#but i broke down their personalities and I keep forgetting I can’t call up my twin smh
starlooove · 7 days
My fave thing about my vs is subtly changing them to look more and dress more like Johnny over time - give em a day where they go back to their og styles as like a push against it - and then have them settle in more
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repulsiveliquidation · 6 months
Guardian of My Heart || Leah Williamson
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based on this request here! it's not that long but i loved writing this so much so i hope y'all like it!
warnings : angst with happy ending. mentions of injury.
“And that’s the final whistle folks, Chelsea takes this game with a comfortable 3-1 win over the Gunners here at Stamford Bridge.”
Leah’s eyes fill with tears at the final whistle. Her heart shatters audibly in her chest. A game they needed to win to have a chance at the title, thrown away by silly mistakes and sloppy football. She walks around the pitch in shame, apologizing to all the Gooners in the stands who came only to see them fail.
“I’m sorry,” she says to the crowd, tears falling down her face. The rest of the girls do the same, making their way to the stands to thank fans and sign jerseys. The home side erupts in a painful cry of victory, one that makes Leah’s chest almost cave in on itself.
The changing room is silent except for the sound of bags being packed and the muted drumming of water on the floor from the showers. One by one the girls make their way to the bus, offending socks from the wardrobe mishap filling the trash bin in the locker room.
Leah sulks when she hears the girls all planning to see their partners at home and just forget today’s game. She just jammed her AirPods into her ears and played her country music loudly, hoping the gaping hole of loneliness in her chest would go away with the serenading words of Luke Combs.
She knew her house would be lonely. She knew her house would be quiet. She knew her house would be dark. There was no one waiting. The person she wanted most would not be there. There was only one person to blame for that.
“Leah, you can’t keep doing this to me!” you yelled, rounding the coffee table as Leah stumbled into the house at twenty past three on a Saturday. You came over at eight thinking Leah would be home since she promised to help you cook dinner and enjoy the Bachelor finale on TV together. Instead, you walked into her apartment with your spare key to an empty house and her bedroom a mess. Her makeup was all over the bathroom and she had clearly changed her shoes at least three times.
You waited and waited for her to get home, calling the Arsenal girls to figure out where she had gone. They felt sorry for you and tried to get Leah to go home to you but she said something that the moment it left her lips, your heart broke into pieces.
“You’re such a fucking needy bitch, get off my back for once!”
You don’t know why you still sat in her living room for three more hours and waited for her to get home. You knew you needed to know she was home safe. That she was okay. That she didn’t choke on her own vomit from drinking too much. Because despite being her second choice for a while now, you still loved the England skipper. You still love Leah Williamson.
Leah drove home in pin-drop silence. Her kit bag was thrown in the back to be dealt with later, her arm on the door holding her head up as the streets of London were a blur. She parked in her spot and walked out like a zombie, not noticing your car in her driveway and her porch light on.
The key turned easily and she walked into her house to the turntable on low and the smell of smileys and a roast coming from the kitchen. She looked down and saw a pair of shoes that she recognized and a voice that was singing along to the music that she had fallen asleep to a million times.
“Y/N?” Leah spoke aloud, toeing her shoes off and dropping her kit bag. She shuffled into the kitchen and saw you standing there at the stove, stirring in the roasting tray and making a gravy. There were two plates on the island she instantly knew which one was hers. You turn and give her a soft smile, pushing your chin out to gesture her to sit. She does and grabs the bottle of wine you’ve set out and pours the two glasses full of Cabernet.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, grabbing a smiley off the plate she knew was hers and nibbling on the cheek.
“I wanted to make sure you had something to eat,” you answer curtly as you put the whisk down and grab a gravy boat, smiling to yourself when you still remember where it was.
“Y/N,” Leah says sternly, putting her half-eaten smiley down.
You turn and put the gravy boat next to the roast, finally looking at your ex-girlfriend.
“I needed to know that you were okay, after today.”
“Why?” Leah asks, voice carrying a lilt of guilt with fresh tears filling her eyes.
You walked around the island and turned the skipper in her seat to face you. You held her face in your hands, wiping the tears that fell. You had been in this situation before when Leah tore her ACL.
“You’re going to be okay, Leah.”
“What if I never play like I used to ever again?”
“You don’t ever need to worry about that because you will. The Leah Williamson I know never gives up.”
She chuckles but more fear settles in her heart. Leah looks up at you at the very island she’s sitting at right now.
“I’m scared,” she admits sheepishly, looking defeated and terrified. You cup her face and wipe the tear stains off her face.
“You will get through this Leah and I will be there every step of the way.”
“You won’t leave? They always leave.”
“I would never. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispers back to you before you kiss her, her mind willing itself to get better. If not for her, for you.
Zach Bryan’s voice fills the room softly, the lyrics of ‘Tourniquet’ “take care of the blood that your love runs through” remind you of why you packed up a roast and stopped at the shops for a bag of frozen smileys. It reminds you of all the nights you massaged her leg when it was feeling tight. It reminds you of all the nights when you sat beside her and held her close while she cried at another delay in her recovery. It reminds you of all the nights you spent awake with her when she couldn’t sleep because of the pain.
Was it worth it? Yes.
Would you do it all over again? Yes.
Leah breaks down when her eyes meet yours. The smell of your perfume and your musk flood her senses with all the reasons why she was in love with you all those years. Deep down inside she knew she still felt that way and hoped that you did too.
Leah cries. The pain of losing, hurting her hamstring just as she’s called to the England squad for the first time since her ACL, and the overwhelming sense of disappointment burst the moment you held her in your arms again. It was home and it was safe. Leah clung onto your hoodie and made a right mess on the front but you didn’t care. Leah needed you and you wished you could take away her pain.
“I just wasn’t me out there today and that cost us the game,” Leah muttered after calming herself down and her hiccups stopped.
“Today wasn’t just your fault, honey,” you cooed, taking the hair tie out of Leah’s hair and combing your fingers through her blonde locks. She rested her head against your stomach and closed her eyes, zeroing in on your touch.
“I let the team down,” she countered, pulling you closer to her.
“It just wasn’t anyone’s day today, my love,” you cupped her face and wiped more of the tears that were about to fall from her eyes. You leaned in a little and were a bit unsure, but feeling her nudge herself towards you gave you the approval you sought.  
Her lips felt familiar against yours.
She chased your lips and melted into them, gripping your wet hoodie like her life depended on it or that you would vanish if she let go, even for a second.
“I’m sorry I treated you the way I did, you don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve someone willing to love you for you, Leah,” you reassure her and seal it with a kiss, walking away from her to chuck the roast back in the oven to warm up for a bit and her smileys into the air fryer for a little reheating.
Zach’s voice fills the blanks when you look at her blue eyes, her features blow you away every time you look at her. You bled your whole soul into things you can't control; in a world you'll never satisfy brings Leah back to reality. The game today was good. It didn’t go their way from the beginning with those wretched socks and their delayed start but they gave it their all. It was a lesson to be learned and one to look back on when the team had lost its spark.
Leah scoffs down half the roast and convinces you to throw a couple more smiley into the air fryer for her to drown in your delicious gravy. You put a fresh toothbrush next to hers in her bathroom and have a glass of warm milk on your bedside waiting for you like you like.
“You remembered,” you tell her as she hands you a ratty jersey for you to sleep in. You throw it on and inhale her delicate scent, your heart filling with warmth and ease.
“I still set it out sometimes you know, especially after you left.”
“You’ll have to try and remember again now, I think,” you tease, and she stands in front of you. You sip on your milk and she kisses the foam mustache off your lips.
“I’ll never forget, my love. Ever.”
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reminiscingtonight · 9 months
Eras Of Us (Pt. 2)
Alessia Russo x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Part One
[WOSO Masterlist]
Nothing can break your high. 
Playing in your first London derby, scoring in your first London derby, is a feeling you’re never going to forget. 
Until someone so graciously reminds you of the implications of such a win. 
“Emma Hayes is gonna be my new coach,” you moan.
“Rough,” Alessia snorts, ignoring the way you smack at her arm.
The two of you are out with the rest of the girls, capping off the win against Chelsea with a couple of drinks at a bar near the stadium. Around you are a mix of reds and blues, all of the players good friends despite the outcome of the match. 
Despite starting your night hanging by Leah, the blonde basically mothering you to death since your move overseas, you somehow find yourself tucked into Alessia’s side merely a few minutes later. It makes your heart skip a beat when you feel her fingers absentmindedly playing with the hairs on the back of your neck. 
“It’s not funny! What if she takes me wrecking her club team personally and doesn’t give me a call up to the next camp?”
Alessia gives you a look.
It’s enough to make you feel chastised. You sigh, hanging your head. “Fine, she wouldn’t do that. But she might make me run extra laps as punishment!”
Alessia laughs again, shoving at head when you wack her arm again. “What ever happened to the (Y/N) who would run extra laps for fun?”
You know Alessia’s thinking of you dressed Carolina blue, sprinting up and down the pitch after practice ends, wanting to get in extra reps to keep your fitness up. It’s a fond memory, the player you were when you were younger, but you shudder, thinking of how it was really just a ploy to get Alessia to give you a backrub when you got home, the forward always quick to crumble to your sad eyes and exaggerated whines.
You pout. “She grew up.”
“Poor you,” she teases, pinching at your cheeks. 
You can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this much. 
You and Alessia have fallen into a good routine since you both joined Arsenal. There was no awkward tension around the two of you, no weird ‘I’m on the same team as my ex’ drama. If anything, there’s more ‘annoying years-in-the-making inside jokes’ shenanigans that you’ve brought with you. It’s almost like no time has passed. 
Once in a while you catch yourself thinking about the what-ifs. What if you never broke up. What if Alessia wanted to give this another shot. But you’re more than happy to live in the now. You and Alessia are friends now. That’s not something you’re willing to give up just for a shot at what you once knew. 
Looking down at her empty cup, Alessia lets out a low groan. You sheepishly hand her your empty cup as well, sweetly asking for a refill. She grumbles under her breath but grabs your drink nonetheless. “Don’t miss me too much!” she hollers over her shoulder as she disappears into the crowd. 
You find yourself staring even long after she’s gone.
With nothing left to distract you, you turn your attention back down to your phone. It’s funny seeing all of the posts on social media by the fans. Giggling to yourself, you like a couple of them before your attention is quickly captured again when you feel a small nudge against your arm. You look up to see Lotte smiling back at you. 
Scooting over, you give her enough space to plop down next to you in the booth. 
“Whatcha been doing hiding away here all night?”
You shrug, easy smile floating to your lips. “Haven’t been hiding. Less and I’ve just been hanging out. Lots of things to catch up on.”
The mention of the blonde striker has Lotte frowning a bit. You watch as she seems to think through her words. “Are you and Less…” she starts cautiously, pausing to gather her thoughts once more. 
“Are me and Less what?” 
The brunette shrugs. “I dunno, back together? Working things out? You guys just… you seem close again.”
It’s your turn to pause. In all honesty you haven’t really been thinking about what you and Alessia have been doing. Yes, you spend a lot of your free time together, and yes, Alessia always seems to seek you out when you all go out with the rest of the team, but that doesn't mean anything, right? 
You settle for a half-shrug. “I’m not sure. I think… I think we’re just seeing where things go.”
Lotte nods, the look of unease still on her face. “Just be careful, alright? I’m happy if things work out between you guys but just don’t forget the history the two of you have.”
Lotte’s words stick with you.
Even days later, when Alessia and you are taking a stroll towards a nearby farmer’s market.
You’re not thinking when her hand automatically slips into yours, hands freely swinging between the two of you. Alessia’s telling you a story you’re only half listening to, more caught in your head than the walk in front of you.
Spotting a booth with your favorite flowers, you head towards them. Only to be yanked back by a firm hand. 
Alessia doesn’t let go of your hand.
You pull again. 
You can hear an amused noise but Alessia still doesn’t let you go. 
“Lessi! Let me go see the flowers,” you whine. 
This time when you pull, she lets you go with a chuckle.
They’re beautiful. 
The purples, the blues, the pinks. You run your hands over them, marveling in all of the beauty. 
You must be looking for too long, because your heart lurches when you feel the familiar weight of an arm wrapping around your waist, Alessia’s head dropping to your shoulder. It’s habitual, the way your hand drops to rest on top of hers.
You can feel Alessia smile against the side of your head.
And it hits you then. 
This feels familiar. Too familiar. 
This feels right. Too right.
This feels like everything you’ve been missing. 
The blonde hums, eyes not moving as her fingers continue to trace shapes on your stomach.
You huff. It isn’t until you’re shuffling around, fully facing Alessia that her eyes drop to meet yours. She’s clearly not expecting it, mouth dropped into an ‘o’.
“Alessia, do you want to date me?”
It’s almost comical, the way her eyes widen, mouth somehow dropping even wider.
When it becomes clear that Alessia is at a loss of words you run a hand down your face, effectively pushing the blonde away from you.
“Look, I get it if you think I’m just imagining things, and I’ll totally understand if you want some space if all of this is just in my head, but I can’t help but feel like these are dates, these little trips around London you’ve been taking me. I haven’t felt this ‘wined and dined’ since the two of us first started dating all those years ago.”
You pause, leaving plenty of time for Alessia to interject.
She doesn’t.
Instead, she swallows. 
You watch as Alessia clenches and unclenches her hands, nervously shuffling from foot to foot.
Neither of you say anything as the seconds pass, ticking into minutes. 
Eventually, with her eyes trained to her feet, “Do you want them to be dates?” Alessia asks quietly. Timidly.
A little too timidly.
And that’s when you realize what this is.
What it’s been about this entire time.
Alessia’s afraid you don’t want her.
“You’re an idiot.”
Fisting a hand into her shirt, you yank Alessia towards you. Her eyes widen just as your lips meet, hands floundering about until they rest on your waist.
When you break away, you make sure to memorize the look on her face. Eyes closed, peaceful lit to her face, it’s something you want to ingrain in your memory and never forget.
When Alessia’s eyes flutter open you give her a soft smile.
“I’m always going to want you,” you murmur, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. 
You duck down, pressing your face into the crook of her neck as her arms automatically wrap around your back.
“I’d spend a lifetime trying to get over you, just to get to spend a single second as yours.”
You feel more than hear Alessia’s shaky breath in, arms tightening just a fraction around you. 
“I don’t want to ever get over you.” Your heart skips a beat at her confession. Her words are paired with a kiss on your hairline, signaling what you know is the end of this limbo, the beginning of your story starting anew.
No, things didn’t work out the first time.
But you aren’t stranded on opposite coasts this time. You aren’t leaving Alessia to start your professional career elsewhere. Alessia isn’t leaving you to go back home. 
You’re both in England. You’re both on the same team. 
Maybe this time things will work out. 
Because you love Alessia and she loves you. And that’s all you really need to know.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Happiness (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: This is the third and final part of History and Hope. I hope you enjoy!
It was hard being friends with Alexia but that is the situation you found yourself in. After her injury you forget all about the past because what she was going through was much more important. It resulted in multiple trains to Spain and in the end you were able to mend your friendship. 
But here’s the thing: could two people who once cared about each other unconditionally ever be just friends?
You were beginning to find out the answer to that the hard way. You loved Caroline and deep down you knew you loved alexia, it was a feeling that would never change. The question was which one were you in love with. 
The public hadn’t seen you and Alexia together since before her injury so when the footage of you two arriving together at camp was posted the entire Sefutbol fanbase lost their minds. It didn’t help that every comment was about how it reminded them of the past and how they suspected something was going on between the two of you even though you were still with Caroline. 
Caroline trusted you and she told you this but whenever you called her during camp she questioned the how deep your relationship with Alexia went. She knew of your past and you were honest with her when you spoke of the love you had for your former best friend and co captain. 
You reassured her that you and Alexia were friends and nothing more but you could tell that she didn’t believe you. For the past few of months you could use the fact Alexia had a girlfriend to back up your statement but now they had broken up. You were the person Alexia came to when it happened and Caroline hated that your bond had returned to its unbreakable state.  
You and Alexia were told you’d be roommates for the pre World Cup camp and for the tournament. It was something the two of you were both happy about because you knew the pressure you would be facing in the upcoming weeks and it would be each other that would  keep you sane. 
After a tense phone with Caroline you didn’t know how to feel. Photos had been released from training of you and Alexia and to the rest of the world the two of you looked very close but it was simply the way Spaniards acted around each other. 
