#but that man? the man who sent men to murder her little boy?
dreamedfyre-a · 2 months
i'm thinking so much about hel and her children today for some reason. how she was way too young to be a mother and quite frankly relied entirely on the servants and ladies and her mother at first, and how she would have struggled with not knowing how to be a mother when she wasn't even an adult, and how her sensory sensitivities (especially when it comes to sound and touch) would make it harder to deal with her children, and how easily overwhelmed she would be
but also how she loves and cares for them and keeps them close most of the time. she's with them so often even though strictly speaking she didn't have to be. but she loves them and she wants them close, whether they're playing indoors or she's taking them to dreamfyre (rip to anyone who tried to say 'but it's dangerous' she trusts dreamfyre with her life and with her children's lives too)
when her little prince is born, it's a lot easier. she's older (young, still, but even so) and she has experience, it's also one (1) baby instead of two. she's a little less terrified overall. he's the one she spends the most time with since he was very little
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wordstome · 11 months
the execution of lady jane grey
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I got drunk and Tiktok showed me history_alice's video about this painting by Paul Delaroche. And since God has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never finished, have some medieval executioner König x fem mc. Also, Lady Jane Grey was executed by Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary), not by Henry the VIIIth (the one with the six wives), but I blended the stories just because I can.
1.3k words
König doesn't ask questions.
It's never been his job to ask questions. The king points, and he does the dirty work. Most of the time, he takes pleasure in it: thieves, rapists, murderers, they all answer to his justice. And sure, a true loyal citizen might argue that he's simply enacting the king's justice, but it's König who swings the axe, is it not? In the end, König decides their fate.
In theory, anyway. In practice, this is simply his job. He keeps his head down and does what he's told. He stays quiet about the king's secret executions, the ones that happen in the dungeons instead of out in the open courtyard where the smallfolk gather to watch. It's hypocritical, honestly. They all look at König like he's a monster, some spectre of death among men, but when there's a public execution to be held, are they not the ones clamoring and pushing to be at the front?
There are some times when the king's executions are more...dubious. An advisor who voiced dissent one too many times. A thief stealing barley from the royal stables to feed his family, made an example of. A young man, just a boy really, accused of murdering four grown men—convenient, considering all four men's wives had been found in the king's bed at some point or another.
Those are the executions König prefers not to think about. The ones that haunt him in his dreams anyway. Those are the ones that make him yearn for his days in the army: when the people he killed were as faceless as his hood was to them, when he didn't know them and didn't have to think about the loved ones they left behind. König's never claimed to be a good person, the opposite in fact. But sometimes when he brings the blade down, he imagines a different, more royal neck on the block instead.
He feels this way now, as he watches her make her way to the block.
She's ethereal in her petticoat, the soft silken material reflecting what little light there is in the cold stone room and bathing her in a warm glow. Gentle and obedient into her own grave.
The king's wife. Sent to the block for treason, of all things. But everyone knows the truth: he's only killing this poor woman because he plots to put his latest mistress on the throne. Just a few weeks ago, this sweet young thing was the king's main obsession. She stood no chance at all, the daughter of a local lord currying favor with royalty. And now, she's being put to death through no fault of her own. The injustice grinds König's teeth, and takes his mind to a dark, dangerous place.
If she was his, he would never so much as let another woman cross his mind again. He's seen her about the palace grounds, with her beautiful bright eyes and lively smile, skirts trailing behind her like the tail feathers of an exotic bird. Just watching her had made him feel young again, no longer the brutish old soldier everyone averted their eyes from.
He's only spoken to her once, but he'll never forget it. He had been in her way, but she was the one who apologized. Most people would have seen the hood and backed away in fear, but not her. He watched, frozen and unable to say a single word, as she curtseyed and looked at him with, of all things, a shy curiosity. For one still, breathtaking moment, he held her gaze in his, and he felt like they were the last two people remaining on earth.
Then her lady in waiting had touched her on the elbow, and the spell was broken as they continued on their way. But König had never forgotten.
That same lady in waiting is here now, eyes puffy as she holds the queen's elaborate dress and jewelry in her lap. She had chosen to take it off, so as not to stain the expensive fabrics with her blood. How can she be so considerate of others, when the whole world has failed her so?
She turns to him, trembling like a little bird, and meets his gaze. The words come out before he can help himself.
"I beg your forgiveness," he blurts out, and almost immediately mentally scolds himself. What right does he have, of all people, to ask for her grace?
"Of course, sir," she says, her voice clear and sweet. Surely, he can't feel any more wretched than he does right now...and then she speaks again.
"I only pray you dispatch me quickly..." She turns a fearful eye to the wooden block, sitting almost innocently on top of the straw laid down to soak up her lifeblood. "Will...will you take it before I lay me down?"
"No, madam," he whispers.
She nods, and with a sudden streak of iron will, ties the blindfold about her head. König knows this is a kindness: she'll never see him coming. And yet his heart aches to see her cover up those beautiful eyes.
A loud sob comes out of the lady in waiting, watching her young mistress fumble around blindly. König's heart shatters when she lets out a little cry of confusion as the lieutenant of the prison rushes to hold her steady. "What shall I do? Where is it?"
König feels a sudden streak of anger, at the gentle way the lieutenant lowers her to the ground. The man clearly knows this is wrong, and yet will not lift a finger to help her.
Guilt strikes him yet again as he remembers that neither is he.
Or is he?
He stares down at her, this vulnerable little lamb sent to the slaughter, her pretty neck exposed for his blade, and he knows what he has to do.
The lady in waiting cries out in anguish as the blade lowers to the queen's head, causing her to gasp as the cold metal brushes against her skin. But instead of cutting her head off, König slices through her blindfold with a deft precision.
"What is the meaning of this?" The lieutenant demands as the queen scrambles from her kneeling position. König offers his arm, and she takes it, her hands warm against his sleeve as she stands up. The confusion is writ plain on her face, but her eyes shine with an innocent hope that only steels König's resolve.
"You," König says, pointing his axe at the lieutenant, who shuffles backwards nervously. "You will tell the king that she has been executed. If he asks for a body, find one: I don't care which one. And if you tell anyone what happened here today, I swear to you that I will water the earth with your blood, and the blood of every family member in your line." His eyes narrow at the lieutenant. "Do I make myself clear?" The man nods, stuck still with terror.
The queen's lady in waiting rushes forward, pressing jewels into her hands. "My lady, you will need these," she says urgently. "For wherever life takes you next." She gives König a determined look. "Take care of her, sir."
The queen's eyes go wide and round as she looks up at König. "I don't understand."
He kneels to her height, taking her hands in his. "I am taking you away from this place," he tells her, his voice low and urgent. "But you need to trust me."
She closes her eyes, and takes one deep, trembling breath before opening them again. "I trust you."
"Good." She yelps as he picks her up in his arms, hands instantly darting about his shoulders. "I am sorry, my lady, but we don't have much time."
She giggles, giggles, in his arms. "I don't mind," she says, with a mischievous little look that invites trouble. God, he is utterly fucked, isn't he?
"I can give you time, but not much," the lieutenant says. "Go!"
König doesn't need to be told twice.
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To be honest with you, I have no idea what this is. I wrote this in, like. An hour. I think a demon possessed me. I don't think I'm going to write more of this au, but who knows!
@danibee33 @kneelingshadowsalome @crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @euuuuuuun @e1x03 @kokonoiwife @deaddainish @dragonfang @teehee-47 @catluvwr @keiva1000 @waves-against-a-cliff @channelsoph @cutiecusp @itsagrimm @dins-riduur-anthe @mantishymns @lexuria
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cateyesinlove · 2 months
Threads of Black and threads of Green
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Jacaerys Velaryon/Targaryen x Helaena Targaryen TW; Suicide and mention of miscarriage
"My boy,” Helaena whispered to the wind, she could see the city from her balcony, “my sweet sweet boy” she cried, sobbing into her hands. Her children, all her children were gone, Jeahaerys had been murdered by her uncle's men even tho she knew it was her brother Aemond who was the target, and then there was Jaehaera who her mother had sent to Oldtown for safekeeping before Rhaenyra had arrived to take the throne who was dead too and lastly the babe she had just lost.
“What else will you take from me” She whispered in agony, her body weak and aching after all the hard work of birthing a baby but no baby to hold, sing to, or love. As she looks down the balcony she sees the spikes that have haunted her all her life, here to claim her, if they want her so badly they can have her, with shaky legs she climbs across the railing of the balcony. 
“And when the dragon lost everything she flew to the sun where the warm would embrace her and birth her a new” she whispered as she pushed away from the railing, falling looking at the sky and reminiscing of the times she would touch it on Dreamfyres back. 
“Maybe I shall see you again.” She whispered softly closing her eyes and welcoming the stranger and the pain that suddenly sparked through her body. 
After what she thought was her end a scream escaped from her throat as she sat up in a bed, she could still feel the spikes piercing her body, wrapping her arms tightly around her as she tried to suppress the pain. 
“Helaena! Helaena what's wrong!” a voice to her right frantically called for her attention but the pain was bigger than whoever was next to her calling her name, she let another scream out hoping it would take the pain with it. 
“Bring the master at once!” The man worried for her exclaimed, “Hel, Hel darling can you hear me? Can you nod if you can hear me?” He pleaded with her. 
She gave a shaky nod as she sobbed overwhelmed, “It's going to be fine hel, ca- can I hold you? Can I touch you?” he asked and immediately she shook her head, gods no, just imagining the feeling of anyone hands on her made her feel worse. 
“Yes yes of course,” he muttered more to himself than her and stood up from the bed, taking the blankets from the bed and wrapping Helena on them, he sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her making sure to never touch her. 
“It will be fine Helaena, breath, you are safe I promise, I would never let anything happen to us.” He reassured her, “To our babies.”
The world froze for Helaena as the warmth from the blanket surrounded her and her senses dulled “my my babies?” she whispered in tears, her voice hoarse from the screaming and crying. “My babies are here?” 
“Of course Hel,” the man whispered, “They are in the next room resting.” 
She doesn't realize she is on her feet until she opens the door and pounces for the door to her right, feeling the ache in her heart she opens it knowing that it's the right door, and as she opens it there they lay both babes in the cradle alongside their eggs. 
“My boy,” she cries kneeling in front of the cradle and observing her baby, her beautiful child with his white hair and his little cheeks but something catches her eye as she observes her baby, a small brown curl. When she turned her head she saw her baby girl, Jaehaera only this instead of her beautiful Targaryen hair she had long brown curls, shocked and in disbelief she turned around to look back at the man at the door, the one who had been so gentle and patient with her, the one who had known exactly what to do to calm her, the one who spoke so gently to her like she was the most precious thing in the world. Jacaerys. 
He smiles softly at her but she can see tears forming in his eyes, “See Hel the babies are fine,” he reassured her approaching her and offering his hand, “I would never allow anything to happen to them nor anyone in this castle because everyone loves them”
She hesitates to take his hand scared that the horrid sensation and overwhelming feelings will be back ten times fold but when he finishes reaching for hers she only feels the warmth and a sense of peace fill her body. “I will always be here for you my wife.” he kisses the back of her hand and the world goes dark again. 
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Tag list @ella-error505
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zephyrrr101 · 6 months
Take me away
Pairing: Robert Baratheon x Named Targ OC
TW: Abusive words, Harrasment, Talk of murder, Robert Baratheon being an angry chihuahua, all the ASOIAF world warning.
Part Two
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Cries echoed in the silent halls of Red Keep. Ned Stark frowned at the new sound that had tore through the almost deafening quietness. He turned to look at his companions in the throne room.
His friend, now King Robert Baratheon sat at the Iron Throne.
The same throne that sat many Targaryen kings on it. The same Targaryens that the now King had swore upon killing. Each and everyone.
He did not agree with his friend on this.
Rhaegar Targaryen had taken his sister.
Aeyrs Targaryen had killed his father and brother.
He had felt the fire of vengeance run through him until they were alive but it was quelled the moment he met his dying sister.
And then he had felt disappointed and regretful.
Thousand people lost. Innocents put to sword.
The only good thing he thought came out of it was the end of the Mad King, albeit he didn't like the way he was killed by the Lannister White Knight, but still was a relief.
Another cry shook him out of his thoughts, now much louder, and he then turned to Jon Arryn, his mentor and now the Hand of the King. "What is this? Who is it?"
Jon Arryn did not answer. Even he wasn't sure what was happening. It was clear from the confused look on his face.
His eyes then found that of the new Commander of Kingsguard, Ser Barristan. He looked terrified at the best. He could not think of what could leave the man such as him so struck with fear.
The door of the Throne Room opened.
Now he understood Ser Barristan's horror.
Stannis Baratheon, King Robert's younger brother, marched in. His arms wrapped around silver tresses, he much more of dragged the woman he had come to know as Princess Alyssanne, cries leaving her mouth along with words of pleads to let her go.
What in the name of Gods' was happening?
Stannis came closer to the steps of the throne and pushed the silver haired princess to the floor, left of mercy of all the men in the room.
"What is the meaning of this?" Ned asked and he quickly moved over to the princess.
Her hair dishevelled, her dress dirty and almost seemed to falling off her shoulders. He did the quick work of pulling his cloak off him and covered the princess. Her eyes raised from the ground to meet his. Purple eyes filled with tears and her cheek wet and red.
"The boy escaped with the new born girl," Stannis started, "the Queen was dead. We only got in time to capture her. Dragonstone is ours."
"And you this needed you to drag a woman in such state?" Ned glared Stannis. He had known him almost as long as he knew Robert. He was like his own brother too. But this man he did not recognise.
Stannis opened his mouth, anger surging in his blood. But before any words could leave him, Robert yelled at the top of lungs. "What do you mean they escaped?! What else did I sent you there for!"
Stannis looked at his brother in shock. How could he even say such thing. "It was not in my hand! Willem Darry looked as if he had it already planned. He quicked the younger ones out. It was fortunate we could capture her!"
"You could have gotten there faster! I sent you there to killed them all! Not to bring the bitch back!" He glared at his brother for a moment before his anger took it's turn to Alyssanne. "Where did they go? Where did those runts run off to!"
Alyssanne flinched seeing him stand. Robert was always a tall man with broad shoulders. It intimidated anyone who didn't know him dearly. And not know him, the princess did. She whispered out some words in terror, her hold on the grey cloak of Stark was deathly. And Robert roared his question again, making her crawl a little back.
"I don't know! Please! Robert, we are kin!" She cried out, her voice broken from screaming some moments before.
"Kin? Kin! You are no kin of mine!" Robert sneered, "I'll find each and every one of your filthy white haired bastard and kill them just like I killed that son of whore of your brother! Just like I'll kill you!"
"No! Please! Robert!" Ned had never quite seen any woman in such a distress. He didn't even know what he was to do. "They are but children! Please just... Let them be. Let me go. I will find them and make sure we never return to Westros. I swear it! Please!"
"Let you go!" Robert looked disgusted at the thought, he started treading down the stairs, "You want me to—"
Ned stepped in Robert's way just when he was about a few steps away from Alyssanne and he caught Ser Barristan beside him. The princess had started fo move behind, draging herself back, trying to make distance between the enraged man.
"You grace, despite your anger she is your kin. An honourable man and king does not harm their kin or a woman," Ser Barristan said, trying to stop the enraged man to get his hands on the princess.
"Robert, she is a woman, a lady," Ned glared at his friend and Robert for a moment calmed.
For a moment they were not in the Throne Room of Red Keep but in Vale, fighting boys who tried to pick a fight with them.
Jon Arryn mean while had too moved. He approached the princess as one would a frighted and injured predator, who was actually contemplating the last moments of their life. He helped the princess get up, he eyes moving warily around, it didn't take anyone to be too wise to see the distance she tried to keep from Stannis and his men.
"Let us talk about this after tempers have cooled." Jon said. And he could say everyone agreed, even the Baratheon's, reluctantly, but they did.
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Alyssanne had not slept for even a second in the following night. And it was not an understatement.
She had been far too worried about what was happening. From what she could tell, there was a storm forming across the Blackwater Bay which was streched all over the Narrow sea she could see from her room.
Yes, her room.
Jon Arryn had done her the courtesy of letting her be in her room. Something about finding calmness in familiarity.
She could bet whatever she had that she would never find calmness ever again.
She could not get her mind off anything. Her worry for her little brother and sister who had sailed just a day before. A storm on their flight would not do them good, specially the baby Daenerys, what her mother had named the babe with her dying breath.
Alyssanne had promised her mother to protect Viserys and Daenerys. How was she supposed to keep them safe, protect them when she was locked in the highest floor of the Maegor's Holdfast. Curse her father for giving her this room. What the hell was that mad man thinking! What was Rhaegar thinking? What was anyone thinking?
Another reason for sleep fleeing her was fear for her own life. She trusted Ser Barristan posted outside her room. The man had been their when she was born and had seen her grow up. Seven Hells, he was the one who had sent for her mother when she had her first moon blood. But even after all that, she could not sleep. Ser Barristan may have been another father figure in her life after Rhaegar, he was still a man who followed his King's command. And unfortunately, her cousin who was hell bent on having all of her family annihilated, including herself. Her father's Kingsguard had drawn the sword through his chest. Her father may be been the most horrible man to breath but she would not trust anyone now. Specially now.
"Princess," She flinched at the slight graze at her hand shuffling away on the opposite side on her bed. Alyssanne blinked, her wide eyes found a terrified woman standing across her.
"Princess... I—we are here to bathe you," The maid said. Yes, a maid, it was only a maid, Alyssanne sighed and looked around the room, there were three more women, all of them older than her, two bringing hot water in one putting a dress on the dressing screen and the last one was the one who had scared her.
"Yes, yes," she nodded and got off the bed hesitantly. None of the women seemed familiar. She was sure they didn't work here.
The maid who had scared her made a quick work of taking off her dress, if there was much left of it. There had not much left of her clothes in her room when she had tried to look in her dressers.
She wasn't even sure what happened in King's Landing. All her mother had told her was that her father, good sister, niece and nephew were dead and had then crowned Viserys King in Dragonstone. Now she was starting to wonder if asking for details may have been a good idea.
Why do good ideas never come at the right time?
Alyssanne couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as she put her leg in the hot water. She could thank whoever had to the maids to have the water almost boiling hot. Her skin tingled as warmth started to seep in her body. It almost felt like she was back in time when nothing was wrong. That her mother would be bringing Viserys in her room to spend time with, Elia following her with little Rhaenys and Aegon.
Alyssanne sighed, biting her lip as she let the maids wash her. She had to control herself. Her eyes cautiously moved around her. Even when the maids were just doing their jobs. She couldn't let her guard down.
She sent a prayer to whatever Gods would listen her. Please keep my little brother and sister safe. She whispered. Keep them out of Robert's reach, please.
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prodbymaui · 1 year
My Boy.
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would it be a sin? if I can't help falling in love with you
PAIRING: lee donghyuck x fem reader
GENRE: the innocent sweet boy
WORD COUNT: 3.6k+ words
WARNINGS: explicit content, reader is older by 3 years, implied obsession, implied murder, mentioned physical abuse (not from haechan!)
SYNOPSIS: A series of failed relationships and you were this near of giving up on love. But then here comes little Donghyuck and his persistence. Maybe-- he was the one fated to you, after all.
A/N: forgive me for not writing a smooth transition from fluff to smut lmao. and this isn't beta-read so please just pretend you don't see grammatical errors and typos. fluff was just a poor attempt of hiding my true intentions for this fic, anyways lolol. enjoy reading! send your thoughts if you can, xoxo <3
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LISTEN TO: Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley (Haley Reinhart)
Lee Donghyuck, for everyone at the campus, is someone who embodies gracefulness, kindness and all the positive traits one could ever think of. Nobody would ever dare to say ill about him as it's disrespectful for the boy who had been nothing but gentle and polite to each he had encounter.
