#but she kept texting me literally talking about how hot I was and how we should make romantic plans
cherrygarden · 11 months
#really fucking pissed off right now 😭#two weeks ago I had a one night stand with a girl and it was my first time having sex and it was the biggest confidence booster#but I wasn't sure I was into her and she was doing an eurotrip so she left where I am a couple days later#I was so sure we were gonna drift away bc even though it was fine i don't do long distance and I wasn't attracted to her#but she kept texting me literally talking about how hot I was and how we should make romantic plans#and how she was planning on coming back here multiple times just to see me#she's coming this week and we had plans today to go to go on a cinema date and get high and probably fuck and it was great#but her flight kept getting delayed and alright I get it. not her fault#it's still an hour long flight we could've done something else or just walked around#but she just didn't text back until 8 pm#and only said ''sorry!!! I'm such a twat''#no explanation no nothing#I had triple texted before that offering things to do bc I was getting excited to see her#and she replied that and nothing else#i HATE getting bailed on and I hate feeling like I'm more earnest in a relationship than the other person#I feel so naive and stupid and I hate it 😭 literally two days ago I was telling my friends I hope the date isn't awkward#bc I don't know if I like her. and now I'm feeling sad over her not wanting to spend time with me#gaaaah hate being insecure about this#I left her on seen because I'm too pissed off and I know it's disproportionate and mostly my issue so I don't trust myself to text anything#but I'll see what she says tomorrow
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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Sweet Confessions
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Description : After a night out with friends, Bakugou decides to tell you something while you two are eating sweet pastries.
Details : 1.8k words, friends to lovers, cussing, reader and bakugou are over 21! readers looks are not specified in any way, but she is a woman. small mention of alcohol.
this is my first fanfic ever, so please be kind! constructive criticism is welcome :)
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When Bakugou received a text message from Kirishima inviting him out to eat with the bunch of other idiots, he immediately declined. Though this was nothing new, and it was something his red-haired friend was already expecting. Which is why he had Mina execute plan b.
Raccoon Eyes
Yo Bakugou! Come out with us tonight. You're always locked away in your apartment. Let loose a little!
Bakugou glared at his phone and typed out a message.
Hell no.
UGH BAKUGOU!! You're literally no fun. I can't believe you'd miss out on the opportunity to see this cutie -.-
A few seconds later, a picture was sent. When Bakugou opened it, he saw that it was a picture of you. He brought his phone closer to his face and looked it over carefully. He noticed you were dressed for the occasion, like everyone else in the background, and you were smiling widely at the camera. Mina probably told you to pose.
He must've been looking at your photo for too long because another text from Mina came in.
You drooling or what lover boy? Hurry up and get here so you can make a move already. We all know you like her 🙄.
Bakugou felt his face flush. It was true, he did have a crush on you. And though he never verbally admitted it to anyone, they all saw right through him. Except you, of course.
He clicked his tongue and typed up a quick response before beginning to get ready.
Shut up. I'll be there in 30.
"Woo! We got him!" Mina cheered, leaning across the table to high-five Kirishima.
You looked between them suspiciously, "What are you guys plotting?"
The pink woman had the audacity to look nervous. "Nothing! Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, okay."
As Mina and Kirishima kept whispering to each other, you squirmed in your seat. You knew the other pro heroes at the table fairly well, but not enough to just strike up a conversation like you would with Mina.
"Hey pretty, what do you look so nervous for?"
You turned to the left and were faced with a yellow haired man.
"Oh, hi Kaminari. I'm not nervous, just hungry. They're taking a little long to bring out the food. Don't you think?" You lied.
Thankfully he was kind of an airhead. "Oh yeah I know right! I'm starving. I'm gonna go ask how much longer!" He said and got up out of his seat, leaving you alone again.
You sighed and took a sip of your drink. Since Mina and Kirishima were too busy talking to each other, and you didn't want to bother talking to anyone else you decided to scroll mindlessly on your phone.
Some time later, the empty seat next to you was pulled out and sat in by Bakugou himself.
Your ears got hot at the sight of him. It wasn't the first time you'd met him, you two were good friends after all. But you never got used to how handsome he was. It was like he got better looking everyday. You began to wonder what he looks like under that button up-
"Hey nightlight, what're you staring at huh?" He asked, snapping you out of your trance.
"Shut up! I told you to stop calling me that." You said with false annoyance.
"It ain't my fault your quirk makes you a nightlight." He smirked. You scrunched your nose to hide your laugh, but unknowingly failed since Bakugou still saw it.
His nickname for you was completely harmless, and came from your quirk which allowed you to produce light from your hands. It wasn't anything comparable to a pro hero's quirk, but it did have its uses.
"Kacchan you made it!" Midoriya exclaimed with his big smile.
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "Shut it nerd, or else I'll leave. Give me a menu, yeah?"
Midoriya laughed off his words and passed him a menu, used to his harsh way of speaking.
Dinner went on without any problems, and the food was delicious. Everyone around the table cracked jokes, brought up old memories, and some people had even began drinking alcohol, including you.
Your drink wasn't very strong, but the few you had was enough to have you a little tipsy. Thankfully, you took an uber to the restaurant, so you didn't have to worry about driving.
During dinner, you and Bakugou engaged in a conversation. Mostly about his hero work and the villains he had caught recently.
Once everyone finally finished their food and drinks, they had all begun to leave. Slowly leaving one by one, some in pairs as well.
While you grabbed your stuff, you got on your phone to call for an uber but got interrupted by Bakugou talking to you.
"How you gettin' home nightlight? You better not even think about driving after drinking." He warned.
You brushed him off, "I'm taking an uber, don't worry!"
He grunted in agreement and was silent for a moment before saying, "I'll give you a ride home. C'mon."
"No it's okay! I can just take the uber home. Besides, didn't you drink too?"
"Hell no I didn't. It's not my thing. Just hurry up and accept my offer alright? This is the only time I'll be this nice."
You smiled at his words, knowing he was lying when he said this was the only time he'd be nice.
"Alright then, let's go!"
He smirked and held out a hand for you to hold, which you did while he walked you to his car. He made sure you didn't fall on the way there, and even opened the door for you.
"Wow what a gentleman you are. Do you open doors for all the ladies?" You teased.
"Nah, so consider it special treatment for you Nightlight."
You smiled shyly and wiggled your feet a bit after he shut your door and got into his own seat.
The ride to your house was quiet, except for the occasional small talk. But it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was a comforting feeling for the both of you.
When he pulled up to your place, you turned to him to say goodbye, but instead you said "Um, do you wanna come inside with me? I have some pastries I made earlier..."
He laughed lightly at your words, "Sure, but be ready for me to critique the hell out of those pastries."
You led him inside where you both took off your shoes and coats. You ushered him to sit on the couch and relax while you went to go prepare some drinks and the pastries for the two of you.
While you were gone for a few minutes, Bakugou couldn't help but think about how he was actually inside your house. It wasn't the first time he'd been there, but it was the first time he'd been there alone. Just you and him.
In the midst of his thinking, he felt his phone buzz and he looked at it to see a message from Kirishima.
Shitty Hair
I see you left with your little nightlight ;) Better make a move while you have the chance!!
Bakugou huffed and sent a middle finger emoji, then silenced his phone. He didn't need any distractions.
Finally, you came from the kitchen with a tray in your hands and placed it on the coffee table.
"Here they are! My babies. I hope they're still good, considering they're not as fresh as they were this morning." You said nervously while sitting down next to him.
Bakugou hummed and grabbed a pastry, biting into it. You watched silently as he chewed and swallowed it, anticipating his reaction.
He bit it again, "S' good."
You smiled, "I'm glad you like it. That means a lot coming from you, Bakugou. Your cooking is so good!"
He turned away with a red face, "Of course it is. I'm the best at everything. And why don't you call me Katsuki? We've known each other for years now."
"Oh, I didn't realize you felt that way. Sorry Baku-erm, Katsuki. I just thought you didn't want anyone to call you that, especially since Kirishima doesn't even call you that..."
"Tsk, I feel a lot of ways. You just don't know about it."
Your interest peaked at his words. "Oh yeah? Then would you do the honors by telling me how you feel Katsuki?" You teased.
Bakugou felt himself hesitate before speaking, which is something he never did. Gosh, he couldn't believe this is how he was going to confess to you.
"I like you, idiot."
Your smile fell and your expression formed into one of pure confusion. "What?"
Damn. Maybe that wasn't the right move.
He began to panic and sat up quickly, "Ugh, nothing. Forget about it-"
"No! I'm not forgetting about that." You said while grabbing his hand, pulling him back down onto the couch.
As he sat down next to you in silence, you kept his hand in yours. "You like me Katsuki?"
He huffed and turned away. "So what if I do? It doesn't matter-"
You grew frustrated at his words. "Of course it matters! Stop acting like this is nothing. I need you to talk to me seriously, because I don't want to get my hopes up..."
