#but really this is mostly about the cat and the fidget spinner
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ashleywool · 8 months ago
health update/diatribe/infodump BUT THERE'S A CAT VIDEO AT THE END
Dearest reader: This should be a simple health update, but instead, it's an obnoxiously detailed info-dump written by the kind of person who knows more than most people about American health insurance but is still surprised at how it continues to find new and innovative ways to suck. If this is not the type of thing your brain or nervous system wants to wrap itself around, I don't blame you one bit, but if it is, I hope you'll at least walk away having learned something or being at least mildly entertained. If not, feel free to
When last we left our third-or-fourth-favorite mildly niche-famous T-list Broadway person, she was finally on the brink of getting a brain and pituitary MRI. This was supposed to happen on Friday.
But I wasn't allowed to get the MRI on Friday because Cigna's pre-authorization was still pending and there was nothing my doctor could do to escalate its urgency, nor could they withdraw the order. They couldn't do anything at all until the third-party organization that approves the pre-authorizations signed off on its medical necessity.
Look, I get it. This is an expensive and labor-intensive procedure, so they have to be thorough. I mean, sure, my doctor said it was medically necessary, and sure, they sent the additional clinical information to confirm its medically necessity, and sure, every order at every stage was marked as urgently medically necessary, and it was sent for processing on Monday, but how can they REALLY be sure it's medically necessary until my case is also reviewed by doctors who have NEVER seen me, and don't work weekends or holidays, and will get around to reviewing it at their own leisure? The folks at the radiology clinic rescheduled me in their next available spot and maintained that they'd contact me as soon as possible to fill any upcoming cancellation spots.
A ridiculous mildly annoying setback was that their next available appointment wasn't until July 26. They couldn't attempt to book me at any of the other dozens of clinics affiliated with this hospital network, because the pre-authorization is site-specific, which is like buying someone a gift card from the Starbucks on my block only to find out that they won't honor it at the Starbucks two blocks down perfectly reasonable, because I'm sure every site has differences that can't be perceived from a patient perspective.
Oh, and the existence of a pending pre-authorization prevented them from doing the MRI that day even if I'd had $8K in cash to pay out of pocket for the procedure. Which is perfectly reasonable, because why shouldn't American healthcare policy punish rich people too? I'm sure it's many flavors of unethical for one doctor to do something without the approval of another doctor even though the doctor whose approval it hangs on has NEVER SEEN ME.
One fellow in particular--I'll call him Quincy--gave me some insider info on how to prepare for the types of advocacy he's had to do in the past with this particular pre-authorization team, and which numbers to call and questions to ask. He isn't technically supposed to know this stuff and also isn't technically supposed to share it, but says he does it all the time anyway--hence why I'm keeping him anonymous. Quincy isn't his real name, but Quincy is a real one, and I took in his information like a medieval warrior selecting the choicest armor to prepare for battle the informed and fully compliant patient I strive to be.
Anyway, a few persistent phone calls later, a Cigna rep informed me that the middlemen would approve the pre-authorization for the MRI on the condition that I get the procedure done at a standalone radiology facility instead of a hospital-affiliated facility. Which is like buying someone a gift card that could only be honored at Starbucks kiosks located inside Target stores, but not at a standalone Starbucks or anywhere else in Target perfectly reasonable, I know the insurance companies don't wanna have to spend hospital prices any more than I do. So I spent a great deal of time yesterday looking up non-hospital-affiliated radiology clinics that were in-network.
I made an appointment with one clinic for Thursday. But I also made an appointment request at a different clinic for Monday morning, just in case they could see me sooner--because I knew this clinic didn't accept Medicare or Medicaid, and were therefore exempt from the requirement of third-party pre-authorization. (Pro-tip: even if you do have Medicare or Medicaid, always try to bypass pre-authorization for diagnostic procedures, especially if you have a particularly high in-network deductible--it's entirely possible that paying out of pocket for a service at an out-of-network provider could cost less than the amount you'd have to pay towards your deductible at at in-network facility. American math.)
THIS MORNING, I woke up at 8am to a phone call from the latter clinic, saying that if I sent them the doctor's prescription, they could pre-authorize the procedure and see me tomorrow. So that's what I did...and then I got an email saying that they couldn't accept a prescription for an MRI with and without contrast because they don't have contrast at that facility. Which is like finally securing a coveted reservation at an elite steakhouse only to find out they don't season their steak or even have steak sauce perfectly reasonable, because not everyone needs contrast, but I do, so that place was out.
But as far as I've been told, Thursday's appointment should go off without a hitch as long as I call EviCore (the pre-authorization middlemen) tomorrow morning to tell them all about the not-hospital that will be giving me a not-hospital-priced MRI, so that they can grant the pre-authorization at long last.
Perhaps if I plead my case and bat my eyes at them real cute-like through the phone, they'll give me some other reason why it's actually not medically necessary for me to know definitively whether or not I have a literal brain tumor I can get seen even sooner than Thursday.
A couple weeks ago I was talking to a friend from church who was going through a lot of the same stuff as I was, and I was like "idk, maybe get your cortisol checked?" and lo and behold, he messaged me back a few days ago saying that he'd found a new doctor and asked him to do just that, and WITHIN A DAY his doctor ordered ALL the labs I'd fought for (serum blood cortisol, low-dose dexamethasone suppression test, 24-hour urine, saliva, etc.) AND an MRI for suspected Cushing's.
And he completed ALL OF THAT within a week.
Although he did have to suffer for quite a while before I floated the possibility of Cushing's, just like my friend Alan had to suffer for years before his own endocrinologists floated the possibility of Cushing's. Still, they both got that MRI the second it WAS floated, without a fight, and I'm genuinely happy for them.
But I can't help wondering how much quicker and easier this whole process would have been for me if I were a man. Or if I was neurotypical. Or if I still had a choice about whether or not to disclose being autistic. But mostly if I were a man.
I'm fostering my friends' exquisite tuxedo princessfloof for a few weeks. Chevy and Tex are being very accommodating foster siblings, but she's much younger and is used to being the only pet, so naturally it took her a while to acclimate.
But there was one thing she took to immediately: the How to Dance in Ohio fidget spinner.
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the-grim-griever · 1 year ago
WK2: Grief in Death and Taxes
This week I played the demo of Placeholder Gameworks' Death and Taxes, in which the player is the newest Grim Reaper that has to choose who gets to live and die... behind a desk!
I went into this game mostly blind (full disclosure: I had the overview introduced to me when trying to cobble together the list of games for this project but beyond that, I was in the dark) and I decided to play as a Grim with severe catholic guilt in attempt to see how the game responds to my play style.
The game functions as a point, click, scroll and drag kinda game. The way it introduced controls was through images; whimsical classical music plays in the background, giving it a fantasy edge. Said images were typically shown in a hand drawn style and barely in any colour save for important things. Like a bow tie.
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But the contrast immediately sets the tone (in contrast to the colourful start menu above) which would be bleak but with dabs of humour throughout, even in the character creation below (yes I went with the 'missing member of MCR' look).
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The game functions on the monotonous daily routine of office work but with a guilty twist-- all the player has to do is follow the instructions to the letter. The instructions vary per day-- 2 people have to die, someone young must live or anyone with a medical background must die, etc. The player can interact with other objects like their phone, a fidget spinner, the note with the rules, the profiles and the marker (hovering the skeleton cursor over each object spawns commentary from Grim).
The player is then faxed the detailed profiles of those destined for doom and then decide who lives and dies by marking the appropriate box. The number increases with each day (7 in total for the demo, marked as a evaluation period for the player). Afterwards, the player can interact with Fate (their superior) and can engage in some dialogue trees and comment on their progress over the 7 days of evaluation.
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So where does the grief come into play?
Simple. Through subtle pressures.
The 7 day evaluation that determines if you're good enough for the job or for a promotion. The rules conflicting with your own morals. Your phone notification showing news results of those you spare or let die. Fate's evaluations and questions. Payments for following the rules. The number of people having to die everyday and that's not even mentioning the fact that you, the player has to do it everyday.
But here's the interesting part. In my playthrough, I found it EASIER to process the grief as the days progressed... and with each day, the rules got more complicated. The amount of deaths increased as well as the number of people on the chopping block.
How? Because the routine is so repetitive--- do my job at the desk, talk to Fate, go back to the desk, get evaluated by Fate for today's results, etc. etc. Sure, I could vent to Fate (mind you is the only person you can interact with... besides the cat, but not really), but his answers were pragmatic with only a dash of sympathy.
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Eventually, I found myself just taking one look at the rules and opted to just following them so I wouldn't have time to grieve over the losses. I just didn't want to think about it, even with the humorous writing. I even put the fidget spinner away under the left desk drawer.
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The conditions of the story, the dull environment and mechanics all put pressure on the player to set aside any potential grief they have other the atrocities they've committed. I say potential because not every player is me and may be out for blood.
But I think what Placeholder Gameworks has done here is show not only a grief riddled dilemma, but also provides commentary on how the average office worker may deal with said grief due to their work under, dare I say it, the capitalistic hellscape of our world.
And it presents all of this in a unique way by positioning the reader within the view of a faceless character whom we connect to through character customization and the writing-- the use of first person whenever I hovered over an item on the desk or talking with Fate, it makes it seem more personal when the stakes are so high.
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nightmarewritings · 4 years ago
Billy lenz, jason, michael and brahms with a meme lord S/O? Like, they wear the jeans from cher's highschool in clueless, tie-dye shirts with long sleeves underneath, heelies and shutter shades with a backwards cap. Fidget spinners and just a general chaotic gremlin? "Wuz poppin', G? You lookin' totally tubular, dude." Surfer fingers
Oh this was tricky, I'm the worst at keeping up with memes, I'm practically still stuck in the “I can haz cheezburger” era. I hope these are alright!
Slashers With A Meme Lord S/O
Billy Lenz-
Very confused and a little frightened, but also very excited. You're both chaotic gremlins!
That fidget spinner? That belongs to Billy now. You won't be seeing it again unless he's spinning it. It’s just so calming for him. Buy backups in case this one is lost.
Honestly really likes your fashion and might take to wearing some of it himself. I can see Billy rocking a pair of shutter shades.
Jason Voorhees-
Oh my, his mother probably wouldn't approve of this, too 'modern” for her special boy.
But dang it, Jason sure enjoys it. You're a welcome pop of color in the mostly earth-toned camp, and there's never a dull moment with you.
Please don't heelie around the camp, the surface is uneven and you might fall and break a bone. If you do, Jason's throwing them in the lake.
Michael Myers-
Likes it the least. You stand out too much, stop it. Only Michael is allowed to look at you. Easily made jealous.
Actually understands your lingo! He's spent enough time stalking teens that he's picked up on the meaning behind a lot of it. You will never hear him say any of it though, he's too stubborn.
Snaps that fidget spinner in half like a pencil, or at least that's how it looked when he snatched it from your hands. He's actually got it in his pocket, and it's very useful when he's out stalking and bored out of his mind.
Brahms Heelshire-
Brahms has never even heard of memes before but he takes to them VERY quickly.
Okay, picture Brahms zooming behind the walls in the heelies he stole from you. Now picture him tripping and falling through a mirror and having to be bandaged up. Because that's whats gonna happen if you wear those around him.
Brahms doesn't really care for animals but he likes the silly cat memes. Also a huge fan of the creepy ominous memes and ones about people hiding in others houses, for obvious reasons.
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ms2jfv7os132 · 5 years ago
Anons are always telling you about their headcanons about Luz. Now, it's your turn! Tell us your Luz headcanons!
alright king some of my personal luz hcs for the masses (stole/got inspiration for some of these from @hellpuppy-king ty gabriel!)
