#but the original story was always going to be a three parter
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I'm thinking of scrapping We Abide as a fic in order to write it as an actual story. Comments, questions, concerns?
#liz speaks#i feel like there's a pressure to have them Tyler and Hatch fall in love right away because it IS a fic#but the original story was always going to be a three parter#and they don't really act on those feeling the way people will want them to until at least halfway through the second installment#so to save everyone heartache and disappointment i'm thinking of scrapping it as a fic#but i know some people are super attached to it so i wanted to hear thoughts if anyone had any
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The Mishandling of LO’s S3 Mi(n)season Hiatus - Part 3 1/2
Here we go, Part 3 of my analysis of the current FP episodes - a three-parter episode set leading up to the midseason finale of LO.
Part 1
Part 2
Truth is, I had actually forgotten a lot of the weird (and very stupid) shit that happened in this episode, that I thought Episodes 251 and 252 had already offered up the worst that this three parter set could dish out. Boy, was I wrong, because when I went back to check out Episode 253, I was reminded of a reality that my brain had wiped out in an attempt to protect my withering psyche-
I also forgot just how long this episode is. It's so long that I frankly can't even fit it all into this post, so this is gonna be part 3 1/2.
Anyways, let's just get on with it. This is the final stop on our trip into absolute nonsense.
Well, it's the midseason finale, and what better way to open it up than with the final title card-
Typo and all. It wouldn't be an LO episode without one. Granted, IIRC this typo has been edited out, but the version of the screenshots I have from it feature it in all its original unedited glory. So enjoy that.
And yes, just like the last two times, the title itself only applies to the final cliffhanger, which is an absolute doozy especially for those who were there to experience it in real time.
This is already a bit of a wild opening compared to the last two episodes, but it's quickly revealed that this is laying the foundation for the prophecy that Psyche gave to Apollo back in Episode 252. In true LO fashion, the story can't actually be linear in any regard, we're always segmented from pieces of information at a time. Loyal fans will call this a "writing style", I call it Rachel just trying to get another 70 cents out of me.
That said, I will say the art here is fairly decent, but I think that just goes to show that LO's one of worst features these days - ironically enough - is its coloring. What began as its strongest feature has now become one of its biggest weaknesses due to the sheer laziness in its rendering and the colors become more and more saturated into the grotesque over time. So at this point, you pretty much have to rob these characters of their colors to make them look decent, and of course at that point it just further highlights Rachel's same-face problems. She definitely tried to make them look distinguishable here, at least, with Hestia and Poseidon being the most unique.
Now, this isn't the first time that we've heard of this herb being referenced - it was stated by Hades that Hera was the one to originally poison Kronos with the herb after gaining his trust - but to see it suddenly just pop up and play a role again out of nowhere already gives me a bad feeling in my stomach. It feels like yet another plot device - especially when presented in this type of format - that Rachel is suddenly using to try and seem "unique" in her writing, much like the strange narration we got back during the "Run For Your Life" sequence. It's just once again LO lacking any specific identity, it's always trying to be a million other things at once.
I will say, much of this in and of itself is panel filler. Why? Because the location of the herb doesn't matter. You'll see what I mean in a moment, but the mentioning of Anthedon plays no role here, it's just yet another obligatory "see, I know how to Google things!" lip service moment from Rachel "self-proclaimed folklorist" Smythe.
Anyways, Eros is perplexed by this but Psyche immediately catches on, knowing right away that Apollo is going for Zeus. And this is where we get yet another one of the dumbest sequences in this comic.
(see what I mean that the location of the herb doesn't matter? Because Apollo already got it and laced it into the cupcake).
Now, first of all, the fact that Eros and Psyche believe Kassandra's prophecy is already hilarious in and of itself, because ... well, because it literally defeats the point of her establishing it as a curse in the previous episode. Unless it only works on mortals? It never stated as such, so we literally just have to go with it and pretend not to notice that.
But most of all, of course LO had to play this off as some joke. Like, "hahaha how awkward! I've already eaten the cupcake!" and he still doesn't seem to really be in shock. Zeus has seen what this herb has done to gods before him, and yet his reaction to this is akin to a dad getting upset that he stepped LEGO's that he asked his kid 20 times to pick up off the floor. The whole "record scratch" style formatting of this followed by Zeus' lack of reaction just really makes me not care about any of this, because clearly the story doesn't care either.
But we don't see who he makes these calls to because the comic, of course, can't spend any longer than 10 panels on a single scene, so we cut to Hades and Persephone.
Again, I don't know what the point was of having Hera relay this information to Persephone for her to relay to Hades, aside from the fact that Rachel needed to act smart with Therapy Speak that didn't even apply to Hera's situation (as we talked about in the last part). They gotta make Persephone the center of everyone's world though, so it's Persephone who's delivering this info and trying to come up with the solution.
Hades, though, wants to focus on his wife's birthday the commemoration of spring.
Anyways, apparently (for some reason) Hades is the one who has to go meet Demeter out front. Even though Hades has literally NOTHING to do with this ceremony, it's not his domain, but Persephone literally says "yep, that's correct" when he asks if he needs to go out to meet Demeter.
This just feels like such a pointless conversation and I don't get what the point of this exact exchange is. Again, this isn't Hades' domain, so I don't see why he needs to be the one to go meet with Demeter.
But then, of course, to make matters worse, this man has the absolute audacity to pretend like he's never done anything wrong to Demeter. As if she should be obligated to be cool with sharing a bench with this man who literally terrorized her for years and then essentially groomed her daughter.
I hate him so fucking much and I can't believe we're supposed to be rooting for him. He has not undergone ANY of the character development necessary for me to want to care about him.
Anyways, Hades has a seat with Demeter, and the conversation is very brief before Hades says that he has a gift for her. And what is it, exactly?
Oh great, Hades. Sure wish you would have had this consideration hundreds of years ago. I fail to see what good this does for her now because it doesn't change the fact that he still cost her the role of Queen of the Mortal Realm and treated her like shit for hundreds of years. This comes across as such a shallow and empty "apology" because it's barely even a "gift", rather something she was OWED back then that he didn't want to hand over for his own selfish reasons. He still comes out the winner here because he's gotten to spend thousands of years being a rich slave-driving oligarch while Demeter has had to maintain the Mortal Realm on her own even without the glory of having a title.
I especially detest this "twist" because it's less of a twist and Rachel finally accepting the fact she couldn't come up with anything better than what her fans had to come up with for her. If this had been the fact the whole time, we would have seen it established back when we first got those flashbacks showing Hades being a total prick to her over the volcanoes. Instead, Rachel dragged it out for weeks and weeks until finally dumping this "twist" that her fans had been talking about all that time. This is yet another one of those "Rachel used her fanbase to come up with her ideas" moments. I know that that seems a little mean and presumptuous, but the fact of the matter is that the writing in this story is such an absolute mess that you just know Rachel's writing by the seat of her pants and has to rely on her audience's headcanons to actually fill in the gaps of her story. Most of the time when people commend her for the "great storytelling" in LO, what they're referring to are things they came up with entirely on their own because of how easy it is to just make assumptions about LO's storyline. Rachel benefits off the story being as vague as possible because then her fanbase will fill in the gaps with their own assumptions and give her all the credit for an idea they came up with.
By the way, to the "self-proclaimed folklorist" who wrote this, the volcanoes were really just entrances into the Underworld. Hades did not own them. They were owned by Hephaestus. And I would argue that the volcanoes were only seen as "entrances" into the Underworld because, fun fact - if you jump into a volcano, you die!
Hades frames his reasoning as feeling like Demeter was pushing him out of the Mortal Realm, but this makes no sense because none of that is on her. He claims that he felt like an "outsider" but the reality is that he made himself that way. He resigned himself to being King of the Underworld, he ate the pomegranate and made the deal with Erebus, and even he stated that he could still actually leave the Underworld, just not for long periods of time. So he was the only one keeping himself away from the Mortal Realm, not Demeter. We even see that in the VHS tape flashbacks where Hades stumbles onto Demeter's property and she lets him sleep it off in her home. So this whole sob story about how he felt "pushed out" by Demeter is such a bad take from someone who's routinely known to make himself out to be the victim. Because Hades can't have an actual reputation for a reason, no, this is a "retelling" told by someone who got all their Greek myth info off Tumblr circa 2016 and the front page of Google, so Hades has to be the misunderstood uwu sad underdog. Even though he routinely does things that reinforce the reputation he has within the comic, like being a slave driver, abusing lower class nymphs, and grooming teenagers.
Minthe showing up for a split second in the background is the best this comic has been since S2. We stan our girl Minthe, fucking run girl, do what Persephone couldn't do. She's the real hero of this story (。・∀・)ノ゙
And honestly, I'm sorry, but Demeter really SHOULDN'T be taking the high ground on this. She has more than enough reason to be upset. For a comic that tries to celebrate feminism and holding abusive men accountable, it sure is willing to make the women - often victims of the men - the real villains who have to "do better". Except for Persephone of course. Persephone is married into the system now, she doesn't have to "do better", she's a "boss babe" for being abusive and petty and undeserving of her status because she's the self-insert Y/N character.
So the ceremony for commencing Spring begins. I gotta say, for the final major scene of the mi(n)season finale, the art is severely underwhelming. You can really tell the difference between S3 and S1 art here, there's barely anything extra done to make this scene even half as impactful as the most basic of scenes from S1.
Like, it's fine, but it still feels so half-baked and rushed to attempt to replicate the kind of art that's been gone from the series for years now. The full sequence itself is actually quite lengthy, with a lot of nymph hands just moving around and playing instruments, but it's about as bland as any other panel, so it makes the sequence itself feel dragged out and boring.
This is about as pretty as the sequence gets and it's still not even as good as the original Dread Queen transformation. There's barely any rendering in the skin, and they couldn't even be bothered to make the hands look normal. It's like it's trying so hard to be "original LO" but is fundamentally missing the point of what made the original LO so captivating.
But oh noooo, looks like Persephone did a bad!
Are they actually gonna give her some kind of flaw? Are we gonna FINALLY gonna find out what she traded to Erebus?
No. We're just gonna make her the cause of winter.
And that's where I'm leaving this review for now because, as mentioned in the beginning, this episode is a LOT longer than I remember it being. There's still a whole ass segment with Apollo that we need to cover and I don't want to leave it out but I also don't want to do it entirely in text format and I've hit that pesky image limit. So I'll be posting that second part as soon as I can!
That said, I really can't stand this "subversion" by making Persephone the reason for winter.
First of all, because this is a common problem in a lot of H x P "retellings", as many of them fundamentally miss the point of why Persephone is the "Goddess of Spring".
Persephone was not born the "Goddess of Spring". She was born Kore (Κόρη), a maiden born from Demeter. It wasn't until after she was taken by Hades that Demeter, in her grief, took away the harvest and created winter. It was the return of Persephone every six months that brought about the spring, hence, she earned the name, "Goddess of Spring". What these retellings COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTAND is that the gods aren't 'born' with their titles, they're granted these titles by the mortals who comprehend them and write of them as harbingers of their respective elements, stories, and messages. Zeus wasn't "born" the God of the Sky and Heavens, he was granted that title after he overthrew Kronos and took the Heavens for himself. Hades wasn't "born" the God of the Underworld and the Dead, he was granted that title after he became the ruler of the domain of death.
Where these retellings really fuck up is constantly trying to "subvert" the H x P myth in an attempt to romanticize it, thus undoing the point of why Persephone is called "The Goddess of Spring". A Touch of Darkness also made this mistake by putting a "twist" on Persephone's character by having her start out as someone who couldn't make things grow. But if she sucks at making things grow, then why is she still referred to as The Goddess of Spring? In LO, Hades is referred to as "Grandpa Winter" and the seasons already seem to exist as we saw in this episode through the ceremony, so why has she been called "The Goddess of Spring" this whole time?
But I also can't stand this "subversion" because it fundamentally misunderstands the very myth it's trying to "retell". By giving Persephone the "curse" of creating winter, it further robs Demeter of her own agency in this story, more than it already has. It wasn't enough to make Demeter a helicopter mom, it wasn't enough to drive an actual rift between her and her daughter, they had to take away Demeter's entire role in the story and the creation of the seasons and give it to Persephone.
And this is, surprisingly enough, NOT the first time the comic has done this. There are many traits associated with different gods that have been given to Persephone and Hades. The volcanoes belong to Hades rather than Hephaestus, Persephone is "more beautiful than Aphrodite", Thanatos' and Psyche's butterfly symbolism is given to both Hades and Persephone, Aphrodite's symbolism of roses is given to Persephone, the list goes on. Every single plotline has to involve Persephone as the hero, and every single attribute that's commonly associated with other gods has to be granted to H x P in some way to make them better and more interesting than every other cast member in the comic, and yet they still come across as vapid and boring protagonists with nothing to show for themselves.
So to give the ONE thing from the source material that made LO what it is, it comes across as so unbearably cruel.
