#but the other day i went vr zombie shooting and that was fun
halinski · 11 months
*always getting mad that i keep dying in games*
*forever refuses to use the block and/or evade buttons even when i eventually learn what they are halfway through*
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Your Child Interrupts Filming [Request]
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A/N: I know Namjoon’s isn’t really a Run episode but I just had to include it
You told Jin you weren't sure bringing your son along to filming would be a good idea but so far everything had been fine. He was sleeping across some chairs while his dad and his six uncles were chasing each other around a giant toy factory, carrying pig balloons and trying to hide away from Hoseok. It was a pretty chill day, every now and then you would catch glimpses of the guys as they ran past you to find a hiding spot but your son was starting to wake up now and you knew it was going to be hard to keep him away from his uncles since they were all acting like children themselves.
"What's daddy doing?" He asked as you sat him down on your lap, Jin running past you and your son, giving him a small wave before turning into a sprint and hiding down a hallway,
"He's playing hide and seek with uncle Hoseok." You told him, but he tried getting off your lap.
"I'll help daddy hide." You managed to catch him before he chased after his dad and you sat him back on your lap, not wanting to get in any trouble with producers or cameramen.
"No, we have to stay here and be good." He nodded and one of the makeup artists came over, holding up some building blocks for him to play with but he was more interested in watching Namjoon and Jungkook screaming as they ran away.
Jin was hiding behind a child's castle when your son saw him again before you even knew what was happening your son slipped from your grasp and ran out to his dad, hugging him and wrapping his arms around his leg, Jin chuckled and held onto his son looking up when he heard Hoseok coming.
"We have to hide from Uncle Hobi, come on." He bent down and picked up his son, running away from the main area and toward Taehyung who was laughing so hard at Jin and your kid.
"This is cheating!" Hoseok screamed as he caught up to them, Jin knew he wouldn't come after him if he was holding his kid.
"If you get mini Jinnie I get Y/n!" He yelled coming off the set and walking over to you but you were already moving away from him, going to hide behind cameramen so he couldn't get you.
"I made you breakfast this morning, don't touch me." You cried out, making a run for Jin and your son who was laughing at you.
"Hoseok!" You screamed as he caught up to you and picked you up from behind, Jin stopped in his tracks and turned around.
"Drop my wife and I'll bring you Jungkook," Jin promised, gaining the attention from Hoseok who was still holding you off the floor in a backwards hug.
"He'll do it, you know he will." You told Hoseok who gently put you down on the ground and stared at Jin, who in return nodded to you and you made a run for it, in the direction of the main cameras and leaving everyone behind.
"CHEATERS!" Hoseok screamed as soon as you were off the set and he couldn't come for you anymore, you bent over a chair trying to catch your breath and you heard the cameramen laughing and talking about how they should have been filming with everyone's kids for a while now and it would make for an interesting episode.
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Yoongi had invited you to bring your five-year-old daughter along to the filming of a run episode because Jin and his wife were going to be there, along with their kids so he thought it would be nice for you to hang around with another mum for a while and your daughter to make a friend. But what neither of you had counted on was both of your daughters wanting to join in on the fun, especially when their dad brought the guns out and were chasing each other around on giant bouncy castle.
"Come on, dad needs to finish filming. We can play afterwards." You told your daughter as she watched her dad running past her and onto the bouncy castle, laying down and sending her a quick wave.
"Daddy careful!" She yelled as he went to check where Jungkook was standing, the camera crew laughed and you giggled, sitting her down on your lap as she continued to watch her dad. Yoongi was busy laughing along with you to notice that Jungkook had gotten to close and start shooting him, ''killing'' him instantly. Deciding now would be the best time to be dramatic he screamed out and rolled off the bouncy castle and onto the floor, pretending to die there.
"DADDY!" Your daughter squealed running out after him, Jin's daughter running after Jin as soon as she saw your daughter on the run.
"Yoongi!" You cried out trying to get him to catch her but he was sticking to his role of dying soldier, holding his hand across his chest and grunting loudly.
"Daddy, no!" Your daughter screamed hitting him on the chest and looking around, Jungkook was laughing so hard he was now kneeling on the floor and the rest of the boys were too busy playing to have noticed, you were about to reach your daughter when she took the gun from Yoongi and began shooting Jungkook, who then died on the floor next to Yoongi.
"Don't mess with daddy." She pouted dropping the gun onto Yoongi's chest and storming away back to you, you were too busy laughing at her to punish her and it didn't seem like the cameramen were bothered by it either, all of them laughing at Jungkook and Yoongi who was staring at you and your daughter after she'd killed Jungkook and walked away.
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The producers had asked you to come along, secretly, to the shooting of Run with BTS, they'd told you not to tell Hoseok you were going but to bring your son along. You'd spent the whole evening watching from behind screens as your husband, the father of your child, screamed while running away from zombies with his friends. You knew they were scardey cats but you figured they'd be able to make it through easily.
"This isn't fair." Your son said as he jumped, hiding his head in your chest as he heard screaming again. He was supposed to be sleeping throughout the entire thing but Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jin were being so loud that he'd woken up to see what was going on.
"Dad is going to get eaten by a zombie." He groaned as he looked at the screen, he was old enough to know real from fake but it still didn't stop his overactive imagination and you knew it was going to be bad news later tonight when you had to put him to bed.
"I have to save Dad from the zombies." He said to you as he tried to wiggle from your lap, but you weren't about to let him go away easily. You would get in trouble if you let him run onto the set while they were filming.
"No baby, he's fine. It's not real remember, we talked about it." But he'd jumped off your lap and was running after his dad who was now playing tag with the zombies to earn more tickets.
"DAD!" He screamed as he saw a zombie chasing him, Hoseok stopped in his tracks and searched around for the source of the voice, seeing your son he grabbed him, picking him up sideways and sprinting away from a zombie with him under his arm.
"Wait when did-" Namjoon couldn't finish his question because Hoseok had already run past him and Namjoon was tagged.
You came out once the game was over and took your son from Hoseok who was laughing along with the boys.
"You only got more because the zombies wouldn't come near you." Jimin pouted looking over at your son who was now holding onto your leg as they filmed the outro.
"Don't be jealous Jimin." You called out, making him blush and shy away from the cameras, you giggled and bent down to comfort your son who was looking at all of the zombies.
"Told you they aren't scary." And he nodded, looking up at one of them who was smiling at him.
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You were sitting in the front row watching your husband, Namjoon, and his band members all play hide and seek with James Corden and Ashton Kutcher and you couldn't stop yourself from laughing. Namjoon had managed to get you and your daughter front row seats and now you were watching him be a big child.
"We have to be quiet now baby," You told her as the music quietened down and James started the hunt for the boys. Ashton walked past you, giving you a small wave since you had been introduced before the show started. He found Jimin instantly and picked him up, carrying him over to his seat and then going to look for another member. James came back with Tae and you couldn't stop yourself from laughing as Tae started blushing a bright red colour and Ashton kept hunting for the other boys.
After Jin was brought in and everyone was screaming in laughter you lost the grip on your daughter who rushed over to Ashton, they'd bonded earlier behind the scenes when he gave her a cupcake and she pulled him down to her ear level, you shook your head at her wanting her to come away but the cameramen were loving it up,
"Uncle Kookie is over there." She whispered pointing at the cameraman closest to you, Ashton frowned looking closer and slowly made his way over to Jungkook and got him, making everyone laugh and James ended the show. Jungkook came over to you and Namjoon, holding your daughter in his arms.
"I guess snitching runs in the family huh Hyung." He joked putting your daughter on your leg and messing her hair up
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Your son had been watching his dad, Jimin and his uncles play video games all day and he wanted to join in on the fun. So when his Uncle Jin came to him and asked if he wanted to play he was more than happy about it.
"But it's a secret, we can't tell anyone except mummy." You nodded along with Jin and he brought you over to the VR room that they were all playing in, sitting you down by the door as Jimin stood with the VR headset on and got ready for his game. Jin nodded at you and you kept hold of your son, whispering the plan to him while the rest of the boys made loud noises so Jin wouldn't hear you talking.
"Are you ready!?" Namjoon yelled over at Jimin who nodded and the game started, bringing up on the screen so you knew when to send your son out to scare Jimin. Jin and Yoongi smirked at you as they watched you giggling, as soon as Jimin was right next to the virtual cake you tapped your son on the back and he slowly made his way over to his dad, acting like a spy. He'd seen way too many movies is what you thought when you saw this, you smiled as he turned to look at you and smiled.
"Do it." You whispered and he pushed his dad's leg, knocking Jimin over a little and making him scream as he felt like he was actually falling in the game and in real life, he ripped the headset off his face and grabbed your son, picking him up and spinning him around in the air.
"Who did it? Who told you to do it?!" He questioned putting him down onto the floor and laughing as he rushed over to you and hid behind your arms.
"Tell me or no ice cream tonight." Jimin threatened and your son came out from hiding.
