#but that imagination part goes doubly so for the hunter
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louroth · 1 year ago
for the sake of a fic I've been tossing around in my head, will we ever see any of Id's previous murder attempts in flashbacks throughout the story?
have a wonderful day!
undecided! You will see new ones depending on how your hunter acts in that relationship, but I haven't decided if I want more explicit flashbacks- they certainly aren't a core part of the story I have planned, but I always leave a bit of wiggle-room. The hunters past is largely up to your imagination, apart for inherently knowing locations, factions and knowledge pertaining to your [origin] work. I will mention the past a lot, but it isn't defined.
The more interpersonal things, how your relationships played out before the story started- I'm just giving every hunter rough guidelines of how the character fits into the world, and the rest is up to you!
And I mean, just fucking go for it. I am not too precious about my characters- I wanted ouro to be an interactive fiction because how malleable the story becomes to every reader. I have yet to see a take on the characters/protagonist that has made me balk, and honestly, I'm kind of looking forward for that to happen.
Anyway, this is so off track from your question- but I hope you see my point; even if there were defined events of the murder-attempts, please feel free to headcanon some for yourself, always! Lord knows those two went at it like rabid, territorial animals when they were supposed to be recovering from life-changing trauma.
Thank you so much for the ask and happy writing!!
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 years ago
My thoughts on the Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2
The Mandalorian was yet again another show which I was late to catch up on. I had been meaning to for a while but just kept forgetting. I will admit, I was a little skeptical whether I would like the show. While I enjoy all the movies on some level or another, I am not exactly a big Star Wars guy. My experience with Star Wars is predominantly with the Skywalker saga and the two standalone movies, Solo and Rogue One, which are pretty tied into stories and characters from the Skywalker saga. I have not read any of the books or watched Clone Wars or Rebels or any other animated material apart from maybe a random episode or two. So I really didn't know if this show would entertain me. After finishing both seasons, I will say I was wrong for the most part. The show is fun, but I will also say that its not a complete home run for me and I can imagine its a lot more appealing to those who are more deeply invested in Star Wars lore.
It took me a couple of episodes to really get into the show. Initially, it was a bit tough for me to get invested, which is doubly hard with a main character whose face we don't get to see. Chapter 3 is where I started to enjoy the show on an action/adventure spectacle level and you also start to get attached to the bond between the Mandalorian and baby Yoda or Grogu as we find out in season 2. There is no doubt that the strength of this show lies in parent/child relationship between the Mandalorian and Grogu. Grogu is almost impossibly cute and I have to give credit to whomever designed the puppet and its movements because that was done perfectly. Because he is so adorable, its easy for us to connect with the Mandalorian's protective instinct and therefore develop a connection with him. Also, the scale and scope of the show is impressive. We get different environments, big fight set pieces, and lots of different creatures, all movie quality or at least close to movie quality. The only wonky SFX moment is Luke's appearance at the end of season 2. Initially its impressive, but the blank expression on his face makes the CGI more noticeable especially given the scene pans between Pedro Pascal's face and Hamill's CGI face and there is distinct difference.
The show is pretty thin on plot. There is not much to it. Season 1 is the Mandalorian going from place to place to protect Grogu from hunters until he encounters Moss Gideon by season end, and season 2 is the Mandalorian going from place to place to find the Jedi so that he can return Grogu to them while he is pursued by Gideon. There's not really much else to the show so far. Its basically all about individual adventures he has each episode and the characters he meets with and interacts with. There is a bit of repetitiveness to it that does get a bit tiring. But mostly the show is able to give enough interesting characters and big action set pieces to feel fairly involved. Where the show gets into a bit of problem for me is in season 2 where it takes the audience's knowledge for granted. Season 1 feels like its own thing for the most part. It doesn't feel like you need to know anything or anyone else from the Star Wars universe other than what is introduced. Not completely the case with season 2. I accept that this is a "me" problem, but I was lost when they introduced Ahsoka Tano until I later read who she was. For an outsider, that episode reads like a pure spinoff setup because nothing happens in the episode from the perspective of the Mandalorian. I don't know who Thrax is so I have no idea what Ahsoka is hunting. Mando goes looking for a Jedi, and then he is pointed to yet another location where he might find a Jedi. Also, I felt lost regarding Bo-Katan, whose pursuit for Gideon and the dark saber is an important part, but unless you know who Bo-Katan is from prior source material, you do feel a bit lost as I was until I read up who she was. Nothing against Rosario Dawson and Katie Sackhoff. Both are excellent but the show clearly expects that the audience already knows and cares about these characters. Boba Fett I knew from the movies, although I admit I have always found that character's popularity rather funny since he's really not a particularly big part of the OT. How he survives being eaten alive is still a big mystery to me, but not one that bothers me too much.
The performances are all solid. Pedro Pascal only shows his face 3 times across 2 seasons, but he certainly nails the goodbye scene with Grogu. He does a lot of emoting through his voice even though he is supposed to be this badass warrior. You feel the softening of his voice when he is interacting with Grogu or a few of his friends. It was lovely to see carl Weathers again. He has always had a very likable presence. Gina Carano is pretty good as Cara Dune. Min-Na Wen is always welcome in her couple of appearances. Despite my disconnect with the characters, Rosario Dawson and Katie Sackhoff are excellent in their roles. Giancarlo Esposito is excellent as he always is as Moss Gideon. Timothy Olyphant shows up for an episode. Michael Biehn is also in an episode. Billy Burke shows up for a couple of episodes and does a nice job, particularly in the season 2 episode. Nobody here is winning any emmys but all the actors are doing a strong job.
In the end, the first 2 seasons are enjoyable but not necessary a show that I have loved. Good but not great seems appropriate. I'm sure more hardcore Star Wars fans would get a lot more out of it. What the show does have is heart and the central relationship between Mando and Grogu really works. Which also makes me wonder what the show will be moving forward. I think it was a bold, but correct move, to seemingly end the story of Grogu. There is only so long you can do Mando carrying around Grogu from place to place. But what is the Mandalorian going to do now. I assume this will connect with Bo-Katan and the fight to restore the planet of Mandalore and the complication that arises since Mando is the owner of the Dark Saber by defeating Gideon. I guess we will see when it comes out. Overall, the show is about a 7.5/10.
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Episode Spotlight: The Twilight Zone Season 3, Episode 19: The Hunt
“An old man and a hound-dog named Rip, off for an evening’s pleasure in quest of raccoon. Usually, these evenings end with one tired old man, one battle-scarred hound dog, and one or more extremely dead raccoons, but as you may suspect, that will not be the case tonight. These hunters won’t be coming home from the hill. They’re headed for the backwoods—of The Twilight Zone.”
Such is Rod Serling’s opening narration for the Twilight Zone episode: The Hunt. 
By the third season of The Twilight Zone, which aired from 1961 to 1962, the show was doing rather well.  Still, Serling was getting tired, after two seasons during which he contributed somewhere around 73% of the scripts being made.  By the time season three came around, he was contributing around 56%.  This was the last season that Serling would be a very active executive on the show.
Still, the show was doing very well.  In its third season, it received its third consecutive Hugo Award for ‘Best Dramatic Presentation’, and for good reason.  Many of the show’s most memorable and iconic episodes came from this season.
Such as The Hunt, written by Earl Hamner, Jr. and directed by Harold Schuster.  Airing on January 26th of 1961, The Hunt was loosely based on an episode of The Kate Smith Hour, titled ‘The Hound of Heaven’, written by Hammer himself.
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The episode goes as follows (Spoilers below!):
The story opens on an old man by the name of Hyder Simpson.  He lives with his wife, Rachel, and his hound dog, Rip, in a cabin in the backwoods.  Rachel isn’t terribly fond of allowing Rip in the house, but Hyder insists on it.
