#but more than that i find it really touching (and upsetting) that tai is trying to big-sister nat
novelconcepts · 4 months
I know you don’t ship them per se but I kinda sorta do, haha. Please let me know your thoughts on Tai and Nat’s dynamic!
I do need you to know I threw in a reference just for you in the current WIP regarding this. Anyway: Tai and Nat! I do NOT ship them--but I do kinda like the idea of them interacting in middle school and Tai having a baby crush. As of the show, I'm kind of obsessed with how they interact as adults vs. when they're teenagers. I get the sense Taissa views Natalie as sort of a waste of potential at the start of things...and then they're in the woods, and oh, there it is. There's who Nat always could be, but covered up with drugs and alcohol. She's got a steady hand. She pulls her weight. She speaks sense. I think if Tai has a list of who has their shit together and who's going nuts, Nat's on the former, and I think Nat probably sees something similar in Tai. Hunter and woodcutter. Neither interested in drinking the tea. Weirdly stable.
And then...as adults...the fact that Taissa's the one to pay for rehab stints. The fact that Nat knows to call her. The fact that Tai sometimes rolls her eyes or doesn't step up to the plate, but ultimately feels responsible for who Natalie has become in adulthood. There goes all that potential again. She saw it all in the woods, who Nat could be, how much Nat could be for all of them. And now they're out, and Natalie is drowning. Taissa keeping her safe the only way she knows how, trying to get her help, really breaks my heart. And now...now, Tai's present for Natalie's death. What is that going to do to her down the line?
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hongtiddiez · 1 year
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21) WILDCARD - Dealer's Choice - Bloody Kiss
He could feel the adrenaline thrumming in his veins, potent and powerful, and his figure trembled with the full-body restraint he used to keep himself from flying apart at the seams. His knuckles ached with the force of his grip around his gun, safety off and barrel still smoking from the final shot that echoed throughout the warehouse. He lifted his other hand to nudge his glasses back up his nose, uncaring of the smear of blood and gunpowder it left in its wake.
When he felt more in control he moved, flicking the safety on with a precise flick and rushing towards the figure leaning against a blood splattered crate just a handful of long, swift strides away. He ignored the harsh pain in his knees as they hit the concrete, hands already at work removing the ropes pressing harsh, red lines into soft, exposed skin. His gaze darted up to meet smiling, rich brown eyes and he felt his stomach swoop low.
"Arm, relax," The melodic voice spoke even as the last of the ropes fell away, perfectly manicured hand capturing his wrist. The figure smiled in spite of the blood across his teeth and the wild look in his eyes. "I'm fine."
"If you were fine Khun Kinn wouldn't have called us to find you." Arm didn't know where this bout of boldness came from; fear or frustration. Perhaps both.
"Kinn has a tendency to be dramatic. Time wouldn't have ever really let them hurt me. He's just upset about the break up and trying to save face." Tay sighed, relaxing back against the bullet-riddled crate as if he had all the time in the world. His tongue swiped over his teeth and Arm wondered how he stomached the taste of iron.
"Time is a bastard." Arm growled, finally tucking his gun back in the holster beneath his jacket, which he then took off. Tay must have been caught in the delicate hours of the morning, dressed in a muscle shirt and sweatpants and looking softer and more vulnerable than Arm had ever seen him. Tay wore his clothes and his make up like armor, layers between him and the world and it's scrutiny. It was one of the first things that had drawn Arm's attention to him.
"Careful, Arm. I don't think anyone has ever seen you this worked up." Tay laughed, teasing but missing the playful lilt. His eyes were plagued with exhaustion, puffy and red rimmed from long since spilled tears, likely the night before. His expression morphed into one of shock when Arm wrapped his suit jacket around him, pulling it tight around his shoulders as he assisted Tay in standing.
Neither expected Tay to stagger, legs still regaining feeling and pushing away the lingering sensation of pins and needles. Arm caught him easily, hands against his elbows and touch nothing but respectful and cautious. Tay watched as Arm opened his mouth to speak, but he'd had enough. He leaned forward, arms escaping Arm's touch to tuck inside his jacket before looping around Arm's neck, a playful smile on his lips.
"I think you deserve a reward, for your heroism." Tay offered, as if there weren't four other bodyguards sweeping the warehouse and pressing into their ear pieces to report to Kinn. They were background noise, inconsequential when Arm stood in front of him bloody, victorious, and brow pinched in undeniable concern.
"Khun Tay-"
Arm's words were cut off by the gentle press of lips, coaxing and soft and belying none of the urgency the adrenaline in their blood demanded of them. Tay was a master of self control, of tempering his rage and his desires, conditioned by years at the side of a man that took him for granted. He didn't want a pressing kiss of lust, heat, and desire. Just as he expected, Arm was gentle, careful, and sweet in a way that had his long lashes fluttering closed. After a moment of simplistic bliss Tay tilted his head and nipped Arm's lower lip, smiling triumphantly when he was given passage.
All too quickly, Arm understood how Tay could stomach the taste of iron on his teeth and tongue. He chased the flavor, the way it mingled with the inherent flavor of Tay, and he quickly found himself addicted. His arms shifted, holding Tay to his chest, their bodies pressed from chest to hip, and he found himself wishing to be absorbed in the moment. He knew it wouldn't last, Tay was a glittering gem, a beautiful bird far beyond the reach of a temple dog, but he could tuck this moment away and keep it in his heart and savor it when the world seemed a little too dark.
Finally, they pulled away and Arm instinctively ducked his head and moved to step back, to extract himself from where he didn't belong. He was surprised to feel a hand at his wrist, keeping him close. He lifted his eyes to see Tay's smile and the sight of it punched all the air from his lungs. It wasn't flirtatious or coy, expressions Tay often wore in his moments of flirting and masking. It was soft, eyes wide and brimming with moisture. It was impossibly vulnerable and delicate and Arm couldn't bring it in him to look away. "Take me home?" Tay wondered, voice soft as his hand fell away - offering Arm a choice.
Arm pulled in a deep breath, knowing which direction he should turn, and yet the lure of the shining gem in front of him was too great. He took the plunge, knowing there would be nothing to catch his fall.
"As you wish." He turned his palm and laced their fingers together, leading the way towards the waiting vehicles they'd arrived in.
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theonceoverthinker · 3 years
500. As this daily series of mine comes to an end, I just want to reflect on all the MARRY time writing Fair Game HCs has brought me!
I’m freezing up as I’m trying to write even just this intro. I don’t feel ready. After a year and a half, how can I feel anything else? This series is now a part of me and ending it is like losing a piece of my soul. I have so many emotions -- too many emotions -- it doesn’t feel wrong to end the series here (The 500 milestone makes sense), but it hurts all the same.
Let me start with thank you to everyone whose read these. Seriously, I know I thank you occasionally, but I can’t do it enough. Knowing that there are people interested in what I write and think about these two and enjoy the happier life I’m paining them in the absence of canon just makes me feel so much less alone than usual. It means the world to me so please believe me when I say that I wouldn’t have gotten to 500 without each and every one of you, whether you were here from the beginning or just joined in whenever. 
I’m so happy to have finally reached this moment, but simultaneously so torn up about what that means.
Will I never do another Fair Game HC again? HECK NO! While the regular daily episodes are ending, if I find another topic that I want to Fair Game-i-fy, I will definitely make more episodes, and hopefully, before long, I will! I just need to take a break from the daily updates. I’ve hit burnout several times over the past year and a half and it’s not fun, so while I still have some energy to spare, I want to end the daily series on a high note!
Also, forgive me because I’m gonna cheat this as a submission for @fairgameweek2021 while I’m at it (If it’s not cool, then my apologies). The theme today is Charms/Dreams and while neither of these come up in the HC itself, this wedding and this series as a whole I think acts as a reflection of the dreams much of the Fair Game fandom had for this ship. 
When I say this, I don’t mean it in the sense of I’d be upset if not each and every one of these didn’t come true -- that’s never been what my love for Fair Game was about, nor that each and every Fair Game fan subscribes to these HCs (Good GOD, no -- not even close). Like many fans, I just wanted these two characters who deserved happiness (Especially Qrow given his almost unreal amount of trauma and hardships) and seemed like they’d finally found it with each other to get exactly that. So in the absence of canon, I hope people were able to take solace in this space and live in the daydreams I created for them here.
So here we are at long last: The Fair Game Wedding. If you want to follow the story thus far, you can check out my HC compilation page. I’ve highlighted all of the wedding HCs in green, and have fully caught up the HC list!
That said, if you don’t feel like reading all of them and just want to check out this last one, here’s the tldr for what you need to know: The wedding is taking place in the Amity communications tower (This HC series only follows canon until 7X11 for those who didn’t know because I only choose to acknowledge good writing (especially for Qrow and Clover) here), Tai is Qrow’s Best Man, Marrow is Clover’s Best Man, Robyn is officiating, Ruby’s walking Qrow down the aisle, Yang’s walking Clover down the aisle, Clover got Qrow a silver ring with four tiny encrusted emeralds, Qrow got Clover a dark ring with four tiny encrusted rubies, Qrow’s wearing an onyx tux with a white undershirt and a crimson bowtie and handkerchief, and Clover’s wearing a black tux with a white undershirt and a dark green bowtie and handkerchief. 
Okay! We’re good to go!
Well, for the last regularly-scheduled time, let’s get to it!
HC under the cut!
“Uncle Qrow! Help! We can’t find your shoes!”
Ruby’s cry is what wakes Qrow up.
What a way to start the day. He hasn’t even had coffee or breakfast yet and he’s already been tasked with finding his wedding shoes. Give him a break.
It then comes to attention that this is his wedding day. By the time he goes to bed, he and Clover will be married. 
His crankiness at being woken up and put to work so quickly doesn’t fully evaporate, but a lot of it does all the same. 
And as Qrow starts searching his temporary room to find his shoes, he can’t help but take note of the bubbling happiness under him.
It feels so weird to Clover to wake up in the Ace Ops’ suite. He’s stopped by from time to time since leaving the Atlesian Army, especially as he’s been planning his wedding, but staying over feels simultaneously nostalgic and bizarre. 
Mostly though, the odd feeling is one that stems from not waking up beside Qrow. It’s not that they haven’t slept apart, but whenever they have outside of their bachelor parties, it’s been for a mission.
Well, in all fairness, today’s at once a party and a mission, and by the end of it, he and Qrow will be back sleeping right beside each other.
Clover can just barely stand the wait.
The alter is beautiful. The whites and browns and red and greens come together so nicely. 
In an interesting surprise touch, Harbinger in its scythe form and Kingfisher in its rod form are tastefully placed right next to Tai and Marrow respectively. And on top of their handles, Qrow and Clover’s respective rings rest safely on each of their handles.
They’re both impressed, more so that their weapons were somehow sneak out and brought all the way to the communications tower without either’s knowledge.
Clover’s the first to arrive at Amity Tower. Tai and Marrow organized how Qrow and Clover would check in on things so they wouldn’t see each other until the ceremony. Though Clover found the superstition banal, he decides not to make a fuss about it today, not when there are more important things going on.
The sweet smell of flowers greets his nose. They’re all laid out so nicely, and possibly even more so in the reception hall. Clover looks to his and Qrow’s table, and then to his pants.
Marrow gave him back his phone this morning, and with Marrow temporarily busy in the bathroom, Clover sends Qrow a quick text before he returns.
Clover: Everything looks perfect up here, but I bet you’ll look even better. See you soon. ;) 
Qrow arrives a bit later than expected...which for him was anything but unexpected. Between finding his shoes, Tai insisting on ironing his suit (”I swear, there was a wrinkle on it this morning!), making sure he got a good meal in him, cramming everyone into Tai’s car, and dealing with traffic, it’s amazing they got there when they did.
By the time Qrow gets there, the caterers are starting to arrive and their cake is on its way over, too!
Though Qrow initially felt his scroll buzz in the car, he’s unable to look at it until now. He sees Clover’s text in between the tons of congratulations messages, and smiles.
He’s such a dork.
But he’s Qrow’s dork.
Qrow: You know it. ;) See you soon.
Far too much time is spent for either of their taste’s getting into their suits and going over their entrances and everything (Though given how their rehearsal went, neither can be too annoyed).
Both meet their respective halves of the wedding party and soon enough...it’s time.
Robyn’s the first to enter. She has a basic script in her hand, but everyone knows she’s gonna do some ad-libbing and are excited for it.
Qrow walks down the aisle first with Ruby. The whole time, he can’t but hold his breath behind his smile, worried he might trip. Ruby, who can now fully tell how her uncle operates, holds his arm tighter and more supportively. Qrow would be lying if he said it didn’t help. Upon reaching the front, Ruby gives Qrow a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving his side.
After he arrives, the two sets of groomsmen enter side-by-side: Marrow and Tai, Elm and Port, Vine and Oobleck, and Harriet and Theodore (Yeah, I know basically nothing about Theodore, but I realized my numbers for Qrow’s groomsmen didn’t add up to Clover’s, and I hear the two of them got along, so we’re doing this!).
Once they’re in position, Clover enters with Yang. Clover, like Yang, holds his breath, but for a different reason. Qrow looks so impossibly good in his suit, and he can tell Qrow really likes how he looks, too. Like Ruby with Qrow, before leaving to join her sister, Yang gives Clover a hug and cheek kiss, but also a nice pat on the shoulder and a wish for “good luck.” Clover loves the sensation.
Clover whispers under his breath that Qrow looks amazing. Qrow thanks him, throwing a wink at Clover. Clover looks as stunned by it as Qrow did when he did it the first time.
Ceremony stuff happens, and then we get to the vows!
Robyn signals for Qrow to go first. He nods at her and begins.
“Clover,” Qrow says. “I want to say something to you, something that I never thought I would, especially here of all places, but something that feels like it should be said all the same. ...Here it goes. Clover, we don’t have to get married.” 
There’s a pause as everyone watching gasps. Clover is the only one who doesn’t, though he does raise and eyebrow. Qrow maintains eye contact with him and continues.
“It’s true,” he says. “We know we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives. I’m not leaving you, you’re not leaving me, and once this is all over, we’re going to go right back to the same home we’ve spent years building together to build even more of it for as long as we can. We’ll get up, make breakfast and coffee, work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed. Maybe we’ll do different things on the weekends with Tai and the kids, or maybe we’ll just relax on the couch with a movie. So no, we don’t need to get married...but that’s exactly why I want to.”
The sighs of relief are close to deafening, and expecting that, Qrow takes another pause. Clover’s smile is beautiful, not beaming of exceedingly large, but radiant as it has ever been. Qrow hopes that whoever their planner organized to record their wedding captures it because it’s a smiles Qrow imagines he’ll want to look at over and over again.
“It’s exactly because we don’t need to throw a ceremony or a big party to show the world we love each other that makes me want to do just that,” Qrow continues. “A love like what we have, one that’s special because of all the things that don’t make it special just as much as all of the things that do, well to me, that’s a love worth celebrating. I love you, Clover, and I love the fact that being here with you gives me another chance to celebrate how we feel, how far we’ve come, and how much further we’ll go.”
There are tears in the corners of Clover’s eyes threatening to fall any second. Qrow feels that his own are on the verge of doing the same.
Clover pull him in for a hug. They know it’s not what they’re supposed to do, but it feels right and that’s all that matters. It lasts for ten seconds before they finally pull back.
Robyn’s looking at them jokingly. 
“You know you’re not supposed to do that yet, right?”
“Eh,” Qrow says, shrugging with a smirk on his face. “We’re unconventional.”
“Except when we’re not,” Clover chimes in, winking at Qrow over the joke.
Robyn, smiling all the while, rolls her eyes.
“Clover, it’s your turn,” she says. The two exchange nods and then Clover turns to Qrow. 
“Qrow,” he starts, “I definitely saw my life differently before I met you. I was an Atlesian Military Captain of the kingdom’s strongest group of Huntsmen, likely to stay just where I was until I retired or died in combat. That’s what I saw for myself, and that’s all I saw for myself. In that life, I didn’t see a home, I didn’t see a family, and I never saw someone I loved so much that I’d leave everything I thought I knew behind just to stand by his side. But once I met you and the kids, I began to see all sorts of things that I’d never considered for myself before -- all of those things I just listed and more. That’s the life we’ve had together so far -- deep, kind, strange, fun, sometimes a bit mundane but also beautiful because of it. I’ve got to tell you, Qrow, I can’t think of anything luckier happening to me in my entire life than finding you.”
Qrow snorts. It’s not an interruption, but Clover can’t help but comment on it. 
“I guess you saw that coming?” Clover jokes. 
“Maybe a bit.”
“Fair enough. Well, I don’t need to tell you that with semblances like ours, luck’s always been a special thing between us. Misfortune and Good Fortune just have a way of being part of our lives, no matter what we think or plan or want. We’ve talked before about how they counter each other or why one might be more powerful than the other on any given day, but while luck might have been what brought us together as partners initially and it certainly is part of us, it’s not all of us. Luck has some interesting perks, both good and bad alike -- it can make a day or even week better or worse -- but it can’t get either of us what we have together nor take it away. Luck doesn’t earn me the sight of that gleam in your eyes when I bring you a bowl of noodles just the way you like or that smile of yours when I tell you tell you a joke. Luck helps us live our lives, but we do the rest, and I think we do a pretty good job living it together, and I can’t wait to keep on doing it with you for the rest of our lives.”
A good number of the attendants make an “awwww” sound at the end of Clover’s vows. Qrow’s tempted to make fun of it, but abstains.
Robyn nods at the conclusion of her vows. Tai and Marrow collect the rings for Qrow and Clover from off of the weapons and bring them to them. Robyn then turns to Clover.
“Clover Ebi,” she says. “Do you take this man, Qrow Branwen, to be your lawfully-wedded husband -- to love, cherish, and grow with him in sickness and in health and for better or worse as long as you both shall live?”
Clover’s smile is present. It doesn’t get bigger, but it gets deeper. 
“I do,” he says. Qrow takes Clover’s ring and slides it easily onto Clover’s finger.
Robyn turns to Qrow.
“And Qrow Branwen,” she continues. “Do you take this man, Clover Ebi, to be your lawfully-wedded husband -- to love, cherish, and grow with him in sickness and in health and for better or worse as long as you both shall live?”
Qrow’s smile stays the same -- relaxed, easy, and so utterly content. Despite seeing it hundreds of times by now, it still looks so beautiful to Clover...especially when he says the next two words.
“I do.”
Qrow extends out his hand, and Clover, with the ring he got him, slides it down Qrow’s flawless finger effortlessly.
Robyn’s smile grows.
“Then by the power vested in me by the Kingdom of Solitas and the land of Remnant, I now declare you husbands. You may now kiss.”
Qrow and Clover have kissed more times than they can possibly count.
But by the time Robyn declares them married, they’re starving to feel each other’s kisses again. Cupping each other’s cheeks, Qrow and Clover share their first kiss as a married couple.
Everyone cheers. A quarter of the room cheers through their tears.
Finally, they’re married.
Qrow and Clover get a small break to themselves before they enter the reception. They spend much of it standing and sitting close together, kissing, telling the Qrow and Clover equivalent of sweet nothings to each other, and talking about what their previous night and this morning were like. It’s kind, relaxed, and happy -- so, so happy.
The reception’s amazing. Between awesome food, “the world’s best cocktail hour” (Qrow and Clover’s words, not mine), a good DJ, heartwarming (and a little embarrassing) speeches, gorgeous decorations, cool party favors, and a beautiful and loving first dance, everyone has an amazing time.
At some point, Qrow and Clover find themselves able to sneak out of their own reception for a break (Qrow especially needs one, but Clover’s not about to pretend he’s not at least a little tired either). There’s a small empty balcony right in front of the moon. Clover loops his arm around Qrow’s shoulders and settles it on the left one.
Clover takes a deep breath through his nose and Qrow can feel his hairs bounce up and down with it.
