#but that’s okay bc they’ll actually be good !!
luvkun4 · 2 years
*starts another wip instead of finishing kinktober*
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redstarwriting · 1 year
shit happens
spider squad x platonic!reader
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request?: yes
request: “Okokok, first of all CLASH WAS SOOOO GOOD OMGGI come bearing a request only if u want to. Teen!spider!reader who is Miguel’s favorite because they don’t cause him trouble. But it’s only because they get severely anxious when they break rules (I’m not projecting, you are). So he assigns them to go on a mission with the problem children hoping they’ll rub off on them, but the problem children just corrupt them. I just need more spider children being chaotic together and tired spiderdad MiguelMwah mwah love ur writing )pls only write this if u feel like it)”
requested by: anon​
word count: 2k
genre: platonic
Warnings: language, anxiety, Miguel being unrealistic with his expectations, electrocution, spider squad gettin thrown around
A/N: omg wait no bc same HAHA as someone with diagnosed severe generalized anxiety i get so anxious to break the rules even though my spirit always tells me to lol, i hope you enjoyed this anon! thank you for the request :)
You were the golden child. There were quite a few teens in Spider Society, but you were by far Miguel’s favorite. And that’s all because you did what he said. Now did that mean you never questioned his authority? Of course not, you questioned him all the time. But you were too nervous to go against him. You were too nervous to go against anyone. It’s proven a problem in your job since the police are not your biggest fans, but luckily you befriended a nice police captain who eases your fears every now and again. Your weekly visits with Spider-Therapist have been helping with the problem, too. Which is great for you. But you still did what Miguel said. Mans could be scary.
And that’s how you ended up here. With Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, Miles Morales, and Pavitr Prabhakar. There was an anomaly that needed taken down in Hobie’s world, and Miguel stuck you with the four of them. To say you were nervous was an understatement. “Right, so anyone got a plan?” Hobie asks, in his thick accent. “What? What do you mean, dude, we’re in your world,” Miles says, and Hobie shrugs. “So? Not my villain, dunno ‘ow to stop ‘im.”
“Okay, well we know that he’s an electro variant, so… what can we do with that?” Gwen asks, and Pav sighs. “Be electrocuted,” he says sadly. “Miles can handle that,” Gwen says, and Miles snaps his head toward her. “Miles cannot handle that! Why are we saying Miles can be electrocuted?!” Miles yells, and the other three shush him. “’ow ‘bout you, mate, any ideas?” Hobie asks you, and you shrug. You look around before pointing up to the water towers on the roofs of the multiple buildings in New London. “Water,” you suggest, and they all look where you’re pointing. “Smart,” Gwen says with a nod. “How do we get the water to him, though?” Pav asks, looking at you again. You frown. “I… actually didn’t think that far.”
“Well, ‘at’s, easy. We just bust ‘em. Get ‘im to fly near one and,” Hobie makes an explosion noise and uses his hands to imitate an explosion. “What? But what about all the people who will lose water?” you ask, and Miles cocks his head to the side. “It’ll get fixed fast, probably. It’s our job to fuck shit up and then have other people fix it cause if we don’t fuck shit up, shit gets fucked anyways,” he says, and you sigh. “But Miguel said to try and not cause too much of an issue—”
“Oi. Who gives a flyin’ fuck what ‘e said. Not me. And this is my bloody world, I’ll cause as much damage as I want to,” Hobie says, and you look down. “Sorry.”
“You don’t gotta apologize for nothin’, mate,” Hobie says, and you mumble another ‘sorry.’ “You know what? I think Electro can wait a minute,” Hobie says, turning towards you, “More important matters to figure out ‘ere.”
“Like what?” you ask, and he shrugs. “Why are you so nervous?” he asks, and you gulp. “I-I’m not, I just—”
“You definitely are,” Gwen says, and Miles throws in a ‘yup!’ with a nod. “Is it us?” Pav asks, a hint of sadness in his voice. “W-What? No, that’s not it,” you say, waving your hands in a frantic way to say no. “I just am nervous in general. It really isn’t that big of a deal, guys, we should be focusing on—”
“Nope. You’re not gettin’ outta this, you been in ya ‘ead this ‘ole time.”
“I’m always in my head, it really isn’t that big of a deal—”
“Is ‘at why you try to avoid everyone? Don’t talk to no one?” Hobie asks, and you gulp. “I-I talk to some people…” you mumble, and a small frown forms on Gwen’s face. “The therapist in Spider Society doesn’t count,” she says, and you look down. “Well, why not…? He’s a person...”
“Because he’s like 40, and you’re our age,” Pav says, “you’d get along better with us, bro.”
“Miguel said that if anyone could make us not as ‘moronic’ it would be you, but I feel like he just kinda takes advantage of you instead of recognizing the pressure he puts on you. I have some experience with that,,” Miles says, and you sigh. “He scares me, okay? If I break the rules then I might simply pass away from him yelling at me,” you say, and Hobie shakes his head. “Love, the rules are all bollocks. Made by people who just wanna control your life.” Gwen nods. “Miguel is cool, sure, but if anyone can get away with anything… it’s you,” she says, and Miles chimes in. “And if you’re really that scared, remember he literally chased me around his world and destroyed a train because of me. You’ll never piss him off to that point.” You stay silent, playing with your fingers. Pav reaches out and grabs your hands. “Rules are meant to be broken, (Y/n), I learned that from Hobie. And besides, the villains we face are the biggest rule-breakers imaginable,” Pav assures, and you nod slightly. “And rules are such rubbish. ‘ey’re always different anywhere ya go. Try not to put so much weight on your mind ‘bout it, breakin’ ‘em ain’t a big deal,” Hobie says. You do actually kinda feel better. Hobie brings up a good point. Rules are different everywhere you go, so breaking one every now and again isn’t that big of an issue. In fact, it can be kind of encouraged. “Besides, breaking rules is almost like challenging ideologies, you know? Like, in breaking a rule, you challenge a system in place that is telling you not to break them. No one likes that. Where would we be if people didn’t break rules?” Gwen says. “That was deep,” Miles says, and Pav nods. “'at was a wicked way a’ puttin’ it, Gwendy.”
That’s a good point, actually. You think for a bit. If you look at it as challenging a system, or even doing what’s right, who’s to say it’s a rule that shouldn’t be broken? Hobie smiles underneath his mask because he knows they’ve gotten through to you. “So, whaddya say we go blow up some water tanks, eh?” Hobie stands, rubbing his hands together. “Okay,” you say. Gwen and Miles fist bump, and Pav does a little clap. The five of you jump into action, immediately starting to taunt and lure Electro to get him close to the towers so you can douse him and put him out.
The plan was going pretty well for the first two attempts, but he eventually catches on to what the five of you are doing. Which makes it harder. Miles does, in fact, get electrocuted. As does Gwen and Hobie, and coming in as no shock to anyone, Miles is definitely the least affected. You were able to dodge all of the attacks. “You’re doing great, (Y/n)! Mind telling me how the fuck your spidey sense is so strong?!” you hear Miles yell. “MILES LOOK OUT!” Gwen screams, but it’s too late. He gets electrocuted again. “Ouch, bro! That one looked like it hurt!” Pav yells, and Miles, who is now lying face down on a roof, raises his hand up in the air, flipping him off. You snort, and then see Hobie fly past you, landing on another water tower. “Hey! Dumbass! Over here!”
“Oh, please. You expect me to fall for that? I know what your little plan is, and I’m not about to be put out,” Electro says, firing some electricity out at Hobie. Unluckily for Hobie, it breaks the water tower and electrocutes him and the water that pours out of it.
You land next to Hobie, who is now just laying on the rooftop, but he grunts and mutters some British slang that you wouldn’t understand even if he explained it to you. So, you know he’s fine. “I have an idea,” you say, and he nods. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. But we need to make sure no one is on the street.”
“What’s the goody-goody plannin’ on doin’, huh?” he says, standing. “You’ll see, just make sure there are no civilians or anyone who will get hurt. And keep him distracted.” With that, you leap and go to another one of the water towers. You take a deep breath, thinking back to what Miguel said before the five of you left.
“Try not to destroy the city while you’re at it. (Y/n), I trust you’ll keep them all in line,” Miguel said, and you timidly nod. You’d love to not destroy the city, but it’s so hard doing that as a Spider-Person. But you also don’t want him to yell at you for going against his orders. Now you’re conflicted. “No promises, Miguel. We’re gonna do what we gotta do,” Miles says and Miguel sighs. “If anyone can reign the four of you in, it’s this one. Don’t let them pressure you into acting up, okay?”
You frown. Fuck that. Miguel is pressuring you into not doing your job right. You can’t always be perfect and careful. And lucky for you, the four of them were really good at distracting villains. You web two of the support legs, yanking them and breaking them off the water tower. It starts collapsing, but you catch it. “Shit, you’re heavy,” you grunt, but regain your balance, holding it on your shoulders. You twist your body, ripping the other supports off and making the water tower completely free. You get Electro in your sight and take a deep breath. You lift the water tower, tossing it up in the air before leaping out of the way and towards Electro. You shoot webs from both hands, connecting them to the water tower and yanking it towards you. You swing it around, connecting it with Electro’s body. Sure enough, it knocks him down and explodes on impact, drenching him. And you. And Hobie, Miles, Gwen, and Pav; but hey, you did it.
You land on a roof and look down. Sure enough, Electro is knocked out cold and completely out of electricity. You swing down, placing him in one of the technological cells that Miguel developed specifically for Electros, and nod. “That… probably could have gone better,” you mutter to yourself. Your self-deprecating thoughts were cut off immediately. “That was AWESOME, (Y/n),” Gwen says, giving you a thumbs up and hug. “Yeah, little Spider, that was bitchin’,” Hobie says, giving you a fist bump. “You made it look so easy! How did you do that, you have to teach me!” Pav says, clearly excited and impressed. “You were out here talking about how you didn’t wanna break rules so instead you broke an entire water tower? That’s cool, why don’t you try being less cool next time for the sake of us,” Miles says giving you a pat on the shoulder. You smile. “Thanks, guys.” Their praise was enough to make you feel better for completely and totally wreaking havoc.
