#but thats personal headcanon territory lmao
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ofpearlesce · 10 months ago
people need to stop saying the gavins are descended from (s)holmes. you look me in the eyes and tell me that man would have ANY biological children
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year ago
Opinion on Reinhard's dad possibly seeing "the son he never had" on Garfiel? It could totally take that route tbh
It would be a fun dynamic imo
oh anon as a heinkel fan (hes soo terrible but so fascinating and i WANT to see him get better and grow as a person. but also you may have known that since you are asking me this hah) and someone who is quite fond of garf i lovedddd the recent heinkel-garfiel chapters... and LMAO this idea of like. heinkel being a bit soft on garfiel bc yay!! new son replacement!!! is SO FUNNY ive thought about it a little bit. and IT WOULD BE FUN and i think heinkels arc is super interesting bc he kinda hit his rock bottom in like about arc 7-early arc 8 where its like. its post arc 5 astrea drama so shit just got even more bleak for heinkel, hes stuck in dangerous territory and he doesnt believe in himself At All and hes too depressed to really try all that much at anything.
but then GARFIEL comes along and saves heinkel a couple times and garfiel gets hit down but keeps getting right tf up - and that goes against like literally everything heinkel thinks. he doesnt try to be better bc he doesnt think he can ever accomplish it no matter how hard he tries, but garfiel is someone who just WONT stop trying.
and we also see that heinkel learning more about rowan and cecilus and the whole deal with the segmunts has made heinkel go "oh. okay haha maybe im not as far gone as i thought" bc heinkel gets shown another example of a dysfunctional family with an extremely op son and a deadbeat alcoholic dad and theyre a mirror of reinhard and heinkel. except rowan and cecilus are like if reinhard and heinkel werent so miserable about their shit relationship, bc as shitty as heinkels behavior is deep down he still CARES. he cares a lot about his family. he misses reinhard - why else would he need schult to be a replacement? he's still mourning that loss, if you think about it. but rowan is just so batshit that heinkel immediately goes backtracking like "OKAY IM. IM NOT THAT BAD. MAYBE THERES A TINY LITTLE SPECK OF HOPE FOR ME AFTER ALL."
and garfiel is helping to be a catalyst as well bc of his own determination to always keep growing and keep fighting no matter what gets in his way. hes a spunky little kid whos powerful but when faced with opponents stronger than him Refuses To Give Up. thats inspirational i think for heinkel, especially when its not as if hes a shit fighter, dude is just outshadowed by his family and other people around him. he just has to get up and keep trying, so its interesting that heinkel DOES find the courage to try and protect garfiel while garfiel's trying not to die.
like i do think that its heinkel like having this grudging respect for garfiel after the interactions theyve had, also possibly feeling inspired by garfiel and having that tiny bit of hope in him after meeting rowan and interacting with garfiel, and also trying to repay garfiel. bc heinkel treats himself like dirt and gets treated like dirt a lot - im sure his thought process might be "this kid took the time to keep saving me even though im literally worthless and now hes in danger, this is the least i can do". i would be interested if it went the route of like. heinkel having that fatherly instinct rekindled - i think itd be interesting for garfiel as well bc. he IS lacking a father figure, but for heinkel, i think that its clear with how he acts with schult that heinkel does kind of miss having a son and having that sort of love in his life.
we know he DID use to be a good dad, and tbh i always kind of headcanoned that heinkel probably isnt that mean with most kids unless its someone like. you know. subaru. or julius. or reinhard of course. like heinkels not that much of an ass when his life is on the line or when there isnt super personal stakes involved (ie astrea stuff). hes a character that carries a lot of guilt and shame and self-hatred, someone who's spiraled into being the worst version of himself when he used to be bright-eyed and hardworking and full of love despite the weight on his shoulders - i think he would see a very kind and determined and spirited kid like garfiel (and might be reminded of the kid he Used to love) and hope that garfiel doesnt end up like him (ie lost, burnt out, and depressed). we see this sort of behavior a bit with schult too, bc heinkel tries to give schult advice and tries to look after schult a bit in general!! and garfiel's like a better version of heinkel you know? garfiel's a bit abrasive with a quick temper and all but hes extremely well intentioned in just about everything he does. and i think heinkel might have a fondness for all of garfiel's antics at this point T^T
but yes ty for the ask anon !! :o im very interested to see where heinkel and garfiel go from here, bc it looks like heinkel's started some baby steps in his growth!!
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1943d · 3 months ago
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independent, selective & low-activity writing blog for JAMES BUCHANAN ‘ BUCKY ’ BARNES. primarily from the marvel cinematic universe with a huge canon divergence post avenger's endgame. mostly headcanon based focusing on themes as : war ptsd, forced patriotism, rejection of society, ticking time-bomb. explored by rosie, twenty7, australian.
001. i'm keeping this blog relatively lowkey, i'm not adhering to a schedule or anything so there might be days where i disappear and days where i'm online 24/7. it really depends on my mood, i'm here primarily to have fun.
002. i haven't really been keeping up with the new mcu content, i think the last show i watched all the way through was moonknight. but that doesn't mean i won't interact with new characters or anything, just note my knowledge is a little funky. i'll catch up eventually.
003. i've never read any marvel comics so i am not 616 compliant, don't hate me for it lmao i'm more of a manga girly. bucky is a mixture of mcu & my own headcanons & interpretations. i'll absolutely still write and interact with 616 blogs but please note bucky will not be comic bucky.
003. standard rules apply here, minors and personal blogs will be blocked on sight. i'm not a stickler for aesthetics but i like it when a blog is somewhat organised and i can understand what i'm reading. i am here to write not grade an essay.
004. i'm going heavy into triggering territory here, bucky's ptsd and trauma are heavily implied but not deeply explored cause, ya know, disney, so i'm taking the time to really flesh out his character and a large part of that is everything that happened to him. so please be aware there will be some heavy topics discussed but i will tag everything accordingly.
005. i'm not pro-callout culture unless the person is genuinely harmful. i will automatically block anyone who engages in petty drama no matter who. anon hate will be framed and put on my wall.
