiple replies SO imma write up a super quick (hopefully) bonus meta thingy to go over this question!
SO jake + drugs. this is smth that i feel like gets overlooked for a few reasons (mostly bc jake is not a very popular character in the fandom + playerbase overall) but also bc RE as a series is very... well. like a lot of japanese media that's meant to be more broadly consumed, they like to imply the usage of drugs vs overtly say "this is what's happening"
in jake's intro scene, he says to a newly infected j'avo: "this stuff doing anything for you yet? supposed to be some kinda energy booster but... i don't feel any different"
as someone who, let's just say, has seen drug use lmao the entire scene is "coded," you could say. i don't really like using that terminology because it feels like a cop-out in a lot of cases, but in essence, that entire scene and set piece looks like a flop house or drug den. also, an "energy booster" that you inject...? it sounds like doping to me lmao. also, the dispenser itself it looked more like an epinephrine shot, which people do abuse for the "energy boost" that epinephrine gives.
to me, i'm looking at this scene and going "yeah okay, this entire group of mercenaries (minus jake) all huddled in this room together are really there for a vitamin B-12 supplement party." the way the other mercenaries inject the C-Virus is just like... yeah they thought they were getting free drugs lmao
but just because jake wasn't huddled in there with them all antsy for a buzz doesn't mean he didn't likely also assume it was drugs. even jake's body language speaks to me of someone who was prepared to go on a "journey" so to speak lmao. sliding down against a wall, getting relaxed, etc. it just looked like a guy who was getting ready to shoot up. he's not nervous about it. he just does it, barely any hesitation. and right in his goddamn neck too, which made me think "is he trying to get this shit working faster... why didn't he just jam it in his thigh" etc.
and the way jake says the line about it being an "energy booster" felt really forced in, like capcom's writers were like "oh shit oh no this looks like they're in a drug den shooting up or abusing epipens we gotta reinforce the fact that they totally didn't think this was drugs oh god LOOK JUST MAKE HIM AWKWARDLY STATE THAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A SUPPLEMENT OR SOMETHING"
but even if we just throw ALL of that away, just look at it at face-value... who takes free "supplements" in a war-torn area where there's most certainly a lot of illicit shit going down? someone who's like "hell yeah i'll get high for free," imo
jake's behavior is risk-taking for many reasons, obviously. he's a mercenary, so that right out the gate is a "risk-taking" position lmao. but to me, someone who just... readily accepts taking a "supplement" or "energy booster" from some unknown person without being coerced into it? yeah this man's done drugs before. otherwise, he would have turned it down, right? or maybe they woulda had to hold him down to make him take it? well, they had to show that jake was immune to the C-Virus for plot reasons, and this was really the easiest way to write it in without introducing a lab environment. it makes sense for what type of character he's meant to be: outside of the law and working in a high-risk/high-reward environment.
i'll admit i was kinda taken aback the first time i played the game because i was like OH WE DOIN THIS I GUESS??? and then they slipped in the "energy booster" line, and it just reminded me of the type of shit you'd see in a dub of an anime in the 90s. like pokemon calling the rice balls "donuts." just sterilized despite it being a very obvious implication in the scene overall.
i will admit that my use of the word "addict" probs was a bit too intense for what i think jake's life experiences are, so i'll edit that out of my original post.
das what i got! thank u for ur time
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birrdies · 9 months
hi i'm insane
Many months ago I read the first two parts of outbreak and I meant to send an ask or leave a comment about how they made me cry in the middle of the night but I was too shy. I recently read "everywhere, everything" for the first time (and ofc reread parts 1 and 2). Let me tell you. I am not the same person I was. Both reading experiences changed me. "It's okay. I'll be here when you wake up." OKAY how did you know the exact words to get me crying for at least half an hour?????? I'll say also when Etho and Grian were fighting at the boathouse I could SEE it so clearly, I could imagine the colour palette and the cold of the water, the physical and mental struggle, and I can't remember ever having a fic make me picture a scene like that before. I was there bro. I felt their loss and their pain. All the parts end so tragically but still managed to be satisfying.
DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON "oh captain (let's make a deal)" i reread that multiple times as well. I just might read it again. it's such a fun setting and the particular way you've captured Grian and Scar's dynamic over and over again really hits the nail on the head in my opinion. It's not easy to write! They are both pretty complex characters with an equally complex relationship.
I was offline for a little while so I saw you were working on something new a bit late, but "as above, so below" is great so far and I'm really looking forward to keeping up with it!!!! I was going to say smth about being willing to read a 100k monstrosity if it were written by you but judging by the current wordcount it might make it that far and I am more than okay with that. Despite the length I've never thought your work dragged or was a slog to get through at any point.
I left kudos on everything I've read and I'm so excited to keep up with anything new. Doesn't matter what. You have both insane skill and talent and I just had to say something as the conclusion of secret life and rereading the outbreak series put my brain in a fucking salad spinner and I had to voice my appreciation.
