#but someone already giffed it so i didn't xD
leo-gold-hotchner · 7 months
Unfortunate Reunion Party - pt.11
Hi, I can't apologise enough about my absence, especially with the series. I myself hate the discontinued stories, and here I am, doing it.
I started my PhD this year and broke my foot and going crazy at home.. I made a new GIF of Aaron tho XD
Aaron Hotcher X BAU G.N. Reader
Word: 1K-ish
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It felt like waking up from a drunk night. But without a crazy hangover as the best buddy. Suddenly, I became so conscious around me. Everyone was looking at me worriedly as I finally looked up. I didn't know I was back at the temporary BAU office. Only the BAU members were there, and the blinds were all closed over the windows.
“You alright?” Rossi asked gently.
I stared blankly at him. Was I alright? My heart was racing as if I had run a marathon.
“Am I alright?” My voice sounded like a broken radio. My voice echoed throughout the room like a ghost. It was hoarse and hollow. Even to my ears, it sounded like someone who had lost all hope and light in the world, as if I was the only one left in the pitch-dark hole. The bottle I was holding tightly in my head was broken into pieces. I would never be able to pick up the pieces. I would never be okay. I would probably psychoanalysed as soon as I returned to Quantico and kicked out from the bureau. I would be holed in my home and never meet everyone—even Aaron.
The first unvoiced rule of the BAU was ‘do not ever profile a teammate’. But I knew everyone already knew the answer. It was the elephant in the room. Everyone knew my state.
“No, you’re not alright,” Aaron said sharply. Of course, Aaron would be the only one who would break the silence. Given a chance, Rossi would’ve said something first to point out my obvious distress, but he let the leader of the team do it. “You’re exempted from the case until we finish.”
Everyone except Rossi looked at the Unit Chief worriedly, then me. I already knew Aaron would say that.
“But can I stay here?” I whispered. I wanted to see how the case will end.
Aaron’s jaw tightened. After a minute of silence, he gave a curt 'no'. "You will be returning to Quantico tomorrow. I'll contact HQ for the ride."
Without glancing at my way, the leader of the BAU left the office. I winced at the slamming door. He left probably to take care of the aftermath I created with Johns.
I sat silently, not daring to look at the faces of my colleagues.
"It's better than bottling up," Morgan finally said. I blinked at him. "At least you didn't punch him in the face," he grinned to make me feel better.
"I would've punched him in the face," Prentiss chuckled.
"I nearly did," Reid shrugged nonchalantly.
"'We' nearly did," JJ corrected the younger man.
Your hands swept your face. 'We'. It was like lightning had struck in my head.
"We." Everyone looked at me strangely as I blinked dumbfoundedly. "We. Us. Plural."
"F/N?" JJ called me worriedly.
Yeah, I was talking like a broken robot. But everything was jumbled in my head.
"All of us." Eric's words echoed. "It's the town." I looked up at my teammates. "We're against the townspeople."
"You think people are hiding UnSub even though they know who?" Morgan frowned. His eyes quickly skimmed through the list of names and checked their alibies that were written next.
"That and even helping UnSub find a way to access their places." I stood in front of the whiteboard full of photos. I skimmed through the front and turned the board. There were lists of people who attended School Reunion. Next to each name, there were photos of them, including the bullies and mine. 74 attended, and 46 still live in the town or near the town.
"We have alibies for all of them?"
Reid stood next to me. "Each number," he pointed 1,2,3 and 4 next to each name, "means the time of the victim's death. If the number is crossed, it means they don't have an alibi." Each of the 46 names had an alibi or two for each case.
"28 of them didn't return to the town after the reunion," I muttered as I went that through with JJ. "Did we check if the witnesses of them were outside of the town?" I turned to JJ. I felt guilty asking. I felt I was too absorbed with self-pity during the case rather than helping the team.
"Yeah. Many of the witnesses were from workplaces."
"You think the town is covering for each other," Rossi hummed as he leaned towards the whiteboard.
"It feels like the McElroy case from 1956. The victim was a known criminal but bailed out. Later, someone shot him to death," Reid said. "No one was found guilty, but a relative of the victim sued the town. They say the townspeople's attitude was that 'he deserves to die'," he finished.
"It's a possibility. But if that's true, unless we crack someone, we'll have more bodies."
I looked at the second whiteboard where Prentiss drew a relationship between bullies and important figures. I really should refer to them as 'victims', not 'bullies'. Maybe if I had done that in the first place, I should've distanced myself from the case and focused on it more when Aaron suggested. Oh, the ship had sailed already, even if I regret it now.
"Let's say your theory is correct," Prentiss tapped the name of a man under Thomas Kirvy. "Logan Kirvy, the father of Thomas and Eric brothers, once worked at Wilson Security Service. So, he could've helped the UnSub easily to kill Williams."
"Do you think he might have had a key or code to access the security?" I asked, not really knowing how the security company works.
"The company told us they have to submit every key that was provided and checked thoroughly. If they worked with passwords or other forms of encryption, the company changes so retired workers wouldn't abuse it," Morgan explained how the security worked with the retirees.
"Now what?" I pulled my hair in frustration.
I flinched as Rossi put his hand on my shoulder. "Now we start with the witnesses and crack their alibies. While doing so, now we 'officially' know Johns and Rodriguez were friends with the victims, we warn them."
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Sorry you already said you are tired of this but I just wanted to say that, it's crazy how different our experiences can be depending on the social media we are using. I mostly use twitter and tiktok and you guys here talking about how often you get "Levi loved Erwin but Erwin didn't love Levi" asks and takes but on tiktok I often see "Levi just admired Erwin as a commander and a genius not everything has to be a romantic love" takes on tiktok xD they really act so dramatic "finally someone who understands Levi and Erwin's relationship!!!!! it's not love it's admiration and respect omg!!!!" sure Jan
History books will say they were just really good friends xD
LMAO Oh we used to get plenty of the "they were just good friends" Anons too! They tended to be a bit more disingenuous. They often started "I'm an Eruri but..." and you just knew they were bait. I even had a fishing gif I used to answer them with!
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We had one Anon who we called Military Wife who used to send multiple "Anons" along the lines of "I'm a military wife and Erwin and Levi's relationship is typical of commander and subordinate", or "My husband served in blah and these bonds are typical of men in the forces." Riiiiiight.... Somehow I'm not surprised that these hot takes are popular on TikTok and Twitter.
At least we know they really were "good friends" in the traditional sense 😁
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superwholockian93 · 6 months
So I started season 2 of 911 Fox and have watched 7 ep so far:
Eddie is in this season! and holy shit it wasn't a fan edit where he puts on the shirt to that what a man song? in a slo-mo with Buck turning around to look at him
Why did Buck dislike him? I still don't get it. Anyway it barely lasted. That anger seemed so forced lol
I love Chim's storyline this season? Esp when he tells Hen why he wants to win the calendar thing and later with the ex-fiance thing
I love Athena and Bobby. Whenever they are on screen together, I'm like Parents :D
I miss Abby :(
The cheese is less so far and I love the eps?
I love that Athena is raising her kids with her best friend and they both have other people to enjoy their lives with
Is it a bit not funny that Buck and Eddie have (had?) love interests women with an ailing mother
I love Hen and Chim's friendship (dunno if I mentioned it in the last post)
Let's talk about Buddie (what is this name xD) that I had only ever seen in passing multiple times on the dashboard in the form of GIFs over the years (so pretty much everything about the show is unknown to me)
Buck, who loves kids, meets a single dad whom he dislikes at the beginning which is too shortlived and they get along
It's funny that in their initial 'bonding' moments, Eddie says something like 'I think you could have my back' and Buck is like 'you- you mine' or whatever and not too many ep later, Eddie tells his wife 'you didn't have my back' and she responds similarly like???
