hadleymorganrp · 3 hours
"So ass, but you ate almost all of them before you started getting sick," Hadley teased with a grin. "The Pretenders. I was so obsessed with Chrissy Hynde it was embarrassing. I was so convinced I was going to have one of those moments where the metaphorical spotlight hit me in the crowd and we locked eyes. Woe is me that I wasn't so fortunate, but it was a great show." She took a sip of her soda and then quirked an eyebrow at Sam. "So fuck yes New Found Glory. That's next week though, what are we doing tonight? I'm bored and avoiding questionable emails from my father."
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"Those nachos were so ass," Sam agreed, shaking his head. They had been all of 15 and gone to the Stone Pony, gotten an older guy to buy and sneak them beer from the bar, all of it. The end result was a lot of vomiting on Sam's part in the toilets. "And I stuck it through but I was sweating my face off the whole time, god that was bad," he said with a semi-fond smile. "Who did we go see again? The Pretenders? Or Social Distortion?" Sam had been to so many shows in his lifetime, he lost count.
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hadleymorganrp · 3 hours
"Huh..." Fun facts were a weakness for Hadley, and this little tidbit snuggled up in her brain all cozy and interesting. "I'm so tempted to test that. Like pick a test food and have a nibble of it in the morning, then again halfway through the day...then again later at night...see if there's a difference." There was a part of her brain aware that she might be taking this further and higher than he originally intended, but now she couldn't stop the ramble train if she wanted to. "Not fruit though...too many unstable taste factors from bite to bite. Something more like a pop tart...get a good clean similar bite "
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blake was often a night owl considering his job had him doing overnight shifts more often than he cared for. luckily for him, he had one of those weird split shifts, where he got off early, but not early enough where much was open. so he found himself at the diner, there wasn't a ton of options for food or the likes, but they didn't have bad waffles, and that was enough for him. “ i think i actually read somewhere our palate changes at night due to it winding down on the saliva it makes, maybe that's it? " he offered, not actually remembering where he'd read that, or if he was making it up. 
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hadleymorganrp · 4 hours
This was absolute how Hadley liked to vibe with people. Overdramatic, colorful statements. She was a theater kid at heart, even though she'd only done two school plays in her whole childhood career. Why go off of someone else's script when she could just dramatize her own existence one step at a time at a whim? "Oh my god don't apologize, sugary buzz is such a perfect descriptor that I might steal it from you." Her gaze drifted down to her coffee and she gave a nod of her head. "I'm a vet...some days are really great days, and then other times you get emergency nighttime calls that don't end well." She'd clocked the binder, and while she didn't make it a point to be nosey about other people's business, it definitely didn't look like he was doing journaling or something that would be category. "Looks like you're having a long night too."
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It wasn’t the first time Felipe had spent at the diner going over work stuff. Usually after closing down the lanes, he’d head out for a drink but a last minute event cancellation had him going over the months calendar, binder sprawled open next to his plate. And while he could’ve taken care of it at home or the office, neither place had warm homemade apple pie and freshly brewed coffee. He was debating on a third slice when the young woman spoke to him. “Hm. You’re right, that is weird. I like to stick to black any time of the day.”
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“I am kidding, by the way,” offering her a small smile, hoping he didn’t offend her. “It makes sense. A nice sugary buzz gets the day going but a dark midnight coffee is there to save you..” He paused, drumming his fingers against his mug. Maybe he did need to get home and rest. “That came out weird. Sorry. Long night?”
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hadleymorganrp · 2 days
"You know that's not the first time I've heard that," Hadley mused after a long sip of her coffee. "I don't know if it helps me sleep but at this stage in my life it definitely doesn't stop me from sleeping. My brain does that all on its own." Her eyes took in the respectable platter of gravy scramble, you only ate like that at this time of night if you were just getting off a shift or your plans for the early morning had taken a left turn straight down the shitter. "But coffee gets me in a lot less trouble this time of night than say...tequila"
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She was working The Stone Pony that weekend — Noah Kahan and Springsteen himself on the lineup. A would be milestone for her, given it was her almost second full year working at the venue, being in Asbury at all. Catching wind they played together at Wonderbar after the nights show when she'd stayed well past time it took to tear down for prep the next days sets— missing the icon in his territory for her first time was only obviously fixable by stuffing face with a late night greasy platter of Sunsets gravy scramble. "My ex, he would drink black coffee late. Midnight, 2 AM, didn't matter. Said it helped him sleep." She smiled slightly at the memory, "I sort of believe it."