“Smell something you like?” Qrow teases.
“More like someone. And I can’t wait to keep smelling him.”
They relax in the quiet for a bit. Qrow snuggles into Clover’s side as the gentle wind embraces their forms wherever it can.
“We’re married,” Clover finally says, said as if he’s just realized it for the first time. 
It must be the tenth time today he’s done so since the ceremony.
Qrow hasn’t gotten even remotely sick of hearing it.
“We’re married,” he repeats. 
Clover releases a rumbling chuckle, then kisses Qrow’s upper right temple. Qrow presses his lips to Clover’s hand. It’s not a kiss, per se, but it lingers delicately on his hand.
They stay for a couple more minutes before deciding that they should probably return to their party.
The rest of the party is so nice. Friends and family party and dance the night away with the gorgeous night sky all around them for hours.
The cleanup is exhausting and despite loving their wedding planner from the moment they hired her, Qrow and Clover have never been more grateful for her services than where she says they can head out and that she would finish up the rest of the work and text them (”Tomorrow afternoon. You guys are gonna need some shut eye.”).
It takes Qrow and Clover about an hour to get home. Clover drives once they’re on solid ground again. In the car, neither talk much, content to sit and enjoy the drive home in a comfortable quiet, save for the occasional joke and “We’re married” statement.
When they’re finally home, they stop at the door. After all, who’s going to carry who over the threshold? 
They compromise. Kissing each other’s face all the way, Qrow carries Clover through their front door, and Clover carries Qrow through their bedroom door onto a...very fun wedding night (Which I’m gonna let you all imagine for yourself because I have literally been writing this all day and writing about sex is kind of tough for me when I’m at my best).
When they’re at last ready to go to sleep, Qrow and Clover cuddle close and give each other a final loving look before falling asleep in each other’s arms, blissfully together tonight and for decades worth of them to come, just as they deserve. I don’t even know what to say now that we’re here at the end. I think I said it here earlier, but it bears repeating: I love you all and thank you so much for following these Fair Game HCs.
Tagging @skybird13 @whipped4qrow @mooksie01 @luck-of-the-caw @xwildangel @solitude-of-stars-deactivated20 @vastnessofthespiral @o0nashipear0o @unfairgamey @doctorrwby @clover-and-co @megan-atthedisco @wash-my-brain @bisexualdisasterqrow @thursdayseraph @doubledexterity @rwby-things-i-guess @atlas-heartthrob @the-answer-was-bi-klance @compoterie @thuskindlyiboop @oceansquid @transdemion @deltastream21 @mimiori @xya-hunter @dinosaurs-last-day @roman-torchtwink @subatomictealeaves @drbtinglecannon @saphiralunaris @pretentiouskneecaps @amxngsthxmans @ayomez13 @carbonated-table-spices @darkestsiren @chaosgameingkoi @collectingsparechangemadeeasy @michaels-daughter2005 @youmaywanttoduck @lovethewitchofendor @victorious1956 @spence0112 @madamoisellesica @ju-ka-mc-24
Want to be tagged in future Fair Game HC’s (Or untagged, I understand) and be the first to catch all of the romance, fluff, drama, and puns (Sometimes all at the same time)? Send me a reply, PM, or ask, and it shall be done!
Would you also like to check out my old Fair Game HC’s? Who wouldn’t? Well, here’s a link to my Fair Game HC archives!!!!
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secret-engima · 3 years
19, Qrow/Summer. 21, Raven/Tai. 36, Emercury.
(I got the first two! But if you want Emercury uh ... sorry can you pick a different number? Because for the life of me I can’t even figure out what “to give up control” could MEAN ^^;)
     Summer wasn’t usually one to push her boundaries, especially with Qrow. It had taken so long to get him to trust her, really trust her, and she never wanted to do something to make him uncomfortable. But one of the many things she had learned about Qrow was that he, as his sister put it, “sometimes needed to be hit with a two by four to get his butt in gear”. Summer didn’t have a two by four, but she had a finals match in the Vytal tournament to win, a lot of adrenaline, and a moment to decide that being reckless was a good idea for once.
     “Hey Qrow!” He straightened up, a question in his eyes as she stalked over. Out of the corner of her eye, Summer could see Raven’s eyebrows going up, like she was guessing what was coming.
     “You need something before the match?”
     “Yeah.” Summer put her hands on Qrow’s shoulders, stood on her tiptoes and, not letting herself think better of it, pressed her lips hard and clumsy against his. Qrow went rigid underneath her touch, but his hands settled on her waist and didn’t push her away.
     She stepped away as the announcer called for her and her opponent to make their way to the arena, and Qrow looked at her in a wide-eyed sort of daze, “What … what was that for?”
     There were far too many answers on her tongue and far too many explanations she’d need to give later, but right now she needed her head back in the game and maybe just a little bit of something else. She smirked, “For luck.” Without waiting for one of his reflex, pessimistic responses about how he only brought bad luck to anything, she turned and skipped out of the locker room.
     She had a Vytal tournament to win, and then some talking to do later about Qrow maybe finally acknowledging that they’d been dating for the last month.
     Raven stared down at her hands and wondered when she had well and truly lost her mind. Because this had to be some kind of crazy, stupid dream, right? This had to be a dream, or a mistake, and soon it would all crash down-.
     “Raven, are you okay?” She couldn’t bring herself to respond or look away from her hands. Her calloused hands that were so pale under the light and had been stained with so much blood, and why ever would anyone want to touch or be touched by those hands? Why would anyone put the slender band of metal now resting on one finger on hands like hers-? Warm fingers touched her shoulders, a silent warning of his presence as he let his hand trail down her arm as he settled down in a crouch in front of her, “Hey,” Tai murmured, “what’s wrong? Are you upset?” Raven looked at him stiffly, helplessly, words tied up on her tongue and Tai frowned faintly, concern in every line, “Come on, Raven, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on?”
     “You married me.”
     Tai blinked, settled slowly on his haunches with a look of confusion rather than hurt, because he knew her far too well now to mistake her statement as the problem tangling up her insides, “Yes, I did.”
     Raven worked her jaw, trying to make him understand, trying to find the words to make him see, “I … my hands…” She closed her eyes, “You shouldn’t-.”
     “The blood on them,” she finally managed, hoarse and stiff, “you shouldn’t. You’ll just get dirty.” Like she was already dirty, like she had been dirty since she was a child in the camps when they’d put a knife in her hands and told her to do better than her brother’s Semblance made things worse.
     “Oh Raven,” her new husband breathed. His hands slid over her own, ignoring her faint flinch, and he pulled them closer to him, turning them over to pepper her palms with slow, reverent kisses. When he looked back up at her, she could see the Raven he saw in the reflection of his eyes. The Raven who was a good teammate and a caring sister, a Huntress, a protector, a human being worth knowing. The Raven who was worth loving, who deserved to be loved, and she still didn’t feel like that Raven sometimes, or even most of the time, but there she was in Tai’s eyes, in the lingering kisses he pressed against her shaking hands and the pulse point of her wrists. “My wife,” he murmured softly, “is a beautiful, kind, amazing woman. So much more than anything they tried to make you. I love you, Raven, and I promise you there is something worth loving inside you and always will be.”
     And it seemed too good to be true, but if there was one anchor she had in this world, it was trust in her team. In Tai.
     So she believed him.
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spade-riddles · 3 years
"Adjusting Expectations" Post
This submission received a lot of responses and 120 notes, so I thought I would compile the comments here.
Anonymous said:
Adjusting expectations anon was so good. If their timetables are right and we do just need to be patient a little longer, can Kaylor please send us a sign? I guess it would be too loud to slip "adjusting expectations" into social media posts, but maybe they could both do something with playing cards? To show they are card sharks right now but they'll find their way home eventually? That would reassure people. And it would fly under the radar.
casuallycruel131313 said:
I agree with a lot of this but I think the main issue right now is that moral and ethical lines have been crossed and there's no coming back from that. In these post-Trumpian insurrectionist times it's unfathomable that they could continue the Kushner narrative I no longer care if or when they come out, I enjoy the music and I'm happy to observe from a distance because I'm interested from a PR/marketing point of view but my opinion of T &K as people has changed irrevocably and I don't see how they can clean the tarnish off.
@theprologues said:
Agree with most of not all if this but I would like to say as a Kaylor the toe Grammy stunt didn’t phase me. I was not crushed by that by any means. I just shrugged and honestly expected it. It was the attributing Betty and exile to him during the LPSS in November that bummed me out and really made me go...really?
rockcrow20 said:
Have to say I also agree with most of this.
I no longer have any expectations on anything changing any time soon and have not been surprised by the recent events its to be expected after everything over the years really
Nothing has really changed (bearding narrative wise) since I fell down the rabbit hole in 2017 (except that great night in nashville 2018 rep)
Honestly I can't say I am as invested anymore about them ever coming out as I was.
I think the wb/Joe thing was the last moment for me and the continual kushner connection just troubles me like many others.
I mean my kaylor motto for awhile now has been hope for the best but expect disappointment.
Low expectations = limited feelings of disappointment.
original-cypher said:
@rockcrow20 the WB was a breaking point for so many. You are absolutely right. There are just so ma'y contradictions that feel like absolute whiplash. (I know I seem to have been the only one experiencing that with Gorgeous but... that was a big one for me, too) But like. You go on a whole PR campaign about speaking up and standing up for yourself. You say you're capable and tired of men trying to take ownership of your success and profit off of your name. And you credit you literal damn work to a bloke? Bitch, 'consistency'? Look it up. It grossed me out. It would have felt iffy if I believed they were real. But since I wasn't born yesterday it just sent me the message "this is how far I'm willing to sacrifice my principles to not be queer".
rockcrow20 said:
@original-cypher exactly why it bothered me and I know alot us so much. Such mixed messaging of being a strong fighting for your rights female and then oh hey let me attribute some of my best work to my pr boyfriend and the pr pics where she is walking behind all the time like 🙄 The Betty thing that was big one for me too!
rainbowdaisy13 said:
This write up and the comments are spot on. I don’t have much to add other than like @original-cypher said, Miss Americana is tainted for me now and seems like at the very least, it was released too soon in the plan. I get we think they have had to pivot but man, that doc, and including her literally saying “gay rights make me me” at the end was such a false flag. To see her wax poetic about not taking shit from men anymore and then see her do the same old hetero weak woman song and dance routine with the WB shit for albums that are of her genius mind has been so disappointing. I still believe Kaylor is real and I hope they get a chance to show the world that. Karlie posting that cardigan pic in the woods before the folklore release cemented for me they are still together. Adding a baby makes me feel all kind of weird ethical things but I hope I live long enough to see it play out and wear my I Told You So shirt 😁
@kellykaylor said:
agree with your post... I dont care about toe stunts but what really pissed me of was hetwashing betty 🤮! beautiful post tho anon!!
roameroo said:
Totally agree with these all comments especially the strong messaging of MA only to turn around & pull that WB = my "bf" crap. I was disheartened by her mentioning him at the Grammy's only bc he's getting credit for sh*t he doesn't/didn't do. That is what irks me the most about this, giving him credit for her life's work.
always-the-last-word said:
Can I throw my pennies in the pool ?? Taylor will put out the big three first Fearless, RED then 1989 that should bring us to about August. This is where the excitement should begin. If Taylor preps and waits for National Coming Out day it's a no lose for her. Lover her money making machine will go through the roof !! If things go bad or good in the public eye she'll have REPUTATION Taylor's Version ready to release. It will be epic and she'll own it and be FREE.
@karlie-what-you-want said:
always-the-last-word I like this take a lot! I try not to be too optimistic but if she wanted to come out sooner rather than later, I think this plan would satisfy both business and PR needs (at least on Taylor’s end). Remains to be seen how Tay will help Karlie dig her way out of the mess they made together regarding the K*shners.
always-the-last-word said:
Always remember that Taylor has a PLAN. Some of her plans are year's old (easter eggs). Taylor's one and only LOVE is her music, everything else comes second. If KK wants to change and be with her full time she'll make moves around the same time frame. That's if she chooses to. In any event Tay will be open and own all her music. I've seen this film before and WE might not like the ending.
chosetherose said:
I’ve been going back and forth for a day trying to figure out what I wanted to say when I reblogged this post. I’m tired. I’m frustrated. I understand I’m owed nothing by Taylor or Karlie. I understand that circumstances out of their control have caused the girls to pivot over and over again.
But, the root of my frustration in the past months stems not from me battling with the trivial (e.g. pap walks, etc.) but with my personal principles. I fiercely believe credit should be given where it is earned and I uphold this in my career regularly. To see Taylor crediting Toe with her art was deeply disappointing. Watch the 1989 and folklore acceptance speeches back to back and tell me it doesn’t upset you. I believe the K******s have blood on their hands and that their actions during the pandemic have killed people. To see Karlie still associating with one of them disgusts me.
I can’t help but think back in frustration - Would you really fall from grace to touch her face? (And in the brilliant words of @9w1ft) But would you die for her in public? I go back and forth feeling like questions like this aren’t fair at all and thinking they are sort of valid. At this point, it sort of feels like Taylor would only fall from grace for her lover if all the stars and facets of her life aligned perfectly. But perfection like this does not happen. Such is life. So why am I here?
I do question why Spade left certain messages in their final days. I am still holding hope a fervent revolution exonerates everyone. I so desperately want Taylor to regain control of her masters or re-records. Maybe this is the plan they thought was best with multiple goals in mind (re-records, having a family, coming out of the closet one day etc). I’m trying to remain patient because Spade told us to trust her endless yearning. But WOW it is asking a lot of us at this point.
Anonymous said:
Despite being a pragmatist kaylor and oftentimes getting into arguments with fellow optimistic kaylors (owner of this blog included) I think it's quite unfair -at this point- to say to the optimists who have patiently sat through the worst kind of stunts with the most terrible kind of people (yes I'm talking about the Kushner's friend group too) that they should have seen it coming. Besides, if it weren't for the optimists we the cynicals would have burned this fandom down by now.
Anonymous said:
Even if we ignore that an insurrection happened partially because of the family karlie's still working for and getting paid from, she literally said before the pregnancy debacle unfolded that j*sh was her last client while talking about cutting hair and doing a cutting gesture. How should we have interpreted that? 😤That a year later she would be more stuck with the Kushners than ever? We don't wake up on day and decide to have unrealistic expectations. She feeds into them. 😠
Anonymous said:
I have no expectation of Taylor coming out anymore. Zero. None. I have no expectation of her dropping Toe or even of Kaylor publicly reuniting. It doesn't even matter that much anymore. But I - do - expect 1 thing. Karlie to drop and completely dissociate herself from the Kushners and this has nothing to do with kaylor. It was everything to do with me being unable to support a person who willfully assists (now using her baby too) and receives money from a family that has made so many suffer.
Anonymous said:
A quick word from an ex-kaylor (who will never become an anti). A year ago, when the Trumps were still in power and untouchable and there was no baby, I was excusing and turning a blind eye to many things Karlie did for the K*shners. Even that dinner in September. I had also made peace with the truth never being revealed. But a year later the Trumps are gone, Karlie is still on full stunting mode now with a baby in the mix, a baby that is already being used by the Kushners, and I've really run out of excuses. Now the only thing that could possibly keep me on board is if I knew there was a good chance that the full truth would come out, so that Karlie's inexplicable and honestly borderline immoral actions could eventually make sense. But as your sub said, this is an unrealistic expectation, thus I became an ex-kaylor and I'm not planning to come back even when they reunite. 😕
Anonymous said:
What baffles me is that Taylor has explicitly expressed her regret about not giving her lover the credit she deserves and her doubt whether fame is worth hiding her true love: "when I walked up to the podium, I think I forgot to say your name", "what's a lifetime of achievement, if I pushed you to the edge". But yet again she didn't do anything to change this. I didn't expect her to acknowledge Karlie, but a nod or at least not falsely crediting her beard would be a good start.
Anonymous said:
1🙁 Let me chime in re: "expectations". I'm one of the kaylors who ever since the pregnancy reveal was trying to tell everyone there's NO way she was gonna dump him soon after birth let alone before that. It would bring too much unnecessary attention and Jerk would have never agreed to something that would make him look like a bad guy/husband. For the exact same reasons, I was also saying there's no way he wasn't going to post about the baby. All the above against the popular opinion back then.
2🙁 So I agree that the day of the birth post was known to T, not the timing though. Simply bc Kushner-leaning outlets made sure to note that detail. If they wanted it to go unnoticed, why draw attention to it? That being said, kaylors would have been more patient with this mess, if Karlie hadn't gone overboard with her freedom "smoke signals" last summer and Tay's "insiders" hadn't been insinuating that the end is VERY near. Both of them SHOULD have known by then how we would react to these.
3🙁 So it's natural that everyone feels played and has no patience for any more bullshit. Another sore point is how Jerk AND the Kushner-Trump klan monopolize the baby news. This isn't just to make it realistic, it's an abuse of Kaylor's baby's name to garner good pr for the worst family in America, with Karlie's blessing. In order for her marriage and split to appear realistic she's putting a LIFETIME burden on her child's back. Unless you believe she's eventually gonna say Jerk isn't the dad.
4🙁 So "we’re in a position we should realistically have been able to see coming". But we did see it coming, that why some made these extreme scenarios, bc this is the worst possible outcome. "Good people try to make it work, even in bad relationships." Ultimately this isn't just a "bad rs". It's a horrific association that should have been resolved ages ago, not one to bring your child into, doom it to suffer a similar fate, and expect people to sit idly and watch. That's what frustrates most.
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Happy Anniversary to me!
One year ago I asked @rain-down-knowledge to be my girlfriend and she said yes!
To celebrate (and as part of my gift) I have written this incredibly self indulgent domestic fluff. No plot, no real point, but it was fun to write, enjoy!
Yang nervously shifted the plastic wrapped bouquet in her hands as she walked up to her front door. It had been three years but she still worried Blake wouldn’t like her gifts. She took a deep breath in, reassuring herself that Blake would love it, and exhaled as she opened the door and stepped in.
The empty downstairs greeted Yang as she  placed her keys on the hook by the door, placed the flowers down as she sat on the bench by the door to take off her work boots. As she undid the laces she heard movement upstairs. Smiling, Yang stepped out of her boots, retrieved the flowers, and padded up the stairs.
 “Blake?” Yang gently called at the top of the stairs, announcing her presence. Hearing a responding hum she made her way to the master bath.
 As she walked in, Yang saw Blake, back to her, touching up her makeup in the mirror. Yang slid an arm across her shoulder and gently pulled her into an embrace, moving the flower into her field of vision.
 “Happy anniversary Love” Yang pressed a kiss to Blake’s temple.
 “Mm, happy anniversary to you too Babe. These flowers are beautiful!” Blake took the flowers from Yang and turned to give her a kiss on the lips, “I love you.”
  As Blake turned to stand, Yang took a few steps back to give her room. As they stood face to face Yang was finally able to take in Blake’s outfit.
 “Wow,” Yang’s eyebrows rose as she took her girlfriend in. Blake was wearing a loose floral button up adorned with dark purple flowers with yellow accents that draped from her chest and flared out with her hips, her dark denim pants contrasted the white background of the shirt and made the flowers pop even more. “You look-” Yang paused as she scrambled for an adjective, “so fucking good.”
 “Gee thanks babe.” Blake rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress the smile that bloomed across her face. Blake walked past Yang and across to their bedroom dresser. “I still have to choose a necklace, and do something with these,” she raised the bouquet in her hand, “ and then I’m ready to go after you get ready.” She placed the flowers down and picked up a simple gold chain. “A little help?”
 “Hm, what time are those reservations again?” Yang walked up behind Blake and draped the chain around the front of her neck and quickly closed the clasp as Blake swept her hair aside in a well practiced maneuver between the two. Instead of backing away, Yang dropped one hand to Blake’s hip, the other brushing the hair back to reveal her neck again and pressed a lingering kiss where her neck sloped into her shoulder. 
