#but shhhh it’s personality differences guys
starlooove · 7 days
My fave thing about my vs is subtly changing them to look more and dress more like Johnny over time - give em a day where they go back to their og styles as like a push against it - and then have them settle in more
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zo3mess · 5 months
Summary: Officers from other towns were reassigned to help the understaffed police force in Evergreen after the butterfly massacre. The good old game of cat and mouse begins with Vigilante continuing his shenanigans and one police officer determined to catch him. Except it is not entirely clear who is chasing whom.
Warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid and use protection guys), blood play, gun play (but not really) enemies to enemies with benefits type of relationship, violence, dead bodies, alcohol consumption, foul language. Female reader and no use of Y/N.
Word count: 5.4k (my hand slipped, I’m sorry) 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Extra songs for this fic
Masterlist of my works
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Note: I realized I missed writing so much since I don’t write essays in school anymore and I got quite a positive reaction on my last work Laundry girl (I love you guys fr). This time I tried something different? I feel like this is messier than the last one, lousy idea, but you know how it is. Also I have never written smut before, so get ready for some weird shit. English is not my first language, I apologize for mistakes, especially with tenses. Criticism is very much welcomed! Thank you for every like, reblog and comment, it makes me all giddy whenever I get a notification <3
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The Project Butterfly was a case that shocked everyone. Aliens invading Earth? Shady business with convicts led by Waller? Something that shocked you personally was the sudden disappearance of whole police precinct in Evergreen. Whole town ended up with no cops and needed help. Which was a great opportunity for you to start up.
Your dream? Gotham. City swarmed with villains. You needed to prove you’re tough enough for catching real supervillains. Where better to start than Evergreen? You agreed to relocate there to help, however your real target was Vigilante.
Some people said that what he was doing was good, catching criminals and ending their lives before they could do it again. But no one deserves to be above law and deciding fate of souls that can still reach redemption. Even if he helped saved the world from alien invasion.
So many times you saw him creeping through the streets late at night, but never managing to get close enough. After a few encounters, he realized you were specifically after him. A fan who kept a close eye on his work.
And since then, he started taunting you. Leaving a big V with the blood of his victims for you, quite few times even turning the signature letter into a heart. And they say romance is dead.
One night when you were stumbling home back from a bar, you heard weird sounds coming from an alleyway next to an abandoned store. Nothing out of the ordinary you would think, but it sounded like someone was in pain. You would be a bad cop to not help someone in need, no matter if it was past your working hours.
With caution you walked over there, lamp lights did a shitty job illuminating the streets, but you were able to recognize a body laying on the ground. Blood was seeping from under the man who was killed by a clear headshot, judging by the injuries you were able to see.
Quiet shuffling and groaning was audible from a distance. The realization that something is very wrong came far too late. Before you could even recognize what was happening a stranger pulled you around the corner and your yelp was muffled by a gloved hand.
“Shhhh shhh. It’s just me.” Vigilante. As if that made it any better. “If I remove my hand, will you scream?”
Decisions, decisions. You were more likely to punch him in the face rather than scream, but if he just killed the guy, it wasn’t smart to start a fight with someone riding on adrenaline and someone who is far more ready to fight. You would not cause much damage in high heels, short dress and still tipsy from the bar.
Eventually you shook your head, and he removed his hand from your face. Uncomfortable silence filled the air. Should you even ask what happened?
You searched for his eyes behind the red visor, until you noticed he was staring down. Was he…
“Are you staring at my tits?’’
“Your heart is beating really fast.” A simple observation that mesmerized him. He also wasn’t completely calm, quite the opposite. Since you disrupted his hunt so abruptly. Before you came he had been planning on drawing a nice big V on the floor for you, a greeting he sent you every time he left a corpse behind him.
A gloved hand made its way to your cleavage, pressing his hand against your skin to feel it rise and fall with every shallow breath you took. Your wide eyes followed his bold move, you felt the warmth of his body and it was making you feel insane.
All this time in Evergreen you focused on getting near to Vigilante, to catch him and serve some justice for reckless behavior, for playing God. And now he was closer than ever, even daring to touch you without a doubt in his head, it made your brain circuit.
You noticed he started to breathe faster too, his chest piece was rising with every deep inhale, and even in the low light of the street lamp you saw a dark stain on his mask. It did not take long before he rolled up the bottom half of his mask in exhaustion. No wonder he had trouble breathing when blood was flowing from his nose onto his lips that did not look exactly intact too.  Must have been a heavy fight.
“Not so fast on your feet now, huh?”  You had to mock him for it of course. All this time he was counting on his swiftness, it finally caught up to him.
“Shut up.” Vigilante tried to wipe the blood off his face with his wrist, groaning as he did so. Simultaneously you were taking a mental note that he was in fact comfortable with showing you the bottom half of his face. What was in your head an investigation of a target, he saw as blunt staring.
For a moment you two kept ogling each other. You took interest in the little human part he showed you, bloody puffy lips, clean-shaven jaw and few moles on his cheeks all felt surreal after all this time you saw him as a simple masked head with a red visor. Vigilante on the other had studied your eyes, how bright they suddenly looked, how they gazed at him with curiosity and most importantly how they kept flicking to his lips. He was no genius but a voice inside his head told him there was a tad more to this.
Something about stopping the alien invasion made him bolder, more confident, most of the time he felt like king of the world. Of course, people that knew him as Adrian Chase, a dorky weirdo, had no idea he basically saved the world. But you knew and he loved it.
You saw him as a villain, or at least desperately wanted him to be, and Adrian saw himself as hero of Evergreen. Heroes always get the girl, right? That’s how it should go.
He suddenly pressed his lips against yours, releasing a low painful groan when your noses got smushed. Hands dropped to your waist to pull you closer and yours found their way to his chest. Finally there was an opportunity to touch the expensive suit.
Vigilante pulled away before you could kiss him back. Maybe the alcohol made you much more reckless than you thought. “You taste bitter.” He commented and licked his lips. Was it that surprising? Considering you rocked a perfect sour face every time anyone even mentioned his name.
“I’ve been drinking gin and tonic at the bar.” Immediately as you explained your bitter lips and his bloody ones got connected once again in a far hungrier kiss. Regrets of tomorrow will be ringing in your ears for days. Will you be able to work with peace of mind when you’re making out in a dark alleyway with your nemesis?
His tongue pried its way into your mouth and brought the savory taste of blood with it. Who would have thought this psycho would be a good kisser. Conscience started flipping with guilt when you realized you enjoyed this more than running after him.
Your inner voice urged you to bite his lip, to worsen his wound, make it bleed again. You wanted to get back at him for pulling you into this situation and maybe, just maybe, you enjoyed the taste of copper in your mouth.
Your tongue swiped over his lower lip, searching and then probing into his split lip. The action made him tighten the grip he had on your waist, bunching up your coat. And when you bit harshly on his lip, tugging away and releasing it with a snap, he whimpered out the most sinful noise you have heard. It got stuck in your head, what would you give to hear it one more time. He pulled away in surprise and you got a chance to see your work, lip swelling and beautiful red appeared once again and his tongue licked the new blood that trickled down.
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards before he quickly latched his mouth just under your jaw. You felt the sticky remains of blood he left with every kiss on your throat. It felt good, too good, but he you couldn’t grant him the satisfaction of you bearing throat to him. He did not deserve to feel like a predator, like he could simply latch his teeth into your weak spot.
“You realize that I have to do something about the dead guy, no matter how much you kiss me.” You manage to find the strength to keep your voice steady in between heavy breaths.
“Or you can just leave him here, he got what he deserved,” You immediately missed his warm lips on your neck. “You could get what you deserve too, if only you weren’t so stubborn. I could take good care of you” Vigilante murmured and left his position on your neck. With a little concentration, you were able to recognize two wide eyes staring at you through a red visor, twitching between your lips to your neck, clearly admiring the claim he landed on you. Blood and spit glistening all over your throat, oh could you get any sexier in his eyes?
“I should be putting handcuffs on you and taking you out of here.” You spat back and straightened your back with hopes of appearing taller, confident.
“Only if they are the pink fluffy ones you keep in your top drawer.” Smug smile played on his face as he presented his wrists up to you with a dramatic sigh. Your pink handcuffs? Wouldn't it be too on the nose for a police officer to have kinky handcuffs? He got it wrong anyway, you do not keep them in your top drawer, they’re in the third one. A stupid birthday gift can always turn out to be useful in the right situation.
“How do you know about those?” Blood in your veins grew colder in an instant. Then it hit you, this freak does more than laugh in your face every time you arrive at the crime scene too late, taunting you for every criminal he managed to catch before you.
“Are you stalking me?” Your voice cracked a little, it had been a long night and this just gave it a crown. Eyes glinting with surprise? Anger? Excitement? This is wrong, right? So why did your heart skip a beat at the thought of Vigilante watching you through your window?
“No?” More of a question rather than an answer. Fucking liar. “I happened to be walking around your house when you had your curtains open.” The way he said it was so slurred, he realized his mistake. Gloved hands were twitching along his sides, biting his lip in frustration of fucking up, wincing once the pain of split lip reminded him of his condition.
“Fucking unbelievable!” You pushed him away and with wobbly legs, you slithered past him. “I’m reporting this dead body to the precinct. Pack your shit and go.” You absentmindedly pointed to the dead guy bleeding on the pavement.
Meanwhile Vigilante was still standing there with eyes following your every movement as you walked over to his victim, listening to clacks of high heels. Part of him could not believe you would let him go just like that, especially after you learned of his occasional late-night visits, the other part wanted to run and save his ass, just to play this game a little bit longer.
Before he decided to listen to your order and leave, he took a last quick look at you as you tried to scrub off the dried blood he left on you while searching for your superior’s number on your phone.
 Oh, the fire you two just started will keep him awake the rest of the night, he was sure of it. Whether it was cursing the world for throwing obstacles in his life with a bottle of whiskey or succumbing to his perverse mind in the shower.
After your strange run-up with Vigilante in the alleyway everything started to tangle up more than it used to. Starting with a patchy explanation of why you suddenly found a dead guy in valley without blowing out the truth that you made out with the killer a few minutes after he shot the poor guy.
Sharp mind turned into a dull organ sitting in your head, thinking about Vigilante in the opposite way you should. If you were still in middle school, you would be probably drawing stick figures of him and you with hearts all around while simultaneously stabbing a pencil through his head. Were you truly so weak to his charm? All you needed was to clear your head, right?
Same thoughts over and over again swarmed your head, even after a long day in work. You barely dragged your feet to your small house in exhaustion. You kicked off your shoes in hallway with a sigh and went straight to the living room. All you wanted was to lay on the couch, watch some stupid chick flick and let sleep take you.
The last thing you expected though, was a large figure lounging on the couch in complete darkness. Once you switched on lights you quickly recognized the one and only Vigilante.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You yelped sternly and swiftly pulled out your gun from a holster, wasting no time to point it at him. You were used to having everything under control, nothing could surprise you, so how did this guy manage to catch you off guard all the time, how did he manage to make your life so messy and most importantly how did he manage to break into your home?
“You’ve been slacking, I wanted to know what’s up.” Vigilante cocked his head up with absolutely no other reaction to being pointed at with a gun. You wanted to shoot him in the face just for this nonchalant gesture.
“You don’t chase after me anymore,” Another bored shrug, this time he sat up on your couch and leaned his head to the side like a confused puppy. “I missed your sour face.” The way his tone changed, from accusing to clear and soft, made you loosen the grip on your gun.
The first time Vigilante got almost caught by you got him addicted even more to the adrenaline. All this time he was getting kick from killing criminals, beating up scums that don’t respect rules. Getting drunk on the feeling of power. But the second he was cutting corners, sprinting through streets with you on his tail, unlocked a whole new world for him.
The intensity of danger, one wrong step and you would catch him, put handcuffs on him and throw him in jail. This little addiction he had was as dangerous as being addicted to any other drug. Doing anything to get another dose, this time it meant sneaking into your house and confronting you from eye to eye.
“How did you get in here?” Overreaction was audible in your question and there was no wonder. Usually secure house was suddenly intruded by the masked menace of Evergreen that basked in running away from you while laughing like a maniac. Now? He came up right to you, giving you opportunity to catch him right in act of breaking and entering.
You just kept standing there watching him walk over to you without fear, without a doubt.
“You forgot to close your bathroom window,” The tip of your gun met his chest piece when he finally stopped right in front of you. Even without the benefit of seeing his face, you knew in your bones he was smirking “It was hard to squeeze through, I’m expecting applause or something.”
A frown was all he got in retaliation, nothing more and nothing else was in place for his stunt. A sensible reaction from someone whose house just got broken into, he knew it damn well, yet it did not please him.
Vigilante freed his hands from gloves and threw them hastily on the floor beside your feet, all while staring down at you. Curiosity got the better of your conscience, finger slowly moving away from the trigger, but the gun kept being pressed against his body.
Big hands cupped your cheeks, thumbs pulling at the corners of your mouth and forcing them into a lousy smile as his reward. If you refuse to give him acknowledgment it will be taken by force. His laugh was being muffled by the fabric of the dark mask, the one that had blood all over a few weeks back.
That time you were the one under the influence of alcohol that bent your consciousness, this time you felt a whiff of alcohol in Vigilante’s breath. The thought of him having to take a shot or two to give him enough courage to actually step into your territory made you all giddy inside. Maybe the all-mighty Vigilante, the menace of Evergreen, is not as indestructible as he claimed to be.
“Just between you and me, I know you don’t want to lock me up for real-“
“But I do.” You quickly interrupted him. Don’t give in.
“No, you don’t. I can see it on your face. You’re enjoying it far too much just like I do.” Debatable. But he had a point. “I mean yeah, you are pointing a gun at me and shit, but you kissed me back that night. That means something!”
He threw his hands in the air and a cheery voice just completed his dramatic bravado. However, as much as you would like to deny it, you did in fact make out with him back in that alleyway instead of doing your job.
“Do you usually make out with police officers to shake them off your track?”
“Just with you.” His hands found their place on your waist and started to play with the belt loops. And you let him continue… What is wrong with you?
“Oh I’m flattered, how is it working out for you?” With a fake smile, you pressed the gun more into his chest.
“You tell me.” Vigilante strikes again with painful truth. Yes, you were pointing your gun at him, but he had you cornered in your living room, hands seductively rubbing your hips and you let him get away with yet another murder. Well done.
His mask got rolled up and you got a chance to admire his lips. Before you could say another snarky remark, Vigilante silenced you with an urgent kiss. It was his time to shine, to bite your lip, to shove his tongue in your mouth and tangle with yours. He gave you no time to think about anything else except him.
