#but reyes is the strongest one
fairylando · 2 days
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REYES????? istg you can't make this shit up😭
also sky sport italia always alluding at something with these posts😭😭😭 they're worse than me
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Can I have blue beetle headcanons of Jaime's lover who is adored by Khaji Da and maybe the scarab tends to always encourage Jaime to stay by his lover's side at all times?
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It took a bit for Khaji-Da to warm up to you, but during this time the scarab would become a silent spectator to your relationship with their host. Khaji-Da bore witness to the sweetest moments of your relationship where you both unabashedly showered the other in an abundance of love and support in the others ambitions, dreams and aspirations; wholeheartedly believing in the others capabilities to do anything and everything.
However the one that stuck out to the scarab came down to the time you found out about Jaime was Blue Beetle at possibly the worst way. It was during his hardest fight to date against a strong villain that seemingly had him down for the count with how unnerving it was to see an unmoving Jaime. So much so that you disregarded your current circumstances to call out to your boyfriend, hanging onto hope that you could give him the strength to send this villain packing.
‘Come on Jaime, you need to get up! I want you to get up so I know you’re okay because I don’t want to continue this life without you! You’re the strongest person I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know. You’ve persisted through so much whereas anybody else would’ve given up and I’m not allowing you to give up now! Not when you’ve come so far! And you, Scarab, if you can hear me, I don’t want you giving up either! You both have got what it takes to win this fight! Now I want both of you to get back up and fight until that bastard doesn’t have the strength to stand back up!’ Your cries were enough to urge both Jaime and Khaji-Da to get back up and finish the fight; emerging victorious.
Khaji-Da: you heard your lover, Jaime Reyes.
Jaime: I heard them, now let’s go kick some ass.
Ever since then Khaji-Da had grown fond of you and Jaime couldn’t help but find it hilarious with how you had a sentient scarab, whom that wanted nothing more then to stay within close proximity of you at all times. Not that Jaime was complaining, he’d love being by your side constantly but has found himself being the one to tell you everything Khaji-Da is saying to him within his head.
Ngl he kinda felt like he was the odd man out but with a few of your special kisses and cuddles, that was all soon well and truly forgotten about.
Jaime: why do you want me near them all of the time, they’re safe and sound. We got rid of that villain weeks ago, so what’s your deal?
Khaji-Da: you should stay by your lover for as long as you can Jaime, for despite the danger having been subdued and peace resorted, I still wish for you to enjoy the simplicity of your courtship. They’re good for you.
Jaime muttering to himself* did I just get a blessing from a scarab to continue dating my partner?
Again Jaime wasn’t one to complain about spending more time with you, if anything the moment Khaji-Da suggests that he spend the day with you, Jaime was already two steps ahead and was already bolted down to your house before Khaji-Da could finish speaking.
Khaki-Da is also very protective over you, so that whenever the Scarab thought you were in danger, they’d take over from Jaime and get in between you and whatever Khaji-Da thought posed a threat to you. Jaime is embarrassed, like extremely so but you couldn’t help but find it funny with how quick Khaji-Da was to go on the offence when an innocent puppy came up to sniff you.
Jaime: I am so fucking sorry, that was all Khaji-Da, not me.
Khaki-Da: and I’d do it again. The puppy was encroaching on our territory.
Needless to say not only do you have the most perfect boyfriend but also an overprotective sentient scarab that will not leave you alone. They’re a package deal. You want the cute boy, you also get the scarab attached to his back for free. Literally.
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"All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire." - Edgar Allan Poe
Exculpate: The Fall from Grace is an upcoming 18+ action packed and fantastical interactive fiction novel. Loosely inspired by media like “My Hero Academia”, “Bungou Stray Dogs”, “Jujutsu Kaisen”, “The X-Men” and “Titans”.
Tags: [Urban Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Romance, Drama, LGBTQIA+, Textbased]
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The Astra. In the years after the war it was a name that had grown familiar. A select group of individuals who had gained special abilities after the…incident. They are powerful. They are talented. They are gifted.
And you’re one of them.
Or at least you were around a decade ago. Before you made the mistake.  The type of colossal fuck up that blows up your apparently  flimsy life in a matter of minutes. The kind that has you running away and starting completely over. That kind.
Now instead of using your worthless ability to save people, you are stuck using it for much more…aggressive work. More effective work. Or at the very least work that pays better. The only cost seems to be your sorry excuse for morals. Trading your soul and sense of justice for a paycheck. What could go wrong?
It was manageable. Meaningful even. Something that gave purpose to the now shattered pieces of your life.
Everything was great.
...until you got a hit for the strongest hero in existence. Wonderful.
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Play a former hero turned assassin turned…“hero” but not really .
Customize your character’s name, appearance, personality, and gender identity.
Develop a better understanding of your dreadful ability.
Explore and navigate complex relationships with six unique romantic options.
Kill your former best friend and betray old allies and new ones alike!
Come face to face with your past (both the choices you’ve made and the people in it).
Repent for your mistakes…or continue making them.
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The Hero (Your Target): Maverick “Mav” Kingston (He/Him)
Maverick Kingston, your current target and the strongest member of Astra. The strongest, period. He is unstoppable - unreachable - unattainable. You would know as his (former) best friend.
Appearance: Maverick is the embodiment of “perfection” and that crosses over into his looks. He is roughly 6’1” and is quite lean. He has vibrant light blue eyes and a head of messy blonde hair that seems to always fall perfectly into place.
Personality: Maverick’s greatest flaw is undeniably his personality. To put it bluntly, he’s the best and he knows it. He manages to come across as nonchalant and egotistical on a good day - often just messing around or teasing both his enemies and coworkers alike, and while he can be quite charismatic, his laidback and annoying disposition tends to steer most people away. Although, you get the feeling that there seems to be something deeper lying beneath the surface even after all these years…
The Strategist: Carmen Reyes (She/Her)
Carmen Reyes, lead strategist of the Astra and to put it bluntly the only one with any common sense. She is an intimidating presence - although that might just be due to her title of the best hand to hand combatant of the Astra. You used to be co-workers and classmates but that was a long time ago.
Appearance: Carmen’s beauty is just another thing that adds to her imposing nature. She is roughly 5’11” and has spent years building up her muscular physique. She has curly dark brown hair that rests just below her chin and surprisingly sharp hazel eyes that seem to track your every move…
Personality: Carmen can be considered reserved and wise at best and completely distant at worst. She has a professional air to her that most officials and authority respect, but it can come across as aloof or boring especially when comparing her to the loud personalities that the rest of the Astra has. That’s not to say she is uncaring though - in fact she is arguably the most moral of the group - or at least she was back when you were a member…
The Heart: Silas Jones (He/Him)
Silas Jones, arguably the kindest member of the Astra. He’s excitable and naive - if not a bit endearing. He tends to act as the mediator between the public and the other members of the Astra when necessary. You don’t remember being particularly close with him back when you were in the Astra so it’s surprising how desperately he seems to want your attention now…
Appearance: Silas is roughly 5’8” and has dark brown skin with glowing silver marks scattered across his body. He has black locs that have been dyed red at the tips and dark brown eyes that seem to pull you in wherever you go…
Personality: Silas is easily the nicest of the group and can be quite soothing especially compared to the harsher personalities of the other members and higher ups of the Astra. He is incredibly open and energetic, if not a bit naive. He cares very deeply for the people around him and that clearly extends to you even after all these years. It does make you wonder why he is so interested though…
The Healer: Juno Aceso (She/Her)
Juno Aceso, head of the healing and medical department at Astra. She isn’t what most people expect when they hear the words “doctor” but she is a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the group. You were close with her back when you were in the Astra…or at least as close as you can be with someone like her.
Appearance: Juno is roughly 5’5”. She has deathly pale skin and dark eyebags that frame her murky green eyes. Her straight chestnut colored hair lands right at her chest, though she usually keeps it up in a bun.
Personality: If Carmen is distant and Maverick is nonchalant then Juno is on a whole other level. She is practically apathetic with her laidback nature and tends to be quite removed from everyone else. That’s not to say she has no personality though. She can be incredibly snarky and sarcastic when she wants to be. Unsurprisingly, she seems the least invested in your return. Although you get an odd feeling whenever she glances your way…
The Star: Payton Monroe (They/Them)
Payton Monroe is nothing if not a star. They embrace the celebrity status that comes with being a member of the Astra with open arms. You weren’t particularly close with them back when you were in the Astra but you heard the rumors of their exploits…
Appearance: Payton is roughly 5’7” and seems to make it their life’s goal to make themself as appealing as possible. They have ivory colored skin and dazzling lavender eyes. Their hair is shoulder length and white with streaks of pink going through it.
Personality: Payton is someone who has no issue embracing the finer things in life. They are far more interested in the public image aspect of being a member of the Astra and that comes across in nearly every interaction. While they are quite flirtatious, they seem to hold no interest in pursuing an actual relationship. Maybe you’ll be the one to change that…
The Newbie: Amari Gray (Gender Selectable)
Amari Gray, the newest member of the Astra. Not much is known about them - they joined after you left and they don’t seem exactly interested in getting to know you. They tend to be annoyed with you more often than not but you get the feeling that they are that way with most people. Although, their constant avoidance towards you specifically is quite odd…
Appearance: Amari is roughly 5’3”. They have tan skin and sharp gray eyes that seem to be set in a perpetual glare. They have thick white hair that is currently styled as a short undercut. They have a few piercings and tattoos.
