#but the first time i watched brennan tell someone 'i guess you can still take a bonus action so go ahead'
hellooo-one-and-all · 8 months
me: so you see, Brennan, it's explicit in the rules that the ability to take a bonus action depends on the ability to take an action. that's why effects or conditions that prevent you from taking an action never specify that you can't take a bonus action either – it's implicitly clear that you can't, they didn't just forget to include it and you don't need to let people take bonus actions in these cases
dimension 20 staff member: ma'am you simply have to leave. how did you even get on the set
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thistlespringsummer · 3 months
Kaity rewatches/Liveblogs Ratfish! (Part 1)
Spoilers under the cut!
Okay, I guess also non-spoilers slash rambling under the cut. Have to do a few after work things first, then it's time for a Game Changer re-watch (part 1) and NEW Game Changer (part 2)! Woo!
♡ the immediate chaos of ally omg
♡ oh yeah. I've already seen Katie's billboard (pictures of), so I guess we know she won something 😂
♡ GranNma sWeetie right out the door. I love it
♡ is Katie's just a long dig at Sam? Omg
♡ did I just break my glasses? Fucking grant
♡ "He's a bad guy." "I'm describing the person I'd like to be." Grant! Grant.
♡ okay, yeah. After the smartypants episode, Jess's is not surprising at all.
♡ omg, Katie talking to her computer and expecting it to talk back 🤣
♡ okay, but the strategy here is 1000000% Brennan! Brennnan is trying to not be Brennan and ends up being more Brennan what a journey, truly
♡ damn, even Rekha thinks this is Rekha
♡ who's a little goober?
♡ the fucking editing on this is fucking brilliant
♡ why do they all sound like fucking Beardsly? Good question, Zac
♡ the complete and utter chaos that is ally fucking beardsly pretending to be Brennan is just... chef's kiss
♡ OH! They were trying to figure out if the public knew about IsaBaby Roland! That's why there's a weird pause with the twooooo? Cats?
♡ still a fucking work of genius god I love ally
♡ oh yeah. There's the person I don't know. The bio is pretty fucking cool though.
♡ ally was so on their game and then choco taco fucking broke them
♡ the juxtaposition of ally being SO FUCKING SURE that Bug with a Big Ass is Rekha while playing Brennan Lee Mulligan who is actually playing Bug with a Big Ass is just something really special, actually
♡ that tells me that Jackson Alberta is being played by a gay man and I'm trying to isolate which one Ohmigod ally
♡ so is real life ally also just nat 20's mixed with nat 1's?
♡ moose
♡ omg grant and katie
♡ AllyBrennan calling out BrennanBrennan
♡ I fucking love GraNma sWeetie
♡ maybe they're all ally
♡ the Rekha Brennan storyline is hilarious
♡ grant... maybe I'm Steven?
♡ that does feel like Tao!
♡ omg ally got grant right but thought it was wrong hahaha
♡ woo go Rekha and Katie!
♡ aw zac :(
♡ okay but GraNma sWeetie is the best character!
♡ "I mean I guess someone has chosen to come out and mock me all day."
♡ sleepover starter pack!
♡ ally and zac omg
♡ graNma sWeetie won't give out her real name, but she will give out her social security number 🤣
♡ I'm the belle of the ball omg I love you zac
♡ oh my god grant.
♡ okay, but if it were me I would say uh... oh wait fuck I don't have a character nevermind
♡ but also Brennan's answer is 10000% a Brennan answer because it's no answer so therefore it's winning
♡ jfc grant
♡ this is a huge moment for everyone but me
♡ grant's here? I thought he had covid?
♡ okay! but this comment presents two REALLY interesting points! Because we know from BingoCeption and the Time Loop episodes that Grant DID have covid, and they had to rush to find replacements for him. Which is why Zac's social card and Brennan's stamp were both made for Grant. SO! This episode presumably takes place filming wise AFTER those two beginning of the season episodes did. BUT! everyone is currently in their own hotel room, which means possibly grant was still testing positive for covid but was asymptomatic and able to play this particular game? Idk. I'm just.... ahh!
♡ the fuck is the ratfish?
♡ they show a person, but my question hasn't changed. Who and what is the ratfish??????????
Okay, time for part two!!! Gonna do a separate post for that one and just share a bunch of my favorite screenshots from part 1 below.
... can you tell I've been watching a lot of dimension 20?
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bicanthropus · 2 years
joann owosekun
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╔═.✾. ═  LOG *** :  joann owosekun  |  cis woman, she/her |  35.
Just spotted JOANN / OWO around town.  Our records show that they remember [ most things ] from their source : st discovery (canon).   They were first spotted in october 2022 and our best guess is that their last memory is jumping past the edges of the known universe.  Archivists watching them state that they still have the control needed at her finger tips, an innate sense of understanding, sly smiles passed in secret, and folded notes in class vibe about them.
━  from Armes E. Sallow’s  personal archives. ═.✾. ═╝ ↳・゜oyin oladejo .
━━━ transcribed on : 15 october 2022.  transcription annotated by an tal brennan.
❃゜・。. ・°゜
armes: can you tell me your name and where you are from?
Lieutenant Commander Joann Owosekun.  I am originally from a small village in Nigeria, though I studied in San Francisco and spent much of my young adult life there.
armes: and after your young adult life? where have you come from, immediately
I’m not sure I’m allowed to say, Ma’am.  
armes: if you can tell anyone in this town it is me.  but let me take a guess.  you are either coming from not this world or the future, or both.
Is that a common occurrence for you?
armes: common enough that i can assure you i have whatever level of clearance you deem necessary.
I was last in space, Ma’am.  And the future.  And I’m not sure what else I can say without ruining the future.
armes:  what is the last memory you have of your home?
Seeing things that no one thought possible.  Going beyond what we’d known.
armes:  i ask because we have a history of memory loss in this town.  do any of your memories feel foggy or missing?
I’ve been through war and jumped through time, twice now.  I think that any fogginess is simply from that.
armes: you’ve been in town for only a few days by my record.  i thank you for coming in to see me so early.  
You called for it, and you seem to be the person in charge while the town votes for a Mayor. 
armes: is there anything i can do to help you feel settled?
there’s silence on the tape for a moment
Well, if you know any of my crewmates that would be best.  But finding a job would probably help as well.
armes: given your experience, we would probably have a spot open in the research center, if you were interested.  now, joann, do you believe in the supernatural or mythical
No, Ma’am.  I believe there are things that one may perceive as supernatural.  There are strange occurrences in this universe.  And I am one who does believe in superstitions, thanks to my mother.  But the things I believe, I would not classify in those categories.
armes: what kind of traits would your friends and family give you?
Dedicated, hardworking, bit of a perfectionist.  Keyla would say I was patient, and Tilly would say I’m empathetic and I’d scoff at her.
armes: Is there anything else you would like to say?
No Ma’am, but thank you for your time.
❃゜・。. ・°゜
notes collected by tal brennan
Joann Owosekun is a smaller character on the more recent Star Trek series, Discovery.  She is the operations commander, making her one of the two helmswomen on the Bridge.  Her and the other helmswoman, Keyla Detmer, seem to have a special bond between the two of them and work seamlessly together. 
Despite being a small character, we know a few things about her.  She, like the rest of the crew, is passionate about justice and doing the right thing.  She even agreed to jump into the far future in order to continue working with and helping the crew.  She is dedicated, intelligent, and hardworking from what we can see.  She respects the order of command, unless she thinks someone is in danger.  
danger: 6/10 likeliness to investigate: 8/10
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
im getting a little too in my family feels today and so INSTEAD of feeling those im just going to ramble for a second about why i fucking love paladin!aelwyn because. im. just like this i guess im coping leave me alone
cw for discussions of child abuse, maladaptive coping, drugs and alcohol, self harm, destructive tendencies, basically everything we see in canon and the implications
aelwyn is ... SO interesting to me because for as much of her interiority as we see, as much of her as we think we understand, as much as i could ramble about her character for hours, we know ALMOST NOTHING about her in actuality?? (besides ... one key thing)
(this is like 2k and probably incoherent someone please stop me)
okay. listen. almost everything we see aelwyn do in s1 is maladaptive rebellion against her parents and home life. the drinking, the drugs, the partying, perhaps some of kalvaxus (though i dont think we fully understand how much of that was forced on her as well, kalina WAS watching her when she was talking to adaine about it). you can say like, oh aelwyn is a party animal, she's impulsive, she makes risky decisions, she's bitchy and rude, and its like. okay but IS SHE ACTUALLY. because under her parents thumb she had an EXTREMELY limited amount of freedom, and usually when people are suffering from very little control over their life, they WILL act destructively over the tiny bit they can, either harming themselves or their environment or people lower than them in the pecking order, because in a way, that feels like a reclamation of autonomy. saying "you have so much power over me but can you stop me from hurting myself and destroying what you havent managed to claim yet?". its just like, kind of what human brains do and frequently has little to do with a persons actual personality or impulses, its just. desperate brains trying to control SOMETHING because autonomy is a fundamental human need and when thats taken away we get. very bad off. (this is one big reason eating disorders are SO common with abused kids.) so i think a lot of the s1 aelwyn we see is like. this is a very desperate, abused teenager "acting out" in the only way it is possibly somewhat safe for her to do so because, on a psychological level, the self destruction is weirdly the only emotional tether and its either this or just dissociate all the time (something we do see she has problems with in canon)
and yes, she did treat adaine horribly in s1. she fully did. obviously what we get in canon is what happens but a moment thats interesting to me is in episode 1 where adaine has attacked aelwyn several times, who either does nothing or just bounces it back, when she says "i never cast spells at you" and siobhan immediately retcons it and says "yes you do, all the time" (i havent gone back and watched this bit so i might be wording this wrong). obviously its an improv show and the canon is built between performers as they go, but that was interesting to me. that brennan hadnt intended for her to have fought back in that way. she definitely feeds into the emotional abuse from their parents and participates in all the toxicity there, but we know in canon that she did that because of overwhelming fear and self preservation. and that her self hatred because of it just fed back into the cycle and made her feel like she wasnt good enough to even try to break free from it. this is very common in golden child/scapegoat sibling relationships where the golden child SEES what the parents are capable of and becomes a participant in the abuse out of fear for their own standing. in any way siding with the scapegoat child not only directs abuse at themselves as well, but frequently makes things WORSE for the scapegoat because the parents will take out the challenge to their power on them even more. so, if aelwyn DID ever try to defend or help adaine when they were small, she would have VERY QUICKLY learned that made things worse for everyone. and just. sectioned that part of her brain off, as she's done with so many other things. (and i dont think im reading too much into the forest scene with the abernants to say their parents were VERY QUICK to turn abuse towards aelwyn if she stepped out of line even a little. like, you dont flinch when a hand moves unless. you know. dont need to say it just something to think about. as far as we saw in canon, she had done everything they asked of her leading up to the forest, and we DONT KNOW what happened in it but we do know brennan specifically called out how in broken spirits she was when adaine was summoned, even though they did the ritual to avoid all of the nightmare bullshit)
(the house party is literally a whole separate post but i think its fair to point out that 1) she was super under the influence when that was happening which DEFINITELY is in no way an excuse for her behavior but worth remembering when trying to analyze that 2) her losing that fight did canonically have DRASTIC consequences for her and even if she didnt know exactly how that was going to turn out, i think she knew how bad it might be. and she did not know adaine or any of the bad kids were going to be there in the first place)
all that said, it feels in some ways counterproductive to say that aelwyn is an extremely devoted and protective person (yes we're getting to the paladin shit i know i've been rambling a while) but i think that thats strangely ALL WE ACTUALLY KNOW ABOUT HER. because we've established that her self-destructive and abusive behavior in s1 is almost entirely psychologically scripted for her by her parents, we dont know how much of her villain shit in s1 was LITERALLY UNDER THREAT OF DEATH because we know at least killing the oracle was and we dont know how much of the rest of it was mandated by either her parents or kalina other than that she probably was under orders not to tell adaine the truth, and we know participating in all of this caused extreme self loathing in her that she refused to show to anybody and was too terrified to act on in any way
so, like. what does that actually leave us?
here's what we do know about aelwyn:
- of all the schools of magic, she went into abjuration
- the entire bbeg plan from season 1 hinged on aelwyn's complete faith that her level 1 sister was the most prodigious diviner in the world
- right after (?) the house party, she locked her memories where only adaine could find it with a note basically saying "theres so much bad blood between us but i know only you could find this"
- she desperately wanted to protect adaine and the fact that she was too afraid to do so made her hate herself (and her knowing that adaine now knows this is the turning point in their relationship)
- despite everything, even in the nmk forest, she still loved her parents
- the SECOND she is shown genuine love and affection and care from adaine, and adaine says whatever you do, i am here with you, all her actions from there forward are just about protecting adaine from their father, very nearly at the cost of her own life
- with what she probably thought were her last words (and would have been if adaine hadnt given her the tincture), all she wanted to communicate was how to help adaine and the bad kids, and how despite everything she had always believed in her
- at five levels of exhaustion, unconscious, she used her first spell slot after nine months of torture to build a shield around adaine
NOW we get to paladin!aelwyn. because, once everything is stripped away, the abuse and the control and the maladaption and the threats and the torture, EVERYTHING we ACTUALLY can glean about aelwyn's personality and inner core is that she's protective and devoted. and of course classes arent locked by personality, but that just screams paladin to me. its her WHOLE THING. adaine even says "wizards dont have heals, we dont care about other people" and of COURSE that isnt true for either of them, but? mechanically? aelwyn chose the wizard school that DID let her protect, and DID let her help, but i dont think, at this point, going forward, thats really going to be enough for her (and we could also talk about the parallels between them, how often adaine uses her portents to help other people)
i think a lot of the different reads on aelwyn come from this fundamental disconnect between her actions and displayed personality vs who she actually is and what she actually wants. and i think there are very different interpretations of what thats going to look like for her going forward. but i think, for a girl who's most hated characteristic about herself was her self preservation at the detriment of others, her perceived selfishness, and her fear ... isn't choosing to be braver and more selfless and more protective and shedding that self-preserving instinct for the betterment of others ... and MECHANICALLY being able to act on all those things ... the logical next step? i think its going to be a LONG TIME before aelwyn can love herself, but what other way is there to try? if adaine loves her, and adaine believes she can be better, isnt being better because she trusts adaine kind of a form of self love? saying, i dont believe in myself, but i believe in the person who believes in me, and maybe, in a roundabout way, thats the same thing. she was never able to TRY to be better before, because trying to improve even a little, even when people arent watching, when a harmful force has so much power over you and your actions ... like, the mental dissonance is honestly TOO much to even try, thats WAY more terrifying than letting yourself be bad, to the point where thats psychologically impossible for a lot of people. but now she actually has space and freedom and CHOICE and she CAN embrace the instincts she always had to shove down, she CAN be the person she knows her sister needed her to be
i dont know, i think theres an inherent love letter to yourself in wanting to be better and wanting to improve, even if you justify it by saying its for someone else. and now aelwyn actually CAN improve, and thats probably going to be extremely awkward and scary and there will be set backs and backslides for sure. but. i dont know. i think she wants to make up for lost time. because she never wanted the time to be lost in the first place. and if a protector is who she always wanted to be, whats stopping her from being that now?
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bonesgadh · 5 years
My opinion on what the future may hold for Gendrya (or a shipper’s desperate rant).
This is a very long post. It basically consists of me analizing evidence that points to Arya and Gendry being endgame. The reason why I decided to write this is because I want to give hope to some Gendrya shippers out there who were left pretty devastated after what happened on Sunday. Of course I can’t know for sure if all this shit will mean anything in the end, for all I know the failed proposal was Gendrya’s last scene and we are facing a bigger heartbreak. Still I wanted to share with you the reasons why I’m feeling optimistic and I really hope I can make you feel optimistic as well. Please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes because, although I do my best, english is not my first language :)
First, some shout-outs:
To @chocolatecarstairs for this wonderful post that points out how Arya and Gendry are pretty much redoing their story. You gave me the idea to write this :)
To @captainfangirlll for reminding me we still haven’t seen Gendry addressing Arya’s scars. I had forgotten that very important detail.
To @miladyaryastark for proving nothing is more effective than a fan with a quest and providing evidence that the show will go back to Storm’s End at some point.
To every fan who has mentioned how this recent turn of events is basically a live action version of “My Featherbed”, especially @ladywolfandbastardbull and @forehead451 for these two wonderful analysis.
 Last but not least to my mom™ for ranting with me every day of this damn week. Love you mom :)
Okay, let’s begin:
The “I reject you not because I don’t love you, but because I’m not ready to be with you” scene
I was born in the Bones fandom. Those of you who have followed me since I first got into this hellfire of a website know it. Temperance Brennan is my life guru and there’s no show, book or movie that has taught me more about love and life than Bones. 
When the now infamous episode 4 aired I saw a striking similitude between the Gendrya scene and a scene from the 100th episode of Bones. I don’t know if you have ever seen the show but the main couple are Booth & Brennan. He has been in love with her for a while and on that episode he finally makes his move and tells her he wants to give their relationship a shot. Brennan rejects him but you can tell she is suffering because she also has feelings for him, although she doesn’t want to risk ruining their relationship and she doesn’t want to take a leap of faith because her life is basically shit and she has been burnt before. Eventually and after some angst —him getting into a relationship with someone else, jealous Brennan— she realizes she loves him too and decides to give her relationship with Booth a shot and they have a baby and get married —although she said she would never do it— and they live happily ever after.
The Gendrya scene follows a very similar path. There’s an undeniable attraction between Arya and Gendry, an attraction that is years in the making. Although Arya was the first one to make her move with the whole “we are probably going to die” line, you could say them having sex only happened because it was an extreme situation and because of the threat of imminent death. Now that they have left that behind Gendry makes his move and confesses his love to Arya *sobs*, only to be rejected by her in a kind but still very sad way, and his heart clearly shatters in a million pieces.
I’m gonna take a risk here and say I know Arya pretty well —I identify with her a lot, actually—, and I’m certain one of the reasons behind her rejection is her fear of giving her heart to Gendry only to lose him as she has lost everything she has ever loved. Every person who has suffered loss, especially catastrophic loss develops a fear of attachment because they know firsthand that nothing lasts forever, and they are scared of being hurt again. Like they said in Grey’s Anatomy (back when it was good): “Fears means you have something to lose”; it was obvious Arya was terrified during the Battle of Winterfell and there were also traces of fear in her face as Gendry word-vomited his feelings for her. This has been said a lot in other posts so it might come across as repetitive, but Arya has lost so much and she is not willing to lose anything else (ironically by rejecting Gendry she is “losing him”, but at least she believes he still has a chance of finding happiness with another woman like @apiratecalledav mentions here.  Selflessness with a bit of the good ole self destruction).
Still, I firmly believe Arya will recapacitate and something will happen that will make her realize what she feels for Gendry is worth fighting for. My guess is it’ll have something to do with The Hound (you can read my theory below), and whatever happens will show her that it’s okay to be scared of loss, but that life is better when you are with those you love, even if it’s just for a little while. When she comes to this realization she will feel comfortable enough to let Gendry know how she really feels about him, how afraid she is of losing him again and how she is willing to fight her own demons in order to find peace and happiness with him, something that is long overdue (just like it happens on Bones. Seriously, you should watch it if you haven’t already. It’s full of life lessons).
Arya’s final lesson
I already wrote this in another post, you can read it here. The Hound will be crucial for our ship to stay alive.
