#but some of the mikan stuff????
aparticularbandit · 28 days
Yes, I did go back to the cosplay cafe episode. Just for the cosplay cafe scene. Just to hear the character voice switching from Konata to Haruhi and back again.
Like that's seriously impressive and voice actors are amazing and Lucky Star is a treasure.
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Spooky time
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kotelok16 · 5 months
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I dunno how to call it, man. A screenshot edit? Maybe?? Just another silly thing I like to do sometimes
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thegreatcrowdragon · 1 year
2kki got me thinking about other games having effect mixing 
Example, Mikan Muzou: Cat + Case = Stuffed (turn into a taxidermized cat in a glass case)
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spittyfishy · 2 years
How does Other class 77 remnants react and feel about koko
Ok so!! The other remnants opinions on Koko vary wildly lol, so here’s a run down!
When Peko and Koko were brought back to the group he was very much on team Eat The Baby, and that attitude didn’t ever really go away. Peko doesn’t let Koko anywhere near him or his kitchen, so their paths rarely cross.
Imposter also wasn’t a fan of the idea of letting Peko keep Koko, but they’re very busy and aren’t around the base that often for it to be an issue. But they do help with a later scheme to try and get Koko into despair (which both didn’t work and had disastrous consequences).
Mahiru is honestly the most rational of the group, if Peko wants to have a kid just let her have a kid, god! It isn’t anyone else’s business! Plus it would give her an opportunity to take tons of cute baby pictures. She likes Koko perfectly fine but her role within the remnants keeps her traveling fairly often so she doesn’t see that much of Koko.
This one seems obvious lol, but Peko adores Koko. When she found her abandoned all alone it reminded Peko of her own history and she pretty much immediately decided to make sure Koko would have a better life then she had. That being said, it was a bit hard to make the mental shift from having Fuyuhiko as the very important person she has to protect to that being Koko instead.
Ibuki is basically the funky wine aunt lol. She’ll waltz into the base with good vibes and random presents. She thinks Koko is a blast, and will babysit as much as she’s allowed (which isn’t all the time, Ibuki’s very loud and Peko has to look out for Koko’s ears)
She also thinks Peko shouldn’t have gotten to keep Koko, or at least if Koko gets to stay with them she should have to be in despair as well. Hiyoko really doesn’t want to bother with anything to do with Koko. Babies are smelly and sticky and clingy! Why would she want to deal with all that! Hiyoko also helps with the same scheme Imposter does.
Mikan's feelings are… complicated, to say the least. She thinks Koko is very sweet, and was a big supporter of Peko being allowed to keep her. But Mikan is also crazy jealous Peko gets to be the first one from the class to be a Mom. Motherhood was clearly (sort of) in Mikan's life plan considering the business with Junko’s remains. Koko’s presence sort of just kicks all that in high gear.
Nekomaru absolutely adores Koko! Very quickly he just accepts she’s part of the team now, so to speak, and Nekomaru always wants to help his teammates!! He’s also pretty responsible, despite his occasional ridiculousness. He’s the one who most often babysits, and Koko also loves having him around. He’s the first to get to be referred to with a title like ‘Uncle Nekomaru’.
Gundham was another originally on team Eat The Baby, and he doesn’t much care for Koko. He often just refers to her as ‘changeling child’, and was onboard with the same incident Hiyoko and Imposter were involved in. He does sometimes get to tell her outlandish fairy tales and stories, which secretly he enjoys. Koko doesn’t end up being the child he has the biggest issues with, but he doesn’t connect strongly with her either.
Peko does not want this man anywhere Near Koko lol. Nagito was a Huge supporter of letting Peko keep Koko, but it didn’t have anything to do with Koko herself, just the hope he thinks she represents. Nagito is also Very unpredictable, and Peko wouldn’t trust him with the baby at any point.