 “About an hour.” There was a hint of laughter in Blake’s voice. “Just enough time for you to shower and change out of your greasy shop clothes.” Blake felt the hand on her hip wrap around her stomach and be joined by Yang’s other hand as Yang gently rested her head on Blake’s shoulder.
 “Any way I could convince you to join me in the shower?” Yang’s voice was soft and warm in Blake’s ear. She was tempted to give in, but they had been planning to try this restaurant for weeks.
 “Yang,” Blake was gentle, firm, and a bit teasing as she turned in Yang’s arms to give her a pointed look. “I already showered and got ready. You’ll have to go this alone.” Blake pulled her in for a quick peck on the lips before stepping out of the embrace to collect the flowers from the dresser. “I’m going to go put these in some water.”
  Yang dramatically threw her head back. “Fine,” she huffed, a smile dancing on her face as she lifted her head. “Guess I’ll just have to get ready all on my lonesome,” her voice was teasing as she pulled the collar of her shirt over her head, reliably drawing Blake’s eyes to the plane of her stomach.
 Blake felt her fingers itch with the desire to feel her skin but shook herself out of it. She grinned at her girlfriend’s behavior as she watched Yang stretch exaggeratedly  and turn towards the bathroom as she began to take off her pants, twisting her head to throw Blake a wink on the way to the shower. Blake shook her head, starting down the stairs as the shower stuttered to life. 
 Having cut the flowers and retrieved Yang’s gift from behind the couch Blake settled in with her book as she waited for Yang to get ready. Yang never took too long to get ready, but a long day at the mechanic’s shop typically prompted a longer shower than usual.
  Soon enough Yang was walking down the stairs and it was Blake’s turn to struggle for words. Yang had on a crisp, tailored, white button up, sleeves cuffed to her elbows, tucked into some slim fitting black jeans. Around her neck she was wearing a simple amethyst on a chain, drawing out her beautiful lavender eyes. “Ready to go?” Yang looked up from fidgeting with the leather strap of her watch to see a breathless Blake.
 “Hm? Oh! Yes!” Blake snapped back to attention. “That shirt looks fucking fantastic on you.”
  Yang chuckled, “Thank you, I think you say that everytime I wear it.”
 “It keeps being true!” Blake countered as she stood. “You have everything?”
  Yang hummed in affirmation as she retrieved her things from the entryway. Opening the door, Yang flourished with her hand to cue Blake to go first, “M’Lady,” she did a mock bow and looked to Blake who promptly rolled her eyes.
 “Really? I’ve put up with three years of this?” Blake questioned as she walked through the door.
 “Oh, you love it.” Yang followed behind Blake, locking up behind them.
 “I do.”
  Dinner was a quiet conversation tucked into each other’s sides in a corner booth over a steaming hotpot. Stories from their days, childhood, and dreams were exchanged between bites of fish and sips of broth.
   Afterwards the couple found themselves on a bench at the beach to watch the sunset and exchange gifts.
 “Ooh, a ring box! Babe,” Yang teased as she pulled a small velvet box out of a gift bag.
 “Don’t worry, it’s not that. Not yet.” Blake said with a chuckle. Yang opened the box and immediately put a hand over her mouth. “I was talking to Tai and he mentioned Summer’s earrings and how he didn’t know what to do with them since neither you or Ruby pierced your ears,�� Blake rushed through the explanation, worried when she saw tears well in Yang’s eyes. “ I saved one for Ruby too so-”
 “Blake,” Yang’s voice was heavy with the sob she was holding back, “Thank you, I love it.” The hand she was using to cover her mouth stretched out to grab the hand Blake was waving as she spoke.
 “You do?” At Yang’s nod Blake sighed in relief, “Thank the gods. I was worried I’d overstepped.” Yang quickly shook her head and Blake continued, “I know you can’t wear it to work, there’s a chain in the bottom of the box.”
 “You thought of everything, huh?” Yang wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled the ring out of the box. A small ruby was set into a simple silver band. Yang slipped it on her finger and held out her hand to admire it. “I remember these earrings,” she said softly. “I lost one playing dress up once and Mom was so upset. We made cookies when we found them. I think she felt bad about blowing up.” Yang sniffed and Blake wrapped her hand around her wrist in support. “Anywho,” Yang cleared her throat and straightened up, “Your turn! Apparently we both went the jewelry route.” She pulled a larger, more shallow, box from behind her on the bench and handed it to Blake. 
 “Ooh!” Blake hammed it up a bit to try to lighten the mood, but her genuine excitement was betrayed as she eagerly took the box from Yang. She slowly snapped it open to reveal a traditional wooden fish hook necklace from Menagerie with a yellow garnet adorning the eye of the hook. “Oh,” Blake gently ran the pads of her fingers over the intricate engravings on the surface of the wood. “Yang, this is gorgeous! Where did you find it? I’ve never seen any Menagerie shops in Vale!”
 “Um,” Yang blushed at the praise of her gift. “When we were visiting your parents for your birthday, I asked your mom about getting you something traditional.” She fidgeted with the new ring on her hand. “You’ve been doing all that research into your family history. I guess I wanted to give you something to connect you to it.”
 “It’s perfect.” Blake held the pendant in her palm and used her other hand to cup Yang’s cheek and looked her in the eyes, “Thank you.” She leaned in for a kiss, Yang meeting her halfway and bringing a hand to rest on her collarbone.
 The two shared their quiet moment alone together. The orange glow of the sky casting long shadows as the sun set on this beautiful day.
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Momo Ōkami
Notes: I….just, here *hands you this fic *. I may work as a housekeeper, but I’m in the mood for something dirty, I’ll tell you that. Jokes aside, I really miss writing self indulgent stuff :’) I got the title from Momotaro and Okami bc I’m not original and I needed a title :’)
Genre: Some angst, but enough fluff to drown cotton candy in bc boy am I a sap
Au: Yokai Au
Warnings: Reader’s a simp (and I am too), incorrect knowledge of everything, kinda slowburn, arranged marriage, “kidnapping”, smut, and kinks.  
    After the old Oni of the mountain had passed away or moved out, another one simply took his place. He was different, you could tell. Soft yellow hair, bright amber eyes, and healthy, peach colored skin had given away that he wasn’t full Oni. Yes he was tall, muscular, and had a roundness to his stomach and face, but he wasn’t as fearsome nor tall as the former one who terrorized your forest for years.  
Belonging to one of the most powerful clans in the forest, you and your family were still wary of the new half-ogre yokai. Although seemingly peaceful, one could never be too careful. Especially whenever you made your nightly trips around the mountain roads at night for fresh rabbit or deer, you knew that he was staring at you. It didn’t bother you like you thought it did, for this type of staring felt different. As if he was taking your character in from curiosity, rather than with malicious intent.
 You found yourself returning his curiosities, staring up at the mountain, venturing a little too close to his home as you seen him tend to normal, almost domestic things, such as feeding chickens or adding wood to the fire. He seemed to live a peaceful life, his life did not revolve around the other Oni, such as terrorizing and eating humans, or causing mischief and grief upon others. At times he’d catch you staring, and when the two of your eyes have met, it felt such an odd intimacy between the both of you, you felt emotions that were very akin to a human’s, swell within you, and couldn’t find yourself to hate them. After a few months of playing this odd little game, it escalated.      
 You and your family were called Okuri-Okami, or “sending off wolf”. It didn’t take a smart person to figure it out, with your family making daily trips around the mountains, playing this life or death game with innocent travelers, and had a reputation of being although not the noblest, but an old and respected clan within the forest. You yourself weren’t really into eating the villagers who still thought that your kin were noble, going as far as building a shrine for your family and gift them food and nice things for not eating them. Humans were odd, and the fact that you could transform into your human form, made it more difficult to stomach the thought of eating them, to your parent’s disapproval.  
When the Oni had caught wind that you weren’t into eating humans, he’d started acting different. At first you didn’t understand why, but he’d started to indulge you by waiting for your own nightly routine to start, and start walking several steps ahead of you, letting you to purposely “escort him to safety”. He would never trip, and even if he did, you weren’t the type to pounce and try to gobble anybody up, unlike most of your kin. You were sure that your kind didn’t eat Oni, and so it confused the ever loving hells out of you when he started this little game out of the blue.
When you “escorted” him to the mountain pass which led to his home, he’d say “Thanks for seein’ me off, Darlin’” in such a smooth and husky voice, you couldn’t but help feel the warm, familiar emotions flutter within you. He would skip a night, only for gifts such as sekihan, deer meat, or other small little things for you to appear at the edge of his territory. Not knowing what to really do, you accepted the gifts with a mix of confusion and gratitude, and the next night, he would be there with a giant smile.
“My name’s Taishiro.” He broke the awkwardness between the two of you, and you caved in and gave him your name, liking the way it rolled off of his tongue.
 Months had passed. The two of you started talking more often as he walked next to you rather closely, stepping in pace right next to yours as he did so. You were a little shy, but his warm aurora and bright smiles and twinkling eyes crumbled your resolve rather quickly. You began to use your clothed human form, letting him take in your feminine features, feeling a pleasing warmth whenever you noticed that he stared at you a little longer than usual, or would have pink dust settle on his cheeks.
You had to admit, he was very handsome, as well. You tried your best to sneak glances, but would turn beet red and look away whenever you felt that he had caught you red-handed. He would chuckle and it fed the fire growing within you.
“I better not trip, or you’ll eat me up, Sugar.” He gave a wink, and you swore that time had froze when he said that, then you would flush furiously and let out a growl mixed in with an embarrassed whine, causing him to bellow with laughter. To say that you had grown closer to him, was an understatement of the century.
He learned slowly but surely that you were the only child of your parents, how you never wanted to feed on human flesh, and that you didn’t know what to do with your life. He listened thoroughly and replied with his own words of encouragement and that he was glad that you didn’t feed upon humans, for that would make it awkward. When asked why, he finally opened up to you. His mother was human and his father was an Oni. Growing up for him was harsh because everybody knew what his father was, and there was very little his mother could do to protect him. So he left, and kept traveling until he found a more remote forest with very little villagers around. Although he didn’t hate humans, his mother was one, and he was half. It gave you a sense of sympathy for him, and it strengthened your resolve to never become like your parents, and he broke the boundaries of your physical contact by gently patting your shoulder.
That was another thing, touches. He would always find an excuse to touch you, whether it be a simple head pat, ruffling hair, gently squeezing your hand, or other soft, platonic touches that left you all too warm and all too disappointed when he’d break away, grinning brightly and seemingly too unaware of the affect that he has a hold onto you. It made you feel a little more braver as the nights and days would pass, ever so softly returning the hugs he gave you, and shyly yet surely pat his shoulder or gently squeeze his arms or hands. A rush of prideful victory swelled within you as you noticed that his eyes would soften or blood would rush to his cheeks. You liked this man, and didn’t know how to really handle your growing feelings for him.
You didn’t dare tell your parents. Already they were disappointed in you that you refused to eat humans, and now you were corresponding with a half-breed Oni? Sure you could live somewhere else, and break yourself away from your small pack, but if you did that, then they would run you out of the forest for good, that, or kill you. A sadness overcame you that you realized that you wouldn’t be able to see Taishiro, anymore if you were gone. You’ve grown very fond of him, and it surprised you on how easily he tore down your defenses, and instead of feeling vulnerable, you felt very warm and comfortable. It was scary, because although you knew you were on thin ice with your parents, you didn’t mind taking risks to just be near the tender giant.  
  Soon, it all came to a freezing halt as your parents sat you down one day, and began to speak to you with the familiar coldness lacing their tones of voices.  
“You’re old enough now to start a family and live away from us. The Tanuki living in the eastern shrine has offered a handsome dowry of fine meats and Sake for your hand in marriage. Your father and I will worry about the guests and your attire, so don’t worry.” Was the harsh slap of reality. You knew that your parents will not let you have a say in it. In your pack’s mind, it was true. You weren’t a pup, anymore, you were unclaimed, and you didn’t fit in with your clan’s expectations or traditions. You were now chained to their final decision of just marrying you off, thus you were prevented from doing your nightly routines, leaving your mother to educate you in being a good wife, and your father to plan the wedding and invite guests.
 You missed him. Although two days had passed, you were kept inside your family’s little shrine as your mother doted on your outfit and hair. Your father had been gathering the guests and materials and plans for the wedding as you tried to worry on how to act as a wife and take care of your husband, but your thoughts kept venturing back to Tai, hoping that he wasn’t disappointed or too upset. A voice within you wished that he was your betrothed, instead, and you weren’t really surprised with that thought.
The little wolf intrigued him. Instead of being frightened by him, she just waltzed up on that mountain as if she owned the place, not caring who or what he is, and he knew from that day on, he was hooked. He couldn’t help but play a little game with her, courting her with gifts and make it known that he was interested. The canine yokai took a spell to warm up to him, and he wouldn’t doubt that she still didn’t know that he was courting her, but to be honest, it was a treat seeing how she blossomed, coming out from her shyness. He was more pleased and surprised that she began her own little venturing, returning his small touches and face would resemble a fire as he caught her admiring him or trying to reach out and initiate a small touch. Nobody had ever done that for him, and he doubted that she had the same attention. He tugged away from the dark, possessive thoughts that lurked.  
It didn’t take long for him to develop romantic feelings for the woman. He had to keep beating away his father’s bloodline of just wanting to take. He wasn’t like his father, and she deserved to be courted, not be treated like his mother. He fought off a dark shudder of disgust as his mind went back to his wolf. Granted, she was also very pretty, and had stopped using her wolf form. Doe eyes and a cute, warm smile have had been greeting him for some time, now, and when it stopped, he panicked. Was she hurt? She wouldn’t just up and disappear, right? It wasn’t a dream, he knew that she was very real. Questions and thoughts had haunted him for about two days as he tried his best to follow her scent. Usually he wanted to mind his own business and not bother with traveling down into the heart of the forest, but he felt desperate.
Where was his little wolf? He tried asking the animals as well as other yokai, but they all ran in fear, leaving him no answers. He knew that she came from a very prominent clan, what if they found out about him? What if they had enough of her stubborn nature and just decide to finish her off? He felt a mix of panic and anger as he all but tried to follow her fading scent, internally promising a lifetime’s worth of hell on anybody who dared to lay a finger on her.        
   Her scent, although a little faded, was stronger at the shrine. Was she there? He knew that she wasn’t scared of him, nor would she hide from him. The sound of bells snapped him out of his thoughts as he ventured more closely to the shrine, peeping from behind it.
   Your mother told you that you looked beautiful, but really, you didn’t care. Your parents were way too eager to hand you away, they didn’t bother to host a meeting with your future husband, no. Your father gathered a small party of his and your mother’s friends, a Shinto priest (that they’ll probably eat later), and the awaited guest, your betrothed. It was a small, Shinto wedding mixed in with other elements that your parents thought that the Tanuki, your betrothed, might like. You wore a traditional Shiro-Muku, symbolizing your purity, and had your hair tied into a bun with a beautiful hair piece. It wasn’t much, but your thoughts kept racing back to the possibility that you might just make a run for it.
Granted, you did try for the last two days, all but kicking and screaming, but your parents were more powerful, and although you were not weak, by any means, your shrine was surrounded by yokai who were at your parent’s bidding, and you yourself could not fight off every single one. If you could manage to get to the mountains, you knew that Tai would scare and keep every bad thing away from you. You had since accepted your feelings for him, and knew that he would protect you if not as a lover, then definitely as a friend.
Your heart was aching, and you knew that you were going to make a break for it at the wedding ceremony. Possibly tarnishing your parent’s reputation, and angering the Tanuki, but you found yourself just not caring. Your father didn’t even bother to knock on the paper walls, you could hear his footsteps coming your way.
“It’s time.” He said, and you got up to follow him outside. The hood of your wedding attire shielded you from the sun that you haven’t seen directly in a couple of days. You had to admit, the smell of fresh air was very enticing compared to the shrine’s settling dust and your parent’s scents.
Anxiety rose within you as you realized that this wasn’t a lucid dream, this was happening. You wished that your parents have had given you more time to process the knowledge that you were to be wedded away, to live in another forest with a husband and his yokai that you didn’t know, and you were going to be separated from everyone. A dark thought passed through you. If you were mistreated or hurt, your parents would never know, and if they did, they’d do the bare minimum for you.
Honestly? It pissed you off. You knew the only person who could ever care for you this much would probably tear down the whole forest, and he was probably searching for you this moment, if your doubts and fears kept telling you that he probably thought that you weren’t interested, anymore. It hurt, all the doubts and wondering if you’ll ever see him again clouding your emotions. You tried to focus on the small wedding. It was very thoughtful and beautiful. Your father’s friend, a Kitsune, lit small blue flames around, they floated around the small number of guests and your betrothed, who you now took notice of. He was giving a cheeky grin as your eyes met, and although you didn’t feel the same, you thought it would be polite to offer a weak smile in return.
As your father led you to the priest and the Tanuki, thoughts of running away kept running through your head. Just as you began to slip your hand out of your father’s strong grasp, a familiar scent hit you with almost full force. Your father stopped, as well, taking notice of the shift of atmosphere. Time didn’t seem to slow down as heavy footsteps cracked upon the branches, getting closer to the area as everybody froze in panic. You couldn’t help but feel elated, but also worried. His usual sandalwood and sweet vanilla scent, was now spiked with a darker edge to it, but you knew that it wasn’t aimed at you.
    His blood froze in shock as he realized what was behind the shrine. A wedding. Your wedding. No doubt that it was put together quickly. Before he had time to really take the information in, the doors of the shrine opened, and out you came, being led by your father. Although he admitted quietly to himself that the outfit fit you well, you looked so sad and had little bags underneath your eyes and his chest tightened at the realization. You didn’t want this. As if lost in your own thoughts, he noticed that you subconsciously begin to look around, for him no doubt. A dark, possessive anger hit him as he realized that your father was gripping you a little too tightly, and the Tanuki was eyeing you in a way that made his own blood boil. Without thinking, he acted.
All the wedding guests seemed to be frozen in fear as he stormed up to the area, the need to just take you away gripped him ever so strongly when the two of your eyes met. Your cold expression turned to that one laced with relief and guilt as if silently pleading him to just take you somewhere safe. Taking the silent hint, he smacked your father’s hands away. Coming out of his shock, he started yelling.
“Who in the hells do you think you are?” You father’s face was a beet red, as his eyes all but bugged out in anger. Huffing, the Oni growled out as he picked you up neatly into his arms as if you didn’t weigh but a feather, holding your shocked self closely to his chest.
“I’m her mate. Never bother her or us ever again.” He snapped, and before anybody could have time to process the fact that you were about to be willingly abducted, he bolted as he carried you safely back to his cave, or your new home. He knew that the yokai wouldn’t dare touch an Oni like him, even if he is a half-breed, he still carried the demonic blood of his ancestors. He liked to fight, he was use to it, but he wouldn’t hurt your family if he could help it. He kept sneaking glances at you, who in turn was blushing and glancing up at him owlishly. His heart-beat picked up at the small smile on your face and you looked so relieved, and he knew that he did the right thing.  
Your home wasn’t too far away from his cave, but there were twists and turns of trees and the old beaten path was starting to be covered up by growing shrubs. It was cool and dark, and he felt you shiver a little in his arms, and he hummed as he placed you gently onto the furs, covering you up a bit. A calm quiet enveloped the two of you as he held onto you, letting you soak up his warmth as he gently drew circles on your hands.
“I’ll get some firewood and heat us up, alright?” He broke the silence, and you nodded. Taking a last look at you, he left the cave as the disbelief in his own actions clouded his thoughts.
