#but the UI got fixed and the exceptions stopped for now
actual-corpse · 6 months
Me, walking past window (at 6AM): WHERE THE FUCK IS THE LIGHT COMING FROM??? (It's the sunrise... I've lost sense of time....)
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leafington · 3 months
(𝙞 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖) 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮, 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚. - kiyoomi s.
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content warning !! - angst to comfort so essentially fluff, blackfem!reader, drinking implied but no intoxication, suggestiveness if you squint, mayhaps ooc but idc i do what i want
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This isn't him. No chance in hell. He's supposed to be big, ignorant, and one-track minded Sakusa—MSBY Black Jackal's infamous outside hitter. His identity's been tainted by some girl he managed to wriggle into his life, denting his plans but not quite hindering them.
He used to threaten others with his wrist, messing with little kids by folding his hands. Said person told him to stop it, and he did. He can't remember the last time he crouched down to an 8-year-old and watched them run for their mother because of him. Sakusa had a strict hair routine that wasn't going to change no matter how long his hair got, the same four products he's used since his mother taught him how to take care of his curls. That woman came along and he'd let her share his bathroom, adding one extra product she claimed would make his curls more full which indefinitely worked.
In his first year of highschool, he would've freaked out discovering his future self succumbed to his natural teenage tendencies and fell for what he can only describe as the prettiest girl in the world.
She looked so ethereal barging into their practice one day, approaching Komori and exchanging words regarding whatever required discussion. Days passed of just Sakusa debating putting his pride aside just to talk to a girl. In the long run he didn't, but thankfully lucked out when Komori picked up on his interest and invited them both over.
"'Coincidence' my ass."
To this very moment, he cherished every day spent they together. Hence why he's so pressed that he's missing her, sitting on his hotel bed, finger hovering over the 'My World 🗺️' UI in his contacts. He never changed it.
She plauged his mind with her being. He wants see her again, feel her hands in his hair, scrub the hard-to-reach spots on his back (he can reach them, he just prefers for her to do it), apologize for his ignorance, pride, and one-track mindset; all of it.
Damn it all.
The rowdy bunch kept him busy all day, it's their fault he's waiting for the stupid ring back to either stop or tell him he's reached her voicemail, he hopes it's the latter that way he can flush down that reprehensive feeling of reaching out to her so late. What were they thinking taking him out for drinks?
"Hello?" Sleep and disorientation transmit on his side, regardless, he's grateful to hear her voice again.
"Baby? It's me," He sounds so pathetic, he can only imagine what she thinks of him for pulling such a stunt. "I miss you. So much, baby. You don't even know." It's unfathomable, not even Sakusa knows why he's doing this.
Yes he does. He wants his girl back. "I know it's late, I'm sorry for waking you, I just had to let you know." Sakusa speaks low into the phone, not so much a whisper, but to the point where she won't be disturbed. "Sakusa? The hell? It's like—"
"Kiyo. It's Kiyo to you." He never talked over her, except for this and one other time. He swears it's the last time, shutting up so she can finish. "Two in the morning? I have work." Either his surname or not at all, that's okay, he's determined to fix that. "Just listen to me, 'kay?"
"I never should've blown up at you. I was exhausted, tired, annoyed, I didn't mean anything I said. I should've talked to you, you know I would never voluntarily raise my voice at you, right? I can't keep this up. I wanna see you, I need to see you. Please, love." He's never felt more humiliated like this in his life, begging over the phone for his woman to take him back.
It's quiet, the faint squeak of her fan in the background. An annoyed grunt is detected presumably her sitting up. "Aren't you in Tokyo right now?" She has a point, but that's never stopped Sakusa from getting what he wants. "I'll make the flight, just say the word." He might just be willing to ditch the entire game, he'll do so at her command. "You're delusional. C'mon, you're not flying all the way out here just to see me. You better play tomorrow, I'm serious. I'm not in your way anymore, focus on volleyball."
He's not getting through to her. She's slipping from his fingers with the tight grasp he has on her. "Y/n. I'll say 'Fuck the team.' and blow it all for you. You've never been in my way, ever, so stop thinking like that. I'm sitting here, butt-naked in a towel on expensive ass bedsheets begging you to take me back. I don't know what I have to do, but I'll do it if it means I can be in your arms again, babygirl."
Silence again—meaning the worst or the best from her. She shuffles around a little, and digs through some type of drawer of sorts before finally speaking again.
"You better win."
Sakusa Kiyoomi is a lovesick fool, he admits it. Anything for his woman. And he means anything.
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©2024 leafington dont steal please!! :)
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lurkerwithcomputer · 6 months
Stumbling Forwards
A/N: for @hamliet : a rough, mostly outline version of something I based on your Nothing More nor Less than a Mask, with different sources of suffering for each of them - Ui instead gets put on the "rescuing Hairu keeps slipping away from him" treadmill, while Hairu gets an extended stay at Hotel Aogiri.
Important background changes: Hinami isn't captured at the Auction, instead she retreats with Takizawa just in time to avoid Arima Squad, but not before she eats from a dead Dove, and also makes Haise eat some corpse too - and the feeling of small strong hands making him eat is strangely familiar (although he's actually remembering Touka).
Soon after the Auction, Saiko has a training match against Hairu, with Hairu using her quinque and Saiko using her kagune. Mistakes are made, which results in Saiko's attack snapping Hairu's quinque and driving a piece of it into her shoulder. While it's not a deep cut, it did bleed a lot - and an apologetic Saiko is the one who does Hairu's stitches (badly, then fixed by Juuzou). So Saiko knows what Hairu's blood smells like, put a pin in that.
When Arima pulls the trashed, bloody apartment like he does in yours - Ui is freaking the fuck out, thinking Hairu was killed.
Until Saiko, who has been wailing and crying, goes into Hairu's bedroom, stands next to the bed, and goes quiet and still. Ui can see Saiko put her head up, hear Saiko's deep inhale, realizes Saiko is smelling her way around the apartment, and is disturbed by how ghoul-like a behavior it is. It turns out that Hairu's scent in the apartment is "cold" - at least a full 24hr day old - and the blood doesn't smell like Hairu's.
Meanwhile, Shirazu keeps wandering around around, tilting his head, holding up his forefingers and thumbs to make a picture frame. Ui is now watching Shirazu, unable to look away, because Shirazu clearly thinks something is fishy, too.
Haise says they're going to do more kagune training when they're done working the crime scene and writing a report - and Shirazu goes rigid in a similar way to Saiko earlier. Because "kagune" is the answer he's been looking for, the reason the crime scene looks wrong is that the apartment is ransacked, not torn up by kagune and quinque battle-damage.
Ui can't stop himself from following Saiko as she scent-tracks out of the apartment, to the street. At first all hope seems lost, because the ghouls' trail clearly indicates they got into a car.
Saiko says she can track the smell of nasty half-burnt fuel exhaust from a car, and see where that goes. Haise thinks it's a good idea, saying that if he was a criminal, he'd use a junk car that can be easily ditched, so there might be a scent trail to follow from there to a hideout.
Meanwhile, on Hairu's end of things, she's... coping. ish. See, Eto's put Hairu in the hideout that houses Naki, Miza, Ayato and Hinami, the Middle Management crew. And Hinami tries to counteract Eto's bitter, petty behavior towards Hairu, by trying to connect. Unfortunately for Hairu, Hinami's already tried connecting over books (Hairu's not well-read enough for it to work, and doesn't share Hinami's taste in books regardless), over movies (Hairu likes her movies sappy and dramatic, Hinami likes gruesome horror, which Hairu thinks is very appropriate for a ghoul)... Which leaves connecting over food, the last thing Hinami would want to talk about with a human.
(That Hinami is too unsettled by Hairu being a Dove to take her mask off isn't helping, with the eerily impersonal angular steel visor)
Except that she does know Hairu is supposed to eat human meat while she's pregnant, Eto put her in charge of that when she's not out on Aogiri business. And so, Hinami gives Hairu a plate of sausages, and refuses to tell obvious blatant lies about what the sausages are made of. Hairu miserably curling up and crying at the plate of food sparks an idea. Hinami sits down and tells a story... about how she cried as she cut the limbs off Mado Sr. and couldn't bring herself to eat any of him.
And that's the thing that does it. Hairu eats the sausages even if there's tears and snot down her face while she eats. After a couple of days of not-great vegetables(Hina can't cook so well, if it's not human flesh) and meat that makes her cry, Hairu comments to Hinami "Is it fucked-up that I feel less like a monster when you tell murder stories while I eat human flesh?"
Back to Ui & company...
They raid that hideout and find that's it's been packed up and abandoned, within the last 8 hours, according to how fresh the scents are to Saiko. Ui goes into a room that has a lock of pink hair left behind on the bed, cut as if on purpose. And while combing the rest of the place for evidence, they find sausages labeled "Hairu" and Ui fucking shatters. At least until Saiko, Urie and Haise all confirm that no, these sausages don't smell like her blood. While Saiko comforts Ui in a kinda tactless way, on tiptoes to cup his slumped head in her hands and softly telling him to keep his bowl cut firmly attached, Urie takes the role of tracker this time, revealing that the scent, Hairu included, leads down to the dockside - docks that point toward Rushima.
(Different players here had different meanings with the "Hairu" sausages left behind on purpose - Eto did it to torment Ui with grisly ideas, and torment Hairu with the knowledge that it was meant that way. Hairu did it, along with the lock of hair, to leave signs of life, and Hinami did it to say that they're treating their "prisoner" well.)
On Rushima, Hairu finally sees some of the Aogiri people she's stuck with unmasked, and has to wrestle with Hinami and Ayato looking at each other in ways that remind her of Ui looking at her.
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knight-otu · 2 years
Toady's Devlog for 10/22/2022
Toady One, from the Dwarf Fortress Development Log:
Yeesh, well I guess the late log's less of a surprise this time since I mentioned the new state of mind last month.  Things are going very well.           Lemme go refresh my memory as to what has occurred this month...  all of the art except a few buildings and seven creatures are in, so much good stuff...  all the audio is in, including a new 7(!) minute title track...  a special alert pops up for the most important messages to make them harder to miss, including a new "no food" warning...  mouse wheel now works on all scroll bars...  got music and ambiences to stream off the disk (the amount of audio has grown so amazing that it was taking up more than a gig in memory ha ha, now it's much smaller)...   reworked the tutorial a few times...  the dwarven underwear situation vs. sieges and goblin thong rot has stabilized...  split up the volume sliders...  fixed some bits where tiles tore through the interface...   site finder can now search for sand and specific metals...  jeweler jobs are no longer weird - there are generic jobs and you can specify materials in the details...  multiple leather items tanned based on skin size...  rearranged the buttons on the main screen...  made subtabs look different...  bin storage jobs no longer stop other jobs from using the bin and they don't try to haul items to bins that aren't in the right stockpile.  I might have also mentioned at some point that mouse wheel zooming was out, but now it's back, using ctrl+mouse wheel or the brackets or two buttons near the minimap.           And a lot of bugs were created and destroyed of course, as is the natural order of things.           Here's a closer look at the current UI, showing the new button positions, the hotkeys for building a still, the nice expanding nature of the building placement UI, and a 150% zoomed play area.           Building           Building -> Workshops           Building -> Workshops -> Farming           Building -> Workshops -> Farming -> Still           Building placement (showing the UI for the new system I mentioned last month)           And here are Jacob's windmills!  Jacob also did waterwheels, screwpumps, and many other buildings.           Construction           Turning to face wind           Carolyn recently expanded the dwarven hair image catalog by two times, added bones, made all the unit status bubbles, and more.  Can you identify Carolyn's underground DF critters?           Undercritters           How about these real-world fish by Neoriceisgood?  Neoriceisgood also did many other critters.           Fish
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lrtwosidedstories · 8 months
Quest System Code
I aim to make a quest system that will activate when I progress the dialogue past a certain point. I started by adding 3 text blocks. The first text block will be the name of the quest, the second text block will be quest rewards and the last text box will be my current progress on that quest.
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In the event graph of my widget I used a cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and promoted it to a variable to make a new variable which is basically a simpler easier way to using a cast.
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I then made some more variables. The quest default value is to kill 10 goblins, the reward default value is 50 coins and the progress default value is the amount of goblins killed.
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I made a new function. I got the quest array and added a get (copy) which gives the array an index. If its true that we're doing a quest it will show up if we aren't doing a quest it won't.
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The code is exactly the same as the previous one except it's with rewards instead.
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Progress is a little different. I added the player character reference I made so I can get this variable called quest counter which is basically there to tell me how many things I need for example I need to kill 10 goblins. I connected it to an append and added another pin so that I can put in a /10 so if I killed 1 goblin it would say 1/10.
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From the custom event I made for the dialogue I added a branch. This will make it so that once we've progressed the dialogue past a certain point it will stop the dialogue and make us have a quest instead.
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I made a custom event called show dialogue and what this will do is if there is dialogue there will be this border that goes around the dialogue text but if we aren't in dialogue it will set it to hidden.
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I went into BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and made a new variable called widget reference which is getting the UI. I fixed the old way of advancing the dialogue and made it simpler. Now i just have to press Q and it advances the dialogue.
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I also made it so the widget can show up on the screen.
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I then made the code I had before in BP_NPC simpler. I cast to third person character to get the variable I made so when we overlap the trigger zone it shows dialogue.
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I did the same for end overlap.
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I added some different things though which makes it so that if I have progressed the dialogue it will only happen once so the NPC won't repeat the first two parts of dialogue.
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After doing all this it works and I am very happy with it I don't think it needs any improvements.
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celebtrust · 2 years
Adguard vpn mod apk
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Adguard vpn mod apk update#
Adguard vpn mod apk for android#
Adguard vpn mod apk android#
Adguard vpn mod apk license#
Adguard vpn mod apk update#
Automatic protection restart after Adguard update #725įrom now on it will be much easier for users to add any app to exclusions.
All our requests are now more secure with SSL/TLS #611.
Adguard vpn mod apk android#
Resolved shadowing of our Apache commons classes by old versions shipped in Android #709.
SSL whitelist no more can be applied to random domains #738.
An issue when allowed apps couldn’t connect when DNS was blocked #714, #720.
Allowed DNS requests for root user #535.
Increased content filtering rules maximum length limit #590.
Modified $empty modificator behavior to improve filtering #677.
Added support for the :style pseudo class syntax #701.
Disabling filtering for “Android OS” now fully excludes OS packages from the VPN #732.