Akane bonds with Koko very early on as well, just a little bit after Nekomaru, even though at first Akane was very down for eating the baby. It wasn’t anything personal! She’d just never eaten baby before! Once it was clear that was off the table she mellowed out and became a fierce protector of Koko. Akane had experience with kids from all her little siblings, so she’s surprisingly good with Koko.
Sonia honestly barely gives Koko a second thought. She voted against her initially, but once that failed she didn’t intervene again. She has just wayyy too much else to do between ruling Novoselic and all the wars raging. And later she uses a situation with Koko as a power grab within Ultimate Despair, and that going smoothly erases any lingering ill will she may have had for the child. Though she does later on invite Koko (and Mimi) to Novoselic and is a bit disappointed they weren’t more excited (she assumed little girls would love to see a real life queen and castle, forgetting they’re growing up during the despair era and didn’t have too many princess like things to look up to.)
Kazuichi likes Koko fine, he’s got just a bonkers amount of daddy issues and so he’d never hurt any of the kids. Not even for despair reasons (a shocker to himself and everyone else). Koko was told about dinosaurs at one point and absolutely glommed on to the concepts, so as a surprise Kazuichi built giant animatronic dinosaurs to release into the world. Koko was delighted, and as an added bonus you know, the robot dinosaurs cause quite a panic at the Future Foundation.
Yeah… so, Fuyuhiko. He hates Koko. He blames her for taking Peko from him and causing a rift between them that’s never really mended. He was the ring leader for the scheme Hiyoko, Imposter, and Gundham helped with, and Fuyuhiko was entirely at fault for its disastrous results. Koko (and his behavior) eventually becomes enough of a contentious issue that Peko gives the others the ultimatum that either She leaves with Koko, or He leaves. After a very heated meeting with all remnants present AND Chisa Yukizome video calling in for the Future Foundation, Fuyuhiko ends up banished from all their communal bases and stripped of any authority he had within the group (though he is allowed to remain as a member of the organization since its something Junko had put in place). And his mental health really only deteriorates from there.
The initial Eat the Baby vs Keep the Baby debate actually ended up as a tie, until Izuru voted. He knew exactly what would happen if they voted no, it was all too predictable. However, the baby presented a rather unique opportunity. The fact that Peko had even found, ran away with, and gotten attached to this child was something he hadn’t expected, and keeping the child around would hopefully prove to be at least a little interesting. So he voted to let her keep it, and was really the only reason their side won. Eat the Baby had Fuyuhiko, Imposter, and Sonia on its side, and those three are the big power houses within the Remnants. Usually them being in agreement on something would have been the end of things. But Izuru out ranks them.
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autistickaitovocaloid · 8 months
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Badge gallery update
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lilyflower06 · 9 months
If I see just one more person hating on DR UDG for no reason again, I swear I'll become UDG's number 1 defender even though I don't like it as much as the main games. But I still like it damn it!
#Seriously I get that some part of the game can be tedious and kinda disappointing#(I'm looking at all the characters that appear and die 3 seconds later)#But Toko and Komaru's development as characters and as friends (girlfriends even)#is literally the best written DR relationship by a while margin#Like it's not even close...#That last chapter is so so so good!!!#Literally the culmination of all of Toko and Komaru's relationship and the themes of the DR games#It's so gay and dramatic. It's perfect! It made me so happy#Also about all the disturbing elements of it (example. chap 3)#I get that they could've been handled batter and I also wish they did. But like...#How is this any different then say... Mikan's entire deal in 2???#Honestly how they handled Mikan in 2 made me 10 time more uncomfortable then a mini game that last 30 seconds in one chapter#Like idk DR ain't a game for kids of course it's going to have stuff like this#If it makes you uncomfortable that's ok#But for udg I feel like people greatly exaggerate this things...#For me. the first time I played it. it felt on par with all the other disturbing stuff that happens in the main games#so idk what's the big deal#Like... idk I just wish people talked more of the positives of this game#This game does stuff with characters and set pieces the other games can only dream of!#And even though I don't like it as much as the main games#I still like it a lot!#Toko and Komaru should kiss rn actually#The most canon pairing in this entire series#Also udg is 10000 times better then the anime and I will fist fight anyone who says otherwise#rambles
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ult-mechanic · 1 year
✉ to Mikan, maybe? Because i'm really curious about what he is thinking about her after... everything /pos it also might bring my energy for writing back so let's give it a shot QwQ
A small paper is left on the nurse’s desk.
