#but the more i wrote the more the character demanded to keep her name
The Friend You Need
Vi'miel: Human Andrea, did you get any new paper stories to enjoy?
Andrea: Haven't read them yet. One of the magazines *waves the thin bunch of paper around* is from InterGeo about some new species found in the Amazon
Vi'miel: ... new...species?
Andrea: Yeh scientists back home are always discovering new species, particularly in the dense tropical rainforest or non-light portions of our oceans... but sometimes its just something new in that swamp we never thought twice about
Vi'miel: You are not aware of how many species live on your planet?
Andrea: *laughs* no we aren't even close to knowing
Vi'miel: Hm, I suppose I should not be surprised, it is. . . Earth.....we are discussing after all
Andrea: *laughs* You can read the magazine first if you want *pushes it over to him* But look, the other one I got *holds up book* is a story about a Selkie so it might be really fun, always love a little fantasy
Vi'miel: And what is a selkie?
Andrea: ... ah. ... its. um. errr. Have you read about seals from Earth?
Vi'miel: Oh yes I was quite fascinated reading about the cold zones
Andrea: Soooo a selkie is a seal... and a human... they switch back in forth by taking their seal skin on or off. . .
Vi'miel: *slightly confused* Why was this not in the information I read
Andrea: Well because they aren't real its mythol- -
Ryan: *grabs Andrea's wheelchair's handlebars and attempts to move her out of his walking space*
Andrea: *holds breath, shuts eyes tight in fear, and grips her hand rims so tight her skin turns red*
Vi'miel: HUMAN RYAN! What are you doing???
Ryan: Huh, what do you mean
Vi'miel: *stands* You humans always say do not touch without permission!!!! Why have you touched Human Andrea without permission?
Ryan: Calm down, I didn't touch her I moved her out of the way
Vi'miel: And that is touching her!
Ryan: Y'all freak out so much about normal human stuff, no it isn't, relax for once *still has hands firmly on handlebars*
Vi'miel: Human Andrea are you alright? Is he touching you?
Andrea: *very quietly, eyes still firmly shut* yes, please, stop him
Vi'miel: *stands straighter at his 8ft full height and color hue changes to heavily contrast the colors around him, gaining the attention of every Miel in the room* Human Ryan, remove your hands from Human Andrea. Now.
Ryan: *takes hands off Andrea's handle bars* Gods I hate this place fine, you big baby *rolls eyes but leaves ... the stares of the Miel are more unnerving than one would think based off their normal demeanor*
Andrea: *puts head in hands and cries very quietly*
Vi'miel: I am sorry Human Andrea *sits* may I help?
Andrea: *sniffles* you already helped *hiccup* a lot, thank you so much
Vi'miel: *hue returns to a bit more normal blue* Human Andrea, why would a human break such rules? To not touch others I mean.... it is something I have heard humans speak frequently about
Andrea: *wiping eyes with tissue another Miel had gotten for her* well for people like him, either my wheelchair does not count as a part of me... or I'm not human enough for him
Vi'miel: ... human "enough"?
Andrea: Yeh, some people.... *breaths unevenly wiping eyes a bit more* well some people think certain types of humans are less than them .... I don't know how to explain it....
Vi'miel: Human Ryan thinks "less" of your "type" of human?
Andrea: yeh.... and so I don't get the same respect he would give other humans.
Vi'miel: *color hue turns a deep shade of red in sadness* Human Andrea, may I touch you?
Andrea: Yes?
Vi'miel: *uses front appendage to rubs Andea's back* I have seen this help other humans
Andrea: Thanks Vi'miel *breathes a bit easier* I wish I had more friends like you
Vi'meil: ... may I know more about the "selkie"?
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0mg-bird · 2 months
i would love it if you wrote anything with a shy reader and bob, but no pressure!
Two shy characters? I love it.
Shy Reader x B. Floyd
Summary: At the Navy bar your friends drag you to, you come across an aviator who isn’t like the rest of them.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, fluff!, Bob is so cute I wanna put him in my pocket even though I know he’s a grown man.
A/n: I did something a little different than my Jake story, hope you don’t hate it <3
“I really wish we could have just stayed at the restaurant.” You awkwardly laugh as your friends, Ashley and Steff, pull you along with them.
“Oh come on, it’s my birthday so we’re going to get drunk and find a soldier to take home. One for each of us.” Steff says, already slightly tipsy from dinner.
You hide your frown, adjusting your curled hair and fiddle with your top.
You’ve never been into the Hard Deck, that’s what starts off your unsureness. You weren’t one for public outings, you enjoyed the company of your friends but they were always more adventurous than you.
There’s music playing and lots of people mingling, you’re practically hiding behind Ashley, following the two through the bar.
“You need a drink, you’re too stiff.” Ash says as the three of you sit at the bar.
“I’m always this stiff.” You reply, sitting on your stool. “Well, let’s fix that.” Steff giggles before ordering three drinks.
You chat and your anxious feelings subside, as soon as you get to thinking that bar scene really isn’t that bad, you hit a curve.
“God, they’re all so gorgeous.” Ash practically moans and you follow her line of sight to the group of uniforms behind you. They’re all playing pool and talking, all clad in tan and name badges.
“I like…that one- no! Him, yes, the tall one.” Steff bites her straw, motioning to a dirty blond with broad shoulders and great biceps.
Ash hums in agreement. “I like him too.”
“Well it’s my birthday so pick again.”
They have the argument for another minute or so, then as you finally dissociate from them, they’re telling you they’re going to go say hi.
“What? No just stay here…please?” You beg, not wanting to be left alone.
“We’ll be right back, I swear.” Steff says, kissing your cheek. “Have another drink and you’ll be fine.”
You groan and rub her lipstick off your face, then turn to the woman behind the bar. “I’ll have another Long Island, put it on the party girl’s tab.”
She smiles. “Coming right up.”
You blow out a puff of air, then look around. You must look awkward, sitting by yourself, not chatting like everyone else. When your drink comes, you look sip on your straw and look over your shoulder to see if your friends have gotten any farther with the guys they’re talking to. You smile at the way Steff is feeling her guy up, as you go to glance away, something catches your eye.
He’s sitting on a stool, not fully engaged with the rest of the squad. As your eyes catch his stare, he looks away for a moment, then looks back.
A genuine smile he gives you, and then it’s your turn to slightly smile and look away.
Bob’s eyes keep shifting to your seated position across from him, and by the third time of his drifting off, Phoenix is onto his game.
“Are you gonna sit here like an idiot all night or are you going to talk to her?” She asks.
“What? I don’t know what-”
She rolls her eyes. “You’ve been staring at her like a puppy for twenty minutes. Go talk to her.”
The thought of approaching you seemed like a death wish. You were gorgeous, and any other previous times he’s approached a gorgeous girl, it ended with some sort of question about what Hangman was up to.
“No, she looks busy.” He says, looking back to the sunflower seeds in his cup.
“Busy doing what? Stirring the ice in her drink? That girl is bored out of her mind, Bob, go put her out of her misery.” She has a demanding tone that makes him stand, still unsure.
“What’s he doing?” Fanboy asks, noticing the way Bob slowly inches forward. “He’s gonna go talk to the girl he’s been ogling for too long.” Phoenix says.
“You go Bob!” Payback encourages, really just joking.
“Get me a beer while you’re at it!” Fanboy calls.
“Me too!” Phoenix and Payback add.
He walks with hesitation instead of determination, the entire time he thinks it’s a ridiculous idea.
He stops at the spot beside you. “Penny, can I get three beers?”
By his sudden presence, you startle, slightly jumping in your seat.
“Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to scare yuh.” He apologizes. You’re more beautiful up close, timid as you tell him it was okay.
“Why’re you sitting alone? If you don’t mind me asking?” He asks and you bite your lower lip, fighting a smile. “My friends are busy groping your friends over there.” You joke.
“Makes sense. You’re not a fan of their antics?”
You shake your head, nose scrunching. Bob takes in a small breath. “Well, I think it’s a real shame that you’re sitting alone. Why don’t you go back to your friends?”
You like his accent, it feels southern but you aren’t sure.
“Really, I’m fine. I’m not exactly a fan of the attention being on me.” You admit.
As Penny places three beer bottles in front of him, he grabs them up. “I think you should join me.” He rushes out, his tone just as surprised as you are.
“Join you?” You ask, looking to the group. Two guys are shoving each other back and forth, seeing who will fall over first. You’re not satisfied with the idea of involving yourself with that. “I think I’ll just wait for my friends to come back.”
He takes a seat beside you. “Can I join you then?”
No guy has ever been so persistent with you before, you’re not sure what to do. You look at his name tag.
“Okay, Floyd, you can stay but I’m kind of boring.”
He shakes his head. “I find that hard to believe and uh, you can call me Bob, everyone else does.”
Having him up close, you recognize how handsome he really is. Not the obnoxiously attractive that the rest of his crew is, he’s more reserved. You like that. His glasses are quirky and different, making him look all the better.
“I’d hate to keep you from your friends, Bobby.”
No one’s ever called him Bobby before, the way it sounds coming off your lips is addicting.
“Trust me, you’re doing me a favor.” He jokes. “You got a name?”
You look at your shoes and tell him. When he tries it out, you blush.
“I like that name.” He compliments.
“I think it’s kind of boring:”
“It’s not boring.”
You like the way he’s being so kind, most guys would have tried a pick up line by now, but Bob sits with utter curiosity in his eyes.
“So, you from here?” You ask, sucking on your straw.
“No, I’ve lived in Lemoore for a while but I’m stationed here until further notice. I grew up in Kentucky actually, then I joined the Navy and haven’t really been back.” He explains, watching the way you rest an elbow in the bar, then lean your head on your hand. “What about you? Are you from here?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m from up North actually. But I went to school down here and fell in love with it so here I am.”
The two of you are quickly immersed in conversation about childhood and travel and Bob watches you come out of your shell.
“You don’t want anything?” You asked, motioning to the bar.
“I don’t drink.” He explains, though he’s distracted by Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin who suddenly is crowding your space.
“Excuse me, is this guy bothering you?” He asks, joking around with Bob.
“Don’t you have a blonde to attend to, Bagman?” Bob questions, making the man drop his smile.
“I’m getting her a drink, her friend too.” He says before ordering two vodka sodas. He looks back at you. “Your party girlfriends are wanting you to join them.”
As you open your mouth to respond, a shout comes from the group. “Bob! What happened to the beers?”
Bob groans, then stands to gather the beers that have been sitting for twenty minutes. “I should get back to it.” He tells you with a smile, walking away.
You look around, confused. Maybe you put him off, maybe you gave the wrong signals. You grab your drink, finishing it quickly, and before you can second guess yourself, you follow after him.
As your presence is recognized, the crew halts in conversation.
This was a bad idea. You could turn back, it wasn’t too late.
As you go to do just that, Bob speaks. “Hi again.”
He’s motioning to the stool he was going to sit on, offering it to you instead.
You slowly sit, deciding on being brave.
You’re introduced to the rest of the group, and as you remember why you didn’t want to be around the guys your friends wanted to, Bob is there, talking to you so the others couldn’t. There’s plenty of jokes made that you force yourself to laugh at, just so you wouldn’t seem awkward, but the tale tell sign of you constantly checking the little leather watch on your wrist showed you were ready for some peace and quiet.
“You wanna go for a walk?” Bob’s voice is low next to your ear, it makes a shiver run through you.
As you look up, his face is surprisingly close to you. You slowly nod. “Okay.”
In the moment that everyone else is distracted by the two girls who adore the attention, the two of you head for the door. You don’t pull away as Bob clutches your hand, keeping you close as he leads you past people.
The music is immediately quieted as you make it to the fresh air, the gentle sound of the waves coming in is relaxing.
“I don’t love the crowds either.” He says as you make your way across the sidewalk. You’re busy looking out to the sand and waves. “Ash and Steff are really more the fun ones, they can have a good time with a group of people watching…I cannot.”
He likes the sound of your laugh, the way the white moonlight is hitting your features makes you seem radiant.
“I always thought the Navy would make me a more sociable person, I guess it has but I think it creeps people out, how quiet I am.” He chuckles.
Completely content with strolling beside you, he gives off an energy you feel utterly comfortable in.
“I like that you’re quiet, most Navy guys aren’t.”
He playfully squints at you. “You talk to a lot of Navy guys?”
Reevaluating your words, your cheeks flush. “No that’s not what I meant, I just meant that- they’re all a certain way- not that I would know! I have never slept with any man of uniform!”
Bob stands in surprise at your ramble, finding it humorous. As he laughs, you cover your face, embarrassed.
“Hey, I was just teasing. I swear, I was teasin’.” He grabs your wrists gently, prying your hands from you so he can look at your red face. “Come on, pretty girl, look at me.”
As soon as he says it, he feels embarrassed himself. The name just slipped out, he should’ve halted the words, he needs to apologize-
You look up at him, doe eyes and a small smile.
Your hearts pounding, your close proximity to him has you feeling hot. As the low crash of waves mixes with the ringing in your ears, you wonder what it would be like to live on the wild side, to do what people do in bars. If you were brave and stepped out of your shy personality, would he let you kiss him?
Bob’s gazing down at you, he’s trying to figure out what’s turning in your mind. One hand lets go of your wrist, it gently cups your cheek.
“I’m going to be bold.” You state with a determination that makes him nod.
“Okay.” Is all he says.
The hand he has a hold on, goes to rest on his chest. You’re surprised at the hardness of it, sure you knew he had to be physically fit to be in the line of work he’s in, but his body is so unsuspecting, it honestly makes him utterly attractive.
He watches you hyper fixate on your touch on his chest, and the warmth of you is enough to make him feel buzzed.
He doesn’t want to rush you, but every second where you don’t pursue whatever thought you have, is killing him.
You start thinking against it, you don’t want him to think you kiss strangers, it’s not who you are at all. You swallow hard, about to call the whole thing off and tell him goodnight. When you raise your head though, he’s lifting your face to his. You’re captivated, he’s embracing you so tenderly, kissing you with an unsure and unfamiliar passion.
You sigh deeply, he holds your hand to his chest, your free one slides over his shoulder. Slowly, shyly, your lips move against his, falling into a gentle rhythm.
Your heavy eyes are shut, the utter feeling of him is making an electricity flicker through you.
After a moment, he pulls away, both hands cradling your face now.
“Please tell me that’s what you were going to do.”
You nod with a fever. “Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to do.”
He kisses you quickly once more, just to get it out of his system. “What are you doing tomorrow?” He asks.
“Probably nursing Steff’s hang over, but if you call me I’ll do whatever you’re doing.”
He grins, liking the idea.
You continue your late night walk, and inside the bar, Coyote looks to the vacant stool with confusion. “Where’s Bob?”
The crew stops, then looks to the empty space.
“Stealth pilot, I’m telling you.” Hangman says. “This guy is always disappearing and popping back up again.”
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ssajemilyprentiss · 4 months
In the air
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader 
Warnings: Smut, angsty-ish, reader is a bit cold/lacks emotion, Emily is a bit out of character lol (just this once), mentions of death (you know the regular cm stuff), sexual tension (or more like an attempt at it lol), curse words, eating out, vaginal fingering, nipple/breast play, dirty talk, use of pet names, degradation, praise. Let me know if i forgot something - Also MINORS DNI
Summary: When you get brought in for questioning at the FBI and they have Emily interrogate you - the tension between you is instant.
Wordcount: 2k
A/N: Um hello I guess, I’m back lol. It has been a hot minute since I both wrote and posted on here, and tbh I am a lil scared doing this again. Even tho I love posting and writing I have been so uninspired and unmotivated for so so long for some reason. But I will try to post more, can’t make any promises tho lol. 
