#but mommy!sam is canon and i love her so i just had to include mommy k!nk
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lambmotifz · 7 months ago
can you pls rec me some wincest feminization kink fics? thank u 🫶🫶
my forever-favorites!
it’s easy if you try [orphaned] (daddy kink, short but beautifully written)
i’ve built my life around you by kermiethefrog (pre-series, dark & angsty)
honeywater by weefaol (sam has a pussy and dean wants to fuck it.)
hell, michigan by weefaol (“not a girl, dean,” he growls, low and feral. “but you can fuck me like one.”)
love my way by shir_hashirim (dean’s mommy issues exploration fic ft. mommy!sam)
honeymoon [orphaned] (dean’s always wanted a wife. sam fits the bill perfectly.)
mommy dearest by tradwifesam (sam wants to play mommy and daddy. dean is into it. one of the hottest fics i’ve ever read, very in character + delicious dialogue)
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New World CH. Seventeen
Title: The First Attack
Words: 4502
Warnings: Mentions of past assault, talk of rape (no actual rape), strong language, character death, canon-typical violence
A/N: If you’d like to request something, please do! My ask box is always open.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
New World Masterlist
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
The Walking Dead Masterlist
You went with Glenn and the woman, who you learned was named Michonne, to the car a couple miles out. Glenn opened the door for you and you went and laid in the backseat with no complaints. You tried to fall asleep, but sleep wouldn’t come. So for what felt like hours, you laid in the backseat of the car until the sky started to lighten. When you saw Glenn stand up and look towards the woods, you got out of the car.
 “Rick,” Glenn said.
 You saw Dean and Daryl, and started running towards them. When you saw Merle, you stopped in your tracks and started shaking. It wasn’t Merle himself that made you anxious, it was the thoughts of him bringing you to the Governor that made you feel sick.
 “What the hell is he doing here?” Glenn said angrily. To you he said, “[Y/n], go back to the car.”
 You let out a quiet cry and Dean’s head whipped towards Merle.
 “What the hell did you do to my sister?!” Dean roared, pushing Merle into a tree.
 “Hey!” Daryl yelled, trying to get Dean away from Merle.
 “I didn’t do nothin’!” Merle said.
 “Liar! You hit her in the head with your gun and left her alone in a room with that psychopath!” Glenn said. Dean saw red and he pulled Merle close only to slam him back into the tree. Hearing those words, Daryl didn’t stop Dean from doing it and it took all of his willpower not to punch his brother in the face.
 “Stop it!” Rick said. He saw that you were beginning to hyperventilate and shoved Dean away from Merle.
 “You go take care of [y/n]. I’ll deal with this,” Rick said. He pushed Dean towards you and Dean tried his best to calm down before he got close to you.
 “[Y/n]?” He said softly. When he was a few steps away, you held a hand up, the other one clutching your stomach. Dean stopped walking and bit his lip. You weren’t looking at him and Dean could see you shaking.
 “I’m not gonna hurt you, sweetheart,” Dean said. “Let’s go back to the car, yeah?”
 You just nodded and made your way back to the car. You heard Dean walking behind you. When you got to the car, you opened the door and slid into the passenger seat. Dean stood a few feet away before going to sit on the ground.
 “What happened in there?” Dean asked you. “What did they do to you?”
 “The Governor, he—“ You swallowed nervously, tears falling at the memory. “He made me t-take my shirt off in front of him. Said he’d cut off Glenn’s hand and- and bring it to me if I didn’t.”
 You could see the anger swirling in Dean’s eyes and you held back a sob.
 “Then h-he pushed me on top of a table and stood behind m-me.”
 “Did he—“
 “No. He didn’t go that far,” you said quickly. Taking a breath, you looked Dean in the eyes. “I’m pregnant and he knew it. Pointed a gun at my stomach to make us talk. That’s why Glenn told them about the prison.”
 Dean’s eyes widened and you felt anger radiate off of him.
 “That’s why you’re so jumpy, isn’t it?” Dean asked quietly. You nodded and looked down at your lap, tears falling onto your hands.
 “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Dean said after a moment. “You’re safe now, you don’t have to worry about anything like that happening again.”
 Right then, more yelling could be heard and you looked up to see Rick pistol-whip Merle. Merle fell to the ground and Glenn started walking back to the car. Everyone else soon followed and you shakily stood up. You all walked a little ways away from the car, Michonne not included.
 “So what’s gonna happen?” You asked, crossing your arms tightly.
 “Merle can’t come with us,” Rick said. “It won’t work.”
 “It can. It’s gotta,” Daryl said.
 “Things’ll get stirred up.”
 “Look, the Governor’s probably on his way ta the prison now. Merle knows how he thinks and we could use the muscle.”
 “If he comes with us, I don’t think I could control myself,” Dean said. “Sam either.”
 “I’m sorry, Daryl, but I can’t have him at the prison,” you said softly.
 “Do you really want him sleeping in the same cell as Beth and the girls? What about Carol and Maggie?” Glenn said, spite coating his voice.
 “He ain’t a damn rapist, man.”
 “Well his buddy is,” Glenn said. You shot him a look but he didn’t see it.
 “They ain’t buddies no more.”
 “That doesn’t matter,” you cut in harshly. “That man hurt Glenn and helped someone hurt me. I don’t want him near me.”
 “There’s no way Merle’s gonna live with us. He’ll put everyone at each other’s throats. Hell, he’s doing it now and he’s not even present.”
 “So y’all are gonna cut Merle loose and bring home her with us?”
 “She’s not coming either,” Rick said.
 “It doesn’t look like she can be on her own, Rick,” you said with a frown.
 “[Y/n]’s right. At least let Hershel fix her up before we send her back out,” Dean said.
 “She’s too unpredictable.”
 “You’re right. We dunno who she is,” Daryl said. “But Merle, Merle’s blood.”
 “Blood doesn’t mean shit. Family don’t end in blood and it don’t start there either,” you said. You saw Dean stand a little straighter at that and you shot him a smile.
 “She’s right,” Glenn said. “Merle isn’t a part of that. My blood is standing right here and waiting for us back at the prison.”
 “You’re part of that, Daryl. But he’s not.”
 Daryl was looking at all of you, an unreadable look on his face. After a few seconds, Daryl nodded to himself and looked at Rick.
 “Fine. We’ll fend for ourselves.”
 “What?” Your eyes were wide and your breathing shallow. You felt like you had just been hit by a bus.
 “That’s not what I was saying,” Glenn said.
 “No him, no me.”
 “No. You can’t do this,” you said, going to stand in front of him. “You can’t say that you love me then go and leave me. It doesn’t work like that.”
 Daryl couldn’t look at you and you felt the tears fall on your face.
 “Daryl, you don’t have to do that.”
 “It was always Merle and I before this.”
 “But now you have us. You have me.” You let out a quiet sob and Glenn went to comfort you.
 “What am I going to tell Adeline? She’s gonna be devastated that you’ve left us,” you said through your tears. “You’re the closest thing she’s got to a dad and if you leave, it’s gonna be the second time it’s happened to her. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to leave your unborn child too?”
 Daryl stiffened, his gaze never leaving the ground, saying, “Y’all will be better off without me.”
 He looked at Merle, ignoring the look Merle was giving him and the sound of your sobs. It hurt Daryl to leave you and Adeline, but it was for the best.
 “So with everything going on right now, you’re going to leave us.” You scoffed through your sobs and threw him the dirtiest look you could muster. “Okay. We clearly don’t mean as much to you as you mean to us. I get it.”
 You started walking towards the car, fingers curling into your palms and cutting into your skin. When you got to the car and wrenched open the door, you heard Daryl start to call after you, but he was quickly shut up by Dean.
 “You made your choice and now you have to live with it. I thought you were better than this,” Dean said. He followed you to the car and sat behind you. Dean could tell that you were crying and it hurt him that he couldn’t do anything about it.
 The three of them talked for a minute longer and when Daryl started walking back to the car to get his stuff, his steps faltered when he got close to you. He could see the tears making their way down your cheeks and you wiped them away, turning your head so you didn’t have to see him. Dean was glaring at Daryl and wasn’t hiding it. Rick tried one last time to stop Daryl from leaving but you knew it wouldn’t work.
 You watched as Daryl walked towards his brother and when he turned around, you didn’t look away. Daryl was taken-aback at the hostility on your face and he quickly looked away, Merle leading him deeper into the forest. Everyone got into the car after loading up the weapons and you were on your way back to the prison.
 The ride back to the prison was uneventful and you had fallen into a fitful bout of sleep. You woke up when you felt someone shaking your shoulder and you lashed out before seeing it was Maggie.
 “Sorry,” you muttered, still a little groggy.
 “Are you alright?” Maggie asked you. You shook your head.
 “No. I’m not.”
 “[Y/n]!” You looked up to see Sam and Adeline running towards you and you couldn’t stop him from gathering you up in his arms.
 “You’re alright,” Sam breathed, holding you tight.
 “I’m okay, Sammy.” You felt him kiss the top of your head before he let go of you and turned to Dean.
 “What happened over there? Where’s Daryl?”
 “Where’s daddy?”
 You felt your chest constrict and you looked at the ground while biting your lip harshly.
 “Daryl’s not coming back, sweetheart,” you said to her.
 “Why not?”
 “He found his brother and they had to go somewhere else.”
 “Daddy’s not coming back? B-But I want daddy to come back!” Stella started crying and you gathered her in your arms.
 “I know, baby. I know. I want him to come back too.” You looked at your brothers. “I’m going to my cell.”
 “Dean, what’s wrong?” Sam asked him. “Is she okay?”
 “You tell him, Dean. I c-can’t,” you said as you walked away, Maggie following you.
 “Of course, sweetheart.”
 Your brothers watched as you walked into the prison and when you were out of earshot, Sam turned to Dean.
 “What the hell happened there, Dean?”
 “[Y/n] was assaulted by the Governor. He forced her to take her shirt off in front of him or he’d cut Glenn’s hand off and bring it to her. He touched her, Sam. He held her down and—“
 “Did he?”
 “She says he didn’t. I believe her, but it doesn’t make it any better.” The brothers were quiet for a moment, trying to process the information they had.
 “And where’s Daryl?” Sam asked.
 “He left with his brother.”
 “Yeah. Merle was the one who kidnapped Glenn and [y/n],” Dean said. “There’s another thing too, Sammy. [Y/n]’s pregnant.”
 “And Daryl left with him? Did he know?” A mix of anger and surprise was in Sam’s voice and Dean nodded sharply. Both of them looked at the prison where you were and slowly made their way back inside.
 When you stepped inside the prison, you saw some people you’ve never met before and Carl was watching them, gun drawn. One of them stood up when you walked inside and you froze, hold on Adeline tightening.
 “Allen, sit down,” the other man said. His voice was soft and you relaxed slightly when Allen sat back down. Walking away quickly, you went up the stairs and got to your cell.
 “Maggie, who are they?” You said to her as you set Adeline down.
 “Carl found them in the tombs. One of them, Allen’s wife, got bit and died.”
 “How’d they get in?”
 “There was some fire damage to part of the prison. The fence is down and they got in through there.”
 “Shit, that’s not good. We should fix it. If they could get in then so could the Governor.” You went to leave, but Maggie’s voice stopped you.
 “So what exactly happened over there?”
 “Please don’t make me relive it.” You squeezed your eyes shut. “Talk to Glenn. Or one of my brothers.”
 “Okay, I will.”
 You were both silent for a moment before you broke it, blurting out, “I’m pregnant.”
 “What? When did you find out?” Maggie asked. She took your hands in hers and squeezed them gently.
 “I found out a few hours before the whole thing with Andrew a few days ago. Lori said that she thought I was and handed me a pregnancy test. I took it and it was positive.”
  “You need to rest. All this stress won’t be good for the baby.”
 “No. I slept enough in the car ride back here. I can’t sleep again.”
 “Alright. But take it easy.”
 “I will.”
 You didn’t take it easy.
 After giving Carol the biggest hug you could muster, you were outside for the next two hours, keeping watch and making sure the Governor didn’t have the opportunity to sneak up on you. Sounds of a commotion came from inside the prison, but you paid no attention to it until Glenn was ushering the people Carl found outside.
 “I’m so sorry,” Glenn said. “I don’t know what got into him.”
 “What happened?” You asked as you walked up to them, mindful of keeping your distance.
 “Your man Rick went crazy. Started yelling at something and waved his gun around,” Allen said.
 “What?” You were confused.
 “We’ll find somewhere else to go, it’s okay,” the other man said.
 “No it’s not!” Allen started waving his arms around and you flinched, taking a step back.
 “Allen, calm down.”
 “Don’t tell me to calm down, Tyreese!” Allen yelled. “We found a safe place and we’re being kicked out! My son is being thrown back into danger because of these people.”
 “You have to leave, now,” Glenn said. He had been a bit lenient before, but once Allen started yelling and Glenn saw how you were reacting to it, he wanted them out.
 Leading them to the gate, you lured the walkers away so Glenn could open it and the strangers could leave safely. The woman turned to look back at you and you felt bad for kicking them out.
 “Do we really have to do this?” You asked Glenn. “They seem like good people. We could use that right now.”
 “We could. But with how Rick’s acting right now and everything that happened to us, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
 “Still, it doesn’t feel right to just kick those people out. It’s awful out there and we just forced them out of a relatively safe place.” You were biting your lip out of worry and Glenn sighed.  
 “They’ll be fine, [y/n],” he said. “They can take care of themselves. Right now, we need to take care of us. That means making sure your baby is okay and getting ready for what’s going to come.”
 “Alright,” you mumbled. The small group walked down the road and you tore your gaze away from them.
 “Come on. Let’s get back inside.”
 The two of you walked back to the cell block and saw Rick walk out. He stormed past the two of you and ran towards the gate, not bothering to close it behind him. Michonne went to close it and you watched as he went to the little bridge that was on the stream. Shaking your head, you walked inside, Michonne following a few minutes later.
 You sat down at the table next to Carol and Sophia immediately went to sit next to you. Opening your arms, both her and Adeline climbed into your lap and curled against you. Carol smiled at the sight and rubbed your knee gently. Beth was rocking Judith beside you, Dean was next to Glenn and Sam was leaning against the wall near Maggie.
 “So if the whole front of the prison isn’t secure, then it’ll be a piece of cake for armed men to get inside,” you said.
 “Are we even sure he’s going to attack?” Beth said. “Maybe y’all scared him off.”
 “No, we didn’t,” you said.
 “He had fish tanks full of heads,” Michonne said quietly. “Both walkers and humans. He had them as trophies.”
 “We should hit him now while he’s unprepared,” Glenn said after a moment.
 “How do we even know he’s unprepared? The last time we were there, you were beaten half to death and I—“ You took a breath and touched your stomach lightly. “Daryl was captured, we almost died. We need to leave the prison.”
 “Leave? We can’t leave,” Beth said. “Where will we go?”
 “We’ve done it before, we can do it again,” Hershel said.
 “That was when you had two legs and we didn’t have two babies crying for walkers every three hours.” He looked at Michonne. “The two of us could end it tonight. You know where his apartment is, right? Lead me up there and I’ll put a bullet in his head. I’ll do it myself.”
 Michonne nodded after considering it and Glenn looked relieved.
 “Rick won’t allow this,” Hershel said.
 “You really think Rick’s in any position to make that choice?”
 “Glenn, we need to think this through,” Sam said.
 “We can’t just go in there half-cocked. We need to figure out a real plan and then stick to it,” Dean said.
 “They’re right, Glenn. Half-cocked gets you killed, or worse.” You looked up at him. “T-Dog and Lori lost their lives here. If this Governor is really on his way, then we do need to leave.”
 “We can’t leave.”
 “We can’t stay here!” You said. He looked startled at your raised voice and backed down at your glare.
 “We’re going to stay and defend it. We’re making a stand.” Glenn knelt back down and looked at Carl.
 “We’ll go into the tombs, figure out where the breach is,” Glenn said.
 “Got it,” Carl said.
 “You’ll need help,” Michonne said, stepping forward.
 “No. If something goes wrong up here, I’m gonna need your help in defending it.” Glenn looked at her then looked around at the room. “Who’s on watch?”
 When no one answered, Glenn sighed angrily and stood up.
 “I’ll take first watch,” Dean said. Glenn nodded and he and Carl went to suit up for the tombs.
 Half an hour later, they both came back. They were unharmed but covered in walker blood.
 “The boiler room is overrun again,” Glenn panted as he walked through the door.
 “But that had been cleared,” Beth said.
 “There’s a steady stream of them,” Carl said.
 “This means we’re wasting time,” you said with a shake of your head.
 “The Governor’s supposedly on his way and we’re stuck in here with a bunch of walkers,” Hershel said.
 “For the last time, we’re not running.”
 “Glenn, if the tombs have filled up again, we might not have much of a choice.”
 “Carol’s right. It’s just a matter of time before they push in here,” Sam said.
 “Or until a fence gives way,” Beth said.
 “If a herd passes through, what do we do? What if it settles?” Axel said, worriedly.
 “We won’t be able to handle that with just the few of us.”
 “Then we need to scout the far side of the prison. See what we can do to fix it.”
 “Glenn, if the walls are down, we can’t fix that. Not now. There’s too much shit going on between the Governor and the walkers.” You were getting frustrated at his refusal of leaving the prison. “Our best option is to pack up and leave.”
 “What about Daryl? We just going to leave him?”
 “He made his choice! He decided to leave us so what would it matter to him that we left the prison?” You seethed. “He made it very clear that we don’t mean shit to him compared to his asshole of a brother.”
 “[Y/n],” Sam said. “That’s not really fair to Daryl. That man was his brother.”
 “No! He thought it was the better idea to go with the man who helped someone almost rape me!” You yelled. There were tears in your eyes and you could feel them start to fall. Everyone was staring at you, their pity burning into your skin.
 “Merle helped the Governor do it, on purpose or not, and Daryl thought it was the better option to leave us behind. We need to leave this prison while we still can.”
 You didn’t look at anyone as you walked out of the cell block and into the fresh air. A few minutes later, Glenn was storming out of the prison, Hershel close behind him. They went to the truck to talk and soon Glenn was hurtling out of the prison gates. Shaking your head, you kept to yourself until Oscar came up to you.
 “Hey,” he said softly. He sat down on the stairs you were standing by, careful to keep his distance from you.
 “Look, I don’t know if it’ll make a difference or not, but I’m here to help. In any way that I can. I have some experience with stuff like this.”
 “You do?” You looked at him cautiously.
 “I do. Have I told you why I’m in here?”
 “Breaking and entering. One night, I broke into a man’s house. He wasn’t just someone to steal from, although I did do that too.”
 “Where are you going with this?” You asked.
 “That man had assaulted my daughter.”
 Your eyes widened and you looked at him with horror on your face.
 “He got away with it on a technicality.” There was venom in Oscar’s voice at the memories of what had happened. “She was only fifteen and he didn’t even go to jail. I tried to help her as much as I could, but nothing worked and she decided to-to—“
 Oscar took a deep breath and looked at the sky, blinking away tears.
 “I’m so sorry,” you whispered.
 “I beat him half to death, almost killed him, but then the cops showed up. They swept what had happened with the man under the rug and I was booked with only the breaking in. He didn’t want to press charges because he knew he’d get in trouble for what he had done.” Oscar looked at you and gave you a sad smile. “So the whole point of this was me saying that whatever you need, I’ll be here for you.”
 “Thank you,” you said. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I couldn’t even imagine the pain. What was her name?”
 “Lucy. Her name was Lucy.”
 “That’s a beautiful name.” You were going to say more, but then a shot rang out.
 You stared in shock at Axel lying on the ground, a bullet hole in his head. More shots were heard and you looked out beyond the fences to see the Governor and some of his men shooting at you. Carol was hiding behind Axel’s dead body, bullets riddling him even more. Carl, Adeline, Sophia, and Beth made their way over to some benches and when you saw them almost get shot, you felt anger rising up in your chest.
 “Mommy!” Adeline yelled, fear in her voice. You took out your pistol and aimed it at the man shooting at the kids.
 “Run to me!” The three of them ran over to you and Oscar when Maggie and your brothers came bursting out of the prison.
 “[Y/n]!” You heard Dean scream.
 “Over here!”
 He threw you a gun and Maggie handed one to Beth.
 “Maggie, Oscar, you two cover Carol so she can get over here,” you said, cocking the gun. “Sam, Dean, and I will stay here with the kids.”
 With no words, Maggie and Oscar ran to some file cabinets and fired at the man in the tower. Maggie yelled for Carol to run and she did. Carol got over to you and Sam handed her a gun. Looking over at Oscar and Maggie, you saw Maggie almost get shot and then you saw Oscar get hit in the shoulder. He fell to the ground with a grunt of pain, then he was hit in the head.
 “No!” You screamed. Anger coursing through your body, you stepped out into the open and fired at the man who killed Oscar. It only took two bullets before he was dead. You could hear your brothers yelling for you to get back but it didn’t register until Sam was pulling you back.
 “What the fuck were you thinking?!” Dean said, holding you close.
 That was when you heard the roar of an engine. Looking towards the gates, you saw a van break both fences and stop in the middle of the yard. The back door opened and walkers started spilling out. Cursing, you turned to Carol.
 “Take the kids back into the cell block!” You said urgently.
 “What? No! You need our help out here!” Carl said.
 “No! You go inside and look after Judith. She’s probably scared from the noises and needing someone to comfort her.”
 Carl went to argue, but you shut him up with a wave of your hand.
 “Judith is your highest priority right now. Now do as I say and get inside!”
 Carl huffed but did as you said, grabbing Beth’s hand and following Carol and the toddlers inside. Watching them, your eyes widened when you saw Sophia get shot in the shoulder. Sophia’s scream made your blood run cold. Sam immediately took off in her direction, removing his flannel and pressing it to her shoulder as he picked her up and ran inside the cell block.
 “Michonne and Hershel are in the yard. Rick is outside the prison. We have to make sure that they get back here safely,” Dean said, tearing your gaze away from the pool of blood on the ground. Shaking your head, you looked at the walker-infested yard.