“Is everything ok?” Alexia asked as she exited bathroom pretending to not have heard every word you said.  
“I think so” truth is you didn’t know “it’s hard trying to explain, well us”
“It is. That’s why my relationship ended” Alexia knew your struggles well. 
This isn’t something you knew. You wasn’t sure why they broke up, you never asked, but you didn’t for a second think it had something to do with you. 
“I’m sorry” 
“It wasn’t your fault. She knew that I still loved you” 
“I know you’re with Caroline and I don’t want to jeopardise that but it is true. I do love you, part of me always will and she couldn’t understand that” 
This is why it was hard. Friends don’t say stuff like that to other friends. 
“I’m with Caroline, Alexia. We can’t have this conversation”
“But you admit there is something here, something that we can talk about”
“There’s nothing to talk about. We are in a good place and we need to keep it that way. There’s too much at stake” 
The pressure on the two of you was enormous. The entire world was watching and waiting in anticipation and you weren’t go to let your relationship current or what could have been ruin that. 
“I understand” 
And that was true. Alexia did understand because before you fell in love with each other, you fell in love with football and winning the World Cup was something you dreamed of doing when you made your debuts together. 
The team had a couple of days off between camp and travelling to New Zealand. You took the opportunity to go away with Caroline and it was just what the two of you needed. You could back up your words of reassurance with actions. By the time you boarded the plane to go to World Cup things couldn’t have been in a better place. 
Throughout the group stages you played some of the best football you had in a long while. Every one of your team mates said it was because you and Alexia were in the best place you had been in years. This was true and you knew it was a huge reason why the two of you had been performing like you had. 
Up until now you never had a thought of straying from your relationship or thinking about being with anyone but Caroline. This all changed after the quarter finals. You had scored the second goal and the only person you wanted to celebrate with was Alexia. 
“What just happened!” you shouted as you jumped into her arms. Alexia truly did plan on wrapping her arms around your back but the speed in which you jumped almost caused you to fall if not for Alexia’s hands on the bottom of your thighs. 
“You’ve just sent us to semi final” Alexia kisses your neck. 
The feeling of her lips against your bare skin had the power the teleport you to the night you shared your first kiss in Paris. Your surroundings became blurred for matter of seconds but that is enough to let your mind stray. In that moment you wanted to kiss Alexia, you wanted to cheat on your girlfriend. You hated yourself for it but it was feeling you could no longer deny.
A similar thing happens in the semi final only Alexia isn’t on the pitch for your game winning goal. This doesn’t stop you from celebrating though as you ignore all of you screaming team mates and run straight to where she is cheering on the bench. 
“That one was for you Ale” the nickname made a return, you didn’t dislike it and it wasn’t an accident.
Once again you are in her arms and you can feel her firm grasp on your waist. 
“Mi estrella” 
This time you kiss her cheek even though you know it’s wrong. You tell yourself it is innocent as it isn’t on the lips.
The final whistle blows and you fall to your knees. You were in shock knowing that Spain were through to the World Cup final. The whole team celebrates the achievement and as the team gathers in a circle you spot Alexia opposite you. This is what you have been working towards for years and now you only have one game left to play and one team left to beat. 
Just as you were about to go to Alexia you get pulled away by Olga and Athenea.
“Come with us MVP. We have a surprise for you” your Real Madrid team mates pull you through the tunnel.
With these two anything was possible so you keep an open mind. As you reach the end of the corridor you see the surprise they were referring to and she did not look happy although to anyone else her smile was believable.
“Caroline” you truly are happy to see your girlfriend and having her in front of you makes you forget all about Alexia. 
“Congratulations Y/N” she pulls you in her arms but her hold isn’t as strong as it normally is and you know that something is wrong.
“Thank you Carino” you lean forward to kiss her and are met with a battle for dominance, something with doesn’t normally happen.
“My girlfriend is through to the final” you are too focused on the kiss that just happened that you don’t pick up on the possessive tone that Caroline uses when she says the word mine.
“Let’s get out of here” you are still dressed in your kit although you had swapped shirts with Asllani.
“What about your team mates?” Caroline asks even though she wants nothing more than to have you to herself.
“I can celebrate with them later. I have missed you”
“Looks like it” She whispers under her breath but it is loud enough that you hear it.
Once in the locker room Alexia’s eyes search for you and she even goes back out to the pitch to see if you had stayed out there knowing that this is something you do. Even as she returns to the rowdy Spanish locker rooms she is almost certain that you would be in there by now, only you’re not.
Jenni asks her what’s wrong but she shakes it off.
“I was looking for Y/N but she must be doing media” Alexia says as it is the only explanation she can come up with.
“Y/N wasn’t needed for media. Salma did it instead” their media manager confirms.
Alexia was beginning to worry as to your whereabouts but Olga is quick to put her out of her misery even though what she says makes Alexia a lot more than miserable.
“Caroline came to surprise her“ Olga says.
“And we saw them leaving the stadium just as we came back here” Athenea adds.
The Catalonian was at a loss for words. Had she been reading the signals wrong?
“She did?” Esthers says excitedly “That’s nice. They really are inseparable in Madrid and I think I speak for everyone when I say we can tell Y/N has been missing Caroline”
The players that were listening to the conversation agree with the forward and every agreement made Alexia’s blood boil. It was enough to stop celebrating and leave the room in search of some alone time.
The pitch was the place Alexia thought would be the quietest and she was right. It’s funny how much bigger it felt when it was empty and silent. She took the time to go over the past couple of days and it made her come to the conclusion that she didn’t just love you, she was in love with you. So much that it scared her because you had the power to hurt her although part of her believed she deserved it.
The voice makes Alexia jump. She turns and finds Misa standing next to her with a beer in her hand.
“I don’t drink during tournaments, you know this”
“You’re going to need it for the conversation we are about to have and before you say you don’t want to talk about it you should know that you need to talk about it Alexia”
Whatever was going on between you and Alexia was enough to gain the attention of the goalkeeper. This alone filled Alexia with a little bit of hope.
“I’m in love with her Misa and I don’t know what to do. We have these moments and it gives me a sense of deja vu. I am transported back to 2019 where I wanted nothing more than to kiss her and ask to be mine. I want that, I want her” 
Misa isn’t the person Alexia thought she would be having this conversation with but the two of them had grew close over the past couple of weeks and it helped that she knew you very well. She would be able to give an insight as to how you may be feeling.
“That isn’t going to happen” Misa says before taking a huge mouthful of the ice cold beer in her hands.
“I know but I can’t lose hope. Without hope I have nothing. I won’t have her and I won’t be able to have the thought of us been together”
“I wasn’t finished. It isn’t go to happen right now. She is in a committed relationship and no way will she do to Caroline what you did to her. Her heart is too pure”
Deep down Alexia knew Misa was right. You never wanted to cause pain for anyone and you definitely wouldn’t do it to the woman you love.
“I know. I don’t know what to do” Alexia hangs her head in defeat but not before taking a sip of the drink she swore not to only minutes ago.
“Do you want my opinion?” Misa asks and Alexia nods but doesn’t make eye contact “I think you need to tell her how you feel and don’t hold back”
Alexia wasn’t sure if that is something she is capable off. If she tells you then she risks losing you all together and she couldn’t have that happen. The two of you were in a good place and she’ll be damned if she is the cause for that to change. She needed to the think or more appropriately not think and her team mates that were none the wiser to her feelings would be the perfect distraction or at least that is what she is hoping.
“Alexia” Misa shouts causing the midfielder to look back at her “For what it’s worth I think part of her feels the same way. Ever since arriving in New Zealand I have seen a side of Y/N that I haven’t seen before and I think you’re the reason for that”
When the team arrive back at the hotel they do so just in time to see Caroline leaving. Given the amount of Real Madrid players on the team, most of them stop to say hi but Alexia notices that you are nowhere in sight. Now is her chance. 
She gives up on waiting at the elevator and runs up the stairs two at a time. She is breathless when knocking on your door at a rapid pace. After thirty seconds she takes a short break before trying again. This morning she didn’t plan on having this conversation with you but now she wanted nothing more. She is determined not to admit defeat but her red knuckles beg her to do just that. Maybe you weren’t in the room. 
The team is gathered in the common room when Alexia enters but still you are not there. Her gut was telling her something was wrong and she never ignored her gut.
“Have any of you seen Y/N?” She asks the entire room hoping at least one person would know where you were.
“She is in her room” Jorge states and it makes Alexia take a step back in disbelief because it means you were ignoring her reluctant knocking “She told me that she isn’t feeling well so she won’t be down for team meal tonight”
“Ok, I will take a plate up to her if I can get a key” Alexia knew that if anyone had the power to get a key for your room it would be the coach.
“No Alexia. Y/N asked me to be left alone tonight and given that she has been our saving grace the past couple of games I am going to do as she asked and I’m going to make sure everyone else does too”
Alexia was confused. You were fine an our ago, what could have changed in such a small amount of time and why where you hell bent on being left alone. Being respectful to your wishes Alexia left you alone that night and instead would talk to you in the morning only she doesn’t get the chance because the next day you avoid her at all costs. 
You didn’t intend on hurting Alexia with your behaviour but it is what you needed to do to get through the next couple of days. There was a World Cup final to prepare for and you needed to have a clear head if you had any chance of winning. 
By the time the 20th August comes around you can count on one hand the amount of times you have spoken to Alexia and you would have fingers spare. You heart was all over the place but head was locked in on the task at hand and that is all that mattered or at least it was for the next 90 minutes which would then turn into 120 minutes because the score remained 0-0 after extra time. Like many other games, this one would be decided with penalties. 
“Y/N” Alexia grabbed your hand before the team walked to the half way line.
“Not now Alexia. I need to focus” you pull out of her grasp.
It all came down the 5th penalty. Both team have scored all penalties so far and given that Spain went second the pressure was fully on your shoulders as you were the fifth penalty taker. Misa hands you the ball but doesn’t say a word. Besides she knew that you wouldn’t hear a word she said anyways.
When you hit the ball you know you didn’t get it quite right. You always went for the side netting and you had a 100% success rate. You did until this moment because instead of hitting the netting the ball hits the post and rolls away form the goal. You had just missed and cost your team and country the title of World Cup champions.
You didn’t fall to the floor, nor did you walk back to your team mates. You stood in the same spot as if rooted to the ground. If you had to describe the way you were feeling you would use the word shock. How could you miss, this one out of them all. 
Misa the first person to enter you line of vision as she crouches down to reassure you that it was ok and that it wasn’t your fault but it was. You knew it and the rest of the world did too. The next thing you do it turn your emotions off, knowing that it was better to feel nothing at all. This did mean that you shut off the world around you. The sounds in the stadium became muffled as if you were under water and the presence of your team mates didn’t register.
“We are a team. Win or lose, we do so together” Alexia wraps her arms around your shoulder and tries to pull you close to her but it’s as if the contact burns and you recoil from her touch.
“I am the captain today, not you. I missed the penalty, not you. This is on me Alexia so don’t try and make this about you” 
“Y/N, that’s not what I’m doing” Alexia tries to reach out for you. She knows once you give up the urge to fight that you will need comfort.
“Why don’t you go to Jenni! It’s what you did after the last World Cup” your words were like venom and you spat them straight at her.
Alexia remained in her place even when watching you walk away, seeking comfort in your co captain at Real Madrid Ivana Andres. It was her side that you stood as you watched the other team lift the trophy. As soon as you were allowed to and when it respectful enough to do so, you left not only the pitch but the stadium.
The energy is the locker room was awful, it was as if somebody had died. To the outside world that might seem dramatic but losing a final had an effect that was hard to explain to those who had never experienced it. Some players were still crying, some had cried all the tears they had and others sat in silence still processing what just happened.
Ivana picked up on Alexia’s wandering eyes and it didn’t take a genius to realise what or who she was looking for.
“She’s left Alexia” This not only caught the attention of Alexia but the entire locker room “She said she needed to be alone and I couldn’t argue with her. The pressure she faced during this tournament is enough to crush some people and it seemed Caroline breaking up with her was the last straw”
“What did you just say?” Alexia wasn’t sure if she heard the defender correctly.
“The pressure was too much”
“No about Caroline”
“She broke up with Y/N. She didn’t tell me but I think it was the night of the semi final”
Selfishly Alexia wasn’t focused on the fact that you had been dumped. You were now single and now was the time for her to tell you how she really feels. Still, she is torn on what to do. She is a captain of this team and with you gone they need their other captain.
“Go” Misa tells her.
Alexia waits for someone, anyone, to disagree with the goalkeeper but nobody does and that’s enough for Alexia. She thinks fast. You wouldn’t go back to the hotel because that’s where the rest of the team will be very shortly. Australia isn’t a country you knew well so it did narrow it down a little bit. Alexia’s mind is blank until she remembers you posting almost identical photos to your instagram stories of a beach. You always loved the beach so it made sense that is where you would go.
She was right. As Alexia walks down the small hill that leads to the ocean she sees you sitting close to water with your knees pulled up to your chest. Even from a distance she can tell your crying by the way you body is moving.
“It’s all my fault Alexia” you don’t need to face the figure next to you to know who it is. She is the only one that would go against your wishes and truth is you had been hoping she would because in this moment she is the only person you want to see.
“No it’s—“ Alexia wanted to reassure you but the look she received from you told her that it was best not to finish that sentence. 
“It’s not only your fault” she corrects herself but didn’t quite have the affect she desired. 
You fall back onto the sand and turn your focus onto the stars above you. With the ocean at your feet and the universe above you, you couldn’t help but feel small. 
“Spain is going to hate, the team will hate me and you will hate me. Please don’t hate me Alexia, anybody but you” it’s almost a plea. 
“Y/N I could never hate you. I love you” 
This confession had you sitting up right in a matter of seconds. 
“Alexia in a different life maybe we could be happy together but we are not meant to be in this one” 
“Why? I love you Y/N and I know part of you loves me too. I felt it in the quarter final and again in the semi final. Give me one good reason why?”
“We just aren’t. First I loved you and you didn’t love me, then you loved me and I loved Caroline and now you love me and I don’t love myself. Love should be this hard Alexia” 
Alexia had enough. She couldn’t understand why you were so adamant on standing in the way of what could be. 
“Love is hard Y/N but it is also the most rewarding thing in the world. We spend our whole lifetimes trying to find our soulmates. I found mine when I was 15 and it was you, that wasn’t hard” 
“Alexia I don’t know what you want from me. You’ve said this before and look what happened. I gave you my whole heart and you broke it like it was nothing. I don’t think I can do that again” 
“I want to tell you I am in love with you Y/N and I know I’ve hurt you before but that will never happen again. You deserve the world and I want to be the one to give you that” 
You didn’t know what to say but you knew what you wanted to do. You lean forward, cup Alexia’s cheek and kiss her softly. Never had a kiss felt so right, so good. You pull away knowing that maybe you shouldn’t have done what you just did. Alexia on the other hand didn’t share the same belief because that kiss was nowhere near enough for her. 
She leans forward but with enough force to knock you back. She now hovers above you waiting for your permission because in this moment you held all the cards. You reach up and kiss her only for Alexia to take over. You had never experienced a kiss filled with so much love and passion. You didn’t need to listen to what your head was telling you because your body make it crystal clear that you wanted Alexia.  
Her hands began to roam your body and found their way under your shirt. It was getting heated and knew where it was going. You also knew that this couldn’t happen on a beach in Australia. 
You push her off you but when you she the look of sheer panic in Alexia’s eyes you quickly peck her lips to reassure her this is not something you want to stop. 
“I love you Alexia and if I give you a chance, if I give you my heart again, then I need you to promise me that you’ll look after it” 
Alexia stands to her feet and holds her hands out to help to you up. Once at eye level she takes both of your hands in her own. 
“I promise Y/N. I will take care of you. I will protect your heart as if it was my own. I will love you with every fibre of my being. If you give me a chance, I promise I will never hurt you the way I did”
“Ok” your tone is quiet but the smile on your face is wide. 
“Ok?” Alexia asks as if needing a double confirmation. 
“Yes Alexia. I love you and I will give you another chance” 
Alexia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She really did think that the outcome of this conversation would be different but right now in the moment, even after losing the final, she has never been happier. You had given her the chance to rewrite a wrong from four years ago and she wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.
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r2d2lover · 11 months
Cruel Reality
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x f!Reader (Third person insert, Draco's POV)
Rating: E
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Semi-Public Sex, Unprotected Sex, Jealousy Sex, Fingering, Blowjobs, Draco's POV
After a messy breakup, Draco still can't get his mind off of her.
