#but our car was small so we couldn't get most of his stuff here. so his fam agreed to keep it til we get a storage unit
plushie-lovey · 2 years
My datemate's birthday is coming up, and he's hoping for it he can get all of his stuff from his parent's place (and in turn a visit from his mom, since she hasn't seen him in what will be a full year and four days on his bday). Out of everything he's excited to have his favorite stuffed animal to cuddle with again, a 3ft tall emperor penguin who's called Penguin (recently named Cuddles. But we still just refer to him as Penguin). I bought Penguin for him in a goodwill for like $4 about 2 years ago, and it's been my love's favorite thing ever since. He says Penguin is the perfect firmness for cuddling, as he likes a stiff stuffed animal. He really misses holding him. So I hope his mom comes thru and brings all his stuff. But at the very least, Penguin.
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missadangel · 20 days
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 14: The Past
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Gifs by jcylenz - nicholetread
----------- All episodes here --------------
“And put your right foot over there, hips, hips, yeah.”
“So it’s very important to maintain a certain distance something like this.”
“For instance we can do a one two three four five six step-“
Chucho looked very tired but he was happy, laughing.
After Javi finished his phone call, came into the living room, he got surprised to see you and Chucho dancing.
He leaned against the door with his arms crossed as watching you with a wide smile on his face.
‘I think that's enough,’ Chucho said panting. ‘I'm too old for this stuff, and I take it all back, Colombian salsa is fucking hard.’
‘Cali-style salsa aka Salsa Caleña,’ you corrected him. Then you put your hands on your waist, ‘and yes, it's hard unlike your weird cumbia dance.’
‘Pops, the last time I saw you dancing, I was six,’ Javi said with a laugh.
Chucho didn't look at him, still breathing hard. ‘And it better stay that way, I’ll beat you up if you mention about this to your tia.’
‘By the way, what's wrong with our cumbia? Salsa can’t be that hard.’
You rolled your eyes as Javi coming towards you.
‘Chucho said the same thing before he was sweating buckets,’ you raised your eyebrows, challenging him.
‘You should learn from your dad’s mistakes, son.’ Chucho grinned.
‘I got this dad,’ he put his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him but you quickly wriggled out of his grip and pulled yourself back, putting some distance between you, he frowned.
Chucho laughed hard. ‘Be my guest, I have to get ready for damn wedding anyway,’ he snickered, walking towards his room.
You both ignored him and seriously put everything you have into it, as if you were in a dance competition. Javi tried to grab your waist but you pulled yourself away again.
‘Not so fast,’ you said with a laugh, throwing one foot back and taking two quick steps towards Javi with the other, never letting go of his arm, but he was getting impatience, he pulled you by the arm again, lifting up and spinning you around, you got surprised.
‘You should do this last-,’
Suddenly he lifted your body up and you found yourself on the couch with him bending over you.
‘You cheated,’ you chuckled, jokingly punched him on the shoulder.
‘I couldn't resist,’ he smiled and kissed you.
Chucho cleared his throat, you startled, breaking the kiss with a gasp, trying to get up quickly but your head hit against Javi's muscular chest, he wouldn't let you.
‘You guys should get ready too, if we don't go to this wedding, God forbid, your aunt won't shut up until doomsday.’
Without looking at you, he wore his hat, stepped out to go to the car. Your cheeks flushed, you bit your lip, Javi giggled and kissed you again.
‘I'm really scared of her more than the doomsday, lets get up baby,’ he grabbed your arm and helped you to stand.
‘Me too,’ you giggled.
He put his arm around your neck and kissing your cheek as you walking towards the room together to get ready.
The wedding was crowded, whole town must be here, you thought.
‘Oh no, everyone is staring at me,’ you whined.
‘It's because, you're the most beautiful woman here,' Javi whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek and grinning at the look on your face, made you flushed.
‘You're not helping,' pursing your lips, you could have sworn you were as red as a tomato.
‘Relax baby, breathe,’ he held your hand tightly.
People were drinking, having fun, laughing, talking and smoking. As soon as you walked through the door, they all looked at you and started talking again, this time with more enthusiasm.
Javi popped a nicotine gum into his mouth and started chewing, he has been having a hard time fighting the urge to smoke lately.
He pulled a chair from the table where Chucho was sitting and waiting for you to sit down, then sat down next to you.
People were coming to your table, shaking hands with Chucho and Javi and making small talk. Of course they were looking at you curiously, you were smiling at them in return. Javi's eyes never leaving you meanwhile, holding your hand, brings food and drink for you.
After a while a man was passing by with a boy of about 7 or 8 years old as Chucho stopped him, the boy had bruises on his face, you frowned.
“Andre, what happened to your face?”
“They fight all the time with other boys, he's very naughty, you know the kids,” he said laughing, but the boy bowed his head, for some reason you felt something strange about them.
Chuho laughed, patted his head and they headed further down the hall. You followed them out of the corner of your eye until they sat down at their table, something inside you kept telling you that something wasn't right about him.
“Are you okay?” Javi pushed your hair off your shoulder, gently brushes with his long fingers.
“Nothing, just the kid,” you mumbled.
“He's just a kid cariño, come, I should congratulate Enrique,” he said grabbing your hand, got up from the table, you followed him.
They announced the bride and groom for the dance a while ago but didn't even hear them because you were busy think about that kid, you decided to put your thoughts aside.
Javi hugged the groom and patted him on the shoulder.
“Congratulations, man.”
“Javi, thanks for coming,” he said smiling and then looked at you shaking your hand, you hugged him and the bride.
"So, are you two getting married soon too?"
You looked at Javi, he blinked at you then turned to him.
"Not yet, I guess," he said smiling, you were a little offended, but you kept your smile.
Not yet? Really?
"You found such a beautiful woman man, what do you waiting for, just marry her," he chuckled. "Right, love?" he wrapped his hands around his bride.
"Absolutely, you look so good together, just like us," bride giggled.
You looked at Javi with raised eyebrows as they kissing each other.
“They’re damn right.”
He just smiled at you, pulling you away from them.
"Come on, let's dance," he put a hand on your waist and lifted your arm with the other.
"So 'not yet', huh?"
Javi rolled his eyes, "What else could I say?"
"Maybe something better than that."
"Why are you so upset about this all of a sudden?" he frowned.
"Do you have a problem with getting married?"
"Of course not, I just..."
Just then, a few women approached the two of you, drinks in their hands, all eyes on you and him.
"Javi, can we borrow your girlfriend for a moment?" one of them asked, looking you up and down, you smiled shyly.
"For a girl to girl chat, we mean," said another.
Javi stopped dancing and looked at you, obviously he wasn't sure, but one of the women already pulled his hand away from yours and grabbed you by arm.
"Don't worry, we won't bite your girlfriend, come on honey, we just want to get to know you better."
“Sure,” Javi murmured.
They laughed as they pulled you away from him to another table.
When you turned your head back saw him putting his hands on his waist, watching you walking away, frowned.
Then he got a beer and sat down next to his father.
Javi's aunt came running as soon as she saw you with them.
“Oh honey, you're here,” she kissed you on the cheek.
You wondered if she liked kissing everyone like that.
“Sophia, you were right, she is really beautiful,” one of them said.
“Yes, she really is, she doesn't look like any girl I've ever seen,” someone stroked your chin.
“Are all Colombian girls this beautiful?” asked another woman, giggling.
You forced a smile, feeling shy gives its place to being uncomfortable.
“Let her breathe, ladies,” Sophia said as she sat down next to you on the couch and put her arm around you.
Look who's saying it.
“I think Javi really found the love of his life, this time,” elderly woman said.
“But she’s so young, how old are you?”
“How rude, Carol,” Sophia scolded her.
“I'll be 23 in two months,” you suddenly said.
The woman  named Carol raised her eyebrows.
“How many years are there between you and him, 15?”
“My husband and I are ten years apart, so what?” Sophia scolded her again.
“Yes, but you're the older one,” someone said and they laughed loudly.
“Don't worry about them, honey, it's all about how you feel, love is love, and love is never wrong.” Sophia said, patting your shoulder.
You nodded, wondering when they would leave you alone, but unfortunately their endless questions continued.
‘How did you two meet?’
‘They met at the bar, fell in love instantly,’ Sophia answered before you and giggled at you.
Her behavior reminded you of your father, you smiled, you realised you missed him a lot, but now was not the time for that.
‘How long have you been together?’
‘Well almost a year,’ you even surprised yourself.
Has it really been that long?
‘Quite long, you should get married already,’ other woman snickered.
‘Javi better hurry up,’ the other one chuckled.
‘Hasn’t he proposed yet?’
They all fell silent and waited for your answer curiously.
You swallowed. ‘Not yet, but I'm sure he's thinking about it, soon,’ you said, unfortunately your tone not as convincing as you wanted it to be.
They all looked at each other and mumbled something, which surprised you because you were expecting a laughter after that.
‘Of course he will, honey,’ Sophia patted your back like she was consoling you.
‘Marriage must be his weakness,’ Carol muttered.
‘It must be hard for him,” other women murmured.
You frowned.
What the hell was that mean?
‘I mean, yes, even after all this time,’ someone else said.
‘What do you mean?’ you suddenly asked got upset as hell.
‘I mean that he and Lorraine-’
‘Speaking of,’ someone pointed a blonde woman.
‘Lorraine, come here.’
A blonde blue-eyed woman – looks different from the other women here - came over.
‘Meet Javi's girlfriend,’ someone said, giggling strangely.
She looked at you with her blue eyes and smiled warmly.
‘So you are that beautiful girl the whole town has been talking about, welcome,’ she said, you shook hands. ‘They were right, you really are beautiful.’
‘Thank you, it's nice to meet you.’
Actually you weren't pleased, you were starting to feel sick, something had definitely happened between Javi and this beautiful woman. You had to ask.
‘I take it you know Javi?’
‘Yeah, well it was years ago-’
‘Mum, help me please,’ she apologized and left quickly when her son called out, but she was looking at you with concern as she getting away.
‘Didn't Javi tell you honey?’ Sophia asked.
‘Tell me what?’ your heart was starting to race.
‘Oh how stupid we are,’ the other woman said, ’Forgive us, sweetheart.’
‘We thought you knew.’
‘What? Please tell me,’ you insisted.
‘Javi and Lorraine, I mean it was years ago,’ Sophia said. ’They were going to get married but Javi... well he just disappeared on the day of the wedding.’
Suddenly you felt nauseous. Jealousy took over your whole body like a poison, blood rushing through your veins.
You stood up, couldn't hear a sound. The only words you heard were
Javi and Lorraine and the wedding
‘Excuse me,’ you said and walked away.
How could he not have told you something like that? Is that why he hasn't proposed yet? Could it be that he couldn't get over her?
After a long time you felt like crying again. You wanted to get out of here immediately, when you went to the door, you noticed a teenager serving drinks on a tray in his hand. You asked for permission and drank them all in one gulp, the teenager was surprised and blushed. But the drinks were only cocktails.
‘No hard liquor?’ you asked, hands were shaking.
‘Well, there are tequilas that we will serve tonight, but,’ he was ready to do anything to make you happy.
‘Please, I just want to drink some.’
‘Okay, come with me to the kitchen then señorita,’ he said happily, you nodded and followed him.
You were careful not to drink hard liquor since the last time, but that was all you wanted right now.
You didn't care about anything.
He took advantage of the bustle in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of tequila and a glass, brought them to you, opened the door behind the stove and led you to the outside, the fire escape.
'You can drink in comfort here, señorita,' he was smiling.
‘Thank you, that's very kind of you,' you said, taking the bottle and glass from his hand. 'You go back to work.’
'No problem, I can keep you company...'
'Please, let me be alone for a while, will you?' you looked at him smiling and he nodded immediately.
'Of course, señorita, as you wish,' he said, closing the door and going inside.
Chucho finished his beer and looked at Javi.
‘Son, poor girl must have a headache, go get her before she passes out,’ warned him.
Javi nodded, when he realised you were no longer with those women, he stood up, his eyes searching for you.
As he approached them, Lorraine came up to him.
‘Javi, you need to find your girlfriend, I guess you didn't tell her but she found out thanks to others, she seemed upset.’
“Fuck,” he got pissed, ‘Which way did she go?’
‘I, um, outside I think.’
Javi immediately ran in the direction she said to get out. But he couldn't see you there. Just people smoking cigarettes and service staff serving drinks.
He stopped one of them.
‘Have you seen the lady with me? The one in the red dress?’
Teenager boy smiled.
‘Oh, that beautiful lady? Long, chocolate hair, looking like a model,’ Javi frowned when he grinned sheepishly. ‘She was talking to Anton earlier,’ he swallowed, probably not liking the way Javi was looking at him.
‘Yeah that must be her, who the fuck is Anton?’
‘Look, there he is,’ he pointed to the teenager who has just helped you while ago.
Javi walked towards him.
‘Are you Anton?’
‘Where's my girlfriend? You were just talking to her.’
He squinted at Javi.
‘So you're the reason she wanted to drink so badly?’
‘What? Look, why don't you just tell me where she is?’
‘She said she wanted to be alone,’ he said angrily.
Javi took a deep breath and grabbed his shoulders. 
‘Look Anton, my patience is running out, how about you tell me where she is right now before I get real angry and kick your ass?’
He got nervous, ‘On the fire escape outside the kitchen.’
‘Good boy,’ he patted on his shoulders then let him go, hurrying into the kitchen.
By the time he opened the door to the fire escape, you'd drunk almost all the tequila bottle.
You were leaning your arms on knees, having massive headache.
Javi picked up the bottle, “Shit, did you drink all of this?”
When you couldn’t answer, he crouched down next to you, took your head in his hands to look at your face, but eyes were closed, you were already high.
“Baby? Cariño? are you okay?” he asked with concern.
You were just moaning, mumbling.
Sighing, he picked you up and carried you out. You were unconscious but you heard him saying “I'm sorry” over and over.
When you opened your eyes, you felt like your head was about to explode from the pain. So you closed your eyes again and waited for the pain to subside. You couldn't move your body for a while, you felt like trapped under rubble.
Soon you started to regain consciousness, the last thing you remembered was the tequila bottle, and then it started to come in pieces.
You remembered Javi, how he came to you worried and tried to revive you, and then he took you in his arms and sat you in the car.
Also remembered how you were running to the bathroom and throwing up over and over again.
You closed your eyes tightly, embarrassed.
He must be disgusted  by me damn it, you thought.
You pulled the sheet over your face, you wanted to disappear.
“Are you awake?”
You were surprised to hear Javi's voice, oh right, after the vomiting session he has taken you to the shower, dried you off, helped you to get dressed and put you to bed.
You moaned in shame.
“Baby, are you okay?”
You clung to the sheet with all your strength when he tried to pull it off your face, but in the end he was stronger than you. When he pulled the sheet away, you immediately covered your eyes with your hands, feeling so ashamed.
Javi laughed, “So you remember last night?”
You shook your head slowly as yes.
What did he mean?
You tried to remember quickly, has something else happened?
Then suddenly you remembered everything piece by piece.
Remembered everything you said to Javi when he put you in the bath tube.
“I hate you, why don't you want to marry me?”
“Because I don't have blond hair? Would you marry me if I dyed my hair?”
And the worst...
“Will you marry me if I propose you? Please don't leave me.”
Actually, the worst thing was that you kept punching his shoulders, crying and begging like a toddler.
Fuck me.
“You remember, don't you?” he was waiting for an answer, he took your hands off your face but you refused to look at his face.
“No, I just drank too much and then I passed out.”
As if it wasn't enough that he was leaning over you on the bed, he grabbed your chin with one hand and turned your face to his.
“You don't remember anything you said to me last night?”
You shook your head, looking away, knowing that if you looked into his brown eyes he would see through your lie.
“What about the hot rough angry sex we had last night?” he whispered into your mouth. His sweet breath made you dizzy.
You looked at him confused. Surely you would remember that if you had sex like that.
“What? But after the bath you put me to bed so then we did it?”
He snickered. “So apparently you remember everything.”
Oh, shit.
“Did you set me up?”
“Why are you lying?”
“Because I'm so ashamed, last night that, wasn’t me. Please forget it.”
“How can I forget that you asked me to marry you three times?” He was still laughing. “And you were so cute, I loved drunk you.”
You frowned. “So you liked it a lot huh, did you forget why I wanted to be drunk?”
You wanted to get up but he grabbed you by the arms, pressing them back down to the mattress.
“You're right, about that, forgive me for not telling you before, I was wrong.”
