#but then i saw they had a copy of loveless in
okkotsuus · 1 year
PLEASE i need that dealing with ur ex as ur boyf but for barou cus i KNOW that man would GO OFF!
ex encounters (bllk pt.2) !
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no because barou would beat the shit out of someone. i'm jut gonna include the rest i wanted for pt.2 with this <3
features: barou s. jingo r. rensuke k. meguru b.
contents: bad exes. ig hurt comfort. kind of comical. barou tries to fight someone. raichi actually fights someone. barou, raichi, and kunigami are physically imposing. bachira pretends to be cray cray (is he really pretending tho?). they're adults bc i said so. 1.9k words.
tw for the exes: copying you. light implied obsession. second choice. gas lighting. being physically imposing. cheating. implied love bombing. stage 5 clinger (derogatory). extremely mild stalking? (can't think of a better word for it).
pt.1 — pt.3 — pt.4
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barou would be so bothered, he would verbally degrade the poor dude to tears. not to mention how physically imposing the man is, the ex would be SPRINTING away.
it all started about three years ago when you broke up with your ex, because you just didn't love him anymore and didn't want to keep him trapped in a loveless relationship.
you always felt bad about it, but never bad enough to get back together with him. especially not after barou had barged his way into your life, conquering your heart.
you were sitting on a bench in the park while waiting for him to come back from getting ice cream for the two of you. y'know, not expecting to see your ex, you were minding your business and scrolling though tiktok.
"y/n, hey!" you looked up to see your ex, at first you were confused because frankly, you didn't recognize him. he had changed a lot about himself, physically, dying his hair and dressing different.
part of you already had an idea where this was going. so, you just smiled at him and tried your best to be polite.
"oh, hello." yep, polite, but not nice so that it would lead him on. he stated blabbing on about how he had changed a lot lately, talking about things from the food he liked to the music he listened to. you noticed that it was all things that you had done or liked back when the two of you were together. it was kind of creeping you out.
"i guess what i'm trying to say is: will you please give me another chance. we should be much more compatible now-" you watched half in amusement and half in shock as a cone of ice cream was sat on his freshly coiffed hair.
your ex whirled around in anger, but immediately when dead still when he saw who did it: your boyfriend, barou. he was now holding only one ice cream as he stared down on your ex.
"you dare to speak to MY servant? begone from my sight, you filthy donkey." his words were spat with a venom as he threateningly stepped towards your ex who ran away.
he grumbled and handed you the ice cream he didn't shove on your ex's head, watching as you looked at him with stars in your eyes. he just huffed and ruffled your hair, looking away to hide the slight flush on his cheeks.
"he won't bother you again, but you better share your ice cream with me as a thanks."
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jingo would swing on sight. i’m being so deadass he would sucker punch them and spit on them before looking at you all smiley and walking out while holding your hand.
while on a date with raichi, you had lost him in the aisles of the target that you had chosen to torment. you and him had been having a grand time while terrorizing everyone there with your boisterous cackles at any little thing that slightly amused you.
you had looped around an aisle to find him after walking too fast and he was no where in sight. at first you thought he was hiding from you as a joke so you jumped at the beginning of every aisle to try to catch him off guard. but no one was there.
well no one except your ex. because of course he was there. why wouldn't he be in this random target while you just happened to by separated from your boyfriend?
he wasn't a terrible person per say, but he just had a tendency to choose other things or people over you. that was just something that gnawed at you until you snapped which lead to this big fight, where he accused you of making everything up. that was the last straw for you so you broke up with him and never spoke to him, ignoring his calls until they stopped coming.
but here he was, standing directly in front of you, a wobbly smile on his lips that didn't match the look in his eyes. "hey, honey. how've you been? i've been really bad without you..."
you didn't answer and just stared at him while backing off slightly. he just continued, taking a step forward for every one you took back.
"i really miss you, you make me complete"
"you don't really mean that." the words flew from your lips before you could think, speaking the cold and harsh truth. he knew that as his expression turned in anger, taking a bigger step towards you.
but he was immediately thrown back by a fist ramming right against his cheek. he flew back and stood there stunned, taking in the sight of your boyfriend. his widened eyes, sharp teeth, and muscular form. raichi was cracking his knuckles as he growled at the guy.
your ex was about to swing back only to be punched straight in the nose, falling to the ground, being temporarily knocked out. raichi spat on him and turned to you, grimace turning into a sweet grin. he held your hand as an employee kicked you out of the store.
"we're definitely banned, don't regret it though angel, there are other targets."
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rensuke would be just annoyed. he knows what he looks like compared to most men and just stands behind you while looking at the guy, doesn’t even have to do anything.
you were sitting at a table in your favorite restaurant while kunigami went to park the car, wanting to optimize the time that it would take to wait for a table. surprisingly, it wasn't very packed so you were able to get one as soon as you asked the hostess.
so, here you sat, sipping on your water as you waited for your boyfriend to come back to join you.
what you didn't expect was to feel an unfamiliar hand on your shoulder, turning to see your ex. he wasn't anything special; the typical cheater. he was so sweet to you at the beginning of it all, treating you as if he was your world almost instantly. that really should have only clued to you that he was hiding something.
he cheated on you with not only one person, but THREE. so he was the furthest from someone you could get back together with. so when he started doing the same sweet lines that he had given you during the beginning of your relationship, a familiar sense of dread set in.
"hey there pretty, missed ya so much, why don't i join you here?"
you just shook your head as you noticed rensuke approaching from the front of the restaurant. you had stopped listening to your ex and you watched his form talk to the hostess.
she pointed in your direction, and you watched as his gaze moved upon you and the predicament you were in. he sent an apologetic smile your way as he walked with a slight haste you way.
"...and those are the reasons why we would be perfect if we got back together." he finished off a long spiel that you, frankly, weren't listening to. you just nodded, watching as rensuke settled behind the guy, waiting for him to notice.
"that's nice and all, it's just: i already have a boyfriend. plus, you cheated on me." your ex just sighed and began to start complimenting you, saying he was such a fool.
rensuke cleared his throat as he stood with his arms crossed, a brow quirked. he was kinda hot like this, to be honest. your ex just turned around and when he saw him, you saw his eyes widen.
your ex just looked between the two of you, acknowledging your loving gaze at the other man, he just sighed and left. rensuke snickered and sat across from you, flipping through the menu.
"can't take ya anywhere, can i, sweetheart?"
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meguru would go like feral. he would start talking to the monster in front of the dude and just make him think he was batshit crazy. i mean, it worked, so whatever.
you were sitting with bachira on a bench while he idly chattered about bees. you just smiled as you listened to him list off all sorts of things that you couldn't understand through the jumbling of his words from excitement.
suddenly, your pleasant afternoon was interrupted by a voice shouting your name. you turned to see you ex running up to you with a smile. he never really left you alone, even after you had broken up. always happy to see you and insert himself into anything that you were doing. like a nosey dog. somehow, he was everywhere you were, like he knew you'd be there.
"heya! how've you been, missed you!" he went in for a side-hug but you scooted further into bachira's side, skirting away from it. bachira had long forgotten his beloved bees, instead scrutinizing your ex with a hollow, yellow gaze.
"hey..." you trailed off, lookng away as he sat down, squeezing into the two person bench, legs against yours. so you leaned further into bachira, relishing in the arm he draped over the back of the bench to rest around your shoulders. you also saw the glare your ex shot his way.
"just wanted you to know that i've really missed you, and i'm practically begging you for another chance!" his tone was chipper as his eyes glared harshly into your boyfriend, holding all but friendliness.
bachira suddenly burst into laughter, cackling like a maniac. he looked at the ground in front of the two of you, as if something was there.
"d'you hear the never of this guy? flirting with my partner right in front of me?" he spoke to nothing, it took you a little aback at first before remembering about his 'monster.' your ex just looked at him with wide eyes, clearly freaked out.
bachira nodded at the spot, mumbling agreements. he suddenly turned to your ex, looking him dead in the eye, piercing into him. his face was blank, eyes wide and empty, the only expression was a smirk on his lips.
"the monster in me says that the world would be better of without you... and i agree." your ex jumped up and muttered a goodbye to you before speedwalking away.
you turned to bachira and watched him shake his head like a dog, expression returning to normal as he looked at you with sparkly eyes and a genuine smile. your heart returned to normal as he kissed your shoulder.
"i may be crazy for you, sweet thing, but i'm not actually crazy. yet..."
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okkotsuus 23
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
What are Zack and Genesis' most treasured possessions, and what are their most expensive possessions?
• Genesis' most expensive possessions are his jewelery; gold bangles and bracers, earrings, and so many garnets and rubies—his sword is a close second. His most prized possession will always be his very first loveless copy, the one that's dog-eared, worn, and holds all his first annotations, sticky notes and doodles.
• Zack's most expensive possession is his gaming setup, which he worked on before he even had furniture for his apartment. Angeal actually scolded him when he saw his apartment for the first time, and saw that Zack had a state of the art gaming PC, BUT NOT ONE SINGULAR CHAIR.