- luz can and will spend hours on end just drawing glyphs in her notebook to prep for when she needs them 
- sometimes she does this absentmindedly while watching soap operas/anime with king in the living room (mostly so she has something to do to keep her from getting bored) 
- howEVER, during the times when she n king get Super Invested in the show, she’ll completely forget about the glyphs, and every once in a while eda will walk in to see luz, notebook and pencil in idle hand, both her n king on the edge of their seats with their eyes glued to the crystal ball, and just smile
- the only other way luz will work on her glyphs is with complete focus and in complete silence. the only noises she will make exceptions for are the distant clanging sounds of eda shuffling around the kitchen and king’s soft snoring if he happens to be sleeping on a pillow next to her bc they’re familiar and comforting sounds. she will not make any exceptions for hooty (and hooty has since learned to respect that)
- i just feel like luz would have a fidget spinner idk why. she’d keep one in her pocket n take it out whenever she needs it, like when she needs something for her hands to do in order to keep nervousness/anxiety in check, when she has a billion too many ideas in her brain, or when she’s just plain bored
- oh also hot take: luz’s “no thoughts head empty” look isnt actually bc no thoughts head empty it’s bc she suddenly got a bunch of ideas at once and she isn’t exactly sure how to handle having so many thoughts in her head so she kinda stands still and gets a blank expression while she sorts thru all her ideas
- maybe luz didn’t have a lot of friends her age, but camila was 100% her best friend and number one. ever since she was little, they’d do EVERYTHING together. they made up a secret code that only the two of them would understand, camila would play along as all the side characters in the make-believe games luz would come up with, and you can Bet every time luz wanted to stop by their favorite cafe for a treat camila would try to be strict only to immediately melt at luz’s adorable baby eyes
-  luz’s first language was spanish no i will not hear any alternatives bc i am right. she didn’t really learn to speak english until she went to preschool, and even now at home she switches constantly and effortlessly between spanish and english with her mom
- as a kid, luz would regularly sit camila down in their living room to watch her reenact all the plots of her favorite books or the weekly fantasy plots she'd make up on her own, complete with a cardboard stage, blankets as curtains, and props ranging from stuffed animals to glitter-covered contraptions she spent hours gluing together. camila would gasp, laugh, and cry along with every performance, and luz would always get an enthusiastic standing ovation at the end of the night without fail
- luz has been BEGGING camila for a pet since the beginning of time. as of the start of canon, she has asked for a cat, a dog, a fish, a bird, a hermit crab, a hamster, a snake, a bearded dragon, a ferret, a hedgehog, a turtle, and a chicken. camila has said no every single time.
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endobiologist · 3 years ago
Furry Species Stereotypes #1 - By Me
These are only my personal views of the furry fandom's species I know from my personal experiences with them,
and if not that, then general common assumptions or stereotypes.
Thus, this is not gospel truth for everyone!
If you disagree, please tell me why!
I'd love you guys' take.
I also tried to name as many species I could think about off the top of my head without looking them up, which took FOREEEEVER.
You can reply to this or anon ask me, or DM me with ones I've missed, even your personal own created species (even if no one knows them yet), I'll do them too in a reply to this!
Real existing species stereotypes down below, here!;
WOLVES ; Due to this being the most common persona, you are most likely someone who follows the crowd and likes things that are popular. You however are still a pretty solitary being, preferring a dark corner over a party's dance floor. You love honesty and loyalty and have those traits to a fault, never ever abandoning a friend or ally, in need or not. You may also like things like squishy toys and squeaky toys, fidget spinners, and any manner of play item. Also, basically, to sum it up; YA' BASIC. Sorry. 😆
FOXES ; Somewhat similar to ferrets, raccoons, & sometimes rats, you both scurry around quickly simultaneously physically, and in conversation, and you may "borrow" items from places seemingly like a kleptomaniac, but for sentimental items. Basically if you are friends with a fox fursona, your jacket and/or gloves, pins, pizza (LOL) and many other miscellaneous items may go missing "mysteriously" due to them collecting it as a habit. They almost never mean true harm, they just like keeping your stuff because it reminds them of you, which can be seen as creepy by some people. But it is also very endearing, if done with pure intentions. But you may want to tell the fox to stop taking your things and ask you first! LOL. You always seem to have a ridiculous amount of energy and for some reason, an insane amount of optimistic viewpoints, and positive happy personality. You also like your books, preferring to spend a night reading then playing video games. (Although you do enjoy those too.) You are pretty academic, but yet you can also do well in physical sports, if you're into that sort of thing. There are a few points in the wolf & dog category I would assign here too, most likely due to all three being canines, like liking the squeaky and squishy toys and other stem items, and being verrrry loyal if a bit solitary in nature.
CATS (BIG) ; ...Y'all are usually assholes! There! I said it! I'm sorry to say, but nine times out of 10, you guys seem to be huge dicks, and I'm... not sure why, exactly?? What attracts the enormous dickwad to the big cat's umbrella of wild cat species? Maybe, perhaps, it is the superior, regal, and majestic appearance of big cats,--perhaps relating to their usual narcissism in normal life? Okay, so, I'm exaggerating a little, I have met some big cats that are great and very good friends. But a lot of them I've seen have been downright rude, callous, cold, and distant, at best! And downright asswads at worse!! However it seems like as bad as they go when they're bad, they go really good when they're actually good. When they are cool people, they're actually surprisingly chill, especially when comparing to the other type of big cat. They tend to usually be D.J.s, dancers, comedians, performers or some sort of person in the entertainment field, in some way. Those type're usually hella nice to get along with, however their super friendly exterior disguises a very weird, eccentric and esoteric mind beneath. They also seem to ooze confidence outwardly, even if they aren't confident feeling on the inside. They are royal and regal, and usually relatively unfazed by anything that would hurt normal people pretty badly. These are usually the type of people who don't get into emotions very often, or if they do, they always still have a wall up between them and the other person. They're strong, but that's because they force themselves to be strong, and it makes for a very bad night if the big cat snaps and takes out their very strong, tiger-like roar of anger on others! Thus if you are a big cat, I suggest finding ways to manage your anger, and finding ways to relieve your stress, as I noticed people who are big cats in their fursona tend to be very stressed in real life for some reason. Again, I'm not sure why people who are, are attracted to that species specifically.
CATS (SMALL) ; You kitties are solitary like the big cats and wolves, however much more docile. There's two main types of cats that are house cats in fursona; There's the serious brooding figure that seems to be always alone yet peaking curiosity in everyone's eyes--the type that is stealthy, sneaky, and very cat-like--as in, realistic cat-like. You may sit strangely or have odd habits in voice or body, something that makes you stand out as different. There's also the second type of cat, which is basically an UWU XOXO anime girl that is ridiculously feminine, high pitched, and almost always is a neko type furry character instead of a full furry anthropomorphic character. Not that there's anything wrong with nekos, they're awesome too, it just seems to be a trend that any neko is usually a cat. You may like to actually smoke catnip! (Okay that was a joke LOL, but yes, it is possible, and yes it does get humans somewhat high, but most would not recommend it due to it being short & tasting bad! LMAO 😆) You also really like batting things around, or batting things off tables or counters--when you have a cup of tea beside you, the urge to knock your mug off the table is irresistible, even though your rational mind denies the notion from actually happening. You tend to like yarn snd thread, whether that means just playing with it or knitting or sewing etc. and making creations with it! You usually like fish a lot, mostly sushi is your favorite, and usually, you tend to be more based in Japanese culture.
DOGS ; See wolves, but add loyalty hella and way more people-oriented. you're somehow more basic than wolves 🤣
RABBITS ; As someone who has a rabbit as one of my main 3 fursonas, I have to admit I love rabbits. We are usually very social, unlike the animal we're based on, preferring to conversate and meet people. Although, like the rabbit, we may be shy to actually begin the conversation, or initiate plans on our own. We also scare easily, and most of us for some reason tend to have anxiety or panic disorders, not always, but quite often, and that can usually be why we relate to the characters of rabbits which go still & shake or attack fiercely with their hind legs if scared. There are some people with rabbit fursonas that are definitely fully shy, but a lot of them are actually quite more outgoing than you would think they are. And no, rabbits usually don't love carrots. (Including real rabbits, they eat mostly hay and carrots should only be a treat!) But for some reason one thing I noticed is that almost everybody's fursona in existence is. Just. Super sexual and flirty and just out there in every way. They can come across as perverted and strange to a lot of people due to this, once they reveal their true colours rather than their cutesy entrance, to those they know well.
DEER ; You guys are the innocent bunch, the kids that seemed to never know what was going on when it came to violence or sexual content in any media or situation. This innocence continues throughout your life. You're usually a 'deer in the headlights' and can get very confused easily and a lot, and also you can become quite shy and reclusive if you don't have friends to pull you out of it to shove you into social situations by force. You may not be 'the brightest bulb in the bunch', but you are definitely the friendliest, kindest, and most understanding one in it. Most people love being your friend because your support gives strength that can't be found elsewhere, due to the power and stability of your connection to people. You also may really like salad.
BEARS ; You guys are a bunch of big gentle giants. For some reason, most every person who plays a bear fursona seem to be gigantic in real life, either super tall, or super fat, or super muscular, or a combination or all of the above! Whatever it is, they're always big intimidating figures. Yet, despite this, they seem to be very sweet, mild-mannered and very loyal. They also seem to have a lazy streak, preferring to lay down and eat honey rather than do anything productive on time. Don't get me wrong, they'll do the task, but it'll just take until they feel like doing it. However when they have ambition, they have it and have it well, being able to rise to Big manager positions very easily. They tend to be very shy both in romantic situations and just in general. Despite their large presence, they're just a bunch of softies.
OPOSSUMS ; An opossum is one of my main fursonas, based on me. Plus I can tell you from experience that opossums are little shits. They will pester the shit out of you, text you non-stop, and talk your ears off if you let them. They're not trying to be annoying or clingy, but they're just that type of person that really clings to people and likes talking to people as long as possible when they like them. Like raccoons, rats, and other things on this list, they like hoarding treasure and they tend to be sneaky mischievous little beings, loving to pull pranks or make a joke to make someone laugh hard. The opossums are kind of the clowns of the furry species, always being the comedian of the group. We love soft blankets and we tend to sleep with our head under the covers completely like we were in our mother's pouch. Also a lot of us do what I call the 'human sofa', where we curl around someone's back as they sit, and become their backrest, to snuggle them.
WEASELS & FERRETS ; Same as opossum, but make them scary and super suspicious all the time. I mean seriously, these guys are "sus". Who knows what they're up to? But they tend to be great comedians, and can always crack a joke that's sly and sarcastic to make someone burst out laughing, even if it's just one person who does due to their obscure references to their many fandoms.
RACCOONS ; Same as opossums, weasels, and ferrets--except add that you love trash. Whether this means collecting empty boxes, like shoe boxes and electronic boxes, or collecting old newspapers, or straws, or broken glass, (who knows?!) or making new pretty things out of old withered things, all of it you adore! You enjoy the feeling of making the most out of nothing, and pulling something out of your ass to survive no matter what the situation. This tendency can lead to intense resourcefulness in every area of life.
SKUNKS ; They all tend to be really chill, mostly... because all of you are fucking weed smokers! I guess it comes with the territory since skunks have a skunky smell, but damn does your skunky smell smell skunkier than a skunk! 😆🤣 Okay, okay, now besides the usual stoner stereotypes, you skunks are pretty chill beings, usually preferring a night on the couch. Although when they do catch you adventuring, they'd catch you frolicking in nature, and catching tadpoles, or doing something odd in a river. You love forests, and also love the sounds of city, traffic, and cars passing by. Rain is one of your favourite times.
BADGERS ; Y'all are some bad motherfuckers, the type of person who could kick anyone's ass, any amount of people, and come out without a scratch. People like you are nearly indestructible, and also tend to be somewhat snappy and harsh to others, although usually unintentionally. You tend to love honey, and/or any kinds of sweet things, which tends to contrast with your spicy personality. You have a pain tolerance out of this world, and you also have mental pain tolerance as well, seeming to never get hurt or let down by others' actions. This is due to you never fully trusting, and always preparing somewhat for a let down.
TANUKIS (JAPANESE RACCOON DOGS) ; This is my main fursona, and like opossums, Japanese Raccoon Dogs / Tanukis are ridiculously loyal and strange, almost clown-like beings, and also like raccoons, they love finding old things and transforming them into new. They also tend to be very artistic and really like colours, usually having some form of synesthesia if not multiple, usually having to do with colour association. Also you usually have a very strong connection to Japan and it's culture, either being Japanese or just loving the culture itself, and tend to base a lot of your life around Japanese things. You may even be planning to move to Tokyo someday! Tanukis are notoriously mischievous, but in a friendly, jokey way, and they tend to never want to make people mad. Due to this, they are always very friendly and positive, as much as they can, even if they feel the opposite inside. These are also the types of people to be very esoteric, weird, and downright uncanny, which fits their Japanese theme as Japan does some weird shit too LOL. Also usually stoners. Also pretty flirty, but not overly.
