#but more than two just feels like too much for them for some reason so in my head it's always either two or none
simpingforheros · 1 day
Jason’s Wife?!
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Pairing: Jason Todd X Female! Reader
Summary: Meet Mrs. Todd?! Jason got eloped and he doesn’t intend on sharing his blushing bride just yet.
Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Established Relationship, Eloping, Jason being an ass to his family (for good reason), Jason calling Reader Ma (can’t remember who wrote about that, please tag them because I love this headcanon), P in V, unprotected sex (don’t advertise for the unsafe sex, put some breading on yalls chicken before dumping it in oil) , Oral (m receiving), Body Worship, Phone/Facetime during the deed, Exhibition Kink, Mating Press, Slight Breeding Kink, Degradation, Praise, crying kink??,TOXIC-ish And POSSESSIVE! Jason Todd is back, Traumatizing Dick again.
Author’s Note: Thank you guys so much for the praise I got on my last Jason Todd Fanfic! I didn’t know you guys would like my first smut that much so I made a part 2. Enjoy your next fix you horny bastards (jk I love you guys )
AN: This is Part 2 to Jason’s Girl??, so go read that for some context. Also a quick shout out to the mutual who started my spiraling decent into his madness, @jjenthusee , who was the main inspiration because of their amazing artwork! Also I’m sorry this was late and I don’t update as often, I’m in my second semester in a health major and I’m stumped man. I’ll update when I can I promise.
Jason Todd is a lot of things. He’s known for bad things and good things. It depends on who you ask.
A menace, a murderer, a zombie, an asshole, etc.
A son, a brother, a hero….
But there’s two things everyone can agree on.
1). He’s a good boyfriend.
For the last 6 months since Jason finally revealed his secret girlfriend of two years, the Bat Family learned just how much of a better person Jason was when (Y/N) was around.
His voice was softer and kinder to others. His temperament was more patient and his fists stayed loose. Her presence acting like a balm to sooth his soul as soon as he feels her comforting hand on his skin.
There were obvious moments of trouble, such as little squabbles or one gets snappy at the other, but normally they sort it out. Even if Bruce and the rest of the family didn’t know her for long, they knew that she had the backbone to handle Jason and give him what he needed without babying him.
Jason even shows his love for her in goofy ways, such as wearing matching shirts or color coordinated outfits. The two are now known for their Friday date nights and lazy Saturdays where they don’t wanna be disturbed. Their late night rides or their silent evenings where either a book or controller is in hand.
Red Hood is known for lingering around certain streets where she would be at when she had to work late, and he always had a bottle of water or granola bar he ‘mysteriously appeared’ out of thin air.
Jason was known for being proud of building the healthiest relationship he’s ever had with someone who didn’t fall in love with him because he was Bruce Wayne’s son, or Batman’s protege. She fell in love with Jason Peter Todd and all he was.
Which leads to the one thing that the family also knew him for.
2) Jason Todd would not tell anyone when he dropped down on one knee and asked (Y/N) to be his wife.
The proposal was a spontaneous to say the least.
Their usual Saturday routine of laying on the couch, too exhausted from the week to move. Jason laid on the opposite side as his beloved, her feet dangling off to the side of his hips as his own rested behind her shoulders. They both had a book in as they enjoyed their silence. The only noise coming from the soft patter of Frank coming over to lay on his adopted father.
The tabby cat that Jason claimed to not like despite the male cat clinging to him like glue. The cat jumped onto his stomach with a deep groan emitting from him. A soft giggle filled the room as she sets her book down and pulls the feline to her.
“I still don’t understand why my cat likes you more than me.” She comments as she strokes the tabby’s fur.
Jason scoffs as he carefully rolls off the couch and onto his feet. “Probably to spite me.”
He heads to the kitchen to grab them a drink as he hears one comment that seemed to change everything in one second.
“What’s gonna happen when we have a kid? Would you think they would prefer you over me or would we have another Frank?…”
The question was a hypothetical one, a normal one couples would ask just to make sound in the air. Jason would have probably answered light heartedly with a kiss or a smart ass comment to make her laugh, but it felt different. He felt different.
There wasn’t a ‘if’ in the question like it would or wouldn’t happen, but a definite of ‘when’ it would happen. Jason knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Hell, he managed to not fuck up a relationship he kept hidden for 2 years. He knew he wanted to marry her the moment he decided to open up and let her into his life by moving her in and introducing her to his family.
So, even if it was on an impulse, Jason returns back into the living room and as he placed their drinks on the coffee table as he kneels on the floor beside the couch. (Y/N) sits up as she smiles at him, unaware of the decision he made.
“Penny for your thoughts, Todd?” She asked playfully as she offers him an imaginary penny in between her pinched fingers.
Jason smiles as he takes her out stretched hand before kissing the back of it.
“Marry me.”
The seriousness in his eyes made her playful attitude dissolve to disbelief.
“I wanna marry you, (Y/N)…You are the everything I could ever want and don’t deserve. But I can’t imagine building a life like the one we have with anyone else. You are one of the few lights this dark world has and I wanna love and protect you for the rest of our lives.” Jason explains as he nervously massages her hand as his eyes shined with deep love and affection. “Even if I don’t have a ring yet and we are in our pajamas, will you accept me and let me become yours forever?”
Tears streamed down her face as she nods frantically. Her arms quickly wrapping around Jason’s neck and pulling him into a kiss.
Jason melts into her and begins to move to be on top of her on the couch until a sharp hiss makes him stop.
“Quiet, Frank…” Jason grumbles at the cat.
“Daddy is trying get some sugar from Mama~”
A week later, Alfred appeared extra peppy for the day. His duties were quickly done before the family was awake and his fidgeting gotten everyone concerned. Alfred was the normally level-headed gentle hand of the house, so seeing him so giddy made everyone nervous.
It wasn’t until he surprisingly left in one of his better suits and a gift bag that the rest of the Wayne Family just decided that he may be going to an event or some kind.
“Where do you think he’s going?” Tim asks his younger brother from behind a book.
Damian shrugs as he says, “How should I know?”
The answer wouldn’t come until later that evening. Alfred came back with both the brightest smile and red swollen eyes. In his hands were a single pale pink rose and a camera as he scurries to the study.
Tim, Dick, and Damian, who were scattered around the living room, followed out of curiosity. What’s gotten Alfred this way? An old flame? The thought of Alfred getting down and dirty made the boys shudder before they continue to the study and ultimately down to the Batcave.
“Yo, Alfred.” Dick calls out as he exits the elevator.
Alfred stood by the large chair over looking the Batcomputer as Bruce’s hulking form peaked over the leather. The clicking of the mouse playing in the background as Alfred turns his head to address Dick.
“Yes, Master Richard?” He says. In his hand was the camera with cables connecting it to the computer.
“Where have you been? You kinda left in a hurry…”
Tim jumps in as he says, “I mean, we aren’t trying to be rude, but you did seem kinda jumpy this morning.”
Damian’s words cut through the other two like ice as his eyes look at the monitor.
“Did Todd and his woman get married?”
Dick and Tim look back at Damian before their shocked expressions look up to the monitor. Their eyes widen in disbelief at the image before them.
Standing in a suit was a an absolutely beeming smile was Jason Todd with his hands interlocked with (Y/N), who was wearing a white dress. The dress didn’t look like the traditional floor length gown. Instead it was a backless chic dress with a bow on the back. Her hair was down and decorated with pearl ornaments as a matching ribbon choker was around her neck with a single aged pearl on it.
In their interlocked finders, a familiar set of rings shined . Martha Wayne’s sparkling diamond engagement ring and her wedding band was on (Y/N)’s finger as a matching wedding band was on Jason’s finger.
The surroundings didn’t look like a typical wedding venue with flowers and ribbons with a crowd of people. It was a courthouse, Gotham City Courthouse. On (Y/N)’s side stood Alfred holding a pale pink bouquet that was most likely the bride’s. What surprised them the most was a smiling Bruce on Jason’s side, a look of pride on his face that he rarely shown.
The boys break out of their shell as Dick complains.
“This can’t be real… Jason and (Y/N) got married without telling any of us….AND YOU LET JASON HAVE MARTHA’S RING!!” Dick snaps as his irritation grew. “You said I was gonna have it.”
Bruce sighs as he says, “I said that before you cheated on both of your girlfriends with each other.”
Alfred chuckles as he says, “And Master Jason specifically stated that he only wanted me and Master Bruce there.”
Tim frowns as he asks, “Why weren’t we invited?”
Alfred gives the boy a sympathetic look before reciting, “Miss (Y/N) and Jason only wanted a small ceremony and off what he said, ‘Damian makes (Y/N) uncomfortable when he calls her Jason’s woman and a distraction. Dick is plain out not invited because of reasons he knows why. And Tim can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life, so he’s not invited.’”
Damian tsks as he says, “I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyways.”
Dick was flustered as the images of the incident Alfred was referring to. He still can’t get her moans out of his head…
Tim pouts and says, “I’m gonna remember this…But why was Bruce invited then?”
Bruce responds with a smirk , “Because I was asked to give away the bride.”
As soon as the newly weds returned their apartment, the lust sprinkled down like hale. Her well manicured hair was now messy as his hands held her head. His mouth devouring her moans as her own lips kept up with his pace.
Her fingers desperately removing his tie as the shrilling ring of Jason’s cell phone fills the air. He ignores it in favor of trailing tongue against his bride’s as she slings off the tie.
“Gonna answer that?” She mumbles as his mouth begins to trail down her jawline. Jason doesn’t answer as his hands scoop up under her thighs to pick her up. Her giggles were music in his ears as he says,
“It’s probably just Tim or Dick. Probably bitching about the wedding…”
Jason carries his wife through the threshold of their apartment hallway as his lips remained on hers. Their vows sealed in teeth and tongues as he expertly guided them into the bedroom.
His phone finally stopped ringing as he places her on the bed. Hands groping and pulling off of clothing as he unwraps her down to her underwear and stockings. His mouth hot against her breast as she pushes his now unbuttoned shirt down his shoulders.
His other hand dipping into her underwear as he flicks her erected nipples like a guitar. Her sweet music filling the room as he’s met with a creamy cunt under her white thong.
“Fuccck, ma..” He moans against her breast. Jason pulls away with a devilish smirk as he runs his finger over her sopping folds, carefully avoiding her hole and clit. “I can’t tell what I like more…your pretty tits or your sloppy cunt…”
(Y/N) feels the wave of shameful arousal fill her stomach as she whines out, “Stop teasing me, baby. It’s our wedding day and you’re acting like a jackass…”
Her body jolts as he pinches her clit. Her hips jerking as she moans at the sensation. Jason had a look of faux sympathy before mumbling against the valley of her breasts.
“Oh, you’re right…” His voice barely audible to her as he begins to rub heart shaped patterns on her clit, making sure to dip down to her gasping pussy as he dips down. “I’m not acting like a good husband, ain’t I? Let me make it up to you, Mrs. Todd.”
His lips attached to her unabused nipple before his middle finger finally dips into her pulsing hole. His groan accentuated by the scraping of his teeth against her sensitive flesh. The feeling of her cunt sucking his one finger in making him light headed as her moans ringed out.
“Jason…stop teasing me…I want you…” She begs as her hips try to meet the thrust of his finger. He growls at her bossiness before yanking his finger out of her pulling her panties down her thighs.
Her eyes glared at him for the loss of stimulation before he quickly pops her pussy lightly. The wet slap of skin making her cringe in embarrassment before Jason begins to leave a trail of open kisses and bites down her body. Making sure to pay special attention to the matching tattoo on her hip before he mumbles to her with a lazy smile.
“Your wish is my command.”
Before he could dig into his meal, the shrill ring of his phone invades the space. He yanks his phone out of his pocket and looks at the screen before declining the call. He tosses the phone onto the bed as he glares at the offending device.
“Stupid Dick..” He groans before a soft hand on his face draws him back to her. Her gentle touch bringing peace to his mind as she pulls him up to press a soft peck to his lips.
His mind goes blank as she gently lures him to stand before she kneels down, trailing kisses down his exposed chest and his scars. Her love poured into his body as her lips traced his autopsy scars. Her eyes shining so pretty as she presses an extra long kiss to his matching tattoo on his Adonis belt.
The silent vow that was made a year and a half into dating on a drunk night out with Roy.
‘I am hers and she is mine’
“Let me be a good wife to you, Mr. Todd.” She whispers against his skin. Her breath like hot fire before her hands snake off his belt and trousers. Her mischievous eyes gleaming in lustful delight as Jason’s lip curls in between his teeth. His eyes almost glowing as she presses her warm lips against his clothed tip. His hand fisting into her hair as he hisses at her.