Zack doesn't really have prized objects. He considers his life, his dreams, and his friends the most precious things to him. But there are impulsive purchases he makes that he instantly treasures. The canon™ for example...
*Zack and Genesis wheel in a literal canon onto the SOLDIER floor*
Angeal: Shiva Ifrit Bahamut's sin of the goddess almighty where the HELL DID YOU GET THAT?
Genesis: We found a canon on the side of the road and now we're going to launch Zack out of it.
Angeal: Are you guys out of your minds??
Zack: I'm wearing a parachute.
Angeal: That's so not the issue here. Gen, get rid of it. I'm not letting this happen.
Genesis: You can't take the canon from Zack. Zack loves this canon.
Zack: I love this canon.
Genesis: Zack would die for this canon.
Zack: I would commit unspeakable crimes for this canon.
Angeal: Remind me why I ever allowed you two to become friends.
*Genesis and Zack wheel the canon towards the window*
Angeal: I don't think you guys realize how bad of an idea this is.
*Zack gets inside the canon*
Angeal: You will die.
Zack: So? I'm here for a good time, not a long time!
Angeal: But—
Zack: Blow me, Genesis!
Angeal: Humanity was a mistake.
*Sephiroth and Cloud are on a mission in sector five*
Sephiroth: Trooper, your efforts are commendable, but your footwork shows your unfamiliarity with the blade.
Cloud: Sorry, sir! Zack has been teaching me, and he usually corrects my mistakes.
Sephiroth: Well, Zack isn't here right now. And it's not as if Zack will fall out of the sky right now to correct your mistakes.
*Zack launches through the air and falls right onto Cloud, knocking him down*
Sephiroth: It's not as if a mother will—oh forget it.
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worriedvision · 2 years
Are you open? Got a request.
Okay so, Irminsul is a big stuff to Teyvat. So what if reader who had a relationship with some character... The reader came back from work and the character was just shock and alerted to the point they would fight the reader because to them, reader was a stranger. Reader on the other hand, confused that why they're agitated or getting mad when they got home, they didn't missed any dates or missing something that would upset.
Then they started to push reader away and Reader called them, then they asked "Who are you? Who are you to step in?" That's where reader realized something was wrong with this world. And also, reader left without their things.
So basically like, no one remembered Reader, even their family or their friends, coworkers and neighbors, even their God who they lived under the designated nation no one... Reader was homeless and loveless.
So then reader was just wandering and lost that they had to lived with everyone never remembered their existence even though reader was important to them.
I was thinking if I added if the character's memory of the reader got altered that they thought that they're dating with someone else and it's not reader. So reader actually saw that, heartbroken that they saw it (because reader had the real memories).
Gender neutral reader, doing this with Cyno as the character in question. At the end they meet a certain someone, quest spoilers obviously. Wanderer is here, I'm using the name Loki because that's what I named him in game.
You were looking for your boyfriend that morning, plans to hang out with him in your mind as you skip out the door. Getting to the planned meeting spot, you see him there waiting for you. Unlike his usual actions with you, however, he doesn't seem excited to see you at all. As you get closer, he still doesn't respond. Unable to recall the idea of making someone mad, you stretch your arms out to hug him...
Only for him to pull out his polearm, pinning you to the ground by the neck of your shirt. The look of disgust in his eyes, the way you could tell he was thinking of how to deal with you trying to hug him, only to soften when someone else comes along.
"Honey, they must have mistaken you for someone else." His partner coos, Cyno putting his polearm away before holding the person's hand, you looking on in utter confusion.
After a minute of sitting there, you decide you wanted to catch up with Tighnari. It had been a while since you talked to him, and you figured it would give you an idea as to what happened. Tighnari doesn't talk to you as a friend at all, giving you a second copy of the book he gave to everyone who he thought could get lost in the forest. When you ask him if he wanted to hang out, he brushes you off and calls you a stranger. When you show visible confusion, Tighnari merely stares through you before walking away.
Walking back to your home, you can't figure out what exactly had happened. Rushing to check your calendar, you don't see any missed dates to explain why everyone seemed to be mad at you.
The next day, you turn up to work only to be escorted out by security for going to someone's desk and preparing as if it was yours. As you were being escorted out, the same person who had been with Cyno flashes you a look, accompanied by a set of eyes that momentarily changes colours. You look back to see what happened with them, only for everyone around you to force you out.
Unemployed, of course leading to losing your house as you could nno longer afford rent. Of course, you found out the hard way that you were being accused of staying in a house the tenant had not given you permission to stay in.
Homeless. And now you had absolutely nobody to confide in, suddenly realising that you had nobody in your life. Your family became someone elses, your friends became their friends, and you were stripped of everything.
Applying for jobs, you always failed to get the work. The occasions when you got an interview, the topic of your previous employment came up and you couldn't explain your situation. Not a single place wanted you, and you knew how everyone looked at you when they found out about how much of a stranger you were to everyone.
But then, one night, the traveler came along by themselves. You look at them, wondering why they were bothering. Now that you thought of it, why wasn't Paimon with the traveler?
"_, is it?" They ask. Your eyes widen, surprised that they seemed to know who you were. People never mentioned your name when they talked about you, referring to you by your features without using your name. "I understand something drastic has changed in your life."
"I...I don't know." You scratch your head. "Everything I thought was real, isn't."
"I have someone I want you to meet. He's in a somewhat similar situation to yours." The traveler explains, holding out a hand to help you up.
"How do you know about this? Usually people just call me crazy when I bring up my past." You ask, to no response. Deciding you had nothing going on in your life, you follow them.
"So you're the infamous _..." You hear someone raise a brow, walking towards you.
"Don't try to intimidate them, Loki." The traveler tuts, starting the conversation. "In your memories, work or personal, is there anyone that striked you as a 'threat' in any way?"
"Not really...Well there was one person that had an unhealthy crush on my then boyfriend." You trail off. "They weren't happy to find out I started dating them. Not that it matters. I went to see Cyno one morning and he just...didn't know me."
"Who was this person?" The traveler asks, receiving a response from you and nodding as if they connected the dots. Truth be told, Nahida had asked Loki to keep a close eye on you (from a distance), and when she got enough evidence to confirm a suspicion on your strange actions she asked for the traveler's help.
"I don't understand what's so important about it. It's not like I can explain I have incorrect memories." You sigh.
"You can trust the traveler, they can't lie to save themselves." Loki teases. "You're probably going to by my new roommate based on how they're looking at me, as long as you don't annoy me you'll be fine."
When you were getting to know your roommate better, the traveler took it upon themselves to look into this person you named. It didn't take long for them to realise that, actually, this person had their own life that was now completely blank. The family they were connected to, the friends they had, the job they worked - all of it was wrong compared to what they knew before. The new job they were in, they were also underperforming in comparison to how you did when he knew of your position.
The traveler concludes that this person, out of jealousy, must have attempted to put themselves into your shoes to fulfil their desire of dating Cyno. Unfortunately, they couldn't risk telling anyone about these findings without telling them what they know about Irmunsul.
All they could do was support you into a new life, where they could.
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okay, so, we're trying out a new format with this one. instead of screenshots, i'm going to copy paste the messages, for ease of reading.
this one is pretty important to the ongoing plots of @msc137, @presidentpawn, and @primessrick, so i really would recommend reading it! i'm sure a fair amount of this is going to show up later, here on tumblr.
Skittle: said this in #group-chat-2, but i dont think ryan saw it,
there are some people that really muddle the clarity of the whole "anti primess" movement
Primess: Yes thank you for your input Not-Grandson. Don't you have a bar to drink through?
Skittle: yeah im really slacking off on my duties.
Primess: As long as you are aware.
Whatever Effie sees in your pathetic presence we shall never know.
Skittle: i dont know either tbh
Primess: And you still always seek new ways to disappoint her?
Skittle: seems like it. its just a matter of time at this point really
Pawn (in response to Primess): Do you ever shut up? Do you truly lack the capability to acknowledge when nobody wants to hear from you? Are you so desperate for attention that you bring back everything you've already done in order to live out your former "glory" ?
Pawn: You're disgusting. If the only low hanging fruit you can find is scraps from past encounters, you have long since deserved to starve.
Skittle: oh. woah.
Primess: Careful, little Pawn. Your amusement will run its course, and unlike little 'Skittle', who we still find entertaining and will continue surviving our tender mercies. You will find out how unfortunate our games can be to those toys we wish to throw away.
Pawn: I don't play for your amusement. I don't fear you, nor have I been given a true reason to. You are nothing but a parasite, you leech off whatever you can get your hands on and pretend you're the monster. You may be powerful, but that doesn't make up for your weakness in every other place.
Pawn: What you do is none of my business, but it's becoming sad to watch. You're desperate for pieces of past experiments, and they are long past finished. Pretend to be important as long as it makes you feel better, but know your act is transparent.
Skittle: im. i. i think i need a minute. ill be right back.
Primess: ... It is truly quite an accomplishment to render us speechless... But how else are we meant to react when we see a fool attempt to fistfight the Sun. Your pathetic attempts to psychoanalyse us fail as you try to attribute what we do to human natures, little mortal you can not even begin to understand our mind; thinking so otherwise makes you even more adorably naive than every other Morty we see.