Hi Insane, I'm Dad < 3
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Oh my goodness, hello! (I hope you don't mind me answering this to my blog it's just so precious and nice I want to keep it saved here forever...) I ashfugkh I don't know what else to say besides thank you!! Not only for your kind words, but it means so much to me that someone would take the time to not only read through the entirety of 'outbreak' but all my other fics as well. Because... well... you said it best, they can be a bit of a monstrosity in terms of length haha. Speaking of... (laughs nervously looking at my 'as above so below' document) you just may get your wish here... the final word count is a bit of a beast (118k) and while I do worry it's Too much, it means a lot that you'd be willing to even read that much from me. I appreciate YOU, PEACE AND LOVE!!! BLOCK MEN SAVE THE WORLD!! HELL YEAH
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sinkableruby · 10 months
Ougi 1-26
mother mother - ghosting...........................
balance.... balance balance balance balance reason balance
show them being spooky and weird. ougi must be weird and spooky at all times this is a requirement GOD i love ougi
misogyny, transphobia, homophobia (less this but still)
yes because i love them. i would have to get better at cleaning my room but i definitely could as long as i did that
obviously. i appreciate their tricks and i would go along with their lies and laugh at their jokes because i already do that. we would be so tricky and fun together
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12. loves hats and other hair accessories but just never gets the chance to wear them because COUGH always in the school COUGH (i say this bc of the amount of official arts giving them hair accessories n hats) 13. 🤭 14. hmmmm.... it's not quite right to just say "goth." ougi absolutely wears black (could even say another headcanon is that its their favorite color bc i mean. cmon) almost if not all of the time... if i'm going off official art, cute clothes, sometimes with frills. if i'm going off a whim headcanon, fancier, elegant stuff (like smth you might wear at a fancy party), maybe formal attire, or just plain black shirt and skirt/pants. if i'm going off both, lots of dresses, long or short. if i'm picking specific styles/genres of fashion, probably either casual, business casual, or evening wear. maybe some goth too actually, but not lolita and probably no eyeliner to go with it 15. hmm.................. i dont ship ougi so much. but tsubasa/ougi kismesis rivalry ship is real. 16. >:((((((( koyougi. setting aside that it would never happen bc they dont see each other like that bc of who they are, it would put ougi in a really bad spot that i really dont want to see them in to the point where it physically pains me. koyougi can only exist and make sense by being mutually toxic and destructive and i'm fine with torturing koyomi but i refuse to subject ougi to that. 17. was gonna say this for 15 but then saw this. for a more traditional romantic ship, i think ougi/tsukihi is alright 18. well assuming this doesn't have to be romantic... koyomi, probably. she does so much for him and loves him so much. their dynamic is so unique and interesting and... intimate and special. and touching, too :) (and of course, fun and mischievous and all the good stuff) other than that... maybe nadeko? because of nademonogatari. and how nice he is to her 19. mmm don't think i have one of these? 20. TSUKIHI!!!!! TSUKIHI TSUKIHI TSUKIHI!!!! ive talked about this in another post but. they share similar situations and ougi had a heart-to-heart with her in ougi dark!!!! besides koyomi ougis opened up the most to tsukihi, and tsukihi genuinely respects ougi (ln)! ougi can unbalance tsukihi but the reverse is also true so they're on an equal footing. and tsukihi would help ougi out on whatever they needed, too bc tsukihi's just like that. they'd be really good friends i think nisioisin should scrap whatever his next novel idea is and write this instead 21. oh absolutely the gags. its soo fucking funny to think about how the hell ougi would take the piss out of something. i cannot count the number of times i've read my own fics and burst out laughing because god ougi is such a little shit and would totally do this. something i dont like........ second guessing myself on whether they would in fact, say that. alternatively, trying to figure out how to give them character development in a satisfying way because nisioisin forgor 22. there's no one thing because everyone other than me gets it wrong in an unforgivable way. HOWEVER, the thing i see people doing the most (or just remember the most) is making ougi Too intellectual. ougi isn't Not intellectual, but ougi is also not stuck up their own ass. this is the person who said "*blush*" out loud. ougi gets silly with it. ougi is a jokester and disrupts the balance and preserves the balance by disrupting it. if ougi is being too much of one thing, they will take notice and immediately shift gears to be the opposite. ougi is incredibly self aware. if ougi was ever using an average of 6 long and sophisticated words per sentence, they would cotton on and then make "Huh WHUHHHHH" their next sentence. 23. WHAT YOU CANT ASK ME THIS OK I KNOW WHAT IT IS NVM. its this (explanation in the link)
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there's two to tie with this, or runnerups perhaps: this, which is just. fun and playful and lonely. a moonlit waltz, and ougi's leading him around wherever she wants. wonderful
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and this vofan art! love these so very much. this one just feels like im in school and the sun is shining through the windows. which is what literally is in the picture but it feels like i'm there. ive always loved seeing the sun shine on things and it's no less beautiful here, especially when it's lighting up the euler's identity proof on the blackboard. the big ZERO scribbled a few times over is a nice touch too
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THIS VOFAN ART IS ALSO SO SO SO GOOD! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!! IN THE MIDDLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL SMILING AND ACTING ALL HUMBLE WITH THEIR FANCY LITTLE TUX THING. GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR THEM LOVE THEM YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 24. thought i didnt know this one, but actually... ena from. ena lol. it's the inscrutability + the gender + the formality 25. "wait who is this? did i skip a part by accident?? am i supposed to know who this is??? ive never seen this character as part of the lineup for mono girls. huh." then this became admiration and joy when she started doing interesting philosophizing and harassing of koyomi. not to mention the GENDER. and how entertaining they always were. without even realizing it i started rooting for them...... and now of course. they're the most important thing to me 26. "Are you really always right about Ougi?" hehehe...
YES. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT OUGI!!!!!! *cackle* *cackle*
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