“Don’t you fucking tease me…”
Jason glares at the phone before he snatches it up. He sees the familiar notification as his own image shown on the phone. FaceTime.
“Answer it.”
“What?” Jason asks in confusion before looking down to her. His surprise was suppressed with a hiss as she pulls his hard cock out of his underwear. Her hand lazyily stroking him as she gives him a look of faux innocence.
“Answer it. It’s rude to ignore family..”
Jason feels a smirk curled onto his face as he realizes what she wanted. His dick hardened to iron as he remembers why he fell for her.
She was just as fucked as he was.
With that, Jason schools his face as he answers the phone with an annoyed expression.
“What?” He says as the image of his brother appears on his phone screen.
Dick glares at Jason before snapping at him. “You got fucking married?! Without inviting any of us?!”
“Didn’t Alfred tell you why we didn’t want you guys there?” Jason asked in as much annoyance as he can muster as he felt the wet pull of lips around his cock.
His hand gripping her hair kept her from getting more than his tip in as he hides his reaction. Her tongue licking his tip like a kitten wanting milk.
“But we are family for fucks sake.”
Jason’s actual annoyance getting the best of him as he hisses,
“I’m sorry, but I recall you trying to fuck my wife.”
Jason becomes distracted as (Y/N) starts sucking him off. Her drool and his precum slowly beginning to coat her mouth and hand as it strokes what she can’t fit into her pretty mouth.
His brow furrowed as his pleasure and annoyance started to mix on his face. Jason decides to get some payback on both his wife and brother as he slyly mentions.
“Oh but you had no problem rubbing one out when I sent those videos.”
He pulls her closer to his pelvis to muffle her surprised moan. If he wasn’t on the phone, he would degrade her like a slut with how she acts when she remembers being recorded. Her cheeks hollow as Dick’s jaw drops as Jason mentions the videos.
“Admit it.” Jason says, his voice grew more taunting. “You probably still jack off to the videos because you’re nothing but a loser who cheats on any good woman he gets because you’re scared of attaching to someone.”
Jason can feel her eagerness grow as she sucks harder, actually pulling him as deep into her throat as she can. He almost wanted to both laugh at how cute she was as she gagged around him and coo at how proud he was of her. Her jaw was gonna be hurting like a bitch either way.
Dick’s baffled expression almost made it better as his eyes shined with shame over what Jason knew to be true.
“That’s why Bruce gave me Martha’s ring.” Jason says as he forces (Y/N) to take him all the way down her throat. Her nose pressing into his light patch of black hair as Jason says. “fuck…I can fuck (Y/N) like I fucking hate her guts and she would take it because she knows I would rather swallow glass than fuck anyone else like I do her. To even love anyone halfway as I do her would be a sin…”
The fluttering feeling of her throat as her nails digged into his thigh affirming his conviction.
“I’m not afraid to get attached… As long as she lives, I’ll never let her go…”
He hangs up before Dick can respond as he yanks her back by her hair. Her coughing and gasping for air as she whine painfully at both the lost of his cock in her mouth and the painful grip on her scalp.
Jason releases her hair before kneeling beside her on the floor. His expression tender as he cups her face. Her light makeup look from the wedding was now smudged off with her mascara flowing down her face with her tears. Her lips puffy and wet from his assault on her mouth. Her body littered in forming bruises from his teeth. Her cunt sloppy and leaking a clear sheen down her thighs. Her cheek leaning into his palm as her eyes shined at him with nothing but love and desire.
“Fuck…” He groans before crawling inbetween her legs as he pushes her to lay down on the floor. His mouth back on hers as his throbbing erection lightly dragged against her fluttering pussy. The head catching her clit despite the watery resistance as she whimpers into his mouth.
“You look so pretty like this…” Jason says before sticking his tongue down her throats. Their tongues tangling for a moment before his hands cup her face and pull her away. “You feel it, don’t you?”
She whines as his hips rolled against hers. Her cunt angry as it fluttered around nothing. His nearly red dick twitching as it desires salvation in her temple as Jason breathlessly whimpers.
“Feel how bad I need you baby? Fuck I can’t stand it. I wanna fuck you every day so I can see you look like this.” He says as he wraps his hand his member. He slaps her pussy with it twice before dragging his head over her entrance, the heavy appendage dipping in slightly as he says.
“I wanna ruin you so good. You’re such a good pretty girl that I want to ruin and make as fucked up as me…”
Her gasps fill the room as he starts to bully his tip into her. Even though they were both well experienced with each other, every time she takes him feels like the first time with that delicious stretch.
His unusually talkative mood doesn’t let up as he pushes his hips into her, forcing her to take him.
“You’re so gorgeous…” He whispers as he pulls her legs over his shoulders as he grasps her hips, forcing them up as he starts to fill her to the hilt. “God, this pussy is unbelievable…gonna fill her up everyday and eat her out every night…”
His thrusts start off slow but hard as her hands desperately held onto what bit of Jason she could as he fucked her like a doll. Her whimpers and moans filling the air as the sticky sound of his balls smacking her ass.
His hot breath tickles her ears as his hips develop the torturous pattern of pistoling into her like a hard buck before rolling in a deep and filling thrust. Her eyes filling with tears and brain fog as he filled her lust sick brain with praise.
“Such a good little wife…a sweet little thing with a nice soft body for me…” He groans as his pace becomes brutal. His precision and memory impeccably beats anything he learned as a vigilante as he assaults her G-spot. Her eyes rolling back as lighting strikes her the brain as she begins to cry.
“Fuck. Fuck. fuck…” she sobs incoherently as Jason licks the tears off her face.
“You look so hot when your cry…” Jason moans as his thrusts start to become more sloppy. His reaches between them as he rubs tight circles on her clit as he thrusts harder into her soft cunt.
“Will you cry some more please?” He’s asked in a cruel tone. His eyes blown out with desire as he lets his full weight pin her down under him. His added weight making her pinned as she cries. Her stomach tightening at the overwhelming presence of him and his cock destroying her insides.
“I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, Ma…” He says as his own whimpers fall through. “Gonna watch you get swollen and carry a little perfect baby and know that you’re mine…that no one can love you like me… ain’t that right?”
Her impending orgasm blocking off all rational thoughts as her mouth hangs open. His hand pulls from her clit to her frustration and grabs a hold of her jaw. Forcing her to look at him as he says harshly.
“Who do you belong to ,Pretty Girl?”
Her eyes widen as she says, “You…I belong to you baby…”
Jason smirks as he starts thrusting faster. Her shrieks just music in his ears as she falls off the edge. Her vision clouded as white flashes in her vision. Her body nearly convulsing as her cunt squeezes Jason into his own orgasm. His warm seed flooding her quivering womb as he presses a kiss into her neck.
The pair remained still for a moment as they gasped for air. The natural chill of the room causing them to tremble at the stimulation. Her small hand moving first as she grabs his hand, her fingers playing with the gold band on his finger as she whispers.
“My husband…” A soft satisfied smile on her lips as Jason grins widely into her neck as he mumbles.
“All yours, Mrs. Todd.”
AN: Yea I didn’t know how to end this. 😭 I hope you guys like it because I’m not too sure if the smut is good or not. Let me know what you think as I’m trying to clear out the drafts. Again, Thank you @jjenthusee for inspiring these two fanfics and for being a great mutual.
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rosemarie333 · 2 days
Astro Observation (Tropical Astrology Edition) Part Two
Hey guys! Thank you for the support of my last tropical edition🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾! I appreciate y’all so much!
I can’t wait to share what observations I have, so let’s start!
1. Pluto in the 1st house/Scorpio ascendants are secretive when it comes to their private life but at the same time if you really knew one you’d know that they don’t have anything special to their lives (NO SHADE ONE BIT) they just hide themselves and the more they hide the more interested people are of them but once they share it’s kinda like 🫥. like it’s the climax we expect but when in reality is just like everyone else’s. They are very magnetic and alluring HEHE like they walk in a room and EVERYONE cocks their heads but tbh they’re just like everyone else they just have a great way of hiding it to seem like it’s otherwise. For instance, we all wanna know BEYONCÉ and most people wish she wasn’t so secretive but at the same time her life consists of traveling, motherhood, touring, and singing and dancing like tbh in the grand scheme of things is very mundane. Not saying there’s nothing interesting abt her (NOT SAYING THAT AT ALL) but their lives are mundane (like the lady gaga meme “bus, another club, no sleep) like they do the same shit😭 imo (like there so only but so much they can do that’s new and interesting as opposed of what she’s been doing for 20 years atp) But at the same time, when they do share a part of themselves, people become extremely aggressive and provoked by the pluto in the 1st house for NO REASON (like beyoncé sharing her hair videos and people were so negative and saying that it was weave when it clearly isn’t, black women can grow long hair yk????) ESP when her daughter blue ivy was teared apart in the media for having more features of Jay Z than beyoncé like imagine having your child being hated and trashed on for something they can’t control???? no wonder why they don’t share and are secretive because people really tear apart what they have so🥺just my two thoughts but also some are overly secretive for no reason at times like 😀
2. Pisces placements are just as vindictive as scorpios lol like…. don’t let their delusional quirk fool you. yes are they delusional, YES AND they shouldn’t be hated for it all the time imo bc they are a very sensitive sign (like anyone with pisces or neptune personal aspects will understand like CRYING over the littlest thing, very emotionally receptive and can feel others emotions like mf) butttttrrrr sometimes they can use that against you lol
3. Gemini placements get wayy too much hate for no reason like 😭two faced and be called ANYTHING out the woodwork Lmao and not to say it isn’t true but at the same time gemini’s really are chameleons and they can get along and with anything and anyone tbh. Doesn’t mean they’re two faced for having completely different personalities, they really just blend in with any group they want to, they are veryyyygy mentally smart and have a great way of words. gemini placements are extremely perceptive too which people forget😭like GEMINIS CAN READ A BITCH really fast and that’s a underestimated part of them. Tbh in tarot they rule the lovers and i feel like if we’re going to hate on anyone it should be the devils (LMAO capricorns as they are ruled by them in tarot but i’m just kidding no sign should be hated more than the next)
4. Leo risings are insecure and they make people insecure very easily. Leo’s really do overpower a room like scorpios, and as much as people hate on leo placements i feel like they have such great magnetism and charisma that not a lot of other signs may have. Like scorpio risings, leo risings walk into a room and because their energy isn’t off putting anyone and everyone gravitates to leo risings (my mom is a leo rising and anywhere and everywhere so many people come up to strike a conversation with her lol) and that makes a lottttttt of people insecure. but although leos portray and exude confidence, they really do think of themselves as inferior sometimes (which can make them very prideful and “narcissistic” as others would say because both of those come out of insecurity).
5. Taurus venus women voices are sooo fucking powerful and soft like i’m so jealous (ariana grande, lana del ray, victoria monet, chris brown🤢, demi lovato) like they sing SOOO well i rarely meet a taurus venus that can’t sing. sound like goddesses real bad (taurus mercury’s to an certain extent have the same energy).
6. Virgos, you know you don’t have to overextend yourselfs to everyone🥺 BABY GIVE URSELF that energy you give others. On the topic of virgos, why are virgo moons so hypocritical?😭
7. Saturn in the 1st house people i feel so bad for y’all. Y’all never really let yallsevles loose and that’s a placement that can indicate suffering from depression 🥺
8. Aquarius’s are so fucking smart like everyone aquarius i know graduated a year early due to GREAT GRADES and a great sat/act. I think one that I knew went to an elite school and got a full ride likeee y’all are so fucking smart like I GOTTA SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACKK.
9. i’ve never met any person with venus mars aspects (even in harsh ones) that was not fine 😋
10. if you want a sugar daddy/sugar baby, find someone with planets in your 2nd house (benefic planets such as venus, sun, mercury, jupiter) and even 8th house hehe i shared 2nd house synastry with someone and they used to send me money like every week or so
11. 8th house synastry with mars is better than 5th house synastry (unless the two are paired together 😏) i had better experiences with 8th house mars synastry than 5th house synastry (5th house is super fun but sometimes it has no substance) but for anyone who is crushing on someone who has planets in ur 12th house, BE CAUTIOUS!
That’s it is! Thank you for reading and have a good day!!
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callieisto · 3 days
☆ Kinktober Day 2: Oral Fixation! ☆
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“Always wanting somethin’ in your damn mouth.” Logan growls, hand gently coming up to curl around your throat with a wrinkled nose. "Is it not enough that I'm bullying my dick into you, huh? You want more?"
