#but my dad wont freaking leave me alone
I think if either my parents say anything to me I'm either gonna snap or start sobbing on the spot.
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stars4gojo · 1 year
Used to it
Dad!Gojo x Fem!reader // young Megumi and Tsumiki // 947 words
Leaving home comes easy for Gojo except now he has three reasons to come back
More of my work 🤍
When you and Gojo first took tsumiki and Megumi in your house, many people told you how difficult raising two children was going to be. You remember Gojo dismissing them with the wave of his hand, even when your own mother freaked out at the thought of you two adopting children without getting married (she seemed to ignore the fact that you two were only 17) Gojo reassured her, saying how it couldn’t be so difficult and since he’s the strongest he would have no problems at all.
However, being the strongest doesn’t seem to matter at all in this house. Gojo, without question, was at the bottom of the food chain and the two children were alarmingly at the top of the household. 
Your mothers fears were only confirmed when Megumi refused to eat any vegetables for the first six months of his stay and had thrown them directly at Gojo’s face MULTIPLE times so he just had to get used it, turning on his limitless everytime Megumi reached for the greens that were taunting him on his plate. Or that one time Tsumiki got stage fright during her ballet rehearsals so Gojo, a grown 190 cm tall man, wore a tutu, definitely too small on him and performed next to the little 9 year old girl, who would then take first place at the rehearsal only at the cost of getting dirty looks and hushed whispers from other parents. He had then begged you to take Tsumiki to her classes which you obviously refused as everytime Gojo would take her to her classes she had the expression of a 9 year old who just took over the whole world so he just got used to it. 
But one thing, even after 2 whole years, he could not get used to was leaving for longer business trips. When it was just the two of you, he would begrudgingly leave with a reassuring kiss to your forehead, letting you know that he would return.
The first time he left for his business trip he didn’t expect the children to even bat an eye, but soon the day came and when he went to say goodbye to Tsumiki and Megumi they didn’t seem to have a reaction, too invested in the cartoon they were watching on their iPads that Gojo got them despite your efforts to stop him talking about the bad effects of screen-time that he chose to ignore so they wouldn’t bother you two during your alone time. 
“Hey cmon now, at-least look at me when I’m saying goodbye you won’t be seeing me for a while now” Gojo said with a little smile tugging on his lips.
The two children went wide eyed as they turned towards Gojo, the realisation was almost comical and you stifled back a laugh. However, the laughter soon became shock as they both immediately became teary eyed and rushed to get off the couch and run towards Gojo.
Gojo was more taken aback at the sudden outburst of emotions from his normally moody children.
Gojo bent down to their eye level as they rushed to give him a hug.
“What’s wrong???” Gojo asked in slight surprise.
“Please don’t go” A muffled voice voice was heard that belonged to Tsumiki as her arms became tighter around his neck.  
“We’ll be very nice please? Megumi will eat all his vegetables! Wont you Megumi?!” Tsumiki spoke fast as she nudged Megumi who was standing behind Tsumiki, observing the situation with tears forming.
Megumi nodded in response and Gojo only smiled in response. 
“You guys..” he started off with a chuckle and you slightly hit him on his back so he could take them more seriously.
“You guys do know that I’ll be back in 2 days right? It’s just a short trip I need to make for work?” He spoke softly as Tsumiki let go of him.
Now you went to Megumi who was still at the verge of tears and picked him up so he could rest on your hip. You wiped his tears as he cuddled into your neck obviously embarrassed of his little outburst of emotions.
“Satoru is going on a business trip, he goes on them all the time and always comes back” you spoke with a little giggle as you watched Tsumikis sad expression turn into embarrassment.
“I’m glad to know I’m still wanted in this house” Gojo spoke as he got back on his feet. 
“Now all of you come here so I can give you a little goodbye kiss” He added while making comical kissing sounds.
Megumi was quick to want to be put down and run away with Tsumiki as their little feet pattered across the apartment floor with little giggles. You watched as Gojo chased after them and grabbed them both in his arms in the same time to give them both a disgustingly kiss mixed with saliva.
“GROSSSS” the two kids shouted but you could tell there was no real bite to it.
“Now..” Gojo started with a sinister grin
“Oh no.” You thought.
“WE ATTACK NOW!!” Gojo shouted as all three of them ran towards you almost knocking you down as they attacked you with soft kisses in between laughter.
Now, Gojo could say in confidence, maybe there were sacrifices he had to make, some things he had to get used to. But, he wouldn’t change it for anything because Gojo Satoru was the strongest and being with the three of you only made him stronger, his motivation to fight and  protect. 
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 4 months
Pentious fucking wrecks the Vs[title pending]
Absolutely funny and cool and badass, totally not written by pentious lol, angel dust is sneaky.
Angel dust made one joke, resulting in the fight being stopped and Cherri being forced to let the battle go, especially since Sir Pentious would leave her terf alone permanently. Only for his son would he do this.
The trick went so far that Pentious actually got to the hotel before the opportunist Alastor.
Due to the fight being stopped in such a sweet manner the news report went may smoother. Peoples opinions shifted, maybe the hotel was reforming Angel Dust, I mean really hes reuniting with his father.
All was going so well, Pentious was funding the hotel and manning it with security. Angel had to rein his emotions a few times but eventually he was warming up to the crew, he was getting protective of them. They were like his eggies, precious and fragile.
It was the moment Angel mentioned his soul contract and abuse that Sir Pentious snapped a bit and hugged Angel close,
"My sssweet son... I'll fix thiss. Dont you worry your precious little head..."
And like that he began crafting with angelic steel. It was intense, the look on his face when he was eating with his crew, his family. Within two days he was ready. He showed off the look of it to angel who was honestly freaked out.
"Hey uh.. Dad ya arent gonna... you wont actually do it right?.. it's dangerous you might get hurt..."
Angel had actually gotten pretty fond of his 'dad', his confidence scared him as he got hugged and watched Pentious go to slaughter the V's like a assassin.
He played it cool.
Then as soon as someone made a fuss he threatened and made it clear what hes there for, it took a simple look of the weapon to make anyone crack.
To be honest most kept it easy, some gladly guided him, hell they begged him to do it.
It felt so good to meet the V's all together and the be seen as a real threat. Vox tried to do something but Pentious had frequency jammers. He got loud at Pentious calling his bluff, which only resulted in a chest shot,
Val couldnt fly, not good but he tried, it only lead to his wings being blown off and most of his back.
Velvette got the idea to call for help but got told shes shit outta luck, they wanted to be free. Her head was quickly blown off.
Pentious slithered to the dying Val who's completely in shock.
"I wanted sssome of your fluff."
The sound of a blade was heard and next thing anyone knew he had his head. Then a feeling washed over Pentious.
"I... I won. I WON. Oh I'm sssso happy!"
He turned off the jammer and the cameras showed the scene to the masses after a few minutes. A employee probably wanted to see what had happened completely forgetting to not broadcast it. Or did they?
The masses saw the mess, they saw Pentious laughing about it, Vals head in hand,
He could finally relax his worries, no more dangers now to him, only peace.
What he didn't consider was how the people seemed to flock around him, worshipping him almost, yeah he owned them now but he expected.. what? He wasnt sure really.
He appointed the workers, his new underlings to just do whatever felt right. Broadcast what they like, make whatever. Oh and he made sure to make the bank accounts and funds of the V's his own. That way he can afford and handle these things.
He felt so... powerful. He was like a king.
"King Cobra sssoundsss good... yeah, king cobra! Hass a ring to it..."
People could finally think again, no more tv hypnosis, no more pain from unwanted sex or being stabbed with needles. Sir Pentious was a hero to them.
Alastor felt a bit threatened and tried to talk to him when he assumed it right but didnt account for the fact he scared the snake and was quickly dead too.
"Oopsss! Oh hehe, well who's gonna care.. no one will know! This meansss I own his soulsss too now... FUCK YEAH IM AWESssOME!!"
He slithered along into the hotel glad to be home, feeling cocky as fuck. He made sure he put the safety on the canon gun and turned it off to avoid another accidental murder.
His family and crew was small he felt. He gave his new power a try, spawning Nifty and Husk and eagerly telling them their new roles and that they really couldn't back out but he wasnt gonna beat them if they were gonna be stubborn. Everyone watched him giggle and play with his powers outside,
"Aw yesss, I'm so powerful!! No drawbacks!"
