#but now he's all goo goo ga ga over her
kaizsche · 2 days
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ben: eyes on the road TWISTERS (2024)
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dancingdonatello · 12 days
hiiii! I read cherry and I love how it’s going so far. I do have a question, can you possibly write it to be raph x reader in a sense that when he first meets reader when draxum attacks he got all goo goo ga ga. So like he tries to see reader more and reader ends up falling for him instead. Like that part in the gala when he came and saved reader. Aaaaaaaaaaaa. Anyways thank you for your time! 💕
cherry! raph x reader
hi!!! this was sm fun 🥰 but also this won’t make sense without reading this :]
He had immediately complimented you, but how could he not? You were so cute, in your little uniform and your hair all done. Maybe it was weird, Big Mama’s son had seemed angry with him, but Raph just couldn’t help it.
Not to mention that you were so… nice. You held hands with Mikey, complimented Donnie, and looked up with him with less fear than a human normally would. Then what a human should. It was a nice different. The screaming from ladies and the threats from men when his hood had fell of at a market a week ago still haunted him.
You had chosen to work in the Nexus Hotel, among all these mutants that called themselves yokai. What other human would do that? You must be so strong, so fearless. His tail wagged and he glanced over to you, heart jumping near out of his chest when you caught him for the second time.
He stared at the pictures on the walls, willing his skin to cool down. Subtlety was never his skill, obviously.
He felt… not sad when Big Mama sent you away when he and his brothers finally got to her office. Being sad would be too much for just meeting you, but he definitely wanted to see more of you. He hoped to see you again. If things went good with Big Mama, he’d have an excuse to visit. Maybe for the lounge or the food… His stomach growled right as Big Mama picked up Donnie’s tech.
But things did not go good with Big Mama.
They were now beaten and tied up in a room, cramped together. Mikey whined and Donnie winced as Raph’s spikes dug into his shell. Raph sighed forlornly as he stared at the dark wall in front of him. Hopefully Splinter wouldn’t miss them too much.
The door cracked open, and he lit up at the sight of you—and Leo.
You two were here to save them, no doubt!
“Let’s sell them.” Oh.
Leo tugged Mikey up by his cuffs, grinning cruelly at the fearful look on his younger brother’s face. You looked semi unsure about all of this, nervously looking at him and Donnie. At least you weren’t totally onboard, right? You could be worse.
Raph only blinked just in time to see Draxum and Leo starting to fight. What a day. He was never coming back here, that’s for sure.
You kneeled down next to him and worked at his cuffs until they fall off. Never mind. He’d have to come visit you to thank you, of course. It would be rude not to. Maybe he could bring you flowers or a nice gift…
He didn’t see you again for a while after the Draxum–Big Mama fight.
Leo seemed like he hated Raph and his brothers and he did actually strangle Mikey, but he wasn’t sure where you stood in all that. You and Leo did seem pretty close on that rooftop… Ugh.
Raph moped around the lair so much that even Splinter noticed something was up. He couldn’t stand the thought of you, nice, innocent you, and that mean yokai being in a relationship. You deserved someone nicer.
He was only broken out of his mood when Donnie came home covered in butter weeks later. “I saw them today.” Donnie poked Raph with a metal claw, while using his real arms to wipe the butter off.
“Ya did?!” Raph lunged at him, grabbing him by the shoulders. Donnie easily slipped out of his grip and Raph grimaced at the feel on his hands. “Where?! You weren’t in the hotel, were you?”
“No. As if I would willingly step foot into a spider’s nest.” Raph’s phone pinged. “I put the address on your phone. Don’t be a creep.”
Despite his words, Raph ended up on a rooftop over looking the other building at midnight. Did you live here? Was it just a coincidence that you were here today when Donnie was?
He sighed and sat on the ledge, kicking his feet back and forth. He’d probably never see you again. He hoped Big Mama left you alone for the most part. Her henchmen were scary too… Did you need help?
He perked up when he saw someone the same size of you walking down the dark road. He scrambled down the side of the building and slowly lingered in the shadows as you fought with the door to try and get into the apartment complex.
“Do ya need help?” You jolted and turned to look at him, gaping wordlessly. “It’s, uh, just me.” He hesitantly stepped closer. You blinked at him a few times before finally finding your voice.
“Oh. Yeah. Please?” You stepped away and he hauled the door open. You stared at his arm for a moment and Raph sheepishly let go of the door.
“Sorry. I know I’m big.”
“Y-yeah.” Your voice cracked, eyes dilated and staring at him. You cleared your throat and looked away, tugging up the collar of your shirt. “Yeah. Thanks. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
An uncontrollable grin spread across his face and his tail rapidly moved behind him. You smiled, a small thing. “‘Course. Glad to help.”
“I’m guessing you’re here to look for that pig? He went down that alley, but me and Leo left before we saw him come back.” You closed the door behind you. No, he wasn’t here for a pig. He was here for you and now you were already gone. He sighed, smiling aimlessly up at the air. You were so…
Wait. A pig in New York City? A hulking mass of pink tackled into him from behind. Ugh.
He didn’t see you again for a while. He would come back to the apartment complex but he never saw you come by again. He saw an older woman and man who looked vaguely like you but never you.
He returned to his dull mood, rolling his eyes at the endless teasing from Mikey and Don.
He saw you very briefly at a parade in the streets where Draxum had let loose a sick mutant. His stomach rolled at the way Leo had grabbed and gripped your hand so hard that you winced. Why didn’t you ever say anything? He dragged you away and Raph had to stop himself from going after you.
His mood got even worse after that.
Splinter patted his head gently before waving three golden tickets in his face. “Why don’t you go to the Hidden City Carnival?”
Don protested but Mikey wanted to go. It was down to Raph, but his heart just wasn’t in it to go to a carnival.
“Think of the rides! The games! The prizes!” Mikey urged him, jumping onto his shell and getting close to his face. “Think of who might be there.” You. You could be there.
And you were.
Raph caught sight of you (after sniffing around for you like a wild animal that had Donnie and Mikey howling with laughter) when were shouting at Leo, tears forming in your eyes. Raph’s chest hurt at the sight of you. He left Mikey and Don’s side to follow after you once you stormed off, just to make sure you were okay. You wouldn’t mind seeing a familiar face in the crowd, would you?
But you seemed to have already known someone else there. A very large, very scary tiger yokai. Wow. You sure knew how to choose and pick your friends.
He was about to leave when he hesitated. You were moving weird. Stumbling, even when the tiger yokai grabbed a hold of you to steady you. Raph rushed in right as that tiger’s claws dug into your skin.
He grabbed you, holding you tight to avoid you falling with the yokai he had just shoved clear across the stands. People gasped out loud at the scene but Raph rushed away in between the stands and a broken down ride to look at you face.
He set you to the ground by your feet but you could barely stand on your own. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt ya too bad, did he?” He looked down to the scratches on your arm but when he looked back at your face, he winced at the terrified look. “Sorry. I know ‘m big.”
His nose twitched at the disgusting smell of blood. Within seconds, his brothers were with him. Within a few more seconds, Leo was there, grabbing for your face. Raph gently pushed him away, watching as your eyes fluttered shut. What was happening to you?
“I can protect them,” Leo snarled at him angrily, reaching for you again.
“Clearly, ya can’t. Look at ‘em.” Raph hefted you up more into his arms, giving the other turtle a sympathetic look. “What happened?” He must know more than Raph.
“Drugged.” Donnie concluded, reaching out and poking your cheek. You turned to hide your face away in Raph’s plastron. “You did this?” He turned to Leo, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course not!” Leo hissed out.
“It was the tiger.” Raph looked around for the orange yokai but he was gone. “And he’s from the hotel, right? That’s how they knew him?”
Leo looked angry and then blank.
“You can’t… bring ‘em back.” Raph protectively held you closer. “Not after this. What else will happen to ‘em when you’re not around?”
“I was around!” Leo argued, eyes narrowing dangerously. “I was right there, they were just too stubborn to listen to me.”
“You can guarantee this won’t happen again?” Donnie pushed Leo back a few steps. “That someone won’t hurt them there?”
The yokai hesitated, eyes softening at the distressed look on your face, even unconscious. “…No.”
“Then let us take ‘em back to where they belong.” Leo stared up at Raph before he turned around and walked away, shoulders hunched up close to his neck. He looked devastated.
“Let’s go home.” Mikey jumped onto Raph’s back, looking down at you over his shoulder. “We gotta take care of them before they wake up… or put them in a hospital.”
“Hospital’s the best option by far.” Donnie walked beside Raph as he started to walk to the exit of the carnival. “I’m not quite sure on how to get them there with our appearances. We can go in with hoodies but then we’d look just as suspicious.”
…Your parents. Raph’s eyes lit up. “Raph knows what to do.”
Raph visited you every day he could. He couldn’t really visit you in the ER, but once you had been taken home, he had peeked in through every window he could until he spotted you. He scared a few old grandmas on the way to your floor, but it was with it.
He was a little nervous of your reaction. Would you want anything to do with yokais and mutants after being drugged and hurt by one? But when you saw his red mask in your window, your face had lit up. You had yanked the window open and tugged him into a hug… a really weird hug, considering he was scaling a building and trying not to fall off, but a hug nonetheless.
“Thank you so much…” You pulled away from him, eyes watering but full of gratitude. You leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I don’t know what he would’ve done to me if you weren’t there.”
Raph churred so loud that the window rattled noisily. “Of c-course,” he forced out, coughing. “I wouldn’t want anyone hurtin’ ya.” Your smile wobbled with emotion and you laughed weakly.
He couldn’t fit through your window, but you followed him all the way to an abandoned park, once you recovered, of course. You were okay, thanks to him. You weren’t wobbly anymore or weak. You were normal. Maybe a little brain damaged with how you giggled at all his jokes, even when they were admittedly not that good.
You’d look up with wide eyes too, especially when he lifted you off your feet without any struggle. You’d go limp in arms, all dopey and giggly. Raph adored you.
You cuddled into him when cold and he would wrap an arm around you and walk you home.
He hoped you could live a normal life now. Well, as normal as it could be when dating a giant turtle like him. But no more yokai or Big Mama around. Where you were relaxed and surrounded by people you loved. Focusing on your schoolwork and bringing him new coffee to try. Seeing his home in abandoned subway underground and meeting his rat father (who was Lou Jistu!—you had seemed pretty impressed with that one.)
