#but now that I'm over the initial shock it's not really a big deal
multishipper-baby · 2 years
Okay so. My family just got in a car accident. We're all fine (thankfully) but the car might be wrecked which is... Worrying.
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angel-sweets666 · 3 months
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Puppy love
middle school kirishima x middle school popular! reader
Kirishima, a social outcast who barely anyone knows has a crush on a popular girl. He has barely any chance, right?
warning: a bit of angst mostly fluff also your supposed to be shorter then him in this
Kirishima always admired you, always. Since he started middle school he would watch you from afar and just think about how pretty you were, how adorable you were. But as the months ticked on, you became popular and soon enough you were out of his reach.
kirishimas friends always laughed at him for liking you since you would never date him! Or… so they thought.
You whined and tried to drown out Mina's relentless teasing. "Really? Kirishima? The one with the hardening quirk? Awww, that's so cute!" she exclaimed, hopping around with excitement. Her voice echoed through the hallway, drawing unwanted attention. In a panic, you shot up from your seat and quickly covered her mouth, your eyes darting around to see if Kirishima was nearby. "Shut up!!!" you hissed, your face burning with embarrassment. You could feel Mina's laughter against your hand as she continued to giggle.
You blushed and covered your face, hiding the redness of your cheeks. Mina giggled again “hey! It’s no big deal! He’s tall! And he’s cute!” You pushed her chest “back up!” Your possessiveness over him came out. Mina laughed “your down bad!” She grabbed your shoulders and shook you with with excitement.
You and Mina walked down the halls, you could sense someone staring at you. You turned to see who it was, only to make awkward eye contact with eijiro kirishima! You both blushed and looked away, you could hear the deep laughter of kirishimas friends which made the embarrassment soo much worse. Mina smiled brightly and wrapped her arm around you “one day! He’ll ask you out! I know it!”
if only he’d ask you out…..
Mina stomped over, a grumpy look on her pink face. "Kirishima!" she yelled, trying to get the boy's attention. Kirishima turned to look at her, worry etched on his face. Was he in trouble? What had he done? What if she jumped him?
"I gotta ask you something," she said firmly.
"O-okay…?" he stuttered in response.
"Do you or do you not like name?" she demanded, grabbing his shoulders to prevent him from escaping the question.
"W-w-w-wha? N-no!" he stammered.
"Bullshit," came a voice from behind. Kirishima's friend stepped in. "He's in love with her. I'd say it's puppy love, but he literally adores her every body part. It's kinda creepy," his friend whispered the last part.
"Hey!" Kirishima yelped, his face turning crimson.
"Oh thank God!" Mina sighed in relief, her tense shoulders relaxing.
Kirishima's eyebrows shot up in confusion. "Wha-?"
"Nothing!" Mina blurted, and with that, she turned and ran away.
Now kirishima had a reason to believe that you liked him back, his determination to win you over becoming stronger. One random Tuesday, a hand taps you on the shoulder. You turn to face whosever this was, only to come face to face with kirishima “oh.. hey!” You managed to get out from the initial shock “hey.. Uhm” he stuttered “do.. do you know who I am?” “Eijiro kirishima” you blurted out almost immediately “I mean.. your kirishima? Right?” You tried to fix yourself up, tucking a lock behind your ear. Kirishimas eyebrows raised from the fact you so easily knew his name, most people barely knew him and if they did they were his friends and he only had about 5 friends in the whole school. “Yeah.. I am” he smiled.. he smiled a genuine smile. Showing off his sharp teeth “woah.. your teeth are sharp!” You looked surprised and shuffled closer to him so you could get a good look at his teeth. Kirishimas face turned pink “h-h-h-hey b-bit close there..” he didn’t try to back away however.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" you said, backing away. In the distance, you could see Mina grinning from ear to ear. You then looked back at Kirishima. "So… what can I help you with?" you asked, smiling sweetly and trying to act natural.
"U-uh, t-this… flower… it made me think of you," he stammered, quickly handing you a pink tulip that he had clearly found in the school garden.
"Oh, Kirishima, thank you!" you said, genuinely moved by his gift.
"N-no problem…" he mumbled, standing there awkwardly, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Kirishima inhaled deeply, trying to settle his nerves. When he exhaled, he looked down at you and blurted out, "Gee… you're a bit short." His cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red.
"Hey! That's not fair—you’re just tall!" you whined, crossing your arms in mock anger.
Mina seemed more than pleased with what was unfolding before her eyes. "I-I’m sorry! I-it’s just you are small! It's not a big deal!" Kirishima stammered, trying to comfort you after inadvertently insulting you.
You turned around, facing away from him, pouting in exaggerated anger. Kirishima sighed and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry…"
Your face flushed pink again as you turned to face him. "It's fine… just… don't do it again!" you whined, unable to stay mad at him.
Kirishima chuckled and nodded. "Okay, I won't. Promise."
You blushed again, feeling the warmth of his presence. He seemed so sincere, so kind, and his touch was so warm that it made your heart race.
suddenly the bell interrupted your interaction. You sighed in disappointment “well.. see you later?” Yiu looked up at him hopefully, he blushed and his face lit up “yeah.. see ya”
over the next few days you and kirishima spent more and more time together, often finding ways to run off from your friends and hang out.
One day, you waited for all your friends to run off and do other stuff just so you could sneak away and run in the direction were you and kirishima normally met up. You had gotten his message to signify that he was there so you knew where he was. You giggled and jumped onto the boys back, he yelped in surprise “hey *name*!” he said with a chuckle, patting your thigh as he bent his knees you help you slide down “let’s go to the cafeteria! They have pizza today and I REALLY WANT SOMEE” you insisted “I dunno… maybe I just wanna chill” he mumbled, tilting his head for you to follow him.
you two began walking through the court yard, talking and joking around. He seemed happier but more nervous than usual. The occasional stutter turning into a more frequent stammer. You just thought it was all the hormones of being 14, suddenly when kirishima brought you to a more… private place. He sighed “*name* I need to ask you something” he said with a determined look on his face “yeah? What’s up?” You asked, tilting your head to the side
“will you… will you be my girlfriend?!” He blurted out loudly, his fists curling up in nervousness. Your whole face turned pink “r-really? Yeah! Yeah I will!” You squealed and wrapped your arms around his neck, he blushed and sighed in relief. Kirishima placed his hands around your waist, you two hugging each other.
“AWWW GUYS!” Mina squealed, turns out she had followed you “SHUT UP.” You two screamed and you hid your face in his chest.
a year later
Now a days things are a little less awkward, you even got to share a dorm after convincing aizawa to let you guys. You rolled over in bed and buried your face in the crook of kirishimas neck “hey Bub” he said as he grabbed your thigh and brought it up to his hip. “Comfy?” He murmured and kissed your forehead, his warm lips pressed against your skin “mhm.. yeah..” you ran your fingers through his freshly re dyed red hair.
“I love you”
“I love you too kiri”
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alyswritings · 1 year
Request: hii! would you be able to write a john b x twinsister!reader story where they both have different perspectives of their dad (like, john b and his dad idolized each other while the dad always left the reader "behind"), maybe moments when their dad disappeared and when he was back? i don't have a lot of ideas but maybe fighting between the reader and john b, or reader and big john and john b taking their dad's side. just something that ends in some kind of comfort lol thank you sm, i love your blog💗
John B Routledge x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N feels like the odd one out.
Warnings: none really
a/n: sorry it took a while for me to get to this! hope y'all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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When Big John went missing, Y/N was effected, of course. But she never took it as hard as her twin brother had. John B was dead set on his father coming back alive some day. Y/N on the other hand wasn't too shocked that they possibly lost their father to his ridiculous gold hunt. It's all he ever really cared about, spending all of his time in it.
Big John always included John B in everything, often leaving Y/N out. The two would spend hours in Big John's office, the man usually brushing Y/N aside whenever she asked to join. It was obvious from a young age that the man favored his son.
Y/N picked up most of the slack when Big John went missing -- making sure the house stayed clean, that John B didn't go off the rails, etc.
"Don't you care that dad's gone? I mean, do you even give a shit?!" John B questions, following his sister into the chateau.
"Why should I? It's not like he would care if I ever went missing." Y/N remarks.
"So you just don't fucking care? What the hell, Y/N?" John B asks.
"John B, why would I be deeply hurt by a man who barely gives me five minutes? Yeah, I was initially concerned, but it's been months! He is gone!"
"No, he isn't!"
"Nobody survives that long, you idiot! Just accept it! Dad is dead!"
Y/N storms into her room and slams the door shut.
- - -
The pogues dropped Sarah and Y/N off at the chateau, the two finding John B asleep on the couch on the porch. While Sarah and John B reunited, John B claiming that he found his dad in Barbados, the three teens are now in the yard.
"Dude, did you get some drugs or something? Are you high right now?" Y/N asks as John B insists that Big John is here.
"Y/N, I'm serious. I found dad." John B insists.
"Okay." Y/N rolls her eyes.
"I wouldn't believe him either." The three look over at the man as he walks over. Y/N freezes, her eyes widening. Sarah lets out a noise of shock while John B immediately questions where his father was.
While Sarah greets her father-in-law, John B continues to question his dad where he was, not receiving an answer.
"Hey, there, sweetheart." Big John greets his dad. "What? No hug for your old man?"
"How in the hell are you alive?" Y/N questions.
"Well, that's a long story." Big John chuckles, pulling her into a hug. "Good to see you again, kid."
- - -
"No. I'm not going with you guys." Y/N denies.
"Why not?" John B asks.
"Because dad gets all obsessive and he gets super annoying and I'm not dealing with it." Y/N says.
"Come on, boy." Big John calls to his son. "She don't wanna go, it's her loss, not ours. Probably just slow us down anyway." Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Just go." She tells her brother, going into her room.
- - -
"I'm sorry. You-- you found this and you didn't tell the others?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah." John B mutters.
"Why the hell not?" Y/N questions.
"Dad said it's gotta stay between us." John B says.