COYOTES & OTHER MISC. CANINES ; As a less common version of dogs, you have some manner of uniqueness about you! You tend to be active, especially physically, and in sports, usually very likely to do hiking as well. You tend to be pretty chipper, although you can come across as sarcastic or biting when you're in a bad mood. When you're in a good mood, everyone can feel it, and your smile brightens up the space around you! People tend to be attracted to your demeanor, even if you don't mean to attract them, they still come, and this quality can lead you to some of your lifelong friends (and perhaps, enemies.).
SHARKS & OTHER AQUATICS ; You aquatic creatures tend to be the jocks of the group, however despite your jockiness, you actually have quite a brain on you; being able to figure out complex things like math problems that are way ahead of where you are, or learning to read very soon in your life, and maybe even being in spelling bees or talent shows later on! You tend to have a scientific mind, and definitely have at least one or two fish tanks, if not a whole room full. You can be a bit perverted, and even a little bit dominating in conversation, but for people who can get past that--you make a loyal, fun, and active friend.
SNAKES & OTHER REPTILES ; You all tend to seem shady no matter how stand-up you are, and the fact that you never go in the spotlight, always preferring to stay by the sidelines and observe and watch others closely. Occasionally, you may leave a small remark, and due to you barely talking, those things you do say echo only louder for those who hear. You tend to be reclusive and secluded, loving the silence of rainy days with no one bugging you, and your beautiful reptiles. You tend to be quite confident, and even heroic at your best, being kind and also empathetic and caring, and intelligent. At your worst, you can come off as cold, manipulative or even cruel at times. Snakes and reptiles are usually seen with dislike and/or fear by others, which can lead to a hardened heart in you that makes you trust less easily, fearing judgement in who you are.
AXOLOTLS & OTHER AMPHIBIANS ; You guys kiiinda tend to be the 'uwu i'm special!!1!' bunch, but rather than in an insensitive annoying way, in the way that you're genuinely childish and innocent and naive, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Like the aquatic axolotl, you stay young forever, (kind of like Peter Pan!) and you seemingly never lose your sense of humour, your playfulness, or your absolute randomness at times. You are someone who would fight to the death for a friend you just met, even though you are usually pacifistic. You have great traits when it comes to caring for others, and fully taking care of others--skills that would bode well for you becoming a nurse, doctor, psychiatrist or therapist. You tend to love water, and will go swimming the whole summer while it's warm enough! You also don't mind, even if it's cold, you'll jump in anyway.
MICE & OTHER RODENTS ; You guys tend to be even more cutesy and little than rabbits! A lot of you guys seem to be age aggressors due to mental illness, and thus choose a very small, innocent animal as their fursona. These people can also just be generally childlike, innocent and playful, albeit very shy. The other type of rodents are the creepy ass ones who give off a high & mighty vibe, being very confident, swaggering, and even mysterious at times. They're the cool kids you see in school, pretending to be some mysterious goth kid, but really they just learned the goth look a week ago.
GENERAL INSECTS/BUGS ; You tend to be very odd, weirding out the general public more than you do connect with them. You've always felt a strange disconnect between yourself and the world, feeling like you're not really there or like you could be more. You might have transformed from being a totally different person in your past, to being a radically different person now. You tend to rule change and dreams and mystic things, perhaps even being some sort of psychic. You tend to have an extremely open mind and a very welcoming, understanding personality, due to you even seeing the beauty in bugs, which so many find repulsive. This quality will follow you into life, which you must be careful of--don't start trusting everyone you meet. Due to you always seeing the best in everyone, you can get taken advantage of easily.
And now fictional/mythical/extinct/hybrids down here;
DUTCH ANGEL DRAGONS ; Y'all give off a very confident vibe to me, although it's hidden under an exterior of pretend anxiety or hesitancy, which you really don't feel. You're one of those preppy kids who tends to dress girly regardless of gender, can't handle coffee but loves their jasmine tea, likes their succulents planted in their house in cute little DIY decorated plant vases, and wears pastels of colour. You tend to be a bright, vibrant person who sees the best in things, and you can be a little naive due to your extreme and blind happiness that radiates purely from you.
GENERAL DRAGONS ; You tend to intimidate others easily, but this is not something you mean to do whatsoever. In fact, you usually try your best to make friends although you usually scare them off, whether due to being unintentionally too clingy, or just being too awkward in conversation. You tend to have anxiety or different worries about things, but you try and overtake these things with a massive upbeat attitude. Although sometimes, this attitude does falter, and you can become somewhat pessimistic without reminder. Also, like raccoons, ferrets and other similar animals, you love to hoard treasure and things you love, everything from gemstones, to rocks, to bottle caps, to pieces of broken glass--it doesn't matter what it is, if it's collectible, you will collect it.
PROTOGENS/PRIMAGENS ; You guys tend to lean heavily into the Japanese aesthetic, or at least into the vapourwave aesthetic. Perhaps even steampunk! Whatever it is, you follow it heavily. You also tend to be a tech nerd. You can help anyone with any computer problem almost effortlessly, and you even have knowledge of technologies in the recent past such as devices like record players, VHS tapes, etc. that most younger people wouldn't know about (if you are young, or if you're old, you know from experience.). You could even be a hacker of some sort if you wanted to, considering your huge skill with computers. Personality-wise you tend to be very cutesy, excitable and both very very innocent, and yet somehow perverted, at the same time. You most likely speak more than one language. I'm not sure why, but it seems like every protogen or primagen I've met speaks multiple languages, two at least, if not more.
SERGALS ; Very similar to sharks, with some qualities of reptiles. You guys also have the Leo zodiac-like personality type of loving to be loved; being in the spotlight is your favourite thing, no matter what it's for! Due to this, some Sergals will tire of reaching for difficult positive attention, and will start to even accept negative attention as attention they want, then will try and act like a troll on purpose to fuck with people, only to get a reaction. Other times they're just chill and generally relaxed people, although if you threaten their family they become very hostile and very unstable emotionally, quickly.
CRUX ; Due to the history of the species being about being experimented on, and abused, and combined, etc. etc., people who play cruxes tend to be pretty edgy "look at how dark I am!!" people. However not always--sometimes, weirdly, very girly, upbeat & happy people will roleplay cruxes. So it's kind of unsure what you'll get when you interact with one. It's pretty much a 50/50 chance on whether they're upbeat & happy, or dark & brooding. Whatever the case, they tend to be usually neurodivergent, since cruxes are mentally ill if you think about it basically, a lot of people have latched on to them as their comfort species for being mentally ill. Like dogs, you love squeaky toys and also you love piercings, and tattoos, and any body modification you can achieve!
PHOENIXES ; Similar 'emo' type to cruxes--people generally choose phoenixes due to their history of being unbreakable when it comes to physical harm. Due to this, a lot of emo people latched on to them. However there are also regular people who play phoenixes, and they tend to be very regal--if a bit intimidating, and are very ambitious & strong-minded people. They have a fieryness that blazes through to show their phoenix-y nature bubbling underneath the surface.
GRYPHONS ; For some reason, you tend to be very aggressive and domineering individuals--think Bakugo Katsuki from My Hero Academia, the anime. Sometimes you can come off as a huge asshole, but you're really well meaning on the inside, and you try to do your best by everyone--you just seem intimidating and aggressive due to resting bitch face and voice, LOL.
DINOSAURS ; You are an excitable individual, whether that means being angry easily, or hyper easily. You tend to be younger in age, or at least younger in mind, having an innocent heart and somewhat ferocious ambitions. You are strong and untamable when it comes to authority figures bossing you around. Most of the time there's no changing your mind if it's set, and you can be very stubborn, pushy, and audacious at your worst, and at your best; proud, confident, encouraging and passionate!
SKULLDOGS & OTHER SKULLIES ; Similar to phoenixes and cruxes, they tend to attract emo, goth, punk, or scene people, however rarely a bubbly girly person will roleplay one, and usually do it with pastel colours instead of dark. They tend to be somewhat reclusive, but yet enjoy people's company when forced to interact. They are people who don't really give a shit much in most circumstances, but when something gets them stirred up, it gets them up and going quickly. They can be somewhat cold and harsh to those who don't know them well, who know that it's all a façade of intimidation, to drive you away from getting closer to them.
FOLVES & OTHER HYBRIDS ; Similar to foxes, you're an excitable hyper furball that will jump around the room, and meet as many friends, and talk to as many people as you can! You guys seem to have none of the reclusive types of personality traits that foxes usually have, and instead seem to be very pack-bonded people! You love finding lucky things, like a clock or license plate that has triple numbers, or picking up a lucky penny off the street. The little things in life make you very happy.
So what do you think?
Did I get your species correct?
If so, or if not, tell me why in the replies! I will read 'em all.
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iconsumeheadcanons · 5 years ago
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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Uh hey so i had a question?? Maybe you could help idk but I'm having trouble finding a stim that works right now?? I don't have any stim toys but i normally find other things that work for me and i keep flapping my hands but it's not really helping?? Idk it's very frustrating and i feel like im trapped in my skin
Hey! Sorry i didn’t respond sooner but i totally get this. I definitely have times where i super need to stim but nothing feels right or works and it’s so so frustrating. I didn’t have any stim toys either till a couple years ago and even now i just have some fidget spinners, a fidget cube, and a chew necklace. i’m gonna list some stims i do or stim with besides those and hand flapping (which i do a lot too) and hopefully it’s helpful for you. warning: this is wayyyyy too long and has way more information then you asked for but finally got those adhd meds again so i’m like oh can’t stop typing (typing stim right there).
(p.s. if you or anyone ever wants to talk or ask about neurodivergent stuff feel free to i’m always happy to talk about or help and my inbox and dms are always open)
chewing: i chew on stuff a lot to stim (even though it’s like the worst stim for my tmj) and sometimes find myself eating stuff just to move my mouth. but mostly i chew on my shirt collar a lot or just have it in my mouth a lot of the time, i also love gum and hard candies but tic tacs are my favorite but i end up eating a whole container of them when i have them because i just love chewing them. also uncooked pasta is a favorite to chew on. i also sometimes chew on pens
listening: i listen to songs, tv episodes, and podcasts on repeat a lot like a lot a lot. i don’t like quiet most of the time or not really quiet because i can hear everything around me all the time but like i don’t really like that either so. i listen to my brother my brother and me like 24/7 i’ve listened to all the podcast episodes? like way too many times, i also listen to bojack or bob’s burgers a lot because i’ve also seen the episodes so many times i know exactly what’s happening in every scene, the music i listen to on repeat is either a single song or an album, so show yourself, rewrite the stars, words fail, etc or frozen ii, jatp, dear evan hansen albums. i also cover and uncover my ears a lot because i like the noise.
touching: i love feeling stuff mostly soft stuff so petting my cats or rabbit, feeling blankets, holding and rubbing stuffed animals
smell: i’m super sensitive to like 95% of smells but the smells i do like i can smell for hours and are big stim i’ve been doing for a long time specifically laundry detergent so i put my shirt over my nose a lot also my haunted mansion themed body wash is my favorite scent ever and so i just smell that and it really calms me
vocal: i don’t talk a lot i’m a fairly quiet person and could and have gone days without speaking but i can be loud and talkative when hyper or infodumping and have always stimmed a lot vocally. i hum a lot or just make noises or beats, i have a kind of odd vocal stim where i just kind of sing old mcdonald randomly (i don’t know why but i’ve done it for a while) and also echolalia, a lot of them are just weird and everyone around me is like please stop saying, “it’s not just food, it’s fourth meal” but i love echolalia i think it’s a super cool thing autistics do!