He kissed your forehead then let your arms go.
He sat up in bed and then lifted you to sit up too. He was looking into your eyes with his brown eyes.
‘I made a mistake years ago, I regretted it very much, I even wanted to turn back time and go back to her, but I loved my job more. I didn't care, I saw her last year, married you know, she has children and all, I let her slip away and she was belonged to someone else. At that moment I thought that it was impossible for me to find true love, I didn't deserve it anyway, so I didn't pursue love, I let it go. But then you came along and you became my everything all of sudden, you were born like the sun in my life,’ he caressed your cheek with the back of his hand.
You didn't even realise how tears were running down your cheeks.
‘Do you really think so?’ your voice trembled.
‘Yes baby, that's the real reason I couldn't think to prevent you from getting married earlier.’
‘You thought that you were being punished?’ you were surprised, how could he think that?
‘It was nonsense, never mind that, actually I feel I got rewarded, now,’ he said and kissed you on the lips.
‘Thank you for saying that,’ you felt so relieved, breaking the kiss. ‘I apologize for last night.’
‘No need to, cariño.’
‘But there's something else you didn't tell me, isn't there?’ you leaned your head on his shoulder.
‘Hm?’ he was playing with your hair.
‘You miss your job,’ you said, you’ve noticed that days ago.
‘No matter how happy we are here together, you miss your job, you want to be there.’
He looked at you with raised eyebrows. ‘You're right, I'm not going to lie to you, I want to go back to work, I've been meaning to tell you,’ he smiled. ‘you know me well now don't you?’
‘I guess I do,’ looking at him and grinning.
‘I’m gonna visit Steve tomorrow since he’s in headquarters. I don't know where they'll assign me though, but San Antonio most probably. So are you ready to come there with me? I thought you liked it here?’
‘Yeah, but Javi, I'm happy as long as I'm with you, no matter where we are.’
‘I love you so fucking much.’ he kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist and slid you into his lap.
‘So hot rough angry sex, huh?'
He chuckled. ‘Since we're not angry, how about a hot rough morning sex?’ his lips running through your neck.
You giggled, ‘I thought you'd never ask-“
He interrupted you by kissing and pushed you backward onto bed.
So were too close to end guys :) hope you all enjoyed so far :)
for any requests hit the comments xoxo
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girls-alias · 10 months
Dean's Dream P4
Title: Dean's Dream P4
Part 3
Words: 1333
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
TW: Foul language.
Dean is captured by a Djinn and dreams of Y/N.
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She turned, smiling at me. From the smirk on her lips I knew she had caught me checking her out. She giggled approaching me. "Keep looking at me like that and we wont make it to Sam's," She explained seductively before leaning up. I smirked, leaning in to connect our lips. A kiss, intended to be short and sweet but developed into roaming hands and dancing tongues. I smirked against her lips, thankful I was here though I knew I didn't want to be anywhere else.
"Excuse me!" An old woman's voice called from behind me. I moved to pull away but my lips wouldn't allow me to leave hers. The woman in my arms, the love of my life only pulling me closer.
*What Dean couldn't see was his woman flipping the old lady the finger over Dean's shoulder. *
"How rude! There are kids in this neighbourhood," The woman continued to complain. I watched as she pulled away from the kiss, eyes rolling. She looked pissed.
"Wind your neck in lady or we'll show them the birds and the bee's right on this porch," Her voice was raised, her eyes serious and dark but a smile never leaving her lips. It wasn't a sincere smile but a smile non the less. I chuckled, admiring her as she stared the lady down. Damn!
The old hag scoffed dramatically, looking around for other neighbours to take her side but no one was looking in our direction. She grumbled as she walked away.
"What a cuck," My woman scoffed before turning to me, as soon as her eyes were on me she had loving and happy eyes. Her smile reflecting the love she has for me. I wanted to chuckle but didn't want to miss a second of looking at her. "Come on, hot stuff. You're driving," She explained holding car keys out to me. I chuckled as I accepted the keys, she moved to keep walking but I pulled her back by her waist. Instantly connecting our lips again. She giggled as she kissed me back but pulled away smiling brightly. My lips curled into a smile as I admired her up close.
"I love you," I confessed but she chuckled, placing a hand on my cheek.
"I love you too," She expressed, connecting our lips softly and pulling away slowly. "We do have to go though," She explained reluctantly. I nodded, finally releasing her hips from my grasp. She smiled interlocking our fingers to hold my hand as she guided me down the porch steps and towards the car.
1967 Chevy Impala. I admired it's beauty, wondering how I could possibly recognise the car more than the amazing woman who loves me. I still don't know her name. Maybe I should look for letters in the mail, that will surely have her name on it. Her fingers began slipping from mine as she made her way to the passenger's side. I took the opportunity to slap her ass as she walked away. She looked back, smirking at me devilishly. The grin on my face growing as I got another excuse to admire her.
We got in the car, AC/DC instantly playing through the car as I started the engine. She gasped leaning forward to turn it up. She likes rock music, how is she getting more and more perfect? I put the car in reverse ready to drive away before realising I have no idea where I'm going.
"I'll give you directions don't worry," She explained as if it was no big deal. I looked at her, taking a second to just watch her as her smile grew wider the more I was looking at her. She giggled after a little while. "What?" She asked.
"I love you," I confessed because she knows me so well. I have no idea what's going on and she's guiding me through it so easily. She knows me better than I know myself.
"I love you too," She chuckled as she shook her head softly.
She guided me all the way to Sam's house. We pulled up outside to see a small house on a quiet street, 7 houses at most. I smiled knowing he must be happy here. I turned off the car, she gave me a final smile and kiss before climbing out. I can't stop smiling, she's too perfect! I climbed out and watched as she opened the back door and started grabbing a large bag full of wrapped presents and a card on top. I grinned knowing she must have put a lot of effort into this. I hurried to her side as she started leading the way to his house, I placed my hand over hers, accepting the bag from her grasp. She smiled brightly but chuckled.
"It's a little heavy," She explained but I shrugged, it can't be that heavy. She chuckled before dropping the bag into my hand. My eyes almost popped out of my head. It wasn't too heavy that I couldn't carry it but it was heavy enough to make me almost drop it. She laughed, a beautiful, harmonic laugh. Stopping in her tracks to bend, she was laughing so hard. I chuckled, simply wishing to always remember this moment no matter what happens.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" I asked playfully, she struggled for breath as she stood up straight about to come back with a snarky remark but couldn't hold her laugh in any longer and burst out again. I laughed alongside her.
"Having fun without me," Sam's voice called from his front door. I looked up as he started walking out to greet us. She stopped laughing and her smile was beaming. "Y/N," He exclaimed hurrying down his porch steps. That's her name! Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. I need to remember it! Y/N. Y/N. Y/N.
"Sammy!" She exclaimed rushing to hug him. They met in the middle hugging tightly as he lifted her from the ground. He put her down and turned to me not noticing that she playfully rolled her eyes at him. I grinned widely, they're best friends. I love it! Sam hurried to me a little, I wasn't completely sure how we would greet each other but his arms opened and I accepted his tight hug. I grinned widely, patting his back with my free hand. He stepped back smiling at me widely.
"Happy birthday, Sammy," I explained holding my arm up a little to offer him the bag. He looked surprised before accepting it and smiled at me with tear filled eyes.
"Thank you, you didn't have to do all this," He explained, grabbing the card from the top.
"Y/N did it all," I cheered, happy to be saying her name. It rolled of my tongue with ease. She gasped audibly. I looked to see her approaching. She stood by my side, lifting my left arm to drape over her shoulders, I smiled as I pulled her in closer.
"I'll have you know, it's baby to you," She explained correcting me. I chuckled seeing the irony. I've felt terrible all morning for not knowing her name and now she only wants me to call her baby. I didn't even need to know it really. "But Dean's being modest, he has been working on your gifts for months, isn't that right babe?" She asked, turning to wink at me to play along. She wants me to take the credit. She's fucking perfect!
"Well, I wouldn't say that," I played it off but Sam chuckled.
"I really appreciate it, man. Thank you," Sam explained, coming back to hug me again.
"Don't say that, you haven't opened them yet," Y/N joked, making us laugh as we pulled away from the hug. She clapped her hands together. "Alright, where's my nephew? Russ!" She called out facing the house. My eyes widened as I watched his front door. Sammy has a son?!
A dog burst through the screen door, it banged against the wood panelling of his house. I almost sighed with relief. Thank God I didn't forget a child. Y/N's face lit up as the dog rushed to her and she quickly stroked him talking to him with a baby voice. She keeps getting cuter and cuter.
"Come on, I'll get us a beer," Sam explained, gesturing with his head to the house. I watched Y/N as she smiled brightly and joined me at my side for the small walk. I draped my arm over her shoulders, watching as she smiled even brighter.
"God, I love you," I whispered as I kissed the top of her head as we walked.
"I love you too," She explained slowing down and turning to me to quickly connected our lips. She really is perfect.
Masterlist Part 5
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bigwishes · 2 years
Hey could you help me out?
I've been applying to some of the frat houses, but I've never gotten invited. They always make fun of my small frame, saying I should apply to somewhere else.
Is there a way I can get back to that asshole leader. I want him to cower in front of me. I want to be taller and more muscular then any of those douchbags, so they beg me to join them.
Oh sorry you've been having trouble finding a frat to join but I think I know a group of guys who can help you. Funnily enough they made a wish too but don't worry about that.
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Brinley, Brayden and Bruce. The three had wished for some jerky jock personalities and they got what they wished for but now they also wanna have the best A lister only party. Well I've already gone ahead and asked them for a favour since I've now granted them two wishes, don't be shy and introduce yourself.
"Hey bro, you can totally join our frat" "Yeah bruh, you'll be so good for what we asked for" "Yeah, man, you'll look so good"
The three pull away to themselves and leave you standing there whilst they chat and laugh, you catch a couple bits of the conversation something about "how big did you ask for?" followed by Brinley and Bruce breaking out in that stupid bro chuckle whilst shoving Brayden between the two of them. They began to turn back and you heard "don't worry, he'll definitely listen"
"Okay bro, all ya gotta do to join our frat is....ride home in the car with us" "yeah bruh and hurry the fuck up we gotta get stuff for the party" "ye-yeah, let get going huh huh" Brinley and Bruce burst out laughing again shoving Brayden calling him a fag. You have no idea what's going on but this could be your only chance to join a frat so you follow them back to their car. You get in and the floor is covered in energy drink cans, the car stinks of stale sweat as you see three gym bags stuffed in the back. Brinley and Bruce take the front two seats whilst you were stuck in the back seat next to Brayden. Brayden stuck his hand under his backwards cap scratching his head and biting down on his lip, almost salivating looking at you. But what why was that jacked stud drooling over your average skinny frame. "Ooooh Brayden, excited about his big changes?" "Yaahhh Brayden, why don't you stick your face in the big boys pits" "BRUH SHUT THE FUCK UP" The car started, buzzing to life and you instantly felt weird like your lungs had been replaced with a void, every breath you took seemed endless. You began breathing through your mouth deeply, huffing like you'd just been running for an hour. You looked down at your body and noticed your chest puffing out with each breath, building, becoming more and more solid. Your arms tingled as they began to inflate. Your shirt rips apart around your torso.
"oh, errr here bro, have my tank top. might be a tight fit huh huh" "YOO BRAYDEN, ROCKIN A HARDY THERE MATE HAHAHA" You noticed Brayden's hard on straining against the fabric of his shorts as he threw his shirt at you. As you put it on you couldn't help noticed what happened to you in the car mirror.
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You'd some how bulked up, going from looking like a twig to a football playing jock in a matter of seconds. The tank barely covered your torso, leaving the sides of your chest exposed. Brayden sat next to you staring at your body biting his lip drooling and with all this muscle some confidence was brewing in your gut and you wanted to slam Brayden into a wall.
"oi, don't get comfy mate, Brayden asked for more" "BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP" "you're gonna be on door duty tonight big fella," Great, your first party and your stuck as the fucking door man. Soon the four of you had pulled up at a cheap looking frat house. It looked pretty run down but so did most of the houses on the block. Something still felt off, your body ached. You needed whatever this pain was to go away before the night. Even if you were just the fucking door lacky you needed to be at the top of your game for any guys who might wanna stay the night. Bruce showed you to your room and left you alone until the party. You took a deep breath and the void reappeared in your chest. Each breath your body inflated more, bursting out of your tank and pants leaving you in stretched out briefs.
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You couldn't believe how fucking incredible you looked and you were now so fucking horny. You had to find Brayden, he seemed to be drooling over you before so surely he'd wanna feel your massive arms now. You bit down on your lip thinking about shoving Brayden's head down on to your waste and skull fucking him.
You called out for him asking for help with moving something, but when he appeared in your doorway you grabbed him by the shirt and stared to undress him. He wrapped his hands around your torso and dug his fingers into your newly formed back muscles but the pleasure didn't last long before the aches and pains were back, but this time instead of just the feeling of your muscled getting bigger it felt like your spine was snapping. You dropped Brayden on the floor and watched as him and the floor seemed to be getting further and further away. You felt your arms move outwards from your body and your shoulders and lats got wider. Your body became thicker and thicker. You looked at the doorframe it looked like you wouldn't even be able to get through without turning sideways at this point.
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Now standing at 8.6ft tall and wider than the door frame you were shocked and what you'd become.
"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS DO TO ME" "oh fuck, when I wished for a large door man...I really got a large door man huh" "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN" "Bro relax, you're huge and fucking stunning" "Look, It'd be hot if I wasn't at risk of crushing the guy" The other two appeared in the doorway "LETS FUCKING GO BOIIIIS" "HAHA Brayden when you wished for a big door man you really a man..whos a door AHAHAHAHA" "I'm not gonna be your fucking door man, I'm taking this body out on the fucking town boys, not standing in a doorway all night" "OOFT, nah, sorry mate we wished for you so we get what we want" Brinley snapped his fingered and it felt like firecrackers in your head, a moment later your head was hung slack and drool poured out of your mouth and onto your chest. "Okay big man, time for some adjustments, FIRST you'll always be our doorman, personal bouncer and do everything you're told" "OH OH OH, AND SECOND YOU'RE BRAYDON'S PERSONAL FUCK MACHINE HAHAHAHA" "DUDE YOU FUCKING IDIOT, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO" "relax man" "No you fucking idiot, we only got 2 braincells to give him" "huh?" "Jesus fucking Christ Bruce, you always fuck things up like this" "What are we gonna do with this animal now?" "hmm, I've got an idea, but I'll explain after the party"
The lads first party wasn't exactly the A lister only they wished for but, it was good enough to spread the word and Brinley had the bright idea of opening their own mini nightclub in the basement. People would come from every corner of campus just to try and get in, but they had to get past you. The enourmous fucking door man blocking the entrance to the house every single night for hours on end, sometimes not moving for up to 8 hours at a time. But surely there was atleast some part of you left in that empty head because every night when the leaders of other frats came to party you picked them up by the scruff of their shirt and threw them on the street and non of them ever tried to fight back, one even pissed his pants when you caught him sneaking in through the window.
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This is you now, from skinny lil bloke looking for a frat to massive brainless hulk who does exactly what he's told and has frat leaders begging him to let them through to the best party on campus.
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Coming Home
Capri Donahue x gn! reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions & descriptions of anxiety, some coarse language
In which, reader wakes up feeling like they’ve gotten out from the wrong side of bed and nothing feels right
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(Pictures used above are from Pinterest)
Requested? Yes / No
You stood before the vanity, looking at yourself in the mirror. Taking a few deep breaths to relieve the tense feeling in your body, not much happens— you still felt…weird. But since you only had thirty minutes to leave the house and get to your shift at the bookstore on time, you couldn’t focus on that. Not now, you couldn’t be late. Glancing over your shoulder at Capri’s sleeping figure, you left the room. Grabbing your lunchboxes and placing them into a bag, you then put your shoes on. You made sure that you've already grabbed your keys, wallet and phone before leaving the house. Your heart was racing and you didn't like it— you didn't know why that was happening but you couldn't do anything about it. You got into your car and drove off, hands clutching onto the steering wheel so tightly that your knuckles turned white.
"You're okay, y/n." You reminded yourself, "Breathe...in and out. Breathe. Watch the road, focus on driving. Nothing else. Everything is—" Nope, not okay. You couldn't even trick yourself into it. Shit, and now your stomach hurt. "Why must it start hurting at the worst time possible?" A soft sigh escaped your lips as you stopped at a light, "God, stop it."