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hadleymorganrp · 2 days
"Eh, we're all full of something; food, weed, caffeine, nicotine...there are worse things to be full of, I guess. Like audacity...I try very hard not to be full of audacity...like this absolute Karen I saw at the wawa this morning. I should have sent you a video, she was a horrifically magnificent specimen." Hadley let her fingernails tap against the coffee mug and shrugged her shoulders. "You don't even wanna know how much more caffeine I downed when I was in school. At this point in my life I could drink two cups, go home and go right to bed. You build a tolerance."
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Lavender was pushing around her scrambled eggs absentmindedly with one hand leafing through a package of half-graded homework. "I want to know how the hell you can even drink coffee this late at night," she stated, glancing over to her friend between papers. In theory, she wasn't trying to judge her friend, but it was a lot of caffeine. "Though, that's probably glass stones considering how much nicotine is in my system at any given time."
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hadleymorganrp · 2 days
Kacey was one of those girls you could misjudge at first sight; conventionally pretty, had a face that said she could have been a mean girl in high school if she wanted to. But Hadley had only experienced warmth and a genuine earnestness from the other woman that made her downright comforting to be around. "Ah yes, that whole sleep thing," she mused, grinning as she watched her cup be topped off. "I've heard some people make a habit of doing that regularly." As Kacey hopped over the counter, Hadley shifted in her seat to angle towards her friend. "Yeah...emergency call, didn't end well. Owner was devastated. On the one hand I hate how much it fucks with my head, but on the other hand I don't ever wanna reach a point in this field where I'm numb to empathy, you know?"
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It had been a long day for her already, but the kids were spending the night at mom's, which, for Kacey, always meant an opportunity to pick up an extra shift. And the nights weren't so bad at the diner. There was the occasional unruly drunk person, but for the most part, unlike her other job at the bar, nights here were dead quiet. Sometimes all the silence helped her think, but tonight, she was grateful for the distraction in the form of a friendly face. "I know what you mean," Kacey nodded, topping up Hadley's cup with a little more coffee from the fresh pot she'd just made. "In the morning you need that shit down the hatch as fast as possible, so the sweetener helps. But at night you can kind of enjoy it a little more. You should be sleeping anyways so you don't need to worry about how fast you drink it. Speaking of which." Tilting her head as if to peer for any other eyes that might mind, she seemed to deem it safe enough to hop over the counter in order to sit next to her friend for a moment of respite. "Why aren't you? Rough night?"
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hadleymorganrp · 4 days
Where: Sunset Diner, around 2am
Who: Open to everyone
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An emergency call had pulled her out of the comforts of home at 10pm and into the vet clinic. It hadn't ended well, and every year that Hadley did this job, it never weighed less on her heart when she had to tell an owner that their pet was gone. Her mind was left too busy to even consider going back home and trying to sleep, and so she'd wound up at the diner two cups of black coffee deep into trying to shake off the evening. At this hour it was just her and one other patron up at the counter. "You know what's weird? I like my daytime coffee sweet as fuck, all the sugar and the flavoring, pale as hell. But there's something about coffee after midnight that just calls for strong and dark."
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hadleymorganrp · 4 days
Hadley had waited a good couple of months before she brought Nixie to Wonder Bar for the first time. She wanted socialization to be done smartly and slowly, wanted to make sure he had good recall and would come back to her if she noticed another dog didn't want to be social. Much to Nixie's absolute pleasure he and Chewy had become instant doggie besties. She could claim her trips out to the bar were solely for his benefit, but the truth was Daphne was a delight to hang out with as well. "Mmm, no drink needed, I've already had my two for tonight," she mused, tapping the side of her empty glass. "But you know I love enabling your tattoo collection, especially since I'm too chicken shit to get any of my own." She spared a glance towards the dogs, Chewy happily muncing on his plush and Nixie wagging his tail just watching the other dog with adoring big eyes. "Depends on if you want a cohesive vibe. If you think you'd like to get more horror movie inspired tats eventually anyway, then I think it would be cool as hell to just go all in and make that whole arm a horror movie sleeve, ya know?"
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for: anyone location: wonder bar, evening hours
At least once a week Daphne tried to make it to Wonder Bar with Chewy. It's one of her favorite things to do with Chewy, and Chewy was happy to get the chance to play with other friendly pups too. Even the people she met who came without dogs were pretty cool, so it was no wonder that the spot had quickly became one of her favorite places around town. She was a couple of drinks in as the thoughts of another tattoo come swirling into her head again. Chewy was very preoccupied playing with his plushie chew toy, happy to be out of the apartment for a bit. Without a second thought, Daphne turns to the nearest person to her. "Hey, could I ask your opinion on something? I'll buy you a drink for your troubles." She pauses for a second, before asking, "do you think I should do another horror movie tattoo? I can't decide if I should add another one to the ever growing collection," she nods to her arm, " or if I should switch it up and get something else."