body stims/stuff with my hands: i rub my hands together, crack my knuckles, clap, drum with my hands on anything and everything (i was a percussionist in middle school band and have always loved the drums so) i also use pencils/chopsticks/paint brushes or anything and drum on tables or just air drum with imaginary drumsticks. i twirl my hair a lot and now that it’s longer i do little braids braiding is such a nice stim. i also do body stims that aren’t good for my joint hypermobility but like i just need to do them sometimes, such as doing circles with my wrist or ankle or hyperextending my elbow. one of my favorite stims i do and one i do mostly in public because i need room (and since covid and like barely ever leaving my house when i do go out i do it a lot) is i kind of jump up and lift one leg in the air and clap under my leg. that probably sounds weird and like it kind of is but whatever stims can be weird and that’s great! i also rock back and forth on my heals a lot.
visual: i’m not a person that gets into a lot of like stimboards and stuff because a lot of stim gifs aren’t stuff i like but my favorite stim gifs or videos are calligraphy writing ones, cooking/cake decorating, nail painting, and just food recipe videos. sometimes i’ll just end up in a wormhole on pinterest of food recipe vids, like they are never foods i could actually eat or ever need the recipe for but i just love watching them (except meat heavy ones i just don’t like looking at meat). also i love watching fandom video edits on instagram i have like a bajillion saved and watch them all the time. i also love love watching gifs of characters stimming and sometimes just go through my autistic collection to watch these gifs for hours.
random stims: one of biggest stims is playing with toy cars and toy skateboards. i just kind of roll them on my arms/hands/legs or tables. i actually take a mcdonald’s clone wars anakin skateboard toy like everywhere with me, and i love it i found it at my gramma’s house years ago and it’s become like a comfort item at this point and of course because of adhd i lose everything i touch so before i leave the house i’m always like where is my anakin skywalker skateboard. i also have a lightning mcqueen car that was my comfort stim toy before anakin and i still take him a lot of places too. i also love wear rings to stim with, i don’t have any like spinning rings or anything yet but i just like twisting them on my finger a lot, my favorite to do that with is my great grandmother’s spoon ring it’s the perfect thing to twist and i love it. i also like pressure stims sometimes if my body can handle it like putting couch cushions on me or my weighted blanket. i also just play with my pop socket a lot and use it so much i broke the top of it off but i don’t know what i would do without it.
sorry that was way too long and way too much information and i don’t even know if any of that was helpful at all but i really hope something was or it gave you an idea for a different stim. like i said before you can literally ask me about anything especially neurodivergent stuff.
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fanficsaremylifeline · 5 years ago
And the Oscar goes to...
On AO3:
Being in some rehab-psych ward sucked. Yes, going through withdrawal was the worst, but Klaus knew his way around a rehab-ward, he'd been enough of them to find ways to keep sobriety at bay.
Unfortunately not enough to keep the number of ghosts down. And there were a lot of them here. At least they weren't all that gorey, mostly suicide by hanging themselves or slitting their wrists. They came with more than enough psychological issues, though; their need to talk topped even that of Mildred, who roamed the halls of the Academy. Klaus got to spend most of his youth listening to countless stories about her cats. That they ate her face after she died didn't seem to bother Mildred all that much.
The one ghost Klaus was glad kept on sticking around was Ben. Of course, never getting rid of your brother, who didn't necessarily support your lifestyle, could border on annoying, but Klaus was pretty sure he didn't want to know where he'd be without Ben. What sucked about being in rehab was that he couldn't talk with Ben though. Having a conversation with his dead brother would get him quite a few days extra, all that under constant scrutiny, thusly denying him the chance for that little kick the pain meds, he could swipe from the nurses, offered. Klaus had learned that the hard way.
So Klaus just sat in the common room, played with a fidget spinner he found under some cupboard as he tried to ignore the ghosts that currently tried to get his attention. He sort of watched two others battling out at checkers, which was unfortunately mind-numbingly boring, and Klaus wouldn't be able to keep the haunting at bay all that much longer. Until one ghost in particular drew all his attention.
“DUDE! CHECK IT OUT!” Ben cried out all of a sudden and pointed at the TV, Klaus had mostly been ignoring up until now. “It's Allison!”
“What?” Klaus turned so suddenly, even the checkers guys stopped their game. It took Klaus a moment to properly focus on the tiny screen where some awards show was playing. And no kidding, one of the nominees that were being read out was Allison Hargreeves.
“Everybody quiet!”, he yelled. “And turn this damn thing up!”
“Yo Klaus, you alright?”
“That's my sister!”, he explained with the widest grin.
“DAMN!” And everybody in the little room had their eyes glued to the screen; even the ghosts were quiet and watching, as some actor (a 4 tops in Klaus' opinion though he's had worse...) opened the envelope and announced to the camera: “And the Academy Award for best actress goes to...”
Fucking Police Academy. Diego wouldn't do that to himself all that much longer. The only reason he hadn't given up just yet was Eudora, and her whole being just lighting up his soul. Or that vacant  place in his chest where he'd have one, if it weren't for old bastard Hargreeves...
He tried to ignore the guys at the gym calling out for him and instead head straight for his boiler room and the whiskey he had in the cupboard. But one remark had him stop. “Hey Diego, isn't that your sister?”
He turned to the counter upon which was the little old TV, about as crappy, dirty and rundown as the rest of this damn place. And, sure enough, there was Allison. “What's that then?”, he asked around the group that had collected in front of the screen.
“She's your sister, shouldn't you know?”, one guy laughed.
“Trust me we don't share more than a birthday, last name and our horrible upbringing.”
“There was your teenage-mutant-ninja-stuff though.”
“And the fact that there is no more Umbrella Academy should really explain enough.” And that was the last thing, Diego'd say about that .
The last time he and Allison had spoken was on their birthday, via a five-minute phone call. That was about four months ago and Diego would not be surprised if they wouldn't talk until their next one. The only sibling Diego regularly ran into and looked out for was Klaus and – in extension of that – Ben in a way. And of course, there was Mum. Thankfully, Reginald was a creature of habit, which meant that Diego could visit her without running into the old bastard.
The presenting actor on screen got out a big golden envelope and stared straight into the camera as he announced: “And the Academy Award for best actress goes to...”
Vanya was glued to her screen all night long. She even called in sick to rehearsal just so she could watch the Oscars. Not that she'd care about actors and their accomplishments, but ever since the nominations were announced, with one of them being Allison, Vanya had marked that day on her calender.
The hadn't spoken since their birthday. Vanya had sent all of the siblings a text, but Allison was the only one not just sending a short text back, but actually calling Vanya. It wasn't that long or deep a conversation, even though she didn't bring it up, Allison didn't exactly care about Vanya's book, which was probably the reason everybody avoided her. Though they already avoided her when they were kids, so by writing her story she didn't exactly have too much to lose and didn't really lose all that much. Except maybe for the last shred of respect her siblings had for her.
Vanya still cared deeply for them. Especially with Allison she shared more of a relationship; maybe being the only two girls bonded them in a way that she just couldn't with the brothers. And so she tried to follow Allison's career as best she could; went to every of her movies and was so proud of her sister and what she had achieved.
And now it would be announced. Vanya sat mere centimetres from his screen as the actor opened the envelope and looked straight into the camera. “And the Academy Award for best actress goes to...”
“And the Academy Award for best actress goes to...”
This was it. This was the moments, Allison had been working for, ever since the first possibility of ever being able to leave the Umbrella Academy had presented itself. And it was nerve-wrecking. Allison's stomach did backflips and she couldn't take the suspense anymore. She'd rather not be the winner instead of having to wait even a second longer.
Time stopped for a moment, as her brain worked on figuring out what she just heard. She won. SHE WON! The cheering and applause came back to her as Patrick pulled her to her feet and put a quick kiss on her cheek. Like in a trance, or automated, Allison made her way towards the stage.
And before she really knew what happened, she stood in front of the microphone with an Oscar, HER Oscar in the hand and she couldn't help but smile at the masses of people looking up at her, expecting a heartfelt speech. Well, from the heart she'd speak.
“Thank you, so, so much! I am incredibly honoured and... I'm not gonna start naming people, because there are too many that I'd like to thank, so to everybody who I ever had the luck to work with; everybody who ever gave me a shot, it is thanks to you I get to stand up here, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you! But there are two people I especially need to thank, and those are my husband Patrick and my darling Claire. I love you both so much more than I ever thought was possible and it's  you I want to dedicate this award to. Thank you all so much!”
Under loud applause, Allison went back to her place, where Patrick awaited her with the widest smile. “I'm so proud of you, love”, he whispered as he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a kiss.
After that, the night was a blur. The afterparty was great fun, but it felt all so very unreal and it would probably take Allison a day or two, or five until it would all really sink in that she was an Academy Award winning actress!
Allison put off checking her messages until late the next afternoon, mentally preparing herself for an onslaught of Congratulations. Even all her (living and earth-based) siblings had messaged her and it made Allison somehow happier than the other 127 texts she had gotten. She hadn't told any of her family about her nomination. They weren't close, they spoke on their birthday and maybe on Christmas, but that was it. Klaus was the only one who had ever visited her in LA, and that was mostly so someone could keep an eye on him while Diego was otherwise occupied. She never asked what he did that week and Diego never told, so...
The one sibling she would have liked to tell though, was sitting on the moon, doing research for dad, far out of reach. At least she sometimes could get an update via Pogo, or ask him to deliver a message to Luther, but it wasn't really that great a system. Maybe it was better that way, though. She was married, had a wonderful daughter and The Umbrella Academy was in the past; never more than now it was clear that her future was here in LA, and that she belonged here.
Still, they grew up together, and seeing messages from her family was always wonderful as seldom as it happened.
Pogo: Dear Allison, me and your mother are so proud of you! Congratulations on your win. I have informed Master Luther, as soon as he is in touch I will forward his message to you. With all the best from the Umbrella Academy, Pogo and Mum
Allison: Thanks Pogo, I appreciate it! Say hi to Mum and Luther from me :)
Diego: Saw you on the tv! Congrats, sis, you deserve it :)
Allison: Thanks, Diego :)
Klaus: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! CONGRATS! Me and Ben are sooooooooo proud and stoked and happy for you, it's sooooo amazing, we're about to start the celebratory conga line!!! And by the way, you looked stunning. Any chance I could borrow those shoes next time we run into each other? ;)
Allison: The shoes are yours if I get that skirt back you stole from me when you were in LA... ;)
Vanya: Hey Allison, I just want to wish you good luck tonight. I'll be glued to the screen :)
Vanya: Congrats, I never doubted it for a moment! I'm really happy for you, you did so well!
Allison: Thanks, Vanya, for thinking of me xoxo
Well, things between the Hargreeves' might not be perfect, downright cold at times, but what family was perfect? And maybe, just maybe, it was time for Allison to take a holiday back home...
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inmyownlittlecorner5 · 5 years ago
Moonlight Chapter Four: Take Two
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A fanfic Novel by la-topolina
Rated for Mature Audiences
Warnings: Language, Violence, Sexual Content
Chapter 4/26
Moonlight Masterpost+
<< Chapter Three+
Chapter Five+ >>
A week after the vampire killing, Miranda knew that she could put off her visit to the Ministry of Magic no longer. She approached the innocuous phone box and rode the elevator to the guest entrance, flexing her hands and fidgeting with her clothing as though everything itched her. She had been depressed and restless, particularly since Severus’s disappearance. If she were honest with herself, she knew it was probably for the best. The man’s jumpy behavior made her strongly suspect that he was wrapped up in something less than legal and she barely knew him. It wasn't her usual practice to fall into bed with complete strangers, but she knew it was most likely to happen when she was coming down from a case. The thrill of the hunt and the kill had to run its course. Sometimes she managed this in more virtuous ways—meditation, exercise, and the like. Sometimes she stayed awake for three or four days and the slept for the same amount of time. Sometimes she smoked and drank the feeling to oblivion. In her younger days, sometimes she would indulge in a one night stand; but they had usually been disappointing. After a few times of pretending that an inept lover was a Casanova, she’d mostly given up the practice. Men’s egos were so fragile and she had no patience for stroking them when they didn’t deserve it. Once, a long time ago, there had been a man worth the trouble and her throat tightened as his face appeared before her eyes.