He’s fucking you into the mattress, careful not to put too much weight on your throat. It's been, what, a week since he'd been home? God, his missions just kept getting longer and longer. Keeping him away from you and this weird little fetish of yours that he was, secretly, delighted by.
“Slut.” He grumbles when you nod almost happily, and he squeezes your throat lightly when you moan, a little wobbly sound that goes straight to the heat in his gut. “What do you want, huh? Tell me. Use your words.”
The little warbled out ‘Want your fingers’ makes him scoff. But he relents, the hand that had been holding your neck sliding up and over your jaw so he could stick two of his fingers in your mouth.
It took a while to get to this point. He wasn't necessarily scared of his hands anymore, but he still had flashbacks to all the blood and waking up to his world changing. He could control his claws, now. He was better.
And, right now, being 'better' meant giving you what you wanted. And for some reason he would never understand, you wanted his fingers down your throat, gagging you, forcing wet choking sounds out of your mouth that went right to his groin.
"Oral fixation" was the term you had used, when he'd asked about it after the millionth time you asked to suck his dick (or his fingers) while doing something mundane. It helped you focus or something. (A lie, an absolute lie, he knows you don't get anything done with his cock down your throat because you give it your all despite what he's doing.) But he noticed how much you liked to have something in your mouth- chewing on straws, or pencils, or biting your nails- and he'd kind of leaned into it.
Because at his core, Logan is an asshole, and he'll indulge you in the things you like as long as he can feel your body tense when you cum, crying out around his fingers. It's a nice sound. He likes it more than he thought he would when the two of you talked about it for the first time. He likes how much you like his hands, likes it when you kiss them or hold them or, well, choke on them.
He likes when you cum just from having them in your mouth, too, which is what happens- you spasm on his dick, a little gargling whine escaping as he fucks himself deeper, harder, in tandem with the way he’s fucking your mouth with his fingers.
“I gotcha.” He rumbles, because as much as he likes to be mean to you about what you like, something deep in his chest wants to be a little gentle with you. Just when you’re like this, muscles clenching as you cum with a weak cry of his name around his fingers.
He pulls his fingers out of your mouth when you start trembling with the aftershocks, and he fucks you harder and deeper and meaner until he buries his face in your neck and cums with a low groan of your name.
He goes boneless about the same time you do, sweaty chests pressed together, cum and sweat and drool all kind of blurring together. He’s gonna get up and clean you eventually- he’s not a monster- but right now he’s content to not-so-subtly poke his fingers between your lips and kiss at your jaw.
… maybe another round is in order.
☆ taglist!
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milaswriting · 1 day
Update. — 3rd October 2024
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Well, helloo. If you're following me and reading this then...you must really hate me for my lack of activity on this blog. I apologise for that. Doing a masters degree really kicks my ass, and leaves me with no time to write. But Golden has never been dead or abandoned, it's very much always at the forefront of my mind.
And, for that pure reason, I know it's a story I haven't been 1,000% happy with so the story is going through some major changes. Probably, the first is that it's being rewritten. A (somewhat) new plot written with whole new software—we're making the move to Twine.
My reasoning; I've spent over a year learning the coding which makes me want to rip my hair out. I get to have a lot more ownership over my work, the customisation options are stellar, and you guys will get to read it for free.
The reasons for rewriting has been because I want to fix the cringey writing from when the story's first demo was released. It's mostly from the earlier chapters, but then the thought of plot changes came to me and I wanted to implement those. Realistically, the majority of what's being rewritten is what I had planned for book two—so I'm just bringing that forward. I'll update the synopsis closer to the release of this rewrite.
The changes (which can be subject to change): I'm getting rid of the university idea (though you can still choose careers that are related to those degrees from the options that'll be given) (e.g., if you liked the nursing student option, then your MC can work as a nurse). I'm thinking that the MC will already know about the supernatural world to some extent—there'll still be a lot of suspense and mystery and things to unravel, that was always going to remain. And, in this rewrite, my thought is that the MC and the gang will be working at a multi-agency organisation — called The Everbrook — where the aim is to bridge the gap between humans and supernaturals. To make the world run smoothly, so to speak.
The ROs are the exact same! No changes to that—the only change is that them and the mc will somewhat know of each other already. The genre is the same. MC is still as they are, a Lehsian socialite with a pretty (yet peculiar) birthmark. The parents will have much, much less of a role, but they'll still be mentioned here and there.
This seems like a load of word vomit, but I feel like these changes will improve the story. I'm hoping that it'll make MC less of a spare part in the story, allowing them to have more autonomy in the supernatural universe, especially with their enhanced skillset.
I've done the customisation in terms of the UI layout for Twine already, and it should be mobile friendly too. With that done, I've started writing and I'm a few thousand words in. A lot of what I've written in the ChoiceScript version can still be used, but also getting back into writing a story from scratch is something I'm looking forward to.
I feel like this is a bittersweet thing because yay to a new and better story, but also the time it's going to take to get it out. I'll debate whether to release the whole ten chapters, or do a few chapters at a time, like splitting it up into chunks (releasing three chapters now, and three chapters later on).
Another reason as to why I've taken so long to mention this, other than learning code and the rewrite, is just the while process of this being a little nerve-wracking. The whole thought of a rewrite of something I've put so much effort into is scary, but it'll be worth it.
I'll accept any questions you've got, and I'll create an FAQ regarding all of this too. But, most importantly, you're in the loop of how this is progressing. I really appreciate everyone's kind words about this story: loving the ros, re-reading it, still sticking by my writing—it means a lot. So, thank you and I hope the future of this story is what you want and more.
Finish introductory scenes.
Finish chapter one.
2.2k (rewrite)
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crustyfloor · 3 days
SUA LORE (I'm going to die one of these days fuck)
When Sua was younger, among all the sisters she had grown up with, she had one older sister, but seemingly, unlike their other sisters, that woman didn't treat Sua with hostility, in fact, she looked like she doted on Sua and looked out for her.
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Translation (Creds to: @/greenbean1467 on yt in the comments section):
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1/2 ?: You should take care of your hair. (Woah, careful) ?: So immature… 2/2 ?: Alright, it can’t be helped. Sua has to be punished! Tickle tickle! [ At that time, you were my only person, and for that reason, you also made me afraid. ]
"You were my only person, and for that reason, you also made me afraid" Is just...All her life, Sua had been an isolated individual, by choice, and because she had been shunned by her family, avoided due to her cold nature, and during those times she's only had two people to who she could really show herself too, this woman and Mizi, this woman being the only person Sua had in her life I can only imagine how afraid Sua was of losing her sister, and just how much her sister terrified her at times.
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1/2 SUA: Mhm, so mother said, it’ll be time to leave after ten more nights. And mother seems happy, and I too… SUA: And that pink-haired kid could be there too, so… ?: Didn’t I tell you it’s uncouth to wiggle your toes like that? 2/2 SUA: Oh… I won’t then. ?: Ugh, so cute! ?: But you know, big sis is worried. ?: Worried that our immature little Sua could just up and die in that hellish place.
This woman and Sua look to be close; they are affectionate, and Sua almost seems to look up to this woman as if a sister figure, but the detail here I'm interested in is how worried this woman is about Sua and her remarks about Sua, she cares about Sua. Still, it shows that she looks down on Sua to some degree, whether this be in a teasing tone or not, I'm unsure. But there's an obvious obsessive fixation on Sua's innocence. And even in this relationship, cruelty was reinforced as a means to an end.
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1/2 ?: You’re already so stupid, what if you just up and die in that place? ?: You poor thing, Sua. [They say that corpses fall from the sky in that place. When a weak kid like Sua just up and dies, They burn those kids in a hot, hot fire, And then they open the sky lid to sprinkle them over the living kids Like snow raining down. ] 2/3 ?: Even if it's not, I'm not smart, but I've gone so far ?: Pick--If you die. What should I do? ?: It's so cute Sua.
Growing up under the same guardian, Nigeh, who valued quality and beauty in her pets, it becomes obvious why Sua's sister was criticizing her appearance. She'd grown up hearing the same criticisms from the harsh and cold Nigeh who didn't care for their pets beyond their value, and what all they could bring to the plate, I could imagine just what kinds of things Nigeh would say to a pet human with "abnormalities".
Sua, however, was the perfect pet human, she was pretty, obedient, and acted obediently for Nigeh as a manicured doll to meet their expectations. She was attached to Nigeh like a daughter to a mother, looking to their validation to feel as if she was more valuable than she truly was even though the love wasn't reciprocated. For these reasons, she was treated differently from her other sisters, of course, there would be a level of envy and projection from Sua's sister.
Sua's sister is shown to be anxious about Sua, she seems to have been attached to her in the way a hurt child needs a security blanket to rest at night, Sua is so childish, naive, and stupid, it is reassuring to her sister to have someone to care for, as if there was still hope in this world, so without Sua, her sister's worries wouldn't be soothed, her sister was so scared that she even threatened Sua with fear, expressing how frightening and horrific this environment would be (Like, "Pick, if you die" I read it as "If I lose you, what should I do?)
In this way, Sua seems to parallel mirror woman because Sua had this same dependency on Mizi, again, in the way a hurt, lonely, scared child needs a security blanket to rest at night, Sua wanted Mizi to remain naive and stupid, willingly kept her in the dark so that Sua could feel a sense of peace and security through her, her sister was the same way with Sua, she wanted to keep Sua from the hell she would be subjected to very, very soon, but in the end, telling Sua ugly truths, about the snow, and all, had to have been fueled by bitter feelings, to rid Sua of that type of innocence, could have been any kind of love, perhaps in a twisted way she wanted to protect Sua.
She obviously had to have been mentally unstable (understandably) to say these kinds of things to a child, no less, the way she stares at Sua like she's desperate and broken, really, it's not loving, it's just desperate and cruel. Really, the fact that Alien stage can bring a person to this kind of insanity is a horrifying concept. Still, I believe she was trying to teach a lesson to Sua at this time in her life when she was growing up, making attachments and being susceptible to impressions, it was purposely harsh to frighten her, to project her fears onto Sua, and those words from her sister stuck with Sua for the rest of her life.
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From that day on, all Sua could think about was death, all she could do was worry and worry until she met Mizi again.
Meeting Mizi, in all her optimism and bright smiles, was like a healing balm on Sua's wounds, or in other words, her "Cure" .
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1/2 SUA: Big sister, your words then made me, as young as I was, all the more afraid. I imagined “just up and dying” so many times, even more than before… 2/2 SUA: But if I meet you again, I want to tell you this. That you were wrong. The one to be pitied was probably you.
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1/2 SUA: If this is hell… 2/2 MIZI: Found you! You're that snow doll!
Interestingly enough, Mizi calling Sua a "snow doll" may be a foreshadowing of Sua's death, as now it's semi-confirmed that dead children are cremated and sprinkled down onto the Anakt children's faces, but they only think it's snow. (THAT IS JUST FUCKING SICK. someone kill me)
And a parallel to the MIZISUA video, their first meeting. (The nickname is just--telling of how Sua is perceived, as a little dressed-up doll.)
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(And that fact just gives this piece a wholeeee darker meaning. of course. It somewhat disproves the theory that the dead are instead fed to the Wagyein, but I don't know which is worse. Then again Sua's sister could've been going off on a psychotic rant, so I'm not taking it too seriously. It's a weird coincidence though)
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1/2 SUA: Where else could you find such a paradise so wonderful? 2/2 SUA: So you're wrong.
(Some nuance may be lost in translation. I died)
So this comic, like Ivan's comic after ROUND 6, Cure, Heavenly Garden, was Sua's reminiscing during her final moments, and her only thoughts were the words of her sister, her face, haunting as it was, and Mizi, her universe.
Sua's sister pitied her for her inevitable fate, she had known the life of being a pet-human, used, abused, and hurt, she feared death and still had her instincts intact. Knowing Sua would go through the same cycle and then meet a terrible fate on that hellish stage...tasted bitter. It was frightening, but it was one small liberty for Sua to make it something of her own.
But for Sua, it was far from hell. Sua's sister references Anakt garden and Alien stage as a whole as hell because it's a one-way ticket to your demise, there is no true life once you're in, that's why it's so frightening, but being found by Mizi in that garden--Mizi was wonderful, Mizi made Sua feel like a child, to feel warm in her bright, gentle light, feeling the tranquility of feeling freed and loved in the comfort of Mizi's gentle song, Sua didn't want to be pitied, she didn't even regret making it this far, she didn't care about death as long as she wasn't without Mizi, Because to be able to be with her, and sing with her...everything was all worth it to meet Mizi. For Sua, there is no fate more miserable than living a life without Mizi and dying that way. Living a life of loneliness and anxiety was pitiful.