But then again, we should have seen this coming. After all, Rachel does not cite this as a retelling of The Hymn to Demeter. She simply refers to it as its more unofficial name: The Taking of Persephone.
Look, I get it, the story is meant to be told from Persephone's POV (or at least through the lens of her being the main character) so I can understand why Rachel may have chosen to reword this to make it more clear. But it's really depressing that she went to such an extent with making it about Persephone that she had to rob one of the most integral character of her moment and retribution. Especially when one of the only books in her cited "research" that's primarily about Persephone is, shocked, The Hymn to Demeter, which is listed at the very bottom of every "research" list you can find in LO's history.
LO should have just stayed as self-indulgent fluff. This isn't "subversion", this isn't a "twist", it's just yet another item on the list of making Persephone the most Important One of all. Even when it attempts to be a 'flaw', it fails tremendously by acting as yet another aspect of her being a Mary Sue, because her 'flaw' has come at the cost of another character's story, identity, and strengths. What was originally a tale of grief, retribution, and standing up against a patriarchal system, has now been warped into a consequence of a muddied plot that doesn't have anywhere left to go. For a story that claims to be "feminist", it has ironically missed the original point of its source material entirely, and completely robbed itself of the feminine strength it could have had if it hadn't tried to be "subversive".
I don't really have anything much more to say than that. I could leave it here for good, but we do still have that extra segment to talk about that covers the actual final cliffhanger in this episode, so... we'll see you on the other side.
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The Socca Fiasco // CL16 & MV1
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Original Female Character / Max Verstappen
Summary: Charles feels like he doesn't do enough compared to his partners so he decides to make a traditional Monaco dish for them. What could go wrong?
Warnings: None, just Charles being adorable and two curse words.
Author’s Note: This is a story that it's actually part of a sort of series. Little story time: A few years ago a friend of mine got into a polyamorous relationship with a girl and a boy. He motivated me to add this relationship concept to a longer story I wrote. Since I've never been in one, I decided to write short stories with a domestic vibe to practice and get more comfortable with how to write the dynamics of such relationships as accurately as I can. This is where this comes from. All of the Charles x Max x Y/N stories are part of the same universe, you could say, like they are all stories about different situations the three of them go through. I hope you all like some domestic Lestappen x Y/N. Rate: PG
It was a tradition for them to have Max make Stroopwafel for breakfast, it was the dutch's way of showing affection, since he wasn't exactly expressive with words or romantic gestures on a daily basis. He would usually wake up earlier than Charles and Y/N, having been always a morning person, and take command of the kitchen to make sure his parters had a good breakfast. "It's the most important meal of the day", he always said whenever the other two refused to eat in the morning. Charles was the worst when it came to food, he would always complain that eating so early made his stomach feel funny and that he needed some time before he could actually eat something. Max came up with a plan, to make sure Charles would eat, he would make something Charles liked for breakfast, that way the monegasque would never refuse to eat in the morning ever again. His plan worked, and with the addition of the Stroopwafel to their breakfast menu, Charles started to eat every morning without making a single complain. That's how the tradition started and Max loved it, he felt like he could tell his partners he loved them, without having to actually say it, something that made him feel kind of awkward.
To the breakfast tradition a new ritual was added when Y/N started to cook a traditional dish from her country every Sunday. She had traveled back to her parents house for a few days and noticed that she actually missed those Sunday family gatherings that used to occur every week when she was younger. Her family would spent the whole day together, playing board games, watching movies and listening to music. The point of Family Sunday was to create wonderful moments together to remember forever. And she remembered them all with love. With that nostalgia settled in her heart, she decided that she wanted to keep that tradition alive with her new family. Every weekend she would buy everything she needed to make the meal and dedicate the Sunday morning to cooking. Charles and Max had their own roles, Charles taking care of the getting all the board games they had in the house and setting up the table, while Max was the one that prepared the brewages and picked the movie or vinyl that would play in the background. Family Sundays were their favorites because they could manage to celebrate them anywhere in the world, all they needed was a grill for the food, some board game and music. If it was race weekend, they had dinner and if it was a free weekend, they had lunch. They spent some Family Sundays in hotel rooms, simply cooking their meal in the hospitality of Red Bull or Ferrari and then taking it to the room to eat it together. Y/N really liked those moments, it made her feel like they were officially family.
Charles, at some point, started to feel like he wasn't doing enough. Max made breakfast, Y/N made Family Sunday meal and he was always enjoying what they made instead of doing something for them. He wanted to do something, he wanted to give them as much as they gave him. He wanted them to know that he loves them. With this idea in mind, he tried to cook pasta a few times, but it didn't end up well. Max had ended up banning him from the kitchen because he was sure that Charles would burn the apartment down. Pasta was off the table and it was the only thing that Charles knew how to cook, even if he didn't do it well. He expressed this concern to his brothers, who instead of giving him some cooking ideas, suggested him to just simply express his affection with other actions. Charles refused, he wanted to make something and he was going to do it.
"I'm just so bad at this, Maman". He complained to his mother on the phone. "I mean, Y/N isn't that good, but at least she can pull something off! I'm not asking to cook as good as Max, I just want to do something right". His mother could hear the stress in his voice. She actually believed that Charles didn't need to cook anything for his partners, they already knew that he loves them and that he shows that love through different methods. Still, she decided to please her son's wishes.
"Okay Charles, I'll send you a recipe for Socca. It's an easy dish and you'll have no problem making it". Charles' spirits lifted quickly. "It's beginners level of complexity. You'll be fine"
"Thank you, Maman! You're the best. I love you!".
It was summer break and Charles had been practicing the recipe for three months. He did it at the Ferrari hospitality every week and it was his most sacred secret. He wanted it to be a surprise so Y/N and Max couldn't know about it. It took Charles a lot of effort to hide his cooking practices, but he was finally ready to cook Socca at home. His skill with the dish had improved a lot, he had to admit that the first ones he made were so bad he couldn't even eat them. His younger brother, Arthur, even gagged when he tried a piece once.
"Charles, if you feed them this, you'll end up single". The younger Leclerc said as he spit the food in the bin.
"Oh Lord. 'How to loose not one but two lovers in one go'. I can see that Buzzfeed article". Charles glared at Lorenzo, his older brother, who was laughing at Charles poor attempt of Socca while he threw that comment.
But, his Socca upgraded since then and while Max and Y/N were out for a jog, Charles told them that he wasn't feeling like running and stayed home. He had an hour until they were back, more than enough time to cook and surprise them. Only four ingredients were needed: Chickpea flour, water, extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt. Once he had everything on top of the kitchen island, he started to mix everything in a bowl. He whisked until there were no lumps in the mix and then set a timer to let the batter soak for thirty minutes. The oven at home was nothing like the one he used to practice with so he had a few set backs when trying to turn it on, but he finally did it and then placed the pan inside to make sure it'll preheated before pouring the batter on it. In the meantime, his mother called to know what plans they had for that weekend. Charles loved talking to his mother so he sat comfortably on the couch and proceeded to tell her all of his summer break plans while he waited for the batter to soak. After a few minutes, he went to the kitchen for a glass of water and when he looked at the kitchen counter he noticed that the timer wasn't working. Slightly panicked, he took the phone away from his ear and check the time of the call. He had been talking to his mother for twenty minutes and before that he had trouble with the oven, but how long did that took him? He didn't know. It was quite a struggle, maybe it actually took him another ten minutes. With a rushed apology and a promise to call later, he hung up and decided to concentrate on his task.
"Well, I'm sure that has to be ready". He said to himself. Sighing, he opened the oven to take the pan out, he forgot to grab a kitchen towel and ended up burning his right hand. An instant hiss left his lips and he dropped the pan. "Putain!". Charles cursed under his breath, he grabbed the kitchen towel and picked up the pan again. A lot more stressed than he expected to be when he started cooking, he poured the batter on the pan, put it inside the oven and closed it. Twenty minutes later, Max frowned the moment he set a foot inside the apartment, turning towards Y/N who was looking at him with the same expression. There was a funny smell coming from the kitchen and he knew that it wasn't good sign. Keeping Y/N behind him he walked into the living room area, Charles was nowhere to be seen, but his singing was in the air, clearly coming from the bedroom. Max went straight to the kitchen while Y/N went to the bedroom to look for Charles. She was about to turn on the light of the hallway when Max yelled from the kitchen.
"Schat, don't touch anything!". Charles peaked his head through the bedroom door and his eyes met with Y/N's, they smiled lovingly at each other, but Max's dutch curse words quickly caught their attention. Charles jogged to her side and pecked her lips as a silent greeting while the two walked to the kitchen.
"Max, what's wrong?". Y/N asked while the dutchman opened the kitchen window as wide as he could. "Did you find the source of that smell?"
"It's the oven, it was leaking gas". He looked at Charles. "Charlie, you turned on the gas but never lit it up".
"No! I did, I swear!". Max shook his head.
"Don't turn on any light, let's just open all the windows and let the wind from outside renovate the air". Charles went to the living room and sat on the couch, huffing and with a frown on his face.
"I don't get it!". Y/N sat next to him and grabbed his hand. "I lit it up".
"Sometimes closing the door to harsh or an object hitting the oven can kill the pilot light". She explained. Charles remembered the pan he dropped.
"I am stupid!". He said, his accent thick. "I dropped the pan when I burned my hand. That must have done it".
"You burned your hand!?". Max and Y/N asked worried, Max running to stand in front of him and checking on his hands.
"It's nothing". Charles assured them, embarrassment filling his chest. Max kept looking at his hands anyways. There was a small red mark on his right palm. Y/N went to the bathroom and grabbed a lotion for burns from the first aid kit. She gently ran in over Charles' palm, him letting out a sigh of content at the cool sensation against his burned skin. "I am stupid".
"You're not stupid, don't say that". Max looked at him sternly, he hated when Charles called himself that.
"But I am! It took me three months to learn how to do the easiest dish in Monaco, which already proves how useless I am, just for me to fuck it up when I finally try to do it for you!". He was pissed so the other two left him get it all out. "You always cook for me and I can't even make a fucking Socca for you, I just wanted you guys to feel like I love you... I suck".
"We do feel like you love us, Charlie". Y/N said as she caressed his arm. "We know that you love us".
"But I never do anything for you". Charles said looking at his lap.
"That's not true". Max sat criss-crossed on the floor in front of Charles. "You always try to cheer us up when we have a bad day, and you always know what we need without having to say it. I think that's something important to add to a relationship".
"That's right". Y/N agreed. "Who cares if you can't cook? You still took the time to learn how to do it just for us. You spent three months learning something that it's hard for you all to make us happy". She ran her hands through Charles' hair and he looked at her. "That makes me feel really loved".
"You mean it?". Charles asked looking between the other two. They nodded eagerly.
"We do". Max's voice assured him quietly. Charles smiled.
Maybe Charles was doing more than he thought.
Well, I hope you like this one!
#charles leclerc imagine#max verstappen imagine#lestappen x reader#lestappen imagine#charles leclerc one shot#charles leclerc imagines#charles leclerc x reader#lestappen fic#max verstappen x reader#max vestappen one shot
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Bette Kane: The original Batgirl and how her history never technically got retconned at all
So this is basically a repost from an old reblog I did but I doubt it's gonna get any traction so I've decided to post it here so more people can actually know about it. (I suggest actually reading what I wrote in the original thing cause there's some parts where I did at OP's comments and it'll look a bit weird here OOC)

let's actually talk about that "continuity dependence" So Bette is regarded by most of the fandom as having only been Batgirl only in Pre-Crisis (some people also think that she just never re-appeared after 1967 but that's not true since she appeared as a key character in the ending three-parter conclusion to the 70s Teen Titans run which set up Titans West). As in, Bette has only ever been Flamebird Post-Crisis and Hawkfire Post-Flashpoint.
Something to explain the whole thing about how Bette became Flamebird, Marv Wolfman decided that the Titans West three-parter was canon and this wrote about it in the Secret Origins 1989 Annual. Except Babs was the first person to become Batgirl Post-Crisis which meant it couldn't be Bette (for some reason), thus the story was rewritten so that instead of being Bat-Girl, a competitive tennis named player Bette Kane joined the Titans West under the mantle of Flamebird (where she got the name, we'll never know). So basically, Post-Crisis Bette was never Batgirl, right? At least, not until that very small duration of time when Morrison brought back Kathy Kane, right?
Below is the following panel from Young Justice Issue #21 where Bette herself confirms she has been Batgirl in the past. (after the New Titans Secret Origins issue tried to make it seem like she'd always been Flamebird the entire time). Take not that she says this whilst fighting alongside the latest Batgirl, Cass Cain
ok, so that only means the between 1985-2000, Bette was never Batgirl. Except that's not true. I especially know it's not true because of a key story that I think a lot of Batgirl stans are familiar with. Say hello to Page 10 of The Killing Joke. Also known as Bette Kane's first Post-Crisis first appearance.