"Uncle Jin!"
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It was no surprise that, much like his father, your son loved to sleep cuddling up to someone. He would always fall asleep clutching the stuffed rabbit that you'd gotten him when he was a baby and when he could he would fall asleep holding onto you or Tae, unless he was with his uncles he would fall asleep holding onto them.
"Is filming over?" You whispered as you came onto the set looking around only to see each member asleep on giant inflatable bags, you looked at the cameramen and a stage manager came over and told you what was happening. That the boys were asleep for the next fifteen minutes and then they would have to remember the lyrics to a nursery rhyme.
"That's fine, we'll wait over there." You whispered to her, trying to take your son over to some seats but he saw his dad and was trying to make his way over to him.
"No baby, he's sleeping we have to stay over here." But it was no use, he slipped out of your grasp and ran over to his dad, wasting no time taking off his shoes and climbing onto the inflatable bed next to his dad, who in return wasted no time in pulling his son into his grasp and falling back to sleep. You smiled at the sight of them and then looked at the cameramen who were all staring at you.
"It's cute, it'll make the segment cuter." The producer told them and you relaxed a little, wanting nothing more than to go over there and cuddle your husband as well, but you knew that wouldn't be allowed so you stayed behind and waited for them both to wake up in fifteen minutes
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Jungkook had brought you and your daughter along to the filming of a run episode because it was an overnight one and he didn't want to be away from you and his daughter for so long, so you were all staying in one big house together so they could finish filming. All that was left to do was a guess the song, the losers would make everyone in the house, including crew, breakfast. Something you were looking forward to because since being married to Jungkook and having your daughter, no one except you made breakfast anymore.
"Goodnight baby, Dad will be back in the morning." He said to your daughter, kissing her on the head and moving over to you, you smiled up at him and he kissed your lips.
"I'll see you in the morning as well." You nodded and he waddled out of the bedroom, turning off the light on his way out.
You stood on the balcony the next morning watching as each member came from the house, first was Yoongi who looked really tied, then Namjoon came out in shorts and sunglasses which made you giggle, waking up your daughter who wanted to watch from the balcony.  You both sat down on the floor and watched through the glass to see if anyone would get the song right the first time.
You watched as Namjoon skipped back into the house happily and you thanked whoever it was watching over you all that he wasn't the one to cook that morning.
"Go! Fighting!" You looked down over the bar and Jungkook was being thrown out of the door by Taehyung who was laughing at the younger member.
"It's so bright." He groaned holding his hand over his eyes, you giggled continuing to watch when the door to the balcony opened and Taehyung walked out.
"They're doing so well." You said sarcastically, watching as your daughter crawled back onto her bed, Taehyung stood with you and continued to watch.
"It's boy in luv." The director said to Jungkook who was staring into space, you were about to start laughing when you heard your daughter giggling and running towards her dad.
"Oh god!" You yelled watching as she sprinted out from Namjoon's grasp and straight onto Jungkook's back, whispering the lyrics to him and making him laugh.
"Disqualified." The director laughed making Jungkook one of the cooks for the morning and the next one to be decided between Hoseok and Jimin who was too busy laughing to hear the hint from the director.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @yourguessisasgoodasminemate​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kpopfanfictionhoes​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​
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739337369137371082 · 4 years
Hey so I found u thru the Halved Live Funnies and I gotta ask... whose Leon? What series these dudes from?
i got this ask and then forgot about it for like 2 days. anyways.
IVE ANSWERED THIS BEFORE BUT. GOD. LEON. ok so like....... long story short last year was when i first played resident evil........ bc we got a copy of re2remake in and.... jesus christ. i hyperfixated so fucking hard for the better part of a year going on into this year. and then i watched hl/vr and well. we know where that went. but now i am once again hyperfixated and now im back to where i was in like.... june of last year LMAO. but anyways i am once again going to ramble under the cut about them <3 (seriously. its very long and doesnt go much of anywhere. also spoilers)
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OK. SO. resident evil. the last time i answered this ask i either hadnt played some of them or just completely forgot the plot of others LOL but now upon beating/playing a large majority of them (besides 6 which i have not touched yet, and 7 is first person and im not rly interested in it rn)...... well others have said this as well but if you like cheesy b action movies you would love resident evil!!! 
the orig 1-2 are more survival horror which is what i like the most. 3 is where it starts branching into more actiony stuff but is still survival horror. but 4 and after is just like..... cheesy action stuff which is fine but not really like.... my thing. altho i do think that they are fun in a “this plot is hilariously bad” type way because i do enjoy horrible things. but people who like resident evil dont like it for the plot they like it for the characters. and for me i latched the fuck onto leon kennedy and tyrant t-00 aka mr fucking x
listen.......... you guys know me relatively well enough to know that i have a type......... and i would define leon as not really fitting under it usually because he is 1. under 6 foot 2. human and 3. very much not a villain. but something about (mostly remake) leon hits fucking different!!!!!! hes kind and means well, thinks about others constantly, looks like an actual fucking person in the in game graphics instead of being some manufactured perfect model, nice voice, etc....... i fucking care him so much. also gameplay wise i find his weapons to be more enjoyable than claires so i always end up playing his route/2nd route the most compared to hers. but i do also like claire :) shes nice and epic
i dont really like the newer leons (4 and afterwards) as much.... i mean a lot of it has to do with trauma and general “growing up” after what happened in re2 but hes just so constantly... snarky? jaded? constantly spouting lines to make him seem cool? when in my head hes very much like... a loser LMAO. i mean dont get me wrong hes a badass. he survives a fucking zombie outbreak and nearly gets murdered dozens of time. thats the definition of badass. but also you cannot change my mind that hes also a anxious loser twunk. there is literally nothing you can do to convince me he is “cool” like the games and movies want to think. this is probably heresy to re fans but this is my truth
here is a vid of his cutscenes. obvious spoilers in there but you can skip around and see how cute he is. also yes in his first cutscene he is listening to butt rock. i switch between thinking hes just listening to it because nothing else is on the radio or his taste really is that terrible
also you literally CANNOT convince me that he is straight. the games try SOOOOO hard to get you to ship leon/ada or leon/claire but like...... i cannot see it. he has one of the gayest run animations i have ever seen in re2 remake and i mean... he just radiates gay trans man energy to me. also please look at this small scene from one of the animated movies where a licker jumps on top of him and he wraps his legs around its hips and lifts it off of him to not die. gay king
but yes ive basically decided to ignore all characterization from re4 and onwards regarding leon at least. every leon after that is not my leon (except in special cases when im thinking about something like leon/jd from re damnation..... they did jd so dirty and they should have fucking kissed. or how cute he looked in vendetta sometimes)
so basically there are these enemies in resident evil called “tyrants” that are manufactured by the evil capitalist company umbrella that are near indestructible save for like.... rocket launchers or super heavy artillery that youre not buying at your local gun store. and in re2 one of them get sent to the police station where leon and claire are and is told to wipe out all witnesses. (i also do think that 2 or more were sent there... or at least in the area when this happened due to some very obvious plot hole stuff on each route no matter how you play, even tho the devs have come out and said that only 1 existed in the game and that each route is like “a parallel dimension” to each other. i wont go into it more than that but i choose to ignore that)
and well. when i first played it i knew of mr x but didnt like... know much about him other than that he was a monster and Tall (like 7 or 8 feet tall) and that he chased you around. that already sold me on him but then. well. you first encounter him because he lifts up an entire goddamn helicopter and then proceeds to chase you. and it was then that i knew i was in deep shit because he fucking stomped his way into my heart and never left.
mr x basically has serious Side Character Disorder where (even tho the remake made him very cool and epic and did him really well compared to nemesis in re3 remake which is an entire different can of worms) he has LITERALLY no personality or like. thoughts. or anything. hes only there to chase you around and be on screen for like 10 seconds for a couple of cutscenes and then not show up again until the very end of the game for you to fight on leons route. but god. he means so fucking much to me. 
you know how people latch onto random side characters that have no personality and essentially flesh them out more than the creators ever will? thats me with mr x. its gotten to the point where certain songs come on on my spotify and i actually get EMOTIONS or even TEARS because they remind me of him, but its not even really HIM, its the fucking ideas that ive come up with regarding him because all he ever does in game is chase you around and punch you and then die and is never brought up again
but anyways. mr x is a tall monster who chases leon and claire around in their routes but mr x is leons main monster in the game (claire has a different one). he chases leon around, literally never stops looking at him as he chases him, gets hit by an entire fucking car which then explodes BUT THEN chases him down into the sewers and into a secret underground lab just to get to him like a fucking bloodhound who, once he has the scent, will never stop chasing him
(you can see why this made me kind of insane)
just. AGHHH. the tyrants in this series get treated so dirty. i desperately want capcom to give us some sort of tyrant that can actually fucking like.... go against orders and brainwashing or whatever and actually have emotions and thoughts!!!!!!!!!! but capcom would never do anything with it cause its a rough and tough action series and people arent here to see tyrants have some sort of thought process beyond punching and killing and people only want to shoot guns at them instead of thinking about the possibilities of a tyrant that goes against its programming.