Side note, the title of this comic, Heavenly Garden, maybe a religious reference and, more specifically, a reference to the Garden of Eden. The themes here that connect to "Return to the Great Anakt", all children, in ashes and all will eventually return to the great Anakt, it gives me the idea that after Sua's death, her "Heaven", was returning to Anakt Garden and returning to her paradise, Mizi.
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
A bit of angstytober request of love triangle Mob Boss Natasha and mob boss Yelena so basically Natasha and reader and like flings and they both have to choose partner to help them with their mob boss activities, so Natasha chooses someone with more masculinity because her fellow mob bosses and parents were telling her too so she chose logic over her heart, but yelena decides to chose reader
Tangled Hearts
Pairing: Mob Boss! Natasha Romanoff, Mob Boss! Yelena Belova x Assistant! GN! Reader
Summary: Having feelings for two people is never easy.
Angst, Fluff & Suggestive Themes. 18+ Only, Men & Minors, DNI!
Warnings: Mentions of illegal activities, mentions of alcohol | 2.3K
Translations: Detka (baby), 
AC: I love this idea so much! Jess also sent me a mob boss idea (which you can see here) so I picked some ideas from that and included it into this request. I hope that’s okay! I hope you enjoy! x
October Special 2024 Masterlist
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“What are you thinking about?” You asked Natasha in a soft tone watching as she buttoned up her white shirt, the bed sheets covering your naked body. Natasha looked over her shoulder, her jaw ever so slightly clenched at the thought of telling you what you was playing on her mind. You wondered if you had any reason to be asking her this, after all, it was mostly just sex between the two of you, both of you using it for your own selfish reasons but you’d be lying if you didn’t start to feel something bigger than the heated moments shared in her bedroom. 
“It’s just business stuff” she replied, tugging her crystal white shirt into her black dress pants. 
“Anything I can help with?” You asked kindly. A heavy sigh filled the room as Natasha turned to you, sliding her phone into her pocket. She shook her head, “thank you but no thank you” she smiled ever so softly, “I have to go deal with somethings, um, thank you for last night” she added, reaching for her suit jacket before leaving the room. You let your head hit the softness of her pillow once more, allowing yourself a little time to gather your thoughts before you got your things and went home. 
Entering the ‘office’ which was nothing more than a mansion or a safe house of those who worked for the crime syndicates boss sisters, Natasha and Yelena. You sat down at your desk, turning your computer on when Yelena knocked softly at your door.
“Late night?” She asked with a slight hint of disappointment in her voice. You spun around on your chair to face her, “nothing out of the usual” you smiled softly. You’ve known the sisters for most of your life, they took you under their wing when you had nothing left. Both sisters have always admired your genius skills in cyber hacking and your high attention to detail. 
Yelena’s eyes dropped to the piece of paper in her hand, “got a job for me?” You asked, shifting the conversation. The blonde handed you the document with information, “Nat asked if you could wire some cash to detective Agnes O’Conner. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you this morning” Yelena explained causing your eyes to drop to your feet for a brief moment before you looked up at her once more. 
“Please don’t start, not today” 
Yelena closed the door behind her, “She hasn’t told you, has she?”  Tilting her head slightly to the right as she locked eyes with you.
“Told me what?” You asked with a light frown. 
“She’s moving. There are some issues in Mexico and cargo needs to moved, that’s why she’s paying Agnes to turn a blind eye” Yelena explained.
“Why does she need to move?” You questioned. 
“Because she’s taking over the cartel over there, it’ll be good for us, the business. It’ll open up a new world of money for us, new clients, we’re stepping up again” Yelena says with proudness in her voice. “You sound excited” you replied with a light smile. 
“Well, yeah” she wanders over to the sofa in your office and takes a seat, “You’re up for raise” she adds. 
“A-are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
Yelena nods, “things are going to change around here. With Nat moving, she needs some extra help so between her and I, we have to pick who we need most for our organizations. I thought she would’ve told you all this” 
The information made you understand why Nat was distant with you this morning. Your mind filled the thought of all the new changes that would be happening, and you could see that Yelena, although she was excited, she was nervous. 
“She’s going to ask me to go, isn’t she?” You asked the blonde. 
Yelena ran her fingers through her short blonde locks, “well since you both are such an item, I just assumed it would be the case” she replied, barely able to look at you. 
“Lena” you said softly, placing the document on your desk and wandering over to the sofa to take a seat next to her. “Lena, you can talk to me” you added, placing a hand gently on her knee. Her jaw clenched for a moment, deep down, her heart skipping a beat as she looked you in the eyes. 
“You should probably get that money wired” she said, brushing you off and standing up. 
Yelena turned to you, “oh, uhm, don’t leave for lunch today. We’re ordering in” she gave you a soft smile before leaving the room. 
“When’s your flight Natasha?” Alexei asked. 
“Later tonight” she replied, taking a puff from her cigar. 
“And you have everything sorted? You have an assistant, yes?” He asked. Natasha lent forward, “you stress to much old man. Everything is fine” she assures him. 
“So no, you don’t have an assistant” Melina pitches in, downing a shot of vodka. Nat sighed, “I don’t need an assistant” 
“Did you even look at the resumes I gave you? There is some good, strong men and women on that list” said Alexei. 
“Yes, I looked at them, not interested. Like I said, I don’t need an assistant” 
“It’s not negotiable Natasha. You’re going into foreign territory, this isn’t about getting you an assistant, you also need a bodyguard” Melina says, raising a brow at her daughter while the red head chuckled lightly at her mother’s words, “I can handle myself” she comments. 
Melina rolled her eyes before she locked eyes with Natasha once again, “you pick somebody Natasha, or I will” she says sternly. Natasha puts out her cigar, defeated, knowing she won’t win the argument no matter how good her skills are.
“What about Yelena?” The red head questions, she knows Yelena can look after herself and can stand her ground but she’s still her little sister and Natasha can’t help but feel protective of her. 
“Yelena is fine, she’s more organized than you” Melina replies, “you’re avoiding what needs to be done Natalia. Your heart, it’s clouding your judgment. You need to think logically, there isn’t anything wrong with them but are you sure that they can handle themselves and protect you if need be?” She adds, catching Natasha’s attention once more. 
“Ah, you and Yelena are still fighting over this hacker huh?” Alexei chimes in, exhaling smoke from this cigar. Natasha’s eyes shift to her father, “Fighting?” She questions, “Yelena isn’t interested in Y/n” she adds. Alexei chuckles before taking another puff at his cigar. 
“What is this idiot talking about?” Natasha asks, looking at her mother who sighs at Alexei’s words. 
“Hey!” Alexei frowns.
“Maybe I was wrong, maybe your heart isn’t in the way” Melina starts, “you’ve never noticed the way Yelena looks at them?” She asks making Natasha’s eyes drop to her feet. “Think logically, got it.” She says before standing up, wanting to end the discussion. 
Lunch time came with catered mini subs from subway, everybody at the office enjoying light chatter and laughter while taking a break from their illegal lifestyle for just a moment, everybody but you. After the news Yelena gave you this morning, you found yourself burying yourself into work. Finding anything to do, breaking into the FBI’s cyber security to access files you found yourself reading from time to time, your own personal record. 
“You’re torturing yourself reading that, you know that, right?��� Yelena’s voice broke the silence in your office. Quickly, you closed the window and spun on your chair to face her, “doesn’t hurt to refresh your mind” you replied while Yelena let herself in with a mini sub on a plate for you. “You didn’t come to lunch” she said, placing the plate on the end of your desk.
“I got busy, sorry” 
“Thinking about Nat?” Yelena questioned. 
“Lena, just say it. You keep bringing it up so just say” you said, slightly raising your voice at the blonde. 
“Okay. Fine” Yelena sighs, “why don’t you just admit it?” 
“Admit what?” You question just as a soft knock on the door interrupts your conversation. You both look up and see Natasha leaning against the door frame, she gives Yelena a look that makes her excuse herself, leaving you along with Natasha. 
“She told you about Mexico?” Natasha asks, breaking the silence as she closes the door behind her. 
“Yeah, was that what this morning was about?” You watch as she steps closer to you, cupping your left cheek as she looks into your eyes, “I’ve been selfish” she says as her thumb gently strokes your cheek. “and I’ve blind to see what has been in front of me for so long. I’m not taking you with me detka” she adds, keeping strong eye contact with you. 
Gently, you remove her hand from your face and swallow the lump in your throat, “well we always said it was just casual” you remind her, but she sees past your wall. “When do you leave?” You ask her, trying to avoid an awkward situation. 
“Just because we have casual sex doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings for you, you need to know that” 
“Just not strong enough to ask me to go with you, right?” 
“Trust me, if I could ask you to come with me, I would but I can’t. Not when I know that your heart never belonged to me” 
You frown at her words, “what are you talking about? You’ve never asked me about my feelings and now suddenly my feelings matter?” 
“Your feelings have always matted detka, I was just too selfish to see the truth. I’m not the one who deserves you, I never did” she says.
“That’s not for you to decide Nat, but thanks for making up my mind for me” you snapped. 
“It wasn’t me who bailed you out all those years ago. It was Yelena. It’s Yelena that makes your eyes sparkle, that makes your laugh contagious, it’s Yelena that makes you rest your limits and makes you push yourself harder. It was never me and that’s okay. I wanted to be that person so much that I blocked out the way you look at her and the way she looks at you” Natasha explains calmly, as you stand from your chair in disbelief. 
“I’ve stood in the way of the happiness of the two people I care about the most for too long and even if I did choose you, Yelena already has.” She adds. 
You’ve known about Yelena’s feelings for a while now and you’d be lying if you didn’t feel something different with her than you do with Natasha. What you share with Natasha is something you’ve struggled with; you love the time you have with her, but you noticed just how different she is with you compared to Yelena. Maybe all you and Natasha were was a casual hook-up to keep one another distracted of the world you both lived in, maybe you tried too hard to convince yourself to have deeper feelings for the boss, these were thoughts that rang through your mind while Natasha made herself comfortable on the leather sofa. 
“You have every right to be mad with me” Natasha adds, drawing your attention back to her. 
“Mad with you? I could never be mad with you” you smile softly to assure her, “I’ll never understand truly what you and I share but I know I’ll miss it, and I’ll miss you” you add.
“I’m not going forever” Nat returns the soft smile, “I’m sure Alexei will fuck something up” she adds causing you both to chuckle. 
“I’m sure Yelena will keep him in his place” you replied. Natasha nodded in agreement before your office went silent once more, “are we okay?” She asks. You took a deep breath in before giving her an answer, “yeah, we’re okay”
“I’m glad, because I still need you regardless of if I am here or not. I need somebody to keep an eye on Yelena” Natasha jokes once more just to hear you laugh. 
With Natasha settling into things in Mexico, the workload didn’t seem so high. Although Yelena had meetings lined up all of next week, you kept working on a side hustle in hopes it would strike interest for the blonde. Using your skills, you heard word about a rival mob planning to move some military trade weapons, you made sure to have all the facts before presenting the idea to Yelena. The weapons could easily be sold to connections that Yelena had in Russia, a quick easy few million dollars to add to the accounts. 
Yelena was puffing on a cigar on the balcony when you approached her, almost startling her when you leaned against the railing overlooking the pool beside her. “I’ve got a little gift for you” you said, smirking at her. 
“Oh yeah?” Yelena replied, looking over at you. 
“You can have it on one condition” you tease, watching her put her cigar out. She never liked to smoke around others. 
“I’m listening” she said, turning slightly to face you better as you looked into her eyes.
“That you tell me what you wanted to tell me before Nat left last week” 
Yelena’s eyes dropped slightly as a smile tugged at her lips, “you really want to go there?” She asked. 
“Go where? I have no idea what you’re talking about” you teased her once more as she looked up at you, running her tongue over her bottom lip, “I’d rather skip that and get straight to the point”
“And what would that point be?” You questioned, feeling Yelena rest a hand on your hip, gently pulling you closer to her, “that Natasha never loved you the way I do, and I’ve been waiting a very long time to call you mine” she confessed. 
“Then do it” you said softly, “call me yours” 
With a soft smile, Yelena lent forward, capturing your lips with hers and only deepening the kiss when you kissed her back. The side hustle plan forgotten about, the world of crime non-existent just for the moment until Yelena pulled back ever so slightly, “I’m yours” she said in a soft whisper as you smiled, “and I’m yours” you replied.