He looked back at you, only to see your eyes watering. "Hey wait-don't cry. Shit. I'm real fuckin' bad at this, ain't I?"
You laughed and sniffled, "Yeah, a little."
He sighed and squeezed your hand that was holding his.
"I uh, I do really like you. I have for a while. I just didn't wanna fuck up what we already had-" He was cut off by you throwing your arms around his neck tightly.
"You big dummy. I can't believe you thought you'd mess things up."
His eyes widened in surprise, but he still wrapped his arms around your waist. He stayed quiet to listen to what you had to say.
"I actually like you too, y'know. I have for a while now."
He smirked and hugged you tighter. "Thank god. I was almost afraid you'd run out on me."
You snorted and pulled away slowly. "No way in hell would I do that. I just didn't know how to tell you..."
He threw an arm around you and said, "Well I'm glad ya did. 'Cause you're my girl now."
"Don't I get any say in this?" You asked jokingly.
"Nah, you agreed when you said you liked me back."
That night, Katsuki decided to sleepover at your place since you two had already made it official. You lent him some mens pajamas you had since you were sure they'd fit him, which he fussed about because he assumed they belonged to another man.
"No Katsuki, these are actually mine believe it or not."
"Tsk, good. If I ever find any other loser's shit in here I'll blow it up."
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AITA for getting upset at my ex for being PDA with his boyfriend?
🌱🚌🍰<- To find later
Ages aren't super relevant here but everyone is in their mid-late 20s. About a year ago, my fiance of about 8 and a half years, Jake, broke up with me. It wasn't the smoothest breakup, I didn't take it well at the time, but I've since had a lot of time to think about it and I do understand (and agree with some of) his reasons for it. We're still on friendly terms and recently started casually chatting again 2 months ago after he said he needed a break for a while. I admit I do still love him and we had said at the time that we would want to get back together someday but that it would be a long time before we could consider that again and I wouldn't be upset with him if he changes his mind. There are a number of reasons why things weren't going well, I know I have a lot of body image issues and that had a lot of impact on our sex life, and there was also just a lot of baggage from old issues that built up over the course of the relationship. I've since been in therapy which I know was long overdue and working on a lot of the issues that contributed. Ultimately though, what ended up being the breaking point was issues we were having with polyamory.
I'm going to try and keep things as succinct as possible because the including all the details would make it way too long, but here's basically what happened: Jake and I agreed to be open about sleeping with other people, as long as we kept things out of our shared space. We weren't sure about dating others yet, but we said we'd talk about it if it came up. I know Jake felt jealous about me being with others while I worked on our own intimacy issues, but he told me that he knew that was unhealthy especially if we wanted to eventually be poly. A few months in, I heard from one of our friends, Emily, that a new friend of ours, Daniel, thought Jake was hot and might have a crush on him. I was shocked that Emily would tell me that because she knew Jake and I were together, and I told Jake to discuss what to do about it. He was kind of upset that I told him because he said he would've wanted to hear that from Daniel directly, I argued it was relevant but apologized anyway and dropped it. Over the next few months, Jake and Daniel started texting a lot and Jake started developing feelings for him. When Daniel confessed during a movie night, Jake said he felt the same but that he'd have to talk to me about it first. Jake told me he wanted to go for it, which was surprising because he had said literally the day before that he wasn't sure, but we decided to try poly with some ground rules. Ultimately the issue came down to the "shared space" rule we were already following. I considered making out as sexual, but Jake disagreed and told me that was too controlling if we were allowed to have dates at the apartment. This led to a fight, and when I went to the other room to calm down, I realized that if I couldn't handle seeing Jake with someone else so close to me, I couldn't do poly, so I went back out to tell him. He asked why we couldn't keep talking about it, I said I couldn't change how I felt, and he got upset that I wasn't willing to have a conversation about it now that he had feelings for someone else, so I asked him what he'd want to talk about and he said not to bother because it was obvious I had already made up my mind. The next day he told me we should take a break, and we broke up a week later. I want to make it very clear that I don't blame Daniel for any of this and I don't think anyone was "cheating". As far as I'm aware, Jake and Daniel started dating about 4-5 months after we broke up. I'm not going to lie and say that seeing Jake so happy with someone else doesn't hurt, but I know that's immature of me and I'm working on getting over it.
About a week ago, Jake invited me to go to a bar with a bunch of our old friends. It was a lot of fun and I had really missed hanging with everyone in a group. At some point during the night though, I noticed Daniel being kind of handsy with Jake. I brushed it off because everyone was drunk, but as time went on it became less and less subtle, and I started getting a little uncomfortable. I noticed that one of our more reserved friends, Jason, was also looking a bit flustered. At one point Daniel pulled Jake away from the table to go off somewhere, and everyone just kind of laughed awkwardly before continuing conversation. I know that Jake didn't like PDA before but it's possible that changed, idk.
At the end of the night when people were saying goodbyes and starting to head home, I pulled Jake aside to thank him for inviting me and saying it was a lot of fun and great to see everyone again, but that I noticed people were kind of uncomfortable with Daniel's PDA and suggested that he tone it down a little in the future, especially around Jason. Jake didn't say anything at the time but his smile dropped a little bit and he said he'd talk to Daniel about it.
The next day, I woke up to messages from both Jake and Jason telling me I was out of line and that nobody but me had any issues with their PDA. I even mentioned Jason looking uncomfortable and he said that it was because he had had a crush on Jake for a while now, but that it would be unreasonable for him to ask Jake and Daniel to change their behavior around their friends (which I completely disagree with when it comes to PDA and being inappropriate in public). Jake told me that if I was going to bring our breakup back into the group dynamic it would be better if I didn't come in the future. I asked a few of our other friends and one said that it could be too much sometimes but only when everyone was really drunk, one said that if it did go too far they'd say something, but that it never had, and the last one told me that I was being rude and was clearly just not over Jake.
I don't think I'm an asshole for being uncomfortable with PDA and even if nobody else agrees with me (and at least a couple do), I didn't go about telling them in a rude way at all, but most of the group is saying I was overstepping and to get over myself. AITA here?
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koilaniazul · 4 months
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why not me? (pt 2)
pairing- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt confronts y/n and it turns into a confession. but of course, these things don’t always have a happy ending.
warnings: swearing, angst, matt is a meanie once again
go check out part one!
after seeing matt’s date, you felt empty. the boy you had loved for years had just slipped from your fingers.
he didn’t even text. or call. hell, he could’ve sent a damn pigeon and you would’ve jumped for joy.
but no, he just ghosted you. that wasn’t like him.
the entire time you were in your house you stalked eiliana. her instagram, her tiktok, her threads account, her moms facebook account. you found out she has an onlyfans. (that she barely even posted on.)
*she’s not good for matt.* you thought to yourself
you hadn’t got up from your bed in DAYS. and the dishes + smell in your room was a dead giveaway.
on the 5th day you unltimately decided it was time for self care.
you got up from your bed and felt disgusting. gathering all the takeout boxes and bowls with living organisms inside them, you stuffed them in the dishwasher as well as taking out the trash.
pulling off your dirty and crumb filled sheets and putting them in the washer, disinfectant over EVERY surface in your house.
hopping into the hot shower and letting out a soft moan feeling the anxiety and overwhelming stress wash away.
standing in your towel you looked at your phone, an instagram notif popped up.
a message. from matt.
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he wanted..to talk? he wanted to talk. matt wanted to talk. and he was coming over in 10 minutes.
reality suddenly hit ur brain as you hopped out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed into the most decent fit you could find.
ur hair was still wet and you barely had time to put makeup on.
matt was coming over and you looked like a wet abandoned dog.
putting on perfume you heard your doorbell ring.
oh shit.
halfway sprinting to the door you opened it as your heart stopped.
there stood matt who you hadn’t seen in weeks.
and he looked so good. even his outfit looked so fine.
you checked him out without shame and he noticed.
clearing his throat, the boy looked her in the eyes. “can..i come in?” he asked a bit unsure.
stepping out of your trance, you looked up at matt with doe eyes. “yeah..yeah sure”
matt carefully stepped inside and took his shoes off as you walked into your living room.
sitting on the couch you patted the spot next to you for him to sit down.
he sat down and avoided eye contact.
deciding to break the quietness, you spoke.
“so, why are you here? missed me that much?” you asked slightly laughing.
he didn’t return the laughter. matt side eyed you as he spoke, “i think you know why im here y/n”.
your smile faded. “i don’t know..”’. as much as you hated lying, you didn’t want to talk about what happened.
matt’s jaw clenched in anger. “ what do you mean?! you showed up at my date with my girlfriend!”.
girlfriend? there’s no way he was dating her already.
you stood up. “are you serious matt? you’ve only known her for like a week!”.
matt’s eyes widened as he stood up as well. “you can’t be talking right now. why are you so interested about how long i’ve known eiliana?! if you need to know we’d been talking for like months before!”
you scoffed. but as you tried to speak again he cut you off. “matt- no y/n shut the fuck up! you’re crazy. eiliana literally complained to me that she was scared of you because you kept stalking her profiles every.single.day.”
your mouth went dry. you forgot to hide your own profile.
