#but really any donations is very much appreciated
zombeebunnie · 2 days
Trembling Essence:💙Clean up changes + New CG💙
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Helloo guys and welcome new followers, here's how the game development is going so far!
A very big thank you to the recent influx of interest and comments stemming from my last game development post! I will try to get to everything when I can! :]
Important notice towards updates about Trembling Essence:
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For a good while I've been able to post updates about the game's progress weekly! Now that it's getting closer to fall and spooky month(Yay! :]) I am going to continue to be busy so I want to let you guys know that future updates will be irregular. Game development posts will be every 1-4 weeks depending on how things go. :[]
I spent the first few days continuing off from the previous development post by going through the last of The Swamplands and patched some things up! Towards the end of that week however, I got very busy and didn't get a chance to get to the cabin section or much else which is why this was delayed by an extra week so I appreciate the patience! :]
New CG:
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I drew up a new CG that you can get depending on your choices when talking to Noah. My play tester saw the first version I colored up but unfortunately the perspective was really off and his shoulders were too wide. I was given a couple of tips and pointers so I redid it and here's how it looks for right now. I couldn't do much else after that. :,,,]]]]
Last bit of clean up changes:
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When it came to the introduction of Noah, the new parallax effect I added created a small glitch where the HP/COLD indicators were still shown behind CG's during a screen transition. There was some minor dialog adjustments, mainly describing certain situations a bit better. The moments where Noah talks to the player(Y/N) have been tweaked, not by too much but just enough to fill out this section of the game a little more. While I was going through the choices, I came across new dialog I added at some point and never came back to so I fixed it up just a little too. :]
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I altered the choice text for this since the previous wording was a little confusing from my play testers perspective. A good portion of the dialog was fixed and there was going to be a timed situation later on but I decided not to add it since this is a fairly straightforward path.
Chasm Ending:
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This ending got expanded by a fair amount mainly because the end is awkwardly abrupt and I didn't like that. I corrected it but the CG you see at this part didn't match the text so I went back one last time and a added visual effect. Overall, this part is done! :]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I continue to work on the game. Thank you to those that optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
To know and understand Noah through Asks and random posts about lore, they'll be under #Get to know: Noah ! :]
**Some asks won't be answered if it contains spoilers but I do appreciate what I receive. :,,]
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I enjoy hearing from you guys!
I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer them right now since I practice drawing for responses but do know that I've seen them!
This update is getting fairly long so I'll stop here. Again, thank you to everyone for your continued support and influx of interest! I really wasn't expecting any of it since I got very busy towards the end. While I continue working behind the scenes on the game I'll try and respond to stuff/comments I missed! :,]
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kroovv · 4 months
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I’m doing a little goal over on my ko-fi to get myself a new laptop so i can stream again! ✨any help is super appreciated
You can find my ko-fi here
I will also be opening coloured sketch bust commissions on my Patreon tonight for my £5+ tiers
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roebeanstalk · 4 months
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6/2 Update: Security deposit has been paid!! Thank you so much to everyone for the help 💚 I still have to pull together all of June rent for my current place which is $675. Thank you everyone for all of the help so far 💚
I’m asking for help with June rent, which is $675 and needs to be paid ASAP.
Cashapp https://cash.app/clawshot
venmo https://venmo.com/rmck89
ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/roebeanstalk
Any help at all is super appreciated. Every dollar adds up, and shares are so helpful too. I know that I’ve received so much help from people in the past and I can’t thank you all enough. I hope that this is the last of these that I have to do.
June rent: $23/$675
Security Deposit: $495/495 Paid 💚
July rent (First month at new place): $495
Movers + Uhaul: $300-350
More info on my situation under the cut!
Thank you so, so so much.
I have a history of mental health issues, and as a result I have a very difficult time getting and maintaining employment. My mental health also impacts my ability to keep up with and complete freelance/commission work in a timely manner. While I have made some incredible steps forward lately thanks to the right combo of therapy, medication, and a support system, I am still not at a point where I am self-sufficient yet. I am getting there – and I am committed to keep trying no matter what.
Original post blurb, taken out of main post since deposit has been paid:
My landlord has decided not to move forward with me as a tenant due to my history with payment/mental health. While this is frustrating as heck, it’s allowed me to find a better, more affordable housing situation. I have signed a lease at a new place and move in July 1st!Once the deposit is paid, my space on the lease is officially secured and I am good to go. This is the main thing that I am looking for help with.