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szynkaaa · 2 days
This is my first time asking but I'm going to ask anyway (and English is not my native language) I'm curious to know how your OC and the destined one met (I mean how was their first interaction)
hi hi! thank you so much for your ask, this is the first time I have received one about my OC <3
probably something like this (read right-to-left)
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Gonna use this chance to talk a bit more about my AU lol
Wrote in a separate post here that Oz has met Sun Wukong before when she was a child and he was buried under the mountain.
So when she got whisked back into fantasy ancient China, she landed where Yuan Shoucheng aka Gourd Grandpa (the old man carrying a big gourd on his back) was already waiting there for her. He foresaw her arriva. The vague gist of my AU is that the the reason why this Destined One succeeds in retrieving all artifacts and becomes SWK is because he is also sort of the manifestation of that childish promise 5-years-old Oz made that she will save SWK one day (from under the mountain but clearly that didn't happen lol). But also since her ancestor is from this world, her descendants were fated to return back here one day.
Gourd grandpa updates her on her ancestors and their roles in the Celestial Court and the shitstorm that happened that ultimately let to the clan being massacred and one person escaping to "our" world, where magic doesn't exist and all those people are just characters from myths and stories. But also her ancestor isn't the only person that traversed through the two worlds - over the centuries more have come and gone. This is also why people in her world have those myths and deities. In my AU Wu Cheng'en also escaped from fantasy ancient China into her world and then wrote Journey to the West. He took artistic liberty to change some things for his novel, hence some things in BMW are different than in JTTW (like the ZBJ and violet spider love story or how SWK had a romance with White Bone Demon).
Anywayyy, Oz task on the adventure is to document their journey together, and she is responsible for using the magical gourd to suck in the will of the defeated bosses in.
And 2-3 days later the Destined One shows up. I don't think Oz was very happy about leaving gourd grandpa and join the Destined One on his travel, but if he is her best chance to find a way back home to see Taylor Swift live, then she will do it.
The Destined One is indifferent to mildly annoyed about this, but doesn't protest too much, as long as she doesn't slow him down yadda yadda. I do think that DO did feel some sort of special connection to her, because he is sort of a manifestation of that promise. it doesn't really take long for him to get used to her and also to care for her. One of Sun Wukong's massive core trait is that he cares so much for his loved ones and does not hesitate to do the impossible for them, and I like to imagine that even though SWK senses have been split into 6 different parts, the caring part stayed with each Destined One reincarnation.
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wastelandresident · 10 hours
Lovesick / MV1 & CL16
She was his first love, but then they drifted apart. Now her relationship with his greatest rival is revealed after their sex tape leaks. Max is looking for closure.
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When she joined Ferrari a few years ago, Max was happy to have her around again. He imagined things would be back to how they used to be, with the two of them hanging out as much as they could, this time reminiscing of their younger days. The days when his frustration disappeared the moment she flashed a sweet smile at him, when his heart went crazy from feeling her gentle touch on his cheek. But she was so focused on her career that she barely had time for him, and eventually he decided to take a step back and wait for her to come around.
But she didn’t.
And then, out of nowhere, it was announced that she would become Charles’ race engineer from the following season. He was so proud of her, yet he had no chance to tell her that. As strange as it was, despite spending so much time in the same paddock, his mother talked a lot more to her than he did. She was the one who told him how happy she was, how she couldn’t wait to start in her new position, and it was also her who mentioned that the poor girl was scared as hell because she didn’t want to disappoint the Tifosi. 
There was no reason to worry as it turned out. The first season was full of playful banter and casual jokes between her and Charles, something the Tifosi appreciated very much, leading to the mutual decision that she was their precious princess next to the prince of Monaco. And then this year their communication changed, blatant flirting appeared in the short radio messages, making millions of fans lose their minds. 
And every time Charles is seen with her, they are always looking at each other with a fond look in their eyes. It’s a look Max has known so well from his younger days, when her big, bright eyes were watching him with this same fondness in them. These days he’s happy if she even glances his way, and this isn’t because she ignores him, she’s just a little too busy being friends with literally everyone but him. They talk properly like twice a year, but even those meetings are brief and awkward.
Max knows that it’s probably his fault. He’s not happy to see her and Charles getting closer and closer, which probably radiates from him and keeps her away. And now that he saw their little sex tape? He just wants to scream into the void and curse the universe for this cruel joke. The universe is laughing at him, he knows that. Seeing his greatest rival do the things he wants to do with her is painful. 
Sometimes he wonders if she knows how much she means to him. If she even suspects that her number is saved under the name loml. Groaning, he picks up his phone and opens the chat with her, hoping she’s still awake to see it. He can’t wait until having the chance to meet her at the track, he wants to talk to her right away. So he asks her if she can talk, if he is allowed to call her now.
After a few messages sent back and forth, she eventually agrees to talk to him, and he finds himself worried about how this will go. But he can’t back out now, he needs to get some answers. Yes, he’s drunk, that’s why he suddenly has the courage to tell her the truth about his feelings, taking a huge risk knowing she’s in a serious relationship. 
“Why him?” he asks her not more than half a minute into the conversation. She’s confused, having absolutely no idea what he’s talking about, but he’s ready to give her all the answers she’s looking for. “Why Charles? I’ve been trying to get through that wall you built, but you make it impossible to approach you,” he blurts out before taking another sip of his drink. 
There’s heavy silence on the other end of the line, and after a while he begins to think she will end the call without saying a word. But then he hears her let out a long sigh before speaking up. “What do you want me to say, Max? When I came to F1, you were in a relationship. You seemed happy and madly in love, who was I to get into the picture? And what was I supposed to do anyway? Get on my knees and beg you to choose me? Thanks, but I have dignity,” she explains. 
His breath catches in his throat. “But then I broke up with her, so why did you keep your distance?”
“I don’t know, I kinda forgot about my feelings for you. Look, is there anything else? Charles is waiting for me.”
That’s all he wants to hear. Maybe this won’t give him the closure he was seeking, but it was a small step towards it. Time can help. Time can heal his heart. Time can give him the chance to recruit his mother and hope she would be willing to help him win you over. 
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supernovafics · 1 day
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader, bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k words
warnings: explicit language, nothing else really?
summary: your life goes back to normal— how things were before you knew steve— and it’s fine (or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself)
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CHAPTER SIXTEEN | ❝𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆❞
Spring Semester 2017
“This is how villain origin stories are born,” Robin said with a loud sigh as she closed her laptop for the time being. “Apartment hunting. Why does this suck so much?”
“Because everything’s severely out of our price range,” You responded, looking up from your own laptop. “Also, there are barely any three-bedroom options.”
“And the ones that are available and in our budget are very shitty,” Vickie added and you nodded in agreement.
The three of you were sitting on the carpeted floor in your dorm room. Living together for the next school year had been jokingly and playfully talked about in the very early stages of your friendship with Robin, but then as the months passed, it settled into an idea that actually became serious; mainly because of how much sense it made. And then Robin introduced you to Vickie and another friendship, and roommate, was born. 
Eddie was also set as a fourth roommate for a bit, but then he told you that he and Chrissy decided to live together for junior year, so it became settled that it would only be you, Robin, and Vickie. Which sounded great, and you were already excited about it since you hated living alone, but the apartment-hunting part quickly proved to be a lot more of a nuisance than any of you had expected.
“Fuck it, let’s just do a four-bedroom, then,” Robin said, shrugging. “There are a bunch more options for those, anyway. Like, the one I showed you guys yesterday. That place was perfect.”
“Did I miss the moment when our fourth roommate magically appeared?” Vickie asked, a playful smile on her face. 
“We can easily find someone else in one of those, like, Facebook group things.”
“That’s honestly not a bad idea,” You responded, already going to pull up Facebook on your laptop. 
Robin smiled. “Thank you. I always have great ideas.”
Vickie gave her a look. “Do I need to mention the ‘donating blood to get concert ticket money’ idea you had a week ago?” 
“No, that’s okay. We don’t need to discuss that low point.” 
You were the one who showed them Talia’s posting on one of the “searching for roommates” groups. She seemed nice and interesting and both Robin and Vickie thought so too. The three of you put together a quick message— briefly introducing yourselves and that you were looking for a fourth roommate— and sent it.
“Okay, fourth roommate, check,” Robin said once you pressed send. “Now, we have to get the place that I showed you guys yesterday.”
You laughed a little. “Let’s wait until she actually says something, Rob.”  
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Spring Semester 2018
Initially, it felt equivalent to a family meeting. Well, more so what you imagined a family meeting would be like because the four of you never actually had to have one before. 
But then, it actually felt like you were giving some sort of speech or presentation because of the setup. Robin, Vickie, and Talia were on the couch and you were standing in front of the TV and explaining everything to them. 
You kept in most of the details— you and Steve agreeing to fake date, your feelings for Eddie being the reason behind it all, and how it was only meant to go until Spring Break. 
Aside from the fact that they all seemed shocked to learn that you had feelings for Eddie, their collective thought was that the entire relationship between you and Steve had seemed so real.
“We were just really good at faking,” Was your response to Vickie specifically saying how cute you two had looked together; especially during the one reality TV night where Steve came over and picked the show.
You remembered that night pretty well, but you didn’t remember any specific moments where you had felt as if you and he had to “play up” the relationship or lay the PDA on thick since Eddie wasn’t around that night, so you weren’t sure how that moment was considered a definingly cute one for the two of you. 
“Were you good at faking or was it not really fake?” Robin asked, giving you a certain look. 
“Definitely fake,” You didn’t hesitate to answer because you deliberately didn’t want to think about her question too deeply. “We’re not even really friends, and he just went on a date last night. Hence the Eddie punch.”
Eddie was still sleeping in your bed. When you got back from Steve’s place, you weren’t in the mood to wake him up or tell him to shift over and make room for you, so you spent the night on the couch. 
“Damn, it kinda sucks that we’re never gonna see him again. He was the only one that liked when I made the pumpkin cheesecake cookies,” Talia said.
Vickie laughed a bit. “The only reason we don’t like it is because that's clearly a Fall cookie, Tal, and it's Spring right now.” She then looked as if she thought of something. “Hey, but at least you won’t have to get stuck on a team with Eddie for game night anymore. We’re back to individual stuff or you being the referee.”
Talia smiled. “Thank you for reminding me.”
“Wait, that just made me remember something,” Robin started. “Guys, I need you to please hear me out on this one,” She paused for what seemed like dramatic effect. “I think it's time to bring back Monopoly.”
There was a collective groan that immediately filled the air upon hearing her suggestion. Monopoly was a near friendship-ending game for you all, and it was only meant to be played on the rarest of occasions; which actually meant never. 
You sat down on the small loveseat then, glad that the subject had been shifted and that your speech, mixed with a Q&A, was over. “Robin, why do you wanna ruin all of our friendships?”
She quickly shook her head. “Come on, it’s been months. We’re all much more mature and reasonable adults, and I doubt we’ll have any arguments like last time.” 
Before any of you could respond with any sort of rebuttal, your bedroom door opened and out walked a tired looking Eddie. 
“Somehow, I heard the mention of Monopoly and I’m here to immediately veto that suggestion.” 
Robin rolled her eyes at him. “Go back to sleep, Munson.”
The game night conversation continued, and from there, things were normal. And you didn’t mind the normalcy that your life settled back into over the next few days and then weeks— even though, at one point, the thought of it bothered you and you had missed a lot of the things that came along with fake dating Steve. Now you knew there was no point in missing any of it; in fact, it felt kind of dumb to. 
Your classes got more and more intense during the entire month of April, so there wasn’t that much time to think about Steve or wonder what he was up to. However, the moments you did think of him surprisingly hit hard. 
When you all ended up playing Monopoly at game night, after Robin’s many begs and pleads, you thought about Steve and how different things would’ve been if he was there. You imagined him as a pretty competitive Monopoly player, and felt almost certain that he would’ve either had the biggest rivalry with Robin or formed some sort of alliance with her; she was the one that actually ended up winning after an intense and exhausting seven hours of playing that night. You wished that he could’ve been there. 
And then there were the reminders of him that were left around— his t-shirt that you’d never gotten around to giving back to him, his sunglasses that you didn’t realize you’d stolen until you were finally finishing unpacking your stuff from the Mexico trip, and the bear that he got you for Valentine’s Day that you refused to ever get rid of, but you eventually stuffed Hartford away in your closet instead of leaving him on your desk to make things feel easier. 
Anytime one of those moments happened where you randomly thought about him, you immediately reminded yourself of the rule and simply buried yourself further in whatever school assignment you needed to focus on, or made abrupt plans with Eddie, Robin, Vickie, or Talia. 