He’d probably never meet your parents, but that was okay. As long as you were happy, he didn’t care.
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bitterkarella · 5 months
Midnight Pals: Ssussspicionsss
[mysterious circle of robed figures] Elon Musk: eyyyy i just thinka you should post somethinga besida da transphobia, si? Musk: lika da strega bambino! Musk: da people lova da straga bambino! [chef's kiss]
Rowling: wow elon maybe you're right Rowling: maybe i should take a break from transsphobia to talk about the sssix other booksss that i'm planning to write Rowling: becaussse there are sssix other minoritiesss that have really been pissssing me off lately
Rowling: [counting off on her fingers] sssso my next books are gonna take down the transss, the queersss, the dissabled, young people with blue hair, hoodie ssscum, and fattiessss Rowling: they've all had it too good for too long
Rowling: thank you for having this conversssation elon Helen Joyce: oh no! the dark lord is in trouble! Rowling: i'm fine Allison Bailey: elon musk is attacking the dark lord! Rowling: thatss not whatss happening Jesse Singal: mommy needs our help!
Helen Joyce: how dare you speak to the dark lord like that! Joyce: you will regret this day, elon musk! Joyce: we are, even now, just asking questions about your larynx size on mumsnet Musk: mama mia!
Musk: ey whatsa matta for you? Joyce: wow elon that italian accent seems to be suspiciously averaging in the 75 htz range and i'm hearing a lot going below 50 Bailey: very suspicious Julie Bindel: [tape over mouth] mmf! Bailey: that's right julie Bailey: you sure said a mouthful!
Joyce: i can't believe that elon musk is actually trans! Joyce: why else would someone get bored listening to a constant, never-ending 24/7 stream of transphobia? Rowling: wow i never thought of it that way Rowling: but you're right Rowling: it is the only logical explanation
Musk: issa notta true! i hata da trans people justa as much as you! Musk: my son, he tella you the same! Musk: [falsetto voice, hiding behind couch] eyyy its me, elon musk jr! my cool dad issa real transphobic! ga ga goo goo! i amma NOT a sock puppet! don't a look back here!!
Rowling: you lied, elon! you and your naturally occurring sssmall gametesss, the mark of a lying AMAB! Rowling: but Rowling: if elon was sssecretly transss this whole time Rowling: ANYONE could be ssecretly transss Rowling: any one of you could be a traitor!
Rowling: everyone iss ssusspect! [camera slowly pans around circle] Jesse Singal: Allison Bailey: Helen Joyce: Julie Bindel: Jed the sled dog from John Carpenter's The Thing (1982): Maya Forstater:
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nephilimcursed · 1 month
Bella's Route: Haunted Dark Bridal (G-Edition) - Prologue Part One
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The game loads strangely, with slight distortion to your screen. You are no longer... playing as Yui. How strange, instead there is a dark haired girl with peircing, warm gold eyes in the corner of the screen. The background is a dark forest at night, black goo seeps over the leaves.
Bella: "Huh, well that was rougher than most of my fights..."
Bella: (It's been a while since a demon has given me that good of a fight. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten in a while...)
Your character gives her angel blade a spin before putting it back inside the sheath.
Bella: (I should consider stopping by a gas station or something. The Clave only give me a limited amount of money, so I'll only be able to afford Ramen again... but it's better than nothing. Plus it's been 5 days since my last meal.)
Bella: (I'm so thirsty... I don't have enough pecunia to buy a drink though. I suppose water from a river can do.)
Bella: (Ahh- My shoulder was wounded. It's deep, if it had gone through even an inch more, it would have been fully through my flesh and bone. Ouch... It's stinging by the moment.)
Bella: (If only I still had my stele, all I'd have to do is draw a rune on myself to heal. I should have never lost it to those Moloch demons back in New York.)
Bella: (Since I can't go to a Shadowhunter Institue unless ordered, I suppose I'll have to wait to get another. Which means no more runes for a while. I have to heal the human way.)
Bella: (I saw the gas station up the road, I can walk there, wrap up my shoulder, and get food. Then... back to being ordnance.)
Your character trudges up the road to a gas station, and the background changes to that of a interior of a gas station.
Bella: (Finally, that was a longer walk than I thought.)
Bella: "Mphm, ramen..."
Bella: (I'm kinda sick of this, this has been all I've had for a few months now. But at least it keeps my body running in a way. I should probably try to find a place to get some sleep sometime too.)
Bella: (Now that I have this though, I should get bandages and disinfectant. Without my stele, I could get infected.)
Your character walks to the tiny section of mini supplies for the medical supplies.
Bella: (Good, this will cost me all my money for the week. But at least it'll be enough to heal me and gain some of my strength back.)
Bella: (Why does it feel like... someone is looking at me?)
Your character turns, to spot our first familiar face, Ayato Sakamaki. He is simply staring at her as if to admire her figure.
Bella: (Ew... what a fucking creep. He has nothing better to do, huh? Argh, men...)
Bella: (Whoa, that bone structure though... and those eyes. They're like pure emeralds.)
We see another familiar face appear in the scene, Yui. It's strange, seeing her not in the corner, but on the same scale as Ayato. She looks quite worried. There is a Japanese audio, but it seems your character cannot understand the language.
Bella: (That boy... He's familiar... That doesn't matter- he's acting with a lot of disrespect toward the poor girl...)
Bella: (Should I butt in?)
Intervene <<<<♡
Don't Intervene
You chose Intervene.
Bella: "Hey, I don't think that's a very nice way to talk to a girl."
Ayato: "Hm? What did you say...?"
Bella: "I said, fuck off. I couldn't understand what the fuck you were saying, but I know you addressed her in a hostile way."
Ayato: "What makes you think you can tell ore-sama what to say to chichinashi, melons?"
Bella: "Don't call me melons, Christmas."
Ayato: "Christmas??"
Bella: "Yeah, you have red hair and green eyes, idiot. If you wanna pick a fight with me, be aware I'll snap back."
Ayato: "..."
Ayato: "Chichinashi! Hurry and come back to the car."
Ayato exits. Yui goes to follow.
Bella: "Wait one second."
Bella: "Are you okay...? If he's not treating you right, I can help."
Yui: "Oh... That's very kind of you, but when Ayato-kun gets like this... Best thing to do is do what he says..."
Bella: (I can't help her if she doesn't let me...)
Bella: "Alright, but hey, take my number. If you want, call me. If I'm still in town, I'll get you away."
Your character hands Yui a slip of paper with your number on it.
Yui: "Oh... How nice of you. Thank you so much..."
Bella: "Yeah, what's your name, kid?"
Yui: "My name is Yui Komori... Who are you?"
Bella: "Bella Wayland, nice to meet you, Ms Komori."
Yui: "Nice to meet you too... Thank you."
Yui: "Kya...! I better go..."
Bella: "Keep my number, be safe."
Yui: "Thank you again... goodbye..."
Bella: "Arrivederci."
Yui leaves, leaving Bella to pay for her food and leave.
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rogueddie · 1 year
Ghost Steddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 👻
That's one romantic poltergeist.
t's been three weeks. Everybody in Hawkins is coping in their own way and Steve Harrington is no exception. But coping might not be the word that describes what he is doing.
"Steve, do you believe in ghosts?"
Words : 94,643 Chapters : 17/17 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Sometimes You Scare me (but I Come around to You)
Steve Harrington clearly had a thing about this abandoned mall. Which, like, fair. Most people probably had a thing about this mall. That was why the two of them were in said mall (let in by the real estate agent who spiked to camera each time they asked her cursory questions about if she’d seen anything or how many people had come in to poke around) poking trashcans and looking for ghosts.
Eddie’s looking for ghosts for the cash and the chance to take a photo with one to show Wayne. It would be the kind of thing Eddie would keep in his wallet (which was mostly empty because as it turned out ghost-hunting wasn’t great for cash).
Steve Harrington, meanwhile, is an enigma wrapped in tight little polos.
Words : 2,189 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
Ever get the feeling that you're never all alone
When Steve goes to the old moldy girls bathroom everyone avoids to summon a ghost, he is hoping for a supernatural solution that will help him get over his ex.
The plan was NOT to fall in love with said ghost instead. Fuck.
Words : 9,041 Chapters : 4/4 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
the ghost of you
Eddie has been seeing ghosts for a while now and there's one ghost in particular that has been incessant in seeking him out. It's almost like they think he's the answer to all of their problems, but you really can't bring someone back from the dead (even though they're always asking for the miracle itself).
Words : 2,272 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Not Rated
AO3 : x
i met your ghost (he followed me)
Steve Harrington was losing his mind.
At least, he's pretty sure that’s what was happening, considering he kept seeing the ghost of a boy he let die, and it was starting to drive him actually crazy, in the Pennhurst kind of way.
Except he’d also always been a little bit gullible, always willing to jump into danger, to look at a situation that probably would be crazy and instead of turning and running, to drive right in. So instead of dealing with the ghost the way one probably should (which is to ignore it and maybe buy some holy water) Steve does the opposite.
And Eddie Munson, who is pretty sure he is not a ghost, is, as always, really fucking glad he does.
Words : 30,267 Chapters : 7/7 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
A Ghost In Your Mirror Is Worth Two On Your Couch
Steve has the unmitigated gall to not only haunt Eddie, but look pretty handsome doing it. He also maybe fills him on on the unimaginable terrors occupying the small town of Hawkins, but that's besides the point.
Words : 4,780 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Ghosts of Music Past
There is a ghost living in Dustin’s Garage and only Steve can see him.
Words : 1,714 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
love is like ghosts
They stand at the base of a short flight of stairs leading up to the old university library. From everything Steve’s read, it’s one of the most haunted places in Indiana… within a tank of gas’ drive… that would let them in after hours.
“It’s the witching hour,” Eddie says spookily. He’s come up behind Steve, pressing close and wiggling his fingers on Steve’s shoulders.
Steve huffs a laugh and starts double checking his pockets for his share of the gear. Something to focus on that’s not the way Eddie’s breath ruffles his hair and skims over his cheek, raising goosebumps in its wake.
It’s not like he doesn’t like the attention, the closeness, the physicality of Eddie. He does. Probably too much. Especially since they’re just friends. Steve knows he’s not special to be on the receiving end, it’s how Eddie is with everyone.
Words : 7,780 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
scar-crossed lovers.