i so desperately want an au where mr x got the transmitter shot off of the side of his head (and while capcom never mentioned this ever many re2 fans have since decided that it is what feeds info/orders to him. i flip flop between thinking that it either is near controlling him and prevents free will and thought or that its just giving him orders and that hes just burying/hiding/not showing free will and thought in fear of being killed. either that or someone at umbrella is “piloting” him but also the whole point of tyrants is that theyre supposed to be smart enough to think for themselves somewhat so... eh). GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive explained a bunch of this stuff in my other ask about it but just...... xleon means so much to me when it should not and will never be actually canon
anyways please play re2 remake at least, you dont have to know everything about re1 to like it, just go into it knowing that a few months ago in the mountains outside raccoon city claires brother chris and a few members on his team went to a mansion where they discovered umbrella doing shady zombie shit there. re2 remake was hyped up for years for a reason and it is really good, even if its short (altho i do appreciate short games in this day and age cause not every game needs to be like 60 plus hours long). 
maybe one day when its not late and i can actually think i will explain all this better but todays not that day <3
(EDIT: ALSO RE DAMNATION TYRANTS ARE 14 FEET TALL. AND CHASE AROUND LEON AND ACTUALLY FUCKING RUN. FUN FACT! anyways while i do think jd in that movie and leon should kiss i also want leon and a tyrant from that movie to kiss. bye)
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angelholme · 4 years
May, Myself And I - Year 2(020)
Day 15 - Eggs
Last night I sort of missed the deadline for my entry about Pranks. I ended up starting ti before midnight but finished a little after. I know it says I posted it at one minute to midnight, but that was when I started it rather than when I finished it. The reason I missed it was I spent most of the evening in The OASIS - which is my nickname for my Oculus Quest. It’s a VR headset that is really quite impressive. There is a game called Gun Club VR that unlike most point and shoot games requires you to actually point and shoot with your hands. And there is a series of levels that takes you back to World War Two which are quite a lot of fun, because there is a subset of these levels that involve Zombie Nazis and they can be quite terrifying if you don’t pay attention. 
So yes - I was late, because I was shooting Zombie Nazis. Which leads me onto the revelation that the first time my boss watched The Sound of Music he was quite surprised when Nazis turned up in it.
I was surprised that he was surprised because it’s about the escape of The Von Trapp family from Nazi occupied Austria just after The Anschluss. So the arrival of Nazis was....... predictable.
However it seems that he’d known nothing about it - other than it was a musical and a few of the songs. He didn’t know it was set during World War II (or just before it I guess) and had no idea what the plot was about. 
Which came as quite a surprise to me because while I was born and raised on The Sound of Music I have more or less grown up with it - I think I first saw it when I was six or seven, and had more or less learned most of the songs by the time I was nine. And at one point my mum’s school went on a trip to Austria and Italy and we visited, amongst other places, parts of Salzburg where TSOM was actually filmed (I can still remember staring into the garden where Julie Andrews grabs her hat and sings the VERY high C and thinking “wow - it’s a REAL place?”)
All of this is by way of saying that - despite the fact I have a pretty good imagination - I am sometimes bad at realising not everyone has the same life experience as me.
Not for the big stuff - the state of my life, the fact it is better than some other people’s and not as good as some other people’ and things like that.
No - it is just for inconsequential nonsense. Things I take for granted because they are just a part of my life. Which I realise (it could be said) means they are part of the previous paragraph - that because of the way I was raised, and the life style I live in, there are just things I am used to that I don’t realise I am used to. (Nowadays it would almost certainly be referred to as privilege, to put it in context).
But it is things like seeing The Sound of Music on TV when I was a kid because my parents like music. And the fact I was raised on left wing, liberal protest music (Tom Lehrer, Tom Paxton, Pete Seeger, Hair, Peter Paul and Mary and so on) which shaped my politics even before I realised what politics really was.
Because it also meant that there are a whole slew of things that I never knew that I never knew.
Which was why the first time I went to stay with my beloved for Easter (usually she had come to stay with me) I got quite a surprise, because she said we were going to go “rolling eggs” on the Sunday.
And I literally had no idea what she was talking about. Because never in my life - which had been around 40 years at that point - had I ever “rolled eggs” on Easter Sunday.
At first I thought it was a joke, but no - turns out it was real. And it was actually a lot of fun :- you paint the eggs (I think I picked Super Heroes for my first attempt?), then you go to a local park, and you roll the eggs and see who get them the furthest.
We went with my beloved, her mum and two friends (her friend and her friend’s son) to a local park and then started rolling them.
Unfortunately my rolling technique was very, very bad. But - to be fair - it was my first attempt. Ever.
The first egg ever rolled in my entire life didn’t entirely roll. Instead of going forward and down the hill it went more downwards into the ground. And exploded. Which - for a hard-boiled egg - was quite an impressive sight.
The others found it pretty funny - there was laughter and much mirth. 
Then I watched as the other four had a go, so by my next attempt I had a much better idea of what I was supposed to be doing, and the next one exploded far less (almost not at all) and went a little further.
After a few rounds of rolling, we ended up just hurling eggs down the hill, then throwing them against trees - much fun was had.
Obviously this year there was less rolling of eggs, because there was less going to my beloved’s. (Everything, in these times, eventually comes back to what is going on in these times, I guess). 
There’s a term in computer programming called an “Easter Egg” - it originated with a man named Warren Robinett who created the very first one in a Atari game called Adventure. After he created it, and the very first player found it, thousands of other players set about trying to find it. They went on a hunt for it - a hunt to find this Easter Egg.
Ever since then programmers have been adding secrets to their games for players to find, and when the players find them, they are usually rewarded with something - either the eggs itself or a little bonus of something.
I love my beloved, and learning everything about her has been a joy and a wonder. It has been, and continues to be, the greatest privilege of my life and I would not change it for anything.
But every so often it throws up something new - something so utterly unexpected and out of my entire range of experience - that it surprises the life out of me.
And the whole “rolling eggs” things was definitely one of them. It was (in more ways than one) an Easter Egg.
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Gamer Girls are kind of amazing. I mean am not saying all girl NEED to be gamers and it's far from a deal breaker for a relationship but having a Player 2 in the household is kind of amazing. I want to come home from work and find a pizza on the table and cutie with a booty sitting on the sofa in PJ’s waiting for me to join her in a game for a bit. Of course, the option of making it Netflix Night or something else is also welcome but I have been (for my whole life) a gamer since the original Sega system up to my custom built PC I use now. And I want to share that with her.
So for all you Game Girls and Wonderful Girlfriends who are willing to try new things to make your lover happy (or reverse relationships where your a Gamer Girl trying to get your Boyfriend or Girlfriend into games). I present you my Co-Op Date Night Video Game List.
A Way Out
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I admit I have not yet played this game but it looks damn good and reminds me a fair amount of Splinter Cell which appeals to me. From what I have seen the voice acting and graphics are on par with Grand Theft Auto and the gameplay seems very clean. Nothing like working together to break out of prison to bring us closer.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ? ? ? ? ? (No idea how hard this will be)
Diablo 1, 2, & 3
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The Diablo series has always been a pretty basic point and click approach with spells on the hotkeys and some minor inventory management. As the games went on more playable characters unlocked with each new game. This game would be a fun side by side experience with two PC’s playing as a male and female character out to kill the Devil himself. 
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★★★☆☆ (Gotta teach the hotkey basics)
Don’t Starve Together
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The second game on the list I have yet to play. The animation reminds me of something from Tim Burton meeting Invader Zim. Despite the strangely clever art style, I like the concept of the game of running around resourcing to stay alive. This kind of co-op experience is about carrying your weight and working together.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ? ? ? ? ? (I won't ever let you go hungry before me)
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I was playing Save the World setting of the game long before most players were hearing about the soon to be released PUBG. I don't know if that makes me cool or incredibly nerdy but probably both. This game is full of action and I prefer the build mode of the other Save the World Game mode which is where I would want to take you. Gathing supplies building a base, fighting a horde of zombies and winning.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★★★☆☆ (I’m not always ahead of the trends but when I do it was Fortnite)
Guitar Hero and Rock Band
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An oldy but a goody! Guitar Hero and Rock Band both brought the concert into the family room. I loved those first games but really lost interest fast once the microtransactions pretty much dominated the last couple of games. Nothing like ruining a game by demanding another dollar for a song you like. Regardless of those failings, I would love to find another guitar and mic for us to play together. Don’t worry if you can't sing I can play bass and you can take lead. Slapping the bass man!