“ hey, mikan!! (this is ur best bud kaz btw!!)
are u surprised? i knew i could have sent a text message but i had a pen in my hand and i thought, why not? uhhhh what should i write… oh yeah! i wanted to thank u for bandaging me up the other day!! ever since then, i don’t use alcohol for my wounds, and it’s WAY less painful!!
we should go get some ice cream together sometime!! my treat, as a thank you for the advice!! having you with us is so reassuring! man, where would any of us be without you…
seriously, thanks a lot!
- kaz ”
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trubbishrubbish · 1 month
I just watched this old trailer of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair and I found some neat oddities in it.
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This trailer was uploaded to YouTube on July 12th, 2012. Two weeks before the release date, July 26th 2012.
First off, the trailer shows the first class trial. What's notable is that the Ultimate Imposter is still alive and present at it.
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I google translated a few lines from the trial in the video and the ones I did were identical to what was said in the final game. So I believe that the first trial in this trailer is largely the same as in the final game, only difference is that they swapped Imposter's death portrait with his actual sprite so to not spoiler that he is the victim.
Next, several CGs from the final game are seen in this trailer but only for a few frames. I'll show off the most interesting ones.
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This CG from Chapter 1. It shows Mikan eating sausages. In the final version of the game, this CG was edited so Mikan isn't eating anything.
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Funnily enough, this isn't the first time a CG of the party was edited to not have someone eat food. This CG with Hiyoko in it shows her with a drink but an older version of this same CG shows Hiyoko holding a plate of food.
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Remnants of this CG is still in the final game. Maybe they were included in by accident by someone on the dev team not paying close enough attention to which CGs they need to insert.
This old CG is seen in the credits.
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And in this truth bullet for the party food.
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The reason why these edits are made is becuase in the trial, it's said that only Peko and Akane have eaten the food. If any other character is seen eating food in the CGs, that would make a plothole.
This does show that during the development of DR2, the CGs were competed first before the trials were fully completed, since the CGs had to be edited in order to fit one of the debate topics for the trial.
Next up, the trailer shows an old version of the Jabberwock Island Guidebook for a single frame.
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And then later on in the trailer, there are several frames showing off end game stuff. Stuff that would be massive spoilers if you had context for them.
Like the Ultimate Imposter's Student Profile.
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Neo World Program and The Tragedy of Hope's Peak Manga.
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And this CG of the survivors entering the Graduation Exam Site.
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This last one is special as this CG isn't even in the final game but the assets for this CG are still included in the files.
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I tried my best to recreate this CG using the files. It's not 100% accurate but it's very close.
And finally, the trailer shows a few frames of the Pre-Class Trial Portraits. There's no cropping applied to the character portraits so they overlap one another.
I will compare the trailer screenshots with images of the trial portraits from this 4gamer article.
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And that's it. Pretty cool stuff.
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aparticularbandit · 7 months
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yeah, i get car sick, so i can make all this cool stuff, but i can't use any of it, you know?
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i-i-i can fix that.
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pretty sure it's not a thing you can fix, but thanks for--
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they make! good drugs! for...that!
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what drugs
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y-y-you're gonna hit-hit-hit that--
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hajihiko · 1 year
different asker but i would like to add on to the last ask if thats okay? curious to know which characters you think would be the opposite, like who can't shut down no matter how hard they try? bonus for the characters who have to outsource their self regulation a little
Nekomaru is an emotionally healthy man and he lets it all out! Usually in the gym but sometimes you might catch a Very tight hug and/or some tears (mostly a problem with the touch-averse crew). He can't fully shut it down you'll Notice the mood even if he doesn't say anything.