Primess: But please. If it makes your pathetic life have some meaning, leap into the maw, try and flail. It only serves to remind us how weak and lowly you truly are.
Pawn: You'll have that connection to humanity forever, whether you like it or not. You may be inhuman, but you started as a Rick, and that will forever your baseline. When stripped of what makes you 'special', you go back to being somebody who can only thrive off of seeing somebody do worse than you. I would say it's sad to watch if anybody cared enough to do so.
Pawn: You're not above as much as you think you are, and the day it happens, I hope to watch you fall much like Icarus. You are beyond your depth, in every way.
Primess: For a moment she watches Pawn in silence. Until a cruel laugh erupts from her throat.
How utterly adorable you are—adorable and insignificant. Be grateful for it. It is the only thing keeping that loveless little fluttery thing in your chest, actually in your chest. For now atleast.
As for your hopes, by all means, pray to non-existent gods and hope to the universe that abandoned you long ago for all you wish. But the way we see it, your dreams are as pointless as you are.
Pawn: My heart keeps beating because I make it so. If you had any say over that, I would bother to watch my tongue around you. I don't respect you, nor do I fear you. Your opinion of me matters less than it does any man I'd see on the side of the road, you're no more than a vulture to me.
Pawn: You aren't to be feared, and you do nothing but act as a fool when you pretend to be as much. You are vermin, the dirt on the cosmic heel.
Skittle: um, hey. pawn, uh. thanks.
Pawn: Don't thank me.
Pawn: It's not necessary.
Skittle: ...
Skittle: i think it is
Pawn: It's really not.
Pawn: If it... helps, you're welcome.
Skittle: :)
Skittle: i mean. it is necessary. im sure you know how shitty ive been feeling lately. it was, well, it felt really nice for someone to say something to her when she started to dig into me.
Pawn: It's not just you. She needs to be taught what her place is.
Skittle: i know
Pawn: What she pretends to be is far from where she actually stands, and she looks foolish picking on an already ill teenager.
Skittle: still
Pawn: I don't need to be thanked. Others should be standing up when you can't more often.
Primess: Her eyes blaze Oh, poor little toy. Perhaps we were too lenient. Your heart did beat because we allowed you to have it so... Such a pity it won't do so again. At her final word Pawn's heart stops, the agony in his chest is instant.
By our count, you have 20 seconds to beg for your life.
Skittle: shitshitshit pawn it isnt worth it please apologize to her
Primess: By all means little fool die upon the floor then. Perhaps others will learn to hold their tongue
Primess (in reply to Skittle): Once again you get other people hurt Not-Grandson
Skittle: please please dont kill him
Skittle: please
Primess: Tsk tsk. We thought you said so long ago you wouldn't do any deals with us again
Primess: Either we get a deal, an apology or a corpse
Skittle: im fucking weak, okay? im not gonna let you kill him. what do you want from me?
Primess: Another favour, another game when we choose. Don't worry it won't be the same as last time.
Pawn: The pain that flooded his system instantly made Pawn clutch his chest, eye squeezing shut. He tried to wave off Morty, biting down on his lip to prevent crying out in pain, near keeling over. 20 seconds was up too quickly, the boy collapsing on the ground.
Skittle: and no one gets physically hurt?
Skittle: fuck
Skittle: deal
Skittle: i cant make demands right now just please dont kill him
Primess: Do you really think you deserve that kindness this time?
Skittle: fine whatever just please
Primess: Good choice. At the snap of her fingers Pawn's heart starts beating again... not a moment too soon
Pawn: When brought back, Pawn's body twitched, heavy gasping and coughing bringing him back to awareness. For a moment, he sat still on the floor, eye widened as he stared down at himself on the floor. Without speaking, he stood and used his gun to send himself somewhere else. Anywhere but there.
Primess: ... Skittle
Skittle: ...hi.
Primess: He does that ever again, we will rip his heart out of his chest and feed the bloodied mess to him. Make sure he knows it.
Skittle: okay
Skittle: god fucking damn it
Skittle: no one ever give a shit about me again. please
Skittle (linking to #group-chat-1): this is what happens when you do
Skittle: fuck
Skittle: fuck
False Morty: im pretty sure that happened because it was a long time coming
False Morty: shouldve let him die
Skittle: he went out of his way to defend me to her and she almost fucking killed him.
Skittle: fuck you
False Morty: im just saying! this is not the first fight hes caused
Skittle: but its the first fight hes caused on my behalf
False Morty: the guy practically looks for a fight whenever he can get it
Skittle: and this is the fight that almost killed him
Skittle: the one where he was defending me
Adult!Showrunner Morty: * walks in holding a smoke wearing a cover all, looks at this shit * ...oh * leaves *
what an eventful morning! let me know what you think of the format!
kisses, @thoughts-and-gayers!
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
The Sun and the Moon- Namor x reader
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Summary: The day the Sun asked the Moon to marry him.
Warning: Angst?
Rating: Free
Work count: 3k?
A/n: The lower case words are the lyrics of the song, my inspiration was "O sol e a Lua" by Pequeno Cidadão. *Do not copy or repost.
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And 24 hours later the sun rose the moon set and.
The sun asked the moon to marry him.
Said he had loved her for a long time.
Since the time of the dinosaurs, pterodactyls, tyrannosaurs.
The first time I asked her to marry me was after Queen Ramonda's death, she was beautiful as always, but angry and resentful for the death I caused, deep down I knew she would never accept to leave Wakanda for me, but still, I asked, I begged for a chance. I was in love with her from the first time I saw her, in fact, I was destined to fall in love with her, to love her, from the day I was born.
"I cannot marry a man like you, Wakanda would see me as a traitor"
"If you would accept, you would not have to stay here, you would be Queen of Talokan, please my love think again."
"I can't, go away and don't come back, Namor"
The sun asked the moon to marry him.
And the moon said.
I don't know, I don't know.
Give me a break.
It was the first time I heard my name used by enemies being used by my dear y/n, bitter and hurt I went back to Talokan. A few days passed and the confrontation between Wakanda and Talokan was approaching, I didn't want it to end like this, I needed to see her again, to try again.
With the help of Attuma and Namora I managed to enter Wakanda, my destination was my little girl's room, but when I entered I was met by her angry and with a knife pointed at my neck.
"No, I don't want to marry you Namor, I can't."
But the king star.
With all its planets.
Comets, asteroids.
Earth, Mars, Venus, Neptunus and Uranus.
Was to fall in love just for her.
Who despises him and lets him wait.
She denied me again, I had expected it, but I was desperate, I went back to Talokan with a pain in my chest, the war was coming and I didn't want to fight my love.
I promised myself never to love again, I don't want to feel that tightness in my chest, the anxiety and nervousness of loving. If she didn't want me, if she didn't want to be my queen, then I wouldn't try anymore.
And 24 hours passed and again the sun went down, the moon rose.
And again and again and again.
The day I fought Shuri was marked by much more than a defeat, but also by a union, Wakanda and Talokan will now fight for each other, as a King I am happy, but as a lover I feel dissatisfied, how can it be that after all that has happened, y/n, doesn't want me?
"My love, think about it, we can be together now, Wakanda and Talokan are no longer enemies, we are allies, marry me."
"I don't know, I need some time to think."
There was no more time, I couldn't wait anymore, she didn't want me, she didn't love me. Again I left for Talokan, this time with the idea of never returning to the surface, there was no reason.
Namora told me that I was being hasty, that I should wait for a proper answer, but I couldn't find the strength to hold out hope, she had denied my request three times, in theory twice, but the "I don't know, I need time" was like a no to me.
In those unanswered days, I walked a little more closed off, hardly left my quarters or ate properly, kept my time busy so as not to think about y/n.
Attuma convinced me to try to get over what happened and move on, "you are King of Talokan, you can have as many wives as you want", but I didn't want multiple wives, I wanted one, I wanted y/n. My people started murmuring that I was in a state of unlove, that I had been hurt, it was true, I was in pain, and no one could heal me but y/n.
Maybe those who have dubbed me the loveless boy are right, maybe I will never find love, that in fact I will never find someone who can love me.
The sun not knowing what else to do.
So much love to give.
And began to cry.
And melting.
It began to rain, and to wet.
And to darken.
It has been a month since it happened, I found out that y/n tried to contact me, she went to the beach where we usually met, and waited for hours, at first I thought of leaving when I saw her, but then a spark of hope warmed my heart, the smile I was trying to contain overcame me, I surrendered and swam to her.
And 24 hours later the sun rose and the moon set and.
the sun asked the moon to marry him.
And the moon said.
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Give me a break.
"It's been a long time since the proposal my love"
"It's only been a month k'uk'ulkan"
Bingo, she stopped using "Namor", did I have a chance?