Snippet of something that I'd like to turn into a fic one day but I always say that. Crossposted on Ao3!
Draco walked quickly down the corridor, the heat burning in his cheeks becoming unbearable. He couldn’t even hide his frustrated sighs and ran an aggressive hand through his hair. It wasn’t hard to ignore her desperate pleas calling out for Draco to stop. In fact, it made him walk faster, almost to the point of a run. He felt ridiculous for fleeing the dungeon halls and throwing a tantrum, but he felt justified. But at the same time, he knew he really wasn’t. He was the one who broke up with her. He was the one that had to make her hate him. He was the one that decided to be nosy and walk up the stairs to check on the other prefect sectors.
It was a day shy of it being a month since Draco had broken up with his girlfriend, but the time didn’t make the pain pass. He didn’t have the mental capacity to be mad at the forcing hand of his mother in the situation or the festering wound that was the Dark Mark. No, he was more upset that he walked in on his ex-girlfriend and Harry Potter, of all people, practically having sex in the shadows of the castle. Maybe Draco was exaggerating, but its not like he stuck around to figure out why Harry Potter had his ex pinned to the wall with a visible hand running up her sides. Draco couldn’t believe that this was what was getting him worked up. Not the still burning pain in his arm or the insomnia that left him with a permanent headache. He was pretty sure she was only running after him to try and save face. He almost laughed at the idea of her begging him not to report her and Potter that he almost stopped in the middle of the hall to let it happen. Draco didn’t regret his earlier comment about Potter’s sleaziness, but he really didn’t want to try to talk to her because he was sure that he would have an embarrassing breakdown.
Draco decided that he would hide in the bathroom until she gave up and leave when she’d realize that he wasn’t actually going to go to Snape or Filch to report the two. Unfortunately, she had caught up to him right before he reached the bathroom and grabbed his arm to stop him from opening the door, causing him to cringe in an impossible pain from the pressure she was putting on the Mark. Instead of crying out like he wanted to do, he tried his best to suppress a hiss and yank his arm away. 
“Are you going to follow me into the toilet?” Draco instinctively brought his arm across his chest in an attempt to nurse the pain. He felt a little bad for the tone of voice that slipped out of his mouth from the pain, but it fit the image he was going for.
“If that’s what it’ll take for you to listen to me,” She said exasperatedly, looking rightfully concerned at his arm. “Is your arm alr-“
“Look, I’m not going to report you and your… new boyfriend if that’s what you’re worried about,” Draco said as coolly as possible. “Not worth my time.”
“But really? Potter? Really lowering your standards, huh?” Draco jabbed, hoping it would do the trick in getting her to leave. She just let out a frustrated cry and pushed Draco up against the wall, shocking him so much that it made him forget about the pain in his arm.
“That’s the only thing you have to say to me? Do you get off on humiliating me? First the Great Hall, now this? If you hate me as much as you told everyone that you do, why can’t you just leave me alone?” She shot back, obviously spewing something she was keeping bottled up for the past month. Draco felt vulnerable, quite literally backed into a corner. He let her puff a bit before pushing off her and pinning her against the wall instead. Her unpleased look reminded Draco of a ruffled cat, making it difficult for him to really be upset.
“Listen, princess,” Draco dropped his voice tauntingly, trying to lock unwavering eye contact. “Don’t get mad at me if you’re dumb enough to decide to shag in the hallways. With Potter, no less.”
“Don’t get mad at situations that you misunderstood,” She saw through Draco’s failed attempt to keep his jealousy at bay. Before he realized how pathetic he probably sounded, he found the warm, artificial taste of strawberries that he had been craving for the past month upon his lips. He wasn’t even sure who made the first move as he tightened a surprised hand around her hair, pulling her in for a deeper kiss like he was starving and going in for another bite of food. Her hands were already interlocked behind his neck, melting his body into hers from the electric feeling running through his veins. Draco’s blind rage was gone, instead replaced by a shameless desperation for more of her. Every plight from the past month dissipated with each kiss he took without breath. In this moment, he didn’t feel guilty for lying to her when they broke up, he didn’t feel any of the familial pressure that plagued his sleep, nor could he even think about why he was angry at her in the first place. 
When she broke the kiss, Draco was temporarily snapped back to the reality where she was supposed to hate him and vice versa. They locked eye contact and without another word, Draco decided to indulge his delusion and quickly pushed her into the boy’s bathroom, muttering a locking spell under his breath. Draco didn’t think that the unspoken agreement would actually pan out, but this time, she definitely made the first move by jumping back into his arms for another kiss that rivaled the one that they just shared in the hallway. He ran his hand through her hair, savoring the missed touch. He slowly moved his hand down to her button down, dragging his fingers over the top few buttons. To his surprise, he freed her breasts easily without the need to discard any extra fabric. Curious, he moved his hand down to the hem of her skirt, brushing it to investigate if she had forgone all of her undergarments. He proved his theory right and realized what it meant. 
“I can’t believe you,” He said breathlessly, moving his lips down to her neck and moving his hand around to cup her ass. “There’s nothing that he could have done to deserve all of this.”
“Stop talking about him,” She pleaded, the desperation in her voice matched by her blind tugging at his belt buckle. Draco should’ve been mad but this empowered him. He smirked at the idea of his longtime enemy slinking back to his room sadly or even better, fruitlessly waiting for her return at the entrance of her common room. Draco dragged a teasing finger over her slit and the growing tent in his pants was almost painful when he realized how wet she was.
“Now, who got you this worked up?” Draco whispered tauntingly, planting another kiss at the nape of her neck.
“Y-You. Ah. You, Draco,” She slurred as Draco inserted a finger. He pressed her against the wall for better support. Her head rocked forward to his chest as her knees started to buckle into his touch. She was pushing him past insanity. He let out a tsk, straightening her back up against the wall to look at him. Draco let out a hiss when she reached around his arm to firmly squeeze his bulge, relieving some of the pressure building in his pants but he couldn’t let it distract him. He added another finger, beginning to fuck her with unrelenting speed as she drew out an incoherent string of his name over and over. For Draco, this was music. He met her mouth again, moving his thumb over his clit. Draco smiled into her lips as she was unable to return the kisses due to her moaning. He felt the familiar feel of her walls starting to clench around his fingers and her breathing quickened to a pant. Draco pressed his forehead against hers, watching her reaction as he removed his fingers to bring her to the same edge of delirium that he was standing on. 
“Draco… Please… I’m so close. I was so close,” She cursed, begging unashamedly. Reality was truly suspended at this moment. Their dynamic remained that same as if they were still dating, as if the last month didn’t happen.
“Be a good girl and you will,” Draco bit his lip as he stared into her look of desperation. He took a small step back and started to undo his belt while she dropped to her knees without instruction and took over. When she set the first lick up his shaft, he barely caught himself on the wall behind her from the surge of lust that almost made him crumble. He tangled his hands in her hair, brushing any pieces away from the front of her face. She let him guide her around him, fighting to keep his composure. “Just… Just like that.”
Draco’s voice was husky from bewilderment. When he hit the back of her throat, he swore he could’ve finished at that moment. He let out a low groan, pulling at her hair. She wasn’t on him for long, but he was afraid of finishing too early. Draco pushed her off softly, rolling his eyes back into his head when she removed her mouth with a pop. He used the grip on her hair to encourage her to stand up, pressing her back firmly against the wall. He removed his hand from her hair and used the same arm to hook underneath her leg, pulling her closer and taking a moment to take a deep breath of her comforting perfume. He used his free hand to undo another button off her top, sliding a wandering hand to her breasts. A soft chorus of “please, Draco” fell from her lips, despite knowing it was best not to beg. She was lucky that he was as impatient as he was. In a swift movement, he slid himself in her slickness, sharing a moan of relief with her. 
Draco let her stay seated for a moment, dizzy from the pleasure and wanting to savor this moment. A quick thought flashed thorough his head that as soon as they were finished, they’d go back to being a burnt-out flame. The worrying thought began to clash with the high of the moment, so he removed his hand from her breast to create a backstop between her head and the stone wall. His first few thrusts created an awkward rhythm that he was trying to build up in order to prolong the moment. Nevertheless, she threw her head forward into the crook of his neck mumbling his name and leaving sloppy kisses where ever she could. He pulled her head back to look at him, drinking in her sinful look of matched pleasure that manifested in drooped eyelids and a cute flush across her cheeks. She reached up and kissed him again, encouraging him to pick up the pace. The messy sounds of skin on skin along her almost melodic moaning created a rhythm that Draco tried to keep up.
“Draco… I’m. so close. Can I- ah! Can I please cum?” Her sweet request was too good to deny. He moved his hand again, this time to draw close, tight circles around her clit and she threw her head back in a wail, sliding down the wall. She pushed her pelvis as close as she practically can, letting out the same hungry pleas from before.
“Cum for me,” Draco crooned, smiling at the formality that she had allowed him and watched hungrily as her eyes rolled with her release. She clenched impossibly tight around him, and he had forgotten how the feeling of her warmth only got better as she finished around him. He teetered on the edge of his own orgasm and she knew that. She lazily leaned her head forward, whispering into his ear.
“Only you fuck me this good,” She drew out. Her filthy words were just what Draco needed and the delirium set in.
“Can I cum in you?” Draco practically begged, his voice just above a whimper. When she breathed out a shaky “yes,” Draco fell in one last thrust before holding her as close as he could and let out a final groan. He wish he could’ve prolonged the high of spilling into her, especially since she was peppering sloppy kissed all over his jaw and cheek. He pulled out and took another deep look into her eyes, matching her heavy breathing. 
Draco helped her clean up and as he was redoing his belt and she was buttoning up her shirt back with the same flush splashed across her cheek, reality came crashing down. He choked down a cough, unable to find anything to say to her. He didn’t know how to answer a “what are we” question if she asked. Instead, her reached out again to cup her face, running a thumb over the apple of her cheek. He managed to form a quick sentence, forgoing any fear of how pathetic he could sound.
“I’m sorry.”
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pulpbeing · 1 year
whenever i go to church, if im not asleep i always thinkin bout fuckin my fav on the altar (this case, dottie,,)
excuse me if this seems too. you know.. sacrilege ,, (i dont know if you actually like god or forced to like big daddy up in the sky) feel free to ignore my ramblings im a crazed man
yk,, thinkin bout maybe you're a priest. n you end up with a sinner of a lover.. he gotta repent, right? just bending him over the altar, making him wet the bible with his drool and tears.. poundin into him so hard and relentlessly but your words are sooo sweet and just praises, makes him so dizzy cuz you're tuggin on his hair harshly as ya make him read the bible,, tellin him good for tryin to read even tho his babblin and his eyes are blurry from cryin,, makin him bite onto a rosary as u cum inside of him, but never stoppin until you think he's repented for his sins despite him being so fucked out and cumming so many times he can't think anymore,,, only how good your cock feels inside of him 😰😰
of course can't forget about the confession booth. favorite place to think about doing it. making him touch himself on the other side as you tell him what to do, and allll the nasty stuff u want to do to him and he's whining for you because he can't possibly finish without you :( then stuffing his mouth full of your cock, telling him to be quiet as you let others in for confessions... n he's tryiing so hard to stay quiet but ohh he just loves how you grip on his hair so harshly and bury his face down to your crotch till he could barely breathe.. choking till theres tears in his eyes and he's gripping on your thighs until your skin bruises... n when they leave, you fuck his throat and express disappointment that he's not keeping shut, but you forgive him and that you believe that he can do better! and ofc he would,, so he tries and tries again at every person that enters the booth.. not getting a taste of your release bc he keeps failing,, n he wants to sob cuz fuck he wants your cum down his throat so bad.. but its worth it, you're always very generous when u reward him when he finally does it right 💞💞
basically sweet priest that has effectively broke his mind,, makin a man like dottore worship you like a god n would get on his knees for you without any questions... thinkin mindbreaking him with really sweet praises that he now can't live without em,,,
i was raised christian, specifically pentecostal and missionary, so i don’t have much experience at all with catholic practices beyond media i’ve consumed o7 and dw. i don’t believe in the man upstairs. sacrilege is my middle name with how much gay sex shit i be thinking in a church. if he hasn’t struck me down yet, doubt he exists as i’ve been told lolol. not like i’d want my church’s version of a hypocritical god.
n e ways
if he can’t even accept your god-fearing, pure love, you doubt he can accept god into his heart for sure. he’s too greedy, always begging for more of you, of your semen, more of you folding him in half and bending him over so roughly you leave bruises on him for days. watch how he shivers in sinful delight when you tut in disappointment into his ear, calling him a “worthless whore destined to an eternity of damnation” and a “greedy, filthy sinner.” the wood of the altar is only saved by the nun’s habit you have him wear, the modest dress flipped up and held from behind to expose his greedy hole, ring of frothy white around it that exposed just how sinful he’s willing to be if he’ll defile such a place with his filthy, dirty words and sins. but… it’s better if he only sins with you, and since your god is merciful, you just have to forgive him, make him repent and beg forgiveness from the lord as you pump him full yet again, force his head back by grabbing his dyed hair and make him look at the ceiling, to the heavens above as he screams your name. looks like you have to have him repent again.
like any pastor, one must guide their sheep through all, especially when they misbehave— especially ones like dottore, who at the moment, doesn’t even deserve to have you properly continue with his guidance with how sloppy and loud he is, sinful mouth drooling and slobbering with every bob of his head, so, in his punishment, you keep him from his reward. of course, you still have a job to do, still have others to guide, so while he pouts with his lips still attached to your sex, you attend to follower after follower, your merciful god granting them all forgiveness as you do with your pitiful dottore. like all lambs, he’ll eventually learn to listen completely lest they be led astray and be devoured by the wolves— so he takes your gift, his throat bulging with how you fill him like the holy spirit does to a true believer. he takes it all as he should, eyes fluttering to a close as he basks in your forgiveness and mercy.
ah, it seems as though he sees you as his god now.
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absolutewhore101 · 1 year
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A/N: my first CM fic! obviously had to make it about my favorite boy <3. based on Gorgeous by Miss Swift herself.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x f!Reader
Summary: Spencer's just so... gorgeous
Warnings: alcohol consumption, taylor swift references
Word Count: 1.0K
Minors DNI
Another day, another case finished. 
The last case had weighed heavily on all of you - children being involved didn’t make it easy for anyone.
The flight back to Virginia was silent, everyone trying to process the events that had transpired over the last week. It was Emily who finally broke the silence.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I need a stiff drink after that case. Anyone willing to join me?”
Derek was the first to agree, followed quickly by Penelope who (unfortunately for her) had to join the rest of you in the field, and soon enough, everyone was buzzing at the thought of getting drunk enough to forget everything. 
You turned to Spencer who was sitting next to you, asking him quietly if he could give you a ride home later. Spencer never drank all that much when going out with the team, so he’d become your personal designated driver, and he was thrilled about it. 
“Of course.” He responded, just barely above a whisper. “Gotta make sure you get home safe, can’t be down our most valuable team member.” He threw the last part in to offset the true intention of his words - that he would do anything to keep you safe, not because you were on the team, but because you were you. 
Your mind started reeling with the thought of being alone with Spencer, just like it did every single time. You smiled at him before returning to your book. 
“Woah!” Spencer said, watching you throw back another drink. “I know you’re not driving, but maybe you should slow down a little.”
“Oh, Spence,” you started, “I just love how smart you are.” You slurred as you fell into him. “My name’s Doctor Spencer Reid and I can tell you anything about everything.” You mimicked.
Spencer smiled, too flattered to find it offensive. 
“Did you know it only takes 6 minutes for your brain to start reacting to alcohol?” He asked you.
He watched as you thought about it, before ultimately declaring, “I don’t believe you.”
He laughed, “you don’t believe me?”
“Nope,” you said, pushing away from him, “not a single word.” Spencer smiled, watching as you stumbled over to the girls. He could tell from the look on your face and the reactions from your audience that you were making fun of his fun fact. Still, he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset about it. 
The rest of the night went by in a blur, for the most part. The only thing you really remembered was Spencer putting you to bed and promising to wake you up when breakfast was ready. 
True to his word, you emerged from your bedroom to the smell of pancakes and bacon, and it almost cured the headache you couldn’t ignore. 
“There’s some aspirin on the counter with some water,” he gestured, “I figured you’d probably need it.” 
