#but that her circumstances has a massive influence on how these personality traits play out
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trappedinafantasy37 · 1 month ago
@majorasnightmare Yippee! I love having perfect excuses to share some Daedra lore!
If anybody else would like to join in: @arach-tinilith (I know you did one for Naadja, but maybe Zafyna?) @alicelufenia, and @lutethebodies
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How would you describe their personality?
Despite being rather high energy, Daedra can also be rather aloof. She is definitely the kind who would prefer to do nothing and she only gets up to do things because something compels her to do things. She also very much wants to be pampered and spoiled and treated like a princess, but she doesn't let just anyone spoil her. No, no, her lovers have to earn the right to spoil her and she does not make it easy.
Daedra is also very defiant and does not like being told what to do. If anybody tries to tell her what to do she will either do the exact opposite of what she is told, or do it with maliciousness so no one would ever want to ask her to do it again. If anyone ever tries to presume authority over her, she will test it over and over and over. The only person she has ever willingly and immediately allowed to command her was Minthara (but even then there are still some moments where Daedra challenges Minthara's authority). But, hehehe, sometimes Daedra likes being forced to submit...
What brings your character joy?
She does enjoy hunting and killing, and tannery helps keep her mind calm and relaxed. She does enjoy monster hunts as well and loves taking monster hunting quests when they become available. She likes exploding things and if there is a bomb in her immediate vicinity, she will try to blow it up (no, she does not take in any consideration that she might get blown up herself). Daedra also thrives in the most chaotic of situations, regardless of if she brought them upon herself. She also enjoys cuddling with people, both romantically and platonically. She adores touching and being touched as physical touch is her love language.
What does your character strongly dislike?
As kind of mentioned previously, she really does not like being told what to do. To go further into it, she does not like a lot of expectations being placed upon her, especially if it is one that she feels she cannot meet. She does not like being told who she is supposed to be and she wants to be her own person and not restrict herself to such expectations. If there is anybody who's opinion matters to her, she begins to fear disappointing them because she fears not being able to live up to their expectations, and so she would prefer none be placed upon her. Otherwise, she will fight against them.
Daedra also does not like being called or treated as if she is stupid. She is already very well aware of her intellectual disability and knows how it holds her back. She doesn't want to be talked down to as if she isn't already aware of it or treated like a child. She is still self sufficient, even if there are some things she needs additional help with. And, for the love of the gods, do not call her stupid. My little babygurl will burst out into a fountain of tears and breakdown and then runaway. And she is so good at hiding, you'd never be able to find her. Once she is out of your sight, good luck. She can turn invisible and if she doesn't want to be found, she won't. (Or she might kill you on the spot, depends on the tone of your voice and the context).
Is your OC scared of anything?
Daedra is scared of losing control of her urges and unintentionally harming the people that she loves. She is constantly plagued with images and nightmares of her companions and she hears voices telling her to violently harm them. She is terrified that she will accidentally hurt them, or that her impulses will get the best of her and she won't be able to stop if she were to ever give in.
What is their alignment?
I would say that, for the most part, Daedra is chaotic neutral. But, I don't like shoving characters into strict boxes. So, Daedra's alignment kinda swings in the bottom right corner from chaotic neutral - chaotic evil - neutral evil. And this all varies depending on the situation she finds herself in. The lobotomy also has a massive impact on her alignment as well as being relieved from the urge once Bhaal murks her.
Daedra doesn't like to follow the rules and is much more likely to break them when she finds them to be convenient. She isn't incapable of doing good things, but it isn't her first inclination and she has to have a very very very worthwhile reason to do good stuff and she doesn't do anything out of the goodness of her own heart. She is much more likely to default to the more evil options to solve her problems (murder, theft, bribery, extortion, intimidation, torture, etc). She is much more selfish than selfless, but will be selfless and sacrifice anything for her friends and lovers (even her own life if necessary).
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tlbodine · 5 years ago
A Brief History of the Slasher
Is there a more iconic face for the horror genre than the knife-wielding psychopath? Many would say no. Although the tried-and-true slasher formula is so played out as to be a cliche -- and fresh examples played straight are tough to come by in the modern age -- for many, slasher films are the heart and soul of horror movies. 
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How did that happen? What do they say about us on a cultural level? And where should you start when it comes to a formal study of the topic? Let’s delve deep and find out! 
Murder and mayhem are evergreen topics of fascination for humans, and we’ve been telling stories about murderers since Cain killed Abel. But these stories didn’t become what we would formally call “slashers” until the 1970s. 
So what is a slasher? 
Slasher films are defined by a few shared characteristics: 
A high body count (multiple victims) 
Murders are shown on-screen and often from the POV of the killer 
The murders happen one by one, incorporating pursuit, struggle, and finally death
The killer may have a supernatural influence, but it will have the physical appearance of a human (and may often simply be a human)
In almost every instance, the killer is portrayed as being insane or rendered deeply troubled by a past trauma which had triggered the murderous impulse. The killer is frequently dehumanized, and the victims are usually young. 
Slashers often adhere to their own sort of moral logic, more closely resembling Medieval morality plays than perhaps any other modern genre of storytelling. By utilizing a cast of archetypes, various virtues and flaws can be represented among the victims. 
These traits are what differentiate slashers from other murder-focused horror, thriller and mystery tales. 
Consider, for example, the narrative structure of an Agatha Christie murder mystery like And Then There Were None. In this book, a group of strangers are brought under mysterious circumstances to a remote location, where they are systematically murdered as an act of vengeance. In concept, this seems like it should be a slasher -- but its execution is quite different. In the book, the murders are a backdrop; the characters (and reader) are confronted with bodies rather than scenes of overt violence. 
The First Slasher
In 1974, two films came out that gave birth to the modern slasher. 
The first, released in October, was Tobe Hooper’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The second, released in the USA in December of that year, was Bob Clark’s Black Christmas. 
Texas Chainsaw Massacre tells the story of a group of friends who run afoul of a family of cannibals living in a rural farmhouse. Black Christmas is about the systemic murder of sorority girls during Christmas break. And both left an indelible mark on horror history. 
It’s important to put some context on the world these films were created in: 
The recent dissolution of the Hays production code meant that movies could be more graphically violent and morally depraved than ever before
The Vietnam war was raging, and for the first time in history, televised footage of the battle was piped into living rooms on the evening news
Multiple serial killers were active in the country, and their exploits also graced the daily newspapers and nightly news to sow terror 
Richard Nixon’s presidency was marked by an as-then unprecedented level of corruption and scandal
Gender politics provided both sexual freedom and career ambitions to a generation of women, and the 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade case legalizing abortions played a massive role in both gender relations and the way we would think about life and bodily autonomy. 
The 1970s provided, in other words, a perfect storm of circumstances that collided to give birth to slashers, and neither Hooper nor Clark are shy about citing these as their inspiration. Texas Chainsaw was billed in theaters as a true story as an act of political defiance against newscasts that spread misinformation; Black Christmas is at its heart a film about abortion and a woman’s right to leave an abusive relationship. They were undeniably films of their time. 
Texas Chainsaw inspired a wave of sensationalist "ripped from the headlines" murder movies loosely based on real killers, such as Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes (1977), which was based on the Sawney Bean legend or Charles B. Pierce's The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976), which was based on the Texarkana Phantom Killer.
And Black Christmas, of course, served as the thematic springboard for a little film called Halloween.
Halloween and the Final Girl 
In 1978, a little-known small-time director named John Carpenter was hired to make a movie with the working title, The Babysitter Murders. It would be about -- you guessed it -- babysitters who got murdered. The idea was later adapted to take place on Halloween, likely for commercial reasons: People like watching scary movies in October, so setting a film on Halloween night would surely help with popularity.
John Carpenter certainly did not wholly plagiarize Black Christmas with his holiday-themed slasher, but the earlier film's influence is visible all the same -- from a shared lineage of "the call is coming from inside the house" babysitter folk legend, to the perspective work on establishing shots of the house and the ambiguously bleak ending.
But compared to Black Christmas, Halloween is horror with its edges filed down so it'll be easier to swallow. Both films have predominately female casts, but the sorority girls in Black Christmas have sexual agency and outspoken opinions that are nowhere to be found in Carpenter's work. In fact, Halloween so aggressively fails the Bechdel Test that it seems to do so on purpose -- there is not a single scene with two girls where they are not talking about a boy. And while Black Christmas deals with complex topics like abortion, domestic violence, and the unreliability of the police, Halloween simplifies its formula down to the utterly basic: Michael Myers kills because he is pure evil, and that is simply what evil does.
Despite its flaws -- or perhaps because of them -- Halloween became an immediate and enormous hit. It also introduced several clever storytelling techniques that were crucial to the advancement and development of the slasher genre:
The introduction of a Final Girl, the lone survivor who holds out against the onslaught of terror. (Carpenter denies that Laurie Strode’s virginal innocence has anything to do with her survival, but “final girl as virgin” would persist as a trope for a very long time) 
A masked killer. Although we’d seen masked murders in many films before (I’ve talked in the past about the trope of the mask-wearing murderer, and the way it is both thematically and logistically useful in storytelling: https://tlbodine.tumblr.com/post/189658195609/the-masked-knife-wielding-psycho), the “look” of Michael Myers is so iconic that it inspired a need for future killers to have a similarly thoughtful design, decking them out almost like comic book superheroes. 
Franchising opportunities. Although earlier movies had spawned sequels, Halloween exploded as a franchise thanks in large part to the iconic design and the simplistic good-vs-evil storytelling formula. Future slashers would latch onto this killer-centric franchise formula for over a decade. 
Halloween became the most profitable independent film, holding the record for 16 years, which goes to show just how successful the formula truly was. 
The Golden Age of Slashers 
As the 1970s gave way to the 1980s, the advent of VHS and Betamax formats created a market for low-budget straight-to-video films. Because slashers are so cheap to make (you don't need any famous actors, can film entirely in one location, and practical effects can be as simple as a few gallons of stage blood), they were ideal candidates for the job. On the big screen, horror was enjoying an unusually high level of popularity, a proven money-maker, simultaneously commercial and subversive in a decade of opulence and social conservativism.
So onto that stage walks Sean S. Cunningham's gory slasher, Friday the 13th, where a group of teenage camp counselors are brutally murdered, frequently wile having sex. The film spawned a widely successful franchise, which swiftly began borrowing elements of Halloween -- a silent and indestructible masked killer, a signature musical score -- to become a pop culture mainstay. The 1983 Robert Hiltzik film, Sleepaway Camp, cashes in on the "death to camp counselor" plot in the same way that Fred Walton's When a Stranger Calls touched on babysitter murders in 1979.
A whole slew of less-successful films would follow, most of them lost to the history books but still living in dollar-bin DVD collections. Some, like Prom Night and My Bloody Valentine, would earn a cult following. One noteworthy cult favorite is Slumber Party Massacre, directed and written by women (Amy Holden Jones and Rita Mae Brown, respectively), which turns some slasher tropes in their head.
A glut of films, most of them instantly forgettable, led to a decline in slasher popularity -- until Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984.
Cracking Wise and Slashing Teens 
A Nightmare on Elm Street introduces Freddy Krueger, a different sort of horror villain than audiences had seen before. Krueger is a supernatural killer who stalks his victims in their dreams, bringing a fresh supernatural twist to the slasher genre. And, unlike Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees, Freddy is anything but silent. Thanks in part to the charisma of lead actor Robert Englund, the character's darkly comedic personality became utterly riveting.
Plenty of dream-related horrors would follow, none of which would make much of a splash. But one film franchise did latch on to a similar formula: Child's Play, directed by Tom Holland in 1988, introduced another supernatural wisecracking killer in the form of Chucky, a murderous doll possessed by the soul of as serial killer.
These major film franchises -- Halloween, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Child’s Play -- would go on to spawn numerous sequels and become such a thoroughly pervasive part of pop culture that you can find their likeness everywhere. But despite the many imitators, there was little in the way of innovation in the genre until the mid 90s. 
Do You Like Scary Movies? 
Wes Craven toyed with the idea of self-referential horror in New Nightmare, a Freddy Krueger film that was itself a meta-analysis of Freddy Krueger films. But he would revisit the idea with far greater success in 1996 with Scream. 
Created by horror lovers, for horror lovers, Scream is designed to be the most quintessential slasher film ever created. Relying on a hip, young cast to draw in a fresh audience, Scream works by combining nostalgia, meta-analysis, humor, and buckets of blood into a single film. The opening scene is a direct homage to When a Stranger Calls, and the masked killer is a deliberate call-back to earlier films. 
Unsurprisingly, Scream was a huge hit that ushered in a brief but furious wave of slashers, like the star-studded I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) and Urban Legend (1998), and Scream itself had several sequels and even a TV series. But the 1990s were something of a dark era for the slasher film, seeing the release of some spectacularly lackluster franchise installments. One exception to that was the fan-favorite Freddy vs Jason, which pits the two killers against one another -- a delightful premise, but one that had strayed far from the slasher roots. 
Modern Slasher Films 
The 1990s slasher reboot was short-lived and mostly forgettable, and by the 2000s filmmakers had mostly turned away from the genre entirely, except for a slew of nostalgia cash-in reboots of every popular franchise. 
The one exception was meta-analysis -- building on Scream, these films began to deconstruct the genre in a way that would combine horror, humor, and criticism. 
The Final Girls (2015), directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson, takes this sort of meta approach. The Cabin in the Woods (2012), directed by Drew Goddard but bearing the fingerprints of co-writer and producer Joss Whedon, takes it to even further excess, providing both a thorough deconstruction of horror gropes and an entirely new mythos to give it a fresh framework.
But the problem with deconstructions is that, once a few truly successful ones have been made, it becomes essentially impossible to create the original thing in earnest anymore. And so the slasher as a sub-genre has reached its bloody end. 
Where Did All The Slashers Go? 
With dozens of slashers spanning more than 40 years of film history, it’s pretty hard to create something new with the format. Which is not to say that people aren’t still making them -- they are -- but there is less room to innovate within the notoriously rigid and simplistic slasher formula. 
Culturally, we’ve moved on a lot from the 1970s as well. For one, serial killers are no longer the threat they once were. Babysitters and camp counselors are rarely teenagers, either -- in fact, teens aren’t leaving the house as much in general. And a rise in information technology, communications and surveillance has made it harder to isolate victims and commit murders over a long period of time -- our mass murders tend to happen in shooting sprees instead these days. For another, that same information technology has made us extremely jaded and hard to impress with gore. 
The 2000s delivered violence at levels utterly beyond anything in history. The rise of the so-called torture porn -- a genre that dispenses with the stalking and killing of multiple victims in favor of lingering on the painful mutilation of a small handful -- delivered gore unlike any seen in earlier slashers. Cable television series like The Walking Dead deliver graphic violence with unprecedented regularity -- you no longer need to pick up a “video nasty” to indulge in some gruesome gore. 
And, well, unfortunately, the internet has made it easier than ever to see real violence, from terrorist beheading videos to medical gore to live-streamed murders. 
Gore for gore’s sake is simply not as compelling in the 21st century, and that takes away much of the slasher’s appeal. 
Slashers have had to morph and adapt to find a foothold for survival. In the 2000s, we saw their metamorphosis in real time: From torture porn to home invasion to a cornucopia of more innovative horrors dwelling on fears both large and small. 
We’ve probably seen the last of masked knife-wielding, babysitter-killing psychos...but the horror genre is richer for it. 
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human-enthusiast · 4 years ago
Antagonist: Buggy (East Blue - And Before This Time Frame)
At first, I was still on and off about my decision on whether or not I would make an analysis on Buggy at all. My analysis pages aren’t necessarily about the villains of One Piece in general, but more towards humanitarian or misanthropic topics reflected in their world from ours. In the first few appearances, I thought I had nothing to go off from, at least in context of World Issues. But I started writing out his characteristics and anything known about his past that could reflect on it, and then I started writing on something to reflect later after writing out other analogies with other villains and their world.
Stereotypical behavior of a pirate
Narcissism: Blames others for his mistakes (Shanks)
Treats a majority of his     underlings as replaceable/worthless
Alignment: Chaotic Evil/Neutral Evil
Worthy Notes
He was one of the recognizable characters who witnessed Roger’s execution up front.
Before this, he knew him personally and grew close with his captain.
To me, he and Shanks are friends/crewmates that had similar circumstances but different outcomes - two sides of the same coin (Important Distinction).
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Buggy is a character that I both dislike and love for various reasons. If there was a person, who had a striking resemblance to him (in both looks and especially personality), there is a 100% chance I would not get along well with him. The arrogance, laugh, and overall characteristics of a narcissist that gets his ass handed to him in nearly every encounter is annoying to the point of wanting to punch him personally.
However, he also handles many of his problems and the crazy reality that is their world with great comic relief like a majority of the characters. He himself has great one-liners and funny encounters that make him a great antagonist towards Luffy and an overall character of One Piece.
He’s one of the few designated antagonists of the East Blue Arc that popped up later, not only in the same arc, but in other arcs afterwards. Alvida does as well but she isn’t treated very much like an antagonist after Loguetown. More mild and laid back as Buggy’s vice captain, without straying from her original personality.
The thing about him from the beginning is how iconic of a character he is, mixed with some stereotypical personality traits as the main character’s villain. With the listed traits above, he actually isn’t the most original kind of villain under a broad definition.
I use the moral alignment chart for these analysis and/or characters because it’s one of the easiest ways to place and understand the foundation about them. For Buggy, he could go either way for being neutral or chaotic in the evil row. He does things for his own gain. But he also does evil acts because he is under the notion that he can with no other reason. Many of the East Blue antagonists are essentially like this.
Before knowing anything about Buggy later on, and even after, I would put him in the same boat as Krieg and Arlong. These are very chaotic pirates who also display typical pirate personas. Greedy, foul playing, captains without any remorse or care for others (although Arlong, towards fishmen and crew mates, tends to be an exception). They appear to not have an underlining motivation to be the way they are. Just regular, run-of-the-mill pirates.
But taking in consideration his past affiliations on being a cabin boy to Gol D. Roger, his attitude, in tune with Arlong’s, makes a lot of sense. 
The start of the Pirate Era sparked a grand affiliation to the massive sweep of pirate crews to take to the seas. A historically popular phenomenon done in a way that no other sailor accomplished the way Roger did: conquer the Grand Line. When an ever-changing event like this occurs, you have a mix of on-lookers who are changed by this. Characters like Luffy are filled with adrenaline. A need to seek adventure, making him the perfect predecessor for Roger’s Legacy, but in a way where he can call it his own.
Then there are characters like stereotypical, unnamed pirate crews, a majority of which mainly focus on the prospect of Roger’s treasure One Piece. They physically have nothing to tie them down, so they feel it necessary to pursue that challenge. This sparks greed or a search for infamy, something that actually connects to Ace’s motivation the most, but he has a more dynamic change that alters his motivations. Compared to others, this change is due to an instance where he is showed an alternate approach on life and dreams, a somewhat more healthy version. But when this alternate approach isn’t introduced to others, they are bound to the same mindset, installing more harm along the way. 
The known reactions are like two sides of the same coin. They’re broad chances of what someone will turn out in response to this freedom on treasure hunting and adventure seeking. And the two characters that are on those sides are Shanks and Buggy.
Personally, I find this to be an excellent coincidence. Now whether Oda intended for there opposing characters to mean anything significant is up for debate. But my interpretation proceeds them as the differing approaches when they (1) lose something significant in their life and (2) in retaliation against the unfair advantages life threw at them.
Buggy takes on the evil, greedy and infamy route in response to Roger’s execution.
As selfish as he is, Buggy did care very much for his past Captain. Most likely as a father figure of sorts considering he was rather young when he first joined as a cabin boy. He was able to make bonds with the crew mates, showing the more humanistic side of him.
In the events of Roger’s untimely sickness and later execution, I say it created an unfathomable emotional downfall on Buggy. In love and loss, it can have a negative influence on someone. He doesn’t seem to stray away from a greedy persona even with the Roger pirates. However, they acted as a sort of buffer, suppressing that intent need enough where it tends to affect only him.
With instances like Orange Town in Episode 5-8, his greed has an outward impact on the people and environment. I doubt he had any monetary reasoning for docking in the small town. There could have definitely been some looting, but that probably wasn’t their main purpose. It seems more along the lines of a power move.
Throughout his stay, he ultimately uses his Buggy Balls to obliterate different sections of the town, describing it as “his idea of fun.” Now whether because he lacked the resource or motivation, he never seemed to be this destructive as a younger cabin boy. He was still capable of violence and only doing so when needed.
He offers insight about the potential in taking on negative behaviors against the world, in combination of this obtainable freedom. He takes it with a motivation in the form of retribution.
Now how does Shanks play into this?
I said before that these two are like the sides of the same coin. And this is how far it goes:
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They, literally and figuratively, were on the same boat. That being the Oro Jackson’s crew and witnessing first hand Roger’s execution.
Unlike Buggy, however, Shanks wasn’t affected in a downward spiral of vengeance. Where Buggy took on the active persona of a vindictive route, he took to Roger’s will. The concept of inherited will within One Piece is a powerful notion. Especially with how it plays into the influence of a character and the world around them.
Roger’s will is directed more towards the importance of adventure and unbridled freedom. Doing something for yourself and “destroying” the world in a round-about way.
He is the opposite of Buggy by choosing the path of piracy in leniency. He isn’t necessarily upright and morally good in all regards. Because I’m certain he could have done bad things. But his outlooks on life make him move forward from the past.
Meanwhile, Buggy is situated into his past persona, and possibly due to the loss of his captain, by striving to be the King of the Pirates. Buggy has a connection to it that many others wouldn’t have known about until around Sabaody and Marineford. This need with the title is one of the defining elements of being greedy to an unexpected turn in his life.
This plays in well with his narcistic attitude in blaming others for mistakes he’s made in the past. Specifically where he blames Shanks for “making” him accidently eat his devil fruit. While he does find a use in his powers, he remains to be bitter about it. A reaction like this shows a character that ties himself with things he wish were different, believing that acting on them in the future will somehow change it. And about the only way he finds some use in it is fulfilling his desire to be at the top. A familiar form that ties him to Roger in the past.
Of course, I’m not implying that Roger’s death sparked his greed, because it is quite obvious he was always like that. No, it’s more of he represents the expected type who find satisfaction in titles. The expected results of Roger’s last words that the world paints into perspective. Buggy’s the negative aftermath that people expect when the world changes.
Because in simplistic sense, change begets destruction.
Change creates numerous responses that guide people, and it can be interpreted in broad groups. The results of these events divide people and their motivations, creating a diverse but also destructive world within One Piece.
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lelouche · 6 years ago
Orphans of the Storm: Attachment, Trauma and the Developmental Trajectories of Lelouch and Nunnally in Code Geass
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Alternatively titled, Matt Has a Lot of Thoughts About the Lamperouges. 7000+ words of thoughts, to be exact. Some of them might even be semi-intelligent. Admittedly, much of this was written from a hospital office while procrastinating writing patient journals for actual patients who are real humans and not fictional characters. Thank you to my supervisor for not supervising me very much.
I. Introduction
First, let us first briefly set the stage. The story of Code Geass is set in an alternate universe where the social-darwinist, imperialist superpower The Holy Britannian Empire is ruling large parts of the world. Lelouch and Nunnally vi Britannia are born into the royal family as children of 98th Emperor Charles zi Britannia and one of his consorts, Marianne. After their mother is assassinated in a terrorist attack at the Imperial Palace, an incident which leaves Nunnally blind and paralysed from the waist down, the two are sent to Japan as political hostages. The Britannian Empire then invades Japan shortly after they arrive, and they must seek refuge with the Ashfords, a wealthy family with ties to their mother Marianne. Presumed dead by the rest of the royal family, they take on the surname Lamperouge and begin to live in hiding in the now-colonised Japan, renamed Area 11.
These events constitute what is to become Lelouch’s raison d’ĂȘtre through the entire series - finding out who assassinated his mother, and creating a safer, kinder environment for his sister to grow up in. Nunnally is an extremely, and I cannot stress this enough, extremely important figure for Lelouch through the entire series (to the point where it’s kind of a joke in most spin-off material). He’s her main caregiver along with their maid Sayako, and protecting her is his primary goal - often at the expense of his own safety, his friends’ safety, and/or massive collateral damage. In this essay, I will analyse their relationship with their parents and each other through the lens of attachment theory, and discuss how these dynamics shape their developmental trajectories as they grow up. I will focus on two domains of development in particular: (1) emotional regulation and (2) identity. Based on this analysis, I’ll make the argument that Nunnally, despite being the one experiencing the most trauma, ended up more well-adjusted than Lelouch. Furthermore, although the series places much emphasis on how Lelouch is the one protecting Nunnally, he is actually more dependent on his sister than she is on him. I will also discuss how these central themes tie into Lelouch’s goals and political ideology.
II. Ode to My Family: The Fundamentals of Attachment Theory
Attachment theory is a psychological theory originating from the work of John Bowlby, concerning the bond between caregivers and their children. Put simply, Bowlby proposed that children are biologically predisposed to form deep, lasting bonds with their caregivers, and this bond has an important influence on subsequent development. In the attachment relationship, the caregiver functions as both a secure base from which to explore (for example, a child feeling safe when playing knowing a parent is nearby), and safe haven to turn to for emotional support (if they get scared or hurt when playing). Caregivers, on their end, facilitate secure attachment through moderate and appropriate stimulation of the child, warmth, mutually responsive interactions, and other behaviours that promote ‘connectedness’. Especially interesting is a trait called mind-mindedness, which can be described as a caregivers ability to conceptualise their child as an independent person, understand their mental/emotional state and respond appropriately. Important to note about attachment bonds is that they’re not “horizontal” - the caregiver and child aren’t on the same “level” as mutual attachment figures to each other, but the caregiver (as the older, wiser, and more experienced person who is able to provide care) will be a figure that the child can rely on.
A healthy attachment bond has a variety of important functions. It promotes the growth of self-reliance (which promotes independency), increases capacity for emotion regulation, promotes later social competence (such as empathy and mutual relationships), and is important for later identity development. This happens through the acquisition of so-called internal working models, that the child employs through their life. To simplify a bit, think of attachment as the mechanism by which caregivers, through their behaviour, teach children what to expect from the world around them, and what strategies to employ to best cope with it. At its core, it is about seeking security and safety - a form of healthy and adaptive dependence that provides a solid foundation and sense of security from which independence can grow
There are three main classifications of attachment bonds - secure, insecure and disorganised. Securely attached children will develop positive internal working models, where world is a fundamentally safe place, they are loved and worthy of that love. Interactions with the caregivers are frequent, mutual and predictable. For insecure attachment, there are two subcategories: avoidant and ambivalent. Insecure-ambivalent attachment is associated with unpredictable interaction styles, where some interactions between caregiver and child may be warm and mutually responsive, while others are more detached or unpredictable. This leads to frustration and confusion, and an ambivalent relationship. Insecure-avoidant attachment, on the other hand, is typically associated with a non-responsive and uninvolved form of care, or an absent caregiver. In this case, the child may feel rejected and like they cannot rely on anyone. Disorganised attachment simply means there is a lack of any organised form of attachment, but that’s not going to be relevant here so let’s ignore that one.
In summary:
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Did you really think you were getting through this one without at least ONE chart? (Note: ambivalent and resistant attachment is the same thing)
Also, important note before moving on from this bit: (1) Attachment is not the be-all end-all for positive/negative developmental outcomes, and (2) I’ll obviously be a bit quicker to assume correlation and draw conclusions than I would in real life, because in my mind applying this stuff to literary analysis vs. applying it to real people are two completely different things. Fiction consists of a series of deliberate choices of storytelling and elements you can easily pick apart and draw lines between (preferably with red string on a corkboard wall, while looking slightly manic), whereas people are, like, more complicated and stuff - nature and nurture and all that.
Now, with attachment theory in mind, let’s have a look at the evil Britannian disaster parents.
III. The Mother We Share: (In)Secure Attachment in the Imperial Palace
Before taking a deep dive into Lelouch and Nunnally’s relationship with one another, it’s essential to discuss their relationships with their parents. Unfortunately for me, there really isn’t much canon material regarding their lives prior to Marianne’s death and the subsequent exile in Japan. However, even with the limited information available, I think it’s fairly safe to say neither Charles nor Marianne deserve a parent-of-the-year award - a point cleverly foreshadowed by me when I referred to them as evil disasters just a few sentences ago.
As for Charles, I hardly need to even make a case that he probably wasn’t a great father. It’s never outright stated in the series, but I’m going to assume they had minimal or no contact with Charles. The main reason behind this is: why would they? He had 108 (!) consorts with whom he had many children, and was busy ruling the largest empire in the world. And as if that wasn’t enough, Lelouch and Nunnally weren’t even particularly high up in in the line of succession and would have been unlikely to ever rule in their lifetime (if it hadn’t been for, er, circumstances). Furthermore, because of his grand plan to fuse humanity into one collective unconscious through the Ragnarök Connection, none of this would matter to him anyway. Additionally, I think his lack of contact with his children is very apparent through the way Lelouch interacts with his father when confronting him about Marianne’s death, which I’ll get back to.
So, we can reasonably conclude Charles was an uninvolved/absent caregiver. However, things get a little more interesting with Marianne.
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This isn’t relevant to the topic or anything, I just think it’s neat how they made Lelouch so visually similar to his mother. In addition to physical traits, Marianne’s dress here has a really similar structure to what would later become her sons rebellion outfit of choice. She even has a chess-piece-esque hat to go with. Then again, I suppose the alternative was making him visually similar to Charles, and that wouldn’t make for a lot of good fanservice now would it. Anyway, this image description is too long.
As mentioned, avenging his mother’s death is one of the most significant driving forces for Lelouch throughout the series. Her assassination impacted him greatly, both in and of itself and through the harm it caused Nunnally. Whenever she’s brought up, they both seem to get visibly downhearted, and there’s never any indication they remember her anything but fondly. In picture drama 22.25 (from their time as children in the Imperial Palace), the Britannian siblings find a commemorative plate that belongs to her in Euphie’s room. They start to bicker over it, because Nunnally wants to have it herself, while Lelouch thinks Euphie should keep it because it belongs to her. This all indicates that the royal children admired Marianne, and she was obviously an important figure to them both. Through this idolisation, as well as Lelouch’s obsession with what happened at the Imperial Palace, the narrative seems to want us to assume she was a good parent.
However, there are a few things that call into question how reliable of a narrator Lelouch actually is concerning Marianne. Towards the end of the series, it’s revealed that she is actually very much alive, and completely on board with Charles’ Ragnarök plan - making her one of the series’ main antagonists. During Lelouch’s final confrontation with his parents in C’s World in S2 E21, she is unable (or unwilling) to see how faking her death, traumatising her children, shipping them off to a country the Empire promptly invaded without ever making sure they’re still alive, and then trying to convince them to get on board with her human instrumentality plan is wrong. As her wiki bluntly states: “She only superficially loves her children and will not hesitate to kill them if they get in her way.” Taking this information about her character into account, I consider it more likely that the reason Lelouch and Nunnally idolised Marianne was either (1) because they based their impression largely on her reputation, rather than because she genuinely was a loving mother, or (2) she was a very good actor.
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At least she provided some strategies to prepare her children for having to cope with the emotional trauma she was about to inflict on them.
How to make sense of their relationship with Marianne from an attachment perspective? I think this is largely up to interpretation due to lack of pre-series material. Lelouch and Nunnally both seem to like and look up to her, but that does not necessarily indicate secure attachment. I would argue they had an insecure relationship with Marianne, and that argument is based on two things. First, her personality traits and actions (rather than Lelouch and Nunnally’s accounts of her): she blatantly uses her children as pawns for her plan, and doesn’t care all that much that they were suffering as a result. Even though she does argue all her planning was well-intentioned, this act quickly fall apart when Lelouch challenges her. As C.C. tells her, “the only people you love are yourselves”. Calling this sort of behaviour “poor mind-mindedness” or “lack of parental warmth” is an understatement - I simply don’t see a scenario where Marianne would genuinely care.
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Secondly, I’d argue you can infer it from Lelouch’s patterns of behaviour as he grows older. Many of his actions, and the themes surrounding him as a character, could be seen as a manifestation of insecure attachment - his attitude towards Nunnally, attitude towards his friends in the student council, his emotionality, and the general theme of a  fragmented identity, to mention some. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Point is, there is good reason to believe Lelouch or Nunnally had any form of secure attachment bond to either of their parents, and this has some implications for their development as the series goes on.
IV. Abandoned by the Empire: Trauma and Parentification
In addition to not having the best relationships with their parents to begin with, Lelouch and Nunnally were then burdened with more baggage after their mother’s death. In Nunnally’s case, her trauma from the incident was primarily physical (blindness and paralysation of her legs), due to her being literally in Marianne’s arms as she was shot. Lelouch was a witness, and escaped without physical injury. Afterwards, while his sister is still in hospital, he takes it upon himself to confront his father about what happened, and accuses him of having allowed, even facilitated, the assassination through purposefully neglecting security measures that day.
While Nunnally was by all means most harmed by the attack, it is here in the aftermath I’d argue Lelouch takes his “main blow” in the parental trauma department. When confronted, Charles gets angry and tells Lelouch that everything in his life has been handed to him by virtue of being a child of the royal family, and thus he’s never truly accomplished anything - he might as well be dead, and therefore has no right to doubt or disobey him. This is an especially cruel statement in the context of the social-darwinist Britannia, where the strength to survive by your own measures is seen as highly important, maybe even the only thing that truly is important. Lelouch then visibly flinches and falls back when Charles stands up, in a manner that seems outright terrified. Keep in mind, all this is happening in front of the Royal Court.
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This scene in particular is the main reason I cannot imagine Lelouch or Nunnally having any kind of relationship with Charles prior to the incident, much less a secure and healthy one. You’d think the threshold for a young child to turn and publicly accuse his father of premeditated murder in front of the Britannian Royal Court would be astronomically high, especially if he actually liked and trusted him. Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, one of the most important functions of the caregiver is being a secure base in difficult and unsafe situations, which means that children typically tend to turn towards their parents during situations where they feel scared. Flinching away (so severely he even falls back, with a horrified expression on his face), rather than seeking closure, is highly indicative of insecure attachment/parental neglect.
As if all this wasn’t enough, Lelouch and Nunnally are then separated from all their siblings to be relocated to Japan as political hostages. Again, the pre-series material is pretty thin, but throughout the series there are indications that they had good relationships with some of their siblings. For example, Lelouch recalls playing chess with Schneizel, and possibly had some kind of relationship with Clovis judging by their conversation before Lelouch kills him. Both Lelouch and Nunnally also seem to have been very close with Euphie - in Stage 22.25, they’re playing in her room and don’t want to go to sleep because they’re having so much fun. Lelouch even refers to Euphie as the first girl he ever loved (let’s just... not unpack this one). Point is, not only do they get traumatised by and separated from their parents (whom they already had an insecure relationship with), but they’re also ripped away from their entire network of social support, except for each other. 
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This image is so fucking sad. Fuck.
So, when Lelouch and Nunnally arrive in Japan, they’re on their own. And because he is older, and because of Nunnally’s disability, Lelouch ends up taking on most of the responsibility. He carries her up the stairs when they arrive at the shrine, washes their clothing, buys their food, and so on. In addition to these practical tasks, he also tries to comfort his sister emotionally and seems to also feel responsible for her well-being - for example, when discovering their lodgings were small and quite sad-looking, he tries to shield Nunnally from it by lying and telling her it looks like Euphie’s room. When Suzaku first meets Nunnally, Lelouch instantly runs into the room because he heard a noise, and freaks out at Suzaku because he thinks he’s going to harm her. For all intents and purposes, he steps into a caregiver role for his sister - an attachment figure, one might even say. This shift in their dynamic becomes very apparent when comparing their relationship in Japan and onwards, to the aforementioned bickering-over-a-plate incident in Euphie’s room, where they were fighting and playing like siblings.
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This phenomenon is sometimes called parentification, in which the absence of adult figures providing sufficient care causes one child to bear more responsibility than is normal for the age, and step into the role of “parent”. Parentification can be adaptive and healthy with concrete/practical tasks, in small periods of time and with plenty support, for example pre-teens babysitting their younger cousins. Suffice to say, Lelouch had none of those things. He is Nunnally’s sole contact, made worse by himself by being stubborn and not wanting to let anyone else in to help. Additionally, plenty of other risk factors for destructive parentification is present - the tasks are diffuse, all-consuming and way above the level appropriate for his age, he gets no sort of recognition, reward, or help, it lasts a long period of time (permanently), generational lines become somewhat blurred, and his own needs end up taking second priority to him. And, as you’ll remember from the attachment theory section, this kind of relationship is not horizontal in nature - Lelouch and Nunnally don’t provide each other mutual support of this nature, but rather Lelouch is the one providing a function for Nunnally.
In the beginning of this section, I mentioned that Nunnally’s trauma as a result of Marianne’s death was primarily physical. However, she evidently went through a great deal of psychological trauma as well. A novel detailing their childhoods in Japan states that Nunnally privately had a terrible time coping with the changes in her life and would throw tantrums when left to her own at Kururugi residence, destroying nearly anything she could get her hands on. However, unless she secretly throws tantrums whenever her brother is off screen, this doesn’t seem to be an issue during the span of the series. I’d argue this could be attributed to Lelouch functioning as a caregiver for her - she had someone there to help her, calm her down and provide external emotional regulation, which in turn helped her learn to better regulate her emotional states on her own. Lelouch provides safety and warmth, and, in doing so, becomes a buffer for his sister.
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Lelouch, however, has no such buffers. Because of this, it’s easy to draw a line between his parental problems and trauma, and his subsequent maladjusted pattern behaviour when the siblings arrive in Japan. At the Kururugi residence, both him and Nunnally are offered both food and clothing, but he is insistent on providing everything himself - he washes all their clothes, and buys their food with coupons in town, despite being beat up by the other boys there for being Britannian. He’s distrustful towards everyone there (before later warming up to Suzaku) and hypersensitive for any possible threat to Nunnally’s safety. In my opinion, it’s evident Charles’ words had an impact on him. When Suzaku asks why he is so hellbent on refusing help, he responds with: “I’ll live by my own strength, and I won’t be dead any longer!” Through caregivers, children learn what to expect from the world and their own place in it - in Lelouch’s case, he clearly sees the world as an unsafe place with few people to truly trust, and considers himself only worth something if he is entirely independent. Although independence is often seen as a “mature” trait in children and therefore indicative of “good” development, healthy dependence and attachment in childhood is crucial for the facilitation of later healthy independence. And unlike Nunnally (who has him), he doesn’t have anyone to rely on and turn to for his security.
Diverting slightly from the topic at hand, I think this highlights the interesting narrative role of C.C. as the closest thing Lelouch has to a caregiver proxy. I am in no way trying to imply she is outright maternal towards him, but she’s of help and offers practical and sometimes emotional support - a role no other person in Lelouch’s life really fills. I already explained why Nunnally isn’t a possible candidate, and Suzaku, while an important figure in Lelouch’s life, has his own essay-worthy plate of parental problems to deal with. Additionally, their whole enemy situation doesn’t make him someone Lelouch can reliably turn to for comfort and support. C.C however, is older, wiser, more “stable”, and seems to know how to offer emotional support in a way that somewhat calms Lelouch down. In turn, he occasionally tries to reach out to her in difficult situations (or at least he gives into having breakdowns in front of her), which he doesn’t seem to do with anyone else. If only she’d intervened when he was a child instead of just standing there dramatically in the background. But alas.
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V. Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind: Differential Susceptibility
Earlier, I briefly mentioned Nunnally being the one most harmed by Marianne’s death. She was younger when it happened, more directly involved, and experienced a greater loss of function as a result which altered her lifestyle significantly. Based on this, I could easily argue that the incident would have far more damaging implications for her long-term psychological well-being compared to her older brother. I could, but I won’t, because it didn’t. Despite all these risk factors present in Nunnally’s case, their mother’s death seems to have made far more of a long-term impact on Lelouch. We’ve already discussed the most important reason why: Lelouch providing Nunnally with protective care associated with a secure parent, thus functioning as a buffer for her trauma. In this section, I’d like to discuss another important factor, interacting with attachment security: namely, differential susceptibility (also sometimes called responsiveness for care).
When we meet Lelouch in the beginning of Code Geass, he feels stuck and utterly powerless in his situation. He gambles on chess to pass time, but feels otherwise bored, restless and detached from his environment. When he receives the power of Geass from C.C., it gives him what he claims he wanted all along - a tool to take control of his life, get revenge on those who wronged him and actually do something. Thus, a plan to overthrow the Britannian Empire is formed and set into motion. The main targets seem to be the royal family as he struggles to systematically take down the empire and search for information - once he meets his brother Clovis, he shoots him (seemingly) without much hesitation. As time goes on, he sacrifices more and more time and energy to his obsessive goal, while his web of lies and various interpersonal becomes increasingly difficult to manage. There is a reason his character is often compared to the likes of Light Yagami (despite them having completely opposing ideologies, but that’s an essay topic for another day) - his arc follows the same downward spiral pattern, where one thing leads to another and suddenly you’re up to your ears in civilian casualties. It’s obvious Lelouch hasn’t accepted, gotten over, or forgiven his family in the slightest, and takes this anger out on those he perceives wronged him in search of an answer.
