#but such a solid album
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somberstarr · 8 months
🎵 When I was a young boy~ 🎵
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Another MCR x MGS artwork I made months ago that I regrettably never finished... I liked what I had and thought it would be a shame to never share it! It could've been one of my best drawings if I had completed it. Too bad I didn't "carry on"!
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courfeyrec · 5 months
i keep coming back to 'i was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic' because i do distinctly remember conversations about how taylor seemed to be drinking a lot more and getting drunk at like every awards show she went to. and those conversations were coming from a place of concern and of hoping that she was alright and that this wasn't a problem.
so to then say 'ugh i can't believe no one noticed this problem i had' when i know that people definitely did, and on the same album say that fans who are genuinely concerned about a new relationship that you are in are just 'bitching and moaning'? what do you want from them? you're talking about so many people who do at least believe that they are coming from a place of care and concern, and you are totally dismissing them on both ends of a scale!
not to mention that her implying that since nobody (???) was noticing her ~aesthetic~ drinking problem she just stopped having it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to people who do have drinking problems and can't just stop having them, since that's not how it fucking works.
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chongoblog · 2 years
For Mario Day (it's past midnight here), I decided to drop another mashup from my upcoming mashup album. Even if Waluigi is taking over the day.....the bastard.
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a-celluloid-jam · 1 month
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if you marry me, would you bury me? would you carry me to the end?
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theglizzyhive · 18 days
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If I don't call you that means I ain't tryna be on your shit Even though I'm on your shit If I ignore you Don't take it as me being rude It's just that I had things to do
draw your ocs as your favourite album covers NOW 🌊🐚
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amygdalae · 18 days
got any full album recs? like not just "there's a few bangers here" but "listening to this as an album will change everything"
im sooo picky the only two albums that've been 100% like this for me (so far) are as follows:
Dirt by Alice in Chains. - grunge/heavy metal
Cold by Lycia - darkwave/ ethereal wave
albums that have come really close to this for me:
Ghost Reveries by Opeth - progressive metal/death metal
Hidden Faces by Clan of Xymox - darkwave
Sonic Jihad by Snake River Conspiracy - industrial
Psycho Magnet by London After Midnight - darkwave/industrial
Doomsday Machine by Arch Enemy - melodic death metal
Green Room by Radkey - garage rock/punk rock sorta
Deep by Peter Murphy - Peter Murphy (New wave? does his solo stuff count as goth. less sure how to categorize. anyways its good)
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santa-lilio-sangre · 6 months
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it's really quite pleasant except for the smell
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saxophonehyena · 11 months
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East side militia
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zeeckz · 1 year
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ofthecaravel · 28 days
yo im finally listening to starcatcher, this shit is pretty good! has anybody else given it a go?
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bananonbinary · 2 months
finding cloud cult songs in the wild is so rare its like seeing an exotic bird flying around the supermarket.
anyway royal pains, S2E16, Astrophobia, at around 25:00, has an instrumental version of "you'll be bright" from the Light Chasers album. i'd recognize that sequence of chimes anywhere.
it's playing during a scene where a man is intentionally trying to get struck by lightning, and i can't find any mention of this anywhere on the internet and it's not even credited, so i just want to say, its a funny goof, and i noticed it, editors. i might be the only person on the planet who did, but it's still a funny goof.
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tenitchyfingers · 8 days
So like, I have a thought about Chester’s mother and son coming out and speaking against LP’s reunion and doing it with a new vocalist: these people seem to think Chester was Linkin Park and Linkin Park were Chester and there’s no LP without Chester, but like… no? It’s a band. Bands replace their members all the time and when a band member dies someone else comes in often enough.
Sure, Chester was the voice of the band and arguably the most recognized member of the band, but there were always other people behind it, who created the sound just as much as he did. So honestly, just like nobody is mad at Foo Fighters for getting another drummer I don’t see why anyone would hold it against LP for getting a new vocalist, especially when she works out so well and fits like a pea in a pod.