“you’re supposed to be my best friend! not some psycho who’s literally joe goldburg.” matt says obviously stressing
“well i cant just be your friend matt!” you yelled. you didn’t think before you spoke. *shut up y/n* you thought to yourself
matt looked even more confused than he was before. “why not?”
“because i fucking love you!” you cried out.
dead silence.
you panted. suddenly out of breath.
you looked up at matt. his eyes darkened.
“matt-“ you said trying to touch his arm
“don’t-don’t touch me!” he said taking two steps back from you
you jerked your hand back scared from his reaction.
“matt please listen to me!” you yelled, tears started to pool your eyes.
he looked up and scoffed. “no you don’t get to cry y/n. you don’t get to fucking cry after you stalked my girlfriend and showed up at our date.”
“i- i didnt even mean to!” you stuttered. “i only left my house because you stood me up!”
matt rolled his eyes. “so what? i went on a date with a girl. you’re being a sensitive bitch.”
“why are you being such a dick right now?! this isn’t the matt i know!”
“oh yeah because you know me so well. matt said with a hint of sarcasm. “you don’t know me at all!”
you started to sob now. “matt-matt please!”
he walked to your front door. “i can’t be here.”
you panicked and sprinted to the front door, blocking him from leaving.
“let’s talk! please.” you begged desperately.
he finished putting his shoes on. “out of my way.”
your breath hitched. “matt.”
he sighed. “we can’t do this y/n. this isn’t healthy.”
confusion reached your face. “what are you talking about..?”
“we can’t be friends anymore.”
your heart dropped. “h-huh?”
he rubbed his temples “that’s why i came over here anyway. eilana and i had talked about it before i drove over. she suggested it and i think it’s a good idea.”
tears rolled down your face. “you’re one of my best friends i cant lose you!”
“ my girlfriend is terrified of you, and you clearly need help, please move out of the way y/n”
you gave up.
moving out of the doorway, matt opened the door and stood in the door frame.
“you know, i wanted to introduce her to you. i thought you two would be good friends. guess not. see you around”
he shut the door as you heard his footsteps walk away.
you tried to cry but you couldn’t.
you were so tired.
only one thought circled your head.
why not me?
𝗄𝗈𝗂'𝗌 𝗒𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 ↷
anyway.. i did not mean to make matt this mean. welp!
please tell me if you find any mistakes!
ok bai love ya ꨄ
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yourmomsgranddad · 1 year
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— CHAPTER FOUR: HUG ME! Bring it in!
— SUMMARY: Falling back into old patterns make new feelings arise.
— WARNINGS: none!
— A/N: I promise the post time I have written down is 7:30, but I literally suck at time. But hey, A for effort. At least this one is on Saturday.
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It didn't take long for you two to go back to being best friends. Kate figured it would take months and she would have to work at it for a while. But you two loved each other, you couldn't stay away.
She would come see you at your job, her mom's office, you two would get on her nerves and then go back to her apartment.
Sometimes you would lay on her bed and talk about everything under the sun.
You told her about your summer you spent in Italy, she was envious. She very easily told you about how she worked with Hawkeye, aka Clint Barton, you were proud.
And eventually, the sun would come up and you both would fall asleep.
You would fall asleep first and Kate would find herself watching you as your chest went up and down, seeming so serene in her place. You hadn't been in New York for long and you were already comfortable in her apartment.
Kate was bouncing off the walls.
She kept thinking about you in a different way and was very confused. She kept staring at you, memorizing all the dips and bumps on your face. At this point, she could draw you perfectly from memory.
She wanted to do something, kiss you, something. She didn't have the guts but it's not like you hadn't kissed before.
She kept thinking she could do it, you came pretty close a couple times. But something always stopped her. Closet guy. He wasn't just a shameful make out at a party, you were kind of serious about him.
You were always either texting him or talking about him.
He was basically your boyfriend and Kate was basically jealous.
She didn't want to be. She had just gotten you back and she didn't want to lose you because of some stupid feelings that probably weren't even real. That's what she kept telling herself.
So she never made a move.
It was better this way.
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Falling into old habits, it also meant you had to learn about the new ones as well.
"Since when do you like lemonade?" Kate wondered. You were standing in her kitchen, mixing together the lemony beverage.
"Since I tried it at a party a while ago and got obsessed with it."
As long as she's known you, you hated lemonade. You always called it the sourest piss. Every time you drank it, you got sick to your stomach and wanted to pull your organs out. What changed?
As she watched you down two full glasses of lemonade, her stomach was rumbling. She needed a snack.
She reached behind her in one of her tall cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips.
"Since when do you like hot chips?" Your face crumpled, now you were the one that was confused and it showed.
"Since I got covid and my taste got messed up." She shrugged, going back into the bag with the worst red fingers you had ever seen.
Kate was a dirty kid, she loved getting in mud and jumping into fountains when she wasn't supposed to. But one thing she hated was eating with her hands. They were never clean and she didn't want to get sick. She always hated the red fingers. Why did she like them now?
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You two were sitting in silence, watching The Proposal and suddenly, you had nothing to say to each other. Non-stop talking for days and you ran dry.
"What happened to us?"
That was a loaded question. There was so many answers and you were not ready for any of them.
"We grew up, Y/n. Once you grow, your tastes change." And that, right there? A loaded answer. It's like she had to tiptoe around what she could say around you. You were best friends, why did she have to?
She wanted to ask you so many things but she didn't want to open Pandora's Box. Not yet.
But she didn't. She stayed silent for the first time ever in her life. And suddenly your hangouts were no longer fun.
No more messing around in the office.
You were more quiet and you never really told Kate anymore things about yourself, and what you been doing. Kate didn't really recount her tales as Hawkeye anymore.
You were losing each other once again even though you were right next to each other.
And all because Kate didn't want to talk.
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You felt cramped in Kate's apartment. You wanted to go somewhere else, so you suggested going for a walk in the park.
She agreed, mostly because it wouldn't be as awkward to not talk to each other if you were in an open space, surrounded by other people.
But it didn't help that it was cherry blossom season. Just walking down the walkway with the flowers falling around you, it was way too romantic for Kate's liking. It was stressful.
And you were suddenly in your element, already blending with the fauna. Great.
It was gorgeous and this was not helping her crush right now. Yeah, crush, that's what she's calling it. She figured it would go away since you two were barely talking but it was only getting worse.
You were getting tired so you decided to sit down and enjoy the flowers from the seated position.
"Do you remember when we snuck out of our houses to go to the park and catch fireflies?" Like it was yesterday, Kate thought as she looked up seeing the tale unfold before her eyes once again.
"Y/n! Come on!"
"No Kate! What if we get in trouble?"
"You're such a dweeb! Come on!" She was basically pulling you with all of her 10 year old might. You were almost out of the door and your whining was about to get you caught.
Eventually, she got you out of the door and you sprinted to the park.
As soon as you got there, you forgot all about the guilt you were feeling from leaving. The bugs looked like little lanterns, floating in the sky. You almost didn't want catch them, they looked happy.
And so did Kate.
Sneaking out was worth it.
"Back when things were easy."
"Back when you were around more." Kate felt bad for mentioning it but suddenly it was bothering her. Why did you have to leave? So she decided to ask.
"Why'd you leave?"
You looked down, trying to focus on the leaf that was tickling your shoe at the moment. You really didn't want to tell her.
"Are you sure you want to know? You might not like it."
Everything paused. Was she completely sure about this? Once she knew, she couldn't unlearn it. Could it be super horrible? No. She wanted to know. It's been too long.
"Tell me."