"It seemed like an eternity"
"Don't be dramatic, I want to talk to you"
"Funny, last time it seemed like you wanted me as far away as possible"
"I'm going to marry you"
Direct and sincere, that was my girl, never asking but demanding what she wanted, without fear or cowardice. I confess that hearing what she told me made my heart race, my hands tremble, my eyes fill with tears, and the smile on my lips grow, it seems she finally accepted.
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plathski · 1 month
thots on the great gatsby bway musical
let’s get right into it
-i liked it more than i thought i would. i saw boston gatsby back in june and after reading a lot of negative stuff about the one on broadway i thought i’d hate it but i went anyway because i am still not immune to jeremy jordan. but it was solid. i liked it.
-great chemistry between eva noblezada and jeremy jordan. also in the last scene of act 1 gatsby wears light pink and daisy wears light blue and i thought that was neat.
-really good dance numbers. watching jeremy jordan honest to god dance was like watching the big bang
-HATED how they paired jordan and nick as a romantic couple. i know they go on some days in the book but it’s so fake and loveless. nick is jordan’s gbf and jordan is nick’s lbf and you can’t take that away from me!!! ESPECIALLY after i saw boston gatsby!!!
-samantha pauly and alex prakken did great though - i have no complaints about the actors only the script.
-i had no problem with how george wilson is portrayed - all im saying is that his songs are definitely the to break in a glove of is show if you get what im saying
-didn’t like how they turned mr mckee into a sex pest creeping out poor heterosexual nick (and also into a weird joke about opened relationships??? like hello???)
-jeremy jordan’s translantic accent was cute.
-really liked how they did the pool.
-really like the ending - the ending of boston gatsby felt more hopeful while this one felt more cynical and both of them work in the context of the book.
overall i felt like boston gatsby was more earnest while broadway gatsby was more ironic - and both tones work fine! still think boston is the superior of the two tho
alright so now im gonna rant a little. i am pro-bootleg. i understand that bootlegs have given shows new life and have allowed them to prosper in ways they wouldn’t have been able to without bootlegs. i understand that nyc being a train ride away from me is a privilege few have and that a bootleg is very often the only way someone can experience a show. i am, however, anti coming in fifteen minutes late with your entire militia literally as soon as jeremy jordan makes his first entrance and taking videos and pictures while you’re in the second row (there’s a reason so many bootlegs are filmed from the balcony). in the beginning of the tea party scene where jeremy jordan’s the only person onstage i saw one of them take a picture of him and it made me really mad about how the damn phones have ruined the way we experience art and tainted the relationships of those who give us it - how we view them as products instead of artists or in this case performers.
to end this post on a positive note the stagedoor was a lot chiller than i had imagined it would be. i had brought one of my copies of the great gatsby from home for them to sign and everyone that came out did. by the time jeremy jordan came over i had mustered up the courage to ask them to sign it instead of awkwardly holding it out to them (eva noblezada and samantha pauly i am sooooooooooooooooooo sorry) and he said “i’ll sign your book!” and signed it so now my life’s kinda complete ig
(my signed book underneath the cut!)
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aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee · 2 months
The Firsts + Cloud each get a singular dinosaur as a pet, what do they get and what do they do with it? (I’m sorry this needs to come out into the light after seeing that one poll)
I definitely haven't been waiting for this my whole life as a future paleontologist hahaha...
(I will add images because there's a lot of UNCULTURED people who don't know anything about dinosaurs and the pictures from Jurassic world are NOT what they actually looked like./lh)
Genesis: he would like sauropods, but not the ones that are as big as a damn mountain, he would like the tiny ones(which are like 1,50 meters long and 6 meters tall). I would give him the tiniest one known until now, Europasaurus.
I feel like he would give it a big ass garden with trees and fruit and everything it needs, it's like his third most precious possession after his loveless copy and himself/hj
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Sephiroth: he's uhh.... Weird. I would give him a Spinosaurus. Not only because of the vibes, but also because paleontologist have no fucking clue about most things about them. There's a big discussion happening in the paleontologist fandom™(/j) about whether the spinosaurus lived in water or earth. At first it was earth, yet a random Canadian decided they actually lived on water thanks to their similarities to cocodriles and reptiles similar to them, besides also having a long tail that could've been a fin. In my opinion, I believe on what some people say about spinosaurus actually living on both. There's also something cool that the big spine on their back was supposed to change colors depending on the Spinosaurus' body temperature, and they needed to get into the water to cool down.
Also, they eat fish. And fish = cats. And cats = Sephiroth
I feel like he would just... Stare at it. I don't know. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what to do with it either.
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Angeal: I'm sorry I don't know much about him. I feel like he would have a Triceratops just because of the vibes. Another alternative is a Pachycephalosauria, they have a hard head and are very silly, I feel like he would find them amusing (as well as also similar to Zack).
No matter what option is, he would take proper care of them as if he was the one to give birth to the dinosaur.
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Zack: As a child I feel like Zack would've had T-Rex's as his favorite dinosaurs because he saw them in movies and toys and thought they were really cool. Yet, after watching the documentary/movie "Walking with dinosaurs" his favorite is the Pachyrhinosaurus. And I would give him that one.
He would probably do his best to take care of it without ending with his house completely destroyed and would buy matching hats/sweaters for them to wear. Also he would ride it as if it was a chocobo.
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Cloud: at first I was thinking a Stegosaurus simply because of vibes, yet I'm going more with a Parasaurolophus. They're just chill chunky guys and I feel like Cloud wouldn't want to have any more problems added to his life.
Yet, they're too big... So another option I thought for Cloud are Velociraptors. And no, they look nothing like the ones in movies. They are AT BEST 0,5 meters tall(50cm), and they also have feathers. It would be like having a little Chocobo who wouldn't hesitate a second to eat you as soon as you're unconscious... But let's pretend this one is actually friendly and sees Cloud as family. Okay? Okay.
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drabblesandimagines · 2 years
Pairings: Genesis x you, Crisis Core
Wordcount: 1144
You’d, quite literally, bumped into him one day. Rufus had been in for a very brief visit, or so you’d been told. Tseng said he’d only been in the building for a grand total of an hour, but before he’d left he’d requested that one of the Turks escort you to the bookshop, to which Tseng had happily agreed. You hadn’t been in months, so the result had been you picking up nearly every book you set your eyes on that looked remotely interesting. Tseng had escorted you safely back to the headquarter’s ground floor before heading off on other business. You were ecstatic about your new haul and the fact that you’d been outside for the first time in ages, so you would be forgiven that your attention was solely on the bag of treasures you held in your hands as you headed on autopilot towards the elevator, not expecting any obstacles to be in your way. It was then that you’d strode confidently into an unmoveable object, so strong that you fell backwards and your bag spilled, books scattering to the floor.
You looked up at what had blocked your path and saw the tall figure of the imposing Soldier, famous for his red leather coat as he looked down at you, momentary confusion across his face.
“I’m so sorry!” You bowed your head, realising just who you’d ran into. You’d crossed paths at events sometimes when Father deemed it necessary, but the two of you had never spoken. Why would you?
“Are you all right?” He’d crouched down in front of you.
“Yes, thank you.” You nodded, keeping your head down as you got up to your knees and started to gather your fallen books. You were reaching for one when a gloved hand beat you to one. Genesis Rhapsodos’ eyes lit up at the title.
“Now, this is an interesting one.”
“You’ve read it?” You didn’t mean to sound surprised and hoped he wouldn’t be offended. You’d only ever seen him with a rather beloved copy of Loveless.
“I have. I won’t spoil it for you though, Ms Shinra.” He smiled. You blushed at the realisation he knew exactly who you were.
“I heard people at the bookshop saying it’s trying to be a knock-off Loveless, but I couldn’t help myself.” You began to pack the books back into the paper bag.
“No comment,” he passed you another two titles. “But nothing holds up to the original.” Genesis watched as you carefully placed the volumes in the bag before he offered you his hand. You accepted – it would be rude not to – and he easily pulled you up to your feet. “I must commend you for your excellent taste – I wasn’t aware you were such an avid reader. Forgive my abrupt remark, but is this why we see so little of you?”
You blushed again at that – he knows who you are and enough to note your absence?
“I…” You hesitated. The reason everyone saw so little of you was that Father hardly gave you permission to do anything but stay in your room. Some days you’d tried to leave and found a Soldier stationed at your door, requesting you stay in there today for your own safety. On the days you were allowed out of your room, you weren’t permitted to leave the building unless escorted, so you spent the day wandering the hallways of places you did have access to, or could follow in the elevator.
You swallowed, “I’m sorry if I’ve come across as rude with my absence, I didn’t mean to. You’re all so busy and I don’t want to be an intrusion to anyone until I can contribute.”
Genesis nodded, but you were pretty sure he could tell you were lying. “Well, permit me to escort you back to your quarters to ensure these books arrive safely at their destination without any further incident.”
“That’s very kind but unnecessary, General. I’ll be perfectly fine from here. I promise to look where I’m going this time.”
“I insist, Ms Shinra. Why shouldn’t a general’s duties include escorting a young lady like yourself safely home?” He then deftly snatched the bag from your hand, holding the books hostage. “Besides, I would like to see what else you’ve purchased today – I’m always looking for recommendations.”