Lee Donghyuck, the ever so sweet boy who comes to anyone's aid no matter what's his relationship with them.
You're his friend? He'll help you!
A classmate? He's just one call away!
Oh, you're a stranger and someone he haven't met yet? How amazing it is that Donghyuck has a free time to lend you a hand and get to know you!
Men and women stares at him with adoration, even the professors and staffs couldn't resist falling in love with his charming personality-- he even earned the nickname 'Haechan' or 'Full Sun' as he brightens everyone's day with little to no effort. It would be a lie if none of the students admits their crush on the campus' sweetheart Lee Donghyuck.
Too bad for them as the lovely boy's hazel eyes are only set for one person. Someone who had been by his side ever since he was 5. Someone he admires and respects so much he wouldn't let anyone hurt nor even touch them. It's you. His noona.
Haechan was 15 when he confessed his undying love for you.
''These feelings.. they didn't grow inside me throughout the 10 years I've been with you, Noona. They had always been here, in my heart. It was just me who took a long time to realize I have been harboring romantic feelings for someone who clearly treats me as her brother. This love-- it's endless, limitless. It knows no boundaries. No matter who and whatever comes in my way, my love for you will never waver. Through the deathly drought, my love won't ever wither. Through the thundering storms, my heart stands sturdy for you to hold on. This love that I have for you, it is the kind of love that only gets stronger as time flies by. The kind of love that through life and death, you remain the queen of my heart. Ruling it as if you are its owner. Let me be the man who protects you from the harsh that is this world. Let me be the wall you can lean on and the blanket you seek for warmth and comfort. I hope you wouldn't treat me any less after this confession. Because if there's anything that I am afraid to lose in this world, it's you, noona.''
It's astonishing, how a 15 year old can say such words. You're not sure where and when he learned those kind of things but you, as early as you can, stomps on the flattering feeling brewing inside of you. The boy is so young, he still have so much ahead of him, so much of the future that awaits him. With the thought of not wanting to let the boy tie himself up quickly to someone he's most likely just infatuated-- that was the first and last time you've expected to reject the sweet boy of Ilsan.
Lee Donghyuck, the persistent boy that he is, surprises you with more than 3 confessions each month. You resist falling for the beautiful flowers sent to your house everyday. You withstand the painful urge of giving in to the delicious and adorable bento boxes that shows different images of cartoon characters such as cinnamoroll and my melody from sanrio.
But you're just a human being. One that is weak from such cute attempts to sway your heart, like love letters with pastel decorations on your mailbox. It was too late before you realized, the wall you've created to stop the romantic feelings from squeezing themselves in your heart had crumbled into pieces. Shooing away your so-called sisterly love to Donghyuck as it was quickly replaced with the one the male had confessed harboring for you.
6 years later, your sweet little boy turned into a man he promised to be. Protecting you from any harm even if you can do it yourself. I know Noona can handle it but I don't want you stressing over things like these, why not make use of these muscles, right? He says.
''That's really the Lee Haechan? The little boy who had a crush on you back in high school? That chubby choco ball little boy?! God, he grew up so well! If you didn't tell me any sooner, I might've mistaken him as someone our age.''
You scoff at Jennie's words, sending her your middle finger. ''Just tell me you were thinking of fucking my boyfriend until I told you he's mine.''
Jennie's laugh battles with the loud music of the club, hands clapping like a seal due to amusement. ''Fine, guilty as fuck.''
You don't mind her words. You've been Jennie's friend for a long time to know that she doesn't have any plans of actually bedding your boy. Plus she's dumbly in love with her fuck buddy, Lalisa. That itself tells a lot. And it's not like your lovely would agree fucking your best friend.
''Come to think of it-- none of your past relationships really worked, no? All of them either ran away or just completely disappeared,'' She giggles.
''Men are so fucking scared of independent and powerful women. Maybe it was fated from the start for you to end up with Donghyuck. From what I can see, he's really into you-- always ready to serve or some cliché shit like that. But it's cute. You and Donghyuck are adorable together. He's so much better than those douchebags, especially that fucking Kim Jongin.''
Right, the devil who's Kim Jongin if its physical form. He was someone you wished you didn't met, someone whom you hoped is currently suffering wherever he is right now. You remember it as clear as the skies. The way he was so sly slipping a pill in your cup, waiting for you to pass out as he was driven madly by his disgusting lust over your body. Fortunately, luck wasn't on his side at that time and you managed to call the one person you trust the most before your ex-boyfriend even do something horrible to your intoxicated, drugged self-- sans the bruises and wounds you received from fighting back.
Haechan came rushing to your house that night. This is where it gets blurry. All you could recall was Jongin dropping on the floor, laying on top of the pool of his own blood. Donghyuck carries you, passing through the police as he urges them to rush you to a hospital-- all the while reminding them that the offender is currently inside and he was lucky to save the both of you despite earning some injuries as well, although minors.
3 years since then, you are yet to say you feel safe. Not long after being jailed, Kim Jongin was reported to be missing in his cell and until now, no police is able to locate him. The trauma he brought you stirs the fear once again, but Donghyuck was there to remind you that he will never let Kim Jongin near you. He already hurt you once, he wouldn't give him a chance to do it again.
A voice snaps you out of your bubble. Jennie is nowhere to be seen, now replaced with a familiar man you swear you've seen before. ''You seem preoccupied, a penny for your thoughts?''
The man chuckles at your stunned reaction. ''Ah.. you don't remember me? That hurts a bit, ouch.'' He clenches his chest dramatically, there you gasp in realization, jerking upwards as you point at his figure. You know this guy!
''Oh? Are you finally remembering me? Just to be sure, it's me. Na Jaemin from the dance club in high school. You know? Your partner in every dance.. ?''
''Right! Right! Ah, Na Jaemin, I didn't recognized you! Take a seat. How are you doing?'' Jaemin's smile is so bright that you could feel yourself going blind.
''Doing fine, luckily. I'm taking up an engineering course, we've talked about that before right? Remember how you encourage me to go for it because I was so scared I won't make it? I was so bad at math that time.''
Laughing softly, you share the vivid memories you can recall from your high school days. Jaemin is a gentleman who doesn't hesitate to lend a hand at times you're having difficulties following the choreographies. And by how he entertains everyone in the club, treating the members snacks and drinks during break time-- It is safe to say he's one of those that you misses the most if not for college erasing your memories and replacing it stress.
The conversation fills with reminiscing about the past as if they're 15 years ago. Sharing a laughter after one mentions that one time you both got mental blocked during a performance causing the two of you to mess up, thankfully you work well enough you pull it off and make it seem like there was no mistake at all.
Just as Jaemin's eyes roams around the dance floor, his vision captures a sight of his drunken friend that clearly needs his help. Sighing, the man bids his goodbye to you. Not without getting your number and sharing his, of course. You'd love to hang out with the whole group again.
''What was that right there, huh?'' A grin shows itself on your face and sudden giddiness bubbles inside you as the playful tone rumbles against your ear, a pair of arms wrapping themselves around your waist.
''Nothing, just an old friend saying hi.''
''Is that so?''
One on the forehead, one on your cheeks and finally on the lips. Your heart soars as Donghyuck peppers your whole face with sweet pecks. As much as you are enjoying the drinks and foods, you'd rather spend the night in your shared bedroom with Haechan. Maybe cuddle and watch some movies together if one is not too tired.
Your boyfriend agrees at the suggestion, immediately zooming to your apartment after waving a goodbye to Jennie with Lisa in her embrace, obviously sucking a hickey on her neck. No one admits it but clearly, your best friend's fuck buddy also have the same feelings for her. She's just too much of a coward. You remind yourself to help her confess.
Reaching the comfort of your home, you stand before the mirror as you drink in your look, observing if you look presentable during your time at the club. It isn't long before someone sneaks up behind you, arms snaking around you once again as he buries his face on the crook of your neck. Sighing, you lean backwards to press yourself at him, satisfied at the feeling of his body heat warming you.
A kiss turns into twice, trice, until it doubles and doubles, eventually reaching up to the back of your ears. Kitten licking the outline, Donghyuck presses his lips against your ears as one of his palms travels to cup one of your breasts, eyes straight to the mirror-- watching every changes of your facial expression as he fondles your boob while sucking an area of your neck.
Your clothes are soon on the floor, courtesy of Haechan desperately yet slowly stripping them off of you, his touch lingering in each part of your body. A finger of his traces the line that is between your pussy cheeks, dipping a little only to retract as fast. His chest rumbles against your back when he chuckle, left hand settling on your throat comfortably as his thumb and forefinger forces you to face your reflection on the mirror.
''You're so pretty, noona. Can you open your legs for me?'' Nodding so pliantly, Donghyuck could feel his pants getting tighter each second that passes by.
Spreading your legs, you grip his arm to steady yourself as a digit of his pushes itself in your core, sliding so easily due to the wetness embarrassingly caused by Haechan's raspy voice whispering against your ears. Being knuckles deep inside you, the male curses under his breath as he controls himself from foregoing foreplay and straight fucking you against the mirror. Your warm and velvety walls are making it hard for him to prevent himself from doing so.
Soon after a couple of strokes, your hips jerks in little motions, whines slightly echoing the four walls of the bedroom. That was when Donghyuck decided to add another finger to increase the friction you're feeling, curling them upwards in an attempt to press the buttons that emits the sounds he loves so much he considers it as a music.
It should be somewhere around here...
''Ah, shit!''
There we go, he cockily smirks. Humming, Haechan continuously jabs the tip of his fingers to that certain spot, grinding his clothed dick on the crack of your ass to ease the throbbing pain between his legs. ''Fuck, Hyuck..'' Your whines encourage the male to scissor your insides, stretching your walls all the while making sure hit and reach every spot you couldn't explore with your own hands.
His tongue falls flat on your skin as he licks a stripe from your shoulders up to the back of your ears, the hand that was previously on your throat now settles on your boob, pinching the hard nub lightly as he stimulates further pleasure with it. Your legs folds a bit, going jelly but the sudden increase of the dizzying pleasure you're getting.
''Fuck, fuck, fuck!'' Hips moving to meet the palms of your boyfriend, Haechan didn't hesitate to add two more fingers. He's already sure you can take it, you've pushed much bigger things in your pussy. The pads of Donghyuck's hand comes in contact with your aching hard clit, forcing a yelp from your. Cruelly, your boyfriend laughs at your reaction before pressing harder on your button, making circles with it the same time as four of his fingers harshly plunges themselves in your soaking core.
Eyes landing on the mirror, it eventually reaches downwards where Donghyuck's wrist and your pelvis meets. Even from your position and blurry vision, you could the redness and puffiness your pussy had become, clit peeking between the cheeks. Haechan finds the need to balance your figure as you almost fall forward, eyes rolling to the back of your head when your mouth opens to a scream. There your forehead scrunches to the middle, body shivering in his hold as the surface of his hand soon greets the sticky and creamy substance that he loves so much.
Beaming in satisfaction, Haechan makes a show of licking your juices off his hands, sucking each fingers with a 'pop!' before humming. ''You're just so sweet.''
Donghyuck then lets your knees meet the carpet of the ground slowly, turning you around so you could face the bump that is hidden underneath the fabric of his pants. He can already see the drool escaping your lips. No words are needed for you to know what to do, you've done this a lot of time, enough to learn what satisfies your lovely boyfriend.
Contrary to the Donghyuck you've gotten used to, this man that stands before you embodies nothing similar to the sweetheart. This particular Donghyuck loves to slide his girthy cock inside of you with no warnings, gripping your hair in a fist as he mercilessly thrusts to that pleasuring walls that is your throat.
This particular Donghyuck gets off of watching you scrambling to pull yourself off of him to catch a breath, coughing out with saliva only to come back having your face pressed to his pelvis once again. Eyes shut close as you try to breathe within your nose and if you couldn't, resort to opening your eyes and presenting your best teary eyes to Haechan for him to spare you, let you take in some air for at least a few seconds.
''Ah.. that's a-- I made you cum but you couldn't even bring me near my release? Isn't that a bit unfair to me, noona?'' You know damn well he's just mocking you. There's no one Donghyuck can fool when it comes to your ability to make him cum. A mere sight of you, even if covered from head to toe, would be enough for him to pop a boner and shoot his cum out in the air.
Determined to repay your baby's kind gesture earlier, you stills in your position and gives him a signal. Donghyuck lets out profanities with that. You just fucking gave him a confirmation, a consent that you're letting him fuck your throat as if it's your pussy.
Lee Donghyuck did just that. Holding your face in place, fucking inside you deeper with each thrust until a groan escapes his lips, soon enough he was spurting out white thick substances in the alley of your burning throat.
The male wastes no time in carrying you to the bed, throwing you after ripping his clothes off of him. His tongue invades the insides of your mouth, exploring and devouring what you have to offer. As if running out of time, Haechan's hands grasps the back of your thighs and forces them up to get a clearer view of your pussy pulsating, hungry for his cock.
Who is Donghyuck to deprive his lovely noona from receiving a well deserved good fuck, right?
No more teasing and no more extra touches, the tip of Donghyuck's thick cock slowly sinks, the whole entirety of his length follows not long after. His mouth falls open at the heat that surrounds him, the ecstasy you brings shakes his sanity.
Unforgiving, the thrusts are. With his hands settling besides your head, Haechan looks down to watch where your hole swallows him hungrily and is forced to turn his eyes away in order to not cum that fast. Fuck, the squelching sounds that bounces across the bedroom is so obscene that Donghyuck could feel himself smiling in pride. He's doing this to his, noona. Him and not those bastards.
''Fuck! Y-you're so b-big! So good, baby-- ah, fuck!'' Your nails creates crescent moon shapes on his back as it digs due to the immense pleasure, head dipping further to the pillow underneath you.
Being able to hold you in his arms and have you screaming for him, Haechan did the best he can to prevent himself from giving in to tempting urge of releasing. Instead, he decides to chase yours. He rocks his hips in the way you had been begging him, faster and harder. Unhooking his hold, he brings your legs to rest on his shoulders, almost bending you in half. This enables his cock to reach deeper and you wails, feeling his tip right at your stomach.
Fucking you earnestly, Haechan quickens his pace where you couldn't keep up, reduced to a whimpering and crying mess as you beg him to send you off to your climax. He latches his wet lip around your nipples, there he sucks like a new born baby starving for its mama's milk. Prodding his tongue right at the middle of your nub and wiggles them, that and the continuous contact of his tip to your sweet spot are those that caused you to thrash violently in his hold.
Hands flying anywhere, in search of gripping anything. Your burning walls clenching around his shaft, it would be a crime for Donghyuck to not succumb to the euphoria that's literally waving at him and beckoning him to cum. With your sweet words and encouragements piercing his eardrums, your boyfriend cums three thrusts after you, each resulting a moan from him.
The high soon subsides and a chuckle instinctively comes from him when his eyes catches the sight of you sleeping peacefully beside him, snoring like a little baby. Well, you are. His baby, to be exact.
Stickiness from the mega mixture of sweat and cum covers most of your skin, he wouldn't want the both of you to have a skin rashes or whatever it is that you gets from having cum on your skin for too long. And aftercare is a must! So he forces himself out of the bed despite the aching muscles and cleans you up, carefully as to no wake you up from your deep slumber.
Minutes passing, you are now comfortably laying on the bed, clean and free from the germs. A soft smile dawns Haechan's features as he cards his hand through your hair endearingly, kissing your forehead. ''I can't believe you're mine, noona.'' Caressing your cheeks for the last time, he practically forces himself to stop and move on to what he planned to do which is to cook your some food. Usually after sex, you'll wake up after an hour or so because of hunger. It has been a routine for him to prepare you both some easy dishes.
He is about to head towards the door when your phone, placed on the bedside, rings. Striding to it, he taps once to see who dared to text his noona at this time. Don't they know that you are most likely sleeping during this hour and their text might wake you up? Nevermind, maybe it's Jennie.
Oh. It's him.
Hey, this is Jaemin! I was just thinking if you'd like to hang out on wednesday? Only if you're free, of course!
Na fucking Jaemin.
Donghyuck scoffs, tongue poking his cheeks as he smirks in disbelief.
3 years since then, he can't believe he's about to give Kim Jongin a fucking gravemate.
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matan4il · 10 months
Update post:
Rockets from Gaza continue to be fired at Israel. The 7 days where there was a break in the fighting, were clearly used by Hamas to re-build their abilities to fire into Israel, because the rocket attacks since the fighting has resumed are more intense than they were in the days before the break started. The rockets from Gaza were joined today by rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon, and from Syria. Among other consequences we've seen on this day, at least 12 Israelis were injured by this rocket fire, and a synagogue was hit.
As the testimonies about the rapes and sexual assaults committed by Hamas continue to mount, in the last two days, we got confirmation that men were victimized by Hamas, too. The voices decrying the rapes as crimes against humanity are starting to be heard as well. The fact that it took people two months to get there, and some (*cough* the UN Women's organization *cough*) still issued what can barely be called a pale statement on the subject. When taken with how long it took them to speak, it really is not enough. But some voices are actually surprising. The Guardian is notoriously anti-Israel, to the point where its own Jewish worker has written about not feeling safe there. But now they've published an op ed that said exactly what needed to be said: rape is rape. And looking away from rape, for whatever reason, is wrong. And here's another testimony from a piece by The Sunday Times:
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People are speculating on why Hamas won't release the last of the women that are known to be alive and in captivity in Gaza, despite that being a breach of the hostage deal, and a red line for Israel. A common hypothesis is that these women must have been raped and abused so badly, Hamas doesn't want to release them. IDK if this is true, but then, I'm not just writing about what Israelis know for sure. I'm mainly writing about what Israelis are going through, the torment of not knowing, the fear of the darkest possibilities that come up when the unknown looms over us, and this hypothesis is a part of it.
The IDF says it has destroyed 500 terror tunnels in Gaza since the fighting began, and 800 tunnel shafts. It has also published the names of Hamas leaders, and called on them to surrender. This is a reminder that Hamas could stop all the fighting, and save many Palestinians, by surrendering immediately, and returning all the hostages that it's still holding.
This is Yaron Avraham.
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He was born to an Israeli Arab family in Lod. When he was 9 years old, his beloved older sister was murdered in front of his eyes by his older brothers, for having returned home late (i.e, for supposedly being promiscuous). He was incredibly distraught, since he was so attached to her, and to get him out of the way, he was sent by his brothers to study at an extremist mosque in Gaza. He recounted that he was there for 5.5 years, during which the boys were indoctrinated to hate Jews, and think little of their own lives. As a climax exercise, they were "buried" alive in a real grave, in a real cemetery, while their classmates held their funeral above them. Yaron Avraham said it took him years to heal from this experience. Another incident that he shared, is that once, two of his classmates were accused of being sexually active together (he didn't believe the accusation, and thought they were being made an example of). The two boys were beheaded in front of their classmates. Yaron gave them hell at the mosque, until they sent him back to his family. His brothers then had him study instead in another extremist mosque, this time in the village of Yatta. After another 1.5 years there, he ran away, and ended up living on the streets of Lod, a mixed Israeli city. He was taken in by a Jewish man, who fed and took care of him, and gave him proper education. After a couple of years, Yaron chose to volunteer, to serve in the IDF. His unit was sent to Gaza, and he ended up outside the mosque where he was abused. He wanted to go in and kill everyone there, but his Jewish commander stopped him. "You don't understand," he tried to explain the antisemitic brainwashing that happened inside that mosque, but his commander insisted that killing everyone inside goes against our values. Yaron said that this was the beginning of his journey to convert to Judaism, when he saw how instead of sanctifying death, Jews sanctify life. Everyone's life. Even their enemies'.