Personality: You don’t know much about Amari but one thing you do know is that they don’t like you. They are either actively avoiding you or are going out of their way to pick fights with you. They seem incredibly familiar which makes their determination on making your life miserable even weirder…
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Headcanons- Sobieslaw "Gromsko" Kościuszko
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Is not-so-secretly displeased that no one can pronounce his name. He is absolutely a Polish Culture fanatic and is incredibly patriotic. It bothers him that people either can’t or aren’t willing to learn how to say his name. 
For this reason, a quick way to get in his good books is to practice his name and get it right to him. If a pretty girl does it, he’s not-so-subtly hearing wedding bells. 
Lowkey misogynist, very traditional
Wants a wife and kids. No kids are a deal breaker for him. 
Wants a wife who will clean and cook for him when he can fix stuff around the house and earn income with the military
Grew up with 4 siblings, two brothers, and two sisters, they all have the most Polish names imaginable. 
Desperately wants at least three kids.
Generally very outgoing and boisterous. Is commonly told that he’s “too loud”
His response is to smile and laugh even louder than previously. 
The exception to this is when he’s embarrassed, which is incredibly infrequent. He will get quiet and turn red if he does anything particularly stupid
He bought a copy of Silence of the Lambs thinking it was a field cooking guide. He gets genuinely flustered when people bring it up
Reads a lot in his off time, and learned English from reading almost exclusively 
As such he mispronounces words in ways that people that learned from English speakers typically don’t, like pronouncing “chassis” like “chass-iss” not “chass-ee”
If anyone brings it up he blue screens for a second and argues back that that makes no sense and why can’t it be phonetic? 
He inadvertently started a book club with Reyes, Nova, and a few other SpecGru operators by asking around for books to practice with. 
Sleeps naked or in very tight boxers much to his bunk mates' chagrin. 
He has the unique habit of sleeping on his arm and holding his pillow to his chest and between his legs when he’s asleep. 
It’s because his right knee is damaged from a particularly rough infill landing, having his knees together when he sleeps is really painful
Everyone assumes it’s something to do with humping his pillow because he’s just. Got no shame like that, but it isn’t actually. 
Has no insecurities appearance-wise. He is how he is and people can like that or not, he doesn’t give a shit. 
Cocky? confident? Self-assured? 
all of the above and then some. 
Magic touch when it comes to being a medic. He has stabilized people who damn well should have bled out and died on the field. 
He should be a bad medic because he’s so loud and aggressive on the field
And yet, he’s nearly always right on target and right where he needs to be to help someone out. 
His whole demeanor changes from patient to patient. 
Otherworldly sense of what people need emotionally when they’re hurt.
Need someone to empathize with you? He’s already telling you how much your family back home needs you to pull through. 
Need to get your mind off the pain? He’s telling you knock-knock jokes that don’t really make sense in between stories of his childhood misadventures. 
Need someone to kick you into gear? He’s spitting in your face about how you can’t just give up now and die like a fucking dog. 
Need some peace and quiet? He’s holding your hand and stroking your wrist with his thumb, only providing pulses of pressure to keep you in the moment. 
Absolutely capable of gentleness and caring, but just does so very infrequently. 
He is kind, not nice. 
He will help out anyone with anything without being asked to, but he’s gonna make fun of them the whole time. (Playful banter, he means no harm by it)
Much more likely to be “nice” to a woman or a child than a man. 
Handles his liquor poorly at the moment, will get black-out drunk without batting an eye, and yet somehow never gets hungover. 
The others are convinced he takes medical supplies for homemade hangover cures, he doesn’t but he lets them think that. 
Superior Polish genes, baby. His liver is the strongest thing about him. 
He does not necessarily need to be “the alpha male” in any given room or situation, but very much commands a certain kind of attention. 
This man occupies space. Wide stance, a loud voice, a louder laugh, and the personality of a wrecking ball. His ego is through the door before he is. 
Despite this, most of his coworkers don’t really find him all that jarring because he doesn’t demand subservience. He knows his station and does not need validation outside of it. 
He doesn’t care to be a leader, it’s not that he’s opposed, he just has a different skill set. 
He tends to wander on the battlefield, always hyper-vigilant to where he is needed most. 
His weapon of choice is a rocket launcher. 
He and Soap are on the top of the “UNDER NO FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOWED TO USE A ROCKET LAUNCHER” list, followed closely (and inexplicably) by Farah?
Read about that story here!
Despite being in a profession centered around fixing people/caring for wounds, has a natural tendency towards destruction. 
Soldiers' vocabulary all the way. Every 5th word is a swear, and that’s on a “clean” day.
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Hello i just discovered your blog and i love it but may i request an MC who was a child of a brutally war and had like 3-5 younger siblings who died in the war and one day when they are walking around a pure-blood said something along the lines of "OH their Siblings deserved to die" and MC just losses it and straights up punch the pure-blood in the face and knocking them out, how would the HCL +Professor's react to mc in that situation? (Btw I'm sorry if this is a too sensitive topic u don't have to write it if u don't want to, XOXO have a good day or night)
A/N: not to worry, that's what the warnings are for.
WARNING: MC has PTSD, terrorism, blood racism, hurt/comfort
It was less of a war and more of a massacre. The slaying of muggleborns in the 1885 attack was terroristic and unjust. MC was the only survivor of their family. Their siblings were gone. All that was left was the screaming in MC's head. The screaming that kept them up at night. The screaming that told them to run....to hide...
The pure blood student laid on the floor, holding his nose. Blood poured out as the student whined. MC stood over them, fists clenched. MC's knuckles were already bruising from the force of the hit. Their breathing was fast and irregular. Their eyes were wide and blank, they seemed a thousand miles away.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He'd never seen MC move so fast. Before he could tell the instigator off himself, MC threw themselves at them and punched with enough force to break bricks. He doesn't realize the state MC's in at first, laughing and jeering at the bleeding bully.
Until he notices MC isn't laughing with him. They're strangely quiet. Shaking. He hears a Professor coming and he steers MC away from the scene. "MC? What's going on with you? ..MC?" He gets a closer look at their face and sees silent tears flowing from their wide eyes. He's seen this face before, on Anne after they found their parents dead.
He takes MC's good hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "MC. Come back to me. Come back to now. The pain is in the past, don't let it halt your future." He gently talks MC down from their episode and stays with them until they insist they're fine. Even then, he's hard to get rid of.
OMINIS GAUNT: He swears he heard bons breaking when MC's fist collided with the bully. He knew a staff member wouldn't be far away from the commotion and he immediately dragged MC away. "You shouldn't have resorted to physical violence. What that bastard said wasn't acceptable, but now you could be facing detention or worse! That sort of behavior is brutish! Just jinx them like anyone else, at the very least. ..MC?"
He'd just realized MC wasn't talking, not even trying to defend their actions. "MC..? I need you to talk to me. What's going on?" Silence. MC was as still as a statue. Their hand was clammy in his. "What they said....there's more to it, isn't there?" He didn't know the full story, but MC's silence was too loud to ignore.
He takes them to the undercroft to recover in peace and talk to them privately about what really happened.
ANNE SALLOW: She had her wand out but MC's fist was faster. "That's exactly what you deserve!" She huffs and grabs MC's good hand. "Let's go, before staff show up." She walks with them a while before asking about their hand. "Are you alright? You hit them pretty hard." She examines MC's hand. It was heavily bruised and possibly broken, but nothing a healing potion wouldn't fix.
She looks into MC's eyes and they seem to look through her. "MC? MC, it's alright. You're alright. You don't have to fight anymore. The danger has passed." She speaks soothingly until they seem themselves again. She hugs them if they let her. She has the strongest urge to comfort and cuddle.
IMELDA REYES: She sees red. How. Fucking. DARE they! MC swings once but she keeps the pain train rolling. She kicks them in the ribs. She curb stomps their stomach. She pushes them down the nearest flight of stairs and spits in their direction as they roll away.
It takes more than a minute for her to calm down and realize MC hadn't moved or said anything. "Hey...you good?" She's still breathing heavily from the adrenaline. "Let's get out of here." She gets them out to the flying lawn and pulls out her broom. "You going to use yours?" MC complied and pulled out theirs but still hasn't said anything or changed their blank expression.
"Follow me." She leads them to a high cliff away from the castle and the noise. "This is where I come to think...or scream. You look like you could do both right about now."
NATSAI ONAI: She uses depulso without her wand and the bully slides across the floor far away from them. She looks at MC with great concern. "You don't look so good. I have never seen you attack someone like that, even over pure blood nonsense. What was it they said that got to you?"
MC's tears come and it breaks her heart. MC was hurting in a bad way, she could see it in their eyes. "You were there, weren't you? This attack they mentioned." MC breaks into sobs and their knees give out. She catches them before they hit the floor and holds them close. "I am here. I am here, MC. I will not let anyone hurt you. Never again."
GARRETH WEASLEY: His eye twitches and he has to hold back the urge to bring out his wand. He couldn't curse the bully without risk, but he could do something. He drops a small green bottle on the bully's lap. "Here. It'll clear up the nose bleed. Come on, MC." He, somewhat forcefully, pushes MC away and leads them around the corner.
