#but maybe it's better three arts would be too much xd
kalolasfantasyworld · 8 months
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Vanessa x Gabriel Drazel 🩷❤️
The pot calling the kettle back Helena!
Seeing her close friend and her brother making out... Nebra is the one who has to deal with you!
In the poll you chose for me to share this little comic with you and I was very excited to do so. This situation will not happen in a while, but I can't wait to get to this ship (and all the others that are in the tags...)
I love Vanessa so much, she's gorgeous, funny, caring and overall one of my favorite BC characters. She deserves all the love and adoration. While Gabriel as my OC also has a special place in my heart. ❤️
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muffinsin · 8 months
Do you have any thoughts on how the sisters would comfort a plus sized insecure s/o? Maybe they’re looking in the mirror undressed when the sisters walk in on them. How would they make them feel better?
My, I do! :) let’s get into it!
Also an encouragement for everybody here to remind themselves they’re lovely no matter what body type, gender (or not gender), ethnicity, etc!🙌
also I’m hoping this is all coming across nicely because I’ll be fair I’m like Cassie, I have no idea how to comfort people in most situations but I shall try my best! XD
Let’s get into it! :))
Bela has had minor problems about her body once or twice, never something major
Teasing comments here and there about her thin appearance, some that stuck
You’ve never made such a comment, even as a joke, and she’s thankful for it
Things such as is entirely irrelevant to Bela, as such she is confused and a little shocked to see you one day, staring at yourself
She’s just returned from working on some papers when she finds you, undressed and staring at the lengthy full body mirror pushed against her wall
She blinks in confusion, once, twice
“What are you doing, little one?”, she asks, eyebrow raised just as you trace your skin
You jump at her sudden appearance
Bela grasps your hand as you reach for your clothing again
Her question is genuine. What have you been doing?
“Just looking”, you explain, although it only adds more questions
She raises an eyebrow at you
Clearly, this won’t cut it
Upon explaining your small dilemma, the stretches of your skin and the few rolls here and there, the thicker thighs and arms, she feels even more confused
You dislike your body? Because of its shape?
Although she has been there in the past, she can’t believe your words
How could her sweet little human go through this?
Experience such thoughts of insecurity?
How could she shield your pure soul from them?
She smiles widely when she gets an idea, then!
“You know, before your time, people considered more weight as a sign of being well fed and even wealthy! People often portrayed themsel-…”,
Bela winces when she notices your expression. No, that info-dump of hers did not help at all…
Nonetheless, she smiles again, for another idea crosses her mind
With a push of her fingers, and a yelp falling from your lips, you’re sent backwards on her bed
You’re propped up on your elbows as she climbs over you, her thick thighs on either side of your hips
“I think you’re the most stunning piece of art in this castle”, she says, her fingertip trailing across your cheeks
“I like your body a lot. It’s soft, and warm”, she reasons
Your breath hitches when she leans down to place a kiss to your jaw, where too much of a double chin lays for you to enjoy
Bela has no such qualms at all
She presses another kiss down your neck
“You smell and taste warm and delicious. Believe me when I reassure you, little one, not everybody shares this”, she whispers against your throat
Her teeth do not dig in though, only her soft lips flutter against your skin, two, three times until she moves on to your shoulders
“I admire your body whenever I am granted this unique view”, she reveals
She finds your arm, and shushes you when you’re about to make a bad comment about yourself
“It’s my turn to speak, my perfect little human”, she whispers, golden eyes flashing adoringly at you
She looks small against you, despite being taller
Her thinner frame pressed against you, she holds your hand as she trails featherlight kisses down your arm
“I find your touch very comforting. You’re able to ground me, and you’re one of the only people that can get through to me”, she says genuinely
You tense when she kisses your stomach
“You look delicious, and set my loins aflame with your touch”, she reassures
This thought has you a little surprised- yes, Bela is attracted to you
You had almost forgotten that when you focused too much on the thoughts of insecurity
You know of her attraction, too
Her soft worship of your body even as she ruins you, her golden eyes following you everywhere, her hands eagerly touching and exploring whenever given the chance
She squeals in surprise when just when she goes to talk again, you pull her up for a kiss instead
She accidentally slips, giggling into the kiss as she’s sprawled out on top of you
“I’m sorry”, she whispers, the blood from her dress now clinging to your bare front
You smile at her. She’s always so sweet and considerate with you
You watch her silently, though confused when she leans back again with a small grin
“Now, where was I?”, she coos
You gasp when her tongue drags over the blood left on your chest
She’s gentle, and sweet, slow and beautiful with her movements
“Ah yes!, you’re breathtaking”, she says all too eagerly. You can’t help but smile happily up at her
You’re standing in front the mirror next to her desk when she swarms into the room
“You have no idea how annoying-“ “Oh~! Are we playing today?~”, she asks, a smirk on her face upon seeing you naked in her room
Cassandra giggles as she swarms to you, then frowns- no, it isn’t that
Still, you feel flattery at her attempt
Cassandra seems to like your body, you reason
She stares at you for a moment, as if trying to figure out whether something is up
“You’re acting strange”, she says boldly
She’s never been too good with her words, but you know that
Cassandra frowns in confusion when you move her in front of you, her frame easily towering over yours
“Hm?”, she asks, a little, nervous and flustered smile coming to her lips when she notices you undress her
“What are we doing, morsel?”, she asks, swarming out of her garments to save you some time
Again, you don’t answer
She shivers as you slide your hands along her body, over her smooth arms and muscular stomach, her slightly arched back
Her face heats up when her ass is cupped, and her thighs are felt up
“You’re perfect”, you sigh
Even Cassandra catches onto your strange tone. You sound- displeased?
With her? No, she’s fairly sure she’s been behaving, more or less
Next, she watches you trace your own hips, as well as hers
She doesn’t understand. You look nothing like her. Why are you comparing yourself?
“What are you doing?”, she asks, and watches curiously as you jump from her question and pull your hand from her
You know this won’t do. Not at all
“What are you doing?”, she gives you another chance
Even naked, Cassandra is more than just a little intimidating, with her hands on her hips and her eyebrow raised perfectly
You feel tears burn at your eyes. You can’t get over how you feel, the heaviness that clings to you
Cassandra grows even more confused as you cry, but pushes you against her nonetheless
She giggles when you make a comment about being smudged to death in her cleavage
“What’s going on, little lamb?”, she questions. You’ve never seen her look this sincere
Upon explaining your thoughts, Cassandra tries to understand
She really does. She just- can’t
“But you’re perfect?”, she questions- no, says
She says it like it’s a fact and it makes you whimper
“You’re perfect. You do know that, don’t you?”, she questions
Your breath hitches when she kneels down, apparently tired of standing
“What about my thighs?”, you ask, eying their thickness
Cassandra giggles at your silly question
“What about them? I love them! You should know”, she answers, a teasing grin on her ridiculously pretty face
You’re blushing as she smushes her cheek against your thighs, against the numerous bite marks she’s placed on them
“And my stomach?”, you ask
Again, she merely looks up at you in confusion
“What about it? That’s my favourite sleeping spot. You’re so soft and warm”, she answers
Again, she bumps her face against you and it leaves you speechless
You smile, thinking of the many times Cassandra has pushed you down for a little nap on top of you
The dangerous predator nothing but your purring, content girlfriend that will not fail to growl at anybody nearing you while she uses you for a pillow
“And my arms? They’re not as strong as yours”, you add
She crackles. “No one’s as strong as me”, she smirks. She flexes her arms, showing off the few visible muscles she has
“My stomach isn’t flat when I sit”, you at last say, sorrow in your words
Cassandra stares
You watch her plop down and poke her stomach
“Mine isn’t either”, she replies with a small smile shot your way
You can’t help but grin at her. She’s sat on the floor, her legs outstretched and poking her stomach for emphasis
She’s right. Hers isn’t completely flat either
“You’re so perfect, though”, you wonder out loud
Cassandra giggles. She’s never quite going to get used to being described as “perfect”
“As are you, though”, she insists with a smile wide and genuine enough for you to truly believe it
You know, Daniela loves you. Unconditionally
Sadly, the same can’t be said about your love for yourself
Daniela swarms into your shared room, babbling about this and that when she finds you in front of the mirror
Naked? Did you forget getting dressed as she sometimes does?
She watches mutedly as you trace your skin, stretching and posing a little
She sees pants on the floor, a part of the inner thigh ripped open. Did it tear?
She swarms out of her clothes, feeling the warm air of the room against her skin
Is this meditation? What are you doing?
At last, after watching you move about some more, Daniela can’t wait anymore
You jump upon suddenly feeling her hands set on your shoulders, having been too absorbed in your thoughts to notice her come in
“Whatcha doing, my sweet?”, she asks eagerly
Maybe you’re playing a new game?
You don’t immediately answer her
At the same time, you’re very aware of her bare body pressed against yours. The thought makes you smile
Daniela has no idea what you’re doing, and yet joins in, undressing as well and staring at the mirror
The thought brings a question out of you
“What do you see?”, you ask. You feel her arms sling around you happily
“Us!”, she answers, just as eagerly. Daniela wonders- is this your new game?
She’s easily entertained, so it might as well be!
