#but that I still need to make sure that I'm working towards a goal and she wants to see me passionate again
mintjeru · 1 year
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choose your fighter
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peachesofteal · 25 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: discussion of past abuse, Simon’s trauma Request: take your baby to work day
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You're wide eyed at the front door.
"You sure you guys will be alright?" Your voice is clear, but your hand trembles on the door handle, bottom lip tugged across your teeth.
"We'll be okay sweetheart. But if you're uncomfortable, or it's too much, you should take him-"
"No, no. I'm fine. You're not supposed to bring the baby to OB appointments anyway. It's frowned upon." You roll your eyes, tipping up to kiss Ry on the cheek. "Just... don't let anyone breathe on him, or kiss him, okay? His immune system is still fragile compared to ours. I packed you like, three bottles so hopefully he'll take them if he gets hungry. Text me if-"
"Mama." He holds Orion in one arm, and grabs your hand with the other. You're frightened, and stressed, and he's driven to comfort you, the need to soothe you throbbing across his skull. "I've got this. We'll be just fine. Text me when you're done. Get yourself a tea or something afterwards, alright? Everything is going to be okay." You nod.
"Right, of course. You're... you're right. And you're going to a military base, I doubt there's a safer place around."
"C'mere." He tugs you into his side, and you wrap your arms around his stomach, nestling in opposite Orion. "I need you to do something f'me."
"I need you to swear to me you'll tell your doctor about the dizzy spells." There's been a reminder card about your twelve week postpartum appointment on the fridge for two weeks now, and after you finally confessed you have been getting dizzy since Orion was born, and one time had even fallen, he decided to skip several steps by making the appointment for you. You were... not pleased, but he made it very clear, he's not playing a game with your health. He's planning his battles strategically now, putting pieces in play slowly, working towards his larger goal, but this was something he refused to compromise on.
"Okay." You whisper, burying your face in his chest. "I will." He lands a kiss to the top of your head.
"We'll see you soon. It'll be over before you know it, and maybe we can get a takeaway for dinner?" Your lips crack into a toothy smile.
"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, lad. Let's go see daddy's team." Orion stares at him, brown eyes curious, and watchful. He’s still not used to it, this feeling. This life, with you and his baby. Everyday, he has to stop to ground himself, anchor himself. Break from the cycle of a downward spiral, obsessive thoughts playing with his mind, counting down the million and one ways he could lose you, or fail you, or both. He’s careful, he’s diligent, he’s in control. He’d never make a mistake like he did before, the error of judgement that cost him his mother, his brother and his family-
But the incessant fear never ceases.
Fortunately, his anchor now is you. You, when you let him carry you to bed, when you watch him rock Orion to sleep as you stand in the doorway, you who curls up next to him on the couch now, fingers curled into his shirt like you’re afraid he might disappear. Your touch heals. Your words comfort. He can't fathom a future without you, or Ry, now.
If he thinks back on it, he wonders if he knew all along. If all the things he felt the night he met really meant forever, just like he had wished. A fantasy turned reality-
to have and to hold.
His stomach turns, wondering if his father ever felt this, if he ever loved, or if he was always just a monster, the ouroboros of victim turned abuser, the man who terrorized his mother, his brother and himself, long past the time Simon finally tore him to pieces, cracked his ribs, beat him into the ground.
Tommy broke the cycle, and from the moment he laid eyes on his son he knew.... he would too.
Price's secretary looks like she's seen an actual ghost. "Hey, Lindsey. Is he in?" She's staring, flicking back and forth to Orion and then up to his face, mouth slightly agape.
"Y-yeah he's..." she points over her shoulder at his closed door. "Lieutenant, did you... is that... is that your baby?" He nods, mouth curving into a proud smile, stepping close enough so she can get a good look at him. She almost jerks back, clearly not used to being so close to him. He's been here and there, off and on base all week catching up on a backlog of reports, but hasn't said a word to anyone, and he keeps everyone on base at arm's length except the 141.
"It is." Her shocked expression melts, hesitantly reaching her pointer finger towards Ry, allowing him to wrap it up in his chubby little fist. "This is Orion." She smiles at him, and then the baby, kindly.
"He's beautiful." She excuses herself when the phone rings, and he settles the tension burning between his shoulder blades. He didn't mentally prepare for this moment, didn't believe he had to. The expectation of Price's acceptance was assumed but now, his trepidation is a surprise.
He told his captain he needed to take leave for something really important, but never said for what. All he told him is that he'd loop him in soon, and that he was sorry he wouldn't be available for the next op. If John was curious, he didn't let him know, didn't push him for more info, didn't pester him. He just sent the forms to Simon's email to be filled out with a postscript:
Looking forward to hearing what this is all about.
And when Simon crosses the threshold of his office, baby in one arm, backpack stuffed with nappies and bottles in the other-
John Price laughs.
It's not the huff of a chuckle that Kate usually gets out of him, or the rolling guffaw that he gives the guys sometimes when he's particularly amused.
No, this is different. It starts in his belly and then rolls upwards, all the way until his shoulders are shaking and he's wiping his eyes.
Simon scowls, and John holds both his hands up, palms out. Surrender. "This is a good enough reason as any to take a chunk of all that leave saved up." He stands, stepping around to get a closer look. "What's his name then?"
"Orion." John nods thoughtfully. The backs of his fingers brush along the baby's arm, gently, slowly, a flicker of longing, of sadness, arcing across his face before it dissipates.
"The giant hunter Zeus banished to the skies." Organized stacks of paper sit in neat little piles on top of John's desk, authorizations he'd know anywhere. They're moving out. "Where's his mum?"
"At a doctor's appointment." Orion gurgles, and Simon pats his back, bouncing him slowly from side to side.
"You with her?" The answer is immediate.
"Gonna marry her." John's eyes fill with mirth.
"But she doesn't know that yet, does she."
"No," Simon sighs, "but she will. 'ts why I needed the leave. Besides," he motions to the infant tucked in his arm, "this, helping take care of him, taking care of her, I need to get them moved to a secure location. She's in a second level flat right now, with street facing windows. It's makin' my skin itch." Price will get it, Simon knows he will understand. He has his own secret at home, tucked away in a house only Simon and Laswell know about, just in case.
"Take it slow, don't want to spook her. Although I can't imagine she's too skittish if she took you to bed." He smirks. "You've got the time you requested. Had to call in a substitute for this one, but we'll need you on the next."
"How long?"
"Five weeks, maybe more. I'll ring when we're back on base." Five weeks. The clock is ticking, a bomb waiting to detonate, a guillotine waiting to sever his time with his family, his duty dragging him away.
"Alright." He concedes. Cross that bridge when he comes to it.
If Price sees his reluctance, he doesn't comment on it. "Bird'll be here in six hours. Boys are in the rec room, if you want to see 'em." Simon nods, shifting the baby in his arms as he heads towards the door. "And Simon," he turns, locking eyes with his captain, raw emotion plain on both their faces. Price gives him a genuine smile. "Congratulations. You're going to be a great father."
There's a lump in his throat as he crosses the campus to the rec room, his nose dipping across Ry's head, breathing him in as deep as he can behind the black cloth mask. "He's gonna be your godfather, little man. We just have to get Mama to agree, don't we?" He tugs the building's door open, ignoring the streams of chatter suddenly grinding to a halt in the hallway. Once he makes it to the rec room and sees that no one else is inside, just Johnny and Gaz battling it out in an intense game of pool, he slips the mask off his face and locks the door.
Soap is the first one to see him. "Steeeamin' jesus, LT is that a bairn!?" Kyle chokes on his water.
"Is that your baby, Riley?" They both scramble forward, Johnny whistling in disbelief.
"Aye, he's got to be. Look at the size of 'im."
"Johnny." Simon gives him the 'settle down' look, but the Sergeant only grins impishly.
"He's hers, innit he?" Gaz reaches, and Orion watches him with interest. "The girl from the bar. The one who lives close to me." Johnny's eyes go wider than globes.
"Ach Ghost, ye been busy wit' that boa-"
"Johnny." He hisses, and Kyle barks a laugh, reaching. Simon doesn't balk about handing Orion over, even though you were cautious about letting other people be around him. This is his team. He trusts them implicitly.
"He's a heavy lad, isn't he?" Kyle bounces him back and forth, all the while Ry stares at him with his head tipped back, mesmerized. "Looks jus' like you."
"Maybe a wee bit more handsome." Johnny's leaning around Kyle, his hand on Ry's back. They're mooning over him, two decorated, strategically brilliant sergeants, cooing at a baby like a bunch of sooks, as Johnny would say.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, a text from you letting him know you're finished, and heading home.
>Has he eaten?
>No, hasn't seem interested.
>Thank god.
Knowing you're probably in pain makes him antsy to get back, and he glances at the guys. "You movin' out in a few hours?"
"Aye, lookin' for some sort of stolen intelligence. Shouldnae be too long. Got a rent-a-Lieutenant and everythin'. Ye'll be back for the next?"
"I will. Stay frosty out there. I expect you all back in one piece."
He triple checks the carseat, testing the straps and the strength of the seatbelt before finally deciding it's secure enough, for the hundredth time today. He takes one last look, and presses a kiss to Orion's head. "Ready, bub? Let's go home and see mama."
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elicathebunny · 7 months
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You are going to STOP scrolling endlessly for self-help and advice content and you are going to STOP and apply the knowledge you have endlessly gained. Obtaining help and advice knowledge is useless if it goes through one ear and comes straight out the other. STOP becoming addicted to the idea of scrolling and scrolling for your problems yet you already have the resources to fix them. A fool is a person who cannot decide to take action despite having access to the information needed to do so.
Learning and Applying is one thing, but Learning and Staying Stationary is literally brain rot. You're addicted to the idea of change and the end result, but you never take the steps towards discipline with a personal structure to get that result. You keep looking for quick fixes and easy hacks, but life is not a quick fix and no hack can elevate your life from 0% to 100% without visiting the rest of the numbers first.
Take time away from your usual scrolling and learn to be on your own. Learn your own ways of self-care, learn what works for you and understand what you need, because nobody is the same. Following a millionaire's morning routine will not make you a millionaire. This routine has worked for someone to feel and be productive in the morning and was probably curated over the years to suit their current lifestyle. So, seeing other people's successes and comparing their working ways to your life is unrealistic if you are not in a position to implement them. Going straight from 0% (Being unproductive and procrastinating) to 100% (Being incredibly Productive and in tune with self) will not be sustainable for someone who has not built the discipline and the inner foundations required for it. STOP seeing information online and taking it without ALTERING anything to your personal situation.
"How to lose weight, How to become more social, How to do this and that"
Most of these things you ALREADY know the answer to. Everybody knows that to lose weight, you need to burn more than you consume. There is literally no other way, no magic and no secret hack, just that simple fact. I guarantee you know that to become more social you just have to be social. Learn to be comfortable in social situations which will require inner work, but it's not a difficult concept. Most of us know what we need to do, yet we still try to find quick fixes or another way that same message is presented to us differently. We act as if we are improving and developing on our "improvement" journey yet we are just finding coping ways to feel like we are moving, yet we are still in the exact same place as before. I know you know what to do, I know you have researched what you should do and ways you can do it. So why are you not doing it? Why are you still not where you want to be? If you are not where you want to be, then what you're currently doing needs to change. You cannot do the exact same thing you've been doing for years and expect a different outcome. You need to curate a routine suited to your needs that is realistic and achievable to adopt.
LEARNING TO MOVE ON YOUR OWN, STOP DEPENDING ON OTHERS TO FUEL YOUR SUCCESS JOURNEY LISTEN TO: NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU BY JULIENHIMSELF Make yourself your safe space, your foundation. When you see yourself in the mirror you should be able to tell yourself "I love you", you should be so sure in what you do that nobody else can contradict what you believe in yourself, this is the end goal of self-improvement. Many of us have put aside our goals because we "are not ready", "people may judge us" or "I need to be/achieve ___ to.." Now don't get me wrong, I'm on this journey with you. I write on this blog to teach my brain how to think in the higher mindset that I'm creating for myself. I too have thoughts like this which is why in 2024 we are going to break out of our old selves to make room for our new selves together. We have to lose ourselves to find ourselves. If you're mood and self-worth are controlled by other people's opinions, then you will never advance further with yourself and will remain stationary. You have to stop allowing other people to determine whether you are allowed to pursue your desires or if you shouldn't because of fear of rejection. Don't take life too seriously, we are only here for so much time. So what if people make fun of you? In a few years will you look back and be proud and fulfilled of your past or feel regret and disappointment? LISTEN TO: WHY YOU CARE SO MUCH BY JULIANHIMSELF + LISTEN TO: HOW TO DETACH BY VICKITA TRIVEDI
The only way to get to 0%-100% is by doing.
Embody your potential
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itadorey · 10 months
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pairing: neuvillette x gn!reader summary: the melusines are on a mission, you just don't know what their end goal is. (hint: it's to get you and neuvillette together). furina may or may not be involved. genre: fluff notes: pls ignore the fact that melusines live in the water when it gets to the rain. i just thought it'd be a cute scene and i forgot that they would be fine in the water. we can pretend they just don't want to get their uniform wet. i'm also not sure if the cafe serves tea bc i know they sell coffee beans oops. wc: ~3.6k
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A huff escapes you as you approach the doors to the Palais Mermonia, late for work and stumbling slightly as you reached for the handle.
"Please wait! Can you open the door for me?"
You pause when you hear Liath calling after you, and you turn to see the Melusine hurrying towards you. She's carrying two boxes in her hands, making it impossible for you to see her face until she comes to a stop next to you.
"Liath!" you gasp, holding open the door with your foot as you reach for one of the boxes. "Let me help you with that."
"Thank you! They are pretty heavy," she chimes, proceeding to stack the other box on top of the one you're currently holding. You're taken aback by her actions, giving her a confused look as she looks up at you and smiles. "I hope you don't mind dropping those off to Monsieur Neuvillette. I have some other duties to fulfill!"
Your eyes soften at her words, and you nod in agreement before shifting the boxes, making sure you have a good grip on them. The lid on the top box is askew, giving you a glimpse of some court documents sitting inside. You quickly fix the lid, glancing over at Liath to see her standing by the door, hands behind her back as she hums to herself. Your brows furrow when you notice that she doesn't make a move to leave, and you can't help but feel confused about her abnormal behavior.
"You should go before it gets too late in the afternoon to complete your other duties," you say softly, earning a confused look from Liath.
"What other duties?" she asks, a hand coming up to her cheek as she gets lost in thought. She gasps softly before meeting your gaze, her hand dropping to her side as she took a step back. "Oh! Yes, you're right. Thank you for bringing those to Monsieur Neuvillette. Bye!"
You watch Liath skip away, following her usual path around the Palais Mermonia. There's still a confused look on your face, and you merely shake your head before nudging the door open even further with your foot. You're still thinking about Liath's weird behavior when Sedene greets you.
"Good morning, Sedene," you greet in return, giving the Melusine a soft smile. "Is Neuvillette back yet?"
"Yes! He's been waiting for you!"
A stressed look appears on your face, and Sedene's eyes widen slightly as you glance towards Neuvillette's office.
"He has?" you ask, earning a nod from the Melusine in return. "Oh. I guess he really wants these court records huh? I hope he isn't too upset that I'm late."
"No, no," Sedene says, shaking her head back in forth to emphasize her words. She gives you a soft smile. "He's waiting for you, not the court records."
Sedene nods, and you can only hum in response before giving her a small nod and walking away. You pause as you reach the doors to Neuvillette's office, shifting the boxes so that they rest on your hip before raising a hand to knock.
"Come in."
"Good morning, Monsieur Neuvillette," you say as you slip into his office and shut the door behind you. Your head is slightly bowed down, the respectful gesture preventing you from seeing the way Neuvillette frowns at your words.
"Good morning," he says, setting his plume down before looking up at you. "I've told you multiple times already, there's no need to be so formal. 'Neuvillette' is perfectly fine."
"Pardon me, sir—" you pause when you notice the look on his face. "Pardon me, Neuvillette. I suppose I'm just not used to addressing my higher up that casually just yet."
"Higher up," Neuvillette scoffs, dipping the plume into a pot of ink before writing something down. "That's incorrect. We are equals, are we not?"
"The job description quite literally said 'assistant to the Iudex'," you tease, causing Neuvillette to pause. There's a small smile on your face when he looks at you, and he finds himself clearing his throat before responding.
"We both know you're more than a simple assistant, don't we? I got lucky considering you're ridiculously overqualified."
You deliberately refuse to respond, your heart beating just a little bit faster as you fully process Neuvillette's words. Instead, you glance at the boxes still in your hand, approaching his desk and clearing your throat to get his attention before you speak.
"Here are the court records you asked for. Should I just leave them on your desk?"
Neuvillette nods before giving you a confused look, his eyebrows furrowing as he shifts his gaze down to the boxes in your hands.
"Did something happen to Liath?" Neuvillette asks. Your heart warms at the concern on his face.
"No," you reply, shaking your head softly as you set the boxes down on his desk. "She mentioned she had some other duties to take care of."
"Ah, I was not aware she had any other duties," Neuvillette says, looking down at his desk. You pause at his words. "Perhaps I should have a talk with her and see if there's something bothering her?"
"I'm almost certain she's fine," you respond, unable to stop a smile from appearing on your face. Neuvillette is still lost in thought, wondering how to approach the Melusine. "Perhaps just make sure she's getting enough rest?"
Neuvillette looks up at you, nodding once before picking up his plume once again. "You're right. I'm certain she would've come to me directly if there was a problem. I'll make sure to speak with her later."
You nod at his words, bowing slightly before making your way back to his office doors. "If you'll excuse me, I must be on my way."
"You're not working in here today?" Neuvillette asks, sitting up even straighter as he watches you.
"I apologize Neuvillette," you say, smiling sheepishly before tugging the door open. "I'm afraid that Lady Furina requested my help for the day. I'll be back later to make sure everything is ready to go for tomorrow!"