He knows Steve won’t hear him, and imagines that he won’t feel him, but he hops down from the roof and stands in front of him anyways, directly between Steve and their friends looking on, and wraps translucent arms around his shoulders. He hugs him the best he can, the way he should’ve when they split up for the battle that would eventually kill him.
“I’m so sorry, Steve. I’m so, so sorry.”
He doesn’t feel the warmth he knows he would’ve had he stuck to the plan and been brave enough to hug Steve in victory, rather than in mourning.
Words : 3,571 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
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verosvault · 7 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 00:10:53
Video Length: 4min. & 57sec.
The Bad Kids meet Buddy Dawn (‣Pt. 1 | Pt. 2)
The beer can filled with water throwback! 😂🤣💀
Fabian: "Who's trying to feel like a bad baby?!"
Emily: "Why does it look like you're spreading it like frosting?" 😂😭
Ally: "It's a paintbrush and you just get your face painted." 😭😭
Siobhan: "So surprisingly thick" 😭
Zac: "I can just perfectly see how bad the ladle is."
Murph: "Let's turn this beer pong into milk pong."
I love all their reactions to this situation!! 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Fabian: "Who's a bad baby? You're a bad baby?"
Adaine: "He looks like a bad baby to me, Fabian."
Fabian: "He looks like a bad baby! Open up!" 😭
Buddy: "Mr. Seacaster, goo goo ga ga. I'm afraid I'm a good baby, so thank you so much."
Kristen sniffs Buddy's beer can and it smells like pure water! 😭✋ (The fact that Brennan remembered that super small bit from Ally in season 1! 😭😭✋✋)
Ally: "Oldest trick in the book!" 💀💀
Kristen pretends to be Helio since she's invisible and tries to get Buddy to drink the bad baby milk! 😭
Fig walks up as Kristen Applebees! 😂
Kristen runs "Perfect Alibi!" 😂😂😂
Buddy talks to Fabian about his house 💀
Adaine says that Bill was a privateer and Fabian corrects her and says he was a pirate and that they had a big fight over it. 🥲
Fabian tells Buddy that he visited his dad in hell and that Buddy should actually go there sometime even though he doesn't want to!!! 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Fabian tells this super religious man that Hell is fun!!! I'm crying SO HARD!!! 😂😂😂😂
Buddy gives Fabian the bad baby milk back! 😂🤣😭✋
Fabian: "We've got a whole year for you to decide you wanna be a bad baby." 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Buddy: "No, if I was gonna be a baby, I would want to be a baby that walks in the light of the corn god."
Fabian tells Buddy that Kristen was a big follower of Helio when they first met her and Buddy says that Kristen was the chosen one of Helio.
Adaine asks if Buddy is the chosen one now. 🥲🥲😋😋
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lilac-den · 1 year
Treasured Feelings
It was 3 in the morning when Lucifer was staring at his and Perida's child, holding them in his large hands.
Perida is heavily asleep in the bedroom and Lucifer woke up around just an hour before. He couldn't sleep and he isn't sure why.
Then he remembers how it's the first night of having [Name] sleeping in their home.
No longer does Lucifer need to sit alone, wondering when he and Perida can welcome the child in.
"Ga! Goo, gooo!"
[Name] is a fussy one. One moment, they're sweet and docile and then the next, they're crying their lungs out and getting fussy. But this time, the child seems happy to see Lucifer, perhaps aware he is the one who changed their diapers and willing to play with them.
He sits [Name] down on his lap, the rocking chair underneath him creaking as he starts tickling the baby gently.
A squeal, happily so from the giggles that follow after.
Truly, Lucifer is still reeling over it all. He barely accepted how he made Perida happy as her husband when [Name] was conceived. And now he's a father...
"If only I had killed you...!"
The words of his father haunt his mind, like a reminder. The last memory of him is far from pleasant.
After all, he hated Lucifer to his last breath; not a single word of love to have.
The baby places their hands on Lucifer's hands, drawing his attention away from his thoughts again. Lucifer shifts position to where he's cradling [Name] in one arm, and reaching out [Name] with the other.
The baby giggles after grasping his index finger, those tiny fingers only managing to cover his fingertip. Lucifer's heart warms all over and he brings the bundle of joy close, touching their foreheads together.
Pain comes to all and he knows harm will arrive, especially in [Name]'s adulthood. Perida mentions that pain can be a part of growth, one that Lucifer shares the same sentiment.
But if there is an oath Lucifer can make...
"I promise, little byte," he whispers, "no hate shall come from me."
The baby laughs again, those tiny hands touching his cheeks now.
Lucifer smiles, tears gleaming in his eyes.
Fatherhood feels so warm.
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breaniebree · 2 years
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Still not sure when it will be posted but hopefully by the end of March!
Here's a sneak peek to show you what I have planned...
Chapter One of Third Time's the Charm
The One With A Second Chance
Queen blared from the speakers as Sirius hummed along with the beat of Radio Gaga.  He smiled as James began to hum under his breath next to him, shaking his hips to the beat.  When he started to move his head and fist pump the air as he quite frankly, jammed out, Sirius stifled a laugh.  When he began to sing along, Sirius couldn’t help but smile at his friend.  He wiggled his own hips along, knocking them against James’ as they grinned widely at each other.  
By the time the second verse started, James was singing loudly and powerfully, his smooth voice echoing in the workshop around them.
“Let’s hope you never leave, old friend.  Like all good things, on you we depend.  So stick around, ‘cause we might miss you, when we grow tired, of all this visual.  You had your time, you had the power!  You’ve yet to have your finest hour, radio!  Radio!”  James sang.  
When he caught Sirius’ eye, he grabbed the wrench like a microphone and began to really sing as he clapped his hands together.  
“All we hear is radio ga ga!  Radio goo goo!  Radio ga ga!  Sing it, mate!  All we hear is radio ga ga!  Radio goo goo!  Radio ga ga!  All we hear is radio ga ga!  Radio blah blah!  Radio, what’s new?  Some-one still loves you!”  
Sirius snorted.  “Do they now?”
James shrugged.  “Well, I mean, there has to be at least one person who loves you, Padfoot.  No one I know, obviously…”
“Piss off,” Sirius said, biting back a laugh.
James reached a hand up to scratch his cheek and spread engine grease all over his face.  
Sirius shook his head.  “You’re hopeless, Prongs.”
James attempted to wipe it off, but instead only smeared it even worse.  “I don’t even understand how this shit gets everywhere!”  When he only succeeded in blackening himself more, he pouted.  “Help me!”  he whined.
Sirius chuckled and reached for a cloth, moving to stand in front of his best mate and brother to scrub his face clean.  “There.  Hopeless.”
“I’m not hopeless, I’m just not good with the whole machine thing.  That’s a wheel, right?”
“Smart arse,” Sirius said, throwing the towel at him.  “If you can’t honour the bike, get out of the workshop.”
James chuckled.  “That’s the moto-so-che bonneville harley, right?”
“I hate you.”
James grinned and passed his friend the wrench.  “Love you, too, brother.”
Marauder barked and ran in a circle around James as Lady Godiva merely lifted her head to watch the dog, looking very unimpressed with Marauder’s antics. 
They both looked up when someone came to the door and Fleamont stood there, a smile on his face.  
“Boys, getting up to trouble out here?”
“Never, Dad,” James said.
He chuckled.  “That’s what I thought.  Why don’t you come inside?  Fee and Lily have prepared a picnic for lunch.  Misha is joining us.”
“I hope Fee and the house elves made it,” Sirius said.  “If it was Evans, I might not want to risk it.”
“I heard that Sirius Black!”  Lily exclaimed, coming up behind Fleamont.  “That was one time and I was pregnant with your godson!”
“So you say,” he teased.  “I just remember you trying to poison me and Prongs forcing Moony and I to eat it.”
Lily shook her head in amusement before she moved towards Sirius to kiss his cheek.  She took James’ hand in hers.  “Well, come risk it if you dare.  Misha wants to talk to you anyway.”
James tugged on her hand to pull her up against him so that he could kiss his wife deeply.  “I love you, Lily.”
“I love you, too,” she said, grinning up at him with her heart in her eyes.
They kissed again and Sirius turned back towards his motorbike to give his friends a moment of privacy.
“I’ll meet you out there in a minute.  I just want to finish something first and you two can get the snogging out of your system in the meantime.”
“Never!”  James scoffed.  “Have you seen these lips?  They are the most perfect lips ever made!”
Lily squeezed her husband’s hand.  “The sad part is that he’s talking about his own lips.  Don’t be too long, Padfoot.”
James squeezed Sirius’ shoulder before wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist and leading her away from the bike.  Fleamont put his hand on Sirius’ shoulder.
“Don’t be too long, son.  You know Fee will want to feed you.”
Sirius nodded.  “I won’t, Monty.  Save me some of that treacle tart before Jamie eats it all.”
Fleamont chuckled.  “No promises.” 
Sirius grinned as he turned back to the bike.  He picked up the wrench, humming along to “Radio Gaga” as the music seemed to grow louder, rumbling in in his ears like the wireless was moving closer and closer to him.  Then, something flashed at his right.  He turned, his eyebrow furrowed in confusion as music blared in his ears.  He smelt her soap before he saw her and when she flashed again, covered in blood, his eyes widened.
“Zee!  What…?”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice echoing as the music stopped around him.  “I tried to stop them.”
Sirius reached for her, but just as he touched her, his hand passed right through her.  Before he could contemplate the vision before him, something punched him right in the chest.  It hit him so hard that all of the breath was knocked out of him.  He felt like his chest was caved in and that every rib was broken and stabbing him somewhere different.  He gasped for breath, his eyes on Zee flashing in and out before him.
“Zee?  Zee, where are you?”  he demanded, but she flashed again and vanished before his eyes.
“Sirius?”  Euphemia asked from the doorway.  “Are you coming?”
“Fee…”  he whispered, blood bubbling at his mouth.
“Sirius?”  she called out, seeming to stare right through him.  “Darling, are you in here?”
Euphemia stepped right past him as if she couldn’t see him.  Sirius started to speak, unsuccessfully attempting to reach for her when suddenly, hands sprung out from the ground and tightly gripped him by his ankles.  He tried to shake them off, ventured to jump away, but the grip was too strong.  He reached for Euphemia again, his eyes wide before the hands around his ankles yanked.  His boots sank into the ground like quicksand and he was abruptly pulled into the earth.  The scream tore through him so loudly that it scorched his throat and Zee’s terrified face flashed before him.
“Zahira!” he cried out.  “Zahira!”
