#but that almost makes me want tk send it too them more
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Emily Prentiss X Daughter Reader
Request: Can you do Emily comforting daughter who has panic attack?
Panic attacks are the worst.
Third person pov...
It had been a tough case, 5 girls had been kidnapped from the same bar and each day they were killed and their bodies dumped in a different area each time.
The only thing similar about then was how similar they looked, they all had dark hair and dark eyes and all looked alot like a certain Agent, Emily Prentiss.
Currently the Agent was calling her daughter and letting her know what was happening with the case.
"But Mum it's dangerous, you can't!" Exclaimed Y/N through the video call that she was on in Penelopes office, on the screen her mother smiles trying to reassure her daughter.
After days of not getting anywhere the team had decided to send in an agent to go undercover and make contact with the Unsub.
The only one who looked like the victims was Emily, she of course was willing to go and catch this son of a bitch. But her daughter hated the plan.
"Y/N this is the only way to catch this guy, I will be okay" Explained Emily but the 11 year old wasn't listening to her mum. "No mum I can't lose you" Says
Y/N turning her head so she couldn't see her mums expression.
Emily sighs and looks at Penelope who shrugs her shoudlers but motions for her to talk to her daughter ans moves out of the way and mutters something about calling her 'chocolate thunder'.
Emily smiles sadly at her daughter, of course she already lost her once she doesn't want to loose her mum again. "N/N, sweetie please look at me?"askes Emily gently she didn't have long left until she had to leave.
Sighing the girl turns around and faces her tears threatening to fall but she keeps them in, Emily smiles at her almost teenager daughter.
"I'm promise you sweetie I will come home safe and sound nothing will happen to me" she promises touching the screen with her hand.
Y/N thinks for a second before putting her hand on the screen covering her mums larger hand. She sniffs softly.
"Fine you better keep your promise mum" she said, Emily nods her head. "I will sweetie see you soon" the screen then turns black Y/N stares at it for a couple seconds before she thanks Penelope and runs to her mums desk and sits at it.
She wraps one of her mums large jackets around herself as she waits until Penelope is finished to take the girl home.
Late that afternoon Y/N is back at the apartment currently curled up in her mums bedroom with Sergio with her the black cat curled up on the end of the bed.
Y/N didn't like sleeping in the apartment alone, since her mum 'died' the 11 year old never slept without her mum anywhere near her apart from on cases of course.
But to Y/N this one felt different something bad was going tk happen, suddenly her phone rings frightening the child, she breathes deeply before answering.
It was Hotch her Mum's boss. "Hotch is everything okay?" She asks the man, it's silent for a couple seconds before he answered.
"Y/N, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but we were too late, your Mum was killed by the unsub before we got to her, I'm sorry" he says Y/N freezes, her breathing heavy and panicked.
Her hands shake as she holds the phone almost dropping it. "W-what do you mean d-dead?" She stutters, silence again.
"Y-you mean this isn't a joke she's actually dead" she says, as the phone drops onto her lap, in a trance she falls back against the pillow and closes her eyes.
Then she wakes up screaming bloody murder. Eyes wide she Shoots up from thr bed and land on the floor hard.
Hyperventilating and sobbing loudly as she relieves the nightmare over and over again, she pushes herself against a wall and into a corner trying to feel safe.
Nothing was working the child clutches her pyjama top tightly she couldn't breathe she felt suffocated. The grill tries to take the shirt off but in her haste gets stuck which makes her panic even more.
She couldn't remember what to do she wanted ber mum she needed her mum to be safe still sobbing thr girl manages to finally rip of the offending clothing and sits in a vest and her pyjamas pants on the floor.
Her panic attack still active, she rocks back and forth trying to comfort herself but nothing in happening all she can think about is the horrible nightmare.
As her panic attack continues she doesn't hear the door opening and her Mum walking in. From the front Emilt sighs and locks thr door behind her.
As she does she calls out for her daughter but doesn't hear the usual pitter patter of feet running up to her.
Worried she makes her way to Y/Ns room, the bed had hardly be slept in, suddenly she hears sobs coming from her bedroom. " N/N" she gasps ans sprints in the general direction of her room.
Once she kicked the door open she searched for her daughter, when she found her thr 11 year old was curled up in a corner so tightly Emily was worried she was stuck.
Emily saw her covers thrown off the bed and onto the floor and sported Y/N pyjama shirt thrown away.
Seeing the state of panic her daughter was in Emily set to work calming her daughter down.
She knelt down infront her hands held out making sure she didn't touch her scared daughter, she then encourages her to breathe slowly and deeply.
She knows not to touch her unless she reaches out first.
Y/N tries it making Emily smile at her daughter and praise her she would hear the breath evening out. "That's good Y/N, it's okay mummy's here" she whispers to her daughter.
Then remembers the 3 3 3 rule for panic attack. "N/N" this gets Y/N attention she nods her head Emily smiles.
"That's good, now look around your environment to identify three objects" she says, the girl then looks around and names three objects.
"Good girl, next three sounds"
Y/N takes a deep breath and holds out her shaking hands which Emily takes and strokes gently.
"...Your voice...Sergios bell...clock ticking..."
Emily's smiles stays on her face her daughter is doing great, Sergio rubs his face against his scares owner making the girl crack a smile.
"Now lastly move three body parts" Says Emily, Y/N then wriggles her fingers, stretches out her legs and moves her neck.
After that she had calmed down alot, before Emily can move Y/N is already in her arms hugging her mum tightly instanlty feeling safe enough to sleep.
Emily sighs in relief as her daughter relaxes after that she needs sleep. Carefully Emily stands up and walks towards her bed and crawls in her daughter holding her tightly.
As they get settles Sergio jumps up and curls up on the empty space next to the two, the family get comfy and sleep Emily kissing her daughters forehead before sleeping.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot woo three in one night hope this makes up for not updating forever.
Request are open!
Word count: 1260
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Has Austin ever gotten jealous while they were in public?
hi! hope you’re having a good evening! thank you so much for the ask!
to answer your question, YES!
and it’s always so cute to you when he does.
but the way he shows it is subtle.
if he feels someone is looking too hard at a party he’ll come over wrap a hand around your waist to pull you into him.
he’ll even at times run a hand across your ass at will just to show off.
but you better believe that when he’s jealous, he never misses an opportunity to remind you who you truly belong to!
here is an example:
“ Oh my gosh. Aus, Stop. No he wasn’t. “ You laughed, setting your bag down on the kitchen island and discarding your coat on the chair. 
“ Babe, c’mon he totally was.  “ Austin followed you, “ I watched him the entire time. I bet you if we called up there and asked he couldn’t even tell us what color lip-gloss you were wearing, or better yet what the color of your nails were.” 
“ He stared at them the entire night. His eyes stayed glued to your chest. Don’t think he looked me in the eye once.” He gruffed. “ Then he almost spilled water on my lap when he was refilling my glass because he couldn’t pay attention to what he was doing.” 
You smiled at his slight jealousy, “ Well, that makes two of you.” You teased him.
Tonight during a special date night the two of you had decided to dress up and go out on the town to try a new sushi fusion place Austin had heard about from a friend and had eagerly wanted to try. You’d gotten dolled up. You rocked a fresh flexi rod set, had done up your makeup in a small smokey winged liner, and had worn a nice black dress that showed off a generous amount of your chest.
When you walked out the bathroom to leave, Austin had immediately noticed the way your breasts sat nice and snug. And so had the poor waiter all night.
“ That’s different, honey. And you know it.” Austin defended while throwing your leftovers into the fridge. 
“ Yeah? How? How is it different?” 
“ Because…” He muttered walking over to you, when he reached where you were he placed a hand on each side of the counter next to you so that your body was trapped by the heat of his pressed tk yours, “ I can stare them all I want. Whenever I want , for however long I want. “ 
“ Better yet.” A likened finger came to trace at the outline of your bust,  “ I could have dragged you into that bathroom and stuffed my face right here into this delicious chest. Could have ripped down this cute little neckline and got myself a taste. Would have enjoyed sending you back to sit down and let him get choked up when he seen all the bite marks and hickeys on my breasts.” 
At his declaration you could feel your breath getting more choppy, and he took note of the deep breaths you took that made your chest slowly heave up and down. He took this as a sign to egg you on.
Leaning down he let himself come face to face with your beautiful bust, his fleeting breaths against your skin made you clench and grab at the counter underneath your grip, 
“ Wanna know why I can do these things, honey. Huh?”
“ Why? “ You breath was faint.
“ Because you're mine, of course. My girl. My everything.” He answered, “ You belong to me. And me alone.” 
He reached to squeeze at your breasts, enjoying the way you squirmed under his touch,“ So, therefore I’ll look, touch, taste you, and listen to your pretty little moans whenever I see fit.”
You gasped when he made quick work of your dress straps and managed to pull down the top of your dress, and your strapless bra in one swipe. 
“ But Aus. We’re in the k-kitchen” You stammered.
“ Hasn’t ever stopped us before.” He mumbled against your skin.
“ Besides.” His fingers went to twist and play at your hard nipples thanks to cool air,  “ Kitchens are for eating too. “ 
“ Now, come on and feed me, Honey.”
isn’t he dreamy hehe
hope that answers your question!
Much love - Arie 💚
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
(got inspiration from the person who requested miya twins with sibling!reader- it was js so sweet help-)
BUT AHFJEK i hc that suna just cares for his sibling an insane amount, like will cheer them up ANYTIME if they ask or not, like they're just so dear to him<33 like i feel like he can tell that they like tks just cause of how giddy and happy they get after, so like after a friend breakup or sum he js gives em light tks everywhere cuz they just need it🥺 AAAAAAAAA SCREAMING AT THE THOUGJT OF IT /pos (you know me-- lee reader pls :3 have a wonderful day friend)
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
AHHH! *does a little cartwheel* FRIEND! :D the way I immediately read that Hey Hey Hey as Bokuto This is so cute??? So sweet? So freaking- AHH! Suna being an endearing big brother is everything to me; this is perfection! I've gotcha covered!