It was late in the month when Talia wanted to set you up with a guy from one of her classes, who she claimed would be “perfect for you.” Initially, you were hesitant— more so leaning toward no than yes— but he had the Talia stamp of approval, so you let it happen. She gave him your number and there were a handful of text messages shared between you two that led to a museum date a week later. 
It wasn’t terrible. But, your heart wasn’t in it at all, and neither was your head most of the time. And by the end of it, more specifically as you were in the elevator headed back up to your apartment, you realized that you probably wouldn’t see him again. 
When you walked into the apartment, you spotted Talia in the kitchen and the entire apartment smelled amazing; which, of course, didn’t surprise you at all.
“Hey, what are you making?” You asked as you pulled off your jacket and hung it on one of the empty hooks next to the door. 
“I got bored, so I decided to do a quick roasted chicken. It’s in the oven now,” She said, shrugging as if that was entirely normal. It would never not amuse you how her boredom would always spur on elaborate meals. “So, how was the date?”
“It was fine. Good, actually,” You answered after the briefest moment of hesitation. “He was pretty cool and we had a lot in common and stuff. But, I don’t know… It just didn’t feel right, I guess. My head was in a different place a lot of the time. Thinking about other stuff.”
“About Steve?”
Hearing her say that, surprised you. “What? No. I haven’t talked to him in like a month.” 
She gave you a quick shrug. “That doesn’t mean that you can’t think about him.” 
“I guess that’s true, but I haven’t really thought about him,” You said. It was a small lie that you were okay with telling because you didn’t want to admit or even ponder what it meant that you did think about and were so easily reminded of him sometimes. 
“I’m kind of surprised that you two aren’t friends or something,” She told you as she went to grab something from the fridge. “I don’t think I could do a whole fake dating thing with someone and not, at least, be friends with them after it.”
You leaned back against the counter. “We came up with a bunch of rules when we started it, and that was one of them.”
“To not be friends after?”
“Not exactly that, but pretty much, yeah. The rule was to go our separate ways once the fake dating was done,” You shrugged. “Becoming friends was the last thing on both of our minds when we came up with that since we were basically strangers at the beginning of this. And when we were ending things, we both knew that it would be impossible to be friends after because of all of the lies that started this.” 
She looked at you then. “But we all know the truth now, though. So you two could be friends and none of us would question it.” 
Talia’s words made complete sense and they were something that you should’ve realized and thought about a lot earlier than this moment. You were quiet for what felt like forever because you didn’t know what to say in response. Your immediate reaction was to still say no, you couldn’t be friends with him, but if she followed up and asked why, you knew that you wouldn’t have an answer. 
When the oven started beeping, it felt like a very “saved by the bell” kind of moment. Talia pulled out the chicken from the oven and let the conversation shift from there. “You got back from your date just in time, by the way. You wanna try this?” 
“Of course, I’ll never turn down anything you make.”
You went to your room first to change out of your date outfit and put on some pajamas instead and then you joined Talia back in the kitchen. The chicken was quite literally perfect, which didn’t surprise you, and you retreated to your room for the night after you finished eating, while Talia put on a documentary that she had to watch for one of her psychology classes. 
As much as you tried to focus on anything else as you lay in your bed, you inadvertently spent the rest of the night thinking about Steve— it was too hard not to. 
You thought about every moment that you had been reminded of him over the past month— how it hadn’t felt like much at first, but when you thought about it all at once, it was a lot. You also thought about what Talia said and why you and he weren’t friends even though it was pretty obvious that you should be— what else could explain why you both had prolonged and dragged out the conversation in his car the night you two “broke up”? Neither of you had wanted to let the inevitable happen. 
All of this was about more than just following the rule to you. Of course, it was about more than just that. 
Deep down you knew exactly why you couldn’t listen to what Talia said— why you couldn’t text him, go to his place, or do anything else to lean into that short-lived friendship you two had that you actually had a feeling was still there— but right then you refused to admit it. 
Instead, you grabbed your phone and put on a random podcast just so you could use the noise to drown out your thoughts and force yourself to fall asleep.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
It wasn’t until a few days before finals that you thought about Steve again. It was kind of hard not to because you ran right into him— or more so tripped over him. 
The campus library during the week before finals week was probably one of the worst places to be, but you were in a last-second search for a book that you needed to do an essay on and you refused to buy it online because, for some reason, it was way too expensive.
Your eyes were trained solely on the spines of books as you searched for the one in particular when you tripped over something in the middle of the aisle. It wasn’t a full-on fall, just a very awkward stumble, but it somehow felt just as embarrassing. 
You let out an abrupt yelp in the middle of your stumble and heard a voice before you even got to see what caused you to trip. “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry.” 
You recognized Steve’s voice immediately and it sent a surprised jolt through you as you turned to look at him. He was leaned back against the long bookshelf with his legs stretched out and there was a textbook opened in his lap. He must’ve just been sleeping because you saw him rub his eyes and let out a quick yawn.
He looked up at you as he crossed his legs under him instead of having them stretched out in the aisle. He seemed as if he was surprised to see you too, but from the look on his face, you could tell that he saw it as a good surprise; you weren’t sure if you could say the same just yet. “Shit, now I feel worse knowing that I just did that to you.”
That got the smallest smile out of you. “Yes, you should feel a thousand times worse for almost ending my life.”
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sleeping here?” You asked. Both of you were keeping your voices low because you were on one of the quieter floors of the library. 
He shook his head. “I’m not sleeping. I was taking a break from studying for a test and just resting my eyes for a second.” 
“So sleeping?”
“A very brief nap,” He corrected.
“Ah, okay, got it,” You nodded, words coming out completely sarcastic. “Sorry for interrupting your very brief nap then.”
“Sorry for almost killing you.”
“Thank you.”
You knew that you should’ve let the brief conversation end there. You should’ve looked away from him then and continued searching for the book you needed to find. But, you didn’t. 
Instead, after the briefest moment of lingering silence between you two, you sat down across from Steve. The book and the essay that you needed to work on became the farthest things from your mind for the time being.
You didn’t have the strongest grasp on what you were doing right then and why you were doing any of it, but you decided not to question it. Instead, you simply did what felt good in the moment. 
You leaned back against the bookshelf opposite Steve and crossed your legs as well. “Hi.” 
He gave you a questioning look at first— maybe he was also expecting the conversation to end in that previous spot; like it would’ve with any other two people who weren’t really friends that had just randomly bumped into each other. 
But then, he was smiling, a genuine Steve Harrington smile that felt really nice to see. “Hey.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
a/n: ….. i'm sorry for the cliffhanger !!!!
next part!
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myeagleexpert · 2 days
Sylus in Grassland Memories...
Spoilers? Analisys?
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This event was really cute and is something that was needed by both MC and Sylus: sincerity.
During several memories and events we see that despite everything Mc is still very suspicious of Sylus (and mean at times) And I don't judge her for that, but this event shows her slowly opening up to him too and him trying to take a step in the relationship. While with Xavier, Rafayel and Zayne she already has an established platonic/romantic relationship, where she is playful, where she takes care of them and allows them to take care of her, where trust is very well established and there is an air that everything is fine, with Sylus the situation is different.
In this timeline, they met in a more hostile way and he tried to resonate with her by force, other than that, they dance in a constant pattern of teasing here and provocation there, and in the end they don't know what they are.
Because MC sees Sylus as the powerful leader of a secret organization and that he has no reason to help her, unless he gets something in return and she doesn't remember their past. She is a hunter. She doesn't have to trust him. She has to complete the mission and leave. She doesn't give any space for vulnerability or weakness that can be taken advantage of, usually in the memories he is the one who finds her when she is hurt by a Wanderer.
Normally what we see is Sylus trying to get closer to her, breaking down some walls, going to Linkon to give an excuse to see each other, using Mephisto, anyway… he always takes the first step, but never forces her, he always gives the choice to get closer or not.
The people in the tribe are honest with each other and sincere about their feelings, MC even comments that people are loving and caring as a second nature to them in this tribe. Tarna even teaches the term "beloved" in the native language to both of them, while Mc says it's difficult to pronounce Sylus says he's going to say this word so much that Mc will learn it.
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(for context, the two do a challenge and whoever loses has to say the name that Tarnia taught them and offers the wine to the other. Mc won (but between us it was because Sylus let her win)
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"In grassland, whoever takes it keeps it."
Because there feelings are confessed right away "what if someone confesses in front and takes away who I admire from me? (something like that)" was something that Tarna said and that left both Sylus and MC thinking about it.
Sylus went from "I'm not in the mood to reveal our relationship right now" to "I need to show them that I already have a lover"
And he knows that she feels something for him too, so much so that he sewed the pounch for him (with a crow, black and red, it was very cute, admit it)
And in the end….
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What I liked about this event was that it was just Sylus and MC. Not the leader of Onychinus, from the N109 Zone. Not the hunter from the Association, from Linkon. It was a simple Sylus with a simple MC in a land where expressing your feelings is a blessing.
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sungchanarcade · 10 hours
aftercare w/ riize
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this is my first post yayyy!! i'm marina and welcome to my blog! i'm happy ur here :)
he would help with cleaning up, but only like… the bare minimum😭
if he was rough with you then he wouldn’t let you get out of bed and instead he’d bring back a towel and some water so you don’t have to move
whether it was intense or not though, he would always be so gentle when cleaning you up. has at least 12 different ways to ask “are you okay?” and you bet he uses all of them every time. he hates the idea of accidentally hurting you without realizing so he always checks in with you
speaking of checking in, he’s definitely asking for feedback after😭 but it’s always in the form of teasing. “you sounded so pretty screaming my name, do i really make you feel that good?” (he also asks questions just to fuel his ego)
has a thing for kissing your shoulder once he’s done and he needs to kiss your bare skin before getting you a clean shirt (that definitely belongs to him) or he’ll get pouty—once, you’d gotten dressed before he could get his kiss and he made you take off your shirt again😐
but despite all his sweetness, that is the extent of his cleanup. would rather die than change the sheets. if they’re actually unusable, he’s taking them off, covering his mattress with a blanket, and leaving everything else to deal with when you two wake up
SUCH a gentleman oh my god, he’d be a dream
probably rougher during sex but the second you’re finished it’s like a switch flips, suddenly he exists only to care for you and is prepared to travel to the ends of the earth to make you as comfortable as possible
if you shower, you won’t have to lift a finger, he’ll wash your hair for you and massage your shoulders. if you don’t, he’ll clean you up with a towel and rub lotion into your skin (it’s calming enough to send you to sleep more than once)
he feels like he can’t rest until he knows you’re feeling good, even if that means fighting his own tiredness to do so, which is both a blessing and a curse because he never lets you give him the same treatment unless you like… fight him over it (you’ve only won 2 times, once after he’d come back from traveling for two weeks so he was clingy and tired, and again on his birthday)
but he’s similar to shotaro in the sense that he is so so gentle when he touches you. i think he’d love to just constantly let his hands wander, fingertips brushing over your bare skin like he’s saying “i love you” with his hands
this mf is passed the fuck out as soon as you’re done 😭
but i think it mostly comes from the fact that he tends to accidentally overexert himself during sex without realizing. poor baby doesn’t realize his stamina isn’t as high as he thinks it is
he likes making you cum at least twice every time, even if it means denying his own release until you’ve already finished, so he unintentionally overstimulates himself every time
crying in bed is probably common with him tbh (the thought of him feeling so good he’s literally in tears actually drives me insane)
cums so much. like so much. orgasm denial + massive cock (we all know it) = so so messy. cleaning up would probably be a nightmare, especially since he’ll be too fucked out to move, much less help, so sometimes you make him wear a condom for the sole reason that you don’t feel like putting yourself through cleaning him up by yourself
on the rare occasions when he doesn’t immediately fall asleep he would still be super tired after. the two of you would take a shower together and you’d have to wash his hair for him while he just holds you in his arms and tries not to fall asleep on your shoulder. he’d also be really clingy, but that’s a thought for another day
pillow princess will be a pillow princess… this man is NOT moving
he would also want you to be the one to clean him off (princess treatment) but he won’t fall asleep. he likes to watch you and he always has so much love in his eyes that it almost makes it worth it to be in charge of cleaning up by yourself (almost)
but if you have to change the sheets after—he definitely loves messy sex—he will help you with that, you just have to give him at least 15 minutes before he even considers getting out of bed
he wouldn’t be exhausted after like sungchan, i think he’d recover after a bit of a break and then have enough energy to strip the sheets and start laundry, sometimes even make a snack or meal for the two of you, he just needs some time to regain energy
sometimes he’d cook something or take a bath together, but his favorite thing to do is always just getting back in bed and cuddling. the conversations y’all would have during late hours… he always makes sure you feel safe with him and is a very attentive listener, no matter how unimportant the topic of conversation might seem
likes to care for you, but wants to be done as soon as possible
he falls somewhere between shotaro and eunseok when it comes to how much effort he’s putting in. he loves making you happy—he loves loving you—but he’s going to do just the necessary steps because he wants to lay back down with you as quickly as he can
another big post-sex cuddler, it’s necessary to him. he’s a very touchy person all the time, he’s always got an arm around you or hugging you from behind, and that energy amplifies whenever you two are alone so he can’t keep his hands off you for too long
totally gets distracted at least 4 times because “just one kiss” always leads to ending up back in bed tangled up in each other until you remind him that you still need to change the sheets. without that reminder he for sure would forget entirely and probably fall asleep
to him, aftercare is a two person event. but he sees it as less of a task to be completed and more as an extension of sex, like it’s a part of the whole experience for him
he gets very giggly, a lot of big smiles and cheek kisses. he loves washing your hair for you and gets so so happy when you return the favor. 