Several browsers were added to the list of filtered by default #708, #731.
RoList filter to the list of supported filters #523.
Now Adguard detects if app targets Android N and does not filter HTTPS for such apps. Previously that could lead to errors and app crashes.
Adguard vpn mod apk for android#
Detect if app targets Android N #653ĭue to Android N security policy, HTTPs filtering is impossible for apps developed specifically for Android N, or other apps where user-installed certificates are not trusted. This modifier allows to block facebook ads in other apps without breaking the Facebook app itself. For example, Facebook uses same domains for both ads and useful stuff. It allows both blocking ads in a specific app and blocking ads everywhere except for that app. This modifier will be useful for advanced users who create their own custom rules.
UI accessibility for a visually impaired users #519.
An issue with Samsung’s buggy firmware (messed notification sounds) #716.
Adguard closes if you swipe it with ‘No icon’ notification setting #662.
Adguard now counts DNS traffic towards a special “virtual” package named “DNS” #668.
Show notification when VPN is revoked #672.
When user changes default firewall settings, ask him if he wants to reset per-app settings #675.
Instead of stopping protection on settings change, a toast message is showed #667.
Disabled vibration and sound for Adguard notifications #205.
New localizations: Slovak & Norwegian Bokmål #688, #717.
Adguard vpn mod apk license#
A notification to inform user of expiring license #606.An option to browse for a file to import user filter #120.Important note: this is not yet a big redesign we plan to do in Adguard 3.0. We believe the new layout is more intuitive and you will have no troubles navigating through it. There are other changes too, and we will not list them all here. Now you can simply add an app to exceptions through the ‘Apps and Statistics’ screen. Not only new connections are not allowed when this option is enabled, but also all existing connections are terminated when the screen goes off.Īnother big change is disposal of exclusions lists. For example, we got rid of ‘global’ switches - these buttons were too misleading.Īlso, you can now disable network access when the screen is off, and you can configure it for each app separately. It very much resembles the now gone ‘Apps & Settings’ but has some differences. Instead, we introduce a whole new first-level section named ‘Apps & Statistics’. There will be no more ‘Apps & Settings’ sub-section inside ‘Firewall’. We decided to seriously redesign our Firewall section. ‘Apps & Statistics’ settings section #633 New settings screen to customize per-app settings for those who like to control everything on their device new $app modifier for custom rules creators some good news for Android N users and just generally lots of fixes and 'quality of life' changes.īe sure to read about cool new stuff and update to Adguard 2.7! We've been working on it for quite some time, and really hope you will find it worthy the efforts. Hi! We can't wait to tell you about new Adguard for Android version! AdGuard for Android v.2.7 official release
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
Imagine sagau cult au except reader is the protag in the song zange mairi KSHDJSBS
Zange Maire SAGAU Notes: Inbox tackle! Inbox tackle! So like RIP me, I overlooked my schedule and then the last thing I know is that tomorrow is my 4th year college enrollment. Oh well…fuck :D Warnings: yandere (this is normal but like I need to add warning like this for some people) Masterlist
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‘What is a god without power?’ 
The proper question to ask was ‘What is a long path without a clear destination?’You do remember falling from the sky but instead of falling to the ground and breaking all your bones, an anemo slime prompt caught your form and delivered you to safety. Well, Teyvat for you was safe at first until their true nature came knocking at your door. You fixed the mask you donned as you carefully stepped on top of the serpent’s skull. 
Yashiori Island is a dangerous island to be in and having you finish the quest to calm the storm made its bite just a little weaker. Your steps made a few creaking sounds akin to the thunder that once raged through the island but it wasn’t loud enough to disturb the child (Kid Kujirai) who stood at the mouth of the skull and was still waiting for someone to play with him. You don’t mind playing and interacting but you already lost trust in the world to begin with. 
You took a seat on the snout of the serpent, keeping one of your legs folded and the other on the side so you can get up fast. What is a god without power? It is one question that never once phrased in your head. Not until you were suddenly thrusted into this world and not until you learnt that your beloved characters already had your life planned for you. 
You placed a few dandelions on your side, a foreign flower in an eternal land. Dandelions are said to grant wishes but until the stray souls in Yashiori, no loved ones of yours are getting your wish to be carried by the wind. You watched the dandelions float gently on the breeze before carefully descending  from the skull. 
Nothing much changed when you first step foot in Teyvat, enemies are still enemies, some just happened to have a change of mind like the slimes. If you get spotted by maddened samurais and treasure hoarders, you can trust the fatui to protect you but you can never trust them not to try and take you. 
You quietly opened your wing glider and flew yourself to the nearest waverider. Without the game’s UI or a handy watch, it is nearly impossible to tell what time it is. It might only be 10 pm but you don’t want to risk getting caught under the sun. 
The waverider paddled fast in the waters with its windows open. The remaining dandelions on your hand got carried by the strong winds that sailing gave. The boat finally made a stop at the back of your current resident for this month until given notice, Tenshukaku. You’ve always envisioned entering Inazuma and wandering through the brightly lit streets but right now the back of the islands are the safest for you. You debated with yourself for a moment before deciding to climb the rock formation instead. You can always use the thunder sakura boughs to propel yourself up but that will just risk your safety. 
“I heard the harvest was good last time. My children are still fed even though the salary system is a bit slow. I hope next month’s harvest will be as good as the last time!” 
“For sure our highest god is here in our nation after all. I heard that they left Liyue twice flourishing when they resided there for a little while.” 
You bit your lip bitterly. There is no god, you just happened to be the unlucky player that is playing the game. Without the player’s controls you have nothing to protect yourself with. You can only rely that a playable character is near you to keep you safe. You don’t have the power to bless the lands, it was the work of the dendro and hydro users. The flourishing farms and the fish filled lakes are all their works and not of yours. 
‘What is a god without power?’ You successfully climbed the back fence of Tenshukaku only to be greeted by two pairs of purple eyes. You forgot puppets doesn’t sleep and Sara is always at her beck and call. “Your grace, you’re not a cat and it’s not safe for you to be outside.”  The answer to the question in your opinion, a god without power is nothing but a prisoner for its followers.
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Taglists: @chihawari / @tinandabin
@zuri-feather / @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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ASOOT Timeline: December 2012 (Merry Christmas, Quantum Crew!)
Hey, everyone! It sure has been a while since I submitted one of these bad boys, huh? So now, here is the entire Black and White Christmas arc (except for December 8…I kinda jumped the gun and did that one early, lol). This arc will probably always hold a special place in my heart, as it was fluffy, and it was the arc where I got to become friends with the Mod, and also some happy personal things took place as well. So with that, enjoy, and be prepared for that big project I teased for the future! Merry Christmas!–Timeline Anon
December 9:
The Owari family and Momoko work together to make their Christmas cake (Teruteru will also be stopping by at some point to help). They are using the cake recipe from Portal. Honoka and Teruko went out shopping two hours ago and have not come back yet, so Hinata calls them, but he gets no answer.
Honaka finishes shopping and is about to take Teruko home, only for the car’s engine to stop working, causing an already depressed Honaka to become even more depressed. She goes back into the store to ask about getting it fixed and encounters a man who offers to take a look at it. He says that the battery’s busted and that he has some batteries in his car, so Honoka leaves Teruko in her car and goes with him, but he reveals his true colors by threatening her with a knife and forcing her into his car. Teruko sees this and makes as much noise as she can to call for help. Thankfully, Mondo Oowada and the Crazy Diamonds come to her aid; they chase down the kidnapper, beat him up, and save Honoka.
After hearing about the Owaris’ problems, Mondo takes Honoka and Teruko home. There, he meets the rest of the family, and he agrees to fix their car and help them however else he can. Little Teruko sees him as her new friend and hero, and now she wants a bike. Akane tells her to wait until she’s older. 
During Mondo’s parting conversation with Teruko, Akane learns of a change in history that the Quantum Crew was not previously aware of: it seems that although the race between Daiya and Mondo still happened, and Daiya still ended up hurt because of it, he didn’t die. Instead, he was paralyzed, and he’s currently in the hospital. Mondo still feels absolutely awful about it, though, and he tells Teruko that when stuff like that happens, it’s important for everyone to stick together and help each other. Akane wonders if another time traveler might’ve had something to do with this.  
December 10:
Iroha and Setsuka go to the Tokyo Detention House to talk with Ui, and as they wait in the waiting area, they have some drinks (coffee for Setsuka and soda for Iroha). Iroha is willing to hear Ui out, as she is curious about why she did what she did.
Ui initially does not want to leave her cell. It takes twenty minutes for the police to get her to calm down and wait for Setsuka and Iroha, and in the process, she scratches one officer hard enough to draw blood. 
After Ui’s mood has stabilized somewhat, Iroha goes in to talk to her; she makes it clear that she just wants to understand her. Ui is an artist herself, at least as a hobby, and she’s also the youngest of the WOH parents, as she had Jataro when she was just 18. She admits that she was happy when he went missing and would’ve let Iroha take him if she asked. It eventually comes out that she was raped by her art instructor, became pregant because of it, and was pressured into keeping the baby by everyone in her life. The reason she made Jataro wear his mask was because he looks like his father. Now, she feels deep regret for what she did to him. Iroha tells Ui that what happened to her was not her fault. Now that she understands her, she doesn’t think that she deserves to be in jail, and she decides to make sure that she gets psychological help. Ui thanks her for giving her a chance, advises her to finish her education, and wishes her and Jataro all the best.
Iroha feels awful about indirectly putting Ui in jail. She talks to Hideyoshi about it, and he agrees to scrub some details from Ui’s record and make sure that she gets help from Chinatsu Miyajima, the future Ultimate Behavioral Psychologist of 78-B. 
As Setsuka and Iroha leave to get ice cream, Iroha cries, worried over what to tell Jataro about what she’s learned. Setsuka advises her not to tell him until he’s mature enough to understand, then assures her that she’s been a good caretaker to him and that even this won’t change anything in that regard. Iroha plans to hug Jataro and tell him she loves him when he gets home. She also wants to call her own siblings.
It’s Yoruko’s birthday. She turns 30.
December 11:
The 76 Squad meets at the Esumi Papers building. Although Ichika was scrubbed from Hope’s Peak’s records after her death, Masa’s got a crucial piece of evidence proving her existence in the school: a newspaper article about Juzo’s 2009 heavyweight championship win, complete with a picture of him, with Ichika featured prominently in the picture. Furthermore, Masa has discovered that the Holy Salvation Society, the cult responsible for the hostage crisis at Tokyo Tower, was put up to said hostage crisis by Juu, and that the human traffickers who Kasugano stopped at the docks back in August were planning on selling some of their hostages to the Holy Salvation Society. Hope’s Peak was, of course, covering this up. Masa plans to investigate the Holy Salvation Society further. She also suspects Kasugano’s involvement in the situations with Hiyoko’s family, the Copycat Killer, and even Mikan’s adoption of Kotoko; she goes as far as to suggest that Kasugano has agents inside Hope’s Peak.
Estu is the only member of the 76 Squad who believes that Kanade is still alive. She’s trying to explain her position to Mayumi and Masa when she nearly passes out. It’s revealed that she hasn’t eaten or slept in several days because of this investigation. Mayumi takes her out to get some food, while Masa stays behind to continue her deep-dive into the secrets of Hope’s Peak and the Holy Salvation Society. 
As Estu and Mayumi walk hand-in-hand, Estu apologizes to Mayumi for pushing the group so hard, but Mayumi shrugs it off, calls Estu her favorite person, and says that they should make sure to take breaks and do fun things together. They go off to get ramen. 
December 12: At Otori Mart, Hibiki is recognized by a customer, but he is nice about it and asks if she needs help with anything. She assures him that she’s doing all right.
December 13: 
Keiko teaches Hibiki how to make ramen noodles, and Hibiki talks about being recognized the previous day. A lot of things have been put into perspective for her now, and because of this, she feels bad about previous questionable decisions she made, such as going on a date with Hajime while Mahiru and Hiyoko were kidnapped. She wants to apologize to Mahiru and Hiyoko for that. Keiko assures her that she’s still worthy of love despite her mistakes, and Hibiki thanks her again for all she’s done for her.
Hiroshi is using his computer when a grown-up Sunako from 2030 pops up on the screen, asking to speak to Hajime and Hibiki. He gets Hibiki (Hajime is at the store), and she meets Sunako (who works for the Kisaragi Foundation in 2030), Sayuri, and Taito Hinata (the future son of Hajime and Mikan). Hiroshi and Keiko also get to meet their future grandkids. The 2030 generation has decided to establish a more direct way of communicating with their 2012 counterparts through computers instead of dreams, so now they can talk for two hours at a time. 
Hajime returns from the store and meets Sunako, Sayuri, and Taito. The 2030 delegation advises their 2012 counterparts to keep up the good work. Although they can’t say yet who the fourth time traveler is, they mention that the Quantum Crew will meet them very soon. They, along with Kyoko, Asami, and Noriko, are responsible for saving Daiya’s life. Sunako also says that it’s best to just leave the 76 Squad alone for now. She reveals that all three of them are okay in 2030; Estu and Mayumi are married in Amsterdam with an adopted child named Kenzo Chabashira, while Masa, now Masa Harukawa, is a Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist who helped take down the Holy Salvation Society. The Kanade situation also isn’t really safe to discuss till March. Finally, Sunako mentions that the Basilisk only seems to be targeting members of the Quantum Crew and their families, to the point where the Naegis had a scare with a hacked car that was rigged to explode. Because of this, all Quantum Crew families are being moved to the Kisaragi Foundation for safety. All in all, Sunako says that it’s best for the Quantum Crew of 2012 to stick to the plan. 
Some sobering news is shared about Hitaru and Jiro in 2030. They are deeply traumatized because of Akemi’s death. Hitaru is a depressed emotional wreck, Jiro has embraced toxic masculinity, and both refused to go with Iroha to safety at the Kisaragi Foundation, leaving them vulnerable to the Basilisk’s potential attacks. Obviously, the only way to fix this is to prevent Akemi’s death on January 31, 2013. Keiko has to leave the room upon hearing the Nijiue name. But since Emina’s former classmates will also be invited to the charity event, that gives said classmates a chance to help the Quantum Crew save Akemi.
The last thing to add to the list involves two girls named Tamami Furuichi and Sofia Yamazaki (the latter works at the same restaurant that Keiko works at), who may or may not be accepted into Class 78. If they are, there’s a high chance they’ll both die in fatal accidents. Hajime agrees to keep an eye out.