The beginning of this has been sitting in my drafts for god knows how long and I wanted to do something with it so here I am doing it lmao
Also a reminder if it has been forgotten, english is not my first language - and I would deeply appreciate your thoughts and opinions on this, thanks besties <3
This was requested by the lovely Jas @rafetopia​​​ (you requested this such a long time ago so you have probably forgotten it, and i can’t find your ask either, sorry about that lmao) who wrote the following: “so what if you wrote a blurb or one shot with emily (or jj tbh i don’t really care i love them both) and there are some murders and the reader is the suspect and there’s a hot interrogation session (i’m a sucker for it) but the ending is up to you like if she’s innocent or not (only if you want to lol) i didn’t want to make it too specific so you still have freedom 😅”
I decided to go with Emily for this one, hope that’s fine Jas (also hope it's fine i added the smut lmao) thank you for this request and i hope this turns out the way you wanted to <3
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☽ Want to request something from me? Take a look here
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You let out a deep sigh, crossing your legs for what felt like the hundredth time. The dark, pale interrogation room at the FBI headquarters was freezing cold and you feel yourself getting goosebumps from the chilly atmosphere. How long had you been sitting here? An hour? Two? Who knew? No one had told you anything yet, and none of the agents who showed up and arrested you had come in. Just as you’re about to uncross your legs the door opens and a grey-haired goddess of an FBI agent steps inside the room, her commanding presence immediately taking over the room. She takes a seat across from you, not saying anything. She stares deadpanned at you but all you can think about her eyes - dark brown, almost black, and you feel how you could get lost staring into them. The next thing you see is her nose, straight and pointy - one of her defining features for sure. Your eyes move on to her lips, they are full with a hint of red - red is definitely her color. You keep staring at her lips, biting your own lower lip as you do. You sit in silence for you don’t know how long, until she breaks the silence by clearing her throat. Your eyes shoot up from her lips into her eyes once again, and you see a sly smile forming on her mouth before she starts talking:
“My name is Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss, I’m a profiler with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit” she takes a breath before continuing “do you know why you’re here Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Actually I don’t” you reply, your lips forming a small smirk “but please agent, do enlighten me”
“You are here on suspicion of murder” 
“Murder?” you retort, raising an eyebrow
“Correct, murder” she replies, tossing pictures on the table - but you keep staring into her eyes. 
“Look at the pictures” she demands
You do, and see yourself in all of them - together with different women. You look up at the agent again with a blank expression. 
“Do you recognize the women in the pictures?” she asks
“Well yes I do” you reply
You point to one of them “That’s me right there” 
“‘I mean the other women” she retorts annoyed
“Oh, silly me” you chuckle “well yes I recognize them too”
“Go on” she says
“Well, as you can see I’ve met them all” 
“Doing what?”
“Do you really wanna know that, Agent Prentiss?” 
“Go on” she encourages you “What about her?” she asks, holding up one of the photos
You look at the photo for a while, it’s of you and one of the girls you had met - what was her name? Mia? Sophia?
“She was a pleasure”
“How come all the women you have met turned up dead just a few days after meeting you?” she asks, her tone accusatory 
“Don’t know” you reply, shrugging your shoulders
“This isn’t a game Y/N, people are dead” she says, venom lacing her tone
“Don’t you think I know that?” you scoff “well I didn’t kill them”
“Where were you on these dates and times?” she asks, sliding a piece of paper with them written down towards you
“Well I can tell you that on all these dates I was very busy” 
“With what?” she asks
You bite your lip again before answering “Well I was with my very good friend Izzie”
She sighs “And you were doing?”
You lean back in your chair, keeping your eyes fixed on hers as you do “You know the usual - shopping, drinking coffee, eating”
“Eating what?” she asks
You chuckle lightly “We were eating a lot of things, if you know what I mean” you say as you raise an eyebrow at her. You see how she takes a second, thinking about what you’re saying, but if your answer startles her - she doesn’t give it away. 
“To be fair Y/N” Emily sighs “I’m getting kinda tired of this” 
“Likewise” you reply, crossing your arms
Emily leans across the table, staring into your eyes. Her hands firmly gripping the table, and you imagine them gripping your body instead. You are woken from your fantasy by her hot breath right next to your ear. You feel the hairs on your arms raising and how wetness starts pooling between your legs.
“So why won’t you just tell me the truth, like a good girl” she whispers, nipping lightly at your ear
You take a sharp breath, exhaling shakily and not daring to move a muscle. 
“Tell me Y/N” she whispers again “do you want to be my good girl?”
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. She chuckles lightly and tuts
“None of that now, I want to hear you say it” she whispers
You whimper lightly and swallow, just as you’re about to open your mouth the door opens and you and Emily get away from each other, she sits down in her chair composing herself. You sit back in your chair, feeling out of breath. You lock eyes with a tall grumpy agent who stares deadpanned at you. 
“You’re free to go Ms. Y/L/N” he says
“What?” you ask, shocked
“You’re free to go” he repeats “your alibi checks out”
You get up from the chair and as you’re about to leave the room you stop right by Emily’s ear and whisper:
“That was fun, we should do it again sometime” 
You don’t give her time to reply, swiftly exiting the room. On the way out you feel all the other agents staring at you as you walk past them, but all you can do is smirk - thinking back at the moment you just had with Emily - and how you need to get rid of the wetness between your legs the first thing you do when you get home. 
The sun was shining outside the BAU, and you close your eyes taking a deep breath. You felt your phone vibrating in your pocket, picking it up you see your uber is on its way. You close your eyes and exhale once more, but before you know it someone is behind you and pushes you against the wall of the building, their hand on your throat. You feel your air supply being cut off and open your eyes in panic, and there in front of you is the grey-haired goddess of an FBI agent once more. She releases the pressure against your throat a little, but keeps her hand steady. You gasp for air as she leans towards you. 
“Listen here you little slut” she says “I don’t think you’re as innocent as you make it look, but to be honest right now I don’t give a fuck”
You don’t answer, focusing on your breathing
“But what I’m more interested in right now is to keep our little party going” she says, backing away “If you want to?”
You raise an eyebrow at her, but can tell from the look on her face that she is serious. You chuckle, looking down at your feet with a sly smile - you look up again, meeting her brown eyes and reply:
“I’d never thought you’d ask”
She pulls you inside her apartment, dragging you towards her bedroom. She pushes you against the wall once again and presses her lips against yours. You moan into her mouth as your hands caress her body, reaching her breasts. 
“Let me take your shirt off” you pant into her mouth
She pulls away and you pull her shirt over her head, and then do the same with yours. You take off her bra while she does the same with yours. She trails her kisses along your neck, and you throw your head back, giving her full access. She stops by your pulse point, sucking hard on it. You close your eyes and moan as she does, your hands finding her breasts. You start rubbing one of her nipples between your fingers, causing her to moan against your neck. She keeps trailing kisses further down on your body and reaches your breasts. She takes one of your nipples in her mouth, circling her tongue against it. 
“Holy fuck” you breathe out “keep doing that”
She chuckles lightly against your nipple before pinching it lightly with her teeth, making you yelp. 
“Lay down on the bed” she says
You obey, laying down on your back
“You’re so wet for me, aren’t you?” she asks, smirking
You lick your lips and nod, staring up at her. 
She lowers herself, trailing kisses along your stomach down towards your pussy. You feel your clit pulsing and wetness dripping between your legs. 
“Spread those legs for me” she says, and you obey instantly “let me see that pretty pussy of yours” 
She starts kissing your inner thighs slowly, just brushing over your clit lightly when she switches from one leg to the other. 
“Please” you pant, putting your hands in her hair directing her towards your clit “Please stop teasing and fuck me”
“As you wish princess” she says and start sucking forcefully on your clit, making you moan hard of the instant pleasure she gives you
“Such a good girl” she says against your clit, and you thrust your hips forward, looking for more. She chuckles softly and starts licking up and down your slit, and she easily slips two fingers into you - thrusting them slowly. 
“Harder please” you pant “I’m gonna cum”
She picks up her pace, her thrusts becoming more determined, and your eyes starts fluttering from the overwhelming pleasure that is approaching you
“Cum for me” she husks and circle your clit once more, your orgasm washing over you like a wave of pleasure 
“Fuck” you breathe out as she starts lapping up your juices
She kiss you and you taste yourself on her tongue, and then you flip her over - with her underneath you this time
“My turn” you coo and lick your lips, pinning her wrists above her head as you caress one of her nipples with your tongue
"So perfect" you murmur "Perfect tits. Perfect ass. Perfect everything" 
You work your way down her body, kissing her 
“Please” she breathes heavily “I need you”
“Where do you need me?” you ask, kneading her breasts once more 
“Inside” she whimpers “your fingers inside”
You lick a line along her slit, tasting her wetness 
“My my” you chuckle “do I make you this wet?” 
“Yes” she groans “please just fuck me”
You slide two fingers inside of her, thrusting them slowly as you lower yourself towards her clit and take it in your mouth. She moans deeply and arches her back, and you start picking up your pace. 
“Please” she breathes “need more”
You add another finger smoothly, and let her adjust a little before you start thrusting again, and you curl your fingers at her g-spot and start circling your tongue on her clit again - feeling her walls clenching against your fingers
“Yes” she cries out “just like that, I’m cumming” 
You pick up the pace, flicking her clit harder and thrust your finger faster. 
You feel her orgasm taking over, and she cries out from pleasure. You keep thrusting, helping her ride out her orgasm. When she has calmed down you slip out your fingers and take them in your mouth, cleaning her juices from them - and you moan once again from her taste. 
The two of you crash down on the bed next to each other, panting heavily. 
“That was good” she whispers
“So fucking good” you reply and she chuckles at you, turning her head towards you
You stare into Emily’s dark brown eyes once again, the first thing you had noticed about her when she walked into that interrogation room what felt like an eternity ago. Whatever lies behind those beautiful brown eyes is one mystery you would spend your entire life solving. 
Taglist: @rafetopia / @ssa-sapphic  / @sweetmidnights / @alexbllake / @emilyprsntiss / @sleep-deprived-athlete / @jemilyssecretlover /  @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos / @cmslvtt / @phatcrackdad / @rookie-prentiss (this taglist is sooo old, so i'm sorry in advance if you don't want to be tagged, just let me know and i'll delete you <3)
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everalii · 15 days
Sebastian Sallow/ AFAB!MC one shot
The person who dosed Sebastian clearly didn't know what they were doing, but Claire's not complaining...
Warnings: characters are aged up to 18y, 7th year Hogwarts, explicit depiction of sex, slightly dubcon, use of alcohol, poisoning, swearing, petname, semi public sex, no protection, mentions of sexual abuse.
The ages doesn't follow my headcannons
Not proof read, no beta here, we die like Solomon. Read at your own risk.
I've wrote this in literally 2 hours of insomnia, I had a dream of something like it and decided to write. Also, English is not my first language, is not even my second, so please be kind to me.
MC is a Hufflepuff and her name is Claire, since is my character's name. But feel free to imagine any name and any house since no other trait is described.
Also, Ominis will have a stroke, I'm feeling it...
Be happy, I loved to write this one.
Despite the cold chill in the autumn weather, Hogsmead was heated with the Halloween celebrations. Many people out and about during October 31st, wearing masks and costumes all around, children running with sweets and treats. But the true gathering was in the Three Broomsticks.
Sirona was getting insane with the orders. As much as she loved the full house, she wasn't truly expecting that much of patrons.
Claire was sitting at a table in the second story of the bar with Poppy, Natty and Imelda, chit chatting about the latest quidditch match, much to Imelda's happiness. The Slytherin girl already had a few butterbears, and her voice was getting louder and louder. She looked over her shoulder and spotted Sebastian and Garreth sitting a few tables away, begging for help from afar.
Sebastian chuckled and took a sip of his drink, listing to Garreth's ramblings. Claire could only see Sebastian walking away, probably to the restroom, while other two Gryffindor girls approached Garreth. It didn't took long before they left and Sebastian got back.
The night was brilliant, some other patron got really drunk and started singing terribly in the staircase, some laughed, some groaned in despair. Claire had a few more drinks, and a last firewhiskey shot with the girls after a very long Truth or Dare game, until Ominis showed up in a huff.
- Claire! I need your help! - he shouted as he fisted his hands onto the table, breathless. Poppy hid herself under the table, earning a true laugh from her friends. - Please!
- Whoa, what happened? I thought you weren't coming to the celebration, you know, too much noise? - Claire was trying to keep her thoughts narrow.
- Sebastian is gone! - He shouted, dragging Claire outside - Garreth and he met me at Steepley's, he wasn't acting like himself, flirting with every eligible woman that crossed our way. I went inside to pay my bill and when I returned, he wasn't there!
- And where's Garreth? He was with you! - The Hufflepuff stated, as the pair reached the main square, her blood went cold at the thought of Sebastian gone. She spotted Garreth pacing back and forth. - There he is.
- Garreth, tell her! - Ominis demanded. The Gryffindor looked uneasy, and swallowed hard.
- Claire, I swear I was out for mere seconds! I went to Honeydukes stands real quick. I didn't even got in the shop, but when I came back, he was gone. - he turned to Claire - I'm sorry, I thought he'd wait for us, he usually do.
The trio swept Hogsmeade searching for Sebastian, with no success. Garreth decided to go back to Hogwarts, just in case. Ominis went to the Three Broomsticks to ask for Sirona's help and hurried back to Hogwarts as well, and Claire was searching in the outskirts of the village. They would keep their owls close to send a note if some of them ever came to find Sebastian. It didn't took long before Claire received an owl from Garreth: he was at Hogwarts, but something was truly off.
As she reached both Garreth and Ominis, who was the first to arrive, she noted Sebastian wasn't with them.
- Alrighty, where's him? - she asked. - I'm truly worried with him.
- I talked to him by the Great Hall, and he said he would go to his dorm. - stated Garreth, until interrupted by Ominis.
- Again, you let him slip through your fingers, you bloody idiot! He's not at the Slytherin common room, I just came from there.
- We'll find him! He can't go out at this time anymore. - the red head defended - But his eyes, I know when someone is under the influence of a potion. The pink hue around the pupils is a clear sign, someone dosed him with some kind of Amortentia, that's why he was acting strange! I don't know when, but someone gave him an ill brewed love potion.
- Oh Merlin... what will we do? - Claire worried.
- We must take him to the Infirmary and ask Sharps help. Whenever there is a problem with Potions, Blainey calls him I'll go talk to him. You both go find Sebastian, and bring him to the Infirmary. Claire is the best shot we have to find him, he's not in his right state of mind, so he might try something, beware.
- No bloody way she'll be the bait! - the blind boy angered.
- I will, Ominis. He won't listen to you. I can take care of myself, and Sebastian. I won't fail! Let's go.
Ominis went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, maybe his friend was wandering around in the Undercroft. Garreth hurried his way to the Gryffindor tower to beg for Sharps help, they'd be waiting in the Infirmary corridor.
Claire went to scan the library, where she spoke to Madam Scriber, and for the first time, he wasn't causing trouble among her precious books. The Hufflepuff decided to take a bold shot and ran to the Clock Tower, asking every awakened portrait if they've seen the boy. That was dangerous, she didn't knew if would have the strength to contain herself if he pushed his luck. "He might try something, beware"
And there he was, lost in his thoughts, admiring a school crest near the Potions Classroom. His hair unkempt, his blazer open and his tie wrapped around his fist. Claire could finally breath, she called for him, and he looked at her way. She couldn't beat the goosebumps and the heat building inside her, he was truly a vision.
- I've been looking for you, everyone was. What are you doing here? - she asked as he walked closer. She could feel her heart sink deeper at every step of his. His dress shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his stern gaze was not helping in any way. There is no possibility that she was also dosed with Amortentia, right? Or it was only the terrible passion she harbored for him? - I was worried.
- No need to worry, love, I'm right here. - his voice was raspy, and Claire could see the pink hue in his eyes, as Garreth said. Sebastian took in her hand and pulled her closer, his face hoovering over her head when he stared at her lips. She shrieked, making him laugh. - Such a sweet darling caring for me like this, all worried and flustered. I might catch feelings, you know?
- Ah, no, and I think that is improper. - she stated, trying to pull her hand back. Sebastian's grip on her arm grew tighter, but not to the point of hurting. - A-are you alright?
- I'm good, love, but better now. - His calloused hand reached her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb. Despite his demeanor like a hunter to a prey, his sweet words and actions were indeed getting in the way. - I like you, you know. Really do, Claire.
Claire trembled and gulped hard. This was a bad idea, she should've listened to Ominis. He was right, he was always right. She needed to take him to the Infirmary, but how? Sebastian's eyes grew pinker as he stared at Claire, she shut her eyes, and he leaned his head so his lips were to meet hers. But it never happened. Claire moaned and opened her eye to see him grinning at her.
- What are you smiling at?
- You're beautiful, love. Promise you're going to moan again for me like this, huh?
Sebastian closed the distance between their lips with a slow yet burning touch. Using a hand to steady her head, he licked her lips, asking for a free pass. Claire's mind was floating above her head, her body melting into his, sweet old dreams where she kissed him returning to her mind like a hurricane as she stated that the dreams made him no justice. He gently pressed her back to the wall with his body, deepening the kiss while exploring every corner, his other hand roaming through her figure eagerly.
- Fuck, I need to have you right now. - he purred, taking a light breath before ravaging her mouth again.
Claire felt something hard pressing on her lower belly, and everything hit back to her head. What was she doing? She gently pushed him away, trying to regain her breath. Sebastian smiled and leaned in again, but Claire stopped him.
- I have an idea. - she truly did. Claire wasn't oblivious to the men erection, and she could use it as an excuse. - Someone might see us here, we should go to the prefects bathroom, I've reserved for myself tonight.
- What are we waiting for, then?