Why I need help:
This new housing situation is incredible for me – it’s a room in a quiet house with two other queer folk, and the rent is very affordable compared to my current situation. The new place is $485/month, the current place is $675/month. Even with utilities, my total overhead for shelter will cost less than rent at my current place. If I can secure my spot in this house and move forward, I see such a clear path forward for me in terms of self-improvement and self-sufficiency.
For the first time in 15 years, I feel like I can tackle the things ahead of me. If you’re able to help out I would really, really appreciate it.
What I’m doing:
I am job hunting for something that works well for my situation. With the cost of rent, I think that a part time job will be able to cover it. The process of getting a job is difficult for me, but I am committed to continuing to work at it.
On the art front, I have occasional comic coloring jobs that help me out. I also have commissions – I have finally been moving forward at a good rate and have been really happy with my work. In time, this will be able to be a more standard income route. I also have a Patreon that brings in about $65/month.
Cashapp https://cash.app/clawshot / venmo https://venmo.com/rmck89 / ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/roebeanstalk
Thank you so much for reading over all of this. Thank you to everyone who has helped with donations or kind words or reblogs. Thank you so much to every commissioner and customer who has been patient as hell with me on artwork, communication, and stickers. Thank you thank you thank you. Thanks to every single one of you I have been able to keep pushing myself forward, and I'm so happy to keep doing it and make good on everything. And eventually, give back to my community. I love you all so much, even though i don't know any of you that well. Thank youuuu. <3
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fashion-runways · 7 months
hi!! new pinned post, because the last one had gotten long again-- if you want to read previous posts, here's the first one, here's the second one. the tl;dr from those is that my dad got wrongfully imprisoned abruptly, our place was raided, the cops broke a bunch of shit and took a bunch of our things and still haven't returned them, they left all the broken things for us to spend money in repairing, we had to spend money on a lawyer, trips to visit him, new clothes, medicine and food for him in jail, etc. it was a mess, way more details in both posts. he's back home now, with an ankle monitor because technically his case isn't being investigated yet, they haven't done anything about it at all, the case hasn't moved one ounce lmao it's great, always trust the judicial system and cops!! ugh, anyway!
we found a therapist for my dad who can help her deal with all the stuff he had to deal with while in prison, all the bullying, the depression, the starving, the separation, etc. he needs to get a bunch of other medical appointments, has to get surgery, among other things, but for now things are much better on that front. that being said, he did lose his job and my old redbubble account got suspended without a warning months ago, plus argentina's economy is... really bad right now. food prices rise every day, public transportation prices went up like a 200% in a couple of weeks, salaries are low and stuck there, subsidies are gone, the local peso keeps falling, we have an absolute psychopath as a president who spends more time insulting or threatening anyone who oppose him than caring about people. it's a disaster. for updates on argentina in english, this person on twitter makes very good informative threads if you're interested.
anyway, i used to make around 30/40 dollars a month in redbubble, and that used to help adding up to the donations i got here, and it got suspended, so now i make like 1/2 dollars on teepublic monthly. so... it's a huge loss. there's a lot of things me and my mom are in charge of paying-- groceries, power and water and gas, medicine (she's diabetic, i have some sort of chronic sinusitis), our dog and cat's food and medicines, wifi, phone bills, public transportation, healthcare, my dad's new therapist... so, you know, i really need anything people can donate. even if it's just a single dollar, literally any amount helps. i love fashion so much and i love this blog, i work really hard on it even when my brain says no, and i really appreciate how much you guys love it too. i love seeing people discover new styles, new designers, new things to be inspired by. so, yeah... i'm never going anywhere, but i do need help to basically stay afloat.
as usual, my kofi link is this one: https://ko-fi.com/fashionrunways and my teepublic link is this one: https://www.teepublic.com/user/dinah-lance. thanks for being around and sharing and reblogging my posts, thanks for asking questions about fashion, and of course thanks for helping to the ones who can, and thanks to the ones who can't too, i know how that feels like, don't worry about it. love you 💖
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canonkiller · 3 months
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Hi, I'm Canon. I'm a disabled artist with some kind of gender and homosexual tendencies. You might have seen my usernames around in posts about loving OCs, or complaining about video game inaccessibility, or attached to one of the worm-centric comics I made, like these ones:
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I hate having to ask for help when there's already so much going on, but I am also At My Limit.