He was a good leader really, he can do it all. He will do it all. He noted his looked bigger too, more filled out, tail bigger. He could hug his new family with this tail! He had to stim a little and decided it was safe to slowly let loose some power into the air making everything glittery. He couldnt sleep, he was much too energized and high off it all.
Angel dust had to really take in the fact that he started this. Wasnt bad feeling actually. Felt great, he could feel it too. Felt warm and fun. Felt like child to father love.
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crippling-pages · 2 months
the grandest game review (chapters 1-24) p.1
holy shit is it good
so far i am LOVING lrya omg but her name is pronounced lee-ra??? what???
anyways her mom omg her mom is an author and shes writing enemies to lovers rn??? DUDEEE her mama is an icon already
ALSO!! the prologue in rohan's pov?? YES THANK YOU
him giving the stray dog a steak omg HE'S A DOG PERSON IDC WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS
im eating all my rohan crumbs rn there arent gonna be many chapters of him *wheeze*
ANYWAYS MOVING ON Lyra is a sweetheart for wanting to drop out of college for her parents and help ugh i love it when the mcs love their caring parents <3 good feel
moving on my girly GIGI <3 i love her so much omg.
She's gonna crack at one point and tell Savannah about their dad, bursting into tears I just now it.
OooHMM Gig and Odette?? Hmmmmm
ROHANNN HJMMMMMMM no but he's actually so freaking smart-
thomas... geez omg lyra my baby
sav telling lyra to ignore rohan is so real (sav is down bad for him)
lrya is bi.
Nash ToT He just knows that he aint gonna win... he probably wont.
wait does rohan have a last name?-
is libby pregnant omg
wait how did Rohan know this- how much stalking did you do bro-
omg avery seeing lrya in the library- hint hint~
no but rohan and lyra would be such a good friendship duo
WOAH Xander asking Lyra to dance??? Hmm maybe trying to make a certain hawthorne brother jealous??
STOP Xander and Lyra are besties now thats it
wait omg i just realized; Xander and Avery = Gigi and Lyra GASP friendships
avery omg i love her SOOOOOOO MUCH <3
no but she's right omg you should dance on the beach at least once in your life time
hold up; spying gigi also new character called calla who is pressumed dead/missing... hmmmm
back to rohan <3
ODETTE MY QUEEN she's actually going to be a mother figure to rohan, jlb told me
KJHUGYTFRD ROHAN YOU SMARTY PANTSS Pffff hehehehehe figuring it out so quick...
oh look savannah is right after you hhhmmmmmmm
oooo he and sav are locked in a room together?? Hmmmm
Rohan and Savannah had the time symbol to theyre teammates, and Lyra and Gray and Odette must have the same and that leaves Gigi, Knox and Brady...
oh boy grayson isn't going to like that his sisters are alone with guys man ToT
THIS BOOK IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good so far omg i love it so much. im trying my best to hold back reading it all at once because i want to savior it
ANYWAYS im gonna be thinking about for the rest of night
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lululemon1111 · 2 years
those ocean blue eyes #2
Its been 2 weeks and you learned more about healing and their fighting then how to swim and breath underwater now you leg was healed but you didn't want to leave you were having so much with ronal but you had to at least you were going to be with tsireya but once you got there tsrieya asked ao'nung to help you and he rolled his eyes and " why do i have to help another freak" she hit him on the head and said to help you he just sighed and you two when on the other side of the reef and and he first helped you how to breath under water and you had a secret that tsrieya only know it was really clear that you liked ao'nung and she is trying to help you but you get nervous around him and that you were alone its was even worst he looked at you like if you were crazy only cuz you keep doing it wrong so he just came closer and put his hands on your chest and stomach you were blushing so bad and you wanted to run away so bad but wouldn't your heart was going crazy "you need to slow down your heart or you wont be able to do it right" you can feel his eyes on you like if he was a hawk then he saw your blush you can hear him chuckle and he moves to your face and looked right in your eyes for what feels like forever but it had to ruined by your brothers "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU" lo'ak yelled out he saw you and ao'nung already moved back where he was sitting like gave your brother death glares "what happened?" he was so confused "what do you need lo'ak" you asked "oh um mom and dad need to talk to you like now" you just said ok and looked at ao'nung and said "sorry i have to go bye" you just gave him a sweet smile you when to your parents they looked mad "mom dad you need me" you asked " WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" jake yelled at you "huh dad what do you mean" you were scared and confused at the same time " ronal told me that you been with her instead of taring to be like on of them i asked for one thing" jake explained your mom just listened to it all "dad cuz my leg has been hurt i couldn't do anything so she was teaching me some things" you tried to expand to your dad but all he did was sigh he said to leave you left to try and get that off your mind and then ao'nung came up to you and said " hey forest girl meet me by the rock tonight ok" you just nodes and for the rest of the day you relaxed by the beach then it was night time after you all ate it was time for bed you waited for ever one to sleep once they did you left to find ao'nung once you did you came beside him sat down he just looked at you waiting for you to say something "hi" you said looking at him too "hi" thats all he said "um why did you call me here" you asked "to do this" out of no where he grabbed your waist and put you on his lap and grabbed you face to kiss you then you wasted no time to kiss back and it turned in to a passionate deep kiss you finally pulled away and looked at him in shock "you just kissed me" you said it was the only thing you could say "mhm i did you know i like you forest girl" he said " i like you to fish lips" then you saw that you both need to go to bed so you got up and " we need to go to bed its getting really late" he agreed and he walked you home before you went in to you hut you p him for one more kiss " good night fish lips" " good night forest girl"
so um i wont be able to post as much as i want because i have a lot going on in school but i will try my best bye hope you liked the story
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horseshoecrabman · 2 months
hey all! time for another bee update!!
bee update 6:
content warning: picture of a bee sting on my hand (isnt bloody, but is slightly bruised/swollen)
this one might be short, since not much new stuff happens in the bee world. dad got around to buying some pesticides to get rid of the hive beetles! in short, we have to place it in such a way that only the beetles can access it, and then they eat it and die.
i'm a bit worried that the hive beetles ate so much of their honey that they won't be have enough to eat for the winter, but if worst comes to worst we can always give them sugar water!
speaking of bad stuff, a moment i've been dreading finally happened:
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i got stung by a bee!!!!
what happened was that i was going to replace their water, so i removed the feeder as i normally do. it occurred to me that they seemed to not like the presence of my hand, as five or so bees came to fly around and get me to leave. i didn't think anything of it really. but when i came back to put the feeder back in, i felt a pain in my pinky finger and welp, i got stung.
i kind of freaked out to be honest, but i remembered to remove the stinger (as i had watched a youtube video a few months prior instructing me to do so in case of a bee sting) and then i left them alone after that!
it did hurt but it wasn't super bad! and while i'm on that topic i want to talk about what to do in case of you getting stung by a bee!
1. remove yourself from the area as calmly as possible! if near a hive in the wild it is best to leave, as to tell the bees that there is no more danger and wont illicit a defensive reaction!
2. remove the stinger as quickly as possible! if left in, the stinger will continue to pump venom into your body, and while not enough to kill or cause major damage (unless you have an allergic reaction, which i will get to in a bit), the stinger is easy to remove and will cause less pain if removed! you just have to pinch with your fingers and remove! using tweezers is not advised.
3. when that is done, wash the wound with soap and water and apply an ice pack! after that you can bandage it :)
4. if you do have an allergic reaction, i would recommend going to the hospital and looking into medications for these things! im not an expert on medical stuff like that, so forgive me if im wrong or dont provide enough info, but if this is a concern for you i recommend doing your own research! ^_^
another fact about bee stings is that the stinger of a bee is connected to their vital organs, so typically once the stinger is inside the flesh, the organs will get removed with it, unfortunately killing the bee. i say "typically" because there are cases of the bee being able to remove the stinger by itself and then flying off, but its very uncommon. however, i don't think anyone should feel overly guilty if a bee dies because they sting you, like any bug, bees die out quickly for a myriad of reasons. and by nature they are designed to produce lots of bees to make up for the ones that do die.
it was certainly a learning experience to get stung. all in all, i dont blame the bee for stinging me, nor do i feel mad about it, i should have recognized that they felt on edge to be honest. there were a whole bunch of birds flying around their hive so maybe thats why they were on the defensive? who knows to be honest!
anyways, the main reason why i make posts like this is because i want people to stop being scared of bugs, especially bees! bees are very crucial pollinators, and its sad that theyre becoming endangered because of human effects like the use of pesticides and the like.
bees aren't the only pollinators either! other examples are: wasps, ants, many families of flies, butterflies and moths, beetles, bats and birds (most notably the hummingbird), and even animals like monkeys, lemurs, possums and rodents!!
no one has to love bugs, but its always good to remember that bugs are a very important part of the earth!!!
anyways, bee update over!!! have a great day or night my friends!!!