Yaron has retold his story numerous times, my summary here is based on several of his interviews, written and filmed. But something that got to me about a recent one, that he gave after Oct 7, is that he was asked about the occupation as the excuse anti-Israelis give for Hamas' brutal violence. Yaron said that it was never mentioned! That in the 7 years he spent in those two mosques, no one ever talked to them about the occupation. That it was always clear this was a religious fight. The problem was the evil character of the Jews. That is the mentality of Hamas terrorists. That is the antisemitic brainwashing that they undergo. That's why they can rape, maim, torture and murder without a second thought, even though they surely know this would not liberate any Palestinian.
The Iran-funded Houthis terrorists attacked two ships today, both supposedly for being Israeli. The less severely damaged ship has one shareholder who's an Israeli businessman. The more severely damaged one has nothing to do with Israel, it's believed the Houthis might have misidentified it. Officially, the Houthis say they are in a war against Israel and the US.
This is 21 years old Keshet Kasrotti.
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He was murdered at the Nova music festival, one of over 360 young people slaughtered there. His mom said that her one comfort, is that he was shot in the chest, so he died quickly. His suffering didn't last as long as it did for some. She also shared that many Israelis, upon hearing her son's first name (it means 'rainbow' in Hebrew) sent her this short poem by Neria Yaakov:
"I am breaking / said the light / and became a rainbow."
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Hello new here! I was thinking if you could an aegon and rhaenyras daughter but instead of Harwin being her father its criston cole because he did get her pregnant that night. This takes place after Luke’s death and instead of just killing aegon’s and readers son they kill her too because daemon hated her for being ser Crispins daughter and like rhaenyra is heartbroken and aegon is crazy on revenge for his wife and child.
pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Niece!Reader
summary: aegon and rhaenyras daughter but instead of Harwin being her father its criston cole because he did get her pregnant that night. This takes place after Luke’s death and instead of just killing aegon’s and readers son they kill her too because daemon hated her for being ser Crispins daughter and like rhaenyra is heartbroken and aegon is crazy on revenge for his wife and child.
Word count: 3,0K
Warnings: Angst, Rape, Murder, Child murder, Blood and Cheese, Fire and Blood spoilers, Targaryen Madness
"Come on darling, don't give Muña such a hard time" You teased your son with a smile. He giggled as your fingers tickles his tummy. His chubby fingers reached out to you.
"Will sleep my love or will you be keeping me and kepa up all night again?" You asked, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Viseryn let out another giggle as your hair tickled his cheeks, chubby and full from feeding regularly from your breast.
"My sweet baby" You whispered, swaying from side to side. Your back was to the door and facing your child's cradle. When you heard the door you did not turn assuming it was Aegon coming to see Viseryn off before bed.
"You're back early, my love" You said. You frowned when you did not receive an answer back, Aegon usually made noise or at least answered you to not startle you. You turned around and froze at the sight of two men standing in front of the door with daggers in their hands.
"Who are you?" You questioned, tightening your grip on your son. Viseryn whined as you mushed his face against your bosom.
"Prince Daemon sent us, princess" One of the two answered taking a step closer to you.
"My stepfather?" You questioned, cocking your head to the side. The man grinned evilly showing his rotten teeth.
"What do you want?" You asked, backing up. The two of them approached you. You remembered the dagger Aegon hid in the nightstand beside the crib in case of something happening.
"A son for a son, princess" The other man was the one to speak. You shook your head in denial, Daemon would never hurt Viseryn, right? Although you never had a good relationship with him you did not believe he was capable of hurting an infant, barely seven moons old.
"Over my dead body" You sprang into action pulling open the drawer while balancing Viseryn on one arm and pulled the dagger out. The two of them snickered at the sight of you, in your night gown a weak woman with no experience in the matter of fighting but like any mother you were ready to defend your little one.
"That can be arranged" The first man said. He attempted to step closer to your but you swiped your dagger at him, a fire ignited inside of you, a need to protect your cub. A loud roar echoed in the distance, Vermithor feeling your distraught but unable to help from outside.
"Sweetheart, do not make this harder for yourself" He taunted trying to grab you again. You tried stabbing him again but this time the second man intervened and grabbed your arm. He pried your fingers off the dagger and threw it away. You whimpered at the painful grip he had around your arm.
"Much better" He whispered pulling you back into him and wrapped his free arm around your middle.
"No, get away" The other man pulled Viseryn out of your arms forcefully. The little boy burst out crying at the jerking and being in unfamiliar arms.
"No let him go, please" You begged. The man behind you held you tightly.
"Who are you?" You sobbed. You tried getting to Viseryn but the second man had a tight grip around you. You shuddered at the feeling of his breath against your neck.
"I am blood sweetheart" The man holding Viseryn responded. Viseryn was trying to push him away but Blood was too strong for the small boy, his screams grew even more urgent, his head turning in search of you.
"And I am cheese" The one holding you whispered in your ear. Your body shivered with disgust.
"Please let my baby go, I'll do anything" You begged. Blood looked at you in amusement. He raised his dagger to Viseryn's neck making you let out a scream.
"Please! Anything!" You yelled. Cheese had to grab both your arms and held them behind your back to restrain some of your movement.
"Anything?" He taunted grinding his lower half against your behind. You felt nauses at the thought of another man other than Aegon anywhere near you but for Viseryn you would do anything.
"Please let him go and take me instead, kill me instead a son for a wife" You bargained. The two looked at each other chuckling as they communicated with their eyes.
"We can arrange that" Blood said, walking over to the cradle he placed your son down in it. Viseryn's cries did not cease for a second, he still sensed the danger. He would not calm until he felt your touch, until he felt your skin and heard your voice.
"Come on then, little princess" Cheese pushed you closer to your bed. Tears were streaming down your cheeks at this moment. Being a princess you never imagined for a second that you would be harmed in such a way by anyone.
"Good princess" Cheese teased pushing you to lay on your stomach. He pulled up your night gown to show your behind groaning at the sight.
"Look what the lucky bastard has" Blood's hand came down to smack your behind. You closed your eyes hearing shuffling behind you. You jerked at the feeling of Cheese's cock easing inside of you.
"She's so fucking tight" Cheese pointed out. He was brutal with his movement. You were in emense pain but for your boy your would endure anything.
"The Hightower cunt probably does not fuck her enough" Blood laughed. He pulled his cock out in front of you and began palming himself, up and down slowly to not spill just yet. Viseryn's loud cries were the only thing heard in the room along with the groans of the two men and skin slapping, you refused to give them the satisfaction of hearing your despair.
"Fuck" Cheese threw his head back as he spilled himself inside of you. He pulled out with a shit eating grin making way for blood.
"I like watching them squirm in pleasure" Blood turned you around to face him. He pulled your legs up and over his shoulder before pushing his cock inside of you. You wanted to scream from the pain but held inside. Cheese's cum worked as lube to let him in but it did not make it anywhere near pleasurable.
Your head lulled to the side unable to look at him as he fucked himself into you, an honour only meant for noble men to fuck a princess but here low lives were getting their fill. You looked at the cradle beside the bed where Viseryn was still screaming his lungs out, voice growing hoarse.
"Fuck sweetheart" Blood palmed at your breasts like some hungry beast. He let his weight fall on you as he orgasmed. You have never seen any men finish so quickly before in your life but yo were more than grateful so this torture could end.
"Look at the Queen so full of our cum" Cheese teased. Blood pulled out of you and moved to the side fixing his trousers.
"If only she were to live and have our bastards but alas this was good enough" Blood teased back. Your eyes widened in shock. Cheese was quick to pull you off the bed and hold you against his chest with your back to him and your front facing the cradle.
"What are you doing?" You questioned. Blood pulled Viseryn out of the cradle and held him in his arms again.
"I gave you what you wanted, please let him go" You pleaded. Blood smirked evilly at you.
"Not a chance princess" A scream tore from your throat as blood's knife came down straight into you boys neck ending his screams. Blood let go of your boy letting him fall the ground with a loud thud and you swear you could hear several cracks as well.
"Viseryn!" Your knees gave up on you and Cheese let you go. You crawled over to your son's mangled body. You picked him up and held him against your chest, his smashed face against your breast, the breast he was suckling on less than an hour ago but never will ever again.
"My boy!" Your throat felt like it was tearing open. Your heart was in so much pain you felt like you were dying and in fact you were.
"Shut her up" Blood whined, hands going up to his ears. You were shocked no one heard your and Viseryn's screams by now. Cheese did not waste a second to move closer to you and hold his knife to your neck. With one swift swipe his slit your throat open.
You chocked on your blood, gurgling. Your bed fell to the side with Viseryn still in your arms. Your body withered and shivered before finally falling limp, your arms growing limp around your son's corpse and your eyes wide open along with your mouth.
"Let's go" Blood pulled cheese out of the room before they could get caught. They were lucky thus far but they did not know for how long.
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"Darling" Aegon whispered as he opened the door trying not to wake up his sleeping son, it was past his bed time after all. He froze at the sight of you laying on the floor, the blood still not visible.
"My love!" He yelled, sprinting over to your body. He fell to his knees beside you heart hammering in his chest. His eyes caught sight of your son's mangled body laying beside yours.
"Viseryn!" The scream that tore through his throat will forever haunt those who lived within these walls, a ghost of the memory many called it.
His hands shook as he pulled his son to his chest. His throat was torn open, his small eyes open staring into the void. His small hands no longer trying to grab at his hair. His chest no longer rising and falling with each breath.
"Wake up, please my boy wake up" Aegon begged, sobbing. His head fell on his son's chest in search of a heart beat but there was none. "Please" Aegon sobbed.
"Aegon?" His mother's voice called from the door. She had heard his scream from down the corridor and came running along with Criston.
"Mother, Viseryn won't wake up" Aegon turned to look at him mother. She gasped in horror at what she saw. Blood everywhere. Criston braced himself against the door frame by her side. The sight of his only child in such a state sent him into shock mode.
"Viseryn" Alicent whispered, stepping closer. Her first instinct was to take him from Aegon. Aegon let her in hopes that she will bring his son back to life. He turned to look at his wife and pulled her into his chest.
"My love, wake up, please" He hand moved to touch your cheek, smearing your blood there even more. Your eyes stared up at the ceiling with no movement. His eyes trailed down to the rest of your body pausing when he noticed even more blood on your lower region. Fury was all that could be described at when he felt in that moment, Targaryen madness was more than proven with this King.
"My beautiful wife" He sobbed, his head falling down against your chest, where he liked to lay and listen to your heartbeat whenever he was sad, whenever his mother shouted at him, whenever being king grew overwhelming but now he heard no comforting thuds and your fingers did thread through his hair, you did not scold him for forgetting to wash it. Usually you helped him with his baths and it became a routine at the end of the day for him to bath and you washing his hair and body before joining him for a round of love making.
Aegon looked up when he heard shuffling to find Criston kneeling down beside him, tears were streaming down his face. It was no secret who your father was, the uncanny resemblance, the black locks and brown eyes, the tan complexion all pointed to one answer. The soft spot Criston had for you as a child and the fury that seemed to burn him when your mother took you away to Dragonstone and away from him.
"My girl" Criston was over the moon when it was announced that you were to marry Aegon, you would be moving back to the Red Keep and he could be near you again. Aegon let Crsiton take you from him, let him touch you and hold you. Criston buried his face in your hair sobbing like any parent would.
"Where are you going?" Alicent asked, between her sobs. Aegon stood up from the floor and walked over to the door.
"To plan a war" Was all Aegon said without looking back at her and moved to leave in search of Aemond and Daeron.
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"You motherfucker" Aegon slammed his feats into Daemon's face earning back a laugh.
"Is that all you got, boy" Daemon taunted. Aegon rolled his neck, sword in hand, he was never really good in the art of sword fighting, it was more Aemond and Daeron's cup of tea but this was a new Aegon.
"You killed her" Aegon accused. He attempted to pounce at Daemon when a loud dragon roar echoed in the skies. Syrax landed not far away from the battlefield and his sister slid down from the saddle.
"A son for a son" Daemon answered shrugging. Aegon let out a loud cry running at Daemon sword long forgotten, flew from his hand to the ground. Daemon was pushed onto his back with Aegon's hand around his neck in a chokehold. Daemon's hands snapped up to wrap around Aegon's wrists.
"Why did you kill them? They were innocent" Aegon sobbed. Tears gathered in his eyes. He could footsteps nearing them but did not look up. He trusted Aemond and Daeron to stop any attacks from behind him.
"She is Criston Cunt's daughter and he is your Hightower spawn" Daemon chocked. His face was turning red and some shade of purple. Aegon flinched at the feeling of something sharp pierce his side. He looked down to find Daemon holding the handle of a dagger wedged into his side.
"Die you fucker!" Aegon ragged. Daemon's eyes grew in panic seeing his attack had no affect. Aegon was running on pure adrenaline.
"Fuck" Daemon chocked. Aegon tightened his grip even more, he could feel his blood flowing out but his strength did not betray him, he had to hold on for her, for Viseryn.
"You killed an infant, you killed an innocent woman" Aegon hissed. His tears turned to ones of happiness as Daemon's eyes began to turn in his head and his withering grew weaker by the second. His hands that were wrapped around Aegon's wrists fell down to rest on Aegon's thighs digging his nails down by to no use.
"Daemon!" Aegon's head snapped up at the sound of Rhaenyra's scream. Aemond and Daeron both were holding her back as the battle resumed to rage around them. Her golden crown swayed and fell with her fighting.
"Do you sweet sister know what our uncle did?" Aegon asked. He raised Daemon's head up and slammed it down on the ground harshly. Daemon's legs kicked and fought but the fight in him was slowly dying.
"He killed my wife in cold blood. He sent his men to rape and kill her. He made her watch as they killed her son in front of her" Aegon yelled. Rhaenyra's fighting ceased and she fell to her knees. Her eyes wide in shock and her head shook from side to side in denial.
"I came back to my room to find my wife holding the broken body of our infant son, his throat slit open and his head half smashed, his arms in all weird angles and his legs broke, he was but seven moons!" Aegon yelled. His eyes turned to Daemon, Daemon's eyes were turning red as the vessels burst in his eyes.
"Die you piece of shit" Aegon hissed as the life flittered out of Daemon's body. He fell limp but Aegon refused to let go of his neck until he was sure that he was dead.
"He killed your daughter sister" Aemond taunted in Rhaenyra's ear. Daeron moved to the side noticing the maddened glint in Aegon's eyes grow.
"He killed your grandson" Aemond whispered in her ear. Aegon satisfied with Daemon's dead body, he stood up and turned to face her. Daeron's eyes widened at the sight of the dagger sticking out of Aegon's side, he ran to fetch a maester.
"Sunfyre" Aemond let go of Rhaenyra hearing his brother's dragon screech in response from a distance before landing near them, crushing men around them under his feet.
"ipradagon" Eat. Aegon ordered. The golden dragon screeched again before coming down to bite through Rhaenyra's middle breaking her in half.
Aegon's wound finally affected him and the blood loss making him dizzy, he fell to his knees. Aemond sprinted over to Aegon supporting him before he could fully fall.
"Hang on, Daeron will bring help" Aemond tried assuring Aegon. Aegon smiled as he held on to Aemond's tunic tightly.
"No, let me die" Aegon wheezed. One of his hands moved to pull the dagger out to assist the blood in flowing our faster and in a bigger amount.
"I will go to them, let me go to them" Aegon whispered. Aemond never thought he would feel pity for his older brother. He never thought he could feel love for Aegon after the bullying but in that moment he felt his heart shatter as his brother died in his arms.
"I'm coming my love" Was the last thing Aegon whispered before he took his last breath. Daeron paused a couple of feet away from his brothers, leaning down on his knees panting in defeat as the maester declared Aegon dead in the middle of the field and Aemond was declared the king after him.
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cait-with-luv · 2 years
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Little Leopard [4]
"If it weren't for seven men that fateful night you wouldn't be here now. They showed you good people did exist. That life can be great, that you can be loved and cared for. These seven men were the men you loved and cherished. These men were your mates. Your safety blanket. And to them. You were their Little Leopard."
Header Credit: Me
Pairing: OT7 X Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Hybrid! AU, Strangers to Lovers! AU, Rich!BTS, Fluff, Angst, eventual smut, Polyamorous!BTS
Warnings: Mentions of murder, abuse, sexual assault, drugs, PTSD, explicit language, body dysmorphia, anxiety, body branding (Not sure if this is a warning but putting it anyway)
Word Count: 5.1K
“We need to talk.”
The boys pause and look at each other before Seokjin is clearing his throat and gestures to Namjoon to speak first but he holds his hand up and shakes his head. It seemed they all had things to discuss. 
“You guys should go first. We have a lot to explain.” Namjoon urges his eldest boyfriend, leaning back into the couch, smiling slightly as Jungkook takes his hand into his and squeezes it reassuringly. He could see how stressed his partner was. They could all see it. They couldn’t blame him either, he had been working day and night along with Yoongi and Hoseok to try and find you in the system and find the cruel human that had left you to die in the alley and they were constantly reaching dead ends. It was like you didn’t even exist.
“Well, I’m taking her with me to the clinic tomorrow, if anyone is free you can come with me, I don’t know how she’ll react in a medical environment, I need to do a full physical checkup. Whilst we were out, we took her to get a collar so she can come out with us more often and I asked if she needed anything else, she picked up heat suppressants, she was forced to have them every day, we explained to her how bad they were and when I asked when her last heat was, guys she hasn’t had one for around two to three years, it’s dangerous, Leopards are meant to have heats every two to three months. If she’ll ever have one again is beyond me and if she does get one, it’s going to be intense, most likely more painful too. I have to check she’s physically doing okay.” Seokjin delineates watching their faces harden. The system had really failed you.
“I’ll go with you. I’m working from home tomorrow anyway, I have things to do away from the station.” Hoseok says and runs a hand through his hair, he was already in a bad mood. The things that had been revealed today had sent the usually calm and collected man into a spiral of anger and disappointment.
“You guys aren’t going to like what we have to tell you…” Yoongi trails off shaking his head, he couldn’t believe what they had found, how they managed for it to slip through the cracks. He was ashamed. He felt like he needed to do better. Because who knows how many more had managed to be missed.
“We did more background searching on her. We couldn’t find her at all in the system, so we were beginning to assume she was illegally being ‘owned’, Hobi came to help out and we had to dig really deep. We eventually managed to find her documents she was under a false name and under Snow Leopard instead of her actual hybrid breed an Amur Leopard. Meaning someone in the protection company had either been paid off to turn a blind eye or worked for the person but when we went to check her owners' files we discovered that he’s deceased, he died three years ago, cause of death was homicide so Hobi did a little digging into it but it means he was not her last owner, someone else had taken her, possibly the one who killed her last ‘owner’.” Namjoon frowns and Hoseok reaches into his bag for the file and hands it to Taehyung who begins to read it, Jimin and Seokjin reading over his shoulders.
“Yun Jong-Dae, aged forty at the time of his death, his autopsy had shown that he had strangulation, gunshot wounds, a disturbing amount of ketamine in him, enough to kill an elephant, any one of these could have been the cause, someone really wanted him dead but the case went cold, they couldn’t find who killed him. He had a criminal record too. Gang affiliation, abuse, sexual assault, drug use and possession, attempted murder. He was a terrible person. I found receipts of multiple reports made to his house too. Neighbors had called us concerned, saying they constantly heard yelling and screams coming from his house but the officers that went to the scene did nothing saying they saw nothing suspicious. I checked which officers went to the address and every single one was from my division. She was in that fucking house and my station failed her. I am now in the process of checking every incident they’ve been reported to and having them suspended.” Hoseok fumes, jaw clenched in rage. He could have had you saved earlier if it weren’t for his own colleagues turning a blind eye.