“More Detail?”, you ask. Daniela presses a quick kiss to your cheek before she continues on
“Hmmmm, I see you and I! We’re not wearing anything”, she answers
You can’t help but laugh a she wiggles her ass a little and giggles along, displaying her nakedness
Daniela is so- carefree
“What about our bodies?”, you press on
Again, Daniela hums for a moment, considering your question
“Iiiiiiiiii- I see my scar! It’s looking kind of badass”, she answers, flexing her thigh to show off the scar that sits there
“And I see your moles! There’s so many of them! I don’t have as many”, she adds, a wide grin a she meets your eyes in the mirror
Daniela pouts. You look sad
“What’s going on? Did I say something bad? I like your moles”, she asks immediately
You can’t help but smile at your puppy of a girlfriend. Daniela is, you think sometimes, too precious for you
“No, you didn’t do anything Dani”, you reassure her
But you sound so sad! Daniela grins as she attempts to cheer you up
“Hey hey, the night is still young!”, she claims, giggling again. You know, there’s still plenty time for the bratty thing to misbehave, and it makes you smile too
Yet, only for a moment. Daniela frowns. Something serious is up
With a little bit of encouragement from your lover, you at last tell Daniela what is plaguing your mind
She hums, as if she understands
Surprisingly, she does
“It can’t be…easy…around so many people with different body types”, she tries. Daniela beams when you nod
This was right thing to say, good!
“Why don’t you like your body?”, she asks. She looks so genuinely sad by this
“It’s wide”, you answer her
Daniela hums. You gasp in surprise when she jumps into action, spreading her legs and reaching out with her arms, so that she stands in a somewhat starfish position
“I’m wide too”, she argues. “Do you still love me?”
You don’t hesitate. “Of course I do”
She beams at you. “I still love you too”, she reassures
“I still love myself too”, she adds. “Do you still love yourself?”, she questions
You realise, you aren’t too sure in this moment. There is nothing actively bad, nor good
“I don’t like my body”, you reveal
“I like it a lot”, she counters. Then, she grins. “We can change it though, if you want. Humans can do that, right?”
You giggle at her, and nod. You explain workouts and diets to her
“Well, there you go! We can change what you don’t like, if you want to. Or we can work on making you like it”
Your eyes widen when she concentrates, and suddenly there is a small hole missing from her body, right at her ribcage. Instead, flies swirl around her hips.
“I can’t change mine. I’ve learned to love it!”, she adds. “I think you should love yours.”, she says with a smile
She pouts when you smile sadly at her
“I’m afraid it’s not that easy, bug”, you whisper back. You watch in amazement as her flies return to their original position and can’t help but giggle when Daniela throws herself against you
I’ll help you!”, she promises, content that you at last genuinely smile at her
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inkabelledesigns · 7 months
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I know I'm posting a day late here, but Happy Birthday Bendy! February 10th, 2024 marks the 7 year anniversary of when Bendy and the Ink Machine came out. And boy, has it been a wild ride. Normally I would reserve this for my Bendy sideblog, @angelofthepage , but I'm posting it here because this is where I started years ago, and I want some of those people who don't see that blog to have a chance to see this. Because you guys are a part of this story.
In about three months, seven years ago, I was in finals hell, working through my process book for my packaging design class in one of the dorm lounges while my roommate had taken the room for herself again. And the only thing keeping me sane was putting Can't Be Erased and Build Our Machine on loop as I worked. BATIM only had two chapters out, and I didn't know everything about it, but I was so intrigued by what its deal was. I took one look at Sammy Lawrence and I wanted to know everything about him. Something about this barely started game, the idea of your characters coming to life to kill you, it thrilled me, intrigued me. It was something I was really afraid of, being so attached to my characters and putting so much of my identity in my art. And while the story isn't really all that much about cartoons themselves being alive, it gave me something else that ended up changing my life.
Over that summer, I would become obsessed, and for the first time in years, I let myself be a fangirl again. And maybe one day I'll pull up the timeline and tell you how it all went down. But right now, after all the celebrating of yesterday, I just wanna take a moment to appreciate the last seven years. All the people I've met, all the friends I've made. All the experiences we've had together, big and small. Some have been incredibly close, and others have been people I still smile about whenever I see them on my feed, even if we're not all doing stuff in the same fandom anymore. There's some people I've fallen out of touch with that I likely won't ever see again that I miss. There's some I'll be lucky if I never see again. There's the official voice actors for Dark Revival, which I've had the pleasure of working with on community things here in the fandom. I regularly moderate their livestreams (or Lovestreams as we call them) where they sign prints and interact with us fans (and sometimes I'm tech support, once an ink machine technician, always an ink machine technician xD). I'm honored to call a lot of them my friends, we've had some truly wonderful conversations. I've spent a lot of time in a variety of servers, trying to uplift people and make for a positive fandom experience for everyone, fans old and new. Sometimes it lands me in interesting places, like helping out over on the Inky News channel. The host, Brandon, invited me over to guest star on his anniversary stream yesterday, and in the past I've been fortunate enough to showcase my art on two of his interviews, one with Dave Rivas and one with Adrienne Kress. Sometimes it lands me on fun projects, like working on a fan game, and for the first time it's not as a voice actor! I'm a writer. I've had my work uplifted in turn too, meeting people who value me for me and also cheer me on when I try new things (sometimes entirely new mediums like doll customizing). I got my first helpful constructive critique in this fandom, and it was something I ASKED for. That is a huge personal milestone! I have a really complex and twisty set of feelings about critique, and finally, I feel better, because someone helped me start to unravel that just by being themselves and being thoughtful. It's inspired me to want to be better in how I handle critique and problem solving with others.
I spent so much of my life putting my self worth in other people's hands. I thought I would never be good enough to have friends who didn't treat me like garbage. I thought I'd never be a good artist in any sense of the word either. But I was wrong. I've grown. I'm valued, I'm wanted. I don't have to hide parts of myself to be desirable. Sometimes being the silly, goofy, fangirl that is Kat is enough. My art is enough, my ideas are enough, my flavor is tasty, and I am a goddamn treat. And after so many years of not knowing that, I'm glad I finally do. And it's all because of the people. It wasn't ever that my flavor was bad, it's that I hadn't found people with a taste for it yet. Bendy's greatest gift was giving me a fresh start, a chance to meet new people, good people, and for that, I'm forever grateful. Even though things have changed, I'm glad I met each and every one of you, you all taught me something valuable along the way, and I think about those experiences we shared often.
I won't lie to you, I've been rather frustrated with Bendy lately. And I think a lot of it has to do with the games not truly having grown with me. At some point our paths deviated, and there are elements of what's come and what's coming that are getting away from what really enticed me about the very first entry, the things I valued most in it. But in some ways, analyzing that has led me to figure out what made that first game so special. It was human. It was a character focused game, and each of the characters, while vague, gave us just enough about themselves that we could feel for them, get invested, imagine, maybe even sympathize. Everyone is a tragedy, but they're all different flavors of tragedy. And it was seeing people explore that, seeing people write these characters in ways that were so human, that really built a connection. For some people, Bendy is another indie horror experience. For others, it's something to indulge in that hits hard on a personal level. In many ways, it attracts a lot of us who feel like misfits. It's many things. But to me, the magic was in the people. The people in this universe, and the people in its real world community.
It has solidified my belief that people should play with fiction however they want, no matter how far it deviates from the canon, no matter how weird it is. Go be interpretive, go tell your story, go be free to make what speaks to you! (All I ask is that you're thoughtful about tagging it so people can make smart choices about engaging with it.) All stories are worth telling. Even if no one gets into it, having told it makes a difference.
Whether you're someone who's been there from the beginning, or someone that's new to Bendy, I hope you're all having fun. Whether you've finished exploring the world or you've just begun, I hope you've found something valuable. Thank you, for coming along for the ride. Here's to many more fun experiences and stories, be they official or be they in the fandom. Happy Bendyversary!
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raymurata · 4 months
Oak!! I want to know formal (whatever formal means for them), wardrobe, and change
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Oak definitely enjoys dressing up, making and donning jewellery, mixing and matching items to make cool outfits, mixing and matching styles (zelek goblin, other goblin or orc clans' patterns and adornments and clothes, kryn clothes, etc). They put together outfits with whatever is available to them, and make a point of wearing plenty of traditional jewellery of their own making (or their sister's).
Their formal look for someone's wedding or graduation could be something like this (art whipped together in 30 mins)
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But they definitely like playing around and could easily wear a dress or something very different from this too. Here is my Oak wardrobe pinboard.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Their wardrobe is somewhat big, actually, but that's only because they share with other three siblings (currently)! The fourth of five siblings, Oak's clothes were always handed down from Kat or Zed, the twins (which works really well for Oak who likes both feminine and masculine clothes, tho Kat's were always in much much better state than Zed's) while they were all still growing. Since they've reached adulthood and all of the other siblings too, and most of them still live at home, on and off, they all share clothes. I can definitely see that creating some light hearted conflict when Oak was moving to Rosohna and wanted to take a piece of clothing Willow also likes a lot. XD
I think everyone in the Zahar family can sew and make basic repairs to clothes, including Oak, but Kat is probably one of the few who can actually make her own clothes. And I think Oak's dad can knit and make embroidery, so quite often Oak would get their help to fully remodel an item of clothing, or to add traditional patterns to clothes they bought in Rosohna.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
I really wanted to give Oak a tattoo, but I only thought of the design after our Have I Ever Game in canon (in which they said they had none) 😞 maybe they'll get it in the future.