Because Rip once saved Hyder’s life.  Ever since, Hyder has refused to part with him.  As an avid dog-lover myself, I sympathize.
After some affectionate banter, Hyder announces that he intends to go raccoon hunting that night with Rip.  Rachel, however, warns him, explaining that she’s seen some bad omens recently that ought to prevent him from going.
Undeterred, Hyder goes anyway.
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After catching the trail of a racoon, Rip chases the animal into a pond, where he flounders.  Determined to save his dog, Hyder jumps in after him.
A moment later, the racoon emerges, but no sign of Hyder or Rip.
The following morning, Hyder and Rip wake up alongside the pond.  Sure that Rachel will be upset at him for staying out all night, Hyder makes for home, with Rip alongside.  As they travel, though, Hyder notices something odd:
Men are trespassing on his property, men who can neither see nor hear him, digging a small grave for a beloved dog.
Certain that the men are blinded and deafened by grief, Hyder understands, offers his sympathies, and continues on home.
Much like in the case of Carnival of Souls, (a film previously analyzed on this very blog!) at this point in the story, a savvy audience is already several steps ahead of Hyder.  We realize, almost immediately, that he, and Rip, are dead, drowned together in the pond.
But the point of this story, unlike Carnival of Souls, is not in the horror or surprise of the situation.  
As a matter of fact, at this point, the impression is that the writer knows the audience knows.  This is not meant to be a twist.  This is a journey.  The audience is not waiting to find out what happened, they are aware of it, and are now waiting for Hyder to realize the sad truth.
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Hyder arrives at his house and enters, where he finds his wife, Rachel, wearing black and looking upset.  Also in the house is the preacher, who is comforting the widow.  Unsurprisingly, these two also cannot see or hear Hyder.  
Hyder follows Rachel, the preacher, and the men assigned to bury the coffin of what the audience knows is Hyder.  As Hyder and his dog follow the small funeral procession, they are stopped by what appears to be a strange fence.  Halted in their progress, the pair turn to the road, following the fence.
While walking along the path, they come to a gate, guarded by a man who explains to Hyder that he is walking ‘Eternity Road’ and explains to him that he is dead.  The gate, the man says, leads to the Elysian Fields.
Ready to go, Hyder begins to accept, until he is told that Rip, who doesn’t seem terribly fond of the gate-keeper, cannot go in with him.  The man explains that Rip will have to enter a different afterlife, one that only dogs can enter.
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Upon hearing this, Hyder declines the offer of eternal paradise, doubly offended when he hears that there are no raccoon hunts in paradise.  He firmly says that he and Rip will continue walking along the Eternity Road, as he cannot imagine being happy in an eternity without dogs.
“Any place that’s too high-falutin’ for Rip is too fancy for me.”
As they travel on, eventually, Hyder and Rip stop to rest.  As they do, they are approached by a young man, who explains that he is an angel, who is supposed to take them to heaven.  Confused, Hyder asks about his previous experience.
As it turns out, the first gate was the entrance to hell.  Rip was not permitted to enter there, the angel explains, because the dog would have smelled the brimstone and warned his master not to go.
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(Also presumably because All Dogs Go to Heaven.)
“You see, Mr. Simpson, a man, well, he’ll walk right into Hell with both eyes open. But even the Devil can’t fool a dog!”
The angel leads Hyder and Rip along the road towards heaven, telling Hyder that a raccoon hunt is scheduled for that night, assuring Hyder that his wife, Rachel, will be along soon, and that she would also not be fooled into entering hell.
And so, Rod Serling closes:
“Travelers to unknown regions would be well advised to take along the family dog. He could just save you from entering the wrong gate. At least, it happened that way once—in a mountainous area of the Twilight Zone.”
The Hunt stands apart from many of the memorable episodes of The Twilight Zone.  There is no horror here, no science-fiction element.  The surprise twist isn’t so terribly shocking.  This isn’t a scary episode by any stretch of the imagination; it is a fable, a bittersweet, sentimental, old-fashioned story about an old-fashioned man.
The episode feels very comfortable, almost comforting, which is rather odd considering its subject.  While it’s grasp on accurate depictions of heaven and hell is a bit theologically lacking, the idea is an interesting and simple one.  
The Hunt feels almost nostalgic, a charming folk tale type story about a man and his beloved dog.  It works, not with complex themes or characters, but instead with very simple ones.  The dialogue is perhaps overly open and honest, and a bit on the nose, but again, for a story that feels like a fable, it somehow sounds a little more natural than it would otherwise.
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There are no ‘special effects’, no costumes or otherworldly sets in The Hunt.  Rather, it is a small, rural story, with an odd, hazy warmth and sobriety hanging over the entire runtime.  It is this casual sense of almost drowsiness that saves the episode from its rather slow pace.  It’s an oddly heartwarming piece, especially considering its subject matter.  The performances, although possibly coming across as a bit stilted and the characters a bit slow (it does seem to take Hyder a long time to figure out that he’s dead) work as long as one keeps that awareness of the ‘fable’ style of the entire episode.
Overall, it’s a solid installment, if nothing terribly spectacular (unless you are a dog person, which I am).  While not possessing any of the thrills and chills that made The Twilight Zone a huge hit, it does possess an odd rustic charm in its ambling story.
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Still, it does entertain, make you think, and keep you at least somewhat invested, which is the purpose of good television.  A slow, relaxing paced folk tale, The Hunt represents The Twilight Zone in its quieter moments, and remains a well-liked, well-remembered episode because of it.
Don’t forget that the ask box is always open for anything from suggestions and discussion ideas to questions and conversations!  Thank you guys so much for reading, and I hope to see you guys in the next article.
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lukn4inspo · 5 years ago
The One Where Sam Winchester Thinks He’s Jessica Rabbit
Summary: A thin layer of witchy plot to hang some humor, romance, and smut on for sherrybaby14’s Fall Into You Challenge. My prompt was “I’m going to gut you like a fish.”
 Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
 Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut happens, informed consent is sexy, biting cuz I like that sh*t, oral and manual sex, bit of knife kink showing through, I probably got weird with verb tenses
 A/N: If anyone wants to send me a good Sam pic or gif for this, that’d be cool.
 Word Count: 4100ish
There’s something calming about sharpening a knife. The wind and the soft rattle of dry leaves outside the hotel providing counterpoint to the sharp song of blade over stone. Since you know you’re safe, in a protected room you’re sharing with two of the best hunters you know, you let your mind drift. There’s magic in these moments of in between, when you’re both focused on what’s in front of you and letting your mind wander at the same time. This is the mindset best for casting spells. It’s both familiar and comforting. So when your temporary roommates open the door you barely look up, acknowledging their presence but staying in the moment.
 Until 6 foot plus of Winchester lands in your lap. “Umm…” True, you were friends and it wasn’t unusual for you to lose track of time and end up talking into the wee hours between helping each other with cases, but you weren’t really this kind of close. As a matter of fact, you didn’t think Sam was this kind of close with anyone. Yet, here he was, thighs across your lap and tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Mm, Y/N, I missed you.” Then he fucking nuzzles your face.
 “Umm…” He’s lazily caressing your collarbone, his cheek resting on the other hand, and gazing at you softly. With a sly little smile, he stretches his arms above his head and arches his back which strains the buttons of his white shirt. Oh so tempting, and he knows it too, judging by the look in his eye.
 “Umm, Sam? What’s going on?”
 “I just missed you. We were wrapping things up at the courthouse and it hit me all of a sudden how much I wanted to see you.” He’s peeping up at you through his lashes. Quite a feat since you’re over a foot shorter than him. “You’ve been working hard, I can tell.” This while he strokes a finger down the blade of your favorite knife. Damn, he has elegant hands. They give you all kinds of dirty thoughts. “Need me to get you anything? Let me get you a drink.”