after your shower you always do each other’s skincare and it takes twice as long because he keeps stopping to kiss you (“your chapstick tastes better than mine”)he sees aftercare as something just as intimate as sex, just in a different atmosphere, so all his tender touches and soft words are just as special and give just as much effort (and boy does he deliver every. time.)
another one who will take on all the work so you won’t have to move. any complaints will be silenced with a kiss (but just as you start getting into it he breaks away with a cheeky smile)
he really likes holding you
 he’ll hug you into his chest while you wait for the shower to warm up
he’ll stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist to rest his chin on your shoulder while watching you comb your hair
once you’re both back in bed best believe he is not letting you out of his arms and will start whining if you even try pulling away
i feel like he’d mess up your hair (just a little) when you’re in the middle of combing it out just to get a reaction out of you, but every time he’ll just cup your face and his smile is SO big and then it’s impossible to be mad anymore
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What is happening today is what happens every Saturday. It's just part of your, and her, weekly routine. You have "child" duty -- and you and your young kids know that your wife is not to be disturbed during the time when she and her boss are "working". Typically, you play with the kids for a while, then take them to McDonald's for lunch, and then to an afternoon movie. Your wife texts you when she and her boss are done, which means it's now OK for the three of you (you and your two kids) to return home.
It does bother you sometimes to think about your wife and her boss together every Saturday in your bedroom, but you also know that this is something that your wife really wants and needs. The few times you've talked about it with her, she's told you that the two of them do have sex fairly often at work too, but that those sessions are often a bit rushed because his job is so demanding of his time, and so is hers. And so, she feels very protective of these weekend hours with him, when they can enjoy each other without any time pressure. And in fact, these weekend sex sessions are so important to her that even when you are busy for some reason and can't babysit, she then recruits her sister to babysit the kids for those three or four hours that she wants to spend in bed with her boss.
And whatever jealousy you feel, and however humiliating it is for you to be cuckolded in this way (your wife's sister, of course, knows all about the relationship), it's a situation you've come to accept as an important part of the success of your marriage, and you know that she is very pleased with what a helpful and supportive cuckold you've become. All of the sex that she has with her boss does not leave her very interested in having sex with you, but living "pussy free" (as she laughingly calls it) is also just something you've come to accept.
The times when being cuckolded is most uncomfortable for you are those Saturdays when your wife texts you to say that you and the kids can come home, but her boss is sticking around for the rest of the day and for dinner. He does this about once per month, so your kids have gotten used to that too, and in fact, he likes to spend time with them and they with him, and you find it particularly painful to see how happy they are when they learn he'll be at home when the three of you return. And even your kids have noticed -- without really understanding why -- that they both look quite a bit like him -- much more like him than like you. So you dread the day when one of them figures out why that would be the case.
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lucy90712 · 3 days
Hi 🦋
Could I request a headcanon for Gavi and Pedri? You can also add someone if you want to!
The moment they realise that reader is the one for them? And maybe even telling the reader that <3
Gavi realises you were the one for him in the stupidest way. He always thought it would be a really special moment like he looked at you and realised you were the most beautiful person in the entire world or he just felt so much love for you it was overwhelming. That's not how it happened though but actually the moment he realised was much more fitting for your relationship and how you two are with each other. Really Gavi knew deep down that you were the one for him way before the moment came that it hit him but he wasn't ready to think about your relationship in that way at the time which is why it takes him some time to realise it. 
The day it happened you two hadn't been doing anything you'd just had a chill day at home together catching up on little jobs that needed doing around the house that has slipped through the cracks with how busy you both were. You'd spent all day doing things together so when the evening comes around you both naturally drift towards the kitchen together to make dinner. You teach Gavi how to make his favourite dinner from scratch and he helps you make it the best thing he's ever tasted. After dinner you watch a movie together with snacks and drinks which halfway through the movie Gavi goes to refill but because it's dark in the room he stubs his toe on the coffee table right in front of the sofa. The first thing you do is laugh before you realise that's not the way you should react and you start asking if he's ok while stifling your laughter. 
For some reason you laughing while asking if he was ok is what made him realise that you were exactly who he was meant to spend the rest of the way his life with. That is exactly how he would react if someone he was close to did what he did because he knows if he's close to someone you can joke about silly things like that. To him the fact that you felt comfortable enough to let your inner thoughts take over made him realise you were special. You still cared about him but you didn't feel like you had to act a certain way around him which made him happy and that's what made it hit him that you were special. He wants the person he chooses the spend his life with the feel like they can be themselves at all times and he knows that you are that person know even if he had to stub his toe to realise it. 
Pedri never thought that he'd find the one for him when he entered into his first serious relationship with you. He didn't think he wanted a serious relationship at his age until he met you so really it should've been obvious that you were someone special but he didn't let himself think about that for a while. It took him a long time before he started thinking about how much he really loved you but once he did it didn't take too long for him to confront the fact he was in love with you. He knew he was in love with you for a while before he realised that you were the one for him as he didn't know what that would feel like until he let himself feel it. 
For the second year running you joined Pedri in Tenerife over summer which has been so nice as you've both spent most of your days out in the sun just enjoying each other's company. You have also spent time with his family including a family get together where more of his extended family will be some of whom you haven't met yet. To start with you weren't sure if you should go as it's supposed to be for the family to all see each other but Pedri told you that you were more than welcome and his parents insisted that you were part of the family. As soon as you get there you fit in straight away and everyone loves you within minutes. This is no real surprise to Pedri but it still warms his heart to see you getting along with all of his family. He makes sure to stay by your side for most of the day just incase you get uncomfortable or need a break but at some point he gets dragged away from you. When he's finally free to get back to you he sees you happily sat with a group of his family members smiling and freely talking to them. 
Seeing that makes him feel a sense of overwhelming love for you which he's felt many times before. As the day goes on that feeling only gets stronger and it hits him like a ton of bricks that the things he's feeling are because you are the one for him. He knows that he's never going to feel those feelings for anyone else as he doesn't think it's possible to love anyone more than he loves you. He also doesn't want to love anyone the way he loves you which is how he knows that you are the one. The feeling scares him a little but he knows that if he's going to explore these feelings with anyone he wants to do it with you just like he does with everything else in life. 
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viiper1 · 1 day
The perfect Date.
The ideal date they would plan for you.
Head canons
Mentioned: Armin, Jean, eren, Conny, Reiner
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Armin Arlert.
Would start off with a Picknick near a flower field.
Would make you a flower crown.
You’d watch the sunset together and do cloud gazing/star gazing (depending on how long you guys stayed)
Or Picknick at the beach
and if he thinks you’re the type of person to like or value that sort of thing he will give you cute seashells he found.
Afterwards you’d take a walk on the beach, walking barefoot in the sand during the sunset.
He’d probably take some pictures too to remember this date. For some reason he always takes the best pictures of you without even really trying.
And MIGHT gift you a self made memory book or a handwritten letter.
If it’s colder he’d take you ice skating
will teach you how to properly skate because you keep falling on your ass.
Don’t worry he’s catching you (most of the times)
Connie Springer.
Would take you to an arcade or a gaming center (and laugh at you every time you lose to him) would swear that you cheated when you win against at him more than once.
You two almost spend the whole day there completely forgetting about the time because you were having so much fun.
Or a amusement park/fun fair
he will try to encourage you if you’re scared to ride a ride
and even make fun of you a little bit “don’t tell me you’re scared, how cute” he teases
On the ride you’re BOTH screaming your asses off.
“You seemed scared…at your grown age…cute I guess” You made fun of him tease him back.
You two almost ride all the roller coasters
He tried to win you a plushie on claw machine but it takes him like 6 tries untill he gets one small plushy
“I swear these machines are rigged!” He says but then tries again on a different machine.
You make him ride the Ferris wheel with you at the end.
Jean Kirstein.
Drive in movie theater,
If you’re watching a scary movie it’s probably because he thought you’d snuggle into him in fear but then he’d be the one to claw on to you but he swears on his grandma that he isn’t scared.
Dinner date but he’s making dinner for you.
Idk why but I love the thought of Jean making dinner for his lover.
OR you’re both cooking together,
maybe even messing around and smearing a bit of flower on his face but he’d definitely get revenge for that one.
He’d have candles lit and the lights out, it would be super romantic.
Surprisingly the food doesn’t taste bad.
Afterwards if you’re not too tired, you both would point portraits of each other and he’s lowkey a good painter so he did a really nice job.
If you’re too tired you’d just snuggle in bed and watch a movie.
Eren Yeager.
Also Arcade or gaming center
it was supposed to be cute a first but it turns very competitive very fast
he doesn’t like to lose and if he does he’ll say he let you win on purpose.
You better watch out at laser tag he will not hold back just because you’re his gf.
Takes most games supper serious and you barely have a chance at winning.
Feels kinda bad afterwards so he buys you a plushy and roses at the store around the corner as a surprise.
Or a rooftop restaurant dinner/bar
the view was so beautiful, it felt unreal,
he was paying ofc
He bought you a bracelet with the initial “E” on it, and expects you to wear it everyday.
Will ask why you’re not wearing it if he doesn’t see it on your arms throughout the relationship/marriage.
Reiner Braun.
Romantic fancy dinner
He would 100% stand there with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and open the car door for you.
It’s a Very fancy restaurant but he didn’t tell you so you lowkey look like you wandered into the wrong building. He feels kinda bad afterwards when you tell him you feel out of place and underdressed.
You already KNOW he’s paying.
Or picnic and candle painting
He’d try his best to make a pretty candle but he’s not as good at it as you.
He puts them in the loving room but doesn’t really want to use the candles because he doesn’t want them to ‘disappear’
After you made him go on another candle painting date in hops that you get to burn at least one of the, now four, candles he still insists on not using them and suggests a different normal candle.
Ofc if you Insist on wanting to use one of the four, he’ll let you but he’s lowkey a bit sad to see them go since they reminded him of the date.
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Thank you for reading<3
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deadhands69 · 2 days
Something More [than a hangover]
Katsuki Bakugo x gn reader
MDNI + eventual smut/afab
Setting: mid-time skip, Senior Year of College. Reader did not attend UA high, just joined for university. Enemies to lovers (with a lot in between.)
Warnings, etc: series contains eventual smut, slight angst, light violence/injuries, mentions of drinking/intoxication, swearing.
part 1 [more than burns] - this is part 2 - part 3 [more than sleep] soon!
Sorry, this one's a bit short part three will be done really soon but I couldn't wait to post this!
“Oh my god, what was I thinking,” you grumble into Jiro’s bed. You’d been lying there face down for twenty minutes after waking up, remembering your night, and stumbling down the hall to her dorm.
“It’s not that bad, right?” she reassures you, lightly untangling the knots in your hair with her fingers. “I’ve known him since high school. He definitely takes things too far sometimes, but he can be a good friend. He seems to have changed a lot in some ways since then though. But still, it’s not like you did anything with him…?”
“I don’t think so…” you trail off, “I think I’d remember that.”
Last night. You remember being in a closet with Katsuki Bakugo, which for some reason unknown to you now, you enjoyed more than you should have. You remember drinking with him, talking all night, and - that’s about where your memory ends. Checking your texts, it looks like you wanted to kiss him. Did you? You’d remember that right? 
Then there’s the photo you sent Mina and Jiro. Blurry and underexposed but you could definitely make out the situation. His arm around you as you lean into his neck, glossy eyes half closed but focused on him. His huge smile as he leans into you. You looked close. A wave of nausea hit again, sending you running to her bathroom. 
It’s Katsuki Bakugo, what the fuck were you thinking?