You hesitated, but surely you couldn’t get in trouble over this? He was a General in Soldier and you could hardly boss him around. “That would be very kind, General.”
“Please, call me Genesis.” He replied, offering the crook of his arm. You prayed your face hadn’t gone completely red as you slid your arm through. “Now, tell me, which one are you going to read first?”
You’d made polite conversation back to your quarters, but you couldn’t help yourself when you saw Genesis’ eyes widen as your door slid open, revealing your imposing bookshelves. Your quarters were small but it wasn’t like you entertained. There was a bathroom to the side, and a split living room and sleeping area. You had bookshelves lining all of the walls – a collection you’d started when you were quite young.
“If you have time, you can come in and have a look through the shelves. That’s only if you wanted to, I mean…” You trailed off, cursing yourself. He was a general, surely he had dozens of things to do rather than escort the likes of you back to your quarter and then look through your books…
“I’d love to.”
He’d stayed in your room for nearly an hour, marvelling over the contents of your bookshelves whilst you packed away your new purchases and noted them down in a notebook you kept. You’d told him he could borrow anything he liked the look of and he’d slowly began a small pile on the table. Eventually, his phone had rang. You’d busied yourself with something, not wanting to ease drop but the conversation had been monosyllabic on his side before he hung up.
“My sincerest apologies, but duty calls.” He forced a smile. “I must thank you once again for your hospitality, Ms Shinra.”
“The pleasure’s been all mine - I’ve enjoyed the company. Please, don’t forget your books.” You gestured to the pile and he hesitated, before snatching only one off the top.
“How about I take this one for now? Then I could call upon you again for the next, if you’d have me, that is.” He smirked at that.
“I’d… I’d like that.” You smiled, your heart skipping a beat.
“Excellent.” Genesis headed towards the door, before spinning on his heels and taking your hand instead. “Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.”  He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand before he strode out the door, your face matching the red of his coat perfectly.
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mihai-florescu · 4 months
Ive been on this account for 10 years and i wanted to remember the times i've met with people tumblr has brought into my life since my early teen years. I may not talk to some anymore (not for any particular reason, we just grew apart) but i still treasure our memories and wish them the best!
-Alex, whom i met through our shared love of musicals when she was still in middle school. We're from the same city and met to go to the theatre, and she has been my irl ever since to the point i forget this is how we met actually. As time went on we did develop a bunch of irl school and extracurricular acquaintances, i dont think any of them know how we actually met lol. Actually maybe one person, whom i also met through tumblr but she went to my high school so im not sure if it counts... if it does add her to the list too. She gave me her copy of radio silence in the early days of the pandemic and i shared loveless with her (i didnt really like the latter:/)
-India, my first internet friend. We had been friends for years and at 16 i flew with my mom to ireland for a few days to see wicked together. See how it all goes back to musicals for me... she now works in theatre and im so happy seeing the occasional instagram story, even if we eventually grew apart. I think about you a lot
-Maura, whom I started talking to while living in the US, and asked if she'd like to drive from west virginia to dc while i was on a trip. Her mom was outside in the car iirc, i infiltrated her into my hotel room, and we just chatted for a bit until the chaperones came to check and lock us in... i hid her in the bathroom, and then snuck her out with a hood on while the chaperones were talking to the room next to ours right before sticking those papers into the door that would tell them in the morning if anyone opened it overnight. The random girls i was paired to share a room with thought it was creepy im bringing a stranger to the room but like... tsk, you just dont get it. She's not a stranger, she's a mutual. Go back to breaking up with your american boyfriend over the phone.
-Anna, who saw I was depressed on main 2 years ago and said she'll come to my city to buy me bubble tea. And then we walked around and had ramen too and i learned she was skipping school to be here. A lovely day in an otherwise shitty semester.
-Moth, probably the only person you'd know if you follow me for enstars since, well, they're the himeruP mutual ever. Fun geography fact, belgium isnt a real country, it's just a backdrop for us to hang out. They build it up and tear it down just for us every time. They have such a nice handmade crazyb jacket and the enstars bible book is still my most treasured possession.
I think that is it? If i missed anyone i'm very sorry... here's to 10 years more? Maybe i should keep this for my exact blog anniversary in september... maybe i'll get to add to it by then?
EDIT I FORGOT SCHOOL ANON. Anon who goes to my uni and then we happened to share a course a few months later and finally met and we're irls now:)
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brief thoughts on the first soldier trios' ages
as we all know, genesis and angeal are canonically 82' liners (born in 1982), and crisis core takes place in 2000/0000, which makes them 18 years old, which i thought is a little strange considering they don't look like they could be at that age, compared to zack who at least looks believably 16.
tbh, when i first saw genesis, angeal, and sephiroth, i thought they were all at least a little older (genesis and sephiroth in their mid-20s with angeal in his 30s), so finding out genesis and angeal were actually just 18 when crisis core starts surprised me a lot. (i still can't fucking believe zack and angeal only have a TWO year age gap, bc they look like they could be father and son 😵😵.)
i know there's still a lot of speculation around sephiroth's age, but i firmly believe he was born in 1982 as well. aside from the fact that project G and S (both conducted during the trio's fetal/embryonic stages) took place at relatively close times, the biggest proof of this is the newsletter from red leather (the significant part is highlighted in pink):
Genesis Fan Club Newsletter 666
From: Red Leather
This issue is for the newcomers to Red Leather. As a welcome gift, here is some basic information about Genesis.
Hobby: Reading. He happened upon a copy of LOVELESS in his parents' study. It has been his favorite work ever since.
Why he joined SOLDIER: The heroics of Sephiroth, who is the same age as Genesis, inspired him to work for the good of the world. We will update you on any new information as it becomes available.
(it's pretty straightforward. not even "around the same age/age range" but same age.)
which means sephiroth was also 18 during the start of crisis core, and 20 during the nibelheim incident, and 25 during ff7.
he fell to the dark side at a pretty young age, poor sephy... 😔😔 i feel so sorry for angeal too, he had to die too soon 😭😭 genesis at least manages to make it out alive
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readingoals · 1 month
Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag (2024)
I know I'm a bit late with this but I figured I might as well still do it 🤷‍♀️I wasn't tagged but hey if you also haven't done it and want to consider this a tag, feel free lmao
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This is hard to narrow down because I've read some absolute crackers and nothing is like super standing out from the rest. Maybe The Next Big Thing by James Colley just for how fun and Aussie it was, or maybe Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie because it was a clever mystery with some really great Poirot/Hastings banter.
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Another toughie because though I've not read many sequels, the ones I have picked up have all be great. Recently I caught up on the last two The Adventure Zone graphic novels and god I just love that series so much. I loved the podcast and I think they're done a great job of adapting them.
Also right up there are Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson and The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling, both of which I adored.
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I've surprisingly not re-read all that many books this year (yet anyway, there's a couple I wouldn't mind getting to). So I think it has to be The Shadow of the Wind. That's been one of my fave books for years now and it had been a while since I last picked it up so it was so great to revisit it again.
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As it has been for the last few years, the genre I've been reading most is mystery. Most of those are Agatha Christie's since I try and read one a month.
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Oh theres a few of these. A Botanical Daughter was probably my most anticipated release of the year but it took aaaggggesss for me to get my hands on a copy because the place i pre-ordered it from went into voluntary administration so my copy was never shipped. I mean I probably wasn't going to read it until October anyway but while waiting for it to arrive I also read some reviews that said it kind of missed the mark so I'm a little less excited now. The other book I still havent got around to picking up is Kill Your Husband by Jack Heath even though I was really excited for it too. And then there's also Clairmont by Lesley McDowell which I hadn't known was coming out but I saw in store and immediately bought and then also didn't read it.
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Definitely Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio. I think Ben Aaranovitch also has something new coming around September but I'll admit I'm a little behind on all of the rivers of london novellas and stuff. The Benjamin Stevenson has a Christmas book coming and I think the next book in the Ex Hex series is also due out and I'll probably pick it up pretty quick.
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Hopeless Aromantic. Huge disappointment. I was really interested in a queer nonfic book that focused on aromanticism rather than asexuality and it just missed the mark by so much. It was poorly researched and cobbled together and frankly not worth anyone's time.
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The Mysterious Mr Quin by Agatha Christie. I've read a few of her short story collections before so I went in expecting the usual sort of thing and it definitely felt like it was going along similar lines to start. But it got weird. In a good way. It feels as if the stories flirt with fantasy elements, and the last one even crosses over maybe? almost? Mr Harley Quin came off as kind of creepy too. It was definitely not quite like her usual stuff and I really really enjoyed it.
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I've read from I think 9 or 10 authors that were new to me and yet I'm not really sure how to answer this, no one super stands out. Maybe Erin Sterling? I've read two of her romances this year (tho does she really count since it's the pen name for rachel hawkins and i've read one of her mysteries?), the book I read from James Colley was also really good and I'd probably pick up whatever he wrote next, so maybe him? From a nonfic author, Carnage by Mark Dapin (an Aussie true crime book) was very interesting and I liked he way he handled such difficult topics, so maybe him?