With a promise to call back as soon as they can, the 2030 gang signs out of the transmission, and the Hinatas and Hibiki are left to marvel over the fact that they just talked to their future children/grandchildren. They also worry a bit over what’s to come. Keiko and Hajime hug, as do Hiroshi and Hibiki.
December 14: 
It’s Taira’s first day at her new job as a nursery maid for the Fujimori family. Fumio shows her around while talking about how his uncle’s political platform has evolved as a result of November’s events. Taira first meets Emi, a bratty toddler who insults her hair, and then little Ayumu himself, now eight months old and only just starting to learn how to talk. Taira discovers that her Divine Luck protects her from Ayumu’s Divine Misfortune so that she can safely interact with him, and she immediately gets attached to the baby. They spend most of the day together. 
Nikei tells Ayame about the Tragedy, time travel, etc. It takes a little while for Ayame to get her head around it, but once she does, she thinks it’s cool, although she doesn’t want to join the Quantum Crew outright. She’ll still support them, though. 
Taira returns and tells Ayame and Nikei about her day with the Fujimoris. She’s gushing over baby Ayumu and thinking about how she will take care of her own children someday. She also reports that nothing bad has happened to her since she met him. Unfortunately, she is having cramps from her period, so Ayame gets her a heating pad, and Hotel Akane gets comfy on the couch together. Taira wants to be a good mother, and she wants her future children to be happy, like she imagines her own parents would want for her. She also wants to help Ayumu. Nikei isn’t sure if he’s cut out to be a father, given what he’s done in the past, but Taira and Ayame both assure him that he’s a good guy, that he’ll be a good father, and that they’re here for him. Snuggles ensue. They also toss around the idea of meeting up with Yuki and Kizuna soon.
It’s Gundham’s birthday. He turns 18.
December 16: 
Hajime and Hibiki confess to Mahiru and Hiyoko about going on that date while they were kidnapped. Hiyoko is mad. Mahiru is just disappointed.
Sora tells Mahiru that her father, Hitoshi Koizumi, will probably get an invitation to the Nijiue charity event, as he was part of Class 49 with her, Tenmei, and Shinji. Mahiru agrees to let the Quantum Crew know if Hitoshi gets an invitation. She finds an old copy of Emina’s student profile and learns that she married into the Nijiue family via an arranged marriage, but all mentions of her maiden name have been scrubbed from the Hope’s Peak record, and it’s all but impossible to get any information on her from before Hope’s Peak. Ibuki’s mother, former pop idol Kyoka Mioda, was also a member of Class 49, albeit under the stage name Sylilla Romazaki.
Mahiru comes home to Hitoshi, and as she empties the mailbox, she finds that the Nijiues have invited him and a plus-one to the charity event. She worries about whether or not it’s a good idea to tell him, as he has issues with depression and she doesn’t want Emina to make him feel worse, but ultimately decides to trust him with the information. Hitoshi remembers Emina from their school days; she was mean to him, of course, but he would always put her in her place. He’s eager to go to the event and help the Nijiue siblings.
Mahiru and Hitoshi go to the airport and pick up Mahiru’s mother, Kaori Koizumi, a war photographer who just returned from Syria. They tell her about the charity event, and Kaori suggests that Hitoshi bring Mahiru as his plus-one. But Mahiru feels bad about the mistakes she made that led to her and Hiyoko being kidnapped, and she apologizes to her parents for keeping them out of the loop and for not being as understanding of Hitoshi’s issues as she should’ve been. Kaori assures her that her mistakes don’t define her and that the important thing is that she learns and grows from them. With her confidence back, Mahiru agrees to go with Hitoshi to the charity event and put her investigating skills to good use. Kaori will give her tips until then.
It’s Hanzo’s birthday. He turns 36.
December 17: Emma and Masaru leave for Britain. Maku, Nikei, and Iroha see them off, and although they’re worried that something might happen, they keep their confidence up. The Voids share a group hug. 
December 18:
Mikan and Harumi go to the Tokyo Detention House to talk with Yumi. Harumi offers to take care of it by herself, but Mikan knows that this is something she has to do for Kotoko’s sake.
When Mikan and Harumi go in to talk to Yumi, Mikan makes it clear that she just wants Yumi to be honest with her. Yumi explains that she did what she did to Kotoko in order to help her become famous; she believes that youth and beauty are the most valuable things for a woman, and that women have to take advantage of those things as soon as they can in order to shine in the world. She didn’t expect Junya to try and sell Kotoko off, though, and when she finds out that Kotoko has HIV, she’s shocked and remorseful. Mikan also reveals that Kotoko told her that Yumi stalked teenage boys and kept secret pictures of them in her room, and Yumi admits it, although she swears she never touched any of them. With all this established, Mikan chews Yumi out for what a terrible person she is, then tells her that if she truly regrets her actions, she should get her act together and change. Yumi will stay in jail for the duration of her sentence.
Harumi takes Mikan and Kotoko out for ice cream. Mikan fills Kotoko in on how things went down with Yumi, and they are happy that she won’t bother them again. Then, Mikan admits that she got upset at Yumi because she reminded her of her own mother, and she tells Harumi about her past. She says that she feels ashamed of some of her own past behavior, such as her initial selfish motives for getting into medicine so that people would depend on her, and she doesn’t want to be like her mother. Harumi is of the opinion that as long as Mikan knows what makes Tsukasa the way she is and is aware of her own flaws, she can work on them, and she will be a better person. Besides, she has Kotoko, her partners, and her friends by her side to help her. Mikan also tells them about Taito and thanks Harumi for all she’s done for her. She sees Harumi as the mother figure she never had.
December 19:
Emma and Masaru arrive at the Gatwick Airport in Britain early in the morning. They are met there by Sylvia Green, Emma’s adoptive mother, and Roger, although he gets sidetracked by peanuts. Masaru meets Sylvia and Roger for the first time. On the drive home, Roger tells Masaru about the S.S. Richard Montgomery, and Masaru gets excited and wants to go there. After a quick discussion about all that has happened in Japan, the newly-formed family expresses their love for each other.
Kazuichi and Chihiro meet in person for the first time. They share a hug. Chihiro’s other online friend, Ayumi Arina, shows up a little later, albeit her arrival involves Kazuichi accidentally bumping into her and knocking her glasses off her face. Throughout their time together, Ayumi uses various bad pick-up lines to try and flirt with Kazuichi, but he thinks she’s making fun of him.
December 21: The Mayan Apocalypse does not happen. Nevertheless, many Hope’s Peak students use it as an excuse to party, resulting in an unfortunate smell in the boys’ bathhouse.
December 22: 
Sonia and Gundham are preparing for the ski trip when they come across Kazuichi telling Ibuki about what happened between him, Chihiro, and Ayumi. Kazuichi is convinced that Ayumi has it out for him, despite everyone’s insistence to the contrary. After he leaves, Ibuki remarks that he should have more confidence in himself, realize that other people can catch feelings for him, and talk to Chihiro about the situation.
Hiyoko’s still upset about what Hajime and Hibiki did, but she still wants to go on the ski trip with the Cuddle Puddle. Ibuki advises Sonia and Gundham to talk things out with her sooner rather than later.
Ibuki’s parents have received an invitation to the Nijiue charity event. Sonia and Gundham come to the conclusion that they should tell the families of Class 77-B the truth and bring them on board the Quantum Crew as well.
There’s a brief scare, as Kazuichi thinks he’s found a ghost, but it’s just Kikue Kutsuki. She bonds with Sonia and Gundham over their shared love of horror stories, and upon hearing that she has no friends, they promptly make friends with her.
December 23: 
Hajime goes to Hiyoko’s house and apologizes to her for going out with Hibiki during the kidnapping crisis. Hiyoko admits to being worried that Hajime didn’t really care about her and only helped her because he felt bad for her, but Hajime assures her that he does care and that her happiness matters to him. He promises that he will never do something this stupid again. To make it up to her, he barks like a dog, quacks like a duck, and cuddles with her.
Hiyoko thinks that Kohaku is sick. He coughs often, he looks tired and pale, and he seems to be making secret trips that may or may not be to the hospital. She’s very worried about him, especially since she just got him back. Hajime tells her about the plan to tell the 77-B families the truth, which hopefully means they can find resources to help Kohaku.
Hiyoko proposes that she and Hajime both drop out of Hope’s Peak and get married next summer. Hajime’s down for it, but he wants to make sure that they have everything they need first (jobs, a place to live, etc). 
December 24: 
Maverick’s trial concludes. He is found guilty on all charges and sentenced to death.
Estu, Mayumi, and Hideyoshi hear about Maverick’s conviction on the news. They are glad for it and hope that 2013 will be more peaceful.
Ui has been sent to Matsuzawa Hospital to get psychological help.
For Christmas, Estu gives Mayumi a homemade muffin and an arrowhead from her old home. Mayumi gives Estu an alexandrite ring. Then, Mayumi comes out to Estu and tells her the story of her first kiss, and Estu hugs her and assures her that what happened was not her fault. Because she doesn’t want that to be Mayumi’s only memory of kissing another girl, Estu offers to kiss her. A flustered Mayumi agrees, they kiss, and things get a bit romantic before Hideyoshi interrupts to call them down to dinner. Mayumi calls this Christmas Eve her favorite so far.
It’s Mukuro and Junko’s birthday. They turn 16.
December 25:
It’s Christmas, and the Quantum Crew celebrates with a gathering at Kyoji’s clinic. Hajime, Hibiki, Kyoji, Kanata, Yoruko, Sora, Taira, Hiroshi, Keiko, Chiaki, Mikan, Sonia, Tenmei, Harumi, Misako, Nekomaru, Erina, Kazuichi, Kenji, Mahiru, Kaori, Hitoshi, Hiyoko, Maiko, Kohaku, Teruteru, Kojikoji, Yokoyoko, Akane, Honoka, and Hinata are all in attendance.
The Nanamis and Misako have found an apartment.
Kenji and Erina meet at the snack table, share a brief chat about their kids, and agree to talk more later.
Tenmei reunites with Hitoshi.
Once everyone has arrived, Hajime tells the 77-B families the truth about his identity as Kasugano and the Quantum Crew’s mission to stop Junko from causing the Tragedy. At first, the families are dumbfounded and somewhat angry that their children have been doing dangerous missions, but when Hajime asks for their help, they all agree to become allies of the Quantum Crew. Harumi will help with the Patient 8702 mission, and all the family members will provide support to the members of the Crew.
Kyoji and his compatriots surprise Sora with her recently completed body. A very excited Sora goes off with them to do a few last tests with it.
At Harumi’s urging, Tenmei tells the group about Hanami Watanabe, a Hope’s Peak classmate of Tenmei’s, who looks a lot like Chiaki. Tenmei and Hanami were in an arranged engagement courtesy of their parents, but neither of them wanted it, and when Tenmei fell for Harumi, Hanami encouraged the relationship. Utsuro’s luck is hinted to be the reason why Chiaki happens to look like the girl who brought her parents together. Chiaki decides that she will go with her father to the Nijiues’ charity event.
Sora finally presents herself to the Quantum Crew in her brand-new body. She immediately makes a joke about it, then hugs Taira, kisses Yoruko, and drinks some black coffee. With that, she is now Sora Taira.
As the meeting ends, the families decide to get dinner together, the Cuddle Puddle gets ready for their ski trip, and Hajime hopes that everyone can do better next year.
//Man, this was a big month, huh? ^^;
6 notes · View notes
ktfromjerseyblog · 4 years
Massive List of Mod Updates for Eco-Lifestyle Game Patch
Broken Mods (currently, as of 05Jun 930PM PST):
           -Complete Cooking Overhaul (SCCO)
           -World Rename Tool
-Scumbumbo's Working Alarm Clocks
BIENCHEN:            -Invite to Fix
-No Free Child Toys (Phaeriia)
SIMREALIST:            SNB Bills is BROKEN
Organic Mod BROKEN
Private Practice (main mod not broken at all BUT play without the Careers mod package.)
           -Bikes for Children
           -Realistic Trees No Fade Mod
SHENANIGANS:            -Karaoke Night
           -warns simmers to play with caution with their Harvestable and/or Distillery Mod
Mods Marked Safe by Creators
-Tuning Error Notifier
-Sims Log Enabler
-Don't Wash your hands Where You Angry Poop
-Don’t Prep your food where you angry poop
           -No Robot Upgrade Parts on Chemistry Lab
-Acting Career Gig Booster
-No/Less City Living/Island Living NPC names
-No bubble blower or talking toilet reactions
-Rainproof Electronics & Servos
-Surprise Holidays Be Gone
-More Roommates & Roommate Behavior Tweaks
-Tiny Homes - Changed Tile Limits
-“Meaningful Stories and Fitness Controls are mostly unaffected by the patch's changes, and can continue to be used.”
-Aging Fix
-Always Buy Unlock
-Ask to Move In Requirements
-Bad Grades are OK
-Employees Stay 24 Hours
-Faster Brewing
-Faster Retail Actions
-Homework Tweaks
-Kiss Neck for Adults
-No bad microwave buffs
-no bike helmets
-no blur in distance
-no cold clothing inside
-no meal spawning roommates
-overload death disabled
-subject homework
-vet podium notifications
-walk normal
-waterproof servos
-wear more costumes
-Custom Color Loading Screen
-New Townie and Random Names
-Less/No Blizzard Slipping
-Magic Sage Attractors
-Into The Light
-Cubemap Remover
-loading screens
-No Fade On Everything
-No Fade On Sims & Objects
-No Autonomous View Aquarium
-No Social Motive Decay
-Removed Occult Plumbob Ring
-Ghosts Stay White
-Unlimited Donations
-"Throw Up" For Everysim
-Low Fun Is Boring
-Experimental Recipes on Normal Stove
-Cupcake Machine to Oven Mod
-Zodiac traits
-“Zombie Apocalypse does overall work, except for the custom sounds. Everything aside from the Nemesis battle music is silent, if this bothers you, then please remove the mod until a fix is implemented. Additional Creator Note: “use at your own risk”
Reported working by the testers now but please keep an eye on her socials or server for official announcements.