Meanwhile, Nunnally doesn’t exhibit anything close to this kind of grudge. She seems upset whenever it is brought up, but otherwise seems to have made peace with what happened and ready to forgive her family. One might argue this comes down to a difference of opportunity - Nunnally doesn’t exactly have the power of Geass, or even functioning eyes of the non-mind control variety, so it might be a bit more difficult to get certain things done. Such as killing off most of the Britannian royal family. However, even before Lelouch got the power of Geass, he expressed a wish to destroy Britannia for what they did to him and his sister. So, unless Nunnally has some secret desire to kill that was just never mentioned (in which case this whole essay is null and void, I suppose), Lelouch seems to be coping with his trauma in a much more maladaptive way than his sister, turning his sadness and feelings of rejection into anger and resentment, which ended up staying with him pretty much until the day he died.
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Reach your arm out and grab the stars or whatever that quote from LoGH is.
Based on this, I’d argue Lelouch is what one might call a flexible strategist. This doesn’t refer to his military tactics (although he seems pretty flexible with those as well) but simply means that, for better and for worse, he’s relatively sensitive to factors and people in his external environment. On one hand, he seems to flourish in environments where he gets support. During his childhood in the Imperial Palace, he seemed to mostly get along with and care about his siblings (as mentioned earlier). He was also by all accounts a very bright child - he did say he never managed to beat Schneizel at chess, but to give Lelouch some credit here, Schneizel at the time would have been an adult man in his early 20s, while Lelouch was, like, 7. The fact he even stood a chance is fairly impressive. I do not want to argue chess ability is the ultimate measurement of childhood functioning, but my point here is this: he seemed to be on a decent developmental path, both cognitively and socially, all things considered. On the other hand, he tends to react poorly whenever something goes wrong. I’ll talk about this in more depth in the emotional development section, but tl;dr: Lelouch is a very volatile character, who tends to have very high highs and low lows.
While Lelouch seems to be more “formable” by both positive and negative environmental influences, Nunnally is more of a so-called fixed strategist. She, like Lelouch, seemed to be in a decent place before the incident, had a period of acting out after her trauma (throwing tantrums etc.), but got “back on track” through Lelouch fairly quickly. She seems more forgiving of her family, for example when she is instantly supportive of Euphie’s special administrative zone (which Lelouch has a very ambivalent relationship with). Towards the endgame in S2, she even aligns herself with Schneizel. As her arc goes on, she shows herself more and more capable of functioning without Lelouch’s help, and make decisions of her own, based on her own opinions. Her outlook on the world seems to be much more down-to-earth and less black and white. Even when her own brother (the only person she’s been able to rely on for most of her life) geasses her and literally leaves her lying on the floor, she tries to reason with him. This is obviously just speculation, but I think had something similar happened to Lelouch he would have, psychologically speaking, completely lost it (in fact, he does lose it multiple times, which I’ll also get back to). Additionally, from the glimpse we see of Nunnally with Suzaku after Zero Requiem, it seems like she’s been able to cope relatively well with her brother’s death. In general, she seems to find her feet much easier than Lelouch and is more stable across situations.
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To summarise everything so far: I’d argue neither Charles nor Marianne were secure caregivers for Lelouch and Nunnally. This is implied not only by their traits and actions, but can be inferred from Lelouch’s maladaptive developmental path. The reason we see this pattern develop in Lelouch but not Nunnally is that he, through parentification, functioned as a buffer for her. Furthermore, this difference in trajectories is amplified by their different underlying susceptibilities - Lelouch more sensitive/formable by negative events and loss in general, while Nunnally is more resilient. From this point on I’ll focus mainly on Lelouch, and discuss how this magnificent cocktail of risk factors explain his developmental outcomes as an older teenager - in particular, how it shines through when it comes to his emotionality, identity, and goals/motivations.
VI. Thunder in Our Hearts: Emotional Development and Interpersonal Relationships
Lelouch frequently throughout the series, for lack of a better term, loses his absolute shit. For example, in the scene where he plays chess with Mao in S1 E16, he screams and dramatically falls backwards when the last piece is thrown onto the scale. He’s completely devoid of expression, and is well and truly out of it until Suzaku arrives. He ends up in a similar state of mind when he thinks Nunnally is killed in S2, where it seems like he’s completely detached from his surroundings - just repeating that he wants to speak with her. In addition to these dissociative-esque states in response to extreme stress, he has lesser breakdown and outbursts as well, such as: after Shirley’s father dies, after the incident with Euphie, when he’s flipping out at Rolo upon seeing his phone locket, etc. Additionally, he’s been shown to take stress and anger out on other people in the (kinda hilarious) scene where he goes to an abandoned street to use his Geass on random people, making them dance as he stands there being angsty. These bursts of emotion don’t exclusively concern negative situations either, as evidenced by his multiple periods of manic laughter and monologues during battle.
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I once read this Geass analysis claiming Lelouch is an unemotional character. As evidenced by these screenshots, that was a correct take and not inaccurate at all. Emotions? Where?
In addition to being fairly emotional, Lelouch’s character is also very centered around the people in his life. His mother and sister are the primary motivation through the series. He uses Nunnally’s well-being to justify his actions. He let’s C.C. comfort him. He cares greatly about Shirley, and is devastated at her father’s death (though one can only assume he feels a bit better after punching a wall in the shower), to the point where he erases her memory to spare her the suffering he’s bringing by getting her involved. He obviously deeply cares about Suzaku (again - essay for another day), and orders him to keep on living no matter what, despite him being the number one obstacle for Zero’s plans. If he expresses this affection in a reasonable way is another question entirely - his main way of expressing his love for Nunnally seems to be killing thousands of people for her sake, Shirley by erasing her memory, and Suzaku by forcing him to live on at any cost, which is the exact opposite of what he wanted.
He also has a recurring pattern of requiring a lot of external emotional regulation through other people. Nunnally is the most obvious example of this (obviously) -  whenever something goes slightly wrong, he usually defaults to screaming about her, and becomes absolutely devastated whenever she’s unsafe. If Lelouch functions as her buffer, I’d say she’s her crutch. He heavily leans on her for justification and a purpose in life. But, these maladaptive ways of leaning on people also occurs with other characters, such as in the scene with Kallen in the warehouse where he’s about to inject himself with refrain. Kallen takes the needle from him and throws it on the ground, and he reacts by walking towards her asking her to console him - saying “there are things a woman can do for that, right?”. Kallen promptly (rightfully) slaps him, and he seems to regain his senses.
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The most frequently repressed scene by all Lelouch fans.
In summary, I’d argue Lelouch is the complete opposite of an unemotional or uncaring character. He often seems to struggle with controlling his (plethora of) emotions in healthy ways, and copes with them either through completely shutting things out, having frequent breakdowns, lashing out on others, or using people as emotional crutches. He’s also very centered around other people, but tends to express it in less-than-appropriate ways, and goes on about things in an almost childish way, at times. This, I think, is indicative of his insecure attachment and lack of sensitive caregivers. In contrast to Nunnally, who had him, he didn’t have anyone to provide safety and externally regulate his emotions, meaning he was never able to internalise such strategies. Thus, there is a pattern of unhealthy (lack of) regulation of emotional states, leading to these stark contrasts between high and low points, and the quite bad ways he deals with them. Years of stress, repressed restlessness and unhealthy coping mechanisms for trauma certainly didn’t help either. Put simply - he’s a bit emotionally immature, and this is a significant aspect of his character.
VII. Reflektor: Identity and Projection
One of the most prevalent motifs in  Lelouch’s arc, save for the chess symbolism, is the theme of masks and a fragmented identity. Throughout the series, he uses different identities to fill different roles in his life: Lelouch vi Britannia the prince, Lelouch Lamperouge the student, Zero the terrorist/freedom fighter and eventually Lelouch vi Britannia again, the tyrannical 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire. This switch is the most obvious display of the fragmented identity theme, as he is quite literally changing his name and masquerading as different people. With his Zero persona he even puts on a literal mask to conceal his face, but he also uses subtler, figurative masks for his other personas in order to achieve various goals. Additionally, there are also subtler role shifts at play within these identities: Lelouch Lamperouge exists  as Nunnally’s caregiver, a student council member, Suzaku’s childhood friend, etc. (as with all people, fictional or not).
It is here his main ideological conflict with his parents arises. Charles and Marianne wants, through their Ragnarök plan, to abolish all “masks” and fuse mankind into one collective unconscious. Their reasoning is that if everyone were honest and there were no separation between people, the world would be a better place. Lelouch, however, finds the concept of identity masks useful and even defines himself by them. This is clearly shaped by his own experience - in order to survive in Area 11 and protect his sister, he had to change his name and lie. In order to gain real power and influence to overthrow Britannia, he had to change his name and lie. This modus operandi goes straight to the heart of his identity, because it is the reason he is able to exert his will over the world in any meaningful way - which, as we discussed earlier, is the reason he is “not dead any longer”. His core idea is that those who are privileged enough to be able to tell the truth about themselves, have no right to deny others the right to lie for their own survival or to achieve their goals.
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Carl Jung arguably had a much more significant impact on anime than he did psychology. Actually, this isn’t even arguable.
Another, subtler way the series conveys the theme of fractured identity is Lelouch’s projection of desires and wishes onto others. This is shown quite literally through how the Geass gives him the power to command anyone to do anything. But not only does he impose his will onto others through verbal command, he also projects his more abstract goals and desires into the people in his life. Again, Nunnally is the most obvious example of this: Everything he does, he claims is for the sake of Nunnally. It’s interesting he never outright says that he wanted to do any of this for any personal reason - it’s all about a kinder world for Nunnally, Nunnally’s smile, and how their parents abandoned them. In the final confrontation with Charles and Marianne, Suzaku asks him if he used Nunnally as an excuse to justify his actions. Lelouch confirms this, and then says he fought to protect everything he wanted to protect. Still, he never mentions he feels rejected, or that he would want to grow older in a kinder world, even though it’s obviously more his own wish than hers (as Nunnally mentions during Zero Requiem, she would have been happy just being with her brother). In a way, he considers himself two steps removed from his desires - only working against Britannia on the basis of what he imagines the people in his life would want him to do.
Lelouch also has a tendency to view his own identity(-ies) through abstract symbols, rather than as a concrete human being with a backstory, grudges and motivations. In exile he expresses frustration at being a pawn of Britannia, as Zero he functions as a faceless symbol of Japanese liberation and a rebellion against the establishment, and as Emperor he aims to become a symbol of people’s hatred towards their oppressors. Even the orchestration of his life’s ending is primarily a symbolic act to him; with the world’s hatred focused on a tyrannical Emperor, the world can be peaceful when that symbol disappears. Lelouch seems very aware of this himself: that he is past the point of no return, and destined to become someone who will bear the burden of sacrificing his own identity, morals and character to play a part. He, in a way, seems more comfortable in this realm of abstraction - in being more of a symbol. However, if we try to strip away his rather grand narrative for a second, we’re left with a person committing suicide at 19 because he thinks the world will be a better place for it.
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Black king captures e1, checkmate.
VIII. Pity the Child: Politics and Spite
Lastly, I want to make the argument that the parental abandonment Lelouch and Nunnally experienced, and the subsequent cascade of issues is the most important aspect of the series. Even more so than the central ideological conflict of working against versus within systems of oppression. As I’ve already touched on a fair bit, I think Lelouch’s circumstances growing up and the experiences arising from that was the very foundation for his later ideology and hatred for Britannia, rather than his ideology in and of itself being the reason he hates his parents and the system they represent. This is best represented by the climax of the scene with Charles and Marianne in C’s world, where Lelouch speaks not of systems of power, racism, oppression, politics, etc. - he speaks of abandonment and hurt.
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In my opinion, there’s reason to question whether he would have gone to the same lengths to destroy Britannia if he’d not been exiled from the system himself. In one of the picture dramas from his summer in Japan as a child, he lectures Suzaku on Britannian and Japanese foreign trade policy, making the argument they’re both unethical. This indicates he already knew of and disagreed with the actions of Britannia, but it’s only after he’s exiled and war is declared on Japan he begins talking about enacting revenge. Additionally, he has some truly magnificent displays of hypocrisy throughout the series that (in my unpopular (?) opinion) puts Suzaku to shame. Even the very act of him using Geass is contradictory to his fundamental belief: that opposing a well-intentioned act upon others is no different from an evil act. During their confrontation, he is very concerned with expressing this ideology to his parents, before promptly turning around and making his brother a geassed slave forever, two episodes later.
Not to completely undermine his ideological streak; I do genuinely believe he is anti-Britannia, and I do genuinely believe he values personal freedom highly. However, based on everything discussed so far, I’d argue he would perhaps not have cared as much, or at least been more open to a more Suzaku-esque approach, had he not had deep personal trauma connected to the whole situation as well. So, his main motivation isn’t to “bash the fash”, as it were, but rather bash these few specific fash who traumatised him and his sister before shipping them off to a foreign country they then immediately declared war on. Revenge, spite, and pure, childish anger towards a family that wronged him is a much more useful lens through which to view the series, rather than an ideological conflict per se.
IX. The Conclusion Bit, Finally
To summarise this entirely too long essay, Lelouch and Nunnally both suffered from insecure attachment and later trauma and parental abandonment. Nunnally’s main protective factor/buffer for this trauma was Lelouch, which gets her “back on track” towards becoming an emotionally stable and independent girl. Her brother, however, doesn’t have anyone to fill this role, and this cascades into dysfunctional behaviour and strategies across different domains: his trust issues as a child, obsession with revenge, immature emotionality, poor handling of stress, projecting onto others, and a fragmented concept of his own identity. Lastly, I think these personal issues constitute the crux of his motivation throughout the series - Lelouch’s arc is about trauma, parental neglect and spite more than it ever was about politics.
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kattahj · 6 years ago
Long ramble about Luther Hargreeves (and the others by association)
Okay, as promised, a post on how I see Luther Hargreeves. @hihereami  already said a lot of it really well, but I still wanted to ramble on a bit more. Standard disclaimer that these are just my views and not necessarily the only correct ones (though I do find that the hatred he gets is disproportionate to his crimes).
To start off: Reginald Hargreeves built his Umbrella Academy around the notion that the only acceptable behaviour was excellence at all cost - his definition of excellence. As far as I can tell, the team had no friends or other permanent bonds to the outside, growing up, only the missions. We know that their play time was extremely limited and that everything else served to drill them for missions.
Basically, the only way to appease Reginald was to give up everything that wasn't useful to him. If you had any fears or desires or personality traits that weren't what he wanted them to be, you'd better shove them as deep down into your psyche as you could.
And six out of seven of the kids sooner or later ended up saying "Fuck that, I'm doing what I want!" (Well, poor Ben said, "please don't make me," over and over again until he died, and it's so sad, and I want to hug his spectral self, but I digress.)
Luther acquiesced. He was so dazzled with the hope of approval that he turned himself inside out to meet the demands. Until the moon, he never moved out. Never had a proper relationship. And yes, the Alison thing is messed up, but that's a pattern with several of the Hargreeves siblings: Latch on to whoever (or even whatever) gives you some kind of comfort, regardless of how terrible the circumstances. (An alternative pattern seems to be "try to have a normal relationship and fuck it up", but that’s less firmly established.)
Which means that while Luther on some level does realize that his upbringing isn't normal or perhaps even okay, he doesn't actually have a lived-in experience of anything else.
Alison and Klaus were both forced to undergo therapy. Diego tried to have a relationship and an outside vocation - neither worked out, but at least he's had to face a different kind of life. Vanya may be isolated and emotionally shut off, but she still has a job and has to talk to people every day. Only Five was equally set apart from ordinary life, and it wouldn't surprise me if even time-travelling assassins have some social norms that he’d brush up again.
Now, Luther's not helpless, or ignorant, or a child. He understands some things perfectly well, especially everything to do with missions. It's why, after Reginald's death, he goes straight into murder mystery mode. The fixed point of his universe has been removed, and in order to make sense of that, he needs to turn it into a mission, because a mission he knows how to handle.
He doesn't know how to handle people, or emotions. Least of all his own.
During the series, influenced by the others and without Reginald's looming presence, he starts to question things. To have his own small acts of rebellion. He gets high. He gets laid. The sort of things that for most people would have happened at least ten years earlier.
He starts to acknowledge that what was done to him and his siblings isn't okay, that Reginald was, in fact, a massive asshole. He may be late to the party, but he's getting there.
In a way, he's not entirely unlike someone who graduated with top marks in everything and now has to figure out what he wants to do with those marks, when all the previous years were about suppressing all the "wants" in order to please those in charge. (Gosh, maybe I can relate just a little bit.)
But then there's the upcoming apocalypse, and having to deal with Vanya, who is a very serious and very unexpected threat (and yeah, I think her trying to kill Allison was indeed a major factor for him), and also his deeply remorseful and traumatized sister.
Again, Luther knows missions. He doesn't know people. And even those of us who haven't been brainwashed through childhood have an unfortunate tendency to default to our upbringing whenever we don't know what to do. A psychologist described it as, "When I run out of psychological methods, I tend to do what my mom would do. But my mom was a florist. I've never known anyone to say, gosh, the experts are at a loss, let's call in the florist!"
So Luther does what dad would do, which is to treat Vanya as a threat instead of a sister and lock her up in the most secure place he could find.
(Which, come to think of it, is what they do all the time on The Flash.)
And unfortunately, since it is what dad would do, it's incredibly triggering for Vanya, who was already having a no good, very bad day. Cue destruction.
But hang on, you might say. The other siblings - the ones who do  have some sort of experience in trying to be a normal fucking person - are all saying that this is a terrible idea. Why won't he listen?
And this is tied to two things. First, that it's an immense part of Luther's constructed identity that he has to be in charge. (He doesn't, and he isn't, but he's not at that point of self-realization yet.)
The other is that when we can't see the consequences of a choice, our default is to say no, according to the principle of "Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't."
Or, to quote the same psychologist again: "If a friend asks you to help him move, you may curse under your breath, but then you say yes. But if a beautiful stranger of your preferred gender comes up to you and says, 'I have two tickets to Hawaii, come away with me this weekend!' you will say no. It’s not about what you want. It’s about whether you feel you can predict what will happen."
Luther is essentially trying to play it safe, to bring the chaotic unknown of the present into the well-ordered (and dictatorial) past. And that is an absolutely terrible, earth-ending error of judgement.
But it's one that makes a hell of a lot of sense for him.
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ohmahree-blog · 7 years ago
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What is your full name? Omari Rashad Beckham
Where and when were you born? 3/18/1993
Who are your parents? Rodney Beckham; Rodney is an established real estate agent. He’s a firm believer in discipline and earning everything w/ no handouts. Though he’s stern on me, he’s a gentle giant to my mama. Giselle Beckham; She’s an elementary school teacher with tons of patience. She's very vocal and has an answer to everything. Though she’s molded me to be her very own mama’s boy, she still allowed my dad to make me into a man.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? My brother, Demetrius, passed when I was 14 and he was 15 from drowning. He was my best friend, my partner in crime and even my role model despite the closeness in our age. Our dad taught us to always have each other’s back and we never strayed from that lesson. Demetrius was more rebellious but I was never one to say no to the adventures, including our last mischievous episode where we snuck out to hang with friends at the lake.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people. I currently live in a 3-bedroom 2-story home in Los Angeles that was sold to me by my dad with a small ass discount. It’s not a massive house but it’s my own sanctuary for myself, my shoes and my Frenchy.
What is your occupation? I am a retired drug dealer shoe store owner.
Write a full physical description of yourself.  A meal. Too many tattoos to count. Several marks from a curious childhood.
To which social class do you belong? Lower middle class.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? I’m allergic to kiwi and I’m honestly lactose intolerant but I often ignore it.
Are you right- or left-handed? Right-handed
What does your voice sound like? I wouldn’t know how to describe it tbh.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? “Honestly” & “and shit”
What do you have in your pockets? Nothing.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? I have to count steps on when taking stairs. I laugh alot, no matter the emotion I’m feeling, I laugh. I stare people in the eyes when they talk to me, I don’t like not seeing a person’s face when they’re physically in my presence talking to me.
How would you describe your childhood in general? It was a typically decent childhood. I had a strict ass father, but that didn’t stop me and my brother from rebelling and doing our own thing.
What is your earliest memory? Being dropped off at a daycare and crying like a lil’ bitch until my mama sat down on the carpet with me. I think she snuck out on me at one point though.
How much schooling have you had? Despite all my setbacks, I graduated college with my bachelor’s degree.
Did you enjoy school? Yeah, bitches, sports and I was the plug on campus. Even though all of that got me in trouble with the laws a few times.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? My dad, my brother, the streets.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. My brother, he was fearless and he was wise beyond his time. He put me onto hella game. My father as well. Even though we bumped heads alot, he taught me valuable lessons and also left me to learn a few lessons on my own.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? No chaos here, typical teenage angst at times but it was fine once the dust settled.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A professional football player.
As a child, what were your favorite activities? Playing sports, real life and on game consoles.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? I was a curious child. I also liked to test my limits and boundaries, what’s the word for that? I was a follower, but only to my brother.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? Of course I was. Isaiah was one of my first best friends after we beat each other the fuck up. He was territorial and a smart ass. Still is. But he was loyal and a host of other things. My brother was another one. The rest were just friends in passing. People knowing me but me not knowing them was common.
When and with whom was your first kiss? This big booty bitch named Stacy in 5th grade. She was in 7th. I counted her as my first kiss because them other lil kisses was nothing compared to that.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Absolutely not. I lost it in 8th grade to my homeboy’s big sister.
Describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today. After my brother died, I shut down. Nothing was worth experiencing without my him with me. I briefly dropped out of school unbeknownst to my parents and that’s when I got introduced to the trap. I started doing runs for the big guy and the money was good. That lasted for almost 8 years until the last time my parents had to bail me out of jail and gave me an ultimatum that was far worse than the one from the judge.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? The grand opening of my shoe store.
Who has had the most influence on you? My family
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Graduating from college
What is your greatest regret? Letting my dad down and making my mama cry.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done? I can’t say.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind? Absolutely.
When was the time you were the most frightened? When I thought I would get 10 years in the feds.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? I had a wet dream while taking a nap at school and messed up my pants.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? I’d have my brother here with me to make life worth living.
What is your best memory? Going to Disneyland when I was like 10 with my family.
What is your worst memory? I have too many.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
What is your greatest fear? My parents dying, because then I’d really be alone.
What are your religious views? Organized religion isn’t for me, but I believe in the higher power.
What are your political views? I’m for what’s right.
What are your views on sex? Sex is a choice and should never be anything otherwise.
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? Yes. Various reasons but most importantly to protect.
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Hurt a child.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? Yeah eventually
What do you believe makes a successful life? Being able to change another person’s life.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? Depends on the recipient and the circumstance
Do you have any biases or prejudices? Of course.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? Yeah, I still have a conscience and I believe in karma.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? My family.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? I’m good to people as long as they’re good to me. My vibe depends on yours.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why? My mom, she’s a gem.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why? My father, he deserves it.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. Isaiah & Hendrix. They’re my greater thirds. They get me.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. My wife’s name is Krystal. She’s amazing and beautiful and patient and I don’t deserve her.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. Yeah, but then the government told us to cut that shit short.
What do you look for in a potential lover? Everything I see between my parents. Patience, love, sacrifice, honesty, shit like that.
How close are you to your family? Very, they’re all I have.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? No, not yet and I just haven’t found the right person or it just wasn’t the right time. But soon.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? Hendrix
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? Not really. I would say my parents but I feel like they’ve done all the protecting they could.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you? I wish I knew.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why? Nobody that I can think of.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I avoid conflict. I know what I’m capable of when upset, so it’s always best for me to avoid.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? Somewhat. Just depends if I become too uncomfortable I have to do something to fix it then.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? No, I have to people watch in order to become comfortable in social settings. I can’t watch too many people.
Do you care what others think of you? Only those that I love.
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? I like to draw now, spend time with my peeps, try different strains of weed, nap.
What is your most treasured possession? My store, Urban Soles
What is your favorite color? Black
What is your favorite food? Anything with shrimp. or wings.
What, if anything, do you like to read? The 48 Laws of Power
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)? Music of course, I love watching movies. If I watch a series it has to have completed seasons, if I can’t binge I dont want it.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? I smoke weed and drink when I’m out. It’s not out of control but I don’t plan on stopping.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night? If I’m not with my wife now, I’m out with the boys, probably at Zay’s club.
What makes you laugh? Any and everything to be honest.
What, if anything, shocks or offends you? Rude mfs, bullies, people that are just unnecessarily disrespectful.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? Wake up my wife. Watch Netflix. Eat. Scroll social media.
How do you deal with stress? Smoke, drink, sleep.
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? Spontaneous.
What are your pet peeves? People eating crunchy things, metal scraping metal, crowded spaces, poorly laced shoes, my time being wasted, people that are late on my time.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted? I wake up bout 8 or 9. Check emails for the most part. Stuff my face. Go to the store and handle bidness. Make time for food a few times throughout the day and then come back home.
What is your greatest strength as a person? I’m reliable and always come through.
What is your greatest weakness? I don’t always know how to say no.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My temper.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted? I’m in between.
Are you generally organized or messy? Organized for the most part.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. I’m good at getting my way, making others happy annnnd drawing. I’m terrible at lying, singing and admitting when I’m wrong.
Do you like yourself? Yeah, I’m cool.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? Franchising my business.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself being a father, happily married. Having a second store, maybe 3rd. Happy, healthy.
If you could choose, how would you want to die? Peacefully in my sleep.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. Update my will, write letters to everyone I love, sleep.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? My big heart.
What three words best describe your personality? Random, Spontaneous, Protective
What three words would others probably use to describe you? Annoying, Funny, Mannish
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? Don’t be scared to be who you supposed to be. If they don’t fuck with it, fuck em.
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forgcdstrength · 4 years ago
Jasmine Ababwa
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Face-claim: Naomi Scott
Status: semi-active
Orientation: heteromantic heterosexual
Jasmine is from the Middle Eastern kingdom of Agrabah where her father, the Sultan, rules. Jasmine was born into a role and society that treats her as an object and a tool, rather than a person. As such, she lived much of her young life with the desire to break away from such confines and live a life where she is respected as an individual and free to make her own choices.
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah, residing in the kingdom’s massive palace alongside her father, and loyal, yet overprotective pet tiger, Rajah, whom she found years before the events of the film, believing him to be a spiritual gift from her deceased mother (who would tell her stories about the “star tiger” named Rajah). Because of her status as a princess, unfortunately, Jasmine is forbidden to ever leave the palace walls, spending her life sheltered within the confines of the royal home. Despite living a lavished life, Jasmine often feels suffocated by the laws of her kingdom, which restricts her from socializing with her subjects, as well as forcing her into unjust practices, such as forced marriages. These restrictions have ultimately prevented Jasmine from making any connections, as she states she’s never had any real friends, aside from Rajah. The restrictions have also left Jasmine with the desire to see the world and experience life outside of being a sheltered princess, which would eventually result in meeting Aladdin.
Despite her strong relationship with her father, Jasmine’s mother, the Sultana, is rarely mentioned throughout the franchise. She once told Jasmine stories of “Rajah, the star tiger” as mentioned above, and this would lead to the naming of Jasmine’s new tiger cub, whom the young princess believed to be a gift from her mother. Whenever Jasmine would long for her mother, the princess would sit on her balcony and stargaze for a while. The legacy of Jasmine’s mother played a fairly large role in her life, with the Sultan mentioning seeing his wife in his daughter, specifically through Jasmine’s relationship with her mother’s horse, Sahara.
Jasmine is a rather multi-layered character; incredibly independent and strong in many ways. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, no matter who she’s up against; whether it be her father, Jafar, or some other villain corrupting Agrabah, Jasmine won’t hesitate to stand up for what’s right, mostly for the safety of others as opposed to herself. This aspect of her character is greatly explored in the television series, where it is shown that Jasmine is very much ruler of Agrabah alongside her father, as opposed to the stereotypical princess that merely sits around on the sidelines. She is shown to take part in most of the political disputes and conversations, often gives suggestions on how to make peace (which, more often than not, come out successful) and is shown to have the same amount of respect her father earns.
Aside from this, Jasmine is extremely compassionate and caring whether towards her kingdom, her family, her friends, and especially Aladdin, whom she treats as a best friend, as well as a lover. Together, the two share a strong bond, always open to each other’s tendencies and ideals, and always looking out for one another. She’s also a heavy influence on the former street rat’s life and usually stands as his primary motivation in reforming himself for the better.
As mentioned before, Jasmine cares a great deal about her kingdom, and has shown to sacrifice herself many times for the safety of her subjects. It is shown that Jasmine has an outstanding desire to contribute to her kingdom, in ways that don’t include flaunting her status as a princess.
However, Jasmine is not without her flaws and foibles. She can, at times, be too fussy and opinionated, as well as incredibly stubborn. She can also speak without thinking from time to time. Several times she is shown to have a difficult time accepting when she’s wrong, especially to Aladdin in an attempt to deflate his sometimes-prominent ego. She can also act before she thinks things through, as she was willing to leave the palace without knowing the difference in customs between commoners and royalty; this is evidenced by her donating an apple to a child without paying for it. Even so, she realizes her mistakes in the long run, and makes amends for whatever trouble she may cause, no matter the scale or circumstance.
A rather famous portion of Jasmine’s personality is also her sassy and seductive ways. Being as opinionated and confident as she is, she’s never afraid to give a sarcastic quip or use her sex appeal to cunningly get the better of her antagonists; she shares this trait with Aladdin, in that she is witty and quick-thinking, even under pressure. This would especially come in handy during a period of time in which several suitors (most of which were sexist and greedy) would visit the palace in hopes of marrying the princess. This ties into Jasmine’s self-defense methods, which are coupled by the protective Rajah, who acts as a bodyguard for the princess on occasions, much to Jasmine’s amusement and delight.
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah. By law of the time, Jasmine must be married to a prince by her next birthday, which is in three more days. The Sultan is angered and frustrated when she continues to reject the various suitors that approach her—even going as far as to allow Rajah to attack them. She is unwilling to marry any of the princes her father suggests, as she proclaims she will only marry, if she decides to marry, for the sake of love, rather than for wealth, power, and tradition, finding the practice demeaning and sexist. Her opinion is validated through the arrogant Prince Achmed, who represents the other princes that have approached the princess, being snobbish and narcissistic. She also alludes to the fact that suitors see her as a mere prize to be won, a man’s possession, rather than their equal lover. She continues with the distress that she’s never had any friends throughout her lifetime, save for Rajah and that she hasn’t even been outside the palace walls, believing she should be allowed the chance to experience life, before being forced into marriage. Though the Sultan shows sympathy, he reveals partial enforcement of the law has to do with his hopes that one of the suitors will be around to provide for his daughter once he eventually passes on, though this isn’t enough to sway Jasmine’s opinions.
Eventually, Jasmine runs away from home, in the disguise of a peasant, but having never been outside the palace before, she inadvertently gets into trouble when she gives an apple to a young boy without paying for it. Before the merchant can punish her by amputating her hand, a street urchin named Aladdin quickly steps in and saves her by claiming that Jasmine is his mentally-ill sister. Jasmine plays along, pretending that she believes Abu to be the Sultan, and that a camel is her doctor. Aladdin leads Jasmine to his home, where they talk and continuously connect. Aladdin reveals his wish to escape the struggles of being a “street rat”, while Jasmine wishes for freedom. They both come to realize they have a lot in common by feeling “trapped” in the life they were born into. Jasmine and Aladdin begin to develop romantic feelings for each other and lean to share a kiss, but the royal guards led by Razoul suddenly arrive. They try to escape, but are surrounded, eventually leading to Aladdin’s arrest. Jasmine reveals herself to the guards as the princess and demands that they release Aladdin. Razoul, however, explains that he is doing so on Jafar’s orders, and Aladdin’s freedom must be granted by him.
Jasmine returns to the palace and confronts Jafar, demanding reasoning behind Aladdin’s arrest, to which the Royal Vizier replies by claiming that Aladdin was charged with kidnapping the princess. Jasmine explains she wasn’t kidnapped, but willingly ran away, only to learn that Aladdin cannot be released on account that his sentence has already been carried out—death by beheading, meaning he’s already been executed. Shaken, a saddened and furious Jasmine leaves the room and mourns the loss of her only friend from outside the palace, feeling extreme guilt over his death, and falling into a depressed state. The Sultan comforts Jasmine upon learning the story of Aladdin and her outing, and chastises Jafar on the matter. Though an apology is given, Jasmine holds a grudge against the Vizier, swearing to “get rid of him” once she becomes Queen of the kingdom. Unbeknownst to Jasmine, Aladdin is alive, and was sent to the Cave of Wonders to retrieve a lamp by orders of a disguised Jafar. Aladdin ends up trapped within the cave during the mission, with the lamp, and subsequently, releases a Genie and becomes his master.
After Aladdin’s wish to become a prince is granted to him by the Genie, he visits Jasmine in the guise of ‘Prince Ali Ababwa’. She initially believes him to be just another arrogant suitor, after hearing 'Prince Ali’ speak to the Sultan about his intentions to “win Jasmine.” After a rather disastrous meeting on Jasmine’s balcony, Ali is able to convince Jasmine to go for a ride on his Magic Carpet. During the ride, Jasmine falls in love with Ali, but Jasmine soon sees through the former’s disguise, after noticing that Prince Ali had the same habits as the market boy she had met. Later, after carpet takes the two to watch some fireworks in China, she tricks him into revealing the truth. She is, at first, angered at the lie, feeling demeaned, but Ali claims that he sometimes dresses up as a commoner to “escape the pressures of palace life,” which she relates to, softening her attitude and leading to forgiveness. She is then taken back to the palace and the two share their first kiss together, proclaiming their romantic relationship.
In her bedroom, a peaceful Jasmine silently contemplates over her growing affections for Ali, just when her father arrives and claims to have chosen a husband for her: Royal Vizier Jafar. As Jafar shows his excitement over the idea of having Jasmine as his wife, the princess shows her disgust, telling her father that she’s chosen Ali as her suitor, though Jafar claims “Prince Ali left”. Just then, Ali arrives and accuses Jafar of trying to have the former killed. Jafar scoffs at the accusations, and the Sultan suspiciously agrees, much to Jasmine’s confusion. Unbeknown to Jasmine, the Sultan was being controlled by Jafar’s Snake Staff, which Ali takes notice of, and destroys to successfully free the Sultan. Ali then reveals that Jafar has been controlling the Sultan with it with Jasmine realizing this is why her father was acting so strange. With Jafar revealed to be a traitor, he is confronted by Jasmine, Ali, and the Sultan as the guards arrive to apprehend the former vizier, though he manages to escape. The Sultan was initially distraught at the situation, but his despair is immediately lifted upon realizing that Jasmine has finally chosen her suitor in Ali. The Sultan immediately gives the couple his blessings and informs them that they will be married as soon as possible, also revealing that Ali will then become the next Sultan once they are wed. However, unknown to either the Sultan or Jasmine, Ali was disturbed by the news, feeling guilty for lying about his identity, as well as feeling undeserving of such power, and Jasmine’s love.
The following day, the Sultan announces Ali and Jasmine’s engagement in front of the palace. Jasmine is delighted to have her engagement announced, as she is happy to have found someone who truly loves her. She watches from behind the curtains as her father gives his speech, and soon takes note of Ali’s arrival by preparing him to make his appearance to the crowd. Just then, Jafar arrives and takes control of the kingdom, having stolen control of the lamp. Though her father cowers in fear, Jasmine refuses to obey Jafar’s commands as Sultan, prompting him to use his next wish to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He then uses his new abilities to forcefully have the two former rulers bow to him. Once Ali rushes in to protect Jasmine, Jafar sadistically reveals the supposed Prince as a fraud. Aladdin struggles to explain the truth to a confused Jasmine, having made an attempt to do so earlier, but Jafar separates the two, sending Aladdin to freeze to death at the ends of the Earth, while Jasmine and the Sultan are left to suffer his wrath in a dystopian Agrabah.
In the palace, Jafar is seen lounging and watching in amusement as Iago tortures the dethroned Sultan (now a jester) and a horrified Jasmine (now Jafar’s chained slave) is forced to watch, begging for her father to be spared, which Jafar eventually obliges to. He then turns his attention towards Jasmine and proposes to have her become his queen, transforming her chains into a tiara for her. She hotly refuses, soaking the tyrant with a glass of wine, and angering him to the point of near physical abuse, though a sudden breakthrough stops him from doing so. This breakthrough, as it would turn out, is to use his final wish to have Jasmine fall desperately in love with him. The Genie tries to explain that his magic cannot be used to make people fall in love, but the impatient Jafar refuses to listen, confronting his minion. Meanwhile, Jasmine spots Aladdin in the distance, alive, and plotting to steal back the lamp. To provide him the opportunity to do so, Jasmine manipulates Jafar into believing she’s fallen madly in love with him, and seductively keeps his attention away from the lurking Aladdin. Iago notices this and tries to alert Jafar, but Abu prevents this, resulting in a scuffle between the two that causes enough commotion to briefly grab Jafar’s attention, forcing Jasmine, out of desperation, to turn him back to her with a kiss. The sight stuns Aladdin, distracting him from the matter at hand. Once Jasmine and Jafar break the kiss, the latter spots Aladdin’s reflection in Jasmine’s tiara, and immediately attacks.
A battle follows, and as Aladdin and Jafar confront one another, Jasmine goes for the lamp, only to be imprisoned in a giant hourglass by Jafar. With sand slowly filling the glass, Jafar uses Jasmine’s oncoming death to distract Aladdin, who simultaneously tries to retrieve the lamp and save Jasmine. Aladdin ultimately manages to defeat Jafar by imprisoning him within his own lamp (after tricking Jafar into wishing he was an all-powerful genie, without realizing the rules and regulations that come with such power), thus saving the kingdom and freeing Jasmine and the Sultan, returning them to their normal appearances. Once Jafar is defeated and peace is restored, Aladdin apologizes for his lies, though Jasmine ultimately forgives him, grieving over the fact that they can’t be together now that the truth has been revealed as a result of the law. The Genie, however, comforts the couple and urges that Aladdin uses his last wish to regain his princely status. The street rat declines this, however, keeping his promise to the Genie by using the final wish to set him free. Believing Aladdin has proven his worth by saving the kingdom, despite not being a prince, the Sultan decides to abolish the law, declaring the princess is free to marry whomever she deems worthy. With this newfound statement, Jasmine immediately chooses Aladdin, showing that she truly loves him and a celebration is held as the two proclaim their love and bid farewell to the Genie, who decides to take advantage of his freedom by going off to see the world.
In The Return of Jafar, Jasmine begins to question her choice in Aladdin, wondering if he was trustworthy enough after he defends Iago, Jafar’s former pet parrot who had terrorized her father. She quickly gets over these questions with Iago’s help, when he reminds her of how much she loves Aladdin and using reverse psychology and calling her bluff in the song “Forget About Love”.
Jasmine apologizes to Iago soon after when he suggests Aladdin and the Sultan go for a carpet ride together (which is, in fact, a trap), and her kindness almost prompts Iago into a confession, but Jafar scares him into silence before Iago can say anything further.
She is later captured by Jafar, who magically impersonates her in an attempt to have Aladdin killed off by framing him for the Sultan’s murder and having him executed by Razoul via beheading. It seems to be primarily her disappointment and anger at Iago which finally prompts him to help free Genie. Jasmine finally accepts Iago as a friend after he helps defeat Jafar for good. At the end of the film, Jasmine goes with Aladdin to see the world.
In Aladdin and the King of Thieves, she and Aladdin are finally about to wed when their wedding is interrupted by the Forty Thieves. During the fight, Jasmine personally knocks one of the thieves out cold with a single punch, before angrily telling him, “That was for ruining my wedding!” After learning what they were after, Aladdin finds out from the Oracle that his father, Cassim, is still alive. Jasmine convinces him to seek out his father, and that their wedding can be delayed a little bit longer.
While he is away, Jasmine grows worried and Genie cheers her up by dressing her in bridal outfits (And comically posing as many iconic celebrities and movie characters, one of which Robin Williams himself played the role of). When Aladdin returns with Cassim, she and the Sultan take an immediate liking to him. However, he later tries to steal the Oracle, and is put in prison; Aladdin helps him escape, but comes back to face his punishment. Jasmine and the Genie convince the Sultan that he helped his father out of love. At that moment, Iago (who was with Cassim) returns, telling them that Cassim has been captured by Sa'luk and the remaining Thieves.
Jasmine goes with Aladdin to rescue his father, and afterward they return for their wedding, which Cassim attends from the shadows. They go for a ride on Carpet, waving good-bye to the Merchant and Iago and Cassim as they ride off into their happily ever after.
Princess of My Own Destiny: Disney verse
Queen of a State: Descendants verse
Princess of Ponies and Problems: Once Upon A Time verse, where Jasmine was cursed to believe herself to be Jessica Allen, the owner of the livery stable in Storybrooke.
Road Less Traveled: any other AU threads
Boldly Go: (Star Trek) command track lieutenant commander
Starter Call
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
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    From The Desk Of Dr. Steve G. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Do you often think of how life could be better?
Do you wonder why some people seem to have an extremely easy time creating and attracting wealth, all the time?
Do you feel as if something is holding you back and you just can’t put a finger as to what it is?
And – do you struggle with financial difficulties and feel that things are only bound to get worse considering how the economy is faring right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answers that you seek are not far ahead