Arya’s issue with letting go/Being “torn”
When Gendry tells Arya she is beautiful and that he loves her, her face is a very interesting mix of surprise, fear and awe. She is clearly so overwhelmed with what he just said that she can’t bring herself to say a word, because he literally took her breath away with his kiss. It’s quite an unusual reaction on Arya’s part as she always seems to be so calm and prepared for anything, which says a lot of how much Gendry’s lovely speech caught her off guard. I can’t help but wonder what she would’ve said if he hadn’t proposed, if his speech had ended with “None of it will be worth anything if you are not with me”.
One of Arya’s main traits is her issue with letting go. She can’t let go of her desire of returning to Winterfell, she can’t let go of Needle when Jaqen asks her to, she can’t let go of her identity as Arya Stark, she can’t let go of her list and her thirst of revenge even though she defeated the personification of death and a man gave his life for her to live. But if there’s one thing Arya hasn’t been able to let go as well is her feelings for Gendry. Maisie said it herself, the moment Arya reconnects with him she can’t help but remember the girl she used to be and how she was so in love with Gendry she was willing to follow him to the end of the world. Back in seasons 2 and 3 Arya was still a girl who wanted to be with Gendry but his mind was clearly set on something else. Now it’s the other way around, Gendry is head over heels in love with Arya but her mind is set on something else. 
Now that Arya’s old feelings for Gendry have risen to the surface, my guess is they will be addressed on the next two episodes because his proposal clearly shook her to her foundations. She will be torn —as Maisie said she would— between her thirst for revenge and her desire of being with Gendry and fulfilling a dream she had when she was thirteen years old. This will obviously be very hard for her because her list is what kept her alive all those years she spent away from home, it’s like giving up your lifesaver because you are ready to learn how to swim. And I want my girl to give that step, to chose life (yes I know you are tired of reading that expression everywhere but I can’t think of a better way to describe her options).
The three acts
This fucking show loves foreshadowing and mirroring scenes. Thanks to @chocolatecarstairs amazing post I noticed we have seen Gendrya complete two full cycles.
Cycle #1  
Arya and Gendry meet in King’s Landing.
Gendry defends Arya from Hot Pie.
Arya tells Gendry about her real identity.
Arya shows traces of being attracted to Gendry.
Arya asks Gendry to go with her to Winterfell and says she can be his family.
Gendry refuses her proposal in a very gentile way because he believes his fate to be somewhere else, and because he isn’t drawn to serving others forever.
Gendry leaves (unintentionally but still) and she goes with The Hound to Winterfell.
End of the first act.
Cycle #2
Arya and Gendry meet again in Winterfell.
Arya defends Gendry from The Hound.
Gendry tells Arya about his real identity.
Gendry shows traces of being attracted to Arya.
Gendry asks Arya to marry him and to be the Lady of Storm’s End.
Arya refuses his proposal in a very gentile way because (we assume) she believes her fate to be somewhere else, and because she isn’t drawn to the life he is offering her as a lord.
Arya leaves and she goes with The Hound to King’s Landing.
End of the second act.
At this point they are pretty much even. Now some people would take this as proof they have come full circle and that their story is over, but I disagree. Cycle #3 is still yet to unfold and I’m betting a large sum of money they will repeat the process one last time. If my analysis of @chocolatecarstairs analysis (Lol) is correct, my guess is their story is following the A-B-A structure.
They meet in King’s Landing (his birthplace)—they see each other again in Winterfell (her birthplace) —therefore they will reunite in King’s Landing (back to his birthplace and where their relationship began).
She is shown to be attracted to him—he is shown to be attracted to her—she will be shown to be attracted to him (although they kind of already showed that but work with me).
She told him she loved him (or that’s how I interpret the “I can be your family” quote)—he told her he loved her—now she will be the one to tell him she loves him.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome, right? Well, if they actually want to be together, they will need to do something to disrupt the pattern (something Bones also taught me). Now, how will they do it?
Let’s play attention to this scene that has already been referenced:
She asks him to come with her to Winterfell but he refuses—He asks her to come with him to Storm’s End but she refuses—?
AHA! Here’s where the pattern will break!
My guess is the key is in the final moment that will be mirrored:
“Last time you saw me you wanted me to come to Winterfell. Took the long road, but…”
(I don’t know if he says “road” or something that sounds very similar. If I’m wrong feel free to correct me).
Thanks to @miladyaryastark’s post I learned they filmed some stuff in the Cushendun Caves, which was used as location for Storm’s End back in season 2. It was actually the last known location for season 8 although I don’t think we have any idea who filmed there (logic points to Joe because Gendry is the new Lord but who knows?) Anyway, let’s suspend reality for a second and suppose both Joe and Maisie filmed there. I would love a callback to Gendry’s quote but this time Arya is the one who delivers it:
“Last time you saw me you wanted me to come to Storm’s End. Took the long road, but…”
And this is how this scene would bring an end to the third act of their story:
Gendry leaves Arya—Gendry returns to her—Arya leaves Gendry—Arya returns to him.
It would even be a different structurem from A-B-A to A-B-A-B. 
Full circle.
I would die if a scene like that makes it to the finale.
The symbolism of Arya’s target practice
We have seen Arya practicing her archery and being interrupted by Gendry twice now. First time in episode 2 and then in episode 4. My mom™ says both scenes are extremely symbolic and perfectly represent their relationship. Let me elaborate:
Arya’s archery practice is meant to represent her goal of killing Cersei. Why? Because when you are practicing archery you are basically aiming for a target. You need to concentrate in order to hit it, and a little distraction can cause you to miss. Arya’s main desire is to kill Cersei, she is her target. That’s why she looks so concentrated as she shoots and why she pretty much hides to practice, she is not willing to let anything or anyone distract her from her objective. She kills the Night King and instead of celebrating with the others, she chooses to go back to focus on her target instead. The Long Night was a distraction, but now she’s ready to return to her goal.
Along comes Gendry.
As I just mentioned, the first time he interrupts her is in episode 2 when he delivers her weapon. She makes a pause in her practice (a.k.a. her mission) to talk to him and, you know, ride him. The second time happens in episode 4, when Gendry literally comes between her and her target and she almost pierces his head with an arrow. This time she also makes a pause to listen to what he is saying to her, she even puts down the bow for a moment as she kisses him. After she rejects his proposal she goes back to shooting arrows, which symbolizes her returning to her target.
What can we conclude from this? That Gendry is the only one who can literally make her turn away from her target (wow I’m using the world “literally” too much). He can get her to forget about her objective, even if it’s only for a little while. He is her distraction, and I believe he will be the reason why she won’t be the one to kill Cersei.
Arya’s scars
Another thing my mom™ pointed out regarding Arya’s scars (thanks @captainfangirlll for reminding us the director said they will be important) is the fact that no one else besides Gendry has seen them. She noticed this, which probably caught her off guard because he is the first person she shows them to. You look at Arya and the first thing that catches your eye is her cold demeanor and seemingly overconfident attitude, you would never imagine her body is full of scars that remind her all the time someone tried to kill her and almost succeeds. Her scars represent her vulnerability, that she can be hurt, that’s why she hasn’t shown them to anybody. But Gendry saw them. The moment she catches him staring at them she demands him to take his pants off. She doesn’t want him to stare because that gives him an intel of how vulnerable she really is, and she doesn’t like that. He literally saw her scars which is very symbolic. I don’t think anyone has seen her that naked since she was a baby tbh.
The live action version of “My Featherbed”
I don’t have much to say about this because other fans have made a much better job than me (@ladywolfandbastardbull and @forehead451 for example). What I can say is I’m certain the lyrics of the song will play an important part :) 
I honestly have no idea how Gendrya will end the show. Will they marry? I have no idea. Will Gendry give up his newfound fame and fortune to sail west of Westeros with her? Probably. Will Arya realize she doesn’t have to be a traditional lady and that Gendry would never ask her to be something she is not? Hopefully. Will Gendry be crowned King and Arya will go back to Winterfell, never to see each other again? God, I hope not. 
But what I believe, in my heart, is that they will be endgame. How? If only I knew. Maisie said Arya’s arc this season revolves around her regaining her humanity and finding herself after years of misery. Joe said Gendry’s arc is very tightly linked to Arya’s. They brought Gendry back to make a statement, for us to see a side of Arya we hadn’t really seen before. For her to remember the person she used to be and the one she could still be. Remember this until May 19th. Don’t give into despair. For the love of God, get the fuck away from reddit and spoilers. Trust in the story they have told us since season 1.
Feel free to share your opinions with me. I only ask you, for the love of all that is holy, to NOT post spoilers or pseudo leaks. I don’t want to know and there are others who don’t want to know either. Please respect our decision :)
*Don’t Stop Believing plays in the background*
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Emily Deschanel on Biggest 'Bones' Lessons, Working With David Boreanaz and Returning to TV
  June 04, 2019 9:45am PT by Jean Bentley
  The actress formerly known as Temperance Brennan is returning to television in TNT's 'Animal Kingdom,' and discusses the evolution of her career with The Hollywood Reporter.
When Emily Deschanel graduated from theater school, she planned to spend her career doing off-Broadway shows and the occasional indie film. The actress, who is best known for the 12 years she spent starring on Fox procedural Bones, chuckled on the phone while remembering those early career goals.
"I remember somebody laughing at me, like, 'OK, if you never want to make any money, then great,'" she told The Hollywood Reporter.
While her earliest credited parts include small roles in not-so-indie films including Cold Mountain, Glory Road and The Alamo, Deschanel's big break came after being cast in Stephen King's ABC miniseries Rose Red. A couple of pilot seasons later and she was the No. 2 on the call sheet for Bones, behind former Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel star David Boreanaz, where she'd spend the next decade-plus of her life.
                          Two years after her Fox drama ended, Deschanel now finds herself headed back to television in a recurring role on TNT's crime family drama Animal Kingdom. While she spent 12 years playing forensic anthropologist and straight-laced FBI collaborator Temperance Brennan on Bones, she's on the other side of the law as recovering addict Angela on Animal Kingdom.
Deschanel spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about her nearly two decades in Hollywood — including following in the footsteps of her younger sister, Zoey Deschanel (their parents are both in the industry; their father is the Oscar-nominated cinematographer Caleb Deschanel and their mother is Twin Peaks actor Mary Jo Deschanel), working with occasionally difficult co-workers, the Bones lawsuit that has made her wary of signing contracts, and deciding to return to the small screen after a hiatus.
When did you start acting?
When I was growing up I always wanted to be an architect, for whatever reason. I guess it's the perfect blend of art and math and science, which, to me, was really appealing. But then I went to Crossroads for high school and I discovered theater and discovered acting, and I really loved doing it. I think I wouldn't have become an actor if I hadn't gone to the conservatory at Boston University for theater. You get to do four plays a year there, and I think I wouldn't have had the experience to give me the confidence to pursue being an actor after college if I hadn't done something like that. Of course, I look back and wish I'd gone to a liberal arts school and got a more well-rounded education, but there's always time to educate yourself, I guess. I think it was probably the right path for me because it gave me the experience, it gave me the confidence to try and pursue acting. My sister was already [acting]. She was always a natural performer, so she didn't need an external source to tell her she could pursue something.
I just loved theater, I loved to study, I loved Shakespeare. I'm the kid that went to Shakespeare camp three years in a row. Of course when I left school I was like, "I'm going to do Off-Broadway theater only and maybe independent film. And that's all." I remember somebody laughing at me, like, "Okay, if you never want to make any money, then great." It was such a specific thing. I can't say that I had a grand plan of what my career would be. Clearly I had one idea that changed completely, and I've done television for many years.
I moved back to L.A. after a period of time in New York and I finally got representation that sent me out. I had representation in New York but I think I got zero auditions for a whole year, so I was just working in a restaurant there, but it was still fun. A few months in, I think it was six months after moving back, I got this miniseries: Stephen King's Rose Red. Such a big job to get, where I was in Seattle for many months and it was so exciting to me. It was not a main character but it was a character that was in the show a lot. It was so much fun and I quickly loved being a complete sellout. [Laughs] I met one of my best friends, Melanie Lynskey, on that. We're still so close. I love the camaraderie with the actors — I love working on set and being on location too, you get to know people even more because you're kind of stuck in a place far away. I loved it.
Then I did a pilot after that and I did a Law & Order: SVU, so my first several jobs were all in television, and then I did some independent films and small parts in other films.
   What was it like when Bones came along? It was probably exciting to book a pilot, but obviously at the time you have no idea that it's going to last more than a decade.
I had zero idea, and that was not my plans for things, either. I had done a couple pilots before and this was towards the end of the pilot season, or the end of their casting of the show, and I got a call to come in and audition for it. I met with Hart Hanson, who created the show; Barry Josephson, the producer; Greg Yaitaines, who was directing it. They laughed at my jokes, so I thought they were really nice people. Especially Hart Hanson loved my stupid jokes, so I'll always remember that.
I remember loving the dialogue between the two characters, really quick witty repartee, and I liked that relationship. I liked that it was a strong female character. When you sign on to do a TV show you have to think about the long term, especially in the beginning when you're doing the pilot, what kind of message you're putting out there for people. Of course this is like the opposite of now what I'm doing — Animal Kingdom is like the worst thing that could ever happen to a person for what you put out there. On Bones it was a different show. Younger people watched it, so you have to think about young girls watching the show and seeing female role models and scientists who are really smart and accomplished in their careers, and are successful.
I thought about all of that and I really responded to the script, and then I met David Boreanaz. He already had the part when I auditioned for it. I remember thinking, Oh, this could last us three years. That would be the longest I could ever in a million years imagine that it could ever last. And then it kept going and going and it was a lot of fun, with some great people. I look back with such fondness.
I [spoke with] a friend recently who was an actor on the show as well, and he was saying, "You seem so might lighter than when you were on the show!" And I'm looking back on it thinking I was so easy-breezy but apparently I was like "I will stress out about every single thing that I could possibly stress out about." It's a lot to be the lead of a television show. It's a lot of responsibility and it's an honor, but you do have to set a tone for a set, and there's pressure to keep the show going and be good. There's all kinds of things that I was probably holding on to that I wasn't realizing, and I look back just remembering all the fun times we had on set with the other actors — like the times in between when they say "cut" and before they say "action" — and of all the conversations we had. I look back thinking I was so easy-breezy but was usually very stressed about everything.
 She's also a character who is not very emotional, so you probably also had to tamp down your own feelings more when you were playing her.
Yeah, that's true. I remember the first season doing takes where there was some things that were super upsetting. I remember there was an episode about a girl in foster care and my character was supposed to be in foster care and I was just bawling crying. We couldn't use any of it. I was so upset but my character was so cut off emotionally. I loved, like I was saying, that we had these strong female characters. Hart Hanson, who created it, was a feminist himself and we talked about how my character would never be saved by the male lead until I saved him first. We had things like that, and my favorite thing ever was when I met young girls who said they wanted to become scientists or they were in the process of studying science because of watching the show. That just makes me so happy that we had that kind of impact on people in such a positive way.
What was it like working with David Boreanaz, who had come off of a decade of successful shows with Buffy and Angel? What was it like for you as a relative newcomer to be paired up with someone who can be notoriously prickly sometimes?
No comment. [Laughs.] No, he was very respectful of me. He respected me from the very beginning, and I will always appreciate that. We had a great relationship. I had worked for several years but I'd never been a regular on a TV show before, so it was very new to me. He never tried to tell me what to do, never tried to school me in any way or make me feel like I didn't belong or like I was learning and new. We went to an acting coach, so we basically had therapy every week together which is kind of hilarious, in certain ways, 'cause we would talk about our lives as well in the sessions.
We also had an agreement: We spent more time with each other than we did with our own spouses — with anybody else, really — and we fully acknowledged that we would drive each other crazy. We gave each other permission to walk away at different times, or just say "you're really bothering me right now," or "you're annoying me, I have to get away from you." And we rarely used that because we gave each other permission and we talked about it. It really helped us to get along better in that way, and he always respected me and I love that about him. We would laugh about a million things and he became like a brother and played jokes on me and stuff. For some reason it became a joke that if someone was acting badly, you give them a Diet Coke. I don't drink soda, so if somebody brought me a Diet Coke, I knew it was because he would tell a PA to bring me a Diet Coke as a joke. I didn't do that to him every often. He was more of the mischievous one of the two of us for sure, but we had a lot of good times together.
That sounds like a healthy way to approach that type of relationship.
People have work husbands and work wives at their jobs. I think that's not uncommon, but it takes it to another level playing opposite each other and being married to each other, for sure.
You and David still have a lawsuit pending against Fox for withholding profits from the show. Is there anything you can say about what you learned from that whole experience, and how it has impacted your deals going forward, or even advice to other actors dealing with that issue?
I can't really talk about it because it's still going on. It's not over. I would love to talk about it at some point, but I can't talk about it now. I can talk about it with my friends, but I can't talk to the [press] about it. We can talk in a couple of years. It makes me nervous to sign a contract.
                   What's your biggest takeaway from your experience on Bones?
Oh, there's so much. I loved playing that character for 12 years. I loved the people I worked with, not just the cast but the crew. I loved telling the stories. I loved all of it. For me, going forward, I just don't want to do the same thing twice. At this point, I have no interest in doing 22 episodes of a television show. I want to play different characters, I'm open to anything — I'm not going to say that I'm not doing television because I'm currently filming television, but I'm not a series regular. That was a plus to me going in. I have flexibility. When you're a guest star you can come and go, and there's no contract, which is great going into my first job after doing Bones. And I don't want to take too much time away from my kids. So that's basically how I see things now, but I'm not anti-television by any means. It really is the golden age of television right now; there's so many amazing things going on, so many stories that are being told, and people doing it so well. I would never write off doing television.
You produced and directed on Bones, is that something you want to do more?
Yeah, all of it. I loved being a producer on Bones. It gives you a say in things, and I really appreciated that. Directing I really loved, and I'm very much interested in doing more of that in my life, but it takes up time. It depends on the time and finding the right project, because you don't want to spend all that time producing or directing something that isn't something you are completely passionate about. It's about finding the right project, and the right timing, with family and everything, I could do that again.
Your character on Animal Kingdom is very different than we've seen you play in the past.
I was really interested in having the conversation about addiction. The character is a recovering heroin addict, and this is a big issue in our country right now. This is a character you're seeing enter the show at rock bottom: She's just come out of prison, she's got nowhere to live, and she's trying to establish herself. This is a character who is sensitive to things, has seen everything in life, has done all kinds of things in her life, like a lot of people who have dealt with addiction have. This is a character who is a survivor. She's trying to find her way in the world and she's doing to do whatever it takes to establish herself to get what she needs, basically.
So she might come across as manipulative. She always has the reasons for doing what she does, but that's like all the characters on the show. They're like criminals, addicts, sociopaths,and she fits in with all that. My character is the best friend of Ellen Barkin's character's daughter so I've known the family for years and years and years, and I see it as an opportunity for myself to get in with the family and see what I can get out of it.
It sounds like there might be a throwdown between Angela and Smurf, Ellen Barkin's character.
Yeah, my character and her character did not like each other. I blame her for her daughter's death, and she blames me, essentially. There's no hiding how we feel about each other. It gets very intense between the two characters for sure. I'm the woman coming in for her territory and I move in to her house. She is not happy about that. I can't say that there's a throw-down fight between us, but it gets intense. Which is always uncomfortable because I love Ellen Barkin so much as a person and as an actor, so I hate the fact that our characters don't get along. But at least we get along off camera!
Animal Kingdom airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on TNT.