 “Glenn’s back!” You said, pointing to the road.
 The truck was driving quickly into the yard and Michonne was already on her way to Hershel, sword out and ready to do some damage.
 “[Y/n], help me with the fence,” Maggie said to you. Running up to her, you opened the fence before going out into the yard to take care of the walkers.
 “Don’t shoot unless you have to! With the fences down, more walkers are gonna make their way in and we need to conserve as much ammo as possible,” you said.
 “Looks like Glenn and Michonne have Hershel,” Dean said. “I’m gonna go get Rick.”
 The truck was driving back and you stood near the gates as Dean ran off to get Rick. Closing the gate after Glenn drove through, you looked back at Rick and saw two more people with him before Dean got there. Turning on your heel, you ran inside to check on Sophia.
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nekoannie-chan · 5 years ago
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Mutant! Reader.
Word count: 1417 words.
Summary: Something happened during the time heist or after some minutes the time back, but you didn’t discover after some days.
Warnings: Canon violence.
A/N: This is my entry to the @geekandbooknerd ‘s 1K Celebration! with prompt #7:
“Break my heart a thousand times, it’s yours”
And my entry to @fvckingavengers’s Laur’s Quarantine Writing Challenge with the angst prompt #1 Liar, liar “Alex Johnson.
“Pour my pain into words, hold my hand to the flame/ Tell me you love me like a star/ Tell me you want me where ever you are/ Tell me you breathe me until your last breath/ Liar, liar”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English, if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
@official-and-unstable-satan, this is one of the fics I told you, I think the more interesting is the theory and the possibility about it.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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The team fixed the Thanos' snap and end it, a few days later Tony's funeral took place, at the same time everything was very confusing for the world, you had to give some explanations, of course, you hid some facts, and people were no longer the same as five years before.
"Mommy…and Auntie Nat?" Sarah asked you.
"Your aunt Nat is in heaven," you explained.
“In heaven?”
"Like your grandparents, they became stars," you continued.
"Will you take care of me as they do?" the little girl asked.
"Yes honey, there's Uncle Tony too."
"He is not my uncle, he was bad with dad," she replied crossing her arms.
You smiled, your little girl didn't get along with the Stark after she heard a fight that Tony and Steve had a few months earlier and after a conversation you and Steve had.
“Why didn't we say goodbye to Aunt Nat like Tony?”
You were perplexed, hadn't had a funeral yet for Nat, everything was so sudden, but despite everything, they still hoped that when the gem returned, she would return too.
After all this chaos, you had noticed that your husband was behaving strangely, he was not even going to wrap Sarah as always, he had stopped being affectionate with you, you suspected that something had happened in time travel, talking to him seemed like a mission impossible. When you hear the song on the radio you cried…you couldn’t stop crying, the lyrics were on your mind.
 Pour my pain into words, hold my hand to the flame
Tell me you love me like a star
Tell me you want me where ever you are
Tell me you breathe me until your last breath
Liar, liar
 What if Steve lied to you? Something happened and you didn’t know what was.
The next day Bucky had come to visit them, Steve went out for a few moments that was also strange, Steve never avoided Bucky, no wonder you had helped him look for him and everything that had happened.
"I don't know Bucky, Steve looks differently," you said.
“Uncle Bucky!”
Sarah suddenly entered the kitchen and ran to Bucky.
"Hello princess, you are big, the last time I saw you were still a baby."
“What are you talking about?”
“About your dad”
“About my dad?”
“Bucky told me about some of their adventures in World War II”
You expected him to understand the hint, it seemed that Sarah hadn't noticed Steve's behavior change yet.
Two nights later a fight between you and Steve began, he had informed you that he would be responsible for returning the stones in due time.
“Steve, are you going to go?”
Internally you thought you knew the reasons, you had seen the photo of the compass, and it had changed it, before traveling back in time, and it had a photo where you and Sarah went out together.
"Yes," he replied coldly.
"But why? Sarah needs you."
"I don't want to be with you anymore," he replied.
"I don't love you anymore," he replied simply.
“Break my heart a thousand times, it’s yours.”
You could accept that she no longer loved you, but what you were never going to accept was that he wanted to pretend that the daughter you had did not exist.”
“And Sarah?”
"I don't love her either, moreover I'm not even sure she's my daughter," he replied.
“How dare you? Why are you so cruel?”
You slapped him and left the room they shared to enter your daughter's, who woke up when she heard the door open.
"Mommy?" She asked sleepily.
"Hi, Mommy had nightmares. Can I sleep with you?"
You lay down next to her and hugged her.
The next morning you went to the cabin for Steve to return things.
“Are you sure Steve? It is still time to repent...”
"I don’t care."
"Where's Daddy going?" Sarah asked.
“Do you remember that we went to the past for something?”
The little girl nodded expectantly at the explanation that would follow.
"He will return it, he will return the stones so bad things don't happen in those universes," you explained.
“Can I go?
"No, it is very dangerous, he goes alone because he is very strong," you said.
You still did not dare to say anything to the girl, you hoped that she would regret it although the truth, you did not know how to explain it either.
"At least say goodbye to Sarah," you asked.
Steve turned around without saying anything and ignored when his daughter called him.
"Stay here, okay?"
"I take care of her," Wanda offered.
“Thank you.”
You clenched your hands, the nerves increased, although it was only a few seconds ... Steve was not there.
Maybe something bad had happened to him or maybe he just didn't plan to come back ever again.
It wasn't until Sam realized where he was.
"Steve?" You asked uncertainly approaching.
Your heart was beating fast, you were wishing it was all a dream, and before you were an old Steve.
"I’m sorry Y/N" he apologized without seeing you.
You stood in front of him, you had no idea how to explain what happened to Sarah, and you stooped to meet his face
You observed it, you realized something very important, perhaps you had already noticed it, but you had not paid attention.
Fear seized you, you separated from him and walked away.
"How could I not have noticed before?" You murmured almost inaudibly.
You ran away, you took your daughter, you practically ripped her from Wanda's arms.
“Y/N, what…?”
"Sorry, I have to go," you apologized.
You got out as fast as possible, you couldn't believe you hadn't noticed before, that's why Steve was behaving so strangely, you had to take Sarah as far away from there, you had to protect your daughter.
Bucky stopped you, everyone was looking at you strangely.
"Y/N what the hell?" I understand that you are angry but you don't have to act like this, “he reproached you.
If he was angry too, but his behavior seemed irrational.
"It's not Steve," you confessed.
You did not know exactly how to explain them, but you had realized that it was not your husband, the question now was where the real Steve was?
Take a look, it's not Steve, I have to keep my daughter safe.
"I didn't think it would take you that long to realize the truth," said a voice behind you.
You hugged Sarah tighter, Bucky put them behind him, you were right it wasn't Steve.
Steve smiled and finally revealed his real form, he was a Skrull who had supplanted your husband's identity.
"Y/N, take Sarah as far as you can," Bucky ordered.
You were going to run again when with a quick movement the Skrull blocked their path.
“What do you want? Where's my husband? ”You asked without letting go of your little girl.
"Mommy?" The girl shifted a little in your arms to see what was happening.
"Shh, everything is fine," you whispered without allowing her to turn.
Sam threw the shield to him, the Skrull broke it easily, it seemed that he had not given the real one either, the fight did not seem easy, the enemy did not surrender, Wanda was with you to prevent him from taking the girl.
No one knew the true intentions of the enemy, so they did not want him to approach the little one, nor did they know what that being was until Carol arrived and managed to subdue the Skrull very easily.
"Where is he?" Carol demanded.
"I won't tell you," the Skrull replied sarcastically.
She punched him.
"She can easily put the puzzle together," he said, referring to you.
He snapped free with an agile movement, Bucky finished him before he could escape or do anything else.
“What was he referring to? You asked confused.
Very carefully Sam and Bucky began to check the body and found one of the dog tags
“Does this tell you something?”
You took it to look at it, it was Steve's badge when he entered the army.
"It's from Steve but wasn't Lehigh Camp destroyed?"
You went to the place, Wanda stayed with Sarah to protect her in case more Skrulls appeared.
You found an entrance that led to an underground part, it seemed abandoned, and in a room Steve was gagged.
You approached him and you took his face, you should first check that he is if he was your husband and not an impostor, you sighed with relief when you found that he was, you untied him.
"I knew it, I knew you wouldn't abandon us," you said hugging him.
“Never sweetheart”.
He took your face and kissed you.
Now, the new question was where were the stones?
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teamjacobthot · 5 years ago
issa twilight tag game baybee
pick 5-10 characters and write your take on the canon version of them vs. fanon version of them. fanon doesn’t have to be what is generally accepted in the fandom, it can be your own idea of what you think a character is like. then tag the same number of people as characters you pick, if you can.
I was tagged by @leahclearwaterdefensesquad so let’s get into it baybeeee
Absolutely 1000% adored him and his pure goodness and supportive nature up until Smeyer suddenly wrote him as a violent piece of shit and blamed it on phasing (??????)
And THEN made him a permanent house dog of the Cullens in Breaking Dawn…….. 
Y’all already know how I feel about all that so I’m not getting into it
But trash
Done dirty only bc Smeyer realized she wrote a likable love interest and had to SQUASH that shit instead of making Edward more likable :|
We been knew
I’ve actually really, really come to love some of the fanon takes of Jacob on here!!! 
I never really had a personal headcanon before the Twilight Renaissance besides “he fixes cars, he gives good hugs, and he’s kinda sad”
This is still true but that man (rn I’m thinking of Jacob as like… a 22 year old) is CRAFTY. 
I love the fanon takes where he sells his handmade jewelry on Etsy and starts his own mechanic shop
I love a man who’s good with his hands
In my personal headcanon now, he definitely works to start his own shop or goes to college to become an engineer, has some unresolved feelings about his sisters abandoning him that eventually get resolved with time, enjoys hanging out with Billy and admires him, probably makes jewelry for his friends’ and family’s birthdays
And would make the best dad ever in the future
He’s also super patient and treats his friends like family because his own family is so fragmented
I also imagine that he can’t fucking cook but he still tries. 
Btw I reject ALL forms of canon where Jacob and any other members of the pack end up hanging out with the Cullens for eternity bc those pasty mfs ruined their lives and need to MOVE AWAY so the pack can finally get some PEACE
Horny white girl
No friends
Doesn’t cuss
Gets married and has a baby at 18 despite literally being Team Fuck Them Kids
Ngl, I’ve really disconnected with the fandom when it comes to Bella
I do agree that she stays horny
But I do think the fandom sometimes overdoes it in terms of how chaotic she is bc she just… doesn’t give me that kind of vibe. She definitely wasn’t in her right mind in New Moon so that doesn’t count
In fact I find her mentally ill and I really really really want her to get a therapist
I don’t really care for Vampire Bella bc I felt that she lost all the parts of her personality that I really enjoyed
But when it comes to Human Bella, she’s just a chill girl
She’s a Virgo. She was an adult at like, 12
In my personal headcanon, she gets the distance she needs from her mother (I think she has mommy issues tbh) and learns to be an adult not for anybody’s sake but her OWN
She doesn’t necessarily go to college, but she does what she wants
And I genuinely believe she would NOT want a kid before the age of like… 27, if at all
She would live her life at a comfortable place, have lots of sex lmao, and actually make some friends too
Not a lot for friends, just a couple good ones, Jacob included
I’ve always written her/liked seeing her written as humorous but in a super dark way — self-deprecating, sarcastic, DRY, etc. 
She definitely cusses a lot bc she finds there’s a LOT to cuss about
She absolutely smokes weed bc do y’all see how stressed she is??? She deserves it!
Let Bella Smoke A Blunt 2020
Leah Thee Clearwater
Bitter :(
Mean “for no reason” :((((
Needs to get over it :/
The fanon depictions of Leah are my favorite so far but they do vary A LOT
I don’t really care for Leah x Angela bc while they are two tall queens, EYE frankly think Leah is too good for anybody we’ve met in the saga and needs a fresh start anyway
And staying in boring ass Clallam County for a gf does not sound like the move
I’m personally a fan of the fanon where Leah moves away after all the bullshit with the Cullens, maybe goes to school, gets a good paying job that’s actually meaningful work too, and never has to phase again
I think about Leah’s life before phasing A LOT. In my mind, she was a semi-popular athlete with hella friends and admirers but still strong and opinionated. She protects girls and women and makes sure to hold people accountable when they fuck up
Overall, my headcanon of Leah is just Canon Leah but if the world was less cruel to her. 
She’s perfect the way she is and I love her <3
Disgruntled cop
Drinks beer
Hates Edward
Loves Alice
The general fanon for Charlie is more or less the same as Canon Charlie which is like… fine
But he’s still a cop
So in my personal headcanon, he leaves the police force to do work that actually helps Forks like something within community engagement
Maybe he does volunteer work on the Quileute reservation too
Idk I just want him to be useful and not a cop
Doesn’t like Bella
Ok so even though she’s immortal I really imagine she’d like to be around babies and pregnant women as much as possible
I think she would do amazing as an OBGYN despite her hands being all cold lmao
If she couldn’t be around pregnant women and babies as much as possible I imagine her having her own mechanic shop (possibly shared with Jacob, if they could tolerate each other)
Imagine her working on cars…… I’m w*t
I could also really imagine her fucking it up in an nonprofit organization as an advocate for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
Overall I really appreciate the fanon that she’s soft at times and does more than just fuck lmao
Quil Ateara Thee Fifth
Likes girls
Likes cars
Likes to hang with his friends
All of what’s given in canon
But he’s actually HILARIOUS
And maybe a SoundCloud rapper
The fandom doesn’t talk about Quil enough and I want that to change
Has some sense
Pretty chill overall
I feel like it’s Sam’s dad but I want confirmation
off the top of my head i’m tagging @rosaliehalee @bellas-dumptruck-ass @fucksmeyer @clearwaterss @embrythecall @that-crooked-smile @witchyangela and absolutely anybody who wants to do this!!!
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tomishaped · 4 years ago
Archive Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence • Major Character Death
Dean Winchester!Izzy Hlton
Dean Winchester • Izzy Hilton • Sam Winchester • Asmodeus • Dagon • Demons • Hellhound • Ellen Harvelle • Jo Harvelle • Hunters • Crowley • Charlie Bradbury • Bobby Singer • Ruby • Death • Pestilence • Famine • War • Castiel • Angels • Cain
Additional Tags:
Demon Dean Winchester • Demon Sex • Kidnapping • Gay Sex • Blood • Blood Kink • Hate Sex • Love/Hate • Major Character Injury • Major Original Character(s) • Character Death • Past Child Abuse • Past Rape/Non-con • Past Sexual Abuse • Past Torture • Past Violence • Canon-Typical Violence • Violence • Protective Dean Winchester • Bisexual Dean Winchester • Top Dean Winchester • Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings • Izzy is too • Emotional Hurt/Comfort • Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Summary: After being pulled out of hell Dean realizes quickly that the four months he had been gone made way for a lot of changes in the lives of everyone he knows, including the life he had known for himself before he died. Nobody was treating him the same, and there was seriously something going on with his brother that he could not figure out. He was spending most of his time alone nowadays, not really hunting anymore since Bobby and Sam were against it for him, and spending most of his time drinking instead to try and forget. He was angry, pretty much all the time. That anger really worked in his favour though when walking back to the impala he came across a freaking hoard of demons getting ready to attack some blond chick. He didn't know who she was or what the hell all the demons wanted with her, but there was no way he could just walk away. Maybe if he had any idea what trying to save this person was going to lead too he would have just walked away, maybe if he had actually given any thought to the situation before him he wouldn't have put himself in the middle of it, but even before hell he made impulsive and rash decisions... so maybe not.
Previous Chapters
• Chapter One •
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Chapter Two: Welcome to the Batcave
Part One
When they had reached the car Dean made quick work of the door locks and got them both inside before he punched it, only leaving squealing tires and smoke behind them as they took off. Dean didn’t start to relax till they were a mile or so away from the group of demons, still keeping an eye on the mirrors though just in case. “You really pissed someone off," he said with a grin as he glanced over at the other while he drove.
Izzy did manage to force himself to relax once they were in the car, though Dean still happened to look tense with the way he was looking out his mirrors for someone. Honestly, it probably helped the demon to relax with the fact that Izrael couldn't feel Dagon as close anymore. She was either losing interest or losing track of them for now, either way that worked for him. "Huh?" He was honestly confused at first when Dean said that, "Why would you think I pissed some- oh! Because of all that? Right. Yeah. They don't seem to fond of me, do they? I should probably stop crashing into their parties like that." 
Izrael shifted in the seat a little and rolled his eyes when he saw the man look out his mirrors again, "You can stop doing that now. We're fine, mommy lost us," he said with a shrug, leaning back in the seat again, trying to get comfortable. He was ready to get out of the Winchesters car now, and he would really like to do it without having to kill the hunter next to him in order to keep him from following or trying to track him. Even if he didn't have an issue with killing humans, he didn't know which way Dean's soul would go now and having it back in the pit after he killed him could possibly become… problematic. "So uh, yeah, you can just drop me off whenever now and can go get back too… whatever the hell you were doing before joining me at that lovely party tonight. I'm actually supposed to be at a different party right now anyways, so anywhere is good."
Dean snickered when the other said that they had crashed a few parties, it made sense. He did raise an eyebrow when he was told that the horde had backed off of them. Granted he hadn’t noticed any one but still, he never trusted demons to give up. “To be honest, I was out looking for a good time… guess I found it,” he said with a wicked grin, still feeling a bit of an adrenaline high from the fight and sprint to the car. “Rest of my evening is open if you want some back up,” he offered the blond. “Not saying you can’t handle yourself, I saw your moves back there but… twenty to one is a bit much,”  he said while giving him a bit of a doubtful side look. 
This is what Dean thought of as a good time? The human was either suicidal or crazy. Sure, Izzy did have fun doing shit like this too, but he was a demon- he was fucking crazy. "Mmm, yeah… it was a bit much till you showed up. Definitely would have ended up losing this jacket," Izrael laughed a little at Dean and shook his head, "See, I haven't gone and learned my lesson yet it seems since I'm definitely gonna be crashing one of their parties again. Gotta find it first though, and I can't do that in a strangers car."
Dean raised an eyebrow when the blond mentioned that they weren’t done yet and was looking to start a similar party to where he just found them. Ok sure he had been doing stupid stuff since he got back but he had an excuse. He was trying to repress what felt like forty years of Hell - literal Hell. So what was this kid's excuse? She might be crazy, but her crazy was also kinda hot and hunters like this don’t tend to stick in one place long because of the next big hunt. Besides, too often if they stayed in one place for long then all the enemies they made along the way had a tendency to catch up to them. “I can drop you off wherever your next party is so you don’t get jumped on the way again…” Dean trailed off a little as he drove, “could at least tell me your name before you get yourself killed.”
Izrael smiled at the hunter. "Why would I give someone I've never met in this life my name? Doesn't sound too smart. Besides, I don't see you passing over that information either."
Dean grinned. “Sorry, thought you picked it up before things got hairy. Names Dean, Dean Winchester," he said as he held a hand out to shake as he drove, glancing at the blond but mostly keeping his eyes on the road. “You know demons can’t keep their big mouths shut, if your next party is anything like that one, they’re going to be ready for you and you’re going to lose more than your jacket, sweetheart," he said in a matter of fact tone. “Might be a better idea to show up with back up and armed to the teeth,” he offered with a mischievous grin. “Lucky for you I know the perfect place.”
His excuse? His absolute only memories were of hell. Turning into a demon the way he had had wiped out all his human memories and the little demon only knew the last sixty years he had spent in hell training to do just this. He wasn't trying to repress hell, why repress when it was all he knew? He was just doing what Asmodues sent him off to do, and with the youngest prince of hell being the closest person to the blond and having nothing else to really do… he listened. He enjoyed killing other demons, it was a task he found fun. But when your job is to kill any demon that stands against the man you're working for, you don't exactly make any friends. And being alone only gave him more time to hunt down Asmodues's enemies. It was a vicious never ending cycle that wasn't going to change anytime soon as far as Izrael could tell. Hell either hated him, feared him, or admired him from afar - very afar. No one was brave enough to chance getting on Izzy's bad side. And those that were like the hoard tonight that actually tried to kill him were just too stupid to stay away and deserved to die anyways as far as he was concerned. 
Of course he knew who Dean was once he heard his name. But the hunter didn't need to know that Izrael had heard of him. He eyed the other’s hand for a moment before he sighed and half gave in to the man, though didn't reach his own hand out, "Izzy Hilton," he said, using the name that Asmodues had given him for when he had to pretend to be human. Though he had no idea that it actually was his name. That Asmodues called him Izrael to see if any of the once nineteen year old’s memories would spark with little clues like that. It never did. "They're always on the lookout for me… wouldn't be anything new…" he said with a little shrug, getting the gut feeling that this hunter was not about to let him go off on his own anytime soon. The last thing the little demon needed was to do spend time with a fucking Wincester, especially the one that spent all that time in hell. "No offense, but I don't really work with others. Thanks for the help back there and everything, but you're Dean Winchester… so you and I working together is a bad idea. Trust me."
With both hands back on the wheel, Dean snorted when Izzy said that demons watching out was nothing new. He understood that, that's what made the Bunker so beautiful. It was the definition of a safe house for spooky shit and basically everything else. He sucked some air between his teeth when it seemed the other knew who he was by name, having heard some of the stuff hunters thought of him while he was putting in time at the Roadhouse. “Fair, I mean we did just meet and I also just saved your ass from a fucking gaggle of demons, but okay,” he said, half joking. “We don’t know each other, and inviting you to my secret Men of Letters bunker can seem a little Silence of the Lambs but I promise, imma damn puppy dog compared to your normal party guests,” he said,.  Ane yes, he did just name drop the Men of Letters to see if that helped his case. Dean wasn’t a creep and if Izzy wanted out he’d drop them off wherever they wanted but all horn-dog habits aside, he wouldn’t rest well if he did. He’d probably end up asking around and looking into this pretty Izzy Hilton to see what her story was about. “Again, I know bunker can be off putting, but this place is huge, over twenty bedrooms to pick from. It’s armed to the teeth so nothing is getting in. I have one of the few keys to get in but you can get out whenever you like,” he added, trying to seem a little less kidnappy and rapey. “That and there's a hundred year old whiskey collection.”