Neuvillette nods, and he feels the paper on his desk rip slightly as he digs his plume into it. He slides the paper aside, grabbing a new one before speaking once more.
"I see. Tell her I said hello. Remember that tomorrow we meet directly at the Opera Epiclese, not here."
"Yes, I understand. Have a good day, sir," you say, giving him a wide grin before scurrying out of his office. You're gone before he can scold you for addressing him formally, the tapping of your shoes fading quickly as you rush off.
He wonders if there's a reason that Furina has suddenly decided to steal you from him. He decides not to think about it too much.
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The tapping of your shoes is drowned out by the rain as you approach the Opera Epiclese.
You silently pat yourself on the back for remembering your umbrella, and you quickly sidestep a puddle before you hurry towards the Fountain of Lucine, stopping when you Veleda huddled next one of the trees nearby.
"Veleda!" you yell, gaining the attention of the Melusine. You wave her over, concern all over your face as you angle your umbrella to shield the both of you from the rain. "What happened? Did you forget your umbrella?"
The Melusine nods before shaking her head, trying to get rid of the excess water in her hair.
"Do you want to come inside with me?" you ask softly, holding out your hand. Veleda shakes her head again.
"No, I have to stay out here and finish my rounds!"
You bend down slightly, placing the handle of your umbrella in her hand before straightening up.
"Take mine. I won't really need it inside," you say, earning a smile from Veleda.
"Thank you! I really appreciate it."
You smile back at Veleda, reaching down to brush a strand of wet hair from her face before walking off. You hurry past the fountain, holding your bag tightly against you in hopes of keeping it dry. Aeife opens the door for you with a smile, and you quickly thank her before rushing inside, being met with smiles from Trow and Blathine.
"Oh no! Did you leave your umbrella at home?" Trow asks, tilting her head as she observes you. There's a trail of water behind you, and you cringe when you realize that you must look like a mess.
"No," you reply, shedding your coat and holding it away from you as it drips. "I lent it to Veleda. She was standing outside in the rain and she didn't want to come inside."
Blathine nods at your words, and it's only then that you notice the two umbrellas in her hands. "We had to finish our rounds but we got caught in the rain. That's why I came in to get umbrellas for both of us!"
"Oh, I didn't know that," you say slowly, watching as Blathine skips to the door. She's gone before you can even ask for the extra umbrella, and you can only hope that it's not raining by the time the trial is over.
"I can take that from you," Trow says softly. "You can head on in. Monsieur Neuvillette is waiting for you. Lady Furina will not be joining today."
You nod and hurry into the main room, grabbing your paper, plume, and a small pot of ink from your bag. Neuvillette watches you as you slide into your usual seat, eyebrows furrowing at your lack of coat and umbrella. It's common knowledge that it tends to rain during trials, and he wonders if you've had a bad morning.
The trial passes by quickly, and your page is filled with notes by the time it's over. Neuvillette looks down towards you and nods, silently letting you know that you should wait for him. You give him a small nod in return, quickly packing up your stuff and heading to the exit.
Neuvillette is already waiting for you by the time you reach the front desk, listening to Trow as she speaks softly to him. You approach them with a smile, digging out your notes once again and passing them to Neuvillette.
"Pardon me for interrupting, Trow," you say, smiling at the Melusine and receiving a fond look in return. "Here are the notes from today's trial, Neuvillette."
"Thank you," he says, taking them from you and putting them away. "I always enjoy reading your notes at the end of a long day."
"Now that that the trial is over, you should go get some food," Trow suggest, waving the two of you towards the door. She pauses briefly, returning to the desk to grab your coat. "Here's your coat. I'm sorry, it's still a little damp."
"That's okay, Trow. A little rain won't bother me," you say, smiling gratefully as you slip it on.
"Did you not bring an umbrella today?" Neuvillette asks, watching as you tighten the tie of your coat around your waist.
"I lent it to Veleda," you say, repeating your words from earlier. You smile sheepishly as he fixes you with an unreadable look, pulling your bag up higher on your shoulder as Trow nods along. "I didn't want her to get sick. Oh! But I noticed Blathine taking an umbrella out to her. Trow, did they bring my umbrella back in here by chance?"
"No, they haven't been inside since," Trow says, shaking her head.
"We can share," Neuvillette states. His tone leaves no room for arguments and you simply nod, keeping you mouth shut to stop yourself from objecting.
"That's a great idea!" Trow exclaims, clapping her hands at his words. Neuvillette smiles softly at her before offering you his arm. "I'm not too hungry, but I'd like to join you for tea, if that's okay?"
You nod silently, linking your arm with his and gently resting your hand on his upper arm. The two of you say your goodbyes to Trow, receiving an enthusiastic wave in return before you walk out the door. Neuvillette holds his umbrella out, swiftly opening it and making sure it covers the two of you before descending the steps of the Opera Epiclese.
The rain hits the umbrella with soft thuds, and you shake your other arm to try and get rid of the stray droplets that dot your sleeve. Neuvillette notices the action, and he simply brings his arm closer to his side, pulling you in and making sure you're completely shielded.
"M-Maybe we can pick something up and eat back at the Palais Mermonia," you suggest, hoping that he didn't notice your stutter. He smiles down at you, and your mouth goes dry as you try to ignore the way your heart races at the sight. You glance down at your shoes, frowning slightly when you step over a large puddle. "It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop anytime soon."
The walk to the aquabus station is relatively quick, and the two of you stand huddled close together as you wait for it to arrive. You're greeted by a happy Elphane, who seems excited to see Neuvillette waiting for the aquabus. She greets him with a grin before waving shyly at you, a small umbrella clutched in her hand in an attempt to keep her uniform dry.
The aquabus ride is filled with casual conversation, and Neuvillette takes the time to ask Elphane if there's anything bothering her or any of the other Melusines. He receives nothing but smiles and reassurances in return, and you can feel him relax at her words. The two of you wave goodbye to Elphane as you disembark, making your way towards the Café Lucerne in search of food and a hot drink.
"I can order for the both of us," you say once you're close enough. The two of you stop underneath one of the cafe's umbrellas and you finally step away from Neuvillette. "Is there a certain type of tea you'd like?"
"You can choose for me," Neuvillette replies smoothly, pressing the umbrella handle into one of your hands and a small pouch full of mora into the other. "I trust your judgement. Besides, Menthe has spoken about how good you are at choosing teas she likes. I'm sure you can do the same for me."
You feel your cheeks warm at his words, and you silently look around for the Melusine he mentioned, knowing better than to argue about the mora. "Menthe isn't around today, is she? I hope she finally got around to taking a rest."
"I hope so as well," Neuvillette agrees. There's a moment of silence before you spin on the heel of your foot, leaving him behind as you go up to the counter to order. You order your favorite tea, conch madeleines, and two servings of ile flottante, swiftly handing over the right amount of mora before returning to Neuvillette's side. He wastes no time before taking the bag of food from you, using his free hand to gently take back his umbrella before offering you his arm once more. You shyly slip your hand into the crook of his elbow, letting him guide you towards the Palais Mermonia.
"I ended up ordering my favorite kind of tea," you say eventually, breaking the silence. "It's a white tea with notes of peach and ginger."
"That sounds lovely," Neuvillette responds. "It's seems very fitting. A lovely tea for an equally lovely person."
You can't stop the grin that breaks onto your face at his words, and you glance at him bashfully only to find him already looking at you. There's a tiny small on his face as you meet his gaze, his eyes soft as he observes your reaction.
The rain falling around you comes to a stop.
"Oh look! The rain has finally stopped," you remark, looking around you as you approach the Palais Mermona. Neuvillette hums in acknowledgement as he shuts his umbrella, making no move to separate himself from you. "That's good."
"Do you not like the rain?" Neuvillette asks, turning his head to look at you. You shake your head.
"No, that's not it," you say, lost in thought as you speak. "It just reminds me of something that Lyney's brother told me once."
At Neuvillette's questioning gaze, you continue.
"He said that when it rains, it's because the hydro dragon is crying," you explain, laughing lightly to yourself. "Maybe it's only a children's story, but I don't like the thought of the hydro dragon crying. I think he deserves to be happy."
You turn to see Neuvillette staring at you with an unreadable look, his eyes shining as he hums.
"I think I agree."
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"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."
The two of you look up, arms still linked together, to see Furina standing near the front desk. Her hands are on her hips, nose turned up as she taps her foot. You suppress a smile at the sight, instead deciding to greet the Archon.
"Lady Furina," you say, bowing to her before straightening up. "How may I be of assistance?"
"I need you to help me finish what we were doing yesterday," she states, hesitating slightly before sniffling. "Please."
"Yes, of cou—"
"Actually we were just about to have lunch together," Neuvillette says, sending you an apologetic look for his interruption. Furina scoffs, half-heartedly glaring at Neuvillette before crossing her arms.
"Fine!" she concedes, turning her back to the two of you before sending you a glance. "I guess you can come find me when you're done."
She starts to walk away, only to stop when Sedene speaks.
"Lady Furina?"
Furina turns, nodding at the Melusine in acknowledgement.
"If it's not a problem, perhaps I can help you," Sedene continues, smiling softly up at the Archon. "That way we don't cut their lunch date short."
There's silence as Furina sends a sly glance your way, her eyes taking note of the way the two of you are still arm-in-arm. She nods in agreement, walking off complaint.
"You're right. Come find me in a few minutes, Sedene."
The three of you watch Furina stalk away, and you're only snapped out of your daze when Sedene tugs at your coat.
"I can take that for you," she says, and you finally let go of Neuvillette to slide your arms out of the coat. Before you can thank her, she's ushering the two of you towards Neuvillette's office, wishing you a happy meal and shutting the door swiftly as she leaves.
A chuckles leaves your lips as you approach Neuvillette's desk, sliding into the seat across from him as he clears off the table. He unpacks the food carefully, making sure to spread them out before walking over to grab a tea set.
"Forgive me if I'm being too bold," you start, reaching over for the tea you had bought and placing it into the tea pot. You carefully fill up the two teacups, relaxing in your seat after you swipe a conch madeleine off another plate. "But it seems like the Melusines have been acting a bit suspicious lately. I think they might be trying to set us up."
You wait for Neuvillette to wave your words off, but instead you're met with a sharp inhale, a slight hint of pink tinting the tips of his ears. He straightens up in his seat, rearranging the plates on the table as he tries to gather his thoughts.
"Ah, yes," he finally says, clearing his throat before glancing at you. He averts his gaze immediately, choosing to bring his teacup up to his lips instead. He takes a sip before setting it back down, taking his time before finally looking up to meet your eyes. "Forgive me, I believe it's all my fault. You see, I may have let it slip to Sedene that you looked beautiful on a few occasions."
"Oh," you breathe, your eyes widening at Neuvillette's confession. You're frozen in your seat, trying to think of what to say when his eyes widen slightly.
"As I said, please forgive me," he says hurriedly. "I'll ensure this behavior stops immediately and I can discuss your transfer from my office to Lady Furina's if you'd like."
"No!" you say, wincing when you realize your words are louder than you meant them to be. You pause, looking down and clamping your mouth shut. You compose yourself before continuing. "I mean, um, you're quite handsome yourself, you know?"
You look up to meet Neuvillette's gaze, your breath hitching when you see the soft smile on his face. There's an equally soft look in his eyes as he observes you, and he nods to himself before taking another sip of tea.
"In light of this revelation, I would like to ask you if you'd do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner sometime this week," Neuvillette proposes, the smile on his face growing as you nod.
"I'd love to."
The two of you turn when you hear a soft slam, the receding footsteps letting you know that Sedene had returned to eavesdrop. You giggle at the situation, turning back to see Neuvillette staring at the door with a fond look in his eye.
"Something tells me she's going to go tell everyone what just happened," you say, earning a soft chuckle from Neuvillette.
"I get the feeling they've been plotting this for quite some time," Neuvillette admits. "There's been too many coincidences to count."
You hum in agreement, thinking about all the weird behavior the Melusines had been exhibiting lately. Without them, none of this would have happened, and you let out a soft laugh as you realize just how obvious they had been. Your giggle draws Neuvillette's attention back to you, and the two of you share another soft smile as you begin to dig into your food.
"I guess we'll have to thank them then."
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rbs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!!
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4ngel-inc · 5 months
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notes — i wrote this for myself & my fellow sensitive bbs :'))
warnings — kinda insecure reader in some, pretty suggestive, a little angst but all with happy endings !!
DAZAI — it hurts your feelings when one of dazai's ex-flings walks up to your table one night when you two are having dinner at your favorite restaurant, "ah- funny seeing you here, osamu. who's the lucky lady?" you glance up when you hear her call him by his first name, and the blood instantly drains from your face—she's absolutely gorgeous. it's clear dazai is only being polite as he offers a bit of small talk before his ex leaves, but she wasn't exactly friendly towards you, and that makes you a little nervous. you ask him about her on the way home, but he doesn't offer much information—"it was just a casual thing, nothing serious, i'm sure she understands." he wraps his arm around your waist tighter, protecting you from the chilly air with his coat wrapped around you, and you start to wonder, what makes you so special that he kept you around? will he grow tired of you as well? you voice your concerns that night before bed, speaking lowly as you're fluffing the pillows, "osamu, what is it you like about me?" he looks offended at that, "darling! what do you mean? i love everything about my sweet angel," he circles the bed, but you step back a little. "stop it, 'samu, i'm not special, why did you pick me?" he looks hurt, but smiles after a moment, pulling you in so he can cradle your face, "i wasn't as awful as you might think, love, i've been a true gentleman to everyone i've dated. and anyways, i didn't choose you, my heart did—i've been yours since the moment we met, i don't know how else to explain it, darling."
CHUUYA — chuuya is always very careful not to hurt your feelings, he's a gentleman in all things, putting your happiness before his own and making sure you feel safe and wanted. truthfully, he's the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, and most times, you're just downright spoiled. however, his work does take up a lot of his time, and though you've assured him you understand, sometimes, you do feel a little lonely. there are a few nights in a row he comes home without kissing you as he walks in, and he simply goes to bed while you're still on the couch watching tv without so much as an "i love you" first. you're really hurt, but you don't want to come off as needy—chuuya already has a lot to deal with at work, so you simply brush it aside. however, after a few more nights of the same thing, you crack. "chuuya?" you whisper as you peek your head into the bedroom. "mmh- yeah?" his voice is sleepy, and you feel a little bad for waking him, but you need to talk this through. "can we talk?" he sits up at that, turning on the beside lamp, "something wrong, princess?" you run your fingers through his hair before speaking, "chu," you sigh, "it really hurts my feelings when you go to bed without so much as a 'goodnight' or even a kiss, am i getting on your nerves lately or something?" his eyes widen, and he pulls you in, crushing you to him as he kisses your hair, "no- no, no, no, no. of course not. i've just been busy, angel, i'm so sorry. i'll call off work tomorrow, we'll spend the whole day together, yeah?" you smile and climb on top of him, "hmm, well, i think we should stay up all night tonight, then, what do you think?"
SIGMA — sigma absolutely hates the idea of hurting your feelings, it's almost like a foreign concept to him. he can't imagine doing anything to hurt you when his greatest goal in life is to simply keep you around for as long as possible, to love you and make you smile every single day—he's still searching for himself, and he wants to do it with you by his side. you just make him feel so warm and happy, he never wants to lose that. however, when you walk up to him one night on the casino floor, he's talking and laughing with a very beautiful woman, and it stings a little—you eye her hand as she slides it down his arm, clearly aiming to grab at his hand before his eyes dart over to you and he pulls away. "babe! what a surprise, i'm so happy to see you!" you don't answer, only eyeing the woman before she scoffs and walks away. "sigma, love, who was that?" you're trying not to let jealousy get the best of you—it's such an ugly feeling, after all. "huh? oh, just a customer. it's her first time here, she just wanted to tell me how much she likes the casino!" sigma really has no idea how beautiful he is, but his humble nature is just one thing you adore about him. he frowns when you don't answer, only watching the woman as she walks away. "babe? something wrong?" he panics a little, but the taste of your lips soothes him when you pull him in for a kiss that's probably much too passionate for others to be seeing. you hum as you pull away, "nothing at all, you just look gorgeous today, i needed a kiss."
FUKUZAWA — fukuzawa actually hurts your feelings a lot, sadly, but he's got the kindest heart in the world, so you never hold it against him for long. he's simply very blunt, so it's easy for you to feel a little dismissed sometimes. in particular, you bring him lunch at work one day, after spending literally hours on a tiny bento containing all of his favorites fashioned in an intricate design. you're so proud of your work, admiring the little details and garnishes that made it entirely worth all of the sweat (and a few tears), you even made his favorite hōjicha tea to bring with it! however, when you reach the floor of his agency and peek your head into his private office, you realize he has company, and whatever meeting he's having looks quite important. "ah, i'm sorry, y/n, you'll have to come back later." he attempts to close the door on you, but your words stop him, "oh! no, that's fine- i just wanted to bring y-" he cuts you off, "whatever it is, we can talk later, y/n. i'm busy right now." he shuts the door before you can respond, and you've never felt more embarrassed. you wander into the ada's main room before setting the lunch on dazai's desk, "dazai-san, could you eat this? i worked really hard on it, i just want someone to enjoy it," your voice breaks as you walk away. when fukuzawa arrives home later that night, he has the empty bentos in his hand, placing them on the table before approaching you on the couch, but you put a hand out to stop him, "just- don't, yukichi." he ignores your words, dropping to his knees and resting his head in your lap, "my angel, please forgive me, i was meeting with the council. let me make you dinner? lunch was excellent, truly, and it was the best tea i've ever tasted."