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oxpogues4lifexo · 2 months
Keeping up with the Camerons
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Liked by bella_bee, johmbee, wheezieee and others
Episode 2 of Keeping up with the Camerons is ready to watch now! https://TumblrTV.com
Join Ward today as he shows you what it’s like to live an average day on the island as the Kook King himself. Check it out now!
New episodes weekly!
Thank you @Bella_Bee for the photos!
Episode stars: @WardCameron @Bella_Bee @Johmbee
#keepingupwiththecamerons #cameron #outerbanks #northcarolina #realitytv #tumblrtv #hitshow #obx
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johmbee @Papaj care to explain your little thing going on with @bella_bee
-> bella_bee Why am i getting tagged? Leave me out of this!
-> papaj says you! Fucking touching her up and shit bro get a life?
-> bella_bee jj?? There’s probably more going on between me and Rafe than either of you two. (And that’s saying something) Both of you get a life!
-> papaj we did watch the same episode right ma Rafe gotta fucking problem with you
-> johmbee I mean yeah he’s got a point 🤷‍♂️
-> bella_bee 🖕
bobheys I will say thank you for showing me on the episode but I can’t help but notice the way Ward and Rose speak about their children? I would never speak about Pope like that? I’d never speak TO Pope like that!
-> popeye your just a better father dad 🫡
juliannemarsh watched the first, watched the second and waiting for the third! Im enjoying seeing this way of living. Ward seems to hold a lot of responsibilities! I can’t wait to see the rest ❤️
melissakeys Do these kids watch these? Do they know how you speak about them? How you speak to each of them. The way you treat Rafe is unacceptable! And compared to Sarah, are you even his dad?
papaj @bella_bee @Rafe @Sarbear @wheezieee are you still alive? We need answers ASAP
-> kieee jj just leave them alone
-> papaj they aint answering kie it been like five mins?? maybe he killed them? It a possibility! ima gon message her
-> kieee oh my god I’m not even gonna bother
-> papaj she wont answer?? maybe callum came back and he’s like attacked her??
-> kieee okay jj im gonna say this once.. he’s not coming back. They made that very clear. And she’s probably with Rafe.
-> papaj he killed her??
-> kieee no one killed her jj!!
-> johmbee it’s a possibility 🤷‍♂️
-> popeye yeah there’s atleast a 50% chance one of them is dead. I mean they don’t even like each other anymore right? Wards turned full psycho remember
-> johmbee facts 🙂‍↕️
-> kieee guys can we NOT freak jj out anymore than he already is?? He trusts them with her as best he can 🤦🏽‍♀️
-> papaj @bella_bee
-> papaj @bella_bee
-> papaj @bella_bee
-> johmbee too late? 🤷‍♂️
-> papaj @bella_bee
- See more -
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Episode 2 Here
Just a short one and rushed sorry! But forgot that the episodes happen prior to these posts so there’s some spoilers in there 🫣
No BTS yet but will be soon sorry 😖
Taglist: @viawritesstuff @mymelodylvr @rafeinterlude @cerya @aariahnaa @native2princess @b1mb0slvt
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song-tam · 1 year
i made several notes during this time, enjoy:
[when neil goes into the bathroom pukes about signing onto the team and apologizes to his dead mom] "oh. fuck me i am emotionally attached now ig"
[on description of neil's last moments w his mom] "OH. OKAY" (pikachu face at the angst)
[kevin freaks out & andrew talks him down the first time] "INCH RESTING" (what the fuck what the fuck what the fu)
[the??????? taking out contacts scene??????] "ah i am sensing a hint of romantic tension"
"me when some dude who is in his fifties calls me a fucking idiot and tells me to call people next time and stop trying to do everything alone even though it is a knee jerk instinct. also what the fuck (in tears)"
[upon neil speaking in german to andrew for the first time] "LMAO" [upon The Conversation and the "Whatever this look was, it was dark and intense enough to swallow Neil whole."] "LMAO WHAT THE FUCK"
no notes but highlighted these two lines wordlessly: "Are you stupid?" Seth asked. / "Yeah," Neil said.
[on random moment where aaron and nicky are fighting or something and then they all go dude shut the fuck up and then seth just, CALLS NICKY A FAGGOT AND LEAVES?] "i am fucjing crying"
[THE FUCKING?????????????? CLOCKING BETSY AS OCD HCJWHCJFHFJDHKFNDNDJFLSHCMWNFKBXMAJDKAJFBSKJDKSJFJ??????????????] i dont have any commentary this is what i did though i laughed so hard i knocked my yarn off my bed
"ok what the hell kind of a loser team is this why are they not playing on CRAPPY TARMAC why the fuck do they have a HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR COURT"
my guy slighting renee like ten times "oooh the cross necklace and smiles ooh she must be innocent and not know what gang violence is or have any otherwise tragic backstory whatsoever because she is christian and has a positive disposition" staring directly at my entire family
im gonna go through and repsond to these in order hold on
OKAY YEAH emotional attachment to neil josten is unavoidable. theres just something about him. like you cant not be obsessed w this man its impossible
REAL AND TRUE oh god theyre sooooooo complicated i love
kevin and andrew. have real tension going on ill be real. like whats happening there??? insane
romantic tension. does it ever go past that. well youll see wont you
OH MY GOD THAT SCENE!!!!!!!!! wymack is SUCH a dad and i am sososoososo obsessed with him hes their coach hes their father figure he gives a shit abt them im soo not normal
god yeah no theyre so. like whats happening there miss nora. what were you thinking. why is he a wattpad bad boy
seth and neil. theyre. interesting
BETSY !!!!!!!!!! but yeah the whole neil & betsy dynamic is an intersting one i wish i could say it gets better and it. slightly does but only slightly
did i mention i love tfc. anyway
NO LEGIT like renee is so terrifying shes like a silent killer i would not trust her at all in a game of mafia also i think the foxes should play mafia together that would be fun
ANYWAY!!!! glad youre enjoying the next two are even more of a doozy so thatll be fun <3
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I'm so mad at my brother rn mannnn
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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♡  bakugou headcanons that feel like a warm hug ♡
➳wc ;; 1.2k (oh my god. what is wrong w me.) 
➳ a/n ;; or my bakugou brain-rot that never goes away. thanks for being my comfort character, you fucking gremlin. forgive the silly title. 
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♡ always makes little adjustments to the environment for you. he’s observant to a fault so if there’s something even a little off and it happens to bother you, he’s trying to work around it. 
♡ good at playing guitar but not good at reading music. he can throw something together if you give him a chance but he’s not good at trying to recreate someone elses memory. he’s not like.. musically gifted either but he likes how guitar sounds 
♡ thinks about getting a lot of piercings in his ear because he thinks they’d look cool but is kind of too nervous? the idea of a needle going through his skin is a ick. when you start dating, he drags you to his appointments lol - won’t admit it but he thinks he looks so hot when he gets them. takes a bunch of selfies <3 
♡ needs to be moving constantly. can’t sit completely still to save his life. when he listens to music, he moves his head. sometimes he just runs his thumb over his fingers. 
♡ really, really bad at talking. not in the sense he can’t communicate (that too) but he just likes listening in conversation. rarely adds his own thing. but when he does - always accidentally says something super meaningful 
♡ enjoys subtle physical touch because it is literally intimate he melts inside. a hand on his forearm or shoulder. your legs over his lap. small things that show how comfortable you are. 
♡ likes being held cause he’s a big ass baby lmfao 
♡ wont admit it but enjoy when you choose pretty or colorful bandages for his cuts he won’t himself but it’s like keeping you in his pocket wherever he goes.  