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secretlessvicki · 6 years
Charades and Masquerades
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He was a devote Catholic. She was the direct descendant of Madame Marie Laveau. Could he bring her to the side of God and holiness? Or would she show him the ways of magic and sin? 
What happens when a string of murders in one of the most haunted cities brings together two people who never planned to see each other again? And how this all tie into an infamous treasure?
Prologue   Ch 1
Chapter 1
It was another night of tossing and turning for Lieutenant Killian Jones. Being aboard a naval ship never alluded to a good night's sleep. But it wasn’t just the crashing of the waves and the sways of the ship that always had Killian waking in the morning feeling just a tired as he had been when he went to bed.
The empty rum bottle that sat on his desk and the memories of abandonment and betrayal plagued his mind. His mother passing just before his sixth birthday. His father not returning home one night after work. And an endless string of foster homes only homing he and his brother for the paycheck not really caring how the boys fared. And then there was her.
“Get your bloody arse out of bed!”
A sudden splash of water woke Killian from his sleep. “What the fuck, Liam? You couldn’t have just woke me with an alarm like everyone else?”
“I tried. That blasted device has been blaring for half an hour.” He pointed to what looked like a previously working alarm clock. Now it was just a pile of wires and plastic parts all across the cabin floor. “Did you go through another bottle again? Killian, when are you going to stop all of your self-loathing?”
Liam Jones, older brother extraordinaire began tossing away empty bottles with a roll of his eyes. He had been there with Killian through everything. The morning their mother passed, Liam was there holding his baby brother as he cried into his shirt. When their father did not come home, it was Liam who watched over his little brother. The day he turned eighteen, Liam fought with everything he had to earn custody of Killian. It meant working two jobs while also making sure that the rebellious Killian attended school and was clothed and fed. By the time Killian was old enough they were both in their respective ports serving in Her Royal Majesty’s Navy.
“Liam, the bloody fucking sun is not even out. Why in God’s name do I need to be up before it’s light out?” The faint pounding in his head increasing with each blink of his eyes. He almost swore someone was wielding a sledgehammer behind his eyes.
“You know better than to take his name in vain, little brother. Did you forget everything you learned in Bible study?”
A sudden memory of a nun slapping a ruler against a chalkboard flashed in Killian’s mind. He didn’t remember everything but he knew the important bits. Jesus turned water into wine. The Ten Commandments. It’s not as if any of it had helped him recently.
“Are you going to tell me why I am sitting awake on wet bed sheets? We are suppose to be on liberty. That means sleeping in.”
“You are only sleeping in because you stayed awake all night. Now put a shirt on and meet me in the Mess. I’ll fill you in over breakfast.” Liam threw a pillow at his brother before leaving.
After a string of incoherent curses, Killian rummaged around his bunk to find his uniform. Without a window in the cabin, he took a guess at what the weather would be like. The coast of Ireland in April could always be deceiving and he was sure Liam was going to take them both out for the day.
It took Killian almost 10 extra minutes to get down to where he was sure his older brother was waiting for him. He could almost hear Liam drumming his fingers against the metal table each time he had to stop because a fellow sailor commented on his red eyes or the dark circles underneath. Every time he opened a bottle he would tell himself that he would only have a shot or two. But two shots would turn into an entire glass, and after two glasses Killian would ditch the useless tumbler and drink straight from the bottle. He knew what would happen. No matter how much water he drank or how many painkillers he took, the result would always be the same. One massive headache and a piss poor mood.
His mood was even worse when he walked into the Mess to find that Liam had a glass of some awful green concoction. It could only be one thing. Liam Brennan Jones’ version of a hangover cure. One thing for sure was that the bloody drink would taste absolutely terrible.
“What ever happened to a good English breakfast after a night out on the town?”
“First of all, you did not spend the night out on the town. You wallowed away in some pub all night only to drink yourself unconscious in your bunk.
Second, you can do whatever you please at the end of the month when you get discharged. Until then you will continue to follow not only the royal navy’s rules but mine as well. I will still be your older brother even when I am no longer your captain.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” Killian saluted. “In two weeks you will have a new lieutenant to push around.”
“Aye, sometimes I look forward to the day. But until then you are mine, little brother. Now drink up. I want you more coherent. Something big came about last night.”
“Younger brother.” Begrudgingly, Killian drank his hangover cure. He flagged down one of the steward’s for a proper breakfast, finally settling in for Liam’s big news.
“Are you ready?”
Trying very hard not to roll his eyes, Killian slowly nodded his head. The movement felt like his brain was hitting the inside of his skull but Killian managed not to wince. At least he hoped not.
“We found something!” Liam vaguely explained.
“We? As in you and me? Because I certainly do not remember finding anything of importance. Or do you mean the crew? If that is the case I must be far more hungover than I thought, because I was almost positive our latest mission was a recon.”
“Just shut it you git and let me explain. Petty Officer Morgan…”
“Oh you mean that American you have been chatting with in your free time?” Killian suddenly was more interested in this story. Especially when it involved his prude of a brother and a woman.
“It is not like that Killian and you know it. Get your mind out of the gutter so I can explain. She and I have been emailing back and forth since we meet when you and I were stationed at the U.S. Joint Reserve Base in New Orleans. Reylin is into history same as we are. In fact, she actually did a semester abroad at Imperial College the same time you were in your second year.”
“So she likes history. Sounds like the two of you were made for each other.”
“Stop it, Killian. Would you let me get to the point? She likes history and her favorite subject is lost treasures of the world. She and I have been talking about our hobbies outside of our respective navys and she mentioned looking into an old New Orleans legend. Jean Lafitte.”
If Killian hadn’t been interested before, he was certainly now. While he was not as enthusiastic about history as his brother, Killian Jones did have a love of pirates, fiction or real.
“So you two were talking about a man who was one of the lesser known pirates? What is so important about him?”
“What is important is that to the people in the southern states, Lafitte is not just a second rate pirate. There he is a legend. And before you interrupt me again I wanted to tell you that Morgan has been looking into an old legends about Lafitte. More specifically his last buried treasure.”
“And she found it?”
Pirates and buried treasures had not been what Killian had thought he would be spending his morning talking about. And honestly, he still wished he wasn’t, his bed and pillow were screaming for him to return.
“Not exactly. But she has been digging and she found coordinates to a possible location.”
“Liam, what does this have to do with us?”
“I was thinking that you will be discharged at the end of the month and I will be on leave from my tour. And what better bonding than going on a treasure hunt?”
Killian was thankful that in that moment the steward had brought him his breakfast. He was going to need more protein to get his brain functioning if he was going to deal with Liam and another one of his grand ideas of adventures. The last time the two of them spent bonding time together, Liam ended up in a naval hospital in Brazil after finding out he was highly allergic to a thorny plant in the jungle.
“You want to go on a treasure hunt?” Killian began scanning the room. “Are you pranking me? Or is this some type of documentary for National Geographic? You honestly think it is a good idea for the two of us to fly to the colonies to help a Yankee sailor hunt for an unknown buried treasure? Are you sure you are not trying to impress this lass? Because trying to become Indiana Jones sure sounds like it.”
There was silence between the men as Killian ate and Liam sulked. It was when Killian’s eyes didn’t seem so heavy and his proper posture returned that Liam spoke again.
“You are telling me that you do not want to go? Killian Jones- Mr. ‘I love a challenge’ does not want to help a pretty woman find a long lost treasure? What else would you be doing besides wallowing away in your apartment?”
What was he supposed to say to that? Killian huffed and slouched in his seat. He could tell that Liam knew he had won. 
The next week and a half was spent listening to Liam and Officer Morgan talk about what the possibilities were at the end of the coordinates Reylin had. Killian had to admit that it was all very interesting and that he often found himself wondering what the treasure could be. Realistically he knew that the chance of finding something valuable was slim to near impossible. But it didn’t stop Killian from reading up on Jean Lafitte in his spare time.
As it turned out there was more to the man than it seemed. He had no loyalties to anyone but the person paying him. He looted supplies from ships belonging to Britain, France, and America. But what was interesting was that much of the loot that was stolen was dispersed by Pierre Lafitte, Jean’s half-brother. From his reading, Killian could tell that Jean and Pierre were close. Enough so that he could see the similarities between these brothers and he and Liam.
Jean was the romantic type. A number of legends and tales told of his seduction of women and his charm. Liam had almost choked on his dinner one night when Killian read the latest biography. “Sounds like a certain young lieutenant I know.” He had coughed.
Pierre was more reserved. He was the brains of the operations. It was his job to make sure that all treasures were sold or taken care of. While Jean was out having fun raiding the ships, it was Pierre who was keeping them both out of jail. Until he unfortunately found himself behind bars in a rat infested jail in New Orleans that is. Killian kept that news away from Liam.
Late one-night, Killian sat at his desk lost in a rabbit hole of information. If he was going to go on this adventure with his brother and some American lass, he wanted to know what it was that they were going after. His search started with possible treasures that one might look for with pirate hunting. It was after one in the morning, that Killian ended up on a forum made up of men and women across the world that discussed possible leads in hunts, myths and legends, and even a few experts on famous lost treasures. One post in particular caught Killian’s attention.
The lost treasure of Jean Lafitte is considered one of the world’s greatest lost treasures. It is believed that Lafitte hid the treasure somewhere in the city with clues left behind for his brother to one day find. To this day it has never been recovered.
The Voodoo Queen of New Orleans herself spent much of her life dedicated to finding out what was in the lost treasure of Jean Lafitte. No one knows why she wanted the treasure so badly. Was it for the money? Was the treasure powerful? Could it have possibly been tied to the city? To magic? Was the treasure a person? Perhaps the treasure is the long lost Fleur de Lis.
There were more posts and comments that all led to the same thing. The Napoleon Fleur de Lis. It was a pure gold statue encrusted with the finest cute diamonds and rubies. The fleur de lis itself was priceless without even considering it’s history. Napoleon had the statue commissioned as a physical representation of his family crest. Before his exile the statue had gone missing only for it to turn up in the hands of the American government after the Louisiana purchase. The government then gave the Fleur de Lis to the city of New Orleans as a gift. Years later the very statue went missing again, never to be seen again. At the same time, Pierre Lafitte had been imprisoned for the murder of an American sailor (was later exonerated) and his brother had moved all operations to Galveston.  
This was it. It had to be it. The treasure that Reylin and ultimately Killian and Liam were hunting.
With a quick text message to the group chat between the members saying he found a lead, Killian sat back in his chair with a grin on his face. Maybe this whole treasure hunting thing wouldn’t be so terrible after all. It could be just the distraction he needed from his constant thoughts of her eyes. Or the three faint lines she would get on her forehead when he said or did something that annoyed her.
That night he fell into a restless sleep. Dreams of a conversation from a time long before his own flashed behind his closed eyes. But just before he woke the next morning, the mystery man in Killian’s dreams faded into an image of himself. Green eyes full of tears broke his heart as he spoke to her.
“I told my brother. He knows to come find you. Keep it safe.”
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the-fiction-portal · 6 years
A Silent Night pt2
A/N: What happens when 2 parts seem too long for tumblr? Break it up into 3 parts. This is a piece of part 1 and 2 and this became the official part 2 if that made any sense.  Read Part 1 here
Word: 2574 
Later that evening, after showering and putting on comfy clothes. The two of them sat on the couch watching tv whole both dogs rested by the cozy fireplace. With her cup of hot chocolate, she suddenly felt like she was living the winter aesthetic.
"I've been waiting on this all year. At the cabin, some Christmas lights, fireplace warming my feet, a cozy night with my—dog," Bucky answers suddenly sitting up straight as he trailed off.
She was so busy focused on an old Christmas episode of Bones she had missed his stumble and turns to him.
"Yeah. Nothing like a quiet time at home with your dog," she agrees.
"Though sometimes I miss having a cat purring on my lap. Something about a cat's purr that makes me melt," she responds as an afterthought.
"I'm surprised you haven't kept a cat for yourself. You really seem to love them," Buck replies noting how much she gushes about cats.
"Yeah…I just feel like my place is pouring my love into each baby to send them off on to a better place with a family. Maybe one day a cat will wiggle its way into my heart," she answers.
Bucky says nothing more but give a small hum of acknowledgment and enjoys the episode as Dr. Brennan uncovers the death of someone with an alias associated with Santa Clause and half the people teasingly believe Santa is dead.
At some point, he feels a weight followed by warmth on his side. Sure enough, she had fallen asleep. He glances around the room in thought on how he should move her to her room until he noticed something.
"Ari? Doll, wake up. It's snowing," Bucky shakes her gently watching her eyes flutter open and she sits up straight as if burned.
"I fell asleep, sorry. Wait what did you—”
"Snow, come look," Bucky said voice tinge with excitement which causes her to get up to go look. Sure enough from the large window she could see the snow falling down.
"Oh my god wow," she gasps as the steady fall of snow was drifting down before her eyes.
"Wanna go outside?" He asks her and they quickly look back to see the dog's ears perked and turned towards them.
"Dammit we can't say ‘outside’ around these dogs," She groans in realization and he chuckles.
"Just for a little bit," Bucky promises as they put on coats and proper shoes.
"Alright. Just for a little, then we warm by the fire," she answers and she opens the door to face the cold in order to run around in the snow like a child for the first time in a long time.
After a fun time running around and getting snowflakes in their hair, and getting Luca tired Aria and Bucky has a good night sleep. However, the next morning was a blanket of white that Aria was so eager to get to she could hardly contain her excitement.
“Could you at least enjoy the breakfast I made?” Bucky asks pretending to be exasperated by her eagerness.
“This French toast is a dream. But I wanna play in the snow,” she said excitement bubbling in her chest.
“You’re adorable, doll. You know that?” Bucky asks taking a sip of the coffee she brewed for them.
“Shush. Don’t tease me,” she remarks hearing him laugh at her expense.
Soon enough, after washing dishes, Aria puts on her winter gear to join Bucky with the dogs.
“Oh my god, look at Luca. He’s having a grand time,” she said watching the dog run through the snow. White dusted his black tipped fur making him look like a whole new dog.
Frodo was jumping, struggling to get through the wall of snow that was about as high as him.
“Baby…baby no,” she giggles as she wasn’t sure if she owned a dog or a rabbit as he hopped in the snow.
Suddenly she gets hit with a snowball making her yelp at the suddenness.
“James Buchanan Barnes!” She declares scooping up her own snow.
“Hehe, damn doll. My whole government name?” Bucky responds backing away reading himself for an onslaught of snow.
“You jerk. Get back here!” She attempts to move around and pelt him with snowballs giggling and screaming when he would hit her back with the snow.
By this time with all the running the dogs were excitedly running around them. Frodo being so low was able to trip her. In her effort not to fall on a dog she falls backward, snow cushioning her fall.
“Ari? You okay?” Bucky asks attempting to sound concerned through his laughter.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine,” she answers but makes no move to get up. Instead, she waves her arms and legs to make a snow angel.
“Need help?” Bucky asks approaching to hold out his hand
“Thanks,” she accepts it and gets pulled back on her feet. However, the fast momentum knocks her into his chest. Hands grip her upper arm to steady her.
“Oops. Sorry,” she said looking up at him only to catch his breathtaking blue eyes up close. They were like stormy grey that liked looking blue. Blue eyes high lighted by his dark hair and cheeks tinted red from the cold. Suddenly her cheeks were red for a different reason.
Before he could say anything she yells ‘your turn!’ Before pushing him firmly. His arms flail before falling on his back too.
“Doll, I’m wounded,” Bucky falls into the playful mocking tone of only to hide how off guard he was.
“Revenge for throwing that snowball while I wasn’t looking,” She cackles to hide her own flustered heart at being so close to him suddenly.  
“Hey, Buck?” She asks as he attempts to brush off some of the snow.
“Yea?” He answers cautiously for any sudden snow fights.
“Wanna build a snowman?” She asks suggestively.
“Oh god. Not the Frozen thing,” he groans at the tone she used and she laughs.
“Oh yes. So, snowman?” She asks.
“Sure, let's try and get one to sit by the door,” he said and they get to work rolling some snow into a suitable snowman.
“Damn…I have nothing for this snowman,” Aria put the top on and Bucky had broken some branches for the arms but they had no nose or eyes or even a mouth.
“I still think it’s pretty good,” Bucky answers.
“You’re right. Thanks, Bucky,” she tells him.
“No problem. I don’t think I ever indulged in making a snowman. Not since I was a kid,” Bucky answers.
“Exactly. That’s why I was so eager. I had someone to share the experience with,” she answers and Bucky smiles.
“Now I want to experience getting warm by the fire,” he responds bringing the fun to a close.
“Yeah and—Bucky. Why do you not have a scarf? You gonna catch your death,” she remarks grabbing his gloved hand and pulling him inside.
“Frody, Come one! Lulu Veni!” She calls and both dogs paused in their play came running back.
“Wait a minute since—”
“I figured since you taught your dog Romanian commands I should attempt to learn in case something happens. I dunno, you let me watch him or check in on him if you’re running late,” she answers and opens the door, the dogs running to shake themselves off.
“Now get in here and warm up. Wished I had realized you had no scarf,” she adds in a huff.
“It’s okay. I had to deal with worse for longer in the force,” Bucky remarked recalling somewhat fondly the days he got his ass kicked in basic and struggling through some harsh conditions.
“Not on my watch. Now go on and get changed,” she tells him after starting up the gas fireplace.
The two of them go to change clothes and towel dry their hair before coming back down to put said clothes in the dryer.
“Oh god, it feels so good,” she groans shivering in delight at the warmth radiating from the fireplace.
“It was worth it,” Bucky answers with a chuckle
“I agree,” Sure they got their clothes soaked but the fun was worth the soggy clothes.
“Really Bucky. Thanks for all this, it’s only been a day but I’m having fun. I would have been home had you not invited me,” she tells him after reflecting on the thought.
“Of course. Anytime, doll,” Bucky answers unable to imagine going this year without her.
“What? You serious?”
At the sound of Bucky’s voice, she perks up only to see him on the phone.
“Okay. Take it easy. See you soon,” Bucky then hangs up with a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” She asks him looking at his face carefully.
“So apparently a storm is coming in from their direction so the roads will be delayed. And with the cabins being so far from civilization there’s no telling when they’ll clear a path for us. Steve said he and everyone else hope to make it before Christmas,” Bucky explains a frown wrinkling his brow.
“Guess its just us for a little longer. I have to admit with only us here I can imagine I’m living the rich life,” she chuckles in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Living with you in a big house isn’t a bad imagination,” he comments with a smirk.
“You and that shit-eating grin of yours. And here I was thinking being stuck with you wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to me,” she rolls her eyes at his usual jokey and flirty tone.
“Hey it wasn’t a joke,” he pouts missing the good days where she blushes adorably.
“Oh wow the snow is falling again,” she remarks distracting herself by looking outside.
“It really will delay the others. Hope they can all make it. I want you to get the full experience of what it’s like here,” Bucky responds with a slight concern looking at the snow which wasn’t a gentle sprinkle but was falling rapidly.
“I’m already having a fun time thanks to you. So even if they don’t come till after Christmas then I’d still had a great time,” she said in order to assure him.
“Well, that’s good to hear,” Bucky responds with a soft smile, warmed on a different way than the fireplace.
It continued to snow and even though the temperature dropped the two of them would take shifts on letting the dogs out. Times like this is when Aria likes cats. Just scoop litter, tie it in a bag before placing it in the trash.
“So what’s for lunch?” He asks the scent wafting in his nose the moment he came back inside shuffling off his boots.