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gojoest · 11 months
ok i am finally home and it’s STORYTIME WITH THE WAITER !! *rubs hands together* long post btw my thoughts are very hectic i am sleep deprived and hungover so excuse me t-t
so last night we went to this place with 2 of my coworkers (that are also close friends of mine) — it’s a club restaurant actually, the music is chill and not so loud until about 10-10:30pm so you can eat and chat with friends and then after that it’s showtime (hot men put on a show, they dance and strip, the latter is not that hardcore btw). turns out they organize different shows every night so it’s not always that. ANYWAY, we had a waitress assigned to our table but the place was so full and she was busy running around catering to everyone so instead of waiting i asked the waiter in question for the menu :3 so he brought us 3 and was like “sorry my coworker is very busy, if she can’t handle all her tables i will gladly take care of you tonight”. guys he is super cute i tell you, he’s got that big smile on his face all the time and a super positive energy flowing from him + he jokes around with ease and just seems to be so easygoing and friendly and i find that so attractive NOT TO MENTION he is very handsome and has a beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sadly though he didn’t end up taking our table bc the waitress made it work somehow, she was super lovely btw <3 he was constantly passing by our table though and we both shamelessly stared at each other every time lmao
anyway as the night went on and we downed 4 bottles of wine and started dancing my mischievous coworkers invited him to our table for a bit and he did not decline even though he was working, he just casually sat down with us and behaved like we’ve always known each other ajksdskas. so we poured him a glass of wine, said cheers and then danced a bit AND THEN t-t my coworker took an empty water bottle and spun it on the floor (do you see where i am going) and it ended up pointing towards me and the waiter t-t and that same coworker was like “you have to kiss her now, these are the rules” and i was like :0 just standing there like :0 what :0 what :0 he then came to me and looked me in the eyes and put his hands on my cheeks but didn’t kiss me immediately, i think he was waiting for my reaction like i’m going give you 3 secs to push me away if you don’t want to but ofc I DID WANT TO KISS HIM so we in fact kissed.
after we were done kissing my coworker literally placed the bottle between us again, didn’t spin it this time just put it there between us like ok round 2 now, keep going KSJHDKSJSAA and he looked at me and was like “how about you kiss me this time” with a smug smile. part of me wanted to slap him but a bigger part of me wanted to keep kissing him so that’s that sigh we kissed again. HE IS SUCH A GOOD KISSER it’s not my fault :/
later we had some time to chat and exchange numbers etc.. and im glad we did bc i wanted to apologize to him for what my friends pulled with that orchestrated spin the bottle. and he was like “i am very content things turned out that way actually and i hope you don’t mind it either, and also — i hope you are single too” <- he looked so cute saying this that i ended up kissing him again help. then we talked some more and kissed some more. around 3:30am we had to leave bc we had work in like a few hours so i called a taxi and he waited with me outside even though he was still at work (i hope he did not get in trouble for that + spending a lot of time with us t-t) and then opened the car door for me and told me to text him when i get home t-t but i forgot bc i was a bit drunk and all i wanted to do was sleep right away so i just passed out. BUT HE CALLED ME and was like you home safe? and i was like yep yepp !! then i saw that he texted me a few times to check on me and maybe got worried that i did not reply so he called t-t
today he kept texting me all day casually updating me on how his day is going + asking questions about my day and etc. he sent me a selfie in the morning and was like “ok since you’re not drunk anymore can you please look at me and confirm that you still like me” LMAO he is so !! doki doki !! makes me laugh a lot but also i want to punch him sometimes bc he’s so smug but then again i can’t bc he’s also very cute and pretty t-t anyway i shall keep you updated on mr waiter v_v WAIT actually he’s also an engineer but works as a waiter too + he’s a foreigner but has been living here for a long time, knows the language fluently and has the cutest tiny accent when saying certain words IT’S SO CUTE anyway i need to take a shower now i am so tired t-t
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marcelwrites · 7 months
It was a lively weekend. The bar was packed with an assortment of roach like creatures in human skin. I kept them with a good supply of alcohol and received praise for killing them. A drop dead gorgeous woman was flirting with me (we'll return to her in a moment) while I made her bartender friend a drink, I was forced to listen to the friend talk about her "dinosaur" co-workers that forced her to work after 8pm. My best mate and I stood behind the bar and we nodded along where appropriate in the story. It was unbearable and I could see the entitlement dripping from her pores like noxious grease. When she had fucked off my best mate and I pissed ourselves laughing. Afterwards, the gorgeous friend asked me to guess her age, I said 20, and she replied that she was 25. She then leant in closer to me and said that her pussy was 20. I immediately thought that's what women feel like they're hit on by men. When I was closing the bar she came over to me and gave me her snapchat and mobile number. I begrudgingly accepted her snapchat and then immediately got a chat from her, I replied with, "I'm not 12, just text me," to which she responded "Your attitude is so hot." My attitude is literally just me bartending from 2 until 2, 12 straight hours, and not wanting to deal with a bunch of drunk chicks. I kept thinking about the bartender friend and why you would even work a job you actively hate. This is Australia, if you don't want to work a job you hate, you don't fucking have to. Just quit and stop ragging on your "dinosaur" [see: 40 year old] co-workers. She had that hotness that was directly proportional to how fucking terrible she was. I will say her boyfriend was a friendly bloke though and I gave him a couple of free drinks. He'll need them to deal with her. I can guarantee that she's cheating on him. I just know the type. Anyway, I just remembered that she said her family's from Croatia and they moved here to get away from poverty. Okay, if that's the case, how do you not have a shred of self-awareness. The fact that I remember all these stupid fucking details are a good indicator of how annoying she was. White dress, tanned skin, dagger nails, oppressively white teeth, and the personality of a cheese grater. I miss the days back in 2013 when I started bartending at night clubs around the city and you'd meet an assortment of colourful characters but at least they had a personality. The Scene girls were the best. God, I miss them. Bartending is one of those professions where you really jump into the deep end of the human condition, meeting the absolute best and worst of humanity. Alcohol is the great equaliser in that after enough everyone is equally insufferable. I love what I do but I'm thankful I don't drink. My life's been too eventful to fit in a reasonable sized text post this evening so I'll update you again another day.
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
Red Phone [6]
Previous - Next?
master list!
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? , x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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“Safa you’re not going to believe what I’m going to tell you!”
“Okay but first I need to share what a found on that welcome home show! It turns out there is a website on it! It has the neighbours and everything, in fact they have a mission of finding all lost information on the show! It was started in 1969 and ended in 1974. The company says it’s because they ran out of money but there could have been a different reason, I mean it was doing extremely well, and people from all different ages loved it even parents. I’ll send you the link, anyway what was it that you wanted to tell me?” by the time she was done I had run upstairs to my room and shut the door slowly making sure it didn’t creek.
“Huh? Oh! Well, there was this weird phone that kept ringing in my grandma’s remember and how grandma acted weird about it?”
“yeah girl! Who was it? And old friend of your dead grandpa?! A mysterious man wanting to talk to you grandma? A murderer?!?!?!” Safa asks in excitement.
“umm, not exactly maybe the last one. But I picked up the phone last night and answered-“ Safa gasps dramatically, while she processes what happened. While she does that I open out texts and type in the link she sent me.
“No fucking way, who was it?”
“his name is Wally, and he was looking to speak to my grandpa. I explained how he passed he shocked, then explained he wanted to ask him something, I don’t know what. But then went to ask if my grandma was their but I said she was busy. Knowing if I told her I picked up she would of killed me, literally. He asked who I was I said only my name. but he seemed like a nice guy, he plays piano and paints, also he’s in a different time zone then us!” I explain to her, though I know safa is going to be a bit of a worry wort about it. But that’s one of the things I love about her, how she was so caring and worried about me. If I was being honest she showed me more care then my mother has ever done in a life time.
“Y/n this man could be 30! Hell, if he knew your grandpa then be in his late 40’s or just getting into his 50’s!” Safa says as I spin around in the wheely chair.
“it’s not like we where flirting, he was just very easy to talk too!, he’s going to call tonight again!”
Y/N! This is not a good idea!” “
“oh, come on Safa, it’s not like he knows where I am. If he did he would of come here a while ago and talked to my grandma instead of calling all the time.” “Y/n this could be an old man, this isn’t safe in the slightest. I know I can’t stop you but promise me you’ll be careful? Try not to share too much information about yourself and ask as many questions as you can. Example how old he is!” Safa scolds me.
“He’s homeowner age! Plus where 18 we can date older guys now.”
“Yeah but not too old, we don’t want to be a sugar baby already! anyway have you checked out the website?”
“What’s wrong with being a sugar baby but any ways. Yeah, it’s very well done, I haven’t watched all the episode yet but it seems like they have done pretty well.  Who’s your favourite neighbour?”
“Eddie’s cute but Howdy is so hot-“ “SAFA HE’S A CATERPILLAR!”
“SO?!?! THEIR PUPPETS! IT’S NOT LIKE THEY ARE REAL AND WE COULD MARRY THEM OR SOMETHING!” I shake my head at my friend choice in men, or puppets? caterpillars?
“You have interesting taste my guy-““Says you! Your taste in guys is not better than mine!” Safa says trying to defend herself, I roll my eyes at my friend though she can’t see them I know she knows.
“I like men who are tall! Human- ““What about Neteyam-“ “Do not bring the boys into this.”
Safa cracks up laughing, knowing very well we have similar taste in guys. After she was done laughing, I closed the website before adding it to my favrioutes.
“Anyway, again with the old man- ““we don’t know if he’s actually an old man yet!”
“Still, ask him for his actual number maybe? Just remember to be safe, I don’t trust him.”
“You’ve never met him! And I’ve barely even met this guy, he’s calling me to night okay. Don’t worry.”