Wait, wait, wait. What are you saying? Are you saying that Bette's history as Batgirl was never erased with Crisis? Are you saying that the argument that Babs, Steph and Cass stans that "oh, but she doesn't count/oh, but she was written out of continuity" isn't true? That's not possible. Oh, you toxic autumn child. It was always possible. It was merely that the spoutings of Babs stans who were angry that she wasn't the first Batgirl were taken as gospel /j (that or just how low her appearances have been throughout her creation)
Now, that just leaves us with one final era to go: Post-Flashpoint. Now unfortunately, I don't have anything from New 52 that implies she was Batgirl and I can't take the whole contracted timeline thing as concrete either so I'll just say this: Bette is in the same boat as Steph and Cass in terms of their backgrounds as Batgirl being erased in the New 52 before reclaiming their histories back.
Now I do have evidence of Bette being Batgirl Post-Flashpoint - Dark Nights Death Metal: The Last Stories Of The DC Multiverse. More specifically, the story "Together" where it shows nearly every single Titans and Teen Titans member (along with some Fearsome Five, Project Defiance and Young Justice and weirdly missing Team Titans). On the bottom left hand corner, you can see cast of the 70s Teen Titans run which includes Bette Kane as Batgirl.

And so there you go. Bette's history as Batgirl was never erased and is a legitimate member of the mantle as its originator.
If you sincerely think she doesn't count as Batgirl, I think you should go and take a deep look in the mirror and see for yourself what that speaks about you.
#Bette Kane#Batgirl#Bat-Girl#Flamebird#Barbara Gordon#babs gordon#Oracle#Stephanie Brown#Spoiler#Cassandra Cain#cass cain#Black Bat#Orphan#Teen Titans#Batfam#Titans West
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Bewitched • Part One
Description: Alex Turner x Actress! Reader
Being the current It Girl of Hollywood had it’s perks. New friends. An awesome (yet inconsistent) job. Invites to the coolest parties. And meeting lots of new people. One award ceremony to support your cast mate changes everything when you meet the Arctic Monkeys and it seems fate can’t keep you away from their lead singer. And after one kiss goodnight, you find yourself bewitched.
Word Count: 3,598
A/N: Hello to all those who read this! There is so much waffling on at the beginning to build into the relationship, and then kinda goes from there on. If the writing comes off poor, I am terribly sorry for that but school and sickness hates me apparently. Also there is not a set timeline for this series, as I don’t want to have to focus on where the Monkeys were and when yaddaya because that is just added stress. However, if I mention past relationships of Alex’s, I won’t refer to by name though it should be quite clear who is who based off descriptions. This is obviously inspired by Laufey’s song, Bewitched, being the first in a 4-parter series, and also takes direct lines from the song into this writing! I would love to know what you guys think, so please tell me your thoughts!! Thank you, and hopefully you enjoy xx
It was one of your favourite stories to plan in your mind when you were alone, trapped in the memories of the past. You weren’t confident on what point blurred the lines of friendship and romance, nor did you know why it took so long to completely forget about said lines. All you knew is that it did, and you had never been happier. While everyone knew that being the current It actress in Hollywood had severe cons obviously, they also knew that it definitely had several perks as well. One which came in the form of introductions to other celebrities – may that be through various award ceremonies, parties or red-carpet events. This particular night was for some stupid award ceremony that you were invited to in LA, one which you weren’t even nominated in a category for! However, your publicist told you it would be good for you to mingle with a new crowd and be there to support your peers. At first you were hesitant at putting yourself into the spotlight for no reason (you knew someone would take it out of context and you were simply waiting for the world of fame to turn against you) but when your cast mate for The Little Mermaid, Halle Bailey, said that she was going to be there you realised it would simply be fun if you tried. What’s the worst that could happen?!
And so, you got ready when the night finally arrived; your make-up artist gossiping away about the rumoured guest list and how many new people you could meet while applying light shades of purple to your eyelids. After what felt like hours listening to possibilities, you were finally able to leave. You looked gorgeous; you always did when you worked with your LA team. When you met with Halle and her sister Chloe on the red carpet, the paparazzi were quick to note the matching themes to your two characters from the movie — Halle embracing her mermaid beauty for Ariel while you wore purples for Vanessa. Posing for cameras was fun when you had someone with you, and all the people shouting your name for a brief interaction all screamed as you blew them a kiss before going inside linked to Halle’s side while Chloe held onto your hand. Thankfully the host of the ceremony sat you three together, as if understanding that the cast mates and their plus-ones should belong together. You originally wondered why Jonah or Melissa had not accepted the invitation, and it wasn’t until the tables filled up that you understood why.
You have been invited to a music award ceremony. Not an acting award ceremony, but music instead. It’s not like you mind, Hollywood knew of your admiration for musical talent in the industry and your undying support for it especially since working on the Disney live action musical. Yet, it just surprised you to be invited to such an event since you held no significance to it yourself. Perhaps that was why you were surprised when four men sat on the table aside the trio, all murmuring to themselves so that they weren’t overheard about their original topic. Introductions and some small talk later you discovered you were talking to the British band, Arctic Monkeys. They all seemed sweet, though their harsh English accents hard to understand to your posher one originally. While you tried to engage in their conversation, Halle and Chloe babbled along with the band about the music industry and their guesses for each category, you found it harder than normal. You simply sat there attempting to look like you understood, but it was evident it wasn’t true.
The man sitting aside you who you knew was the lead singer of the band redirected his focus onto you, eyebrows furrowed as he asked, “What about you?”
“What about me?” You responded hesitantly, looking confused. You hadn’t been completely paying attention to the conversation, and it appears that he had caught you.
“What award are you nominated for?” Another member asked, longer hair than the lead and you remembered him as the guitarist. Something Cook, if your brain served you correctly.
You cleared your throat, gracefully adjusting your hair with a manicured hand so it fell behind your shoulders just in case the camera snapped a photo of you, “I’m not nominated for any. Just here to support my girls.”
Halle lent over and clutched your hand, squeezing it tightly as she let out a quiet squeal. You turn back to the band, smiling widely. And that was it, the first moment you ever met Alex Turner. Both of you had assumed that night would be the last because it was rare to meet other celebrities over and over if you weren’t fast friends. Having a conversation at the afterparty whenever you were in close proximity to one another, or him offering you a drag of his cigarette while you waited for the limo back to your flat being the full extent of your relationship. It wasn’t awkward, just simply as it was. Two people in the spotlight who met each other at some award ceremony. Nothing more. Nothing less.
That was until you met him again in London. It had been maybe a month since your guys first meeting, but it seemed like whenever you went you heard the mentions of Arctic Monkeys. Maybe it was their new single on the radio, or your fans asking if you were friends because photos of the pair of you had been released after the award ceremony. Whatever it was, it wasn’t going away anytime soon and so when you met him again at another smallish award ceremony, you couldn’t help but joke about it. Conversation flowed easily and you assumed it was because you were both back in your home country, a sense of comfort allowing you to relax. You spoke to the band most of the award night as you were seated at their table again, and then one thing led to another, and you saw him again a week later. You didn’t overthink the situation with the man, simply viewing it as two people wanting to become friends. He could offer advice about dealing with fame due to how long he has been in the media, and you could ramble on about Hollywood and its issues for hours if needed. You just found it nice to be able to talk to someone who genuinely seemed interested in what you had to say.
Yet it wasn’t like that at all. You don’t even remember mentioning work once aside from talking about cast mates, but you talked of them as if you were all old high school friends. You told him about funny moments with Jonah and Halle, or wardrobe malfunctions when you were at your school parties. He laughed at every story of your past, clearly amused with your life. He told you about his own memories with his band, people who he had been friends with since school. You weren’t too surprised there wasn’t much separation from his work and life – you were pretty sure he had been a big deal since he was a teenager. You somehow ended up Hyde Park, stopping at the closest dairy to grab food for yourself and the wildlife. You watched him grab a loaf of bread, stating it was for the ducks.
“Bread is actually bad for the birds,” you told him, eyeing him carefully. Alex looked surprised at your words to which you responded with a knowing smile, “It’s better to give them frozen peas or natural-like.”
“Is Y/N a duck fiend?” He quizzed, raising an eyebrow to show he was teasing you.
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face, “I just care about the wildlife. I don’t want to know I was the reason a bunch of ducks died.”
Alex shrugged his shoulders in agreement, leading you to the freezer section in hopes of a bag of peas. Sure enough there was one which you instantly took. Some fizzy drinks, snacks and ice cream, later you were sitting on a bench at the lake of Hyde Park. He handed you a small amount of peas, before throwing his own into the water to bring the birds to you. You watched peacefully as the ducks scurried to the frozen vegetable, gobbling it with their beaks quickly as if worried their friends would take it. They were basically right because it didn’t take much longer for the pigeons to arrive, landing awfully close to you two. Alex shuffled away from a bird that landed on the back of the bench, a pinch in his eyebrows as he held what looked like a staring contest with it.
“Are you afraid of birds?” You asked, looking at him with interest. Alex turned to look at you with your teasing raised eyebrows, frowning as he shook his head, “Really? Because you’re basically on top of me trying to get away from a little pigeon. Why are you more worried of them than ducks?”
“‘Cause ducks are polite. Pigeons would and do steal your food if they got the chance.” He grumbled. You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief as you returned to feeding the birds. Somehow you ended up standing, arms spread in a T pose with your palms flat and facing upwards with piles of peas in them. It took a few seconds, but pigeons flew their way onto your arms, their talons digging into your skin to keep a grip as they scoffed down the frozen peas originally meant for the ducks. Alex watched; his eyes filled with disgust but lips tugging into a small smile at the sight of you laughing at the feeling of the birds on your arms.
When you returned to your seat aside Alex on the bench, he looked your red arms up and down, “That’s gross. The bacterium from their talons is all in your skin now.”
You smile smugly, reaching into your tote bag to pull out a small bottle of clear gel-like liquid, “Good thing I carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go then.”
You guys left each other just before dinner time, being together for nearly four hours just chatting about random topics. It was fun, you had to admit. That’s why when he asked to go out for dinner one night when you both weren’t too busy with work, you accepted it. One dinner led to another. Then another. Then dinner at his flat. Then dinner at yours. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on, you knew it by the third time you two hung out. There was a feeling in your stomach whenever he laughed at your joke, or how you averted your gaze whenever you stared at one another too long. You felt bad about your feelings, just because of the media. What if it just made everything worse for both of your lives? Paparazzi had been following you two around every time you’re hanging, articles of a relationship blossoming being headlines on the Internet.
It Girl Y/N Y/L/N Finally Belongs to Rockstar Icon, Alex Turner?!
You had a fit when you read that, complaining to Halle about the lack of identity you got if you were in a relationship with him. It felt dehumanizing whenever it happened around your male friends, because you knew it wasn’t their fault yet deep down you couldn’t help but blame them for it. Damn Hollywood! Halle was polite in calming you down, telling you exactly what you needed to hear about the article which somehow only ended with you being coerced to spill your feelings on your friend. She said she predicted it from your first meeting, because according to his band mates Alex was never that chatty with strangers. You told her to shut up, but you were unable to contain your smile. Perhaps he felt the same way. Just maybe.
That’s why when he was walking you home from a cute little dinner, you decided enough was enough. On the walk in the late London light, there was a moment where your hands made contact. Brief, but enough to shock you. A few dinners ago you would not have been this bold, but you knew you had to be brave or else nothing would happen. Giving credit to the moment, you decided to entwine your fingers with him — starting off with your pinkies linked. Alex turned to look at you in surprise, eyes wide and a worried you attempted to pull yourself away from him in fear you made a mistake. However, Alex held onto your hand before squeezing it as if to tell you he wanted this as well. His surprise turned into a smile, and your heart soared at the look of admiration. You tried to think straight, but it was like you were coming apart every second you spent around him. It was evident when you stopped in front of your flat, gazing at one another. After a second you whispered:
“This is me.”
“This is you.” Alex repeated in a murmur almost as if teasing the way you weren’t focused, yet he gazed at you fondly. Your heart hadn’t stopped racing, and in an effort to look cool you let go of his hand to start rummaging through the back pocket of your jeans for your flat keys. He lent against the hallway wall, head cocked to the side, “Y/N… Can I ask you a question?”
You pulled out the keys, twirling it around your index finger as you focused your attention on the singer again, “What’s up?”
He was silent, staring at you. You could see his overthinking by the pinch of his eyebrow, and the faint downward tug of the corners of his lips. That got you concerned. Perhaps you had overthought this. But if that was true, then he would not of held your hand this entire time. Okay… You were definitely the one overthinking this entire situation. Suddenly his face relaxed, as if content with what he was going to ask.
“Can I kiss you?”
The words hit you at full force. He spoke them so casually it was as if this was normal, that asking you to kiss was natural. Alex’s face had softened as he studied your surprise; the raise in your eyebrows and the quirk of your lips. You took your time to think over what to say, before you muttered a gentle, “Of course.”