Izzy had absolutely zero ideas of what other hunters thought of the man he was currently sitting next too. Up until now, he had done a really good job at avoiding them in his travels and work. Sure, to be on the safe side he did do some research on hunters who seemed to be the biggest threats but until now he hadn't actually met any of them. So, right now he couldn't figure out if it was just bad fucking luck that Dean Winchester happened to walk in on his ambush, or some weird good luck to get him out of it unharmed. Even after over fifty years as a demon, almost sixty now maybe? He honestly had never actually hurt a human. So did he deserve this kind of bad luck? On the other hand though, can demons actually have good luck? It was really confusing. 
Fact was, Izzy only knew of Dean Winchester from the mouths of other demons. His research on hunters in general was by word of mouth in hell. It wasn't like there were any books he could read on them. So he knew the man was obviously a good hunter, and not just when it came to demons. He knew the idiot sold his soul to save that dumbass brother of his that was hanging around one of the main demons on his own hit list. It was just really hard to get to the bitch when she was being protected by the hunter drinking demon blood. He only knew that from actually running across her once, he could fucking smell the demon blood radiating from the human she was with and it didn't take long to figure out who that human was and what fucking Ruby was doing with him. Little Sammy Winchester. Lovely. He also knew the man next to him spent what was like forty years in hell, being tortured for most of them by fucking Alastair. It had come as a surprise when he heard that there was some sort of angel watching out for him. Well, the angel part wasn't really known when he figured it out. It was just known that the man was pulled out of hell and Izrael knew that an Angel was the only way the man could have escaped hell and returned to his body the way he had. And really, he would prefer to avoid angels. Most demons weren't really that much of a threat to him. They could likely hurt him but Izzy was not easy to actually kill. Not that they had quite figured that out yet. But he had no idea what an angel might be able to do to him. 
Izrael couldn't remember his own torture. He actually had no idea it even happened. Ever since the day Asmodues found his newly turned demon in that cage he kept his pet in, the youngest prince acted as though that was the first day of Izzy's life. He didn't even know that he was in that cage because of that man in the first place. "I'm not afraid of you, Dean, even though I'm pretty damn sure you're no puppy dog," Izzy told him with a little roll of his eyes, the man who had spent his last few years in hell torturing other souls was far from a puppy. But he had caught Izzy's attention mentioning the Men of Letters. He vaguely remembered Asmodues mentioning them decades ago. Something about them being all dead now… about them holding knowledge no one else had. Going to this bunker… could prove useful if the knowledge thing was true.
Izzy finally looked over at Dean again, tucking hair behind his ears, "Well whiskey is always a very good and tempting offer," he said, chewing on his lip a little as he thought it over. "If you're all armed like you say you are… Do you also have books and shit? Like, books on demons and shit." Izzy knew he had been turned differently than almost every other demon that existed, he had to have been to have his own body and no ability whatsoever to jump from one meatsuit to the next, but he had no idea what happened to make him this way. And no book he had found since being set loose on the world had been able to give him the answer he was looking for. If this bunker had hidden knowledge it might be his best bet to find out how he turned, because Asmodues wasn't telling him anytime soon. "And I really wouldn't have to just stay if I don't want to. I can just walk out? Seriously?"
Dean just grinned when the other said he was pretty sure he wasn’t a puppy, calling him out like that. And he believed them when they said that they weren’t scared of him, he did find her in the middle of a demon infested alleyway in the middle of the night. His grin grew when Izzy seemed to be mulling the thought over. He raised an eyebrow and chanced a longer glance at the other when he was asked about books. That he hadn’t been expecting, didn’t peg her for a book type. There might be something they were looking for specifically that the old bats had locked away. He would definitely be doing an inventory check but hey it sounded like they were coming around to the idea. A new face and alone time might do him some good, even if they don't get handsy and this Izzy turned out to be a gigantic book worm. 
“Like I said you need a magic key to get in but getting out isn’t a problem, locks behind you but I gotta warn you the cell service sucks,” he said with a smile. He altered his route and started out of town and toward the bunker. The long ride was pretty much silent after that, Dean was honestly a bit too nervous to say something and have the blond change her mind about coming. He couldn't help wanting to help her, wanting to figure her out at least a little. From wanting to protect the little thing and knowing that he would just worry about them at this point. “Just don’t take anything, alright? Not really supposed to take people to the BatCave but…” he trailed off with a shrug after he parked by the bunker, obviously making an exception for the blond right now. 
Izzy shrugged when he mentioned cell service, that meant pretty much nothing to him. Of course he knew what a cell phone was, he had been in this world long enough. But he never felt the need to get one. Who the hell was he gonna call? "No big deal, no cell phone. I was serious, I've never worked with someone else before. Never felt the need to get one," he shrugged, as little like it was normal or something to not have a cell this day and age. He honestly didn't actually know either way though. "And I don't plan on taking anything. I've got my own weapons and shit. Just… looking for a little info is all. If you happen to have a book with what I want to know, well, then I won't really need it anymore once I read it." He ignored the Bat Cave comment for the moment, not wanting to let the hunter next to him realize he actually understood the reference. He especially didn't want him to know he found it amusing.
Dean decided to leave Baby in a little hidden knook they made for when they didn’t plan on staying long and putting her in the very nice garage. He just grinned as they walked up to the old green doors after grabbing a bag from the trunk and he pulled it open for the other. Once past the first threshold Dean unlocked the second doors and stepped through, holding it open for the other. “This is the legacy of the Men of Letters, a bit old and dusty but we’re still fixing the place up.” he said as they made their way down the spirling, metal staircase. He walked past the light up map table and tossed his bag on the first long table in the library. “Wanna tour?” he asked as he turned to the other, smiling at them.
He just wanted a fucking book that explained how humans became demons. Without their souls spending hundreds of years tortured in hell. Asmodues had no choice but to tell him that he turned differently than everyone else when he realized he couldn't just jump from meat suit to meat suit like everyone else could. His soul never left his body, something in him changed while he was still a human. But that was all Asmodues would say on the subject. Honestly it was the one thing about the man who called himself Izzy's master that drove him absolutely insane. He didn't care so much about whatever his human life was since he couldn't miss what he didn't remember or had any sort of idea what it might have been like, but he did want to know why he turned into a demon. Was he evil in his previous life? Is that how it worked? He remembered someone once saying that he must have cracked to change the way he did, but cracked from what and how? He just wanted to know how the fuck he came into existence. What made him so different from other demons. Why even Dagon, who knew that Izzy couldn't kill her without that oh so special gun, feared him to some extent. And nothing he had found so far explained any of that shit. Was he a bookworm? Mmm, debatable. Ask any demon who knew him they'd say no,, but Izzy was really good at keeping things about himself pretty damn secret. The less people knew the less they had on you and the safer you were. But the truth was that he did love books, loved to read and learn. And now that he wasn't under Asmodues' thumb at all times and had a mission to carry out, he was able to use research for said mission as an excuse to read. Sure, he was actually doing research but for so much more than anyone actually knew. 
Izzy was a bit unsure following Dean into the bunker when they got there. This could be a really, really stupid idea. But on the other hand… he was going to have info on the Winchester's no one else could possibly dream of having and he might get a few other answers out of this as well so he followed along. He looked around as Dean led him through the place, tilting his head and letting a confused little look cross his face as he tilted his head back to see the ceiling, "Uh, sure, if you want. So, do you keep the bats in some special room or something? I kinda just pictured them all over the place."
Her not havung a phone probably should have set off more red fags then it did because even if you were a loner it was useful to have one since pay phones were all but extinct. He tilted his own head when Izzy had mentioned bats, that had been a reaction he might have expected from Cas but really? “It’s not really a batca-... never mind. This is our fortress,” he said, just trying to get past what he felt was a painful moment. He turned on his heel and held up his arms out on either side as he gestured to the books. “This is the library. Nothing says stuffy bookworms like having a library right at the front door right?” He said with a laugh, turning completely to face the other as he walked around one of the tables. 
If Izrael actually cared much about completely blending in when he was going by Izzy he probably would have gotten a cell phone. But truth be told, he didn't actually care what humans thought about him and despite Asmodues having insisted he play the part on earth he could probably count on one hand how many times he had ever used the name Izzy before. Since he usually avoided hunters he rarely ever felt the need too. So really… What was the point of carrying around a little electronic box used to call people? The only person who would ever actually want to get ahold of him had his own ways of doing so. But even Asmodues left Izzy to himself for the most part nowadays as long as he kept doing what he was told and continued to work his damnedest to keep Lucifer in his box. Though if he had realized how odd it actually was to not have one, he wouldn't have mentioned it. 
Of course it wasn't actually a Bat Cave. It almost annoyed him that the hunter found it so easy to believe that the batman reference really meant nothing to the blond. Sure, part of him was glad too because he didn't want the fact that he enjoyed those comics to be known by anyone, but still… how stupid did this hunter think he really was if he believed that Izzy? He was pretty sure that Batman was popular among humans. It was the Winchester thinking he was dumb that bothered him more than anything though, because that was just not true. Izzy had always been rather smart, even before he turned, he had a near photographic memory. But with all memories of humanity gone, and those memories being from close to sixty years before anyways, all that was left was hell and the supernatural. And he figured that shit out quickly, easily. Humans, not so much. Humanity and what they were like and what they did like were never on his list of things he needed to learn about. Humans weren't his targets. "No offense, but you don't exactly strike me as the bookworm type," he said, moving around the table to go and look at the spines of the books, fingers running lightly over them. Yeah, this would definitely be his best bet at finding answers. Some of these were obviously old as fuck. "The kill first and ask questions later type. Though I suppose since all you hunters go after everything supernatural, you need the lore books, huh?" He personally didn't bother with any other supernatural beings, just the demons on Lucifer and Dagon's side. Which was probably a good thing for them, if this little demon were to ever start working as a real hunter with someone like Dean… they wouldn't stand a chance. As they had proved earlier… the two of them working on the same side had some pretty nasty consequences for those fighting against them. 
Dean chuckled when Izzy said he didn’t seem like the book worm type, oh hell no that was Sammy’s department. “Yeah no, that's more my brother's thing,” he said as he walked over to the opposite wall, towards the small table with a few bottles filled clear, brown liquid and a few glasses. “I at least wait long enough to see what I'm fighting so I know how to kill it.” Dean poured them a few glasses and headed to the closest main table to the blond. He leaned against it on his hip and took a sip from his glass while he held out the other to Izzy. The other’s wording did strike him as odd though and he raised an eyebrow a little. The way he said it was just off, but Dean wanted to think Izzy was just into demons, and therefore could know some pretty useful stuff. That or maybe he was really green and thought of himself being different from regular hunters. His gut was telling him something was still off though, but he wasn’t sure what.
Izzy was glad his back was to the hunter when he mentioned his brother so he didn't see the little demon roll his eyes and scowl at the mention of that junkie who was seriously getting in his way with that bitch he was attached to. He was pretending he didn't really know much about them… which wasn't a complete lie, but he had a serious suspicion he knew something about the younger Winchester that Dean didn't. He might know about the demon bitch Sam hung out with but he highly doubted this man knew about the blood and psychic shit that boy was playing with. The psychic shit was honestly the main reason he hadn't gone after Ruby yet, he wasn't like other demons, he had no idea how Sam's little exercising shit would affect him. 
“You know, you never mentioned what you were looking into. I’m guessing something demon related,” he mentioned to the other. There wasn’t much small talk on the car ride over.
He didn't say anything for a bit while Dean spoke and walked around the room, more interested in looking through the shelves of books for anything that looked promising. But he never let his guard down really, constantly aware of where Dean was around him or how close he was. He stiffened a bit when he felt Dean closer again and he asked that direct question. Izzy didn't really want to answer anything he was asked, but avoiding taking to him too much might just seem more suspicious. Fuck. He really should have paid more attention to the humans around him the last decade, he was really bad at trying to be one. "Yeah, demon related," Izzy finally said as he turned around and saw Dean holding out the whiskey he had promised. Alcohol didn't really affect him as much as it did humans unless he drank an ungodly amount so he wasn't worried about drinking at least. 
He took the glass offered to him and leaned against the bookshelf behind him, shrugging his shoulder a little, "Don't know if you picked up on it during that whole ambush shit, but I kinda hunt demons. Apparently I'm pretty good at it since they don't seem to like me much at all." He took a drink from the whiskey he was given, relishing in the burn that goes down his throat. As a demon, the little blond didn't need to eat. The few times he did were few and far between and it was always for some reason he couldn't figure out, but knew he just wanted whatever the hell it was that he was trying. But he did like to drink. Alcohol that is. He liked the burn. 
"Just curious what kind of people become demons and how. Always good for a guy to know everything he can about his enemies and all, yanno?" It wasn't a lie. He had actually been avoiding actually lying to the hunter. Izzy didn't like to lie, it was too hard to remember the fake information he had given to who. So the only thing he had lied about was his name, but that wasn't that big of a lie as Izzy did sound like a nickname for Izrael. Mostly, he was just leaving out details he didn't think Dean needed to know. Like the fact he was a demon and really just wanted to know how he, himself, had turned. How demons like him were made. Because as far as the books he had found about demons elsewhere knew, Cain was the only other person to become a demon this way. And almost nothing was fucking known about that man. As a matter of fact, he was the one demon who no matter how hard he tried Izzy could not fucking find. Not that he had really looked into how to find him. He didn't want to kill Cain like he did with everyone else he hunted down, he wanted answers. But even so, he knew Cain wasn't exactly like him and probably didn't have the answers he wanted. So that had just been another fucking dead end. The little blond didn't do a whole lot of shit that he actually wanted to do or something anyways, ninety percent of his time was spent following Asmodues' orders to hunt down Dagon's followers and make sure Lucifer didn't get out of that cage. 
Dean nodded a little when the other confirmed that it was demon related, easy guess. “You don’t pick up that kind of attention without being a major pain in their ass,” he said with a snicker. The man's shoulders stiffened when he took another drink when Izzy said what he was looking into. What kind of people become demons. He forced back a smile and shifted a little as he tried to keep his mind focused on the task at hand and not let it run off with the flashbacks and nightmares he has. It felt like every time he blinked he was hit with a flash of something he’d seen or had done. He told everyone he didn't’ remember any of it and refused to talk about it and self medicated with liquor like any good hunter.
Well duh, obviously he was a pain in their asses. Two dozen of them had actually gotten together without someone in power telling them what to do to try and take him out. They failed, miserably thanks to the hunter near him right now, but it didn't negate the fact that Izzy was a huge threat to them and their plans. Really though, if the whole fucking lot of them just fucking stopped trying to set Lucifer free Izzy would have no problem leaving them alone. But until that happened…. He had a job to do. What the hell would he do with himself if Asmodeus actually managed to take the crown and this mission was over? He'd actually never thought about that before. Every single memory he had had something to do with him having to keep Lucifer in the cage. 
“Well demons are mostly twisted and tortured souls. You get twisted up so much down there you turn into something else,” he said, rubbing at his brow as he fidgeted a little as he spoke. “At the end of the day they're a spirit, just nastier. You don’t normally catch one running around before they possess someone but the same tricks apply, salt and iron,” he told him, running off a few things off the top of his head, mostly from first hand experience. “I’m sure you know all about devils traps and all that,” he said, waving his hand and finally looking over at the other. It was probably a good thing Dean had been so caught up with that Izzy was looking into that he completely missed the suspicious pronoun.
Izzy couldn't help but roll his eyes at Dean when the man just told him shit he already knew. Was he actually under the impression that someone he thought was a legit demon hunter didn't know that shit already? Also. He was wrong. While holy water did have the same effect on him that it did to most demons, salt and iron actually didn't bother him for some reason. Every single voice in his head was screaming at him to keep his mouth shut for a while, to not get sucked into this conversation. But the thing was… he actually wanted to talk about this shit. He never talked with anyone about shit he actually wanted too. Demons avoided him unless they were trying to kill him, he avoided humans and hunters, and Asmodues pretty much just told him what to do. The little demon didn't actually have any memories of just talking with someone about something he was interested in. And this happened to be the biggest fucking intrest he really had right now.
"See, right there just proves you really have no fucking clue what you're actually dealing with, do you? Obviously being tortured in hell is going to fuck up any soul in some way, but not every soul in hell becomes a demon. This world would be fucked if they did. There are millions and millions of souls in hell." He only just stopped himself from pointing out that despite Dean's own torture and escapades with Alastair he didn't actually turn into a demon. No, a fucking angel actually came and pulled him from the pit. So what the hell was it that made some souls twist the same way he had even though he hadn't gone through that die and be tortured shit and made others just… well, be tortured for all eternity. Or torture as was the case with some. "Yeah, most of them are just nastier twisted spirits, and you don't normally see one walking around without someone else's meat suit… but they can. It's apparently super fucking rare for it to happen, but a human can just wake up a demon somehow. In their own skin and everything. So I want to know what makes the souls that twist that way different from those that don't. What kind of person they must have been. And what happens to those people who turn? How does that happen? But unfortunately, because it's so fucking rare, I haven't been able to find a single book in the last ten years that actually explains that shit." He sighed a little in frustration at the thought before just shaking his head and finishing the rest of his own drink before he turned his back to Dean again to start looking through the books again, waving his own hand in dismissal of the subject. Dean wasn't going to have the answers he wanted obviously. "But yes, of course I know all about devils traps. I just don't use them." He couldn't if he wanted too, not unless he wanted to get stuck inside one himself. Besides, even if he could… with the way he hunted, it would be pretty damn useless and time consuming to try since it was usually a sneak attack/ambush of his own on their own grounds. Wasting time with a devils trap when it was just so much easier to kill them just seemed stupid. "Do you have any sort of order with these books or am I gonna have to look through all of them to find the ones about demons?"
Dean was a little taken back when Izzy said that he had no clue about demons. He felt anger rise up in his belly and his face tightened some. His pride didn’t like that but the built up emotion subsided the more Izzy spoke. He did have a point, if that’s all it took then Hell would be nothing but demons. He never really focused on the fine details, he just killed them. His face became a mix of surprises and doubt when Izzy kept going and told him about the type of demons that keep their bodies. What the hell? He’d never heard of something like that before, what the hell could it be capable of? It was a worrying thought. “This keeps getting better and better,” Dean muttered under his breath. He couldn't stop his brain from thinking about his younger brother on his road trip with his little demon buddy. What if that was Ruby's plan, twist his brother into one of them? He’d fucking gank that bitch before she could try. He wanted to call and check up but that hadn’t gone so well last time. 
He made a small face when Izzy asked about an order to the crazy amount of information. He finished his half glass of whiskey and pushed off of the table, setting the glass down before walking away. “I have a feeling what we’re looking for isn’t in here, come on,” He said, motioning the other to follow him with a head nod. He led the blond down the hall a bit, through another doorway and down some stairs. He pushed one of the two heavy doors open and held it open for the other hunter. “When we started going through the stuff that was left here we found that most of the heavy reading books are in here,” He told him. The room was about 25 by 25 feet, metal shelving lined all the walls filled with books and some jars. There was a decent sized table in the middle of the room under the only light, taking up a good chunk of the free space. 
Dean just nearly kidnapped the little blond he helped out that he knew nothing about other than the fact he could kill demons pretty damn well and brought him to his secret bunker and he thought anything that came out of this idea wouldn't be completely fucked? Hell. He was pretty damn sure that Dean didn't even realize yet that he hadn't stepped in to help a pretty little girl, but actually a boy who just happened to look a lot like one. Add on to that fact that this boy was also one of those freaky ass demons he was just talking about and you could see clearly that this man definitely hadn't thought this through. "You have no idea," Izzy mumbled back, not sure or honestly even caring if Dean heard him. 
Izzy set down the glass still in his hand before he shrugged again and followed Dean through the bunker. Fuck. This place really was huge. Izzy couldn't help but grin a little when he looked into the room. Dark. Enclosed. No way for anyone to try and sneak up on him again. Exactly the kind of rooms he liked and usually worked in when he was looking for a party to crash. "Awesome," he said as he walked in the room. Creepy jars and big old books lining the walls on top of everything else, Izzy had instantly and probably noticeably relaxed more when he was in the room that was so much like a place he would actually want to be in. He didn't say anything else as he started scanning the books on one of the shelves, his eyes widening some when he saw what he instantly felt like he had been looking for for years now. It was smaller than any of the other books in here, but that wasn't surprising considering how little information there probably was at all on demons like him. Humans Turning Demon. 
Izzy grabbed the book off the shelf and took a few steps backwards to push himself up to sit on the table, just remembering that Dean was there as he went to open the book. "Uhm… thanks," he said, forcing himself to remember that he was supposed to be a human and actually used to having someone around and even weirder for him- that someone helping him. "Hey… uh, why are you being so like… nice and normal to me? As far as I've seen, people aren't just nice to strangers. Especially when said stranger is a pretty boy who can shove a knife into a human skull."
Dean noticed the small change in the others' demeanor when he showed them the room. The room didn’t bother him or his brother too much but ‘awesome’ wasn’t the normal reaction to this stuff. Though in this line of work, who’s really normal? You see a lot of weird and horrible shit fast and you pick up a few quirks along the way. He had half turned when  the other called out to him and thanked him, he was going to leave Izzy alone to do their digging. He raised an eyebrow when he was asked why he was being so helpful. He opened his mouth with a grin to say it was just the right thing to do for a lady when Izzy said that last part, his words luckily getting caught up in his throat. BOY!? WHOLY FUCK!! Dean’s back straightened as he looked the other over again. It took him a second or two to catch himself and he cleared his throat out a little. “Well you want demons dead and I want demons dead,” he said with a shrug, his brain still trying to absorb this enlightening new detail about the blond. “And I learned about a new fleshy kind of demon, win win,” Dean chuckled. Hell all of Dean seemed stiff. Right now, he honestly didn’t know what the fuck to do.