CW: Angst, hurt/comfort, food
“Hey.” Suna pressed a icy cold can of your favorite drink against your cheek, making you squeak in surprise. “I got you something.”
“Oh?” You didn’t have the energy to sound excited, even as you took the can from him. Your voice was thick with tears, eyes stinging from the past hour shedding them. “Thank you.”
“But wait- there’s more.” Suna smirked as he reached into the bag he had, pulling out not just one, but two of your favorite drinks, alongside your favorite candies and chips. He even pulled out a gacha machine capsule, your favorite character looking back at you through the frosty plastic. “I thought of you.”
You smiled, shaking your head as you took the little figure from your grasp, turning it in your fingers. The gesture was so sweet, but at the same time so painful.
“Oh no- did I get the wrong one?” He blinked when you sobbed, falling into his shoulder. “(Y/N)?”
“N-No, you’re fi-ine. I just- I-” You couldn’t put it into words. How could you explain to him what happened without feeling like the pain in your chest would come up and suffocate you?
Suna hummed, taking in your teary expression before pulling you into his chest completely. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to explain. Just- let it out.”
So you did. You wailed in his chest, crying like a lost child as he held you tightly in his arms. If he was soothing you, you couldn’t hear him, too caught up in your despair as he rubbed soothing circles in your back. Eventually, you were able to pull away, wiping at your face with a pitiful sniffle. “G-Got any tissues?”
“Yeah.” He reached into the bag, pulling out a box of them. Funny enough- in your favorite color.
“You really went for the theme, huh?” You laughed softly, cleaning up while he went to get you painkillers. Soon after, you were sitting beside him on the couch, nursing your drink and sniffing occasionally as he resumed his earlier actions. Occasionally, you twitched- giggling when his hands got close to your sides.
“Maybe you should laugh. Something about feeling better?” He tickled you again- keeping his touch light and feathery as you giggled and elbowed him in the ribs.
“Shuhuhuhut up. Maahhahybe? I dohohon’t know- suuhure!” You squirmed when he focused on a particularly ticklish spot, never sending you into mind consuming giggles but keeping you smiling. “I thihhiihhnk it’s worohohokrking?”
“I hope so- you’re the one getting tickled here.” Suna snickered as he gave your neck a twitch, earning a small squeal. “Did that help?” “Ahehahahahaha!” A few moments passed before you could answer, squirming up and away from him as you gasped for air. “Yooohohu..yehahhah, actuhahahlly. It did.” You were still rather upset, but not nearly as much as before. The unbearable feeling dulled to a twinge in your chest, helping you breathe once more. “Hey, yeah erm…”
“You don’t need to tell me.” He cut you off, waving a hand. “If you want to, I’ll listen, but don’t force yourself. Just- come sit for a while. Have some of these snacks. We’ll watch that show you love so much.”
You almost cried again, smiling brightly and running to your brother. “Suna, you’re the best!”
“And you’re annoying. Eat.” He shook the candy at you, relaxing when you took it.
You were grateful for your big brother more than ever.
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
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Thank you both for the asks! I love this little game! It's always nice to have a reason to brag about my writing or shine some light on fics I wished people looked at more. In no particular order, here's a list of mine.
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces - This is one of my favorite fics that I've written in this fandom. It's a character study and exploration of emotions through Carlos' POV of the breakup era. I enjoy writing the breakup era and writing the boys getting back together, and how each of them make their way back to the other. This is the first part in a series of what will be three fics. It can also be read on it's own. (I'm currently working on the TK POV one but real life has been busy lately)
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are - summary: It's a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening. This is a fic that I've taken a pause on because of some truly nasty people who, instead of not reading, decided that they wanted to send hateful words my way. I want to get back into this fic, I have so many ideas for it and how I want them to eventually end up back together. I have the next chapter written and ready to post, I've just been anxious about it.
With love, your soulmate - summary: Carlos Reyes doesn’t think he has a soulmate. In the 22 years he had been alive he had never found anything that would tell him otherwise. At first, it bothered him that he was seemingly without anyone and that there wasn’t a perfect person out there for him but he learned to grow comfortable with that information. He learned to adapt, to date enough that he wouldn’t be lonely, and on the nights when he was without anyone he found ways to make himself feel good. He was content. Or so he thought so until a letter arrived on the day of his 22 birthday. A letter addressed to him, from the past and from his soulmate. From there, they start talking. Leaving letters for each other to find and read, falling in love through the words that they shared. Will TK ever catch up to Carlos so that they can have their happy ever after? Or will time remain cruel to them? **Soulmate AU based on the short film Brooklyn Love Stories - Long Time Distance Relationship with Ronen** This fic was such a labor of love because it was so hard at times to figure out timelines and to get it the way that I wanted it to go. In the end, it was so worth it and it's the first chapter fic I finished in this fandom. I also just love a good soulmate au.
Jingle those Balls - summary: Two families, one fake relationship. TK needs a fake date for his mother's Christmas Work Party. Enter Carlos. MY TARLOS HALLMARK FIC. I almost didn't write this but Cee encouraged me so much an dI am SO glad that I did. I ended up writing 20K words in two weeks and I just love how this turned out. It's silly, fun, a little angsty and smutty. Carlos is so sassy in it too. I had such a delight in writing it!
where do we go from here / how did we (i) get here? / And in your hands, is all of me - the parts I never let you have - I'm rec'ing all of these together because they truly need to be read together. These three fics kicked off my season 4 coda series and deals with the topic of Carlos being married to Iris. There's a fic from Carlo's POV, TK's POV, and then them together. I struggled a bit with the secret when it was revealed and this was a great way for me to work through it and I think I created some really good fics that deal with the topic.
Bonus +1
We can get a little crazy just for fun - My series of slutty Carlos fics. These are just fun, smutty fics that are inspired by Rafael's thirst posts and I always enjoy writing them. I think others would enjoy them as well.
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Fucked Up Tk Shit
This is for my own edification so no one else has to read this lol. I feel like a lot of times we twist headcannons to make the Thing work out for characters in media that we consume, ESPECIALLY in regards to superpowers, and because I’m a morbid little piece of shit I can’t help self-destructing those in my head as to how it would end in actuality
So, I have constructed a list of all the horrifying/angsty ways those headcannons would probably actually end if you applied it to the logic of the show/book. It is put under a read more because I did not hold back lol.
Trigger warns for death, injury, and non-con (I know the tk community is a safe space for escapism for a lot of people, including me usually, so I recommend not reading it if you would be easily hurt by negative connotations in association with the thing; I cope by imagining the worst possible scenarios that the Thing could end in, so that’s most of the reason why I made this, for explanation ahsfjhji)
1. BNHA 
- Denki probably has to hold back anytime he’s tickled and ends it almost immediatelly, because getting too out of control could make his powers act up and force him to accidentally electrocute someone and risk seriously hurting them
2. The Bright Sessions 
- Subscribing to the headcannon that Damien does like the Thing, his powers would act up and force people to tickle him, so he does his level best to repress that shit down because even if the other people did want to tickle him, the sheer amount of times that his powers would make them do it would become very non-consensual on his parts. Especially if they realize what’s happening, or know about his powers, and get freaked out and leave him, making him only feel shittier about the whole situation
- Mark would most likely get freaked out over tickling as it makes him lose control. There’s probably been a couple moments where he’s tentatively let Sam or someone try it, and every time he freaks out, which isn’t great, because it forces him to teleport if he’s around her, and,,,, yeah
- Joan hasn’t been touched, let alone tickled, in years on end, and would self-combust if given even the slightest modicum of affection in that area. Probably engaged in tickle fights with Mark when she was little, and though she understands why the subject makes him uncomfy now, she can’t help but feel remorse at losing that form of connection with her brother
- [I was gonna do Caleb and Adam but I simply can’t fuck them up, I love them too much]
- Damien doesn’t ever tickle people because he can’t be sure if he’s forcing them to hold still and say they like it or if they actually want it
3. Beastars 
- If Legoshi was tickled by Haru, they run the risk of him accidentally seriously hurting/biting her off instinct, similar to when they tried to bang it out, and it’s possible he might accidentally fling her into something or knock her off too hard while trying
4. Durarara 
- If Shizuo were to tickle someone, he might accidentally crush in their ribcage or some shit due to not realizing his own strength
- Izaya probably does like tickling but does not have a single person who would be willing to do that to him, and the only other person who knows, Shinra, has called it weird and forced Izaya to repress the interest more
5. Mob Psycho 100 
- Shigeo probably isn’t ticklish, or at least doesn’t really laugh and react like his friends do, and he feels a supreme sense of jealousy every time he watches his friends engaging in silly tickle fights
6. AOT 
- Due to the sheer amount of trauma Levi has induced and his feelings around trusting others and touch in general, being tickled would probably send him into a full blown panic attack
7. Be More Chill
- The Squip definitely made fun of Jeremy for liking tickling and he had the whole zappy thing happen whenever he thought about it
8. All For The Game
- Both Neil and Andrew probably can’t stand being tickled without it triggering something in them
9. Camp Camp
- Max definitely has never been tickled in his life, and doesn’t even know what it feels like
10. Detroit: Become Human
- As much as I hate to say it (and will definitely be writing fics claiming the opposite), androids can’t feel sensation and therefore wouldn’t be ticklish or ever get to experience that
11. Gorillaz 
- If Murdoc were to tickle 2d, it would most likely be in an abusive, non-con way, often going far past his limits and ignoring any pleas for him to stop, purely for shits and giggles because he’s an asshole
12. Inside Job
- Bear-O had a tickle setting on him that would engage whenever he thought Reagan needed cheering up, and it traumatized her so bad that she can’t handle that kind of physical contact anymore
- Since he was a child, Brett was told by his family that it was weird that he liked tickling, as well as by peers and past girlfriends, so he just assumes that it must be just a weird Him thing, and has a huge amount of shame around the issue
13. Fullmetal Alchemist
- Sometimes Alphonse will stay up late and try to somehow replicate the feeling of tickling through his armor and can’t help the disappointment he feels every time when it obviously doesn’t work
That’s all I can think of for right now, I’m sure there are more but they’re not coming to me right now. 
