#but the only one that ive poured a bunch of hours into.............. is HYPIXEL MINECRAFT BEDWARS
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trainer-sean · 11 months ago
So, this modern au has all the one piece stuff still, like Fishman, devil fruits, minks and all that right?
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @wheryheart-rb AND @staryeclipse WHO WERE EPIC ENOUGH TO LEND ME THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF OVERWATCH T O T!!!! Stary wrote Nami's rant (tho I tweaked it a lil owo) and Whery suggested characters that Nami, Luffy, Franky, Zoro and Yamato could play as! (which u can see below,,, thanks guys <3)
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Anyways I was thinking about a modern AU, but ONLY about what video games everyone would play XD Though I've decided jinbei and brook are the type to not understand pc gaming at all,, so,,,,
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transientwordsmith · 4 years ago
Don’t Fall-- Chapter 9
This is technically a bonus chapter! It picks up right where chapter 8 left off because they were originally going to be one long chapter, but it was too disconnected. This has been a fun journey! | Word Count: ~1300 | Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Ned Leeds | Link to ao3
After finishing breakfast, Tony and Peter saw Dr. Strange out.
“Thank you for this. If you ever need anything, just call,” Peter told him.
Then, Peter got ready to go see that movie he had been waiting for. He was sitting in his room, deciding on a shirt, when he got a text from Ned:
so did you convince mr stark to come with us?
Peter gave a long sigh. A lot has happened since that conversation, he thought. He responded:
no not yet lemme ask
Then he added:
also ive been calling him tony now btw
Peter left his phone on his bed to avoid it buzzing like crazy in his pocket after what he just said.
“Hey Tony?” he called out into the hallway.
“Yeah?” Tony responded from the living room.
“D’you want to come to the movie with me and Ned?”
A moment of consideration.
Peter returned to his phone, and sure enough there were a bunch of messages from Ned:
since when???
peter explain
p e t e r
so is he not coming
is this like a secret thing
Peter smiled and wondered how he was going to explain everything. He responded:
tony’s coming
also ill explain everything when i see you it is a  l o n g  story
Ned responded by sending Peter a facetime request. Peter hung his head in defeat and clicked the accept button.
“You can’t just say ‘ill explain when i see you’! Tell me now!” Ned said. Peter chuckled.
“Wow, impatient much?” he said.
“Yes, I am.”
Peter explained everything from the first Friday to this morning. He explained the moment he realized he couldn’t keep any notes and that nobody would remember anything. He recounted the moment when he realized that falling asleep before midnight was what was resetting everything. And, of course, he explained when he went from calling Tony “Mr. Stark” to just calling him Tony.
“I just realized that it must be such a sudden change for him,” Peter said. “I had a week to adjust, but he didn’t.”
“Yeah, man. I mean, I last saw you on Thursday and you were calling him Mr. Stark,” Ned said.
“Thursday?” Peter said. “But I went to school on Friday…” He trailed off, remembering that the only Friday, May 7 that would be immortalized in history was the one when he skipped school.
“Damn, I’m going to have to make up so much work!”
Ned and Peter chatted for a bit longer before getting off the phone. About 15 minutes later, Peter and Tony left for the movie theater. They went to the store to buy candy first, because the candy at the store is much bigger than whatever you can get at the theater, but they bought sodas at the theater.
They met Ned outside the theater.
“Ned!” Peter called out to him. Ned saw him and they did their handshake. “It’s good to see you,” Peter said, a sincere look in his eye.
“That must have been the longest week of your life,” Ned said. Peter nodded. Tony placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Come on, we’re going to miss the movie,” he said and walked inside. Tony didn’t often show his concern, but Peter knew it was there. Peter also knew he was going to get told he needed therapy after this.
The movie was okay, but not as good as Peter thought it was going to be. It was incredibly predictable and most of the characters were flat. The action sequences were confusing at best, and the indoor scenes were so poorly lit you could barely see anything.
“So how’d you guys enjoy the movie?” Tony asked as they were walking out of the theater.
“It was good,” Ned said.
“Well, I didn’t like it that much,” Peter said. He told Ned what he thought.
“Ok, all of those things are true, but I still liked the movie,” Ned said.
“That’s fine,” Peter told him.
Peter invited Ned to sleep over at the tower that night because he still wasn’t sure he wasn’t going to wake up again on Saturday morning. When they got back to the tower, Tony went to go to corporate business things while the boys played video games.
“Minecraft?” Ned asked.
“Minecraft,” Peter agreed.
Peter played on his laptop while Ned played on the TV. For a while they played on one of their old private servers where they just built whatever they wanted wherever they wanted. They had planned multiple cities there and had built scale replicas of fictional buildings, such as the Death Star or Trump Tower.
Then they moved to Hypixel where they could play games like hide and seek or build battle, which was a lot of fun even though they frequently lost to strangers. During one of the rounds of build battle, “The Avengers” was the prompt. Peter and Ned both tried to convey a chaotic scene in the kitchen, everyone else drew giant heroic statues. Peter and Ned came in last place.
After a few hours, the two got hungry.
“What do you want?” Peter asked. Ned shrugged. 
“I don’t know either,” Peter said. They both thought for a moment. Then, Ned had an idea.
“What if we filmed ourselves making viral food or something,” he suggested. Peter did finger guns at him.
“You’re a genius,” he said.
Peter got on his computer and looked up some recipe trends.
“I can only find ones from 2020,” he said.
“That should be fine,” Ned said.
One recipe for no-churn ice cream looked interesting.
“Does Mr.--Tony even have cream?” Ned asked.
“He has everything, I’m sure he does,” Peter reassured Ned.
Most of the recipes looked too difficult to try at 9.30 pm so they fell back on something it turned out both of them had wanted to try since it became popular: whipped coffee.
“I know Tony has coffee here, he practically lives on the stuff,” Peter said.
It was late, so Peter and Ned agreed to try and find some decaf. It took a bit of searching but at the back of the drawer they found an almost brand new jar of instant decaf. They added two tablespoons of that, two tablespoons of sugar, and two tablespoons of warm water to a bowl. Then they went rummaging through the drawers in the kitchen again in search of a whisk. Once they found one, Peter whisked the mixture until there was a layer of foam on top. A glass of iced milk was poured and the foam was added bit by bit. The boys put in two straws and each had a sip.
“This is good,” Ned said.
“I know, right?” Peter agreed.
After they finished the whipped coffee, they cleaned up and washed the dishes. It was getting late so they decided to move into Peter’s room and get ready to go to sleep. Eventually, Peter got settled in his bed, and Ned got settled on the air mattress Peter set up for him. The pair started chatting about the day. They talked about the movie, about the games they played, and the coffee. And what would happen in the morning.
Peter got hesitant when talking about the morning.
“Are you okay?” Ned asked. “You’re getting all quiet.”
“Yeah,” Peter assured him. “I guess I’m just a little nervous that I won’t wake up on Sunday, you know?”
“I get it. Well, no, I don’t, but I can imagine how you feel.”
After a little while, both boys fell asleep.
And both boys woke up on Sunday.
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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