But when the five of you return, soaking wet, Miguel pinches the bridge of his nose. “I said… to not destroy the city…” he mutters, looking at you with disappointment. You look down. “City’s still standin’, mate. (Y/n) kicked ass,” Hobie says, and the other three make sounds of agreement. “Y-Yeah, Miguel. All I did was break one water tower, it’s not that big of a deal,” you say, and he sighs. “One? You all broke four water towers on four different buildings! And you flooded an entire street! You’re supposed to be the responsible one.”
“Dude. I’m a teenager. Shit happens,” you say, a sudden burst of confidence from being around the group of four allowing you to speak out. Miguel puts his hand on his jaw, sliding his hand down. “Remind me to never team the five of you up again,” he mumbles, and Hobie elbows you. “Nah, we’re a band now. Sorry ‘bout it,” Hobie says, motioning everyone to leave Miguel’s sight. You all follow. When you’re out of Miguel’s office, Hobie bumps your shoulder. “See, that wasn’t all that bad, was it?”
He was right, it wasn’t that bad.
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maokomi · 2 years
⠀「 “Dress slutty babe, I can fight,” but can they really? *ೃ༄ 」 
ᥫ᭡ Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
.ೃ࿔*:・「𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬.」 modern au, gn reader, established relationship crack ?? This shit aint serious so don’t treat it like it is lmfao
.ೃ࿔*:・「𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠.」 Xiao, Kazuha, Zhongli, Kaeya, Kaveh, Cyno
Wrote this drunk, no editing, no looking back at my regrets last night. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 
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⠀「 XIAO*ೃ༄ 」
Tells u to dress slutty with his whole chest !!!
Wear whatever you want to feel good about yourself and to feel comfortable. That’s all that Xiao cares abt tbh. 
If he sees anyone leering at you in your hot outfit though? His munchkin ass is on them in a heartbeat.
Doesn’t matter who. Doesn’t matter how tall they are. He’ll bark up at them like a chihuahua. Scale them like a fuckin rabid cat or smthn.
Xiao said he can fight and he will !!!!!
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⠀「 KAZUHA*ೃ༄ 」
Compliments you in your sluttiest outfit !! Hell, mans helps you pick it out!! 
CAN FIGHT Can !! Beat !! Ass !!
Except he chooses not to 😌 because he is a lover💞💕 not 🙅‍♂️🚫 a fighter ☮️🕊✌️😌
But he makes it very very very clear to anyone and everyone who so much glances in ur general direction that !! HELLO HE IS UR MAN
Holds ur hand. Keeps an arm around your middle. Plays with ur hair. The whole shebang baby
But if someone grows the gonads to actually approach you while Kazuha is so blatantly flirting with u right then and there ?? 
Kazuha doesn’t even have to get up.
He fucking ROASTS the motherfucker alive. All cool and suave. Keeps his voice level while he tells the newcomer all the reasons why their parents are disappointed in them.
Kazuha fucking cooks them bro I dont know what to tell u Rest In Peace to that dumbass I guess
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⠀「 ZHONGLI*ೃ༄ 」
Bold of anyone to think they can steal u from a man who walks in with this much rizz 🤨
Zhongli wears a whole ass custom Valentino suit & shoes to go to a club no way in hell is anyone gonna try to chat u up baby doesn’t matter how slutty u dress
Esp when ?? Ur slutty outfit matches Zhongli’s fit ? Absolute power couple I rest my case
Sugar daddy Zhongli supremacy I said what I said
I restate my point: No one is gonna think they have a chance against Zhongli. They’re all scared they’ll get murked on their way home if they so much as try. 
Kinda soft but they fr dont even have a chance bc Zhongli just has to compliment u and u light up like an actual Christmas tree, you get so goddamn happy that anyone even trying to fight him is already fighting a losing battle.
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⠀「 KAEYA*ೃ༄ 」
Baby, bold of u to assume that Kaeya’s not gonna be dressed sluttier than u 🤨
Hate to break it to you buttercup but Kaeya’s not gonna be the one royal rumbling tonight— nu uh, that’s you.
Have you seen the titty window this man rocks? 
Skip the accessories whenever you go out Kaeya, because you are going to beat some ass, and earrings and necklaces only get in the way 💕
It’s tiring having to keep everyone’s eyes off of ur boyfriend but it’s okay because whenever you go to the bar for a quick time out, Kaeya always has a kiss and a drink ready for u before u go back to fucking people up <3
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⠀「 KAVEH*ೃ༄ 」
I love him but you’re on your own honey
Claims that he’ll kick ass— that you can wear whateverrr you want, that you look so hot, that you look amazing and that he’ll fight anyone who comes near u
Hypes you up and hollers and makes u feel like a million bucks because he’s a good, supportive bf
But in the midst of it all you forget he’s some broke ass architect who probably hasn’t taken a solid punch in his life
When someone approaches u he puffs up his chest and stands in front of u with his most intense bitch face, says smthn that he thinks tough guys says like, ‘you wanna fight? Let’s fight.’ Or some cheesy shit like that
The moment the other dude swings tho its over 💀 Kaveh yells and has to hide behind you 
It’s okay tho because he’s cute <3 (even if he’s broke)
Hope you didn’t wear anything breakable baby bc youre the one who’s gotta fight for urself
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⠀「 CYNO*ೃ༄ 」
Doesn’t even have to fight bro.
Doesn’t matter how slutty you dress— you could walk into a bar with just the bare minimum on and no one would look your way.
Not because you’re unattractive, because that is far from the truth.
No— it’s because of Cyno’s arm wrapped around your shoulder and the absolute death stare he gives anyone who looks your way with even a hint of lechery in their gaze.
Crazy shit, I tell you. Motherfucker’s eyes look like he’ll pounce on anyone who so much as wolf whistles your way. No one wants to get fucked up by a dude who looks like he’ll go blue eyes white dragon on their ass.
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its-your-mind · 7 months
okay so like. Kim dokja is definitely allergic to tomatoes, right? (see: this post) Like he thinks he just doesn’t like them but it’s because they taste like burning? Spicy fruits? Leave a film in his mouth for hours? Like he has no idea why everyone Fucking Loves This Fruit cuz it Fucking Sucks
anyway hc that it’s ysg who finally actually figures out somethings wrong bc. yjh has taken it as a Personal Challenge to sneak tomatoes into Something and get Kim Dokja to say he likes it, except no matter how buried in a recipe they are, kdj immediately notices and like. throws a fork at him. one time after the fork misses yjh (he is very fast and has honed all of his senses. the only forks that hit him are the ones he lets hit him. (nothing goes over my head. my reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.) omg wait he WOULD say that though okay anyway) and sticks into the wall, handle out, kdj just starts ranting about how he just doesn’t understand why yjh uses tomatoes in everything when they’re like. spicier than chili peppers, and there is an ALMOST FULL jar of gochujang RIGHT THERE that he could use to achieve the spice and it would be WAY BETTER AND EASIER. Cuz tomatoes don’t even add flavor to food, they just overpower anything they’re in! and they leave such a horrible gross film in your mouth and you can’t even make it go away with water and…
and then yjh is like. hold the fuck up. is that how all my food with tomatoes tastes to you??? and kdj is like. yes???? Is it not supposed to??????? why do you put tomatoes in it then?!?!??!?? and yjh is like CUZ THEYRE SWEET AND PROVIDE A GOOD FLAVOR BALANCER TO SPICE????????? and kdj is like BALANCE????????!?!?!! and before they start fuckign. attacking each other with swords. ysg is like wait Dokja-ssi have tomatoes always tasted like that to you? both cooked and raw tomatoes? and kdj is like. ??? yes??? do they not taste like that to you? and ysg is like no and I don’t think they’re supposed to. and lsh is like hold on. have you never been allergy tested before? and kdj’s like ??????? No????? and so she’s like well we can go to my office tomorrow but it sounds like you’re allergic to tomatoes. and kdj’s like what? the fuck?? SO THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO TASTE LIKE POISON meanwhile in the background yjh is having a full internal breakdown bc apparently he has been going OUT OF HIS WAY to feed the love of his life something that is ACTIVELY HARMING HIM and so when kdj turns around to gloat like hA I tOLD you tomatoes were awfu— why are you hugging me WhY aRE YOU CrYING and then before yjh can say ANYTHING he’s like NO WAIT ITS FINE ACTUALLY I CAN EAT THE TOMATOES I DONT WANT YOU TO HAVE TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO MAKE ME SPECIAL ALLERGY FOOD and everyone is just staring at him agape or facepalming bc ofc he would complain and gripe and moan when it was just a personal preference but as SOON AS IT WAS AN ACTIVE DANGER TO HIS LIFE he insists that it’s fine. Yjh just glares at him until he trails off mid word. and then yjh turns around to grab everything out of the fridge that has tomatoes in it but lgy and sys are WAY AHEAD OF HIM and have already started a bonfire in the yard and are just hurling every tomato-touched food item in the house into the flames. tomatoes never cross the kimcom threshold again. hsy finds all of this fucking hilarious until she realizes they’ll never be allowed to bring pizza into the house again (don’t look at me like that yoo joonghyuk it’s Selena Kim’s fault you shouldn’t have let her into the group regression if you didn’t want her american food tastes to spread)
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coquettetoji · 10 months
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★ general toji hcs ★
— let’s just pretend in this world he doesn’t have a son to actually care for yk.
— biggest beefiest juiciest (ok i’m exaggerating) but holy shit this guy is huge. i’m talking mma boxer huge, he takes great pride in his physic. and is guilty of being a gym rat.
— cockiest mf ever but in a hot way, he does that cheek tongue thing unintentionally and omlllllll
— toji definitely wasn’t the smartest in school, neither math smart, science smart or reading smart. he fucked most of his teachers but i mean he passed?