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Can you escape this, professor?
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Ok, ok, I got this crazy new idea for Will, but aparantly, many have creative minds to write such a cute tk fic. Will is a definite lee for me... and Sherly is a sassy fitting ler. Award him for the best ler Oscar! Annny who! Enjoy this moriarty, the patriot fic. Toodles!
Warning spoilers alert
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"Liam, Liam... you can't be serious."
Confused, Moriarty took a minute to glance back up at his friend Sherlock Holmes, who was looking at the papers he was grading.
"Mr. Holmes... I beg your pardon?"
He shook his head when he replied to Will, "You are one of the strictest professors I've ever met..."
He heard a slightly airy laugh from the latter and continued marking the final papers "That is Mathematics for you my dear Mr. Holmes..."
He graded another average mark of seventy percent when he continued his words "If I were more merciful, then I have no doubt attitudes will escalate with their blind over-confidence, only for them to later on understand the reality... crumbling at a high speed due to the superiority they possessed by my mercy and kindness lying about their true potential."
Sherlock hummed in agreement, "You make a point, professor. you almost convinced me you had a grudge on me," he commented on his zero percent from his paper.
Will smiled now, almost revealing his taunting facade "Oh but I meant my students, not you, Holmes. You were merely a grudge on my account"
Sherlock gave a pout "Liam that's mean..."
"What are you four?"
"Three perhaps, and I want attention..."
Will couldn't hide his amused grin. He was done with the grading this late at night in his palce and was prepared to blow off the candles. Maybe he could mess with the detective just for a minute.
"Now I'm convinced you're two..."
However, Sherlock did the unthinkable. Will was too engrossed with his reactions that he failed to notice an ulterior motive. Sherlock pinned him towards the bed where his desk had luckily been close to... sending them both sprawling as Sherlock was on top.
"H-Holmes? What in lords-?"
"Liam... Liam, I'm two, so try to understand that children are impatient"
With that Sherlock dug his fingers into his ribs now making Moriarty arch his back with a gasp "Hey!"
"Oh bless my soul... you wouldn't happen to be a tad sensitive, are you professor?"
Will felt his cheeks heated. "By heaven, I'm the Lord of crime... Such a ridiculous trait is impossible!"
Sherlock paused his fingers now thoughtfully and curiously scratching his sides as if massaging them bone by bone close to his ribs. It drove the blond to madness.
"Then... why are you squirming, dear professor?"
'B-because... b-behecause -gah!"
A giggle almost slipped, and Will clamped a hand to his mouth but only expose his right side for Sherlock. "I got you~!"
The moment these numbers fingers of his reached Will's underarm, he squealed. "Ahhahaha damnihihit! Hohoholmes! Mihisteheher Hohoholmes cuhuhut ihihit out!"
Sherlock just feigned surprise "my word, are you perhaps ticklish after all? Lying to your friend... tsk tsk... I ought to discipline you,".
"Youhohohou shouhuhuld prohobably wohohohrry abohohohout my upcohohoming rehehevengehehe!"
But he couldn't even stop himself from breaking into another long whine of laughter, forcing our from his lips. It was cute indeed, Sherlock had to hold in the urge to going overboard.
"Liam, oh dear, you're such a mess..." he poked him now... slowing his tickling down to his stomach instead keeping him in giggles "Get revenge? On me... you must be joking!"
"Ohoho ihihi wihihill... ihihihi ahaham the lohohord oohohof -Wahahahait! WAHAHAHAIT BLOHOHOODY HEHEHEHELL SHEHEHEHERLOCK!"
"Ah so your hips appear to be the weak little spot o was itching to find," a theoretical tone in a silly investigation drove the blond to tears now. He was curled by the bed now ruffling the sheets and struggling for escape.
"Lord of what now...?"
Sherlock stopped now, watching down at Will's plight. His face were bright as strawberries, he had damped long blond lashes sticking to his lids firmly, he wad beautiful for a moment "Ihihi... ahaham the lohord of crihihimee!"
Sherlock chuckled now, his hands firmly gripping Will's as he didn't allow him to retaliate "My word, what a mess we've made, Liam... come, come... -No no I want torture you again,".
He added when Will flinched with a squeak upon the grip on his waist. He gasped for deep gulps of air, glaring at his friend playfully. "I don't know if you find my suffering sadistically satisfying..."
"Dear Liam," he smirked now gently melting his menacing expression to a fond kind smile "You are outstanding,"
Will straightend up, slightly blushing from the compliment. "As payback, allow me to beat you in a game of strategy since tickle fights is naturally my weakness, how about a game of chess?"
Sherlock felt a little nervous, knowing his insane talents in chess even though he could handle it better in Liam's league.
But first.
He grabbed his thighs now insistent to wreck his friend "Wahahat ihihin gohohods nahahame -Nohohoho!"
"Did you forget our positions Mr. Mastermind? I got the upperhand"
Things escalated quickly to a second round of a one-sided tickle attack. Meanwhile, Will had developed a plot for his vengeance in chess... persistent to take him down after his predicament.
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alrightbuckaroo · 11 months
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but want to:
The Old West fic. I know that could be silly to say, considering that you haven't posted it to Ao3 yet, but my god all your snippets? Honestly, it's 1/2 the reason I started reading tarlos fanfic, and maybe 1/3 the reason I started writing it. I legit can't wait to sink my teeth into it. It's going to be a whole feast, I know it!
Oh wow, thanks so much! I had no idea it played somewhat of a part in you writing Tarlos, but I'm so glad it did because now we get to enjoy your talent in this space!
I won't lie, I think of all the snippets from all the stories I've shared (and trust me, it's been many of them); the Old West AU is the one I'm most excited to fully flesh out and share with everyone.
Chapter one is almost 5k and TK and Carlos haven't even yet so that tells how you how much world building is going into this story hahah. I'm really having fun writing Carlos' time in Steadfast, so how about I share a little snippet, just for fun?
“Mrs. Baker, what a delight it is to see your pretty face again,” Price greets Ruth Baker as he and Carlos walk through the door. Price's saccharine smile is more genuine than his words, and Ruth knows it.  “I’d say you know how to make a gal feel special Price,” Ruth reaches up and pulls her cigarette out of her mouth, releasing a stream of smoke. “But how special can a gal feel when you use that line on all of them?”  “God, I’ve missed that bite,” Price smiles to himself, and even Ruth can’t help but smile too. “Nice to have you back Ruth; maybe you can get this place back into shape. We’ve been a mess without you.”  Ruth is the desk clerk for the sheriff’s office; and was probably more intimidating than the rest of the officers in the building combined.  “Color me not surprised,” Ruth mutters to herself as she messes with the ribbon of her typewriter. As she looks up at Carlos, she smiles. “Officer Reyes, I can’t thank you enough. That recipe you recommended did the trick. Though,” She takes another drag of her cigarette. “Frank did say that it taste like the dishwasher down at Llewellyn’s.”  Carlos shrugs, modest about even the most minute show of gratitude. “My uncle knew a lot of things; medicine was one, cooking was not.” 
In my head, Ruth is played by Frances McDormand
send me a fanfic ask (for the askers)
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rmd-writes · 1 year
22, 39, and 51 for the writing asks!
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
I tend to edit as I write - most often, when I open a doc I edit what is already there before I start writing again which means that the beginnings of my fics have been edited several times compared to the endings.
About half the time, I send my fics to a trusted friend to beta for me. I always intend to do this more often, because my writing is always better for having that feedback but sometimes I get impatient, or I don't want to bug my friends (which I know is silly because when I get asked to beta things my answer is almost always *grabby hands* unless I really don't have time).
If I've had a fic beta'd then I go through the suggested edits, review the entire doc again myself and then post it. And then, because I tend to post fics right before I go to sleep, I open the fic in the morning and find a bunch of things I've missed after it's been up on ao3 for a whole night 😅
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
I'm sharing something from a wip that I'm writing with @welcometololaland that is currently on pause while we fight with our current wips! I am fairly certain that I'm the one that wrote this section, Lola pls tell me if I'm wrong, but we've gotten to the point where we can't remember who wrote what in some parts of this!
“What are you even doing here, Mom? You never come to these things.”
“I had a meeting upstairs, thought I’d come and see if you actually turned up,” Gwyn explains. 
TK glares at her. He hopes no one else can hear this conversation, because it’s embarrassing. The fact that he works for his mother isn’t exactly a secret, but he usually tries to maintain some level of professionalism when they interact in public. Sometimes it’s impossible. 
“You know the whole point of these events is that you talk to new people, develop new relationships, not hide in the corner with your best friend and gossip.”
TK glances at Nancy who is studiously ignoring him. “Of course, Gwyn. We were just discussing our plan of attack when you came over,” Nancy fibs. 
Gwyn looks at them both sceptically. “Mmhmm. See that he actually talks to someone new tonight, will you Nancy? TK, Nancy’s in charge tonight, she’s your superior after all.”
Nancy grins at that and TK rolls his eyes. “Fine.”