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★★★☆☆ (P.S. Don’t let me drum)
Heroes of the Storm
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Heroes of the Storm is kind of a Blizzard grab bag exploring the DOTA setting. I can't imagine us playing this long term unless we REALLY get into the game and spend some pay to play cash to unlock some characters for her early on. I met a few girls in my life who played games like this and all of them have been amazing people, I hope to do this with my S.O. in the future.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (A bit more skill based but still very much friendly to new players)
Keep Talking Nobody Explodes
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The only VR game on the list but a fun one that requires for two people to work together to defuse a bomb. The first person gets a binder full of paper to read off of and the other has the VR goggles on with the remotes waiting to defuse the bomb. I imagine if you’re really shit communicator this might be a hard game to play but then again it can help you work on that, can’t it?
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (I hope we have good communication skills)
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
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Simple enough to learn and control, the hard part is knowing when to save my ass from a smoker drag or engaging the zombies in an effective way that we don't get punched to death. There is always one female character to play as so you won’t ever be without a lady to play as unless you’re one of those weird girls who likes Ellis. I don’t get it.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (Get to the Chopper!)
Lego Games
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Far from challenging collection, Lego Games are known to be kid-friendly. Kid-friendly also means new gamer girlfriend friendly. I don’t mind getting silly with lego games to get you into gaming in general. Thus it sits on this list!
NOTE: Got tons of options like Jurassic Park, Batman, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel, Pirates of Caribbean, and more...
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Silly rabbit Legos are for kids!)
Life is Strange
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Apparently, this game is amazing and it operates like Telltale Games where choices matter. From my understanding, if you like Riverdale then this sort of plot is right up your alley, which is great for young women who love that show. I am more of a Sabrina fan myself but you do you.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ? ? ? ? ? (As seen on Tumblr!)
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Mariokart is a game that can ruin relationships. I imagine I might sleep on the sofa if you blue turtle shell me at the end of the tace and your butt is something far lower then second place. I personally prefer the arena battles with the balloons but I am simply old school like that when I still had a third arm from my chest for the N64 console. 
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (I hope we have good communication skills)
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Minecraft and the Sims are the only two games you can play without the other person being there and that being perfectly ok. I mean Sims you have to with it being single player but if you had an afternoon on Minecraft without me I wouldn't be angry with the progress you made. It really is a relaxing game unless you’re out at night and hear a sudden his sound that blows out the wall of your house.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Thop Thop Thop Thop Pop)
Overcooked 1 & 2
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Overcooked is an insanely fun game about cooking. It requires people to follow instructions and get into a flow of handling jobs in the kitchen. If done right it can be a really rewarding experience. If done wrong... well people start getting loud with one another.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Why didn’t anyone wash the dishes?!)
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This would be interesting, I know the female gamer community is growing and certain games have a draw. I pleasantly surprised that there seems to be a large number of gamer girls who enjoy Overwatch or maybe I am projecting the cosplay community. Either way, I want to be your Solider 76 and have you be my healer keeping me upright and fighting. Maybe I will dress up as your favorite male character later. *wink*
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (Tracer has a nice butt, there I said it)
Payday 1 & 2
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Payday is a pretty forgiving game in the sense that the bank robbers are pretty much bullet sponges who are kind of hard to kill. The real fun is taking a bank without anyone knowing that we are doing it. With some fun female characters to play as I think we can have a good old time taking hostages and emptying vaults out together.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (Gonna steal you some diamonds)
Portal 2
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Portal is 1 part first-person shooter, 1 part logic puzzles and 1 part rewiring your brain to think in Portals. The game isn't very high stress but does require some skill for the later levels and some experience with first-person controls. I would save this game last for this list to make sure we are on par for our skillset to handle the struggle that is Portal 2.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (Teamwork makes the dream work)
Resident Evil 5 and Later
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This game isn't really hard as it is the controls are kind of crap. The stand and shoot principal of Resident Evil really brought down the quality of the early games like the camera angles. That said it was an early co-op with the kinda cute interracial duo that makes you think (they be a hot couple). I kinda want to revisit this game along with some of the other later games and play with my lover once she is comfy enough playing video games with me.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (I got your back honey)
Stardew Valley
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Stardew Valley is a really simple looking game that is surprisingly good by keeping you busy with well... busy work. One improvement to the game was the Multiplayer Update/Beta that allowed 2 people to work on a farm together. I really love the idea of building a home with my SO and playing side by side for an hour or so every day making our lives a little better, well in a digital sense.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Lets farm together boo)
State of Decay 2
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We need to be ready for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. This game allows us to build our own survivor and explore a town, house by house raiding for supplies like ammunition, medicine, food, and so on. I think a little teamwork goes a long way in making us grow closer don’t you think?
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (All about survival)
Super Smash Bros.
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Anyone who knows me I have issues with Mario despite the fact he made this list twice. Super Smash Bros. gets a seat on this list mostly because of how user-friendly the game is and how fun 4 player co-op can be. I mean... if we were swingers on Date Night that fills the other two spots but since it's you and me we can smash all night long just the two of us.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆☆ (Great ‘Party Game’ and fun for ‘Button Smashers’)
Telltale Games
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Pretty much story time for couples where we sit down with some popcorn and take turns doing some minor walk around with characters and making quick story-altering choices together. Imagine the excited screams as we aren't sure which option to pick while playing the Walking Dead! There are so many Telltale Titles to consider playing from Game of Thrones, TWD, Batman, Guardians of The Galaxy, Fables, and Back to the Future so we wont be bored anytime soon.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ (Stress might spike for tough story choices)
The Sims
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The Sims have been around since the late 90′s and captured the imagination of boys and girls across the country alike. While the game is not a ‘co-op’ per say managing a family together on one PC is doable and can be kind of rewarding. I just hope she doesn't remove the ladder by the pool and down my virtual avatar.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ (Real Simple Stuff Here)
Honorable Mentions
Far Cry 5 - Not the best game but still gives us an open world to discover. Advanced players only.
Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Another open world game to fight the drug cartels. You can create a pretty cute female on this game too.
The Division - Do I have something against open world games? No just Ubisoft games that may be too hard for a new gamer to play.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - Fuck I miss these games. Splinter Cell was the perfect Co-op Stealth game. We will revisit this one if we burn through the list.
Fable 3 - Chicken Chaser? Do you chase chickens? Fable was a memorable game but way to limited for the years it was being produced. I want to revisit this series soon.
Fallout 76 - Still pretty fresh but still Co-Op able. I have mixed feelings on the game but the character customization might be good for making ourselves in game.
Starcraft 2 - This game has a co-op hero mod perfect for building bases and completing missions. The learning curve is higher for strategy games but it makes the list for fun co-op.
Wrap Up
I scribbled most of these games down myself but when I decided to see what other games couples played, I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the games I wrote were also on their lists. I did cannibalize a few other online lists (such as Resident Evil 5, A Way Out and Don’t Starve Together) but most of my content was original thoughts on my end that other people also saw the potential in (honest to god it was the Overcooked game that inspired me to write this). I like to keep this post as a reminder to myself of what I want to do with my girlfriend or maybe one day my kids (assuming they want to be my player 2 and kill some zombies with their old man). Either way I can't wait to do either and I missed anything that you think should be on this list let me know.
As always thanks for reading.
Regards, Michael California
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actionfigureinsider · 4 years
Below is a column/editorial that I wrote 10 years ago after the sudden passing of my dear friend, prototype painter and pop culture enthusiast Eddie Wires.  I’ve tweaked a few things here and there for clarity, and added some additional pictures.   Eddie was such a force in the industry.  If you own any toys from Toy Biz, Palisades, early DC Direct and countless others then you probably have a little piece of Eddie in your collection.   He was self-taught and built his business from the ground up and he ran it with love, passion and integrity.  There were several in the industry that screwed him and didn’t pay or shorted him for his work, but he always gave them a second chance to do the right thing.   I’ve never met anyone that didn’t LOVE and adore Eddie after meeting him.   And even after 10 years I miss him every day.
This is a blog that I started over a month ago, that I keep putting off, because it was just too painful and finishing it would make it all the more real. Tonight at a Dave & Busters in Georgia and in a few weeks at New York Comic Con there will be gatherings of friends and family to celebrate the life of Eddie Wires. I’m not able to attend these because of other family obligations, but still wanted to participate by posting this blog:
There’s a lot of great stuff in the middle of these events with my friendship to Eddie Wires, but in this blog I’d like to talk about the very first time I met Eddie and the last time I saw Eddie.
I don’t remember exactly what year it was, but it was roughly 10 or 11 years ago, and it was in June. It was Eddie’s birthday. These days there’s always an easy way that I remember when Eddie’s birthday falls. The pants tell me so. You see there’s a little “Easter Egg” on one the Marvel Legends/Hulk Classics figures that Eddie painted. In wave 2 of Hulk classics, if you were one of the people fortunate enough to find one of the Absorbing Man figures in that wave, on his prison pants there are a string of letter and a string of numbers that are supposed to be his prison ID. The letters are “PRJFEW” That stands for “Jesse Falcon, Phil Ramirez and Eddie Wires.” The numbers are “060572” That’s Eddie’s birthday. June 5th, 1972. It’s the day before my youngest daughter’s birthday.