— although he wasn’t very academically smart, his skill in business and negotiating led to him earning a high position for a large financial group. drugs like hand over that amex????
— drives a motorcycle, i’m thinking ducati, as a hobby. 😏😏
— smokes cigarettes and drinks, his fav is hennessy, but other than that he’s a clean man
— was an emo in highschool, we don’t talk about that though. and neither does he.
— multitudes of tattoos across his body, mainly on his chest and arms though.
— his dream job as a highschooler was to open a tattoo parlor. he was surprisingly a good artist when it came to sketches.
— silver chains and silver jewelry, he’s pale so his complexion matches the colors better.
— sarcastic humor that would make kids cry. this guy treats everyone the same as if they’ll understand his humor and that makes him not so great around kids
— has a soft spot for cats, really wants to have a kitten but won’t ever commit to it/taking care of it
— has every single dating app downloaded not to date but just to get validation from everyone who swiped right on him. (gets at minimum 83 swipes per day)
— speaking of, his most used apps on his phone are phone (calls), messages, and instagram to watch his instagram reels 😋
— respectful towards women. although he seems like a d bag he does know how to treat a lady right
— drives a blacked out mercedes benz s class, ofc with tinted windows in case of.. yeah
— the scar running from the middle of his cheek down the side of his lip is from a fight during high school that got violent, he won though don’t worry
— grey/silver/green eyes, with jet black hair. he was genuinely gifted with godly genetics
— when he does smile, his lip corners turn up sharply giving him that joker smile type of look, my legs are wide open
— the most laid back chill guy ever, he doesn’t take life seriously enough for him to actually give a fuck
—6’4. argue with the wall.
— his hands are huge and the veins 😩😩😫😩😫 HEHEHE
— wears black compression shirts or black t shirts with sweat pants all day everyday, it’s his signature look
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— he smells a bit like cigarettes and Maison Margiela Replica Jazz Club, just an overall eye rolling back into head type of scent
— makes dad jokes all the time minus the part of him being an actual dad
— played basketball growing up just in his neighborhood, was good enough to go pro but his grades were ass lol
— he listens to these actual underground rock bands that literally no one has heard of or the sports podcast on the radio like a true dad
— kinda behind on everything going on in the world right now, but it’s okay bc we love toji for it regardless
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💌 new message from mica ‧₊˚✧
my favorite incoming dilf with a midlife crisis 😫
honestly one of my fav boards yet, i tried so hard to find the perfect resemblance of toji and omg the scar too kinda works perfectly
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girlsdads · 2 months
since this blurb will never see the light of day now that i accidentally deleted it while trying to edit it half asleep last night… i just need y’all to know the gist.
cw: exhibitionism, voyeurism??, maxiel being nauseating
(this is not a polished piece of writing)
POV nameless red bull social media team intern. he gets tasked with finding max and daniel to do one of those silly little reels where they’re answering trivia questions about the track they’re at or smth, gets warned that he might find maxiel in a… ahem… compromising position, intern thinks hahaha yeah they’re always doing something weird wink wink nudge nudge doesn’t think much of it bc they couldn’t possibly have meant….. (the intern is very new).
anyway poor intern knocks on the door of max’s motorhome and hears daniel’s voice saying to come in, thinks oh okay great they’re both in there i’ll kill 2 birds with one stone etc etc, opens the door and Hey! there’s 3 time world champion Max Verstappen getting his back blown out by once-again teammate (let’s gooo ricbull) Daniel Ricciardo! intern is stammering and embarrassed beyond belief and barely able to get out “i- i can come back another time…” but daniel gives him that megawatt smile and is like “come on in mate, we understand when duty calls, right maxy?” max just whines high in this throat and blinks at the intern like he’s not really seeing anything at all.
the intern stares as daniel pulls out of max gently, he can’t look away from daniel’s bare, Huge, still hard, lube-wet cock and prays to every entity in the universe that he doesn’t start to get hard. max just lays there making pitiful noises as daniel throws on a red bull polo that’s actually max’s if the breadth of the shoulders is anything to go by. he pulls on a cap over his clearly sex-mussed hair. daniel scoots on the couch, still naked from the waist down, to face the intern who has gingerly pulled up a chair. daniel twists to the side and reaches up to grab max by the hips and pull him closer, pushes his thighs apart and hooks 3 fingers into max while turning back to the intern and putting on his pr smile. “fire away!”
the intern just sits there holding the phone dumbly watching daniel stroke max from the inside with his right hand and gesture to him with his left. the intern glances down to where max’s soft splayed thighs and little pink cock are clearly visible at the bottom of the video frame. “they’ll close-crop it,” daniel assures him. the intern nods but then he’s like what about the sound…??? bc max is just exhaling raspy moans and whimpers and surely the video editors can’t be that good?? but daniel gazes adoringly down at max and is like “he can be quiet, he’s a good boy, aren’t you maxy?”
max immediately zips it, daniel does the trivia video fingering max slowly the whole time. the intern flees the scene asap but he’s barely closed the door behind him before he can hear max fucking moaning again. he adjusts himself in his pants and hurries off to put in his 2 week notice.
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romanestuffsposts · 2 months
Hi! I hope this is okay, it’s my first time asking you and I don’t wanna burden you. You don’t have to write it but it’ll be super awesome if you do. So could you maybe write where little!reader has a healing power but it would drain her energy depending on how big is the injury. So one time daddy!bucky goes out on his mission but he’s so careless and he got nasty injury it’s so bad, he can’t move without feeling like he would pass out (maybe a big deep cut or smthg) and he did get them stitched or fixed. But cause he’s the best daddy ever he still takes care of the reader and reader is so worried cause he looks pale due to his injury and it looks like he’s in pain and maybe he sits down after awhile and sleep on the couch. Then reader comes to him and saw blood seeping out of his clothes and so reader panicked bcs she thought he’s dying so she can’t help but heal him (despite him telling her to never do it since it drains her). And then Bucky wakes up seeing reader passing out and sees that his injury is gone and he freaks out.
You can decide the ending. Ik it’s a lot but I hope you don’t mind writing this. You’re one of my fav writer and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi there love! 💜
Of course it’s totally okay and I actually really love the idea thank you so much for asking me to write this! It’s really good !! 😍
And you’re not a burden at all babe, I absolutely love your demand and I’m more than happy to write it 🫶
I really hope you liked how I turn your beautiful request 💋
Enjoy <33
Warnings : bad words, mention of I jury and blood, anxiety, traumatic,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : your daddies want to protect you but what if you want to protect them ?
‘’Okay tell me how bad it is, rogers’’ stark asks through the phone.
It was a late Friday night, it’s been almost two weeks that Tony and Pepper take care of you while your Daddies are on a mission with Dr Strange, Wanda and Natasha.
You’re used to be with them or others of your daddies’s friends whenever they have to leave to save the world so you could sleep in a safe place like they like to say, but this time it start to get really long.
You love Pepper and Tony, in fact you love all of them but you have a little weakness for the big red guy. Tony loves to give you cookies or ice cream through the day so of course he’s your favorite
‘’Yes I’ll get the basement ready for when you land. Get here as quickly as possible and I’ll do my best so we can take care of him right away’’ Tony nods at himself, already preparing everything they’ll need in the next few hours
‘’ alright be careful with him, see you soon’’ he ends up the call and turns around. He gasps and let out a little jump when he sees you standing behind him in the middle of the room
‘’For the love of god’’ he breathes out with a hand on his chest ‘’stop doing that to me, trouble’’ he points his index at you
You giggle at his reaction and watch him walking toward you ‘’it was papa ?’’
‘’Yes it was’’ he smiles at you ‘’they’ll be back today’’ he winks
Your eyes brighten ‘’oh yeahhhhh’’ you yell happily
He watches with a sad smile as you jump away, smiling and singing to get ready for greeting your Daddies, all happy about the good news.
He just hopes everything will be okay and it scares him that he doesn’t know what will happen.
‘’Hey’’ he calls making you turn around. ‘’They’ll have to go in the basement as soon as they get here to give them their vaccines and a check up so you’ll see them after that’’ he lies
You nod ‘’okay’’ and leave
‘’I Said careful!!’’ Steve yells ‘’you’re being too harsh with him! Don’t you see that he’s in pain!?’’
‘’Rogers, you go wait outside the room’’ Tony says
‘’The fuck I am’’ he snaps back ‘’if you want me to leave you’ll have to do it yourself because I won’t move from this spot’’
Tony sighs and nods, he can make him leave but it won’t help anyone ‘’as long as you don’t stay on your paths you can stay either way you’re out’’
Steve looks back at Bucky, pain in his eyes as he watches the love of his life laying on the bed, covered in blood
He watches everyone doing their jobs, everything is in slow motion, he feels his breath blocking in the middle of his throat as he stays there, powerless.
Bucky groans in pain making Steve tears up. He hates seeing the people he loves hurting, he does that job to protect the world but to mainly protect his family.
It happens that he or Bucky get hurt on a mission, it happens that you are hurt after falling in the garden or catching a cold after playing outside while it was raining.
All of that happens because it’s a part of life, you can’t be protect for everything, you have to learn and you have to go through experiences that make you grow.
But this, what is happening to Bucky is not a little experience, it’s not a part of life where you can close your eyes and get over it. This will have consequences and he knows that.
The thing he doesn’t know is how he’ll tell you the news…
‘’Hi princess’’ Steve smiles as he knocks on your bedroom door.
Like the good girl you are you patiently waited in your room knowing your daddies were home and waited until someone comes and get you.
You turn your head and let out the biggest smile you could. You stand up and your little feet run to carry you right into your Papa’s arms.
He wraps his arms around you and lifts you up ‘’oh I missed you so much my sweet angel’’
‘’I missed you too’’ you kiss his cheek. You frown and pull away after feeling something weird on his cheek. You see a tear falling from his eye and look into his eyes ‘’why you cry ?’’