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seriousfic · 5 years ago
"It’s weird how so many people keep coming back from the dead.”
That was my mom’s review of The Rise of Skywalker. I ended up seeing it in January, which is very fitting, because it is very much the kind of movie you’d expect Sam Worthington to be in.
-I’m not saying it’s rushed, but I’m pretty sure the Star Wars logo and opening scroll are on fast-forward.
-If I’m following the movie’s math right, we left things off in TLJ with the First Order reigning over the entire galaxy with a huge fleet, while the Resistance was down to twenty or so people. By TROS, they’ve expanded to let’s say a hundred people, a few starfighters, and a blockade runner. Palpatine shows up with a thousand Star Destroyers which he intends to gift to the First Order. The plot of the movie involves destroying these Star Destroyers. Which still leaves the entire First Order more or less intact, until they’re spontaneously overcome by regular people around the galaxy. So, in other words, the entire Resistance vs. First Order conflict was resolved entirely off-screen, with no involvement from the Resistance, as they dealt with an entirely new threat.
-I love how Disney dedicated the entire Rogue One movie to explaining the ‘plot hole’ that the Death Star had a small, easily overlooked, and hard to access weakness--while the Sith Star Destroyers here literally have big glowing red weak spots out of a 16-bit game and are docked in such a way that they’re left totally vulnerable for minutes at end. Who designed these things, Dr. Wily?
-No wonder John Boyega is pissed--the movie really strongly hints that he’s Force-sensitive and has feelings for Rey, but JJ doesn’t bother to wrap up that loose end at all. 
-”Let’s win this one for Leia! She never gave up!” Movie, you just said she gave up on being a Jedi, like, five minutes ago. And man, you’re saying she was basically a Jedi in all but name, and she still sent her defenseless, old man husband out to redeem Ben instead of going herself? I mean, you didn’t see Count Dooku sitting on his ass just because he could get a senior citizen’s discount. He was putting himself out there all through the Clone Wars, repping the Confederacy. I guess Leia is just chickenshit.
-So, umm... how is Palpatine defeated anymore totally this time than he was the last time? Like, what’s to stop him from resurrecting himself again and revealing that he had yet another fleet up his ass?
-And I know the Star Wars canon has played fast and loose as hell with the “only two there are, a master and an apprentice”, bringing in an endless supply of Sith Inquisitors and whatnot, but an entire fleet of Sith, with a cult and special Stormtroopers--I mean, wow. Sure, they’re not Force-sensitive, but where did they come from? Where they around during the prequels? Did Palpatine recruit a billion people and send them off to just start building Star Destroyers, with no one noticing or wondering what was going on at all? Entirely separate from the First Order, which also started up and built a galaxy-ruling fleet with no one noticing? Like, shit, this guy must be the greatest economist of all time. He should be in charge! The Republic can’t even end child slavery and he’s cranking out fleets like there’s no tomorrow!
-And I guess Snoke was an uber-powerful clone of some kind that Palpatine could control, begging the question of why he’s bothering with Rey if he can create Snokes and why he doesn’t just create a whole army of killer Snokes who can Force Lightning whole fleets away? Say what you will about the EU, but it was smart enough to immediately explain why you couldn’t/shouldn’t clone Jedi.
-And if you’ll remember from TLJ, Rey and Kylo Ren can only Forcetime each other because of Snoke creating the connection and him being an uber-powerful Sith Lord. Luke doing it outright killed him. Here, though, Rey and Kylo Ren are able to Forcetime each other whenever they want. I guess everyone involved just forgot what killed Luke Skywalker one movie ago.
-It’s funny that they try to explain away that the Holdo Manuever was a ‘one in a million,’ and then at the end they show that someone has successfully done it again on an Imperial Star Destroyer. So I guess that is a valid tactic now. Great...
-Man, that Force healing technique sure would’ve been handy when Qui-Gon Jinn was dying. Or when Shmi Skywalker was dying. Or when Vader was dying. Padme Amidala...
-What was the point of introducing a new cute droid and leaving R2-D2 behind? Like, why don’t you just stop the movie and have Poe Dameron give all the kids in the audience a special gift code for the Disney gift shop?
-”Never be afraid of who you are, Rey.” Okay, but then she disavows her entire identity as a Palpatine and names herself a Skywalker. It’s not like Luke renamed himself after he found out who Darth Vader was. And Daddy Palpatine and Mommy Palpatine seemed like good peoples. Even if she doesn’t (or does?) remember them, what’s the alternative? She considers Luke her father? Han? Does she consider herself married to Ben? Does she think Leia is like a mother to her even though their relationship was entirely off-screen? So crazy.
-I also like the part at the beginning where Palpatine casually reveals that he’s been the voice in Ben Solo’s head all along. Where we supposed to know that Ben has literally been hearing voices this whole time? Okay, I guess his motivation all this time was... fake mental illness? How satisfying!
-Also find it hilarious that it’s time for Rey’s character arc to end, but they never actually gave her a character, so at the literal last minute, they turn her into Luke Skywalker. Her granddaddy is a supervillain and she’s afraid of going over to the Dark Side. Only obviously she doesn’t give a shit about redeeming Palpatine, she just wants to get revenge for her dead parents, so--it’s like someone watched the OT and said “Wouldn’t this be better without the famous twist in ESB and if we didn’t set up this conflict until the last movie?”
-And the whole movie, they’re trying to find Palpatine specifically to assassinate him, but now Rey’s in danger of going over to the Dark Side, so when she talks about killing Palpatine, everyone’s all worried. “Rey, this isn’t you!” Shades of the Battle of Crait, because--what are they supposed to do when they find Palpatine? Does the Resistance ever actually order anyone to do anything or do they just send people places and have them make it all up as they go along?
-We let Abrams get away with including his buddy Amiable Fat Dude cameo as a character in these movies, but here it really gets out of control, as Jodie Comer and Dominic Monaghan show up to play basically extras, which just ends up being distracting as hell. Imagine if, in Return of the Jedi, Luke took Vader’s mask off... and oh my God, it’s Frank Sinatra!
-For an almost plotless movie, it gets pretty convoluted at times. Palpatine orders Kylo Ren to kill Rey, although he doesn’t really want her dead, it’s just tough love I guess? Kylo is upfront about not caring about that; he wants to turn her to the Dark Side so they can kill Palpatine together. He doesn’t seem to have any real clever way to go about this other than trying to kill her (?) and revealing to her her true parentage, because that worked so well when he tried to do it one movie ago.
-Okay, this is more the fandom reaction no mans land than the movie, but I am mystified, my good sirs, at this idea that Rian Johnson nobly made a point that Rey was a Super-Jedi and a Super-Jedi can come from anywhere, because. And you know, don’t listen to me, I just watched the movie, but it seemed like they were saying she was a Super-Jedi to balance out Kylo Ren or Snoke being a Super-Sith or to make up for the Jedi Purge, even though that wasn’t a thing back in the OT when thousands of Jedi died and Darth Vader, who is vastly more powerful than Kylo Ren, was running around. And I just feel the whole “Rey is a scrappy little nobody making good!” thing doesn’t work if also the Force has arbitrarily declared that she gets such a buttload of magic powers that the ol’ energy field is basically sticking its hand up her ass and working her like a puppet. Like, at that point, she’s a Chosen One in all but name. She’s not winning through perseverance or moxie or anything like that, it’s just that she’s arbitrarily the Superman of the Jedi Order. Her being a Palpatine doesn’t really explain her powers any better, but it doesn’t explain them any worse, for my money.
-P.S. Anyone else get the Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar trailer? What a cringey, offputting trailer. Like, instead of explaining the plot or making any jokes, let’s subject the audience to what feels like hours of a horrible little child singing and then act as though we’re finally making a movie about some universally loved icons even though they’re characters you’ve never heard of. I felt like I was in some universe where Saturday Night Live didn’t exist, and then some monster bought over A Night At The Roxbury from a parallel dimension and unleashed it on us anyway.
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coffee-obsessed-writer · 6 years ago
Missing Her - Part 3
Dean x Reader
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Dean x Reader; Sam Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Jim (OMC), Ollie (OFC)
Series Summary: Dean is on the verge of going to Hell, and Sam is reaching out to an old friend who he thinks holds the key that could change Dean’s future. When they get reunited, a long kept secret comes out, that can’t stop him from going to Hell, but it changes everything for him when he returns. Seeking out the woman he loves and getting back what he lost, while still managing to stop Lillith from breaking the seals may be more difficult than he thinks.
Part One | Part Two
Warnings: Language, Canon Divergence, mild violence
Words: 6.9K
Everything Tags: @sorenmarie87 //  @lefthologramdeer // @rockyhorrorpictureshowstyle // @his-paradox// @letsby
SUPERNATURAL TAGS: @wings-of-a-raven // @kazosa // @negans-wife // @grace-for-sale // @geeksareunique // @tiquismiquis // @mrsbarnes-rogers  // @teller258316 // @spnhollis // @sweet-things-4-life // @hobby27 // @sweetlythoughtfulbird // @theoriginalvicki // @dreamchester67 // @xxwarhawk // @babykalika2001 // @superwhovianfangirl81 // @toobusynerdfighting // @missihart23 // @crowleysreigningqueenofhell // @idreamofplaid // @thewinchesterchronicles  // @wayward-gypsy  // @closetspngirl // @fatestemptress // @rebelminxy  // @22sarah08 // @witch-of-letters// @cole-winchester // @rainflowermoon // @adoptdontshoppets // @foreverwayward // @waywardvalkyrie // @fandomoniumflurry // @gnrfanfic // @blackcherrywhiskey // @jessieray98  // @lyoly  // @a–1–1–3 // @31shadesofbrown // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare // @pilaxia // @flamencodiva // @screechingartisancashbailiff //  @kgbrenner // @holylulusworld // @deansenwackles // @jamielea81
Dean crouched in front of Ollie, meeting her curious green eyes with his own. They examined each other for a moment, and it wasn’t until Ollie smiled, did you realize you were holding your breath. He held out his hand in greeting, his lips formed into a crooked grin also very similar to hers.
“Hi,” he said and shook her little hand gingerly. “I’m Dean. I’m—uh—an old friend of your moms.”
“Hi,” she replied shyly, and looked over at you unsure of what to do or say next. You nodded slightly, trying to encourage her with just the look. Ollie understood and turned back to him. “Nice to meet you.”
“Your mom told me a lot about you. I’m really excited that I finally get to meet you,” he said, releasing her hand and standing back up. He glanced at you before looking over at Jim who was quietly seething beneath the surface. Ignoring him, his attention went back to Ollie whose head was tilted to one side taking him.
You knew that look on her face all too well. She was trying to figure out what to make of him, but with Jim hovering, she instinctively knew better than to show too much interest.
“It was nice to meet you, too. I should go get my books, we have to get to the library.”
“Yeah, we really should get a move on, honey,” Jim encouraged in his best happy-dad voice, fooling no one, but Ollie.
“Hey, uh, maybe Dean could help you find them. I need to talk to dad for a second, anyway.” You turned your gaze to Dean. “They may be on the top shelf of her closet, and she can’t reach. Do you mind?”
“No,” he replied quickly and looked to Ollie. “Is that okay?”
She shrugged and nodded.
You smiled your best happy-mommy smile and sweetly pinched on her cheek. “Thanks, kiddo.”
“I’m great at hunting things down,” Dean teased, catching your eye roll and smirk from the corner of his eye. “Come on kiddo, lead the way. Let’s go find your books.”
Dean drew in a shaky breath as he followed Ollie up the steps. It wasn’t like he didn’t imagine this moment; he had many, many times ever since (Y/N) told him about her before he went to Hell. Now that it was here though, he felt more nervous than he ever did facing any monster or situation, including Hell.
Most nights, he would try to imagine different scenarios in which he would be face-to-face with her, and each one ended with something he never thought he’d get… a hug from his kid. He wondered about her constantly—what did she like to eat, what shows did she like, what was her favorite book, did she like cars or rock music? It was a constant stream of consciousness that he didn’t have any answers to, until now.
Though he’d been at (Y/N)’s house since last night, he never thought to go in and look around Ollie’s room. When he followed her in there and saw the décor, he knew, without a doubt, that Ollie was very much his daughter.
The room was tidy, and if he didn’t already know, he never would have thought it was a little girl’s room. It was painted a light gray with pale blue accents. Along the walls, instead of princesses, makeup and dolls were posters of dragons, superheroes and video game characters. There were assembled Lego sets that adorned the book shelves and a large plastic set of drawers that had stickers of the small building blocks all over it.
“You’re a fan of Legos, huh?” he asked, his eyes trying to take it all in.
“I love them. That’s why my dad and I have to get to the library. Two Saturdays a month is Lego club and today I am building the plans I drew up.”
“Whoa, you made your own plans? What did you make?” he asked as she opened the closet door for him.
“I made blueprints to build my own Batmobile,” she shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “Those dummies Troy and Scott said I couldn’t do it. So, I did it to prove I could.”
Internally Dean was screaming with excitement, joy, pride and a whole other host of emotions. Externally he simply nodded in satisfaction and resisted the urge to praise her with ‘That’s my girl’.
“I bet your Batmobile is gonna blow them away. You know, I happen to know a lot about cars. So, if you need any advice, feel free to ask,” he said and reached up to the top shelf of her closet, grabbing the small stack of books. “These the ones?”
“Yup,” she said, taking them from him. “Thanks!”
“So, you like superheroes too, I see,” Dean said, gesturing towards all the posters. “Who’s your favorite?”
From her expression, Dean could see Ollie considered this a very serious question. “I dunno. I like Batman, a lot.”
“Batman, huh?”
“Yeah. Why? You don’t like Batman?” her small features wrinkled into a disbelieving expression.
“No! I love Batman. I actually think he’s the coolest. I mean, he’s got a great car, right?”
“Yup!” She bounced over to her desk and opened the top drawer. Returning to Dean she handed him a piece of paper. “That was my first drawing of the Lego Batmobile. Its not great, but it was a try. Mom says you gotta keep practicing.”
Dean took the paper, examining her petite handwriting and smiled when he saw a little heart over the “i” in Batmobile at the top of the page. The moment he was having with her was so easy going, and he never wanted it to end. At the same time, there was a part of him that felt anxious and unsure. He thought about the years he’d missed; the ones (Y/N) raised her, alone and then with Jim. There was so much he wasn’t there for; so many things about her he didn’t know.
Dean wanted to, more than anything. He decided right there that he would do anything to keep that little girl in his life.
He could feel her staring at him, so he smiled and handed her back the paper.  “Your mom is pretty smart.”
“Sometimes,” she shrugged again, taking the paper and returning it to the drawer. “She just likes to nag me about eating healthy stuff.”
Dean couldn’t help but laugh. “You know, I have a brother, and he does the same thing to me.”
Ollie just rolled her eyes dramatically and shook her head. “Ugh, family,” she groaned.
She gathered up her books and headed towards the door. Dean took her lead and just as he was about to turn off the light and close the door, he paused and took another look into his daughter’s room. He could feel his heart rate start to increase, and a swell of stuff he didn’t want to be feeling as he headed back down to where Jim was.
He didn’t want Jim to catch him off guard, and he certainly wasn’t going to let him ruin his chances of getting to know Ollie.
When they were clear of the room, you turned to Jim who looked as if he may blow. His face was bright red, and the vein engorged in his neck. “You must be so fucking happy now, huh?”
“Jim. Stop. I told you this could happen.”
“Not like this.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and felt the defensive anger rising. “I didn’t invite you over. You certainly didn’t call first.”
“Olivia needed her books, (Y/N). I didn’t realize I needed to call first. I certainly never thought you’d have him here, and to spend the night no less. Real nice, by the way.” The bite in his words felt as if he spit in your face. Angry and resentful, that’s how he turned anytime Dean’s name came up in the years since you met him.
“What makes you think he spent the night?” you challenged.
“Please. It’s early enough. No way he just arrived, and you happened to have all this food cooked. I’m not stupid. Naïve, yes. But not stupid.”
“Naïve? Ha! You’re not naïve, Jim. You always know exactly what you’re doing and what’s going on. Look, I don’t wanna fight. I wanted to talk to you about changing weekends. Since he’s here, I want her to—”
His cell phone started ringing and he held up a finger to stop you. “It’s work. Hold on.”
The imperfectly perfect timed phone call gave him an out to leave the room to talk to his assistant, but also time to come up with an excuse as to why he wouldn’t switch weekends with you. You could hear bits and pieces of his conversation, but even in fragments you could tell he wasn’t happy.
“…fix it! I’ll be there shortly,” he barked as he walked back into the kitchen, furiously hitting the end call button and shoving the phone back into his interior coat pocket.
“Everything alright?” you asked, knowing it wasn’t. But goading him was something you couldn’t pass up when he was behaving like an idiot.
“Peachy,” he growled. “You get your wish, we can switch. I have to head into the office and I won’t be back until late.” The resignation on his face gave him a seasick appearance and giving you a smug sense of satisfaction. Sometimes it was hard to look at him and imagine that you once loved him enough to marry him.
You went to say something but froze when Jim took two hulking steps towards you, positioning himself directly in front of you and his finger in your face.
“I swear to God, (Y/N), he’s NOT to stay here while Ollie is in the house. If I find out that he did—”
“Whoa, everything alright in here?” Dean asked from the doorway to the kitchen.
Jim immediately backed off and pulled his lips into a tight, thin line. Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he turned to face Ollie, a sudden, wide grin across his face. “Everything’s fine. Just bummed I can’t take you to the library after all, honey. I’m sorry.”
Ollie’s face fell. “Why?” she whined, her bottom lip starting to pout. “We’re gonna miss Lego club!”
“I know, honey, I’m sorry.”
“Ollie, we can still go. I’ll take you.”
“You won’t be ready in time! We have to be there soon and you aren’t even dressed. It’ll take you forever to be ready.”
Dean couldn’t help but snort a laugh then reeled it in when he saw your expression. “Well, how about I take you and your mom can meet us there when she’s ready. This way you aren’t late. Is that alright?”
Jim was about to answer, but Ollie’s face perked up, elated at the idea. “Yes! Can he, mommy, pleeeease?” Her little hands were clasped together in hope and when you agreed, she pumped her fist into the air as she leapt from the stool.
“Well, I don—” Jim started but stopped when Olivia hugged him, completely oblivious to his objections. “Bye daddy! Have fun at work, I’ll let you know how it goes!” She released him and turned to Dean. “Come on! We gotta go now or Troy and Scott will get the best set of Legos! I’m gonna get my shoes on. Come on, Dean!”
The vein in Jim’s neck looked dangerously close to erupting, but he managed to hold himself together. The energy in the kitchen was heavy and tense. Dean glared at Jim with a satisfied smirk before he walked over towards you and rested his hand against the small of your back.
“You sure?”
“Yes, its fine. She’ll tell you how to get there, its only a few blocks away. I’ll meet up with you soon. Just need to shower quickly and get dressed.”
He nodded and leaned down to kiss you, despite feeling the daggers Jim was throwing at him from across the room. “I’ll text you when we get there.”
“Have fun, okay? I’ll see you soon.”
Dean went to leave the kitchen and you thought he would just breeze through, knowing that Ollie was waiting for him. Instead, he paused in front of Jim, and when he turned to face him, Dean seemed to realize then just how much bigger your ex-husband was. Unphased by his looming presence, Dean boldly stuck out his hand to Jim and smiled.
“We haven’t officially met. Dean Winchester,” he said, a look of slight amusement on his face. Without saying a word or shaking his hand, Jim pushed past Dean and left the kitchen. He mumbled something to Ollie who was waiting by the front door before you heard the screen slam against the frame. “Nice guy.”
“Yeah, he’s the best,” you said flatly and exhaled the nervous energy that had been building.
“You wanna tell me what I walked in on before?”
“Dean! Come on!” Ollie called from the foyer.
“Later. Go… take your daughter to the library,” you said and pursed your lips into a satisfied smile. “I’ll catch up shortly.”
A trifecta of thoughts and emotions played out across his expression in a matter of seconds. “My daughter,” he mused quietly, biting on his lower lip. He winked at you before leaving to grab his shoes and leave for the library with Ollie.
It wasn’t more than thirty minutes later that you arrived at the library. After a very brisk shower and a quick clean up of the kitchen, you drove the three blocks to the local library and parked along the curb right behind Dean’s car.
Seeing it there still caught you by surprise. Just having Dean around again had been enough to spin you out, but the way he came back… fully and with love in his eyes, made it easier to handle the idea of him in your life again.
Once you made your way inside the library’s all-purpose room, you caught sight of Dean and Ollie sitting at a table in the corner of the room. Their heads were both intently staring at the table and sorting through the Lego pieces. You noticed they were both deeply buried in concentration, Ollie’s tongue peaking out of the corner of her mouth, and Dean biting down on his lower lip. The resemblance they shared was striking, both in physical features and mannerisms.
Seeing them sitting so close together like that for the first time, made your eyes wet. It wasn’t a sight you thought would ever be seen. Dean and Ollie, together… a dull ache grew in your chest, but it was warming and not empty. In fact, for the first time in a very, very long time, you felt nearly complete.
“Hey guys,” you said with a big smile on your face, as you sat at the table. “How’s the Batmobile?”
“Oh, we scrapped that, mom,” Ollie replied casually as she moved the black Lego pieces around the table.
“How come? Your blueprints were awesome!”
“Have you seen Dean’s car?! Its so cool! I wanted to make that instead!”
Shocked, you looked over at Dean whose face was downright beaming with pride. His eyes were soft with the love a father should have for his daughter, and he just shrugged. “Who am I to say no to that?”
“I think that’s pretty damn cool,” you said and leaned over to kiss Ollie’s hand.
“Mooom, stop. Troy and Scott are watching!” She jerked her head away and gave a hesitated, yet quick glance over to where her rivals sat. You stifled a laugh as she narrowed her eyes at them, trying to look threatening.
“Oh, sorry…” you apologized and held up your hands. “I’m going to go see when sign ups are for the next session and leave you guys to it.”