 Before you can stammer about water he’s out of your lap and sashaying to the refrigerator. You know you’re not imagining the extra sway in his hips. Then the cocky fucker looks over his shoulder at you when he bends over far more than necessary to get a drink from the fridge.
 “Dean, is he drunk or something? What the hell is going on?” Dean was still standing in front of the closed door, apparently just as stunned by his brother’s odd behavior as you.
 “I don’t know but it’s funny as hell.”
 “Sam, you don’t usually act this way. What’s going on?” He sits back across your lap and starts massaging your neck. Your eyes roll back in your head despite the little kissy faces he’s making at you.
 “Don’t ruin this for me, Y/N,” Dean says. “This is prime blackmail material right here.”
“We’re on a case. You know this is probably magic.”
 Dean snorts. “At least it’s fun magic. Hey, he didn’t start acting weird ‘til we got here. Maybe it’s you.”
 “I’ve been in the room all morning working the witch angle. That’s the reason you guys called me in on this one.” Sam murmured in your ear how that was just one of the reasons and something about you being his favorite witch before nibbling at your neck. “Uhh,” you shiver. “He said he wanted to leave the courthouse so he could see me. Maybe someone was trying to throw you guys off the trail.”
 “Oh yeah, right. There was kind of a weird incident before we left.” Dean was openly smirking at your discomfiture. “He got flowers.”
 “Flowers?” Sam seemed content with his effect on you so he kept assaulting your neck while you tried to talk to Dean.
 “Well, technically they were for me. But when a pissed-off biker looking dude shows up with a bouquet of flowers with your name on ‘em, you don’t accept. Looks unprofessional. So naturally, I told him Sam was me.”
 “You bastard,” Sam chimes in. “Those weren’t my flowers?” He grumbles for a minute but is soon distracted by playing with your hair and gazing at your mouth.
 “Uh, no, Casanova.”
 “A bouquet can be a good medium for a love spell. Where is it?”
 “Still at the courthouse. He tried to get me to smell ‘em so I tossed ‘em in the trash and told him to get in the car.”
 “Go grab it and hurry back.”
 “Yeah. It’s getting a little disturbing in here.” Sam had the tip of his finger between his teeth and was gazing at you seductively.
 “And don’t smell them!”
 As soon the door closed behind Dean, Sam said, “Oh, thank God. Now we can be alone.” He takes your hand with the forgotten knife and drags it up his thigh then abdomen then chest. “Y’know these suits get so uncomfortable. Wanna help me with that?”
 He slips your blade through the threads holding the top button to the shirt and gasps in faux surprise as it rolls away. He continues to lead your hand down to loose the next button and the next. It’s a little hypnotic watching the shirt open bit by bit. It takes 3 buttons before you realize you should probably stop him. You tug your hand away and sheathe the blade but he seems not to notice. Just leans close to whisper how sexy that was. How he’d often thought about you cutting off his clothes because it’s so hot how good you are with a knife. Of all the times for your favorite vibrator to be broken. The man of your wet dreams is draped over you, sleeves rolled up over muscular forearms, a long sliver of skin showing down his chest and abs, detailing sex fantasies he’s had of you, and you can’t do a damn thing about it because he seems to be under a spell.
 “Can I kiss you, Y/N?” He bites his lip and gazes up at you through heavy lids. All this time getting to know each other, hoping that the budding romance you’re feeling is on both sides, has left you vulnerable to the way his voice sometimes goes soft and warm when he says your name. So of course your answer is “huh?”
 But he’s not deterred. He leans forward and you struggle back. “Wait! Wait. I think I need to freshen up. You don’t mind to wait here for me, do you Sam?” He languidly crawls off your lap.
 “Whatever you want, baby. I’ll be right here.” He winks as you rush to the bathroom. It’s tempting to stay in there until Dean gets back but you know it would be irresponsible to leave Sam unsupervised under the influence of magic. So you wash your face, take some deep breaths, and come up with a plan to not take advantage of the very attractive and handsy person who cannot consent right now. It’s weird but the silliness of his actions causes you to let your guard down more. Gotta watch that.
 As soon as you open the door, he’s on his feet and getting as close to you as possible. “Woah, Sam. Can we…slow things down? I’m not really comfortable going this fast.” That’s a complete lie. If he were in his right mind and being this forward, you’d both be halfway to orgasms right now.
 He takes a step back and smiles softly. “Of course.” He takes your hand and leads you to the couch where he can tuck you under his arm and fucking cuddle you. You melt. Motherfucker. “Let’s talk about the case, hmm? Tell me what you’ve figured out. I know you were letting your mind wander over it when we came in.”
 “I don’t know. It’s really inconsistent. If it is some kind of magic user they’re not very good. The traces I’ve felt were spotty. If it were an object it would have a specific purpose but that’s not what we’re seeing. And even if it were wild, undirected magic like a place that holds power it would work via influence. What we’ve been seeing is too specific for that.” His big hand sliding up and down your back is really soothing and makes it easier to express yourself.
 “So you’re thinking amateur witch, then?”
 “Yeah, I guess so. Maybe one with a specific strong gift. Didn’t fully realize that until I told you, though.”
 He smiles and lifts your chin. “We do make a good team that way.” When he leans in to kiss you it feels completely natural. It’s warm and lightly teasing, like he’s savoring the feel and taste of your mouth. But when he pulls back and lowers his gaze his face goes still. “Y/N, are you seeing someone?” You know that voice. He’s being very careful not to sound sad. You don’t understand until you look down. Your shirt has slipped down revealing a dark purple bruise on your breast.
 “No. Not at all. I just…needed to be touched by someone who gives a shit about me.” Oddly enough, you feel like you’re about to cry but you swallow it down. It’s hard to find people you can be close with when you’re a witch and you can’t just tell Sam you hoped he would touch you like that. Not right now, at least.
 “Hey, you don’t owe me any explanations. And I know a woman like you has to have plenty of men wanting her attention. I just didn’t want to keep flirting if you were already involved with someone else. You know I’m not that kind of guy.”
 “Yeah, I know that. No, he and I aren’t involved. We’re friends with occasional benefits, emphasis on the friends part.”
 “I don’t see how he could settle for occasional with you.”
 “We just don’t fit romantically.” Sam nods and pulls you into his arms again. God, it would be easy to fall in love with this man when he’s sitting here holding you like you’re important. It’s a good thing he can’t see your face while you work through that. Love is a scary thing. Love with a hunter doubly so. Dean opening the door is a welcome distraction.
 You hop up and take the bouquet from him. It’s all in autumn colors, dark rusty reds and oranges and little accents of black, mostly wildflowers. The spell seems to be on the flowers but not coming from them. The witch didn’t know how to anchor it properly because the magic has already dissipated quite a bit. Still you strengthen your protections before taking a light sniff. Some of the ingredients are recognizable and you can tell it’s well made and expensive.
 You pluck the card. It reads ‘Be brave, shy guy. ---Sparkles’ in flowing cursive. At the very bottom of the card is a business name, Bethany’s Bouquets.
 “Definitely a potion but it’s a waste the way they used it. Whoever it is doesn’t know what they’re doing. Let’s go check out this florist and,” you check the card again, just to be sure, “Sparkles.”
 “Smart women are so hot,” Sam murmurs as he puts a hand on your waist. You can’t help but blush a bit at that one.
 “Let me take the lead, yeah?”
 “Hey, you’re the witch expert.” When you pile into the car Sam sits in the back with you and puts his arm around you again. He’s pretty well behaved, much more toned down since you asked him to go slower, but he stills untucks his shirt and opens it all the way with the excuse that he’s way too hot. Highly unlikely on a crisp October day, but whatever. You grin and shake your head. This’ll be over soon anyway.
 Dean follows you into the shop but Sam stays by the car since he’s ‘under the influence.’