-Life Decider
-The Explore Mod
-Animal Crossing Aspiration
-Education Bundle
TWISTED MEXI:            -T.O.O.L. (reported working fine)
           -Better Exceptions (reported working fine by creator, however testers are having problems getting in-game alerts)
           -Clean UI (reported working but needs to be updated by creator for new icon)
           -SNBank (not to be confused with SNBills)
           -Dog Show Event
           -Have First Dance at Wedding
           -Baby Shower
           -Bachelor(ette) Party
           -Slumber Party
Mods Updates
DEADERPOOL:            -MCCC v7.2.2
-Basemental Drugs and Gangs for Public and Patreons
-UI Cheats v1.17.0 updated!
More Columns in CAS v1.11 has been updated.
           -Wicked Whims v155h
      -Wicked Perversions LL.2.6b
-Zombie Apocalypse (V2.0 Patreons only currently)
-Life Tragedies
-Life Manager
-Life's Drama
-Child Stars mod updated for 1.63!
-Stacking symptoms is now updated for 1.63 http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=627125&cb=1591203948
-Uni Activities
-Part time film job
-Jamjars got updated!
-Packing Crates by Scumbumbo & updated by BaseMental
-Evolve All Plants by Scumbumbo Updated by Basemental
-Faster Gardening Mod by Scumbumbo & updated by LittleMsSam
-No CC Wrench in CAS is updated!
-all year plants
-children/toddlers can die of anything
-free hire npc -buy magic items from computer
-faster homework (uni edition)
-island event notifications enabled
-less patchy time
-no auto channel change
-no weather outfits required
-plain tea
-publish books on computer
-servo tweaks
-shower woohoo tweaks
-simcity loans
-socially anxious trait
-no/all required recipe ingredients
-DJ Booth Plays Custom Music
-Hire More DJs & Bartenders
-Mute the DJ Booth
-No Pets at the Club
-Vampire Reflection Enabled
-Intense Fires (lotharihoe)
-Out of The Dark (lotharihoe)
- Write Songs and Books Faster – QuickWrite
-Scientist Career - Graveyard Shift and Gardening Fix
-Transform some Grass Daily Task
           -Water Bucket Sprinkler System
-Water Pump Sprinkler System
-Well Sprinkler System
-Throw Up For Everysim
-Fun Is Boring
-Cooler Sicknesses
           -Venue Changes
           -Go to School
           -Turbo Careers
-Simulation Lag Fix
           -Choosy Choices Vending Machine
-Purchase Antidote All Computers
-Purchase Custom Seeds
           - Buy Pet Items Anywhere (SrslySims)
           - Srsly's Minor Alchemy Overhaul
FLERB:            -Automatic Beards
           -Automatic Sunburns
           -Power Outages
DRANIMANIAC:            -Unlimited Jobs
           -Faster Hygiene
           -Quick Write Excuse Note
           -Child Traits
           -Thinking Skill
           -Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School
  30 Minutes Power Workout & 30 Minutes Swimming
   Anti Heat Pill (Pets)
   Ask to Cook/Bake/Grill/Mix Drink! (including Cupcakes and Experimental Food)
   ATM Cards and now with real Credit Function! (Update of Zooroo’s Mod)
   Automatic Thermostat (Seasons)
   Autonomous Gardening
   Autonomous Pay Bills at Computers
   Better Nanny (Second Nanny & more)
   Carryable Performance Stage plus Sing Songs!
   Collectibles (Rock Digging) Rework (Slower/Harder)
   Cooler are cooling
   Eco Dishwasher
   Experimental Food Servings
   Flea Market appears every Sunday
   Food Delivery Service
   Forbidden Fruit fills Hunger & Water Motive of PlantSims
   Free Staff and no phone call animation for marketstalls, chef, barista & bartender
   Go for a walk with more Pets (Rabbitholes)
   Healthy Drinks
   Herbalism | New Potions
   Hire certain Sims (incl. Family Members) at Restaurants
   Holiday Home Standalone Version
   Housewarming Party (instead of Welcome Wagon)
   Improved Kids Night Light
   Live in Business
   Marketstalls | Toddler can Order & More Food Options
   Miscarriage Chance & Abortion
   More Best Friends
   More Buyable Venues and new Venue Types
   More Servings Options & Better MealTime Menus
   More Woodworks
  New Vampire Powers | “Be able to eat Human Food”, “Enable own Mirror Reflection”, “Stop Hissing” and more
   Objects don’t share Inventory
   Offer Appeareance Styling & earn Money
   Online Learning System
   Personal Objects (Computer, Tablets & more)
   Play your own Tracks as a DJ
   Power Napping on Sofas
   Pregnancy Overhaul
   Quick Shower & Quick Bath
   Random Bug Fixes
   Random Small Mods
   Retail Overhaul (Hire certain Employees/Better Shopping as a Customer & more)
   Seafood Servings
   Sell more self made Woodwork at the Flea Market
   Sell via Simbay
   SimDa Dating App
   Sleep All Night
   Sleep In
   Slower Writing
   Small Archaeology Overhaul
   Small Award Overhaul (Get Famous)
   Small Invite to Hang Out Overhaul
   Small Laundry Overhaul
   Social Activities (Visit Friends, Family and more)
   Stereos | Retro Station enabled
   Teach me the Rumbasim
   Transfer Inventory
   Vampire Invasions on Community Lots Fix (kind of)
   Watch Movie and Be Quiet please
   Woodworking Table Rework + No Autonomous
           -Miscarriage chance and Abortion
           -WEE Working Elevators Everywhere
           -Auto Shorter Teens
           -Inventory Not Shared
           -Bookshelf Edits Mod
           -Book Fixes, Edits, and Add-ons
           -Foraging Mod
           -Woodworking Uses Wood Mod
           -Popcorn Recipes with Ingredients
           - Pumpkin Carving Menu Mod
           - Crafting Menus List No Pie
           Healthyhighchair NEW
Offermakeoverforeveryone NEW
Upgradebeds NEW
lesssickness – An die Arbeit | Get to Work
curesickness – Elternfreuden | Parenthood
pimplesmod – Elternfreuden | Parenthood
buypettreat – Hunde & Katzen | Cats & Dogs
scoldpetsfix – Hunde & Katzen | Cats & Dogs
buymore_phone – Jahreszeiten | Seasons
lottraitsunnyaspecttweak – Jahreszeiten | Seasons
plantsgodormantinwinteronly – Jahreszeiten | Seasons
townieoverhaul_lessfame – Werde berühmt | Get Famous
morecauldronmeals – Reich der Magie | Realm of Magic
betterbread – Rund um Mahlzeiten | Food Related
pboxupdated_usemoreingredients – Rund um Mahlzeiten | Food Related
pboxupdated_usemoreingredients_version2 – Rund um Mahlzeiten | Food Related
restaurantbakefix – Rund um Mahlzeiten | Food Related
restaurantguestoverhaul – Rund um Mahlzeiten | Food Related
restauranticefix – Rund um Mahlzeiten | Food Related
eldertweak – Autonomie-Mods | Autonomy Mods
highchairtweak – Autonomie-Mods | Autonomy Mods
noautonomouswashdishaftereating – Autonomie-Mods | Autonomy Mods
bearphasetweak – Outfit-Mods | Outfit Mods
bearphasetweak_version2 – Outfit-Mods | Outfit Mods
funeral – Outfit-Mods | Outfit Mods
lessrandomhatsandaccessories – Outfit-Mods | Outfit Mods
apologyfix – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
asktoleaveoverhaul_v3 – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
bookcaseandstoragechestdontshareinventory – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
clubdancertweak – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
conversationtweak – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
extendedinvitationsoverhaul – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
lessjealous – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
moreaskwhathappened – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
normalhugisnocrassact – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
siblingcaretweaks – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
switchtozoneandbringheretweak – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
whimoverhaul – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
wrinklesforadults – Sonstige Mods | Misc Mods
           -Architecture career
           -Dancer career
           -Hacker career
           -Journalism career
           -Film career
           -Firefighter career
           -Photographer career
           -Science career
           -singer career
           -spa career
           -stylist career
           -video game developer career
           -Holiday Traditions
           -Social Interactions
           -Odd Jobs
           -School Activities
           -Talented Kids Mod
           -14 aspiration mods updated
           -(not an update, but HIGHLY recommended to download. Corrects skintone discrepancy)
           -New Emotional Traits
           -New Hobby Traits
           -New Spa Day Traits
           -Enlist in War
           -No Family Member Restaurant Date Invites
           -Get Famous Blind Date
           -Less Bloodthirsty Murphy Beds
           -Mediators Don’t Troll Forums
           -No Auto Shower In the Rain on Community Lots
           -Overheating Resurrection Fix
           -Fix for Harvestables Spilling out off Toddlers
           Cross-Dressing Trait
           Karaoke Night Event
           GTW Active Career Aspirations
           Custom Food Project–Base Interaction
           Love Tester
           Teen Criminal Career
           Calendar Event Add On : Plan Your Date
           Calendar Event Add On : Dine Out
Basketball Mod Project
            Prom Mod
Baby Shower
Slumber Party
Graduation Party
Bachelor(ette) Party
Fashion Career
           -No more CC Wrench Mod
           -Meet Sims Faster and Gain Work or School Performance
           -Faster/Slower/No Fame Decay
           -Fame Perks for free
           -Try for Baby in Larger Households
           -No DJ or Bartender Uniforms
           -Vamp Spar Gains Conflict Resolution
           -No Pets at the Club
           -Vampire Reflection Enabled
           -Mute the DJ Booth
           -Hired DJs & Bartenders Stay Longer
           -Hire More DJs & Bartenders
           -DJ Booth Plays Custom Music
           -Vampire Sun Immunity
           -No Rain Outfits
           -No Temperature Deaths
           -Vamp Spar Teen-Adult
All zipped (https://www.patreon.com/posts/updates-post-03-37866151)
           -University Costs More
           -University - The Sheldon L Cooper Program
           -University - Longer Terms
           -University - No Ghost Walkby
           -Vampire Magic
           -Less Mages required in the Magic HQ
           -Glimmerbrook Only Residents
           -No NPCs in and out of portal
           - Ages Behaviour Tweaks
           - City Living - Less Annoying Neighbors
           - GF - Celebrities Quarantined In Del Sol Valley
           -CC Wrench Override
           -Weather Forecast Cheat Menu
           -Visit Grandma/Grandpa Daycare Override
           - The Divine Drink (Better Tasting Plasma)
           - More Autonomous Social Interactions For Toddlers
           -Toddlers Spawn at Parks
           -Stand Still in CAS
           -Everyone Can Suntan
           -Bloody Vampire Bites and Wounds
           -Xhallie Custom Wrench Icon Update
Broken CC so far:
default eye replacements including (confirmed) Free Jellyfish's Whisper default replacement eyes, Under Your Spell (Pyxis). This may actually be all face-based default replacements (but not for pets). Note that this does not include accessory-coded changes.
dream-girl 3d lashes
Kijiko Default Replacement Eye colors
Kijiko Replacement Eyebrows
vibrantpixel's Dimples Slider
Mods No Longer Needed
CC conversions of Maxis candles that make them work Off-the-Grid
CC conversions of Maxis tubs to allow Toddler and dog bathing Off-the-Grid
any mod that stops Vampires from entering your home (there is a new door option)
mods for removing telling visitors to go home (there is a new interaction)
mods making bicycle helmets available for anyone in CAS
mods fixing lost Presentation Boards in DU
mods for showing the homework timer in DU
Acting Career Gig Fix (Chris/BrainBlasted)
Sketchpad in Inventory (Nies)
Nouninvitedneighbourhangout (Bienchen)
Offthegridtweak (Bienchen)
Acting Career Gig Fix (thefreshsims)
Group Stereo LE Workaround (thefreshsims)
University – Holidays Fix (zero)
Fire Dept Mod (shenanigans)
New recommended CC and mods IRT Current Events/NewPatch
-The new Eco Lifestyle hair, but WITHOUT the feathers!
-3D lashes that should be working with the new patch. List by Katverse
-mod to replace protestors shirts with a simlish version to support BLM
-mod: quicker fire dept response (zero) https://www.patreon.com/posts/quicker-fire-37889339
-new mod that nukes the changes EA made to environment buffs and idles.
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yeonchi · 4 years
Kisekae Insights #5: Kai Hirasawa and the Keions
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Let’s divert to what this series is really about; there’ll be more time for story overviews later.
K-On has been a pretty big influence in my project, even though I’m not sure how I exactly introduced it in the first place. If the Keions were simply characters in the series, then explaining their involvement in the first year would be a breeze, but there’s one thing I did back then that I’ll explain in this.
As I stated in #3, Ritsu Tainaka replaced Amy Pond in Series 1, 2 and 6. Her story as the Doctor’s companion is the same as Amy’s, so there’s no need to go into detail about that. All you need to know in that regard is that the Ritsu I’ll be talking about is the original HTT counterpart and not the Amy counterpart; I’ll explain her later.
Kai Hirasawa: The Adopted Husband
This “adopted husband” business is going to happen for a few other OC’s, so take note of that. Some of them were also known by other names in the past, but for this, they will be addressed by their current names.
This is Kai Hirasawa, the K-On OC I made for the project.
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Kai Hirasawa was originally born as the older sibling of Tomoko and Tomoki Kuroki, but his parents put him up for adoption since they didn’t feel ready to bring a child up at the time. He was adopted by a Chinese family and moved to Hong Kong until the age of five. In a plotline inspired from the movie McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten, his adoptive parents sent him to the Wudang Mountains in Hubei, China after his kindergarten teacher discovered his gift for kung fu.
At the age of twelve, Kai graduated and his parents sent him to Japan to attend middle school and high school. The high school Kai attended was a sister school to Sakuragaoka High, where the HTT girls attended, so he became good friends with them at some point, eventually becoming a couple with Yui.
Some time after he graduated, Kai’s life was merged with the Doctor’s by Yuki Nagato just before the events of The End of Time, because she believed that it would help him in his final battle. When he was separated again following the Doctor’s regeneration, he and Yui (because she had ties with him) became amnesiac for a short period of time. During that time, they got married and it wasn’t until right at the wedding ceremony that the Doctor passes by, during his final reward, and recovers their memories, returning them to their true identities.
From that point on, Kai lived with the Hirasawa family. Like Yui’s parents before them, Kai and Yui became a lovey-dovey couple, perhaps even more than Yui’s parents were. He became a part of the Zhuge family, or rather, one of its founding members, when he met the protagonist and one of his prototypes, Kyōko Izumi, and helped them fight off the Karn Army.