AKUTAGAWA — ok, akutagawa is a little clueless, so you give him a lot of leeway, but there are just some things he says and does that can't be erased, and that's especially true when he snaps at you one night, "i just want to be alone for a few minutes! is that too much to ask?" you'd followed him into the bedroom when he got home from work, making grabby hands at him, "ryuuuu," you whined, "where are my kisses?" you simply wanted to spend time with him, but now that he's yelled at you, all you want is to be as far away from him as possible. you sleep on the couch that night, even after he's begged you to come to bed, and eventually, you wake up to him sleeping on the floor next to you, not even covered in a blanket, but simply resting his head in the crook of his arm. he doesn't look comfortable at all, and your heart aches a little when he stirs, "babe? you're awake already?" "ryu, how long've you been there?" "i don't know, maybe a few hours? i couldn't sleep without you," he states nonchalantly, not even a hint of shame in his voice. you sigh, tugging on his arm, "come here, do you remember what you said to me?" he frowns, "yes, and i'm deeply sorry, i had a long day at work. i never want to hurt you, i'm just. . ." he looks down at his hands, "i'm still learning. but trust me when i say this, taking space from you is the last thing i want. coming home to you is the best part of my day."
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
World Cup V
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first World Cup
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Everyone dreams of scoring a goal in the World Cup final. Hell, everyone dreams of scoring in even the qualifying rounds for the World Cup.
But, to you, it was almost certainly going to be a dream.
You were goalkeeper. You didn't score goals. You stopped them.
It was your whole job.
Your first World Cup was an honour. You were still young but it had been timed perfectly. When you were first called up to join Sweden's team, it was as the third keeper.
The two keepers before you had retired just before the selection for the World Cup squad. Two new keepers for the squad (both older than you) had been selected but you were the number one - a combination of your talent, training and just how many more international caps you had over your counterparts.
Coach Emma had been wary about putting you as the first choice but your performances at Arsenal spoke for themselves. There wasn't much she could do. No one else seemed to quite fit the bill like you did.
It had been a hard won road with two rounds of penalties in the knockout stage that you refused to be cowed by.
It all came down to this.
Sweden vs England.
You recognised a few of the girls from playing in the WSL and you gave them each a tense smile as you run through warmups. You sit in your cubby during the last team talk where Emma speaks about the game plan and how much work this will be and how much everyone needs to give it their all. You put on Zećira's old World Cup gloves. You flex your hands before clenching.
You replace her's with your own and roll your shoulders.
You walk out to the cheers of the crowd and take your position.
England are out with a vengeance and you make a few daring saves in the first half but it's mainly Sweden who dominate possession.
You're deadlocked in nil-nil throughout the first half and then the second half.
You leak into nine minutes of injury when one of your midfielders is dispossessed. You can hear Coach Emma yelling something at your defenders but you don't look to see the disarray of your backline. An England kit comes streaking up your left wing. She shoots but you're not worried because you already know that she has a tendency to shoot wide.
You collect the ball for a goal kick and one of England's finest starts a run towards you, to put on the pressure.
You could think of nothing but making sure this forward didn't get anywhere near your box or your ball.
You booted it up the pitch.
To be honest, it was an accident.
It hadn't been you trying anything. All you could think about was making sure England didn't even have a chance to score a goal.
You assumed one of your forwards would pick it up - some of them had this uncanny ability to know what you would do before you did.
Either way, you watched the ball sail over everyone's head...
The keeper was about as far off her line as she could be.
It sailed over her head, bounced and rolled into the bottom right corner.
You freeze in shock.
You hadn't meant to do that.
The crowd behind you screamed and you didn't have time to think before you were completely dogpiled by your teammates.
"Get off!" You laugh, trying to shake them off.
"There's no chance now!" Someone says.
"Keep them away from my goal and then there will be no chance," You reply, still completely trapped.
"Which goals is yours again?" Someone else teases," Because I think you've staked a thorough claim on England's too."
Your cheeks flush red and you bat her away. "Shut up."
"Never!" Someone declares," I'm pretty sure our goalkeeper just won us the game! You're never hearing the end of this!"
"Go away," You laugh," Go on. We've still got a few more minutes to play. Keep them off my goal and I'll let you talk about it all you want."
And they do keep England off your goal.
You sink to your knees in shock as you're dogpiled again. Swedish is flowing easily into your ears but you can't understand any of it. You slowly get to your feet and walk strangely calmly over to the stands.
You pass Coach Emma on the way. She's smiling, clapping you on the back. You think she says something too but you're too busy listening to the roaring of blood in your ears.
You hop the barrier and move into Momma's arms.
She holds you nice and tight as you still stare in shock. You think you're crying but you're numb to most things.
Momma's talking but her words are just static in your ears as you're moved from her to Morsa to moster Frido and then finally to Zećira.
You come back into the present when you see her. Shakily, you remove your gloves and hold them out to her.
She smiles and takes them. "I'm so proud of you. Best keeper in the world."
More tears slip down your cheeks. Your voice breaks. "Thank you."
"So proud of you," Morsa says as she and Momma appear over your shoulders," Clearly you're just like your Momma. Scoring goals."
"Is was an accident," You say softly.
"And it was a perfect accident," Momma says," I couldn't have done it better myself."
You laugh a little wetly. "Well," You say," I must have picked it up from all those times you kicked at me in the garden."
"Champion of the world!" Moster Frido declares, clapping you on the back and planting a kiss on your head," World Champion! Best keeper in the world!"
"Well," Momma says," This keeper needs to head back down to receive her medal. Go on, off you go." She pushes you away lightly.
You hop the barrier again and line up with the others.
There's a sense of pride as you walk across the stage, receive your medal and kiss the trophy.
You feel a little shaky as the trophy is lifted and you celebrate, screaming out your victory for the whole world to see.
You jump around with your teammates, each of them strongarming you into taking a picture with you and the trophy.
By the time you manage to get away, you're jogging over to the England side. You strip your shirt and hold it up into the crowd.
A hand reaches down to take it.
You look up.
Leah stares down at you. She leans over the railing.
"I should be mad at you," She says," But that was the best goal I've seen in a while. I'm very proud of you. Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?"
You look down bashfully and confess," I think Arsenal's getting a bit too small for me."
Leah laughs. "Yeah, I reckon that too." She pulls your shirt over her head. "You'll come back and visit?"
You bump your fist against hers. "Well, North London is red."
She grins at you. "Go on, World Cup winner. Off you go. I'll see you around."
"Bye, Leah."
You jog towards the Sweden side of the crowd again, pumping up your fist as people scream your name.
You skid to a stop in front of Morsa. You drop your medal over her neck.
"For you," You say," For all the World Cup medals you gave me."
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exhaslo · 1 month
Its the coldest day of the year so villain!miguel uses it as an exuse to cuddle with reader naked.
“its cold, we need to keep warm“ and you know miguel as a good heater he just keeps it off and his exuse is that ’he wants to save money’ but you know he can afford it.
lmao anything for the plot haha.
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut
It had only been a couple of weeks since Miguel finally because Spider-Man.
The city's new tyrant.
Life for the two of you was great. You were Miguel's pretty little fiance, staying in his penthouse being a good girl. You didn't want to disappoint him. You just wanted to help him do good and accomplish his goals.
However, Miguel was abusing your easily manipulated mind to do his crimes. He would find every excuse in the book to get you pregnant. To load you with his seed and make the perfect offspring.
Not like you complained or pushed away his advances. Miguel knew that every little bit of affection he gave you just kept you in the palm of his hand.
"Coldest day of the year?" Miguel muttered as he checked the weather in his office, "(Y/N) is going to be freezing,"
Concerned for you, Miguel summoned you to his office. You still worked for him at Alchemax. After all, no one could ever do as good as a job as you.
"Yes, Miguel?" You entered the office, "I was working on your schedule for the week. You have a lot-"
"Come here,"
You tilted your head but smiled as you hurried to Miguel's desk. Taking your spot, you tried to hide your excitement as Miguel rested his head against your lap. His hands rubbing circles around your waist.
"I don't feel any layers," Miguel said with a grunt, pulling you onto his lap, "It's cold outside."
"I know," You snuggled against his chest, "I'm trying on those thermal clothes you suggested."
"Hn," Miguel was quick to take your shirt off, checking the thermal technology as you shivered.
"Still not enough," He grunted, putting the shirt back on you, "Cancel my next meeting and met me in my private lab."
You reached for your tablet, cancelling Miguel's appointment while you sat on his lap. Miguel rubbed your head before placing you back on his desk and leaving the office.
He had an idea. A devilish idea.
You hummed happily as you approached Miguel's private lab. It was on a floor of its own since Miguel liked his quiet. Entering the main room, you gasped and shivered towards the temperature. It was freezing inside the lab.
"I may have suggested the thermal clothing, but nothing is ever good enough for my woman." Miguel spat as he approached you, "Come, let's get you warm."
"B-But...i-it's so...so....c-c-cold." You stuttered.
"Needed to save money somewhere," Miguel lied casually as he pulled you into his embrace, "Besides, you won't be cold for long."
"M-Miguel-" You whimpered.
Miguel picked you up and brought you over to the experiment seat. He laid you down and hovered over your body. His hands already resting against your pussy, rubbing circles against your clothes.
"Your body is going to focus on keeping warm. I'm sure it will be easier for your body to accept my seed."
"M-Miggy," You whined, squirming slightly.
"You've been naughty. Only wearing one layer. Can't go easy on a bad girl,"
You shuddered towards his words as Miguel undid your pants. He threw them on the side and proceeded to rip your panties, claiming that he told you to stop wearing them. You just put them on because you were cold.
You went to reach for Miguel, but he proceeded to nibble on your hand in response. With a whine, you gripped your shirt as Miguel thrusted his dick inside you. You arched your back, having to wait for him to give you permission to hold him.
"Always so wet for me, now that's a good girl," Miguel said with a dark chuckle.
You moaned in response as Miguel started to slap his hips into you. The sheer force of his dick making use of your pussy so hasty made your mind fuzzy. You were used to Miguel having sex with you, but it still felt amazing each time.
How every thrust made you feel like butterflies were fluttering in your stomach. How he made you cum with barely any effort. Or how Miguel would always fill you to the brim, making you feel so full that you couldn't move.
Everything felt like a dream.
Your body started to warm up as you cam against Miguel's dick. Panting heavily as you squeezed around his cock, you tried to reach out for Miguel again.
"I suppose you deserve to now," Miguel grunted as he kept thrusting inside of you.
Holding onto Miguel, you moaned in his ear happily as you melted against his touch. Surrendering your body to him as he made a sloppy mess of your cunt.
You wanted to apologize for dirtying his lab chair, but you knew that Miguel didn't care. He brought you in here to make a baby. Shivering as you felt Miguel bottom out inside you, you clenched against him, wanting to enjoy the moment.
"You're still shivering. Can't stop until that changes, now can we?" Miguel asked with a chuckle.
You just agreed, gasping as he kept his charade of thrusts. The lab echoed with the slapping sound of skin. The gushing noises of your juices mixing with his cum. Your moans getting louder as your body grew more sensitive to his movements.
Your body was warm now for sure.
Miguel sighed softly as he turned the heat back on in the lab. Now he felt relaxed and ready to get back to work. Glancing at you on the chair, Miguel withheld a chuckle. You were sleeping soundly with his lab coat over you.
His cum pouring out of your cunt. Another fine job. Approaching you, Miguel fixed the chair so that your lower body was raised, wanting to keep his seed inside you.
"Mhpm," You whined in your sleep.
"All for the sake of the future, (Y/N)." Miguel whispered, kissing your head before grabbing your tablet.
Miguel pulled a seat beside you, wanting to get back to work while you slept. He had Lyla checking on your stats, making sure that you wouldn't get too cold.
"Hm, now what excuse will I use tomorrow?"
UGH I NEED VILLAIN!Miguel in my life.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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artistic-boi-cakko · 9 months
Miguel O'Hara X Artist Male reader (smut)
Size kink, 18+, NSFW, MDNI, Male reader, top Miguel, virgin reader.
Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-man 2099 working as a computer Engineer for the time being in the year 2023 after leaving his job in Alchemax, loosing his family. 
He is currently stuck in the year 2023, he is trying to find out ways to go back to his year. He wants to create a place where he could jump into any universe and have people from other universes come to his, without glitching or facing risks to die. He had found a way to make a watch where he himself wont glitch but its still hard for him to do the rest. 
Currently, for a living he is working as a 9-5 computer engineer while finding out ways to achieve his goals. 
He is living in a 2 BHK apartment with an artist named M/N L/N.
With puffy red eyes, bags clearly visible under his eyes Miguel stretched out his arms and legs sitting on his chair. As he is completing the codes he need to present the next day to his cunning Boss.
Work is tiring for him which is overcome with his will to make a living whilst working to achieve his goals alongside. Fighting off the past villains to protect the city of New York.
Sounds of clicks of mouse and keyboard keys are soon replaced by sounds of bone cracking and groans from Miguel as he is stretching his body to relax his muscles.
"Hush, finally things are done to shut that idiot's nagging, irritating voice" he mumbled under his breath. 
He opened the door of his room and walked out of the room shutting the door on his way. He walked towards the kitchen, he saw a plate covered with a glass tray cover, a smile formed on his face as he plucked out the little note stuck to the tray cover, Eat the pasta after you're done with work. Better eat it. I'm not an idiot for making this. Miguel chuckled at the hidden kindness of his roommate, M/N L/N. 
He and M/N have been roommates for the past few months. They have talked about their lives a little but doesn't exactly consider each other as good friends, they do interact as they are living together. M/N a freelance animator and artist constantly working on his commissions and other profit generating projects. 
Miguel had served himself a plate of pasta M/N prepared for him, he dug into the pasta and took a bite, he smiled as the flavors filled his tired mouth. He was eating the pasta... thoughts around the multiverse never leaving his mind... He was tired, he needed some kind of relief. It could be anything like anything. 
He was washing the plates, his stomach full and satisfied with the food he ate... he wanted to pay a visit to his roommate. He looked at the time, it was 12 midnight. He wasn't sure if M/N was still awake. I walked towards the hand towel near the kitchen counter and wiped his hands. He wanted to try his luck. 
Miguel went towards M/N's room and knocked on his door. With just one knock he realized the door was open, he hesitantly walked inside and sighed in relief as he noticed his luck worked and M/N was wearing his headphones, blasting movies while animating. The music must be on full volume as some of the beats could be heard even if Miguel had entered the room but not near M/N.
He thought that if he wanted M/N's attention he needed to do a little bit of work and take off M/N's headphones. 
He walked near the little boy in front of him and placed his hands on both sides of the headphones. The boy in front of Miguel jumped and turned around in a hurry in his chair, hitting and struggling a bit. Miguel moved away and let the boy face him.
"Good morning, it's 12 AM" Miguel chuckled. M/N removed his headphones and sighed. He looked up at the larger man, he was facing Miguel but his gaze passed right past Miguel's face. He clenched his tired mouth from not speaking for hours and let out a light cough before speaking "Good morning" he said and swallowed some of the saliva in his mouth. "What do you want?" M/N asked still with his head up facing Miguel. 
The larger man still with a silly face replied "Huhmmm Can't i see my roommate? Also thank you for the food" 
"You can visit me and it was my pleasure to feed the idiot" M/N said rather bluntly, his face was also tired and puffy. His condition with workload was the same as Miguel only difference between the two men was that M/N's room was always rather dim lighted and had cans of energy drinks and coffee lying around indicating towards the boy's addiction and need for caffeine, indicating his caffeine addiction and unusual reserved nature.
Miguel smiled and sat on M/N's bed which was near the boy's working table. Miguel looked at all the cables connected on the boy's working table. He looked at the display tablet connected to the desktop, he was mesmerized by the colors of the animation M/N was making... The boy's work always worked like a drug for Miguel, he loved the color palette the boy always used. 
"Whatcha' making this time?" Miguel asked, he leaned on M/N's bed propping his body towards the wall with which the single size bed was connected to. 
"About inner demons, work anxiety, it's more of a tweening than animation" M/N said as he moved his chair towards Miguel. 
Miguel, still looking at whatever the boy made, forgot to hear what M/N had to say to him. 
M/N snapped his fingers in front of Miguel's face, breaking him out of his trance. Miguel changed his focus towards him. 
"Yes? Sorry I couldn't hear what you had to say to me" Miguel confessed, he noticed the boy's eyes, his beautiful e/c (eye color) eyes were glistening, he found them attractive.
Since the time M/N asked to be Miguel's roommate introduced by one of the friends of Miguel who wanted Miguel to be in someone's company and did not wanted him to be all alone and reserved. Miguel had always found men like M/N to be attractive and cute... He likes submissive, timid boys like M/N, as they are easy to gain trust with and are loyal in a relationship, not to mention the size kink Miguel have is satisfied after having sex with men like M/N. 
M/N sighed and repeated "I was saying, if you wanted to go back to your room as you are all over my bed" he said pointing at Miguel who is now lying in M/N's bed, he continued "You seem sleepy. If you want to sleep here I don't mind, I will sleep in your room". Miguel's cheeks burned and turned red... he was embarrassed "Uh... Of course! Uhmhumm I won't sleep here don't worry" Miguel said as he shot up from the bed, sitting up now and patting the bed as he spoke "You can sleep here, have your comfy lovely sleep here" M/N felt a chuckled almost escaping but bit it back in. 
Miguel was eyeing M/N's body up and down taking in the sight of M/N's strong but delicate arms and legs... M/N worked out in his room as he had dumbbells laying in a corner of his room. Miguel was almost drugged every time he would look into M/N's eyes, something about them just urged him to hug M/N tightly in his arms and coo at him lovingly. He wanted to hold onto that slim and well built face and caress his hair... Miguel wanted M/N  in his arms and spent the whole day kissing his face and lips... he wanted to caress M/N's hips and have them against his pelvis. Everything about the boy was just perfect to Miguel. He forgot to take notice that M/N has turned back and is resuming his work on the animation. 