To make a long story short, I am very disabled in multiple ways and I am living in a very inaccessible (and often directly disability-hostile) home. While I live with family, they do not provide assistance (financial or otherwise) and our rural location and the glacial pace of Canada's social services have left me A Bit Fucked. (Whatever you think Canada's health care provides, either it doesn't, or it takes half a year to even book an appointment.)
I've asked for help in the past with smaller goals, but costs continue to add up - and this time, finally, I may be able to actually make permanent accessibility changes to the household... if I can fund it myself. On the amount I get from the disability support program in my province, I can't do that; I would have to stop eating for months to afford even one of the major renovations in that time, and, obviously, I can't do that.
What kind of accessibility updates would this be going towards?:
A wheelchair ramp at at least one exit of the house; there are four potential exits, and all of them are currently multiple sets of stairs without railings.
A stair lift (for upstairs access) or a walk in tub (for downstairs access), depending on what my family will agree to
Dressers / storage that I am physically capable of opening
HRT (guess what isn't covered by Canada's health care, apparently!)
A whole mess of medical appointments (vision, prescriptions, dental, infinite various symptom testings) and transportation to and from those appointments (guess what else isn't covered!!)
A functional freezer
Physiotherapy 👍
Food 👍👍👍
And how can you donate?:
Donate directly to my Ko-fi page
Pledge monthly to my Ko-fi membership tiers
Order a commission from me (you'll be added to a queue; I can't provide completion time estimates right now)
Buy my premade digital goods (TTRPG resources, bases, tattoo tickets, etc) through Ko-fi or itch.io
Buy my art on physical goods through Redbubble or INPRNT
Buy designs / adoptables I've made through Toyhouse
Buy things off of my Amazon accessibility wishlist
I'm trying to buy used and second-hand / go through free stuff groups where I can to save costs, so I don't have a fixed goal and genuinely every bit helps. I really want to be able to get back to functioning somewhat normally, and due to Circumstances - as embarrassing as it is - I can't do that on my own, and I can't keep struggling with it the way I have been.
Thank you for your time, and any help you're able to provide. Reblogs are welcome and appreciated.
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iguinn · 19 days
Hi! We're Athena and we need help to get money for exams to know if we have cancer or not, our family has an history of cancer and we're showing some symptons so for our peace of mind we need to do this to make sure, even if it isn't cancer it's most defenitily something else so it will help either way. Unfortunately, even with our insurance and monetary help from our father we still need 170 euros. It would be really helpful if you could reblog or donate this has been a very stressful ordeal and we would appreciate any and all help. Thank you so much!
paypal link here
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psi-hate · 4 months
alright, this really, really sucks but i have an unfortunate update that occurred regarding my recent living situation.
not to get into too much detail for the sake of my friend's privacy, but she and her fiance offered to take me in after i was suddenly on the verge of homelessness this february. i accepted their offer and moved in thanks to everyone's support, and for the last few months, i felt comfortable and capable in getting myself together for the first time in years.
however, despite what i assumed were all positive developments, things started getting a lot more complicated. i become exposed to the treatment and stress my friend has been suffering from her fiance over many years, from being spied on via tracking apps, in-house cameras, a ridiculous jealousy complex and all sorts of other personal issues.
her friends and i have been supporting her over the years, but i didn't realize how bad it was until i started to be subjected to it as well.
my friend decided to break up with her fiance last week, finally standing up for herself but still wanting to remain friends and live as normally as they could, they still had the house and their cats and such. her now ex-fiance hasn't taken kindly to this and has been pretty passively hostile towards us, and has started to take it out on me.
she started stalking my tumblr to find things to get mad at, and checking the cameras when i leave my room. i've not felt comfortable to leave my room in well over a week other than to get some food or use the bathroom in the middle of the night, the tension has been a nightmare.
my friend and i decided we needed to move out, especially me since i'm technically not a tenant and we suspect she's going to call the police on me to get me out of here. my friend will be going to her parents at a later point, but i unfortunately need to leave within a couple weeks as i've already been "indirectly" threatened.
this is sort of a nightmare, and i feel so horrible things turned out this way for my friend. i tried my best, but this feels out of my control. trying to keep the peace has only made things worse, and we think it's best for me to book it before i get blind-sighted.