Alex moved forward with such speed that it almost felt like an attack when his lips caught yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. The world froze around you, but you responded with such enthusiasm that you heard him chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him closer. He tasted faintly of wine, you realised, perhaps the red wine he had at your dinner date. You could taste your shared breath, feel the thud of your combined heartbeat as Alex’s hands moved from your cheeks to rest on either side of your neck, his fingers ran through the hair on the nape of your neck. He realised that you fit into him like a glove, your kiss like the beating of a butterfly's wings, soft until it became addictive. He smelt of wine, spice and lust until it all spurred together in your head to form the dizzy scent of familiarity and comfort.
And you knew then that you were completely bewitched by Alex Turner.
The first couple months of the relationship were utter bliss, naturally being the Honeymoon period. You both had decided to keep it private from everyone until you were secure with what was happening — and even then, there was no possibility that you were going to announce it to the world anytime soon. The paparazzi and reporters were simply holding onto rumours, not knowing how truthful they were but that was all they were going to get. Confirming the relationship was like adding a newborn into the situation, neither of you were prepared for that stress this early on. Halle was the first of your friends to learn of the update in your love life, squealing louder than you have ever heard. It made you giddy at the response. Apparently, the band had a less loud reaction to the news, according to Alex, but they were all excited to see you around more. That made you feel good, you had to admit, and it only made you feel better when they all sent you a text with congratulations and threats to Alex if he hurt you.
Then there was Alex himself in those first months. You were quick to learn that his love language was physical touch and gift giving, something which contrasted to your acts of service and quality time. It was the small things that he did for you which started making you believe he was trying a new form of witchcraft. He was simply casting a spell on your heart, whether he knew it or not. Every note he left in the pocket of your jacket, or purse pouch when you weren’t looking, entrapped you to his comfort. You were utterly bewildered with the new feeling soaring through your chest as you read them over, a smile unable to leave your face. The time spent together only grew from random meals together to spending the night at each other’s flats watching your favourite movies in rotation, so it was fair – simply coexisting side by side with one another.
Yet that honeymoon phase died suddenly, not because you grew out of the euphoric feelings but because life grew that messier. You had been worried endlessly about this happening, preparing yourself for the conversation but it didn’t make it any easier. When you went over to his place for the night, he murmured the information that the Arctic Monkeys were starting their tours in Oceania soon. You rolled over in the bed to face him, frowning slightly.
“You could come with me Y/N, if you wanted too of course.” His words were so soft, his lips barely moving. If you weren’t so used to the tired mumbles of nonsense with his accent, you would not have been able to understand a word he said. Instead, it only made you feel sick at the idea of you being apart for the fear of the unknown change.
You sat up in the bed, leaning against the headboard as Alex redirected his heavy eyes to gaze up at you with confusion, “I have to go to LA for a modelling shoot and auditions.”
Alex looked away for a brief moment, it hitting him like a train at what this meant. He reached out and grabbed your hand, entwining your fingers like you had done the first time. Bringing your hand to his lips, he placed delicate kisses on your skin in comfort, “It’s okay. We still have each other even if we are countries apart. Calling exists for a reason, right?”
You knew he was right, but it didn’t stop you from overthinking the entire situation. It would be the first time the pair of you weren’t in the same country since starting this relationship, and you hated how dramatically you reacted to it when he fell asleep with his back to you. You had taken a walk to try and gain back some control you were losing, cursing at the moon as tears rolled down your face. It was like you were consumed by fire, fuming with every emotion but it worked in some way. It was some sort of release. When you returned to his flat, the kitchen light was on. He was sitting at the dining table, eating what looked like a bowl of cereal though he had stopped as you attempted to walk into the flat quietly. A sigh escaped his lips, and it took everything in you to not burst into tears again. The moon (and those who would have unfortunately heard your pleas late at night) had already listened to your fears, you did not feel the need to pressure Alex into the same conversation.
Instead, he got up from the dining table and walked over, wrapping you in his arms. You held him around the waist, your cheek smooshed against his chest as you blinked away stray tears while looking at the bare wall. He placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You wanted to stay like this forever. Neither of you having to leave for your ridiculous jobs that had you missing him already. You knew it was a fantasy, but you hoped for nothing more. You stayed in his embrace for a couple of seconds, the pair of you lingering onto the feeling even though you had a week or so to fully say goodbye for the small period of time. You felt him lean down, his lips right against your ears as he whispered:
“Keep me in your heart, m’kay?”
Pulling away from the embrace to look up at him, resting your chin on his chest, you said nothing for a moment. His brown eyes were full of pure admiration, and the same bewildered feeling you got every second you were around him seemed to double in feeling. There was not much for you to say to the singer, so you murmured a ‘of course’ back before he led you back to the bedroom.
And you knew then that not even distance could stop you from being bewitched by Alex Turner.
#alex turner x reader#arctic monkeys#alex turner#alex turner one shot#alex turner imagine#alex turner fluff#alex turner fanfic#alex turner x you#alex turner x y/n#matt helders#jamie cook#nick o'malley#halle bailey#the little mermaid
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Feline Antics

Kuroo x GN! reader
This was the first thing I've written specifically to post on tumblr, and was originally on my other 'fanfic only' blog, pinkipeachiikeen (one 'i' after pink) but I decided managing two blogs was too time consuming and decided to merge with my original account (pansexualproblemchild) and keep the name. TDLR: it's def not my best work and if it looks familar, no I didn't copy anyone's work but my own
This fic was inspired/dedicated to @taeyamayang and her little black cat momo and my little black aria (mimi)
WC: 717
Summary: Kuroo tries.... and fails to convince y/n that he is a dog person with his cat like antics

“So what did you get?”
“19/20, beat that, loverboy.” I tease, shaking my phone at him.
“Read it and weep, honeybunch.” He dangles his phone in front of my face. “Read it and weep.”
“What?” No way. I snatch his phone. “Lemme see.” The four numbers mock me.
“I guess i’m just the better partner.” Kuroo gloats. “I could’ve told you thaAAT-” Kuroo ducks, almost falling off the couch, as i wack him with my stuffed animal, a comically large stuffed goose Kuroo gave me as ‘thinking of you’ gift since geese are small and cute. It Would have been sweet if he didn’t follow that with “needlessly loud and aggressive.”
I wacked him with it then too. Then named it Mr Honk.
“How embarrassing,” he teases. “After you begged me to take this little relationship test too.”
“I didn’t beg!” I whine, crossing my arms. “I don’t beg!”
He raises his eyebrow. Don’t do it. He smirks. “You sure did last-”
“OH MY GOD!” I cut him off before my face can heat up anymore as he cackles. I’m dating a man child. “Whatever.” I scoff as I scroll through all the questions and my eyes finally land upon the damn question that determined Kuroo was the better partner. Question 12. Does your partner prefer dogs or cats? A simple question. A no brainer. Cats, obviously. Except the red ‘x’ too it says otherwise.
“Aha! That’s why!” I exclaim.
“Hmm? You found out why i am the superior parter?” he teases as he settles down next to me, feeling safe now that my weapon of choice (Mr. Honk) was out of my hands. I roll my eyes playfully. “You wish.” I tossed him my phone. “You pressed the wrong answer, dummy.”His eyebrows furrow as he retorts; “No, i didn’t?”
“Yeah you did! You pressed ‘dogs’ instead of ‘cats’. Therefore, we tied!” I said smugly.
“Except, I did press the right answer. I’m more of a dog person.” I roll my eyes he explains
“Wha-” he sputters. “How are you gonna tell me what animal I prefer?” he reasons. “Is this because I was the captain of Nekoma? With my suave graceful movements and agaile abilities?” He pridefully boasts, looking like the cat that got the canary.
“Yeah the same agileness that broke three different lamps. Two in the same day, as well.”
Kuroo scoffs, offended by the facts. “I’m tall, Y/n! My lanky limbs have to go somewhere!” He pouts, wiggling said lanky limbs for effect.
“Yeah, but they couldn’t have been lanky anyplace besides right next to my nightstand? Or my coffee table, or my-“
“Ok, Ok I get it!” He whines. “All of that only helps plead my case.” I state.
“You mean the one that I’m a cat.”
“Yes. Cats break shit left and right too.”
“Okay, left and right is a little excessive!”
“But not wrong. Let’s also talk about the fact how you hiss when I sprayed water on you.”
“Anyone would when you spray water on them!”
“People don’t hiss Tetsu! You full on hissed like a vampire in the sun!
“….So like Kenma.”
I pause for a moment. “A little bit, yeah I guess. He’s like a cat too, but that’s a whole different story. He’s like a old calico cat, just minding his business while you are a little scrappy black cat. Causing chaos and mischief.”
“I’m not scrappy, i’m resourceful and resilient!” He corrects.
I blink, once, then twice. “You’re scrappy”. I deadpan. “The scrappy little black cat antagonizing and teasing everyone always causing a ruckus and always needs attention and affection. No matter how much they deny it.”
“I don’t demand nor need your attention!” He huffs.
“Yes, love?”
“You are literally laying on my right now.”
Kuroo looks down to realize that he is indeed laying across my lap and is silent for a moment, Before he snuggles closer into me.
“The fact that I’m laying on your lap means nothing.” He pulls up the blanket over his lap. “Now shh. I’m sleeping now.”
I smile and roll my eyes once more, something I find i’m doing more and more ever since my cat-like boyfriend (clumsily, and awkwardly) waltzed his way into my life. “See? Demanding.”

Thanks for reading! Reblogs, likes and comments are always greatly appreciated! ❤️
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Liminalpebble’s Masterlist Library
Sex and Death (Masterlist)
A Wallander fanfic (Magnus Martinsson x Original Female Character)
Synopsis: Detective Magnus Martinsson and Noura Harik (a forensic linguist) are racing to find an enigmatic serial killer before he sets his sights on one of their own, but when Harik reaches a breaking point with the temperamental Inspector Wallander, everything changes.
A/N: Magnus Martinsson x OFC, slow burn to smut, murder and violence (from the killer, not our protagonists), Minors DNI
Violet (Masterlist)
Will Ransome (The Essex Serpent) x Original Female Character
Summary: The solitary Reverend Ransome leaves the empty nest of his home in Essex, beginning his life as a professor in London. His expectation of a contemplative religious life as a pious widower is complicated by an odd and alluring foreign student, Violetta Vespero. How can the conflicted vicar keep his gaze and worship skyward with such delicious temptations before him on Earth?
CW: Sacrilege all over the place, slow Burn to smut, angst, multi-parter, probably pretty historically inaccurate. Minors DNI
The Refugee (Masterlist)
AU Loki x Original Female Character (COMPLETE)
Summary: In a timeline where Loki, the prodigal prince of Asgard, struck out to establish his vast and powerful Laufeyson Empire, he stumbles upon Lenora, a refugee scarred by his bloodshed. One of the few surviving Morhari, she is captured and forced to use her considerable intelligence in service to the fearful warlord who destroyed her nation and her life. Will the peasant turned captive asset find her way to freedom and her own power, and will the cruel and scheming god of mischief discover that he can be more than a villain?
CW: Non/dubious consent. slow burn to eventual smut. violence and torture. Loki is very unambiguously bad, morally complex but bad, and does bad things.18+ readers only.
Eddie's Education (Masterlist)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x Original Female Character
Summary: 15 years after the events in the upside-down and Eddie's unlikely survival, he's still left with scars and an uneventful life working at his uncle's garage and as a part-time bartender. Although he planned to get out of Hawkins like a bat out of hell, he's still there and feeling stuck. At Uncle Wayne's suggestion, Eddie goes to night school to finally get his GED. Little does Eddie know that his life is about to get a lot more interesting when he meets his tutor, Leia, and realizes staying in Hawkins might not be so bad after all.
A/N: Eddie Munson x OFC, slow burn to eventual smut, multi-parter. Cannon divergent. morbid subjects discussed. Eddie's a sweetheart, Eddie Lives! Minors DNI
Stray (A Lokitty Tale)
A/N: Hi all. This began as a prompt suggestion by @mischief2sarawr and has since grown three heads and answers to no one. It's now a multipart, very fluffy, story about Lokitty. I have no idea where I'm going with this except definitely to the comfort district of fluff town...maybe driving through a little traffic jam of angst on the way there.
Synopsis: It's 1971 and you're a single shop girl living in the tumultuous, often damp, city of Seattle, feeling lost and alone. Meanwhile, Loki (under the guise of D.B. Cooper) is on the run from Thor the moment he jumped out of that plane. After crash landing in a dumpster and disguising himself as a stray cat to lay low, he becomes your beloved feline room mate and an unusual friendship begins to grow.
Between the Lines (An AU Loki Story)
Summary: The exchange of concubines amongst the noble houses of Asgard is nothing new to the royal family, however, it is to Asgard's solitary younger prince. Since Loki had always openly declared the tradition barbaric and loathsome, he shocks the court to its core when he changes his mind.
The trickster had yet another surprise in store when he selected you, a librarian from a noble house to occupy his bed.
You're stunned, intimidated, even afraid, of the sly second prince, but you know as well as anyone that to deny a royal decree is to court death.