You were in the twilight zone. First, a surprise marriage, and then you let yourself willingly get abducted by Tai, who was very blunt about his feelings towards you, thus reciprocating your own feelings for him, and now your new home was here. Although relieved and feeling very, very safe, you were so tired from the swirling of chaotic emotions that rocked your normal stagnant world. The warmth of the fur skins and Tai’s heat that he gave you soothed your nerves as your world gently faded into black.
You awoke to a soft snoring and the crackling of fire licking at the wood that he had chopped. When you tried to move, you noticed that the searing warmth was from Tai himself as his arms were wrapped around you, hugging you close to his chest. You couldn’t help but wiggle a little, feeling a little too warm as he murmured something, cracking an eye open.
“Hey.” He said softly, eyes staring down at you with such a gentle emotion.
“Hello.” You answered back, and he gave a lofty chuckle.
“Didn’t mean to get too carried away, there. Couldn’t bear it, seein’ ya so sad...n’ other things.” He admitted calmly, yet his thundering heartbeat gave away his nervousness. You felt your emotions soften with warmth at the notion, looking up at him through your lashes.
“They kept me guarded in the shrine, because they knew what I was planning.” Your cheeks reddened as you continued, and he listened carefully. “I was going to run to you, if I’ve gotten the chance.”  
He looked at you with slight surprise, but the smile stretching across his face was there in an instant as his eyes twinkled with warmth.
“So, we’re married, now? Husband n’ wife?” He asked hopefully as he changed the subject. Such a jovial and excited feeling flooded through you as he mentioned the titles. Yes, wife, you were his wife. Although there wasn’t a ceremony binding you, the two of you were already emotionally bonded, and it was more than you could ask for. Nodding with enthusiasm, you looked at him fully.
“Yes...I’m your wife, and you’re my husband.” You tasted out the sentence, liking the way it rolled off of your tongue at the fact. At first he seemed to be frozen from mild shock, but then you gave a surprised whimper as he shuffled you closer to him, enveloping you in a heartfelt kiss. It felt so warm, and so right as he took his time in tasting you, running his tongue over the roof of your mouth, your molars, and then sucking gently on your own tongue. You let out a soft whine at the feeling, trying your best to reciprocate his actions as he gripped you a little more tightly, yet squeezing you gently as he let out a surprised grunt of approval as you couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, absentmindedly shifting your leg against his intimate area as he slowly broke away as a string of spittle connected your mouths.
     The both of you were breathing heavily, but you looked almost wrecked, and he didn’t even touch you more intimately, yet. Heat pooled between your legs and you bit off an embarrassed whine as you realized that he could probably scent your arousal. You looked at him, and he was returning your admiring gaze with such a burning fervor, you couldn’t help but kiss him again. He moaned a little in surprise, but then relaxed as he hummed with approval at your boldness.
Breaking away, he chuckled softly as he ran a hand down your back, tucking your chin up ever so gently to look at him.
“Ya know I’ve been wantin’ this for a while. Seein’ yer shy self just bloom up fer me, n’ leavin’ such soft touches will make a pent up man go crazy, Sweetheart.” He bravely admitted, liking the way although your face was probably burning up right now, you were looking up at him with such a hungry stare, he groaned as he couldn’t help but kiss you for the third time, liking the way that you were practically salivating at his suggestive thoughts.  After breaking away, you panted softly as you let the burning emotions flutter through you as you eyed him.
“I love you.” You admitted, leaving him to look down at you with the same killer softness that made you so warm and ticklish inside as he pulled you tighter into his chest.
“I love ya too, Darlin’.” He kissed your head endearingly as the two of you cuddled in silence, enjoying the intimacy. Although it was nice, you still had an unfamiliar itch to scratch, and you knew that he could probably scent out your arousal, but was waiting on you to say something, first. So you did.
“I’d like to consummate our marriage.” You admitted in a tone in which you almost didn’t recognize. He looked at you with very little surprise, and then he stared down at you with such a dark and needy fervor, it made you squirm with need.
“I know that there’s a chance that we’ll do it anyway, but do ya really know whatcha’re askin’ for?” He asked slowly, and you shook your head.
“I still have demon lineage, I’m constantly fightin’ myself from takin’ what I want. It was worse today, y’know? What if I was too late? What if ya were already gone, an’ I never saw ya again? It’s not yer fault, but I had to push down some very dark emotions today.” He explained slowly, making sure that you were well informed. You knew what he was talking about, but you wanted him to say it.
“What are you talking about, Tai?” You asked.
“I wanted to just take ya away somewhere safe, but at the same time, I wanted to just pin you down on the forest floor, n’ just…” He breathed in slowly, as if shamefully admitting this, yet the both of you knew that your heartbeat started to accelerate as his grip on you tightened a little, making you a beacon to the thoughts that were running through his mind. Even though the both of you got the hint on what he was talking about, his eyes burned through you with a dark lust as he dared to finish his sentence.
“...fuck you senseless. I hadda fight down those emotions, an’ they’re still pretty bad. We can try tonight, but I don’t know how or if I can handle them durin’ an intense and emotional time such as love-makin��.” He bit his lip as he quieted, looking at you with worrying, almost pleading expression that you wouldn’t judge. Heat crept upon your cheeks as you reached up and cupped his face, he felt himself relax underneath your gentle gaze as time seemed to stand still.
“I trust you. Besides, I don’t know if my parents will be foolish enough to try to take me away from behind your back, but I know that if I’m claimed, they won’t even bother.” You admitted truthfully, helping the both of you to just take the final leap of faith. He nodded in your hands, eyes burning bright.
“I’ll ask ya one last time, are ya sure? You’re playin’ with somethin’ dangerous, because I don’t think I can trust myself. I’ll do my best to never hurt ya, but still….are. Ya. Sure?” He drew out the words, making sure that you knew what you were getting in to. Honestly? You wanted him. You trusted him, and if he lets himself go, you wanted that part of him, too. You nodded, telling him verbally yes, and he delivered.
 He flipped you onto your back, hovering above you, and you couldn’t help out a low whine of approval. The crackling fire made his muscles and fat glisten with sweat as he stared down at you with such an intensity burning through his amber eyes, you thought that you could probably come undone just by the sight, alone.
He knew just from your scent, that you’ve been aroused for quite some time, and honestly? It fed his ego a bit too much, especially how you stared up at him, practically drooling with want as your eyes unabashedly wandered all over him. It made him feel very, very wanted. He moved first, not taking too long to chuck off your wedding attire, pulling out the hairpiece as your hair fell gracefully around you. Not wanting you to be the only one, he stripped, as well, throwing his and your clothes away somewhere as the two of you drank each other in.
 He was feeling a little too warm, seeing you bared out for him, naked, flushed, and what really made his cock twitch, was that you were wet. Your face was red and you looked so shy and vulnerable, especially when you were seeing his cock, all heavy and swollen, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness and need. He kissed you again, more slowly and sweetly, letting the roughness of his calloused hands rub against your skin, letting his thumb brush heavily against a nipple. He held in a gasp as you moaned into his mouth, accidentally brushing your other leg against his dick for the second time in your hazy pleasure, him feeling his pre-cum smear onto your hot skin.
Deepening the kiss, he let himself bite and suck at your lower lip, letting his tongue slide over the sting, as if in a quiet apology. You whined, hands were fisted into his hair now as you returned such favors, although a little too sloppily. He didn’t mind. In fact, he lowered his mouth, feeling the pulse of your throat hum with a surprised yelp as he chuckled, and then harshly sucked, making sure to leave bruises for everybody to see. He groaned as your fingers pulled his hair tighter towards you, and licked the reddening marks in apology, but he really wasn’t sorry, for you were all but chanting his name as in a trance with need.      
Taishiro pulled away, admired the sight, seeing how your body was glistening underneath the crackle of firelight, little sweat droplets rolled off of the peak of your breasts as they jiggled from your panting from another intense kiss. The image will forever be burned within his brain as you looked up at him from cloudy, hazy eyes and swollen lips from his biting and sucking.    
He felt a dark, possessive feeling crept up upon him. Although in control, he did try to warn you, he didn’t want to succumb to his darker desires, especially with you. You were so willing and wet, and blushing, he plunged down the dark thoughts as he lifted up your right leg. An embarrassed sound escaped you, but he chuckled as he started kissing and giving small, feather-like licks on the inside of your thigh and the back of your knee, enjoying the sharp, surprised, and excited gasps that came out of your lips. He wasn’t even close to starting, yet, and yet here you were, aroused scent heightening at the intimate suckles that he was now lavishing on the back of your thigh and leg. You were so cute.
Licking his thumb, he pressed it against your perked nipple, watching your face as he flicked the nub, seeing how much you liked and reveled with the physical attention. He knew that he was stalling from the main event, but he just really wanted to take his time with you, his newlywed wife. A thought passed his mind as he first brushed against your folds, causing you to jump at the slight contact. He probably needed to be gentle. He was so much bigger than your small form, and also...well...he knew that you weren’t experienced. Truthfully, he didn’t care, and loved you no matter what, but he knew that he had to be extra cautious. He never wanted to hurt you, and he knew that he was big.  
So he began rubbing your clitoris and entrance, making sure that your natural juices acted as lubricant to your sensitive, raw bud as he licked a stripe down your inner calve, relishing in the way you let out a pleased mewl. He chuckled.  
“You liked that, Sweetheart?” He murmured against your flushed skin. You nodded as he slipped in two fingers, scissoring them gently and slowly into the almost too tight heat as he eyed you, taking in your small reactions of pleasure mixed with discomfort.
“Actually, I think I want to taste ya.” He said aloud, not hesitating to spread your legs further apart as he bent down to the point in where your flushed, dripping sex was right in front of him. You moaned in surprise, legs automatically tightening around his head as he let out a soft groan as he flicked his tongue against your sopping entrance. Sweet and divine was what you tasted like, and he decided to open you up slowly with his fingers as he also tongue-fucked you.
Your whimpers were the sweetest as you writhed beneath him, legs trembling and hands gripped all too tightly in his hair as he hummed in pleasure at your secretions covering his mouth and chin as he delved three fingers and his fat tongue into almost too tight and warm heat. The sounds were lewd, especially when he couldn’t help but slurp and suck up your flowing arousal, enjoying the sheer intimacy between the two of you as you chirped out his name in warnings that you were about to come. He wanted you to, so he didn’t say anything as he continued his ministrations. He felt his cock twitch as he felt you tightened up around his fat fingers and wet muscle, and then spasm as you held onto him with your hands and legs as if he were a lifeline, calling out to him so sweetly and wanton, that he was afraid that he might cum right then and there.
Breaking away ruefully, he sat up, catching his breath as he stared at you, and his heart skipped a beat and if it were any possible, more blood rushed down south. You looked absolutely wrecked. Your eyes were clouded with tears as drool dribbled down your chin, face, chest, and everything else was flushed with a pretty red as your grip on him loosened as you came down from your orgasmic high, and as if a switch was flipped, he surged forward and kissed you rather roughly. You groaned with pleasure as he massaged your breasts, letting his rough hands palm over and rub at your nubs. His dick rubbed against your thighs, and your hips in return moved on their own accord, trying to reach for more as he bit and sucked at your throat and neck, leaving newer, red marks traveling downwards.  
He broke away, looking down at you with question.
“Are ya alright, Sweetling? Do ya wanna stop?” He didn’t recognize his own voice, raw and hoarse as he hoped to all layers of hells not that you were done, but he would never pressure you into anything that you didn’t want, and would always respect your choice.
“Taishiro, please continue.” Your own voice was even wrecked as you looked at him pleadingly and desperate to come again, and he couldn’t help but growl with almost feral approval that he did that to you.
“Alright, try to relax, okay, my pretty wife?” He found himself humming rather gently as he slicked his own pre-cum down his aching cock, smiling gently as your cheeks flushed with the endearment as you nodded. He kept himself from groaning from not only the friction, but from the sympathetic look that you were giving his dick, as if you wanted to lick it to make it feel better. Later, he thought. Definitely later.
He aligned himself to your entrance, intertwining his free hand with yours as he watched your expression carefully as your legs wrapped around his waist. He tried not to close his eyes as hot, tight heat started to surround him as you forced yourself to relax. He took small breaks, slowly kissing you as he moved inches further, speaking words of encouragement and endearment as you hummed softly in return, hand squeezing his. Finally, he was all the way inside you, letting his forehead rest against yours as he eyed your expression. You didn’t look like you were in pain, only in slight discomfort, but he asked anyway.
“How are you feelin’? Doin’ okay?” He grunted out. His expression softened as you rested a hand upon his cheek, kissing his forehead gently and he couldn’t help but hum with pleasantry at the sweet gesture.
“I’m wonderful. You’re wonderful. Please keep going?” You asked, and he grunted, refusing to refuse such a request. He kept an eye on you, feeling the unfamiliar heat envelope him as he rocked his hips ever so gently, feeling your walls squeeze him impossibly tight as the two of you watched each other’s expressions. He heard of stories. How inexperienced men could leave a woman unsatisfied. Granted he wasn’t too inexperienced, but it was his first time actually being within somebody, and it felt as if it were a sacred connection between the two of you, if he was being honest.
 He’d be damned if he came before you, leaving you unsatisfied, and his pride and ego wounded. He reached down, gently rubbing your clit as you gasped softly at the added friction as he continued the torturous pace. He wanted to buck into you wildly, lose all control as his mind screamed at him to just take what he wanted. He hushed his thoughts. He was taking what he wanted, as it was gifted to him by his lovely wife.
“So beautiful,” He admitted, watching you move your hips awkwardly trying to mimic his pace. Your walls tightened, and he let out a small, breathy laugh mixed with a grunt.  
“of course you’d be into that. My lovely, beautiful wife is taking me so well, hm?” He murmured lowly, as if almost afraid to break the intimacy.
“Taishiro...husband, Dear...please move faster.” You panted, trying to quicken your hips, and he tried not to falter. He trusted you in being sure that you wanted more, and so he obliged, trying to quicken his pace only a little bit, but found himself all but snapping his hips into you with fervor. He couldn’t find it within himself to apologize, for you let out such a beautiful sound as your head threw back, exposing your kissed throat as he felt you tighten even further, close to cumming. The sight fueled him as he couldn’t help but continue his almost punishing pace, one hand still intertwining with yours and the other’s fingers were soaked with pre-cum and your lubricant as it rubbed at your clit.
He sucked and licked at the column of your throat, asking you almost frantically to cum for him, kissing and biting.
“So fuckin’ tight. Such a perfect wife. Ya’re squeezin’ around me so beautifully. ‘M gonna carve my dick within ya. Ya’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” He couldn’t help but ramble, half aware of the things he was saying as you finally came around him a second time, and it was beautiful. You screamed his name as fresh tears coated your eyes with ecstasy, eyes squeezing shut as you spasmed uncontrollably around him, and his movements faltered, hips bucking wildly as he came in a large spurt, coating your raw insides as your name called out from his own mouth.
 He fell onto his side, pulling you close to him as the both of you were breathing heavily. Through the orgasmic bliss, he admired the way your breasts rose and fell to the motions of your panting. It took a spell, but the both of you looked weakly at each other, and he tilted your chin up and kissed you softly.
“Did I hurt ya?” He whispered hoarsely. You shook your head.
“No, you were perfect. That was perfect.” You answered back weakly with such warmth filling your eyes, you were practically glowing as you held a soft smile.
“I love you, dearest wife.” He kissed the corner of your mouth, and you melted.
“I love you, too, beloved husband.” You truthfully admitted, squeezing his hand.
He felt himself softened as he gently pulled out of you, grimacing a little as a little blood was mixed in with his seed as it leaked out of you. He looked at you, about to question if you were really alright, but your eyes were shut, and you began to snore softly. He kissed you again, getting up to get a wet cloth from the cave water to wipe you down gently. When he was done, he pulled your sleeping form tightly against him, kissing your forehead as sleep overtook him.  
The morning after, you were a little sore, but you felt so damned happy, you were all over your husband and he relished in the attention that you knew he probably hardly got. He eventually made the both of you new clothes from deer skin, and the two of you packed and left to live in a human village, in your human disguises. Of course there were questions, but you and your husband lived peacefully, never really seeing or hearing from other yokai as the two of you loved each other dearly in domestic bliss.
Whew this took me three days to write as I balanced between work and sleeping. I wanted to write it in Tai-chan’s perspective, and I’m not disappointed. I know there’s a lot of stuff missing, like further details on yokai and sending off wolves don’t have shrines, I don’t think, but it’s for plot. Self indulgent, really, but feel free to like or reblog <3
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mashiraostail · 4 years
Yagi Shota Mic snd Fatgum w a curly haired s/o 👉👈 pls??
omg I really like this!! I have very curly hair so we love to see this, I feel like straight/wavy hair such a default in fic writing whenever i read about like running fingers smoothly thru your hair I cringe a little like no not my curl pattern. I’m gonna try to make it encompassing to multiple curl types! i’m personally 2c-3b but if you wanna resend with your hair type that’s totally cool! I’d be happy to redo it! Curly hair gang!
Yagi Toshinori: I think out of all of them he’d love it the most, tight coils, loose ringlets, or round spirals he’d love any texture. He’d always find them tantalizing and inviting and if he’s staring off into space he’s usually thinking about burying his nose in your hair or resting his cheek in it. Whenever you hugged or kissed his hands were always playing with it pulling the curl straight to watch it coil back into its natural shape or wrapping his finger around one rogue curl. He adores your curls, it was probably one of the first things he noticed when you met. Whenever he’s upset it’s always plenty relaxing to lay with you and muss up your curls. You’d huff at him, ‘Yagi come on it takes so long to get it under control-’ ‘I’m sorry I just can’t help it it’s so nice-’ But you really didn’t mind, and you rarely make him stop. You liked the feeling of his finger sliding into the center of a loose ringlet, or his thumb at your hairline as he presses the curls away from your face, depending on the length he’ll definitely enjoy watching you style it as well, and the scent of any product you use on it will definitely infatuate him overtime. The scent of coconut makes his nose turn red even when you’re nowhere to be seen, he finds it a little embarrassing. I just really picture Yagi loving curly hair, maybe his time in America turned him onto it, all curl types felt beachy and warm and made him think of sunshine and happy memories. He’ll always complement them. The first time he saw you fresh out of the shower, curls hanging looser and heavier around your head he probably choked out something mindless and silly like ‘hair...pretty-’ while his nose tinged dark red. 
Shota Aizawa: He finds himself being pretty indifferent to different hair and body types, thinking they all have their merits and pros and cons. That being said the longer you spend with him the more he’ll start to find himself a little infatuated with your hair as well. He likes it at all times yes, one-day post-wash when it’s tight and bouncy and still smells strongly like your shampoo is great, and he’ll want you close then too; but 3 or more days after a wash when ‘god I’ve just been so busy Sho...I really need to wash it..ugh..It doesn’t look too bad does it?’ and it was starting to show signs of needing a pick me up, when it was messy a little frizzy and when it smelled so much like you? He loved it most of all. Of course, he’d reassure you, ‘what? No,’ and he’d try not to sound so invested, ‘no it looks just like always, I thought you washed it yesterday..’ but he’d spend a little longer than usual looking at you. He really enjoys you in the mornings too, if you have looser more suggestible curls and you sleep on your side and now half of your hair is loose and pressed to your head and the other is springy and tight? Or when it’s just frizzy and tired looking from your pillowcase? It makes him feel so cozy and domestic and warm. He lives for those mornings. It also gets him to take a little bit better care of his own hair, that man definitely had split ends to the max, Hizashi would beg him to just try a repairing shampoo as a treat but he’d usually shrug the other man off. You could talk him into most things though, and when you came home with something that you’d ‘bought for yourself but didn’t like’ he’d use it since it was there anyways and he wasn’t picky. Like Yagi he enjoys the way your products smell and something about the texture of your hair makes him sleepier than usual, if you’re in private he’ll definitely want you to lay on his chest so he and press his face into your hair and get some much-needed stress relief.