♡ really needs you to find him attractive dslksjk it’s not that he ever thinks he’s particularly ugly. but he didn’t really assign importance to his appearance at any point in his life, yet now he puts in a scary amount of effort. readjusts his hair so much more, makes sure his clothes fit good. fixes his fuckin’ face lol 
♡ likes chewing gum a lot and always has a pack on him. really proud of how big he can blow bubbles and will be a little sad if you’re unimpressed. 
♡ is overly sentimental about things you’ve made him - especially if it’s something super dumb. you drew him a silly little sketch of him in a frog hat? it’s in his wallet behind his id. freaks out when he thinks he’s lost his wallet 
♡ LOVES phone calls. yes he still hates talking. but the way his face looks when he listens to your voice. eyes half-lidded, shamelessly smiling - it’s so tender and so lovesick. 
♡ terrible first grader hand-writing. he tries to write them for you in the beginning of your relationship (to be romantic or some shit) but they’re so incomprehensible pls. if he focuses on it - it can be legible but most of the time ... yea no. 
♡ doesn’t favor tea or coffee but prefers tea if he has to drink one. 
♡ crazy good at eyeballing measurement. even in baking. once made a perfectly good bread without weighing anything and doesn’t get why that’s so wild. 
♡ has the phone on his text set to be bigger even though his eyes are fine. 
♡ lets you do the layout thing on his iphone and decorate as you please. says he doesn’t care but when he sees you made it hero themed/fit with his aesthetic - he got so red it was so cute. 
♡ hates shopping in store. will still always go with you because the one time you went alone a store clerk hit on you.  
♡ so practical. he started couponing when he was in his early twenties like an old man. checks the news and weather the night before, every night. never misses doctors appointments. 
♡ shit at any form of visual art. drawing, painting etc - cannot do it to save his life. but he tries. his hands shake when he tries to draw hearts for you 
♡ blows the eyelashes off your cheek super gently whenever he notices. he’ll like.. take your face in his hands and blow so softly like he’s gonna hurt you. 
♡ used to agree to make pinky promises with you as a joke. now though? automatically holds his pink out for you to take it. straight up pouts if you don’t. 
♡ you two have a song and when it comes on, he’ll sing it back to you. any other time? any other song? he wont. but he always sings your song even without realizing, just mouths it. 
♡ enjoys when you put your hands under his shirt and just leave them there and hug him like that. skin to skin contact is elite but only from you. 
♡ hamsters adore this man. they just do. 
♡ draws frowny faces on your eggs with hot-sauce 
♡ soul leaves his body when you play with his hair and scratch his scalp. the tension in his neck literally disappears and he just sighs that shit relaxes him like crazy 
♡ the first time he says i love you, you’re tying his tie for his first hero event. you’re telling him to that the color looks good on him and you’re smiling. it honestly it just slips. he went on to win an award that night. 
♡ his favorite memory of the two of you was when you were trying to leave the grocery store one afternoon. it was raining heavy as shit. you pulled him in under your clear umbrella and just stood there. he doesn’t know why but that means a lot to him. 
♡ cares a lot about his dads approval on his work specifically. him and his dad have a really specifc bond and he actually admires him quite a bit. 
♡ nothing makes him cry like “im proud of you”. especially when it’s for something small. it’s just something he didn’t hear enough in a sincere way. 
♡ likes fruit flavored sweets over chocolate (generally needs something to do w his mouth cause it helps him think. bad oral fixation) so he keeps little candies on him 
♡ shit at video games. terrible at them with the exception of mario kart? for some reason. 
♡ always loses his keys 
♡ stutters every!single!time! he tries to compliment you. it’s been YEARS. 
♡ takes a melatonin gummy before bed and always drinks a glass of water 
♡ buys you flowers and keeps them too. like does the upkeep on it and replaces them if the wilt. suggests pressing them to keep them for longer. 
♡ lowkey cries really easily. he just gets overwhelmed w his feelings some times and it makes him cry even if he doesn’t want too. you and the bakusquad are sworn to secrecy over it though 
♡ wears his ring around his neck on a chain bc it’s easier to show off. 
♡ naturally good at doing hair! 
♡ likes sneakers but wears dr. scholl's because he walks a lot and is on his feet for most of the day w his job. just being careful. 
♡ loves u a lot <3 
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miutonium · 2 years
Omg guys I really need to talk briefly about the PPG Movie. I actually never watched it as a kid because this movie didn't get release in my country and I actually didn't know they even have a movie until recently last year. I remember when I was a kid they kinda promoted the movie on CN by showing clips of the girls being interviewed seperately on a red couch and lmao my 6 yro brain thought it was cool and I didn't understand a thing at the same time because girly doesnt understand English so I actually didn't know it was for their movie.
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Anyway, holy fuck this movie is everything to me because who would've thought a cute series about 3 little girls with superpowers has the saddest backstory ever???? I'm not going to talk about the plot in details, I rarher you guys watch it and understand the grief and pain I went through.
I honestly bawled my fucking eyes out after it ends because bITTCHHHH HOW DARE THE WHOLE TOWN TREATS MY LITTLE GIRLS LIKE THAT?????? 😭😭😭😭
I like how they build the girl's character here, when they were uh...born, all three of them look like a doll, you can't really tell their personality early on until the Professor assigned them their names. And I find it funny that Buttercup won't be as grumpy and tough as she is in the show if Utonium gives more thought into naming her lol. Also i won't shut the fuck up ever about this but I just love how Utonium just made them because he wants kids, he wants to be a parent and just raise them to be good kids. And him being new to the parenting thing (like legit he just thought of wow I want to be a dad because this town fuckin sucks and hours later procured a triplets in his lab) and he being very extremely freshly new to the parenting thing was like "oh shit it's their birthday I should get gifts!" When it clicked on him that it was their birthday and just ran out of the house to get them a car load of gifts while talking to gimself about how excited he is to be a dad (and also reminding himself not to leave the kids home alone anymore so after the incident he only leaves the kids with babysitters at home if he needs to go out at night)
It's so heartbreaking to see the whole town turning their backs on these innocent girls. They totally didn't know how the world works, they're literally 1 day old and poor Professor totally didn't know how to take care of them. They don't understand why people hate them and flew out and cry on meteors trying to process why everyone hates them. Idk seeing all three of them up there had me fuckin bawling like a dumb baby I am. I think I saw people say the Professor is bad at this time too because he didn't believe them and abandoned them and like honestly, no???? I don't accept Utonium slander in this house. He didn't hate them at all, it was just too much for him to handle in one day and he looks more like he is disappointed than he hates them and wants to get rid of them. If you ever notice, at the near end of the movie he ran back to the town with Antidote X and frantically looked for the girls to tell them he has ways to defeat Mojo. He didn't give up on them at all, he immediately ran home and quickly whipped out the Antidote from his lab and drove back downtown just to save the city instead of leaving it in chaos despite how much the people terrorised him and painted him as a villain. He still loves his native town very much and even though he is human, he wanted to give a helping hand to stop the rampaging monkey from destroying the city more. I wont shut the fuck up about Utonium in this movie ever ughhh 😩😩😩💕💕
I don't hate this movie at all despite the ill treatment on them in the middle of the movie. I really appreciate how their backstory has more meaning and also I don't blame on Townsville at all, I would be freaked out by them too. They have rampaging crimes and monsters visiting them by weekly. That's already a threat to them and then suddenly 3 little girls are rampaging the city while playing tag and this time they know who made them and you can arrest that person? I would be knocking on Utonium's door with picket fence and sporks and screams angrily at him too lol.