He was dragged through the mud; falling and rising like he was clawing his way to the surface, but the surface of what he didn’t know.  He swallowed the earth; dirt in his eyes, in his nose, in his mouth.  He could hear voices calling him and then there was nothing but the earth and the pain in his chest.
Pain unlike anything he’d ever felt before.  
Sharp, searing pain that made him taste his own blood.  
Pain like something was being ripped apart inside of him, something that he tried desperately to hold onto to, but no matter how hard he fought, the more it ripped and tore free.
And then there was only blackness.
~ TTTC ~
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novankenn · 1 year
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirty-Three = (Chapter List)
Nora: So, to the bullhead station?
Jaune: And get on one of those death-traps? No way. We're taking the Delta.
Cardin: (From the back seat) Beacon is on the top of a cliff, how is this bucket of... (Nora shot him a glare over her shoulder, cutting him off)
Nora: So how are we getting back without a bullhead?
Jaune: (Guiding the Delta through Vale's traffic.) There's an old access road from Vale to Beacon. We're taking that.
Nora: An OLD road? Can we... even make it?
Jaune: The Classic can make it through anything, oh ye of little faith!
Cardin: How are you so sure?
Jaune: If this old gal could get me and my friends up to the... um... she just will, trust me. Nora, hit play if you please... we need some cruising music.
Nora gave Cardin a questioning look over her shoulder, only to get a shrug of his shoulders as a response. So she reached over and hit play on the old tape deck.
Jaune: Oh yeah, that's the stuff!
Nora and Cardin sat back, giving Jaune a similar look, as he started to tap the wheel with his cybernetic hand, while also singing along... very off-key.
Despite Cardin and Nora's reservations, the Delta 88, or as Jaune called it "the Classic" was easily handling the rutted and rough very unmaintained road that lead from Vale proper to Beacon. Though neither was appreciating Jaune's singing.
After the fifth repetition of the song, as apparently the tape was just the one song, Nora had had enough and reached over and ejected the tape.
Jaune: Hey! (Taking his eyes off the road and giving Nora a look) I was...
Cardin: LOOK OUT!
Jaune/Nora: SHIT!
The beowulf hit the front of the Delta, was flipped over the hood to slam into the windshield, causing it's head to burst in a spray of goo that coated the glass. A second impact caused Jaune to slam on the brakes.
Cardin: What the f...?
Nora: Where the FUCK did that come from?
Jaune: (Attempting to use the wipers to clear the windshield, so he could see) I have no... Crap baskets.
Nora: Jaune? (Looks out the smeared windshield, seeing the approaching forms of at least three more beowulf and two missing Beacon applicants.) Crap baskets.
Jaune: Well, we have a choice, Lady and Gent.
Cardin: And that would be?
Jaune: Do we get out and fight, or?
Nora: Or?
Jaune: Do I run them over?
Cardin: Are you serious?
Jaune: Ah yes, I am serious! What do you think I would joke about running people over? That's cold man, real cold.
Nora: They're getting closer!
Jaune didn't wait for any further conversation, as he put the Delta 88 into reverse and stepped on the gas.
Cardin: What are you doing?
Jaune: I need room to get up to speed!
Nora: (having rolled down her window and peeking past the goo covered windshield) I think they know what you're planning on doing!
Jaune: Too late now! (Jaune hit the brake, put the Delta into drive and stomped on the gas.)
Forty-One hundred pounds of steel met a few hundred pounds of flesh at about fifty-miles and hour. Cardin winced at the sounds of bodies being knocked aside, over and under the car. Jaune didn't even flinch as he kept the accelerator floored and the wipers going.
Cardin: Can you even...
Nora: Let go, you bitch!
Deadite Student: (Half climbing through Nora's open window. It's twisted claw like fingers tangled in Nora's hair.) I will swallow your soul!
Jaune: Cardin do something!
Cardin: You do something!
Jaune: I'm driving!
Nora: Get off me, cunt! Someone, just do something!
Deadite Student: You will all die! There is nothing you ca...
BOOM! The Delta swerved dangerously as everyone now coated in gore shook their heads trying to ease the ringing in their ears, thanks to Cardin firing his shotgun inside the cab of the car.
Jaune: WHAT?
Cardin: AHHH!!! MY EARS!!!!
Jaune: WHAT?
Thirty minutes later, the goo splattered trio exited the gore covered car. Glynda sighed as she looked them over. She knew she was supposed to ask, but she really didn't want to. Really, she did not want to know what those three menaces had gotten involved in. But it was her job to keep tabs on the trio.
Glynda: Would you mind explaining?
Jaune: WHAT?
Glynda: Why are you yelling?
Cardin: (His hands pressed to his ears) I'LL NEVER LOOK AT ROADKILL THE SAME WAY AGAIN!!
Glynda: Roadkill?
Nora stumbled away from her teammates making a bee-line for the fountain, and as shocked students and a dumbfounded Glynda watched she dunked her whole head in to the cool clear water. Jaune stumbled about to the rear of the Delta 88 and popped the trunk. Glynda's shoulder's dropped as she watched as the young man, pulled out a six-pack of beer and proceeded to walk over to a nearby bench.
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changingplumbob · 9 months
Villareal Household: Chapter 5, Part 2
In this part the family break in their new house. The twins become good friends, Luna enjoys spring cleaning, and Devin gets some exciting news from her last director!
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For ease of reading IF the infants are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets, otherwise it's babble. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian.
Schatz (German) meaning treasure Schnucki (German) meaning sweetie but doesn't have an exact translation Bambino/s (Italian) meaning male child/children Amore (Italian) meaning love Piccolo (Italian) meaning little one Caro (Italian) meaning dear Zia/Zio (Italian) meaning aunt/uncle Tante/Onkel (German) meaning aunt/uncle
Alfred and Rilian are content to play in the nursery and babble to each after. After a short while however their sleepiness catches up with them and they both fall asleep on the new rug.
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At the gate Devin begins her usual livestream of her run. Yes this is obviously a big security concern, but she’s a sim and doesn’t think about these things. Luna however makes herself at home in the back garden. She replanted the garden and some plants were ready to evolve. She does her best to deal with some bugs that seem to have become attached to the plants in the move, and pulls what weeds she can.
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Devin: Mama is back bambinos! Who’s ready for a diaper change?
Alfred lazily stretches out and looks towards Devin. Rilian meanwhile scoots himself into the super secret hiding space of beside the laundry basket so he doesn’t have to go first.
Devin: *in jest* Oh no, where has Rilian gone? He isn't here
Rilian: *giggles* I hi goo (hide good)
Devin: I’ll do you as soon as Alfred is done
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Devin: Oh dear watcher that- *gags*
Rilian: *blows raspberry*
Devin: You can say that again. I think we’re clean now Alfred, down you go
Devin switches twins and has just begun to clean up Rilian when he pees all over her. She is pretty disgusted by it but Rilian simply giggles playfully to her.
Devin: I hope this mean you won’t use your diaper as soon as I put it on
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Luna: Sleepwear time I think
Alfred: Mummy ah ah (up up)
Luna gets him changed and while Devin works on the mess Rilian has made. She then carries Alfred to the dining area.
Luna: Stay here just a minute Alfred, mummy will grab some food
Alfred looks around him and chooses to think about the bin behind him. I guess there’s no accounting for taste.
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Devin gets Rilian seated as Luna begins to feed the yoghurt melts to Alfred who remembers he loves them.
Devin: Shall we try these again Rilian? You were unsure but let’s try be brave huh
Rilian: *blows raspberry*
Devin: Please try for mama. Open up, here comes the yummy
Rilian closes his mouth around the yoghurt melt and contemplates. He likes it! Now the parents can start eating.
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Luna: Alfred are you showing your brother how to eat
Alfred: Mummy ba flu im (I'll show him)
Devin: Rilian is sort of shovelling them in now
Alfred: Ri si si (Rilian silly silly) mama
Devin: I think I may have understood that
Luna: He is a little talker isn’t he. We did good schatz
Devin: You did good, you grew them first
Devin pulls a silly face at the boys and they both burst out laughing.
Luna: we better give them some milk since half of Alfred’s went on his face and Rilian is playing with his
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Devin: Drink up caro
Luna: Alfred you can’t just guzzle, you know gas makes your tummy hurt
Alfred pouts but when he gets the bottle back tries going slower.
Devin: Can I do bedtime
Luna: Sure, I want to clean up the dishes, and the disaster site that is Alfred’s high chair
Devin: Oh, it’s just a burp this time!
Luna: How about you schnucki? Please just gas, please just gas…
Alfred complies and burps tiny bubbles out.
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Devin: Come on bambinos, night night time
Alfred: Mama lo ew ch
Devin: Up we go caro. Hang in there Rilian, we just need to put Alfred to bed first
Rilian despite being in the back carrier doesn’t agree that he should have to wait for Alfred to be put in his crib and begins to wail...
Devin: Just a minute caro. Okay Alfred, you have a good sleep. Mama loves you very much. Mummy loves you to
Devin: We’re putting you to bed right now, calm caro calm
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Devin: I got them to sleep
Luna: Did you now
The two walk to the nursery where the boys are indeed snoring away.
Luna: I guess their mama has the touch
Devin: Follow me and I’ll show you a touching technique I have just for you
Devin: Are you happy with the house
Luna: It has you and me and the kids, it’s perfect
Devin: Te amo amore mio
Luna: Ich liebe dich schatz
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She sun is shining and spring has arrived! Devin makes sure to change the boys diapers before she begins feeding them, still remembering Alfred’s last blowout.
Luna: How are we all this morning
Devin: Dressed for the cold weather
Luna: In those shorts
Devin: *laughs* I meant the bambinos
Luna: Come here schnucki, you smell like you need a change
Devin: Wait... Don’t tell me he used his diaper right after I changed him
Luna: Yep. Rilian did to
Devin: Bambinos! You’re making me look bad. At least we avoided disaster I guess
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Luna: Will they be okay on the mats
Devin: Of course, we need breakfast
Luna: Happy spring cleaning day! I make no apologies for loving it
Devin: *laughs* You do you Lu. I need to check in with some co-workers before the shoot starts tomorrow. Levi says he’s got big news
Luna: I might take the boys out to the garden with me
Devin: That sounds like a wonderful idea
So while Devin waits for her guests to walk up the hill Luna sets out to tidy, watched on by Alfred and Rilian who are keen to explore the back yard.
