#but that's GOOD
These two excellent posts (1 by @lurkingshan and 2 by @twig-tea) got me thinking a little about what went down this episode and what looks like it's going to happen next week with the mentors.
There is, as both posts point out, a noticeable difference in how Judy and Jane are treating their trainees (and their crushes). For the past 2 episodes Judy has been crossing lines with Ba-Mhee (and at this point she can't plead ignorance either because she initiated the second kiss) whereas Jane may have had a suspicion about Ryan's crush and been tentatively interested in return but maintained a friendly professional relationship. As a result, they've acted as a good contrast to each other in terms of what's appropriate and what's not.
But now feelings are out in the open and I think Jane is going to mess up a little too.
Because the thing with Jane is that, while he has been an excellent mentor thus far, he does sometimes teeter on the brink of being too harsh (although he hasn't crossed the line yet). We've seen it before and we definitely saw it this episode when he reprimanded Ryan (justified) and ended by asking him why he bothered to come in and make other people "feel bad" (not justified).
The reprimand was a professional reaction, the final line was an emotional one. Because Jane knows at this point that Ryan comes in because he enjoys it, because he wants to learn, and because he wants to work hard. There is no question as to why Ryan is coming in or why he should be coming in and that line was said out of pure frustration and a need to vent and last out. (It should be noted that Jane has thrown this line out a few times and while the first time was definitely a genuine question the more he asked/told Ryan not to bother coming in, the less justified it was as a reaction to the situation at hand).
So while I agree that Jane is going to react to Ryan's confession by pumping the breaks (as he should), I also think he's going to pump them so hard he's going to miss the all important step of actually talking to Ryan about what's going on and why it has to be that way.
Because ep. 8 Ryan seems to think Jane is punishing him or taking advantage of his feelings, because ep. 8 Ryan seems angry at Jane, because ep. 8 Ryan doesn't look like he understands why Jane is treating him the way he is.
And I can't blame Jane, no matter how professional you are that's one hell of an awkward conversation to have, but it is necessary and it looks to me like Jane is either putting it off (not a good idea if you're working in an emotionally demanding job) or hoping he doesn't have to have it.
And that's okay.
Jane is a great mentor and AD but he's also human: he's going to mess up once or twice and that's normal. It's been said time and time again that The Trainee is a show that takes the workplace seriously and I don't think it would be doing the complexity of being in a workplace justice if it didn't also show someone who normally makes the right calls make the wrong ones once in a while.
Putting Jane on a pedestal as an explar doesn't fit the message of the show, putting Jane in a position where he actually does make a mistake and then fixes it when he realises he's messed up, on the other hand? Yeah that fits.
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hexcodesims · 8 months
fundraising for palestine!
if you feel pushed to help palestinians with donations after the ICJ ruling as well as the news that many western nations have paused funding for the UNRWA, i hope i can give you a little incentive.
send me a screenshot of a donation you made to a mutual aid fund or charity for palestine (here's a link to a tumblr post with a variety of different funds/charities), and i'll post a piece of cc for every $20 raised. i'll stack the amounts donated, so if four people donate $5 that'll count as one piece of cc!
if possible, please make sure that your receipt screenshot has a date in it. and if you made a donation earlier this week, feel free to submit anyway! i'll count everything back until 1/21/24.
(also, if you made a $10 donation to esims for gaza you can get a piece of art from the cartoonist cooperative)
thank you if you decide to make a donation!
Total: $62
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trinkets-bog-domain · 5 months
Maybe I just can't make peace with the fact that Celia has a baby because I was low-key projecting on her. And I'm really all for her actually being a single mother without having to justify it or applying moral judgement to it. It's okay and even cool!
But something doesn't add up. How is she at work the whole night. How is she not off her rails from exhaustion. This could have even been an explanation for why she was busy, true! But if she is really (I think it's kind of canon by this point) from tma universe, when exactly did she come here? "A few wild years". Oh my god, she must have been through so much...
I don't know. Celia told Sam that he could see Jack if he is trustworthy enough. + She was worried about him in ep 11. So he is real.
So why do I feel like something is not adding up...
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tamedgod · 2 years
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not colored bc my tablet is broken but here!!!! more finalized, full body ow verse designs!!!!! might still put xiao in the baggy tactical pants i originally drew, he just wanted tall slutty boots 🤦‍♀️ but haru's design is pretty solid! still debating the bionic legs tho...
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macdenlover · 4 months
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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itsscaredycat · 1 month
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so ok yeah fine i watched gravity falls again and read the book of bill
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koobiie · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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its-arson-time · 5 months
this post is meant for mobile users
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maudiemoods · 2 months
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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theres-rue-for-you · 2 months
my brother works on a boat so when he rants about his job I can’t take it seriously because he keeps angrily referring to his boss as “captain”. like sorry ur having 19th century sailor problems my guy
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monsieurenjlolras · 2 months
you've heard of "quiet quitting," now I'd like to introduce you to the next level, The French Work Ethic:
Do exactly what you're paid for and nothing more
Absolutely refuse to be available to contact when you're off the clock
Never prioritize work over your own health, wellbeing, or family because that would be insane, it's just a job.
Have a little glass of wine
Take as long as you feel like for lunch
Deeply understand that work doesn't matter
Make sure your boss knows they're always your second priority ❤️
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qrowscant · 3 months
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its been about 6 months
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razzafrazzle · 2 months
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Just Checking In! (aka Something About Red Triangles)
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jacocoon · 2 months
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I forgive you Joker, U are a good boy
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lambergeier · 4 months
the real danger of spending too much time with friends is you stumble out of ten days of happiness and good food like oh my god THAT was real life. my job means NOTHING
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politijohn · 4 months
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