Eventually, you got to work. Putting your stuff into your locker, you put your name tag on and retrieved your water bottle. Chugging some of the liquid, you put it back, walking out to the floor.
"Everything alright, y/n?"
You blinked blankly a few times, "Uh, yeah. Fine. Everything's fine."
You felt like the air was getting sucked out of you— you felt like you were ‘over-feeling’ every single normal bodily sensation.
Your manager then tasked you to stock the shelves with a few boxes of the new books and other items that had just arrived. Thankfully, during which, you felt fine. You felt relaxed, for the first time since you woke up that morning. You worked in a pretty small bookstore that doesn’t get too crowded so it was peaceful most of the time.
“y/n.” Your manager taps you on the shoulder, unintentionally startling you.
“Oh, hey Alex.” You stopped what you were doing for a moment.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle ya. What time do you wanna go for your break?” He asks.
“Uh, maybe 12:30?”
“Sure thing.” He nods, “Okay, I’m gonna let you get back to restocking. Is it okay if you cover for Elliot at 11:30? He’s gonna go for his break then. I gotta make some calls to suppliers and ask Dana why she isn’t here yet.”
“On the checkout?”
“Yeah.” He confirms.
You knew you had to do it somehow. You guys were the only ones working today and were short a staff member. “Just for the duration of our break. Sometimes he takes a way longer break.”
“That has become a problem, hasn’t it?” Alex sighs.
“A little, yeah.” You shrug, maybe coming off a little more annoyed than intended.
“I don’t wanna pry because we all have bad days, but do you wanna take a minute for yourself and calm down? ‘Cause I know sometimes you deal with thought spirals.” He asked you straightforwardly.
“I am feeling a little weird today. Don’t know why, and those breathing exercises did not work.”
“I’m sorry, but if you need a minute just let me know and you can dip out, okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded lightly, “Thanks, I just— I think I need something to do where I’m not thinking about anything, like—”
“I got you, just finish this up and work on the displays. Change them up a little. I’m gonna go give Dana a call, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
As midday approached, you started feeling more…okay. “y/n, Alex says you’re covering for me, right?”
“Yeah, but can you come back on time? Because I’m not feeling too great today and I don’t be on the front for too long.”
He seethed, “Sorry. Yeah, I’ll come back on time, I promise.”
“Alright, thanks.” You answered with a shrug, sure that he would most definitely not keep to his word. But, it had to be said. He couldn’t just keep taking longer breaks because he feels like it.
You took his place behind the cashier while you watched him take off his apron and leave. The bell above the door tinkling, signalling his departure from the store. You zoned out briefly, staring at the keyboard when the door opening again snapped you back into reality. You were expecting a customer but it was Dana who rushed into the store apologising profusely for oversleeping.
“Good! There you are. So good to see you. Will you be okay to—” Alex walks out from the break room. Dana interrupts him. “Work overtime? Yeah, I’ll make up for the hours I missed this morning.”
“That. And, could you cover the checkout? I want y/n working on the displays instead. Elliot takes forever and Derek our store’s artsy guy won’t be working for the next two weeks.”
“Sure, no prob!” Dana stood beside you.
“So you wanted me to change them all?”
“That’s right. It’s getting a little boring having everything looking like this for the past two months. Shake it up a little, friend.”
“On it.” You nodded firmly.
“Also, Elliot should be back by 12:15. So he isn’t back by then, call him, text him…whatever you do. Get him back here.” You heard Alex telling Dana as you walked into the storage room at the back to get out a couple boxes of decorations.
You worked on redoing the displays until you had to go for your break. Sitting down in break room, you opened up your lunchboxes and dug into the food: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in one container and the other had some trail mix in one half and veggies in the other half. You completely zoned out while you ate, until Capri sends you a text.
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Lunch went by pretty quickly. You put away your empty lunchboxes in your locker, went to wash your hands, then got back to work. “All good?” Alex asks when he saw you exit the break room.
“Yeah, I finished my food so I’m going back to wo—”
“You, not the displays.” He bit back a laugh.
“Better, actually. Thanks for asking.”
“That’s good.” He replies, “Hey, you’re working tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” You ask, shoving your hands into your pockets while you leaned against the wall.
“Nothing, I’m just thinking if you wanted to just take the day off tomorrow? You’ve worked six days last week and already two days this week.”
“Would you have enough people on shift?” You asked again, concerned.
“We’ll be fine, employee-of-the-month.” He jokes, “Don’t worry about it. Take tomorrow off, relax, sleep in, sleep all day, go see the stars with your girlfriend. Anything.”
“If you insist.” You agreed, “I’m gonna— hey, do you think we should shift the horror and thriller books more to the front for this table? Since Halloween’s next month.”
“y/n. You know what you’re doing at this job, just go for it. I’ve never doubted you.” Alex says.
“Very well then.” You nodded slowly, scurrying away to the back of the store to move the set of books to a table nearer to the front of the store.
After saying bye to Alex, Dana and Elliot, you left and started your drive home. As you got into the car, your nose was hit with an oddly familiar scent which made you feel anxious. You hated that certain scents could do this to you. You were doing pretty well until now.
Deciding to put on your favourite playlist, you drive off. Once again, you relied on your breathing exercises the whole way through. However, when you got home, you still felt strange. That feeling from earlier on in the day was bubbling back up.
Unlocking the front door, you stepped inside and shut the door. Before the front door even fully shut, Capri came up to you. “Hi, baby.” She presses a kiss to your lips while brushing the hair out of your eyes. She studied your face, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You pursed your lips together, shaking your head, “I…don’t know what’s making me feel so…on the edge today? I just feel shitty, every little thing triggers a stomachache or makes my heart feel like it’s going to beat out of my chest. Everything just feels so off.” You looked away from her but she just tilted your chin with her finger to make you look at her. Capri cups your cheeks in her hands, caressing your cheek, “You’re okay, you’re home now. I’ve got you.”
Looking at Capri right in the eye made you feel like crying, made you feel like releasing those tears that you were holding back for some reason. Finally, with her, in her presence…her company. Your body just…relaxed. Completely relaxed and let go off whatever repressed feelings from the day. “I’m gonna give you a hug, alright, baby? Is that okay with you?” She asks softly and you answered by wrapping your arms around her first.
You soon stopped crying and broke away from the embrace. Capri slowly does the same, “Go take a shower, okay, babe? I’ll join you in a minute. Just have to turn the oven off.”
“Okay.” You agreed with a sniffle, trudging upstairs.
You grab your towel and walked into the bathroom, stripping your clothes off then stepped into the shower. You hear footsteps over the sounds of the falling water, then saw Capri walking in. She helps you shampoo your hair and lather the soap on your body— you just let her, enjoying her company. While you washed everything off, she was shampooing her own hair and soaping up her body. Even when you were done, you just hung around until she was too.
She leads you back into your shared bedroom by the hand then picked out a change of clothes for you— her clothes. Your favourite comfy hoodie of hers and your own pair of shorts. Once you were both dressed, she cuddled with you without you having to ask while watching Friends with you. She knew exactly what you needed.
Eyes flicking upward to look at hers, your heart melts as do you, into her embrace. She presses a kiss to your head, pulling you closer to her. Her eyes. They felt like…coming home. So beautiful, so warm, so loving.
“Capri?” Your eyes met hers again. She presses the space bar to pause the show, “Yes, baby?”
You cup her cheek and pulled her a little lower, pressing your lips onto hers. Capri smiles, returning the kiss. “I love you.” The corner of your lips tug into a smile.
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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queenquinzel715 · 1 year
1. Alfie Solomons 18+
Word count 3,175
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1. Alfie Solomons 18+
(Y/n) p.o.v
I've had enough of Small Heath, Birmingham, so I told Poll I'm going to London to visit Ada. Granted I was staying with my younger sister, but I spent most of my time with old friends that moved out of Birmingham. They told me about this club, it's supposedly the rage of London, and I'm dying to see just how big this place is.
"Hurry (y/n)! The car is here." My friend, Mildred yells for me.
"I'm coming!" I rush past Ada with a kiss on the cheek. "Be back in the morning Ada!" I yell over my shoulder.
"All because your name is Shelby doesn't mean you have to act like one!" I hear Ada as I climb into the car.
As Mildred, Joan, and I rode in the car we told stories of our lives, and we'd laugh. We finally got to the club, and I'm so thankful no one knows who I am, or my family. We walk in, check our coats, and immediately I get an idea of what kind of club this was. There were people doing drugs before you even got to the main club part, along with people having sex against the wall. I might as well have stayed in Small Heath for this. The only difference was this was high class instead of the dirty Garrison.
As the night went on I lost each friend to guys, one with snow, and the other to dancing. I stayed at our table, relaxing against my seat, just enjoying the music, and my drink. That was until some high-end guy sat in the seat next to me, and moved it closer. I slightly move to the side to take a sip of my drink, trying my best to ignore him, but he takes my drink out of my hand.
"You shouldn't be alone." He states. "It's not safe for a woman to be here alone."
"I'm fine." I say in a monotone.
"Why don't we get a drink? I can get you the top stuff." He boosts.
"I have the top shelf. Thank you" I state trying to reach for my glass.
He grabs my arm while he stands, lifting me up with him. I try to pull my arm away, but his grip hardens.
"Dance with me." He commands.
Before I can curse at him a big fist collides with his jaw, making him fall to the ground. I turn to my savior to see a man with a beard, top hat, and a cane. He moves to stand in front of me.
"Right, you say you're sorry to the lady." His cockney accent throws me.
"I'm not…" the man stops when he looks up. "Sorry ma'am." He then runs away.
"Names Alfie Solomons, love. " He tips his hat to me.
"(Y/n)." I purposely leave my last name out.
"You need a new drink, love. What you havin'?" He points to my spilt glass.
"Gin and water." I told him. I could tell it surprised him.
"That's fucking awful. Let me get you a proper drink." He sirs as he holds two fingers to the bartender.
"So, what has a gentleman, like yourself, in a club like this?" I smirk at him.
"I could ask the same, love." He chuckles.
We are a couple drinks down. Apparently the rum in London is a lot smoother than in Birmingham. We laugh at each other's stories. I say goodbye to my friends when they leave with their own men.
"I couldn't possibly drink another one." I giggle as I move the half empty glass away.
"Let me help you." He helps me stand straight as we walk out.
Alfie walks me to a cab that's sitting waiting outside. I laugh at myself as I slip into the seat. I lay my head against Alfie's shoulder as he tells the driver to go he moves to rest on my crossed knee, and the other over his cane. I run my hand along his arm until it wraps around his bicep, and the other rests on the top of his rough hand. He flips his hand to actually hold my hand. We rode in comfortable silence until I eventually leaned my head on his shoulder.
When we pull up to his hotel he pays the driver, and helps me out. I keep hold of his hand as he guides me up the stairs. Once we get to his door his hands go to my waist to pull me close to him. I run my fingers in his beard as I smile up at him as we lean into each other. We kiss like we haven't seen each other in years, like we needed each other. He starts to kiss along my jaw.
"Al…Alfie please open the door." I softly moan into his ear.
He gives me a smirk as he takes a small step back, but doesn't let go of me as he turns to the door. I squeal from being picked up from the waist, and I hear the door slam behind me. I giggle as I'm set on my feet again. I turn to Alfie, playfully hitting his arm.
"You awful man." I laugh.
He chuckles as he throws his jacket off letting it fall over a chair while his cane falls to the floor. He grabs me by my waist to pull me to his chest. I smile up at him as I move his suspenders down his arms. He backs us to the bed making us fall onto the bed, with my knees on his hips. I gasp when he starts kissing my shoulder to my neck. I grab the back of his neck as he starts moving his hand up my leg, bringing my skirt up with his hand. I rest my hands in his hair while I open my legs for him to kneel between them. He locks his eyes with me as he pulls my underwear down. With a tight grip on my thighs he begins to kiss along the inside of my thigh then doing the same to the other side. I tried to lean on my elbows to watch him, but the closer he gets the more intense I feel. I fall on my back with soft moans. He finally is close enough, but all he does is kiss my lower lips with a quick kiss. I almost whine, but it stops in my throat when he licks up my opening.
"Alfie." I reach for his hand on my hip.
He entwined our fingers, giving me a slight squeeze before completely devouring me like a starved man. My back arches into the air as I grasp the top of his head. I've never had a man do this, this good before. My thighs already start to shake from him playing with my clit.
"Alfie, please! I…" my head falls back as I beg.
I feel his free hand run up my stomach to my chest as he sucks my clit while pulling away. He uses his hand to hold me down while I shake under him, a moaning mess. While I catch my breath he stands to look over me, and slides his pants off. I quickly slide my dress over my head as he crawls between my legs. I rub my hands over his shoulders as he gets in between my legs. My body is just melted, a puddle under him. I actually need him. I've never needed anyone this way before, and it's throwing my mind off. I can't keep any sense to me while he slowly slides into me. He doesn't stop until his hips are against mine, and he leans down, his groans vibrating my shoulder.
"Fuck, love." He starts to move.
I move my hips along with his as he moves faster. He knows every spot like I've known him for years. The faster he moves the louder the bed squeaks, the harder I grip his arm, and he tightly squeezes me to his chest. I bite my lip to hold my moans in, but he rams hard enough to reach deeper than I could ever imagine. I have to hide my mouth in his neck as I moan out.
"Alfie. Please." I beg into his neck.
His movements become sloppy, and I can feel myself tighten around him, feeling every grove of him. With a deep groan and another deep ram we release at the same time. I tried to catch my breath, but Alfie pulling me to his chest didn't help. I usually leave after I relax for a moment, however his arms are so warm I fall asleep.
I wake up at some point in the morning, and begin to slowly leave. I have to get out of here before he gets up or it's going to be awkward. I don't have many one nights, but I know the rules. I get back to Adas while she is at work, so I just go back to bed for a couple hours. I'm woken by the phone ringing.
"Ada Thorne residents." I answer.
"(Y/n), I need you back soon. Come straight to the Arrow House." Tommy orders before hanging up.
"Oh yes Tommy. No problem Tommy." I grumble to myself hanging up the phone.
He's such a pain in the ass. I tell Ada Tommy's orders, and she just rolls her eyes as she helps me pack. I give her and Karl a final hug as I board the train. I can't stand how I have to follow Tommy's rules, and orders. I swear I'm gonna smack him one day.
Coming into the station I see Tommy's driver waiting for me, and helps with my bags. Of course Thomas Shelby couldn't meet his sister at the station. The drive to Arrow was peaceful, and all I thought about was Alfie. I start feeling guilty for leaving, for some reason. Pulling into the long driveway of the house I roll my eyes at Tommy's new living.
"(Y/n) welcome back. How's Ada?" Polly asks as she helps me step out of the car.
"Ada is fine, Karl is driving her mad with his shenanigans, but overall fine." I laugh with her while we walk inside.
"Well Tommy of course was ahead of himself, because his meeting isn't until tomorrow." She walks me toward the living room. "I told him you would already be here, but of course he didn't listen." She lights her cigarette as she talks.
"It's okay I wasn't really doing anything." I shrug.
She hums in reply, but Tommy stops her from actually saying anything. He doesn't even acknowledge us here, he just pours him a drink.
"(Y/n) my business partner will be here tomorrow afternoon. I need you there to have the papers in order." He simply tells me.
"Why can't Lizzie help you?"
"Because I have you doing something else." He walks away with no response from me.
The rest of the night I talked with Polly. I went to bed dreaming of ocean water. I woke to Polly shaking me awake for breakfast. I took my time getting ready, and setting the papers in front of Tommy making sure he saw I put them there. John, Arthur, and Tommy start talking business, so I just leave.
Around two in the afternoon I was called into Tommy's office by Polly. She has hard eyes when I see her, but I should've been listening to the voice in the office. As I walk in everything goes quiet.
"(Y/n)." When I hear that deep voice again I almost fall to my needs, but instead my head snaps up to the man standing next to my brother's desk.
"Al…what?" I try to gather myself, but of of course a girl can't do that when she has brothers.
"How the fuck do you know our sister?" Arthur stands from his seat.
Alfie just looks at me in shock as I do him, maybe in deeper shock. I look at Tommy as he stares at me. He knew. He knew, and that's why he called me to come here. My head begins to spin as John and Arthur start yelling, so I just run out of the room.
"(Y/n)!" I hear multiple voices call behind me.
