#but only if it’s exaggerated - more a costume than a simple outfit
badolmen · 2 years
I had a much healthier relationship with femininity when I realized it was a behavior to be performed rather than an innate state of being.
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jasmineoolongtea · 4 months
| amusement park date with gojo satoru ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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out of all the places you would expect to be at on a tuesday afternoon, an amusement park was definitely at the bottom of that list. scratch that, it wasn't even on the list until, half an hour ago, your boyfriend, satoru, had the brilliant idea to try and convince you (with large amounts of bribery on his behalf) to ditch your last lecture of the day to spend time with him at an amusement park. unfortunately for your attendance and fortunately for satoru and his arsenal of candy that he keeps with him at all times, you caved into his demands.
"toru," you murmur as you fidget with the red bowtie around your collar, trying to get it to stay straight instead of weirdly off to the side as it just so happens to seem inclined towards. "this is stupid." as soon as the words leave your mouth, a dramatic gasp escapes him, eliciting some confused looks from the park goers around the two of you, as he spins around to face you. there's an almost offended look on his face, albeit highly exaggerated, as he places his hands on your shoulders, lowering himself to your eye level.
"sweets. we're enjoying ourselves and having fun." he states as if it were a simple fact, one as clear as the sky above you two. "how is this stupid?" satoru asks, his previous expression of shock, and borderline offence, now morphing into a pout. his lower lip was jutting out in a way that made his crystalline blue eyes sparkle even more with a tinge of faux sadness, a look he knows always pulls at your heartstrings.
a sigh escapes you, it wasn't like the idea was not enticing, especially with satoru by your side, but you had some small hang-ups that were making you slightly hesitant from throwing yourself in this with reckless abandon. "we're university students and instead of being at class, we're here playing dress up at the same place parents bring their toddlers with way too much energy." you comment, narrowly avoiding falling face first to the ground, thanks to satoru's quick reflexes saving you from that fate, as one of the aforementioned hyper-active toddlers crashes into your knees. now pulled against his chest, you lean into his touch, your shoulders sagging slightly as you contemplate your current situation.
"plus, don't you feel weird when wearing these outfits?" you gesture to yourself in the full-length mirror right in front of you. "feels like we're back in high school again and the teenagers around us aren't helping that feeling." right next to the entrance of the park, there was a costume rental area that park guest could use and immediately after spotting it, satoru pulled you towards the racks of various different school uniform designs. now, you were dressed in a slightly wrinkled white button-up, a red bowtie around your collar, a plaid skirt that fell just above your knees and a brown cardigan to top it all off, however, feeling overgrown despite only being out of high school for no less than 2 years.
tightening his grip around your waist, he starts swaying side to side which causes you to move along with him, a childish whine present in his voice as he speaks. "but babee, that's the beauty of it!" sensing that your scepticism was growing with each second, he pokes your cheeks, eliciting a small smile from you as it always does when he does this. "think about it. i know how stressed you've been with your workload and what better way to destress than to take some time off by travelling back to our high school days and relaxing with your amazing boyfriend." he suggests, making sure to emphasise the last two words of his sentence as if to showcase how proud he was of that title to anyone who was in the fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it, earshot of the two of you.
"you chose these outfits on purpose didn't you?" you already knew the answer to your own question. it was undeniable. the outfits you were wearing were almost identical matches to the ones you wore during your own time in highschool. quietly, to yourself, you thought about how good satoru looked in his fit with his broad frame filling up the navy blazer with ease, maybe even better now than when you first saw him in those long corridors.
as if he noticed how your gaze was lingering on him, his grin grew even wider as he placed a chaste kiss upon your cheek. "don't people say nostalgia's one hell of a drug?" he quips back at you, already intent on dragging you out to explore the expanses of the amusement park.
finally, you acquiesce to his demands, letting yourself be pulled along by him as you fight the urge to giggle at his antics. "fine, satoru. but you better make it up to me for making me miss my lecture by making this an amazing date."
he's only further emboldened by your request, slowing down his speed to match yours before bringing your intertwined hands to his lips. "anything for you, sweets."
to no one's surprise, satoru is a man of his word and brings you around on a carefully curated visit to what he deems to be the highlights of the park's attractions. first, he takes you to the tallest rollercoaster in the park and not so secretly enjoys it when your grip around him tightens with each drop. next stop is apparently the large ferris wheel in the middle of the park grounds where he slips the attendant some yen to allow you guys to cut to the front of the line, much to the complaints and annoyed stares of the rest of the people queueing up for their turn. while you are busy admiring the atmosphere and scenery of the park from a much higher perspective thanks to the ride, satoru manages to successfully steal some kisses from you and snaps many discrete photos of you that will definitely appear as his lock screen very shortly after today. once the ride arrives at a stop, you spot a cart selling colourful wads of cotton candy and without even needing to say a word, he gives you a nod as the two of you sprint to buy some. you get a blueberry-flavoured one while he gets a strawberry flavoured and somehow, those colours end up staining your tounges with them even miraculously turning purple as the day goes on.
when you start to inevitably get tired from the constant walking around, satoru eagerly offers to carry you around to which you can barely mutter a small protest before he sweeps you up in his arms and onto his back. he did try to offer to carry you around in a princess carry but already after fighting off moments where you felt like your heart was going to give out from his teasings and flirtations and withering stares from the single people that passed you guys, you successfully bashfully turn him down.
finally, or what you assume to be the final stop, satoru leads you to the carousel as the two of you lean against the barricade of the ride. tired, but not exhausted, from the day's activities, a wistful sigh escapes you as you watch the fluorescent lights of the carousel twinkle while it spins. he turns towards you, his classic sunglasses on the verge of falling off his nose.
"so, are you having fun and feeling more relaxed now?" he asks, eagerly awaiting your response. you give him a simple nod and grin as you take the sunglasses off of his face, allowing you to drink in his features and the youthful glow that tints his face, sliding them onto your own head. watching your small antics always makes his heart flutter and his smile grows wider, no matter how small or silly the act is. he soon spots a couple passing by, flagging them down, much to your confusion, as he hands them his phone before asking them to take a photo for you guys as a keepsake. as they start the countdown for the photo, satoru suddenly lifts you up into a sudden kiss as you melt into his touch instinctively. once he slowly drops you down back to your feet, they hand him his phone back and wish the two of you the best. before you can even ask to see the picture, his expression suddenly drops as he notices the time.
"wait! we have somewhere to be!" is all he says before taking your hand into his and breaking off into a light sprint in god knows what direction.
obviously struggling to keep up with his pace with his long limbs making him move at what feels like an impossibly fast speed and still confused from the sudden change in pace, you manage to ask. "what do you mean, toru?"
seemingly paying no mind to your question or the crowd in front of the two of you as he pushes his way through the crowd, with you trailing behind him. in the midst of the evergrowing noise, you hear him shout back at you "it's a surprise! come on, we need to get a good spot!"
deciding that you're probably not going to get an answer until satoru finds the so-called "good spot" that he is looking for, you let him pull you through the crowds right to the front of the pier overlooking the lake of the park. with his arms on either side of you, he gives you a gentle nudge before whispering in your ears "look up." as you do, the evening sky suddenly breaks out into an explosion of colours as a bunch of fireworks are launched above the park, the clear lake beneath it creating a mesmerising reflection of the nighttime show above. you can't help but let a sound of awe escape your lips as you watch, transfixed by how the dark blue of the evening sky is the perfect backdrop for such a display.
"it's perfect, satoru." you remark, "thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
the look on your face and the glimmer of joy are absolutely priceless and in that moment, satoru thinks to himself how he would forever immortalise this moment in his memories. "like i said earlier, anything for you sweets."
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Costume Break Down
aka more than you ever wanted to know about Thai dance costume details but I think they are gorgeous and require so much effort to create and wear that they are worth celebrating.
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Let's take a look at Khem's beautiful red costume.
Here the presence of the dagger and the colour choice quite firmly indicate that he is performing the role of the hero Prince Inao from the Lakhon Nai dance drama 'The Romance of Inao.'
His costume is based on the traditional costumes worn by heroes in both Khon and Lakhon Nai. There are some historical differences between the two types but they have very much influenced each other from the 19th Century onwards.
There are some elements of his costume that read as modern influences which I suspect are to reflect both current tastes and also the fact that the costume was intended to be seen on screen rather than a stage.
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Here we see Khem's ornate headdress, known as a chada, he has a flower garland on the right side of his crown, which is the side that male characters always wear these flower pendants with heroines displaying them on the left.(Historically Lakhon Nai was only performed by women and was only for the eyes of the royal court although rules did relax in the 19th Century.)
It's hard to see in these pictures but he would usually be wearing the ornate wing shaped ear kaffa as well, which sit around the ears.
We can also see his very fine inthorn-tanu, which are those high pointed shoulder pads, worn by male characters to exaggerate their body shape.
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We can see him wearing the ornate wide collar around his neck, known as a krong-kaw and a large pendant pinned to the end of the collar against his chest.
A body chain known as sangwan is then crossed around the pendant and is usually attached to an ornamental belt or just below it, at the front and back of the costume.
Khem's sangwan is a relatively simple looking version of what can be a very intricate piece of jewellery but I suspect it is because the camera will be getting a much closer look at him than an audience looking at a stage could do.
In general I think his costume is not quite as ornate and covered with detail as a stage costume often is but there is just enough there to show the luxurious nature of dance outfits without looking too much on screen.
The above picture also gives us a great look at both his hoy-na, a silk panel that hangs at the front of the costume, (here it is red and gold with gold fringe) and his hoy-kang, the silk panels that sit either side of the central hoy-na.
We also see one very modern addition - the shiny gold buttons!
Traditionally dancers are sewn into their costumes with no visible seams, a lengthy process which does run the risk of damaging the costumes every time they are stitched and unstitched.
I suspect that Apo is still partly sewn into this outfit but I imagine they wanted to give him a top that he could get in and out of more easily as he would need to be able to change constantly for filming.
I really like the design of the top, it gives both a hint of Western influence with the shape but also has a Chinese feel with the high collar and then those beautiful very Indian looking fabrics, which feels appropriate for the era and for Man Suang itself. We see it sits over the pha-nung and hoy-na etc which would not typically be the case and is why I suspect he is not also wearing a cloth belt under it as well (mentioned below.)
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The red tights are also a modern addition, usually we would see bare legs and feet but they do give a very theatrical look which feels fitting for Man Suang.
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From this angle we can see his pha-nung, which is a long rectangular cloth that is usually pre stitched and pleated and is wrapped around the waist and drawn through the legs to be tied in a knot at the back.
Underneath that he will be wearing a pair of sanab-plao, short trousers with deep embroidered hems that sit just below the knee.
He may also be wearing pha-pawk, which is a fabric that basically functions like hip pads to assist the pha-nung in exaggerating the body shape to create an image that mimics statues and murals depicting dancers.
Usually he would be wearing a radsa-aew, a cloth belt which is stitched into place and secures the pha-nung. I can't tell just by looking at this but I suspect he may not be given the way his clothes are lying.
We can see he is wearing a lovely cloak here that appears to be silk lined velvet.
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Here we can see his embroidered sleeves, these are usually sewn on to an undershirt which also has padding sewn into it to exaggerate the shape of their chests. The decorative outer shirt is then usually sewn onto that undershirt.
Now in this picture, we see the fancy sleeves taper off to a plain red fabric at the shoulders which could indicate the presence of an undershirt but there is that clip in the trailer where Khem tugs his costume open and we see his bare chest so I don't know whether he is or isn't. Perhaps it depends on the necessity for him to be able to strip in any given scene which is totally fine by me!
We can also see his decorative golden vambraces and he is likely also wearing beads or a bracelet of rings as well. Usually more is more when it comes to dance jewellery but once again, I think they have been more restrained here.
Rings worn on the fingers are common and of course, anklets are essential.
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At least they are to me ❤️
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HEEEY I just, uh, you know maybe you could write something with Noise from Pizza Towe? I'm absolutely in love with this jerk, especially without the costume ☠️☠️maybe headcanons on what it's like to be in a relationship with him?
Oh but of course! I always have time to write for our silly little freak (affectionate)
Being in a relationship with The Noise [Gender-Neutral! Reader]
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Noise has plenty of experience with one-off flings left and right and short-term relationships that only survive to the three-month mark. He’s practically a natural at it! However long-term relationships with someone he really-really-really-really likes are quite some uncharted territory for him. Of course, your boy Theodore won't just admit that so you just have to see the evidence for yourself.  At first, he’s definitely more of an annoying roommate than an actual boyfriend.  Doesn’t clean up after himself, is loud when you try to sleep/work, and worst of all steals your food without even asking. But he’s willing to do better if he really cares about you, you just might have to push/remind him a little to get on with his chores, and he’ll get to it then (Perhaps not without a bit of back talking). 
His love language is definitely a physical touch. It's damn near impossible for him to get his hands off of his partner. Even while you two sleep, he still finds a way to worm himself next to you, arms wrapped tightly around you. However, despite this, he rejects any form of affection that is considered soft while out in public. He’s got a reputation to keep up with babe! He can’t throw all of that out the window!
But don’t be fooled! He can be a softy at times but much like a feral cat, it takes some work (and some hissing).  It’s a rare sight to see him in a calm state unless you know the totally-super-secret-didn’t-made-it-up-on-the-spot Noise-Chill-Out™ technique. It’s quite a simple technique really, it's quite a surprise no one has figured it out but petting his hair of all things gets him very sleepy. In which a sleepy Noise is a cuddly Noise, never forget it.  (And he purrs too! Score!)
Noise is a show-off - so naturally that rubs off onto his partner as well. He loves showing you off and brags about your skills for you, exaggerating them only a tiny bit. (“Yeah, my partner just painted the Sistine Chapels, no big deal.” “Theo please-”). He always has a hand somewhere on you to as he doe so as well, just his sly way of saying that you're his. And forbid it if anyone talks smack towards you - they’ll receive a beating so hard it’ll make them come running back home to ma!
[Deviating a bit but just so you know, if you're trying out a new outfit - any outfit, a dress/suit, hell even something casual that shows a bit of skin, Noise is pulling out the whole heart-eyes, tongue rolling shebang!]
Still, despite his flaunting of you, he still gets horribly jealous. And by god is he horrible at hiding it too.  You could be talking to anyone - a old friend, coworker, hell some stranger - and suddenly here comes your man, walking up behind you and pulling you in close by your waist - and oh man, if he’s really jealous - will give you the smooch–st kiss imaginable before loudly announcing you as his partner. Worst part: He won’t ever admit he was jealous in the first place. What an guy can’t just kiss his partner? Man is he the worst at times. 
Goes over the top with dates (Fireworks, canons, vandalism - the whole deal!), and it's not a good date in his book if at least one person is not in critical condition (Your positive he has more counts of vehicular manslaughter from your dates then whatever illegal shit he committed in the Tower) … yeah might be best if you plan dates instead (and for the all the innocent pedestrians walk to your designated date.).
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joylinda-hawks · 4 months
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Maybe have some fun today. Hairpin day. We know well that ZZH sometimes wears his hair longer, maybe it's not entirely comfortable for him, especially in summer, but he looks phenomenal with such longer hair. ZZH usually wore his hair longer when preparing for a role in a costume series. This was because, due to his allergy to wig glue, he preferred to wear only hair extensions rather than the entire wig. Another issue is comfort - you don't have to carry extra weight on your head and you don't have to spend more time in the dressing room. ZZH had longer hair and tied it up, sometimes creating fancy hairstyles. Sometimes he added cool accessories to these hairstyles in the form of hairpins, which were not very visible, but when noticed, attracted attention. ZZH had one of such original hairstyles during his mini-concert, which took place on October 18, 2020. in Beijing. It was his first dream concert, maybe not in a large hall, but in the presence of people who cared about him. He knew that apart from the technical side of the concert and his singing, appearance was important. ZZH then decided on two cool styles that perfectly suited him and the nature and venue of the concert. ZZH chose two intense colors: black and red. Colors that greatly enhanced his beauty. Now it's hard for me to decide which outfit from this concert suited me better. Both were perfect. And both of them defined the style that ZZH adopted and which he intended to stick to during his concerts. A simple but elegant style, without unnecessary exaggeration and unnecessary decorations. The only thing ZZH allowed itself was well-chosen jewelry. Even if he put it on, the amount was balanced. ZZH was perfectly dressed at the concert and did not look like a stranger wearing cheap clothes. Subdued elegance suits his character and persona, whether in a classic version or in a slightly youthful style. But that's not what I'm talking about here. I will deal with ZZH and its hair accessories. For the purpose of performing at the concert, since ZZH had longer hair and would not feel very comfortable with it loose, he chose a tied hairstyle. To add originality, he chose hairpins whose shape resembles small crowns. Maybe they weren't very visible from a distance, but when you take a closer look at the photo, they are perfectly visible. Small silver crown-shaped hairpins supporting small strands of hair created an amazing whole and made this ZZH hairstyle difficult to forget. ZZH has thick and strong hair, so this hairstyle gave him volume. I have selected the photo here where they are visible. It should also be added that they were not only silver, but also gold, depending on the style in which ZZH performed on stage. I chose a photo that is probably a fragment of a larger photo, but is a close-up of his face. ZZH is captured in this photo from the side, standing with a microphone to his mouth, headphones in his ears, and the expression on his face suggests that he is focused on singing. Here, ZZH appears in a black and white set, which is why he has silver hairpins in his hair. The lighting of the scene and this photo perfectly shows us his hairstyle and gently touches his face, creating subtle reflections. In my opinion, this is one of the nicest photos of ZZH from this concert. The photographer managed to capture this amazing beauty of ZZH. ZZH's outfit and hairstyle were perfectly matched here. I also think that ZZH doesn't like longer hair, if wears it it's because of his planned work on the set of the series. Moreover, longer hair is more demanding and requires styling, and ZZH has slightly wavy hair, so in order for it to look good when it is longer, it needs to be styled well. ZZH does not always have the time or inclination for this, and it is inappropriate for him to leave the house sloppily. There are videos where ZZH, after visiting the hairdresser and cutting his hair, is very happy with his short hairstyle. Because ZZH values comfort and good appearance.
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bollywood143114 · 2 years
Urvashi Lautela had to return the 'Miss India Universe' crown after wearing a gold dress worth $37 million.
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Urvashi Rautela Dress Cost: Urvashi Rautela is one of those actresses in the Bollywood industry who talk more about her beauty pageants and expensive outfits than about her work and movies. In such a situation, it is no exaggeration to say that Urvashi Lautella, who is more active on social media than in movies, makes her fans' hearts flutter by revealing her bold and glamorous pictorial. Urvashi Rautela turns 29 today. With that in mind, let's talk about some interesting things about Urvashi Rautela's life and one of her costumes, the most expensive in the world. What movie did Urvashi debut in? Urvashi Rautela was born on 25 February 1994 in Kotdwar, Uttarakhand. Urvashi took part in Sunny Deol's films in the Bollywood industry. the great singh sahib Urvashi's plain and simple style endeared her to fans in this film, but her career couldn't showcase anything special in the Bollywood industry. Along with being an actress, Urvashi Rataula is also a dancer and sportswoman. Besides being an actress, Urvashi Rautela is also a professional dancer, basketball player, beauty pageant winner, and model. She Urvashi Rautela learned 5 types of dance including Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Hiphop, Jazz and Belly dance. Few people know that Urvashi Rautela played in basketball up to her national level. Why Urvasi had to return the crown of Miss India Universe Besides this, Urvashi Rautela is the first woman in the country to win the Miss Universe India crown not once but twice. Urvashi Rautela won the Miss India Universe title for the first time in 2012 and for the second time in 2015. Not only that, Urvashi was named the youngest most beautiful woman by the government of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Urvashi Rautela came into limelight in 2012 when she was asked to return the Miss India Universe crown. In fact, during this time, the Miss India Universe organizing committee found in their investigation that Urvashi Rautela was too young to win the pageant. Under such circumstances, Urvashi returned this crown in 2012, but in 2015 he became part of the Xcontest again and once again adorned this crown on his head. Urvashi Rautela wore the most expensive dress in the world. Urvashi Rataula also earned the title of wearing the most expensive dress in the world. Urvashi Rautela can often be seen in very expensive prints at parties, events and even fashion weeks. At the same Arab Fashion Week, Urvashi Rautela wore the world's most expensive dress made of gold. Talking about the cost, let me tell you that the cost is 5 million US dollars, or about 3.7 billion rupees. Besides this, Urvashi Rautela wore a dress worth Rs 15 crore for her music video Versace Baby. ALSO READ-Karan Johar net worth 2023: Car collection, Salary, Philanthropy, Assests & More DISCLAIMER We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Warning: Blood mention, Injury mention, Spoilers from Manga. 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Characters: All For One, All Might!Daughter Reader, Toshinori Yagi, Izuku Midoriya. 
Word Count:  12,069
[ I present to you the long awaited part two of the All For One request. The first part is located here. I know there was an ask that I had received that requested a part two. I have no idea what happened to it. But, regardless. I hope you enjoy, I also hope the length makes up for the long wait. As usual, please excuse any spelling errors. ] 
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[ It’s been over a year since you agreed to become All For One’s successor. Your disappearance baffled those you used to hold dear, including your classmates and your father. However, under All For One’s guidance. You learned to channel all your hatred into one goal. Though wanting to kill Izuku Midoriya and your father seems a tad irrational. Your mind is too far gone to believe otherwise. The destruction that follows would prove to be one that hero society wasn’t prepared for. ] 
The story of the missing UA student went viral almost overnight, there were several internet articles, even theories revolving around your sudden disappearance. Every news station in Japan did some type of report on it, the police were involved in several investigations which caused the UA campus to be littered with authority figures. Each one trying to gather clues that would lead up to a possible explanation for your disappearance. The hospital staff was asked several questions as well, such as when you were brought in, and if anyone had seen you leave.