“Nice and hardy beef soup. Got some chunks of meat and some veggies. Figure I toast some bread and we could probably make a dinner out of this,” she answers.
“Oh wow. Is it about done?” He asks.
“Just about. I got to let it simmer and then toast the bread,” she answers stirring the pot.
“Oh. Be a dear and feed the boys, will you? I am surprised Frody didn’t pester us, he’s on a schedule and it’s a little past his usual mealtime,” she answers.
“You feed him three times?” Bucky asks realizing what time it was.
“Only because I’m home all day. I feed him 3 times in smaller portions. I mean if I taught classes on campus I’d be gone for most of the day so it would be the usual two. Once in the morning and the dinner,” she answers turning as the cabinet opens.
“That would explain the little bit in the bowls this morning,” Bucky remarks notice that while she fed both dogs it wasn’t nearly as much as he’s used to feeding Luca.
“Yep. I figured we put Lu on the same schedule just so he won’t get jealous of Frodo eating more often,” she answers as Bucky scoops some dog food.
“That’s a tad too much for Frodo, there,” she instructs him and then pats his arm.
“Good. Wash up a bed be amazed by lunch,” she adds smelling that everything was okay.
“This is good,” Bucky’s brows were raised when he took the first bite.
“Warms your bones doesn’t it?” She asks considering he went out to keep his dog exercised knowing a bored husky is a destructive husky.
“Yeah. I would have asked you to cook if I knew you made food this good,” he responds scooping up a spoonful of meat, potatoes and some veggies and shoving it all in his mouth.
“It’s an effort. I rather just order something or go out whenever we hang out. But I mean, this kitchen is a dream. It’s a shame not to cook in it,” she answers eyeballing the massive kitchen.
“You’re not wrong. Just glad to have this privilege of trying your food before everyone else,” he answers with a grin.
“Says the one who just made restaurant level French toast this morning,” She grumbles, ignoring that heart-stopping grin he flashed her.
“This is my favorite part,” she responds eating the meat and the broth soaked potato chucks together.
“You actually save the meat for last?” Bucky’s brows raised in shock for he only had a decent chunk or two left and to make it last he had to break the tender meat apart.
“Sometimes. I get excited and eat all my meat if I’m not careful. The veggies are good too…but the main attraction is the meat,” she answers honestly.
The soup was hardy and with the bread they were full. They make their way back to the couch. During the course of the day, they found themselves naturally touching. It started with sitting shoulder to shoulder when they had so much space on the many couches in the living room. Then it escalated to her resting her head on his shoulder, she felt so comfortable it didn’t bother her as much as she thought it would.
“Oh my god, Bucky. Look at this,” she said nudging him and handing over the phone.
“Are you trying to tell me something doll? You want kittens for Christmas?” Bucky asks as he watched the adorable video of a boyfriend surprising his girl with kittens.
“No—I mean I wouldn’t mind. But no, this is the video of Snowflake and Boots going home,” she said to him.
“Oh wow. They were gifts,” Bucky answers.
“Yeah. When the boyfriend picked them up I said to send me a video. I was so invested in this cute gesture,” she said and up till now, she’d forgotten to look for the video.
She jerks upright once the sound resonated in the room and suddenly the tv turns off.
“Shit,” Bucky hisses and both heads turns towards the window. It was still bright due to the vast white in the tall windows but it also showcased the ever-falling snow.
“It’s begun…” she remarks.
“Better turn the phones off to save battery,” Bucky responds.
She looks at her phone where it was already at 86%. She sighs unable to imagine not being on her phone. However, she knew it was for the best in case of an emergency so she turns it off.
“We should probably find flashlights or candles. It’s still day but it won’t be for long,” she suggests and the two hunt for whatever light source for the house.
[Pt 3]
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The Profiler in the Therapist (ch 5)
You can find this entire fic here on AO3.
Fandom: Bones (TV) and Criminal Minds (TV)
Entire Fic Description:
Dr. Lance Sweets is no longer the innocent eager psychologist he was a little over a year and a half ago. His time as a prodigy profiler at the BAU was a blessing. His time in a serial killer's basement was not.
Now, scarred but healed, Sweets is 'retired' to calmer job in the FBI as a therapist. As he helps others, he helps himself. But... is it enough? What will he do when one of his most fascinating (unwilling) patients asks for help on a case? How will his new team take his past as his secrets slowly start to come out?
Entire Fic Warnings: cannon-typical violence, past torture, panic attacks, PTSD, serial killers
Chapter word count:  2,762
Chapter warnings: nothing? let me know if I’m wrong
Summary: Part 2 of social fluff plot. Pottery scene ahead!!!
Please read the fic! First chapter, previous chapter, next chapter, master list. And let me know if you want to be tagged.
The next day, Spencer and Lance toured various campuses in the LA area, including Caltech, and attended a few lectures in the spur of the moment. That afternoon they caught a flight from LA-X back to DC and parted ways. Sweets’ day didn’t end there, however; he met Rossi at his rather large house and proceeded to receive his customary weekend Italian cuisine lesson a day late, before catching a cab back to his apartment building. Tired, satisfied, and pleasantly full, he crashed and slept soundly.
The following morning, he settled into his office, filed the work he had completed over the weekend, and rolled with the familiar pattern of his day. The sun rose to its zenith above the building as he greeted patients and performed a few routine evaluations. Finally, just before lunch, Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth arrived for their session. They, of course, immediately jumped into their current case, discussing the unpleasant discovery of a decomposing body by a couple out on a romantic outing.
“What a shock for that couple, huh?” Booth commented, “I mean they slide naked into the hot mud bath and the skeleton pokes her in the… you know—”
“Anus,” Brennan finished.
“Bones!” he turned to give his partner a reproachful look.
“What? It’s a clinical term for that part of the body, Booth,” she frowned back at him.
Internally, Sweets shook his head at the insistent bickering. Sometimes the pair behaved like children. Or maybe Reid and Morgan when they were being particularly special. “Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth,” he cut in. They turned to look at him. “Would it be fair to say you use work to avoid confronting your personal issues?”
“What?” Booth huffed, “Because I don’t what to talk about the…” he trailed off and gestured vaguely.
“The anus,” Brennan supplied again.
Booth frowned at her again, “You really like that word, don’t you.”
Sweets swiftly cut in before thing could be pulled father off course, “Do you ever discuss something that isn’t attached to work?”
“Well,” the agent protested, “It’s better than talking about the…” he trailed off again.
“The anus?” Sweets filled in this time.
“What is it with you two?” he asked in exasperation
“Well, Sweets could be right; we talk a lot about work,” Brennan put in. For a moment, Sweets was mildly shocked that the resistant scientist was agreeing with him. It was practically too good to be true.
The discussion continued, of course, with them protesting that they talk about unrelated people and do unrelated things, but Sweets was able to easily point out that they were all connected in some way to their jobs and that they rarely talk about their personal lives and issues. He finally leaned forward and got to the point, “I’d like to see you guys in a social situation. A situation where work is a taboo subject.”
“What, are you going to send us to a restaurant and watch us through a one-way mirror?” Booth snarked.
“No,” Sweets shook his head at the agent’s antics, “An evening out—the three of us and a friend of mine.”
“A friend?” Booth asked in surprise, pausing as he leant forward to grab the colorful squishy toy Sweets had taken to keeping on his coffee table. It was, of course, from Garcia’s special stash.
“Thank you,” Sweets said dryly, “For your vote of confidence in my social life, Agent Booth.” He frowned slightly at him, but sighed when he saw Brennan looked curious too. “She’s a technical analyst. However I’m going to refuse to let anyone talk about their work.”
Booth turned to Brennan and decided sagely, “They need someone to buy them beer.”
“You want us to go on a double date?” Brennan asked, now quite indignant.
Sweets frowned at that. Does she think I’m dating Garcia? Why would she think that? Before he could say anything on the matter, however, Booth jumped enthusiastically into the theory.
“Yeah, listen, why don’t you just go on the internet like all the rest of the kids?” he advised snidely, gesturing at him with the hand holding the colorful squishy ball.
Sweets slammed his metaphorical head into a wall.
Why was he working with these two? He knew he loved helping people as a therapist, but the forensic anthropologist-agent pair made him question his sanity for turning away from serial crime.
Psychopaths were so much simpler.
Forcing himself not to reply to the comment, he sighed, “Ok, how about this: if it goes well, I’ll withdraw my concerns. I’ll release you back into your environment.” He winced internally as soon as the words left his mouth. Agent Booth was going to—
“What are we? Brook trout?”
Yup. There it was.
Brennan, however, frowned in thought for a second, looking between the two of them, before smiling. “Fine,” she agreed suddenly, surprising both her partner and her therapist. Sweets couldn’t help smiling back; he was far more pleased than he’d admit that the scientist had conceded to his idea.
After a moment of silence, he turned to her partner—who was squeezing the poor ball he still held violently— and pulled the card he knew the agent would be unable to resist: “Agent Booth? Unless you think that’s too much to prove…”
Booth narrowed his eyes at him, and it was clear he knew Sweets was pushing his buttons, but he gave a cocky smile and agreed, “Fine,” before turning to Brennan and adding, “I’ll show him I have nothing to prove. Bring it on, Sweets,” he challenged the psychologist, hurling the squishy toy at him. Sweets caught it with ease.
He really hoped this would be worth it.
“Dr. Sweets,” said therapist answered his phone absently, eyes still on the notes and forms spread across his desk.
“Hey there, Junior,” a warm voice came across the line.
“Morgan,” Sweets smiled, putting down his pen. “Let me guess, you have a case?”
The profiler chuckled, “You’ve still got it, Lance. And yes, we do. You’ll probably see it if you turn on the news; it’s a family annihilator. He’s killing the families of deployed soldiers.”
“God,” he breathed in horror.
“Yeah,” Morgan agreed somberly. “We’re headed to Hampton.” After a beat of silence he continued in a forcibly more upbeat tone, “Anyway, Garcia wanted to call you to let you know about the case, and that you might have to post pone your outing, but once I heard about it I decided to call you instead… mainly so I could tell you not to go painting. From what I’ve heard—”
“Yeah, I know,” Sweets sighed, “Booth would not appreciate that. I’m just struggling with ideas.”
“You should try something like… ceramics,” he offered hesitantly, “It’s probably hands on enough for your agent and will satisfy Garcia”
The therapist blinked in surprise, “When have you done ceramics?”
A moment passed and Morgan cleared his throat awkwardly. “Uh,” he started, “I had a girlfriend in high school who was into pottery, and she drug me along several times.”
Sweets couldn’t help laughing at that.
“Hey,” Morgan huffed, voice full of mock-hurt.
“Thanks, Derek,” Sweets finally offered after he caught his breath, “That’s a great idea.”
“Glad to help,” the profiler returned warmly. A voice said something in the background and Sweets recognized it as Rossi. Morgan murmured something back. A second later, Morgan’s voice came through the phone again, “I’ve got to go, Junior.”
“Ok,” he agreed, “Good luck on the case.”
“Thanks, Lance,” he sighed in a way that clearly meant they needed it, “We’ll keep you posted.”
After he hung up, Sweets considered his phone. He should research pottery classes and then call up Dr. Brennan and schedule a time. Knowing his old team and how they worked, they’d likely be done with this case by Wednesday. Thursday night would probably be safe….
The pottery shop was a pleasant space—it was decorated in warm earthy tones with individual stations spread comfortably around the space so no one had to socialize with anyone beyond their own group. The teacher’s station was on a raised platform in the center, but the teacher herself only settled there occasionally, preferring instead to move between the groups to help anyone who was struggling. Several groups appeared to be regulars and were crafting incredibly complex pots or sculptures, while others appeared to be new and relatively clueless.
Sweet’s group was, of course, one of these groups. The four of them were having a varying amount of fun with the novel activity. It was new to all of them except Dr. Brennan, who was reminiscing on the last time she threw a pot. Booth was on the station directly across from her and was rolling his eyes a bit as he added clay to his slowly forming lump. The agent had been highly resistant to the idea of ceramics and had, upon arriving, refused to try the ‘spinning thing,’ proceeding to sculpt instead (to the delight of their teacher). Garcia, who was across from Sweets, had been extremely excited at no only meeting Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth but at learning pottery too. She was currently quizzing Brennan about Colombia as she determinedly shaped her clay into something resembling a pot. Sweets himself was observing the interactions with interest and his own attempt at pottery in dismay.
Garcia glanced over at him and immediately caught on. “Relax, Sir Sweetness,” she huffed with a roll of her eyes, “It looks wonderful.”
Booth gave an incredulous chuckle, clearly at the nickname—or at least that’s what Sweets hoped—and Brennan looked over before giving a slight frown. “It looks fine,” she agreed hesitantly, confusion marring her tone.
A beat after Brennan’s positive comment—when Sweets was busy being surprised and Garcia was busy beaming at the confused anthropologist—Booth took the opportunity to jump in from left field. “Are you sure you aren’t dating?” he prodded with a cheeky smile.
Garcia immediately transitioned her attention to the other half of the investigative team. “What, me and Lancelot?” she asked incredulously. “Like I would ever cheat on my brilliant sugar plum.” With that she huffed and turned back to her pot.
Lance took pity on Booth and turned to explain, “Pen is dating a co-worker.”
Garcia let out a satisfied hum, “We’re an unstoppable hacker duo.” A beat later she looked up at Sweets with wide eyes, and pointed accusingly at him, “But we aren’t allowed to talk about work! Shame on you, Junior.”
“Yeah, ok,” he chuckled, “That one’s on me.”
“So,” Booth ventured, “Sweets really has no one?”
“I wouldn’t say that, no,” Garcia disagreed, “He has us—all of his friends from his old job—and honestly, we’re basically family.”
“That’s an interesting perspective,” Brennan mused, “There has to be an extraordinary level of trust for strangers to become that close. I mean, from an anthropological stand point—”
“Spencer would like you,” Garcia interrupted, a thoughtful expression on her face, “The two of you could probably drone on and on about culture and facts and studies…”
Brennan blinked in surprise, “Is he a scientist?”
“He has doctorates in engineering, chemistry, and mathematics and bachelors in psychology and sociology,” Lance supplied, a proud note in his voice.
“How old is he?” Booth asked, pausing his sculpting to stare.
“Twenty-nine,” Sweets smiled at the dumbfounded agent.
“But,” Garcia jumped in, “That’s misleading because our bonafide genius had all of those degrees seven years ago.” She smirked at Sweets, “See, that’s why Lance is our junior genius.”
Sweets shook his head—both in exasperation and fondness, “I can’t believe you and Morgan still call me that.”
“Oh, Junior—it’s a term of endearment. My chocolate thunder was a genius in his own right when he coined that beautiful nickname.”
Booth gave the tech genius a mischievous smile, “I think I agree with Penelope on this one, Junior.”
“Agent Booth, please,” Sweets sighed. While the therapist was pleased with the Agents’ shift in attitude, he really did not want his patient to call him Junior.
Dr. Brennan was apparently thinking along the same lines as she frowned at her partner, “Booth, I believe you told me once that nicknames are meaningful only from a small subset of individuals and condescending from anyone else— much like how I tolerate your nickname for me but refuse to let anyone else call me ‘Bones’.”
Booth turned to blink in surprise at the anthropologist, but any comment he could have made was cut off by Garcia. The technical analyst was grinning from ear to ear. “That is so sweet!” she gushed, instantly making both partners uncomfortable, “I do the same thing with Morgan, my chocolate thunder. He calls me baby girl. Of course my sugar plum, Kevin, was put off at first and the department insists on putting us through endless harassment classes, but our nicknames just stuck.”
“Do you have nicknames like that for everyone you know?” Brennan interrupted, a note of horror in her voice.
“Yes,” Sweets put in dryly, answering for his friend, “She does. Usually quite a few for each person, too.”
Garcia simply smiled at that. She was inordinately proud of all her nicknames—given and received.
A moment of silence passed where everyone returned to their creations and Sweets observed them with interest. It only lasted for a minute, however, as Booth looked up and glanced at Sweets before smiling slightly.
“Uh, Sweets,” he offered, “Your, uh, thing there is drooping.”
Sweets glanced down to find his pot, which he had been rather proud of, tipping slightly to the side as it spun around and around. “Oh, come on,” he huffed in exasperation. Of course his first attempt at pottery would literally fall over on him.
Booth, however had no such concerns, grinning happily and brandishing his finished clay figure, “Look at my horse!” It was… a stunningly realistic creation.
“Wow!” Garcia exclaimed in surprise and awe.
Sweets couldn’t help agreeing, “That’s amazing, Agent Booth.” For someone utterly opposed to the idea of ‘making’ anything, he was obviously not only enjoying himself, but possessed a natural talent.
“Very impressive,” Brennan eyed her partner’s creation with clear incredulity. Sweets would not be surprised to discover she had reached the same conclusion as he had, albeit without any ‘useless’ psychology.
“Yes it is,” Booth agreed triumphantly, picking a piece of stray clay off of his creation and tossing it at the anthropologist. Brennan flinched and gasped in surprise, before ignoring Booth’s hurried apology and swiftly grabbing some clay and retaliating. In a matter of seconds, Brennan’s pot was ruined and the two had devolved into chuckling messes, tossing clay back and forth like toddlers.
“Hey, Lance,” Garcia called, redirecting his attention from smiling at the pair to look at his friend… who was wielding a handful of clay.
“Pen!” he managed to gasp in surprise a split second before he was covered in a light layer of wet soppy clay. The perpetrator started cackling evilly, and that could not stand, so Sweets shrugged his mental shoulders and hurled a piece at her in revenge.
A few minutes later, the four were gasping for breath as they laughed on the sidewalk outside the pottery shop, having been succinctly kicked to the curb. Sweets managed to right himself after a few moments, and found Booth leaning against the wall chuckling at Brennan who was smiling in a slightly confused manner and holding a helplessly cackling Penelope upright. It was a rather surprising sight. Rather like the night itself. It hadn’t been what Sweets had intended, with this little social outing, but it was fulfilling all the same.
Sweets found he couldn’t regret it, even if it meant he had to follow through with his promise to cut the interesting pair free from therapy. They deserved it, even if he still didn’t understand how they worked together.
As Booth rounded up their little group and herded them down the street, towards some favorite restaurant of his, Sweets found himself smiling. Garcia glanced over her shoulder at him and gave him a knowing look and a wink.
Sweets huffed a sigh and rolled his eyes at her, but found he agreed with the sentiment. He may be ‘letting them go’, but this… this was alright. Lance only hoped the interesting pair would stay in touch. Maybe they’d even bring him a few cases.
He smiled wider, watching Brennan start up a lecture on something Booth had said.
A few cases would be good.
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bicanthropus · 2 years
ivy - dropped muse
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╔═.✾. ═  LOG *** :  pamela isley poison ivy  |  cis woman, she/her |  43.
Just spotted IVY around town.  Our records show that they remember [ some things ] from their source : dc comics (new earth).   They were first spotted in august 2021 and our best guess is that their last memory is selina revealing she manipulated ivy & harley into teaming up with her.  Archivists watching them state that they still have the isolationist, near extinct plants, quick to temper, siren in the garden vibe about them.
━  from Armes E. Sallow’s  personal archives. ═.✾. ═╝ ↳・゜jessica chastain .
━━━ transcribed on : 22 february 2022.  transcription annotated by tal brennan, archivist.   notation: the chime of a bell indicates that armes had to track ivy down, rather than her normal interview procedure.
You know, I would rather you not be in my shop.