006. shipping is not a priority but if it happens organically with proper chemistry & plotting i'm open to it. i'm one of those rare people who doesn't actively ship st.ucky, but i'm not against exploring it with the right steve. i don't want to be collected for ships so if you already have a ship with another bucky then sorry i'm monogamous babyyyyyyy. also i extend the same courtesy and will only ship with one version of a charcter.
007. as a former sex worker, i have no problem writing smut. but i will only write it with people over the age of 25.
008. thats it for now, these are just basic rules until i get up the energy to actually make a carrd or something.
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growling · 11 months ago
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@alfiely-art :333333 idk how well this'll be articulated but heres the kiibo moments/traits that made me think "the woke agenda is turning computers into narcissists":
Hardly ever passes up the opportunity to boast about himself and his "amazing" functions and how unique and special he truly is, expects/wants others to admire his abilities, etc. While also being very fragile abt this. He is Exceptional and confident until somebody denies this or doesn't act impressed at all and he gets very upset, and outright offended at Saihara implying he's "normal"
Low empathy, doesn't really "get" most of other's emotions (or sometimes just doesn't care) during the killing game and often says inappropriate things at wrong times due to it
That one Souda + Kiibo interaction in the UTDP where Souda just starts poking and harassing him over being a robot, and Kiibo is offended up until the moment Souda exclaims that he's amazing and compliments his functions, to which Kiibo drops every ounce of anger he had in his body and with with his most emotional, tearing-up-but-like-dryly sprite says quote "o-oh… oh my… th-this is the first time anyone has ever understood just how incredible i am…! if i had the ability to cry… i would be weeping twin waterfalls of joy right now!" (of course Souda screws that up like 0.002 seconds later, though)
The. The Kiibo FTE's finale. you know what I'll just paste it on here first.
kiibo: thank you so much! I'm truly grateful… To think I'd feel such gratitute toward you… What a serendipitous miscalculation. saihara: hardly, kiibo. You were the onr who told me that only I could help you. kiibo: oh, that was a logical decision on my part. Because… It's dangerous to expose your weaknesses to an equal, but not to someone who is beneath you. saihara:… :/ [internally: so thats why he was always talking down to me!] kiibo: but our relationship is different now. I feel that you an I are equals… No, I have decided that we are equals, due to our special relationship. Ah, yes. This probably intuition.
^^^^^continuing from this, re: Kiibo apparently perceiving Saihara as inferior to him up until they get that close enough, and beforehand giving off the vibes of instead viewing him as a source of supply (basically meaning anything that keeps your ego high and boosts it, can be anything like words of affirmation, gifts, touch, compliments, it really varies on the person. not having enough supply can lead to a npd crash, kinda like a breakdown) -- after all Saihara really did (aside from uh Iruma) compliment and affirm him the most out of the cast ("you really are the ultimate robot" / "you should think of yourself as merely 'ordinary'") -- before starting to see him as an outright equal. which btw is in my opinion the highest honor a narcissist can bestow that I'm unsure if Saihara is deserving of but. anyway.
smaller detail than the former two, but that one moment before his FTE's when he's upset over his lab being sci-fi themed, and upon noticing Saihara "seeming rather unperturbed by this" he took, like, GREAT offense to this. Don't u care about me Saihara can't you see how much I'm suffering right now and you jsut idly stand aside and watch .
In the FTE's got real preoccupied with his expectations/fantasies of his ideal perfect Miscallenous Robot Business Plan that's definitely gonna happen easily and give him tons of Recognition and Affirmation He's Not ""Ordinary"" <- happens to the best of us sighing emoji thats like in the diagnostic criteria lmao. He does everything in his power to be "more than just an ordinary robot" like going as far as to literally wanting to rewrite his backstory to be more tragic cause its not Interesting enough apparently.
this might go into headcanon territory (i don't remember most his v3 scenes very clearly) but he gives off the vibes of feeling like he's more intelligent or just better than everybody else in the killing game which might not even be a stretch to declare true i mean have you seen half of these assholes
suffered more than jesus christ on the cross
It's so heartwarming how professor Iidabashi in a truly commendable show of his support for neurodivergent people and destigmatization of mental disorders chose to intentionally program npd traits in his robot son
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ayyyez · 2 years ago
I'm so glad that you're back! I genuinely missed your headcanons (especially Neji ones since I simp for him as much as You). What about naruto boys reacting to reader being lithosexual +/or sex-repulsed? I can imagine Jiraya being flabbergasted lmaoo
a/n: aww thank you I really appreciate that! I'm glad to be back. Haha yes gotta love our mans Neji he's just the sweetest, awkward (beautiful) bean. Now I actually hadn't known about lithosexuality before this so it was really interesting to look into (especially as someone who also identifies on the ace spectrum - demi) so I hope I did this justice! I did do both. But yeah someone like Jiraya would probably be flabbergasted first hearing about it but then again once he's older he's probably the one who has heard it all lmao
I picked a couple random characters I was feeling I hope thats okay!
I'm going to chuck a definition on here for those who may also want to know more information but also keep in mind like with everything it's different for everyone who idenitifies and deeper than this mere definition:
Lithosexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum. Someone who is lithosexual may experience sexual attraction but does not want it reciprocated. The lithosexual person may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being sexually attracted to them, or they may lose their sexual feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. As such, lithosexuals do not feel compelled to seek out a sexual relationship. Like with any sexual orientation, lithosexuals can have any romantic orientation.
Tags: discussing sexuality, lithosexuality, demisexuality, sex repulsion, pansexuality
Characters: Neji Hyuga, Madara Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha
Neji Hyuga
Neji honestly doesn't know much about different sexualities and identities when he is younger thanks to the conservative environment he grew up in. He doesn't even know what he identifies as until later when his world view gets opened up tbh.
That is exactly what happens the day you sit down and explain to him your sexuality. It's very blunt and to the point. It ends with something along the lines of 'So yeah, that's me.'