The records showed you were not released from the hospital, so that led most conspiracy theorists to conclude something like you had been abducted or someone had used their quirk on you which effectively made you vanish from existence. But, the biggest surprise was your father, Toshinori Yagi also known as All Might, expressing his concern for you. However, what shocked the world most was when he revealed that you were his daughter. You found the confession pathetic. Truth be told, it had been over a year since your disappearance and part of you wondered if anyone even thought about you.
If your father felt any remorse knowing he was the cause of your disappearance. Given the pain and anger he had caused you, it was what he deserved. You should have had One For All passed down to you, but no. Your father chose someone so unworthy, so unfitting. Izuku Midoriya was now your sworn enemy and you wanted to see him and your father fall. All For One promised he would assist in your goal. It was almost amusing, your father’s worst enemy helping you. Treating you like an equal, believing in you. Acting more like a father figure than your actual father.
Still, the day after you agreed to become his successor, he introduced you to the League of Villains. You knew they were small in numbers, but you learned rather quickly that Tomura Shigaraki was not to be messed with. His psychotic drive to rule over the hero world and cast it into darkness was scary, but the fact that nothing would stop him from his goal was admirable. It almost inspired you, though when you first met him. He threatened to kill you, especially knowing your connection to All Might. He argued that no purebred hero, one who carried All Might’s DNA, should be deserving of becoming All For One’s successor.
You came to understand that All For One had adopted Tomura when he was a child, apparently, he had no where else to go. He was a lonely orphan and All For One took him under his wing. However, he seemed to know that Tomura desired to go down his own path as opposed to the one All For One laid out for him. Which led him to find someone else that would step into the position and effectively destroy All Might and his successor, Izuku Midoriya. That, someone, happened to be you and he knew you wouldn’t disappoint him. You had also met Dabi, Toga, Twice, and Mr.Compress.
You found Dabi to be rather standoffish while Toga was the exact opposite. It was strange having someone latch onto you and immediately go off about how happy they are to make a new friend. Mr.Compress was more polite than anything, but you got the feeling he didn’t exactly like dealing with kids. Twice was...an interesting character, who immediately treated you like you were a member of the family. But, you didn’t get to spend much time with anyone. All For One took it upon himself to immediately start your training, at first it was simple.
Running trails to assess your current ability, considering your father’s quirk wasn’t genetically passed on. Still, your quirk was impressive nonetheless. You had some extra physical strength and you could momentarily fly if you kicked off the ground hard enough. It wasn’t an aspect of your quirk that you normally used, considering you preferred being on the ground. You had tactical intellect, but you were a little slow when it came to using it in the heat of battle, and that disappointed All For One. Still, he found your skills impressive enough and fairly warned you how intense the training would become.
Warned that even if you were battered and bruised, you had to continue. You had to stand up on your feet again. At first, you thought he was exaggerating, but your assumption was wrong. As the training continued, you were beaten until you were a bloody pulp. All For One insisted it was to better yourself, to make you faster, quicker, sharper. More violent, more determined. You had to give him credit, just as he promised. He would show you more love than your own father, he’d always pull you into his arms after every training session.
No matter how much blood covered your person, he’d run his fingers through your unruly hair and whisper how proud he was of you and once again remind you that you were his successor. That all this pain and training would be worth it in the end. Six months in, All For One introduced you to the miracle that was his quirk. “My young successor, you’ll be more powerful than you know. I will give you a copy of my power when you finally prove yourself to me. For now…” you’d never forget how he reached out and the pain that coursed through your body as soon as his fingers touched your face.
You fell to your knees, clenching your jaw as All For One generously transferred one of his quirks to you. It was almost as though your body couldn’t handle the sudden surge of limited power, you swore you felt your heart stop just before blacking out. All For One seemed most forgiving as he understood the limitations of quirks to one's body, but made it clear he still expected the best from you. It was a strange feeling, possessing another one’s quirk and learning how to use it, what triggers made it click or appear.
You couldn’t help but think back to Izuku, was this the way he felt when your father passed One For All to him? You had to admit, it was a challenge. But, All For One insisted on intensifying your training. Believing that the added stress would quicken your quirk ability. Come 9 months, he bestowed another quirk onto you and he was rather pleased how well you received it. Unlike before, you didn’t blackout. Despite the toll the quirks took on your body, you were more than grateful to All For One and continued down your path as his successor.
Come 12 months, you had mastered your gifted quirks and learned to control them alongside your birth quirk. You knew it was finally time to unleash your anger, you would locate Izuku Midoriya and finally prove to your father just how worthy you were. All For One had gotten you a special outfit just for the occasion, you thought it was strange at first. Seeing as it resembled the suit that he normally wore, the same aspect went for the mask that was a part of the getup as well. The rest of your costume consisted of a long-sleeved shirt, made of a special material that would allow better movement and usage of your quirks.
That same material made up your pants and on your feet were heavy boots which All For One insisted would better keep your balance and cause more damage if you chose to use your kicking power. You took a deep breath, it was funny. You could barely recognize your reflection in the mirror and your mind was busy replaying the past year. Your memories of the first year at UA and the hospital where All For One convinced you to become his successor. You had changed so much since that simple time, not only was your heart blackened. You had physically changed as well, both because of the quirks All For One gave you and his training.
You had gained an impressive amount of muscle and learned how to shut off certain emotions. Despite that, you could hear that small voice in the back of your head ‘Is this the right thing to do?’ you shook your head. Of course it was, this is what you wanted from the very beginning. You nearly gasped when a hand grabbed your shoulder and watched as All For One’s reflection appeared alongside yours. You could tell there was a smile on his face before he leaned down next to your ear, “You look beautiful my successor,” he said before leaning up, you swallowed hard when you felt his hand run through your hair.
The image of your father doing the same popped into your head, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes. “Thank you,” the words were whispered, maybe you were a little anxious for whatever happened next. Still, you turned around, looking at All For One with a determined glance, “What now? I want Izuku Midoriya to fall, you promised you would help me achieve that,” you said with a hiss and your fists tightened as All For One laughed, was he mocking you? “Now, now…” he reached out, once more running his fingers through your hair.
“All in good time, be a good girl and do as I instruct and Izuku Midoriya will fall into your lap,” he promised, knowing that you were growing rather impatient. You had waited for this day, and he was rather eager to watch you cause destruction. In addition to knowing it would cause pain to All Might, which he particularly favored. The only remaining detail was how to get Izuku Midoriya to come to you. There were many ways you could do this, including pretending to be a civilian who needed help and have the unsuspecting hero run after you. Perhaps corner him and pounce. 
But, All For One suggested something a little more traumatizing, you’d reveal yourself to Izuku and the world all at once. After all, the game of cat and mouse was quite entertaining. The well-known fact about luring Izuku to you was that All Might, the former symbol of peace, would no doubt follow. So, you were rather happy knowing there was a chance you’d be able to take both of them out. “Very well, when do we start?” you questioned and watched as All For One smiled, which was something you were more or less used to. He then turned, raising his hand.
You were a tad confused when he motioned you to follow him, but you knew better than to disobey his order. Regardless if it was a verbal command or not. You trailed behind him, exiting the rather gloomy room that had been your bedroom for the last year. You walked down a darkened hallway and the only source of illumination was coming from a nearby elevator that you stepped into with All For One. You remained quiet as he pressed a button and the elevator began going up. You pressed yourself against the nearest wall and almost shyly glanced at the man.
The one who took you in, the one who trained you, the one who was helping you essentially get revenge on the ones that hurt you. Once more you felt your stomach twist and tried to push the small sense of guilt down. No, your father and Izuku deserved this. They deserved it. Your thoughts were shattered when you felt a hand come to rest on the top of your head, you jumped in surprise and All For One chuckled. “Thoughts bothering you again?” he questioned and you parted your lips to answer, but ended up glancing to the side.
“Hm,” he frowned and reached down to grab your chin. You hissed as he forced your head up and wrapped your hand around his wrist. Despite the fact All For One had no eyes, you couldn’t help but widen yours in fear. His grip was menacing and it only reminded you that if he truly wanted, he could easily kill you anytime he pleased. “Do not let guilt rule you, I have taught you better than that. Focus on your goal and only your goal,” he reminded you yet again before releasing your jaw, you could feel your skin lightly throb and partly wondered if he had left bruises.
Yet, small bruises meant nothing in comparison to the numerous injuries you had received throughout your training. When the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened, you followed All For One out and realized you were on the rooftop overlooking part of the city. Though it looked far away and the sun was setting which caused the buildings to illuminate, you could make out the lighted windows and a nostalgic feeling came over you. A powerful gust of wind came and carried your hair with it, oddly enough you recalled a memory.
Yes, you and your father had done this. Though you had to admit, your father was a tad odd and not the brightest when it came to educating children. Still, somehow or another he convinced you to join him on the rooftop of UA, something that you thought was against the rules. But, it was shortly after you had gotten into the hero course. It seemed like a lifetime ago now, but you recalled the way your father smiled and proceeded to tell you to do your best. Your hands curled into fists, that was the only real advice he ever gave you and now he’d be paying for it.
Your best was never good enough for the symbol of peace. You took a deep breath and walked over to the edge of the building, laying your hands on the cold metal railing. All For One remained standing behind you, uncharacteristically quiet. You partly wondered if he was waiting for you to speak or simply enjoying the sunset. Still, you turned to him with narrowed eyes. “When can I finally-” he held his hand up to silence you, “I said to be a good girl, I brought you up here to observe,” you raised your eyebrow and turned back to the distant city.
“Observe what!?” you exclaimed, arms out and hands moving all around as if something interesting would actually happen. All For One chuckled and laid his hand gently on your shoulder, “Look at the city, how quiet it is,” he began. You blinked, “Yeah?” you wondered where he was going with such a statement, “Imagine the chaos that will occur once you bring Izuku Midoriya down, you will be able to take this city. Crush anyone who dares oppose you, this is my gift to you,” he explained as his hand reached up to grab your chin, he was less forceful this time and gently turned your head.
You wore a blank expression as you stared at him. He remained silent except for the smile on his face, “Now,” he released your chin, “enjoy the moments prior to your victory, you start tomorrow,” he said as he turned to walk back to the elevator. Your eyes widened and you quickly spun on your feet, “T-Tomorrow?” you questioned, your voice coming off as clueless and rather shaky. He told you to wait and be patient only to tell you that your plans will be set in motion tomorrow? It didn’t make a lot of sense to you, however, you recalled being taught that villains were dangerous and their radical way of thinking often drove them to the point of madness.
Thus why a hero always had to be careful when facing a potentially dangerous threat, many heroes lost their lives to carelessness and this time, it would be Izuku Midoriya. The thought alone brought a smile to your face and you quickly adjusted your mask before following All For One into the elevator. “Tomorrow,” you whispered as the doors closed behind you. The following night was calm, though you couldn’t help but feel a sense of happiness as you laid in bed. All For One usually checked on you every hour or so.
You recall he did it more when you first agreed to become his successor. You assumed he checked on you to ensure you hadn’t escaped or were trying to. But, after a while, it turned into something that he did out of care and in a way, it helped you sleep. When you woke, you went through your normal morning routine which included getting ready for the day, eating something, and your usual training session which lasted until noon. After that, All For One ordered you to get into your costume which you happily did and once you were ready.
You followed him to the rooftop. “I assume you remember the plan, my successor,” you took a deep breath, the world seemed so still around you. “Mmhm,” you responded with a nod, but your eyes remained focused on the city landscape. A moment of silence filled the air before you climbed onto the railing, perfectly balanced. “Go,” All For One gave the single command and you jumped like a perfect obedient puppy.
But damn, you couldn’t help but feel alive as you descended toward the ground below. The wind whipped through your body like paper, your hair blew everywhere, and yet you felt utterly weightless. As you prepared to land, you angled your body just so and activated one of the quirks, All For One was generous enough to give you Forced Quirk Activation. This caused black jagged limbs to extend from your palm, you also had the option to use your fingers. Normally this quirk was reserved to activate others' quirks against their will, but it could be doubled as a weapon of sorts.
Easily piercing through human flesh, among other things. Either way, it proved useful as it split the pavement below. You clenched your jaw as a small pain radiated through your hand but you ignored it. More than likely, it was a sign that your body was continuing to try and reject your gifted quirks. You knew that a quirk was essentially an evolution of the human race and if you were special, you were gifted with more than one. An example of this was your old classmate, Shoto Todoroki. Ice and fire were his gifts.
His body was capable of handling those quirks while your body was merely a test dummy. But, you didn’t care. The pain was only a reminder of your goal, you focused your attention forward and continued to move. Surely you were noticeable and rather scary as you continued to close the distance between yourself and the city. As one would expect, as soon as civilians saw you overhead, they began screaming. This effectively caught the attention of the authorities, but they weren't worth your time.
Still, it was rather annoying watching as the cops scattered and barked commands into their radios. Your eyes narrowed as you continued down the crowded streets of Tokyo, more jagged limbs grew from your shoulders which gave your palm a rest. You paused a moment and looked at the lines of blood which dripped from your palm and seeped down to your wrist. “Worth it…” you muttered just as a few police cars sped toward you. The glare from their flashing lights irritated your vision.
Did they truly have to make such a scene? You were merely looking for something or rather someone. But, this was the ignorance of the hero world. Even if you were being “innocent”, merely on a stroll. They had to interfere with your business. You narrowed your eyes as one officer stepped forward and through their megaphone commanded you to surrender. You glanced at the pathetic barricade of police cars they had formed, did they truly think such a thing would stop you?
You couldn’t help the chuckle that left your lips and gave a wicked smile, “I’m just looking for someone, but if you’re going to be difficult…” you trailed off and raised your hand. You could feel vibrations course through your fingertips before a powerful air shock wave came. You watched in amusement as the city vibrated, almost like an earthquake. Causing the pavement to crack and the windows of the police cars to shatter violently. The nearby buildings seemed to shake, cracks appearing across their structure and broken windows.
As expected, the display of your power caused a panic. A single scream pierced through the air before civilians began to run to safety. Pushing each other down in an attempt to save their own life, pathetic. Yet, it somehow made you smile. In the distance, you could hear the sound of a helicopter. More than likely coming to do a report on your attack on the city. You’d deal with them later, instead, you retracted those jagged limbs and fell to the cracked street below. Landing on your knee with your arm outstretched to support you.
The civilians who were still running made sure to evade you as you locked your eyes on the remaining authority figures. At least some of them were brave enough to keep standing, did they think they were being heroic by living up to their duties? That was pathetic, however, you noticed one of them was standing in front of the others. More than likely the chief, the ones that stood behind him had their guns up and pointed in your direction. Rather a foolish thing to do when innocent lives were rushing around.
The heavy feeling of fear continued to linger in the air which only made your next set of words, somewhat terrifying, “Please, don’t be foolish.” you could see they were all shaking which caused those guns to tremble as well, you half expected one of them to fire theirs prematurely. But then again, surely they were too frightened to properly use those guns. But, you thought taking care of them first would be best. So, without hesitation, you held your palm out, and once more those air shockwaves came.
You didn’t care if they got injured as a result, nor that sickening crack that followed as their bodies hit the ground. Several gunshots sounded, more than likely triggered by their harsh impact. Luckily no bullet hit you. Yet, the chief seemed to have taken less damage. Having been thrown against one of the police vehicles, causing the driver door to get dented in and it appeared their arm was bleeding. More than likely from the shattered glass of the window. They seemed disorientated for the moment. But, that didn’t stop you from approaching them.
You leaned close and with a happy smirk on your face, you spoke, “Scared? Don’t worry, I won’t kill you...yet,” without warning, you wrapped your fingers around their neck. Your nails sunk into the flesh of their throat and you chuckled as they weakly reached up to try and claw at the back of your hand. But mere scratches didn’t bother you. A growl sounded before you pulled them forward and menacingly looked them in the eye. “I’m looking for Deku,” you growled, “Give him to me or...well, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” the sound of that helicopter grew louder and you glanced up.
You could clearly make out the members of the local news crew, and the reporter that was hanging out the open doors. Microphone shoved in their face, more than likely dribbling nonsense. How about that, you would be on the news.  You partly wondered what they were saying: “This just in, All Might’s missing daughter on villainous rampage. Looking to kill or severely injure a certain bastard that stole her father’s attention away.” Did that sound too selfish? Well, too bad. Actually, “Hm…” you continued to look at the helicopter, perhaps you could use them to your advantage.
You chuckled softly before releasing your hold on the cop’s throat. They dropped to the ground like the pathetic scum they were. However, your eyes remained locked on the helicopter and you shifted your feet just so. Your arms were by your sides and your palms were facing down. The surge of pain came as those limbs reappeared and lifted you into the air, you stretched your legs out and maneuvered your hands. Once more using the gifted quirk to thrust yourself upward from a building roof.
Your world blurred for a moment, but you knew you were heading straight toward that helicopter and yet again used your quirk to piece through the blades of it, effectively causing it to spin out of control. You could hear alarms going off as the pilot tried to regain control and the news crew hung onto the emergency handles for dear life. Your body was thrown around like a ragdoll, however, you once more used your quirk. You positioned one of your hands so it was facing the ground below and your fingers morphed into small jagged appendages that you used for leverage to steady yourself.
In one motion you pulled your arm back and fell toward the city below. You couldn’t help but grin as you watched the helicopter spin and crash into a series of buildings. Causing several explosions, would be a shame if someone was actually in those buildings. More than likely they would have died from the impact alone. But, whether or not anyone was alive, wasn’t your concern. You dropped to the ground once again, noticing the street was now covered in dirt among the crumbled pieces of building and broken glass.
You quickly made your way to the location of the fallen helicopter, noticing the way it had landed. On its side, the metal blades bent and broke, and the wires underneath it sparked. You could make out the news reporters however, seemed they were injured but more than capable of moving. You slowly approached, watching as they helped each other out of the helicopter and onto the street. You noticed one of them was still holding the camera and you pointed your finger at them. “You…” the word left your lips ominously and it was almost entertaining to watch their heads turn and the look of fear come to their eyes when they saw you.
“Point that camera at me,” you demanded with a menacing growl as you curled your bloody hand into a fist. Perhaps you were overusing the Forced Activation Quirk, even so. You weren’t willing to die until you faced Izuku Midoriya. “NOW,” you demanded before stomping your foot, which caused the ground to shake underneath you. The news reporters cowered and you watched as the individual hesitantly hoisted the camera onto their shoulder, you could see a faint red light blinking on the side of it. Good, that meant there was a chance you could get your message through. 
“Are we live?” you questioned in a gitty fashion. “Regardless…” you pointed at the camera, “My name is Y/n, daughter of the former symbol of peace, All Might. Yes, shocking isn’t it? I am here to settle a score of sorts, take something back that was mine. I am calling you, Izuku Midoriya. Come face me or...well, perhaps I could have fun killing off more civilians, burying their bodies under the remains of the buildings. Your call…” you chuckled before signaling them to drop the camera. “Hopefully, he makes the correct choice,” you muttered before activating Airwalk, a quirk that allowed you to levitate in midair.
It was almost entertaining, looking down at everything. You chuckled as you watched the news reporters scamper to safety. You took note the police officers had vanished as well. You were more than certain no pro hero would try to interfere now that you had made it clear what you wanted, and considering the damage you already did. It would be unwise for any hero to try and step in. You had established yourself as a threat and a very fearful one at that. In the distance you could see more flashing lights and crowds of people, more than likely the authorities were closing off this section of the city. Which was an impressive move or rather a smart one.
You chuckled and reached up to adjust your mask, you wondered if All For One was proud of you. He was always so gentle with his words, always encouraging or speaking to you kindly. You wondered if there was a possibility All For One enjoyed playing the role of a parent. You knew very little about his past, apart from the fact he had a brother who was seemingly quirkless. Regardless, you had never felt more encouraged in your life and you’d make him proud. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bored.
“Mm…” you reached up, tapping your cheek before taking a struggled breath. Was it growing difficult to breathe? You could feel your heart racing inside your chest, was that from adrenaline or happiness? Well, you’d find out. You could see some buildings were left undamaged, time to change that. You grinned and raised your arm, feeling your skin tingle and expand as you used Air Cannon again.
The ground vibrated and you watched as the buildings that once stood tall came crashing down. It was satisfying to watch the city fall piece by piece. You let out a sigh as you lower yourself back to the ground, taking a few steps forward. Being careful to avoid tripping over your feet or over any garbage that was in your way. You paused momentarily when you thought you heard something, at first you thought it was your imagination. But, you quickly realized it was someone calling for help. Oh dear, was someone trapped under the rubble?
A hum sounded in your throat as you followed the noise, surprised to see an opening within one of the ruined buildings. You carefully stepped over the metal rods and glass, up a pile of dirt to look inside the dimly lit opening. Sure enough, you could see someone laying on the ground. They were dripping blood from their forehead and it appeared like their leg was trapped under something, maybe a metal beam. You weren’t sure, and frankly, you didn’t care. Still, you thought it was rather foolish of them to call out to you of all people for help.
You could only chuckle, “Of course, I’ll help. Death is an easy solution,” the words came off your tongue with a purr and you lifted your arm once more. However, you paused and looked out of the corner of your eye. You could barely make out the green streaks, more so you could barely dodge. Your ears rang as Izuku screamed your name, but you were too busy literally bending over backward. Your eyes widened as the world slowed down and you could clearly see Izuku’s fist gliding past your face.
The impact that followed caused your mask to fly off. Where it landed, you didn’t particularly care. You stumbled back, your facial features twisted with disgust and anger. Your hair had bits of dirt and blood in it and hung lazily in your face. “Izuku…” you growled, though you were a little shocked to see him handling that quirk without breaking any bones. Had he finally learned how to control it? Damn, you missed a lot. 
But, you had trained under All For One himself. You had multiple quirks and there was no way Izuku could beat you, yes...One For All was powerful. But, in the wrong hands like Izuku’s, it would prove worthless in battle. This is the only thing that gave you some confidence as you walked over to him, he was on one knee with his hand pressed against the cracked pavement. You imagined several pro heroes, including Endeavor and Best Jeanist were standing around, unable to do anything but pray that Izuku could stop you.