As for big changes... I think Oak kept their hair at shoulder-length or shorter for most of their childhood and early teens, but then they decided to grow it out and liked it long. The face piercings were also a big appearance change, and they're particularly proud and fond of them 😌
The closest to a "complete wardrobe swap" I can think of is how they had to buy more clothes for themself during the years in Rosohna so that means they added a lot more Kryn clothes to their wardrobe (all very simple, working class stuff), but you bet they have already made adjustments to all of those clothes to make them more them, more vibrant, more goblin. 😌 So they're no longer boring or simple.
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vasyandii · 8 months
heylo!!! for the misc. ask game can i gat a 22 and 25 is its not too much trouble? ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
Liam!! What's good Big man- thank you for the Ask :3
22.) What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
I think she borders between True Neutral and Neutral Evil xD
Maybe More True Neutral Leaning for her job but in her past more Neutral Evil since she's been Selfish of prioritizing her own safety over others.
(But I'm not really familiar with Alignment charts so I'm not sure :((, this might change!)
25.) What is your favorite thing about your OC?
Her design, Definitely. She's easy to draw, and her face paint makes her stand out! Nak is definitely one of the ocs I'm most proud of since I learned alot while working on her.
Nak went through THREE past designs before her current design. It helped me learn what effective character design works and what doesn't
This is her oldest design (May) , before she had a name and everything
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Its....okay. I didn't really know what I wanted to do with her colours, alot of things was all over the place, she didn't feel like she was even in the same game. I did keep the bandana though.
Her improved design (+ skin variations)
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This is the one people are familiar with if you followed my tiktok in June! There's definitely a better grasp for colour distribution, however as my art style evolved, I came into another issue; The gear wasn't based off of anything, so it was very limiting to make her believable. (I do like her winter design though)
So I worked on a new concept.
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I'm kind of embarrassed to show this one xD, while this was based on actual gear, a thing I forgot to take into account is how cluttered her design was, so I ultimately scrapped it. Too much was going on.
And that's how we have her today :3 (albeit a bit simplified since this was made in august)
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
Just finished bayonetta and honestly it was SO GOOD. FanTASTIC game. Final thoughts:
The final boss fights were both a million times easier than expected but they were over fast enough the hype hadn't had time to run out (and the manic pixie dream girl style bayonetta playlist I had blasting didn't hurt either XD. Hard to be irked when you've got Bling Bling firing at twice speed while you fight a giant hair tentacle lady with face missiles IN SPACE).
Also going in knowing the bayo 2 ending is so much worse because you can see how 500yrs of loptr has just eroded him into a shell of himself ToT. This weapon flailing peacock wearing ash white lunatic is so far from the righteous, devoted warrior who loved his family above all else 😭. He's still wearing his wedding ring!!! And he dotes on tiny cereza whom he never got to hold, but that's it. That's all that's left...
Bayo 2 did the sequel plot twist thing so good, because you can see so much more of loptr in him than balder. The speech rhythm, the weirdly crooning faux polite monologuing, the rippling blue of his eye and outfit despite all his magic (both in this and the next game) being gold?? Yeah!!!
The peacock feathers in his boss fight though,,,,, sooooo pretty. They moved so beautifully, it really had so much elegance and grace, even when I was chopping him up 😍
Him and Jubileus were kinda cheese though. Like, the final Jeanne boss fight was a million times harder and with so much high stakes (having to redo the missile section again). I died like THREE times, and one was because I was curious as to what would happen if I threw Jubileus into a planet (spoiler - she did not in fact take damage but instead shook herself off with an evil grin and one shotted me, boo).
The dance video was so much better than I expected! She moves so fast lmao. There's a lot of repetitive moves but she does it at such speed!! It looks like such a fun dance too lol.
And!! I unlocked the gallery and stuff!!! 100/10 it was an absolute blast to look through and listen to the music, I literally examined every single model and every single piece of concept art. Bayonetta's designs were all amazing but no one told me how feminine every SINGLE character was posed!!! Crying laughing. Everyone had their legs like a meter apart apart from balders 'rich new widow meeting the police at her door' energy.
New drinking game: go through the enemy/demon models and take a shot for every face/human skull you see. It's so creepy lol. Phenomenal character design on all fronts!
Got 10,000 halos for finishing the game and immediately spent it all on the super outfit maker thing. I deserved it!!
Also apparently I got an achievement for using 20 wicked weaves with dodge offset, which is hysterical given I still don't know how to do dodge offset. Still don't know any combos either! It's a miracle I made it this far XD.
The characters are great, even the bosses have little interactions with bayonetta (mostly her cutting them off and shooting them lmao) and the found family energy the bayo/cereza/luka trio had was off the charts, but I'm so glad they didn't go through with it like every male/female leads ever. It has a way of flattening everyone involved :/.
The final cutscene totally happened because bayonetta and Jeanne got together with rodin like 'okay the angels probably think she's actually dead. This is our only chance to do something SO funny' like Enzo and poor luka fully thought she was dead. Jeanne called her nun outfit cosplay. Rodin stole enzos cig and lectured him while he accidentally protected him from falling coffin lids XD. With the intermittent fight scenes in the credits, the dance video, the amount of unlocks I got, what a way to end the game!!
In conclusion - this was definitely a game I'm going to replay and try to 100% (maybe not platinum style, but everything else lol), and it's so obvious how much thought, effort and love was put into it. A masterpiece but also very clearly an older game (the lack of save points and a good place to practice combos, combined with the painfully long chase segments both attest to that). Something I've thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of and something I'm most definitely going to come back to for a while to come.
Kinda want to get bayo 2 now... Do you think they still sell it on cd?
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theramblingsofadork · 4 months
Time to ask about Rivet, Charge and Hunter!
Roots edition:
3, 9, 18 for the twins
Art-themed asks:
Pen for Hunter. To me, Hunter seems that kind of parent that would regret doing/not doing something small to his children a lot, even though he doesn't look like a person to do that. Am I right?
Charcoal for Rivet, Charge, Hunter
Pastel for Rivet and Charge
Chalk for Rivet and Charge
Red asks:
🍓 for Hunter
🍄,🎈, 🌹 for Rivet
🧣 for Charge
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
It was a mixed bag. Both wanted to get out and see the world, but were also nervous as the village was all they knew, and they would be leaving Hunter behind. However, it was time, and they promised to return to visit soon.
9. Did your OC receive any kind of schooling? What did they study? How were they as a student?
Hunter taught them the basics of education, such as how to read and write. He also taught them how to fight and protect the world around them.
Charge didn’t get any speciality training, but has worked tirelessly to better control his powers. (Like with the field of flowers. Trying to tune his energy output so he can mass bloom a patch of flowers rather than accidentally fry them with too much power.)
Rivet, while she learned through trial and error, never had any formal training, though she did find several mentors who helped her better understand and hone her understanding of mechanics. She did struggle at intervals though to stay focused though due to the nitty gritty details being so boring.
18. If your OC were to return to their childhood home now, what would that look like? How would they feel?
It would be a nostalgic yet painful feeling. A time when things were easier, and the world was simple and small.
They’d laugh and comment about how their beds were so tiny, and say hi to the little creatures they lived with that still inhabit the village, as well as reminisce about the good and bad times they had there.
Pen: what's one minor moment your character regrets? A small mistake, but something they "can't erase"?
I suppose so! Hunter certainly tries his best, but wasn’t the best equipped to raise two children by himself.
A small regret… Hmm… Maybe getting mad at the twins for taking something like his mug and yelling at them, only to find out they were just trying to decorate it to surprise him as a thanks for being their father. That would make him feel guilty for sure.
Charcoal: share any unique physical features about this character that are not scars or tattoos.
Not super unique, but Rivet and Charge are very fluffy, and Hunter is completely blind so his eyes are gray.
Pastels: Give me three colors that best represent your OC. Now give me three colors that your OC likes best. Is there an overlap?
Yes. The twins defining colors are some of their favorites or relate to the things they like. Only unique one would be a rainbow prism for Rivet. While she doesn’t wear a ton of colors, she does incorporate them into her creations.
Chalk: what was one activity this character enjoyed with their sibling(s) as a kid? If they don't have siblings, what they did with their neighborhood friends
They loved to play hide and seek with the creatures that lived in their village. They got good at hiding, but once Charge was ‘it’, everyone kinda gave up because he could sense their auras regardless of where they were hiding. XD
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
Hunter is a strong believer of and has a close connection with Gaia. It saved him long ago by sending Flickys and Chao to aid him when he was on the brink of death. Ever since then, he’s quietly lived in nature as it’s guardian, working to preserve the great forest as thanks.
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
Rivet enjoys a healthy dose of both. She likes going on fast paced adventures with her hoverboard out in nature, but also likes working on inventions inside where no bugs can bother her.
Her upbringing is mostly responsible for this, seeing as she grew up surrounded by trees and mountains. But her love of mechanics gave her an appreciation for indoor work, as the summer outdoors does not have air conditioning. =w=
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
While it doesn’t happen a lot, Rivet does enjoy the occasional party. She’ll usually go out with the girls or to a fancy shindig with Starline, chatting up the guests, and occasionally getting drunk if she’s in a particularly good mood.
🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
Rivet admires intelligence and maturity, as well as people who can be straightforward, and match/put up with her sass. She also appreciates people who have a driving goal, as that’s something she struggles with, and those may be quieter, but aren’t complete pushovers. Like her one friend who isn’t afraid to be politely blunt despite the fact he’s shorter than her.