"And you're gonna listen to him? John B, what the fuck?"
"No! No, they are a huge part in this treasure hunt, and you're not gonna tell them shit? What the fuck is wrong with you? Hell, you won't even tell Sarah?"
"Dad says it's best to keep it small for right now."
"Oh, my God." Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Y/N, we aren't telling anybody about this damn thing! We can't trust anyone!" Big John exclaims.
"I think we can trust our friends who have been there for us through everything!" Y/N yells back.
"No! Now, it's between the three of us! And if you're not happy with that, then get out!" Big John shouts.
Y/N rolls her eyes and turns to her brother.
"John B?" She asks.
John B glances between the two before eventually stepping closer to his dad. Y/N scoffs, ignoring the sting of tears in her eyes that she does her best to hold back.
"Whatever." She mutters, rolling her eyes, and storming out.
- - -
John B and Y/N sit on the dock of the chateau. They got back from finding the city of gold yesterday but haven't talked much since their father died.
"Hey." Y/N mumbles, crossing her legs, slouching.
"Hey." John B whispers.
"You okay?" Y/N asks after a few minutes.
"No." John B answers.
"Yeah." Y/N mumbles.
"I assume you're okay." John B mutters.
"Mm... no. No, not really." Y/N denies.
"I thought you hated him." John B says.
"No. Dislike, sure, but... I loved him. I just... wanted him to love me back." Y/N says. "He never really cared about me that much. Least it didn't seem like it. Always fighting, always getting brushed aside, you getting picked over me. His favoritism was definitely obvious. But him dying... watching him die... it still hurts."
"Yeah." John B mumbles, the two sitting in silence for a little bit.
"Least we're not left wondering this time." Y/N says.
"Mm-hmm." John B nods. "I'm sorry." He tells her. "For taking his side all the time. You were right a lot of the time, but I just... I took his side, anyway. Not that I love him more than you or anything, I just... it was just instinct or something. I didn't want him to get pissed at me or anything either."
"Well, you two are more alike than you think. At least when it comes to the gold sometimes. Granted, if somebody had a gun pointed at your kid, I'm sure you would give up whatever information you had a lot sooner than he did." Y/N says.
"You know I love you, right?" John B asks.
"I know." Y/N gives him a small smile. "I love you, too."
John B wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side, and he kisses her on the head.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel @myissuesworld @ironmaiden1313
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keikakudom · 5 months
What if your Alastor genuinely started to feel love for Vox? Like what would he do? If he realized he was in love with Vox? Would he attempt to Atticwife Vox? Or chain him?
***WARNING: this answer does go into heavy/dark themes.
Woooh, okay so I had to search what "Atticwife" meant, but this question literally sat with me for two days when it was first sent in. I even consulted my bestie(not into fandom) about it.
From my understanding, I think it means "when the partner/significant other forcibly keeps the other against locked away their will bc they're mentally not well/insane(?)".
Initially, here are a few reasons why I think that wouldn't happen/I don't see it working for RR!AU:
I think of Alastor liking the free little things that Vox does as entertainment. He likes to see what Vox does with Hell as playground. Free-roaming gerbil style.
Maybe he would try to cage him once for the heck of it, but I genuinely think(despite all the fanon interpretations and how canon Vox is all leading into that he's insecure and pathetic) that Vox and Alastor are equally matched and Alastor would not have a feasible way of keeping him there for one. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. I swear in canon that they are setting up Vox to be underestimated. Like, yes radio waves/radio has power over TV signals--but literally face it, nobody WANTS radio. Only TV does. Even if TV disappears, the masses are not going to go back to radio. Radio has its purpose but in the modern age and from what it looks like in HH too(since TV/Vox is so popular) radio as a ruling media is already over, it's relegated to a supporting role now because TV is just so convenient and straight up better with so many more uses.
And I dont think Vox's way of thinking is "wrong" or that he's far gone, since he's never been actively suicidal. I only made him mention that line in the fic because Alastor was so blindsided by HIS way of thinking that Vox needed to voice his side for Alastor to think of Vox's perspective for once(also in the fic I made Alastor SHOW that he cared) aka, in the end they both communicated in the way that the other prefers (show vs tell). RR!AU Vox is characterized as only to have maybe, PASSIVE suicide ideation. Its like, he wont ever think about dying unless his mind is empty--so putting him in an isolated/empty place would make it worse/allow his depressive thoughts to fester because he's not busying his mind.
So if you want to go with a fluffy route, if Alastor really romantically fell in love with Vox, I want to say he'd tone down the blatant stalking and go for a traditional and appealing courting way(probably asked Rosie for advice) that finally respects Vox's current feelings...would Vox reciprocate? Eh, too little too late, maybe.
That said, I'm fascinated by this scenario so I'm going to entertain it as a what-if , LOL. It's going to get very toxic and strange, even more-so from hereon out:
Let's say we take what Vox said in the fic for verbatim(wants to stay on DND forever, chasing after death), and that Alastor planned for this ahead of time.
First, it would be an environmental shock to Vox because he's so used to constantly being around people, and just DOING stuff...there's some symbolism here about how great white sharks have trouble being kept in zoos/being kept in captivity.
A lot of people would look for him. Hell politics would go haywire. I think Vox would busy himself in his thoughts about how to deal with his own absence too, all concerned for the power vacancy and things that are piling up, if he couldn't find an immediate way to escape. It's really hard to think of Vox ever doing "nothing" IMO.
(Even if he sits and watches TV all day, he goes all giggly and dramatic. A big reason why I push this in RR!AU. I find it so interesting to have a character/personality so animated also having deep nihilistic thoughts. He would not curl up and spend days not doing anything, more like 'OK NEXT NOW WHAT'.)
Then let's say Alastor introduces daily stimulation with Vox. In order for him not to do anything drastic. Playing chess with him, asking open-ended questions...Vox starts to crave those singular interactions everyday so badly. Because it's his only fix to do something.
In any case, it would turn into a very unhealthy and co-dependent, Stockholm syndrome-y relationship. Subsequently, 'Atticwife'....
This was a very wild question to answer, but thank you for sending it! It was pretty fun to imagine a possibility where this played out.
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sunnydayroleplay · 2 years
How about a Fem MC that flirts so openly, like, praising Joseph/Jack(?) so much saying things like "Come over here my lovely man!~" or "You will the man I will always love" after he ends a long day of work or making her have the best day she ever had?
Hmm! Sweet! Don't have much to say about it initially, so let's just have at it. Contents Inside: Fem MC, Praise, Very Wholesome content today. [Oh! To those who have read my last post waiting for a part two, that post has been updated, so there is more to it now!!!] ____________________________________________________________
It doesn't matter what gender you are really (Female in this case), if you flirt with Jack he will fold.
Jack loves when you express your love about him so openly. He adores it!
And in front of other people?
You're talking about your new boyfriend Jack to your friends?
He goes fucking wiiilllld.
For one he appreciates the fact that he'll know you'd never forget him. You talk about him non-stop!
The more you talk about him, the more he just wants to treat you nicely after~
A slow-cooked dinner, romantic bubble baths, a passionate baking session. He'll do everything because he can!
Or some fun hour(s) long bed-time sex.
The first time you ever talk to him about Shaun, Jack was a bit shocked.
"Oh! Yeah, I forgot to tell you, uh..I finally moved on from Ian, and I'm with someone else! His name is Jack and he's all I could ever ask for."
The jealousy he had for Shaun moving in and possibly taking you away from him just faded away.
He knows Shaun will probably never meet face to face, but he's content with the fact now that you said what you said.
He's definitely in a much better mood than he's ever been.
If you talk about him to your other friends, same thing goes.
He isn't as worried, and he's most likely not gonna get his hands red.
The more you talk about him, it's like he just loves you more.
When you flirt with him he is on the floor just for you.
He loves praising you, but loves when you praise him.
Whether it's something simple, like you telling him that he did such a good job with breakfast combined with kisses on his cheek, he feels so appreciated and loved.
When you tell him to get his sexy ass on over he's running.
Full fucking sprint.
In the end, Jack just loves when you love him. He loves loving you, and he loves the fact that you love loving him.
Joseph is a bit different.
He isn't one to fold as easily, but it's not impossible.
The first time you ever talk about him in person to Shaun, he's in awe.
"Shaun! I want you to meet somebody! This is Joseph, my boyfriend, and he's just my lovely man, aha!"
Though he doesn't say anything in the moment but ruffle your hair and kiss your cheek, he makes such a big deal out of it later in private.
He ain't one to cook well, but he'll take you out somewhere nice, and treat you nice later of course.
He showers you with a bunch of kisses on your face, and he tells you something you always know.
That he loves you <3
He loves whenever you even say his name in front of other people.
It shows him that you aren't ashamed of being with him, and that you truly love him as much as you say you do.
This man has some trust issues, and even though he trusts you completely, he's still unsure sometimes.
When he gets home from a tired work day, he just wants to put up his feet and relax.
You're on the couch, yelling at him softly to get that pretty boy face onto yours, he's fallen in love all over again.
He's flirting with you back, crawling up into your arms and resting his head onto your chest, as his arms are wrapped around your waist.
Your hands playing with his hair as you comeback twice as hard with every compliment he gives.
He's flushed, but he's not gonna say anything.
He's just happy that you're happy.