Hizashi Yamada:  Yagi may be the most lovesick for it, but Hizashi definitely knows the most about it. This man is the CEO of self-care. Like Aizawa he usually doesn't find himself with much of a preference for body and hair types, however, like Yagi, your hair definitely caught his attention during your first meeting. He spends a lot of your early relationship watching you style it after showers, or while you get ready for the day; he picks up a lot. He’ll even offer to help you some mornings if you look especially tired or sick of dealing with it (he’s probably talked you out of buzzing your whole head a few times, not that he wouldn’t like it, but he knows you’re letting your emotions make you brash). Watching you play with it, especially tucking it behind your ears or twirling it around your finger really kind of maybe turns him on a little (lot). There’s something so enticing about your hair to him, he wants to feel it against his bare skin in numerous ways, feeling it against his chest or shoulder when you’re cuddling (or otherwise) is the definition of a good time for him, it drives him insane. He’s also probably the most respectful of it, he knows the amount of work that can go into a head of hair like yours, he thinks you're naturally lovely but he also grasps that you spend a lot of time enhancing that natural loveliness with products and styling. So at first, he’s probably hesitant to go overboard on the touching and pulling and wrapping around his fingers, until you assure him; 'You can play with it, I don’t mind Hizashi. You aren't going to ruin it.' After you explain whatever he does can be undone or fixed with some water and effort, as long as he promises to help, and trust he doesn’t mind, he gets a lot more comfortable with the touching and playing sometimes he goes overboard just so he can spend more time touching it while he ‘helps you fix it’.
Taishiro Toyomitsu: Close second to most smitten over your hair. It feels like the minute he sees you he’s overflowing, gushing with compliments he can hardly hold them back. ‘They’re like that all on their own??’ ‘Well sometimes they need a little coaxing.’ He’s is always a total sucker for you sure, but he’s especially a sucker for your hair. If you twist it around your finger and say 'please, Tai?' There’s very little left in this world that you couldn’t have. Also very like Yagi he associates your hair with sunshine and fuzzies and happiness. He thinks a nice head of bouncy curls is just one of the happiest looking things in the world. If you have the energy to really style your hair properly he can already tell you’re having a good day, and that makes him happy. He’s always leaning his head on it, ‘like got my own pillow following me around all day.�� ‘looks like we’re just a couple of pillows huh Tai?’ Similar to Aizawa, a bad hair day doesn’t exist in Taishiro’s eyes. He loves seeing your sleepy frizzy hair, your mismatched bed-heads, and your, ‘this product ruined my life’ heads. He adored it all, and he always reassured you. 'It doesn’t look like usual huh? It looks bad, doesn’t it? I don’t know what to do. I have a meeting later I can’t go like this-' He hated watching you scrutinize it in the mirror. ‘Different doesn’t mean it looks bad.' He only frowned at you when you were being hard on yourself, 'come on, stop staring at it that’s not gonna make you like it, let’s go get you loved on and then maybe it’ll grow on ya.’ Somehow you always do like it afterward. 
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Huwumi betting kiss in a bar?
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I had way more fun writing this than I should have! Flirty Fuyumi is something I’ll have to indulge in more often! 
Gonna say this is rated T/ PG 13 so behave yourselves!
Also, Minor Trigger Warning: Aggressive Swearing, References to Sexual Content (Non-Explicit), Cheating (Don’t worry; neither Hawks nor Fuyumi are involved in this one!), Of Age Binge Drinking
Every time Misa had a rough break up, Fuyumi knew that their whole group was going to end up spending a night in a bar making questionable life choices. For as much as she loved Misa, the girl did not handle her heartaches well. Fuyumi was willing to wager that it was most likely because Misa wasn’t exactly the best judge of character. Many a time, she ended up letting partners slip into her life without focusing on the glaring red flags. She’d fuss and accuse and scream at everyone else in the group that they were being unfair, that her newest sweetheart had just been mistreated and needed love to guide them back on to the proper path. Every single time, the rest of them would agree that this was the last time they were going to deal with this from Misa. If she couldn’t be bothered to listen to their concerns and cool her heels just a little, then why should they constantly dab her eyes and pat her back when her ignorance got her hurt?
Because everyone has their weak moments, just like Misa, Fuyumi thought wistfully. She sipped at the sparkling water in her hand while Taigen slipped into their booth. “Well if it isn’t my most favorite people in the world,” he said with a tired huff, slumping down beside her.
“Hey, Tai,” Akiko, sitting to Misa’s left and rubbing her back, said with a quick wave of her other hand.
“Howdy hey Tai-Kins,” Nagisa sang, her tone only the slightest bit less chipper than usual. She was on Misa’s right, gently patting her head.
Misa herself had thrown her whole upper body against the table, hiding her face in her arms, and was wailing shamelessly. A part of Fuyumi was almost jealous at how unbridled her friend was in her grief. There had only been one or two instances in her own life where she’d ever dared to make such a spectacle of herself over anything. And she learned quite quickly to never do it again.
“So what was it this time?” Taigen asked, leaning over to flag down one of the servers, and then leaning back in his seat. “What caliber of douchebag are we labeling this guy as?”
Misa let out a particularly loud, hysterical wail at the prodding, making the other’s at the table wince. Fuyumi motioned Taigen closer to whisper, “Misa-Chan caught him and Akane-Chan touching each other in places where they really shouldn’t be.” He balked and stared at her, expression jumping between horror, anger and then settling comfortably to mortification. Fuyumi couldn’t blame him, though; she had probably made very similar expressions. And she couldn’t really blame Misa for being particularly upset, either, since she didn’t think she’d feel much better if she caught her significant other getting down and dirty with one of her younger siblings.
“Okay. Wow. That’s… certainly something,” Taigen trailed uneasily.
“That filthy motherfucker!” Misa outright shrieked, causing a few patrons at the bar proper to give them a sideways glance.
“That’s right, get it all out,” Nagisa encouraged quietly.
“They’re all motherfuckers, hun,” Akiko agreed, her own tone taking on a soothing note.
Taigen made quick work of ordering their first round of drinks – excluding Fuyumi, who insisted she really couldn’t tonight – and some appetizers to get started. When the food and drinks arrived, they managed to coax Misa up enough to eat and down her first two drinks, which seemed to put her in higher spirits. They let her vent what she felt comfortable venting and took her lead on when to sidetrack to a new subject.
The distractions were clearly having a good impact on Misa as she moved on to her third, fourth, fifth and sixth drinks.
“You bastards,” Misa slurred with a small hiccup, waving her glass about in a semi-circle to indicate them all, “make it seem so easy to just meet someone! Like I can just pluck any ole’ person off the street and BAM! SOULMATE FOUND!”
“Don’t you already just pick the saddest looking sack o’ flesh outta the gutter? At least if you pick someone off the sidewalk instead they might have their shit more stitched together,” Taigen scoffed, a sly smirking taking over his face as he sipped his own drink. “Well, that or if you just gathered your courage to actually make the first move instead of waiting for these parasites to catch a whiff of your desperation.”
Akiko started to outright cackle while Misa’s face turned a much darker shade that had nothing to do with the alcohol. Fuyumi was quick to set her drink down and lift her hands, ready to step in between any ensuing fight. Nagisa took everyone else being distracted as a chance to stuff another pot sticker in her mouth. “Say that again, you angsty twink!” Misa squeaked angrily.
Taigen’s eyes narrowed, the dark blue tint of them gleaming dangerous. “What did you just call me?”
“Ya heard me!”
“Okay, Misa-Chan, Tai-Chan, how about we settle down and take a breath? We don’t ended things to esca-!”
“Sorry for giving you some practical advice, damn! Maybe if you actually listened you wouldn’t constantly be getting pumped and dumped!”
“Oh, no! Tai-Chan, that is incred-!”
“Well not all of us can hook up with some dimwit from work! Besides, a truly worthy suitor prefers a lady who waits to be chased!”
“Misa, I don-!”
“Masaki is an absolute angel and you fucking know it, you jealous little asshole! And you know what? I’m gonna prove my fucking point that your fucking point is stupid!” he snapped back, slamming a hand on the table. There was a beat of silence before he whirled his head around to face Fuyumi. “Yumi! Go over to the bar and get you a smooch!”
“What?” she squawked indignantly. 
Akiko started giddily giggling into her hand. “Oh, yes, yes! It has to you, Yumi, babe!”
“But why me?” she argued. “I wasn’t even involved in their little wager!”
“But you’re the only one that’s single, aside from Misasasasauce,” Nagisa slurred, swaying a bit in her seat. “You’re the only one that can really prove Taikadaikado’s point.” She shifted the glass in her hand to take another sip but then stared at in horror as she realized it was empty.
“‘Sides, it’s good for ya!” Akiko chimed in, swaying to lean heavily on the table. She looked about to topple over at a moment’s notice.
“There’s no way for me to get out of this, is there?” Fuyumi sighed.
“Nope!” Taigen said, making a popping noise with the word as he shimmied out of his seat. He gestured grandly towards the bar across from them. “Now go, dearest Fuyumi, and find yourself a hottie to mack on! Make me proud!”
“No, make me proud, Fumi!” Misa shot back.
With a resigned sigh, she carefully slipped out of her seat and made her way towards the bar. She loved her friends, but they were ridiculous, honestly. She slid into one of the many empty seats at the bar a few spots away from a cute young woman in a halter dress, but opted against making the pass when she noticed the ring on the woman’s finger. There were mostly just groups there, all settled up together in proper booths. The only other two people that were at the bar proper were all the way at the other end from her and seemed much more focused on some hushed debate they were having. She flagged down the bartender, instead, to request a fresh water and a small bowl of cherries.
“My, what an odd order to place at a bar,” A deep voice chimed from beside her, dripping in amusement. She jumped and glanced at the young man making his way into the stool beside her. He seemed to be about her age with just the right amount of scruff gracing his jawline, baggy clothes that screamed workout attire to her, and a hat tugged down low over his head, hiding most of his hair. What caught her attention most, though, with the blazing gold eyes fixed on her like a predator on prey.
He didn’t strike her as being her usual type, but she kind of liked the way he was watching her. She admittedly did like the ones that seemed confident. Nine times out of ten they weren’t nearly as self-assured as they played at, so it was always cute watching them get flustered when she called a bluff. A smile flitted across her lips as her water and dish were set in front of her. “It’s called the Responsible Friend drink. Not for the faint of heart or low of impulse control,” she purred teasingly, plucking a cherry from the dish.
He hummed quietly beside her as he watched her split the cherry open and drip the cherry juice on top of the ice inside, being careful not to drip too much on herself. “That seems like an insult,” he hummed back.
“If you take offense,” she hummed, stirring the juice in, “that seems more like your problem than mine.”
He seemed taken aback by that, tilting his head at her curiously. “Do you… Not know who I am?”
She cocked her head and gave him a look at that. She tilted her head to try and get a better look at him, letting out a thoughtful hum. Now that she thought about it, there was something familiar about his face, but she couldn’t place it. Perhaps a model or something? Or maybe he’d had a short guest role on one of her television dramas? She shrugged instead and began dripping another cherry into her drink. “Kinda but… Not particularly. Why? Should I?”
He opened and closed his mouth a few times before shaking his head. “Actually, you know what? I like this better,” he mused, leaning one elbow on the counter and cupping his head in his hand. “So, you’re the friend staying sober? Or just keeping your wits so no creeps try to take advantage?”
Fuyumi nodded her head back towards her friends, who had seemingly forgotten their beef and were now aggressively singing some anime opening at each other, just barely keeping their volume manageable. “Those are my wards for the night,” she said.
He snorted. “You sure you don’t want something a little stronger than cherry water? Which, by the way, is still incredibly unusual. I mean, lemon water I expect, or even lime water, but cherry? Not so much,”
“But you’ve never tried it,” she retorted, taking a sip and resisting the urge to sigh contentedly. He made a small noise of agreement as a thought occurred to her, her smile turning mischievous. “I could give you a little taste if you want.”
“Oh?” he mused, perking up. He shifted a bit closer, clearly intending to swipe her glass, but instead she moved closer to him herself. He seemed a bit stunned as she leaned forward to press her lips to his, one of her hands cupping the side of his neck. The spark of surprise left his eyes quickly enough as he melted into the kiss with a throaty groan, instead sliding shut to bask in it. She tilted her head to give a playful nip to his lower lip. Getting the hint, he opened his mouth and allowed her tongue to slip inside, prodding his to press along her own. The taste of spearmint from his mouth mingled with the cherry juice on her tongue, making for an odd but not entirely unpleasant combination.
It was the scandalized squeals of her friends that pushed her to pull away from the stranger, making a show of smirking and licking her lips at him. There was a blush dusting up along his cheeks and, if she was honest, she couldn’t help but think about how good he looked like that. “There, I gave you a little taste. Maybe we’ll see each other again, sometime,” she hummed, grabbing her drink and cherries to head back to her table. She would blame her behavior, uncouth as it was, on the energy her friends had been pumping out all night. Plus, she reminded herself, she was likely never going to see the guy again. Despite what he’d said, she doubted that he was anyone that noteworthy.
Three days later, Fuyumi’s heart leapt into her throat when, grinning up at her from glitzy headlines about Number Three Pro Hero Hawks, was her bar stool beau.
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thenamesreader · 4 years
Sneak Peek Of Gem AU
“We have to get over it, Blake,” Yang murmured, cooly, while Blake stalked the room, flickers of dark purple energy following her as she paced.
“She lied so we could fuse,” Blake hissed. “She used us! You know how much that upsets me.”
Ruby sat on the bed as she- very awkwardly- watched them argue. It was... weird, to say the least, to see Yang and Blake argue. They were usually very pleasant and so lovey-dovey it sometimes made her almost nauseous. This was almost scary and very upsetting to her. She felt it in the way her stomach stared roiling with fear and nerves. This was not right.
“I know, Blake,” Yang responded. “But, Weiss... This is different.”
“’Different’?” Blake echoed, incredulously. “It’s fusion, Yang! Fusion! It’s never different. Isn’t it important to you? Doesn’t it make you angry?”
“Of course,” Yang responded, keeping her voice leveled. “I’m furious.”
Ruby looked her sister up and down. She didn’t look furious. Maybe she was upset and she was holding it in. From prior experience, Ruby knew that Yang tried her best to hold in her temper so she wouldn’t be seen as a stereotype by others. Sometimes she did act like a stereotype while on missions to get people to give her information, but that was about it.
Ruby was taken out of her thoughts as Blake started tapping her foot, impatiently. “Well, it doesn’t feel like it,” she scoffed.
“The sooner we forgive Weiss, the better,” Yang responded. “You can’t be mad at her forever.”
“Wanna bet?” Blake shot back, Ruby taking notice of the lights flickering a bit.
“Blake.” Yang pointed at the other woman’s feet where purple energy was slowly burning a hole in the floor. “The carpet.”
Blake glanced down and looked surprised for a moment before she gave a growl of frustration. “You- Why can’t you-” she stuttered before giving a growl of frustration and storming out of the room, slamming the door on her way out and leaving dark purple footprints.
The room was silent again for a moment before Ruby spoke. “Hi?” She called out, awkwardly.
Yang turned toward her with a small smile. “It’s good to see you again, too.”
“You guys are going to be... okay, right?” Ruby asked.
Yang didn’t respond immediately as she sat down on the opposite bed. “I hope so.”
Ruby left the room after a few minutes, wanting to go to the pool. That’s where she found Blake on the deck, stomping around as dark energy followed her, leaving burnt footprints.
“Hey, Blake,” she called out to her. “You wanna go for a swim?”
“It’s fusion, Ruby,” Blake grumbled, still stomping. “It’s like she doesn’t even care! We’re supposed to be the bigger Gem about this! We’re always the bigger Gem!”
Ruby shifted a bit, nervously. She didn’t quite get romantic quarrels and felt they were some times unnecessary. This one was just scary to her more than irritating like others. Blake and Yang were always on each other’s side. They never argued.
“Come on,”  she said to Blake, dipping into the pool. “Why don’t you cool down with me in here?”
Blake turned her molten gazed toward where she was laying her head on the edge of the pool. “I don’t need to ‘cool down’,” she mumbled.
Ruby flipped onto her back. “The water’s nice~” she sing-songed.
Blake stood silently for a moment before walking to the pool steps. “Why is she acting like I’m being ridiculous?” She said, more to herself than Ruby as she went deeper into the pool. “Just because she wants to act like she doesn’t have feelings all of a sudden? Oh, yeah! I don’t have any feelings-”
Blake’s words became muffled as she paced around at the bottom of the pool, purple energy flowing from her to the top of the pool. Ruby watched as the water changed to a dark purple as Blake paced in the pool before going to reach out and touch it. She hissed as it stung her before she got out of the pool, hurriedly. She had forgotten that Blake’s powers could be particularly fatal when she was upset. Luckily, she was always somewhere where she wouldn’t accidentally hurt someone when she got like that most of the time.
Maybe Blake had refused at first because she knew what they could do but was so wrapped in anger she just accepted Ruby’s offer to calm herself down.
Ruby headed back into the room and was met with a wave of heat as she entered the room. Yang was sitting on the bed still, her eyes now closed, and Ruby could see the waves of heat coming off of her. Oh. So, she was angry.
“Hey, Yang,” Ruby called out as she wiped her forehead of sweat.
 “Hello, Ruby,” her sister responded, eyes still closed.
“You doing okay?” Ruby asked as she went and turned on the fan, feeling relieved as the air cooled down the room a bit.
“I’m...” Yang started. “...fine.”
“Okay...” Ruby responded, not convinced. She climbed up onto her bed and picking up the TV remote. “Wanna watch TV together?”
Yang shrugged, opening her eyes. “Why not?”
Ruby wasn’t shocked they were red. She probably had them closed because she was trying to calm herself down. That seemed to be the only logical reason why the room hadn’t burned down.
Ruby flicked the TV on and gave a groan. “All the channels are the wrong numbers,” she complained before turning to Yang. “Do you wanna take a guess at what channel I’d like?”
Her sister closed her eyes again, deep in thought before opening them again. “Channel 20 should be good, but it only plays old black and white Westerners.”
Ruby nodded and flicked to the channel. Something told her that Yang had been flipping through the channels herself to calm herself while Ruby was out at the pool.
“Hey, Yang?” Ruby called out.
“Even if I do, Blake’s not likely to listen at the moment,” Yang responded.
“Huh?” Ruby shot back, confused.
“You were going to ask why I don’t just talk to her but it won’t do any good if I did,” her sister explained.
Ruby shifted. “But, she seems upset,” she said. “And I thought you didn’t have future vision.”
“I don’t,” Yang answered. “You’re just predictable.”
Ruby didn’t know if she was supposed to be insulted or proud about that. But, that thought would have to wait. Nature was calling. “I need to go to the bathroom,” she told Yang before heading to said bathroom, only to find it hotter than the other room. “Uh, Yang. The bathroom’s sweltering.”
“A very predictable outcome,” her sister muttered.
Ruby frowned. “Is it a predictable outcome for me to pee on the ground outside, too?” She grumbled as she walked past her sister and outside.
She sat down on the ground, kicking a pebble. “Keystone State...” she grumbled. She didn’t feel like this trip was going well. Weiss lied to Bumbleby to get them to fuse to make Moonstone which caused Blake and Yang to unfuse and now they were fighting. Everything was going wrong. She wanted this to be a fun trip but all the drama from home followed them all the way out to this motel.
Ruby was broken out of her musings as headlights flashed on her and she turned her head to see her dad’s van coming into the parking lot. Her father stepped out of the vehicle, holding a pizza box and a bright smile on his face. “Hey, Ruby,” he greeted her. “I brought dinner.”
Ruby gave a small smile as he ruffled her hair. “Hey, Dad, how’d it go?”
Tai shrugged. “Well, he wasn’t an axe-murderer, so that was good.” He looked her up and down, frowning with confusion. “What are you doing outside in your bathing suit?” He asked before looking around. “Where’s Blake and your sister?”