Ever since the book and the DVD of The Secret came out, millions of people around the world have learned about the singular law that dictates creation in the world as we know it. I’m talking about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is as old as the Universe itself
When the Universe was born there was only one force that allowed whole planets to form from the chaos – that force was singular and unmatched in its strength and universality.
This singular, primeval force was the law of attraction. Without the law of attraction creation would be impossible – period. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are aware of it or not, it works nonstop in your life and is responsible for everything that you have right now.
The Law of Attraction is the secret chance for you to get ALL the wealth that you will ever want
 And you don’t have to do it alone.
The Universe, no less, will be by your side as you begin achieving your wealth-related goals one by one!
Millions of people call the Law of Attraction the discovery of the century because it has been used to:
Manifest wealth and material abundance
Open up massive opportunities for personal and financial growth
Discover new windows for wealth-creation
Attract the right circumstances at the right time
 Things just click into place!
Develop the correct mindset for attracting wealth and good business
Uncover ripe markets that are just waiting for people who want the wealth
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Stories of success are all over the Internet
 Let’s look at how people are using the Law of Attraction to consciously influence the material world to conform to their desires!
A 5’4” girl getting more modelling gigs than she ever dreamed of – moving up quickly in her professional world, she soon became a partner in a robust new modelling company in the same city where she lived.
A mother of three who has already attracted two dream houses (she got her 2nd dream house after she figured out the colors and all the other details) and as a massive bonus she was able to attract health was able to leave the nightmarish world of Celiac disease
An award-winning author (clue – he was one of the writers of the Secret!) who used the LOA to pick himself up financially and emotionally after many devastating events in his life. He speaks of his first $10,000 payday and other manifesting miracles in his many books on the law of attraction.
A man who had wanted to mine the precious metal gold all his life. He left the country, drawn by a strange attraction to another country. Within a week of living in the new country, a man approached him and asked him if he wanted to help establish a gold mining partnership. Long story short, he manifested the dream business when he started using the Law of Attraction!
A man wanted to buy a truck that was way above his ability to pay. He visualized owning the truck via the LOA and within 30 days the dealership gave him a deal so good that he was able to bring home the truck that week. This man has continued using the LOA technique to get other things he wanted – because these transactions give him extreme satisfaction!
Another award-winning author shared his success with the LOA by stating that his first one million dollars was manifested during a time when people already doubted his vision
 He didn’t care – he went ahead and consciously created his first 1 million dollars! Today this man is well known in the circles of Law of Attraction and he has levelled up once again with the release of new products that help people manifest miracles in everyday life.
A woman was disillusioned by her studies and felt like she was heading down the wrong direction. She came across one of our books on the Law of Attraction and after a while she decided that she wanted to pursue her true love – designing and creating jewellery. Today she is earning far more than she expected from her passion and she couldn’t be happier. She is wealthy financially and spiritually.
These are just a few of the amazing things people are manifesting. They are testament to the reality of the Law of Attraction and these personal correspondences show that Law of Attraction does indeed influence our lives at various levels.
Life without financial obstacles
Life without the fear of experiencing poverty
Life without hesitations and anxieties about the future
Life filled with so much promise that you are always happy!
LIFE as we know it can be beautiful and bountiful – the Universe wants you to experience all these things if you really want them!
I discovered the power of the Law of Attraction myself early in my career as a clinical hypnotherapist