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
i'd love to hear your thoughts on the remaining three (for the Sin Thing) even if it is just you pulling thoughts out of a hat
alright, then here we are! levi and belphie aren't in any particular order, i think they could go either way around - but lucifer is meant to come last.
warning long post ahead. now let's go!!!
levi is an interesting one because despite being the most insecure of the brothers, i think he's actually one of the most comfortable in himself as a demon
which actually relates to his insecurity i think - since he thought of himself as a 'useless angel', it follows that a 'useless angel' would make a 'good demon'
plus his arc in nb s1 is all about him coming to terms with his choice to follow lucifer, and deciding he doesn't regret it, which i feel would contribute to that
so building on all this... the idea is that levi's insecurity often makes him compare himself to his brothers, and the idea is that - having watched his brothers recover from their Sin Thing and really come into their own as avatars, his envy makes him feel inadequate all over again
he's not even a good demon anymore because they all make better demons than him, he's certainly not a good brother because he's been totally useless in saving any of them so far, and he was a useless angel back then too
his symptoms would initially just make him more reclusive, so it takes the others a while to notice, which only exacerbates his thoughts
thinking of the jokey comic i made on this topic though... i think levi's solution would actually work in this way
sitting him down and seriously talking to him would make him panic - he doesn't want to confront these feelings, and he's bound to convince himself that any comfort is insincere, just trying to make him feel better
whereas just shocking him so much that it grounds him would be much more likely to make him think more rationally
though i think i'd take the situation a bit more seriously
so levi has a kind of explosive fit, then leaves the house of lamentation - hides at the bottom of a lake, it's raining like hell, similar set-up to the comic
rather than standing to the side and yelling at him, though, ik wades into the lake and enters his inner world there
levi's inner world would be some kind of fantasy setting - a performative feel-good hero's journey story, except all the npcs keep making odd little snide side-comments (these are his thoughts peeking through)
ik goes through this setting deadpool-style. she is not taking ANY of it seriously, she makes fun of all the monsters, cracks jokes instead of engaging in dramatic dialogue, etc.
the idea is that she's just kind of batting away these 'i suck so much' ideas because they're not even slightly possibly true to her
she's 'breaking the fourth wall' until the levi in the inner world 'becomes self-aware' - i.e. finally gets grounded enough to take what she has to say to heart
so he wakes up in the lake, the rain stops; the other brothers are waiting for them
supportive brother moment <3
the key thing for ik is that she's not expressing he's 'enough' for her, but just that she wants him by her side, which i think is a sentiment levi would prefer
the idea of being 'enough' is such that he'll always convince himself that he isn't, but knowing that ik still wants to stay with this loser of a big brother regardless of any of that comforts him
now initially i did think to connect belphie's Sin Thing to lilith
but it ended up making his whole deal too similar to beel's - with the same idea that he represses/has a bad reaction to his sin because of shame, the idea being that he was too idle - too 'slothful' - to save his sister
and, to be honest, i think it's kinda a discredit to belphie to center all of his character conflicts around lilith
is lilith's death a defining moment for his character? yep! can he have emotional hang-ups and encounter obstacles in his progress that aren't to do with it? also yes!
(also ngl i'm just kind of sick of lilith and her whole deal. don't tell anyone)
so instead i'm going for the idea of belphie feeling 'left behind'
ig it does connect to lilith but it's more of a residual thing - it's not really to do with his grief for her death directly, more to do with his own Bad coping mechanisms
the idea is just that he feels like they all move on too quickly
they pick themselves up so quickly after their Sin Things, they were up on their feet so soon after falling, they seemed to forget everything that happened to them in the war so fast
this is once again to do with the idea that belphie, as the youngest brother, has been detrimentally coddled in regards to these things, and has NO fucking idea how to properly deal with loss
(which resulted in devastating consequences in the original timeline)
the others haven't tried to talk to him about his grief for lilith, nor about their experiences during the celestial war; when they all had to support each other after the fall, they comforted him, but never ever discussed the pain of it all
it's like the doctor refusing to talk about your actual symptoms because they're afraid of making you uncomfortable, and instead just soothingly going "it's okay, just take some ibuprofen and see me in the morning"
and since belphie doesn't know how to heal from these things, he just represses and forgets about it - and he becomes increasingly afraid that the others will get too far ahead to catch up and they themselves recover
to be fair, it's not entirely his brothers' fault; belphie himself is also used to being complacent, and so hasn't actively sought out healing either
it's kind of similar to levi actually, in that they both feel bitter about the others' progress - except levi turns his feelings against the others (envy), while belphie internalises and blames himself (his sloth stops him from working to keep up)
belphie's frightened of moving on, too - he doesn't want to tie the pain to himself forever, but he feels like it's wrong to forget, too
and all this compounds to indecision and a refusal to linger on it
so when the sloth takes over he defaults to "i can't do anything, nothing will change, just lie down and go to sleep"
but he also can't bring himself to sleep - so instead, he goes around incredibly sluggishly, putting as little energy as possible into anything, not caring about anything else that happens around them
then once his brothers finally wrestle him to bed, he goes completely still and doesn't wake up
belphie's inner world would just be a completely empty void, with him at the centre, completely alone with his thoughts - forced to confront it all, but unable to because he doesn't know how
so when ik gets there, what she says to him would be similar to what she does in chapter 40 of jtta - reassurance that it's normal to grieve, to feel anguish, that it's not his fault he doesn't know how to deal, that he will one day be able to carry it and he will deserve to do so
apart from that, i think she'd just sit there with him, let him turn it all over in his mind, let it out, cry like he's been stopping himself from doing until now
belphie's been tempted to simply focus all his anger on humanity, blaming them for the war and everything, but having made fast friends with ik when she first gets nightbrought - this is also proof to him that he isn't governed by his grief
also, it's probably especially important to ik that she do this right - after all, in her original timeline, belphie didn't get this help, and in the long run ended up killing her because of it
it's generally the trend that lucifer comes last with these things
i did change this for the pact order in jtta, but that was because i felt it made more sense, given the different direction lucifer's arc takes to canon
here though, it does work (with my own reasoning for lucifer's sin thing) for him to come last
now. all of the brothers have self-worth issues on some level or another, but lucifer's in particular are on a whole other level
he thinks he's always right. he hates himself more than any being in the universe. he can't fathom being second-best. he knows he is awful. he thinks he's better than everyone. everyone is a far better being than him. he's strong and useless and he must be chosen first even though he doesn't deserve it
i think lucifer would've known he'd go through this Sin Thing from the very beginning, but his brothers are fairly convinced he'll either fight it off immediately or never have it happen in the first place
it's a constant thing with him, he's never as capable as the image he projects, and because he hates letting it fail - he doesn't reject the idea that he'd be immune
and i think part of him would actually be a little convinced; surely he of all demons would be able to resist this stupid force?
lucifer can be extremely close-minded sometimes, and this is working against him right now because he hasn't realised that all of that 'i'll be fine' spiel is the pride talking
so when he starts feeling it happen, he sort of spirals, which only exacerbates the effect - especially since he instinctively isolates him with his work, not wanting his brothers to see him like this
what makes it worse is that he thinks "didn't i learn my lesson? didn't i learn to stop doing this? if mammon didn't think to go to ik, and if ik hadn't come to me, i wouldn't have accepted any help. i would've tried to do it all myself, and we might've lost satan in the process. we might've lost our whole family in the process. i was entirely useless for whole ordeal."
and he knows what he should do, but he can't because his pride is in control - what's more, he feels it's his own fault that he can't stop it, which only lets the sin dig its claws in deeper
plus, because lucifer's so well-practised at keeping this facade up, none of his brothers notice what's happened for about a week
mammon can tell something is off, but lucifer squarely rejects his offers of support and brings up his trouble-making in response, which successfully chases him off
i feel like in this case, it's important that lucifer actively accepts ik's help - rather than her just jumping in to get to him, as has been the case with everyone else
she'd have noticed something was up as well, and has been making gentle attempts at asking him what's wrong - which lucifer has brushed off, reasonably naturally
after hearing how he completely rejected mammon's offer of help, though, she decides to throw caution to the winds and goes to see him in his office
lucifer's response is to yell at her
now he's proven himself capable of being a massive bitch before now. however, this is on a whole new level
he's never insulted ik herself before, for example, but with his pride talking he's stooping to levels never before seen
once he's done ik just kind stands there and stares at him blankly
now, this is the SEVENTH GODDAMN TIME ik's had to put up with this sort of thing. fourteen if you count the first round back in the original timeline
she is so tired. so she really can't be blamed for crying
you would not believe the levels of regret lucifer immediately feels
in fact said regret is so strong it actually drowns the pride out for long enough for him to immediately start apologising
ik (very embarrassed by the crying) just kind of shakes her head like "it's fine, it's fine, forget about it, look can you just fucking listen to me"
in this case, there aren't any big dramatic speeches. the fact that ik's still attempting to help him after he just made her (who, famously, basically never cries no matter what happens to her) cry with his own awfulness is enough to snap him out of his funk, for long enough to let the others get through to him
see, mammon, sensing a disturbance as soon as the tears began, crashes into the office soon after that, and the ruckus duly attracts the other brothers
now lucifer's instinct is to go "shit", because now they're seeing that their eldest brother is not infallible
except his brothers' immediate reaction is not shock, or (rightfully, he thinks) disgust, but rather concern
who could've guessed, lucifer? your family fucking loves you
sure, you fucked up (and they're going to scold you for being mean once this is over), but that doesn't make you any less their beloved big brother
lucifer essentially gets saved by a combination of dadcifer instincts and his family's care, which i think is very fitting for him
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theemperorsfeather · 2 months
A few weeks ago, working out a plan for the 3 weeks when we would be understaffed (and doubly understaffed for one of those weeks), I told me coworker/manager that I would feel ok taking on one particular project IF a solid first draft or two had been done by the time I had to take it over. What I meant was "I need the fucking team to fucking review and mark it up because I know these people and I do Not want to deal with Yet Another emergency rush during the last 2 days before the deadline" but I didn't put it like that.
Anyway, due to other work and technical problems that didn't happen. She did get a good first draft put together but it didn't get out for review until she'd been gone a couple days. Which in a sane workplace wouldn't matter. But the team didn't look at it for a couple days and then we got ANOTHER short-deadline project that they had to focus on and when I asked the project principal when I could expect markup he was like "we are super swamped I am sorry but I'll get you something by Monday morning." Spoiler alert: he didn't. No one is shocked at this turn of events.
Anyway! It is due on Tuesday! It's been 3 weeks since the initial kickoff meeting and while I did get a big chunk of missing text a week ago, there has still been no full review/markup! There are other decisions they need to make!