In an alternate timeline, where Yui became famous before she Michael Jackson’d herself ala Takotsuboya’s That Is It, Kai became depressed and committed suicide by gaining the power to open the Time Vortex and throw himself in it. Of course, the Doctor immediately destroys that timeline so it never really happened. This is one of the fanfiction stories I published online years ago.
Character highlights in the series
In the 50th Anniversary Series, I did a little character arc with Nodoka. In Block 6, she would be revealed to be one of the protagonist’s echoes that got created when he scattered himself throughout his own timeline (or a baby made out of dust and clay by the echo, which is what I wrote in the episode). In Block 9, we have her and Azusa saying that Yui doesn’t love them anymore (as friends) because she became so close with Kai. At the final climax, when the Master activates a nuclear device to destroy Koshi Castle, Nodoka prepares to sacrifice herself to deactivate it, but the Fourth and Fifth Doctors along with Momoka stop her from doing so, convincing her and Azusa that they, at the very least, still have other friends. In the end, the Doctor had them talk it out with Yui, Kai and Ui and they got back on good terms, not that they were ever on bad terms in the first place.
In one of the 2014 CNY Specials, the HTT girls are featured in a cameo as they have a naked pool party (it was topless in the version I did, but it might as well be, plus those scenes were removed in the family-friendly version of the episode).
The Keions have never fought as an army because K-On was adapted after the period Three Kingdoms was set in. However, in the Series 9 finale, Kai and the Keions are part of an army fighting on Hiroki’s side against Girl Power and the Kurayami Alliance in Ōsaka.
HTT becomes Boukenger
By 2018, things had changed for the Light Music Club girls. Ho-kago Tea Time and Wakaba Girls joined forces and became an indie music collective called the Light Music Studio (Japanese here, K-On Studio?), but we wouldn’t see that until Soulbound Series 3 the year after.
By that time, the other members of the Light Music Club got boyfriends as well. Banding together under Kai, the group called themselves Home-Away Support Boys Time, but the year after, they joined the Light Music Studio and renamed themselves Midnight Boys. Here are the members of that group:
Kai Hirasawa (leader, Yui’s husband)
Yūto Tamaki (Ritsu’s boyfriend)
Nozomu Setana (Mio’s boyfriend)
Makoto Kunemiya (Tsumugi’s boyfriend)
Satoshi Tainaka (Ritsu’s brother and Azusa’s fuck buddy boyfriend)
Hirosuke Masaki (Ui’s boyfriend)
Yōta Kiyono (Jun’s boyfriend)
As a bonus, here’s a little design of Hirosuke I did for Yui’s birthday spam in 2015.
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Fun fact: Back in 2017, I posted a commissioned fanart of Mio with “Nozomu” on the K-On page and triggered a lot of fans, but I only did it because another admin was doing it as well. Also, with the exception of Kai, Satoshi and Hirosuke, the other boyfriends didn’t have last names in Gokaiger until I added them in Soulbound Series 3. Am I homophobic for denying yuri headcanon ships? Maybe, but it’s just how my story goes.
So the K-On girls joined the Superhero Project, gaining the powers of the Boukengers as follows:
Ritsu Tainaka (BoukenRed)
Azusa Nakano (BoukenBlack)
Tsumugi Kotobuki (BoukenBlue)
Ui Hirasawa (BoukenYellow)
Mio Akiyama (BoukenPink)
Jun Suzuki (BoukenSilver)
There were two other members of the Boukengers who got promoted and joined the Gokaigers by the start of the series:
Yui Hirasawa (GokaiYellow, formerly BoukenYellow) Yui was selected to be a Gokaiger in the series prelude because of her swordsmanship and her determination to overcome her airheadedness.
Kai Hirasawa (GokaiSilver, formerly BoukenSilver) When Yui became a Gokaiger, Kai was determined to be with her for fear of her dying like she did in That is It. In the first episode, he picks up the Gokai Cellular and GokaiSilver key that the Doctor (GokaiRed) dropped in a battle. He then abandons his role as BoukenSilver and disappears as he fights as GokaiSilver in secret. After revealing himself and explaining to everyone what happened, the Doctor takes back Kai’s morpher and key, asking him to think of what he can do to impress them. Soon after, he finds his courage to protect the world from the Zangyack Armada, which leads to the Doctor giving Kai back his morpher and key, as well as giving him the Q-Rex Megazord.
How Ritsu became “Amy”
This was a question that was buried in the back of my head for years until I finally decided to answer it in the Space Squad trilogy. Truth be told, I probably would have forgotten otherwise.
In the third Space Squad movie, Rassilon, who made his way to the 21st century after his exile from Gallifrey in Hell Bent, lured the Doctor to Trenzalore (which in my canon is just an area on Earth) in the Makū Dimension and used the TARDIS to power up an Axis Converter, which kills it and causes the dimension to expand throughout the universe. Rassilon fast-forwards time around him and the Doctor so that it becomes the Trenzalore as seen in The Name of the Doctor (this implies that said episode and the Block 6 adaptation took place in the Makū Dimension).
The Doctor goes to his size-leaking TARDIS and merges himself with the exposed heart of the TARDIS, causing the column to become an entrance to the Doctor’s timestream. As he uses his regenerative energy to repair his TARDIS and his timestream, the events of The Name of the Doctor (and its adaptation) take place, meaning that the Doctor can’t get out for the time being, even though he knows that being inside of the heart for too long is no better than looking into the Time Vortex. Clara Oswald fixes the damage to the Doctor’s timeline caused by the Great Intelligence (and Hiroki’s past self does the same to his as well), but there is still some damage left, specifically towards the beginning of the Fifth Doctor’s life.
Meanwhile, Ritsu and the Boukengers encounter Ritsu’s older self in 1968 New York (after the Weeping Angels sent her back in The Angels Take Manhattan). 1968 Ritsu tells 2018 Ritsu what happened, which leads her to go into the Doctor’s timeline when everyone regroups at the TARDIS. She sends an echo of herself to fix the remaining damage, creating the Ritsu Tainaka who became the first companion to travel with the Fifth Doctor following his regeneration. With his timeline now fixed, the Doctor repairs his TARDIS, allowing everyone to leave the Makū Dimension. Of course, the Doctor and Ritsu survive as well.
In a special feature included with the final episode of Doctor Who, the 2018 Christmas Special, HTT perform three songs at the UNIT Christmas Formal, namely Fuwa Fuwa Time, Pure Pure Heart and Tenshi ni Fureta yo! Kai and Azusa join in with the last song as well. You can argue that it would have been a good ending song for the series, but I felt that it was originally more a song for Azusa compared to Anna Tsuchiya’s Voyagers, which I used as the ending song because it signified farewells in general.
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loversandantiheroes · 5 years
Your fics made me want to play sdv all over again. I've only played sdv on vanilla before and nexus mods is kinda intimidating so I'm not sure what to get for my new farm... Can I get any mod recommendation for a new farm? Doesn't have to be specifically harvey-related(but super welcomed)!
Hm, this is tricky because it largely depends on your aesthetic preferences and how you like to play the game.  I will say that now that Content Patcher exists it is generally a lot easier to mod the game than it used to be (unless you pick something like SDV Expanded, which is kind of involved because it changes so much).  It does also make it easier to make edits to mods that you get where you like most of it except for one or two things (which is what I did with A Toned Down Stardew Valley - I love it, but I didn’t want Eemie’s trees).  I’ll try to go over a few good standards to start with that aren’t too intimidating.
First and foremost there’s two mods you’re going to need just to get things running:
SMAPI and Content Patcher  All current mods need these two to function.
Diverse Stardew Valley with Seasonal Outfits - This has been my go-to for awhile now, and I’m still working on making my own Harvey edits compatible with this.
If you’re less inclined for a big portrait overhaul, my Harvey portrait edits (still pending a ‘stache option because of course I have to repaint it by hand now) are here, and Harvey’s refined sprite for CP can be found here.
A lot of the Harvey-specific mods are dialogue mods, which unfortunately means you either have to pick one alone or compile them together yourself, because they will conflict otherwise.  On the upside, if you are so inclined to get in and poke around, CP dialogue mods are fairly easy to edit, as the coding for dialogue is pretty simple.  Here are a few of the ones I’ve used.
Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion - Adds new dialogue for just about everyone.  Use this if you want a one-stop-shopping dialogue mod.
Harvey Personality Mod - this a partial conversion of an older mod, and unfortunately although I have found the other half of the mod converted to go with it, SMAPI doesn’t appear to like it for some reason.  There’s several other dialogue mod conversions here as well.
Harvey Dialogue Expansion
Harvey Marriage Expansion - Smaller amount of dialogue to this one, but it does include a 12-heart event.
There’s one other dialogue mod that I’d found for Harvey that’s actually pretty good, but it’s still in xnb format and hasn’t been converted for Content Patcher, I might look into converting it for the hell of it.
Non-Harv editing mods that are worth your time:
All of Elle’s Animal Replacements 
Hudson Valley Buildings - This is the farm building replacement I use, but there’s loads of them to choose from now, depending on the sort of style you like.
Coop and Barn Facelift - A nice retexture of the inside of the barns/coops.  Also has the option to change the interior dimensions a bit, but that can be fiddly if you decide to remove the mod later.
There’s a few nice map recolors out there, most notably Eemie’s, Starblue Valley, and A Toned Down Stardew Valley, the latter being one you can configure to be compatible with other map recolors if you prefer.  Unfortunately the version of ATDSV I use is a personal edit of the old (and now unavailable) version of the mod, so i can’t link that.  Eemie’s is definitely the most popular aesthetic choice, but Starblue is really nice if you’re just aiming to make the world a little less yellow and bright.
Karmylla’s Immersive Maps - Tweaks the town map a bit, making it easier to get around by horse, among other things.  
Karmylla’s Cellar - I will never understand why the brand new cellar you’ve just had built already looks rundown.  This fixes that.
Garden Variety UI - A nice pack of various UI recolors.  Seed is the one I use, it’s neutral and blends well with the map recolors I use.
Better Ranching - Stops you from accidentally milking the air for thirty seconds when you miss the cow with the bucket.  Thank god.
Scythe Harvesting
Tractor Mod - I still haven’t gotten around to trying this out, but I do like the idea of this.  Allows for more efficient managing of crops and clearing of fields.  You do have to have Robin build the garage for you, which is expensive, both in moneydollars and iridium.
Fishing Made Easy - look I’m terrible at the fishing mini game.  I admit it.  Luckily this mod exists, and has options for just how much easier it makes the fishing.  If you need a little help or a lot of help, this mod’s got you.
Lookup Anything - if you’re like me and forget who likes what or if a certain item is used for a certain thing and are tired of alt-tabbing or grabbing your phone to check the wiki every five minutes, this is a really valuable tool.  
Admittedly this is a small slice, especially given the amount of mods I run (it’s so many, it’s just so many), but I hope this helps!
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0bsidian5ire · 5 years
Prompt #12: Root Access
Prompt: Fingers Crossed from @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast's #ffxivwrite2019
Set after 3.0
Deep in the heart of the administrative wing of the Aetherochemical Research Facility, Kharagal bit her lip and pulled out a high-capacity Tomestone. "Let's hope this works." She slotted it into the panel.
Behind her, Erin wasn't looking worried at all. "It'll work." She tossed her long white hair over her shoulder. "They never got around to fixing this particular exploit before everything went to hell."
Ever since Azys Lla had been discovered, Kharagal and Erin had been working together on a plan to get Kharagal in-depth access to the Azys Lla computers. Or rather, all Allagan Computers in general. Erin said they were all connected to each other in some kind of hierarchy with Azys Lla's computers at the top of the hierarchy. If Kharagal had something called "Admin Access" to Azys Lla, she'd be able to have "Admin Access" on all Allagan computers. All of which summed up to Kharagal being able to make copies of whatever juicy aetherochemical data she found so long as she had blank tomestones on herself. What Kharagal found most amazing was that Erin had somehow not traded this data to Rowena.
The panel lit up. After the short boot-up sequence, the panel chirped, "Read-Only exterior drive detected. Run program from drive?" Two boxes appeared over the pannel, one labeled "Yes" in Allagan, the other labeled "No". Khargal poked her finger through the "Yes" box. The panel beeped again and did... something. The clean Allagan interface Kharagal was used to seeing was replaced with lines of Allagan computer code that looked like a crazy mash-up of arcane symbols and Garlean mathematics.
Finally the panel stopped running through the code, and returned to the normal interface. "Starting System Account Creation Program." The panel's synthetic voice read out. "You have been granted a System Administrator Account. Please fill in your personal details. These will be used to confirm your identity on re-log in." There were now many boxes on the screen and a projected keyboard.
"Just fill in stuff," said Erin over Kharagal's shoulder. "You'll probably want to use your own name, but everything else can be random. I made sure it wouldn't check any of these against pre-existing databases." She thought for a second. "Except the password. You'll want to make that easy to remember. That's sometimes used on older computers that don't use biometrics."
"Bio... what?" Kharagal turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
"The parts of the machinery that react to... the parts of your body... aether really... that make you you and not other people." Erin laughed to herself. "I keep forgetting you guys have no idea how all that really works..."
Kharagal shrugged and went back to filling in boxes. When the last box was filled, the crazy Allagan computer code appeared again for a little bit before blipping back to the main interface.
"Welcome System Administrator Kharagal." The panel chirped. "Your settings and information have been confirmed. A biological scan will be required to access all files. Please provide one now." A section of the panel lit up. Kharagal placed her hand on it, and felt a prickling sensation, but nothing else. "Your biological data has been recorded. System Account Creation Program completed." The panel blipped off.
"So that should be everything?" Kharagal started gathering up all the scattered tomestones littered around the pannel.
Erin nodded. "You probably can't get into anything of Amon's, paranoid bastard that he was, but everyone else stuff?" She shook her head. "Oh yeah. System Admins have to be able to get into everything. Let's just hope their file structure is actually labeled nicely. For once."
They battled their way back to Analysis and Proving where the last network they needed was. Kharagal put her hand on the panel. As usual it lit up. "Account ID #1502286 Recognized: Welcome System Administrator Kharagal." The panel chirped as it turned on. The UI was different too, with a lot more data displays then normal.
Kharagal raised her eyebrows. That was new. And worrisome. "Please tell me there's a way to turn that off," she groaned as she explored the root directory. Cid, the Ironworks and the Scions did not need to know she could get to anything in an Allagan computer network.
Erin laughed. "It should be a setting on your ID. Look for stealth mode. We can set that later."