It absolutely runs through her friend group and her love interests, and a few of the traits she herself owns.
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how and why does it comfort them?
Ironically enough, Charge’s scarf is a big part of his comfort. Although he doesn’t like to admit it, he’ll often sink into it and hide his nose when he’s feeling bashful or embarrassed.
He’ll also go sit out in nature, particularly by a stream or a lake, and reconnect with the planet, which also helps comfort him.
…And food. Nothing makes him smile faster than food.
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gffa · 2 years
Not to add onto the whole "why the fuck are you getting so many negative anons lately?" train, but yeah it actually does suck to see you getting those.
I genuinely like your blog and I find your meta analysis super interesting even if I don't necessarily agree with your opinions/takes all the time. But I think that's mostly because I find great personal enjoyment in just seeing how other people interpret a piece of media I love differently from me.
Your posts have genuinely helped me fall even more in love with this fandom and I've actually taken some personal inspiration from you on how to handle these sort of weird/semi-hostile asks with my own blog.
Thanks, anon, I appreciate it. I'll be fair and say that part of why I'm getting more lately is that I'm answering a few of them, when I do that, I get more people continuing to send things, which is how it is for anyone who answers this kind of ask. When I don't have time/emotional reserves for asks or just delete/block them, it doesn't stir as much up--well, usually, sometimes I do get "why didn't you answer my ask??" messages and, like, guys I had THREE SEPARATE CRISES LAST WEEK, I'm only on tumblr to shitpost right now. And that's part of it, too, that I've had a really shitty month+ and so my patience for this is lower than it usually is and I may well have a lot of "fuck you, this is bullshit" undertones that are stirring things up as well. My blog isn't for everyone, but also my blog doesn't have to be all things to everyone who finds it interesting, it's my blog. It's for me. Yeah, I post a lot of stuff that I hope people find useful, I do a lot of resource/reference posts, I do a lot of official art posts, I try to be objective about stuff, etc, but at the end of the day, this isn't my job, I'm not a social media manager running a brand account, I'm not here to sell a product to a paying customer, this is my personal blog. I am one person who has my set of opinions, I'm not here to be all things to everyone. If you disagree with me on something, that's okay! I probably disagree with you right back! We're individual fans who have different opinions on stuff and maybe I'm louder than other people, but I am still just a single fan who wants to talk about what I think of Star Wars. I write posts I'm willing to share with others, I put my opinions out there, I understand the risks involved with that, but I think a few more people could do to understand that I'm not just a corporate employee writing up posts that someone else uses as source material, I am an individual fan writing my own opinions on things. The same goes for a lot of the blogs who are getting negative/semi-hostile anons, they're just a single person on the internet who wants to talk about how they see Star Wars! (I don't want people to worry, I don't classify anyone who disagrees with me as automatically hostile or negative, the posts I answers with good faith responses, I'm pretty sure came from good faith places.  We’re specifically talking about the “do your job” type of asks.) I'm deeply flattered that you're still hanging out even when you disagree sometimes, because that’s my ultimate goal.  Not necessarily to convert people (though, of course I would enjoy it if that happens, I’m only human XD) but to explain where I’m coming from and hopefully get people to understand how I got there, even if they’re not on the same road or going the same place. Fandom gets so much better when you realize not everyone has to agree with you, you don’t need every space to be for you, you don’t need every post to be one that hits your buttons just right.  You just need a handful of people that you’re having fun with and vibe with you, a handful more that can have some engaging, interesting discussions about topics you agree/disagree with when you’re in the right space for it, and a handful of artists/writers making the fic you enjoy.  That’s it, that’s the recipe to a good fandom experience, that you make the stuff that makes you happy and have a handful of people you can trust to talk to about it. If I can be one of those people that occasionally provides commentary you may not agree with, but find to be thoughtful/how I got there, then I will absolutely take that and find it to enrich my fandom experience, too.
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painted-fanbird · 1 year
Now that’s I’ve spent a day mulling over the final Mistborn book, I’ve decided I’m rejecting canon and doing it myself XD
So Kelsier Lives AU >>> Mistborn Rewrite
This is a long post, so my thoughts are under the cut!
The Final Empire proceeds mostly like canon, with a couple small differences and a couple giant ones right at the end.
The koloss don’t exist anymore. This is minor here, but more relevant next book. I have no thoughts for them, so they’re gone XD
Elend and Vin are no longer lovers. Instead they’re ride or die besties. Elend, knowing the dangers of the court, feels the desire to take this charming young woman under his wing and maybe keep her safe from the brunt of it. Vin hasn’t ever really had a friend before, and gets to go through the journey of thinking he’s acting before realizing that no, he’s actually invested in her well being.
More Spook! Not really sure how, but more Vin and Spook that does not involve romance. They’re also ride or die besties lol.
We’re also doing something with the fact that Vin could sense Sazed’s power stores in the metalminds. Turns out there was a reason her father didn’t realize her mother was skaa. It’s because she wasn’t. She was a terriswoman, and Vin ultimately discovers she has feruchemical powers on accident during the climax.
As a result, Vin’s backstory is going to take a minor shift. Her mother loved her and Reen very much, and when she was killed Reen took Vin and ran. I’m thinking the event traumatized Reen and he turned abusive in a twisted sense of protection. The earring is the only memory of their mom that Vin has, and she pierced her ear herself. Notably, while in the mists. This will be relevant later.
Kelsier lives. The Lord Ruler misses with the spear and he’s hauled away from the square, barely alive and bloodied. He’s given pewter, Sazed patches him him, but no one is sure if he’ll make it. Not sure who insights the rebellion, Breeze’s team maybe, but it happens.
Then Vin kills The Lord Ruler, right before dawn. She plunges the spear through his chest and discovers that not only is he Rashek, he’s The Deepness as well.
A yellow sun rises that morning.
As the yellow sun washes over the world, the world changes. Ash melts away, the sky clears, the grass fades to green and the Ashmounts become nothing more than mountains. The hold The Deepness had on the world is released.
The epilogue takes place several days later, when Kelsier finally wakes up. He didn’t expect too, but he did. He finds out what happened, learns his brother lives, and sees the flowers he always hoped he would.
Then there’s Book 2/3. I have no idea whether all these ideas would do better as one book or two, but regardless this is very different to canon and is where the bulk of the changes happen. Book 2 combines elements of tWoA and tHoA, plus a healthy dose of me doing my own thing lol.
Book 2 is focused on wrapping up the loose ends of Allomamcy, discovering the Three Metallic Arts in full, establishing the new government, and most importantly; where the heck is that atium???
Ruin and Preservation do not exist. I hated that plot line so into the trash they go XD
Kelsier is working on the atium problem. He denied kinghood because he has no patience for bureaucracy and endorsed Elend as king, which mostly settled the people. Now that he’s more or less fully recovered from The Collapse, he’s trying to locate the atium. With no success so far.
Spook is important. He’s a scout for Elend and is potentially helping Kelsier with the atium problem? Not sure specifically but he’s a tin savant already. This kickstarts the investigating of Allomancy.
Speaking of, it eventually comes out that Elend is an electrum Misting. He is not Mistborn, but he can have a cool power as a treat. This also ties into the uncovering of new Allomantic metals.
The Kandra are important because I think they’re cool! Not sure how I’m going to rework them, considering Ruin and Preservation are no longer an actual thing, but they are here and they are cousins to the Mistwraiths still.
They might still have the atium too, and Elend would like to be diplomatic but firm about getting it.
Specifically, I think it’s Vin and Kelsier and TenSoon growing close that finally sells the diplomacy. I’m not sure if it’s been TenSoon all along, or if I’m keeping the imposter plot, but regardless they still get close and the wolfhound thing still happens. Not sure how, but it does. Doggie TenSoon is very important to me <3
Tindwyl is still here, she’s helping Elend without erasing his entire personality. Her and Sazed do in fact, still fall in love <3
Elend spends a lot of this book proving to the people that he is a worthy king, and deserves Kelsier’s endorsement <3
Straff and Cett are also here! I think they’re tailing Elend to find the atium. So Luthadel does not end up under siege, but Kandra homeland might.
Notably, Jastes is not here. The koloss don’t exist so he’s dead lol.
Zane gets to stay, probably under a different name because Zane sounds too modern lol. He’s Straff’s Mistborn, is unrelated to Elend, did not survive Hathsin, and is also not insane. His core arc is trying to figure out how to make a life for himself that he likes, to parallel Vin.
Speaking of Vin, her arc is reconciling with herself to become a whole. Vin Mistborn. Street urchin, noblewoman, Mistborn, and deserving of love and joy <3
Kelsier has to learn how to live, now that he’s not dead.
Dockson also lives, and learns that there’s some good in the society he hates so much.
We get to see Breeze being a good man! And a mentor to Allrianne. No dating, just mentor/apprentice
Clubs is also here and I love him lol
So is Ham and his wife <3
The bulk of the Three Metallic Arts mystery is on discovering the rest of the allomantic metals and unlocking Hemalurgy. Feruchemy has mostly been figured out by now, but it gets tied in a bit as new metals are discovered.
Hemalurgy is no longer of Ruin. It is now simply the art of Giving power via infused metal. How does that work? Don’t know yet, I don’t think murder is required but it’s often easiest way to get power probably XD Spikes are the method still, and Inquisitors have the spikes in the places they do mostly just to look menacing. We learn a lot of this with Marsh.