Anyway, 10/10 will terrorize my moots to watch this and made them cry too 🤧
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
i know we as a collective society believe in gamer! eren supremacy. and yes, this is a good take. however, may i introduce to you: normie/fuckboy/jock eren with gamer/nerd gf. thoughts under the cut (safe for work, pg-13, also slight snk spoilers for season 3 and up!)
see, eren isnt necessarily a fuckboy. in fact, hes very loyal! he doesnt really think that way about any girls or guys except you. but hes popular romantically and had a reputation for sleeping around before he met you (not that theres anything wrong with that but ya know word travels fast across campus). plus, cmon the dude is in a frat, super hot and has a tongue piercing. he cant blame anyone for thinking he is a fuckboy bc he exudes the energy.
you are kind of the complete opposite. you dont really enjoy parties and you keep to yourself. you're a total wreck when it comes to flirting and your kinda oblivious to whenever people like you. you dont have many friends and are a bigger fan of 2d people than 3d.
either way eren finds you so so so cute. he first approached you at one of his frat parties. your roommates convinced you to come after she said that someone (read: connie) had a dance dance revolution mat, but you kinda just stuck around in a corner staring at your cup once you lost them. he looks you up and down-- your outfit was pretty cute, a short plaid orange pleated skirt, dress shirt, orange cardigan and black beret laying neatly upon your head. and your face... he couldn't help himself but try to talk to you. you were really anxious because wahhh scary sports guy you dont know but he was kinda instantly comforting? in a way? and he was freaking pretty. he looked like a final fantasy character--long haired characters were your type. the rest was kind of history.
a lot of people are shocked when they find out your dating bc you two are so different (some people are surprise eren “dates” at all) but no one dares question your relationship when they see how much eren dotes on you. he has so many polaroids of you in his wallet-- from the many arcade dates you bring him on where you decimate him at almost every game, you awkwardly posing in the hentai section of bookstores, or just candids of you being intensely focused on a puzzle in a game. whenever you guys go out to eat and somethings wrong with your meal, he'll send it back (in a polite way, of course, but hes still assertive.) or if you buy like a figurine and its misisng something hes marching up to the cashier stand for you. he always has an arm around your waist or is holding is hand in yours. sometimes you just cling onto his arm and rest your head on it (hes comfy!!!!! and you are always tired) your both pretty clingy, but you get kinda awkward when you two are around people you know so he just kinda subtly holds you as to not make a scene. its nice. hes comfy.
youve got dual monitors, a pc you made yourself, rgb keyboard, the whole nine yards. all your consoles are up to date and you keep a handheld system on you at all times. you spend most your weekends watching anime and movies and tv shows and your shelves are piled high with books and comic books. eren literally does not understand any of it. when you told him you built your pc he goes "you made all those microchippy things? youre soooo smart babe". when you talk about some of your weirder or more complicated animes he nods along but honestly he gets so lost ("so like, lemme get this straight, the kids dad's wife ate his mom?" "yeah but like she was turned into a titan so she didn't realllllly know it was the dads wife, but like she literally walks past this titan shifter so i think she knew." "thats crazy.") and he will never understand the point of otome games when hes literally right there. he actually has a really bad habit of getting jealous of characters you have a crush on but you just find it funny. sometimes he gets an ego boost when they look like him because even if they look like him he is actually real so they can suck it.
hes rlly supportive tho. erens a rlly passionate person and he loves you a lot so he pours a lot of passion into what you do. if you are into esports/fps games hes cheers you on all the time and does all the raging for you ("BABE THAT GUY IS STREAM SNIPING! HES STREAM SNIPING YOU HEY ASSHOLE STOP CHEATING OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" "eren he cant stream snipe me because i dont stream" "oh i thought that just meant cheating"/"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" "eren its okay i can just report him" "NO NO LET ME AT HIM IF HE WANTS TO CALL YOU A BITCH I CAN CALL HIM MUCH WORSE" "um guys im gonna mute my mic for a second if you need me text chat") if youre into cozy games he likes to watch you play and gives you ideas on where to put things. like in minecraft he makes you put a second bed for him even though he doesnt play and he helps you name all your pets. you get a little less intense with cozy games so you sit on his lap and he lets his hair down puts his head on your shoulder and points at where you should place stuff. he still rages though? this is eren jaeger we are talking about. ("aw, she wont move to my island." "WHAT? who does that little ugly squirrel think she is? you think youre too good for MY y/n's island? i'll shave your unibrow off. then we'll see what island will want you" "leave hazel alone! shes cute!"/"dude that hamster guy with the glasses looks like armin" "graham? what? armin doesnt even wear glasses" "no no look at it more" "oh shit youre right") rpgs/otome games are kinda a wild card with how he acts. if its an otome game and the character looks like him he is more into helping you out because it reaffirms to him that you find him good looking but otherwise he is just sulking and calling them annoying ("princess y/n... i know im just a servant, but i want to be with you forever!" "pft. get a load of this guy. clingy much?" "its romantic! youre jealous.")
one of his favorite things to do with you is cuddle and watch anime. usually he lies his face on your thighs or chest while watching and you play with his hair or he holds you in his chest and you play with one of his hands while the other goes behind his head. he grew up on some of the classics like naruto sailor moon one piece pokemon and dbz but he never got super into it until he started dating you. you put him on to soooo many good shows (cartoons, anime, and live action) hes both a crier and he is a get-angrier(?). he gets mad on characters behalfs and you have to pause the show so he can rant about how annoying someone is or he feels so bad for someone so he has to take a minute because hes tearing up. he likes slice of life anime because the friendships <3 theyre so wholesome and they remind him of him armin and mikasa but he also likes shounen because it is entertaining to watch fights. he gets really into them actually. he also has this really bad habit of whenever there is a character with no parents or a dead mom he goes "oh same" or "welcome to the club buddy" under his breath. when theres a cute couple in an anime you both like guys get matching keychains of them unless one of them dies because he thinks its bad luck. his favorite animes are haikyuu, your lie in april and code geass.
you are equally supportive of erens volleyball career. you know all the rules because sports anime and you actually find yourself really liking it in 3d as well (it is lacking in bromance and screaming but you let it slide). you go to all his games and he always texts you before his practices. has a habit of kissing you before games and one day after he kisses you go "gg ez win" as a JOKE but then they like decimate their long time rival marley university and get into nationals (is that a thing for volleyball idk sports) so hes convinced its because you did your "gamer magic". now every time after getting his good luck kiss he interlocks your pinkies and you go "gg ez win" and he goes “yes.” because to this day he doesnt know what it means (he thinks googling it is like breaking the magic)
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sallyf4ce · 3 years
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chapter III
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-> sallyfacexf!reader
-> enemies? to lovers
-> previous | next
cw: drugs, cigarettes, abuse, violence
*does not follow original plot of sally face*
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summary: (y/n) wakes up early to avoid sally. sally’s upset that he did something wrong yesterday. (y/n)’s first meeting with travis isn’t the nicest.
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The incessant beeping of your alarm tugs you out of your dreamless sleep.
The sticky tears on the ground remind you of yesterday’s events, but you disregard them. All you want to do is take a shower, throw on your jacket and get out the door. You slowly clamber up off the ground and across the living room to turn off the alarm. After making sure it’s not on snooze, you drag your sore body to the shower. It smells like smoke and lots of cleaning supplies. This place is fucking gross. Is it even monday?’ you check the calendar. It is, in fact, monday. You strip and turn the shower handle.
You're so glad that you chose to wake up early. Usually kids this far from school drive or get picked up by the bus, but you prefer to use your skateboard. That’s why you get up at 6:30, so you have enough time to get ready and get to school on time. Sanity’s fall quietly played as you washed your breakfast plate and cup, brushing grease residue off the greyish porcelain. You wonder if Sal is awake yet. Probably not. You know, waking up early ensures that you won't see him in the morning. The guy’s not that bad, his eyes just freak you out a little.
Pulling the pink glove off your prosthetic, you wipe your hands with a towel and move to the closet to put your shoes on.
“Jacket, jacket, jacket, jacket.” you mumble, eyebrows knitted. “Where are you?” oh, right, you left it in your room.. With poppy. Was that even her name? You kind of just decided it for her.
Alright, don't be a pussy. Just go in and grab the jacket. You sucked in a breath and opened the door to your room.
“Eeh! A teenager! What’s your name, little lady?” her blond ponytail bounced with every sentence. This was the first time you could get a good look at her. She didn't really have feet, just bloody stumps where they used to be.
“Holy fuck, you’re so loud!” your hands covered your ears.
“Ahh, so sorry! I haven't used my voice in years.” she coughs.
“S’ fine... Can I just- just grab my jacket?” you point at the green pile amidst the boxes all around the room. You didn't get a chance to set up.
“Go ahead!” she nods and smiles.
“Alright. uh, listen, lady. This-” you motion towards the whole room. “Is my room. I live here now. I get that you, like, can't leave this place and shit, but could you maybe sit quietly while i set up later? I really need to clean my room up. I’ll set up a little chair place for you or whatever, so you could sleep at night.” you mumble the last part, embarrassed about your hospitality.