"You'd better be right about that," Kharagal muttered, not unkindly. So far everything had worked like Erin said it would work. And if it continued to? Hello Allagan arcane geometries! Here I come!
Author's Notes: }-:3
You can check out this segment for why Erin knows all this stuff.
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gataela · 6 years
Progress Update - 4/1/19 - 79.2% Complete
Final Overworld Maps - 14.2% in progress; 71.7% complete
Worked on adding new music
Worked on updating the UI
Worked on updating and adding new animations
Worked on updating older maps
Worked on a new website
Optimized the new shaders
Added Battle Screen Transitions
Revealed more new characters
Added a file version number to save files 
Added location popup information to some maps
Added shadows to Wynoa houses in the overworld
Add a dev mode that will identify objects which will cause the player to be stuck into on map load/spawn (i.e. this shouldn’t happen anymore)
Changed the run button to be a toggle between running/walking for hand comfort
Changed Pharyon and Klatchez town layouts completely
Modified some of the opening sequence changes back to the original
Set the max number of file saves for the game to 10
Worked on updating more dialogue for older cutscenes
Fixed a bug where the new opening cutscene would lag on computers with 8GB of RAM or less
Fixed a bug where loaded skills would be drawn off screen except in certain situations where they were on screen
Fixed a bug where switching between the main menu and the overworld would have roofs, water, grass effects, house shading and other effects disappear
Fixed a problem where some cutscenes would freeze
Fixed a shader issue which caused more complicated screen transitions to draw incorrectly
Coming up next:
Bug fixes
Graphical Update
This past month focused on optimization, bug fixes, updating older maps, new music, new art, and some much needed polish.
Also this update is unfortunately very late due to a lack of internet.
2018 in Review
Now that we’re firmly in 2019 land, I wanted to talk a bit about 2018 and how much we actually got done!
I know for a lot of people who have been following the development for a long time that it doesn’t feel like much has happened the last couple of years. As you may or may not be aware, due to family situations I had to stop all work in 2017 shortly after the Steam greenlight.
When I started up work again in 2018, I spent a lot of time thinking about the feedback from everyone from the demo, how to make the game better, and how to finish it faster. Most of this year was putting everyone’s feedback into the game.
So 2018 was a really big transitional period. I’ve been working a full-time job since that time in 2017, so all my work on Gataela has been part-time since then, not to mention most of the Gataela team work part-time to begin with.
And with all that going on, here’s how 2018 went for the game:
468 commits; 284,735 additions; 260,291 deletions; 1 programmer
328 programming JIRAs completed
Finished all of the skit/debate images, including updating older ones
Changed all of the animations to be 8-frame+ instead of 4-frame
Changed the turn-based battles to be from the side view instead of top-down
New pixel art style for the characters!
Added new character battle animations
Re-did over half of the battle skill animations, and all of the character battle animations
Re-did all of the overworld sprites
Re-did all of the UI (25+ screens)
Added a new screen for summarizing known debate facts
Went to two conventions (Anime North, Otakuthon) and showed off a sneak preview of the new demo
Added run animations + the highly requested run button
Doubled Gataela’s soundtrack (~70 minutes long now)
Added a screenshot function to the game
Added a unit test framework (i.e. more future stability)
Added more polish to debate battles: a countdown sfx, debate images with more expressions, the character profiles will animate more based on what was said
Updated Vuni’s layout to make it easier to get around
Redid Pharyon and Klatchez, and other in between maps
Created a new opening sequence, with new animations and music
Moved beta testing to Steam
Optimized the heck out of the game, including reducing textures, switching to using shaders, optimizing shaders, etc.
Saving is now instant (1 second or less)
Map transitions for larger scenes are now almost instant 1-3 seconds
Converted older methods of map making to shaders, added new cool shader effects such as walking through grass, time of day, etc.
Download size for the game is stable around 250-300MB. (Final game size was originally estimated to be 2GB)
RAM usage down, i.e. lower end devices can now run chrome, OBS and Gataela at the same time.
Reworked a lot of dialogue and debates, removing a lot of it, adding new scenes
Debate system was upgraded from strictly being talk-to-npc based to include facts, testimonies and evidence gathering (i.e. a little bit more detective-like)
Revealed new characters!
New logo
Fancy battle screen transitions
New Quest pop-up and Location pop-up was added to the overworld
So TL;DR a super busy year.
So what’s up for 2019? I’m not going to promise anything in particular, but there’s a few high-level goals which I will touch on below:
New Website: We’ve been working on a new website for a little while that will give us more support for writing longer-form posts, and act more of a hub of information for the game which will be easier to search through. We really want to post more technical posts, like the shader work, how we approach the level design or some of the changes we’ve made and why, etc. Tumblr is a site focused more on micro-blogging, which makes posts, particularly with code, difficult to organize nicely.
80% Hump: We’ve been at 79% completion for a long time. Let’s get past that.
New Demo: There will be a new demo published this year showing off all of the above work. It will be the same length as the older one, but with all of the improvements, and obviously the new dialogue/story segment.
Beta-Testing Schedule: This year I would like to get to a point where every quarter (after the demo comes out) there is at least one new beta release to the beta testers.
Other than that, we’ll see!
Happy New Year everyone!
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iliketowrite1996 · 6 years
Only you part 4
this was difficult for me to write because I wanted to make it as realistic as possible but stay true tot he vision that I had. so without further ado- the final chapter to only you 
WARNINGS- Mentions of Unplanned pregnancies, divorce, post-divorce bullying, self-sabotage and relationship troubles
    To say that finding out you are pregnant again shocked you would be a massive understatement. It threw you for a loop, knocked the wind  out of you all at the same time.
    You initially refused to believe it, There’s no way that you’re pregnant. It couldn't ne. You and T'Challa had only slept together once since the divorce, and it was within the same week.
    Your missed period could be for any number of reasons, right? You’ve been stressed out lately. It’s not weird for you to miss a period every so often. So you made a doctor’s appointment for earlier today, just to confirm that you are in fact not pregnant, because that’s only going to add to the chaos that is your life with T’Challa.
    Of course she delivers those three words to you: You are pregnant.
    Which is how you find yourself sitting at kitchen table with T’Challa, Ado and Adanya tucked away in their beds as you and their dad discuss life-changing topics.
    It’s funny how you were discussing getting back together five days ago,
    Now, because of a few stolen kisses, the heat of the moment and an empty apartment, you’ve got other things on your mind.
    ‘’How far along are you,’’ he questions, looking at the pregnancy test.
    ‘’Two months,’’ you clear your throat, ‘’Give or take a few days.’’
    He leans back in his chair then, rubs a hand down his face and pinches the bridge of his nose.
    He is frustrated.   
    You know him so well.
    ‘’We’re going to have another baby,’’ he says, more to himself than to you. It is like he is trying to make sense of what is happening around him, like his world has begun spinning too fast again when it was just starting to slow down.
    ‘’We are,’’ you swallow thickly, but it feels like there is a lump of sawdust in your throat, ‘’So what are we going to do about it?’’
    He stares at you then, brown eyes shining with uncertainty. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders, and you do as well.
    ‘’We have to consider everything here. Of course I will support you and the baby. You do not need to worry about that.’’
    ‘’I do not,’’ you reassure him, because that’s the one thing that you know about him- T’Challa is dedicated to his children and to Wakanda. Your place with him may still be up in the air, but his homeland and his children will forever have his heart;
    ‘’I assume you are worried about the responses from people?’’
    ‘’That is it.’’
    This is a goldmine for the paparazzi- the king of Wakanda,one of the wealthiest and most technologically advanced countries in the world, gets his ex-wife pregnant? You cant see the headlines now.
    ‘’T’Challa and Ex back together?’’
    ‘’What will the Elders think about this?’’
    ‘’Was the divorce all for show?’’
    As if you and T’Challa would have purposely destroyed all that you had for a few moments in the spotlight that you always tried to avoid on ny occasion.
    T’Challa stares at your stomach then, the same way he had when you announce your pregnancy with Ado and Adanya.
    ‘’I’m worried about what Ramonda will say as well,’’ you admit, because it needs to be addressed.
    ‘’My mother? Why?’’
    ‘’She is very traditional, T’Challa. As are most of the elders. This is very scandalous in the eyes of many. Shoot, when I tell Deena, she’ll probably fly here just to see what is going on,’’ you lay your head on the table, ‘’I’m pregnant.’’
    By your ex-husband, the king of Wakanda.
    You have to keep reminding yourself of that just so you can feel the full gravity of the situation at hand.
    ‘’We’re going to have to tell people,’’ he reminds you, lifting your head so that you are looking at him, ‘’And we are going to have to have some conversations.’’
    ‘’About the baby?’’
    ‘’And about us. It is a given that you and I will both take care of this baby, But what about us?’’
    You stare at him then, blinking once, twice, a third time.
    ‘’How did we get back to a relationship between uys?’’
    ‘’Everything comes back to you. We can still be together, my love. I know that that night meant something to you, as it did to me,’’ he references to the night a few months ago when all of this happened-when rules were broken and kisses where presse to overheated skin and ‘’I love you’’ ‘s where whispered behind closed doors.
    ‘’It’s not the tight time, is it?’’
    ‘’Is it ever? Baby, this was going to happen one way or another. You care about me, and I care about you. We were talking about this before you even became pregnant. So, all I am asking is this: do you really want to give us another try?’’
    Your head is spinning with thoughts that are going a million miles an hour.
    He wants you, and you want him. Neither of you have been trying to hide that lately, except for from the kids.
    SP you tell the childen that mommy and daddy are expecting a baby- first thing's first, one moment and conversation at a time.
    A few weeks later, you tell them that mom and dad are dating again but it does not mean that you'll be getting married anytime soon.
    The elders are shocked and many people of Wakanda are as well. The comments and opinions are mixed- you hear vicious whispers about this baby, about the status of your relationship, about everything that goes on with you and T’Challa.
    And because your relationship is so publicized, you deal with it in private.
    You continue counseling.
    You talk to the children about the changes, about how to ignore what people will say.
    You choose him.
    He chooses you.
    You continue with your life, well aware that you may both be getting yourself into something that no one else agrees with.
    Ramonda comes around, and you're not sure why, but you’re grateful for her support.
    Deena, M’Baku and Shuri offer advice, help out where they can, support and listen to your pros and cons when necessary.
    You continue to choose T’Challa.
    T'Challa continues to choose you.
    You announce the pregnancy to the world a few days later. You are greeted with remarks, some hateful and nasty and spewed out like vomit over your relationship. Others are flowy and pretty, but you take no heed to any of them.
    The dirty and rude and mean comments act like fertilizer- they make your relationship stronger and grow vetter, the way that fertilizer does for flowers. The nice messages are just that nice. But they are all inconsequential. You know what you've and you know what T’Challa has/
    And that is the love that you have for eachother.
    It takes months of trust to hold back what you had. It takes hours of therapy, and a lot of hard work. Between shigiting you back into your repsonsibilities, patching up Ramona's issues with you, welcoming your newborn child, and adjusting your children to this new life, it takes two years.
    Two years before T’Challa is down on one knee, proposing to you.
    It is nothing fancy- you’d taken the children of the beach again. Adanya standing there with her hands over her mouth, happy tears streaming down her face. Ado is beaming from ear to ear, chanting ‘’say yes, say yes, say yes!’’ Your youngest child, Abioye, is staring at his dad with wide eyes, unsure as to what is happening.
    All of these moments serve as laying the foundation and beginning to build a new life together. It's not east or seemless- it's hard and it took months of dedication to get here, and T’Challa has been by your side every step of the way.
    So it is without hesitation that you say ‘’Yes’’ a second time.
    Yes to a new marriage.
    To starting over.
    To a new start.
    Later that night, you decide to celebrate by staying in with the children.
You’re children are in yours and T’Challa’s bed as you play a board game with them. It’s Udaku family game night.
The days like this are the days that you adore- when you see how, even though things happened slowly, it was for the best. What was torn apart by you and T’Challa couldn’t be fixed with tape or glue or even stitches- it had to be molded an melted together.
That must be why what you have now is so good- you can see where it was melted together. You can see the weaknesses.
What you can’t see is how anyone could break it ever again.
‘’You look radiant in this light, my love,’’ he tells you, pressing a kiss to your hand.
‘’Ewww,’’ Abioye giggles and squeals.
‘’Get used to it. They are always like this,’’ Adanya nose scrunches up in distaste, ‘’Auntie Shuri says that they are extra.’’
‘’You need to stop spending so much time with Auntie Shuri.’’
‘’Baba, Abioye is cheating.’’
‘’He doesn’t even know this game,’’ you laugh, ‘’He is not even playing! He is staring at the board, Ado. How could he be cheating?’’
‘’He is winning,’’ Ado frowns. ‘’Yet he doesn't know how to play.’’
‘’Win?!,’’ Abioye asks, only catching his name and the word ‘’winning’’
‘’No, Abioye. Ado shush, you need to let it go.’’
‘’Adanya is cheating, too.’’
‘’Ado, how am I cheating?!’’
‘’Well said, Abioye,’’ Ado rubs his brothers back.
T’Challa turns to you with an amused look, his eyes sleepy but his heart full.
This is it- it's another one of those moments in the story of you two that doesn't make sense, out that he would not rewrite. It’s one of those moments that makes sense to only the author, but is forever photographed in his memory.
And the same is said for you- every moment leads back to him. The good and the bad. He is not perfect, neither is your story or your life. As long as it leads you back to where you are meant to be, you don’t mind a few hiccups and confusions.
You turn to your husband as he gently says your name,one hand on your ever-growing stomach.
‘’I love you,’’ he says.
‘’I love you, too, T’Challa.’’
‘’Only me?’’
‘’Only you.’’
As long as you both shall live.
T’Challa Udaku is a good man, He has a good heart. He wants to see the best in others and in situations, and he usually succeeds at that.
However, he Is a stubborn man.  T’Challa does not like to admit that he makes mistakes a lot of the time. but he will when he sees no other options. He’s working on that with you in counseling, working on not keeping secrets from you.
There is one, secret, though, that is being kept that he is not aware of. He does not always like to admit mistakes or when he is wrong, but he knows he should not have gotten involved with her, the girl who broke his heart in between you and Nakia, just because he was trying to get over your divorce a few years ago. He knew trying to make her replace you in his heart, in his head, and maybe even in his bed was wrong, which is why he let her go to begin with. But that doesn’t change the past, or the actions that set the events that are about to unfold in motion.