Feruchemy is the art of Storing power. It works like it does in canon, and new things can be stored as new metals are discovered.
Allomamcy is no longer of Preservation, and is the art of Using power. This also works like canon, and this book spends a lot of time discovering new metals and using them to not get murdered by Straff XD
Vin is the coolest Mistborn on the block, and has elements of all three. Remember the earring? Vin used it for mist enhanced Hemalurgy on accident when she was young, giving her the ability to pierce copperclouds.
Also we’re going to acknowledge that Vin is a frighteningly powerful Allomancer!! She pulls so much power from metals, it floors everyone XD
The mists can be drawn upon by powerful Metallic Arts users, and are not limited to Allomancy. They buff what you’re trying to do, and are basically raw power. Vin draws upon them again early on I think, and starts unraveling the mystery in time to use them in the climax.
The climax is of course, a fight against Straff’s armies. He realizes Elend is going to get the atium and that Cett has allied with him, and decides to slaughter everyone who stands in his way. This does not work out for him lol. He gets killed, Elend gets the atium, Zane defects, Cett and Elend have a treaty and are trading partners, and all is well and everyone lives <3
And of course, The Lord Ruler still sucks. We’re axing the “oh he was honorable, just corrupted :(“ angle entirely. He was a tyrant and an ass, end of.
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despitethecold · 2 years
Hi @trikeycore, I'm your secret art buddy in @gtavfest! xD I've tried writing an Amanda/Michael/Trevor fic for you. I hope you enjoy it, happy Valentine's Day! :3
It was the first Valentine's Day after Amanda and Michael had decided to welcome none other than Trevor Philips into their relationship.
Rarely anything was simple regarding Michael and Trevor, but remarkably enough, this deal was. Both Amanda and Trevor wanted Michael, and Michael wanted them both. The idea had been born one night fueled by cocaine and booze that ended up with a mind-blowing threesome, and after that, they decided to stick together. Maybe not exactly a thruple — she didn’t bear intense romantic feelings for Trevor, and she doubted Trevor felt much for her — but the sex… the sex was good. Much better than it had been in a long time. She didn’t have to worry about Michael cheating on her anymore, and since both she and Trevor kept his balls empty, he willingly stopped seeing hookers. Oh, and not that she had to admit that out loud since it was so obvious, but Amanda liked having the attention of two men on herself. 
And in time, her resentment towards Trevor began to die down. Never in a million years would Amanda have guessed that Trevor could actually be pleasant when he chose to, even though it was only under certain circumstances — he had to be fed, entertained, rested, and sexually satisfied. Sort of like a dog, which was a peculiar notion, but it fit Trevor perfectly.
For the special day, she barely had any plans for them. Going out was out of the question, not with Trevor. She had a feeling society wasn’t quite ready for that yet.
But Amanda still wanted something different, a touch that would mark the special day, so she decided to cook for the first time in forever. The cooking classes she had taken out of boredom came in handy; she made a nice dinner for them entirely on her own, and even though she wasn’t sure if the guys would appreciate it, she was proud of herself. 
She put some cans of beer in the freezer fifteen minutes before dinner to ensure they would be ice cold — she had noticed Trevor enjoyed drinking his beer like that. When it was finally dinner time, she took two out and poured expensive wine for herself and Michael before they sat down and started eating.
During dinner, the banter was light and cheerful. The red roses Michael had brought home were in a vase on the kitchen island, and every once in a while, Amanda glanced at them and smiled before returning to Michael to hear about his day at the studio. Trevor didn’t hold back from making occasional remarks to annoy Michael, but he was too focused on eating to cause a scene. He licked the plate clean when he was done, getting some sauce on his nose. While Amanda berated him for not acting civilized like she did just about every evening, she was secretly delighted that Trevor liked her cooking enough to lick the remains. It was a nice ego boost. With a smile she couldn’t hide, she grabbed a napkin and threw it in his face for him to clean up, which earned her an amused snort from Michael.
It was almost nine when they wrapped up dinner. The large dish that once held dessert was empty, as well as the bottle of wine, and more beer cans had joined the list of things on the table that would go to the trash bin. It wasn’t the Valentine’s Day dinner she’d always dreamed of, but she found that she didn’t really mind. All three of them were as close to happiness as they could get, and that was somehow enough.
“Thanks for dinner, Mandy,” Michael smiled lopsidedly, leaning back in the chair and rubbing his swollen gut. “Man, I ate too much.”
Trevor belched, ignoring the eye rolls coming from both spouses, elbows brusquely resting on the table. “That’s what you always say, Porkchop. And you’re not wrong. You ate half of the cake.”
“Not cake, tiramisu. And you ate the other half,” Amanda pointed out amiably, drinking the last few sips left of her wine. “I only had a few bites.”
“Not my fault it tasted good. Since when do you know how to cook anyway, Mandy? The last time I had something you made was back in Yankton, and I can’t remember what it was, but I’m pretty sure it tasted like feet.”
Amanda lightly slapped Trevor’s arm, but she was too charmed by the compliment to get actually upset. “Yeah, I remember. You spat it on the floor like a goddamn animal.” She raised her brows meaningfully. “But I’ve been taking classes instead of dealing drugs and murdering people. You should try it sometime.”
“Nah,” said Trevor as he stood up, his chair making a screeching sound on the pristine floor. “I’ll pass.”
The dishes were left in the sink to be taken care of later. Michael was already yawning, and he excused himself to shower while Amanda and Trevor headed to the bedroom.
Since Trevor had joined them, they had exchanged the bed for an Alaskan King size to be more comfortable performing all sorts of activities. Most nights, they snuggled close as they slept, taking turns in the middle, something Amanda hadn’t expected when they had first agreed on living together. But it was enjoyable enough. Both men were just so problematic; she had always thought one nutcase was enough for her household, but they seemed to balance each other out somehow when it was two — when they weren’t enabling each other to do crazy, irresponsible shit, of course.
They were extremely dangerous to strangers and ridiculously protective when it came to their loved ones. Perhaps that was why Amanda felt so secure the nights she had her nose buried in Michael’s neck, and Trevor spooned her, kissing her shoulder with a gentleness she had thought he was incapable of. 
And that wasn’t the only sleeping arrangement she liked. Michael being in the middle worked well for everyone, as expected as that was. When Trevor slept in the middle, he tended to snuggle close to Michael and put an arm around Amanda’s shoulders. It had come as a bit of a shock the first night he had chosen to put his head on Amanda’s chest instead of Michael’s, but she had quickly become accustomed to it. Cuddling with Trevor wasn’t so bad. Ever since she made him start to shower regularly, he smelled of Michael’s luxurious soap. He was warm as a furnace and reacted so strongly to the slightest touches showing affection, and to Amanda’s surprise, touching him didn’t bother her as much as she’d anticipated, and she had soon gotten used to giving him caring caresses at night.
Trevor approached her while she took off her pearl earrings in front of the vanity, and she watched the unreadable expression on his face in the mirror. “Didn’t bring you flowers, but I bought you this,” Trevor muttered with a devilish smirk, pulling out a small box from his back pocket. Amanda took it, unsure of what it was until she read Edible Crotchless Underwear. Peach flavored. Certainly not something she had expected to see.
“…Thank you, I suppose,” she sighed hesitantly, putting down the box to take off her necklace next.
“You’re gonna put them on, right?”
Right. That was, of course, what he would expect. She was just about to brush it off with a maybe later, but then she saw the way Trevor’s eyes sparkled with anticipation and lust. It felt like a weird thing to try, but it also meant Trevor would be eating her out, and Trevor was absurdly good with his tongue. Just like a dog, she thought to herself again, barely suppressing a sneer. It wouldn’t be very wise to turn down the offer. “Fine, but I wanna shower first. It’s been a long day.” 
Trevor’s brows furrowed questioningly. “Shower? God, no. No showering, Mandy.” He lowered his voice and added, “I wanna taste you.”
Jesus. Amanda couldn’t deny she was a bit turned on just by hearing that. Despite her better judgment, she couldn’t resist Trevor’s sex appeal she had finally begun to see, not when he was being seductive instead of acting like a madman or as immature as a four-year-old left alone with crayons. 
Trevor seemed ready to take a step toward her and get all handsy, pants already tenting at the front, but Michael opened the door and walked in not long after with only a small towel around his waist, and that successfully distracted Trevor.
Michael sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his back with a groan, seeming to notice how close Amanda and Trevor were shortly after. He asked interestedly, “What are you two up to?” 
“Nothing, Mikey,” Trevor grinned, stripping off his shirt and throwing it aside while strolling towards Michael. “I just gave Mandy a present.”
“…Okay?” Michael glanced at Trevor’s boner immediately, then pointed at it and chuckled, “Is this part of the present?”
“Sort of,” Trevor mumbled, ogling at Michael’s naked chest while he opened his jeans and took his cock out. “Wanna take a closer look?”
Michael stared longingly at it — he was long past the stage of denial, at least when it was just the three of them. “I do, but I’m exhausted, T,” he muttered apologetically. “Just wanna go to sleep.” He stood up with a grunt, planting a kiss on Trevor’s cheek before disappearing to get clean boxers to wear to bed.
Amanda was disappointed that Michael wasn’t going to be joining the fun tonight — it wouldn’t be the first time, and she was no longer hesitant to get intimate with Trevor without Michael right beside them. But it was Valentine’s Day. She desired to feel the man she had fallen in love with all those years ago touching her.