After pulling your hair back, Jiro leaves to grab you a cup of water. 
“Hey, uh,” she hesitantly starts, “maybe not the best timing but Bakugo just texted you to make sure you’re still on for the library today.” 
“Ughh I do not want to deal with him,” your voice echoes through the bathroom.
“I can tell him you need to reschedule?”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll have to meet up with him eventually. Might as well rip the bandaid off.”
An hour later, you’d showered as well as you could after taking off your bandages (or what was left of them, it looked like you snagged them in the brush on the walk home.) The cold water helped the nausea and some of the pain. Dehydration made the remaining burns feel much worse so you try to drink as much water as you can keep down. Your raw and slightly blistered skin looks brutal but it’ll be better when you can visit Recovery Girl again on Monday. A few tylenol for your headache and pain, that was about all you could do for now.
Choosing an outfit, you put on basically what he made you change out of last night - skinny jeans and a huge hoodie, this time with cute sneakers in your favorite color. No makeup today, you throw on some oversized sunglasses instead. Grabbing an extra cup of coffee and your backpack, you head to the library.
Bakugo is already there. Leaning against a pillar, looking way too put together for the amount you saw him drink last night. 
“Aww, you look great,” he says sarcastically as you half drag yourself to meet him.
“Ughh. How are you alive right now?” you groan back.
“I threw up twice, ate a lot, and slept it off. Looks like you didn’t.” 
No words come to mind so you flip him off.
“You’re sweet when you’re hungover, this will be so fun,” he gestures towards the entrance, “come on, I already reserved a study room.”
In spite of being an asshole, he proceeds to hold doors for you.
The study room is small but quiet. There’s enough room for the two of you to sit on one side of the table with the notes and writings you’ve done on each other’s quirks, it’s not much. Each of the pages is crinkled from some combination of being passed back and forth between being on the receiving end of outbursts. Various colors of ink have crossed out each other’s writing, adding corrections. At least the quirk descriptions are done. You’d love to say the rest has been easier to work on in person but an hour and a half has dragged by without much progress. Still hungover, you wish you would have stayed in bed.
His phone sits on the table, buzzing with a new message. Glancing down, you notice five unchecked messages from three different girls' names.
You laugh and he silences his phone before setting it back on the table, this time face-down.
“Didn’t learn from last night, huh?”
“Eh, I dealt with it this morning when she was sober. Plus, it was an isolated incident,” he grumbles while you notice the tips of his ears turning red.
“Sure it was. Well,” you continue, ”when it happens next time, and I’m sure it will, I won’t be so nice and let you in my hiding spot.”
“Oh, your spot? Because if I remember correctly, I got there first. And I let you stay.”
“Aren’t you sooo sweet,” you lay on the phony niceness, batting your eyelashes at him before he throws it back.
“I really am,” his fake smile makes your heart flutter. 
What. The. Fuck. 
Back to our regularly scheduled sarcasm.
“Is that so? I’ll bet your mom must be really proud of you.” 
“She is,” he asserts, “really. My mom is so fucking proud of me. Want me to call her and ask?” He picks his phone up to start dialing and you swear she’s saved as ‘Hag.’
“No, I take your word for it.”
 Part of you is curious who raised the monster next to you, but most of you would like to be out of this room as fast as possible to figure your shit out. You really can’t tell if you’re annoyed, disgusted, or trying to flirt with him. All of the feelings blur together into one big mess while you helplessly watch your own reactions. You need to get through this.
Pulling your pen from behind your ear and grabbing one of the papers in front of you, you get back to work.
“So,” you begin before rolling your sleeves up, “right here you said your quirk works with...” but you realize quickly that your words fall on deaf ears. He’s staring at your arms, seeing your damaged skin for the first time. Awkwardly, you move to cover your wrists again before he grabs your hands to stop you. His mouth opens to speak but the words don’t come. Licking his lips, he tries again.
“I- uh, fuck,” he squeezes your hands a bit harder, “I really meant it when I said I’m sorry. I owe you. More than opening doors and walking you places and stuff.”  
Recovery Girl is convinced you’ll make a full recovery with minimal scarring. You don’t say this though, staring at your hands in his instead. There’s nothing romantic about the way he’s holding onto you. More desperate and uncomfortable, but you can’t say the closeness doesn’t do something as his huge fists completely engulf your own. It leaves you speechless.  
“I uhm…” you pull your hands away from his and pause to think.
You can’t let yourself get this distracted by him. He’s Katsuki Bakugo, your natural enemy. And on top of that, how long will he be nice to make-up for hurting you before he goes back to being his asshole self? If you let him get under your skin too much, you won’t be able to handle that when the time comes. 
“I know why you’re being nice,” you start, “but two days ago you were being a total dick to me. I appreciate you trying to make up for everything, but it feels more confusing than friendly.”
“Two days ago, you weren’t exactly nice to me either. I know we never really became friends,” he hesitates for a moment and you cringe thinking of how you slapped him, “but you don’t know why I’m doing this.”
“Go on.”
“Yeah, at first it’s because I felt bad, but Racoon Eyes and Shitty Hair said we have a lot in common. And they’re right. I’m trying to be nicer because I don’t absolutely hate being around you, you’re kind of cool when you’re not going off on me.” 
“You do deserve it sometimes,” you add.
Bakugo says nothing, instead he just nods. Sucking on the inside of his lip, he considers your comment before continuing, “If you don’t wanna be my friend it’s fine, just fucking say it,” you stare silently and he continues, “but with the way you’re acting I think that’s what you want too. And even if it’s not, we still have to find some way to work together because we have all this shit to do,” he says gesturing to the table of scribbled notes. 
That’s it.
“Wait,” you nearly whisper while reviewing the papers in front of you, “no, that’s totally it.”
“Uh, care to explain?” he furrows his brows at you, his vivid eyes searching your face for an answer.
“That’s why this has been so hard to finish. We’ve never worked together. I know what your quirk does but every time I’ve ever seen it, we’ve been so busy trying to beat each other we don’t actually have time to observe. We need to work together.”
The rest of the hour went by quickly, mostly planning where and when to meet next. ‘Where’ was easy. You want to train together and the forest near campus works great. ‘When’ was harder. It has to be after you’re healed but before a huge storm rolls in early on Tuesday. Bakugo is leaving today to visit family and won’t be back until Monday afternoon anyways, so it has to be that night. You think you can sleep enough to recover after your appointment. You hope you can, at least. Parting ways at the library doors, you agree to text him Monday when you wake up. 
On the walk back, you consider the last few days. Your biggest enemy now wants something like a friendship. A chill runs down your spine when the winter wind picks up, blowing air straight through your hoodie - making you wish you’d worn more layers. You walk faster. 
Can you even be friends with Bakugo? Bickering with him has been a lot more fun without a bite under your words, but it almost feels too flirtatious considering who’s on the other end. And, as much as you hate to admit it, he’s hot. Too hot for his own stupid good. 
You nearly trip over a curb in a rush to get back to your dorm.
Fuck, you need to sleep.
part 3 coming very soon!
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alxmarauders · 17 hours
Day 4: wax play | rosekiller
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TW: piv, wax play, multiple orgasms, handcuffs, oral fem receiving
“Hey Gremlin!” You rolled your eyes as Barty made his entrance in your dorm room, Evan trailing behind him.
“You know, I don’t understand why you can’t use some cute nicknames like every other boyfriend”
“Oh, stop complaining, we got you a present” This sparked your attention. You turned on your chair, facing them.
“You’re such a little minx, only paying us attention when we get you presents. Such a spoiled brat”
You stuck your tongue out at Evan. “Stop acting like a little bitch and give me my present, please?” You made puppy eyes at Evan, who handed you the bag.
“You have such an attitude for being so little”
You chose to ignore the blonde guy, reaching inside the bag, and blushing immediately when you saw what it contained, your boyfriends exchanging a devilish smirk.
You held two pairs of pink handcuffs in one hand and a candle in the other, your eyes widened at the sight. “Already loosing your attitude? Thought it would take a little bit more effort” It wasn’t that you were scared about was coming, but more about the fact that you didn’t have a clue about what they had in mind.
“What is the candle for?” They both smirked, Evan reached for your cheek, caressing it softly.
“It’s not a regular candle, baby, it’s a special one. You see, if you were to touch the wax, you’d feel the sting, but you wouldn’t have any medical repercussions, no risk of getting burned or developing infections.”
Suddenly you understood well what was about to come, and the prospect scared you as much as it excited you. The sex between you three had always been rougher than the average vanilla couple, but they didn’t try anything this kinky until now.
“What do you say, baby, do you want to try?” You hummed slightly, still not totally convinced. “If you don’t want to it’s fine, we can do other fun things, you know?”
You shook your head. “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just… What if the pain gets overwhelming? Like, how can you tell if I’m just playing the part or if I’m really hurt and I want it to stop?”
Barty took your hand into his, kissing your fingertips.  “Love, we were about to say that if we’re trying this, we have to set a safe word” You looked at him confused. “Basically, we’re going to establish a word that you’re going to use only if it gets too much and you want to take a break or stop altogether. You have to choose one and tell us” Now that they were putting it like this, you didn’t have any reason to stop this.
“Okay, I want to try it. I think my safeword could be ‘mango’”
“Perfect love. Now, lay back” You did as you were told, both securing one of your wrists to the bedpost, the fuzzy material tickling the skin of your wrist. Evan placed a soft kiss on your lips, the contact alone making your head spin with need, while Barty started teasing you through your already wet panties.
You saw Evan reaching inside of his pocket for his lighter, his black-coloured thumb lighting it up, the motion somehow sexy. Once the candle was lit, you prepared yourself for the wax, but it didn’t come. Instead, Barty teared apart your panties, sucking your clit gently, making you gasp.
Meanwhile, Evan had started playing with your nipples, pinching them softly, eliciting soft moans from you. It was only when you were already lost in pleasure that you felt the first drop of wax on your flat stomach, you felt your brain short-circuiting, the sharp pain mixed with the intense pleasure made a quite pleasuring combo, you moaned slightly.
“Pass me the candle, Barty” As your pussy was still under attack, Evan poured some drops on the skin of your breasts, making you shiver in both pain and pleasure. You felt Barty’s finger probing your entrance, as he dragged it painfully slow, still sucking in a rapid rhythm your clit.
When Barty curled his finger, caressing your G-spot, you couldn’t help but cum all over his face and fingers. “Already coming for us, pet? You’re being so good for us, such a good girl” You moaned at Barty’s praise. “She tastes so sweet, Evan, come taste her.” And just like that, the two guys were making out just above your head, while they let wax drip in the valley between your breasts, making you whimper slightly.
“How are you feeling, doll?” As you were about to respond, Crouch let some was  “accidentally” drip on your mound, making you scream. At this point you couldn’t tell anymore if the sensation was pleasurable or painful. “Words, doll, or we won’t understand”
He kept letting wax drip on your skin, as you force a flebile “good”. Even though you pretended to hate it, you secretly loved when they were acting a little bit sadistic, their faux compassion making you feel helpless. You saw Evan putting on a condom, and after a few seconds he entered you harshly, making you gasp. “Sorry love, you just look so sexy like this.” Barty kept dripping wax on your body, now following a specific pattern you couldn’t make out.
You felt your head being shifted to lay on the blonde’s shoulders, while he picked up a relentless rhythm, his thumb pressing down on your clit, eliciting a few moans from you.
Barty leaned down, kissing your lips softly, then making the wax drip directly on your nipples, his mouth muffling your screams. He tasted like mint and tobacco, the mix always making your head spin.
When he started playing with your nipples you knew you were gone for good. “I’m- Oh my god, Evan, fucking hell” He found that special spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back in your head. “Going to come”
You did, milking his cock, his orgasm following right after yours while Barty released himself all over your tits.
Still blissed out, you felt a flash on your skin, making you open your eyes. You frowned, propping yourself up on your elbows to look down at your belly: right on your stomach there was a big “E + B” written in purple was, Barty’s cum covering your breasts right above it.
“Gonna make this my wallpaper AND lockscreen”
“Motherfucker, that was MY idea first”
You decided to not interfere in their bickering, your orgasm lulling you into a deep, peaceful sleep, knowing that they were going to clean you up.
tags: @sxmnc @peterparkerspersonalplaything @riaaavm @iamawkwardandshy @eeviee4 @mysterialee @famouscrusadeluminary @el1smells @rishofkf @mooonyxoxo @happymaeday @yourfiendlyneighbourspiderman @whyshouldihaveanam3 @amazing-bobinsky @barnesandmetal @just-here-for-ff @sammyreid @remussbitch
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