Back to the first time I met Eddie. This was still pretty early in my “toy journalism” career. I was a new friends with Jesse Falcon of Toy Biz (Now Marvel/Disney) and he was in LA for some meetings. I was working for Disney Animation at the time so I had free access to Disneyland for me and 3 friends. I wanted to introduce Jesse to another friend of mine, Chris Tallman, who, like Jesse, was into improvisational comedy. At that time Chris was working for Disneyland as “the Mayor of FrontierLand.” Jesse, Phil Ramirez and I headed out to Anaheim to the“Happiest Place on Earth”.
Fast forwarding past spending the day at the park riding rides, talking nerd-stuff and then having several drinks at the Anaheim House of Blues. Jesse invited Chris and I out that night to celebrate the birthday of one of their friends, who was also a painter for Toy Biz… Mr. Eddie Wires.
Before working in toys, Eddie was a bartender at “Dave &Busters” in several cities. For those of you that might not be familiar with “Dave & Buster’s” it’s like the adult version of Chuck E. Cheese; great food, lots of video games and some VR stuff thrown in.
That’s where he met the love of his life, Jennifer, who would later become his wife. Jennifer still worked for “Dave & Busters,” as a manger and helping new locations open all over the country. That’s where Eddie’s party was, at the “Dave & Busters” in the Block at Orange. That was our night; meeting Eddie and his friends, hanging out with Toy Biz guys, free food and free video games all night long. It was like we had died and gone to heaven. To this day that night is still in my top 5 greatest days of my life. Chris and I couldn’t stop grinning that night.
At the amazing center of it all was Eddie Wires. There was no weirdness about these two goons crashing his party. Any friend of Jess and Phil’s was a friend of his, and he was more than happy to talk toys and shoot the digital undead with these strangers until the sun came up. After 10 minutes it was already like we had known each other 10 years.
At the end of the night he hugged us and we exchanged emails. That was just Eddie. If he knew you, he hugged you. I think all of us have been the recipients of voice mails or emails from Eddie informing us that the next time we saw him that we could expect to have his arms around us. And he was always a man of his word.
That was the first time I saw Eddie Wires.
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Now for the last time….
This past July Eddie asked Abby and I if we wanted to share a hotel room with him at Comic Con 2010. Eddie always stayed at the Marriott next door to the con and for the past 5 years he’s always allowed the AFi team to use his room as a hub for dropping stuff off, checking email, uploading stuff or just taking a break. This year he suggested “why not just stay together?” He already had the room booked and it had 2 beds. It would be great to spend the time together. The idea made a lot of sense to us so we did, and it was great. We loved being able to spend 5 days with him, catching up, and talking about what was cool at the show, just being with Eddie for 5 days. This was the year that “The Walking Dead” trailer debuted at the con. Eddie, was a fan of ALL things Zombies, he was already a fan of the comic and he was OVER THE MOON, that it was going to be a weekly TV show. We joked about calling each other after each episode and discussing it… except I don’t think either of us were joking. We would have loved to have done a weekly “watch party” together. I’ve really missed him since he moved to the other side of the country.
We had 5 amazing days, and went out a few nights. Then it was time for the show to end. Anyone that has been to all, 5 days of the con knows that by the end of the show you are ready to go home! It’s fun, but covering the show, the late nights, the early mornings, the crowds, the walking… ugh.
Danny Neuman took this picture. This was sitting on the top of the toilet in our hotel room. This image has hung in my house for the past 10 years.
Eddie had mentioned several times in the last 2 days of the con that he really wanted to have diner with us before we got back on the road to drive back to LA. We wanted to as well, but we were tired, we still had to pack the car and unpack when we got home, and we wanted to beat the traffic of the thousands of people leaving the show. We kept debating weather to stay or go. Eddie said he was going to help the guys from Diamond Select break down their booth, so that was going to add even more time before we could go eat. But we had a lot of stuff to pack in the car… and then we came to the decision that it was Eddie. We love Eddie, we miss Eddie and we love spending time with Eddie, so we would stay. We loaded the car. He packed up DST, and then we went to eat… and we had such a lovely time. We were just in the Marriott pub in the south tower,but there was just something so… nice about that dinner. We even commented on it several times on the drive how great that was and how glad we were that we stayed.
Time really seemed to stand still that night. While it was only 2 hours at the restaurant, it seemed like we were there all night. We talked about the con, our families, TV, movies, life, his band, and friends… everything. I’ve known Eddie for about 11 years, but it’s really been the past two years that he has really opened up with Abby and I and really gone beyond “nerdy talk” into a lot of meaty stuff and this dinner continued in that vein.
It really was the perfect evening. Anyone that has ever gone out with Eddie knows that it’s damn near impossible to pay for your own drinks or a meal. Picking up the check was one of Eddie’s superpowers. That night Abby had a plan and she snuck her card to the waitress before she came over to the table so we had the last laugh and did the near impossible… we picked up HIS check!
With the news of Eddie’s passing just a few weeks later,that evening is priceless to us. Thank God we stayed. We wouldn’t trade that for time anything… anything except for the chance to see him and talk to him just one more time.
Eddie really was the nicest person I have ever met. It’s easy to give lip service to a phrase like that, but searching the cobwebs of my mind I really can’t think of a nicer person that I have encountered in my almost 40 years of life. He would give you the shirt off of his back, literally. And then he would secretly sneak away and buy you 10 more shirts.
Like everyone that interacted with him with any frequency we miss him like crazy every day. He’ll never be forgotten.
  Call your friends.  Chat about the stuff you love.  Celebrate your past.  And tell them that you love them.
I hope you are all safe and healthy in these trying times.
Thank you for reading this.  I love you guys.
  The First and Last Time I Met Eddie Wires – Remembrance of Eddie on the 10th Anniversary of his Passing Below is a column/editorial that I wrote 10 years ago after the sudden passing of my dear friend, prototype painter and pop culture enthusiast Eddie Wires. 
0 notes
vrsystem-us · 5 years
15 BEST GRAPHICS on Modern VR Systems
we don't get to talk about VR very often but we love it when we can and we love graphics so we figured it was a good time to feature 15 VR games with some of the most insane graphics let's just get started with number 15 and talk about Vader immortal it's by far not the best-looking game on this list but it has a few key things first it's one of the better-looking games on the quest the wireless oculus device the quality and detail they cram on the headset for this game in particular is just incredibly impressive but also now that it's on the standard rift platform you could really see the graphical effort even more but the big thing I want to point out with this game is just Darth Vader himself when he walks up to you and he stares you down you can really tell they put a Hall of the budget into him he looks incredible and the sense of presence he gives off when he's standing in front of you is nothing short of amazing you really feel like it's him so we're giving the game big points for that but moving on to number 14 let's talk about red matter VR red matter VR is awesome there are a few VR games on this list that are like this but I think whew look as cool the concept is you're exploring a Space Station lab on a moon of Saturn to investigate shady secret research projects it's like an alternate universe sci-fi cold war dystopia and if something went wrong so it's up to you to figure it out it's atmospheric but it's also strikingly detailed even more than you'd expect and some of the weird evil red visual effects they use in-game are a sight to behold really check it out but next at number 13 zero caliber VR this game is impressive in a different sense I mean it looks pretty decent but it's all how it comes together as a first-person shooter you have full movement around the environment and can take cover at will it's all freedom you have big guns that you can realistically hold and interact with different parts of it and there's just lots of explosions and the game doesn't really take a hit up close some things can look kind of crappy but when it's all in motion the ambition of the game itself makes it really visually impressive it feels like you're dropped into a real first-person shooter like Call of Duty or something since you shoot things and it looks cool that's what I'm trying to say and next up at number 12 we have Arizona sunshine a game that you might think at first it's just another throwaway zombie shooter game like you see on every other app store but this one actually looks damn good once you get into it the use of lighting in just the outdoor environments and just the art style of sort of being kind of artsy but sort of realistic make this thing quite a looker and more than you'd expect especially if you're running on a decent machine aside from just the bright color and the lighting and stuff the explosion effects and some of that stuff is really really impressive this game isn't like the absolute masterpiece or anything but it is absolutely solid and consistent and just fun to look at so that's why we considered it plus honestly it's just fun as hell shooting zombies is always cool and Arizona sunshine is of the higher quality so check it out but moving over to number 11 something I really want to talk about is the gallery part of the Ember stone this is actually the follow-up to the gallery call of the star seed which was a big hit for a lot of vibe players back in the day when it first launched it's a really cool puzzle mystery adventure game which already looked damn good and the developers cloud head games really stepped it up with ember stone I just look at it now that in the game story you're entering a new ancient hidden world everything is just bigger and more fantastical within the game so the art design and the graphic line should really keep up and make up for this it really looks better than ever visually and gameplay wise it's a massive improvement over a call of the star seed and I would highly highly recommend it but next at number 10 singularity 5 it's this awesome wave shooter that I'm really hyped to talk about it looks incredible and has a great sense of style the art direction is like a crazy high-concept sci-fi kind of artsy fartsy vibe that they completely nailed from the vision to the actual execution in the game not only is it stylish though but the on-screen menus and the fonts and everything like little things are really cool too it's just you know like I said sometimes with stuff it's just really the little details and when people really pay attention to every single individual element in a game they're making I just really appreciate there are a few other games like this on this list in terms of just like wave shooter type thing but it's still worth pointing out just because it's art style is so different and eclectic now at number 9 project cars to VR I still really firmly strongly believe that racing games are the perfect style of