You smiled at him and walked over to where he pointed, your eyes never once leaving his frame. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that hung off his lanky frame. His hair was all sorts of messy, and he had to keep pushing it back off of his forehead.
You couldn’t help yourself as you gravitated towards him, all but leaning into him as you stood in front of the stove. 
“You okay?” He asked. “Do you want to go back to bed? You look like you're about to take me down.”
You laughed at his comment. 
Maybe he should think about the consequence of his magnetic field being just a little too strong.
“I’m okay.” You responded, playfully cheering as he flipped a pancake. Breakfast was had in silence, and eventually the two of you were making your way over to Rossi’s for “team bonding,” as Penelope had called it. 
As soon as you walked through the door you were being swept away by the girls, following them outside to the patio.
“Did he spend the night?” Emily asked. 
“What happened?!” JJ all but yelled. 
“Ladies, she was drunk. So if Dr. Reid tried anything…” Penelope threatened. 
“Don’t worry, Pen, nothing happened. He put me to bed and then made me breakfast, that’s it.”
Emily and JJ looked at each other as Penelope started to giggle. 
“Did you talk to him?” JJ asked. 
You gave her a confused look. 
“He was in my apartment, of course I talked to him.”
Emily hummed. “Did you have an actual conversation or did you say about 2 whole words?”
You glanced down as you started fidgeting with your hands. 
“2 whole words.” You mumbled, causing the three of them to break into a fit of laughter. 
“Stop!” You playfully yelled at them. “How am I supposed to say anything to his face? I mean, have you SEEN his face?!”
Spencer, who had inadvertently listened to the whole conversation, immediately flushed a deep red, much to Morgan’s amusement. 
“I told you she liked you, wonder boy.” He teased, ruffling Spencer’s hair as he walked away. 
“God, I never would’ve guessed that your type was nerds.” Emily commented.
“Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing!” You retorted.
“I mean, the way you were mimicking him last night made it seem like you thought he was pretty… lame.”
“What? No! I think he’s so cool! It actually makes me hate him… just a little bit.”
The girls laughed, but the conversation quickly ended as the boys started to make their way outside. Spencer quickly found a seat next to you, sitting close enough that you could feel his body heat seeping through your shirt. 
Oh. My. God.
“Now, what were you girls up to out here?” Rossi asked. He didn’t get an answer, only a chorus of giggles from the four of you. 
Spencer hadn’t been home for an hour when his doorbell rang. He made his way over, hoping to open it to find you standing on the other side, but he only found a vase of flowers on his doorstep. 
Confused, he picked them up and brought them inside, trying to find the note card. 
“Carnations,” he mumbled, setting the vase on his counter. 
Did you know that carnations symbolize love and fascination? Of course you did… Anyways, Spence, I just wanted to let you know that you’re ruining my life-
“Wait, what?” He panicked.
-by not being mine. Movies this weekend? -Your One and Only
P.S. you should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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vveirdvvitch · 4 days
Look! I wrote a dirty little piece of fanfiction featuring Edward Nashton!
Edward Nashton X Fem!Reader
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Warnings: fem!reader, no use of y/n, smut, fluff, porn with very little plot
Summary: Eddie does you a favor
Heaven Tonight
Edward trudges up the stairs to his apartment. It had been another torturous day at the office and he was looking forward to getting back to his real work. Cleansing the city would finally give him the satisfaction he had been seeking. Nothing would keep him from obtaining his goal to purge the rotten decay at the heart of Gotham.
He rounded the landing and began the climb up the last flight when a curious sight made him forget briefly about his plans for the evening. There you sat on the filthy hallway flooring in front of your apartment door which was across the hall from his own. He pauses at his door and watches as you tap away on your phone.
And then it happens. It had happened before and each time was a special gift Edward treasured. You lift your head up and smile at him.
The first time had been approximately 8 and a half months ago when you first moved in. He had been coming home from work and nearly ran into you when you headed down for more boxes.
“Whoops! Hey sorry neighbor!”, and that 1000 watt smile had him forgiving you instantly.
He didn’t mind accidentally receiving your mail. Now he knew your name. Now you would greet him with a warm smile and say, “Thanks Ed! I don’t know why the dang mailman keeps doing this.”
“Hey Edward!” Why you were always so friendly was beyond him. He turned it over and over in his mind. Was it a trick? Were you stupid? Were you perhaps the only genuinely kind person in all of Gotham?
Ed gave you a timid tight-lipped smile, “hey, what are you doing down there?”
“Oh you know, trying to get a hold of my sister who is far too busy with her new girlfriend to care about what I’m doing, as well as our good for nothing landlord.” You paused and gave him a quizzical look, “Well, I don’t know our landlord's dating status just that he can’t be bothered to answer.”
It was Edward’s turn now to look puzzled. You pointed behind yourself towards the door, “Key broke off. I can’t get in.”
He nodded and gently huffed, “Ah!”
“So I’m down here until someone either responds or I get desperate enough to call some weirdo who decided to become a locksmith.”
The wheels of his mind clicked into motion. He could probably solve this for you with his pliers and his lock picks, but he couldn’t be sure if you would react negatively or positively. Who has a set of lock picks at the ready? Definitely a creep.
He didn’t want to freak you out and he couldn’t let you sit here in the hallway by yourself. There was no telling what kind of degenerates occupied this building. He looked to his door, key in hand.
“Um,” Edward swallowed thickly, “you could wait inside with me.”
The lock clicked and the knob turned. The wheels spun up again. Dread fell upon his shoulders like a sodden cloak. He couldn’t let you inside! One step and you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was, in fact, a creep. A psycho. Ed-weird. His heart pounded in his chest. Sweat threatened to cover his whole body in a clammy sheen as every conceivable bad ending raced through his mind. You screaming in horror as you ran from him; You slapping him hard across the face in revulsion; You shrieking at him with unbridled rage, “let me out of here you psychopath!”
No, surely you would politely decline with another of your sweet candy smiles. Then he could suggest waiting at the diner on the corner while he took the time to vet locksmiths.
Just as he was pulling the door back towards himself you were up on your feet and pushing past him with a cheerful grin.
“Thanks Ed! I think my butt was falling…” you trail off as you truly begin to take in your surroundings. Newspaper clippings covered in large, red letters and threatening phrases paper most of the walls. Piles of ledgers, various tools, and unrecognizable contraptions litter every available surface. It all feels so surreal as you turn slowly looking for anything to give you an answer. This must be a dream. And if it is a dream, then you can do whatever you want to do.
Your gaze lands back on Edward. Still standing in the doorway looking like he might vomit or pass out. From his sudden pallor you guessed both. Your eyes make contact with each other. His big, murky green eyes full of panic pull at your heartstrings. A dream you tell yourself again.
Without too much thought, you let the words tumble out of your mouth. “Can you do me a favor Eddie?”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion but he nods.
“If you’re gonna kill me, could you at least fuck me first?”
Panic bubbles in his chest as he chokes out a strangled, “What?”
“Well,” you glance about the room again, “this is kind of a textbook serial killer apartment,” your eyes connect once again with his, “And I am the kind of dumb girl who will follow a cute guy anywhere.”
Edward’s heart stops. The wheels of his mind screech to a halt. Cute. You think he’s cute. This was not a scenario he had considered.
His face softens as he finally closes the door behind him. You find the both of you slowly crossing the room towards each other. As if your feet have no intention. They follow some magnetic drum. Prisoners of their destination.
Until the two of you stand mere inches apart. Head tilted back to look him in the eye. Heart pounding your gaze darts between his eyes and lips. The pink tip of his tongue protrudes ever so slightly to wet those lips. Before you can think too much about it you push yourself up on your toes and smash your mouth inelegantly against his. The force pushes a small squeak from your throat.
The sound snaps Edward from his tether. His arms crush you to his chest, hands pawing at your back. His form is soft yet solid against you and his fervor elicits a soft moan from your now parted lips. He takes this as your sign to deepen the kiss and his tongue begins a passionate exploration of your mouth. His hunger and inexperience make his kisses feral.
Teeth click together. Tongues clash and lick. Saliva runs freely. Drool accumulates at the corners of your mouths. Edward walks forward pushing you back towards the bedroom without breaking the kiss. His apartment is small like yours and it isn’t long before you feel the mattress hit the backs of your calves. You fall backwards onto the mattress and stare up at him.
Edward allows himself a moment to take it all in. He feels compelled to burn the image into his memory. You splayed on his bed, eyes glassy, lips parted and panting. The spitting image of delicious prey.
Carefully, as though he is trying not to spook you, he climbs onto the bed and crawls up your body. His breath is warm on your face as he leans down once again to capture your lips with his own; However the new angle causes his glasses to slide down his nose and hit you in the face.
Any tension you may have had dissolves at his soft giggles. “Sorry,” He says as he folds his glasses carefully and places them on the nightstand.
His reach pulls up the fabric of his shirt just enough to reveal the smallest sliver of his tummy. You take the opportunity to snake your hand through the gap to feel the softness for yourself.
Edward tenses, almost pulling away. Your free hand goes to the back of his head. Threading your fingers through his soft downy hair, you guide him back down for another kiss. This time his lips are hesitant. The hand still under his shirt glides over his side to his back. You dance your fingertips over the smooth skin and knobs of his spine.
His eyes flutter closed. A slow whine pushes out of his nose as his body and lips melt back against yours. It isn’t long before you feel his fingers pull at the hem of your top, so you adjust yourself enough to pull the garment up and over your head, tossed to the side. Goosebumps form on your arms and chest as Edward gapes open-mouthed at you in your modest cotton bra.
“Your turn,” you almost whisper.
Edward takes a deep breath, steeling himself against his self-consciousness. He unbuttons his shirt just enough that he can pull it and the t-shirt underneath up and over his head. While he is distracted with his task you reach behind yourself, easily unclasping your undergarment. You add it to the growing heap of discarded clothes at the same time as Edward’s shirts. A sound like the combination of a groan and a whine squeezes from his throat. The cool air causes your sensitive peaks to tighten.
The sight sends Edward into a ravenous frenzy once again. His nose crashes into the flat of your sternum and his hands crawl up to the fleshy mounds now on either side of his head. His hands knead the soft tissue and fingertips dance around your ever hardening nipples as his tongue slides across your skin.
Wanton moans pour out of your mouth at the sudden cascade of attention to your breasts. More fuel for Edward’s fire. You writhe and sigh when his wet persistent tongue travels up the side of your breast and he takes the nipple into his mouth.
Equally perverse sounds bubble their way out of Edward, his mind peacefully blank as he suckles. Your legs are tangled together and he absent mindedly humps your thigh. His hardness easily felt through the thin fabric of his cheap slacks.
Your right hand returns to his dark blonde locks, fingers tightening and pulling him off of you with a soft pop when your nipple is pulled free of his lips. You gaze on his love drunk face with its wet puppy eyes and slackened jaw. Gently you guide him to the other breast. Edward resumes his devotions to your pleasure while you reach your free hand down towards his pants.
Your fingers pull clumsily at the latch on his belt. A frustrated grunt at your failure breaks Edward from his ministrations. He looks down to where your fingertips struggle and notices the small wet dot on the crotch of his pants. You’re going to think he’s a pervert. Panic grips him yet again, until he hears your voice husky with arousal.
“Take them off.” You lick your lips before adding, “please?”
His heart leaps into his throat and he finds himself wrenching his belt loose and scrambling out of his khakis faster than he thought possible. There is a moment's hesitation before he pulls down his boxer briefs. But then he sees you are squirming out of your own pants and panties all at once. And so his underwear joins its brethren on the floor.
Edward doesn’t have time to worry about the size of his cock or what it looks like bobbing up and down, leaking precum. He would worry but the distance between your knees keeps increasing. He feels like he is watching a time-lapse of an orchid blooming, the petals unfolding to reveal the true beauty within.
As you lean back on your elbows, legs bent at the knee and falling to either side, Edward stares hungrily; a starving man crawling across the desert on hands and knees. Your sweet cunt an overly ripe peach on the verge of decay, splitting at the seams with musky juices. The promise of satiety.
Edward has never committed this particular act before but the sirens’ song of your wet, pink pussy is simply too much to resist. His arms crawl beneath your legs and wrap around your thighs. Fingers gripping lest you change your mind, close your legs, and deny him what he now considers his singular goal.
You would never, of course. In this moment, your only desire is to give in to him. You’ll do anything if it means he will continue. You’ve never felt desired like this before. Like you are a benevolent goddess offering sustenance to your most loyal servant.
His gaze flits up to yours. With a small smile and nod you award him approval. Tentatively he presses his lips to your right thigh. First a chaste kiss. Then a light flick of tongue. A gentle nibble. Briefly his breath hits your sensitive throbbing sex but your torture is prolonged when you realize he is simply moving to do the same to your other thigh.
Desire coils within your pelvis. The ache overwhelms you, your need too great.
Your whines and moans fill Edward with a confidence he was unaware he could achieve without his mask. His breath is cool and sharp on your wetness as he comes to feast on you at last.
First, a chaste kiss. You throw your head back and shudder, amazed at how such a simple action could feel so electric. Then a light flick of tongue. Your elbows give way, landing you flat on the mattress. A gentle nibble. Your thighs clamp together to hold him hostage against you at the same time your hand flies to the back of his head.
“Ahhhhh! Eddie!!! Ahhhh!” You moan his name.
A beautiful woman is moaning his name.
The wheels in Edward’s mind begin to turn yet again. He cannot lose this. He needs to know how to recreate this result. He will master this puzzle. Unleashing his tongue to explore your folds, he begins to catalog every twitch and sound you make.
The flat of his tongue licking you like an ice cream cone draws a low moan. The pointed tip drawing circles around your clit cause you to buck and hiss. He kisses, sucks, and licks. You pant, shake, and writhe. He pulls your labia into his mouth. You growl and arch your back off the bed. He pushes his slick muscle into your aching hole. Your eyes go crossed as you whine and shiver.
It is impossible to tell how much time has passed. Every touch from Edward is electric pleasure. What started as sloppy-yet-eager has become a determined assault on your pulsing cunt. Your head lolls to the side and you can see him buried between your thighs, nose pressed to your clit. Sensation and image combine to launch you into ecstasy.
Your hips buck. Moans blur into growls blur into a purr. You feel your insides tighten and relax. Tighten and relax. A gush of fluid rushes into Edward’s mouth which he drinks gratefully.
Panting, he pulls back to look back up at you. His eyes glassy with lust and triumph. Face glistening with your release. Never have you seen something so erotic.
Your hands dart out and clutch his shoulders, “Eddie please, I need you. I need you in me.”
Edward pushes a sharp breath out of his nose. This is it. Jaw clenched, he reaches for his bedside table and pulls a condom from the top drawer. Not that he had many lovers, just that sometimes economy of cleanup during certain solo activities was tantamount.
With shaking fingers he rips the package open and tosses the wrapper away. He tries to steady his breathing and roll the condom on his turgid member. Lips pursed in concentration, eyes closed, Edward takes a deep grounding breath.
His absence is too much. You wiggle yourself closer to him and whisper seductively, “Please Edward.”
His eyes snap back open. His face set in determination he leans himself towards you. Propping himself on up his elbows over you. You simply can’t take it any longer. Before he can make another move you snake your hand between your legs and grasp him firmly eliciting a growling moan from the usually stoic man.
He is thick and firm in your palm. Twitching with excitement. You guide him towards your entrance, rolling your hips up to take in the tip. Seemingly of their own volition, Edward’s hips come crashing into yours, sheathing himself in one fluid motion. If you weren’t so aroused it may have been painful but all you can feel is a delicious fullness. Sparks ignite behind your wide eyes.
Edward takes a deep shuddering breath and pulls back slowly, looking down to see where you connect. He nearly pulls all the way out before sliding back in. The pace he sets is tortuously slow. Dragging his full length in and out. Your eyes roll back in your head, legs shaking. Edward has the sudden desire to never cum. To simply slide in and out for eternity. Perhaps that would be heaven.
Warmth and desire pools in your belly. Your legs come up to wrap around his hips. Your arms wrap around his torso. Still he continues to go much slower and gentler than what you crave.
“Please Eddie faster, please” you sob into his shoulder.
Unable to do anything but give in to your request, his pace quickens. He screws his eyes shut tight and wills himself to hold out. To remain here inside of you for as long as possible.
Edward nearly loses his control when your nails dig into his back and you wail, “Harder!”