i suspect if her ex-fiance sees this, she'll retaliate, but at this point i've already made my peace with that.
unfortunately, i won't be able to bring much of my stuff with me, i only have enough money for a ticket to move in with another close friend as an emergency.
i don't have enough to buy any checked bags for most my belongings, especially my desktop pc, so once i move i'm very likely going to not be able to do my art or anything until i can afford a laptop eventually. i'm really sorry to those waiting on any commissions, i'll try my best to get them done before i move. i feel so horrible about this.
if anyone is able to help, i'd really appreciate it. even just a reblog is more than i can really ask. i hesitate to make this request because i feel like i just asked for it only for it to all be wasted once this exploded in my face. but i've been encouraged to reach out, and i apologize if this is too much. my ko-fi:
thank you so much for supporting me so far. i don't want to disappoint anyone anymore. i am so scared but i still want to keep trying.
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canmom · 5 months
So a little over a month ago I was reached out to by @peterkats, a gay refugee currently living in a camp with a small group of other gay and trans refugees.
Peter has, to put it mildly, had a fucking time of it. In his home country, Uganda, his partner was murdered for being trans. He stayed for some time in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya with a group of gay and trans people (pictured above), but violence from police forced them to move, and they're currently in a refugee camp run by the UNHCR. (I've been asked not to explicitly name the country but you can probably figure it out.)
Unfortunately this has not in any way been a reprieve. They've managed to flee right into an impending famine, and if that's not enough, they're still facing violence from police and other refugees, and general indifference from the UNHCR medical staff - who are also facing supply shortages. But it's not completely hopeless. When Peter contacted me, he needed money for food - I sent him some via an intermediary and he was able to get quite a bit (the exchange rate seems to be favourable). With help, things can be quite different.
We've stayed in touch since then, talking about our respective lives, the lgbtq situation in different countries, even videogames and music. He's a really sweet guy, despite it all still trying to find a place he can live free. For real, I would not survive any of this shit.
Recently a couple of people in Peter's group have caught malaria. They are currently sleeping on bare mats without mosquito nets. There seems to be some confusion about the exchange rates but as far as I have been able to gather, about €150 (~20,000ssp) gets a mattress and €10(~1000ssp) a malaria net. The UNHCR have not been able to provide any medication except paracetamol, and it's raining which promotes mosquito activity, so this is kind of an emergency.
I would very much prefer if the new friend I've made doesn't die of starvation or malaria. Unfortunately, I do not have the money to support Peter and his group alone. I've sent him money for one mattress (via PayPal for expediency, it won't show up on GFM), and I would be immensely grateful if you would be able to contribute a bit to getting them another (which would be just about enough to keep six people safe from mosquitoes if sleeping three to a mattress).
Beyond that, these guys are prohibited from working so they would definitely benefit from food money. And if anyone has an idea for a long term plan to get them somewhere safer where they're less likely to get bashed, I am sure Peter would appreciate hearing about it. We talked a bit about the UK asylum process but getting everyone here would be very difficult (passports, flights etc.).
But still like, I can only do so much on my own, and I want to give these guys a fighting chance. So if you could pass this around and donate if you can spare a bit? I'd be insanely grateful.
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noblechaton · 4 months
hiya. bit of a personal post here that's been a long time coming but
a while back now my younger sibling finally got an issue properly diagnosed as a lung disease and as such, she requires a double lung transplant - my family is asking for help through this gofundme page here. it'd mean the world to me if y'all help her out in one way or another, be it donating any amount or just reblogging this post around so that others might
a lil more detail on things under the cut
basically she'd had this persistent cough for a while and tho she'd gone to the doctor a few times about it, they wrote it off each time as allergies or something stupid without really looking at her - until a few months ago now when she finally went to urgent care, then to a proper emergency room and they discovered that her lungs were essentially ruined. idk if they ever discerned by what exactly but it doesn't really matter at this point as her breathing is heavily restricted and her heart is kinda working overtime
the good news is that she's been on oxygen for a bit and she's also on the waitlist for the transplant already - but the call for it can come at basically anytime between now and next year, meaning my family kinda has to stay ready at a moment's notice which is what this gofundme is for - to help them now, when the time comes, and afterwards, as the situation is as u can imagine very stressful and demanding of all of us, especially of her
but she's been brave, strong. and she hasn't deserved any of this, given just how good a person she is. how much she's tried to help others, to do for others, to keep our family together. I honestly have no idea how she's kept her smile up for as long as she has and I've struggled with making this post in large part bc of how paintful it's been to see her go thru that which she never asked for, that she truly doesn't deserve. she's struggled, it's been hard, but she's still going all the same
so I feel it my responsibility to at least try and help her out beyond the day to day odds and ends and perhaps use whatever audience I somehow have to lend her a hand as she needs it most. so again please if you are in a position where u can donate - consider dropping some at this link here, any amount helps right now and even if u can't, reblogging to get the word around would help a bit too
thank u to those of u who read this and donate or even just share the post/link around - I truly, deeply appreciate any help my family can get
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scarletwinterxx · 21 days
sweet nothings - jeon wonwoo imagine
hello🥺just a quick fluff moment with wonu🤍
for my other svt fics, check them here
if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pics not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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Wonwoo isn't a morning person, he has a bad habit of staying up either to playing games on his computer or on his phone until the early hours of dawn.