“You know how the saying goes: Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.” He hastily unbuttoned your work slacks, pulling the zipper down far too hard you were afraid for a moment he got it stuck. Even though you should have been more worried about the fact you just got your pants shown down your thighs.
“You consider me an enemy?” You sighed out and focused on his warm fingertips playing with the elastic of your underwear. Touches light, like his fingers were asking for permission. The lack of protests signalized a green light he was waiting for.
“Only if you shoot me.” A toothy grin plastered his face when you pressed the barrel of your gun sternly to his chin and tilted his head up. How could you pass on that opportunity to rile him up like this.
“If it means you’ll stay close to me I just might.”  With those words his hand slipped past the hem of your panties, going straight for the kill and giving all the attention to your throbbing clit. He chuckled at your reaction, how you acted all tough and yet your body begged for his touch.
Your eyelids fluttered at the sudden contact, the precision he held in killing criminals clearly dominated other areas as well. Small and stern circles changed to slow and light flicks and back and all of it was accompanied by an intense gaze that searched for any kind of reaction.
You wonder what color his eyes are, that red visor was not flattering them in any way. Would he stare at you so shamelessly even without his mask or did it bring him a fake feeling of anonymity that pushed the boundaries of this escapade.
Vigilante bent down his head to the gun that lingered near his face. You could not believe your eyes for a second when he pressed a kiss to the tip of it before smirking. He’s practically begging for a bullet in his head with bullshit like this. He did not care he was basically being held at gunpoint.  A decision was made to hide your gun back in the holster harness, for the safety of both parties involved.
Your hands sneaked up to his neck that was bared to you, nails lightly scraping along his prominent Adam’s apple. You soon found out it made him wild, because the second you touched his neck, two fingers were recklessly shoved inside you, forcing out a loud moan out of you.
Shameful whimpers started pouring out from your lips, wetness seeping into your completely ruined underwear. You had to ground yourself against the wall since your legs started buckling under you. The feeling of submission poured over weak body, something you weren’t used to. With an abrupt yank you pulled Vigilante’s lips onto yours to give yourself just a second of control. You will allow him to take you apart with his fingers, but you will control when a how much he will kiss you.
Twisted part of your mind craved the taste of his bloody lips on your tongue again. There was no doubt he wouldn’t tolerate you biting his lip again to make him bleed like the last time. Or would he? You did not dare.
A better option was to sneak your hands to the back of his neck. A bit of hair poking out from his bunched-up mask caught your attention. Now you knew he had brown hair. Add it to his dimples, surprisingly sweet laugh, bold demeanor and an idea of a person is born, suddenly so real. Especially when he was jackhammering his thick fingers right to your G spot.
You wanted more. You needed more. Fingers tried to slip under his mask with hopes he would not notice it when you were distracting him with your tongue in his mouth. This wasn’t fair towards him at all, he was making you feel so good and you were trying to pull his mask off.
If you knew how he looked like it would not be any trouble to find him and arrest him. That’s why you came to Evergreen voluntarily after all. If all of this was just a means to an end…
But Vigilante quickly realized what were you trying to do and caught your wrist before you could continue. “Seriously?” Annoyance seeped from his voice, grip on your wrist so tight to the point it almost hurt. But your wide eyes that stared at him like deer caught in headlights made him soften his hold.
“At least buy me a dinner before you try to pull my mask off.” He laughed it off, but pulled his fingers from your pussy and you whined at the loss.
He let go off your hand and let it drop to your body. Instead he pulled his fingers from your panties and inspected the arousal coating them before bringing them to his lips. The sight alone made you sigh.
“You taste so sweet. If only you treated me so sweetly too.” Fingers popped from his mouth, covered in spit instead of your wetness. Oh, you’re fucked.
“Lose these.” You playfully tugged on his tactical belt.
“So demanding. Very sexy of you.”
The suit had quite a complicated mechanism and rather than losing his pants he just popped the button open to free his cock, hard and leaking precum. Hot and ready to go.
His gaze lingered on you as you pulled your pants and underwear down your legs. Breath got caught in his throat at the sight of your skin. A blank canvas for him to paint.
In an instant he lunged back at you, hooking hands under your knees to raise you up and making you hook your legs around his waist. Heat radiating from his body to your core was such a lovely contrast to the cold pieces of his suit that pressed against you throughout the evening.
“Are we really about to do this?” You were breathless, sandwiched between a wall and Vigilante leaning over you.
“Only if you want to.” So genuine. A man with no boundaries asking for consent, it surprised you more than it should have. “I do.”
Head of his cock swiped over your clit roughly. That bastard was teasing you more and more and enjoyed every second of it. His lips parted in awe, eyes were glued down to watch the pretty sight. You became something more than a police officer going after him or prey for him to take, but God forbid if he ever admitted that to you or even himself.
“I hate you.” Voice was shaking with anticipation and so was your body. A quick chaste kiss washed away the hate you felt even if it was just for a second, then he slid into you in one clean glide until your pelvises were flush against each other.
You both moaned out into each other’s open mouths. Someone would say it was just a noise of shameful lust. For you? A nasty symphony that set off something inside, the same type of addiction that controlled the man in front of you.
“If you sound so heavenly when you hate someone I’m really curious how you sound when you love someone.” He licked his lips and bucked his hips up to force another sweet mewl out.
“Go to hell” You knew it did not sound convincing and that fucker saw right through you. Because if you truly hated Vigilante so badly he wouldn’t be balls deep inside you, stretching you out with burning pleasure. With another vain chuckle, he started snapping his hips into you with urgency.
Vigilante filled you in the best and the worst way possible. Relieving the thirst your body was screaming with as well as putting a patch over the deep hole of anger and frustration he had been digging in your heart since you met him for the first time.
There was nothing gentle or graceful about what happened. Messy, desperate, vicious, and addictive is what it was.
You tightly hold onto him with arms around his neck, clinging like a koala.
If only your squad saw you like this. You have been boasting and promising how you’re gonna be the one to catch Vigilante. And here you were, it seemed he caught you more likely. Driving his cock into you in the dimness of your living room like it was his usual nightly activity.
Truth be told, he kept fucking with you all this time to make you mad, but never in a million years you would have guessed he will be fucking with you for real.
The strong grip he had on your thighs loosened with every hard thrust. Legs were slowly but surely slipping from his waist to the floor. All his power was concentrated on snapping hips and harsh kisses until nothing was left for his arms to hold you up, yet he refused to let go of you. Gnarly bruises were forming where his fingertips dug into the soft skin of your thighs, making this meeting even more bitter-sweet.
“You can be so good when you want to be,” You barely whispered it against his lips between your combined moans “You’re so good for me. Such a good boy-“
“Fuck I’m gonna cum! Fuuck!” His whine was long and high-pitched, you wanted to hear more of it, but he muffled his cries with a bite on your neck. Normally you would not allow him to bite you, there could always be an exception, and this was one of them.
Especially when he got into a sprint to the finish line, he found hidden strength to bounce you on his cock as much as this lousy position allowed him.
His pelvis was hitting your pulsating clit so gloriously, wet slaps filling your ears, moans and whimpers digging deep into your memory, there was no way you could hold on.
And you did not. Fireworks exploded behind closed eyelids, tingly heat spread from your core to the very tips of your toes, ecstasy consumed every fiber of your being.
Too busy floating on cloud nine to notice Vigilante clenching his teeth around the skin of your neck, creating another vulgar bruise. Too busy to register a loud groan he let out with one last thrust. Too busy to notice ropes of cum coating your spasming walls, filling you to the brim.
His hold no longer supported you when he leaned all his weight on you, chest rising and falling against yours with every deep breath. Being too sensitive to pull out he nestled inside you, basking in the warmth of your cunt.
“You know… You almost got me that one time. After that burglary in the liquor shop,” He murmured against your neck, pressing apologetic kisses to the spot he had bitten. “And I’ve been thinking about it tonight-”
“Where are you going with this?”
“I’m trying to tell you! Don’t interrupt me, dude.” Did he just call you ‘dude’?
“I wanted to say that I realized if I’ll keep fucking you until you can’t walk, you have no chance of catching me.” He pulled away from the crook of your neck and genuinely smiled at your dazzled face.
“Bold of you to assume I’m letting you inside my house ever again. I will remember to close that window next time.” At this point, you started to struggle to keep your head calm.
“Bold of you to assume I don’t know about the spare key in the flowerpot in front of your house.” That motherfucker. Now you have to relocate the key somewhere else.
“Sounds like a threat.”
“More like a promise.”
He pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants without a second thought. You watched with open mouth as he gathered ruined panties and pants while you leaned against the wall with weak legs. He acted so nicely, it made your heart melt. Just a little.
All of this almost made you feel bad for your intentions. You were there to throw him in front of a court and move on to the big league, but Vigilante just enjoyed your presence, your interest, albeit the wrong kind.
“Don’t pretend you hate me,” He handed you clothes and booped your nose with the tip of his pointer. With one last pretty smile, he pulled the mask over his face and made his way to your front door. “See ya later, loser!”
He just left you standing there with his cum running down your legs like it was nothing. Like he didn't just give you the best orgasm you had in a while. Oh God, What have you gotten yourself into…
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nicoliharu · 8 months
Coli!! Hi hi good morning!! Do you have any Headcanons for Ruggie?? Like, when you draw him do you have anything you always include or leave out? Just curious hehe I love your art!! Have a nice day <3 <3 <3
Hi Dede! Thanks for the ask🥺😭💗
I will comment on what I would like to do differently when I draw him cause for me you write him PERFECT and I wouldn't change anything! This guy is precious and needs love to know he isn't inferior to anyone! 😭💗
⚠️ My headcanons (design) Ruggie Bucchi:
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So, aren't that many changes, it's just simple, the way I usually imagine him 🥺👉👈
🍩 Skin: Ruggie has more melanin, I personally love Ruggie with any skin tone but forgive me Yana but it's hard to resist painting his skin like that.
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I mean, I think it goes much better with his color palette. Personally, I would paint with this palette for him in my fanart and content forever. I want to eternally thank whoever had the idea of giving more melanin to his plush 🥺💗 I don't know if it's my laptop screen that's old, but it looks a little desaturated, but I'll adjust over time.
🍩 Blonde lashes: I still need to practice more cause I love the idea that Ruggie would have some blonde lashes, not gold and flashy but brown light 🥺
🍩 Freckles: Excessive on the nose/cheeks, ends of the arms, and a lot on the back…IT'S CANON IN MY HEAD, YANA YOU FAILED ME, HOW YOU DARE?? HOW CAN YOU NOT GIVE HIM FRECKLES?😭
🍩 Body hair: Well, he's a guy who's growing, he's about to turn 18, there's no chance no have body hair. Besides, I believe that beastmen have more body hair than humans, so for Ruggie I imagine golden hair but if it gets wet it turns a little brown, on the arms and legs 😔👉👈
🍩 Eye pupil: I know that's normal but I like to think that his pupil becomes ''thin'' (how in English is this?) when he feels threatened or annoyed by something and dilates when he sees something that interests/likes him.
🍩 Teeth: Bigger and thicker than Leona and Jack. Please, spotted hyenas have a bone-breaking bite and tear thick skins too. Ruggie canonically said he can easily eat steak with bones…Oh gosh if he likes bite who he lov- STOP NICOLI SHHHH
🍩 Hair: A little rough and messy with some split ends, I don't think he cares much about any special shampoo or conditioner, taking care of his hair. Besides, I think he occasionally cuts it with scissors on his own. I know I could leave it wavy or curly but thinking that rough bristles remind me of hyenas' fur makes me so 🥺
🍩 Body: We know that Ruggie's thin cause his condition but I believe that his legs and arms are ''strong'' of cause the acrobatic way in which he moves, both day to day, running and practicing at the Club. I don't mean bulging muscles but you realize that given his activities and abilities it makes sense!!! 😔
🍩 About the piercing: it was a detail I wanted to add but I don't know if I always imagine him with that or not 🤡👌
Forgive my grammar and English mistakes! These are my humble headcanons for Ruggie's design, if anyone thinks differently this is just fun for everyone, y'all have the right to imagine how they want. And I would like to say one more thing, about other details that I can only talk about better with more drawings, such as excess hair with spots above his tail (I love this detail too). So there will always be changes for everything!
Thank you again for your ask Dede, you're a wonderful writer that I admire so much and love your works! 🥺😭💗💗💗
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lxvenderdreamy · 1 year
💜The SDR2 Boys with an S/O who is drop dead GORGEOUS💜
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Basically the sdr2 boys with an S/o who is just..perfect. Just absolutely beautiful, stunning, gorgeous.
🍊Hajime Hinata🍊
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Oh. My. Fucking. God.
He is absolutely losing it.
He has never seen someone so beautiful like what the actual hell-
Hajime would be SO nervous to even go up and talk to you. Like he feels as if he isn’t good enough to even walk up to you.
When he finally gets his head out of his ass and talks to you, he’s a blushing mess and he’s stuttering while your just there like:ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
He cant even look you in the eye.
Your beauty is too damn bright what the hell
When y’all start dating, he kinda has more control over how he gets around you since now he’s gonna be seeing you everyday!!
Sometimes he wonders why you would even care to date a plain guy like him while your just a walking model everywhere you go
He ain’t complaining though
on y’all’s first ever date he is anxious, like he’s sweating bullets.
what can y’all do on a island during a damn killing game
Like he did NOT know what to do or how to plan a date with you. He just did not know because he was everything to be absolutely perfect.
He was so relieved when you said that you didn’t care where y’all’s date was, just as long as your with your boyfriend then that’s all that matters
In conclusion, Hajime loves you deeply. He was kinda anxious and nervous when he first talked to you but now since you two are dating he’s more open to you. He doesn’t just love you for how beautiful you are, but he loves you for your personality. He loves you inside and out and that’s all that matters to him.
🍀Nagito Komaeda🍀
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…he’s more open to you when you first talk. But MANNNNN…he is cutting himself UP.
Like he feels like he doesn’t even deserve to be talking, breathing, looking, eating, or ANYTHING near you cause like your just…DAMN.
“Of course, a lowly person like me shouldn’t be talking to someone as gorgeous to you.”-SHHHH
He just can’t take it with you. Your just so MWAH.
Despite all the harsh things he says about himself, he actually is in love with you but is to scared to ask you out because…yeah.
So your gonna have to make the first move-but dont even worry about it girl. He’s not would, or is…he WILL say YES. Don’t even stress about it cause your gonna get that Y-E-S.