“Did dear old father come with you?” the question left your mouth in a teasing tone. However, a moment later your hands curled into fists and Izuku stood back on his feet. You had to admit, perhaps he had gotten taller and you could clearly see he gained more muscle. “Of course he came…” you hissed out, “Anything to protect his dear little, Izuku. Yet, he would never do ANYTHING for me!!!” you screamed, ignoring the way your throat strained. You could feel your eyes water, must be the dirt.
Izuku didn’t seem entirely phased by your words and only shook his head. Lowering his defenses a moment, you could see those familiar lightning-like streaks disappear. “Y/n…” he began, his eyes focusing on the ground, more specifically your feet. “You disappeared...a year ago, I…I w-was so worried something b-bad might have...happened to y-you…” his hand reached up, pressing against his chest. However, you rolled your eyes. “You damn well remember what happened in that hospital a year ago!” you snapped, accusingly pointing your finger at Izuku.
He only narrowed his eyes, “What happened to you, Y/n?! Why did you come back?! O-Only...only to c-cause this much d-destruction?! T-This isn’t you...y-you’re a...you’re a hero!” the very word made you gag, hero. Sure, a hero whose father ignored her and chose someone else to pass his quirk to. Cared for someone else more than his own flesh and blood, someone who kept the fact you were his daughter a secret. Some hero. “Don’t insult me,” you spoke in a low voice, you highly doubted you were ever actually a hero.
Back when you could still call yourself innocent, you had only wanted to become a hero to please your father. You wanted so much to be like him and have people look up to you. Well, they looked in fear now. Either way, you were getting the attention you so desired and no doubt people would be talking about you for years to come. “I-I’m not insulting! I t-thought something bad r-really had happened! T-To see you...here...p-part of me...just w-wants to hug you and...a-and make everything better!” you let out a frustrated growl and that Forced Quirk Activation came to surface.
Your fingers morphed into those menacingly dangerous limbs and they were aimed at Izuku. However, you might have underestimated just how quick of a reaction time he had. The dagger-like limbs embedded themselves into the pavement, instead of Izuku’s body like you had originally wanted. “Hm, and here I thought you were going to make this boring!” you snapped and quickly raised your other arm, once again those limbs came out and you smiled as you watched Izuku’s eyes widen.
He had jumped to avoid your attack and now he was falling through the air. But, it almost looked as though he were hovering, more than likely thanks to that quirk of his. The one that should have been yours, perhaps that saying could finally die along with Izuku and possibly your father. If you were lucky enough for that. ‘I won’t be able to dodge in time, but I’m sure this will work. Just have to wait for the right moment…’ Izuku thought as your quirk closed its distance. Once in range, Izuku held up his hand and you could hear a snap.
“What the hell!?” your arms instantly went up, shielding yourself from the dust and glass that was a backlash result of Izuku’s action. Your foot went back, trying to steady yourself from getting blown away. Damn it, you had to do something. Regardless of where Izuku was, more than likely he had hit the ground by now which meant you had a chance of hitting him if you used Air Cannon. You cleared your mind and extended your arm out, once more that familiar painful tingle came as the pressure built.
A moment passed before you finally released it, the ground around you cracked and fell apart. The surrounding buildings already bent, came crashing to the ground and their impact only added to the strong vibrations from your quirk. Izuku had indeed touched the ground just before it began to shake violently, his only option was to jump yet again. Believing your quirk wouldn’t reach him the sky, however, he mistakenly believed that your quirk was causing earthquakes as opposed to airwaves.
He let out a cry when his body was hurled back and you could hear the loud crash as he collided with part of a building. You couldn’t help the smirk that came to your face as you walked over, seeing the dust cloud from where he had made an impact. As it cleared you could see his body lying there, his arms stretched out as well as his legs. There were some cuts on his person, and you hadn’t taken into account that Izuku wasn’t in his hero costume.
His legs were exposed because of the shorts he wore and they were covered in a thin layer of blood and dirt. “It’s a shame you had to make me go and do this Izuku Midoriya, but All For One seemed to have thought it best. Unlike my father, he’s rather encouraging when I fail. Not that I will when it comes to killing you. But first, I’d like to have a little fun,” you chuckled, despite the line of tears dripping down your cheeks. You raised your arm and your fingers morphed, this time you’d pierce him with your quirk and you’d enjoy watching his reaction.
You couldn’t tell if he was conscious or not, but it was almost pathetic how easily he seemed to be defeated and by a simple airwave, no less. Well, it didn’t matter. You smiled as you watched those jagged limbs pierce through Izuku’s flesh and it seemed to jolt him back into reality. His back arched as he let out a scream which was music to your ears. You had pierced through both his shoulders, his legs, and his stomach. Sounds painful, but this particular quirk wasn’t known to cause much, if at all, any pain.
It was simply a way to force one’s quirk to activate against their will and it was a delight watching Izuku struggle as his body illuminated and One For All appeared. Surrounding his body in that almost cosmic energy, “How does it feel, Deku? I only wish this quirk could cause you pain. Does it feel uncomfortable when your quirk is activated and you’re not the one in control? Yeah...that’s similar to how I felt throughout last year, always watching you with my father. Using the quirk he bestowed onto you instead of his own blood!” Maybe that’s another reason why All For One had chosen you because you each shared a want to have One For All to yourself.
Still, you had never once imagined you’d get so much happiness out of watching Izuku struggle, his cries growing louder. His body moving every which way despite the minor cuts that scattered across his body. It must be so uncomfortable to wiggle your body like that when on top of a pile of rubble, not that you cared. No, you were enjoying the show at least for the few blissful moments it was occurring. Your eyes narrowed when you noticed a dark circle beginning to grow on Izuku’s stomach, it almost looked like a black hole.
“What the hell…” you muttered before suddenly blackness shot out. You watched it manifest into what resembled whips and honestly, you were too shocked to process what was actually occurring. You tried retracting your quirk, but you were too slow and felt one of the whips wrap around your ankle. “Oh no…” your world blurred as you were hurled through the air, it all seemed to happen too quickly. The next thing you felt was the impact of the ground against your shoulder and a loud crack echoed. This was only followed by a surge of pain that traveled past your collarbones to the opposite side of your body. 
You grunted, your hand now clenching your aching shoulder as you struggled to get back on your feet. You clenched your jaw in an effort to keep the whimpers that threatened to escape silent. Allowing them to pass your lips would only be a sign of weakness. You took a deep breath, All For One had not gifted you the quirk of Regeneration. He stated you were strong enough on your own and that the experience without rapid healing of any kind, would only continue to strengthen your character.
He had also promised that if you got severely injured despite your best efforts, he would take care of you. Something that you appreciated, but not as much as a healing quirk. “Just...walk...it...off,” you muttered as you stumbled to turn around, the sound of your pants filling the air. Your eyes settled on Izuku as he crawled across the rubble and much like you, stood on shaky legs. “Try that a-again!” you shouted as you took a sloppy step forward. All you needed was a little adrenaline and the pain would numb on its own.
Izuku sucked his breath in and shook his head, “You need to stop t-this...Y/n. Is t-this...because of what happened with A-All Might? I get he’s your f-father and all, but…” the last thing you needed was a lecture from the King of Muttering, “Shut up!” you snapped, obviously angered at the mention of All Might. “You know nothing about my life!” hell, no one did, “You know nothing about being a true hero, I have already destroyed this city. Oh, and if you’re such a great hero,” you grinned. 
“Then tell me, why haven’t you saved that poor civilian trapped under one of these destroyed buildings?” you spoke in a mocking tone, if anything to get a reaction from the green-haired boy. “Oh wait, they could be dead. My Air Cannon could have sealed their fate…” you chuckled and slowly removed your hand from your shoulder, “Let’s see if you can actually outrun my quirk this time, Izuku Midoriya,” you found amusement in the way his eyes grew wide and his face twisted with anger. 
Yet, you continued to smile, “I’d race you...but,” you took another step forward, “no promises,” you said before activating Air Walk. Izuku almost seemed memorized as he watched you ascend into the air, but his expression quickly changed into that of horror. You had decided it was time to try combining the quirks All For One had gifted you, though it was tricky and took a lot of energy. You took a deep breath and focused, channeling Air Cannon, Forced Quirk Activation, and Rivet which allowed rivet-like growths to appear on your arm.
Your eyes focused forward, you could still see the flashing police cars off in the distance and you could make out the heroes that stood among the police officers. One of them was glowing like a torch so you assumed it could only be Endeavor and it appeared your old teacher, Shota Aizawa, was also there. They weren’t exactly the ideal audience members you wanted, but there was little to be done about it now. They had decent seats for witnessing what was about to occur.
“Ready Izuku? I’d suggest you start running...now,” you growled, as those jagged-limbs extended out from your arm and the rivets that appeared alongside it, vibrated and would also help stabilize the increased power of your Air Cannon. The pressure that was building felt wonderful and honestly, you were quite proud of yourself. The wind came and ruffled your hair, you could feel it brush off some of the dirt that stuck to your face. Your shoulder though still radiating with pain, could move. But even if it couldn’t, you’d make it move. You felt such a strange sense of happiness fill you, they say power is dangerous.
But, if it gave you this much of a high. Hell, it was worth it. Izuku, on the other hand, had great power as well. But, unlike most, he hadn’t used it for evil purposes. No, he had chosen to be a hero. Even at the cost of his own life, he’d stop whatever villain stood to harm others and at this very moment. That villain was you. “One For All! A hundred percent!” he screamed just before kicking off the ground, the pavement already cracked and abused began to cave in on itself. You could faintly hear running water and you could only assume that you had busted a water pipe when you previously used Air Cannon.
Either way, it was amusing to see Izuku blindly racing forward. He had no idea where this civilian was. But, it didn’t matter. You grinned and released your combined quirk. The air shockwave came as a powerful force of energy, ripping apart what remained of the buildings and the pavement below continued to cave in, creating an abyss of sorts. You moved forward, thankful for your position in the sky. You had lost track of Izuku, which was somewhat amazing considering he had his quirk activated. However, when it came to justice and doing what was right.
He could move as fast as he needed to, the sound of his shoes slamming against the pavement echoed in his ears  “Hey!” he shouted, “D-Does someone need help!?” his question went unanswered. Which upset him, but he couldn’t afford to give up. He knew at any moment there was a chance you’d release that quirk and then this innocent civilian would die. He wasn’t about to allow that, no. The innocent should never die, “Answer me! I’m here! I’m Deku! I’ll save you!” he shouted again, his jaw clenching as he continued to run past what used to be buildings.
His eyes looked every which way, “Hello!” he desperately called out once more before he felt the ground shake, he lifted his head and gasped. In the distance, he could see the pavement splitting apart. “I have to think fast!” he declared, “Think of where they could be, they have to be an open area within what remains of the buildings. They must be further into what’s left of the city as well,” he couldn’t waste any more time. He dug his feet into the ground and jumped into the air. This would be faster than walking and he’d have more control over where he landed.
He covered an impressive amount of distance and he could see the resulting occurrence of your quirks. What was once the street was nothing but a dark strip. He clenched his jaw and nearly stumbled when he hit the ground. It was a tad tricky to keep your balance when the ground below you continued to shake. “Can anyone hear me!?” he screamed, ignoring the way his heart rapidly echoed in his ears. “Dang it,” he took off running, “Someone, anyone!?” he called again, passing by yet another building. He recognized it, he passed it most days.
A growl rumbled in his throat, he couldn’t fully understand why you had done this. What was turning into a villain proving? Obviously nothing, but then again. Most villains aren’t meant to be understood, some are just too crazy or too damaged. Sure sometimes life deals you a bad hand, but you had to stand up again and learn how to overcome it. Like he was trying to do, he was once a quirkless boy who dreamed of becoming a hero, and now...despite all odds, he had achieved that dream. His fists tightened, “Why...why would Y/n, d-do this?” he questioned before lifting his head.
He blinked and looked around, “Hello?” he thought he heard someone. He cautiously took a step forward, the shaking was growing more violent. He was running out of solid ground. He remained quiet, listening for the sound again and sure enough, he would hear faint cries. He wasted no time in running to the source, no surprise it appeared to be coming from underneath a pile of rubble. But, it had a small opening which provided him with enough light to see the outline of someone.
By the way they were laying, Izuku immediately assumed they were trapped or too injured to move. But, a good hero always made sure of someone’s condition before going through with a rescue and evacuate mission, “Excuse me! Are you injured?!” he questioned, either way, he’d have to be careful. “I’ll get you out, don’t worry I-” before he could finish he heard the road behind him crumble. You smirked as you watched the city become no more, it was quite satisfying to a point. You willed your quirks away, revealing your torn and bloody arm. Dark circular bruises appeared where those ridges had pushed past your skin.
You paid no mind to it as you hovered just above what was once the street, nothing more than an abyss. “Hm…” you reached up, cupping your chin as you made your way to the opposite side of the city. Surely Izuku couldn’t have outrun the destruction caused by your quirk. Your eyebrows knit together, maybe surveying the area would be a wise idea. You knew that Izuku was strong in the sense that he never gave up. He’d beat himself to a bloody pulp if it meant protecting someone, but could he stand a building falling on him?
You hovered past several piles of glass and plaster, carefully looking for any sign of Izuku or that one unfortunate civilian who happened to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. You placed your hand on your hip, despite the movement aggravating the injured side of your body. Maybe you should switch to your good side, then again. Much like Izuku, you’d let your body become nothing but a ragdoll if it ensured victory. Still, your lips formed a pout. Had Izuku actually been crushed, was he buried under one of the piles?
That was disappointing, however, a gasp escaped you when you noticed a splatter of something against a piece of what you assumed was now a broken window still. You blinked and crept closer, your eyes widened when you saw it was dark and had a red tint to it, almost like, “Blood…” you whispered in disbelief, your eyes then drifted to a piece of ripped fabric. It was hanging off a nearby rock and you recognized it as a piece of the shorts Izuku was wearing. You carefully lowered yourself onto the pile of debris, letting out a cry when you almost slipped. 
You quickly regained your balance before reaching out to take the piece of fabric in your hand. Sliding your thumb across it, feeling the rough texture of it. A frown then came, despite your injuries. You had thought this fight would be more...exciting. It clearly wasn’t, which was a disappointment. “Always the loser, huh, Deku?” you released the piece of fabric and watched as it was carried away by the wind. It was then that you heard something which caused you to raise your eyebrow. You curiously looked over your shoulder, swearing you saw the slightest of movement.
Turning around, you watched as several pebbles began to shake. Almost like an earthquake was coming, but you had already finished using your quirk. Surely there was no aftereffect, so what was causing the movement? You took a step back and suddenly something clicked. You let out a cry and crouched down as dirt, glass, and combined pieces of building flew everywhere. “Dammit!” you hissed as you stumbled over, now against the uncomfortable surface. You could feel it poking and proding your body. 
But, you kept your arms up. Covering your face and shielding your neck, your legs were curled up into your stomach. Izuku had tried a desperate move and channeled One For All to his legs, giving him an advantage as he raced forward to save the civilian trapped under the rubble. Unfortunately, just as he feared their foot was trapped underneath a metal beam. At that moment, he did the only thing he could think of. Stood above them and activated his quirk, his arms facing out and palms ready to hold back the weight as the remains of the building collapsed onto them, possibly further trapping them.
His legs were shaking and he clenched his jaw as his trembling arms continued to hold back the weight, he couldn’t afford to die at this rate. His veins were glowing that pink-red color and those green streaks that were often accompanied when he activated One For All danced around his arms. He knew it might be a bad idea, but he yet again, made a desperate move. He channeled his quirk to his dominant arm, “Detroit smash!!!” he cried, and as soon as his knuckles made contact. A blowback of power occurred. The result of which built-up pressure and finally forced it to escape.
His panting filled the air as the dust cleared and he stood tall, the civilian cradled in his arms. Though their foot was bloody and bent in a way that wasn’t humanly possible. They looked limp in his arms, however, Izuku had received most of the damage. He was covered in cuts and pieces of glass were embedded into his skin. His legs were black and blue, blood coated each one, and it was possible he had broken a bone or two. His arm was darkened in color almost as though he had gotten burned. His fingers and knuckles were the same, the skin around them dark and blood was dripping along the length of the damaged skin.
He had a cut on his lip and one that ran horizontally underneath his right eye which looked swollen. Once everything settled down and you heard that panting, you pushed yourself up. Eyes growing wide when you saw the state Izuku was in, you looked at the civilian as well. Honestly, you didn’t care what happened to them. But, knowing they would remain alive was a little disappointing. Still, a chuckle left your lips and you stood on shaky feet. A small amount of blood was dripping from your mouth, maybe you swallowed glass.
The taste of iron was a tad distracting, but you couldn’t help the wicked smirk that came to your face. “Impressive, I should have expected such from a hero,” you commented, finding some amusement in the way Izuku clenched his jaw and his eyes burned with hatred. You were kind of giddy to see such an expression and directed at you nonetheless. “Are you mad at me, Izuku?” you questioned, “Good,” you chuckled and held your good arm out to the side.
Your hand curled into a fist and you watched Izuku’s expression change. His pupils shrinking in size and his lips parting. More than likely you assumed he knew he couldn’t move too quickly, else he’d cause further injury to the civilian he held in his arms. You remained silent, in such close range any one of your quirks could potentially knock Izuku off his feet, even your original quirk. Which you had neglected in place of your new ones. But, it seemed you favored using Air Cannon more than anything and that familiar vibration coursed through your arm. 
The smirk on your face only grew when Izuku took a step back, clearly, he knew by now there was no trying to talk his way out of this. “Are you happy this is what your actions caused, Izuku Midoriya? Because of you my fath-'' suddenly a sound echoed through the air, one that filled you with disgust and anger. Yet, a sense of familiarity and memories. Talk about perfect timing, you had hoped your father would make an appearance. Seemed whatever God or otherwise chose to answer your prayer was being rather generous. “Y/N!!!” came All Might’s voice, though it was hardly intimidating.
You were well aware your father had lost all use of One For All, the result was him remaining in his true form. That of a skinny, weak, old man. You stood there a moment and glanced to the side, part of you didn’t even want to look at your father. Feeling as though such an action would cause you to become nauseous, but you knew you had to. Especially if you wished to cause some well-deserved harm. “Hmph,” a soft growl rumbled in your throat before you lowered your arm and turned around. Sure enough, there he was. Toshinori Yagi, previously known as All Might.
The former symbol of peace, your father. You said nothing, only crossed your arms. A growl escaped you as you narrowed your eyes and fought the urge to smash your fist right into his face. You could hear movement behind you, more than likely Izuku running off to protect that no good civilian. But, surely he wouldn’t leave All Might alone. Your father was quirkless while you had multiple quirks. Fairness didn’t come into the equation here. Yet, you could see your father’s eyes widen. “It is you…” he whispered as he looked at you from head to toe.
You were covered in dirt and blood, your clothes were ripped. Your hair was messy and stiff. Bruises littered one arm and fresh blood continued to drip from your mouth which in a way, ironically was something that happened to your father frequently. You assumed it was due to that stomach injury he had received years ago when he faced down All For One. Still, you rolled your eyes. “Back from the dead,” you mocked and All Might frowned, “Y/n...I…” you growled and closed the distance between All Might and yourself.
You partly wondered how he had gotten this far considering the damage you had done to the road. But, you knew as a previous pro hero, he had his ways. Both of you were standing near the edge of what was once the road. One misstep and you’d fall into nothingness. “You can take your apology and shove it up your ass!” you snapped, acting like an angry child and essentially you were just that. Angry, pissed off, loathing the very concept of your father’s existence.
“I don’t care what you have to say, I only care about ending you. But, before I do. I want to know, did it hurt?” you questioned, however, your father looked confused. You had to admit, you were under the impression most were intimidated to be standing in front of a villain. Your father, however, continued to stand tall. You somehow knew he wouldn’t back down unless you forced him to and you’d get to that soon enough. “Did it hurt when you thought I disappeared? Tell me, did you think about that night? How you always favored Izuku over me!? Do you wish you could have hugged me instead? Do you ever regret treating me like shit!?” you snapped, your bloody spit flying as you grew angrier.
All Might held his hands up, “Y/n...of course I-” you interrupted him, “You wanted to keep me a secret from everyone, right!? Didn’t want your heroic name tainted because you had a bastard child, is that it!?” you growled, your teeth scraping together and you hoped your glare would physically make him burst into flames. Yet, you watched as his eyes softened and he lowered his hands. He glanced to the side and silence filled the air, “WELL!?” you snapped, clearly wanting an answer. Instead, you heard him sigh and he slowly looked back at you.
“I...I was never ashamed of you, Y/n. I…” his response made your stomach twist and you nearly gagged, his words were sickening. “You’re so full of shit,” you said with a low chuckle, “It’s funny, I never thought the former symbol of peace would be a liar. How does it feel, father? To know this destruction, all of this!” you exclaimed as you held your arms out, hands and fingers curling in an almost happy motion. “Is because of you. I should have had One For All, I should have been your successor. But, you never...you never wanted that did you!? No, instead you chose a pathetic little weakling to carry your precious quirk. Well, you know what. I’m here to kill him,” All Might’s eyes widened.
“Oh, here’s something else you might find shocking, I hope it hurts. I didn’t just disappear from the hospital, no. In fact, long before that. I had gotten a mysterious text, somehow the person who sent the text knew I was your daughter. One thing led to another and I came to find out, your sworn enemy. You know, the man you inflicted pain upon, took away his pride and his eyes. Came to me,” you saw a flicker of hate shine in your father’s eyes. “He saw potential in me, where you didn’t. Promised I could become something that the world would look up to, he believed in my skills, unlike you. He even asked me to be his successor which I gladly am!” you growled before bending your knees, your tongue came out to swipe across your lips.