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The two infants look around the garden in awe, and babble reassuringly to each other. With a smile to his brother Afred scoots himself over to a plant. While Rilian chomps down on a rattle Alfred investigates the dirt, sending a dust cloud flying over them both.
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Devin: What’s the news
Levi: Melodies of the City made a big buzz with the right people, we’ve been nominated for some accolades!
Devin: Shut up
Mina: He’s serious. You for actress, Connor for actor, me for supporting and Lee for directing
Devin: Oh that is the best news! The award ceremony is tonight right
Mina: You bet it is
Levi: If any of us win it’ll generate interest in the next project
Devin: Oh my gosh, the next project! I almost forgot!
Mina: About filiming?
Devin: No. Excuse me, I need to call my brother
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Kelly: You want me to do what
Devin: Yell at me, really let loose. I need to research anger for this role and, well, you’re the most prickly person I know
Kelly: And you won’t tell ma and pa
Devin: Nope. So don’t be afraid to chuck in some cuss words
Kelly: You actors are so ducking stupid
Devin: I wouldn’t say- wait have you started?
Kelly: Obviously you skinny moron
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Devin: That seems a bit harsh, I do try to get more curvy but with my workout schedule-
Kelly: I DON’T CARE. Be skinny, be big, it makes no difference to me. Anger is about not giving a duck what the other person thinks Devin
Devin: Oh, right. Let’s do this
Kelly delivers one epic rant about everything wrong in his life while Devin takes it all in. When he’s finished Devin has her own mini rant to see if she’s got it.
Kelly: That’s it! Crush my soul!
Devin: Not today gremlin, have a safe trip home
Kelly: Ew, you’ll give me girl cooties
Devin: Have fun being sick and dying
Kelly leaves doing his best zombie impression on the way out.
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Luna has to write a scholarly paper for work and doesn’t want to wake the twins up. They seem happy enough to sleep on the warm grass. Devin turns on her drone and begins to swim laps, keeping an ear out for any crying noises.
Devin: Hey, did you hear that
Drone: *beeps yes*
Devin: Weird, I’m pretty sure nether of them can click their fingers yet
On the other side of the hedge paparazzi Ali continues to shoot pictures, clearly unaware Devin is streaming her swimming to the world for no cost…
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Rilian wakes up and studies the gnomes. It doesn’t take long for his stinky diaper to spread its odor down the lawn to  where Devin swims.
Devin: Looks like I’ll have to end the stream early folks, mama duty calls. Remember to tune in to the starlight accolades tonight to see me! That’s done, come here caro
Alfred wakes up and immediately begins crying. Yes, he soiled his diaper, but also he just woke up sad.
Devin: Come here piccolo mio, mama can make it better
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Devin: Are we feeling sad caro
Alfred: *pouts*
Devin: 🎵If you’re happy and you know it smile for mama, if you’re happy and you know it smile for mama🎶
Alfred begins to grin and on the ground Rilian giggles.
Devin: 🎵If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it, if you're happy and you know it smile for mama🎶
With Alfred successfully cheered up Devin begins feeding the boys an early dinner.
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Devin: You stay in the back carrier for a bit piccolo mio, Rilian needs milk as well
Alfred looks about the garden while his brother has his bottle. Towards the end I get nervous about what could happen if Rilian spits up, Alfred is in the way! Luckily Rilian just burps bubbles out.
Devin: Who’s ready for night night? I know it’s early but Zia Deanna will get you up when mama’s category is on the TV
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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gladiatorcunt · 9 days
Didn’t know you were a kpop fan babe 😧 Kinda not surprised, but still… Your faves?
“kinda not surprised” erm
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(i got into it like around 2015 and i typically go for 3rd gen to earlier when it comes to music, also i don’t interact with any fandoms on social media anymore since i’ve gotten older (and i don’t rlly keep up with the idols themselves) beyond what edits i see or what gets so popular i have to see it on my fyp)
red velvet (my girlies)
loona (haseul could’ve been the baekhyun of loona if they used her properly beyond 1 line)
exo (masterclass in discography and actually being a capital i idol but also mess and mismanagement, arguably a big part of some of their issues is the tension between sk and china, etc.)
vixx (still a fair bit underrated imo when you consider how long they’ve been active, their vocal ability, being known for their concepts, like ughhhhh leo is one of the only idols who i will be like ‘that’s my husband and we have 6 kids <3’ about)
monsta x (very solid discography, talented, rappers that genuinely have something which there a lot of rappers in kpop groups just bc they’re trying to get appeal, still mildly irritated over the wonho thing bc the way companies deal with stuff like that when the idol is innocent is just so annoying. queen is one of the best bsides in kpop history.)
ramble under the cut
honorary shinee (jonghyun is my golden standard male vocalist), boa, snsd, sunmi, btob mentions
unfortunately jay park is cute and i do like mommae, dean’s like one album he did (i didn’t listen to the other one if that even was a full second album), i used to fw hyuna but she’s pissed me the fuck off
fave time out jail ig: bts (just really grew out of being into them ig since boy with luv came out, some of their tiktok fanbase proudly bullying people and how i feel about the quality of their music now (missing house of cards type quality) + the western validation debate + being on tumblr when people made jungkook’s whole personality at 19 yrs old being goo goo ga ga over banana milk and having a noona kink)), nct (the t*eil thing, but imo if people like that want to hide then they will so i think at least some of the members didn’t know, i don’t keep up with that so i’m not sure if any other info has since come out. i believe he did it with how things are rn and as a csa survivor i just feel a bit gross with being overly supportive of them)
and then there is the can of worms that is the group named after colors (another case where imo they were better earlier on, playing with fire >>>>)
i don’t really have any 4th gen faves, i love ateez and i like some stray title tracks (as in random not stray kids lmao) & bsides from groups here and there
i have mixed feelings about 4-5th gen (imo music is not the focus so much as international reach and social media presence), riize (wonbin is so fine though like sm employs pretty boy idols and refuses to manage them properly) and new jeans (i really wished i liked their music because literally everyone else does), ive’s title tracks are pretty solid (i don’t know anything about their bsides), le sserafim is ehhhhhhhh (i think i literally only like anti fragile + they do need to improve technically for me), enhyphen (i will say is the closet to being a fave for me because i eat up their obsessive songs that are apparently about their webtoon???????? and that one jyp cover (i assume bc he was there) bangs, also again they’re fine 😖)
for the life of me i can’t fully commit to aespa but their concept is cool (and the lore should stick to them and not be attached to every sm group imo)
talking about the songs i like & listen to regularly/industry opinions is a different discussion (that i dipped into too much here) i fear so i’ll shut up!!! i could probably get back into it if a company debuted a group and was like ‘안녕하세요! we are D.I.L.F!’ and the members are all at least in their mid 40’s and they groan when they try to bow
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fandom-addict404 · 1 year
Anxiety’s One Hell of a Problem II
It’s the fourth and everyone’s there. Julia, Adam, Jeremiah, Conrad, Laurel, who also brought Cleveland, Belly, Steven, and even a couple of Belly’s deb friends were in town.
The party is bustling with some in the pool, conversation taking place all over the property, and their catered food—since Susannah always did all of the cooking—being shared amongst the people.
Everyone knows it’s different. They all can feel it in the air, the tension, the awkwardness. But Conrad wasn’t only feeling the tension in the air but in himself. He keeps thinking back to Steven saying, ‘have you ever thought of therapy?’ That singular comment has been taking up his mind for days and he can’t seem to shake it.
“Hey, Conrad! What’s up, man?” Cleveland greets, handing Conrad a plate of crackers and various cheeses.
“Oh, hey, Cleveland! How are you? How’s that…uh…book coming?”
“It’s good! You know, those sailing lessons or yours are really coming in handy. Very informative.”
“I uh…I didn’t know you’d be in town.”
“Laurel actually invited me and I thought I’d stop by and say ‘hello’ and see how it’s going.” Cleveland says. Conrad sees that Cleveland has started growing his beard back, with the little stubbles of gray hairs coming in along his mustache and chin area.
“Oh! Laurel, huh.”
Cleveland lets out a nervous yet amused laugh. “Yes, Laurel. I don’t know yet but—“
“Well, you didn’t hear it from me but I’m really rooting for you guys.”
“Are you now?”
“Yeah! Laurel likes you and you clearly like her too.”
“Yeah! You’re all goo-goo-ga-ga over her.”
“Says you! I’ve been seeing you stealing glances at Belly all day—“
Conrad’s heart stops for a moment as he clenches his hands onto the platter. “It’s not like that. She’s with Jeremiah.”
Cleveland clears his throat uncomfortably, a pang of guilt hitting his stomach. “Hey, I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know.”
“No, no it’s okay. I’m just going to—“ Conrad sputters looking in the opposite direction towards some people near the pool.
“Hey, Conrad?”
“If you ever need to talk, you can always call me. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know that. Thanks, Cleveland.”
“You know, when I was dealing with really bad depression, talking to someone—just being able to vocalize that… pain—was really helpful. Losing someone is really hard and—“
“Yeah, I know, Cleveland. Thanks.” Conrad says, cutting Cleveland off. He couldn’t take hearing one more person trying to be his personal psychologist and overanalyze him. Sure Cleveland helped him through his first panic attack during that hot summer day on the boat—one of his weakest moments in Conrad’s opinion—but he wasn’t about to make this all about him. He knew he meant well but he wasn’t about to abandon Jeremiah and Belly when they needed him. Not now and not ever.
Conrad nods and nervously walks off. He takes a breath, rubbing his chest with the heel of his palm and heads for inside where he sees Steven talking with Taylor. Steven is slyly smiling with her as she throws her head back laughing.
Conrad was planning on just walking past them, as they seem to be preoccupied but then Steven spots him and waves him over.
“Hey, man! Sup?” Steven greets, handing him a glass of some beverage, noticing Conrad’s hand rubbing his chest. He hands him his cup of water. “Thirsty?”
Conrad takes it, noticing that his throat has suddenly gone dry.
“Yeah. Thanks, man.” He takes a sip, letting the water cascade down his throat. “How are you? Getting ready for college?”
“Yeah! I’ve been shopping and visited the campus a couple of days ago with my dad. You ready for Stanford?”
“Yeah, yeah. Gonna drive over a couple of weeks.”
“Babe, I’m gonna go find Belly but I’ll see you later, ‘kay?” Steven nods giving Taylor a quick peck before she walks off.
“So, uh…how are you doing, man?”