When y’all are dating, he treats you like a princess🩷
He loves you sm, despite being on a killer island he still tries to make it very loving and fun with you
Lots of hugs and kisses and compliments from him while degrading himself
You remind him so many times to the point where you lose count that he’s not trash and that he deserves all this love from you
He cant help it, at all
The date is at the beach. y’all play in the ocean and splash each other
In conclusion, he tries. He tries to make sure that you have fun and your always have a good day with him. Yes, he may be a handful with his comments about himself and..a little crazy in general but you don’t let that get in the way of your relationship. You love him, he loves you, you both love each other.
🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹
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Definitely calls you a Queen of some sort.
Easily gets flustered around you and when talking to you.
Occasionally, compliments you and addresses you by calling you (whatever) Queen when mentioning you.
He allows you to pet his Four Dark Devas, the Dark Devas loves you sm
When he’s ready to confess, he would make it romantically dramatic but it’s also so cute. Of course you accept his confession and you guys are now a sweet couple.
He is so blessed to have you
On y’all’s first date is romantically special, it’s filled with you guys spending time together for the whole day holding hands and enjoying each others presence.
You guys sometimes sleep with one another. The dark devas would sleep on different places on you. Such as your head, waist, in the crook of your neck and even sometimes on your face. it’s really funny when you wake up with a sleeping soft hamster on your face, making you smile and laugh.
He loves your smile, your laugh, everything. Everything about you brings him love and joy
He tells you about his Ultimate, you happily listen to him as the dark devas lay on your head.
In conclusion, you two are very close. There’s funny times, happy times, and even awkward times with the two of you but even so, it’s great. It’s filled with so many things, things are new everyday with each other.
🔧Souda Kazuichi🔧
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Where do I start…
Oh lord, OHHH LORD.
* chef kisses* He loves you. He is acting like how he was acting with Sonia.
He was kinda stuck on Sonia for a bit but he fell into your hands. He is an actual simp for you it’s not even funny at this point.
Compliments on the daily, ON THE DAILY.
Even when you look tired, all messy from bed hair he is still complimenting you regardless.
He treats you like a queen, he helps you so much, he is just blushing everytime you guys make eye contact or chat.
It doesn’t matter who confesses but…it would be you. Souda is very open to his crush on you, VERY open. He tells the others about you, talks about you constantly, thinks about you-
When you confess it’s a dream come true.
He hugs you so tight as he rambles on about how he also has a crush on you and tells you all of his feelings, which you weren’t listening to because you knew from the very start.
The date is fun ngl.
Y’all go to the beach, he buys you things from the store, you eat together (involves Souda yelling at TeruTeru for flirting with you)
Everything is just exciting.
You allow him to play with your hair when your bored or just for fun.
You guys laugh A LOT.
He gives the BIGGEST and BEST hugs and kisses. Like with kisses, he just kisses you all over. With hugs, it’s the most coziest, tight, hug you ever receive and it will be forever. It’s just amazing.
In conclusion, Y’all’s relationship is beautiful in its very own way. He’s a great boyfriend and is actually really happy that you have the same feelings for him as he does with you. It makes him happy that you would choose him over any guy whose probably better than him. Their not, in your eyes and heart he is the one for you.
💛Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu💛
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Like always, he is a bitch on the outside..always and forever will be:.
But he is absolutely CRUSHING on you on the inside.
He tries to stay FAR away from you as possible, dragging Peko along with him.
Of course, Peko notices this and figures it out pretty easily that her master is crushing on you. She asks Fuyuhiko about it and of course he denies it completely but eventually gives up and admits that he is head over heels over you.
When you two finally talk (Peko was encouraging Fuyuhiko too be the one to talk to you due to him just running away) he is very bashful and stammering over his words as he curses at himself in his head.
You find this cute but you don’t want to get him all pissy cause this is the first time you guys talked and you noticed how he scrambled away when you try to talk to him.
After you guys talk a little more, a little more turns into more. He starts getting even more stressed about his insane crush on you.
Peko has to help him out with this and helps him confess his feelings for you.
He’s tsundere how you accepted his feelings for you and told him about yours but really, he is relieved that you accept his feelings and is losing his shit on the inside.
Peko helps him set up a small date at the cabin and tells everyone just to not bug y’all. God bless her.
You guys are food and chat happily, laughing and teasing one another in a playful manner. The date was a successful, funny, and playful time for the both of you and you guys enjoyed every single second, minute, and hour.
You guys hang out together most of the time.
Peko joins along and you two got closer of course, becoming the best of friends.
When Peko sadly passes away, you comforted Fuyuhiko and hold him close as you cried too. Despite this inconvenience, you two manage to stay close and be there for one another. Even when he had slit his own stomach. You were worried for him and stuck by his side in til he was better.
in conclusion, your love for one another is beautiful. It’s strong and lovable. You make sure that both of you are okay with all that’s happened and hold each others hand throughout it all, not losing or drifting away from one another. It’s a blessing, a hope, a wish. Something that’s beautiful.
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jenicaclarisse · 2 months
Dating the notorious Yuno!
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summary: dating the vice captain of the Golden Dawn is an experience you don’t want to let go.
genre: fluff (obvi) had to get him on here. How can he be so pretty? fanfic + headcanons cause I spoil all of you
A/N: I’m still an active member of the BC fandom and I’m thinking of making this a series. Please send requests of characters you want me to do!
;not proofread (💨)
Yuno isn’t the type to actively seek relationships, mostly just the type of person to reply and talk to somebody when first approached. And or somebody paired him up for a mission. So taking an interest in something other than being the best of the flock is new territory.
Getting to know him is getting to know him entirely. Despite his detached nature, Yuno is actually very open to getting to know you. Already seeing you as a romantic interest despite his goals, ambitions and dreams.
When actively entering the courting stage, Yuno is very competitive. Striving to let you know that you are one of his priorities and doesn’t see this “courting” as a one time thing. Don’t even bother speaking with other guys, Yuno will let you know he is interested.
His behavior changes, his demeanor is different too. It gets to the point his squad notices his absence after being done with a mission and is somehow nowhere to be found.
Klaus and Mimosa are naturally curious. What was he doing? What was he thinking of? Or who?
It’s perfect timing he was back in town.
“Do you think Yuno’s been disappearing lately?” Mimosa asks, walking with Klaus in the hall. She looks up at Klaus who was comically adjusting his glasses and posture.
“Yuno is responsible! We don’t need to worry! I think we should mind our own business!” Klaus shouts as he looks back at Mimosa who clearly knows better.
“You’re curious too.”
“..I’m not.”
Klaus continues to deny but is inevitably shut down. Mimosa has seen through anyway as he adjusts his glasses again with a resounding cough.
“Where do you think he went?” Klaus nervously asks, both he and Mimosa hiding behind a wall. Yuno looks to be waiting for somebody as he decides to indulge himself in some bread.
“Do you think we should even be spying? He’s a good man I assure you. Do you honestly think he’s being suspicious? Why do you-“
“Shhh shush!”
Mimosa puts a finger on her lip, effectively shutting Klaus up as he grumbles.
They continue to wait until they heard a voice. A magic knight from another squad! A girl…
“Yuno!” You happily greet him as you hugged him. Yuno is quick to reciprocate, patting your head as you let go of him. Yuno is seen with a soft smile as well.
“WHat!” Klaus’ voice breaks.
Mimosa is quick to shut him up, but this time she puts a hand on his mouth to shut him up. Maybe she should’ve done the spying with a different partner.
“…They’re on a date.” Klaus surmises. After an hour pf following You and Yuno around town, he had made his conclusions. Klaus and Mimosa obnoxiously disguised themselves with accessories to prevent being recognized. Seeing the both of you holding hands and buying street food was convincing enough.
“Obviously!” Mimosa replies, holding a pair of binoculars as she continues to zoom on the both of you.
“Ahhm” You feed Yuno a piece of your crepe as he leaned down to eat his share. He goes back to his position as he hummed.
“Yummy.” Yuno wipes a piece of whipped cream from the corner of his lip.
Klaus is appalled!
Pointing and looking back to both of you, then mimosa, and again.
“Will you please calm down?” Mimosa exasperates.
“I just find it hard to believe!” Klaus is practically hyperventilating. “I didn’t take Yuno for the type!”
“He’s allowed to date.” She deadpans.
Eventually, the date comes to an end as Yuno walks you back to your headquarters. Dutifully letting you ride on his broom for more convenient travel. And an excuse to hold him (wink wink).
Both You and Yuno get off the broom as you dust yourself off. Yuno is quick to ruffle your hair again. Affectionately smiling at you as you hugged him goodbye.
“I really enjoyed my time.” Yuno tells you as you nodded.
“Thank you. It was really fun.” You smiled back at him and by the lords. You are beautiful.
Yuno gives you forehead kiss goodbye as you waved back at him and begin to enter the headquarters’ gates. Gazing at his back for a few more moments to savor more time to look at him.
You definitely have a story to tell much later.
Yuno stops in his tracks as he deadpans.
“I know you’ve been stalking me.” Yuno lets out a heavy sigh. Somebody flinches from behind a wall as a guilty Mimosa and Klaus makes their appearance. Klaus is adjusts his glasses again and clears his throat.
“We congratulate you!” He obnoxiously bows, as Mimosa scratches the back of her neck in an embarrassed manner.
“Impossible.” Yuno sighs and walked past the both of them.
“We did not think this was your after duties!” Klaus is quick to follow as well as Mimosa who right behind.
“How could you never tell us! We are your friends! Squadmates!” Klaus goes on a full rant. “We are supposed to tell each other everything! Aren’t we closer now?”
Before he gets to shout any further, Yuno was already on his broom and leaving.
“What idiots.”
When push comes to shove, you were eventually revealed as Yuno’s significant other. Causing an uproar with the people he was close with, particularly a certain sylph and an obnoxious person.
Needless to say Belle wasn’t the most happy. Grabbing and pulling Yuno’s face and hair in protest about getting a girlfriend. Her obvious glares towards and sometimes even stomping her feet.
“This is fairrr!!!” Belle screeches. “I was supposed to be your only love! Not that witch!” She grabs a fistful of Yuno’s cheek as she complained and complained. Glaring at you once again.
“Who even are you?!” She accuses you with a finger as you chuckled. “This isn’t a laughing matter!”
Yuno pushes away with his hand eventually, causing her to quiet down as she settles on his shoulder. She still doesn’t like you, but is afraid of Yuno’s disapproval. So she keeps put. But the jealousy is bleeding.
Meanwhile, Asta is swearing up and down like crazed man as he confront Yuno as they come across each other again.
“You jerk! You weren’t supposed to beat me in that department!” Asta holds his head as he rolled around on the ground. Passerby’s whisper as he whined. A child throwing a tantrum? Yeah. Looks like it.
Yuno merely smirks triumphantly.
“You pretty jerk!” Asta exaggerates. Continuing to get up on Yuno’s face as Yuno smirks, lifting his head up when Asta moves closer. But his screams eventually reside.
“But I’ll be wizard king! I’ll definitely surpass you!” Asta declares.
“No way.” Yuno counters.
“I’ll definitely will!” Asta is dragged off by Noelle. “Do you hear me? I definitely will!!”
Noelle slaps him across the head.
Yuno is genuinely so sweet to you as well. You cannot even deny the fact that he puts in effort to understand you more than he does with others. He makes you feel seen and heard.
And if you are the tempestuous type, he’s definitely the cool that’s gonna make you see reason.
He mostly calms you down with a gust of wind to your face and or he playfully teases you by messing your hair up.
You guys indulge in little challenges! Who gets to the end of the bridge first, who can finish a mission the fastest, or who can unlock a new spell in your grimoire. Let’s be honest, you loss on most of these things.
But Yuno lets you win from time to time, purposely running slower or maybe even challenging you to more activities. But don’t be fooled, it’s just a five second head start before he overpowers you. (Haha)
What he loves about you is that he feels comfortable around you (which is canon btw. His type is somebody who makes him feel comfortable. Which I believe you influenced that)
The fact that he can also participate in a conversation with you and or listen actively to you is his favorite past time.
He loves picnic dates because he gets to view the sky (and you)
He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in clover.
Belle still does not like you (lol) but Yuno is starting to slowly change her mind. But as of now she merely tolerates you.
Yuno absolutely loves food dates. Believe it or not he actually likes to get some scrub himself. As per charmie’s constant food she often gives. But mostly to restore his mana.
He loves trying new things with you. The relationship is rarely boring.
Whenever he’s busy he communicates with you with the communication wand. Often in private as he wonders off from the rest of his team. He definitely uses that communication device to his advantage to keep himself updated with you.
He thinks his fangirls are a pain.
Charmie wasn’t too happy with the news. She fainted with heartbreak but eventually accepted the power of the fates.
In conclusion Yuno’s a great boyfriend
reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!
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alizayildiz · 3 months
Kenan Yildiz Preferences {Dad, Dad to be, Husband}
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✮ dad to be Kenan, who carries everything while you're pregnant, not that he didn't when you were not. But not he's just super extra careful.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who seventy hopes that the two of you are having a son so that he can teach him how to play football and how to treat woman right.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who buys the most expensive baby equipment, everything that you child could possibly need.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who thinks of names almost every dad.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who started putting away dangerous things around the Mansion, like knifes, before the baby even arrived.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who immediately called his best friends Arda and Can to tell them the news that the two of you are having a baby together.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who trains even harder than he already does. In mission to achieve way more success and money than he already has. So the three of you can continue living this glorious lifestyle.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who demands that guy stop going to work after you've had the baby and while you're pregnant these nine months. Due to the fact that he knows too much stress is not good for pregnant women.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who got more protective of you the second you told him that you're pregnant.
✮ dad to be Kenan, who bought books for couples that are expecting their first child to be better informed when the baby arrives.
✮husband Kenan, who threw the biggest wedding party. Letting you spend as much money as you want to. Main thing for him is that he gets to call you his wife.
✮ husband Kenan, who booked three whole months of Honeymoon. All over different places in the world. Booked in the best hotels, with tourist activities yk do while you're there.
✮ husband Kenan, who never takes off his wedding ring, even during matches he wears it. Sometimes getting confronted about it with the referee that guides the game.
✮ husband Kenan, who loves being married to you more then anything else is his life.
✮ husband Kenan, who just looks forward to come home to you after training, his wife, and cuddle with you taking in your scent.
✮ husband Kenan, who always reaches out for you hand, holding it and playing with the big rock on your finger, your wedding ring, whenever he's nervous.
✮ husband Kenan, who supports every single decision of you, being the most gentle men you've ever met.
✮ husband Kenan, who looses his temper way to fast when someone is being disrespectful towards his wife in the slightest way possible.