“DINNER TIME” Mum screams from the kitchen...
“Oh sorry Safa, dinner time.”
“Your fine girlie, remember to ask this guy’s age! And his experiences to know his-“I cut my friend off done with talking about the person who called me last night. I turn off my computer and head downstairs, to a well cooked and delicious meal!
{hi everyone the results are in, and it seems everyone want them to some to life! but i forgot to add a thrid opption where I combined them but meh-
anyways this is where the story will be going, I hope thoese who's option was not picked still continue reading! and thank you for the support i have reviced!
if any of you have sugestion please comment or if you just wanna say hi! Thank again for reading and have a lovely evening.} Tag: @quittingfortgebetter @egg1sblog @ice-cream-writes-stuff @thealreadyunsteadyteddynewpaper @narucore
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rivetgoth · 7 months
hey char! out of curiosity, how did you and angel get together? and whats one of your favorite things about her? :)
We met right here on Tumblr through this interaction :D
She followed me and I hadn’t followed back at the time (I really rarely check new followers) but after she sent this ask and I answered it I followed her back. After that we started interacting with each other in the comments of our posts and stuff, then we got each other on different social media, and after a couple of months she reached out on Instagram to tell me that she actually lived close by and inviting me to come hang out with her. We hit it off immediately and spent like hours and hours and hours talking, we kept driving from place to place around the city finding more things to do, we went to a record store, a little alternative store, we got food, we got coffee, and from there we started talking to either through text or on the phone literally every day. We’d spend HOURS on the phone together back then, like sometimes 8-9+ hours, just sitting there talking.
Like I love this screenshot, of us awake at 5:40 AM on the phone for 8 hours talking about Paul Barker 😭
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We also would meet up pretty frequently in person too of course. Like one time that she stayed over the night before Record Store Day and instead of sleeping we stayed up the literal entire night into the next day talking about Nivek Ogre and Al Jourgensen. And then we moved in together before we were a couple about six months later. We were both looking to move anyway so the timing just worked out and we could kinda “test run” things since I was in a dorm room at the time that was much larger than it needed to be because my school didn’t know how to provide gender inclusive housing for transitioning individuals LMAO. We cohabitated really well and living together only made us grow closer. FWIW I was attracted to her right away, I remember the first moment I fully processed what she looked like was when she first messaged me asking if I wanted to hang out and I looked through her selfies so I’d be able to recognize her when we met and could not believe she really looked like that. I was like lol no way is this person this hot and asking to hangout 😳
Anyway. A little while after moving in together I think there was a lot of tension forming between us because she was (spoilers) attracted to me as well. So we started hooking up before we actually started calling ourselves a couple. The funny thing is neither of us really remember the exact moment we started formally considering ourselves a couple. We never had a big “what are we” convo where we put a solid label to things. We had a few conversations about how we hardly knew how to describe our dynamic because girlfriend / boyfriend felt almost juvenile for the level we were at, already living together and sharing finances and then also hooking up, but we started actually verbalizing stuff we were doing as dates, we’d been saying I love you etc for ages already, we started sharing a bed every night, and at some point us being in a relationship was just our reality. 🤷‍♂️
I love her so much. I feel like the luckiest man in the whole world getting to be with her and spend my life with her. Genuinely cannot believe she is so cool, smart and articulate, stylish, thoughtful, funny, with such good taste in music and everything else, and that she is my baby. It’s still so surreal. As for a FAVORITE thing, it’s so hard to pick just one obviously lol, but I think one of the things I appreciate about her more than anything and that I never ever want to take for granted is the way she’s always striving to learn and grow and form a fully consistent and logical and articulate worldview and ethical / philosophical system, like she’s always thinking about new things, reading new works, investigating the world around her, engaging with complicated subject matter, sharing her insights with me, trying to genuinely form a cohesive system for how to make the world a better place, and that’s inspired and driven me so much to do the same. She’s genuinely one of the smartest people you will ever talk to. I never get bored of our conversations and I learn so much from her all the time.
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animeweebart · 10 months
Dekusqaud headcanon
before we continue I just wanted to thank YaLocalFanFicAddict for helping me come up with some- no that’s an understatement most of these I’ll link their tumblr here
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He would spend hours talking about all might
he would plan some really cute dates and then would always be fun
there are drawings of you in his notebook
Shows you his mom the first week of dating
That man has a separate notebook dedicated to you from your shoe-size to your favourite animal
Will not shut up about you when worried and you would get long text messages about how beautiful you are if you say something like “my hair looks bad today”
Bakugou smacked him when he nattered about you for nearly half an hour in the common room
for the female readers-ask this man for something he is stacked with different brands sizes he would have hot hands in his bag he only has this because the first time he saw blood in your trash he thought you were dying and you had to explain for an hour of what a period is
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you guys definitely bake together a lot and you always share with the rest of the squad
The smallest things that you do makes her flustered
She will float you up to get high things if neither can reach
Uraraka makes little home-made gifts to save money
Accidentally dropped something on you with her quirk once and wouldn’t stop apologizing for the rest of the day (it wasn’t even heavy)
Her cheeks are always rosier when you’re around
“Uh—uhm. Why’d I randomly call you sugar? It’s ‘cause you’re so sweet! Hehe!”
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he would make sure you get all your work done
Piggy. Back. Rides. Forgets that your quirk doesn’t need to work without orange juice so whenever you say that you’re tired, he gives you a glass and promptly apologizes when you remind him
He takes you to the library, the orchestra, and any museum as a date
He just lets you dangle off of him and carries you around like you weigh nothing
you guys would go on morning runs
you guys watched flash and he kept asking how he was like flash
for the female readers- just like Deku ask this man for something he is stacked with different brands sizes he would have hot hands in his bag
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Because of her hairstyle, she’s able to do elaborate hair styles not matter the length! (And if you have no hair, she likes to style wigs for you to use)
you watch the muppets
she has a frog swimsuit I dare you to try to change my mind
Literally attached at the hip for warmth in the winter-time
One time she locked herself in her room for nearly the entire day because you caught her licking her eye
Pool, Waterpark, beach, and lake dates are all you ever do during the summer
She got upset one time when she saw you catching tadpoles and nearly cried. But she was quick to forgive you when you gave her a toad plushie
You both have a frog hoodie
Headpats are a common way of expression affection in your relationship(I like head pats 🥰)
You and her danced in the rain coming back from a hero patrol once
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stealing endeavors credit card and buying stuff for you
he doesn’t really understand what love is
little spoon
Will bring you random cold soba when he catches you said
Your wish is his command, even if you’re joking or being sarcastic
Nervous to hold your hands because he doesn’t want to freeze or burn them
Literally won’t stop hugging you when he gets the chance, his arms are always around you once he discovered affection to the point that you have to pry him off you
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
Okay I know like nobody cares but imma tell you anyways. Soooo… the recording for our song went badly (that guy and I) in fact, it didn’t even happen and I ended up walking out of the studio in a very Daisy Jones way. He ignored me the whole time and was texting my cousin the entire time… I don’t stand for that
I believe what I said was “Don’t waste my fucking time, I have better shit to do.” Before walking out.
The thing is is that him and I played leads in a short film where we had to kiss but after mess ups where the kiss was awkward they took it (per my request). Then at a party we went to he was clinging to me and I kind of was starting to recognize my feelings but then at a rave we went to he went off to smoke with this girl who has literally played at Giants Stadium. And my cousin is obsessed with him. I’m feeling very much Daisy Jones right now and my song writing has never been better
daisy jones vibes go hard with this one and I'm obsessed, I care so much, tell me all the tea
ugh men, so annoying, like I need them to give more consistency. but the song and the short film and the girl who's performed for the Giants game, like you're literally in a movie right now and I'm obsessed. I'm so glad it's helped your song writing, I love passion in writing, make yourself a main character and suddenly the inspo goes wild.
Since we're talking about guys let me fill you in on my drama. There's three different men in my life rn bc I'm just a (I forgot what I was saying them bc one of them started messaging me and I got distracted.
anyways one big problem is I'm really attracted to immature guys, not willingly at all. I want to be taken care of, I want a man, but when I get a crush it's always on a younger brother type, immature guy, probably because I'm the oldest daughter.
so number one we'll call, band boy, he's so so immature. I've kinda had a crush on him since we met but he had a girlfriend so I told myself not to get involved, but I had a feeling they wouldn't last long. I ended up hanging out with them in groups and at parties and really just have started to like him more, but she broke up with a few days ago. I just got cast in a show with him and like kind of want to shoot my shot and spend the summer flirting, seeing if it goes anywhere, but I also feel bad because I've liked him for so long and he just got broken up with. he's super immature though, but really so sweet at the core. but literally first night we ever really talked, we spent all night sending voice notes to each other so yeah (after the show we're in, he's in the other show I'm helping out in)
then there's the tall guy, also super immature, but he's in a show I'm helping out with, helped cast. and when I saw him, literal butterflies, and everyone was automatically saying he was my type, we were trying to find out how old he was. I just literally get butterflies thinking about him and we haven't really talked, but he's so talented and hot like idk, so that's another avenue this summer.
or we have actor guy, he's also cast in the show I'm helping out with. and idk the moment he started talking, making jokes, I just felt some sort of feelings/attraction. he seemed a lot more mature and we also didn't talk much but kept making eye contact and I'll be working a lot with him this summer too.
so many guys, all actors, that I'm into and idk what to do, or how to flirt, or if they're into me 😭😭😭😭
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marydswitchduet · 2 months
Chastity Log Day 11 (7/24)
First off, fuck notes for not being able to transfer my entry into tumblr so I’m writing this all fucking again 😤 alright I’m done now
What Did We Do?