A high pitched whine builds deep within him as he pistons himself into you. This is what you had been craving. Him rutting like a crazed buck in heat.
You pitch your hips up in time with his. Wet slapping sounds echo around the room peppered with guttural moans and hisses of pleasure.
Jaw clenched, Edward uses every ounce of willpower he has to maintain his pace, holding back just enough to avoid falling over the edge. No small feat as you thrash beneath him. Gasping. Clawing at his back. Digging your heels into his ass.
“Ohmygod, Eddie! Mm gonna cum!” Your body engulfs in fire, every nerve alight with ecstasy. You become weightless, out of time and space as your orgasm crashes through you.
Edward feels the rush of warm liquid. Your soft, slick walls clamp down on him like a vice. The muscles contract in waves to produce a milking sensation. He does not slow, fucking you through your orgasm and quickly catching up to his own.
A sweet languid smile graces your flushed face as you come back down from your peak. You are so beautiful, so angelic in his eyes.
A dark possessiveness overcomes him. His thrusts come even faster. More wild than before. He buries his face into your neck and growls, “Mine.”
The word unlocks something within you. Your arms and legs curl around him tighter as you gasp your reply, “Yours.”
His teeth sink into your neck. You feel his growls reverberate in your whole body as he repeats it over and over. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.
The tension in his abdomen becomes too much to bear. He feels his scrotum tighten in anticipation of release. Edward seats himself inside your warmth as deeply as he possibly can. A strangled cry rips from his lungs as he cums inside of you.
As the spots fade from his vision and his ragged breath evens out, the full realization of what has transpired comes over Edward. The pretty girl from next door was beneath him. Naked. The woman he had pined over since the very first time she had smiled at him was flushed and breathing unsteadily.
Cold spiney fingers of panic start clawing at his chest. The questions don’t just run at lightning speed through his mind, they tumble speedily from his lips.
“Um A-are you okay? Uh did you uh c-cum? Was was I good?”
Edward’s face burns with embarrassment at his clumsy pillow talk.
Until your face once again brightens with a smile, “Yes, oh yes and oh my god yes!!”
You punctuate each affirmation with a kiss, gazing back at him adoringly.
His heart swells beating back the icy grip of panic. He lets out a breath he did not know he was holding and gently untangles himself from you.
Edward carefully slides the condom off his now softened member and ties off the end. He places it gently on the nightstand. Cringing at the sickening squish sound it makes.
He picks up his glasses, places them on his face, and turns back to you. “Um do you need anything? What should I do now?”
Your face splits into a warm smile, “Just cuddle me, silly.”
You open your arms up to him and he slides down to lay beside you. Arms wrap around each other and legs entangle together. Edward grabs the blanket and pulls it over you both at an awkward angle. You idly play with his hair and a contented sigh escapes you.
“Hmm I guess this means you’re not gonna kill me huh? “ you say with a tired laugh.
“No,” you can feel his lips curl into a smile against your neck, “but I might chain you to the radiator.” A high pitched almost manic giggle bursts from him.
You join him with your own laughter crazed from the whirlwind of emotion. You didn’t know if he was kidding or not. Or if you even cared.
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miyoii · 1 year
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BE WITH ME 𖥔 bada lee x fem!reader (s.her) next
genre: angst | summary — all you want is her; word count: 628
an: requested by @stupendoussportseclipsepaper ! sorry i couldn’t fit everything in one part 😭 i’ll update again in a few though!!
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for the past few days, their apartment felt empty. even with two people live in it, filled with cherished memories they would never forget. the empitiness it held didn’t go by unnoticed.
yn sighed for tenth time that day. this week has been hectic for her. leaving the house early in the morning and arriving way past midnight was starting to get to her. good thing they had a few days off of filming, yet she doesnt seem to enjoy it as much as she thought she would.
well, how could she. the person she was yearning to spend time for the past week has been going in and out of the house. she couldn’t even greet her a good morning or good night, heck, they don’t even say ‘i love you’ anymore.
yn tried to keep it in, thinking that her girlfriend is trying to make up from the lost of time with her friends. but this day was the last straw for her. yn didn’t even get to spend the break with the love of her life, now they have to go back to their gruesome schedule by tomorrow.
looking at the clock, it was 1:30 am midnight. the couple needs to leave in a few hours, but yn’s girlfriend is still yet to be seen. she was about to give up on waiting for her, until she heard the sound of the door being unlocked. hearing footsteps getting close by, yn let out one last breath before greeting her, “where have you been?”
the figure stood by the entrance of their living room, “out.” she responded shortly. “its past midnight, we have shooting in a few hours bada.” yn said, keeping herself cool.
“can’t i take a breather for a moment? this past few days haven’t been easy.” bada replied while sighing, “did you think it was easy for me, huh?” “what?” she asked looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“bada we have a four day break, and during those days i haven’t even gotten to spend time with you. you’re always out!” yn replied getting irritated, “god yn. not everytime we have to be together, i have a life outside too.”
“am i not part of that life bada? am i not that important to my girlfriend that i’m here begging on my knees for her to give me attention?”
“no, its not like that-“
“then why?! why am i awake at 1am waiting for you to come home? bada…all i want for you is to be with me. that is all i want from you.” yn said standing up, as her voice getting weaker from all of the emotions pilling in.
“why are you so fucking needy.” bada scoffed, too blinded by her own emotions to control her senses, “even jiyu wasn’t this clingy, and she stays at home every fucking day while i’m out working!” she said without thinking.
yn stared at her in disbelief, before letting out a pained laugh. “wow! after all this time bada, you’re bringing up jiyu now? don’t tell me you still love her-“
“i don’t love her yn!”
“are you seeing her then?” bada looked at you silently, not answering. that was all you needed as an answer. a tear fell down from your eyes before you wiped it away and walked past bada towards the front door.
“wait yn-“ bada tried to call her but it was too late, yn shutted the door with a loud bang, and went out, only carrying her wallet and keys.
bada messed her hair in frustration as she sat down at their couch, “why do you always have to mess things up.” she talked to herself before a sob broke its way into the space they once filled memories in.
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reysdriver · 1 year
Meeting The Dad | E.M.
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Your police chief dad insists on meeting your misfit boyfriend, so you bring Eddie over for dinner — eddie x fem!hopper!reader fluff
warnings: just a stressful dinner and a mention of eddie dealing drugs
words: 1.2k
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Eddie always insisted on getting out of the van first so he could open the door for you. After telling him it’s not necessary about a million times, you just gave up and let him do it. 
You exhaled while it was just you in the car, waiting for him to walk around to your side. This dinner was nerve-wracking, but you didn’t want to show how nervous you were to Eddie and potentially scare him away. 
When the passenger side door opened, you smiled at Eddie as he took the takeout bag from you and helped you down the step. 
“So,” Eddie wondered as you started walking along the forest floor. “Remind me again why we have to do this? Your dad and I have already met.”
“Because the situations in which you two met weren’t… the most desirable. We want to show him that you’re a respectable person and a great boyfriend to his daughter.” 
Eddie took an exaggerated step over a fallen branch on the ground. “It’s not like he’s going to change his mind about me.”
“But we can try getting him to see you differently.” You told him. “So that means you have to be on your best behaviour, remember?”
He rolled his eyes jokingly. "Shake his hand, call him 'Mr. Hopper’, and keep my elbows off the table. I remember all your training"
“Eds, I’m serious. I really want him to like you.” 
He understood that you were nervous and dropped the teasing. “I know. I want it as much as you do, really. I promise I’ll try as hard as possible to become best friends with your dad.”
You laughed at that. “Well, you don’t have to get that close to him.”
“Oh, we’re gonna be super close. Soon, I’ll spend more time hanging with him than I do with you. He’ll let me sit in the front seat of his cop car as we cruise around town and share embarrassing stories about you.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. You both continued walking towards your cabin, and you pointed at the ground a few feet ahead of you. “There’s the tripwire, we have to go over that.”
“I know about the tripwire, sweetheart. How do you think I sneak in to see you?”
You lowered your voice to explain. “I know. I’m pointing at it in case my dad is watching from the window or something. We don’t need him knowing about you sneaking in through my window.”
“She’s too smart for me!” Eddie spoke dramatically into the forest. “Another reason I can’t slack in making a good impression with her father.”
You giggled at him as you both stepped up onto your porch. You took one deep inhale before opening your front door to reveal your dad and sister on the couch waiting for you. Your dad stood up and started walking to you with an unreadable expression, Eleven following closely behind. 
“We’re here, and with food!” You said after Eddie shut the door behind the two of you. “Dad, El, this is Eddie. Eddie, this is my dad, and that’s my sister.”
Your boyfriend held out his hand to share a handshake with your dad. “Thank you so much for inviting me over, Mr. Hopper. It’s good to meet you in a different setting than we have before.”
He took his hand and spoke slightly more grumpily than you had hoped. “Yeah. It’s a pleasure.”
They broke the handshake and your dad moved out of the way, leaving Eddie and Eleven face to face. 
“I know you.” She said to Eddie. 
He and you both went slightly wide-eyed, remembering what happened a few weeks ago when Eddie snuck in at night. He came to show you his most recent tattoo—among other things—and your little sister had walked into your room to find you making out with a shirtless Eddie when she got up to get a midnight snack and heard voices behind your door. You had explained that you and Eddie were just playing a game but she couldn’t tell Hopper about what she saw. 
She agreed not to say anything, but now she was forgetting her promise and you had to cover it up quickly. 
“Yeah, you’ve probably seen him around town. Anyways, we brought waffles for you and we don’t want them to get cold, so let’s sit down to eat and you can figure out where you’ve seen Eddie later, okay?”
Eddie put the takeout bag on the table and sat down in the seat next to yours that you had gestured to a second ago. There were plates on the table for you already, so you started taking out the takeout boxes from the bag and handing them out. 
“El, here’s your waffles. Eds, here’s our burgers. And, Dad, we got you a steak. Benny threw in extra fries but I got him to add vegetables for you too.”
He was obviously displeased. “Oh, yay. My daughter’s drug dealer boyfriend and I get a bunch of steamed vegetables? Best dinner ever.”
You chose to ignore his attitude, and you placed a calming hand on Eddie’s thigh. “You know, Dad, Eddie actually has a real job. He just started at the music store in the new mall. Right, Eds?”
Eddie dropped the fry in his hands before answering. “Yeah, I mean, I’m mostly just a stock boy, but at least it’s honest work.”
“And you’re saving?” Your dad asked. “Planning to move away, buy a house? At least pay off those student loans?”
There it was, the part you didn’t want to explain to your family. You avoided eye contact as you spoke. “Actually, Dad. Eddie doesn’t have student loans. He’s not going to college yet.” 
“So, you’re both about to take a gap year?”
“Not exactly.” Eddie told him. “I’m staying at Hawkins High for another year. I just have a few credits left, but it’ll happen. Third time’s the charm, right?”
“This is gonna be your third senior year?” Your dad asked, looking surprised. 
Even Eleven joined in. “That’s six years of high school!”
“Yeah, it is. Unfortunately, I didn’t put a lot of my focus into school, so I wasn’t always the best student. But I’m almost there.” 
You were so scared about how your family would react to this information. Obviously, you didn’t care that Eddie was a year older but still in high school; you were just so proud of him for sticking to it and trying. You winced as your dad started to laugh. 
“I guess I don’t need to worry about you running off with my daughter anytime soon ‘cause where the hell are you gonna go?” 
You were about to tell him off for being mean about your boyfriend’s education journey, but Eddie sensed this and held your hand under the table. In fact, he seemed to find it funny too. 
“No, sir. Not going anywhere yet.” Eddie responded. “In fact, I’ll even stay for a fourth year if it’ll put your mind at ease about me.” 
You realised you were still holding your breath from when your dad asked the question, and you finally exhaled calmly. Maybe this dinner wouldn’t be as intimidating as you thought.
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mynameismckenziemae · 7 months
In Case You Didn’t Know
Part 5
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Jake takes you on the date he wishes he would’ve all those years ago.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, oral (m receiving), etc.
Jake’s phone vibrates on his nightstand as he gets into bed.
🐓: So? Did you talk? Was I right?
Jake: Yeah we talked.
🐓: And?
Jake: …you were right.
🐓: HELL YEAH! I fucking knew it! You could cut the tension between you two with a knife. Did you…you know 😏
Jake: I want to take her out on date first.
🐓: Where are you gonna take her?
Jake: I don’t know, kind of limited with the leg. I just want it to be special.
🐓: Where did you take girls for dates in high school? Do that with her.
Jake: We’d pick up food at the local car hop, park somewhere to eat then fool around in my truck bed.
🐓: Sounds…great?
Jake: 🖕🏻there wasn’t much to do for teenagers around here back then. But honestly, I think Charlie would love it. I’d have to ask my sister for my truck back though. She takes care of it while I’m gone for me.
🐓: Emma? She’s a 10 🥵
Jake: No.
🐓: She single yet?
Jake: She’s not interested.
🐓: So she is single.
Jake: I’m going to bed.
🐓: You realize I’m going to meet her at your wedding, right? You’re just putting off the inevitable.
Jake: Goodnight Bradshaw.
Jake smirks at the thought. Bradshaw probably thinks Jake’s just being a protective older brother but it’s just the opposite. Emma looks like a sweet southern belle but she would eat him alive.
He hesitates before biting the bullet and texting Emma; he’s always been a little scared of her.
Jake: Hey Emma Lou.
Emma: Hey! When did you make landfall? Everything go okay?
Jake: Almost 2 weeks, and not really. I was hit on the way back to the carrier and had to eject. I broke my leg and got a little beat up on the way down. I left the hospital forgetting Ma and Dad are gone so I’m staying with Charlie. They don’t know yet, please keep it that way. You know how much this trip means to them. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, my head was a little messed up and just didn’t want you to worry or take time off from that new job.
Emma: WTF!?!?? That’s fucking bullshit, Jake. I’m a large animal vet with 2 partners that are happy to cover for me. I wouldn’t have had an issue getting off of work and you know it.
Jake: I do know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight.
Emma: No shit.
Emma: Are you okay?
Jake: Getting there. Charlie’s been doing my PT, I saw ortho and that’s healing okay. I have a video visit with a therapist tomorrow.
Emma: Therapist?
Jake: Diagnosed me with PTSD after the accident. I’m feeling better already but if I don’t go to therapy they’ll ground me longer.
Emma: The Navy grounding you will be the least of your worries once Mom finds out. I’m not gonna be the one telling her.
Jake: Thanks. I really am sorry. Any chance you’re coming this way in the next few days? I need the truck if you don’t.
Emma: How are you gonna drive it? Not sure how bad you hit your head but you need 2 feet for a manual.
Jake: I’m not, Charlie’s going to.
Emma: Did she get new furniture and not tell me?
Jake: No…it’s a lot to text. I’d rather tell you in person.
Emma: I’ve got a sick heifer to see in the morning but otherwise I’m free. I’ll be there around 11. I think Lee’s got a vet call in the area around 2 so I’ll see if he’ll take me back home so you can keep the truck.
Jake: Sounds good. Love you.
Emma: I’m still mad, but I love you too.
Jake’s up before you and has a cup of coffee waiting as you stumble into the kitchen with a yawn.
“Don’t make plans tonight. I’ve got something in mind,” he says, leaning on his good leg before pulling you into his chest.
“Mmkay,” you yawn, snuggling into his chest like you’ve always wanted to with his hugs. “Can’t wait.”
“I told Emma last night, she’s going to come over around 11 so we can talk,” Jake cringes.
“Will she be gone by the time I get back?” You joke, all too familiar with her temper.
“Why? You scared?” He teases.
“Yes. I know you are too,” you laugh.
You let him hold you for a few minutes, both enjoying the intimacy.
“I’d ask you to join me in the shower but that’s an accident waiting to happen,” you smile, pulling away from his chest to press a kiss to his lips.
His eyes fall closed at your words. “Soon enough.”
Jake stares at your butt in your scrubs from the porch as you walk to your car. You catch him looking as you open the door and quirk a brow at his sheepish grin.
“Can’t figure out if you’re wearing underwear, I didn’t see any panty lines.”
“You don’t get panty lines if you wear a thong,” you wink as you get in, laughing at the way his eyes widen.
You’re normally a no-show underwear kind of girl, but you felt like wearing something sexy today when Jake said he had plans.
You give him a little wave as you head to work.