“Y-You don’t think he you know…” Jimin murmurs anxiously. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, the word left a bitter taste in his mouth, it made him nauseous to think about you having to suffer like that.
“As much as we want to think that he didn’t the chances that he did…assault her is likely. We can’t make her tell us either alright? She may tell us one day. We go at her pace okay?” Yoongi declares, he did not want you to feel like you had to do anything. He wants you to know you can make all your own choices from here on out.
They all nod in agreement and sit in silence, taking in everything that had been revealed, they were all filled with rage, guilt, and shame. For a while, you had been right under their noses and they hadn’t had a clue. 
It was progress, finding out more about your background, they knew that but they also knew they still had a lot more to go. It was not going to be an easy process and it was going to be tedious but for you? They had all the patience in the world.
“Where do we go from here? What’s our next step? Because she’s basically a stray hybrid right? She’s now isn’t legally under anyone so we can adopt her? It will secure her safety with us and prevent her from being put back into the system and going through hell again. I can have the papers easily by tomorrow.” Taehyung says closing the file and handing it back to Hoseok.
“Technically yes but we can just have her sign papers Tae baby, we want her to have her own opinion on this and consent. We want to give her options not take them away from her like has had all her life. This is something we need to sit down with her and talk about and we don’t know what the process is going to be like for her, she could be put in a shelter for observations and for our pending papers to be approved.” Namjoon sighs but Taehyung shakes his head.
“It won’t be a difficult process, I can have us down as her foster home so she’ll still be able to stay with us until the papers are approved, she isn’t under a shelter, she has no owner, they can’t place her in a place she wasn’t at the beginning with. The process will be simple but I understand where you’re coming from, we want her approval before we start it.” Taehyung clarifies with a nod of his head. Yoongi opens his mouth to talk but closes it, the conversation coming to an end suddenly as they hear you walk down the stairs, giving you a soft smile as you step into the living room timidly. 
“Hey Cub, did you have a nice shower? You even got some new pajamas? You look much comfier now.” Yoongi grins, almost cooing at the sight of you clutching your tail in your hands, shuffling in your spot shyly as you nod curtly, a low chuckle leaving his mouth. You were too cute. 
“Want me to brush your hair and put it up for you Sweetpea?” Hoseok asks softly, patting the empty spot beside him for you to sit. 
“I-It’s okay Hoseok, thank you though, is it okay if I go to bed instead of watching a movie? I-I didn’t realize how tired I was.” You whisper immediately getting smiles at you and nods. How could they tell you no? You were too sweet.
“Of course, you can go to bed Princess, you don’t have to ask, we can always watch a movie another day, there’s plenty of time to, sleep well okay? Remember if you need anything at all you can always come to us.” Namjoon cooed, giving you a dimpled smile that almost had your knees going weak. It was one of the prettiest smiles you had seen. They all murmur soft goodnights and sleep wells until Jungkook stands up and pouts at you,
“Hey, Sweet Girl, I promised I’d help you with your skincare routine and how to use the things I got you, you gotta take care of it now, Baby, come on let’s go get you properly ready for bed.”
“Hey, Jungkookie?” You hum as he helps with your skincare routine with the products he had gotten you before at the mall. You had figured out that you had sensitive skin just like him so he had bought you some products that he uses to help protect and soothe his own skin so now after your shower, he was helping you apply them, demanding that you have to take care of your skin so you don’t have sore skin. 
He smiles softly at the nickname, gently applying a toner onto your face and almost cooing at your innocent eyes staring at him curiously, watching his every move wondering what he was doing. He sometimes wondered how on earth you were a leopard hybrid. You were more like a kitten or a rabbit.
“Yes, Sweet Girl?” He asks with a smile on his face, raising an eyebrow at your hesitation to continue with what you wanted to say. He pats your head as a reassurance that you could talk to him without worrying, nodding as you open your mouth to speak.
“What do you all do for a living?” You ask quietly, noticing the look of surprise on his face, he hadn’t expected you to ask about their careers but he was willing to answer. If it meant getting you to open up to them more and gaining your trust more then he’d answer. It wasn’t like they had anything to hide anyway.
“Well, we all work in different things but we all work together in a way if that makes sense? Our jobs link us together. Not really mine but sometimes. Namjoonie Hyung and Yoongi Hyung work together the most. Namjoon is the founder and CEO of a Hybrid Protection company and Yoongi is the deputy CEO. They help any and every hybrid who needs it, whether they be a stray, from an abusive home, fight rings, auctions, literally anything. They make sure that no matter where the hybrid comes from they are safe and get everything they need. I guess sometimes I help out if they have too much on their hands." He begins smiling slightly. He was always proud of what his partners do, he places aside the products before focusing his attention on you and continuing, 
"Hobi Hyung is a detective in the police force. He works on all kinds of cases. He likes to mostly solve hybrid-related cases, knowing that other stations can usually turn them down and go for human ones. He wants them to get given justice just as equally as humans do. Jin Hyung is a Hybrid Medical Doctor. He treats all Hybrids' injuries and any illnesses they may have, he wants to save and care for as many hybrids as he can, it breaks his heart if he can’t. Tae Tae is a Hybrid Representative Lawyer. He basically supports any Hybrid in court and stuff like that, whether it be a change in adoption, abuse cases, or all sorts. Jiminie owns his own Hybrid Shelter. So he takes in any abandoned, stray, recently removed from abusive homes, even abandoned hybrid infants and children. He gives them a home they may have never gotten, and treatments for anything from medical or mentally, they have a choice of wanting to stay and live there or have a chance to have another home. He is so thorough with checking every single person’s background who comes in wanting to adopt. He’s very protective of them all.” Jungkook explains chuckling as you stare at him in awe, they were doing something barely anyone would do.
They all work with something related to hybrids. Wanting to protect them and give them more rights. Live an equal life as humans, to end the oppression and stigmas against Hybrids. Activists in a way. But you frown when you realize something. He had left himself out. He told you everything about his partners but not about himself.
“Well…what about you Jungkook? What do you do?” You ask as he sits in front of you and sighs giving you a small smile, taking your hands into his, and looking down at them. Was he uncomfortable about talking about his career? 
“Mine’s…a bit more boring than theirs, Sweet girl. I don’t wanna bore you.” He says looking back up at you but you shake your head at him with a pout.
“Nothing about you is boring Jungkookie.” You murmur, a blush coming to your cheeks when you realize what you had said out loud, purring when Jungkook pecks your forehead and smiles at you in appreciation.
“Thank you, baby, that was kind of you. I’m…a hybrid tattoo artist. Yeah I know it's not as extravagant as the others huh? I was just an average tattoo artist just tattooing humans but when I worked in a studio we had so many hybrid’s coming in wanting tattoos and my boss would just…turn them away. But they weren’t coming for a tattoo for the fun of it. They were coming in to cover up something that reminded them of their past. Like a bad scar or tattoo of their number they were given from fight rings or even brandings. I felt like it was unfair, they just wanted a fresh start and they weren’t getting a chance to do that so I left and I opened my own studio for Hybrids. I don’t charge them anything so I don’t really get much profit, I get some humans from time to time and they pay because they want to keep my business running but I refuse to charge a Hybrid for wanting to cover up something traumatic to them. I know it’s not much but if it makes a difference for them to live a happier life, to show them that there are humans that care for them then I’m happy and hopefully I’ve somewhat of a difference.” He murmurs and your heart swells. His job was anything but boring, he had a job that would make a massive impact on a hybrid's life. 
“That’s…the kindest thing I’ve ever heard Jungkookie. What all of you do. It’s amazing, I’ve never met anyone who cares so much about us, it’s special and I think I speak for all hybrids when I say this. Thank you. For being our voice…for being the ones to protect us and make us feel…normal. You should be proud of what you do. I may not be the greatest at expressing my emotions or understanding the simplest of things but if it weren’t for you guys. I would have had no future, I wouldn’t be able to have my eyes opened to the good in the world. I’m very very grateful and I promise to work hard on my healing and become a person you can be proud of.” You say shyly looking down, feeling your heart race.
Jungkook stared at you with a pout on his lips, squeezing your hands and taking a deep breath in. It was taking everything in him to not cry. It was the first time you had openly spoken about how you were comfortable living with them and how grateful you were for everything that they do for you. The first time he had heard someone really thank him and the boys for what they do. It only motivated him more. To give you a better life. To give hybrids around the world a better life. 
“Thank you so much Y/N, I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that. But, Sweet Girl, you don’t need to thank us for what we do for you. It’s the right thing to do. And I don’t think you understand how proud of you we are already, you’re doing so well. I know how difficult it must have been for you to trust us after everything you’ve been through, it must have been scary. You are so strong and brave. The bravest person I know. You have a future now and it’s only going to get better from here on out.” Jungkook says, gently lifting your head to look at him and he gives you a look of admiration. Proud written all over his and with all your courage you quickly place a kiss on his cheek, both of your eyes going wide and cheeks flushing red. It took him by surprise but his heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t expecting it but now he wanted more. It felt like a warm hug. Like a dew-freckled petal caught in a breeze, so soft and with the smallest hint of coolness. He will never forget this moment. This was a memory to remember.
“W-What was that for?” He stammers out and you shift in your spot and shrug, a shy giggle leaving your lips. He could have passed out right then and there, his heart was in frenzy. He couldn’t how adorable you were. It was too much. 
“I…I don’t know…it just felt right to do? I’m sorry d-did I overstep?” You murmur nervously and he shakes his head quickly, a massive grin appearing on his face. He looked lovestruck. Like a teenage boy with a massive crush on his classmate. And he was beginning to feel like one. He loved six people already, and his heart had already felt full but now…now he realizes there was room for just one more person.
“You didn’t overstep baby, just nearly made my heart explode that’s all with how cute you are.” He teases making you laugh and shake your head at him before your thoughts begin to trail remembering that his job was tattooing. Specifically Hybrids. You had something you wanted gone. Something you may not be able to really see yourself but you knew it was there. Would he help you get rid of it one day?
“Actually Jungkook…you’re a tattoo artist, c-could…c-could you cover something for me one day? W-When I’m ready?” You ask, feeling your heart race with fear and insecurity. You were about to let him step into your past. Not much but it was enough to have you terrified. What would he think? 
He frowns but nods slowly, noting your hesitation. He had seen many of your scars but there must be one prominent one that played on your mind a lot, one that he may have not seen but it worried me. Just how bad was it to have you practically trembling with fear? He could almost feel the anxiety coming off you.
“Sweet girl, it’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid, I will never judge you, you don’t even have to show me it yet or even tell me how you got it. I’m not going to make you, everything you do is at your own pace, not ours.” He reassures but you shake your head, taking a deep breath. You need to do this. This was something that you needed to get off your chest no matter how much it reminded you of your past. This was part of healing right? Overcoming the trauma.
“I need to do this. I’ve got to. I want to overcome this.” You murmur before slowly turning around so your back was facing him and biting your cheek to hold back the tears already welling up in your eyes, slowly lifting your shirt up to show him your back, shutting your eyes as you hear his breath hitch and the smell of anger hit your nose. This was one thing you hated. How you could sense pheromone changes. Jungkook’s once soft linen and lavender scent now smelt burnt and sour. The scent overwhelming your sensitive nose with how strong it was.
Jungkook was relieved you couldn’t see his face though. His face contorted from concern, to worry and lastly anger. Rage. People made him sick. He felt ashamed that he was human. Because all they know how to do in the world is oppress, and discriminate. Hurt others. Hurt Hybrids. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. The branding on your left shoulder blade will forever be imprinted in his mind. How the skin was slightly risen and horribly scarred. He can’t imagine the pain you suffered from it. From getting it to the healing. It must have been excruciating. He could tell it must have suffered an infection at some point from how poorly healed it was. His stomach churned as he leans closer and just about manages to read it. 
‘Property of Kang Seo-Jun’’
“Baby…W-Was this who you were stuck with previously?” Jungkook whispers, feeling tears well up in his eyes. No wonder why you wanted it gone. He would no doubt cover it for you. Decorating your shoulder with something so pretty and bright, you’ll forget that it was even a cover-up for it. Not a single memory of it in your mind again. Completely erased.
“Y-Yeah. It i-is. You must be disgusted right? I am. H-He took away any of my belonging. The l-little ownership I had of myself. I will never forget him. H-He haunts my dreams every night. I feel like I can hear his voice still sometimes. He was by far the worst owner I had. T-The night he took me, he had some of his men pin me down and burnt it onto my skin. T-The pain was unbearable. I-I still feel it sometimes if I think about it long enough. H-He hurt me so much. H-He enjoyed my pain. H-He did s-so much but I’m not ready to open up about it yet. He l-laughed as he did it. Called me his ‘little bitch’, and all I was to him w-was a punching bag for his entertainment and pleasure. I-I really wanted to die. I really thought h-he was going to kill me eventually. I-I can’t go back there Jungkook. I can’t. H-He really will make sure I’m dead. I was meant to die that night.” You sob covering your face, whimpering as Jungkook lifts the shirt up again that you had let go of and soothingly rubs up and down your spine, his heart aching at how your tail sadly flicks slightly. From hearing how much you really had been through even if it was just the surface. 
“Oh sweet girl, you are safe now. We will never let anyone hurt you again. He will never come near you again and he will be punished for this. Soon he will be a distant memory. Someone completely irrelevant to you. He has taken nothing from you. You are your own person. You have your very much-deserved freedom now, baby. Everything he may have ever told you is nothing but horrible lies. I am so so sorry you had to endure this and everything else you have gone through. You are so beautiful in your own unique way. I am not disgusted by you and neither are the boys. You will never experience anything like this again. You did so well telling me a little bit about your past. I’m so proud of you. You were so brave. Everything is going to be okay now. I promise you. I swear to you.” He says so softly, hesitating before placing a gentle kiss on your scar before pulling back and a small smile appearing at your little shudder from feeling his lips on your skin but it wasn’t from being uncomfortable, Jungkook knew it wasn’t from the way you relaxed. 
You say nothing, too in shock from the gentle kiss he placed, from how you managed to open up and how he never interrupted you, just sat and listened to you, and then reassured you he was proud of you and was not disgusted in you. You had never felt this way before. You couldn’t put your finger on it. You didn’t know what this emotion was but you hoped that in the future you would understand it. Know what it was because it felt warm, strong yet comforting. It had your heart racing but in a good way. And you wanted to feel more of it.
“I hate to ask this but can I take a photo of this Sweet girl? Don’t panic, it’s okay, it’s just because this will be evidence baby. Against him. It will help Hobi hyung in finding him and having evidence against him to get him arrested and locked up. It will help Taehyungie in court for you. That’s all. We want to get you justice.” He elucidates when he feels you tense. You didn’t want the others to know but you knew if you wanted to feel completely safe, he needed to be prosecuted. They need to know to make it happen so you nod curtly, swallowing the lump in your throat but the nod wasn’t enough for Jungkook. He needed vocal consent.
“Words Sweet Girl. I need to hear your consent, not just a visual one. Verbal consent is very important in this home baby.” He murmurs, nodding in approval as he hears you whisper an ‘okay’ before quickly snapping a photo and checking it and quickly turning his phone off and throwing it aside, and turning you around to finally face him, wiping the tears that slid down your cheeks.
“Permission to hold you in my arms?” He asks, brushing hair out your face before gently tugging you into his arms as you nod and begin to move into his lap. You tuck your head into the crook of his neck as he wraps his arms around tightly and sways side to side, biting back a chuckle as you begin to subconsciously scent him, rubbing your head into his neck, a low happy purr leaving your lips. He felt so content and happy. You were finally listening to your animal instincts and relieving any urge you may have had but never realized. The more you got comfortable with them, the more your leopard came out. And with that, you finally lulled to sleep. The quickest you had ever fallen asleep. The safest you had ever felt to fall asleep. 
Not a single thought in mind.
“Kang Seo-Jun”
“She opened up to me a little. The sick bastard that left her in that alley, his name is Kang Seo-Jun.” Jungkook grits out, opening his phone and going to his gallery, clicking on the photo he had taken and practically shoving his phone into Hoseok’s face.
“This is what she showed me, I got permission from her of course to take the photo. We’ve really underestimated how much she’s been through guys. We knew it was severe but I never imagined the actual extent.” He whimpers sitting down and holding his head in his hands. He wanted to break down in front of you but he knew he couldn’t, not when you were in tears yourself reliving the memories, he had to be strong for you but now, he could let it out.
“Can I send this to myself love bug? I need this evidence.” Hoseok breathes out, he could feel the anger boiling the longer he stared at the photo, quickly sending it to himself when he gets a silent nod from Jungkook and passing the phone to Yoongi and so on, each of their faces contorting to undeniable rage. 
“Kookie talk to us, what did she tell you? How did you manage to get her to open up to you?” Yoongi asks faintly, he could visibly see the distress the boy was in. He didn’t want to tip him off the edge. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat before looking up and begins to explain to them how you had asked about what they all do career-wise, telling them how you thanked them all for what they do and how your body language had changed as you asked him to cover up the branding when you were ready which lead you to show him and telling him how you got it. By the time he had finished, he had tears falling, Hoseok was on the phone immediately demanding his colleagues to send him any information on the demented man. They were all having internal battles with their anger. Their sadness.
“Hyungs…s-she’s suffered so much. I-I just know she hasn’t even scratched the surface of her past. She deserved none of this. S-She’s too good for this world.” Jungkook sniffles, snuggling into Jimin as the older man tugs him into a hug, cradling the younger boy close and kissing the top of his head.
“She’s safe now baby, she will suffer no more. You did good. We are proud of you for how you handled it, and how you got her to open up without pushing her. It shows us how comfortable she’s getting. She felt safe to tell you. You took good care of her, well done Koo.” Taehyung reassures, snuggling into the other side of the younger boy, rubbing his arm encouragingly. It was no secret between them all that Jungkook was the most sensitive to Hybrid cruelty, having witnessed it at a young age, he understands how severe how bad it can get. He had such a big heart and they do everything they can to protect it.
“He’s right, you did great, Hoseok is going to find out everything he can on the bastard and bring him down with Taehyung, he isn’t going to get away with it, Y/N will get the justice she deserves at last. His karma is coming and it’s us. He will suffer for what he’s done.” Yoongi sneers, he could happily track him down right now and punish him for everything he’s done. He couldn’t wait to watch the twisted crook pay for his crimes. They were a step closer to finding him. A step closer to you finally having justice, and peace of mind that your trauma wasn’t for nothing. 
You were their little leopard and they’d do anything for you.
@sunoosult @pb-n-juju @kimsaerom @tinyoonsblog @mintyoonjisworld @malewife-supremacy @army4eve3r @mageprincess7 @dreamamubarak @ot7nem @haleypearce @yoongiigolden @driftapart @carolinexkpop @koobratzy @devilsadvcte @colourlyhobbit @toughbook @ah2002 @beeeee06 @euphoriayongbok @bbgniecyy @kurowvie @jaiuneamesolitaiire @rich-man-v @bangtanxberm @murkydoesnotloveyou @cheychey-4788 @atinygracie @echo-ethe @yo-alli @blancflms @jamlessstars @theblueslytherin @rosquilleta @slash4slashers @chieftoadturkeynickel @m4r1eluvr @rainbow-bunny-bts @thedarkwinterrose @anjoellamorte @cath-fach @welcometomyworld13 @djodjom1 @sugarrush-blush
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
Taking Care of Business (And My Business is You) 12
Part 11
That was a heavy thing to say. 
To accuse a man, your own father, of murder. That in itself was a lot but to say that he might’ve killed your mother, his own wife, a woman he loved at some point… Well, Steve could understand Eddie’s silence at first. He was ready to speak up when the alpha beat him to it.
“How long have you suspected him?”