“I’m good—“
“No. How are you really doing? Like, for real, man.” Steven asks. “You seem…nervous, worried.”
Conrad forces the muscles around his mouth into a carefree expression, though his eyes telling a very different story.
“It’s okay— to feel on edge. The fourth has always been Susannah’s thing and I—“
Conrad leans in swiftly, his muscles in his jaw tensing. “Can you stop? Please. I really can’t do this right now.”
“I have been having essentially a 2 hour long anxiety attack, trying to get through this day, okay?! I really can’t take this right now.” He lets out a shaky half-of-a-breath, breaking eye contact with Steven.
“Exactly. Which is why you should at least consider therapy! This isn’t healthy. This suppression, constant anxiety. It’s okay to ask for help, Connie.”
Conrad froze.
His mom used to call him that. And at that exact moment, he felt his breath stop. The tremors in his hands become visible, his vision blurring.
Though his mind is in a fog, he feels his feet carry him. To where? He has no idea. Just out of there, away from that conversation.
He ran up the stairs. He felt himself bump into people as he stumble into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He leans his body weight against the wall, muttering to himself, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Just breathe.” He attempts at a deep breath though it fails, only making him weaker. “Dammit. C’mon, c’mon. It’s okay. It’s just a-a. A—“ He begins pacing in his room. As his hands begin curling up he spreads his hands as wide as he can, to prevent cramping later. God, you can’t even say what it is! If, you can’t say what it is how are you supposed to stop them?! They’re never gonna end. They’ll just get worse and worse and worse and worse. And Jeremiah will find out and you’ll know how weak you really are. You aren’t any role model. You’re a weak, weak, coward who can’t even breathe—
Conrad’s spiraling was cut off by the sound of someone’s voice. At first, he doesn’t hear, however when they touch his shoulder he feels himself practically jump out of his own skin.
“Conrad? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
“T-Taylor?” He sputters, his voice shaking like crazy.
“How about we sit down, yeah?” She gently guides him to the bed behind him. “What’s going on? Do you know what’s happening?”
“I’m having a p-p-panic attack-k.” He stutters over the word and Taylor smiles and nods sympathetically.
“May I?” She asks, hovering her hand over his chest.
Conrad nods and she places her hand over his heart.
“Just try to take some deep breaths, okay?” Conrad nods, following Taylor’s exaggerated breathing. “See? Your heart rate is already slowing down.”
“Yeah.” Conrad replies, his throat scratchy and shaky.
“So have you had that happen before?”
“Um…yeah. A lot, actually. I really should’ve seen that coming.”
“How long?”
“Since last summer.” Conrad pauses to look at Taylor. Her usual snarky smile has been replaced with a calm and sympathetic expression. “I only had one last summer but when I got to school, they got worse, and the longer I was away from home, the more frequent and severe they got.”
“Conrad, I had no idea.”
“How would you? I didn’t want anyone to know.”
“Am I the only one?”
“No. Steven knows, helped me through one earlier this summer and…Belly is aware of one but she doesn’t know…”
“How often they are.”
“You gonna come back down or?”
“I think i’m just gonna stay up here for a bit.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Oh, and if you ever need to talk to someone or feel your anxiety get worse, you can always talk to me but I would highly recommend talking to a professional.”
“Like a therapist?”
“Yeah. It really helped me through my parents’ divorce. Working out all my shit and stuff.”
“I‘ll think about it.” Conrad says. “And Taylor?”
“Thanks for helping me. I know you’re not my biggest fan so it means a lot. Truly.”
“No sweat off my back. Plus, this kind of helps.”
“Well, now I know you’re not just some random dick, you’ve got shit.”
Conrad chuckles, almost smiling. “Yeah. I’ve got shit for sure.”
Taylor leaves, closing the door behind her, leaving Conrad in his bedroom.
After a moment or so, Conrad looks up “therapists near me” in the google search bar and starts looking through the results.
He then changes his search to “therapists near Stanford University.” and finds a therapist that’s not only near the university but works through the school so he gets it free of charge. Part of the school’s mission and such.
Though there’s still a slight pull on his chest. A new feeling starts to form. Hope. Hope for a happier future, lighter heart, and hope for freedom from all the shit that’s happened to him in the past year and a half.
Could Conrad be…happy? free?
There’s only one way to find out.
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bubblyqueer000 · 1 year
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soz I haven't been posting. I'll make an update soon C:
still tho gotta do my yearly april fools day post!!
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Okay so like last year that little cock weasel, monocumstain killed my boyfriend, mondo because he was mad he commited a hate crime and fucked me on the tables in the cafeteria, coating them in his dick cheese in the process. UGGGGHH
I was in the midst of using a metal spatula to scrape off his dried up mondo butter from under the tables when I felt a horrible pain filling my chest.
“Ow tf” I sayed
“Shut the fuck up” said Kyoto
“No you cunt, my stomach really hurts.”
“Well no shit we’re all like a million years old now and during that whole time mondo was fuckin destroying your organs.” Said toastermi
Shit u right.” And then I felt another horrible fucking pain in my tummy!!! “AHHHHHHFHDNDNBDNDJDNDND NO YOU BITCHES IDK WHATS HAPPENING”
“maybe u need a nap c: “ Nina told me
“DON’T WORRY YALL I GOT THIS!” Said sakura, kicking me as hard as she could in the stomach making my organs squirt out of my ass with a loud shlorp. 
“OH SHIT IN THE SINK GET HER TO THE SINK!” Shouted byakuya bc he thought it was my period and he was scared of periods and stuf. 
So yea soccer ball carried me over her shoulder into the kitchen and plopped me in the sink where I screamed and farted loudly lmfao. I really hope that no one actually gets turned on by this dear fucking god. 
So yeah I shitted out a bb. 
“What the fuck” Said everyone collectively. 
“Goo goo ga ga 😀” He goo goo ga gad
“Because you had tons of unprotected sex with mondo.”
“Oh yeah ur right. Alright well… Idk ummm ill name u mondo after ur dad ig.”
“otay” he said bc that’s how babies talk according to fan fic writers wtf is wrong with you people??
“Acutually you can;t lol” said byakuya smartily. “Bc if u did that everytime you called him that hed think of how u fucked his dad or some shit.”
“Byakuya what the actual fuck. I don’t think you understand the absurdity of what you just said. Not only is that sexualizing my infant son, but it’s also an incredibly perverse interpretation of a healthy relationship based on love and respect, and now that he’s passed us on, it’s all the more insensitive.” I told him and everyone started clapping. I looked at the fuckin kid and thought and thought. “Wait wat was mondo’s brother’s name again?”
“Diarrhea.” Sayd makoto.
“LMAOOOOO k ur names diarrhea.” i told the child. 
“K lol.” he said. 
“WHAT WANT BUTT FART???” I sowed   
“well everyone knows that babies need a mommy and daddy or else thre brains wont work. so im volunteering to be ur rich and morty. fuck wait no. rich baby daddy” he explammmed rickbabydaddily 
“??? Tf no!! richie bitches suck” and then I rapped the entirety of piggy pie by icp for everyone but it was a parody that fit the situation like that one mlp web series we all watched as kids that had the parody wreck it ralph op and there was also fuckin evelyn evelyn and confrontation from jekly and hyde parodies ummmm… hold on let me google it. PRINCESS TRIXIE SPARKLE BY MAGPIE PONY.
so I took a break from writing this and taking care of my bastard son to re watch that series and then the first four seasons of mlp and then like all of rainbow dash presents fuck i miss the early days of mlp lmao    
So anyways after that I came out of my room and Daiya II was like a teenager because I was watching mlp content for like fifteen years. 
“Hewwo mwommy” he said 
“Ew why do you still talk like that? Get that shit out of here.”
“Jeez you’re such a bitch.” He told me.
“:0??? >:0! Go to ur room you little shit!” 
“NO mom! >:0! YOU go to YOUR room!”
“Wait what.” and then my own son stabbed me. “Ow bitch u stabbed me in the tit.” 
“Yea but it’s dedly bc ur like 47893845748398.”
“SHIT” so yeah I fuckin died. 
“You… cunt.” I said and stoped living. 
When I woke up I was in hell. And who else was there???
Ur MOM! (sorry if ur mom is actually ded or somethin rip)
BUT ALSO MONDO AND DAIYA OWADA (the first one not my son)???? :0
“Hey cootie ;0” said doodie owada
“MONDO!” I cried running over to him.
“Am I a joke to you?” Daiya asked bc i ignored his dumb ass
“Wassup bbygrl C:” Mondo asked. 
“I missed you so much.” I told him. 
“Kay let’s fuck already.” 
Our clothes all burned off bc my homophobic relatives tell me that I hell is hot. Then they bent me over. I suckked daiyas dick and took mondos in my ass. 
“Glucglucglucglucglucgluc” i said suckn dick. 
“Coom” and then I fake my organism. 
Soooo yeah were done and were just chillin wit angel hazbin hotel bc it’s hell. BUT IT TURNED OUT THAT DAIYA II WAS THERE BC HE WAS EXECUTED LMFAO
Anyways happy april fools day seeya next year :3
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
‘A Heart With Wings’
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 Warnings: I don’t wanna spoil the rest for you guys, but just know it’s safe to read!!😅
Chapter 13
Hangman’s POV 
  Hangman watched ahead as he saw the deck crew prepare his spot for landing, sense his F-18 was threatening to let go on him in minute now. His brakes and gas pedal didn’t even work anymore, he was just gliding with the fast speed he was already going at, and now the net on the deck would have to stop his jet completely. Hangman took a calm, deep breath as he was preparing to land, and began to push his throttle downwards so he could land,
  ‘Come on girl you can do this... you just need to land... we’re home already.’
 As Hangman got closer and closer to landing, his anxieties increased, but he kept in control, and focused on the fact, that he was alive and would be able to see everyone including Oceans once again. 
  Everyone on deck watch Hangman approaching and started to cheer,
  “Come on Hangman you’re almost there!!”
  “You got this!! Let’s goo!!!”
 “You just need to land!!!”
They all watched in anticipation as Hangman finally arrived, and the wheels of his jet touched the deck as it zoomed past them and rammed into the hefty net they held there for him. When it went to a complete stop, they immediately had it hauled away to clear the space for Oceans when she arrived. But they were glad to see Hangman home and safe, but now it was Oceans turn to land, as they saw her coming from a short distance. Hangman did a little happy dance in his jet as he was glad to finally be on ground, it indeed felt so so good, to good to be true.