“Good idea,” Dean said, with his most serious face. “The little lady and I have some major work to do.”
You caught his gaze as you stood up and found that you were still able to have a silent conversation with him just through expression.
You alright?
Of course, I got this.
He winked, and you left them to their business.
“Well?” he asked tentatively.
Ollie narrowed her eyes and examined every inch of their Lego car and put it back on the table. She met Dean’s gaze and smiled.
“It’s perfect.”
A satisfied smirk graced her small features. Dean registered it as his favorite expression he’d seen from her, yet. He was trying to take note of every little thing he could, unsure if this would be his only day with her. Though he already knew he’d fight like hell to make sure it wasn’t.
“You sure? We have time for improvements.”
“Nope. Its good. I don’t even care if we win, I think it’s awesome,” she replied with awe.
Dean leaned back in the chair and just watched his daughter; he was completely enamored and was beginning to understand why parents would go to any lengths for their children. Dean knew he would do anything for Ollie. Whatever it took to make her safe and happy; he would do it without question or hesitation.
He felt someone watching and looked up, skimming the space and finding (Y/N) standing in the doorway, just watching them. She was leaning against the door frame, with one foot kicked over the other and her hands clasped together. Her head was rested lazily against the frame as she gazed at them dreamily.
Dean’s lips twitched a quick smile when she mouthed the word ‘hi’ to him. He didn’t reply, but he was hit with a blast of memories, old feelings, and some new ones. So much had changed in twenty-four hours, he was having trouble believing it was all real. He should be with Sam chasing Lilith, stopping her from breaking the seals. And he would be, soon. This time was too precious to pass up, and even the angels would have to understand. One day off the mission wasn’t going to break the world, and if it did, it was worth it. Getting to spend the day with his daughter and the love of his life was worth pretty much anything.
Dean pried his eyes from (Y/N) and brought them back to Ollie. He didn’t realize that she was watching him, watch her mom. She looked back and forth between them, then settled her gaze on Dean.
“Do you like my mom?” she asked casually.
“I do.” Dean’s voice stayed steady, but inside he was a bundle of nervous swimming in uncharted territory.
“Will you be nice to her?”
“Absolutely. The nicest. I love your mom a lot, Ollie,” he said and really held her gaze. The way her green eyes watched him, made him feel a real connection with her for the first time.
After a minute or two, she came to a conclusion. “Ok. You can date her.” Ollie paused and glanced over at her mom who was now talking to one of the other moms. “’Cause I think she likes you too.”
Dean felt a flutter of boyish nerves rumble in his stomach. “Oh yeah? What makes you say that?”
“She never lets boys sleep over. Not since daddy left. She let you sleep over, and she let you take me for a ride without her. That’s neeever happened before. Not even with her friends from work. Well, except Auntie El. I can go anywhere with her.”
“That’s right, I forgot you know Ellen,” Dean mused, still partially shocked at everything that was happening. “I haven’t seen her in a long time. How is she?”
“You know Auntie El?” Ollie exclaimed, so excited she nearly jumped out of her seat.
Dean laughed. “I do. Very well, actually.”
“I love Auntie El, and Jo. Mommy and Jo used to hang out a lot together and play darts. Auntie El and I used to watch them and make bets with candy on who would win.”
“Let me guess, Jo?”
Ollie giggled and shook her head. “Nope. My mom is awesome at darts. Jo used to get so mad!” She put a hand over her mouth and snickered.
“Well, maybe I can convince your mom to take a road trip there soon to visit. Would you like that?”
“Hell yeah!” she replied, causing Dean to choke on his laugh.
“Are you allowed to say that?”
“Mom says language and sarcasm in moderation,” she admitted with a shrug.
“I said it before, I’ll say it again. You got yourself one smart mom.”
Before Ollie could respond, time on the building part was called and Mrs. Pixley, the librarian in charge of the club, went from table to table examining the work done by the kids and their parents. When she reached Ollie and Dean’s table, she was slightly taken aback to see someone unfamiliar sitting there.
“Hello Olivia, who is this you have with you today?”
“This is Dean,” she said, and clapped his shoulder amicably, “he’s my mommy’s special friend.” She gave the woman an over-zealous, animated wink.
Dean blushed and laughed nervously. “Kids? You know?” He cleared his throat when he saw she either didn’t know, or just had no sense of humor about it. “Nice to meet you,” he said and held out a hand.
She shook it and gave him a polite smile as she quickly retracted her hand. “Yes, nice to meet you,” she said flatly, then turned back to Ollie. “Where’s your dad today? I do so enjoy chatting with him.”
“He had to work, and my mom wasn’t ready, so Dean brought me. We made a way better project then the Batmobile.” She picked up the car and handed it to Mrs. Pixley.
“Oh, well, isn’t this fine work. You’re very creative, Olivia.”
“Thanks! It was so much fun!”
“Well, that’s what really matters, isn’t it?” Mrs. Pixley asked with a fake smile as she put down the creation.
Dean didn’t like her one bit. There was something off about her and though he couldn’t put his finger on it, the simple fact that she liked talking to Jim was enough to raise a red flag.
Mrs. Pixley walked away back towards her desk to decide the winner of the build competition. It took her only a few minutes to come back and call everyone’s attention to the middle of the room.
“Everyone did such a spectacular job, and it made it very difficult to pick one winner. Everyone will be able to pick a prize from the treasure chest because of the hard work, dedication and concentration you have put into what you created. Our overall winner will also win a gift card to the Sky Zone Trampoline park. That winner is, Troy for his model of the Batmobile!”
Dean’s heart sank for Ollie, who looked like she had just been knocked over. Her face fell immediately, and she cast her eyes to the floor. He looked up for (Y/N) who was starting to approach after hearing that Ollie didn’t win. Dean waved her off and gave her another wordless answer, I got this.
“Hey,” he said, slapping his palm to his knee, “so what if Troy won. You built a damn cool car.”
Ollie looked up and Dean was surprised to see the girl wasn’t about to cry. Instead, he found steel in her gaze and frustration in her body language.
“Oh, I know. Our car was the best. I’m mad because Mrs. Pixley wasn’t fair.”
“How so?”
She shrugged. “If dad was here, I would have won because she likes him. Always making those eyes at him, like you do with mommy.”
Dean snorted a laugh. “Gotcha. Well, we could lodge a complaint. We gotta find the library board, go straight to the top! The President of the library, if we have too,” he teased.
Ollie laughed and it light up her entire face, right along with Dean’s heart. How was it possible to love someone that much in such little time?
“Hey, so do we get to keep these?” he asked, picking up the car.
Ollie nodded.
“Awesome. Can I keep it? I’d love to have this with me when I’m on the road. Something to remember you by.”
“Sure,” she said, “you can keep it. I’m gonna build another one when I get home. Then we’ll having matching Lego cars! I got some improvements in mind.”
“Kid, that’s the best idea I’ve heard in forever.”
Dean got Ollie settled in the back seat and met up with you at the trunk of his car. It was the first moment you had alone with him since Jim and Ollie showed up at the house that morning. You were still getting used to the idea of him being around and being around Ollie most of all.
“Hey,” you said, and smiled when he immediately reached out and pulled you into a huge. “You alright there, big guy?”
“Holy shit, kids are…” he exhaled deeply and kissed the top of your head. “What a morning.”
“You ain’t kidding. I wanted you to meet her, but that was… I don’t even know. I’m sorry Jim was an asshole.”
“Yeah, what was that about? I get the guy doesn’t like me, but in front of her?”
“I think he wanted to mark his territory,” you shrugged.
Dean’s face wrinkled in disgust. “Oh, ewe, why?”
“Sorry,” you laughed and reached up to kiss him. “Forgive me?”
“Mhm, you’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?”
“I do. You know what else, though? We never did get to eat that big ass breakfast, and I’m starving. Feel like going for lunch?”
“Yeah, absolutely. I can definitely eat.”
“Good. So, before we get in there, how did it go with Ollie?”
“(Y/N), she is an amazing kid. I was in constant awe of her.”
“I am too. She’s pretty great.”
“You both are,” he said, softer now. This time he bent down to kiss you, letting his lips linger on yours. A knock on the rear window caused you to both pull away.
Ollie rolled her eyes and shouted from the backseat. “Come on you two! You can kiss later! Let’s go eat!”
“Jesus, she really is mine, isn’t she?” Dean teased and walked around to the driver’s side of the car.
“Dean, you have no idea…” you said and climbed into the passenger side.
Lunch was at yours and Ollie’s favorite diner. After the meals had been ordered, they told you about the parts of the building competition that you missed. Dean and Ollie chatted casually about everything under the sun. As you watched them talk, you were filled with an overwhelming feeling of admiration for both. This is how things should have always been.
The waitress brought the food, and as you ate, Dean asked Ollie more about school, what subjects she liked—science and history—and she asked him about what he did for work. Dean hesitated and looked to you, unsure of what to say.
“Remember how I told you Aunt Ellen works with people who go out and help people with problems that the police can’t handle?”
Ollie nodded.
“Well, that’s what Dean does, too. Him and his brother, Sam, they travel all around the country to help people.”
“Oh,” she said, and got quiet.
You and Dean shared a pensive glance. Ollie was just pushing food around her plate, and her expression told you she was deep in thought. You passed Dean a facial shrug and went back to your food.
Ollie waited another beat and seemed ready to say what she wanted to. “Mommy, I wanna ask a question, but,” she paused, looked at Dean and began to chew on her lower lip.
“But, what?”
“I’m not sure if its appropriate,” she said the last word slower, to make sure she got the pronunciation right.
“Its okay, Ollie, ask whatever you want too.”
“Okay,” she inhaled, then exhaled slowly. “Is Dean my bibliolgical daddy?”
You couldn’t help but let a little chuckle out at her mispronunciation before you could reign it in and respond to her sudden, and somewhat surprising question.
“You mean, biological?”
She nodded. You passed a look to Dean, who was clearly taken aback by her question. He looked a little pale for a moment and grabbed his drink to take a long sip of his soda. Nervous or not; ready or not, it was time she knew.
“Yes, Olivia. Dean is your biological dad. How did you know?”
“I look like him. We both have freckles and green eyes.”
“That’s it?”
She shook her head but cast her eyes away from your gaze as if she had done something wrong.
“What is it?” you asked, putting down your fork and stretching your hand across the table to her.
“I remember hearing you and daddy fighting about Dean once. I heard daddy say something about him being a sperm donor. I didn’t know what that meant then, but I looked it up on Sally Sutton’s phone.”
Dean nearly choked on his drink. You closed your eyes and slowly shook your head. “Honey, you can ask me, you don’t need to look stuff like that up on Sally Sutton’s phone. Why does an eight-year-old have their own phone, anyway?”
“Moooom,” Ollie groaned and sighed.
“Fine, whatever… getting back to the point… I’m sorry you heard us fighting, I know we did that a lot. We still do, but we’re trying to be better. As far as Dean goes, he and I hadn’t seen each other in a really long time. But recently he came back to town and I told him about you.”
“I didn’t know—” Dean started, his voice raspy before it broke. “But its not your mom’s fault. Things just happened, back then. The important thing is that I know now.”
Ollie looked at him, but differently than she did before. Maybe she was trying to find more of herself in his face, or maybe she was trying to decide if he was an alright person to be her dad. Whatever it was, it was very different.
“Ok,” she said finally before going back to eating the food, instead of picking at it.
“Ok?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, you can be my dad. My biblio—real—dad.”
Dean didn’t even bother trying to hide his smile. “I can?”
“Sure. You’re cool. You like my mom, and you like cool stuff like Batman and Legos.”
“I’m cool,” he repeated, very proud of that fact.
You snickered at his expression before turning back to your daughter. “Ollie, do you have any other questions? Whatever you’re thinking, I want you to know you can tell either of us.”
“What does daddy think?” she asked.
“About what, exactly?”
“Well,” you started and paused to give Dean an apologetic look. “I can’t speak for Daddy, Ol, but, if I were to guess, he’s probably not thrilled that Dean is back in my life. In our lives.”
“I don’t know,” you lied. You knew why but you weren’t going to bad mouth Jim to her. Regardless of who he was becoming, Olivia still loved him. “You may have to talk to him about that.”
“Ok.” She seemed at peace with your answer and continued her lunch. “One more question. What can I call you?”
Dean stumbled over his words in trying to answer her question. “Uh, well, I guess… whatever. You know, whatever your comfortable with. Dean is fine… Dad is ok, too,” he trialed off. “Pa—papa?” he said, uncertain, and immediately shook his head no. “Maybe not that…”
Ollie didn’t respond, she just nodded. The table got quiet, but only for a moment. Your cell phone began ringing and once you fished it from your pocket, you saw it was Jim. Sliding from the booth, you held it up to let them know you were going to take the call.
Walking away from the table, you heard Ollie and Dean slip into a conversation about Batman and pressed the answer button, bringing the phone to your ear.
“Hi Jim,” you answered.
“Where are you?”
“I’m great, thanks! How are you?” you continued, ignoring his demanding question.
“(Y/N), I’m not in the mood. Where are you and Olivia?”
“We are eating lunch at the diner. Why?”
“I want you to bring her back to my place when you’re done. Work was a bust, so I’m home and I want my weekend with her.”
You sighed, loudly. “Come on, Jim. Don’t do this. You can see her after school on Monday.”
“No, I want my weekend.”
“You’re behaving like a child,” you admonished, trying to keep your growing frustration in check.
“Do not fucking start with me. She’s my kid, too. I want my weekend.”
You lowered the phone from your ear and took a few calming breaths before responding.
“I really wish you would just be reasonable. She’s having fun, Jim.”
“Bring her to my house, or I will remember to tell my lawyer that you have a wanted felon staying in your house.”
Your blood ran cold and you realized just how low he would sink to get what he wanted. You figured he had done research on Dean, but had no idea exactly what he would find.
“Fine. I’ll bring her to your house tonight. But tomorrow is Sunday and I want her home by five,” you said and hung up before he could respond. You looked down the other end of the diner where they were talking and laughing together. The idea of breaking that up hurt your heart, and you knew it would hurt Dean’s, too. But, to avoid a bigger argument with Jim, you were going to have too.
Sitting back down in the booth, you tried to swallow down the disappointment that coated your tone. “So, change of plans. Dad is done with work and wants you to spend the night at his place, after all.”
You saw Dean’s expression fall from joyous to pissed in no time at all. Even Ollie seemed disappointed.
“Oh,” she said simply, and looked back to Dean. “How long are you staying for?”
Dean passed a look to you, as if you could answer her. You just shrugged and relayed through your expression that was entirely up to him.
“I don’t know, how long do you want me to stay?” he asked, leaning forward on the table.
She shrugged, and suddenly seemed like a very young, little girl again. “Maybe, forever?”
You had to turn your head from her, so she didn’t see the wetness that stung at the corners of your eyes. Dean struggled with his own feelings for a moment. He was able to pull them back and smile at her. “That sounds damn good to me, kid.”
After a round of chocolate cream pie for dessert, and a stop at the park to swing on the swings and monkey bars, you and Dean were pulling up to Jim’s house to drop Ollie off. Dean put the car in park but didn’t turn off the engine.
“Probably best if I stay in the car,” he said quietly before turning to face Ollie in the back seat. “I had a great first day with you.”
“Me too,” she smiled and leaned forward, hugging him from behind. He hugged her back and flashed to those dozens of day dreams he’d had; then realized he never imagined a hug like that, that somehow made it even more special.
“See you soon, okay?” he said giving her one last squeeze.
“Yeah!” she smiled and hopped out the backseat.
You gave Dean a wink and opened your door. “I’ll be right back.”
Taking Ollie’s hand, you walked her to the front door. Giving her hand a squeeze, you kissed the top of her head and paused outside of the front door.
“I love you, Olivia. You handled that pretty great.”
“I kinda knew when I saw him. I just needed to be sure.”
“You’re one smart kid,” you said with a wink.
“Like Dean says, I got a smart mom. Guess it comes from you.”
You chuckled and hugged her tight. “I guess it does.”
Just as you were about to ring the bell, Jim pulled the door open and both yours, and Olivia’s smile faded. Jim looked ragged, his features drawn, circles under his eyes, and his hair mussy.
“Wow. Rough day at the office?” you asked, teasingly, but he didn’t respond with humor.
“Yes,” he said simply and turned to Olivia. “Have fun at the library?”
“Yeah! We didn’t win, but we made a cool car,” she said, walking into the house. You followed her in and seemed to raise the same question Olivia had at the same time. “Where’s Max and Cody?”
“Oh,” Jim responded, he looked around, slightly confused. “Uh, Max and Cody… the dogs… they are outside.”
Olivia shrugged but you could tell she was bothered by that. The dogs always greeted her at the door. She took off her coat and hung it on the hook, then took off her shoes before walking back towards you for another hug.
“I love you mommy, see you tomorrow. Can I go watch tv?”
You and Jim both nodded and she scurried off towards the tv room. You knew it was just an excuse for her to go check on the dogs. She loved those dogs something fierce.
When she was out of ear shot, you cleared your throat and resolved to tell Jim the news you dreaded to have to tell him.
“So, you should know that Olivia knows Dean is her biological father.”
The flash of anger that came over his face, made you take a tentative step back towards the door. You’d see him lose his temper throughout the years, but this was like nothing you’d experienced with him before. The only thing that made you feel better was how close you were to the screen door and a chance to bolt.
“What?” he growled, taking a few steps closer. “How?”
“She asked, Jim. I wasn’t going to lie to her.”
“She asked? Bullshit. There’s no way she would know unless you told her.”
“I didn’t tell her. She flat out asked. Ask her yourself.”
His nostrils were flaring, that signature vein popping from his neck, and his face red with anger. “You’re such a meddling bitch, you know that?”
That’s when he grabbed your arm and shoved you back into the open front door hard enough for your head to bounce off the vinyl just to the side of the door knocker.
Dean watched (Y/N) and Olivia walk hand-in-hand towards the house, and he smiled. Despite all the chaos of what was happening with his hunting life, his personal life was finding a direction that he never thought possible. Just the taste of it that day, was enough to make him crave it more.
He reflected on their day, and casually glanced in the back seat where Ollie had been throughout the day. That’s when he noticed she forgot her take-out piece of pie. Much like her old man, she had trouble deciding on which to get, so he got her the second piece to bring home.
Grabbing the box, Dean hopped out of the car and started walking to the house. As he got closer to the front door, he could see Jim and (Y/N) inside. He hesitated for a moment, when he read Jim’s expression and body language. When he saw the man start approaching (Y/N), he took the last few steps at a jog. Then, when Dean watched Jim push her forcibly up against the front door, he dropped the pie and ran.
Dean threw open the screen door and was about to draw his arm back to punch Jim in the face, when he saw Ollie was at the end of the hallway. Her eyes were huge at what she was watching unfold.
(Y/N) noticed her, at the same time Dean did.
“Jim!” she yelled and looked back at Olivia.
Jim saw the girl standing there and released his grip on her. Dean grabbed (Y/N)’s sleeve and pulled her to stand behind him. His fists clenching in and out, ready to pounce on the man if he tried to pull something else. When he spoke, his tone was calm, cool and collected.
“Hey, Ollie. Change of plans again honey, sorry,” Dean starred Jim down, challenging him to contradict what he said. “Get your shoes and coat back on. Daddy Jim isn’t feeling well after all and needs to sleep it off. You’re gonna come back home with us.”
Jim didn’t say a word, but he held Dean’s glare with a seething anger burning in his dark eyes. (Y/N) moved out from behind Dean and went down the hallway to take Olivia’s hand.
“Come on baby, let’s go home for tonight, okay?”
She just nodded. When she passed Jim, she grabbed her shoes and coat, then looked up at him with sad eyes and simply said, “Night daddy.”
(Y/N) walked her out of the house and out to the idling Impala. Dean stayed behind a moment and when the girls were safely in the car, he took a few steps to close the distance between him and Jim.
Jim didn’t move, didn’t even flinch. Dean leaned in closer, his voice low and raspy. “If you ever touch her again… I’ll break your face.” Dean turned and left the house, letting the screen door slam behind him.
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“Yeah, you do that, pal,” he mumbled as he watched him go.
Jim waited until Dean got in the car and take off down the road. He inhaled deeply, and slowly closed, and locked the front door. He walked down the hallway towards the tv room, where the sliding doors opened into the back yard. Opening the door, the two, large golden retrievers ran into the house, jumping around and excited to see Olivia, whose scent was all over the room, but she wasn’t. Confused, the dogs looked at Jim and whined as they sat and pawed at him.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” he asked them. “Fuckin’ Winchester made her leave, take it up with him.” Jim’s eyes flashed black at the dogs, who laid down and whined louder as they hid their faces from the thing living inside their master.
“Don’t you worry though, I’ll get the little brat back.”
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the-woman-upstairs · 6 years ago
Yuletide Letter 2018
Dear Author,
Hello and thank you so much for giving me the gift of fic! Listed below are all the relevant details that should help you in your writing, but if you have any questions, feel free to send me an anonymous message.
Here are some of my general likes and dislikes that should give you some guidelines for writing.
General Likes: Fluff, sexual tension, romantic tension, mutual pining, friends turned lovers, family bonding, protective family/friends/significant others, fake dating, holding hands, zombie apocalypse au, cuddling, happy endings, emotional hurt/comfort, emotional support, snowed-in, public declarations of love, soulmate au, relaxing/adventuring together, rebuilding trust, kidfic, high school au, non-sexual romantic gestures
General DNWs: Rape/non-con, BDSM, gore, extreme violence, torture, unhappy endings, character deaths, watersports, emotional/mental/physical abuse (parental/domestic), humiliation, incest, pedophilia, slurs of any kind, somnophilia, A/B/O dynamics, scat, emetophilia, bloodplay, breathplay, hate crimes, misogyny, homophobia, racism, first person POV, Dom/sub, ageplay, underage, vote, food kink, mommy/daddy kink, character bashing
Here are all my fandoms including characters and a few prompts if you’d like to use them.