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Probably Alex Easton from the T Kingfisher novellas?
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I don't think anything I've read this year has really made me cry. I thought Loveless might but it didn't this time around. I guess I did get a bit blurry eyed during The Adventure Zone: Eleventh Hour graphic novel and same with Carnage, but not full tears.
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Oh, so many lmao. The TAZ graphic novels, Ghosts: The Button House Archives, The Thread That Binds, Everyone On This Train is a Suspect, Cain's Jawbone (happy that I got it solved though I never got confirmation I was right lmao).
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Okay this one is easy. My Folio Society edition of The Shadow of the Wind. Also, since I answered this last year I've also got the Folio Society edition of Frankenstein and I know I got it last year but I couldn't not mention it.
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I also found some of Georgette Heyer's mysteries in a great edition at the lifeline book fest
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I have 6 more Agatha Christie books to read (I'm partway through one of them now). Then there's also the copy of Northanger Abbey that Lauren annotated for Christmas last year, that'll be coming up soon, and whatever book we decide to annotate and swap for this years present. I'd like to spend October reading at least a couple of Frankenstein/Mary Shelley inspired books so I'll probs try and get to A Botanical Daughter then, maybe Clairmont and maybe Chicano Frankenstein or any of the others I have. I'd also really like to get to Every Time I Go On Vacation Someone Dies but I'm saving it for like the end of the year when it's summer.
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em-prentiss · 7 months
I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings
Chapter 2: Falling hard
She laughs and it hits him then, as the breath catches in his throat. I want to marry her.
His heart beats so fast he’s surprised she doesn’t hear it. He suddenly sees another child next to Jack on the swings; a girl, her hair dark and her eyes darker still, carbon copies of Emily’s. It settles in his lungs, a choking need to have this with her.
Or, 5 times Aaron tries to propose to Emily, and the one time he finally does it.
Word count: 2.7k
They’d talked about it. Of course they had; he knew the moment he kissed her that she would be it for him.
It was a sudden conversation, though the thought was hardly new for either of them. She had been curled into his side, her face hidden in his neck as she asked him if he ever thought of getting married again.
He’d stayed silent, contemplating, and she quickly mumbled, “Forget I asked,” and turned around to hug her own pillow, feigning sleep.
Aaron smiled and molded himself to her back, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her hair. “Don’t hide from me,” he chided gently. “I never thought I’d get a second chance,” he said honestly, talking to her still turned away cheek.
“The divorce was bad enough, but after Foyet..” Aaron shook his head as he trailed off, remnants of guilt still choking him. Emily turned around in his arms. Her eyes met his as he looked down at her, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. He saw her open her mouth, no doubt to defend him, repeat again and again that it wasn’t his fault, but he beat her to it.
“Let’s just say I lost all hope,” he smiled as she stroked his skin, turning his head to kiss her palm. Until you came along, he thought.
“But lately I’ve been thinking a lot about it,” Aaron said. Emily’s heart quickened. “Yeah?” She whispered.
Aaron nodded. “You see, a couple of months ago I started dating this brunette,” he propped himself up on his elbow and leant over her, his fingers gently brushing the hair away from her face.
Emily bit her lip playfully. “Do I know her?”
He shrugged, “It’d be impossible not to. She’s beautiful and kind,” he lightly kissed the tip of her nose as she blushed, “she thinks she’s funny, but she’s actually not.”
Emily pinched him, a laugh falling from her lips. “Hey! I’m hilarious,” she turned her nose up haughtily, turning away from his embrace.
“Who said it was you?” Aaron murmured as he pulled her back into him. Emily rolled her eyes. “But anyway,” he continued, “I’m in love with her,” he said seriously, his eyes boring into hers.
“And I don’t know if she wants it, but I really, really want to marry her someday,” he whispered. “Because she’s it for me.”
Emily swallowed thickly, pushing away the tears that misted her eyes. “She wants it,” she told him, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling him down to kiss him.
“She wants it so bad.” She admitted, feeling as if her heart would burst. She never thought she’d find the love she’d always dreamed about, instead resigning to the knowledge that eventually her mother would find some politician for her to marry and she’d have an unsatisfying, loveless marriage just to appease her whenever the time came.
But it never did. Aaron came instead, first as a boss she couldn’t stand then slowly into a friend she trusted until he kissed her one night in his office, a horrified look on his face when he pulled back that disappeared once Emily grabbed his face and kissed him again.
“Yeah?” Aaron smiled at her, his eyes shining with love, dimples deep in his cheeks.
“Yeah.” Emily nodded. Her voice cracked so she pulled him in again, her lips soft against his as their pounding hearts raced in their chests, the beat of hers matching the beat of his.
Emily pulled back. “You have to promise me one thing, though,” she whispered against his lips, her eyes deadly serious.
She smiled at the sincerity in his voice. “You won’t break it off with me when my mother goes crazy with the wedding planning.”
Aaron laughed brightly, a loud, rich sound that scrambled her insides and made her glow. Emily beamed back at him, biting her lip as he cradled her face in his big hands. “Nothing could make me break it off with you, Emily. Nothing.”
He kissed her lips, her forehead, her cheeks. “I’m never letting you go,” he murmured into her skin, pressing his love there.
Well, that’s just fine with her. Emily smiled and let him slip her shirt over her head. 
He spends the whole week planning it out; making a reservation at her favorite restaurant, buying wine and chocolates for after, when he’d inevitably wear her out and they’d need some form of refreshment.
He’s strangely jittery as he puts his plan into action, random bouts of dizziness hitting him as he thinks of what flowers to get her, his skin growing sweaty when he thinks of exactly the spot he’ll get down on his knee and ask her to marry him.
It feels like forever when Saturday night finally rolls around. Aaron pops open another button on his shirt, feeling strangely sweaty. His skin is warm as he taps his shoes on the floor, waiting for Emily to come out of the bathroom. 
His whole body is flushed with nerves; weirdly even his scars, aching even though they’re long healed.
She’s not going to say no, he knows she’s not. They literally talked about this, made the vaguest of plans, but plans nonetheless. Yet his hand trembles, his heart skips a few beats.
His phone is very firmly on silent, and JJ is under strict orders not to call unless the world was collapsing on itself. He smiles when he remembers the glint in her eye as she mouthed good luck to him.
The bathroom door opens and Aaron steels himself, forcing away his skittishness or else she’d see through him a mile away.
It’s easy to let the thoughts slip from his head when he looks at her, clad in a navy dress that contrasts with her creamy skin, her hair curled softly on her shoulders and the bracelet he’d gifted her for her birthday glinting on her wrist.
His heart races.
His palms grow clammy, his throat suddenly going dry. “You look gorgeous,” Aaron says, his voice coming out as a breathless gasp Emily mistakes for appreciation. 
“Thank you, honey,” she smiles and kisses his cheek before grabbing her purse and taking his hand, leading them out of their room.
He’s glad she’s the one leading him as his head suddenly spins, his chest growing tight with breathlessness, even as he opens his mouth to heave in breath. What the fuck is going on? Aaron thinks deliriously as he sucks air into his lungs, trying desperately to ease his need for oxygen.
He subtly pats his jacket pocket, checking for the ring, and cursing mentally when he finds both of them empty. Emily opens the door and he lets go of her hand, “You go start the car, I forgot something.” He hands her the key.
Emily hums out an affirmation and takes the key from his hand, none the wiser to his struggle as she types something out on her phone.
Aaron walks slowly back to their room, running a hand through his hair as he heaves in a deep breath. His heart suddenly pounds against his burning chest, his old scars searing his skin like they were brand new.
He bends down to reach the nightstand drawer when his vision blurs, the nightstand suddenly tilting sideways. The breath catches in his throat as he reaches for the handle.
He doesn’t get a chance to righten himself before the world goes black.
His eyelids are so heavy. Aaron forces them open, groaning when bright white lights assault his eyes.
Emily’s head snaps in his direction. His brows are scrunched in pain and confusion, his face pale and his lips chapped.
“Aaron.” She grips the handles of his bed, itching to touch him but scared to cause him more pain. He turns his head to her and licks his dry lips.
“Em,” he croaks out. He only sees her in his sight but he hears the tell-tale beep of machines, the burning scent of antiseptic that tells him he’s in a hospital.
“What happened?”
His voice is rough and grating, scraping against his throat as the words leave his lips. Emily bites back another round of tears and busies herself with grabbing the glass of water the nurses had left on his table.
“Drink,” she whispers, her voice equally raspy from hours of crying and silence. She holds the straw to his lips and watches as he drinks carefully, his eyes locked on hers.
She looks terrible, the last image of her in his head nowhere to be found. Her curled hair is pulled in a careless ponytail, her lipstick long gone from biting her lips swollen in her worry. She’s kicked off her heels and her dress is crumpled, just not the way she expected it would be by the end of this night.
Tears spill over her lashline as she holds the glass to his mouth, her other hand gently combing through his hair. “You scared me.”
Her voice trembles and her lips shake. She bites down on them to stop it, but her whole frame is shaky, the lines of her shoulders unsteady and wobbling.