He took her hand as she took the lead to the Clock Tower. They walked in silence, only Sebastian's heavy breaths and soft whimpers were to be listened.
He hugged her from behind, lacing her waist with his arms as they reached the base of the Tower, a very common ground for the members of Crossed Wands. He snorted in her ear, pressing kissed on her earlobe. She could feel him stiff as a board in her bum. Gods, am I this bad to earn such punishment?
The kisses lowered to her neck, and she almost lost her step, being only held by his strong arm around her waist. Sebastian balanced himself at the door of the upward stairs. He leaned at her and bit lightly at the exposed skin, causing goosebumps on Claire's entire body.
- Sebastian. - she huffed in hurry - I've told you, the prefects-
- The prefects bathroom is yours for the night, I know. I'll try to behave. - He finished the sentence in husky tone, and allowed her to take back her balance.
Again in silence, they hicked up the staircase. Claire looked over her shoulder only to see him staring indiscreetely at her figure, she felt another goosebump, but this time he didn't even touched her.
His sultry looks were definitely going to be the end of her, she was sure. She turned to face him for a little when they reached the third floor. Sebastian took the opportunity to pull her in his arms, chuckling lightly at her surprised expression.
Sebastian ghosted his lips on hers, teasing a little, and leaned for a deep kiss, trapping Claire at the banister. His lewd touches were more agreesive, squeezing her hips and outer thighs. He positioned his knee between her legs, pressing her center lightly. Claire cried loudly in his mouth at the touch, and he couldn't hold back a smile.
The Slytherin pulled her skirt, slowly caressing the bare skin above her knee. She gasped and pushed him away to take a breath. This is getting ridiculous, I can't take it.
- Seb-
- Claire, please, I'm so desperate for you. - he pressed wet kisses on her neck, his hand threatening to hike up her skirt. His eyes light and magenta as a fwooper feather - You can feel me, can't you? We'll go to the prefects bathroom, I swear, but please, love, just a quick thing. Or else I'm going mad here.
- Someone might see us here, let's go there, we're close. - she tried to throw him some sense. But by the way he legs were wobbling and the inside of her thighs were wet and hot, she was trying to throw herself some sense.
- Not at this time, no one really comes here now. Come on, love, you want it as bad as I do. - his hands finally reached her most secluded spot, felt the warmth and wetness dripping from her. He coarsed a desperate gasp - Ha, fuck, you really want. Bloody hell, Claire, feel what you do to me, two fucking years living this torture is cruelty.
Claire's mind went blank when his fingers ghosted the thin fabric of her undergarments. She decided it was enough.
- Just a quick thing, nothing more. - she stated in a hushed tone. - I've been wanting this too...
He smiled and nodded, licking his lips and delving into hers. Sebastian lifted her and pressed her body against the stone wall, never ceasing the kiss. Claire wrapped his hips with her legs and buried her hands in his brown locks. He struggled a little setting the suspenders loose, but managed to set himself free from the tight confines of his trousers.
Sebastian was quick to set Claire's legs loose, yanked the undergarments off as she stands, and pick her off the ground. His member pulsed against her heat, both gasped at the touch. She was already so wet, so needy, he didn't wasted time positioning himself at her entrance and pushed slowly into her.
Claire felt a sting and trembled at the sudden intrusion, clawed her nails into his shoulders, steading herself on his arms. Sebastian peppered her cheek with soft kisses once he realized she was adjusting to his size. Not that he was a very big man, but clearly the biggest she ever had.
He allowed her some time to get used to feeling, and began moving his hips forward cautiously. Even in the haze of an ill brewed Amortentia, he was still a gentleman. Well, tried to be. Claire's huffs slowly turned into very soft and airy moans, Sebastian knew he could speed up a little.
In and out, back and forth, Sebastian was lost in his own pleasure, drawing his attention only to the feeling of her walls contracting around him and the lewd sloppy sounds of their skins against each other.
- Claire, fuck, I wasn't prepared for you to be this tight. - He moaned shamelessly in her ear. Claire moaned in return.
His pace began to falter, and he sank his teeth in the curve of her neck. He was close and could feel she was also close. Claire's pleas were now a high-pitched moan.
- Ah, Bash, please! I can't-
Claire squeezed her legs around him and trembled ferociously as she came undone on him. The feel of her contracting even more, to the point that she was strangling him deliciously, made him reach his climax and painted her insides with his white hot seed. He pumped a few more thrusts before leaving her, reveling in his high.
Sebastian held Claire until she was able to fully stand and leaned against the wall as he readjusted and refreshed his looks. They took some time to calm themselves from the high, he embraced Claire and gave her the sweetest kiss possible, cupping and caressing her cheeks.
- Off to the biggest tub possible for the students, love? - he asked with humour. Claire laughed lightly, and kissed him, entangling her fingers in his hair.
- Yes.
He laced their fingers together and hicked up fast to the fourth story.
Too bad for them, they'd never reach the prefects bathroom.
- Sebastian... - she stopped him in his tracks before opening the doors of the prefects corridor. - I'll never forget this.
- Me neither. - he responded sweetly, pressing a kiss on her temple.
Sebastian opened the door to the corridor, revealing three tall figures. He tried to keep his calm, informing he was just accompanying his prefect friend. Ominis, Garreth and professor Sharp were dead serious when they reached him. Claire took a few steps back.
Ominis and Garreth binded each os Sebastian's arms and dragged him forcefully. The professors took a look on Sebastian's eyes, and nodded. Sebastian looked back at Claire in distress, not understanding what was happening.
- Both of you, let me go! - he demanded, but his words were ignored.
- He didn't forced anything, did he? - professor Sharp asked dryly. Claire forced a steady stance as she stated a simple no. - I don't want to interrogate, miss Beckett, but if-
- I said he didn't forced, not that didn't tried. He did took no for an answer, despite trying to convince me otherwise. - she declared. Professor Sharp seemed content with the answer, since he didn't pushed the topic anymore.
Claire could hear Sebastian shouting he needed to come back to her, and after a few minutes... complete silence. She went to her dorms straight away, she could have a shower in the Hufflepuff bathrooms.
The next day, Claire woke up to a terrible soreness between her tighs, and some marks left on her neck, which she tried to conceal with a touch of makeup. Poppy noticed, but chose to refrain her inquisition. Ominis asked her at some point what happened, and the only answer she could give was "I failed".
That was context enough for him to understand how miserable she felt.
A couple of weeks later, Claire was avoiding Sebastian whenever she could. Whether she was hurdled by her girl friends, or occupied in the little greenery prison of the Hufflepuff common room with a very long essay to write. Nurse Blainey stated that Sebastian lost his memories of what happened during the effect of the potion, a side effect apparently, but she was still apprehensive, scared and ashamed of what she did.
Sebastian would never spot a chance of speaking to her alone. One day she was his best friend, apart from Ominis, and now she was avoiding him for no reason? He knew he got sick from some drink he had at the Three Broomsticks, but nothing happened. So he thought.
The Slytherin, tired of running around her like cat and mouse, sat with her during Charms, stealing Natsai's place. Claire tried to reason, but considering that Garreth pulled her friend away, she noted that there were some scheme going. Most of the class went uneventful, a plain silence between them, until...
- Long time no talk, huh? - he broke the ice-cold wall between them. Professor Ronen was happily chatting with Duncan, a happy distraction.
- The saying is "long time no see", I believe. - Claire stated, coldly and avoiding his gaze.
- Considering I've been seeing you and not talking to you, against my will I must state, I've altered the phrase a bit. Simple, I'd say. - he responded cynicaly. - So, what happened? I got sick and you got icked of me? How cruel, love.
- Nothing you need to know. Can we go back to class?
- No, and I do require to know. What happened?
Claire deadpanned. What should she say? That she used him when he was vulnerable? He'd hate her forever, and even if she deserved, she couldn't bear the thought.
- Nothing. I just took you to the Infirmary when you were sick, that's all. - she answered, avoiding the truth. Sebastian gaze darkened. - Really, I'm just tired of the prefects routine.
He leaned to her, getting dangerously close, and waited until the class bursted into laughter with some of professor Ronen's banter. He dismissed the class, they'd be free from classes now. The entirety of the students roamed free and Sebastian took hold of Claire so no one would get near until they've endend their conversation. He pushed her closer to the Clock of the Undercroft.
- Just for your knowledge, I remember everything.
The colours were drained from Claire's face, her heart sunk with the realization. He remembered? How? Before she could run away, Sebastian caged her between is arm and corner of the corridor. He raked a hand through his unruly hair and sighed heavily, a blush spreading on his cheeks.
- Nurse Blainey said you wouldn't remember almost anything. - she spoke.
- Good thing she isn't a legilimens, right? I could play with the symptoms easily. But yes, I remember... Every single moment. - Claire was about to pass out at any time. Sebastian pulled her closer discreetly. - There were nothing that happened that I didn't wanted. I guess the potion only messed with my morals and ethics, not with my desires.
- I beg your pardon?
- I meant everything I said that night, and every single word. - His voice faltered, and the blush heavied across his freackled face. - You're really a... hard problem for me for the past two years.
- ...I must be dreaming. This must be a dream. Or nightmare. Soon Peeves will come with some prank, always happens in my nightmares.
He chuckled - No nightmare here, love. And definitely no Peeves. If I remember correctly, you wanted too.
- Don't start...
- I have an idea. I heard about someone who reserved the prefects bathroom for tonight. - He played, flirting shamelessly. She barked a laugh in disbelief. - Off to the biggest tub possible for the students? This time you'll take me there, right? Hopefully, there's no deviat plot against me.
- The plot was to save you, beetle-head. But, yes, I'll take you there. - she tried to hold back a smile. Sebastian rested a strand of he hear behind her ear, as me smiled back.
- I'll be waiting for you, love.
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thechaoticdruid · 8 months
Welcome to my humble party!~
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[My Astarion Fanfic Masterlist]
Just call me Druid since I really have no intention of revealing my real name for the foreseeable future.
I decided to make a masterlist just to help organize my stuff!
~Original Characters for story or RP stuff~
Winnifred The Druid -My Tav
Arva Nightshade -Winnie's closest pre-tadpole friend.
Fi The Hornless -A talented bard and a member of Arva's pack. She helped look after a juvenile Winnie.
Elora Ancunin -Under developement...
RP Note: Winnie is currently open to answering questions from all of you beautiful people! She is an open book so do not be afraid to ask away! Astarion may even make an appearance in the reply depending on the question. No he will not bite you, Araj! Just make sure to label your ask; Dear Winnie, Question for Winnie, Hey Winnie, I dare Winnie to, etc, and we will let the fun begin!
More NSFW type questions are accepted, but only by people who have their age visible on their blogs. Minors attempting to ask or anons without any age identification will be blocked/ignored. (Also let's try not to ask anything too gross okay.... I'm into some weird stuff but you know limits, my dude.)
~During campaign Winnie fics Masterlist~
[Click Here Darling~]
~Multi-part Fanfics~
[This Bites] Astarion x Chubby Female MC
A young woman ends up literally stuck with a fictional vampire from her newest video game obsession! She now must deal with keeping him safe and hidden all the while dealing with stress from her shitty stepdad.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Valentine's Day Special: Eat Your Heart!
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] (Fem) Tav x Astarion(s).
Astarion and his lover Tav are happily together after defeating Cazador and freeing 7000 vampire spawn into the Underdark. They are now preparing to take on the Elderbrain when an Astarion look alike, claiming to be 'The Vampire Ascendant' appears and demands the Spawn hand Tav over to him.
Parts: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
The Spawn vs Tav vs The Ascendant: A smutty one-shot that doesn't really take place in any particular time during the events of TSvTA. MDNI 18+ (Though if I'm honest it probably takes place post story.)
[Firsts] (Named!Fem! Tav x Astarion) Winnie has noticed her vampiric companion had been acting much more aggressively flirtatious lately. Of course, he flirted with everyone, this was common sense. But ever since Winnie had given him a taste of her blood it seemed she was the main target of his affections. Which quite frankly confused the hells out of the young druid. He couldn't actually be interested in her? Could he?
MDNI 18+ There is smut! The second half involves the Tiefling party!
[1/2] [2/2]
[Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts] (Chubby F!Tav x Astarion) After failing yet again to find a good lead on the Ring of the Sunwalker Tav and Astarion return to their current and hopefully temporary home in the Underdark only to be greeted by a distress signal from an old friend and an invitation to extravagant soiree hosted by an eccentric stranger!
Chapters: One ,
~Headcanon lists!~
[Astarion x chubby!reader headcanons!] (GN! Reader)
[🍿Watching movies with Astarion!🍿] (GN! Reader)
[BG3 companions babysitting your kids!] (GN! Reader)
[Telling the companions baby news!] (GN! Reader)
[Meet the Parents!] (A fun little writing challenge I put together. I wrote up headcanons of Astarion meeting my Tav's parents and Winnie meeting Astarion's parents.)
[Astarion's Teddy 🧸] (A little HC about Winnie giving Star a plush.)
[All Wrapped up!] A short AstarionxF!Tav Christmas one-shot inspired by my God-awful ability to wrap presents.
[We'll Protect Each Other] While staying at an inn in the Underdark Tav and Astarion are forced to protect each other. Tav defends her lover's honor which later leads to a visit in the night from a familiar face. (Protective! Tav x Astarion One-Shot.)
[The Bite Scene] A rewrite of Astarion's bite camp event with my Tav, Winnie. It was basically a draft from my abandoned long fic.
[The Monster Hunter] Happens right before the The Bite Scene. It's a rewrite of the encounter with Gandrel out in the bog. Another draft from my abandoned long fic that I just decided to share.
[Indulging Curiosity] (F!Tav x Astarion SMUT MDNI) After a particularly bloody battle with a pack of gnolls Astarion finds himself rather hot and bothered seeing his favorite little druid absolutely drenched in blood. Unable to help himself he invites her to join him for an evening of pleasure where he indulges in some of Tav's sexual curiosities.
[Seriously, now!?] (Named!Tav x Astarion, period comfort fic) After causing a scene, embarrassing and being shouted at by the party's own resident wizard, Winnie storms off alone to sulk. Her monthly bleeding is upon her and making everything seem so much worse! But perhaps her vampiric lover can make it all better? (MDNI, slight smut at the end.)
[Forever] A requested rewrite of the camp event where Astarion's siblings come to kidnap him, but featuring Winnie!
[Delicious] (Named!Tav x Astarion) While camping in the Underdark the tadpole crew gather around the fire telling stories to pass the time. One way or another they turn into tales of old lovers. Which brings up a curious question? How come Winnie had no lovers before Astarion? (MDNI SMUT AT END)
[This Bites] Comment on the latest chapter to be added!
[Winnie during BG3] Comment here to be tagged whenever I drop any fics that take place during Baldur's Gate 3 campaign!
[The Spawn Vs The Ascendant] Comment here to be added to the taglist, but hurry! This fic will soon be complete!
Ao3 Account Though most of my stuff will probably be updated here on Tumblr first!
Blog Rules ig: Okay so I normally try to promote positivity it's why my fics are mostly comedy based. That being said, anyone who comes here acting like an asshat is getting blocked. I don't tolerate homophobia, heterophobia, biphobia, panphobia or really any kind of discrimination towards anyone's sexuality. Transphobic behavior is also unacceptable and will result in a block. Racism, or sexism of any kind is also not tolerated, understand? We're all going to be friends here. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Hi, friendly neighborhood Druid here. My ADHD gives me a shit ton of trouble writing so I'm real iffy about doing requests of any kind. That being said, I'm currently only taking specific requests involving Astarion x my Tav Winnie where I rewrite a scene from the in game campaign. I've already done the Tiefling Party so that is out of the question. And so is anything post Act 3 final boss. I'm also honestly just open to chatting through the asks.
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blackbat05 · 2 months
Unexpected Refuge
Detective! Joaquin x Bookstore Owner! Reader
Plot: Your book store is a place of refuge for those seeking knowledge, and shelter?
Genre: PG-13
A/N: K-drama giving me ideas once again. Also SDCC 2024 announcements?!!! Just blew my mind🤯 Excuse me for the poor execution, really wrote this on a whim. Also realized that Joaquin was a character I wrote before I went into a mental health crisis😂 How time flies~ (Tag update because I am a nuisance: @tom-whore-dleston)
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The man pants heavily as he darts into the nearest alley. Shouts of anger and thinly veiled threats were getting closer. He’s proud of his stamina but he can’t keep running away from them. He needs to recover his energy.
But where?
A light shines up ahead and without a second thought, the man races towards what could be his potential temporary safehouse.
There were no customers inside. Just plenty of books, and a wide-eyed woman blinking at the hurricane of a man that just stormed her store.
He hurriedly digs into the inside of his coat, showing his credentials.