✮ husband Kenan, who buys you fresh flowers every single week, for years now, never letting it slip. And he also plans dates night every two weeks. He wants to keep the marriage of you two active. Not like other couples who give up on each other easily after being married for just a year.
✮husband Kenan, who financially supports and covers everything by himself. He's a huge gentleman and thinks no woman ever should have to pay for anything.
✮ dad Kenan, who was the first person to home y'all's baby. Shearing tears as he got a look at the beautiful face of the baby.
"Thank you for blessing me with such a beautiful baby" was the first thing he said after you gave birth.
✮ das Kenan, who let's you sleep from night to morning. Taking care of the baby himself, he knows how tired you are so he wants to make sure you rest. It doesn't matter if he's tired too, you and the baby are his priority.
"Shhhh, you're going to wake up your beautiful mommy, everything's alright, daddy's here"
✮ dad Kenan, who takes your kid as often so training or to matches as he can. He wants to have his family with him before, during and after the game.
✮ dad Kenan, who buys every toy in store that your child touches or even looks long at.
"What am I gonna do with my money if I don't spend it on our kid ?"
✮ dad Kenan, who calls you and the baby over FaceTime every single morning and night when he has to be away for important matches.
✮ dad Kenan, who thought your son how to play football at an early age. Also how to treat a woman right.
"Look mommy they're for you" your son said happily, holding a bouquet of flowers ins his petite hands.
✮ dad Kenan, who gets on father mode as soon as he sees a boy having interest in you daughter. Teaching her all about their lies and how to manipulate them.
"So if he tells you that he's not looking for anything serious, he mean that he's not looking for anything serious WITH YOU, he's still going to mess around with other woman. So she best thing you're going to do is cut off ties with him".
✮ dad Kenan, who learned to be patient on a whole different level since being a father.
✮ dad Kenan, who turns into a literal lawyer when someone is having a problem with your child, or when they're accusing them of something. In the end you child stays untouchable due to Kenan.
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kobunnie · 19 days
the one that got away
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ft. fushiguro megumi
⤻ summary ; katy perry's song
⤻ word count ; 2.8k
⤻ genre ; angst, (there are fluff moments)
⤻ cw ; none
⤻ pronouns ; she / her
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Your first mistake was getting attached to someone the summer after high school.
"You are so cooked, y/n," Nobara sighed, watching you lay on your stomach as you stared at your phone expectantly.
"Shhhh," you shushed, tapping your screen to see if you had somehow missed his notification. No notification. "Why isn't he texting me back, Nobara?"
"Maybe he's busy."
"Or he's ignoring me!" you wailed, throwing your face into your bed, muffling your defeated groans. "He must've seen the preview of my message and decided that I was crazy for even asking!"
"I can barely understand you."
You raised your head, eyes watering. "He doesn't want to hang out with me!"
Nobara rolled her eyes. "I don't understand why you're so down bad for this dude you've only known for like what, a month?"
"Two," you corrected. "We've known each other for two months."
"Barely known each other. You met him by accident through Itadori at a party. And subsequently, after that, you had only talked to him in person two other times. You've only just started actually talking to him three weeks ago."
You pouted. "Yes, but I like him, Nobara. He's cute and funny and just seems to get me."
"I think he's quiet and rude."
"You don't know him like I do."
Nobara screwed up her face in disgust. "You have issues."
You laughed and sat up. "I really do like him, Nobara. I don't know why, but it's so easy to talk to him. We get along really well. I want to go out with him."
Nobara grabbed your hands in hers. "Okay, but you guys will leave for university in a little over a month. And you guys are going to opposite sides of the world. What happens if it goes really well, too well, and you get too close? Wouldn't it suck to leave? How would you deal with that?"
You pursed your lips. "But wouldn't I regret it if I didn't hang out with him?"
"But you could also end up regretting doing anything with him at all."
"So, is it worse to regret something that did happen or something that didn’t but could have?"
"I don't know, y/n," Nobara said defeatedly. She smiled tightly. "Just think about how this will affect you in the future."
Your phone pinged and you quickly pulled away from Nobara, swiping it up and scanning the screen.
Fushiguro Megumi: Ok
"What did he say?" Nobara asked, noticing your expression.
"Just 'Ok'." You flipped your phone towards her. "I don't even know how to react to that."
You hated to admit it, but his answer bothered you. It was dry and discouraging. It's not like you had expected him to send you a message like, "Yes! I would totally like to hang out with you ASAP" but still.
"At least he didn't say no?" Nobara offered.
Your phone pinged again.
Fushiguro Megumi: Let's get dinner
"He said ‘Let's get dinner'," you read aloud.
"Okay, dinner date, a classic. And he suggested it, I guess that's a good sign."
You nodded in agreement. "This is true. Maybe he's just a bad texter?"
Two days later, you bounced on your heels at the train stop, waiting for Megumi to show up. The two of you had decided to get ramen together at this new build-your-own-bowl place downtown. You were nervous to meet with him, but also excited. You got along really well when texting, how different could in person be?
“Hey, y/n.” You turned and saw Megumi walking towards you.
You smiled. “Hi. We have to go this way.”
The two of you walked towards the restaurant, engaging in simple small talk. He asked what you had done that day and you asked him how his train ride was. You also talked about Itadori, reminiscing about how ridiculously funny the boy was at the end-of-year party in May where the two of you had met.
“What kind of noodles did you get?” you asked, leaning over the table to see into Megumi’s bowl.
“Udon,” he said. “What about you?”
You tilted your bowl. “These skinny ramen ones. But udon sounds good too, Fushiguro.”
“You can call me Megumi,” he said, dropping his gaze to his bowl. He stirred his noodles.
You smiled. “Okay then, Megumi.” You were happy that he thought the two of you were close like that, but at the same time, your stomach turned at the thought. Nobara was right. Maybe you were going to get too close.
The conversation came easy, and you were smiling and laughing more than you had ever had with any other guy you’d ever hung out with. It was weird, but also pleasantly surprising.
“I like talking to you, Megumi,” you blurted, pushing aside your finished bowl. You dropped your gaze to the table, realizing what you had just said.
“I like talking to you too, y/n.” You looked up and Megumi smiled softly at you. Your face flushed a pink color.
You cleared your throat. “Maybe we should hang out again?”
“I’d like that.”
Over the next three weeks, you hung out with Megumi a total of five times more. You wished it could have been more, but it seemed that each time you wanted to hang out someone was busy or someone had an appointment. The two of you got brunch where you found out that Megumi was a blueberry pancake person which seemed all too perfect in your head. You also once went shopping, where you bought a pretty new dress after getting lunch together. At one of your last hangouts, you invited him over to bake cookies and watch a movie where you found out that Megumi was a pretty decent baker. 
“You didn’t tell me you were a baker, Megumi,” you laughed, watching as he rolled the cookie dough into little balls.
He shrugged. “I guess there’s a lot of things about me you don’t know.”
“Trying to be mysterious or what?” you teased.
He laughed. “Of course.”
You stared at him, thinking that he was the most beautiful person you had ever seen when laughing and smiling. It almost made you forget about how he would be leaving soon.
Meeting Fushiguro Megumi had not been on your bucket list for summer. His presence in your life was a wrench in your plans and you couldn't even begin to explain to your friends why he mattered so much to you. After all, you two had barely had a month together and nothing lasting that short was ever truly that serious.
Fushiguro Megumi: What are u doing today?
Fushiguro Megumi: I wanna see u
You stared at the messages on your phone, thinking of how to respond. Of course, you wanted to see him too, but he would leave the next day. You were afraid that if you saw him, you'd break down and he'd realize how embarrassingly much you liked him.
Fushiguro Megumi: What's wrong?
What was wrong was that you didn't want to humiliate yourself in front of the guy you had foolishly developed real, deep feelings for. You typed back your response: Nothing. Just busy.
Fushiguro Megumi: Too busy to hang out for a few hours?
Yes. But really, no. You called Nobara, hoping that she would be able to give you advice.
“I don’t know what I should text back to him,” you explained. “I mean, I want to see him. But is it worth it?”
“Do you remember when I told you this wasn’t a good idea?”
You frowned. “That’s not exactly what you said.”
“But you know it’s what I meant.”
“Come on, Nobara. Help me?”
Nobara paused. You heard her sigh through the receiver. “Do you think it’s better to regret something that did happen or something that didn’t but could have?”
“I get it, Nobara, you’re throwing my words back at me.”
“Yes, but no. I’m serious. It’s a good question to think about. Honestly, you’re already in way too deep, so why not just see him? At this point, you’ve got nothing more to lose.”
You nodded. “Yeah, okay, I’ll text him back then. Thanks, Nobara.”
“Yeah. And I’ll be here when you crash out when he leaves!”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, but you also knew that she was right. You probably would end up crashing out.
You: No
You met Megumi in the park by your house. The sun was getting low and you guessed that in a few hours or so, you’d be able to watch the sunset with him. It was an almost too perfect place for a goodbye.
“Hi,” you said, sitting beside him on the grass.
He looked up and smiled, raising a box of strawberries. “I brought a snack.”
“I love strawberries!”
“I know.”
The two of you sat together on the grass, bathed in the dimming glow of the sun for hours. You talked about everything and nothing. He asked about your life and your friends, listening intently whenever you delved into a tangent. You talked to him about your favorite movies, and the two of you easily found common ground. But you didn’t talk about the future, or what was going to happen the next day. You couldn’t even bear to ask him if he was excited to leave. You were afraid. When the sky turned purple-pink and the edges of the sun began to dip below the tree line, you felt a stab of anxiety, knowing that your time with him was about to end.
Do you tell him how you feel? No. But, yes? Maybe you should. Your chest seized at the thought. But what if you were wrong about your entire relationship? What if you were really just friends? You would be okay with that, right? But also, he was leaving anyway. Maybe you should get it off your chest.
You thought about what Nobara would say, how she’d throw your words back at you again: is it worse to regret something that did happen or something that didn't but could have?
Before you could say anything, Megumi said, "I wish we had talked more before.”
You nodded but didn't say anything, scared that if you did you'd start crying.
Megumi stared at the ground. "I wish I had gone up to you when I first saw you in October."
"Wait, what?" You turned to him. The two of you had met in May. "October?"
He shrugged. "It was Halloween and Itadori had dragged me along to someone's Halloween party. He was dressed as Phineas and I was Ferb from some TV show he watched as a kid. I didn't want to be there at all. I didn't know anyone and parties are overrated; too many people with too little space. Plus, I wasn't enjoying the outfit he had put me in. When Itadori started talking to people I didn't know, I decided to leave to find us some drinks. When I found him again I saw him talking to a princess."
He looked up to meet your eyes. For Halloween that year you had been a princess while Nobara had been a dragon. It had been Nobara's idea and she had shimmied you into a too-small pink princess dress that she had gotten from the clearance kids section at the costume store. She thought it was hilarious.
Your breath hitched and Megumi dropped his gaze back to the floor. "For a second, I thought you were a real princess. You were certainly beautiful enough to be one. When I got to Itadori again, I remember that I had asked him to introduce me to you but by the time the opportunity had presented itself Itadori had forgotten and was in a deep conversation with that friend of yours, the one who was the dragon. I didn't want to interrupt, it seemed pointless. I told myself that there would be other opportunities. Besides, Itadori was pretty drunk at that point and I was the designated sober to take him home, so I just concerned myself with taking care of him. When we were leaving and Itadori had sobered up, he asked me why I didn't go up to you myself. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was nervous. But I regret not going up to you. Because as it turns out, I didn’t see you again until that party in May."
You didn't respond for a long moment, unsure of what to say or how to react. You were angry at him. You were angry at Itadori. You were angry at yourself. You were simply angry. You whispered, "Why would you tell me that?"
"I don't know."
Part of you wished that he hadn’t told you that. If he hadn’t, then your brain wouldn’t be filled with a million “what ifs”. What if he had gone up to you in October? If he had, then maybe, you could’ve had more time together. Maybe you would’ve actually been a couple for a little while. Or not. You didn’t even really know how much he liked you now. Maybe it wasn’t enough. Maybe he was saying all this because he was just really going to miss your friendship. You realized how complicated your relationship with him was. You flirted and went out and there was obvious attraction. But neither of you had ever really said anything to each other that alluded to something deeper. You knew that you felt it, but what about him? Maybe you guys said nothing because of the fear of how little time you knew you had left. So who really knew how many things the two of you were keeping from each other?
“You’ll have a great time in college,” you said, trying to ease the awkward silence.
He nodded. “You too.”
“Did you know that statistically most people meet the person they're going to marry in college? So who knows who you'll meet," you blurted. You pinched yourself, why did you say that?
He stared at you, his face unmoving. You couldn't quite make out what exactly his expression meant. "I guess so."
You smiled tightly and turned away from him, suddenly self-conscious.
Megumi was silent for a while. "In another life, it would've been different between us. This wouldn’t be the end of us; we would work out."
You couldn't hold the tears back any longer. Teardrops spilled out from your eyes, splattering onto your legs in quick succession of one another. You hiccuped and buried your face in your hands, unable to stop the tears from flowing. You felt an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. Megumi didn't say a word as he pressed you to his chest, holding you. You could hear his heartbeat: fast but steady. The two of you sat there against each other for what felt like an eternity but couldn't have been more than ten minutes. Your breathing steadied and the tears stopped. But still, neither of you moved. You knew the moment would end if you did, and you weren't ready for that yet.
When the moment did end, both of you continued to not say a word. It wasn’t awkward, but you were afraid to speak and you guessed that he probably felt the same way. What do you say after everything that just happened? The sun had long since disappeared and the street lamps turned on, casting shadows across the park and engulfing the two of you in hazy dim lighting. The two of you stood and gathered your things in silence. Once done, you hugged one another once more. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. He hugged your waist so tight you thought you might pop from the pressure, but at the same time, you didn’t mind.
You stood together for another minute before reluctantly beginning to pull away. You pressed a hasty kiss to his cheek and whispered, “Goodbye, Megumi.” You pulled back, averting eye contact before turning to leave, not even waiting to hear what he might’ve said. It hurt too much to think about. Part of you hoped that he would call after you; stop you from leaving. But no such thing happened. You thought of turning back to look at him but you didn’t do either.
Part of you believed what he had said: that in another life you two would’ve worked out. In another life, maybe you would’ve even been his girl. But there was only this life. And in this life, he was the one that got away. You walked away only hoping that at some point, some part of him had liked you at least half as much as you liked him.