 “Welcome to Bethany’s Bouquets!” greets a cheery voice from behind a counter. “Can I help you?”
 “Absolutely. You can tell me what makes your bouquets so special.” You put a hint of Power in your voice and watch her reaction closely but she shows no sign of understanding and no spark of Power in response, just puzzlement at your question.
 “Wellllll, as you can see we carry a wide array of flowers. Vibrant tropicals, soft English roses,” she indicates different sections of the store. “And seasonal arrangements.”
 “Yes, those. My friend received a seasonal bouquet from your shop today. Whatever substance was on it made him sick.”
 “What?! Oh, my goodness! Is he okay? We just mist the flowers with plain water before we send them out. Here. See? Nothing anyone should be allergic to.” She hands you a mister bottle from under the counter. You sniff it but you already know she’s not the one. You brushed her hand as you took the bottle and there was not a trace of magic on her.
 “Who else would have handled them?” asks Dean. He’s still in his suit and has his serious professional face on. He even pulls out the badge. “Cuz I’m not a big fan of people trying to drug my partner.” He waves toward the car where Sam is leaning back with his shirt open and face tipped to the sun, looking like a damn model.
 “Drugs?!” she screeches. “I don’t ---- but --- that doesn’t make any sense.”
 “Who’s Sparkles?” you ask firmly, taking advantage of her flustered state.
 “They didn’t do anything,” comes a voice from deeper in the store. Your hand goes to your knife and Dean’s to his gun. The guy steps around the corner. Sheepish is a funny expression on a weathered, bearded guy in a leather vest. “It’s okay, baby,” he puts his arm around Bethany’s shoulders and squeezes. “Bethany and Sparkles had nothing to do with it.” Bethany is shell-shocked but firms her jaw up quickly at that.
 “What did you do, Herbert?”
 Herbert? is surprisingly forthcoming. He got the potion secondhand. A friend of his saw how unhappy he was and passed on a potion she’d bought from a bruja, saying it changed her life. It was to help her go after what she wanted. Thing is, it was made specifically for her. So when Herbert used it on himself to court Bethany, she was surprised by how sensitive and ‘in touch with women’ he was. For them, it worked. But when he decided to share his good fortune with others by spraying it on the flowers, he wasn’t too careful about the instructions.
 Too big a dose inhaled from flowers made the magic hit hard and fast. So Tony, who liked to complain about not getting the promotion he worked so hard for (he didn’t actually work that hard or want it that bad) chased an ice cream truck into traffic because that’s what he really wanted at the time. Carla truly did want a family of her own…so she tried to buy her friend’s child, and when they wouldn’t sell, she tried to kidnap the baby instead. Mr. Burroughs, the English teacher who quit his job of 21 years in such a dramatic fashion that he was committed for a nervous breakdown, just wanted to feel appreciated. Mrs. Bailey, who they didn’t know about, was being divorced by her husband of 50 years because she wanted to spice up their love life. He caught her in their garage with a prostitute, in a very compromising and surprising position. You can only hope to be so flexible at that age. There were a few harmless cases mixed in, as well. Herbert’s generosity with his new power is what drew your attention initially. So many people in such a little town acting strange. Something was up. Sparkles’ order was the last ‘special’ one. He’d met ‘some guy who looked like a Ken doll’ that he was absolutely certain wanted him but was too shy to take a chance. Herbert strongly suggested he send flowers to the object of his affection.
 When he’s done telling his story, you hand him a little glass vial and demand some of his spit and hair. He sputters but you insist and Bethany hadn’t stopped glaring at him so he caves. You hold his gaze as you take the bottle and yank it back, using magic to pull his body forward to where your favorite knife waits in your other hand. You hold him immobile as you make a shallow slice in his neck and drip the blood off your blade into the bottle.
 “What are you going to do to make it right?” you ask softly.
 “I don’t know how.”
 “Seems the most believable option is to confess to drugging those people. That way they can get their lives back. And you’ll be responsible for Tony’s medical bills.”
 He lets out a big breath. “I can do that.”
 “Good. And Herbert? If you ever make me come back here, I’m going to gut you like a fish.” You clean your bloodied blade on his shirt and walk away, not releasing him until you are all in the car and on the road.
 Dean lets you and Sam have the room to yourselves so you can remove the spell on him and nullify the potion in the bottle without distractions. Sam makes sure to mention how proud he is that you figured it out and took care of the culprit.
 “Heart melting bastard,” you grouse. He frowns but sits still and quiet while you do your work. When you finally finish with the bottle you sigh and flop onto your back. It’s clear that Sam was released from the effects by the way he hops up to change his shirt and keeps clearing his throat.
 “Dean is never gonna let me live this down,” he sighs.
 “You could always threaten to give his number to Sparkles,” you say with a gleam in your eye. That definitely catches his attention. And when you tell him Sparkles said Dean looked like a Ken doll, he full on laughs. You fill him in on the rest of what happened so by the time you’re done he isn’t too embarrassed to look you in the eye anymore.
 “So, I feel like an idiot,” he says.
 “Yeah, me too.”
 “Why? I was the one acting foolish.”
 “I was the one drooling, though.”
 “I thought I was going too fast and you weren’t comfortable with that.”
 “Pfft, I just said that cuz I wasn’t about to take advantage of someone under the influence.” He stares at you for a moment before nodding.
 “Good to know. Will you come out with me tonight, then?”
 “Of course. Where to?” He beams.
 “You’ll see. Wear something cute and comfy.” Sam waves his brother into the room.
 “How you feeling there, Jessica Rabbit?”
 “Why don’t you ask Sparkles how he’s feeling, shy guy?”
 “I’ve got some things to do right now but find your own dinner tonight. Y/N and I have plans.” Dean catcalls him out the door then wiggles his eyebrows at you.
 A while later you’re on a soft, thick blanket having a picnic in a clearing surrounded by maples in all their fall glory. Any worries you’d had that things would be awkward have vanished. It’s like the amateur biker witch never happened and this date thing just occurred naturally. Afterward Sam drives you to another spot where there’s water tripping down a little stream so you can show him a bit of water magic you’ve been practicing.
 “That’s amazing!” he exclaims as the reflections on the surface interact with your touch as if they are the objects themselves. By the time it gets dark you find yourself leaning back against Sam who’s sitting on the hood of the car with his legs splayed around you. It’s just like those late night phone conversations you’ve had except you’re absently scratching patterns on his thighs while you talk and laugh. His chin is resting on your shoulder, one hand at your waist, and the other stroking back and forth above your knee.
 Eventually, you’re just sitting quietly together, enjoying the peace and the closeness. Your breath stops when you feel a warm press of lips against your vulnerable neck. Then there’s another higher up. And another. Your breath leaves with a little sigh. You turn your head and watch his lips drift toward yours and sink into you. Light, sweet flavor of peaches on your tongue from earlier. The small noises you make seem to urge him on and he intensifies the connection, squeezing higher up your thigh under your skirt seeking deeper in your mouth with his tongue. Then he leaves your mouth for your neck again, kissing that tender spot in front of your ear on the way. One hand is now under your shirt stroking your belly and the other is slowly working up to the crease of your thigh.
 “Tease,” you breathe.
 “Oh? Is there something you need?” You roll your hips back against him and he groans quietly.
 “Nah. You?”
 “Mmmmm,” he replies but his fingers have reached the seam of your panties and now he’s pushing under them, pressing his fingertips through your warm, wet lips. You drop your head back onto his shoulder and just enjoy the feeling of him around you. Firm heat behind you, hand squeezing your breast and flirting with the top of your bra, the slow push so his fingers are all the way inside your pussy and the heel of his hand presses into your clit. You moan and buck forward but he pulls you back hard to his chest grinds his hard dick into your soft ass. Then he grips your right leg and pulls it across his, leaving you standing on one foot with your legs spread. “Yeah, baby. Open up for me.”