“I’m so sorry, my name is Joaquin Torres. I’m a Detective and it may sound crazy to you but I’m being chased by a group of Gangsters and I could really use some shelter.” His plea comes out in rapid fire.
The poor woman takes a quick look at his badge and for a brief moment, Joaquin believed that she was going to toss him to the dogs.
“This way.” She leads him further into the store and opens a latch on the floor that leads to storage. “In here!” She commands with urgency.
As soon as Joaquin is safely tucked away, she locks the latch and places stacks of books on top of it. The door flies open and the same Gangsters rowdily burst into the store. Joaquin feels a tinge of guilt. He can’t imagine how her store must be tossed upside down thanks to him.
What he didn’t expect was the woman holding her ground and demanding the Gangsters to leave as they apparently ruined one of her newest books that was just bought in.
“And stay out!” She screeches before flipping the sign to inform customers that they were closed for the day.
“Um…” The woman reverts back into her bashful form that Joaquin was amazed at her acting skills. “They’re gone. You can come out now.” The door opens and she helps Joaquin out.
“Thank you.” Joaquin doesn’t know what else to add. His shoes are suddenly very interesting.
“I thought you were lying about being a cop.” Her voice is soft and gentle, causing the insides of his stomach to do a couple of flips. “I guess not. Those guys were scary.” The tension breaks and Joaquin grins at her becoming flustered at the attention he was giving her.
“You can stay here for a while more. To make sure.” She offers.
Joaquin really wanted to. But if he didn’t get back to the precinct. Sam will have his ass.
“I would love to but my partner’s waiting for me. I should probably go.”
She nods in understanding, “Of course. Be careful.” The two walk to the door and she pops her head out to make sure that the coast was clear. She smelled like berries and vanilla.
“Coast clear, officer.”
He liked the way it sounded on her lips. He didn’t want it to be the last time.
“Um… would you like to have dinner sometime?”
She raises her eyebrows in question and Joaquin hurriedly explains, “It’s not what you think! I just wanted to thank you for today. Really. You saved my life. Not many people do that. I usually do most of the saving- I guess I should shut up now.” He observed her amused expression as he continued to ramble.
“Sure. I know a great steak place.”
“Hey Barnes! Torres here has a date! Any tips?” Captain Sam Wilson, loud as ever whenever he felt like heckling his best friends follows Joaquin around like a wart on his foot.
“Leave the man alone, Sam.” James Barnes gives him the middle finger. Cool blues turning to Joaquin, “Just be yourself. Everything will be fine.”
Yeah, not exactly reassuring either.
The old fashioned way it is.
Joaquin finds himself standing in front of your bookstore with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He catches your eye and you give him a sign to give you a couple more minutes as you cleaned and locked up the place for the night.
“Thanks for waiting!” You rushed out in sunflower colored dress, looking radiant. He swears his heart thumped loudly against his chest. “I was surprised to get your call.”
“Well, I made a promise.” Joaquin leads the way to the Steak Restaurant where you had the absolute time of your life chatting with the boyish detective in front of you.
“Oh my god! That really happened?” You laughed, tears forming in your eyes. “It seems to be like a recurring thing going on in your team.”
The two of you headed down the street after that sumptuous meal. Your hair is tousled all over the place and you feel like you’ve just ate a whole cow, but Joaquin doesn’t take his attention of you for a second.
As he recounts another mishap during a undercover mission with Sam, a wolf whistle rings through the air and a figure, no- three of them appear from the dark alley, each looking more menacing then the other.
Joaquin’s mind kicks into overdrive instantly and feels you tense up against beside him. He instinctively moves forward to shield you from them. But they’re not blind.
“Look who we found… Detective Joaquin Torres and oh! I see you got company.” The middle one leers at you and Joaquin has the urge to punch it off his face. You give his hand a squeeze, as if to reassure him to do whatever he needs to do to get these suckers.
As quickly and quietly as possible, you take out your pepper spray and ball your fist to conceal it from them.
“How is it that you three assholes show up at the most inconvenient timing?” Joaquin distracts them.
They smirk at each other and Joaquin lunges forward to take the middle and left man onto the ground, leaving the last as easy prey for you to pepper spray him to your heart’s content.
What you didn’t expect was the man to wildly brandish a pocket knife, nicking you in the process as he swings it around.
“Ah!” You hissed loudly, clutching your left hand. Joaquin immediately turns his attention to you and swiftly takes the third man down with ease.
He dials in a number and police cars arrive in no time to take the men away. Joaquin jogs over to you while a uniformed policewoman helps to bandage your hand.
“Let me.” He smiles and thanks his colleague for the efforts and works on finishing the job in silence. You can’t read minds, but you could guess.
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” You reassure him.
Joaquin doesn’t say anything. He lets out a small exhale. So you try again.
“In fact, I feel pretty badass. Don’t you think?” You gently pry your hand away and show him your now bandaged hand proudly, grinning from ear to ear.
The Captain jogs over, giving a pat on his back. “Came as quickly as I could. Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Thanks Sam.” Joaquin reassures. Sam nods, his gaze falling onto you.
“This is the girl you couldn’t stop talking about?”
“Ok, Sam. Stop.” Joaquin pleads, trying to push him as far away from you without much success.
“He was asking me how to impress you! Hey? I didn’t get your name though!” Sam yells over his shoulder, making you laugh at their antics.
“Y/N! I’ll see you around Sam!”
“Oooh I like her already, don’t fuck up Torres.”
“Leave!” Joaquin has to push Sam into the car and makes his way back to you, looking sheepish.
“Sorry, about that. Sam can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.”
A pocket of silence fills the air and you have to know.
“You were trying to impress me?”
Joaquin blinks. He momentarily opens his mouth and comically looks like a fish out of water. “Did it work?”
“Well…” You pretend to tap your chin carefully and Joaquin squirms in his shoes a little. “You impressed me the moment you came bursting into my store seeking for shelter.”
You laugh at Joaquin’s groan. “Not the answer that I was expecting.”
You give him a peck on the cheek and Joaquin momentarily freezes. “Is that a better answer?”
He holds his hand to the cheek that you just left a kiss on. For a moment, you’re scared that you’ve fried Joaquin’s internal circuits to respond coherently. But he breaks into a foolishly but adorably big smile.
Joaquin holds you by the waist and brings you closer to him and gives you a kiss of his own that leaves you spinning senseless.
“One hundred percent.”
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hi! It's so great to see someone writing for good old mc. Can I get the boys (by that I mean Nathaniel, Castiel, Lysander, Kentin and Armin but feel free to left some out if that's too many characters) talking to Candy's pregnant belly? Ofc feel free to ignore if you are uncomfortable with topic of pregnancy or kids. Also have a great day!
The HSL boys talking to Candy’s pregnant belly
N/A : Heyy! Thank you for being so considerate in your request, it's lovely of you ! It was fun to write ! Thank you for your request and have a great day as well darling !<3
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He would totally sing to Candy’s belly. Whether it is a Crowstorm unreleased song or a little lullaby, he’ll do it and you can’t convince me otherwise. Perhaps at the beginning it would be at Candy’s demand and he’d act annoyed/bothered but don’t let him fool you : he loves it. At some point, he’d just do it. Like if he’s writing a new song or anything, he’d sing it to Candy’s belly (and to Candy as well ofc). Double audience for my guy now
However better not tell anyone about this or he’ll get a bit embarrassed. He likes the fact that these moments are just between him, Candy and their baby. It’s just so intimate to him so he feels like this would ruin it a little if Candy starts to tell or brag about it to other people (as if she would tho)
Not but for real, just picture him singing Hakuna Matata to Candy’s belly (PLS this is so wholesome and funny at the same time, I CAN’T)
Also I think he would be the type to randomly interact here and there with the baby like, for example, when complaining about people (‘cause we know he does that sometimes) « God, people sucks ! Not you though, mate. » Cute 
After a while, when he feels completely comfortable with talking to the baby and that you’re both used to it, he’d be more emotionally open and would say things like « Can’t wait to meet you mate » or if it’s this kind of day when he doesn’t want to come off as too sentimental he’d go for something like « You’re gonna love Pancake » or « Pancake is so impatient to meet you buddy ! » (the dog is a good cover, right ?)
That said, I just know that Castiel would always refer to the baby as « mate » or « buddy » (any nicknames like that honestly) even if you guys already choose a name. Why ? Well because he believes it makes the situation less cheesy but (in my humble opinion), it just makes it even more adorable
He secretly wishes for his baby to be able to recognise his voice but pretend that it’s not that important to him (it is). As if he was trying to bond with his child even though they’re still in the womb lol. So behind this chill facade that he keeps on, if the baby moves or kicks while he’s speaking or singing, he’ll instantly get so excited (forget about being embarrassed, he’s to thrilled for that at the moment) and it would be the cutest thing ever. Ofc Candy would tease him a bit about it but bold of you to assume that this is going to stop him
He might even break his own rules and go brag about how his baby reacts to his voice.
And now he can’t wait to hear them in return.
Oh Lord ! This man, I can’t. Lysander talking to Candy’s belly would be the sweetest thing ever. 
Just imagine : Lysander reciting the most heartfelt, passionate and soul-stirring poem (that ofc he wrote himself because this man has it all y’all) kneeled in front of Candy’s belly. 
Honestly Candy would be tearing up at this sight (just as I am imagining it, Lysander truly is a gift) and when he notices that he would just place a kiss on Candy’s belly before kissing her forehead and take her in his arms. So freaking sweet. 
Lysander’s poetic (rizz) talent isn’t just a myth. He’s the embodiment of poetry if you ask me and he certainly has a way with words. 
Between him and Castiel, it’s some creative boys that we have here. How lucky
That said, be prepared for him to constantly write poems about Candy and their child. He has now two muses so his inspiration is doubled
Also, I feel like when it comes to choosing the baby’s name, he would just say the names in front of Candy’s belly and see if there’s a reaction inside. Just because he kinda wants his baby to choose their names somehow
Ofc he would sing to Candy’s belly. I mean with his angelic voice (as it was mentioned more than once in the game), how could he not ? 
I think Lysander would not feel ashamed to talk to his baby (unlike most of the boys at some point). Not in the slightest. And it make sense because since when Lysander care about what people think ? The only persons that matters to him are the persons he loves and they would never make fun of him or judge him for that. 
And of course, he'll be the greatest dad ever (his kids won't ever relate to Daddy issues by the Neighbourhood or Family Line by Conan Gray, that's for sure)
 Ok so with Armin if you expected heartfelt speeches or sentimental words from him, you’ve come to the wrong place. We don’t do that here lol (However, out of topic, I think Alexy would do that for him though as the invested uncle and the drama-queen he is, and ofc Armin would laugh at him)
Don’t assume he doesn’t talk to the baby though. He does and does it a lot. 
I don’t know why but I can picture him telling Candy to sit next to him while he plays LoL ( for example) and explaining how to play a game to her belly or tell everything  about the Zelda lore (idk about you but that’s funny to me)
Candy might even get annoyed at some point but Armin will joke saying that they need to educate their child as soon as possible (little does Candy knows that Armin is only half-joking lmao)
He is totally the kind of guy that will address to Candy’s belly without explicitly showing it just to mess with Candy. Let me clarify : for example he would say something and it could be anything really and Candy would go « huh ? » and « I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to them, duh. ». But it’s all fun and games, nothing mean obviously
Or also, when Candy curses for whatever reason, he would act so shocked « Oh my God ! Have you heard what Mom said ?! » (pls someone stop this guy)
It still cute because, Armin’s playfulness is part of his charm and more than often it makes Candy smiles so everything’s alright and the baby could hope for a cooler dad.
Over protective dad. I won’t argue with anyone about this, I just know
You know these « dad-like speeches » where they swear they’ll always be there for you and protect you with their life ? Well that’s Kentin on a daily basis
And keep in mind that for now, the baby isn’t even out of the womb yet. My guy is rea-dy to deal with it lol
It’s actually very sweet and knowing how Kentin always felt ignored or despised by his father, it is very important for him that his child knows that they’ll can count on him no matter what
He wants to be someone they can rely on and that’s why he says it often to Candy’s belly. That way he’s sure that they know (well not really but you get the point)
I don’t see him speaking with a baby voice though because he’ll feel a bit shy about it (it’s actually sad when you think of it but most guys are embarrassed about doing things like that. That’s a shame if you ask me but let’s go back to the Headcanon before I start ranting about societal issues and how Toxic masculinity ruins lives)
But when Candy is asleep, that’s another story 
He’s just so happy that he and Candy get to have a family of their own after all this time
I mean, this boy has been in love with her for so long so the idea of having a little one as a result of this unconditional love ? My boy is over the moon right now so let out the baby voice 
That was before he got caught by Candy one night and he became so red that it looked like he got instantly sunburned
But let’s be honest, he can’t stay embarrassed in front of his girl for long because he knows she loves him as much as he loves her. Therefore, he never shied away talking to his future child from now on. 
So, we know that Nath doesn’t want children. That’s canon. However for the sake of this request, let’s say that he reconsidered and changed his mind (probably after months and months of therapy) 
I think of all the guys, Nathaniel is least to be talking to Candy’s belly and there’s multiple reasons for that : First, he would be embarrassed (yeah, again). Even if he knows he can be vulnerable in front of Candy, he would cringe at himself if was to do something like that (why do I get the feeling that Nath is so easy to cringe lol ?). The other reason would be that he’s still processing and that the baby’s arrival feels so far away yet (forgive him for that, he’s not exactly known to be in touch with his emotions)
But then, as the fateful moment approaches, all his attempts to gaslight himself into believing that everything will be perfectly fine seem to fire back at him
That’s about when he starts to get insomnia. Most nights, he would be just laying in bed, tired and ready to meet Morpheus with Candy already asleep by his side when this chest-crushing anxiety would take over him. « Will I be good enough ? Patient enough ? Caring ? Will I be enough ? ». Really these thoughts terrify him and slowly drive him crazy (add to that the sleep deprivation)
He categorically refuses to tell Candy about it because he knows she has enough to deal with (pregnancy is a trial of life, so I’ve heard) and he doesn’t want to be a burden to her (poor baby). And it’s not like he’s gonna ask life advices to his dad because this man might be one of the worst father figures you can think of and Nathaniel want to be the opposite of this man in terms of parenting. Candy can tell something is bothering him but getting this boy to talk is far from easy
So, one night when he’s laying wide awake in the middle of night, he can’t help but to stare at Candy’s belly and instinctively, puts his hand over it. A so gentle move that it could barely be felt, as if he was scared to wake the little one (and Candy as well). 
Then without knowing why  he wants to tell his future child that he’ll do his best so, in a whisper, he makes this promise. And then he makes another one and keeps going naturally. All whispers. He asks himself if these promises are for the child or for himself until he feels something timidly moving under his hand.
He could barely feel it. To the point he thought he imagined it. But it didn’t matter. Somehow, he felt relieved. About what ? He couldn’t be sure about this but maybe it was a sign that his baby knew that he was trying.
After that, it would become a habit. Every time he would struggle to fall asleep he would whisper to Candy’s belly, hoping that the baby hears (even if sometimes he tells himself that it’s ridiculous but who cares if it is after all ?)
He’ll never tell Candy about it or not before a while as he likes the idea that this is him and his kid’s secret and he know can’t wait to meet them because he doesn’t want to let fear keeps him from being the father they deserve
(𝖮o𝖿, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗀𝗎𝗒 ! 𝖡𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗂𝗍, 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖺 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇’𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍𝗒 ? 𝖭𝗈𝗍 𝗌𝗈 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗈𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗇. 𝖧𝖾'𝗌 𝖺 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗉𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝖻𝗀) 
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And there you go ! Hope you enjoyed it ! there might be mistakes but I wrote this at 4am instead of studying for my Italian exam because why not eheh (this was much more fun to do) This is a first (and I am struggling) but I think it's pretty okay
See y'all soon and wish you the best ! <3
PS : Here's a little song recommandation ‘cause I can & it’s a good song ! It's called Run Away to Mars by Talk and I thank my labo teacher for recommending it, she's a sweetheart !
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existslikepristin · 1 year
This is completely unrelated to the fic I was working on last week, and also unrelated to... anything else I've ever written. It was almost just a joke between me and @buddysmut ... but then I wrote more than I thought I would (buddysmut has 100% permission to steal this and any concepts/phrases/etc in this due to basically suggesting it, btw). This is 0% effort, 0% editing, and 0% giving a shit. So, enjoy?
Tags: Gfriend, Sowon, another "anonymous" character, trashy porn script, TECHNICALLY no smut despite deepthroat and titty play... nah saying it isn't smut feels like the wrong call to make for legal reasons, this is very bad smut
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Sowon sat on her grubby couch, reading the only script her agency could get her. "What the fuck? Dammit, I can't do this! This is... Dammit!"