“I can’t sleep.” she smiles, her teeth surprisingly shiny for a ghost’s. God, she’s so preppy that you forgot she’s dead.
“Pretend to then, i dont fucking know. Alright, i have to go. Just… don't cause trouble.” grabbing the jacket, you begin shutting the door. “My name’s (y/n), by the way.”
You can hear her squeals as you leave the apartment. You decide to take the elevator because you don't feel like running down the stairs with a heavy ass bag on your back.. Stepping in, you press the main floor button. It looks like there’s a bit of sticky stuff around it. gross. Syrup? You hoped so.
The elevator dings and you step out, heading out the front doors. It’s cloudy. Again. Not a surprise, really. Keeping your eyes on the gravel, you set down your skateboard and begin your journey to school.
Sal’s point of view:
“She probably went on without us, man. Don’t know why you're worrying so much.'' Larry leaned back into the bus seat.
“It’s not that, Larry face. Yesterday, when we left…” was it my fault? Did i scare her? Did she see my face through the mask? Fuck.
“What is it? Spit it out, sally dude.” he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and puffed the smoke out the window.
“I think i scared her, larry. I think she saw my face.” i let out a shaky breath. God, everything was going good. Why the fuck does this stupid face ruin everything?
“Did you- did you take your mask off?” he sat up in the seat, eyes wide.
“No. She probably saw it through my mask.”
“I still dont get it. Explain more, dude.”
“She looked so scared. We made eye contact, and she, like, panicked. Her eyes widened and then she threw me out. It was definitely my eyes. We were fine the whole night, i dont know why she freaked out.”
Larry let out a long hum. He was probably trying to piece things together. Anyway, she definitely went to school earlier than us. I can ask her about it there.
“Woah, sally face. Calm down or you’ll go bald.” larry’s hands pulled mine off my pigtails. Huh, i didnt even notice.
“Thanks, dude. I think we’re here.”
Your point of view:
It was around eight o’clock by the time you arrived. Kids were already piling out of buses and cars, standing by the school’s entrance and conversing with their friends. You definitely felt some eyes on you. That was expected, though. They didnt recognize you, and nockfell didnt seem like a town with many new people. Thinking back to yesterday, sal and larry mentioned some bully kid. Probably wouldnt be hard to spot him.
“Watch it, goth freak!” a pair of hands gripped onto your shoulders.
Ah, what a coincidence.
“Get the fuck off me, fucking prick.” he twitched as you gripped onto his hands and pushed him away.
“Is that a metal hand? Ha, you’re a fucking cripple! How pathetic.” he chuckled. Blond hair draped itself across his forehead, definitely not complimenting the purple shade of his shirt and eye. School fight? or daddy issues? Who knows. I mean, you’re not one to speak, your dad’s literally dead.
“Let me guess, you’re that bully fucker they talked about. God, isnt there enough troubled kids in Nockfell?” you rolled your eyes, just wanting to get to school.
When you said you had bad luck, you really meant it, because all of a sudden, his fist landed on your face.
Are you fucking serious?
You just moved here yesterday and you’ve already been fucked up twice. You can’t keep taking hits, (y/n)! You gotta dish some out!
Sighing in disbelief, you reached out to your gushing nose.
“Mother.” you flicked the blood off your prosthetic hand. “Fucker.”
At this, travis bolts. You drop your bag and get back on your skateboard, weaving through the crowd to get to that shrimpy little fuck.
“I’m so fucking done with nockfell.” blood trails down the side of your face as you lock your eyes on the blond mop of hair in front of you.
Do you jump? Or let him get away?
Nah, you jump.
The skateboard shoots out beneath you as you kick off. He lets out a strangled cry as you land on his back and send him to the concrete. A few whoops can be heard from the kids far behind you.
“Fuck, i’m sorry! Get off me!” he scrambles beneath you.
“Now you’re fucking sorry?”
He doesnt say anything. You slowly climb off, keeping a hand on his neck.
“Pussy.” a snicker escapes you.
“What’d you just-” the hand on his neck squeezes tighter and shuts him up.
“What’s your name again?”
“Tr-travis, fuck.”
“Travis, huh? Well, travis-”
“(Y/n)? What are you doing on Travis?”
Sal’s point of view:
Me and larry were getting off the bus when we heard a bunch of cheering. Weird. I looked in the direction larry was staring. Hold on, that’s travis and some other kid on top of him.
“Sally face! I think that’s fucking (Y/n)! Holy shit!” larry shakes my shoulder. That’s actually her! What is she doing on travis?
“Larry, c’mon, we have to go get her off!” i try pulling him away, but he doesnt budge.
“No way, man! I wanna see her beat him up! She’s doing what you won’t let me do!” he smiles wide. Fuck, i guess i’ll just have to go alone. Larry frowns as i drop my bag and begin running towards them. I’m not letting her get in trouble on the first day. I hear her say something to him as i come closer.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing on travis?”
She looks up in surprise. Holy shit, she’s bleeding!
“I’ve gotten fucked up twice in the past 24 hours. I’m not letting this fuck get away with it.” She snarls. As bad as i feel, she’s kind of attractive, bloody and feral like that. God, what the fuck? Not time for this, sal.
“Oh my god, (y/n)! Here, uh, get up and i’ll take you to the office.”
Your point of view:
You look back at travis. There’s a visible blush on his face, and he’s staring straight at sally.
A smirk forms on your face.
“No thanks, porcelain face. Me and blondie here will go by ourselves. Right?”
He growls, but you tighten your grip on his neck again and he nods.
“Uh, okay. Do you want me to take your skateboard or something?” Sal scratches his head and changes the topic. Just a sliver of jealousy can be found in him, but he is grateful for the nickname. It suits him.
Your expression darkens for a second, all of a sudden feeling possessive of your skateboard. He’s not touching it. It was your dad’s.
“No. Take my bag or something.” you nod towards it by the entrance of the school, where it sits. He obeys and gets up to pick up your bag. You pull travis up with you, blood dripping down your shirt and an arm around his shoulders. Sal’s quite a bit away at this point.
“You gay?” you hum. Travis’s back straightens and fear flashes through his eyes. How did you know? How the fuck did you know?
“No! Fuck you, you’re just a pussy who thinks she knows everything-” he starts yelling, trying to get away, but you interrupt him.
“God, shut up. You’re making my head hurt more. It’s okay, you know. I wont fucking tell anyone about your little self exploration journey.” you pat him on the back and he flushes.
“Fuck, you’re so sappy it’s disgusting.”
“I’m not gonna be a dick to someone because of their sexuality, fuckass. I’m not that low. Let’s get to the school.”
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taglist: @dream-of-eros @potatochic2003 @mr-bombastic @purelydarling @ghostfacefricker6969 @deadpoetsandhoney
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skullstarz · 4 years
Hi pretty baby, you got me hooked and now you cant get rid of me 😌
But next request,,, you know dadzawa 👀 well what if one day iida is watching sweet lil baby eri and they're out at like a store or something and iida has a crush on reader and they see her (or them! Inclusivity) and hes blushing and stuff so eri runs off to the reader and iida is panicking meanwhile eris complementing the reader and then iida finds them (whether they say they like each other is up to you, also sorry if this is like too detailed or something lol) (and I'd like this to be a long hc or fic pls but dont force yourself I wont get upset tehe ily)
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corner store crush
-> iida tenya x gn!reader
hemlo i hope you enjoy :00 so i wanted eri to kind of know the reader prior so uhhhh lets say reader has a younger sibling that goes to school/daycare/wtvr with eri. basically eri knows reader's younger sibling so reader is a familiar and comforting face to her aaaa
warnings: none
word count: 1.2k words.
alternative title: iida tenya is bae
check out my masterlist for more of my works!!
