#but sadly i wont be able to include that one
tmpttion · 2 years
i think the biggest loss we've had this cb is the camera covering taehyun's face in that part of dbtw in his music bank facecam (cb day)
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serahlink · 2 months
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!! :")
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Making another commissions post since things have been getting worse as the month goes on. For those who are just coming across this, my name is Link and I'm a 22 y/o homeless artist. My family and I (father and younger sibling) have been in this situation for about three years now since November 2021 and I've been doing commissions to support us until something changes. We don't have anywhere to go or anyone to really turn to financially or housing wise, so we've been on our own since then. My father has managed to get his ID but with no transportation and jobs being too far out, it's made job hunting more difficult and we've yet to find anything.
This month has been one of the toughest with us owing 100$+ due to not being able to pay the daily rent. We do get extensions here but they're hard to keep up with when they double so quickly and work is becoming more hard to come by, and bumping posts on my other socials hasn't done much for us. Sadly, tonight isn't any different. We owe 190$ for tonight and for the last three days, we've been unable to get anything for it. If we can't pay tonight then we will be forced to leave, and I'm not sure what we'll do if we can't cover it.
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My commissions are open for anyone interested in supporting us that way, but reblogs/shares also help us a ton since it helps spread the word to possibly get us the help we need :") I'm a fantasy oriented artist, mainly surrounding fandoms like DND, Baldurs Gate 3, Skyrim and Dragon Age, but I've done non fantasy related things as well like furries, feral creatures, comic or modern characters, I'm welcome to pretty much any fandom or request! My only donts are anything excessively violent or sexual (nonsexual nudity is okay), proship/all around that sorta content, and anything hateful (homophobia/transphobia/racism/etc.) if you have any questions about what I will do/wont do that isnt listed here, feel free to ask!
My turn around time can ranged from four weeks or shorter to a month or two given the complexity and how my situation is going at the time. I only take payments upfront with no refunds since we use the money immediately for the room or food and are unable to give proper refunds. My prices will be below and my messages will be open for anyone interested in supporting us that way, thank you so so much if you do help or reblog, I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. Especially with how things are going now.
Sketch (price depending on type of sketch) - base price of 15$
Sketch page - 15$ per sketch
Headshot - 25$ (+10$ if shaded)
Bust - 35$ (+10$ if shaded)
Expression Sheet (minimum of 3 heads per sheet, 10$+ per extra head) - 45$ (10$+ if shaded)
Half body - 50$ (+10$ if shaded)
Full body - 70$ (+15$ if shaded)
Couples Commission (a commission that includes two people) - 90$ (+15$ if shaded)
Group commissions (commission that includes more than two people, price dependant on the details) - 60 base price(one character, unshaded; each extra character is +75% to the original price) (40$+ if shaded) 
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astrology-bf · 14 days
FFXIV Write 2024 | Day 9 "Lend an Ear"
Master Post | My AO3 | Challenge Info
~ 1.8k words | General | M/M | Azem/Thaliak & Venat | CW: Endwalker Spoilers
A long sigh left the lips of the Headmaster of Akadaemia Anyder as he strolled along a corridor with his old friend, though it was hardly needed given the aggrieved expression on his handsome face.
“‘Tis simply the way of things…” Xanthos said, mournfully. “The young are ever wont to chase the latest fads; and the instant the present fad comes to an end, the unenviable task of dealing with the surfeit of cast-off concepts falls to us.” He shook his head, and glanced over at the white-haired woman with whom he was conversing. 
Venat returned a little laugh and shook her head. “It makes one wonder what the next will be. Sharks, perhaps?” Then she smiled over at Xanthos with a thoughtful hum. “Yet one can hardly blame the ambitious for wishing to play their part in a revolution. And there is yet plenty of room in the sky for more birds.”
“Sadly, less so when it comes to the matter of where to store the aforementioned deluge.” Xanthos said, giving her a look so pointed that his blue eyes seemed able to pierce past the shrouding on his mask.  
“Then it seems I must act the role of harbinger to our friends at Anamnesis,” Venat replied, her tone becoming humorously ominous, “and pass on your prophecies of doom.”
Xanthos sniffed, then burst into a bout of snickering that was soon met by his friend’s own laughter. They turned another corner, weaving a slow path from the academy’s entrance towards the wing where various faculty members had their offices, Xanthos included.
“May I ask where you intend to visit once your business is concluded at Anamnesis?” Xanthos asked, glancing at Venat after both their chuckling had settled. “Elpis, perhaps?”
Venat gave an inscrutable hum, as was her way. “I have not quite decided yet. We shall see where the winds take me.” she said, in an appropriately breezy tone - immediately eliciting a snort from the Headmaster, and a very diplomatic nod.
“Your spontaneity continues to be one of your most admirable qualities.” he said, looking straight again.
Venat turned her head towards him without breaking stride, her lips set in a teasing smile as they neared another turn in the hallway. “You are exceeding fortunate we are such good friends, Xanthos, one would almost think that to be an ins- oh!”
The holder of the seat of Azem came to a halt; or rather, she was halted by the person who had happened to be turning the same corner as they ran into each other - literally - neither having been paying any attention to where they were going.
There was a gentle thud as something fell to the floor, followed by its holder and Venat joining it. Xanthos had turned his head in time to see the impact, and blinked behind his mask as he stared down at them.
Venat winced slightly, then shook her head to clear it before looking over at whomever it was she had run into. Her eyes passed over a book - and paused, given that it was a real book and not a crystal - before moving to its owner; a shorter individual, ashen-haired and bearded, with a kind-looking face that was quite clearly visible given that his mask had been knocked off in the impact. He gave a wince in turn, then opened his eyes to look over at Venat. 
The color of his irises drew her attention immediately: Oinops. Wine-dark. Not unlike Xanthos’ eyes, but where the Headmaster had flecks of green like woodland on a riverbank, the stranger’s sea-blue eyes were tinged with tearful grey - like ash upon a burnt-out pyre, or the sky before a cleansing rain.
He blinked at her, and pouted faintly before turning a bright red.
“...Apologies, my lady!” he began, immediately reaching for his mask and sliding it back over his face, “I was not paying attention. Forgive me, please.” Barely a beat passed before he sharply pulled himself up to his feet, then offered Venat his hand to help her up.
Venat stared up at him, blinking rapidly behind her mask in turn, and then gave him a reassuring smile before she took his hand; and was surprised by the strength in it, despite his gentle tone and fearful face. 
“‘Tis quite all right. I was rather overly engaged in my conversation.” Venat rose to her feet, and then reached down to gingerly retrieve the book - making sure it was undamaged before returning it to him. “This is yours, I believe?”
He gave her a shy but still quite thankful smile, and nodded as he took the book before his face fell into a more sedate, slightly withdrawn expression. “It is much appreciated, my lady, as is your clemency.” he said, bowing his head.
Venat blinked again, but continued smiling reassuringly. “There was no offense requiring such, friend. ‘Twas a mutual error in idleness, naught else.”
He glanced up, and his lips pursed with uncertainty before he smiled again. “...You have my thanks, my lady. I-” Then he paused, and shook his head quite sharply before bowing towards Xanthos. “Oh, Headmaster! Good day to you as well, apologies.”
Venat glanced over at Xanthos with an e qually apologetic look, but her own words went unsaid as she saw the way the Headmaster was simply staring at the person whom his friend had run into. 
There was a soft smile on his lips; not very wide, just a reflexive curving at the ends. More obvious was the faint tinge of pink showing underneath Xanthos’ mask. 
“A good day to you as well, my dear friend.” Xanthos said, nearly humming. “‘Tis nice to see you out of your study.” 
Venat glanced back at her new acquaintance; they were smiling, too, a small half-smile accompanied by a slight curling of his fingers where they grasped the book.
“‘Tis nice to see you as well, Headmaster.” he said, nodding slowly.
The pair continued gazing at each other, neither moving nor making any change to their expression; both seemed to have forgotten where they were, and that they were in company. 
Venat’s eyes glanced between them, and then her lips twisted as she gave a small, and knowing snicker.
The audible reminder of her presence was enough to stir the Headmaster. He froze, then sharply shook his head to clear it before clearing his throat, looking at Venat apologetically.
“Lady Azem, may I introduce Eleos.” Xanthos began, pausing briefly so he could clear his throat again, “He helps manage the magickal indices in our aetherological faculty.” 
He gestured to Eleos, who himself was staring at Venat again with that same fearful expression - likely from just having learned exactly who she was. Venat, for her part, frowned under her mask… Something about the name was quite familiar, though she couldn’t quite place it. Nonetheless, she gave Eleos a warm smile as he bowed again in formal greeting.
“It is an honor and a pleasure to stand in your presence, my Lady Azem.” Eleos said, remaining bowed until she had addressed him.