ARMES: i’m here for
I know why you are here.  I have gotten every letter, notice, and even phone call you have made to me, though I don’t know how you got my phone number.
ARMES: it is customary that every person in town comes in for an interview, so that we can add them to our records.
Darling, pull up my files and I’m sure you can find everything you need.  I know Amanda Waller has a deeply enlightening one about me, though it does say I’m a Black Widow which is frightfully incorrect.
ARMES: then wouldn’t you rather you tell me about yourself, so the details are correct?
[for a moment, the only noise is the faint spray of a misting device] I suppose, though don’t expect me to answer everything.
ARMES: can you tell me your name and where you are from?
You can call me Ivy, and I’m from Gotham.  I’m sure even you Brits have heard of Gotham.
ARMES: i’m welsh, not british.  
Does it look like I care?  Britisih Islanders if you must be so nitpicky.
ARMES: what is the last thing you remember from your home?
hmm I remember saving Harley from getting locked up in Arkham - again - and finding out that Selina had manipulated me and Harley into moving in with her by acting weaker than she was.  I should be mad, but frankly I’m just impressed.
ARMES: do you often feel impressed when people do that to you?
Oh no, usually it gets them killed.  But Harley and Selina are exceptions.
ARMES: We have a history of memory loss in town.  do you feel as though you have any blanks in your memories?
I’ve had blanks in my memories for years, it’s nothing new.  However, to answer your question, it doesn’t seem any worse than previously.
ARMES: how long have you been in town?
About six months, and in that time I’ve fixed up my own house and got my hands on this place.
ARMES: yes, on that - the previous owner of dwarven nursery has not responded to any of my calls.  any idea what happened to him?
Oh I think he said something about settling down and living the rest of his life quietly.  He said he’d just been waiting for someone like me to come along and take care of his store.
ARMES: right. what, do you think, was the strangest thing you saw before arriving in this town?
Myself, though I promise in a good way.  I do love myself.
ARMES: do you believe in the supernatural or mythical?
[there’s silence, though armes noted after the fact that ivy turned her hand green as an answer.]
ARMES: right, my apologies.  what kind of traits would your friends or family give you?
Seductive, charming, cunning.  Passionate.  Oh what was it that Harley would say?  Something like ‘Bonnie and Clyde but from that one gay music video.  And sexier’.
ARMES: well, thank you for your time.
❃゜・。. ・°゜  
notes collected by tal brennan
Poison Ivy is a well known antagonist of Batman in the DC Comics.  Though Ivy was not her birth name, it is the name she most commonly goes by unless under cover, and it is the name she is using in town, so it is the name I will be using.  She has been around for a long time, and is one of the most recognizable Batman Villains.  Though she started as a seductress and clearly the creation of a man’s wet dream, she has become an icon for women, especially sapphics, in the more recent years.  Someone who has seen the horrors that many women face, and who has decided to get even - she has shifted from a man’s fantasy to a woman’s escape from today’s world.
It seems the Ivy we have gotten has come just out of the Gotham City Sirens run of comics, though it should be noted that comic timelines have never be consistent and we should not be relying on them.  
The fact that Harley Quinn has showed up in town as well can either be very good for us, as Harley can keep her a bit more contained, or very bad if the two of them decide that they are tired of this town and the people in it.
danger rating: 9/10 likelihood to investigate: 3/10 unless armes gets under her skin
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Talking Christ #3
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Kiersten Fraust: Hey! What's up guys? It's me, Kiersten Fraust and my co-host on this crazy ride Logan Feniiiiiix! We are finally back to talk everything Christ with our great viewers, wherever you may be. 
Kiersten turns to Logan with a smile.
Kiersten Fraust: I got a question for you, Logan... Are you ready?
Logan Fenix: Oh I’m ready…  wait, for what?  This show right?
Kiersten Fraust: Yes. We got a lot to cover from the CCW show that happened. 
Logan Fenix: A lot happened on that super show, we never thought it would air due to technical difficulties even, but it happened!  Where to even begin?!
Kiersten Fraust: Well, we got a huge surprise when Natalie and Paris Traeger showed up to the dismay of Brennan Devlin. That feud is starting to take a turn.
Logan Fenix: I never thought in my life I would see a baby attack a grown man and take him to the mat, to the point the roster had to come break it up.  Then that 450 Splash from Devlin on Paris..
Kiersten Fraust: I am always for girls doing their thing, so I support Paris for what she’s doing and standing her ground against Brennan. She’s iconic as the city she’s named after.
Logan Fenix: Paris is a no good neanderthal and a degenerate.  She doesn’t work here!
Kiersten Fraust: Paris is a sweet angel that Brennan maliciously targeted
Logan Fenix: I saw Santana teaching her how to hide knives on her person before she came out there.
Kiersten Fraust: It’s a bit much. But we also have the Christ Centered Combat that happened before the show. It was just as crazy as CCW. 
Logan Fenix: And on Christ Centered Combat, we had a new Combat Crown Champion crowned in Azi, who beat Jacob Kuntz in the Sandcastle Deathmatch, and general manager of CCC Faith McKinsey has been challenged to a best of seven series with Tinsley Marshall.
Kiersten Fraust: I really feel for Faith. I mean I can only imagine running a show is tough, but to also have somebody wanting your head and want nothing more to embarrass you on television. Tinsley needs to chill out.
Logan Fenix: Tinsley is trying to assert her dominance, it could have been her in charge of the show and Faith got it all.  But at the end of CCW Christ Centered Combat, we saw Heather Haze, the current Golden Ticket Champion attack the new Combat Crown Champion, Azi.  Could we see a title vs. title match at Wrestling With Christ?
Kiersten Fraust: It is possible. Although Azi is capable of defending the Combat Crown championship to whoever dares step up to her, Heather Haze has taken that challenge. Maybe it could turn into a champion versus champion situation? Wrestling With Christ could settle that real quick.
Logan Fenix: And then we have several new contenders for the CCW championships.  Rika seems to have been picked to face off against C.J. Sweet for the Christcore, and the self proclaimed Golden Ticket, Rivers, has won his opportunity to face Siberia Zombie for the Television championship.  And who can forget the tags, the hot ones, Children of the Moon have gotten their shot at Brew Collar by defeating the Killer Baes.
Keirsten Fraust: I find this to be very interesting because C.J. has been on a rampage ever since she's won the christcore championship and she's picked up a few along the way. How do you think Rika will fare in their future match up?
Logan Fenix: Rika has been a force, and I mean, I don’t know.  If this were any other company, and in the Tokyo dome, Rika would win because Japan.  But who’s to say?  She couldn’t even go to Saudi Arabia last time, something about being banned, which Essence did first.
Kiersten Fraust: Then you have to factor in that girl gang of hers....
Logan Fenix: The trio of CJ Sweet, Rimadonna and Astraea are hot, literally and figuratively right now.  I wouldn’t want to be Rika.  But okay, Siberia Zombie has been a force, she has been to Saudi Arabia and won the Television Championship in the past.  She bizarrely claims this place ‘spawned’ her, and now, the Golden Ticket, the man who holds the record for most Golden Ticket Championship reigns, Rivers, looks to drown her in the depths for the CCW Television Championship…
Kiersten Fraust: Looking at both competitors, this match is very hard to predict. Siberia has that heart and fight in her- two things that got her the television championship. Then we have Rivers, who has just as much fight in him as Siberia does and puts everything on the line in the name of independent wrestling. Like you said Rivers has the most golden ticket reigns to his name so he knows what it takes to win a championship.. If you had to choose one, Logan, who would you choose?
Logan Fenix: I’m going to go with Siberia Zombie, she’s proven, Rivers still has questions about if he’ll crumble under the pressure.  Now, Kiersten, you pick?!
Kiersten Fraust: Like gun to my head... Probably... Rivers. I mean I like Siberia and she's such an amazing wrestler but I could see Rivers walking away with the Television championship, especially if Belle Valentine is at ringside. She could be the reason why he wins.
Logan Fenix: Hmm, that’s fair…  but then for the last one I mentioned.  Brew Collar, Wilkow and Danielson taking on Bex Thoreau and Julie Miri, the Children of the Moon.  Everyone has an opinion on how this will go, and since the COTM came here, these two groups have been on a collision course.  Who ya got?
Kiersten Fraust: The tag team division has been really hot in CCW right now and it's all thanks to Children of the Moon and Brew Collar. Not trying to take anything away from the Killer Baes, they're great despite their little annoyances. But wherever Children of the Moon go success seems to follow them. My pick is pretty obvious. Children of the Moon hands down. 
Logan Fenix: Brew Collar for me, but, there is another question.  The Killer Baes have mentioned having friends, we’ve seen Astrid and Corrie interacting with two other girls on Twitter…  could we see their tag team grow into a stable, and what would that mean for this match?  Clearly the feud isn’t over between them and the COTM…  but the COTM and Brew Collar have their own problems.  What a mess.
Kiersten Fraust: More girls added to The Killer Baes? That only spells trouble for everybody. And speaking of trouble, Conor Machina made his grand appearance on CCW television with an open challenge. A challenge that was answered by Void Walker. Watching the whole thing gave me the creeps. 
Logan Fenix: Bun Bun is Void Walkers brother, Kiersten.  A Southern religious mans’ brother is a man who wears a rabbit mask over his head.  And at the end, Conor accidentally unmasked him…  and now Bun…  I guess Ben Walker is more dangerous than ever alongside his brother?
Kiersten Fraust: Oh, right. Bun Bun Ben Walker definitely made his presence known when he hit Conor with a chair and proceeded to viciously beat him with it. Either way, Void Walker said he would see Conor at Wrestling With Christ. Sounds like a match will be set between the two. 
Logan Fenix: I like Bun Bun Ben Walker.  Let’s see…  after that, there’s something weird going on with Neve.  Did you see her reacting to that guy heckling?  She should have gotten him thrown outta here!
Kiersten Fraust: Yeah, I saw him and that huge sign he was carrying. She must have known him? I mean you can say that about literally most of the fans in the venues. Most of them are there to watch and react to what's going on, then there's the hecklers. Moving on, we have to discuss what took place after Mitch McMaster stumbled into the venue. While Angel was trying to compose her father, Chellsea showed up to tell Angel who her next opponent would be and that is Mykie  Villanueva! Angel didn't look too happy.
Logan Fenix: I hope those people Mitch ran over are okay too.  But yeah, Mykie Villanueva, she hasn’t been seen since that tour Rock Pearson did back in Guatemala.  Apparently it’s gonna be a main event of CCW Sunday School, the morning before Wrestling With Christ?
Kiersten Fraust: We heard it from Chellsea's own mouth. So, Angel McMaster versus Mykie Villanueva is official for CCW Sunday School. Considering the outcome of the Mitch and Santana match, Angel is going to be a very busy champion come Wrestling With Christ. You saw what happened in that match, right?
Logan Fenix: An old man was caught on fire, there was an attempted drowning, stabbing, and more.
Kiersten Fraust: Now Santana Johnson is the number one contender for the CCW heavyweight championship at Wrestling With Christ. Let that sink in.
Logan Fenix: Nate Paxton was visibly angry at ringside, he’s been professional but he’s a outspoken critic of deathmatch wrestling.  People on the internet are mad.  All 47 of Santana's daughters are ecstatic, though.
Kiersten Fraust: I do not want to be Angel right now. Defending your championship is one thing but to defend it against a guy like Santana is another. The CCW heavyweight championship match is going to be a roller coaster ride.
Logan Fenix: As if being in Saudi Arabia wouldn’t make you nervous enough.
Kiersten Fraust: Speaking of making someone nervous, I know our next guest will. Please welcome our guests at this time, one of the many bosses in CCW Chellsea and her lovely husband Daequan!
The cameras pan over to where Chellsea and Daequan walk from as she takes his arm, leading to the table to join Logan and Kiersten. Both given microphones.
Kiersten Fraust: Thanks for joining us guys.
Chellsea: Thank you so much for having us. Your outfit is so cute.
Daequan didn’t speak, silently looked between Kiersten and Logan, then down at Chellsea’s rear end.  Then he looked up to Kiersten and Logan and gave them a thumbs up.
Logan Fenix: Uh…  hi to you too Daequan.
Kiersten Fraust: He's just showing love and appreciation for his wife. I just gotta ask now, what made you bring Mykie Villanueva to CCW?
Chellsea: It was my Dae's idea actually. I know he doesn't speak much but when he does, he says the most beautiful and intelligent things. Plus, Angel likes to talk herself up to anybody who'll listen to her and as a boss here, I have the unfortunate duty of finding her an opponent before defending the CCW heavyweight championship against Santana. 
Logan Fenix: Are you not worried Santana will go too far?  He’s known for…
Daequan makes a stabbing motion, while standing behind Chellsea in an uncomfortable seeming manner and seemingly mesmerized by her.
Logan Fenix: Yeah that, stabbing.  And how about unfairness?  She has to face Mykie before she can even get to that murderer?
Chellsea: I did set up the match between Mitch and Santana because it was fair. Mitch lost in the end which means that Santana gets his shot at Angel's championship. I don't see the problem with that. Yes, Santana is so out there with his antics and I was always under the impression that Angel is up for any challenge. My first priority to any wrestler who steps into our CCW ring is their health and well being. 
Daequan: Men and women of action are favored by the Goddess of luck.
Logan Fenix: What.
Kiersten Fraust:  I think he means that you get what you get... Daequan, who's your favorite tag team right now?
Daequan paused and thought about it for a moment before pointing at Chellsea’s chest.
Logan Fenix: Yes we get it you love your wife but an actual tag team, please.
Chellsea: Calm down, Logan. My husband is a little camera shy. But we absolutely enjoy Farm Fresh Beef. I hope we see more of them.
A sudden scream echoed out, the voice of none other than Sydney Vahle who was a known Farm Fresh Beef fangirl.
Sydney Vahle: “YESSSS!”
Logan Fenix: “Hi Sydney, bye Sydney.”
He waved as she passed by the door.
Kiersten Fraust:  She's crazy about that team. Anyway, what can we expect from the upcoming Wrestling With Christ? Any surprises planned? Because judging from the last time CCW was in Saudi Arabia literally all hell broke loose.
Daequan: When Chellsea got her titties out, everyone goes all out.  I think that answers your question.
Logan Fenix: That does not answer our question and please don’t have those out over there Chellsea, they’re very old world and it would be unsafe.
Chellsea: Dae likes to joke around. And I am very well aware of how they live in Saudi Arabia and I will be respecting their culture for the safety of the roster that will be traveling with us.
Logan Fenix: Okay, just a few more questions, I think.  You’ve been sort of running the show alongside Brennan Devlin.  How is that relationship working out?  At first it seemed like you were butting heads but, you two were actually seemingly getting along at Thot for Christ?
Chellsea: Brennan and I have an understanding, and yes we've been friendly. We'd rather be working together than butting heads. The work environment is so much better because of it and the product has gotten better because of it. We like seeing results with the hard work our roster puts in.
Logan Fenix: Anymore questions, Kiersten?
Daequan remained behind Chellsea, hands on her rear end now.  They were a bit uncomfortably in love and made it awkward for everyone.
Kiersten Fraust: Who are you wearing?
Chellsea: Chanel.
Daequan: She’ll be wearing my *bleep* in a second.
Before they could ask much else, Daequan lifted Chellsea up onto the table and actually started undressing her while they kissed passionately.  Several cords being torn down or loose as Logan and Kiersten looked on in horror.
Logan Fenix: Shit, cut, cut, we can’t show this.
Kiersten Fraust: Cut the feed now, this has been Talking Christ!  See you guys next time!
A blur coming up on the screen at some sudden nudity as the feed slowly shut off.
0 notes
thegladelf · 7 years
Killian Jones and The Girl Who Lived 1/8
It’s finally time for me to share my @captainswanbigbang 2017 story with all y’all. You have no idea how excited I am to finally be sharing this with you (or how hard it’s been NOT talking about it, y’all know how I like to ramble). First off, I have to thank @icecubelotr44 for being an Awesome™ beta and sometimes second brain. I was also lucky enough to be matched up with two lovely artists, @prongsie and @jemmingart who will be posting artwork to go along with this story. I’ve seen some of what they’re working on and, let me tell you, you’re in for a treat. 
You can check out prongsie’s are for the first chapter here.
As always, you can find this on both FF.net and Ao3. And I always love to hear what you have to say. Enjoy!
Summary: Every young witch or wizard’s first year at Hogwarts is life-changing, but Killian doesn’t know just how life-changing it will be until he meets Emma Swan. OUAT/Harry Potter AU following Killian and Emma’s first year.
Word Count: 2k
Rating: G
Chapter One: A Stranger at the Door
It was a rainy, gray Tuesday when a visitor knocked at the Joneses’ door. Not a hard, demanding knock, nor a soft, timid knock. If a knock could be polite, but firm, it was this knock.
The Joneses were hardly a normal family--even ensconced in the middle of  London as they were--as one might guess if they caught sight of their unusual visitor. He was a tall, thin old man with a beard long enough to tuck into his belt and hair nearly as long. From his purple cloak to his high, buckled boots every bit of him clashed with the busy street. However, the boy on the other side of the door wasn't fazed by the man's odd attire as he squinted through the peephole.
“Is it your father?” Mrs. Alice Jones appeared in the doorway, her younger son propped on one hip and an oddly carved stick in her hand. It was, in fact, a wand. Alice was a witch.
“It’s Professor Dumbledore.”
“Liam, come here,” his mother said with forced calm. “Take your brother for me.”
Liam jumped down from the little stool at the door. In the year or so since the Joneses moved in, few of their old friends had visited—in fact almost none of their old friends knew where they were—and so his perch held a constant vigil at the front door. Especially when Papa went out. He didn’t quite understand why he and his brother couldn’t leave the cramped flat, but he spent many contented afternoons watching the people pass by on the street.
He took his brother without complaint, though he had to wrap both arms around the toddler to keep from dropping him.
“Listen to me, Liam,” Alice Jones said, smoothing a hand over his dark curls. “I’m going to make sure it really is the professor. If you hear anything, anything at all that sounds bad, I want you to touch the boot on the mantle. Make sure you have Killian’s hand when you do, alright?”
“But you said I must never—”
“I know, baby. I’m giving you permission. Just this once.” She leaned down and kissed his curls with shaking lips.
Liam nodded solemnly and retreated to the sitting room.
The clicks from four different locks echoed in the tiny hall. Alice left the chain done up, a nice, sturdy brass thing that would do her no good against the kind of enemies who drove her into hiding, but it might buy her boys some time.
Albus Dumbledore stared at her over half-moon spectacles, his hair and beard curling in the damp air.
"Good afternoon, Professor," Alice said. "Tell me, what is your favorite candy?"
"Lemon drops," the rough voice replied.
Alice sighed. The door creaked mournfully as she closed it to undo the chain. “Come in, Albus. I’ll admit, I had hoped you were Brennan.” She smiled as she relocked the door. “But it is nice to see a new face.”
Liam, leaving his brother standing by the mantle, trotted over as their visitor followed his mother into the sitting room.
Dumbledore smiled fondly at the boy. “Ah, come to see what I’ve brought you today?”
"Yes, sir."
"Liam," Alice hissed. "What do you say?"
"Please," Liam said, remembering his manners.
Albus Dumbledore patted a few pockets before find the right one, he reached in and pulled out a yellow candy wrapped in white paper. "Perhaps you'd like to try a lemon drop? Quite a rarity in our world," he said with a conspiratorial wink. "It's muggle made."
Liam's blue eyes grew two sizes as he held his hand out. "Thank you, Professor."