He smiles to himself when screams echoed down the corridor. The boils the potion gave the bully would last for weeks and be horrifically painful. "Got exactly what was coming. What does that git think he's trying to prove? Many purebloods are accepting of muggleborns. The terrorist attack all those years ago was a small extremist group and they're ALL in Azkaban or dead."
He talks and talks and talks, going off on tangents and eventually forgetting what he started talking about. It's not that he never noticed MC having a hard time, he just thought if he could distract them from it instead of drawing attention to it, he would be of more help.
AMIT THAKKAR: He's so shocked by what the bully said that he doesn't even process MC punching the daylights out of them. He just watches the bully writhe in pain on the ground. He's as still and silent as MC. Both processing what just happened.
LEANDER PREWETT: "Levioso! Descendo!" His magic throws the bully helplessly into the air and then slams them back down. They'd be lucky if they didn't have multiple broken bones. He pockets his wand and takes MC's hand. "Come on."
He takes them outside for some air. MC's outburst then sudden silence was unnerving him. "What happened in there?" He asked calmly. "He mentioned siblings of yours? Was he taking the mick or...?" His unfinished sentence hing in the air between them.
MC finally focused on him, years starting to stream down their cheeks. He could see it in their eyes, real pain. The kind of pain that makes you shut down. He doesn't know what to do so he holds their good hand and looks back into their eyes. "You're going to be alright."
"Maybe we should go..." He eventually says and he starts to walk away. MC follows and they walk in silence all the way up the astronomy tower. In the clear and cool air, they take a simultaneous deep breath. "People are rotting no matter where you go. Be it skin or blood or belief. The human superiority complex never ceases to disgust. At the very least, know that you have a friend in me, MC. I'm with you."
EVERETT CLOPTON: He throws a fogging dung bomb and he and MC escape the commotion. "Good on ya for putting that twat in his place! If you ask me, you should have just cursed them, but a punch will do." He laughs as he takes MC to a more secluded corridor.
He doesn't realize MC isn't okay until he tries to give them another one of his special dung bombs "for emergencies". Their blank expression first leads him to think they don't like the dung bombs, but when he takes a closer look at their eyes... "Oh...oh Merlin, MC, I'm sorry. I thought they were lying. Your siblings...that's why you...oh..." He awkwardly puts away the bombs and holds out his arms. "Come here, let me make it better."
POPPY SWEETING: "You really showed them. How dare they say such a thing! How horrible of a person do you have to be to believe muggleborns deserve death? Honestly! I can't even imagine what their parents are like." She spits in the bully's general direction and stands with MC as the bully slowly gets up and runs off.
"They're probably going to tell a teacher. Don't worry, I'll be your alibi. They tripped." She smirks and nudges MC with her elbow. She frowns when they don't react. "MC? Hello? Hey!" She waves her hand in front of MC and she gets more worried when MC still doesn't react.
She calms down and takes the time to examine MC's body language. Treating them like a stunned beast, she speaks softly and reassures MC that everything is okay.
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heartstringsduet · 4 months
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Happy Wednesday. 💞 Patting myself on the back for getting further in my editing hell and giving you some raw writing for the Fantasy AU as a treat. Thanks for tagging me @honeybee-taskforce @tellmegoodbye @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is where he could always flee to when he had to go to town. In the children's book aisle is where he met his best friend, hexing down a book from the top and shushing him when she saw she’d been caught using magic. Carlos had let asked the wind to catch the book she had dropped along her concentration and they had both sat leant against the shelf for the next hour, reading the Wizard of Oz together. 
“Look who’s still alive,” says the soft rolling voice that can melt him to this day, no magic involved.
Grace looks at him one eyebrow raised and her arms folded in front of her chest. Even in her lacy white summer dress and a dark ribbon trailing from her dark curls, she manages to appear intimidating when she wants to. And she seems very intent to now.
“Carlos Tomas Reyes, I believe you have a really good excuse for worrying your best friend?”
Shame curls tight in Carlos’ stomach but he’s known this woman for more than half his life, has avoided her precisely because she knows every last thing about him, and therefore also knows that she can never resist his pout and opening arms. A smile flickers on her lips.
She tempers it back down until he says, “I’m sorry, Gracie.”
Her arms slowly unfold and she drops into his embrace. He never understood how the strongest person he knows can feel so small in his arms. The smell of camomille, sugar and something sharply burnt wafts off her and he squeezes her tigher.
“I was this close to checking if you found yourself in the grip of the nixies or some other creature," she says. OPEN TAG &
@herefortarlos @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh @paperstorm
@strandnreyes @reyesstrand @welcometololaland @rmd-writes
@kiwichaeng @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @carlos-in-glasses
@carlos-tk @decafdino @alrightbuckaroo @liminalmemories21 @orchidscript
@goodways @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @americansrequiems @safeaswrites
@lightningboltreader @emsprovisions @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @nancys-braids
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Reaper's Wife - Reaper
Pairing - Reaper x f!reader
Warnings - mention of blood
Word Count - 1,383
Notes - there's a voice line between reaper and widow where they talk about reaper's wife and it just inspired me to write this! i hope everyone enjoys because i am a huge fan of this teddy bear and got a brainrot smh. i hope everyone has a great rest of their day/night and stays hydrated!! enjoy!!! <333
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Not a lot of people know about Reaper's wife.
Gabriel Reyes. An old officer. A fighter. A killer. A monster. Nothing more. Always in excruciating pain and never able to catch a break.
No matter how many people surrounded that man, he would still have secrets. Thousands. Even with the people he is closest to.
"Wait, you have a wife?!" Sombra's jaw was to the floor in disbelief.
"I thought you knew this." Reyes put his face in his hands and sat down. He was already in enough pain, he didn't need a headache on top of that.
"I know a lot about everyone, sure, but not about you! You know it would be nice if you shared a little more about yourself."
"We aren't friends, Sombra." Reyes pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Sure, but does that really matter in the long run?" Sombra was checking all over her databases for even an ounce of information on who Gabriel's wife could be. "I would've liked to know that Mr. Dark and Brooding would have a cute little wife at home."
"What are we talking about in here?" Everyone recognized Widowmaker's thick French accent as she walked into the room with a dramatic fluffy robe and 2 cups of coffee.
"Cute face mask," Sombra giggled and took the other coffee that Widowmaker had. "No wonder your skin always looks so great."
"Maybe I'll show you my routine sometime," Widowmaker smiled and sat down on a nearby couch. "But I seriously doubt you were talking about my flawless skin, Sombra. Tell me. What were you and Reyes talking about?"
"Don't answer that." Reyes' voice was clearly angry, but Sombra didn't care one bit.
"Reaper has a wife!" Her voice was just as surprised as when she found out moments ago.
Widowmaker, on the other hand, just chuckled, modestly covering her mouth.
"Widow, did you know this or something?!"
"I've known since the day I met him, chère."
"What?! Am I the only one out of the loop here?! Not fair!" Sombra threw her arms down like a child and pouted.
Moira walked into the room already dressed and ready for battle. "I heard we were talking about Reyes' wife?"
"¡Oh vamos! You have got to be kidding me!" Sombra just took an angry sip from her coffee cup. "What do you know about her, Moira, since you're so keen on knowing everything about everyone."
"I thought that was your job, hacker."
"Shut up and just tell me! I want to put it in my records."
"No, absolutely not! We don't need her lingering in your records, Sombra." Reaper stood up. "Moira, don't you da-"
"She's one of the strongest women I've ever met. An interesting soul, that's for sure."
Reaper groaned and buried his face in a throw pillow.
"You've met her?!" Now Sombra was interested.
"Of course I have. I think everyone has in Talon except you, Sombra. Sorry."
Sombra just crossed her arms with a little pout. "It doesn't matter, just tell me more."
"I don't think I mentioned this yet, but she is beautiful. Reyes' sure knows how to pick them."
"Shut up." Reaper's voice was muffled in the pillow and everyone could tell that he was blushing.
"She's not a fighter, but I guarantee she could be if provoked. I would absolutely love to run some experiments on her if given the chance."
"Okay Moira!" Reaper sat up, now furious. "That's enough! Lay one finger on her and I'll kill you."
Moira just sighed and left the room, mumbling to herself about some experiment she's been working on.
Sombra just groaned, leaning back on the couch she was sitting on. "It's not faiiiiirrrrrr!!!"
"What's not fair?" Reyes' voice was getting more and more frustrated. Why did he have to work around these psychopaths?
"I want to meet your wife so baaaaaad!!!"
"I'm with Sombra on this one," Widowmaker stared into her empty coffee cup and back up at Reyes. "Let her meet y/n. I bet she would like her."
"I don't care who would like who! Plus... um..." Gabriel's face went bright red and he looked away.
"Ah, I see." Widow giggled, placing her empty cup on a nearby table. "Things aren't going so well at home, huh?"
"Um..." Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck, his face going a dark shade of crimson. "It's not really that it's more... uhm... how do I say this without sounding like an asshole."
"Ooooohhh." Widowmaker came to realization with a smirk. "You haven't talked to her in a while, have you?"
Reyes went silent and Sombra turned to him, looking concerned. "When is the last time you talked to her?"
Reyes stayed quiet and her and Widow turned to each other with a plan brewing in their heads. If they were going to be a menacing duo to Reaper, they really had to go for it now.