(Also that gym scene where Buck is trying to compete with Eddie was so embarrassing! The second hand embarrassment was hiiigh)
I have a poor memory so I am just blanking but like so much of it already is like Eddie needs someone who will help him take care of his son, Eddie has no one- and right after there is Buck silently? unasked helping out Eddie and that Buck is obviously that person like wth?
That scene where Christopher slides down the pole and Eddie and Buck are next to him and Buck's like very-dad potential is all I am saying
I was expecting for the show to take a while to get there for me to board the train when I actually started the show and instead wow
I still cannot get over how much of it is already like single dad is having a hard time raising son and then there is the new co-worker who is like 'I love kids :D' and I have watched a lot of shows and movies in many languages where it generally signals that is the real love interest
Season 1
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omaano · 8 months
I think I got this ask from @the-nerdiest-writer but I cannot see it anywhere outside of my email inbox?
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I'm so so glad you like this AU! I will never get over how people seem to enjoy it so much! 💕💕
I am trying to keep the characters varied as much as I can, since I am somewhat limited in how I can depict them in their generally stationary "standing around and just chatting" poses. So originally I didn't even plan on adding any clone wars characters, but then the project grew legs and ran away from me. I tried to write up a list at the end of last year about all the characters I want to include at some point (and here is to hoping that my attention lasts that long 🤞) and I do have Echo-and-Fives on that list (so, yes, I don't know better and want to add even more clones to this! But at the same time I'm also itching to add someone next who wears either different armor or some actual flowy fabric on their person for once!) as well as Omega, because I love her and her potential (and because I really should draw more female characters) although she is more of a suggestion than me having any concrete idea where she would even appear and how and at what age. (It's already weird to have Boba from TBoBF and Rex and Cody as they look in TCW XD just don't think about all that too hard) (Also I haven't yet watched The Bad Batch past episode 7(?) yet? The one where Rex has his first cameo. Like, the most I know about that show is through gifs from here ^^; I'm very bad at catching up with Star Wars shows 😬)
Thank you so much for this ask! ❤️
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h-c-u · 1 year
Hey girlie,
It's your fave reader, sending you lots of healing energy!
My question is based on your Not a Secret Toto story. Did he ever have a moment like during a weekend where he was staring at her from across the room or paddock and he was having a lil teenage boy moment on how to make the first move toward her?
I was wondering if Lewis or George hell even both of them gave him the pep talk
Hiiii <3
Not really :) He knew what he wanted and he just went for it. And even though she said no, he didn't give up (but in a respectful way!) Like he never said anything inappropriate, and he kept it strictly professional when other people were around.
And neither George nor Lewis realised what was going on; Toto and R managed to keep it from everyone (well - her friends and his kids knew that they're seeing someone, they just didn't know who)
I already had this idea for a while, and I will implement it, that both of them were caught on cameras just making heart eyes at each other or behaving not-at-all obvious when they were already together. And my friends fueled that, so credits for gifs and scenarios to them <3
When your gf is telling you on air your team did well and you have to turn around cause you're starting to blush:
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When u see Ur gf entering the paddock, but you gotta stay cool, cause nobody knows:
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And in his head he was def like "Good job, Toto, you kept ur face straight and def didn't show anything"
And after they go public someone will do a compilation of those moments and everyone will be like "How the hell we didn't realise...!?!?!?"
Cause during interview with R Toto would be like:
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And during interviews with others he would be like:
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And people will start to dig through EVERYTHING. And someone will notice that one time she had a facemask from Merc, but worn on the wrong side to hide the logo. And in some background pic someone will have her leaving Ritz Carlton IN THE MORNING. And that someone completely unrelated will have a pic of Toto's car photographed near her apartment in London... So the crumbs were there, people just didn't connect the dots. Wellllll.... 1 account did, but no one believed it and they made fun of it (Yes, I have plans for the owner of that account, and no, I'm not sharing them, cause it's gonna be a huge plotline).
Also - because of all the pics taken around the circuits, the drivers will have an internal contest to see who accidentally got the best pic of Toto and R in the background judged by Sebastian, Fernando and Kimi. And on the 1year anniversary of Toto and R revealing their relationship - it's gonna be repeated, but this time the fans on Instagram will judge xD And the photo with the highest number of likes will win(just to be clear, the reward will be just bragging rights xD) But imagine all the shennaningans (especially younger drivers) trying to secretly get the best pic of Toto and R.
Ok, enough with the rant xD Cause I kinda went off, sorry xD But I just love this story and universe, and I have A LOT planned for it xD
Love, G.
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languidlotus · 1 year
Tag someone you want to know better
I've been tagged by @wuxia-vanlifer! Thank you so much!
Favourite color: Green. Especially lime green. I know a lot of people dislike the colour, but...I love it. XD Also, I've grown to love pink even though I didn't used to. Especially darker shades.
Last song: I've been drawing while listening to cdrama soundtracks. The last song would have been 'Chilly' from the amazing Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms.
Last movie: I honestly don't remember. I do remember watching and really enjoying The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, though!
Currently watching: I mean...
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And this isn't even all of them, because I also have Dream of Chang'an (Stand by Me), Venus in the Sky, Lost You Forever, and the Bleach anime open and ready to watch. Also, I am rewatching Mysterious Lotus Casebook because I'm making lots and lots of gifs.
Currently reading: I don't really read much anymore. (I'm sure you can tell why. XD) I have @shamera's fic open to read, though! Just need to find the time.
Currently working on: I've finished the sketch for a Fang Duobing drawing and I'm hoping to get the lineart done today. (That way I can maybe paint it this weekend.)
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I'll be drawing a companion Li Lianhua piece on the same paper once I'm done with that. I recently finished a Di Feisheng drawing, but I didn't like the paper I did it on so I don't know if I want to post it. I've finished the sketch and lineart for a drawing of Tinn from Laws of Attraction. I need to find time to colour that (with markers).
I also finished and lined characters from The Legend of Anle( 1) and Heroes (2). Colouring and painting always take me much more time, so I usually leave that till later/the weekend. Other than all the drawings I'm working on my protective!Fang Duobing gif collection. As of now we're at 112 gifs from 30 episodes.
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Currently obsession: LOL. Mysterious Lotus Casebook. The fact I'm working on three drawings and have already finished 100+ gifs in like two weeks should be enough of a clue, I think.
As usual, I'll tag the last few people I either followed or became mutuals with: @heyyo-heyyo , @thefakefangirl , @khahahahahahah , @purplexedhuman , @wangxianbunnydoodles , @dancing-out-in-space
(Please play if you want to!)
And anyone who wants to participate!
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mokulule · 1 year
Tag appreciation for Catnip
I didn't get around to appreciate the tags some of you left on part 4 of Catnip, as well as say thank you for the replies that has been left. Just know, that I very much appreciate and read them, if you ask questions I will definitely answer them (Unless it's "can I please be added to the tag list", which is always a yes, I update the list before I post a new part, seems it worked this time with splitting the list up in parts and reblogging. If you follow me and aren't on the tag list you can block the extra reblogs with "taglist reblog", or you can block the relevant "taglist reblog part X" that you aren't on.) Also if you're absolutely not interested in these ramblings I usually tag them #chatter. Anyways onwards to appreciation:
For part 4 (the one were Jason has a good day and has an existential crisis over it)
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@sweetlyclearchaos yes of course it's okay to reblog, I'm glad you're enjoying the story :D
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This is a wonderful summary of the chapter from @brain-deadx0 and it made me laugh, thank you XD
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@bucketorandomness I am so glad someone noticed my hard work linking things together! Finding the posts and making sure they link is such a bother. I found out the other day the "next" link between part 4 and 5 weren't working, and only because I realized people had been replying to part 4 to ask to be added to the taglist instead of part 5 ~sigh I'm glad you're enjoying Jason's struggles, it was just one of those happy accidents that evolved organically while writing and I'm having a lot of fun exploring that!