Jake had just finished his virtual visit with the therapist when Emma pulls up in his grandpa’s old Chevy that he and his dad fixed up together.
Emma gives him a bone-crushing hug before smacking him upside the head.
“Ow,” Jake grumbles, rubbing the spot she hit him.
“You deserve a lot more than that. You’re lucky you’re injured,” Emma says before bending down to greet Cash.
“So why does Charlie need the truck?” Emma asks, throwing Cash’s ball.
“She doesn’t. I’m taking her out tonight. Well, she’s driving but I’m planning it.”
“Taking her out where? Why do you need the truck for that?”
“Ray’s and then up to Breakneck Hill,” he responds, not looking at her.
“Isn’t that where you used take your dates to park?”
It takes her a minute to catch on, but she jumps to her feet with a whoop when she does.
“Seriously?!” She laughs, “Man, it’s about fucking time.”
He looks at her puzzledly.
“You’ve been in love with each other for years,” she sighs. “That’s a great idea though. I just washed ‘er so the bed is clean. Want me to throw some blankets back there for you?”
“I didn’t think that far, but yeah, that’s a good idea.”
20 minutes later, Emma’s got the back of the truck filled with blankets and pillows, a perfect place to eat and watch the sunset.
“Perfect! Now you have a place to stretch out and bang. Do you need condoms? Wait no, forget them. I’m ready to be an auntie,” Emma says as she steps back to look.
“Uh, no. We haven’t-I mean, we aren’t-“ Jake stutters, flushing bright red.
“I’m kidding, Jesus. Don’t stroke out on me. Got anything for lunch?” Emma laughs, patting Jake on the shoulder, right where he’s bruised.
Emma wraps his cast and stays nearby just in case he falls while he showers.
“Lee’s almost here,” Emma says, giving Jake another hug. “Let me know how it goes. And tell Charlie I’m not mad at her, just you.”
Jake rolls his eyes but hugs her back. “Will do. Thanks, Em, love ya.”
“Love you too, don’t forget to forget the condoms!” She replies as she heads out the door.
You smile when you see Jake’s old truck in the driveway, wondering what he’s up to.
Jake’s asleep on the couch when you get inside, but he wakes up when you close the door.
“Oh hey, sorry I must’ve fallen asleep after Emma left,” he yawns.
“Let me change and I’ll be ready to go,” you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek and slipping off your top as you walk down the hall.
Jake sgets down the stairs and hobbles along to the driver's side of the truck, awkwardly opening the door for you.
“You want me to drive? I don’t think I’ve driven it since you got too wasted to drive at Clay Williams's graduation party,” you laugh, climbing up.
“Ugh, I can’t even smell Jäegermeister without gagging,” Jake shivers as he closes the door.
You lean over and open the passenger side, taking the crutches he hands over. He surprises you with how easily manages to get in with one leg.
“Where to?” You ask, pushing in the clutch and starting the truck.
“Ray’s,” he answers with a smile.
“Then to Breakneck to fool around?” You guess, wiggling your brows.
He nods. “Only if you want to, we don’t-“
“I want to. I’ve always wanted to,” you reply, leaving out how jealous you’d get when he’d take girls out there.
An hour later you’re sharing a chocolate milkshake in the back of the truck. It’s just the two of you in the empty lot.
“I wonder what my mom would think of us being together,” you say as you watch the sunset. The sky is a beautiful canvas of pinks, oranges, and reds.
“I think she’d like it,” he replies.
A flicker of movement catches your eye and you hold your breath when a butterfly lands on the hand that’s holding yours. It rests for just a moment, slowly flapping its orange wings before flying away.
“Me too,” you whisper.
“So what’s next? We ate our burgers, shared the milkshake, and watched the sunset. Is it a dry handjob while you rub me through my underwear for 10 seconds then ask if I came?”
“How’d you know?” He teases, leaning in for a kiss.
He kisses you slowly and lazily, committing every sigh to memory. As his tongue flicks yours you can’t help but imagine it elsewhere.
You soon grow impatient and find yourself straddling his lap again.
“Jake, touch me. Please?” You pant.
“‘Course sweetheart. Here?” He asks, pulling the top of your sundress down, exposing your braless chest to him. “Damn, Charlie,” he rasps, looking over your breasts hungrily before sucking a hardened bud into his mouth. His fingers come up to pay attention to the neglected side and he alternates; biting, sucking, and pinching you into a frenzy.
You find his free hand and bring it under your dress, running his fingers over the soaked material of your thong. He shudders when he feels the evidence of what he’s doing to you.
Before his fingers even touch you without the barrier of your underwear, you cry out, your fingers in his hair pull; your orgasm taking you both by surprise.
“Did you cum?” He chuckles breathlessly against your chest as you come down.
“I did,” you smirk, trying to catch your breath too as you climb off him, then unbuttoning his jeans. “Your turn, but I want to get my mouth on you.”
Your eyes widen as you pull him out. “Jesus. Not sure if you’ll fit, but I’m gonna try.”
“That’s not…I didn’t know that was an option-oh fuckkkk,” he gasps when you pull his tip into your mouth.
Your eyes drift closed and you moan at the salty taste of his precum. More you think as you swallow and suck more of him into your mouth, using your hands to stroke his base.
He’s making the hottest, most desperate sounds as his chest heaves. It hasn’t even been a minute before he’s warning you. “Char-Charlie, wait sweetheart. I’m gonna cum,” He pants, gently tugging at your hair to pull you off.
But you shake your head and moan; you want to taste it.
“Oh…oh God,” he whimpers as he finishes in your mouth, jolting when he feels you swallow his spend.
You pull up the top of your dress after you release it from your mouth and gently tuck him back into his jeans. He surprises you when he pulls you up for a deep kiss, groaning when he tastes himself on your tongue.
“You’re…that was…holy shit,” Jake chuckles. “So much better than a dry handjob.”
You laugh before pulling him back in for a kiss.
You’re so wrapped up in each other that you don’t notice the squad car pulling into the lot.
The smug voice of the local police officer over the megaphone has you jumping apart.
“Keep it in your pants ‘til you get home, Seresin. Don’t make me call your mama.”
A/N: First date ✅
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs.
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blouisparadise · 6 months
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of March. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Bloodsucker | Not Rated | 1,738 words
Harry and Louis’ passionate night takes a violent turn.
2) Hell Is A Teenage Boy | Explicit | 1,970 words
In the quiet suburbs of Roswell, the Tomlinson family has new neighbors: Harry and Alice Styles, a lovely and happy couple. Where Louis, a hopeless rebel fell for the man in the suit. Of course, he can't forget his pretty model wife holding his arm. Simple details.
3) Sweet But Psycho Only For You | Mature | 2,728 words
Finding your forever person is something that many dream to do. For some it takes longer than others and the trials it takes to get to that person can be overwhelming. For Harry it was simple. He didn’t have to relive a Shakespearean play or over exaggerated drama to find his love. He met his person at a corner store at 3am yelling at a clerk over cereal and instantly fell in love. It was all so simple. They dated, fought, fucked, moved in together. Oh, so simple. Until it wasn’t.
4) Blue Yarn | Explicit | 2,875 words
Louis was on his hands and knees on their bed, in nothing but the blue jumper Harry had knitted him, arching his back beautifully, fucking himself on… And Harry had to take one step closer before he realized that, outside of Louis’ bum, the end of his thickest knitting needle was poking out. Holy fucking shit. Louis was fucking himself on Harry's knitting needle.
5) To Make a Home Where There Is None | Mature | 3,907 words
Harry shows up and doesn't want to leave. Louis doesn't mind too much.
6) Your Hand In My Hand, So Still And Discreet | Explicit | 4,513 words
“It was about how cold he was under me. How still. It was knowing that even if he had died, even if he was already dead, he would still be mine.” Louis thought he knew each one of his boyfriend’s stories, secrets, and kinks. Turns out Harry was keeping a crucial one hidden away.
7) Haze On The Horizon | Explicit | 6,397 words
“— Louis?” He couldn’t speak. He should hang up. He should’ve never called. His breaths were building into a staccato. “…baby? Are you doing alright? Talk to me, please.” Harry sounded so concerned, and it was quickly weakening his defences. No. No, he wouldn’t. No- “Omega,” Harry called, voice low and just shy of his alpha voice, even through the phone, and Louis just… Louis broke. “I miss you! I-” he cried out, an agonising crack in his voice, a loud sob being ripped from him. “— I need you!” Louis sniffled harshly, slumping, before admitting, quieter, “I need you.” Louis finds himself unexpectedly going into soft heat. Which would’ve been fine, except he is hundreds of miles away from his alpha, Harry, and he needs him. They make it work.
8) Pour Some Sugar (Wax) On Me | Explicit | 11,213 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
“Okay, so I just need you to hug your legs to your chest for me, and we can get started.” Swallowing past the lump that has lodged in his throat, Louis reaches down and grabs his shins, hugging his legs up to his chest, effectively putting his bare asshole, taint, and balls on display.
9) The Room Thief | Not Rated | 12,321 words
Louis: Can I come over? Need your help. Niall: Did someone die? I don’t need to help you bury a body do I? Wait, did you behead one of your alpha flatmates? I hope it was the one that smells like cherries. That is such a weird scent for an alpha. It’s disturbing. And I can’t even smell it. Louis: I’ve just been kicked out. Can I crash on your couch? Niall: Zayn’s in class. I’m here so get over here NOW. Louis: Thanks mate. Gonna pack a few things and will head over. Be there in about a half hour.
10) I Dig Your Cinema | Explicit | 12,930 words
It wasn’t that Louis didn’t want to see Harry’s latest film; it was a tragically pathetic fact that Louis had watched every single show and film, every interview, every red carpet that Harry had done since his ex-boyfriend had decided to leave Uni in the second year and pursue an acting career. It's just that he wanted to watch it on his own, in his flat, with a soft blanket, beer, ice cream, and a large box of tissues.
11) I'll Look After You | Mature | 15,471 words
I mean, when Harry inherited his late uncle's hybrid, he didn't necessarily expect this... Where Louis is a nice hybrid cat who's never lived with anyone but an old man, and who discovers the freedom of living with Harry...
12) I Don’t Want You | Mature | 35,941 words
Louis never wanted to be an omega. He didn’t want to end up like his mother- a submissive omega that married his father in an arranged marriage, and is now living her life as a baby making machine, and a trophy wife who can never voice her opinion- Louis was never the quiet type, he always said exactly what he thought. But life has a funny way of fucking him over and Louis finds himself forced into an arranged marriage with the one and only Harry styles.
13) Hiding Green Smiles | Explicit | 45,227 words
Louis’ heart is racing in his chest. The idea of temporary bonding—letting Harry bite down right on that spot without it being a real bond—makes his mouth go dry. He didn’t even know something like this existed! His mind fills with all the possibilities and questions. What’s it going to feel like? How will it affect his orgasms? How will it affect Harry’s knot? What parts of a bond does it simulate? When Louis goes with Liam to a hidden sex shop, he discovers a new sex toy, the BiteMat, and he can't believe his luck. He loves being bitten, has a biting kink, even, and now he can be bitten over his bonding spot without the fear of anything permanent. He hastily buys it to try with Harry, his friend and roommate, and his regular heat/rut partner for the last eighteen months. They've been friends-with-benefits outside heat or rut for eight months now, and Louis' been desperately in love with Harry for at least five of those months.
14) A Match Into Water | Not Rated | 68,756 words
“So, who’s the guy?” Louis startled at the question, immediately locking his phone and dropping it onto the beanbag cushion below him. This was a topic he desperately wanted to avoid with his friends, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. That didn’t mean he would try to avoid it though. “What guy?” He rushed out, looking at Liza with a dumbfounded expression, trying his best to avoid Niall and Jeremy clearly sharing a knowing look. “You’ve been on your phone nonstop, you’re never on your phone while working. Not to mention, you’re smiling at your phone like a nutter,” Niall pipes up, grinning at him facetiously.
15) I Would Rather Go Blind | Mature | 79,150 words
"What are you doing here, Harry?" Louis asked with confidence, his gaze briefly flickering to Harry's plump lips, a momentary hint of desire flickering in his eyes. "I…" Harry's voice caught in his throat as Louis' gaze travelled downward, coming to rest on his chest. Without hesitation, Louis raised his hands from the desk, bringing them to Harry's chest, helping him button the one he had missed. When he attempted to pull away, Harry's hand shot out and gripped at his wrist. "You're shaking," Louis observed, his eyes shifting to their joined hands before returning to meet Harry's gaze, unwavering. "It's…" Harry cleared his throat. "It's you. You make me… I don't know what is happening to me." "What do you feel?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "It's… warm," he began, shyly bringing Louis' hand against the centre of his chest over his shirt. "Here." His hand slid down to his stomach, their eyes locked in a powerful gaze. "And here." They remained silent for a moment, both captivated by the intensity of their connection. "Every time you're near me."
16) As Sweet As You Are | Mature | 87,394 words
Note: This fic was deleted and has now been reuploaded.
"Do you not have something more expensive?" The alpha gives him a weird look, resting his hands on the table. "Definitely not something the cost of that shade of blue that are your eyes," he responds effortlessly. "Why is a male omega on his own out in the middle of the woods at this time of night?" Harry speaks, staring intensely at the prince, smirk lingering on his face. "Your kind is rather rare. You should be more careful. There are a lot of rogue alphas around that won't blink until they've knotted and bred you up." The blue eyed omega swallows, shuffling in his seat awkwardly and looking anywhere but the alpha before him. "I ran away from home," Louis admits, occupying himself by taking a sip of the lager instead of thinking about the fact that the alpha hasn't yet taken his eyes off him. "My parents want me to marry someone I do not want to marry, so I ran."
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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rainylana · 5 months
“I’m always going to take care of you.” Alternate Version! part two!
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: part two of my series, will also be the final part in the installation.
warnings: talk of sexual abuse and rape, depression and breakdowns, explicit details of rape and violence, mostly told in eddie’s pov, language. if i missed anything please let me know! i hope you enjoyed the reboot of this series<3 let me know your thoughts on this one, it was tough to write!
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“Please, Y/n, you can’t shut me out. You can’t.” Eddie was sat by your hospital bed beside you, hands holding the metal railing that was put up at the sides.
“I told you, Eddie,” Your voice broke, eye swollen, purple and red with a gleam of tears. “I don’t need to talk about it.”
“Don’t need to talk about it?” He repeated shockingly, more so to himself.
You’d woke up an three hours ago, having been out for almost thirteen hours after you’d passed out. You were a completely different person. You’d shut down, cold, unwilling to talk about what happened. You only wanted one thing, and that was to go home. Eddie didn’t know how to handle it. He knew he shouldn’t push you. You obviously needed time, but Eddie wasn’t a patient man, and he needed you to be okay.
“Please,” Your voice broke, looking over to him with a bruised eye, the skin around your nose red and aggravated. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Eddie, but I am fine. Just forget about it and get me out of here.”
The police had been there as soon as you woke up to question you. Did you recognize your attacker? Had you ever seen him before? What was he wearing? How tall? Did he tell you his name? What was his hair color? So many questions and so little answers. You hardly remembered it, yet you couldn’t seem to forget it.
Eddie had sent Wayne and all of his friends home. You weren’t up for visitors. Frankly, you were scaring Eddie. You seemed pissed, angry at the world and broken, not able to be fixed. You had a look in your eye that you’d never had before.
“I’ll go get the doctor.” He said tiredly. He didn’t sleep a wink in that uncomfortable chair.
Eddie left you alone then, leaving the room with a heavy sigh. He found your doctor at the front desk giving check out papers to another patient. “Dr. Grant?” Eddie called, gaining the female doctors attention. “How much longer till Y/n can leave?”
“We want to keep her just a few more hours for observation.” She checked her clipboard. “Just until we get the results of her head ct.”
Eddie nodded, not wanting to tell you the news of having to stay longer. He looked like a shell of a man, broken, eyes red rimmed and lips cracked from chewing on them. “I don’t know what to, doctor.” He looked to the floor. “She won’t talk to me.”
Dr. Grant frowned at Eddie, pulling him to the side so they could sit in the waiting room. She put her clipboard down on her lap. “Mr. Munson it will take some time before y/n will feel comfortable with talking. I can assure you that it’s perfectly normal in rape victims to shut down.”
He visibly cringed at her choice of words. Rape victim. You were a rape victim.