“I am hardly such a figure of myth as to merit all that,” Venat said. Rather than bow, she stepped forward and offered her hand. “But the sentiment is mutual, Eleos.”
He paused as he rose up, looking down towards her hand with obvious reluctance. Then, after a few seconds, he reached for it and grasped it - letting Venat lead him in a firm handshake. The hesitation on his face began to ease a little, and he returned a thankful smile.
It was while their hands were still threaded together that the name finally registered. Venat’s lips parted, and she gave a little gasp before smiling at Eleos.
“Ah, I knew your name struck familiar.” she said, brightly. “You would not happen to be the brother-in-law of Lahabrea, would you?”
The change in his demeanor was immediate. Eleos’ hand pulled away sharply, and his smile shifted into a slight frown.
“...I have that honor, my lady. Yes.” he said - more stated, given that his tone was now much more withdrawn.
 Venat’s own humor faded at the sudden shift, and she stared at him with a confused look on her face. Her hand lowered, and she tilted her head.
“...Have I given you cause for distress?” she said, “I do apologize…”
Eleos shook his head sharply, clutching the book to his chest and taking a step back. “Nay, my lady, you have committed no error. I apologize for giving such an impression. I…” He paused, running his tongue over his lips before shaking his head again. 
“...I simply remembered that I have left something unattended. If you would both excuse me, my lady, headmaster. Forgive me, it was a pleasure speaking with you both.” Without a further word, Eleos turned and rounded the corner before heading back the way he came; giving neither Xanthos nor Venat the opportunity to say a thing before he had all but vanished.
The two stood staring at the corner around which Eleos had departed. Venat’s lips were parted, and her face was still set in that same look of worried confusion, but Xanthos had a deep frown pulling at his lips and brow. 
“I apologize, Venat.” Xanthos said, quietly. “He can be… rather sensitive, but he is otherwise the model of politeness.” There was a pained note in his voice; the sort of pain which comes from a loved one suffering, with no way to help them.
Venat shook her head slowly, then took in a breath. “I take no offense… it is more concerning than anything.” She gave a hum, and then looked over at Xanthos. “He is an aetherologist, you say?” she asked.
Xanthos nodded with a very aggrieved sigh. “A markedly talented one. Brilliant, actually, regardless of how vehemently he would protest the qualifier.” he said, with no hint of hyperbole. “Yet sadly his gifts remain idle.”
“In what manner?” Venat asked, tilting her head.
Another breath left the Headmaster, and his gaze began to drift as his frown grew much sadder. “As I mentioned, he helps manage the magickal indices… and nothing else. It is a position far beneath his abilities, yet one he specifically requested after-” He paused, then, and shut his mouth before standing upright.
Venat began to frown.  “...After?”
Xanthos shook his head. “Forgive me, I misspoke. He is a dear friend, and it would be remiss of me to discuss his affairs in his absence.” He gave Venat a very apologetic frown, then looked down at the floor with his hands threaded behind his back.
The woman titled Azem pursed her lips at this. Her eyes regarded Xanthos curiously, passing over him and taking careful note of both his posture and expression… and then she smiled, and issued an airy hum. 
“I see…” Venat said, crisply. “Well, I suppose that concludes the matter. I shall simply have to befriend him, myself.”
There was a pause. Then Xanthos raised his gold-haired head, stared directly into space ahead of him, and slowly turned his face to look towards Venat with a flat frown.
“...I beg your pardon?” he asked, as if he had misheard her; the very image of a teacher speaking to a student who had asked an unhinged question.
Venat simply returned a sly smirk. “You mentioned he frequents his study, yes?”
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blue-levandar · 6 months
dear internauts hopefully reading this post
my real name will remain anonymous but you can call me Olivia, I am a worker in the fan project @the-rainbow-neighborhood as a voice actress and an artist and I'm proud to say that this is the first job i have to finally enter this beautiful place called the animation company under the hand of a nice boss.
sadly, most of the people working in this proyect (the boss included) are rather young, some underage even, we all have passion on creating a fan serie based on welcome home, and Welcome home has a lot of LGBTQ content in it.
The KOSA laws will, instead of just censoring or regulating, ban the accounts of every user under the age of 18 from the internet to "protect" kids from dangerous content, and by dangerous content, they include LGBTQ, history of marginalized groups, mental health, sexual edication, birth control and abortion content and resources.
they will also use extremly invasive online surveillance of all internet users and with the invasive parental control they are going to use, children victims of familiar abuse won't be able to reach out for help.
Now, let's get personal, a lot of Staff in the TRN project staff is gay, trans and some of them went trough abusive family enviroments (names won't be revealed) a lot of us have sever mental issues and need help or at least venting. KOSA won't only delay the project, it will harm the staff in a personal level too!
there's nothing I can do due to not being american, but you can help, down there will be links in wich you can help to prevent KOSA from censoring freedom of expression and censoring our identities
please, keep our children safe, and by our children, we mean ALL of them, the queer kids, the mentally ill kids, the neurodivergent kids, the trans kids, the AFAB kids, the children of color. ALL
remember, censorship, wont eliminate the creeps, it will just make them less vissible
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miaushii · 7 months
Do you think that in Beyond the spider verse , there would be more alternate Gwens ?
Sadly, I don't think it's very likely, but I do have a couple ways I think this could possibly happen!!
1. Gayatri
I don't really know if i should include this one but i think we'll definitely see some scenes with Pavitr and Gayatri!! I think we'll see her being a reason to challenge Miguel's canon theory, with all thats happening to Pavitr's universe right now. I'm reallyyy excited to see what they do with this in BTSV!!
As for new Gwen variants being introduced in BTSV i do have a couple ways this could happen ^_^
2. Background/unimportant Gwen variants
This one i think could happen while traveling through a bunch of alternate universes, possibly while fighting the Spot!! Singularly, each Gwen variant they see wouldn't matter all that much, but the Gwen variants as a whole always dying would!! I think it would be a cool thing to use, especially regarding the canon theory and how E-65 Gwen is such an outlier!!!
3. Meeting a singular new Gwen variant and not being able to save her
I have pretty conflicting feelings on this one, i'm not the biggest fan of E-65 Gwen confronting her variant's deaths on an individual scale. I think what really matters is how our Gwen is such an outlier and in EVERY other universe, she dies. (this is part of why im not exactly looking forward to her upcoming comic series) I hope this won't be what they chose to do, but the spiderverse writers are great at what they do and i think they could totally make it work!! I think it would be a great way to argue for Miguel's canon theory!!
4. Earth 42 Gwen Stacy
I have many reasons why this probably won't, and shouldn't happen, but i think its and interesting concept so im including it anyway!! It would be pretty cool if Miles G knew a Gwen similar to our own. I don't think Miles G would have any close friends, maybe he keeps his Gwen at a distance because of the prowler stuff. I think Miles G in BTSV will be pretty lonely character, keeping most of the people he cares about away from prowler stuff, and in turn away from him. We all know his Rio doesn't know about the prowler, and if he had a Gwen i think he would try to keep her out of it. it'd be cool if she found out anyway and gets involved despite what he wants.
Overall, it probably wont happen but I think I'll enjoy whatever they do in BTSV!!
edit now that ive found out its confirmed there will be important gwen variants in the btsv, im really hoping for the last theory!!
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little-tf2-time · 24 days
Hello hello!
Welcome in!
Welcome to my very own TF2 AGERE RP BLOG!!
This blog will be centered around my own headcanons for the characters, including agere/petre/agedre related headcanons, gender/sexuality headcanons and personality headcanons!
Of course i will try to keep their personalities as close to canon as i can when running this sort of blog, but theres going to definitely be a lot out of character most likely!
More about the blog (dni, how this works, who all is able to answer questions, etc!) Under the cut!
Anon names though first : ✂️ anon/anon✂️, blossom🌸
Who all can you send asks for?
You can send asks for;
The mercs (spy, scout, engineer, pyro, heavy, medic, soldier, demo, sniper)!
Miss pauling!
Saxton hale!
Only red team right now, but im working on some ideas for blue team which could be added later!!
How does this work?
Its rather simple, just send in an in character ask and youll get an in character reply!
If you send a not in character ask, or an ask towards me or about the lore, ill answer accordingly!
You can send the requests to specific characters, just specify who!
Sadly right now there wont be any art to go along with it but theres a chance ill start adding some if i can later on :)
I will be starting a headcanons/fics/oneshot blog too, so you can also send questions there when its up, but i dont mind answering them now!
Is there a story or plot to this?
Sorta yes! The main idea is the usual, the merce live in the same house/base and hang out out of work! Only differences is that miss pauling lives there too, and saxton lives close enough to come by a lot!