That was until he met you, you never really stopped him from doing his favorite hobby. You didn't mind if he played, but you always leave a sweet reminder that he should get enough sleep. It wasn't until the first night you slept over at his apartment and he found you asleep on his bed, looking at the clock it wasn't that late to him but seeing you all cozied up under his sheets made him want to call it a night.
He turned his computer off and shut all the lights before going under the covers beside you.
Now that's his favorite thing to do, going to sleep with you in his arms.
Years later, now you live together. His nights and your mornings always end and start with each other.
Right now as he quietly tiptoes around the bedroom to leave for work, he gets his bag, phone and keys before looking at your sleeping figure.
For a second he contemplates whether he should just miss a day of work and get back under the sheets to cuddle you. A bit of sunlight seeping in the room, just enough for him to make out your features, you looked so serene and peaceful. The rest of you still hidden under the duvet while your cheeks pressed against the pillow cutely. Wonwoo couldn't help him self, he walks over the bed, leaning down to give you a quick kiss on the cheek
"Hey love, I'm gonna go now. I'll call you later okay" he whispers even though you're probably still lost in dreamland
Instead of leaving like he said, he just stays there to watch you. A fond smile making it's way to his lips as he commits this moment to memory, just like all the photographs he has of you.
The apartment he used to live in on his own that he now shares with you, making it your little home. It's like you were always meant to be here with him. Your toothbrush next to his, yours and his' clothes in the closet, his favorite mug you always steal in the morning to drink your coffee. The apartment filled with sweet nothings you collected through the years of being together.
You stir in your sleep, raising your arms above your head to stretch. Letting out noises that Wonwoo can only describe as cute baby dinosaur noises. Your hand landing on top of the duvet, the shiny stone on your ring finger catching the light coming from between the curtain. Wonwoo's eyes follow the sparkling reflection, smiling even bigger when he sees his ring on your finger. Your ring now.
"Mhm? You leaving?" you groggily ask, feeling the other side of the bed. When your arm lands on the bed instead of the usual warmth of your man, you crack one eye open to see your fiancé smiling down at you.
"Yes, baby. Go back to sleep, I'll see you later okay" he leans down again to give you a few more kisses which you welcomed warmly.
By the time Wonwoo reaches the bedroom door, you're already falling back asleep.
He's not a morning person but for this he'd happily wake up everyday for. He really needs to go but he can't take his eyes away from you, his heart filling up with love and adoration even when you're not doing anything. The voices in his head screaming just how much he loves you while in reality he just smiles softly before finally leaving the room.
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kc-rising · 20 days
I Need Help
Hey folks, serious post. I've mentioned what's going on with me a couple times but never really went into much detail; I've been having severe pain in my left side for over 3 months now. Doctors can't figure out what's causing it, no X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, or blood work show anything. I've seen multiple specialists and gotten no answers. I finally got one of them to send me to physical therapy which I started last week.
My co-pay for specialists is very high and my physical therapy counts as specialist visits according to my shit insurance.
I'm going to be out $600 in the next few weeks because of this. I'm already out more than $500 because of the previous doctor visits and imaging done. So that's over $1100. And this is assuming the PT fixes me. I hope it does, I'm so tired of dealing with this. More bills are still coming in as well so who knows how much I actually owe...