Aaron pushes away the glass. “What happened?” He repeats, but his voice is stronger this time, the grit of it gone. 
“You had internal bleeding.” Emily says. Her fingers are still playing with his hair absentmindedly, tugging on the strands as if to remind herself that he’s here, he’s okay. She heaves out a shaky breath. “From your scars.”
Aaron closes his eyes and curses quietly. It all makes sense now; the way they were burning, his sudden lethargy, the cramps and sudden breathlessness he’d chalked up to nerves. He almost laughs at the way George Foyet still haunts him from his grave.
He sits up suddenly, groaning as his body protests. “Fuck.” He slumps back against the pillows, his chest on fire and his body aching.
“Hey!” Emily scolds, her face turning pale at the way he closes his eyes in pain. “Don’t be an idiot,” she murmurs as she adjusts the pillows at his back and helps him sit up. 
“You just came out of a nine hour surgery.” She sniffles, her hands nervously adjusting the blanket around him. 
Nine hours? So much for his proposal.
“Stop,” Aaron places his hands on top of hers, trapping them in place. “I’m okay, Emily.”
As okay as he could be just coming out of a nine hour surgery. Apparently Emily is thinking the same thing. She scoffs at him wetly. “Don’t lie to me, Aaron.”
Her hands flex under his, gripping the blanket tighter. Her eyes are rimmed red, black flecks of mascara scattered on her lids. She’s so pale, and he hates himself for doing this to her.
“Okay, I’m not,” he admits. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and brings her into him. “But I will be if you give me a hug?” He smiles slightly as he forces her against his side, her reluctant body unable to relax even as he presses a kiss to her forehead.
“It’s not funny,” she sniffles, feeling the tears rise back in her throat when his hands rub her arms, slightly cold instead of his usual blazing warmth. Emily places her hands around his waist, clutching the rough material of his gown between her fingers.
She stuffs her face in his neck, the nauseating mix of his cologne and antiseptic making hot tears roll down her cheeks again. Her body trembles against his as sobs rack her chest and crack her open.
“The doctor said you were feeling this for a while. You lost so much blood you passed out,” she gasps through her tears and leans back to look at him. “Why, Aaron? How could you have been so careless?”
Her lashes are wet and clumped together, her eyes still brimming with tears that show no sighs of stopping. Aaron’s heart cracks clean in two when she chokes on another sob.
Those weren’t the tears he’d expected she would shed tonight. He curses himself for his stupidity, curses Foyet and curses his own body for doing this to her.
“I didn’t know, Em,” he says desperately, her sniffles cutting straight through his heart. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I thought I was just stressed from work,” he tucks her hair away from her wet cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. They’re immediately replaced, despite the tears she’d already shed.
“Like that was normal, either?” She scolds him weakly, her dark eyes boring accusingly into his. Aaron shakes his head, opens his mouth to somehow try to defend himself before she cuts him off.
“I’m so mad at you.” She whispers, but she holds herself stiffly, not allowing her weight to fall on him. Her hands are tender on his body as she gently runs her fingers over his hospital gown, the warmth slowly returning to his skin.
“I know, baby,” he kisses the top of her head. “I know. I’m so sorry.”
He thinks idly of the ring in his nightstand, of his well thought out plan going down the drain. He’d hoped to end this night with a ring on Emily’s finger and the honor of calling her his fiancée, the band cutting into his skin as he pressed her into the bed, whispering reverence and promises into her ear.
He should’ve known she wouldn’t make it easy for him. Aaron stifles a smile into her hair, glad she’s turned away or else he’s sure he’d have gotten his ass kicked, nine hour surgery or not.
Somehow she knows when he starts growing tired. Emily pulls back and gently presses him into the bed, lifting the covers up to his chin and pushing his hair away from his face. 
He holds her hand in his, stopping her movements. “Come here,” he lifts the blanket.
Emily shakes her head, “I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispers, her grip tightening around his.
“Please, Em,” he almost begs. “You won’t hurt me,” he uses their joint hands to tug her out of her chair and closer to him. “I need you.”
One look into his honey eyes and she’s gone. “Are you sure?” She asks even as she stands up, ready to slip in next to him.
“Positive.” Aaron says, desperate to feel her skin against his, breathe in her perfume.
Emily gingerly settles in next to him and covers them both with the blanket. Neither of them acknowledge the way he winces when she accidentally knocks into his body. He quickly gathers her in his arms to stifle her apology.
“I love you.” He buries his face in her shoulder, feeling her hair beneath his forehead and her skin under his lips.
“I love you too, honey,” she whispers. “And I’m so fucking glad you’re okay,” she swallows thickly, her fingers wrapping around his wrist to feel his pulse. It beats steadily under her thumb and she finally relaxes onto the bed.
“Yeah.” Aaron hums, swallowing back a yawn. “We missed date night,” he muses disappointedly. And a proposal.
“There’ll be others.” Emily assures, lifting his hand to her lips and kissing it. “You’re tired, baby. Sleep.”
“Mkay,” Aaron slurs, mentally making a note to ask her how she’s able to figure out his needs before he does. “You know, this will make a really funny story one day,” he murmurs tiredly, his eyes falling closed.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Aaron sighs to himself. There go his proposal plans. The words fall from his lips just before he’s fully asleep, unconsciously slurring them out in her ear.
“For the record, if this is your way of trying to deter me, it won’t work. I’m not letting you go.”
“What?” Emily asks confusedly. She looks down at him and finds him asleep already. 
“That’ll be the drugs talking,” she laughs slightly. “They’ve got you on the good stuff.” She kisses his forehead, relishing the warmth of his skin against hers.
She falls asleep too, lulled by his even breathing, her tense muscles finally relaxing at his touch. Their fingers are linked together when he wakes up, and as Aaron presses her knuckles to his lips he mourns the lack of a ring on her finger.
But he’ll try again.
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 11 months
Hiya mara, i read some of your BL writings, and they were beautiful, i love the way you string words together. i was wondering if it was alright to ask what got you into BL, and if you have any particularly favorite pairings beyond what you've written? good luck in your endeavors!
good morning, anonymous;
thank you for reading & the kind words :-))
probably what got me in-to BL would just be my own homophobia, likely; despite growing up in a house that had a gay-couple in it (i saw them kiss on the 4th of july and found the gay porn bookmarks and everything) i was very much a "all gay people go to hell" person, & in highschool it sort-of blossomed into me viewing homosexuality with this fetid sacredness where it:d have a big significance to me, to just see it, but it must never be acknowledged or acted up-on or engaged-with or admitted-to; i:d copy yaoi-esque mannerisms irl (cause i thought they were cute or had this grand whimsy to them, like how you 'bump' into people and accidentally kiss!!! or the bishie talk or all the fujo stereotypes) and then beat them out of myself for being lame. But that:s about it, cause I kept that non-engagement; and really: the only pairing I like would just be Zabuza & Haku -- and even then: I don:t know how much I like them as a BL item versus as a Zabuza+Haku item. Extrapolate that and pull it out to the relationship-dynamic versus the gender-dynamic; really the only men I like (in a romantic dreamy way) are that youtuber post10, Zabuza, Boogiepop, & Neuro. I tried to get in-touch with my BL side by watching liter stuff like Black Butler & Loveless but the actual BL dynamic fell kind-of flat for me, becauase really: the fetid-sacred feeling seeing that stuff is still there; my homophobic christian seeding is still there, somewhere.
hopefully that answers everything! take care, anonymous, & good luck to you, too.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
⏤ crisis core: final fantasy vii.
⏤ fluff; ;in which a certain baby boy needs a name.
⏤ wc: 900
⏤ a/n: i like to hc that genesis's parents aren't complete assholes. so i wrote this fluffy scenario as a small writing exercise :) p.s. i'm pretty sure his parents' names haven't ever been revealed in canon, but i read somewhere that they're called Uriah and Seraphina so that's what I've been calling them in my head all along
✏︎ on·o·mas·tics (noun): the study of the history and origin of proper names, especially personal names.
The red leather creaked as he leaned back, sinking into the chair and bracing his head on his open palm. The name reverberated back into his pool of thought, stretching and molding itself as he considered it. No, he thought, Angeal Rhapsodos doesn't sound right either.
A miffed huff from the female voice at the armchair redirected his attention. Seraphina Rhapsodos sat with her legs pulled up to her chest, balancing a notepad on her knees where she now crossed off the name from the list.
"I know, I know," she furiously scratched the pen against the paper, "but it's the name Gillian suggested and I don't have the heart not to consider it."
The corner of Uriah’s lips quirked upward at the sight. She wiggled her bare toes, scratching her head with the back end of the pen and entangling her messy, brown hair with the utensil.
Seraphina had been a sight to behold for the past two days. She had foregone her fashionable clothes and finery for whatever garbs she saw first, briskly throwing them on. She didn't want to waste even a second away from the baby.
Gillian had a complicated pregnancy and an even more tumultuous delivery. The culmination of monitoring the surrogate's unstable health, then worrying for the child's life had drank up all their attention up until they welcomed the baby. A healthy baby boy.