And I was never the same. It gave me so much joy and satisfaction that I wanted to share the great knowledge with people around the world.
Before the Secret, there was the Law.
I know that the Law of Attraction will work for you because

You understand the value of hard work and conscious creation
You have chosen to become a conscious creator by paying full attention to this letter
The Law of Attraction has helped me establish a successful hypnotherapy practice, a professional hypnotherapy association, and a successful commercial platform that sells thousands of blockbuster hypnosis recordings. The law of attraction has also helped me publish dozens of publications that has helped thousands of people in the US and beyond.
The Law of Attraction works whether you have tried LOA before and have failed or if you just want to try this technique for the first time.
Millions of people can attest that the Law of Attraction is real and right now, the Universe is counting down the days and weeks needed to manifest your wealth.
Through years of research and refinement I have been able to create what could be the most concise guide to the Law of Attraction.
Manifesting Wealth is close to my heart because it speaks of how any person can make this life one hundred percent better without having to rely on crazy, get rich quick schemes.
Your partner in getting rich is the Universe itself when you use the Law of Attraction. Are you ready?
Here’s a taste of what you will find inside

Manifesting Wealth is presents a wealth of valuable information on the Law of Attraction and how you can use the LOA to change your life forever. This exclusive program is not found anywhere else but this website and is covered by our ironclad guarantee. It’s time to see how Manifesting Wealth can help you achieve your financial goals and more!
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Module 1
How the minds of the rich and wealthy work
Setting the solid foundation of a wealthy mind
Dealing with possibilities and realities
The single most important factor that defines your life
How to intensify the power of your life’s purpose
How to rebuild your life and career around new ideas
Radically transform your perception of reality to accommodate abundance
The importance of changing lenses and having internal dialogs
The role of happiness in conscious creation
What to do with challenges, big and small
The role of passion in the grand design of the law of attraction
How to find your passion in life
Dealing with obstacles to discovering your true passion
The role of belief in manifesting wealth
The power of belief
The difference between attracting money and working for money
How to multiply your personal manifesting power
Module 2
Dealing with the fear of failure
How determined are you?
Measuring determination and success
Overcoming obstacles to wealth – the Universe wants you to succeed!
How to erase doubt in one’s abilities and skills
The fine line that separates wealth and poverty
How to create a new you that is completely liberated from society’s mental shackles
Determining who is the real driver in your life
How to conquer the largest challenges – it’s simpler than you think!
Mind control through meditation
Aligning yourself with the Universe
Piecing together the roles of emotions and thoughts in conscious creation
Identifying genuine emotions and how these are affecting your ability to manifest wealth and goodness in your life
How to create the reasons that will drive reality to conform to your desires
What role does the law of attraction play in our lives?
What is the nature of the law of attraction?
How experiences and emotions affect the quality of your conscious creations
The role of thankfulness in conscious creation – why must we be thankful?
When should you start enjoying manifesting wealth?
Module 3
How to build your support system
The traits of a good support system
Identifying worthy members of your support system
What should a support system do?
The power of strategic networking
Who should you be seeking and befriending?
Uncovering secret opportunities and hidden stashes of abundance
Planning ahead – what to do with all the wealth?
Developing new career goals
Dealing with the career ladder (again)
Should you change jobs?
The importance of advancement opportunities for career-oriented individuals
Honing new skills
Taking advantage of continuous education and free learning
Ending limiting beliefs and building your confidence
The correct way of pursuing goals
Do you know how to set worthy goals?
Creating the perfect strategy for financial independence
The role of mentors and experts in your life
Where are your dreams right now?
The importance of pursuing dreams when manifesting endless wealth
Module 4
How to start a Gratitude Journal
A guide to reflection and thankfulness – an exercise in conscious creation (receiving and being thankful)
Are you giving yourself enough credit for all your hard work?
Appreciating the Universe and hidden blessings
Deepening the impact of gratitude in your life
Can nature help you consciously create wealth?
Recognizing the signs of your success
Small success and big successes
Developing your ability to appreciate life and the world around you
Module 5
Discover how visualization can help create or manifest material wealth and abundance
How to create worthy goals with the help of the Law of Attraction
Intensifying emotional associations of worthy goals
How your emotions affect what the Universe reflects back to you
Vibrational energies and how they work
Activating the region of the brain responsible for conscious creation
How to create a never-ending torrent of wealth through creative visualization
Vision boarding or how to paint the life of your dreams
Supporting the imagination and bridging reality and your desires – vision boards are your desires with a physical foothold in your reality
Why vision boards are important to conscious creation
The brain’s reaction – what happens when you use the Law of Attraction?
Where to put the vision boards for maximum impact
How meditation can help conscious creation
Designing the perfect meditation session for manifesting wealth
What to do during the meditation
Positioning yourself into the imagined to mold and shape physical reality
How to create the perfect mind movies
Finding the exact path that will give you the wealth that you desire
Module 6
Tracking down the obstacles to your success
What is really holding you back?
The blocked path – obliterating stumbling blocks to genuine wealth
How and when to take action when obstacles are identified
The Three Negatives that will completely negate every ounce of positive effort and desire and will render your goal useless
Situating yourself in the realm of the real – how to open the floodgates of wealth
The reverse rule of positivity and negativity in the world of the Law of Attraction
What do negatives attract?
What do positive attract?
Does the magnetic theory hold true for the Law of Attraction as well?
Change your life to change your wealth
The role of lifestyle in wealth creation
How the Universe distributes wealth depending on desires expressed by a person’s actions and drives
How to act after you have asked the Universe something
Does fear prevent conscious creation?
Breaking down fear and blocking it from your life forever
Should conscious creators take chances or not?
Does risk play a role in success when a person is manifesting?
The leap of faith and why it matters
Relying on yourself for motivation
Changing how your subconscious mind works
Is your own mind sabotaging your chances of success?
Modifying negatives once you discover them
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Module 7
Are your personal associations and relationships destroying your wealth?
Dealing with friends and family members who are attracting problems and not wealth
Dealing with people who constantly remind you that you cannot attract more wealth due to one reason or another
How to be more selective with the things that you see/hear/read
What kind of reading materials and multimedia are best for conscious creation and manifesting wealth?
Discovering the importance of focused material
Defining your position in relation to the wealthy and materially abundant
What kind of crowd should you belong to?
Do friends and colleagues have an effect on manifesting wealth?
Modelling excellence and learning from the experiences of others
Remodelling your mind through external influences
Who should you listen to and how to use the new information?
What to do when new options begin to open up
People as channels of wealth creation and conscious creation
The various levels of manifestation and how wealth can result from tapping into these different levels of conscious creation
How to listen to the Universe – what should you be looking for when your plans are finally in action?
Uncover the secrets of picking out pockets of abundance; they are all around us!
Module 8
How to sustain all the wealth that has been given to you by the Universe
Planning for long term growth
The 2 keys that are right in front of your eyes that will ensure the continuous increase of your personal wealth
How to pick healthy investments that will assure continued success
Expert tips on amassing a large personal fortune
Creating a business of your own
How to sustain and improve your business
How to appreciate the new wealth that you have now
How appreciation goes hand in hand with consumption
Should you be afraid of spending money?
Does wealth recoil from consumption?
How generosity increases your wealth and improves your life
The true nature of abundance
In the end, the only thing standing between you and the life that you deserve is not knowing how to use the Law of Attraction to your full advantage.
Can you stand to wait another day to fulfill your destiny and achieve your biggest passions in life?
Or are you ready for the biggest rewards of life?
The answer is up to you
 But remember: the Universe doesn’t like to wait!
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Your Friend & Partner in Success,
Dr. Steve G. Jones
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PPPS. And don’t forget our 60-day ironclad guarantee. Read about it after you get the Manifesting Wealth here.To recap, you will be getting a comprehensive and unbeatable guide to one of the most exciting discoveries of the 21st century – the Law of Attraction.
In addition to this you will be learning the intricate tasks needed to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. Every angle is considered and you will gain full access to all materials needed to manifest your personal fortune. Get Manifesting Wealth safely & securely now!
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fcrgedstrcngth · 7 years ago
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Face-claim: animated/Aishwarya Rai for live action
Status: semi-active
Jasmine is from the Middle Eastern kingdom of Agrabah where her father, the Sultan, rules. Jasmine was born into a role and society that treats her as an object and a tool, rather than a person. As such, she lived much of her young life with the desire to break away from such confines and live a life where she is respected as an individual and free to make her own choices.
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah, residing in the kingdom’s massive palace alongside her father, and loyal, yet overprotective pet tiger, Rajah, whom she found years before the events of the film, believing him to be a spiritual gift from her deceased mother (who would tell her stories about the “star tiger” named Rajah). Because of her status as a princess, unfortunately, Jasmine is forbidden to ever leave the palace walls, spending her life sheltered within the confines of the royal home. Despite living a lavished life, Jasmine often feels suffocated by the laws of her kingdom, which restricts her from socializing with her subjects, as well as forcing her into unjust practices, such as forced marriages. These restrictions have ultimately prevented Jasmine from making any connections, as she states she’s never had any real friends, aside from Rajah. The restrictions have also left Jasmine with the desire to see the world and experience life outside of being a sheltered princess, which would eventually result in meeting Aladdin.
Despite her strong relationship with her father, Jasmine’s mother, the Sultana, is rarely mentioned throughout the franchise. She once told Jasmine stories of “Rajah, the star tiger” as mentioned above, and this would lead to the naming of Jasmine’s new tiger cub, whom the young princess believed to be a gift from her mother. Whenever Jasmine would long for her mother, the princess would sit on her balcony and stargaze for a while. The legacy of Jasmine’s mother played a fairly large role in her life, with the Sultan mentioning seeing his wife in his daughter, specifically through Jasmine’s relationship with her mother’s horse, Sahara.
Jasmine is a rather multi-layered character; incredibly independent and strong in many ways. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, no matter who she’s up against; whether it be her father, Jafar, or some other villain corrupting Agrabah, Jasmine won’t hesitate to stand up for what’s right, mostly for the safety of others as opposed to herself. This aspect of her character is greatly explored in the television series, where it is shown that Jasmine is very much ruler of Agrabah alongside her father, as opposed to the stereotypical princess that merely sits around on the sidelines. She is shown to take part in most of the political disputes and conversations, often gives suggestions on how to make peace (which, more often than not, come out successful) and is shown to have the same amount of respect her father earns.
Aside from this, Jasmine is extremely compassionate and caring whether towards her kingdom, her family, her friends, and especially Aladdin, whom she treats as a best friend, as well as a lover. Together, the two share a strong bond, always open to each other’s tendencies and ideals, and always looking out for one another. She’s also a heavy influence on the former street rat’s life and usually stands as his primary motivation in reforming himself for the better.
As mentioned before, Jasmine cares a great deal about her kingdom, and has shown to sacrifice herself many times for the safety of her subjects. It is shown that Jasmine has an outstanding desire to contribute to her kingdom, in ways that don’t include flaunting her status as a princess.
However, Jasmine is not without her flaws and foibles. She can, at times, be too fussy and opinionated, as well as incredibly stubborn. She can also speak without thinking from time to time. Several times she is shown to have a difficult time accepting when she’s wrong, especially to Aladdin in an attempt to deflate his sometimes-prominent ego. She can also act before she thinks things through, as she was willing to leave the palace without knowing the difference in customs between commoners and royalty; this is evidenced by her donating an apple to a child without paying for it. Even so, she realizes her mistakes in the long run, and makes amends for whatever trouble she may cause, no matter the scale or circumstance.
A rather famous portion of Jasmine’s personality is also her sassy and seductive ways. Being as opinionated and confident as she is, she’s never afraid to give a sarcastic quip or use her sex appeal to cunningly get the better of her antagonists; she shares this trait with Aladdin, in that she is witty and quick-thinking, even under pressure. This would especially come in handy during a period of time in which several suitors (most of which were sexist and greedy) would visit the palace in hopes of marrying the princess. This ties into Jasmine’s self-defense methods, which are coupled by the protective Rajah, who acts as a bodyguard for the princess on occasions, much to Jasmine’s amusement and delight.
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah. By law of the time, Jasmine must be married to a prince by her next birthday, which is in three more days. The Sultan is angered and frustrated when she continues to reject the various suitors that approach her—even going as far as to allow Rajah to attack them. She is unwilling to marry any of the princes her father suggests, as she proclaims she will only marry, if she decides to marry, for the sake of love, rather than for wealth, power, and tradition, finding the practice demeaning and sexist. Her opinion is validated through the arrogant Prince Achmed, who represents the other princes that have approached the princess, being snobbish and narcissistic. She also alludes to the fact that suitors see her as a mere prize to be won, a man’s possession, rather than their equal lover. She continues with the distress that she’s never had any friends throughout her lifetime, save for Rajah and that she hasn’t even been outside the palace walls, believing she should be allowed the chance to experience life, before being forced into marriage. Though the Sultan shows sympathy, he reveals partial enforcement of the law has to do with his hopes that one of the suitors will be around to provide for his daughter once he eventually passes on, though this isn’t enough to sway Jasmine’s opinions.
Eventually, Jasmine runs away from home, in the disguise of a peasant, but having never been outside the palace before, she inadvertently gets into trouble when she gives an apple to a young boy without paying for it. Before the merchant can punish her by amputating her hand, a street urchin named Aladdin quickly steps in and saves her by claiming that Jasmine is his mentally-ill sister. Jasmine plays along, pretending that she believes Abu to be the Sultan, and that a camel is her doctor. Aladdin leads Jasmine to his home, where they talk and continuously connect. Aladdin reveals his wish to escape the struggles of being a “street rat”, while Jasmine wishes for freedom. They both come to realize they have a lot in common by feeling “trapped” in the life they were born into. Jasmine and Aladdin begin to develop romantic feelings for each other and lean to share a kiss, but the royal guards led by Razoul suddenly arrive. They try to escape, but are surrounded, eventually leading to Aladdin’s arrest. Jasmine reveals herself to the guards as the princess and demands that they release Aladdin. Razoul, however, explains that he is doing so on Jafar’s orders, and Aladdin’s freedom must be granted by him.
Jasmine returns to the palace and confronts Jafar, demanding reasoning behind Aladdin’s arrest, to which the Royal Vizier replies by claiming that Aladdin was charged with kidnapping the princess. Jasmine explains she wasn’t kidnapped, but willingly ran away, only to learn that Aladdin cannot be released on account that his sentence has already been carried out—death by beheading, meaning he’s already been executed. Shaken, a saddened and furious Jasmine leaves the room and mourns the loss of her only friend from outside the palace, feeling extreme guilt over his death, and falling into a depressed state. The Sultan comforts Jasmine upon learning the story of Aladdin and her outing, and chastises Jafar on the matter. Though an apology is given, Jasmine holds a grudge against the Vizier, swearing to “get rid of him” once she becomes Queen of the kingdom. Unbeknownst to Jasmine, Aladdin is alive, and was sent to the Cave of Wonders to retrieve a lamp by orders of a disguised Jafar. Aladdin ends up trapped within the cave during the mission, with the lamp, and subsequently, releases a Genie and becomes his master.
After Aladdin’s wish to become a prince is granted to him by the Genie, he visits Jasmine in the guise of ‘Prince Ali Ababwa’. She initially believes him to be just another arrogant suitor, after hearing 'Prince Ali’ speak to the Sultan about his intentions to “win Jasmine.” After a rather disastrous meeting on Jasmine’s balcony, Ali is able to convince Jasmine to go for a ride on his Magic Carpet. During the ride, Jasmine falls in love with Ali, but Jasmine soon sees through the former’s disguise, after noticing that Prince Ali had the same habits as the market boy she had met. Later, after carpet takes the two to watch some fireworks in China, she tricks him into revealing the truth. She is, at first, angered at the lie, feeling demeaned, but Ali claims that he sometimes dresses up as a commoner to “escape the pressures of palace life,” which she relates to, softening her attitude and leading to forgiveness. She is then taken back to the palace and the two share their first kiss together, proclaiming their romantic relationship.
In her bedroom, a peaceful Jasmine silently contemplates over her growing affections for Ali, just when her father arrives and claims to have chosen a husband for her: Royal Vizier Jafar. As Jafar shows his excitement over the idea of having Jasmine as his wife, the princess shows her disgust, telling her father that she’s chosen Ali as her suitor, though Jafar claims “Prince Ali left”. Just then, Ali arrives and accuses Jafar of trying to have the former killed. Jafar scoffs at the accusations, and the Sultan suspiciously agrees, much to Jasmine’s confusion. Unbeknown to Jasmine, the Sultan was being controlled by Jafar’s Snake Staff, which Ali takes notice of, and destroys to successfully free the Sultan. Ali then reveals that Jafar has been controlling the Sultan with it with Jasmine realizing this is why her father was acting so strange. With Jafar revealed to be a traitor, he is confronted by Jasmine, Ali, and the Sultan as the guards arrive to apprehend the former vizier, though he manages to escape. The Sultan was initially distraught at the situation, but his despair is immediately lifted upon realizing that Jasmine has finally chosen her suitor in Ali. The Sultan immediately gives the couple his blessings and informs them that they will be married as soon as possible, also revealing that Ali will then become the next Sultan once they are wed. However, unknown to either the Sultan or Jasmine, Ali was disturbed by the news, feeling guilty for lying about his identity, as well as feeling undeserving of such power, and Jasmine’s love.
The following day, the Sultan announces Ali and Jasmine’s engagement in front of the palace. Jasmine is delighted to have her engagement announced, as she is happy to have found someone who truly loves her. She watches from behind the curtains as her father gives his speech, and soon takes note of Ali’s arrival by preparing him to make his appearance to the crowd. Just then, Jafar arrives and takes control of the kingdom, having stolen control of the lamp. Though her father cowers in fear, Jasmine refuses to obey Jafar’s commands as Sultan, prompting him to use his next wish to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He then uses his new abilities to forcefully have the two former rulers bow to him. Once Ali rushes in to protect Jasmine, Jafar sadistically reveals the supposed Prince as a fraud. Aladdin struggles to explain the truth to a confused Jasmine, having made an attempt to do so earlier, but Jafar separates the two, sending Aladdin to freeze to death at the ends of the Earth, while Jasmine and the Sultan are left to suffer his wrath in a dystopian Agrabah.
In the palace, Jafar is seen lounging and watching in amusement as Iago tortures the dethroned Sultan (now a jester) and a horrified Jasmine (now Jafar’s chained slave) is forced to watch, begging for her father to be spared, which Jafar eventually obliges to. He then turns his attention towards Jasmine and proposes to have her become his queen, transforming her chains into a tiara for her. She hotly refuses, soaking the tyrant with a glass of wine, and angering him to the point of near physical abuse, though a sudden breakthrough stops him from doing so. This breakthrough, as it would turn out, is to use his final wish to have Jasmine fall desperately in love with him. The Genie tries to explain that his magic cannot be used to make people fall in love, but the impatient Jafar refuses to listen, confronting his minion. Meanwhile, Jasmine spots Aladdin in the distance, alive, and plotting to steal back the lamp. To provide him the opportunity to do so, Jasmine manipulates Jafar into believing she’s fallen madly in love with him, and seductively keeps his attention away from the lurking Aladdin. Iago notices this and tries to alert Jafar, but Abu prevents this, resulting in a scuffle between the two that causes enough commotion to briefly grab Jafar’s attention, forcing Jasmine, out of desperation, to turn him back to her with a kiss. The sight stuns Aladdin, distracting him from the matter at hand. Once Jasmine and Jafar break the kiss, the latter spots Aladdin’s reflection in Jasmine’s tiara, and immediately attacks.
A battle follows, and as Aladdin and Jafar confront one another, Jasmine goes for the lamp, only to be imprisoned in a giant hourglass by Jafar. With sand slowly filling the glass, Jafar uses Jasmine’s oncoming death to distract Aladdin, who simultaneously tries to retrieve the lamp and save Jasmine. Aladdin ultimately manages to defeat Jafar by imprisoning him within his own lamp (after tricking Jafar into wishing he was an all-powerful genie, without realizing the rules and regulations that come with such power), thus saving the kingdom and freeing Jasmine and the Sultan, returning them to their normal appearances. Once Jafar is defeated and peace is restored, Aladdin apologizes for his lies, though Jasmine ultimately forgives him, grieving over the fact that they can’t be together now that the truth has been revealed as a result of the law. The Genie, however, comforts the couple and urges that Aladdin uses his last wish to regain his princely status. The street rat declines this, however, keeping his promise to the Genie by using the final wish to set him free. Believing Aladdin has proven his worth by saving the kingdom, despite not being a prince, the Sultan decides to abolish the law, declaring the princess is free to marry whomever she deems worthy. With this newfound statement, Jasmine immediately chooses Aladdin, showing that she truly loves him and a celebration is held as the two proclaim their love and bid farewell to the Genie, who decides to take advantage of his freedom by going off to see the world.
In The Return of Jafar, Jasmine begins to question her choice in Aladdin, wondering if he was trustworthy enough after he defends Iago, Jafar’s former pet parrot who had terrorized her father. She quickly gets over these questions with Iago’s help, when he reminds her of how much she loves Aladdin and using reverse psychology and calling her bluff in the song “Forget About Love”.
Jasmine apologizes to Iago soon after when he suggests Aladdin and the Sultan go for a carpet ride together (which is, in fact, a trap), and her kindness almost prompts Iago into a confession, but Jafar scares him into silence before Iago can say anything further.
She is later captured by Jafar, who magically impersonates her in an attempt to have Aladdin killed off by framing him for the Sultan’s murder and having him executed by Razoul via beheading. It seems to be primarily her disappointment and anger at Iago which finally prompts him to help free Genie. Jasmine finally accepts Iago as a friend after he helps defeat Jafar for good. At the end of the film, Jasmine goes with Aladdin to see the world.
In Aladdin and the King of Thieves, she and Aladdin are finally about to wed when their wedding is interrupted by the Forty Thieves. During the fight, Jasmine personally knocks one of the thieves out cold with a single punch, before angrily telling him, “That was for ruining my wedding!” After learning what they were after, Aladdin finds out from the Oracle that his father, Cassim, is still alive. Jasmine convinces him to seek out his father, and that their wedding can be delayed a little bit longer.
While he is away, Jasmine grows worried and Genie cheers her up by dressing her in bridal outfits (And comically posing as many iconic celebrities and movie characters, one of which Robin Williams himself played the role of). When Aladdin returns with Cassim, she and the Sultan take an immediate liking to him. However, he later tries to steal the Oracle, and is put in prison; Aladdin helps him escape, but comes back to face his punishment. Jasmine and the Genie convince the Sultan that he helped his father out of love. At that moment, Iago (who was with Cassim) returns, telling them that Cassim has been captured by Sa'luk and the remaining Thieves.
Jasmine goes with Aladdin to rescue his father, and afterward they return for their wedding, which Cassim attends from the shadows. They go for a ride on Carpet, waving good-bye to the Merchant and Iago and Cassim as they ride off into their happily ever after.
Princess of My Own Destiny: Disney verse
Queen of a State: Descendants verse
Princess of Ponies and Problems: Once Upon A Time verse, where Jasmine was cursed to believe herself to be Jessica Allen, the owner of the livery stable in Storybrooke.
Road Less Traveled: any AU threads
Starter Call
0 notes
evcrafter · 7 years ago
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Face-claim: animated/Aishwarya Rai for live action
Status: semi-active
Jasmine is from the Middle Eastern kingdom of Agrabah where her father, the Sultan, rules. Jasmine was born into a role and society that treats her as an object and a tool, rather than a person. As such, she lived much of her young life with the desire to break away from such confines and live a life where she is respected as an individual and free to make her own choices.
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah, residing in the kingdom's massive palace alongside her father, and loyal, yet overprotective pet tiger, Rajah, whom she found years before the events of the film, believing him to be a spiritual gift from her deceased mother (who would tell her stories about the "star tiger" named Rajah). Because of her status as a princess, unfortunately, Jasmine is forbidden to ever leave the palace walls, spending her life sheltered within the confines of the royal home. Despite living a lavished life, Jasmine often feels suffocated by the laws of her kingdom, which restricts her from socializing with her subjects, as well as forcing her into unjust practices, such as forced marriages. These restrictions have ultimately prevented Jasmine from making any connections, as she states she's never had any real friends, aside from Rajah. The restrictions have also left Jasmine with the desire to see the world and experience life outside of being a sheltered princess, which would eventually result in meeting Aladdin.
Despite her strong relationship with her father, Jasmine's mother, the Sultana, is rarely mentioned throughout the franchise. She once told Jasmine stories of "Rajah, the star tiger" as mentioned above, and this would lead to the naming of Jasmine's new tiger cub, whom the young princess believed to be a gift from her mother. Whenever Jasmine would long for her mother, the princess would sit on her balcony and stargaze for a while. The legacy of Jasmine's mother played a fairly large role in her life, with the Sultan mentioning seeing his wife in his daughter, specifically through Jasmine's relationship with her mother's horse, Sahara.
Jasmine is a rather multi-layered character; incredibly independent and strong in many ways. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, no matter who she's up against; whether it be her father, Jafar, or some other villain corrupting Agrabah, Jasmine won't hesitate to stand up for what's right, mostly for the safety of others as opposed to herself. This aspect of her character is greatly explored in the television series, where it is shown that Jasmine is very much ruler of Agrabah alongside her father, as opposed to the stereotypical princess that merely sits around on the sidelines. She is shown to take part in most of the political disputes and conversations, often gives suggestions on how to make peace (which, more often than not, come out successful) and is shown to have the same amount of respect her father earns.
Aside from this, Jasmine is extremely compassionate and caring whether towards her kingdom, her family, her friends, and especially Aladdin, whom she treats as a best friend, as well as a lover. Together, the two share a strong bond, always open to each other's tendencies and ideals, and always looking out for one another. She's also a heavy influence on the former street rat's life and usually stands as his primary motivation in reforming himself for the better.
As mentioned before, Jasmine cares a great deal about her kingdom, and has shown to sacrifice herself many times for the safety of her subjects. It is shown that Jasmine has an outstanding desire to contribute to her kingdom, in ways that don't include flaunting her status as a princess.
However, Jasmine is not without her flaws and foibles. She can, at times, be too fussy and opinionated, as well as incredibly stubborn. She can also speak without thinking from time to time. Several times she is shown to have a difficult time accepting when she's wrong, especially to Aladdin in an attempt to deflate his sometimes-prominent ego. She can also act before she thinks things through, as she was willing to leave the palace without knowing the difference in customs between commoners and royalty; this is evidenced by her donating an apple to a child without paying for it. Even so, she realizes her mistakes in the long run, and makes amends for whatever trouble she may cause, no matter the scale or circumstance.
A rather famous portion of Jasmine's personality is also her sassy and seductive ways. Being as opinionated and confident as she is, she's never afraid to give a sarcastic quip or use her sex appeal to cunningly get the better of her antagonists; she shares this trait with Aladdin, in that she is witty and quick-thinking, even under pressure. This would especially come in handy during a period of time in which several suitors (most of which were sexist and greedy) would visit the palace in hopes of marrying the princess. This ties into Jasmine's self-defense methods, which are coupled by the protective Rajah, who acts as a bodyguard for the princess on occasions, much to Jasmine's amusement and delight.
Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah. By law of the time, Jasmine must be married to a prince by her next birthday, which is in three more days. The Sultan is angered and frustrated when she continues to reject the various suitors that approach her—even going as far as to allow Rajah to attack them. She is unwilling to marry any of the princes her father suggests, as she proclaims she will only marry, if she decides to marry, for the sake of love, rather than for wealth, power, and tradition, finding the practice demeaning and sexist. Her opinion is validated through the arrogant Prince Achmed, who represents the other princes that have approached the princess, being snobbish and narcissistic. She also alludes to the fact that suitors see her as a mere prize to be won, a man's possession, rather than their equal lover. She continues with the distress that she's never had any friends throughout her lifetime, save for Rajah and that she hasn't even been outside the palace walls, believing she should be allowed the chance to experience life, before being forced into marriage. Though the Sultan shows sympathy, he reveals partial enforcement of the law has to do with his hopes that one of the suitors will be around to provide for his daughter once he eventually passes on, though this isn't enough to sway Jasmine's opinions.
Eventually, Jasmine runs away from home, in the disguise of a peasant, but having never been outside the palace before, she inadvertently gets into trouble when she gives an apple to a young boy without paying for it. Before the merchant can punish her by amputating her hand, a street urchin named Aladdin quickly steps in and saves her by claiming that Jasmine is his mentally-ill sister. Jasmine plays along, pretending that she believes Abu to be the Sultan, and that a camel is her doctor. Aladdin leads Jasmine to his home, where they talk and continuously connect. Aladdin reveals his wish to escape the struggles of being a "street rat", while Jasmine wishes for freedom. They both come to realize they have a lot in common by feeling "trapped" in the life they were born into. Jasmine and Aladdin begin to develop romantic feelings for each other and lean to share a kiss, but the royal guards led by Razoul suddenly arrive. They try to escape, but are surrounded, eventually leading to Aladdin's arrest. Jasmine reveals herself to the guards as the princess and demands that they release Aladdin. Razoul, however, explains that he is doing so on Jafar's orders, and Aladdin's freedom must be granted by him.
Jasmine returns to the palace and confronts Jafar, demanding reasoning behind Aladdin's arrest, to which the Royal Vizier replies by claiming that Aladdin was charged with kidnapping the princess. Jasmine explains she wasn't kidnapped, but willingly ran away, only to learn that Aladdin cannot be released on account that his sentence has already been carried out—death by beheading, meaning he's already been executed. Shaken, a saddened and furious Jasmine leaves the room and mourns the loss of her only friend from outside the palace, feeling extreme guilt over his death, and falling into a depressed state. The Sultan comforts Jasmine upon learning the story of Aladdin and her outing, and chastises Jafar on the matter. Though an apology is given, Jasmine holds a grudge against the Vizier, swearing to "get rid of him" once she becomes Queen of the kingdom. Unbeknownst to Jasmine, Aladdin is alive, and was sent to the Cave of Wonders to retrieve a lamp by orders of a disguised Jafar. Aladdin ends up trapped within the cave during the mission, with the lamp, and subsequently, releases a Genie and becomes his master.
After Aladdin's wish to become a prince is granted to him by the Genie, he visits Jasmine in the guise of 'Prince Ali Ababwa'. She initially believes him to be just another arrogant suitor, after hearing 'Prince Ali' speak to the Sultan about his intentions to "win Jasmine." After a rather disastrous meeting on Jasmine's balcony, Ali is able to convince Jasmine to go for a ride on his Magic Carpet. During the ride, Jasmine falls in love with Ali, but Jasmine soon sees through the former's disguise, after noticing that Prince Ali had the same habits as the market boy she had met. Later, after carpet takes the two to watch some fireworks in China, she tricks him into revealing the truth. She is, at first, angered at the lie, feeling demeaned, but Ali claims that he sometimes dresses up as a commoner to "escape the pressures of palace life," which she relates to, softening her attitude and leading to forgiveness. She is then taken back to the palace and the two share their first kiss together, proclaiming their romantic relationship.
In her bedroom, a peaceful Jasmine silently contemplates over her growing affections for Ali, just when her father arrives and claims to have chosen a husband for her: Royal Vizier Jafar. As Jafar shows his excitement over the idea of having Jasmine as his wife, the princess shows her disgust, telling her father that she's chosen Ali as her suitor, though Jafar claims "Prince Ali left". Just then, Ali arrives and accuses Jafar of trying to have the former killed. Jafar scoffs at the accusations, and the Sultan suspiciously agrees, much to Jasmine's confusion. Unbeknown to Jasmine, the Sultan was being controlled by Jafar's Snake Staff, which Ali takes notice of, and destroys to successfully free the Sultan. Ali then reveals that Jafar has been controlling the Sultan with it with Jasmine realizing this is why her father was acting so strange. With Jafar revealed to be a traitor, he is confronted by Jasmine, Ali, and the Sultan as the guards arrive to apprehend the former vizier, though he manages to escape. The Sultan was initially distraught at the situation, but his despair is immediately lifted upon realizing that Jasmine has finally chosen her suitor in Ali. The Sultan immediately gives the couple his blessings and informs them that they will be married as soon as possible, also revealing that Ali will then become the next Sultan once they are wed. However, unknown to either the Sultan or Jasmine, Ali was disturbed by the news, feeling guilty for lying about his identity, as well as feeling undeserving of such power, and Jasmine's love.
The following day, the Sultan announces Ali and Jasmine's engagement in front of the palace. Jasmine is delighted to have her engagement announced, as she is happy to have found someone who truly loves her. She watches from behind the curtains as her father gives his speech, and soon takes note of Ali's arrival by preparing him to make his appearance to the crowd. Just then, Jafar arrives and takes control of the kingdom, having stolen control of the lamp. Though her father cowers in fear, Jasmine refuses to obey Jafar's commands as Sultan, prompting him to use his next wish to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He then uses his new abilities to forcefully have the two former rulers bow to him. Once Ali rushes in to protect Jasmine, Jafar sadistically reveals the supposed Prince as a fraud. Aladdin struggles to explain the truth to a confused Jasmine, having made an attempt to do so earlier, but Jafar separates the two, sending Aladdin to freeze to death at the ends of the Earth, while Jasmine and the Sultan are left to suffer his wrath in a dystopian Agrabah.
In the palace, Jafar is seen lounging and watching in amusement as Iago tortures the dethroned Sultan (now a jester) and a horrified Jasmine (now Jafar's chained slave) is forced to watch, begging for her father to be spared, which Jafar eventually obliges to. He then turns his attention towards Jasmine and proposes to have her become his queen, transforming her chains into a tiara for her. She hotly refuses, soaking the tyrant with a glass of wine, and angering him to the point of near physical abuse, though a sudden breakthrough stops him from doing so. This breakthrough, as it would turn out, is to use his final wish to have Jasmine fall desperately in love with him. The Genie tries to explain that his magic cannot be used to make people fall in love, but the impatient Jafar refuses to listen, confronting his minion. Meanwhile, Jasmine spots Aladdin in the distance, alive, and plotting to steal back the lamp. To provide him the opportunity to do so, Jasmine manipulates Jafar into believing she's fallen madly in love with him, and seductively keeps his attention away from the lurking Aladdin. Iago notices this and tries to alert Jafar, but Abu prevents this, resulting in a scuffle between the two that causes enough commotion to briefly grab Jafar's attention, forcing Jasmine, out of desperation, to turn him back to her with a kiss. The sight stuns Aladdin, distracting him from the matter at hand. Once Jasmine and Jafar break the kiss, the latter spots Aladdin's reflection in Jasmine's tiara, and immediately attacks.
A battle follows, and as Aladdin and Jafar confront one another, Jasmine goes for the lamp, only to be imprisoned in a giant hourglass by Jafar. With sand slowly filling the glass, Jafar uses Jasmine's oncoming death to distract Aladdin, who simultaneously tries to retrieve the lamp and save Jasmine. Aladdin ultimately manages to defeat Jafar by imprisoning him within his own lamp (after tricking Jafar into wishing he was an all-powerful genie, without realizing the rules and regulations that come with such power), thus saving the kingdom and freeing Jasmine and the Sultan, returning them to their normal appearances. Once Jafar is defeated and peace is restored, Aladdin apologizes for his lies, though Jasmine ultimately forgives him, grieving over the fact that they can't be together now that the truth has been revealed as a result of the law. The Genie, however, comforts the couple and urges that Aladdin uses his last wish to regain his princely status. The street rat declines this, however, keeping his promise to the Genie by using the final wish to set him free. Believing Aladdin has proven his worth by saving the kingdom, despite not being a prince, the Sultan decides to abolish the law, declaring the princess is free to marry whomever she deems worthy. With this newfound statement, Jasmine immediately chooses Aladdin, showing that she truly loves him and a celebration is held as the two proclaim their love and bid farewell to the Genie, who decides to take advantage of his freedom by going off to see the world.
In The Return of Jafar, Jasmine begins to question her choice in Aladdin, wondering if he was trustworthy enough after he defends Iago, Jafar's former pet parrot who had terrorized her father. She quickly gets over these questions with Iago's help, when he reminds her of how much she loves Aladdin and using reverse psychology and calling her bluff in the song "Forget About Love".
Jasmine apologizes to Iago soon after when he suggests Aladdin and the Sultan go for a carpet ride together (which is, in fact, a trap), and her kindness almost prompts Iago into a confession, but Jafar scares him into silence before Iago can say anything further.