This is set in the red base specifically, where its much warmer and sunnier!
In this, red team is the originals and blue team are slightly tweaked clones! Its confusing and wont be brought up much though. The blue team acts different and have different likes/dislikes, and they live in a very cold area.
What you should know about the cloning thing is that the spys are both fathers of their respective scouts, red spy and red scout and blue spy and blue scout! Scouts ma does sorta know about the clones, she just chooses not to think abt it too much /hj
Who regresses in this? Why? To what? (+ pronouns)
(Thisll be long hang in there)
Scout (he/they) - age regressor and babysitter! He regresses usually around 4 to 8 usually, but some days he can get down to 2. His main cg is engineer but he also likes to be cared for by spy
Sniper (he/him) - flip! He regresses to around 5 or 6 usually, only gets littler under high stress. He mainly likes being cared for by heavy, but doesnt mind to be babysat by saxton or engie
Pyro (they/it) - age regressor and temporary babysitter sometimes! Has the biggest age range, 1 to 15, but usually stays in the 5 to 8 range, but sometimes dips all the way to 1 or 2. Their primary cg is engineer, and they are almost always a bit little honestly, they also love being babysat by heavy and medic!
Engineer (they/he) - flip with caregiver lean! He doesnt regress often and he even less will he let himself be cared for without a fuss, but when he does he goes veeery young, 0 to 3 at best! Hes a very warm father cg though and the main one for pyro and scout
Spy (she/he/they, fluctuating preference) - flip, but also caregiver lean! When he does regress she regresses to 0 - 2! Otherwise their the primary caregiger for miss pauling, secondary for scout, and usually the most prepared one
Heavy (he/they) - sorta flip? He regresses so rarely that its only been around medic, not many of the of the others even KNOW he regresses actually. He regresses around 0 to 1, and its usually an extreme stress regression. Though when hes caring hes one of the best! Usually just a babysitter to most, but the main cg to sniper
Medic (it/he/they, no preference) - flip again! Hes both an age and pet regressor. He regressed pretty young, 2-5, and pet regresses into a dove/domestic pigeon! When he cares hes decent at it, a little scary sometimes but hes improving! He usually is the doctor for many stuffed animals and their littles (colorful stickers gallore with him)
Soldier (it/they/he) - age regressor and pet regressor! Age regression to around 6 to 10 usually, and pet regresses to a raccoon and puppy! Main cg is saxton, but often settles with engie happily
Demo (he/they/xe) - age regressor and sometimes babysitter! Regresses a lot due to being drunk, or being hungover. Usually regresses to about 2 to 7
Miss Pauling (she/they) - sorta flip! She regresses more then she acts as a cg but shes absolutely fine with babysitting! She regresses very young, only around 0 to 6, and a lot of the time she'll slip when stressed or overly tired (she has to be dragged away from her work a lot too)
Saxton (he/she) - caregiver and babysitter! Main caregiver for soldier (being the only one who can keep up with him) but has babysat all the frequent regressors! Hes the least prepared but the kids have fun! Usually is called "uncle" by most
Basic dni criteria (terfs/homophobs/racists etc)
Anti agere/petre
NSFW accounts of any kind
Ddlg and any varient
Pedos/zoos whatever just those kinda people and anyone who supports them!!
Gross people
I will delete asks or comments, or ignore messages if they are blatently harmful and are intended to hurt
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doorsclosingslowly · 1 year
Get to know your fic writer! #1,3 4
thank you!!!
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i definitely prefer oneshots, i like being able to fiddle with every bit to make it cohesive & also if i get distracted in the middle, noone will know bc i juwt wont publish it
sadly some stories want to be multiple parts and i gotta indulge their shape preference
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usually i have an Idea for a character i am currently obsessed with, just sth that seems interesting like a theme or a scene or a bad joke. i rotate said Idea in my mind until other thoughts stick to it like candy floss. once i have an assortment of ideas that seem to work together i try to shape that into a story: what's the arc, where does it start, where does it end, are there themes or arguments in it, how is it told (nonlinear, pov switching etc)? because i will use that idea of what the story is as scaffolding for the next part: start writing scene one. when i get stuck, i skip ahead to the next scene etc etc. as i'm writing i'll also have thoughts out of order so i'll start making notes in the document for later scenes too, including dialogue snippets. while i skip around writing scenes, i get an idea of what scenes the story needs. i start filling up the gaps between written parts with more and more notes until the story has been thought in whole and i just need to make it longform. i fill up gap after gap and finally tell my friends "only need to stuff one more hole". then i ask alyssa to improve what i wrote
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i have too many ideas all the time and i cant write fast enough :( usually there's just a character i like and when i think about them i have thoughts that i wanna explore in fic like "what if this happened to them" though sometimes i also read something and think "what if this happened to blorbo"
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tw neglect , social anxiety / anxiety
hi i would like some advice
so i plan on moving out as soon as i can once i turn 18, it’s impossible for me to live at my “home” any longer than necessary.
im not cared for correctly my parents wont get me in any doctors appointments of any kind (eye, yearly doctor appointments, therapy, etc), theyve emotionally neglected me my whole life, they wont let me leave my house on my own i dont live in a dangerous place and its not far walks to go places here i get the hesitation since im a girl but again this is not a dangerous place and im not trying to go super far people walk here all the time. i dont know how to live on my own in any way. i can survive being alone in my room 24 hours a day but i have severe social anxiety and along with the neglect i havent been in school. i’ve always struggled with school and that was always ignored but i think it’s something more but i cant know for sure since my parents wont get me in with any doctor. as soon as i got into homeschool since i was experiencing really bad anxiety (instead of actually trying to help and get to the root of the problem they just put me in homeschool and turned a blind eye and acted like everything was fine) everything has only been festering and growing since and its debilitating now.
i dont have a driver’s license or id and not much school record since i got homeschooled 5 years ago (i would have been a senior next school year/in a couple months) i cant get a job I for one: dont have any of that i mentioned and also no idea how to socialize i dont have any friends and it just seems very hopeless. im not sure what to do. i need a job to start saving up to move but i have no way of getting one for the reasons i listed and also every time i try to do exposures for my social anxiety my parents wont let me (the walks for example). i cant live here any longer than i need to i really cant and thats not all the reasons why. i feel trapped here theres no room for me to do anything or grow at all. i just cant take it anymore i want to spend these next couple years trying to get better to leave but i have no idea how.
im not expecting anything from this i guess i just need any sort of advice or anything on how to navigate and get through my situation. how would someone handle this? not even just about the job aspect just how do i get out of this. i have no idea what to do and i dont have anyone i can talk to or go to. thank you for your time!
Hi anon, I'm very sorry to hear about the emotional and physical neglect you have, and currently are experiencing, as well as the lack of resources provided for you to become an independent adult (which seems to include both financial, as well as educational, abuse). I can deeply empathize that it likely feels like you are very much alone in all this, but sadly you are not the first, or only one, and I found several resources that might be of assistance (both for getting independence, as well as further validation).
Here’s a page that discusses the abuse that is sometimes found in homeschooling environments (which isn’t to suggest all are, but in your case, very much sounds so).  If anything this page might validate some of your experiences, as well as potentially sharing them with the reddit, and/or facebook groups.
Here’s an article that discusses what financial abuse is, suggestions of how to develop a safety plan to leave, as well as resources linked at the end to find shelters/services near you that might be of assistance.  
In my opinion, first focus should be about getting you into a safe environment, with trained professionals, who can help you navigate personal independence as you connect with community resources, and begin your healing journey.  Though my hope is that as you practice and experience safe environments, with safe people, it might help alleviate the social anxiety (if it’s a trauma based response), or, at the very least, they might be able to assist in developing new coping skills to navigate the world with the anxiety.  Either way, I promise there are people out there who care, want to help, and will - and I hope with at least some resources shared, it might be a starting point to help you connect with them. 
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catalogmains · 2 years
Mlb tsb 21 cheats
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#Mlb tsb 21 cheats download#
So realistic graphics in sports games have not yet been, therefore hack MLB Tap Sports Baseball 2017 immediately like the user - physics, drawing, famous players - all at the highest level, will not let you get bored, the included music will completely transfer player in the world of baseball and experiences about the match. Name: MLB Tap Sports Baseball 2017 Hack.Tap Sports Baseball 2016 Cheats No SurveyTap to swing and see home runs fly outside the park! Simple controls and short gameplay sessions allow you to play a. Season mode consists of 116 regular season games where you are required to play against other teams. The season games are a best MLB Tap Sports Baseball 2019 cheats to earn rewards like XP, EVO, and pennants as well. If they don’t I would say everyone should delete it and forget about it.Top 11 MLB Tap Sports Baseball 2019 Cheats, Hacks and Strategies: – Only Legal Ways 1. I’m gonna give it a little bit more time because it is still sorta fun from time to time, but there is a ticking clock on if they can get this fixed. This is pretty ridiculous, amongst many other things that this team needs to put together to fix this game to make it much better. I’ve played several games in the row now where the batter seems to know what a borderline pitch is going to be (ball or strike), causing me not to be able to pitch at all to any effect to win the gamelet alone be competetive. I’ve had scores erasered or not count, at some point even my fastest players can’t steal anymore, none of my bats can seem to hit the ball anywhere but directly to somebody or a ground ball right back to the picture, and there’s been several times when the person you’re playing just can’t seem to be anything but perfect. I still believe there’s plenty of bots that are playing, and there’s cheats in it. There still is a lot of work to be done to improve this game to make it a little bit more kosher.
