#but their hearts start beating so much faster looking at eo across a table in the war room
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m4gp13 · 1 month ago
Stop doing professional and/or violent people only finding a relationship that they're passionate about when they find someone they can be domestic with. Give me a regular couple with a perfectly healthy relationship that's slowing down because they don't feel truly fulfilled until they find out the other person is actually deeply fucked up and all of a sudden they're the most loving couple in the world.
By which mean I had an au where Ethabaster are an established power couple in the TA but their relationship is kind of bland and they're not really feeling it and the spark isn't there anymore but they haven't been talking about their issues much because they have significantly bigger fish to fry. Then when their political ambitions start to seriously diverge and they're making all their adverse political plays, that becomes the new spark keeping their relationship going in a Mr and Mrs Smith trying to kill each other way because omg babe you're soooo hot when you almost get me executed through your political subterfuge <3 anyway I'm making lasagne for dinner tonight. If you and your husband/situationship aren't locked in a game of political chess and constantly trying to undermine each other's military ambitions with internal espionage, are you even really in love?
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marmolita · 6 years ago
werewolves of eos 1/?
@ravus-week teaser time!  I didn’t get this done in time for day 2 but I figured I’d post the first bit of it as a teaser, then the rest when I get it done as part of a free day.  This was written as a fill for a prompt on the kinkmeme for Ravus/Ardyn WEREWOLVES, and since it’s just about Halloween and it’s also Modern AU day, the time is right.  No warnings.
Ravus/Ardyn, Explicit, day 2: modern AU
Ravus isn't entirely sure what it is about Ardyn Izunia that keeps him coming back for more.  Perhaps it's those golden eyes, the color so unusual that they remind him of some sort of wild animal.  Perhaps it's his powerful hands, when his nails rake down Ravus's back like claws.  Or perhaps it's the jaunty set of his hat and the knowing curve of his smile, the predatory gleam in his eye that changes to laughing glee when Ravus finds himself caught.
Whatever it is, it's what drives Ravus to show up three nights a week at the library-themed bar in his neighborhood on the west side of Gralea, where he's sure to find Ardyn sipping a cocktail that's 95% liquor and poring over historical fiction.  He'll get a lecture about everything that the author got wrong, and Ardyn will laugh every time Ravus demonstrates his own knowledge of relevant historical details -- that history doctorate he's been working on is good for something, after all -- and then Ardyn will take him home and fuck him into oblivion.
Just like tonight.  It's warm in Ardyn's house, a rare unattached single family home that backs up to the park, warm enough to be edging on hot when Ardyn pushes him face down on the rug next to the fireplace.  "What did I do to deserve a lovely creature like you, hmm?" Ardyn rumbles in his ear as he rubs himself against Ravus's ass.  As usual, Ravus is completely naked before Ardyn's even taken off his damn scarf; at least the hat is gone, tossed carelessly onto the coat rack earlier.  Ravus still isn't sure how Ardyn manages to successfully land that damn hat on one of the hooks every time, even when he's not looking because he's busy sticking his tongue down Ravus's throat.
"You got my attention with that debate about whether or not the fourth king of Lucis was secretly sleeping with the first Niflheim emperor," Ravus says, trying to make sure his voice sounds even and not as ridiculously turned on as he actually is.  "Have you forgotten?"
"Of course not," Ardyn replies, leaving a trail of biting kisses down the back of Ravus's neck.  He arches into the touch, always eager for more though he's loath to admit it.  As badly as Ravus wants Ardyn -- and Ardyn knows it, he makes that clear every time -- he's not the sort of person to be able to just <i>say</i> so.
(Lunafreya tells him every time she calls that he needs to be more open about his feelings.  Then again, she's a therapist by day and a spiritual healer by night, so she thinks everyone needs to be more open about their feelings.  He hasn't quite found the right way to tell her that he's been regularly sleeping with an older man whose phone number he doesn't even have, because he can't get over himself enough to ask for it.)