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Reyes walked back to the hideout reeking of sweat and blood. Probably exhaustion on top of that. He needed to soak in a bath for the rest of eternity, maybe that would make his aching body stop, even for a second.
"Well, it was very kind of you to invite me over, Widow."
Reyes quickly paused hearing a familiar voice. Your voice. You could kill him. He needed to find a way out and fast.
"Ah, Reaper!" Sombra spotted him from across the living quarters and quickly ran up to him before he could get away. "Good to see you! Wow, you look like shit! Perfect condition for your surprise." Sombra smirked something of malice and assholery.
She was just milking it at this point.
Reaper walked into the living room with his mask over his face, helping hide it's bright red tint. You saw him and ran up to him immediately. "Gabriel! Oh my god, you're okay! You don't know how worried I was!"
He looked up at you, clearly shocked. "You were worried about me?"
"Of course I was worried about you!" You moved his mask away from his face and gave him a kiss on the lips before a slap on the face that left his cheek a stinging red. "What the hell, Reyes! You could've at least called! I was worried sick that you may have died or that stupid scientist tried something! If you do that again, I will kill you, do you understand me?!"
Reyes' attention went to the other two girls in the room, who were snickering at both of you. He grabbed you by the shoulder and led you to the bathroom. "Look, I don't want them to hear about our marital problems, okay? Let's take it in here."
"Fine." You grumbled, allowing the tight grip he had on your arm.
Gabriel slammed the bathroom door shut and threw off his mask before holding you in a tight embrace. You quickly hugged him back with a smile, not caring that he smelled like iron and sweat.
"I'm just happy to see that you're doing okay, Gabe. I don't like being out of contact for that long."
"I know." He pulled away and chuckled at the bright red stain he left on you.
You looked down at your now blood stained tank top and looked at Gabriel with a pout in your lip. "Are you kidding me?"
"My bad."
You just giggled and slipped off your shirt, starting a bath for the two of you. "You are a menace, you know that, Gabe?"
"I try." He landed a few kisses on your bare collarbone as you felt for the right temperature.
"You could've at least called." Your voice was small and sad. Gabriel never usually sees you this way, so it always catches him off guard.
"I'm sorry."
"It's just more odd that Widowmaker sounded more eager than you did for my arrival."
Gabriel sighed, undressing himself. "It's not like that, really. I'm happy you're here, I just hate when you see me like this."
"I understand, love. I just want to see you more often. We are married, you know?"
"I promise I'll make an effort to see you more often, my angel." He pressed a kiss onto your cheek and led you into the tub with him.
You couldn't stay mad at death himself.
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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uchi-mochi · 2 years
You flatter me (Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin!Reader)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Summary; After joining the Slytherin quidditch team it is finally time for your first Hogwarts house party with Sebastian. Overal just two idiots who are in love <3
Warnings: mentions of Alcohol, not proofread
Word count: 2k
Requests are open!
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
House parties at Hogwarts held a strong legacy for themselves - and with every new party the students tried to out do the last one. Every house was competitive when it came to this.
Quidditch had always been a good reason to host one such party - so when the sport was reintroduced in your 'sixth' year it was only a matter of time before all hell would break lose in the common rooms.
The Slytherin quidditch team had a few open spots, Imelda Reyes had practically begged you to join the try outs, specifically for the role of seeker.
"Y/n L/n." Imelda Reyes said in a stern voice. "You have beat literally all of my damn trials in record time. You know a seeker is all about insight and speed!"
You pondered on your decision. Ranrok was gone and the ancient magic depository laid safe under Hogwarts. You would finally have some time to yourself - developing your flying hobby didn't sound too bad. 
"Besides, I heard a certain troublemaking someone is going to try out for Beater" Imelda teased.
"Very funny Imelda" you said, rolling your eyes at her. She playfully hit your side with her elbow. "Fine, I'll try out for seeker. But you owe me fudge from Honeydukes"
Naturally, you crushed the try outs and landed yourself the role of Seeker. Your competition couldn't even come close to your skills on a broom.
You sat down on the tribunes next to Ominis (who had came to cheer you and Sebastian on), opening a bag of fudge Imelda had given you. The tryout for Beater was next. Imelda was right, Sebastian was taking part in the tryouts. You had seen his surprised face when you entered the pitch - you had told him about your hesitation to join the team, but not about your change of mind.
Sebastian's skills on a broom were quite impressive. You watched in awe as he skillfully dodged and countered the incoming bludgers. He was even cocky enough to fly past you, giving you a wink.
You weren't surprised when he emerged victorious, becoming the newest Slytherin beater.
The only tryouts that were left was for the role of Keeper. Sebastian sat down next to Ominis and you after he had changed out of his quidditch gear.
"Didn't know you were going to try out for Seeker" Sebastian said as he reached for your bag of fudge. "Count me surprised"
You put the bag away from Sallows reach. "Hey, that's my well earned bribe!"
"Imelda had to bribe you to get you on the Slytherin team?" Ominis chuckled. "You're easily bribed, good to know"
Sebastian was taller than you, the difference being even larger than it was in your fifth year. He reached over for the bag and (much to your dismay) snatched a piece of the candy. "You know, I wanted to surprise you by making it on the Slytherin team. But I suppose it's even a better surprise to have my lucky charm right on the field with me"
Your first quidditch match was against Ravenclaw. "A good warm-up for our future matches" Imelda had said. Ravenclaw wasn't the strongest opponent you could have been out against - and you were very grateful for that. Despite your rigorous training you were nervous.
"Ready folks?" Imelda asked the team, though she didn't wait for an answer as she flew onto the air. You were all lined up for the opening ceremony, having practiced an elegant yet intimidating entrance. "I want to make them shiver before we even score a single point" Imelda had said. "Besides, it boosts morale"
The trick seemed to have worked; Imelda had scored three times before Ravenclaw did. The score was currently 80-30 for Slytherin. This gave you a slight bit of breathing room to find the golden snitch.
You scanned the playing field and spotted a glint of gold across the other side of the stadium. Sebastian flew to your side, hitting an incoming bludger away from you. You muttered a quick 'thanks'
"Seb!" You yelled. "Keep their Seeker busy for just a minute!"
"Got it!"
You flew down into the pitch, focused on that same glint of gold. Sebastian had kept his word; the Ravenclaw Seeker was far behind you, desperately avoiding the incoming bludgers. He was having a hard time avoiding Sebastian's aggressive plays - even being almost knocked out of his broom. Despite how much you loved besting Sallow in a duel, you made a mental note for yourself to never make him an enemy on the quidditch field.
The snitch was only a few centimetres out of reach as it flew under the tribunes.You upped the speed of your broom, skillfully avoiding every pillar and support that came your way. The snitch flew away from under the tribunes, out in the open air. You could spot the Ravenclaw seeker flying towards the snitch from the other side of the pitch. Sebastian had been knocked to the side and put off balance, disabling him for a few seconds. 
"40-80 for Ravenclaw!"
If you didn't act now, the match would be lost. Steering your broom slightly sideways you cut the snitch of - catching it directly in your hand just before the Ravenclaw seeker could catch it.
You quickly flew above the pitch, proudly displaying the golden snitch to the audience.
"150 points to Slytherin!"
You walked alongside your quidditch team into the common room, cheers erupting out of your fellow Slytherins as they swarmed around you. The common room had been decorated with all sorts of green decoration, most of them displaying the Slytherin symbol. Snacks, jugs of butterbeer and bottles of all sorts of alcohol were placed on the tables, both muggle and wizard music playing through the room.
You could spot a few shades of reds and yellows amongst the sea of robes - Merlin knows how they got in here.
Sebastian held hold of your waist, hoisting you into the air then spinning you around. You yelped in surprised at his antics, which quickly turned into a laugh.
"To our new Slytherin Seeker and Beater!" Imelda yelled as she raised her fist into the air, more cheers echoing through the room.
"What was that for!" You laughed as Sebastian put you down onto the ground again, playfully elbowing his side.
"What, can't show off our new quidditch legend?"
"Oh please, don't spare yourself the credit"
The crowd slowly dispersed over the common room as the party officially started.
"Care for a drink, Sallow?"
One butterbeer had turned into two (alongside a shot of something you didn't know the name of). Your head felt just slightly fuzzy.
Though that couldn't be said for a quite a bit of your fellow Hogwarts students. You had counted at least three brawl fights between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin this evening - which was very entertaining to watch. However, Imelda had promptly kicked them out of the common room.
Sebastian had left for just a moment to grab another drink, leaving you in the company of Imelda and Natty.
"Way to steal the spotlight today!" Natty said enthusiastically as she patted you on the back, holding a glass of butterbeer in her other hand. "I bet that Ravenclaw seeker is going to be sulking for at least a week"
You chuckled at her comment.
"I knew I was right about you" Imelda quipped in as she chugged down another shot. Merlin, that girl could hold her alcohol. "If you keep this up I'll happily buy you all the fudge your heart could ever desire"
"Look forward to our win streak then, Imelda"
You scanned the room for Sebastian. He had been gone for a while now. You spotted chatting with Ominis across the room from you, pouring him a glass of butterbeer. He had definitely gotten taller over the summer - and oh dear, all the quidditch practice had really made him more muscular. You knew Sebastian was handsome, but had he always looked this good in his white button up shirt and those rolled up sleeves?
Imelda followed your line of sight. "Admiring Sallow now, aren't we?"