“And TK, honey, do up another button, this is a networking event, not a bar.” This time Gwyn does reach out and to brush some imaginary lint off his shoulder. 
“Didn’t you meet Enzo at one of these things?” TK retorts, even as he follows his mother’s instructions and does up one of his buttons. He can see Nancy trying to hold in her laughter next to him as she mutters, “this is the best thing that’s happened today,” under her breath. 
“I did. Doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want my son representing my firm at an event looking like he’s trying to pick up.” Gwyn takes a sip of her wine and makes a face. “I can’t drink this. Don’t forget we have brunch plans on Sunday, TK. Nancy, you’re welcome to join us if you’re free,” Gwyn says as she spins on one Louboutin-clad foot and strides away. 
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Officially, 434,572 but that includes a bunch of collaborations so I think the actual number is somewhere closer to 340-360kk
PS. I have snippet sunday tags from @iboatedhere @strandnreyes @liminalmemories21 @reyesstrand pls consider this my snippet sunday post too!
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obsolete-stars-if · 7 months
Valentine's Day Snippet 1 Adam (UTC 02:00)
Valentine's Day Snippet 2 Mikhail (UTC 06:00)
Valentine's Day Snippet 3 Kate (UTC 10:00)
Valentine's Day Snippet 4 Sascha (UTC 14:00)
Valentine's Day Snippet 5 TK (UTC 18:00)
Kate reaches for her small perfume bottle on her makeup desk, her eyes finding J’s in the mirror, who has been sprawled across her soft bed, “Awake at last?” Kate’s voice calls out softly.
J hums happily, “I could stay in your bed forever.”
Kate lifts and eyebrow, putting a few drops of the rose perfume on her wrists, “You may, as long as you don’t mind me bringing K into bed as well.
J smiles, “You know I never mind sharing you.”
After a few moments, J speaks up again, “Speaking of which, they told me to bring you this letter.” She reaches for her clothes on the ground, rummaging through her pockets.
Kate turns around, “Very deliberate of you to give me their letter the next morning, and not in the evening.”
J laughs, “I gotta make sure you’re not getting swooned by them too much. I want my piece of you myself and-” J stops and pulls the letter out, “Here, found it.” J holds the letter out.
Kate hums and opens the letter,
My most Beloved, Kate, Every waking hour of mine is spent with yearning thoughts about you, and I cannot but share these with you, to declare my undying love for you.  The way your hair sprawled out, like waves of the ocean in my bed, rocking me to sleep. Your eyes sparkling with the light of all the souls in the night sky, shifting colors. Your lips are as soft as the grass beneath us. And when you touch me, your fingerprints burn into my skin, marking me yours forever. Every curve of your body, formed by the Tree, loved by the beyond, before send here, for me to kiss every inch until your skin burns, until you can feel my love burn into every perfect flaw of yours. We breathe the same air, braided our hairs, entangled our legs, held hands, until we melted into one. To share the moment where our souls touched and danced until the sun would rise once again.
J pushes herself almost off the bed, “What did they write?”
Kate grins and holds the letter close to her chest, “Oh nothing, just a beautiful letter, that makes me question when will you write me love letters?”
J starts laughing, her nude form falling off the bed, “Never. K is much better at words than I am.” She reaches for her clothes on the ground, before slowly getting dressed, “I’m much more physical, you know that.”
Kate hums, reaching for J’s clothing on the ground, aiding her at dressing up, “I suppose it will do.”
“It will.” J answers, “While I can only provide so much, you deserve more, the love of a caring person, the heat of mine, the smiles from the townspeople, from any wanderer that finds their way into your bed. All of the love you deserve.”
Kate grasps onto J’s belt, pulling her closer, “You’re playing with fire here.”
J smiles, following Kates lead, closing the gap further, “That’s my charm.”
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Fic anon again 📖: oh thank you so much, what a lovely reply, thank you for being so kind! And considerate ❤️ and thank you for being willing to read my first ever Tarlos writing attempt, it means a lot 🥹 I will send it anonymously but you are free to publish my ask on your blog, if that’s okay. I’d love to get some feedback actually ❤️
okay so here goes nothing I guess! It’s short and not edited (apart from me and my over thinking brain 👋) and English is not my first language, so all mistakes are mine and not on purpose 😅:
Carlos looks up from his book at the sound of TK barging into their apartment. “Hey babe”, he sounds out of breath. TK quickly closes the sliding door behind him and immediately starts taking off his shoes and jacket.
“Ugh, I need a shower. Like, right now. I feel gross“, TK smells his t-shirt with a disgusted look on his face and rummages around his gym bag he brought home from the station. „And these clothes desperately need a wash, too.“ TK starts throwing a scandalous amount of dirty clothes, socks, underwear and workout apparel on a pile behind him. Well, that explains a lot. Carlos has been wondering where half of TK´s stuff went. (Come to think of it, some of his as well. Interesting.)
And that´s when he is eying two of his favorite sweatshirts making its way onto the increasing mountain of clothes on their living room floor. Of course. Carlos feels a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He puts the book aside, leans over the back of their sofa and watches TK with his head propped up in his hand. That fond smile is about to take over his whole face. “You are a chaotic man, Tyler Kennedy. And a shameless thief“, Carlos says amused. “And if you still think I will be on laundry duty tonight, please think again“, he raises his eyebrows playfully, giving TK´s bend over body a challenging look.
“Don’t worry, babe. I will take care of this mess. You won’t have to lift a finger, promise. I am going to make sure, my husband has the most relaxing evening”, even with his head buried in the depths of his huge NIKE sports bag, Carlos can hear him smile. TK loves to say the word „husband“. Ever since they got married two months ago he likes to casually (he thinks) drops it in conversations at any given moment, doesn’t matter if it’s with the 126, a patient (so he’s heard) or said husband himself (evidently).
“Thank you. Also, who is this husband you keep referring to lately? He sounds nice“, Carlos teases and makes his way over to TK, who is still busy unloading what looks like half of his possessions at this point. What on earth does he keep in there? Carlos shakes his head, coming to a hold behind TK and puts his hands on his shoulders. He squeezes lightly, feeling his fingers touch the soft fabric of TK´s shirt.
TK slowly turns around, big smile still in place. He looks up at Carlos, the sparkle in his eyes so bright, it’s almost blinding. Carlos can’t look away. Not that he wanted to anyways. “Oh, him? Yeah, he is very nice. And VERY handsome. I don’t know how I got so lucky, really“, TK stands up and gently places one hand on Carlos`s hip. The other one finds its way underneath his sweater onto his back, caressing his warm skin, just above the waistband of his jeans. “I definitely need to introduce you guys at some point. I am sure, you’d get along. You two are very similar“, TK winks and Carlos once again shakes his head, rolling his eyes affectionately. His husband is ridiculous. And Carlos loves all of it.
“Hi“, TK whispers, fingers still brushing over soft skin. Carlos leans down and greets him back with a quick peck on the lips. “Hi, yourself“, Carlos smiles, cupping TK´s face and placing a gentle kiss on the right corner of his mouth. “I missed you. How was your day?“, Carlos pulls back, now mustering him with a more serious expression, his eyes darting across TK´s features. “I was a little worried after last night…“
TK sighs, intertwining their hands and letting them lazily swing back and forth between them. “Today was so much better. I think work really helped.“, TK tries a smile and hesitantly shrugs. „But yeah, last night was…really bad. I haven’t felt this restless and anxious in a long time. I’m sorry for calling you in the middle of your shift, I didn’t want to worry you. Just needed to hear your voice, I guess…“, TK murmurs and avoids Carlos`gaze.
“TK, you know, you can always call me, right? I want you to call me“, Carlos lowers his head in concern, searching for TK´s eyes. „And there is absolutely no need to apologise. I am always here for you, you hear me?“, Carlos squeezes TK´s hands for emphasis. TK meets Carlos eyes again and feels this overwhelming wave of warmth washing over him. “I do. Thank you“, his face softening. “I love you, you know that?“, he presses a lingering kiss to Carlos lips. And another one. And one more. For emphasis.
After a while they both pull back, smiling at each other. They stay like this for a quick moment, neither of them ready to step out of their little bubble just yet.
„I hope you’re hungry, I made us dinner“, Carlos says quietly. TK still looks at him, then getting on his tiptoes to fix his reading glasses. He gently pushes them back in place. Carlos forgot he still has them on, but he knows how much TK likes them, so he doesn’t mind. „I heard…“, Carlos takes TK´s hand in his „…that’s what husbands do“, a playful grin is taking over his entire face as he leads them to the dining table, eyes full of mischief.
TK´s laugh echoes through their apartment, before they come to a halt in front of a beautifully set table. “Very grateful you’re taking notes, babe“, he sits down, taking in the fresh flowers, lit candles and freshly baked bread. “This is…so nice”, he looks absolutely in awe.
TK takes a sip of water and suddenly starts sniffling. “Wait, did you make lasagne?“, he excitedly gets up again and tries to catch a glimpse of the food still cooking in the kitchen behind them. “Yes, lasagne, now sit down, please“, Carlos chuckles. “I have never seen anyone being this excited about lasagne. It never gets old“, he says over his shoulder on his way to the kitchen. He starts filling up their plates and carrying them over to the dining room, where a beaming TK is already waiting for him. Carlos is way too endeared for his own good.
“I know it’s your favourite“, Carlos places the plate down in front of TK, then a quick kiss to his temple. TK fondly watches Carlos as he unfolds the napkin, places it over his lap and tentatively takes a first bite. Their plates are still steaming. “Thank you. You’re the best“, he says softly, then starts digging in as well.
They eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Until TK can hear a quiet sigh of defeat coming from across the table.
“Are you wearing my shirt?“
Ummm...this is so good!!! I can assure you that you have nothing to feel insecure about!