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hadleymorganrp · 4 days
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hadleymorganrp · 4 days
A sage green painted fingernail dug under the pop top of her soda as Hadley pondered. "As long as we don't relive the childhood nostalgia of the first concert we went to together where you ordered very questionable nachos and ended up with food poisoning before the opening act was even through."
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time: afternoonish location: somewhere on the boardwalk
"I got a spare ticket to New Found Glory next week. You down to, uh, relive some childhood nostalgia?"
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hadleymorganrp · 5 days
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[HADLEY MORGAN. 28. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [TWO YEARS] and are originally from [PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA]. They are a [VETERINARIAN] and in their downtime love [MUSIC] and [COZY GAMING]. They look a lot like [FlORENCE PUGH] and live in/on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [LIE TO GIRLS BY SABRINA CARPENTER]. (ooc: mandy, 37, she/her, pst)
Name: Hadley Grace Morgan
Age: 28, Birthday 1/3/1996
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pets: 2 year old Border Collie named Nixie. She got him shortly after moving to Asbury.
Occupation: Veterinarian
Came from a broken home, parents divorced when she was six, and her relationship with both was toxic and unhappy until she went no contact with them both at age 18
Was close with her mother's mother Geraldine, who lives in the house on Pine Street where Hadley now resides. She used to spend the summers with her Grandma in Asbury, but once she went to college they lost touch until Geraldine passed three years ago and left her the house.
Hadley grew up very motivated to do better than her mother and father; a waitress and mechanic respectively. Having a career that was fulfilling and also financially stable was important to her, keeping the financial security and organization of her life became her main focus through most of her twenties. She's ambitious, focused, definitely a bit of a workaholic, and she falls apart at the first sign of failure within herself.
She's loathe to admit that she was able to turn into a grownup who has her shit together in every aspect except romantic relationships. She carries a long list of bad exes and regrettable flings, people who she could look back and acknowledge were red flags from the very first interaction.
She met her most recent ex at 24 and thought she'd finally gotten it right. No red flags, great job, treated her with all the bare minimum respect anybody wants. Maybe they had a few too many drinks at the bar when they went out sometimes, maybe their need to have liquor in their hand the second they got home, but hey they were still in their twenties, and they always showed up on time, did great at work, charmed all her friends.
After the first year the decent from high functioning alcoholic began. Dates were missed, conversations became tense, income suddenly went down to just hers. Hadley told herself she wasn't being a welcome matt, but that struggling people deserved a chance or two to do better. All of her patience, all of her hope and empathy, went into helping her partner navigate sobriety, and for a few months she tricked herself into believing it was working, especially when her grandma died and her partner seemed to really show up for her in her time of grief.
The end for her was the day she found money missing from her wallet. Turning the car around from a planned outing with friends, she went back home to question her partner. Turns out she didn't need to ask any questions. The change from her money was on the foyer table, freshly bought liquor bottles on the coffee table and her partner naked with another person on the couch, both of them drunk and so invested in their activities that Hadley had a full two minutes to process the scene before she was noticed.
She'll never be proud of the scene she made in front of the neighbors, two naked bodies chased outside onto the front lawn while she screamed and threw liquor bottles onto the driveway. It hit her that her mother had once been in this same position. And god if there isn't no pain greater than realizing you dug yourself into the exact hole you swore you wouldn't.
She had originally planned to sell her grandmother's house and put the money towards sending her partner to a really nice rehab facility. Instead, she sold her Philly home, got a new phone, and hopscotched her way across the river to Jersey. A new place to take some deep breaths and recollect herself, try to make her feet walk a different path god damn it. Her grandma's old home feels like potential, like at least one blood related person in her life actually looking out for her.
Loves music and vibes with a wide range of genres, she will give you your own ringtone in her phone.
Isn't trying to make a career out of it but does have a little twitch stream for her cozy game time and has a minor following she's comfortable with.
Is a chip-a-holic and will take down an entire bag of white cheddar popcorn or doritos by herself.
She will only drink socially, never by herself, and she will never have more than two, the second she starts to feel tipsy and out of control she gets super uncomfortable and switches to water.
Can be a bit morally grey when it comes to people but if you're mean to an animal you hit her shit list faster than you can say PETA.
Childhood friends from when she used to visit her grandma in the summers.
Clients of the vet clinic.
That person that keeps trying to get her super drunk cause you want to know what kind of drunk she'd be
Friday night karaoke bestie
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hadleymorganrp · 5 days
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