Oceans POV 
  Oceans had also cheered happily when she witnessed Hangman land safely on deck, her heart bubbled with joy at the fact that he was well and alive, and that though his mission somewhat disastrous, it was still a complete success. Oceans took one more turn around the whole ship so she could gain the right amount of speed and control, so when she landed, it would be smooth and bearable. As she looked down, Oceans could see everyone around jumping and cheering, as she finally approached the deck, and began to descend for landing. When her jet’s wheels soon hit the deck Oceans let out a contented sigh of gratefulness to know that it was finally over. She then went ahead and parked the jet in its destined place. The minute Oceans turned off her engine, she ripped off her seatbelt which was a short struggle because she was in such a hurry. She felt like a child trying to get out of her car seat so desperately when her daddy took her out to get ice cream. But in the next seconds she had the top opened, breathing in the fresh air but receiving the heat of the setting sun as it’s orange rays beamed against her sweating skin. Oceans stood up and was going to jump onto the wing of the Hornet to jump off to the ground. She could hear the distant shouts of everyone coming towards them, it all just excited her more to know she and Hangman survived. What it felt like to actually be alive and hear life coming to all around them. She landed perfectly onto the wing, but she was not watching how she was going to jump to the ground, but someone was already waiting to catch her. Oceans hopped off and was caught in the strong arms of Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. A yelp left her lips as him catching her was unexpected, but she immediately recovered the scare to seeing his comforting smile and bright blue eyes searching her face. Maverick put her down and held the back of her neck as his other hand held her cheek, he told her proudly with a smile,
  “I knew you could do it! You did well kid, I’m proud.”
 Oceans let out a laugh as she brought him into a hug, a hug she had been needing sense forever, a hug from a father, she could feel the tears brim in her eyes as she replied with a soft sniffle,
  “Thank you for believing and never giving up on me Mav, I mean it.”
 “I had to, you belong here. You belong with us.”
  Those words Maverick spoke shot to her heart like a dart of a love only a true family could give. All her insides felt so warm but it was the kind of warmth you didn’t want to let go, but instead dance through it, sleep through it, live with it forever! Maverick let her go and patted her cheek playfully before saying teasingly,
  “I think someone is waiting for you..”
Oceans followed Mavericks eyes as they were looking at someone behind her, she turned and saw in the distance the one and only aviator she had fallen for, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, who was standing by his Jet that he had just gotten off, he was taking off his helmet and just look glorious on the deck by the Jet that brought him home. Rooster, Coyote, and Fanboy were there to greet him, as they brought each other into a big embrace. Oceans locked her gaze on him as he finally let go and searched for her, she could tell because she saw his head turning in all directions, and it stopped moving until he saw her. 
  ‘Awe Hangman found me! He sees me.. Jake sees me..’
  Phoenix came to Oceans as she saw her best friend falling in love as the seconds passed, Phoenix grabbed her hand which caused Oceans to look at her with a smile. Phoenix squeezed her hand before saying,
  “Go get him Oceans, go on.”
 Oceans gave a shy grin as her cheeks heated up and most likely turned pink.
 Bob punched Oceans arm teasingly as he encouraged her with a playful comment,
  “Girl if you don’t get him I will!-“
 Oceans eyes opened wide along with her smile as she laughed,
  “Not on my watch!”
 Hangman’s POV
 Rooster had been watching his friend Hangman watch Oceans in the distance as Maverick and the rest welcomed her. Rooster could see the big smile Jake held, it was a true, loving smile, his green eyes were beaming off the setting sun but looked welcoming and filled with peace. Rooster had never seen Hangman look at anyone like that in his entire life, (except the jets or any kind of aircraft.) and felt a little soft for him at that moment, as Jake looked at him then said with a low tone,
  “I’m in love her her Roo. I wanted to tell her because I thought I was going to die, and not have to live through the consequences of my words, my confession-“
 Coyote could see from behind Hangman that Oceans was running towards them, so he and Fanboy grabbed Hangman’s shoulder and spun him around to see Oceans as Coyote questioned,
  “But what about now Hang, what are you going to do?”
 A gasp left Jake’s mouth as he saw Oceans running, he shouted to his wing buddies as he began to run,
  “I’m going to tell her I love her!”
 Hangman ran like his life depended on it, he could hear his heart in his ears for how fast and hard it was beating, beating with anticipation and excitement, beating with a love he never knew he could feel or deserve to have. But here she was running towards him with a smile that could turn it all upside down and still make it fall into perfection, perfection for him. He heard her shout with a ragged breath as they got closer,
  “Jake!!..W-We did it!!”
 He could feel his heart pinch with awe, as he shouted back,
  “We did Oceans!! We did!!”
 When they were finally united she let out a scream of victory and happiness as he lifted her in his arms from the waist and spun her around. She squealed as he held onto her so tight. And once he stopped spinning her he lifted her up high, like a prince would to a princess, to see there beauty and glory all being held in their hands, as the wind brushed against the loose hairs from her bun, and the color of the sun pointed out the constellation of freckles on her cheeks. Her hazel eyes had turned green with the color of her flight suit, matching Jakes. Jake had stopped breathing for a few seconds, as the walls of his heart, had crumbled down, letting in Oceans’ true love. He set her on the ground carefully and glanced at her lips and back to her eyes, he did it a couple more times, scared to make the move of moves, like a teenager.
  ‘Can I kiss her? What if it’s too soon? No, there’s no such thing as too soon..’��Oceans chuckled at his behavior as she reached up pulling him by the collar of his suit, and pecked his cheek with a loud smack, to tease Jake even more.
  ‘Aww I want a real kiss!!’
 He saw Oceans then lift a brow as she asked him cutely,
  “I thought you wanted to tell me something?”
  Jake was still stuck in the fact that she kissed him on the cheek, though as much as Jake loved it, his ego refused to take that as a welcome back kiss, and instead he placed his gloved hands on her cheeks and connected his lips with hers harshly, its action was bruising but delicate all at once. A loud ‘Omph!!’ was heard from Oceans lips as she took Hangman’s kiss by complete surprise, but soon she complied, and their lips molded together perfectly, as Oceans deepened the kiss, hugging him tight and having him flush against her chest. Fireworks exploded in their chests as they felt the warmth of their bodies exchange onto each other, they could even feel one another’s bodies still trembling from the impact they felt from the G-forces. But that didn’t stop them from embracing, connecting, and feeling their hearts on wings soaring into new beginnings and love. When they needed air from their breath-taking kiss, they separated and Jake didn’t hesitate to say quickly and first while out of breath but still with his soft voice,
  “I’m in love with you, Oceans.”
 Oceans let out an almost silent gasp at his words, she had always believed she would never hear such words from him, her eyes teared up quickly, and she too confessed, with her hands resting on his chest,
  “I’m in love with you too, Seresin.”
 He wiped her tears away and kiss her lips once more, softly and slowly this time, because there was nothing to separate them anymore, or tear them apart. They were safe and sound, alive and well, and finally on terms that they both loved each other. 
  Their moment of a splendid kiss was turned into a burst of laughter when Coyote came shouting,
  “Hey hey hey!! Hangman and you Oceans, giving such delicious kisses is making me jealous!! Can I have one from each?!”
   Soon when they separated and looked around, the whole Top Gun crew was there to formally greet and celebrate their return. Hugs and kisses were given everywhere and shouts of victory.  
  Hangman and Oceans would find each other through it all as they got separated by everyone, everyone wanting their attention and to know if they were ok and actually alive, after such a traumatic experience. 
  Oceans POV
  A few minutes after everything seemed to calm down, Maverick, Cyclone, and Warlock, came to Oceans and took her away from the crowd into their office to speak with her. As she walked away Oceans could see Hangman’s eyes filled with pride and he tried to hide a smirk,
  ‘What are you guys up to now? What do you know Jakey?’
 Once in the room, Cyclone was the first to speak grabbing Oceans attention as he said in a firm voice,
   “LT Oceans.”
 ‘LT.. sense when was I a Lieutenant?’
 Oceans asked confusingly while looking at each of the men after another,
  “Lieutenant? Whaat’s going on?”
Warlock straightened his shoulders as he said proudly,
  “Oceans, you’ve proven yourself worthy of your new position. You gave your life for this mission, a mission you weren’t a part of, but you put on the uniform and went and fought like a real aviator. We’ve decided, to reward your act of bravery. Although you did take, a multimillion dollar Hornet to accomplish such without permission, you did it all with good intentions, brave intentions. And I believe, that after everything you’ve been put through, we ought to overlook all your mistake and look at the good thing you did, which was bring our sailor home, and yourself.”
 Cyclone then came up to Oceans and stood in front of her, and he asked her for her hand,
  “My I see your hand, LT?”
 Oceans nervously gave him her hand, and he clasped it with a loud smack, and shook it firmly. When he let it go, Oceans was left with a patch in her hand, and when she turned it around to see what it was, it was a call sign, Oceans new call sign. Her words came out as a whisper when she saw it in her hands,
  “Ghosty.. my callsign is Ghosty.”
 Oceans smiled to herself as she realized who told everyone about her nickname Ghosty, it was Hangman of course. 
  ‘That handsome son of a bitch is gonna get it!’
 Maverick walked up to Oceans this time and he smiled proudly when he said,
  “LT. Constantine ‘Ghosty’ Oceans, I’m hoping I can see you in the air, I’d like you to join our crew, and our dagger team, you’re a Striker, and we need one.”
  Oceans held out her hand as in making a deal,
  “I’m in. I’m all in, Captain.”
 Maverick shook it happily as he congratulated her,
  “Thank you LT., and congratulations.”
Cyclone and Warlock shook her hand afterwards saying their congrats as well, then Maverick dismissed her,
  “You may go now LT. Tomorrow morning we’ll have our debriefing.”
 “Thank you sir.”
 Oceans saluted the men, and walked out of the office quietly and in a polite manner.
  Mavericks POV
 Cyclone looked at Maverick as he said in a questioned tone,
  “I thought she’d be more excited and louder about it I guess?”
  Maverick smirked as he let out a chuckle,
  “Oh its coming, don’t worry.”
 A few seconds later you could hear in the distance as Oceans let out a huge shout as she screamed,
 More screaming and shouting was heard when the others heard her and came to celebrate with her.