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iida wasn’t the type to mess up so bad like this. frantically searching what felt like the biggest store ever for eri, he now understood the true weight of his feelings for you- how the mere sight of you is enough to have him tripping and stumbling on his words. 
aizawa being not so used to this dad thing was in a bit of a predicament. typically, mirio would babysit, but he was off doing 3rd year activities at UA, which left aizawa stumped. he trusted mirio to take care of eri, and after getting punished for yet another incident midoriya wasn’t a good choice either. thinking about who would be good for keeping eri safe and being responsible, he landed on what felt like a sane, decent choice- iida tenya, 1a’s class rep. 
taking care of the teacher’s child wasn’t quite one of the responsibilities of the class rep but aizawa didn’t have much of an option. leaving eri to iida in a hurry, he was running off to do his hero work. the instant aizawa left, iida noticed eri’s eyes started to tear up. here he was, basically a complete stranger, trying to cheer this poor kid up. to any child, as much as iida is friendly, he’s also some big scary dude with sharp features and a tendency to flail his arms around and raise his voice.
that’s when he had an idea. he took her into the dorms where midoriya was cleaning away, not willing to receive another lecture on how his actions have consequences. “deku!” eri smiled and waved, running towards him, happy to see a familiar face. her excitedness only lasted a short while though, bakugo quick to holler obscenities at izuku, asking why he was the only one cleaning.
much to iida’s dismay, eri’s face went back to its previous frown as they sat in silence. another idea came to iida’s mind and soon he and eri were making their way to a store nearby, hoping to find some random teddy bear or a bunch of ice cream to make her feel better. eri, having seen that iida was midoriya’s friend, felt a bit more comfortable holding his hand as they crossed roads and as she jumped in puddles (which often wet iida’s probably expensive pants). 
reaching the convenience store, the pair sighed at the feeling of the air conditioner and iida felt it was safe enough within the building to let go of eri’s hand. turning around to grab a basket for whatever heaps of snacks and trinkets the two would buy, his eyes widened.
eri gasps and points “look, its y/n!” iida was probably 70 different shades of red and pink before looking away. “yes it’s y- y/n, but let’s not bother them. come, let’s find some stuff.” he motioned for eri to follow him and he walked away towards the frozen aisle, forgetting to check if the child was actually tagging along. 
well, she wasn’t. the blue haired boy only realized once eri hadn’t replied to whether she’d want a popsicle or ice cream cone, turning around to just see the colorful chip bags on the other side of the aisle. oh no. 
he looked around, still not seeing eri and he scolded himself for letting himself get distracted by... you.... oh. he cursed at himself, today not being the first time you had him making mistakes... nor was it one of the first ten times. it was an almost daily occurrence at this point, his feelings for you only deepening with each time he saw you, which was every single day, multiple times within the hours he’s awake (and asleep, if he’s being honest, it isn’t rare for you to show up in his dreams). 
the sound of what seemed like eri’s giggles snapped him out of this trance he found himself getting lost in and he quickly went to searching for the missing girl. thankfully, it seemed like she was still in the store. trying to avoid you as much as possible he searched every area you were in and... nothing. what hadn’t occurred to him is that eri knew you- and eri was holding your hand as you stood in the same place he was before he realized she was lost, figuring out which ice cream to get her.
walking towards the entrance of the store, he decided waiting there would be the better option out of either that OR freaking out and calling the police in a panic. he knew eventually she or (in a worst case scenario) her kidnapper would have to walk through those doors to leave. 
that’s when he sees you, in all your glory, and completely fails to realize you and eri were hand in hand in the frozen aisle as eri complimented how amazing and nice you were and how “the nice guy” with her really liked you. you were a bit confused, but grabbed her an ice cream either way and started unknowingly making your way towards him, still looking over at eri as she followed you. 
“there he is!” she points directly at iida, who you liked, staring right at you. attempting to look away, he saw eri and let out a relieved sigh. “there you are, eri! i was worried! what would i have done if i couldn’t find you? what would you have done if i had left and you were still here, lost?!” you chuckle and placed her hand in his so he could grab it. “no need for all those hypotheticals, she’s right here and perfectly fine” you ruffle her hair.
eri couldn’t help but notice the blush on both of your faces, and how you two couldn’t make eye contact for more than a second. with a mischievous smile on her face, she looked at the boy and tugged his shirt “iida, you should tell big (sis/brother)-" she paused before continuing her words as whispers in his ear "that you like them" she looked at you as she pulled away. “tell me what?” the three of you stared at each other in silence and iida thought of every possible, terrible, outcome for a split second before gulping.
“after i drop off eri, would you like to-” he hesitated, searching for the right words “spend some time together?” nodding eagerly, iida and eri’s trip to the store continued, you joining in. once eri was picked up and the two of you got some time alone, you shared some comfortable silence sitting outside of the dorms on the grass. 
“eri told me you really like me” you say quietly yet with a smile, not looking at him out of embarrassment. “perhaps.” he says coldly, worrying that if he put any amount of emotion into his words, he’d be even more embarrassed. “perhaps?” you question, before he clarifies, “yes, i do like you.” you cant help the grin that you make at his words, letting the upper half of your body fall, rolling over to face the ground as you bury your face in your arms.
“i like you too” you let out weakly, not trusting your voice to not give away how happy you are. feeling a nudge on your side, you look up, before being surprised by the big smile on his face. “im happy, then.” 
the two of you were a blushing mess, two fools finally realizing the other likes them just as much as they did. you had eri to thank for being smarter and much bolder than the two of you were. 
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i wanted to draw lesser dad comic continuation on my au about corrupt rouxls but I gave up. the rough script draft is under read more
Lancer magical stool forme
Rouxls facesplat on the floor
A headcanon that Lesser Fathere would rather break his own face than take advantage of his Biggere Son in any way whatsoever
Rouxls as Lady Gaga
(sorry, those above were rough ideas not related.)
This world is cruel and nothing makes sense
That “forever” is nothing but fleeting set of lies. Its just a lie you feed those you fail to stand for. You said you loved him and will forever love him, but look at you now. In fact, you heard them say that the world is cruel and you worried that nothing would make sense. You worried nothing you would say or do holds any meaning. 
Nobody knows the truth.
Mayhaps, the truth really is that way.
Perhaps, you really did have your eyes opened. And you know that this world is cruel, and nothing has any meaning.
Then.. if nothing has any meaning..
then why not do what you wanted to do?
if these words hold no meaning, then
why not say them, if saying
 or not saying them
 would make no difference?
You feel that nothing holds any meaning. You have none but evil inside you.
And still those words you wanted to say to Him, still havent gone.
Keeping them inside, doesnt let them go away
You worried so much that you do not deserve to say them
that it would be hypocritic
But days passs by
and that wish wont go away.
Like a bug that keeps crawling around within your ribcage.
He is right there.
Things will never be the same as they used to be.
And you grieve how everything was ruined.
“I could have been a Father.” But even so, right now
You want to come forth.
And he doesnt seem to mind.
In fact, he loves you.
Why do you hesitate?
You worry you will change your mind? You will betray him? You worry about your ever-changing nature?
You worry you will corrupt him as well
But look at him now. He is happy and okay right now. He has friends
that will protect him.
And look at you, Right now. You want to say it. You want to do it. Right now.
“What are you staring at him like that for? Dont you wanna like? i dunno, say hi?” (Susie)
“I am... afraid.
-Young Prince.. is too kind. I am afraid, he loves me, even though I am not the one he should accepteth in his life. He is too sweet, it would lead to his heartache. 
“Afraid? Of hurting him? Listen here, man.. don’t think you’re the only one who feels this way. Even tho Im buddies with him and I constantly drag with around with me, even though we’re having lots of fun and geniunely believe in each other. There’s still that huge part of me that is scared that one day it will all be over. I am terrified of losing him. I still remember how I hurt him. I still remember how I used to be. And I never forget that I’m not really super good. But you know what? I look at this dude and think - woah, he sure is a cool fun guy, itd suck if i’d lose a single day I could spend with him to me sitting alone and thinking about how much hed hate me. And then I get up, and force myself to come up to him. Because i remember, how much it sucked being alone and stuck with myself, every day. And i remember, how much it sucked for him to be alone, and.. who knows, maybe If i’d leave him because i of my inner thoughts, I’d leave him all alone and hurt his feelings.
And, I’m like, not a psychic or a god to decide whats best for him. Idunno, if, like, I wanted him to be my friend but he ‘d chose to leave me for whatever the hell reason he made up, if he would be doing THAT to me, I’d be damn hurt.”
Usually, adults say this bullcrap to excuse them not wanting to deal with their kids, But you.. you actually DO care? What’s your problem, dude? no one freaking stops you. Especially, not HIM.
You feel really helpless and confused, and you worry you will not be able to handle this world’s trials. But maybe this is why you need to return to him? maybe.. you dont have to ALWAYS worry about him? Maybe he feels helpless and confused too, and this is why he needs you, because you understand how he feels.. and thats all that is needed?