Wrt the Scientology thing: she’s not in the cult. She was born into it, but she left it asap and on top of that she’s queer and her other band Dead Sara have songs about mental health, which Scientology is all against. The entire reason she hasn’t spoken out against them is that Scientology is legitimately a terrifying organization and that could put her and the people she loves in danger. If you go against Scientology, your life is legit over, so how could anyone hold it against her? Only people who never dealt with cult-like thought could think someone being born into one is somehow guilty of it. How fucking dense do people have to be?? That’s like blaming an abuse victim for staying with their abuser for a while before breaking off.
Wrt the Danny Masterson thing: she cut off all ties with him. She has also publicly made clear that she supports all victims of rape and abuse. Why was she supportive of him at a preliminary hearing? Because when you’re someone’s friend you want to believe they are better than what’s being said about them, and after figuring him out she immediately regretted ever supporting him. So why the fuck are people so rabidly going against her and against the band? Like these aren’t all grown ass adults? Why the fuck are people acting like they know everything when really they know NOTHING?
And let me also say this: Chester made his choice. Maybe it was a fatal moment, maybe he was drunk and made a rushed decision, or maybe he planned it exactly as it happened, we’ll never know because he didn’t tell anyone about it and didn’t even leave a message. The rest of the band made their choice to keep on going forward, and that is ENTIRELY their prerogative, especially because none of them had a say on Chester leaving. Am I blaming Chester? Hell no. But the others have every right to keep the band running and you can choose to accept it or not, but clearly they did it with a lot of respect for the history of the band and Chester’s legacy, which is why they didn’t go for a Chester impersonator but just went a completely different direction. And you can feel however you want about it, but if you’re really a fan you’ll leave quietly and not harass anyone in the band, because his entire deal was kindness and love. Obviously, if you’re NOT a LP fan then you automatically do not have a say because like wtf shut up then. And I don’t know how Chester would feel about this development, but I do know that he would be incredibly disappointed by the response some people are giving, focusing mainly on the new female vocalist because LP also have a new drummer but nobody’s spitting hate about that, are they? Even though the drums and rhythmic section is fundamental in LP, as much as the vocals and the hip-hop portions of their sound. To me it sounds like people just enjoy fetishizing suicide and starting drama about it.
Also, Emily fucking ROCKS. She’s a perfect fit, she’s not trying to emulate Chester but she’s her own person and the band sounds incredibly coesive and their synergy is off the charts. This is just another phase for the band, and this is a band who never stopped experimenting and changing from the very beginning. If you wanted them to stay stuck on the same sounds you are following the wrong kind of band. Go stan AC/DC (and I love AC/DC, don’t get me wrong, but their sound just never really evolved and that’s fine too). And even AC/DC changed band members, multiple times!
And also, finally, if the sight of Mike smiling and being happy to be back on stage with the band didn’t spark joy for you enough to think “yeah, this is the right choice for them”, you aren’t really a LP fan. Mike and the other guys have put up with way too much to tell them that they can’t run this shit how they want. Them and Emily are Linkin Park, like it or not. Most fans have accepted and welcomed her. If you don’t accept Emily, you don’t accept LP.
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starrysharks · 4 months
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idk if any of my followers are bmth fans, but the nex gen album cover is so cute and i have no clue who drew it 😭 so if u know please let ME know!!!
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leguin · 2 months
samurai by lupe fiasco possibly the most normal anyone's been about amy winehouse since she died...and by normal i mean like. he so clearly has a lot of respect for her as an artist rather than as The Amy Winehouse, which is not a sense i've gotten from a lot of people who even just reference her on songs...like there's the surface level concept of 'what if amy winehouse was a battle rapper?', but there's also the way he takes little stylistic notes from her music and works it into the songs. and there's the way it's an album about the nature of creativity and how that intersects with industry, and how having trust in yourself and your ability to create is the only thing that can carry you through when you're surrounded by people and companies that don't have your best interest in mind. kind of reminds me of david malouf's novel about ovid's exile, an imaginary life, in the sense that there's this connection with someone who has passed, and respect for their work, and an empathy and understanding with them as a person and artist, and a desire to give them more - a little more life, a different life. an imaginary life as a battle rapper - while also renewing the connection between the world and them and their work. just really interesting.
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