And so you go, only to find that this mysterious man is not at all what you expected.
Pairing: Femme reader x Loki Pre-Thor 1 AU
CW: Allusions to sexual slavery dubcon/noncon within the society. Power imbalance. Eventual smut with questionable consent. Minors DNI.
AN: This will be a multi-parter but not a particularly long one, so if I leave you hanging between chapters, I promise it won't be particularly long before it all comes together.
Lock and Key: A Professor Pine Story (2 Parts)
Part 1
Part 2
One Shots, Requests, and Short Works
I Left The Lights On For You (an Eddie Munson comfort fic)
Never Enough (a Loki comfort fic)
The Angel in His Ear (a Valentine's Day Loki fluff fic)
Around (Eddie Munson and Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive meet at a record store and become friends)
Love Letters From... (coming soon)
Memes What I Made (coming soon)
And finally, a special appearance of The Holy Order of the Sacred Mango's mascot, Mew Mew the Mango. 💚

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Ok so I have reached the end of Totally Spies season 3 which was a three parter and it is wild like always.
1. The girls got a promotion is super spies or something along with this random dude who they said was the most exceptional because when he was a baby he saw an action movie playing in the hospital he learned martial arts right then and there. As a newborn baby.
2. This same man who I am dubbing "Spy Boy" because that's literally all he is and he and his anime protagonist voice are so insane. He started out as a student among the spies, then when all the spies showes interest in him he said there was enough of him to go around, then he gets captured in goo that chokes you, then he switches to the dark side, then he saves the girls, then he tells them that he was only PRETENDING to be a bad guy because he knew they could handle whatever their imposter instructor (the bad guy during this) threw at them, then he started repeating the lessons they ALREADY LEARNED, and then at the end of the day when everything is said and done he goes "Oh! Yeah! I'm your teacher and these holographic teachers that have been teaching you this whole time are different parts of my personality, not yours (because the bad guy told them they were different parts of the spies' personalities earlier)! :D" LIKE. SIR???? WHY DO YOU KEEP SWITCHING SIDES AND IF YOU WERE THE INSTRUCTOR WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING??????
3. Jerry has a twin brother??? Canonically????? And his whole villain origin story is that Jerry threw him under the bus ONCE in fourth grade while they were cheating off of each other during the exam. That. That's it. And Jerry's brother got plastic surgery so he didn't look like Jerry. And when he broke out of jail at the end of the episode he reveals himself to actually have been wearing a mask and he looks like Jerry and pretends to be Jerry and gets let out. Then he rips THAT mask off and reveals himself to look exactly like the first mask except this time it's his real face.
4. Jerry confessed to cheating during the exam during FOURTH GRADE, and it is being taken INCREDIBLY SERIOUSLY. LIKE. JERRY WAS CRYING. And now he has to repeat fourth grade.
Yeesh man when I was that old I couldn’t even walk babies are made different these days
I think hes just reeeaaally indecisive and wants to play it off
THREW HIM UNDER THE BUS?????? Also, he seems like another very indecisive guy
What?????? If I had to repeat fourth grade thatd be sooo embarrassing I can’t remember anything we did
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Well, it's official. Welcome to Part 1 of Episode 1 of Arle's Route in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon.

(The Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Manga always got me covered. This time, you make the context.)
Yeah, it's real now boys. Won't be as consistent as Schezo's route because school is starting soon and all that jazz, but we're here. The reason it's part 1 is because the video is too damn long like last time, so I'm cutting it in half.
Since I'm much better at this than I was when I began, hopefully this one will be slightly better than the very originals.
The video itself:
And now the timestamps:
Intro: 0:40
Small Settings Thing: (5:41)
Info Booth With Kikimora: (6:00)
This seems like a little, but trust me, this covers about 10 minutes of content that's pure text, which takes a lot longer to do. It's for my sake of not overworking. Part 2 is eventual... when is another story. Honestly, this is starting to look like a three parter episode one.
To people who've been here for a while, you may be wondering where the portraits are. Truth be told, stopped them for the top images. Saves time, and looks a little better.
With that, hope you enjoy the show.
Intro: (0:40)
Arle and Carbuncle are great friends.
The 2 of them enjoy walking together, and when they have time, see different places.
Phew...this feels great...the sun's warm,
Its breezy and fresh...it's boring!
But something interesting will happen, right?
Taking a walk isn't so bad, but is boring, I'm looking for something exciting...
[Insert clouds going dark]
What the!? What's going on? I don't wanna get soaked...
What's up, Carby?
[Schezo appears from lightning. Actual LowTierGod stuff.]
... ... ...
Oh, Schezo!
What's going on? Why are you here?
... ... ...
Huh? That is Schezo, right...?
I feel bad! You don't have to ignore me! ...I'm sorry, are you in a bad mood?
Schezo seem much more powerful than usual, right?
He felt like a different person.
What? We're leaving? Well, alright, let's go!
[One day, when she forgot about the event...
Arle and Carbuncle were taking a walk, as usual. They came to what seems to be an amusement park.]
What the? They built an amusement park here.
Gu! Gugu!
What's wrong Carby? Ah! That's Rulue over there!
[Rulue and Minotauros seem absent-minded.]
Hey! Rulue!
Hm? Ah, Arle!?
Hey, did you come to play also?
Don't say such silly things! Why would I want to play in a place here!
Then why are you here?
It's...I'm here to train!
To train? At an amusement park?
This isn't just an amusement park.
All the attractions are maxes, filled with monsters.
And there's all sort of loot and treasure in there, too.
They belong to whoever grabs them.
Wow...it's a strange park, but doesn't it seem fun?
I don't care, I'm here to train!
Master Rulue, then let's go in early...
Shut up!
Let's go in now!
[Rulue, angry, went into the amusement park.]
If you're going to play here, I suggest not to.
The attractions are full of danger, and you could get hurt.
Mino! What're you waiting for! I'm leaving you!
Yes Master Rulue, I'll be with you!
[Rulue and Minotauros left.]
What? You're here too?
[Arle was standing there, dazed, when a voice called from behind.]
Schezo!? Did you come by yourself?
You heard about the rumors of this place, right?
You don't know? It's about the attractions.
If you clear them all, you get something called a "Great Magical Item."
Well, I don't have time for idle talk, so I'm leaving.
[Schezo left as well.]
Hmm...sounds interesting.
Cmon Carby, let's go!
Small Settings Stuff: 5:41
Wow...this place is huge...where do I start?
(The player goes to the Menus, and goes to options. It reads:
Sound -> Stereo
Controller -> Non-Vibrating
Dash -> Normal
Flash Stop -> Off
Map -> Normal
Map Display -> Normal
Window Display -> Skip
Info Booth With Kikimora: (6:00)
This took forever.
This is the Info Booth, huh? They give all sort of tips there.
(Menus. My beloved and my behated.
They go:
Listen <-
Oh, you're the one in charge!
Cleaning Lady?:
In charge? No, I'm just a cleaner, but I help around.
I'm Kikimora. I'm an usher here.
Hmm, is that so? You always have a mop with you, right?
Yes. I don't tolerate dirtiness.
That being said, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Then lemme ask you something...
Game Overview Explanation
About Items
About The Shop
About Rankings
The player goes down one by one, starting with Game Overview. Keep that in mind. I'll put a --- to signify the next one.)
Well, all the attractions here have a purpose.
You'll be navigating a maze while fighting enemies here.
For many, it's become a fun attraction for them.
Of course, there's all sorts of goods and items as well.
If you think and use items carefully, you'll have a lot better time.
However, if you hit 0 HP, it's a game over for you.
All the exp and items you gained will be lost.
The first attraction is very easy, but they'll get tougher as you go on.
With that, do your best.
Mhm...I see...
What do you want me to explain? (She says this every time. I'm doing this once.)
About Items:
Items are distributed into Rings, amulets, scrolls, herbs, medicine, food, and others.
Rings and amulets can be equipped, but most other things can only be used once.
Also, I don't know the names of the items in the attractions.
Find the name of the items...in other words, find our in your own way.
Hmm...I see.
It's quite a problem that you didn't know the items name!
I'm sorry...I really don't know!
Aw, alright...how disappointing...
About the shop:
In the shop, you can buy and sell items.
Money is needed to buy items, which can be found in the attractions.
You can also have a curse lifted or its name identified there.
The owner, Momomo, may seem weird, but he's a good merchant, so you'll be in good shape if you're able to get into his store.
You may even be able to get a better selection of goods.
Hmm...I see... (She says this a lot, huh?)
About Rankings:
Rankings are done when you complete an attraction.
The system allows you to compete for scores from the items and money you got.
We calculate your score based on three score when you first enter, and after you left as well.
As for items, the less you bring, the easier your searches for new ones will be.
However, the amount you bring in will be heavily reduced.
Hmm... I see. Come in with a lot of items then.
If I get kicked out, will it counted against me?
That's right, though it's not fun to start with a negative number.
The ranking system will have a top and bottom 10, which you'll be able to see on the bulletin board.
This where I explain things to newcomers.
We have a bulletin board filled with useful info, so be sure to check it often.
You can also see your score, so try to reach for first place.
If you get first, you might get a wonderful prize!
"Might get?" What in the world do I get?
Actually, I don't know myself.
Are you really an usher?
I knew you were probably some old lady...
If you put it that way, I prefer "Cleaning Lady"!
...I knew you were an old lady.
You're wrong!
(Arle goes to the bulletin board.)
A Bulletin board...I'll have a look at it.
Welcome to PuyoPuyo Dungeon <-
Bulletin Board:
If you're entering an attraction for the first time, try the PuyoPuyo Dungeon!
An exciting adventure awaits you.
That'll be all for today. Hopefully this suffices for about a week.
Catch y'all next show.
#Youtube#madou monogatari#japanese translation#schezo puyo puyo#waku waku puyo puyo dungeon#puyo puyo#sega saturn#sega#arle nadja#rulue puyo puyo#arle puyo puyo#schezo wegey
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So, I've just watched The Talons of Weng Chiang and I am somewhat surprised and conflicted because, in many ways, I absolutely loved it. All I knew of it previously is that it's infamous for being the most racist Doctor Who story of all time, so it would be nice and simple if I could just write it off as a terrible story, but I can't.
Addressing the good first, it's a very well told story with a lot of atmosphere and a great sense of location in Victorian London. The script is tight and witty and delightful, with so many bits of dialogue that made me laugh out loud. It's also particularly well-paced for a six-parter. I never once felt like it was dragging! It also has brilliant characters. Jago and Litefoot are delightful, as is Casey, and it's even got an adorable giant sewer rat! Even Chang is surprisingly sympathetic and I was quite saddened by his end.
It's funny that the origin of Jago & Litefoot as a Big Finish duo is about the only other thing I knew about this story, and they don't meet at all for the first 4 and a half episodes. When they do meet, though, their dynamic is extremely enjoyable so maybe I ought to listen to some of their audios. I also went down a rabbit hole because I was sure I recognised Christopher Benjamin (who plays Jago) and boy do I! Turns out that he has had two other roles in Doctor Who (Sir Keith in Inferno and the Colonel in The Unicorn and the Wasp), as well as being Sir Lucas in the 1995 Pride and Prejudice (the superior one imo) and was in three episodes of The Avengers (one I don't really remember, one I remember a bit, and one which is one of my favourite episodes of the whole show). No wonder he seemed familiar!
I love the Fourth Doctor's humour and charisma as always, and it's particularly enjoyable seeing him get to be a Sherlock Holmes insert here, and I also love how much action Leela gets to do. I actually think Leela is becoming one of my favourite companions in the whole show. She's not experienced in time travel or things that might be regarded as civilised (eg. cutlery), but she's quick on the uptake and principled and always ready for a fight. I love her getting to physically fight people, sharpen knives, practice swinging cricket bats, come up with tactical moves etc., all in Victorian garb. She straight up kills a dude this serial! She's such a fresh take on the companion, one which could have been done badly (sexy savage) but is actually extremely charming.
Unfortunately, the portrayal of the Chinese characters is... yeah, not great. There is a precedent in Classic Who of white actors playing people of colour and it's interesting that this story gets more heat for it than, say, Marco Polo or The Aztecs. It's obviously not okay in any of them, but I think there are a few reasons that this is the one that gets called out the most. One is simply that the 60s episodes are probably seen by fewer people nowadays, especially the missing ones like Marco Polo. Another is a suspicion I have that the nature of the 60s episodes being in black and white distances us from it, both in it being less visible and seeming like longer ago (eg. the slightly darker skin tone they give Patrick Troughton in The Enemy of the World as Salamander isn't as noticeable as it would have been in colour). Relatedly, perhaps we're a little more forgiving of the 60s for this, when by the late 70s we feel it should have stopped. Finally, though, it may just be because the way they go about it in The Talons of Weng Chiang is one of the more uncomfortable examples.