As if reading her thoughts, Trevor approached her. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, Uncle T will take care of you tonight,” he said huskily, looking almost compassionate. 
“I told you not to say that,” Amanda rolled her eyes, turning around so Trevor could unzip her dress.
Trevor took his time with the zipper, planting sloppy kisses all over Amanda’s neck and shoulder, pushing his erection to her ass. She slowly wiggled her hips, sighing when Trevor let out a needy groan. 
Michael was already back and in bed, taking the side and leaving them enough space to do whatever they desired. Still, when Amanda peeped at him, she noticed Michael was watching them instead of closing his eyes. She briefly wondered if he would actually watch while they had sex. It wouldn’t be the most terrible thing.
Trevor began sucking on her skin and groped her butt, distracting her from her thoughts. She was already familiar with how Trevor liked it; rough, filthy, and loud, which worked well for her too. Before she knew it, Trevor was maneuvering her to turn again, and the second she did, he crashed their mouths together, kissing her deep and hard.
Amanda’s arms wrapped around Trevor’s broad shoulders. The rock-hard erection she could feel against her thigh was thrilling, and she was impatient to get to the main act already, but she humored Trevor for a while longer, letting his tongue dance with her own. He tasted sweet, with a hint of the beer lingering instead of tobacco. She touched the nape of his neck, then lightly scratched her nails down his back, feeling her arousal grow.
They finally parted after a long moment, and Amanda ordered breathily, “Get on the bed.”
Like a puppy listening to orders, Trevor did, leaving his jeans and underwear on the ground before climbing on the mattress and lying down, eyes still on Amanda while he shamelessly fondled himself, working his erect cock after spitting in his hand.
Amanda hummed, satisfied that Trevor was listening to her, and the sight of him pleasuring himself was fun to watch. There was some distance between the two men, but she realized Michael’s eyes were wide open still. He was observing Trevor playing with himself as well.
“I thought you were gonna sleep, Michael,” she laughed softly as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the ground along with the dress.
Michael’s eyes darted to her tits while he released a shaky breath. “Yeah… I was.”
“It ain’t your fault you have two hotties in your bedroom,” Trevor grinned as he rolled over to get closer to Michael, teasingly putting a hand on his lower belly. “You can just watch us if you want.”
“… Are you really suggesting I watch while you fuck my wife, Trevor?” He looked a bit weirded out — it probably sounded worse when said out loud, but his expression softened after a while as he put his hand on Trevor’s and squeezed.
“I said if you want. Jesus. You can rest while I keep her entertained.” With that, he brought his mouth to Michael’s, kissing him deeply.
While they were talking, Amanda had changed out of her panties to the ones Trevor had bought. The idea of wearing or seeing edible underwear on someone else wasn’t necessarily arousing for her, which was why she hadn’t experimented with them before. When she looked in the mirror, she thought the gummy part looked odd against her crotch, and the black strings around her hips that kept it in place weren’t exactly sexy either, but the whole thing would be gone soon anyway.
With nothing on but the panties, she climbed on the bed, her hand gently trailing from Michael’s knee up to his thigh. She could see the beginning of an erection Michael had in his boxers from making out with Trevor, and she gently petted it, eliciting an appreciative moan from her husband.
Realizing Amanda was ready, Trevor pulled away, eyes widening as he hungrily watched her breasts and then the panties, mouth wide open. “Happy Valentine’s Day to me…”
Amanda appreciated Trevor’s enthusiasm. On the other hand, Michael looked stunned, not in a good way, reaching out a hand and touching the strings with confusion. “What the fuck’s this?”
Trevor scoffed, clearly thinking everyone should be into them. “Edible panties, Mikey, haven’t you ever seen one before?”
“No, I have not, actually.” His fingers went all the way down to the opening in the middle of the gummy, lightly stroking Amanda’s folds, then he pressed his fingers deeper, pushing one of them halfway inside her. 
Amanda let out a sigh, momentarily closing her eyes. “Sure you don’t wanna join, babe?” 
Instead of giving a reply, Michael withdrew his fingers. Just when she was about to protest, she heard a chuckle. When she opened her eyes again, Trevor had Michael’s fingers in his mouth, staring directly at her crotch as he sloppily sucked on them. Taken aback by the clear display, she met Trevor’s crazed, lust-filled gaze, and the next thing she knew, Trevor was yanking her towards himself and pushing her down to the mattress.
“Ow! You animal, take it easy,” Amanda groaned after her head hit the bed, and Trevor put his hands on her knees to spread them apart by force.
Trevor didn’t even seem to be listening. “I want more,” he growled like a predator, getting on his stomach and burying his face in Amanda’s pussy.
Amanda gasped, mouth falling wide open in pleasure. Trevor did not bother with warming her up — he shoved his tongue inside her straight away as deeply as he could, hands fumbling her ass cheeks. It wasn’t delicate in any way, but Amanda didn’t expect that from Trevor.
For a while, Trevor only licked her from the opening in the gummy before eventually getting impatient and starting to bite into it from the sides. First, he chewed up the part that covered her clit and swallowed it, then spat on it and tongued there until she started moaning and squirming on the bed. 
It was tough to keep her eyes open when Trevor’s tongue was so persistently stimulating her most sensitive parts, but when Amanda felt a hand on her tit, she tilted her head, meeting Michael’s drowsy yet heated gaze. “Feels so good,” she panted. “I’m getting close…”
Michael lightly pinched and twisted her nipple, his other hand slowly working his cock, which was now whipped out and fully erect. He licked his lips before scooting closer to Amanda to give her a kiss, which she gladly accepted while threading her fingers in his coarse hair, nails digging into his scalp.
By then, Trevor had eaten the whole gummy soaked by her juices. “Fuck, fuck, I’m so fucking hard, you taste so good, Mandy, I wanna hear you say my name…” She could feel the mattress bounce as he frantically humped the bed for some friction on his cock. 
“Stop talking and make me cum,” Amanda instructed breathily, pushing Trevor’s head closer to herself and arching her back when he obeyed, sticking his tongue inside her again.
It only took her a minute or so to reach an orgasm that left her body shaking almost violently. Trevor gave her a few more gentle licks before getting on his knees. His mouth and chin were soaked with her juices, and he wiped at them with his palm and brought it down to his dick to give it a few tugs. “I’m gonna fuck you now.”
She took her time replying, trying to catch her breath for a long time. “Not yet,” she murmured eventually, “give me a minute.”
Trevor didn’t look too happy. “Fuck, I’m getting impatient.”
Michael was lying back down again, eyes drooping, but he was still massaging himself, greedy gaze now on Trevor. For someone who claimed they just wanted to sleep, he sure seemed horny.
Trevor crawled to Michael and straddled him, slapping his hand away, so their cocks were pressed together. “I made your wife cum with my mouth,” he purred, almost daring Michael to do something about it.
Michael moaned weakly, “I know…” 
Amanda could easily watch Trevor’s hips move from where she lay, and God, his ass was actually nice. Tanned and muscled, and with each thrust, it looked even more alluring. She guessed that if it weren’t for his corrupted soul and occasional premature ejaculation problem, Trevor would be a decent lover.  
Michael was the one moaning under Trevor now, uncharacteristically submissive. Obviously too tired to manhandle Trevor and fuck him like he usually liked to do, so he guided Trevor’s hips with his hands. But the two men looked genuinely sexy; frotting, kissing, and making delicious, obscene sounds that got Amanda yearning to be touched again.
She was just about to tell Trevor she was ready when Trevor went rigid over Michael, muscles tensing. “God, sorry, fuck,” he moaned as he shot his load over Michael, trembling slightly with the force of his climax.
“Jesus Christ, Trevor,” Amanda rolled her eyes, taking off the panties while complaining. “Is this over before it even began?”
Trevor grunted, “Of course not!”
Michael pushed him away in a hassle. “I just showered,” he grumbled. Amanda could tell from his voice that he was close, too.
“I’ll clean you up, don’t worry,” Trevor murmured remorsefully. He got off him and dipped his head, beginning to lap at his own cum that had spilled over Michael’s stomach, then he moved down to his cock, first licking it clean, then taking the tip into his mouth and slurping loudly.
Amanda noticed Trevor was still mostly hard right when she was starting to lose hope of getting properly fucked. She pushed him onto his side and wrapped his finger around his cock, gently stroking him while he continued giving Michael head.
“Fuck, Trev,” Michael groaned, “I’m gonna cum, take it deeper!”
Like the good, obedient pet he was, Trevor immediately took Michael in as much as he could into his mouth. The wet sounds coming from his throat seemed to make it even better for Michael. His clouded gaze met with Amanda’s, and a second later, he cried out as he came, head thrown back in ecstasy.
After he swallowed every last drop, Trevor finally pulled away, gasping for air. “Was I good, Mikey?” he asked, thrusting into Amanda’s hand, looking at Michael, waiting for his verbal approval.
“Yeah,” Michael’s hand found Trevor’s head, gently petting it. “You did very well, baby.” He was slurring his words from fatigue at that point.
Trevor seemed satisfied with the answer, nuzzling against Michael’s palm and pressing kisses until Michael pulled it away, fixed his underwear, and rolled onto his side with a satiated sigh. “Go on, then.”
After a few last tugs, Amanda let go of Trevor’s throbbing cock. “Are you gonna watch us?” she asked without much hope of Michael joining them.