You whipped your head away from his direction, embarrassed that you got caught.
"Oh please, it doesn't take a lot to notice how obviously the two of you like eachother"
You shot Natty a pleading look in an attempt to get her to back you up, but all she did was shrug.
"Although I have to admit, seeing the two of you pining over eachother has become one of my favorite past time hobbies, it's about damn time one of you confessed to eachother"
You had harbored a crush on Sebastian ever since the trip the two of you made to Hogsmeade at the beginning of your fifth year - his strong wit, flirty comments and protective nature made you fall head over heels for the troublemaker. However, over the passing year your feelings and admiration for the boy had only grown.
"Don't tell me you're scared of asking a boy out on a date?"
"Shut it, Imelda!"
Natty laughed at your bickering. "You have taken down countless dark wizards Y/n!"
"And don't forget about the poachers"
You groaned. "Don't remind me". They were right. How did asking out a boy seem so much scarier than taking down dark wizards? You hid behind your hands, making Natty laugh as she pulled you against her side.
"Tough evening huh?"
You quickly turned around and came face to face with Sebastian Sallow. If your blush wasn't obvious already, it certainly was now. Imelda and Natty giggled at the sight. Imelda shot up from her seat in a hurry, pulling Natty along with her.
"Our turn to get a drink now!" Natty chirped as the two of them rushed off towards the snack table.
You sighed, internally screaming at the thought of Sebastian hearing your conversations. "you could say that, yeah"
Rather than sitting down, Sebastian held out his hand for you. "I haven't danced yet tonight. Care to indulge me?" Your face lit up, gladly taking his hand.
"I'd love too, Seb"
Sebastian eagerly pulled you with him onto the dance floor, laughter erupting from the both of you.
"Ever danced before?" Sebastian asked as he placed his hand on your waist, making you feel as if butterflies were flying through your stomach
"A few times" you said as Sebastian guided one of your hands to his shoulder. Your other hand was still intertwined with his.
"Well don't worry - I'll lead"
The current song ended, a more slow and romantic song taking it's place. The two of you gently swayed across the dancefloor. Merlin did he look gorgeous tonight. You started into his eyes which were full of love and adoration.
"You're a natural" Sebastian whispered as he gently twirled you around.
"You flatter me too much, Sallow"
"You're worthy of all the flattering in the world, L/n"
You couldn't contain your feelings for him anymore. You didn't know where you got the sudden boost in confidence from but it didn't matter. You let lose of Sebastian's hand and grabbed onto the colour of Sebastian's button up shirt, pulling him into a desperate kiss.
Sebastian needed no time react, pulling you closer against him - his free hand now placed in your hair. He kissed you back just as desperately. His lips were slightly chapped, the taste of butterbeer still evident on them. Your hand found it's way onto his cheek, gently cupping it making him deepen the kiss.
The two of you broke apart, gasping in need of air. "I've been waiting ages for you to do that" Sebastian whispered, letting out a shaky breath as he pulled you into another kiss, cheers erupting through the common room at the sight.
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Satoru Gojo: Attention Needed
Hey my beloved people! It's been a while but having found a balance between work and free time I decided to gift you a one shot that has been in my mind for a while, hope you enjoy it 💜
Characther: Satoru Gojo
Warnings: Clingy Satoru, Jealousy, Fluff
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Satoru Gojo is clingy, he needs your attention, especially after difficult missions where he couldn't help but have you in his mind all the time. "Y/NNNNNN" the white haired whines from the sofa stretching his long legs and kicks in the air wanting you to join him in there and cuddle, "I'm cooking Satoru, can you wait for a moment?" you reply causing another groan to come out of his mouth and soon you feel hands wrapping around you and you roll your eyes "No I can't" he says starting to kiss the nape of your neck making you turn around and smile at his antics. "Did something happened my baby?" you ask with a cocked brow making him giggle, "I want your attention after such a long time being apart from you" he dramatize making you chuckle, "Satoru you've been away since this morning, it's not a month" you reply making roll his eyes and lower his glasses obversing you centimeters from your face "It felt like it though".
A blush creeps on your face making your boyfriend smirk proudly seeing the effect he has on you, his lips teasing yours make you realize how both of you need this kind of gestures to rekindle the flame you have for eachother. A sudden call disrupt your bubble showing a contact that makes Satoru rolls his eyes. He doesn't know how to express it, but the fact that a man can call you at this time of the day past the work time, cause the strongest sorcerer to see a challenge "Reply the call" he says with a sultry tone making you nod at him, "Hello- AWW" you shouts feeling Satoru pinching your stomach "Next time you call at this hour remember she's already busy with her boyfriend that will pay you a visit Mr Kawasaki" he says on the speaker before hanging up, "Satoru it was my boss" you say laughing at the scene, "Don't care, he has to know who you belong to" he says lastly before he press his lips into yours finally making up for the attention and jealousy that creeped up on him after such a difficult day.
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
For fun, pick one!
(As always, 'explanation in tags or comments' is welcome)
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noxsoulmate · 1 year
💞 Of Lizards, Love & Laundry 💞
🦎 Carlos Reyes and the Journey of Becoming a Lizard Papa 🦎
Ship: Tarlos | Fandom: 911 Lone Star Author: noxsoulmate | Artist: paxdracona Read on ao3 | View art on ao3
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Chapters: 1-3/9 | Word Count: 4309 | Rating: Mature | Warnings/Tags: canon compliant, Lou II is the Houdini of Lizards, how Lou II makes his Papa love him, a story told in 7+2 parts, Carlos is so done, but TK knows how to condition his man, sex and spicy food, bribery, fluff, domestic fluff, fluff and smut, fluff and humor, Carlos loves TK, so he puts up with the reptile in their loft, until he starts to love the little monster as well
Inspired by @paxdracona's amazing art
Created for the @911reversebang
“TK, your lizard got out. Again.”
Lou II might just be the Houdini of lizards, an escape artist par excellence – but he’s also TK’s emotional support lizard, so how could Carlos not start to like the little monster? It certainly has nothing to do with TK’s ways of bribery or attempts at conditioning him, and more with the fact that Lou II is just… growing on him. Even if that means loads and loads of extra laundry.
OR: Carlos Reyes and the Journey of Becoming a Lizard Papa, told in 7+2 parts
🦎 Read on ao3 🦎
💞 and please leave lots of love on the wonderful art on ao3 💞
I cannot thank @paxdracona enough for this wonderful collaboration 🥰 It started out as a simple "okay, I think I have enough ideas to make this a short 5+1 fic" and then became so much more, thanks to cute Bearded Dragon videos, funny Insta posts, lots of talking and laughing and plotting, and just the generally amazing art Pax created for every little snippet I sent her way. Pax, this was a delight and I would collaborate with you again each and every single time 🦎 (also, we should both adopt a beardie now...)
Sneak peek and more art under the cut:
Carlos will forever deny the high-pitched scream that leaves him the moment he opens the drawer to pull out a fresh pair of socks. What he won’t deny though, is the fact that his soul definitely left his body in that moment. 
He can already hear footsteps running towards the bedroom, his fiancé’s worried, “Babe?!?” echoing around the loft – and still, he can’t stop himself from putting his emotions into one frustrated yell of, “TK!!”
“I’m here, I’m here,” TK calls back, skidding to a halt in the doorway, using the door frame to stop his sprint. “What happened? What? Are you hurt?!”
Carlos tries not to explode at him, he truly does, so he simply glares at him with all the rage he feels and points to the drawer, pressing out through clenched teeth, “Your monster got free.”
TK, in all honesty, seems to light up as he steps over to the dresser and reaches into the drawer. “Oh, hey baby, hi. There you are. Hi.”
Something about that comment strikes Carlos as odd and he sucks in a deep breath, frustration rising, when he realizes what it is. “You knew he was out?”
At least TK has the decency to look sheepish while cradling the little monster to his chest. “He might’ve gotten away while I cleaned his terrarium earlier today.”
Carlos lets that information sink in for a moment, remembering how overly excited TK greeted him about half an hour ago when Carlos got home from his shift. How he seemed slightly breathless and waved it away as just being done with some workout but still had declined to share the shower with Carlos, claiming some tidying up he wanted to do.
That lying little… 
“And you didn’t tell me?” Carlos accuses to which TK almost reflexively replies, “I didn’t want you to freak out.”
And, yeah, that argument sounds eerily familiar.
Carlos pinches the bridge of his nose, trying not to think about the fact that he walked around the loft – mainly the bathroom and bedroom – naked while this little monster was running around. Or, worse yet, getting all his germs over Carlos’ clothes.
He points a finger at TK, giving him his strongest Officer Reyes glare. “It’s your turn to do the laundry and every single one of my socks will be in that machine, do you hear me?”
“Of course,” TK promises right away. “I’ll just… wash everything in that dresser, okay?”