Specifically, the thing that makes it worse than other examples in Doctor Who is the fact that they use prosthetics to try and make this obviously white man look Chinese. The way his eyes and forehead bulge out so they could create epicanthic folds is positively grotesque. His performance, while relatively restrained when compared to other offensive Chinese caricatures, also includes a Chinese accent, which absolutely does not help. Additionally, although there are at least Asian actors playing the less central Chinese characters, the two masked characters who are not technically meant to be actual Chinese humans but are still part of the whole Orientalist thing going on (Mr Sin and Weng Chiang), are also played by non-Chinese actors.
Even if all the Chinese characters had been cast appropriately, there is still an issue with the sterotyped, exoticised and demonised portrayal of Chinese culture. I'm not qualified to dive into the intricacies of that, but when your villains for a story are Chinese and you have them portrayed mainly as exotic and scheming, and also have the white Victorian characters saying racist things about them unchallenged, it's not a great look. As I said above, at least Chang ends up as a pretty sympathetic character and, despite everything, I found myself somewhat moved by John Bennett's performance near the end, but it counts for very little when it's done through this pantomime mask of yellowface.
I don't know. It's very hard to have a definitive opinion on this one because it's for the most part a very good Doctor Who story, but that in no way excuses its racism. I think it's one of those your-mileage-may-vary situations with how much you can mentally separate yourself from the latter to enjoy the former. I totally understand why someone might decide that this one is irredeemable, but I am also very used at this point to watching and enjoying Problematic Media - including many old movies and tv shows - while simultaneously criticising its problems. Ultimately, my opinion matters not at all in terms of whether it is Morally Acceptable to enjoy this story, so I can only really decide for myself how comfortable I feel about it. Anyway, I can't recommend this one without a hundred caveats, but overall I had a far better time with it than I was expecting.
Misc small things There was a mention of time agents, which is fascinating. I know I haven't seen a chunk of the Third Doctor, but to my knowledge and memory this is the first mention of a time agency. I had no idea that was a thing before 2005! Positive mentions of my hometown, hell yeah!
#doctor who#the talons of weng chiang#I'm glad I've finally seen this one#my watching of the fourth doctor's era has been stalled for months because I've been putting it off#the only reason I was able to force myself into it was because a nuanced opinion of it was mentioned in a Josh Snares video the other day#mine#dwmine#dwe4#reactions#dw
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Violent Yellow
Summary: Deciding that the creatures that they summon get defeated to easily, the Trix decide to call upon a few urban legends and demons from Earth. Only one of them answers their call but it doesn't take commands.
Notes: Winx/The Conjuring crossover. Is this very self-indlgent and catered to my interests specifically? Probably lol. Originally was going to be a one short for Febuwhump's demonic possession prompt. But this ended up being too long for a one shot and is something I can see turning into a two or three parter if I get the time.
The curtains are billowing and the moonlight streams though. There is an odor in the air like burning sulfur and suffering. It hangs so potently that she can taste it on her tongue. It tastes like success. Like power.
And then it fades away.
Fades like nothing had happened at all.
“Well that was lame.” Stormy grumbled.
Darcy sighs and blows each of their ritual candles out. “We’re really running out of ideas, huh?”
Icy shrugs. “Running out of ideas? We’re just getting started. We’ve tried summoning creatures from Magix’s texts, but never ones from Earth. Think about it ladies; Red Fountain trains those silly boys and Alfea trains those silly faeries to fight creatures from the magical dimensions. But they haven’t been taught how to defeat things from Earth folklore. It’ll be easy pickings.” If they could actually successfully summon a heinous creature or entity from earth.
If any of those creatures actually exist.
She is beginning to think that they don’t.
“Well we’ve already tried Bloody Mary, the Midnight Man, Sadako Yamamura, and Bigfoot—thanks for that one, Stormy.” Darcy rolls her eyes. “So far nothing has come of any of it. It’s all just stories. Made up stuff.”
Maybe so. Maybe they are just wasting their time. But she had felt it, felt it…that surge of deep darkness that had ridden in on that sulfuric draft. And when she lays down to sleep the eyes appear in her dreams—violently yellow.
It is on the very fringes of these dreams that Icy realizes that the three of them had forgotten to specify where the demon was supposed to manifest and who it was supposed to latch itself onto. Suddenly those vivid yellow eyes are a source of surmounting dread rather than a building feeling of victory.
It appears only when she is alone.
When she is the last person lingering in the hallway or the only person occupying a bathroom with a leaky faucet and graffiti heavy stalls.
The squeal of the faucet as she gives the cold water knob a twist has always been teeth-grating. She has long since stopped using the right and left most faucets. But even the middle three have begun screeching upon being twisted.
It is behind her.
Its breaths warm her neck.
Dead things shouldn’t breathe.
She has gotten used to the feeling of it.
It is a dull feeling in her head; a headache without the ache. A tingle of anticipation that isn’t quite dread but very well should be.
Icy doesn’t left her head, doesn’t gaze into the mirror. She knows that it wouldn’t be there even if she did. But she still keeps her eyes on the soap suds swirling around the drain just in case. She puts extra attention into scrubbing her hands but she knows that it knows that she has already acknowledged its presence and that is plenty enough.
She feels a tickle on the back of her neck as a few strands of her hair shift.
She holds her breath—the initial inhale brings a familiar and choking taste of sulfur. She swallows hard and scrubs more furiously, half expecting the water in the sink to run red with blood that she hasn’t yet shed.
Instead, the fingers that lift locks of her hair take to twirling the strands.
Icy turns off the faucet and dries her hands on her skirt. She sidesteps the entity and feels her hair fall out of its grasp and over her shoulder. She heaves the door to the bathroom ajar, hearing its creak echo. The hallway taht she steps out into has taken on its usual dim and dour ambiance. If she listens closely she can hear the beating heart of cloud tower. Normally she adores the dusty, cobweb heavy atmosphere, adores how the hallway seems to stretch endlessly, getting more an more distorted as she meanders onward. Normalcy is quickly fading.
The hallway—the very same one that she has padded along daily for years–is becoming increasingly more unsetting. And she owes it to the expectation that she will see a pair of burning yellow eyes glowing at the end of it.
When she does muster up the nerve to look she sees only a black splotch of shadow.
Somehow that is worse.
Dark summonings class is only just around the corner. But she dreads to see what might be waiting for her when she does round it. She knows for certain that there is a classroom full of students awaiting around that corner but it feels like it would take ages to reach them.
She tells herself that she is being ridiculous.
That only works if she knows in her heart that she is.
This time logic tells her that the goosebumps on her skin are right to be there.
She takes the rest of the hallway in long, hasty strides, wishing that she had just gone to class with Darcy and Stormy instead of fussing with her hair. The demon has just made a mess of it anyways.
She takes a deep breath and peeks around the corner. She is met with only stale air and the kind of silence that makes a crypt seem lively. She slips into the classroom just before the professor comes to join them. She finds her usual spot between Darcy and Stormy.
“What took you so long?” Darcy asks.
“I couldn’t get my hair to do what I wanted it to do.” She lies, turning her attention to that which professor Zarathustra write a series of spells upon the blackboard.
“Today we will be talking about one of my favorite creatures to draw out of the abyss; lesser demons.” She pauses. “I would like to caution all of you that demons are not to be trifled with, even the least of the less of them.” She clasps her hands behind her back. “And so I will remind you of the first rule of a summoning ritual; do not summon anything more powerful than yourself or something that you do not have the means to put back.”
Lucy’s hand shoots up. “How can we know the difference?”
“Easy.” Icy mutters, folding her arms across her chest. “You’re a weak witch; you take one look at the ritual instructions and know right away that it’s beyond your skill level.”
The class snickers.
“Icy, since you are so sure of yourself, how about you come up here and demonstrate how to properly call upon a minor poltergeist.”
Icy rolls her eyes. “I thought that we were learning about demons.” Stupid. She is stupid. Moreso than Lucy. She should have kept her mouth shut. She could be learning about how to summon and expel a demon without having to ask, without having to out the mischief of she and her sisters.
“Oh we will get back to that. But first you can draw me a summoning sigil.”
Icy approaches the blackboard and plucks a stick of chalk. As soon as she presses the stick to the board, it undulates ever so softly. She furrows her brows and grasps the chalk tighter between her fingers.
“This class is only an hour long, Icy.” Zarathustra urges.
Icy draws the first two strokes of the sigil only to have them swallowed up by the chalk board, she draws them again. And a third time. A fourth? Fifth? Sixthseventheightnithtenth…
It is maddening. As quickly as she swipes the chalk, the strokes fade into the blackboard that shifts and swirls.
She turns to Zarathustra a demand to know what sort of joke this is rests on her tongue. It never makes it out because Zarathustra gazes upon her with searing yellow eyes. In place of that demand, a small sound escapes Icy’s lips. She almost drops the chalk. Instead she tenses up and presses it back to the blackboard. But there is no space left for her to scowl anything upon it. The blackboard has spit her strokes out.
Upon its surface the demon shows its face.
Pale and chalky with convex nose and a mouth full of elongated teeth. Those yellow eyes are set so deeply into their sockets that she can’t see the whites at all. They’re probably are no whites. The chalk ripples and the blackboard seems to crinkle. Icy drops the chalk as a hand reaches out and clasps around her wrist.
“No.” She murmurs. “No. Do something, Zarathustra. It’s after me. It…”
It is pulling itself from the blackboard as a shoe peels itself out of tar.
“It’s going to get me.”
The face begins to bulge out of the blackboard and those long razor teeth begin to extend out of the malefic thing’s mouth. And Icy cries out, throwing a good blast of frosty wind at the horrid thing. It hardens into a wall of ice but the demon’s shadows burn through it.
She stumbles back, tripping over her own feet. And the wicked thing descends upon her.
She throws her head back and a scream tears from her throat.
And then a hand reaches into her mouth and stifles the scream. Diminishing it into a few gurgling chokes. Tears leak down her cheeks as her lungs begin to burn.
And just as her vision begins to darken, the demon parts ways. She falls back onto the floor and stares up at the ceiling. Stares up and the black smoke and the face stirring within it. Stares until all that is left of the faces are two searing yellow irises.
She is the talk of the school and this time it isn’t a matter of admiration. They snicker at her. The bravest of them screech and fake a few spasms.
It is apparently quite humorous to watch someone spasm upon the floor.
“It’s going to get you!” Ursula shouts as she passes. “It’s going to get you!”
She might have spelled bitch into oblivion if it didn’t feel like such a fortelling. An omen rather than an offense. A truth rather than an insult. It is going to get her.
It has gotten her already.
She can feel it at the back of her throat, thick and viscous. A substance that she can cough up. She could ram her fingers down her throat and expel everything but the thing that had invited itself inside of her.
The thing that she herself had allowed in.
After Ursula turns her back on them, Darcy squeezes her hand.
Darcy should let go if she knows what’s good for her.
Should get Stormy and transfer to another dorm.
One that isn’t afflicted with nightly disturbances; the slamming of doors, the pulling of draws, the levitating furniture…
Sometimes she wakes up standing over Stormy’s bed with her hands just shy of bringing the dagger down. Just shy of opening her sister’s throat right up.
Her hands aren’t hers anymore; not all of the time. At night her hands belong to the demon.
It was just a tale…
A horror story from Earth.
It should have been just as untrue as Bloody Mary.
She stands before Griffin’s office. Zarathustra waits for her there. “You can see yourself to class, Darcy.”
Darcy gives a meek nod and mouths wishes of luck.
She is hardly beyond the doorframe when Griffin inquires, “what have you done?” The ‘this time’ is implied.
“I don’t know what you mean.” She lies.
“Zarathustra gave this to me.” She slaps something onto her desk and slides it across as Icy approaches. “Do you know what this is?”
Icy stares at the photograph. It depicts a long string of symbols with a few interment words written in a long dead language. The handwriting is unmistakably hers. But she shakes her head anyways. Shakes it in earnest.
“Zarathustra said that you wrote this on the blackboard before having some sort of panic attack.”
“I don’t know what it is.”
“It is a series of summoning sigils.” Zarathustra says. “Do you remember writing it?”
Icy shakes her head. “That was what you called me up there to do.”
“This is no time for sarcasm!” Griffins hands slapping the desk causes Icy to jolt. “It’s a very serious matter and you’ve put yourself and, more concerningly, this whole school in danger!”
Icy cringes. “Everything I wrote…sunk into the blackboard and then…” She shudders.
“Not a single stroke sunk into the blackboard.” Zarathustra assures her. “Had I not stopped you, you could have opened a gate. One that wouldn’t have been so easily closed.”
“So what then? What are you going to do to me?”
“We’re going to ask you a few very simple questions and you are going to answer them honestly.” She pauses and lets the unspoken threat sink in. “What is the name of the demon that the three of you summoned, exactly when—date and time—did you summon it, and through which means was it summoned?”
“Its name is Valak. It is from a story…a movie that they show on Earth. It wasn’t…after the first few flops we figured that this one was made up too.”
Griffin pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Midnight, a few weeks ago.” She can’t remember the date. She hadn’t thought that it would be important.