He kisses your forehead and goes sit on your bed
‘’I changes m’ bed’’ you proudly say, forgetting a little about everything.
He smiles through his tears and takes your hand ‘’that’s wonderful baby’’
He sniffs a little and get back your attention ‘’listen I have to tell you something’’
You look up at him with your bright and beautiful eyes
‘’Daddy had an injury during the mission’’ he starts, your eyes fall more and more as he speaks
‘’He’s downstairs with a lots of doctors who are here to help him getting better but it’ll be hard and it’ll be a long process. We will have to be understanding with him and he’ll need us’’ he caresses your hair ‘’we’ll have to be careful around him’’
A few years left your eyes as you keep staring into your Papa’s
He gently wipes them away and kisses your nose ‘’he’ll be okay sweetie, he has all the help he need and after that he’ll need us’’
You sniff and nod ‘’daddy needs me ?’’ You quietly ask
He nods ‘’yes, daddy needs you’’ he stands up and rests you on his hip ‘’we should be able to see him now’’
After they took care of him, they set him on a calm and quiet room while he was still passed out
That’s where your papa takes you. He opens the door after asking you to be quiet and good and let you in. You slowly walk toward the chair beside the bed and sit down.
You watch all the big machines that make weird noises, it’s big, everything is big in this room.
Your Papa lifts you up and sit you on his slap after sitting himself down on the seat ‘’look how peaceful he looks while he’s sleeping’’ he whispers in your ear ‘’just like you at night’’
It’s been a few days now that your Daddy is up on his feet. Like your Papa said he needed help, lots of helps but you’re more than okay to be a part of his healing.
He tried many times to play with you but it just last a few minutes, he gets tired quickly.
You remembered a few days ago that you actually could help your Daddy. You forgot about that because of the anxiety to see your Daddy hurting and your minds were everywhere but on your ability to heal others.
You talked about it to your Papa but he of course said no immediately, just like your Daddy.
It takes a lot of you to use that power and heal people so the less you use it the better you are.
Your papa told you he couldn’t let you do that because he needs you to take care of your Daddy, and if you use your power he’ll have to take care of the both of you.
‘’Okay baby, i need to lay down a little bit I’m really tired’’ Bucky breathes out after playing with your dolls. He made an effort and played longer than usually but he can’t take it anymore
You help him laying down on the couch and keep playing silently while taking glances at him from time to time.
Today he’s more pale than before, you start to feel that he’s not getting better and the idea of him having an infection or anything bad is terrifying you.
If daddy is healed then he doesn’t need me so I can use my power you tell yourself
So your choice is done.
You stand up and kneel beside the couch. Your put your hands above his wounds without touching it and close your eyes, letting all your magic go.
‘’Sweetie I’ll need your help for dinner’’ your Papa says as he walks down the stairs. He makes his way in the living room but stop in his tracks when he sees you on the floor beside the couch
‘’Oh my god’’
He rushes toward you and feel that your body is really cold. As he keeps touching you he glances at your Daddy on the couch and look at his wound.
He shakes Bucky awake knowing that now it’s like he was never hurt at all ‘’Buck I need your help’’
Don’t get him wrong, he’s more than happy that Bucky is finally okay but not like that and now is not the time.
Bucky groans ans opens an eye ‘’Steve I’m tired I need to sleep’’
‘’she healed you you don’t need to sleep now you need to help me’’ he says anxious ‘’now!’’
It take two secondes at Bucky to realise what happened and he immediately stand up ‘’get her to bed while I take the towels’’
They know what to do, whenever it happens you need the same things. You need to be laying on a bed with hot towels all over you to raise your body temperature. You need sugar ready for when you open an eyes and water, lots of water.
And that’s exactly what your Daddies are preparing.
They’re resting on your sides the whole time, they talked to you and have the phone on their hands incase something gets wrong.
‘’You’re strong baby, the strongest person I’ve ever met but you can be the stupidest one I’ve ever seen in my life’’ your Daddy jokes before sniffing
Steve smiles upside down as he strokes your cheek ‘’she sure is’
You groan and frown ‘’not true’’
They both let out a breath of relief, your daddy kisses your hand while your papa takes the water ‘’here baby’’
He helps you drinking and then come sit beside you ‘’why did you do that beautiful ?’’ Your Daddy asks, sitting on the other side
‘’Because I wanted to help you’’ you quietly say
‘’no baby, it’s really nice of you for that but you are our priority, it hurts you to heal people and even more if the injury is big. All I need is you to be healthy and okay’’ your Daddy kisses your forehead
‘’Do you understand that ?’´
You nod ‘yes daddy’’
‘’Good’’, ‘’beside that, thank you for doing that for me, my love’’
You smile and snuggle closer to them
‘’You’re tired baby ?’’ Your papa asks, putting the cover more above you.
You nod and close your eyes from the tiredness
‘’It’s okay, it’s been a rough week. Sleep baby we’re not getting anywhere’’ Steve says as he kisses your nose
You feel them shifting beside you to lie down and let your exhaustion take over you
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okay so I have a friend and she got the inheritance games and finished it yesterday so OBVIOUSLY I asked her what she thought…
please read more at your own risk this might anger you :)
here we go…
she said she felt detached from the characters… I personally have never felt more attached to a set of characters and I don’t understand how she couldn’t be attached but I rolled with it because yk it might not be everyone’s cup of tea
intense deep breaths in an out
I’m not mad I’m not mad I’m not mad
ahem… anyways…
but I love my friend 😔😔 so I didn’t tell her that
she thinks Avery and Grayson will eventually get together… I’m praying she doesn’t become one of those toxic Grayson and Avery shippers (but she didn’t say she shipped them she just thinks they’ll end up together)… luckily she is wrong 🤭🤭 like most of her other points about this book
but the thing she kept complaining about was apparently there was no description… like atp I was kind of convinced we were reading different books because I can envisage all the tiny details of this book. I think she said it lacked physical description for the brothers but there’s only so many times you can describe hair and eye colour in my personal ops…
she said the Hawthorne brothers are ‘too damaged’… telling myslef to take a deep breath ITS NOT THEIR FAULT THEIR GRANDFATHER WAS A LITERAL PSYCHOPATH AND TWO OF THEM LIKED A REALLY DODGY REDHEAD LIKE GOSHHH
but she hated Em*ly so we love her for that, that was a good move, good decision, very good judgment that I do agree with and she says wants to live in hawthorne house which again, I agree…
she explained how Grayson (MY HUSABND, LOML, ABSOLUTE BB) is a wannabe Aaron Warner. Honey, respectfully no… just no. that is all I have to say (bc I could go on an essay rant but I don’t want to bore people)
I do love my friend to pieces and of course everyone is entitled to an opinion but I have to severely disagree with here
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goodwitchhour · 1 month
stephen nedoroscik boyfriend headcanons
requested: yes / no
summary: what the title says baby !!!!
cw: idk man it’s mainly just some fluff!
notes: quickly wanted to do this while writing all of your stephen requests!! promise they’ll be up soon but uni is taking up a lot of my time for the next two weeks would also like to add that I am not, in any way, trying to disrespect stephen OR his 8-year relationship (tess ur an icon and ily, pls share ur secrets for having such a good relationship bc ya girl is desperate), this is purely for funsies & obvs fictional!!! let me know if yall want another part & what your own hcs are! okay byeeeeee
stephen nedoroscik x reader ♡
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he fell first. he knows straight away if he likes someone and if he does then thats that and it was no different with you. he didn't have eyes for anyone else, especially after he learnt that you liked him as well
my guy is a little spoon. sometimes he’ll be the big spoon but he also really just wants a cuddle
speaking of.. hugs! all! the! time! will hug you from behind if you’re busy doing something or when one of you have just come home he’ll scoop you up like it’s the easiest thing ever
honestly can’t imagine ever fighting with him likeeee if one of you is upset then he’ll make sure you talk it out! will sit down with you and would be SO patient but he also won’t force you to talk it out if you’re not ready to — either way yall won’t be getting into a screaming match bc frankly I think he’d rather die
on the other hand, if the relationship is more new & fresh he might be hesitant to bring up problems in fear of potentially ruining or making things awkward between you
but once you become more comfortable with each other and your relationship he finds it much easier to come to you, especially because the trust between you is much stronger
will send you videos when he’s at practice! or he’ll actually facetime you and just be on call until it’s basically time to go back home to you! and if you're not busy then you're coming with him to the gym!!
sends you memes all the time! like if you go a few days without checking your dms on instagram or tiktok, trust that he has flooded with them with cursed posts
he will also send you photos & videos of kyushu ALL THE TIME!!! and if he’s away, he’ll ask to facetime just so he can say hi to him lol
will teach you how to play chess and will teach you about his favourite rubiks cube algorithms
will also teach you how to play rocket league if you don’t already know, like will do the whole sit you on his lap and put his hands on yours as his teaches you the controls
speaking of lap sitting, one of his love languages is physical touch fr! if you’re at home he’s practically smothering you but if yall are in public he needs to at least still hold hands or have a hand on your leg/arm/shoulder. he isn’t big on pda really but he also needs to be on your space in some way so it’s something he has to try & balance lmfao
like the scorpio he is, he’s very intense in his love for you! like he’ll keep things private about specific relationship details but he’ll still talk about you all. the. time. without compromising said privacy!! he gets especially good at keeping this balance during the olympics when the press are all over him
if you’re a gymnast like him then he loves training with you!! will help you with routines and vice versa
if you’re just a regular lil person then he loves hearing about your job! always ready for you to come home and unload on him about your day
andddd if you’re famous in some capacity then trust he’s the MOST supportive of you and your career!! like he is your n.1 cheerleader!! (side note… stephen x famous!reader anyone??)
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strawbrygashez · 5 months
Thinking about Andre running track .. and I have a couple thoughts :3
•Cal will go to every single one of Andres races/track meets if he can. Part of Andre wants to tell Cal he doesn’t have to come watch bc he knows Cal doesn’t care at all for sports but the other half is so happy he comes to watch. It motivates him a lot more when he knows Cal is there & it gives him something to look forward to once the event has ended.