The doors of the lift snapped open and Miranda shook her head to clear it. Now was really not the time to be thinking about such things. She knew there would be a mountain of paperwork waiting for her. She walked quickly past the fountain, her boots clicking on the marble floors. She was so intent on controlling herself and crossing the atrium, that she didn't notice a tall man dressed in black until she had knocked into him. For a brief, hopeful instant, she thought it might be Severus, back from the dead. But as she looked at the cold grey eyes and saw the long blond hair, she knew this man was not who she had hoped. "So sorry," she muttered and pushed past him. "I'm sure," he drawled lazily after her. Miranda's eyes were crossing as she finished and filed the final form. It seemed to her that the process became more complicated each time she followed it. She supposed it was worth it to some degree. If she had a good track record for following procedure, then the Ministry wouldn't see the need to prod into anything that didn't quite fit. That was her hope in any case. "Just a moment and I'll have your receipts for you," squeaked a short, balding wizard from behind the desk. She drummed her fingers impatiently on the counter, studying the wanted posters that decorated the walls. They all seemed to be of the same hollow-eyed wizard, one Sirius Black. The price on his head was high enough that her interest was piqued. Perhaps she'd do a bit of digging in a week or two and think about taking up the case. He'd been at liberty for quite some time, and with a Hippogriff too. That might make for an entertaining chase. "Thank you. Have a pleasant day," the bureaucrat finally said. "Same to you," she said, exhausted and thoroughly sick of being indoors. She had just reached the fountain in the atrium again when she noticed the same tall, blond wizard from earlier. He was striding towards her purposefully, followed by an older, white-haired man in a purple suit. The older man looked vaguely familiar and as they approached she realized the older man was Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic. They were on a collision course with her and she stopped, standing out of their way with a slight frown. To her surprise, both men did indeed appear to want to talk to her. "Good afternoon, Minerva Rose, isn't it?" Cornelius Fudge asked, sticking out his stubby hand to her. His tone was jovial and smooth like the politician that he was. She smiled blandly at him and corrected, “It’s Miranda Rose, actually. Although Miss Rose will do.” He went on as though he were only half listening. “I am Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic. I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure, but your work has come to my attention. Excellent job on the ghoul hunting a few years back.” “I think it was a graphorn that time…” “Quite so, quite so. What brings you to London just now?” She extricated her hand, but kept her tone polite. "I just finished the paperwork on the Islington Vampire case." "Excellent, excellent. Allow me to introduce my companion, Mr. Lucius Malfoy." Lucius inclined his head to her, but did not try to take her hand. "Charmed," he said. She returned the nod. "Is there something I can do for your gentlemen?" “Indeed there is,” Cornelius said. "I'd like to talk to you about something that I hope could be your next case.” "Mr. Fudge, I'm terribly sorry, but I have a bit of a waiting list at present and it will be at least a week before I'm ready to think about another case anyway.” "Come now, Miss Rose," Lucius said cooly, "I'm sure we can make it worth your while." Miranda could tell by looking at Mr. Malfoy that he was a man used to getting his way. He was sneering down his nose at her like a prince would sneer at a serf. The back of her neck prickled in warning and she knew he was not a man to be trifled with. "Well, in that case, throw this into the fire in a week to remind me and I'll come discuss it with you then. I'm afraid I'd be utterly useless to you now, I got a bit banged up in the last fray you see.” She pulled a silver card printed with M. Rose out of her pocket and handed it to Cornelius with a charming smile. "Of course, perfectly understandable," Cornelius agreed. Miranda started to leave but Lucius blocked her path. "One week, Miss Rose." His voice sounded like a threat. She held his gaze fearlessly, but calmly and replied, "Good day Mr. Fudge, Mr. Malfoy." Lucius blocked her path for a moment longer, and then let her pass. She kept her pace unhurried although she wanted to run. It wouldn't do to show any discomfort in front of a man like Lucius Malfoy. He would pounce if he scented fear. She was very glad when she finally reached the street. *****
Later that evening Miranda found herself loitering up and down Grimmauld Place. She’d returned to the alley where she’d met Severus several times since his disappearance. She knew she was being ridiculous—for all she knew the man had been dead since the previous week. She told herself that she was doing this mostly to keep herself from getting into worse trouble. Surely wasting her time in a fruitless search was better than sitting alone in her cabin in a drunken stupor, or picking up some fool at Prospero’s night club. At least this way she was getting some exercise. But she knew that part of her hoped that she might succeed in tracking her quarry, ill-advised as that might be. Her instincts were usually spot on when it came to judging people, which served her well in her profession. Severus was obviously an ass, but he also seemed to possess the intelligence necessary to observe what would give a lady pleasure and the self control to give her the time to enjoy it. As impulsive as she knew she was being, she ached to continue what they had started.
She leaned against the wall of one of the dilapidated houses and lit a cigarette.
"Nox" she whispered, and the light at the butt of the cigarette went out, even as she continued to smoke it. The shadows of the building covered the smoke as she watched and listened. She told herself that this would be the last night she'd waste this much time.
As the minutes ticked by, she gradually became aware of a spot between two of the houses a bit up the street from where she was standing. She settled deeper into the shadows, but noticed that there seemed to be quite a few people who wandered up to the spot, and then disappeared. The silence was eerie, and she could have sworn that it was punctuated by the angry shrieks of a woman. Her eyes narrowed and she slowly made her way to a better viewing point across the street. Just as she reached a new length of shadows, her patience was rewarded. She heard a crack that sounded like a wizard Apparating from somewhere close. A few seconds later, Severus swept into view, cape billowing like giant bat wings. Her eyes narrowed as he approached that same spot between the houses, but she could not see exactly when he disappeared. She crossed casually to the spot. She could almost smell the magic, but she doubted she would be able to break whatever spell was in place. Instead, she followed Severus’s trail to the alley from which he had emerged. Grinning, she realized that it was the same alley where they had had their first meeting. Moving like a cat, she climbed up to a fire-escape and lit another cigarette. The magic spot up the street somehow slipped from her mind and she settled in to watch and wait. ****** Severus was in a very black mood as he swept out of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. He'd taken his anger out on all of the members of the Order and felt a bit gratified that he had put a few of them out of temper as well. Since his interrupted tryst of the previous week, he felt rather at the end of his rope. Tasting the promise in Miranda’s lips had lit a fire in his blood that had been long dormant. He was like a starving man given a crumb of bread--his hunger was harder to bear after the tease of the morsel. He tried to tell himself he was probably fortunate that they had been interrupted. She had seemed relatively honest, but how could he really be sure that she wasn’t playing some other game? As much as he hated teaching, he really would be glad when he had his duties at Hogwarts again to distract him. He turned into his usual alley to Apparate back to Spinner's End and felt, rather than heard, someone drop to the ground behind him. He whirled around, wand drawn, and found that he held it pointed at Miranda Rose's lovely neck. "Oh, that's right," she said with a note of laughter in her quiet voice, "you're jumpy." "You are fortunate I didn't kill you," he snapped, wand still at her neck. What the hell was she doing here? "You're right," she said, more seriously than before. "Stupid of me. It must be the moonlight. Do you think you could point that thing somewhere else?" He lowered his wand very slowly and demanded, "What are you doing here?" "Waiting for you. Hey!" she snapped, temper rising as his wand returned to her throat. "What do you think you're doing?" "Who are you working for?” His voice was soft, smooth, and dangerous. There was no possible way she was waiting for him for any good purpose. Wasn’t there a saying somewhere about not trusting beautiful women? "I told you before. I work for my father. His name is Conor Rose. You can check my story at the Ministry of Magic if you don't believe me. Now put that wand away before I get angry." "I don't think so. Why are you waiting for me?” She raised her chin in defiance and said irritably, "Well, if you must know, I was hoping that you weren't dead." "Obviously I am not. Why should you care?" He was sneering at her and her face had turned so red that he could tell that she was blushing, even in the shadows. He relaxed his wand a fraction of an inch and arched an eyebrow as he waited for her answer. Blushes and brazenness, what an interesting combination. Despite her blush, she met his eyes boldly. "I thought that we could pick up where we left off before we were so rudely interrupted." "Did you?" He dragged out those words as though he were tasting them. Very slowly, she brought up a hand and placed it over his. Just as slowly, she stepped closer to him, pinning his wand, and their hands, between them. She turned her face up to his, and murmured, "I suppose I'm being a bit forward, but I hoped you wouldn't mind."
His hand was brushing the curve of her breast where she had it pinned. If he were honest, he'd spent a good deal of the last week imagining what that curve would feel like under his fingers. He raised his free hand and traced her lower lip with his thumb. Her lips parted slightly and this was rather more temptation than he cared to resist. He leaned in to taste those lips and they were warm, yielding, and eager. Vanquished, he slid his fingers over her cheek and buried them in her thick hair, knocking pins asunder as he did.
A few moments later, he became aware that the moonlight was much brighter than it had been. He opened his eyes and saw that they were standing on that same country lane as they had been the previous week. "Homing Spell," she reminded him quietly. "I suppose I wanted to come," he replied, smirking. It was a much more pleasant way to travel than Apparation or port-keys. The cabin wavered into view and he finally pocketed his wand. She started up the path and he followed silently behind her. When she reached the door, she turned, a little smile on her face. “You don’t have any appointments tonight, do you?” she asked. “Nothing planned,” he replied, suddenly hyperaware of the skin on his arm around the Dark Mark. It felt raw for a moment, but the Mark remained quiet for once. “Good.” She opened the door and entered the cabin, removing pins from her hair as she went. He closed the door after them and stood near it, eyes glittering as he watched her. When she reached one of the shelves, she turned and held his gaze as she released her hair from the pins, one lock at a time. She put the pins on the shelf and ran her fingers though the waves of silver, smiling at him invitingly. He crossed the room to her, took a lock of her hair, and wrapped it around his hand. It wasn’t red hair, but it would do. He brushed her lips with his, and then trailed them over her jaw to her throat. She let out a delicious little sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan.
She wasn’t Lily, but she would do.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and her body moulded to his.
This wasn’t love, but it would do. It would do very nicely, indeed.
End Notes:
One of my favorite things about this story is the opportunity to imagine what sort of a magic and American would do. The Homing Spell is one that is particularly useful throughout the tale. This is a spell that is put on one specific place by one specific person. It enables the person to return to the place by picturing it in her mind, relaxing, and “stepping sideways,” sort of the way one enters the Land of Oz (but not quite). The spell caster can bring another person with her, assuming that person wishes to go, as relaxation is key to the spell working. The spell also keeps the place hidden from anyone the caster doesn’t wish to see it. There is a limit to how far away from the place a person can be and have the spell still work, and you can’t perform the spell from anywhere that is warded to prevent Apparation. I’ll write more about my American spells as they come up.
<< Chapter Three+
Chapter Five+ >>
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moonwatcher13 · 6 years ago
Heres what i have so Far
Angella gets contacted by the local orphanage to possibly donate some of her older board games that are just taking up space at this point, since it’s really the only way the orphanage can afford stuff like that and the old ones are...well damaged would be putting it nicely. 
Angella would be happy to, but the problem is most of them are complicated at best, and the kids at the orphanage are like 8, and have zero chance of getting through the rule book intact
So after discussing with Glimmer, she decides to have a “Demo Day” where Glimmer, Adora, Catra, GM etcetera run the various games for the kids, as well as encouraging her other customers to donate their old games
She hopes she will end up with more basic games to donate for most of the kids, and for the few that do like the complicated board games they can take their favorites.  
Hosting Board games
The weekend of the hosting everyone is setting up and not quite sure what to expect, since not all of them have experience with kids, especially orphans.
There’s a variety, ranging from 6 to 12ish, most of them around the ages of 9 or older. Some of them are naturally curious and want to play the games, some of them are born troublemakers and just want to cause havoc. Catra catches two different kids trying to swipe something in the first 5 minutes.
Scorpia starts strong with the little kids by picking them up and playing Rocket, all the little ones are laughing like crazy.
Entrapta, who brought her own laptop and has a workstation set up and is teaching a few of the older kids to hack into their schools database I mean code, yep, innocently code.
Adora naturally attracts a group who immediately try to play the most difficult game and she ends up having to explain the rules half a dozen times, each time making them easier to understand.
The GM, having brought along Frosta, runs a simplistic roleplay game.
Mermista and Perfuma end up giving out style and makeup tips to some of the older girls and one very attentive teenage boy.