Though you tasted dirt and iron, “Now that you’re a quirkless loser, I think this will be easy,” you activated your original quirk, it was nothing compared to the more powerful quirks one could be born with. But, it was strong enough to get the job done and you wanted the satisfaction of being able to kill your father with your own power. Hear that jawbone snap and watch as his blood spilled. With that blissful thought, you kicked off the ground. Bending your body so you could perform a direct uppercut to his jaw, it seemed All Might was still in shock. Which meant, he had no defense.
He could only accept the fact that karma was finally here to bite him in the ass. You smiled as you got closer, hand raised and fingers curled tightly together. But, as usual, nothing was ever that easy. You could hear a scream, and just before you turned your head to look. You saw Izuku’s fist come, “Leave him alone!” he cried and you quickly turned your body in an effort to stop him. Instead of your fist reaching All Might, it collided with Izuku’s. You could feel your knuckles snap and break, which caused pain to shoot through your already damaged arm and shoulder.
You growled, feeling the impact begin to force you back. Your feet were being forcibly moved along the limited ground despite the fact you were desperately digging them into the earth. “Stop. It,” you demanded with a hiss, you knew any further and you wouldn’t have solid ground. Your eyes were half-lidded and through the swirling debris, you could make out his facial expression. No surprise, he was pretty pissed. “You’re not going to hurt him or anyone else!” Izuku screamed and your eyes widened when he pulled his arm back.
You cursed yourself for not dodging or at least attempting to create distance, for that fist came back and collided with your face. Your head forcibly turned to the side and your jaw, along with a few select teeth broke. This only caused more blood to fill your mouth. A cry of pain left you, only to be swallowed as you choked on the blood that found its way down your throat. The next thing that occurred was your body flying, only to be stopped when your back collided with the sharp jagged edge of what was once the street.
Blood dripped down your chin, thick lines making their way down your neck and soaking into the collar of your tattered shirt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you then fell forward, your body disappearing into the darkness. You felt the impact of several metal pipes hit your body, it almost seemed like they were working together. Every hit to your body caused an agonizing surge of pain and you partly wished you had just died. A weak cry escaped you when you finally hit solid ground.
You had fallen into a puddle of water and you could hear the sound of mice squeaking in this otherwise quiet place. You groaned in pain, feeling every part of your body ache. You were too afraid to move, knowing the slightest of movement would cause a violent wave of pain that was enough to paralyze you as a whole. You knew your jaw was broken, you doubted it was still connected on the side Izuku had punched. Blood continued to pour from your mouth and you swore one of your ribs had pierced through your lung.
Every time you tried to breathe, you ended up weakly coughing blood back up. Another groan came and you quietly spoke, “D-Did...I...do...good?” the question went unanswered and darkness clouded your vision. On the surface, All Might was still in shock. “Y/n!” he cried as he ran to the edge of the caved-in road, it was almost like a sinkhole. It would be hard to spot a human down below, but All Might still tried to make out your figure. He was clearly angry, his small skinny body trembling as he curled his fists and turned to face Izuku.
“What the hell were you thinking, kid!?” he snapped, which confused Izuku, “I…I was only trying to p-protect you, All Might. She w-was going to hit you and-” All Might shook his head, “That’s not how you handle a situation like that, if I was her target-ah. Forget it,” he growled before pointing, “Go down there and find her!” he snapped and Izuku took a step back. He was almost afraid All Might would hit him if he didn’t follow through with the order. He opened his mouth, about to speak his opinion when a dark and eerie chuckle came.
All For One was watching the whole spectacle from a distance. He felt rather amused during the first half of the battle, he was quite pleased to know how much pain and damage your body could take. How well the quirks he gave you were adjusting to your body, though he believed you had poorly chosen when to use your quirks and for what purpose. Nothing more training couldn’t fix. Still, All For One used his Warping quirk to appear before All Might and Izuku. Foolishly, Izuku activated his quirk. Ready to jump and attack, but All Might put his arm out and pressed it against Izuku’s chest.
A fair enough motion to get his point across, “Seems you’re a little shocked, All Might. I must say, I expected a little more fight out of your successor. Of course, I suppose enough of a punishment for you is not only seeing your successor fail just as you have failed but knowing your own selfish actions caused your only daughter to turn against you,” All Might lowered his brows, his lips turned in a frown. Yes, there were many ways he could have been a better father to you. Showed you he cared and took your feelings into consideration. But, nothing would change the result of this.
Izuku growled, desperately fighting the urge to jump and start another fight. Despite his body already being damaged, everything made sense now. All For One corrupted your mind, made you turn against your loved ones. His jaw tightened and his fists shook as he lowered his head, “All Might...I c-can’t forgive him, he...he poisoned Y-Y/n’s mind!” he hissed, feeling his anger slowly begin to consume him, and while All Might agreed. It didn’t appear like All For One had come to cause more damage, more than likely he was only retrieving you. 
It made your father sick thinking what further corruption All For One would expose you to. It hurt him, knowing he couldn’t save you. Knowing he had no choice in the matter of your fate, “I know…” he whispered sadly as he lowered his arm, believing Izuku would behave himself. “Don’t worry, you’ll see, Y/n again. Very soon,” his words almost seemed like a threat. Another warp gate appeared beside All For One and Izuku had already assumed the villain had collected you. 
He screamed out when the evil man disappeared into the darkness of that warp gate and All Might immediately restrained him. Wrapping his arms around the green-haired boy, though it wasn’t an easy task. “Calm down! You’re already injured enough. There is nothing we do for now,” he tried to reason, but Izuku continued to carry on. Violent tears streaming down his face, yet there was a hint of determination shining in his eyes. He would save you, he would make this right. 
You could feel yourself floating, at first you assumed you were dead. However, you could still wiggle your fingertips which you took as a good sign. But, you still felt weighed down by something. Slowly you opened your eyes, seeing your world was tinted blue and air bubbles floated past your vision. Your hair was floating in separate strands around you and it quickly clicked you were submerged in water. You reached up, touching the mask that was strapped to your face and your fingertips brushed the plastic tube that came along with it. 
More than likely that was the source providing you with oxygen. You then looked at your hand, noticing it was scarred up. Your arm seemed to be the same, long jagged dark lines ran from your wrist to your inner elbow. You assumed a massive amount of scar tissue made up your shoulder, but at least the pain you remember having before blacking out was gone. You weren’t sure if that was something you should be grateful for. 
You glanced around, you could make out several machines on the outside of the glass. Each one flashed with a particular sequence of lights, which confused you. However, the most familiar thing was a small television in the corner of the room. You could see shots of the damage you had done to the city, you couldn’t read the headline that flashed on the bottom of the screen. But, your eyes widened when you saw the scene switch to your father. 
You leaned forward, pressing one hand to the glass as you watched your father speak. He looked tired, shocked, and utterly disappointed. You could tell there was hurt in his eyes, well...it was what he deserved, right? You leaned back, nearly choking on your own gasp when you heard the sound of a heavy door open. You could hear chattering, but to you in your water prison, it sounded like nothing but water currents. You saw two figures come into view, one was short and wore a white lab coat, and the other you recognized as All For One.
“How pathetic, All Might begging for his daughter back,” he hissed, clearly disgusted at such a thing. It was amusing to a point when a hero fell, but now it was just pitiful. He crossed his arms before turning to look at you and for some reason, you felt a small amount of fear consume you. He walked over and pressed a hand against the glass that separated you. “Don’t worry now, my beautiful successor. You did well, I am very proud of you. Don’t be scared now, your body should be stable enough to handle more quirks,” he leaned closer, and his shadow cast over you.
Though his words were unrecognizable to you, the feeling of uncertainty made your stomach twist. “Then you’ll succeed where I failed, All Might won his battle against me, yes. But you, you will win against his successor and pave the path for a better world.” you shivered when he tapped the glass and turned away from you. Becoming All For One’s successor was not an easy task, you knew this from the start. But part of you couldn’t help but wonder what step was next and if you truly wanted it.  
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yukeri · 3 years
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MOON is Lovemonth's first single album and was released on October 15th, 2021. The title track was "달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)" and there were no promoted B-sides. This is the group's first comeback.
달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)
thank u so much Yumin Solo
Yumin stuck with long and blonde, but went with a more dirty blond color than her usual platinum.
Rudy still had long, jet black hair, but with a comma bang this time around.
Yeojeong continued to rock her long, dark brown hair for this era.
Byeol kept her usual bangs, but opted for a more natural brown color for her hair.
Hotaru’s hair was dyed lavender and cut into a short bob. She liked how cute her hair looked when she tied back the longer part for their Love In The Night promotions, so she decided to commit to the bob.
Chowon had the most interesting makeover this era: she got see-through bangs and her hair was dyed ombre jet black to ash grey.
Stage Outfits:
달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)
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Reflecting the music video, there were two different outfits for "달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)": the innocent schoolgirl uniform "before" outfits and the lacey, tainted "after" outfits. aelifes liked the looks they served throughout the MOON era, but noticed they weren't as finished as their debut looks. Some had visible rough edges and threads hanging... The former were usually deconstructed uniforms with exaggerated sleeves, leather belts with steel accents, cropped jackets, and punky skorts although there was a stage towards the end of promotions where they just wore school uniforms with personalized nametags. The latter outfits were most simple; mostly flowy lace or chiffon tops with black slacks or shorts. The girls still looked good, but aelifes noticed the inconsistent quality compared to the more intricate "school uniforms". The biggest difference between the two themes were that the "school uniforms" were in a variety of colors (usually bold color combinations like red and black, green and navy, or purple and grey) while the lacey outfits were only in all white, all black, or in a mixture of black and white.
thank u so much
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There was only one "thank u so much" stage, but it was a moment. From the second Yumin stepped onto the stage in her black and white crop top with red accents, her white leather pants with blue patches, and ivory stiletto boots, she was iconic. She revealed on After School Club that she actually styled the look herself. It was even her idea to wear a sleek, navy wig because she thought "darker hair fit the vibe of the song more".
"달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)" peak positions:
Bugs!: #49 MelOn: #51 FLO: #54 Genie: #58 VIBE: #59
Music Show Wins: 0
"ZOMBIE" peak positions:
FLO: #89 VIBE: #94
Lovemonth promoted "달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)" for three weeks, a fortnight less than their debut promotions. They were supposed to start promotions on October 4th, but their comeback was pushed to October 15th. This caused quite a stir among aelifes.
To make matters worse, even casual K-pop fans could tell the era clearly did not have as much money behind it as their debut...😬
The music video was cool though. The premise was that the girls were students in detention when all of a sudden the school went into lockdown for an unspecified reason. They eventually were able to leave the school only to find out they were in the middle of a werewolf turf war, the girls themselves becoming divided amongst the six packs. A war began among the packs as they fought for control of the land, but in the end the girls came out on top. They became their respective packs' leaders and decided to split the land equally amongst the packs. It doesn't sound super interesting when you explain it, but it was good.
Despite the CGI being lackluster and the costumes looking kinda cheap, the music video was action-packed and very entertaining to watch for new and veteran aelifes alike.
The video hit 1 million views within 48 hours, and hit 5 million in a little less than two weeks, which prompted a "달의 뒤쪽 (MOON)" dance practice video and performance video. It also prompted some other perks, but more on that later.
The B-sides got quite a bit of attention in their own ways. "thank u so much", thanks to the iconic special stage, became pretty popular among the LGBT community in South Korea. One could hear it being blasted in illegally-operating underground gay clubs all over Itaewon.
"ZOMBIE", was a different story: the B-side unexpectedly appeared on the charts. It became popular most likely due to the drama Oh My Zombie, a Korean version of the American series iZombie in which Yeojeong was cast.
She played Seong Min-ah, a test subject zombie that just wanted to be a good person. The public really related to her character and were devastated when she eventually died (spoiler alert).
After the conclusion of her character’s storyline , more people started checking out Lovemonth, and lo and behold their most recent release has a song called "ZOMBIE". It became the unofficial theme song of the series, which was hilarious because rookie group PURPLE KISS had previously recorded an OST that was meant to be the series' theme. Sorry, Plorys!
They didn’t promote the song (opting instead to promote Yumin's solo track) to the disappointment of many aelifes, but they did perform it at festivals and even put out a special Halloween-themed dance practice for the song complete with costumes (Yumin - Lara Croft, Rudy - Sae-byeok, Yeojeong - Miss Scarlet, Byeol - T-Rex, Hotaru - Sailor Chibiusa, Chowon - Evil Queen).
Even though Yumin got the solo song, this era turned out to be Rudy’s in a funny way? For good and not-so-good reasons.
One major activity she was privileged enough to participate in during this era: Showtime! Making The Idol.
S!MTI is a drama about the trials and tribulations of the Korean music industry. She plays Chantara Boripat, also known by her stage name Chantel, who is the leader of the fictional quartet, BLACKMAMBA.
The show was well-received by the public and critics lauded her performance, one critic saying she was born to play this role.
Rudy, along with her castmates (Linney of 7LITE, soloist Genie, and Yoo Ki Jeong) performed a special stage for “BLACK MAMBA” on The Show as BLACKMAMBA. The song became extremely popular in no small part due to Rudy’s incomparable vocal talents.
It received so much love from the public, the group came together again the following week and performed. This time the vocals were very clearly live, and when Rudy hit her high note everyone screamed. K-pop Twitter blew up wondering why no one told them that Lovemonth had three main vocals in their group, meanwhile aelifes were sitting back like "I TOLD YO ASS"
This leads to the meh part…
"BLACK MAMBA" was a lot of people’s discovery of Rudy’s spectacular vocals which left a lot of people wondering why they didn’t know about this sooner?
Some people tried to rationalize things, saying that she was filming while recording the single’s songs, so that’s probably why her voice isn’t on MOON as much as it’s on Love In The Night.
That seemed to quell the speculation...until the vocal part switch video.
Lovemonth promised that if the "달�� 뒤쪽 (MOON)" music video hit 2 million views, they’d do a VLive where they switch lines.
Over 5 million views later, the girls found themselves doing a vocal part switch VLive. After they drew envelopes with each other's names inside, the lineup looked like this: Yumin > Hotaru, Rudy > Chowon, Yeojeong > Yumin, Byeol > Rudy, Hotaru > Yeojeong, and Chowon > Byeol.
Yumin sang Hotaru’s parts pretty well, Yeojeong proved that she’s not a rapper, Hotaru impressed aelifes with how well she was able to cover Yeojeong’s parts...and then there was Rudy.
She didn’t do a good job; she did an incredible job. She not only sang Chowon’s parts flawlessly, she nailed every note and even added some riffs and ad-libs. She earned her main vocal title.
The video was flooded with comments; about a quarter of them regarding Hotaru as an all-rounder while half of them were praising Rudy’s vocal ability. It was clear to so many that she has so much talent and doesn't get the recognition (or lines) she deserves.
This led to the beginning of aelifes' #RudyDeservesBetter campaign...
Yeojeong vs. Rudy: Yeojeong couldn’t be present for the group's performance of "보름달 (Full Moon)" due to scheduling conflicts, which sorta led to Rudy inadvertently shading her on IG Live? A user commented on how well Rudy sang and how they had only wished OT6 did the cover to which she responded, "Yes, well...Yeojeongie has a very busy schedule since she’s a working actress." Many viewers commented that she is also a working actress to which she replied, "Yes! I always do my best to make it to every Lovemonth activity...I make time for the things I care about." She then realized what she had implied almost immediately and tried to clarify, but it was too late. Yeojeong-biased aelifes were attacking Rudy-biased aelifes for weeks, some making extremely xenophobic statements about the Rudy's Thai heritage. The Rudy-biased aelifes fought back by pointing out the xenophobia, but also attacking Yeojeong for being a "talentless bimbo" who is "just using the group to become famous". YURI&Co. made no official statement and neither did Yeojeong nor Rudy. The cyber rivalry died down eventually.
Chowon continues to host After School Club as a guest MC in Jamie Park's absence. She even got to interview her fellow members during their promotions ☺
Yeojeong played supporting character Seong Min-ah on Oh My Zombie.
"Not Friends (Prod. by VRCHXR)" by FUNFACTORY x Lovemonth. This was released prior to MOON, but it still counts as being in the MOON era? Right? Yes.
Rudy is playing main character Chantara Boripat, aka Chantel on Showtime! Making The Idol.
The Random Dance Play from their Fact iN Star interview.
"어쩌나 (Oh My!)" by Lovemonth (Seventeen). Byeol talked about how much of a Seventeen fan she was on Fact iN Star; she even lamented over the fact that they didn’t have any Seventeen songs to dance to, so Yves then challenged them to cover a Seventeen song. They delivered.
Their cover of "보름달 (Full Moon)" by Sunmi for M Countdown’s Halloween episode. Many aelifes realized this was a full circle moment for Yumin. She had started out as a JYP trainee and actually penned as well as performed the rap for the Sunmi track. She even featured in the live stages as promotion for the group she was supposed to debut in, MISS6. Unfortunately, the group was disbanded before debut and she left the company. Fans of her were bummed that she was done so dirty, but then realized if it hadn’t happened, she wouldn’t have joined THE FUN FACTORY and she wouldn’t have debuted in Lovemonth.
"Kissing You" by Girls Generation. Because the powers that be refuse to let Yumin live, the girls performed a cover of “Kissing You” at KBS Song Festival 2021. If you look real close at Yumin’s face, you can see her regretting every life choice leading up to this moment.
Due to the B-side's popularity, Lovemonth was asked to do a special Suit Dance version of "Zombie"!
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ererokii · 4 years
Hit It! || Katsuki Bakugou
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Katsuki Bakugou x Fem! Reader
Warnings: slight suggestive talk, cursing
Word Count: 2427
Synopsis: The students finished their final exams and the former number one hero has a fun plan in store for them, which may cause Bakugou to become more competitive than usual.
Taglist(message to be added): @shoutodoki​ @shoutosteakettle​ @saltie​ @sugacookiies​ @fryingpanitachi​ @kingtamakimurder​
➺ Note: This is for the @bnhabookclub’s bingo event! The prompt is Sports Game. And yes before anyone says anything, that is a haikyuu gif.
Bingo Masterlist
The students of UA have finished their final exams and desperately needed a break. Some decided they would go back home and visit their parents, others wanted to go explore the rest of the world or just sit back in the dorms. This time was different. 
Since his retirement, All Might has kept himself focused on class 1-A. This meant that he gave advice, and helped those who needed the inner strength to get better at their quirk. He noticed the tight bond between the students. It was obvious to spot since the League of Villains attacked the summer camp and kidnapped Bakugou. The dedication in each student’s heart was evident. 
The summer breeze flowed throughout the area, carrying it’s hot wind throughout the dorm room you were currently in. The windows stayed open as the curtains covered the rays of the sunlight from seeping through. You let out a small whine and shifted in the arms of the person beside you. “Move you’re all sweaty!”
“Hah? And you aren’t? It’s not my fucking fault that it’s so fucking hot.”
“Least you could do is get a fan or something! You’re making us suffer but mostly me!”
Bakugou let out a noise of annoyance and sat up, running a hand through his blond hair, the muscles of his uncovered arms flexing unintentionally. He wore a red tank top that showed off his build and black basketball shorts. A simple outfit that made him look amazing. 
A pleased hum fell from your lips as your hand slithered up his arm, squeezing the muscle of his bicep. 
He glanced down at your hand. “What? What do you want?”
“You,” a sly grin tugged at your lips as you leaned up on your forearm, the strap of your tank top resting off of your shoulder. 
“Is that so?” his voice lowered as he towered over you, his calloused hand resting on the supple flesh of your thigh, squeezing it gently. 
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer, his vermillion eyes boring into your own, “Uh-huh. It is”
His hand trailed up your thigh to the hemline of your shorts, tracing the fabric with the pad of his finger. “I think you’d look better with these off,” he whispered and captured your lips with his, pulling you flush to his chest. 
Your hands weaved themselves into his hair, giving the locks a gentle tugged that caused a grunt to leave his throat.
“Hey guy- Woah!!”
A small gasp left your lips, Bakugou’s body tensing up at the voice “Ever heard of, oh I don’t know, knocking you idiot?!”
“Why didn’t you just lock the door?!” Kaminari’s voice choked out from his throat, his hand still gripping the doorknob. 
“Because I thought people knew what privacy was!!”
“Pfft,” he brushed it off, hand letting go of the doorknob. “Whatever! Just hurry up! We’re going to be playing a game as a class! And All Might is supposed to be there as well!!”
At the name of the former number one hero, Bakugou looked over at him, his body still leaning over your own. “All Might?”
“Uh-huh! So hurry whatever this is!” he gestured to your bodies with his hand. “And we can start sooner!”
“Katsu get off!” You grunted and pushed at his chest, both of his hands planted on both sides of your head. “I wanna go see what it is!”
“What?! Woman you just said you wanted me now you’re gonna leave?!”
“Well yeah,” you said, looking up at him unamused. “So get off!”
He grumbled and got off of you, standing up from his bed. “Are you actually going to that? It’s probably not even going to be good. Just those damn nerds and that stupid game shit for brains said”
You rolled your eyes and fixed your tank top. “Yes I am. It’ll probably be something fun! So stop being a grumpy bitch and get yourself ready!”
“What did you say, shitty woman?!”
“I said what I said!”
“You’ll regret that!!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
All Might discussed with your class that you would be in the gym for today, without your hero costumes. Of course, you were all confused. The majority of the time when you needed to head to the gym, you needed to wear your hero costumes or your gym uniforms. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Momo started as she scratched her chin, in thought. “He ignored all of our questions. He never does that. Plus Mr. Aizawa seems..okay today.”
Tsuyu nodded in agreement, placing a finger on her chin. “I noticed that too. Maybe it’s a fun surprise?”
“Fun?!” Mina gasped in what sounded like horror. “What makes you think this is fun?! What if it’s punishment?! What if they have us read books and laugh at our torture?!”
“Uh...I think you’re going a bit too far Mina. Maybe it is actually something fun,” Ochako spoke up, hands swinging by her side. “Maybe we’ll play a sport!”
