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monstermonger · 2 months ago
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Now the ash dances with the snow....
Lil winter dragon stickers ♡
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crownorclover · 6 months ago
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downtime (long rest)
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orbitganymede · 3 months ago
self proclaimed guard dog simon who’s never held a conversation with you or even really tried to interact with you at all. he had caught a glimpse of you out on the town and traced you back to your current job, lucky for him, on base. you’re a little freaked out, this mammoth of a man randomly shows up one day and pulls a chair up to your desk, takes out a book and just hangs out for a few hours? even leaves an extra lighter for his cigs in your pen holder. introductions were a quick back and forth on names and that’s about it, sometimes he comments on your clothes or jewelry, he saw your dainty little chain on your neck and purchased an S charm the next day, left it on your desk and that was that. you really shouldn’t be okay with this but he’s kinda intriguing, and the guy that has the office next to yours hasn’t bothered you in weeks, something you’ve been begging for mentally, so really what’s simon doing wrong? he sometimes even brings you a stray pudding cup from the mess, how sweet.
but what really gets you is when you’ve just got in your car, setting your things down, buckling your seat belt, the works, but simon slides in your passenger seat, gives you a look (his eyes look so pretty in the sunlight) and tells you to “take us home”, you’re nervous to say the least, you heard what happened to janet in admin when she told him one of his stacks of paperwork was filed wrong, that she wasn’t gonna take his next one until he fixed his mistake (she’d left crying, cursing his name to high hell, and asking for a transfer) so really what choice do you have.
and maybe he walks into your place, goes straight for where you always store your remote and turns on the channel you like to watch, almost as if he’s seen this routine before, he even asks what face mask you’re gonna do tonight, you wonder how he guessed that you do a face mask every friday night (he suggests the blueberry charcoal one, says it makes your skin glowy (he did not use the word glowy)) you shrug and go on with your nightly tasks, make dinner, do dishes, shower. but what actually makes you stop in your tracks is when he walks out of the bathroom, still steamed up from his shower, butt ass naked and asks you what your favorite position is, pet.
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mercymornsimpathizer · 3 months ago
a non-exhaustive list of butch literature
a (very ad-hoc) list of butch reading and writing, (mostly) by butch authors. books I've read myself in bold; take the rest with a grain of salt. additions, addendums, and commentary welcome :)
(you can find my list of femme literature here)
general/literary fiction:
mrs s by k patrick
stone butch blues by leslie feinberg
boulder by eva baltasar
running fiercely towards a thin high sounds by judith katz
tipping the velvet by sarah waters
a crystal diary by frankie hucklenbroich
godspeed by lynn breedlove
cha-ching! by ali liebegott
the ihop papers by ali liebegott
greasepaint by hannah levene
lucy and mickey by red jordan arobateau
the bull-jean stories by sharon bridgforth
development by bryher
notes of a crocodile by qiu miaojin
america is not the heart by elaine castillo
the slow fix by ivan coyote
the swashbuckler by lee lynch
old dyke tales by lee lynch
sci-fi, fantasy, and horror:
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir
the unspoken name by ak larkwood
vermilion by molly tanzer
metal from heaven by august clarke
scapegracers by ha clarke
the unbroken by cl clarke
fire logic by laurie marks
the seep by chana porter
these burning stars by bethany jacobs
feast while you can by mikaella clements and onjuli datta
non-fiction, memoir, and autobiography:
hijab butch blues by lamya h
gender failure by ivan coyote and rae spoon
fun home by allison bechdel
butch is a noun by h bear bergman
female masculinity by jack halberstam
burning butch by rb murtz
when we were outlaws by jeanne cordova
leaving isn't the hardest thing by lauren hough
odd girls and twilight lovers by lillian faderman
another mother tongue by judy grahn
boots of leather, slippers of gold by elizabeth lapovsky and madeline davis
the persistent desire ed joan nestle
persistence: all way butch and femme ed ivan coyote and zena sharman
dagger: on butch women ed lily burana
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hinamie · 3 months ago
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smittyw · 11 months ago
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colfy-wolfy · 5 months ago
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something holy possessed me last night and I drew the most banger piece of ship art I've ever made. rlly proud of this !