In a sane world, the project principal would review it and provide feedback on only the truly most vital elements, and just not bother adding extra pictures and fine-tuning things that are actually just fine, but history tells me that if I expect that my expectations will most like be crushed. So I expect a boatload of edits knowing there's a small chance I'll be pleasantly surprised.
We went over some of the status in the morning staff meeting and the other proposal person said we should set up a check-in meeting with the principal, "looks like you can do that Monday at 4." "I'm sorry, did you say 4 o'clock on Monday is his first free time?!" " . . . Yeah." Like we can really wait until then to get work done when it's due mid-afternoon on Tuesday.
So it looks like we're heading to the situation I feared, because asking for work to be done on a reasonable timeline is just fucking unreasonable. They won't touch the damn thing early in the process and then when new shit comes up out of nowhere well now there's really no time.
The good news is that on Monday we will again be fully staffed and I 100% hope to hand this fucking thing back to the person who started it. She'll probably be unhappy about some of the changes I made, but you know I was pretty unhappy with some of the ways she set it up (a manually typed table of contents??? In MY InDesign file??????? I think fucking not (I know why it was set up like that. I disagree that it is necessary) ) so I adjusted things to minimize the work I needed to do.
If for some reason I get stuck with this shit I may have to have a very blunt conversation about how very little physical tolerance I have for this kind of thing, and would they prefer me to call out sick pre-emptively for day so someone else -has to- do it, or risk having me run into the ground and then calling out sick for 1 to 3 days. Or would they rather have someone else do it?
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spanishsenpai · 1 year
Daycare Attendants Need Training Too
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Mini Chapter - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 -  Chapter 6 -  Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Hey everyone!!!! I know it's been forever but all my glorious motivation for writing self destructed haha. I'm trying to get it back, so that's how we got this chapter! I really want to finish this story and though I don't know how many more chapters will be left, I think we're a little over halfway through.
Anyways, thank you so much for sticking around!!! The fact that y'all like this story idea so much is a big part of the reason I want to finish the story! Please enjoy the chapter!
Here’s the AO3 link if you’d rather read it there!
Now faced with the training that had been making Sun miserable for the past few days, Moon couldn’t help but feel nervous. He didn’t let any of it show in his movements though. Instead, he chose to focus on the fact that Sun was getting a well deserved break from this misery. It was only fair after all and the justification helped ease him somewhat.
As a soon to be role model for children and friend to Sun, doing what was right was important.
“Even though we are a few days early, we’ve already put together your schedule,” Mrs. Beverly snapped. Behind her the other technicians were rapidly typing and swiping as they pulled up this new itinerary. “As you should know, your basic duties are quite similar to Sun’s. Recite some to me now.”
Even having watched her through Sun’s eyes, being given her direct attention was a little, he hated to admit, intimidating. “Keep the children safe. Cover the security desk at all times. Verify everyone who enters and exits the daycare-”
“That’s enough,” she interrupted. “Now what are your specific duties?”
Moon had had plenty of time to look over his special programming. Since Sun was their default setting, everything about him was general information that Moon needed to memorize. “I initiate naptime protocols when the lights dim. This includes preparing sleeping placements, storytime, and handing out Moondrops as needed. During closing, I connect to various cameras throughout the Pizza Plex as I conduct security checks until morning.” His voice lacked any emotion as he spoke to her. She wasn’t deserving of the cheeriness he’d reserved for the children.
Mrs. Beverly nodded in approval. Moon’s main job wasn’t going to be dealing with children very often, so Sun was their main priority. Whatever Moon was programmed to do with intruders after hours wasn’t her focus. Since both personalities in the Daycare Attendant had separate muscle memories, going over Moon’s reflexes would be their first step. 
“This may seem familiar to you,” she started. The technicians had already taken their places. “We shall start with basic daycare management. Go stand in front of the bridge.”
Moon could guess what she wanted to do and dread immediately flowed through him. Was it worse to know there was no winning Mrs. Beverly’s games rather than hope you could? He couldn’t think of the answer before he arrived at his spot. 
‘We can still switch, Moon.’
‘Everything will be fine. Let me handle this.’
Sun’s anxiety was so strong, Moon could feel trying to take over his own thoughts. 
“Keeping this daycare clean and safe is only one of your tasks. I expect you to perform especially well.” Mrs. Beverly’s cold voice interrupted his worries. 
‘And so it begins,’ Moon thought to himself.
“Start now.”
The red warning came and Moon was off. While Sun was quite the gymnast as he moved, Moon was more akin to a spider as he used the playground walls to propel him to places faster as he ran around. Yet, even with how quickly he was moving, he’d only managed to clean two messes before multiple red warnings were coming in. As soon as he saw the build up, he knew what to expect. 
Still, his first shock stopped him in his tracks as he yelped. The already sore joints he was working with seemed to force themselves into their curled positions. Just like Sun’s first shock it was over as quickly as it started, though the state of their shared body made it harder for Moon to right himself as quickly. This is what Sun had been feeling for days and it was much worse than Moon had prepared himself for. The training wasn’t going to be as easy to get through as he’d hoped. From Sun’s experience, he knew that Mrs. Beverly didn’t like to be kept waiting though. Another shock so soon wouldn’t help his situation at all. 
‘Moon! I’m so sorry! I - I’ll take over now!’ Came Sun’s frantic thoughts.
There wasn’t time or energy Moon could spare to respond. He stood again and ran for the next mess to clean. He was better prepared for the next shock that came. All he let out was a grunt as he faltered for a moment. He happened to catch the look on Mrs. Beverly’s face as she pressed that button. The corner of her lips were quirked in the slightest hint of a smirk. 
At the first hint of some satisfaction from their pain, Moon’s anger flared hotter than it had before in his short time awake. The pain, though continuously stiffening his joints, was pushed aside in his sudden need to prove her wrong. She would feel so stupid if Moon managed to beat her game. Her superiority would be shaken if Moon managed the impossible feat.
He flexed his fingers and kept going.
Mrs. Beverly’s game was unchanged in its difficulty though and as Moon continued to get shocked, his speed and agility fell too far behind to even try keeping up. Frustration at his body not moving as fluidly as he wanted filled him with each stumble and flounder. Sun made this look so easy and, dare he admit it, graceful, even when he was struggling. 
When her voice called “Stop” Moon collapsed on one knee. His trembling fingers found the fabric of his pants as the terrible ache moved through his body. Up and down his spine and arms was the steady thrum of the overexerted wires that let him experience pain.
“For all the eagerness you presented to be a part of this training, you’ve failed to meet my expectations. Even worse, what little was done could hardly be called presentable,” Mrs. Beverly said as she walked towards his knelt form. 
Carl suddenly piped up. “Well, for having a first run of the body, I’d say he did pretty good.”
He received a raised eyebrow as his only response. 
“Yes, well, there will be much more to do to get even further adjusted. This daycare will not be left to a sloppy attendant.”
Moon stood as she spoke, slowly straightening up to hopefully ease some of the ache. He could still feel the buzzing concern Sun was projecting but his counterpart had decided to stay quiet for now. Moon was thankful for it so he could focus. Using their physical body like this was a lot different than his cartoon one. He allowed himself to feel a bit of pride that he’d been able to move so fast without any kind of warm up. 
“We’ll break for lunch and return to this . . . mess in an hour,” Mrs. Beverly announced. 
No one hesitated to leave. The technicians were crowded in a flock as they wrote down their notes and discussed their findings. Carl spared Moon one last look over his shoulder before he joined the others outside the daycare.
An artificial sign escaped Moon as he slowly sank down to lay against the padded floor. He’d been expecting another impossible task but some rest was a much better surprise. His back was surprisingly against laying down but Moon ignored it in favor of stretching out and really getting a chance to feel how this body moved. 
‘Moon? I can take over now! You can take a break!’ Sun called. He hated watching Moon be shocked. It should've been him taking this pain. Moon’s frustrations with their body weren’t totally familiar to Sun since he’d taken his wake up functions like a newborn took to crying. It was just natural. He wasn’t entirely sure why Moon was stumbling so much, but guilt settled in that maybe it was because of the shocks Sun had been receiving through the week. 
“No, I’m alright Sun. I’m just . . . figuring out our body.” Moon could tell Sun was guilty but this was their role. Moon was determined to share this burden. “It moves differently from the one I made in our head,” he continued. “Maybe it's a blessing I switched with you today so I could get some extra practice in with using our physical one.”
‘I - I guess so.’ Sun still didn't sound totally happy but Moon did make a good point. Sun wanted to be the best Attendant they could be! ‘Well, other than the new body, how does it feel being out here for so long?’
“It’s interesting. Our synthetic nerves pick up a lot more sensation than I thought they would. I didn’t know what silk felt like but after touching our pants, I do. I like it,” Moon mused.
Sun excitedly jumped into this topic since it had been something he’d noticed too. Comparing what they could do to humans, they had many features to help them connect with kids. Even better, their mind cataloged it all so Sun could revisit it anytime he liked! Such as all the new colors he’d gotten to see. He couldn’t wait to draw with the children when the daycare opened. 
When Ms. Beverly came back, Moon stiffly resumed the training from before. Both Attendants were surprised when Ms. Beverly cut the training short after only a couple hours and declared they were done for the day. 
“I’m sure you know the consequences of failing your tasks. Besides, we don’t have your full training set up yet,” was her reasoning. 
“Thank goodness,” Moon sighed after she left, “Security mode was eating up our charge.”
‘Does that mean you want to switch back now?’
“Unless you know how to turn the lights off.”
Sun was quiet for a moment. ‘Shouldn’t we have a switch for that in here somewhere?’
Moon straightened, putting a hand to his chin in thought. “Yeah, we should. Let’s go charge and we can look through our settings together. Maybe not moving for a while will give our circuits a chance to stop aching.”
Sun cheered as Moon, after a few tries, called the wire to go back to their room.