#Mlb tsb 21 cheats download#
If you’re a new player reading reviews wondering if you should download the game, just know, you’re more likely to lose due to a glitch than you are to get beat fair and square by your opponent. It’s driving me nuts and making me not want to play. This bad programming is costing me and making me lose more games that I would otherwise have won if the game didnt have all these malfunctions. Players just standing there and not making plays for my team on defense. I’m lining the bat up with the ball perfectly and sometimes its a homerun and other times it wont go out of the infield, with the contact indicator telling me my swing was way further away from the ball than it actually was. I’m playing on very stable internet and yet im watching the ball get hit to one player, then teleport and somehow im called out. The biggest problem is sadly the gameplay being way too glitchy. This is by far my favorite baseball game I have played before and I even have no problem making the occasional in app purchase, but its losing me as a regular player quickly. I never write reviews but this feels like the quickest way to get to the developers. At least not until all these issues are fixed. I could go on and on, but overall, don’t waste your time on this game. I’ve lost multiple games like this because this very thing has happened at home plate. I have had it numerous times where I’m running to a base and know 100% that I am going to be safe, only for the game to lag, the defense throws the ball to the base I should be standing on, my runner disappears, the defender swipes as if tagging me (only I’m not there anymore) and then the umpire makes the out call. The game freezes so often after I win and lose, that I have to restart the game, only to find that if I did win, I don’t get those trophies and gold baseballs, towards my chests. I can’t tell you how many times I have pitched to a batter, the game lagged, and next thing I know my next pitch timer is already down to 1 second, the batter is either already at first base or the game freezes. Secondly, the lag in the game is ridiculous. If you are caught in a pickle, there is next to know chance of getting out of it safely, as they change of direction takes forever. For starters, base runners who decide to return to a base after realizing they are going to be thrown out take forever to change directions. While game play is pretty basic and easy, there are far too many issues with this game to spend time, let alone money on. This game is absolute garbage from the start.
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transmeowsculine · 2 years
Hello hello hello and welcome to:
Nep’s Downloading Homestuck Walk through!!!
im on desktop and i dont know how to make colored text on desktop so just pretend thats a rainbow!
also going to at @ @ghostdragoncookie  because they needed help but feel free to use this whoever u are!
(also dropping the typing quirk for clarity cause maybe people want to download homestuck but dont have nepeta puns dictionary bookmarked for easy access)
OKAY SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: the ramblings of a teenage boy who just woke up from a three hour nap and also knows like 4 things about computers but just used brute force to get his way through it
Step one:
go here https://bambosh.github.io/unofficial-homestuck-collection/
Step two:
press Download and then download the file that corresponds to your operating system, i have windows so screenshots that will be included will be for windows. but i will learn how to use linux or mac if needed i am a servant to the people! and the people must read homestuck!
also make sure to put it in a place you can find easy that will be important later
Step three:
Downlaod the asset pack. Now this is the hard part, imo, because they say all asset packs are the same but not all work with all the computers. “but nep, that doesnt make any sense! why dont they just tell you what asset packs work for what computers?” and to that i say: thats the joy of homestuck! nothing works, about three things make sense, and we all just guess until it works out. so if your asking what asset pack to download, just start at the top and work your way down ig i dunno man thats what i did.
Step four:
Assuming you magically picked the right asset pack (and if you didnt dw there will be a trouble shooting thing at the bottom of this) you will go into your files and find homestuck!
Step five:
Unzip your files. How I understand for macs if you click on a file it automatically unzips itself. (why does it do that apple? whats the fuckin purpose?) I dont know for linux but once again if asked i will learn. and for windows theres a nifty button to press pictured below.
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Step six:
so now you will go into actual homestuck and open it! process pictured below!!
first you want to make sure ur asset pack and hs are in the same place, that is just for ease of finding things later
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next you will go into homestuck and click this button
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that will open homestuck!!! from there, i cant use anymore screenshots sadly because i already have everything installed. but it will ask you to tell it where the asset pack it. it is rather self explanatory and just make sure that the file you give is the actual asset pack and not a file with the asset pack in it
so basically as soon as you open this
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you get this
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after that you get this page
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and congratulations you can now read homestuck!!!
Trouble shooting:
“I still cant open homestuck/my asset pack wont unzip/homestuck cant see the asset pack”
sadly i believe you have downloaded the wrong asset pack. as i said before its really hard to know what one to choose. just delete it and pick another one then try again.
“i have no idea where i downloaded the asset pack and/or homestuck to so now i cant open homestuck/cant tell it where the asset pack is”
alright so in windows at least you can search your files. just search homestuck or asset pack and you should be able to find it. move it to a place you will be able to find again (i have a folder for all my video games and homestuck is there) and get started!
if you have anymore questions reply to this post or send me an ask/shoot me a dm! i am always happy to help i like doing stuff like this!
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mhacentral · 3 years
MHA 324 - The story of how we became the greatest heroes
This chapter redefines what was said at the beginning of the series... it wont be "This is the story of how I became the greatest hero", its "The story of how WE became the greatest hero".
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Is this a change from the beginning of the series.... yes. In fact Horikoshi has changed lots of things, including the original planned ending. If you are a big My Hero fan you probably know, the ending to of Heroes Rising, with Deku and Bakugo facing the big villain, was going to be the original ending. Either way, it was never going to be Deku alone at the top, not ever!
All Might always saved by himself, which went with his phrase he always shouted "I AM HERE"... only that was false because one single person cant always be there, and someday that person will be gone. But even so, he planted the seed for the next generation.....
Deku may not have a spoken phrase, but his brand of heroism is something Japan needs desperately needs right now, for heroes, civillians and villains. Its his general optimisn through the meaning of his hero name which Uraraka gave him: "You can do it"
All Might - AM at the beginning of the series, though not directly said, was suffering from depression. 5 years before this, he had suffered severe injuries and could no longer do hero work properly, and was starting to forget what made him a hero in the first place. But what spurred him to take action.... a quirkless boy who rushed into save his childhood friend when all the heroes were standing around
Uraraka - Deku saves her from the giant robot even though he was scared. This spurs Uraraka not only saves him from his fall, but also tries to give him her points
Mineta - At USJ Deku is scared of the villains but jumps in anyways. Mineta is spurred to action by this act of bravery, then throws all the purple balls he can make, thus sticking all the villains together in the whirlpool. which is why him, Deku and Tsu get away
Shoto - Deku sees through the glitzy quirk everyone else sees.... he sees a boy who is sad. Deku also sees someone so full of resentment, that they refuse to use their amazing quirk to its full potential for their dreams. He chooses to save the boy over winning the match. This spurs Shoto to go see his mother and begin to heal
Iida - This was a combined effort from Deku and Shoto. Shoto who had just been saved can offer a fresh perspective on things with Iida and his resentment. While Deku is his best friend and can point out how his bestie is going off the path on becoming to next Ingenium. This effort spurs Iida to get out of his headspace, and help them put a criminal to rest
Kouta - He hated hero society, and how it took his parents from him. Deku stands up and fights Muscular, despite being broken and tattered. Though Deku being much weaker, gets slammed up against a wall of rock, and Kouta being spurred on by Deku's heroism, douses Muscular with water. This distracts him just long enough, that Deku is able to take the advantage
Eri - Abused, neglected, experimented on... all because of her quirk. But Deku's hand.... Eri remembers the warmth, even though they are forced to leave. This along with Mirio taking the bullet, sprouted the seed so she wants to be saved. Deku does not just save her though, he asks her for help, to fight Overhaul. Being spurred to action, she jumps on his back, and helps Deku to take down Overhaul. Sadly she is still trapped by Overhaul's leftover shadow.....
But it wasn't just Eri who needed saving, but the student body of UA, who had been stressed ever since moving into the dorms, and feeling the unease that was starting to set in with All Might gone. Deku didn't save all of them alone, it was all of Class A.
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aureostuff · 4 years
Anger Issues
Brothers with an MC who has anger issues, cusses like a sailor and is also very strong, but is very supportive and caring.