Miguel adjusted himself more on the bed making himself more comfortable. M/N hated having people in his room and he would have kicked out someone like Miguel instantly, someone who is messing with the bedsheets, being comfortable in his room. Miguel was an exception, as M/N grew comfortable around Miguel and trusted him. 
M/N sometimes hates when he gets attached with people around him as it only pains him when people leave him. He was almost done with the animation. Actually, he was done, all that was needed was to save and export the project and make it ready to post it on his Ko-fi page. 
Miguel was looking around his room and noticed a sketchbook on M/N’s work table, he picked it up and started flipping through the pages. He was smiling and admiring at the paintings of outdoor sceneries and a few perspective sketches in M/N’s sketchbook, as he was flipping around he noticed that as he flipped M/N’s drawings are going more towards having human portraits from a normal pose practice to suggestive poses. Miguel's eyes widened as he noticed a man naked in a suggestive position masturbating in one of the pages, his face turned red. M/N glanced towards Miguel and panicked, he lunged forward and snatched the sketchbook from Miguel’s hands. 
Miguel spoke up “Dang you like guys!”
“Yea?! SO what? And you should have ASKED first before going through my sketchbook and commenting!” M/N snapped back. Miguel was taken aback for sometime before speaking “There is no shame in being gay… I.. I am also a bisexual.” 
M/N was silent for sometime “Still, doesn't give you the permission to look around my things” “Sorry” Miguel said, he was wondering something “Who is this guy you drew? Is he a Pornstar or-” Miguel was cut off in between “My High-school crush, whom I don't crush on anymore” M/N said 
“Woah, can I ask another question?” Miguel asked curiously wanting to know more about M/N. 
M/N sighed and nodded. “What did you find attractive in him?” Miguel asked, picking up the sketchbook again and opening the page where M/N’s former High-school crush was drawn.
“I had a weird phase of being attracted to sporty bad guys” M/N admitted blushing. 
The red dust on M/N’s s/c (skin color) face was something which was enough to send Miguel’s brain haywire. Miguel was now really just fighting off the urge to hold M/N and embrace him, he knew he shouldn't do that. 
“Won't judge you, everyone is stupid in High-school. But you know these memories are fun and cringe which makes our life livable and add some spice to it” Miguel said as he leaned into the bed almost laying down again. 
M/N looked at Miguel, he blushed a little. Miguel’s arm muscles were something he always loved to look at, they were big and beautifully sculpted. His thick fingers, large hands, strong biceps were something M/N always wished to hold one and feel on his body, he has a very dominating personality but when he looks at Miguel he immediately becomes his submissive, timid and goofy mode. Even now he wants to go to his goofy mode but he is too tired for that. He sometimes hates that he finds himself taking sneaky glances towards his roommate’s crotch. 
Miguel’s chest moved up and down as he took a deep breath. M/N’s brain almost died out but held himself together. Miguel raised his eyebrow as he looked at the boy in front of him and chuckled “Weekend is here now. I am done with my work and i feel your work is something where you can take breaks as you don't have a boss nagging you all the time. So, wanna go out somewhere?” he asked
M/N giggled as he said “I am my own Boss and I am not sure, I don't like going out, its tiring and irritating.” 
Miguel looked at M/N in surprise, why wouldn't he like to go out? Is it one of the 'artists don't touch the grass' thing? 
"Touching the grass is good sometimes. How long has it been since you touched it?" Miguel asked careful at his words. "Nah, I just don't like going out… it's annoying just like I said. No particular reason" M/N said. 
Miguel sighed "not soon. But I will drag your ass out of this apartment." He said. 
M/N was staring at Miguel confused and a little anxious. "Fine… we will see about that" he said with a sigh. "But why do you want to take me out?" The boy asked. Miguel raised his eyebrow "Hehe, nah it's not a date. I just wanna hang out with ya'" he said with a smirk on his face. He could feel M/N's embarrassment after hearing his words. "UGH! Idiot! I didn't.. umm.. LEAVE IT!" The boy stuttered with his face flushed red. 
Miguel laughed lightly as the boy in front stumbled on his words. "You're cute" he mumbled under his breath. "Not funny!" M/N bluttered out, he was fidgeting with his fingers. Miguel was looking at his little fingers, oh he so wanted to feel the boy intimately. 
"Alright I still have a few sketches left, I will be working on them. If you want you can stay or leave. I don't mind either." M/N said as he turned towards the two screens, opened a new file and started sketching.
It's been an hour since M/N started working on the last sketches and Miguel is laying in his bed. Miguel was looking at the boy working… his head spinning in need. He was desperate at this point, the way M/N moved his hands and used his fingers to zoom in and out and move the canvas around. Miguel felt dirty at first for finding bits of arousal at such normal actions but he wasn't able to control his urges at this point. 
Miguel sat up on the bed and moved his arms towards M/N, his head spinning in need. His placed his hand on M/N's shoulder making the boy flinch. 
M/N looked at Miguel, whose eyes were looking at him seductively, panting here and there, closing his eyes and opening them again, the eyes which were filled with lust and need. M/N at first decided to ignore that Miguel was actually the way he thought he was. 
Miguel pulled the chair M/N was sitting on closer. M/N in hurry was pressing down the short cut keys to save his project as he was pulled towards Miguel. He sighed and looked up at the man front of him… Miguel is indeed way taller than he was even if he would wear his 3 inch platforms Miguel would be way taller than he is. 
Miguel bit his lip before speaking his mind off, he wasn't sure about his words but knew at the back of his mind that he won't regret a thing. "My my… you're such a cute little boy I have never seen in my entire life" he started as he cupped M/N's face in his hands "someone so vulnerable, attractive, innocent doesn't deserve to be so lonely. Always blasting music in his ear, drawing out his dark fantasies of loneliness" he continued. 
M/N was confused at Miguel's words, not understanding what he was exactly talking about. "You're cute little fingers, waist, arms, legs, face. I could touch that all day making you feel less lonely and satisfied as well satisfying my own needs" he said. M/N started to blush and understand what Miguel meant, he looked down and noticed the large erection in Miguel's sweatpants, he was surely big. 
Looking at the mass inside Miguel's underwear M/N also started to feel aroused himself and was just staring at anything front of him in a trance. He failed to notice that Miguel was now behind him and picked him up from his chair, he snapped out of his trance when he was thrown on the bed and Miguel climbed on top of him. 
"Mi-Miguel! Wa- I- ng-" M/N stumbled on his words. Miguel chuckled in a low voice and moved his head closer to M/N's "your so cute. Tell me do you want me the same way I want you?" He asked in a low voice. M/N blushed his head spinning like crazy, he wanted his sexual fantasies to come true but he didn't know that they would come true like this. He slowly nodded and gulped. 
Miguel was delighted to see the sight in front of him. He soon to be lover lay under him panting and blushing. "Make love with me then" he said in M/N's ear lowly. He moved his face towards M/N's lips and brushed his lips slightly against his.
He, at last pressed his lips on M/N’s and moved them. M/N’s didn't kiss back, not like he didn't want to he just didn't know how he felt interrupted. He managed to push his face forward and kiss Miguel back. They pulled away to breathe… Miguel was dying to just embrace the boy and burry his cock inside of him. But he had to be patient. 
M/N wrapped his arms around Miguel's neck and took deep breaths. That was his first kiss… he wanted more… he NEEDED more. His breath hitched as he felt Miguel kiss his neck and start to lick it. Miguel pulled down the neck of the t-shirt M/N was wearing and kissed down more. He couldn't take this slow pace. He slid his hands under M/N's t-shirt and pulled it off, the boy's bare upper body was oh so soft, almost hairless, with very light hair on his chest not even visible if not looked closely… but Miguel was going to see the sight from a much closer perspective. M/N was a blushing mess, he wanted to cover himself with his arms but he knew that what was going to happen was bound to happen and he was going to love it… his head was spinning in need. He really needed Miguel and as he was thinking he grabbed Miguel's head as he started to suck at M/N's collar bone and caress his waist. 
M/N now had a boner in his boxers dying to be free. Miguel was moving his hand up and flicked the sensitive bud on M/N's chest making the boy bit back a moan. Miguel smirked at this and kissed and licked the area between M/N's chest. He was lightly sucking on the area, he palmed the right side of M/N's chest and neared his mouth to his nipples. Miguel started licking M/N's right nipple and rolled the other one between his index finger and thumb. 
He was sucking on it like a hungry man, M/N's was squirming under Miguel's touch, he was happy that he got what he needed. Miguel moved his eyes up to look into M/N's eyes and closed his eyes again still sucking on the nipple, the lewd noises were enough to send M/N's head haywire, "nngh~" he lightly moaned out. He wasn't much of a screamer but he squirms a lot. 
Miguel chuckled and he let go of the now red nipple. He moved sideways to give the same treatment to the other nipple making M/N move around even more and even kicked and jerking his legs, lightly holding onto Miguel's shoulders and rolling his eyes back. 
Miguel smiled "Not a screamer, Mi Amor. Don't worry, you will be screaming my name in no time" he said in a low voice. He love touching M/N's soft body, the cold body being warmed up under his touch clouding the other's head with lust and desire to touch and get touched. 
Miguel was looking into those beautiful e/c eyes that were filled with lust and desire, he chuckled "don't worry, I will take care of you" he said as he kissed the boy under him again, this time M/N kissed back quickly squeezing his lips, Miguel parted away and looked at M/N in surprise as he thought M/N squeezed his lips because he didn't like the kiss "Is everything alright? You don't like the kiss?" He asked, lightly rubbing M/N's chest, he blushed and admitted "I don't know how to kiss properly, I tried kissing back but I think it didn't work". Miguel smiled "then, allow me to teach you everything" and kissed him again. He wants to teach the innocent inexperienced boy everything and he would, how to kiss, suck his cock properly, relax as Miguel would finger him and also teach him to take his large cock in his ass. 
Miguel kneaded the boy's hips and pressed his erection against his ass. Miguel parted away from the kiss and took off his own t-shirt, showing his well built torso, every muscle was Jacked up and ripped. M/N was basically drooling at the sight, wanting the body to rub against his. 
Miguel took off M/N's shorts and boxers revealing his 4 inch cock, the boy jumped as the cold air hit his bare lower region. Miguel quickly caressed his thighs with his hands warming him up "don't worry. I will warm you up in no time" he mumbled in a deep voice in M/N’s ear. He kissed his ear lobe and nibbled on his ear, he kissed and licked down the boy's body and stopped right above his pelvis. 
M/N squirmed at Miguel's actions and held his head that was hovering right above his cock, tip covered and flowing precum. Miguel looked up at M/N asking for approval, the boy nodded in response and Miguel quickly took the boy's cock in his mouth and started sucking on it expertly. M/N jerked his hips up and tightly held on Miguel's hair, his body twisted in pleasure, his face lightly changing expressions, he wasn't very expressive but Miguel knew that if he managed to pull up even a slight change in expression from the boy meant he was doing a great job. Miguel moaned while still sucking the boy's cock, M/N started breathing heavily and felt tightness in his stomach he sucked in breath and arched his back. Miguel held his thighs down tightly to avoid him moving too much, he started to bob his head quickly while stopping midway to suck hard then bob his head again. 
M/N's legs started to shake and he felt tingles all over his body, he puffed out breaths and with a strangled groan he climaxed inside Miguel's mouth. He was sweating now, Miguel swallowed this climax and pulled away. He smirked at M/N who was red and shivering in pleasure. He wanted more from Miguel. 
Miguel smirked and kissed M/N's forehead "Do you trust me? Cariño" he asked. M/N nodded in response with the nod Miguel smiled and kissed M/N's cheek then lifted his legs and bend them towards M/N's chest "hold them tight, Mi Amor" Miguel said and M/N did as directed. 
"Wait up, I will be back" Miguel said as he got up and went to his room to get a bottle of lube and some condoms. He came back inside M/N's room whose face flushed red as he saw the items in Miguel's hands. Miguel laughed lightly and placed them beside M/N's head who glanced at the items. Miguel took the bottle of lube and squeezed some of it onto his hand and smeared them properly on his fingers, he also poured some of it on M/N’s asshole, he sucked in air through his teeth at the cold lube. 
Miguel placed his middle finger on M/N’s entrance and slowly pushed the finger inside, his long thick finger was a tough fit for the small boy. M/N whined around his fingers, the finger went easy but M/N was clenching around it tightly, clearly showing his lack of intimacy, more like never even got touched by a man before Miguel. He made a face of concern but was internally very happy to be the boy's first. 
"Shhh don't worry, you're doing great just relax and i will do the rest" Miguel cooed. He slid the finger deeper looking for the spot, M/N was silent but his abdomen clenching in and out coping up with the finger inside him. 
"Hangg!" The boy choked out as Miguel brushed his finger against his prostate. Miguel smiled and pressed down on the gland "Hehe, found it~" he said. 
Miguel started to move the finger in and out, he poured some more lube, with the help of lube he started to move faster, M/N's breath was hatching. Miguel wanted to hear him moan and whimper but he knew it would basically be impossible to get the stubborn reserved boy to respond the way he wants him to. 
Miguel soon pushed in a second finger, he started moving the fingers in and out and making scissoring motions with them to stretch out M/N's ass, who was letting out heavy pants trying his best to relax and breathe. He was looking at Miguel's face, he was getting what he always wanted. His crush is fucking him, right now with fingers which will soon be his dick. 
He let out a loud moan as Miguel was now slamming four of his fingers on M/N’s prostate. He started whimpering and moaning, Miguel smiled and sighed as he heard the boy's voice. M/N screwed his eyes shut and whimpered as he was being finger fucked, he started feeling the same tightness in his stomach like before, he sucked in a breath sucking in his stomach. 
Miguel noticed this and fastened his pace "Good boy, moan my name now" he said. 
M/N was being a stubborn self again and stopped his whimpers and moans. Miguel was a little irritated now and teased M/N by completely removing his fingers from M/N who in response bucked his hips forward wanting to be touched again. His face was red and looked like he was holding himself back. 
"Tsk tsk, only good boys get the reward to cum" he said chuckling a little as he took off his sweatpants and boxers and threw them on the floor along with M/N's and his t-shirt. 
M/N's eyes widened as he stared at Miguel's cock, it was a good 1.5 inch thick and 8 inches long, dripping precum and looked like a beast free from a zillion years of imprisonment. Miguel sighed and groaned as he was finally free. He stroked his cock a few times and placed it on M/N's entrance, who panicked and yelped out "No! No! Wait wait!! This won't fit!" He wanted this dreamy veiny large cock but was scared of the later consequences. "Don't worry baby boy, we will make it fit." He said as teared the wrapped of the condom, taking it out sliding it down on his cock, he neared his face towards M/N's ear "Make it fit so good, you will be screaming my name wanting more of it. Make it fit so good you will be stretched around me, your hole gaping for more" Miguel spoke chuckling darkly as he plunged three of his fingers again inside M/N's ass. 
His breath hitched again and he let out a long whimper and scrunched his face in pleasure. Miguel was moving his fingers in and out fast and hard. He pulled out his fingers suddenly then pushed in the tip of his cock and started pushing inside. M/N whined in pain with bits of pleasure alongside "nah~ wa.." he said with a cracked voice. Miguel stopped and gave him time to adjust, he was rubbing M/N's stomach gently and caressing his body helping him relax. He bend down and started licking and sucking on M/N's neck and shoulder "Shh, I will be gentle don't worry" he said as he slowly pushed in a bit more. 
M/N was relaxed now, soon he felt Miguel's dick near his stomach "Ah~" he choked out. 
Miguel smiled "Alright, want more of it inside?" He asked gently, still caressing his sides. "No, its too deep" M/N said, his eyes screwed shut. 
Miguel was not completely inside and he was rushing for it. It was M/N's first time, he didn't want to hurt him, he sighed and pulled out a little and pushed that back in. 
Miguel pulled out more than before almost pulling out completely then pushed back it receiving a choked moan from the boy. He started thrusting slowly, pulling out then pushing back in. He wasn't in a rush, he wanted M/N to be comfortable who was visibly swallowing big gulps of his own spit trying to make his body match Miguel's strokes. "Don't push yourself to adjust, your body will adjust and loosen itself on its own. Don't stress, it's your first time and I am here to take care of it" he said as he increased the speed of his strokes. M/N almost let out a loud moan but held it in. 
After almost 15 minutes Miguel was now going faster, his thrusts still soft and gentle. M/N was holding in his breath not wanting to become a moaning mess just yet, Miguel smiled and rubbed his stomach and chest, licked his nipple and gave it a sensual gentle suck, he kept giving small but hard sucks while keeping up with his thrusts. 
Sounds of sucking and light wet noises from Miguel’s thrusts were making M/N's sound sensitive self a bit overwhelmed. He opened his mouth letting his tongue out and breathing heavily, he held Miguel's face in place. Miguel smiled at this and continued sucking the same way he was and thrusting a little bit faster and harder. Ropes of cum came out of M/N's dick and he moaned out "Miguel!". Miguel sat up still and started thrusting more intensely as he heard the boy moan out his name. 
M/N soon became a moaning mess, his prostate being rubbed up constantly, he was almost overstimulated. The same tightness again formed in his stomach, his breath started to hitch because of it. Miguel chuckled and grabbed his dick and started jerking it. M/N screamed and moaned out Miguel's name at the intense pleasure he was receiving. Miguel was now basically slamming the earlier pushed 4 inches inside of M/N. 
M/N came with a loud moaning and turned into a moaning mess.
M/N had came two more times and was on the verge to pass-out. Miguel held onto his face and kissed his head, still slamming into him. His breath was heavy and uneven now as he was chasing his climax. "Good boy, your so adorable laying beneath me moaning and crying for me" he spoke in a horse voice. "I am gonna cum soon" he moaned and with that he released his semen inside the condom. He let out a deep sigh and panted out heavily. He was still inside then slowly started to pull out, M/N's hole gaping wide, who was overstimulated and shivering. He had never imagined that something can be so intense and wonderful. All the stress from working like a madman came down. Sex with Miguel was zillion times better than chugging down cans of caffeine. 