He peeked in the room and flinched a little before slowly closing the door as he spotted Yang. “Where’s the other one?” He asked Ruby.
Ruby looked toward the pool and found the water was now an inky black and bubbling, the bubbles popping and leaving an inky black substance that steamed on the pool deck when they did. “She’s still pacing around in what used to be the pool,” Ruby told her father with a sigh.
Tai gave a low whistle, combing a hand through his hair. “Something really serious must be going on if those two are fighting,” he mumbled. He sat on the back of his van and kicked his feet. “But, hey! We can still have a good time!”
He opened up the pizza box and Ruby groaned. “Mushrooms on pizza? What is wrong with this place?” She complained, following her father.
“Hon,” Tai started, “there will be a time when you come to appreciate mushroom pizza.”
Ruby took a slice and started picking off the offending condiment. “Why can’t Blake and Yang just... make up?” She asked, sullenly.
Tai sighed. “Sometimes people who love each say things to each other that they don’t mean,” he explained. “When I was with Raven, there was a lot of things we regretted saying to each other before she left. At least, I did.”
Ruby frowned more. She didn’t particularly like talking about Raven whenever she came up in conversation because of how sad her father got or how angry Yang became when she thought of her.
Her father seemed to sense her discomfort and placed a hand on her head. “The best thing we can do is give them space for now.”
“I think it would be better if they talked to each other,” Ruby grumbled.
“Everything will be better in the morning,” Tai reassured her. “We’ll go to the Mountain Glenn cafe and eat the best breakfast in the world.”
“You really think that’ll help?” Ruby questioned.
Tai chuckled as he nudged Ruby. “Nothing like a little breakfast to bring people together.”
Ruby smiled, brightly, up at him. “You really are my favorite dad!” She exclaimed.
Tai took a piece of pizza, smiling proudly. “I knew this pizza would win you over.”
A/N: I’m not particularly proud because it feels like I just copied everything I saw on the transcript. Something to think about for later. I’ll probably change it up a bit when I officially write it. I also think I’ll change the name of the Weiss/Blake/Yang fusion, too. But, enjoy anyway!
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halfblood-fiend · 4 years
Star Trek Bingo 2020: Vertical Prompt 2
Show: Deep Space Nine
Words: 1,483
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): none
Don’t Skip the Bill
Three Ensigns rumormonger on their first night aboard the Federation Station: Deep Space Nine.
Read it on AO3.
Quark’s bar on the Promenade of the station Deep Space Nine was more hopping than Amethyst Berns had ever imagined it was going to be. At first, when she and her friend and old Academy roommate, the Kelpian, Jelep, had received their orders to deploy all the way out here, she’d been upset. She thought it wouldn’t get any action…boring station duty instead of a starship. But from the moment they boarded their last transport crammed with all kinds of colorful people, that had proven not to be the case. After dumping their bags in their assigned quarters as soon as they could, they settled into the infectious liveliness at the most notorious joint this side of the Wormhole. People of all sorts seated themselves at the counter and gathered around Dabo tables, shouting with excitement each time the wheel spun.
Berns, Jelep, and the hanger-on that they’d caught en route, Antony Higgs, had ordered their drinks and picked an out of the way table to observe it all.
“So Berns…” the lean boy with a freckled face and mousey hair said in a hushed voice, “What makes you the most nervous about being stationed here?”
Berns scoffed and took another sip of her Risan mai-tai. This was easy. At first it had been being bored to death, but now her next biggest worry was… “Only thing I’m scared of, Antony, is the horror stories I’ve heard about running this place.”
“You mean, Chief O’Brian?” asked Jelep in a small voice. They had ordered a Sea Mule from the Ferengi bartender after their fellow ensigns had decided, but the Kelpian still hadn’t touched it, opting instead to examine their folded hands in their lap while Berns and Antony talked. Their behavior was starting to make Berns worried. She hadn’t had time to ask them how they felt about the assignment, really, between packing and preparing and then Antony who was proving to be the type of person who just never shut up.
“A little of him, but more like—” Berns started to agree when she was cut off.
“Heard he’s got a nasty temper! He’ll go off on anyone!” Antony said excitedly, leaning forward until he received a face full of Berns’ wet napkin.
That elicited a small smile out of Jelep as their translator kicked in and Berns’ chest swelled.
“No, I mean literally running this place. All this Cardassian tech?” Berns clicked her tongue. “In a word? Sucks.”
Antony rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He seemed to be a little put out. Maybe that would keep him quiet.
Jelep ran their long fingers up and down their tall glass, collecting condensation. “I’m also not looking forward to the Cardassian technology.”
They shrugged and blinked their large blue eyes at Berns. “Feels a lot like the Ba’Ul’s… All this dark and metal… That’s what I am least looking forward to. Living here with that.”
Berns’ heart went out to them and she wanted to reach out and put her hand on Jelep’s arm but…thought better of it. She’d grown really close to the Kelpian during their time at the Academy but hadn’t wanted to make living together weird with…complications. She didn’t know where they stood now, but the tall and graceful alien had always mystified Berns. Stuck her heart in her throat. Gave her butterflies. All that.
Antony took a long drink of his ale and regained his composure. “Well, I’m worried about…” He leaned in close over the table, “the shapeshifter.”
Jelep and Berns had the same reaction. They blinked at him. Berns had half a mind to tell her new acquaintance that nobody had asked him what he was nervous about in the first place, but that felt mean.
“Shapeshifter?” Jelep echoed dully after a heartbeat. They shrugged. “Now I know you’re making stuff up.”
“They really have one here!”
“So soon after the war?”
Antony leaned in conspiratorially. “He was here before the war. Maybe he was a spy the whole time. No one really knew…”
Jelep coughed. “I find that extremely hard to believe. If he was here, and he was a spy, why would he still be here? You can’t believe everything you hear, crewman.”
Antony waved their words away as Berns tipped back the rest of her mai-tai.
“Why would a shapeshifter make you nervous anyway?” she asked. “Why does he have anything to do with you?”
Antony tugged on his yellow security shirt and looked up at her, appalled. Apparently, it was supposed to have been obvious. She cocked an eyebrow and shook her head at him.
Rolling his eyes, Antony said, “He’s the head of security on the station.”
“Ohhh… so you are just afraid of your senior officer,” Jelep replied.
Antony choked on his drink. “No! I am not!” Berns met Jelep’s eyes and they both smiled and looked away. “I’m…I’m just concerned for my own privacy here.”
Berns shook her head and gave Antony a steady look. “I dunno…that sounds kind of hateful…”
Jelep came to her aid, nodding. “Sounds like you are letting your preconceived notions color your perception of the Chief of Security,” they said reasonably, blinking large eyes at him.
“It’s not about that,” Antony insisted. “It’s about how he gets to just do whatever he wants to keep order around here. He’s not Starfleet, so he doesn’t have to conform to our rules! That doesn’t seem suspect to you?”
When neither one of them answered, he sighed. “Ugh, gotta explain everything. Look! He has the run of the entire station! But he’s a shapeshifter!”
Jelep collected more condensation off of their glass and wiped it gently on the napkin in front of them. “Meaning?”
“Meaning that he can shift shapes—I mean, come on! He could be anything! He can blend into the wall! He could be anywhere any time! He could be that glass!!” Antony pointed wildly at Jelep’s untouched drink.
Momentarily stricken, Jelep released their glass and looked down at it fearfully as though worried it would change at any minute. Berns laughed at him.
“He could be listening to everything we are saying at any time. You don’t see that as a privacy issue??”
Berns looked at him doubtfully.
Antony threw his hands in the air and tried again. “He could be that chair you’re sitting in, Amethyst!”
A shadow fell over their table.
“Or,” came a gravelly voice, “He could be right behind you.”
With a squeak, Antony fell out of his chair and onto the floor. Berns might have laughed, if she wasn’t trying not to stare at the Head of Security Shapeshifter in question who glowered down at them from under smooth, deep set brows. She gulped.
“More new Starfleet recruits. I do hope none of you were planning on causing any trouble on my station,” he said slowly, looking at all three of them in turn.
“N-No, sir!” Antony said in a small voice. Berns was surprised he could still talk at all.
“Good,” the shapeshifter replied slowly. “Because I’ll be keeping an eye on you…”
Odo glowered once more at each shrinking Ensign and felt his annoyance ebb from him only to be replaced by a twinge of regret.
There were some days in which he was sick of the staring and the speculating about himself, his origins, and his loyalties. On these days he felt the impulse to do something about it. It could have easily been a day where he could ignore the talk but cleaning up Quark’s latest mess for the last several hours had Odo’s head pounding. Evidently that had now become the Ensigns’ problem. He only felt a little sorry.
He harrumphed once and turned to walk back to where Quark leaned over the bar with a bemused expression, his head tilted. Odo knew he had heard the whole thing.
“Hope you didn’t just scare my customers out of paying. Again,” the Ferengi said, his eyes slipping back towards the ensigns’ table. “That’ll teach me. Should have known better than to warn you. See if I ever share juicy gossip with you ever again.”
Odo slipped onto a barstool and grunted as reply.
Quark drummed his fingers on the bar and gave Odo a searching look. One he pointedly ignored.
“Did you really have to be so harsh with them? You and I both know you can’t transform anymore.”
Something of a smile slipped onto Odo’s face. “Maybe not… but they don’t know that.”
His own smile crossed Quark’s lips for a moment and then disappeared again, all business. “I’ll have you know, that if they skip their tab, I’m sending you the bill.”
Odo rolled his eyes.
“And don’t even think about trying to trick me out of it this time. I know exactly where you sleep! The left side.”
“Don’t remind me.”
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ozcarpin · 5 years
Yang for the character thing
give me a character (from anything ever) in my ask and I’ll rate:
Yang Xiao Long
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
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I actually really love Yang’s design. I feel like it really embodies who she is as her best self. Its open, friendly and warm. It mixes the aesthetics of someone who clearly knows they look good and has the confidence to embrace it while still having a practical element that gives you a more mature feeling. Yang feels like a big sister, one that a young Ruby could definitely look up to and I really love that vibe you get. She looks like someone that would give amazing hugs. 
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
(I’m putting this under a readmore cause MAN did it get long 0.o’)
I feel like Yang is the type of character that I’m supposed to relate to, and done well I feel like her arc is very genuine and empowering. She’s a young adult trying to find herself and hoping to have the most fun out of life she can get as she does it. She’s an older sister who feels responsible for her more anxious little sister and wants to do right by her while still living her own life. She’s fierce and loyal and determined and just about stubborn enough to outlive God (if Salem hadn’t already taken that trophy). 
Yang is like the mom-friend mixed with the cool aunt; she wants you to succeed and she’ll do everything in her power to make sure you stay safe while you do it, but she also wants you to take risks and not take things too seriously. 
On the flipside of this, Yang can be very hotheaded. She’s easily annoyed and holds grudges. When she’s upset, everyone knows it and she’s very confrontational with her emotions, not just physically, but verbally. She is, quite literally, a sunny dragon, and I feel her characterization really embodied this well. 
On a base level of characterization, I really like Yang. She has strengths and flaws, and those flaws often come from the same places as her strengths, which really is just wonderful to see. Going back to her Goldilocks allusion, I really love how so much of her arc is in finding the ‘just right’ version of her. Passionate and strong, but not thoughtlessly so, loyal and determined, but not blind. Stubborn and confident, but not arrogant. Learning a balance between her responsibilities as a Huntress and older sister, while still finding ways to bring lightheartedness and joy into her life and the lives of those around her. Coming to terms with the tragedies that have taken place in her life without letting them consume her. 
That said, I feel like the later volumes have really struggled in showcasing this dichotomy with Yang. Mostly because I feel they just haven’t given the proper amount of time for it, but it feels like, in many ways, Yang has just lost her warmth. I really liked how they were showcasing her healing process post-Beacon at first. I thought it was a really nice touch that she took a while to accept that her arm, this intimate part of her that she’d lost (simultaneously with Blake) could simply be ‘replaced’, particularly when she was concurrently working through her feelings of abandonment that came with that loss (Ruby leaving as well). Her fears and doubts were really well-shown I feel, and it was a very relatable moment. 
Then she puts it on and we skip ahead to her and Tai sparring and having a good time (and a better talk). I would have liked more time being given into showing Yang adapting to this new arm, maybe her putting it on for the first time (did it hurt? Does she feel anything with it?) she seems to have as much bodily awareness of it as she does her other arm so is it similar to FMA rules? Does it hurt to be in Atlas and having the metal cuff attached to her upper arm when its so cold? Small things, I know, but I feel like it really would have been cool to explore these things as an extension of her ongoing trauma. Since putting it on, her new arm is pretty much just treated as a better version of her regular one, and past the hand shaking I feel that there were so many easy, small ways that could have shown what she was going through adapting to this new part of her body and how it tied in with her emotional affect. 
I know that we’re supposed to take her irritability and short temper as signs of her trauma, but even that just seems all over the place. Its established that she’s still hurt by Blake, (and I actually really loved that scene with Weiss) but then that isn’t really addressed. And I’m not talking about the big hug at the end of Volume 5, I get that the happiness of seeing each other could outweigh that resentment in the moment, what I mean is that, until ADAM literally brings it up John Mulaney style to Yang (’oh no, that’s the thing I’m SENSITIVE about’) because for some reason he knows that, any contention shown between them is about Yang’s arm and her ability to be physically capable, not her feelings of abandonment. 
Instead Yang just becomes unreasonably angry at everything and everyone else, Ozpin, and by extension Oscar taking the biggest mound of it. From being outraged that he gave her Uncle and Mother what is essentially a second semblance, to screaming in Oscar’s face because she wasn’t done screaming in Ozpin’s, to getting angry about hearing that Ozpin had helped to save Oscar and Maria’s lives, Yang just adopts this cold and exclusive persona to anyone that isn’t directly in her closest circle. She’s infuriated about secret-keeping unless she and those close to her are the ones doing it and she demands trust while betraying it on an offhanded whim. 
Starting out the series, Yang was one of my favourite characters, and as a basis of who she is, I really love her and want to see her grow into the person she’s always had the potential to be. But I don’t relate to the Yang we’ve gotten on-screen these last few years. I feel like shortcuts have been taken in her development (especially regarding her and Blake and her PTSD which has seemingly disappeared since they murdered Adam with no repercussions whatsoever) and I feel like in some ways her hotheaded nature has been perverted as a means for plot contrivances, even when it goes against her other characterizations. Yang is meant to be passionate, not cruel. She deserves better than her latest characterizations. 
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know
Yang’s the type of person I’d love to be friends with on a good day, but I don’t see us having much in common to be friends over. I tend to be l’awkward. 
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derireo · 5 years
reserved | (3) | z.yixing
word count: 1030
genre: violence + humor + angst; mafia/triad au + badboy!lay
pairing: oc/yixing
chapter summary: lei fan gets more insight on what xu tai does for a living and finds that there is no suitable way to react while she’s regretting her previous actions. all of a sudden, a man whom xu tai calls ‘big bro’ joins the picture.
chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
Chapter Three: Identity
It was rare for anyone to come across the most powerful figure of Yunliong, and the fact that Lei Fan had this man sitting across from her shook her to her very core. She felt even more embarrassed that she even dared to touch him. Not many knew what the ruler of the city looked like, and Lei Fan wasn't sure if she was blessed or cursed to meet such a desirable, young man. It's obvious she's upset about how things turned out and the person across from her notices it.
An uncomfortable silence takes over the room while Xu Tai is resting in his chair, his lips curved downwards in contempt. He hated that look on Lei Fan's face since it reminded him of his younger self and he looks away, his heart rattling uneasily as he is reminded of the person who saved him the same way he saved her.
That's right. This is for him.
"I don't normally show my face around when outsiders are present, but I thought you were interesting," the explanation caught Lei Fan off guard and Xu Tai chuckled, exhausted.
Talking too much really took a toll on him sometimes.
"It's troubling when I see an unexplained crime take place in my city," he rubbed his face with one hand, "Normally I know what's going on in Yunliong because I operate it."
Lei Fan was confused when he said this, but didn't press for answers which he seemed to be thankful for. Xu Tai decided to open up anyways and the bodyguards look at each other with perplexed expressions. The man in the chair crosses his legs elegantly, his eyes cunning while he searched Lei Fan's face for any emotions he didn't like.
"I take care of the organized crime here. I step in when groups go out of line and," he pauses, a satisfied grin on his face as his hand forms into a fist, "Crush them when I want to."
He's been in charge of Yunliong for only 3 years since the age of 20 and he's already managed to suppress more than half of the catalysts for chaos on this piece of urban land. Everyone who has heard of The King feared him, and they have every right to as the stories of ruthless murder swirl around him. Xu Tai practically built this city on blood soaked soil and he wasn't ashamed to admit it.
But Lei Fan didn't know this much. She merely knew that the name Xu Tai was connected to the title King of Heaven on Earth.
The fact that this man was sitting in front of her didn't do much to answer any of the questions she had earlier, but only created more that she knew were never going to be resolved.
Silence fell upon them again and Lei Fan rushed to get the words out of her mouth.
"Why did you save me?" the question was out in the open, but it hung in the air unanswered long enough for Lei Fan to feel uncomfortable again. The man continued to stare at her, and she noticed that even when his face is blank, you can definitely see the sharp fire behind his eyes, waiting for the right time to burst and engulf its owner and anyone else nearby.
A deep sigh, "Unorganized crime is a big no-no in Yunliong, sweetheart. I don't take things too lightly when something happens outside of the system," he picks at his nails then directs his attention back to Lei Fan, "that's just how I made things work around here."
And as Lei Fan opened her mouth to say something, the door flung open with a force that made her and Xu Tai's bodyguards flinch. A forceful wind made its way into the room and a man with a slim, but musculature physique stood in the doorway, his lips pursed and arms crossed over his chest.
When Ma Chou and Mo Shan noticed who had come through the door, they quickly bade their farewells with hurried bows and exited as fast as they could.
Xu Tai lazily tilted his head to the side to see who had come busting through the door and grinned, "Hey, Big Bro."
The man grunted his greetings and strode towards the two, putting his hand on Xu Tai's shoulder. "There's a meeting that requires your presence; it'd be best if we leave soon to ensure you're not late." the weight of the man's hand made Xu Tai slump further into his chair, the news pushing a groan out of him.
"You know I hate those meetings." the man pouted. His glance flickered back towards Lei Fan and he decided to quickly change the subject, his smiling expression was unreadable to Lei Fan and she frowned, her eyes darting between the two men in front of her. With a grand gesture of his hand, Xu Tai showcased his seemingly close friend to her.
"This is my number one bodyguard! Very top tier -- strong and reliable," Xu Tai flexed his arms then beat his chest twice to emphasize his statement. The man looked down at Xu Tai with a blank expression, and Lei Fan could see him blink owlishly which caused her to smile just the slightest. He seemed kind enough if he was able to deal with this Xu Tai's erratic mood changing.
The latter all of a sudden grabs his bodyguard by his coat lapel and pulled him down so that his face was level with Xu Tai's, side to side. He gestured to the bodyguard's face with a suggestive smile, "He's awfully handsome too, don't you agree?"
Before Lei Fan could open her mouth to say anything, the bodyguard cleared his throat, swatting away the hand that was still holding onto his lapel, "What are you trying to do, marry me off to this girl I've just met today?" the man quietly flattened his palm against his chest to neaten up his coat. His gaze silently met Lei Fan's own then, and a soft exhale escaped through his nostrils.
He held his hand out as a greeting, a corner of his lip twitching, indicating a smile, "Zhang. Zhang He."
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codyswritings · 6 years
Reliving Summer
Brunswick Farms. Finally, a place to rest and get away from this snow. It was a little eerie how it was abandoned, but at this point, Ruby figured it was better than nothing.