Ardyn pulls back, and for a moment Ravus's back is a little cooler without the heat of his body above him.  Finally, Ardyn is stripping, and Ravus cranes his neck to get a look.  He looks strong and dangerous by the light of the fire, his auburn hair backlit and glowing like a mane around his head.  When he leans back down, his thick chest hair tickles Ravus's back pleasantly, but he's more interested in the hot weight of Ardyn's cock resting between his cheeks.  Ardyn's hand closes around his hip and hauls him up to hands and knees, then before Ravus even has a chance to prepare himself, Ardyn is sliding back behind him and he can feel the hot puff of Ardyn's breath on his ass.
"Have I told you before how much I appreciate that you're always clean and ready for me?" Ardyn murmurs, his lips brushing against Ravus's skin.  "One would almost think that our repeated meetings aren't a coincidence at all."  Ardyn knows very well they're not a coincidence, but Ravus doesn't even need to snipe at him about it because Ardyn's tongue is on him, lapping across his hole, and it feels so good any attempt at words just comes out a low groan.
Ardyn gets him sloppy and wet, fucking him open with his tongue, then his fingers.  By the time he pushes his cock in, Ravus is digging his fingers into the thick rug to keep from touching himself and there's a small puddle of precome under him that's probably going to leave a stain.  Ardyn has an enormous cock, by far the biggest Ravus has ever had the pleasure of taking, and no matter how many times they fuck it always takes a while to get it all the way in.  Sometimes Ravus just wishes Ardyn would rush it, thrust in hard and fast and damn the consequences, but no matter how rough their sex gets, Ardyn never actually <i>hurts</i> him.  He'll bite, and he'll scratch, and he'll hold Ravus down with his full body weight, but he never breaks the skin.
"There we go," Ardyn murmurs soothingly as he slides in the last inch.  "You always take it so well."
"Just fuck me already," Ravus growls back at him.  Ardyn laughs and gives him what he wants.  He digs his fingers into Ravus's hips and yanks him backward onto his cock, then starts fucking him in long, hard rolls of his hips.  If he touched himself, or if Ardyn reached around to stroke him, Ravus is pretty sure he'd come within the first twenty seconds.  That's why they both know not to.
Ardyn fucks him according to his own desires, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes pressing their hips tight together and just <i>grinding</i>, until Ravus is trembling and panting.  It's late in the evening, and the waxing gibbous moon shines bright through the window where Ardyn's left the curtains pulled back.  Ravus notices because it's the only thing he can see from his position on the floor, beyond the legs of the end table in front of him and the roaring fire.  He thinks, absurdly, that Lunafreya is probably working on gathering supplies for her upcoming group healing, performed only under the full moon.  What would she think if she knew that while she worked to help people heal their minds and bodies, he was here, letting Ardyn fuck him and use him and loving every second of it?
"Is your mind wandering?" Ardyn breathes against his ear.  "I must not be fucking you hard enough."  He drops down, one arm on either side of Ravus's shoulders, and buries his face in Ravus's neck.  There's something about the feeling of Ardyn on top of him that makes Ravus's heart beat faster, something dangerous about the scrape of teeth against his neck that makes his cock throb.  Ardyn slams into him, and Ravus gasps, tilting his head to encourage Ardyn to bite.  It's getting towards the end of fall, and nobody has made the slightest comment about the fact that Ravus's wardrobe includes far more turtlenecks and scarves than it used to.  The angle from Ardyn's new position is perfect, and Ravus is on edge again in a matter of moments.
"Ardyn," Ravus gasps, pushing back against him, "<i>more</i>."
Ardyn's stubble scrapes across his shoulder as he fucks him harder and deeper, and Ravus is so close, so very close.  "Are you going to come untouched?" Ardyn asks, his voice deeper and throatier than ever.