“Long enough”, Steve said as he lifted his head from Eddie’s shoulder. “Enough to know that I need to gather enough evidence and confront him for myself before I make any major moves.”
Eddie didn’t need to ask what that major move was. A coup. Although, was it really one if the person overthrowing was rightfully meant to rule in the first place? In this case, Eddie didn’t think so. Still, it sounded like Steve didn’t have much evidence to back it up just yet. So his next question was-
“How much support do you have if you go through with this?”
Steve smiled, appreciating the way he thought. “Let’s save that kind of sensitive talk for when you start studying. Or the bedroom~”, he winked.
Eddie bit his lip, thinking of the kiss they shared. And of the way Steve looked when he woke up that morning. What he wouldn’t give to see more of that. Steve sent him home for that day and offered a driver but Eddie elected to walk and then take a bus back home. It gave Eddie time to think about the past twenty four hours. Steve said he would call on him when the next job came.
Little did he know, Steve sent Robin, his real capo in all but name, to watch over him for the next couple of days. Through her recon, Steve knew about the car Eddie was fixing up, his walks about town, who he talked with, and the club he went to. Robin even went inside and reported to Steve that while he didn’t go home with anyone, he danced mostly with men. 
“You know, you probably could have asked him all these things”, Robin said as they lounged in his room, giving each other facials. “You didn’t have to actually spy on him.”
“But I didn’t~”, Steve grinned, sitting criss-cross. “You did.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Same difference.”
“You’ve been in this game long enough to know the semantics game.” 
Of course, Steve wanted to learn Eddie’s ins and outs. And of course he knew that he could have accomplished it through more traditional means. But why do that when you had the resources he had access to? And it would all be to Eddie’s benefit later.
Eddie typically kept the car at a repair shop. He was friends with the owner. So when he came in one morning, intent on spending a couple of hours fixing it up, he was surprised when Rick told him someone else had put up straight cash for the rest of the repairs.
“Who the hell would do that?”, Eddie asked.
“Some guy. I don’t know, I didn’t ask questions. He didn’t seem like the kind that you asked”, Rick said, waving a cigarette around. “Got the boys already checking it out to see what other parts we need to order and everythin’.”
Eddie had a sneaking suspicion but just couldn’t figure out why Steve would pay to have his car fixed up. Actually, his first question should have been, how did Steve know about the car in the first place? Eddie thought to call Steve and ask about it but he was beaten to the punch. As soon as he got home, Wayne told him a call had come for him.
So Eddie put on a clean suit. This time, he was halfway through putting his hair up when he paused. He took the hair tie out and let it spill over his shoulders. He wondered what kind of reaction he’d get out of Steve when he arrived.
A driver came to collect him and once he was dropped off, he was escorted to a poolroom where Robin and Steve were in the middle of a game. Eddie got to watch Steve bend over the table and enjoyed the stretch of his arm and back before he must have caught a whiff of Eddie and stopped to straighten up.
Steve laid his pool cue onto the table, then walked over as if in a trance. He came right in front of Eddie and reached out, curling his fingers into the alpha’s hair.
“Like what you see?”, Eddie grinned.
“Like it?”, Steve breathed out and then leaned in close. “I-”
“Should probably get a room”, Robin deadpanned. “Or just have mercy and wait for me to leave this one.”
Steve cleared his throat and backed away. Eddie immediately missed the closeness. But he also didn’t mind saving it for somewhere more private. He didn’t miss the way Steve’s scent spiked just a little though. They’d be revisiting that later.
For now, Steve grabbed his jacket and they went out on a job. Eddie was driving again this time. Being alone was the perfect opportunity to bring up the whole car repair thing.
“Soooo”, Eddie tapped on the wheel. “Were you gonna tell me about paying for my car, or…?”
Steve was looking out the window, chin in his hand. He didn’t look away at Eddie’s words. Eddie watched him a bit through the rearview mirror before tuning his eyes back on the road. He bit his lip, deciding to egg the heir on.
“Are you spying on me, Harrington?”
“I thought it’d be nice. You know, to have something like that done for you.”
“So you are spying on me.”
“Robin’s not a spy, technically”, Steve said, answering his question.
Well now Eddie knew to keep a lookout for any women in slacks and short hair when he was away from Steve starting today. Still, while it was weird to know he he been watched, he couldn’t help but poke fun.
“I’m honestly surprised. I thought you two were attached to the hip.”
“She’s my eyes and ears when I can’t be present”, Steve said. “When you pass your trials, you’ll actually be working more together. Since you’ll be my hands and feet.”
The meeting was at a hotel this time and it went much the same as the last one. Steve handled all the talking. Eddie stayed close by but to the side. It was a nice change in that apparently nobody insulted him nor Steve. The meeting ended well, with handshakes and smiles. 
“Shame they can’t all be like that”, Eddie said on the drive back.
“That family was personal friends with my mother”, Steve explained. “If all’s well, I’ll be speaking with their matriarch. I think she knows something about what went down.”
“Why do you think your old man would do that? To his own wife?” It was somehow easier to talk about when they weren’t face to face.
“He didn’t need her anymore”, Steve said plainly. 
He had what he wanted. The position and an heir he could exploit. What more could he want? The only thing Steve was missing was hard evidence. If he tried to oust his father now, he’d only be seen as a petulant child, trying to rise too early. People either saw him as spoiled, inexperienced, or soft. Even those that respected him did so out of honoring his mother, not him.
“But enough about that. It’s the weekend. Are you free?”, Steve asked, grinning at the back of Eddie’s head. 
“I’m certain you’ve already had your little birdie sneak a peek at my personal planner”, Eddie said. “So you know I have no plans.”
“Then let’s go out. I feel like dancing. I know you know a place.”
“What, like this?”, Eddie asked, gesturing to their clothes. “We’ll stick out like the sorest of thumbs.”
“Since when are you afraid of standing out?”
Eddie let out a breath. Going out with Steve, he didn’t know why he was so hesitant. They were dancing around something that didn’t have a name yet. Any other time if a pretty thing like him gave him those eyes, he wouldn’t think twice. Was it just because he was mafia? Eddie already knew Steve wouldn’t just play with him and toss him to the side. At least, he was pretty sure that wouldn’t happen.
“What the hell, let’s go.”
It wasn’t the fact that they were in suits that made them stand out. Men in pressed pants and blazers weren’t uncommon in clubs. But those guys typically went for colors and patterns. Steve and Eddie looked plain by comparison, but Eddie would never call Steve plain. Especially not under the colored lights and watching him go right to the dance floor. The way parted for him like they knew they should move for royalty.
Eddie followed like a sailor lured by a siren. Steve turned right into his arms like he was certain Eddie would be there, no doubt in his mind. And he smiled, pleased. Steve’s hands went right to the alpha’s hair, caressing them before moving down to his shoulders. Steve seemed so natural here, moving his body to the beat and Eddie didn’t know why he was surprised. The omega was very much an heir but it wasn’t like he was locked in a tower.
They danced for a bit more, Eddie’s hands venturing to his waist before Steve was pulling him into a booth. Eddie sat down first and Steve settled right at his side. Feeling bold, Eddie tucked some of Steve’s hair behind his ear and let his nose brush against his neck. With the blaring music, he couldn’t hear so much as feel Steve’s satisfied purr. 
Then suddenly, Steve backed off. “Going to the bathroom. Order us some drinks.”
He went away, using the mirror to check himself over. His hair still looked great, good enough for a certain alpha to run his fingers through later. His neck was definitely looking biteable too. Steve walked out, thinking of what he and Eddie might get up to later when he saw someone had taken his place next to Eddie. They weren’t as close but they were getting there. All Steve saw was red as the upstart put a hand on Eddie’s shoulder and leaned in.
Steve didn’t hesitate to check them, coming right up to Eddie’s other side and digging his hand right up the alpha’s scalp.
“Miss me, baby?”, Steve asked.
Eddie immediately turned to him, eyes darkening. The other man had been instantly forgotten but Steve had to lay it on thick. He nuzzled Eddie’s neck, getting lost a little in that cidery scent. Steve felt a hand come to his waist, grabbing him roughly and he forgot about anyone else in the room too. He forgot about the club, the music, the drinks. Steve couldn’t wait anymore to taste him. 
He used his hold on Eddie to bring him in for a kiss. He thought about their kiss in the backseat. How far would they have gone if they hadn’t been interrupted? Eddie pulled him into his lap, Steve’s legs spread on either side as their kiss deepened. His hips shifted and he sighed against Eddie’s lips.
Eddie parted from the kiss and just watched as Steve slowly moved his hips. Steve was watching Eddie watch him and felt himself get wetter for it. It wouldn’t be long before his pants were uncomfortable. He’d have to get out of them. And there was an eager pair of hands here. Steve leaned in to give him a quick peck and then stood up. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
Part 13
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loulouwrites · 2 years
Situation . Tommy Shelby
warnings: swearing, talk of abortion, talk of war, pregnancy
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(word count 2476)
She didn’t even like Tommy Shelby. She was glad he was going to fight in France, she hoped he died there. It wasn’t like they were in love, that they were going to get married, live happily ever after, no, she would never allow that to happen.
She thought about the time she had spent with Tommy. His beloved had just died of consumption, he was broken, helpless. She was just bored. It hadn’t meant anything more than one it was, two people seeking solace in one another in a time of need.
She placed a hand on her stomach, there was nothing there yet, if she had not have had it confirmed by a midwife she wouldn’t believe there was any life in there at all. As her hand rested on her abdomen, she resisted the urge to press down, to punch it until the creature that had infested her body shriveled up, lifeless, like it had never happened, but she didn’t. Instead, she grabbed a teacup from the table next to her and launched it towards the wall, the remaining tea that was in it dripping down her arm, the china smashing into tiny little pieces against the patterned wallpaper.
She wandered through the streets of Small Heath like a ghost, she didn’t have a destination in mind but she had to get out of her house, out of the small home that suffocated her. She made no attempt to dodge the children that bumped into her as the ran through the streets, followed by angry men and women, their laughs cutting through her, she thought the sound of the children’s laughter was the most awful sound in the world. “Sorry, miss,” a boy said after he had knocked into her, he was small and hadn’t used much force but it was enough to sent her stumbling pack a couple of steps.
“Watch where you’re going,” she snapped, shoving past the boy.
She knew what she had to do. There were plenty of women who helped girls in her position, the only issue was every word got back to the family of thugs on Watery Lane. It shouldn’t have scared her, she was certain Tommy would give her the money himself if he found out, but she didn’t want him to. She wanted nothing from the man that was leaving for France in a few days. Nobody would want her now. If she kept it she was the whore that allowed herself to be impregnated by a Shelby and was raising a bastard child, if she got rid of it, word would get out and she would still be the whore that allowed herself to be impregnated by a Shelby and a murderer on top of that. It wasn’t murder in her mind, she didn’t know the thing inside of her, it didn’t even have a body yet, but that’s how every man she knew saw it, an abomination against God.
She drifted through the streets, not paying attention to the rain that was beginning to pelt down, soaking her hair and clothes. It felt rather nice, the water cooling her burning skin. She continued walking, ignoring the strange looks she got from people rushing past her, using whatever they had in their hands to cover their heads until they found shelter, she could faintly hear a voice calling her name but she didn’t stop to see who it was, she wasn’t sure they were even calling out for her. She was about to turn the corner when a hand grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around.
“What the fuck, Tommy?” she cried when she came face to face with the cause of all her troubles.
“Why the fuck are you wandering ‘round in the rain?” he raised an eyebrow in amusement. To him, it was a funny sight, watching a girl floating through the streets in the pouring rain, her clothes soaked.
“Fuck off Shelby,” she spat at him, storming away, leaving him stood there, his arms raised at his sides.
“You’re pregnant.” 
The girl’s eyes widened at the older woman’s words.
“Jesus, Polly. I’ve barely opened the door,” she whispered, stepping out of her house, closing the door quietly as not to disturb her parents in the kitchen. 
“Am I wrong?” Polly smirked, taking a drag of her cigarette. She had always liked Polly, almost as much as she feared her 
“No,” she sighed, rubbing her eyes, she was so tired.
“If you’re going to tell my nephew, I suggest you do it quickly. The boys leave for France at the end of the week.”
“How do you know anyways? I haven’t told a soul.”
“Honestly, girl. I saw you floating around the streets yesterday afternoon in the rain. I just had to take one look at you.”
“I’m so scared, Polly,” she started to cry, taking a seat on the doorstep, holding her head in her hands. 
“Get up,” Polly told her sternly, grabbing her shoulders and dragging her to a standing position 
“You listen to me. You tell Tommy if you need to tell Tommy, if you’re certain you don’t want to, I will help you take care of it and he never needs to know.”
“What do you think I should do?”
“I’m not here to give you advice, girl. You have to decide what’s best for you.”
“And Tommy?”
“Fuck off. This is your problem to deal with, no man should influence you either way.  But ask yourself, could you live with yourself if you kept it from him?”
“I don’t like it when you make sense. It doesn’t suit you,” she joked at the older woman, earning a smack to the side of her head.
The sound of the kettle hissing was the only noise that came from the kitchen of the Shelby home on Watery Lane. She sat on a chair at the kitchen table, her hands in her lap, fiddling with her fingers. The tension in the room was suffocating, whilst the home wasn’t big, it felt a lot smaller to the two people in there once she delivered her news. Tommy sat opposite her, his cigarette held between his fingers, it was almost half ash as it continued to burn, forgotten.
“How long have you known?” he broke the silence once the kettle had stopped hissing on the hob.
“Not long.” 
“What are you going to do?”
“Don’t know.”
“Why did you tell me?”
“Not sure.”
Tommy sighed, standing up from his seat in frustration. He would have appreciated more than two word answers, he would have preferred it if she came into  his house already with a plan, because he didn’t know what to do.
“Do you want to get rid of it?” he asked her, resting his hands on the table, leaning down slightly to meet her eyes.
“I don’t know.” Tommy threw his head back in exasperation, he wasn’t sure if it was because of the situation they had found themselves in, or if it was simply because the girl sat in his kitchen was annoying the fuck out of him.
“I mean I would never get rid of it if I thought I had any other option,” she justified, her eyes wide, the dark circles under her eyes dulling her whole complexion.
“You don’t believe there’s another option?” Tommy frowned, pulling out the chair next to her and taking a seat.
“I just mean if I actually liked the father, if I thought there was a chance we could get married…”
“You don’t like me?” Tommy asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
“I don’t mean to offend you, Tommy but it’s not like you were with me for the conversation eithe.r”
It was hard for Tommy not be offended. While she was right, he wasn’t with her for anything more than a slight comfort on his most lonely nights, he thought he meant more to her than she did to him, that’s how it always was for Tommy Shelby.
“What if we were to be married?” Tommy’s offense heightened when he saw her face twist in disgust, her sticking her tongue out slightly as if she were about to be sick. “It’s not uncommon to marry for this reason, I wouldn’t allow you to raise the child alone, like a common who-” he was cut off by a smack against his arm.
“You’re a horrible person, Thomas.”
“Because I’m offering to marry the mother of my child?”
“It doesn’t even make sense,” she sneered at him, the volume of her voice rising. “You’re leaving for France soon”
“Just listen-”
“I mean. You don’t even like me,”
“Lets say you don’t get blown up in the war, you’re going to come home to a child and a wife you don’t love.”
“Just listen,,” he snapped, grabbing her shoulders. “I care, alright? I fucking do. I care about you and I care about my child. If you want to get rid of it, you can, I’ll fucking pay for it myself but I would be honoured if you allowed me to call myself your husband.”
She was silent for a moment, her eyes locked on his, that were wider than she’d ever seen them, studying her carefully. He watched as her mouth curled into a smirk.
“Jesus, Tommy. You don’t have to beg.”
For the common man, hosting a wedding in 10 hours would seem to be an impossible task, but for Tommy Shelby it was rather easy. It was not a glamourous occasion, but they wouldn’t have been able to afford that with all the time in the world. He notified his family first, sending Arthur to the Priest’s home, to inform the man he would be holding a wedding at 9 O’clock the following morning. He then accompanied his bride to be home, to tell her parents, who were less than thrilled that their daughter was marrying a Shelby, much less carrying his child. Nevertheless, they agreed to be at the Church at exactly 9 O’clock.
There weren’t many people in the Church for the wedding, just her small family and Tommy’s much larger one. The groom’s side of the church cheered and howled as the ceremony concluded, the bride’s side sat stone still, small, fake smiles on their faces.
Tommy underestimated how happy he was to be a married man. He thought that maybe it was due to the fact he would be travelling to a battleground the next morning, being shipped to his death, he was relieved he would have a legacy, he would be able to tell his comrades he had a woman at home waiting for him, a child on the way. But, as Tommy looked at the woman who was laughing as his Aunt Polly felt her stomach, he thought maybe he was happy because he liked his wife a lot more than he thought he did.
 The train station was buzzing with life as the men stepped off the train. Women were holding there hands in the air waving to their husbands, their brothers, their sons, with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces. 
Tommy was one of the last men off the train, allowing his eager comrades to push in front of him, eager to return to their families. His brothers had run off towards the entrance of the station where the women and children would be waiting, slightly away from the chaos of the platform. Tommy didn’t run or push past everyone as he made his way in the direction his brothers had gone, he examined the other families, crying in joy at their reunions, as if they weren’t going back to a life of poverty and devastation. It wasn’t fair to think that way, he should allow the men to be happy for as long as they could before reality set in, but for some reason he couldn’t shake the judgmental feeling he got when he looked at all of the smiling faces.
He could see his brother, John, embracing his wife as his children crowded around him, his brother, Arthur being embraced by his Aunt and Ada, and he could see her, stood slightly to the side, holding the hand of a young child. He stood in front of her for moment, neither of them really knowing what to do. They had been married for less than 24 hours when he left, their reunion wasn’t like the other couples here, it was different. 
He felt like he’d been staring at her for hours when the little girl tapped her on the leg, pulling her down so she could whisper something in her ear. His wife nodded at the girl, standing up straight and reaching her arms out to her husband, who stiffly returned her embrace, his eyes on the young girl at her mother’s feet. He let the woman go, bending down on his knees to face the little girl who was studying him with eyes like his own.
"Hello, Clara,” he greeted the girl for the first time. It was strange, having to introduce yourself to your own child, but he wanted the girl’s first memory of him to be a good one. He wanted her to remember him being the man who got down on his knees just to say hello to her. She waved at him shyly, edging closer to her mother, who placed a hand on her shoulder, gently pushing her closer to the man.
“Your turn, Clara,” her mother told her. Tommy wasn’t used to this version of his wife, he remembered her as the young girl who used to sneak out of her bedroom window to meet him on the street corner, not as a mother to a four year old girl, not as a woman. He decided he liked this version of his wife, he wanted to change too, he wanted to change from a boy that went to war to a father who provided for his family. The young girl stepped closer to Thomas, wrapping her arms around his neck timidly, letting out a giggle when he scooped her up and stood up straight.
“Lets get the fuck home,” Arthur’s voice rang out and they all turned to leave the station, just as they’d left France, without looking back. They walked out of the station as a family, Arthur rushing over to Thomas to snatch the little girl out of his arms. “I’m your Uncle Arthur, I’m gonna teach you so many things.” 
Tommy placed a hand on the small of his wife’s back as they walked,  watching Arthur as he threw his niece up in the air despite his Aunt Polly’s protests.
“I like you a bit more than I thought I did, you know,” Tommy whispered in her ear.
“We’ll see how it goes.”
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arcadiabaytornado · 8 months
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I want to talk about Rachel’s junkyard letter to Chloe because it contextualizes her relationship with Frank and Mark. (Note: She is more than likely talking about Mark here. Frank doesn’t seem wise, and he is scary, but in a pretty conventional way. Mark will even say that Frank was Rachel’s bad boy phase in Episode 5. Plus, “We hooked up near campus,” also points to Mark.)