game to really get people into VR and just show them what it can do and right now really the best showcase of that is project cars - now straight up it's not my favorite racing game by any means but the VR component is just extremely extremely well done and the fidelity is perfectly translated to the VR options and in the best ways you really feel like you're in the car and there's still a surprising amount of detail on everything kick-ass graphics are needed to be able to properly convey a good sense of speed and if that's not done right the fun factor can drop instantly thankfully though project cars 2 succeeds and then some like from that - detail - just everything you want to blow somebody's mind put a VR headset on them and put them in a racing game and like I said earlier project cars - is the one to do it with at number 8 primordial this is a weird otherworldly first-person shooter with a single-player adventure and an arcade mode and despite there being so many other VR shooters this one just feels super unique and it looks great I think primarily it's because of the scope of this dense looking world as well as definitely these weapon visuals that the guns or weird gross weapons use are hyper detailed and cool and the game makes really fun use of glowing colors and bright neons - just great great effect it was made by like two dudes it's really amazing that it looks as good but we got to give them props next at number seven let's talk about how blade we love how blade here at game ranks and it also got of the arm oh it's just a damn good looking game it was a good looking game then and putting it in VR was a weird choice but it totally works the way it's set up essentially most at a time you're acting as the camera the game is still you know in third-person perspective only the camera has some slight movement and freedom with your head in motion and stuff there are other games that do it like this but I think he'll played is just one of the best-looking ones you know there is a loss in graphical fidelity in some spots as there always is with VR but experiencing this game in front of your damn face is still really cool and the characters and a creepy environment still look great and absolutely emulate you feel of playing it the traditional way honestly however you play it maybe you're watching this you don't even have a VR headset I'll say it again play hell-blade cuz it's a really cool single-player adventure anyway let's move on next at number six in death people describe this game in death kind of like as a Dark Souls VR game and yeah that works it has a lot of like great bow and arrow gameplay in it and it's a robe light so it has a satisfying challenge loop but gameplay aside it looks really good it's been hailed as one of the best-looking VR games and I really got it in particular point out how cool the enemies look and especially the way they move and animate here this is one that you just really kind of need to see to believe in motion like it's gotta be on your face as generic as that sounds I really think it's true some of the games on this list is better off you actually seeing them in person than a YouTube video with awful compression in 1080p showing it but getting down to the final five let's talk about Batman Arkham vr this is honestly like a relatively simple Batman experience this is really freaking cool and immersive and it looks so damn good and what started out as a psvr exclusive has been ported over and it's just really goddamn awesome it looks good on every platform because it preserves the look of the Rocksteady Batman Arkham games from style tough all that gritty detail and it puts you in Batman shoes literally it has a depth and scale of Gotham rooftops where you can look down to the busy streets below but also all of Batman's gadgets and his cool clubs are recreated with a bunch of really really fun detail this game is really more of an experience you know a museum type thing but it's really awesome and impressively running in real time I played this one like well over a year ago at least and I still can't stop thinking about how good it looks but moving on to number four just a quick one lone echo lone echo is awesome the movement and zero-gravity the puzzles and seriously I can't say enough good things about this one but it also looks awesome despite the simple premise of a Space Station floating through empty endless space it's the detail in the environments the lighting and really the character models you get up close and personal with that really impressive this one might make you queasy you know but the floating around in space is so much fun and I'd really recommend it especially because it's practically a graphical powerhouse dude but next up something I'm really excited to talk about at number three is Resident Evil 7 it's one of the more impressive triple-a VR outages Capcom definitely gambled on this one it's been probably a ton of money because the entirety of Resident Evil 7 can just be played in VR first of all this makes it incredibly scary the atmosphere and the graphics are preserved enough in VR to make certain sequences of the game still feel genuinely spooky also the detail of the character models is still insanely impressive those Baker's are messed up I don't know but really this is truly a VR game on a massive budget and if you can experience it you should because they gave it their all as long as you have the stomach for it it sucks EDD it's still just a psvr exclusive but still it looks damn good now down at number two let's talk about less of an official one its ally and isolation alien isolation is a crazy looker I mean creative assembly put a ton of time into the visuals here and just support in general with the game the dark hallways atmospheric lighting emergency lights the faithful level design that just really recreate that feeling the original alien it's a no brainer for looking good when it's also strapped to your face and ER this has to be access to with mods though there were like files in the game for VR support groundwork but it never came through as official DLC or an update like ii sega didn't support but it's worth tweaking fairly easily and checking out it's very scary and very moody and I think more than anything alien fans need to get themselves in this but finally at number one we want to talk about Robo recall okay where to start on this one ooh Robo recall kind of acts as like a nice graphical showcase for Unreal Engine VR stuff but thankfully it's also fun as hell but also more importantly on this list it's an absolute looker it's got a little bit everything you know semi explorable environments with impressively detailed city streets and tall skyscrapers where the scale actually feels properly massive up close and personal you have these highly detailed robot character models that really get in your face and look pretty amazing they can be blasted with bullets and damage and you can also grab them and slowly rip them apart with your hands before your very eyes and see all that stuff happening in motion in real time is so cool everything is shiny glossy detailed sharp it's highly stylized while also just making you feel like you're really there a robo recall is something really special everybody's gonna have different opinions on like what the best looking VR games are like there are more than we can even include on this list and everybody has a different type of preference for a graphical style and art style but these games look really amazing and we just wanted to highlight them but of course for VR enthusiasts down in the comments we want to hear what you guys are up to you what are you playing what do you think looks the best what are you really in love with what's whisking you away if you learned about a new game or something like that from us clicking the like button is the best way you can show appreciation and help us out we would love that but if you're new consider subscribing and hitting that notification about in it because we put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
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bestvrsystem-com · 5 years
15 BEST GRAPHICS on Modern VR Systems
we don't get to talk about VR very often but we love it when we can and we love graphics so we figured it was a good time to feature 15 VR games with some of the most insane graphics let's just get started with number 15 and talk about Vader immortal it's by far not the best-looking game on this list but it has a few key things first it's one of the better-looking games on the quest the wireless oculus device the quality and detail they cram on the headset for this game in particular is just incredibly impressive but also now that it's on the standard rift platform you could really see the graphical effort even more but the big thing I want to point out with this game is just Darth Vader himself when he walks up to you and he stares you down you can really tell they put a Hall of the budget into him he looks incredible and the sense of presence he gives off when he's standing in front of you is nothing short of amazing you really feel like it's him so we're giving the game big points for that but moving on to number 14 let's talk about red matter VR red matter VR is awesome there are a few VR games on this list that are like this but I think whew look as cool the concept is you're exploring a Space Station lab on a moon of Saturn to investigate shady secret research projects it's like an alternate universe sci-fi cold war dystopia and if something went wrong so it's up to you to figure it out it's atmospheric but it's also strikingly detailed even more than you'd expect and some of the weird evil red visual effects they use in-game are a sight to behold really check it out but next at number 13 zero caliber VR this game is impressive in a different sense I mean it looks pretty decent but it's all how it comes together as a first-person shooter you have full movement around the environment and can take cover at will it's all freedom you have big guns that you can realistically hold and interact with different parts of it and there's just lots of explosions and the game doesn't really take a hit up close some things can look kind of crappy but when it's all in motion the ambition of the game itself makes it really visually impressive it feels like you're dropped into a real first-person shooter like Call of Duty or something since you shoot things and it looks cool that's what I'm trying to say and next up at number 12 we have Arizona sunshine a game that you might think at first it's just another throwaway zombie shooter game like you see on every other app store but this one actually looks damn good once you get into it the use of lighting in just the outdoor environments and just the art style of sort of being kind of artsy but sort of realistic make this thing quite a looker and more than you'd expect especially if you're running on a decent machine aside from just the bright color and the lighting and stuff the explosion effects and some of that stuff is really really impressive this game isn't like the absolute masterpiece or anything but it is absolutely solid and consistent and just fun to look at so that's why we considered it plus honestly it's just fun as hell shooting zombies is always cool and Arizona sunshine is of the higher quality so check it out but moving over to number 11 something I really want to talk about is the gallery part of the Ember stone this is actually the follow-up to the gallery call of the star seed which was a big hit for a lot of vibe players back in the day when it first launched it's a really cool puzzle mystery adventure game which already looked damn good and the developers cloud head games really stepped it up with ember stone I just look at it now that in the game story you're entering a new ancient hidden world everything is just bigger and more fantastical within the game so the art design and the graphic line should really keep up and make up for this it really looks better than