•Even tho Cal couldn’t care less about any sport, he loves watching Andre do his thing. He’s easily enamored with just about anything Andre does. Even something as simple as watching Andre doing track has him replaying the memory in his head all night.
•Cal makes sure to have things handy to give Andre once he’s done like a water bottle and towel. He’ll even make Andre bend down slightly so he can help him dry off his hair with the towel.
•Even tho Andre looks so handsome after running, Cal makes a big deal about how it’s gross how sweaty and smelly he is when Andre goes to hug him. He will squirm around but won’t truly try to get away until Andre lets go.
•They’ll sit there on the bleachers for a good while after so Andre can catch his breath. Cal will help him anyway he can while yapping on about how good he looked out there. They’d probably be one of few last people to leave since Andre likes the cool late afternoon air after racing.
•If Cal is one of his manic moods, he will be cheering for Andre SO LOUD from the bleachers like “WOOOOO LETS GO ANDRE!!!!! YOU GOT THIS BUDDY!! CMON!!! THATS MY MAN!” 💀 People around him will give him odd looks but he doesn’t care in the moment. Hell he might even be jumping up and down a little and waving.
Lets just hope it doesn’t distract Andre if he can actually hear it.. otherwise he’s half heartedly fussing at him for doing all that later.
•Cal offers to drive Andre back to his place or out to go get dinner somewhere after since he figures Andre would like to just be able to relax and regain himself but nope. No matter how tired he is, he says he’s alright to drive.
•One time during practice, Andre wanted Cal to try running some laps with him just for fun. Cal would agree to but only gets like one.. or maybe two laps in before he literally goes to lay face down in the middle of the track bc he’s worn the hell out. Andre would finish the last of his lap before going and nudging cals side with his foot and calls him weak. (Of course he’d actually help him back up and check that he’s okay)
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storiesforallfandoms · 11 months
a star in the making ~ harry styles
word count: 2382
request?: yes!
“Heyyy how are u? So I wanted to request an X factor Harry X reader where Y/n and Harry are dating and she goes to the X factor with him for support? I just want smth cute with this bc I've never seen one like this🥺 thank you♥️”
description: in which she goes to support her boyfriend when he auditions for a reality singing competition, both of them unaware that he’s about to become one of the biggest musicians in the world
pairing: harry styles x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mainly fluffy as hell, rpf tho so if you don’t like that don’t read
masterlist (one, two, three)
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His hands were shaking as they approached the venue for the auditions. There had to be hundreds of people waiting outside. People just like him, hoping and wishing that they would be good enough to advance forward in one of the biggest singing competitions in the world - The X Factor.
His mum had suggested he should audition for the show. Harry loved to sing, and he was a fantastic singer. His mum was always pushing him to enter talent shows or any other opportunity to show off his voice. Harry knew he could sing, but he never thought he’d actually be good enough for The X Factor.
Until his girlfriend joined his mum’s side.
He had met (Y/N) in school and fell for her almost immediately. It was one of those teen relationships where they were all over one another and never wanted to be apart. Everyone said it would never last, that it was just young love that would fizzle out by the time they both graduated. Neither of them ever took that to heart because, even if it was true, they were okay with enjoying their time together now.
The first time (Y/N) heard Harry sing was in the shower. She had slept over to his place (in the spare bedroom, as per Anne’s rules) and woke to the sound of water running and Harry’s voice singing a Stevie Wonder song. She nearly jumped on him the second he stepped out of the bathroom to tell him how good his voice was. After that, (Y/N) pushed Harry just as much as his mom did to convince him to try out for The X Factor. With two of the most important people in his life convinced he would do well, Harry finally gave in and signed up for auditions.
(Y/N) took hold of Harry’s shaking hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re gonna do great!”
“There’s so many people here,” he said. “They’ll never choose me.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” she said. “Besides, it doesn’t matter if you make it through. The fact that you even came for auditions is a huge achievement. You should be proud of yourself.”
Harry smiled as she squeezed his hand again.
When they called him in for his audition, he was beyond nervous. His shaking had escalated to a point where he was sure he wouldn’t even be able to sing. (Y/N) and Anne stood backstage to support him. (Y/N) gave him a peck on the cheek for good luck before he took stage.
Harry was painfully aware of how bad his audition was going. He sounded nervous, and he could not stay on key to save his life. He could feel his face and neck burning with embarrassment. He wanted to disappear on the spot and never be found again.
But then Simon Cowell did the unthinkable and let him start his audition over. “Choose a different song,” he had said. And when Harry looked over at (Y/N), smiling supportively back at him, he knew exactly what song to choose.
“Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful?”
It went much better this time, but he was still shocked when he was given the pass on to bootcamp. He was so excited that he didn’t even stay on stage to hear the end of Simon’s sentence. He ran to (Y/N), taking her into his arms and spinning her around as she and Anne cheered for him.
“I told you you could do it!” (Y/N) said. “You were so good, baby!”
“I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
Anne cleared her throat and was raising a playful eyebrow at her son. Harry put (Y/N) down to hug her as well. “You know I couldn’t do it without you too, mum.”
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie,” Anne said.
Harry turned back to (Y/N). “Can you come to the bootcamp, too? Do you think school will let you be away for another few days?”
“I can’t see there being an issue if I’m away supporting my boyfriend on a reality TV show. I’ll catch up if I have to.” She cupped his face and planted a big kiss on his lips. “I’ll be here to support you as long as you want me to.”
And she kept that promise. After a lot of convincing, (Y/N)’s parents agreed to talk to the school to let her take time off so she could go to the bootcamp. It was very needed, because Harry’s nerves only grew as the bootcamp arrived. He wasn’t sure how it was going to go. He couldn’t dance at all, and he had a feeling his nerves weren’t going to help him learn. (Y/N) tried to reassure him, but he couldn’t shake the pessimistic feeling that he had going into it.
And he was right. He tried not to look too disappointed when he was eliminated from the show, but the second it was just him and (Y/N), he let his emotions out. (Y/N) hugged him tightly as he cried into her shoulder.
“You did so good, babe,” she said. “You made it further than you expected!”
“I know,” Harry said through his tears. “I just got my hopes up a bit that I’d go a bit further. Getting to bootcamp and then getting eliminated, it feels more humiliating than if I had been eliminated from the auditions.”
(Y/N) cupped his face and forced him to look at her. “Listen to me, you should not be humiliated. You did so well! The fact that you got past the auditions is a huge achievement. Actually, the fact that you auditioned at all is an achievement. You should be proud of yourself. I know I am, and I know your mum will be, too.”
Harry nodded, but he wasn’t completely feeling it. He just wanted to go home and lay in bed for hours until the disappointment wore off. They were about to leave when a producer called out to stop them.
“We have an idea,” he told the two.
The idea, it would seem, was to match Harry up with four other contestants that had been eliminated from the solo rounds. Four other guys that were close enough to Harry in age, named Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. They all had the same look on their faces as Harry did - a little dejected, but also a little hopeful about this pairing.
“We’re thinking you could be the big boy band for this generation if things go right,” Simon was telling them. “I’m talking Backstreet Boys for the 2010s. If you are all interested, that is.”
“We’d be stupid to say no,” Louis pointed out.
“Great! We’ll have you all enter as a band. You can talk amongst yourselves and come up with a name. No rush, though. You can let us know whenever you come up with something.”
He left the five to talk amongst themselves then. It was a bit awkward to say the least. They were five young men from different parts of the UK, having come to The X Factor to audition as solo artists, only to be put together in a band with four other strangers. Harry fidgeted with his hands a bit before (Y/N) took one of them in hers, hoping to relieve some of the awkwardness for them.
“Well then, lads,” Niall said. “Seems we’re a team now.”
“Seems so,” Zayn agreed. “How are we feeling about this?”
“I’ll take it over being eliminated again,” Liam said. “Worth a shot, right?”
“Maybe it’ll work out better than you all expect,” (Y/N) suggested. “For all you guys know, you’ll be the next big thing. Stars in the making.”
Harry chuckled. “Yeah, maybe. Or maybe we’ll get booted after two rounds together.”
“You’re such a Debbie Downer,” (Y/N) said. “Don’t get down on yourselves yet. You don’t know what’s gonna be in store for you.”
Harry’s body ached and his eyes were burning in a way that made him want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week straight. As much as he had been dreading the end of his almost two year long tour, and as much as he didn’t want that fun and excitement to end, he knew he needed the rest. Especially after giving it his all during the last few shows of the tour. His legs were so sore that he felt like he could barely make it to his hotel room without collapsing onto the hallway floor and falling asleep right then and there.
(Y/N) walked by his side, one arm around his waist, basically assisting him to get to his room. She giggled up at his sleepy face. “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”
“I feel like it,” he mumbled. “It was a really good show, though.”
“It was fantastic, baby. You gave them all a show they’ll never forget.”
Harry smiled to himself. A show he’d never forget, either. A tour he’d never forget, in fact.
And, just like when he auditioned for The X Factor, (Y/N) had been with him every step of the way. It was safe to say they had beaten the claims that their relationship was just a high school fling, by a very long shot.
When they got to their room, Harry swiped the key card and nearly fell into the room. (Y/N) laughed as she closed the door behind him and started shedding herself of her heels and dress. “You should really just go to bed, love. You look so tired.”
“I need a shower first. I can’t get into bed after being all sweaty.”
But that was only half of the reason Harry was adamant on showering before going to bed. Despite being so exhausted, Harry had one last big plan for the night.
He quickly showered, opting for cold water in hopes it would wake him up a bit more. He had no idea what he was going to say when he went back out there. He had prepared about ten different speeches in his head leading up to this moment, but none of them were coming to him in that moment. He felt more nervous than he had been all those years ago when he walked into The X Factor auditions, with (Y/N) at his side giving him all the reassurance he needed.