This note has a lot of substance regarding the nature of Rachel and Chloe’s ambiguous relationship, but that’s not really what I want to talk about...for today at least. Instead, I want to talk about how this is so clearly a note written by a young woman who’s way over her head. She acknowledges that Chloe would find her relationship with Mark gross, and she then says that if Chloe freaked, “she wouldn’t blame her.” She then elaborates on this point by saying she has to keep her relationship with her teacher a secret because she knows that Chloe would be right to react with disgust. Max even says that Rachel sounded confused and ashamed about this relationship. 
But what's somehow even more alarming is Rachel referring to Mark as scary, and honestly, that just breaks my heart. We don't know what Mark did, but we know that Rachel had already been in a scary situation with an older man. In Frank's RV, we can find a letter where Rachel says that Frank went ballistic and frightened her. She was an eighteen-year-old girl, at the oldest, and in an RV with a drug dealer who was losing his shit. Then she meets Mark. Another older man who has power over her grades and future. She hooks up with him, but...she finds him scary too. We don't know what he said to make her this way. Or what he did. Or if Rachel just got a weird vibe...but she was in her second relationship in her young life with a man who scared her...and she was right to fear them both. Especially Mark. 
More Undercut
Rachel Amber was not a seductress. She was not a harlot sent to lead the men of Arcadia Bay astray. Rachel Amber was a victim. She was eighteen years old and dated men who had power over her, not just in their age, but in drugs and grades. She feared each of them, and no one could save her in time. She died in the darkroom. Overdosed on Frank's drugs while Mark took photos of her body. And yet...such a tragedy so often boiled down to "She hurt Chloe's feelings!"
As much as I love Chloe, that's not the worst thing to happen in this situation. The worst thing to happen is the grooming and subsequent murder. I know that’s kind of harsh phrasing, and I really hope I'm not coming off as overly critical, but I’ve noticed that Rachel’s relationship with Frank and Mark is often talked about in terms of how it affected Chloe instead of how it affected Rachel.
And while, yes, Chloe’s feelings were hurt, and that shouldn't be minimized, Rachel's relationships with these men affected Rachel more than anyone. That's not to say I'm opposed to talking about how Rachel's relationships hurt Chloe!!!! Because they did!!! I'm just saying that it makes me uneasy how Chloe is sometimes treated like the biggest victim of Rachel's relationships when Rachel is dead at the hands of the men who groomed her.
Sorry that I went off on a tangent at the end there, but I’ve never liked it when characters are boiled down to their romantic relationships, and I tend to think that what happened with Frank and Mark should be looked outside the lens of Amberprice a little. Just like I think Chloe deserves an analysis of who she is as a person outside the lens of Amberprice and/or Pricefield.
OKAY I have got to end this post because that was another tangent but quick thoughts: A: Rachel was a victim and it seeps through every letter of this note. B: Rachel deserved better. C: I wish the Mark/Frank situation wasn’t often boiled down to how it made Chloe feel. I feel like Rachel’s character is sometimes not given the analysis it deserves because of it. 
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coalescedstardust · 1 month
He Shall Add
One My father had two names. One, Jacob, the heel, the grasper, the deceiver. Two, Israel, the man who wrestled with angels, the God-touched, the one who would forever live in awe and blessing.
My father had two wives. One, the wife he didn’t choose, the one he was deceived into taking. Two, the favored one, the one he toiled seven years to win – we heard that story a thousand times – my mother. They all said I looked like her. (And then the two slave women, of whom no one speaks.)
My father thought he was Israel now. He said the angel changed his name, and with his name, his nature. He thought he started over, sometimes more than once a day, and if he started over, then we must too.
My father was two but the two were one. Jacob stole a blessing. Israel wrestled one out. The grasped heel, the wrenched hip. There was no split within him – he enacted it on us.
My mother waited years to bear a child, and when at last I came, they set me apart – the favored one, so lucky to be gifted with robes befitting any spoiled princess and told not to do work that’d sully them. So lucky to be sent into the field and told to snitch to Dad about my brothers (or, should I say, the other mothers’ sons).
The robe fit wrong and chafed against my body (or else my body grew to be untrue – the swell of bust and hips belied my story that I was switched inside my mother’s womb and what was once a girl is now a boy in all the ways that matter).
One day as we were standing in the field I told my brothers that I had a dream, that all their sheaves of grain bowed down to mine, the sun, the moon and the eleven stars (how tiny was my universe back then) bowed down to me from far up in the sky.
At this point I always ask myself if I brought on my fate by telling them – I should have known they wouldn’t take it well – I knew my own self well enough to know that I dreamed true, but others were a puzzle – such a foolish, ignorant boy I was –
for the crime of being “lord of dreams” they debated how to kill me off, but in the end they chose to spare my life and sold me into slavery instead.
At least I got to leave that robe behind.
What can I tell you about the slavers’ gang… they thought that pretty creature was a girl.
No one knows how many boys like me are murdered. Most of us are laid to rest as girls. But even in the enlightened times from which you look back upon my story, half of us are victims of a crime that some would call befitting.
They gave all the slaves a plain sheet of cloth and I fashioned from it a men’s garment and took my place as a serving boy.
There I rose within the household (what did I do to attract such attention, why could I not remain anonymous and unseen) – my master approved of my work and placed me above the others; my mistress took an eye to me (my soft hands, my gentle eyes – such a pretty boy, I bet you’d be good at –) God help me, on some level it felt good.
And then one day she got me alone – I told her no, it wasn’t right – and then she reached for me and found what wasn’t there and I tried to run, and she wouldn’t let go and I tore myself from her grasp leaving my clothes in her hands and she screamed and it was all over.
In jail I learned to listen. You’d have thought my father wanted that (with all the times he screamed that no one listened, that no one understood, only my sainted mother understood him and then little Ben took her from him) – but to him I was a symbol, I was her reflection, and it’s not convenient when symbols talk back or understand too much –
but on the inside, in that forsaken place where no one knew if they would live to see another day, I learned to hear the things that they weren’t saying, to make myself a mirror for the soul. Again I rose – I gained a reputation that I could hear the messages of dreams (that was only a sliver of the truth of everything I was, or everything these places made me into).
I told one man he was about to die. I told another that he would be spared. I asked him if he could remember me when he returned to life on the outside. I never thought I’d see daylight again.
One day (after my gift for dreams saved the land, after I was pardoned, after I rose to rule beside the king, after a woman loved me, after a whole country called me by my name) the famine drove my brothers to my doorstep –
I saw them fall on their faces before me, and I saw they did not recognize the man I had become
From the outside, you can see the poetry, that that same gift that made my brothers hate me became the thing that saved them
I could not see the whole pattern from within it I could only see each step before me and hope that I chose right
I hid my identity I let them think I was someone else I hid their silver in their bags I tricked them to get them alone I sent them on an ordeal through the desert
I gathered my family in and all the threads of different hues were woven into the full design
(my great-grandfather said his wife was his sister, my father passed himself off as my uncle, my stepmother pretended she was my mother, my mother hid her father’s idols in her bag, my brothers spilled blood on my clothes and said that the one who wore them was dead – the ripples spread across the pond and intersect, the echo harmonizes with itself)
We spun the strands of fate into something new we gave them the chance to be otherwise we gave the pattern a chance to change
I cannot say I felt no pleasure in hearing them weep and call me brother
I told them that God made something good from all the evil they had done to me but I don’t think that they could understand what it means to be the loom on which a new self is fashioned, and to be the raw material, and the craftsman, all at once
I don’t think that they could understand that it took someone who had transformed by sinking to the lowest of the low and rising as a new synthesis to rewrite our family’s story
My sons did not grow up to hate each other. If nothing else that I did turned out right –
reader from the far future, looking back on millennia of slavery and war
and exile and conquering empire and endless blood spilled on my beloved lands –
know that at least they did not grow to hate, know that my father blessed us in the end.
(There is no going back, no starting over, no stating that the past no longer matters –
but there is going forward, there is building for the future, there is telling the whole truth.)
There’s no such thing as a real happy ending, only the place the teller stops – but know
there was a time when we loved more than we hated, when we were not too proud to reconcile.
Amidst the merciless waste of history, that was enough to build ourselves a shelter,
to raise a little light against the dark.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, past trauma, past abuse, scared boys, mentions of murder, hiding , lies, hurt/comfort, teasing, needy boys, panic, allusions to omorashi/piss kink, rough kisses, biting/marking, grinding, sixty nine, accidental eye gouging, blow jobs, desperation, body worship, Dom's pretty uncut alpha cock, d/s undertones, denial, cunnilingus, rough fingering, cum shots, getting caught, showers, The Talk, family moments, fluff, mentions of past SA, mentions of past miscarriage, surprisingly sweet moments, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: explicit AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Colson hated Tuesdays, they had always bugged him. He knew deep down it was probably trauma related- his father had sold him on a Tuesday, but he swore they were honestly just shit. A lot of bad days fell on Tuesdays. Of course that next morning when he woke up with his Alpha curled around him the omega wasn't thinking how much he hated those awful days. He was actually thinking about how hard the killer's cock felt where it was pressed between his ass cheeks and against his spine, slightly curved to the left. He was wondering if he should try to fit in a quick morning fuck or linger lazily in bed snuggling. When he felt his child reposition in his stomach to lay more heavily on his bladder he knew whatever his decision was, he needed to piss first. Of fucking course.
Dom tried to make himself sleep, he'd been trying all bloody night but most of it was spent worrying about his sort of mother-in-law. He loved the woman to death and he hoped there was a damn good reason she was hiding something but the more he pondered the more he worried. Why would she have to hide anything good? She wouldn't. Especially not with as much money as she was funneling out of Col’s company each month. He'd already made up his mind that after getting his lover to work he'd follow her. It wasn't like stalking a pretty blonde omega was new to him. He just hated hiding anything from his partner. He kept telling himself he'd explain everything once he knew what Collette was up to. Even if it was something understandable he'd still tell his man about it. When they were home that night he'd curl up with him and they'd talk about their day. In reality it was just a few hours until he could be honest. That wasn't so hard.
The omega tried to slip out of bed but of course had trouble making it. He tried to use the side of the mattress to pull himself up and ended up falling back against his mate. Dom almost choked but he was able to downplay the sound, he didn't want his lover feeling embarrassed. “G’morning gorgeous. Need ‘elp?” He asked gently, aware of how badly it could go if the man was already in a mood.
Colson narrowed his gaze as he turned his head to look at the boy under him. He wanted to be annoyed but the tired look in his jade eyes made it impossible. His current situation was Dom's fault technically but he wasn't as frustrated about it as he had been before. He knew logically they were past the dangerous point and mostly in the clear. It was still hard to admit their child existed but it was getting easier every day. Every time he felt their little one move. “Just a little leverage.”
“Push or pull?” The Alpha offered and when his mate shrugged he started helping him stand up from where he was. If he didn't have to get out of bed he didn't want to yet. Their bed meant his day of lies didn't have to start. Fuck, what would he even say he needed to do?
Dom rolled over and stared at the wall. Part of him wanted to go after Megan instead but there were others who could find her. He knew Col sent men after her but only he could go follow Collette. He couldn't put it off or ignore it. His mate was due in the next month and they would need her near. He'd never be able to have her around his newborn if he didn't know he could trust her one hundred percent. He had to get it out of the way and then he would do away with Megan next. After that he could focus on getting sleep before becoming a father. He had a feeling he wouldn't be allowed much after that. As a boy he'd cared for his sisters while his parents slept. He remembered the sleepless nights and constant tears.
“You okay?” Colson’s voice was soft as he got back to bed and slid in behind his lover. Dom was obviously awake but turned away from him and that more than anything scared him. He didn't think the boy had rolled away once since they'd met.
“Mmm, jus’ tired.” Dom sighed before taking a deep breath and turning back over, a calm smile on his face. He refused to let anything else upset his partner. He had to protect his family, even if it was from one of their own.
“Yeah, you look like shit. Maybe you should stay home today? At least the morning? I know you worry but I got my gun and the boys won't leave-” Kells started on his explanation of safety but the boy interrupted him surprisingly.
“Yeah, might be smart. Long as you stay wiv the boys.” It wasn't the best solution but it was a cover of sorts. He could take Col to work and then act like he would come home. Besides, the hotel was the best place to start his search. He reached over and laid his palms on Colson's belly, his fingers petting softly over the stretched inked skin.
“Shit are you dying? You're actually going to let me go be the boss I've always been? Alone? Should I check your temperature?” The omega teased, arching a brow.
“Look I know we boff want yas sticking summat up me arse but not a fhermometer aye?” The boy teased back. “I trust yas and the boys. At least for a few ‘ours. Jus’ need to get some rest. Plus I ain't been able to go out since Blain's dad.” He added truthfully. He always tried to be open about his darker needs.
“You literally stabbed someone the day before yesterday. I think you'll be okay.” Colson huffed, rolling his eyes at his partner. He couldn't completely understand the urges the killer had but he assumed it was something like his OCD. If he lost control then everything went to hell in a handbasket. If Dominic didn't complete his ritual it was the same.
“You know it don't count. ‘Elps but don't count.” The Alpha explained softly as he curled up on Col’s chest. He never minded the bitch position as his mate liked to call it, plus he got to be close to Col’s mostly flat tits and the omega played with his hair. It was one of his favorite ways to cuddle.
Colson sighed and carded his fingers through the younger man's hair, burying his nose there for a moment. He loved the way his partner smelled first thing in the morning. They normally showered the night before and fucked before or after. The psycho smelled like home. “I know. But I don't know if I can handle you doing that to her.” He admitted softly. He'd seen remnants of Yungblud's real kills, pictures that Tom had taken fresh. It was a brutal mess and even though he could see the art, it hurt something inside him to picture it happening to someone he thought was a friend.
“She wants to kill you and our baby.” It was said quietly, not that the other was trying to convince Col exactly but it scared him to think the omega wasn't ready to let go. She couldn't push more than that besides actually trying and Dom couldn't let it come to that. “She ‘urt you. She tried to sell our boy.”
“I know. I'm not saying don't kill her, I'm just… I don't know if I can see her like that.”
“So I can kill ‘er?” The Alpha asked but the room went silent and his pulse raced in his chest. “Cols- baby- she ra-”
“I know!” Kells couldn't hear it again. He fucking couldn't. It was hard enough to live with what his uncle did but to add her to that list? No. It was different. “I should do it.”
“I don't want you sharing the bloody air wiv ‘er! She wanted to steal you from me and end our family Cols. I need to protect you. I weren't ‘ere before! I couldn't save you but I'm ‘ere now. I'm right ‘ere and I can't- I can't-”
“Hey, shush. Hey, I'm okay. We're okay. If you start crying like a pussy I will too. I'm always like two fucking seconds away from crying or fucking you and I only enjoy one of those things. You weren't here because you were a fucking child and shouldn't have been responsible for anything. You should have been protected but neither of us were and that's not on us. We're here now and we're taking care of each other. This isn't just on you to take care of us. Don't be a knotheaded asshole just because you knocked me up. You're supposed to fucking tell me when you get this scared.” Colson tried to stop the panic in its tracks. It almost broke him to hear his normally terrifying mate so young seeming and worried.
“Don't shush me. I'm not a bloody knot’ead. Fuck you.” Dom laughed wetly, wiping his cheeks before he leaned back enough to face his lover.
“I dunno. You were acting pretty Alpha yesterday. Was kind of surprised you didn't try to piss on me.” The thought sent a wave of arousal through the man but he tried not to show it. Of course his lover’s nose was attuned to the scent though.
Without meaning to, they both rolled to face each other and Dom’s thigh slipped between Col's to fit against his heated core. It was funny how often they didn't mean to start anything but still ended up having sex. More often than not they didn't mean to, it just happened. In all their time together they hadn't planned out a date or sex night. Neither thought they were exactly a normal couple but that was only a problem when they fell together in public.
“You'd like tha' too much.” Dom purred, surprised himself how fast his mood switched. He expected it from his lover but his own didn't normally follow suit that quickly. It was like his body knew they needed to connect.
“Fuck yeah I would.” He wouldn't really he didn't think, at least not in front of others where he couldn't change. In the privacy of their home though it would drive him wild.
Their lips met in a rough kiss, more teeth than tongues. Their anxiety was finding an outlet even if they didn't ask for it. “Too ‘ard right now. Sorry.” The Alpha explained but that was obvious, his cock was a hard line between them, slotting against Col's belly and making a wet smear of precum on his bare skin. They had only slipped into boxers the night before, worried that they'd get another middle of the night visitor but now Kells was regretting letting the other man wear anything. Ever. He should always be naked and ready. “Wha' ya want?”
“Yeah but-” Hot wet breath panted between them as Dom paused his question to lick over his lover's mouth. “Wha' you need of me?” He tried a different tactic.
Colson tried to check in with his body but he wasn't sure. He was dripping wet and aching but the ache was… different than normal. He wasn't sure he could handle getting fucked before work. It struck him suddenly what he really wanted and he flicked his tongue out to wet his lips. “Wanna blow you.”
“Wha'?” Dom blinked a few times, his brows furrowed. He wasn't saying his mate was a selfish lover but… Kells would be the first to admit he was. The Alpha could count on one hand the number of blow jobs he'd gotten and it felt awkward to be offered. It always felt too arseholey to him, he needed to share pleasure, not take it.
“Sixty-nine?” Kells offered instead when he felt how shocked the boy was. He wanted to pamper the killer after being so good for him the day before. He'd protected them and let the boss lead even though his instincts told him to kill. Dom always took such good care of him without much in return and he knew that deep down. He knew he was selfish and needed control, he knew he'd literally hurt the other multiple times, he knew he was probably putting his bitch through hell the entire pregnancy but the Alpha took it all in stride and asked for more. The masochistic fucker had even proposed to him, another thing he was presently ignoring. “Let me play with your cock. The fuck dude?” And that was the truth of it under everything else. At times he just loved the feeling of his lover's dick and something inside him craved his cum. If he couldn't walk around with it in his cunt all day his belly was the next best thing.
“So I can blow you too?”
“No. I want to focus. You can finger me if it's that much of a fucking hardship to let me suck your dick. Now flip over.”
The boy started to protest but when the omega's eyes flashed gold and he arched a brow at him he pushed himself up to lay the other way. The moment was slightly awkward and he wondered errantly if anyone could get into that position and keep it sexy. The killer almost squeaked when his mate started tugging at his boxers and made him fall too quickly. Dom moved to wiggle free of them, accidentally hitting Colson in the face when his now partially soft cock popped free.
“Poke a damn eye out with that monster. Shit.” Kells teased and when the other pushed up on his elbow to look he knew there must be a pink spot on his face. Fuck he hoped he didn't bruise- how would he explain that? His lover flushed and he couldn't help but laugh though most of his focus was drawn to the scent so close to his face. He could feel his mouth watering and his thighs getting wet. It was honestly better they'd had a silly moment together because now he could play with the boy half soft. He didn't know what it was but he loved the silky smooth feel especially under his tongue.
The Alpha tried not to thrust as his partner curled his palm around the base of his cock and teased his tip with his tongue. His fist clenched as he watched the older man, it was hard to see with Col's belly between them but it helped him to watch. He couldn't be too surprised if he could see what was coming. Somehow it still shocked him when his dominant rolled his foreskin between his lips. “Not a bloody bubble.” He whimpered, biting softly at Colson's thigh. The other man giggled but let him go and followed the tightening skin down his shaft. “Fuck-”
“Mmm, mmhmm.” Even with his mouth full the omega found it hard not to talk. He was always in control and he still was, but he couldn't boss his bitch around with a dick down his throat. His head bobbed a few times but the crick in his spine didn't like it so he pulled off and grumbled- “You're gonna have to do it.”