Fuyuhiko is fine at shutting down more sensitive feelings but he needs like actual help with his anger issues. They go 0 to 100 real fast and he doesn't even think to temper himself before he's already said or done something unhelpful. If he's sad he won't act on it but you'll still notice, he's worse at pretending than he thinks he is
Ibuki doesn't see why she would ever even try. (Redirecting the emotion is different)
Mikan obviously is very bad at keeping level headed when it comes to sadness, anxiety, and at times anger (but the last one is the quiet kind, less noticeable but more scary)
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crepes-suzette-373 · 6 months
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(read the comic left to right for once)
More random chill/fun AU.
I'm not entirely sure what I was gonna do with this, honestly... I was reading a typical isekai manga with nature spirits, and I randomly thought of this. Japanese folklore does have tree spirits too.
Some artistic liberties taken, obviously, so some of the stuff I say here has nothing to do with folklore.
The tree spirits can wander around freely, they're not attached to the physical tree. They just prefer having the tree nearby because if anything happens to it, they lose their human manifestation. They can get it back by finding a new host tree, but it's not that easy to do.
Those with strong enough spiritual power can pull out the tree and move it around freely too.
The more I drew the more I regretted making all those flowers and leaves on their heads. It was a super cool design, but a pain to draw like 10 times over.
Ichiji and Niji are wearing leaf masks, they don't grow leaves on their faces.
Also random flower trivia (nothing to do with the characters, honestly).
Tree/plants assignment for the other characters pending (especially because I don't know what to do with this AU yet). Nami is easy because she's obviously a mikan tree.
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kotelok16 · 9 months
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Just some post-canon Mikan stuff! (and chibi Komamiki too!)
I have an exam session starting tomorrow and I'm terribly nervous, ahah. This will be the fifth in a row for my studies at the university. But it's scary, like the first time :_) But! At least I'm going through this hell with my friend, so we're worried and afraid together! It's still a little more encouraging.
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sayammm · 6 months
a bit of a rant to some weird Farcille shippers (those who has read the manga. Anime onlies, I can understand) but it's absolutely funny and weird that they would intentionally reduce the whole point of the story and Marcille's character growth as just the "elf who wants to save her girlfriend"
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No. Just no. I'm not saying there's no chemistry between Falin and Marcille. There is. The same way she has chemistry with Laios (this needs pointing out bc some weird Farcille fans are trying to convince Laimar fans that their ship is wrong. Yes, I've seen the convo on DunMesh discord, shut up) Marcille isn't just the "elf who wants to save Falin bc she is in love wih her". Marcille is the elf who wants to study how dungeons works blah blah blah because she has a dream. Because she has trauma and she wants to find the solution to what scares her the most. Marcille studied black magic for Falin
Wrong. Marcille studied that for her dreams.For her own goals. It so happens that what she knows is the solution in reviving Falin. It wasn't just specifically for Falin, per se. Marcille left the academy for Falin Wrong. Marcille left the academy to find Falin who went with Laios. This action is not exclusive to romantic love oh it's bc she's in love with her thing. Mikan of Alice Academy went after Hotaru, her bestfriend, after the latter left for the Academy. Marcille went after Falin to take her back, but the real reason why she decided to stay with the Touden siblings is because they showed her around the dungeon and she realized she can do a field study. Let's not forget that Laios being honest to her about the purpose of their dungeon dives convinced her to stay and study dungeons. Marcille only cried for Falin Bruh. Marcille is one fo the most expressive elf girl I've ever seen. She even threw a tantrum bc she doesn't want to eat monsters in the first episode. Open the manga again and look at the panels where Marcille has shed tears and snot for other characters, not just for Falin. Im not against Farcille because I really believe Marcille has chemistry with Falin. Plus, Trigger's scenes of Marcille smiling softly at Falin is such a nice boost for Farcille shippers.