"And I know lemon drops are a bit small for someone of Killian's age, but perhaps he'd like a chocolate frog?" Dumbledore said, pulling a purple box from another pocket. "I dare say, he'll probably enjoy chasing it more than eating it."
Alice nodded, brushing strands of dark, unruly hair from her face. "I imagine he will. I'm not sure which of my boys has cabin fever worse."
Dumbledore handed the box to Killian, who turned it over in chubby hands. “There now, young Master Liam, why don’t you go help your brother with that while I have a chat with your mother, hmm?”
“Here,” Alice said, scooping Killian up and setting him on the couch. “I’ll just be over there if you need me.”
Liam obediently scrambled up onto the couch, helping his brother with the candy wrapper as his mother and her one-time teacher retreated to the other side of the room.
“I assume you’ve come because you have news.” Alice wrapped her worn cardigan around herself.
“Quite a bit of it, I’m afraid. Not all of it good, but some...” He pulled his glasses off, cleaning them carefully on the sleeve of his robes. The spectacles went back on his nose and were carefully adjusted. He folded his hands inside his voluminous sleeves as he continued, “I’ll start with a bit of the bad first, as one leads to the other.”
Alice nodded. She clasped trembling hands together.
“It is my regret to inform you that Lily and James Swan were murdered last night,” he said in a low, practiced tone.
Alice gasped, then slapped a hand over her mouth, eyes darting to where Liam corralled his brother’s chocolate frog on the couch. Tears glistened in her eyes.
“Was it…” she trailed off, her lips pressed tight together and eyes wide with fear.
Dumbledore nodded solemnly. “I’m afraid it was, but that leads to the bit of good news I have for you.  Rumplestiltskin is dead. He made a choice last night and it was not your son. It should be safe for you to return home.”
Alice swallowed. “What about Emma? Did he…”
“Quite safe. It appears she managed to throw his own curse back at him. It is quite remarkable.”
“How? She’s only a child.”
Dumbledore nodded. "Wiser men than I are stumped by this. It will take some thought, quite a lot of it, I imagine. However she did it, last night she vanquished the Dark One. They are calling her The Girl Who Lived.”
Alice turned her back to her boys, swiping at wet cheeks before drawing a shaky breath. "How is she? Did he hurt her at all?"
"Aside from a cut on her forehead, she came out quite well, I think."
"Except that she's an orphan," Alice said quietly.
"Compared to how it might have ended for her, my dear, I would say she is better than could have been hoped," Dumbledore said. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a handful of lemon drops. He offered them to Alice, shrugging when she declined. "I have already taken to steps to see that she is cared for."
“Lily and James had no family to speak of." Alice’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not thinking of putting her with that wretched Petunia… You are. No, absolutely not.”
“I’m afraid the options are limited…”
“What about Ruby? She’s the girl’s godmother after all.” Alice lifted her chin, hand propped on her hips. “Or what about here? Brennan and I could give her a good home. Lily would want her with people who love her.”
Dumbledore looked at her gravely, his eyes very sad. “Perhaps we should retreat to a more private location, I’m afraid there’s more I have to tell you.”
# # #
Alice took her time putting the boys to bed that night, rocking Killian in her arms until he fell sound asleep and lingering as she tucked Liam in. She talked with him, keeping him awake as long as she dared and dreading the moment his eyes closed for the night and left her on her own.
“Mama?” he asked, his fingers picking sleepily at the loose thread of his blanket.
“Yes, my love?”
“Did Dumbledore say when Papa is coming back?”
Alice swallowed, pushing down the feelings that clawed at her throat. “No, baby.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” She took a deep breath, taking her son’s small hands in her own. She had hoped to put this off for a few days more. Killian was too young to notice, a few days and he would have forgotten all about his Papa, but Liam would remember. And Liam would keep asking. “Because Papa isn’t coming home. Papa died today.”
Liam blinked at her. “How?”
“Bad wizards,” Alice said, her voice breaking. “Bad wizards killed him.”
She couldn’t tell him the whole truth, not yet. When he was older maybe, if he asked, she might give him all the gruesome details, but not now. Now, he just needed to know that his father was dead.
“So he’s never coming back? Never ever?”
Alice shook her head.
Tears welled up in his big, blue eyes and she gathered him up in her arms, muffling his sobs against her shoulder so he didn’t wake his brother. He cried until he fell asleep.
Alice was not so lucky. Even after she cried all her tears, she could not sleep. Eight years of marriage meant that she had trouble falling asleep alone even on the best of nights and now, though she longed for the numbness of sleep, it danced away from her. She lay there, staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom, afraid to close her eyes. Each time she did her mind told her that if she reached out, Brennan would be there on the other side of the bed.
“Mama?” Liam’s voice broke the stillness well past midnight.
Alice propped herself on her elbow. “Yes, baby?”
“Killian can’t sleep.”
She smiled. “Can’t he now?”
Liam shook his head.
She reached out and tousled his hair. “Well, then, what say you and I keep him company in here and see if that helps?”
Her son nodded vigorously.
As expected, she found Killian sleeping soundly when she crept into the boys’ room. He melted into her, boneless and grumpy when she pulled him out of his crib and was already back asleep by the time she returned to her room. She helped Liam tuck him in beside her and then held the covers up as he crawled into bed on her other side, pulling him close and burying her nose in his fine hair. The curls tickled.
“Are you gonna go fight the bad wizards that killed Papa?”
Alice swallowed. “I have to. It’s my job and now that…” She knew she could say the name now. Should say the name and refuse to live in fear. But it stuck in her throat. “Now that You Know Who isn’t after your brother, it’s time for me to go back to work.” Especially since she had to provide for her family all on her own now.
“Good,” Liam said.
Alice sighed, glad that this wouldn’t end in another meltdown. Liam had been nearly ecstatic to have her home with him every day for the last year. He was young, but despite her best attempts to hide any injuries, he knew her job was dangerous.
“When I grow up,” Liam whispered. “I wanna fight bad wizards just like you. I wanna be an oro too.”
“Auror, sweet.” Alice chuckled. “And I think you would be very good at it.”
She fell asleep like that. Left arm curled around her oldest son, right hand holding her baby’s hand. And as she fell asleep, she thought of another child. A little girl she had only seen in the pictures her best friend sent. The best friend she would never see again. She wondered how long it might be before she met The Girl Who Lived.
All those letters and pictures…Alice decided she would save them for later, so that someday, little Emma might know just how much her parents loved her.
She and Lily had had such plans when they found out their children would be born around the same time. It seemed fate when the two babies were born within a day of each other. They thought they would raise their children together. Be each other’s family and give their children the family neither of them ever had. But now, letters and pictures were all she had of her best friends. Of her husband.
She swallowed back the tears. She would keep it together for her boys, they needed her now more than ever.
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fifiliphaser · 7 years
A Face In The Remains
The Beauty In Bones
[AO3 Version]
Relationships: Jack Hodgins/Angela Montenegro, Temperance Brennan & Angela Montenegro
Characters: Jack Hodgins, Angela Montenegro, Clark Edison
Summary: A passionate palaeontologist and a beautiful artist—at first, they don't seem to have much in common. However, a set of bones and a murder mystery draws them together in a rather unexpected fashion. It may be a begginning of a long lasting partnership, or maybe something way more exciting.
("The 200th in the 10th" 'verse; basically, it is a collection of Hodgela-centered ficlets, because that one cute scene from that episode just wasn't enough.)
I loved that episode, but as a huge Hodgela fan I was a tad bit dissapointed that they get only a one short scene, as cute as it was. And after some fruitless searching for a fic about them in that setting, I gave up and decided to write something myself.
And that is why I present you today, my dear readers, that humble collection of ficlets I hope you will enjoy.
Since it is my first work for Bones, I have to start with admitting that I fell in love with that show not so long time ago (well, in the autumn of last year), but it helped me so much both as a source of great entertainment and an escape in the worse moments.
When I was watching "The 200th in the 10th" for the first time, I kinda hoped that they would show the process of sketching (Hodgela, you know), but I guess the 45-minute time frame didn't let them.
So this is my take on what could've happened in that moment. I hope everyone is bearably in character (especially Angie, since I don't consider it my best take on her character; hopefully, I will be more content with her in the next ficlet). However, I must admit I'm quite glad with how Hodgins' portrayal turned out—I think that he resembles that hopeless and nerdy romantic we all know and love.
Let me know if you like it! The next chapter should be published next week (hopefully)—I have a few more ideas, but I'm more than open for prompts and suggestions :D
Professor Hodgins paced nervously from the supposed remains of Eva Braga, set neatly on a table, to his precious tyrannosaurus. Miss Brennan’s idea of sketching a dead woman’s face was brilliant, admittedly, however, even the awareness of that fact couldn’t ease his anxiety. After all, despite all the superlatives which Miss Brennan used to describe her artist friend, there could only be so many as talented and as brilliant women as her. In other words, the professor feared that even though that woman might possess necessary artistic skills, she would not be able to capture accurately a possible appearance of the murder victim.
Obviously, he was the one to read all the information they needed from the bones, but he found himself lacking an artist’s imagination. He was afraid that if that woman—Miss Montenegro, he reminded himself—was unable to see anything in the bones herself, their task would be much more strenuous that he had initially anticipated, and its outcome could be short of the required accuracy. In consequence, the sketch would be of a very little help to Miss Brennan.
“She still has a few minutes, professor,” Edison pointed out, his eyes fixed on a bone he was currently studying.
At first, Hodgins ignored that comment, but after one more round from one remains to the others he concluded that his walking around could not possibly change the course of the current situation, and therefore he stopped next to the woman’s bones.
“Have you discovered something new?,” professor asked his assistant with genuine interest, hoping that there might be a clue in the bones helpful in determining the woman’s identity. In that case, sketching would become completely unnecessary.
“No, nothing,” Edison admitted, a little disappointed. “But I’m trying to collect as much information about the influence of fire on human bones as I can. I believe it’s worth documenting, because it may be useful in the future,” he smiled proudly, clearly pleased with his own forward thinking.
“Yes, it is certainly worth doing…,” professor agreed, leaning over the bones. “Never have I thought I might be that invested in examining the bones that are not million years old and furthermore belong to Homo sapiens,” he muttered, looking closely at the charred surface of ribs and a sternum.
He became so immersed in his observation that he didn’t register someone walking into the room and calling his name. It was a slight poking on his arm that finally attracted his attention. He turned around abruptly, only to find himself facing a woman of an intricate beauty. The pair of dark eyes were cautiously studying his face, while corners of the intensively red lips slowly raised in a polite smile. Dark brown wavy hair, framing her symmetrical features, were shining slightly in the light of the lamps illuminating the study.
However, he was forced to stop his marvelling over the beauty, as her sweet voice brought him back to reality. “I’m sorry, are you professor Jack Hodgins?”
He parted his lips, ready to answer, but he wasn’t able to find his voice. He could almost feel Edison’s stare boring into his back and getting more and more intensive with every passing moment. Although his assistant was probably ready to respond on his behalf, Hodgins finally gathered his bearings. “Ye-yes…,” he confirmed, scolding himself in his mind for his wavering voice. “Yes, that is me,” he added, this time more firmly.
The beauty’s smile broadened, with a glint of pearly teeth visible between her lips. “Brennan sent me, I’m supposed to make a sketch of the victim,” she exclaimed, glancing at Edison. “I heard the news,” she continued excitedly. “That mystery is getting more interesting with every discovery.”
“Oh, yes. Yes, it is,” professor chimed in, doing his best not to be completely distracted by that gorgeous woman that had just stepped into his study.
“May I take a look?,” she asked, pointing at the skull.
“Of course.” Hodgins smiled a bit awkwardly, stepping away and allowing the beauty to have a closer look.
“It’s…,” she paused for a moment, taking in the picture of the bones laying before her. “I never made a sketch of a face based only on a skull,” she admitted a bit sheepishly.
Professor compressed his lips, his earlier anxiety creeping back into his mind. His worries turned out to be justifiable apparently, yet he couldn’t dwell on this for too long as Miss Montenegro’s shy smile captured his attention.
“I've never seen real human bones and it is… a bit disturbing, but I wasn’t expecting that so much of actual face features can be seen on the skull,” she marvelled, capturing it with her delicate fingers and raising it a bit, so she could better examine its structure. “I knew it would be… an interesting experience, but this is…,” she trailed off, tracing the skull’s edges with her index finger. “I doubt I could enjoy working with dead people, but to give one of them their face back… I think it’s worth it,” she smiled, gazing at the professor, who did his best to pretend that he hadn’t been staring at her for the last couple of minutes.
“It is certainly high-minded,” Hodgins agreed, proceeding to adjust his glasses, so he could avoid her look. “I am glad that you are so driven to perform your task, Miss…,” he wanted to continue, his memory being as good as it was, but the woman jumped in quicker than he could finish.
“Oh, I forgot about introducing myself!,” she interjected apologetically, carefully putting the skull back on the table. “I’m Angela Montenegro,” she declared, offering her hand to the professor.
He took it a bit hesitantly, taken aback by her gesture. Her skin was soft; he couldn’t help but feel as if it was a piece of precious silk caressing his palm. “I’ve known that already, Miss Brennan informed me about all the details,” he explained politely, releasing her hand and giving her a small smile.
For a moment seconds seemed to last much longer than they should, as he sunk in those chocolate eyes, so full of excitement and passion. He would have stayed like this for the next few hours had it not been for the amount of important work that was yet to be done. Hodgins cleared his throat, motioning at his assistant. “This is Clark Edison, he is helping me with my research,” he clarified.
Miss Montenegro nodded at the other man, to which he responded with a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, Mr Edison,” she affirmed.
“The pleasure’s all mine,” the man replied, making a small bow.
She chuckled lightly in response, which was one of the most beautiful sounds the professor had ever heard. He couldn’t believe how it could have happened, but he was completely mesmerised by the woman before him. From her graceful movements, to her quite exotic features, everything about her seemed perfect. Why such an angel appeared in his study, he wasn’t able to tell.
“I think I should get to work,” Miss Montenegro remarked, reaching to her bag to pull out a sketchpad and drawing tools. “Where may I…” She looked around, searching for a suitable place to sit dawn and start sketching.
The professor quickly understood what she meant and showed her a small desk nearby. “I’ll bring you the skull in a moment.”
She nodded and headed towards the desk, sitting down on a chair next to it soon after. She placed everything she needed on the desktop, and laced her fingers, glancing at the two men that were leaning over the bones.
Hodgins quickly caught her look and cautiously took the skull. Rushing towards her, he tried to focus on the tools that were spread on the desk, instead of her curious gaze. “Voila,” he stated, putting the skull on one of the books to the side, so it could be better visible.
“Thank you.” She smiled, reaching out for a pencil. “I think we should start. So, tell me, doc, what do you see?” She looked at him with curiosity, tilting slightly her head.
“Oh, one can read the whole life story from the bones,” he declared enthusiastically, leaning closer to the skull. Indeed, he could see a face before him, although only in his own mind. When it came to describing that picture in an imaginative enough way, he doubted his ability. “But I'm afraid I lack an artistic soul,” he admitted dejectedly after a moment.
She narrowed her eyes. “Let's see about that…,” she muttered, more to herself it seemed. “Shall we?” She offered him a warm smile, to which he responded with a smile of his own.
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swanderful1 · 7 years
A Cold Awakening: Chapter 4/?
Modern crime AU. Twenty years have gone by since Storybrooke was shaken to the core by a gruesome crime that went unsolved. Sheriff David Nolan and his partner, daughter Emma are forced to revisit the crime. At the same time, Killian Jones and his older brother Liam have been drawn back to the town they had longed to never see again, struggling to find their own answers. As taunting notes and clues show up they are taken on a journey to finally bring justice for the Jones family. And Emma Nolan finds herself caught in a situation more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.
Note: Anotha one. The rest of the story can be read on AO3
After what had turned out to be an overwhelming two days, Emma found herself sitting alone at the bar. The Rabbit Hole was one of the few places in town that was dark enough you could barely recognize the person sitting next to you. It was part of the reason why when Ruby had asked her to go for a drink later she had chosen the place.
Henry was with his father and she figured she was well overdue for a drink. Or several.
It was just after eight that night when Emma felt someone pull out the bar stool next to her and sit down. She swiveled in her chair starting to make some shady comment to Ruby about how she was the one late this time when she realized it wasn’t.
 “Is this seat taken?” a silky, smooth voice came out of the man next to her with a slight English hilt. She could literally feel her stomach drop.
 “Killian Jones.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. She knew exactly who he was. She would know him anywhere. Even in a dingy, dimly lit bar twenty years older than she had been the last time they spoke.  
 “Ah so you’ve heard of me.” Another statement, this time from him. There was a hint of something (sadness?) in his eyes as he said it though he tried to mask it with his confident demeanor. Clearly he had not seen her at the station that afternoon before storming off. But now here he was, right next to her and smelling strongly of rum. He was drunk.
 She snuck a glance at him, evaluating him up and down. He had changed since earlier. No longer was he wearing that perfectly tailored blue suit but had instead switched it in for a pair of dark jeans that fit him just right and a button up shirt (once again exposing a dash of chest hair).
He looked her up and down as well. But unlike Emma his inhibitions were much lower and he made no attempt to hide it at all, his clear blue eyes taking on a much darker hue as he drank her in. What in the world was behind those eyes?
 “You look awfully familiar, darling. We’ve met before?” His English accent was not helping the situation. He had always had one growing up. Both of his parents were from London, but seeing as how he spent the last twenty years overseas, his accent was thicker than she remembered. A fluttering feeling appeared deep within her, one she had not felt in a long time and was doing everything in her power to suppress. She could feel him beginning to recognize her and immediately wanted to avoid any further conversation.  
 “I’m meeting someone. She’ll be here any minute.” Emma sipped her beer in hopes that Ruby would burst through the doors at any second to save her before she did something stupid.
 “Alright then, love. My apologies for bothering you.” He wasn’t mocking her, instead he collected the glass of rum he had ordered and stood up from his seat to leave her alone like a perfect gentleman. A part of Emma wanted to grab his arm, tell him her name, hope he remembered her even in his intoxicated state, and stare into his gorgeous eyes. However she knew better. He was playing with fire. He was dangerous, as he was the last time she had seen him. Dark. Brooding. Complicated.
She watched him saunter away to another part of the bar and could see his brother, Liam, waiting to continue a game of pool. It bothered her a little too much that he didn’t remember her right away. They most certainly weren’t friends before he left. But isn’t it always a bit off-putting when someone you remember doesn’t know who you are? And then drunkenly begins to hit on you in a bar?
 “Hey have you been here long?” this time it actually was Ruby who took the seat next to Emma. The brunette was dressed in a short skirt and leather jacket, lips painted a bright red. Emma couldn’t help but laugh a little to herself. The two could not have been more opposite. However, their friendship was strong despite their differences and Emma was always grateful.
 “I see Mr. Jawline is here tonight.” She caught her best friend steal a glance toward where Killian walked off to. A wolfish grin crossed the brunette’s face when she turned back around. Almost as if the younger Jones had been fair prey.
 “Who?” Emma played dumb. As opposed to actually acknowledging out loud that he was an attractive man. God forbid.
 “Oh come on, Em. I know you don’t talk about men, like ever. But you do have eyes.” Ruby nudged her playfully. “It doesn’t hurt to look.”
Emma sipped her beer again, hoping the topic would change. Little did her friend know, Emma had done quite a bit of looking a few minutes ago.