“Well then you haven’t much time.” Zarathustra mentions grimly, casting a stare at the headmistress. “What are we going to do with her until the exorcist can get here?”
“Take her to Red Fountain where we hold the rest of the beasts for safe keeping.”
Icy’s heart plummets. “What about Darcy and Stormy?”
“They will attend class as they do every other day.” Griffin replies. “They won’t have to worry about a thing unless the demon grows tired of or kills you.”
“It won’t kill you.” Zarathustra notes. “You’re its host and as long as it has you, it will keep away from the other two.”
Her heart flutters again.
It absolutely races when Saladin’s men come to shackle her like an animal in chains that burn her wrists and ankles. Holy chains with potent runes.
Runes that will surely leave ugly raised scars upon her skin if there anything left of her by the time the exorcist is through with her.
They close the door to her cell and leave her alone with the darkness that she used to find comforting.
The only light she sees is the soft glow of two yellow eyes.
#winx#winx club#winx icy#winx darcy#winx stormy#winx trix#the trix#horror#the conjuring#valak the nun#fanfiction#crossover
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To Be Continued: Multi-parters in Star Trek (Part 4)
By Ames
Last time on A Star to Steer Her By: We covered multi-part episodes across the Star Trek franchise. From The Next Generation to Deep Space Nine to Voyager, your plucky hosts were teased by waiting in suspense for the outcome of each first installment’s cliffhanger. And one pattern emerged: two-parters could almost always have been told with better pacing and intrigue in just one episode. It’s often painfully clear that the writers don’t plan it out beforehand. You can’t just wing this stuff.
It won’t be surprising to learn that we’ve come to the same conclusion with most of the two- and three-parters in our final series to discuss: Enterprise. All but one of these arching plots come in the final season of the show, when the focus of the show’s stories shifted to setting the stage for what we already know happens in The Original Series. But jeez, almost all of these multi-parters are meetings that could have been an email. Enjoy our final installment in this series below and listen to our chatter on this week’s podcast episode (shimmy on over to 48:33). And now, the exciting conclusion!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
ENT: “Shockwave”
Our first and only example of a two-parter not in season 4 comes as the season 1 finale / season 2 premiere. And you know what: we were thoroughly teased for a change! We marked this as the first time in Enterprise that we felt as though there were any stakes at all, which is more a dig at the rest of the show than praise for this episode. It’s also the first time we actually liked Archer, which again, is mostly a dig at Archer.
But “Shockwave” actually succeeds at a great deal of things. Visiting the distant future with Daniels and witnessing how it is NOT what that little time bitch expected gets our attention. That future is twisted and bleak and we finally see the consequences of the Temporal Cold War in ways that we hadn’t grasped before. Leaving off the season with that cliffhanger was very impactful, and the resolution in Part 2 didn’t disappoint either! I hope all the Enterprise story arcs go this smoothly!
ENT: All of season 3
Oh. Oh no. Oh no no no. So it’s unfair to qualify all of season 3 as a multi-parter since it goes off on mini-adventures once in a while and is more serial storytelling than a big “To be continued” at the end, but if we included that ten-parter in DS9, then we’ll at least touch on the Xindi War arc here. Annoyingly, the whole plot finally stops spinning its wheels and gets interesting at like episode 18, which is far too late to finally capture viewers’ attention. Writers of serial stories take note: you need to pay things off in a satisfying manner at regular intervals to keep your audience invested. We can’t wait to open the same mystery box for 20 weeks in a row. We would have left if we didn’t have a podcast to do.
“The Council” and “Countdown” are probably closest to being a sneaky two-parter out of this 24-episode arc (25 if you count “The Expanse” from season 2). And they do succeed in a number of things: there finally seem to be stakes, the Enterprise crew finally seems to be handling things in a diplomatic fashion instead of brute force, and things finally start to pay off. It just took way too long getting from there to here, and it was torture in way too many ways.
ENT: “Storm Front”
Season 4 begins our constant barrage of multi-parters with the conclusion of the Temporal Cold War. In Nazi times, for no good reason. After all of season 3, we badly needed a break, and we don’t get one until after this rather confounding two-parter. Like so many others, it probably could have been a one-and-done, but at least we were entertained.
And “Stormfront” achieves perhaps the finest feat in all of Enterprise: it closes out the Temporal Cold War! Was it satisfying? Your mileage may vary. But it did it and that is to be commended. It also never hurts to show our heroes punching a lot of Nazis, especially after all the really unethical behavior they engaged in in the previous season, so they get some points at the very least.
ENT: “Borderland,” “Cold Station 12,” “The Augments”
Nine out of the 22 episodes in this final season are in three-parters, which is a surprising percentage considering how rarely those occurred before. (Only five episodes of this season weren’t in multi-parters: “Home,” “Daedalus,” “Observer Effect,” “Bound,” and “These Are the Voyages…”) Our introduction to Arik Soong and his augmented children had some good stuff going for it, but by the time we made it to “The Augments,” we were finding things get repetitive and uninteresting. Soong and Malik can have the same fight only so many times.
A two-part version of this story arc really would have been sufficient. Tighten some of the plot up by cutting out the teenage drama among the Augments and use that extra time to maybe actually do something with Udar. Dealer’s choice if you want to still include the Orion slave market plot. But there was no reason to stretch this to THREE episodes unless the writer’s room had really declared idea bankruptcy.
ENT: “The Forge,” “Awakening,” “Kir’Shara”
Our next three-parter takes place mostly on Vulcan and ALSO could easily have been a two-parter instead of a three-parter! There was just so much wandering the desert. And so much wandering in the caves. It’s a three-parter that somehow spends a majority of its time wandering but not paying off that wandering with anything worth the trip.
When you start to notice that everyone up on the Enterprise is just waiting around for the Shran plot or chatting with the incredibly boring V’Las on the phone, then the flaws really become quite obvious. Yet again, the episodes would have benefited from a little more focus and a little less convolution. And then we get the Romulan reveal at the end, which comes out of nowhere and leaves me wondering what the hell I just watched. And don’t worry: it won’t be the last time the Romulans come out of nowhere…
ENT: “Babel One,” “United,” “The Aenar”
C’mon Enterprise writers. You CAN’T have two different three-parters that are both revealed to be about Romulan tampering. Do you even talk to each other? Arguably, this batch is a decent two-parter and then a third episode that should have just been its own thing. The plot just sort of stops when there’s suddenly a sideplot to Andoria to go visit the Aenar, adding another layer onto this pile of plots that starts to wobble under its own weight.
I do like the Aenar people we meet. I just wish they’d just gotten their own one-off episode. Between “Babel One” and “United,” we had Humans and Vulcans and Andorians and Tellarites and Romulans and Remans already. That is PLENTY for the story about bringing the founding members of the Federation together against a common cause. We didn’t need another race on top of all that because they didn’t really add anything to the theme of allying societies together. I still like Jhamel though.
ENT: “Affliction,” “Divergence”
An example that not only shouldn’t have been a two-parter, but shouldn’t even have been a one-parter is this Klingon augment virus idea that is so unnecessary I could weep. Remove the terrible, terrible forehead retcon and maybe we can squeeze one single episode out of the idea that the Klingons have tried to augment themselves and failed, and Phlox does some doctoring to help in one of few moral Phlox moments, but two parts? Bullpucky.
There were also too many obvious attempts to appease the fans here. T’Pol does a mindmeld on Hoshi with guidance from Archer, which frankly feels gross. We learn Reed is actually Section 31, which is so infantile to my sensitivities but I’m sure there were plenty of fans out there creaming themselves over this callback (callforward?). And then Trip shimmying his way between two ships at warp is obviously meant to be an impressive feat… but if you think about it for more than its airtime, it makes absolutely no sense and is just padding this episode out. Sad face.
ENT: “In a Mirror, Darkly”
While the second half of our trip to the mirror universe is admittedly a fun romp, you’ve also got to admit that the thing as a whole could also have benefited from trimming down to one episode. I’d suggest getting to the Defiant much, much earlier because that’s when things actually get interesting. An excruciating amount of Part 1 is exposition because these episodes take place entirely in the mirror universe instead of seeing a main character travel to the mirror universe. There’s so much establishing who these people are and where they live that takes up a huge chunk of time that could be used to tell the story.
Also, trimming down would allow us to lose the Gorn, which was entirely superfluous to the rest of the story and looked just plain terrible. With all that fixed, this would make for a tight, enjoyable, individual episode because everything in the mirror universe is always so dramatic anyway that it holds attention better than most.
ENT: “Demons,” “Terra Prime”
Finally! We get to our best Enterprise example of a decently paced two-parter and it’s the very last one before the show finale (or arguably the show finale itself if you don’t want to count “These Are the Voyages…” as canon, which would be understandable). The Terra Prime terrorist episodes do a good job of building and keeping their theme of confronting xenophobia, and I’ve got to commend them for keeping the action consistent, revealing the twists steadily, and mostly giving all the characters something to do!
I still have to nitpick though. There are just a ton of cuttable elements that wouldn’t affect a damn thing if you wrote them out. There’s Mayweather’s girlfriend Gannet, who just doesn’t add much and is contradictory and superfluous by the end. There’s the Enterprise spy, Masaro, whom we’d never met before and killing him off felt anticlimactic. There’s anything Reed learns from Section 31, which frankly would have been more interesting if they’d learned themselves in real time and kept Agent Harris off the callsheet entirely. But all the Paxton stuff: winner.
And so concludes this multi-parter about multi-parters! But don’t worry—if you thought we were done ragging on Enterprise, be assuaged to know that we’ve got some blogtivities in the coming weeks spotlighting it, so you’d best be following along here and on the podcast at SoundCloud or wherever you like to get your podcasts. You can also shuttlepod over to visit us on Facebook. And stop making the Romulans your twist ending—it’s been done to death!
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Dust Watched: Aria the Benedizione
Genres: SoL, Iyashikei, Fantasy // 1 movie (1h) // S01 (x) | S02 (x) | S03 (x) | M01 (x)
After 3-parter OVA “Aria the Avvenire” which focused on the Aria Company and the movie “Aria the Crepuscolo” which focused on Orange Planet, we finally have the last installment to the ARIA franchise in the movie of “Aria the Benedizione” which focuses on the 3-generations of the Himeya Company.
✧ story ✧
As usual, we start out with the misadventures of the new 3 baby Undines who lead us into the conflict of the story. Akira mentions that a gondola, which has been with the company since its foundation, is going to have to be retired as Aika, despite being the new Queen Undine, does not intend on taking it over as is usually the tradition. Azusa doesn’t take this very well, and confronts her teacher over it but doesn’t get a clear answer. After some scheming, the entire cast of characters end up at the retirement ceremony of the old gondola and we see Akira and Aika’s backstory unfold as its told around the campfire. The pacing is slow but engaging. They know when to cut off an emotional scene with a few minutes of filler so you can absorb it all before continuing on with the story. I usually have very low tolerance for slow SoL’s but I never once zoned out or got bored while watching the movie which is a big praise coming from me.
✧ characters ✧
Himeya Company has always felt the most corporate and unreachable among the three. Aika being the future heir of the company is also always present; but its very much on purpose as it’s a very difficult element of her life. In flashbacks we see that Aika resents the expectations put on her and that she feels constantly depressed as she feels like she simply isn’t who people expect her to be as the heir of Himeya. This is where the importance of Akira comes in. Seeing her cheeky grin again was great just by itself, but it is with her help and attitude that Aika realizes that she shouldn’t despise not having inherent talent and instead should focus on working hard where at one point people will not even think that she was ever lacking.
Akira passes her catchphrase and mentality onto Aika: “I didn’t work hard despite being talented. I’m talented because I worked hard.”
✧ art ✧
This movie only consisted of newly animated scenes and it was gorgeous. Especially Neo-Venezia at night, where many of the important flashbacks take place.
✧ sound ✧
Classical music to fit with the Venice inspired Neo-Venezia, as in every installment. Beautiful and melancholic as always.
✧ overview ✧
Honestly, I really needed this movie. It has all the charm of the original series, and is one of the very few slow-moving SoL’s I actually really enjoy. I didn’t grow up on this franchise but despite me not having the nostalgia factor, my heart kind of hurts that I won’t see these girlies again :(
My Rating: 9.5/10
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Almost Had Me Believing It - Part 2

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: Angst, Discussion of drug addiction, mutual pining
Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
A/N: This began as a drunk drabble for the HBC @the-ss-horniest-book-club but the response has been overwhelming! I had originally intended to make a two parter but your enthusiasm for the setting has gotten my creative juices flowing and the story is coming together to be multiple parts. It will definitely be at least five. / Divider by @whimsicalrogers
Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist
You sit up in disbelief, “Bucky!” But he closes the door.