Gender Neutral Reader
He can get quite annoyed with you at times since your outbursts tend to lead you to breaking anything within a five kilometer radius, and that includes his brothers.
He’ll have to lock you up in your room to prevent anything else from breaking. 
Sometimes when you get REALLY angry at him, you’ll end up swearing at him so fucking hard that Satan would literally be cheering you on.
“Lucifer you motherfucking son of a bitch where the FUCK is my Limited-Edition Vinyl Box Set?!” “MC, what did you just call me?”
This man will not accept being called a ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, remember he’s the avatar of pride. He will not take your insult well. It also turns out that he accidentally broke it.
Though you insulted him that badly over your broken Vinyl box set, you still care for him as usual. Scolding him for having a shitty work and sleep schedule. Insisting that he could get more work done rested well. (though you’d prefer if he worked less and spent more time with you)
Is fucking scared of you, but also fucking in love with you. He’d even sacrifice the things he’s bought that were so fucking expensive, for you to use it as a stress reliever. 
Story time, when Mammon tried to escape Levi and use you as a sacrifice. You’d literally grab his jackets collar, and said to him. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going? Are you that scared of some scrawny-ass bitch?”
Sadly, he managed to get away. 
There are cute moments between you two at times. Like how you are literally helping him get over his immense fear of Lucifer and telling him to ‘man up’ and you also encourage him to stand up to the people who bully him, like a real man.
“Listen here Mammon, you gotta stop letting your lil’ brothers bullying you. You are literally the second strongest, act like it! You’ve gotta stop acting like a pussy!”
All I can say is you’re making progress, just very slowly.
Remember how I said that you called Levi a ‘scrawny-ass bitch’? He was very offended by that, but couldn’t help but accept it as the truth since he is what you’d call a ‘Slim-Jim’
He’ll yell at you, saying that was offensive. And he couldn’t help it since he was a disgusting shut-in Otaku.
“Who the fuck told you you could degrade yourself huh? I see nothing wrong with how you are you fucking dumbass!”
He’ll be crying tears of gratitude, but he’ll quickly wipe them away and get down to business to defeat, the Huns.
He’ll invite you to play video games with him (specifically games like Super Smash Demons) just to see your angered reaction when he wins. He’ll find it amusing and scary at the same time. It was funny to watch the loser rage when you won. And it was scary because unlike the times when he watched the losers rage, the loser, was RIGHT beside him, and could literally put him in the hospital. 
Whenever he calls himself a gross disgusting otaku, etc. you will literally smack him and swear at him very heavily, yelling at him to stop calling himself that. 
You think the avatar of wrath, ANGER INCARNATE, would get along with you, A LITERAL TICKING TIME BOMB THAT’S ABOUT TO EXPLODE. Well you are sorely mistaken. 
You guys would literally be the best the best of buddies. No doubt about that. You both would go to libraries (and proceed to get kicked out because of how loud you are), go to art museums to admire art. (and proceed to get kicked out because you’re being too loud and disturbing the other people who are trying to admire the art).
He’ll vent to you about his daddy issues problems with Lucifer. And you’ll gladly help him vent out all his pent up anger. “Listen here Satan. The best way to vent your anger is through violence, so if you don’t want to beat somebody to a bloody pulp, now’s your chance to do so.” when you told him that he was like: dude wtf is wrong with you. Then you told him that he could just use a punching bag. 
So yay! He can let out all his anger AND get ripped! Nice. He can use his (soon to arrive) muscles to crack Lucifer’s head open, yipee!!!
Though sometimes you get angry at Satan and vice versa. You two’ll get into fights and the room you two were fighting will be absolutely DEMOLISHED. Satan would be in demon form- no joke, he will be in his fucking demon form. 
You will both be incredibly bloody and beat up, that the brothers wont be able to recognize you. Apart from those ‘small’ fights, you both are very good friends and always look out for each other.
He’ll be telling you that being that angry will make you look like an old person, ew! 
Honestly in my opinion, he’ll be the person you’ll complain about your (small) problems to the most. He’ll be painting your nails and you’ll be like: “Dude, Beel ate the fucking food I ordered from Akudonalds! I was fucking starving and Beel just had to come along and eat it.”  “I get what you mean darling, one time Beel ate the limited edition perfume I had bought and was going to use on my date with this hot succubus.” 
Whenever he’ll take a pic with you, you’ll always look angry or be mid-shout in said pic. 
The replies on that photo would fall into one of three categories: a. They’re mainly focusing on Asmo, b. They would be laughing at your face or c. They’d be asking on who the fuck you were.
Asmo would reply to one of the comments in category c telling them: “He’s my significant other ofc~~”
You could always sense whenever he was feeling insecure, so being the good friend you are, you pull up a chair, and have a talk with Asmo.
Your strong? Well now you’re Beelzebub’s gym buddy yayyyyyy.
Ninety percent of gym equipment is broken since you get a bit too angry, and Lucifer is going to give you one heck of a scolding. 
Beel will eat your food (he’s the avatar of gluttony, what’d you expect), then you’d literally be throwing hands with this giant.
He’ll feel sorry and try to make it up to you, he’ll give you food, more food, even more food. Till there’s a mountain of his stash of food (plus the food from the fridge) right outside your door, he would literally wait outside your door, starving, as he’s waiting for you to go outside.
When you do go outside, you’ll spot Beel, hugging his knees, most likely asleep. You’ll sigh and grab some of the food on the pile and made your way towards the man. You grabbed him by his hair, lifting his head up. Beel would yawn and blink twice, then he’ll see your face. “MC... I’m sorry about your food...” you sighed. “Don’t worry about it Beel, now eat this shit. I know you’re hungry.”
When he tried to kill you, your first thoughts were: Aight, time to kick this guy in the family jewels
And that you did. 
Though you still died, so your efforts were all in vain, and then you came back to life. You literally charged at him and pinned him to the ground, shouting profanities as the brothers tried to get you off of him. 
Honestly, you guys really wouldn’t get along that well. If he’s going to try to sleep, one way or another you’re going to stroll in arguing with one of his brothers. You were yelling loudly and swearing a bit too much that it caused Belphie to wake up, which in itself is an impossible achievement since Belphegor could literally sleep through an entire building construction even if it was all happening right beside him.
He’d be pissed that you woke him up, and then you’d forget your previous argument and focus on the one you currently having with the Avatar of Sloth.
He’ll be very happy when he sees you have fights with Lucifer, because nobody in their right mind would dare shout curse words and punch him in the gut, apart from him and Satan of course. When Lucifer locks you up in your room, he’ll make an attempt to help you escape your prison if he’s feeling generous. 
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Ml analysis: Native American miracle box
While is it obvious that the new miracle box is of native American origin I still went to do some research on it to see if I can narrow it down to a certain tribe and find more connections hidden in the lore.
So not to waste any time, here is my result:
The native American miracle box is in possession of the Souix Lakota tribe. Just like with the Ml Tibetan guardian monks represent not only 1 but 4 groups, the native American Miraculous tribe is a combination of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota and where we can safely say that the monks will primarily lean towards the Tibet representation, I would say here we will primarily lean towards the Lakota. Therefore, I will call the native America Miraculous tribe Lakota but know that the other two tribes are included in this as well.
So a dead giveaway for the identity of the ml Tribe is Jessicas Shirt. In general Jessica has the hairstyle, the physical features and the accessories typical for representing an “Indian” character and her shirt is a direct confirmation of that heritage.
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On her shirt is an obvious reference to the Lakota flag which pretty much tells us that this is the Tribe we are dealing with. Nice, why cant it always be this easy?
Under the cut I cover three more points to go into more detail, read more if you’re interested ^^
1. The medicine wheel
I must give it to miraculous, using the medicine wheel for the upper layer of the miracle box is one genius move imo.
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The Medicine Wheel is a sacred symbol and way of life used by the indigenous Plains tribes to represent all knowledge of the universe. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to really get into its teaching and living ways to be comfortable explaining its practice in more details, so in this part I want to cover only what has been directly acknowledged by Thomas Astruc. And that would be the animals (duh, obviously) and the elements.
The first thing I had to learn the hard way in this research is that there is not one "true" way for this symbol to be arranged. The way its used, what animal belongs to which color or element and even what KIND of animal is in it can vary STRONGLY from location to location.
So I accepted that the arrangement can not be pinpointed down to perfect accuracy through research. We were already given all the animals and colors, now all I can really do here is present to you a possible variation of the miraculous arrangement I put together after looking up and trying to understand the differences between the real life ones to continue from here on.