.What neither of you know is that, a few months before you took your pregnancy test and found out that you were pregnant with Abioye, she took a pregnancy test as well. And while things seem good for your family now, that hidden secret is going to come to life.
And what is uncovered may or may not have an impact on the Udaku family forever.
@sisterwifeudaku @greenswishbish @airis-paris14 @90sinspiredgirl @shesakillerkween @myboyfriendgiriboy @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @afraiddreamingandloving @beautycomesindifferentformsworld  @niecey4cocaine @chaneajoyyy @halfrican-heat @brianabreeze @bezzywazhere @melaninmarvelgirl62 @hutchj
77 notes · View notes
sambart93 · 6 years
2018.10.26 and 29 Teito Tantei Kitan Zigomar [Review]
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Official Website here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4
Hiroya as Z (Zigomar / Jigoma) Hattori Takeo as Mikasa Yumenosuke (Private Detective) Ebihara Yuka as Mutou Yuuko (Kidnapped by Zigoma) Hanaoka Meika as Hanasaki Mayuko (Mikasa's Assistant) Kadono Sho as Kitamiko Saburo (Chief Policeman) Tanaka Hiroki as Sumi Arata (Newbie Policeman) Oda Toshiki as Hira Tarou (Journalist)
Adachi Yuna as Tokage (meaning 'lizard' - Phantom Theif) Sawada Maria as Ando Ayako (Opera Singer)
Umehara Saeri as Aikawa Tamako (Tetsujiro's Girlfriend/Wife) Kuroki Kiko as Doi Shiori (Adopted Sister?) Tatsuya Yuu as Kobayashi Tetsujiro (Saved by Mikasa. Admires Mikasa.)
Working For Zigomar:
Hinagata Ui as Tsukishiro Tei Ogura Eriko as Sunaga Tokiko
Working for Fukiya:
Maruyama Raiden* as Gondawara Kouzou Odagiri Masayo as Harukara Meiko Souji Masato as Hitomi Hirosuke Kamidochi Kanki as Naoki Osamu
Terumi as Fukiya Kiyoshi 
W Cast:
Kai Chiaru / Oota Saki as Saito Kanoko (Yuuko's Maid) Ashikaga Itaru / Oda Shunpei as Mifune Saburo (Powerful Politician, Yuuko's Husband) Ihara Yu / Umeda Shohei as Tsujioka Fumisuke (Works for Zigomar)
*DAMN that's a REALLY good name!
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NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: My expectations for ASSH are always high and they ALWAYS met! They always make such amazing stages that are pleasing in so many ways! This stage was just as high quality as their previous ones; great in-depth amazing story with characters that you just want to know personally and in-depth - seriously, every single one of them I got very attached and/or interested in ! -, the darkness and the themes of the story was great, they always have a message that leaves you thinking, the costumes were well made and the theme was super interesting; and as per usual I was left wanting more, wanting another installment! I loved the messaged for this play which was very much 'how do we decide whether a character is good or bad?' because every character in this stage is flawed, every character in this has their reasons as to why their actions are justified, each character has a charming point that makes you believe their motives are the right ones. I just love that ASSH always poses such questions in their stages and has these types of characters. In true ASSH style, it is not a happy ending. They keep it partially raw and real and dark! The characters that stood out to me the most were obviously Zigomar and Mikasa, but I also got super invested in Hanasaki, Hirosuke, Naoki, Gonda and Kitamiko! I wanted to know so much more about them and their character scenes and arcs are great. Espeically for Gonda and Hirosuke; their arcs were GOLD. I was so invested and so affected by their storylines. I really hope we get a next installment, especially with the random mind-blowing reveal we get at the end of the play, and I am sure they'll find a way to kind of 'undo' what happens at the end so they can make a second stage out of this. It seriously deserves one and I seriously want one! Thank you ASSH for consistently producing and giving me great, solid stages! Rating: 9/10
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I have no idea where to start with this, as per bloody usual, but I shall try!
First I loved the visuals of this stage; I love how the stage looked, I loved the costumes (and how all of them except Zigoma had words on parts of their costumes which were lines from the script); I loved the ending where letters dropped from the ceiling and onto the floor; it was very visually appealing. Although ONE actress did have boots on and at the beginning they were not equal length and OCD me found it very annoying xD but she soon fixed them by the next time she came back on stage.
The Main Plot is: A guy who calls himself Zigoma is running around killing politicians and the police force want to know why and want to stop him before he kills anymore. Also during his first political kill, the kidnaps the wife of the politician and a private detective has been hired to find and save this now-widow. But what is unveiled is so much more...
This show actually had two versions; the Detectives Side and the Bad Guys Side which means there should be a scene change or two between the two shows.
I really enjoyed the story; I loved the discussion and themes of ‘who is right?’ and ‘Is everyone’s individual motive justifiable?’. And we had the mystery of ‘who is Zigoma?’ and ‘why is he doing it?’ and ‘why does he do it?’ which gave some really great punches and revelations. Also the plot twists and the shocker ending were just perfect! I did not see some of them coming and that ending really was a great cherry on the top of the cake! But I won’t spoil it too much right now.
One question/theme that runs throughout the play is whether Zigoma’s motives are justifiable or not. And we get to one part of the play where Mikasa comments ‘I think he’s just doing it for fun. Just because he can.’ but later one Zigoma expresses his desire to change the political climate, to change those in power, almost like a Guy Fawkes (info here) type of character. But then right at the end, when all hope for Zigoma escaping is gone, he cracks. He starts to laugh insanely and then yells at Mikasa ‘you were right! You saw right through me! All along I was doing it just because it’s fun!’. This somewhat internally breaks Mikasa because he didn’t want to be right; he wanted a more logical reason as to why Zigoma did what he did. It’s such a good moment and it really makes the audience think: was Zigoma lying in this moment of insanity? Was he killing off politicians because they were simply shitty, corrupt politicians? Or was he really just doing it because he could? Also, it makes you think, if he was doing it because those in power were corrupt, doesn’t that then make him a hero and not a villain? This theme really messed with my brain and really made me think and I LOVED IT!
There is another scene in the play, that also makes you question Zigoma’s motives. Right at the beginning there is the very first murder of a politician (Mifune Saburo) which everyone thinks Zigoma did because the body discovered was covered in a towel that had the mark ‘Z’ on it. But then at about the mid-point of the story, we learn that in fact the maid of the house had killed the politician because he was not only abusing his wife but was also raping the maid, and she has finally had enough and killed him. However, that night Zigoma had actually come with the intention of killing him anyway so he tells the maid to tell everyone ‘this was my kill!’ and so left the flag on the body. We also find out later that the reason why Zigoma kidnapped Mifune’s wife (Mutou Yuuko) after the murder, is because they actually were original betrothed to each other before she got forced into her marriage with Mifune, which is just like ‘he saved her?! he protected her?! He still loves her?!’ so again, it creates all these questions and such in your brain that you just have to think through and make a decision on. Also once Yuuko realises who Zigoma is, she takes his side completely and helps him out, so she too still has feelings for him! Just waaaahhh?! But then in another twist of fate, right at the end he kills her anyway!! To which I was like ‘waaaahhh?!’ even more!
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I adore the ending so much; not the fact that everyone dies at the end, but how it’s visually shown. They die due to a bomb going off, destroying the building they’re in (again, very Guy Fawkes like!), and just as they all drop dead, letters from the ceiling fall down onto their bodies, and the flags at the back of the stage drop down too. I absolutely loved this visual touch! It was amazing and beautiful.
Another plot twist that had me like ‘HOLY HELL! WHAT?!’ was at the very last scene. But first, some back story: the very first scene of the stage is the actor for Hira Tarou, explaining the backstory and setting of the story. Then IN the story, we meet Tarou who is a very good journalist who just happens to know that Mikasa and co. are trying to stop Zigoma. Because Tarou has some inside sources, they let him join their adventure and story. So we don’t really suspect him for the most part, but we do have one moment in the play where Mikasa asks ‘how do you know all this (secret) stuff?’ and Tarou simply replies ‘well I have informants in the police’ and they just brush it off. But right at the very end, when everyone else is dead, on the floor, on the stage, Tarou comes to the center to finish the narration of the story; he reveals (right at the end!!) that he is in fact Edogawa Ranpo, shuts the book in his hand, black out, stage finishes. I was like ‘wait... he’s.... EDOGAWA RANPO!?!?’ again, MIND BLOWN! I did not see that coming at all! And it was such a good, juicy and powerful reveal! It was so good!
I really liked how everyone got involved in the main story, and I loved all the different ‘factions’ within the story too! We had about six different groups within the story. We had the Detective and his sidekick alongside the police; Zigoma and his posse of followers; bystanders who get super nosey in the Detective’s business; A trio friendship between Meiko, Hirosuke and Naoki; An ambitious opera singer and a Phantom Thief who somehow get caught up in it all without meaning to; Kiyoshi and his clan of servants. I think those are the six main groups. So you can see the big dynamic difference between some and the similarities between others.
The richness and depth of these characters you get from them even though we barely spend two hours with them on stage is just amazing. I fell for some characters so quickly and so hard! I was completely invested in every single one of them! I seriously don’t understand how ASSH consistently makes big casts, but still manages to make every character so rich and different! I don’t understand how we haven’t had a mass crossover of character traits yet in any of their stages! It is just amazing! Characters that I automatically loved just because I love the actors were: Zigoma and Arata. Characters who completely won my heart over throughout the play were: Tokage, Hirosuke, Mikasa, Kitamiko and Hanasaki! I loved all the characters to be honest but the MVP, the one who I ended up completely loving and rooting for and took a lot of my attention was Hirosuke! I don’t know why; maybe because he was visually pleasing, but also his character development was so great! I also loved his relationship with some of the characters! Just... I need to go into spoilers to flail about this boy! So are you ready?
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So the main story with Hirosuke is that he and his two close/best friends (Meiko and Naoki) decided to work for Fukiya so that they could have a better and less poor life. But it turns out Fukiya is the worst, and Fukiya orders Meiko and Hirosuke to murder Naoki because he discovers that Naoki is trying to trick and betray him. So while Meiko begs him not to kill Naoki, Hirosuke does it anyway. This obviously breaks his heart and tears him apart. Later on we see Meiko asking Hirosuke to stop following Fukiya, to leave with her and it get away from all this but Hirosuke follows orders, ‘this is for the better’ and shoots her dead. This obviously destroys him too and after killing her. I loved seeing the internal struggle that he had within himself; does he follow his boss? does he follow his heart? does he follow his friends? does he put power over friendship first. I love how we see it eat him from the inside! And that is why he is my favourite! I also love the little scene he has with Tokage at the beginning; she’s the phantom thief who’s being stealing things for Fukiya, but she has never shown her face - she always has him at gun point or knife point, forcing him to look the other way and never see her face. And the beginning of this play, he says ‘just once, could I see your face?’, but it’s not until right at the very end when all the characters have gathered together, that he finally gets to see her, and you can see how happy he is! I love the friendship/slight-romance we have between these two.
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Relating to those three, there is a butler, Gondawara, who works alongside Hirosuke and Meiko, and also tries to protect them (and others) many times. I absolutely adored him. He had such a short role but I love how he protected Saito Kanoko and then persuades her to eventually tell the truth about Mifune’s death. He was also the one who stood in the way of Hirosuke and Tei, trying to get Hirosuke to come to his senses and giving him a chance to run away but this ultimately leads to Gonda’s death. He was such a sweet character and I’m so sad he died, and so quickly too!
Gonda’s death is thanks to Tei who has a short but very interesting story line! The girl is addicted to Opium. And once on the opium, she becomes absolutely obsessed with killing. So much so that she attacked and killed Gonda. The cops also try to stop her by shooting her in the leg but because of the drugs, she doesn’t feel it and instead just starts dragging herself across the floor. She finally drags herself back to Zigoma and her crew, but Zigoma deems her insane and that she has lost the real reason why they are killing people, so Zigoma kills her.
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Of course, I can’t talk about the characters without talking about our young, new detective Arata, who also goes by the nickname of ‘Suspender-kun’ because he always wears suspenders! He was adorable! He was a fresh, raring to go new detective and I absolutely loved his relationship with his boss, Saburo! They were such a hilarious comedy duo! And Hiroki/Arata on his own did a damn good job being funny and hilarious too! Also Saburo himself was hilarious as a solo artist!
Let me tell you about their ridiculousness: In the very first scene where they introduce themselves, Saburo is completely over the top and takes off his jacket and just drops it on the floor, then later on Arata throws it back to him but he lets it drop. The timing was absolutely perfect and was absolutely hilarious! Another scene is when Arata decides he’s going to seriously help and Saburo finally calls him ‘Arata’ instead of ‘suspender-kun’, so he gets really happy and really dramatic and holds himself against a wall, and Saburo comes over and comments ‘you idiot’ before slapping him on the butt xD
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Another character I enjoyed was the Tantei’s assistant: Hanasaki Mayuko. She  was an adorable dork!! I absolutely adored her! And she really shone during her adlibbed comedy scenes! Not only did she get the crowd laughing, but even Mikasa’s actor Hattori was having a hard time keeping a straight face at times xD She was so cute and funny and sweet and adorable! I really liked her! One scene that stood out to me for her: Hanasaki and the Youkan (a thick, jellied Japanese dessert made of red bean paste, agar, and sugar)! Kanoko brings Youkan to the detective as a thanks for saving her and for all their hard work on trying to find Yuuko. But turns out Hanasaki LOVES youkan so she tries to eat all of it through various ways, either offering to Mikasa (who she knows will say no), and quickly trying to eat another piece straight after. But because of this, natural comedy came out where she was trying to say her lines while her mouth was full of food xD also trying to be like ‘oh Mikasa doesn’t like youkan. DO YOU? No you don’t! Didn’t think so! More for me!!’ which was so cute.
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Speaking of Mikasa, about part-way through the play, there’s a flashback-slash-fever dream where Mikasa is talking to Zigoma, and Zigoma is like ‘what’s the real reason you became a private detective instead of a policemen? You know deep down the real reason why!’ so that makes me think maybe his father had died on the job and that’s why he became a mysterious private detective instead? Or was his father corrupt as well as the police force at the time? So many questions!
One plot twist that I really enjoyed was the reveal that Tokage and Ando Ayako were actually sisters!! When Ayako starts yelling ‘Onee-san // Big Sister’ at one point, I was like “OMG THEY ARE SISTERS?!?!?!’. I totally didn’t see it coming! Especially because, for most of the play Ayako is horrible towards Tokage and is very cold, almost as if they had never met and just got off on the wrong foot straight away! But later on we learn that they do care for each other and they had to pretend not to know each other, in case Tokage ever got caught because she didn’t want to endanger her little sister. I was MIND BLOWN.