Yeah that's you. As if you didn't just blow his entire world view. 'Oh.' He says as if he doesn't want to ask But how did you figure all that out by yourself?
If he did ask that you could have bonked him on the head and told him of course you didn't. You figure it out through other people. By reading, talking, etc. But he didn't he just sits there stunned looking out at the trees while you try not to laugh at his lopsidded expression.
But its through this stunned encounter and many more conversations that Neji learns he is demisexual. Huh so there was a word for what he was after all? He feels? Satisfied? No. He feels a little more certain. Of himself and the world. A lightness in his step.
If you told him you are sex repulsed Neji is the type to be the most understanding and respectful. (You also have to tell him exactly what it means though because he's a little confused at first but he's got the spirit) Finds out your boundaries the second it comes up. Never strays from them.
Madara Uchiha
A who what when where how? Confusion. However, he's an attentive listener when it comes to all things serious. Especially if you're someone important to him. Doesn't mean he's not all smirky and making jokes to ease to tension. They're not in poor taste but he's so awkward lmao.
He makes talking about it fun nonetheless. But he also feels bad for all the times he flirted with you because he flirts with everyone (he's a natural flirt) and now he feels like he needs to apologise bc he's that guy. You can take it or tell him to stop trying to be a gentlemen it's not for him lmao.
I can see the conversation just casually going into the lighthearted territory after this. The two of you just talking about sexualities in general. Madara casually being like oh pan? Yep that one. Mine. Okay congratualitions sir. Label yourself to your hearts content.
Real talk though this bastards a little smug just by the fact that you trusted him enough to tell him. He feels important. Special.
Tell him that you're sex repulsed and he's also confused. Like he can put the words together and he THINKS he knows what it means but you really should make sure because his mind can just take off sometimes. So yeah he's sitting there like the pikachu meme politely while you explain it to him. And once your done it clicks and MADARA IS BACK he's cool and understanding.
He's definitely on the opposite end of the spectrum with that sort of thing which is fun because he gets to learn! He didn't know it was a thing until now. He's very big on respect so he'll respect you for telling him honestly. Won't cross any boundaries. Make jokes about him though being a gremlin he deserves it lmao.
Shisui Uchiha
I feel like he's going to be the kind of guy who knows a little about this sort of thing? Like you think he's going to be surprised with that carefree front he puts up but he always just knows everything about everything. Damn anbu man.
'Oh yeah that's kind of like when you don't want someone reciprocating sexual attraction right?' He just drops on you in reply. and all you have to say back is 'Yeah kind of.' To which you go on to explain exactly how it is for you.
And he listens. LIKE ACTIVELY LISTENS. Eyes watching. Head nodding. Absorbing everything like its a damn assignment. Such a sweet guy. The best friend like ugh. The best. Asks questions too when he doesn't understand.
'Does that mean you don't ever want to date either?' and then 'Oh wait is that to invasive? Sorry I got to curious don't feel like you have to answer.' Like super curious but also considerate. He's just super interested in finding out more about but also learning about you since you're in his life.
Since the discussion was so deep and serious he'll end it with. 'Well that was great lets go grab some dango.' As if it were just any other day. It's the pure acceptance and sweetness for me.
As for sex repulsion he'd probably also know what it is but want you to clarify what it is for you (if it was something you were wanting to discuss since you brought it up) He wouldn't say to much other than 'Aw thanks for telling me.' But would ask questions again if they were prompted.
And of course if it was a seperate conversation yaknow this man is taking you for food again. He was taught that deep conversations should end with good food.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years ago
aoba johsai’s sport’s journalist (h/c’s)
just crack+ fluff + platonic-ish relationship (gn!y/n) (w: language!) a/n: this has been bugging me for awhile now since i havent seen headcanons of this yet (if their are do send them on my ask box) and since im on a slump, i decided to write this down. this is completely fun, easy-going, and self-indulgent, really perfect for someone stuck on a slump ksks. idk if i should make some for the other schools but oh welp enjoy! happy 900 btw werkwerk uwu so weird to reach this when im not even very active.
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Now let’s be honest here, it’s no surprise that the volleyball team of aoba johsai has their own sports journalist. Like, c’mon, they’re one of the best in the prefecture.
But let’s start with the basics here, shall we? Let’s start with you, how this all goes through, and how you got into this heaping pile of mess.
Yep, you.
There you were in high hopes to get into journalism for college so what better way was it than to apply for the school paper? It would definitely look good and pretty in those college applications *chef’s kiss* you’re a second year btw idk if that matters but yeah..
Much to your surprise no one was applying for the news section which was kind of sad since you wanted a buddy there.
but-but it turns out though everyone was applying for the sports section completely understandable, next to feature, it was the most exciting thing to write because there was going to be a special section and writer for the volleyball team.
You knew that volleyball was kind of a big thing around your school?? you just didn’t expect it to amass like that much people.
The editor in chief is obviously surprised, you were the first person on that day to come in there and actually apply for something else.
and guess where that led you to?
Yep, the sport’s section, specifically the volleyball team’s personal sports journalist. Your brain goes brrt brrt because you were not a sports writer at all and you were, ironically, scared of ball games.
Your editor in chief laughs it off and says, “you’ll do fine… its like news bUT SPORTS! IT’LL DEFINITELY LOOK GOOD IN YOUR APPLICATIONS!”
You’re not sure if you should be terrified or terrified?
It doesn’t help that on the first day when you enter the gym you look terribly constipated and panicking a lot because of all the stray balls being spiked and tossed around.
It also didn’t help that you crash course the terminologies and the member’s name a night before and you were just running on iced coffee that day.
Yeah, way to make a first impression, huh?
When you approach the coach, you’re not exactly sure what to say and you were this close to chickening out until you saw one of the players come up to you and ask if you were alright and if you wanted to talk to oikawa.
you’re loading for a second there.
and the poor guy who asks you if you were alright, starts looking actually worried because you weren’t responding at all.
the guy literally looks very confused?? because what kind of rock were you living under that you didn’t know Oikawa???
so you go ahead and introduce yourself and say that your name was Y/N and you were the new sports journalist for the team.