"I-- just need--"  He can't quite put a sentence together to tell Ardyn that yes, he thinks he is, but he just needs <i>more</i>.  Instead, he bares his neck and presses it up to Ardyn's mouth, and Ardyn sinks his teeth in again.  The sharp prick of pain is what does it, what makes his pleasure coalesce, and Ravus shouts as he comes, his cock pulsing and jerking while everything goes warm and fuzzy.
Ardyn growls against him, his teeth tightening, and Ravus knows he's coming too.  He slumps down onto the rug when Ardyn releases him, breathing hard and thoroughly, completely satisfied.  His neck is still throbbing, and Ravus reaches up to touch it and is surprised to find his hand comes away wet with a few drops of blood.  He looks up at Ardyn, who is regarding him with what appears to be dismay.
"It doesn't feel that bad," Ravus says.  "It'll probably heal up in a day or two."
"Of course," Ardyn replies, though his voice sounds strange.  "I'll get the first aid kit."
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siren-dragon · 8 years ago
Office Hours (Ardyn Izunia x Reader) Ch.5
Finally, it’s here! The 5th and final chapter of my fanfic is complete, yay! Big shout out to @verdinium for the motivation and also to @poisonous-panda and @ardyn-enters-your-askbox for starting this whole thing. And also a big shout out to all of you readers for....well, reading this story.
So without further ado: the finale.
You sighed in exhaustion as you finished modifying the last Magitek Armor, finally completing the requisition manifest so they could be shipped to their bases within the provinces of Accordo. It had been a tough few days of painstaking work, but you and your team managed to pull through and finished on time. Despite the success you felt, you were more concerned about a certain amber-eyed Chancellor; or lack thereof. It had been 3 weeks since your little adventure in the elevator and since then you haven’t seen hair or hide of the man. And it wasn’t you alone who had begun to notice, as just last week you heard Ravus complaining about the magenta-haired devil and wondering where the hell he was. Ardyn Izunia seemed to have simply vanished from Zegnautus entirely with no one aware of his current whereabouts.
And with the Chancellor currently “missing” from the Keep, your focus has often been drifting back to said man more frequently, occasionally dazing off in the middle of a repair job. Biggs and Wedge once tried to call you three times in your distracted state as you overfilled your teacup and flooded the counter with tea. And though you said your distracted state was due to a lack of sleep, the two men simply shared a grin that reminded you of school children hiding an inside joke from their teacher. Regardless of their actions, yours were certainly unprofessional; so you decided to dive into your work properly. Making sure the manufacturing line was running smoothly, repairing any equipment that could be salvaged, training new soldiers about tactical gear, and finishing requisition orders that needed to be shipped to their designated bases.  And though it worked well enough when the sun was high, the Chancellor managed to crawl his was back into your mind when the shadows came to play.
"Commander (l/n)!" A young soldier called, running up to you.
"Yes, what is it?” you asked.
“A message arrived from Chancellor Izunia for you, along side a parcel.” You calmly placed your wrench atop your workbench, wiping the sweat from your brow with a rag. “I see….please, place it within my office and I will retrieve it later.”
“Yes Commander,” the soldier saluted.
Thirty minutes later you returned to your office, covered in sweat and grease, curious as to what Ardyn had left you with and why he couldn’t deliver it himself. Atop your desk sat a rather large parcel, the box in question about 13 inches in length, 9 inches in width, and 4 inches in depth; with a simple black ribbon tied around it with a note laying on top. You frowned at the sight of the package, confused as to why the Chancellor would even send you anything. Gently tugging the letter from the ribbon, you sliced open the envelope and unfurled the parchment within.
My dear Commander (l/n),
Please see me in Hanger 5 at 18:00 PM, tomorrow night. -A
P.S. I do hope you enjoy my gift.
You re-read the letter several times, the confusion you felt increasing with each word. What on Eos could Ardyn possibly want with you after disappearing for almost an entire month? Turning to the package on your desk, you untied the ribbon and, gulping nervously, lifted the lid before peaking inside and gasping in surprise.