Jirou nodded, playing with the earphone of her lobe, clinking them together in boredom. “Don’t get so worked up over it. You’re always exaggerating”
“That's not true!! Y/N please back me up!” Mina whined, shaking you by your shoulders.
“Sorry Mina I have to agree with Jirou on this one”
“I thought you had my back!” She wailed.
“I mean I do!” you said quickly, waving your hands in front of you frantically. “Just not now!”
“Yeah Mina, you are drama queen,” Hagakure commented, messing with the hem of her shirt. 
Before Mina could comment or strangle the invisible girl, All Might walked in with Aizawa, carrying a black bag in his hands. 
“Good Morning class!”
Everyone quickly lined up, hands by their side. “Morning All Might!”
A booming laugh left his lips, placing his hands on his hips. “Who is ready to get this started?!”
“Maybe you should tell them before we get this started or whatever...I don’t care. Just don’t destroy the place,” Aizawa mumbled, running a hand through his locks. 
“Yes of course!” All Might coughed into his hand and took out the object from the bag. It was a volleyball. “Today you guys will be bonding over a simple game of volleyball! And yes you can use your quirks! It’ll be a nice game of boys vs girls!”
“Quirk training?!” Deku gasped and clenched his fist tightly. “I’ll make sure to use this wisely then!”
“Seeing the girls run?! Girls girls girls..” Mineta trailed off, some drool dribbling out of his mouth.
“Ew man get it together. No one wants to see you like that,”  Sero waved him off, moving away from him.
“It is not nice to talk about our female classmates like that!” Iida interrupted Mineta’s daydream.
“I didn’t say anything! Honest!” He grinned, eyeing you from the side of his eye. “Oh man I can’t wait.”
“Can’t wait for what diaper baby?!” Bakugou yelled, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and lifting him off the ground. “I know you weren’t checking my girlfriend like that!!”
“Enough!” Aizawa’s voice boomed throughout the room, hair up as his red eyes focused on Bakugou and Mineta. “Unless you guys wanted me to teach all of you a lesson.”
Bakugou dropped Mineta on the floor, the smaller boy letting out a noise as he collided with the ground. Once the two got back in place, All Might cleared his throat.
“Like I was saying, you guys obviously have a deep bond! Why not make it deeper by a fun game!” He laughed and handed the ball to Iida. “I assume you all know how to play volleyball. Remember quirks are allowed but don’t kill each other either!”
“So it was something fun.” Tsuyu mumbled as she walked into position. “I haven’t played volleyball in awhile. But this will be fun nonetheless!”
“Huddle!” Mina yelled and pulled you guys into a tight circle. “You see those pests over there?”
“Uh, Mina we can hear you.” 
“We’re gonna beat them!” She ignored Kirishima’s comment, placing her hand in the middle. “We’ll wipe the floor with them!”
You all cheered, placing your hands in the middle. “And since we all have some powerful quirks, it’ll be easy!”
Your quirk was called stretch. You were able to stretch your limbs as far as you wanted. The only downside is if you use your quirk too much you wouldn’t be able to use it for the rest of the day, your body on the verge of collapsing. 
“As long as we just call for the ball we’ll do great!” You looked over your shoulder to find Katsuki staring at you, a small smirk on his face. 
“He’s not your boyfriend now! He’s the enemy!” Hagakure’s hand placed itself on top of your head, forcing you to look back at the group. “Forget the lovey-dovey things and destroy him!”
You blinked absentmindedly. Who knew volleyball could bring out the weird in people.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“Got it” The bi-colored boy said calmly, quickly shooting out fire at the volleyball from his left side, sending it back your way with intense speed.
All Might had said that the ball was created with some type of material that was able to be used even with fire or explosions and other types of quirks.
“Mine!” Tsuyu called, sticking her tongue out to prevent the ball from falling on the floor. 
“My way!” You yelled out, running to the side of the court. Mina glanced your way before shooting acid that sent the ball your way. You jumped up, hand colliding with the ball as you spiked it downwards, causing Iida to miss the ball by a second. “Yes!” you cheered as you landed, hands up in the air.
“Nice one Y/N! Ochako it’s your serve!” 
Uraraka made her way to the line, mumbling something as she held the ball in her hands. “Should I use my quirk..? Nah” she nodded to herself as she took a step back before throwing the ball up in the air, taking a step forward and hit it. 
You guys watched it hit the net, the ball falling and hitting your end of the court. 
“I’m sorry guys!” She cried and covered her face with her hands. 
“It’s fine Ochako-san! It’s Bakugou’s serve so look up!” Momo called out, legs bent as her hands were in front of her already.
At the name of him, you all immediately got in position, prepared for his move. 
Bakugou analyzed your placement, bouncing the ball off of the ground.
“Come on Bakugou! We’re all waiting for you!” Kirishima groaned, fixing the white headband he had on.
Bakugou growled, his hand starting to sweat. He tossed the ball up in the air and spiked it, the ball speeding towards Jirou.
Her eyes widened, no time to move for it as it already landed on the floor, a point for the boys.
“Awesome!! One more then we win! Serve like that again Bakugou!”
“Of course I am, idiot!” He spat, snatching the ball from Sero’s hands. 
Bakugou let out a small growl as he squeezed the ball in his hands before tossing the ball in the air and serving it your way. 
“Momo!” You spoke up, bumping the ball to her as she set the ball for Hagakure to hit over. 
“I got it!” Kirishima yelled as he bumped the ball towards the net. 
Bakugou’s eyes followed the ball as he ran at full speed. “Move!!” He yelled and jumped up, his hand creating an explosion as it collided with the ball, a cracking noise resonating throughout the room. “Die!!”
Your eyes widened at the sudden burst of new color and the ball heading your direction. 
“Y/N watch out!” 
Before you could even move, the ball smacked you in your face, causing you to stumble backwards and land with a thud, your head hitting against the ground hard. 
The girls gasped as they made their way to tend to you immediately.
“Bakugou!” Izuku said, pointing a finger in the blond boy’s direction. “All Might said not to go all out with our quirks! You probably gave her a concussion!”
“Yeah, she isn’t waking up,” Todoroki mumbled, arms crossed over his torso. 
“That was extremely uncalled for Bakugou! You broke the rules and now we have to stop because of your carelessness!” Iida reprimanded him, hands motioning to your moving body. 
“Not cool man..” Kaminari whispered, a hint of worry in his voice as he walked over to you with Kirishima and Sero.
“What happened?” you mumbled, a hand on your throbbing head. “Did I pass out?”
“Young Y/N, Bakugou went a bit too hard and spiked the ball into your face. You have to see Recovery Girl immediately. You might have gotten a concussion.” All Might helped you stand up, your body stumbling faintly. 
“Really? That’s crazy..” you whispered and looked around, your classmates staring at you in worry. “What did I get a third eye?!” Your hands felt your face in search of your said third eye.
“No, your eye is swelling shut!”
“Ugh, move!” Bakugou groaned out and wrapped a hand around your wrist. “Come on. You’ll probably pass out on the way there. I’ll take you, shitty woman”
A hand on your head, you followed Bakugou from behind as you let out incoherent noises, a silence between the two of you as you walked down the hall to Recovery Girl’s office. 
“You hit me really hard..”
“It was an accident”
You let out a sniffle as you wiped your eye gently, careful of the bruising. “Yeah, but it hurts!”
“Why are you complaining?! You’ve fought villains before and you’re crying because I hit you with a volleyball?”
“W-well yes! But it still hurts!”
“Fucking- let me see.” He placed a hand on your waist and brought you closer, his hand gently caressing the side of your face. “Damn… I did get you good. She’ll fix you up.”
“..kiss it better.”
“I said,” you looked up at him, your eye fluttering shut. “Kiss it better.”
Bakugou stared down at you like you lost your mind. He sighed in defeat and placed a gentle kiss on your wound, his lips lingering for a second more that sent warmth throughout your body.
“There. Now stop crying.”
You let out a small smile and patted his cheeks. “Kiss it again!”
“I just fucking did dammit!”
“Well, kiss it again asshole!”
“Why not?!”
“Because I said so! Now start walking and quit talking shitty woman!”
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rainbowvamp · 3 years
Happy Mercelot week my loves! Enjoy a Cinderella love at first sight au. Featuring Merlin in a pretty outfit and infatuated Lancelot!
@mercelotweek fill for "beauty"
Merlin looks down at the bit of fabric in his hands. He’s never tried to alter an object this way. He’d cut a bit of Camelot red from one of the cloaks Arthur had sent to be re-hemmed and was just… looking at it. It was washed, but still obviously worn, fraying in places, no matter how he’d tried to mend it. He hadn’t been particularly keen on the red, but it was the only thing he’d had on hand. He certainly wasn’t going to risk any of his own clothes for something that might not work.
Merlin had altered himself before, sure, but he’d gotten stuck that way as often as he’d done it. A mask couldn’t exactly drink a potion and return to it’s original form. So, he had to be very careful and meticulous when he crafted this spell.
The white of his party clothes was incredible, striking, really, compared to all the other clothes he’d ever worn. Cast offs, surely, but they were beautiful. Morgana or even Gwen might know if they were even still in style, but it was meant to be a bit of a lark, this party. Both for him and the other guests in attendance. The others would be in costumes fashioned from older clothing, or clothing made costume by masks. It was supposed to be fun, light hearted, this party, but here Merlin is, overthinking something as simple as a mask.
He murmurs a spell of his own creation and the scrap of fabric, crumpled and pinned to generally resemble a mask, became something gorgeous before his eyes. The fabric was thinner, almost like lace in weight, but stayed stiff in his hand like it had been over starched. The pins had become fine, metallic dots over the eye holes, and the ribbon he’d use to secure it was almost silk like.
It was beautiful, but Merlin could feel the tenuous nature of the spell. It wouldn’t last forever. It might not even last the night. He could feel the threads of magic holding it delicately in this shape, but ready to break apart at any moment.
Well, he’d just have to make his trip to the party short so he wouldn’t risk being found out. These things usually went so far into the night it became morning, but he’d probably have until midnight before the spell wore off and risked exposing him.
If anyone found out a Servant was mingling with these Nobles, he’d be in the stocks for a week. Maybe worse.
Guinevere, who is his dearest friend and closest confidant, has agreed to help him with his hair for tonight, so he sneaks off to Morgana’s rooms, the lady already down at the party, to get her help, mask already in place, just in case anyone should see him.
The palace feels different when he walks around in clothes that belong to a nobleman. The servants he passes bow respectfully, and it makes him uneasy. How can people stand this? He felt so terrible, watching people avert their eyes and how their heads like he or anyone else had any right to their humility.
In Morgana’s rooms, Gwen adjusts his coat and combs his hair back in a way he didn’t think would suit him, but he ends up liking. He tries once more to convince her to come with him, to just steal one of Morgana’s old dresses and wear a veil, but she’s convinced she’ll be found out, and isn’t willing to risk it.
Merlin has no such qualms, and has vowed to take her involvement with this little scheme to the grave. Or the stocks.
“You look wonderful,” She says when she finally lays her brush down. “You’ll be the belle of the ball.”
Merlin rolled his eyes, “Haha, Guinevere. I just want to see how the other half lives for a night. You’re sure you won’t come?”
And now she rolls her eyes. “The lady Morgan and I are much closer than you and Arthur. She’d notice me, even with a mask. Maybe the next one.”
He smiles softly at her. “Definitely the next one. Besides, you’ll still be there. You’ll just have to endure less of the idle dithering of nobles.”
She giggles, “Merlin, you can’t talk about them like that.”
“I can talk about them however I like dressed like this,” He tugged his collar a bit to show off and that set her off again. She covered her mouth to keep their presence hidden and swatted at him.
“Okay, you’ve made your point. Now go, before it’s over.”
“Love you,” he kissed her cheek and she returned the gesture.
“Please don’t get yourself killed.” Which was as good as an I love you too from Gwen.
“No promises. I did try to fight the prince my first day here.”
Merlin takes a second glass of mead in less than half an hour from a passing try. He knows this will be a terrible idea, but he cannot, to save his own life, stand this lot while sober any longer.
Occasionally one of the nobles will smile and greet him, ask him who he is, but for the most part, people are interested in socializing with those they already know, and the few who approach him are obviously uninterested in him as much as they are interested in the connections he might be able to make them.
“I’m dying out here,” he murmurs to Gwen when she’s pauses briefly to grab another tray to pass around lady Morgana’s table.
“I’m so sorry. You poor dear.” She smirks and he smiles back at her.
“Your turn next.”
“Mhmm, after all the fun you’re having, I can’t wait.”
He laughed as she left and his spirits were lifted for the first time all night. He took a final sip of his mead and left it on a table, deciding to try his luck on the dance floor at the same moment that a set of deep brown eyes caught him from across the room.
“Caught” was not an exaggeration. The smoldering, desirous look in the eyes that looked like they might have been looking at him for a while held him like a man entranced. His breath caught in his throat as the man started to make his way toward him.
He was in chain mail, a knight in a cloak that was unmistakably Camelot red. It wasn’t unlike the cloak he’d cut his mask from.
At the reminder, Merlin focused briefly on his mask, whose transformed state was tenuous. It would last a while longer, maybe an hour, maybe longer.
The determined way the knight walked toward him, through the onlookers, partygoers and celebrators was almost overwhelming. No one tonight had looked so intently upon him. He wasn’t sure how to handle it.
His feet seemed to decide how to handle it for him. Thick dark hair that begged to be tugged at and a mouth made for kissing, it drew him in like so few things ever had. Even with the black mask obscuring his face, Merlin can tell he must be beautiful. The cut of his jaw is too perfect for him not to be.
Merlin is stunned by the time they meet, standing obnoxiously still in the middle of the dance floor. The knight bows to him, and while servants bowing to him had made him uncomfortable, this feels formal, and somehow honorable. He holds out his hand when the knight starts to stand, thinking they might shake, but instead Lancelot takes the offered hand and kisses the back of it, eyes trained on Merlin the entire time.
He is grateful for the cover of the mask, with the way that he can feel the blush forming high on his cheek. He wouldn’t want to embarrass himself in front of a knight.
“Hello, My Lord. I am Sir Lancelot.”
Lancelot. He’s heard Arthur speak of him, in passing. An excellent fighter, perhaps as good as the Prince himself. As he stands, Sir Lancelot smiles at him, and Merlin about melts as his stomach flutters and he stands tall, just about eye level with him.
“Hello, Sir Lancelot.” The words are breathier than he means to be, and if Lancelot notices, he gives no indication.
With the slightest bow he asks, “May I have this dance?”
Merlin had been about to dance on his own anyway. Only, Merlin’s never danced any of these formal noble dances, only remembers celebrations in Ealdor, and in the lower town. He isn’t sure of the steps, but Lancelot still hasn’t dropped his hand, and his mouth seems to speak with the same ungiven authority his feet had moved him with.
Lancelot takes Merlin’s other hand to place it on his shoulder, and takes Merlin at the waist. It’s what everyone else seems to be doing, and he’s grateful that Lancelot says nothing when they’re pulled so close their chests are nearly flush.
Lancelot starts to move, but Merlin can’t keep time, keeps stumbling over his feet, and Lancelot’s. “I’m afraid I’m not much of a dancer.” Merlin laughs, afraid Lancelot will simply leave, but the man’s returning smile tells another story.
“That’s alright. Just stop thinking so hard about it. I’ll lead.” He pauses briefly to adjust his grip on Merlin’s waist and then Merlin feels the gentle push of the hand there, urging him to move back, forth, left, right, turn, in time with the music. Between Lancelot’s easy leading, and the way his eyes seem to never leave Merlin’s, it’s easy to feel like they are the only two people here, the only ones that matter.
Merlin finds the rhythm eventually, and the gentle coaxing on his hip becomes obsolete. He still misses the feel of Lancelot’s hand in his when they’re suddenly unclasped and grabbing Merlin by the waist, to spin him around with the flourish as the dance came to an end. He laughs, and the answering twinkle in Lancelot’s eyes speaks volumes for how he’s enjoyed himself.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Lancelot asked, and Merlin smiles, letting the knight take his hand and kiss it again.
“I’d say it was the best dance I’ve ever had. Thank you, Sir Lancelot.”
“I aim to please.” Another song started up, and Lancelot raised an eyebrow. “I’m afraid this one is a group dance. Unless you fancy a half dozen partners and more steps than you can count, we might sit this one out.”
Merlin laughed, “I certainly don’t want that. Get a drink with me?” Merlin doesn’t need another drink, but he is parched.
When Lancelot offers his elbow to Merlin, he almost rolls his eyes, but can’t help the grin it illicits. “Such a gentleman.” He smiles, and Lancelot returns it. They take a seat at a nearby table, long since unoccupied in favor of the dancing.
Lancelot serves him mead before a servant can, highly unusual for a knight, as Merlin is well aware. “Thank you,” he waits for Lancelot to serve his own glass and clinks them together before taking a healthy sip from his. The warmth of the joy of Lancelot and the mead mix together, leaving him feeling heady and relaxed.
“I’m afraid I don’t know your name. Is that terrible?” Lancelot asked, and Merlin laughed in response.
“Few would. I’m hardly a common attendee of these sorts of things. I’m Emerys of Ealdor.”
“Such a beautiful name, for a beautiful man,” Lancelot gestured for a servant to bring the tray they were holding, and thanked him graciously as he served both Merlin and himself honey cakes. “I’m afraid I’ve never heard of Ealdor. Is it far from here?”
“Yes. I don’t see it much, anymore. It’s in Essetir, and it is not exactly safe to pass between the two lands. I haven’t been home in many years.”
Lancelot frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. I too can not return home. I know how lonely that can be.”
Merlin smiled sadly. “Yes. But I do make friends wherever I go, and that helps.”
“I hope perhaps I may one day be counted among them?” Lancelot raies and eyebrow and Merlin’s besotted.
“Easily. So you do not come from Camelot?”
“No. I was a wonderer for a long time, learning sword craft to become a knight of Camelot, one of the noblest lands I know of.”
“One of?” Merlin asked, and he’s honestly curious. He’s used to the way the knights talk about Camelot, like it is perfect, the most wonderful place to live with the most impressive king.
“The King is very noble. He has a heart for the people not all Kings can boast.”
“But?” Merlin pushes, and Lancelot smiles uneasily.
“But not all of the people of Camelot belong in the King’s heart. It is not always my desire to carry out the laws against magic users, if they’ve done no wrong. But I am always loyal to my king.” He took a sip of his mead, pulling gently on the collar of his shirt.
Merlin didn’t know what it felt like to fall in love, but he thought perhaps this might be it. Like falling and being overwhelmed, and wanting nothing more to steal away with someone who appeared perfect in every way.
“I must say I agree.” He said, and Lancelot visibly relaxed. “But like you, I have no ill will toward the King. He does what he believes to be right, and that is all any man can be asked to do.” And perhaps one day he would see that he was not right. Merlin could only hope.
“Yes. Will you be in Camelot long, after the festival?” The question is so obviously probing that Merlin feels a bit of glee at it, even as his heart sinks, because he can’t have this man. Lancelot is a knight of Camelot, and Merlin is a servant.
“I’m afraid not. I leave tonight,” Merlin smiled wanly, and Lancelot’s face mirrors him.
“There’s no possibility of your plans being changed?”
“No. I’m expected somewhere tomorrow. We’ll have to ride through the night to get there.” This is the first true lie Merlin has told all night, and it aches to say. Lancelot cares for magic users, and he’s kind, and he didn’t ask Merlin what connections he had or how he might be helpful to him. He just wanted to have a dance and talk.
He looks away and meets Gwen’s eyes, somewhere over Lancelot’s shoulders. She looks so sad, and he knows he must look the same.
“When might you be back? In Camelot, I mean?”
“I can’t say. It’s only coincidence that brought me here tonight.” This at least, is true. Merlin never could’ve come to this party if not for Gwen coincidentally finding the discarded clothing in the closer of a long disgraced nobleman. The fact that they happened to fit Merlin was also happenstance, and if not for that, he’d never be here. With an hour of Gwen’s help, she’d been able to tailor them nearly to perfect, and he was loathe to admit he looked quite good.
“That is a shame. We must enjoy tonight then.”
“Yes, we must.”
The song changed and Merlin took as delicate a bite as he could manage of his honey cake before taking Lancelot’s hand. “Teach me to dance some more, you’re fantastic at it.”
This brought a smile to Lancelot’s face. “It would be an honor, my lord.”
They take to the dance floor. This dance, whatever it is, is far more complicated than the last one, and Lancelot also stumbles through it occasionally, which makes Merlin feel just a bit better.
“We’ve nearly got it!” Merlin laughed when the music ended, and Lancelot bowed to him again. Merlin is about to ask him for another one when a tall figure suddenly approaches them.
“Mind if I cut in?” Says another knight of Camelot, this one completely disregarding the dresscode and lacking a mask. His long hair came to his shoulder and Merlin would’ve found him incredibly attractive if it weren’t for the fact Lancelot was already the center of his night.
Merlin bows goodbye to Lancelot, thinking this knight has come for his equal, he certainly wouldn’t be the only knight to do so, but then he sees the hard edge of Lancelot’s eyes and is a bit confused.
“My Lord.” The new knight says, and takes Merlin’s hand, sweeping him away from Lancelot without waiting for so much as a “by your leave.”
“I’m Sir Gwaine. You’re a pretty thing,” the knight says, and Merlin doesn’t find this compliment as positive as Lancelot’s.
“I’m sorry if I have no desire to be called an object.” He said stiffly, and Gwaine laughed.
“You’ve got nerve. Lancelot must like that.” Merlin was swept up and turned, his hands barley having time to grip Gwaine’s shoulders and stabilize himself as he was lifted into the air. “I’m sorry to intrude. Sir Lancelot is one of my dearest friends, and a bit of teasing always does him good. Can you see him?” He leaned in to whisper these last words in his ear and Merlin’s eyes start searching the floor for Lancelot.