“I’m going to give you some paper work that may help you help her.” She smiled, placing a comforting hand on his knee. “I know it seems impossible, Mr. Munson, but eventually she will be okay again. It’ll just take time.”
Dr. Grant left the pamphlets on his lap as she left for her rounds. He looked down to find brightly colored pieces of paper, the words rape and assault plastered all over them. He got up quickly when his eyes teared up, disappearing into the bathroom and shoving the papers in his pocket.
Take time, it certainly did.
You acted as if nothing happened. You went on about your daily chores, cooked meals and cleaned the trailer. You were pretending, acting. Eddie couldn’t pretend nor could he forget. He was trying to be patient, that’s what the pamphlets told him. Be patient and understanding. But Eddie saw right through you. You weren’t that good of an actress.
He could see how broken you were, the look in your eyes was shattered and gone. The aches in your body you pretended weren’t there, how uncomfortable you were sleeping in the same bed with him. He offered to sleep on the couch and you’d nearly bitten his head off, saying you were fine and he was overreacting. All you were was angry when he talked to you. When anyone talked to you.
When it got late, when everything had been done for the day, you’d sit outside on the porch and stare up at the sky, smoking your pack of cigarettes that you’d swiped from Hopper a few weeks prior. You’d stay out there past midnight. Eddie hadn’t even seen you cry. You didn’t cry or get sad, only angry. That’s all you ever were.
You spent a lot of time in the shower, hours at a time during the night when you thought he was asleep. He never was. Neither of you slept peacefully anymore. You were barely eating. You tried, tried to keep up appearances to prove that you were okay, but you were slipping. It was getting harder and harder.
It had only been three days, but Eddie was starting to loose it. He couldn’t handle watching you fade away so quickly.
It was late when he finally had dozed off, but your absence in the bed woke him. His hand reached out to find you, only feeling the blanket and pillow. His eyes squinted in the dark, his heart beginning to race. Where were you?
He found you in the living room, one single lamp on that made your face an orange color, staring off into space with a blanket wrapped around you. Eddie frowned, turning on the kitchen light that made you jump slightly.
He tried to ignore the way you stiffened when he sat down, sitting a few feet away from you. He stared at you the entire time, trying to read your face. You looked broken. Utterly broken and so, so sad.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie began, sighing deeply. “I can’t keep watching you like this. I’m trying to…give you time, but it’s killing me watching you-” He stopped when he felt a lump build in his throat, not wanting to cry in front of you.
“I’m fine.” You dismissed him every time, not wanting to entertain the idea of breaking down in front of him. The mere fact he knew what happened, what everyone knew, made you feel weak and disgusting. Like a huge spotlight was on you. It was the worst feeling you’d ever felt, like you were standing naked on a stage, vulnerable and exposed.
Eddie bit his cheek and looked away. “No, you’re not, Y/n.” He swallowed roughly, looking back to you. “And that’s okay. I know you feel like it’s not, but it is. You don’t have to shut me out. Please, baby, you can’t shut me out.”
You squinted your eyes shut and looked to the wall. “Eddie,” You begged. “I can’t.”
You can’t.
That was the first time you had said that. That you couldn’t talk about it. Your voice had broke, just only a little. It was the first time he’d seen real emotion in three days. He didn’t want to push you, but you had to let it out. There was no way you could keep on living like this. It wasn’t healthy.
Eddie looked toward the window, it was pitch black outside, not even the flood lights were on. They had quit working a few weeks ago and no one had come to fix it yet. He swallowed back anxiety and nausea. “I know you’re scared-”
“No, you don’t.” You snapped, still refusing to look at him. “You don’t know how I feel. Nobody knows how I feel. They’re just trying to be nice.”
“Then tell me, baby.” He begged, placing his hand on your knee.
You shoved it off, storming up and escaping to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it just as quick. The shower was turned on within seconds, then he heard you crying, trying to muffle it with the sound of your sweater, or maybe it was a towel.
You hated him. You had to. There couldn’t have been no other explanation for your anger and hatred. You blamed him for what happened, for not coming to your rescue sooner, you just wouldn’t admit out loud. He felt like you’d been killed that night, like your very spirit had been snuffed away like a lit match. He missed you. It was his fault. It was because of him. He was the reason your spirit was gone.
He put his head in his hands and cried.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, Wayne. She won’t talk to me. She’ll barely even look at me. She won’t let me touch her. She won’t…she won’t tell me what happened. She blames me. I know she does.” Eddie pushed out air between his lips, struggling to breath. He’d showed up to Wayne’s mid panic attack one morning when you refused to get out of bed. The both of you almost broke out in a fight, except you wouldn’t fight. You didn’t have the energy. It had been another three days gone by.
He was sitting on his uncle’s old sofa, going back and forth from putting his head between his knees or fisting his hair with his hands. Wayne was making himself a fresh cup of coffee, watching as his nephew suffer through his anxiety.
“No, buddy, she doesn’t. She’s just hurtin’.” He poured the coffee into his mug.
“Then why won’t she let me in?” He bounced his knee. “Why won’t she let me help her? She blames me.”
“Try to imagine yourself in her shoes, Ed.” Wayne came over, cradling his mug as he pulled out the kitchen chair, sitting himself in front of his nephew.
“I can’t.” Eddie shook his head. “I can’t even begin to imagine what she’s feeling.”
“That’s my point.” His uncle continued, raising his mug. “You don’t have the slightest idea what she’s going through, you’ve got to give her more time. It’s not even been a week yet, buddy. I know you’re anxious to help her. She’s lucky to have you.”
She’s lucky to have you.
He bit his nail nervously, thinking back to leaving you at the trailer, covered in blankets and refusing to get out of bed. He shouldn’t have left you, but he was on the verge of another breakdown and needed his uncle.
“Why is she so angry?” He gulped, his throat dry from his quick breathing. “I’ve never seen her this angry before.”
“Because she doesn’t know how to process what she went through.” Wayne placed his coffee on the table after another sip. “When we’re hurtin’, sometimes it turns to anger. I think you can relate to that, huh?”
He could. With the kind of life he led, his childhood, everything after vecna and the trauma he endured, he knew exactly what his father figure was talking about. When you hurt, when you have nothing else to feel, you get pissed off.
When Eddie got back home, he knew you were still in bed. The lights were off, the tv was off. The poor fish you shared hadn’t been fed yet. He quietly walked into your shared bedroom, the sunlight peering through the curtains, illuminating your face. The blankets were tangled around you, your arms hugging the pillow. You stared at the wall into nothingness, s blank look on your face that spoke volumes of emotion. You were heartbroken.
Eddie watched you for awhile, making his way to sit at the foot of the bed. He sat by your feet, putting his hand on your blanket covered ankles, squeezing them reassuringly. “How about something to eat, huh?”
It took you several seconds to respond. “I’m not hungry.”
He would much rather you be angry than like this. A zombie, unwillingly to move or breath, not able to function or communicate with him.
“What about some tea?” He tried, eyes soft and round, his hand softly rubbing circles on your leg.
You cringed under his touch, shaking your head. “I don’t want tea, Eddie.”
Then, Eddie’s throat filled with a ball of sick, but he quickly forced it back down. You said his name with such malice, such hatred and venom that told him everything he needed to know. You did blame him.
His eyes filled with tears and he stared at the wall. “I’m so sorry, baby.” He closed his eyes. “I’m so sorry for everything.”
He’d said it time and time again, but his words came out in a desperation that he hadn’t yet conveyed to you.
“I don’t blame you for hating me.” He sniffled, his curls shaking with the weight of his shoulders. “I’m to blame and-”
“Eddie, please,” You sobbed, making him practically flinch in surprise. You were crying. “Stop it.”
He let out a whimper, falling to his knees so he could kneel at your head. “Honey,” He cried. “My baby girl, I can’t stand the thought of you hating me. Please, angel, just let me take care of you. Talk to me. Let me in.” He was begging you with a cracked, broken voice that made you sob right along with him.
His hand went to touch your cheek, but you flinched and sat up, bringing the blankets up to your chest. “It’s not you, Eddie!” You blubbered, snot running down your nose. “I don’t hate you! You can’t think that! P-please, don’t think that!”
He crawled up on the bed to sit in front of you, hot tears still rolling down his face. “Then why are you shutting me out? We’re supposed to be a team! We promised each other! You promised me and I promised you! Please, baby, I have to know what happened! It’s killing me!”
“I can’t!” You exclaimed, your tousled up hair falling at the sides. “Oh, God, Eddie, I can’t! I can’t talk about it! I can’t do anything! I just want to lay here and die!” You coiled over and wailed broken-heartedly, a song of cries that boiled out of your throat and paralyzed you. You curled up into a ball and practically screamed into the blankets. Eddie was shaking, bringing up a hand to bit as hard as he could, not knowing if you would allow him to touch you,
He placed one hand on you gently, and when you didn’t pull away, he quickly gathered you in his arms. “I’m here, baby. I’m here. I’m here, sweetheart. Just let it out. Let it out, let it out.”
You let him hold you, and in desperation of the moment, you wrapped your arm around his leg to bring the heat of his body flush to yours. You bawled your heart out into him, emptying all your fears and sorrow.
“I- I can’t stop- thinking a-bout him!” You said hysterically, your tears making his jean covered knee damp. “It hurt so-so bad, Eddie!” It sounded like your cries caused you physical pain, your words coming out choppy and broken.
Your bruised ribs ached from your heavy sobs, your hands going to hold your stomach. “God, oh, God, Eddie, I can’t do it! I can’t! I can’t!”
“You don’t have to.” He said firmly, trying to control his own sobs so you could understand him. “You give all that pain to me, okay? You give it all to me. I can handle it. You let me take care of you. I’m always going to take care of you, sweetheart.”
Your bruised nose had started to bleed onto his jeans, going unnoticed from the both of you. You were hyperventilating, shaking and practically convulsing in his arms.
“Come on, baby,” He held you to his chest, your body still curled up against him. “It’s okay, I’m here. Just let it out. Tell me what you need to.”
It hurt. It hurt so bad. He hurt me so bad and I couldn’t stop him. I’m so scared. I’m scared he’s going to find me. I don’t want you to look at me differently. I feel so weak. Please still love me. Please stay with me. Don’t tell anyone I’m afraid.
You cried for so many things, but he listened to every last word you had to offer him. You told him what happened. A man had followed you into the bedroom, forced you down and split your legs apart, punching you in the nose and kneeing you in the ribs, shoving himself inside you like a sword, piercing it’s way into you roughly. You had cried and cried, screamed and begged, till you didn’t, finally going into shock and laying there, taking it.
Eddie had tried his hardest not to breakdown at your confession, but he could only do so much. He held you into the dark of night, promising what he had said. He was always going to take care of you.
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katethewriter · 2 years
Something fluffy you say....hmmm....what about if what if reader got slightly hurt on a mission (something small like bullet graze and a bump on the head kinda thing) and when they get back to the compound Natasha is just like distraught that no one told her you were hurt and she drags you off to her to her room to patch you up and it's just very gentle and caring and full of cuddles and maybe even a love confession
Just a Scratch
Summary: In your opinion, it's a minor injury. To Natasha, it is much, much more.
Words: I’m not sure, 2k-ish 🤷🏻‍♀️
Warnings: bullet wound, sad Natasha, light angst with a happy ending, not proofread
A/N: This got a little angstier than I expected, not really sure that I fulfilled the ask, but I hope you enjoy!!! Just so everyone knows, I do see your requests! The will to write is just a bit thin these days. I’m trying to get to them. Thank you all for sticking with me :)
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"What the hell is that?"
You've barely taken three steps off the quinjet when Natasha runs up and stops you. She tilts your chin up to get a better look at the wound on the side of your neck.
The stretch makes you wince, and she quickly retracts her hand.
"Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" she asks hurriedly. Before you have a chance to respond, she turns to Steve and Sam, your partners on this mission.
"Did you even check if she was ok?" she asks angrily, "why didn't you call this in?!"
The pair freeze, wide eyed, looking to you for help.
You take a deep breath and try to regain your friend's attention.
"Because it's just a scratch, Natasha," you explain, "the bullet just grazed me. I'm fine. It's not even worth a trip to the med bay." You try to reassure, but you have no idea what you have just said.
The red head whips around to focus on you, "you were shot, and you aren't even going to let Cho check you out??" Your teammates are completely forgotten as her anger turns to you. "How can you be so idiotic?"
"Because I'm fine," you insist, upset that your closest friend (and person you've been growing feelings for) is now angry with you. You don’t want to return her anger with anger of your own, but unfortunately you can’t help it this time.
"Seriously Nat, we've all been hurt way worse than this on missions. I don't get why you're making such a big deal about this.”
It's that moment, you finally look in her eyes and find the fear that hides behind the anger, just before it fades into hurt. You forget your frustration immediately.
Natasha clenches her jaw and takes a step back.
You open your mouth to speak, but she shakes her head. Your lips snap closed, and you wait for her to make the next move.
After a long moment of silence, Natasha releases a heavy sigh. "Come on," she mutters, grabbing your hand and walking out of the room, pulling you along.
"Where are we going?"
"My room," she says, barely looking over shoulder.
She sighs, but still doesn't face you, "because if you're gonna be stubborn, I will be more stubborn. Since you're not going to Cho, I'm dressing that wound."
Instantly, she stops and turns to you, "end of discussion." She waits for a response. When you don't give her one, she continues down the hall.
You're not sure what to say, so you just follow silently.
Once in her room, Natasha points the bed, "sit." She then walks into the attached bathroom to find the med bag she keeps.
You sit on the bed and wait. Glancing around, your eyes land on your reflection in a mirror. At the sight of the large bruise spread across half of your neck, you gasp.
It definitely looks worse than it feels. It really only stings where the bullet actually broke the skin, which is a rather thin line.
Natasha's reaction makes a bit more sense now.
The Russian reenters the room with a handful of supplies. She drops them on the bed. Sitting next to you, she gets to work. She first takes a wet cloth and as gently as she can, she cleans the wound.
Silence stretches between you as she focuses on your wound. Natasha sets aside the cloth and opens a cream to treat the scrape.
The second the cream touches your neck, you pull away and wince, "ow!"
"Stay still."
"It hurts," you try to defend yourself.
You can almost hear her mutter 'good' under her breath. Natasha grabs you by the chin and draws your head back into the position she had it before. With a clenched jaw, she continues tending to your wound, grabbing some gauze and tape to bandage your neck.
"Can I ask you a question?" you practically whisper.
She pauses for a moment, "of course."
You think of the best way to word this, scared to say the wrong thing. "What made you so upset? We get injured all the time, and you don't act this way."
The widow sighs, attaching the last piece of tape, "this is your neck." Setting the supplies aside, she looks you in the eye, "and you didn't radio it in. You didn't go to the medbay."
"Because I'm fine-"
"Your throat, Y/n," she interrupts, and you don't miss the way her voice cracks when she says your name. "Someone had a gun aimed at your throat, and they did not miss."
You can't help but scoff, "oh come on, they missed."
Natasha shakes her head, "the bullet hit you. They did not miss." She holds your gaze for a moment, but when her lip begins to tremble, she breaks eye contact looking down to her hands.
It's the most vulnerable you've ever seen her. Natasha has been meticulously trained to hide her emotions; you know that. You're only seeing this side of her because she is allowing you to.
That level of trust is something you do not take lightly.
"If you had been standing an inch to the right," Natasha continues, still not looking up, "...or if their hand shook, or the wind blew the wrong way, you would have been gone before they got you to the quinjet. Before anyone could’ve said goodbye.”
She finally looks up to you, and you can see the layer of tears gathering in her eyes, "before I could have said goodbye."
Nodding slowly, you answer softly, "ok, you're right. I got lucky this time." She tries to look away again, but you cup one of her cheeks, bringing her gaze to meet yours again.
"Hey, look at me," you give her a small smile, "I'm ok... and even if I wasn't," you shrug, "you would be. The team would get by. It would probably suck for a while, but eventually you'd all be ok-"
A sudden press of lips against yours interrupts you from finishing what you were saying. You're shocked still for less than a second, then you reciprocate with the same passion she puts into the kiss.
A dance of lips backed by the music of feelings that have been held back for too long.
Eventually, you both need air, so you break apart. Large breaths are taken by both of you.
You pull back and smile to Natasha.
Just as you lock eyes, the tear that has been hanging from the corner of her eye finally falls down her cheek.
"I would never be ok without you."