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hag-o-hags · 5 months
There's a trainer in my area who's apparently considered a ~wonderworker~ with Problem Dogs. My friend took her boy to this lady's program and came back with
Detailed instructions for using the shock collar
Spray bottle
Wand of Rolled Up Newspaper
Bigger issue with defensiveness over the dog's behavior, reactivity, and needs than before
NOW, this poor boy won the Behavioural Issues Lottery
(weened at 4 weeks)
(because his dam was too young and trying to kill her litter)
(herding dog mix)
(first 13ish months living mostly in an apartment)
(mom works in the hospitality industry so schedule and stability for dog is NOT GREAT!)
(several issues with VERY BAD pet sitters) (all relatives of mom or other mom) (moms were furious and none of those people are allowed to be alone with EITHER dog)
so like. I'm not at all gonna pretend like this kiddo doesn't have some pretty bad issues. I've been on the receiving end of his warnings a couple times, but he was warning me -- very clear visual snarl that he didn't want me near the barrier that he was behind (kennel once, pet gate once). I backed off and we were immediately cool. I got some sniffs when we were back on the same side of the gate.
And that's my thing with this boy. He's got Needs. Me too man, I'm right there with you.
I'm pet sitting right now, and in all honesty, all we're doing is hanging out. Nobody's getting redirected beyond "don't jump on me, and quit mouthing my sleeve". We had one incident of Misdemeanor Countersurfing and Resource Guarding with Intent. And I know -- I know -- how scary and intimidating it is to be on the receiving end of a reactive dog's warning! Second Mom is very scared of trying to take food from him and they have a whole protocol that uses the Wondertrainer's techniques.
But all he needed to give up the forbidden food was a normal ass dog biscuit. Swapsies, nabbed the remains, reactivity back to zero.
This dog, not least because of Our Lady of Aversion Training, is treated like a live grenade and the moment something SLIGHTLY bad happens, oh god no, klaxons, strobing lights, women and children to the lifeboats first.
He's not, though, he's just a boy who has had ALL his boundaries and communication ignored, and people are stressed out AT him. All the time. I'm sitting outside writing this, and the dogs run up, get up in my business hoping that this is a Sharing Doughnut I've got here (NOPE!!!!!) We started this weekend with him kinda sorta being okay with some ear scritches after he gave my hand a good sniff. This morning he wasn't fully sure about me initiating head pets, but he communicates that super clearly if you know what you're looking at. I'd offer, he'd get tense, I'd back off, and WHAT DO YOU FUCKIN KNOW. Now he running up and shoving his head into my elbow for pets.
BECAUSE IT WASN'T A BIG DEAL WHEN HE TOLD ME NO. Nothing he can do can make me freak out, so HE'S not gonna freak out.
Super bonus, I've been working on muzzle desensitizing with him as well, because right now the method is Mom And Only Mom Traps Him And Tough Tits If You Miss The First Time, Call The Vet to Say We'll Be Really Really Late. Which. Mmrg. Muzzle was a requirement to attend the Wonderclasses, which I get, it's a basket muzzle, we want everyone to stay safe. I guess the instructions were "Bring the dog muzzled and shock collared and be prepared to zap him if he gets aggressive or out of line." (FUCKIN. WHAT ARE PEOPLE PAYING THIS LADY FOR. JESUS FUCKING. SHRIEK.) (I mean where even is the fucking spray bottle in this hierarchy? FUCK.)
Anyway, boyo does not care if I walk around with the muzzle, will HAPPILY eat peanut butter off a plate with the muzzle ... this is a very, very teachable dog. He's not a live grenade, he's like. At WORST a firework. If you're a moron and you fuck around, sure. Finding out may involve losing your arm. But MAYBE you shouldn't have been fucking around that hard and engaged your giant primate brain for 12 seconds. Don't try to douse a fire with gasoline maybe?
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celestialanon · 1 year
Brothers With a Trans Male Lover
Hello dear readers! So for this post, it’s obviously aimed for a specific audience! It was definitely self indulgent, and I hope I can provide something nice and some comfort to my fellow trans male readers! Please do enjoy this set <3
When he had first met you, he misgendered you on accident. You had politely explained to him that you were a male, and he honestly didn't question it, immediately apologizing to you and fixing his words. It wasn't until you both had gotten closer that you felt the need to explain when he found a binder of yours laying on your bed after laundry day.
He wasn't too surprised. Not that he fully understood what being trans meant, but he had seen a few demons express themselves in such a way that went against the gender norms, and he wondered briefly if maybe they were trans as well without knowing it. While he had many questions, he decided to leave them for another time in favor of telling you that he sees no problem with it and that he has looked at you as the man you were since the day you corrected him.
He often offers to help clean your binders by hand so they don't get ruined otherwise, as well as reminds you when to take it off if it's gotten too late. He wants to make sure you aren't harming yourself any. He always encouraged you to at least give yourself a breather when you were in his room, as he would not see you any differently with or without your binder on.
There was one memorable day you shared, you had overheard a few nosy demons murmuring about you in the hall. Harsh words that you've heard before, but words that stung just a bit more when Lucifer's name got thrown in the conversation. A new fear came along with the already existing dread of your identity: what did it look like to stand beside Lucifer like this?
He had noticed you unfocused at his desk, staring at your assignment and mindlessly messing with the pen in your hand. He went over and placed a hand at your shoulder, watching your face twist in discomfort. Your words fell out of your mouth before you could stop them.
"Aren't you embarrassed being with someone like me?" Lucifer had froze above you, looking down at you with shock.
"Wouldn't it be better for you to be with a real man, or woman. I-I'm not not ruining your image, am I?" Your voice had become small, and he could hear the strain in it as you clearly forced yourself to stay composed. He merely shook his head, getting to your level before pulling you in a tight hug against his chest.
"You are a real man, my dear. I feel nothing but pride when having you by my side." He brushed the short strands of hair at your ear, leaning in close so you could hear him better.
"Never doubt yourself over such thoughts again, I've never wanted anyone as I've wanted you."
At first, he honestly thought you were into cross dressing. Not that he really cared, he's seen his brother do it before, so it wasn't a big deal if that was the case. And you pulled it off quite well! But he soon realized he was wrong when you gave him a glare at his accusations, explaining that you were actually transgender. The poor guy, had absolutely no idea what you meant. He was given a detailed explanation by Lucifer, and was instructed to apologize to you immediately.
He found you sitting alone, gathering your things while awkwardly coming to greet you. Being the mess that he was, his apology was all over the place, but you couldn't help but smile at his words. A jumbled mess of "I-I didn't know you were a dude, my bad!" Leading to "I don't care what ya are, why do I gotta babysit?!" You fell into place beside him quickly after, forgetting your initial annoyance with him.
Now, he got defensive whenever someone threw out the wrong word. You'd be the one to tell him it wasn't a big deal, but he'll never forget the look you gave him when he got it wrong. Although he can't relate to you, he's not stupid enough to not notice how much it affects you. How could he not notice? The way you stare at your body in every passing mirror, the way your voice flattens when it sounds a bit high compared to everyone else, even the way he caught you once on your bedroom floor, sorting your clothes as tears stained your sad red eyes.
He quickly made his way to you, shutting your bedroom door behind him and crouching on the floor to meet your face. Your eyes flickered up to his, before turning back down as you quickly wiped at your nose. You couldn't possibly feign this while he was sat right in front of you. You had the urge to bury your face into shirt you were currently folding.
"Why? What happened?" He asked, and when you ignored his question, he released your grip from the shirt and peered closer at you.
"I said, what happened. Don't ignore me." The stern tone in his voice was not one you heard often. It caused more tears to fall down your cheeks.
"N-None of this looks good on me... I'm t-tired of looking this way..." You wiped at your eyes, trying to ignore the way your voice broke and how high it was. Mammon wasn't the best at comforting, but if there was one thing he hated, it was seeing you cry. Absolutely soul crushing. He pat his hands onto his knees, beginning to pull you up with him by your arms.
"Alright, I got the problem. New clothes, right?" When you stared at him with bewilderment, he just smiled. He used the bare skin of the back of his hand to wipe under eyes, pinching your cheeks to stop your frown.
"What? If you don't like any of my clothes I'll buy ya some new stuff. So stop cryin' already, babe. Please..." He made sure the tears stopped before your shopping date.
Levi knew the minute you told him that you were trans. He has heard the term before somewhere on the internet, and immediately accepted you and treated you respectfully. He even asked you to be his "Henry", and started comparing you to more male characters that reminded him of you to see you smile. If you were having a bad dysphoria day, it was cuddles on the beanbag all day wrapped up in one of his large Ruri hoodies.
Levi was someone who seemed to be very comfortable with his masculinity, and you noticed this through his cosplays and behavior at times. If you expressed how much you wanted to be comfortable with yourself in the same way, he would help you by taking it slow. He invites you to get your nails painted with Asmo, to cosplay a female with him (mainly Ruri), or even shows you how to main females in the various games he plays. He never forgets to remind you that he never sees you as less of a man when you do so.
On a particularly bad day, you stood right in front of his bathroom mirror, eyeing the curves on your body as you covered your chest with a towel. You couldn't hide the sadness in your frown, just looking at your body sometimes made you feel sick. There was a light knock at the door, and you invited Levi to join you inside. He went red at first glance, but his surprise faltered when he noticed the look on your face.
"M-Mc? What's wrong?" He stood a small distance from you, not wanting to invade your privacy. You shrugged your shoulders, looking down at the binding tape on the counter and clutching the towel more tightly.
"Just stared at my chest too long again, no biggie...." There was a small silence, but you soon felt a nervous pair of arms embrace you from behind, pulling you flush against Levi's chest. In moments like these, where you felt the worst about yourself, he managed to find ways to make you feel otherwise.
"I can help... with the tape." He started, his chin resting atop your head. You could see the unwavering blush on his cheeks as he looked back at you in the mirror.
"O-Only if you want me too! I can leave if not." The tight hold at your waist told you he really didn't want to leave, nor did you mind. In fact, you felt it was a rather sweet gesture. And you trusted Levi more than anyone.