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
hi!! 💗
i was wondering if you could do a yuji drabble wherein he walks into our dorm and we're just BAWLING and he goes to comfort us thinking it's serious and is like "it's okay.. you're bf is here.." bc he SUCKS as comforting people (LMFAOO) and then after a while when we calm down we tell him (still crying..?) that one of our favorite MALE (heskeske) characters died in an anime and he just gets all dramatic and jealous and then gets gojo-sensei in on the situation 🤭🤭 like a whole AITA 💀
this request is a bit short and not so explanatory, but idc how you write it since it's yuji and i'll read ANYTHING abt yuji. 💋
ASK AND YOU. SHALL. RECIVEEEEE. (Recive it unedited.)
Here we go.
Yuji who sucks at comforting you only to getting jealous over 'guy'
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Yuji knocks on your door, he wanted to drop off some of the books he borrowed from you only to get no response. It was weird because he knew you were in your dorm...
"NOOOOOO" You yelled making Yuji panic
"Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?" He said as he burst open your door only to see you balled up on your bed crying into your pillow while muttering random sentences hysterically.
"He was-HIC- so-HIC-"
"Calm down Y/N are you okay?!" Yuji asked scanning your body for any inguries
"NOO IM NOT" you shouted throwing the pillow in your arms at the T.V infront of you before going back to crying.
"Shhhh calm down what if Nobora hears you?" he said with an awkward look on his face.
You stopped everything and stared at him.
"You monster-" you said before the tears rolled down your cheeks again.
"Do you not care?" you said through tears with your lip quivering.
"Okay, okay, i'm sorry but I can't help you if I don't know wats wrong." he said rubbing circles in your back in an attempt to soothe you.
It was no use because you really started to cry now.
"What's going on? I heard someone crying" Gojo asked sticking his head in the door way of your dorm.
"First he-he, and now Yuji, MY OWN BOYFRIEND DOSEN'T CARE ABOUT ME"
"I DO!" he retaliates
Gojo scans the room laying his eyes on your T.V seeing the end credits of Demon slayer playing. His face went white.
"No- Don't tell me-"
You nodded your head up and down aggressively while sniffing into a tissue
"RENGOKU-SAN" Gojo yelled grabbing the T.V by the screen watching the credits go by.
Yuji finally realized what this was all about.
"Are you kidding me?" He turned to you stiffly.
"Y/N...He's not real, your crying over someone who's not real-"
You and Gojo both froze
"Yuji, clearly you don't understand the gravity of the situation" Gojo starts.
"You see when someone with a pure heart and soul dies, no matter if they are real OR NOT, its a hard loss. Its like if they killed the earth worm man in the first Human worm movie."
Yuji turns his attention back to you
"You didn't even cry this much when I 'died'" Yuji mumbled
"THATS COMPLETLY DIFFERENT!" You said offended that he would even consider bring that up right now.
Mean while Gojo laid on your floor muttering the lyrics to the end credit song while crying.
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AUTHORS NOTE: some of this totally isn't based off a personal experience. Anyways I hope this is close to what you wanted anon. And thanks for your request. reblogs are welcomed btw.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
"but admin, its early January!" yeah well if christmas stuff can start coming the second fall starts then i can celebrate valentines early/j also i saw valentines stuff already being set up at the store and its gotten me in the mood writing this at 2:30 am while playing a roblox tycoon, im fighting demons rn... so tonights writing may be a little.... off... as per usual, jeff toby and ben are written as platonic (and honestly, i think platonic friendships are just as deserving of being celebrated too!) typos and blugh-y-ness aside, i hope you all enjoy!
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i think he might be a little behind on the tradition... so you might have to fill him in...! i think once he gets an understanding of the holiday he tries to do something for you! i think he would pick flowers from around the forest for you ! so be prepared for that! but if you have an allergy or arent really a flower person, then i think he might find you a collection of cool rocks... maybe he even carves something from wood for you! dont forget picnics, too! i think he would take this as a moment to remind you how much he loves you... its not often that he verbalizes how much he values you.... well verbalize in terms of speaking in your head... but...! 8/10 hes my wife your honor!
unlike his brother he DOES know what the holiday is and just know hes going to get this huge picnic set up for you! he cant exactly go out and buy you anything (actually... most of these characters cant....) so i think he might make you something! a handmade gift! isnt that nice! might give you a flower crown as well... i think he would try his hand at making the food for the picnic, i think unlike slender he can handle digesting human food... okayish... be it because he built a tolerance or because hes built different... shrugs... gives you a bouquet of sun flowers and makes the day about YOU... he would appreciate a gift, but hes not going to give you flack for not getting him anything 8/10 i love him too i wish i wrote for him more
honestly given that he lives in a cabin in the woods with like. zero ties to the outside world, he kind of loses his sense of time... kind of just relies off of the weather changing through the year to gauge what month it is... and even then that can only be so accurate... no youre probably going to have to remind him or drop some hints... kind of panics at first... i think he would offer to do some services for you (not like that) such as doing some work around your place, or cooking for you... but that doesnt mean much when he already kind of does that... hmmm.... offers to take you out to watch the stars, you guys end up exchanging stories... maybe if you ask nicely, he might come out with you to the streets and stroll around with you after everyone else has gone to bed... i dont think he really does... big gestures... 7/10 i still love him too and tbh my ass wouldnt mind not getting a huge gesture or gift
i think he would go all out when he sees the valentines day commercials airing on the tv. i can see him making an arts and crafts thing for you but i can also see him just outright going to a store and stealing something. what are they going to do? arrest a 7 foot clown that can disappear into a puff of smoke? yeah right... whaaaaat? no of course he didnt steal this really expensive piece of jewelry! i think he would expect something in return though so you better have gotten him something! i think he would be satisfied with some candy, and perhaps some extra affection? please? generally easy to please during this holiday since hes just happy to have you around and to himself 9/10 i love him your honor hes my other wife
masky does know about the holiday, for the most part, usually from media and commercials, though... im still a little eh on how i write masky and hoodie in general but shhhh. i dont think he would see it as much of a big deal, though... but he can kind of see it being a big deal to you, if it is of course. i think he would just bluntly try to ask you what you want. no beating around the bush with this one... doesnt expect anything in return nor does he want anything... but i dont think he would deny you if you wanted to spoil him... 6/10 i love me a straight forward king
as for tim i think he might try to put some more romance into his attempt and try to surprise you... might cook you dinner and decorate the place to look fancy, since i dont think he would like going out to some fancy restaurant... gives you flowers, too... doesnt ask for anything in return either but his eyes do light up a little when you get him something, bonus if its not your typical valentines gift and its something thats more relevant and practical in the long run 6.5/10
i think i can see hoodie being a little more playful in this scenario, but not by much... hes not at emotionally distant as masky is, but hes still not easy to read. i think he would make you something... maybe its because i see brian being into art and its bleeding into how i interpret hoodie, but i think he would paint you something... or maybe he tries to set up a little movie date for you two! makes a pillow fort to surprise you, too.. very nice, very calm night.. you guys stay up all night together. he refuses to fall asleep before you... 7/10
between the two if im going to go with the artist hc brian is the better artist and is generally more confident in his ability to make something that looks pleasing to the sight orbs. be it a portrait or something based around one of your interests, hes going to be working for weeks in advance trying to perfect it... i think he might also try to take you out for dinner, too. i can see brian being a bit of a romantic sap, probably plays your guys's songs while you're driving around town together 9/10 i would actually cry personally
between being on the run for krilling his dad and for burning his neighborhood down + working for slenderman toby isnt around often... but he does try to still make time for you, especially when theres holidays going on! hell, he still tries to come over when its saint pattys day. he doesnt care if he doesnt have green, hes still going to go check in on you. so hands down hes going to be there for you... though i dont think he would be able to offer you anything... so you two hanging out will have to suffice. while its not traditional to give your friends anything for valentines (which i think is bs, i like giving my friends candy and homemade goods) he might... just try to go shoplift some chocolate... please talk him out of it... 6/10 its a cool hang out, you guys probably watch movies and catch up!
"ew feelings and caring about others" kind of sums up jeffs views on valentines, and as immature as it sounds, its his true thoughts. so dont expect anything from him, i mean if you ask to hang out he might swing by your place. and by swing by i mean hes going to pick the lock to your window and let himself in through your bathroom... which scares the hell out of you considering youve given him a key to your house... similar to toby the day is spent like any other, which is fine.. not terrible, honestly. you guys probably just fuck around and do what you guys normally do, 6/10
"ew feelings and caring about others" for ben as well but thats because hes literally a ghost kid so it makes sense for him to have that mindset, so dont expect him to mention the day to you. i think if anything he might send you a png of those dumb valentines cards or memes but stress that hes only doing it because he thinks it might make you happy... which is sweet and sad because how often does ben get to interact and befriend people? communicate with them? otherwise you guys just do your own thing, 5/10
oh hes going to be dramatic about it. you better get him something, reader! unlike laughing jack hes not easy to please! you better not pick him up some basic card from the store, you better make it unique to him! he doesnt eat so you dont need to burn a hole in your wallet to get him some expensive chocolates or plushies.. but what does he do for you? i think he would... do something similar in return, actually. maybe its the puppet theming but i can see him putting on a little show for you, or maybe even hand making you your own toy/plushie, totally catered to you and your interests! just know hes going to want your undivided attention for the entire day, and in return youre going to have his attention as well 7.5/10
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sneeperspoi · 1 year
One of my favourite aspects about Sniper and Spy's relationship (platonic or romantic) is how they both have a mutual understanding of like, quiet time and what it's like to genuinely feel this certain flavour of solitude:
Sniper has a lot of his work done completely alone; hiding, playing the waiting game, and all that jazz, while Spy has a somewhat similar experience. Sure, his espionage lifestyle has a more active role at times, but his job still requires maintaining distance (physical and emotional) from both clients and targets. Both are dedicated to their work enough that they'd avoid getting genuinely personal with people altogether— even if they wanted to, they know it'd negatively impact their abilities to perform. Sniper having the mindset of having "a plan to kill everyone you meet" and to just "take the shot", and Spy being described as a "puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles" is telling of how much of a wall either can put up and any given time.
Now, I'm not saying that the other mercs don't know what it's like to be isolated or that they could never relate to Sniper or Spy in that regard, but their roles aren't necessarily fundamentally built around it, y'know? They aren't required to hide away or to work solo (you could make the joke of "then why are there always 5+ snipers and spies on my team at any given time??" but shhhh this is more in the context of the lore/comics lolol).
I feel like this concept of them realizing their niche similarities and how "hey, maybe I'm not really alone in this world" has so much potential. Like... the idea of them not really participating often in team activities or usually hiding away (in a van and smoking room perhaps?) is great, but to add on the angle that they now have someone who finally understands?? To finally have someone that you don't have to explain anything to?? It hits differently. They could have a smoke together, not saying a word the whole time, and consider it a successful hangout— they don't expect anything from the other, or feel the pressure to act differently because they just get it, and know why things are the way they are.
There's so much angst potential too, forbidden friends/lovers who both know the consequences if things go sour. Maybe they've suppressed so much of that desire to have a relationship (platonic or romantic), that when they finally admit that this is the case (realizing they both feel the same way), something clicks and they try to make it work. Don't even get me started on the potential "hey, maybe I can trust you" aspects either lmao. Regardless of what direction you take though, their relationship growing feels special and unique.
The media too often depicts the whole "can't get close to no one. I don't need friends" attitude as mostly negative and something that needs to be fixed... but with these guys, they're just allowed to be like this. Not saying that there are no cons to this attitude ofc, but it's not necessarily a thing they have to change about themselves or each other or anything. I guess it's refreshing to see that there are still characters out there who can be loners and just be content about it. Unless of course, you want to go down that route. Love that type of angst, but it's nice to have that option without it feeling too OOC. Ugh, there's like so much to explore and deconstruct and so many directions to take this fr fr
((Also, I realize now it's kinda like being an art kid and that moment when you finally meet someone where you don't have to explain why you keep drawing the same old soggy men who shoot each other cuz they just understand. Artist to artist communication lol))
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five-rivers · 2 months
Danger First chapter 15
(This is the actual chapter 15 btw, I mislabeled the last one, which was actually chapter 14.)
“Hm,” said Hikage.  
“His anxiety has certainly gone up,” said Nana.  
“But it isn’t super anxiety.”
“Uh, why do you sound disappointed about that?” asked En.  
“Maybe All for One isn’t watching?” asked Nana, not really believing it even as she said it.  After all, when Toshinori had participated, she’d been his biggest fan.  Not to mention Kotaro’s soccer games…
“Not a chance,” said Yoichi.  “I bet he’s just convinced himself of something stupid.  Like UA changing the rules so that it’s the top entrance exam scorer in the whole school who gets to do the oath, rather than the top scorer in the hero entrance exam.”
Ah, thought Hisashi as he slowly sipped a quirk from a failed nomu, UA must have been so impressed by his Izuku’s natural talents that they had changed their rules about who gave the insipid welcoming speech.  Of course, if they were going to change them for anyone, they would change them for Izuku.  And Izuku’s speech was much superior to anyone else’s.  
The nomu husk flopped to the floor and expired.  Ah, what he wouldn’t give to be able to drink wine again.  It was much less messy.  
“I mean, is that really that stupid?” asked Nana.  “It probably would be good to celebrate the other tracks as well, even if UA is hero-focused.”
Yoichi shrugged.  “If my brother thinks it, then it’s stupid.”
“All of us,” said Izuku, gripping the microphone stand, “are here, in this competition, for the same reason.  To win.”  There were a few cheers and a distinct growl from Kacchan.  “But winning– winning looks different to everyone.  Some-someone from gen ed might want to join the hero course.  A person from support will want to advertise their inventions.  The business students want to polish their skills, win contracts, build– and build their brands.  And in the hero course–” Izuku took a deep breath.  “I-in the hero course, we want to show you, all of you, and- and ourselves, too, what kinds of heroes we can be.” He raised his fist.  This was All Might’s pose, but he didn’t think Mr. Yagi would mind.  “I believe we can all win!  Plus Ultra!  Go beyond!
“PLUS ULTRA!” the other students screamed back at him.  
“Huh,” said Third, scratching his ear.  “That was actually pretty good.”
“Hahahaha,” chortled Yoichi, reaching out as if to embrace him, “you’re coming around to the Izuku side.”
Third leaned away from Yoichi.  “What– What was that sound you just made?”
“My avuncular laugh!  I’m working on a new one, since you said my other one sounded like my brother’s.”
En cleared his throat.  
“Yes?” said Yoichi, turning towards him.  “What is it?”
“I think I speak for all of us when I say, never make that sound again.”
“I’d honestly prefer your All for One sound-alike laugh,” said Banjo, looking rather ill.  
Yoichi dropped his arms and curled his lip.  “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” chorused the other ghosts.  
“Well, see if I share my popcorn with you guys, then.”