I run to the side of the house, squatting down, and just take deep breaths. I slept with their business partner, and I might actually feel something for him. I already know it's not going to end well for me or Alfie. I stay leaning against the house until I hear my name being called.
"Love where are you?" I hear Alfie's voice call with the others.
I take a deep breath before walking out. Polly, John, and Alfie are watching me walk toward them. Alfie looks my body over with sad eyes before turning to his car. Polly puts her arms around me as Alfie drives away. I know we weren't together, but it still hurt he left.
"It'll turn out right (y/n)." John rubs my arm.
We walk back into the office we're a fuming Arthur is sitting with a calm looking Tommy. Polly sits me in a chair in front of the desk, and sits next to me as John stands behind my chair. The look Tommy is giving me is like he's looking at every depth of my soul. He clears his throat before light a cigarette, and turning his eyes to Arthur.
"His name is Alfie Solomons, and he runs the Jews in Camden Town. We started working with him when we went against Sabini, but Alfie decided he wanted the Italians." Tommy clears his throat. "You know everything after that, but he hasn't done anything lately." He looks at Arthur when he scoffs. "I need to know if you knew him."
"No, I swear we met at the club in London." I tell the truth.
"Do you care for him?" Tommy asks.
"I… well.."
"Who cares?! You go near him again, I'll cut him." Arthur storms out.
"Answer me." Tommy pushes.
"Thomas enough." Polly steps in, but Tommy just stares me down.
"I don't know." I shrug.
"You don't know, but yet you slept with him." He scoffs.
"Oh please like you are the Virgin Mary." I roll my eyes. "I did know he was a gang leader or something like that. He stood up for me and bought me a drink. He was different." I say the last to myself but of course Polly heard, and snapped her head to me.
"Alright that's enough. She hasn't done anything wrong,Thomas. What she chooses is her choice." Polly tells Tommy, and gives him the eyes that meant that the conversation is over.
She walks us up to my room, and shuts the door when I sit on my bed.
"Now it's my job to tell you what he said." She smirks at my reaction, and hands me a folded paper. "If you want to call him he will answer, and business is business not this." With that she left.
Over the next couple days I keep thinking of Alfie, so when the guys are gone I use the library phone to call Alfie, and when his deep force answers I freeze.
"Hello!" He calls again with frustration.
"Alfie?" I quietly answered.
"(Y/n)? Wha…are you okay?" He sounds so flustered.
"I'm okay. I just decided to call you." I hear something move in the background.
"I'm glad you called. I knew you couldn't resist me, love.'' He chuckles along with my giggles.
We talk until I hear a while blowing in the background. He grumbles under his breath.
"It's quitting time, love. I have to go."
"Oh okay." I pause for a moment. "Where do you work?"
"A bread factory in Camden Town." He tells me, but a loud bang is heard before I could respond. "Love I gotta go, I work with idiots."
"Okay bye Alfie." I giggle.
"Bye love." He hangs up.
I turn around to leave with a giddy smile on my face, but Tommy leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
"I'll deal with Arthur, just don't lie to us." He walked away before I could hug him.
I rush to my room, and throw things into a small bag. I have to get back to London. I tell my family where I was going, and the only thing Polly tells me is to be careful. The train pulls into the London station, and I see Ada waiting for me. When she sees me she gives me a smirk with her hands on her hips.
"I told you just because you are named Shelby doesn't mean you act like them." We laugh as we get to her car.
The next morning I got ready. I make sure everything is perfect before I get into the taxi. As the drive gets closer to where I'm going I begin to get nervous. What will happen? We stop close enough to the door. I knock on the big door almost getting hit with it when a scrawny man with an apron answers.
"I'm here for Mr. Solomons, the name's Shelby." I simply tell him.
He opens the door further for me, and I follow him through the bakery, up the stairs to Alfie's office. He points toward the door before going back down the stairs. I softly knock on the door before opening it slowly.
"What now, Ollie?" He doesn't look up from his papers until the click of my heels hit the floor as I walk to him. "What are you doing here, love?" I sit on the corner of his desk.
"Well I decided that I wanted to come see you, and that maybe we could talk somethings out." I nervously twist the bead on my dress.
"What is there to talk out? I assumed with your call the other day you were mine." He simply tells me as he stands.
"Well I guess so. I just…" He cages me with his arms.
"You wanted to see me." He finished for me. "I'm glad you're here." He kisses me deeply.
I stayed with Alfie for a whole week, and he almost had my brother banging down his door when he wouldn't let me leave. He ended up coming to Small Health for a few days until the smog got to him. After a couple of months of back and forth Alfie asked me to marry him. Arthur beat him up when we told everyone, but everything is overall okay. The day before my wedding Polly told me I was pregnant, and the baby was going to be famous. My sweet Sylvia was born. She was our angel. However our son Jack became a gang leader like his father. I love him to pieces, but he gives me heart failure.
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Hello sweets
Can I get a George Weasley x tall reader (I'm 5'10) like it's sad I won't have to ask my boyfriend to get stuff for me like all these girls in the fic because I just can get it myself
Have a nice day ahead
This story was, in part, inspired by this scene from the movie Big Fish.
You were so focused on cooking that you didn't hear George sneak up behind you until he wrapped one arm around your waist and used the other to grab the bottle of olive oil from the top shelf that you could more than easily reach.
"You know I can it get myself," you teased.
George shrugged. "I know, but it always makes you smile. And I love when you smile," he said as he began to nibble on your ear. "Besides, it's also a great way to get you all hot and bothered."
You rolled your eyes but still leaned into his soft kisses that were now trailing down your neck. "Georgie, our dinner guests will be here any minute," you reminded him.
"No fair. You never let me any fun," he whined, just before he blew a raspberry on your cheek, making you scream.
Tonight was important. You were having several entrepreneurs over to dinner to discuss the possibility of expanding Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes stores to other countries.
But before business, there was always small talk. And if there was ever an opportunity for George to tell the story of how the two of you met, he was going to take it. You knew tonight would be no different. Even Fred, who used to roll his eyes every time his twin would tell the story, now encouraged him because no matter how curmudgeon or cynical the listener might be, the tale always managed to charm them. It was a great way to break the ice with potential business partners and new clients.
"I swear, if my wife wasn't so tall, we would've never met," George began. "The first time I saw her was at this house party that was being thrown by a friend of Fred's girlfriend. There had to be at least 200 people packed into this house that was about the size of this table," he motioned to the dining room table around which the eight of them sat. "You could barely move without elbowing somebody. So I'd stepped outside to get some fresh air and was standing on the deck, a beer in hand, marveling at how even outside people still melded together into one giant amorphous blob. And that's when I saw her gliding through the crowd, standing head and shoulders above almost everyone else. The whole world came screeching to a halt around us. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was the most beautiful, exquisite, and statuesque woman I'd ever laid eyes on," George took Y/N's hand and kissed it, drawing dreamy sighs from the three other women and at least one of the men at the table.
"I watched her as she made her way toward the deck where I was standing," George continued. "I was so completely mesmerized that instead of approaching her, I just stood there like a dork with my mouth hanging open. It was only when she disappeared inside that the spell broke, and I realized I'd just let her walk on by, without so much as a hello."
"You didn't see him?" One of the women asked you.
"No," you shook your head. "I was too busy trying to get through the crowd."
"So what happened?"
"Well," George said, leaning forward. "I learned something very important about my wife that night. She's fast. Damned fast," he paused to take a sip of wine. "I'm not used to that. Most people have trouble keeping up with me because of my long legs. But her legs are almost as long as mine and far more graceful," he said, grinning at you. "She just moves effortlessly through crowds while I'm tripping around, trying to push my way through. By the time I got inside, she was already halfway through the house. And by the time I made it to the front porch, she was already getting into a car and riding off into the night."
"Wait? You didn't actually meet that night?" Another of their guests asked.
"Nope," George replied. "And other than a first name, no one seemed to know anything about her. Turned out she was a friend of a friend of a friend."
"So... when did you actually meet?"
"Three weeks later," Fred chimed in. "During the back to school rush on Diagon Alley. And thank Godric he did. He'd been moping about all over the place."
A round of chuckles broke out around the table, and a light blush briefly appeared on George's face. You were tempted to reach around your husband and slap Fred in the back of his cocky head. You could've easily done so, but refrained because it would've been unprofessional and would've embarrassed poor George even more.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, George cleared his throat and continued, "The day before school starts back is one of our busiest. From the moment we open to the moment we close, it's nonstop chaos. I was exhausted and was getting ready to take my much needed afternoon break when I saw Y/N's face floating above the crowd."
"You really weren't lying when you said her height was the reason you met," one of the guests commented.
"Nope," George replied, taking another sip of wine.
"I take it you didn't get your break?"
George shook his head. "I spent the next hour helping Y/N and her little sister, who was starting her first year at Hogwarts, find everything she could possibly need to start the year off right."
"And then what?"
"Then," George answered. "I asked Y/N out to dinner. And of course she said yes. The rest, as they say, is history."
The moon was high in the sky when dinner finally wrapped up with both new deals and new friends made. You'd stepped outside to enjoy the warm summer evening while George and Fred finished up some paperwork.
You were too wrapped up stargazing to hear George tiptoe up behind you until he wrapped both his arms around your waist. "Nice night for an evening, yeah?"
Snorting at his usual off-the-wall humor, you turned, wrapping your arms around his neck. He melted into your embrace. "I adore that those lovely, long arms of yours just wrap completely around me in this perfect, warm hug. I could disappear into your arms every time," he mummered as he began trailing kisses down your jaw.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @imshiningjustforyou @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz
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gloria123idk · 1 month
Explaining Yuu's I made: Eleanor Yuu
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She's basically Eleanor from FnaF franchise
• Look
Basic school uniform looks at her weird since the current size is too short, and on the other hand, bigger size would look like a bag on her
At the start of the story, she was using some sort of human form, but after Book 3 most of people around her started to... -suspect-, so she was stealing identity using human form occasionally, and at some point stopped using at all
• Power
At the start she had only small bit of hee powers, but with each overblot, she was getting it back more as she was feeding more and more on suffering
She's under a very VERY CONTROLLING eye of Crowley, after she NEARLY turned one of the freshmans into scrapped metal
After that situation, if scrapped metal or piece of robot appears in school hall she's numero 1 suspect (even when it wasn't she)
• Overblots
After finding out the concept of Overblot, she was using it to eat, one Overblot could make her full for a very long time
Behind Crowley's back she was trying to make students Overblot on purpose, he found out somehow, and now its just like:
"What did I said about trying to make students Overblot on purpose?"
"Eee... Its not your fault if they're mentally unstable?"
"That too- BUT NO."
• Relationship with other students
At first they all thought she was carring and shit, but with each Overblot and Chapter, they were finding out she was actually A WHOLE ASS SATAN SPAWN
There are few people that don't care tho
Deuce and Ace: They are with her from the start, and, as much some of her behaviours are pretty fucking scary, she never tried to attack them in any way, only manipulate them there and there... BUT WHO HASN'T??? Most of the time she puts nice face and is like mother to them, on other times its just like:
"Why did you never offered those weird necklaces to us?"
"To make a deal I need suffering... You both are too dumb for that."
"Also I need friends, so"
Grim: As much as I am aware of, Eleanor only feeds on human suffering, and Grim is not really a human. Their relationship is basically: "Idk, it just spawned into my life". And Eleanor goes along with Grim's games and stuff, because why not, it makes her seem weak... So... That's pretty helpful 90% of time ☕. But no, they are pretty normal most of the time
Idia: After finding our Eleanor true identity and power, he was BEGGING HER for Ortho's come back. So for long time Idia was her main dish. But yeah, after some time Ortho and Crowley found out and she had restricting order, she couldn't step her foot into Ignihyde for MONTHS. But yeah, Idia likes her, or rather person she tries to be, but that's better than nothing
Malleus and Lilia: They were both interested in this little fella, mostly because she's a robot like Ortho yet very different, also her power. As much as Eleanor sees those two as possible threat, they're friendly with eachother... Most of the time
"Child of a man-"
"Wrong line."
"... Child of a Satan?"
"Here we go"
There are also some that are... Well... On not really good relationship with her
Vil: Remember "To be Beautiful"? WELL THAT NEARLY HAPPENED IN BOOK 5. After that Vil is just trying to avoid her. Which was easier after she got restricting order from coming into other dorms. After every Overblot she was going into Housewardens rooms and just stand on their bed above them while they sleep... So yeah. Valid reason.
Riddle: He was the first to Overblot, so he was the first to go through Eleanor's menace. He had it the worst
Azul: She's more of an rival to her... Like... She can do wishes too, so he treats her like rival, and she finds it hilarious, and after his Overblot it just got worse, because this girl was watching his every move
Jade/Floyd: Messing with Eleanor is pretty hard, so they hated that. (Also one night she broke into their room thinking it was Azul's and they're all three confused to this day)
Jamil: At first they were on pretty friendly terms, but after few actions that took turn after Book 4, he just sees her as potential threat and keeps her away from Kalim at at least mile
Sebek: In his eyes, potential threat to Malleus. Do I need to say more?
• Character Development
Remember when I said Riddle had it the worst? Its because with each Overblot Eleanor was just giving less and less shit, because it was more and more pointless (Thanks Crowley)
After each Overblot she's feed enough to survive a long period of time, so she don't really have to help anyone to eat, since drama comes themselves without her trying
So with each Book its just less neccessary to do whatever
And her pretty facade was already debunked by most of the school so manipulating other students was just harder each day (At this point she just have Deuce, Ace and Grim)
After Book 6 she will probably focus completly on coming back to her world, or will try to be actually nice to others (TOOK YOU 6 BOOKS BITCH. CONGRATS ON FINALLY DOING SOMETHING)
I still have no idea which turn should I take, since she's completly under control of law and magic school where she cant manipulate anyone into her cage:
• Actually trying to be a better being, and focus more on trying to fix relations with others
• Make her colder, so she can focus on coming back home where she can be actual Eleanor (aka a bitch that turns children in metal pieces)
Due to events it would be probably the first option... Lol
And yes, I know Eleanor is too big of a manipulator and she's literally just a Satan Spawn. Let me be delusional.
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bi-bard · 2 years
The Collection of Failed Date Nights - Angus MacGyver Imagine [MacGyver (2016)]
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Title: The Collection of Failed Date Nights
Pairing: Angus MacGyver X Reader
Word Count: 2,067 words
Warning(s): none
Summary: Mac and (Y/n) didn't expect their relationship to be the same as many "normal" people. Still, they were ready to do everything in their power to have some time for just the two of them. They had to learn the hard way that their plan was far easier said than done.
Author's Note: I've been considering one of those "____ Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with ____" for MacGyver, so (besides Taylor Swift because I get the joke) what artist would you like to see featured in that?
Oh, I used late season 1 for reference to the team members.
Night One: Matty couldn't call at a convenient time to save her life
Dating when you work with the Phoenix Foundation wasn't easy. When both of you work with the Phoenix Foundation, then there were times when you were going to feel like you two were less dating and more trying to work in excuses to hold hands at work.
Mac and I learned that lesson fast.
Regardless of the circumstances, we tried to fit in some of the "normal" things. Movie nights and dinners and dates.
Easier said than done.
We learned that very early on.
I smiled at the little diner that Mac pulled up to.
Mac tried to explain, "I know it's not very fancy, but it was all a bit last-"
I leaned over and pecked his lips. "It's great."
He grinned at me before shutting off the car.
The night went on pretty well. We got seated, got our drinks and food ordered, and were just waiting. It was starting to look like we were going to have a normal night.
Mac was in the middle of some story from filming Bozer's short film when my phone went off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and groaned.
He chuckled at me. "Who caused that reaction?"
"You're kidding," his face dropped.
I nodded and answered the call, "Hey, Matty."
"Sorry to cut you and Mac's dinner date short, but I need you guys to come in," she said. I sat up a little straighter, looking around for some sign of her or anyone from the foundation. "You two were talking about it in the hall."
"The fact that you knew to explain doesn't comfort me."
"Just hurry up and get here."
She hung up before I could respond.
"We gotta go," I told Mac simply. He groaned. "I know. Come on."
He pulled himself out of the booth and got out his wallet. "We would have much better luck if we just started ordering our food to go."
I just nodded.
Night Two: Jack is a lost puppy (even if he refuses to admit it)
We thought drinks would be easier than most things.
Not as big of a commitment as most things, easier to pay for in a rush, and it allowed Mac and I to actually talk.
We were both leaning on the table while Mac was attempting to show off after I questioned the whole paperclip habit. He was trying to prove that it was incredibly useful.