It hit so many things that I absolutely love: sweet domestic husbands, adorable teasing, chaotic TK, Carlos being comforting and reassuring! Also, them referring to each other as "my husband" is something I currently can't get out of my head in anticipation for it happening in season 5, so TK loving to say it, casually dropping it into conversations with the 126--and even with patients 😂--I LOVE that! Also, TK admiring Carlos in his reading glasses and TK stealing/wearing Carlos' clothes are another two of my favorite things!
Aside from the excellent content, I loved both the dialogue and description. It flowed well, I could see it all playing out in my mind and I think you captured their voices well! Excellent job! If you ever want to send me any more, feel free! And if/when you do decide to post, you should tag me so I don't miss it!!
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Any sneak peek from your TK break up wip?🥺
This fic is giving me more trouble than I want to admit lately. But it'll get done eventually! Here's a small peak!
"Oh. I called in cuts and bruises,” Carlos said and TK could tell that he looked surprised and maybe just a little bit uncomfortable. TK couldn’t tell, but he could see that Carlos was nervous with how he shifted and didn’t really look at TK. “Um, didn’t know dispatch was sending in private units.”
“City’s spread thin today,” TK heard himself say in a low voice, looking away before looking back at Carlos. There was so much he wanted to say that he couldn’t at that moment. It wasn’t the right time.
It was never the right time.
“Clearly,” Carlos said and there was a moment of silence that felt too heavy. “Well, uh, you could, uh, just… There might be space in the, in the-”
TK was surprised to see Carlos stumbling over his words. It was almost like Carlos was as affected by seeing Carlos as TK was by seeing him. He looked down, trying to make himself invisible so that maybe Carlos could do his job without tri[[omg over his words. TK hated that they were there, and wished someone else had been called in so that they could avoid awkward moments like this.
“Just use the dining room display,” the owner, or who TK assumed to be the owner, said.
“Yep.” Carlos agreed.
“Thank you,” Tommy said with an uneasy smile because she wasn’t stupid and could clearly read the tension that was growing between TK and Carlos.
“Uh, 25 area residents. Three church volunteers…” Carlos trailed off.
TK sighed, not listening much to what Carlos was saying. It took most of his concentration to not get lost in his head and conversations TK was never going to let them have. He kept his head down and got the things that they needed out and tried hard to stop looking at Carlos. Thankfully, he left a few minutes later and that saved TK from making a fool of himself.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
hey im back!!! forgot i was gonna send in some ler dream and sapnap stuff so heres that for ya
[possible tw, idk;; mention of fangs, mention of hurting someone, mouth tickles]
ler sapnap ill send in soon
this here, is about our good buddy dream (mostly cc, some c at the end)
aaaah dream dream dream
such a wholesome ler and nobody can tell me otherwise...... but he can be pretty evil too
i can see him more on the nicer side but he'll get his lee to tell him at least a liiittle bit of information on how they want it given to them i can hear him asking people hes not rly tickled a lot "where... would you want me to go? what's your safeword? okay, anddd any specific methods?" and asking people he literally memorizes every spot hes done "and you want.. ___, right? or somewhere else? ___? mmkay. and safword is ____? mmkay." if its with the dteam or anyone he hangs out with often then you know he'll be ruthless as shit (unless they dont want him to go too rough. then and only then will he be nice ^^)
he gives off the vibes of the kind of ler that would DEFINITELY laugh along with his lees. he also probably mimics certain sounds that a lee emits--if his lee squeals, dream will laugh and mimic that squeal if his lee yelps and says something dream will yelp and mimic whatever they said if his lee wheezes then he'll most likely either giggle or laugh harder lmao
dream probably uses scratching, digging and scribbling the most actually only if the lee is ok with it dream will almost always use mouth tickles, such as raspberries, nibbles, kisses (strictly only with close friends...) he probably normally uses mouth tickles as a 'grand finale' to a lees tickle sesh
okok hear me out here tho i hc that dream has fangs, and nobody ever sees them because of his mask..... but sometimes, only sometimes, will dream lift up his mask just to cover his nose, and nibble a lees worst spot (obviously only their upper body, because lower body would just be kind of weird. by upper body, some examples r like-- palms, stomach, back, sides, arms, neck, ribs, etc. etc.) and some would 100% say that he gives the best nibbles PS; dream's fangs are dull and cant actually hurt anyone unless he literally tries to hurt the person. usually dream's nibbles are soft, fast, and sometimes he'll just scribble his fangs against a spot meanwhile if he was trying to hurt somebody he would be actually biting down and sinking his fangs into the skin
ill come back with ler sapnap soon and if u want lee dream as well i could probably return that favour goodbyeee ✌✨
Firstly ler!dream has been in my mind allllllllll day (probably @twordishl's fault). Second, you have SUCH GOOD TAKES OMG. I have a lot to say so I'm putting it under the line here lmfao.
I 100% agree that Dream asks the lee tons of questions - and they're always the flustering ones. I like how you said he just asks and then kind of moves on to the next question, just totally catching the lee off guard and not even giving them enough time to whine about how embarrassing the questions are before he answers the next ones.
I also agree that he will absolutely destroy anyone he's close with, no hesitation whatsoever. But with people he's not super familiar with, he goes a bit easier, double checking everything is okay (I have the same hc for george tbh).
Also....Dream laughing along with the lee? He absolutely does this?? And the fact that you said he would mimic the noises the lee would make. I can see him doing this with Sapnap and George, because he's just so teasy with them but because he always thinks their reactions to things are hilarious, including their reactions to tks.
AND I ALSO HC ABOUT DREAM USING HIS MOUTH A TON. Dream loves to receive nibbles and kisses and raspberries, but he loves giving them just as much! He likes to find the super sensitive spots and exploit them with nibbles and skitters of fingers before suddenly blowing raspberries over the spots, making the lee howl with laughter. He loves making lees squirm, so he tries his best to do the things that he knows will be the worst for them 😈 Also Dream's lil fangs! I love that idea, he has like tiny little versions of XD's 🥺
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
wip wednesday!
something a little different today because i was terrible and forgot to finish the rest of my six sentence sunday asks. so sorry to the anons who sent these in!
two people asked for 2.08 addiction/hidden scars (i've decided to merge them into one) so here are 12 sentences from that, 6 of the hypothermia/plane au, and 6 from 'let me see' 😊
addiction coda
Carlos stares after him open-mouthed, concern quickly replacing any excitement he might have had about tonight. He feels rooted to the floor, and it’s only TK sliding the door half-shut that spurs him back into action.
TK is sitting on the bench at the end of the bed, staring down at his clenched fists. He doesn’t look up when Carlos knocks lightly on the doorframe, and Carlos can’t quite get a read on the almost defeated slump of his shoulders.
“I told you I didn’t want anything for today,” he says eventually, so quiet it’s almost a whisper. He doesn’t sound angry, but that doesn’t make Carlos feel any better. If anything, he feels even worse, the lack of anything in TK’s voice and body language sending fear tingling down his spine.
He bites his lip, hesitant to say anything that would ruin tonight further, but the silence is making his skin crawl. “I’m sorry,” he settles on eventually, moving to next to TK on the bench. He keeps some space between them, and it’s both a relief and a disappointment when TK doesn’t move either way. “I’m just proud of you.”
“You shouldn’t be.”
hypothermia/plane au
Tommy nods, leaning over from her position by TK’s head to squeeze his knee. “He’s not going anywhere,” she says, but the look on her face tells Carlos that she knows it’s another promise she can’t be guaranteed to keep.
Still, Carlos nods; he needs this one thing to hold on to.
Gwyn slides in next to him, the space really too tight for the both of them, but none of them seem to care. Her eyes are shiny and her lips tremble as she tries to smile, even when it’s clear that, like him, she’s barely holding it together. And when she offers her hand, Carlos doesn’t hesitate to take it, gripping on tight as the doors slam shut and the ambulance starts up.
'let me see'
Carlos is sick. TK knows it, Carlos knows it, if the way he’s not-so-subtly sneaking cough drops every five minutes is any indication, yet he’s still insisting on cooking dinner for them.
At this point, TK can’t tell whether the onion or the illness is making Carlos’s eyes stream more.
“Carlos,” he tries, for possibly the fourth or fifth time tonight. “Carlos, you don’t—”
“I promised.”
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
I always find you
Title: A always find you
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, Gabriel Reyes, Andrea Reyes, Owen Strand, 126 family
Summary: TK believed that his life would be perfect forever. His marriage to Carlos is almost perfect, they have three wonderful children, Carlos has made detective... everything is perfect, until the darkest part of TK's past comes back to torture him. Someone has taken Carlos, someone is sending him videos that TK will take a long time to forget.
Acknowledgments: Thanks so much to the people that have helped me to create this story. @lire-casander, for being there and helping me with the story, @morganaspendragonss the best beta reader and @chaotictarlos for these incredible edits.
Warnings: Hurt Carlos, Hurt TK, Kidnapped Carlos, Sick TK, Tortured Carlos, Drugged Carlos, Protective TK, Hospital
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Chapter 01
"I'll be there in five minutes." TK said to Carlos over the phone, as he saw the uber finally arrive.
He looked at his watch, it was late. The cab was never late; just the day they were going to have dinner with their parents to start preparing the school holidays and the damn cab was late.
Add to that the fact that Carlos never left the police station on time because he was a damn perfectionist and had to close any open cases before he went home.
They were going to be late and the consequences of leaving their parents talking alone could be terrible for the next three months.
"I'm just finishing up some paperwork, but I'll be ready when you arrive."
"I know that's not going to happen, so remember we're booked at 8. My dad will be there at 7:45 and your parents will probably arrive earlier. We'd better avoid them having too much time to talk about the kid's holidays, or when we get there they'll have it all set up and we won't be able to say two words about it."