“....soooo you write?”
at this point on, you’re also confused too
and idk man, first impressions do indeed last because you ended up (unknowingly) sharing the same brain cell with Matsukawa Issei.
you both were just confused there, straight up looking like two kids who got left behind by their mom in the grocery check-out line.
He tells you the team’s pretty chill and you should stop looking like they spiked a ball on your puppy or something.
Basically introduces you to the whole team after, 
no questions asked, just go with the flow.
You basically just click and vibe???
Not only because you crash coursed and related to whatever they said, 
you literally all shared the same brain cell together.
Kentaro was another story though, kid basically hated your guts at first, it felt like if you were to say one sentence to him that day, he’d literally spike a ball at your direction.
“we’re basically the same year tho :(” -Y/N
“lmao well do i’ve got news for you, y/n-chan.” - Oikawa and basically everyone on the team.
you gradually start to understand the coolness of the sport since you had to incorporate visiting them once or twice a week during practice.
but suddenly it becomes almost a daily routine after a month because they’re just really friendly people??
like wow, they’re all friendly giants.
You’re literally just there to write about them but they’re really patient and kind, they even invite you to practice games so that you could practice out your skills in writing since you mentioned that you’ve never written for sports yet.
they even give you some added key terms that aren’t found in books and online.
you’re def closest to iwaizumi and matsukawa.
iwaizumi because he makes really funny fish jokes about oikawa (yes you arent supposed to be laughing but man theyre funny af, oikawa would usually call you and iwa corny because the jokes aren’t even that funny) and yes its canon that whenever iwaizumi sees an oikawa fish in textbooks, he starts laughing and joking about it.
no explanation needed why you ended up being close to matsukawa.
its obvious after that first meeting ya both would be besties.
same brain cell bros go brrt brrt.
incredibly!! supportive!! I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH
like when you release a new write up about them, Oikawa would usually go, “It’s such an honor to be apart of your first steps, can you sign this?”
dramatic but hella supportive, we stan the gr8 king
“oh, wow, i thought you said you didn’t write before? how come you sound like a professional already?” - Hanamaki 
another dramatic best boi.
akira + kindaichi getting shy because they’ve never experienced this yet. So whenever you try to interview them about stats or something for a special issue, they usually end up a stuttering mess
“w-well, L/N-san...”
kentaro slowly warming up to you but still looks like he wants to spike a volleyball at your face 90% of the time but unlike before you’re used to his whole thing already.
“Move, extra.”
“You were great, by the way. That was a powerful spike!”
you may or may not be included in random ramen nights with the team
yes, oikawa buys you your own bowl of ramen
he doesn’t mind tho, he really loves how you write them. 
so its sort of a thank you for giving the team justice when you write about them.
team says you’re technically part of the team so they make you your own jersey. Now when you watch your games people ask if you’re like the manager or smthng.
“ no :’) “
When they lost against shiratorizawa and karasuno, you were bawling too like you were apart of the team.
this pretty much cheered everyone up despite the loss because your crying face was apparently very funny and memable.
oh right, your article was passed on to the town’s newspaper
it was literally like 7 am on a saturday and your notifs went zoop.
they added you to their group chat and spammed you with pictures of the articles that you wrote.
“we didn’t even win the tournament but we still get a feature?? thats so cool?? holy shit?? CONGRATS KSKSKS” -matsukawa
lmao idk matsukawa looks like a keyboard smasher tbh idk why
pretty much its normal for you to even start hanging out already outside of the court and after practice to get steam buns.
more chaotic mess and clumsy you running around.
your volleyball sports writing experience wouldn’t be complete until someone accidentally spikes a ball at the back of your head amaright?
ironically, it’s yahaba who does that to you. poor smoll bean.
“wow, you’re dumb.” -kentaro says to you
“ :’)” -you.
overall, you found yourself in a safe haven with the volleyball team and yes, you also cried when the third years graduated. 
the third years have a picture with everyone on the team + you with a very red face from all the crying?? once again, you’ve proven yourself to be a meme.
continued to write for them up until graduation.
and its def obvious you kept in touch with all of them after, duh.
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bluepriestess · 3 years ago
All the nsfw letters that you haven't done for BOTH Summer and Elysio 😈 😈 😈 😈
Nsfw under the cut! +18 only pls!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Summer is verrry snuggly (when isn't she lmao) afterwards, but usually will try to prompt her lover to go bathe with her then get back into bed to resume the snugglez 🥰
Once the afterglow has dimmed, he goes back to his awkward and shy self. He will get up to either bathe or just freshen up, but usually returns to sleep or enjoy the silence with his lover.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Summer loooves arms/hands in regards to her lovers. Especially if they have muscles to show off. Her fav part of herself I guess is her mouth? lol. Shes good at running it as well as other things 😈
Elysio loves the area below the belly button, like wear a guys V line is? I guess that's like pelvic/pubic area? lol. He loves to nip at it and stuff when hes getting her partner going lol. As well for himself, his fav part is his hands.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Summer is so LOUD. She usually doesn't realize she's being loud until she is told she is afterwards but her partner lol.
On the flip side, Elysio is soooo quiet when he finishes. And I mean this in the most nicest way, he sounds like an absolute whore when he does. I think he has a lot of pent up stuff to let out but he controls it lol. And it's usually a lot of cum too lol. 😌
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Elysio's answer can be found here!
This kind of crosses into the kink territory but Summer hasn't told anyone so I guess it can be considered a secret lol, but Summer likes being yelled at or reprimanded as it gets her motor going lol
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Summer has had 3.5 partners lol She has slept with Amata, Butch, and a random man while on her route to NV. And the .5 is that she made out with and got handsy with Sunny Smiles lol so I would say she is decently experienced.
Elysio has had 2 partners, both from the Enclave. Both were mostly physical relationships. So hes experienced in sex but not the romantic parts of a relationship.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Answered for Summer here!
Elysio likes anything thats super intimate honestly. But he's also super strong so he can pick the person up and fuck them against a wall too. Whatever works LMAO
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Answered for Elysio here!
