#but nontheless I love it
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apokuna-fanblog · 1 month ago
So, catpo is proooobably not a cat, right? Like, they’re the shortest member on the smp (definitely not cat sized) they’re referred to as a rat 90% of the time, and he most definitely looks like a rat
But guys pls hear me out on. Apo has actually been a kitten the entire time theory/silly (This entire theory is a joke so bear with me LOL)
He’s small enough to be a kitten for sure, I know that they uuuuusually are bigger than rats even as kittens BUT
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These kittens are around the same size as these rats!! If we ignore that the rats in rats smp are actually mouse sized, and pretend that they are rat sized, this supports the theory 👍
Now you might be thinking, “pie, of course he cant be a kitten!! Kittens that little have blue eyes!!” And to that I say. Uh. Shuddup, rats also dont have thumbs!!!/silly
To that argument, I request a compromise. He’s a KITTEN RAT HYBRID. Some rats have ruby or pink eyes, right? So. Gacha hybrid princess apo it is!!!
He grew up with cats?? BECAUSE HE IS ONE 🔥🔥he just thinks he’s “grown up” cause every kid thinks that. That human was actually just a sweet old guy who takes care of alley cats trust
I think it’d just be really freaking funny if the entire time apo turned out to be a LITERAL child and everyones been teasing a little baby cat the entire time thinking he was a grown rat XD
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emotional-moss · 2 years ago
idk y’all should treat fat men better. and i don’t mean mildly chubby guys i mean honest-to-god love-handles-and-double-chins fat guys. stop calling them shit like discord mods or gross weebs or nasty creeps or neckbeards or that they’re stinky or sweaty or beer bellied or whatever else. fatphobia isn’t cute, even repackaged in a neat little box of “ew men”
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niinnyu · 1 month ago
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Don't thank me, friend~
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my-world-my-stories · 5 months ago
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Aftermath cuddles with a giant, buff alien lady that just became your GF. Is there anything better?
Also, a lovely bracelet Wy'ld made for Cat as a mating gift (As seen in Chapter 15). Space hunters need hobbies too.
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goops-art · 1 month ago
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Ahhhhh for some reason i love drawing and painting this bastard 😍
So i got new sticky notes, and they are fun to play with!
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project-sekai-facts · 6 months ago
i think the reason why rui and nene don't have a cover together yet is because they're scared of harassment. machico received LOTS of hate for nijiro stories because it was a christmas song (christmas is deemed as a romantic holiday in japan) and the only OCs singing it were rui and nene. they had to deactivate comments for a bit on the 2DMV because of the criticisms received.
to be fair. nijiiro stories is a four year old song they could have easily given rui and nene a not romantic song or a song that doesn't drop at christmas in that time span. like goodbye sengen.
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vargdottern · 2 months ago
8 months of being used like a damn pillow later
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lossis · 6 months ago
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I love a man that is on the constant verge of a mental breakdown
On a completely unrelated note I started listening to malevolant!
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deoidesign · 2 years ago
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the1sammie · 1 year ago
what instantly struck me as my favorite thing about disco elysium (and continues to be especially as I look at fandom content) is how so many of its characters are so insanely filled with depth. it was hard for me to concretely dislike any of the characters (the mercenaries are the only characters I just despise, and the racist lorry driver and gary but even then they got me to laugh at their absurdity). Even when their actions disgusted me or the way they spoke was indecent and cruel, they would do something to remind me of the humanity in them that I love. And the oppisite would happen, too, where the nicest, digestable characters end up rubbing me the wrong way, yet I cannot shake off their inviting persona. They all reflect human nature nearly perfectly imo. If I meet half these characters irl I'd probably hate them or at least dislike them to an extent, but from this third person perspective we have as the gamer I appreciate every detail given to the characters.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 9 months ago
man the only thing that makes me sad about the final family-gathering dinner scene in derek's route is that cove couldn't be there too . . . he and derek were besties!!! he was OUR bestie!!!! he's basically family!!! his DAD was there!!!!! cove could have been there joshing us and making fun of us and telling derek "yeah, [name] spent forever pining after you when you left" bc that's information we sure as hell wouldn't have told liz back then. cove could have spilled all the embarrassing shit the way derek's family did for him. i just really loved being able to have cove by my side and being able to do all the interactions with him as purely platonic and familial and imagining him as my support in this whole route. and then he's not there at the end and it just makes me sad AGH
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pokemonranch · 1 year ago
Rhyhorn fun fact: like many big ranch mons (such as Tauros or Cufant) they enjoy the same type of enrichment, such as scratching posts, hay rollers and big toys they can push around!
Rhyhorn unfun fact: If you teach them that some enrichment items have treats in them they will. start. headbutting. everything.
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rosemirmir · 1 year ago
This one panel of Harlock from the original manga is always so funny to me. He's just sopping wet here
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aridatinas-art · 4 months ago
Happy 20th birthday Half-Life 2!! (:
Go grab it for free if you haven't!! You'll even get episode 1 & 2 for free, as it's been integrated into the base game! You get to own them forever!! :D <33
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dainix-suggestions · 2 years ago
@aurorian-library-diver you are my favorite hunk of Ancient tech
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kaz-identified · 6 months ago
9 and 77 for Guardians (the Bungie numbers lol)
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Kildri Polites, second in command and forever apprentice. Ulysses Ashford's first, and eternal, apprentice and best friend. He forged his iron-clad bond with the Warlord when he was sent to him by Athena following Atticus' death, and the two masterminded the downfall of the House of Falcons together, earning Polites Ulysses' respect and a place among the Rift Lords as Polites, Shield of the Snow. Now a Guardian, he guards the wall alongside his battle-brothers Arthur and Vir and contiunes his studies of the art of war under Ulysses as a member of Clan Ithaca.
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Slip "The Needle" was a first class pilot until he was blinded during the Red War. Rezzed a bit before the City was established as the City we know today, Slip knew from the start he was never going to be useful as boots on the ground, and instead turned his eyes to the sky, where he found freedom. He went on to train several civilians and New Lights how to handle their aircraft before he was shot down and stranded in the Brazil Flood Zone, blinded by the fire and shrapnel of his wreckage.
Eventually he found his way back to the city, where he lives a peaceful life with his partner Killdeer-7, aiding in their schemes and keeping the mechanics in the Hangar company.
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