  The next morning Emma made sure to arrive at the station bright and early. The rest of the team not there yet she took advantage of the quiet moment she had to herself to prepare for her turn at questioning.
 Reading through some up to date information on Killian and Liam she found out that shortly after their parents’ death, and no conclusive solution had been found, they both left Storybrooke. Liam moved to California and went to work immediately, not bothering to enter college. He married a girl named Laura several years later and together they had one child. A daughter named Harper. He had seemed to have found peace after his parent’s death and created a comfortable life for himself on the west coast. Killian had been brought to London by his aunt and uncle to live. He finished school there, graduated and went on to Oxford University where he studied Business. He now worked for a giant multinational corporation based in London. From what she gathered he was a workaholic. He was 36 years old. Never married. No children. One serious partner, a woman named Grace, for a few years back in 2008. How has a man that attractive only ever had one serious girlfriend? Emma shook her head immediately after the thought. He wasn’t that good looking (okay maybe he was). The brothers maintained a friendly relationship, in fact Liam seemed to be the only long term relationship Killian cared to keep up with.
 “Morning, Em.” David came into the office with two fresh coffees, one for her and him. She smiled and took the warm cup before returning to reading through the massive amounts of paperwork associated with the case.
The files were thorough. The police force at the time of the murder was not run by David, he was deputy sheriff. His father, Philip Nolan, had been the sheriff at the time, a harsh man with an unforgiving demeanor. The Jones murder had been his life’s work. It sent him into madness when he was not able to come to any sort of conclusion.
 She noticed very distinctly underneath the print out of the family tree Philip Nolan kept in his journal that there were little notes about each person. Moira and Brennan both had large red X’s over their names. Both of their siblings were accounted for overseas, it could not have possibly been them. From what Emma could tell, her grandfather had thought one or both of the Jones brothers did it. The focus had been heavily placed on Killian and Liam, far more than anyone else in his notes. At least in the beginning.
 “So your dad thought it was either one of these two?” Emma asked her father. It had been a long time since some of these files has been cracked and she wiped a bit of dust off the journal pages to show David, who was about Emma’s age when the murder had happened.
 “I don’t think my father ever had any true clue to who had done it. It was easy to look at the immediate family though, it always is in a murder investigation.” David’s eyes never met hers, something rare for their dynamic. However, her grandfather had not been a warm and loving paternal figure. Emma barely ever remembered hearing David speak of his dad. “I will not make the same mistakes he did, Em. He focused too hard on only one option.”
 “So we are to rule out no one?”
 “Correct. When you put up blinders to other theories that’s when people get away with things. And from the looks of it someone has.” David’s face was morose. Assuming they did solve the Jones murder, David’s father would never get to see it. He would never get to know.
“Looks like he’s here.” Emma looked out the window by her desk to see a tall figure emerging in the rain from an expensive looking black car. He was masked by the shadow of an umbrella but Emma had about one guess as to who hid behind.
 Quickly she stacked the folders and put them in a drawer to look at later. She had seen him at the bar the night before but judging from his approach to her, he had little memory of who she was. Despite his effect on her before, under dim lighting and lowered inhibitions, she still understood this was a devastating position for him to be in. And while the rest of the town may have been convinced he was untrustworthy, Emma was not (and neither was her father). Being appropriate was a top priority.
 “Mr. Jones, good morning,” David greeted first, shaking his hand firmly.
 “Sheriff Nolan.” Killian nodded collapsing his umbrella and sticking it on a coat hook to dry.  
 “I don’t believe you were introduced yesterday but this is my deputy sheriff, you remember my daughter, Emma?” her father gestured toward her with nonchalance and she watched realization washed over Killian’s face.
“Miss Nolan.” His blue eyes drank her in, the woman he had seen at The Rabbit Hole who had turned dismissed him, the sheriff’s daughter.
 “Mr. Jones, it's been a while,” she smiled, keeping her composure. He looked a little worse for wear, evidence of last night but still he returned her smile (however forced it was).
 “Pleasure.” His grip on her hand was terse at best but there was period of lingering before they were no longer touching. It did not go unnoticed by her and neither did the look he continued to give her. His blue eyes were searching, she did her best not to turn red. For a brief moment it felt like they were the only two in the room.
 The other members of the office shuffling in as they did daily broke her out of her hypnosis. No. She and Killian Jones were not the only two in the room, far from it. Neil caught her eye as he breezed in tossing her a friendly smile she accepted.
 “Mr. Jones if you’ll follow Emma, she’s going to ask you a few questions before your brother arrives.” David said reminding Emma of why Killian was there in the first place. Because it sure as hell wasn’t to make eyes at her in the middle of the office.
 Sitting down in the conference room made this seem more like a business meeting than an investigation. However, Emma was a shark in this environment. She was good at reading people and she knew it. This was why David had been so surprised at her absence yesterday. Questioning people was her specialty.
 However today her client was far different than anyone she had ever been around. He was not some small town person who had never seen the outskirts of Storybrooke. He was not someone who had skipped out on parking tickets or was caught speeding through main street or didn’t pay their rent. And she was now very aware that they truly were the only two in the room.
 “No lawyer today?” she teased.
 “She’ll be here in a bit when my brother arrives.” He was colder with her now, that much was immediately clear to Emma. She could read his face taunting her, like he could handle her until his lawyer arrived. It threw her off a bit. Her limited time with him thus far had been… confusing.
 “I would like to start with your personal recap of the event that transpired on the night of September 16, 1997?” she started, regaining some of the confidence you could usually find in her voice.
 “As it has been so long my memory is a bit foggy, you can imagine, Miss Nolan.” His blue eyes bore into her again. “But from what I can recall I was 17 years old, I had been gone for most of the night. When I arrived at home nothing looked amiss from the outside.” Emma took brief notes in a yellow notebook as he spoke. “The house lights were on so I assumed my parents were home. I walked upstairs to go to my bedroom and that was when I saw them.” Killian shifted in his seat, a clear sign of his discomfort with the topic. “I saw my mother first. And then my father.”
 Emma felt a slight pang of sadness when he referenced being the first one to find them. She couldn’t even imagine coming home to her parents dead. “And where exactly had you been all night during the time they were presumably stabbed?”
 “My parents were having another one of their rows. I could barely take it at that point so I left and drove around for a few hours.”
 “And there was no one who could have accounted for this?” Emma pressed. “No one you were with at the time?”
 “No.” He knew what it sounded like. He knew it was a bull shit alibi if you could even call it that. But at the same time Emma did not entirely dismiss his claims as false. “Isn’t this all already on record? Why bother with the formality?”
 “I tend to like finding my own answers, Mr. Jones.” She held his gaze confidently as if to convey she wasn’t someone he could dismiss. She had dated enough assholes to know the mentality of a powerful man, the impression that they were above things they’d rather not deal with. He was someone used to getting his way “May I continue? Or did you want to ask your own questions?”
 He had met his match. And seemingly retreated, waving his hand toward her urging her to continue.
 “Was there anyone who would have wanted to send this letter? Anyone who harbored resentment for your family?” Emma held up the letter. David had told Killian and Liam about it the day before.
 “With all due respect Miss Nolan, I have spent the past twenty years trying to forget this town and the people in it. No. There is no one that comes to mind when I think of who would drag my family through the mud again.” His tone was not friendly. She had struck a nerve. Again. The tension between them was building until the conference room door opened and in walked Detective Humbert, Liam Jones, and their lawyer Regina. Emma did not realize she had been holding her breath but she felt a sigh escape as the other three joined them.
 “Everything all right in here, Em?” Graham asked taking the seat beside her. His face was friendly. She smiled and nodded at him, relieved to have someone else in the room.
 “Okay, let’s go over a few things,” Regina started bringing them all to attention. The woman gave off a cold demeanor not unlike her client. She did know how to command a room, Emma would give her that.
 She turned back to face the people on the other side of the table. Her gaze went directly to Killian and caught him quickly look down before her eyes completely met his.
  A week and a half went by with little progress. Friday morning Emma arrived at the station earlier than everyone else. She had agreed to come in early to prepare for the brief meeting the team would be having to provide updates on developments in the ten days since things had resumed. She was frustrated and had little to report other than a second, albeit very frustrating, one on one sit down with Killian Jones Thursday morning.
 He was not cooperating with her. After having to be far from his home in London, walking around this town of people who suspected the worst of him he was tense and frustrated. He was taunting her. The initial lure towards him when he had arrived a week and a half ago had deteriorated quickly and her patience was wearing thin.
 “Answer the question.” Emma pulled all her strength to keep from shouting at him from across the table, throwing her pen down onto her tablet.
 “I don’t have an answer for you, love.” The smug look on his face sent Emma over the edge, she didn’t miss the incorporation of the word ‘love’. However she did not take it as an endearment in the slightest. Emma stood up from her seat and walked toward the door, pacing.
 “I need cooperation or I can’t do my job.” She could feel the eyes of her coworkers through the glass paned walls of the room they were in.
 “And what about what I need?” now it was his turn to stand from the table, frustrated.
 “What do you need, Mr. Jones, please, enlighten me?” the inflection in her voice only antagonized him. Her blood was boiling underneath her skin. Was that entirely his fault? Probably not, but he was using her as the point of all his frustrations too. His eyes dug into her. They held their blue tone but had darkened in a way she could not ignore. He was fuming.
 “What I need is to return to my life.” There was a hint of defeat in his otherwise confident voice as he brushed past her only to leave out the door without another word.
 Everyone in the office was staring at her. It was highly likely they had heard and seen all of it. Emma put her face in her hands and leaned against the glass door. She needed a few moments before she could return to her desk.
 When she did her father was right by her side in seconds.
 “I know he isn’t the most accommodating man but you have to level with him.” He kneeled down to meet her eyes. She was angry, teeming with frustration, and why? Because she was doing her job the best way she knew how and it was not enough. “He needs to trust you, Em. You of all people should know that trust doesn’t come easily. You can’t demand it.”
 He was right. Of course he was right, he always was. If the situation were reversed she wouldn’t give anything away either. She rarely trusted anyone, it seemed he was just as closed off as she was. For this to work, not only did he have to trust her, but Emma also had to feel the same respect toward Killian.
 Emma stopped dead in her tracks when noticed a white envelope tucked in the door hinges. She looked around to see if there was a sign of who had left it, but knew she would see nothing. This person did not want to be caught. She snagged the envelope with the sleeve of her shirt to not leave or impact any prints before opening the door. Inside she waited for her father and Detective Graham to arrive before she opened the letter. She sealed it in an air tight bag and brought it to a windowless cinder block room in the back of the building where evidence went before being further investigated.
When David and Graham arrived they gathered to open the letter. Similar to the last time it was entirely typed save for a signature at the bottom that was in no way legible. This note was far less explicit than its predecessor. It simply read:
 What is found within had never come to light
Trapped inside a hidden space
It awaits out of sight.
 The key to solving the mysteries of the departed,
Lies in the place this very mess started.
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spaceorphan18 · 8 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: Props
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3x20: Props
I have such a love-hate relationship with this episode.  On the one hand, they did one of the best things the show ever did with the bodyswaping stuff.  On the other, we get twenty minutes of Rachel stalking Carmen Tibideaux and Tina bowing down at the alter that is Rachel.  And interestingly, this episode really cuts in half, as the first half actually has to do with getting ready for nationals, and the second half is solely about Rachel and Tina, and the Puck/Beiste story lines.  The nice part is that Kurt doesn’t have to do much with either of those plot lines, so I can skip a bunch of it.  Whoot!
Gender Identity
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So -- we open this episode with Sue dragging Kurt and Mercedes in her office to talk about Unique becoming the darling of the show choir world.  Sue believes it’s because a gimmicky boy dressing up as a girl thing, and blames Kurtcedes for the idea (even though it was hers).  I love the constant confusion on Mercedes’s face during this scene.  Kurt follows her a little more, and is a bit more annoyed by the whole thing.  
I’d like to take a second and say yay! for the return of Kurtcedes.  Not that they really do anything together in this scene, but I always like to point out that their friendship is far from over.  :) 
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Anyway, the crux of Sue’s big idea is that she wants Kurt to dress up like a girl.  And Kurt is just not having it.  
Kurt: Just because I’m gay does not mean I like to dress up as a woman.
And Kurt getting straight to the point.  As stated in Saturday Night Gleever -- there’s a difference between being gay and being transgender, or being transgender and liking to cross dress.  I think, also, leading to conversations about the difference between expression and identity.  It’s kind of cool that Glee is presented these ideas and having this narrative -- especially since this is before transgender became the forefront of public conversation. 
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Mercedes points out that Kurt dressed up as a woman for Halloween.  And hold on, let’s take a second and talk about this little bit of brilliance.  Remember when this came out, and there was a still, and we couldn’t figure out who was standing with Darren for a half second? Lol.  I love this little tidbit so much -- I’m sad we never really got a Halloween episode.  I’m sad we didn’t get more Klaine couples outfits.  I’m sad we didn’t get conversations Klaine had about their couples outfits.  Man...  
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But I digress.  Kurt’s argues that Halloween costume is just that -- and he’s not going to go on stage in a dress, because that’s not who he is, no matter how many kilts he owns ;) 
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As we get into Nationals discussion with the whole group, Sue still insists that Kurt will be featured -- in the Trouble Tones number (!!!) -- as he dresses up as a girl.  Kurt’s still not having it.  I also love that Blaine is totally WTF, Sue in this scene. 
There’s also a beat after this that just cracks me up -- where Sue says something offensive like -- you’ll do as you’re told he-she.  Kurt, omg, devil glare if I ever saw one.  But it’s Blaine’s reaction that’s priceless.  He’s like -- wait, what did you just say? Yeah, no, Kurt is not that. 
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As Sue calls Kurt a transsexual.  OMG, Sue, stop.  
Anyway -- we get into the ‘props’ part of the episode, and where this plot line recycles season 1 Hairography.  But, I will say, this entire scene has a lot of hilarious little beats in it, and totally worth watch in its entirety. 
Also -- we get into Tina ripping down Will, and then ripping down Rachel.  I’m so, so sorry we get a complete 180 of her by the end of the episode because this part is so brilliantly done, and so meta on a lot of levels, it’s unbelievable. But GAAAAHHHH the backtracking.  Don’t get me started!! (I’ve just noticed this episode was written and directed by Ian Brennan.  No wonder I want to throw things at it.) 
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Before we get into the brilliant body swapping stuff, we get this mini-Klaine scene, where Blaine is reiterating Kurt’s earlier point -- being gay does not mean automatic enjoyment of crossdressing, or identifying as another gender.  I’m kind of endeared by how indignant Blaine is on Kurt’s behalf.  If I had to guess, they’ve been talking about it all day, (week?).  
Also -- can we take a second and adore that Kurt and Blaine are sitting in massage chairs in the mall just hanging out.  I kind of wish we had gotten to see more of this daily life side of their relationship.  
Anyway -- so Tina comes along, and is rightfully pissed off at Mike for defending Rachel.  I mean, yeah, dude, have some pride in your girlfriend.  And the Tina slips into the water fountain and hits her head, and then we get the brilliant spot in the episode.  
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Yes -- that’s right -- Finn and Puck are now Kurt and Blaine.  America have you shit yourself yet, lol?  
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Alright, so let’s talk about this a second.  I know it’s Tina’s fantasy, but I think there are some interesting things going on here.  
First of all, Cory was fantastic as Kurt -- he goes for that high voice and that poised look, and while he’s a little too tall and gangling to pull it off, I love it, it’s awesome.  I’m not entirely sure what Mark Salling is doing with Blaine -- is it a William Shatner version of Blaine? Lol -- I think it lends itself more on the parody side of things, but I’m still entertained.  I’m a little sad Darren didn’t get to do much as Puck, sadly.  
Anyway -- it’s interesting here that they bring up the whole Dance With Somebody scandal.  Blaine’s still got issues and Kurt tries to comfort him, yet they’re kind of bickering about it (while being endearing as Finn-Kurt brushes dirt off Puck-Blaine’s shoulder).  I know this is Tina’s fantasy -- but it’d be interesting if there was some basis of reality there -- that it’s not all about Blaine the best and dutiful boyfriend, that all wasn’t patched up in Emma’s office.  There are little cracks there that are going to lead into season four’s break ups.  It’s kind of fascinating.  I’m just sorry that the show has to play it off in this way, as comedic, and in someone’s fantasy.  
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Let’s take a second and talk about Chris playing Finn.  And how utterly amazing it is.  He just nails the mannerisms and speech pattern.  OMG -- I love everything about this little moment.  It’s perfect.  
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I’m not a big fan of this song, but man, it’s worth watching over and over just to see how everyone portrays everyone else.  It’s so much fun.  And Kudos to Jane and Matt who really outdo themselves in flipping Will and Sue.  
So -- we get Finn-Kurt and Puck-Blaine looking all lovey at each other and, gasp, holding hands.  Now, I’ve done how many of these now?  Do you know how man times the real Kurt and Blaine have held hands during someone’s solo? Zero.  In fact, the one time it looks like they do more than look at each other, it was cut.  
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Aaannd, here’s where you can tell Glee is pushing to see how far they can go.  Don’t get me wrong, I love this moment, and giggle every time I see it, because it is a cute/funny moment.  But -- I think it’s a statement, too.  Because apparently the show can do m/m affection when it’s funny, just not when it’s serious.  And, yeah, that is frustrating.  And actually, I’d like to point out that Mercedes and Artie and Brittany and Santana are even more all over each other, and kiss at one point during this song.  So yes -- this is why I think the censors were all over gay affection in season three.  Because they got away with it here, and the show went out of its way to purposely make a joke out if it. 
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So yeah, after some plot related Tina-Rachelnes, we’re back to reality.  As fun as it was, I would not trade in the real Klaine. 
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All I can think about is controlled danger.  That’s not a Kurt look.  That’s a Chris look.  Lol.  
This is also another little scene with a lot of hilarious little bits.  I’m so sad the second half of this episode is so awful, because the first half is amazing. 
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As Will relearns what he was taught in Hairography, Sue insists, again, that Kurt dress up as a girl.  Man, this is getting old, tbh.  But I’m assuming it’s set up for Puck coming in dressed as a woman? At least Kurt seems to have some kind of idea that doesn’t involve welding. 
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It actually involves more showchoir spying.  Man, this feels almost like a season 1 Kurt throwback, though I suppose season 2 is when Kurt first started his showchoir spying. Lol.  At least he seems to be better in his second attempt. 
Kurt’s stolen them some footage of Vocal Adrenaline rehearsing.  I love that Kurt’s redone the footage in black and white because he worships The Artist.  Also -- they do the human centipede that looks suspiciously like a specific sex move, and something Blaine claims looks ‘not that hard’.  Fantastic.  
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Man, how many eye rolls can Kurt give to Sue in this episode.  Anyway, this is the scene where Puck comes in dressed up as a girl -- because a real man can wear a dress, or some such nonsense.  I kind of wish we saw Kurt’s reaction to the whole thing, but we don’t.  
And this is smack dab in the middle of the episode.  After this, it all goes down hill as we get Rachel brainwashing Tina, and continuation of the Puck/Beiste story.  This episode is so weirdly paced, because it was going so well in the first half, and this second half is just -- not great.  The Puck/Beiste stuff works more so, but was barely set up in the first half of the episode.  It’s so weird.  
The nice thing is that I get to skip all of it, because Kurt (and everyone who is not Rachel, Tina, Puck, and Beiste) is not involved. 