Summer is very giggly and goofy! She keeps the mood light and fun (unless it's some SERIOUS love making lol)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Answered for Summer here!
Elysio has good hygiene and keeps everything trimmed. He isn't a very hairy guy to begin with but hes not completly bald like Summer is.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Summer is very romantic and looks at her lover like they're the only one in the world. Even if it's a one night stand, she is very focused on who she is with.
Elysio is very awkward but certainly tries to be mentally present and not just in his own head about it. He is not very talented in the romantic department but he sure tries lol.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Summer doesn't really do it that much, but when she does, she likes to make sure she's by herself. The only time she likes being watched is if it's her partner.
Elysio does it semi regularly, mostly as a way to blow off steam.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Answered for Summer here!
He loooves having his hair pulled and back scratched. And he likes to leave love bites on his partner. He is also a big fan of the Hunter/Prey dynamic.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Summer prefers a bed but if she has to get her rocks off in a tent in the middle of the Mojave she'll do it lol
Elysio prefers a bed as well but his strength allows him to pick up his partners so against a wall is also fine lol.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Summer loooves an antagonistic person. She likes a challenge. That's why her and Butch's relationship very quickly took a sexual turn once he was out of the vault. He pisses her off so much that she needed to shut him up some how lol.
Elysio is very similar in that aspect.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Both are not into forcing people into sexual stuff.
Summer also isn't into butt stuff on herself but is willing to do it on her partner.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Summer has MAD head game skills lol. She prefers to give as she can watch her partner come undone by her doing.
Elysio likes both equally, and hes okay at it lol nothing to write home about.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Summer likes a nice medium rhythm that changes upon need (slowing down or speeding up depending on her partners wants)
Elysio is def a slow and sensual kind of guy unless he is very worked up then is hard and rough city. Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Both prefer proper sex but will do a quickie if they want.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Summer is down for almost anything, she thinks it strengthens the relationship.
Elysio is okay with experimenting but he gets worried about making a fool of himself.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Both have pretty good stamina. Capping out at 2-3 rounds per day?
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Elysio has no toys, Summer has a vibrator/dildo thing.
Elysio doesn't like to use them with a partner but Summer is down for it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Summer loooves to tease. She likes to get them worked up so they absolutely make her pay for it.
Elysio doesn't tease too much and doesn't really like to be teased lol. hes a baby lol
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Summer is super loud whereas Elysio is quiet, besides his slutty moans lol.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Summer would totally be in a threesome but she would have to be the extra.
Despite not liking his power armor, he would totally be down to fuck someone while he wears it lol.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Summer is a 36DD and her nipples are pierced.
Elysio is like... ~7 inches long and average girth lmao
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Answered for Elysio here!
Summer has a somewhat high sex drive, especially when she has her eyes on someone.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After she has bathed, Summer is out like a light. Especially if her and her partner are snuggling.
Elysio must brood for approx. 17 minutes after he finishes/bathes before he is allowed to rest 🤨
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lovi-chan · 6 years ago
Also, did you know Cameroon's lion has an art degree- theres this HC where the nations can share their immortality- thats why their pets tend to live for so long and pick up human abilities like speaking and drawing. Let's go with some ladies- Belarus!!!
Ooooh yes Belarus!
Sexuality Headcanon: She hella bi
Gender Headcanon: Cis female
A ship I have with said character: Recently stumbled upon BelaHun and I am now a big fannn omg
A BROTP I have with said character: I guess RusBel but I used to kinda ship it. Now it’s gone more in the platonic territory.
A NOTP I have with said character: Not a big BelAme/AmeBel fan
A random headcanon: Ok this headcanon is lowkey silly but I like it! I bet she’s a social media influencer but not those toxic ones. She just hates on people who say shit about her siblings on twitter lol
General Opinion over said character: I used to think she was way too fuckin scary but now, I appreciate her personality lmao
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justsomenarutobs · 7 years ago
YAAAS you're accepting requests! How about some NSFW HC on Madara? What is he like in bed? His size? Kinks? Sounds? Say&hear? What does he like to do to his woman? What does he want his woman to do to him? What's his orgasm like? ;) bring on the sexy stuff!
Nsfw Headcanons: Madara Edition (With Female Pronouns)
My love this came out pretty long I kinda lost control lmao I love all requests equally but this one is super bomb I hope I did it justice!! It’s gonna be under the line because oooo boy did this get filthy also I did every question in order of how you asked except the say&hear that’s at the very end! thanks for requesting-N💛
(P.S I normally do my requests on mobile but I did them on the computer to add cut to these headcanons now the say&hear are a bit wonky and I can’t fix them sorry!) Masterlist
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🏮  Madara handles sex just like he does all his assignments/missions with extremely attention to detail, 100% passion and a touch of aggression. Madara is a stern leader all the time which can wear him out that’s why when he’s with his S/O it’s almost like he does a 180 he’s gently with the perfect touch of firmness that makes women weak in the knees (and panties soaking wet)
🏮  Madara is above average at a solid 6.5 inches, he’s has a pretty good thickness that will definitely cause a nice stretching sensation, He is circumcised with a medium sized tip and along his shaft there are 2 prominent veins that bulge especially when he’s close to cumming. As for pubic hair he’s very well kept keeping it to a minimum not only for his S/O but for his own personal hygiene. *bonus he’s a grower not a shower*