Miguel pulled out the condom off his dick, pulled out a tissue and went to the bathroom attached to M/N's room to dispose off the condom in the trash can. He went back to M/N and laid beside him. He shifted him towards the corner of the bed where there was wall as a barrier to avoid the boy from falling and laid on his bed comfortably. Miguel hugged him and kissed his cheek.
He smiled at the boy "Did you have fun?" He asked. M/N nodded in response, unable to speak from such an intense experience. 
"Would you like to do this more often with me? As my lover?" Miguel asked, whispering the last word in M/N's ear who shivered at his words and nodded. 
M/N was slowly closing his eyes, he was already tired from working on his animations and illustrations without getting sleep from past 48 hours and now he was fucked out good by a massive dick, he wanted nothing but sleep now.
Miguel smiled and kissed his cheek, closing his own eyes. 
Soon both men fall asleep in each others arms peacefully. 
Thank you guys for reading this if you read it this far, I'm glad and grateful! 
Please comment if you guys want more of Artist male reader fanfics. And also if you want the next part 'Aftercare' of this current fanfic. 
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princessmaybank · 1 month
Roomate!JJ fucking reader before her date...that's it
Pairings: Sweet!Roommate!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Oral (fem. receiving), spit, p in v, swallowing, etc.
Summary: Read the ask^^
Author's Note: This one is a little short and I'm sorry it took so long @everydaydreamer 🩷
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"Really? Topper?!" I stomped into the room watching her put her dangly earrings in. She was driving me mad wearing that skin tight, deep red, silk, dress. "Yes! I don't see the problem JJ!" She yelled back at me, damn she was feisty. "Don't see the problem? Topper is fuckin' crazy Y/N!" I shouted. "No crazier than you!" She picked up her handbag and started to leave the room.
Before she could make it past the doorframe I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me. Her front pressed against mine. She looked scared for a moment. I nearly forgot I was still holding onto her arm until she reminded me. "Let go! You're hurting me Jay." She was really upset, that wasn't my goal. My hand left her arm but before she could run, my arm snaked around her waist.
Her heart was telling her to stay no matter how hard her body wanted to fight that response. For a moment I looked into her eyes and I saw a glimmer of what I think was lust.
"D-don't go.." I muttered. Her eyes trapped mine, dancing back and forth between the ideas of staying and fleeing. I was praying to God that the latter would lose.
"H-he's waiting for me right outside." Her eyes never left mine. I knew she wanted this too. All this back and forth 'fake' flirting bullshit. I couldn't stand seeing her leave this house with another man.
"Topper can wait." I pressed a deep kiss into her lips causing her to gasp but she leaned into it. I walked us toward her bed and laid her down on it. Our lips tangled together as our hands rushed to touch every part we could of the other.
"Topper isn't going to worship you how I'm about to Y/N. No man ever will." I said stepping off of the bed and crouching in between her legs. "Jay..." I silenced her when my lips met the inside of her thigh. "At least let me call him so I can cancel." She whined. A smirk grazed my lips at the thought of her calling him. "Sure sweetie, but I'm not stopping." I continued my kisses, getting closer to her heat.
She let out another whine as she picked up her phone and called Topper. My hands found her lace panties and pulled them down. Anger boiled in my veins when I realized she had worn them for him. The line was still ringing when I gave her pussy a smack. A small punishment for dressing for him. "Hey Y/N I'm outside, are you ready?" I heard his painfully stupid voice come through the phone.
I rolled my eyes but licked a stripe up her pussy to distract her. The sound of her hiss let me know it worked. "H-heyyy..." My tongue gave her a few long licks before sliding inside her drenched hole. "T-Topp.." was all she could manage.
Poor thing.
"Y/N are you okay?" I heard him ask. As if he cared, he just wanted to fuck her then throw her to the side. I lightly bit down on her clit causing a moan to escape her lips. "N-no! I need to caaancel our da-te." My tongue played with her clit and my middle finger found her hole.
"Why what's wrong, do you need help?" Man was he stupid. Can't even tell what a woman sounds like on the brink of an orgasm.
"NO! I-I don't feel..." I sucked on her clit and bounced my finger on her g-spot. "SO GOOD..." she arched her back while humping my face and finger.
I don't even know what Topper was muttering when I reached over and clicked 'end call'. "Aww you didn't have to cancel your plans for lil ol' me..." I said in a cute little country accent. Y/N rolled her eyes with a breathy laugh.
"Come here." She pulled me up and onto her so I was hovering. I brought my lips to hers and it got heated quickly. Our clothes were on the floor in a matter of seconds and our bodies rubbed together as our lips danced.
Y/N pushed me onto my knees and before I could ask why she spit on my dick and rubbed it around so every part was wet. She got back in her position and lined me up with her entrance. "Ya sure?" I looked up at her. She nodded with approval before yanking me closer to her. I couldn't help the small chuckle that came out.
When we were finally comfortable I pushed my tip in with a small gasp from both of us. I inched myself in every so often letting her adjust to my size. "Jay...please.." She whined. I couldn't wait any longer either so I slammed the rest of my length inside of her before pulling out and going in again.
My pace was fast but I made sure to take care of her. I moved a strand of hair out of her face before cupping her cheek and looking down at her. Her eyes were screwed shut and her mouth was wide open. She is so beautiful, I've always known that, but especially like this, taking my cock. "Such a good girl. Wanna open your eyes for me?" I asked gently and watched as she peeled her eyes open. She looked into mine as I jutted deeper into her.
This caused her eyes to roll back and her nails to claw at my back and biceps. She's perfect. "Oh fuck- I'm gonna cum Jay...I'm gonna cum." She moaned, not taking her eyes away from mine. Like I said, perfect. "Mmm shit- cum on me baby.." I groaned picking up the pace. I kissed her forehead, giving her a little motivation. A loud moan of my name came out of her mouth as she released all over my cock.
I worked my dick inside her, riding out her high and chasing mine. I pulled out and fisted my cock. My cum shot out and onto her chest. A few strings of it landed on her face making me feel bad but she looked damn beautiful with my load on her pretty little face. "m'sorry baby.." I chuckled and she did too.
"It's okay..." She used her finger to sweep it into her mouth. "I don't mind." She said after swallowing. Perfect. If I didn't just fucking bust I definitely would've from the sight of her doing that.
Her phone was blowing up with texts when I sat beside her. "Topper is wondering if we could go on a make up date soon." She spoke. "Tell him no." She looked at me confused as I wrapped my arm around her. "You're mine now. Not lettin' ya leave." I smirked and started laughing. She smiled and nodded. Y/N put her phone on the table not worried about responding to him, instead just laying on my chest. "I've been waiting for you Jay. Perfect timing." She sneered with a laugh. She's gonna be the death of me.
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girlgenius1111 · 7 months
don't tell Leah
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barca femeni x platonic reader :)
based on a request that i changed a little
r has a panic attack at practice, and her teammates help her out. lioness!reader + alexia, lucy, and keira
Playing for Barcelona was a dream, by anyone's standards, and you knew it. You had the opportunity to play with the best in the world, doing the thing you loved more than anything.
This didn't mean that you weren't insanely nervous, though. You'd always been someone who struggled with nerves, but they had noticeably intensified in the past few months. Moving from England to Spain at only 19 would be a lot for anyone, and you noticed it take a toll on your stress levels.
The season was about to start, and you were staring down your first match in the famous blaugrana uniform. Everyone at the club had been nice and supportive since you'd arrived, going out of their way to make you feel comfortable. They teased you for being young, but they always made sure you alright. Lucy and Keira especially, knowing you from the national team where you had also made a young debut, kept a close eye on you.
So, when Jona gathered everyone at the last practice before the first game and announced the starting lineup, everyone cheered and high fived you when he said you'd be starting. You were shouldn't have been surprised; you'd been training well, and the team had several injuries keeping people out. Still, you felt the color drain from your face at his words, but you tried hard to keep cool. You didn't want anyone to think you couldn't handle it. Jona sent everyone off to start their gym session, and you distractedly made your way to weights.
Your brain was working in overdrive, every possible way this could go wrong flying around in your head. You were walking slowly, when a hand on your shoulder startled you out of your thoughts. You turned to find Alexia looking at you with a concerned expression on her face.
"Are you okay, chica?" she asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm good," you responded, forcing a smile onto your face. Alexia nodded, but didn't look so sure as you turned away from her and kept walking.
Alexia had surprised you with how kind she was; she seemed so intimidating, so serious, at a distance, but she was a very sweet person once you got to know her, and she took her job as captain very seriously, meaning she always took time to get to know new players. You weren't acting quite right, and she noticed.
You walked to your station of the circuit that had been set out, back to being completely distracted. You didn't notice as Ingrid came to stand next to you, your partner for the workout. You were losing your grip, and fast.
What if you messed up? What if you got an own goal? What if you got hurt? What if you hurt someone else? What if you got a yellow card? Or a red card? What if you played so horribly, everyone would realize what a mistake it had been to sign you?
Your breath was speeding up, and you felt disconnected from the world around you, as if nothing was real.
"Y/n?" Ingrid called quietly, noticing that although you hadn't yet touched the weights in front of you, you were breathing hard and fast, like you'd just run a couple sprints.
"Need a sec," you managed to gasp out, slipping out the door and walking quickly to the locker room. Ingrid looked around, noticing that no one had really noticed your departure, except for Alexia, who was had been watching the whole thing. Alexia walked over to Ingrid, a questioning look on her face.
"What happened?"
"I'm not really sure. She seemed distracted, and she was breathing really hard even though we hadn't started yet, and then she just took off." Ingrid replied, looking at the door through which you'd disappeared. Alexia tilted her head towards the door, and Ingrid nodded. Without saying anything else, they exited the room quietly, making their way down the hall the the locker room.
As they got closer, they could hear your gasps for breath, and they sped up. They entered to find you hunched in a little ball at the foot of your locker, head tucked tightly against your knees. It was clear to both girls what was going on.
Alexia turned to Ingrid, speaking quietly. "Go get Lucy or Keira, fast."
Ingrid nodded, turning on her heel and retreating back the way she came. Alexia remained, approaching you slowly.
"Hey, y/n, can you hear me, cariño?" She asked comfortingly. And you nodded your head jerkily against your knees. Alexia sat down next to you, leaving a little space in between you both.
"That's good. Are you having a hard time breathing?" she asked, even though it was evident that you were. Again, you nodded.
"Okay, that's okay. Ingrid's getting Lucy or Keira. Is there anything I can do?" She asked, unable to sit next to you in such distress and do nothing. You didn't respond immediately, thinking it over in your head. It sounded like she really wanted to help. So, you extracted your hand from where it was wrapped around your leg, and shakily extended it toward's Alexia.
Alexia gripped your hand tight in hers, running her thumb along the back in circles, hoping to bring you some comfort. You held onto her like a lifeline, whole body trembling as you fought to bring enough air into your lungs. You heard a pair of footsteps approaching, and soon, someone was setting a hand on your back.
"Y/n? You with me, buddy?" Lucy asked, sitting down on your other side. "We've gotta take those deep breaths, remember? Can you try with me?" Without waiting for a response, she was tugging your other arm away from you, and placing it over her chest. "With me, okay?"
You felt the steady rise and fall of her chest under your hand, and you tried to match it, you really did. It wasn't working though, and as Lucy's attempts to help you failed, you only grew more panicked. Lucy shushed you softly before speaking.
"Don't freak out, you're okay. Do you need your inhaler?" Lucy questioned, and you nodded frantically, but remembered it wasn't in your bag. Keira had made you give her an extra, though, and you tried to tell Lucy all of this in between gasps.
"Kei- has one- in her bag-" You stuttered. And you felt Alexia's hand leave your grasp as she presumably moved across the room to get the inhaler.
It wasn't something you needed often, only when you were really anxious, had a really bad panic attack. It had happened once at an England camp, and you'd forgotten your inhaler at home, which Leah was not happy about, at all. Since then, she'd carried an extra, and she'd made sure to tell Keira and Lucy not to let you anywhere without one, even though you'd only used it a cumulative three times in the past three years.
Alexia returned quickly, handing the inhaler to Lucy, who uncapped and shook it. Alexia resumed her place by your side, hand finding yours again. You clung tightly to her, as Lucy tried to get you to lift your head off your knees.
"Come on, buddy, help me out here a little," she stated, though not unkindly, nudging your exposed cheek with her hand. You lifted your head slightly, and her hand came up to grab your chin, tilting it up. Your eyes met hers, and she hated how scared you looked.
"Open... deep breath in... hold... okay, breathe out," Lucy said, talking you through the very practiced routine. She took you through the process twice more, and you could feel your lungs relaxing. With every breath, you drew in more air, until you didn't feel like you were minutes away from dying anymore.
You leaned your head back against the locker, shutting your eyes tightly as you felt your heart rate slow back down. Lucy waited a minute before speaking.
"What happened?" She asked, knowing you didn't have panic attacks for no reason.
"I'm starting tomorrow," you whispered, "just kind of freaked out."
Both girls nodded in understanding.
"Does this happen a lot?" Alexia asked, your hand still in hers.
"No," you replied, pausing. "A little more often since I moved, but still not all the time."
Alexia looked at you for a minute. "You tell us if it gets worse, yes?"
"Promise," you replied, bringing your head back down to send her a reassuring smile. Lucy was silent next to you, and you could feel the disapproval radiating off of her. Just as you were about to call her on it, you heard the sound of fast footsteps in the hall, and Keira was racing into the room. She looked surprised to see you calm.
"What- Ingrid said you were- and that-" She spluttered, looking between the three of you.
"I'm good, Kei," you started, but were interrupted by a scoff from Lucy. You looked at her, annoyed, while Alexia turned to her, confused.
"You wouldn't have been fine if Keira didn't have one of your inhalers," Lucy said, frustrated.
"You didn't bring your inhaler, y/n!" Keira scolded, and you rolled your eyes.
"I got a new bag and forgot to move it over. It's not a big deal."
"It would have been a big deal if you had suffocated." Lucy mumbled.
"I wouldn't have suffocated! At the most, I would have passed out, woken up, and been fine." You replied, embarrassed that they were being this stern in front of Alexia.
"I'm still telling Leah," Keira said, uncharacteristically serious.
"Don't you dare, she'll kill me!" You said, not really believing that Keira would tell your captain.
Keira opened her mouth to respond, but Alexia interrupted her. She looked amused at the three of you, but her tone still rang with authority, like it did when she wanted to be taken seriously.
"Do you have another extra?" Alexia asked. You nodded. "I want one for my bag. Just in case," she said, and you groaned. Keira and Lucy grinned triumphantly, and Alexia's lips lifted into a smile too.
You thought you'd escaped the overprotectiveness when you'd left England, but apparently it was still thriving here. Or maybe, this was just how the team operated; always looking out for each other.
let me know if you want to see more of young reader and the team :)
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realcube · 6 days
WRATH & LUST . t.kei / y.tadashi
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synopsis ✧ you hate tsukishima kei. you do everything in your power to make his life miserable but nothing works. now you have no choice but to fuck his best friend
cws/tags ✧ college au , enemies to enemies who screw, cursing, fob, smut, vaginal, oral (recieving) & praise — minors dni
parts ✧ i. ii. iii. iv.
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maybe you were overexaggerating a bit when you said that yamaguchi is always with tsukishima, because there is a couple times a week when you know they'll be apart.
your friend is a part of the college's newspaper club, and she mentioned that yamaguchi is a member too, but tsukishima isn't. this gave you the perfect opportunity to the catch him alone and prey on his weakest form.
you saunter up to the news room, and catch yamaguchi waiting outside. they don't usually enter until your friend, the chief editor, arrives. "excuse me?"
your voice is soft and inviting, hence yamaguchi is stunned when he turns to see you. his guard is up, but unlike tsukishima, he doesn't immediately resort to aggression, "yes?" he replies quietly.
"is this the newspaper society?" you ask innocently, tilting your head with a smile.
yamaguchi is unsure as to why you are being so mellow towards him, considering your history, but as he chokes back a gulp, he figures that maybe your negative sentiments are purely towards tsukishima and up until now he has just been caught in the crossfire.
"yes, this is. i'm waiting for the editor to get here."
"oh, hana?" your lips are parts slightly, as he nods, "she is my friend. i'm sure she won't mind if we just go in."
"are you sure?" his questions is basically answered as he watches you enter the news room. he hesitantly follows behind, thinking he can shift the blame onto you if the chief editor is upset.
"so, are you a member? i've never seen you here before." he asks while fidgeting with his hands, taking a seat in his usual spot.
"no, not yet. i want to join though which is why i'm here." you sit near yamaguchi, on the table, "but i hear you're full. could you put in a good word for me, tadashi?"
you giggle. bafflement and wary burn at his face, dusting his cheeks a slight pink, "if you're friends with hana then i'm sure you don't need me to talk you up to her."
"well, yeah, but she's reluctant to let me join because, in her words, i can be 'volatile and confrontational'." you muse, legs swinging lightly as you turn to look at yamaguchi with a knowing smirk, "i'm so not, though. you can vouch for me, right?"
yamaguchi blinks, then responds, "yeah. you're the most docile person i know."
you find it cute that he plays along with your jokes. plus, now that you're actually taking a good look at him, you realise he has such a sweet, squishable face. how does the sweetest boy ever end up in the company of lucifer incarnate?
"i wouldn't say docile. that's too far-fetched." you tease.
"i like that one but still no."