There are only two animals we know for sure the connected color of: The eagle, Jessicas miraculous of freedom and the Thunderbird. In his tweets Thomas mentioned the elements so I decided to include them in the arrangement, how or if they will be incorporated into the show I can not tell you though. But still I wanted the elements in here as well ^^
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As already said, the eagle is red and the thunderbird is in the green center. As you can see I put the bear to black, the Wolf to yellow and the Buffalo to white. Those seemed to me the most likely combinations and even if they don’t end up right, it wont do harm to any of this.
Buffalo: white and air because the Lakota have a white Buffalo woman legend where air was one of the main elements she controled and used.
Wolf: yellow and fire. Fire because in Lakota legends the wolf/ coyote is a very unpredictable animal. He's both a trickster and a hero, not always moraly sound but always clever. It's a dangerous but strong and lively nature that I do think the show could represent with the fire element. Yellow is one of the two cases where I was left with this option by default.
Bear: I choose black and water because that's a combination I have seen the most
Eagle: I already know Red and choose earth in combination. At first I thought about putting fire in this place because of its normal association with red but in the end choose earth because I think it's the element that fits the best to Jessica.
But the reason why I decided to include the elements is because of the green thunderbird in the middle. Because where the other 4 animals are connected with the 4 elements, the thunderbird would here represent inner balance and harmony. Of course this isn't it's power, but the layout makes it quite obvious that the thunderbird is the equivalent of the ladybugs and cats yin-yang. My assumption right now is that this is how the show will cover the different types of "balance" although the world cultures it incorporates, but let me come back to this one another time.
2. more cultural references and meanings
The thunderbird represents the most powerful one of this miracle box because the thunderbird is the one animal that is present in every Souix Lakota tribe and holds an enormous cultural and spiritual significance. It is a mythological bird and is associated with several legends starting from controlling the storms, lightnings and thunder to being the protector of the humans and even being a helper of the creation of reality (Reality in Ml are the LB and Cat hence why its place in the middle of the box is well deserved) It only makes sense that it would be chosen for this and I know it may seem cliché but please hear me out, which is why im convinced this is the miraculous of the chiefs.
A couple of details do support this for me but please remember I'm not exposed to alot of native American cultures I'll do my best to get things right but if I do interpret something(s) wrong feel free to correct me.
For one, well, the symbol. While looking up the clothing for a later point I did see a symbol like this on some of the feather headdresses.
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Definitely not on all of them, I couldn't figure out if there is a system behind the pattern usage or tied to a distinct area but I do know that it is THERE and not exactly rarely either. Noticeably it isn't a 1 to 1 fit but that is an all time returning thing in miraculous. Real life and historical things like this have to be slightly altered for the show to be able to incorporate them. A great example for this is the old English flag in "Darkblade".
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So at this point I'm used to this pattern, so yeah, this could very likely be a symbol they took inspiration from.
The second reason why I think it it's the miraculous of the chiefs is because the piece with the symbol on it looks like one of these
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In combination with the feather on it. The feather headdress is also called a war bonnet and was originally only worn in battles and only by the person who has truly earned that honor. Each feather represents a distinct honor earned in battle which is why we see feather headdresses in such different lengths. How this translates perfectly into a miraculous I think is obvious. The headdress is a symbol of true leadership and worthiness of such a status, hence why it were especially the chiefs to earn such impressive ones. Turning it into a miraculous wouldn't change too much about it since such a powerful miraculous is an honor and duty you have to be worthy of as well. Them being originally used only for battles is a perfect fit too, because so are the miraculous.
Then of course once again, the thunderbird.
The thunderbird being the great mythical protector animal of these tribes makes it naturally a perfect fit for the miraculous animal of the great chiefs. The chiefs were not only the leaders they also were the primary warrior in battles which is seen by the war bonnets. Having the Thunderbird be the miraculous of the chiefs highlights their status as the tribes protector in such a genuine way, I personally really really love it.
As the last point of 2. I want to bring up the outside top of the Miracle box and the way its designed. While looking through the clothing symbols and pattern I did notice some that looked similar to the ones on the box. I deliberately tried to find a more recent example of usage because in the end of the day Miraculous is a show for TODAY so if the show used patterns for example that may not have been used in the past but are now associated with the Lakota that’s still valid. So the possible matches for design inspiration I found stem from a picture of chief Arvol Lookinghorse who holds the responsibility of spiritual leader among the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota People to this day.
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3. Their location and monuments
Researching the lakota made me think of where this guardian group has its roots, which made me remember something I found on my guardian mountain - mount kailash theory a while ago (I swear right now everything comes back to that theory). In it I showed you the monuments-line around the world always separated by a length of 6666km between each other (basically the height of Mount Kailash) and while I didn't mention it there, there is also one of those "mythical" monuments in the USA.
The bears lodge butte (in Wyoming)
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I mean LOOK at this, that is out of this world and breath-taking in every sense of the word! That is a location of a miraculous guardianship if I had ever seen one. Also known under the (sadly) much more well known name of "Devils tower" but this will be the one and only time you will read of me calling it like that. The fact that this butte is still officially called by this disrespectful and bastardized white peoples name is a freaking insult. I'm calling it the bears lodge as this was its original english name.
The bears lodge is not just a monument in the USA it is the VERY FIRST official monument (1906) and the location of the butte also checks out perfectly with the areas the Lakota settled in real life. I couldn’t get the exact scale but I think you will still understand just fine.
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Adding to the Bears Lodge butte I also wanna bring up the "other" medicine wheel. Which is, just like Bears lodge, located in Wyoming.
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As we know the rest of the native American miracle box is made of the zodiac signs just like in our normal miracle box. Confirmed not only on Twitter but also in the very intro of the New York special.
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But the same way the miracle box is similar to ours the Medicine wheel as monument reminded me of something as well. Of course I'm talking about the ritual circle in the Kwami "dimension" of the box seen in “Sandboy”.
And just like the native American monument it is also of "astronomical" nature. Taking a closer look at the Chinese Kwami circle one can see that the outer ring is made of specific places for each Kwami signified with a picture of their "animal".
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And in the inner circle is obviously the moon circulation.
Meaning, put very simple, this is a design specifically meant to represent the Chinese calendar and culture this miracle box is based on. Therefor this should also exist for the native american one. My guess Is that for all the boxes/cultures Miraculous is gonna include they will also have an “ritual circle” equivalents for each based on all the different kinds of stone circle monuments around the world, including the medicine wheel of the Lakota.
But not only was the medicine wheel monument used for astronomical purposes, with it the people wanted to give things back to mother nature. They placed things right in the middle of the wheel under the stones so nature could take it back "spiritually" (for a lack of a better word on my part) through their rituals and chants. Which is something once again similar to what we see with the Kwamis.
First if all, when the Kwamis (who are the embodiments of the abstract concepts reality is made of) enter their "dimension" in the miracle box the guardian symbol opens right at the center point, letting them cross the layers of reality.
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Second, the Kwamis are obviously able to take material objects with them to the in-between dimension. Supporting and verifying the Lakota’s ritual because at the very least in the ML world its actually true. And thirdly, when the Kwamis try to reach Nooroo they chant as well and once again the collected energy is combined in the middle to cross the layers of reality. Gabriel is transformed though so he, as Hawkmoth, is able to almost take over the connection and therefore the miracle box if the Kwamis hadn’t blocked him.
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This shows that the spiritual dimension layers are interactive from both sides under certain circumstances. A normal human being wouldn’t be able to cross the layers and take control like this but the more a person is involved with/ powered up by the miraculous the more power they hold interdimensional. Which is the idea of a ritual to reach the spiritual side of nature brought to a new 11 as TV shows usually do.
 4. The design of the guardian.
I'm definitely not the right person to properly judge this in depth therefore I will just showcase my opinion based on the research.
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The way I see it for the guardians design they tried to combine the guardian "look" with the native American one.
The pants, staff and robe-like upper part are obviously influenced by the guardian we already saw through Fu's flashbacks, whereas the colors, the hairstyle and shoes (etc) are kept more Lakota-like. Though, as far as my opinion counts in this, the much darker skin and the eyebrows in comparison to Jessica does make me question if he is supposed to represent the same native American tribes as her. His bushy eyebrows are a physical characteristic I recognize in rarely any real life photos and neither did I notice such a noticeable difference in skin color.
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Jessica and the guardian simply do not really look like they are of the same heritage to me, but again, who am I to say this isn't a legit representation? Besides that, it makes alot more sense that this guardian wasn't lost for almost 200 years like the ones in Tibet, so it is a fair option to consider that this black guardian may not be of "original Lakota heritage" but he is simply a worthy man born in this area of the USA (who knows in what year considering the guardians life spans) who was chosen and trained for the guardianship simply because he was the right fit for it just like Marinette.
I think it's only fair to consider that option as well, especially since we have NO official background on him. But that's just my opinion.