 When he pushes his fingers back in he gets deeper. His hand has gotten slippery from alternately finger fucking you and grinding over your clit. It’s so deep you can’t help but squirm but he keeps holding you to him with his left arm across your chest, hand resting over your heart. He’s murmuring quietly but you can’t tell what he’s saying. The fact that he doesn’t seem to realize he’s doing it is ridiculously hot.
 “Fuck, Sam! Bite me!” He does so without hesitation and you come hard. Before you can gather your wits he flips you onto your back on the hood of the car and cuts clean through the crotch of your panties with a knife he produced from who knows where. He buries his face between your legs like he’s been holding it back this whole time and you come again all over his mouth.
 He’s panting when he lifts you up for a kiss. “Need to get you in a bed. Need you to touch me.” You’re past words at this point so you just slide a hand down his pants into his boxers and wrap your fingers around his warm, hard cock. “Ah!” He jerks as you lightly drag them up, around the head, down, over his balls. He can’t seem to get his pants down fast enough but when he sees your hand on him for the first time he groans and presses a hard, desperate kiss into your mouth. He rests his forehead against yours and watches, hissing and sighing at the way you touch him. Before long his noises are getting louder and deeper and he wraps his hand around yours. He jacks the tip of his cock hard and fast with your hand and comes with your name in his mouth. It makes your whole body shiver.
 Once he’s calmed down enough he produces the knife again and cuts your panties off so he can use them to clean your hands. Then you’re wrapped up in his arms and held close, like you’re someone to be treasured. It makes you feel a little stunned and a little heartsore, but in a good way.
 “This is it. This is what I wanted. Just like this.”
 “Just to be close to you. No barriers, no case in the way. Just me and you. I want it all the time, actually.” You bury your face in his neck where his collar and his hair hold his scent the strongest. It feels safe here.
 “Sam,” you breathe against his skin. And he understands it for the yes that it is.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years ago
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 5: Found
It had been months since they had awakened and disappeared. Months and she was still livid. They had likely moved around enough or were in a smaller community so the feelers she had put out to law enforcement agencies seemed all but useless. She wasn't surprised though. She had been vague in her information, because she didn't want outside law enforcement attention on Storybrooke.
Instead, she had decided to hire a bounty hunter to track them down. A person such as this could be paid for discretion and was more likely to do something shady for the right price. She was getting impatient, but little did she know, her waiting was about to pay off. Her phone rang that afternoon, just as she was coming out of the diner.
"Hello?" she answered.
"I've found them...what do you want me to do?" he asked. She smirked.
"Bring them to Maine...the coordinates we discussed. And do not underestimate them...they are far more formidable than they seem," she warned.
"I'll contact you again when I'm close," the male voice said, as she hung up the phone and smirked.
"I'm going to get my revenge after all,"
A few months had passed and summer had come and gone. It had honestly been one of the best times in her life and she knew it was the same for her husband and their children. In addition to making sure David had the documents he needed to function in this strange world, they had obtained papers that could be filed with the schools that would hold up legally and showed that Emma and August were their children. They technically were forgeries, but Emma really was theirs and if they could have legally adopted August without all the questions, they would have. But for their little family, this was good enough and would allow them to still fly under the radar, so to speak.
They had a wonderful summer together and she spent a lot of time with their kids, while picking up a part time job at a coffee shop while school was out. David was doing well at his job too and they were so happy and finally raising their daughter together and with the addition of a son that they adored.
That's why tonight was doubly special. Not only were they going to celebrate Emma's eleventh birthday...she planned to tell them that they would soon be adding one more to their family. She was so excited and she knew David would be too. She just hoped that Emma took it well. She was scared that she would react badly since she had a foster family that sent her back when they were going to have their own baby.
She still couldn't get her mind around how anyone could do such a thing. She couldn't imagine giving up a child, unless she was forced to in order to save her child's life, as she had been forced to do with Emma. She hoped she never met those people that threw her daughter away, because she had some very unkind words for them.
She had stopped at the grocery store to get stuff to make Emma a birthday cake and now she was on her way up to the apartment. David would be home soon and she could finally tell him her surprise. It was practically bursting from her and the thoughts of raising a baby with him alongside Emma and August was a dream come true.
She unlocked the door and slipped inside.
"Emma?" she called, but received silence, which was very odd.
"Auggie?" she called and then saw the top of someone's head sitting in the chair. Dread filled her, as the chair turned and revealed a man sitting there, armed with a gun.
"Welcome home, Miss Blanchard," he drawled
"Who are you? And where are my children?" she demanded to know. Little did she know, David was hearing everything through the door and kept his presence concealed.
"Your children are in the bedroom and I've already called social services. They're on their way and I've told them everything. The Police will be here to arrest you and your husband for abandoning your child in the woods," Regina said, as she emerged from the bedroom. David's blood ran cold and he quickly ran out of the building, before climbing up the fire escape. He knocked on the window and August scrambled to let him in.
"You know what we talked about. You need to take Emma and run to our safe place. Snow and I'll meet you there when we can," he whispered.
"Daddy...I don't want to leave you," Emma sniffed.
"I know princess...I don't want to leave you either. Mommy and I'll find you, I promise," he said, as he kissed her forehead.
"Go…" he urged," as he saw them out through the window and picked up a baseball bat that he had hidden in Emma's room. He approached the closed door and waited for the right moment to make his move.
"The police will arrest you and David, your children, most importantly your daughter, will be lost in the foster system, and my curse will be secure," Regina said.
"I know you hate us...but how can you be so cruel to Emma? You know we didn't abandon her!" Snow cried.
"Oh yes, I know...that's just where she came through, but that's not exactly going to be convincing to the legal system in this land," Regina replied.
"Please...Emma needs us. We don't care about breaking the curse...we just want to be a family. That's why we left," Snow pleaded with her.
"No...you don't get to be happy! Not if I can help it," Regina hissed, as they heard a noise from the bedroom.
"See what they're doing," Regina ordered the bounty hunter.
"Who is he?" Snow asked.
"Just someone that's been paid to do a job," Regina replied, as the bounty hunter unlocked the bedroom door and was surprised to see a man in the doorway, waiting for him. He aimed his gun, but David him him with the bat and tackled him to the floor and the gun went flying. Snow scrambled for the gun, but Regina got to it first and pointed it at her.
"I'd stop where you are, Charming...or I shoot her," Regina warned. David froze, but then surprised her by shoving the bounty hunter directly at her. It startled her so much that the gun went off and the man took a bullet to the head. Snow gasped in surprise and covered her mouth in horror, as a pool of blood slowly leaked onto the floor beneath his body. Regina looked at the gun in her hand in horror and realized there was nothing she could say that would convince the police that this had been an accident.
"Looks like the police might have bigger fish to fry now," David said, as he grabbed Snow's hand and led her to the bedroom where their kids had escaped.
"Wait!" Regina called, as she pointed the gun at them.
"You're not leaving me here to go to prison!" she hissed.
"Oh you mean like you were going to do to us and throw our children back into the foster system?!" David roared. Regina looked at them and the gun, as she heard the sirens. She tossed the gun away.
"Then a truce...none of us goes to jail, assuming you can get us out of here," she said. Snow and David exchanged a glance and he tried to resist Snow's pleading stare.
"She'll stab us in the back the first chance she gets," he whispered to her.
"Probably...but we'll keep an eye on her and she's at our mercy. Her fingerprints are all over that gun and she's already made the mistake of making contact with the police," she whispered back. He sighed.
"I hope you're right…" he said.
"Fine...you better be able to keep up," David said, as they climbed down the fire escape and hurried to the truck.
"This is what we're escaping in?" Regina complained.
"Would you like to walk?" David snapped, as they got in and she reluctantly did as well.