He’s not on the dance floor, but is watching them with a deep intensity from the spot where they’d sat and ate the song before. “You’ve upset him.”
“Well, you didn’t have to accept.” The man smiled, and Merlin scowled.
“I thought you were asking for Lancelot, not me. Besides, you didn’t give me time to either accept or deny. Just carried me off like some sort of brute.”
“My apologies.” But nothing about his tone seemed apologetic. “However, when Lancelot gets his hands back on you, I think you might just thank me for my little intervention.”
Merlin’s barely following along with whatever steps, but he’s starting to fume. “What is this? Some sort of joke? Do you find that appropriate?”
“I meant no harm,” He smiled, “I swear.” They turned and for a second his eyes focused over Merlin’s shoulder and he grimaced. “But I’m afraid I may have gone too far. I’m going to get it in training tomorrow.” He focused on Merlin again to grin. “But I’m sure I’ll be able to handle it.” The song ended and Merlin just barely put up with a peck on his hand. Before he can pull away, Gwaine holds his hand tight, and Merlin freezes. “Lancelot hasn’t looked this happy for a very long time. I hope you don’t mean to dash his heart.”
Merlin is shocked at the insinuation. “I’ve only just met him. There are no hearts involved.”
“Mmm, you haven’t known Lancelot as long as I have. I assure you, there are.” He made Merlin take his arm and lead him back to the table where Lancelot was sitting. There was a blond knight standing beside him now, leaning in and murmuring something in his ear. “He falls so quick it’s a marvel he’s ever on his feet. But he’s loyal. I wouldn’t want him to get the wrong idea if you mean to disappear.”
“What do you mean?” Merlin asked, stiffening, and Gwaine shrugged.
“I’ve never seen you before. Neither has anyone else I’ve asked. You’re passing through. Who’s to say how you got an invitation, but you’re not likely to return if you’re making no move to introduce yourself to everyone here. I’ve been a wanderer, I know the signs of someone who only intends to stay one night. If you’ve no intention to stay, I wish you’d leave him be.”
“It’s complicated,” Merlin said voice still tense.
“Everything is. My word stands.” They arrive at the table and Lancelot stands, pulling out Merlin’s chair for him, glaring at Gwaine.
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I couldn’t get enough of our new friend. But he’s all yours now, Lancelot.”
Merlin takes a seat and is relieved for Gwaine to go. Lancelot looks him over like he’s afraid he might’ve been mauled. “Are you alright? I know Gwaine tends to be a bit… forward.”
Merlin laughed, a bit uncomfortable now after what Gwaine’d said. “I’m alright. He wasn’t too forward. Just a bit blunt.”
“Yes, he’s like that.” Merlin followed Lancelot’s gaze to Gwaine, and hoped that Lancelot did beat Gwaine on the training field tomorrow.
The honey cake he’d left is still there, and so he takes another bite. Things like this were so rarely afforded to him he had to force himself not to scarf it down. The cake was soft and crumbled easily in his mouth, giving way to a sweet, delicate flavor. The soft sigh of pleasure from the taste of it all drew Lancelot’s gaze briefly to his lips, and Merlin felt his face heat. “I don’t usually indulge.” He said, as way of explanation, and Lancelot smiled.
“I’m glad you’ve given yourself the pleasure tonight. Camelot’s kitchens are famous.”
“I can see why.” He says, taking another bite of the delicious cake.
“Perhaps they might entice you back.” Lancelot says with a hopeful look, and Merlin swallows.
“Perhaps.” He’s starting to think that maybe this is no good anymore. He’s playing with this man’s heart, pretending to be someone he is not. As much fun as this is, and much as he’s possibly developing a crushing love for Lancelot, this is wrong. They could never be, simply by the virtue of Merlin’s station.
A clock, somewhere far off, strikes and he jumpsin his seat. He checks the magic holding his mask and finds it worryingly close to breaking. He can’t let his face be seen here.
Luckily, he has a readymade excuse.
“Hell.” He murmurs, putting down the cake and being careful to use the napkin to clean his fingers. Had to keep up this act of nobility, no matter how much he’d rather lick the crumbs from his fingers. “I have to go.” He drops the napkin down and pushes his chair back, throwing Lancelot an apologetic look that is more genuine that Merlin meant it to be.
“What? It’s only midnight. Please.” He takes Merlin’s hand as he stands, stopping him from going any further.
“I have to go. My carriage will be waiting. I was suppose to be there ten minutes ago.” Merlin tugs on his hand, but Lancelot holds it, doesn’t let it go.
“Please, I can’t- It’s too soon.” His pleading hurts Merlin, but now that his anxiety has taken over, he knows it’s just a matter of time before the mask becomes a scrap of cloth and falls from his face.
“I’m sorry. I have to go.” He pulls his hand out of Lancelot’s and rushes as much as he dares to the door.
Sir Gwaine blocks his path just as he gets to the door. “Leaving so soon? Can’t I tempt you for another dance?” Merlin can’t read his face, is too worried to even think about trying.
When he looks behind him and sees Lancelot coming for them, he starts to truly panic. He can’t afford a delay.
He turns his face away from Gwaine and mutters a spell to drop a nearby server’s tray. This distracts Gwaine just long enough for Merlin to slip past him and out of the great hall.
He can hear Lancelot coming, calling after him, but he dare not look back. He mutters a second spell to slam the ballroom doors. This will serve both to slow Lancelot’s progress and hide which way Merlin goes goes.
And considering he’s going deeper into, rather than out of, the castle, it’s very important no one sees his retreat.
He slips through the halls, hearing Lancelot’s cries echo and then disappear as he goes toward the castle door, looking for him.
He’ll never find him.
Merlin swipes uselessly at his prickling eyes. He hadn’t wanted to leave Lancelot, but after what Gwaine had said, he couldn’t stay in good conscience. He swallowed hard to try and keep himself collected, and finally ducked into Gaius’ rooms, gracefully empty.
As soon as the door was closed he felt his magic break and the mask become a scrap of fabric. Camelot-red fell into his lap, and he stared at it, thinking of what might have been, and let himself cry.
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passionate-reply · 3 years
Great Albums is kicking off Pride Month with a special feature on one of the weirdest and wildest queer artists of the New Wave era: the one and only Klaus Nomi! Combining glam, synth-pop, and opera, of all things, Nomi’s tragically short career is nothing short of mystifying. Check out the video or read the full transcript, below the break!
Welcome to Passionate Reply, and welcome to Great Albums! In this installment, I’ll be looking at the self-titled debut album of one of the most unique, incomparable, and unforgettable artists in music history: the one and only Klaus Nomi. What is it that makes Nomi so noteworthy? Perhaps the most obvious thing is his background as a classically trained opera singer. While a lot of pop vocalists have some degree of classical training, it’s rare to find one who worked so hard to bring ultra-mannered, literally operatic lead vocals into an otherwise pop context.
The other thing I should mention is that Nomi’s voice part was the “countertenor,” giving his vocals an even more unusual dimension. Countertenors are men who sing in a high range usually covered by women, and even in the operatic tradition, they weren’t necessarily all that common, particularly since the rise of opera coincided with that of the infamous castrati--male singers who were castrated to preserve their prepubescent voices. The combination of partially electronic, New Wave compositions with these bizarre, but ultimately “traditional” vocals results in something that sounds simply otherworldly.
Music: “Total Eclipse”
“Total Eclipse” is probably Nomi’s best known track, due in part to being featured in the seminal concert film Urgh! A Music War, which sought to capture the diversity of the early 80s New Wave scene. Like a lot of classic songs of this era, it tackles the subject of nuclear annihilation, albeit with a nearly depraved, gleeful tone, that makes it feel like more of a party. For the verses, Nomi adopts a sort of rhythmic speak-singing, which was much more par for the course for “New Wave” music, only to shockingly explode into a powerful operatic rendition of the refrain. It reminds me a bit of how, in musical theatre, tension builds through spoken dialogue, before characters are so emotional they feel compelled to burst into song--or, of course, how recitative blossoms into arias in opera. In the context of this particular track, it’s easy to interpret it as an embodiment of how “cold wars” can suddenly burst into flame. While “Total Eclipse” was a new composition, written specifically for Nomi by Kristian Hoffman, this album also features several covers of past hits, such as “You Don’t Own Me.”
Music: “You Don’t Own Me”
Nomi’s covers of the Midcentury pop ditties “Lightning Strikes” and “You Don’t Own Me” repeat the structure of “Total Eclipse,” showing that this signature pattern of increasing tension leading to increasingly mannered vocals is just as effective when retroactively applied to pre-existing compositions. What’s also significant about “You Don’t Own Me” is that it was originally written for a woman, Lesley Gore, and its defiant assertion of self-confidence has long been associated with women’s liberation. Being openly gay, Nomi sees fit to leave the lyric “play with other boys” just as it is, and could be interpreted to be deliberately emphasizing that last word, intentionally queering his rendition of the song. Nomi’s ability to sing in a traditionally female voice range, combined with his eccentric, gender-bending personal aesthetic, makes the interrogation of traditional concepts of gender an integral part of his art. Some of the other covers on the album are even older than the Midcentury, coming from the golden age of opera, such as “The Cold Song.”
Music: “The Cold Song”
Also known by its opening lyrics, “What power art thou?”, “The Cold Song” is a rare operatic aria that was actually designed for the countertenor voice part. It was written by the English composer William Purcell, a noted fan of countertenors who lived outside the influence of the Italian castrati, for his 1691 opera King Arthur. Well, King Arthur is actually what’s sometimes called a “semi-opera”: not all characters sing, and those who do often tend to be supernatural entities. “The Cold Song” is sung by a winter spirit called the Cold Genius, when reluctantly awakened from icy slumber by Cupid. His lines are sung so as to stutter, as he shivers from the freezing cold of his surrounds. Unlike the pop covers on the album, the arias are actually played pretty straight, almost as if they serve as evidence of Nomi’s actual chops doing traditional opera the old-fashioned way. “The Cold Song” is certainly a great fit for Nomi’s unique stage persona, which presented him as a fey or elfin non-human visitor from some mythical Otherworld, or perhaps an extraterrestrial from outer space. This theme is addressed most directly by the one track on this album composed entirely by Nomi himself: “Keys of Life.”
Music: “Keys of Life”
“Keys of Life” is the album’s opening track, and perhaps serves as Nomi’s personal introduction to the people of our realm--a sort of musical “we come in peace” message. Its lyrics seem to portray Nomi as a benevolent visitor, but one with a dire warning for mankind: we need to get our act together soon, for our actions now are of great import, as we humans “hold the keys of life.” Perhaps Nomi’s mission is to prevent climate catastrophe on Earth, or, given the context of “Total Eclipse,” a nuclear apocalypse. With its warbling synthesiser backdrop, and Nomi singing fully in the operatic style throughout, “Keys of Life” is arguably the most experimental piece to be had on the album, and putting it as the very first track certainly pulls no punches.
It is, of course, difficult to fully address the significance of Nomi’s persona without getting into his visual identity. The cover of Nomi’s self-titled debut features his most iconic outfit: an oversized plastic tuxedo, with hugely exaggerated shoulders, and a pointed hairstyle with a bit of Streamline Moderne flair. I mentioned earlier that Nomi’s work seems concerned with gender, and in that context, I’ve often interpreted this look as a sort of caricature of masculinity, parodying men’s formalwear and calling attention to Nomi’s receding hairline. There is certainly something absurd about a high-pitched, perhaps feminine-coded voice emerging from a ludicrously masculine sort of character. The use of thin, shiny, reflective plastic, and the aforementioned Midcentury feel of the hairstyle, make me also consider interpreting it as less of a parody, and more of an alien’s bad attempt at adopting the appearance of an “ordinary,” upstanding, conservative human male in attire, using space-age materials to cobble it together.
The oversized, geometric appearance of Nomi’s garb reminds me of the great Dada poet, Hugo Ball, founder of the legendary Cabaret Voltaire. Ball was the inventor of what he called “sound poetry,” and enacted lively readings of poetry that consisted of entirely nonsensical words. He did this while wearing a strange, cylindrical-shaped cardboard suit, said to restrict his movements so much that Ball needed to be ceremoniously carried off stage when he was finished reciting. Given their shared German heritage and cabaret avant-gardism, I can’t help but wonder if Ball’s striking costume was something of an influence on Nomi here.
This album is, of course, self-titled, but that, too, is an artistic choice that can be analyzed. The artist was born Klaus Sperber, but adopted the stage name “Nomi” for his creative endeavours. In the context of the track “The Nomi Song,” the name is often used punningly in comparison with the English phrase “know me.” Nomi’s choice of stage name is almost a dare or a challenge, a request for us to attempt to know and understand this seemingly inscrutable being before us. As with many other portrayals of queerness as alien or otherworldly, the messaging here seems to be that Nomi may seem different at first, but his intent is ultimately benign, should mere mortals like ourselves be kind enough to give him a chance.
Nomi’s follow-up to this debut album was 1982’s Simple Man, an album which is much more similar to its predecessor than different. It has a wider variety of contributing musicians and different instruments employed, but it’s got a similar overall feel, and mix of tracks. You’ll find more covers, like “Falling In Love Again” and even “Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead,” more original compositions, like the Hoffman-penned sequel to “Total Eclipse,” entitled “After the Fall,” and even some more arias, like this stunning rendition of another work of Purcell’s. Referred to here as simply “Death,” it comes from Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas, and is sung by the titular Carthaginian queen, Dido, as she prepares to commit suicide. Also called “Dido’s Lament” or “Thy hand, Belinda,” its darkly descending melody is as captivatingly ominous today as it was when it was written, over three centuries ago.
Music: “Death”
Sadly, Nomi became gravely ill at around this time, and his own untimely death was just around the corner. He died of complications of AIDS in 1983, at the age of just 44, leaving behind an unfinished opera of his own creation, Za Bakdaz, which would go unreleased until 2008. That, and a posthumous live album released in 1986, would be the only other works under Nomi’s name. As with all artists who die tragically young, we will always be left wondering what else Klaus Nomi might’ve accomplished in the ensuing decades. I find it hard to imagine a timeline in which this sound ever became particularly mainstream, but anything else Nomi came up with would have undoubtedly been fascinating.
My favourite track on Nomi’s debut is “The Twist.” Yes, this is indeed Chubby Checker’s “The Twist,” another one of those Midcentury covers that Nomi was so fond of. But compared to the rest of Nomi’s covers, this one is much more of a deconstruction, perhaps even a “piss take,” featuring a sparse instrumentation, centered around a lethargic bass guitar, and the overall pace is slowed to a crawl. Add in Nomi’s piercing vocals and some nearly demonic, chittering laughter, and you’ve got a track that turns a fun, light-hearted dance craze into a surreal nightmare. As difficult as it is to be the strangest track on an album like this, I have to give that honour to “The Twist.” That’s all for today--thanks for watching!
Music: “The Twist”
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
Dressed Up For Halloween (Hoseok)
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Summary: You love Halloween and everything about this day, the costumes, the scary movies, all of it. But your boyfriend most certainly does not. Your costume for this year may have been too much for your poor boyfriend’s heart.
Warnings: SMUT! As per usual, be prepared for: swearing, erotic body touching, thigh humping, oral sex (female and male receiving), fingering, 69 position, grinding, unprotected sex (please be safe out there!), cowgirl position, multiple orgasms (female receiving).
Word Count: 3776
So maybe you went a little overboard with your costume this year. Especially taking into consideration that you had nothing planned and would probably just stay home all night, opening up the door to any kids trick-or-treating around your neighborhood.
But you loved Halloween. You loved the spooky season, the decorations, the colors, the opportunity to dress up as whatever you liked. Just because you had nowhere to go to, didn’t mean you didn’t want to celebrate it just as much. But as the ever so ironic life would have it, you had to end up in a relationship with someone who mostly dreaded the iconic day.
You had been trying to change his mind all month long, but he really wasn’t having it. He didn’t want to dress up, refused the opportunity to get tickets for the haunted house this year and agreed to watch only one scary movie with you once he got home.
Even so, you still loved Halloween so you made the effort and got yourself into costume. And maybe overdid it a tiny bit. You got a fantastic red and black jesterina outfit on sale online, a romper with an asymmetric one-shoulder top, with ruffles at the collar and mismatched patterns, a black tule skirt to go over your large hips and barely conceal your thick legs left bare by the shorts, thigh-high mismatched socks that went along with the rest of the outfit. It also came with one glove for your unclothed arm, a curly wig colored black on one side and red on the other and even a cane with a skull for a handle.  
That was all well still, you thought you looked kind of sexy, actually. But then you started on your make-up. And you went a little too “joker” for your boyfriend’s taste, with two lines extending your smile across your cheeks, diamond-shaped black eyeshadow on your eyes and paste white skin on your face. You were just finishing applying your red lipstick when you hear the door open and a sunny voice calling.
“Sweet cheeks, I’m home!”
You hear the slippers making their way through the floor of the hallway in the direction of the room you were in. You smile and throw the door open and jump, with the intention of pulling him in for a surprise hug.
“Hey darling, I’m here!” you say happily, arms stretched out and about to throw yourself at him. Thankfully, you managed to stay balanced when he screams in a high-pitch and falls to his knees with his hand on top of his heart.
Hoseok’s face elongated as he screamed with his mouth wide open, eyes rounded with panic as he fell on his buttocks. The yell soon gave way to a whine as he realized it was you and his features scrunched up when he frowned heavily with a pout, shaking his head and calming his beating heart. He was wearing a black hoodie with colorful lettering at the chest and down the sides of his arms, with simple baggy white sweatpants.
“Why are you wearing that?” he cries, trying to get back on his feet. “Do you want to give me a heart attack? I swear my soul left my body for a second…”
“Sorry, Hobi, I didn’t mean to! I just… kind of got carried away with my costume?” you apologized, helping him back up.
“You know I hate scary clowns and as much as I love you, seeing you like this gives me the heebie-jeebies” he complains, barely able to look at your painted face.
“Fine, fine! Give me a second and I’ll take it all off. How about you start the popcorns for our movie night?” you propose as you get back into the bedroom searching for your make-up wipes.
“Are we still watching a horror movie?” he asks in an anxious tone, probably hoping for a negative answer.
“Yup” you respond without hesitation.
“Really? Even after you almost kill me, do you have to make me suffer?”
“Hoseok, stop exaggerating. And you promised we could watch at least one scary movie tonight; you know they are my favorites! And it’s Halloween, for God’s sake!”
“If only God had anything to do with this day, it would probably be less scary…” you hear him mumble as he walks back down the hallway.
“You say that because you never read the Bible! It’s full of scary shit!” you yell back, laughing to yourself as he dismisses you in a resigned voice.
Removing your make-up, you end up with a clean face and decide to keep it that way. You walk into the open-concept living room, with an open view to the kitchen where he was putting the popcorn in the microwave. Feeling just a bit apologetic for scaring him like that, even though you were sure the memory would cause you to giggle in the near future, you walk silently towards him and throw your arms around his middle as you hug him from the back. He startles for just a moment, before his arms quickly cover yours and he relaxes into you.
“I’m sorry I scared you, Hobi. I’ll try and discipline myself for the next Halloween” you promise with your chubby cheek pressed against his back.
“It’s okay, sweet cheeks” he assures, spinning around so he can have a look at your cute face. “Oh, my bare face girlfriend is so incredibly cute!”
He smiles and leans down to kiss both of your cheeks, his hands circling the top of your neck, fingers brushing the skin behind your ears. You can’t help but return the smile, always incredibly contented when he reacted like this even when you weren’t wearing any make-up. For someone that spent so much time in that world, with all beautiful woman looking so amazing all the time, it meant a lot to you.
“You’re just trying to distract me so we won’t see the movie, aren’t you?” you joke, a breathy chortle leaving your smiling lips.
Your eyes watch first with amusement and then with incredulity as Hoseok’s expression lights up at such a concept, a smirk taking over those well-defined wide lips that end up attaching themselves to the skin of oft your jaw line.
“That’s not a bad idea. Pretty sure I could do that” he declares with confidence, hands starting to wonder from your neck to your squishy waist, pulling you closer as he kept pecking at you neck.
“I was kidding, Hobi” you inform, rolling your eyes at him but at the same time fighting the tingles his mouth was leaving just below the surface of your skin.
“But I’m not. And without the scary make-up from before, I have to say you look very sexy for a Halloween costume.”
“Th-Thanks” you manage to say, your heart starting to speed up once his hands brushed your sides and explored your back, lips pressed against the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Fortunately, the beep of the microwave brought you back to reality. “C’mon, the popcorn is ready”.
You manage to sneak past his arms and get to the microwave, taking the popcorn out to a bowl and speed-running to the couch, with a pouting Hoseok right behind you.
“What are we watching anyway? It better not involve murderous clowns, Y/N!” he warns, with anxious uncertainty that makes his voice a bit higher than usual.
He seats next to you on the couch, two arms sprayed wide across the back and crossing legs, foot twitching with anticipation. You turn to him with an excited smile, turning on the TV with the movie already set to play.
“Don’t worry, darling. Today, we’re going back to the classics! Nothing too bad, you’ll see.”
And it wasn’t, not for you. In fact, you almost knew all the scenes by heart, always perfectly aware of what was about to happen next. As for your boyfriend, well, he jumped and screamed at every little jumpscare and even a few non-jumpscary scenes that just changed the camera too quickly or increased the volume too much.
You would think it would be annoying for someone like you to watch the movie with someone like Hoseok, but it was honestly so fun. It had been so long since you saw anyone getting truly scared of such an old movie and his reactions were priceless. You wanted to watch every single scary movie ever made with him by your side, even if it meant you would spend more time looking at him and hearing his whimpers and screams rather than the film itself.
“Is it over? It’s over, right? It’s over?” he asks with a pillow in front of his face as the last character gets killed on screen and you know the movie is about ten minutes to the end.
“Yes, it’s over, you can watch now” you reassure him, shaking your head and laughing for yourself.