She is later captured by Jafar, who magically impersonates her in an attempt to have Aladdin killed off by framing him for the Sultan's murder and having him executed by Razoul via beheading. It seems to be primarily her disappointment and anger at Iago which finally prompts him to help free Genie. Jasmine finally accepts Iago as a friend after he helps defeat Jafar for good. At the end of the film, Jasmine goes with Aladdin to see the world.
In Aladdin and the King of Thieves, she and Aladdin are finally about to wed when their wedding is interrupted by the Forty Thieves. During the fight, Jasmine personally knocks one of the thieves out cold with a single punch, before angrily telling him, "That was for ruining my wedding!" After learning what they were after, Aladdin finds out from the Oracle that his father, Cassim, is still alive. Jasmine convinces him to seek out his father, and that their wedding can be delayed a little bit longer.
While he is away, Jasmine grows worried and Genie cheers her up by dressing her in bridal outfits (And comically posing as many iconic celebrities and movie characters, one of which Robin Williams himself played the role of). When Aladdin returns with Cassim, she and the Sultan take an immediate liking to him. However, he later tries to steal the Oracle, and is put in prison; Aladdin helps him escape, but comes back to face his punishment. Jasmine and the Genie convince the Sultan that he helped his father out of love. At that moment, Iago (who was with Cassim) returns, telling them that Cassim has been captured by Sa'luk and the remaining Thieves.
Jasmine goes with Aladdin to rescue his father, and afterward they return for their wedding, which Cassim attends from the shadows. They go for a ride on Carpet, waving good-bye to the Merchant and Iago and Cassim as they ride off into their happily ever after.
Princess of My Own Destiny: Disney verse
Queen of a State: Descendants verse 
Princess of Ponies and Problems: Once Upon A Time verse, where Jasmine was cursed to believe herself to be Jessica Allen, the owner of the livery stable in Storybrooke.
Road Less Traveled: any AU threads
0 notes
themoneybuff-blog · 7 years ago
How to be happy and lead a meaningful life
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Overcoming fear is one part of living life without regret. You do that by being open to new people and new experiences, and by acting even when youre afraid. Another aspect of a rewarding life is learning to find happiness in your daily existence and building upon that happiness to construct a meaningful life. Today, in the second part of this limited series on mastering your life, I want to share what Ive learned about how to be happy. More than two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote, All knowledge and every pursuit aims atthe highest of all good achievable by action. And what is that good? Both the general run of men and people of superior refinement say that it is happiness, and identify living well with being happy. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle said that happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. To some extent, a good life requires good fortune. Happenstance can undermine the well-being of even the most virtuous person. But Aristotle held that ultimately happiness isnt a product of chance. You can allow misfortune to crush you, or you can choose to bear the blows of fate with nobility and greatness of soul. Although fate may play a role in your affairs, Aristotle believed that in the end, happiness depends upon yourself. Modern psychologists agree. The How of Happiness In The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky shares the results of years of research into what makes people happy. Shes concerned with chronic happiness (as opposed to temporary happiness), with people who maintain an elevated sense of well-being over time. Based on her work, Lyubomirsky believes: About half of human happiness is biological. Each of us seems to have a happiness set point which accounts for roughly 50% of our level of contentment. Because this set point is genetic, its tough to change.Another 10% of happiness is circumstantial based on external factors. These include traits like age, race, nationality, and gender, as well as things like marital status, occupational status, job security, and income. Your financial situation is part of this 10% but only a part which means it accounts for a tiny fraction of your total happiness.The final 40% of happiness comes from intentional activity the things you choose to do. A huge chunk of contentment is based on your actions and attitude. You can increase your level of well-being through exercise, gratitude, and meaningful work. Because circumstances play such a small role in your well-being and because many of your circumstances are unchangeable it makes more sense to boost your bliss through intentional activity, by controlling the things you can control while ignoring the things you cant. You cant wait for someone or something to make you happy. Happiness isnt something that just happens; happiness is a byproduct of the the things you think and say and do. Just as you ought to become a money boss to take charge of your financial life, you ought to become a happiness boss to take charge of your emotional life. Believe it or not, you can control your emotional responses. It just takes a bit of knowledge and practice. The Psychology of Optimal Experience For fifty years, psychologist Mihly Cskszentmihlyi (pronounced me-high cheek-sent-me-high-ee) has studied human happiness and creativity. Much of his work has focused on flow, which is his term for optimal experience. Heres how he describes flow: We have all experienced times when instead of being buffeted by anonymous forces, we [feel] in control of our actions, masters of our own fate. On the rare occasions that it happens, we feel a sense of exhilaration, a deep sense of enjoyment. Our peak experiences dont come during passive moments. Sure, we enjoy reading a book or watching Big Bang Theory or playing a videogame, but these arent the best moments of our lives. Instead, the best moments usually occur when a persons body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult or worthwhile. People are happiest when they forget their surroundings to focus on doing their best at something that challenges and interests them. In short, happiness is produced by total engagement in the pursuit of excellence. We can experience flow during activities as basic as riding a bike or as complex as building a bridge. Sometimes flow is achieved through physical activity. Athletes refer to this state as being in the zone. People achieve this state of bliss while climbing mountains, sailing boats, or swimming oceans. But even mundane activities like cleaning the kitchen or doing taxes can produce flow, if theyre done well. Peak experience also comes from mental pursuits. Many computer programmers become so engrossed in their work that time streams past like water. I experience flow while writing. Today, for instance, Ive been deeply engrossed in editing this article. As Im working, my mind is so active and so engaged that it almost feels euphoric. Im happy. I cant imagine wanting to be anywhere other than in front of my computer, writing about money. I am in a state of flow. For more on flow, spend a few moments to watch Cskszentmihlyis TED talk on how flow is the secret to happiness: [embedded content] To learn more, pick up a copy of his book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. The Elements of Enjoyment
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Ive found flow while hiking in the Andes. Ive experienced it while writing. Ive achieved it while making boxes in a factory, while preparing a speech, and while mowing the lawn (for real!). Though each of these activities was very different, they shared some commonalities that helped me get in the zone. This made me wonder: Can happiness be somehow be cultivated? Turns out, it can. During Mihly Cskszentmihlyis research into optimal experience, he discovered its possible for a person to gain control over the quality of their daily experience, to build enjoyment into even routine and mundane activities. His studies of diverse populations around the world have shown that our best moments contain at least one and often all of the following characteristics (some of which overlap): A challenging activity that requires skill. Flow occurs at the boundary between boredom and anxiety, when the challenge is just balanced with the persons capacity to act. To experience flow, you have to be doing something difficult but not too difficult.The merging of action and awareness. Because challenging tasks require full attention, people become so involved in what they are doing that the activity becomes spontaneous, almost automatic.Clear goals and feedback. The vast majority of peak experiences occur during goal-directed actions bounded by rules, such as playing chess, programming a computer, or climbing a mountain. (Or, in my case, mowing the lawn.)Concentration on the task at hand. To achieve optimal experience, you cant be distracted. You have to be absorbed in what youre doing. As you focus, order comes to your consciousness, which leads to contentment and joy. Fear and worry fade. You are fully present in the now. (This idea is the premise behind Eckhart Tolles massively popular The Power of Now.)A sense of control. During the flow experience, you feel in control or that you could be in control. More precisely, you arent worried that you might lose control, a state so typical of much of modern life. To achieve flow, you must believe that youre able to influence the outcome of whatever it is youre doing.The loss of consciousness. During a peak experience, you lose sense of who you are. You become one with your environment, a part of a greater whole. Youre no longer aware of yourself as an individual.The transformation of time. When youre in the zone, the passage of time is altered. In some ways, it slows minutes seem like hours. In other ways, it quickens hours seem like minutes. You lose track of the clock. This freedom from the tyranny of time [adds] to the exhilaration we feel during a state of complete involvement. That first point merits a closer look. To achieve flow, you have to find a balance between your abilities and the challenge of the task at hand. If what youre doing is too difficult for your current skill level, youll become anxious. If the task is easy and youre good at it, itll be a relaxing pastime. Heres a graphical representation of the flow model:
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According to Cskszentmihlyi, The key element of an optimal experience is that it is an end in itself. You might need to complete the task youre working on for other reasons, but youd do it even if it werent required. Youre doing it not for some future benefit, but because the task itself is so rewarding. But heres the thing: Flow doesnt just happen. These optimal experiences can be encouraged and fostered. You can become happier by changing where you focus your attention. Garbage In, Garbage Out The objects and events around us exist in an objective world. They are what they are. Yet each of us experiences these objects and events in a different way. What happens outside must pass through the filter of your subjective mind before it enters your consciousness. You control what enters your consciousness (and, thus, what enters your awareness and memory). You and I go to the movies. We watch the same film in the same theater at the same time. You enjoy it. Youre wrapped up in the story and moved by the performances. I leave the theater unhappy. The kid in front of us coughed the whole time, I complain as we walk to the car. The seats were uncomfortable and the volume too loud. Plus, I dont like Nicholas Cage. We shared the same experience and yet we didnt. Consciousness corresponds to a subjectively experienced reality, Cskszentmihlyi writes in Flow. A person can make himself happy, or miserable, regardless of what actually happens outside, just by changing the contents of his consciousness. We choose what we experience, and we choose how we interpret those experiences. This idea can be challenging to people who possess an external locus of control, those who believe that their decisions and life are controlled by chance or fate or greater environmental factors. Cskszentmihlyi says that in order to achieve flow and happiness, we must actively create the conditions that lead to it. That means we must learn to direct our focus: [Happiness] is not the result of good fortune or random chance. It is not something that money can buy or power command. It does not depend on outside events, but, rather, on how we interpret them. Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person. People who learn to control their inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any one of us can come to being happy. The shape and content of your life depends on how you use your attention. People who master what happens in their heads tend to be happier than those who dont or wont. While we are thinking about a problem we cannot truly experience either happiness or sadness, writes Cskszentmihlyi. Therefore, the information we allow into consciousness becomes extremely important; it is, in fact, what determines the content and quality of life. The bottom line? Garbage in, garbage out. If you allow yourself to think negative thoughts, your experience will be negative. If you want a positive experience, you have to accentuate the positive in all that you see and do. We can make flow moments more common and become happier people by structuring our focus and attention to bring long-term improvements to the quality of our daily life. There are two primary ways to do this: Change external conditions.Change how you experience external conditions. Each strategy is sound. But one is generally easier than the other. Which path you choose depends upon the situation. Changing Your World Sometimes the best way to boost your happiness is by changing the world around you. Imagine, for instance, that youre sitting at home reading a book. Youre comfortable except for one thing: Youre warm. Very warm. An external condition is causing you discomfort. You could change the way youre experiencing this condition (by removing all of you clothes, say), but in this case it probably makes more sense to change the condition itself by lowering the thermostat. Or maybe youre sitting in a restaurant writing a letter. Things are fine except that the place is too noisy, which is distracting. Your best bet is to change locations, to change your environment. The trouble, of course, is that you have little control over the world around you. My girlfriend was born and raised in northern California. To her, thats the ideal climate. Shes lived in Portland for five years now, and she loves much about the city and the region. But she hates the climate. This is an external factor thats beyond her control. As hard as she tries, she cant make it rain less in Portland! (Francis Bacon once said, Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.) When you reduce the size of your immediate environment stepping from outdoors to indoors, for instance you make it easier to control external conditions. You cant reduce the outside air temperature, but you can cool a room or a building. Even then, exerting influence over your environment requires a great deal of effort and energy. Usually, the most effective way to boost your happiness isnt by changing external conditions, but by changing how you experience external conditions. Changing Yourself
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Now imagine youre reading in the park. Its cold. The sun is out, but the air is chilly. You could head indoors, but youre enjoying the lovely day. The solution is to change how youre experiencing the world around you. Put on your jacket and some gloves. You havent altered your environment, but youve changed how youre experiencing it. Or maybe youre backpacking through Europe, staying in hostels and cheap hotels. Sometimes its tough to sleep because the walls are thin and theres nothing covering the windows. Light and noise threaten to keep you awake all night. Again, the best solution is to change the way you experience the external conditions. If you wear an eye mask and earplugs, you can rest comfortably despite the chaos around you. Most people recognize that they have limited power over their physical world, but many cling to the belief that they can change the behavior of the people around them. In reality, changing others can be nearly as difficult. Writing in How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World a book well discuss at length in part three of this series Harry Browne calls the idea that you can (or should) control what others do the Identity Trap. He writes: [You cant] assume that someone will do what youve decided is right. Youve decided it from your unique knowledge and interpretations; he acts from his knowledge and his interpretations. Youre in the Identity Trap when you assume an individual will react to something as you would react or as youve seen someone else react. If youre unhappy with somebody, there are two options. You can attempt to change the other person, or you can change how you interact with that person. Youre almost always better off changing yourself altering your expectations, accepting new premises than you are attempting to change the other person. Heres Harry Browne again: You could make everyone else be, act, and think in ways of your choosing if you were God. But you arent. So its far more useful to recognize and accept each person as he is and then deal with him accordingly. You cant control the natures of other people, but you can control how youll deal with them. And you can also control the extent and manner in which youll be involved with them. The paradox is that you have tremendous control over your life, but you give up that control when you try to control others. For the only way you can control others is to recognize their natures and do what is necessary to evoke the desired reactions from those natures. Thus your actions are controlled by the requirements involved when you attempt to control someone else. People suffer a great deal of unhappiness because they assume that everyone wants the same things or that they should want the same things. But each person is different, with her own knowledge, experience, preferences, and attitudes. You can improve your quality of life by either changing your environment or by changing how you interact with your environment. Both strategies have their place, but one is generally much easier and more effective than the other. In most cases, its difficult or impossible to change the world around you. Attempting to do so simply leads to frustration and unhappiness. But its almost always possible to change how you perceive the world around you. In fact, its this ability that contributes most to day-to-day contentment. Permission and Control As children, were conditioned to ask permission whenever we want to do something. You need permission from your parents to leave the dinner table or to go outside and play. You need permission from your teacher to use the bathroom. Even as adults, we feel compelled to request permission. You need permission from your boss to leave work early. You need permission from your spouse to grab drinks with your friends instead of weeding the garden. You need permission from the city to build a shed in the backyard. As a result, most of us have developed an external locus of control. That is, we subconsciously believe we need permission to do anything. In personality psychology, the term locus of control describes how people view the world around them, and where they place responsibility for the things that happen in their lives. Though this might sound complicated, the concept is actually rather simple. If you have an internal locus of control, you believe that the quality of your life is largely determined by your own choices and actions. You believe that you are responsible for who you are and what you are.If you have an external locus of control, you believe that the quality of your life is largely determined by forces beyond your control, by your environment or luck or fate. You believe that others are responsible for who you are and what you are. Most people respond to the system of rewards and punishments that has evolved in the culture that surrounds them. If your culture prizes material gain, wealth becomes important to you. If it emphasizes familial relationships, family becomes important to you. But when you live like this when you make decisions based on your social environment the only happiness you can obtain is fleeting. As a result, many people suffer some degree of angst, of anxiety or dread. Is that all there is? we wonder, when we pause to reflect upon our lives. Isnt there something more? There is something more. Lasting happiness can be achieved, but not by being a puppet whose strings are pulled by situation and society. To achieve long-term happiness (and meaning), you have to develop the ability to find enjoyment and purpose regardless of your external circumstances. You have to create a system of internal rewards that are under your own power. If youre unhappy, nobody else can make things better for you. You must make things better for yourself. Focus on the things you can control, and use that control to fix the other things that are broken. In this way, youll gradually gain confidence and greater control of your future well-being. You live in a world of your own design. You have the power to choose. You create your own certainty. Life as you want to live, and do so without regret. Give yourself permission to do so. Caveat: Its okay to seek happiness by changing jobs or moving to San Diego. Its not okay to steal your neighbors television or to drive on the wrong side of the road. Remember the Golden Rule. Enjoy your life without diminishing the ability of others to enjoy theirs. Becoming Proactive Julian B. Rotter developed the locus of control concept in 1954 as part of his social-learning theory of personality. Stephen R. Covey popularized the idea in 1989 with his best-selling The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Like Mihly Cskszentmihlyi, Covey believes that we filter our experiences before they reach our consciousness. Between stimulus and response, he writes, man has the freedom to choose. Our self-awareness, imagination, conscience, and independent will give us the power to select how well respond to each situation in life. Covey says there are two types of people: proactive and reactive. Proactive people recognize that theyre responsible for how they respond to outside stimuli. In Rotters terms, they have an internal locus of control. They dont blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their state. They believe their existence is largely a product of personal choice derived from personal values.Reactive people believe their condition is a product of their physical and social environments. They have an external locus of control. Their moods are based on the moods of others, or upon the things that happen to them. They allow the outside world to control their internal existence. To illustrate the difference between proactive and reactive people, Covey discusses how we focus our time and energy. We each have a wide range of concerns: our health, our family, our jobs, our friends; world affairs, the plight of the poor, the threat of terrorism, the state of the environment. All of these fall into what Covey calls our Circle of Concern. Within our Circle of Concern, theres a subset of things over which we have actual, direct control: how much we exercise, what time we go to bed, whether we get to work on time; what we eat, where we live, with whom we socialize. These things fall into what Covey calls our Circle of Influence, which sits inside our Circle of Concern.
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According to Covey, proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. They spend their time and energy on things they can change. This has two effects. First, proactive people actually do affect change in their lives; and as they do so, their Circle of Influence expands. On the other hand, reactive people tend to focus on their Circle of Concern. They spend their time and energy on things theyre unable to influence (or can influence only with great difficulty). They try to change other people, to correct social injustices, to shift thought patterns of states or nations. Their efforts are largely frustrating and futile. Whats more, as they focus on their Circle of Concern, their Circle of Influence begins to shrink from neglect. Any time you shift your attention from your Circle of Influence to your Circle of Concern, you allow outside forces to control you. You place your happiness and well-being in the hands of others. If you dont act for yourself, youre doomed to be acted upon. But what about about luck? Arent there times when we really are at the mercy of the world around us? Of course. But our responses are always our own. Eleanor Roosevelt said, No one can hurt you without your consent. Covey agrees: Its not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us. Of course, things can hurt us physically or economically and can cause sorrow. But our character, our basic identity, does not have to be hurt at all. In fact, our most difficult experiences become the crucibles that forge our character. Shit happens. Shit happens to everyone. Ultimately, who we are and what we become is determined not by the shit that happens to us, but how we respond to that shit. Remember Reinhold Niebuhrs famous serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Most people are reactive. Its likely that youre reactive too at least to some degree. Dont fret. Im reactive also. But with time and effort, Ive managed to shift from an external locus of control to one thats primarily internal. You can too. Focus on the things you can control. Use that control to remove constraints and complications from your life. Strengthen and stretch your Circle of Influence. This is the only path to changing your Circle of Concern. You have no control over the hand youre dealt, but you can choose how to play the cards. Exercise: Heres a simple idea from Seven Habits. For thirty days, commit to working only on your Circle of Influence. How? Keep your commitments, to yourself and others. Dont judge or criticize other people, but turn your attention inward. Dont argue. Dont make excuses. When you make a mistake, accept responsibility and fix it. Dont blame or accuse. When you catch yourself thinking I have to or If only, stop yourself and choose to reframe the thought in a more positive light. As far as possible, accept responsibility for your circumstances, actions, and feelings. The Search for Meaning Victor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who survived the Nazi death camps during World War II. The extreme suffering and harsh conditions caused many inmates to lose their will, to welcome death. To be sure, prisoners often had no control over whether or not they died. But Frankl observed, A man can, even under such circumstances, decide what shall become of him mentally and spiritually. He may retain his human dignity even in a concentration camp. When treated like an animal, Frankl said, a person can choose to be an animal or she can choose to be brave, dignified, and unselfish. According to Frankl, the way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entailsadd a deeper meaning to his life. In the classic Mans Search for Meaning, Frankl states his thesis thus: Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way. Frankls experience served as a crucible for his theory of personality development, which he called logotherapy. Before him, Alfred Adler had argued that people possessed a Nietzschean will to power (more here), and Sigmund Freud had argued that were all motivated by a will to pleasure (more here). Frankl, on the other hand, believed that humans are born with a will to meaning, a fundamental need to discover their purpose in this world. The three basic tenets of logotherapy are: The search for meaning is the primary motivation in each of our lives. This meaning is unique and specific to each individual. (Frankls philosophy is one reason I ask Get Rich Slowly readers to do is create a personal mission statement.)Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable ones. What matters most isnt the meaning of life in general, but the meaning of each persons life in each moment.Humans are self-determining. That is, we dont just exist, but choose what our existence will be. We have freedom to find meaning in what we do and what we experience or at least in how we respond to each situation. Frankls argument that youre always free to choose your attitude is echoed in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis statement that how we feel about ourselves, the joy we get from living, ultimately depends on how the mind filters and interprets everyday experience. It also echoes Johnstones Impro: People with dull lives often think their lives are dull by chance. In reality everyone choose more or less the kind of events that happen to them.
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Accepting responsibility for your own fate and attitudes can be uncomfortable and intimidating. Theres a kind of solace when you can attribute your situation to the winds of fate, the whims of the gods, or the inner workings of the universe. But recognizing that youre a free agent can be liberating too. When you take matters into your own hands, you shed your fears, create your own certainty, and discover that youre freer than you ever imagined possible. If you struggle to know what youre life is about, youre not alone. I get email all the time from folks who are stumped about what it is they want to accomplish. They know they dont like how things are going, but theyre not clear on just what they should do to make things better. To finish this discussion of meaning and happiness, Im going to share three exercises designed to help you find direction. (If youve read my stuff at Get Rich Slowly before, youll probably recognize one of these. Thats okay. If you still need help finding your purpose, you should work through it once more.) First up, lets talk about how to prioritize how you currently spend your time. Your Big Rocks You lead a busy life. There never seems to be enough time to do the things you really want to do, the things that make you happy. Youre too preoccupied with work, errands, and other demands placed upon you by the outside world. In Work Less, Live More, Bob Clyatt argues that you can make time for the important stuff. The secret, he says, is to prioritize, and he offers an analogy. (Ive learned recently that this idea might have originated with Stephen R. Covey in his book First Things First.) Heres how it works: Imagine you have a jar. You want to fill this jar with some rocks and some sand. Whats the best way to do it? One way is to add the sand to the jar first and then add the rocks. If you did this, however, youd quickly find that its impossible to make everything fit. With a layer of sand at the bottom of the jar, theres no room for the rocks.On the other hand, if you begin by putting the rocks in the jar, when you pour in the sand it will sift downward to fill in the gaps and the cracks between the rocks. Everything fits. Heres a video that demonstrates this idea in action: [embedded content] This same principle applies to your personal life. You can achieve well-being by prioritizing the Big Rocks in your life. This may sound elementary, and you may be tempted to ignore this advice. Dont. This one idea revolutionized my life. It made me happier and more productive. By focusing solely on the things that were most important to me by making room for the Big Rocks I was able to reclaim my life and time. A few years ago, after first reading about this idea, I sat down and drafted a list of the things that were most important to me. I decided that my Big Rocks were fitness, friends, writing, Spanish, and travel. If these werent in my jar, I wasnt happy. So, I made sure to squeeze these in before anything else. Once these rocks were in place, once these things were on my calendar, then Id fill the remaining space with the sand television, email, errands, and so on. Because of this simple exercise, I got lots more done and had a better time doing it. Who Are You? and What Do You Want? In order to get things done, to be productive, to achieve greater meaning and happiness in your life, you need to make sure youre spending more time on the big rocks and less time on the sand of everyday life (such as errands and email). But how can you determine which things are important? George Kinder is a Certified Financial Planner. Unlike many CFPs, Kinder isnt just about the nuts and bolts of money. He moves beyond the numbers in an attempt to address the goals and values of his clients. Without life planning, he says, financial planning is like using a blunt instrument on the organism we call the human being. Near the beginning of his work with each client, Kinder challenges her to answer three questions. These questions are designed to lead the client deeper and deeper into her desires until they reveal her goals and values, the things that bring her meaning and purpose. Kinder shared these questions in his book, The Seven Stages of Money Maturity. Your next task is to set aside half an hour to answer Kinders questions as honestly as possible: Imagine youre financially secure. You have enough money to take care of your needs, both now and in the future. How would you live your life? Would you change anything? Let yourself go and describe your dreams. What would you do if money were no object?Now imagine that you visit your doctor. She reveals you only have five to ten years left to live. Youll never feel sick, but youll have no notice of the moment of your death. What will you do in the time you have remaining? Will you change your life? How will you change it? (Note that this question does not assume unlimited wealth.)Finally, imagine your doctor shocks you with the news that you only have 24 hours to live. Nothing can be done. At this time tomorrow, youll be dead. What feelings arise as you confront your mortality? What did you miss? Who did you not get to be? What did you not get to do? Answering the first question is easy (and fun). There are many things wed do if money were no object. But as the questions progress, theres a sort of funnel. They become more difficult to answer, and there are fewer possible responses. Life planning is all about answering that final question. Note: If youd prefer, you can download a free PDF with a similar exercise that I used in the Money Boss crash course: Your Personal Mission Statement. Someday, Ill update that for Get Rich Slowly. According to Kinder, the third question usually generates responses that follow five general themes: Family and relationships. Ninety percent of responses to the final question contain this topic.Authenticity or spirituality. Many responses involve leading a more meaningful life.Creativity. Surprisingly, a large number of respondents express a desire to do something creative: to write a science-fiction novel or to play guitar like Eric Clapton.Giving back. Further down the list are themes about giving back to the community, about leaving a meaningful positive impact.A sense of place. A fifth common theme (though nowhere near as prominent as the top three) is a desire to have some connection with place: a desire to be in nature, to live someplace different, or to help the environment. Kinder says that some people the facts and figures people look at the life-planning process and ask, What does this have to do with money? It has everything to do with money. When you understand what you want to do with your life, you can make financial choices that reflect your values. All of these questions and the entire life-planning process are meant to cause the participant to ask herself, Who am I as a person, stripped from what I do as a job every day? Is it possible to derive meaning and satisfaction with this stripped away? Inevitably, the answer is yes. Your Lifeline Heres a third and final exercise, which I picked from my friend Jim Collins. Youre going to create a graphical representation of your life past and future. Before we start, grab a piece of paper and a pencil. Ready? Great! Heres how this works. Step one. With the paper in landscape mode (wider than it is tall), place one dot on the center of the left side. Place a second dot on the center of the right side. Draw a line to connect the two dots. Your page should look something like this:
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Step two. For the next step, youll need to do some guesswork. Based on what you know of your health and your family history, estimate how long youll live. I know theres no way to be sure you could be hit by a truck tomorrow, or maybe next week scientists will find the secret to living 1000 years! but do what you can to best guess the date of your death. (If you need help, try one of the many on-line longevity calculators, such as the one at livingto100.com.) Once youve calculated your projected date of death, write it below the right-most dot. Example: As my long-time readers know, the men in my family dont live long. In fact, they often die on or around their fiftieth birthdays. Also, for strange reasons known only to the universe (or god), many of my family die on or around Independence Day. Thus, I often say that I expect to die on 04 July 2019, when Im fifty. This may sound morbid, but I like to think of it as hedging my bets. I hope to live longer, but Im fully prepared to have a short life.
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Step three. Below the left-most date, note your date of birth. On your paper, youve created a visual representation of your lifeline.
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Step four. The next step requires a bit of math. Youre going to add a third point to your lifeline, a point that represents today. Today will fall on a different point on the line for each person. To find the proper place for you, divide your current age by your expected lifespan. For instance, Im 45 and expect to live until Im 50. For me, the point representing today is located about 10% from the right side of the line. If youre 20 and expect to live until youre 80, your today point would be about one-quarter of the way in from the left. And so on.
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Step five. Finally, choose a handful of major events from your life and place them on the lifeline in (approximately) the appropriate location. You might choose to list your first day of school, your wedding date, or the birthdates of your children. Add three to five major events to your lifeline. Example: On my lifeline, Ive included these key events: Writing The Meanest Inchworm in third grade, which was the first clue that Id one day become a writer. Getting married. Writing my first blog. Selling Get Rich Slowly. Re-purchasing Get Rich Slowly.
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Your lifeline is now complete. On the piece of paper before you, you have a representation of your life, both past and future. But before were finished, theres one final step Id like you to take. Using an eraser, a marker, or another piece of paper, mask everything on your lifeline that comes before today. Blot it out. Hide it. Make it go away.
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All of the time before today is past and does not matter. What matters is the future: today and everything after. For folks like me, our projected futures contain just a small amount of time. Knowing that, I cannot wait to do the things that I want to do. If your projected future is short, you shouldnt wait either. Dont dwell on the past. You cant change it. Focus instead on making the best quality tomorrow you possibly can. On the other hand, if your projected future is long (say youre 20 and expect to live another 60 or 80 years), cultivate patience. Take time. Make smart choices. Do what you can to set yourself up for future success. And dont get down on yourself just because youve made a few mistakes in the past. The past is the past. Look how much tomorrow lies before you! For another take on this exercise, take a look at the life calendar from Tim Urban at Wait But Why. The Path to Purpose We covered a lot of material in this article. Lets review what weve learned.
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You can improve the quality of your daily life by learning to focus your attention and choosing to filter your experiences through a lens of positivity. But while it might be simple to find happiness in a single day, it can be much more difficult to link a series of days into a meaningful whole. Still, just as we must be active agents in creating our own happiness, we must also take an active role to create meaning in our lives. Creating meaning involves bringing order to the contents of the mind by integrating ones actions into a unified flow experience, writes Mihly Cskszentmihlyi. To give meaning to life, to achieve this unified flow experience, you need a purpose an overall goal around which your lesser goals are clustered. The path to purpose is different for each of us. Exercises like those Ive shared here the big rocks, the three questions, and the lifeline can help you identify your personal purpose, but often this process requires many years of experience and soul-searching. Dont feel bad if you havent found your purpose. And be aware that it takes more than cultivating purpose to make meaning out of life. To make meaning, you must also forge resolve. You must take your goals seriously. If youre not willing to accept the consequences of the goals you set, or to put in the effort required to achieve them, those goals become meaningless. Curiously, it can often be easier to find meaning and purpose by limiting your options. The more choices we have, the more difficult it is to maintain our resolve. Commitment to a goal and to the rules it entails is much easier when the choices are few and clear, notes Cskszentmihlyi. When we can imagine only few opportunities and few possibilities, it is relatively easy to achieve harmony. Desires are simple, choices are clear. There is little room for conflict and no need to compromise. Because life is complex (and becoming more so every day), its vital to keep your psychic energy focused on the things that matter most. Exercising personal restraint and preferring simplicity can help you stay glued to your purpose, on your goals both big and small. Restraint and simplicity reduce the possibility of distraction. But restraint and simplicity arent enough. When life gets busy and you feel overwhelmed, you must do more than just simplify your environment. At these times, action and intensity become your allies. Harmony is restored to conscious indirectly not by facing up to contradictions and trying to resolve conflicting goals and desires, but by pursuing chosen goals with such intensity that all competition is preempted, writes Cskszentmihlyi. Action helps create inner order. Action cures fear; apparently, it also imparts purpose. The final piece to the making of meaning is self-knowledge, the process by which you sort through conflicting choices. Based on your personal history, preferences, and passions, you must filter the available options to select the goals that truly reflect who you are and what you mean to the world. Example: At any given moment, I have many options available to me. Do I want to write another book? Do I want to speak at a conference in India? Do I want to continue to write about money? Do I want to study Spanish? Do I want to travel more? Less? And so on. Most of these options are good (by which I mean theyre positive, both for me and for the world). Who I am and what my life means is a product of the opportunities I choose to pursue. Ultimately, its up to each of us to discover our lifes purpose though a combination of simplification, action, and self-reflection, by being true to who we are and what we believe, and be setting goals we find worthy of pursuing for their own sake. Shares 104 https://www.getrichslowly.org/how-to-be-happy/
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    From The Desk Of Dr. Steve G. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Do you often think of how life could be better?
Do you wonder why some people seem to have an extremely easy time creating and attracting wealth, all the time?
Do you feel as if something is holding you back and you just can’t put a finger as to what it is?
And – do you struggle with financial difficulties and feel that things are only bound to get worse considering how the economy is faring right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answers that you seek are not far ahead