“I don’t seem to have much choice. Unless I fall asleep,” Michael mumbled with a chuckle. “You wanna get fucked, right? And I don’t have the energy to do that now.”
Amanda rolled her eyes playfully, resting a hand on Michael’s chest. “You’re such an old man, Michael, and you’re barely fifty.”
“Hey hey hey, less talking, more fucking,” Trevor grunted impatiently, interrupting the banter. “On your knees, sweetheart.”
Amanda gave him a sour look, but did what he said nonetheless after pressing her lips to Michael’s cheek. She could practically feel Trevor’s heated gaze burning into her skin. After carefully examining her naked body, Trevor landed an experimental, light spank on her ass. 
It felt good, so she asked for another one, this time a bit harder. “Did you put on a condom?” she purred after that, not hiding that she was excited.
“What? Do I have to put on a condom on Valentine’s Day as well?!”
The exasperated sigh was unmistakably a yes, and Trevor begrudgingly reached for the bedside table, tearing the wrapper with his teeth and rolling the condom down his length. “Happy now?”
“I will be happy if you start fucking me—”
Trevor thrust in without any warning, leaving Amanda gasping in shock. Like that wasn’t enough, he gripped Amanda’s hips tightly, fingers digging into her skin as he began fucking her wet pussy. Amanda could hear the lewd sounds mixing with her moans. 
“God, it feels so good inside you,” Trevor growled. He fucked like an animal in heat, really — it lacked the romantic touches Amanda craved and didn’t last very long, but fuck, it was something. Maybe because it felt carnal and raw, and Trevor made it evident how much he enjoyed the fucking, his moans low and raspy, getting Amanda wetter than she already was.
Amanda’s hands were tightly holding the pillow beneath her forehead, whimpers getting louder. “Harder…”
“With pleasure,” Trevor chuckled, pushing in even deeper as he snapped his hips forward without mercy. 
Michael’s hand shot up to Trevor’s waist, not applying any pressure but touching him as he thrust into Amanda at a punishing pace. “God, this is hot,” he huffed out, cheeks flushed.
Trevor’s laugh was sinister. “Is it, sugar?”
Michael let out a long hum. “Fuck me, but yeah.”
“Do I look hot, too?” she panted out, coated lashes fluttering against her cheeks.
“You look wonderful, darling,” Michael chuckled warmly. His cheeks were flushed, thin lips curled up into a smile. Obviously enjoying this, which was a relief. Amanda watched him sit up with a groan after that, disappearing from her view as he reached for Trevor’s lips. With her eyes closed, she listened to the sounds of them kissing with passion, bringing a finger to her clit. It was maybe fucked up, but she couldn’t deny getting turned on.
It went on for another minute. She couldn’t quite make out what Michael was saying as he whispered in Trevor’s ear, but Trevor’s grip on her waist tightened, thrusts getting more erratic, and his moans and whimpers became that much louder. “Fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum soon,” he notified her — as if she couldn’t tell from the way he grunted. “Look at that ass, God, her pussy feels so good, Mikey…”
Michael groaned, surely in agreement, his hand landing on her butt. It all felt amazing, and she wasn’t that far behind herself, but she needed a last push to reach her climax. “Not yet,” she pleaded, pushing back to feel more of his cock. “Come on, Trevor, just a bit more!”
She wasn’t sure if Trevor was even paying any attention to her. Between listening to his animalistic grunts and compliments about her body as well as trying to focus on her pleasure, she didn’t notice Michael inching closer to her. He was on his knees, mouth close to Amanda’s ear, hot breath hitting her neck and making her shiver. 
“Does he fuck you well, baby?” Michael questioned gruffly, earning a surprised gasp from Amanda. “Does his cock feel good inside you?”
She swallowed — what kind of question was that? — and whimpered, clutching his thigh, polished nails digging into his meat. “Yes… Very good.”
“Are you gonna cum around his cock, then?” His gentle hands wandered over her back, tracing her spine before sliding down to fondle her tits, and he sounded so genuinely sexy with that low tone of his that Amanda couldn’t even question what the fuck was wrong with him for encouraging this. 
“I will,” she nodded frantically. “I just need… something…” She didn’t know what it was herself, hoping Michael would help her out.
Michael pulled away with a hum, and Amanda couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment in the pit of her stomach. She tried to focus on Trevor’s moans instead of lingering on it, fingers desperately rubbing herself. So close… and right when she thought she could come, the feeling slipped away.
But then she felt someone tugging at her hand, and a second later, something warm and wet replaced her fingers. “Oh, fuck…” Her eyes rolled back from pleasure. She tried to tilt her head to see; Michael was under both of them, hands on Trevor’s thighs, pulling him closer to Amanda with each thrust, and his tongue was working on her clit, lapping at it. 
Her orgasm hit her hard. She convulsed around Trevor’s cock that was pumping in and out of her deliciously, feeling the greedy hands of not one but two men on her body now. The pleasure was intense, body taut even when Trevor fully pushed inside and cried out as he filled the condom. She would have laughed if she wasn’t still recovering.
Michael’s lips were on her clit again, making her shiver with how sensitive she was before he slithered out from between their legs. “See, I can make her cum with my mouth, too,” he told Trevor smugly.
Trevor groaned, “Whatever. I fucked her.”
“As if I don’t do that.”
“Stop arguing and pull out!” Amanda whined. Trevor didn’t sound too happy but complied nonetheless, and Amanda lay on her back, trying to catch her breath. 
Trevor carefully removed the condom, showing it to the other two like a kid showing his parents an achievement. “I’m gonna go flush this down.”
“No, you’re gonna clog the toilet. Put it in the bin,” Michael told him sternly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Amanda’s legs felt wobbly, but she followed Trevor into the bathroom after putting on her nightgown. She washed her hands and grabbed cotton pads and makeup remover from the cupboard while Trevor dumped the condom in the trash. 
“Was I good?” asked Trevor as he stood by the door, an arrogant grin on his lips. It was apparent he believed he’d delivered a terrific performance — which he had if she had to be honest, she hadn’t come twice in such a short time in a while. Yes, Michael had helped, but it counted still.
She started taking off her smudged eye makeup instead of voicing that thought, humming noncommittally. She was too tired to boost his ego.
Trevor pouted when he wasn’t praised. “What? What does hmm mean?”
Michael appeared behind him, giving him a light pat on the shoulder, then proceeded to head to the toilet. “Fishing for compliments, T?”
“No! It was just a question!”
“I’ll have to get back to you on that later, I’m busy now,” Amanda teased with a satiated giggle, watching Trevor’s scowl deepen.
Michael didn’t wait for anyone to leave the room to start taking a piss. “Hey, it wasn’t that bad, Trev,” he huffed, adding to Trevor’s fury. 
“Fuck you! Fuck you both! I was great!” Trevor’s hands fisted by his sides. He sounded more disappointed than furious. “You know what, I’m leaving. All that effort, and you don’t even show any appreciation. Neither of you deserves me.”
“T, hey!”
“Don’t T me, you asshole.”
Amanda glanced at them only for a second before continuing to take her mascara off.
After he was done pissing, Michael made it his job to guide Trevor back to the bedroom by wrapping an arm around his waist, speaking to him in that hushed tone he put on whenever he tried to soothe Trevor. And Amanda knew it worked every time; Trevor was like a wild animal, and Michael was the tamer who had learned all the tricks to control him.
She finished cleaning her face and did the rest of her skincare. Nearly ten minutes had passed by the time she returned, only to find Trevor in Michael’s arms, looking much calmer now. Michael lazily spread his other arm, inviting Amanda close with a tired smile that indicated he might fall asleep any second.
But she got on the opposite side of the mattress instead of cuddling up to her husband. Trevor hummed faintly when she pushed her naked body against him, sliding a leg over his. “You were good,” she murmured, fingers caressing his arm.
“I know,” Trevor huffed weakly, burying his face further into Michael’s chest. 
When Amanda peeked at Michael, she noticed he was already asleep. It was a surprise he’d held out for this long, but it had been so worth it. Gently, she touched her hand to his hair, stroking lightly. It moved to Trevor’s head after a moment, brushing over his cheek and ear as she whispered good night.
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leffee · 1 year
How do you rank hair for the lps gang?
Oh mamma, I'm gonna have fun with this one. I'm about to do a deep dive analysis on this mf. Let's start with the easier ones, or rather the bald ones *vine boom sound*.
Sunil: so, well, he doesn't really have hair, but he does have those three strands of fur on his stupid little head. And I know what you're thinking, "it's just three little strands, not much here". And sure, until you realize how weird he looks without them. Fortunately, we have animation errors
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Terryfying, I know. You gotta admit that they give him charm too. But! We do have songs during which he has hair:
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I'm quite sure those are all the occasions he had hair. Anddd those are okay, nothing crazy for me, but not bad either, especially that last one. He gets a solid 5/10 which is a good score for a hair rating competition considering that he doesn't even have hair.
Penny Ling: okay, well, she's fully bald but she did have hair a few times too, specifically during humanarian and sweet shop songs:
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And while I'm not a fan of the first one, the second one does look kinda good. I like the cherry on top. I like the color too, it's great. Considering all that she gets a... 4/10! Mainly because she's bald (but we love it). The sweet shop hair gets a 9/10 though.
And the last bald pet, Russell: Well, the least bald of them because he has those quills. Still not hair though! But them quills are good at replacing hairdos, those are quilldos if you will.