I really hate asking for real life money, especially right now with all the Palestinian gfms going around, but I'm struggling, my job pays like shit (in the US? shocking I know /s) and I haven't been able to work a full shift for the 3 months this has been going on. All of this is excluding my normal medical costs for unrelated issues, which are expensive enough as it is.
I'm going to drop some links here.
Help Me Pay My Medical Bills
If you donate leave me your Tumblr url and a request and I'll doodle something for you:
I'll draw Flight Rising dragons, non-FR dragons, animals, dinosaurs, kaiju, pokemon, any kind of creature really, furries, etc.
Here are some examples of my work from this year's Art Fight
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These obviously aren't doodles but they're the most recent pieces I've made and are most accurate to my current style. The more you donate the more time I will spend on your request.
(please ignore my deadname on venmo and paypal)
** If you can't donate I would greatly appreciate reblogs **
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iraprince · 1 year
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so, hi, i'm ira. i stuck all those pages of some of my comics up there ^ bc maybe you have seen some of my stuff around
anyway. besides drawing a bunch of comics about me yelling, i do art as a living, and my main way of doing that (my very old, very ornery wacom tablet) seems to have finally kicked it, and i am really not prepared for it to do that. i have been trying to save up for an upgrade/replacement for a long time, and i just have never been able to get a foothold, and now it's become urgent
i can't really take on more work than what i already do day to day; i might try to take some small traditional commissions when i'm able (and you can join my commission mailing list if you want to get a heads up when that happens), but in the meantime a replacement just really does not feel in my reach on my own so i've set up a kofi donation goal too.
it sucks to have to do this; please don't feel obligated and only donate if you're 100% in a solid spot financially yourself. i have the goal set for the replacement i would have hoped to get, but any amount will really really help me out and i really appreciate it. thank you so much
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strangecowplant · 2 months
please help me pay my kitties emergency vet bill!
ive never done this before but one of my cats just had to get an extremely sudden emergency procedure and i don't know what to do, my vet and i have reached out to a couple incredible programs here to help with the bill but one is less than half and the other hasn't replied back yet, i've already declined the blood work (CA$356) to lower the bill at the risk of possible underlying liver and kidney issues not being found but its still a monumental amount for us right now. i just feel so helpless
we had enough to pay the minimum deposit to get the procedure started in time thankfully, but we were already scraping by as it is and now we're in desperate need of funds to eat/pay rent/pay off any remainder of the bill. i am disabled without aid and have been unable to work/haven't worked since 2015 but am on track to hopefully start working pt this fall. i live with my mom who has 3-4 jobs including one seasonal job which needless to say is stressful and wearing her down. we unfortunately are stuck in the most expensive place to live in canada with the inability to save up to flee so the cycle is never ending.
this is Teddy, my typically very silly vocal happy boy who's not quite 2 yet, my comfort king, my little muffin who acts like a weighted blanket for me at night and eases my anxiety, his favourite toy is his pink unicorn poof, he loves car rides and he can shake paw!
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he got a sudden urinary blockage last night with no straight answer as to why and progressively got worse as the night went on, i didnt sleep at all, i was panicking and bawling, naturally, and raced to the vet to get in as soon as the door opened. i assumed it was a uti which wouldn't have been as costly, but it turned out to be much more severe and life threatening. i never expected my usually extremely healthy boy to suddenly be at risk of that and im still trying to just process whats been happening
he needed to be sedated and given a catheter and some medication, the total bill came to CA$985.62, of which we were barely able to pay 500 of, and one program was able to donate 300 leaving a total of CA$185.62 for the bill. this, of course, leaves us scrambling for food and rent as well
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i know there are a lot of fundraisers out there needing donations right now, and i really hate letting myself be so open and raw like this but even a dollar would help tremendously and i would be forever grateful for any help whatsoever, even a rb to signal boost is greatly appreciated <3
TLDR; my cat had a sudden life threatening issue and now we can't pay the full vet bill or pay for food/rent
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catgirl-kaiju · 7 months
Disabled transfem in need of help!