Ever since the book and the DVD of The Secret came out, millions of people around the world have learned about the singular law that dictates creation in the world as we know it. I’m talking about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is as old as the Universe itself
When the Universe was born there was only one force that allowed whole planets to form from the chaos – that force was singular and unmatched in its strength and universality.
This singular, primeval force was the law of attraction. Without the law of attraction creation would be impossible – period. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are aware of it or not, it works nonstop in your life and is responsible for everything that you have right now.
The Law of Attraction is the secret chance for you to get ALL the wealth that you will ever want
 And you don’t have to do it alone.
The Universe, no less, will be by your side as you begin achieving your wealth-related goals one by one!
Millions of people call the Law of Attraction the discovery of the century because it has been used to:
Manifest wealth and material abundance
Open up massive opportunities for personal and financial growth
Discover new windows for wealth-creation
Attract the right circumstances at the right time
 Things just click into place!
Develop the correct mindset for attracting wealth and good business
Uncover ripe markets that are just waiting for people who want the wealth
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Stories of success are all over the Internet
 Let’s look at how people are using the Law of Attraction to consciously influence the material world to conform to their desires!
A 5’4” girl getting more modelling gigs than she ever dreamed of – moving up quickly in her professional world, she soon became a partner in a robust new modelling company in the same city where she lived.
A mother of three who has already attracted two dream houses (she got her 2nd dream house after she figured out the colors and all the other details) and as a massive bonus she was able to attract health was able to leave the nightmarish world of Celiac disease
An award-winning author (clue – he was one of the writers of the Secret!) who used the LOA to pick himself up financially and emotionally after many devastating events in his life. He speaks of his first $10,000 payday and other manifesting miracles in his many books on the law of attraction.
A man who had wanted to mine the precious metal gold all his life. He left the country, drawn by a strange attraction to another country. Within a week of living in the new country, a man approached him and asked him if he wanted to help establish a gold mining partnership. Long story short, he manifested the dream business when he started using the Law of Attraction!
A man wanted to buy a truck that was way above his ability to pay. He visualized owning the truck via the LOA and within 30 days the dealership gave him a deal so good that he was able to bring home the truck that week. This man has continued using the LOA technique to get other things he wanted – because these transactions give him extreme satisfaction!
Another award-winning author shared his success with the LOA by stating that his first one million dollars was manifested during a time when people already doubted his vision
 He didn’t care – he went ahead and consciously created his first 1 million dollars! Today this man is well known in the circles of Law of Attraction and he has levelled up once again with the release of new products that help people manifest miracles in everyday life.
A woman was disillusioned by her studies and felt like she was heading down the wrong direction. She came across one of our books on the Law of Attraction and after a while she decided that she wanted to pursue her true love – designing and creating jewellery. Today she is earning far more than she expected from her passion and she couldn’t be happier. She is wealthy financially and spiritually.
These are just a few of the amazing things people are manifesting. They are testament to the reality of the Law of Attraction and these personal correspondences show that Law of Attraction does indeed influence our lives at various levels.
Life without financial obstacles
Life without the fear of experiencing poverty
Life without hesitations and anxieties about the future
Life filled with so much promise that you are always happy!
LIFE as we know it can be beautiful and bountiful – the Universe wants you to experience all these things if you really want them!
I discovered the power of the Law of Attraction myself early in my career as a clinical hypnotherapist

And I was never the same. It gave me so much joy and satisfaction that I wanted to share the great knowledge with people around the world.
Before the Secret, there was the Law.
I know that the Law of Attraction will work for you because

You understand the value of hard work and conscious creation
You have chosen to become a conscious creator by paying full attention to this letter
The Law of Attraction has helped me establish a successful hypnotherapy practice, a professional hypnotherapy association, and a successful commercial platform that sells thousands of blockbuster hypnosis recordings. The law of attraction has also helped me publish dozens of publications that has helped thousands of people in the US and beyond.
The Law of Attraction works whether you have tried LOA before and have failed or if you just want to try this technique for the first time.
Millions of people can attest that the Law of Attraction is real and right now, the Universe is counting down the days and weeks needed to manifest your wealth.
Through years of research and refinement I have been able to create what could be the most concise guide to the Law of Attraction.
Manifesting Wealth is close to my heart because it speaks of how any person can make this life one hundred percent better without having to rely on crazy, get rich quick schemes.
Your partner in getting rich is the Universe itself when you use the Law of Attraction. Are you ready?
Here’s a taste of what you will find inside