💞🦎 Continue on ao3 🦎💞
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Noxy’s Tagging List:
@detective-giggles, @sgirl18, @firstprince-history-huh, @beautifulhigh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @actuallysara, @carlos-in-glasses, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @welcometololaland, @wtfuckevenknows, @lightningboltreader, @meditating-honey-badger, @just-inside-her, @alidravana, @morganaspendragonss, @bonheur-cafe, @heartstringsduet, @ravens-words, @lire-casander, @otter-love-asl, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @buckybarnesalways, @mangacat201, @catanisspicy, @lemonlyman-dotcom
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
milagro!!! i LOVE GL!milagro stuff. is guy still the first GL she meets? i am v curious what his story (and john’s) ends up looking like in this au in general, but my first exposure to him was in jaime’s bb run so i’m hoping that pseudo mentorship still exists here somehow
Green Lantern Milagro is the most god-tier take and we need to return to it. My "Kyle rebuilds the GLC to be woke and Milagro is the most feral Lantern" idea is actually super old - I think it's in the Reverse Robins Universe, in some unpublished stories - but it's still good. Let the furries make the judicial system. Do it. Let them free.
Let's say:
Guy Gardner was the second Green Lantern on Earth. Everything that Hal was, Guy is not. He's a hothead, meathead, go-getting action hero wannabe who has to be the biggest, the best, and the strongest. He's abrasive, selfish, mean, and short-sighted.
Guy Gardner is exactly like Hal Jordan: an All-American hero, angry and rude in a way that his colleague John Stewart could never get away with. He's part of the NRA and thinks Trump has some points. Too wimpy to make a good President, though. Give him a President who can last five minutes in the ring with Guy Gardner!
Despite his differences with the more professional and cool-headed Hal, he was shocked and horrified at Coast City's destruction. Where other heroes expressed sympathies and turned away in discomfort with his overwhelming pain, Guy stayed with him. He doesn't like to spread it around, but he's a registered school councilor - doubled with his middle school gym teacher thing - and he stayed at Hal's side through his grief as long as Hal let him.
When Hal disappeared, Guy was the one who knew in his heart that he had killed himself. He had been expecting it.
He had not been expecting his ring to break.
Guy loses it all. His power, his respect. He can't go back to who he used to be. He's not a gym teacher or school counselor anymore. He's Guy Gardner. You can't ask Guy Gardner to be a civvie.
The only thing he keeps is his Justice League International membership. He wanted to quit, but his friends (family, but none of them would admit it) needed him to stay. They had already lost the second Blue Beetle so recently, and they can't lose anybody else. Booster Gold's grieving his husband too. In that way, in some way, Guy's still needed. Guy has to be needed. But Guy has to be a hero too, and he feels like he's dying slowly by degrees in powerlessness.
Then Booster calls the JLI, drunk as a skunk and deep in a panic, saying that there's this kid in El Paso running around with Dan Garret's scarab in his SPINE, how did this even HAPPEN, how did he get it WORKING, where the hell is TED - Ted's dead, he's still dead, what the FUCK do we do, he's a baby he's gonna DIE TOO, everyone's gonna DIE -
A gym teacher and licensed counselor knocks on he door of a house in El Paso.
Booster was right. Jaime Reyes is a snot-nosed kid who's getting his ass kicked up and down to Sunday in every fight, and either he's gonna get himself killed or he's gonna blow up the city. Nobody else but the JLI ever gave a shit about Ted, and nobody's gonna give a shit about this kid with an orphaned legacy. He needs a personal trainer and mentor and he needs one right now. Jaime Reyes needs a hero, even a washed up old asshole like Guy Gardner.
And his little sister throws a heck of a punch. Oh, Guy is keeping Milagro. She's learning boxing!
An asshole, shallow kid enters the scene. A new ring appears. The last Green Lantern disappears to find the truth. Guy leads his own life. It's not like his old one, but it's good. That kid Jaime's become a good hero, and his little sister is the coolest kid on the planet. A Trumper on the street says something shitty to Jaime and Milagro about illegals and Guy lands on him the signature Guy Gardner punch. Trump's an asshole idiot, anyway. Next time, Milagro lands the signature punch. She has learned well.
A young man returns. A truth is told. A fucked up orange ring is on Guy's finger. And now he'll have to learn how to be a hero all over again.
The orange ring isn't powered by bravery and willpower. It's powered by greed. It's a greedy, cruel ring. It's mean. But Guy's pretty greedy too. And Guy's a mean son of a bitch.
Guy Gardner is the first Orange Lantern. And he's everything Hal Jordan is not: a man with a voracious need to protect and help. A man with an endless appetite for love, and to give love. A school counselor, and a mentor to some pretty nifty kids. Guy can never get enough of being a hero. He'll never stop. And he'll always help.
Because he's Guy fucking Gardner!
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wildissylupus · 4 months
Ranger Profile v.04
Pink Ranger - Hana "D.Va" Song
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Hana Song is one of two teenagers on the team, she has aspirations of being a professional Esports player but also has experience in mechanics due her adoptive dad, Cassidy's, job. Her main friend group at school consists of Yuna and Dae-hyun (her childhood friends), Lucio (her best friend, they met in high school), Seung-hwa (goes to another school but is apprenticing at Deadlock Mechanics), and Brigitte, though Brig is a new addition due to her only just arriving in town (cause she's Angela's apprentice and technically not from earth). They also all hang out at Hana's house, aka Cassidy's house, with or without Hana there, much to Cassidy's own dismay (he's gotten used to it though). Both Dae-hyun and Seung-hwa are both apprentices at Deadlock Mechanics, Yuna is also a common client as she frequently needs to get her car "Beast" fixed.
Hana is the only Ranger who can use her Meka in regular battels and other situations, this being due her having fixed the Meka herself while the others Meka were still functional. This lead to the technology in the Meka not only being tied to the Pink Ranger powers, but to Hana herself. This is also why Hana is the backup mechanic for the team if Cassidy is out of commission or otherwise busy. She's along with Genji and Lucio when it comes to the excitement of being a super hero, but Cole being her father has also lead her to understanding the sacrifices she might have to make now, sacrifices she knows Cole is making in order to delay her having to deal with that as long as possible. Her being the tank of the team with her Meka only adds to that, yes, she goofs off a lot at the start but she knows when to get serious, being the first of the trio to lock in when things get serious.
Despite the fact that Hana may act annoyed with Cassidy a lot of the time, they are extremely close. Cassidy adopted Hana when she was 11, just recently after her father died, and it took awhile for the trust that Cassidy and Hana have in each other now to build. The same cannot be said for her little sister Echo. Hana was instantly fond of Echo, and very protective of her, that only being increased after Mina died. Hana is the Ranger most aware of the sacrifices Cassidy has had to make, even before becoming a Ranger. She's also close with Vivian, a local park ranger who also was a big help to their family after Mina's death, and then later, Reyes's disappearance.
Despite Pharah being the physically strongest Ranger, D.Va is the teams tank due to her and her Meka "Tokki" being able to sustain more damage. A role that Cassidy is uncomfortable with because it puts Hana directly in the line of fire while at least Lucio is usually away from the fight or in the backlines, even then Lucio can get away from the fight quickly while D.Va can as frequently due to her now being such a bigger target. It's something that has caused some strain genuinely caused some strain in her and Cassidy's relationship. She's also the main pilot of the Combined Meka, her being the only one to understand the controls due to her history in gaming.
Overall, Hana is the tank and the main pilot of the team, however she is also the weakest Ranger without Tokki due to the fact that the Pink Ranger Tech being the most damaged pre Hana getting her powers. Something that causes a lot of insecurity early on in being a Ranger. She's also the first one to get her powers, being the one to find the technology in the first place, quickly followed by Lucio as he was with Hana at the time. Hana's also the most impulsive Ranger in battel, but that impulsiveness is often an informed decision and also often gets results even if it can lead to Hana herself being hurt.
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
drapetomania (n.) - an overwhelming urge to run away
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Synopsis: After the painful transformation into Reaper, your comrade has a hard time containing his rage as a side-effect of his newfound strenght...and he had found just the way to let off some steam. Warnings: Consensual NSFW, Facial, Dom! Reaper, Cussing, Angst, Self-Loathing Words: ~1800
Death was always followed closely by darkness, at least that was the way which he prefered.
Whether it was the slightest inconvenience during a briefing, a mild annoyance while training or - for a change - a not so trivial cause for his anger, they all were the same for him.
Ever since the man once known as Gabriel Reyes had perished and Reaper rose on his stead, Moira's experiments had granted him tremendous power - yet that existence came with a heavy toll.
With his cells constantly decaying and regenerating at an enormous speed, this left him in constant suffering, through the sensation of dying countless times over and over again.
It was a state of pure, endless agony - and he needed to do something, anything to make it stop, if only for a brief moment.
The most effective method would be just giving in to those hostile instincts, channeling all of his bitterness and wrath into a murderous rampage like so many times before.
Taking a life to feel alive oneself again - sure an unconventional method, but considering he had become some sort of eldritch horror that fed itself on the life energy of others, it sure made sense that it could ease the burden of eternal life.
However, those outbursts would leave too many casualities among his own comrades, so his superiors insisted on him finding a rather less destructive way.
That was where you came into play.
The little affair between you and the man that was feared even by his own comrades had begun the complete opposite of innocent, and still it had become an important role in Talon's attempts to control their strongest combatant.
Where others wouldn't even dare breathing in his presence, afraid to become the newest target of his fury, most would say you had been too careless around him from the very start.
To this day you wholeheartedly wanted to believe that behind this mask, there still lies a good man - and not the monster everyone made him out to be.
There was no reason for you to be frightened, after all, since Reaper had been the one who brought you to Talon in the first place - only after having harvested the souls of your tormenters, of course.