Catra spends her time keeping an eye on troublemakers
Noelle is there and cannot seem to stay at one place for longer then half an hour at most. Adora first thinks its because shes bored but she comes back several times, watches then gets up again soon after.
The day ends up being very successful, and the orphanage has so many games they have to say no to a few.
Adora is asked by a few kids to come by and play with them again. Her heart melts and she volunteers with the orphanage staff to come by once a week and either play with the kids or maybe teach them to play DnD. Between the whole group they have plenty of old rulebooks lying around so she agrees
Angella debates about making this a monthly thing, both for the kids and because she had a lot of people in her store that were not regulars, some of whom even bought things or expressed interest in the kids. So it's beneficial to everyone
First visit
Adora is mobbed initially, but after an hour or so it quiets down and she’s left with a core group of 5 or so middle schoolers
Most of that session is split between them asking her questions about everything and anything, but especially Catra, and helping them set up their characters.
Catra gets roped in as well after the first week since Adora mentioned her girlfriend and everyone wants to meet her.
Next week
While Adora is playing Catra is mostly watching, and spots Noelle, who is watching with a forlorn expression. She wants to play but is also hesitant to since she has trouble focusing.
They get talking and Catra quickly figures out she has some form of ADD/ADHD, which Catra also dealt with as a child.
Gives her a few tips, and offers to help her out. Noelle ends up sitting on her lap the entire time with Catra guiding her. Noelle is constantly fidgeting with her fingers or being antsy, Catra helps ground her and fills in any gaps she misses cause she zoned out for a second. Says she'll bring some fidget spinners and other stuff for next time.
Adora dies of the gay watching the entire scene
Next month’s meeting at the store
Catherine comes along cause Noelle drags her. They're friends cause Noelle helps Catherine with her homework after Catherine beat up a older girl who was bullying Noelle.
She introduces them, they play a game that Catra is running. Adora realizes Catherine is having trouble reading, looks up possible reasons on google and half figures out she has Dyslexia. Later that day sits down with Noelle and Catherine in private and has her do some test she found online, and yep, she’s got it bad.
Works at Starbucks with Scorpia and Entrapta? Find post.
Odd jobs, find post later
Drives a motorcycle
The orphanage did the best they could, but they are severely lacking in resources and there are other kids with more debilitating and/or visible difficulties that they are forced to prioritize. Plus they are in a not so great part of town with a poorly funded school, which is how Noelle and Catherine have so far slipped through the cracks in terms of education. Plus the system tends to focus on getting kids adopted and fixing more immediate issues, not long term developmental difficulties.
Looks like a combination of Catra and Adora
Has ADHD, but no one ever figured it out before, everyone figured she just wanted attention cause she’s an orphan. Very bright otherwise, just has trouble focusing.
Nicknamed Small-Ra.
Hears stories about the Etheria session, around halloween wants to be She-Ra, gets nicknamed Small-Ra
9 years old, abandoned at orphanage as a baby.
Has bright pink hair, is a massive little shit, tough as nails, gets into fights with older kids who bully her siblings.
Reason for hair: her hair was longer before, but some asshole stuck gum in her hair and it had to be cut off. She got it dyed bright pink immediately, got it cut short, went to school the next day and kicked his ass.
Gets the nickname “Kit-ra” almost immediately from Catra
Find post on how that is, something to do with cat ears?
Has trouble in school, Adora figures out she is dyslexic and no one noticed, figured she was just a troublemaker. Adora tries to help her out
9 years old, ended up in orphanage at age 6 after mom died and dad ended up in prison, no other relatives
Both eventually get shirts that says “my moms maxed my stats”
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catsbythegreat · 7 years ago
Fic Roundup 2017
-Total year-long word count: 256,852
Word count by fandom: - Bungou Stray Dogs: 255,117 words - Haikyuu: 1,735 words
Fics completed: 65 fics
*for the fics posted I’ll only post my faves except the chapter fics, which I’ll post all of since there’s not a lot.
Drabbles: - At my worst, I worry you’ll realize you deserve better.  At my best, I worry you won’t. (I’ve never been better.) (skk) -wait, you’re my soulmate? (skk) - you have no idea how much I want you right now (skk) - what did they do to you? (chuuaki) -skk hanahaki au with Dazai having hanahaki -it’s nothing (skk) -kiss on the ear (skk) -milking it (skk) -milking it (chuuaku) -Chuuya proposes to Dazai (skk)
Oneshots: -Do No Harm - bsd, skk, pandemic au -i saw you - bsd, skk, fluff -Mistake - bsd, skk, suicide attempt tw -Shades of Red - bsd, skk hanahaki au, gore tw -The Care and Keeping of Orphans - skk, no abilities Chuuya is a teacher au -who hurt you - skk -Target Practice - skk, nsfw gunplay mafia boss Dazai au -the beautiful various dreams - skk, coma fic -in the shadows - skk vampire au -Revival - skk figure skating au -Dance With Me - skk, genderfluid Dazai -Dog Run - skk dog walker au -this isn’t a private chatroom - skk chatroom fic -gone by morning - oda takes care of a drunk chuuya, background skk -you aren’t a good person (but I don’t mind) - skk, gore tw -In the Spring - kunichuu ADA President Kunikia, Mafia Boss Chuuya au -my hands have nothing to turn to - chuuaku, post Dazai leaving
Chapter Fics: -Once More - skk, post canon Chuuya trying to put himself on equal footing with Dazai -kataware doki - skk, kimi no na wa au -beneath the surface - skk, urban fantasy/kitsune au
Works-in-progress: 3 -Gifted - skk, experimental research facility au
This year I wrote and posted: 67 fics in total: 2 completed multi-chapter fics, 1 wip multi-chapter fic
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I wrote a lot more fic than I thought I would.  
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Any BSD pairing that isn’t skk basically. Chuuaku, Kunichuu, Chuuaki. I just ship Chuuya with a lot okay. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Do No Harm. I love writing au’s and sickfics and angst and I feel like this one turned out really well. I’ve looked over it a few times and I still enjoy how it’s written which is a good sign. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I took a few risks I think. I had three multi-chapter fics going at one point which is always a risk and I finished two of them. I wrote for ships and characters I never thought I’d write. I wrote smut, which isn’t something I write a lot of, to experiment with how I could write it. And then there’s the fidget spinner fic...so yeah. 
Your best story of this year: Hmm, I still think it’s Do No Harm. Revival I thought also turned out well. 
Your most popular story of this year: Once More. It’s also my longest fic written this year! 
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: I think they’ve been appreciated pretty appropriately, crack fics aside. I guess if I had to list one it would be heart that believes in others just because I really like the idea of Chuuya starting to struggle in the Mafia and caring enough about Dazai to make sure he never goes back to that. 
Most fun story to write: this isn’t a private chatroom. Something about chatrooms is always fun. 
Story with the single sexiest moment: Target Practice. I’m a terrible judge of this actually but people tell me this is the sexiest one I’ve written so I guess I’ll say that. 
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: You Spin Me Right Round. Uhhhh yeah I uhhhhh kadsjflkdjdflksjsfda 
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: Mistake. Mostly because when I after I wrote it I took some aspects of Chuuya from it and have pretty much been using them for the rest of my fics. Once More also, just because it was my first really character study of them. 
Hardest story to write: Tainted. Based on what the movie summary sounds like, it’s essentially Chuuya vs Corruption. I had a really hard time figuring out how to make it work, and how to describe Corruption, and there wasn’t a lot to work with concerning Shibusawa and the actual plot since the movie isn’t out yet. 
Biggest disappointment: four weeks and three days later. I wanted to do more for Port Mafia week (and Chuuaku) and I feel like this wasn’t executed as well as it could have been. 
Biggest surprise: The Care and Keeping of Orphans. I kind of started this and left it alone for months because I wasn’t sure if I could write this fluff au but it actually turned out well, and I was happily surprised by how many people enjoyed it! 
Most unintentionally telling story: not the first time, nor the last. (suicide attempt tw) It’s probably as close to a vent fic as will ever be published on ao3 by me. 
Favorite opening line(s): -”Dazai woke up on the first morning of the school year to find Atsushi curled under his bed like a scared cat, eyes wide as he watched Dazai try to fish him out.” - The Care and Keeping of Orphans (Honestly, I’m not good at writing compelling opening lines, so this is literally the only one I found that was actually good in some way on its own.) 
Favorite closing line(s): - “It’s been a long few years, Dazai.” - kataware doki  - “It sank in, more so than when Dazai had first left: he and Dazai were well and truly on different sides now.” - you can’t run -”The city was dying, and he felt like he was finally dying with it. But he was stubborn. Maybe at some point, he'd feel a bit less tired.” - in the flesh -”And he mourned Dazai and Chuuya's relationship, because it had already ended before it could begin.” - gone by morning  -”Love may have been suicide, but Chuuya knew it was a form of suicide Dazai would never be willing to commit.” Seasons Change One After the Other
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere: -’“You never remember that I know you inside out, too,” Chuuya said.’ - i saw you - “You look like the waste of hospital materials you’ve always wanted to be,” Chuuya said. - Do No Harm - “Dazai never jumped off this particular bridge. Looking down at the water, Chuuya wondered if it was because he was scared.He wondered if it was because the death was guaranteed.” - the beautiful various dreams - “It was a thin line between performing a breakdown and having one, and Chuuya didn’t know which way the performance would go until he was in it.” - Revival  -“I’m only good for killing,” Chuuya had said.Right now, Dazai could believe that killing was the only thing Chuuya had been put on this earth to do. - you aren’t a good person (but I don’t mind) 
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated from anywhere - Chuuya and Dazai meeting again at the end of kataware doki  -the end of Chuuya’s short program after he comes back in Revival -Chuuya right after he finishes his fight in you aren’t a good person (but i don’t mind)  -Chuuya and Dazai during their dance in Dance With Me -Chuuya almost begging Ango to erase Dazai’s records in Debt 
Fic-writing goals for next year: Maybe write another multi-chapter fic. I have one about Corruption I want to do but I haven’t been satisfied enough to start publishing chapters. 
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onlyasentry · 7 years ago
name:  sans. sans the skeleton.
eye color:  white, blue and yellow.
hair style/color:  doesn't hesitate to slap on a crazy wig for silly occasions.
height:  5′3”
clothing style:  he looks pretty put together after years of having to learn how to put random items together, what goes together and what doesn’t. for everyday wear, he can be seen almost exclusively wearing one of his signature blue hoodies or jackets, pink slippers, and black shorts. otherwise it's either loose fitting pants or joggers. shirts are generally just graphic tees, plain long-sleeved shirts, or turtlenecks. isn’t picky with his shoes and doesn’t mind slip-ons, his sneakers, or his crocs. has a weakness for baseball caps and frigging wheelies.
best physical feature:  doesn’t really believe he has one. used to like his smile though he realizes he doesn’t often show it anymore.
your fears:  being alone/vulnerable/weak. not moving forward. not being good enough. loss. instability. change.
your guilty pleasure:  fidget spinners tbh. shamelessly upbeat pop music. trashy reality tv. singing to himself when no one is around.
your biggest pet peeve:  liars. hypocrites. reaching out to someone and being pushed away. being pressured into talking.
your ambitions for the future:  be in a stable, happy place. protect those close to him. 
your first thoughts waking up:  ‘Bullshit’ or ‘HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’ often shortly followed by ‘It’s just another day to get through.’
what you think about most:  how to get by day to day. very hesitant thoughts about the past few years and what it means for him and papyrus. lowkey feeling of ‘am i missing/forgetting something?’.
what you think about before bed:  likely too many things; usually tries to think something positive.
you think your best quality is:  although he doesn’t show it very often, he is a sympathetic individual with both the belief that anyone can change, at any time and the capacity to (mostly) forgive and move on. 
single or group dates:  single.
to be loved or respected:  loved by his friends and family, anyone else is mostly irrelevant. 
beauty or brains:  brains.
dogs or cats:  no preference.
lie:  sometimes, usually by omission.
believe in yourself:  to an extent. it fluctuates.
believe in love:  occasionally. but he avoids the subject of it like the plague.
want someone:  not particularly.
been on stage:  daily —  it's his job.
done drugs:  aside from the occasional cigarette/dog treat, no.
changed who you were to fit in:  no; doesn’t care enough about peoples’ opinions.
favorite color:  indigo blue, silver, black.
favorite animal:  no preference yet.
favorite movie:  hard to have a favorite when all there is too watch is mettaton and anime. on the surface probably star wars or the fifth element.
favorite game:  crosswords, word searches, pokemon, various tabletop games ( he’s dabbled a bit in DnD ).
day your next birthday will be:  june 21.
how old will you be:  older.
age you lost your virginity:  knock knock. who's there? oh, just nunya business.
does age matter:  depends on the situation.
best personality:  someone with a good heart. filling in the spaces where he lacks.
best eye color:  doesn’t matter.
best hair color:  also doesn’t matter.
best thing to do with a partner:  napping together. he’s a tired and simple man. get them to smile or laugh. protect them. hold them in his arms. trust each other enough to tell no lies.
i love:  papyrus. minding his own business.
i feel:  tired. stressed. like he’s suffocating constantly. A little better than yesterday.
i hide:  everything.
i miss:  home. stability.
i wish:  he was happy.