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But I absolute hate how some toxic Farcille fans are reducing someone's whole character into "lover girl". She's not just the elf who is inlove with Falin. She is the elf who will go to the extremes for her loved ones, and will make a deal with the devil bc she is scared of being left behind in the walk of life, and the elf girl who learned that death is a part of life and she has to accept that. Stop over romanticizing stuff to the point that you ignore the whole point of the series. I intentionally made some terms as vague as I can just to make sure I dont give out a lot of spoilers.
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spittyfishy · 2 years
So in Peko baby au, is there a moment after the neo world program where fuyuhiko tries to be nice to Koko and she just bites his hand?
Fuyuhiko: FUCK! I don’t blame you because I was a dick to you but COME ON KID
Kazuichi: don’t swear in front of the baby!
Almost definitely lol, the Neo World program really didn’t improve Koko’s opinion of Fuyuhiko lol.
That section of the au is still pretty in development so this is all subject to change, but at this point;
The plan is all the kids are going to be kept with the Future Foundation while the remnants are in the program, but of course Chisa Yukizome is still at the Future Foundation and would likely be in charge of the kids. Which would be a problem. Logically they shouldn’t be allowed to watch the broadcasts once it’s clear a killing game’s getting started, but I think Chisa would make sure they see it all.
So each of the kids is gonna have to see at least one of their parents die in the simulation (Peko, Mikan, Nekomaru) which you gotta know would be rough. Especially for Koko since she only has Peko and seeing her basically throw her life away For Fuyuhiko who Koko only knows as being mean to them, big yikes.
I also think for the au it makes more sense if the Neo World program was largely developed and implemented by Chisa and Fuyuhiko (since like, erasing YEARS of the remnants lives including all the memories of their kids and then having them wake up as mentally 16-17 in bodies that are by this point closer to 27 is like ethically questionable lol, so Makoto probably would need Chisa’s encouragement to actually want to run the program).
I do think this would bring in Fuyuhiko as a dual mastermind, which would be fitting considering his much more villainous role in the au, but I think he likely wouldn’t be getting his memories in the program back until closer to the end, so all the chapter 2 stuff can just continue as normal.
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theamityelf · 5 months
Who all has who in the mini thh au
Great question!
Hajime- Kyoko
Both forgot their talents, both kind of on the abrasive side. Kyoko will be frequently sneaking out to investigate stuff on her own, which stresses Hajime out because he gets in trouble if he loses her. Built-in conflict.
Nagito- Makoto
Lucky students, and I love imagining the drama of Makoto necessarily being present for everything Nagito gets up to and trying to stop him and maybe succeeding in talking him down from some stuff. And just the idea of Nagito talking while they're in the cabin together each night, saying his usual weird stuff about talent and hope to Makoto while Makoto is all the way in his terrarium and so he can't reply loudly enough for Nagito to hear. So maybe instead he breaks something, just to make enough noise to interrupt. Honestly, there would just be so much going on with them.
Chiaki- Celeste
The gamers, lol. Chiaki would do her best to indulge Celeste's vibe, and I think that could be very fun, because she really does not know how. They reach a point of common ground when Chiaki starts making bets with Celeste about the outcome of her video games, and getting the other senpais and kouhais in on it.
Teruteru- Yasuhiro
This matchup was by default, but Hiro not liking smoke does add some tension.
Imposter- Junko
Imposter and fashionista are super compatible talents, and imposter and analyst are super compatible talents. Both of them read people and put on personas. They would see right through each other.
Mahiru- Hifumi
Both have visual art talents, and Mahiru would whip him into shape.
Peko- Mukuro
The loyal warriors. Very similar vibe. They would be very polite and impersonal to each other. Protecting Mukuro is secondary to protecting Fuyuhiko, of course, but having to care someone so similar to herself, but tiny and powerless, might be a very moving experience for Peko.