Within the box laid a beautiful, white dress; a silk chiffon bodice with a sweetheart neckline, chiffon capped sleeves, and a matching circle skirt. You tugged the dress out of the box, careful not to dirty the fabric while admiring the superior craftsmanship. Glancing back at the included note, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of melancholy at the generous gift. Nothing so sweet is ever without a price, and it would seem that the Chancellor was ready to finish this game between the two of you. Sitting down in your desk chair you ran a hand across the hem of the dress as a smile pulled against your lips.
If this was to be the end, then perhaps you should go out in style.
The next night you found yourself walking down the corridors of Area 03, where supplies were unloaded from the airships before being delivered across the Keep and later Gralea itself. You could not help but think of how out of place you appeared, the elegant dress a far cry from your typical armored uniform or workshop overalls. Your (h/c) locks were pinned back by a simple pearl clip, with your hair twirled into a bun against your scalp. Jewelry was not an accessory you often wore because one) it was expensive, and two) as a soldier first and foremost, you wouldn’t give the enemy the opportunity to use it against you. Still, you knew the dress needed no accessories to showcase its beauty, and you briefly wondered if Ardyn picked it for that reason.
“Though how the hell did he get my measureme- what the….What is this?”
Laying upon the floor of the corridor was a collection of (fav flower) petals, moving into a trail further down to the end of the hallway toward the direction of Hanger 5. You followed the trail of flowers toward the staff door and took a deep breath before opening the metal door.
Inside the large room stood an elegant dining table set for two with a radio sitting nearby, a sweet melody of music playing softly from the old device. Candle’s littered the area with more displays of your favorite flowers, giving the room the sweet scent of flora instead of it’s typical motor grease aroma. With the flood lights off, it looked almost as if the stars themselves had fallen from the heavens to illuminate the room. And standing in front of the table was the Chancellor; though his attire was different. Gone was his iconic trench coat, grey mantle, and old fedora, but in its place he wore a charcoal suit jacket, matching trousers, and dress shoes. Around his neck still sat his red scarf and his hands still retained his leather, fingerless gloves. He raised his amber-eyes to your own (e/c) iris’ and smirked, bowing in a dramatic yet gentlemanly manner.
“Good evening, my dear.”
You flushed crimson at the sight before you, “I…what is this?”
“Oh, I simply wished to have an enjoyable dinner with a beautiful companion, nothing more. I trust this is enough?” Ardyn spoke, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
“It’s beautiful….” You said softly, but judging from Ardyn’s smile, he heard it plain as day. “Though I am not certain Ravus would appreciate your decorating skills as much as I do, Chancellor.”
“Oh, I’m sure our dear High-Commander would not mind. But please my dear, it is after office hours, there is no need for formalities here. Please; call me Ardyn.”
“Only if you call me (f/n), instead of commander.”
Ardyn gave a laugh, “very well, (f/n), as you wish.”
You smiled and walked closer to the table, with Ardyn pulling out your chair for you. Uttering a soft word of gratitude, the Chancellor took his seat across from you. Glancing down at the plate before you saw, to your surprise, your favorite dish food cooked to perfection. Taking the fork beside your plate you cut a piece before tentatively taking a bite. It was delicious!
“This is fantastic, my compliments to the chef.” You praised, taking another bite from your plate.
“Thank you,” Ardyn replied.
You paused, looking up toward Ardyn, surprise evident on your face. “You can cook?”
“Not a skill I am most famed for, but yes; I do dabble in the culinary arts from time to time.” Ardyn smirked, taking a bite of his own cuisine.
You gave a grin, “who would have guessed: Niflheim’s Chancellor can cook.”
“Ah, ah, ah, my dear; I believe I said no titles here, correct?”
“Alright then; Ardyn can cook.” You laughed, “better?”
He smiled at you, the look causing you to pause as your heart began beating faster. “Yes.”
You looked down to your lap, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up your face. The evening continued in a similar fashion, with the two of you talking of everything and anything. Here there was no titles, no battle reports, no missions from the Emperor. Here, you two were just a man and a woman, enjoying a fine dinner and lovely conversation. You couldn’t help the joy you felt and knew that even if this was to be the end…then at least you did it all with a smile.