Open scene on Sowon in security line at an airport.
[Officer] "Ma'am, please lift your arms above your head."
[Sowon] Complies. Her cropped tank top is short enough that the action reveals her areola. Linger on underboob shot as Officer slowly demands for Sowon's name and bra size.
[Officer] "Ma'am, you're going to need to come with me to the pat down inspection area."
[Officer] Roughly grabs Sowon by the arm to drag her to an open area, within full view of the rest of the security line. Informs the crowd that they will need to wait for the inspection before proceeding.
[Officer] "Ma'am, are you carrying any weapons?"
[Sowon] "No, officer! I promise!"
[Sowon] Squeezes boobs defensively.
[Officer] "Don't lie to me, bitch! These are too big to be natural!"
[Officer] Pulls Sowon's hands away. Angrily gropes Sowon's boobs. Linger on groping shot.
"What the fuck?! They can't even follow a logical plot... Why do I care?!"
[Officer] Pats Sowon down very slowly.
[Note] Jiggle boobs as much as possible.
[Officer] "We'll need to strip search you. Remove your top, bitch!"
[Sowon] Complies.
[Note] Squeeze boobs with tank top while removing. Allow to drop and bounce.
[Officer] Lifts, separates, bounces Sowon's boobs. Linger on all shots.
[Note] Crowd extras are taking pictures in the background.
[Officer] "Impossible! These feel natural! I'll need to taste them to make sure."
[Officer] Licks, sucks Sowon's boobs. Linger on all shots.
"If they want to linger on every shot, why do they need to keep saying it?! Fucking idiot perverts!"
[Sowon] "Officer, please! I promise I don't have any weapons!"
[Officer] "Don't talk back, bitch! What are you? Drunk? High?"
[Sowon] "No!"
[Officer] Covers Sowon's mouth.
[Officer] "I said not to talk back, whore! Get on your knees for a breathalyzer test!"
[Sowon] Complies.
[Officer] Presses dildo to Sowon's lips.
[Note] Do not use the small dildo again. Ratings fell dramatically last time. Dildo must be thirty centimeters long to leave room for handling, flexible, and at minimum four centimeters in girth.
[Officer] "Open wide!"
[Sowon] Complies hesitantly.
[Officer] Inserts dildo until visible through Sowon's neck.
[Sowon] Gags.
Sowon held a hand over throat, gulping with fear. "No... no way..."
[Officer] Thrusts dildo for a few seconds at a time, occasionally releasing so that Sowon may cough throat slime onto her boobs. Spreads throat slime over Sowon's boobs.
[Officer] "I can't get a good reading if you resist, slut! Comply with my instructions!"
[Sowon] Masturbates with a hand in her shorts.
"That... Nothing like that was in the contract!" Sowon threw the script onto the couch. Her phone buzzed insistently.
"What do you want?!" she shouted into the microphone at her agent.
"Where the hell are you?!" came the equally emphatic response, "Filming starts in half an hour, and you need makeup, now!"
"Half an...! The shoot isn't until Friday!"
"Exactly! What day do you think it is? Get down here now! If you're late, I'm not sucking off the director for you again! You're doing it!"
Sowon hung up and sprung off the couch, rushing downstairs and onto the street. She caught a taxi and was on her way. Timing was tight, but if the makeup artists were fast, she'd be good. She shuddered to imagine what her members would think of her if they knew she was taking a trashy porno gig to make ends meet. Her phone buzzed again, briefly this time.
A group text from Yerin to all of the members, along with a picture. It was a selfie, with Yerin dressed up as an airport security officer, winking into the camera, on a set Sowon had seen very, very recently.
got an acting gig baby! dunno who my costar is gonna be but i get to pump her up if you know what im sayin!
Sowon buried her face in her hands, suddenly feeling sick. "Shit..."
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donkeytonk · 3 months
Crispin (Toast) Amell is a character that belongs to @iamaweretoad. This story follows an RP thread that we made together in 2018, but you don't need to know that story in order to read this one. I'm not usually a writer, but the gardener mage Sula has stayed in my imagination all these years. Please consider this my Toast fanfic, because I love him (and miss him) very much.
When Sula had been a girl in the Circle, she could never get enough food.
“Ethel, can’t I have some more? I’m still hungry!” she would plead.
“Good!” the old woman would snap. “That means you’re still alive.” But invariably she would give the little girl her own portion to finish, the same thing that Sula later did for her own apprentices.
Fleeing in the forests, far away from the abundance of her garden, the little children were always hungry and Sula would pretend that she could not finish. “Oh, so many beans and I’m just too full to eat them. Will you help me Flora, Miles?” By now she had learned the skill of hunger.
You don’t need food, you just need some more water, Ethel’s words always reminded her.
Fasting is good for you.
Fasting keeps you healthy from time to time.
It’s good to be hungry. It means you’re alive.
Sula had never understood the older mage’s words, and she remained skeptical of their truth. There was much of Ethel’s wisdom that she passed on to the children, but the benefits of starvation was not one of them. The elder’s past must have been particularly wanting.
At home she had been surrounded by grain, fields as far as she could see. Beyond their little cottage garden everything was grain, tall and green and shining all the way to the sea. It was taller than herself and she could not see over it, but with a special touch she could cause the stalks to bow before her, clearing a path that was just her size. The first time she had discovered this skill, she had run through the field with her arms spread wide, laughing with glee as the stalks parted in withering curls. It felt as if she ran for hours making maze paths, circles and spirals.
But after that, of course, everyone had been angry. The man with the black beard had always frightened her, and he yelled at her father about putting a sun on her forehead. She had not known what that meant at the time, but when he demanded that they “give her to me!” she ran to the house to hide in the cupboard. Then during the night, her mother had roused her from bed to get dressed, and she was taken away. She could not remember what lie they told her but she thought then that it was temporary, just some good people to protect her for a while, just until the bearded man calmed down. There was a man in armor that made her feel peculiar and anxious, but they told her that he was there to make sure she was safe.
And now she had the power to nurture growth in those fields. Her parents could have bought their own land within a couple of years with the wealth of grain that she could have produced. But she had nearly no memory of who they were, not their names nor their village. They had just been mama and papa to her. They never wrote or visited. Would they have welcomed her home if they knew of her skills now?
But the other members of the Circle became her family, and she was proud of her ability to provide. There had been such lean years in her younger days, but with her innate skills and the knowledge of Lene, the herbalist, they had managed to make the courtyard garden flourish. They had started with Lene’s medicinal herbs, and the villagers were pleased to purchase tinctures, tonics and oils ostensibly blessed through magic. Locally their Circle earned a reputation as fine herbalists, and best of all, for the Chantry, it all brought in more money. There was not much land within their enclosure, but somehow, through the promise of more income, they were allowed to purchase a field nearby where they started to grow their own food: grain and vegetables, beans and berries, and they even made a little orchard. Lene taught Sula how to preserve fruits for winter, how to dry and store the fat tubers, how to save seeds and take cuttings for new propagation, as well as her usual medicinal mixtures. Sula taught Lene and the apprentices how to dessicate weeds with a touch, how to enrich the soil’s goodness, how to extend its moisture, to increase a plant’s vitality, and how to warm and encourage growth day by day.
In the forest they were constantly hungry. There had not been enough warning time or else they could have brought more food with them. Every day and every night when her stomach tightened, she thought of her orchard and vegetables. The villagers would probably take it all, but they wouldn’t know how to nurture it. They wouldn’t know to pinch off the tops, would they? Did they know how to trim the branches? They would descend like locusts and eat everything. They wouldn’t know to save the seeds, and the collection would be lost forever. It had taken her years to acquire them all. Some of them came from places she had only heard of in traveler’s tales.
And her stores! Dried apples and pears, almonds, all the different beans still on their racks, preserved plums in bottles buried in the cellar, frostberries dry and in crocks with spirits, fresh peas and dried peas and peas in spiced oil, hazelnuts and their paste, dried apricots, the long plaits of onions and garlic hanging from the rafters, all the tubers harvested and covered in straw, the starts for next spring, the seeds in dry pots, the seeds in wet sand, the rare seeds in her treasure box, the sunflower seeds for planting and eating. The wheat, barley, amaranth, sedgeseed.
“It’s all right, you finish it,” she would tell the youngest children. “It will be our secret, promise?” Fasting is good for you. You don’t need food, you just need water. Ethel had lived through lean times. The older mages too needed all the strength they could get, hunting, clearing paths, scouting for safety. A gardener has no work on the run, so protecting the children became her primary duty. Her body remembered how to go without.
I’m hungry!
Good, that means you’re alive.
Dear old Ethel, what hunger did you survive?
And then they had found the dead soldiers and their empty fort. There was only one man still alive there, and he seemed not to mind a relief of his duties. There were barracks and beds and stores of food. Mora made them a stew the very first night, and everyone ate their fill and more. There were clean clothes and blankets, fresh water, enough time for rest, and three weeks of peace.
Sula began to think of starting a garden. There is hope in a garden, thoughts of the future in a garden, plans for life in a garden. Two weeks of life full of possibilities. Some dried peas and wheat in the stores were still viable, and she could search for dried berries in the woods. She found a spot near the well where grass was still growing green. The soil must be good there. That would be her garden. One week of preparation and winter planting.
The Inquisition soldiers had started a fire in the fort while they were asleep and attacked them as they fled for safety. She had told the children to follow Bennet, the eldest. There were only five of them now: Bennet, Sal, Deidre, Flora, Miles. Bennet wanted to fight, but he seemed to understand that getting the younger ones to safety was paramount. She should have gone herself. What had happened to them? How had Miles gotten separated from the rest? Had any of the other children been killed too? Had Bennet or Sal carried them away to die in the forest? Had Bennet been wounded and Miles came to find her? She had promised that she would be right behind them.
Why had she thought she must bring her staff?
Because she was just a gardener. She did not have the fighting skills or expertise of the others. In spite of years of training, she was no fighter. But with the aid of her wooden staff she thought she might be able to protect the children, perhaps, if their little group was not directly attacked. But now, in the face of utter loss, she knew that she would have been useless to save them, with or without that damned staff. There were too many soldiers and a much stronger mage. If she had gone with the apprentices, at least she could have died trying. At least she would not have outlived Miles.
Instead she had been trapped in the doorway, knocked down by the falling timbers and her arm pinned to the ground. How she had screamed as the fire climbed her arm! And still there was no one to help her. Screams were everywhere in the fort and outside of it and no one seemed to notice hers. She could not even remember how she managed to escape, how she had managed to flee to the woods. She could not remember anything until a soldier stood in front of her aiming an arrow at her heart, a soldier with an Inquisition mage at his side.
With her mana drained by the enemy mage and her good hand tethered to a soldier’s belt, she was helpless, useless, defenseless. She could do nothing with her bandaged arm, although it was slowly healing under the other mage’s attention. He was a healer. Why couldn’t she have been a healer? What use was gardening if her people died by fire and arrows? And now she would be killed too, or worse, made tranquil, alive in body but not in spirit. They would put the sunburst on her forehead and her personhood would be lost; she would become a mindless slave with no will of her own, a dead thing living on for years. There would be no more Sula Ronoy, just a body.
When the Circle had fled to the forests, they had never marched this much in a day. They had had to pace themselves for the children while the faster ones scouted ahead. These soldiers were used to long marches though, and they kept going on with no sign of flagging at all. Sula had never walked so much in her life. The female soldier dragging her along was the same one she had met the first morning after being captured, one who seemed to particularly hate mages, even their own healer Crispin. Perhaps she hated everybody. Sula certainly hated her.
But finally the sky was growing dim and soon there would be no light to see their way. They stopped for the night.
“Sit there,” the woman ordered, pulling Sula to a spot near the edge of their campsite. As Sula sank to the ground in relief, the woman pulled the tether on Sula’s wrist and lashed it to a tree.
“I need some water,” Sula begged.
“You’ll get some later.” And the woman left her, clearly glad to be rid of her charge.
Finally, Sula was alone. The soldiers were nearby, setting up camp and starting fires, but no one paid any attention to her. Her feet ached, her arm ached, her entire body ached. But now that she was still, her grief overflowed like a broken dam and drowned every bodily sense. Her friends were gone forever, the only family that she knew in the world. Her little boy was dead. Two of her friends were dead. She would be tortured for the deaths of those other soldiers until they broke her to betray her friends. They would make her say terrible things, and then they would hunt them down and kill them all, even the children.
We don’t kill children, their mage had said. But they did.
She could not even wipe her face with her good hand, tied as close as it was to the tree. It didn’t matter. She let the tears fall and she wept, curled on the ground in the mud of snowmelt.
*** “Mage! Wake up and eat.” The woman kicked Sula awake and set down a bowl of something hot. She was already walking away as Sula struggled to sit up. She looked at the bowl with confusion at first, reaching out the awkward paw of her heavily bandaged hand and tugging at the tether that trapped the other.
“Wait,” she called as the woman joined her comrades. “I can’t eat like this.”
The woman snorted. “Oho, does madam need a golden spoon?” The other soldiers laughed as she mimicked a bow, then she sat down to fill her own bowl. One of them called her by her name: Eklund.
“I can’t eat with my hand like this,” Sula insisted.
Eklund rolled her eyes. “No one said I’d be a wet nurse to feed a baby. Wait for your mage to come and help you.”
The healer mage who had betrayed her into this fate? The man who had lied when he promised her freedom? He was on the far side of the campsite. He had stayed away from her during the day’s march, and now he was continuing to keep his distance. Perhaps he had saved her life by treating her burned arm, through all its tortuous pain, but his prize was her capture for the Inquisition. He had used his power to drain her of her mana so she would be helpless and harmless. She was in no hurry to see him again.
Should she lap up the soup like a dog? In spite of crushing grief, she was hungry. The exhausting march had left her ravenous. But her bandaged hand could do nothing more than prod the bowl as it sat on the ground. She would have to wait. Fasting is good for you.
She awoke with a scream and tried to sit up, panicking, pain burning both of her hands. Her body was frozen but her hands were on fire. She screamed again as she discovered she could not move them.
The biggest most fearsome guard came rushing over, but for now his face was full of concern. “What is it?”
“My hand, I can’t feel my hand! It’s burning!”
The other soldiers were still sitting around their fire. She could not have been asleep for long. Eklund grumbled “She’s having nightmares and it’s barely even night yet.”
The big man stared down at her bandaged hand. “Oh. I’ll go and get the healer to take a look.”
“No! No, no, this hand!” She looked at her right hand tied to the tree. “I can’t move it, I can’t feel it! Please! It’s too tight!”
He hesitated, perhaps wondering if it was a trick, but when he touched her hand he could feel that it was hot and her fingers so swollen that they could barely move.
“Damn it, Eklund, you can’t tie her hand so tight! Sorry, missy. Don’t fret, don’t cry, you’ll be all right.” He was searching for the knots when he was interrupted.
“Rennick, what’s going on?”
Sula looked up and through the blur of her tears she saw the red hair of the healer mage Crispin.
“Oh, Mister Toast, the apostate girl was just complaining her hand was sore. I think it just got too tight here, I’ll fix it.”
And then she was released from the tree. The big soldier Rennick left her in the care of the healer who crouched down to examine her. He observed the swelling, the heat, the redness, and sent a cool glow from his own hand to hers. “Can you make a fist? Can you open and close your fingers? Move like this. It will feel better soon.”
Her panic subsiding, Sula nodded as she stretched her sore hand.
Crispin looked around and said “You don’t have a blanket?”
“Where would I get a blanket?” she retorted, tears still coloring her voice.
“I’m sorry. I’ll make sure that you get one.” He noticed the bowl of soup. “You didn’t eat?”
“How?” she demanded. “I couldn’t even pick it up.”
“I’m sorry. Here, can you hold it now?” He held it out for her good hand, now with enough slack in its tether to allow her movement. She reached out and awkwardly gripped the bowl. “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.” His voice was dull and officious. He stared at her as she took a sip, and then he abruptly rose and left.
The broth was already cool as she drank it, but there were pieces of tough meat still warm within, and she was able to eat them with her fingers.
Rennick was sent to deliver a blanket.
On the second day her mind was fixed on what she would say under interrogation. There was no point in silence or denial. She would need to tell a convincing story, since the truth had not been enough. The officer had accused her of killing the soldiers, and then – was it afterwards? – he had asked her about blood magic. She was not a blood mage, but if it would save her friends to confess it, she would say that she was. She would take the blame for killing all the soldiers, but she was not even sure how such a thing worked. “I summoned a demon to kill everyone”? Between her waves of panic, she still felt grief and rage. Could she take down the healer with her lie too? He was leading her today, more considerate than Eklund for all that he tried to ignore her. She hated him at every painful step on the path, hated every inch of his back as he marched tirelessly ahead of her. She would go to the lieutenant as soon as she was able. She would shout for him in camp if she had to.