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@someoddmix these tags made me smile so hard, because these were definitely my feelings while writing. These boys really need to hug already, but I'm not done playing with them re:part 5 which I hope you haven't missed.
Part 5 (if anyone missed it I'm making that a link for ease of finding it)
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@moons-cat you absolutely made my day with that gif and those tags, worth all the grief of wrangling this hellsite, thank you ;D
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@alienzil Thank you so much! I'm afraid we aren't entirely done with the angst, it's gonna get worse before it can get better I'm afraid, we will be getting to the fluff eventually though. Just need Jason to get Danny to hold still for a moment instead of running away which is easier said than doneXD
I have another small part ready for you all, just gotta motivate myself into wrangling tumblr.
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gonnahackyourheart · 2 years
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I posted 102 times in 2022
6 posts created (6%)
96 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 67 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#cleaning my drafts into queue - 59 posts
#fanfiction - 6 posts
#duskwood - 3 posts
#dan the man - 2 posts
#alan bloomgate - 2 posts
#so i am playing ep 10 - 2 posts
#finally playing duskwood for ep10 that i havent played yet - 1 post
#xd - 1 post
#🤣🤣 - 1 post
#ducks - 1 post
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#right? they're all anxions but still need to have regular photoshoots
My Top Posts in 2022:
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(get it, it’s a gif of aurora)
Phil x MC; group x MC
Word count: 799 Reading time: 00:03:11 (says Hemingwayapp)
A/N: I know the ending is rushed, but I didn’t know what to do with it.
(not the one im proud of, just getting it ot after a year)
You’d thought that Duskwood would welcome me with open arms. That I’d step out of the bus into sunny town and go and surprise my friends with a visit. No. It was pouring, the bus was late and my friends weren’t answering.
When I stepped onto the sidewalk near the town’s square, it was already dark. I hid in the opposite house’s entrance and checked my phone. Still no text. I didn’t tell anyone about my trip, I thought I’d surprise them. They planned to go to Aurora tonight, which seemed like a good opportunity to see everyone. So I decided to go right to the bar and try to find them there. Navigating through the town wasn’t that difficult, I had the town's map well memorised. I was in front of the bar in no time.
It was pretty busy at Aurora. I removed my wet coat at the entrance and looked around. There was no familiar face. Except one tall figure behind the bar. I wanted to ignore him and squeeze past him unnoticed, but as on cue, he turned his head towards the door. His shit-eating grin showed that he recognized me immediately. Well, he could know where everybody was.
He served a drink and walked over to me. “Hello beautiful. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hi Phil. I heard these woods are great for hikes, thought I’d try it.” “Let me know if you need someone to keep you company. Want a drink?” I nodded. He went away before I could say what I wanted. He was back in seconds. “On the house.” He winked at me as he put a drink in front of me. “How did I deserve that?” I asked. “You came all this way to visit me. I am flattered.” “Wow, am I that see-through?” I asked and sipped the drink. He correctly guessed what I liked, which was impressive. “Do you know where Jessy is?” “She’s in the booth in the corner with everybody else. She didn’t say you were coming” “Because she doesn’t know. You are not fighting anymore?” “We are working on it.” His eyes drifted off behind me for a moment. “I hope it’s not the last time I see you. You still owe me an autograph,” he reminded me of our last and only chat. I didn't have a chance to answer, because someone's arms wrapped around me. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you let me now?” “Jessy!” I gasped and hugged her back. “I wrote to you when I was near Duskwood, but nobody answered.” “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn't check my phone all evening. I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone!” “Wait, I don't want to leave my bag behind,” you pointed towards your backpack at the foot of the stool. She turned to Phil: “Hey, can they leave their bag in the back room?” Phil shrugged. “Fine with me.” “Great!” Jessy exclaimed, grabbed my bag and my hand, and pulled me towards the nearby door. “See you later,“ I threw in Phils direction. “Looking forward to it,” he gave me another wink and turned back to other customers.
It was more quiet in the backroom. Jessy put my bag next to the table. ”Don’t worry, it’s safe here. I hope Phil didn’t bother you.” “We barely talked.” She turned to me and grabbed my hands. “I am really happy you're here,” she beamed at me. “It’s so strange to see you before me. Now you are not only speech bubble anymore” “Well, you should get used to it, I wanna be here for two weeks.” I grinned at her. “That’s awesome.” She squeezed my hands. “But now you have to meet others.”
She led me into the back booth. Richy spotted us first and hopped out of his seat to spin me around. And then I traveled from his arms to another, greeting with everyone. They found me a seat in the middle. The conversation was light spirited from the start, nobody wanted to discuss events of the last two weeks. I felt very comfortable, right in the middle of their teasing and playful bickering. Richy was the one who dragged me onto the dancing floor. We chatted and danced till morning. Or rather Arora's closing hour, which was around one in the morning.
During the night I stole a glance towards the bar, to find Phil looking at me milliseconds later, smiling. ‘This trip will be interesting’ I tought. Then I averted my gaze back to the group. I was so grateful that I could be there with everyone. Sun smiled upon me, despite the rain.
3 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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Jake 🤗
4 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
MC, after chatting to a new man is available
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7 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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What is with Donfort siblings and wanting help from me, calm down guys, there's three of you and only one of me! Gimme a break
7 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
MC, after chatting to a new man is available
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11 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 5x18 the wild rover
plot heavy episode, at least backstory heavy for ryan. I was SO excited during my family watch when I realized this was the episode. I'd seen gifs & read fics & I was stoked. I'll only be able to watch part of it today since I need to leave for work.
Me, a baker: Nice! The crime scene: Me: Not nice!
HOW did he say the name? Jordan can be a man... KB: Castle, I know nothing. Nothing is a dear friend of mine and this is not nothing.
He is SO defensive lol sleep interrogations XD KB: Who says I haven’t already?
Lots & lots of fabric EW CASTLE CRIME SCENE NOT EVEN DEAD MAN'S CUPCAKE BUT BLOOD SPATTER even tho there was likely none there
11.30 or 23.30? Good for him knowing his cars Haha dough. I thought esposito made that pun intentionally Quick maths? (why did I pluralize it?)
Only twice a week? Oh yeah lol this guy has access to all sorts of products & chemicals & machines as a baker.
Hey we get to see ryan's apartment! Jenny (O'Malley) Ryan: Which means you should probably … Me: *confused* Me: *FIGURES IT OUT AFTER I REMEMBER WHAT SORT OF DOCTOR THEY ARE GOING TO* It wouldn't be your fault hun, even if it is your problem. These two are so so cute. Ok I'm clipping that.
RC: I'm going to ignore that Maybe he was planning a new location
Ooh irish mob, remember finn rourke & detective slaughter & the previous episodes where anything was mentioned Ok so the way we count syllables is weird. Irish gaelic (gaelge) has two letters because it gives buffer room between consonants. S is often sh usually when followed by an e or an i or smth, & mh or bh are just like th or ch, it changes the way it is pronounced, usually to a v, sometimes to a w depending on where u are. It is pheonetic! Just a different language! This is the part of the episode I realized what we were watching!
She only knows his as jimmy the baker. She looks so anxious here.
Ryan is back good for him. RC: How did the thing go … with the uh, you know. Do the thing with the thing and give the thing to the doctor. I could clip that lmao ESPOSITO SHUT UP Clip this now His eyes He is not even really kissing her *slaps him twice* THIS WAS .. FUN Edit: someone has it already
lots of clips now heheheh
*asks esposito bc obv he would know*
Love the b plot "this is normal" Man looks mad Only sees bobby s now instead of earlier when he looked at the murder board FRIENDS BACK IN THE DAY? WHAT KIND OF CREW?
UNDERCOVER!?!?!?!?!?!?!? RC: I love complicated!
Why wouldn't you want to leave tho? for her? or for more? Clipping that too "cop"
"just the wife" bro? gay.