🏮  Our man Madara is not the kinkiest person alive but he likes what he likes such as: Anal because the tightness is outrageous every time although he likes it even more since it’s forbidden grounds usually, Tying his partner up/having them handcuffed anything that makes them defenseless the thought of being able to doing whatever he wants to them makes him rock hard, Overstimulation since he refuses to cum before his lover does it’s a pride type of thing, Creampies not only for the sensation but because it’s like marking his territory, Being called Sir/Master (just not daddy although he could be talked into it) again this is for the dominance we all know Madara like to be in control, Spanking because yes he’s an ass man and finally light choking nothing sinister about this he mostly likes it because it shows how much trust/love his partner has in him for allowing him to wrap his hand around such a delicate part
🏮  Madara is such a dick sometimes because he knows how much his lover loves his moans but will literally bite down on his tongue until it bleeds to stop anything other than a grunt from escaping his lips. He prefers to hear his lovers screams/moans however if they can catch him off guard such as deepthroating him out of the blue then they’ll be rewarded with a irresistible moan
🏮  Like it says above Madara has too much pride to cum before his lover therefore he begins with oral instead of instantly blowing her back out, He’s down between her legs licking, sucking and teasing her clit between his teeth gently grazing it. He loves to lap at her juices and always has such a dazed look in his eyes when he comes up for air. Btw when I say he comes up for air I mean he comes up for kisses and to get a better listen to all their moans as he fingers them to yet another orgasm. Needless to say Madara is a passionate and relentless lover so he expects the same treatment to be given to him. He LOVES blowjobs especially when his lover licks over his slit, down his balls following the perineal raphe (Thats the line on a man’s scrotum it’s super sensitive) till they bounce back up and take his entire length down their warm throat. *Bonus points if you fondled his balls or flick his nipples just for that extra sensation!*
🏮  Lastly his orgasm to put it simply HE.CUMS.HARD.ASF it’s like a volcano is erupting with the amount and warmth of it all. Madara squeezes his eyes super hard to the point where there’s spots in his vision after he opens them back up and his teeth are clenched yet he looks godly with his long bangs sticking to his face along with the light glistening over his body. Madara’s cum is thick, pearly white with a semi sweet taste if one were to really savory it (but who’s doing that) oh and there’s tons of it
 - Count for me darling                                                                                            - Ah you look so pretty taking all of my dick don’t you?                                     - You can’t cum till you ask princess or there’s gonna be a punishment
- Yes sir! 1…2…3 
- Oh…my…(gasp)…too good…yes don’t stop                                                 - Please! Please can I cum master! Please you filling me up too good! Please!
Okie dokie that was intense but I loved writing this!-N💛
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franeridart · 8 years ago
after watching the new episode i was wondering if it possible for TodoBaku or is there moment that show Bakugou doesn't really mind about Todoroki in the later chapter ? and what's your opinion in TodoBaku ? how do you see their relationship ? Thanx :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh what a good great unexpected question - personally, I don’t ship it romantically one bit, but it is one of my favorite dekusquad/bakusquad relationships - I guess you might consider it something similar to an accidental sort-of-friendship neither of them seem to actually have noticed yet? It’s definitely a unique relationship for either of them, at least… they make it clear more than once that they Do Not Give A Fuck about the other’s personal struggles, I just can’t see them talking and finding sympathy in each other, but that just ends up giving them a kind of blunt and no-bullshit relationship that doesn’t stop them from working together when needed. I don’t know how to properly explain it, honestly, but they’re fun! 
I don’t know how much spoilers you want so I’ll keep this as vague as I can, but they do happen together more than either of them would like, and their relationship is a really amusing one for me - Todoroki actually cracks jokes with Bakugou around, though always with his neutral face and making fun of Bakugou himself when he does, and the way he has of just straight out ignoring Bakugou’s insults and fire-spitting and answering as if they were having a civil conversation is weirdly entertaining tbh
I wouldn’t say that Bakugou “doesn’t mind Todoroki”, but he does end up having way more important things to think about than his one-sided rivalry with him, and once he starts settling things with Deku the narrative mostly moves to push in that direction, which means that every interaction he has with Todoroki is either on neutral grounds or in the middle of forced cooperation, pushing any antagonism they might have to the background, really - also, the more the story goes on the more Bakugou becomes civil with the rest of the class, so there’s that too! Anyway, they’re fun to me, I wish to draw more of them in the future tbh
Anon said:I do laugh at Bakugou’s reaction on the podium bc visually its animated funny. But u r right that the whole thing is fucked. How is that even appropriate to do to him? And it takes until after his fight with deku many arcs later for All Might to say “we maybe sort of neglected this kid’s mental health.” Like wtf. It upsets me sometimes to think just how much All Might just doesn’t even *see* Bakugou. So much is wrong about this, from putting Bakugou on display to forcing the medal on him.
Blessed words all of them - it’s why I’m such a fan of the idea of Bakugou without even noticing switching his role model to Aizawa, actually? Aizawa’s the only adult figure in the whole manga who’s constantly been there for Bakugou, he has his future and mental health and reputation constantly in mind and works his ass off to try and help him along as much as possible, he takes note of everything Bakugou goes through, every switch in mood and worsening in personality and interpersonal relationships, and he’s always incredibly fast in nudging him towards the right path again - and Bakugou noticed. He trusts Aizawa to know him, follows his directions and accepts his advices, believes he’ll have his back without an ounce of doubt, that’s the tutor/student relationship Bakugou deserves 
I understand that All Might has a lot of problems of his own and he’s just learning to be a teacher anyway, but he found it in himself to be there for Deku, while Bakugou has been obviously staring at his back for the whole length of the manga and it took All Might 120 chapters to notice, that’s just plain sad
Anon said:What’s your favorite Bakugou headcannon?