“Lieutenant! I am a maleficar, an abomination, a blood mage.”
“But our mage said that you were not.”
“That’s because he’s one too.”
No. It was a daydream, and she doubted anyone would believe that. If they had ever suspected Crispin, they would not have let him join the Inquisition. She needed an explanation that they would believe in order to protect her friends. The lieutenant already had his doubts, but she had heard that his commander was a Templar knight. A Templar would have to believe her confession, wouldn’t he? And then she would be dead and not so tired, not so hungry and not so completely full of grief.
Eklund had charge of her again on the third day. At times the snow was higher than the tops of Sula’s boots and it poured in and melted on her toes. They felt like frozen fire and distracted her from her other aches.
They were crossing the mountains by now, and many of the paths were narrow and tricky. Even Eklund slipped once or twice on the ice. In spring this area must full of waterfalls, and the ravine probably held a river. It reminded Sula that she was horribly thirsty.
You don’t need food, you just need some water. But water would make her need to relieve herself more often, and Eklund’s impatience was violent. You don’t need water, you just need…
A string of curses accompanied Eklund’s misstep, and she landed hard on her backside. Sula’s arm was jerked forward and she cried out as she fell as well. She managed to stumble against the soldier’s back. “Careful,” Eklund grunted. “It’s slippery.” Other soldiers helped them back to their feet.
It was indeed slippery there. It was a mountain and the path tended to slope to the side. There were trees to catch them most of the time, but in this space around the waterfall there was nothing but rocks and ice. Instead of a slope below the path, the drop was almost a precipice. If she were to fall – if she were to jump – she would have a clear shot to the rocks below, a steep enough plunge that she might break her neck or skull. Attached to the other end of her rope, Eklund would be pulled down with her.
Eklund will have to step on that flat rock. That rock is smooth and it looks icy. There, that short man nearly slipped on it. She’ll be pulled off her feet. I’ll step onto that boulder then over the side. See Miles, I told you I’d be right behind you.
“Here missy, don’t look down.” A large voice and massive person was behind her, wrapping his own arm around her good one. It was the big soldier, Rennick. The sudden touch shocked her from all of her thoughts. “No, no no, don’t be scared, miss! I’ve got you, I won’t let you fall. You just hold on to me and you’ll be safe, all right? Eklund, pass me the rope here. She’s too scared to move.”
*** By the fourth day, her feet were too sore to walk. Crispin was able to ease their pain, but her wet boots and stockings continued to chafe, inflaming the raw skin over and over. She was exhausted, hungry and thirsty all the time. The soldiers each carried their own water, but she had to beg for every sip.
You don’t need food, you just need water.
They would reach their destination tomorrow, they said.
At night it was always difficult to wrap herself in a blanket using only one hand. When everyone else seemed to be asleep that night, she pushed away her blanket and let the snow fall on her. With luck she would freeze to death in her sleep. She lay there for some time with her eyes closed, letting the cold chill her to the bone. She tried to fall asleep but could not control her shivering. And she had been wrong that everyone was sleeping. Someone walking through the camp noticed her, even in the dark. It must have been a sentry on watch. He brushed off the snow and covered her again, then built a small fire and sat down to watch her. Despite herself, she desperately welcomed the warmth. Then she felt the weight of a second blanket or cloak. When her shivering subsided at last, she fell asleep.
*** On the fifth day, she woke with an aching throat. This accompanied her inflamed feet, burned arm, exhausted body, aching head, chafed wrist, thirst and hunger. When they finally arrived at her prison, terror seized her at first. For all her stoicism of facing death for her friends, the prospect of imprisonment and torture in the chantry’s dungeon overcame her heart. She had screamed as they dragged her down to the depths, and the presence of a Templar guard further frightened her. Putrid smells and rats, damp straw and bitter cold all conspired to break her will, but at last the long march was over. She was utterly exhausted, and in the end not even fear could keep her awake. She fell asleep, then woke feeling thoroughly ill.
Everything was filth, including herself. For days already she had worn the same clothes; she was given no water to wash with, barely even enough water to drink. The blankets smelled like mildew. Even the bread they gave her tasted of filth. You don’t need food…
Her body fluctuated between burning and freezing. Every touch felt like a bruise. She coughed until she thought that her ribs would break.
But the five days in the cell dragged on like years, and still they did not come to interrogate her. She had heard tales of their brutal treatment of mages. What were they waiting for? Had they already sentenced her to die of neglect? She barely noticed her guards anymore. It was just the healer Crispin, now her only link to the world. He seemed kind sometimes now. She told him that she was ready to confess but he advised her against it; he seemed to know the spymaster and what she would want to hear.
“Do you have any water?” He did not.
He brought Sula blankets and tried to soothe her fever. He tended her burns and cut the tether off of her wrist. He acted like a real healer. She was grateful. His might be the last friendly face that she would ever see.
“Sula, won’t you eat something?”
No. The time for all of that was past. Swallowing anything was agony in her throat. All she wanted was to sleep forever. If they questioned her now she knew all would be lost, but she could not summon the will to care about her fate.
I’m already in my grave. “I’m not hungry.”
(Part 2 here)
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hoseokspudding · 2 years
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  ˖ ৎ୭ ॱ ₊ . * Starburst
𓂂 ࿐ ۫ ִ ⸼ Synopsis: You, as the girlfriend of Korea's top actor, began to suspect him of cheating when you discovered a text from a mysterious woman and that he's coming home late and not paying attention to you.
Characters: Zen from Mystic Messenger
Parrings: Zen x Jealous blackfem reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Nsfw
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Afab reader, unprotected sex, cussing, angst, nipple play, cream pie, pet names, make up sex, soft, tummy bulge, gentle, jealousy, suspecting of cheating, mentions of slight racism
。゚♡ ˖ ࣪ ୧ 。: Author's notes:
Eek! Hello everyone this is my first fic here on Tumblr and my first NSFW fic I ever wrote ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ. I hope that I did a great job and met everyone's expectations. I really want to thank @dejwrites for inspiring me to come back to writing and giving me tips as well. I want to thank @hachikosworld for giving me advice as well.
It been a long time coming but I just want to thank all my moots and new friends for being so patient with me. This community is so friendly and I'm excited to continue writing and creating new friends along the way. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it. I really tried my best and I hope it shows (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Also feel free to message me and inbox me. I really want to make friends and share headcanons and all my silly ideas with everyone in the community.
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"You know what? I'm done!"
You stormed out of your and your boyfriend's apartment after arguing with him about how he is always late from work and barely spends time with you. Not to mention that you discovered a suspicious text from a woman on his phone while sitting on the couch earlier that day, leading you to suspect him of cheating.
It wasn't always like this at first. When you two first met it was the summer of your first semester, studying abroad in Korea where you met the now infamous Zen. You bumped into him while grabbing some coffee from the local convenience store and while holding the cup in your hand, you accidentally bumped your coffee against the male spilling it all over the long haired male. Things began to blossom for the both of you and as a compromise he asked you for your phone number, and then eventually a date.
Hyun was a very unknown actor when you two first started dating, and you stood by him, supporting him anytime he had any qualms about making it into the business or, more specifically, about getting any roles. Fortunately, things would turn around when he finally earned a leading role in a drama. You were really delighted and encouraging of him. However, because of his breakthrough performance, he became overloaded with work and kept busy, which meant that you and him were able to spend less and less time together.
It was difficult to see Hyun surrounded by beautiful women all day, every day. You went insane at the thought of them touching or even talking to him; you craved his touch to be yours alone. People knew Hyun as Zen, his stage name, and as prince charming, but the public would never know about the Zen you knew; the one who would die for you, the same one who would have you pinned up against the door, kissing you all over.
Zen's heart broke into a million pieces; he couldn't believe the girl he adored would suspect him of cheating on her. He was aware that the acting life could be demanding, with him required to make television appearances, award shows, and weekly appearances on an idol show. "(Y/n) dear," he said, looking down at you with his crimson red eyes, "I know I've been extremely busy with life, but I genuinely care about you dear. I know the press can be very intrusive, and it's difficult to keep us a secret–" you snapped again, "that's the thing, Hyun!" You addressed him by his given name rather than his stage name. "I'm sick of it."
"I'm sick of hiding, and it doesn't even feel like we're dating. We can't go out without you wearing some shitty outfit to disguise yourself or coming home late and immediately going to bed because you've been so busy. I'd like to know how my boyfriend is doing whenever he comes home." You were visibly upset with Zen to the point where tears started streaming down your cheeks. You were tired of his empty promises that he would make it up to you whenever he was too busy with work. Even though Zen would lavish you with designer purses, flowers, and even fund your shopping sprees, you still wanted your boyfriend to be there, right?
Your heart ached for him, especially at night when you wanted to cuddle and be held by him all night.
You were tired of not seeing him in the morning while he'd disappear all day without texting you for days. You yearned for the time before he became famous and it was just the two of you; yes, you were poorer back then, but you made it work.
Zen felt terrible for the way he had been treating his partner and for letting you go through this. He believed that by hiding your relationship from the public, he was shielding you from any negative attention he would face for dating in the godforsaken industry. Out of all the professions he could've went into he had to be an actor? He was also aware that he would face prejudice for dating a black woman, and he didn't want you to encounter any racism from his supporters, neighbors, or online users.
Zen was doing his best to decipher the situation as you were outside your shared home and he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself, but he was concerned about you and your feelings.
He began to speak with his smooth, buttery voice. "You may not want to hear this, but I apologize. I didn't think about your feelings at all. You must have been lonely all day while I was at work. I know it's a lame excuse, but I'm genuinely tired when I get home from the set," he began.
You stood there in silence, listening to his explanation for why he was always canceling your plans and spending less time with you. You faced him with your hands on your hips. You also hoped he explained about that girl.
"This new project has been mentally and physically draining, but that doesn't give me the right to abandon you like that. You know how much I adore and care for you, and I would hate for this to tear us apart." He looked at you sympathetically and slowly approached you, grabbing your hands. He stared at your eyes, making sure you knew how sincere he was.
"The girl in my phone is actually a screenwriter trying to pitch a show to Netflix and asked if I wanted to be a part of the plot. I met her on the show I'm known for." You blushed in embarrassment, feeling childish for jumping to conclusions and not trusting your boyfriend.
You puffed up your cheeks, refusing to admit you were mistaken. Zen simply smiled reassuringly. "I don't blame you, princess; I'm surrounded by women all day, and it must be exhausting to think about it. I would have been jealous if you were constantly surrounded by men. I don't give a rat's ass about them because you're the only girl I have my heart set on. To me, you're the most beautiful girl in the entire fucking world. Princess, I love seeing you smile."
"It's simply that I want the rest of the world to know that I exist and that you are mine. I despise seeing you on television with these bitches when it should be me and you "You began to cry out of frustration, but you felt relieved knowing that he listened to you and understood how hurt you were.
Zen slowly embraced you in a hug, allowing you to cry out for him. In all honesty, he didn't know what to say. He wanted the world to know you existed as well and that you guys will be able to spend time with him in public free to do whatever you wanted, but he was well aware of the risks involved. However, he needs to think of something quick before he loses you.
"Please smile for me princess, I really enjoy seeing you smile," he said as he wiped your tears from your now puffy cheeks with his thumbs. "I'll figure it out, okay?"
"Please allow me to make it up to you." He took your hand in his and began walking back inside the house. You were well aware of what that meant for the two of you. You couldn't help but be moved by what Hyun said; he wasn't the type to make empty promises, so when he said he'd figure it out, he meant it. Not to mention how much you missed him and craved his attention and love.
He picked you up and carried you to your guy's bedroom, where the two of you would occasionally make love when Zen wasn't too busy. You held him tightly and let out another smile. He carefully placed you on the bed, taking care not to injure you. He then sat next to you, admiring your beauty.
"Everything will be fine," Zen assures you as he kisses your neck and holds your soft, moisturized, delicate hands. He worked his way around your neck, sucking and pulling at the napes of your brown skin.
He began to roam your body with his free hand, groping your breasts through the shirt you were wearing, feeling your bra holding your breast for dear life. He was so passionate with the way he touched you that you moaned softly. You'd think that with his stature, he'd be harsh, but instead he touches you with loving and passionate hands. He yanked on your shirt and started removing it, then slowly removed your bra, exposing your breast, which perked nicely for him. He started sucking on your tits.
He began by swirling his tongue against the buds of your nipples, then sucking and gently messaging the other breast with his free hand. You moaned again, his veiny and massive hands feeling amazing as he continued to fondle your breast.
After leaving hickeys on your massive tits, he made his way to your neck. He made his way to your lips, leaving a trail of love marks on your neck. As he hungrily kissed you, he couldn't deny how much he missed those plumped lips of yours and how those plumped lips of yours would be stained with gloss that would later end up at the base of his cock.
Zen couldn't help but become greedy; it was as if Zen hadn't drunk water in years and had finally gotten a chance to. He took a step back to examine you, which you were already a mess due to the constant attack on your neck. Your core couldn't help but become saturated with your juices, which oozed like honey from your cunt.
"Awe, I've been far away from my bunny for too long that she hasn't been taking care of," he smirked, before slowly removing his clothes as well. It was impossible not to notice the tint rising from his pants. Zen gently slapped your hand as you reached out to him "No, it's my turn to please you. You waited far too long" He then removed his boxers, revealing his cock, which was surrounded by a bush of white hair. He then untied his ponytail and let his long white hair fall down.
Zen slowly removed your short skirt, and seeing the dampness forming on your panties turned him on even more. He started rubbing the fabric of your panties, causing you to throw your head back and moan. He smiled and kept pressing his digits against you, enjoying how your panties got wetter and wetter with each press. He then pushed your lacy white panties to the side and slid a finger inside you, preparing you for his member. "How long has it been since I've last played in your pussy, eh? It's so lovely and juicy, and it's only for me."
You couldn't help but curl your toes and moan as he reached places you'd never be able to reach with your hands. Zen craved more of your moans because they were so addicting. "Please H-Hyun...I want more," you begged him. "Whatever my princess wants, she gets." Oh, how you missed Hyun, not Zen, the guy you fell in love with, the guy who was so in love with you that he was pussy whipped by everything you did.
He grew tired of using his fingers after a while. Zen got on his knees, gripped your thighs, and began licking your wet region, making slurping sounds as he hungrily sucked your clit as he craved to taste your juices and hear your voice desperately call out to him. You whimpered and whined for him as his tongue maneuvered every inch of you, exploring every crease. You couldn't stop yourself from grabbing his long silky white hair and calling out for him. "Z-zenny soo good," your voice would trail off as you moaned his name. You threw your head back and moaned once more.
Fuck. He was in desperate need of you. He craved you more than his cigarettes, and he desperately wanted to be inside of you, reclaiming you, reminding you that he still loves and cares for you. He wanted you to scream his name into the sky and let everyone know that you belong to him, even if he's busy with work.
He stepped away from you and licked his lips; he began catching his breath, allowing you to do the same. After a few seconds, he began to position himself near you, bending down to kiss your neck as he slowly began to slide himself into you. You began to grunt, remembering how good his cock felt inside of you. You yelped and bucked your hips slightly, feeling the pleasure return to you.
He gave you a moment to adjust yourself, knowing you hadn't done anything in a long time. "I'm ready now," you said, giving him permission to begin. Hyun then began to pump inside of you, drilling the inside of you with each pump. He drew you in closer and continued to plow your insides, his hips digging into yours. You immediately grabbed his arms and cried out to him, desperate. God, you missed it, the way he would passionately fuck your brains out.
Your brows knitted up as he began to burry his cock inside of you. With each stroke he made, the sheets of the mattress began to bundle up as you held on for dear life. Giving you deep and slow strokes at first so you could feel how much he loves you. Hyun quickly abandoned that, however, as he became desperate for you.
Hearing you moan and groan his name was so addicting. Your body wasn't helping him either, as your pussy started making gushy sounds due to how wet it was. He was feeling so good that he couldn't help but make elegant sounds himself. As he continued to probe your insides, his face turned bright red.
He knelt down and kissed your lips, sucking the bottom of your lips and letting out a couple of moans that sent vibrations against you.
You started touching his nice chiseled body all over, running your soft hands all around his chest, feeling each peck. You had always admired his gym physique. He was always going to the gym in his spare time and when he wasn't spending time with you. You smiled through the entire kiss, enjoying how he still kisses you so beautifully as he drilled into your wet sticky core.
He pushed your legs against your head without warning. You looked at him, completely dazed by the fact that he was now fucking you deeper than before, reaching into places and repeatedly hitting your g-spot. You yelped as a rush of pleasure washed over you. You dug your manicured nails into his skin, "Hyun! P-please," you said as his pumps increased in speed.