ever visually and gameplay wise it's a massive improvement over a call of the star seed and I would highly highly recommend it but next at number 10 singularity 5 it's this awesome wave shooter that I'm really hyped to talk about it looks incredible and has a great sense of style the art direction is like a crazy high-concept sci-fi kind of artsy fartsy vibe that they completely nailed from the vision to the actual execution in the game not only is it stylish though but the on-screen menus and the fonts and everything like little things are really cool too it's just you know like I said sometimes with stuff it's just really the little details and when people really pay attention to every single individual element in a game they're making I just really appreciate there are a few other games like this on this list in terms of just like wave shooter type thing but it's still worth pointing out just because it's art style is so different and eclectic now at number 9 project cars to VR I still really firmly strongly believe that racing games are the perfect style of game to really get people into VR and just show them what it can do and right now really the best showcase of that is project cars - now straight up it's not my favorite racing game by any means but the VR component is just extremely extremely well done and the fidelity is perfectly translated to the VR options and in the best ways you really feel like you're in the car and there's still a surprising amount of detail on everything kick-ass graphics are needed to be able to properly convey a good sense of speed and if that's not done right the fun factor can drop instantly thankfully though project cars 2 succeeds and then some like from that - detail - just everything you want to blow somebody's mind put a VR headset on them and put them in a racing game and like I said earlier project cars - is the one to do it with at number 8 primordial this is a weird otherworldly first-person shooter with a single-player adventure and an arcade mode and despite there being so many other VR shooters this one just feels super unique and it looks great I think primarily it's because of the scope of this dense looking world as well as definitely these weapon visuals that the guns or weird gross weapons use are hyper detailed and cool and the game makes really fun use of glowing colors and bright neons - just great great effect it was made by like two dudes it's really amazing that it looks as good but we got to give them props next at number seven let's talk about how blade we love how blade here at game ranks and it also got of the arm oh it's just a damn good looking game it was a good looking game then and putting it in VR was a weird choice but it totally works the way it's set up essentially most at a time you're acting as the camera the game is still you know in third-person perspective only the camera has some slight movement and freedom with your head in motion and stuff there are other games that do it like this but I think he'll played is just one of the best-looking ones you know there is a loss in graphical fidelity in some spots as there always is with VR but experiencing this game in front of your damn face is still really cool and the characters and a creepy environment still look great and absolutely emulate you feel of playing it the traditional way honestly however you play it maybe you're watching this you don't even have a VR headset I'll say it again play hell-blade cuz it's a really cool single-player adventure anyway let's move on next at number six in death people describe this game in death kind of like as a Dark Souls VR game and yeah that works it has a lot of like great bow and arrow gameplay in it and it's a robe light so it has a satisfying challenge loop but gameplay aside it looks really good it's been hailed as one of the best-looking VR games and I really got it in particular point out how cool the enemies look and especially the way they move and animate here this is one that you just really kind of need to see to believe in motion like it's gotta be on your face as generic as that sounds I really think it's true some of the games on this list is better off you actually seeing them in person than a YouTube video with awful compression in 1080p showing it but getting down to the final five let's talk about Batman Arkham vr this is honestly like a relatively simple Batman experience this is really freaking cool and immersive and it looks so damn good and what started out as a psvr exclusive has been ported over and it's just really goddamn awesome it looks good on every platform because it preserves the look of the Rocksteady Batman Arkham games from style tough all that gritty detail and it puts you in Batman shoes literally it has a depth and scale of Gotham rooftops where you can look down to the busy streets below but also all of Batman's gadgets and his cool clubs are recreated with a bunch of really really fun detail this game is really more of an experience you know a museum type thing but it's really awesome and impressively running in real time I played this one like well over a year ago at least and I still can't stop thinking about how good it looks but moving on to number four just a quick one lone echo lone echo is awesome the movement and zero-gravity the puzzles and seriously I can't say enough good things about this one but it also looks awesome despite the simple premise of a Space Station floating through empty endless space it's the detail in the environments the lighting and really the character models you get up close and personal with that really impressive this one might make you queasy you know but the floating around in space is so much fun and I'd really recommend it especially because it's practically a graphical powerhouse dude but next up something I'm really excited to talk about at number three is Resident Evil 7 it's one of the more impressive triple-a VR outages Capcom definitely gambled on this one it's been probably a ton of money because the entirety of Resident Evil 7 can just be played in VR first of all this makes it incredibly scary the atmosphere and the graphics are preserved enough in VR to make certain sequences of the game still feel genuinely spooky also the detail of the character models is still insanely impressive those Baker's are messed up I don't know but really this is truly a VR game on a massive budget and if you can experience it you should because they gave it their all as long as you have the stomach for it it sucks EDD it's still just a psvr exclusive but still it looks damn good now down at number two let's talk about less of an official one its ally and isolation alien isolation is a crazy looker I mean creative assembly put a ton of time into the visuals here and just support in general with the game the dark hallways atmospheric lighting emergency lights the faithful level design that just really recreate that feeling the original alien it's a no brainer for looking good when it's also strapped to your face and ER this has to be access to with mods though there were like files in the game for VR support groundwork but it never came through as official DLC or an update like ii sega didn't support but it's worth tweaking fairly easily and checking out it's very scary and very moody and I think more than anything alien fans need to get themselves in this but finally at number one we want to talk about Robo recall okay where to start on this one ooh Robo recall kind of acts as like a nice graphical showcase for Unreal Engine VR stuff but thankfully it's also fun as hell but also more importantly on this list it's an absolute looker it's got a little bit everything you know semi explorable environments with impressively detailed city streets and tall skyscrapers where the scale actually feels properly massive up close and personal you have these highly detailed robot character models that really get in your face and look pretty amazing they can be blasted with bullets and damage and you can also grab them and slowly rip them apart with your hands before your very eyes and see all that stuff happening in motion in real time is so cool everything is shiny glossy detailed sharp it's highly stylized while also just making you feel like you're really there a robo recall is something really special everybody's gonna have different opinions on like what the best looking VR games are like there are more than we can even include on this list and everybody has a different type of preference for a graphical style and art style but these games look really amazing and we just wanted to highlight them but of course for VR enthusiasts down in the comments we want to hear what you guys are up to you what are you playing what do you think looks the best what are you really in love with what's whisking you away if you learned about a new game or something like that from us clicking the like button is the best way you can show appreciation and help us out we would love that but if you're new consider subscribing and hitting that notification about in it because we put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
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benandcoblog · 6 years
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Reaching for the Sky w/ Derrick Bozkurt
Have a fear of heights? I’m pretty sure we all do, whether you’re on a ladder painting grandma Betty’s house or flying a drone and have that weird fight or flight response just seeing that imagery may scare you. Today, is a phenomenal day because I’m chatting with Derrick Bozkurt who has been a long time friend and colleague for various projects. Our first project together was with a company called Archon Games which was working on a first person shooter RPG called "TechnoWizard" ahhhh, the memories.
Derrick is also currently working in real estate but beating the status quo by aiding consumers with visuals in Virtual Reality (VR) and Drone Photography in both consumer and commercial real estate.  
Ben Libby: Remember the time we worked together at Archon Games, and you were the lead sound engineer? What made you transition from video games to doing photography, virtual reality and aerial photography?
Derrick Bozkurt: I do remember those days! They were great indeed, and we all had a ton of fun working on the “TechnoWizard” project together. Video games have always been my favorite form of visual entertainment, and I was excited to get to lend an ear to its soundscape. That was one of my first gigs coming right out of audio engineering school, and I had the opportunity to work on various other projects – Some with you as well – as a sound designer and composer as time went on. The Flying Cloud projects we were a part of were ahead of their time, and I’ll never forget some of the field recording sessions for our CGI monster, or overdubbing myself 100x to create a crew anthem. One of my other favorites was a game called “Z-Day”, which was an ambitious “Zombie-Survival MMO” back in 2009. Although some of these projects never saw a major release, I learned a ton, and made some great connections that I still keep in touch with today.
Photography has always been a passion of mine as well, and throughout my teens onward, I oftentimes had a camera in hand or nearby, documenting all sorts of adventures. While in college, I even got to take some classes back when they were still teaching them out of darkrooms. There is nothing quite like developing your first roll of film, and seeing the projected images literally appear before your eyes. I remember when my family got our first digital camera – It was a 1 megapixel Kodak, and it was amazing at the time. During my tenure at Apple, I was always impressed with the image quality increases year over year in regards to mobile devices. Seeing how the field has changed and adapted through the years has been very interesting, and when technologies that enabled feature rich virtual reality and flying 4k cameras became affordable, I had to be an early adopter of these new perspectives.