The sincerity in her voice puts you back. A sudden guilt washes over you. You tend to forget that there are people who care about you now. Someone who is waiting for you to come home.
"I'm sorry," you whisper. Cupping her face, you stroke her cheek with your thumb, and she leans into your touch. "We should have called it in. I should have gone to the medbay. I promise I will do better... for you." You emphasized the last two words with as much feeling as you can manage.
Natasha smiles, and the guilt that weighed heavy on you lifts, and you are left with blinding brightness of her smile.
She leans in, and captures your lips once again. Natasha’s hands cup your face with a gentle touch. When she deepens the kiss, you pull her closer to you, wrapping your arms around her waist. Likewise, her hands slip down to your neck to pull you further into the kiss.
“Ah ah,” you pull away as pain radiates from your neck.
Green eyes go wide. “Sorry,” Nat retracts her hands from your neck as if she was burned, “I’m so sorry.” She rushes out a few more ‘sorry’s.
You laugh and shake your head, “it’s ok, it’s ok.” You reach out to bring her back into you, resting your foreheads together.
Natasha bumps your nose with her own then asks, “stay with me tonight?”
You smirk teasingly, “my, my, Miss Romanoff, aren’t you moving fast.”
A blush creeps up her cheeks. “I just want to hold you,” she admits timidly.
Instantly, you heart melts into a puddle. You never quite realized just how far you had fallen for her.
“Yes, I’ll stay,” you punctuate your answer with a quick kiss. You wrap your arms around her again, this time nuzzling into the place where her neck meets her collar bone.
The two of you spend the rest of the night tangled up together watching movies, exchanging soft glances and tender kisses.
You falls asleep in Natasha’s arms somewhere towards the beginning of the third Bond movie, but not before you hear a soft whisper.
“I love you, Y/n L/n.”
A/N: why do I still get anxious when I post? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!!!
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iridescent-petrichor · 11 months
silence feels better with you, chapter three
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Warnings: swearing, injury mention (jj had a fight with his dad)
Words: 1.6K
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
JJ broke up with you three months ago.
He was currently sat on the wet grass outside, staring up at the moon overhead, his phone pressed to his ear.
He almost slammed his phone to the ground when he heard your voicemail for the fifth time.
JJ buried his face in his hands for a moment, taking a shaky breath. His head was throbbing, and every time his mouth moved, he could feel the sting of the split lip he was sporting.
After a halfhearted attempt to calm himself down, he picked his phone back up, calling you just one more time.
“Hello?” The sound of your voice on the other end made JJ’s heart skip a beat. Finally.
“Took you long enough.” He tried to play off the pain he was in, but the second he heard your quiet sigh on the other line, he knew you heard the way his voice wavered slightly.
“What’s up, JJ?” He hated how he couldn’t read your emotions. He didn’t know if you were frustrated with him, he didn’t know if you were worried, he didn’t know if you were just as desperate to hear his voice as he was to hear yours.
“Uh, so… listen,” JJ cringes at the way his voice shakes, cursing under his breath. “My dad’s back from prison, and… I had a bit of an argument with him.”
He could hear a sharp intake of breath from you, and he shut his eyes for a moment, trying to imagine how you looked right now.
Were you worried about him? Did you still care? Did he ruin everything forever?
“Shit, JJ-”
“I don’t need your pity.” The words came out before he could stop them. There was something in your tone of voice that made his cheeks flush and his eyes sting with unshed tears. He felt weak. He always felt so weak around you.
You’re silent on the other line, so JJ forces himself to continue.
“John B’s hanging out with Sarah, I can’t go there, and-” He angrily wipes at his eyes, hot tears starting to stream down his face that he’s been trying to keep at bay all night. “Pope’s working late tonight, and Kie’s parents fucking hate me, so-”
“It’s okay.” Your voice cuts him off, and he sits there for a moment, in the wet grass, praying for a miracle. “Do you want to come over?”
There it is.
“Uh, about that…” JJ forces a weak laugh from his throat, glancing up to your house from where he’s sitting in your backyard. He can see the dim light of your lamp from your bedroom window, and he can see the small chips of paint along the side of the house from the many times JJ snuck into your bedroom at night when the whole neighborhood was asleep.
JJ winces at the memories, the pain of losing you almost worse than the throbbing in his head.
When he sees you glance out the window, his heart almost stops. The two of you make eye contact for the briefest moments, and JJ raises his hand in a halfhearted wave.
You shove the window open, and JJ doesn’t waste a second, clambering up the side of your house, ungracefully climbing through your bedroom window on the second floor.
With gentle hands, you help JJ into your room, keeping him from knocking over a plant near the windowsill. He freezes in his tracks when he sees your room again, and he almost forgets why he came over in the first place, taking in the space before him that used to be where he spent most of his nights. It was the same as it had been all those months ago, and JJ hates himself for letting you go. All he wants to do is curl up in your bed, in your arms, comforted by the only person he’s ever loved and the only person who’s ever truly loved him.
“You look like shit.” Your voice brings him out of his daze, and all he can do is nod, still staring at every little part of your room. The bookshelf near your desk is missing a few pictures, ones that JJ knows all too well were pictures of him with you.
He shakes the sick feeling in his stomach away, forcing himself to focus on the conversation at hand. “Well, you know how he is.” His voice is raspy. Tired. Broken. If he paid more attention he would’ve seen the worry in your eyes. “It’s really not that bad.”
Both of you know he’s lying. If it wasn’t that bad he wouldn’t be here. If it wasn’t that bad he could’ve handled it himself, but instead, he’s at his ex-girlfriend’s house and god does his head hurt.
Silently, you pull the first aid kit out from where it’s always sat under your bed. Back when you two were dating, it wasn’t out of the ordinary for JJ to show up unannounced, covered in bruises, with a weak smile and a “you should see the other guy.” that never made you laugh.
It tugged at JJ’s heart to know that you still kept the first aid kit under your bed. Part of him hoped you kept it there on the off chance he’d need you again – as if he ever stopped – but the more bitter part of him knows you probably just left it there forgotten until this very moment.
Once you grabbed it, you set it on the floor in front of you, gathering the supplies you needed. Your hand moved to JJ’s chin, gently lifting his face so you could assess the damage.
The slight touch alone was enough to make JJ’s eyes sting again. Your presence, your touch, it was both the comfort JJ craved more than anything and the thing that tormented him the most.
Your hands were impossibly gentle as you start to clean up the wounds littering his face. It was more gentle than he knows he would’ve been. More gentle than John B would’ve been. Or Kiara, or Pope. There was just something about you that made things hurt less. Made the pain dull just slightly.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask carefully.
JJ shakes his head, his gaze falling to the floor for a moment, praying that he wouldn’t start crying.
Your thumb runs along his cheek, and he instantly reaches up to grasp your wrist tightly, both terrified and desperate to feel your affection. After a tense, painful moment, he finally lets go, closing his eyes as your hand caresses his cheek.
When you start to clean up his split lip, he takes the opportunity to observe you up close for the first time that night. For the first time in months.
There’s a soft, determined look in your eyes that always made JJ smile. It’s the same look you’ve always had when you’re trying so hard to be careful with JJ. He frowns a little at the bags under your eyes, hidden just slightly by some hastily applied concealer. He can see all the ways the breakup took a toll on you, in the littlest ways that only someone who knew you as well as JJ would notice.
Finally, you finished patching him up, smiling softly and leaning away from him. It takes everything in JJ to not pull you closer again, to kiss you, to beg you to take him back.
“Here, you can take the bed.”
He blinks up at you, trying to figure out if he hallucinated your words or if you actually wanted him to stay. You’re not looking at him, focusing on cleaning up your makeshift nurse’s station and putting your first aid kit away.
“You can take the bed, I’m gonna… go home.” It hurts JJ to even say, but he’s too weak to spend another minute here without breaking down.
“No.” Your tone is more firm than he’s heard in a while, and it shocks him into a stunned silence. “You’re not going back to your dad. You’re staying here, no arguments.”
“Yes ma’am.” He mutters under his breath, watching you idly reorganize things around your room. A grin pulls at his lips, knowing it’s because you’re trying to busy yourself, too nervous to look at JJ. “Hey, you can take the bed. I can take the floor-”
The look in your eyes made him shut up without a second thought. Once you were sure he wouldn’t continue arguing, you went back to fiddling with things around the room, no longer looking at him.
Fuck it.
“Let’s just share the bed.”
You freeze, slowly turning to him with wide eyes.
JJ tries to play it off, shrugging as if his heart wasn’t beating out of his chest. “C’mon, it’s not like we haven’t before.” That was when you were dating her, dumbass.
The silence in the room makes JJ wanna throw up, but he forces himself not to react, waiting for your response.
“Okay?” He looks up, surprised.
“Okay.” You repeat, walking around to the other side of the bed, climbing under the covers, and watching warily when JJ does the same thing.
There was a polite amount of distance between the two of you, and every centimeter between you and JJ makes his heart hurt even more.
You curl up in the bed, turning off the lamp and plunging the room into darkness.
There was a thick silence in the room as you rolled over to face the wall. JJ desperately wanted to do something, anything to break the tension, but instead, he closed his eyes, pretending that he could relax enough to fall asleep when the love of his life was inches away from him and probably hated his guts.
By the time you woke up, the bed was empty and JJ was nowhere to be seen.
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medusapelagia · 1 month
16 The team retreat
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Struggling) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: hobby drama) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: car accident, canon characters death but in a different way, injuries, blood, hospitals, aged up Steve and Eddie Words: 1489
The lovely mod of the Steddie Angsty August just made me notice that I messed up the prompts so my next 5 entries will be all a day later, lol. But that's just a normal day for me XD! Sorry for the messed up!!!
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"I love you so much, Steve."
The sounds feel muffled like Steve's head is underwater, but he's pretty sure he's not.
His head is throbbing painfully and Eddie hisses when he opens his eyes and moves one hand toward his head. Something warm and sticky is dripping from his forehead, and even in his confusion, Steve knows that's not a good thing.
When he looks at his hand in the dim light he sees that's red with blood.
Eddie is going to kill him.
Where's Eddie?
"Eddie?" he calls, turning to his side and finding the seat at his right empty and the later window smashed.
"Eddie?" Steve calls again, trying to move, but something is keeping him pinned on his seat.
"Coach Steve? Coach Steve, are you ok?" Someone yells from the back while stepping closer to him.
"Yeah. It's me. Ok, you're fine. Lucas is calling 911, help is on the way."
"Eddie?" Tommy asks, confused.
"He was sitting next to me and his seat is empty."
"No. He didn't come. Don't you remember? This is a team retreat to get our shit together and comes back stronger than before after the brawl we had during our last game. Because basketball isn’t just an hobby and we're a family, not just a sporting club." Tommy repeats words that Steve is sure he told him before, but he can't concentrate, he has to find Eddie. He was sitting next to him. Steve's fucking sure of it, the last thing he remembers is Eddie telling him how much he loves him.
"Hey coach," a blond guy with a nasty cut on his arm says, bending next to him, "You fucked up that leg badly, but don't worry, Patrick and I are going to get you out of here."
Lucas shakes his head, "We have to wait for help! The instructions say not to move the injured person."
"Help isn't coming, kid." Patrick says, getting closer, he's bleeding from one hear, "There's no signal. None knows we are here. We have to move before it gets too cold. We are on a big street, after all, there must be a house somewhere to host us and call help."
"The others? Is everyone ok?"
"Chrissy sprained a leg, Barb hit her head pretty badly and she lost her glasses, Fred got tossed around a bit and he broke a rib or two, Bobby was the only one wearing a seatbelt so he has a bad bruise but for the rest is ok, the others are ok more or less. Now hold on, we're going to free you ok?"
Steve nods while the two boys lift the driver seat that was crushing him down. A look at the body lying with his head at a very unusual angle tells Steve all he needs to know: the driver is gone.
Patrick and Billy help Steve out of the bus and then they make him sit at the corner of the street.
"Eddie?" he asks again, but Billy puts a hand on his shoulder.
"He didn't come. He's on a tour with his band. Did you forget it coach?"
Steve stares at Billy in confusion. He's so sure that Eddie was sitting next to him, telling him he loved him. But he hit his head pretty hard and if everyone is saying Eddie didn't come maybe he's just confused.
"Ok. Listen. We must grab our bags before the bus explodes. I have a first aid kit in mine and some snacks." Steve suggests and Tommy nods immediately, telling everyone to grab what they can. They manage to save just a few bags before the bus gets on fire and they quickly run away, finding a quiet spot just behind the curve.
Luckily, Steve's bag is between the saved one, and they can disinfect the cuts and wrap some wounds. Patrick finds Steve a stick to help him walk because even with the tight bandages, laying his injured leg on the ground is too painful.
The cheerleader and the basketball team walk quietly down the road, trying to remember if they saw any house or something similar, and they are lucky enough to find an abandoned little cabin just when it's getting so dark that even with their mobile phones lights they can hardly see.
They share a few crackers and some water. The cabin is freezing, so they hold on to each other to share their body warmth. Jason and Chrissy are the first to hug each other, but in the end, every member of the basketball team and the cheerleader squad is hugging someone else.
"Anyone got signal?" Steve asks, even if he knows they don't, "Ok, so turn off your phones. We want to save battery as much as we can."
He promises himself not to sleep, but he's injured, and tired, and it's so fucking cold, that he falls asleep.
Waking up to someone screaming is never a pleasurable experience, but when the one screaming is one of your girls, it’s even worse.
Carol Perkins is screaming from the top of her lungs, her back against the cabin's wooden wall, while she stares at the girl she was sharing her jacket with.
Barbara Holland is resting on the floor and her lips are blue.
Steve moves quietly toward the girl, trying to find a pulse even if he knows he won't find any.
Internal injuries and the cold killed her.
They should bury her, but they have no shovel or anything, so Steve makes the hardest decision of his life. He leaves the body of the dead girl in the cabin, and urged the boys to move. 
This time they don't have the same luck, the only safe place they find is a cave just big enough for them. It's warmer than the cabin, so Steve hopes that this time they'll have no casualties, but no god listens to his prayers: the next morning Fred and Bobby are gone.
The boys are getting quieter, while Steve can't understand why they keep walking but they can't find a town anywhere, not even a signal or something, and their phones are still dead.
Every time Steve closes his eyes, he keeps hearing Eddie's voice whispering, "I love you so much, Steve," and that makes him strong enough to keep going.
He has lost the sense of time, and the boys are getting fewer and fewer. Chrissy and Jason bled out the night before, but still, Steve and the other boys keep going.
When they stop to rest that night Steve notices that there are just three of them now: Steve, Billy, and Lucas, but Billy isn't looking too good.
"You'll take good care of her, right?" Billy murmurs when he thinks that Steve's asleep.
"We'll take care of her," Lucas replies, shaking his head.
"If I don't make it-"
"You will!" Lucas insists.
"If I don't… tell her she's the most annoying little sister ever. But I love her." Billy murmurs, while they are resting against a tree.
They have seen lights not too far away.
Tomorrow they'll finally get to town and they'll find help, Steve is sure.
"I love you so much, Steve."
Everything hurt. 
Steve's head, his leg, his chest, but the pain is so familiar that he doesn't even flinch. What is unusual is that he's lying somewhere soft, not against the tree like he remembers.
He slowly opens his eyes and looks around.
He's in a hospital!
They made it! They managed to call help!
"Steve?" a groggy voice calls him, and when Steve turns his head, Eddie is sitting on a plastic chair, eyes red and puffy while he’s holding his hand, "Sweetheart are you awake?" he asks gently with a tone that makes Steve wonder if he already woke up during the night.
"Eddie..." he whispers, and his boyfriend starts to cry, kissing his bandaged hand.
"Steve! Oh my god! Steve! You're awake! You're really awake!" Eddie stutters between one kiss and another
"Did we find the town? We walked down the mountain for days."
Eddie stares at him in confusion.
"Sweetheart, your bus got into a very bad accident and you have been in a coma for two weeks."
"Barb? Frank? Bobby?"
Eddie doesn't reply, he waits for the doctors to check on Steve, but when he insists he tells him that the only survivors are him and Lucas, who was the one who called for help.
When Steve tells him about his dream, Eddie with surprise confirms that the kids died in the order he dreamt of and that the voice Steve kept hearing was actually his, begging him to come back.
“You’re not allowed to go on a trip alone for the rest of your life. You know that, right?” Eddie whispers, cradling Steve’s face between his hands, and all Steve can do is nod quietly.
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