Of course he's heard of kevin ryan, even tho it has been 7 years, this is his case! They're impressed & esposito is mad that he didn't tell him
Why would you write down all your illegal stuff like that? I've met ppl who /want/ to make spreadsheets but don't, & ppl who write their stuff but in code Ryan acting like he still knows her, acting like he's still in the mob like "she wouldn't snitch"-- in fact it was weird how she kissed him like girl it has been seven years of COURSE he has moved on You left & she fell on hard times!? Oh no now he feels guilty/ Another jimmy who is a rat? She can... You only found her bc of phone records YOU walked away ryan He is protecting her Wow that's messed up a bit Like with the Ben kid, doesn't want to send someone in unprotected
SOD: Look at you, telling the truth. >:(
You? You are not on the crew bro Yeah BACK THEN not NOW Ryan ryan my dude careful, you don't know if your oconnell cover is still good
Clipping this quote: How long has law enforcement been after that bible? Fifteen? Twenty years? Huh? These guys are drug dealing parasites. When are you going to get another shot to wipe them all out? Look, you want the bible. We want Bobby S for murder. Siobhan wants to keep breathing. Everybody wins. I can do this.
not this one tho SOD: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? KR: I was Fenton. I can be him again. SOD: Don’t get yourself killed on my account. KR: All right, yeah, you hate me. I get that and I deserve it. But do you want to be put in Witness Relocation or not? Yes or no? SOD: nods. Agent Walker: Detective? Were you serious about that offer? KR turns to him. He thinks for a second & then nods.
Yeah 7 years is a long time bro, he's right course there's a new heirarchy thats how things work they change over time like seven years Martha acting lessons Sad, his wife won't kiss him goodbye Castle & esposito & beckett too watching him in there getting an ID card Nooo they are cutting his hair Wow ugly hair but hey nice outfit, even if it doesn't look like smth he usually wears But I legit cut my own hair a few days after this episode & we actually have similar hair again XD The "I am fenton o'connell" lines throughout that was hhhh I am clipping this right now right now lsdjfskdfj but I have to get ready for work in 15 minutes edit:
I clipped it but I didn't have to
Love how esposito is the taxi driver lol also question: what if he was walking down the street one day & saw someone from the old crew? What then? I mean it's new york nobody looks at anybody but still Of COURSE you don't like it
JE: (sighs) I don’t like this, bro. You don’t have a wire. No locator. ((but u have a cell phone that they can track right?)) KR: If I did, Bobby S would find it. This is the way it’s gotta be, man. ((I haven’t mentioned yet but I like how they call him bobby s, maybe there is a bobby r or a bobby m somewhere)) JE: What’s the name of Agent Walker’s informants who’ll vouch for you? KR: The Mason brothers. Matt and Tony. JE: Where did you do your last stretch? ((interrogating him lol, but r u allowed to know this?)) KR: Elmira, for man 1. Can even tell you my cell number. I know what I’m doing, okay? JE: isn’t convinced. JE: What about Siobhan? KR: Our plan is solid. (he nods like he’s convincing himself, too) I got this. KR: hands him so cash to keep his cover. KR: See you on the other side, partner. JE: Mm-hmm.
Called Kelly's but Siobhan owns it lol also, nice place, must actually run nicely, owning a bar or restaurant takes a lot of work
Tbh it looks like nobody recognizes him. Like he expects to be recognized (after seven years) & ppl are like "what are you standing there for?" not "do I know you?" Oh & NOW people are recognizing him
Siobhan meeting again but pretending it is the first time in years lol. Clipping the punch As long as she keeps her hands off of me
Pushes him back a bit & trying to touch her Maggie got married since u knew her (so siobhan maybe "fenton" got married since you knew him, why would you assume that you can still kiss him after all this time?) How much of that was acting? bc they've already met each other again so they can't just "be" themselves they need to meet each other & then they can be who they are. also funny how she is literally an fbi informant & she was mad that he was a cop
Finally back & able to finish this after like a week ugh & it's already 11.30 bc I couldn't wake up
JE: I’m telling you, man. He’s not the Ryan I know. And I’m not just talking about the haircut and the clothes. It’s like he’s a different dude. ((That's the point)) RC: That’s what he’s supposed to be. He’s in character. He’s Fenton. That’s good. JE: Yeah, but what if he’s not good enough? After seven years he’s gotta be rusty. And these Staten Island boys are no joke. ((That is a good argument...)) Don't want to clip this, but I COULD
Define Yonkers what if it was NOT bobby s tho?
So valid bestie (not clipping it but yeah I NEVER take my phone in when I go to confession. But why was it on when he handed it to liam?) "What'll the missus think?" you know what? I WILL clip this. he's such a Different Person
Bobby is SO pissed at fenton He knows... btw what is up with the accent? I can't tell but it's def there Who's Ben Gideon? Ah & there is where the mason brothers come into play
Wild Rover from the song he was always a rat lmao btw my man has some weird glass sculptures that are shaped like guns & it is,,, something alright Prodigal son? Irish catholics my beloved this is going to be clipped right here Liam SO wants to lol HOLY CRAP trust, brotherhood, fuck-ed-up-ed-ness, this is great. He looks so "hhhh" once he hugs him & liam is just there & omg sdjfah
That wink he gives to siobhan, I could clip that if I wasn't low on time
Clippin this tho If I wasn't watching this with my family I would have literally pulled out my bible from my jeanjacket pocket to find this verse but I knew what it was going to be. But seriously who has them memorized? I only have, like, three verses memorized IF that. this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it psalm 118:4 & the lord said "let there be light" & light was made genesis 1:3 Only the wicked run when there is no-one chasing them; the righteous are as bold as a lion proverbs 28:1 except I didn't know the corresponding verse for that last one. & ofc everyone knows the corinthians one about love, 1:13, & that one from John (I had to look it up bc I didn;t know the quote nor the verse but thankfully it is famous enough that I got it) 3:16
Check it out, as you should.
What's between these two? Oh wait yeah it is the problem with Jordan. RC:Ah. Perhaps Bobby S had an accomplice. A cold-blooded, murderous sheep. 14 grand? wowie. Yeah THAT was too much fiber, it was DEF planted.
How do you communicate?
Also it has been a night already at least, where is fenton staying? where was he staying before he waltzed into the bar? transcript is incorrect, it is "you know" not "yo" but w/e. Also ryan my man why take off your hood now? Man could use a hat, probs one of those hats that all my irish canadian shetland canadian french canadian ukranian canadian metis fiddle friends wear, it would fit in fine
Esposito hkhjdfkghfjh reminder to myself: talk about the clip when u post it bc there is too much to talk about jshskdjfhskjdhfsjkfhs
He loves her, honestly. But don't kiss her He got her a toy at a ring toss uwu "unlike you" but don't kiss her oh thank goodness
lmao he says waceway not raceway ALL OF THE METRO CARDS!?
I like how they are all old-style phones EXCEPT for his who's fast eddie? Also Liam just standing there (man looks good tho, I like his shirt) & btw when DID ryan learn to play such good pool? (I feel bad for the audio director battling with the visual director over the pool balls) These two REALLY ARE friends who's keane? Also why is liam allowed his phone? & keane just said there WAS a rat, he might have said "u got a rat but you were wrong abt who it was" bobby's eyes what went ALL the way around, was that on purpose? bc that's heck of math there hit the head? Is that another version of hit the hay?
walking right in, I thought For Sure someone would be there NO WHAT IF IT IS THE WRONG SAFE OH NO THE MONEY IS WRONG HE'S GOING TO NOTICE oh thank goodness he didn't look over to see if the bible was there, but he KNOWS smth is up
*o'connell leaves from that same room* who calls someone sport except for dads? Take a ride? Jesus carrying his own cross Ok THAT was sus af, but I mean, if I was a drug supplier then I would also be scared, even if I was not an undercover pig.