I leaned on his shoulder, chuckling as he rambled about the paperclip.
I looked away from Mac when I heard Jack's voice. The small pang of disappointment made me feel guilty because I liked Jack. He's a great guy. But also, I was on a date.
"Hey," Mac greeted him.
"You two mind if I sit?"
Mac nodded, motioning toward the other side of the booth.
"How are the lovebirds doing," Jack asked.
"(Y/n) was making fun of how much I mess around with my paperclips."
"'Making fun' makes me sound mean," I said. "I was more questioning."
"Don't worry, I make fun of him too," Jack replied.
I let out a laugh and leaned back against the booth.
Mac just scoffed, "I'm happy you two find this funny, but I have saved both your asses several times with these paperclips-"
"And a crap ton of other stuff," I shrugged.
"Usually involving my phone," Jack added.
"You are both rude," Mac muttered.
I leaned on his shoulder again and he placed his hand on my knee. It was nice. I wish we had planned for our night to involve more than just the two of us, but this was nice.
I didn't feel right complaining about it.
Night Three: Bozer said he wasn't going to be home
I could barely remember what Mac had been talking about at the time. He was pacing a bit and rambling about something. I was sitting on his bed, occupied with other things. Like the fact that we finally had a night to ourselves.
"You're not listening," he said, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Excuse me? I always listen to you," I made it very clear that I was lying.
"Oh, really," he asked, stepping over to me. "What was I saying then?"
"If you mix hydrogen and a paperclip and... other... stuff..."
"What- woah-"
I pulled on the front of his shirt so I could press my lips to his. He managed to catch himself by placing his hands on either side of me. He chuckled as he kissed me back, making me grin into the kiss.
I started moving back, pulling Mac along with me. I laid down, moving my hand into his hair. He lowered himself onto his elbows. My free hand moved to his shirt buttons, starting to undo them. It was not as easy as I thought it would be.
His lips moved to my neck, moving down from the spot below my ear.
And then... Bozer's voice sounded from the main room.
"Mac! I was thinking and-"
"I'm gonna kill him," I muttered.
Mac laughed at me, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
"You said he was going to be gone for the night," I groaned.
"I know, I know," he pushed himself off the bed. "I'll go talk-"
The door swung open before he could finish his thought. Bozer froze in the doorway. He looked between me lying on my back and Mac's shirt being half-undone.
"Did I interrupt something," he asked.
"Wanna take a wild guess," I replied, pushing myself up on my elbows.
He just nodded. "Well, I was gonna order some food if you guys..."
I raised an eyebrow at him. He just smiled guiltily before walking out.
I let my head fall back onto the pillow and shut my eyes. I felt a kiss get pressed to my forehead. I looked at Mac for a moment to grin, hoping to show that I was upset with the situation and not with him.
One day, I thought as I reached up to touch the side of his face. One day we'll get a normal date night.
Night Four: Mac needs to check his pockets before going out on a mission
We had honestly gotten lucky the trip was as quick as it was. The two of us had invested in some tickets to a small concert. The idea was that the show was small enough that we wouldn't break the bank if we weren't able to make it.
But here we were, standing in line for a concert. We were going to get a couple of hours together just to enjoy what was going on around us. It was a dream.
When we got to the door, Mac went to pull the tickets out of his pocket. He insisted on keeping a hold of them "just in case". I don't know what he thought would happen if I kept them, but I wasn't going to argue about something that didn't matter.
But as a nervous smile formed on his face, I wonder if I should've argued more.
He reached into his other pocket before starting to frantically check every pocket he had. Small scraps, a paperclip, but no tickets.
The guy at the door finally waved us away. I crossed my arms over my chest and started walking back to the parking garage that we had paid for. Another waste of money.
"(Y/n)," Mac followed close behind me. "I'm sorry."
I tried to blink away the tears of frustration that had formed in my eyes. "It's fine."
"No, it's not," he grabbed my arm so he could turn me around. "I... I screwed up our whole night and I'm sorry."
I closed my eyes for a moment. His hands cupped the sides of my face. I felt him press his lips to my forehead.
"I'll make it up to you," he was basically speaking against my skin. "I promise. I'll figure something out. I am so, so sorry for this."
"I just wanna go home," I mumbled, feeling the tears starting to fall. Mac pulled me forward into his arms, guiding my head to rest on his shoulder.
"Okay," he replied. "That's okay. Maybe... Maybe we can find a good movie or something. And then we can relax and cuddle, yeah?"
"I want to go home alone," I corrected my statement as I stepped back. "I'm sorry."
"No, no, don't apologize," he grabbed my hand, starting to lead me to the car. "That's okay. It's your choice."
I felt bad for being so upset, but I had been looking forward to tonight. It felt like everything in the world had gone right for us to be there only for us to get smacked down right at the end. It hurt.
Mac was understanding when he dropped me off. He kissed me gently, continuing to mumble how sorry he was.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," I replied before getting out of the car.
Mac refused to drive away until he saw me walk inside. I waved at him from the door before stepping inside.
As I locked the door behind me, I leaned my head against the door.
I just wanted one night with no interruption or mishap. I never realized how difficult that would be to achieve.
Night Five: Does it count as escaping an escape room if we never went inside?
The other three hadn't even known about the escape room until Mac and I were getting ready to leave.
And then, Bozer asked if he could join. He was completely oblivious to the idea that Mac and I may have wanted to do something on our own. I looked at Mac, letting him make the decision. He looked back at me for a moment before looking at Bozer and nodding.
And then, Bozer asked to let Jack and Riley tag along, saying that it would be good for the team to see each other outside of a life-or-death situation. Mac nodded to that idea too.
"I'm sorry," he muttered to me as he kissed my head.
"It's okay," I promised despite my disappointment.
The other two met us there.
It all seemed to be going fine until it was actually time to go into the room.
"Wait, gotta tie my shoe," Mac touched my arm as he knelt down. I stopped, scoffing at him for grabbing my arm.
Just as Mac finished tying his shoe, he jumped up and pushed the door shut. He nodded at the workers and grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing," I asked, letting him lead me out. "We can't just abandon them."
Mac stopped outside the building, pulling me abruptly into a kiss. I almost squeaked out of shock as he did. My hands touched his sides as I kissed him back. He leaned back a few moments later.
"What do you say to picking up dinner and going back to my place," he suggested.
"And just leaving them trapped here?"
"It's an escape room. That's the point."
I chuckled as he leaned in and kissed me again.
I hummed and pulled back. "You've got yourself a deal, MacGyver."
He grinned. "Good."
He started pulling me along with him again.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it started ringing. Before I could properly look at the name, Mac grabbed it and declined the call.
"We've earned a night together," he explained as he handed my phone back to me. "No interruptions."
"I didn't realize that it was upsetting you so much."
"I love the team," he replied. "I really do. But there are times when I want to be with you. Only you. I don't want to be a jerk, but... I felt like this was the only option."
I frowned at him. "We should probably sit down and talk with them about that."
He nodded.
"Instead of locking them in an escape room."
He chuckled, looking down for a moment. "That was a little rude, huh?"
"Maybe a bit," I confirmed. After a moment, I pulled on his arm. "Hey... I love you."
"I love you too."
Mac was right. We deserved to have time to ourselves. And we were getting there. It was just a learning curve.
A very complicated learning curve.
Navigation Guide
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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str8sub4domdudez · 6 months
Superboys Part Two Excerpt : Sunwing
[Do not take anything from this excerpt as an example of a smart idea. I would not ever advise for someone to depend on their martial arts lessons take down someone threatening them with a gun. It's not smart, and it's very potentially deadly.]
Chris and Dick fly through the city on their grapples. Chris has a tendency to float a bit, but quickly learns that he needs to keep tension in his line. It's just like the waterslides – more fun without flying. Chris half wonders if he should have some Blue Kryptonite on, but dashes those thoughts when he tries to imagine seeing the city through dulled senses.
He hears a gunshot and a woman calling for help, so he tells Dick and they head off in the direction of the gunshot and find a woman in an alley standing over a bleeding, unconscious man.
"Are you hurt?" asks Dick. "Can you call an ambulance? We can call for you if you need."
"Yes, please call for help," says the woman. "It's Nightwing, isn't it?"
"Well, that seems to be up for debate," says Dick, and he calls 911 for an ambulance.
"What happened?" asks Chris.
"The motherfucker pulled a gun on me," says the woman, "and I ain't no victim, you know. I used everything I learned from my Krav Maga classes to disarm him and slam his head into the curb."
"We were worried someone got shot," says Chris. "Good job defending yourself. Most people don't put the effort into learning how."
"Yeah well, this is Gotham. You gotta know that stuff. So who are you? You're like a better Nightwing. At least your costume is better."
"You really think so? I like it. Nightwing had it made for me, but we're still arguing over who gets to keep the name. We're both Nightwing."
"Small world, huh. Well you could be Sunwing in this costume. I don't know what you… wait a minute… are you Champion's bodyguard? That Nightwing?"
"Yeah, but don't tell anyone. Batman doesn't like metas in Gotham."
"Well if you're going for fooling the bat, something cheesy you wouldn't choose as your own name might work. At least if he knows you well enough."
"I'll keep it in mind," says Chris. "Sunwing isn't horrible. But I wouldn't want go by anything other than my name, so maybe Batman won't realize it's me. Thanks, uh…"
"Clarice. Clarice Henderson. Nice to meet you, Mister Zod."
"It's Lor-Zod," says Chris. "Mister Zod was my father."
"I thought it was 'General'," says the woman smartly.
"You pay attention to interplanetary politics?" asks Chris, suddenly finding the woman more interesting.
"You kidding? Our moon just got turned into an alien planet! Who wouldn't pay attention? Bunch of meatheads, I guess. I hope you like Earth, Mister Zod.
"I love it here."
Around that time the ambulances and a police car approach and Dick gets off the phone. He pulls on Chris' arm. "Time to skedaddle! Have a great night, Ma'am."
"Okay, you too, Nightwings!"
The duo go on to stop four muggings and a car theft before being stopped by the Dark Knight.
"Who's the copycat?" asks Batman.
"You know your own protége," says Chris.
"I meant you," growls the Bat. "Lor-Zod, I take it?"
"How'd you figure it out so quick?" asks Chris.
"I recognize your voice. What are you doing parading around in that?"
"I had it made for him," says Dick. "You don't like it?"
"Why did you put him in that?" asks Bruce. "Are you hazing him?"
"No! He just– well I couldn't take him around as a Bat if he's going all super and you hate metas, so I thought—"
"—I don't hate metas, I just prefer to be in charge of the vigilantes in my city and metas can be somewhat destructive. No offense, Lor-Zod but Kon-El, in his first six months, caused more collateral damage than all my Robins put together. Not counting the Red Hood's actions of course."
"Of course," says Chris, "Because it's always easy to contrast the two when you ignore their common ground. Tell me, how much collateral damage has Jon-El racked up? Or Kol-El? I'm pretty sure Kon-El's first six months were a difficult time, what with going through untreated PTSD and having no family, mentors or peers facing the same issues. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that his destructiveness was a product of specific factors and not because he's a meta."
"But he was capable of accidentally causing so much destruction because of his super strength and invulnerability."
"I guess most six-month-olds can't bench press small buildings. Either way, I'm kind of insulted you think I'm going to wreak havoc just because I'm Kryptonian."
"It's a general rule, not an absolutism. Wonder Woman has similar abilities and I'm not saying she's destructive. I am saying I prefer to keep things my way in my city. I don't go to Smallville and break Ma Kent's rules and I don't go to New Krypton and break their rules either. If you wanted to patrol with Nightwing, Lor-Zod, all you had to do was tell me."
"Really?" says Dick.
"Really," says Batman.
"I want to patrol with Nightwing," says Chris.
"Good," says Batman. "Of course we'll have to make sure you're really you, you'll have to be vetted for brainwashing, mind-control and pods and you'll have to be washed for lice."
"B!! You're embarrassing me in front of my friend!" whines Dick.
Batman continues, "And of course, once that's done, we'll have to take samples so we have your real DNA and hair on file—"
"—We already have that on file!" says Dick.
"And before you can patrol in Gotham, you have to be trained in various safety methods and your signature modes of transport. I noticed your grappling was a little rocky. You'll have to have a permit while a licensed grappler teaches you."
"That has literally never been a thing!" says Dick.
"And if you're going to be galavanting around with my son at night in skin tight suits, there's a slideshow I think you both need to see."
"I've heard the horror stories," says Chris. "We aren't doing that. Even if we were, I'm not watching the goddamn slideshow, but Nightwing and I are just friends."
"All the same, you must complete all of the safety orientations," says Batman.
"B!! Why are you trolling us?" asks Dick. "Just let me have some fun patrolling with Lor tonight."
"Very well, why don't you two take Lor-Zod to get changed before you finish your patrol?" says Batman, "People say I'm terrifying, but they haven't seen the horrors of gaudy yellow fingerstripes. I can't unsee it."
"You're only saying that because you know I designed it, aren't you?" says Dick.
"Absolutely," says Batman, "Enjoy your night," and Batman disappears into the shadows of the alley.
"Well, I can't enjoy my night wearing this now," says Chris. "He totally ruined this awesome costume for me."
"Does that mean we're saying bye to Sunwing?" asks Dick.
"Bye-bye, Sunwing," says Chris.
Superboys – Part Two
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mcalhenwrites · 9 days
Some personal stuff below.
This trip... I knew it wouldn't be great. I wasn't looking forward to seeing my parents, I just missed my dog so much. I thought it would be nice to go to a couple of familiar places as well, like a wildlife exhibit and a couple of parks, before I left. Unfortunately, my dad had no problems jumping in and telling me to "shut up" or shushing me for no reason. Degrading me in front of people whenever he had the chance to boast about it. Misgendering and deadnaming me constantly. He even uses my dead name to EXCESS just to use it. He made me cry once. He has lied countless times. He gaslit my mom (only to slip up and admit that he was given the information she was making up by the same person by saying, "Oh well he didn't go with that bc [reason].") So tomorrow morning is likely the last time I ever see my dog in person. I came back and he had gained weight - which in his case is extremely bad for his back legs - due to barely ever getting walks. He had long nails, and I couldn't get an appointment until Saturday so I gave my mom the money and made the appointment. She keeps saying she doesn't need money for him. It doesn't help that my parents are extremely weird and uneducated so my only way to give them money is sending cash or checks via snail mail. And he needed badly groomed, my mom has mostly kept up with this but his back legs were in dire need of attention. I did what I could. Trimmed the parts that are rough from having to be shaved from hot spots - yes I know you don't shave a doublecoated dog but the VETS did it for a medical reason - and around his butt. Got his mats cut or combed out. He's a big fluffy guy now. But what happens down the road? I can't take him. I have worked myself to full capacity so much, and I can't get myself out of this trap. I'm not good enough to sell many books or earn patrons. So I'm stuck. I let myself have a little bit of money to buy some of my own things so my roommate doesn't cover them and give myself a few small treats here and there so I don't go mad. But most of my pay goes to saving for a car so I can keep my job, since I'm getting rides from three different people, and my roommate (one of my rides) owns an electric car that barely makes it to both our workplaces. Its battery drains faster in cold weather. I have a time limit before I might have to quit my job. (Again, I work two towns over and live in the country.) I'm so sad I don't have a house. I'm so sad I don't have a yard for my dog. I'm so sad I don't have income above $700/month. I don't know what to do. Sell books? I thought I'd work on writing during the time I visited, but this house is in poor condition, and it smells badly of mold, and I think that's flaring my fibro. I'm in so much pain, I started having pain in my heels again when that went away about four weeks after I moved out of state and never came back again. Until now. :/ I'm not sure what to do. I'm a failure. That's clearer every fucking day. I understand we are often powerless to change our situations, but... mine feels like it's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten a dog 10 years ago. It's not like I'm dealing with something beyond my control... I cause more bad than good in this world, that's how it feels. Edit: I will be very glad to return home, that's for sure.
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lemonbxrry · 9 months
Doctor's Orders
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Season Two, Episode One: What Lies Ahead
"[NAME], LET'S GO," Dale called out, slapping the side of his RV a bit. I look up from where I was crouched, having been looking through the cars that we were siphoning gas at. I nodded, standing up and dusting off my pants, walking back to where Shane was so we could get into the RV. I tried to keep my distance from him as best as possible, but somehow we always wound up working together.
"You doin' good?" he asked, knowing that once we made the first stop the first thing I did was throw up after getting out of the car.