"Don't worry, tiger. I'm sure they'll behave themselves."
"I'm not so sure but I trust you. I'll get in the cab and see you soon. Be on time please," TK repeated again as he watched the cab park in front of him.
As the vehicle stopped, TK saw that the cab driver was someone different from the usual driver and that made him hesitate for a moment.
"I'm sorry Terry is at home with Julie. Did he tell you about Julie, his five year old?"
TK nodded. The usual cabbie, Terry, usually talked about his family a lot and sometimes it seemed like TK had known them forever, even though he had never met them before.
"Oh wow, I hope it's nothing serious."
"Nah, a little gastroenteritis; you know how kids are. But he's asked me to take you home. He'll give you 10% off for your trouble."
"No, really, it's been no bother at all. But I'm used to Terry and well...my partner's a cop, I guess it makes me overthink things.
He looked at the clock, it was getting late and if he counted the time it would take Carlos to finish and leave the police station, they could still make it to the restaurant in time.
Unlike Terry who kept talking, their driver for the day, John, was a quiet guy, who only cared about the drive and getting him to his destination.
He parked in the police station parking lot. TK looked at the time, he was going to give Carlos five more minutes before literally telling him to get his ass off his desk. But he was so nervous that he decided to relax for a moment, close his eyes, and rest his head on the cab seat.
A noise made him open his eyes and it almost seemed normal to find the barrel of a gun pointed at his face. But that didn't take away the fear that John behind the gun might shoot.
"What's this all about?" TK asked, trying to sound calm.
"You'll find out in a few minutes; don't worry. All you have to do now is stay here quietly with me and don't make a fuss."
"You expect me to sit here quietly while you point your gun at me and not ask for help?"
"I know what you're going to do, if you don't want us to hurt your boyfriend."
There were few things that really made TK nervous, but someone endangering Carlos was his weakest point.
"Who are you?"
"Too bad you don't remember me and my boys."
Two men opened the back doors of the car. One grabbed TK and no matter how hard he tried to scramble he couldn't get him off him, even less so when he wrapped an arm around his neck and squeezed him to stop him from moving. The other pinned his legs against the seat and grabbed his cell phone from his pocket.
"Let's go tell your husband we're waiting. We're late for the wonderful family dinner."
"Leave Carlos alone! Leave him alone!" TK protested as they dragged him out of the car, pulling him out and leaving him lying on the ground, in between the occasional, totally unnecessary blow or two.
"He's coming."
"Great." John said. "Get into position."
"Carlos!" TK shouted, hoping his husband would hear him before he got there, that he could do something, that he'd be ready.
Keep reading AO3
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rafael-silva · 3 years
we remain: a tarlos fic
Missing scenes from 2.12. Takes place after Carlos and Gabriel’s phone call. 
“He on his way?”
Carlos nodded. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard him sound so upset before.”
Gabriel’s arrival after the fire leads to him taking Carlos and TK home, where Andrea is waiting for them with some much-needed motherly comfort. Reeling from the fire and its damage, Carlos feels heavy and lost. He leans on his boyfriend and TK is there to catch him. Carlos comes to a realization and with TK’s help and guidance, Carlos finds his footing again.  
missing scenes, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, carlos needs a hug, kisses, sharing a bath, soft tarlos
4.5k | rated T | on ao3
“He on his way?”
Carlos nodded. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard him sound so upset before.”
Carlos had zoned out of the conversation jumping between Judd, Owen, Tommy and Billy as they all stood by the opened ambulance doors. He’d hear TK’s voice whenever the young paramedic would say a word here or there, but Carlos’s eyes kept drifting back to what remained of his, and briefly his and TK’s, home. The stench of smoke and burnt wood hung heavy in the air around him. He almost felt lightheaded as he surveys what little remains of the life he built for himself over the past few years. Carlos feels like he’s free falling, the only thing keeping him from crumbling is TK’s hand in his, strong, supportive and there. Carlos holds onto his boyfriend with everything he’s got, both needing the support and needing to know that TK is really here and next to him.
He looses track of time, but soon, his ears pick up on a worried voice calling from behind, a familiar voice. But it seems so far away, so distant, like he’s underwater and someone is calling for him from above.
Carlos slowly turns around, his hand still clasping TK’s, and it’s then he registers his father rushing towards him.
“Carlitos,” Gabriel calls again, his voice coated with concern and his eyes blown wide.
“Dad,” Carlos whispers, his voice hoarse as he breaks away from TK’s side and takes a couple of steps to meet his father.
“Hey, son,” Gabriel breathes out and wastes no time in wrapping Carlos in a hug.
Exhausted, mentally and emotionally, Carlos falls against his father, closing his eyes as a tear falls down his ashy cheek. He gravitates closer to Gabriel and the older man tightens his hold him.
Carlos can hear Gabriel murmuring words of support and comfort and Carlos soaks it all up. But it doesn’t stop his body from shaking in his father’s arms.
“It’s okay, son, it’s okay,” Gabriel continues with his reassurances, and after a glance towards the ambulance and seeing TK standing near Judd, looking shaken but otherwise unharmed, he adds, “you’re both okay.”
Gabriel’s hold on Carlos doesn’t falter until Carlos starts to calm down. The officer draws in a breath and is about to say something but those words are interrupted by a rough cough tearing through his throat.
Gabriel frowns and he’s the one who pulls back slightly, eyebrows drawn together and closely watching his son’s face as the coughing fit continues.
“Carlos,” Gabriel says once his son can answer, “are you sure you don’t need to be in the hospital?”
“It’s fine,” Carlos replies around a grimace, pausing to suck in some air and swallows against his parched throat. “I got checked out, we both did, and it’s just minor smoke inhalation.”
“Son…” Gabriel tries again.
“We’re okay, dad.”
Carlos’s shoulders are hunched downwards like they were carrying the weight of the world and then some and Gabriel sighs, hating how worn out and tired his son looks. Carlos looks so deflated, so small and it breaks Gabriel’s heart.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, that you both are,” Gabriel expresses, his eyes not leaving Carlos’s. “I was so worried.”
Carlos nods, sniffing. “For a moment in there, I…I thought we weren’t going to make it out…the fire was everywhere, the whole house was…even in the bedroom. We were about to jump out of the window when Owen…” he trails off, his voice breaking. He bites down on his lower lip as fresh tears build in his eyes, as he recalls those terrifying moments. As he recalls the words he stumbled over, the fear echoing as he spoke, thinking it would be the last time he’d ever talk to TK.
Gabriel momentarily shuts his own eyes, his soul shattering at the mere thought of his son not making it out of the fire, and knowing that that was a very real possibility shakes him to his core. And even more so, knowing that he was partly responsible for this disaster, that his actions could have inadvertently caused his son to get hurt or worse, or caused his son to lose the man he loves. Gabriel knows he’s never going to forgive himself for this. His mind drifts back to the frantic call he had received from Owen less than an hour ago.
Gabriel had frowned slightly when the caller ID lit up with Owen’s name. Something stirred in the Ranger’s gut then, telling him that something was wrong.
“Owen,” Gabriel had picked up.
“Gabriel,” Owen replied, his strained voice confirmed Gabriel’s instincts. “Have you heard from Carlos recently?” He asked, forgoing any pleasantries.
The question made Gabriel sit up a little straight, any remnants of fatigue from their long day immediately evaporated from his bones. He took a quick glance at Andrea, who was moving to get into bed next to him, before he answered Owen.
“Not for a few hours…why?”
“Raymond, we know he wasn’t done. Remember what he said? That he’s going to take everything that’s important to me? I thought he was talking to me,” Owen paused and Gabriel heard the sound of the car accelerating.
Dread had begun to build in Gabriel’s gut as he waited for Owen to continue.
“I thought he meant the 126. But the fire at the station wasn’t what he was talking about. At least not completely. Gabriel…I didn’t realize it sooner but he was talking to us both.”
Gabriel’s blood ran cold and his heart dropped into his stomach when Owen’s word sunk in and he realized. “The boys…”
“Yeah, I’ve been trying to reach TK but it keeps going to voicemail.”
“Hold on,” Gabriel said as he turned to his wife. “Call Carlos.”
It was Andrea’s turn to frown, confusion morphing on her face but the urgency behind her husband’s words had her instantly reaching for her phone and calling their son. She shook her head a few moments later.
“Voicemail,” she informs Gabriel, her voice thick with worry now.
“Try again.”
“You’ve reached Carlos, leave a message and I’ll call you back.”
Gabriel squeezed his eyes shut, drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Carlos’s phone keeps going to voicemail, too.”
“I’ll keep trying TK, I’m on my way there now and we called it in,” Owen said.
“I’ll meet you there,” Gabriel replied as he got out of bed.
He turned to Andrea again once he hung up the phone, the feeling of helplessness sinking deeper into his body and he could see his own fear reflected back at him.
He didn’t really know where to begin, but he settled for, “the boys are in danger.”
He wasted no time in getting dressed and driving towards the condo, sending silent prayer after prayer that the boys were okay, that Owen would get there in time. He didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he gets a phone call with his son’s voice on the other end five minutes before he arrived. Relief washed over him, and the surge of emotions was enough to break his usually strong composure, making his hand shake as he gripped the steering wheel.
He breaks from his thoughts when he hears Carlos shakily exhale and a hand goes to cup Carlos’s face, Carlos instinctively leaning into his father’s palm.
“You made it out, son, you’re here and that’s the most important thing. We’ll figure out everything else, okay?”
Carlos nods again and starts composing himself, his hands going to hold at the blanket around him and adjusts it over his shoulders.