 And as the last thing I want to bring up is the symbol on his robe because this is something I'm going to need help with.
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We can hardly see it and I've tried my best to find something in my research but I just couldn't find anything fitting.
If anybody has the means and knows if this is a cultural reference as well, I would appreciate it if this knowledge could be shared here as well. I really would love to know ^^
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
Drakes Keep
The townspeople live in fear of the dragon in the forest and have decided to make you the sacrifice to save them all. But perhaps the dragon isnt something to fear after all.
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      This was how it ends. You thought to yourself as night descended. The only sound was the occasional breeze rustling the branches or the distant howl of a dog. You tried once again in vain to wriggle from the rope that kept you tied to the tree. Letting the back of your head hit the trunk with a thump, you bit your lip and finally allowed yourself to cry. This really was the end. 
       A dragons supper, that was your fate. The creature that called the abandoned castle home had returned, and the fear of what it could do had sent the townspeople into hysterics. Turning to the old ways once more to keep it appeased. Unfortunately for you, that had meant you were the one tossed to the beast. The old stories spoke of fair maidens and kings sons bravely sacrificing themselves for the better of others. But of course no one wanted to send their beloved children to death. But you? Orphaned and thieving,___? No one opposed that. And now you stood, hands bound to a tree as close to the Drakes Keep as they dared to bring you, waiting for death. 
     Night had finally fallen. The sound of crickets and the skittish steps of a rabbit your only company. Then as suddenly as it started, the forest was quiet and still as a grave. Even the breeze that blew the branches seemed to stop. Then the snap was heard. Then another. The crunch of leaves as if something heavy was being dragged across the ground. Then you saw it, a pair of teal blue eyes peeking out from between the trees. Tears continued to stream down your face as you locked gazes with the creature that would end. 
     "Just make it quick," you managed to choke out, throat raw from your sobbing. Not even sure if the beast could even understand you. "Please, be fast, that's all I ask."
     The dragon finally moved. It slowly stepped out of the darkness and you could see it in it's full view. It's dark midnight scales almost blended into the night, in stark contrast to the golden scales that went up its stomach and throat. It tilted its triangular head curiously as it examined its food. Your eyes snapped shut as it got closer and closer, until you felt the hot breath of your face. The wet sound of its jaws opening was heard, and you could not help but scream.
      Then the ropes went slack.
      "Relax." said a deep voice. "I wont do anything." 
     Opening your eyes, the dragon looked down at you, spitting out a piece of rope. "I...I… I dont understand." You shuddered out, wiping you tear stained face. "You arent going to eat me?"
     The dragon rolled its eyes. "Honestly, what's with these villagers and thinking I want to eat people? Of course not." 
     You removed the last bits of rope around your wrist, glancing at the dragon all the while. It wasn't going to kill you. What did it want? "So…" you began cautiously. "What now? 
       "What do you mean what now?"
       "If I'm not a meal, then what was the point of sacrifices? What is it that you want from the village."
       "Nothing." The dragon replied as if it should have been plain as day. "I never wanted any sacrifices ever. I untie them and let them go. I don't want anything from your village." 
       "But… but…" you stammered. "The missing livestock. And all those old stories about a dragon that burned the town centuries ago!"
      "My grandpa," the dragon replied. "Dont remember much about him, other than he was an old grouch. But that was a couple decades before I was even bored. as for livestock, sorry to say I was hungry. Large game have been scarce. Not my first choice, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Now," the dragon leaned down and sniffed at you, its warm breath blowing at your hair. "Who are you?"
       "-_" you stammered. 
      "And why, ___… did they decide to pick you to feed it the beast?"
      You looked down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "No one wanted me." You answered honestly. "They were glad to have me gone."
        The dragon sniffed once more, like a hunting hound committing a scent to memory. There was the sound of thunder out in the distance. "Well, you're free of them now." Was his only reply. "Theres another town just south of here." He pointed a claw to his left. "I can only guess you wouldn't want to go back from where you came."
     You looked back between the direction the men who had tied up went,then the dragon, then to the direction he pointed. "So...so you'll let me go? Just like that?" 
     "Just like that." He assured.
It seemed too easy. The dragon letting you go and free to start a new life far far away.  The sound of thunder drew a little closer, and with it the wind returned to rustle the trees. You shivered. They had taken your cloak when you were arrested, and obviously did not bother to give it back when you had been left to die.
     The dragon seemed to take note of this, and tilted his head curiously. "What's the matter?"
      "Cold." You admitted. "Since I can leave, do you happen to know where I could sleep for the night?"
      The dragon eyed you once more and sniffed again as if looking for something of offense. When it seemed he did not find it, the dragon turned and nodded his head towards the direction he had come. "Follow me."
      "You know my name," you said as you followed the creature further into the forest. "What's yours?"
     "Raihan." He replied. "The Great Raihan."
    "Who calls you that?" You asked,trying hard not to snort.
    "Plenty of people." He said, twigs and leaves crunching under heavy feet. "I'll have you know, I have met many a knight and king that called me a great dragon."
     "What kings? Anyone I might have heard of?"
    "All sorts," he assured. "King Lance of Kanto. Queen Cynthia of Sinnoh. And most recently, your king Leon here in Galar."
     "So tell me then, great dragon Raihan, why are you out here in the back water forests outside of my nowhere village?"
    "Just as birds migrate, so do dragons." He explained. "We go from place to place, seeking spots of comfort to rest. Making a new home for ourselves or going to old ones."
    "I take it this is an old home then?"
   "Very old." He finally stopped and gestured to an ancient stone structure. With its half crumbled towers and vine covered parapets. "Very old indeed."
   "I've only ever heard of this place." You said in awe as you walked up the stone steps of the ancient castle. "My grandmother used to tell me about the dragons lair. She and all the other elders called it The Drakes Keep."
     "That's what you humans call it, yes." Raihan replied, pushing his large scaly body against the giant oak doors to open them. "But the true name of this place is Hammerlocke. Hammerlocke Castle."
     Walking into the grand entrance, Hammerlocke caslte was oddly well kept for not having a human inhabitant for centuries. Aside from the few cracks in the stone from age, the floor was clean of dirt and debris. There was even decorative tapestries that still adorned the walls. 
     Raihan pushed against the doors once more to shut them firmly, keeping the cold out. Then you realized something.
     "Um… not to sound rude or anything. But this doesn't look like a living space, and the doorways look far too small for you." 
     "Good observation. Sadly, castle life isn't very accommodating to this form."
     Instead of elaborating, Raihan showed you what he had meant. In a flash of light you saw the large creature shrink down and take the form of a very tall and very handsome young man. He stretched out and let out a sigh. "Yes form." He grinned at your shocked expression. "There are many things about dragons you don't know."  
      It turned out dragons were very hospitable. Raihan had kept the fire in the sitting room going with ease, making warmer than you had ever known. He had a sorts of finery stashed away, including good coats and blankets of the softest materials. He had explained it was in a dragons to hoard things of great interest or value. Despite that he may not have a need fancy furs to keep him warm or nice bottles of wine, they were still soft to lay on and tasty to drink, and so he kept them. 
      "I'm still surprised dragons can take human form." You commented, swaddled up nicely in the furs Raihan had loaned you, stomach full of the food he had gathered the other day.
      "Oh yes, we are creatures of magic. Dragons,unicorns, the various breeds of fae." He took a sip from the golden goblet he poured the wine into. Unlike you he seemed to not be feeling the effects of it. "We were created by magic, neither human nor animal. So we are free to choose whichever form we please."
       "Do you appear human often?" 
       He shrugged. "I'd say it's fairly even. There is a time and a place for my true form, and I do enjoy visiting cities and what not, and that only really can be done like this." He gestured to his human form. 
       "I was always told dragons would sit in caves on piles of gold. Seeking princesses and young knights to drag away. Never that they like to be tourists."
       "Everyone is different." He said. "Truth be told, all those stories are rather old fashioned. Me? I like humans. Well...some of you." He flashed you a grin, seeming to imply you were one of the likeable ones. "I suppose I've always been a rather curious one. When I was a hatchling, I would sneak off to town and play with local children."
        "Now that does not surprise me," you said playfully while returning his grin. "You strike me as the sort who was a little scamp when they were young."
      "Oh trust me, you are not far off." He chuckled. "My parents could do nothing to keep me away. Everywhere we went, I sought out people, and when I was grown I went all over. I learned to read in many of your human tongues. Learned histories of every land I could. Befriended as many as I could."
      "That sounds amazing," you said wistfully. The life he described sounded like it could have only existed in a novel. You had never been able to venture out past the borders of the village. "I envy you, Raihan. I've never known such freedom." 
      "Well now you can." He replied. "All those townspeople think you won't return. You can start somewhere else."