Nowadays, I use the skillset I have developed in these areas to also complement some of my other endeavors. Being able to apply these technologies in my own business has enabled me to provide a comprehensive set of products in the real estate and media services that I offer.
BL: DJI among others releases a lot of different aerial products, what has been your favorite so far? Can you go in depth about features?
DB: My first DJI drone was one of their Phantom series. I had been closely following the company during their earlier years, and was really impressed with what they had been able to accomplish in the arena of consumer drones in general - It’s crazy how far they have come just in past few years. My favorite ‘prosumer’ model from them is the Phantom 4 series. I honestly have not had the opportunity to fly their bigger rigs yet, but would love to get my hands on them. However, having recently picked up their Mavic Air model, I have to say that it is currently my favorite, largely because of the sheer portability of it. Even though the whole thing can fit in your pocket, you still get a 4k/60 FPS; 1080p/120 FPS camera with a 100 Mbps bit rate. Although the sensor is a little smaller, even the 12 MP stills turn out great, and being able to shoot in RAW is great. Furthermore, some of their secondary features such as pre-programmed video captures, 360 photography, and gesture controls really add to the overall package. Rumor has it, they will be releasing a new addition to their lineup this summer, so I’m looking forward to seeing that.
BL: When on a photography or video campaign up in the sky, have you ever lost a drone? If so, how did you feel?
DB: Fortunately, I have never lost a drone to date; the safety and location features of the ones I fly are actually very good. As long as one knows how to set them up, and fly with care, it’s actually pretty difficult to get yourself into much trouble. There have definitely been some adrenaline-inducing moments when the quad loses remote control reception and you have to rely on these safety measures, but I have not experienced any problems yet. I do also have a standalone GPS locator that I affix to mine whenever I feel the need, which mitigates the risk of a lost drone even further.
BL: Would you ever try to ride one of those human drones? (Apparently they use them in Dubai for filming). If you lost control, what would you do?
DB: Haha, I have seen a couple of those – Reminds me of those single-infantry flying machines the military was developing back in the 50’s & 60’s. Although the technology behind our modern products is great, nothing is ever perfect or truly fail safe. I doubt I would ever get on one of the current generation ones without enough altitude and a parachute just in case something did happen!
BL: You had a big transition going from Audio to Video / VR, what have been some experiences or failures you learned along the way?
DB: There are definitely some large and important differences between these fields and technologies. However, audio, music, video, virtual reality. . . They are all just components to the greater product or experience being created, and I am thankful to have the opportunity to learn and practice all of them. Taking into consideration how to weave visual aspects, sound design, and music all together can really make or break an experience. These components each draw upon our different senses, with the goal of creating a unified experience itself. The best creators I have seen are experts at knowing how to play these elements off each other, and this is something that I strive for myself in my own productions.
For example, one might have limited options in making a certain transition or cut from one scene to another in a film. The mood, atmosphere, and general tone of the next scene may be radically different. In situations like this, transitioning into the next sequence by the creative use of sound and/or music can make subliminally prepare the viewer, making that transition much more pleasing and natural.
Some of the most interesting challenges that face the industry right now is implementation of audio in a virtual reality environment. When it comes to determining positions and spaces in the real world, our ears are incredible pieces of hardware, and rely on a complex balance of phase, amplitude, environmental physics, and even the dimensions of our own heads that ultimately gets translated by our brains. Emulating this same type of experience in a virtual world is one of the more interesting challenges of virtual reality. There are some incredible tools out there that are truly at the forefront of their respective fields, and it is exciting to see the changes and improvements as this field continue to evolve.
I think the most important failures I have learned from all stemmed from situations that arose unexpectedly that I did not have a pre-emptive recourse for. Situations like failing gear, bad weather, scheduling short sights or the like happen to the best of us. Of course, you cannot really account for every variable that you might encounter in the field, and there is also that aspect of spontaneity that you also need to balance. Being able to adjust on the fly in any situation is imperative, and keeping your post production skills up to speed is always helpful. Sometimes, these originally perceived failures can actually turn into some of your best work, so a lot of it is mindset and perspective. The best any one can do is take account for what they have control over, have a backup plan, and be ready to adapt in your work.
BL: For those who want to get more into aerial photography, what would you recommend to get started? Any specific drone models, hardware or software?
DB: For aerial photography and videography specifically, I recommend going with one of DJI’s Mavic or Phantom series. Both of these lineups have a few versions that pack various features, depending on what you’re after, and will be less risky that throwing a few thousand dollars-worth of hardware into the air for the first time. You can really get a lot out of the source material I post production; and Adobe has probably the best all around editing suite for photo/video. Personally, I use Adobe products for photography, and Final Cut for video in most of my work.
After getting started, if you have determined to make this a source of income, or take on some bigger projects, it is imperative to get your Part 107 sUAS license from the FAA. Firstly, it is a legal requirement if you are doing any sort of commercial work with your drone. Secondly, you will learn quite a bit about reading flight charts, contacting air traffic control, weather, and other factors that may have an impact on your operations. Education is key for so many things, and have definitely helped me avoid expensive mistakes, and recover from compromised situations.  
Derrick Bozkurt lives and works in Denver, Colorado, and spends his time working in the fields of real estate, UCAAS, and media production.  
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Day 3
Sunday! This day is remarkable as the one and only day I got to sleep in. I didn’t get out of bed until 9:30!
The only plans on this day was a trip to the Virtual Reality Cafe at 2 PM. After talking with the front desk, I decided to take a bus tour of the city in the morning, then do a bit of shopping after the Cafe experience. The style of this bus tour is a hop-on hop-off. The desk told me where the nearest stop was and gave me a pamphlet of the times the bus goes to each stop. I was ready at 10:40 for an 11AM pickup, but they somehow realized that the pamphlet they gave me was out of date. One of them actually came out and found me and let me know it wouldn’t be until 11:40 - a whole hour later. It’s so great that they let me know! The signage at the stop matched up with what he said, so that made sense.
So I did the souvenir shopping this morning while I waited. I’d heard that Lithuania was known for woodworking and amber, so I hoped to buy some of each. The woodworking was easy. I got a magnet of a fox with a bunch of hearts and beets cut into it.
The amber was a little bit more difficult. There are plenty of shops that sell amber along the main street. The problem is that they’re all really expensive jewelry. Or you can get a little baggie of small pieces for 10 Euro. So that’s what I got!
On the way back to the hotel, I stopped in a little underground grocery store. My primary objective was a small amount of laundry detergent. I had asked about a place to do laundry. My options were the hotel, which charges 9 Euro PER ITEM, or a place that does your laundry near our office, which mixes your clothes with others and doesn’t keep track of whose is whose. But my room has a bathtub and a clothesline, so that’s what I chose to do. I easily found a box of powder detergent, good for 4 loads. While the front of the box was in english, all of the instructions were in other languages. I did see an icon of hands going into water, so I took that to mean it was safe to use it for hand-washing.
This was the first of two times I encountered someone that didn’t know English well. When checking out, the cashier decided that “mmmm” and hard-tapping on things was the best way to communicate with me. I may not understand your words, but at least using them is more respectful than “mm”ing at me! So I put my card in, waited for the screen to say stuff (in Lithuanian), and took it out. She then started talking to the lady behind me in line, so I figured I must be done and that I don’t get a receipt or bag.I went to pick up my stuff and she “mm”ed at me again. The lady behind me translated “it did not succeed”, so I tried again and it was fine this time.
The VR cafe was interesting! I’m surprised my city doesn’t have one of these - we could definitely support it. 
There are about 8 of these rooms. Each room has a little computer, VR set, and a box marked on the floor with blue tape. You select the game you want on the computer, then put on the set that covers your eyes and ears, strap on two hand controllers, and stand in the middle of the box. The first game they suggest doing to get used to the controls is one where you’re in a city, you walk into an elevator, push the button, ride to the top, then walk out ON A PLANK OVER THE STREET AND JUMP. When you’re watching someone do it, it’s easy to say “just jump!” But when you’re playing it, and you can hear the sounds and see how you move change what you see, it’s absolutely nerve-wracking. I couldn’t jump!
They had others that were nice scenery ones. You can explore the world with a Google game, or stand on a sunken ship and watch a whale swim by. Some are music-based, where you pick a video on YouTube and it generates orange, blue, and purple balls that you have to block with your arms, so it sort of makes you dance.
As you’d expect, there are some shooter games. These are multi-player, so you can team up with others playing and shoot zombies that are coming for you. It was fun watching people play this - when something would fly at their feet, they would jump!
Then there are ones that are weird as F...
There’s cursing in this one, so be aware before you watch the video. My only main complaint about it is that it didn’t always give you clear instructions. I guess it was meant to be a puzzle game, though.
Dinner was at Studio 9. I had cheese pizza, which was a little bit different from what you get here. The crust was between normal and thin. My only complaint was the hair in it. Baked into the cheese, so it definitely wasn’t mine. Also the paintings of naked women were a bit off-putting...
Then it was back to the hotel by 6pm!
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