“I can't fuck ya face. Not right now. I ain't never-”
“I don't care. Here.” He huffed, raising his thigh and folding his leg to keep his core exposed. “You can touch but if I feel your mouth on me you're in deep shit.”
The Alpha's eye twitched. He didn't think there was anyone else who would get in trouble for pleasuring his pregnant mate but his baby mumma was a special one. Granted he knew there weren't many men who would deny the opportunity to choke someone on their cock. The problem was he didn't trust his body not to pop a knot. He hadn't been able to in over a month, they were being careful so close to time. Since he'd never had so much control and was barely used to the act itself he didn't trust he could keep his family safe. Colson ignored him and swallowed him back down, making his body jerk. He felt sweat break out over his skin and his instincts warred for control.
Pregnancy sex was so fucking awkward and here Kells was trying to give his lover a treat. He was trying to show the boy he trusted him and get what he needed at the same time. His instincts were screaming for his mate's release. He didn't have to understand it to try and make it happen but when the bitch didn't move he started stroking.
“Oh bloody ‘ell motherfuck-” Dominic choked on a curse as he pressed his face against his lover's thighs and breathed deep. The scent of his dripping arousal was both calming and breaking down his needs. There was something extra to his scent, warm and desperate. Something soft that made Dom think ‘home’. His hips twitched, he couldn't stop it completely, his body chasing the release his mate was working for. He wanted to reach for the man's wet folds but he didn't trust himself to do anything. The feeling of his cockhead bruising Col's throat was too much. The tight wet heat was driving him mad.
Kells tried not to smirk around his Alpha's dick, he could feel the boy starting to let go. He kept his fist tight around Dom's forming knot and his mouth sucking like a porn star. He might not have the kid's DSL’s but he knew what made his bitch feel good. The tip of his tongue flicked through Dom’s slit and he heard the man curse again.
“Cols-” He groaned, his body rocking harder even while he fought to be gentle. When Colson squeezed his knot just so he shoved his face deeper between the omega's thighs. Kells locked his knees when he felt breath against his folds and would have scoffed if he could when the Alpha growled at him.
Dom’s tongue flicked out, the tip almost reaching his mate's inner sanctum as he lovingly teasingly called his man's cunt. He felt lost in a haze of pleasure and the cloying scent of slick. He was overwhelmed and driven to a kind of madness. He battled the hold around his face and tried to get closer. All his instincts screamed he just needed one fucking taste. He could feel drool bead down his cheek to mix with the slick painting the older man's skin and he knew he was a feral mess.
With one hand stroking fast and his mouth a constant suction for a moment Colson barely noticed how close his bitch was. When he worried about clenching his thighs too tight an idea struck him and he reached behind himself with his free hand. His fingers tangled in Dom's hair and he yanked rough, keeping his good boy in place. He wanted to lavish him with pleasure for once but the selfless bastard couldn't seem to stop himself from returning it. He kept his grip but focused back on the silky heavy weight of Dom’s cock in his mouth and the feeling of his knot pulsing under his palm. He was close and the man knew he was about to get a mouthful.
Between one breath and the next the Alpha's rapture bowled him over, an orgasm so intense it felt like a punch to the gut. His body trembled as his dick jerked, shooting white heat down Col’s throat. The sound of his omega’s sloppy swallowing and filthy moans had him shaking even harder but what his lover did next made him fall in love all over again.
Kells waited for his bitch to gasp in a breath and all at once he opened his thighs and slammed Dom face first against his core. Mid-orgasm or not his Alpha was all instinct and his tongue started moving before he knew what was going on. When the boss couldn't focus anymore he pulled his mouth off, surprised when another spurt hit him right in the face. He flushed hot but felt wild enough it didn't shame him, he just kept his hold firm on the boy's knot.
Dom growled against his mate's dripping cunt, his tongue trying to search out every drop of slick he could. There was so little left in his mind all he could feel was a desperation to get him off. He distantly felt the other licking his cockhead, teasing his foreskin as if he too was finding every bit of cum. It felt almost animalistic in the position they were in but he couldn't stop himself until the omega physically pushed him off.
Colson's body was searching for release he couldn't find just from the boy's tongue and he was pushed to the edge already. When he forced his lover back he was shocked by the crimson glare leveled on him as if Dom didn't understand who he was for a moment. He saw the monster in his mate, the killer who kept him safe. He wasn't like the other Alphas no, but damn was he far more frightening. “Touch me.” He rasped through a bruised throat and the other got to work automatically.
Dominic pushed himself up on his hip and fit his hand between Col's trembling legs. Two fingers slipped deep in his core while his pinkie did something he hadn't tried before and slid through slick to shove deep in his ass. His eyes went wide but he didn't tell Dom to stop which was all the permission the psycho seemed to need. His hand rocked Col’s body enough he was pretty sure the bed was shaking. With his bitch's cum on his tongue he bit a pillow and moaned curses that sounded like screams. He was so lost to the building pleasure in his guts he didn't feel the boy move until he felt a wet heat around his dick. Dom swallowed him down with a practiced ease and fucking hummed- shattering what control the omega had left.
Kells felt his body curl up as he shook and drenched the bed, his orgasm hitting harder than it had in a while and he damn well knew it was the new line his mate crossed. He hadn't really tried ass play but for the life of him he couldn't say why. He lost track of what curses he moaned into the fabric as he rocked his hips and chased release. Eventually he felt too overstimulated and he had to push his lover off again. Those red eyes locked on his as Dom licked his lips. The Alpha looked feral but at least he pulled his touch free.
“Oh ew! Ain't this ‘ow you got into this mess? Fuck you guys. You supposed to be at work!” A young voice huffed from the barely open door and Dom turned to glare at the intruder. It took him a moment to recognize Blain but when those peridot green eyes looking back went wide he felt his own calm. He would never hurt his family. He made sure no important bits were showing on either of them though they were obviously in a compromising position. It took the kid a second to swallow his fear, remember he was safe, and shut the door again with him on the other side. “Fine fuck all day for all I care. I'm staying ‘ome anyways. I'm surrounded by ‘orny freaks!” His voice trailed down the hall but it reassured them both that if he was bitching he wasn't truly scared of upset.
“Guess we gotta get used to tha’.” Dom huffed, clearing his throat. Kells was still hiding in the pillow but he was pretty sure the omega was laughing. “Or maybe learn to lock the bloody door.”
“Yeah. That. Shit. You okay? You went psycho there for a sec.” Colson asked as he pushed the fabric away and patted it and he was thankful when his lover followed and laid down next to him.
“I dunno wha’s up. Ya smell…” He trailed off and felt another growl rumble in his chest. Shite, that was weird. He tried to give his lover an apologetic look but the man just arched a brow. “You like control. I like losing it. We perfect tog'ever.”
“Mmm cheesy bitch.” They shared a soft smile and a softer kiss, their tongues sharing their flavor between them. They lingered like that for a bit but the kid was correct, they couldn't stay in bed all day.
Eventually Dom helped his partner stand and the man paused at the bathroom door. “Come clean up, one of us has to check on him and it ain't gonna be me. It's too early and I have to get going.”
The Alpha huffed but obeyed as he normally did, joining his omega just long enough to clean up. Kells liked to savor his showers alone, especially before work so he could get mentally prepared, and Dom wouldn't take that away from him. Besides the longer they spent alone without the distraction of fucking the more likey he was to talk so he took his leave with a messy kiss and dried off before slipping on lounge pants. He found Blain in the living room, curled up on the couch wrapped in a fuzzy blanket watching television and scrolling his new phone. He only made it a few steps in before he was turning on his heel and hoping the boy didn't hear him.
“I fink he needs you. You're needed. Not me. I can't bloody do it. I didn't fink- but I knew- but shite! You go.” The Alpha was rambling before he even reached the bathroom and when Colson popped his soapy head out he glared.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” He grumbled. Dom always let him enjoy his shower. The younger man looked stressed, his cheeks flushed and his hands fidgeting. It felt like an awkward scene overall especially with his bubbly mohawk but if his mate noticed he didn't say.
“Its um… Blain urm-”
“Ya know…” The bitch wiggled his hand in the general direction of Col's… stomach? Cock? What the fuck?
“I don't fucking know and I'm about to get soap in my eyes so hurry before I kick your ass.”
“It's Blain's… time. I fink. I could smell ‘im.”
“Oh. OH! Well shit.”
“Take him some pads and don't be an ass. You're the one who wanted to be a dad so badly. What's it you do for Tom? Do that.” Col huffed, closing the door again to rinse his hair but he could still see the shadow of his love. He knew he was being a dick and the younger boy would probably be most comfortable with him. It wasn't fair what he said, they both wanted to take the kid in. “Shit! Give me a second. Don't you dare go talk to him. You'll fuck it up.”
“I resent tha’. I raised an omega, fanks. And I been caring for Tom and you. I jus'... I'm worried I scared ‘im. I don't want to scare our kids.” The Alpha's voice was so soft he barely heard it over the water but it hurt his heart all the same. He finished his bathing in record time before he let Dom dry him gently with a fluffy soft towel. As the killer worked he found the kit his mother gave him and he checked to make sure it was full. Pads, pain killers, muscle relaxers, nausea medication, scent dampening spray, and whatever else the young omega might need. He was just glad they'd gone shopping for clothes already and he made sure to get Blain all he might want. Heats could be a bitch on skin sensitivity and he didn't want him overwhelmed. After he zipped it up and let Dom help him into sweats he took a deep breath and walked out.
Blain rolled his eyes the second he saw them coming, his cheeks flushing when he saw the toiletry bag. It was nondescript but it was obvious, especially with the Alpha hanging back. Kells took a seat next to him and set the kit down, pushing it gently over. “So wha', we gonna ‘ave The Talk? Cause I don't think you know shite about condoms.” His bright eyes dropped to Col’s belly and the man laughed. Damn the kid was quick.
“Do you need The Talk?” He asked simply as his mate wandered off to the kitchen. His lover was a caretaker and he knew he would be bringing tea.
“Dont fuck, don't let an alpha knot me, and don't even go near an unmated one until it passes. I don't want blockers- Doc already offered. I ain't a pussy.” The last stung the man but it was to be expected. He had felt the glare from the boy at work when he covered up what he was. He was proud of the kid but he knew it would be a hard road. Thankfully he wasn't the only omega in the home.
“This has everything you need for now and anything it doesn't you can order. Just… if you get toys to help make damn sure it's under your name. I don't want to see that shit. I'll get you your own safe box.” He didn't know if Blain was too young for that side of his heat or if it would mostly feel like the flu and cramps. He hadn't been horny his first time but the one when he met Dom? Fuck.
“I shouldn't ‘ave said tha’. Tom explained to me. I get why you did wha’ ya did. I'm jus’ so bloody tired of the bullshite Alphas get away with. You should be the boss because you fucking are one, not cause you acted like a knot’eaded fuck. You a good omega. Tha' weren't fairs of me.” Blain sounded so much like a softer Dom it was fucking weird but he swallowed his own emotions and shook his head.
“We're good dude. You're right. It's bullshit but I didn't even realize that until a fucking Alpha showed me.” Kells laughed exasperatedly. “I want to help. That's all. We care about you. Do you have any questions?”
“I ‘ad one ‘eat before but… I'm still a bit scared. I don't want to be out of control. Was it bad for you when you were my age?”
Col had to drop his gaze a moment as memories rushed through his mind. The first time he saw slick tinged with blood, how fucking terrified he was, how high his fever went, when his uncle found him almost passed out- “I've only had two.” He cleared his throat and stared at the couch between them. “I was attacked during my first and it- I was a few years younger than you and I ended up pregnant.” He didn't have to tell him and he didn't want him terrified of the world but at the same time he could still picture the kid with blood on his face so he knew the other omega already knew. It was good to warn him. Just in case. Besides, if he wanted the boy to trust him… He cleared his throat and kept on, his palm absentmindedly cupping his belly. He was surprised when Blain sat up and scooted closer, his knee against Col's stomach.
“It was my uncle. He'd done the same to my mom and my dad sold her, like yours tried to sell you. So when dad caught my uncle with me…” He shrugged. He could feel his eyes burn but he kept on. “He sold me for cheap and I ended up brought here. My mom and her mate found me and bought me, like Travis had her. I didn't even know I was carrying before I lost the baby. It was the worst few months of my life. I went on blockers after that because I thought I was made wrong. My dad always said I was a disappointment and shit, he was right! I couldn't even have a kid. I tried to act like an Alpha until the day Dom found me. So even if you do decide to try blockers, they don't ruin anything.” His voice never raised and he barely shook. He was surprised at himself but relaying the story in that situation made it far easier. He knew his mate was listening too and that helped.
“I don't want 'em. If you ain't noticed I'm a bit stubborn. I like wha’ I am. It feels right to me. My dad always said it was fucked and he was going to sell me I guess. Had some friend he was setting up a deal with years ago. Guess it fell through but he was searching out a new one ‘ere.” Blain shrugged. “I never wanted tha’. I don't wanna be given to someone, I wanna find me'self and jus’ bloody live. I know I like wearing skirts and heels and makeup and I like tha' I'm a bit curvy in the right places. I don't wanna walk down the street and be attacked but… I'm good wiv me. I'm sorry you went through tha’. No one deserves it. I don't know ‘ow the world is still so backwards but you… You might jus’ be kinda alright. Badarse even. So,” His attention dropped to Colson's stomach as if he couldn't stand to be so sweet but even though he reached out he didn't touch without permission. “You'd ‘ave a big sibling already, aye? I'll watch over you for ‘em. If tha’s alright?” The last was a question for Kells and the man knew the boy was still scared this was temporary. He took his so small hand and laid it against his stomach, fighting tears as he nodded.
“I think that would be awesome. As long as you want. We weren't joking yesterday, you're a part of this family now. I'm glad you're so comfortable being an omega but to keep you safe we have to put an Alpha's name on your papers as your guardian. We'd like to put our names on it. They'll be forged-” He laughed wetly. “But they'll be real to us. If you're cool with it?”
“Only if your idiot Alpha stops being a creeper! ‘Ow long you gonna spy on us?” Blain raised his voice to tease. A noise like china rattling hit their ears before the other man rushed out of the kitchen, a platter in his hold full of tea and plain toast. Three cups and two plates. The bastard was precious. “You really wanna be my guardians? My dad said I'm a ‘andful.”
“Does it seem like we ain't? Course we wanna. You ours already in me mind.” Dom shrugged.
“You're both bloody freaks but… yeah. Fanks. I'd love to stay.” The boy giggled when he felt something flutter against his palm.
“Punk agrees. So that's settled. You sure you're happy kid? The meds I'm leaving with you are prescription shit. I'm trusting you.” Col had to add. With how they found the boy he couldn't be blamed for worrying.
“Ain't got a death wish, just a blood lust. You can trust me. Don't gotta go all worried mum on me.”
The word was said as a joke but it still made Colson pause, his gaze catching Dom’s who smiled back behind his tea. “Well ya fit right in.”
“I noticed. Could you teach me ‘ow to use a gun?” He asked of Kells.
Before Dom could shout ‘no’ the omega held up his hand. He'd have to teach the kid just so he was safe living around them. “I will. Although I'd suggest letting Dom teach you with his knives. It's better for protection. If people see a gun then they're more likely to pull one. Let's just worry about getting you through this and all the shit happening first, okay? We've got time.” The boy nodded and they ate their toast but eventually he had to get ready for work.
Dom followed him to the closet and they shared a long hug, both a bit overwhelmed at how well that actually went. Obviously it would get rough too but they'd take their wins where they could. As Kells pulled away he saw his lover fight a yawn, those jade eyes looked darker by the hour. “I think I can make it to work alone. You should stay. Make sure he's okay and fucking rest. Both of you.”
“You probably right. It's been a long few days. Jus' promise me you'll keep a bloody close eye and you'll stay safe. Can't lose yas, neiver of you.” It called back to the night after their last big fight when Colson admitted he couldn't stand to lose their child or Dom. It reassured the man and he gave his mate a smiling kiss.
“I was a badass before you. Remember?” He winked, letting his lover help him dress. He was too far along and it got uncomfortable plus Dom loved to be of use.
“Oh I know.” The Alpha huffed, spanking him gently and they both paused at the rush of slick that wet Col’s thighs.
“Weird. The kid's cycle is probably fucking with my hormones.” The omega blushed but he didn't know why his body was so fucking reactive.
He finished getting ready and added a pad just in case. He didn't need to soak through his pants. Eventually he made his way out with one last make out session at the elevator. It was strange making himself leave his Alpha. They rarely spent time apart. There was an ache in his stomach as the doors closed between them but he wouldn't pussy out. He had to work.
Dom sighed as he waved goodbye and the pit of nerves filled his stomach again. He hated that he had to lie to his mate and now he'd have to think up something to slip away from the boy. It hurt him that he needed to leave Blain alone but The Doctor was just a floor down. He needed to find Collette and figure out what was going on with her, he'd already used up so much of the day. He didn't pray but for once he asked the universe for help, after seeing how amazing a mother his omega was he knew while some of it came from inside, some was taught by the woman who gave birth to him. He didn't know what would happen if she was working against his partner but he was desperate for it not to be true. Either way he'd find out while his family was safe and he'd tell Kells everything that night. Right. He had work to do.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
This was a long chapter but I thought y'all deserved a little more smut and fluff before the end. It's about to get intense! I just love the way they're already making a sweet little family. I hope you're enjoying it! 🩸🖤
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
12 - Thief History
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Princess Red Thief
Part 13
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Walking across the wooden shop floor it had been a few weeks before Mary Margret had been arrested for the seemingly murder of David's wife. Henry knew she was innocent as did I but we didn't know how to prove such a feat. Finding the sword and cane holding stand near the shop entrance door I wrapped my fingers across one of the handles drawing it out.
Staring at the blade I saw the familiar marking of a crown engraved into the edge of the handle. The symbol that represented our royal house. "I was wondering when you'd go looking for it."
"Why's that, Rumple?" I asked him lowering the blade down to my hip after hearing him entering the room by his cane hitting the floor.
He paused in his steps in front of me. "The more you show who you truly are to Emma Swan can only lead the curse closer to being broken."
"I'm not sure about that. She seems to still be avoiding the truth that is right in front of her." I slumped my shoulders, rummaging around some of the shelves finding a sword holder and sliding the sword inside of it.
Rumple clicked his tongue before my phone started ringing so he nudged his head down to my Jean pocket. "Maybe that boy we'll come up with a better plan."
"Hey Henry, what's up?"
He explained back. "Eve, I need you to come with me to my moms office and get something."
"Henry, what would you need from her office?"
"Keys that can open any door. But I need your help getting inside her office. You broke into Rumple's castle all those years ago so I know you can help me."
Brushing hair out of my eyes I clicked my tongue. "I'm out of practice, kid. I don't even have my old thief pack-"
"Surprisingly Henry and I seemed to be on the same track. I found your old gear in one of my boxes yesterday morning." Rumple cleared his throat entering our conversation.
I cleared my throat, focusing back on the kid. "Okay I'll grab my things and meet you behind her office building - looks like I get to say I stole from the Evil Queen's castle now." Rumple sent me a cheeky smirk going to grab my old gear. I pondered on the man who taught me how to break into the Dark One's castle all those years ago.
Tromping through the thick woods of trees my hands were shaking underneath my red cloak. Earlier this week I went to open a window but somehow set the bed spread on fire when my hands turned red. I knew it could only be done through magic and I needed to fix it. "What am I going to do? What am I going to do?"
Halting in my tracks I saw a camp up ahead that I ran straight towards until I got to the edge peaking around one of the empty tents. Men were surrounded by a fire and I saw a little boy playing around with them. "Put your hands up in the air and turn around very slowly." I heard an arrow be drawn in a bow and a male voice speaking behind me.