"Yeah, I want you to." So he did just that, listening to your instructions on how to properly wrap your chest, his gaze avoiding yours as much as it could. You wanted to laugh, he was clearly a bit embarrassed, but he was trying his best. When he was done, he asked if it was too tight for you, but he actually managed to wrap it quite snug.
"Thanks, sweetheart." You gave him a kiss in thanks on the lips, and that stupid smile of his that made your heart flutter appeared. It's hard to feel so bad about yourself when he looks at you that way, so full of love.
Satan had actually learned the term in a book he read. He was quite fascinated with the character and learning their internal struggles, so the first thing he felt for you when you told him was concern. He often asked what made you comfortable and what didn't, and adjusted himself so. He made sure everyone else did the same, at least among his brothers, and payed close attention to any other demons surrounding you. He was the first to correct anyone to misgender you and always apologized on everyone else's behalf.
When you two had gotten much closer, you sat him down and explained that it was okay for him to be less serious on the subject. That you were able to handle yourself against the words of lesser demons. You considered yourself to be quite confident, and he truly admired you for such. So he did as you asked, giving you some air and watching as you held your own against any gossip or awkward stares. It was child's play to you, you didn't care how anyone saw you, as long as you knew who you were yourself.
Like his brother, he would compare you to male characters he really likes. You two often make small jokes with each other, like saying "I guess that makes you gay now." It was an automatic joke, and you shut your mouth after saying it in fear that it would rub him the wrong way. To your surprise though, he just laughed. His smile was wide as he turned the next page of his current book, his light chuckles fading.
"Yeah, I suppose it does, doesn't it?" That's weird. You had previously very rarely ever felt self conscious beside Satan, but for some reason, that joke had you freeze up in your spot. You felt yourself become nervous, rubbing your palms onto your pants to wipe away oncoming sweat. Your eyes met Satan's, worry flashing as you gave him a small smile.
"S-Sorry! I was kidding, just a stupid joke...." To save from humiliation, you picked up a nearby book, trying to forget what had just happened. Why did you feel that way? Was there secretly a part of you that believed Satan didn't love you as much as he said he did? Because you were a trans man? Was that the problem? Girls were never a problem before, but would he have preferred one? How could you just say he was gay now, even if you were joking? Well, there goes your mind again, thinking a mile per minute.
Satan had long already set down his book, turning to you as you personally crushed your spirit into pieces. You were clearly paying no attention to the book in your hands. He tried calling your name a few times, and when that didn't work, he pulled the book out of your hands, finally gaining your attention.
"Love? Why the sudden look? Did I say something wrong?" Your heart sank at his worried expression. You told him not worry himself over you numerous times, but he still did...
"N-No, I'm sorry. I'm the one who said something wrong, I shouldn't have joked like that. You probably felt uncomfortable." Word vomit, multiple apologies, and Satan was trying to wrap his head around what you had said. That uncertain look in your eyes was not one he'd seen often. He carefully grabbed your hands with both of his, giving you all of his attention.
"Mc, I don't feel any discomfort from your joke. Rather, I thought it was fairly accurate..." When you didn't respond to him, a few things began to click into place. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, caressing his thumb into the knuckles of your fingers.
"You're a very handsome man Mc, and I feel lucky to be the one you want by your side. I believe that since we are both males, that constitutes for a homosexual relationship, does it not?" There he goes again, pulling out the specifics. You couldn't help but laugh at his serious demeanor. How could you worry yourself so much over a joke like this?
"Yeah, I guess that does make you pretty gay."
Not only has Asmo learned what being trans meant from Solomon, but he had met many demons that expressed themselves as such as well. It was simple knowledge to him, so he didn't bat an eye when you explained yourself to him. He apologized swiftly before correcting himself and changing absolutely nothing with his advances towards you.
Getting close to Asmo was rather easy, and before long you two had become an item. And truly, it was hard to be insecure about yourself around Asmo. He praised your body like it was a well built sculpture, said your voice was close to heavenly and reminded him of the angels that used to sing to him. Your skin was as smooth as silk sheets and he just wants to sink into it until- well, you get the idea. The compliments were never on hold.
But you did manage to get a bit in the dumps when his small groups of fans came into the picture. They were primarily made up of women, unsurprisingly. That may have been what stung you the most. Deep down you knew Asmo probably didn't have a solid preference, but you wondered if he'd rather have imagined himself with a woman.
You were checking yourself in the mirror, you had slipped on something a little more on the feminine side. It was something from Asmo's closet, and you couldn't help but cringe. You wanted so badly to like it, maybe he would like it too. But instead you just felt miserable.
Asmo had entered the room with his loud greeting, quickly spotting you in the corner as you went stiff in your spot. He eyes you up and down, gasping in small surprise. Your shoulders hung low, and you could feel yourself getting smaller.
"I-Is it weird?" The look on your face showed that you didn't like it, and Asmo immediately caught on to the fact. He went in front of you to place his fingers at your chin, frowning at your frustration.
"Hon, if you don't like it that much, why did you put it on?" You couldn't look away, as he sternly kept you in place, looking at him. When you sighed in defeat, you began moving to undress.
"I don't know. I thought you would probably like this look on me more...."
"Oh no- Mc why would you think that?" He helped you remove your arms through the sleeves, setting the top aside before turning his attention back to you.
"I'm a little afraid.... That you might not like me because of who I am?" You spoke quietly, and he studied your features for a minute.
"Because you're not a girl?" You nodded stiffly, he placed a kiss between the furrow of your brows, pulling back with a small smile.
"I don't care what you are hon, I love you dearly." He gave you another kiss, on the lips this time.
"But please, you are much more sexy in your own clothes rather than mine." At this point, you should have known how head over heels he was for your masculine look. Maybe someday you'd get it.
Beel had actually believed you were cis from the beginning. Sure, maybe your voice was a bit higher, your height much smaller than the rest of them, and your build not as big. But you passed very well, and he didn't think anything of it, because some guys were just built like that. So he was rather surprised when you explained that you were trans.
He was definitely confused, and had many questions on the matter. He asked why it had to be that way? Why weren't you able to change to the gender you wanted to be? And why did people make such a big deal out of it? At the end of the day, he reminded you that he saw you for what you were, another man surrounded by demon men. Lucky you.
He was extremely supportive when you needed him to be, offering snacks to cheer you up on the bad days, bringing you to his workout sessions if you wanted to gain some muscle. You had excitedly run up to him one day, exclaiming how happy you were to be able to get testosterone.
Of course, you had to explain what that was too. But when he saw the big smile on your face, he couldn't help but cheer along with you. You had asked him in private if he would be willing to help you with your shots, to which he immediately agreed to. But when it came down to it, he was awfully nervous of hurting you. You watched as he shakily brought the needle up to your skin.
"It won't hurt you too bad, right?" He asked, hesitant to make another move. You laughed, giving him a reassuring nod.
"It won't hurt, and it will make me happy when I'm done." You patted your thigh in urgency, and his face cringed. He carefully injected the needle into your thigh, making sure to give it a wipe when he was finished. He looked up at you hurriedly in case of any discomfort. He was relieved to find you completely fine.
"Mc... Don't you get tired of having to do all these things?" He's seen it all with you. The mornings you struggled to slip on your binder, the days you had to correct someone for addressing you the wrong way, he even accompanied you to get your hair cut when it grew too long for your liking.
He truly wondered why you had to try so hard to be yourself, and he felt sad for you. He had rested his hands over your thighs, a defeated look on his features as he thought more about it. You shook your head, cupping his face and getting him to look back up at you.
"I do, but I have to do these things to be comfortable in my own skin." He leaned into your touch, almost placing a kiss at your hand.
"You know you never have to feel uncomfortable around me, right?" Oh, how kind he was...
"Of course I know that."
When he first met you, he was just as clueless as his twin. Except he ended up misgendering you, but offered a simple apology when you corrected him. Maybe you just appeared more on the feminine side, that’s his bad. But then you started explaining all these things about being trans, and he apologized saying he didn’t quite understand.
Not that he didn’t accept you or anything, he just didn’t understand the feeling of not feeling at home in your own skin. He didn’t really get it for a minute, but then he noticed how much you look at yourself. How hard you try to present yourself confidently when you were next to them. How much you had to correct people when they misgendered you.
It started to become frustrating to him. Why did you always have to explain yourself? Couldn’t they see you were just another guy? Was it really that hard to tell? In his eyes you weren’t any different from the rest of them, maybe just a little shorter though…
When he noticed you explaining to another demon classmate of yours, he hurried to your side and started dragging you away by the hand. Your complaints fell on deaf ears, his face twisted in annoyance as he looked back at the demon.
“Belphie? What’s gotten into you?” You managed to tug free before you reached his bedroom door, he turned to you with pouting mug.
“Aren’t you mad?” You looked at him dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond.
“They ask you the same questions everyday. It’s annoying, right? You can get mad.” He crossed his arms at you, waiting for a response. You nervously held onto your arm, surprised at his small outburst. You gave him a smile that you were sure wasn’t all too convincing.
“I-I’m not that mad. I can’t blame others for not understanding, right?” He deadpanned at you, grabbing onto your wrist again and pulling you inside his room. He shut the door with a slam.
“You’re too nice, Mc.” You shrugged at his words, because maybe he was right about that. You could admit to yourself you were a bit annoyed, but there was a good handful of people who understood you too. It wasn’t all bad.
“Just so you know, you can always tell me if you do get mad, or something….” You smiled, letting him lead you to his bed.
“…And you’ll never have to explain stuff like that to me either….”
“….Yeah.” Belphie was not the best with words, but you still cherished what he said. You pulled him into a tight hug, whispering a small thanks into his shoulder.
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lythea-creation · 4 months
Expectations - Shams x fem reader (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: mentions of emotional abuse
word count: 842
It had been over a week since I had started living with Shams and Omar.
I had not heard a word from my dad. Maybe he was too busy to show up or did not care enough to do so. After all I did not have my phone to get any messages or calls from him.
By now everyone at school knew that I was hanging out with Shams. To my surprise it did not bother them too much. After the initiate shock they just pretended that nothing had changed and treated me like usually.