BOI I have a lot! One is mentioned in the ask up there, actually haha but generally you can see most of them in my art? I like the idea of him being an artist a lot, given how both his parents are into it, I like to think he’s a rock-music type of kid, I have weird headcanons about his dorm room all including too fancy-looking designer furniture and one too many hero figures stuffed under his bed - he might have a fire extinguisher or two in there as well. Also, he’s a restless sleeper (more like a fighter sleeper) and never wears socks ever
I like to think most of his clothes are black because it’s the color on which the soot from his explosions is the least noticeable, and that he unironically honest to god thinks skulls are the coolest thing ever and can’t stop himself from buying every piece of clothing with them on it (first time he entered Tokoyami’s room he died what a cool place he never wanted to leave ever again); that he really doesn’t like the sea - or taking long baths/showers - because water washes his sweat away and he feels defenceless and it’s horrible, and that rain makes him useless like it does to Mustang from FMA (haha)
He names everything after fire arms (has an extensive, nearly to the point of being uselessly detailed knowledge of those) be it his special moves or his pets or his toys when he was a kid or every and each of the pokemon he’s ever had in any game he’s ever played - he’s a gamer! Mostly into fighting games, though they frustrate him because now and again he blows the controller up without realizing and he’s forced to stop playing, but he also likes strategy-based rpgs a lot (all his characters are called King Of Explodo-kills. All of them)
He talks in hyperboles most of the times, means a thing but uses a word fifty times stronger than necessary to express it instead, and he’s so not used to positive emotions that the first time he feels them it takes him a while to figure out exactly what it is that he’s feeling - he’s an affectionate friend, though he has weird ass ways of showing it, and this part of him is new to him as well since it’s just coming out now that he’s got the squad (he was nearly sure the kids in middle school were his friends, but what kind of friend leaves you to be saved by Deku when a villain attacks?) (meeting the squad made him realize he’d never actually had friends before, it was a bittersweet feeling)
………..okay enough, you asked for my fave and I just blabbered half an hour. I don’t even know which one’s my fave tbh hahaha
Anon said:as much as I like the anime, seeing the sports festivals always makes me sad because bakugou is still an angry kid, but at that time thats pretty much the only thing people see, while after in the manga, yes hes still angry but hes softer? in a way? idk he grew up so seeing him back at the first point makes me sad (sorry for the rant I have a lot of feelings abt this lmao)
He HAS grown, hasn’t he! I hadn’t realized just how much until I saw him back at the beginning of this season yelling at Todoroki the he should stop thinking about Deku and start worrying about him - it’s? Painful? He’s in a constant fight against the whole world, while now you see him way more with his guard down and just… existing. I’m so proud of him and all the good great amazing relationships he’s built ;u;
Anon said:What episode 12 needs is the bakusquad getting angry at how Bakugou was treated because you can’t convince me they were okay with that.
Hmmmmmmmmmm boy I would love that, but all things considered at that point, given how Kaminari and Mina and Sero reacted to Bakugou’s fight with Uraraka, I can kind of safely assume they didn’t think much of it cause they honestly thought Bakugou would flip and destroy the world if not restrained - Kirishima might have found it eccessive, possibly, but in that case too his relationship with Bakugou was just being formed, he didn’t know Bakugou enough to be sure he wouldn’t just lounch himself at Todoroki as soon as he was free
What I can imagine is all four of them some months in the future thinking back on it and going, man, fuck, that really was messed up, what the hell, and for a whole week Bakugou’s highly confused and kinda creeped out by how nice they’re being to him (at some point he starts thinking it’s a quirk) (they stop and go back to normal once they realize he’s honestly trying to figure out a way to unmake it)
Anon said:have you ever thought about…. ojinari (denki and ojirou) beings best buds or just hanging out? and i always liked the idea that baku and kiri get a little jealous whenever denki fawns over ojirou’s soft tail
I have!! It’s also pretty much canon, they’re seen interacting a lot - I don’t know about jealousy tho, mostly because I like to think Baku and Kiri enjoy Ojiro’s friendship a whole damn lot too haha Ojiro’s probably the only one who trains just as much as they do, really, he must be a great gym partner
Anon said:Holy mother of–the medal around Bakugou’s neck is just–I have no words but it’s such a really thoughtful and beautiful way to represent just *waves hands* I can’t explain it but it was really perfect and you’re such a great artist aND BAKU DESERVES BETTER
Holy smokes thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;A;;; I’m so glad you liked it, oh b o i and yessssss at least he deserves a lot more respect than he ever gets from anyone that isn’t his friends ;~;
Anon said:I know the chains and muzzle were probably(?) for comedic effect like “hahaha he’s so angry we had to restrain him” but dang I’m with you that was just wayyy too far. Crossing into inhumane territory there
;-; I’m so glad I’m not the only one that feels like this about that
Anon said:Okay…. but have you considered in the recent chapters….. platonic kirideku….. (please, I need more of their pure friendship)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I have, they’re pretty cute and pure and Kirishima’s a ball of excitement and fighting spirit as usual and Deku is kinda there trying to keep up all wobbly smiles and good intentions (he’s not used to the hype people poor child *pats his head*) which is amusing, I don’t mind their relationship at all! But as of now I still haven’t found anything about it unique and interesting enough to make me want to draw it? They’re cute! But they feel… sorta superficial? Like, Kirishima’s friends with everyone, and Deku’s friends with everyone, so of course they’re gonna be friends with each other too! But that’s about it right now. I dunno, maybe it’ll develop more in the future and I’ll decide I want to draw it, who knows!
Anon said:Have you seen that vine with the drunk guys recording singing backstreet’s back? The guy recording is kiri the guy angrily carrying the other drunk guy is baku and the guy being carried is kami
Oh my god this is the best thing I’ve thought about all day, bless you anon hahaha I can’t stop laughing send h e l p the angry look is just so Baku how did they even get him to carry Kami rip
Anon said:I’m sorry if this is annoying of something (mostly bc it’s not a question really) but I REALLY needed to tell you your art is awesome and you made me giggle like a little girl (especially at your kiribaku stuff), and I spent hours at it. You’re amazing!!
It’s not annoying at all!!!! Oh my god, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Sero giving Bakugo some kind of tape corset is just… omg Fran.
It’s not easy keeping the explosive friend at bay, but someone gotta do it (usually it’s Kirishima) (Sero works well enough when the target of Baku’s yelling is Kiri himself, tho)
Anon said:I just wanted to let you know that bnha has been all over my dash forever but the only reason i’m watching it is you. I found you through your haikyuu art (the bokuku.roteru comic to be specific) and I was sad that you don’t post much hq anymore, so I figured I would watch bnha so that I could enjoy your art to the fullest 😅 I’m only 8 episodes in but i like it so far!