Gabriel gently pats his cheek and gives him a sad smile before withdrawing his hand and they make their way over to TK and the others.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Gabriel tells TK, lightly clapping him on the shoulder.
“Thank you, sir,” TK responds, moving back to Carlos’s side.
“Owen,” Gabriel then extends his hand towards the fire captain, “thank you.”
Owen nods and shakes Gabriel’s hand. “It wasn’t just me, though.”
Gabriel then looks at Judd, Tommy and Billy. “Thank you all, truly.”
“Don’t mention it,” Judd replies. “Carlos is family and we do anything for family.”
Gabriel’s heart swells at Judd’s statement and at seeing that there’s a village of people looking out for his son.
Gabriel nods his thanks at Judd before turning to Tommy. “Captain Vega, thank you for being here.”
The Paramedic Captain nods. “Of course, I wanted to make sure the boys were okay for myself.”
“They’re going to be okay?”
“Dad…” Carlos groans.
“This is for your mother,” Gabriel turns to look at Carlos. “She made me promise to make absolute sure that you’re okay, from everyone.”
“They’re okay,” Tommy confirms. “I checked them both over myself, they’re going to be a little tired and weak for a few days, so they have to take it easy,” she pauses to look directly at TK, who shifts on his feet under the attention and leans into Carlos, “but they’ll be recovered in less than a week,” she continues. “They just need to rest.”
Satisfied, Gabriel nods. His eyes move back to Carlos, who’s looking at the few scorched frames that are still standing. Gabriel feels the guilt start to build again, both at seeing the ruined house and the broken look on Carlos’s face. He knows he’ll have to talk to Carlos about this, to tell him what caused this. He’s worried it’s going to cause another rift in their relationship they’ve only started to mend, but he knows that he’d deserve that if it happens. He kept information from his son and his son lost his home, his son almost didn’t make it out. His guilt is only increased at missing the true meaning behind Raymond’s threat. It was right there, right in front of him, but he missed it. He can’t help but wonder if only he had caught it before, if he had realized, maybe this tragedy wouldn’t have happened. Maybe Carlos wouldn’t look so crushed right now.
But he missed it, and it almost cost him his boy. It almost cost his son the man he loves. He’s standing in these ruins and his heart clenches in his chest. Those are things he’s going to have to live with for the rest of his life. And he’s going to do whatever it takes to earn his son’s forgiveness.
Seeing how heavy and worn-out Carlos looks, Gabriel decides to keep an eye on his for the time being, to make sure he’s okay, and here. To make sure both he and TK are okay. It’s the least he could do.
Feeling his father’s gaze, Carlos turns to look at him and Gabriel responds with placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you ready to go?” Gabriel asks.
Carlos’s breath hitches a little, looking back at the house and then at TK. He knows there’s nothing to be done, the house is gone and he can’t do a single thing about it.
Besides, what remains of the house is still swarming with firefighters so he can’t go back in even if he wanted to. But still, it feels like his feet are nailed to the ground and he can’t move an inch, fixated on the burnt ash lying ahead of him.
TK appearing in his line of sight breaks Carlos out of his haze.
“Babe,” TK starts, both hands going to hold Carlos’s face. He caresses Carlos’s cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, not breaking their eye contact.
Carlos focuses on TK, on his green eyes that stand out against the black ash painting his face, and it helps calm the officer.
TK suppresses a cough before he continues. “I think you should go with your dad,” he voices. “I know being close to your parents tonight will help, baby. And I’m sure your mom wants to see you. I’ll be fine, I just want to make sure you’ll be okay.”
Carlos shakes his head at the implication that he and TK would be spending the night apart. It’s true, he knows being close to his parents will help him and his parents feel a little better, but he can’t be away from TK, not right now, not when he’s still picking up the pieces of his broken heart, when he can still feel the smoke getting thicker around them, when he can still feel the dread in his gut at the realization that this could have been the end for him and TK. Not when the fear is still coursing through his veins and the roar of the fire hadn’t completely quietened in his ears.
Carlos knows TK doesn’t want to impose and assume he can go home with Carlos to Gabriel and Andrea’s. He knows TK wants to give him what he needs. But the bottom line is, he needs TK. He won’t go anywhere without him.
Gabriel picks up on Carlos’s hesitation and jumps in. “TK is more than welcome to come with us. And he’s right, your mother is eager to see you, son. And I know she wants to make sure that TK is okay, too.”
Carlos relaxes ever so slightly at that, a little of tension in his shoulders fading away. He swallows and nods. Being apart from TK right now would have felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest.
With a look between TK and Owen, TK’s eyes saying I can’t leave him and a nod from the older man, it’s decided.
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here,” TK promises and wraps Carlos in a hug, holding him just like he had earlier.
Carlos buries his face in TK’s neck, and underneath all the soot and sweat and ash, he could still smell the scent that is TK and it helps soothe his hammering heart.
“My phone, well,” TK tells Owen after he and Carlos separate, gesturing to the nearly empty space behind them. “I’ll text or call from Mr. Reyes’s phone.”
“Okay, son,” Owen nods, making a mental note to get TK a new phone and pulls him into a hug. “Take care of each other.”
With quick goodbyes to Owen, Tommy, Judd and Billy, the three men walk to the Ranger’s truck and climb in.
Carlos doesn’t have the energy to look back, but he steals a glimpse of what was once his home through the right side mirror. His heart feels heavy in his chest as the remaining structure gets smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing out of view. And it’s just then, it truly sinks in that almost everything he’s built for himself, is gone.
He sighs, leaning his head back against the headrest and closes his eyes. He feels the pull of sleep but there’s still residual adrenaline pumping through his veins, keep him on edge. He settles for resting his eyes and hopes it will ease the sting from the smoke.
The drive to Andrea and Gabriel’s house is spent in silence. Carlos only opens his eyes when he feels the truck slowing and comes to a stop a few moments later, followed by Gabriel turning off the ignition to indicate they’ve arrived.
Carlos takes a moment to look at his parents’ house through the window before moving to get out of the truck. The front door is torn open and he spots his mother quickly walking towards him before his feet hit the ground.
“Ma,” Carlos whispers and a second later, he’s being held in his mother’s embrace.
“Oh, Carlitos,” Andrea sighs, taking on most of Carlos’s weight as he slumps against her.
There’s a considerable height difference between them, Carlos having to lean down to hug his mother, but in this moment, in Carlos’s current state, he feels like a small boy in her arms as he further curls against her and she feels like a giant holding him close.
She doesn’t let go of Carlos, a steady arm on his back, but she extends her other to TK when he appears behind her son. He reaches out to her, their hands connecting and she gives his hand a supportive squeeze, which TK responds to with a nod. He has missed a motherly touch.
“Let’s get you boys inside,” Gabriel’s voice breaks the silence, noticing how Carlos and TK are standing on wobbly legs.
Andrea nods and reluctantly pulls back from Carlos, her eyes still glued to his face and her heart breaks some more at noticing the black botches littering his skin and the redness sitting inside his eyes.
“We’re okay, Ma,” Carlos reassures her, his voice still scratchy and low. He gives her the best smile he could muster, although it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
She nods again and returns the smile, unshed tears shimmering in her brown eyes. “Come on, like your father said, let’s get you inside. I made some soup and fixed up your old room for you boys,” Andrea announces as she leads the men inside.
Carlos is engulfed with memories of his childhood as soon as he walks through the door. He feels his heart lighten a little and TK was right, being here does offer some comfort he so desperately needs.
TK immediately senses that through their cosmic connection, and squeezes Carlos’s hand. Carlos glances over his shoulder and gives TK a small smile.
“I knew you’d be coming here,” Andrea continues. “Call it mother’s intuition, but I knew.”
Carlos nods and looks back at TK and they have a silent conversation then, their eyes meeting and speaking a thousands words and thoughts through brown and green gates. Concern, reassurance, love, all radiating between them, an invisible string always connecting them.
“There are some fresh towels on the bed, and I’ll reheat the soup so it’s ready when you’re done cleaning up and getting changed.”
“Thanks, Ma,” Carlos gives Andrea another hug, drawing strength from her.
She kisses his cheek when they separate and then moves to hug TK. “Thank God both of you are okay.”
Andrea and Gabriel watch as Carlos slowly leads TK up the stairs and only when they disappear down the hall does Andrea turn to her husband.
“I’d feel better if they stayed here for a few days,” she says.
Gabriel nods. “Me too.”
“They’re shaken, but they’re going to be okay, they have each other and they have us and Owen, TK’s team…it’s going to be okay,” Andrea expresses.
Upstairs, TK follows Carlos into the room and closes the door behind them. Carlos takes TK’s shock blanket and discards both blankets into the laundry bin next to the door. With a heavy sigh, he drops on the edge of the bed, leaning forward and places his face in his hands.
TK wants to look around the room, to catch glimpses of Carlos’s childhood and teen years in the books and comics lined up on the shelves, in the posters hung on the walls, in the certificates proudly framed and the medals and trophies neatly organized together. But he pushes that to the side for now, he can do that later. Right now, Carlos needs him.
TK moves towards the bed and sits on Carlos’s left. He wraps an arm around Carlos’s hunched shoulders and draws him close, the officer easily going with him. Carlos removes his face from his hands and settles against TK’s chest, closing his eyes when he feels the kiss TK drops to the top of his head.
Carlos’s hair smells of smoke and ash but TK can smell his boyfriend’s mint-scented shampoo underneath it all. In more ways than one, that mint scent has become TK’s home.
There are no words to be said, not really, so they just stay like that for what seems like hours. TK holding Carlos, running a hand up and down his arm while Carlos listens to TK’s heartbeat as it echoes against his ear, strong and steady. And in its own way, this moment says everything that needs to be said.
TK is the one to break the silence.