Mission Impossible (Movies)
Characters: Benji Dunn, Ilsa Faust, Ethan Hunt
I absolutely adore all three of these characters and believe they have the most interesting dynamics with each other, especially after Fallout. What I’m really interested in is some OT3 goodness; there is just so much polyamory potential between them with their personal shared history, relatable traumas, and relationship growth from Rogue Nation to Fallout.
- The three of them are stranded together during a mission and through their teamwork + stressful situation realize their feelings for each other
- One is injured and the other two fret over them. Can be during or after a mission
- Benji and Ilsa rescue Ethan together and while they both know they have feelings for him, realize they’re in love with each other too
- Figuring out how to live together and enjoying domesticity with each other
- Post Fallout vacation where they help each other to heal from Lane’s attacks and fall in love in the process
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Characters: Cameron Post, Jane Fonda, Adam Red Eagle
What really struck me about this movie were the touching and realistic bonds of friendship between the three queer teens. Conversion therapy is horrendous, but the support and love they had for one another made me emotional (not enough films that focus on queer teens being friends with each other). I’m strictly looking for gen, not interested in any romance between the three of them, but if you want to introduce an OC love interest for one or each of them that’s totally fine.
- What happened now that they escaped God’s Promise? Where do they end up, how do they travel together, what places do they visit, who do they meet? (Please nothing from book canon as I haven’t read it yet)
- Zombie apocalypse au and would prefer it set during the canon era. Give me some 90s culture, queer teens, and a zombie filled road trip
- Time skip where it’s been about ten years and they’ve gone on to live separate lives but are brought back together and catch up/reminisce
- Three queer teens and a baby! Somehow in their travels they find a baby and despite the obvious hardships, work together to take care of them and give them better love and support than the three of them received
- Musician au where the three of them play completely different instruments and genres but manage to cobble together an awesome band as a means of openly queer artistic expression
Characters: David Kim, Margo Kim
The father-daughter relationship in this movie really tore me up in how raw and real it was and I just want to see more of it, either post-movie or in a kind of au
- These two would be interesting to see in a zombie apocalypse au. Surviving together, David doing anything to protect Margo while she proves skilled at surviving herself
- Father daughter road trip post-movie! What’s their destination? Any cool or weird sight-seeing? Would like to see them enjoying the time together but also openly grieving over Pam together about how she can’t be there with them
- David meeting someone new and the two of them dealing with him dating again and the possibility of another long term paternal presence in Margo’s life
- Father daughter detective agency. Can either be an au on its own or post-movie canon. Cases they take on, uncovering corruption, reuniting families, working together to help others like them
- Margo’s first year in college documented through her e-mail, Skype, texts, misc digital messaging with her father
Characters: Angelica, Sam, Julie, Kayla
The emphasis on positive female friendships was such a wonderful part of this film and I really would like that to be the focus of any fic for this fandom. I included Angelica because I’d also be very interested in having Angelica/Sam be a background relationship with the focus being on the friendships or the central relationship that the other friends help/support Sam with.
- The girls helping get Sam and Angelica together, whether it’s through flirting tips or setting up dates or
- Sam (with Angelica) goes to pride for the first time and Julie and Kayla come to support (maybe they also explore their own queer identities? Feel free to experiment with that concept)
- Future fic where Sam and Angelica are getting married and the friends go through all the cliches (bachelorette party, family getting together, panic/stress in general) together while also reminiscing and strengthening their friendship
- Future fic where the three of them become moms and help each other deal with parenting
- Any exploration of their friendship before senior year. Include all the cliches you’d like: homecoming games, sports or academic competitions, bonding over love or hatred of school subjects, etc
Baby Driver
Characters: Darling/Monica, Debora
I adore the movie as is but I would also 100% love it more as a lesbian car chase/heist film.
- Events of the film but Deb is the driver and she falls in love with darling
- Post movie where darling survives and seeks out deb
- Deb takes that cross country drive with darling instead of baby
- Supernatural creature au darling as a vampire, deb as a werewolf
- Initially, darling just hooks up with deb (smut is highly appreciated) but then falls in love with her
The Nice Guys
Characters: Jackson Healy, Holland March, Holly March
This movie is already great but would have been improved by 100% if Holland and Jackson had kissed at the end. The co-parenting dynamic they adopted towards the end of the film was so sweet and I’m an absolute sucker for queer family dynamics. Add the time period to that and there’s loads of great fic possibilities.
- Holly accidentally calls Jackson “dad” and Holland freaks out like he does but realizes he wants Jackson around, in both a “dad to holly” way and “I’m in love with you” way
- Family road trip vacation with plenty of pining between Jackson and Holland, realization of feelings, and Holly setting her dads up
- Beach vacation where Holland and Jackson can appreciate each other’s dad bods in bathing suits
- Case fic where one of the guys ends up in danger or kidnapped and feelings are realized/revealed
- Holland gets a lot of attention from women AND men (oblivious to it naturally) and Jackson finds himself feeling jealous and Holly helps him woo her dad
Thank you so much for writing my Yuletide fic, I can’t wait to read it!
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lambmotifz · 6 months ago
Favorite Wincest kinks?
here’s a few i enjoy the most because they are actually supported by canon (i also included some of my fave fics ft these kinks!)
- feminization. dean canonically loves feminizing sam (he wants a baby sister so bad it makes him look stupid) and i definitely think this habit might make it into their sexual dynamic too
fic rec: bleed my own by valleyofmidnight
- knifeplay. i mean, we all saw how turned on sam looked in 4.14 sex & violence when he had a knife pressed to his throat by dean. knifeplay might turn into light painplay at some point considering sam is canonically a masochist, he loves a dash of pain when he’s getting wrecked
fic recs: baby, love me apocalyptic by outoftheashes, we got that fire, fire, fire (and we gonna let it burn) by Trojie
- big brother/little brother kink. dean gets off on being a caring big brother and sam craves the feeling of being physically smaller than he is and completely giving up his control. also you can’t convince me he doesn’t come just from dean’s big brother talk during sex
fic rec: the devouring mouth by hathfrozen
- mommy kink. dean canonically called his mother a “babe” and sam was blatantly paralleled to her multiple times, including john mentioning in his journal that sam reminded him of mary which makes me think if dean thought about that too. also it’s canon that dean misses mary (2.20 what is and what should never be) and honestly it’s pretty obvious he wants to be mothered. this kink goes perfectly with hurt/comfort where sam is in the caretaker role
fic rec: love my way by shir_hashirim
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fruityspic3 · 4 years ago
okay my time has come, off i go
(also i wanted to include any mcr song that could be sung by anyone, not just queer people)
song: the ghost of you
occasion: after finn dies (is this too cruel?)
performer: rachel
fitting lyrics: “i never said i’d lie and wait forever / if i died we’d be together” “you are never coming home”
song: the world is ugly
occasion: this could be fitting to any “bullying” plot, but i feel like it would fit best to rachel wanting a nose job
performer: quinn, (for some cute faberry🥰)
fitting lyrics: “the world is ugly / but you’re beautiful to me” and also “i’m thinking of you every night, every day” (not necessarily fitting to the situation but f a b e r r y)
song: summertime
occasion: when brittany is being used by the mit people and she hates it so santana wants her to leave
performer: santana
fitting lyrics: basically the whole song is super cute and everything but; “you can run away with me, anytime you want” fr tho the whole song is perfect listen to it!
song: the light behind your eyes
occasion: kurt being bullied by karofsky
performer: ik op said no blaine but unfortunately, blaine, besides this is so in character
fitting lyrics: “if i could be with you tonight / i would sing you to sleep / never let them take the light behind your eyes” and the whole chorus tbh
song: famous last words
occaison: i cannot really decide, this could be a good group number for any competition, but i could give it to kurt as a solo, after he returns to mckinley from dalton,, OR after he gets bashed in ny, really at any moment where he stands up for himself
performer: imma go with kurt
fitting lyrics: “i am not afraid to keep on living / i am not afraid to walk this world alone” (and also “a love that’s so demanding / i get weak” yes this is for blaine oops)
song: save yourself i’ll hold them back
occasion: this could work for any ship but my heart says samcedes and brittana so i’m going with that. maybe during santana’s outing (idk what samcedes has to do with any of it but i can picture sam singing it to her so i’m imcluding that too) OR klaine during the prom queen episode idk like i said could work for anyone
performer: brittany and/or sam and/or blaine
fitting lyrics: “we’re never leaving this placa alive / but if we sing these words we’d never die”
“we could leave this world leave it all behind (...) we could live forever if you’ve got the time / so just save yourself i’ll hold them back tonight”
“ i’m the only friend that makes you cry” (i wanted to include that i love this lyric)
i’m tired of doing detailed versions so
now, a brief overview of other potential songs:
- teenagers (sung by any adult, especially figgins lmfao)
- the sharpest lives (sung by elliot gilbert, he’s just perfect for this without any plot necessary)
- mr. schue moaning to destroya in front of students
- helena could be sung too after finn’s death
- i’m not okay, by literally anyone, kurt should sing it but i don’t think his voice fits the song so idk
- i feel like quinn would sing mama bc of mommy issues while pregnant, but when there’s a canon ftm character and it’s their anthem, so i’m assigning it to beiste
- rachel would sing cancer when she found out burt had cancer it’s her personality y’all i don’t make the rules
- i don’t love you, any breakup would be perfect for this for obvious reasons
- the kids from yesterday (graduation, baby)
- you know what they do to guys like us in prison,, super gay, i get kurtbastian vibes
anyway, this has been fun, i accept criticism and i submit this post as my official application to the glee fandom, enjoy!
Y’all help me out, what MCR song would each queer character on Glee sing? and during which plotline
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torn-and-frayed · 8 years ago
Fragments - Part 3
Word Count: 1837
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, canon divergence
A/N: The next couple parts are probably gonna be similar to this. It’s mostly flashbacks. Getting to know the reader and her past relationship with Dean and the other characters. Constructive feedback is always appreciated. If you’d like to be tagged you can add yourself Here
Fragments Masterlist
“C’mere Pumpkin.” Bobby hoisted you up from the ground onto his lap in the recliner. “I wanna talk to ya for a second.”
“Ok, Daddy.” You turned to face him, looking him in the eyes.
“Remember I told you we were gonna have some guests over? Sam and Dean?” You nodded and smiled, excited to have someone your age coming over. Your dad told you Sam was just a little baby but Dean was the same age. Having someone to play with excited you but made you nervous all at the same time. You never had any kids your age around. “I need you to be nice to Dean, ok? He doesn’t talk much or at all.”
“Why not?”
“Well, Dean’s mom…she died.” You let out a tiny gasp and widened your eyes. “Kinda like your mom.”
“You mean a monster killed her?” Bobby nodded sadly and ran his hand through your hair, saddened that you knew about monsters at such a young age. You didn’t know all the details yet, but you would some day. A demon possessed your mother and Bobby had to kill her. You only knew that much because you’d seen the changes in your mother, including her black eyes staring you down.
“So my mom’s dead too, then?” You looked up at Dean’s face and he sighed, running his hand over his face and nodding his head.
“Yeah. She’s been gone since you were really little.” He explained. “A demon possessed her and Bobby…Bobby had to kill her before she killed you. From what you and Bobby both told me…you didn’t talk for awhile either. You were traumatized. You had night terrors and shit. You still did, even after I met you. I think that’s why you understood me so well.”
“No two kids should have to deal with so much…” you murmured, absently playing with a frayed piece of blanket and letting a few tears slide down your face. “It isn’t fair.”
“You’re right. It isn’t.” Dean agreed. “Do you want me to stop for now? Is it too much?”
“No. No keep going.”
“They should be here soon.” Bobby said and you slid off his lap, crawling up into the kitchen chair and grabbing your crayons and a piece of construction paper.
“Dean doesn’t have to talk if he doesn’t wanna.” You shrugged and started drawing two stick figures hugging each other and a giant heart. “Daddy?”
“Yeah, Pumpkin?”
“How d’you spell Dean?” You drew an arrow and labeled one stick figure ‘Y/N’ while Bobby walked toward the window and peered through the curtain. You drew another arrow and waited, tapping your crayon.
“D-E-A-N.” Bobby said, pulling the curtain back. “They’re here.”
“What if he hates me?” You were suddenly worried, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and chewing.  
“Y/N…” Bobby knelt down, taking your face in his hands. “He’ll love you. Everyone does, Pumpkin. You’re just like sunshine.” Bobby made his way to the door and let them inside. You followed behind, slightly nervous but slightly excited for the possibility of a new friend.
John entered first, carrying baby Sam in his arms. You barely noticed them. Your gaze instantly fell to the little boy who trailed just slightly behind John. He was dirty blonde with green eyes and bowlegs and just looked so sad.
“Y/N.” Bobby put his hand on your back and pushed you forward a bit. “This is John Winchester. That’s Sam and that’s Dean.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” John knelt down to your level with Sam and extended his hand for you. You shook it, just like your father taught you.
“Nice to meet you too, sir.” You said, remembering your manners.
“This is Dean.” John pushed Dean forward. “Dean, are you gonna say hello?” Dean looked slightly panicked and you smiled at him, extending your other hand with the picture you’d drawn for him. You didn’t say anything at all, simply handing it over. He unfolded it and looked at it for several seconds before looking back up at you and giving you a half smile, which you returned instantaneously.
John and Bobby made more small talk before John finally left, leaving Sam and Dean. “Dean, I imagine you’re hungry.” Bobby said. “Y/N can show you to the kitchen and get you a snack if you want.” Dean nodded his head and you reached out your hand for him. He took it and you led him into the kitchen, grabbing some food and juice from the refrigerator.
You showed him to his room shortly after that. Sam was sound asleep in the crib and the two of you sat there, just watching Sam sleep.  
“Dean?” You questioned after sitting in silence for awhile. His eyes moved up to yours, showing you he was listening even if he didn’t answer. “My daddy told me about your mommy. My mommy sorta died the same way.” You said. “Can I give you a real hug? Sometimes it helps.”
He just barely nodded and you opened your arms, wrapping him up and squeezing hard. He didn’t know how to react at first, but then he melted into you. He wrapped his tiny arms back around you and rested his head on your shoulder, unwilling to let go. Bobby found the two of you wrapped up together, sound asleep on the bed when he came to find you for dinner.
“You still didn’t get to the I love you.” You hummed against Dean’s chest. He promised to tell you everything, and so far he had delivered. It was taking all night, but you didn’t care. You wanted to know everything about your life and you’d stay here forever if you had to.
“I’m getting to that. Stop being impatient.” Dean fake scolded. “I had to tell the whole story of how we first met before I got to that.”
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry! Continue your story.”
“So…we were only there about two days on that first visit. I didn’t see you again for about a week and that time we stayed longer.” Dean’s expression changed to a soft smile at the memory.
“Daddy?” You padded into the room Sam and Dean were staying in, rubbing your sleepy eyes. “I heard a noise.”
“Go back to bed, Pumpkin. S’ok.” You squinted, letting your eyes adjust to the room and saw your dad putting Dean back to bed. His face looked wet, like he’d been crying.
“Is De ok?”
“Go on back to bed, Y/N. Everything’s fine.”
You waited in the hallway, pressed to the wall until your dad went back to his room before you took a few steps inside the boys’ room. Dean was on his side, facing the door with his eyes open. The blanket was clenched in his fist and pulled up under his chin, like he was holding onto it for dear life. “De? Can I come in?” He nodded and you walked inside, pulling yourself up into his bed. “Are you sick?” He shook his head no and sniffled. “Bad dream?”
Dean didn’t do anything at first, but you waited, watching him. You laid down in the bed next to him and he finally nodded his head, pulling himself closer to you. “About your mommy?” He nodded again. “I have those too sometimes. ‘Bout mine. Her eyes were black and she was yelling at me and it was really scary but Daddy saved me.” You reached out to Dean, putting your hand on his face. “Daddy said dreams aren’t real and they can’t hurt you, no matter how scary.” You patted him again and started to slide away, heading back to your room when he grabbed you and pulled you back. You turned around and his eyes were wide, like he didn’t want you to leave. “Stay?” You asked and he nodded hard, swallowing the lump in his throat. “K.” You nodded and crawled back in the bed, lying next to him under the covers.
He inched closer, hugging you tightly to him. You hadn’t known each other long but in that time you’d bonded over your similar pasts. You were practically joined at the hip, even though he’d never actually said a word to you. He pulled back a little, looking at you and working up courage he had yet to have around anyone in a little over a month. “I –“ Your eyes widened at the sound of his voice and you stared at him in awe. “I love you.” Dean said, his voice a little hoarse from disuse.
“You talked.” You gasped, a bright smile lighting up your face. “I love you too.”
“Are you crying?” Dean chuckled, brushing your hair back to expose your face. You let out a laugh through your tears and Dean wiped your eyes for you, shaking his head and smiling. His smile was gorgeous. You hadn’t really noticed it yet. He hadn’t had much of a chance to show it yet since you’d been here but now that everyone was back in mostly one piece and safe, the genuine smile he gave made your heart skip a beat.
“Are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe a little.” Dean shrugged.
“So…we’ve been a thing ever since, right?” You asked. “Like cliché childhood sweethearts to adult lovers kinda thing? Never been apart…until you know…I died?”
“Nope.” Dean smirked. “We didn’t get together officially until we were 22.”
“What?” You half shrieked. “You have to be kidding. Did you not satisfy me sexually or something?” Dean’s eyes widened and he shoved your shoulder half-heartedly.
“Maybe you didn’t satisfy my needs.”
“Not a chance. I’ve seen me in the mirror, I’m probably awesome in the sack.” Dean rolled his eyes and laughed but didn’t disagree. “No, really…just…why?” You rested your head back on Dean’s chest, putting your ear against his heart, listening to the steady rhythm.
“Well, I guess it was more the cliché of we didn’t wanna ruin the friendship for one thing.” Dean said. “Another thing was I was scared to death of your father killing me.” You let out a small chuckle at that. “And another thing was…we’re both hunters. Hunters don’t get the apple pie happily ever after stories that civilians get. So I guess we just wanted to spare each other the pain of losing each other but as it turns out, it hurt worse to be apart, ya know? Y/N?” When he didn’t get any response he glanced down and huffed a laugh when he saw you passed out cold on his chest. “I guess I’ll tell you some more tomorrow.”
He couldn’t help but take the chance now to really look at you. As light as he could he ran his hand over your face, tracing every contour and outline. He pulled you close, burying his nose in your hair and inhaling the familiar scent he hadn’t smelled in two years, making a silent promise to you to bring all of you back no matter what it took.  
Fragments - Part 4
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sprinkleofdiaz · 8 years ago
What A Wonderful World - (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Synopsis: You wake up to find youself with a house, kid and your spouse is...Dean? Of course everything is not what is seems. 
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Small Mentions of Violence, My not-so-good writing
Word Count: 3,921
A/N: Okay, so I was talking to @poe-also-bucky last week and she gave me the idea for this Fic and encouraged me to write more Dean so shoutout to her 💙💙💙
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As you opened your eyes a bout of dizziness fell upon you. You clenched your eyes shut again and put a hand on your head as you tried to remember the events of the last few moments and regain your consciousness.
You reopened your eyes and was surprised to find yourself lying on a double bed in what appeared to be a...bedroom. Opposite you The Wizard Of Oz was playing on a TV and a vanity table stood in the corner, with an ordinary bedside table to the left of you.
"What the hell?" You thought to yourself. You could have sworn you were on a hunt with Dean not that long ago, though the details of what you were hunting and what town you were even in were hazy. You noticed your clothing was different too. Definitely not the typical attire you wore when hunting. No, the outfit you were donning now was too casual - loungewear. Clothing, ordinary people with an ordinary life wore and you were no ordinary person.
You shifted your body and your leg hit a lump.You let out a startled gasp when it started wriggling. Next to you, you noticed the wriggling lump took form in a 6 year old boy who was peacefully sucking his thumb and humming along to Somewhere Over The Rainbow.  
A sweet aroma wafted in the room, causing your stomach to grumble. The sound of someone scrambling through cupboards let you know that yourself and the boy weren't the only occupants in the house. You moved some more and the boy sat up looking straight at you.
"You're awake!" The boy exclaimed excitedly. "Daddy's making you breakfast, though I'm not s'posed to tell you."
"Your daddy? And he's in the kitchen right now?" You asked. You didn't even know who this boy was or why he was talking so comfortably to you. He nodded. Well, he seemed to have a parent around at least.  
After a few moments of dazed silence he leant against your arm still sucking his thumb.
"I love you mommy." He mumbled.
"What? No, no, no. I'm not your mommy!" You exclaimed.
"You're funny! That's why you and daddy are always laughing in the morning!" He giggled. You couldn't help but smile a little however you were more than confused. This kid thought you were his mom!
You caught a glance at the two of you in the vanity table mirror and that’s when you saw the resemblance. He had your facial shape, eyes and cheeks. He was very much your son. That begged the question: Who was his father? The curvature of his mouth and the way he was humming struck you as familiar, alongside the freckles that decorated his face.
Unsure on what else to to do you stroked his hair gently and he nuzzled closer into to you. A knock at the door broke you away from your thoughts.
You were sure you almost had a heart attack once you saw who was standing at the door. Holding a tray with food on it, dressed in a blue plaid shirt on top of a black t shirt was Dean.
No way, you thought to yourself. Small slithers of your memory was making its way back to you. A kiss. You and Dean had kissed which caused you to both freak out. You could vaguely remember, an argument between the two of you while you were out solving a case and then you left him. Your brain left a foggy blank after that. At least that's what you thought had happened. Dean standing there looking at you like you were god’s gift and the kid nuzzling into you suggested otherwise.
"Dean? Wha-I...you're his dad?" Was all you were able to stumble out. This went way past confusing.
"Unless we're having a Jerry Springer moment, and you shacked up with some other guy, I'm pretty sure I'm his dad, yeah ." He chuckled. "Anyway, I made you breakfast."
"Uh, yeah, he told me." You said nudging the boy, no, your son. It dawned on you that you didn't even know what his name was.