His cock was so deep inside you that you could see it poking around in your stomach. His manhood was constantly striking your cervix, intensifying your pleas for him.
Zen grinned as he looked down at you, seeing how messed up you were beneath him. "Did my baby miss getting fucked like this?" he asked. You blushed and shook your head yes.
More and more pleasant sounds escaped your pretty lips as Zen continued to pump his girth into you. As you approached your climax, your stomach began to twist and turn into knots. "F-fuck" was all you could say at this point. "I'm going to c-cum," you moaned. Zen's voice twitched as he neared his climax. He grunted and moaned a few times. "I-I'm close behind you," his breath became shaky as he desperately wanted to fill your void with his cum.
You let out a yell as you came, and Zen, after a few pumps, had also reached his climax as well. He drew away from you and began catching his breath; he was drenched in sweat that trickled down his body. You were soaked in sweat, and your make-up was practically ruined by dried tears on your cheeks and smeared mascara.
"Want another round, eh?" He stated this while looking down at you. Zen pushed his hair back away from his face, allowing you to really take in his beauty. You couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. You laughed softly and drew yourself onto him, anticipating what the night would bring the two of you.
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Thanks for reading! Reblogs Likes, Shares and comments are greatly appreciated ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
Tags: @zhenzhenist @dejwrites @hachikosworld @iin0va @sailewhoremoon
© Hoseokspudding 2023 all rights reserved. my work is not to be stolen, translated, reposted or copied.
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mtdthoughts · 1 month
Recently, I watched Violet Evergarden the anime for the first time. (I know, I'm late to the party...)
It was really good and really emotional, especially towards the end where each episode had me in tears. Violet's journey in discovering love and her sense of purpose was really moving! Definitely worth watching and has my endorsement!
One line from Violet Evergarden that stuck out to me was "even if they're far apart" (遠く離れていっても) from Episode 10. Not to spoil too much, but this line was said when describing how a mother's letters to her daughter help keep them close together at heart despite circumstances that force them to be physically apart.
Violet Evergarden illustrates the power of a well-written letter, as a letter can carry and preserve all the emotions that one wants to convey (but cannot do so plainly or physically), and it can help connect the sender and recipient's hearts together as mentioned earlier. This is especially true of love letters, which were a main focus in the story.
Anyway, this anime and the themes it portrayed through letters reminded me of the the ending of Migi & Dali, and it made me think about Migi's letter even more. (slight spoilers ahead)
In the sequel manga, Migi spent a long time struggling to write a letter to convey his longing desire to see Dali again. It reflects the difficulty in properly conveying the right emotions when writing a letter, which was a prominent motif in Violet Evergarden as many characters needed ghostwriters like Violet to write their letters for them.
By considering Migi's previous drafts, one could see why the usually carefree Migi would stress himself so much over writing a letter.
His first visible draft was an awkwardly formal letter, which he scrapped likely because this wasn't the right tone. After all, they're twin brothers, not strangers!
His second visible draft was a bit of an angry letter demanding why Dali hasn't written back. But Migi thought that this wasn't the correct tone either.
His third visible draft sounded a bit sad as Migi directly wrote that he was lonely. He likely scrapped this because such a sad letter would only worry Dali.
Thus, this explains why he yelled in frustration that he couldn't get the words out, because he wasn't sure how to accurately express the emotions he wanted to convey without including unnecessary ones.
However, once Sardine arrived, Migi was reminded of the relaxing presence that the dog provided, and so he decided to write a silly letter under Sardine's name. Such a silly letter practically screams, "Migi wrote this!" and I think that this was exactly what Migi intended. (<- Evidence that Migi isn't dumb :) )
Indeed, he likely wanted to remind Dali of the goofy little brother that always made him laugh (e.g. see Chapters 3 and 9), and this silly letter was a strong display of this as well as the best proof of Migi's existence. I'm sure that Migi's feelings were fully received by Dali, and that he was especially happy to receive Migi's love through his unique "Migi-esque" style of writing.
I'm once again touched by this story, and it's all thanks to watching another anime. That's why it's worth comparing works with similar themes, as it can really help enhance an appreciation for both!
(Personally, I think one should be reading books instead, but not everyone has time for that lol)
Bonus: Now that I've written all this, I wonder, would Dali write back a letter? I'm sure he would, since he probably knows how happy Migi would be to receive a letter. But what exactly would he write? That I'm not sure about...
And with that, I'll leave the following image. Perhaps I'll expand on it one day. :)
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🚨Mature Content ahead, minors DNI, plz stop reading and move along!🚨
Jey Uso x Mixed female (alternating 1st person pov)
Here we go! I’m so nervous lol - but I am working hard towards my goal of completing several novels I have started. One is about a pirate queen saving her granddaughter, another about a grim reaper who enlists the help of a psychic to find a dangerous spirit that escaped.
Reading fanfiction has always been fun for me, I love reading, writing the wwe so this has been a really fun exercise to get some practice and take a break from the harder/darker plots lines I am writing. This fic here is absolutely a fluffy, smutty and unedited piece that I wrote for fun but I welcome any and all feedback yall have. I figure why not combine something fun with growth?
***A note: this is strictly a fun work of fiction and exercise to help me grow as a writer! I feel very strongly about leaving people to their privacy so and this is very AU/fiction heavy based on a television character, not the actual person. I know he has kids and even has one of them with him sometimes but it just makes me uncomfortable to include anyone actually under the age of 18 and not a character in their own right in the fic. For this reason I just made up a name and age for the kiddo. Thanks for understanding! (Oh, also, I assume most of yall reading this know what Jey looks like so I don’t need to spend a lot of time describing him)
Summary: It’s April (timeline is not perfect forgive me) of 2020 and eighteen year old Aurora “Rori” Begay is the new nanny for Jey Uso. Feelings ‘inappropriate’ for their relationship as employer and client begin to bloom in both of them but they keep it to themselves. When her mom’s abusive boyfriend attacks her one night, Jey comes to her rescue and everything changes.
Idk where this is headed but all I can tell you is there will be smut and an HEA. Mentions of physical abuse and attempted SA but not discussed in great detail. Please take care of yourself, I will include a little warning before something that might be triggering if you wanna skip it.
This is part 1 (first 2 chapters)
Word count: 2.4k
Chapter 1:
Aurora POV
“My Rori’s here!” Jason lunged from his father’s arms into mine as soon as I made it through the door of the unassuming but well kept blue house.
“Hey little dude!” I gladly received the three year old, doing my best to avoid touching Josh too much in doing so. Every time we so much as brushed hands it caused a rolling wave of butterflies and warmth. Not unpleasant but also not an appropriate thing to feel for someone who was technically my boss. And the last thing I needed in my life right now was to lose my job, especially over a stupid crush.
Due to the pandemic ramping up Josh was home from his job that normally demanded a lot of travel. Even though he wasn’t traveling he still had commitments and a job that required several hours of training daily in the gym on top of meetings and zoom calls. He’d explained the plan his company had until they could safely begin touring again, a plan that would see them staying here in Florida for several months to a year.
Long enough for me to save up enough to get out of my own place, even if my mother was demanding a high rent. I was glad I’d fibbed about just how much Josh was paying me weekly or she would have demanded even more.
“Swim! Swim! Wanna go swimming!” I juggled the excited toddler in my arms trying not to drop my day bag.
Coming to the rescue Josh grabbed the green backpack and smiled at me in a way that turned my insides to mush. “We gotta eat first little man.”
“Are you free today?” I hoped I didn’t sound as excited as I felt. At first I’d found it odd he still wanted me there even when he wasn’t going to be busy for the day but quickly started to look forward to spending time with both of them.
“Yeah, my meetings were cancelled. I was thinking I’d join y’all for swimming lessons and whatever else you got planned. If that’s cool with you.”
As if I was going to say no.
I looked at Jason with a grin. “Whaddya think? Want Daddy to hang out with us today?”
“Hang out with daddy AND Rori! Swim!”
“What about you?” It was hard not to read too much into his expression or the way his voice seemed to drop a little. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Oh, of course. He’s trying to be considerate of my feelings as a person and I’m drooling at the way his voice changes when he is speaking to another adult. I swallowed my embarrassment and put on a big grin. “Not at all, it’ll be great to hangout! Now how about some breakfast?”
There wasn’t much Jason loved more than swimming but one thing was for certain.
It did things to me when she called me “Daddy”, even if it was in this context.
Maybe I could get Joe or Braun to hit me in the head next time we’re wrestling.
Really, really hard.
Well, maybe not Braun, I didn’t want to die after all.
I needed some sense knocked back into me around this girl though. I can’t keep my eyes off her and thought about her way too often. She’s only eighteen and I should not be feeling this way about my sons *nanny.* Watching her as she moved around the kitchen, letting little man help her with making breakfast it brought an excited sense of peace.
My eyes dutifully followed the sway of her curvy bottom as she sidestepped small feet with a laugh. I wanted to wind my hands into that waist length brunette hair while I devoured her pouty lips.
Wanted to see her pretty green eyes tear up with those lips wrapped around my dick.
I wanted a lot of things from Miss Aurora Begay.
Isolating was hard, I hadn’t had a chance to go out or hookup with a chick since New Year’s Eve. Maybe that was my problem. She was close, pretty and had a great laugh.
But the truth was I hadn’t wanted someone so bad in a long time. Jason’s mom had burned me pretty hard when she decided she didn’t want to be invested in his life, or mine.
You travel too much she’d said. Come to find out “you travel too much” really meant I’d rather be fucking other dudes in another country.
More power to her. We’d started out casual but when she fell pregnant I’d stepped up and even offered to marry her and let myself get invested. Not the best way to start but I was willing to give it a shot for him.
“How many?”
Rori pulled me out of my thoughts with a light tough to my shoulder and a giggle. She smiled down at me. “I asked you how many pancakes would you like? I’m using the protein mix.”
Of course she’d ferreted out the healthiest pancakes for someone with my training regime. She was always doing thoughtful shit like that and I loved it. Loved that she would modify things for me, make me a plate or keep one warm for me in the oven when something ran longer than planned.
It was hard not to let all that spill.
She raised her eyebrows. “Josh?”
*I’m so fucked.*
“Uh, make it four.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m waiting for them the come downstairs. Jason appeared at the top of the steps first in his matching swimming trunks and shirt all decked out with tiger sharks. His favorite animal at the moment. He proudly held up his shark goggles. “Look daddy, I’m a shark!”
In a weird way I was grateful for the lockdown. I’d never been able to spend so much time with him and it made me happier than I’d ever been. “I see little man! Where’s Rori?”
“Coming, sorry!”
Chapter 2 -
Aurora POV
Josh stood at the bottom of the steps in nothing but black swimming trunks. My mouth went dry and heart pounded as I tried not to stare at him while Jason and I made our way downstairs hand in hand. It was tough though, his dark bronze skin and spiraling tattoos were mesmerizing.
He’d given me a cursory glance before looking away and even though I’m not terribly vain, it stung my pride a little. I should be ashamed that I picked the cheap and simple but pretty blue mesh halter and boy short set because I thought be would like it. As if he’d ever look at me the same way I do him.
Tucking the sadness away I padded out to the pool with Jason who was already fighting with his arm floats before he’d made it to the water. “Here let me help-“
The words were cut off by splash of water, my own shriek of surprise and Jason’s shriek of laughter. Josh had blown by us to canon ball into the water before surfacing with a challenging smirk.
It would be hard to ignore the heat pooling between my legs.
Well, until little man threw his arms up and demanded to be thrown in for a big splash that is. Happy to oblige and to cool off I scooped him up and we jumped in. What I’d planned as a swimming lesson turned into lots of laughing and splashing with Jason getting brave enough to paddle back and forth between us a few times.
After a while he was tired and become more preoccupied with making his pool toy shark eat his other action figures. Josh drifted over to where I stood in the shallow water while Jason played nearby on the step. “Hey.”
“What happened here?” Gently he brought his fingers to a healing bruise on my arm. Anxiety twisted my stomach painfully. I had to come up with something, my mother had trained me to lie about this sort of thing.
“Oh, uh, I just, I just dropped something when I was reaching for a can on a shelf at home. Clumsy, just brought my arm up so it wouldn’t like hit me on the face or anything. Nothing, no worries.” I realized I was rambling when his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
Fuck. He didn’t need to know mom’s latest boyfriend was a real dick, even for her.
“A can huh?”
The truth was I hadn’t moved fast enough to get out of his way a couple days ago and so he grabbed me by the arm, hard enough to leave those prints, shook me and slung me across the room. Not the first time one of the men she’d brought home had done something similar but no one had ever really paid attention and my mom had threatened me with much worse if I ever told.
“Yeah, just a stupid accident.” I tried to smile reassuringly but could tell it wasn’t working. Josh opened his mouth but fortunately for me, little man chose then to pounce, throwing himself at us with abandon only a happy toddler could achieve.
“Make splashes Rori!”
“You sure did! How about we get dried off and go watch a movie?” I was grateful for the distraction. Hopefully he would let it go.
Late that night I laid in bed scrolling through photos from the last few weeks, looking for clues and wracking my brain for an explanation. Aurora had never lied to me before and I should have her drug tested if she thought I bought that story about the can. I know what a bruise from someone gripping you too tightly looks like. Why was she being so evasive about it?
*Does she have a boyfriend? Some little shit who thinks he’s tough?*
An intense anger erupted in my chest at the thought of anyone putting their hands on her. In any way. Thinking about her kissing someone else, *fucking* someone else, made me physically sick.
I resolved to get the the bottom of it. Why weren’t her parents doing anything about it? Did they notice?
Wait. Does she live with them?
It dawned on me that I know next to nothing about her or her living situation. Most of our conversations revolve around Jason or the chores or how my day had been or what I wanted for dinner. I knew she was a college student and we’d chatted about a few times about things like music or movies or my job but never had she mentioned her family or friends or relationships at all, except one girl named Jamie. And all I knew about her was that they’d seen a movie together recently.
I’d snapped a few pictures today. Only one of just her but that was the one I settled on looking at. She stood mid thigh in the pool, her golden skin wet and the red of her messy bun stood out in the sunlight. The swimsuit wasn’t too revealing but I’d almost embarrassed myself. Seeing her coming down the steps it that simple but sexy outfit had me at half mast in no time, I’d had no choice but to hustle my ass into the cold pool or risk her noticing.
Looking at the picture now I had the same problem, my cock twitching to life at the thought of tasting her everywhere. Closing my eyes I dropped my phone and let myself pull my boxers down. Picturing her sweet smile I imagined she was there with me, straddling my waist, her walls clenched tightly around me.
Slowly I started stroking myself, imaginary Aurora’s movements were careful and shy and gentle, just like everything else about her. Her small hands braced against my chest, fingers digging in as her cheeks flushed with pleasure and she panted in need.
*”Daddy, please!”*
Increasing my pace I imagined taking control, clutching her hips and bracing myself with my ankles as I thrust up at a much more aggressive pace. My knees drew up and I clutched the sheet with my free hand as her cries filled my ears.
*”Harder Daddy, yes yes! I’m gonna cum!”*
I didn’t fight the groan that rose in my throat as I sped up even more. It was my fantasy and we would finish together.
“Fuck Rori, baby…” I bit my lip when I came, spilling hot ropes of cum onto my stomach as my hips bucked and twitched. For a few seconds I just lay there breathing hard.
I’d lost count of how many times I’d gotten off this exact same way now. I knew I should stop but it was becoming something of an obsession. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’d developed a fixation, just not quite so focused in on a particular female before.
I hoped it would pass when the lockdowns lifted and I could get some of this pent up want out but deep inside I knew that wouldn’t be the case.
No, something about those big hazel eyes and loving personality had dug itself deep inside me. I swiped at the mess I’d made with my shirt before throwing it in the hamper in the corner of the room. A twisted part of me hoped she’d notice when she did laundry and wonder if I was thinking about her but the realistic part of me would kick in and handle the mess in the morning.
Settling in to the covers I hoped she was comfortable and safe, wherever she was.
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 months
I read all of The Honest Life of a Game Studio and now I am obsessed do you have recs for anything like it.