A man that had saved you from the brink of death, who had spared you a life full of abuse and sorrow could only be someone to admire, you thought.
And you would follow Reaper and his ambitions to the very end, whatever it takes.
Another day like so many before, Reaper's blood was once again boiling as he made his way towards your quarters, as if this useless shell of a body wanted to taunt him for his poor life decisions.
You on the other hand felt ice shoot through your veins as you heared his unmistakeably firm, heavy steps coming closer through the echoing corridor.
Reaper's mind was in a tunnel view, set on the one thing that might bring him satisfaction in this otherwise cruel world.
Having his ways with you however he pleased, knowing you'd gladly comply. Being in full control over another person that willingly gave in to him was even more rewarding than any revenge ever could.
The image of your last encounter was still vividly present in his mind, of your pretty little face looking up to him all innocently, perfectly tainted by his seed. How he'd press his claws to your cheek and shove every last drop of his cum into your mouth for you to swallow.
Such a good fucking girl.
Before you could even turn around to greet him, the lights went off and the whole room was tinted by darkness. You flinched as you heared the door slam shut, just for the key to turn in the lock shortly after.
Caged with the beast, or so they'd say.
Unable to see, you weren't sure how far those altered eyes of his could perceive - yet the feeling of menacingly red irises boring into you, in huge contrast to the otherwise pitch black environment send shivers down your spine.
"Hey, Reyes, I-" You were cut off as the man materialized right behind you, harshly slamming your cheek against the wall. "I told you to not call me that fucking name."
There was not an inch of space between the two of you now, being caged between his arms and the wall as he hindered you to turn around. "Okay, big guy. I'll behave, so calm down okay?"
"You should know better than to tell me what to do" he growled with a low voice even for his standarts, bending you over even more as you desperately tried to support yourself on the wallpaper. "Maybe it's been too long since I've teached you some manners."
Even when your eyes had adapted to the absence of light, you knew better than to enrage him even further. Instead you gave in to his touch, melting against his body as he began roughly kneading your flesh.
"Strip" he demanded and so you did, the feeling of his rock hard member tenting his combat pants making your lends prickle with anticipation.
As Reaper pressed himself even further against your behind a small whimper escaped your throat, and in the blink of an eye the impatient man had your remaining clothes torn away on the floor. He then drew his claws over your back, thoughtful enough with as little pressure as possible, leaving red streams that would've disappeared by the next morning.
Things would always be like this: Quick, rough, demanding.
An unmatched feeling of desire and passion only to be replaced with pure shame and longing as soon as he'd leave.
Who would've thought sex this good could be so unfulfilling at the same time?
Reaper's hand on your throat brought you down to earth again, his other hand on your hip as his cock slid between your already wettened legs until he found the spot he desired.
You yelped as the man pushed in without warning, the sensation of your insides being stretched so sudden making you feel both overwhelmed and so damn pleasantly full.
"Re-Reaper-ah!" you moaned even when his fingers dug into the flesh of your neck, your walls narrowing around his cock every time he cut off your air supply. Still, he'd continue relentlessly hammering into you at a pace that left you breathless itself.
"Disgusting..." Reaper gritted as he watched you writhe beneath him, all pliant and submissive like wax in his hands. Your heart narrowed at the statement, yet the lust you felt right now was stronger than the familiar sting in your chest.
Nonetheless, your lack of reaction only amplified his displeasure - though his words were directed rather at himself than they were for you. "To let an abomination like me do those kind of things to you...you're so pathetic."
"I-ah..." you interrupted yourself with breathy groans as his thrusts became more violent, hitting your weak spot he already knew blindly to find. "I-I'm not afra-id of you!"
"Big mistake."
Like this you could perceive the clacking noise of his mask falling to the floor, alltogether with the dull pain of his fist balling into your hair. Not even once he stopped pounding into you, hips slamming against yours as he violently teared back your head.
His breath was on your ear now, raising goosebumps on your skin as he whispered a hoarse "Look at me", instant regret washing over him as soon as the words left his lips.
The man effortlessly turned you around, your back now pressed against the stone wall as you were lifted by the legs with ease. Still, he wouldn't continue until you'd listen to his command - willing to leave and never come back shall you resent him after seeing what he really is.
You instinctively crossed your legs behind his waist, wrapped your arms around his neck in an attempt to stay close...
...and then you'd finally dare opening your eyes.
You couldn't suppress a slight gasp at the sight, for it was the first time Reaper had ever shown someone his face ever since the incident.
Admittedly, you always knew that Gabriel Reyes had been a handsome person back in the day. Now however...
Moira had already told you that while every kind of new damage would be healed instantly due to his abilities, all the old injuries would prevail - and his near-death experience sure had taken it's toll on the man.
A few silver-greyish strands of hair stood out as a witness of time passed before he stopped aging, scars from several battles covering his whole face. His eyes were gleaming in a crimson red in between black sclerae, and his left cheek had been completely ripped apart, leaving pointed teeth to shimmer through the broken skin.
Reaper's expression turned sombre as you took in his features with widened eyes, mistaking your fascination with aversion. He hissed, yet still gently let you down on the mattress close by.
"It's alright. I'll go" the man spat, his tone more disappointed than mad - in himself, for actually believing someone could feel affection towards this thing he had become.
"Wait!" you blurted out, pulling on his cloak in exasperation. "Do-don't leave. Please."
There was so much you wanted to say, a million things crossing your mind all at once - though you found yourself at loss for words as this literal beast watched you with such an incredible vulnerability in his eyes. "I don't need your pity, Y/N."
That man really is insufferable, you thought as you pulled him down to your height again, bringing his lips towards yours.
Reaper inhaled sharply, unbelieving as you tenderly covered his mouth with yours, hands on each side of his cheeks as you embraced him without any reluctance, not the slightest hint of repulsion.
You smiled against his lips, chuckling as his beard tickled your skin, the man being stock still in disbelief. Forcing yourself away in order to place even more pecks across every scar, every disfigurement of the face he resented so much.
"I think now it's your turn to strip" you teased, sheepishly adding "Who knows what else you're hiding I might like."
"You're even crazier than I thought" he stated the obvious, even while straddling your waist and doing as he was told. And right then, with his his aching skin against your silken one, he could've sworn this was his salvation - the only thing able to make him feel human again.
"Call me Gabriel."
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guronffs · 4 months
Happy Mother's Day!
To celebrate Mother's Day, I'd like to give a shout-out to the moms in my Hellaverse Alternate Continuity.
Millie, who pushed through fear and uncertainty to have two children she would do anything for.
Lin, who was able to do one of the strongest things imaginable, admitting the flaws of her parenting and apologizing to her children.
Amanda Burke, who shows that just because someone isn't your own blood doesn't mean they aren't family.
Ophelia, who was able to redeem herself and win back not just her son but her son-in-law as well.
Tilla, who, despite the circumstances she was in, still loved her children to her death. And here are the list of some of the moms we have yet to see in this AU of mine, as well as the would-be moms. Carmilla Carmine Lilith Morningstar Sera Seraphim Charlie Magne & Vagatha Reyes While you're here, be sure to check out the HVAC series! HBAC HHAC
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
I'm insecure about this chapter, not really good BUT, I needed to build this "messy narrative" for the next chapter :D
Parte 2
Light in the Dark
Summary: After the surprise and the nice warm conversation with you, Reaper finally felt something different, he felt love and compassion coming from someone innocent after ages.
Art by: couldn't find
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*Reaper sat in a lonely chair at Moira's lab, observing his surroundings and remembering the many months of experiments to became what he is today; a dead alive man. Now he thinks with himself*
"Does it worth it? All of this, Moira? Am I the monster that Talon always wanted? I'm in pain...so much pain. Does it worth it?"
*He sighs in disappointment taking of the mask and looking at it*
Reaper- And now...I need to act like one; a monster...! *His other hand grab his outfit in anger*
- Are you talking to someone? *a familiar voice enters the room*
Reaper- I'm overthinking, Dr. Kuiper...
Sigma- Overthinking? Oh, that's something to worry about? *he approaches* You don't overthink to much, Reyes.
Reaper- Yes...it is. *He gets up putting back the mask* She makes me overthink...
Sigma- She? *he stops to think and smiles* Ooh! Is miss y/n? Well, she's a gorgeous and very sweet girl! She make me think a lot sometimes! She makes the most amazing questions! *laughs in joy*
Reaper- And she makes you rethink your life decisions...
Sigma- Well, I have to agree with you, my friend. Once, she told me that I'm to innocent to be in here, but I never quite understand. I have friends and goals to conquer! *smiles* I'm not trapped anymore!
Reaper- They use us, Sigma! They use us to be monsters...!
Sigma- Oh...and this is a quite dangerous exclamation, Sir Reyes. See, the universe has to be conquered by the strongest and-
Reaper- We make evil, Kuiper...! *points to the door* Y/n should not be here!
Sigma- *Blink a few times and chuckle* You're worry about her?
Reaper- I'm not! I just think this not a place for her. She's...*sighs* too good.
Sigma- Well, we saved her, don't we?
Reaper- And we'll let her became monsters like us?
Sigma- If is a Dra. O'Deorain plan...
Reaper- No! Moira can't touch her! I won't let Moira use her for painful experiments!
Sigma- Ooh! *laughs* Very sweet of you, Reaper!
Reaper- It's not! She's in danger here, Sigma! You're blind...!