Tagged by:   @irraeth​ thx lovely!!
Tagging:   @vibraea​ @boistercus @theirmercy @revivescere-flore @roaringheart @delightscream @justicewove +  you!
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goddessnemain · 7 years ago
The High High High, The Soul-crushing Low
Both one of the best things to happen to me recently and one of the worst things to happen to me recently happened all in the last hour.
Last week I met my new neighbors. They’re really nice, easy to get along with, the husbands a toker, I’m psyched to finally have good neighbors again. Their son, who’s identical to the above, is my other new neighbor. This could be fun.
Last week I met my new neighbors. They like my dog, they don’t complain about my music, the husband is a toker who likes to share. See why I’m psyched about the new neighbors?
Yesterday, I spotted a social media post the wife had posted looking for help at a local musical dine-in theatre.
Today, the wife walked out of the house to put their dog out as I was getting out of my truck, so I wandered over there, flip-flops, a tank top talking about not chasing after men but if he’s got tattoos I might powerwalk, carrying a ratty laptop bag, and asked her if she was still looking for help.
She listed the 4 positions she needed to fill.
I’m not a bartender. I should be.
So I took one of the other 3 remaining positions.
When she went into the house to look at a schedule for a start date, she came back out 45 seconds later and says to come on in the house for a toke.
She gave me my start date, payday days, dress code, and shift options all while I toked with her hubby and he talked about their puppy.
On my way out the door, the wife happily said she would bring home a hiring package for me tomorrow.
I floated across the street with my head spinning trying to figure out if that really just happened or had I finally lost my mind. I was so excited I was ready to burst.
I had to tell somebody!
That’s when I crashed.
It hit me like a brick wall when I quickly realized I don’t have anyone to call. I didn’t have anyone who will let me tell them my really great news, be happy for me about my really great news, I mean actually happy, not fake happy, and be excited with me. My excited, elated high came crashing down and I stood in my kitchen with tears running down my face, having an anxiety attack. I couldn’t catch my breath. I stood there crying, hyperventilating for a good 5 minutes before I slowly started to get myself under control. 20 minutes after I started to crash, I was mostly back under control, but I was also exhausted.
I thought I could call my cousin. She drives me crazy, but I thought maybe she would be happy for me. Maybe I could tell her my good news, maybe without having to listen to her trivial crap, and I do mean trivial- 15 minutes about a guy who just pulled in her driveway looking for his dog and was he actually looking for his dog or is he a maniac- trivial. How tired her kids were.
40 minutes into a phone ‘conversation’ and my cousin hasn’t asked how my day was. Now she’s singing some Diplo (I think that’s who the guy is) song going I’ll know it even though I’ve told her 4 times that I don’t. After 47 minutes she hung up with a my daughters ‘rocking out, I’m going to go crank some music and watch her, talk to you later’ *click*
The other person I thought to call, I text first, to see if they were busy. When they replied ‘little bit, why?’ I immediately replied ‘not important, thanks!’. I didn’t want to inconvenience them.
An hour later- 47 minutes on the phone, and 3 text messages later- I haven’t told anyone my really great news.
I understand that other people have a lot going on too. I’m not being ignorant of that fact. But if you knew me, you would know I give my last 20 bucks to women at gas stations who tell convincing stories about trying to flee abuse who turn out to actually live a block over from the gas station and tells this story frequently to solicit money from people. You’d also know I would give my last 20 bucks to any woman with the same story at a gas station who looked like she needed help regardless of how many times I got scammed. I stay up 38 hours straight so I can keep my friend awake a full 24 hours, drive 90 minutes to the city, fight with early morning traffic because she needs to have a sleep deprived study done to map her seizure activity. She sleeps while I drive home. I’m the ‘drop my plans last minute because a friend needs a babysitter’, The ‘alright I suppose this is what we’re doing even though I don’t want to but will because she had a bad day’, The ‘of course I’ll take care of your cats even though they attack me, you never clean their litter box and I have to do it, can’t breathe in your house it smells so bad’ person. I pay for seniors groceries, I buy coffee for the people behind me in the drive-through. I left dozens of those ridiculous fidget spinners at stores all over town last summer. I’d buy them and leave them with the store for kids who come in looking for them but don’t have the money to get one. I’ll help pretty much anyone. I’ve taken in kids for weeks, sometimes months at a time because their parents refused to let them live at home or to take care of them. I’ll give you a second chance. A third. Maybe a fourth. In some cases a tenth, a twentieth. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I get taken advantage of. A lot. A lot is an understatement. More frequently than I care to admit. It’s a problem. I’m endlessly searching for the humanity in humans, I’m too trusting, I have too much empathy, I want to find the good in someone even when there’s none to be found. I’ve gone to extremes in my loyalty to people who really matter to me, even though they don’t deserve my loyalty or respect. 
1 1/2 hours later, I’ve told someone, the same someone I stayed up 38 hours, drove sleep deprived for. Their response? ‘Sweet’, followed 5 minutes later with a ‘this new guy I met is coming over to drink wine, do you have wine glasses I can borrow?’, followed by a ‘never mind someone else brought me some’. Followed a bit later by ‘when do you start?’. When they found out my start date was also their birthday, I got a ‘so you're not going to be around for my B-day then. Well, that sucks’. When I assured them that I would only be gone during the day and still be able to participate in their birthday activities in the evening- which really just consist of sitting in a local bar and drinking- that wasn’t good enough. I haven’t heard from them since. 
If you knew me, you would know I’ll spend 38+ hours keeping you awake because you’re my friend, you need help, and you asked. You would know I would say ‘yes, absolutely’. You would know about my blood disorder, not actually remember it though, and be unaware that I’ll suffer for days afterward, because I’ll put on a smiling face and ‘sure, I’ll give you a ride to the store’ later that same day, or the next day.
I’m not excited for myself anymore.
Now I think the entire thing is a terrible idea, and that I should walk across the street, apologize, and tell the very nice lady that this has all been a giant mistake, and I’m very very sorry. It’s been 105 minutes, she can’t have turned down that many people.
My friends don’t deserve me
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surveysonfleek · 7 years ago
When’s the last time you ate bread? i had some for dinner.
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? i forgot, i usually stick with tv shows nowadays.
What about the last movie you watched with another person? ugh, i don’t remember.
What about the last movie you saw at the cinema? Was it good? fantastic beasts last year lol. yes, i liked it.
Do you attend school, college, or uni? i’ve finished them allllllll.
What do you study, wherever you study? i did visual communication.
What industry do you want to be a part of when you’re older? no idea, i’m still figuring it out even though i’ve graduated.
Are you a Hugh Grant or Colin Firth kinda girl? nope. neither.
Kisses on the cheek or the neck? neck is nicer but cheek is cute.
How many girls can you trust? hahaha none. i love all my girl friends but man i they can’t keep a secret.
What about guys? my boyfriend.
How do you earn your keep? i work.
If you could speak three different languages fluently, what would they be? spanish, french and either mandarin/cantonese.
How many texts have you ever sent on your current phone? no idea. thousands.
Who do you usually text the most? my boyfriend.
Baths or showers? showers.
Cheese or tomato? cheese.
Shaved legs or shaved arms? legs. i have hardly any hair on my arms.
Did you know they’re currently shaving their arms some people on this years xfactor? i didn’t know that...
Early nights or early mornings? errr neither. late morning and late nights.
How many coats do you own? probably three good ones.
What about shoes? i own so many shoes but rotate the same four.
One word to describe your most recent ex? non existent.
Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? scrambled.
Have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed? nope lol.
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? hmm. melbourne maybe.
Where wouldn’t you want to live? in the outback.
Has your life begun? not yet.
Do you like snow? i’ve only seen snow twice in my life, both times as a kid. so i’m not sure lol.
Have you always got good grades? mostly good otherwise average.
Do you like sheer clothing? it depends.
Name three things that are over-rated: taylor swift, fidget spinners and kylie jenner lol.
List four things about your facial appearance: i have brown eyes, two pimples, shitty eyelash extensions and medium sized lips lol idk.
List four things about your general appearance: i have long naturally wavy hair which i usually straighten, no ass, thick thighs and i’m 5′4″
List four things you like about yourself: i’m a good listener, i can make the right people laugh, i’m easy to get along with and i’m creative.
List four things you dislike about yourself: i worry too much, i get pissed off easily, i procrastinate too often and i don’t make an effort with people i don’t like.
List four of your favourite TV programs: the office, psych, game of thrones, superstore.
List four of your favourite foods/drinks: sushi, hot dogs, root beer, ribs.
This quiz is pretty different to others, right? it’s better than the ones i’ve been taking lately.
Cats or dogs? dogs.
Llamas or sheep? llamas look cuter.
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? not on the street. but in a casino.
Are you hungry right now? no and i wna keep it that way since i’m sleeping soon.
Do any of your friends really irritate you at times? yep.
What do you think of couples who have entire albums just for them, with pictures of them just randomly at home, doing nothing that really requires a photo? i don’t know of anyone that does that.
Can you cook? yes but not that well. 
Can you iron? yes.
Can you work the microwave? of course.
Can you work the washing machine? haha kinda. 
Do you like your photo being taken? nooooo. 
Do you like taking photos of yourself? not as much anymore. definitely when i was younger.
Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? no.
How many magazines do you buy a month? none.
How many of them are car-related? -
What about fashion? -
Any celeb gossip ones? -
Who will do this note after you? whoever wants to.
What pets do you have? a dog.
It’s getting pretty cold now, isn’t it? Do you have the heating on? it’s officially spring here. still cold.
Do you watch Hollyoaks? no.
Do you like Silus? idk what that is.
Who’s your favourite? -
Who’s your least favourite? -
Do you watch Gossip Girl? i did.
Who’s your favourite girl? blair.
What about guy? chuck.
Last gig you went to? pia mia.
Next gig your going to? ummm the weeknd i think.
Favourite colour? turquoise.
Are you regularly tired? pretty much.
Are you excited to live on your own? i don’t wna live on my own. i’d plan to move out with my boyfriend.
When do you plan on moving out? when i find the right job for my career and start saving money.
Do you have a onesie? no.
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ookamitsu · 8 years ago
50 more interesting questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
tagged by @acrispyapple​ this was very long 
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? really spicy food, tho recently i’ve been getting better at handling spices. Also food that has cauliflower or cilantro
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? I’d love it if my fish tanks could magically clean themselves and feed the fish, that’d be great
3. Have you got any useless talents? is not being affected by the caffeine in coffee a talent? 
4. If you were really really good at one thing, what would it be? Probably drawing. I have soo many ideas but hardly any artistic talent lol. 
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking gdragon and top from bigbang
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? I wasn’t allowed to go outside really when I was younger so all I did was read books, watch tv, rewatch disney movies and harry potter movies over and over. 
7. What is something you’re proud of? eh, I don’t think i’ve done anything worth being proud about yet...ask me again when I have a career
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? I hate when people don’t have proper manners, it’s so annoying. 
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? oh a follower for sure. I am but a humble, shy sheep~ leading requires effort lol and it just isn’t interesting for me. Although, if i’m forced into a leadership position I’ll do well, it’s just that I do want to do it. 