"You couldn't just leave us alone, could you!?" David snapped, as they sped away.
"Oh, so you could come back with Emma years from now and break my curse?" she questioned.
"Yeah…I guess I should have known you'd find a way to come after us. Ripping apart families is what you do best," he spat.
"Spare me the lectures, Charming," she retorted, as he turned onto a gravel road and headed out of town.
"Where are we going?" she demanded to know.
"A safe place," Snow said quietly, as she cuddled against her husband, while he drove them away and she prayed their children had gotten away too.
Emma sniffed, as August pulled her along through the woods.
"Come on Emmy...it's not much further," he promised.
"What if Mommy and Daddy don't make it?" she whimpered.
"They will...they'll always find you," he promised, as they saw a light ahead and ran to the cabin at the mouth of the dirt path. It was well hidden and seemed to have all the modern comforts if the generator outside was anything to go by. August knocked on the door and a blonde woman answered with a small smile.
"You must be August and Emma," she said, as a dark haired girl peered out from behind her legs. She ushered the children inside and closed the door.
"Go on...get warm by the fire," she urged, as they sat by it.
"Lily...go get our guests a couple of blankets from the linen closet," the woman said.
"Are you really Maleficent?" August questioned.
"I am," she confirmed.
"I assume you're only here, because there is trouble," she said, as Lily returned with blankets and handed one to Emma.
"Thanks," she squeaked.
"It's Regina," August revealed. Mal frowned.
"She's here?" the blonde asked. He nodded.
"What do we do if they don't get away?" August asked, with trepidation in his voice.
"I'm not sure...but we must have hope," she replied.
"Hope...that's what mommy would say," Emma chimed in. Maleficent smiled.
"Well...your mommy and I didn't always see eye to eye. In fact, they almost wronged me very badly once. Instead...they helped me escape so I could raise my daughter. They were supposed to escape through the portal too...but they didn't make it through," she explained, as she stroked Lily's hair.
"They gave up their chance for us and now I will do what I can to help them," she promised, looking at Emma, who was trying not to cry.
"Regina told the cops that they're the ones that abandoned Emma in the woods eleven years ago. By now, they probably called the Maine precinct and now Snow and David are wanted," August warned.
"Dammit...well, then I was right to call someone with a few more resources than me. I just hope she comes through," Mal said.
"Do you trust this person?" August asked.
"No...but we don't have much choice. She has money," Mal replied, as the door burst open, revealing Snow and David.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Emma cried, as David scooped her up and they hugged her between them, both kissing her head. David pulled August into the family hug too and they looked at Mal.
"Mal…" a voice said and the color drained from the blonde's face.
"You brought her with you!?" she cried in alarm.
"Things went badly and now she's wanted too. For murder," David replied. Mal smirked.
"Which means she desperately has to rely on us," Mal said, as Regina looked very surprised to see her.
"Mal...how are you here?" she asked.
"I escaped your curse, thanks to Snow and David. They almost did me wrong...but came to their senses. I don't blame them for their momentary lapse in judgement. They were scared for their daughter, as was I," she replied.
"And we would have escaped with you if it hadn't been for that psychotic puppy killer," David said.
"Oh...did you miss me, dahling?" another voice said from the doorway.
"Oh hell…" he said, as a visible shiver went down his spine.
"What the hell is she doing here!?" Snow demanded to know.
"I had no choice...she has money and resources that I don't have," Mal replied.
"Besides...it looks like we both invited some unwanted company," she added, looking at Regina.
"Well...if this isn't a wonderful reunion," Cruella said, as she strode into the cabin and wrinkled her nose.
"Dahling...please tell me this isn't where you're living?" she asked.
"You may have been willing to marry some old codger for money, Cru...but some of us have dignity," Mal retorted.
"Yes...it's no picnic, but mummy has certain living standards. If only the rich ones looked like him...hello dahling," she purred, as she tried to trace a finger along his handsome face. But he batted it away and then hid behind Snow.
"Try to touch him again and I'll cut your bony finger off," the raven haired beauty warned.
"Why did you call her? She's insane...and the reason we didn't get through the portal," David said.
"I know...but like I said, she has money and resources. Meanwhile, you brought the murder Queen with you," Mal retorted.
"People please...fighting gets us nowhere," Ursula interjected, as she appeared in the doorway and shared a hug with Mal.
"Okay...since everyone is here now, I hope," Snow said.
"We need to figure out what to do now," she continued.
"And what to do with her," Mal added, as they looked at Regina. To say the situation was complicated would be an understatement, but for the time being, the cabin would be safe long enough for them to figure out the next move.
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waywardnerd67 · 7 years ago
Writing Your Story: Chap. 11 - Another Book, Really?
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Summary: Raelyn sends her finished manuscript to her publisher to start getting ready for the release of it. She begins writing her next book that is a little more personal to her than the Supernatural series. The only person she tells that she is writing a new book is Sam.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel and Raelyn Nichols (OFC) Pairing: Dean X Raelyn (OFC) Warnings: Fluffiness, Big Brother!Sam Word Count: 2360 A/N: This is one of the shorter chapters, but I felt it was important to highlight Sam and Raelyn’s friendship. I love the idea of Sam getting to be an older brother because I think he would be great at it. I did have a hard time writing Sam so I hope I do not disappoint any Sam girls. As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Raelyn walked through the bunker door carrying several grocery bags. “Need some help?” Sam asked from his spot in the library. Raelyn glared down at him, “Nope, I’m good. I minored in Pack Mule while get my English degree. Yes, come help me!” Sam chuckled at her sarcasm. “I think Dean’s snarky attitude is rubbing off on you.” He stated as he met her halfway up the stairs to grab a few bags, “Raelyn, did you buy everything in the grocery store?” He asked as they made their way to the kitchen. “Yes, yes I did.” She rolled her eyes, “I had to take the opportunity of Dean not being here to get healthy food instead of hearing him whine about it.” Sam laughed nodding. Raelyn and Sam put away the groceries and then went back to the library. “Did Dean check in yet?” Sam shook his head as he resumed his original position sitting with his legs kicked up on the table. “No, last I heard he and Cas were still following up with Donatello.” Raelyn sighed as she checked her email on her phone. Dean and Castiel had left a few days earlier to get the prophet, Donatello, so he could read the Demon Tablet. They were hoping there was something about how to open a riff into the Alternate Universe.
Raelyn clicked on an email from her agent and gasped excitedly. “What’s up?” Sam asked as Raelyn bounced in her chair. “My agent just sent me the approval for my newest novel!” Sam threw his head back sighing loudly. Raelyn pursed her lips together, “What?” Sam looked over to her, “Another book, really? Aren’t you tired of writing about our lives?” Raelyn set her phone down and reached over closing Sam’s laptop. “What’s going on with you lately? Your sour mood makes lemons jealous, now split it.” Sam looked down at his hands in his lap. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Normally, Raelyn would not push the issue but Sam had been like this since they went missing and she could not take it anymore. “Not good enough. I have given you space and have tried to keep Dean from pestering you about it. You need to talk about it because if you keep bottling it up then you will explode.” Sam sighed as his shoulders slumped over. “You’re right which is annoying.” Raelyn chuckled, “You love me and you know it. Come on, I know just the spot to go to. Perfect for sharing a bottle of whiskey and talking.” Raelyn jumped up and grabbed Sam’s hand leading him towards the garage.