"Yep, with all the bodies and events of today, I think that was the way of my body pushing everything out," I told him. We head down the freeway, having only two cars fully working now, aside from Daryl driving his motorcycle. I hummed to myself quietly, looking out at the view that we were passing, sitting in one of the seats. I heard Andrea make some small talk with Shane, not paying much attention as we continued down the road.
"Oh jeez," Dale said aloud, slowing down before coming to a stop. I looked over from my notebook, having written down most of what happened the past couple of days, seeing as I couldn't really write as much as I used to at the quarry.
"Aw, no," I muttered, putting it away. Daryl pulled up, talking to Dale before circling around and heading ahead of us again.
"Maybe we should just head back, there's a bypass," Glenn began, looking at the map.
"Can't waste the fuel like that," Dale and Shane said, I give a small sympathetic smile at Glenn before leaning over his seat and looking out through the windshield, watching as we made our way around all of the cars, seeing more and more pileups and abandoned cars. I held my breath, seeing how many still had dead bodies. Then a white smoke popped out where the engine was, causing a sputtering noise to be made.
"Jeez," I muttered, the RV coming to a stop. We exited the RV, Dale shaking his head.
"I said it a thousand times. Dead in the water," he said as we checked up where the engine was.
"Problem, Dale?" Rick asked, popping up.
"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of," he glanced back, seeing Daryl pick something out of the back of a car. "Okay, that was dumb," he said, sighing a bit.
"If you can't find a radiator hose here, there's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Shane said as Daryl continued looting the back.
"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start," T-Dog said, passing by us to check out other cars.
"Maybe some water," Andrea suggested.
"Or food," Glenn added to the list.
"Medicine, there has to be more medicine here," I mumbled to myself, glancing around at the cars, pulling out a bandana I found, and dabbing at my head, wiping off the sweat that collected. I stuff it into my back pocket, hoping to find a hat or something to keep off the heat.
"This is a graveyard," Lori said, we stayed quiet, not knowing how to argue that we were morally right. "I don't know how to feel about this,"
"Come on, y'all, let's look around," T-Dog said after a moment, soon everyone heading into different areas of the board we were on.
I carefully make my way around a couple of cars, peeping in and seeing if there was anything. I looked inside a blue car, grateful that it was unlocked, I opened the door and spot a couple of bags of trail mix on the floor, unopened. I put them into my backpack, looking around for more stuff we could use. When I turn to tell Lori and Carol what I found I see Rick racing towards us, the man obviously running to warn us.
"Get down, get down low and stay quiet," Rick orders us quietly as he could. I do as told, taking out my knife and crawling underneath the car, pushing my bag into the backseat of the car, far enough that I could reach it without the worry of the walkers getting to it. I held the knife tightly, watching as they made their way along the road. I held my breath as they passed by, the car rocking by how many were pressing up against it. I glanced to the side, seeing Sophia, Carl, and Rick in the car line with me. No longer hearing the shuffling I stayed low, not daring to move. After a moment Sophia crawled out, right as a walker stumbled right in front of her. The girl immediately took off to the side where the woods were, and a couple more walkers stumbled after her. I crawled out from under the car, about to run after her and go with Rick until I heard someone shout.
"[Name], you gotta help him," Daryl called out, carrying T-Dog who had fresh blood all over him.
I jogged over to them, "Where is it, where's the blood coming from," I asked T-Dog, grabbing my bandana out of my pocket and putting some of the clean water I had over the bandana, wiping away at the blood that collected on his arm, causing T-Dog to hiss in pain, "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay, what happened?" I ask, looking back at Daryl, knowing that T-Dog wouldn't be able to really answer from the pain.
"I don't know, doesn't look like it was a walker," he said, I relaxed at his words, before grabbing T-Dog's arm, pushing T-Dog to sit down.
"We gotta keep this elevated," I told him, raising his arm up a bit, at least above where his heart is. Blood trickled down his arm, showing a shallow and long cut going down his arm. "It didn't hit any major veins, so we look good here, however, we might have a chance of infection since we don't know what was on what cut you," I told him, "Shane, grab me some water or something to clean him up," I ordered, applying pressure onto his arm. The blood quickly soaked up the rag, he jogged over with a jug of water, placing it and kneeling next to me to help. "Lucky for you I got some ointment to help clean it out too, it's gonna sting like a bitch though," I told him, grabbing a shirt that I packed from the CDC building, tearing off a part of it, and pouring some of the water onto it, cleaning around his wound and at the edges of it, he winced in discomfort, closing his eyes. "C'mon, keep it together T-Dog, this is the worse of it for right now," I told him, finding the antibiotic ointment and applying it to the wound as best as I could, soon wrapping it with another part of the shirt as tight as I could without hurting him. "Let's get him back into the RV, he needs a change of clothes, don't remove the bandaging without me, we can risk infecting it if it's removed too much," I explained as we helped T-Dog up, seeing Rick come back up without Sophie. I gave a frown, knowing that the news he was to bring us wouldn't be good news at all.
I looked through the cars before Shane started pushing them out of the way of the road, finding anything useful we could use, thankful for getting some canned goods and even a small first aid kit someone packed, but it wasn't going to be enough to last two months depending on how severe people's wounds could get. I soon began to head back to where everyone was grouped, helping Lori and Carl stack items that are able to be moved to another area.
"Going back's going to be easier than trying to get through this mess," Shane commented, looking at the cars that lay on the road.
"We're not going anywhere till my daughter gets back," Carol stated, looking like we were trying to abandon her.
"That goes without saying," Lori chimed in, trying to reassure the other mother.
"Rick and Daryl, they're on it, okay? If Sophia is hurt [Name] is here to help too, she knows what to do," Shane said, gesturing at me. "It's just a matter of time,"
"Can't be soon enough for me," Carol told him.
"I'm still freaked out from that herd that passed us by, or whatever you'd call it,"
"Yeah, what was that? All of them marching along like that,"
"A herd sounds about right," Shane mused.
"I feel like it was almost like a migration, like the night the camp got attacked, and how there was a herd of them," I comment, giving a small sympathetic look towards Andrea. "Like when animals have to migrate because of how cold it's getting, they might be migrating because there's no, well, food," I continue, looking down the road that the herd came from.
Shane cleared his throat, looking at me then looking around, "Come on, people. We still got a lot to do," he said, "Let's stay on it. Let's go, come on," he said, pushing us to get right back to work clearing the road and scavenging for what we can. "[Name], let's go look for stuff," Shane said, looking at how many cars we haven't checked out yet.
"Oh, I thought you wanted to move the cars out of the way," I tell him, opening my bag and checking to see how much room I had in it, there was still quite a bit of space left seeing that there wasn't too much of anything in the cars.
"It's fine, let's go," he said, gently grabbing my arm and pulling me along after him, glancing back at where the others were, Lori and I had locked eyes before she was hidden by the cars.
"Why'd you want to go collect with me?" I ask him after checking a couple of cars.
"Just didn't want to be around everyone while we talk," he said, shrugging.
"Oh, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, feeling my hands get clammy and a cold feeling washes over me despite the hot sun beating down on us.
"What happened back there? You looked so out of it when you got back to the jeep," Shane said, grabbing my wrist, stopping me from trying to look further into the car, I look up at him, seeing him glance back at the group, only seeing their silhouettes, then glance back at me.
"Nothing, I just, it took a little longer to convince Andrea," I told him, trying to pull my wrist from his grasp.
"Seems a little more than that, don't think you noticed this but I have seen the glances you throw at me," he replied, turning me around fully to face him. At this, I furrow my brows, and I feel my body grow cold and clammy despite the heat that beat down on us. He knows that Lori told me. "I can protect you, y'know, you can depend on me, you can, need me" he comments. I take in a deep breath, realizing he doesn't know. He thinks I'm into him. I glance back towards the silhouettes of the group, I could do this for Lori, but I couldn't do this to Glenn, it's unfair to him.
"What about Glenn, he doesn't deserve this," I told him, grabbing his forearm, my heart beating heavily against my chest, feeling like I am doing the worst thing morally possible. Shane gave a hum, thinking this over, he rolled his shoulders back, letting go of my wrist.
"Just tell him you guys should stop, easy," he replies, smiling a sickeningly sweet smile, "He'll understand, plus, it looks to me you guys haven't done anything in a while anyway," he shrugged, "You can't depend on a guy like Glenn, you can depend on me, after all, you need me, you need me to protect you, haven't I been doing that from the start?" he asks rhetorically, then glances back at our group. "Just, give it some thought, I already know your answer, but think about it [Name]," Shane said, leaving and heading back. After he made some distance between us, I fell onto my knees, covering my mouth and squeezing my eyes shut. Tears spilling out, I muffled my cries to make sure he wouldn't come back, planning to blame it on me dropping something if he turns back and questioned why I suddenly disappeared from view. I opened my eyes, tears still flowing as I looked back at the whole group, minus Sophia. I can talk with Lori about this, but there's no good way to tell the whole group about Shane and his antics, I scratch at my cheek, wincing as a small stinging sensation appears. I take a deep breath in, wiping furiously at my eyes and cheeks to get the tears away, I stand up, brushing off the dirt that's collected onto my pants, and head back to the others, not daring to look at anyone in the eyes.
"I found some food and some medicine, not too much," I muttered quietly, heading into the RV and setting my findings down on the table, coming back out and looking around, not seeing Carl anywhere in the immediate area. I glanced at Lori, furrowing my brows. "Where's Carl at?" She turns to her side, about to answer before she falls quiet, stopping.
"He was right here with me," she muttered, looking up and around, panic set in between the two of us before we hear footsteps running towards our area.
"Shane!" Carl called out, running with a black object to where Shane was working on a car.
"Carl, what happened?" Lori asked, running up to Carl, I follow after, my anxiety calming down after seeing he was okay.
"I found something cool, [Name], look," he said, putting what he had carried in his arms down on the ground, unraveling it to show some axes and similar, "It's an arsenal," he said excitedly, looking up at me and then back at Shane.
"That's cool bud, go give them to Dale," Shane said, giving just a glance and then back to what he was doing, not sounding at all interested in what Carl was trying to show. I bit the inside of my cheek, he didn't need to be taking out his anger on a child.
"Check this one out," Carl said, not noticing Shane's tone, pulling out a hatchet, "Whoa, it's a hatchet,"
"Whoa, careful there Carl, they're pretty sharp," I tell him, standing beside him while giving him my attention and showing him interest. He still played around with the hatchet though, his mother giving a sigh and holding her hand out to him.
"What did [Name] just say?" she asked him.
"Can I keep one?" Carl asked instead, not paying any attention to his mom.
"Are you crazy?" Lori said in reply, grabbing the hatchet.
"No way. Shane. Shane tell her to let me keep one," Carl begged, looking at the man. I glanced at Shane, looking back at Carl.
"Maybe when you're a little older or something kid," I told him, ruffling up his hair.
"Hey, man, go give them all to Dale now. Go," Shane said, putting his tools down, his voice filled with annoyance. Lori picked up the arsenal, putting the pack back into Carl's arms, Carl looked down, hurt on his features. I gave a look at Shane, an annoyed look on my face as I walked with Carl to where Dale was, rubbing his back in reassurance.
"I'll talk with him, [Name]," Lori said, squeezing my shoulder softly, watching as we walked off.
"Shane might have a lot on his plate right now, still not fair he told you that," I told Carl, trying to lift his mood a bit. Carl only shrugged in response.
"He's been like that for a while I think," Carl told me, we waved at the other members of our small group, them waving back at us. We make it to Dale's RV, put the arsenal into it, and head back out, seeing everyone huddle around the car Shane was working on.
"Is that a local signal?" we heard Glenn ask once we got closer to the group.
"It's got to be fifty miles of here," Dale said, glancing around at everyone.
"Avoid anyone infected at all costs. Remain calm," the radio said, I rolled my eyes, it seemed to be a very late broadcast, "Help is on the way. The emergency alert system has been activated," it continued before Shane leaned down and turned it off.
"Asshole," Shane muttered, shaking his head and looking at all of us, I held Carl to my side, his arms wrapped around my leg a bit, "Okay, let's get back to work," he patted the car door, everyone dispersing. "[Name], do you have all your stuff together?" Shane asked, right as I was about to head off after Carl left with his mom.
"Uhm, yeah, I always keep my stuff together," I furrowed my brows, popping my knuckles anxiously.
"Good, good," Shane said, looking back at the car, seeming to have dismissed me. I blink a couple of times before heading back to the group, wrapping my arms around Glenn's waist, who turns and gives me a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Haven't really seen you too much," he said, smiling down at me. I give a soft hum, nodding, cuddling closer into him.
"Yeah, things have been getting a little too hectic despite how life is right now," I tell him, shrugging. I choose to not tell Glenn about what Shane did earlier in the day, feeling like Lori was the only person I can actually talk to. He gives a small hum back, gently kissing my lips as we set off together to look for more supplies.
Dale was showing Glenn and me more about how to fix the engine of the RV, Andrea walking over to where our small trio was.
"Where's my gun?" she demanded to Dale, Glenn, and I standing awkwardly, watching the interaction, "You have no right to take it," she told him, slight anger in her tone. Glenn gently tugged me away, I flashed a small sympathetic smile at Andrea, following after him.
"Do you think Sophia is okay?" Glenn asked as we looked at the edge of the forest, the two of us holding one another's hand. I gave a small frown, shrugging in reply.
"I would like to think that she stumbled upon some people who were kind enough to let her stay with them," I told him honestly, walking off to carry some food in a crate with him, making small talk as we walked back to the RV.
"Oh god, they're back," Glenn said, setting down his crate, I set mine down, putting my hands on my hips, furrowing my brows again, they didn't show up with Sophia.
"We'll pick it up again at first light," I heard Rick tell Carol, getting close enough to hear their conversation.
"You can't leave my daughter out there on her own to spend the night alone in the woods," Carol's voice started to break towards the end, crying. I hold Glenn's hand tightly when he stands next to me, placing my head against his shoulder. Is this what my mom is feeling right now? I can't imagine the grief that she must be in.
"Out in the dark's no good," Daryl said, shaking his head, his voice laced with pity, "We'd just be tripping over ourselves. More people get lost,"
"But she's twelve. She can't be out there on her own, you didn't find anything?" Carol begged, close to full-on sobbing as Lori reassuringly rubbed her back.
"I know this is hard, but I am asking you not to panic," Rick told Carol, "We know she was out there. We tracked her for a while. We have to make this an organized effort, Daryl knows the woods better than anybody. I've asked him to oversee this,"
"Is that blood?" Carol gasped out, looking at Daryl. Everyone's attention diverted to where he stood, he looked down at himself looking back up.
"We took down a walker," Rick explained, trying to calm her down.
"Walker? Oh my god," Carol said, fidgeting around in place, swaying almost.
"There was no sign it was ever anywhere near Sophia,"
"How can you know that?" Andrea asked, antagonizing Rick.
"We cut the son of a bitch open, made sure," Daryl answered, Carol sat down against the railing, muttering a small 'oh god'.
"How could you just leave her out there, to begin with?" she asked Rick, anger, and sadness in her voice, "How could you just leave her?"
"Carol, he might have had reason to, like walkers were around them, he had to steer them away," I tried explaining, wanting to find a reason that he had no choice.
"There were two walkers on us. I had to draw them off, it was her best chance," Rick explained, glancing at me and giving a small nod, giving his attention back to Carol.
"Sounds like he had no choice, Carol," Shane came up beside Rick, looking down at her.
"How was she supposed to find her way back on her own?" Carol asked, tearing up again, "She's just a child," she repeated, now sobbing, Lori having to pull her back away from Rick.
"It was my only option. The only choice I could make," Rick told her, kneeling down and staring up at Carol.
"I'm sure nobody doubts that," Shane said, leaning against the rail, I bit my cheek, he sure sounded like he doubted Rick.
"My little girl got left in the woods," she cried, everyone quiet and hurting too. Rick walked off towards the area Shane and I were looking at earlier, his mind seeming to be filled with trouble.
"Let's go back to the RV," Glenn said, steering me away from where Andrea and Lori were comforting Carol, I gave a small nod, following after him, exhaustion hitting like a brick.
"Everybody takes a weapon," Rick said, spreading out the arsenal.
"These aren't the kind of weapons we need, what about the guns?" Andrea said, scoffing at Rick.
"I mean, these are the best to have right now. It doesn't draw any noise if used correctly, and they're sharp enough to go through the walker's head," I tell her, looking over it, I decided I didn't need any, seeing as I have my bat and knife that I could use if I couldn't use my gun.