Manifesting Wealth is presents a wealth of valuable information on the Law of Attraction and how you can use the LOA to change your life forever. This exclusive program is not found anywhere else but this website and is covered by our ironclad guarantee. It’s time to see how Manifesting Wealth can help you achieve your financial goals and more!
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Module 1
How the minds of the rich and wealthy work
Setting the solid foundation of a wealthy mind
Dealing with possibilities and realities
The single most important factor that defines your life
How to intensify the power of your life’s purpose
How to rebuild your life and career around new ideas
Radically transform your perception of reality to accommodate abundance
The importance of changing lenses and having internal dialogs
The role of happiness in conscious creation
What to do with challenges, big and small
The role of passion in the grand design of the law of attraction
How to find your passion in life
Dealing with obstacles to discovering your true passion
The role of belief in manifesting wealth
The power of belief
The difference between attracting money and working for money
How to multiply your personal manifesting power
Module 2
Dealing with the fear of failure
How determined are you?
Measuring determination and success
Overcoming obstacles to wealth – the Universe wants you to succeed!
How to erase doubt in one’s abilities and skills
The fine line that separates wealth and poverty
How to create a new you that is completely liberated from society’s mental shackles
Determining who is the real driver in your life
How to conquer the largest challenges – it’s simpler than you think!
Mind control through meditation
Aligning yourself with the Universe
Piecing together the roles of emotions and thoughts in conscious creation
Identifying genuine emotions and how these are affecting your ability to manifest wealth and goodness in your life
How to create the reasons that will drive reality to conform to your desires
What role does the law of attraction play in our lives?
What is the nature of the law of attraction?
How experiences and emotions affect the quality of your conscious creations
The role of thankfulness in conscious creation – why must we be thankful?
When should you start enjoying manifesting wealth?
Module 3
How to build your support system
The traits of a good support system
Identifying worthy members of your support system
What should a support system do?
The power of strategic networking
Who should you be seeking and befriending?
Uncovering secret opportunities and hidden stashes of abundance
Planning ahead – what to do with all the wealth?
Developing new career goals
Dealing with the career ladder (again)
Should you change jobs?
The importance of advancement opportunities for career-oriented individuals
Honing new skills
Taking advantage of continuous education and free learning
Ending limiting beliefs and building your confidence
The correct way of pursuing goals
Do you know how to set worthy goals?
Creating the perfect strategy for financial independence
The role of mentors and experts in your life
Where are your dreams right now?
The importance of pursuing dreams when manifesting endless wealth
Module 4
How to start a Gratitude Journal
A guide to reflection and thankfulness – an exercise in conscious creation (receiving and being thankful)
Are you giving yourself enough credit for all your hard work?
Appreciating the Universe and hidden blessings
Deepening the impact of gratitude in your life
Can nature help you consciously create wealth?
Recognizing the signs of your success
Small success and big successes
Developing your ability to appreciate life and the world around you
Module 5
Discover how visualization can help create or manifest material wealth and abundance
How to create worthy goals with the help of the Law of Attraction
Intensifying emotional associations of worthy goals
How your emotions affect what the Universe reflects back to you
Vibrational energies and how they work
Activating the region of the brain responsible for conscious creation
How to create a never-ending torrent of wealth through creative visualization
Vision boarding or how to paint the life of your dreams
Supporting the imagination and bridging reality and your desires – vision boards are your desires with a physical foothold in your reality
Why vision boards are important to conscious creation
The brain’s reaction – what happens when you use the Law of Attraction?
Where to put the vision boards for maximum impact
How meditation can help conscious creation
Designing the perfect meditation session for manifesting wealth
What to do during the meditation
Positioning yourself into the imagined to mold and shape physical reality
How to create the perfect mind movies
Finding the exact path that will give you the wealth that you desire
Module 6
Tracking down the obstacles to your success
What is really holding you back?
The blocked path – obliterating stumbling blocks to genuine wealth
How and when to take action when obstacles are identified
The Three Negatives that will completely negate every ounce of positive effort and desire and will render your goal useless
Situating yourself in the realm of the real – how to open the floodgates of wealth
The reverse rule of positivity and negativity in the world of the Law of Attraction
What do negatives attract?
What do positive attract?
Does the magnetic theory hold true for the Law of Attraction as well?
Change your life to change your wealth
The role of lifestyle in wealth creation
How the Universe distributes wealth depending on desires expressed by a person’s actions and drives
How to act after you have asked the Universe something
Does fear prevent conscious creation?
Breaking down fear and blocking it from your life forever
Should conscious creators take chances or not?
Does risk play a role in success when a person is manifesting?
The leap of faith and why it matters
Relying on yourself for motivation
Changing how your subconscious mind works
Is your own mind sabotaging your chances of success?
Modifying negatives once you discover them
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Module 7
Are your personal associations and relationships destroying your wealth?
Dealing with friends and family members who are attracting problems and not wealth
Dealing with people who constantly remind you that you cannot attract more wealth due to one reason or another
How to be more selective with the things that you see/hear/read
What kind of reading materials and multimedia are best for conscious creation and manifesting wealth?
Discovering the importance of focused material
Defining your position in relation to the wealthy and materially abundant
What kind of crowd should you belong to?
Do friends and colleagues have an effect on manifesting wealth?
Modelling excellence and learning from the experiences of others
Remodelling your mind through external influences
Who should you listen to and how to use the new information?
What to do when new options begin to open up
People as channels of wealth creation and conscious creation
The various levels of manifestation and how wealth can result from tapping into these different levels of conscious creation
How to listen to the Universe – what should you be looking for when your plans are finally in action?
Uncover the secrets of picking out pockets of abundance; they are all around us!
Module 8
How to sustain all the wealth that has been given to you by the Universe
Planning for long term growth
The 2 keys that are right in front of your eyes that will ensure the continuous increase of your personal wealth
How to pick healthy investments that will assure continued success
Expert tips on amassing a large personal fortune
Creating a business of your own
How to sustain and improve your business
How to appreciate the new wealth that you have now
How appreciation goes hand in hand with consumption
Should you be afraid of spending money?
Does wealth recoil from consumption?
How generosity increases your wealth and improves your life
The true nature of abundance
In the end, the only thing standing between you and the life that you deserve is not knowing how to use the Law of Attraction to your full advantage.
Can you stand to wait another day to fulfill your destiny and achieve your biggest passions in life?
Or are you ready for the biggest rewards of life?
The answer is up to you
 But remember: the Universe doesn’t like to wait!
Turn the Key to Skyrocket Your Personal Fortune Right Now For $10
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Your Friend & Partner in Success,
Dr. Steve G. Jones
PS. Downloading Manifesting Wealth is so easy – click here and you will be taken to a secured, risk-free download page!
PPS. What is the value of a sound financial future? You decide – get Manifesting Wealth to unlock a world of financial freedom beyond your wildest dreams!
PPPS. And don’t forget our 60-day ironclad guarantee. Read about it after you get the Manifesting Wealth here.To recap, you will be getting a comprehensive and unbeatable guide to one of the most exciting discoveries of the 21st century – the Law of Attraction.
In addition to this you will be learning the intricate tasks needed to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. Every angle is considered and you will gain full access to all materials needed to manifest your personal fortune. Get Manifesting Wealth safely & securely now!
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Manifest Wealth
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/manifest-wealth/
Manifest Wealth
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 Buy Now
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    From The Desk Of Dr. Steve G. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Do you often think of how life could be better?
Do you wonder why some people seem to have an extremely easy time creating and attracting wealth, all the time?
Do you feel as if something is holding you back and you just can’t put a finger as to what it is?
And – do you struggle with financial difficulties and feel that things are only bound to get worse considering how the economy is faring right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answers that you seek are not far ahead

Ever since the book and the DVD of The Secret came out, millions of people around the world have learned about the singular law that dictates creation in the world as we know it. I’m talking about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is as old as the Universe itself
When the Universe was born there was only one force that allowed whole planets to form from the chaos – that force was singular and unmatched in its strength and universality.
This singular, primeval force was the law of attraction. Without the law of attraction creation would be impossible – period. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are aware of it or not, it works nonstop in your life and is responsible for everything that you have right now.
The Law of Attraction is the secret chance for you to get ALL the wealth that you will ever want
 And you don’t have to do it alone.
The Universe, no less, will be by your side as you begin achieving your wealth-related goals one by one!
Millions of people call the Law of Attraction the discovery of the century because it has been used to:
Manifest wealth and material abundance
Open up massive opportunities for personal and financial growth
Discover new windows for wealth-creation
Attract the right circumstances at the right time
 Things just click into place!
Develop the correct mindset for attracting wealth and good business
Uncover ripe markets that are just waiting for people who want the wealth
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Stories of success are all over the Internet
 Let’s look at how people are using the Law of Attraction to consciously influence the material world to conform to their desires!
A 5’4” girl getting more modelling gigs than she ever dreamed of – moving up quickly in her professional world, she soon became a partner in a robust new modelling company in the same city where she lived.
A mother of three who has already attracted two dream houses (she got her 2nd dream house after she figured out the colors and all the other details) and as a massive bonus she was able to attract health was able to leave the nightmarish world of Celiac disease
An award-winning author (clue – he was one of the writers of the Secret!) who used the LOA to pick himself up financially and emotionally after many devastating events in his life. He speaks of his first $10,000 payday and other manifesting miracles in his many books on the law of attraction.
A man who had wanted to mine the precious metal gold all his life. He left the country, drawn by a strange attraction to another country. Within a week of living in the new country, a man approached him and asked him if he wanted to help establish a gold mining partnership. Long story short, he manifested the dream business when he started using the Law of Attraction!
A man wanted to buy a truck that was way above his ability to pay. He visualized owning the truck via the LOA and within 30 days the dealership gave him a deal so good that he was able to bring home the truck that week. This man has continued using the LOA technique to get other things he wanted – because these transactions give him extreme satisfaction!
Another award-winning author shared his success with the LOA by stating that his first one million dollars was manifested during a time when people already doubted his vision
 He didn’t care – he went ahead and consciously created his first 1 million dollars! Today this man is well known in the circles of Law of Attraction and he has levelled up once again with the release of new products that help people manifest miracles in everyday life.
A woman was disillusioned by her studies and felt like she was heading down the wrong direction. She came across one of our books on the Law of Attraction and after a while she decided that she wanted to pursue her true love – designing and creating jewellery. Today she is earning far more than she expected from her passion and she couldn’t be happier. She is wealthy financially and spiritually.
These are just a few of the amazing things people are manifesting. They are testament to the reality of the Law of Attraction and these personal correspondences show that Law of Attraction does indeed influence our lives at various levels.
Life without financial obstacles
Life without the fear of experiencing poverty
Life without hesitations and anxieties about the future
Life filled with so much promise that you are always happy!
LIFE as we know it can be beautiful and bountiful – the Universe wants you to experience all these things if you really want them!
I discovered the power of the Law of Attraction myself early in my career as a clinical hypnotherapist

And I was never the same. It gave me so much joy and satisfaction that I wanted to share the great knowledge with people around the world.
Before the Secret, there was the Law.
I know that the Law of Attraction will work for you because

You understand the value of hard work and conscious creation
You have chosen to become a conscious creator by paying full attention to this letter
The Law of Attraction has helped me establish a successful hypnotherapy practice, a professional hypnotherapy association, and a successful commercial platform that sells thousands of blockbuster hypnosis recordings. The law of attraction has also helped me publish dozens of publications that has helped thousands of people in the US and beyond.
The Law of Attraction works whether you have tried LOA before and have failed or if you just want to try this technique for the first time.
Millions of people can attest that the Law of Attraction is real and right now, the Universe is counting down the days and weeks needed to manifest your wealth.
Through years of research and refinement I have been able to create what could be the most concise guide to the Law of Attraction.
Manifesting Wealth is close to my heart because it speaks of how any person can make this life one hundred percent better without having to rely on crazy, get rich quick schemes.
Your partner in getting rich is the Universe itself when you use the Law of Attraction. Are you ready?
Here’s a taste of what you will find inside

Manifesting Wealth is presents a wealth of valuable information on the Law of Attraction and how you can use the LOA to change your life forever. This exclusive program is not found anywhere else but this website and is covered by our ironclad guarantee. It’s time to see how Manifesting Wealth can help you achieve your financial goals and more!
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Module 1
How the minds of the rich and wealthy work
Setting the solid foundation of a wealthy mind
Dealing with possibilities and realities
The single most important factor that defines your life
How to intensify the power of your life’s purpose
How to rebuild your life and career around new ideas
Radically transform your perception of reality to accommodate abundance
The importance of changing lenses and having internal dialogs
The role of happiness in conscious creation
What to do with challenges, big and small
The role of passion in the grand design of the law of attraction
How to find your passion in life
Dealing with obstacles to discovering your true passion
The role of belief in manifesting wealth
The power of belief
The difference between attracting money and working for money
How to multiply your personal manifesting power
Module 2
Dealing with the fear of failure
How determined are you?
Measuring determination and success
Overcoming obstacles to wealth – the Universe wants you to succeed!
How to erase doubt in one’s abilities and skills
The fine line that separates wealth and poverty
How to create a new you that is completely liberated from society’s mental shackles
Determining who is the real driver in your life
How to conquer the largest challenges – it’s simpler than you think!
Mind control through meditation
Aligning yourself with the Universe
Piecing together the roles of emotions and thoughts in conscious creation
Identifying genuine emotions and how these are affecting your ability to manifest wealth and goodness in your life
How to create the reasons that will drive reality to conform to your desires
What role does the law of attraction play in our lives?
What is the nature of the law of attraction?
How experiences and emotions affect the quality of your conscious creations
The role of thankfulness in conscious creation – why must we be thankful?
When should you start enjoying manifesting wealth?
Module 3
How to build your support system
The traits of a good support system
Identifying worthy members of your support system
What should a support system do?
The power of strategic networking
Who should you be seeking and befriending?
Uncovering secret opportunities and hidden stashes of abundance
Planning ahead – what to do with all the wealth?
Developing new career goals
Dealing with the career ladder (again)
Should you change jobs?
The importance of advancement opportunities for career-oriented individuals
Honing new skills
Taking advantage of continuous education and free learning
Ending limiting beliefs and building your confidence
The correct way of pursuing goals
Do you know how to set worthy goals?
Creating the perfect strategy for financial independence
The role of mentors and experts in your life
Where are your dreams right now?
The importance of pursuing dreams when manifesting endless wealth
Module 4
How to start a Gratitude Journal
A guide to reflection and thankfulness – an exercise in conscious creation (receiving and being thankful)
Are you giving yourself enough credit for all your hard work?
Appreciating the Universe and hidden blessings
Deepening the impact of gratitude in your life
Can nature help you consciously create wealth?
Recognizing the signs of your success
Small success and big successes
Developing your ability to appreciate life and the world around you
Module 5
Discover how visualization can help create or manifest material wealth and abundance
How to create worthy goals with the help of the Law of Attraction
Intensifying emotional associations of worthy goals
How your emotions affect what the Universe reflects back to you
Vibrational energies and how they work
Activating the region of the brain responsible for conscious creation
How to create a never-ending torrent of wealth through creative visualization
Vision boarding or how to paint the life of your dreams
Supporting the imagination and bridging reality and your desires – vision boards are your desires with a physical foothold in your reality
Why vision boards are important to conscious creation
The brain’s reaction – what happens when you use the Law of Attraction?
Where to put the vision boards for maximum impact
How meditation can help conscious creation
Designing the perfect meditation session for manifesting wealth
What to do during the meditation
Positioning yourself into the imagined to mold and shape physical reality
How to create the perfect mind movies
Finding the exact path that will give you the wealth that you desire
Module 6
Tracking down the obstacles to your success
What is really holding you back?
The blocked path – obliterating stumbling blocks to genuine wealth
How and when to take action when obstacles are identified
The Three Negatives that will completely negate every ounce of positive effort and desire and will render your goal useless
Situating yourself in the realm of the real – how to open the floodgates of wealth
The reverse rule of positivity and negativity in the world of the Law of Attraction
What do negatives attract?
What do positive attract?
Does the magnetic theory hold true for the Law of Attraction as well?
Change your life to change your wealth
The role of lifestyle in wealth creation
How the Universe distributes wealth depending on desires expressed by a person’s actions and drives
How to act after you have asked the Universe something
Does fear prevent conscious creation?
Breaking down fear and blocking it from your life forever
Should conscious creators take chances or not?
Does risk play a role in success when a person is manifesting?
The leap of faith and why it matters
Relying on yourself for motivation
Changing how your subconscious mind works
Is your own mind sabotaging your chances of success?
Modifying negatives once you discover them
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Module 7
Are your personal associations and relationships destroying your wealth?
Dealing with friends and family members who are attracting problems and not wealth
Dealing with people who constantly remind you that you cannot attract more wealth due to one reason or another
How to be more selective with the things that you see/hear/read
What kind of reading materials and multimedia are best for conscious creation and manifesting wealth?
Discovering the importance of focused material
Defining your position in relation to the wealthy and materially abundant
What kind of crowd should you belong to?
Do friends and colleagues have an effect on manifesting wealth?
Modelling excellence and learning from the experiences of others
Remodelling your mind through external influences
Who should you listen to and how to use the new information?
What to do when new options begin to open up
People as channels of wealth creation and conscious creation
The various levels of manifestation and how wealth can result from tapping into these different levels of conscious creation
How to listen to the Universe – what should you be looking for when your plans are finally in action?
Uncover the secrets of picking out pockets of abundance; they are all around us!
Module 8
How to sustain all the wealth that has been given to you by the Universe
Planning for long term growth
The 2 keys that are right in front of your eyes that will ensure the continuous increase of your personal wealth
How to pick healthy investments that will assure continued success
Expert tips on amassing a large personal fortune
Creating a business of your own
How to sustain and improve your business
How to appreciate the new wealth that you have now
How appreciation goes hand in hand with consumption
Should you be afraid of spending money?
Does wealth recoil from consumption?
How generosity increases your wealth and improves your life
The true nature of abundance
In the end, the only thing standing between you and the life that you deserve is not knowing how to use the Law of Attraction to your full advantage.
Can you stand to wait another day to fulfill your destiny and achieve your biggest passions in life?
Or are you ready for the biggest rewards of life?
The answer is up to you
 But remember: the Universe doesn’t like to wait!
Turn the Key to Skyrocket Your Personal Fortune Right Now For $10
Tumblr media
Your Friend & Partner in Success,
Dr. Steve G. Jones
PS. Downloading Manifesting Wealth is so easy – click here and you will be taken to a secured, risk-free download page!
PPS. What is the value of a sound financial future? You decide – get Manifesting Wealth to unlock a world of financial freedom beyond your wildest dreams!
PPPS. And don’t forget our 60-day ironclad guarantee. Read about it after you get the Manifesting Wealth here.To recap, you will be getting a comprehensive and unbeatable guide to one of the most exciting discoveries of the 21st century – the Law of Attraction.
In addition to this you will be learning the intricate tasks needed to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. Every angle is considered and you will gain full access to all materials needed to manifest your personal fortune. Get Manifesting Wealth safely & securely now!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Manifest Wealth
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/manifest-wealth/
Manifest Wealth
 Buy Now    
From The Desk Of Dr. Steve G. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Do you often think of how life could be better?
Do you wonder why some people seem to have an extremely easy time creating and attracting wealth, all the time?
Do you feel as if something is holding you back and you just can’t put a finger as to what it is?
And – do you struggle with financial difficulties and feel that things are only bound to get worse considering how the economy is faring right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answers that you seek are not far ahead

Ever since the book and the DVD of The Secret came out, millions of people around the world have learned about the singular law that dictates creation in the world as we know it. I’m talking about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is as old as the Universe itself
When the Universe was born there was only one force that allowed whole planets to form from the chaos – that force was singular and unmatched in its strength and universality.
This singular, primeval force was the law of attraction. Without the law of attraction creation would be impossible – period. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are aware of it or not, it works nonstop in your life and is responsible for everything that you have right now.
The Law of Attraction is the secret chance for you to get ALL the wealth that you will ever want
 And you don’t have to do it alone.
The Universe, no less, will be by your side as you begin achieving your wealth-related goals one by one!
Millions of people call the Law of Attraction the discovery of the century because it has been used to:
Manifest wealth and material abundance
Open up massive opportunities for personal and financial growth
Discover new windows for wealth-creation
Attract the right circumstances at the right time
 Things just click into place!
Develop the correct mindset for attracting wealth and good business
Uncover ripe markets that are just waiting for people who want the wealth
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Stories of success are all over the Internet
 Let’s look at how people are using the Law of Attraction to consciously influence the material world to conform to their desires!
A 5’4” girl getting more modelling gigs than she ever dreamed of – moving up quickly in her professional world, she soon became a partner in a robust new modelling company in the same city where she lived.
A mother of three who has already attracted two dream houses (she got her 2nd dream house after she figured out the colors and all the other details) and as a massive bonus she was able to attract health was able to leave the nightmarish world of Celiac disease
An award-winning author (clue – he was one of the writers of the Secret!) who used the LOA to pick himself up financially and emotionally after many devastating events in his life. He speaks of his first $10,000 payday and other manifesting miracles in his many books on the law of attraction.
A man who had wanted to mine the precious metal gold all his life. He left the country, drawn by a strange attraction to another country. Within a week of living in the new country, a man approached him and asked him if he wanted to help establish a gold mining partnership. Long story short, he manifested the dream business when he started using the Law of Attraction!
A man wanted to buy a truck that was way above his ability to pay. He visualized owning the truck via the LOA and within 30 days the dealership gave him a deal so good that he was able to bring home the truck that week. This man has continued using the LOA technique to get other things he wanted – because these transactions give him extreme satisfaction!
Another award-winning author shared his success with the LOA by stating that his first one million dollars was manifested during a time when people already doubted his vision
 He didn’t care – he went ahead and consciously created his first 1 million dollars! Today this man is well known in the circles of Law of Attraction and he has levelled up once again with the release of new products that help people manifest miracles in everyday life.
A woman was disillusioned by her studies and felt like she was heading down the wrong direction. She came across one of our books on the Law of Attraction and after a while she decided that she wanted to pursue her true love – designing and creating jewellery. Today she is earning far more than she expected from her passion and she couldn’t be happier. She is wealthy financially and spiritually.
These are just a few of the amazing things people are manifesting. They are testament to the reality of the Law of Attraction and these personal correspondences show that Law of Attraction does indeed influence our lives at various levels.
Life without financial obstacles
Life without the fear of experiencing poverty
Life without hesitations and anxieties about the future
Life filled with so much promise that you are always happy!
LIFE as we know it can be beautiful and bountiful – the Universe wants you to experience all these things if you really want them!
I discovered the power of the Law of Attraction myself early in my career as a clinical hypnotherapist

And I was never the same. It gave me so much joy and satisfaction that I wanted to share the great knowledge with people around the world.
Before the Secret, there was the Law.
I know that the Law of Attraction will work for you because

You understand the value of hard work and conscious creation
You have chosen to become a conscious creator by paying full attention to this letter
The Law of Attraction has helped me establish a successful hypnotherapy practice, a professional hypnotherapy association, and a successful commercial platform that sells thousands of blockbuster hypnosis recordings. The law of attraction has also helped me publish dozens of publications that has helped thousands of people in the US and beyond.
The Law of Attraction works whether you have tried LOA before and have failed or if you just want to try this technique for the first time.
Millions of people can attest that the Law of Attraction is real and right now, the Universe is counting down the days and weeks needed to manifest your wealth.
Through years of research and refinement I have been able to create what could be the most concise guide to the Law of Attraction.
Manifesting Wealth is close to my heart because it speaks of how any person can make this life one hundred percent better without having to rely on crazy, get rich quick schemes.
Your partner in getting rich is the Universe itself when you use the Law of Attraction. Are you ready?
Here’s a taste of what you will find inside

Manifesting Wealth is presents a wealth of valuable information on the Law of Attraction and how you can use the LOA to change your life forever. This exclusive program is not found anywhere else but this website and is covered by our ironclad guarantee. It’s time to see how Manifesting Wealth can help you achieve your financial goals and more!
Module 1
How the minds of the rich and wealthy work
Setting the solid foundation of a wealthy mind
Dealing with possibilities and realities
The single most important factor that defines your life
How to intensify the power of your life’s purpose
How to rebuild your life and career around new ideas
Radically transform your perception of reality to accommodate abundance
The importance of changing lenses and having internal dialogs
The role of happiness in conscious creation
What to do with challenges, big and small
The role of passion in the grand design of the law of attraction
How to find your passion in life
Dealing with obstacles to discovering your true passion
The role of belief in manifesting wealth
The power of belief
The difference between attracting money and working for money
How to multiply your personal manifesting power
Module 2
Dealing with the fear of failure
How determined are you?
Measuring determination and success
Overcoming obstacles to wealth – the Universe wants you to succeed!
How to erase doubt in one’s abilities and skills
The fine line that separates wealth and poverty
How to create a new you that is completely liberated from society’s mental shackles
Determining who is the real driver in your life
How to conquer the largest challenges – it’s simpler than you think!
Mind control through meditation
Aligning yourself with the Universe
Piecing together the roles of emotions and thoughts in conscious creation
Identifying genuine emotions and how these are affecting your ability to manifest wealth and goodness in your life
How to create the reasons that will drive reality to conform to your desires
What role does the law of attraction play in our lives?
What is the nature of the law of attraction?
How experiences and emotions affect the quality of your conscious creations
The role of thankfulness in conscious creation – why must we be thankful?
When should you start enjoying manifesting wealth?
Module 3
How to build your support system
The traits of a good support system
Identifying worthy members of your support system
What should a support system do?
The power of strategic networking
Who should you be seeking and befriending?
Uncovering secret opportunities and hidden stashes of abundance
Planning ahead – what to do with all the wealth?
Developing new career goals
Dealing with the career ladder (again)
Should you change jobs?
The importance of advancement opportunities for career-oriented individuals
Honing new skills
Taking advantage of continuous education and free learning
Ending limiting beliefs and building your confidence
The correct way of pursuing goals
Do you know how to set worthy goals?
Creating the perfect strategy for financial independence
The role of mentors and experts in your life
Where are your dreams right now?
The importance of pursuing dreams when manifesting endless wealth
Module 4
How to start a Gratitude Journal
A guide to reflection and thankfulness – an exercise in conscious creation (receiving and being thankful)
Are you giving yourself enough credit for all your hard work?
Appreciating the Universe and hidden blessings
Deepening the impact of gratitude in your life
Can nature help you consciously create wealth?
Recognizing the signs of your success
Small success and big successes
Developing your ability to appreciate life and the world around you
Module 5
Discover how visualization can help create or manifest material wealth and abundance
How to create worthy goals with the help of the Law of Attraction
Intensifying emotional associations of worthy goals
How your emotions affect what the Universe reflects back to you
Vibrational energies and how they work
Activating the region of the brain responsible for conscious creation
How to create a never-ending torrent of wealth through creative visualization
Vision boarding or how to paint the life of your dreams
Supporting the imagination and bridging reality and your desires – vision boards are your desires with a physical foothold in your reality
Why vision boards are important to conscious creation
The brain’s reaction – what happens when you use the Law of Attraction?
Where to put the vision boards for maximum impact
How meditation can help conscious creation
Designing the perfect meditation session for manifesting wealth
What to do during the meditation
Positioning yourself into the imagined to mold and shape physical reality
How to create the perfect mind movies
Finding the exact path that will give you the wealth that you desire
Module 6
Tracking down the obstacles to your success
What is really holding you back?
The blocked path – obliterating stumbling blocks to genuine wealth
How and when to take action when obstacles are identified
The Three Negatives that will completely negate every ounce of positive effort and desire and will render your goal useless
Situating yourself in the realm of the real – how to open the floodgates of wealth
The reverse rule of positivity and negativity in the world of the Law of Attraction
What do negatives attract?
What do positive attract?
Does the magnetic theory hold true for the Law of Attraction as well?
Change your life to change your wealth
The role of lifestyle in wealth creation
How the Universe distributes wealth depending on desires expressed by a person’s actions and drives
How to act after you have asked the Universe something
Does fear prevent conscious creation?
Breaking down fear and blocking it from your life forever
Should conscious creators take chances or not?
Does risk play a role in success when a person is manifesting?
The leap of faith and why it matters
Relying on yourself for motivation
Changing how your subconscious mind works
Is your own mind sabotaging your chances of success?
Modifying negatives once you discover them
Module 7
Are your personal associations and relationships destroying your wealth?
Dealing with friends and family members who are attracting problems and not wealth
Dealing with people who constantly remind you that you cannot attract more wealth due to one reason or another
How to be more selective with the things that you see/hear/read
What kind of reading materials and multimedia are best for conscious creation and manifesting wealth?
Discovering the importance of focused material
Defining your position in relation to the wealthy and materially abundant
What kind of crowd should you belong to?
Do friends and colleagues have an effect on manifesting wealth?
Modelling excellence and learning from the experiences of others
Remodelling your mind through external influences
Who should you listen to and how to use the new information?
What to do when new options begin to open up
People as channels of wealth creation and conscious creation
The various levels of manifestation and how wealth can result from tapping into these different levels of conscious creation
How to listen to the Universe – what should you be looking for when your plans are finally in action?
Uncover the secrets of picking out pockets of abundance; they are all around us!
Module 8
How to sustain all the wealth that has been given to you by the Universe
Planning for long term growth
The 2 keys that are right in front of your eyes that will ensure the continuous increase of your personal wealth
How to pick healthy investments that will assure continued success
Expert tips on amassing a large personal fortune
Creating a business of your own
How to sustain and improve your business
How to appreciate the new wealth that you have now
How appreciation goes hand in hand with consumption
Should you be afraid of spending money?
Does wealth recoil from consumption?
How generosity increases your wealth and improves your life
The true nature of abundance
In the end, the only thing standing between you and the life that you deserve is not knowing how to use the Law of Attraction to your full advantage.
Can you stand to wait another day to fulfill your destiny and achieve your biggest passions in life?
Or are you ready for the biggest rewards of life?
The answer is up to you
 But remember: the Universe doesn’t like to wait!
Turn the Key to Skyrocket Your Personal Fortune Right Now For $10
Your Friend & Partner in Success,
Dr. Steve G. Jones
PS. Downloading Manifesting Wealth is so easy – click here and you will be taken to a secured, risk-free download page!
PPS. What is the value of a sound financial future? You decide – get Manifesting Wealth to unlock a world of financial freedom beyond your wildest dreams!
PPPS. And don’t forget our 60-day ironclad guarantee. Read about it after you get the Manifesting Wealth here.To recap, you will be getting a comprehensive and unbeatable guide to one of the most exciting discoveries of the 21st century – the Law of Attraction.
In addition to this you will be learning the intricate tasks needed to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. Every angle is considered and you will gain full access to all materials needed to manifest your personal fortune. Get Manifesting Wealth safely & securely now!
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Manifest Wealth
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/manifest-wealth/
Manifest Wealth
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 Buy Now
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    From The Desk Of Dr. Steve G. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Do you often think of how life could be better?
Do you wonder why some people seem to have an extremely easy time creating and attracting wealth, all the time?
Do you feel as if something is holding you back and you just can’t put a finger as to what it is?
And – do you struggle with financial difficulties and feel that things are only bound to get worse considering how the economy is faring right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answers that you seek are not far ahead