"that could work!" you cheer, displaying the palm of your hand he insantly reciprocates with a high-five. just as your shared laughter begins to die down, hana and a couple other members of the newspaper society enter the room.
you spend the rest of the hour in the back of the room, working on an article with yamaguchi. your friend knew about your plan, and she didn't mind you utilising her society to achieve your end goal, but you'd hate to impede on her work flow for too long so you pulled out all the stops to ensure you gain tadashi's favour as quickly as possible.
and it worked like a charm. despite never having communicated directly with each other before, you chatted throughout the whole hour like you were lifelong best friends. there was an undeniable chemistry between the two of you — the sweet and sour.
plus, you both have a lot more in common than you may have initially thought. your music tastes are very similar, surprisingly, and you like the same movies/shows. he shows you a couple of his playlists and you do the same, discussing the concerts you've been to and what merchandise you have.
you learned that he is studying to be an electronic engineer while tsukishima is studying history, but he chose maths electives just so they could be in a couple of classes together. they also used to do volleyball together in highschool and are both apart of the volleyball society in college.
so corny and so cheesy but coming from the mouth of yamaguchi, it was the sweetest, most moving story of friendship you've ever heard.
even when meeting ended, you both still walked together out of the building, blathering away about anything and everything, it comes to an abrupt holt when you reach the building's exit.
perplexed, yamaguchi asks, "which way are you going? if you want, i could walk you to your bus stop?"
you smile awkwardly, pretending to be sheepish about the proposition despite it being exactly what you anticipated, "i would love that. but i don't think tsukishima would be too delighted to see us together."
yamaguchi frowns at the reminder but nods.
"but," you continue, pulling a pen and scrap piece of paper from your bag and hurriedly jotting something down, "you can ring me if you ever want to talk. or anything else." you hand it to him with a wink and yamaguchi's throat dies up at your suggestion, he is barely able to croak out an 'okay'.
"see you later!" you skip off and yamaguchi is left speechless behind.
you had warmed up to each other very quickly. texting each other videos, emojis and pictures every other minute. didn't even take two days before you both had a shared playlist. you were up until ungodly hours of the night facetiming each other.
it was so frequent, yamaguchi had to change your contact information to a fake name because he was getting tired of constantly having to hide his phone from tsukishima, since there was bound to be a notification from you on his screen.
"are you gonna buy tickets tonight???" "noooo don't remind me tadashi" "what's the matter ???😧" "wi-fi sucks at my houseee. i never get concert tickets on time. always end up paying resale prices 😤" "you can come to mine if you want! my wifi is good"
you took him up on his offer. you went over to his dorm at 10PM, since tickets when on sale at 11PM in your time zone. (darn international artists!)
it was a blood-bath but by the grace of god you both successfully secured two tickets to see your favourite artist performing live, with seats very close to the stage!
so of course you had to celebrate somehow.
shaky breathes escaped his lips, soft moans intertwined. his shirt had come off, exposing his tan skin to the hot atmosphere of his bedroom. hypnotised by the way your tight cunt sucked needily on his cock, dripping cum all over his bare shaft.
his gaze was only freed from your sex when he was nearing his climax and a sudden bolt of ecstasy wracked through him, causing his eyes to roll back, "so tight, (y/n)." he grunted, grabbing your ass and squeezing it.
he had you sprawled out over his bed face down, while he stood by the edge and fucked you from behind. he gave you a pillow to rest your cute head on so your neck wouldn't hurt, and he held your legs by his sides while he ploughed into you. four years of volleyball practise has its uses.
his pace is relentless but rhythmic; at first he fucked you leisurely, allowing you to appreciate every inch of him as he'd pull out of you excruciatingly slowly, then ease himself back in until his achy tip prodded your cervix. he wasn't doing it to torment you though, just to give you some time to grow accustomed to his length.
it was better that way; your desperate pussy welcomed him instead of trying to force him out. in fact, it clung to him so tightly it was challenging for him to pull out of you, somehow he managed.
as he approached his orgasm, his thrusts became hurried and sloppy, raring to spill inside your sopping pussy. but ever the altruist, he slips his fingers between your legs to press and rub at your clit fervently, "close, baby?"
his cock splits in you half, and your pussy throbs around him. the power with which he rams into you has made you hazy, drooling mess, only able to weakly buck your hips in reciprocation to his thrusts. you try to whine a meek 'yes' but your face is buried in the pillow, thus yamaguchi only hears an unclear, muffled noise.
he furrows his brows and moves his hands up to your waist, "'m gonna flip you over, yeah?" he pants, still fucking you as he talks, "wanna see that pretty face." in a surge of strength and energy, he pulls you off the bed and flips you onto your back, offering you a gentle smile when you lock eyes.
you weakly smile back, about the only autonomy you could exhibit while his cock continued to pound into you, moulding your walls around him. you were losing control of yourself with each thrust; clinging to the sheets and allow a string of lewd moans and profanities spill from your mouth. somewhere in the mix there was his name.
your eyes were closed, and your melodious voice called out for him to save you, like he wasn't tucked inside you. hearing you say his name like that — so filthy and obscene — delighted him in ways he didn't know were possible and only urged him closer to his climax. "(y/n), say that again, please."
the wet slapping noises he made against your cunt grew louder; it was a miracle you could still hear his pastel voice. being railed into the plush sheets of his bed, your mind and body were in two different realms, so when you tried to utter his name once more, all that came out was a series of moans and gasps.
"c'mon, (y/n)." he pled, gripping onto your hips like you are his life force, "i need you. be a good girl for me, please."
he punctuated each word with a harsh thrust, brushing your cervix each time and it didn't take much else for you to come crash down around him. spasming and twitching on his dick, your scream echoing through the room while he fucked you through it. your throbbing pussy still being used for his pleasure.
even when you were nearing completion, your pussy still fluttered around him and you squealed, "tadashi!" as the world became hazy and blurred around you.
which was enough to send him hurdling over the edge too. his teeth are gritted together and his hands tense on your waist when he cums inside you. his thrusts waver for only a moment before he temporarily resumes, this time with less vigour and with the sole purpose of milking himself dry inside you.
once he could feel his hot cum packed safely within your walls, he was finally able to gasp for air. he doesn't want to pull out, he's comfortable as he is, but the curious part of him wants to see how his load looks inside you.
he pulls out, only to kneel and examine your glistening hole. too fucked out and sore, you lay on the bed and try to catch your breath, allowing him to push your legs wide open without protest.
"so pretty." he mused, watch as a bit of his cum dribbles out of your pussy and onto your ass. not to worry though, as he uses his two fingers to guide it back inside you. idly, he pushes his fingers inside you and revels at how tight you still are.
"you're perfect." without thinking about it, he curls his fingers inside, then delicately drags them in and out, wrenching a feeble whine from your throat. "do you know how perfect you are?"
he pressed a loving kiss against your clit before poking his head up from between your legs to look at you. "mm" is all you respond with. he chuckles, "that's not a yes or no, baby."
he doesn't dwell on it too long. he'll stop bothering you now by trying to get you to respond to him; you're probably still recovering from your intense orgasm. yamaguchi goes back to admiring your hole, captivated by how his cum has filled you up, and whenever it tries to escape but it is prevented from doing so by his fingers.
"you look so beautiful like this. i wanna burn this image into my brain so i can keep it forever." he kisses your pussy again, french this time. his lips move graciously against your folds and his tongue plunges inside you. you taste so good, so intoxicating, he moans into your skin, the vibrations causing you to gasp. he continues to suck and lick inside your puckered hole, until he gets a taste of himself on his tongue, which causes him to falter and slowly pull away.
"i've never had sex with a girl on the pill before. but this was just.." he can't seem to find the word he's looking for. perhaps it doesn't exist. "amazing. well, that doesn't even cover half of it." he grins foolishly, caressing the inside of your thigh and still gazing at your hole.
"yeah." after lying motionless for a while, you seem to have finally come back down to earth and can form full sentences again. "amitriptyline is great, isn't it?"
"uhuh.." he muses, thinking about how gorgeous you look until what you said finally registers in head and he springs to his feet, "what!?"
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justcallmecj · 1 month
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Dormleaders
Heyyyy~ Back with another chapter! Here, this is when they saw your full dragon form for the first time. Now, this chapter is a bit special. It'll be separated into 3 or 4 parts. One for the Dormleaders, one for the vice's + Ruggie and Floyd, another for the first years and a last one for anyone left. I'm also thinking about one for the teachers + Crowley. This one is the Dormleaders. You can take this as romantic or platonic, your choice.
Also, I'm gonna describe what you look like in Riddle's section so I don't have to in others. Just refer back to his section for imagery.
He was certainly shocked, that's for sure.
He's only seen dragons in drawings or in the media, and even then they were mostly the mainstream kind of dragons. Ice isn't the first thing people think of when they think of dragons,
You had taken him to a small clearing of trees in the forest behind NRC since there was plenty of space where you didn't need to worry about hurting someone.
You towered over him, and he himself is pretty short so it made the difference even greater.
The usual cold air that followed you had increased in temperature, making it harder for him to be close to you.
Your horns became larger and sharper, like huge icicles. Spikes ran down your back just as sharp as your horns. Your tail swayed behind you and your eyes gleamed a dangerous e/c color.
Despite all this, you showed no signs of being hostile towards him. When he looked into your eyes, he saw a playful glint in them. Like you were studying his reactions and getting a kick out of it all.
He quickly put himself together after the initial shock.
You brought yourself down to his height and placed your head peacefully on the grass in front of him. He slowly made his way closer to you.
Gently, he placed a hand on your head. Despite the cold feeling, it didn't hurt. He sat next to your head and found himself quickly easing into a sense of safety and security. You laid your wings around him, enclosing the space and basically trapping him, but he didn't mind.
You made gentle, humming noises and he found the shaking feeling began to make him sleepy. He no longer was shocked about how you look like this and the drowsiness of his daily activities caught up to him. He curled up in the crook of your long neck.
"Thank you, for trusting me with this sight. I know how you feel, but you don't need to worry around me. Have a good nap, Y/N. I'm not to far behind you anyways."
You truly are an oversized lizard, huh?
He did whatever he could to keep the shock off his face, and it worked. You would've believed him, if you hadn't known him so well.
He didn't realize, but his tail stayed close to the grass, his ears twitch in your direction. More than a few of his muscles tensed.
He wasn't scared, just weary. He's always wondered what would happen if Malleus got pissed off at him enough to turn dragon mode. Now he just associates the thought with a sense of danger.
You could pick up on this though. You've always had a strange ability to do that when it comes to Leona. Your next goal? Be as non-threatening as possible.
Your tail gently curled around your hind leg, you sprawled your wings out in the grass around you and you brought your body close to the ground.
When he looked at you, he could clearly see the message you were trying to tell him. He understands you can't talk in this form.
He approached you. His muscles loosened when he touch your snout and your eyes closed, showing contentment.
Gently, he ran his hand up and down your scales. The skin on his hands pricked from the cold, a feeling he still wasn't used to.
His ears picked up on the faint hum you made. A smirk found its way on his face, and he didn't try to hide it.
He spent a bit of time petting you. He saw it as revenge for all the times you pet him with no warning. But, much to his demise, you didn't see it as anything spiteful. You quite enjoyed the attention.
"Hm. Fine. I'll stay with you for a while. But that's only because Ruggie won't come get me if I'm with you while you're like this."
He was...hesitant..to say the least.
He was nervous to see what you'd turn into. That's not meant to sound mean or judgemental, he wouldn't judge you. You don't judge him, why would he in turn?
More so, it's just that he doesn't know how he himself will react and doesn't want to hurt you with a negative reaction.
He knew you were nervous about yourself for a long time. But, you decided that if he saw you comfortable with yourself, he'd become a bit more confident as well.
It took a lot of convincing from you to lead him into the forest clearing. Even more for the Twins not to follow.
Once you two were there and he backed up to give you space, seeing you transform was the most stunning things he's ever seen.
A white mist covered you and a dark shadow on the inside(you) grew and changed shape. Into the shape of a dragon. When the mist cleared, he saw you.
Your e/c colors stared him down. You did what you could not to freak him out, but you didn't have full control of every habit of yours.
He could feel a few flight reflexes kick in. He stayed in place though. (You praised him for that later)
You sat. You kinda reminded him of a dog with the way you sat and waited patiently. Your tail rested motionless, wings calmly at your sides. Your head tilted to the side. To Azul, it was kinda cute. Like looking at a sea guppy.
He stepped closer, but kept a slight distance. You weren't offended, you knew you needed to take things slow. And you knew he was more worried about you than himself.
In an attempt to show him that there was nothing to worry about, you stretched out one of your arms, careful to watch your claws, and held it in front of him. Like how a human reaches out a hand to a scared animal. (Ironic since he was more human than you rn)
He got the message. He approached you and placed a gentle hand on your arm. The cold was somehow a comfort. It sorta reminded him of the cold waters in the Coral Sea. Slowly, he leaned into your touch and found himself calm. All worry faded away and you came close to him and gave whatever your equivalent of a smile is. It warmed his heart.
"I see. I hope none of my actions hurt you. You were very brave to show me all this. I hope one day, I can be like you with myself."
He was certainly the most excited to see your dragon form.
He's never seen a dragon before, and The Land Of Scalding Sands doesn't have any legends or stories regarding dragons, so it's been an obscure concept to him.
He, without hesitance, followed you to the clearing in the forest and patiently waited for you to feel you were ready.
He held his breath as you transformed and only released it when he saw you were okay.
The dragon he saw standing in front of him. Blew. His. Mind!
Even before you could entirely orientate yourself he quickly threw himself onto you and wrapped his arms around your long neck, which was barely close enough to the ground for him to reach. (Especially since he's short)
He talked to you about everything and anything for 2 hours straight. He didn't mind that you couldn't verbally respond, it actually gave him enough time to learn what different ques you made meant. You nodded and shook your head for yes or no questions, you flopped your tail when you meant 'maybe', and your wings flutter lightly when you don't know how to respond.
He even learned what the meaning behind certain sounds meant.
"Sorta wish I had seen your dragon form earlier, but better later than never! Right?...I wonder what Jamil's doing right now?" Cue to Jamil who's freaking out because Kalim didn't tell him he was leaving the dorm.
He had come to know you pretty well. Despite that, he realized that he never actually asked you anything about your dragon form.
He's definitely thought about it, but never wanted to ask you for fear of making you uncomfortable.
When you told him you really wanted to, he worried that you may have been forcing yourself for him. You quickly reassured him that that wasn't the case. He then agreed to come with.
Seeing you morph was beautiful to him.
You were beautiful.
Your beautiful white scales tinted blue when the sun hit them at a certain angle. Your horns glistened with an icy nature, your eyes shone with a slight glaze of white over them. (Rook explained to him how this protects your eyes from the sun)
All he saw was pure, icy beauty. In a way, he couldn't comprehend why you've been self-conscious about how this form looked. Then he remembered how he gets when people comment negatively about how he looks, and how it can take a toll after so long.
He came to a resolve. To make sure you never again see anything negative about your dragon form!
With quick, confident strides, he approached you. Looking up to meet your eyes, he gave you a sweet, caring face.
He then began to fawn over you. His usual uptight behavior fell to allow his more caring side to take hold so that he could make sure you knew just how beautiful you looked. He commented on how well you seem to take care of yourself, your huge size meaning there was more to admire. Your horns looked like you took gentle care of them. Your snout looked adorable to him. The spikes running down your back, were sharp to the touch.
Those are all examples of how he expressed that he saw and took notice of all your beauty.
He sat on the grass in front of you and allowed you to place you snout in his lap as he gently rubbed your head while whispering sweet compliments to you.
"I hope that, never again, do you see anything wrong with your own beauty. And if anyone tells you other wise, just send them my way."
You want him to leave his room??? Whyyyyy?
He always thought seeing you in your dragon form would be the coolest thing ever. But he didn't think he'd be dragged out of his room by you and forced into the forest.
We couldn't have just done this somewhere at Ignihyde?
Then you transformed, and he no longer remembered why he was upset.
The fantasy loving weeb in him came out and he started to freak out.
He had a split second of hesitation, ice and fire don't mix and he could feel the ice on you, but his weeb took over and he rushed over. He was no longer shy with you.
His mind was going a million miles and hour and he asked you question after question. Until he realized that you couldn't talk. Which honestly bummed him out a bit but he quickly recovered.
Soon, he took to simply admiring you while you soaked up the attention he was giving you.
His warm fingers lightly slid across your cold scales, sending a shiver up his spine every time, but he didn't mind.
It shocked him when you reached out an arm and pulled him close to you. You held him against your side while you curled up like a puppy.
"Um, okay then. I guess we can stay like this for a bit. But, I do still have some games I need to play later, so not all day, okay?"
You had zero problems with him. It actually went the smoothest with him.
When you two were having a conversation a while back, he had questioned if you had a dragon form like he did. You had explained to him that you did but you were to shy to show anyone. He had asked why and you told him that after so long of people bad mouthing you about how you look in fae form, you became hesitant for anyone to see you as a dragon.
He talked about his form in an attempt to help you feel comfortable. He also told you that you'd never need to be scared with him because he's just like you. That made it easier for you to get where you are now. Finally ready to show.
You took him to the clearing and asked him to back away so you wouldn't hit him.
The way you transformed was different from his. He created a puff of smoke around him, you made a mist of ice.
Once the mist faded, he quickly took in every detail about you. How sharper your horns are compared to his, your serrated claws. The white and blue tint of your scales while his a black with purple tints. (Well, that's what Lilia has told him.)
He immediately took to feeling your scales and tough skin, wings and tail. You didn't mind, not like you had a lot of feeling in those areas. He's a dragon to, so he knew exactly where he needed to avoid.
You were a lot more different from him than he was expecting. His scales were rough while yours were smooth. Your horns sharp, his rounded. Your wings were more angular and his were longer.
He didn't mean to get as analytical as he did, he was just really curious. After realizing how he was acting he took to talking to you. Unlike others, he could understand majority of your draconic growls and rumbling. You could actually hold a proper conversation with him.
Eventually, you began to get tired. Your eye lids drooped and you struggled to keep your head up. He saw this and told you it was fine to fall asleep.
He actually turned into his own dragon form and curled up next to you, intertwining your tails. Together, you both fell asleep there on the grass.
"I never thought that I would meet someone so like me, even if we are different. Thank you, Child of Dragons, for coming into my life."