Another song soon came upon the radio, one you instantly recognized, causing you to grin. You stood up from your chair and took hold of Ardyn’s hands. “Come Ardyn, dance with me.”
“Oh, I’m afraid I am not much of a dancer (f/n)….” Ardyn tried to explain as you guided him to an empty section of the decorated hanger.
“It’s alright, I’ll teach you.”
“If I recall, though I may be wrong, the male is to lead the female when dancing.”
You giggled while placing his hands in the correct places. “We don’t have to waltz, we can just sway to the music.”
Ardyn sighed, “I suppose I can handle swaying….”
The song’s intro soon began to pick up just as you two started swaying back and forth to the melody, before the lyrics begun pouring out of the radio:
I must have been through about a million girls I'd love 'em then I'd leave 'em alone I didn't care how much they cried, no sir Their tears left me cold as a stone
“Well now, that is rather rude,” Ardyn spoke, as the two of you slowly danced in a circle.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Indeed; but karma does come around in such cases.”
But then I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love, yes I did I fooled around and fell in love, I fooled around and fell in love
Ardyn chuckled, “it seems no man is able to resist the charms of a lovely woman.”
“No man?” you asked, deliberately looking toward Ardyn’s chest instead of his piercing golden-eyes.
“No man,” he echoed, the hand on your waist rubbing small circles against your skin.
It used to be when I'd see a girl that I liked I'd get out my book and write down her name But when the grass got a little greener over on the other side I'd just tear out that page I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love, since I met you baby I fooled around and fell in love, I fooled around and fell in love Free, on my own is the way I used to be Ah, but since I met you baby, love's got a hold on me It's got a hold on me now, I can't let go of you baby
You turned your gaze to Ardyn’s face, a sad smile coming to your own. “It would seem our game is coming to an end.”
“My dear (f/n), while our little duel has been enjoyable to me….What makes you think I would keep playing when I could win?”
Your eyes widened in surprise at that, his smirk becoming smug. Your lips parted slightly before you gave a smile of absolute joy and love. He pulled you closer to his body before gently lowering his lips to your own. Despite all the encounters the two of you have had, all the teasing and tension, this was the memory you would always cherish.
“And to think, you even made dessert.” You said, your lips pressed against his own.
“I’m certain I can think of something much sweeter to eat,” Ardyn answered back in his most sly tone.
You couldn’t help but snicker at the thought of your next words. “Do your worst, Ardyn.”
“Ah, music to my ears….”
I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love, oh yes I did I fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fell in love Fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fell in love I fooled around, fell in love I fell in love, I fell in love, yes I did
The Following Day:
“Commander (l/n), there you are.” Ravus spoke, walking toward you from the Conference Room, “I am sending you to Haulhex Armory for an inventory check. The deployment will be leaving at 12:00 PM tomorrow so please-“
“Don’t worry High-Commander, I will ensure Commander (l/n) arrives on time.” Ardyn spoke, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder.
You smiled before bowing politely to Ravus, “of course High-Commander; I will be there.”
“And now that business is out of the way, shall we continue with our meeting Commander (l/n)?”
“Certainly, Chancellor Izunia, my office is close.”
Ravus watched the two of you disappear from sight, glaring at Ardyn’s retreating back. Aranea stopped beside him, watching as you and the magenta haired devil conversed loudly, the Chancellor’s dramatic movements difficult to miss.
“…Those two had sex yesterday,” Aranea said before walking away, causing the new High-Commander to choke on nothing but air.
And there you have it, the end of my fanfic! I hope it was okay, I was literally tugging my hair out at how to end it. I’ll be starting on something new now, so be sure to tune into that.
The song used in this is ‘Fooled Around and Fell In Love’ by Elvin Bishop, and all rights belong to the artist.
See ya guy’s and take care! ^_^
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