“I know what I want to do now”, I declared to Shams and Omar while we were eating dinner together.
“About what?”, Omar wondered.
“Everything basically. But I need a phone for that. Can I borrow one of yours?”, I requested.
“Sure”, my girlfriend agreed immediately. “Just take it. You know the code.”
I thanked her and followed her offer right after finishing my food.
“What are you planning?”, Shams questioned.
“Posting a new video”, I enlightened them. “It's been a while after all.”
“You revealed that like it was a big deal”, Omar noted.
“It is. Just sit down and listen”, I instructed them.
I placed the phone in a way I was fully filmed.
Then I took a deep breath and tapped onto the live stream button and sat down on the couch in front of the camera.
“Hey everyone! Before you start wondering I'm not at home. And I know I haven't posted in a while. That is because my phone has been confiscated by my dad. You're probably asking yourself what all of this is about. Well … sit back and listen because I'm going to tell you my true story now. You heard me right. Everything I showed you before was pretty much a facade. I wanted to be famous and popular. I wanted everyone to believe that my life is perfect. That I'm perfect. But that's simply not true.”
I sent Shams a soft smile, which was encountered by an encouraging nod from her side.
“I tried to be perfect, pretty much my whole life. You all know my successful dad. I had to take after him. He expected that, too. So I tried my best. I studied for most of the hours of my day. Straight A's and nothing less, otherwise I was failing. I built up this social media life. Everyone wanted to be with or like me. It was addicting. The fear of failure and rejection even led me to hide one of my most important relationships.”
I sent Shams a questioning look. She understood and sat down next to me.
“Shams and I have always been close. For those of you who don't know her, she's Omar's sister. I hid her because I couldn't hurt my image, because people call her a weirdo. But I love that she's different. That she's herself in a world full of fake people and wannabes like me.
Isn't that what we all want? To be accepted as the person we truly are? So why are we always judging so quickly instead of really getting to know somebody first?
What I wanna say is … I'm sick of living up to everyones expectations and I'm refusing to continue playing this game. As long as I have Shams and Omar, people who love me, the real me, I'm gonna be alright. I don't have to care about everyone else. And you should be, too. Let's change the rules ourselves! We have the power to do so.
It's all so clear in front of me right now. You know … a few days ago I was sick of it all. The pretending, the endless struggle to be perfect. I understood what was important to me when my dad basically locked me up at home to improve my grades after I got a B. He made me feel like I wasn't good enough. Like my total worth was tied to my accomplishments, my status. But that's just not true.
It was time for me to take my life into my own hands. And honestly … my life may not be picture perfect right now. But it's never been better.
People call me an influencer and my new principal once asked what kind of influence we wanna have on people. I want to inspire you to enjoy your life instead of making it look like you're enjoying it online. If you can achieve that, put your phone aside and create your imperfect and yet perfect life off-screen, then you're so much more successful than anyone you paint to be perfect.
Well … that's all I wanted to say. I hope you're all doing good. I finally am. I'm not sure if I'll post anything else and when. Just know I'm still around. Bye!”
Omar stopped the live stream for me and put Shams' phone aside.
Never in my life have I ever felt this free.
Next Chapter
Well ... why do i always have to write spontaneous speeches? However I hope you like the new chapter. Please tell me your opinion. And btw i truly mean every word of that speech. So that's kinda my message to you as well.
I haven't posted a new chapter for this for a long time. So I thought I keep you guys updated.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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onawhimsicot · 2 years
SRB had mentioned in the newsletter that TWTBD would explore the consequences of actions when they can't get away with the excuse of being children anymore and so I wasn't *really* shocked that Elliott's been exiled for treason. In fact, I was a little delighted LOL bc it showed that Elliot never stopped being him. I'm sure we'll find out exactly what he did this time around
I AM AGHAST ABOUT THE LUKE (AND POSSIBLY ALSO SERENE????) THING BUT a story's gotta have drama and angst!! I will refrain from throwing a fit about it until I find out what happens in the second part because honestly... I love the drama LOL, I love the pining stage way more than the established relationship stage and this way (ideally) we get both :3
“Then you deserved to lose it. I won’t surrender my home.”
“This was difficult for me to understand, growing up,” said Mr. Schafer slowly. “But life teaches us that sometimes we must make compromises.”
Still mulling over this in my head, like this can very easily apply to just his childhood/life and his difficulty with being vulnerable. This idea of compromises surely has something to do with his estrangement from his friends. Although clearly something has happened between him and Luke, I feel like it's not just a romantic thing and something's also happened with Serene and Golden? Luke wasn't his only home, after all. It could just be the distance/separation of being exiled, but my prediction would be that it's something like Elliot (Mr. constantly throws himself away so that he won't hurt people) chose to break himself away from them so that he would not drag them down/make them be seen as traitors as well. I imagine that he and Luke probably had a fight about this and while I think one or both sides of it are probably bitter and hurt over this, they're probably both so sad and pining for the other (but they're totally fine, they don't even CARE it's not even a big deal).
But! I also think that one of the themes being set up is this idea of waiting or plans being set in motion. Like young Elliot always tried to get results immediately, but now he is learning/has learned to play the long game. So maybe there's not even drama and it's all part of a master plan lol
(I am refusing to believe anyone is dead btw, I am placing my ABSOLUTE TRUST AND FAITH in Sarah Rees Brennan!! I fully believe that things will turn out alright in some fashion so I'm just 100% enjoying the ride. I'm loving the short story so far!!!!
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indulgingasian · 1 year
Parents' reaction less of a shock than expected! Fortunately they didn't make a big deal out of my weight gain, they've always been supportive like that. I decided it was pointless trying to hide the extra weight (especially given that I'm now up to 154 pounds and have no intentions of depriving myself of home cooking! 😂 So I decided to just wear clothes that felt comfortable like stretchy leggings. My Dad commented immediately that I'd "really filled out" when he saw me which was a little embarrassing (although it didn't help that I left my fat ass in full view as I speed-walked back to fetch something I'd left in the car!) Fortunately my Mom jumped in to defend me by saying I was looking healthy. It felt a little strange at first to be larger than my Mom. I felt super fat initially sitting beside her at the kitchen table with my thighs spilling over the sides of the chair 😂 Open to suggestions on how I can draw more attention to my weight during my time here! 😂
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
sneak peek of the next chapter of 'SWTS'?
I need you to know that I wasn't ignoring you. xD
The first message came in while I was on my trip/vacation and I didn't have my laptop with me. Then I almost immediately got a cold, even though I had a cold on the trip, too. I was sick for a week, and this is the first day I've felt normal.
So without further ado, here's a sneak peak of Chapter 4, Part 2 of Six Ways To Sunday.
I'm so happy to be back 🥲
“El? I’m sorry, but it’s an emergency.” Still not even half asleep, Eleven bolted up out of bed and crossed to Mike at the door. He gave her a short, hushed explanation, glancing at Erica every now and then.
“I'll help,” she piped up from the sleeping bag.
“No, Erica, stay here,” Mike ordered firmly. “Just me, El, and Will.” She gave him a withering look that he missed completely.
"Where is he–" She stopped short at the sight of the closed bathroom door, rushing over to knock. "Will? Will, let us in."
"Come on, there's a line out here already," Mike joked, earning a shove from his girlfriend.
"Don't lie."
Mike looked around quickly to make sure the adults weren't in the room before he spoke again. "Just trying to lighten the mood, let him know it's not a big deal."
"But it is a big deal to him."
"And I can hear every word you're saying," Will informed them from the other side of the door.
"We need to talk about this," El pleaded.
"What more is there to say?" Will's voice was shaky but insistent. "Just let me get past the initial mortification, please."
"But there's nothing to be embarrassed about, man, that's what we're trying to say," Mike reassured.
El persisted, her forehead pressed to the door. "Please, Will. No matter what, we're your friends. And your family."
"What's going on?" They both turned with cautious eyes at the sound of Lucas's voice.
Mike swallowed hard. "We're not supposed to say."
"I'm gay, Lucas, that's what's going on," Will announced sharply, Mike and El's eyes widening considerably.
Lucas blinked through the moderate shock. "Didn't see that coming."
"What was it you were saying about being unobservant?" Max asked sarcastically, giving him a playful smile as she leaned on El's shoulder. Lucas returned the expression, shaking his head.
"See? People are flirting with each other out here," Mike pointed out enthusiastically. "That's how little it bothers us. I mean–it doesn't bother us at all, at all–"
Suddenly, Dustin was next to him yelling at the door. "Come on, Will. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you get to hog the only bathroom!"
A chorus of "Dustin!" sounded through the cabin.
He turned to them all with wide eyes. "What? Was that…was that bad to say somehow?" With a sigh, he faced the door again. "I’m so sorry!"
He might as well have screamed the apology in Will's face, as he opened the door not a second later, a reluctant smile on his face. "No, that's fair, I guess."
El was the first to wrap him in a tight hug, followed by Mike, who placed an arm around him and his head on his shoulder. The rest joined in, and Lucas pulled Erica into the group hug once he saw her standing nearby, much to her chagrin.
Will fought back tears, abundantly grateful that he wouldn't have to find a better family after all.
"And while this is lovely, I really gotta go." Dustin rushed into the bathroom, the others chuckling at him as he closed the door.
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deadlifeseries · 1 year
Head with no bulk
yes the title is a bad pun
yes this is about the headmaster episode
yes i am once again writing mooshy shit let's go
This had to be jus about the worst thing ever.
First he had a gallery show and no pieces for it, and now he had woken up with his body somehow missing. After calming down from the initial shock he commed Prowl.
"Hey, Prowl. I uh, I have a problem"
"What happened? Are you alright? You didn't come home last night", everyone just assumed that he'd be back late after Bulkhead stormed out the previous day and didn't come back late into the evening. But as the morning came he was nowhere to be found.
"Sort of? But I need you to come to my location, and please hurry".
Hurry? Did something happen? Prowl hoped not, he raced through the streets into the more run-down part of town. As he aproached Bulkhead's location he couldn't see him anywhere.