They entered the farmhouse, and were greeted with silence. The inside looked just as abandoned as the outside, with dusty old furniture, broken, boarded up windows, no sense of light anywhere. 
“Well, it’s not pretty, but it’ll do for now.” Qrow commented, taking another swig of his flask.
“At least we’re finally out of that snow.” said Blake, rubbing her arms to keep warm despite wearing a coat.
“You’re telling me!” Maria agreed, already making her way down a hallway across from the entrance.
“Where are you going?” Yang asked.
Maria looked back and answered, “To find myself a bath.” and left of her own accord.
“We should all try and find rooms.” Qrow suggested. “It’s gonna be a long night.”
Everyone broke off in search to find their rooms. A farmhouse this big had to have a lot. Thankfully, they were right, and they each managed to find their own to sleep in. After a nice, hot shower, Ruby was grateful to finally be able to get some rest. Though, she was sad their weren’t any bunk-beds this time.
She was also upset she couldn’t sleep. So much happened in such a short amount of time, it was hard to push it all away. Ozpin and Salem, the Gods, immortality and reincarnation, so much was shown at once the moment Ruby spoke Jinn’s name.
The relic stood on a nightstand beside Ruby’s bed, emitting a soft blue glow like its own personal night-light. Ruby kept her eyes on it, watching it, wondering exactly what the final question she should ask be.
Salem was immortal, there was no beating her. Ozpin lied to them with no plan of attack. The most important questions she had were already answered. What else was there?
A knock on the door broke her thoughts, “Ruby?” Yang’s voice called from behind.
“Come in!” Ruby answered, shifting over to sit on the edge of her bed.
The door opened, and in walked the rest of her team, closing the door behind them. Yang, Weiss and Blake stood around Ruby, eyeing the relic.
“Have you thought about what to ask it next?” Weiss asked.
Ruby took a moment, “No.” and hung her head low.
“Well, if you ask me,” Yang spoke, crossing her arms, “I think we should it what to do with Ozpin.”
Ruby shot her head to protest, “Yang...”
“Ruby, he lied to us! He signed us up in a war against Salem, and she can’t even be killed!”
Though they both didn’t like it, Blake and Weiss had to agree. 
“You saw what Jinn showed us.” Blake added. “And you heard what Ozpin said.”
Ruby hung her head again. She understood her team’s feelings, she felt them too. She was angry, and confused, and sad at the same time. How can they fight someone who can’t be beaten? How can they trust someone who constantly lied to them? Ugh, it was all so frustrating!
Weiss must’ve known what she was feeling, as she sat next to Ruby on her bedside, and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder.
“I know it’s not easy to comprehend, Ruby, so maybe you can ask the relic a question that doesn’t...” she glared at Yang, “...deal with immortals and Gods.”
Yang could only look at her boots.
“What kind of question should we ask it?” Blake wondered, kneeling down to eye-level with the relic.
“I’ve got one.” Uncle Qrow’s voice took their attention. Of course, he was drunk again. Pushing himself off the doorframe, Qrow stumbled and slurred, “How about you ask it why I spent my life... following a pathological liar. Or, how about why that liar... lied to me? OR...”
“QROW!” Ruby exclaimed, standing up from her bed. Qrow stopped in his tracks. The small leader sighed, “I know you’re all angry. I am, too! But this is something I need to think about! So, please, let me think.”
Every went silent. Qrow sighed, “Do whatever you think is best, kiddo.”
Ruby turned her attention to the relic, taking it in her hands. After a deep breathe, she spoke the name, “Jinn.”
From her hands, the relic floated, stopping at the center of the room. From the blue smoke, the blue beauty Jinn appeared, just as coy as before. “My, this is a surprise! I haven’t been summoned this before! So tell me, what knowledge do you seek?”
Ruby took a moment to think. If she couldn’t ask about Ozpin or Salem anymore, than maybe... “Jinn, you can answer any question.”
“Correct, little one. As long as it’s not about the future.” Jinn crossed her arms.
Ruby’s hand hovered above her chest, her eyes locked on her cape that was neatly folded on the nightstand behind her, next to where the relic was previously. “But you can show the past.” she brought her attention back to Jinn.
“Of course.”
“Than...” it was now, or never. “Can... you tell me... what happened to my Mom?”
The mood in the room skidded and crashed. Everyone was shocked, Yang, Weiss, Blake. Qrow’s flask fell from his hands, crashing to the floor with a clink and a thud. “Ruby...” was all he could say, before everything went white.
“Ruby...?” he called out into the void. “Ruby!” but nothing was there, until a wall of blue smoke ascended around him. After a moment of clarity, Qrow finally began to see where he was. He recognized the wooden structure, he recognized the kitchen, he recognized the furniture and the pictures...
And he recognized the white hood. “No...”
There, standing at the center of the living room with Tai, was Summer Rose.
“Mom?” Yang said in a state of shock. It had been so long since she’d seen her and Dad together.
“Do you really have to go?” Tai asked in concern.
“I’m sorry, Tai, but Ozpin needs me on this mission, and you and Qrow need to look after our daughters.”
Qrow was frozen. Summer was there, right there. He instinctively went to reach out for her, but pulled back remembering, even in his drunken state, he couldn’t touch her.
Tai sighed, lowering his head. “I don’t like it. I should be there with you.”
Summer placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and smiled. “I know, honey. But you’re needed here. Besides, Yang needs to make sure you and Qrow are kept in line.”
They both shared a good laugh. Qrow actually forgot what her laugh sounded like. It nearly brought tears to his eyes.
When they calmed down, Tai only put his hands around her shoulders and said, “Just... be safe, okay?”
Summer smiled, “I promise.” and they both embraced. They would’ve stayed in each other’s arms forever, had Yang not ran in.
“Mommy! Mommy!” the little blonde in the orange t-shirt and pigtails shouted in excitement, a little Ruby behind her looking nervous. Yang was still, taken aback by how young she and her sister looked. But other than that, “I remember this day.”
Breaking away from Tai and crouching to look at her daughters, Summer asked, “What is it, sweetie?”
“Ruby wants to show you something!”
Summer’s eyes lit up, and her attention was on her littlest one, “What is it, Ruby?”
Yang’s heart strings were suddenly being tugged, “No...” she didn’t want to see it again.
The little Ruby, in her own red t-shirt and black skirt, held a piece of paper in her hands. She looked nervous, as if she was afraid her Mom wouldn’t like it.
“It’s okay, Ruby. You can show me.” Summer assured her, giving Ruby a smile neither Qrow nor Yang had seen in so long.
With a whimper, Ruby held out the piece of paper to her Mom. Summer accepted it, turning it over to see what it had. When she saw, she gasped. It was a drawing of her, and Ruby... together, with the words, “My Hero” written in crayon. 
To anyone else, it would’ve looked crude and sloppy, bu to Summer, it was a masterpiece. One that brought tears to the Super Mom’s silver eyes.
“Oh, Ruby... it’s beautiful. I love it.” she brought her daughter in for a hug.
“Can-can I be like you, Mommy?” little Ruby’s voice tugged at Qrow and Yang’s heart even more, like they were being ripped out of their chests.
“Of course you can, my little petal. And when I get back, I’ll make you all the cookies you want!”
Ruby gasped, her little eyes lighting up with joy, “Really?!”
Summer separated from her daughter, “Yes, sweetie. I promise!” she then looked to Yang. “And you, Yang...” she placed a gentle hand on her daughter’s head. 
Yang didn’t want to hear it again. “Please, don’t say it, Mom.”
“Promise me you’ll look after your little sister, for all your days. Remember, you’re my sunny little dragon, and Ruby is your treasure.”
“Don’t worry, Mommy, I’ll be the strongest dragon ever!” little Yang exclaimed, pumping her arms up like a champion.
Those words brought Yang to her knees.
“Yes, you will!” Summer giggled, and brought her beloved, laughing children in for a group hug.
Another cloud of blue engulfed the world, and Ruby found herself in a field. Only... the field was black, littered with... Grimm! 
Ruby suddenly jumped at the sound of a beowulf’s roar, turning around to see it hovering over her, standing on its hind legs ready to strike. Whether on instinct or habit, Ruby went to reach for her scythe, but stopped when she saw a white blur zip past her, cutting through the beowulf like a knife through butter.
The Grimm fell in half, joining the pile, and standing tall, her own scythe in hand, was Summer Rose. Qrow watched his former teammate walk past with such confidence, it was almost scary. So many lay dead at her feet, and she barely had a scratch on her.
An army of Grimm stood before her. Beowulves, Ursa’s, Nevermore’s in the air, boarbatusk’s. It didn’t matter, in the end. As they charged towards the Silver-Eyed Huntress, Summer continued her stride, not a shot of fear evident on her face. She didn’t care how many there were, they would all fall.
To Qrow, watching Summer fight again was like reliving the past. It was as if he was there with her again, as teammates, as partners. The way she sliced off an Ursa’s head, jumped up into the air and manage to cut off a Nevermore’s wing so it crashed into a group of three beowulve’s, and spun on her back like a dance move to use her scythe to slice apart any Grimm that dared to get close... 
For Yang, watching Summer only reminded her of Ruby. The way she moved, the way she fought, the way she smirked in the face of danger. Watching her Mother use her own scythe as a spear to chuck into two Beowulve’s and an Ursa, and somehow manage to dodge every oncoming strike around her like a cat, and then use that Grimm spear to flip herself over to smash it into a charging boarbatusk like a Grimm hammer...
It was like watching a ghost.
A number of Grimm still remained, and Summer found herself swarmed. With no other option left, she decided to bring out the big guns. Flashing her eyes open, just as the Grimm were ready to pounce on her, Summer’s silver eyes flowed, and a flash of light engulfed the area around her. When the light dissipated, all that remained was black dust, floating in the air, forgotten. Summer confidently walked through the darkness, stopping directly, coincidentally... in front of Ruby.
For Ruby... watching Summer... was the hardest thing to do. This was her Mother? This was Super Mom? A Silver-Eyed Warrior? Feelings of pride, of sadness, or joy, and sorrow, they all fought inside Ruby the same way Summer fought off the Grimm.
Summer phased through Ruby, the smaller Huntress never taking her eyes off her Mother, as she confidently made her way down the trail. A puff of smoke appeared in the distance, and in its place, was a massive cave.
Not a second later, the blue smoke took Ruby inside the cave, following her Mother. No source of light shined aside from the entrance, but the deeper they went, the darker it got. After a long trek inside, something rumbled. Ruby, startled, jumped when she heard a deep, menacing growl from the darkness.
That was when the eyes opened. Ruby gasped, watching those all-too familiar yellow eyes dart up high into the air, followed by a menacing claw just barely missing Summer as it stomped its way into the ground. From the darkness, Ruby could finally see what awaited her Mother...
A Grimm dragon.
The beast let out a menacing roar, while Summer readied her scythe, and her eyes started to glow. Ruby watched the whole thing as if it were in slow-motion, her Mother and the dragon charging, head-to-head, in a battle of light and dark, when her Mom’s Silver Eyes bathed the cave with light.
It took a second for the light to dissipate, but once it did, Ruby was left confused. She was... back in her room? Her team and Uncle Qrow with her?
“Wh... what happened?”
Jinn answered, “I showed you what happened.”
While Ruby was still overcoming her confusion, Yang was the first to speak, tears still running down her face, “What do you mean?! That can’t be it! You have to tell us what happened!”
Weiss and Blake were too shell-shocked to say anything. Qrow was left staring at the floor, still trying to come to grips with what he just saw.
Jinn answered, “I can’t show you what happened, because that’s all there was to show, and since you’ve already asked your third and final question, I’m afraid I have to leave now.”
And just like, Jinn disappeared into the relic, an angry Yang darting for her, “NO! YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE US LIKE THAT! SHOW US WHAT HAPPENED!”
“Yang...?” Blake went to reach for her partner, now on one knee in a crying fit.
“Show us... please...” was all Yang could say.
Weiss turned her attention to Ruby, who hadn’t moved since they returned. She looked so... confused, broken. The red-headed Huntress had this look on her face Weiss couldn’t figure out.
“Ruby?” she carefully stepped towards her partner, just as Blake did for Yang. “Ruby? Are you okay?”
Ruby’s thousand yard stare scared Weiss. Where there was once the happy-go-lucky leader and friend she knew, now there was this... broken, speechless little girl, who couldn’t even form words, as tears ran down her face, and suddenly, the walls Ruby had kept up for so long, suddenly broke down, and she collapsed into Weiss’ arms.
Weiss could do nothing but hold her partner, as close as she could. Blake could only do the same. Qrow could only stand there, watching his nieces break down in front of him, unable to do anything, but pick up his flask... and take another swig.
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chewiewrites · 5 years
@bluesrgcnts sent: 📱 + mainik / eric&kc 
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: Hang on to your uwus for this one. I think her ringtone for Nik changes… not constantly but as their relationship grows and changes. Her autonomic ringtone for everyone is definitely the Pokemon theme song. During their time as friends, I can definitely see her having Total Eclipse of the Heart because she really loves the song? Probably sings it too often, #prayfornik’sears. And later she changes it to Something About The Way You Look Tonight; and her final ringtone for him is definitely Can’t Help Falling In Love. Oh, did I mention that all of her ringtones for him are the violin version of the original song? Because that’s canon. 
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: Full disclaimer, Mai changes Nik’s contact photo SO often, it’s ridiculous. 
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: Mailan.. finds it amusing that Nikita texts almost the same way he speaks? She could hear him saying what he sends her and it’s funny yet intimidating at times? Especially considering the way she texts? She sends so many emojis and a sentence at a time whereas I can see Nik sending her one block or line as a response and that’s it? No emojis or uwus or any of that sort of thing. And while at times Mai thinks it sucks, since she has NO idea how to take some things he says, she also loves it. The way he texts is just so him she couldn’t imagine it any other way? Because of how stoic-y he texts, Mai usually asks him questions such as “what do you mean by that?” and such. She feels bad doing so and sometimes avoids asking questions but other times she’s too scared of the meaning of what he says to keep quiet. That being said, I feel like she just grows used to it? To his stoic responses and such? I feel like at one point in their relationship, she no longer needs to ask questions and just feels much more calmer in regards to understanding him and such. Growth™️, I guess. 
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: Is it a surprise to anyone that she responds to him almost immediately? The minute she gets a notification and sees the bunny emoji, she’s unlocking her phone to answer him. Mailan often waits for his response in suspense or simply out of excitement. The only time she doesn't reply to him immediately is if she’s actually busy, think of work, schoolwork, showers, cooking, gardening, and sleep. And even so, there’s been instances were the notification from his text wakes her up and she responds and falls back to sleep (I can’t guarantee that those messages make any sense, some may have been in Vietnamese).
How often our muses text: Often, like I’d say daily. Mai definitely enjoys texting him every day, I can see her sending him good morning and goodnight texts every day without missing a beat. Even if he doesn’t reply to her, she still sends him so many messages? It’s almost a monologue and I’m embarrassed. But she means well with her texts and I’m sure Nik gets used to getting spam almost every day. 
How often our muses call: Depends? I’d say that if they are close to each other, think of school, camp, or wherever—I don’t know what other universes they may meet on, but if they are close and can see each other often or almost every day then the phone calls rarely happen. However, if they are in their perspective homes? The phone calls happen weekly if not more often. I’d like to think Nik is a busy boy considering his career of choice, so that’s why I don’t say daily.. Although if it were up to Mai’s clingy self.. that’s how it would be. But yeah, they probably schedule calls to have weekly. It’s funny to think of these fools as organized but again, Nik is a busy boy. And I’d imagine that when Mai is on break or home she’s doing a million things at once? Getting transfiguration classes plus violin classes. I somehow feel like she would also help her mother with her job? 
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Knowing Mai, no. She doesn’t have it in her to purposefully miss his calls UNLESS they’ve had a misunderstanding or she’s crying over something. I think Mai purposefully not answering his calls is so RARE, like.. I would be shocked when it happens. But I can imagine them having disagreements and she just kind of needs time? So she doesn’t answer his phone call—sometimes she lets him know, like “hey, I don’t think we should talk right now. Can you give me an hour or so?” Once they become.. a couple and have a some bumpy ass experiences she becomes so much more vocal about when she doesn’t understand what he means, or whether she does or doesn’t stand with it, etc? But them as friends? Mai just doesn’t answer his calls and then gives such a Lame excuse about it? Think of “sorry I was feeding my cat” even though Nik called her like five hours ago.. Additionally, Mai would purposefully miss his calls if she’s having a hard time and is crying, she sometimes texts him saying she’s struggling or other times she doesn’t.
Last text(s) sent from my muse to yours:
( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) that moment when your day is completely ruined!! ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) i was just about to eat my breakfast right?? as i do everyday ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) and when i go to get peach juice?? there is none left?? like WHO TOUCHED MY PEACH JUICE ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) ..no one did. i had the last of it yesterday, i’m so upset.. it’s not a complete breakfast without peach juice  ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) anyways, i hope your morning is going better… morning or day.. or night. what are time zones drafted! ( ✉️ – con thỏ tai to ) i miss you so much
w/ ERIC & KC
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: I’m so sorry to disappoint everyone but Eric doesn’t bother with ringtones? Like at all. This boy lets his ringtone be the basic af iPhone ringtone.. He doesn’t even change them to the other options it’s the one the phone comes with. 
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: You best believe KC took this photo and added it himself.. because otherwise, he would have no contact picture. Eric doesn’t bother with that either. This demon doesn’t bother with ANYTHING and I hate him for it. 
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: Eric.. has seen people text worse than KC. It’s not that KC texts in a weird way.. it’s just A Lot™️ for Eric? Like he can just cringe at what KC sends him? I don’t know why but I feel like KC is an uwu sort of guy so he would use that and lots of periods or commas, maybe even a lot of line breaks? So that and the memes? And keysmaches? It just feels like a lot to Eric but he can.. see KC’s personality come through? He doesn’t know whether he hates it or is amused by it. Maybe he simultaneously hates it and finds it amusing. (The only bright side of KC texting habits is that it keeps Eric up to date with the memes). 
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: This dumb demon child takes his TIME getting back to KC! Unless it’s about business or it’s leading up to it in which he would reply sooner.. He still doesn’t reply instantly. At the beginning of Eric trying to charm KC, he definitely took a specific amount of time before replying to KC, like yes this demon calculated it. He wanted KC to wait, learn to at least. His goal? For KC to anticipate his response. To see whether KC would send more text messages instead of waiting. But Eric can take days or weeks to get back to KC.. good thing they live in Camp so they can at least see each other and talk then.. yikes. 
How often our muses text: As said previously, Eric is a slow ass texter but they probably have.. somewhat decent conversations. I’d imagine Eric would also text KC, it can’t all be one-sided because it might discourage him and Eric needs KC to still cave into his dumb demonic methods and ways. 
How often our muses call: Not.. that.. often? I feel like there’s different answers to this. When Eric’s manipulation was at its Peak™️ they probably had phone calls often, usually during the night. I can imagine Eric playing Fortnite (because.. he would) and having an hour conversation with KC, leading him on. He probably grows quiet when the match gets hard but.. I kind of works on his favor? You know that whole “let’s fall asleep on the phone” thing? Eric accomplishes it accidentally because he gets quiet id he’s really focused and KC eventually falls asleep. But after Eric calls them off? It’s just.. not a Thing anymore? KC can still call him.. but Eric doesn’t make the effort to have an hour conversation with KC. I imagine Eric and his dumb self calls KC when he’s highly intoxicated though, so good luck with that. 
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Yes, all the time. Though Eric sometimes doesn’t pay attention to his phone? He’s the type to not charge his phone for days because socializing is too much and seeing so many idiots face to face daily is Bad Enough for him. But Eric.. purposefully misses everyone’s calls, he can’t be bothered. If KC is insistent enough he’ll answer I guess or send one of those automatic(?) messages like “I’m busy, call later.” 