"Theo buddy, we gotta work on your secret keeping skills. You think batman, got as far as he did by telling everyone he was really Bruce Wayne?" Dean playfully chided. Theo, hung his head. Dean turned to you. "It was supposed to be a surprise."
"Sorry daddy. I didn't mean to ruin the surprise." Theo murmured.
"S'okay kiddo." Dean said watching Theo wriggle onto your lap before taking a seat next to you and planting a kiss on your cheek. You turned your focus to the tray that sat in front of you and your stomach grumbled excitedly at the stack of pancakes and bacon that sat on the plate.
"So..." You began, breaking a piece of pancake with your fork, "We're a family, huh."
"Yep. One small, weird but happy family." Dean said smiling at you. You smiled back, shoving a forkful of pancake in your mouth.
"So, um, what about Sam?"
"What about Sam?"
"Like where is he? Isn't he usually with us?" You asked.
"He's in California. He's a hot shot College kid, remember? You were on Skype with him for like three hours yesterday. It's like the two of you were married." Dean leaned over and picked up a piece of bacon with Theo digging into the pancakes.
"Woah," you muttered to yourself. "So we don't go hunting together?"
"I've never been hunting in my life." Dean was now giving you a strange look.
"So what about Cas?"
"Who the hell is Cas?"
"You know, Cas as in Castiel!"
"Castiel? Like the main character of your book?"
"I have a book?" You weren't sure what the hell was going on but it was trippy.
"You've only been talking about it, non-stop, for the last seven years."
"I have?"
"Yeah and it's been your lifelong dream and you're working on a sequel."
"I am?"
"Honey, are you okay? Did you take something? Do the pancakes taste weird at all?" Dean said in a hushed voice. You shook your head. "Okay, good. Your parents will be here soon."
"They are?" As far as you knew your mother was MIA and your father was dead.
"Don't you remember? They're gonna have Theo for the night."
"Yeah I can't wait to see grams and pops!" Theo piped up suddenly, syrup smeared on his cheeks from where he shared your pancakes. "Uncle Sam said it was so you and daddy could have some grownup time with lots of kissing." He scrunched up his tiny face in disgust. You couldn't help but let out laugh.
"And daddy's gonna kick Uncle Sam's ass." Dean muttered. "I think we should get you cleaned up buddy."
Dean got off the bed with Theo clambering behind. He went to take Theo's hand but grimaced slightly once he saw the sticky syrup over his hands. They left the bedroom, leaving you to contemplate your surroundings. You grabbed the breakfast tray and got off the bed. You decided you'd take the tray to the kitchen and check out your so called house and try and make sense of this life, you had no idea you lead.
On your way out of the room you noticed a novel sitting on the bedside table. The title read The Angel Of Thursday by (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). So you were an author, Dean was your spouse and you had a kid? Although, you were confused as hell, you couldn't deny that it sounded like a pretty sweet life.
Leaving the book on the table, you walked out of the room and began to make your way downstairs to the kitchen, smiling at the sounds of Dean and Theo joking about in the bathroom.
The kitchen looked pretty standard. A couple of drawings and appointment notes. You walked into the living room and your eyes fell upon the mantelpiece where a number of photographs sat. There were a couple of photos of you and Dean, his arms wrapped around you in one, him kissing your cheek and another showing the two of you smiling brightly. There were a few more featuring Theo. One from when Theo was first born and a couple of more recent ones, including a photograph depicting a smiley Theo, front teeth missing dressed in football  gear. You couldn't stop the smile that formed on your face. You really were one happy family.
You scanned the rest of the photos and a lump formed in your throat. There was a photograph of you and your dad, only it seemed to be a recent photograph. You looked not much younger than you were now. That was impossible, your father died when you were eight. Next to it was another photograph, this one of Dean and Mary. Again a recent photograph and again should have been impossible.
The sound of the doorbell made you jump back into reality. You put the photographs back on the mantlepiece before walking to the front door. Upon opening the door, you felt your breath hitch a little. Standing before you were your parents.
Despite Dean telling you they were coming and you seeing the photographs that must have been taken recently, you couldn't help but be surprised and it must have shown on your face because they both raised their eyebrows at you.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" Your father spoke first. Afraid you'd start crying you went in for a hug.
"I'm fine. In fact I’m great Dad. I just can't believe that...well you're actually...alive."  You mumbled whilst squeezing his neck.  
"Hey! I may be old but I'm not that old." He chuckled. You let go of him and hugged your mom.
"You've never been this happy to see us. You never hug us. Are you feeling alright?" Your mom said, awkwardly hugging you back. You mumbled something back but it was incomprehensible, even to you, due to the overwhelming amount of emotions bubbling up.
"Grams! Pops!" Theo's voice rang out.  You felt an arm wrap around your middle and you turned to see Dean holding Theo in his arms. Your parents beamed at their grandson and Theo wriggled out of Dean’s grasp and ran into the loving embrace of your mom.
“How’s my favourite troublemaker?” Your mom said to Theo.
“It’s good to see you again Dean.” Your dad said.
“It’s good to see you as well.” Dean replied politely. Both your parents smiled lovingly at Dean - you had always known they would like him.
Across the road a young man caught your eye. His complexion was deathly pale and he was staring at you with a hollowed expression. You felt a tugging feeling at your stomach - a kind of familiarity - and you could have sworn you saw him mouth the words ‘Help Me’.
“Babe?” Dean’s voice broke you out of your trance. You looked to see both your parents and Dean looking at you with an expression of concern. You looked across the road and the man was gone. Shaking your head your head a little you turned back to your family.
“Let's head inside.”
It felt as though Dean had been searching for the Djinn on every street and back alley. There were no signs of an abandoned warehouse or any large building for that matter. To top it all off, you weren't answering your phone.
"Dammit, Y/N." he huffed after trying your cell for the fourth time. He couldn't stop the small bubble of panic.
He didn't rule out the possibility of you giving him the silent treatment and not returning his calls. It wasn't like when the two of you split up to cover more ground, you left on the best of terms. Angry words were exchanged. You had told him "Screw you." After he said the kiss you had shared a few nights prior was a "mistake”. 
He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He knew it was no mistake and that more than anything he wanted to be with you. But he was Dean Winchester and if there was one thing Dean Winchester struggled with, was his feelings. 
Despite your heated exchanged he knew you would have at least sent him a text or that you'd have run into each other by now. It felt like he had searched the whole area. He continued down to the end of the street and opposite he spotted a run down house. 
"That's not creepy at all." He muttered to himself as he walked towards it. 
He noticed a gate at the side of the house was open and lead to a backyard that was way to large to be a normal backyard. It stretched out for what seemed to be miles. He inspected the back of the house closer and noticed a grimy window at the bottom just above ground. Crouching down he managed to just about peer in and he saw a vast run down basement that like the backyard seemed to stretch for miles. Squinting he noticed a hazy figure of a boy tied up. He found the Djinn's bat cave. 
He took his phone out of his pocket and tried your number once again. He froze once he heard your ringtone coming from the basement. Shit. 
He ran to the front of the house once he realised the window was too small for him to fit through. He didn't have to much trouble with getting the door open and managed to find the entrance to the basement.  He got out the lamb's blood and silver knife and prepared to gank the Djinn. 
He found you and two other victims tied up and passed out in your fantasy induced coma. He took the liberty of cutting the ropes of the victims first before making his way over to you. 
Before he cold even begin to cut your ropes he felt a strong grip on his arm. The Djinn spun him around, tattoos lighting it up as it placed a hand on his forehead. However, Dean was quick and in one swift movement he stabbed the Djinn right in its heart. 
"Take that, you son of a bitch." He watched as the Djinn was drained of its life and power. 
He heard the stir of movements and could see the other two victims, slowly blinking their way back to reality. He focused his attention on you and broke your ropes but you showed no signs of waking up. Alarmed his quickly dialled Sam's number. 
"Dean, what's up?" Sam said.
 "The Djinn got Y/N." 
"What? How?” 
"I don't know but she's out cold. I managed to find and gank the bastard but she's still not waking up. I don't know what to do Sammy." Dean said unable to hold down the panic in his voice. 
"Okay, okay, calm down we'll figure this out." Sam reassured. Dean rubbed his forehead anxiously as he looked at your limp form. 
"Well we better figure something quick." 
"Okay maybe she's still stuck in her fantasy. Maybe she's still trying to distinguish reality from her fantasy. Remember when you entered Charlie's nightmare?"
 "What and the zombified soldiers? What's that got to do with..." Dean started as the realisation of what Sam was suggesting hit him. 
"African Dream Root." Both boys said in unison.
 "We should have some here. Text me exactly where you are and stay put I'll be there as soon as I can okay?" Sam said. 
"Okay, hurry Sammy." 
You, Dean, Theo and your parents had spent a good couple of hours in the living room chatting happily. While Dean and your mother talked amongst themselves, your dad sat talking about his childhood in the armchair with you on the floor and Theo on your lap eating a sandwich - he definitely got bit yours and Dean’s love for food.
There was something so nice about the current situation and the fact that your dad was alive and talking to you made you happy beyond belief. There was a small part of you that wanted to stay in this life.
After some time you and Dean ended up in the kitchen.
“I can't believe we actually lead this wonderful life.” You said wistfully.
“Yeah, it's pretty great.”
“We have a kid! A kid that we made!”
“Best night of my life.” Dean grinned. You chuckled still half surprised.
“Let's go for a drive.” You said wondering if you still had the impala. Dean raised an eyebrow before shrugging.
“Okay, we’ll grab takeout. Chinese sound good?” You nodded before telling your parents and Theo where you were headed and making your way to the front door.
You smiled when you saw the impala.
“Here she is! Good to see you baby!” You said tapping the Impala’s roof.
“What so are you like Dr Dolittle for cars or something now?” Dean joked, though he was looking at you somewhat strangely.
“Well it is the Impala. Only one of the greatest cars of the last fifty years.”
“Babe, it's just a car.” Dean said. You looked at him as though he grew two heads. Now this was strange. Dean handed you the keys before getting in the passenger’s side.
“Seriously?” You asked. Dean never let you drive the Impala. He only let you once and even then he made some snarky remark about how this wasn't Fast and The Furious and that you need to treat her well, with love. Sure, you found his love for his Car a little weird but now seeing him not love this car at all was so much weirder.
You got in a started up the engine before driving down the street. You drove in peaceful silence while you looked out for a Chinese Takeout shop.
When focused your attention back on the road you saw the apparition of the boy again and this time you were sure you heard him say “Help Me.” You slammed down on the brakes.
“Y/N, What the hell!”Dean shouted.
“The boy! You didn't see him!” You exclaimed, now looking at Dean. You looked back at the road and he was gone. “He was right there and he was asking me to help him!”
“Okay pull over.” Dean said.
“Wha? Why?”
“Just pull over, Y/N.”
You managed to pull over and Dean got out of the car and walked over to yourself.
“Dean what the hell?” You exclaimed.
“You're acting weird. And not normal weird. You're starting to freak me out, I'm driving us both home.”
You were too confused by everything to argue so you obeyed. As he drive the two of you home you bits and pieces of your actual life was starting to come back.
“None of this is real, is it?” You said as the two of you pulled into your driveway and got out.
“What are you talking about? Of course this real!”
“But, we’re hunters. Me, you and Sam.” Memories of your real life was coming back to you. “Not that long ago me and you, we were on a hunt! We had an argument and then...I ended up here?” You were forgetting something but you couldn't quite place it.
“Y/N, look at me.” Dean said grabbing your arm. “You're starting to really freak me out now. All of this is real. You, me, Theo, this house. All very much real.”
You looked at him in disbelief. A knife dipped in lamb’s blood was floating around in your head. You shook your head at him and went in the house headed straight for kitchen ignoring him calling after you. You pulled open the drawers in search for a silver knife, once you found it you opened up the fridge and fortunately for you there was fresh lamb meat wrapped up. You were able to dip the knife in the little blood that was there.
“What the hell are you doing!” Dean exclaimed, running over to you. You noticed that the kitchen had a back door and suddenly it swung open and standing there was...Dean?
Shocked you looked Between The Dean that was standing in front of you and the Dean that was standing in the doorway.
“Y/N, none of this is real. You have to fight this. Or unusual you're gonna die.” Dean standing in the doorway said. You locked eyes and that's when your memories came back to you. You splitting up when hunting the Djinn. The Djinn must've got you. The Djinn.
“Y/N don't listen to him. You don't have to fight this. You can stay here for what will feel like a lifetime. This is what you want isn't it? A normal life, normal family. You can be with your parents. You be with your son. You can be with me. You do want to be with me don't you, Y/N.” “Not-Dean” Dean said.
Even though you knew it wasn't real and just a fantasy you couldn't help the small part of you that wanted this life. So badly. You found yourself nodding and heard the real Dean’s breath hitch. No, you had to fight this.
“You're right I do want to be with you.” You said. “But you're not my Dean.” You pierced the knife through your stomach before everything went black.
You found yourself blinking yourself back into reality and in Dean’s arms in the Djinn’s basement.
“Y/N.” Both Dean and Sam said.
“Sup...losers.” You managed to get out, grinning. You could see the relief on both of their faces.
They helped you up and got you into the Impala. After helping the other two victims they got to the bunker with Sam, leaving you and Dean in your room.
“Thanks for saving me, I owe you.” You said breaking the silence between you.
“What're family for.” Dean muttered back.
“How did you manage to into my dream anyway?” You asked.
“African Dream Root.”
“Well, I'm sorry for the way I acted, y’know before the Djinn Dorothy’d me to Oz.” You said. “But aren't you gonna ask me about it? About why you were there?”
Dean shifted uncomfortably a little before looking toward you.
“I'm not good with the whole...feelings thing.” He bagan. “Truth is, I'm not even sure I've been in love before.”
It was something about the way he said before that gave you some hope.
“What about now Dean?”
“Now...I think I may be in love but to tell you the truth I'm terrified.” Dean said rubbing a hand over his face. You sat up and manoeuvred yourself so you were sitting next to him.
“And you think I'm not? Given our life, I'm terrified. I'm terrified of losing you! But I'm terrified of losing you whether we’re together or not. And quite frankly we’re better together.” You said putting your hand on his arm. “Dean, that fantasy may have just been a fantasy and I know I'd still take hunting with you and Sam over the apple pie life but if there's one thing that's definitely real is that I'm in love with you.”
He looked you and smiled softly. You smiled back and moved closer to him so that your arms were touching.
“Okay we’ll make it work.” He said. You could feel your face light up. “Like you said we’re better together.”
You took his hand into yours and he kissed you on your forehead. There was no place like home.
Tags: @poe-also-bucky @thegenderqueerbatman @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester
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nera-solani · 8 years ago
Supernatural Survey
I was tagged by one of the best destiel writers I know @anyrei​. Here we go!
1. WHAT SEASON DID YOU START WATCHING SUPERNATURAL? A friend of mine had gotten me into Sherlock and then into Doctor Who and she also kept talking about Supernatural. She had spoilered me about Castiel and even a bit about Destiel. Since the other shows she’d told me about were really good, I thought I’d give it a shot, by watching the first episode and now here I am...
2. WHO WAS THE FIRST CHARACTER YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH? Cas. Barn scene. Awesomeness at first sight. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for him to show up ever since my friend had spoilered me about him.
3. WHO WAS A CHARACTER THAT YOU HATED AT FIRST BUT GREW TO LOVE? Rowena. I hated how she’d manipulated my beloved Crowley, but then she helped the boys with the darkness and she was actually quite awesome.
4. WHICH CHARACTER WOULD YOU MOST WANT TO BE IN A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP WITH? I think I’m gonna go with Charlie or Kevin. Because Cas belongs to Dean (and vice versa), if I took Sam, I’d probably die and Crowley is awesome but he surely wouldn't like me that way.
5. IF YOU COULD GO ON A DATE WITH JUST ONE CHARACTER, WHICH ONE WOULD YOU CHOOSE? Cas, because I’d have a lot of questions and I think we have a lot in common. Also I’d like to talk to him about Dean.
6. WHAT WOULD YOU DO ON THAT DATE? Maybe I could get him to watch Doctor Who with me and he’d either get confused or tell me what extraterrestrial life is really like (and then I’d ask him to show me the universe a bit in case he’s still got his wings). Then we could just sit somewhere and talk about all kinds of things, like lore, pop-culture references, humanity and Dean...
7. WHICH CHARACTER WOULD YOU MOST WANT TO BE LIKE? I’m pretty sure I already am a little too much like Cas and Charlie and/or Kevin, so I’m just gonna go with that.
8. WHICH CHARACTER WOULD YOU MOST WANT TO SEE BROUGHT BACK FROM THE DEAD? Okay, I haven't watched season 12 yet, but I pretty much know who dies already (damn you Tumblr). Since we know that Cas isn't gonna stay dead, I’d say... Um... I can only narrow it down to three, that’s okay right? Right. So, that’d be Charlie, Crowley and Death.
10. WHO IS YOUR ABSOLUTE FAVORITE CHARACTER? CASTIEL, Angel of the Lord. Ever since I started watching the show, I’ve been waiting for season 4 bc I knew he’d show up then.
11. WHICH “BIG BAD” DO YOU THINK WAS THE WORST? Worst in the sense that it didn't make sense or worst like “wow, this is creepy”? Or worst like, “I really don't like how this is going”? The first would be the Leviathans, because they just showed up out of nothing and the whole plot didn't really make sense to me. The second would be either Lucifer or Amara, not sure about that one. The third one would definitely be Cas, because I really hated that they made him the villain in season 6.
12. WHICH CHARACTER ARE YOU MOST LIKE? Charlie, Kevin and Cas.
13. WHAT DEATH HIT YOU THE HARDEST? Charlie (and Death, because it still doesn't make sense to me)
S6, S9 (haven't watched S12 yet)
1. Free to Be You and Me
2. Fan Fiction
3. The French Mistake
4. The Monster at the End of This Book
5. Changing Channels
6. A Little Slice of Kevin
7. Swan Song
8. What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?
9. LARP and the Real Girl
10. Meta-Fiction
17. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ANGEL? Cas… I thought that’d be obvious by now. He’s followed by Gabriel, Lucifer and Balthazar.
18. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE DEMON? Crowley. Period.
19. WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE EVIL CHARACTER? Lucifer, because he has style (and because Crowley isn't really evil in my eyes). And also Metatron, because he was really well written.
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUPERNATURAL SHIPS? ALL THE DESTIEL. (I’m open for Sabriel too though. Just don’t really ship it.)
21. WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE SUPPORTING ACTOR? Uh, this is hard... I’m not even sure who qualifies as supporting actor anymore... I think I’ll just go with Felicia Day, because she brought our beloved Charlie to life and I will forever be thankful for how well she did that.
22. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE FROM THE SHOW? It’s funnier in Enochian. - Castiel, Angel of the Lord
24. IF YOU COULD WRITE YOUR OWN EPISODE, WHAT KIND OF CREATURES WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE INCLUDED? Oh well, there’s a loooooong list... I think the Hydra or Charybdis could be interesting because I like greek mythology, also I have a really good idea to include the labyrinth of the Minotaur... Then I’d like to see a Griffin on the show and a mermaid and a actual Werpire. I’d also love to include an episode with a Naga, they are snake-like goddesses from the Indian mythology. Or a Basilisk. The list goes on...
25. WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE GIRL THAT DEAN’S HOOKED UP WITH? I’d like to say Cas, but he’s not a girl and they haven't hooked up yet, so I’ll just go with Lisa, I guess? I don't know, I didn't really like any of them a lot, but I liked her the most.
26. WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE GIRL THAT SAM’S HOOKED UP WITH? I liked Jess and I would've loved to see more of her.
27. WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE CONVENTION MOMENTS? Well, I liked the resume-off and practically every video of them I’ve ever seen. And of course the one with Mark Pellegrino in Vienna, because I was actually there. Is that enough?
29. WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO SEE IN THE NEXT SEASON? I haven't watched season 12 yet, but I’ve been spoilered enough to think that Dean should be absolutely devastated until he gets Cas back and hopefully they finally talk about just how much they REALLY mean to each other. Also, I really just want to see a lot of Cas in general and the writers should finally learn to be a bit nicer to him.
SAM OR DEAN? Depends on the situation
I’M TAGGING: @winchester-reload, @tanjasteatime, @jordanwinchesterimagines, @jdragon122
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mittensmorgul · 8 years ago
5.16: *cue horrifying yet somehow disturbingly humorous montage of all of Sam and Dean’s deaths to this point* *shakes fist at 3.11 and 4.08*
Yep, this is another one of those episodes I have really already covered, and recently, in multiple posts on s12... *waves hello at Dabb again* *gee I wonder why this episode has had so much relevance in s12? we may never know >.>*
Heaven, the Samulet, Joshua, the incredibly squicky idea that John and Mary were “soul mates” based on the gross cupid touch making them into the “perfect couple” because they weren’t “perfect” until after Mary was dead, Dean and Sam’s VASTLY DIFFERENT notions of “happy memories” and the fact their heavens are sort of each other’s version of hell (i.e. Sam and Dean are not soul mates, they are absolutely repulsed by each other’s heavens), the fact that Heaven is a construct that we apply our own personalities and experiences to in order to perceive it:
*again under a cut, because wtf is wrong with me, I keep saying “I have already talked this into the ground” about every episode, but apparently I’m trying to talk it straight through to the other side of the planet. I suspect I’ll be bobbing up in the Indian Ocean any minute now*
This is why, once Dean “broke out of his heaven” and set out on the Axis Mundi to find Sam’s heaven, it didn’t look like a pristine white corridor the way Heaven seems to look to the angels (or just in s10 and later, or whatever).
Castiel: Some people see a tunnel or a river. What do you see? Dean: Nothing. My dash. I’m in my car. I’m on a road. Castiel: Alright. A road. For you it’s a road. Follow it, Dean. You’ll find Sam. Follow the road.
Because we were seeing Heaven from Dean’s perspective here, we also saw the road. But he had Cas to give him the secret hack on how to get out of his heaven to find Sam’s heaven.