"I don't mean any harm, sir. I just need help." Raising my hands up I did as I was told coming into contact with a guy that had dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He had a bow and arrow in his hands aimed directly at me.
"Why are you snooping around my camp?" He asked me.
I gulped nervously. "I have heard rumors of a very powerful wizard not too far from here. I need to break into his home and get my hands on a certain object."
"What kind of object?" The man asked me not lowering his weapon.
I met his gaze hoping he would understand where I was coming from. "An object that is said to control him. I need his help before I hurt someone in my family."
"It sounds like you already know all the information you need. So what are you needing from my camp?"
"I need someone to teach me how to be a thief and break into a very secure castle." I responded to the stranger who finally lowered his bow.
The man extended his hand with a bow. "Robin Hood of Loxley at your service."
"Princess Everly. It's nice to meet you, Robin." I curtsy to the thief before me with a slight smile.
He cleared his throat and bent down on one knee. "Apologies princess."
"That's not necessary. You can simply call me Everly." I held my hands helping him up to stand in front of me, finding the formality ridiculous at this moment in time. "I am simply asking for some guidance."
Robin nodded in agreement picking his bow up from the dirt ground gesturing for me to follow him inside the entrance of his camp. "That can be arranged, Everly. And if you're going to learn you might as well learn from the best." We entered his camp and from that day on my life was changed forever.
Coming around the corner after leaving the pawnshop I found Henry where I told him to meet me behind her office building. He ran over to me seeing me slide a duffel bag from my shoulder onto the ground. "So what all do you have in there, Everly?"
"Lock picks, rope, arrows, a bow." Rummaging around I tied one end of the rope onto the arrow tip then drew it back with the small bow. Firing it off the arrow tip stuck into the seal. "Okay I'll go up first then you climb up."
"Okay. Be careful." He nodded watching me climb up the rope and unlocking the window lock with one of my pins from my bag. I crawled through the window and Henry shortly came through it. I slowly began looking around, seeing some apples on the center of her desk, a long coach and some mirrors. "So where would she keep the keys?"
Henry moved past me looking through the different cabinets until he found them underneath the main desk with a secret drawer. "I got them."
"Okay kid we should get out of here before we get caught."
Henry gave me a confused look. "I think we'll be okay."
"Shit! Henry run, run!" I tossed down to him climbing up in the open window seal hearing an alarm sound going off. I eyed the ground, closing my eyes and jumping where I hit my feet hard and rolling down into the grass below. Henry helped me up, holding my back and we bolted away as fast as possible until we called Emma to meet us outside Mary Maragarets apartment.
"I have proof." He holds up the ring of skeleton keys. "This is how my mom got into your apartment. This is how she framed Miss Blanchard."
Emma met us at the top of the stairs eyeing the keys. "Did you steal these from her office?"
"The book said they could open any door." Henry replied to her with a sad expression from her disapproving eyes.
I finally spoke up to the blonde woman. "Emma, don't judge him too much. It was my idea to steal them."
"You should've seen her. It was so cool."
I warned the boy. "Henry, not now."
"There's no way they'll even fit in the lock." Emma nodded, going back to focus on the keys.
"We have to try." Henry tries to open the door with multiple keys, but is unsuccessful.
Emma drops her arms at her sides. "See? What did I tell you? Come on, Henry. I know you want to think the answer to everything is in Operation Cobra-
"It is!" Henry and I blurted out in unison.
Emma sighed heavily. "But, sometimes the real world needs to come first."
"Just try one more. Please." He begged her.
She paused for a moment. "Okay, one more. But then we're done."
"You do it. This one." Henry rummaged the keys around before picking the last one holding it up for his mother to take and she did.
Emma takes the keys from Henry and tries the key he picked out with the door finally opening. "Do you believe now?" Henry asked her, seeing pure shock cross his mother's face. We were getting closer to breaking this curse once and for all.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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madd-devil · 2 years
A mermaid's tale
Summary: saving a fellow mermaid from Pan's wrath, you find yourself plotting an escape plan while being taken away by his second in command...
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You observed with a hateful gaze the leader of the island, Peter Pan, as he approached toward you, a wicked grin on his face. You hissed at him and tried to hit him with your tail but you miserably failed to do so. A hand came quickly, wrapping itself around your fragile neck and it numbed you immediately. That damn fool was covering your grill, since you were a mermaid, making it harder to breathe.
The difference between a mermaid and a siren was simple: while you were born this way, and could easily lure away sailors with your voice, sirens were mortals cursed by an unknown deity. First they had feathers, half human, half bird, but they lost them and started to evolve around seas. Additionally, sirens would eat men and women while you mermaids were just joking around with them. Sure, there were a few deaths here and there, but you didn't worry about it.
Except for this one.
One of your dearest friends, and daughter of the leader of your pack, Astrollia, lured and killed a lost boy for the fun of it. It was a rule amongst your kind living on Neverland, to never touch or kill a lost boy or Pan's wrath will bring you to your demise. Except Astrollia never listened and did whatever she wanted again.
You couldn't breath and started to see black dots. The hand released your previous neck and you glared at the brown haired boy and the tall one that served him religiously, as if he was a god. The tall one with the scar and piercing cold eyes that could compete with Poseidon's ones was the most dangerous one or so you have been told by your queen. She told you tales of how the boy single handedly fought a bunch of pirates or even killed one mermaid just with his hand. You didn't know if this was rumors or not but you were at least terrified of him. They had even given him a nickname: the Shark Man.
"Look at that, boys, a fish who jumped out of the river." Peter Pan smirked with a mocking voice, making his lost ones giggling and chuckling darkly.
"Your little friend knew the risks, he shouldn't have come so close to the water." You growled in response. Then you turned your head toward the assembly, trying to put on a terrifying grin, showing off your fangs proudly. You wanted to scare them. "Young boys are so stupid but delicious."
"Oh are we? What about you, dirty fish? Helping your other mermaid friend who is actually the murderer escape from this realm is very idiotic. Not heroic."
"Shut the fuck up you little elf!" You roared in anger as you jumped at him, claws out, ready to rip him out. If you were going to die, you wanted to leave a nasty scar on the little devil. You hoped you would be able to do it honestly.
The tall one stopped you with his club and sent you flying some meters away from his master. Your head hit the tree rather harshly and you groaned in pain. You started to taste the blood in your mouth and you turned your head to see him advancing toward you. You felt actually small and scared but you didn't want to show him. They wouldn't win so easily, you decided. You growled and hissed at him, as well as trying to hit him with your black tail. Unfortunately, you were very disoriented, so it wasn’t very effective.
"What do we do about her Pan?" A young one asked, with a round face and dark eyes.
"What about… letting her in the Dark Jungle. It will be enough for her to live but she will suffer because of the lack of water… And also not a good environment for a pretty and young mermaid like you." Pan whispered as he appeared in front of you. "Felix, you know what to do." He instructed his second in command, who gave a quick nod in return.
He raised you by your forearms and you yelped at the strange sensation, hitting him with your tail, but it didn’t seem to slow him down. You tried to free yourself from the death grip of the tall boy, whose name was apparently Felix. He acted like a shark or a mad man, so your pack was at least right about this. You cried and bit him as he put you over his shoulder, as if you were some kind of bag.
"Let go of me you idiot!" You scratched his back and pulled on his hair as he started to walk away from the camp. Your cheeks felt warm when you heard the lost boys laughing at your misery. "I hate humans!" You screamed, hopefully making him deaf.
You tried to sing but you failed because you were furious. Angry at yourself and at the lost boys and… at your pack for leaving you alone with those stinky humans. You would have loved to drown Felix, first luring him with a beautiful song and then watching him struggle to breath… This was a very pleasant thought, and you continued to hit him with everything you got.
After some time, you stopped to struggle and accepted your faith. The boy was too quiet, it was relaxing in a way. It reminded you of the sea. You only communicated by ultrasound with the other mermaids and sea animals. You wondered how those boys could understand each other: even at the bottom of the sea, sometimes, you could listen to their conversations and disgusting jokes. At least, he wasn’t laughing at your odd predicament.
Suddenly, the boy stopped and dropped on the ground. Taking this as an opportunity to flee, you tried to crawl, your hands digging deep inside the moist earth. You hissed at the texture, hating it instantly. However, you couldn't escape from his grip as easily as you believed, he swiftly pulled you over on his lap.
"What are you doing stupid human?!" You asked, very embarrassed by the awkward position you were in.
"Sleep. You are heavy. Maybe you should eat less."
Your cheeks grew warm in frustration and you wanted to punch him but it will only worsen your case. So you rolled your eyes and thought about the good side of this situation: at least, you would have some rest. You disliked how close this human was to you, but you decided to not let that upset you in getting some rest. Perhaps, you would be able to gain your full strength back, and you will be able to kill that boy. He deserved it. You closed your eyes and fell asleep pretty quickly.
You woke up to someone shaking you. You moaned, turning toward the source of warmth you were against and started to feel at peace once again. You didn’t open your eyes, thinking it was just him trying to move. However, he reiterated his actions and started to speak in a very unsettled and sheepish voice
"Erm… miss… girl… fish girl…"
"What?" You asked rudely, opening your eyes to look at the cold eyes.
"You're naked." The blond haired boy breathed out, almost fascinated, his eyes wandering up and down at your body.
Your eyes grew up to the size of a puffer fish. You moved away from him but when you tried to stand up, you tripped and fell on your back. You heard the boy chuckle and you crawled to the nearest tree. You tried to hide your naked body from him, intimidated and embarrassed by your current state. You didn’t think it would have happened that fast! With the humidity of the jungle, you should have stayed in your mermaid form. This was a crude joke from the gods.
He approached you in a vicious manner, a dark and sly grin on his face, some chuckles leaving his mouth, which made you think about the worst. You didn’t think he would hurt you, maybe he had some honor in his lanky body? You started to shake, from the cold and the fright he was giving you. He was the Shark Man, that’s what your mind kept repeating in your head. He could kill you on this very spot and you didn't want your life to end now. You opened your mouth to plead and beg for your life but you were cut by the boy.
He started to remove his long cloak and draped it around your shoulders in a very delicate manner. You were almost shocked by that. He started to treat you like a fragile and delicate thing and you didn’t know if you were loving this or not. It took you being naked to be considered, you noticed. Has he ever seen a female human naked before? You needed to dig into this and try to escape that awkward situation once and for all.
"I don't know what to do with you now, fish girl." He admitted as he stared at you, crouched down.
"I have a name and it's not fish girl, stinky boy." You tried to make your voice soft, but you weren’t able to: this was again a very embarrassing situation. Anyone in your position would feel the same as you.
He chuckled and shook his head lightly, as if he was taking your reply for a joke. You didn’t understand him. He was confusing. Human males were confusing.
"Then what's your name?"
"(Y/N)." You told him reluctantly. "And I know yours, Felix." You said his name with venom, so he knew you could still be dangerous and that you disliked him.
"No need for that, sweetheart. You forget who has weapons there. I still could kill you for what you did to Josef." He growled, his hand hovering over his dagger at his belt. Still, you didn’t know who he was referring to.
"The boy you and your friends ate." He said angrily, he seemed furious you didn’t know who had died. It wasn’t your fault, you were only acquainted with your friends, and he didn’t seem to understand that.
"He didn't have to come so near the water. You boys know the rules. But, if it can calm you down, we don't usually eat humans."
The blond haired boy stayed silent after your statement. He seemed very upset about the lost one's death. You didn't understand why. Mermaids were hard to kill so you never experienced the feeling of grief. Well you did, but only once and it was a long time ago, when you were just a little worm. It was one of your sisters that died, killed by a pirate. You remembered how hollow and sad you felt after learning this. But then you grew up, and your emotions vanished. It didn’t seem to be like that for humans, and so they all suffered because of those ridiculous sentiments.
You yelped in surprise as the Shark Man took you in his arms in a rough manner. That time you weren't treated like a common potato bag and he held you close to his chest so you could warm yourself up a little. It relaxed you. You never had been that warm, and human skin wasn't as thick as your scales, so you weren’t properly immune to cold. The contact of your skin against his was pretty nice as well. It almost made you forget you were about to be left alone in this dangerous environment.
"So you're just going to dump me somewhere." You murmured a little scared, realizing you were deep enough inside the thick jungle.
"That's mean." You mumbled under your breath, but he caught what you had said.
"It's the right punishment for killing one of us."
"Fine. I am sorry for tasting his arm. Happy?" You said, hoping it would work and you could walk back to the ocean. It wasn’t true however, you just wanted this to be over with. He was so obsessed with his friend being eaten. "And humans are disgusting. Too many bones. My teeth nearly broke." You continued to lie.
He huffed and didn’t look at you for the rest of the trip. You didn’t like this, how his eyes seemed to be focused on something you couldn’t see. You shuddered as the temperature dropped drastically, indicating you were closer to the location. You considered begging once again but suddenly, you had a better idea. What if he was focusing on something else because of your body? Sure, you were wearing his cloak, but it wasn’t long enough to hide all your body parts. Smirking like the devil, a plan slowly hatched in your mind. You knew how to get out of this.
When you passed by a river, you tugged at his scarf softly, pouting a little. He sighed in a frustrated way and lowered his gaze onto you. Trying to be as charming as ever, you announced you wanted a small break. He didn’t say anything as he put you on the ground, but far enough from the water source. This wasn’t a big problem, once you were sure he was distracted and he would be, you could just run in and swim back to the ocean.
“So… have you seen a girl naked before? Or am I your first?” You asked with a grin on your face, watching in delight as his face was as red as a clownfish.
“I… I… What?” He stammered, trying to hide the fact he was embarrassed. It was his turn.
“You sound so silly right now.” You let his coat fall on the ground and danced mentally at the evident success of your escape plan. He was hypnotized by you and you knew it. You stepped toward him slowly and you smiled when he wasn’t moving. Well, something about him was definitely moving. You were quite acquainted with the bodies of women and men alike. This was so easy.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice shaking a little.
“Nothing that will harm you don’t worry…” You pressed yourself against him and he involuntarily made a small sound. You had spied on so many humans that you knew what that sound meant. Your grin grew wider. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to know a little more about men…” You kissed his cheek. You were so close to freezing him. “You are such a good boy.”
That’s when you striked. You softly put your lips on his. You were inexperienced yourself but you had seen so many humans doing it. It was also very easy. You felt his hands at your hips, urging you to come closer. You had to take the control back, so you just pushed him on the grass, falling on him. His hands went then to your chest and you rolled your eyes, such a primitive act. You kissed him again, more roughly than the first one and made sure he would remain in this position.
“You are going to be a very good pet and stay here until I reach the river.” You sang to his ears, effectively bewitching him, just like any man would. They fell like flies once you were using your powers. It was amusing. And you loved seeing him underneath you… You shouldn’t be thinking of this right now.
Struggling to stand up, you hurried toward the river. You smiled as you felt your legs morphing into your beautiful tail. Laying down on the hard pebbles, you started to swim with a little difficulty, since the water wasn’t as high as the sea. Glancing to where the lost one was, you realized he was sitting on the grass, staring at you with sad eyes. You felt bad for doing this, but you needed to get free. That meeting had been very pleasant though. So, you whistled to catch his attention once again. He stood up and came close to the river. He wasn’t able to reach you, you knew it, that’s why you were being slippy on safety measures.
“See you next time, Felix. I enjoyed your company a little too much.” You smiled and winked at him before diving into the water and rushing to the sea.
Once you reached one of your many hideouts, you couldn’t help but smirk like an idiot just at the mere thought of Felix. Perhaps, you will keep your promise and try to see him another day…
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Two “cowardly” men who stabbed a footballer to death after he accidentally bumped into them two days earlier have been sentenced to life in prison.
Cody Fisher, 23, was attacked in a Birmingham nightclub on Boxing Day 2022 in an act of “retribution” after briefly making “unavoidable contact” with Remy Gordon at another venue on Christmas Eve.
After the incident, Gordon hatched a plan with Kami Carpenter to “shank him up”, and footage showed them smuggling a knife past security at the Crane nightclub in Digbeth, Birmingham.
The pair then attacked the former Birmingham City academy player, who died at the scene.
Shortly after carrying out the attack, Gordon went to a nearby takeaway, where he laughed and joked with a friend as he described what had happened.
At Birmingham Crown Court on Monday, he was handed a life sentence with a minimum of 26 years in prison. Carpenter will serve life with a minimum of 25 years.
Fellow defendant Reegan Anderson, 19, was found not guilty of murder or manslaughter but was convicted of affray.
The court heard how, two days before his murder, Mr Fisher had briefly brushed past Gordon at the Popworld venue.
Michel Duck KC, prosecuting, said: “Cody Fisher and a close friend, who was later chased at the Crane nightclub, were making their way towards the exit.
“Necessarily, they had to move through a crowd of people. Tragically, amongst that crowd was Remy Gordon. There was a brief contact between Cody Fisher and Remy Gordon’s back, it seems. Remy Gordon was looking for an argument with somebody.”
The court heard how Gordon sent messages on Snapchat to friends around 45 minutes after the initial incident, appealing for help to identify a photograph showing Mr Fisher and threatening to “shank him up”.
Judge Paul Farrer KC said Gordon believed he had been “disrespected”, which led to the incident at the nightclub.
He said: “Cody Fisher was surrounded by a group of three or four youths, including Gordon and Carpenter.
“The group were wearing masks to conceal their faces and Gordon was immediately aggressive, pushing his face into Mr Fisher’s and repeatedly demanding that he come outside.
“Mr Fisher wasn’t prepared to go outside but was prepared to defend himself if necessary, and to that end, he took off his gold chain and gave it to his girlfriend.
“The attack upon Mr Fisher lasted no more than 37 seconds. It involved punches and kicks, including a blow to the face of sufficient force to fracture the back of Mr Fisher’s jaw, on both sides.
“At some stage, Mr Fisher was also stabbed to his right thigh to a depth of 5cm. In short, this was a sustained attack on a man who was significantly outnumbered and stood little or no chance of defending himself.”
He said the attack only ended when Carpenter stabbed Mr Fisher in the chest.
Following their convictions, Tracey Fisher, Mr Fisher’s mother, said: “The evilness and the cowardliness of those individuals that did that to him for nothing – who even does that? So you can bump into somebody in a pub or a club or whatever, accidentally, and that is the repercussion? To be that evil?”
Her statement said: “Since this horrendous day, I feel that my own life has ended. It is as though I too was stabbed straight through the heart.
“I have seen myself go from the happiest, outgoing person, to fighting the hell out of just getting through each and every horrendous, never-ending day in the abhorrent knowledge that my youngest son, my best friend, is never coming home to sleep in his bedroom, the room that I still cannot enter even to this day.
“I instilled in Cody from a young boy that he must stick up for himself and don’t let anyone bully him. I told him that sad, weak individuals do exist in our society and they ruin lives – how ironic and saddening that this is exactly what happened to Cody.
“He was only doing what his mum told him to do, and I think about this every day, but you never expect your child to be murdered.”
In a statement read out in court, Jessica Chatwin, Mr Fisher’s girlfriend, who was with him on the night he was killed, said her world “shattered” as he took his last breaths in her arms.
She said: “Seconds before that moment I remember turning around and looking at Cody behind me, and he gave me the biggest smile full of love and happiness. Now I question if that was his goodbye.
“The next time I turned around he was surrounded by those attacking him and I watched him fall to the floor, then reality struck that he had been fatally stabbed.
“My life stopped that day. I live each day with enormous pain, loneliness and sadness.
“I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with Cody. Now I have to face the world without his love and guidance, something he always showed me while we were together. He was my strength in every situation, and now I have to face it all alone.”
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