He got out of the shower and quickly towel dried as much of his hair as he could. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants and took the little box he had taken into the bathroom with him from the counter. When he stepped back out into the hotel room, (Y/N) was laying on the bed waiting for him. She was wearing one of his t-shirts, her favorite pajama alternative. Her eyes were closed, but the second he entered the room she opened them and smiled at him.
“Feel better?” she asked.
“Still tired, but much more refreshed.”
Harry crossed the room and knelt down next to the bed. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. ��What are you doing, you weirdo?”
“Remember when we first got together, and we had that type of teen relationship that was so intense that we never wanted to be away from one another?” he asked. “Where people told us we shouldn’t be so stuck to each other because it likely wouldn’t last?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “How could I forget? I swear, it’s like everyone was rooting against us back then.”
“You wanna know how I knew they were all wrong? Even when we were still teenagers?” (Y/N) hummed in response. “Because you gave up weeks of school just to come support me when I started the show. You gave up so much time that the school threatened to hold you back because they said you’d never be able to catch up, and even then you tried to convince your parents to let you stay for the rest of the show.”
(Y/N) smiled at the memory. “Because I wanted to be there. I wanted to watch you every step of the way, right up until the finale. I would’ve, too, if my parents hadn’t gotten so upset over me almost flunking out because of it.”
“That’s how I knew you were my endgame. Because you could’ve watched the show at home. Or you could’ve not supported me at all and just thought I was being stupid for wanting to audition for the show. But you didn’t. You insisted on being there for me, even after I told you that you didn’t have to be. People don’t do that unless they really love someone.”
(Y/N) propped herself up on her elbow. “Where are you going with this, Harold?”
Harry put the open ring box on the bed next to (Y/N). Her eyes widened as she slowly sat up. Harry watched her every movement as he asked, “(Y/N), will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in her eyes immediately. She nodded, unable to form any words.
“Yeah?” Harry asked, his eyes lighting up.
“Yes, you idiot,” she finally managed. “Of course I’ll marry you. Oh my god, yes!”
The force of Harry’s lunge to hug (Y/N) knocked them both back onto the bed. He kissed her so passionately it made both of their heads spin. She wrapped her arms around him and held him to her, never wanting to let him go.
Until she realized - “Oh, the ring.”
Harry sat up, allowing (Y/N) to do the same, and took the ring from the box. He gently placed it on her ring finger. (Y/N) took a moment to admire it before she was the one to jump on Harry and push him down onto the bed. He laughed as she kissed all over his face, leaving his lips for last so she could take her time there.
“I love you so much,” she said.
“I love you more,” he responded. “I’ve loved you since we were 16.”
“That’s so close to being that one song you and the boys did.”
Harry chuckled and pulled her into his arms.
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Screaming and crying rn also, because right after I sent in that ask, I went to go and read protector 2 and, dear writer of mine, how are you so amazing at writing Simon Shhsbsjsbsjbs actually combusting rn, love your work sm.
but! To my actual ask! so, this is another self indulgent one.
Ok, a lot of times, when I really laugh, like, actually mean it, I snort. And I’m really insecure about it, cause alot of people make jokes about it, or make fun of it. Like “you sound like a pig” kinda stuff.
So, I was wondering if I could get price, Simon, König, and Alejandro with an S/O who snorts when they laugh, and they get so embarrassed, cause they think they’ll make fun of em
Bonus++ how would they react to someone making fun of their S/O for snorting when they laugh? ⬆️ This is just a little extra if you’d like to write it
feel free to dilute/leave some parts of this ask out because I understand this is very specific 😅
have a nice day/night! <3
Thank you sm I'm so glad you love it. I tried really hard to get him right.
This one is easy for me bc I snort when I laugh too.
Have a good day ✨!
Price, Simon, König, and Alejandro with an S/O who snorts when they laugh
It's not rare that he makes you laugh. He usually gets a chuckle or a good laugh out of you when he says something with that dry humor of his
It kind of makes him feel good when he does make you laugh because it makes him feel not so much of an "boring old man" as he puts it
He also just likes to make you happy
So one night while he's on leave, the two of you decide to have some fun playing a game together while sharing some drinks
You both are a little tipsy and in high spirits, so the jokes were coming out easily
Price ended up saying something so funny you couldn't breathe with how hard you both were laughing
Then you snorted and you immediately went quiet.
Your entire body heated up and you placed your hands over your mouth as you avoided looking at Price, the silence from him making things a lot worse for you
You were mortified, just waiting for you him to say something
Price heard it, but he was honestly worried that something bad had happened to make your mood turn sour that quick
"You alright, love?" He wondered and you nodded, though you didn't look okay. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Let's keep playing." You tried to change the subject but he was set on making you laugh again.
Because Price isn't stupid, he put it together and honestly, he was mad that anyone would ever make fun of you for snorting when you're at your happiest
He didn't say anything as he began to tickle you, locking you into his arms so you couldn't get away from him. No matter how hard you tried to get away, he just held onto you and tickled you
"S-Stop! John!" You begged as you laughed so hard you snorted multiple times.
"There we go." He chuckled and kissed you on the cheek.
He likes that you snort when you laugh because he likes when you laugh. It let's him know you're truly having fun
God forbid anyone makes fun of you when you snort when he's around. He's about to become the meanest version of himself because he'll find something to say back
You laugh around him a lot and at his horrible dad jokes, which makes him feel a little too proud of himself
It enables him to make more jokes and if Soap is around it's like torture
He uses them as a good way to make you happy and when you're happy, he's happy. It's cliché, but truthfully, your happiness is something that is his top priority over everything
Usually those jokes don't make you laugh that hard though, and he's okay with that because he knows you still find joy out of them
One morning you both are laying in bed, you somehow convinced him to lay in bed later than he usually does, dozing in and out of sleep since it was the weekend
Simon was cuddling you and he was content with the silence, but a good joke popped into his head and he just had to share it with you
"Did you know diarrhea is genetic?" He asked and you looked at him with confusion.
"What?" You asked half asleep.
"It runs in your jeans."
It started out soft, your laughter, but soon you were laughing pretty hard at his joke, a lot harder than normal. It had taken you off guard and it was a bad joke, but somehow it made you laugh so hard you snorted
You gasped and placed a hand over your mouth, before you hid under the covers
Simon was confused but oh so surprised at your reaction
He made you laugh so hard, you snorted
It was an ego boost that's for sure and he wanted to make you laugh like that again, your happiness making him actually smile
He began an onslaught of horrible dad jokes, making you laugh harder with each other until you snorted again
He loves it. He already loved hearing you laugh but knowing you can laugh that hard and he's the one making you that happy makes he feel like he can do anything
Death glares towards anyone who makes fun of you and he'll probably say something mean in return
(yes i took the joke from the tlou tv show it made me laugh)
Any good moment he has with you, he cherishes because sometimes he gets a little insecure about if you actually like him
It’s definitely just the social anxiety talking but it makes him feel funky so he tries his best to combat those thoughts by making the most of the time you have together
When he makes you laugh, it's almost like all of the bad thoughts get pushed away by and it just makes him feel a lot better than he was
He always sends or shows you things that he knows will make you happy or laugh. It makes him feel like he's doing a good job at being your S/O
(You make sure to let him know that he doesn't always have to make you feel happy for him to be the best S/O you've had. You're always there to support him when he struggles)
One time you both were just sitting in silence, enjoying each others company while he decompresses after getting back from deployment
König was scrolling his phone aimlessly to just occupy his mind before he saw a funny video that he knew you were going to enjoy
He showed it to you, pride swelling in his chest when you began to laugh at the video and he even laughed a little himself before you snorted
When you suddenly stopped laughing and turned away from him, he immediately began to panic on the inside
Did you think he was laughing at you? That he was making fun of you?
Never in his life would he ever want to make you feel that way because he knows how bad that feeling is.
"I'm sorry." He apologized even though it wasn't his fault. "I wasn't laughing at you."
"I know, it's just embarrassing." You sighed and kept your back towards him.
"I don't think so."
He gave you a kiss on the top of your head and slowly after that you felt a lot less insecure about snorting when laughing, especially when he was around
His social anxiety disappears immediately when someone makes a comment about it and he may or may not call them out on it
This man is in love with everything about you and there is no one who would deny that
You and him laugh together often, there's a lot about life that you both try to make the most of and enjoy, especially when he works in such a violent field
He makes sure you're always comfortable around him and sometimes lets himself do embarrassing things to make you feel better about embarrassing yourself
He's 100% your ride or die and he will go out of his way to make you happy or to at least lessen the bad moods so you're not entirely upset
He doesn't joke very often with you but he never fails to make you laugh when he's showing you a movie or something he thought was funny. He also tends to tickle you when he wants to hear you laugh
You both were watching a comedy movie, a way for him to wind down after a long day of work
Something particularly funny happened that had you both belly laughing on the couch and when you snorted, you were embarrassed but you hoped that he didn't hear it over his own laughter, but he had
He didn't think anything of it, he honestly thought it was funny but he adored it so he waited for it to happen again when another funny part came on the tv, but it never did
"You don't like your laugh?" He wondered and you tried to hide your embarrassment.
"I don't like that I snort when I laugh." You explained and he hummed before he paused the movie.
"I love it, so you can do it when you're around me, mi vida."