Ash later underscores this, and strangely 10.17 proves him out. We saw “Bobby Singer” land (like Ash described “Winchester Land” as a section of heaven. We saw ALL the Bobby Singers grouped together in one long corridor. Not ONE BIG HEAVEN COMPARTMENT. All those Bobby’s were NOT soul mates.
Okay? Okay.
I think I’ve seriously talked plenty about this episode. Have my tag for it if you’re interested in the metaphysical nitty-gritty of it, 
or my tag for Heaven stuff (and all the other realms) heaven hell purgatory and the empty
Dean actually didn’t wake up when someone sneaked right up to his bed and stole his gun out from under his pillow? Incredible. But hey, at least he woke up quick and figured out what was going on before Roy and Walt shot him and Sam...
Seriously one of my favorite Dean lines in the entire series, because Roy and Walt think it’s bravado, but Dean 100% ain’t kidding here:
Roy: Killin’ Sam was right but Dean... Walt: He made us and we just snuffed his brother, you idiot. You want to spend the rest of your life knowing Dean Winchester’s on your ass, ‘cause I don’t. Shoot 'im. Dean: Go ahead, Roy, do it. But I’m going to warn you, when I come back I’m going to be pissed. C’mon! Let’s get this show on the road.
Just like Charlie thought she was “dreaming” in 9.04 when she was dead in and heaven, Dean thinks he’s dreaming here now...
Until something “breaks through” his dream in a traumatic way, trying to get his attention and alerting him to the fact that no, he is definitely not dreaming. Cas “disrupts” Dean’s memory with a reminder of his own death and then tries to communicate with him on the radio.
Dean: I’m dead. Cas: Condolences.
and then when he realizes:
DEAN: Heaven? How did I get to heaven? CASTIEL: (on radio) Please, listen. This spell, this connection, it’s difficult to maintain. DEAN: Wait. If I’m in heaven, then where’s Sam?
NOT because he assumed Sam would be in his personal heaven with him, because HE WAS TERRIFIED THAT SAM DIDN’T GO TO HEAVEN AT ALL. I mean, just two episodes ago he was detoxing Sam off the demon blood again and watching Sam control demons enough to kill the Horseman Famine. I mean... >.>
(Dean was terrified that Sam was actually in Hell here, not wibbly over Sam not being WITH HIM)
Meanwhile Sam is experiencing Awkward Thanksgiving with Complete Strangers, and has no idea he’s dead or in heaven, because Cas wasn’t able to connect to Sam the way he did to Dean to pass that info along... hmmmm
Dean was then able to “Call” Cas through the tv, but as the transcript describes the connection:
“Dean and Sam move over to the TV. They can see Castiel but the picture rolls and is filled with static. His voice fades in and out and is sometimes distorted.”
He heard Dean “praying” to him, but his connection isn’t as solid as it was in Dean’s actual Heaven.
I’m not actually making any real s12 meta points here, just riffing on all the destiel-y bits because it’s late and the rewatch is actually cutting into my nightly writing time now... I should probably try to stay on point and just get to the point here...
Cas thinks he’s got a couple of “Inside Men” who can get information for him that can only be obtained in heaven... which heck sounds an awful lot like 10.17, called Inside Man... I wonder why... Oh, right, it was also written by Andrew Dabb. What a coincidence.
CASTIEL: (on TV) It’s called the Axis Mundi. It’s a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it’s two-lane asphalt. The road will lead you to the Garden. You’ll find Joshua there. And Joshua… can take us to God. (The pictures starts to break up badly.) The Garden. Quick. Hurry.
The Road, that Dean drove on to reach Sam’s heaven. It’s ENTIRELY METAPHORICAL, because Heaven is a construct. And Zachariah is officially messing with Sam and Dean.
SAM: Dean. What are you doing? DEAN: Looking for a road. SAM: You… (Dean opens the closet under the stairs) You think the road is in a closet? DEAN: (turns on the light) We’re in heaven, Sam, okay? I mean, our memories are coming true. Cas is on TV. Finding a road in a closet would be pretty much the most (he sees something on the floor) normal thing to happen to us today.
(Dean finds the road in the closet)
And we’ve talked this scene to death recently as well, now that Mary’s back.
Sam is FREAKING MISERABLE watching Dean and Mary interact as if he didn’t even exist, Mary cutting the crusts off his sandwich and giving him pie, but even one of Dean’s “greatest hits” memories includes the fact that Mary and John were fighting, because he got to care for Mary and tell her she was loved, that he loved her.
And that’s it, the only time in canon Dean has ever said “I love you” to anyone.
SAM: I just never realized how long you’ve been cleaning up Dad’s messes.
And speaking of messes that Dean had to clean up, Sam finds the next “road,” on a post card.
Sam is GIDDY to find his dog from when he ran away, and DEAN IS FREAKING MISERABLE.
Dean walks out the door of the trailer, while they are STILL IN SAM’S HEAVEN, because they haven’t yet found another “road,” and walks straight into what Dean considers one of the worst nights of his life, and Sam considers one of the best...
SAM: Dean, I’m sorry. I just, uh… DEAN: I know. You didn’t, you didn’t think of it like that. SAM: Dean! DEAN: C’mon! Your heaven is somebody else’s Thanksgiving. Okay. It’s bailing on your family. What do you want me to say? SAM: Man, I never got the crusts cut off my PB & J. I just don’t look at family the way you do.
And then we see how Ash hacked heaven. 
ASH: See, you gotta stop thinking of heaven as one place. It’s more like a butt-load of places all crammed together. Like Disneyland except without all the anti-Semitism.
ASH: Pretty much. A few people share—special cases. What not. DEAN: What do you mean ‘special’? ASH: Aw, you know. Like, uh, soul-mates. (Silence greets his statement. Dean and Sam don’t look at each other.) Anyway. Most people can’t leave their own private Idaho’s. DEAN: But you ain’t most people.
Yet Ash found Sam and Dean together... and he made some assumptions. He didn’t know that Cas had been giving Dean the “ain’t most people” cheat codes to Heaven.
But Zachariah’s already got Sam and Dean trapped:
MARY: Honey. Why are you up? DEAN: Look. I’m-I’m sorry. I love you but you’re not real and we don’t have time— MARY: Did you have another nightmare? Tell me. DEAN: I gotta go. MARY: Then how 'bout I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I burned. ... MARY: Don’t you walk away from me. (Dean stops) I never loved you. You were my burden. I was shackled to you. Look what it got me. (She blinks and her eyes turn yellow.)
And about this point Dean and Sam both realize that Heaven can be just as good at torture as Hell can...
MARY: And then, finally, I was dead. The one silver lining was that at least I was away from you. (She takes a big breath.) Everybody leaves you, Dean. You noticed? Mommy. Daddy. Even Sam.
But that is NOT THE REAL MARY. That’s not even her ghost or spirit or soul or whatever. Zachariah calls it a “Blessed Memory” of her, and honestly that’s pretty much what Dean has always thought of his memories of Mary. 
They finally meet Joshua and arrive at the garden, where we learn that God talks to Joshua, but it’s really only a one sided conversation. It wasn’t until 11.20 when Metatron was allowed to talk BACK to God (and I mean that in the sense that he back-talked at God) and push him to accept his responsibility for EVERYTHING, and it STILL took three more episodes after that before he finally acted on it at the 11th hour and because of Dean’s direct influence on both him and Amara:
JOSHUA: He knows what the angels are doing. He knows that the Apocalypse has begun. He just doesn’t think it’s his problem. DEAN: (stunned) Not his problem? JOSHUA: God saved you already. He put you on that plane. He brought back Castiel. He granted you salvation in heaven (he turns to face Sam directly) and after everything you’ve done too. It’s more than he’s intervened in a long time. He’s finished. Magic amulet or not, you won’t be able to find him.
And back to the “magic amulet.”
Proof to Dean about his own “deadbeat dad” from way back in 3.09, and now proof to Cas about his “deadbeat dad” in 5.16. And that was just one deadbeat dad too many for Dean. When he first gave Cas the amulet in 5.02, he warned Cas not to lose it, and then asked for it back later... but now, 
Dean’s first act on reviving from being dead is to call Cas. And he has to watch Cas’s moment where his faith in God breaks completely, and he returns the amulet and disappears...
Sam is still talking about finding another way to end all of this, but Dean’s losing his faith in himself, and throws the amulet in the trash...
Now in s12, Dean does have faith in himself again. He doesn’t doubt his instincts anymore. He’s not dealing with things so far above his pay grade that he can’t even get straight answers and is getting dragging around by the nose by middle management angels.
God has made Dean pancakes and told him he and Sam can take care of Humanity now... (with Cas’s help of course, because God keeps bringing Cas back for them).
The one thing Dean has to reclaim for himself is Mary. She’s absolutely not this warped Torture Hallucination Version that Zachariah presented him with, but she’s also not just that “Blessed Memory” version that Dean had presented himself... Nor are Sam and Dean the little boys that she thinks she remembers from her own version of Heaven. They’re just as fake as Dean’s childhood memory of Mary was in his heaven.
And to continue this already ridiculously long rant with more from the continuing series of Chats With Lizbob:
mittensmorgul maybe dean will tell mary what heaven's really like, since she's got this weird idea her whole family was there with her... he needs to set her straight, tell her that NONE of them actually share a heaven because he and sam have been there that it's just your memories and not real
elizabethrobertajones yeah, I can almost hear that - "It's not real Mary, WE are£
mittensmorgul: that PEOPLE are real, that the Dean and Sam on earth here with her are real. Heaven was just memories
(I love that there’s an accidental typo of a pound symbol there, like a random reminder I’m talking to a British Person, in case I was forgetting to read Lizbob’s parts in an English accent...)
mittensmorgul well, she's already brought up heaven twice, once saying she didn't remember it, the next saying she was there with John and her little boys, and now I think she needs to hear the truth
elizabethrobertajones DOROTHY Dream? Charlie, you died. Don't worry about it, though. You're not a real hunter until you've died and come back again. CHARLIE Slow down. Why would you think I died? DOROTHY Heaven -- it's your dream life.
Because as much as Mary knows, I’m not sure she really understands all of this yet. And I think she really needs to in order to be able to finally let go of the past, for better or worse.
Okay, now I have officially used up more than an hour of my writing time on this episode I’m gonna go see if I can’t write some fic instead. :P
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astormofsilk · 5 years ago
@tymptir asked ❔(so you can go insane too ❤️) and does not know what they have wrought
Beric Dondarrion
Allyria Dayne:     Any part of their engagement. We have the first meetings, the falling in     love, the goodbye that ends with being permanent. We can cover any things     like them struggling to find time together, to her having to run her     household for her nephew while knowing she’s going to leave it soon. Hell     we can have the tragic wedding planning threads, tragic because we know     how their love story ends.
Alysane Mormont:     My Alysane travels everywhere so chance meetings can happen whenever we     want it to. Plus there is the fun of who the hell the fathers of her two     children are.
Cassana Baratheon:     Mother of his lord, and I often say screw canon and she survives because     Martin only kills off the mothers so he can do stupid things.
Lollys Stokeworth:     She is at King’s Landing often and he goes there as well. It would be     interesting to see them interact
Loreza of Dorne:     He would have to come into Dorne and again screw Martin and his dead mom     fetish. So as mama over Dorne she’d be the one you’re talking to for marriages
Meredyth Crane:     Tourneys are everywhere and it can totally happen in High Garden and Merry     makes friends with everyone. Chance meeting among the roses anyone?
Mya Stone:     Tourneys in the Vale, and his lord’s niece.
Tyene Sand:     Easily met at Starfall as a friend of Allyria, and a guard viper ready to     have a ‘talk’ with him.
Daario Naharis
Irri:     He joins her khaleesi and she’s trying to protect the woman from another     heartbreak. Plus they both fuck her so they’ve got that going
Rhaella Targaryen:     His queen’s mother and again, fuck the dead mom fetish
Garlan Tyrell
Allyria Dayne:     Marriage offers happen all the time and all over. So we can do stuff from     before anything is set in stone or change who she’s engaged to and who he     marries.
Alys Karstark:     Same as above. Plus he’s a second born son and she’s an only daughter,     there’s a lot of interest there.
Alysane Mormont:     My Alysane travels everywhere so chance meetings can happen whenever we     want it to. Plus there is the fun of who the hell the fathers of her two children     are.
Cassana Baratheon:     Mother of his sister’s husband/brother’s lover. That’s bound to be an awkward     meeting
Lollys Stokeworth:     Tourneys all over and her mother desperate for any man to take her. The     offer would happen. Or penpal friends/to more than friends
Loreza of Dorne:     Dorne and the Reach are always at each other’s throats, but come down for     tea anytime always plenty of room for a hos….I meant Tyrell
Meredyth Crane:     She is his sister’s friend and constantly underfoot. They’re bound to run     into each other and be friends.
Mya Stone:     Tourneys again, and bastards are always getting into trouble with pretty     boys.
Rhaella Targaryen: In     verses where her family wins he grows up with her as his queen, and     he’s a possible marriage offer for her daughter
Tyene Sand:     She was born in the Reach so she’s bound to go visit her mom
Gilly:     Verses where he ends up at the Wall making friends
Mya Stone:     Mya is always interested in meeting her half siblings
Val:     Come to the Wall, we have rum
Alys Karstark:     He’s one of Jon’s men, possible guard to keep her safe?
Gilly:     At the Wall, he interested in talking to one of Craster’s girls?
Val:     Wildling princess always willing to talk to a Crow
Harrion Karstark
Allyria Dayne:     Marriage offers all the time! Come down where it’s warm!
Alys Karstark:     Brother and sister threads all over the joint
Alysane Mormont:     My Alysane travels everywhere     so chance meetings can happen whenever we want it to. Plus there is the     fun of who the hell the fathers of her two children are.
Bethany Bolton:     Screw the dead mom fetish, her coming to his home to talk of possibly     fostering her son there instead of far away
Lollys Stokeworth:     Her mother would go anywhere to get rid of her, plus we can do penpal     threads
Lyarra Stark:     Mother of his lord, and who doesn’t want old granny wisdom?
Meera Reed:     Travels wherever Howland sends her. So a rescue mission can happen
Val:     When he comes to collect his sister…that’s gonna be fun. “She married one     of us” “….WHAT?!”
Jaime Lannister
Allyria Dayne:     Could be used as a temptation by his father to get Jamie back. Freshly     dead fiancé and now heir to Starfall cuz no one knows where little Ned is
Alys Karstark:     All the marriage offers. Tywin would try everything.
Alysane Mormont: My     Alysane travels everywhere so chance meetings can happen whenever we want     it to. Plus there is the fun of who the hell the fathers of her two     children are.
Cassana Baratheon:     Mother of his king/brother in law. I’m gonna get ‘fuck the dead mom fetish’     tattooed at this point
Joanna Lannister:     Fuck the dead mom fetish! All the mom threads!
Lollys Stokeworth:     Many interactions at King’s Landing and dammit both of them need someone     who sees the good and usefulness in them. Plus Tywin would try everything.
Loreza of Dorne:     Mom’s best friend, tried to get him married into her family. It works
Lysa Arryn:     Interactions at King’s Landing since she’s the wife of the hand
Meera Reed:     Meera travels wherever Howland sends her, plus how smart would it have     been to hostage him at the Watch huh?
Meredyth Crane:     Tourneys are everywhere, and he’s head of the King’s guard when her best     friend is Queen.
Mya Stone:     Niece in law? Is that a word? Au where Robert ignores the threat Cersei levels     and brings her anyway
Rhaella Targaryen:     His Queen. Ohhhh the heart break.
Tyene Sand:     Tiny viper likes to mess with Lannisters.
Jeor Mormont
Alysane Mormont:     Hi uncle!
Bethany Bolton:     Possible marriage offer when he’s younger, best friends later, and then     possible marriage offer to his son
Gilly:     He was at Craster’s. Save the woman and children!
Lyarra Stark:     Wife to his lord, mother to the second lord. Old friends bitching over tea     when she brings supplies up to the Wall
Meera Reed:     Howland sends her anywhere, including with supplies to the Wall
Val: Guard     for her sister when she trades with the Watch
Maron Greyjoy
Alysane Mormont:     Hostage his ass to the BEARS!
Gilly:     Save the pretty thing! Steal a wife today!
Val:     His new king’s sister in law who is scary as fuck
Renly Baratheon
Allyria Dayne:     *makes a sound track with two songs. Track 1) Marriage offers*
Alys Karstark:     Her dad would look for any high ranking lord he can
Alysane Mormont:     My Alysane travels everywhere so chance meetings can happen whenever we     want it to. Plus there is the fun of who the hell the fathers of her two     children are.
Cassana Baratheon:     *Track 2) Fuck the dead mom fetish*
Lollys Stokeworth:     In King’s Landing and being adorable. Even if he doesn’t want her to wed     and bed it’s still nice to have someone listen
Lysa Arryn:     He’s Master of Laws, she’s the Hand’s wife. They’ve met
Meredyth Crane:     He marries her best friend, they’re bound to spend time together
Mya Stone:     His niece and the sister of his ward.
Tyene Sand:     Pretty little viper comes to King’s Landing to fuck with Baratheon’s to
Rhaegar Targaryen
Allyria Dayne:     His best friend’s little sister, they’ve spent time together
Cassana Baratheon:     Aunty Cassy
Irri:     Any verse where he goes to Essos with his sister and brother
Joanna Lannister:     She is the wife to his father’s Hand.
Lollys Stokeworth:     She was 18 when he died so they’re bound to have cross paths.
Loreza of Dorne:     Scary mother in law
Lyarra Stark:     Second mother in law. Polygamy happens bitches!
Rhaella Targaryen:     *track 2 plays louder* all the mommy threads! And her baby that survived
Robb Stark
Allyria Dayne:     *track 1 plays softly in the distance*
Alys Karstark:     Her dad was sniffing around at age 6, they’ve met
Alysane Mormont:     My Alysane travels everywhere     so chance meetings can happen whenever we want it to. Plus there is the fun     of who the hell the fathers of her two children are.
Bethany Bolton:     Possible fostering home, comes to discuss it often
Gilly:     AU where she runs before she marries her father. They caught Osha, why not     Gilly to?
Lollys Stokeworth:     Her mom was looking everywhere. And again possible penpal threads!
Lyarra Stark:     Granny wisdom!
Lysa Arryn:     Aunt threads in verses where Lysa isn’t so pissed off with her family.
Meera Reed:     Their dads are best friends, and she knows way too much of Winterfell not     to have visited before.
Mya Stone:     Dads are best friends, plus if he visits his aunt’s home for anything he’s     gotta meet her
Val:     Hey King of the North, come meet the true North
Samwell Tarly
Allyria Dayne:     His dad was going anywhere to get rid of Sam and make him a man. Why not     kick him to Dorne?
Alys Karstark:     Or send him North and see if he’s got balls enough to freeze off?
Alysane Mormont: My     Alysane travels everywhere so chance meetings can happen whenever we want     it to. Plus there is the fun of who the hell the fathers of her two     children are.
Gilly:     We know they’re canon. We love it.
Lollys Stokeworth:     Penpal buddies/become more. Both their parents were desperate.
Meera Reed:     They do meet beyond the Wall/At the Wall
Meredyth Crane:     Lady companion to his lord’s daughter so they could’ve met at anytime
Val:     She has to agree to the switching of the kids to ya know
Sansa Stark
Allyria Dayne:     We can easily send her to King’s landing as a friend for Sansa. She can     come with little Ned!
Alys Karstark:     She’s the daughter of her lord, and her dad has been pushing for a     marriage agreement for years to her older brother. They’re bound to have     spent time together.
Alysane Mormont:     Send Sansa to the island as a fostering!
Bethany Bolton:     Possibly comes to discuss marriage between her son and her? Or as another     fostering choice
Lollys Stokeworth:     Lady companion after all the canon shit goes down, Sansa needs a friend
Lyarra Stark:     All the granny wisdom!
Lysa Arryn:     Aunty time at the Vale. No moon doors opened here
Meera Reed:     She should’ve had actual lady companions not just the stewards daughter.
Meredyth Crane:     Margery’s lady and we do know they become friends. AU where the girls don’t     abandon Sansa
Mya Stone:     They meet in the Vale and Mya can teach her all of what it means to be a     bastard
Tyene Sand:     Send her to Dorne for fostering! Meet the sand snakes for free!
Tyrion Lannister
Allyria Dayne:     His father was looking everywhere, and after her fiancé is dead why not     try it?
Alys Karstark:     Both fathers are looking everywhere for a marriage, and he’s a warden heir     so very nice.
Alysane Mormont:     My Alysane travels everywhere so chance meetings can happen whenever we     want it to. Plus there is the fun of who the hell the fathers of her two     children are. (Now always known as track 3)
Irri:     They’re bound to meet since he’s trying to get to her khaleesi, and she’s     always interested in meeting new people
Joanna Lannister:     *blasts track 2* Her baby!
Lollys Stokeworth:     We have canon of Tywin suggesting her. And she does listen which is nice     for him
Loreza of Dorne:     Mom’s best friend and a possible fostering home to get him away from his     dad
Lysa Arryn:     They’ve met in King’s Landing plenty times
Meredyth Crane:     She’s his niece in law’s best friend when Margery married Joffery
Mya Stone:     They meet at the Vale and she’s his niece in law, so plenty of     conversation
Tyene Sand:     He’s bound to have visited Dorne, and who wouldn’t want to get a peek at     the sand snakes
Irri:     If he ever visits Dany he’s gonna meet up with her.
Joanna Lannister:     The former hand’s wife and the one we know his old king was in love with.
Lollys Stokeworth:     No one spies on her, so she’s a good use to get people not to suspect     where he’s going if she’s on his arm.
Loreza of Dorne:     He was there when she was, they’ve probably had long talks over secret     plans.
Lysa Arryn:     She’s there with her husband when he’s Hand, so they’re bound to meet and     talk.
Rhaella Targaryen:     She’s his Queen and probably went to him often for advice about how to survive     her husband.
Tyene Sand:     She’s on her way to King’s Landing, and her uncle is in on his plans it     seems. Always good to have a viper up your sleeve.
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