Ever since the book and the DVD of The Secret came out, millions of people around the world have learned about the singular law that dictates creation in the world as we know it. I’m talking about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is as old as the Universe itself
When the Universe was born there was only one force that allowed whole planets to form from the chaos – that force was singular and unmatched in its strength and universality.
This singular, primeval force was the law of attraction. Without the law of attraction creation would be impossible – period. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are aware of it or not, it works nonstop in your life and is responsible for everything that you have right now.
The Law of Attraction is the secret chance for you to get ALL the wealth that you will ever want
 And you don’t have to do it alone.
The Universe, no less, will be by your side as you begin achieving your wealth-related goals one by one!
Millions of people call the Law of Attraction the discovery of the century because it has been used to:
Manifest wealth and material abundance
Open up massive opportunities for personal and financial growth
Discover new windows for wealth-creation
Attract the right circumstances at the right time
 Things just click into place!
Develop the correct mindset for attracting wealth and good business
Uncover ripe markets that are just waiting for people who want the wealth
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Stories of success are all over the Internet
 Let’s look at how people are using the Law of Attraction to consciously influence the material world to conform to their desires!
A 5’4” girl getting more modelling gigs than she ever dreamed of – moving up quickly in her professional world, she soon became a partner in a robust new modelling company in the same city where she lived.
A mother of three who has already attracted two dream houses (she got her 2nd dream house after she figured out the colors and all the other details) and as a massive bonus she was able to attract health was able to leave the nightmarish world of Celiac disease
An award-winning author (clue – he was one of the writers of the Secret!) who used the LOA to pick himself up financially and emotionally after many devastating events in his life. He speaks of his first $10,000 payday and other manifesting miracles in his many books on the law of attraction.
A man who had wanted to mine the precious metal gold all his life. He left the country, drawn by a strange attraction to another country. Within a week of living in the new country, a man approached him and asked him if he wanted to help establish a gold mining partnership. Long story short, he manifested the dream business when he started using the Law of Attraction!
A man wanted to buy a truck that was way above his ability to pay. He visualized owning the truck via the LOA and within 30 days the dealership gave him a deal so good that he was able to bring home the truck that week. This man has continued using the LOA technique to get other things he wanted – because these transactions give him extreme satisfaction!
Another award-winning author shared his success with the LOA by stating that his first one million dollars was manifested during a time when people already doubted his vision
 He didn’t care – he went ahead and consciously created his first 1 million dollars! Today this man is well known in the circles of Law of Attraction and he has levelled up once again with the release of new products that help people manifest miracles in everyday life.
A woman was disillusioned by her studies and felt like she was heading down the wrong direction. She came across one of our books on the Law of Attraction and after a while she decided that she wanted to pursue her true love – designing and creating jewellery. Today she is earning far more than she expected from her passion and she couldn’t be happier. She is wealthy financially and spiritually.
These are just a few of the amazing things people are manifesting. They are testament to the reality of the Law of Attraction and these personal correspondences show that Law of Attraction does indeed influence our lives at various levels.
Life without financial obstacles
Life without the fear of experiencing poverty
Life without hesitations and anxieties about the future
Life filled with so much promise that you are always happy!
LIFE as we know it can be beautiful and bountiful – the Universe wants you to experience all these things if you really want them!
I discovered the power of the Law of Attraction myself early in my career as a clinical hypnotherapist

And I was never the same. It gave me so much joy and satisfaction that I wanted to share the great knowledge with people around the world.
Before the Secret, there was the Law.
I know that the Law of Attraction will work for you because

You understand the value of hard work and conscious creation
You have chosen to become a conscious creator by paying full attention to this letter
The Law of Attraction has helped me establish a successful hypnotherapy practice, a professional hypnotherapy association, and a successful commercial platform that sells thousands of blockbuster hypnosis recordings. The law of attraction has also helped me publish dozens of publications that has helped thousands of people in the US and beyond.
The Law of Attraction works whether you have tried LOA before and have failed or if you just want to try this technique for the first time.
Millions of people can attest that the Law of Attraction is real and right now, the Universe is counting down the days and weeks needed to manifest your wealth.
Through years of research and refinement I have been able to create what could be the most concise guide to the Law of Attraction.
Manifesting Wealth is close to my heart because it speaks of how any person can make this life one hundred percent better without having to rely on crazy, get rich quick schemes.
Your partner in getting rich is the Universe itself when you use the Law of Attraction. Are you ready?
Here’s a taste of what you will find inside

Manifesting Wealth is presents a wealth of valuable information on the Law of Attraction and how you can use the LOA to change your life forever. This exclusive program is not found anywhere else but this website and is covered by our ironclad guarantee. It’s time to see how Manifesting Wealth can help you achieve your financial goals and more!
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Module 1
How the minds of the rich and wealthy work
Setting the solid foundation of a wealthy mind
Dealing with possibilities and realities
The single most important factor that defines your life
How to intensify the power of your life’s purpose
How to rebuild your life and career around new ideas
Radically transform your perception of reality to accommodate abundance
The importance of changing lenses and having internal dialogs
The role of happiness in conscious creation
What to do with challenges, big and small
The role of passion in the grand design of the law of attraction
How to find your passion in life
Dealing with obstacles to discovering your true passion
The role of belief in manifesting wealth
The power of belief
The difference between attracting money and working for money
How to multiply your personal manifesting power
Module 2
Dealing with the fear of failure
How determined are you?
Measuring determination and success
Overcoming obstacles to wealth – the Universe wants you to succeed!
How to erase doubt in one’s abilities and skills
The fine line that separates wealth and poverty
How to create a new you that is completely liberated from society’s mental shackles
Determining who is the real driver in your life
How to conquer the largest challenges – it’s simpler than you think!
Mind control through meditation
Aligning yourself with the Universe
Piecing together the roles of emotions and thoughts in conscious creation
Identifying genuine emotions and how these are affecting your ability to manifest wealth and goodness in your life
How to create the reasons that will drive reality to conform to your desires
What role does the law of attraction play in our lives?
What is the nature of the law of attraction?
How experiences and emotions affect the quality of your conscious creations
The role of thankfulness in conscious creation – why must we be thankful?
When should you start enjoying manifesting wealth?
Module 3
How to build your support system
The traits of a good support system
Identifying worthy members of your support system
What should a support system do?
The power of strategic networking
Who should you be seeking and befriending?
Uncovering secret opportunities and hidden stashes of abundance
Planning ahead – what to do with all the wealth?
Developing new career goals
Dealing with the career ladder (again)
Should you change jobs?
The importance of advancement opportunities for career-oriented individuals
Honing new skills
Taking advantage of continuous education and free learning
Ending limiting beliefs and building your confidence
The correct way of pursuing goals
Do you know how to set worthy goals?
Creating the perfect strategy for financial independence
The role of mentors and experts in your life
Where are your dreams right now?
The importance of pursuing dreams when manifesting endless wealth
Module 4
How to start a Gratitude Journal
A guide to reflection and thankfulness – an exercise in conscious creation (receiving and being thankful)
Are you giving yourself enough credit for all your hard work?
Appreciating the Universe and hidden blessings
Deepening the impact of gratitude in your life
Can nature help you consciously create wealth?
Recognizing the signs of your success
Small success and big successes
Developing your ability to appreciate life and the world around you
Module 5
Discover how visualization can help create or manifest material wealth and abundance
How to create worthy goals with the help of the Law of Attraction
Intensifying emotional associations of worthy goals
How your emotions affect what the Universe reflects back to you
Vibrational energies and how they work
Activating the region of the brain responsible for conscious creation
How to create a never-ending torrent of wealth through creative visualization
Vision boarding or how to paint the life of your dreams
Supporting the imagination and bridging reality and your desires – vision boards are your desires with a physical foothold in your reality
Why vision boards are important to conscious creation
The brain’s reaction – what happens when you use the Law of Attraction?
Where to put the vision boards for maximum impact
How meditation can help conscious creation
Designing the perfect meditation session for manifesting wealth
What to do during the meditation
Positioning yourself into the imagined to mold and shape physical reality
How to create the perfect mind movies
Finding the exact path that will give you the wealth that you desire
Module 6
Tracking down the obstacles to your success
What is really holding you back?
The blocked path – obliterating stumbling blocks to genuine wealth
How and when to take action when obstacles are identified
The Three Negatives that will completely negate every ounce of positive effort and desire and will render your goal useless
Situating yourself in the realm of the real – how to open the floodgates of wealth
The reverse rule of positivity and negativity in the world of the Law of Attraction
What do negatives attract?
What do positive attract?
Does the magnetic theory hold true for the Law of Attraction as well?
Change your life to change your wealth
The role of lifestyle in wealth creation
How the Universe distributes wealth depending on desires expressed by a person’s actions and drives
How to act after you have asked the Universe something
Does fear prevent conscious creation?
Breaking down fear and blocking it from your life forever
Should conscious creators take chances or not?
Does risk play a role in success when a person is manifesting?
The leap of faith and why it matters
Relying on yourself for motivation
Changing how your subconscious mind works
Is your own mind sabotaging your chances of success?
Modifying negatives once you discover them
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Module 7
Are your personal associations and relationships destroying your wealth?
Dealing with friends and family members who are attracting problems and not wealth
Dealing with people who constantly remind you that you cannot attract more wealth due to one reason or another
How to be more selective with the things that you see/hear/read
What kind of reading materials and multimedia are best for conscious creation and manifesting wealth?
Discovering the importance of focused material
Defining your position in relation to the wealthy and materially abundant
What kind of crowd should you belong to?
Do friends and colleagues have an effect on manifesting wealth?
Modelling excellence and learning from the experiences of others
Remodelling your mind through external influences
Who should you listen to and how to use the new information?
What to do when new options begin to open up
People as channels of wealth creation and conscious creation
The various levels of manifestation and how wealth can result from tapping into these different levels of conscious creation
How to listen to the Universe – what should you be looking for when your plans are finally in action?
Uncover the secrets of picking out pockets of abundance; they are all around us!
Module 8
How to sustain all the wealth that has been given to you by the Universe
Planning for long term growth
The 2 keys that are right in front of your eyes that will ensure the continuous increase of your personal wealth
How to pick healthy investments that will assure continued success
Expert tips on amassing a large personal fortune
Creating a business of your own
How to sustain and improve your business
How to appreciate the new wealth that you have now
How appreciation goes hand in hand with consumption
Should you be afraid of spending money?
Does wealth recoil from consumption?
How generosity increases your wealth and improves your life
The true nature of abundance
In the end, the only thing standing between you and the life that you deserve is not knowing how to use the Law of Attraction to your full advantage.
Can you stand to wait another day to fulfill your destiny and achieve your biggest passions in life?
Or are you ready for the biggest rewards of life?
The answer is up to you
 But remember: the Universe doesn’t like to wait!
Turn the Key to Skyrocket Your Personal Fortune Right Now For $10
Tumblr media
Your Friend & Partner in Success,
Dr. Steve G. Jones
PS. Downloading Manifesting Wealth is so easy – click here and you will be taken to a secured, risk-free download page!
PPS. What is the value of a sound financial future? You decide – get Manifesting Wealth to unlock a world of financial freedom beyond your wildest dreams!
PPPS. And don’t forget our 60-day ironclad guarantee. Read about it after you get the Manifesting Wealth here.To recap, you will be getting a comprehensive and unbeatable guide to one of the most exciting discoveries of the 21st century – the Law of Attraction.
In addition to this you will be learning the intricate tasks needed to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. Every angle is considered and you will gain full access to all materials needed to manifest your personal fortune. Get Manifesting Wealth safely & securely now!
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Manifest Wealth
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/manifest-wealth/
Manifest Wealth
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 Buy Now
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    From The Desk Of Dr. Steve G. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Do you often think of how life could be better?
Do you wonder why some people seem to have an extremely easy time creating and attracting wealth, all the time?
Do you feel as if something is holding you back and you just can’t put a finger as to what it is?
And – do you struggle with financial difficulties and feel that things are only bound to get worse considering how the economy is faring right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answers that you seek are not far ahead

Ever since the book and the DVD of The Secret came out, millions of people around the world have learned about the singular law that dictates creation in the world as we know it. I’m talking about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is as old as the Universe itself
When the Universe was born there was only one force that allowed whole planets to form from the chaos – that force was singular and unmatched in its strength and universality.
This singular, primeval force was the law of attraction. Without the law of attraction creation would be impossible – period. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are aware of it or not, it works nonstop in your life and is responsible for everything that you have right now.
The Law of Attraction is the secret chance for you to get ALL the wealth that you will ever want
 And you don’t have to do it alone.
The Universe, no less, will be by your side as you begin achieving your wealth-related goals one by one!
Millions of people call the Law of Attraction the discovery of the century because it has been used to:
Manifest wealth and material abundance
Open up massive opportunities for personal and financial growth
Discover new windows for wealth-creation
Attract the right circumstances at the right time
 Things just click into place!
Develop the correct mindset for attracting wealth and good business
Uncover ripe markets that are just waiting for people who want the wealth
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Stories of success are all over the Internet
 Let’s look at how people are using the Law of Attraction to consciously influence the material world to conform to their desires!
A 5’4” girl getting more modelling gigs than she ever dreamed of – moving up quickly in her professional world, she soon became a partner in a robust new modelling company in the same city where she lived.
A mother of three who has already attracted two dream houses (she got her 2nd dream house after she figured out the colors and all the other details) and as a massive bonus she was able to attract health was able to leave the nightmarish world of Celiac disease
An award-winning author (clue – he was one of the writers of the Secret!) who used the LOA to pick himself up financially and emotionally after many devastating events in his life. He speaks of his first $10,000 payday and other manifesting miracles in his many books on the law of attraction.
A man who had wanted to mine the precious metal gold all his life. He left the country, drawn by a strange attraction to another country. Within a week of living in the new country, a man approached him and asked him if he wanted to help establish a gold mining partnership. Long story short, he manifested the dream business when he started using the Law of Attraction!
A man wanted to buy a truck that was way above his ability to pay. He visualized owning the truck via the LOA and within 30 days the dealership gave him a deal so good that he was able to bring home the truck that week. This man has continued using the LOA technique to get other things he wanted – because these transactions give him extreme satisfaction!
Another award-winning author shared his success with the LOA by stating that his first one million dollars was manifested during a time when people already doubted his vision
 He didn’t care – he went ahead and consciously created his first 1 million dollars! Today this man is well known in the circles of Law of Attraction and he has levelled up once again with the release of new products that help people manifest miracles in everyday life.
A woman was disillusioned by her studies and felt like she was heading down the wrong direction. She came across one of our books on the Law of Attraction and after a while she decided that she wanted to pursue her true love – designing and creating jewellery. Today she is earning far more than she expected from her passion and she couldn’t be happier. She is wealthy financially and spiritually.
These are just a few of the amazing things people are manifesting. They are testament to the reality of the Law of Attraction and these personal correspondences show that Law of Attraction does indeed influence our lives at various levels.
Life without financial obstacles
Life without the fear of experiencing poverty
Life without hesitations and anxieties about the future
Life filled with so much promise that you are always happy!
LIFE as we know it can be beautiful and bountiful – the Universe wants you to experience all these things if you really want them!
I discovered the power of the Law of Attraction myself early in my career as a clinical hypnotherapist

And I was never the same. It gave me so much joy and satisfaction that I wanted to share the great knowledge with people around the world.
Before the Secret, there was the Law.
I know that the Law of Attraction will work for you because

You understand the value of hard work and conscious creation
You have chosen to become a conscious creator by paying full attention to this letter
The Law of Attraction has helped me establish a successful hypnotherapy practice, a professional hypnotherapy association, and a successful commercial platform that sells thousands of blockbuster hypnosis recordings. The law of attraction has also helped me publish dozens of publications that has helped thousands of people in the US and beyond.
The Law of Attraction works whether you have tried LOA before and have failed or if you just want to try this technique for the first time.
Millions of people can attest that the Law of Attraction is real and right now, the Universe is counting down the days and weeks needed to manifest your wealth.
Through years of research and refinement I have been able to create what could be the most concise guide to the Law of Attraction.
Manifesting Wealth is close to my heart because it speaks of how any person can make this life one hundred percent better without having to rely on crazy, get rich quick schemes.
Your partner in getting rich is the Universe itself when you use the Law of Attraction. Are you ready?
Here’s a taste of what you will find inside

Manifesting Wealth is presents a wealth of valuable information on the Law of Attraction and how you can use the LOA to change your life forever. This exclusive program is not found anywhere else but this website and is covered by our ironclad guarantee. It’s time to see how Manifesting Wealth can help you achieve your financial goals and more!
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Module 1
How the minds of the rich and wealthy work
Setting the solid foundation of a wealthy mind
Dealing with possibilities and realities
The single most important factor that defines your life
How to intensify the power of your life’s purpose
How to rebuild your life and career around new ideas
Radically transform your perception of reality to accommodate abundance
The importance of changing lenses and having internal dialogs
The role of happiness in conscious creation
What to do with challenges, big and small
The role of passion in the grand design of the law of attraction
How to find your passion in life
Dealing with obstacles to discovering your true passion
The role of belief in manifesting wealth
The power of belief
The difference between attracting money and working for money
How to multiply your personal manifesting power
Module 2
Dealing with the fear of failure
How determined are you?
Measuring determination and success
Overcoming obstacles to wealth – the Universe wants you to succeed!
How to erase doubt in one’s abilities and skills
The fine line that separates wealth and poverty
How to create a new you that is completely liberated from society’s mental shackles
Determining who is the real driver in your life
How to conquer the largest challenges – it’s simpler than you think!
Mind control through meditation
Aligning yourself with the Universe
Piecing together the roles of emotions and thoughts in conscious creation
Identifying genuine emotions and how these are affecting your ability to manifest wealth and goodness in your life
How to create the reasons that will drive reality to conform to your desires
What role does the law of attraction play in our lives?
What is the nature of the law of attraction?
How experiences and emotions affect the quality of your conscious creations
The role of thankfulness in conscious creation – why must we be thankful?
When should you start enjoying manifesting wealth?
Module 3
How to build your support system
The traits of a good support system
Identifying worthy members of your support system
What should a support system do?
The power of strategic networking
Who should you be seeking and befriending?
Uncovering secret opportunities and hidden stashes of abundance
Planning ahead – what to do with all the wealth?
Developing new career goals
Dealing with the career ladder (again)
Should you change jobs?
The importance of advancement opportunities for career-oriented individuals
Honing new skills
Taking advantage of continuous education and free learning
Ending limiting beliefs and building your confidence
The correct way of pursuing goals
Do you know how to set worthy goals?
Creating the perfect strategy for financial independence
The role of mentors and experts in your life
Where are your dreams right now?
The importance of pursuing dreams when manifesting endless wealth
Module 4
How to start a Gratitude Journal
A guide to reflection and thankfulness – an exercise in conscious creation (receiving and being thankful)
Are you giving yourself enough credit for all your hard work?
Appreciating the Universe and hidden blessings
Deepening the impact of gratitude in your life
Can nature help you consciously create wealth?
Recognizing the signs of your success
Small success and big successes
Developing your ability to appreciate life and the world around you
Module 5
Discover how visualization can help create or manifest material wealth and abundance
How to create worthy goals with the help of the Law of Attraction
Intensifying emotional associations of worthy goals
How your emotions affect what the Universe reflects back to you
Vibrational energies and how they work
Activating the region of the brain responsible for conscious creation
How to create a never-ending torrent of wealth through creative visualization
Vision boarding or how to paint the life of your dreams
Supporting the imagination and bridging reality and your desires – vision boards are your desires with a physical foothold in your reality
Why vision boards are important to conscious creation
The brain’s reaction – what happens when you use the Law of Attraction?
Where to put the vision boards for maximum impact
How meditation can help conscious creation
Designing the perfect meditation session for manifesting wealth
What to do during the meditation
Positioning yourself into the imagined to mold and shape physical reality
How to create the perfect mind movies
Finding the exact path that will give you the wealth that you desire
Module 6
Tracking down the obstacles to your success
What is really holding you back?
The blocked path – obliterating stumbling blocks to genuine wealth
How and when to take action when obstacles are identified
The Three Negatives that will completely negate every ounce of positive effort and desire and will render your goal useless
Situating yourself in the realm of the real – how to open the floodgates of wealth
The reverse rule of positivity and negativity in the world of the Law of Attraction
What do negatives attract?
What do positive attract?
Does the magnetic theory hold true for the Law of Attraction as well?
Change your life to change your wealth
The role of lifestyle in wealth creation
How the Universe distributes wealth depending on desires expressed by a person’s actions and drives
How to act after you have asked the Universe something
Does fear prevent conscious creation?
Breaking down fear and blocking it from your life forever
Should conscious creators take chances or not?
Does risk play a role in success when a person is manifesting?
The leap of faith and why it matters
Relying on yourself for motivation
Changing how your subconscious mind works
Is your own mind sabotaging your chances of success?
Modifying negatives once you discover them
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Module 7
Are your personal associations and relationships destroying your wealth?
Dealing with friends and family members who are attracting problems and not wealth
Dealing with people who constantly remind you that you cannot attract more wealth due to one reason or another
How to be more selective with the things that you see/hear/read
What kind of reading materials and multimedia are best for conscious creation and manifesting wealth?
Discovering the importance of focused material
Defining your position in relation to the wealthy and materially abundant
What kind of crowd should you belong to?
Do friends and colleagues have an effect on manifesting wealth?
Modelling excellence and learning from the experiences of others
Remodelling your mind through external influences
Who should you listen to and how to use the new information?
What to do when new options begin to open up
People as channels of wealth creation and conscious creation
The various levels of manifestation and how wealth can result from tapping into these different levels of conscious creation
How to listen to the Universe – what should you be looking for when your plans are finally in action?
Uncover the secrets of picking out pockets of abundance; they are all around us!
Module 8
How to sustain all the wealth that has been given to you by the Universe
Planning for long term growth
The 2 keys that are right in front of your eyes that will ensure the continuous increase of your personal wealth
How to pick healthy investments that will assure continued success
Expert tips on amassing a large personal fortune
Creating a business of your own
How to sustain and improve your business
How to appreciate the new wealth that you have now
How appreciation goes hand in hand with consumption
Should you be afraid of spending money?
Does wealth recoil from consumption?
How generosity increases your wealth and improves your life
The true nature of abundance
In the end, the only thing standing between you and the life that you deserve is not knowing how to use the Law of Attraction to your full advantage.
Can you stand to wait another day to fulfill your destiny and achieve your biggest passions in life?
Or are you ready for the biggest rewards of life?
The answer is up to you
 But remember: the Universe doesn’t like to wait!
Turn the Key to Skyrocket Your Personal Fortune Right Now For $10
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Your Friend & Partner in Success,
Dr. Steve G. Jones
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PPPS. And don’t forget our 60-day ironclad guarantee. Read about it after you get the Manifesting Wealth here.To recap, you will be getting a comprehensive and unbeatable guide to one of the most exciting discoveries of the 21st century – the Law of Attraction.
In addition to this you will be learning the intricate tasks needed to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. Every angle is considered and you will gain full access to all materials needed to manifest your personal fortune. Get Manifesting Wealth safely & securely now!
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