A nameless, healthy baby boy.
"Maelstrom?" Seraphina suggested.
Uriah immediately grimaced. "Maelstrom Rhapsodos. He won't be able to spell his name."
"Wallace?" She tried.
"Goddess no, that's horrid."
"No. Remember my late uncle Azariah? He was a drunk with a gambling addiction."
Seraphina looked up, pulling a face. "What in Gaia's name does that have to do with…" She shut her eyes, breathing deeply before shaking her head. "Nevermind. What about Constantine?"
Uriah pulled one leg up on the chair, continuing to flip through one of the many books littering his desk. "Sera, dearest, if you want our son to be bullied, kindly refer back to your mother's suggestion."
"Wha—?" Seraphina slammed the notepad on the coffee table, uncurling her body as she sat up. "D'Artagnan Rhapsodos sounds very noble!"
"And batshit insane, might I add," Uriah smirked.
"Fine then!" She rose to her feet, crossing her arms and delicately stepping over the books strewn on the floor. "What about Gibson? Plain and Simple."
"Gibson?" Uriah choked on the name, clutching his copy of LOVELESS. "The boy's not even three days old and his mother is condemning him to a lifetime of being called Gibby."
"You're insufferable," she threw her head back, attempting to drown out her husband's laughter.
"I still think it should have a religious connotation," he flipped through the book, scanning it for any possible names. "It'll sound fashionable."
Seraphina paced the room, her head still reclined as she traced her eyes over the patterns on the ceiling. "Hm…I'm trying to recall the chapter titles in that religious text…Matthew, Joshua, Peter…"
"Boring, bland, flavorless," Uriah echoed. He leaned forth, propping his elbows on the desk.
"Psalm, Chronicle, Leviticus, Genesis, Exodus, Roman—"
"Wait, go back," Uriah snapped his fingers.
Seraphina froze in place, leveling his widened gaze as she turned to face him. "Exodus?"
"No, before that!"
A sharp knock at the study door interrupted their banter. It creaked open as a nurse peeked her head inside. "Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt. You ordered to see him as soon as he woke up."
Seraphina's previous frustration dissipated quickly, being overtaken by pure joy as she gasped. "Yes, yes! Where is he?"
The nurse opened the door, making way for another one, who held a bundled ball of red blankets in her arms, gingerly meeting Seraphina halfway.
"Hello, my darling," Seraphina's voice was a hushed lullaby as she reached for the baby. Her hair fell over her eyes as she looked down, taking the infant in her own arms and immediately rocking him.
Uriah rose from the chair. "How's Gillian doing?"
"She's doing much better, sir," the other nurse answered. "Professor Hollander says she'll be free to go home tomorrow morning, if all goes well."
"Nonsense," Uriah waved his hand dismissively, approaching his wife. "Tell her she's welcome to stay until she fully recuperates."
Once the nurses took their leave, Uriah and Seraphina were left completely alone with the baby. Seraphina couldn't hold the tear that spilled down her reddened cheeks.
The baby looked utterly peaceful. His eyes were partially opened, the faint glow of the Mako meeting her gaze, which in turn was wrought with joy. Soft cheeks. A twitching nose. Small hands clutching the red blanket, and a tuft of russet hair peeking out from his little cap.
"Genesis," Uriah's soft voice whispered. "Genesis Rhapsodos."
Seraphina looked up, finding her husband smiling at the baby, a glint of wonder in his eyes as he looked from her to his newborn son.
"Alright," she nodded shakily. "Well then. Hello, Genesis…" She giggled. "Aren't you the most darling thing?"
A muffled coo was the baby's reply.
Uriah rested his hands in the pockets of his trousers, leaning back on his desk. He watched her sink into the plush seat, rocking Genesis in her arms.
Uriah reached for the nearest book behind him.
"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess," he began to read to them. "We seek it thus, and take to the sky…"
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leslutdepointedulac · 5 months
13 Book Tag Game
Tagged by: @bubblegum-blackwood Thank you! 💞
1) The last book I read:
The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice. I'm currently doing my annual re-read of TVC from start to finish but it's taking me longer than last time for some reason.
2) A book I recommend:
Loveless by Alice Oseman. Ik it's not the only book out there to explore asexuality and being aromantic as well, but it's the first one I personally read and I think it's a really good example of it.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson. Predictably, it's more vampires lmao. I wasn't initially sure about how I would feel reading something in second person, but it actually works really well imo. I really love how it's told by one of Dracula's brides; I can really get into the characters, and understand her situation.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
So many of my books I've read several times, but one in particular is Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. Actually just the whole Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. I grew up on them, and I've read the whole series several times over. I like that it's set six thousand years ago, because I don't think I've personally ever read anything in the fantasy kind of genre in that time period. This series has a special place in my heart.
5) A book on my TBR:
I have too many. I think one that I do really want to get to though, is Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. I've wanted to read it for a few years now, and I've had the book since last year but I haven't gotten round to it yet.
6) A book I’ve put down:
Normal People by Sally Rooney. I got it as a birthday present from someone in my family a few years ago, and when I saw what it was about it didn't sound like my kind of thing but I figured I'd give it a chance. Yeah, it wasn't doing it for me lmao. I was bored tbh and the lack of speech marks around dialogue was confusing me. Overall it just wasn't my type of thing anyway and I only got a few pages in before I put it down.
7) A book on my wish list:
I've been really wanting to get a copy of the Grimm's complete fairy tales. I know some of how a few of the fairy tales originally go, but I've been wanting to read them all properly for years now.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. I read this book religiously as a child. I would read it and then as soon as I was done, I'd read it again. I'm honestly not sure why, but there was clearly something about it that resonated with me, even as a kid. I actually still have the same copy I owned as a child, I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. It's very special to me.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. Idk what you want me to say lmao. It's LOTR, everyone should read it. I know it's a trilogy, not just one book, so I am cheating a bit here, but it's too good not to mention. It's fantasy at its finest, what can I say.
(I was gunna say Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, but that's obvious coming from me and I don't want this whole thing to be overrun with TVC lmao.)
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
I won't lie, I don't actually have any of either, I've never really been interested in things like that. It's just not my thing.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Buried by Professor Alice Roberts. I haven't actually read it yet, but it goes into looking at burials from centuries ago and how people would have lived in different periods of time, based on burial sites.
12) What are you currently reading:
The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice. Again, this is because I'm doing my annual re-read of TVC, but it's taking me an unusually long time to get through it this time round.
13) What are you planning on reading next?:
Apart from moving onto The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice, I think the next thing I want to get to is Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu. I've never read it before (Ik don't shoot me), not because I didn't want to, but just because I never got round to it. But I got it recently so I'll be reading it soon!
Tagging: @desertfangs @teethingpains @cinnamonclove but no pressure of course ❤
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queernoctis · 1 month
9 17 19 30 42 for firsts trio!!! or just sephiroth if 3 stinkers is too many to cook for
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
for sephi it's 100% the reactor scene. i dont even rly remember where but i saw gifs of her poor sad face and thought. oh no. my blorbo.
for ang+gen its a bit harder to say. probably the training room scene?? just the casual easy energy that had with seph was so good.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that i associate with them.
genseph is like. the entirety of So Much for Stardust by fall out boy for me lol. other than that, my brain has permanently associated genesis with pink pony club by chappel roan lol. angeal i dont have anything specific but i think he'd like classic rock.
19. vices/bad habits
besides their terrible lack of emotional intelligence/conflict resolution skills??
seph - isolating herself, forgetting to eat, terrible sleep schedule. probably the most physically detrimental of all the firsts.
gen - i could see him biting his nails... why he wears his gloves all the time. also a drama whore oh my god the gossip he partakes in
angeal - i know this man has snuck a cigarette or two. also will refuse to replace things until theyre literally falling apart
30. sleeping habits
seph - BAD. works for five days straight before collapsing on angeal's couch and sleeping for 24 hours. if they all have some time off it's a bit better cause they make sure she gets her rest. unironically having sex with ang/gen helps because then she's 1. in a bed, 2. relaxed and 3. feeling loved and safe
gen - room 68 degrees or less, silk sheets and pillowcases, matching pajamas, lavender scent, sleep mask, the works. always jerks off before going to sleep. never in bed before midnight.
ang - old man, in bed by 9. disconnects from screens and likes to read a book or his cooking/gardening magazines for a while in bed. sleeps in his boxers.
42. 3 comfort items
seph - she's the hardest to answer this for lol. i def subscribe to the hc that she doesnt have a lot of personal belongings. they were probably all gifts. a nice pen gen got him. some comfortable lounge clothes angeal got him. a clipping of an internal memo feat. a photograph of a certain blonde anti-shinra agent.
gen - his oldest copy of loveless, some nice noise cancelling headphones,and an old blanket he's had since he was a kid. the blanket stays in his closet most of the time [it doesnt fit his modern, stylish decor At All] but when he's had a rougher day than usual he pulls it out. he swears it still smells like home.
ang - does the buster sword count?? other than that, his camera, and all of his plants.
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