      Looking down at your own golden cup, your reflection stared back in the red wine. Never go back...that certainly was not the problem. They would not miss you, and you would not miss them. But what kind of life could you have out there? "I doubt wherever I go will be much better."
      "And why is that?"
      "...Once a thieving urchin, always a thieving urchin." You said with all the resentment in you. That brand had followed you over half your life, and odds are it would follow you to the grave.
       "I take it that's why they tied you up to be sacrificed." Looking up, Raihans face portrayed no emotion. Part of you wondered if now he was disgusted knowing he let a thief in here, or maybe he pitied you. Honestly you weren't sure which would feel worse.
        You nodded. "When I was ten, my parents died. My grandmother long gone years before. My father's shop had caught fire, you see. And suddenly I was an orphan. No money, no home, no family. No one wanted to help. I had nothing, and so to the townspeople I was nothing.I did the only thing I could do: I stole to keep myself alive. I was arrested now and then, but I always got out. But the more I did it, the better I was at not getting caught. Well, until recently. And I think you know how that went." 
         "I wish I could say this is the first I've heard something like this, but it does seem like a sad reality to humans."  Raihans face then turned to concern as he reached out to put a hand in your shoulder. It wasn't until the tears were welling in your eyes a moment later did you realize it was because you were on the verge of crying. The events of today finally sinking in. Then he added. "But that doesn't mean you cant move on from it. Trust me, I've lived long enough to know what I'm talking about. Some of the best people I've known have lead similar beginnings to yours. I know it must feel awful now, but it'll get better. I promise."
      "You can't promise anything." You said, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. "What am I going to do in this new town? All I know is how to steal. I'll just end up back where I was."
      "I mean, you could add some flare." He said jokingly. "I'd say you'd make a handsome jewel thief that steals hearts along the way." 
      You couldn't help but snort. "That is absolutely ridiculous." 
      "It's merely a suggestion." He grinned. "All I'm saying is why not have some fun with your self fulfilling prophecy?" 
      You paused for a moment. "...What was it like? When you first left to travel?"
     "A bit frightful." He admitted. "But exciting. Often times lonely."
     Raihan nodded. "Yes, dragons, though we live long, are few and far between. Besides my family, it would be a few years before I saw another of my kind. Those stories you talked about of maidens in towers, I can assure you the reason was never malicious. Those drakes did it more for companionship than anything else."
      "You make it sound like you speak from experience."
      "Raihan, you didn't!"
      "Oh I assure you ___," he smirked like an absolute cad and winked. "All princesses under my protection were there willingly.  And treated very well, if I do say so myself." Your face flushed at what he was implying, and Raihan bursted out laughing.
      After a moment you began to laugh as well. It had been so long since you could sit like this and be friendly with anyone. Raihan was so good natured, it felt like it would be a challenge not to like him. "Are you going to stay in this castle long?" You asked. Wondering if it would be forward to ask if you could visit him from time to time after parting ways.
      "For a few weeks," he said, taking a long drink from his goblet. "Then off to Wyndon."
      "Wyndon? As in the capital city Wyndon?"
       "The one and only. Off to visit a friend for the spring."
      Part of you felt a bit disappointed for him to be leaving so soon. "I hope you enjoy it, " you said,meaning it. "I admit, I'll miss your company."
     "Then dont miss me."
     "Come with me, I could use a travel companion."
     "What would I possibly do in Wyndon?" Even as you said it, your mind raced with the possibilities. You had only heard in passing of the great city where King Leon held court. Of its beautiful building and the wealth of opportunities to be found there.
      "What couldn't you do?" He replied. "The better question is what do you have to lose? Be my travel buddy, ___. See lands beyond this forest. Hear languages you've never heard. Rub elbows with royalty. If you don't like it I can drop you off in that village south of here, how does that sound? Unless of course you're considering being a heartbreaking jewel thief. In which case I wholeheartedly endorse your decision."
        You thought it over and over. Be a dragons companion. Go to the capital and regions beyond. Or go to some other backwater town and possibly live in the mud once more. It wasn't a very hard decision. "I'll take you up on that offer."
       Raihan smiled, a small fang poking at his bottom lip. He tapped his golden cup against yours. "Cheers. We ride in two weeks time."
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simpinforkirari · 4 years
walking home
(with iwaizumi and oikawa)
its been awhile, but im back :))
✎ warnings: mm, well theres fluff...?
✎ word count: pretty short, just 400 words
✎ also-! T<T g/n reader
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iwaizumi hajime
we all know that he’s not really one to be soft around other people
but around their s/o-
ohoho  ( ˙꒳​˙ )
he likes to walk you home because, well he wont admit it, but he really enjoys your company
walking home with you gives him time to clear up his mind
whether it be comfortable silence, or you talking about cute animals or something
“iwa, iwa. guess what”
“mm” damn iwa, give us more attention pls  
“i saw two cats earlier and they look like they were gonna get married”
but you know what he loves you so whatever
the sun was coming down, you and iwa walking home together, pinkies lightly intertwined. the sky was beautiful ombre color just like the paintings you saw, clouds blooming of different colors. 
iwaizumi’s hand lightly grazes yours, you being you (and knowing him pretty well), you grasp his hand. iwaizumi’s face beams before grabbing your hand back and swinging it back and forth. 
mans cares for you to the moon and back
he wants to make sure you get back home safely
if you say that you want to take a longer route so that you’d have more time to talk to him, he’d gladly say yes
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oikawa tooru
so sadly :(( theres been times you were pestered by his fans. and he doesn’t really want to have to worry about what might happen to you so he follows you around the school during break
and this also includes walking you home
sometimes he would speed up his pace to get a rise out of you
i think that tooru’s way would be through acts of service and encouraging words
so while walking home with him, he’d have your bag around his shoulder :)
“i was able to finish a project early today and-”
“i wasn’t done yet :)”
“i know, im just proud of you”
play with his pinkie, and he will just explode  (*o*)
you gaze at him. toru was lost in his world, grumbling about how iwa bullied him again. a soft pout adorned his lips. “cute”, you murmured. he heard you alright but pretended he didn’t. 
“what was that?”. he smiled smugly, glancing at you before stopping in his tracks. your grin, “i said you’re cute.” 
“hehe, i know”, he saunters away, flipping his imaginary hair and leaving you there dumbfounded.  
hmm, i think his way of saying goodbye to you would be by pecking your forehead. then thanking you for calming walk. 
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yanbub · 3 years
multiple announcements coming through !
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okok first of all, im back 😋. as in ill be fully active again like usual xdxd.
i know i didn't seem like i was on a semi-hiatus but shhh i had to take care of things and i had to fix my mental stability too.
i'm really sorry that i didn't reply to my inbox while i was gone !! i was very unmotivated to reply during the whole break even tho i rbed some ask games LOL. ill reply to them later so your wait won't be that long anymore !
thank you all 4 ur patience and efforts 💞
pls read the other announcements utc! its all important and i just cut it so that it wont clog up other's dashboards.
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second of all, the blog will go a heavy revamp session! please don't mind the spam posting, it'll just be me organizing my blog all over again.
the revamp will include the following:
a new tagging system
(finally) an official post for my blog rules, writing rules, etc. i know i have a carrd for that but im tired of editing it every now and then
a clean up! ill be deleting some old posts such as my shitposts and some other miscellaneous things i want out of this blog. and sadly, this includes the requests that was left in my inbox. sorry that you didn't get your request done ^^'
i think thats p much it? again dont mind the spam posting you'll see when this is in progress!
asks will be answered AFTER this revamp session is done.
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third, a new character for the character list! thoma is added now. as for gorou, well, that's still dependable since i haven't grasped his personality yet with the little interaction we got from the archon quests. ill try writing for him but only on specific and self indulgent ideas.
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not that important but new theme hehe. ive had this theme on pc for a while now but i wanted to change it on mobile once im back from the break. anyways stan remi ayasaki for clear skin yalls
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to explain further about me deleting requests in my inbox, as you saw during my break i only posted self indulgent content.
i don't really wanna open requests for a while since i have so many self indulgent ideas that i wanna focus on. the ideas that you sent in were honestly great but im sorry that i won't be able to write it :((
though there might be times that i won't be writing because deadass i post content almost everyday, i need a break too 🧍‍♀️.
HOWEVER! if you're willing to send in some brainrot at my inbox, ill be more than glad to whip up a small blurb/ficlet for you! or maybe ill add more onto that brainrot, who knows really.
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anyways if you reached this part of the post, congrats! you're probs the only one who bothered to read all the important announcements.
ill be off to revamp the blog now and istg ill finally answer asks after that 😭 i missed interacting w yall but i swear my motivation said no <//3
bye bye now, ty for reading <33
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