Over time you stopped feeling embarrassed when you laughed that hard around him
If someone were to ever make fun of you when he's around, he's going to go into a million different insults, but in English and Spanish depending who he's talking to and how mad he is
A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long and also that König's part was short. He's hard for me to write for some reason but I hope to get better at it
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eggyrocks · 6 months
do you have ANY more thoughts abt nishinoya and/or hinata? i love the way u write them so much 🔥🔥‼‼
good luck w the last bits of calloused hands!!!! you can do this im praying 4u
do i have any more thoughts on nishinoya and hinata??? are there stars in the sky. does the sun rise and set each day. sorry for being dramatic but no i’m not
answering this in the context of calloused hands and not like general headcannons bc unfortunately for you guys i am obsessed with my own content
nishinoya wants to be a menace so bad
like this is the type of man to join random groups on facebook with filled with lead poisoned boomers just to troll and piss them off
he loves to cause problems on purpose
but despite his best efforts he’s actually the most dependable and reliable person in his friend group
he literally does not even realize he’s doing it but whenever his friends need something he’s literally there
like when everyone was moving into their apartments he was there, lifting as many boxes as he could (and also not being able to see past them)
yachi can’t open a jar? he’s got it no worries. tanaka got lost? he’s on the phone guiding him. yn needs to get home? he’ll walk her
like he’ll make fun of them the whole time
but he’s still there for them like 10000% of the time
hes also loud and honest so he always says whatever it is he’s thinking
even if it’s NOT what they wanna hear (ch 19 of calloused hands)
but it always comes from a place of love and care
he just has a big mouth and when his friends are being stupid it’s not like he’s gonna stop having a big mouth
the type to say what everyone else is thinking and not even sugar coat it even a little
but also nishinoya’s the most loyal person to ever exist ever
try saying something bad about one of his friends and live to see the next day
challenge level: impossible
he & yn have the most extreme sibling dynamic for non siblings to have
they bicker constantly and then switch to hanging out like normal to wrestling to just chilling
like they’re so brother and sister
arguably the closest in the band
they make fun of each other all the time but if anyone else tries to join in it’s over immediately
like noya will be like “yn you’re so annoying i hope you get shot” but when anyone else tries to join in and agree with him he’ll be like “???? what the fuck are you talking about why would you talk about my best friend like that”
during their shows they’re definitely doing the most crowd work between songs and their just heckling their audience and also each other
“sorry our guitar player sucks and also is dressed like a fucking nerd”
“noya can you reach the microphone okay or do you need me to adjust the mic stand for you”
they’ll go back and forth like that for a little bit until eventually tanaka will just start counting them into a song and they rush to start playing
they’re so close that it’s honestly kind of intimidating to outsiders
it’s not that their other friends are left out or anything they’re just not on that same vibe
they’re like that one gif of the two girls whispering and giggling to each other u know the one i’m talking about
and HINATA!!!!!
love that guy
after kuroo and yn start dating and each of their friend groups start spending more and more time together, yn and noya eventually adopt hinata into their duo and make it a trio
and everyone’s like ??? how did he do that
but hinata just exists on the same vibe as them
also hinata’s the only person noya and yn don’t make fun of or tease at all (including each other)
they kinda like take hinata under their wing like that’s their dude!!! their friend !!!!
like if noya and yn have a sibling dynamic, it’s like they’re twins and hinata’s their little brother
hinata shows the most interest in learning more about punk subculture and yn and noya are more than excited to show him
take him to see other bands play and introduce him to zines and tell him abt punk history
and he’s stoked to learn more and more about it
hinata’s always trying to be supportive and encouraging of them and their band
but sometimes it backfires
“i’m sure everyone will love your new album don’t even worry! and even if it’s bad it’s not like you had a ton of fans to listen to it in the first place so not a lot of people will hear it!”
“oh….great…thanks hinata”
he’s also literally doing something 24/7
and he never wants to do it alone
so everyone always has texts from him like “hey do you wanna practice with me” “hey do you wanna get dinner””hey do you wanna take this cooking class with me” “do you want to do pottery with me”
everyone is always perplexed as to when he sleeps
also he has like a ton of friends that his other friends don’t know
it seems like every other business day he’s posting a new selfie on insta with a friend they’ve never heard of
and everyone’s always like “hinata who the hell is this?“
“oh thats my friend sakusa we hang out all the time”
“???? when”
everyone that mets him loves him he has no opps
also he’s the best gift giver
he always knows what to give everyone for every occasion so every single time someone is stuck getting a gift they ask him for advice
problem is he can’t keep a secret
when yn asked him what to get kuroo from his birthday and hinata responded with the perfect gift, he didn’t even think about it when he took a screenshot of their convo and sent it to kuroo
he was just excited he didnt mean to spoil the surprise
he’s just a lil dumb sometimes
but that’s okay so are all his other friends <33333
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togamest · 5 months
HELLO ARIIII🤭 could i maybe have first times with kakucho? it doesnt have to be virginity loss, it can be just your first time together but i leave the choice to you🫶 maybe have him a bit on the more vulnerable side/insecure side at first?
-> you’re new to this, aren’t you? | 2,001 words. afab!reader, vulnerable!kakucho, slight angst/hurt + comfort vibes, cunnilingus (reader!receiving), fingering (reader!receiving), reader teaches kakucho how to eat (their) pussy basically, reader calls kakucho "baby, kakucho calls reader "pretty baby", haitani slander bc i can never leave ran and rindou alone ever lmfao
a/n: snow u know i love a good vulnerable big man concept <3 i hope i did this well for u!! i know i like to write kakucho as being experienced but having you be his first real relationship and wanting to teach him is so sexy of him :( god i wanna suck the skin off him jfc
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“You’re new to this, aren’t you?”
You feel Kakucho’s breath still in his chest, his hands freezing on your skin. His eyes are wide, pupils blown, but his white teeth flash as he gnaws at his bottom lip. He doesn’t have to say it, but you can sense what he means. I am new to this. Nobody’s ever wanted me like this before.
It stings in your chest, the realization, and you reach up to cup his cheeks, brushing your thumb across the scar winding along the side of his face. He flinches, but you don’t stop.
“Hey. Talk to me.”
His breath is ragged when he finally sucks oxygen in, and he looks at you pointedly, hands firm on your chest, grasping your breasts tightly as if they’ll keep him from floating away. As if they’ll keep him grounded with whatever he’s about to say.
“S-Sorry, I—”
“Don’t apologize, Kaku. It’s okay, baby.”
Another ragged breath. “Thank you. I-I am new to this, just…I’ve done things before but not with someone who- someone who loves me like you love me and I’m…I’m scared of fucking up.”
His voice grows smaller and quieter as he continues on with his confession, and he moves away from you, attempting to cover his face with his hands, leaving you cold from the sudden loss of body heat. You follow him, though, connected to him like a magnet as you grasp his hands, moving them away from his face. There’s a rage within you, aggressively boiling up as his words sink in.
You and Kakucho were relatively new to the whole sex thing. YOu’d had plenty of partners before, and Kakucho had not; there wasn’t exactly a lot of time to get down and dirty when you’re in a gang; although the Haitanis seemed to disprove that statement, but then again, it’s also the Haitanis.
You’d suggested it today, when you were feeling a little frisky, and he’d approached you gently, removing your shirt and bra expertly, but in actually doing anything beyond kissing, he seemed to fumble and be very insecure about his movements. It almost felt like someone had scolded him into telling him he didn’t do anything right; which wasn’t true, he did know what he was doing on a basic level, but he just needed some fine-tuning.
It makes you angry to know there was someone, or multiple someones, who used the man sitting before you; not teaching him how to pleasure someone properly, or not caring about him enough to bother. Or, even worse, not being intimate with him in a way where he had a chance to gain experience in the first place. The man who’d do anything for you, who makes you dinner on a rough day, who covers the chores when all you want to do is rot in bed all day, who is always there to dry your tears and hold you.
You’d do the same for him, of course. That’s what you’re doing now as you drag him into your embrace, pressing his face into your chest. He takes a deep breath again, and you feel something wet against your skin. You can tell he’s crying; you coo at him, running your nails along his buzz cut, pressing kisses against his temple and scalp and anywhere you can reach as you lay back down, refusing to let him go and run off and isolate himself.
“It’s okay, I promise it’s okay,” you repeat over and over, like a mantra in his ear as he silently cries, tears dripping onto your bare chest and sliding down your sternum.
“A-Are you sure?”
You stiffen, digging your nails into his scalp. “Yes. Why would I have said that if I didn’t mean it?”
“Well, other people have—”
You push his head up, cupping his face again so he can look directly at you again. Your eyebrows are furrowed, that anger still bubbling underneath your skin as you stare into him, the glassy red-and-white stare of the man you love so much the only thing stopping you from not leaving right now and finding the addresses of all the people who have slighted him.
He didn’t deserve that, as much as he thinks he does.
“You didn’t deserve that, Kakucho.”
At the mention of his full name, he flinches again, but it’s not out of fear. It’s out of surprise, like he’s shocked you care this much about him, but he nods. He clearly expects you to stop, but your hands are firm against his face as you keep going.
“You didn’t deserve that at all. I love you, okay?” you say, your voice rising slightly in volume, firm and rock solid, giving him something he can cling onto, “I love you so much, and I want this with you, and I want to help you. I want to teach you. I want you, all of you, and I don’t care if you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. I’m happy to show you how to do all this, I promise. It’s never a problem.”
You can see another wave of tears rising in his eyes as you speak to him, your words weaving themselves into his brain, imprinting on it. It’ll take him a lot longer to gain that confidence back, of course, but this is a start. The tears are no longer saddening tears; they’re happy, relieved as he pulls you into a tight hug, holding onto you like you’ll slip away.
“God, I love you so much,” he whispers shakily into your ear, and you can’t help but giggle at him, rubbing his bare back with your fingers. “Of course, Kaku,” you whisper back, “of course.”
Then, you drag your nails across his back instead, and he lets out a full-body shudder and a growl into your ear. “Fuck, do that again,” he says, his voice low, and as you do, he makes another groaning noise and pushes you back onto the bed, wiping away his tears.
“Fuck, okay, fuck, you’re perfect.”
He breathes it like a prayer as he dives back onto your chest, swirling a nipple around in his mouth, but not exactly correct. It’s a little sloppy, not the level you need him at, and you tap him on the head. He looks up at you through his eyelashes, and you have to collect yourself so you don’t just babble nonsense to him.
“Swirl it like you’re licking a lollipop.”
He swirls his tongue just as you say, and your hips jerk into his own, the motion just right.