(I thought that was the time he did the thing, you know, got the thing off of liam & made the connection, but in the next scene esposito is calling him, calling ryan's phone ofc but still)
Why did Jenny come here? Did they call her here? Love, my dude. Ah yes, not one single reason, many of them Ah HERE is esposito on the phone
I realized this the other day & didn't have access to tumblr & I wasn't even watching but Ryan/fenton Asks Liam Out Loud
fenton/ryan is so short compared to liam also I was SO excited seeing this scene bc I had seen it before in gifs & stuff
Ok so she got nabbed by the cops two days ago so fenton has only been back for two days? they totally could have made this a two part episode. Anyway my point was two days ago & suddenly fenton oconnell shows up mysteriously again & is talking with siobhan, of COURSE they know he's in on it
Oh to PROVE he knew nothing heck man this is a heck of a story (also if he pulled it out of his waistband u know he had no bullet in the chamber & safety on, so you SHOULD check the gun.)
My man would shoot bobby s? a man fenton considered to be a friend even if ryan was trying to take him down? Is that... legal?
Siobhan saying that is not helping his case (& he cocks the gun but he really should not, JUST IN CASE it was already cocked & had a bullet in the chamber, you could have just clogged the gun.) & the music is so good
So... so shoot him yeah lol ofc it was empty
Why r u just giving away your full name lol b'y idk if u can place em under arrest when it is liam, keane, bobby s, & some other ppl too & then also reverse pick pockets? voice so deep when he yells, love it, & calls him javi, I've seen a clip of this so I know it exists & I don't need to clip it myself but I'm tempted to. Maybe later if I don't have to give back these CDs as soon as I thought. Edit: found a clip
that moment of fear,,,, hoo
esposito's gun lol He just knows she's on the other side? Castle just there lmao
ngl I half expected ryan to kiss bobby s. Judas betrayed jesus with a kiss. (& for the last time, judas did not want jesus to die, he just wanted to get jesus away from this town bc there were problems brewing, judas was the finance guy of the disciples, he got mad about mary maggie using perfume on jesus's feet instead of selling it & giving the money to the poor, judas was not the evil double crosser ppl make him out to be) ryan looks almost sad sending bobby away & seeing siobhan. edit:
Also is it freaking dawn? Lucky ryan, changing back into a suit, not only that but a matching three piece suit. He is going overboard in that direction to feel more like himself instead of going no vest just tie or no tie just vest, or jeans no dress pants, or dress pants with a random jacket, this man wanted it to be on the far end of his style spectrum.
Castle & the football reminds me of that time castle Did Not catch the baseball & it crashed into smth & nobody acknowledged it
No like it-- what was it? What (from the diner) are you specifically apologizing for? The tone? not listening? What specifically was the apology in reference to?
Lady macbeth lol & that's why liam was so loyal even after this
No what is jordan ABOUT? Bro I thought james bonde & your dad's book inspired you to be a writer. Markiplier moments. Holding her <3 He remembers his name bc you told him bro
SOD: I was hoping you’d come. KR: I wanted to say goodbye this time. SOD: Goodbye makes me feel like I’ll never see you again. KR: You won’t. ((OOF)) *her face falls, but she knows it has to happen* KR: Tomorrow you’ll be in a new city. Have a new name. You’ll get to start over again. SOD: Why did you do this? Risk your life for me? KR: You know why. SOD, nodding sadly: This Kevin Ryan guy? I wish I would have met him sooner. KR: laughs She leans in to kiss his cheek. He knows he has to leave, and he doesn’t look back when he does. She sighs heavily before she gets back to packing
Also his coat with the collar like that? nice
Finally back home! lmao the music sdjfhsjdfskldfklsdjf clipping this now this is great & fun She's pregnant I'm so happy for them! I am afraid of the passage of time but I am so happy for them! hsdjakhsdkjhfjdh & they are so adorable
What a great great episode! It totally could have been a two-part-er imo, but the alexis kidnapping one took precedent & tbh that's valid. I just really enjoyed this one. As did most of the fandom.
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Little rant that I promise has a point:
I stopped watching Stranger Things halfway through season 3... I tried TWICE to continue watching it but somehow I just lost interest, like, I love Robin and Steve and Dustin and Hopper and the whole gang and the plot was interesting, but I just wasn't in the mood to keep watching it so I didn't.. I have a pretty good idea of what happens though (thank you random bloggers who post the plot through gifs and edits, you are the backbone of fandoms and the reason I know lots of things about lots of fandoms).
Anyway, so, I didn't see any eps with Eddie, like, cero. I know who he is, what he does, his ending... So when I started seeing Steddie as a ship I was like, yeah they look cute together ngl, next.
And it's been like that for some time now, until recently when you started reblogging tons of steddie things that my interest was picked, so I started reading some of the ffs you reblog and loving some fanarts...
And what can I say, I'm a hardcore shipper now, you turned me into a Steddie shipper hahahah I am motivated to watch the rest of the show just to meet Eddie and see firsthand his interactions with Steve and the gang.
So thank you I guess 😂 and if anyone ever tells you that you reblog too much about x topic or whatever just know that you reblogs made me ship them so yeah, keep up the great work hahaha
Tl;dr you made me ship Steddie through all your reblogs and I am going to actually see the last season to fangirl about them a little hahaha
I cannot tell you how excited that makes me. And how much relief I feel that my reblogging all this Steddie and ST content has reached someone I follow <3 because I do worry xD I can't help it. I've been working on a very long dual-story fic for Steddie the past two months and reblogging all the other wonderful content here is the only way I've been able to scream about the ship. There is some serious A-Game writers and artists that are focused on them, there's a lot to enjoy for something that's only been a thing for like a year.
But thank you so much for telling me all of this 😭💕 I love hearing that I've converted people, it's such a badge of pride for me no matter the fandom. C: Season 04 is a _trip_ and I really enjoyed watching it even the first time through last year, so I hope you enjoy it just as much! (It's also kind of nice that you already know how it ends for Eddie, so there's no surprises, but tbh I have a lot of theories about that and what is going to happen in season 05 so... clown nose and shoes activated).
ANYWAY -- thankyouthankyouthankyou and you're welcome xD I have a lot more ST and Steddie stuff queued up and more is being written everyday so it won't be stopping any time soon 😊 and eventually my fic will join the roster once it's done. Thank you for your kind words and making me feel better about flailing about these two dumb boys. It's my favorite pastime xD dumb boys in love
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...what the F*CK?!
I'm sorry....EXCUSE me?!
The F*CK?!
I don't...
The F*CK?!
HOW does that happen?
What on EARTH kind of spell work does THAT?!
Nothing I've seen in this show as of yet.
I mean...
This isn't necessarily...a BAD thing, right?
Okay, I'm sure there's a catch, because why would Kate do that if there wasn't more to her plan than just de-aging Derek Hale. Like, there HAS to be some sort of bad reasoning behind this.
But also....wtf?!
Yeah that's all I've got. Just...wtf.
Wtf happened to Derek?
Wtf attacked the car?
Wtf was the thing attacking Braeden and Scott?