I wish. I FUCKING WISH. but it’s really one of a kind. higefusa really just wrote mundane slice of life office drama with the level of detail that could only be provided by a gamer who has worked in the industry AND he threw in some life or death stakes as a treat. how often do we get an incredibly normal office worker stuck in time prison??? and it’s ONE ARC??? not often enough.
none of these are gonna be just like game-ya but in terms of romances with attention to detail for industry/niche fields… ok all of these are gonna be kind of weird so bear with me.
double section is a BL about an auditor for an insurance company and an insurance salesman, I wouldn’t necessarily give it a blanket rec but I liked how Passionate the main characters were about audits and workplace regulations. a lot of heated drama for the most normal office setting possible. in the author’s note the artist talks about interviewing health insurance salesmen.
ginmokusei is more of a conventional BL but it’s about a guy who inherited his grandpa’s tailor shop and an ex maître d who shows up and demands to help him before he goes bankrupt. there’s a little bit about branding and marketing and bank loans. what has Always Stayed With Me is when the love interest basically goes like ‘you’re using all these flashy ads and being really pushy with discounts. are you selling beef bowls.’ every time I pass a clothes shop that goes really flashy with the discount banners I think ‘are they selling beef bowls…’
panel x magic. okay I said it was going to be weird. so this yuri is about a recent graduate who applies for office jobs and ends up doing image editing for… I guess a brothel? it doesn’t go into critiques of the sex industry, but I thought it was interesting how it takes a really logistical perspective in terms of marketing, advertising, and image manipulation… one of the chapters has the main character going like ‘oh god I’m trying to edit this risqué photo by making the thighs thinner and giving the face a glow-up but I keep making the model look like a weird alien this looks like something from a photo booth’ and gets advice from her coworkers like ‘hey why don’t you look up makeup tutorials to get a sense of what to touch up.’ hasn’t been translated in a while but it kind of hits that… really in-depth look at the logistics of a job.
I think there’s more I’m not remembering at the moment, at one point I think sundry made a joke about rating office romances by how much office work is shown. there’s a couple ones that *kinda* fit but not really… wait. wait wait wait. WAIT. oh my god it has such a h•rny title. okay. so I’m being 100% sincere when I say that the main story for hammered and pounded is a BL with interesting office politics. it’s also incredibly h•rny, but game-ya gets pretty h•rny so whatever. but yeah there’s a whole subplot where the love interest, who works in sales, has actually always wanted to work in R&D, and it becomes A Whole Thing where the head of R&D is in conflict with the head of sales over whether or not a transfer is gonna happen and there’s no romance involved with the conflict it’s all office politics
and in a similar vein, to your right, you will see my boyfriend is about a guy who’s working as a tour guide in kyoto and at the artist talks about how she used to work as a tour guide. I think it’s fun, though I have my qualms. the main character does do studying about how to be an effective tour guide and goes from being like ‘ugh I’m saying all the facts but no one’s listening’ to ‘haha check out this extremely long name of the temple we’re about to see! make sure to remember it, it’ll be the password for getting off the bus ;D’
I have another category of vaguely similar vibes of genre bending mundane office work + fantastical situations
tokusatsu gagaga is a gen series that’s a BIG fave of mine, the main character is an OL who loves tokusatsu so she imagines a lot of scenarios with that sort of vibe. it’s not diagetic, but it’s really fun when it’s stuff like ‘I’M AT KARAOKE WITH MY COWORKERS BUT I CAN’T OUT MYSELF AS A TOKUSATSU OTAKU THIS IS JUST LIKE BEING ATTACKED BY A KARAOKE-THEMED MONSTER EMERJASON HELP ME!!!!’ the eng tl hasn’t been updated in a while but there’s a live action adaption that’s really good
magilumiere co. ltd. is a gen series that’s basically ‘what if magical girls were like… sanitation workers for monsters’ so it’s a lot of company logistics in a fantastical setting. I don’t think I got that far into it before getting distracted, but it was interesting (though perhaps overly generous/idealistic about start-ups as a concept).
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
for the title ask game: We Were Gods (we were kids)
I want to hear more about that one, that's a riveting title! :eyes:
Ahhh yes, so originally this fic was inspired by the song Battle Cries by The Amazing Devil. It's a duet and like a divorce song? "This isn't a break-up, dearheart, it's a season finale!" I got the title from the lyrics where one part sings the line "We were gods" and then the other part echoes it with "We were kids" and that's just *chefs kiss* perfect fanfic title thank you TAD <333
The premise was childhood friends to estranged almost lovers to supers fighting on opposite sides to reluctant allies to (finally) lovers. And it was going to be a parkner fic (peter parker/harley keener). It was going to be an epic slow burn spanning nearly their whole lives.
Then I thought why not pry it out of its fanfic foundation and stand it on its own as an original concept? Harley is essentially my OC and Peter could be shaped into an OC too and the plot I had in mind had hardly any of the source material in it so why not? I'd just tweak some names, create my own super powers and aliens and then boom! Book!
Didn't work 🙃 I wrote a 110k draft and got to the end and was like wow this sucks. I half-assed the world building and tried to hang onto plot devices that just don't work outside the mcu (they don't even work within the mcu but I digress) SO now we're back to square one: making it a fanfic. Except it's not really square one because I have 110k that I need to snip and prune and repot back into a fic.
Actually it's more like 85k bc I have to re-write the beginning since I ended up keeping that part for my book, but the rest just needs reworked into something I like with the characters that we know and love plugged back in. It's going to be a massive revision project but not any more difficult than writing the thing lol
But anyway! It's going to feature super villain!Harley which I am very excited about. He is sooooo tortured in this one and Peter has the shittest luck in the whole world <333
I don't have a good excerpt to share so here is the high-level outline for part one!
Part 1: Childhood
Peter’s parents die in a plane crash. He moves to Rose Hill to live with Uncle Ben and Aunt May and meets Harley
Harley has his hands full with… his dad just walked out. He wasn’t abusive. It was just shocking and all at once. They thought something terrible happened, but after they report him missing Scotty at the corner store stops by and says he sold him scratchers. Then a few hours later the sheriff stops over with his hat in his hands and tells them his truck was found in the lot at the airport in Nashville. “Let him go,” Mama says. “Don’t want no man who don’t wanna be around. Let ‘im go.” And that was the end of that.
Peter arrives while Harley is getting used to being the only one home after school. Abbie’s off with Mrs. Farley in town while Mama works, so it’s just him most days ‘til Mama gets home around 5.
Starts hanging out with the Parkers. They keep him ‘round for dinner. Scares Mama the first time bc he didn’t ask ahead and wasn’t home when she got there. She demands to meet them.
They get on great and once they learn of her newly single situation they offer to watch Harley in the afternoons until she gets home from work. No need for payment or thank yous—it just so happens that Peter could really use a friend right now and they’ve been getting along so well.
So it begins. No creek. No pokemon. Peter and Aunt May clash like the dickens, but Uncle Ben is always cool and rational and settles things before they go too far. It’s nice.
Peter is obsessed with planes and tracking flights and researching news of lost flights, crashes, etc. Huge fear of flying, but not of heights. This fear stays with him, even when Harley turns into a flying superhero.
EJ is Harley’s bully. Harley is a talkative little nerd with a stutter and a penchant for mathematics. He attracts the mean types and Peter has a loud bark and never has had the good sense to back down from a fight. The shared battles cement them together.
After being blindsided by his dad leaving, Harley had to reevaluate everything he thought about family. Family is no longer who you get along with, despite differences. It’s no longer who you put on a smile for. It’s who you can disagree with and still hug and laugh with at the end of the day. It’s refreshing that he always knows where he stands with the Parkers. They have big feelings and they don’t bury them, but they’re solid. They’re dependable. They’re there.
Then the Parkers move to New York and leave Harley behind and his theory on what makes a family falls apart all over again.
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terramythos · 8 months
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Title: Mort (Discworld) (1987)
Author: Terry Pratchett
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Comedy, Third-Person
Rating: 7/10
Date Began: 1/6/2024
Date Finished: 2/4/2024
Mort, a young man with no clear direction in life, becomes apprenticed to Death himself. While learning the so-called trade, Mort makes a mistake which threatens to rewrite the course of history.
For live reading notes, check the reblogs (contains unmarked spoilers).
Content warnings and review (spoiler-free and spoiler versions) under the cut.
Content Warnings: Mentioned -- Suicide, animal abuse. Depicted -- Death (i mean. yeah), animal death, sexual humor, suicidal ideation, fatphobia (kinda).
Before I dive into the review, I want to acknowledge that despite several criticisms, I did enjoy reading Mort. It certainly has issues that keep me from rating it higher, but I still recommend it as a fun read despite these flaws.
A major reason for this is the prose. It's difficult to express just how clever Pratchett was as a writer. He has a unique way of presenting scenes and situations which consistently feels fresh and original. Whether it's clever wordplay or a unique spin on tired cliches, he's always catching me off guard in the best way. Saying someone's voice "could have kept milk fresh for a month" instead of "was icy" is one among hundreds of delightful examples. And while there's plenty of witticisms, they feel genuine rather than cynically scripted to appeal to as many people as possible.
Pratchett also doesn't shy away from serious topics despite the general comedic tone, and this contrast makes the grounded parts of the writing all the more poignant. His fantastic style is so omnipresent in his work that to explore it in detail would devour the rest of the review. Even when taking notes while reading I'd have to be selective on WHICH great phrases I wrote down lest I only spend time on them to the exclusion of all else.
One specific thing I like about Pratchett's writing is how specific jokes recur throughout the story but often in ways one doesn't expect. There's a running bit in Mort where characters will call him "boy" or "lad" and he tiredly corrects them with "Mort". As a reader I fully expected him to eventually get fed up and chew someone out for failing to use his name. And… he does! But later the joke is subverted again in a (spoilerific) way I DIDN’T expect, which caught me completely off guard. Setups and payoffs like that are delightful.
My biggest struggle with Mort is that I found it difficult to care about the plot until the end. There are two things working against Mort's story that made me feel this way.
The first is the main conflict's inciting incident: Mort commits a selfish act and saves the life of a princess who was supposed to die. In doing so, Mort warps reality and the fabric of history itself. The problem is, the only reason he saves Princess Keli is because of a superficial crush on her just from seeing her for a few seconds. The two barely interact before he saves her, and when they do later, there's not any chemistry to make this decision interesting. And yes, I'm aware that this was probably intentional: Mort did something foolish and impulsive and has to deal with the consequences. The problem is that since the rest of the plot hinges on his choice to intervene, and the context around that choice is so lackluster, it brings the entire plot down. I found myself wondering why Mort bothers to keep up the ruse and lie directly to Death when his reason for doing so is so vague and uninteresting. The personal stakes just felt nonexistent to me.
The second issue is how the story is structured. Rather than closely following a standard plot progression, Mort is more like a series of vignettes and scenes loosely tied together. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself; I'd argue Guards! Guards! follows a similar style, and I'm willing to bet much of Pratchett's work does. The problem is when this lack of focus combines with a weak core conflict. Reality being split and history diverging should be compelling, yet I wondered why I should care at all. The main thing that kept me reading was the clever writing and setups in these scenes. So I found the book fun to read but the story mediocre.
To Mort's credit, the stakes get more personal and involved toward the end. I finally found the story and characters compelling when Mort started to become more like Death. It's jarring when his dialogue intermittently switches to Death's unique typeface. This is probably the only time I've had a font choice genuinely catch me off guard-- unexpected Death dialogue is surprising in other Discworld books, but here it serves a different function because it's NOT actually Death speaking. The true love interest Ysabell also gets a lot of characterization toward the end, which is a shame because she's a great character who should have had plot involvement sooner.
Speaking of characters near the end, it seems like Pratchett suddenly realized the book needed a villain in the third act, so randomly assigned the role to side character Albert. So he's evil for a few dozen pages after showing no indication of this before, then the whole incident with him is resolved by Death with zero problems. It's super weird-- in fact, you could probably cut Albert out of the story entirely and nothing would change. Perhaps I'm missing something but I really didn't see the point of this. There is some context suggesting he is an historical figure referenced in other Discworld novels, so maybe it's more interesting if you've read those. However, having only read Guards! Guards!, this obviously fell flat for me. While inter-book references are fun (I was delighted to see The Librarian, for example), I don't think key components of the plot should rely on them, assuming that is the case here.
On the positive side, there are some small details I loved. One is how Pratchett uses the phrase "There is no justice. There is just me," to refer to Death. Because the moment I read it I wondered when we would hear "there is just us" instead, since the pun speaks for itself. So when we DID get that line during an emotional moment of the story I was cheering and hollering and punching the air and shit. It's one of those predictable things that is nevertheless extremely satisfying as a reader.
Another great detail is that every person has a literal book that describes their life until they die, which is constantly being written. While this is true metaphorically, it's a literal thing in Death's domain. Mort the novel closes with Mort the character seeing his own book and reading from it, and this becomes the narration for the last page or so. It's a clever payoff to a mechanic introduced in the novel.
A last thing to note is that there are still some loose ends. This isn't necessarily a criticism since there is a chance they are addressed in future books, but I'm mentioning them for my own benefit. In one early scene, Mort bungles his job so badly that a witch named Goodie Hamstring successfully manipulates him and escapes dying entirely. Considering the emphasis on this scene and the ominous tone, it isn't addressed at all by the end of the book, so it is possible this character shows up elsewhere.
Something not fully explored is the theme of reality. When Mort rescues Princess Keli, he creates a paradox where multiple realities exist, and one has to dominate over the other, which serves as part of the main conflict. Death's realm is not real despite being a major location in the story-- something that's true in a meta sense (Mort being a work of fiction) but also in the context of the story. Then there's implications throughout the book that Mort becomes "more real" the more he behaves like Death. While Death is the final reality of life, obviously, this is presented more in a mechanical way than a philosophical one. At the end of the story Death gives Mort a pearl of reality that Mort created due to the events of the novel, stating that it can be the beginning of a new universe whenever Discworld finally dies. This is… quite the detail to drop at the end. I feel like reality is explored as an in-universe mechanic rather than a metaphorical theme in the story, which is why it doesn't feel conclusive by the end. It makes me wonder, again, if this is going to come up in a later Discworld novel.
Overall while I had some issues with Mort as a story, as a reading experience I really enjoyed it. I might delve into more of the City Watch storyline next, since I had a great time with Guards! Guards! and want more of those characters.
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cosmoshard · 1 year
Ohhh, can you elaborate on the Mutant/Yokai apocalypse au??
Okay funny thing: i wrote this au back in 2021 when Rise was just beginning to air its second season, so I had no way of knowing we were gonna get a movie, nor what its plot would be like, so imagine my surprise when I look back at this au and realize its just an alternate, (much more amateur) version of the Rottmnt movie premise. Now its not plot for plot, there’s a ton of differences OKAY LEGGO!!✨
Like the movie: the turtles are all adults and the leaders of the revolution, with the help of their friends. They are in hiding from the rest of the world because of lack of warning before the invasion/revolution and are slowly fighting back. All the turtles had roles to play: Leo was a fighter pilot/foot-soldier, operating from the air where he had a birds eye view. Rlly leaned into his cocky do-it-his-own-way attitude lol. He also adopted a small yokai girl he found one day on the battlefield.
Raph was the tank, the one always on the front lines, first one there and last one out. He got real tough over the years so he was always using himself as a shield. He also saw a lot of allies die so he became quieter and more stoic. The opposing side called him Walking Death because whenever he arrived he would lay waste to thousands of their kind, mind stuck in savage raph as a way to cope wt all the violence. Raph had a relationship with a mona lisa type character and he has a small kid named enan, who’s a mutant Gecko/turtle hybrid.
Donnie was the brains of the operation as usual, in classic neurodivergent fashion he forgets to take care of himself and holes up in his underground lab where he tries to constantly stay on top of the Yokai’s mystic magic with new inventions. A bad lab accident left his shell and backbone exposed along with destroying his left arm and scarred his side pretty bad. He now has a robot arm and is bionically attuned to his inventions. (I have a more on his inventions but i dont want to spoil it all as i might keep them for future ideas :D)
Mikey is the cook/home-base man. Making sure everything stays running and doing his best to keep the family together. He is fastly becoming more doctor Delicate Touch moreso then Soft Mikey as he used to be. He is also gets to babysit the most often cuz he’s always at home 🙄/lh
April became their resident Medical Expert and has appointed herself as Donnie’s daily nagger to get sleep and food. She also ends up being a sort of therapist for the resistance but doesnt give herself the same luxury even tho the bros offer many times. Because she stays in base most of the time her and Mikey end up shouldering the same responsibilities and they understand each other on a deeper emotional level then most of the family.
Other Characters Roles:
Shredder is back and is the leader of the yokai’s, but is distant and only using them to conquer the world and become emperor. Baron Draxum is his Star General and the one mostly in the spotlight, therefore directly influencing the yokai below them, (and any major decisions they came up with.) Big mama demanded to be called Empress and she commands most of the army
A couple more things✨
Shredder’s whole plan is to reach the core of the planet to find the source/core of all mystic energy (which was later revealed to be canon!?? in the s2 finale wt the empyrean spring beneath the hidden city.) the resistance has to find it before shredder can so they can turn the tide of the war.
That’s basically it, other than plot points, thank you for asking!!! It took a little bit to make it coherent because i write in bullet notes lol, if ya want to know we can dm or reblog chain :3
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