Raelyn drove them to the open field Dean had taken her to on their redo date. Since then they had gone there quite a few times and it had become her favorite spot. She grabbed the blanket she kept in her trunk for emergencies and Sam grabbed the bag with the bottle of whiskey. They sat down and drank a couple glasses each of whiskey before Sam was ready to start talking. “Last year when we lost mom and Cas, we had Jack. I knew Jack had special powers to help is get mom back. I had a plan that I could focus on while I pushed back my grief. Now, Jack is stuck in the same world as our mom and we have no idea how to get either of them back. I feel lost and defeated.” Raelyn poured another glass for him. “Yet, you know of a spell that can open a riff and you know of the person who can read said spell from the Demon Table.” Sam scoffed, “All true, but something will happen where it doesn’t work and we are back at square one again. I’m just tired of always being the one who is hopeful. I just don’t have the energy for it anymore.” His words tore into her heart. The one thing she loved most about Sam was that he always had faith. He always saw the glass half full. There was always a light at the end of whatever dark tunnel they had to fight their way through.
“Sam, if anyone can relate to how you feel it’s me. You can’t give up hope though. You have to focus one thing that gives you the slightest feeling of hope and then build upon that. You can’t focus on the big picture or the end goal. Take it one step at a time.” Sam’s hazel eyes were misty and she reached out squeezing his hand. “What is one thing that you can focus on that can be the foundation?” Sam stretched his long legs out and leaned back on her elbows. “I have Dean and Cas and you in my corner always looking for answers. Always having my back.” Raelyn smiled sitting cross legged on the blanket. “Then focus on that for now and then add little moments of hope on to it. We’ve always got your back.” Sam gave her a small smile as they sat there for a little while longer.
Raelyn over the next few days, while the brothers were focusing on finding the ingredients to the spell, began writing her newest manuscript. She had sent her latest Supernatural manuscript back to her publisher for a final work up and artwork for the cover. Her newest manuscript was not a part of the Supernatural series, but a standalone title that was going to be based off her own life experiences. She pitched the idea to Eric when she was in Chicago and he got approval for her to go ahead and start writing it. As Raelyn was writing up character information and outline her story she felt a pair of strong hands start to rub her shoulders. She closed her eyes and let her head fall forward with a small groan.
“Whatcha working on, doll?” Dean’s husky voice only slightly registered in her mind as his hands working the knots out of her shoulders and back was overwhelming every sense she had. She grunted as he chuckled, “Raelyn?” his hands stopped and she glanced behind her. “Hey, I was enjoying that.” Dean swung her chair around to face him. “I could see that, but sometimes I like it when you actually answer me and not just grunt at me.” Raelyn raised her eyebrows at him. “When did we do role reversal here where you’re the chick and I’m the dude?” Dean sat down holding his stomach while laughing. She loved when he would laugh like that. He just let himself go and laughed with his whole body. It was something so innocent and rarely happened so when it did Raelyn always sat back and admired him. “I am working on character and plot outline for my new manuscript.”
Dean wiped a few tears from his eyes from laughing. He gave her a curiously look as he calmed himself down, “You actually plan out what you’re going to write before you write it?” Raelyn nodded, “Yeah, why do you seem so confused by that?” Dean shrugged. “I always just thought you wrote whatever came to mind and then BAM!” he clapped his hands together loudly, “you have a book.” Raelyn shook her head as she put it in her hands. “Sorry to disappoint, but that’s not how it works. I plan it all out first and then I slowly build a whole world around the basic outline.” Raelyn showed him an example from one of the Supernatural novels. She pulled up his character in the book showing him the basic outline she had for him. Then she pulled up his character’s plot throughout the book then how that plot would overlap with Sam’s plot and the overall plot of the book. She looked up at Dean who was looking at her in awe. 
“What?” she asked. “You make it seem so simple and effortless to build a whole world around two people. I just find that amazing.” Raelyn shrugged, “I have always had a vivid imagination and it helped that my two characters are actually live people who I can talk too.” Dean was reading over her shoulder the notes she made about him. “Yeah, but you wrote all of this before knowing us. Yet, you perfectly describe Sam and mine’s personalities. That is a talent to be able to read people who you have only heard about.” She smirked at him as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
“It’s not a talent, not really. I can relate to both you and Sam in a variety of ways. What makes this series so popular is the fact that the two main characters are relatable to people. They go through real life struggles everyone else goes through just with a pinch of monsters. For people reading these books, they are inspired by the trials of the Winchester Brothers and rejoice when they overcome said trials. You and Sam think that you guys are nothing special but a couple of roughneck hunters, but you’re not. You, unknowingly, inspire millions of people around the world through these books. More importantly, you inspire those who are around you all the time including other hunters and sometimes monsters. So, really, I’m not reading your personality. I write how I perceive you and Sam. These novels are Sam and Dean through my eyes with a little help from Chuck with a few details.” Raelyn turned her chair again to face Dean and was surprise by him kissing her. His mouth hungrily moved against hers as his hands went up into her hair. When he pulled away resting his forehead against hers she slowly opened her eyes, “Wow, what was that for?” she asked taking a deep breath. “For being you.” She laughed softly as he stood up in front of her.
“So, show me the outlines for your new manuscript.” Raelyn shook her head, “Sorry pretty boy, I can’t do that. I would have to kill you if I did and I kind of like having you around.” Dean looked down at her sticking his bottom out in a full pout and his green eyes went into puppy mode. She shook her head vigorously, “Put your puppy eyes away and that damn pouty lip before I bite it.” Dean’s jaw dropped as she started laughing at his reaction. He leaned down his lips just above hers, “What was that?” he asked as he stuck his lip out again. She brought her hand up the side of his face running her fingers through his hair to the back of his neck. She barely opened her mouth and brought his bottom lip between her teeth gently nibbling on it before she brought both hands to his chest and pushed him back onto her bed. “I said I would bite it. Now leave me be so I can get some work done.” She looked at Dean’s flustered bright red face and chuckled. He stood back up and let out a loud sigh mumbling as he walked out, “Damn woman will be the death of me.” Raelyn felt bad for not sharing her manuscript idea with Dean, but she wanted him to read it once it was finished. She wanted him to see it as a whole and not in pieces. Other than herself only a few people at her publishing company, Eric and Sam knew anything about it. She remembered telling Sam about it when they had drove out to her favorite spot.
“Now, that I have spilled my guts to you I think turnabout is fair game.” Sam said sitting up on the blanket. “What do you mean?” she asked genuinely not knowing what he was talking about. “You’re writing a new book?” he asked and she sighed looking away. “It’s not a part of the Supernatural series. It will not have you and Dean in it… directly.” Sam gave her a questioning look. Groaning she explained, “I’m going to be writing a fictional book, with all fictional characters, based off my own life experiences. The main character will be female based off me and the other two characters with be males based off of you and Dean. I’m leaving out the monsters, Chuck and the evil twin brother parts.” Sam laughed, “Good idea. What will it be about then?” Raelyn closed her eyes leaning back on the blanket letting the sun warm her skin. She peeked over to Sam from one of her eyes and then closed it again, “It will be about life. Building a life that a person could be proud of, making new friends, falling in love and all the twists along the way.” She looked over to Sam to see a sad smile on his face. “A normal life.” He whispered as she nodded. “Yeah, a normal life.”
One thing Sam and Dean talked about more than anything and especially after a bottle of whiskey was having a normal life. Many times, they expressed how they would never have a normal life with wives, kids, white picket fences. How their lives would end bloody one way or another. She could not help the sadness she felt when she heard them talking about how they viewed their lives. One day, as Sam and Dean were out getting some supplies she decided to print off comments from fan sites about how the characters “Sam and Dean” had inspired them. She taped them throughout each of the guys bedrooms. Stories of how these characters helped them through their depressions, divorce, death, communicating with a loved one, to quit their addiction and so many other stories. She had closed the door to her room when they came back to the bunker letting them find their rooms on their own. About an hour later she found them both outside her door and the swooped her up in to a big group hug. Both of them simply saying thank you. Just like then Raelyn wanted to give them a little slice of a normal life in the only way she could which was creating a whole world just for them.