The doorbell rings and Hoseok yelps in the couch at the sudden sound.
“Calm down, Hobi! It must be the kids trick-or-treating” you guess and, opening the door, you find you were right.
You hand out some of the candy you had bought for today and get complimented on your outfit. It might have been with the hopes of getting some extra candy, but you like to think the kids were thrilled to have a ‘jesterina’ giving them out candy. By the time you look back at the television, the credits were already scrolling and Hoseok was laying down on the couch. You take off the wig you had been wearing, sighing with relief as you set your hair free, and join him.
“I think those will be the only guests tonight. Didn’t see any other kids out there besides that one group” you share as you come around the sofa and manage to sit your bountiful butt at the edge of the seat, against his thighs while you brush his arm carefully. “You okay? It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
“I guess not” he admits, one of his hands coming to land on your leg and he starts picking at the long sock covering it. “I do have to say, seeing you dressed up for Halloween does make me like this day a little better. You look gorgeous in this.”
You smile and lean down to peck at his lips.
“Thank you, darling.”
You were about to straighten back up, but his hands come around your back and keep your chest pressed to his, faces mere inches away and the look on his eyes changes to a craving one, albeit with a hint of playfulness behind them.
“You could try and persuade me to appreciate the day even more” he suggests in a low voice with a smirk, leaving butterflies kisses around the flushing skin of your face.
“Oh? Is that so?” you exhale in wonder, already giving in and laying comfortably on the couch on top of him, your heavy weight almost entirely on top of him except for how you kept one arm holding you up, and your legs intertwined with his. “Do tell.”
“Better yet, let me show you.”
And with that he takes hold of your mouth, demanding lips tugging at yours and moving with intent, small sparks of electricity prickly at your brain as you respond. You could taste the popcorn and the soda he had been drinking as your mouths smacked together, his hands on your back and your ass keeping you close to him while you gripped his bicep with your free hand.
Soon his tongue darts out to taste your lips and reexamine every crevice of your mouth, as if it had never done so before, curling around yours in a breathtaking encounter. His kisses are hungry and demanding, stealing any coherent thought from your brain and instigating the most naturally needy sounds you had ever made.
Blood is rushing through your veins at a dizzying speed and you can feel a frustrating tug at the pit of your stomach. His hands move to encapsule the most they could of your plentiful rump, under the tule but over the romper, kneading at the flesh there as if it was play-doh. And then he raises his leg and guides your hips just right to make you grind on his thigh while he kisses you and a throaty moan leaves your lips.
“Hoseok, you know what that does to me” you complain with your eyes close, leaning back up.
“Yeah, I do” he says, and then he does it again, flexing his covered leg and making you grind on it.
You moan and a shudder rushes through you again, your core burning with need and the thigh in between your legs giving just the amount of relief that had you craving for so much more. Even with all of the clothes still in between, you could feel yourself growing slicker by the second.
“Get up and take the costume off, sweet cheeks” he asks in almost an order, retrieving his leg from yours. You get up from the couch to do so, starting with the tule and then going for the socks before he stopped you. “Leave the socks. I kind of like them on you.”
“Fine. And you can keep the pants, but I want your hoodie off” you retaliate, searching for the zipper on your romper.
“As you wish” he is more than happy to comply.
Once you are only in your underwear and socks, Hoseok still in his pants but his muscular torso displayed for your sight, he sits on the couch upright and pulls you in by the waist. He kisses your fluffy stomach and squeezes at your love handles, then at your ass and thighs. Your hands explore the naked skin of his strong arms and the expanse of his shoulders while he does so, your body growing with heat from within at each of his ministrations.
Slowly, his thumbs hook at the sides of your panties and pull them down your thick legs, kisses lowering down to the sides of your dimpled legs and upper thighs, contributing for the mess between them.
“Come here, baby” he calls, lying back down on the couch.
You nod and are about to lay on top of him again, facing him, when he shakes his head and grabs you, making you turn around and before you know it, he is trying to make you sit on his face while you face his lower body. Your heart flips with nervousness and you try to pull away, unsure of yourself.
“Hoseok, I don’t know if-”
But he doesn’t let you get away. He encircles your legs with his arms and pulls himself up just enough to reach your hoovering core, mouth open and taking one big lick in between your puffy lips. You wail and lose strength on your legs, making it easy for him to lay back down with his face still secured between your thighs. His tongue dips back into your slick slit, making zig-zag lines on the velvet skin and circles around your trembling entrance, making you absolutely out of your mind.
Your chest is laying down over his abdominals, his crotch right at the level of your face and you eye the tall tent forming inside his pants. Your mouth waters and you still have enough brainpower to manage to pull them down, releasing his beautiful long and thick cock. Almost as if per instinct, your right hand encircles his girth and he grunts into your pussy, the vibrations sending shock waves of pleasure up your body. You moan and your hand stars pumping him, increasing the tightness and speed as he got harder and harder in your hands, tip flushed red and twitching. That is when you take him into your mouth, your hand still at his base but englobing the rest of his length between your lips.
You can’t be sure of what he says, since his lips are still very much attached to your juicy pussy, but you are fairly certain he curses when you start sucking him off, bopping your head up and down, letting your tongue press against his shaft inside your warm mouth, fighting to breathe when his tip reached so deep inside your throat you almost gagged.
Pleasuring him only seemed to provoke him even further, and now Hoseok has found your fleshy little pearl at the top of your labia and uses his hands to open your cunt even further by pushing your ass cheeks apart, exposing your clit for his tongue’s torture.
You have to release his cock to scream, the pleasure so intense your hips start shaking, a wet string still binding your lips to his dick. Your hand starts pumping him as you try to regain your breath, the saliva providing decent lubrification.
You had every intention of resuming your work with your mouth, but Hoseok decides to had one of his fingers into the mixture, keeping his tongue busy with your clit while his ring finger fucked at your little hole from behind like there was no tomorrow. You couldn’t take it, it was all the right stimulation to push you over the edge and the knot in your womb came undone fast, your pussy clinging to his finger and your hips shaking against his face as you orgasmed.
“Ah..! Ahhh!!... Hoseok!... Hoseok…” you screamed and then sighed his name as you came, your forehead falling to his stomach as he kept his mouth on you until he felt you were done.
“Was that good for you, love?” he has the audacity to ask, as if you weren’t fighting for air as he spoke.
“Y-yeah…” you still respond, brain too mushy to come up with more than that.
“Good, because that was fucking awesome for me too. Ready to continue?” He bites and then kisses at the back of your thigh, hands brushing the skin lovingly.
His hand joins the one you still had absent-mindedly around his shaft, tightening your fist and making it move up and down his still very much erect member.
“Ride me, love?” he asks, with a sweet tone of voice you always had trouble saying no to. “Please?”
Regaining control over your body, you nod and rearrange yourself, standing up just to turn around to face him and then straddle his waist. One look at his face and you lick your lips, seeing his flushed cheeks, dark eyes and the remains of your pleasure staining all around his mouth renewing your lustful desire. You wanted to pleasure him too, make him crumble underneath you, have his face scrunch up in the most beautiful of ways as he achieved his relief.
First, you just grind on him. Your already slippery cunt moving with ease atop his cock, trapping him in between his lower abdominals and your body. Hoseok groaned with frustration and grasped your upper legs with an almost violent force, but did nothing else to stop you from continuing your agonizing cares.
You started slow, taking him into your hand and aligning him correctly, taking just the tip first and then, very gradually, sinking down on him completely. Oh, the way he nestled just right inside of you had you already pulsing hard and he could feel it, much to his frustration. You rest your hands across his torso, letting your fingers brush his tense muscles with delight and even playing with his nipples for a few moments.
The pace goes soft and tender as you pull yourself up only to descend back down on him, enjoying the feeling of him hitting you deep inside your craving tunnel, the way his cock brushed your eager inner walls, all the pleasure it brought. The tightness inside your gut was back full-force, strong tugs at the renewed knot keeping you together as you kept moving.
Hoseok moaned and grunted as he watched you bouncing up and down on him, the way your body jiggled and the ripples of your flesh at each descent only intensifying the fire threatening to consume him from his groin to the ends of his body. You looked the most beautiful to him like this, riding him as you chased your own pleasure, using him to reach that sweet relief. He had to control himself tremendously to keep himself from reaching his end before you.
As much as you enjoyed taking your time, it was difficult when he felt this good, filled you up so deliciously, looked this hot under you. Before you know it, your hips are snapping faster, quicker, his head kissing at your cervix and smashing against a sensitive spot that electrifies every cell of your body. Your own moans and hisses join his grunts and fill the air alongside the erotic sound of skin slapping together.
The strength of your arms fails you and you lean down on him, hiding your head on his neck. You don’t even realize that he is now moving his hips, thrusting upwards to your inviting cunt with unmeasurable speed as he holds on to you for dear life. He is whispering you name over and over again against your ear but you can’t even hear him with the white noise and the blood rushing through your veins.
The knot holding you together breaks in the midst of his deep plunges, cascading waves of pleasure coming down on you while you moan loud, your inner walls convulsing around his length, fluttering with orgasmic relief. Hoseok feels your throbbing walls sucking him in and is like a match had been lit in his flammable gut, abdomen contracting and leading to him emptying himself inside of you, white spurts of cum painting your walls.
You can’t help but let your full weight fall down on him, your muscles refusing to work for quite a while after your climax. Your head stays glued to his chest and you smile as you feel his ribcage moving up and down as he tries to catch his breath, heart hammering inside. You wonder if he can feel yours too, beating at a similar speed.
“I’ll… I’ll watch two scary movies next year if… if we can do this again” he declares, still short of breath but already peppy enough to tease.
You laugh and force yourself to look up at him from his chest, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Are you telling me you really wanna wait a full year before we do this again?”
“No fucking chance” he immediately states, grabbing your face and pulling in for a sweet loving kiss.
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awkward-gay-bro · 4 years
Candy Apple
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Kevin was your average run of the mill guy, he was on his school’s wrestling team, did ROTC, son of a sheriff and a soldier. He had all the makings to be a golden boy, but that title always went to someone else. Archie Andrews. Kevin had to constantly listen to his best friend dole on and on about Archie. He was the main subject of every single conversation. And Kevin’s own relationship with Archie was… complicated. As a young gay man Kevin couldn’t tell if he wanted Archie, or if he wanted to be Archie. 
Kevin was in great shape, a real man’s man, sure he may like the odd musical, but it’s 2020, guys can be evolved now. Even so, Archie always treated him like he was one of the girls. And this Halloween, Kevin was going to turn the tables on Archie. He’d hard some rumours about the strange happenings in the next town over. It sounded like bullshit at first, but the deeper Kevin dug the more truth he found in the stories. After a long time of searching, he finally found something, or should he say, someone who could help him on his quest. So just in time for Halloween, Kevin was on his way to Greendale. 
“I don’t know how you found out about me, and I don’t really care. I’m not going to…” Sabrina said before she was interrupted.
“I don’t plan on telling anyone about you. I just need your help,” Kevin pleaded. He began to paint his tale of woe, exaggerating quite a bit to really add emphasis to why he needed her help. And though she seemed apprehensive at first, she really latched on to his feelings of otherness and not being able to fit in with any group at his school. Sabrina herself was stuck between two worlds, never feeling like she could really be a part of either, and that’s exactly what this kid was saying. This Archie guy she was hearing about definitely sounded like he could use a little bit of a reality check. 
“What are you looking to do?” Sabrina asked, genuinely. 
“I want Archie to feel the way he’s made me feel. Like he’s not enough of a man.”
“I think I have just the thing. My Aunt Hilda has a fun little speciality in food magic, and her Candy Apple might be just what you are looking for,” Sabrina said as she pulled a purple apple from her fridge. “As he takes a bite, just focus on the change you are looking for and watch it come to fruition.”
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Archie was surprised Kevin wanted to hang out one on one, usually he just hung out with Betty or Veronica. Archie thought to himself that he’d also rather be hanging out with Betty or Veronica, but probably in a different way. As they sat in Kevin’s backyard they chatted for a while, talking  about sports, catching up on the latest going ons in each other’s lives, what they were dressing up as for the costume party tonight. The conversation was getting stale, when Kevin pulled out something out from his backpack.
“Dude, you have to try this Candy Apple I got. It’s orgasmic,” Kevin said, as he held the apple out to Archie.
“I think I’m good, that’s all empty carbs at this point man,” Archie responded, pushing it away. 
“Oh no, I totally get it. But you should take one bite, I don’t mind sharing. One bit won’t kill you, but I promise it will be life changing,” Kevin said rather persistently. 
“That good, eh? Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Archie grabbed the Candy Apple out of his friend’s hand and took a bite. It was the best tasting desert he’d ever had, he couldn’t believe it was just a simple apple and some sugar. It tasted like pure bliss. “Oh my God, man, that’s amazing. Where’d you get it?”
Staring intently at Archie, looking lost in thought, Kevin only managed to get out a quiet, “Greendale.”
“Woah, I’m feeling dizzy. Something doesn’t feel right, man,” Archie said as he grabbed onto his head. 
“Oh are you okay? Here let’s go inside and I’ll grab you some water,” Kevin replied, feigning ignorance as he lifted his friend to his feet. Kevin walked Archie inside with his arm around his waist, fantasizing about how much better that was going to feel in a few minutes. He sat him down on the couch and walked away to grab him a glass of water. 
Archie felt himself sink deeper and deeper into the couch as his body felt like it was compressing in on itself. “Was that apple laced with Jingle Jangle?” he thought to himself. It felt like a fire was spreading throughout his body, as all the hair on his body burned away. For a moment he felt like the whole room around him had grown, until he started to lift up higher in his seat as his hips widened slightly and his butt erupted in mass. The rest of his body had shrunken into nothing, but his rear end was more than making up for that, so much so he might be taller sitting down. As it finally finished growing the button from his jeans popped clear off and his boxer briefs were left in tatters. 
When he saw Kevin walk back into the room in a stunning blue suit he lost track of everything that was going on with his body. He’d never noticed how nicely Kevin filled out his clothes, and he couldn’t understand how it had never crossed his mind. This man was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and he wanted nothing more than to pounce on him right then and there. As he stood to his feet his jeans fell straight to his feet. His wife beater would have been a dress on him had his shelf like ass not stopped it. His shredded underwear may have stayed up had they been left intact, but with his current wardrobe malfunction his once proud meat was now clearly on display. His tiny pecker was hard as a rock staring at the real man in front of him. 
“Damn it, I missed the show. Sabrina wasn’t lying we she said it was fast acting. But now I doubt your costume is going to fit tonight. Lucky for you my step sister left behind some of her Pussycat outfits. I think that will fit just perfect with your new look.”
Archie wasn’t paying much attention to what the man was saying, but he whimpered softly when he left the room. Luckily the other man returned quickly, with something cheetah print in his hands. “Put this on for me Archie, I wanna see how it looks,” Kevin said. Archie quickly obliged, stripping his clothes right then and there. He would do what ever this man said. 
Standing in front of a mirror, held in the arms of his new found love, Archie was finally able to take in the full sight of his new appearance. A part of him was screaming that this wasn’t right, that this wasn’t okay. But that voice was drowned out with the warmth and comfort he felt of a real man’s embrace. The rest of the world seemed to fade to nothing, all that Archie could see was him and his man. 
“God, you look so good. I can’t wait to get to the costume party and show off my new trophy. With all the girls fighting over you, I think everyone will be surprised to see who you ended up with.”
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lilfellasblog · 4 years
Truly *Nothing* Is Spookier Than Self-Care
Summary: Janus absolutely despises being accepted by Thomas and the Light Sides. He can’t help but notice how they very much do not put themselves first. He decides to change that.
A/N: If you liked this, please reblog. It is the only way to help this fic reach a wider audience. This story comes from this ask by @foreverfangirlingalways! Thank you so much for the inspiration and the wonderful prompt! I hope I did it justice!
TW: very light angst, like almost no angst. Small amounts of stress and mild flailing to adapt when the plan doesn't go perfectly.
Word count: 2648
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Although Janus was grateful to be accepted by his Host, an aspect of such that he absolutely loved was seeing just how dysfunctional the Light Sides were in their self-care. They certainly had a great deal of work to do, but they held themselves to such high standards, they seemed to constantly move around every waking moment. Janus had been attempting to get the Light Sides more focused on taking care of themselves throughout the day, but the key word here is attempting. They’d thank him for his suggestion and promise they’d do it later.
Janus wondered why he was the one stuck with Deceit as a name.
It was now time for more drastic measures that he hoped wouldn’t land him with a giant frog again. He knew he’d have to go one at a time if he wanted any chance of success, so he decided to target each Side according to the level of concern he had for them. Naturally, this meant Roman would be his first vict- *cough* recipient.
He found Roman precisely where he’d expect him: inside his en suite gym, hair damp with perspiration.
“In the gym again? Don’t you have anything else to do with your spare time?” Janus asked innocently.
Roman started and placed the weight he’d been lifting on the ground. “Greetings Janus! And I do, there’s just always room for improvement!”
Hm, direct won’t work with him in this. Interesting. “I was wondering if you might help me with a sewing project, although I see you’re busy.”
Roman grabbed a nearby towel to wipe his face. “I’m never too busy to assist a Side in need! What is it you’d like my assistance on?”
Janus hummed. “I was hoping to experiment with a few costume ideas for Halloween. I think a pirate might be suitable for me.”
Roman grinned, excitement beginning to shine in his eyes. “Indeed! Allow me a few minutes to wash up, I’ll join you!” He waved his hand. “You’ll find two sewing stations in my room!” He pranced off to the bathroom without another word.
“Don’t take too long!” Janus called after him, hoping he wouldn’t have to wait much longer than an hour for the prince to get his appearance in order.
He only had to wait a half hour before Roman joined him in the room, hair still slightly damp. Janus internally cheered when Roman didn’t have his ridiculously complicated prince uniform on, instead wearing a red sweater with pumpkins stitched on.
“Roman, would you mind trying on the clothes once I’ve finished them? We have similar body types, although you’re more muscular, and my current outfit is simply a bear to get on and off.”
Roman blinked in surprise. “I… I suppose I could, are you certain you want me to do that?”
“If you wouldn’t mind, yes.”
After another moment of prolonged shock, Roman pulled himself together and struck a pose, exaggerated grin on his face. “Well far be it from a prince to forsake a Side in their hour of need!”
Janus smiled, relieved. “Wonderful.” He summoned his nearly-completed pirate costume: tight black pants, calf-high boots, and a billowy shirt with a deep V-neck. “I’m just about to finish these, would you mind taking a look at the seams on the outside of the leg and in the armpit of the shirt? I want to make sure I’ve pinned those in a way that won’t pull.”
Roman and Janus discussed the different options they had for stitching, and once they’d decided Janus had Roman put in the stitching for the pants while he finished stitching the shirt. Janus was pleased that Roman had decided to go for a more complex stitch; he knew the Side enjoyed getting absorbed in a task, and that he enjoyed sewing. Sure enough, after an hour, he looked over and saw Roman’s irises sparkling in red and gold, tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth. 4 hours later, and they’d both finished.
Janus stretched, watching Roman bounce slightly in his seat from excitement. “Well Roman, we did good work. Would you try these on?”
Roman hesitated, then forced himself to smile, Janus watching him carefully. “Certainly! Are you sure you don’t want to?”
“I am, I’d hate to keep getting in and out of my outfit, especially if changes need to be made.”
Roman inhaled deeply and took the clothes, holding them carefully. “I shall not dilly-dally then! I shall return soon!”
Janus plastered a wide smile on his face. “Wonderful!”
That was another thing, the sheer amount of smiling the Light Sides did and how he found himself going along with it. It made his face hurt at time from the sheer amount of smiling.
Roman emerged, posture stiff and forced but proud. Janus raised both eyebrows.
“Roman, you look wonderful! Stand in front of the mirror, won’t you?”
The prince shuffled over, eyes darting between himself and the ground.
Janus appraised the Side before him, and was relieved he wouldn’t have to lie about a single thing. “Goodness Roman, you like incredible! The skin-tight pants look wonderful on your legs, and the shirt highlights your figure! I must say, I’m quite jealous. I’ve been also considering going as a bard this year, why don’t you just take this costume? I shows off all of your muscles and your broad shoulders especially!”
Roman looked at him, surprised. “Are you certain? You’ve spent so long on this, I couldn’t possibly-”
“I am, I’ll enjoy knowing you’re enjoying something I made. Come now, Thomas is tired, and it’s best to look in the distance to prevent eye strain. Would you like to watch some Disney movies?”
Roman frowned and looked back towards where his en suite gym was. “I really should be getting back to a workout…”
“Nonsense, you’ve been working out so much, and you’ve been working hard in other areas. You’ll be more productive after some rest.”
Janus let out a breath when Roman shrugged and summoned a large television. He got some beanbags and snacks for them, and Janus watched as Roman slowly relaxed and got engrossed in the movies, eagerly agreeing to watch one after the other. Once dinner rolled around, Janus suggested a famILY movie night, which got Patton on board, which meant everyone would attend. Roman had changed back into his pumpkin sweater, and Janus was the last one awake, pleased to see the other Sides asleep, surrounded by snacks and illuminated by the glow of the television. He sank out to his room, and planned his next intervention.
Janus waited a week so as to not draw any suspicion to himself, and found Patton in the kitchen. He was typing furiously on a tablet, Thomas currently working through whether or not he should use his celebrity status to get ahead in line so he could get back to editing a new video faster so he could get that out to his fans so he could-
He pulled his mind back from Patton’s, reeling slightly.
You need this more than I thought.
Janus backed up a bit, then walked more heavily to announce his presence to Patton. Patton looked up at him happily.
“Heya Janus! What can I do ya for?”
Janus smiled easily, the cheerful Side great at lifting moods. “I see you’re in the middle of something, but once you get a moment, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind helping me bake something? It’s a skill I’d like to acquire.”