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cj-the-random-artist · 4 months ago
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Is this my best comic ever?? Nope. Do I think I characterized either of these two particularly well in this comic?? Not really. Did I spend an unreasonable amount of time on it to the point that it would be a waste to not post it?? Yes, yes I did.
I really committed to this one, spent a lot of time on those backgrounds and treated myself to ample suffering with the perspective, which is not my strong suit but I am happy with how it ultimately looks. Yay perspective and background practice!!
(Tbh I shouldn't talk like I think this one sucks, I think I've just been staring at it for so long that my brain has decided it's not good and it's actually way better than I think it is, and honestly I am quite happy with it. The artistic process really is something, isn't it?)
The inspiration was basically me reminding... myself... to take breaks sometimes... by drawing for several hour stints during my only little bits of free time. Which totally tracks. Probably. But I've been rolling around in my brain this idea that Lambert is a very uptight people pleaser and anxious workaholic, but Narinder, at least since adjusting himself to the circumstances (which probably took at least a century, maybe two) has discovered the joys of self care, and has made an active effort to chill tf out. This has not made him any less terrifying to the cultists (save for Lambert's closest disciples), nor has it made him friendlier to really anyone but Lambert (and maybe his siblings), but he sure has found some serious peace of mind. That said, I can't place what his motivations are here. Perhaps he is secretly concerned about Lambert's sanity, because he doesn't want them to turn into what he was, or maybe he's just trying to steal away some quality time with his one and only friend, but regardless of the reason, I spent too much time on this for nobody to see it, dang it.
That said. Enjoy this silly little comic that I spent way too much time on, and I hope this silly comic brings you some joy today.
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agoldengalaxy · 6 months ago
baldurs gate 3 companion headcanons:
- gale talks in his sleep
- astarion once made karlach laugh so hard that she sprayed fire out of her nose
- shadowheart can and will hurt anyone on purpose, but if she accidentally hits someone/steps on their foot she secretly feels REALLY bad about it
- when karlach told gale she hadn’t read a book since primary school he nearly passed out
- wyll is an emotional drunk. he has cried about the stars being beautiful and about how proud he is of his companions
- lae’zel learned her favorite trick from some of the tiefling children: sticking her tongue out at people she hates
- when she thinks everyone is asleep, jaheira sings old lullabies. minsc and wyll are the only ones who have heard, but they don’t say anything because they don’t want her to stop
- the children love to put flowers in halsin’s hair. he loves it too, and will return the favor if they ask. he once did it to an unenthusiastic astarion, who ended up secretly liking it
- minsc takes the BEST care of his nails. boo’s too, obviously. he has let yenna paint them once or twice
- everyone has a lowkey crush on wyll
- when no one is looking, astarion likes to feed and pet scratch and the owlbear, making comments about how they’re the cutest ones there (besides him) and no one gets him like they do
- karlach asked wyll for dance lessons. she never quite gets the hang of it, but she has fun, and wyll is proud of her
- astarion and shadowheart pretend to hate each other, but gossip about everyone else when they’re not looking
- everyone actually really enjoys gale’s cooking but they’d rather die than admit that
- girls night: shadowheart and lae’zel are at each other’s throats with daggers. karlach is passed out on the floor. jaheira is drinking all the ale she can find. everything’s on fire. the next day they look back on this fondly
- boys night: halsin and gale are laying on the ground to look at the stars, stoned out of their minds. wyll and astarion are pouring their hearts out to each other. minsc and boo are making dirt castles. the next day they pretend none of it happened
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pigeon-princess · 1 month ago
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My dreams grow darker...
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lesbianbuddies · 8 months ago
buck loves saying eddie's name so much it makes him look stupid
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magulon · 5 months ago
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Marvelous three
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anbaisai · 7 days ago
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ignihyde cryptid sighting (original)
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vozart · 24 days ago
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the people have spoken so here is viking soap and a bonus creep
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hinamie · 3 months ago
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make it vicious, take a stab
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chuffedtwobits · 1 month ago
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that new DDVAU chapter sure was something huh
(credit to @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11 i am but a humble meme maker)
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