Similar to yesterday, mommy and I didn’t get to do much cuz we worked opposite shifts. But, as I slept a little later, she woke me up with lower region attention. Just a tease as mommy does.
She was cheeky, quite literally ;), teasing me with a blue lacy thong on her nice booty. Each step had her cheeks swaying just right. Not what you want when your mommy has to leave for work.
Before I tried to take a nap, mommy texted me that I should put on a diaper and put something on to listen to and make humpies on my stuffy. I was horny after that and wasn’t able to sleep
Later I was able to, and mommy woke me up again with some attention ;)
But only a tease again, I was taken aback though when mommy lifted my leg off the ground and pinned me and kissed me. That made me very small and it was so unexpected. Kinda nice, even tho scary.
Before I left for work, mommy told me how apparently one of the guys she works with classified her as his “ideal woman” based on a lot of factors.
Afterward, mommy made a joke about cuckolding and how if we wanna now we have an option. I’ll admit the idea put some images in my mind. The idea of being forced to the side as mommy has her way with whomever, since mommy knows best. I have to just sit there a horny little mess and hump one of my stuffies and make cummies in my diapee (assuming mommy allows me to cum at all)
In dark recesses, I imagine mommy and her new friend fucking and he’ll make stickies in her kitty. And as a treat, mommy will let me clean up what’s left and lick her kitty clean for her.
Depending if mommy was satisfied, I may need to suck her friends big thing so she can have some more fun. Idk if I could ever really get behind this, but I clearly find the image of it intense and sexy enough to imagine (and apparently get hard over).
But I suppose once you go deep enough down the rabbit hole, a lot of dark things enter the mind. I guess I’m okay with that ;)
She kept teasing me til I left for work, making me really wish I could stay home. Rather than stay home, mommy sent me some dirty naughty pictures 😳
Mommy’s hot kitty. 😋 all I’d want is mommy’s permission to dive in and have a taste. Wow, hello headspace…and stopping to get control of my horniness
Mommy put some dark and hot images into my mind too:
I just want to suck it then put u in a diaper and make u build your stamina w playing your stuffy tehehe
Pathetic? Maybe. Sexy? To me? 🥵
She also talked about taking her underwear off and putting it in my mouth to keep me quiet. I’d be more worried the smell and taste would drive me even more wild, maybe that’s what mommy wants.
Mommy talked about looking into inducing lactation for her, and getting me a stuffy of my own. The one I have isn’t technically mine, but mommy lets me borrow him.
She says I need my own to dirty.
How did it feel?
Embarrassing in the most erotic way. But still, makes me feel all tingly and sexy ;)
How are you feeling? Ball-Wise?
Sore from mommy’s antics; but a good sore
What I want more/less of in current dynamic?
More: menial tasks, even if it’s just stuff I’m already doing or things I have to do to sleep or masturbate
audiobooks, hypno, podcasts. Sometimes there’s things I discover turn me on I never expected, like ABDL. I like to listen and hear from other people and their experiences and it lets me know what types of things are of interest to me beyond what may just be able to be read. And the audio can sometimes put me in a space.
Things I’m enjoying
Low key enjoying that I’ve been in chastity so long I’m peeing semen once in a while
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cafecourage · 2 years
Aww, I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling good. Here, have a thing I just wrote. Fanfiction of magical girl au, because why not.
Sky walked to Cafe Courage for the third time this week. He tells himself that it’s because he’s determined to get that pretty barista to just let him pay for the stupid drink. Well… he tries to. Leo says that that’s only part of the reason. The little guardian refuses to let the young man deny that it’s mostly because he just wants to see them again. Sky gets to the door only to find the usually bright and cheerful place dark, the sign on the door was flipped to “closed.”
He stares, unblinking and dumbfounded, at the sign for a solid three minutes.
“Hold on,” says Leo. “Didn’t we see Twilight working there? Maybe he knows where they are.”
Sky grinned and thanked his little companion, suddenly remembering that as well. He pulls out his phone and immediately texts his friend.
“Was about to try and pay for my drink
Y’know, like a normal person
But the cafe’s closed???
Are they alright???
The messages showed “read” immediately, but Twi a couple of minutes to reply. (He was too busy laughing Sky)
Cafe’s closed because they’re feeling under the weather. Apparently I can’t be trusted to run the place by myself 🙄
Sky found himself blinking at the screen. It was like a pit had opened up in his stomach. He was really worried about Enno. He cared a lot more than he was ready to admit.
He quickly texted Twilight his thanks and set off quickly towards home.
It wasn’t until he was halfway through making his famous pumpkin soup that he remembered two, admittedly, very important things:
1. He has no idea where Enno lives
2. He doesn’t even have their phone number. Wouldn’t it be weird for him to drop off soup?
Sky didn’t notice he’d been muttering this bit aloud until Leo piped up.
“Just text Twilight and tell him you made them soup. See what he does from there. Either he’ll offer to take it to them or he’ll take you to them. Either way they get your soup.” He did have a point.
Shooting his guardian a smile, he pulled out his phone and sent Twilight a quick text about the soup. It popped up as read, but he didn’t get a reply for six minutes and 42 seconds. (No way, he wasn’t counting…. Totally not)
When the reply came, it startled Sky so badly that he almost threw his phone across the room. Almost. But that would be silly. He’s a literal superhero — it should take far more than a simple text notification to startle him that badly.
“Alright. They say they don’t mind too much if you come to drop it off with me. I’ll be at your place in five.”
Sky was practically beaming. Leo laughed at him.
Sky knocked on the door, and it was answered by Enno’s roommate Pinky. Pinky had been given instructions (from Enno) to take the soup and shoo him away, but with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she brought Sky and Twilight into the kitchen. She sat Twilight down at the table and had Sky pour a serving-sized bowl of the warm pumpkin-y liquid from the massive pot he’d brought. (How on earth had he managed to carry that thing?)
Sky was then shooed away by Pinky and found himself standing outside Enno’s room about to knock on the door.
Sky didn’t leave for at least three hours. What had started with a very flustered and confused Enno (who swore vengeance upon Pinky) ended up with Enno eating some hot soup while Sky gently brushed the tangles from their hair. He kept at it even after Enno was well aware that there were no more tangles. Neither of them said anything about that. Instead, Sky told them all about his day, about dumb things he’d seen Twilight do, and anything else he could think of.
Enno took over the conversation when they felt like it, but they were sick, so Sky took it upon himself to entertain them while they ate. And while they just rested. It didn’t matter one bit that he was doing most of the talking. He was just grateful to be able to help take care of them — they were always doing that for him after all (what with all the coffees they kept making him, there were honestly days where he didn’t think he’d make it through without one of those “heart attacks”).
Sky didn’t leave Enno’s side other than to fetch water or other things they requested until they fell asleep. Coincidentally, that was in the middle of a story about a funny class he’d had a week ago.
With Enno sound asleep, Twilight, who’d been chatting with Pinky the whole time, took Sky back home. On the ride back, Sky smirked to himself thinking about the 20 he’d slipped under the soup pot as he set it on the counter. He’d won big time that night. Not only did he feel like he’d finally taken a step into becoming friends outside of the cafe, but he finally got to repay them (literally) for their kindness from day they met.
Or so he thought. As soon as Enno was feeling better and reopened the cafe, they just made him another “heart attack” and refused payment. Twilight just about died laughing.
You did ask us to send sky…
Get well soon!!
- glitter ✨
Thank you for the first fanfic of the magical girl au Q - Q. I literally ran to @luimagines with screenshots like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
March 2-8, 2013
Sunday, March 3
This Sunday is the closing of the Panagbenga Festival. I asked for the night off last night from work. I received a salary of ₱3,780. I just stayed in and watched movies, also repotted my herbs, which are growing exponentially. We made some pesto. I still don't interact with Roxanne much and sometimes roll my eyes at her. Our interactions are minimal, like the keys to the CR or dinner time.
I’ve been eating less these days and mostly just texting with Mansoor. Sometimes we call each other.