10. What kind of student are/were you? a pretty good kiddo. Never gto into trouble, and besides my ap physics grade back in junior year I never had low grades. Had to stay in tip top shape academically in order to get anything I wanted and not be disowned by my mom lol. 
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? eh I don’t really think so but maybe
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion SPIDERS, they’re the devil’s animal haha. so that and most most insects ughhh 
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? hmmm...maybe the mc from kiss him, not me? She’s into weeb shit, I’m into weeb shit. She likes yaoi, I like yaoi lol but she is way more into it than I will ever be. Also she’s surrounded by hot guys, which I am not and that is the ultimate tragedy. 
kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? I’m still underage so i dunno. Ask me again in January when my bff turns 21, I’ll let you know. At parties I’m super awkward so I’ll either just stand around looking really awkward or follow my friends around. 
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? it’ll take a loooong while. I don’t trust guys (or most people). you can’t unlock my tragic backstory that easily if  you date me. 
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? one. I love having close bonds with people because then I won’t feel lonely. Also who needs that many friends. 
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? I like to have things clean for the most part. Though I might get really lazy and just throw things down and not put them away for a few hours lol. Also my desk can get pretty messy sometimes and becomes a sort of organized chaos, but I’ll always fix it anyway since the mess will eventually bother me. 
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy. Somewhere where the weather isn’t terribly hot or cold in their respective seasons and is overcast  most of the time. Or Loches, France. I freaking love that place it’s really nice.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? I’d love to have kids, at least 3. 
20. What was your favorite book as a child? I used to read the goosebumps and fear street series a lot. Also harry potter, a series of unfortunate events and the chronicles of narnia (Though fo some reason I couldn’t remember the books in that series at all but luckily @acrispyapple​ told me to reread it and now I have renewed love for it) 
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about yeah fidget spinners are pretty dumb and I see them wherever I go. 
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated learning how to type properly? I think a lot of people barely know how to type and it upsets me to no end. I hate when people finger peck at the keys, they’re so slow.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? hmm, maybe natsume takashi from natsume yuujinchou. Mostly becuase I really like him. Also being attached to him means I can cuddle nyanko-senesei. Or Nikkari Aoe from touken ranbu because I love him too. 
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? travel all over! 
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? I don’t like confrontation so I keep my mouth shut usually. 
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? hmm, not sure
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? *war flashbacks of being emo*
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? I admire people who can speak their minds without fear, of course they also have to have tact. Also the kind of people who are so good at leading that you’ll naturally want to follow them.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) people like to give me things with cats bc cat’s are God’s greatest gift to humanity. I appreciate money just a little more though lol. 
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? Yup. English, French, and Japanese. I really want to learn Korean, German and Spanish but I usually spend half of my free time on continuing japanese studies so we’ll see. 
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? Neither. I like the suburbs. Either that or smaller cities at least. 
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? sarada uchiha. When I first saw her at the end of naruto i kinda automaically hated her because I hate sakura. But ever since gaiden and the boruto movie I saw her personality and realized that I lover her haha. So whenever I see her in a boruto ep I’m pretty happy. 
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? nope, I get so uncomfortable. I’m happy enough to not be noticed. 
34. Favorite holiday? Christmas! I’m so obnoxious about it haha. I love singing Christmas songs and I’ll gladly sing along to the Christmas music that plays in stores and stuff. 
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? a bit of both. For the most part I’m go with the flow but for most important things that happens outside of home life having some kind of plan is logical and for the best .
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) the dragon age series and mass effect series. 
37. What hobbies do you have? reading, running this crap blog, doodling, studying, video games
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to make things clean themselves. 
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you I’m super lazy! I give off the impression that i would never ever be lazy which is just a lie lmao. That doesn’t mean I won’t do the work that I have to do. One can’t be remiss about those things you know, you’ll set yourself up for failure that way. I just hate wasting energy  
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out  I can’t work @cyniccat​‘s sewing machine properly for the life of me.
41. Worst injury you’ve had? I accidentally ripped the skin off of one of my toes with a door. 
42. Any morbid fascinations? idk
43. Describe your sense of humor eh idk, I like sarcasm since I have such rapier wit. I also love really lame jokes lol. but I usually find most things 
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? well I wouldn’t want to live in another era because they weren’t such fun times for poc’s. But If I could live in another place, I’d rather live in either Canada or France. Maybe Japan. 
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at I can’t summarize that well without rambling. 
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through school. Even though it made my cry and my workload stressed me out I met my best friends there and more importantly I got an education. 
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) I don’t want a tattoo ever, so the ugly one but like what’s so offensive about it??
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? for a pessimist i’m pretty optimistic 
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? “you fight good”. uh i’m not sure. I don’t take compliments well so even if it was the most flattering thing I probably wouldn’t believe whoever said it and just awkwardly laugh and say thanks. 
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you hmm people who don’t know me think I like talking irl. I’m more of a listener. 
i’m only tagging two people bc I like to see them suffer with me but this is open to anyone who wants to do it
@krazy19kat @dicksoutforzarkon
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perspectiveartist · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: raspberry white tea 2. Phone call: Uh...shit who was it? It was either James or Mom. 3. Text message: Abby <3 4. Song you listened to: ...”Prelude 12/21″ by AFI...I WAS BEING NOSTALGIC 5. Time you cried: Sunday when Mom shamed me into shaving my knees by saying they were gross
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: I mean...I guess. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Kinda. I didn’t at the time but in retrospect, there’s people I wish I had never shown affection for. 8. Been cheated on: ...kinda ambiguous. I thought we were still dating but she claims we weren’t so idfk but as far as I’m concerned yes, that cunt cheated on me and then BRAGGED to me about it 9. Lost someone special: Too many. I’ve been to a lot of funerals. 10. Been depressed: Chronic depression over here :))) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope, I don’t drink
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Blue, black, and either silver or gold. Which of those I like best depends on the context.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends:Yeah! I made some online friends, at least. I don’t think most of them consider me much of a friend, but I am happy to have them.  16. Fallen out of love: No 17. Laughed until you cried: Uhhh maybe? I don’t think I have but my memory’s shit so I could have 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I guess if anyone’s gossiped about me, they were smart enough to not let me hear about it 19. Met someone who changed you: Nah 20. Found out who your friends are: Ehhh any drama I had with friends was mostly just me taking slight to stupid shit, not anything serious that actually tested any friendships.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Well yeah since James is friends with me on there 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most people tbh. I don’t really add online friends very often. 23. Do you have any pets: My cat Samoa and betta Maui here, then my two calico girls Kia and Autumn at Mom’s. 24. Do you want to change your name: I used to want to change my name to Melanie or Melissa as a kid tbh but after a while I just accepted my name. Idek what I’d change it to but it wouldn’t feel right. The closest I’ve come is having friends call me Al. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Laid on the couch sick as a fucking dog watching TV as I drifted in and out of consciousness. Yaaay happy 25th! 26. What time did you wake up: 10-ish? 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to paint my fidget spinner with nail polish LOL but I fucked up and then got sad and realized I was way tired and was getting to that toddler phase of “I’m so tired that everything is upsetting me”. It wasn’t even much of a day, I think I was just hungover from a full weekend of socializing. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: uhhhhhhhhh I don’t think there’s anything particular I’m excited for. I don’t get hyped for games or movies anymore cuz I don’t have money to drop $60 on a game and movie theaters freak me out (anxiety) 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Yesterday evening when she was dropping me off in Van Wert for James and his dad to drive me back home 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Only one? My anxiety. At the very least, it would get rid of my eating issues, I could hold a job once I got my strength back, etc. I can live with the depression, but I feel like everything would be more tolerable if my anxiety didn’t stop my body from taking care of itself or working right. 31. What are you listening right now: I WAS listening to Philip DeFranco but tbh that was just white noise for me, I didn’t pay attention much to the issues he was discussing. It just ended. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, my friend’s ex. I cussed him out over the phone. Then he had his mom and sister cuss ME out lmao what a fucking coward 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Hmmm nothing at the moment. But that can easily change. 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr because I always come back out of the hopes of finding something new to look at every few minutes 35. Mole/s: Yeah, some. I have one under my right boob that I’ve had since I was little, I have a birth mark on my right elbow that’s like a mole, and then I have little moles on my legs and a couple on my stomach? 36. Mark/s: Yeah, a couple scars if that’s what you mean. I have a vertical scar on uhh my right shin I think, and then I have a scar on my upper lip. 37. Childhood dream: First I wanted to own a zoo, then I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I realized I can’t handle the nasty parts of working with animals like shit and blood and stuff. So then I just didn’t really have a dream aside from maybe making a comic. But I gave up on that. 38. Haircolor: Dark brown 39. Long or short hair: Medium 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Idk I don’t consider it a crush if you’re in a relationship with them 41. What do you like about yourself: :)))) 42. Piercings: None and no intentions of getting them 43. Bloodtype: No fucking clue. In 8th grade we tried to do an experiment to find everyone’s blood type but my fingers are small and the rooms were cold and I have bad circulation so my teacher lanced me twice before deciding I wasn’t going to get a proper drop of blood to test and he was scared of bruising me cuz I guess I seem like the type to sue. So I never learned. Idek if Mom knows. 44. Nickname: Al, Sharkie 45. Relationship status: Taken 46. Zodiac: Capricorn 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite TV Show: uhhh idk I don’t do well picking faves I guess Bob’s Burgers 49. Tattoos: None and probably will never have any. If I did, it would be a watercolor style one of a flower that reminds me of a loved one. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: None 52. Hair dyed in different color: Nope. I want to get some blue in my hair but neither my budget nor my Mom seem thrilled about that so it will probably never happen. It’s expensive and time-consuming to safely bleach my hair. 53. Sport: Idk I played soccer in 4th grade but hated it, then I was on a bowling league for 6 years. But I ain’t played sports in 8 years. 54. (question wasn’t here) ...:D 55. Vacation: Like a dream vacation? Idk travel stresses me out too much for me to get excited about going anywhere outside my house. 56. Pair of trainers: wh...what? Like shoes?
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Fried stuff yeee 58. Drinking: Coke, bottled tea, water, uh...fuck idk 59. I’m about to: smack my head against a wall for my brain being made of cotton 62. Want: security 63. Get married: I have no idea tbh I want to be with James the rest of my life but ceremonies suck. I also have issues of commitment in the way of “Oh god what if it doesn’t work out and then it hurts that much more cuz then he’s not just an ex, he’s an ex-husband?” And if James and I did split, I highly doubt I’d get married. I don’t even have an interest in dating. 64. Career: Fuck a career, I just want an income. I have no illusions of having a job you could call a career.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Kinda weird but it seems like the women I’m interested in I prefer same height or shorter, but men I prefer taller 68. Older or younger: Same age. I don’t have an interest in anyone over a year younger than me, and I just can’t wrap my mind around dating someone older than my brother so no one more than 2 years older than me. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk I don’t care about either 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive indicates to me that they’re touchy and I don’t do well with that, but I don’t like loud people either so...they both suck I guess? I can’t be around sensitive people who take things too personally, but I also fucking hate loud assholes. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship, I don’t fuck people I don’t know well. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I guess hesitant since a constant troublemaker would get fucking annoying.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: No 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No 77. Turned someone down: Yes 78. Sex on the first date: No 79. Broken someone’s heart: I wouldn’t call it breaking his heart, but I did break up with a guy and he was upset for a little while. He got over it. I’d say it was a dent if anything, we were only together a couple months. 80. Had your heart broken: Not really but I never put myself out there to get it broken either 81. Been arrested: No 82. Cried when someone died: Well duh 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes, hard, but I got over it eventually
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: nah 85. Miracles: nah 86. Love at first sight: nah 87. Santa Claus: nah 88. Kiss on the first date: Depends on the date LMAO James and I technically kissed on our first date but I’d also known him for years and already had feelings for him. If I went out and dated some rando, no, no kiss. Kisses are commitments. 
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: Uhm...A tie between Abby and Katie. They’re both always there for me and have been my friends for the past like 12 years. They’re reliable and sweet and supportive and I fucking love them like sisters. 91. Eyecolor: My eyes? Brown 92. Favorite movie: Aladdin
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