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onakomiyaki · 2 months
just a silly crush (not) pt.2
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader
summary : your wall is starting to crumbling down, thanks to daniel. and the ice exterior you've been putting on for years started to melt, thanks to the daniel, the sunshine himself.
warning: unedited and rushed work, harsh words, slowburn.
a/n : we start to explore what's going on with y/n brabham. and honestly this is one of my favorite chapter to write so far!
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most of juniors that tried to befriended you have one same goals; to get you to help them to get close to some of your friends-your driver friends of course. or maybe that's just how you've been treated your whole life when you grow up, so you just assume that they want you for something–link to the drivers in this case.
if there is something you know best about f1 is that it is a hot topic amongst your juniors in modelling world and oh how they wish to be one of the wags of the f1 drivers.
many have tried, from buying you some expensive gift, trying to go on a lunch date with you, or just be your matchmaker–which let's be honest, sound kind of dumb when you surrounded by some of good looking-breath-taking drivers, not only in f1 but on some other motorsports as well–and the list is still counting.
and you, by natural, got a lot of heat from it. but you're fine. by the end of the day you're still the one who spend some holidays with those drivers, not them.
but not even once succeeded to even own your private phone number.
"(y/n) you really need to be nice to your colleagues, the media is onto you again." anna, your manager, watch your reflection with annoyed expression.
"what is it now?" you simply ask, eyes closing as you massage your temple.
"you were voted as the most cold-hearted models to work with." she exclaim, walking towards your direction with ipad in her hand.
you just stare at the pad with unamused expression. you read the headline with a frown on your face, then let out a scoff.
"i honestly adore (y/n) so much, she's an icon. but it is-it is hard to get close to her. to make friend with her outside the work talk. almost like she build this wall around us."
"i remember she's constantly sat alone in the dressing room-sometimes she just sat there with her headphone on. and when she's alone no one dare to talk to her-she's just that intimidating!"
and there's more articles and some interview snippets from your junior about how unapproachable you are.
"ice princess? what am i, elsa from frozen?" you said, scrolling away.
"i told you to be nice to those young models, (y/n)." anna said, snatching the ipad from your hand.
you finally turn your body, looking up at your manager. "they only want me because they want to get to know my friends." you stated.
"well maybe they want to be your friends? can't you just humor them for once? it won't kill you to gave them some of your friends' numbers..." she asked, sitting down on the sofa, just across you.
"anna, im not trying to gatekeep those men. they are welcome to get to know lewis, lando, carlos, charles, max, esteban, pierre-"
"and daniel."
"-nope. not daniel, not a chance." you finally turn your body, pointing at anna with frown on your face.
"why not? you know him the longest i'm sure you'll find a model that will fit him as a girlfriend." she asked, throwing a little smirk at you.
"that's the problem, i've known him almost all my life! what if i introduce him to a wrong person then shit went downhill? what if they only want his money? i can't risk that anna." you said, voice gone an octave higher.
"(y/n) you know that's not true. that's just you being scared of nothing-"
"anna you don't understand! he is the one constant in my life that i can count on–he keep me grounded okay? i am me with him and the thought of losing him-"
"‐point is im not gonna risk my friendship like that. especially with daniel. if they want to get to know those drivers, just attend the race, get a paddock pass or something. im sure if those drivers truly interested they will come." you finally stated, voice stern as you turn your back on your manager like a kid throwing small tantrum.
anna shakes her head in disbelief as she walk away from you, taking the ipad with her. "you're such a child sometimes."
"oh but you love me enough to stay with me for 10 years." you bite back.
"and i am amazed at myself for doing that. okay back to the topic, can just think about befriending your junior, please? that's all i ask from you, and you know i never asked anything from you." anna said as she walk out from your room, closing the door behind her.
you just sat there, pouting as you return your attention to your original task, watching the replay of british gp on your laptop.
it has been almost 2 months since your party and your meeting with daniel. and its also been 2 months since you call him. yes, texts were exchanged, but of course you miss his voice as well.
between your tight schedule and his race, you never find a time to call him. well you can but choose not to. you don't want to distract him.
as you saw the checkered flag being waved you take your phone, wanting to send daniel a congratulations text for his p5.
p5 bigman. congrats! podium next maybe? i miss watching your shoey thingy.
you stop, hovering at the send button. you want to call him. should you call him? you should probably call him instead. its his highest position of this season afterall.
but what if he's busy? he should be loaded with interviews by now right? ah there's also briefing right? you shouldn't call him. but, it won't hurt trying to call him. worst thing that can happen is the call never got answered anyway.
so you just sat there, phone in your hand as you chew the inside of your cheek, tasting a bit of iron when you accidentally bit too hard.
10 minutes have passed, and you're still staring at your phone. pretty sure by now daniel would've changed his outfit, already out of his race suit and maybe already headed back to his motorhome.
before you chickened out, you press the call button. the call is connected and you shriek, pushing the phone away as if the phone burn you.
"please don't answer, please don't answer! please-"
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"p5 mate, that's a good one." one of the engineers welcome him with a clap on his shoulder, but voice is not as excited as it should be.
"yeah, thanks. i can do better, i will do better next time." daniel said, voice a bit trembling from the adrenaline that still coursing through his body.
he pull the baclava off or his head, sweats dripping from his brown curls. his freckled face flushed, chest heave heavily as he wait for his water. if you look close enough, you can see steam seeping out from his racing suit.
he tear the velcro of his race suit, pulling the zipper down. "daniel! points for both of us!" lando, race suit sat snuggly on his hips, greeting the older man with a beaming smile.
"and you did amazing out there. keep up with the goodwork." daniel said, ruffling the younger's hair, smiling proudly at the young brit.
although daniel got points for mclaren, he knew that all eyes are on him. expecting something more from the ferocious honey badger, a win maybe. and truth be told he also expected more from himself.
the fact that p5 is his current highest position in this season really speak something. of course its not a bad thing, but he can't help it. he knew mclaren put a lot of faith on the 7 times champions to take home the first trophy for mclaren.
he silently walk back to his driver room, helmet sat snuggly on his waist beneath his arm. michael, his trainer, follow him while he ramble about their next training session.
but of course the only voices he heard right now is just some static buzz and noises. he is dissosiating, moving autopilot towards the sofa and plop down. his body instantely melts as he stare blankly at the ceiling.
"- and (y/n) will be there and all." michael said.
at the mention of your name, daniel's ears perk up and he only gave the other man a puzzled looks.
"sorry, you were saying?" he said.
"daniel this is getting ridiculous. i've spent 5 minutes explaining how we can improve your training and you just listen to me after i mention (y/n). just call her for godsake." michael said as he put some notes for daniel down on the table, throwing an acussing stare at him. daniel flustered under his gaze.
"sorry i was just– its not that! i–"
"i get it buddy, you're hopelessly in love with (y/n)" michael said, patting the aussie on the shoulder as he walk out from his room. "you really should call her man, stop playing the tough guy card, you're not fooling yourself or anyone."
daniel sigh in defeat, unable to come out with a comeback. to think that everyone but her knew about that–his feeling–is just sad at this point. michael was right, he is hopelessly, pathetically, desperately in love with you. for years now.
he knew he loved you eversince he saw your freckled face blushed under the australian heat, helmet in your hand 20 years ago as you listen to your father explaining how you can improve your turns and how you should control your kart well.
he loved you eversince you introduce yourself, voice cocky and proud after winning the carting session. "(y/n) brabham, and i will be an f1 driver." he remember what you said as you walk towards him and he was stunned, just silently watching as you walk away from him, your ponytail swaying left and right.
he loved you eversince you give him a can of cold soda, putting the can on his cheek. he jumped, flinching at the sudden cold sensation on his cheek. and that was the first time he heard your–oh so cute–cackles.
he loved you eversince he found you hiding away out of the karting field, sitting alone on the grass. he saw how your back was trembling, so he sat down with you. "i will never be a driver. i will never be enough." you said, wiping your tears as you lean into his left shoulder. and daniel listen to the voice of your soft sobs, letting his race suit wet from the tears.
he loved you. still love you. and will always love you. desperately so that it hurts him whenever you call him your bestbuddy ever or whenever he listen how you cry after unlucky relationship with some random man or when he went out on a date with some random girls, trying his best to burrow his feeling deep, which of course doesn't work.
just let me be your man, dammit.
so, daniel let out a deep shuddered breath as he sat down. his eyes landed on his phone that laying on the table, next to the report papers michael left for him.
should he call you?
he shakes his head, raising from his seat to walk towards his fridge. he took one of the bottled juice michael had prepared for him. he took the lid off as he empty the bottle in no time.
after throwing away the empty bottle, he shurg off his race suit, tossing it to the nearest chair.
he was halfway from taking his heat suit off of his body when his phone rang. its so embarassing how his head whipped quickly to his phone and how he struggle to just shrug his heat protector away.
"oh shit-"
he crashed, fall to the floor before quickly running for his phone. he accept the call, let out a wheezed air as he press the green button.
"hello?" he calmly said as he rub his elbow.
"hi danny, you busy?"
"no-no not at all. i was just chilling in my motor home. i have interview in 5 though. do you need something?" daniel finally sat down, this time on the floor.
he wait for your response as lay down, face facing the ceiling.
"oh. no, not at all. i just want to congratulate you on p5."
"you watch the race?"
"i always watch your race, maybe not in person, but i never missed your race."
and now daniel turn into 17 years old girl who got called by his crush, giggling and twirling his hairs. "really?" his voice squeak pathetically, so he clear his throat.
"yes, of course! i will always support my best buddy no matter what, even if it from afar."
yeah, bestfriend.
"aww, geez. thanks, brabham. i knew you're in love with me."
"hah! you wish, ricciardo! anyway-"
"you're doing great sweetheart. do not forget who you are and what you capable of. keep your chin up, bigman."
daniel smile slowly creeping back on his face. he can feel how flushed his face right now.
"thank you, (y/n)."
"you are most welcome, honeybadger. bite 'em okay?"
he turn his body so that he's laying on his side. he used his left arm as a pillow.
"can i bite you instead?"
silence. daniel held his breath, biting his bottom lips as he wait for your answer. and when he about to apologize, daniel heard you clearing your throat.
"alright pump the brake romeo. anyways, i will leave you be now. i'm gonna catch some sleep here. talk to you later, ricciardo."
"alrighty, cheers, brabham."
and the call end just like that. and daniel feel silly. he pull his phone closer to his face, gently hitting his forehead with it.
"you stupid boy..." he said to himself.
but he can't help it, he wished that you're here with him. god how he want to hug you right now. even better, kiss you right now.
"oi, danny! we need to go now!" one of the pr team shouted as he knocked the door.
"yeah! coming! just gimme a sec!"
meanwhile, you on the other side, had to stop and do a manual breathing after the call. you're slapping your face with both your hands as you watch your reflection on the mirror.
"bro pull yourself together! he is your bestfriend!"
"can i bite you instead?"
you let out a scream as you recall what he said to you. his deep voice haunted you–making you both dizzy and anxious (in a good way). no, definitely not. you can't! panicking, you get up from your seat as you pacing around the room.
"that bastard."
prev next
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002yb · 4 months
I'm sure Jason misses the time Dick would smile at him and pet his head "you did great little wing", he tries so much to get Dick to do this again
(I just want Dick to tell Jason he's a good boy, he deserves it)
It's an accident. A faux pas, even. They're riding a high from a successful, impromptu joint venture though so Dick just - he doesn't think.
Lingering adrenaline makes him thoughtless, stupid. So he just...
'Thanks for the assist out there, little wing.'
All while brazenly ruffling Jason's hair and smiling at him like a fool. Foreheads bumping, Dick's hands coming to hold Jason's face, squishing his cheeks some, thumbs brushing his temples; scratching through his hair - all bright-eyed and breathless, filled with hope and wonder and a forgotten thrill.
Problem is? This isn't their relationship. It never was (though maybe it could have been). It's just what Dick had wanted after - after.
So it's a little embarrassing. Because this isn't an old habit from their bygone youth, just a lingering regret and a willful want that Dick doesn't deserve to have. Maybe they shared a few tender moments like this before (triumphant, invincible), but it didn't happen nearly enough to justify this familiarity.
That's what Dick reasons, at least. Especially after Jason goes impossibly still at receiving Dick's praise and affections.
It's okay though. For all Jason's perceived distaste towards him, Dick plays it cool. No use making things more awkward for the both of them.
So Dick pulls away, laughing it off before dipping like a coward to lick his wounds. And he's not usually so antsy, but it's always been different with Jason. Too many wishes and wants; could-have-beens that haunt him, should-have-dones something that lingers in his mind and weighs heavy on his heart.
Ie. Dick is despondent.
M e a n w h i l e: Jason. Who is very much left behind with the most flustered and bemused expression because what.
What's more? Jason getting shy about the exchange. //u///
He brings his own hand to his head to try and hang on to the feeling of Dick ruffling his hair (gripping and playfully tugging it, too because ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º )), the sweetest little blush staining his cheeks.
He's reminded of when he was a brat - the few times he managed to make Dick proud and Dick would get like that.
And just. Jason isn't some punkass that needs anyone's validation anymore. He doesn't care to please anyone. As a big strong independent baddie bitch, he doesn't chase after praise--
Only he does. Because he's a big strong independent baddie bitch and he likes that bullshit.
Like fuck Jason won't get it again.
Which leads to Jason's good boy era as Red Hood because he wants more affection and praise from Dick - because he wants to be the cause of such a devastatingly wonderful smile.
Just - Jason being so aggressive about this new goal of his. Being purposefully over the top good and agreeable and then standing off to the side, head lowered just a fraction in anticipation of more hair ruffles and head pats and closeness.
Only Dick is still reserved and restraining himself. He doesn't want to overstep with Jason again. Especially since Jason has been willing to work with him again lately.
So Dick gives Jason an arm pat instead, hahaha.
And Jason stares after him as Dick walks away - eyes wide and jaw dropped because w h a t. All that effort for a fucking arm pat?
The betrayal. The devastation. Oh, Jason would rage.
Which leads to the Return of the Red Hood, part x.
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reystenius-01 · 3 months
Champagne Scenes
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You had done it.
Arsenal had done it.
Your best friend, your confidante, your partner-in-crime, and arguably your everything had done it; scored the winning goal, no less. 
You and your team had won the Conti Cup, for the second time in a row.
It had been a really tough and physical match, and had only gotten even tougher mentally after seeing your Arsenal teammate go down suddenly as the extra-time of normal time trickled away. You and Stina had been right by Frida when she had gone down, and though team mentality had wavered throughout extra-time, Stina’s determination had only burned brighter, leading to her goal in the 116th minute.
The final whistle blew, and the stadium erupted into cheers and yells from your teammates. But for you, it was a moment of overwhelming emotion. As the tears welled up in your eyes, you fell to your knees, the weight of the match, Frida's collapse, and Stina's heroics crashing down on you all at once.
Stina immediately rushed to your side, concern etched on her face. “Hey, hey, what's wrong?” she asked, crouching down beside you and enveloping you in a comforting embrace.
You buried your face in Stina's shoulder, the weight of the match and Frida's condition crashing down on you. “I'm just... I'm so relieved we won, but seeing Frida like that…” Your voice cracked with emotion, and you struggled to articulate your feelings.
Stina held you tighter, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “I know, kärlek,” she murmured softly. “It was… terrifying, but she's going to be okay. We'll make sure of it.”
The rest of the team gathered around you, offering words of encouragement and support. “We did it, girls!” one of your teammates exclaimed. You could make out an Irish accent somewhere in there.
After a few moments, you managed to compose yourself enough to stand up with Stina's help. She kept a reassuring arm around your waist as you made your way over to Frida, who was surrounded by the medical team.
“Frida, are you okay?” you asked, your voice trembling with worry as you placed a tender hand on her shoulder.
Frida managed a weak smile. “I'll be okay,” she reassured you, though her voice was strained. “Just need some rest.” She put her gloved hand on top of yours. “Go celebrate, I’ll be fine. One of the med staff’s getting my phone, so hopefully I can get talking to Emma soon. Let her know I’m alright.”
You nodded, still teary-eyed, and leaned in for a loose hug, which Frida returned before talking to Stina as you waited by the medical room’s door. 
Stina squeezed your hand, a smile tugging at her lips. “Let's go celebrate with the team,” she suggested, guiding you back towards the pitch.
As you rejoined the rest of the team, the atmosphere was electric with joy and excitement. The trophy presentation was a blur of cheers, applause, and the glint of silver as the cup was hoisted into the air. You stood shoulder to shoulder with Stina, your heart swelling with pride as the trophy was handed to your captain.
Once the formalities were over, the team gathered in a circle, arms linked, as the fans in the stadium erupted into the tune of “The Angel - North London Forever.” The sound was deafening, but amidst the noise, you could hear the voices of your teammates singing along.
Stina caught your eye, a playful glint in hers. “Come on, let's join in,” she said, pulling you closer.
You laughed and joined in, singing at the top of your lungs alongside Stina and the rest of the team, joint at the shoulder, swaying to the music. The moment felt surreal, a culmination of all the hard work, dedication, and camaraderie that had brought you to this point.
As the pair of you had finished interacting with fans, now heading down the tunnel towards the locker room, Stina leaned in close to you, her voice barely above a whisper. “I'm so proud of you,” she said, her eyes shining with love and admiration.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes once again, but this time they were tears of joy. You leaned in to press a soft kiss to Stina's lips, “Thank you.”
Stina smiled against your mouth, her arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace. “No, thank you,” she replied, her voice filled with love and pride. “For being you.”
“Thank you for being you, too!” You chuckled lightly. “You won us the game with that goal. Our Stina ballerina, the matchwinner.” Stina playfully rolled her eyes at the nickname bestowed upon her by the fans, her hand reaching for your medal, gently fidgeting with it. Your eyes met hers, and the pair of you (almost comically) glanced around the tunnel. 