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hey y'all, i had to leave my job back in January bc my mobility disabilities have been getting worse, making it impossible to do such physical labor, and my job couldn't accommodate me due to the nature of the work (janitorial). so, i'm in income limbo atm while i file for SSI,SSDI, and unemployment, and also try and search for remote work. to make matters worse, the one employed person in our household has had to stay home from work until she can get a doctor's note confirming that she's fit to return to work, and the soonest pcp appointment she was able to make isn't until a ways out. we have a lot of bills upcoming, so we desperately need some help!
i would appreciate any donations to help me out during this time, and would especially appreciate more folks subscribing to my patreon. i'm planning on making more comics during my increased free time, so funding my patreon will help me do that and worry less abt income. Links below:
Cashapp: $ScoutForester
Venmo: @Sarahpillbug
i'm also going to open up my commissions to do $30 simple pfps. i can't handle doing anything more than that as executive dysfunction makes commissions very stressful. here's some examples so you can get an idea of what i can do:
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i design all pfps in such a way that they will look good in both square and circular frames. if you need me to design for different shapes or want me to focus on just one, please let me know!
i've received so much support from y'all in the past during hard times. i really couldn't have made it through without y'all
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gatorpond · 2 months
i hate to do this, but i need help again. my brother died in late may & i've been struggling since to eat, sleep, or take care of myself. i have a work backlog & was unable to do my physical therapy so my pain is slowing me even more. if anyone has the ability/feels like donating, my kofi is here. shares are super appreciated.
y'all have helped me so much & i can't thank you enough. i really can't. i don't know how to even put that into words. i don't have much of an irl support system and y'all have literally saved my life during this time. i wish i could function better so i could stop needing help. at this point, i've lost weight, have been too dissociated to function, and have been set back months of work on my physical therapy. my disabilities are back in full force. i struggle to remember to take my meds. i sat in my chair and didn't move for 6 straight hrs yesterday. i've also been spending much of my time helping my mom sort thru medical records/legal paperwork. i don't want to reveal too many details publicly, but his death was. traumatic & potential medical malpractice. i cannot overstate how hard this has all been. i'm not trying to twist ppl's emotions to send me help; i just want to be very clear what my situation is. i'm applying for food assistance again (was rejected last time) but for housing, utilities, insurance, medications, there's no assistance in my state. i have to have funds. all of that to say: i'm sorry to have to keep leaning on y'all so hard. i'm trying to get my feet under me, i swear. but i still can't seem to manage it. this shattered my world. i hate that i need to worry abt finances at all right now. thank y'all for any help. and for those who have been so patient with me wrt comms & owed art: i cannot say thank you enough. y'all have been so understanding. i'm working on your pieces as much as possible, i promise. if you have questions, my dms are open. you can contact me thru email/telegram too.
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is-this-yuri · 3 months
hey yall, the situation has changed.
i've tentatively started a fundraiser to potentially work toward getting a van. i was going to wait until i got approved for SSDI and use the backpay to purchase a van, but after speaking with some lawyers, it's looking like that won't be happening in a reasonable time.
i really need to get out of this tiny car and into something bigger and more legal. i'd also like to sell my car for a chunk of cash, but i can't do that until i have something else to move into (and i certainly won't be able to do it when it inevitably gets towed if i keep driving it everywhere)
here's the link to the fundraiser
the goal is $10k. i know that's a lot, but there's no time limit on this. at $6-7k i can actually get the vehicle. maybe less if i'm lucky, and if i get any amount of donations i'll be searching the market constantly. the rest will be used to sort the registration and insurance, and of course to convert the inside. i've been researching this project for years, so rest assured i'll be using the money well.
i'm not sure what to expect with this but i will be eternally grateful if it works out for me. if it works out, i'll be posting all updates on my situation on the fundraiser and on patreon, and of course here on my blog.
i'm so sorry to be placing this burden on yall, but i really need all the help i can get, and i have no other ideas. having a van will be like having an apartment for me, and even without reliable income it'll be a massive upgrade so i can more readily work on getting reliable income one way or another. i can't even think about getting a regular job or staying consistent with my treatment until i have somewhere safer to live.
as for today i could use some cash to gas up my car and take care of some other needs, and as always i appreciate the donations i get almost daily that have been sustaining my life. if you'd rather support me in the short term, there's:
or you can consider becoming a patron to allow me a small monthly income. thank you very much to my first patreon member! <3
so, there are many ways to support me now if you're willing and able! i appreciate every one of you <3 much gratitude to anyone who clicks any of the above links and for boosting and sharing! and thank you for tolerating me while i figure out this 'escaping homelessness' thing
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