With Derek, what happened, and HOW?! Like...okay? This is gonna be an interesting one to explain. And figure out. Because wtf. Although, that said, I can already see how this is going to DRASTICALLY change the dynamics between Derek and the rest of the pack and I am already here for the comedy that will no doubt ensue. XD
Then there's the car. Like, my initial theory was that the thing that Malia and Kira ran after was were-jaguar Kate, which it definitely could've been, but that doesn't explain the tooth/claw that got caught in Stiles's tire, because that looked WAY too big for a jaguar (though, as an aside, were-jaguar certainly makes sense for Kate, gotta say...). Also, since I'm here, shout-out to that adorableness between Stiles and Malia. Like, loved the Stydia moment with the sass and the fixing of the jeep and the "Kira, go! Stiles, focus!", but honestly, not as much as I loved Stiles's absolute concern over Malia running off, and then, after the jeep was fixed, the pure shock, then pride, then slight disappointment on his face when she said she would never leave him, but would immediately leave any of the others... XD <3 ...okay okay, you got me. I'm a Stalia shipper. Feel better, Teen Wolf? XD I'm still gonna wait anxiously for Stydia to go canon, but until then...I'll happily take Stalia. XD <3 <3
And then as far as the thing in the church... Look, that thing was not human, and it was not a werewolf, and I don't know what the F*CK it was, but I didn't like it. Though, that said, YES Scott, with your True Alpha roar! I love you! Braeden being all like "Scott get back this thing is bad" and Scott being all like "yeah, but I'm worse" and then just roaring up a storm--we love him. We love this man so much. <3
That episode was honestly so freaking good, and it makes me feel like the rest of the show really will be able to keep up the amazing work and energy that went into Season 3b. Like, I honestly think I was subconsciously stalling starting Season 4 a little bit, because I was worried it wouldn't live up, but it TOTALLY already does! This is honestly probably my favorite season premiere thus far, and I'm REALLY excited to see where the rest of the season goes.
I am also up WAY later than I should be, given that I'm supposed to be awake in four and a half hours, but you know what? Soooo worth it.
I freaking love this show. <3
More Season 4 tomorrow! <3 <3 <3
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(Adorable and really cool Stalia gif of that quote that someone made because OKAY YOU GOT ME I LIKE THEM. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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djservo · 2 years
hiii it’s that time again! september wrap up and october tbr? do you go in for a particular vibe in the autumn/winter 🙇🏽‍♀️
IMO 🫂☕️📖 idk what came over me last month (especially since i was out of town/had nonstop plans for the past 2 weeks) but i got thru a lot more than i thought i would so i'm gonna put it undercut 💆‍♀️
black hole by charles burns
LOVED!! really cool body horror/concept - i really wanna try n incorporate a graphic novel every month bc i've enjoyed myself each time 🃏 u already know that i watched it follows the night of finishing this & it was simply the perfect wine n cheese pairing 🍷🧀
shoplifting from american apparel by tao lin
stupid and soulless LOL i went down the rabbit hole of alt-lit (like Theoretically) awhile ago & i guess this was my first real dip into it & it sucked ass but what else did i expect from a genre chock-full of pretentious pseudo-intellectual assholes from peak blogging era 🙄 IF i'm brave enough to sit thru sterile & self-important ramblings of alt-lit again, i'm sticking solely to women writers only ❌☝️
a carnival of snackery by david sedaris
his entries about identity/politics/the pandemic come off a little out-of-touch in a way i'm sure would put someone off completely if it was their first sedaris, but i was still struck by unexpected tenderness/introspection amongst the occasionally glib and smart ass sections - though admittedly, all of which are what got me to love & become a loyal reader of sedaris in the first place
happy go-lucky by david sedaris
i listened to an audiobook of this bc i'd never done that for his essays before & im so glad i did!! it's such a different & even more fulfilling experience to hear his voice/inflections/impressions and generally with essays/memoirs it feels more intimate, kinda like a friend recounting thoughts n memories to you. i need to revisit past essays, but i have an inkling that he's getting a little softer in age - particularly with how he talks about his partner (hugh) like i literally had to go back in book and reread an essay because i couldn't believe he'd gotten so sappy with no punchline 🥲
crush by richard siken
quintessential tumblr poetry moment... don't know what i could possibly say/add about this as it's already been beaten and gutted to death for years on here, but it definitely holds up beyond the more popular n quoted passages interspersed with like. gifs from supernatural or whatever else LOL
high school by tegan & sara quin
so cleverly done with each chapter alternating between them - for some moments i did wish i could've read the other twin's perspective, but i understand it'd probably be too repetitive. clea duvall is the perfect fit to direct this so i'm excited to see how things translate in the show!
the agony of eros by byung-chul han
i devour any ponderings on eros/desire/love/etc so this + a lover's discourse + symposium + a blunt... yeah
sigh, gone by phuc tran
probably wouldn't have finished this if i hadn't switched to the audiobook like halfway thru. kinda uncompelling and pretentious, maybe bc i didn't know of/necessarily care abt the author enough to justify delving into a memoir. i did love/resonate with the bit about his attempts to relate to immigrant parents, i just wish he'd reflected more on his own assimilation / muddled cultural ties rather than straining to connect everything to classic literature (which is kind of ironic now that i think abt it)
never be alone again by lina abascal
laughable... could've (should've) easily been a vice article or better yet a vice documentary (that way the interviews/references would've actually flowed nicely) but instead there are these clunky kitschy buzzfeed ass 'your bloghouse song according to your zodiac sign XD' chapters in between.... but whatever i had fun & gave it to a coworker who's equally & damnably nostalgic for this era 😐
natural causes by barbara ehrenreich
listened to the audiobook - morbid but necessary food for thought abt the wellness industry, moreso how 'wellness' has become so misconstrued to the point of infiltrating our basic understandings of life & death. healthcare myths we've been brainwashed to believe/never question, examinations of intrusive procedures/"cures" that do more harm than good - a little all-over-the-place, but listening to it made it absorb easier i think
corpus christi by terrence mcnally
learned about this play semi-recently thru a documentary (same name) about a theater putting on this play & the actors' experiences with religion/sexuality, THEN coincidentally came across david sedaris mentioning terrence mcnally in a carnival of snackery which was obvi a sign 📡 beautiful & heartbreaking in the way any/all religion&sexuality intersections hit - would love to see this live
+ 3 more since then but i'll save those for our october round-up (bc this is already so annoyingly long) :-)
i'd like to think i'm more drawn to fiction as the weather gets colder n i want something cozy, but i have a few theory books i really wanna sink my teeth into so we'll see how these last few months go 🤨
at the moment i'm reading the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson & also checked out bath haus by pj vernon and the cabin at the end of the world by paul g tremblay (my sister and i saw barbarian in theaters & they showed this trailer & we were like 'omg let's read this together??' despite both of us not being big readers of horror or caring much about m. night shyamalan movies anymore LOL but i'm excited!) - so i suppose i'm doing a horror thing BUT it's also filipinx american history month so i'd like to incorporate that too! i finished up a jessica hagedorn book on my recent trip back home and i'm gonna try to squeeze in another, but i'll be out of town again the end of this month (🛌💤) so to switch up the tone i think i'm gonna take along global divas: filipino gay men in the diaspora by martin f. manalansan iv 🧳📚
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blanc-to-my-noir · 6 years
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Daewon and Seunghoon in 별이 되어서 (feat. Minhyuk)
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aceofwhump · 2 years
I'm sorry if I sounded impatient or rude or anything, my Tumblr has been acting up all week and I just really thought it ate my Ask because it was too big or something. I totally understand the computer problems though, all too well. Sorry that happened.
I can’t believe other kids did it too. I’m still so shocked, I don’t know how to process that. It’s sooooo good to hear.
Dude, I’m currently obsessed with ‘Kevin (Probably) Saves The World’ and that’s where all my giffing is going into right now (if tumblr ever fixes the tags so my sets actually show up XP), I love it soooo much! And it’s so much fun to gif. X) And YES those gifs by whumpypepsigal are literally what got me here; I had no idea there was a whump community until I saw those amazing ‘Raising Dion’ sets and I found you all through that! I’m so thankful for that person for those sets. I had actually wanted to start writing fanfiction again for ‘Raising Dion’ specifically to whump Jason and to fix what they did with his character. XP Ahhhhhh and yes ‘The Event’ whump is sooooooo good I love Jason in there like AHHHH!!!!! His whole storyline in that episode is so fantastic I watch it over and over again and just live in content. XD Gosh but I could go on and on about Jason. :P
My sister is the only one that knows about me too, and she doesn’t fully understand it either, but she doesn’t judge me for it for now so I’m just holding on to that. If my mom knew, she’d probably think I was possessed by a demon or something for being sadistic. It’s really scary to think about. I’m really glad I can come here and chat with you about it and not feel alone.