Moira- What both of you are doing on my sanctuary? *Enters the room putting a lab jacket*
Reaper- I want my life back, Moira...
Moira- Back? *looked at him and laugh* Is not like I take it from you. You're alive, but dying every millisecond...
Reaper- I want ME back...! *Walks to her direction* I want to be Gabriel Reyes... not Reaper!
Moira- Is that because of the pain you feel every time? Well, I can try to fix it, but can't promise. I thought that you-
Reaper- Is NOT the pain, Moira! Not only this physical pain...! Why can't I be Gabriel Reyes in Talon?! Why I have to be a monster?!
Moira- Because you asked to...*Sighs and looked at him annoyed* You wanted to be immortal, Reyes and I answered...! What I lack of attitude...pathetic. *walks to a cage with rabbits* You were the perfect patient...
Reaper- I'm not immortal...! I'm old! 50 years old!
Moira- Oh...that. *chuckle holding the animal* In your head, counting the years, of course, you're 50 years old, Reyes. But the fact that your cells are dying and regenerating every second...can't make you old. We make the last update months ago, come on, you remembered. I check you blood cells and they're the same since the first time you were the Gabriel Reyes of twenty years ago.
Sigma- Reaper is immortal? *laughs* Fascinating! Moira, you have my congrats! You reach a level that no human could ever cross! The immortality!
Moira- Is just the start...And if I try to turn you back, you die, simple. If you take you mask for too long, you die...accept as you are now, Reaper. I can't turn you back *smiles*
Reaper- Because you don't want to...
Moira- First, you're my most important succeed experiment, I couldn't just let you normal like that. Second...*stands In front of him* I can't. And I must try that with our new favorite friend...*smirk*
*She walks to the balcony starting a new experiment with the rabbit and Sigma started to watch her while congratulates her goal. Reaper groans and turns into the black ashe getting out of the lab standing in front of your door*
Reaper- *knocks* Y/n...
You- *opens up* Hey...everything fine?
Reaper- We need to leave..
You- *looks behind him confused* What?
Reaper- I'll help you escape.
You- What are you talking about, Reaper? So suddenly...
Reaper- *sighs* I want...I want the old me back. I need to go to Overwatch.
You- Over...?! Are you mad?! *pull him to the room and close the door* Are you fucking mad?!
Reaper- I'm fucking furious! *takes of the mask* Look at me! Look at this abomination! You think I'm happy with this?! I'm tired of this physical pain! I'm tired of being a Talon's monster! I was here to hunt and kill Jack Morrison and I end up like this! Fuck Jack Morrison! I want to live as a human ours and Moira won't do that...!
You- *in shock* You...You wanna out? From Talon?
Reaper- *sighs* Yes and you're coming with me.
You- Why?
Reaper- I said before! You're too good for this place!
You- But Talon saved me!
Reaper- I saved you! I did! *hold your shoulders dropping the mask* Let's go to Overwatch!
You- The will kill you!
Reaper- They may try! But I...I know what is have to be done. I have to surrender.
You- And hurt your ego?
Reaper- Hurt my ego will hurt much less than this...*points to himself* I don't have nothing. Moira will try to make some experiments on you...you need to go away.
You- Experiments?
Reaper- Make you become me...like me. Trust me, it's traumatizing and very painful.
*You looked away remembering about some conversations you had with Moira*
You- You make dark experiments, don't you?
Moira- I make science...biology. I chance biology and create the new biology! Make weak humans become super humans...And you, my darling, will receive this golden ticket someday...*chuckles now speaking and smooth voice* you have a strong body to sustent a experiment like that...
You- She said something like that once...
Reaper- She's gonna kill you... I'm like that because I asked her...is my fault, but this is too much! I wanted to be immortal and invincible, better than Morrison! But this pain...
You- Is too much...I can't imagine that pain.
Reaper- I feel like burning every fucking second...! *groans and put back the mask* I rather die than face this one more century. *stands the hand for you* Come with me.
You- And face the death between two sides?
Reaper- We laugh in the face of death...I laughed and I'm barely alive. Even if we die, I'll hold you with me.
You- Why you're so good with me, Gab?
Reaper- Because you're hope...you're the light in the dark. Come.
You- We are going now?
Reaper- Fast as we can.
*you take a deep breath and hold his hand tightly*
*Both get out of the room quietly listening Moira talking to Sigma inside the lab, you stopped to listen, you heard your name*
Moira- Y/n would handle a mutation on her cells...isn't that painful.
Sigma- Well, in fact you're killing cells and it may feel like burning. Maybe.
Moira- Just like Reaper...but the pain is the best way to make you stronger. I think I may start with her tomorrow, having more psychopaths like Reyes would help Talon.
Sigma- He said that he won't let you put hands on her *smiles*
Moira- *laughs out loud* He said that?! Pathetic...what is happening to him, huh? He looks unfamiliar.
Sigma- He may be in love, doctor.
Moira- Oh doctor Kuiper! Don't be silly! Reaper doesn't feel at all! This makes me nauseous...
Sigma- Well... he saved the girl, he may created a strong bond.
Moira- So I'll end that bond!
You- What...? *You stay in shock and felt Reaper hand hold your wrist and gently pulling you*
*Both walked to the door in silent and Reaper was trying to avoid every camera of the place. Ready to open the door, suddenly it opened by someone else that keep look at them suspiciously*
Reaper- What?
Sombra- Where are you both going together, papito? *she cross her arms and smirk*
Reaper- Not your business...
Sombra- Anything become my business *laughs and look at you then back to Reyes* You're not a flirt, aren't you? With that spook face...is kind hard.
Reaper- Shut...up.
You- Hey, Sombra... we're going to take some coffee at the kitchen, ok? *laughs*
Sombra- You really think I'll believe in that? Hahaha! Making love with the death!
You- I...! We're not! *blush*
Reaper- Mmmm...*literally vanished away*
You- Come on, Sombra...!
Sombra- What? I don't even know if his dick works! *laughs and you pass through her* Come on! Is a joke! Come ooon!
*You went to the kitchen hoping to find him*
You- Gab?
Reaper- You're going through here...*appears behind scaring you* The kitchen window...
You- You want me to climb that? *points to the small windows on the top of the wall* Reaper, I'm no spider woman.
Reaper- Or you prefer pass trought the Talon's guard? What you gonna say? We're going to drink coffee?
You- *sighs and roll eyes* Right..."Boss". Help me, you're the tall one here.
*Reaper groans rolling his eyes behind the best*
Reaper- Fair enough...*Grab your waist lifting you up easily*
You- Yo! What...?!
Reaper- Quite...! Can you open it?
- What in the world...his happening? *The French accent enters the kitchen*
*Reaper groans again and look at Lacroix over his shoulder, she was kind confused*
You- Dammit, Rey...!! *He put you down*
Reaper- Trying to open the window...why you care?
Widow- Well, just never saw you helping someone...*Enters the kitchen going to the balcony* Not like that. And you know, that window is stucked.
Reaper- ....*Look at you* Fuck...
Widow- *putting coffee in the mug while looking at both of you* You guys are acting so weird...the fuck?
*Reaper take his hand to his mask feeling embarrassing*
You- I...I just wanted to try to open up *laughs* He didn't warned me that it was stucked.
Reaper- I forgot that...
Widow- But you were the one that warned us. *drink coffee* What is happening between you too? *smirk* I'd like to know in first hand.
Reaper- Make a favor, Lacroix, and go fuck yourself...
Widow- *chuckle* Sweet like lemon with salt. Sombra told me that you guys are getting along...*smirk* Pretty good.
You- Widow...*sighs irritated* Is not like that, ok? Come, Gab, we have better things to do...*Try to walk away but Widow step in front facing you* Widow...!
Widow- How you do you know his real name?
You- Not your business, Lacroix, let me pass.
Widow- Suspect...I'll let Doomfist know.
You- Show me this poisonous tongue, it won't surprise me.
Widow- *chuckle* donc on verra...
You- *roll your eyes and walks out the kitchen*
Reaper- *Growls to Lacroix and vanished out of the kitchen*
*You walk fast back to the principal base and Reaper appears in front of you*
Reaper- Where are you going?
You- This is not gonna work!
Reaper- Let me fix that... we go out at night.
You- *sighs* Stop being stubborn!
Reaper- Help me...
You- What?
Reaper- I need your help to stop this pain...
You- *laughs* You really changed because of a birthday party?
*Reaper growls and hold your hand gently pulling you with him to a corner*
You- What? Did I said something?
Reaper- You see me as a human, right?
You- Yeah... even if you don't look like one...
Reaper- Right...*sighs and shake his head* Forget it...Let's make this at midnight.
You- Reaper... You wanna risk that, really?
Reaper- It is wrong?
You-... I'm scared.
Reaper- *takes a deep breath* It will be okay if you stick with me. I went to fast into the idea, I'll plan something.
You- Right...fast as we can?
Reaper- Yes. Fast as we can.
You- Right...I knock on your door *you turns around*
Reaper- Y/n...
You- Yeah? *looks at him*
Reaper- I'll protect you.
You- *smiles* Just don't kill anyone. I'll protect you too, darklord.
Reaper- *chuckle and you went back to the principal base* Aww dammit...*He groans taking his hand to his mask in shame*
*Take a deep breath and go back to the base too*
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