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @ladywinchester1967 @anotherwaywardsister @carryonmywaywardcaptain @1967-essentialghoul @weirdoblogger69
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years ago
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It has been whispered throughout history that winter is a punishment, the death of the earth as punishment for the sin of avarice, wanting for your own what is not yours to have. Winter has fallen upon the Crescent City, La Nouvelle Orleans, and it has no intentions of being kind.
Three magical vortices are putting pressure on an already unstable fabric. The magical threads that weave together New Orleans are in danger of unravelling, a fate that would leave not only the magic of the city in shambles, but the city itself. Such a fate can be stopped, but not without blood. 
                                                      ⚜  ~ T H E   F A L L E N ~ ⚜
Beneath the cut, you’ll find an extensive summary of the character-specific plot drops that will occur during our event.
Please note that while we have laid out this guide,  we are open to changes and suggestions if anything doesn’t sit well with a player. It is up to the individual roleplayers to decide when and how to start these threads. In order to do so effectively, please makes sure to read or at least skim each other’s threads on the dash, so as to make sure your character jumps it at the right time (in the case of a three-way para, for example) and doesn’t interrupt the flow/chronological order that is roughly set out in the summary below. Also, please read ALL of the plot under the cut; not just the section that pertains to your character. This will become increasingly significant as the event goes on.
The event will take place in two stages. Before moving onto the next stage, a post will be published on the Main. Open/casual starters are permitted aside from the plot-threads listed below, though please manage your time accordingly so that the plot-threads are completed by the end of the event. Note that not every character got a role in this event. We tried to fit as many people in as we could, but it wasn’t possible to fit everyone (for those roleplayers having multiple characters). If you see an opening for one of your characters, you are welcome to propose it to us so they can be fit in, but remember, activity is doubly important in a coordinated event, and no one will be penalized for prioritizing event-related characters. 
Please tag your starters with VNFallen and VNStarter! If you have any questions, ideas, or concerns, please do not hesitate to message the Main! We know there is a lot going on and a lot left vague, but we are here to help!
Most of all, remember to be inclusive to as many people as possible (without biting off more than you can chew), get creative, and enjoy!
~ The Admin Team @ VN
The Ancestors have watched from beyond the veil as their warnings went unheeded, and the magic of the Harvest Children wreaked havoc on the city. They won't have to wait much longer; one way or another that magic will return to the earth. Davina Claire has long suspected her time was running out, and she's not wrong. Sophie Deveraux has come to collect, using a spell to track the currents of magic in the quarter. Her magic has located three hot spots, and she knows one of them is the little traitor she seeks. She just needs to choose the right one. Helping her with that errand will be one Damon Salvatore. An old fling and a reliable weak spot, Sophie hopes to use Damon’s love for his brother Stefan, who she’s... incapacitated for the time being, to get him to help her find her lost Harvest child. She’s got eyes out for Isaac, and has Mercy right where she needs her. The only one left is Davina. 
Two other witches are stirring up the arcane on this unseasonably cold night. Estranged sisters, Freya Mikaelson and Jennifer Blake each seek power, one the power of blood ties, the other the power of blood sacrifice. Freya Mikaelson has learned of the missing Mikaelson caskets, containing the two siblings who had an affinity for the craft. Kol, she's never met, but she's heard stories. Finn, though, Finn was the playmate of her earliest memories, the only true sibling she has ever had. Using the benefit of her current anonymity, she's collected an artifact from her three other blood-siblings. A single strand of long white-blond hair from the collar of Rebekah's jacket, saliva from the glass of wine she had shared with Elijah, and a smear of bloodied canvas, acquired from the studio Klaus painted in. Using the power of her siblings' DNA, along with her own, she seeks to send a message to her remaining brothers. You have not been forgotten, I am coming for you, help me find you.
Jennifer Blake, however, has less noble intentions. With the influx of supposed kin running amok in the quarter, she'd like to pay them tribute and make clear what her thoughts are regarding her "sisters." Though not originally part of the plan, Jennifer has decided to add a category of sacrifices to her cause: the traitor. Lucky for her, she has the perfect candidates in mind: Allison Argent, for turning her back on her family legacy, for being a sympathizer with animals, Lydia Martin, for turning her back on her family's elders, for letting her grandmother wither away while she lived in splendor, and Cora Hale, for turning her back on her family in flames, for leaving them to die in the smoke while she breathed clean air. The three teens were easily incapacitated with an hex on the assignment she handed out for homework, and brought to the attic of the LaLaurie Mansion. Home to intense lingering emotions and rumors of malevolent spirits, Jennifer plans to sacrifice all three traitors together, increasing her magic a hundredfold, plenty enough to avoid detection in the manhunt that will no doubt follow.
Unfortunately for Jennifer, her traitorous teens are not without friends of their own. Both Malia Tate and Stiles Stilinski have noticed their friends missing. In an effort to locate the teens, they recruit the help of Tyler Lockwood, hoping that he might have information about his step-sister’s whereabouts. It just so happens that he had received a location ping from Lydia (who had texted a record seven times since their parents had gotten married), and had figured it had been a mistake. Hayley Marshall Labonair and Derek Hale both follow their instincts, feeling something wrong shiver through their respective pack bonds. Hayley gets a call from Tyler, and she and Derek separate to figure out who is attacking their packs. 
Mary Sibley has felt the tears in the fabric of the magic which blankets New Orleans. Between what she has learned of this “Harvest” ritual, and the careless destruction wrought by Rain’s ward, she can tell that disaster is imminent. The magic of the city is so fragile that it threatens to burst. The catastrophic implications of such an event are beyond even her wildest imagination. She has locked onto the same three vortices of spell-work that Sophie has located, and she tracks down the nearest, only to find her long-lost eldest sister, Freya Mikaelson. She has no choice but to fight her for control of her spell. She will prevent this catastrophe from occurring, even if it puts her in the regrettable position of magical custodian. 
Meanwhile, Marcel Gerard and Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah Mikaelson have gathered in a last-ditch effort to save Davina. Davina Claire attempts to channel Klaus' vitality in order to purge herself of the excess magic, using the Paragon diamond hidden in the Claire family tomb. Davina struggles to complete the spell, and is interrupted when all three siblings are hit by a massive wave of magical energy, and fall unconscious.
Unknown to the king of the Quarter, his home base is under attack — kind of. Chris Argent has had enough of playing the waiting game and decided to take things into his own hands. Innocent or not, Kate is his sister, and he doesn’t trust the vampiric equivalent of justice. If anyone is going to decide what to do with her, it’ll be the hunters she turned her back on. 
Frederick Egrid has had his ear to the magical floor, trying to find the pulse of the Coven of New Orleans. He's learned from Sophie about the night of the Harvest, and done his research. It had been mere chance to spot the boy Sophie had been searching for lurking in the alley behind Egrid's shop, perhaps intending to dumpster dive for dinner. Isaac Lahey was a staunch advocate for constant vigilance, but he hadn't been prepared for the ice cream man's icy spell. Egrid intends to bring Isaac to Sophie at Lafayette Cemetery. Luckily for Isaac, his not-quite-nemesis Jaxon Whittemore had been attempting to follow him. Out of sheer curiosity, or a more genuine intention he doesn't care to examine, Jaxon had spotted Isaac and decided to tail him. When Isaac is taken down with what seems like some seriously fucked up Elsa shit, Jaxon finds himself embroiled deep in witchy politics.
Jaxon isn't the only one intending to play savior. Elena Gilbert seeks the help of John Alden in order to save her aunt Jenna from Klaus’ clutches. Unfortuntely for her, John happens to be in the midst of training her younger brother when they come to seek out his help. Refusing to sit on the sidelines this time, Jeremy Gilbert joins the team, and they set off for the Mikaelson Estate, only to find the place deserted when they show up. No sign of the infamous siblings, nor Jenna. Not willing to waste an opportunity, they raid the place for clues to her whereabouts.
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