Bucky immediately turns on the shower. He has to get some relief after the show you just put on. Good God, you were sweet. You had kissed him back as if you meant it and your body had cradled him like you were made to fit together. His cock was so hard it was painful. He was sure you had felt it as he had rutted against you. He was ashamed of his actions. When you had moaned he had nearly lost it. He knew you were only putting a show on for Frank, but he couldn’t keep himself from taking advantage and now he feels like the asshole he knows he is. Then the parting remark he lobbed at you as he retreated to the bathroom, he was sure cemented your loathing of him. Punishing himself, he strips and steps under the freezing cold spray.
You sit staring at the closed door. You aren’t sure for how long but, when you finally snap out of it, your movements are wooden. He had dropped you on the bed in the master bedroom. This was his room. You slept in another of the bedrooms. You had assumed since he brought you into his room he intended to finish what you had started in the living room, but now you felt sick as you realized he had only been playing the part. His parting remark had filled you with shame and as did the memory of calling his name as he walked away. You had been wanton, arching into him and moaning. Obviously, Bucky thought little of you.
In your room, you let your tears fall. For three weeks the two of you had tiptoed around each other. Shy smiles and conversation revolving around work had been most of your time together. You thought it was simply because he didn’t know you well, but now you understood that he didn’t want to. That was why he always kept you at arm's length. You tried to sleep, but the phrase he had thrown over his shoulder as he retreated to the bathroom haunted your dreams.
You woke early the next morning feeling as if you hadn’t slept. You head to the kitchen, put coffee on, and gather ingredients to make coffee cake. You needed comfort food.
An hour and a half later the coffee cake was cooling on a rack, you were drinking your second cup of coffee, and Bucky had yet to make an appearance. A soft knock sounds on the front door and you open it to reveal your neighbor.
“Morning, Frank.” You say, confused at his appearance.
“Good morning. I come to beg a favor from a benevolent neighbor.” Frank grins winningly.
“And what would that be?” You laugh lightly.
“A cup of coffee. My pot runneth dry.”
“Sure. Come in. I just made some coffee cake. Would you care for a slice?” You ask as you lead the way to the kitchen.
“Sounds great, Suzie Homemaker.” Frank quips.
“Hardly.” You motion to the table on one side of the kitchen and Frank takes a seat. You move to the counter, slice cake, and pour coffee for both of you. Arms wrap around you from behind and your eyes widen until you realize it’s Bucky.
“Morning, Doll.” He hugs you from behind and kisses the side of your neck.
“Morning, baby,” you sway in his arms before turning in them to grin at him. “Would you like some coffee cake?”
“Mmhmm,” Bucky’s mouth captures yours in an impassioned kiss and he begins to lift you as if to place you on the counter.
“Babe, Frank’s here. He came by for a cup of coffee.” You pull away. Bucky knew Frank was there but he was continuing the show from last night.
“Sorry, man. Didn’t realize.” Bucky grins at the man.
“Don’t feel you have to stop on my account,” Frank chuckles.
“I don’t like to share.” Bucky smiles stiffly.
Frank laughs, “Can’t blame you. How’s work? What is it you do again?”
“Mechanic. It’s good. Business is steady. What do you do, Frank?” Bucky counters.
“Landlord. I own several properties that I rent out.” Frank accepts the plate of cake you set in front with a smile for you. “What do you do, gorgeous?”
“I’m in between jobs right now.” You say demurely, feigning embarrassment.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll keep an ear out for anything coming available. What did you do before?” Frank asks.
Bucky pulls you into his lap, “She was a nurse, but she’s looking to get away from the medical field.”
“Why?” Frank digs.
“No reason.” You say quietly.
“Frank’s our friend, Doll. Maybe it would be good for him to know. Have someone else to help?” Bucky whispers in your ear loud enough for Frank to hear.
You nod and look at Frank with shame written across your features, “I’m an addict. Pain meds. I, um, lost my license because of theft. I went to treatment. Been clean for four months.”
“That’s one of the reasons we moved here. To get a fresh start.” Bucky squeezes you and you smile at him sadly.
“I’m sorry you’ve been through that.” Frank looks as if the wheels in his head are turning.
“Thank you.” You say.
“No, thank you for the coffee and cake. I’ll let you get on with your morning.” Frank stands up.
“Another cup for the long walk back?” You quip.
“That would be great. Thank you.” Frank accepts the cup before heading home.
When you return to the kitchen you sit across from Bucky at the table. “That was well done.”
“Yeah. You played that perfectly.” Bucky said.
“And you steered expertly.”
Bucky looks at you surprised at the compliment, “Thank you.”
“Bucky, about last night…” you stare at him, biting your lip.
“Yeah?” Bucky’s gut tightened remembering how he had taken advantage of you.
“What did you mean by that last comment?”
“Comment?” Bucky was stalling, unsure of what you were asking.
“The ‘you almost had me believing it’ comment. It… hurt. It felt like you were shaming me or something.”
“No! I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant it was convincing. That’s all.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry, didn’t mean to overreact.” You fidget with your hands.
“Are you okay? With what we did last night? I didn’t want to overstep…” Bucky trails off.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Nothing happened that I didn’t… It was fine. A good show, right?” You are near squirming in the chair remembering how he had kissed you and feeling his body pressed against you. You squeeze your thighs together.
“Right.” Bucky says but his thoughts were on how sexy you had sounded when you moaned his name and how much effort it took not to strip you naked in his bedroom. “So, um, what’s on the agenda for today?”
“Gardening. Planting gladiolus bulbs. You?”
“I was gonna do some work on my bike. Maybe go for a ride.” Bucky smiles tightly.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later.” You put your cup and plate in the sink and head for the doorway.
“Do you… wanna go on the ride with me?” Bucky asks suddenly.
You turn back to look at him, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Okay.” He smiles.
“Okay.” You smile as you head to your room.
Part 3
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Almost had me believing it: @farfromjustordinary @iheartsebastianstan @7minutes-tomidnight @thechaoticargonaut @marylimlp @buckybarnesdevotee @janaienaae @its-a-simply-me-thing
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Episode descriptions for Season 3 have been revealed (at least most of them)!
Yes! I don't know why these things always seem to happen while I'm at work or asleep. I suppose I do spend the majority of my time working or sleeping...
Honestly, nothing in the descriptions changes my perspective on any of the episodes I've already talked about. Let's go through the ones I find interesting.
"With Ralph still acting as CEO of WB, the Warners agree to help Nora get her old job back."
This is probably the episode where the Warners get locked in the tower. It seems like the Warners will decide the best way to break out is to get Nora back as CEO and Ralph back as guard, a goal which Nora obviously shares.
"The Warners teach a kid-fluencer the importance of having fun and not growing up too fast."
This is probably "Teeniacs", but notice the lack of the word "teen" anywhere in the description. It also doesn't give any insight into who the girl dressed as Dot is. Possibly, the Warners see an influencer stealing Dot's style, confront her, and end up teaching her something? It sounds like it will take the Warners back to their roots of just being fun-loving kids, which I'm excited for.
"A documentary narrator takes us through a day on the Warner Bros. lot."
This sounds similar to the "The Monkey Song" and "Nighty Night Toons" segments from the original series. It will be interesting to see some slice-of-life stuff, and potentially some other characters we haven't seen much of in the reboot.
"Ralph, Nora, and Scratchansniff encounter alien versions of the Warners."
This could be "Planet Warner", though, as I've noted before, there are multiple leaked segment titles that mention aliens. "Planet Warner" could also be the global warming segment. It makes me wonder if the WB staff will be going to a different planet somehow, or if the alien Warners come to Earth. In the latter case, where are the regular Warners during this? Are the aliens trying to replace them? Sounds fun no matter what. I don't think we've seen any obvious clips of this segment in the trailers.
"The Warners find themselves on a remote island inhabited by creatures that slightly resemble them."
This lines up with the theory that was sent to me. It could be heartwarming to see the Warners interact with more animalistic versions of themselves and probably lead them to freedom. The question of who is creating these Warner creatures and why remains unanswered. I know people have been imagining an episode where the Warners interact with different versions of themselves for a long time, and we're finally getting it.
"The Warners find themselves inside a video game."
Definitely "Ready Warner One." Note that "Ready Warner One" is a two-parter. They really could go anywhere with this, considering how open the concept of Ready Player One is. It might even have nothing to do with Ready Player One at all. It might just be a punny title.
"Yakko has to sing a song about why the Earth is worth saving."
This is the global warming one, but it's interesting that it says he has to sing a song about why the Earth is worth saving. Is someone threatening to destroy it unless he convinces them otherwise?
"The Warners visit an amusement park and find themselves in a sticky situation."
This is "The Stickening". I have no idea what it could be about.
"The Warners give the viewers a safety tip."
This one wouldn't be interesting if not for the fact that it's the last description in the series finale. (The last three descriptions have been from the finale.) Even though they didn't know the show was ending after this season, typically the reboot has had deeper, more story-filled episodes to end their seasons. I'm not really seeing how any of these could be that- they all sound somewhat run-of-the-mill. They'll probably surprise me with one. I also wonder where they'll fit in that "shoehorned ending" they apparently made for the franchise.
Episodes 4 and 5 noticeably don't have any descriptions up yet. It's unclear if that's an oversight or intentional. If intentional, it could be because the descriptions contain spoilers for something they don't want to reveal yet. Slappy isn't mentioned anywhere in any of the descriptions we can see so far. I also don't think any of them match up with the "older Dot" episode I've been so intrigued by.
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With the scripts for “Team Rocket VS Team Plasma!” out now, everything I analyzed in the above posts holds even firmer than ever before. Catalyst #1 (the 3/11 disaster) appears to have only created one true “rewrite” in tandem with Catalyst #2 (Black 2/White 2), and that was to BW066: “Explorers of the Hero’s Ruin”. It is now patently obvious that Team Plasma was going to feature in that episode and that the Golden Dark Stone would mean significantly more than how it ended up, and that “Team Rocket VS Team Plasma!” would have been broadcast at the end of 2011 if the original version of that episode was still in place. But instead, it was rewritten, Team Plasma was removed, and the Golden Dark Stone just left behind where it rested instead of being taken by either Team Plasma or Cedric Juniper.
Beyond that, all Catalyst #1 really did was rearrange the airdates of the episodes “A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition”, “A Maractus Musical”, A Sawsbuck For All Seasons” and “Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita”, with the first and last one also receiving some edits to paper over continuity issues. It’s possible that there were mentions of Team Plasma in the major Team Rocket two-parters that got cut out as well given that Team Rocket taking over Unova before Team Plasma can was meant to be a big motivating factor for them, but we have no way of knowing for sure unless scans of those episodes’ scripts ever surface.
Catalysts #2 and #3 were the big ones; they’re the ones that completely reshaped the game plan for the series, but I still wouldn’t call what happened a “rewrite” since that would imply that the entire series’ episodes had their scripts written at the time of the change, which as the OP shows is not how the process works. Here’s a visual chart that simplifies the facts:
Reminder that “pre-production” includes planning the stories out and writing the scripts, with “production” including storyboarding, animation and musical scoring / voice-acting. Also reminder that each season is only when pre-production or production begins; episode by episode - the process isn’t completed until the near its airdate (thus in the movies’ case, production lasts a whole year). Ex: BW001 starts production in Spring 2010, ends in Fall.
Three noteworthy things I can gather from this:
1. All three catalysts for the Best Wishes series changing course occurred in 2011, the first two practically back-to-back. It’s bizarre to think that back then while I was enjoying watching the show unfold on television, behind the scenes it was getting fucked up. With that said, I reiterate that, while disappointed, I was more than happy to live with those first two catalysts; it’s the third one that I find indefensible and that truly damaged the show in its final inning.
2. BW Movie 3 is a truly sad case, as the basics of all three movies (primarily which Mythic and/or Legendary Pokémon they would focus on) were almost certainly decided on from the beginning, and the final one starring Genesect and tying into the Team Plasma plotline of the show’s third year was always the idea. And yet thanks to that goddamn third catalyst, it ended up being made and released while the show’s third year moved away from Team Plasma, and from Unova in general. That’s why it feels so weird...well, that and the “Newtwo” nonsense.
3. As you can see, the XY anime officially entered pre-production in Fall 2012, just after Operation Tempest aired on TV, along with all the “end of Team Rocket!?” marketing and a viewer contest asking if they’d like to see an old Pokémon of Team Rocket’s return (and Wobbuffet won, as likely was expected by the staff), not to mention the whole Team Rocket radio show and corresponding Twitter account. This is because including Team Rocket in XY at all was undecided upon, so viewer reactions and input needed to be properly gauged. And because the response was overwhelmingly in favor of Team Rocket staying, they made the cut, for better or for worse (IMO absolutely for the better in the long run given Sun & Moon!)
BW Ignorance
A claim repeated often by fans of the Pokemon anime is that Best Wishes was “changed” and “ruined” because of “Team Rocket VS Team Plasma!” being pulled from broadcasting, that this ruined the writers’ plans to an extent that they “literally had to rewrite the entire series”.
This is bullshit.
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#Pokemon#Best Wishes#Reblog#Analysis#Confirmation#Clarification#Executive Incompetence#What Could Have Been#This Show Got Screwed Up
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