"We've also been over that, Daryl, Rick, [Name], and I are carrying. We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles," Shane said leaning against the RV.
"It's not the trees I'm worried about," Andrea said, giving Shane a look, before nodding in confirmation at my reasoning.
"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happening to be passing by. See, then it's game over for all of us. So you need to get over it," Shane slung his bag over his shoulder, making it known he was ready to go.
"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side," Daryl explained, I watched as Glenn picked up a hatchet, a smile on his face as he held the weapon in his hand. I give a small laugh, patting his shoulder before walking over to where Shane, Daryl, and Rick stood, "Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark,"
"Stay quiet and stay sharp. Keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other," Rick said, turning away.
"Everybody assemble your packs," Shane ordered, tossing up his water bottle and catching it.
"Dale, keep on those repairs, we've got to get this RV ready to move," Rick told Dale, the man standing up.
"Won't need to stay here a minute longer than we have to. Good luck out there, bring Sophia back," Dale said in response.
"Keep an eye on Carl while we're gone?" Rick asked him, glancing at his son, I stood near them, having not been told if I was on his pack or Daryl's.
"I'm going with you, you need people, right? To cover as much ground as possible," Carl said, not understanding that he couldn't.
"Your call, I can't always be the bad guy," Lori said, shaking her head.
"Well, he has all of you to look after him. Even got a doctor with ya," Dale said, propping his arm up on the door frame of the RV, "I'd say he's in good hands,"
"Okay, stay close with [Name] then, she's the best chance for helping you if you get hurt," Rick said, smiling at the two of us. I give a smile and thumbs up, following after Carl, helping him collect his own bag.
"Always within my sight, you mom's, or your dad's, got it?" I tell him, ruffling his hair as he nodded, I spot Glenn walking over to us, giving him a small peck on the cheek, "Be safe, got it?" I tell him, and he nods, kissing my cheek back.
"When am I not?" he asks jokingly, walking off to his own crew, all of us soon making our leave to the woods.
We follow after Daryl, a trail being made for us from when Daryl and Rick looked last night. I hum quietly to myself, looking around, the scenery was beautiful despite the reason we were here. Carl left my side, going behind me to talk to Shane.
"Shane, look, dad said I could carry it and mom said as long as I was-" Carl was telling him excitedly before Shane cut him off.
"Keep it down. We're looking for Sophia, you need to focus on the task," he told the young boy. I walk back to walk alongside Carl, giving Shane a look, he only shrugged his shoulders at me, as Carl slowed his steps, walking dejectedly.
"Got to keep up," Lori said, ushering her son to walk with her.
"Shane, whatever is going on, don't take it out on Carl, he's a good kid and he respects the hell out of you," I tell him, shaking my head.
"Well, more important things are happening [Name], can't coddle him and listen to him all the time," he huffed out.
"Still, he's a kid, doesn't matter if it's the end of the world or not, he's a child who still thinks there's good," I catch up after Lori and Carl, not staying to listen to what Shane has to say next.
Daryl stops us, everyone crouching at the sight of the tent, quiet settling among us.
"She could be in there," Shane muttered quietly amongst the group, the only one standing close enough to the tent.
"Could be a whole bunch of things in there," Daryl muttered, making his way towards it. Daryl, Rick, Shane, and I walk towards the tent quietly, I have my knife out, ready to stab into the walker if needed. Daryl motions for me to follow, seeing that I had my knife out already, we walked to the tent, peeking inside the tent, not seeing anything.
"Sophia, sweetie, are you in there?" Carol called out softly, her voice having hope as Daryl and I stood, ready to attack if it wasn't her, "Sophia it's mommy. Sophia we're all here baby, it's mommy," her voice started to break a little. No movement came, as Daryl unzipped the tent an awful stench came through, showing the corpse of a man inside, having shot his head through his mouth, Daryl grabbed the gun, glancing at me before pocketing it. I shrugged, not caring he took it.
"It's not her," I say, coming out of the tent.
"What's in there?"
"Some guy did what Jenner said. Opted out, ain't that what he called it?" Daryl said, reloading his crossbow. As we looked around to see if Sophia was around here the sound of church bells ringing sounded. We looked around at each other, soon racing to find the source of the bells.
"What direction?"
"I think that way. I'm pretty sure," Rick pointed, we raced forward a bit, losing the sound a bit.
"Damn, it's too hard to tell out here," I mutter, popping my knuckles again.
"If we heard them, maybe Sophia did too," Carol said hopefully.
"Someone's ringing those bells, maybe calling others," Glenn suggested.
"Or signaling they found her," Andrea added.
"She could be ringing them herself," Rick suggested, leading us to follow him.
We cross the tree line, coming upon a church, standing on the outskirts of a graveyard.
"That's can't be it. Got no steeple, no bells. Rick," Shane called out, as Rick decided to move forward anyway despite the obvious. Soon he broke into a run, forcing the rest of us to race after him, our bags almost slipping off as we chased after the sheriff. We make it up to the front door, finally catching up to Rick. He motioned for us to be quiet, slowly opening the door to let us see inside, there sat a few people spread out on the pews, looking right where the priest would be. Instead of living bodies, it was the undead, still, in their Sunday clothes, they snarled at our arrival, turning towards us. They slowly got up, not making too quick of moves to attack as a few of us went around to kill the walkers. We looked around, seeing that Sophia was still nowhere in sight.
"Sophia!" Rick screamed, opening doors as we spread around, trying to find out if there was another way she could possibly be arriving at.
"Yo, J.C., you taking requests?" Daryl asked the crucified Jesus statue, I let out a small snort, shaking my head at the dumb joke, or desperation Daryl was coming to at the moment, turning my attention back to looking around.
"I'm telling you, it's the wrong church. It's got no steeple, Rick," I heard Shane say once I got close enough to hear them talking. I gave a small frown.
"Maybe it's a-" I was cut off by the bell ringing again, we all rushed outside again to only see a speaker, and I give a sigh of defeat, "A timer," I mutter, kicking the grass as Glenn tore the wires out to stop it from ringing.
"I'm gonna go back in for a bit," Carol said, her voice sounding far away. Everyone started to follow after, I stayed back for a bit, clenching and unclenching my hands. We felt so close yet so far away from where she could be. It sucked. I glanced to the side, spotting Andrea standing for a moment, I reached my hand and squeezed hers gently, giving her a sympathetic look, and she gave a sad smile before going to the side of the church, and sitting down. I go back inside quietly, seeing Lori and Shane exit, the two of them looking a bit heated.
"Hey, [Name], come sit with me," Glenn called out, patting the spot next to him, smiling as I sat next to him. I give a thin smile back, thinking back to what Shane said. Telling Glenn what Shane did could put the three of us at risk of the ex-cop's wrath, and I would rather not put Lori's or Glenn's life in danger.
"Are you okay?" he asked, seeming to catch onto the low mood I was feeling.
"With everything going on, especially with Sophia going missing, I don't think I can handle being with you like this right now. It sounds so shitty, but I just, I can't right now," I tell him, biting the inside of my cheek as I watch his once-happy smile going into a frown, seeming to have not expected that.
"Oh, oh..." he trailed off, not seeming to find anything to say, "Did I do something?" he asked, furrowing his brows, trying to find an answer to why I suddenly wanted to end things.
"It's not you at all, just with the stress of everything I don't think I can be the right type of support in a relationship," I quickly tell him, not wanting him to think of it as anything else, "I'll always be here to support you but I don't think I can do that as your partner," I explain, trying my best to try and make this situation better. It felt wrong though. This whole situation felt wrong. Right as Glenn was about to talk again Lori walked up, a worried look on her face as her eyes darted between us.
"Um, [Name], I just gotta talk with you," She said, glancing at Glenn.
"Oh, I'll take that as my queue then, I'll talk with you more [Name], don't think you can't talk to me after this," Glenn said, standing up and going to talk with T-Dog.
"Is it Shane?" I asked, my voice soft and quiet so that she can only hear. She nods her head, glancing around.
"He wants to leave, but he seems to want to take you with," she messes with the flannel she's wearing. I blink, absolutely surprised that he would even think about wanting to take me with him.
"What? Why would he be thinking that?" I ask, anxiety already eating, feeling a deep dread within my stomach.
"I don't know, he just seems to think that you are for sure on his side and going with, even after I mention how it'll break Carl's heart if both of you go," Lori explained better.
"That's worrying, I'll definitely see why he is thinking that, I know I don't want to go, at all," I tell her, she only nods in return, squeezing my shoulder in assurance and leaving to go sit behind Carol. I take a deep breath in, clenching and unclenching my hands again, feeling my fingernails press hard into my palms, soon unclenching my hands when the pain got too much. I lost my vision for a minute before I blinked a couple of times, taking in a deep breath, 'Things are getting bad again,' I thought to myself, walking to where Glenn and T-Dogg were at.
"Y'all gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl, you're in charge," Shane said after a moment of talking with Rick outside, "Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back, search this area for another hour or so just to be thorough, [Name] is staying with just in case Sophia is hurt,"
"You're splitting us up, you sure?" Daryl asks, making sure that they're certain of their choice.
"Yeah, we'll catch up to you," Shane said, trying to convince us all.
"I want to stay too, I'm her friend," Carl says, taking a step forward toward Rick and Shane. Lori and Rick share a look before looking back at me.
"[Name], can you make sure Carl stays careful, don't want him to get hurt or anything," Lori said, giving a small smile at me.
"You can trust me, no worries here," I tell her, giving her a thumbs up.
"Carl, stay by [Name] as best as you can," she told her son, hugging him.
"I will," Carl said in reply, hugging back.
"Oh when did you start growing up," she said, most likely reminiscing about what Carl was like when he was much younger. Rick then walked over, giving her a kiss and a tight hug, the two saying their goodbyes for the moment. I glance to my other side, seeing Andrea and Shane share a look before she glances at me, and he starts walking off. Andrea lets out a huff before following the rest of the crew. I put my hand on Carl's shoulder, gently leading him after Rick, waving goodbye to Glenn and the others as we make our way to continue searching. Rick walked up to where Shane, Carl, and I were standing, stopping for a moment to talk with us.
"Give me a minute?" Rick asked, heading back towards the church, we nodded in agreement, following after him. We stay out at the front of the church, waiting for Rick to come back, I hold Carl close to my side, trying to make sure Shane doesn't try and snap at the poor boy. I stare at the graveyard, thinking about how I used to go to church when I was younger with my family almost every Sunday, despite my parents having been very religious they still allowed us to go out and figure out ourselves and what we believe in.
"[Name], do you think we can talk when we get back?" Shane asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I shrug my shoulders, about to reply until Rick came back, seeming to be finished with what it was that he needed to do, "Get what you needed?" he asked Rick, watching him come out of the church.
"Guess I'll find out," Rick answered, walking off in a direction.
We quickly follow after him, keeping quiet, I kept Carl in front of me, glancing back periodically to see how Shane watched the two of us, I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to call out his creepy behavior and cause problems in front of Carl. A branch snaps, stopping us, I put a protective arm out in front of Carl, pulling out my knife and going into a defensive stance. Shane stepped in front of me, we watched as a figure stumble, the trees obscuring our vision. We get to the side, and seeing that it was a deer, we watch in awe, surprised that we were so close to it. I give a small smile, it was a gorgeous sight.
Carl took some careful steps toward it, as we watched him step closer and closer to it. The deer turned his head towards the boy, still standing proud. I held my breath, surprised it was allowing the boy to stay so close. Then a gunshot rang through the air, tearing through the deer and Carl fell flat onto his back. I felt my body grow cold as I ran forward, screaming his name. Shane and Rick yell after and try to help stop the bleeding and see who shot Carl.
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final-girl96 · 1 month
Broken World: Chapter Thirty-Seven
Later That Night
Everyone was back inside to give a final vote on what to do with Randall. Dale was able to change the mind of Andrea and partially Glenn but everyone else was on the side to kill him. Dale is a good man with a good heart, but that just isn't good enough for this world anymore. It was too great of a chance to keep Randall alive. He knows where the farm is so he could go back to his group and bring them here. And from what Daryl told me about what Randall told him about those men I did not want that happening.
Dale had stormed out of the house and walked off. Shane, Rick, and Daryl went out to get Randall to take him to the barn. Rick had decided the most humane way to do it was to shoot Randall. One bullet in the head. It was clean, painless, and quick. The rest of us minus Dale stood and sat around the fire waiting for it to be over. I paced back and forth waiting to hear a gunshot that never came. It was only maybe five or ten minutes when Shane and Rick came walking towards us with Carl in tow. Daryl came a few minutes later.
Randall was still alive and in the shed. They didn't get to do anything because Carl had come in telling his dad to do it. Shane was the one to drag him back out. It's not surprising that Lori didn't have her eye on him. When Rick told us that he and Daryl would be taking Randall eighteen miles out like the original plan, maybe even go a little further than that. When Andrea heard that, she took off to find Dale. A few minutes later, we heard a gunshot. We all took off towards the field with Rick in the lead. When I finally made it, pushing my way past everyone to get to the front, the sight in front of me had me turning back around.
Dale was laying on the ground with his stomach ripped apart. The walker who had done it was lying not far away. He was suffering, we could all see it in his eyes. There was nothing Hershel could do for him. Dale pleaded with Rick with his eyes. He was begging for him to give him mercy and put him out of the pain he was in. When Rick hesitated Daryl stepped forward. He took a few seconds until Dale gave him a slight nod and then he pulled the trigger.
The next day after we buried Dale with Sophia and Hershel's wife and stepson, it was decided that we would all move into the house. It would be cramped but it was the best choice. Not only would it be safer but the weather was getting colder. Shane didn't agree to letting Randall go. He wanted to stick to killing him but Rick's mind was made up after what happened to Dale. I was helping pack supplies into the car when Daryl came up to me. “Can I talk to ya?”
I set the stuff I had in my hands into a box and turned to him. “Yeah, sure, what's up?” I asked. Daryl shuffled from one foot to the other while he bit the side of his thumb nail. He couldn't even make eye contact with me, which told me he was nervous. “I see you still have the bad habit of chewing on your thumb nail.” His head snapped up, blue Eyes meeting mine, and he dropped his hand down to his side. “I need ya to stay outta trouble while I'm gone. Don't do anything stupid.” I raised my right eyebrow at him and then narrowed my eyes. “Excuse me?”
“Don't go get yourself killed while I'm gone.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I know damn well you are not trying to tell me what to do. How about instead of being an asshole towards me, you maybe, I don't know, treat me like a human being and kindly ask me to be safe while you're gone. I am so sick of these mood swings of yours, Dixon. If you hate me so much, maybe try not talking to me at all. I am sick of your mood swings!”
“Everything okay here?”
Daryl and I turned our heads towards the voice. Rick stood there, hands on his hips. “Fucking peachy,” I replied. Rick looked over at Daryl, who wouldn't make eye contact or say anything. “Okay, well, if you say so. You ready to head out then, Daryl?” Daryl gave a nod and a small grunt as an answer. “Hwy, T-dog, mind going and getting Randall?” Rick yelled over to T. “You got it!” He said and walked off towards the shed.
“He's gone! Randall is gone!” T-dog said, running back towards us. The whole group followed him to the shed. I pushed past everyone walking into the shed to see the handcuffs hanging from the pipe. I walked over to them, kneeling down to look closer to them. “How did he get out of these?” I asked no one in particular. It's possible but it's not easy to get out of cuffs. The cuffs were covered in blood so he had been trying for a while.
“He's been trying for a while to get out of these cuffs,” I told Rick. He nodded his head. He was about to say something until we heard his name being called. “Rick!” Shane walked out of the woods, a cut on top of his nose, and blood running down his nose to his chin. “Son of a bitch snuck up behind me and clocked me. He has my piece, man.” I narrowed my eyes and looked over at Daryl, who was already looking at me. It was clear neither of us believed that Randall could take Shane. “You're telling me that Randall, a guy who weighs maybe a buck twenty-five, was able to sneak up on you?” Daryl asked, full of suspension.
Shane just gave him a look before talking to Rick. “We need to go after Him,” he said. Rick nodded and turned to the rest of the group. “Glenn, Daryl, and yn, you three head one way and Shane and I will go the other. The rest of you go back to the house.” Daryl shook his head, “Nah, she's staying here,” he said. I turned my head and glared at him. “You don't get to decide what I can and can't fucking do.” Daryl threw his hands in the air. “Ya just got shot a few days ago! Not even healed all the way!”