Perfect, even.
“God, you pick up on things quickly, huh?” you tease as he moves to the other nipple, your sentence cutting off in a moan as he does the same to the other nipple. You can feel his lips moving into a smirk against you as he breathes against the hardened nipple, gently sucking on it.
“What can I say? I learn fast.”
He makes his way down, his thumbs hooking into your pants and underwear as he pulls them off in one go, and his hot breath against your dripping center has you whining for him, your hips twitching at the feeling of his tongue against you. You need it, you need it so badly—
His tongue takes one long, slow lick from your hole to your clit, flicking against the nub, but it’s not quite where you want it to be. You let him do it again, before you grip his head and tap him, causing him to look up at you in question. His cheeks are bright red with blush, like a puppy. If he’d had a tail, you’d imagine it’d be wagging while he waits for you.
You take a deep breath. “Stick your tongue out.”
He complies, and you push his head against you, allowing the wet tip of his tongue to traverse your lips and crevices, until they land on the one spot that makes you see stars. You jerk up into his mouth when his tongue skirts across it, and it’s like you’re beaming the message into his brain, because he doubles down on that specific spot, swirling across it like he did with your nipples.
Holy shit.
“Do it in a figure eight,” you stammer out, using your finger to draw a figure eight in the air. He blinks at you, before nodding and trying it, and fuck, you could’ve cum right there watching him comply so innocently with your commands. Seeing him so pliant beneath you, learning what gets you off, was such a hot circumstance to be in that the room felt like it’d been raised a few degrees. The coil in your stomach is hot, tight and warm, and—
Suddenly, he stops, and he moves away to look up at you.
“Am I good?”
You stare at him incredulously. “What?”
He repeats the question, his hands gripping the fat of your hips so tightly that it might bruise.
It felt good.
You blink at him. “I—yes, but—”
He smirks at you, although the embarrassment is still strong in his eyes as he dives back into you. “Jus’ wanna make you feel good, baby,” he mumbles against you as he takes up his movements again in a faster motion, and you let out a loud moan, nodding. “You’re so good, Kaku, so good for me—”
He murmurs against you. “Can I…can I finger you?”
You laugh at the innocence of the statement, before nodding aggressively as his tongue flicks against you again. “Yes, God, yes,” you breathe, and one of his thick fingers slides in only a beat later. It’s getting more difficult to concentrate on teaching him how to do this, mainly because he is taking to how to pleasure you like a fish to water. It’s insane how fast he’s learning the spots that make you squirm; he’s perceptive, you knew that already, but this is another level. It’s like he’s turned all of his senses up to eleven to detect even the slightest discomfort.
“Up a little bit.”
“To the side.”
“How about there?”
“Can you curl your—oh, shit—”
Not only does he add another finger, but he curls his fingers against that spongey spot inside of you and that does it. “Fuck, Kaku, ‘m gonna—”
“You’re gonna cum for me, pretty baby?”
At the pet name, the dam bursts, and you cream all over his fingers, shaking and sputtering against him. His mouth is on you in a second, licking and sucking up all of your wetness that dribbles out of you. He doesn’t stop, unknowingly about to fuck you into overstimulation as you cry out, twitching against him as he curls and scissors his fingers inside of you. It’s hitting all the sensitive areas inside of you, and by the time you finally come down and his fingers slide out, his chin is wet with your essence, looking up at you with a reddened face.
“Did I do good?” he whispers, and you pull him up, your gaze softened with the post-climax daze. You pull him close, tucking him underneath your chin, and sighing.
“Yeah, you did good. Great. High marks across the board.”
His chest rumbles with a laugh as he moves to tuck you into his own chest, letting you melt against him, his large hands skating across your back. “Thank you,” he breathes, and you look up at him with a smile, before pressing a kiss to his lips. “Of course, baby,” you respond, and his face gets even more red, bashfulness flooding his eyes.
“Can I ask you something?”
You cock your head. “Yeah?”
He looks away from you, as if weighing the consequences of his request he’s about to ask. When he does, heat floods down to your core, turning you on again so fast that you see stars.
“Can I…do that again?”
You giggle against him.
“Of course. Call it an assessment of your skills you’ve learned so far.”
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divider credit: @/benkeibear
networks: @thehoneypotserver @enchantedforest-network
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© kakuchari 2023-2024
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goldfades · 5 months
(I’m right here babes!!!)
They have lots of matching things actually, matching shoes, jewelry, pajama sets, mostly the managers doing. Like there’s so many pictures of them walking around with matching tops and bottoms on cuz you better believe she’s like “Y’all match with me today or i’m gonna start a war.” (I mean they were gonna do it regardless)
Something also tells me that the manager is secretly good at basketball and just doesn’t tell anybody 🫣 Idk she strikes me as one of those people who’s like “you don’t know a lot about me.” like okay mysterion
Manager learned Croatian for Nika and I will take NO OBJECTIONS. They’re always talking shit and cussing each other out in Croatian as well, and sometimes the camera picks it up and people try to make out what they say on the court.
But like imagine when the manager first spoke it to Nika and told her why she was learning it, I swear my heart would melt. Manager is just so considerate and what’s to make her girls comfortable and started learning it thinking that it would make Nika feel a bit more at home 🥺 Hold on I’m gonna sob in a corner real quick
Manager has tea about staff members (mainly previous ones) and spills it with them team 100%. Any drama that happened within the staffing the girls know about.
I can imagine how those conversations start
“I wonder what happened to (staff member)” and the manager is just like “girlllll…”
“Tell us, SPILL IT NEOW🗣️🗣️”
The shit talking between the team is so fucking funny
Manager ranting about a previous co worker and the team is just eating that shit up.
“Talking like my outfits affect my work ethic, NEWS FLASH BITCH! If it was such an issue the other staff above me would’ve said something years ago when I first started. I’ve been here bitch.”
(Random but I feel like Paige is one of those people where, if the manager is telling a story, and she told Paige already, Paige it doing commentary the whole time manager is telling the story to the others.
Manger: She’s constantly eying me up and down everytime she sees me. Like the other day she went “You are just all sorts of unprofessional.” like bitch???
Paige: Now Mind you!!! This bitch is worried about what the manager is doing, YET she just started her position and is already talking shit about her SUPERIOR, who has been here for years.” )
Sometimes the manager doesn’t tell the girls outright who it is if the staff member is still there, but they’ll figure it out quickly.
oh my gosh, and matching rings!!!!!!! idk why i've been obsessed with the thought of the entire team being dripped tf out but i feel like they'd also have big ass matching rings
lowkey... because her sister is rly good at basketball and she def taught her some tricks so she'd definitely have some skill yk, and everyones like "WHATTT, what can't y/n do?????" (literally nothing she's barbie)
the whole croatian thing is SO REAL BECAUSE YES!!!! she's not quite fluent but she's almost there bc nika teaches her sm, and the shit talking thing is so real
i feel like they do most of their shit talking on the bus, but they do it quietly cus they don't want geno to hear but like.... he does (he just honestly doesn't gaf) and she's spilling everything
oh and kk and paige are very active listeners, the head nodding and the gasping pls like "SHE DID WHAT??"
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“Steve Harrington is a groupie! Steve Harrington is their merch girl! Steve Harrington is a roadie!”
Incorrect. Steve Harrington is the band mom and the sound queen.
In his duties as band mom, he has the guys over the morning after a gig and cooks them all breakfast. His place quickly becomes the place for post gig/practice dinners bc Steve is always willing to open his home to these guys who make Eddie so happy to be around. And yeah, he helps lug some equipment in and out of their practice space and their gigs, but he’s also handing out set lists and keeping his eye on the guys to make sure they have water up there with them. He’s done this since before he and Eddie officially got together.
The sound queen thing came.. slower. It took him a while to get used to the style of music the guys played, to understand who played what lead and what a lead even meant. Music was never really his thing, it was just background to the parties and the hookups, until he began hanging around Eddie. He slowly developed opinions on how the band sounded, felt the feedback grind his gears one too many times before, after practice one day, he tentatively approached Eddie and suggested maybe he could turn the gain down on his mic, just a little bit, on that third song, let that cool thing that Gareth’s doing shine through a bit more.
Eddie, of course, is thrilled that Steve Has Opinions on his music and is getting Actually Involved and encourages it all. He sets him up with their shitty sound board in the garage and let’s Steve experiment with the sound, the whole band giving pointers to Steve. He introduces Steve to the guy who runs the board at the Hideout, and Steve starts spending every show sitting back at the board, listening intently and watching the op’s fingers twitch over the minuscule adjustments to make the band sound just right.
And then they show up for a gig one night and the board op is sick. Like, really sick. And his back up is also sick. And Eddie, man, I’m sorry, but without an op, we can’t have a show. Maybe we can reschedule. And the guys are devastated. They’ve been working towards this one for months, they’re actually starting to get somewhere as a band. So Steve volunteers. He knows this board, he knows the way the guys like to sound, he knows the space. He can manage one show, right?
Naturally, it’s the best they’ve ever sounded. Eddie’s beaming with pride as Steve comes around the back after the show, a few groupies are hanging off the guys elbows, telling them how good they sounded, and hey, when’s the next show? There’s some people who have to be here the next time they play.
And that’s how Steve takes over sound entirely for the band. It ticks off some venues when they insist Steve be at the board, and sound checks take a little longer and require a bit more feedback when they move into new spaces, because Steve’s hearing is a little wonky, sometimes, after all of the knocks to the head, but he manages. Manages pretty well, until the guys have a manager and they’re playing venues bigger than Steve is really comfortable with and really, he knows nothing about recording audio so it’s okay that he’s not the one operating the board when they’re in the studio. But he is in the room, giving his opinions as Eddie smiles. Because, as band mom, Steve knows that Eddie’s got the lead on that first song, and Garett does that cool thing in the third that really should be brought to the front, and Jeff’s harmony in the sixth is a little strong, they’ll want to back off on that a bit and…
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