“I’m sure we can find a storage closet–” “Or we can wait till we get home.” “Can you?” “Can you?”
--------- first little fic <3 [need a lay down after today, UTA!]
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anm3mi · 1 year
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contents. fem!reader, hidden injury, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, confession
notes. this is crap, but i wanted to post something for my birthday as a gift to myself, also i didn't mean to do lo'ak so dirty in this, i'm sorry💀
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the scene below rapidly evolved, full of fire, explosions, gun fire and loud war cries. harshly biting the inside of your cheek, you silently wish you could help your people in the fight, but you couldn't. you were ordered to only observe, not engage, and as a warrior, you had no other choice than to obey commands.
as the grip on your ikran tightened, you let out a shallow breath, soon interrupted from your thoughts by the duo on your side. "bro," lo'ak called out, his eyes switching between neteyam and you. the trio that was rarely seen apart. a few years ago, thanks to your own reckless behaviour, you quickly became friends with lo'ak, and soon neteyam came into the picture.
when the two of you were younger, you would often sneak out with lo'ak, messing around and causing trouble. but as you matured, you came to the realization that was not the way a warrior should behave. you realized you had people to protect, and with that, you begun to work on your behaviour, becoming less careless and more thoughtful about your actions. deep down, you were still a free-spirited child, curious to discover everything there was to, but you had people to depend on you and you couldn't disappoint them.
with your new mindset, you got into arguements with lo'ak more and more, as you became more like his brother, neteyam. always obeying the rules, being the perfect little warrior. you would no longer sneak out and mess around every night, instead, you would spend most of your time training.
neteyam took a notice of the obvious change between lo'ak and his friend. after witnessing one of your fights, neteyam carefully approached you, as you were more than glad to have somebody to rant to about the younger sully brother. from that moment, it didn't take long for the two of you to grew closer. it started with simple conversations about lo'ak, because even though he'll forever have a special place in your heart, he knew how to get on both your and neteyam's nerves.
after spending more time together, lo'ak was no longer the main topic of your conversations. you would talk about you interests, ideas, neteyam's duty as an older brother and your goal of becoming a warrior. and even though you were working on acting more mature, sometimes you needed at least a bit of freedom and to feel like a kid again, which lead you to talking neteyam into sneaking out. after reminding you countless times of how that was not a good idea, he gave in. but instead of running around the forest, causing trouble like neteyam expected, the two of you sat down on a patch of grass underneath a big tree and talked about the future.
after that night, you couldn't help but feel bad, as sneaking out to the woods in the middle of the night was your and lo'ak's thing, but you made sure to make it up for him. soon, the trio became less irritable when together. because even with all the heated arguments and disagreements, there were moments where the three of you would forget your differences. you adored those rare memories the most.
"we have to get down there!" lo'ak demanded. "no!" "no way, dad would skin us!" you and neteyam shouted over one another with clear disapprove written on your faces, as lo'ak glanced between the two of you once again, holding back a small smirk. you recognized the expression little too well. "lo'ak--" but before you could even finish your sentence, the younger brother was already descending towards the ground. without wasting a single second, the grip on your ikran tightened and you followed lo'ak, ignoring the now distant calls of your name coming from neteyam. even though you've tried to change - there were still moments where you wouldn't think before acting.
abandoning your ikran, you desperately looked around, clutching your bow close to your chest, after loosing sight of lo'ak. a lump formed inside your throat, but before you could let the uneasy feeling sink in, you gulped down and took a deep breath, letting out a war cry. you managed to catch the attention of a nearby human, who wasted no time, before pointing his weapon at you
but you were quicker.
within seconds, an arrow landed in the middle of the soldier's chest, causing him to drop on the ground with a thud. your chest was filled with pride, as you took out another arrow, scanning your surroundings. the sudden shout of your name caused you to snap your head around towards the source, your face lighting up at the sight of lo'ak, who had a huge grin on his face as he held a rifle and neteyam, who appeared almost relieved at the sight of you. running up to them, you let out a long breath you were holding, quickly throwing your arms around the two boys' head and bringing them closer.
your three heads butted against each other's. "we have to get out of here, before we get in more trouble." neteyam loudly announced over your loud surroundings, glaring at lo'ak. "we are already in trouble." shrugging your shoulders, you begun to back away, taking out one more of your arrows, grinning at the two brothers. the three of you were already disobeying the commands, so why not help your people while you were at it?
neteyam quickly followed, grabbing you by your forearm to stop you, almost sending you crashing into his chest, as you looked up to meet his eyes. before either of you could say anything, an explosion went off. your body harshly colliding with the ground was the last thing you felt, before everything went blank.
it didn't take long before you regained your senses. the first thing you noticed was the intense ringing in your ears, as you placed your hands on the hard earth, grounding yourself. harshly blinking your blurry vision away, you lifted yourself up from the ground way too quickly, causing you to stumble forward a bit, yet you managed to stay on your feet. a sudden way of pain coming from you lower abdomen caused you to let out a groan, but you choose to ignore it.
instead, you glanced around in a search of your weapon. you managed to find neteyam first. unconscious neteyam. with wide eyes, you let out a quick gasp, before stumbling to where his body laid. you fell down to your knees, ignoring your own pain, as you desperately scanned neteyam's entire body for any serious injuries. you let out a long shaky breath, when you didn't find any fatal ones.
gently placing your head on top of his chest in relief, you muttered his name, earning a low groan in response. your head shot up, noticing neteyam's eyes fluttering open. "hey, you're okay. you're okay..." you lifted your hands off his chest, muttering assuring words more to yourself than neteyam. opening your mouth to speak, you placed neteyam's arm over your shoulders as carefully as possible, but was soon interrupted.
"neteyam! y/n!" at the harsh loud call of your names, you looked towards the source of the sound, noticing jake quickly making his way towards the two of you. shit, you mentally cursed to yourself. "what the hell are you two doing here?!" kneeling down, jake eyed neteyam just like you did barely a minute ago, before taking him off you and throwing him over his shoulders. "i'm sorry- i'm sorry..." neteyam begun to mutter under his breath, yet got no response.
you quickly followed, but the burning sting on your stomach caused you to stop dead in your tracks. for the first time since you woke up, you decided to take a look at your injury. a hiss escaped your lips, when you noticed a long gash along your abdomen. placing your hand over the bleeding injury, hiding it, you bit your lower lip, almost drawing blood.
catching up with jake and neteyam, you were hit with a sudden realization. "where's lo'ak?!" you cried out, worry lacing your tone. "he's already on his way back." announcing, jake got on his ikran, still holding neteyam. you were able to swallow the lump forming in your throat, but what you weren't able to simply shake off was the uneasy feeling building up inside your stomach.
the last few minutes felt like a blur. there was fire everywhere, followed by constant war cries and shouting. you gulped down, as the adrenaline slowly, yet surely died down.
you called out for your ikran, one of your hands still on your stomach, while following behind jake and neteyam. you had no idea what to worry about first - lo'ak, neteyam or the fact all three of you were in huge trouble with jake, the toruk makto himself. the person that has been giving you orders for the past years and the person that took you under his wing, helping to raise you, when your parents weren't available, which happened quite often as they were busy with their own duties. to you the sully's were like your family you deeply cared for.
jumping off your ikran with a grunt, you patted the side of your ikran's head, before turning your attention towards the commotion. you awkwardly made your way towards jake, who was already scolding lo'ak and neteyam, with neytiri, kiri and tuk standing near them, ignoring how light-headed you felt. "you're supposed to be spotters!" angrily pointing his finger at neteyam, jake explained as lo'ak joined his brother's side, both of their eyes stuck on the ground.
"jesus, i let you three geniuses join a mission and you disobey direct orders!" you now stood beside lo'ak, your eyes switching between the ground, the brothers beside you and jake. eyes meeting neteyam's, you furrowed your brows - silently asking him if he was alright. in response, he sent a small nod your way, as you did the same to assure him. biting your tongue so hard you could taste metal inside your mouth, you were barely paying attention to what jake was saying, as you tried to stop your heavy eyelids from falling down. the pain started to become unbearable, as your knees were shaking.
"ma jake, your son is really bleeding." neytiri gave her mate a look. "mother, it's nothing--" shaking his head from side to side, neteyam stuttered. as he averted his gaze from his father, you managed to catch his eyes. his brows furrowed in confusion at the notice of your strange state, but before he could question it, jake begun to talk again.
"and you y/n," jake held back a sigh. "i expected this from lo'ak, but you? i'm disappointed." his words echoed inside your mind, as you looked at jake through your eyelashes. "i'm sorry, sir. i--" your words were slurred and before you could even finished your sentence, your head spun and you harshly fell to the ground.
the last thing you heard before blacking out was neteyam's call of your name. as you fell to the ground, your hand fell to the side, exposing the still bleeding injury. at the sight, jake's eyes widened. "get her inside!" he ordered, and neteyam wasted no time before picking you up as gently as possible, carrying you inside the healing hut, where his brother was already being healed.
"what happened?" with a worried expression, lo'ak called out. "she's loosing blood, she needs help. immediately. " jake explained, not taking his eyes off the your unconscious form. you were placed on the floor, as mo'at begun to take care of your wound. "is she going to be okay?" glancing at his grandma, neteyam demanded, but got no answer.
"bro," placing a hand on his shoulder, lo'ak murmured. neteyam glanced over his shoulder at lo'ak's unreadable expression. shaking his head from side to side, neteyam swiftly pushed his brother's hand away, "this is your fault." neteyam pointed his finger at lo'ak's chest, before storming off. "neteyam!" kiri shouted after him, but her calls fell on deaf ears. quickly picking up a few supplies, she hurried after her brother. after all, he was still injured and needed to be taken care of.
"she's going to be alright, i feel it." kiri softly announced, after finding her brother. he wasn't far from the hut, already feeling guilty for leaving your side. "she's strong." kiri added. "she followed him. she followed lo'ak down to the battlefield." trying to swallow the guilt, neteyam looked up at his younger sister. he only felt more guilty after realising she was hiding her injury from them. from him. "you know y/n, she doesn't want us to worry about her. always putting others first." kiri sat down next to her brother, nudging his side, thinking about your bad habit of putting needs of others first. "she's amazing, isn't she?" a smirk made its way onto kiri's face. "yeah," letting out a long breath, neteyam simply agreed. "she is."
"now let me help you." pulling her supplies closer, kiri announced, earning a quick nod from neteyam, as he turned his back to her. a hiss escaped his lips, when kiri harshly pressed on his wound. "sorry." she muttered, but neteyam knew she didn't really mean it. it was his sister's way of calling him stupid for obeying direct orders from their father.
"the first thing she did when we arrived was asking me, if i was okay. me." neteyam sharply inhaled at the burning sensation, as kiri smeared a paste along his injuries. "you should talk to her. i'm pretty sure y/n has something to say as well." shrugging her shoulders, kiri announced. silence fell over the two siblings, as kiri continued to mend his wound and neteyam sat in silence, confusion smeared across his face upon hearing kiri's words.
the day was long gone, as the stars now occupied the night sky. the village was quiet, everyone peacefully asleep in their homes - everyone except for neteyam. after kiri took care of his own wounds, he made a straight beeline towards the healing tent, as he was met with your unconscious body, your injury now stitched up and covered.
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slowly, he sat down next to you, his grandmother's presence going unnoticed by him, until she decided to speak; "she needs to rest for two weeks. the cut was quite deep." mo'at suddenly explained, almost startling neteyam. he looked at her with widened eyes, as she continued to grind herbs together, before glancing back at you. "she won't like hearing that." neteyam admitted, earning a simple hum from his grandmother in response.
mo'at exited the tent in silence, leaving neteyam and you alone. carefully, neteyam took your hand and placed it in his lap, as his thumb caressed over your bruised knuckles. he was rarely seen like this - uneasy, lost deep in his own thoughts and neteyam was aware of the affect you had on him. the way his stomach would flutter with butterflies at your simple touch or the way his heart would beat hard against his ribcage when you were in danger. as much as neteyam preferred to be in denial about it, he knew he was head over heels for you.
and with how deeply he cared for you, he couldn't help, but be a bit angry. not only at lo'ak, but you as well. if you wouldn't have followed his brother into the battlefield, you wouldn't be injured - you wouldn't have to hide your injury, which was another thing that upset him. letting out a long shaky breath, neteyam gently placed his head on your thigh - the only part of your body that was uninjured, and with your hand still in his, he soon fell asleep.
the eclipse was near and his parents grew worried. they knew where their son was, but most importantly, they knew no matter the amount of pursuing, he wouldn't leave your side - not until you woke and the two of you could finally talk.
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his slumber was interrupted by a murmur of his name, as he let out a small groan in response. "neteyam, i can't feel my leg." this time, you spoke more clearly, startling the boy awake. with wide eyes, neteyam looked down at you, before glancing towards your leg, where he managed to fall asleep. "y/n! i'm sorry--" "it's fine, just next time please don't use my legs as your personal pillow." your voice was hoarse, laced with sleepiness. leaning onto your elbows, you attempted to sit up, but neteyam's hands gently pushed you back down at the sound of a painful hiss coming from you. "you're on a bed rest. two weeks." he announced, earning a scoff in response from you. "yeah, no." you muttered, before rubbing your tired eyes. your whole body was sore and in pain, yet all you yearned to do was get up and properly stretch.
"neteyam?" raising a brow, you glanced to your side at the boy, who was staring at you with an unreadable expression. "neteyam, what is--" you opened your mouth to speak, but was interrupted: "you didn't tell me." he suddenly declared. "what?" you attempted to sit up once again, and this time there was no pair of hands stopping you, as neteyam held his hands back. "when we came back yesterday, you didn't tell me. you didn't tell any of us." neteyam continued to explain, while you carefully studied your bandaged injury. his was voice low, yet stern - almost emotionless.
"you could've died, y/n." upon hearing the sudden crack in his voice, you froze. finally, you peeled your eyes away from your body and met his eyes. tears were threatening to spill, yet neteyam used all his remaining strength to not let them. "you need to stop following lo'ak, because then it ends up with one of you being injured and me having to clean up the mess." neteyam blurted out, yet soon regret his words at the sight of your hurt expression.
"is this what this is about?" you insisted, fury lacing your tone. "i am not one of your responsibilities, neteyam." the way you said his name with such venom caused his stomach to tighten. "i didn't ask you to cover for me, i can take care of myself. as you can see - i am alive, so i don't see why you're still here--" ignoring the burning pain across your body, you continued to rant, irritated by your sore body, headache and the guilt you felt.
"because i care about you!" silence fell over the hut, as you could only hear the echo of his words. with glossy eyes, you stared into his, before biting your tongue. "yesterday, when you fell unconscious, for a second i thought you were going to die and-" neteyam begun to explain, his eyes switching between yours and the floor. you slowly realized this was the first time you saw neteyam almost nervous during a conversation, unable to keep eye contact and stammering. that was the affect you had on him - you made him nervous, in a good way, of course. but you also made him scared. scared of loosing you.
"-and i didn't know what to do. i felt so guilty for not trying harder to stop you from following lo'ak and i still do." your expression softened, as you felt your heart tug. "neteyam..." you softly whispered, as you reached to hesitantly cup his face with your hand. "i'm sorry for worrying you, i truly am." your eyes did not once leave his, as honesty laced each of your words. neteyam's eyes stared into yours, before bringing his hands up and placing it above yours that still caressed his face - his skin burning upon your comforting touch. "i care about you, too, you know?" you added, voice barely above a whisper.
without a word, neteyam slowly nodded in response. "never scare me like that again, please." pressing his forehead against yours, he whispered. biting the inside of your cheek, you mentally braced yourself, as your heart beated harshly against your ribcage - threating to escape any second. closing your eyes, you quickly pecked neteyam's lips. "i won't." opening your eyes, you were met with the sight of neteyam's flustered and shocked expression at what you couldn't help, but grin.
"do it again..." he whispered, slightly leaning closer, his hand sneaking towards the back of your neck. "what was that? i couldn't quite hear you, nete." you teased, your thumb caressing his cheek. "kiss me again, please." with determined, yet soft eyes - neteyam repeated his words. you let out a small chuckle, before leaning in once again. this time - it wasn't a simple peck. your shared kiss was filled with comforting warmth, as your stomach went crazy with butterflies, just as neteyam's.
as you pulled away, neteyam unconsciously chased after your lips, causing a heartfelt chuckle to rise from your throat. your geninue moment was interrupted by a sudden painful hiss. with wide eyes, neteyam's hands left your body with the worry of hurting you, before searching your body for any source of pain. using the palm of your hand, you covered your wound carefully, the harsh movement of your body disturbing in.
"i'm okay." eyes shot closed, you let out a shaky breath through gritted teeth, assuring neteyam, yet he didn't seem convinced. "you have to rest." neteyam announced, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. in response, you rolled your eyes and let out a small groan. "i don't know if i can just lay here for two weeks." you admitted, before laying down. neteyam followed, resting on his side next to you. "well, you have no choice." with a small smile, neteyam explained, as you suppressed another eye roll.
"promise you'll visit me?" looking at him through your eyelashes, you asked. "of course i will." neteyam assured, causing you to let out a small, relived breath. silence fell over the hut - but it wasn't uneasy, rather comforting, as you carefully studied neteyam's features up close, before you felt your eyelids become heavy. even with your eyes closed, you could sense neteyam's eyes glued to you and you could feel your face burning underneath his stare.
"i really like you, nete. you know that, right?" you muttered through a yawn. "i know, y/n, i like you too." shyly, neteyam admitted, softly caressing the top of your head. the corners of your lips tugged into small, as neteyam's expression mirrored yours. using one of his arms to support his head, his other one was lightly placed over you - the two of you asleep within minutes. you knew the next couple of weeks are going to be rough, you still had to scold lo'ak and apologize to the sully's for scaring them, but now, you could only savor the moment with neteyam you were in.
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