 Warlock simply shook his head with a super small smile and a sigh,
  “You know her well Mav.. you taught her well too-“
 Maverick brushed it off as he said,
 “Oh I didn’t teach her anything.. she was already good, she already had it in her.. I just brought her wings out again. We all did in one way or another.”
   And Maverick left it at that, as he walked out of the room without another word, and walked towards the cheering aviators, to celebrate with them, and be one with them, as they were all happy and united.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Drabble request: little snippets of Brielle's first pregnancy with Seiya. The fluff, the smut, the good and the hard moments (if there were!)
Warnings: smut, creampie
"Oh my gosh," Brielle whispered as she looked down at the two positive pregnancy tests that laid on the counter in front of her. For the past few weeks, she noticed that she hadn't been feeling quite like herself; lots of bloating, nausea, and headaches. It wasn't until she missed her period that she realized what could be going on.
"Bri?" Haru shouted from downstairs and Brielle jumped in surprise. "Come down, breakfast is ready!"
"Coming!" She replied, taking a deep breath to steady herself before she walked out of the en suite. She paced downstairs and into the kitchen where she saw Haru sitting down at the small table that was placed there.
"Good morning, watashi no ai," Haru grinned. "Come here." (My love)
"Good morning," she murmured as she stepped over to him, allowing him to pull her into his lap.
"You alright?" He checked. "You still feeling sick?"
"Not anymore," she shook her head. "But I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I'm pregnant," Brielle revealed.
"You serious?" Haru gasped.
"So serious," she nodded with a small smile. "I just took the tests before I came downstairs. We're having a baby."
"We are," he grinned, reaching out and setting his hand on her still flat stomach. "Aishitemasu."
"I love you too," Brielle smiled before leaning forward and kissing her husband firmly. The kiss became heated very quickly and Brielle squealed against his lips when Haru suddenly stood up with her in his arms, bridal style. "What are you doing?"
"I'm taking you back to bed," he smirked as he began to walk out of the kitchen.
"Wait, what about breakfast?" Brielle giggled, gasping in surprise when Haru laid a firm smack to her asscheek.
"Watashi ga anata o mukae ni kitasa seta nochi mo, sore wa soko ni arudeshou," He replied, making Brielle blush as he proceeded to carry her upstairs. (It'll still be there after I make you come for me)
"I wish you'd stop arguing with me," Haru huffed at his wife as they stood together in the kitchen of their restaurant.
"You're trying to get me to go home early when you know the lunch rush is coming in," Brielle snapped. "I'm not an invalid, you know?"
"Yes I know but you're also 6 months pregnant with our son and shouldn't be on your feet so much," he pointed out. "I don't want you getting too stressed out."
"But I'm not!" She whined. "I can't just sit at home all day like a good little wife. If that's what you wanted, I'm sorry but I can't do it!"
"Hey, calm down," Haru stated firmly. "That's not what I meant and you know it."
"Sorry," Brielle muttered petulantly. "I just...I don't want it to seem like I'm not capable of anything just because I'm pregnant."
"You're more than capable, love," he assured her, setting closer and cupping her face in his hands. "You know that I think so. I just want you to take care of yourself because it's not just you anymore, ok? We have a little one and while he's still inside of you, you have to take some time to look after yourself for not only your sake but his as well."
"You're right," she admitted. "I'm sorry Haru."
"It's ok my love, always ok," he smiled before leaning down and kissing her firmly for a few seconds before pulling away again. "Now, why don't you go home and rest? Once I close up here, I'll come home and make you come a few times before bed, ok?"
"I promise," Haru chuckled. "Now, go."
"Ok," she nodded. "I love you."
"I love you more," he replied and with that, Brielle grabbed her things before making her way home. Later that night, after a long day, Haru came home and did exactly as he promised, fucking his wife within an inch of her life.
"H-Haru," Brielle whimpered as she laid on her side, her legs pressed together as Haru thrusted into her deeply.
"So good for me Bri, so fucking good," he grunted, gripping the sheets next to her head.
"K-Kiss?" She requested as she twisted her head and Haru smiled before bending down to kiss her messily. Their tongues slid together, Brielle panting into her husband's mouth as her orgasm crept up on her.
"I'm, I'm gonna come," she moaned.
"Watashi no tame ni kite," he whispered. (Come for me)
"Fuck!" She gasped, her body shivering as her orgasm washed over it.
"Good girl," Haru praised her. "Watashi no kusochinpo no itaru tokoro ni kite kudasai." (Come all over my fucking cock.)
"H-Haru," Brielle stammered. "Please."
"Just hold on my love, hold on," he grumbled. "I'm about to come. You want that? Hm?"
"Please, g-give it to me."
"Shit," he hissed, snapping his hips against hers roughly as he began to come, the cum spilling into her from his cockhead.
"Holy fuck," Brielle giggled as Haru slumped down onto her. "Be careful of the baby."
"Oh I'm sorry," he apologized instantly, leaning back up and setting his hands on her bump. "Sorry you had to hear that, little one."
"Mama just can't get enough of Daddy," she joked.
"And neither can I," Haru grinned before leaning down to kiss her softly.
"How you doing, Bri?" Haru checked, holding Brielle's hand as she laid on the surgery table. After a long 40 weeks (and two days), Brielle had finally gone into labor so they headed to the hospital. After laboring for 8 hours, the baby wasn't handling it well so it was decided that a C-section would be the way to go.
"I'm ok," Brielle replied groggily. "Just want him to be here already."
"Me too. It shouldn't take too much longer," he assured her as he squeezed her hand.
"Alright Brielle, Haru, here he comes," the doctor announced just then. A few minutes later, both of their eyes widened when they heard a strong cry.
"And here he is at 12:21 am!" The doctor said as he pulled their son out, quickly grabbing a suction cup to clean his mouth out.
"He's here," Brielle whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Come and cut the cord Dad," the doctor said and Haru got up then, stepping around to the other side of the sheet. After grabbing the scissors, he cut the umbilical cord and then took ahold of their son in his arms.
"Oh, you're beautiful," Haru murmured as he walked back to Brielle and bent down so that she could see their son.
"Hi baby," Brielle whispered, reaching up and setting her hand on top of his head. "Hi little one. I'm your Mama."
"We have to figure out a name for him," Haru murmured. "What do you think?"
"I like Seiya," Brielle replied. "Remember, you suggested that?"
"I love it," Haru grinned. "Lee-Kim Seiya. It's perfect."
"Just like him," Brielle murmured in awe as she looked at Seiya. "Just like him."
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icos-3 · 1 year
Chapter 4 - The Kidnapping of Danny Fenton - Tumblr Edition
Since AO3 was down, I might as well post the chapters of my fic here. This is not a rewrite of the story. It will contain fixes/edits for problems that initially went unnoticed by me. These edits will eventually be added to AO3. Big thank you to the volunteers at the OTW for your hard work!
3 - 4 - 5 Index
TW: descriptions of body horror
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Those sounds...
At first, Agent S thought it was just the machine in the center of the room.
After all, it had made similar noises in the past.
But over time it grew louder.
Much louder than it had ever been.
And the sounds, no, the screams of the creature inside kept growing louder and louder. 
Layers upon layers of vile...
horrible sounds…
All layered on top of each other…
Some were otherworldly.
Like the world itself was being torn apart.
But some were… 
They were deeply unnerving.
And to some, deeply upsetting.
The unearthly shrieks filled the lab like an explosion, sending personnel and bystanders alike into
Everyone held onto their ears, desperately trying to cover them.
The glass windows in front of them shattered, leaving them devoid of cover.
S had no other choice than to start yelling at her head agent.
"Sir! We need to shut it off!"
He was staring, unflinchingly, at the horrors unfolding inside the shaking contraption. 
Tables and desks vibrated, and vials and flasks of all shapes rattled off and smashed on the floor.
A steaming liquid was bubbling out of the ungodly machine in front of them.
It felt like it just kept getting louder and louder. She couldn't take much more.
This seemed to get him out of his trance.
"Shut if off!"
From where they were observing before, several scientists and agents dashed towards the screens and keyboards behind them.
The machine slowed down to a halt, and eventually, the screams did too.
With the ghastly shrieks dying down, and now being able to think, she began inching towards the ungodly contraption.
Sickly yellow and black goo flowed out of the tube like structure, with neon green gas escaping with each popping bubble.
Over time, the unearthly slime seemed to cool down and deflate.
But something inside caught her eye.
Agent S always had faith in her employers. That she were doing these things in the interests of the people: The people of Amity Park.
To serve them.
To help them.
To protect them. 
But today, she felt that faith waver.
Inside the machine, there were bits and pieces of flesh and blood submerged in sludge, all arranged in inhuman ways…
a severed human arm, sprouting more arms at the fingers, like a tree…
ghostly intestines, covered in red, arranged into a rose like arrangement, repeating on itself in the middle, like a fractal…
a heart with green pustules growing all over it, with more hearts sprouting from them like seeds…
and in the center of it all, laid a melted, moaning ghostly child, and next to him, a bruised... human... child...
the two of them were joined at the hip, slowly melting and fusing together…
She couldn't hold it in anymore.
She emptied her insides beside the unholy contraption.
What have we done…
What have I done…
When she looked up, able to steady herself again, she saw medical staff piling through the goo, guts and gore.
Eventually they pulled out the… children?
A child.
But not just any child.
"Agent T, Agent V, make sure he's stable."
It was Phantom.
She saw the two agents take hold of him before disappearing behind the lab doors.
Her superior was standing right beside her. 
"Make sure to clean yourself up Agent S!"
He turned around and walked towards the lab exit.
The doors slid open with a hiss.
"Today has been a great success! We must celebrate!"
The doors slammed shut behind him.
S promptly emptied her stomach again.
She was not so sure about that last statement…
She thought back to those screams…
what she saw… 
She had to know
what happened to that human child...?
"Hey, S, what do you think of all this?"
Her co-worker had come over and helped her to her feet.
"I'm not sure, but whatever it was, I'm sure it was no good..."
They had a strange look on their face. They turned to look at the remains and suck covering the floor
"To think, something so small could do all… this…"
that wasn't an unthinking abomination like they had said…
phantom didn't want this...
he was… 
"Here, grab my hand."
"Let's get you cleaned up."
that human child…
they were experimenting on him…
They had killed him!
She had to do something.
She turned around to look at the machine one more time and looked for something, anything, she could use to put all this to an end.
That's when the shine on something in the corner of the room caught her eye.
A lens.
Agent S now knew what she had to do.
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