Patton lit up. “Well sure!! Give me just a few minutes and I’ll be right with you!”
Janus set a tea kettle to boil and put a mint tea bag in Patton’s mug and a black tea bag in his own. Just as Patton sighed and set the tablet on the table, the kettle went off and Janus poured the water before Patton could do it. He didn’t miss how Patton rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck.
He gently set the mug of tea in front of Patton. Patton lifted and smelled it, closing his eyes.
“Mmmmmm, mint, my favorite!”
“Oh really? Lucky guess, I suppose.”
Patton looked up at him knowingly. “You’re good at guessing,” he teased.
“Thank you for noticing. I’ve noticed that Thomas’ Sides have been quite busy lately. Do you think a chocolate beet cake would go over well?”
“Do I?!” Patton asked, eyes shining and the edges of his irises glowing light blue.
Patton donned plastic gloves and got to work peeling and grating the beets, while Janus combined the wet and dry ingredients in separate bowls. He asked Patton for reassurance on occasion, despite being confident in his abilities. He let Patton take over once it was time to combine everything and put it in the oven.
Patton tapped his finger against his chin. “Hmmmmm… what kind of frosting should we do? I’m thinking either buttercream or ganache, what do you think?”
Janus shrugged. “Why not just store-bought frosting? It seems easier.”
Patton looked at him incredulously. “For a beet cake?! Oh no, we may as well make something while it’s baking!”
Shitshitshitshitshitshit- Janus frantically thought back to the brief research he’d done on cakes.
“How about ganache? I’ve always been intrigued about that.”
“Sure!” Patton chirped. Janus let out a breath as Patton bounded over to the fridge to grab heavy cream. Patton showed Janus how to make ganache, and Janus was surprised and relieved at how simple it was.
As the cake cooked and the ganache cooled, Janus and Patton chatted amicably, Janus asking questions about something Patton would bring up and watching Patton’s eyes become bluer and bluer as he kept talking. The oven pinged, and Janus convinced Patton that a game of cards was in order while they let the cake cool. One game led to five, and by then it was time to gently reheat the ganache and pour it over the cake.
Patton jumped when he realized the time. “Oh gosh!! I’m so sorry, I don’t have dinner planned! I can-”
“Don’t worry about it Patton,” Janus interrupted. “I actually have a recipe I’ve been meaning to try out if you don’t mind relinquishing the kitchen?”
Patton smiled nervously. “Do you want any help?”
I might have to adjust my plan. “No, but I would like some pleasant company. You’re on your feet so much, it’s good to soak them.” He summoned a bucket filled with warm water and a bag of lavender-scented epsom salts. “I won’t be long.”
Patton poured some of the epsom salts into the bucket of water and groaned and whimpered at the relaxing sensation on his feet. Janus turned and allowed himself a small smile, then cooked up some 4-ingredient Italian chicken breasts from a recipe he’d found online, along with some roasted veggies and some pasta aglio e olio on the side. He set the table when Patton had his eyes closed in pleasure, then got everything served and helped Patton massage and dry his feet.
After dinner, in which everyone complimented the cooking, Patton declared he would go to bed a little early tonight, so Janus sent him upstairs with some chamomile tea. He cleaned the kitchen, and felt rather accomplished.
Roman and Patton are taken care of, thank God. He chuckled to himself. Up next, two for the price of one!
Janus stood in front of Logan’s closed door, holding a pencil and large pad of paper, uncharacteristically nervous.
I’ve been able to fool Roman and Patton, but Logan is smart. He may see through this.
He knocked on the door, uncertain of his success.
Logan answered the door, every hair and fiber of clothing in order. “Hello Janus.”
Oh dear Lord in Heaven, this man needs to relax. Janus put on his best smile. “Hello Logan. I’ve become rather fascinated with the constellation Serpens and was wondering if you’d help me chart it and some stars and constellations around it? I’m afraid this is out of my area of expertise and I know this happens to be a field you’re familiar with.”
Logan looked at him skeptically. “You want to chart the stars with me,” he deadpanned. “You have no ulterior motives?”
“None whatsoever,” Janus said.
Logan looked over Janus’ shoulder at the wall, upset.
He knows you lied, salvage this! Janus sighed, pushing it a little. “Truth be told, Logan, I would like to get to know you more, and although I truly am interested in learning more about the constellation of the snake, spending time with you was my ultimate goal.”
Logan looked surprised, a faint blush on his cheekbones. “Oh. I suppose… that would be satisfactory.”
Janus leaned on all of his acting abilities to look relaxed. “Excellent. Would your room suffice?”
“It would.”
Janus laid his pad of paper and pencil on the floor where Logan indicated, and timed his next move while Logan was looking over his books.
“Say, Logan, you and Virgil seem to enjoy each other’s company, shall we ask him to join us?”
Logan stopped flipping through the thick tome currently in his hand long enough to raise his arm in a summon. Virgil rose up and grabbed his head.
“God L, how are you guys not constantly dizzy?” Virgil jumped when he saw Janus. “Oh! Hey, what’s up guys?” Janus made sure to hide his endearment for the anxious Side when he saw Virgil cringe
“Janus would like assistance mapping the constellation Serpens and the surrounding night sky. He suggested you accompany us,” Logan explained without raising his eyes from his book.
Virgil looked between Janus and Logan. “Just like… hang out?”
Janus decided to step in. “Yes. I noticed you seem to enjoy the company of others, but aren’t always interested in participating.”
Virgil offered a soft smile. “Yeah, I guess… that’s chill. Mind if I just listen to music and stuff?”
“Not at all,” Janus and Logan said at the same time.
Virgil snorted, then flopped on the bed, put in an earbud, and started up his phone.
One down, one to go.
Logan sat in front of Janus, irises already dark blue.
Two down, it seems.
Janus listened intently as Logan spoke at length about Serpens, and then about related constellations, and then about related galaxies and stars, with Janus asking questions along the way. They charted out Serpens and filled the large piece of paper with other stars and constellations, and even Virgil would chime in every now and again.
Janus definitely didn’t almost get emotional when he saw how relaxed the two normally-tense Sides were.
When Patton knocked on Logan’s door for dinner, Virgil swore.
“Shit! Did I miss something? Did Thomas need me?! Fuck, I-”
“Relax, Virgil,” Janus soothed. “I kept an eye on things, Thomas is just fine. See for yourself.”
Virgil’s eyes grew distant for several long moments before refocused. He blew out a breath.
“Okay, whew,” he sent a grateful look towards Janus. “Thanks man.”
Janus waved. “Not a problem. Let’s not keep Patton waiting.”
Janus followed the two Sides downstairs, feeling victorious at how relaxed their shoulders were. Virgil was even walking with proper posture!
Dinner was a relaxed affair, the Sides content and laughing easily. Remus was chattering on about one thing one moment and another the next, with Logan offering feedback and Virgil changing the topic for Patton’s sake. Janus ate, not admitting how nice it felt to be included in famILY mealtime. It took him til nearly the end of dinner to realize no one was watching him out of the corner of their eye.
They trust me, he realized.
By the end of the night, he stretched out on his bed, pulling his heated blanket up to his neck.
What a waste of time. Totally not worth it, he thought to himself as he planned his next meeting with Roman.
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nickydestati · 4 years
duolingo tog prompts #7
this was taken from the story module ‘saturday night’ and i got really carried away so it is a solid 1.8k, you have been warned
prompt: saturday night (sabato sera)
joe’s heart never fails to go batshit insane as soon as he lays eyes on nicky. you would think that after three years of friendship and one year of seeing each other almost every day, one would get used to the sight of another person, of a friend. turns out that isn’t necessarily the case.
but it’s this ridiculously exaggerated reaction of his heart that tells him nicky isn’t only a friend. or that he at least wishes he isn’t. of course, nile is very ardent about pointing it out to him whenever the occasion arises as well.
it seems nile and his heart have finally gotten through to him, though, because when he walks past one of the posters for a concert that litter the campus walls lately, he stops and reads it. it’s a stylish poster, simple and elegant, the work of someone who knows what they’re doing. a white double-sided axe stands against a black background, beneath it is written: ‘the old guard’ along with the venue, date and other details. he remembers nile saying something about it being a perfect date opportunity.
joe takes a picture and when he gets back to his dorm room, he buys two tickets before he can change his mind. it’s only when he has the order confirmation that he thinks he maybe should’ve checked if the band is any good. he shrugs, even if it happens to be the worst band in existence, at least they’ll have something to laugh about afterwards.
he meets nicky the next day for lunch, like they meet every day, and his heart practically leaps out of his chest when nicky smiles and waves at him. they talk about classes and work while they eat. or rather, nicky talks and joe nervously picks at his food thinking he should ask now. no, now. come on, now. why is it so hard? he has asked nicky to go do something a thousand times before.
“-and then the raccoon jumped through the window in a superhero costume and ate my assignment.”
joe looks up with a frown. “raccoon?”
nicky snorts. “there you are. what’s on your mind?”
joe looks away, pursing his lips. okay, now. “a date.”
nicky’s fork falls in his plate and he fumbles to pick it up again, not meeting joe’s eyes. “a date?” he clears his throat. “i didn’t know you had a date.”
“well no, not yet. i mean a date as in a… as in a you-and-me-date.” what is happening to him? usually he’s so good with words. 
nicky looks at him in confusion. “a you-and-me-hang-out-as-we-always-do-date?”
“no,” joe says slowly, really wishing the firealarm would go off or something so they could both flee for their lives. “kind of a you-and-me-date-date. there’s a band playing this saturday and i thought it might be, you know, fun to go,” he quickly continues before nicky can speak. “they’re called the old guard and i’ve already bought tickets so it would be kind of a shame to waste them.”
“this saturday? i’m afraid i already have plans, i’m so sorry.”
“oh,” joe says very eloquently. “oh, yeah, no sure.”
“i planned on working for my thesis this weekend,” nicky explains with a very apologetic look on his face that makes it somehow even worse. “i’m behind on my schedule, you know.”
“no of course, that’s alright. school’s more important.” joe stuffs rice in his mouth so the disappointment won’t show on his face. nicky could’ve just told him he didn’t want to go on a date with him, they’ve always been honest with each other. and joe had really thought... hoped... stupid, stupid.
“i’m sorry, i gotta go to class now. see you tomorrow?” nicky is already getting up. probably desperate to get away.
joe squeezes out a smile. it hurts his cheeks. “see you tomorrow.”
“i’ve heard they’re really good, thanks for taking me,” nile says excitedly as they enter the venue. it’s already pretty crowded so they stand almost all the way to the back.
“of course,” joe says.
nile must’ve noticed the lingering sadness in his voice, though, because she says, “hey, i’m sure he really had planned to work on his thesis. you know how he gets when a deadline is drawing near.”
“yeah, you’re probably right,” joe says with a shrug and tries to forget the fact he has barely seen nicky since their fatal lunch.
they talk of other things until the lights in the audience dim and the spots on stage turn on. the crowd cheers wildly as the band members enter the stage, and joe is surprised to discover they are friends of his. andy takes place behind the drum, quynh picks up a shining red guitar and booker a dark green bass guitar. 
“hm, i didn’t know they had a band,” he mutters to nile. though he faintly recalls them talking about rehearsals.
then the singer comes on stage and joe’s heart stops working altogether. he’s standing a far way off, but he would recognise those broad shoulders anywhere, that step as he walks to the mic, that brown hair. 
“is that nicky?” he yells over the crowd and turns to nile to find her actually laughing. “you knew?”
nile has a mischievous and very pleased twinkle in her eyes. “i designed their poster.”
joe wants to ask more but andy ticks off and the band starts playing. and when nicky starts singing joe forgets every language in existence and his poor, just revived heart goes right back into cardiac arrest. he knows nicky can sing, from secretly overhearing him humming to himself as he cleans or cooks, sometimes even coaxing a chorus from him when he plays one of nicky’s favourite songs on the piano, but he never knew he could sing like that. his voice is rougher than joe expected, and so full of conviction and emotion. 
“this can’t be true,” he mutters to himself after listening absolutely paralysed to several songs. he starts elbowing his way to the front of the crowd, barely noticing nile hastily following him.
somehow, he manages to reach the edge of the stage and stands there like a still statue in the sea of dancing bodies. they are throwing him strange looks, but he has only eye for one person. nicky, singing his soul out on stage with closed eyes and furrowed brow, moving along with the music and andy’s steady beat. he looks more handsome than joe has ever seen him, with his earrings and his hair falling in his eyes and is that eyeliner he’s wearing? 
then nicky opens his eyes, and they immediately find joe, as if he knew he’s standing right there. and he smiles. the bastard smiles at joe. and god, if joe didn’t already know he was hopelessly in love with nicky, then he surely does now.
the music falls back into something calmer, and quynh trades her electric guitar for an acoustic one. nicky’s voice is so heartfelt and vulnerable, joe closes his eyes for a moment, absentmindedly swaying to the melody. 
halfway through the song, nicky steps away from the mic stand. 
“and if you’d ask me to
I’d spend all my eternities with you”
as he sings this, he kneels right in front of joe and reaches out his hand. and joe stares at it and up at nicky’s eyes and back again as if he’s never seen a hand before. nile elbows him softly in the side and nicky smiles encouragingly at him as he repeats the verses. joe’s hand is trembling as he takes nicky’s, and he blinks to try and clear his suddenly blurred vision. he barely registers the crowd’s cheers as their hands meet, his whole world narrows down to their touch and the man singing before him. for him. 
in the guitar solo that follows, nicky leans forward and presses his lips to the back of joe’s hand and all joe can do is hold on for dear life and smile and laugh through escaping tears. after a last squeeze, nicky releases him with a smile. and in the smile, joe catches a glimpse of the quiet and shy man nicky is behind the stage, the nicky he knows so well and has come to love with all his heart. 
the rest of the concert goes by in a blissful haze with dancing and singing and yelling at the top of his lungs. 
afterwards, nicky finds joe and nile in the bar of the venue. he’s back in his usual simple shirt and jeans outfit and has removed the eyeliner. by the timid way he approaches, nobody would ever guess what a performance he gave mere moments ago. 
“i’ll go get some new drinks,” nile says and slips away, smiling and complimenting nicky on her way.
nicky and joe stand in awkward silence for a minute, nicky shifting on his feet, barely daring to meet joe’s eyes and joe observing him with a soft smile. 
“working on your thesis, huh?”
nicky chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“why didn’t you just tell me?” joe continues.
nicky swallows. “i think i was scared. of what you would think and that you wouldn’t like it. and i’m not that good of a singer so i was-”
“please tell me you don’t honestly think that,” joe interrupts and takes a step closer. “you were fantastic up there, nicky, absolutely phenomenal.”
nicky glances at joe with that slight smile of his that makes joe’s heart skip a beat every time.
“thank you,” nicky says. “but i’m really sorry, i should have told you. when you asked me to go out, i panicked completely and made such a fool of myself.” 
the most endearing embarrassed smile crosses his lips as he rubs his cheek with his hand, so you really can’t blame joe that he takes another step closer and takes that hand in his, bringing it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the knuckles.
nicky stares at him with wide eyes.
“so does that mean you do want to go out with me?” joe asks, playfully raising one eyebrow. 
and the smile that breaks out on nicky’s face is more brilliant than all the spotlights centered on him this evening combined. “yes,” he says, “i would want nothing more.”
what joe wants nothing more is to kiss nicky right then and there, and he probably would have, if nile and the rest of the old guard didn’t appear behind nicky. 
“thank god, he knows,” andy says, clapping nicky on the back. “can we now finally ask him to be our pianist?”
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queenaryastark · 4 years
I don’t understand the obsession with basing Arya’s value and importance on whether she likes dresses or not. It’s brought up, often at random, to simplify the character and to “prove” that she’s not able have love or hold a leadership position or do anything other than commit violence. None of these things are dependent on her wearing a dress or not wearing a dress. 
That said, Arya is not a one-dimensional character, but a fully fleshed out, nuanced character that cannot be fit neatly into a type. So many want to put simple labels on the characters like “tomboy” or “girly-girl” and project things onto them based on those labels rather than actually discussing what’s in the books. The novels prove Arya is a lot more complicated than a one-dimensional tomboy stereotype that hates everything the patriarchy has decreed as “girly” on principle. That isn’t how GRRM writes. 
“I don’t wear gowns. You can’t fight in a stupid gown.” – AFFC  
Arya has just escaped an actual warzone and ended up in the care of a death cult. Self-defense is a concern for this traumatized child. And frankly it is difficult to fight in elaborate gowns. Dressing for specific situations is normal. Like wearing leggings, shorts, or sweats when exercising. 
Also, Arya is exaggerating when she says she doesn’t wear gowns since she has them on before and after that statement. In AGOT, she never criticizes dresses. She wears them until she leaves Winterfell to ride south to King’s Landing. While riding south, she wears riding leathers. When she begins training with Syrio, she wears pants. This is about wearing clothing to fit the situation:
Small wonder; she was barefoot and dirty, her hair tangled from the long run through the castle, clad in a jerkin ripped by cat claws and brown roughspun pants hacked off above her scabby knees. You don’t wear skirts and silks when you’re catching cats. – AGOT
When she escapes the Red Keep, she is still wearing the pants she was training in and she gathers the variety of other clothes for practicality  as well: 
Arya recognized silks and satins and velvets she never wore. She might need warm clothes on the kingsroad, though … and besides …
Arya knelt in the dirt among the scattered clothes. She found a heavy woolen cloak, a velvet skirt and a silk tunic and some smallclothes, a dress her mother had embroidered for her, a silver baby bracelet she might sell.- AGOT
Those clothes are all stolen from her while she struggles to survive on the street, so she only has her pants and shirt going forward until she was forced into slavery at Harrenhal, where she is stripped and put into a “scratchy wool shift” or simple dress. After helping the Northerners take Harrenhal, she gets a promotion and a page uniform to match:
In her cell, she stripped to the skin and dressed herself carefully, in two layers of smallclothes, warm stockings, and her cleanest tunic. – ACOK
So she’s probably wearing a pink version of this. She wears that until reaching Acorn Hall where Lady Smallwood puts her in two dresses and a pair of breeches:
And afterward, they insisted she dress herself in girl’s things, brown woolen stockings and a light linen shift, and over that a light green gown with acorns embroidered all over the bodice in brown thread, and more acorns bordering the hem.
Lady Smallwood insisted that Arya take another bath, and cut and comb her hair besides; the dress she put her in this time was sort of lilac-colored, and decorated with little baby pearls. The only good thing about it was that it was so delicate that no one could expect her to ride in it. So the next morning as they broke their fast, Lady Smallwood gave her breeches, belt, and tunic to wear, and a brown doeskin jerkin dotted with iron studs.
“I’m sorry, my lady.” Arya suddenly felt bad for her, and ashamed. “I’m sorry I tore the acorn dress too. It was pretty.” – ASOS 
Arya can’t stay in the acorn dress because she wrestles with Gendry, which gets the dress dirty and torn, further proving that delicate, elaborate clothing isn’t a good choice for physical activity. The delicate lilac dress proves the same thing, which is why she is given more practical clothes.
Her next costume change comes at a brothel where the workers “dressed her up like one of S*nsa’s dolls in linen and lace”.  One of the patrons of the brothels tried to proposition her until Gendry stopped him. This leads back to the reason why Yoren had her pretending to be a boy in the first place, to make it less likely that men would try to rape her. Note that she is never free from threats of rape while she’s wearing pants, since she is threatened repeatedly before this. Wearing pants just makes it a little less likely. She is back in her breeches and tunic after that until she gets a fresh version of that garb in the House of Black and White, which is in turn followed by a new Faceless Man uniform:
Her servant’s garb was taken away, and she was given a robe to wear, a robe of black and white as buttery soft as the old red blanket she’d once had at Winterfell. Beneath it she wore smallclothes of fine white linen, and a black undertunic that hung down past her knees. – AFFC
From there on, she wears clothes to fit her station in the HOBAW or to fit the role she has taken on, which include simple dresses or the equivalent of dresses:
A long iron knife rode on her right hip, hidden by her cloak, a patched and faded thing of the sort an orphan might wear. Her shoes pinched her toes and her tunic was so threadbare that the wind cut right through it. –AFFC
The clothes she wore were rags, faded and fraying, but warm clean rags for all that. Under them she hid three knives—one in a boot, one up a sleeve, one sheathed at the small of her back. – ADWD
An ugly girl should dress in ugly clothing, she decided, so she chose a stained brown cloak fraying at the hem, a musty green tunic smelling of fish, and a pair of heavy boots. Last of all she palmed her finger knife. – ADWD
She shaved, donned her smallclothes, and slipped a shapeless brown wool dress down over her head. …Her boots were lumps of old brown leather mottled with saltstains and cracked from long wear, her belt a length of hempen rope dyed blue. She knotted it about her waist, and hung a knife on her right hip and a coin pouch on her left. Last of all she threw her cloak across her shoulders. It was a real mummer’s cloak, purple wool lined in red silk, with a hood to keep the rain off, and three secret pockets too. She’d hid some coins in one of those, an iron key in another, a blade in the last. A real blade, not a fruit knife like the one on her hip, but it did not belong to Mercy, no more than her other treasures did. –TWOW
The issue with Arya’s aversion to dresses was due to functionality. As an active girl, most dresses don’t work with the activities she enjoys. As she’s training to take on other roles and using clothing in addition to performance to fill those roles, she’s seeing the benefit of other kinds of outfits in different situations. 
I would also argue that dressing her up in pretty clothes makes her uncomfortable due to the pressure she was put under to conform to the patriarchal restrictions put on women. Her sister and septa bullied her for not fitting those restrictions and her mother held out the possibility of being pretty as a carrot or prize she would receive once she obeyed. 
All of that said, it really doesn’t matter if Arya hates dresses, loves them, makes use of them, or is ambivalent toward them. That’s not something that will impact whether she is loved or if she takes on a position of power. She can effectively administrate no matter what she wears and the kind of people she would love, would love her no matter what she wore.
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