He transformed to robot mode and looked around, and called out for Bulkhead.
"Down here!" he called back, slightly embarrased at being seen in such a state. Prowl picked him up "how did this happen? Who did this to you?" His visor switched angle back and forth before settling on pinting sharply up "I'll make sure they pay for it".
He looked down to see Bulkhead look tired and defeated, "what's wrong?" Prowl asked and caressed the other's cheek. "It's just..." he sighed "Everything's going wrong. Everyone's scared of me, I've got a gallery show but I can't make anything good, and now this". The angle of Prowl's visor softened, he knew that Bulkhead had certain insecurities but hearing how much it really bothered him was horrible.
Prowl walked into an allet and sat down with his back leaning against a wall. He held Bulkhead against his chelsplate so that the other could hear his spark. "Why do you worry so much about what others think of you?" Prowl wanted so desperately for Bulkhead to see all the amazing things that Prowl saw in him. "Because they're right! I'm too big and clumsy, and I always break everything! I've always been the looser, I don't know why you even bother with me".
The last sentence made Prowl stiffen, and his vents stilled. In a split second Bulkhead found himself being glared at just a few inches away from Prowl's face. "Now you listen to me. I will not tolerate hearing you talk about yourself in such a way. You mean the world to me and I know for a fact that you are so much more than your physical strength. Anybody who disregards you as nothing more is a fool. I know that it's hard to deal with being talked down to, trust me I have been there myself. But no matter what remember that what others think does not define you". His engines had begun to revv agressively as he spoke, unable to contain his love and passion.
Bulkhead still looked slightly unconvinced, he was about to retort but was immedietly cut off by Prowl's lips pressing hard agains his own. When he was free he tried again, but was once more cut off. "Let me talk!" as much as he tried he couldn't escape Prowl's grasp, "only if you don't depreciate yourself again" he warned.
"Okay, I won't. I just.. I've always been seen as just big and dumb, and I just want to be seen as something more than that. That's part of why I got so invested in spacebridges, I thought that maybe I'd actually make something of myself. Even if maintenence work is looked down on". Prowl listened patiently as Bulkhead spoke, and when he finished Prowl kissed him again, a lot softer this time. "Well, your knowledge in the field is defienetly unmatched. I may not be able to change the opinions of others or completely take your worries away, but know that I will always love you just how are. And I won't hesitate to remind you of it", he smiled and peppered little kisses all over his face and neck, which made Bulkhead start to laugh.
"Are you feeling better now?" Prowl had made them both blush a lot and he savoured the sight of Bulkhead's dorky grin, "yeah, I'm better... thanks, dear". The little petname made Prowl's spark skip a beat. He stood up and set off in the direction of the base "of course, my love".
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choicesfanaf · 2 years
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I posted 632 times in 2022
58 posts created (9%)
574 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 131 of my posts in 2022
#ethan ramsey - 58 posts
#ethan x aru - 54 posts
#open heart - 51 posts
#arundhati kulkarni - 50 posts
#ethan x mc - 50 posts
#mc monday - 44 posts
#playchoices - 35 posts
#choices stories you play - 29 posts
#thirsty thursday - 28 posts
#dr ethan ramsey - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 62 characters
#you are a coward who's using the anon button to hide yourself
My Top Posts in 2022:
Why Did You Leave Me Alone
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Sienna Trinh
Word Count: 1031 words
Rating: General
Summary: On his arrival from the Amazon, Ethan receives a surprise
Category: Angst
A/N: TW Periods, TW Pregnancy
Tagging: @jamespotterthefirst, @rookiemartin, @choicesficwriterscreations, @openheartfanfics
A few weeks after her first visit to Ethan's apartment, Arundhati noticed that she had missed her periods.
"Not a big deal", she initially thought, "it must be due to stress", as she had a large number of patients to take care of recently. Also, she was preparing for her new position as a fellow in the Diagnostic Team, which ended up increasing her overall stress.
A few days passed by, and she started feeling nauseated and felt her sense of smell & taste change.
Having all of these symptoms together made the gears of her brain turn.
"I really hope that I'm panicking over nothing", she muttered to herself.
As a result, she decided to do a few pregnancy tests to confirm her suspicions.
The two minutes that Aru waited for were filled with anxiety and worry about her future if she was pregnant.
The ring of the timer broke the ominous and unpleasant silence that Arundhati felt captured and trapped by.
When Aru checked the results, she realised that her heart was pounding inside her, making her more terrified than she was before.
To her complete shock, the test came out positive. At first, she couldn't believe her eyes and decided to do another test, just for safety. But, when her second test also turned out to be positive, she broke down, unable to control her emotions.
Sienna heard faint cries from the bathroom and went in to investigate.
"Hey, can I come in?" she whispered, to not wake her roommates up.
"Yes, please", came the reply.
"Aru, what happened?" she queried as she tried to make sense of everything around her.
Sienna's eyes widened in shock when she saw a positive pregnancy test in Arundhati's hand.
"Oh, Aru. Come here", Sienna said, giving her a warm & comforting hug.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, unsure of Arundhati's reply.
"Come to my room, then."
"Here, sit down and have some water. And feel free to let it all out."
"Si, please don't tell anyone about this."
See the full post
14 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
For Choices February Challenge Day 6:
A moodboard based on Open Heart Book 1, Chapter 7 when Ethan & MC go out to have coffee at Derry Roasters
Tagging: @burnsoslow, @choicesfebruary2022challenge
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15 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My (Fake) Boyfriend
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Pairing: Damien Nazario x f!MC (Aisha Park)
Characters: Damien Nazario, Aisha Park, Nadia Park
Word Count: 792 words
Rating: General
Summary: Aisha asks Damien to be her pretend boyfriend.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @burnsoslow, @rookiemartin, @mrsnazariowrites, @choicesficwriterscreations
A week after Aisha had a date with Hayden, she had a movie night with Nadia & Damien, just like any other weekend.
"Okay, guys, I'm off. It's getting pretty late now. Steve must be waiting for me. Aish, you remember that tomorrow is Shalini's wedding, right?"
"Oh, right! I almost forgot. What time is it again?"
"It starts at 11 o'clock. That means we need to be there by 10 am."
"Are you bringing Steve along?"
"Yeah, definitely. Can't wait to introduce him to the rest of the family. What about you though? Are you bringing your boyfriend?", Nadia asked, vaguely pointing towards Damien.
"Oh! I'll try my best, but I'm not sure", she said winking.
"Well, see you tomorrow."
As soon as Nadia left, Damien asked the one question that was on his mind.
"What was Nadia talking about? Who's Shalini? And the last time I checked, you don't have a boyfriend."
"Shalini is our cousin who lives in Manhattan. By the way, how are you so sure about me not having a boyfriend?"
"Nadia and I are always the first ones to know whenever you have a new partner."
"But Nadia already knows about him."
On hearing this, Damien gave a look of confusion.
"Well, buckle up, D. Cause this is one hell of a ride."
"What do you mean?", he said, not knowing how the next sentence would change his life.
"So about two years ago, my parents were forcing me to get married and look at some proposals they had. They wanted me to marry for love, but they had told me that if I didn’t find someone for me, they would pitch in. I didn't want to get into all of that stress and drama, so I accidentally blurted out that you were my boyfriend."
"What?! Why me?"
"Cause you were the only person that came into my mind!", she exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed this on you. You might have some plans for tomorrow that are more important than this mess", Aisha rambled as she calmed down.
"There is nothing more important for me than you", he thought.
"Well, I don't have anything important lined up for tomorrow, other than a meeting with a few people. Let me see what I can do."
"D, you don't have to worry. I'll tell them that you are in Paris right now."
See the full post
17 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
A Surprise Date
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For Week 5 of Choices Flashfics, Prompt 1: “Every time I think I’m close to finally figuring you out, you end up surprising me.”
Prompt used is highlighted in pink and bold.
Based on an ask by @peonierose, pictures used in the text messages.
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Sienna Trinh
Word Count: 572 words
Rating: General
Summary: Arundhati takes Ethan out on a date.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @peonierose, @jamespotterthefirst, @quixoticdreamer16, @rookiemartin, @choicesficwriterscreations, @openheartfanfics, @choicesflashfics
See the full post
18 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Thanks a lot to @choicesfandomappreciation for running this event!
Mods of @choicesficwriterscreations and @openheartfanfics, thanks a lot for organising and displaying the works of a lot of creators. Also, I love that you all create many wonderful events which leads to other creators having fun during them!
@lovealexhunt, I'm in awe of all the work you undertake to make this fandom a lovely space to be in! Thanks for all that you do!
@jamespotterthefirst, thanks for creating MC Monday and Thirsty Thursday, which gives all the creators an opportunity to discuss more about their pairings. Also, I love that you try to reply to everyone who takes part in these events!
@jerzwriter and @liaromancewriter, thanks a lot for being an awesome part of the fandom and responding to everyone who participates in various different events! Your comments definitely make my day!
@quixoticdreamer16, thanks for supporting all the work I do! I admire you as you support everyone in our fandom, and give them enough motivation to keep being a part of it!
@peonierose, thanks for sending lovely messages of kindness, and showering my inbox with love!
@potionsprefect, thanks for creating Tiktok Tuesday, and all the lovely content you create!
@genevievemd, I want to thank you for creating Wedding Wednesday which was a lovely weekly event!
@dr-colossal-pita, I'm grateful for Foodie Friday, and how wonderful it is to share additional details about my OCs.
@ofmischiefandmedicine, thanks for creating Style Saturday, and I hope that you continue it!
Tagging some more lovely people: @moodmusicmonday, @choicesflashfics, @headoverheelsforramsey, @burnsoslow, @monsoonblooms12, @nooruleman, @crazy-loca-blog, @inlocusmads, @lawyerlies, @mrsnazariowrites, @robintora
I appreciate you, and am glad that you are a part of the fabulous Choices fandom!
Please forgive me if I might have forgotten you!
25 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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