Since reading "Fifty Shades of Grey," I've discovered that I like touching myself between my legs. When I was little, I loved rubbing pillows or blankets or even dolls between my legs, and it felt good. I've been trying to watch some intimate films, as allowed within the bandwidth of our internet. I stop myself from watching pornography because I don't have the heart to watch male and female organs crashing into each other. Recently, I discovered Filipino erotic story sites. When I was in the 2nd year of high school, my classmate printed those kinds of stories and passed them around the class. But it stopped when she dropped out.
Now I'm reading them all night on a Sunday. I felt hot inside. I felt so worked up. I kept imagining it was me. I listened to music by John Legend, Ludacris, and Usher.
Monday, March 4
I played badminton today. I brought my set. I love this sport. I sparred with Hollmae and talked about Mansoor and last Saturday. Hollmae thought it was special, but I said I think not.
After the class, I reviewed for Psych Stats, as the methods are getting tougher. Not to mention that in AnaPhy, we are entering the rest of the systems. While I was at the student lounge area, Sir Apollo was seated opposite me at the other table. We held a gaze for a while, and I smiled at him.
He thought that was his cue to come to my table, much to my shock.
"Hello," he smiled. He started chatting me up and asked about how I was doing. I said I'm doing good or things like that.
I had a very strong feeling like my heart was pounding faster than it normally does. I couldn't answer much. I was literally saved by the bell.
I said goodbye to him and climbed to my class upstairs.
Mansoor didn't attend today.
While Ma'am Jean was checking attendance, she asked me, "Where's your husband?"
"Tulog pa po, char!"
They laughed.
I was vacillating about asking him but decided against it. He attended Psych Stats though, but he was late, so we did not have an opportunity to talk. During the break, we did talk while I was buying a tuna sandwich.
"Asan ka kanina?" I asked.
"May inassist kasi ako."
"Ah," I smiled.
Our friends were looking at us. Djang playfully referred to Mansoor as his "dad," and I as his stepmom.
"Stepmom? Grabeng family drama yan."
"Para ka kasing stepmom."
"Well, I don't have a fascination with kids, so that explains."
Joan stepped in and said that she'll be our daughter.
"Parang mali, you're older than me." I said and acted like I was going to vomit.
"Sige na mga anak late na kayo." Mansoor said while looking at my watch for time.
I elbowed him. "Stop encouraging them!"
While continuing with the class, there was an earthquake for 2-6 seconds. Then again, so we evacuated carefully. Mansoor suddenly caught up with me while we were walking out.
"Magugunaw na mundo maglalandian pa kayo?" Djang joked.
I sighed at her irritably.
All students and staff were escorted out. Classes from then on were canceled, and it was almost 4.
Hollmae found me and said she needed to buy milk asked by her mom. Mansoor, though, was called for duty.
Tuesday, March 5
Classes resumed today. I went jogging, then went home to attend the rest of the classes. SocOr classes went on, and Mansoor arrived late and sat beside me, even if I wasn't in my original seating. We have another group work. So him, the other four, and I grouped together. We both led it, and we kind of had a good harmonious leadership together. We presented a role play of work etiquettes. For a change, I'm the boss.
"Para girl power women's month na. Bakit pag lalaki default leader?"
I looked at him.
"Tama!" he said.
"Happy wife, happy life," Nikki said.
"Stop it!" I rolled my eyes at her while they laughed.
Wednesday, March 6
After PE3 and Psych104, where Mansoor finally attended his class, we had a poster-making activity for Women's Month. I had to employ my creative juices. I met Charlotte, who is a creative, but we were in different groups. I packed lunch today, so I opted to eat in the student lounge alone. I told the girls I wanted to be alone for a while to concentrate on studying for Stats.
After lunch, I stayed there until the bell rang. We picked up what we left last Monday. Next week is exams, so we have to rush, not to mention the upcoming Holy Week.
After that, I went to work. There are many visitors now. There's a cinematheque beside, and it's a bit loud. Beth and I fixed some new titles that just arrived. She knows the system better, so I just worked in the toll every time a customer buys.
Mansoor passed by, but I said it's still my shift. He waited until 10.
I brought him to Volante, where we both had tanglad tea. We just talked pretty much about everything.
But I was getting sleepy, and I needed to study for tomorrow's quiz. He helped me out by questioning me using my cards.
We stayed up until 1.
"Shit, papatayin ako ng nanay ko. She already hates that I'm working."
My mother kept calling me. I told her I was going home. She said just to get a taxi. So Mansoor hailed a cab for me.
Thursday, March 7
Mansoor was MIA today. Just some lecture. Then AnaPhy quiz, which I got right, thanks to him. I scored 20 points, perfect.
Then work. He was hanging out in the store again, looking at the titles, and I suggested something to him.
I also bought a bunch of KomixMachine comics. Not from my pocket, but mom's. It's discounted for employees, though, alongside freebies like pens, pencils, or notebooks that I get to take home.
At home, I don't get to interact with Roxanne much. But I try.
Friday, March 8
We are all stressed because of the upcoming exams. I bought some Candy magazines. Hollmae went with me to my work after I treated her to siomai. She watched the free cinema, and when she came out, Mansoor was there again waiting for my shift to finish. We all walked ahead, going home. We dropped her off first before he dropped me off.
Saturday, March 9
It's Women's Day, so we had some essays to do. I'm very passionate about feminism, so there's that. During lunch, Hollmae spilled that Mansoor waits for me after my shifts end almost nightly.
The jeers soared again, and I just rolled my eyes.
"Bakit di pa kasi kayo?" they asked.
"Di naman manliligaw, unahan ko ba, ha?" I replied.
"Oo, girl power sabi mo diba?" Djang said.
Mansoor passed by the lab after the exhausting class. He gave me Vitamilk and Gardenia buns.
"How do you know I like these?"
"Nakita kita dati sa store you were asking a half off kasi mageexpire na on that day. Tsaka lagi mo kaya binibili," he laughed.
I looked at the girls watching us and gave them a middle finger, motioning for them to go away.
Mansoor dropped me off at work. "You don't need to pick me up, didiretso din lang ako. I need to conserve energy."
"I can just pick you up and drop you off."
"Uhh-- wala lang."
I started my night shift, and the owner and I chatted.
It was a good, high-energy conversation.
Then, as promised, Mansoor picked me up.
"Ano ginagawa mo while waiting for me?"
"On my phone or still reading," he said, holding up "Fifty Shades."
"So pwede ka naman umuwi?"
I stopped midway as we were already in front of the post office.
It was dark, but I could see him blushing.
"It took me a lot of courage to say this. So I'm going to say it now."
"Okay, I'm waiting."
"I -- I like you."
"Yun lang? I like you too, that's why I like hanging out with you."
"Ummm-- but I like--like like you. I want to be your --boyfriend."
"Di mo ba ako gusto?"
"Hindi kaya nadala ka lang sa kanila, yung mga pang-aasar nila?"
"No. Maybe, but I really feel something."
"Okay. Ummm--"
He waited for my answer.
"Listen, Mansoor, I like you too in that way. But being in a relationship? I am not ready yet for that commitment. I don't think I can yet. Pero sana-- we don't stop being friends."
"Ah, sige."
"Are you mad?"
"Uhh-- but I also like you, like romantically. I don't want this to end. What if we kind of like be pre-engaged?"
"Ano yun?"
"People get engaged to get married. How about we get pre-engaged to each other before we become an official couple. Let's, uhh, pre-date ganun."
"So this is like a reservation?"
"Umm, yeah. Pero if you don't want it, you can tell me. Okay lang."
"It's my first time to hear about these things. So okay. Pero if we are not like officially dating, ano dapat tayo, like ano gagawin natin?"
"Nothing will change. We still hang out. Ganun."
"So kaibigan lang."
"Yes, pero we will end up together unless isa sa atin finds someone else."
"So kaibigan lang nga." He laughed.
"Well, oo nga pero in the context that it will end up in a relationship. Okay, umm, let's give it a year."
He smiled like he was beaten by a plank of wood.
Later, "Okay, let's pre-date. Let's be 'friends' first."
"You're not friend-zoned."
"So as a pre-boyfriend, ano gagawin ko?"
"Wala. We do things that boyfriends and girlfriends don't really do. Of course, no kissing. No holding hands. Pwede magsandalan. Things like that. We'll figure it out. Ang importante we still have boundaries."
After that, he dropped me off.
I called him later. "Mansoor, this is weird. But I think I want to marry you someday. I hope we don't disengage from this."
"I also hope the same. Pwede ba mag 'I love you'?"
"As a friend, sure."
"I love you-- as a friend."
I laughed.