Okay, so I’m a little confused; I looked up ‘Sexual Attraction’ and everything I read says it means ‘you find someone hot or pretty or attractive’, so I definitely have that with actors, but then other sites say it’s ‘wanting to have sex with that person’, which I definitely do NOT have. So am I asexual or am I not? And literally everything you described about Arousal is exactly me (especially the ‘TMI’ part, I’m really thankful you described it that way because I couldn’t possibly know how to describe it but it’s amazing to see it in words), so I’m confused again; if I’m not asexual and I still have these arousal feelings from whump, does that make me a sadist after all? I’m sorry if these are embarrassing questions to ask, I just don’t know who else to ask, and all my googling has been very confusing and not helpful. I find many, many actors hot and that’s what makes them whumpees for me, especially if they have really good screams or pained noises. And an equally attractive pained face. I’m really scared that I am a sadist.
It’s okay if you don’t want to answer these questions, I guess it’s kind of weird. I'm sorry.
Oh no you didn't! Not at all! Tumblr eats asks alllll the time so it's a legit concern :) We're good! Yeah my computer is super old so it gets temperamental sometimes and I can't afford a new one. Plus this one still has windows 7 and i love windows 7 lol. So I can just be slow sometimes to answer.
Nice! No one has ever even heard of Kevin Probably Saves the World but it was so good and I'm so bitter it was cancelled!! God Jason Ritter whump is the best. I love it.
Same! Doesn't get it but doesn't judge. It's nice. She's a writer who focuses on fluff but she now comes to me when she needs help with a whump scene lol. And omg yes my mom would be the same! She already thinks I'm a massive weirdo and a little fucked up based solely on what kinds of things I watch. If she knew my whump love I'd definitely be sent to therapy. So I totally understand that particular fear.
Oh god yeah it's all very confusing for sure. I do have a whole tag for asexual related things if you wanna check that out: https://aceofwhump.tumblr.com/tagged/asexual
That definition of sexual attraction always confused and bothered me when I see it on sites because I feel like that's not exactly it. So I think I'll start with a few definitions and explanations which I think might help.
For starters, sexual attraction and arousal/sex drive are two separate things. One can feel arousal without any sexual attraction and vice versa. Your sex drive and arousal is just your body going "I want sex". Sexual attraction is "I want sex with that person". Arosual can happen when your body is stimulated and doesn't have to have anything to do with attraction. Just like you can be attracted to someone but not have the drive to sleep with them.
Secondly asexuality is experiencing little to no sexual sexual attraction. That's it. That's the only "requirement". You might have a high libido/sex drive or no libido. Doesn't make a person any less or more ace. Personally I have a fairly high libido but absolutely zero attraction. So I just take care of myself and I'm good. Some asexuals choose have sex without feeling sexual attraction.
And there are different types of attractions. Sexual, romantic, sensual, aesthetic, and more. Sexual attraction: I want to have sex with that person. Romantic attraction: I want to date that person. Sensual attraction: I want to hold their hand or cuddle with that person. Aesthetic attraction: that person is pleasing to look at. Platonic attraction: I want to be friends with that person.
The hard part, at least for me, is figuring out which of them you are feeling in the moment. And a lot fo times these overlap with each other too which makes things confusing as well. I most often feel aesthetic, platonic, and sensual attraction. I do not feel sexual or romantic hence why I identify as asexual and aromantic.
Sexual attraction makes zero sense to me to be honest. I don't get it. People have described it to me but it's not an easy thing for people to describe cause they just feel it and know what it is. The best way I can describe it as when allos (people who are not under the asexual umbrella) see someone they find sexually attractive then those feeling like we get with whump. Like they'll look at someone and "think damn that person is hot and I would like to have sex with them" and the physical feelings happen at the same time. The word hot is used literally because attractive people make them feel hot. Which I definitely don't get lol. I don't know about you but that has literally never happened to me in my life. So sexual attraction is the "I want to have sex with this person". The "finding someone hot or pretty" is much more aesthetic attraction. You can find someone beautiful and not want to have sex with them. My whumpees are all people I find hot aesthetically. Any time I say a character/actor is hot I mean aesthetically. I like to look at them like I enjoy a nice sculpture or painting. I do not want to have sex with a painting. That sounds like you too.
As for sadism, I can't speak too much about this because I am not one but as I understand it, sadists derive sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on others. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you and your partner are both consenting to whatever you do in the bedroom. Lots of people enjoy that. It's not bad. If you wonder if you're a sadist ask yourself and reflect on whether this fits with you. For example, with myself cause I also wondered the same thing, in my actual life i do not like hurting people, I don't find anything sexually pleasing about hurting others so I am not a sadist. But I do want to make it clear that there isn't anything wrong with being a sadist! It all comes down consent. If you and your partner are consenting amd happy then you're good! You do you!
Honestly when it comes to whump, the way I see it is if you view it as a sexual thing than it is but if you don't think of it as sexual then it's not.
So me personally, I do not derive any sexual pleasure from whump at all. My feelings and sensations seem to be similar to what people experience with sexual attraction but I don't view whump as a sexual thing to me at all so in my head what I feel is not sexual attraction. What exactly it is I honestly don't know. I think that's why I love the term whumperflies. It gives this feeling it's own thing and I love that. There's no element of sex with whump to me at all. For some people there is though and that's totally cool! We all have our likes and dislikes and none are bad so long as we aren't hurting others (without their consent anyway ;) ).
In the end it's totally up to you how you view things. Based on what you've said it sounds a lot like me in that whump is not a sexual thing for you but rather you enjoy the aesthetics of it and the whumperflies ot gives you. But I'm not gonna tell you for certain because ultimately it's up to you to decide what you feel! I can offer advice and definitions and my own experiences though which I hope helps some.
So that was my very long slightly ramble response. I hope it's somewhat helpful 😅
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lilolilyr · 2 years
1, 7, 10 for ALOTO?
I've just finished watching the series & I waited to answer this ask until afterwards and I'm glad I did bc I think my answers changed a bit! Anyway I'm still feeling that cinema high, you know the feeling you get when you walk back into the real world after a fantastic movie? Even though I was just watching on the couch in my parents' living room... Anyway I Love A League Of Their Own, definitely now also bothering everyone who reblogged this ask meme from me with questions about it xD (here it is if someone else wants some questions...)
thanks for the ask!
What originally drew me to it
I'd like to say a mix of Greta/Carson gifs on tumblr and friends saying it's really a great show with realistic representation of so many different people, and that's not entirely wrong but the sad truth is I probably wouldn't have watched it if my parents and sister hadn't already started the series when I came to visit them last week lmfao (I've still not watched the second and third episode bc while I started to catch up, I didn't get vry far before they continued...), so, definitely not just a show for the gays, my family enjoyed it as well! (My dad did have a 'what they're All gay now' moment but more in a 'how did I not notice that' way than a homophobic way xD which, understandable bc How can anyone not notice that from the start)
I just... I haven't watched a lot of TV lately? I'm mostly just reading fic or organizing fandom stuff, maybe watching some YouTube... And I'm actually reading books (discworld, slowly, and Agatha Christies, many), idk why but sometimes I'm just not in a TV mood, so ALOTO would've probably just ended up somewhere on my watchlist for a while!
A character who feels like home
I love all of them and I want to hug them so much and especially Carson I vibe with a lot, but hmm 'character who feels like home' idk how exactly to take that question...
If it's about who I feel most alike to, in some ways actually Greta, because she doesn't know what she wants from life and is always trying new things and can't and in a way doesn't really want to commit, but on the other hand really needs those deeper connections?