“We should get cleaned up, babe,” TK whispers, not wanting to completely shatter the quiet. “And then we’ll have some soup and we’ll sleep.”
Carlos untangles himself from TK but remains close to him, their thighs and sides still touching. He knows sleeping won’t be easy, that there are likely a few nightmares awaiting in the dark, and he knows TK knows that too, but he doesn’t voice it. Instead he nods, eyes drifting to the towels next to them.
“Don’t worry about those, I’ll get them,” TK says, breathing through the urge to cough but a couple of cough escape through his lips. “Do you want to shower alone or together?”
“Together,” Carlos immediately replies, and a light blush colors his cheeks.
The blush draws a light, playful chuckle from TK, and the sound brings a small smile to Carlos’s face.
“Okay, babe,” TK nods. “That’s what I was thinking, too.”
They navigate to the bathroom hand in hand, hearing a soft hum coming from downstairs as Andrea and Gabriel watch tv. TK closes and locks the door behind them, and they both start to undress. Their soiled clothes meet in a pile on the floor and Carlos’s eyes linger there for a few moments. As far as he knows, this is everything of theirs that survived the fire. A shirt, a hoodie, two pairs of sweatpants, two pairs socks and two pairs of shoes. That’s it. That is what remains of the life he, and then he and TK, had built. It sends a painful pang echoing through his chest.
The sound of the water spray hitting the marble brings him back from his thoughts, his head snapping up to see TK adjusting the water temperature.
He takes TK’s offered hand and they both step under the water, letting it run down their skin and wash away the physical evidence of the fire.
They take turns caring for each other, lathering up shampoo in their palms and running their fingers through each other’s hair as they wash away all the soot and ash and dirt. They brush soft kisses to each other’s body as they go along, kisses to shoulders, cheeks, hands, necks. Little reminders that they’re okay. They melt against each other, needing to know they’re both there, both giving and receiving in every way they can. They step out when the water starts to run clear and it gets a little cool, drying up with the towels and retreating back to Carlos’s bedroom.
Carlos opens the closet and retrieves some of the clothes he leaves there and lays them on the bed. Two pairs of sweatpants, an old police academy t-shirt for him and a similarly old police academy hoodie for TK.
TK gives him a smile when he notices the hoodie.
They change in silence and TK is about to head out but Carlos’s holds his hand to stop him. TK turns to face his boyfriend and moves back towards him.
“I just…I just need a moment,” Carlos explains, pushing out a small cough.
“Yeah, of course,” TK nods. “Whatever you need.”
Carlos hovers by the foot of the bed for a few seconds, shifting his weight between his feet and swallows. His hands begin to shake on their own accord and his head falls forward. TK instantly takes Carlos’s hands in his and applies a reassuring pressure to them, giving Carlos something to focus on and to help ground him.
“Baby, look at me,” TK pleads.
Carlos slowly lifts his gaze to meet TK’s beautiful eyes. He sees tears swimming against the green irises, sees the concern TK is carrying for him, sees TK’s own pain and fear.
“We’re okay,” TK vows. “I know this won’t go away overnight, I know there’s a lot for us to deal with, I know there’s a lot to feel. But I also know that we have each other, and we’ll rebuild our life together. I promise you. I’m not going anywhere. I swear it to you, Carlos, I’m not leaving your side. And everything you need to feel, feel it. I will be here to catch you.”
Carlos blinks, sending a tear rolling down his cheek. “I thought…when I thought we weren’t going to make it, I started missing everything we would be, everything we had yet to do together. I could see it so clearly, a flash of what we’d become together and then it was gone. I felt that loss, I felt the loss of us and it…” he shakes his head, “it hurt so much.”
TK plants a kiss to Carlos’s forehead. “I know, babe, I was scared too, because there’s still so much we didn’t do together and I was terrified we’d never get to do all those things, that it would be over when it’s only just begun for us…but we’re here, we’re alive, and we have each other,” TK wipes at Carlos’s fallen tears.
Looking into TK’s eyes, feeling and seeing his love and his passion, and feeling the love and passion he has for TK flutter in his chest in return, Carlos reevaluates an earlier thought.
Those clothes aren’t the only things that survived the fire. They survived. Their love survived.
They lost their home, yes, but Carlos realizes then, maybe home is a person. And he knows in his heart now that he found his home in TK.
TK cards his fingers through Carlos’s wet curls and touches his forehead to Carlos’s as they breathe together.
TK leans in, brushing soft kisses to each side of Carlos’s mouth and then one to his lips. Carlos moves in for another kiss when TK starts to pull back.
“Ready?” TK asks when they eventually separate after a few more exchanges of gentle kisses.
Carlos takes TK’s hand and nods, feeling the warmth of TK’s touch seeping into his skin.
“Ready,” Carlos replies and lets TK lead them out of the room and down the stairs where Andrea and Gabriel greet them with soft smiles.
And watching the love of his life engaged in a light conversation with his mother as she serves their food, and feeling his father’s reassurance presence at his side, Carlos nods to himself.
His eyes move back to land on TK, who softly laughs at something Andrea said and Carlos’s own lips curl upwards into a smile at the sight.
Carlos knows it’s going to be a tough road ahead, but for the first time since discovering the fire, hope starts to blossom in his chest.
Sensing his gaze, TK turns, easily finding Carlos’s eyes. For a moment, the rest of the house disappears and it’s just the two of them as they exchange the smiles that are reserved only for each other.
TK turns to Andrea when she says something and with his eyes still focused on TK, Carlos thinks, yeah, we remain.
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katesbridgerton · 3 years
and i'll send another one for you, buddie + a surprise party
Hi, Gabby! I'm so sorry it took me forever to write this. It's not my best work, but I hope you like it. Thank you for sending the prompt. 💖 Contains 5x10 spoilers.
Buck used to like surprises, but now as his heart is racing and he feels like throwing up in front of his friends, he's not so sure anymore. He blinks, before running away.
The minute he steps out of the building he throws up and it's even more awful than the last time he remembers — because he still didn't eat anything today. He is weak, dizzy, and he only notices he is crying when he tastes the tears on his lips.
He feels an arm around his waist and hears Eddie’s voice whispering something about getting inside the car. After Eddie helps him get on the passenger seat and gets inside too, Buck can feel his worried gaze on him. 
"Since when are you having panic attacks, Evan?"
"Since the accident with the ambulance. They're- I'm in control," he tries to calm Eddie. "or was until you got shot. And was held hostage."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"BECAUSE YOU LEFT!" he screams, he didn't want to, but for some reason seeing Eddie again is a lot. "And I understand why you did, I do, but," uncontrollable tears start to fall. "When you left 118, you left me behind too. When I tried to leave first, you didn't let me, none of you let me, just to walk away on the first chance," he says without stopping to breathe, and chokes on his own tears. "Chris... you took him away from me too! You are just- why does everybody keep leaving and coming back like it's not a big deal? Like it doesn't hurt other people?"
He opens the door, steps out of the car and leaves the garage; Buck doesn't even know where he wants to go, or where he should go. TK had offered his new house with Carlos in Texas, maybe he could spend some time with them. 
"Are you alright?" he hears Bobby's voice, before he feels his hand on his shoulder. Buck doesn't answer, just stares at him a bit confused. "Do you want to go to my place?" 
He nods, and allows Bobby to help him when they finally find a cab. Bobby is a father figure to him, that's not even a question, but he didn't expect his captain to make him chicken noodles while he observes from the counter, like a little kid observing their parents cooking. He eats quietly, Bobby doesn't ask many questions, only the trivial: is it good? do you want more? would you like to rest in May's old room? 
Buck would, yeah, very much. The day was nothing but tiring, he feels like his soul left his body at some point so when he throws himself on May's bed, he falls asleep almost immediately. 
He wakes up with a few familiar voices outside the room, Athena is asking if he's alright and Bobby is reassuring her that he is as good as one can be given the situation. Eddie’s voice is more of a protest, he's insisting to see Buck and even though both Athena and Bobby don't think it's a good idea, Eddie promises he will be quick and that  apparently convinces them.
A few knocks on the door and Eddie is in before Buck can even say anything.
"Hi," Eddie says. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine. Why are you here?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"No. No, it isn't."
"Because I love you, you dumbass. I tried to make you part of our lives so much, Buck. I called? You never answered. I texted? You never replied. I know you were trying to protect yourself and at some point I think I convinced myself you were better with Taylor."
"We're no longer together, Eddie. I broke up with her one week after you left. I just don't understand why everyone keeps leaving me. What did I do wrong?" the questions leave his mouth in a whisper.
Eddie walks towards the bed, sits next to him and wipes the tears away. "Athena is going to come here and drag me out if you cry," Eddie rests their foreheads together. "I'm coming back to the team. And you, Evan, are coming back to my life. In a different position now. We already wasted too much time. And for your information, I never left you, but I know why you think that."
"How do you, how do you know I feel the same?" he asks, blushing. Has he been so obvious all this time?
"You drunk dialed me declaring yourself and I thought you had called the wrong number until today," he intertwines their fingers, bringing Buck's hands to his lips. "Tell me about the panic attacks? Let me help you. Maddie said you're no longer going to therapy. You have to go back. And Maddie is here, I'm here, Chris is here. I love you and I'm never going to leave you again."
"Eddie, I'll not be able to take if you're lying."
"I'm not. And we need to talk about the fact that you have been bottling up since the ambulance, Evan."
"Not today."
"No, not today. Today I'm taking you home, I already told everyone to leave, Chris is with Carla. Today we're going to talk about us. How does that sound?"
"I love you. I'm in love with you. Not too much to talk about besides that," he smiles. "Have been for a long time, Eddie."
Eddie smiles back. They're finally on the same page, they're going to be alright. 
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