I’m!!!!!! So happy you’re liking it, holy smokes!!!!!!!!! *O* thank you so much for deciding to try it out only for my art, oh myyyyyy ;u;
Anon said:Okay so… This is going to sound honestly terrible but… If Suneater needs to eat something to get his abilities, what would happen if he ate a human with a quirk? Would he be able to use it too?? Gosh. This is so morbid. Sorry for the ask.
DON’T!!!!!!!!!! worry anon this is a home open to every and each speculation as far as quirks go I live for this shit - also I might or might not have thought about this too (I have) and I guess as long as quirks are classified as physical attributes then he would gain the quirk? Mutations, for sure, but stuff like Bakugou’s sweat works too (he can use the venom in the animals he eats so nitroglycerin sweat is fair game) and probably body-shifting like Kirishima would work as well… I’m not sure about stuff like Shinsou’s quirk, but if there’s a gene or an actual mutated part of his body that can make him control people, then probably it’s be okay too
Please Jiki don’t ever eat anyone, tho lol
Anon said:I also am weak for the need vs want. I’ve actually said that to people. Don’t need you, I want you hahaha love you, Fran!!
Anon said:OMG Fran the comic !!! the soft kiribaku !!! and i love that Bakugou can still live without Kirishima but his live will be colourless, just LOVE IT !!!!!!
THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!! I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dankpaladin · 8 years ago
Heyo!! OMG MY OWN TAG! I feel very honored! Well I do have Google with all its extras and Skype(all these to talk to people directly) but ive been debating whether to get tumblr or Twitter. I don't which to get both have their merits and downsides so... Idek any more :// I saw the content you've been posting, IT IS AWESOME! You go tell em! I found ur blog on a Voltron Directory Blog they had u listed and said it's ship free so here I am! ~Z
Part 2 (bc I talk too much): I LOVED THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! It was beautiful (Lance lacked in that department tho but I feel like they’re building him up for S3) I wish they would regard Coran as more of a caring character than a comic relief one (so much potential flashbacks w/Altean past!). The Keith arc tho. My soul cannot take it anymore. Hunk and Keith bonding! (It’s precious)! ~Z
P3(shut youp Z!): I want a direct opinion on how to call Pidge? My siblings, my bestie (i brainwashed them in joining the fandom *cackles*)and I regard her as a she but the fandom say that we are against gender fluid characters and I got scared cause I didn’t mean that!? But Pidge was awesome! (Leads on her bro!!) WHERE IS SHIRO HE BETTER BE ALIVE DREAMWORKS OR THIS GIRL WILL BE MAD! All in all I love Voltron more. Ur opinion? ~Z
Yes! you have your own tag! :-) a good way to file our discussions in one place! and oh ok that makes a lot of sense. my sister doesn’t have social media either but she has a fair idea of what’s going on in fandom thanks to me & bcos of her own lurking as well. and thats totally fine! there’s no need to force yourself to make either! OH lmao I completely forgot abt the directory. the description is sorta inaccurate now since Im not Lnce biased anymore so. though I will still be ship free! Thank u for your support and kind words! 💓
I agree abt Coran. tbh he is the True Space Mom, like I really enjoyed his moments with Lance in S1 like when he consoled him on his homesickness & then when they were both cleaning the cryo-pods. and like.. how he cares about Allura so much!?! ok and also, Im sure you’ve heard this already bc i dont think anybody was impressed lmao but I wasn’t a big fan of how they shoehorned Hunk into a comic relief role either, like the food jokes were just.. poor taste. I don’t think the creators meant to demean him in any way, but with the more serious & weighty tone of the main arc focusing on Keith and his heritage, they needed to have that comic relief to balance it out. Not justifying Hunk’s treatment he rly did deserve better but I can see why they did that. I dont like it though.
Lmao the fandom is SO harsh Im sorry you were made 2 feel that way. I think both she & they pronouns are fair game. though its canon that Pidge identifies as a girl—whether trans or cis is all headcanon territory—thanks to that one scene where she was told to ‘man up’. To add though, I see her as sort of on the spectrum... like a demigirl. i don’t think she feels strongly about gender.. as in.. she doesnt seem to hinge a lot of her identity on it? not saying that gender unimportant to her, but compared to the grand scheme of things: the whereabouts of her brother, being a paladin of voltron etc, I doubt she puts a lot of weight into it. but when she is confronted with it lmao like that little scene in the space mall and how confused she was.. Pidge is still young and like, gender is fluid, like you said. she’s probably trying to get a grip on her own gender identity herself .. and thats very much an ongoing process. I think its really open to interpretation, so either one is all right. I think he/him pronouns would be misgendering though since she did express discomfort*
Pidge was really endearing throughout the season THOUGH! I have a little. bit of criticism. but its not about her, but how her intelligence was framed? it was poor taste how the show needed to make Lance & Hunk look dumb to make Pidge look smart. considering race and all, it’s really REALLY! poor taste having to discredit two brown boys’ intelligence in order to elevate a white person’s? Like i know the creators probably didn’t mean to do that, but thats what happened when they made both Hunk & Lance the comic reliefs! I’m sure there is a way to frame Pidge as her genius self without degrading H&L, like u could have them nodding along & extending upon her ideas. HUNK at the very least who’s supposed to be the engineer of the team should have been 😕. I read somewhere on a twitter that they could both be like translators lmao, and like explain Pidge’s rambles in layman’s terms to Shiro and Keith (who prob know nothing abt engineering and all that, being solely pilots and all) and Allura and whoever else is lost lmao. Like i don’t think making them look dumb was necessary at all 😔
Im super concerned about Shiro as well 😭 Other fans are guessing he’s stuck on that astral plane which makes sense of his really really abrupt disappearance. im really curious abt whether his stay in the astral plane will involve more black lion flashbacks + more fleshing out on the history of Voltron? That would be really interesting.
And no! dont shut up! Ever!! I’m eager to read & discuss as u can see w my own long response lol! This was really enjoyable to reply to!! 
*note: I’m not an expert on gender identity.. like I do relate to Pidge abt this a lot lol so if I said anything offensive/incorrect, please let me know so I can improve upon myself!
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