“We can imagine our own.”
Izuku hurried back down the stairs.  He wasn’t running away, but it felt a little bit like it.  He took his place between Monoma and Hagakure and breathed deeply.  
“So, Wonder?” asked Hagakure, leaning towards him.  
“It just felt like something that everyone helped me with,” said Izuku, “and I’m always wondering what my quirk even is, so it fits there, too…”
“Surely,” said Monoma, “you have a better idea of what it is after my generous guidance.”
“Y-yeah, it really helped.”
“Shhhh,” hissed Iida from further up the line.  “Ms. Kayama is about to explain the rules of the first event!”
“What a wonderful speech from our student representative!”  The crowd clapped politely again, and the big screens all over the stadium lit.  “Now, without any further delay, let’s get the first event started.  These are the qualifiers!  It’s in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year!  And the fateful first event this year is… STAR SEEKER!”
“I don't know that one,” whispered Hagakure.   
“Neither do I,” said Yoichi, worriedly.  “What is it?  Is it new?  Nana, Nana, do you know?”
“Hey, it's not like I participated in all that many of these myself!  If it wasn't in the kids’ presentation, I don't know about it!”
“I'm starting to wonder if anyone here went to school,” grumbled Banjo.
Ms. Kayama gestured expansively behind herself, and the ground rumbled as concrete slabs pulled back and something else rose up from below.  
“In this game, students must find - and keep! - the Special Stars hidden on this Stellar Stage!  Speaking of which please give a round of applause to the heroes who put this stage together for us.  Kamui Woods, Pixie Bob, Aquarius, Cementoss, Power Loader, and their agencies!”
Yes, Izuku could see the expertise of all those heroes at work.  Cementoss for the underlying structures, Pixie Bob for the seemingly natural hills, Aquarius for the water features, Kamui Woods for the plant life and fantastic, if widely-set, trees, and Power Loader for the traps and robots that were doubtlessly hidden all throughout the ‘stage.’  
“But students will have to do more than seek and find in this game of combat keep-away!  There's more than a handful of hidden hazards scattered around, and, what's more, stars can be stolen!  Students will need to keep their stars until the end if they want to move on to the next event!”  
There were cheers all around the stadium as Ms. Kayama paused, letting the microphone rest by her thigh.  She brought it back up again, grinning.  “What's that?  You want to make it harder?  Well, never fear, here at UA we're always ready to go Plus Ultra!”  She waited again, this time for the choral response to die down.  “Our terrific teachers are going to get in on the fun.  They won't be using their quirks, but that doesn't mean they'll be going easy on anyone!”
This time, the cheer was more of a deafening roar than anything else.  
“My,” said Yagi, “it does seem as if the ideas Nezu got from his discussion with the students bore fruit.”
Shouta grunted.  “Most of the teachers here are pretty popular,” he admitted, grudgingly, “but at least some of that is probably idiots thinking you're going to go out there.”
“I can't imagine how they think I can commentate on the event and participate in it at the same time.”
“In my experience, logic like that doesn't factor into it.”
Yagi sighed.  “You're probably right, but at least the two of us can give them a good show from up here.”
“It is pretty cool how we have both Toshinori and Izuku's viewpoints,” said Nana, starting to settle more into the fake cinema she and the other ghosts had collaborated on.  
“Yep,” said Yoichi, unfurling a VICTORY IZUKU banner, “two whole ways to watch Izuku being awesome.”
“It's almost like having cable again,” said Nana. 
“Cable would have more channels,” said Hikage.  
“Well, sure, it's not literally cable.  But after just having one channel since I died, unless I want to watch your reruns, it's a big increase.”
“Oh, UA is certainly a superior institution,” said Monoma, shaking slightly, “to take our disparate thoughts and turn them into something like this…  Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, you can never let them know this was our fault–”
“You know,” said Hagakure, “I'm invisible, not deaf.”  
“We're so dead,” muttered Monoma.  There may have been a swear word or two in there as well.  
“It-it's not that bad,” said Izuku, uncertainly.  Sure, in junior high people had ganged up on him for ‘not pulling his weight’ in group projects… even if he was the only one who had done anything…
“I'm reiterating my desire to kill Izuku's junior high teachers,” said Yoichi.
“You know,” said En, thoughtfully, “if you could get him to mention any of that to his father–”
“You could get him to reveal his hideous lack of a high school diploma!” said Banjo, loudly, while Nana and Third dragged En off to one side of the mindscape.  
Yoichi sighed.  “Hisashi has a high school diploma.”
“But did he earn it?”
But UA was different!  He had friends, now. 
Still, he could see some of the things they had mentioned to Nezu reflected in Star Seeker.  The need for something new, teachers on hand and close to competitors in case of an emergency, a dynamic activity that would pit students against each other…  
“It isn't too different from a scavenger hunt,” said Izuku.  And at least it wasn't like they had to deliver the stars and remove themselves from the game to pass on to the next event.  That meant they could support each other the whole time.  It also meant that they were at risk of having their stars stolen the whole time…
“And one more thing!” said Ms. Kayama.  “Don’t forget to stay in bounds!  If you leave the stage, that’s it for your search and your stars!”  A red line around the raised area of the stage pulsed with red light.  “Now, everyone, step on up to the starting line!  When it goes green, that’s your signal to go!”
The orderly rows of students immediately dissolved into chaos, and Izuku had Danger Sense and Hagakure to thank for his untrampled state.  
“Come on,” she said, “let’s find a good place to start from.”
“R-right,” said Izuku.  
“Everyone seems fired up after that introduction, don’t you think so, Eraserhead?”  There was a quiet grunt that might have been Mr. Aizawa agreeing with Mr. Yagi.  “I wonder if any of the stars have already been spotted.”
“If none of them have, then our students need a remedial lesson on assessing their environment.  Not to mention all the pros here,” said Mr. Aizawa, very dryly.  
Izuku took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.  Right.  Focus on the task at hand.  Not much point in learning all those anti-anxiety techniques during quitk counseling if he didn’t use them.  
“I think I see two of those stars already,” said Yoichi.  “Do you think Izuku will go after them?”
“Hmm,” said Nana, “maybe if he was working on his own.  He could get one or the other, then use float to stay out of reach of most of the other students.  But getting a star too early is almost a liability.  Unless you have a really good defense or stealth quirk, you'll get worn down by sheer numbers.”
“Or if you've figured out a good defensive strategy with other students,” said En.  
“Eh,” said Banjo, “I think not knowing what the event was kept them away from the main pitfalls in planning, but you know what happens to plans when they're put into practice.”
“Against large but disorganized numbers, even simple cooperation can make a sizable difference,” said Hikage.  
“What are you talking about?” asked Banjo.  “When did you cooperate with anyone?”
“I have dedicated my life to cooperation,” said Hikage.  
“He kind of did,” said En.  “With the whole, you know, living as a hermit thing.”
“He would have done that anyway,” said Banjo, waving his hand.
“That is true.”
A large, green, fifteen minute timer appeared on the screens scattered around the stadium.  Written in large, bold letters over it was the word ‘READY?’
Izuku wasn’t sure if the tingling, electric feeling all over his skin was anticipation, Danger Sense, or Kaminari, a few meters away, unconsciously charging the air in his excitement.  
The word above the timer changed to ‘SET.’
The air itself seemed to shift as hundreds of students tensed.
Izuku activated Float as he lunged forward and pushed off the ground, then signaled his classmates towards the two stars he'd already seen– And there!  A third!
“Oh, and that's A15, creating an entire ice palace in the northern grove, right off the bat.”
“A decisive defensive move,” acknowledged Mr. Aizawa. “Made more impressive by how he avoided trapping any of the other competitors.”
“Indeed!  It shows a great deal of care and dedication.  Speaking of which, check out those springboard traps flinging students out of the arena!  Power Loader really outdid himself this time!”
As Izuku rose up over the trees and the spikes of Todoroki's instant glacier, he saw Hatsume bounce up with her jetpack and Sero get launched by a combination of his and Uraraka's quirks.  They weren't the only ones, however.  A small group of people seemed to be climbing the air like it was stairs, and dear All Might, was that half of someone's head?
“Wow, quirks are sure amazing,” said Yoichi.  
“We're ghosts living in the back of a teenager's subconscious,” said Nana, “I think that at some point we have to give up on the idea of things being weird.”
“I didn’t say weird, I said amazing.”
“It seems as if some of our students have taken to the skies to find their stars,” said All Might.  “We have B12 taking up Rule and Comicman, Cellophane rising with the help of Uravity, Brigid, of the support course, using a jetpack, and Wonder, C5, Jetplane, and Lizardy flying with their quirks.  What do you think of this strategy, Eraserhead?”
“Getting a big-picture view of a situation is frequently helpful, but it exposes you to attacks from below.”
Even as Mr. Aizawa spoke, thorny green vines shot out of one of the more wooded areas and seized one of the general education students.  A bright yellow star shape fell out of the student's grip, and was followed shortly thereafter by the student themself.  
Danger Sense screamed at Izuku, and he dropped just in time to avoid a pair of long, spear-like objects.  No– horns?
Izuku realized what was happening all at once.  The students on the ground had assumed that, because he'd removed himself from the chaos below, he'd already gotten a star. 
He dodged upward to avoid the next projectile, and saw Hatsume's jetpack take a shot.  The metal body was tough enough to endure it, but apparently whatever B12 was using wasn’t.  He and the two other class 1-B students fell, but one of them summoned…  A giant pillow made of the word POOMF!
Okay, sure, why not?
“Quirks really are amazing,” said Yoichi.  
“You know what would actually be amazing?” asked Banjo.
“Giving Izuku your quirk?” asked Nana, sounding quite exhausted.  
“Well, yeah,” said Banjo.  “Are you going to let me do it?”
“In the middle of a competition?  Are you serious?”
In the grand scheme of things, there actually weren’t a whole lot of quirks that could be used effectively at long distances without support gear.  That’s what made Lady Nagant so effective when she was a hero, and so devastating when she turned villain.  
However, in UA where most of the students had wanted to be heroes at some point in their lives, the ratio was much higher.  Adding those to the support students’ gadgets and weaponry made for a lot of attacks going up.  
Sero had to stick his tape to a clump of rocks and reel himself down.  Hatsume took several hits, and they were only mostly deflected by her own inventions.  
But as the students on the ground clashed with each other, they had to turn their attention to defending themselves.  After less than half a minute, few attacks were launched Izuku's way.  
Then, almost on cue, the roar of Explosion drowned out everything else in the stadium.  Izuku flipped himself over midair to look and grinned.  
He'd been right!  Kacchan really was awesome!  He'd known Kacchan had wanted to fly since his quirk first came in.  Well, since Izuku had compared his quirk to a rocket, but that was the same thing, really.  And after Uraraka had shown him what her quirk could do, there was just no way he'd tolerate being upstaged.  Then, seeing Izuku up here–
Honestly, thirty seconds was a bit long.  Izuku couldn't imagine that it had taken Kacchan that long to get the star tucked into his half unzipped gym uniform top.  He must not have realized that it was Izuku floating up here.  
“Another student in the air!  This one is, I believe, B17.  That's quite a bit of explosive power on display!”
“Foolishly.  He already has a star, and he won't be able to sustain that flight.  What is he thinking?”
He let Kacchan get a little closer, and then dropped.  The ground approached rapidly, and Izuku only barely caught himself before hitting the ground.  Then, he was wrenched sideways, under the shade of one of the sparse groves of trees.  
“Hi,” Izuku said to Dark Shadow, a little confused.  She and Tokoyami weren't supposed to be involved in the take-down-Kacchan plan.  The last iteration had them providing cover to Jirou and Shouji, so they could use their sharp hearing to their advantage.  The alternate grouping had been with Kouda, who was still a bit tentative when it came to physical combat.
“Hi!” she chirped back.  “Fumi and I got separated from everyone else.”  Behind her, Tokoyami shrugged, seemingly resigned.
Danger Sense pulsed sickeningly, giving Izuku time to dodge before Kacchan descended in a cloud of smoke and fire.  Dark Shadow squealed as she flinched away from the light.  
“Deku,” he growled, before a tumbleweed-like tangle of brawling students rolled in-between them.  
“Ha!” shouted a boy with a blue and white bandana, emerging on top and holding up a star.  “Hell yeah!  Tell them that Weld–”
“Out of the way, extra!”
Izuku was in the air again, waving at Kacchan.  Dark Shadow slid up behind Kacchan, but he pushed her off easily with more explosions.  Or maybe not so easily.  As she withdrew, she grabbed the zipper of his uniform, and the star he'd tucked in there fell out.  He cursed and fumbled for it, forced to extinguish his hands and fall in the process.  
So, Kacchan still prioritized winning over beating up Izuku.  Good.  Izuku would've been disappointed in him, otherwise.
The boy with the blue and white bandana got to the star first and somehow fused it to the ground.  A glance at the still-prone group of similarly fused students, and the way the boy's star was stuck to his own arm told Izuku that must be his quirk.  Izuku had known someone in 1-B had a welding quirk - his class had researched more than the festival rules - but he hadn't realized it worked on organics, too.  Wow, Izuku definitely had to put that in his notebook!
After the event.  
“Take that, Lord Murder Explosion!” said the boy, dancing out of Kacchan's reach and into Kaminari's.  
“Don't bother,” said Izuku, still rising, and deliberately not looking at Kacchan.  “He's got it fused to himself somehow!”
“Gotcha!” said Kaminari.  “So, how're we gonna deal with Blasty, boss?”
Izuku cringed internally at the title.  He was no one's boss!  But this was part of the plan they'd come up with, so–
Kacchan screamed and exploded his star out of the ground.  Then, he turned his baleful glare back up, towards Izuku, and took off again.
Izuku watched, terrified, fascinated, and more than a little thrilled.  Right now, all he was doing was running away, but he was still putting that look on Kacchan's face.  
He had to laugh a little, despite his nerves.  This was so different from middle school.  
“What are you laughing at, you goddamned nerd?” roared Kacchan.  “Your pink-cheeked girlfriend won't be able to save you forever!”
Oh, Izuku thought, blankly, Kacchan doesn't realize I'm floating under my own power.  
He could probably use that, somehow.  Beings underestimated gave all sorts of advantages.  But it also made Izuku mad.  Kacchan hadn't even tried to research Izuku before this, had he?  He just assumed he already knew everything.  It was insulting.  
But it was true that Izuku couldn't stay airborne forever.  Or even the whole length of the event.  Even if he could keep Float going for that long (which was by no means guaranteed), he still had to get a star.  
And, for the next part of the plan to work, he had to get back to ground level and break Kacchan's line of sight while he was still raging.