Hiyoko- Sakura
Both masters of a particular physical art form. Sakura's steady presence, both respectful and demanding of respect, would be a good influence on Hiyoko. Oh, she would still be super rude, but her interactions would shape up differently and she'd eat a more balanced diet, lol.
Ibuki- Sayaka
Musicians. Sayaka, being more on the calculated side, would be interesting to have as the person whispering in Ibuki's ear. She might try to convince Ibuki to do something she wouldn't normally do. It most likely wouldn't work; Ibuki is very independent. But Sayaka is pretty resourceful, and as a side note, one might think about the despair disease...
Mikan- Kiyotaka
This one was also kind of by default, once the more obvious ones were sorted away. Personality-wise, his bold presence contrasts with her more meek disposition, and she would be really proud of that. Taka argues with bullies! He cares about making sure everyone behaves. She loves him. She loves that someone so principled depends on her. Also, important note: When murders happen on the island, usually the kouhais are left alive. (Though murdering specifically the kouhai so that the senpai gets killed as punishment for losing them is also potentially a thing. Most people would consider it too low a blow to murder someone who's four inches tall, but still. Worth considering. The kouhais' role in this adds a new dimension to the kinds of murders that can happen.) When a murderer is executed, their kouhai is also left alive. Mikan always volunteers to take in the unattended kouhai, because she just really likes this dynamic. (If the Undead AU is Nagito's best timeline, this genuinely might be Mikan's, lol.)
Nekomaru- Leon
Because sports. I could have had Akane and Nekomaru trade, but this was the alignment I chose. (Anyway, if one of them dies, the other will take care of their kouhai, so there's a good chance Akane will have Leon later on.) Nekomaru is a good enough coach to make Leon actually enjoy practicing baseball. Just, you know, tiny baseball. Or, he's a good enough coach to identify what Leon likes and dislikes about baseball and direct him to excel in a way that emphasizes the aspects he likes.
Gundham- Toko
Another "by default" one, where breeding animals and writing romance novels are kind of close if you squint. The idea of Toko being in the care of someone like Gundham is actually super heartwarming; he would make sure she has everything she needs, he would tolerate any lashing out on her part in the same way he does the bites of his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Toko would be very unused to being so cared for and accommodated that way. If Gundham dies, Sonia will take Toko. Which...would be interesting in a lot of ways, starting with Sonia's enthusiastic interest in serial killers and Toko's romantic obsession with Sonia's assigned kouhai.
Fuyuhiko- Mondo
Both gangsters with a need to present as strong. Fuyuhiko takes it farther than Mondo does (to the point where Mondo is often protesting the things Fuyuhiko says), and they butt heads a lot, but they also have each other's backs.
Kazuichi- Chihiro
Both STEM. I feel like Chihiro would be constantly blushing about everything Kazuichi says and does, and they would also be fascinated by his work. I think it would change his whole deal for the better, if he had the constant company of someone like Chihiro. I think he would be less comfortable openly bugging Sonia if there was an underclassman sitting in the fold of his beanie.
Akane- Aoi
Athletes. Their personalities would go really well together, and Akane would be so serious about making sure Hina is okay, getting enough exercise, eating enough food, etc. It's like she has a new little sibling. Like I've mentioned, she would get a fishbowl from the market so Hina can swim when they're in the cabin. (When Hina has trouble scaling the side of the fishbowl to get in, she would teach her a few parkour tricks.) She would take her to Mikan every time she hurts herself exercising.
Sonia- Byakuya
Heirs. And it's really funny to imagine Byakuya being his cold-blooded self while he's sitting on the shoulder of someone really nice. I also like imagining Sonia trying to make a luxurious enough living space for him. Using her own jewelry to decorate, a silk scarf for bedsheets, etc. She's very proud of her handiwork.
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