“I'm going and that is final!”
I walked past Rick and Shane and headed into the woods. I pulled my flashlight from the pocket on the side of my pant leg and turned it on, then pulled my knife from my belt. I pointed the light to the ground and looked for footprints and any other signs of which way Randall might have gone. “Hey, yn, wait up!” I stopped and looked behind me. Glenn was walking towards me with Daryl behind him. I sighed and turned back to looking at the ground. “Watch your step. There are tracks on the ground; two sets of them.” Daryl moved past Glenn and came up beside me. “I don't believe Shane. There is no way Randall was able to get a jump on him.”
We kept walking through the dark woods following the tracks that eventually turned into one set; one set of tracks that changed from normal to all over the place, like someone was dragging their feet. I saw movement up ahead and bumped my elbow into Daryl's arm, nodding my in the direction of movement. We walked closer, getting a better look, seeing it was a walker. But when that walker turned around we noticed it was Randall. Daryl brought his crossbow up and put a bolt through his head. When we went to check where he was bitten we couldn't find anything. “His neck was broken; someone purposely broke his neck. And how did he turn when he doesn't have any bites or scratches on him?”
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Okay last one! May I request “You look better in my clothes than I do.” & “I feel safe with you.” from the 200 random dialogue prompts with our Kentucky Gentleman Chuckie T?
I thought I should be nice and give you your other true love ❤️
yes harry styles. ive been wanting to use this song but couldnt come up with a good concept. also, 10/10 recommend 'the prince' on hbo max
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
'Sweet Creature' MILD TW Chuck Taylor (Dustin) x fem!reader
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^not the surprise he was expecting on a stormy night^
- gif by @graculuss - TW: mentions of domestic abuse (resources for domestic abuse helplines) - feels a lil short but i like it so, deal with it
3rd Person POV
"Alright Walter, what are we watching?" Dustin said as the small dog hopped up on the couch. The rain had kept most of the neighborhood indoors since the late afternoon, so the man decided to catch up on what all his coworkers were talking about. He was ready to start 'The Last of Us' when he heard a knock at the door. What the fuck? he thought. Who could possibly be out in this weather?
He truly couldn't believe his eyes when he opened the door. "Bug?! Oh my God, get in here! You're soaking wet." He pulled the woman inside. "I know, I walked here." Her voice was low, soft, and frightened; a tone from his best friend he never liked. Dustin took the duffel bag she had in her hand and brought her to the bathroom, "C'mon before you get sick." He sat her down on the closed toilet seat so he could get the shower warmed up. He knew something was wrong because she didn't even notice Walter licking her legs so he could get his head scratches; she just stared off into space. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen, you shower and warm up, and then we'll talk if you want, okay?" She looked up at him and nodded with big eyes that shattered his heart. "Just leave the clothes in here; I'll take care of it. Your bag is right there." He decided against kissing her head before he left because he had no clue what happened to her before she showed up on his doorstep.
While he was in the kitchen, Y/N stood up and started to remove the wet clothes and winced as she saw the forming bruises on her arms. It's over now. I'm done. was all she said to herself as she washed off the past few hours under the hot water. She put anything in that apartment that was important to her and stuff she needed in the duffel and left as soon as her now ex walked out the door and took the car. She didn't care where he went; she was free now. Once she got out of the shower, Y/N couldn't bring herself to open the bag yet. Dustin had cleared a drawer in his room for her stuff because she was known to spend the night on whims. Wrapped in the towel, she went to his room to get some clothes. She slipped one of his shirts on over her and put on sleep shorts.
She tip-toed to the kitchen to find him with two cups of tea, "Feel better? I made you tea, just how you like it." Y/N smiled and looked down, "Thanks. And sorry I stole your shirt, I guess I never left any of my own in that drawer." "Don't be sorry. You look better in my clothes than I do.” He noticed the mark on her arm and gritted his teeth, "Bug, I can't believe he did this to you. I swear to God if-" "It's fine. Really. I'm done with him, it's over." She put her hand on his. He felt terrible that he couldn't stop it. He knew from the start that this guy was trouble. Had he listened to his friends and grown a pair, it would have never happened in the first place. But that's the past now; he can only focus on making the future better.
They had made their way to the living room to find something to watch. Walter jumped back up on the couch, "Oh, I'm sorry baby. Was I withholding your head scratchies? How dare I?" Dustin had put 'The Prince' on before she had curled up into his side.
Y/N had looked up at Dustin, "You have no idea how much I appreciate this. I feel safe with you." The soft way she said it had his heart doing moonsaults. "You'll always be safe with me, Y/N. I'll protect you." She yawned a little and a few seconds passed before she spoke up again "I l-love you, Dusty. I always have." "I love you too, Lovebug. You can go to sleep if you're tired, I'll be right here with you." As he kissed the top of her head.
"Just two hearts in one home"
lovely taglist babes (form in pin to be added) @josiewrites @wwenhlimagines @plentyoffandoms @sunshinevirus @sultryfandoms @alexisquinnlee-bc @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @1rsolideranna @eddiefrickenmunson @daddyhausen @bellicosebunny
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<?>Chapter III
[Riddler x Cop! Reader] [From the Obsessed With you Series]
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< Previous Chapter
I groan, lazily trying to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock but when I fail to do so, I get up and unplug it.
"Shit, I fell asleep doing my reports again." I look at my computer and notepad laying on my bed. I'd just have to hope that my report is automatically saved so I won't have to rewrite it again.
I walk out of my room, into the small kitchen, and put on a pot of coffee. The apartment I was staying in was small and dirty, only a few lights and outlets worked and the tap water was occasionally rusty. The porcelain bathtub in the restroom was broken most likely by previous tenants, leaving you with having to shower at the gym right across from the station. You had talked to the front about it yet they refuse to fix it.
I snap out of my complaining in my head once the coffee machine beeps. I take a mug from my dish rack and grab an energy drink from my fridge, closing the door with a squeak. I pour the coffee into the mug, the energy drink afterward, and take a big gulp of the piping-hot liquid.
'I don't have time to eat breakfast or shower today, it's fine they always have some sort of food over there, I can grab it before patrol.' I think to myself, grabbing my keys and locking the door before I realize I forgot to put on my uniform, proceeding to unlock the door and walk in once again, dreading the amount of time I'll spend putting on the vest and belt.
After forgetting to grab my radio on the way out of my apartment, I park my unit in one of the parking spaces, grab my envelopes filled with finished case reports, shut my car door, and enter the depressing building.
"Officer L/n, you're late." A poison-laced voice coming from across the room speaks.
"I'm terribly sorry commander, I have no excuse other than waking late and forgetting my radio," I admit truthfully.
"Just don't be late next time officer L/n. Do you at least have those case reports I gave you done?" Gordon says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I do lieutenant, Gordon," I say, handing the envelopes to Gordon nervously.
"Y'know kid, you remind me of someone we had here. He worked in forensics, real genius, was quite skittish, and kept to himself, we unfortunately had to let him go due to... Uh, certain problems with him though. A real shame, you two would've gotten along really well." Gordon says as he takes a look at the manila envelopes.
I couldn't tell if what he had just told me was good or bad. 'Real genius..' I think to myself as I recall his words, 'Quite skittish and kept to himself..' Maybe it's both considering what he said.
"...Hey L/n, were you out looking for that Riddler guy again. One of the guys told me that he saw you in an area that wasn't yours during your shift."
'Shit... What if they've been following me and what if they've found him? '
"U-uh, well yes... B-but I promise you, lieutenant I won't go looking for him again, It's just that.. I mean, well our guys working on his case aren't doing much and haven't made any progress at all, If I were still working on his case he would have already been found and locked up. I'm one of the best officers you have, you know that lieutenant! Gee, if I were to be a detective rather than working graveyard shifts as a cop do you know how many other cases I could solve?" I get flustered and frustrated as I say this, all the other officers looking at me, whispering and snickering.
"Officer L/n, how about we talk about this in my office," Gordon says, walking me to his cluttered office and sitting down at his desk.
It always smelt of ink, coffee, and paper in there. Not the smell that printer ink has when it has made a copy or document of something but the smell of ink that you use for those fountain pens, he was an old-fashioned kind of guy that didn't like using the modern stuff. You could hear the humming of the fluorescent lights and the muffled sound of clacking keys from outside his closed office, but it had an odd sort of comfort with it.
"L/n, I took you off of the case because it was making you mad and it was affecting you overall. You would spend even your days off looking for the bastard, for fucks sake y/n you didn't sleep for days or even eat because of the guy! And I wasn't going to risk losing my best officer because they got caught up looking for him. What if he found out how close you were getting to finding him and killed you?" Gordon shouted, a pained look in his eyes.
He was right though. I mean, if Edward had figured out that I knew who he really was and that I even knew his residence, he could find me and kill me. But also quite frankly, I could just tell Gordon who he really is right now if I had felt like it. 
"L/n, I'll give you back the case but you have to really promise that you'll try to take better care of yourself while working on this case okay? Don't try and sacrifice your own well-being to catch this lunatic, he's making a bad and very large impact on Gotham right now but he's really not worth it."
Oh... Oh yes, he is...
"Of course Gordon, I promise I'll try to find this bastard, but I will also promise to not lose too much sleep on this case too. I won't let you down." You say, grabbing the case file from his hand.
"I know you've got this L/N, you're one of the best officers we've got here at the GCPD, it'd be a shame to lose you."
Jeez, I hate that I'm lying to Gordon like this... He's a great lieutenant and he's genuinely concerned for me, and I'm here lying right to his face. He wouldn't have lost the commissioner if I would've just told him who Edward was. Who's side am I even on? Am I just as corrupted as Mitchell and Pete were? I'm supposed to do my duty, I even swore to it, so why am I breaking the code?
God, I'm insufferable...
I thank Gordon once more for giving me back the case and walk outside to go back to my unit, opening the case file and reading over it for the millionth time since getting it.
'He kills corrupt cops you know.. What you're doing, covering up for him like this, thats you not doing your job and being just as bad as Savage.' You think to yourself. 'But I mean, if he kills me then he knows about me. Oh man, think about that. The Riddler himself knowing that much about me to know about that, that would mean he has to spy on me, see every move I make to really know. Wow...'
I shake myself away from my thoughts and turn on my car, deciding to go to the little corner diner that Edward is always at.
I can just already imagine him. Working in his notebook slumped over as usual, slice of pumpkin pie and cup of coffee in front of him as he sits in the same chair he's always at, stopping to think for a minute and then continuing.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I just told James I was going to come and lay in the empty bathtub to write my post like I did the other night because I can't get distracted as much in here. And they were like oh. I just thought you were going to the bathroom for a half hour!! I have never in my life! Slander!
Today wasn't a bad day but man am I annoyed with some of the in training counselors. Like I get that it's the end. But they are just slacking and making my life difficult but also just making me annoyed. Thankfully most of the day went fine. I was just having an annoyed time.
I slept alright last night. When I woke up I was annoyed because my phone didn't get plugged in right and was at 20% and that made me snippy with James. And then they were making me uneasy staring at me while I was laying there. But I would get over it and get dressed and things would be okay.
James left for work and I took a few more minutes to get ready. But was pretty quickly out the door.
The new cord worked great in the car. And I enjoyed my podcast on the drive in. I've saved a ton of episodes of "behind the bastards" so I'm thrillrd to get caught up. Love learning history stuff. And I got to camp at 8.
It was chilly this morning which was really nice. I threw on a sweatshirt and got everything set up.
I would have Anton come to help today. And we would have the donors for the program he's a part of come by. I tried to make sure he was busy but he also kept wearing both his airpods which made me really annoyed. Like wear one, fine, but both? Really? I was literally calling for him and he wasn't answering. Thankfully he is good at helping the kids and he helped do some moving and organizing. And I think he made a good impression on the donor.
The kids were fun this morning though. I enjoyed seeing their work and there were fun chats. I got some knitting done and it was a beautiful day.
During my second hour Anton and me would go down to homestead to collect the materials Ty had packed up. Anton was a huge help there because everything was heavy. And I got tired pulling the cart back so I appreciated when he took over.
He would take the wagon to make a second trip while I sorted everything to go away into storage. I was given three Rubbermaid totes but because they just need to be better organized everything fit in two milk crates and two small plastic boxes. So there is souch space in the cabinets still. I'm really pleased.
The boxes had cinnamon oil in it and made things smell like Christmas. Which will hopefully improve the smell in the cabinets which just smell like mouse pee right now.
All of a sudden there were air horns. It was a drill. And we all had to go to the field. I would throw that in the group chat in case the other specialties didn't hear the horns. And grabbed my sunglasses before I went to the feild.
It was very hot and bright but it was nice seeing everyone. And after we did the camp check in Alexi asked us all to come to the front to talk to us. She told us to keep doing our best and to not let everything fall apart on the last couple days. To interact with the kids. She was very encouraging. But also you could tell she was saying it because it needed to be said. People have been mentally checking out. It was a good reminder about the impact we have. I wish we had more little check ins like that but I know that would be hard to coordinate.
When it was finally lunch I would go to the office to use the microwave. Which gets way to hot but at least it's fast.
I ate on the porch. Sofie said it smelled to good (it was leftover Mac and cheese and tomato soup) and so she couldn't sit with me anymore which I thought was very funny.
And then I was chatting with Alexi and she made a big fuss about how the chat wasn't about me and how I'm great and it was nice to hear. I volunteered to help her collect going home info for all of staff. Which I have had mixed results on but I'm working on it. It was nice to be able to be helpful.
My afternoon groups were late, not surprised, my morning groups was also late. They made fun work but complained they didn't have time to finish. You would have if you were on time. And the one counselor was very annoyed with me for not just remaking a piece that was an example. Because her camper didn't do the work but wanted it. I don't know how many times I can say I don't make people's art. I won't draw your art. I will help. I will give instructions. I'll help clean up lines or cut things out. But I will not make your art. That is also the problem with having good examples. The kids will want to copy them and then get frustrated when it doesn't look as good. And all I can tell them is I want to see your art, not my art or whoever made that examples art. Yours. So having a councilor making a kids art and then getting upset when I wouldnt take over or just give her the example was very disheartening. Made me very annoyed.
Thankfully I had some good interactions with councilors too. I really enjoyed stockade's company today. They were very funny. I met two Russian boys and learned a third spoke Russian and they all talked so fast!! It was a pleasure to listen to. And they were very sweet to me. Even when I yelled at them all at first for not going to wash their hands and just getting in the hammocks. I have to act a little crazy at first but then I am calm and nice and they can just know I can be insane and mean so they are good. That's how you do it right?
They were fun though and I got to vent to their counselor about stuff I was frustrated about. And they echoed it so at least I didn't feel like I was in the wrong. I also spent a lot of the hour sorting rainbow loom rubber bands that all got mixed up. The box is almost perfect again. I am very pleased.
And then I finished the day with a very good day camp group. Who did lose one of my tools but it's fine. Their councilor Jamie was fun to talk to and it was a nice way to end the day.
I finished cleaning up. And got my stuff together. And then I headed home.
I felt bad when half way home Alexi texted me about a camper coming up to arts but I wasn't there but also I didn't have a group so she couldn't anyway. I hope they aren't upset with me. The child that is.
But I was glad to be home. I wanted to tell James all the things that annoyed me today. They were making me a feta salad. Which I liked at first but then I started to feel weird about it. I'll have the leftovers tomorrow probably. They made me a pb and j instead.
And then I worked on my lesson plans for the next couple hours. And this was the most frustrating one.
Not because it was hard to write but because almost all of the original lesson plan was wrong. Like flat out wrong. Bordering on a lie. And then I discovered that the chickee, the Native American building we have and utilize on camp, is not traditional. It's from the 1830s. And was built because the Seminole people were being hunted by us soldiers. And they needed to make houses quickly and on the go. And then I learned that they have only existed as a people since there 1700s. And that Seminole means outcast. And they are actually a bunch of small groups who intermarried and became a new people because of us. And I was just so sad. I'm not going to leave this out. We're going to make this known in my program. The kids should know this. Everyone should know this.
So is pent two hours making my program work with what I have. And I hope that the parents really get it in the end. I have to hope.
After I finished that I went to lay in the AC. And that's where I was for a long time. James joined me. But I had to leave the ac to come do my post. Which went quicker then it has lately so that's nice.
Now though I want to sleep. I plan on staying at camp tomorrow since it's the last night. I hope you all sleep well and have a fun day tomorrow. Goodnight everyone. Until next time!
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