Flashdance to Nationals
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And now we’re at the end of the episode -- where Kurt’s listening to Sam’s impressions as Rachel spouts off about their different personality aspects are what makes them unique, ya de da.  I’m a little preoccupied with Kurt’s hoodie.  I think this it’s the most casual thing we’ve seen him wear up to this point, and I’m slightly fascinated by it.  
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Rachel and Tina flashdacne their way onto the bus to nationals.  Kurt doesn’t turn around at any point, but I can recognize that shimmy dance anywhere, lol.  Alright guys -- we’re almost at the end of season 3! 
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woahdeclan-b · 7 years
The Day We Met || Zachlan
Takes place on 11/6. Finallyee.
Zach had been crazy excited about starting at Degrassi. First of all his favorite cousin was in some of his classes, but mostly he was excited to finally get to meet Declan. He had gotten to the class a little early as Simpson had been showing him around and wanted to introduce him to Lacey. After talking for a bit she had him sit in a seat in the back corner as it was the only unassigned one. Sliding into the seat, he looked around for a bit before taking out his sketchbook and opening it up to a new page. Biting his lip, he put his hood up, hoping people wouldn't bother him as they started to fill into the classroom, before he started to draw.
Declan walked into English class, already fussing with some of his friends. "That's so stupid! I think Brennan just acts like an asshole because he's an asshole, not because he's gay." Declan rolled his eyes, "He's doing...stuff...with your sister. I mean...he could be bi...but, I totally don't get that kind of rage from him. This is like....typical jock rage...I don't know. Don't ask me. Why am I supposed to have awesome gaydar? I have a girlfriend." He sat his stuff down at his table and sat down, looking up at the board as Lacey wrote "THE GREAT GATSBY" up on the board. He sighed, opening up the book he kept his lyrics and melodies in, staring at lyrics he'd scribbled down after texting Zach the other night. All the line said was "Take a selfie for me..." Why couldn't he get anything else out of that? Why did that line sound so cheesy? The boy closed the book and then let his head come to rest on top of his folded arms on the desk.
Zach glanced up when he heard a slight commotion of people entering the room, his eyes immediately falling on Declan. Unable to keep from grinning, he pushed his sketchbook to the corner of his desk and turned his attention to the boy, unable to look away. He was somehow cuter in person and he didn't think that could be possible. Gavin shook his head at Declan. "First of all don't say that that's gross. Second of all my gaydar is perfect and you need to agree with me because of that..." He was about to continue when his eyes fell on Zach in the back of the room. Who was this kid and why was he staring at his best friend? "Third... there's some kid in the seat that Lacey makes me sit in after I do something awesome she doesn't agree with... and he's staring at you... wait! THERE'S SOMEONE IN MY SEAT SHE CAN'T MOVE ME! But also why is that guy staring at you. Staring at you is my job. Should I fight him?"
Declan looked up at the sound of Gavin yelling. He looked up in just enough time to see Lacey whirl around, the dry erase marker still in her hand. "Do you wanna bet? I'll call another teacher to bring me a desk. Sit down, Gavin." She huffed. Declan chuckled under his breath, about to put his head back down when Gavin mentioned some guy staring at him. What? Why would some guy stare at him...well, other than Gavin. Declan turned all the way around in his seat to face the seat that Chloe had recently dubbed 'Azkaban'. He could've sworn his heart stopped beating in his chest. He took a hard swallow. No way this was real. He had to be seeing things. He blinked a few times, as if this would change anything. Zach was here, in his class, in person. This was very, very real and he couldn't breathe. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he took a long sigh and then smiled at him awkwardly, not sure of what else to do. "Hey..." he finally mouthed. He would've sat there, just staring at the other boy until he heard Lacey call his name. "Dec, turn around for me." she said, "We're about to get started." He whirled around in his seat, "Yeah, uh, I'm sorry." He said. He quickly dug down in his pocket to withdraw his phone, hissing in pain from his hand being shoved into his jeans, grazing the cut on his palm. He pulled his phone out and hid it under the table before quickly texting Zach. "Oh my god, what are you doing here? How? When? Why? I'm sorry I'm so awkward, I'm about two seconds from an asthma attack."
Zach couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at the boy being told off. He wasn't surprised at all when Lacey eventually called him Gavin. He perfectly fit Declan's stories of him. Gavin huffed, sliding off of his desk and into his chair. "But where are you going to put another desk," He shot back mostly to himself. Zach kept his eyes on Declan, his smile growing when the boy turned around to look at him. The smile quickly faded into a smirk at Declan's reaction, loving how nervous he seemed to have made the boy. "Hey," He mouthed back. He frowned slightly when the boy turned back around and immediately reached for his phone. "I told you I got kicked out of my school... I had to be sent somewhere... surprise!"
Declan looked around to make sure no one was looking before texting back, "I know! I just never imagined here! Wow...you're like...real...here and in person...and not just the homescreen on my phone." He sent it and then typed back quickly, "I'm sorry. That's weird, I guess. I promise, I'm not a stalker. I'm just really nervous and literally saying everything that comes to mind. I'm so sorry." Declan couldn't help himself. He had to keep peering over his shoulder to keep looking at him. He was beautiful...even more so in person, and on top of that...he was here. He was here, and he didn't even have to wait until Christmas.
Declan turned back around just in time for Lacey to stand up from behind her desk. "Okay, guys, we have a new student joining us...his name is Zach James...let
Declan let's make him feel welcome...and not in the way that you guys welcome me into class everyday." She chuckled, "Zach, come up here and tell us a bit about yourself."
Zach 's smile kept growing as he read the texts popping up on his phone. "Lol you're fine don't apologize," he sent back. When Declan looked back at him, he smiled at the boy again. "But yeah I'm here now... permanently." He was waiting for a reply when he heard his name. Head shooting up, he shoved his phone into his pocket and slid his hood off his head, running his fingers through his hair quickly to fix it. "Uhm hey," He said, hoping that would be it. He furrowed his brow as he watched some of Declan's friends clapping obnoxiously and shook his head. Sighing when she asked him to come up, he pushed himself onto his feet and slowly made his way to the front of the classroom. "Uhm, I'm Zach... I'm actually Cassie's cousin so that's why we have the same last name," he pointed to his cousin in the room and gave her a little wave. "I'm from Australia which is why I sound like this... This is my ninth school in the past 3 years. I was kicked out of the other eight so that's a fun fact." He let his eyes fall on Declan for a moment and smiled, making sure not to make it obvious to everyone else, but also making it obvious to him that the next part was directed towards him. "But yeah, I'm excited to be here and don't plan on getting kicked out of this one." He nodded to himself, before turning to Lacey. "Well that was sufficiently awkward, can I go sit down?"
Declan watched as he got up, watching his every move and ignoring the random comments that came from Gavin across the table. As soon as the boy said hey, and he could fully hear his accent, Declan actually swooned. He then caught himself, though. That has never happened before. He looked around, looking to see if anyone else noticed it before turning his attention back to Zach. He listened to his whole speech and then smiled. Lacey looked at him, "That was great, Zach. Totally, you can go sit down now." Declan then watched him walk back to his seat and sit down before pulling his phone out again. "I'm so glad you're here, and I can't wait to actually hang out with you!" he said. He waited a moment before texting again, "I've needed to kiss you for a while now." He blushed at his own words and then sent the text.
Zach put his hood back up before making his way back to his seat. He made a point of passing Cassie's desk, flicking her shoulder with an innocent grin before sitting back down. He didn't waste any time pulling his phone back out. He smirked bigger than he had before at Declan's text, glancing up at him for a moment before replying. "...you should meet me in the bathroom after this class ;)" he sent back.
Declan blushed even harder at Zach's reply. It took him a moment to realize exactly what the boy had said, but when he did, that's when he started internally screaming. Was he really about to go makeout with a boy in the bathroom? This was so unlike him, but he wanted to so badly. All he could think about over the last few days was what it would be like to feel the other boys lips on his. He bit his lip before texting back, "Okay!" with a blushy and smiley face emoji. Suddenly, that's when Declan became fixated on the clock. It seemed to be moving too slowly, and the sound of Chloe and Gavin kicking and nudging each other under the desk was just seeming to make it drag on longer. "I need class to end right now." Declan sent to Zach, ending the message with a laughing emoji.
Zach grinned at Declan's reply. There had been a part of him that was afraid when he got there Declan wouldn't actually want anything to do with him but that proved otherwise. When the boy stopped texting, he put his phone back into his pocket and turned to a new page in his sketchbook, starting on a sketch of Declan, looking up at him often. When his phone vibrated again, he read the text, laughing to himself. "Same. Maybe we could just leave."
Declan read the text with a grin, "That'd look too suspicious...maybe time will just pass quicker. In the mean time, write up an 'Out of Order' sign for the bathroom! lol." He sent the text before before glancing back over his shoulder, taking in the boy's focus as he drew, biting his lip. He then turned and opened up his notebook again. "Can you take a selfie for me? Post it up real sexy for me." He scratched the line out. That was entirely too much...even if it were pretty true.
Zach chuckled and sent him a thumbs up emoji before putting his phone back into his pocket and going back to his drawing. He was so into what he was doing, he didn't even notice Declan looking back at him. When the bell finally rang, he quickly shoved his stuff into his backpack and made a beeline out of the room and to the nearest bathroom. He made sure it was empty, before jumping up onto the sink to wait for Declan. When some random guy came in, he quickly shook his head. "Someone took a nasty poop in there, I would go to another bathroom," He laughed, smirking when the other guy walked out.
Declan watched as Zach ran ahead once the bell rang. He chuckled under his breath before turning back to Gavin and the rest of the group. "Hey, I'm gonna...go pee and then I'll catch up with you guys!" He then calmly walked out until they couldn't see him until he ran into the nearest bathroom. As soon as he got in, he smiled seeing Zach perched up on the sink. "Hey..." he smiled brightly, shifting his bookbag off in a way to avoid it coming in contact with the bandages on his hands. He dropped it into the floor before kicking down the doorstop on the inside of the door. "Oh wait, hang on." He stepped into one of the stalls and grabbed the maintenance sign that was left behind from a previous cleaning and stuck it outside before shutting the door, putting the stopper down to make opening the door that much harder. "Jackpot." he chuckled stepping up closer to Zach. "So..."
Zach looked up when the door opened again, expecting to have to tell some other guy a lame reason he needed to leave. However when he saw it was Declan he grinned and pushed his hood back down. He watched as he put up the sign and laughed. "I was just gonna lean against the door so nobody could come in but that makes more sense," he laughed. He didn't jump down from the sink though, biting his lip when Declan walked towards him. "So..." he repeated, looking at the other boy.
Declan smiled, walking up closer to the boy. He awkwardly fumbled with his hands, wringing them together, unsure of what to do with them. Shit. Why were they stinging so badly? Oh yeah, they were cut open and sweat was now rolling into the wound. He clenched and unclenched his hands a few times before stepping in closer until he was almost completely settled between the other boy's legs. "I kind of think we owe each other a kiss..." he said quietly, nerves getting the best of him. He'd never kissed anyone before...not even Gavin, shockingly. He ran his tongue across his lips, praying they weren't chapped or broken from gnawing on them as much as he frequently did.
Zach kept his eyes on Declan's unable to keep from smiling at his nervous the other boy seemed. When he stepped closer, he let his hands move to rest on the boy's sides. "Well we have been talking about that," he agreed. As cool as he tried to come off, he was pretty nervous as well as he had never kissed anyone either. His eyes flicking downward when Declan licked his lips, he instinctively did the same before moving one of his hands up to cup the side of Declan's face. At the same time as he was doing that, he ducked down and pressed his lips to Declan's, kissing him softly.
Declan took another hard swallow as Zach's hand came up to rest on his face. As soon as his lips were on his, Declan practically melted into his touch, leaning against him more, putting his hand down on his leg. He sighed into the kiss before letting it break, already wanting to reconnect his lips with the other boy's. His heart was pounding in his chest and he felt light, unable to stop smiling. The crush was real and it was solid now, and he was so beyond gone. "Woah...that was...way better than anything I've imagined...you're better than what I imagined. Pictures don't give you enough justice. You're actually perfect." he smiled.
Zach grinned bigger than he ever had when the kiss broke. He let his thumb stroke Declan's cheek for a moment before dropping his hand. "Id say that was a pretty great first kiss," he smiled. Chuckling, he shook his head. "Who are you to call anyone else perfect?"
Declan nodded in agreement, closing his eyes as he felt Zach's thumb caressing his cheek. "Yeah, it was...so good." he smiled, opening his eyes again to look at the boy. At his compliment, he blushed, smiling widely. "I'm not perfect, but thank you." He leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before letting his head come to rest on his chest gently, his forehead resting against the spot gently. One kiss, and Declan was totally ready to just cuddle up with him forever,
Zach smiled softly at the reddening of Declan's face. "You are though. Don't fight me on it you'll lose," he laughed. Grinning when the other teen kissed his cheek, he moved his hand back to his waist. "Oh hi," he whispered, letting Declan lean against him before kissing the top of his head. "I know I'm not supposed to skip anymore but can't we just skip the rest of the day?"
Declan smiled as his hand came down to his waist and he pressed a kiss to his head. "I wonder if I'd get in any trouble, because I really want to. I want to find a place and just kiss you and lay around with you." he said, "I actually cannot believe you're here. It should totally be an excused skip for that." He chuckled, sitting up to lean in and steal a kiss.
Zach laughed. "You probably wouldn't but I would. They're like watching me or something because of my record," he sighed. "And I really don't wanna get kicked out of this school too. But I would take the kissing and laying around if I could." He grinned when Declan kissed him again. He went to reach down to take his hand, frowning when he saw the bandages. "You didn't tell me you hurt yourself. What happened?"
Declan nodded understandably. "I don't want you getting kicked out either. I just got you here with me. At another school, you could find a cuter guy." He chuckled, "Well, maybe this weekend we could do the whole kissing and laying around thing. You could come over." He smiled, but his smile faded once Zach went to take his hands. He flipped them upwards, where the bandage was already getting dirty and worn from the wear and tear of the day. "My friends and I made a blood pact Friday night." he said, "Like...we all ended up holding hands in a circle with our hands bleeding into each others. It sounds gross and it sounds like a cult but I swear it's not. Now, we'll all have matching scars too."
Zach shook his head quickly. "There are no cuter guys," he promised. At Declan's suggestion he quickly nodded. "I would say you could come to my place but my cousins are all there and I'm not sure how well that would keep it a secret," he said before frowning. "Wait the weekend is so far away..." looking at The boys hands, he raised his eyebrow at the story. "It does sound gross," he laughed. "And very cult like." Despite his words he carefully lifted Declan's hands one by one and kissed each, being careful not to actually hurt him.
Declan smiled when he accepted the invitation to hang out. "Oh, true...we'd be way safer as far as that goes at my place." he said. When the boy frowned, his whole face fell as well, instantly feeling bad for the boy's face falling so fast. He stood up on his tip toes again and leaned in, pressing a comforting kiss to his cheek. "I know. It sucks. My mom probably wouldn't care if you came over earlier. You can come over tonight or tomorrow, if you want. I was just thinking of the weekend, because we wouldn't have to get up and go to school the next morning." He said. "But either...or better yet, both...work for me." He smiled. Declan smiled at the boy's comments, but his heart practically melted and a sigh escaped him audibly as he brought both hands up and kissed the spots on his palms. "You're....amazing....I don't know what I did to deserve this honestly, but I'm not complaining." He chuckled, leaning in to steal another kiss.
Zach pretended to think about it for a moment before laughing. "Both. Definitely both," he finally said with a grin. "But I'll keep being sad if it means more kisses." Smiling softly, he shook his head. "I'm nothing special," he whispered back, smiling into the kiss. "I don't mean for this to come off rude because I love it. But you're so tiny," he laughed. "It's cute."
Declan smiled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, both sounds good. Both sounds really good.” He laughed softly. When he mentioned being sad to get kisses, Declan frowned, “I’d rather see you smile, though. You have a really great smile. I kinda hope I can keep it on your face more often.” The boy scrunched his face up at the compliment, blushing bright red before hiding his face in Zach’s chest again. “Ahhh, stop. Being tiny isn’t cute. I get picked on for being small.” He sat back up, “plus, it’s because I was premature. My mom did drugs while she was pregnant. Now, I’m super tiny.” He smiled, “I’m glad you think it’s cute, though.”
Zach let his finger absently trace over Declan's side, looking down at the boy as he spoke. Without second thought at the mention of his smile he pulled a goofy grin before laughing. "You can't tell me that's nice," he teased. He couldn't help but frown as Declan spoke, wishing he didn't have to deal with a mom like that. "Its cute because it's you. Plus I can put you in my pocket and that sounds nice," he smirked. "I'm kind of tall though for our age so it makes you smaller."
Declan chuckled at the boys response before reaching up to poke him in the cheek. “You’re a dork.” He smiled, leaning in again to kiss his cheek right where he poked it. He sighed as Zach spoke, feeling completely at ease for the first time in a while. “As long as you don’t use me as an arm rest like Gavin.” He grinned, “I like height difference. It’s cute. Chloe and Gavin’s is cute and so is Regina and Corbin’s. Ours is too.” He smiled before leaning in to kiss the other boy again. The kiss was slow and soft and it made the shaky feelings in his hands go away. He then reached up and cupped the boys face in his hands to bring him closer.
Zach grinned at the comment, the grin growing when Declan kissed his cheek. "No armrest you're just gonna go into my pocket," he said again with a laugh. He wanted to make another comment but he was silenced by Declan's lips. Kissing back just as softly, he somehow pulled the boy closer, his hands moving to the small of his back.
Declan sighed against Zach’s lips as he was pulled in closer. He wrapped his arms around his neck and let his chest gently collide with Zach’s. Declan kept kissing him until he felt like he needed to finally take a breath. He pulled back, breathing a little harder than before, but with a soft blush on his cheeks and a shy smile on his face. “I don’t know how I’m going to be able to go to class. I just want to stay here kissing you.” He smiled. Immediately after speaking, the bell rang, and Declan let out a disappointed sigh.
Zach smiled when Declan pulled back, resisting the urge to just pull him in for another kiss. "Class is stupid," He said even though he knew he couldn't skip any of them. "Kissing you should be a class..." When the bell rang, he frowned, reaching over to run his fingers through Declan's hair. "...we can just meet back here during lunch?" He offered with an innocent smile.
Declan chuckled, “um, you’d get an A, so...” He smiled contently as the boy ran his fingers through his hair and then nodded. “Yeah, id like that a lot.” He then scooted back and grabbed his backpack, putting it on his back before turning back to Zach. “Bye...” he smiled and then leaned in and kissed his cheek gently.
Zach chuckled. "My first A," He hummed, sliding off the sink and putting his bag on his shoulders. "Bye," He repeated, grinning when Declan kissed his cheek. He was about to let the boy walk out first before shaking his head. "Wait!" He said, grabbing Declan's wrist. In one motion, he slid the leather braided cord bracelet he was wearing off his wrist and onto Declan's, being careful of the bandage on his hand. "There."
Declan had started walking to the door when Zach stopped him. “Huh?” He questioned before turning around. Zach had grabbed his wrist and Declan watched closesly as he slid the cord bracelet onto his wrist. His whole face lit up and he tried to keep from looking too weirdly smiley, but he couldn’t help it. It was impossible for him not to smile in his presence. “Thanks...” He grinned, “So...after school at my place, right?”
Zach looked at the bracelet and smiled. "It looks better on you than me," He said simply. He let his fingers linger a moment longer than they had to before dropping his hand. "Yeah," He smiled. "Just text me your address."
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