Kacchan would be ready for Izuku to drop suddenly, this time.  There was no way around that.  Kacchan was smart, smarter than Izuku, and Izuku would be expecting it, if their positions were reversed.  
“Boo, no, Izuku, he's not smarter than you.  He just got better grades because your teachers sucked.”
“That scene down there is missing something, though, isn't it?” said Nana.  “Where are the teachers?”
“And the robots,” added En.  “I was hoping for some robot battles, they're always fun.”
“The teachers are there,” said Hikage.  
“Where?” asked En, leaning forward.  
“Ohh, I see,” said Nana.  “And the robots are there, En.  Look at that, there, and there.”
“Huh, that's going to be interesting.”
Izuku reoriented himself and got ready to drop.  Neither he nor Kacchan had experience in aerial combat, but Izuku knew Explosion, and Kacchan didn't know Float or Danger Sense.  
… It sort of felt like cheating, but Kacchan could have come to watch any of the class 1-A practices, just like Hagakure and Hatsume had gone to see the class 1-B practices.  So, there.  
He fell, feet first, towards Kacchan’s face.  Kacchan raised a hand to blast at Izuku, but wasn’t able to keep his flight path steady with only one hand.  He fell sideways, and they both missed.  Kacchan quickly recovered, diving at Izuku with starling speed.  Izuku arrested his descent and shot back up, and it was Kacchan’s turn to miss.  
“--that turned against villains!  And there’s an impressive dogfight shaping up over the south,” All might was saying.  “Aerial battles like this always remind me of my time working with the Angels in America.  They’re currently known for their Special-Class Villain Response work with Star and Stripe, but it’s less well known that many of them are quirkless!”
“Wait, really?”  None of the publications he’d read had ever mentioned that!  He was sure he’d remember it!  The Angels weren’t exactly heroes, they worked for the American army, but they weren’t not heroes, either, and Izuku had read about them when he was researching All Might’s early career, and when he was reading about Star and Stripe.  In both Japanese and English, too!
Not, like, nearly as much as he’d read about All Might himself, but still!
“Eyes on me, Deku!”
Izuku hadn’t really taken his eyes off Kacchan, but it was nice of him to remind Izuku!  Very sportsmanship-like!
“Does Ninth know what sportsmanship is?” asked Banjo.  “Because that’s not it.”
Yoichi sighed.  “The next thing you’ll be saying is that Izuku never went to school.”
“You know, considering what his junior high was like–”
Banjo was cut off by numerous groans.  
“I still don’t believe either of you two went to school.”
“I already told you about the fire truck incident.  Why would he be so invested in winning a high school contest if he wasn’t in high school?”
“First off, you didn’t tell us anything, secondly, shoulding you call that the North Carolina National Guard incident?  And thirdly the bastard isn’t in government, and he still wants to win that, doesn’t he?”
All of the older ghosts, even second, cringed with their whole bodies.  “Wow, that is sure an optimistic view of the government you have there, Banjo,” said Yoichi.
“Oh, come on, there’s no way he could act normally enough to become president of a home owners’ association, much less– Oh, come on,” he said, noticing the tiniest shift in Hikage’s expression.  
“I was a building inspector.”
“What does that even mean in this context?  Give me a clue, man.”
Kacchan tried to ram Izuku, next, and wrap his legs around him, but Izuku had no desire to engage with Kacchan that closely, and managed to push off.  Kacchan swung around for another attempt, but Izuku thought he had enough distance to get him back on the ground, and near Kaminari.  
If things had gone according to plan there, Shinsou would be nearby.  Hopefully, Kacchan was distracted enough for Shinsou's Brainwashing to work.  Shinsou hadn't wanted to reveal exactly how his quirk worked, which was fair enough.  There had to be some easy way to avoid or break free of the quirk's effects, or else he wouldn’t be so reticent.  Right now, Izuku suspected a vocal trigger of some sort, but eye contact, emotional states, and attention were still possibilities.  
Danger Sense spiked, and Izuku narrowly managed to avoid a volley of thorny vines.  But he had dodged down, not up, and he wasn't able to avoid the vines falling on him and wrapping him up that way.  Thorns dug into his skin, and he was yanked sideways and down.  Branches and leaves smacked into him as he was pulled through trees.  
When he was finally still again, he was hanging upside down and a girl with vines with hair was frowning down at him.  Two stars hung in her hair like oversized ornaments.  Kacchan was in a similar predicament.
“Only angels should fly so high,” she said, menacingly.  
This was bad.  Izuku on his own didn't have anything like an effective counter for Shiozaki Ibara.  Even class B's recommendation students would have been easier to deal with.  
“And another two victims fall to Vine's web!” announced All Might. 
“Stop making me sound like a spider,” said Shiozaki, aggrieved.  “I'm a holy warrior.”
Luckily, Izuku wasn’t actually alone.  “Hey, Kacchan, are you really going to let this girl get in the way of our fight?”  Ugh, he felt kind of gross just saying something like that.
Kacchan, predictably, exploded.
“That kid needs anger management,” said Nana.  
“Yeah,” said Banjo.  “That's too much rage, even for me.”
All the vines near him were shredded, along with Izuku’s ears.  Angry Kaccan was loud.  
But Shiozaki thought the attack was more against her than against Izuku - those were her vines he was blowing up - and responded in kind.  They battled
Izuku, torn free of the vine keeping him hung up, rolled over, trying to think how he was going to cut himself free of the rest of the vines.  Or, did he need to cut them?  He gripped one of the inner ones with both hands and pulled as hard as he could, digging his fingernails into the skin of the vine.  It was thin and flexible, not woody.  Green, and soft, if fibrous, like new blackberry or rose vines.  
With the right force in the right place, they tore.  
Izuku had to assume that the relative weakness of the vines directly wrapping around him was at least partially purposeful, to prevent injury.  Tougher thorns and more mature, rougher vines, would hurt.  
Then again, Shiozaki's hair was green, too, and it had taken multiple strands of vines to hang Izuku's weight from the branches overhead.  Maybe he could ask her about it.  After he apologized.  
He snapped three more vines, one after another, and the rest loosened enough that he could worm his way out.  He ran from the increasingly loud and vicious fight between Kacchan and Shiozaki.  It wasn't what they'd planned, but he wasn't anywhere near Shinsou anymore.  
He looked up at Hatsume.  Her role, at the moment, was basically control tower.  Unfortunately, she was pointing at him at the moment, so–
He'd only barely completed the thought when Iida zoomed up to him, Uraraka on his back.  Both of them had stars, and looked like they'd mostly avoided battle, although Uraraka was vaguely green.  
“Should we join that battle?” asked Iida.  
Izuku shook his head, then hesitated.  Shiozaki had two stars.  “Do you think you're fast enough to get the stars from her hair?”
Iida nodded decisively.  “If one of you grab them.”
“Hop on!” said Uraraka, holding out her hand.  Izuku took it, and she used her quirk on him.  
Izuku still couldn't get over how different Zero-G felt from Float.  
He gripped tight to Uraraka and Iida both as Iida accelerated.  First, Iida ran away from the fight between Shiozaki and Kacchan, but he turned, making a wide arc and gaining speed all the while.  They intersected several other fights.  The first time, Izuku was too distracted by their speed to do anything, but Uraraka made a grab for the star under contention.  She missed, but Izuku got the idea in time to keep her from falling off.  They almost fell into a pit trap, next, saved from uncertain doom only by the combined application of Zero-G and Float.  
And then they were racing back to Kacchan and Shiozaki.  Fast, faster, fastest–
And then Iida slowed, enough that Izuku and Uraraka could try grabbing the stars without breaking their hands.  He must have learned that from his family, because Izuku didn't remember talking about that at all in practice–
But Shiozaki must have sensed their approach somehow, because she pulled herself up off the ground, not entirely unlike Sero, using one of the few branches left intact by Kacchan's attempts to escape.  Izuku kicked off, reaching.  His outstretched fingers brushed against the stars.  
He curled away from a blisteringly hot blast on instinct, more than anything.  Kacchan must be working up a real sweat!
But Izuku should probably focus more on how the force of that blast meant he was rapidly approaching the out-of-bounds area.  
Uraraka, apparently seeing the same problem, disengaged her quirk, and Izuku caught himself with Float inches above the ground and sort of skipped himself to a gradual stop.  
“Did you ever figure out how to move horizontally without using the stockpile?” asked En.  
“I'm starting to wonder if any of you paid any attention when you were with me.”
“Sure we did!” said Banjo.  “But it was a long time ago.  And also kind of short.”
“It was longer than yours, though,” said Hikage.  
On the ground, Izuku patted out several smouldering patches on his PE uniform and had a brief tussle with a swirly-eyed support student with… taser nunchucks.  Carrying something like that around when you didn't have any electrical resistance yourself was a remarkably bad idea.  
But he'd done it!  He'd gotten a star!  Only one, as opposed to the two he was going for, but still!  It was bigger than it looked from a distance, and reminded Izuku of a prop from a video game, all rounded, and fat around the middle.  
A faint twinge from Danger Sense kept him from being completely blindsided by Mr. Yamada, but he wasn't able to keep his grip on the awkwardly-shaped star, and it was snatched from his grasp.  He turned, ready to fight, but couldn't help but stare blankly, for a moment, at the sight of Mr. Yamada - Present Mic - in the UA PE uniform.  
This– this felt like some kind of special event, for a hero fan like Izuku, but he was in the middle of a fight, how was he supposed to react…?
“And it looks like Wonder, after his meteoric path across the event stage, has been ambushed by none other than Present Mic!  What a twist!”
“Since they aren’t able to use their quirks, our teachers won't be using their usual tactics, and students would be wise to remember that.”
Like usual, Kurogiri watched the UA Sports Festival with his charge.  
So why…  Why did it feel so unusual?  
Why did all of this feel wrong?
Shigaraki Tomura's debut as a leader of villains was only a few weeks ago.  Perhaps… No, it must be that, and the change in perspective such an event caused.  These child-heroes had already clashed with Shigaraki Tomura, and proved themselves to be a credible threat.  Therefore, it was natural that this sports festival, as opposed to others, would engender a sense of urgency.  Especially as Kurogiri had yet to make much progress in his goal of finding suitable companions for Shigaraki Tomura.  
However…  The feeling Kurogiri experienced as he listened to the announcers and watched the event unfold wasn't urgency, but nostalgia.   
The feeling intensified as the main camera panned over to where Present Mic was confronting the green-haired boy, the one both Shigaraki Tomura and Sensei were interested in.  The more negative of the two announcers was saying something, but Kurogiri couldn't hear it past the sudden thunder in his ears.  The side screens showed Midnight - presumably as fanservice, she wasn't doing anything at the moment - and a crowd of heroes in the stands that included Ingenium as an audience reaction.
That, that, there, was what Shigaraki Tomura needed.  A forceful blond, a depressive with lapsed hygiene, someone flashy, with a degree of showmanship, and someone friendly and easygoing who was nonetheless fierce and powerful in battle.  
Yes.  A set of personalities like that could form a bond that might transcend death itself.  
Kurogiri closed his eyes, briefly.  That was foolish thinking.  But now that he knew what he wanted for Shigaraki Tomura, he could communicate his requirements to Giran.
And… now that he had some idea of what he wanted for himself…  Unlike Shigaraki Tomura, Kurogiri wasn't supposed to have desires of his own, much less act on them, but as his half-lidded eyes roved across the screens, he couldn’t help but wonder…  What was a villain made for, if not transgression?
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crystal-crax · 8 months
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(II) Why he needs to fail at being a leader
Inspired by Skulltrot's Leo analysis on Youtube (WATCH IT, IT'S SO GOOD, I LOVE IT)
What? Crystal! You're contradicting yourself-
Shhhh! This is poetry, listen to me
One of the reasons i've seen people complain about rise leo, is his overall "confidence".
They find him annoying or reduce him to "the funny guy", the one that messes everything up in the movie and deus ex machina's his way to the power of friendship.
But honestly, i think this is so far from the truth; Leo is integral to the concept and culmination of the rise turtles, he cements the message this version of the turtles has been trying to explain from the beginning.
You can't do everything alone; trust those who love you, and love those who you trust.
But honestly, i think a lot of people forget that we've all probably felt like him before.
Leo is quite a complicated character to understand easily (mostly bc the rise series got horribly cut down and omg i'm still hurting), because an important part of his character is he will literally never be honest about what he's feeling. The only thing he talks about? How he knows (bc he doesn't just think it, he's so sure about it) nobody trusts him or thinks he's capable of holding his own weight.
He comes off as uninterested and goofy because he so desesperately clings to that portrayal of himself because he needs to trick both others and his own mind that he's fine.
He doesn't think he's enough, he believes the team would be perfectly fine without him. He thinks he needs to prove he can do something so he can be valuable to the team.
And i think it's amazing
"Rise of the TMNT", the title already gives away the purpose of their different personalities and coping mechanisms on this version of the story. We're not meant to see an structured team of properly trained ninjas, we're here for the ride, we are walking alongside them as the team gets in line and learn how to be heroes.
Sure the other versions of the turtles had their own character arcs, you don't need to see something from the instant beginning to know the characters are growing, but rise has always felt more of a love letter to the turtle family itself. A complete exploration of an alternate universe where the mad dogz got to somewhat live as teenagers before earning the mantle as protectors of the world (and new york lol).
We're familiar with Leonardo's story in evey tmnt version, he's the leader. He's in charge of protecting the city and his family.
But the problem is always there, he fears he won't be enough, that he will fail to be the leader the world asks him to be. This is also something we see in rise leo but it's more...fresh? It feels naturally younger.
Were you never nagged about not taking things seriously when you were younger? Were you never yelled at for messing things up? Didn't you ever feel as if you had to prove to others that you were more they perceived you to be?
As someone that battles their own inferiority complex, leo feels...so easy to relate to.
He didn't ask for the responsability, and he kind of doesn't want it, but he learns to bear it properly.
He fails to be the good leader they expect him to be (i also have the theory he self-sabotages himself a lot?) but he learns to be more than what they expect.
To quote myself from my last post (yes i loved typing that) "a leader is not the one that orders, but the one that motivates and supports you". He learns how being a leader is not imposing or bearing every problem and responsability alone, but to motivate your team and guide them to never loose hope.
He uses everything he already knows about himself and his team to be better and guide them to a new version of the ninja turtle gang, one where family and trust is far more important than anything else (and it feels good to know we won't have the typical raph vs leo fight for leadership in the future- i mean there was a fight BUT IT WASN'T ABOUT THAT)
Someone stop me i might just start a tmnt rant loop of my own making and i'm enjoying it😭
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rebouks · 2 years
hi! do you have any tips for making good quality screenshots in ts4?