Besides.. it’s not just you against the world. We are here too.
He has his mother now, his dad. Susie, Kris. He has friends now. You don’t have to be the exact same you as you were back then. everything is different, but maybe its for the best. 
You dont have to worry anymore.
“Oh hia, Lesser dad!! You hang out with Susie and Ralsei? Cool! Huh? Whats wrong?”
“Oh, your lesser dad just..has some things he needs to figure out.”
“A, he just..has a certain little beetle he wants to visit but he cant decide”
A beetle? Oh I know! You collect beetles I get whatchu talkin about! Lesser dad, you want some advice??
When i was little, my dad used to keep a cool plane model in our mansion. I always wanted to play with it, but I was very scared because I didnt know if i was allowed to touch it. So we kept it behind the glass. i would stand there and stare at it until my dad decided to throw it away. I never truly was sure if i could touch it or not but I felt really sad that I never got the chance to play with it, when it was right in front of me. I was afraid id break it, but in the end, my dad broke it anyway.
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Small town boy
runaway!mike au
inspired by @lilithisamess
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The wheelers household, 1987
"Mom! it's Wills birthday! i have to go, dustin and lucas are busy this weekend and he can't be alone!" Mike yelled, standing up from his kitchen table.
"maybe you should have thought about that before joining that demonic cult." Ted argued.
Cult? are you serious dad?
"Mike, I know your bestfriend's and girlfriend's moving away really upset you but you can't keep acting out and expecting no punishment in return. Nancy's boyfriend moved away but shes still attending college, and not failing every class and skipping school." Karen scolded him.
Of course, bring up how nancy is better than me in every fucking way.
"You cannot talk about no punishment in return mom! i know what you did, or more like who you were doing!" Mike yelled catching everyone by surprise, but Ted was oblivious so just took a bite of the rotisserie chicken.
"Michael Wheeler! go to your room. NOW!" Karen screamed and made him flinch a little.
He started walking towards his room but hesitated to hear what they had to say.
"You should just tell him he shouldn't be seeing that boy, i never thought we would get rid of him. I tell ya he was changing mike, making him go through that phase." Ted said, not knowing mike was in hearing distance.
Thunder struck the outside of the house, just as Mike ran up his stairs. Once he got into his room he slammed the door shut and sat on his new queen sized bed in replace of his bunk bed he had whenever will would stay over.
Mike grabbed the binder of Wills drawings and opened up to a random one. He started flipping through the pages, tears falling down from his pale skin onto the artwork.
Shouldn't i be missing El alot more than Will? Shouldn't I still be mad at him for calling El st- no. i can't be mad at him. He's too precious, plus he was being ignored and it was the heat of the momment so i guess he had a reason to lash out.
I can't believe i can't see him on his birthday. hes going to be fifteen! Nancy can see Jonathan whenever she wants, it's not fair.
wait? Nancy seeing jonathan isn't like me seeing will right? because they are dating, me and will are just friends. yeah, friends. i need to stop overthinking my own thoughts.
I need to see him, but mom won't change her mind. Nancy wont drive me there.
wait. that bus stop! it goes to California!
Mike smiled, not bothering to wipe the tears that were stained on his cheeks and ran to his dresser. Mike grabbed a sweater that was always Wills favorite and grabbed some socks and converse shoes.
He put the socks and shoes on and grabbed his bookbag and put the binder in there, and a walkie talkie, and a red and orange colored wrapped present along with a picture on his nightstand.
a picture in two pieces held together by a piece of see through tape. a picture of the party on the Halloween mike told will they would go crazy together.
without really thinking he put the backpack on and opened up his window and felt the rain and cold air hit his face.
He held on tight to his window sill and moved his legs to the point were hes dangling from his window.
Mike jumped down onto the smaller roof and closed his window from there. Then he sat down, ignoring the rain pouring onto his body, and then jumped down onto the sidewalk.
He kind of was surprised it was that easy. He then walked to the garage and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. "Shit." He cursed but decided he didn't need his bike, he could walk.
He started running down the street until he got to a certain distance. He pulled out the walkie talkie and set it to a certain channel.
"Lucas, dustin? do you copy?"
"Lucas and Dustin do you fucking copy?" Mike screamed as he kept walking.
"Oh my god what is it! im hanging out with max." Lucas said through the walkie talkie.
"Okay, I'm going to be gone for a little bit, tell dustin, and max i guess that im safe. make sure my parents know too, but do NOT tell the cops I'm calling you. I just need to see someone, but i promise im safe so don't let my family freak out too much, or atleast nancy. Okay thank you, bye!" Mike carefully explained and turned off the walkie talkie and put it back in his backpack.
And with that, mike started walking.
Mike finally reached the bus stop just as the bus was getting there.
literal, great timing.
The bus' doors opened and he walked in, the rain dripping onto the bus steps. He said nothing but continue walking and sat down in a seat across from this old, sweet looking woman.
Mike looked down at the bookbag he took off and put in his lap.
I wonder how Will is going to react when im there. Do you think he's going to hate me? who am i even talking to? oh god i hope he doesn't think im fucking crazy. i just, i haven't missed one of his birthdays yet. im not going to let that happen, ever. I know friends grow apart but, but Wills diffrent. Me and him, we are different. On August 27th we will have been friends for ten years. I can't, i can't lose him. I wonder if he was kidding when he said he would run away with me to California, or a warm state. We did promise to do that, anyway. But we promised alot of things. Like that we would never have girlfriends. But I can't talk, i do have a girlfriend. speaking of el, I haven't heard from her in weeks. I should probably talk to her.
His thoughts got cut off by that sweet old woman. She was wearing a green cardigan with mushrooms on the bottom and a long brown skirt and a heart necklace with a rose on it. She had white long hair captured in a low bun and a leather bag that was open that showed a knitted blanket and a book. The bag had a few buttons on it and a knitted heart on it. She had wrinkly skin with light freckles on her face, she wasn't the societys definition of beautiful but she definitely was beautiful to mike.
"Hello pumpkin, may i sit down?" She asked. Of course, he said yes and she took a seat next to him. "So where are you heading?" She asked him.
Mike recalled almost all of the memories he had with Will.
"Home." He smiled. He noticed that was extremely weird without context. "Oh uh, I'm going to see a friend." Mike said. "It's his birthday, or it's going to be in a day anyways." Mike smiled.
"Oh hunny, that's adorable. Tell me about him, and how you got all the way here." She asked, obviously worried about this cold, distressed, underage, alone boy.
Shouldn't I not be speaking to strangers?
"I-im sorry i don't even know you." He said in the nicest way possible so he wouldn't get killed.
"Oh, no. I'm not trying to attack you, or anything darling. I'm just worried, you seem young and there's bad people out there. I don't want you getting hurt." She said, and anyone listening would have known she was sincere.
"oh. well his name is Will, we have been best friends since kindergarten, and I was a total jerk to him this past summer. and I need to make it up to him, I care about him so so much and I can't have him being alone on his birthday. he deserves better than that. I got into a fight with my parents and they talked bad about him and wouldn't let me see him on his birthday, so I walked about one and a half miles to here, just so I can get on this bus. I can't leave him, he's my cleric, after all." Mike spilled out his heart.
"wow, you seem to really miss him." She chuckled. Mike takes some seconds to answer, but then does. "Yeah, i really do."
"just from what I know, be honest with him. you really care about this boy, and I know you said you were a jerk but, just talk to him. I'm sure he cares about you too. and your girlfriend will understand, she cares about you, and your happiness but you can't keep lying about and to her. You know she hates that, and Will, will love his present." She smiled.
"I will, thank you...and how do you know all this, you're really good at advice." He asked.
She laughed and pulled up her sleeve to see her arm that had a tattoo on it. '003'
"holy crap." Mike whispered.
"or because I'm going to visit my wife for fifty years." She chuckled.
Mike was stunned, shocked at the fact people could be married for fifty years.
I think i understand how they could have been together for fifty years, if you truly love someone, you wouldn't hate being in their presence. maybe that's why.... maybe that's why my parents aren't that close anymore. or why it's so awkward when I call El.
And if mike wasn't too busy thinking, he would notice the sign they just passed, he was leaving hawkins.
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