And a minor character who just made me feel so At Home and like I don't even know, just Love, is the butch from the lesbian bar <3
A ship I would gladly go down with... and then become Davey Jones, so I can continue to captain said ship for eternity
I'm not so invested in the ships! Maybe that's a yet if I end up in the fandom, because I could see there being great Carson/Greta fix its and all, and I'm vry capable of shipping sth from fanon only, but really from just the canon point of view, I see them more as that sometimes necessary first relationship that's doomed to fail because of all the baggage and mistakes, but it's such a vital stepping stone for Greta to get back out there and let herself love, and for Carson to find herself. Maybe one day they'd be right for each other, maybe even during the next baseball season (yess definitely fix it fic potential xD) but I think Carson was right in not going with Greta, and Greta did the right thing leaving for NY.
Maxine/Esther I could actually see working out! They're so fucking cute, and they're honest with each other from the start. Also, Max had already (at least started to) figure out what she wants before she met her, so I don't think their relationship has quite the same issues Carson and Greta's has there. And ahhh total Only One Bed trope, I mean they're already together but still adsfghjkl that's such shippy cuteness!
Also (I'm terrible with names I barely remember the main cast ngh) but Maxine's uncle and his wife??? RELATIONSHIP GOALS Right There
Again thanks so much for the ask!
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY's Love Language - Part 2
Hello friend ! I'm back at it with a second part and whatever character I can think of ! (Among which best boy Oscar because he deserves it, and also more adults)
Let's go !
Oscar Pine
So ! While I love Oscar with my whole heart, honestly guessing his Love Language is no easy feat. One thing for sure : touch isn't is thing even if it's how everyone else chose to communicate their love.
I saw a post a while back detailing how Oscar is always putting his hands up as a barrier when he's scared or uncomfortable and that makes me cry a little instead but it's true TT. Anyway...
In the latest volumes we've got quite a bit of comforting Oscar-talks but I have to wonder how much of that is due to Ozpin's influence really. As a result I've decided to settle on... Acts of Service or Quality Time ! This is based on a few details : when people are upset with him in one shape or form, Oscar was always very eager to prove himself useful, give some aspect of concrete help (such as cooking a Casserole, ringing any bell ?). Plus I imagine that's the exact brand of help his Aunt would have needed most on a farm. Added to that, he always seems fairly happy to be included, be with the others no matter what's going on. Training ? Yay ! A movie with Jaune & Weiss ? Smiling puppy look. Fancy party ? Shenanigans together ! So yea, I love seeing my boy loved and hugged but please everyone settle for the loving he's most comfortable with <3
“She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.”
“No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.”
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For our favorite immortal wizard aka not quite dead Headmaster... I think the answer is rather obvious. When you're so careful with your words, but also so fiercely devoted to humanity, Words of Affirmation is a must. Ozpin constantly does his best to calm, to reassure. He's good at controlling the conversation and getting people where he wants... Except he more often than not use it to make them think and help them reach an healing ore motivating conclusion. This man is so insisten on giving and cultivating hope, so painfully aware of just how much words can change... There's no doubt in my mind that it's through these very same words that he tries to fight the darkness in others' mind, even when they don't want to let themselves be persuaded. And with some help from the farmboi, Ozpin is gaining in honesty and earnestness. And that can only help in giving comfort.
But to be honest... If you offer him a hug I doubt he'd refuse, and he definitely deserves one. Also therapy. For Oscar too. Everyone in therapy 2k21.
“Ruby. I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?”
“It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.”
“Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over, and the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you are willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen?”
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Emerald Sustrai
Now here I'm gonna go ahead and say that the way Emerald has been taught to express her love and the way SHE would rather preffered to be loved most likely do not align. At the side of someone like Cinder, and even Mercury who isn't exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person; the only brand of love that gets an easy pass is Acts of Service, and that's probably what Emerald is the most used to. I can go on a mission with you. I can help. We go right back to the "I can be useful" mentality and I'm not sure she's been shown any other way honestly. Let's be real though : if someone offered a hug or some gentle words ? She'd probably pout & fuss but I hardly doubt she'd object.
“I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.”
“I just... Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--”
“I've been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won't tell anybody.”
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Pyrrha Nikos
What's with everyone and dedicating their whole love toward just helping their teammates anyway they can ?! Stop ! But any way, you guessed it. I'm pretty sure one of Pyrrha's top way of showing love is Acts of Service, and nothing means quite as much to her as Quality Time. For someone who's been put on a pedestal and has a hard time relating to people; both touch and words can be a bit awkward. But if they're wrapped up neatly in a training session or semblance explanations ? Well that's already a more familiar area. Pyrrha gives her whole to her friends and those she cares about. And in exchange, if anyone can simply... be there and spend time with her... May it be at the ball or simply sitting in the courtyard... I'm sure our girl would be delighted.
“Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.”
“I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. But thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.”
“I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden.”
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Qrow Branwen
If I say Gift Giving for the corvid, is someone gonna hit me ? Come on it's fun ! Okay, more seriously... I think this kind of love conversation is kind of a necessity for Qrow. With a semblance such as Bad Luck, making everything complicated... Qrow tries to keep his distance from those he cares about. And since he's an emotionally repressed (but caring) asshole on top of it... Well that kinda narrows down his option. You know what DOESN'T put anyone at risk but can still bring smiles on their face ? GIFTS. Shiny things, souvenirs from his missions all over the world to give to 2 smol nieces. Sounds safe right ? That said, as any good emotionally unavailable character in this show, I gotta say Qrow probably has a thing for helping out and making himself useful in relation to Oz, Tai or the rest of the inner circle. So you know what that means *whisper* Acts of Service.
That said ! When it comes to receiving some love back... Qrow probably likes everything he doesn't allow himself to have. Soft touches, loving & comforting words, spending time with a friend without his semblance making everything complicated... We know that's all he wants.
“You idiot. I know you didn't do this.”
“Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.”
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...”
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Clover Ebi
And among our newbies (and gone too soon) friends we have Clover ! Clover was a very good contrast to our dusty old crow but also a great help. Kind-hearted, perceptive and honest; he knew just how to put Qrow's self-loathing in his place and push him to give himself some credit. He always had a nice word or a joke for everyone, and visibly the rock of the Ace Ops : an expert a keeping the moral up and the mood companiable. Evidently, Words of Affirmation was his expertise. Had things gone differently, I'm sure we'd have had time for many more earnest and helpful conversations with this teal-eyed fisherman.
“It's a good thing they had someone to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I meant deflect a compliment. Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize.”
“We don't have to fight, friend.”
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Winter Schnee
And today in the "emotionally unavailable" category we have... Winter Schnee ! TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS PEOPLE ! Just - I would say look at Ruby but even she doesn't talk about her bad vibes... Nor does any of the "Words of Affirmation" peeps. Honestly what's wrong with y'all people ? Anyway Winter cares so much. Is it hidden behind professionalism and a stern *big sister* demeanour ? Sure. But it doesn't negate just how much she loves her closed ones. She's fiercely loyal, and even if she doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duty and doing what needs to be done, no one is allowed to say she doesn't care. Countrary to Weiss, Winter doesn't seem as good nor as aware of the love that exists in simply *being* with people. Rather, she's dutiful and ready to help any way she can when given the chance. You guessed it, yet another Acts of Service kind of love... Maybe I'm doing this wrong XD. I'm on the fence about Words of Affirmation as well. Despite her standoffish looks, Winter has always been very open & reassuring during her discussions with Penny. But she's more stern when it comes to Weiss so I dunno x)
“I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?”
“You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.”
“You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!”
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And that's it for Part 2 ! I might do some other characters if people suggest some but I don't have a pressing need to right now. I have many ideas of songs to apply to various characters however so that's prob what my next posts will consist of (or fun templates)
If anyone has tips to create RWBY gifs or links to download the eps in good quality I'll take it ! Good day everyone !
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