Hi! Let's see what I can come up with..
LIGHTING/GRAPHICS MODS Easy to use/install, lighting mods can change the look of your game drastically with little effort! I use a few:
graphicsrules override
I use this camera mod too, much less drifty...
Softerhaze makes some bomb ass lighting mods too.. I just switched from twinkle toes to sunblind and I am in LOVE - gamechanger lemme tell you.. so pretty! LOOKIT!!
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RESHADE I'm still using g-shade at the moment but after recent events, I'll probably end up switching back again when I can be arsed. The effects you can achieve with reshade presets are amazing tbh.. and it's real fun to mess around with and create your own! Tho lots of people have made awesome ones if that's a bit much for you. If your PC can't handle it all too well you can always just switch it off until it's time to take screenies as well.
COMPOSITION Kinda hard to explain but basically, composition is what's in your frame and how you line it all up. I'd recommend reading some photography guides to get the gist of the concept.. but honestly, the more you mess around the more you'll get the hang of it. I've always loved photography and sims screenies really aren't so different. If you use reshade there's even some templates for thirds/the golden ratio etc you can slap on top for practice. Personally I don't use 'em cos I prefer my own judgement (that sounds rlly obnoxious but we're rolling with it). I found a template to show you what I mean! (ngl I was stoked that the first screenie I thought of for being a good eg. almost perfectly fit into this golden ratio shit LOL) but let's keep in mind how long I scooted around to get a good shot of this.. pretty sure I deleted about 10 other failed shots of this but shhhh, it's trial and error!
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ANGLES/FOCUS The way you take a shot and how you angle it can change the whole feel of the image. For example.. in this image I tilted down and bit and filled over two thirds of the shot with the man, he's a big character and quite an intimidating guy so I think it helps get the idea across without pointing it out (at least I think so but idk I could also be talking outta my ass)
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Similarly in these two shots below.. the first with the guy on the left gives the feel that he's in control here. The "camera" is tilted above him slightly and he's all up in your face, making the woman look much smaller in comparison. BUT! If you flip around to the second image, tilt down a bit and switch the focus to her, it makes him look more insignificant and less in control. I hope this makes sense??
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EDITING/PHOTOSHOP ACTIONS ETC Personally I don't use photoshop actions but there's plenty out there to do the work for you! I think Intramoon? maybe.. has made a few but idk, you guys feel free to jump in with any suggestions! You can also smooth, fix stuff, change the mood/lighting, all sorts.. my advice on this is patchy at best tbh cos I just faff around until I see what I like lmao.. which leads me on tooooooo...
FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT Lol.. but seriously! I don't know what I'm doing. I've never taken any classes or read up on much, I always just jump in and see what happens. Fuck around with reshade, fuck around with camera mods, fuck around with composition/focus, fuck around with photoshop or gimp or w/e.. just mess about for a while and have fun! I promise you'll get better.
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ishtates · 2 months
I like to imagine in the astral circle, an apartment will personalize itself entirely to the needs and wants of the resident. Space ? I barely even know her ! The doors to apartments are kind of like voids. Apartments can be 4 meters apart but the actual apartments themselves can be huge, especially with a second person living there. The apartment will usually divide itself into two sections if the two residents have vastly different needs
Ishtar's home !! Blah blah backstory stuff you aren't here to listen to angst right now, all I'll tell you is she can be a very nervous and anxious person, so a nice and relaxing place is exactly what she needs, somewhere she can feel at peace, and it helps with her love of insects and rodents ! Her little mice, bees, and other such creatures can run around outside and have fun too
I don't see Ishtar as one who would be dirty or infested, she loves her little guys but she'd prefer the place being clean so she can manage things better
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Teutates and Ah Puch:
Their apartment is pretty much 80% the same, just their rooms are a little different with Teutates having a darker, gloomier side and Ah Puch with more of a cage or abandoned asylum like area ( yes they do have a weapons closet ! )
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Yan Luo and Orcus:
Now an apartment that's COMPLETELY different !!!
The prince basically has almost a mini castle on his side of the apartment, pretty good considering he's a very large creature. Meanwhile Orcus is more of a science and tech person ( shhhh just pretend the third image is dark green or black ), walking to each other's side feels almost uncanny
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quillkiller · 5 months
I would love to know if you have any thoughts on Peter/Xenophilius/Pandora? I think it has potential as all pairs within this are already shipped. Peter with his two slightly spacey partners who get so excited about creatures he’s never heard of. Pandora and Xeno letting Peter talk about herbology. The three of them being the most chill people in the school and they’re so lovely to everyone. (Maybe they’re selling weed from the greenhouses but shhhh)
interesting!! i can see where its coming from, but to me personally it would never work :/ i have a pretty clear characterization of pandora and it differs a lot from the tiktokified/lunafication that i feel is the most popular one ??
i don’t even really ship her with xeno because i have a pretty clear characterization of him too (thanks to @standardlovers mwah) and to me he’s a californian/australian spiritual surfer type guy who doesn’t own a cell phone and ’lives in the moment’. the guy in the frat house who’s a little weird and does mushrooms and holds a seance but also chugs beers and ’loves his brotherhood’ and plays whatever sports there are. soccer i guess. sort of like that blonde guy in 21 jump street. to me luna is more like her father than her mother
pandora to me is an angry impulsive overachiever and she’s always a mess. insane god complex (i mean look at how she died….). i made moodboard for her once here. she swears in every other sentence, wants to be the best in her (male dominated) field, unorganized but organized in her own way. no one understands how she keeps track of things because its so so so bad but she gets it. she has her own system. she’s also loud and not great with social cues. she inturrupts people and is generally unpleasant. shes sort of evans opposite in a way. not that hes more pleasant, but he doesnt even really try to connect with other people. pandora wants to connect. i tend to ship her with dorcas, bella, barty or lily. she needs someone assertive and certain, and someone who can meet her where she is. someone who isn’t put off by her strangeness and unplesantness but is instead drawn to her because of it <3 and also someone who’s a tad bit gross like she is. to thats neither reg or xeno. even if xeno/pandora are canon. i see why and how they end up together. on the outside everything sort of fits. they’re similar in a spiritual sort of way, but to me their personalities would clash. xeno is too soft for her and panda is too harsh for him
and then peter. ive talked a lot about him lately and explained my characterization of him. stoner and ultimate autism swag and cooler than he both understands or realises. he needs someone bratty and annoying (like reg) to keep on his lap. i also can’t really see peter with a girl ? im not entirely against peter/sybill but its also not really doing it for me. so yeah !
mwah!! thank you for this ask!!!
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Aroace Hunter Week Day 5: Heart of (Galder)Stone
“Come on, guys, it’s starting in like. Five minutes.” Hunter bounced on the balls of his feet, watching as Gus and Willow slowly, agonizingly slowly, wrote their names on a sign in sheet. “C’mon, c’mon.”
“We’re coming, we’re coming,” Willow laughed, “I haven’t seen you this excited since Camila told you about Cosmicon.”
“Grimwalker. Researcher. Grimwalker. Lecture. Answers.”
“I thought we solved all of the identity crises? I mean, if you haven’t, we are totally going to help you through it, I was just—”
Hunter shook his head. “Oh—no, this isn’t about what I am and what that means, nothing like that. It’s just that there aren’t a lot of books about grimwalkers, and, you know… if there are different life expectancies, or weird diseases I can catch, or abilities I have, I want to know. You know?”
“Oh, totally,” Gus agreed, “Personally, I am still holding out hope for stone skin.”
“I told you, stonesleepers only turn to stone when they sleep.”
“Stone skin,” Gus whispered, waving his hands and walking backwards into the lecture hall.
Hunter shook his head, following him inside and plopping down in an open seat. “You think she’ll sign something if I ask?”
Willow sat down next to him. “Probably. Authors love signing stuff.”
The lights flicked out, and a single spotlight flicked onto the middle of the stage, empty.
“Grimwalkers,” a rich voice echoed, “Myths and Legends? Or are rumors true, and they walk in our midst still, hiding as witches to avoid a scrutinizing eye?”
Gus and Willow both nudged Hunter with a giggle.
“Shhhh,” he hissed.
A young witch with bright red hair and brown eyes walked into the spotlight. “Hi, all. I’m Dr. Trap, and today we’ll be going over basic grimwalker build, how to recognize them, how to care for a grimwalker should you find one—”
Gus held his hand out for a fist bump. “Dude. I promise I will follow all of the care tips for my grimwalker.”
Hunter fistbumped him as Dr. Trap continued.
“—and, of course, points of weakness.”
Hunter coughed. “What?!” he whispered.
“Pflbt, I already know your weaknesses. Your feet are ticklish.”
“Now, Grimwalkers are created using a variety of ingredients. Selkidomus scales, palistrom wood, the lungs of a stonesleeper, a bone fragment from the creature you’re trying to recreate and, of course, a galderstone to function in place of a heart. They can appear in almost any form, but you can recognize them by their magenta eyes.”
Hunter’s hand went to touch just under his own eyes, now brown.
“Grimwalkers are not the only creature with this eye color, though, so it’s important to note other characteristics. One, of course, is immunity to boiling water, stemming from the selkidomus scales that make up their skin.”
Gus raised a hand. “How about stone skin?! Do they have stone skin?!”
Dr. Trap laughed. “Ah, no. Besides their immunity to boiling water, grimwalkers are otherwise rather soft-skinned, or at least as soft-skinned as their ortet species. Excellent question, though. Stone sleeper lungs do not give grimwalkers any advantages or disadvantages as far as we are aware, but to capture a live grimwalker is pretty much unheard of in this day and age, and the resources to make them are scarce, so research is limited. Now, if you’re reluctant to throw boiling water on a creature you are unsure of, there is one last tell. Grimwalkers historically have displayed little to no love for their parent species, thought to be due to their galderstone heart. When approached by other members of their parent species, they are standoffish, cold, and brush them off, unless driven to do otherwise by an underlying motive. While they can imitate the affections and relationships of their parent speices, Grimwalkers do not truly love or care about anything other than themselves.”
Hunter’s gut dropped, and his chest seemed to constrict.
“I—” he gasped, looking frantically between Willow and Gus, “No, I—I wouldn’t—I don’t—”
Gus’ jaw clenched, and he stood up, taking Hunter’s arm. Willow got up on his other side.
“Come on,” she whispered firmly, “I don’t think Dr. Trap actually knows very much about grimwalkers.”
They started moving towards the exit, but Dr. Trap’s eyes seemed to follow them up.
“Now, as for grimwalker weaknesses, that varies based on their parent species, but we can learn a lot from the only known natural predator of grimwalkers.”
The doors slammed shut, and Dr. Trap’s skin started to roil and shift, flipping around until her bones sat on the outside of her skin, covered in tiny mouths. Her hair cascaded down her back, solidifying and turning into a spine of spikes, extending into a tail.
“Oooooooooooooooooooooookay, time to go!” Hunter yelped. He grabbed Willow and Gus’ hands, teleporting towards the door.
“Ohhhhhh, Dr. Trap,” Gus groaned, “I get it now!”
Dr. Trap—whatever she was—leapt forward, landing between Hunter in the door. Before Hunter could flashstep again, her tail lashed out, slamming into his chest and sending him crashing back into the seats. He plowed through three rows before coming to a stop, wheezing for air.
“Hunter!” Willow yelled, drawing a circle. Plants cracked through the ground, but Dr. Trap leapt up to the ceiling, drooling from her thousands of mouths. Where her spit landed, plants sizzled and melted.
Gus hurried to Hunter’s side, hauling him up to his feet. “C’mon, man, let’s go!”
Hunter pushed Gus away. “Look out!”
Dr. Trap landed between them, lashing at Gus with one claw to keep him back while her tail snaked around Hunter, squeezing him tightly. Hunter teleported out, only for thick, wet droplets to splatter against his leg. He stumbled and fell with a howl as the acid burned, eating at his skin and muscles. Spots blinked across his vision, and he hauled himself forward on his elbows, pulling away from Dr. Trap. Her tail crashed down on his back, pinning him to the ground.
“You’re a miserable, heartless creature,” she hissed, “And they’d be better off on their own than with a monster like you.”
A whole tree erupted from the floor, throwing Dr. Trap upwards. It grew around her, sealing her in with a howl.
Willow scooped Hunter up, carrying him out of the auditorium. “I’ve got you.”
“You’re gonna be okay,” Gus promised, “We’ll find a healer.”
Hunter closed his eyes, focusing on just breathing and not throwing up on Willow. “Mhm,” he squeaked.
One healer, two hours, and three different ointments and potions later, Hunter limped out of the healing clinic with a prescribed painkiller potion and his leg swathed in bandages.
Miserable, heartless creature.
Gus and Willow caught up with him easily, walking slowly to stay in step with him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m…” Hunter buried his head in the crook of his elbow to hide the tears blooming in his eyes. “I’m fine.”
Gus grabbed him in a hug, and Willow wrapped her arms around both of them, squeezing tightly.
“That thing didn’t know what she was talking about,” Willow said fiercely.
“Yeah,” Gus agreed, “You’re our friend.”
“That’s the thing, I can’t… I still don’t know how to do… all this. She was right, I’m just… I’m just pretending to be your friend because I don’t want you guys to leave, I want you to stay, and I don’t know how this works, how any of this works, and I don’t know how to—to actually be someone’s friend, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I don’t know how to love and how to—to be a friend. I’m sorry that I’ve been lying to you. I just… didn’t want you to go. You guys are… you mean the world to me, and I mean that, and I—I don’t want to lose you. I want you to be happy, so I try to make you happy so you don’t leave and… I’m sorry for being selfish.”
“Um…” Gus wiggled out of the hug. “Hunter, uh… I’m pretty sure that’s what friendship is. Like, really.”
Willow nodded, letting go. “Yeah, Hunter, I mean…” She twisted her hands. “I get being scared of being abandoned. But you’re our friend. For real. And that isn’t going to change.”
Gus lightly punched his arm. “None of us know how friendship ‘works,’ we’re all just… making it up as we go.”
“But what about…” Hunter clutched at his chest. “… you know…”
“Doctor,” Gus said urgently, “The patient! Does he have a pulse?!”
Willow snatched up Hunter’s wrist. “It’s there, nurse! He lives!” She snorted, dropping his arm. “Hearts are just muscles in our chest, Hunter. What yours is made of or what it feels doesn’t change anything. You’re still our friend.”
Gus opened and closed his hands. “She wanted to eat you. Everything she said back there was just to hurt you. Take it from a vegetarian completely uninterested in making you into soup, you’re a pretty good friend. Stone heart or not.”
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