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There is another twist where Aikawa actually betrays everyone and was working for Zigoma the whole time. Unfortunately I had already cottoned on a few scenes before hand that she was secretly in on it. I don’t know how I knew but I just felt like ‘there must be some other reason why this family of three are in the story’ and there are scenes where she’s left to protect Shioro at time, and Shiori is DUMB AS FUCK, so I wouldn’t put it past Shiori to not notice what Aikawa was up to and too dumb to realise when Aikawa had gone off to plot or make something. So I naturally figured either Shiori was pretending to be this dumb, stupid sister, or Aikawa was a secret mastermind or Tesujiro was pretending to admire Mikasa so he could set him up. I knew something was going on with those three.
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Other Notable Moments/Scenes
In true ASSH style we had the whole cast dancing during the opening song. Luckily, Hiroki on the far left when the dance opening song starts.
There is a slow motion fighting scene which I thought was so cool!!! I really enjoyed the slow-mo moment. Also we got live singing! Ando Ayako’s actress Sawada Maria actually sang the opera songs live to us and she also sings the ending song live which is amazing! Her voice is very, very good!!
I really loved how Saburo and Mikasa decide to team up at the end even though they had some differences throughout the play, but for the greater good (!) they team up in the finale!
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Some things that specifically happened during my First Show (Detective Version):
I was first row and on the very last seat to the left. The gap between my feet and the stage was practically 0.1cm! So I was super duper close to all the actors! Which was for the most part absolutely terrifying (especially during the fight scenes). However, it did have it’s good moment which I will list right here: towards the end of the show, Hiroki gets into a fight which causes him to get thrown and pinned against a wall. That wall was RIGHT in front of me and my head was at the perfect level for Hiroki’s waist, which means that his butt was right in front of me!!!! Also he smelt really nice xD another moment was the final showdown between Tantei Mikasa and Zigoma, they were fighting and again, they slammed against the wall right next to me!! I was parts freaking out and parts overwhelmed and overjoyed xD
We had a double curtain call, and the ending aisatsu was by Hanasaki who was totally cute and she got very shy and couldn’t remember what she wanted to say. But everyone was giggling at her adorableness xD She was stood next to Hiroki and they were both so cute alongside each other!
Of course it was filming day!! When do I never go on filming day?! xD I am ALWAYS at filming day!!! xD
Second Show (Bad Guy Version):
I went to the senshuuraku (the finale) of this show! They really went all out on the comedy in this final show! Hiroki got hit so hard by Saburo that he started laughing to the side of the stage. Then later Saburo went to pull and release his suspenders and pretended to it the first time, but on the second time he actually let go and it was really hard. Hiroki was rubbing his chest in pain.
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Maybe I just didn’t notice in the first show but I feel like in this show, the three people working for Zigoma got their moment of explaining what they wanted and why they joined Zigoma. Maybe this was the scene especially created for this version of the show, or maybe I just missed it the first time round. But I loved getting to know where they came from, their backgrounds and why they joined him.
Another Higawari (daily change) was Gonda saying an Acrostic Poem for Ji-Go-Ma. In the second show, he got a huge round of applause after his Ji-Go-Ma poem because it was just too funny and very good. Unfortunately, I do no remember it *cries*
I also noticed in this second show that there is a moment where Arata and Hanasaki fall in love for a moment after she accidentally touches his arm and that motivates him to help Mikasa on his case some more xD
While in the first show we had Saburo just complete miss catching his jacket through his own lack of calculations, this time it was through Hiroki’s fault; Saburo couldn’t reach far enough to grab his jacket from Hiroki’s throw, it was hilarious.
Another higawari is when Saburo is trying to talk to Arata but Arata get’s super angry straight away: Saburo: Let’s go brat. Arata: *super angry* What did you say?!?! Saburo: Let’s go you brat! Arata: *calms down* Ohh I didn’t hear you! Saburo: *shock* IS THAT WHY YOU GOT MAD?! The scene ends with Hiroki asking Saburo to slap his arm, and they did this wave with their arms before walking off stage xD
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In both shows, when Zigoma first appears in front of Yuuko in her house before kidnapping her, he walks in with brandy in a brandy glass and drinks it. In every other show the glass has been half full so it was easy for him to drink. BUT, in this final show Zigoma walked on stage with a GLASS FULL of brandy, and it took him a while to finish it. It was obvious who’d seen the show before because we were the ones cracking up as soon as he walked on stage! So as you can tell, they really went all out on the comedy in this final show! It wasn’t being filmed, they might as well do ridiculous shit and have fun xD
Just before the youkan scene, Hanasaki is in the kitchen making a mess, but then walks on stage and she uses a crashing noise to her advantage. She kept replaying the crash music as Mikasa tried to talk. She tried so hard to get Mikasa’s actor to burst out in laughter but didn’t work; we (the audience) were all dying though.
It was a triple curtain call where we got an announcement for the next stage (the next installment of KimiSaga - review here)!! In March!!! I was (and am!) so excited!!
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And that’s everything! Sorry it took so damn long to get these reviews out (and I’m still a shit ton behind!) but bare with me xD
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hekate1308 · 6 years
Don’t Look
Destiel AU, witch!Dean. Enjoy!
“You must not look at witches” his aunt told him when he was little and they had to visit the witch of the village for a cold medicine. “People say they take the hearts of those who do.”
Castiel didn’t know how the old woman they saw was supposed to take his heart, but he was looking on the floor anyway.
Everyone knew the witch of the village.
That said, no one really talked to him – the young man who happened to be their witch, that was, unless they had a problem and figured magic alone could fix it.
Still, everyone knew Dean Winchester.
Castiel supposed he was just... difficult to ignore. With those green eyes, his easy smile, his readiness to help...
He always tried to think of something else when he noticed he was... a little too interested in the witch. Witches were meant to be ignored until you had need of their services, and even then he shouldn’t have been looking at him. Not really.
But last winter, when old Higgins had been so ill, and no one had dared go to the small clearing in the woods where the witch lived...
Castiel was sweating by the time he reached the witch’s hut, even though it was snowing. But he had never been near the witch’s place since he had arrived two years ago.
Every village had a witch. It was just a fact of life. And everyone knew that if one passed on, there would be another to take their place soon enough. So it had been with Dean Winchester.
Of course rumours had started flying around almost immediately, how he had a pact with the Darkness; how his best and only friend was a demon; how he flew around their village on full moon nights, looking for those who dared leave their houses.
Castiel had never believed the stories, but here alone in the dark it was tempting to turn around. Old Higgings would understand, and if it was his time to –
No. He wouldn’t let him down.
Castiel took a deep breath and walked up to the hut. He knocked.
Almost immediately, the door flew open. “Come in and know me better, man!” a cheerful voice called out.
He hesitantly entered.
At first, he thought the bearded man sitting at the table and sipping on a glass of something that was probably a pretty strong liquor was the witch, but then he grinned and his eyes flashed red.
Castiel took a step back, contemplating running away, but he only managed to walk into a broad, warm chest. “Don’t worry about Crowley” a warm voice said, “I summoned him accidentally a few years back and since then he shows up when he wants to, but he never does any harm.”
“That you know of” the demon pointed out.
“good enough for me.”
And then Castiel made the mistake of looking right into the witch’s face, even though he’d been warned all his life not to do so.
And it was the most handsome face he had ever beheld.
Green eyes sparkled as the young man asked, “What can I do for you?”
“It’s old Higgins – he’s very ill and –“
His face fell. “Jeremiah and his lungs again, hm? Let me just quickly mix a few herbs together...”
Castiel wasn’t sure if he was more shocked that the witch knew immediately what was wrong with old Higgins, proving that he’d been to see him before, or at the use of his first name. He hadn’t even known what he was called.
“You’re way too nice to them” Crowley drawled. “if I was in your place –“
“But you are not, your Highness, so let me do my job.”
Crowley just shrugged, and Castiel couldn’t help but stare at him. Weren’t demons supposed to tempt them who summoned them (albeit accidentally) until they gave in?
“He likes to play at being evil, but the second I’d give in, he’d get another assignment, and that’s the last thing he wants. Here, he gets to drink the good stuff and hang out with yours truly.”
The witch winked at him and Castiel blushed.
After a few minutes, he was done. “There. That should do the trick. Three drops three times a day.”
“Thank you.”
Dean nodded. “Oh, and –“ he pulled another small herb out of a bunch he’d hung over the fireplace and breathed a spell on it; then he pinned it to Castiel’s lapel. “You won’t feel the cold now.”
“Thank you” he managed to say as Dean grinned at him.
“If you ever see an owl, and it looks like it’s waiting for news, that’s one of my messengers. Just put a little note on its leg to let me know how Jeremiah’s doing.”
Castiel had no idea what an owl waiting for news looked like, but he still nodded.
He doubted that he would have felt anything, with or without the herb; his heart beat wildly all the way back home.
Old Higgins soon grew well again, and true to Dean’s words, two weeks after his visit to the witch, Castiel went into his bedroom to find an owl waiting on his windowsill.
Waiting for news.
It waited patiently as Castiel wrote the note, even held its leg out so he could attach it, then hooted and flew away.
He didn’t expect an answer, but the owl still returned. The answering note was short.
Thanks, Cas. Glad to hear it. Dean.
No one had ever called him Cas before.
Ever since then, the witch hadn’t left his thoughts. They hadn’t spoken again, but he’d seen him in the forest now and then, gathering herbs; and he was even sure that he had seen Crowley a d times out of the corner of his eye.
It wasn’t long before Castiel realized he must have bewitched him. Why else would he dream of green eyes and gentle hands fixing a herb onto his suit?
Thankfully, he knew what to do.
Walpurgis Night. The night of the Witches.
And the night on which no witch may deny a request, according to legend. Not that anyone had yet found out if it was true; people stayed indoors on that night for a good reason.
But Castiel had no choice. He couldn’t allow himself to dream his life away thinking of a witch.
And so he snuck out on Walpurgis Night.
Only to be immediately hailed by old Higgins. “Castiel! While you’re at it, could you give Dean this? I know rosemary’s difficult to find in these parts.”
He pocketed the herb, wondering when they had become such good friends; he hadn’t taken more than a few steps away from Higgins’ house before Ellen called to him, “Bring that boy this pie from me, will you? He loves pecan.”
At the end, he was carrying presents from almost every villager into the forest, wondering if they all knew they were friends with the witch, or if they kept it a secret.
Walpurgis Night meant that Dean would be aside, completing old rituals that were supposed to honour magic and nature and their connection, and so he didn’t go to the witch’s hunt and instead walked up to the small hill near the village.
Suddenly, something moved behind him and he reeled around.
Crowley smirked. “When you’re that easily scared... Dean picked a fine one.”
So he had been hexed. He swallowed.
Crowley shook his head. “You humans are so gullible, do you really think... you know what, it’s not my problem. You talk this over between yourself.”
He vanished and reappeared right in front of Castiel, his eyes red,. “Just know that if you break his heart... I’ll be the one to tear yours out.”
“I thought he’d be easier to tempt once his heart was broken” Castiel replied, even though he had no idea how he found the courage.
Crowley threw his head back and laughed. “You should really listen to him more closely. What is there for me in Hell but fire and eternal damnation? This is fun.”
He vanished for good. Castiel continued on his journey.
Dean was indeed on the hill, making sparks fly into the air from a fire he’d lit while chanting in a language he didn’t recognize. He had no idea how to proceed. Was there a protocol for interacting with witches on Walpurgis Night?
“Hey Castiel!” Dean called out, waving; and he had no choice but to approach him, the gifts from the villagers in his hands.
“Are those for me?” Dean beamed. “Awesome! Oh, Ellen backed a pie, and Jeremiah got me rosemary, and Bobby –“
“Dean” he interrupted him, baffled, “Are you friends with all of them?”
“Of course. They don’t know about each other, of course; all those stupid stories about not coming near witches if you want to keep your heart bla bla bla. Well, except for Jeremiah, he tells everyone, but he’s old enough that most of you don’t pay attention to what he’s saying anyway.”
“I – I –“ Castile stuttered before swallowing.
“I have come to ask – there is – I want to –“
“You have a request?” Dean’s grin turned almost wolfish. “Let’s see if I can fulfil iut.”
So he didn’t have to? Castiel pressed on. “I want you to dissolve the love spell you’ve put on me.”
“What the – why would you think I would hex you?” Dean took a few steps back, clearly hurt; and he realized it actually made him feel bad.
“I –“
“It’s always the same” Dean said bitterly. “Just because I am a witch I don’t get trusted. No, I have to earn it time and time again, no matter where I go. You saw me make the medicine for Jeremiah and it worked! What about that screams “evil witch who puts spell on people because he can”?”
“I – I didn’t think –“
“No” he interrupted him. “most never do. Funny thing is, UI thought I had found a good place here. I thought over time I might even be able to move into the village – just live my life. But no – even the cutest of them all doesn’t think I’m – what are those, then? Are they scared? Do they think presents will placate me?”
“Dean, please” he said helplessly. “I – I shouldn’t have judged you. But I have never wanted someone like this before, and I didn’t realize –“
He stopped abruptly when he realized what he was saying.
Dean studied him, then smiled again. “You said love spell.”
“Well, I –“
Dean stepped up to him. “So you haven’t been able to get me off your mind either?”
He nodded.
“In that case, maybe I could forgive you” Dean declared, “but that will come at a price?”
“What price?” he breathed.
“A kiss?”
He could only nod.
Dean eventually moved into the village – into Cas’ house. Occasionally, strangers would wonder why the other allowed a witch to live among them (not to mention how they managed to look at him every single day) but Dean simply laughed in their faces.
Cas learned how to distinguish the herbs and plants for Dean’s potions; he learned how to talk to animals so they now and then do you small favours; he learned that a demon could be a pest if he wanted to, but also a surprisingly good friend.
He learned what it felt like to be happy.
Dean, meanwhile, learned what it was like, being part of a community after having lived in its shadows for so long.
They both learned what it felt like waking up next to the love of one’s life.
A while after they moved in, a few words appeared over their door. They highly suspected Crowley of burning them into the wood, although he naturally denied it.
The words where there for all too read for years to come.
You must not look at witches, for they will take your heart and keep it well.
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