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h5eavenly · 6 months
okay wow what the hell i have so many thoughts rn and i'll try to keep it simple but the lit major in me completely took over while reading the latest update and i even took notes
first of all hyune.... i tried to make excuses for him bc i honestly find his jealousy hot ngl i have some issues but this ain't it. i understand where he's coming from bc crazy bitch central just beat him up for no reason, fucked up his friendship with yeji and is now targeting his girl so it's reasonable that he doesn't want him around but slut shaming and victim blaming y/n ain't it. talking about having no backbone when she literally told him yeosang was harassing her (like she literally told him "he won't let up until i agreed") i need him to get serious. she's telling him she was forced into it and he's talking about setting boundaries, ik y/n hasn't told him about what exactly is going on but honestly, with how quick hyune is to jump to conclusions and hold the fact that she used to sleep with yeosang (a hundred years ago btw) over her head i understand why she hasn't felt comfortable opening up to him. like yeah y/n is pushing hyune away by not coming clean and telling him all the truth but hyune's not making it easy for her either. again i love a jealous hyune but this is crazy
and yejiiiiii girl.... time and place. it's always time and place with my girl yeji. your best friend is telling you his house got raided, he's getting stalked, an unknown number is sending him shady messages and your take from all of that is that he saw y/n in yeosang's car. but i understand her, i really do bc i once was her. my texts from 2021 look the same as hers rn. i always knew my friends were going through it with my delusional ass back then but witnessing yeji have the same thought process as me a couple years ago really makes me realise how unbearable i was 😭 and it's crazy how even though this isn't the main focus of this smau it's still something that's so accurately and detailedly portrayed, the layers and depth these characters have is something else fr and we need to give you your flowers for it. you're really doing amazing and we're all here for it 🩷🩷
another thing worth mentioning about this chapter is the lactose intolerant girlypop who came to the cafe expecting a nice drink and ended up fighting for her life in the toilet 😭😭 i love how hyune makes his problems everybody's business he's so real but just give my girl the almond milk bc lactaid is kinda expensive nowadays :-( also chan being suspicious about y/n running that drama acc is sooooo 💀 we all saw you thirsting over our girl not even 20 chapters ago don't be like that!!!
OMG im a lit major too we have so much in common we should date or smth🤓 i love the fact that you took notes do not keep it simple tell me everything 😔😔 listen i have issues too and jealous/ Possessive hyune gets meee but i agree my man was a little crazy this part specially the fact that he kept pushing it even when yn was trying to keep calm and find a solution and was like im gonna try to do smt (even tho she kinds cant) its clear he wanted her to cut him off but didnt want to say it till he lost it i think hes feeling insecure bc shes not "his" i feel like he finds comfort when yn reassures him in that sense it just shows that despite them being in a better place they still have a lot to work on🤓👆 bro my girl yeji IS IN NEED OF A REALITY CHECK LIKE PLSS i think the lack of support is really getting to her THANK YOU SO MUCH😿😿 YOU ARE ALWAYS SO KIND YOUT WORDS GIVE ME SO MUCH STRENGTH 🥹💗💗💗 one thing about jinnie is that if hes having a bad day hes gonna make it everyones problem😃
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incarnateirony · 6 months
*Shealyn's denialist retardation and avoidance intensifies, adds new vanity plates, tries to be retarded in Norse today, misses what she's reblogging again*
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Shealyn, you've never done a real magic trick in your life, you just chased and abused and tried to destroy the Magi of the path you spewed heretical delusional octopus jibberish in the name of. It doesn't matter what pantheon you run to, but yes, I do have badass music taste, since you keep confusing me with Loki, and yes, even if it burns me out. I've made that incredibly fucking clear.
I love that this bitch just keeps trying to rotate her shit to find something, too. Hermes and the dance moves! Loki and the music list! Um. Anubis and the kitty kibble! All the godshadows and her Therapy Book! Anything but addressing the screaming lady in her head she confessed to on main! Today's distraction is ROCK MUSIC. Tomorrow... whiny reblogs begging the universe to think about her FEEEEEEEEEELINGS. On Sunday, if we turn a bunch of posts sideways without reading them, maybe she can find a way to validate-away with a half printed motivational poster what has her crying inside because she goddamn knows better. Her inner goddess is weeping but the monster of shadow born from her obstructing her own light is too obese on the chewed on foreskin of her ex to release its ego.
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What is it gonna take for someone in her life to intervene and go, you know what, Shealyn. The octopus jibberish from the cited anime was never real. So your communication with him isn't legit. Which would explain why you don't know any of his doctrine stuff or axioms or whatever Aaron is talking about that the rest of the practicing world DOES know. Maybe we should listen to the psych worker and elder magi, and not to the god of death you think is telling you to feed the cats. Because I think he just jacked your playlist and blog again. You HAVE had an alarming escalation in required medication and self-harm habits that you've had to shave yourself bald over. Maybe there's a correlation here. And you know in hindsight, it IS pretty weird that you're up your ex's ass in social circles three years later, that should have pegged us as unhealthy behavior, sorry for contributing to that.
But no, that would require her, and them, to have been like. WRONG about something. If they scour tumblr hard enough they might find a post to interpret that makes their weird rapey bullshit okay.
No, y'all. She's schizoaffective and you've fed it until it became full blown stalker obsession x literally made a fucking cult to her ex husband and now you're ALL too motherfucking embarrassed to look at it.
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Also yes, Shea. Very much the Best Comment. Thank you. Thee Crustdaddiest. You're still schizoaffective and still riding my astral dick. And now you fucked up and got Mark on it.
Avoiding the truth doesn't change it, it just prolongs how long I'm going to embarrass both of you while picking your brain to pieces.
Is being humiliated one of your fetishes too now? is it a kinky thing? maybe I'm just playing into your horny lying cultist hands by embarrassing you like this, is this another way you get off on me?
or are you so braindamaged you forgot we went over this being in the exact time period you fucked up and got Mark bound to me and you kept changing the color of my otherwise identical-across-entities prescription lenses on every different "character" or "god interpretation" you were doing for a hot minute there.
Because that's what people that Actually Talk To A Deity have to do. Interpret what they look like. Not "this is how I see him." This is how you interpret text you pretend talks to you at night. But you done fucked up and attached to me, and you know, we've been over this, you dumb broad.
But yes, Thee Daddiest. Technically they forgot the most important Thee. But I respect the effort. The -est suffix imports the essence of Thee enough, Thee Crustdaddy, or The Crustdaddiest. See, language is fun!
Lady... we're STILL doing this?
My bad that old avatar generator didn't have the exact nose bridge you'll try to bitch about as different. Just like you didn't notice the Pan with the spider after I started yelling HEY YOU LLOTH OF THE TENTH HOUSE ARACHNE WHO SHADOWS HER OWN ALTAR. "man I just got this vivid visual of the pan that looks weirdly like Aaron's icon going BOO, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!" MAN IT WAS REAL RED WHEN I WENT THERE LAST NIGHT TO DEAL WITH MOON MOON "IDK THIS GUYS NAME BUT I'M PROUD OF HIM. IF HIS HAIR IS SHORTER, IS HE A DIFFERENT DUDE????" Me: LMAO ENJOY YUGIOH BRAINROT "we'll draw the guy on hieroglyphics... and paint him BLACK... even without giving him actual black features, we just keep changing the skin tone on the same dude's face and caling it a different guy. But this one has a side shave!! SEE, DIFFERENT GUY WE SWEAR." me, sitting there with my clippers shaving my head: you're literally all brain damaged.
I can ALMOST forgive Mark for missing the Ash in the Pyramidhead thing, because your lying ass intentionally will hide from him what that is and it does look different, but the others yall, it's outright embarrassing to watch, but I've been saving your fanart. Very useful actually.
fuck me running with a pitchfork. Like friggin... artistic blackface to try to dodge being called out on their shit. Changing hair length and hair dye color but still drawing the same motherfucker over and over again with the same general essence and the same glasses throughout, even in the egypt piece where they painted him dark but still gave him caucasian ass facial structure with the same fucking glasses same as "Loki" and "IDK his name but I'm proud of him" which conveniently match the facial shape of "Hermes", or "Rhys", or "Coyote", or whatever she's fucking waving around my bullshit under today pretending it isn't me and mine and my shit and my work face identity you know the fucking song by now. Hell Egyptian Dude direct transited the purple lips and other details from the icon I had on my blog for a month to reclaim my own motherfucking face from your theft. But I guess a haircut and blackfacing him changes everything. Fucking flaming candied jesus on a pogo stick, you guys.
Also sidebar but this is the funniest timing to me rn
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No seriously, nobody finds it weird that while she runs further and further from the concept of Hermes beyond compulsively giving in to a few evocations I've forced out of her letting her think it was rebellion or whatever... now it's LOKI with the dance moves, and it's LOKI telling her to do her therapy. Because therapy and Workbooks and Playlists are all totes common Loki associations, and not just her trying to transplant her bullshit to escape to another language like that'll help.
Hey dumb dumb, Loki is just as easy to travel in the unconscious right now for the same reasons.
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