Last text sent from my muse to yours: 
( ✉️ – kc ) if you’re awake you should meet me near the entrance of camp in 5. i’m going to get legit chinese food from the city.
1 note · View note
finderskeepersff · 6 years
2. Part 2
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Looking up from my phone and at Jordan, I can’t believe this nigga is in the same room as me. What can I say, that nigga is my blood “we need to talk” my mother has been trying to get at him “Cassius, what time did you come in last night” I shrugged, I am still a little tipsy but I don’t want to sleep just yet, I have been waiting for this moment. He ran off “what is it mom? I am just about to go out you know” my mother moved my legs from the couch “Bryce, we have this child. So do you want to admit what is known?” I hope to god my mom beats his ass “it’s not his child Jordan, I have seen the proof. So I am now wondering what you and Celine have been doing. You played me for a fool, blaming him for nothing. He has been trying to tell me you’re a liar, I don’t like this. Now tell me!? Don’t make me get Carnell here” Jordan looked at me and I smiled at him, he’s a dickhead “I don’t know, I was confused” I laughed out “how can you be confused, you knew I was fucking with Celine? Now you with her cousin? Wait, you didn’t think I would know? I know nigga, I find out things. You messed up now, I know. She got good legs your girl” Jordan got up from the couch and so did I “what you going to do huh? Trying to step to me?” Jordan assumed he can try and step to me “can you please both sit down!” my mother said, squaring up to Jordan “you don’t want to fuck with a nigga that has shared a cell with a killer. Don’t fucking try it” I couldn’t help myself, I ended up head-butting him, hearing his nose crack “now fucking sit down” pushing him back on the couch as he held his face “this is the same nigga that tried to get a reputation?” he’s a little bitch “Cassius! Go” my dad said, I shrugged walking off because I do need to sleep.
Lifting my phone up to check the time, damn it’s really five pm. I really need to get out of bed, I need to get my life together with shit. I can’t be staying in this place because my dad is watching me about shit, turning onto my back. I am watching Jordan, I am going to make his little life hell. Slowly I will anyways, he’s already breaking. He just can’t stand me, I can’t either but I didn’t think the hate was that real from him. Last night I didn’t have no sex, after telling Sofia what I had too, I went back to our section and I realised that those bitches just be flirting with anyone, I wasn’t feeling Tia but I don’t know why I gave that bitch my number, now she is calling me. I dipped from the club, I just need to get back on the streets or decide to go the legit way. I am thinking of making some money first and then try it, maybe I need to move altogether and get out of this gang shit. I have no idea what to do, it’s a different thing to be out here. When you’re inside it’s just a constant day of not worrying about money, now I have too. I need to do something with myself, I need to leave this home. I need to take things from Jordan though, but I don’t know how to do that without upsetting Josiah, their little modelling shit. I want to ruin it for him, the club promoting they do. They think they something special but I don’t want to ruin it for Josiah, I may have to do that. I mean I have seen their little social media shit, they seem like some clean cut niggas. I mean do they even know Jordan snitched on his brother.
My smile grew, I broke his nose “try and take pictures now” I said laughing, pouring cereal in the bowl “it’s dinner time soon” my mom said scowling at me “I know but I am going out, I just need to see a few boys” I need to see Myles, then I am going back to the club. I am about to work on Sofia, I ain’t leaving that shit. I have been trying to see signs of the fact she has left him, I don’t think she has “I did respect you one time” Jordan now speaks “so did I, until you tried to take my life. You’re a enemy of me, it’s ok. I am planning on moving soon, you can have this place but remember this Jordan. Nobody likes you, you can act like a crazy nigga all you want. You ain’t dead because of me” Jordan’ face is pretty fucked up “perks of having a big forehead, your face looks good” getting the milk out from the fridge “you just think you’re something special, this is why you needed to be taught a lesson. Clearly didn’t work” Jordan has never fully admitted he set me up “so you did set me up? You work for the pig police? See this is why everyone hates you. Think about this Jordan, you’re only walking because of me so please get the fuck outta my face, watch your back too” what a little bitch he is, he walked off.
It’s freezing out here “look at him, shivering like a little woman. You for real ditched us though, I turned around and was like where is he? Keeis goes you gone, so Keeis fucked the girl” pulling a face “then why she calling me?” grabbing another chip “she is? No way, that bitch ain’t shit but why was you talking to Jordan’ girl? I clocked you, you did nothing but smile with your trolling ass” chewing the chips in my mouth while laughing “I was letting shawty know that my brothe ain’t shit but I am, she is hard work though. I want to get my brother back so yeah” Myles groaned out “so you want to fuck his woman? Then you will be content? You should take his whole woman, that would be better than just a fuck. She seems hard work though. It’s literally because every nigga want that P, she knows it so she is always like no to everyone” Myles seems really butt hurt “did she deny you? Is that why you are so upset?” Myles shook his head, denying it but he just exposed that he has been denied “wow! You have been, awwww did she hurt your pussy for saying no” I cooed out “I just be thinking, if she said yes to Jordan why can’t she say yes to me too, Jordan ain’t special” Myles is so butt hurt “you going to be even more sad when she says yes to me” I pointed out “I don’t think she will, brother on brother, she seems too classy for that” I shrugged “you never know” I am going to try my best.
I decided to come to the club, I ain’t tell nobody this. I thought come to the club and just scope out my prey, get to know how to get to her. I probably one hundred percent look like a creep because when I see anyone in the club on their own, I call them a creep so I am and I know it. I have already spotted her, but she ain’t notice me. Again seeing the photographer coming along, taking the picture of the group. Intently watching the guy worm his way across the girls, I wish I knew what he was saying. Bingo, I knew he was going to do that. Watching him place his arm around Sofia, I assume he wants a picture and he did. The flash went off and you can instantly see how uncomfortable she looks, Sofia looked at him and said something but catching him touch her butt as she walked off. That really couldn’t be my girl, that could not be it. It may seem creepy but it’s amazing what you find out when you watch with your eyes, that’s all I did when I was locked up. I stayed back and watched, then get your niggas to do the dirty work.
Leaning on the bar, I can’t help but laugh because the very same bar girl saw me “are you actually buying something!?” shaking my head “can you get Sofia for me, tell her I will be where I was last time” this girl hates me “she is working” she retorted “she ain’t your damn hoe, if it’s that deep I’ll pay” digging into my pocket, the girl put her hands up walking off. The hell is her problem, pushing myself away from the bar. Sighing out, I have no idea what my game plan is when she walks over but I am just going to be me about all this. I should have gotten myself a drink actually, I needed one but I didn’t. I don’t understand why she is working here, I mean I am sure she could be more with how beautiful she is. According Myles, Jordan let’s her work here, she got the job here because of him but which kind of nigga does that shit so I am a little confused with it all. Some nigga hit into me “I am so sorry” he said, nodding my head. Let me just be nice, I am sweating here. Moving my snapback from my head, I am shocked they allowed me to wear a snapback but the bouncer now knows me so it’s whatever.
Placing the snapback on my head, looking down at my Rolex. She is playing, I am going jump over that bar and get her myself, looking around me all annoyed but she soon appeared. She took her time this time “no drink?” I said, but I don’t think she heard me over the music “what did you say!?” she said as she got closer to me “my drink? Didn’t you bring anything?” Sofia shook her head “what do you want? I thought it was Jordan!” I chuckled “nope, just me!” she is not wanting to see Jordan then, leaning down to her ear “I am sorry about yesterday, telling you that here” I apologised “it’s fine, I don’t expect much from men. They are all the same!” she got a point “let me buy you a drink?” she shook her head “I have work, I can’t just stand here” she waved me down, leaning down “Thank you anyways and thank you for telling me! He made me look a fool, so did my cousin. So Thank you!” she said in my ear, nodding my head. I think I am going to back off, she isn’t that “it’s ok, I just want you to know he ain’t shit and you see it now!” seeing a hand hit Sofia’ butt, lifting my head up. The very guy that touched her butt last time came back, is he being real right now “the fuck!?” I said, is this guy really finding it funny. My hand instantly gripped his neck “you little creep!” pushing him back into the crowd, he fell on people. And the crowd gasped staring at me, the guy didn’t think I would do that, he stared at me in fear “you ain’t laughing now are you?” the bouncers were so quick to come “Tay, it’s ok! I know him, don’t” Sofia held my wrist and got between me and this bouncer, I would punch this bouncer too “he touched me, that is why” Sofia explained, the bouncer glared me but turned away from me “you didn’t have to do that” looking down at my wrist “I saw him earlier, he did it” Sofia let my wrist go “thank you, again I guess. I will get you a drink, it’s on me. They won’t throw you out, thank you” nodding my head, that took a turn.
I just don’t understand what gives anyone the right to do that, it’s not his. That is wrong period, she is nothing to me but I wouldn’t do such a thing to any female, they working so leave them be “you’re the one causing shit?” this random nigga with a suit walked over to me “am I? And you are?” who is this guy “it’s my club” letting out an oh “well, I helped your staff” I pointed out “you right, you did. I also know who you are, the Warren twins brother. A friend of mine then, thank you. I don’t like one of my most popular staff member being harassed, she is popular. Someone will be over with your drink” he walked off, that was random. Warren brothers, more like dumb and dumber. What is even this place, a whore house. One of my favourite girls, I don’t get it. I swear trouble does follow me, rubbing my chin wanting to go because I have caused enough drama now. The very bar girl walked over to me with a glass in hand, that is Hennessy in that. Smiling at her “Hennessy and also this” she held out a napkin to me, taking the glass and napkin from her. Unfolding the napkin, reading the message wrote in lipstick. Tilting my head a little ‘wait for me here, I’ll be ten’ raising an eyebrow, who will be ten. That really could be anyone, do I wait or run. I mean that cannot be a nigga to be writing in lipstick, then again it could be a set up.
Placing my empty glass at the side of the bar, I am about to run out of this shit. It’s been fifteen minutes and I don’t want to be getting jumped today, looking down at the napkin again. Screwing it up as I walked off, let me just go home. Walking up the steps as I threw the napkin on the ground “where are you going?” hitting into this female but stopped abruptly, my hands automatically held her not wanting her to fall back. My eyes met a pair of hazel eyes “my bad” moving my hands from Sofia’ arms, stepping to the side to walk around her “where are you going?” she asked again, her hand on my arm “home” I retorted confused “I came back around here for you” frowning at Sofia confused “you left that note on the napkin?” I questioned confused, her lips pressed into a hard thin line nodding her head “oh, erm. I didn’t know” Sofia waved me over as she turned on her heels. Walking up the steps behind her, her booty all in my face.
Walking behind Sofia, I have no idea where we about to go or what is happening. Seeing the caution wet floor sign in front of the disabled toilet, I opened my mouth but then closed it watching her just open that door. I reluctantly walked further “take your time” walking inside the toilets “apparently there is a wet floor here?” I questioned as she closed the door, her back pressed against the door “I mean it’s ok, what happened was fine. Any man would do that. You know” Sofia just stared at me and I felt very shy, I don’t know why but like what the fuck is happening “I mean clearly, you been sniffing around me for something or wanting to do something. You know what fuck it, ain’t nobody decent anymore” Sofia walked over to me “I mean yeah but like it’s not like that, you know it’s just I wanted you to know the truth. Realised you’re a decent girl, I don’t-” Sofia made the move and she cut me off with a kiss, she wasn't sweet or gentle. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me down closer to her and I responded immediately, my hands gripping her hips and pressing her into me. Our bodies moulded into one, her body heat against mine. She growled deep inside my throat, I lifted her up off of the ground, she wrapped her legs around my waist.
Sofia’ back up against the wall, she took my face in her hands and pulled my lips to hers, I dragged my tongue along her bottom lip and she opened her mouth, moving my lips from hers, bringing my lips lower down to Sofia’ neck. Breathing in her scent as I nipped at her neck, hitching her dress up a little more “you got a condom?” she asked, bringing my mouth up and licking her earlobe, my lips attached to it as I sucked on it lightly. Hearing Sofia’ moan into my ear instantly went to my dick, I am hard “yes” I finally said, my hands travelling down. My hand hovering over her clit through the piece of cloth she is wearing, rubbing it slowly. She too fine, she can’t be staring at me like this. Pressing my lips against hers to stop me even seeing her eyes, Sofia knocked my snapback off of my head. She started to buck against my fingers.
Rolling the condom down my length “any conciliation, you’re bigger than your brother and I didn’t go the full way with him” looking up from my manhood and at Sofia “really? You know what, I don’t even want to know” I want to be inside her now, turning Sofia around. It’s been a while, using my finger and dragging her thong to the side “damn” I am going to cum so hard, I grabbed her butt and hoisted her up so we were level. I took in a deep breath as I positioned myself, slowly fitting my length into her. I let out a sigh of relief, finally something that isn’t my hand. Biting back moans, I slowly got into a rhythm. She is tight and I am scared now I will cum quick. I picked up the pace but I wanted to face her, pulling out “turn to me” I said, she turned around, picking her up and placing her legs around my waist “you tight” I had to say it, entering her before she could say anything, only her mouth let out a moan. Latching my lips on to hers as I thrusted inside of her, her moans against my lips is driving me crazy.
Sofia whimpering and the feeling I am feeling being inside of her, I am on the edge “oh fuck!” she spat “shiiit!” I muttered, her fingers dug into my shoulders on my shirt, we shared an orgasm together. She whimpered out, her body tensing around me. I had to freeze in my position, this is the most painful thing to come by “fuck!” I breathed out, resting my hand on the side of the wall. Resting against Sofia’ body, it’s the wall and my body hoisting her up because I am feeling weak as shit right now. My head rested against her shoulder, regaining myself. I can do this, I said to myself. Moving my head back, slowly letting her legs down “fuck” pulling my length “the condom broke” that was a waste of time “erm, like you may need to buy something” puling the broken condom from my length “or maybe buy better condoms next” frowning “these weren’t cheap, I just think. You know you was the first girl I had sex with since being inside, my little soldiers broke free” she side eyed me “I need to pee” she announced.
Hearing her wash her hands, she is done “I guess you can stop trying to find me, I guess everyone is equal now” licking my top lip “you know what, I feel better about myself. I felt like I was the shit person but no, oh well. Sometimes you have to belittle yourself to that level. But have a nice night” she walked by me “wow, ok. Have you done this before?” she unlocked the door “no Cassius, I don’t. I just wanted to feel good about myself, thank you anyways” she dragged the door open, she thanked me after sex. She had sex with me, that is what just happened.
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Opening my front door “come on in, welcome” letting Mia, Ivy and Olivia come inside my home “well I read SOS, we all here” Ivy said, closing the door “Leyton, please go upstairs. Go and play your game elsewhere” Leyton paused his game “where!? There is only one TV?” here he goes “look, here. Take my laptop, go and have fun upstairs” holding the laptop out to him “where is dear old Grace today?” Ivy asked “she is at physio, I dropped her off but now I am babysitting Leyton and he’s a pain on his own. Anyways, want anything to drink?” I asked, my mother would be disgusted if I never asked “erm, well when you text SOS we went to get you some booze and some chocolate” Olivia held up a bottle of Grey Goose “you girls are the best, I can’t get too drunk now. I have my mother to pick up you see” Mia got up “I will get glasses, sit down” walking around the couch “you look shattered” sitting next to Ivy, I winced a little. You know in that moment, shit was fine but now not so but it’s happened and I don’t regret it “bitch, is that a hickey on your neck!?” Ivy pointed out “oh shit, this is about to be good. Quick Mia” this had to be me doing the SOS, it was always Mia now it’s me.
I won’t drink too much, I will just stick to this one glass “ok, so you know the SOS code. It has to be used in emergencies” Mia pointed out “well I felt like it was needed, last night was way too eventful for my own liking” sitting back on the couch “so shall I start from when I worked Friday night?” looking around me, all my girls are hooked “please, so what happened. If Jordan hurt you, I will hurt him” shaking my head at her “so I was working, the usual shit. You know, handing out bottles. Random men wanting to know who I am, so I did the service thing went to back and just sat down. Leanne came to me, she said this guy wants you and I was like yay? You know the drill and she said oh no he said he is Jordan’ brother and you are family. I was like Josiah? But then I remembered I saw Cassius, the brother that came out of jail or whatever. So I left, I said to him what do you want? He said me but then said he wanted me to serve him, he put down a hundred dollar bill and asked for a drink. He walked off saying he will speak to me in the corner. I was like excuse me? Who are you, I barely know the nigga” I paused “he fine ain’t he? He finer than Jordan right?” Olivia asked “he’s way bigger and better but anyways, let’s finish this off. I bought him the whole bottle, bought his change along. So he goes drink with me, celebrate and I was like what for exactly? He said Celine baby ain’t his, so then I am like what? He leans over to me and said in my ear it’s Jordan’ and he played me” the girls gasped and stared in shock “no fucking way! Hold the fuck up so Celine had both of them brothers and then didn’t tell you this!?” Mia spat “I didn’t even know Sofia, honestly. I would have never hooked you both up” Olivia said “it’s fine, I mean it’s not fine. I walked off, I just gave up a little. I do just give up, nothing is going right for me, my life is in a constant fucked up motion. I thought for one I got a good man, but instead I have a fucking psycho” rubbing my forehead.
Lifting my head up “so I dust myself off, not spoken to Jordan. I go to work again, I mean no man will bring me down. They try too but not yet anyways. So Leanne came to me and was like he’s back again, I was like fucking great. What does he want, I take my time. I leave the bar and meet up with him, his snapback is low. He came to me and apologised, said he shouldn’t have said it in the club. I shrugged it off and told him it’s fine, it’s life. We didn’t get too deep for those kind of feelings for it to hurt me. He was telling me about Jordan being not shit, the club is loud so he is close. Earlier that day, a nigga groped me but I walked off. I am immune to dogs, he came back and did it again but slapped my ass. Now please, I didn’t ask him to do it. He attacked that guy, like he was so angry. Had the nigga by the throat. Threw him to the ground, my reaction was to just calm things down. I gripped Cassius’ wrist and was like don’t and then Tay came, I didn’t want trouble. Tay didn’t kick him out, he kicked the guys that initially started the mess” staring down at my hands “so erm yeah, I just came to this realisation. He is angry at his brother for fucking with Celine, from what I gathered. He is sniffing around me for a reason. I am angry at Jordan for being a lying pig so I sent Leanne with a little note on a napkin” Ivy squealed “you didn’t!?” she worked it out “we had sex in the disabled toilets” the silence in the room, everyone is shook “you fucked his brother but not him!” Mia screamed out and then laughed “oh my god! You fucked his brother, oh my god! Bitch it’s supposed to be a quick fuck, you don’t let him attack ya damn neck” Ivy said “he is hung girlies, I was like so what. I am bored of being the good girl, live a little. But he made me sore a little and he did that. But I thanked him after, he said he ain’t had sex since being locked away and I thanked him, I felt it” the girls are in a fit of laughter “bitch! Oh bitch, I never thought you had it in you. You fucked his brother, you legit did that” Mia said again, she seems so proud of me.
I had to spill this to them “but anyways, how are you feeling? Because I know you ain’t about that sleep with them and leave them life” I shrugged “it was different, I sucked it up and used myself. You know like you said, Jordan is pimping me out. More than likely he is but his brother turned me on by him being a man, look I don’t know. I did it, it’s done with. The condom split but I am on the pill, you know” I shrugged “wow! I am here for this new Sofia, I just want you to leave the job. Now please” I sighed out “I need for Christmas to go by, just this and I will. It pays well, you know. But I will, I just want to face Jordan but I somehow feel he will kill me” Mia pulled a face at me “shut up bitch but you need to face him, we will be there. Sofia, do not do it on your own. He is crazy, he knows where you live. Maybe the power of your pussy could get his brother to help you, if that nigga comes back to the club then he is hooked, I am betting ladies. I think his brother will be back” laughing at Mia, she is so stupid.
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