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And can I just say how incredible they look in humanarian? I genuinely mean it, it looks amazing. It's kinda simple, but damn boy, he looks goood. I absolutely love it. It's still hair rating though so he gets a 6/10, mainly because those quills are pretty good hair-mimicking and just in general look good. If it wasn't a hair rating thing he would get a 10/10 but alas.
Now onto those who actually have hair, Pepper: she's unfortunately at a disadvantage because I'm a sucker for longer hair, but besides her regular hairdo she also has those:
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Which are all okay, I'm I love this first one, plus her hair doesn't have any of those lines, and it actually looks pretty great? Smooth. The third one is what it needs to be and the second one, well, as I said I'm not a fan of short hair. Her hair does look good on her though so I guess I will give her 5/10.
Minka: okay, so her hair is rather short too, and you know what else she has? That's right, pigtails. And, you know what's weird? That most of the time I don't like this hairstyle but on her?? I can't tell you why but I do like it, not love it but like it. Maybe it's because of that fringe? Idk. Let's look at Minka's hairstyles:
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Okay, I have simped enough already for those sweet shop hair, but fuccing look at hers, the best one in my opinion. The color looks great and I adore those candies, looks awesome. But omg, this humanarian hair might just be my favourite out of everyone throughout the enitire show. I can't tell what it is but she looks awesome. It looks perhaps even better from the back. The third one is just her without her pigtails, and you know what? That's still short hair but again, for some reason looks good. She gets a solid 7/10. If she had long pigtails (Hatsune Miku style) like I saw in one art piece she would easily get a 9/10 or maybe even 10/10.
Vinnie: oh boy, the one time when I won't appear biased. Probably. Still am. But, there's a reason why I gave him completely different hairstyle in my headcanon xD. His actual hair is too slick. He still looks great, don't get me wrong, but if it was me, I would do it differently. And the thing is, if his hair was just slightly different I would like it so much more. But more about that in a second. He gets bonus points because his hair is I guess kinda long? Hard to say really. But let's see.
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Oops, sorry, that's from my private collection and not hair realated, let's move on.
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And listen, LisTeN, in all of those he looks amazing (yeah, i count wet hair as a hairstyle just because it's so much different than his usual one), absolutely incredible if you ask me. And why? I mean, those are all quite different. Well, because they are all ruffled aka they're not slick. And all of those look incredible. If his everyday hairstyle looked like on that first picture he, similarly to Minka, would get a 9 or 10/10. And it's really not a big difference too. I would give him a 7/10 but since I count the other hairstyles as well and those are incredible he gets an 8/10.
Zoe: you see, there's a problem with Zoe. What the hell do I count as her hair??! Because she has that fringe, right? But she also has her goddamn ears that are supposed to be ears but are so often part of her hairstyle they might as well be hair! I don't know what kinda goofy cartoon logic is that but now I have to figure it out. Like seriously, sometimes her ears pretty much seem like they changed where they are attached just to fit the hairstyle and most of the time it seems like her ears have been complately transformed into hair. Did any of us ever stop to think that this dog's literal ears are incorporated into a hairdo? But okay, since they are so often part of her hair let's say that I count that too. So, Zoe has a lot going on for her. (At least the way it literally changes lengts) her hair can be considered long. Plus, she has that strand of pink, which technically makes her hair two-colored which usually looks good and makes it more interesting. It sure does in this case. And third, she got a shit-ton of different hairdos and a lot of them look incredible, plus, she's got that "hair covering one eye" swag. She's got way too many hairstyles for me to include all but here are some of my favourites:
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I can't lie, she looks awesome, definitely 10/10 even if she kinda cheats with those disappearing, transforming ears.
That's all for tonight folks, hopefully that answer was satisfactory. I had fun, so if you have any similar questions I would love to see them. Also, it's possible that I forgot some hairstyles for certain pets, I was mainly going by songs and what I could remember, so don't kill me if I did.
From best to worst in my opinion it would go like this:
Penny Ling
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helloooo how are youuu!!
omg so real with rainbow dash and aj?? i saw this poll and she was the least liked and i was appalled how can someone NOT like applejack???????
im sure your gift receiver will love theirs!!
i mainly drink coffee for the caffeine andnrnsnf but i like the flavour too! id much rather drink a coffee with good flavour and not as much caffeine rather than one woth bad flavour but pure caffeine yk?
and fun fact!!! electric violins are a thing (but maybe you already knew that and i misunderstood?) theyre really cool sounding anything electric sounds awesome to me tho so maybe im biased akfjjrsjfj
okay three careers: id be a games designer, animator and an author! i want to pursue all of those in my one life but that seems unrealistic ajdjrjsjf i really wish i did have three lives to pursue each of them!! and your careers seem so cool!! my mums a teacher and she respects the ta's that help special needs kids so much!! and honestly i do too!! ooh medicine!! medicine was fascinating to me as a child i always either wanted to be a fashion designer or work in the medicine industry!! and we are SOOO twins with animating ajdjejsjf i love art and also yours is sooo good omg your velvette art>>>>>>>>>> akkdjejsd
for me!! dogss but im biased bc a) my mum had three dogs and my aunt has dogs and dogs in family so im used to being around them <3 and b) a dog didnt try to kill me!! (i will not elaborate ajdjrjsjfn) and omg your cats sound sooo cutee and i love how so many cat owners i know are like 'yeah shes unhelpful but shes cute!!' because honestly thats so valid ajdjrnsjfjr
oh yeah i totally get warm colours sorta stuff! my fav colours are either grey or lilac ajdjrjsjd so aksjdjsjd
hmm see this is hard because id love to control fire just bc itd look cool ajdjrjsjfj but also i think mainly air? bc if i hate someone i can just mess their hair up /j ksjdjejsjd but i think airs cool! but also lile fire because it looks cool but im biased bc im a fire sign so i think im supposed to be loyal to fire ajdjrnsnf but if i had to choose one, probably air! what about you?
and my question to you: what is the best compliment youve ever gotten and whats your fav way to spend a day off?
byeee!!!! this is so long sorry ajfjrndnf
-swiftie spring exchange anon
So first you don't need to apologise for length!! I love long messages XD
I think people like her the least because she's like..."normal"? She doesn't necessarily stand out as much as the others do, and I get the impression that makes people pay less attention to her :( But she's lovely!! She's a loyal friend, hardworking, and I love her family relationships too!! I'm super close to my siblings and love seeing those bonds in media XD
That makes sense!! I imagine coffee is like tea, wherein some is just like...a better taste. Okay sure I only do herbal tea, but some herbal teas are better than others XD
I did not know electric violins were a thing!! Worldview changing news right there. (sincere in a mildly hyperbolic way) I need to know what other electric instruments exist now however...I want an electric saxophone. Do those exist? I need to find out. (Okay turns out YES oh my god I love it. Some of them feel faintly cursed but that's ok I love a cursed instrument.)
It's cool how much we have in common X'D If you wanna keep talking post exchange I'd be up for that! Tbh at one point I too wanted to be a games designer...I tried to make a visual novel once. I did not have the patience for it. (It's funny cause my job requires a lot of patience, but then often I do not have patience?? I joke that my job uses up my patience but tbh I think it's just a different type of patience. Explaining concepts to a child repeatedly feels different from learning to code or play an instrument. I imagine there's many people who have the patience for the latter who would not for the former.)
I ALSO at one point wanted to go into fashion design - specifically, wedding dress designs!! I basically went from STEM careers to art careers then settled in education XD If I could do all three I would. But for now I'm satisfied with art as a hobby and education as a job. My mum also works with kids, but like, early years so before school aged XD I guess I sort of take after her in that regard.
Re: dogs and cats! My uncles both have dogs XD I think I'm kinda wary of dogs because I know many poorly trained dogs. But then like...one of my uncles has the most chill dog ever? Kinda a dumb dog too. They got burgled once and on camera they found that the dog had been awake and the burglar just stepped over the dog. She's just a very docile dog that doesn't feel a need to get worked up over things XD
I am very sorry about the cat trying to kill you tho!! Some cats can be vicious, to be fair. My two are very sweet thankfully - a black and white one who is 5 in October, and a tabby who turns 2 in May! The older one is generally more chill, she just likes to sleep and cuddle and judge others. And then the younger one wants to run around and cause trouble (nothing major, to be fair, worst she does is steal my post) and play all the time lol. She also wants to cuddle a lot, but she finds it hard to sit still long enough.
Fun fact I am making a pair of lilac trousers atm XD They're corduroy and I'm gonna add sequined hearts on afterwards.
Ooh which fire sign? I'm a scorpio XD I'd probably go for water. As a kid I wanted to do earth because I was a fan of Toph from ATLA, but I think I'd find water easier...am I looking at ATLA to decide? Yes. Yes I am. But yeah I think water! Also if I could control water I could swim maybe...
My favourite way to spend a day off is basically art, time with my sister (and friends, but usually I have to text because we live a few hours apart), and then a date with my gf. I like a bit of gaming too (found out Stardew Valley updated so been on that today after I finished work). It's also less energy consuming, so it's nice to use light gaming as a break inbetween art stuff. Providing it's single player games. I am extremely competitive when it's multiplayer, woops. My family and I once ended up contacting a monopoly helpline because my uncle and I got into such a debate over one of the rules lol. And as for compliment...not really sure? Sometimes I have people ask me where I got my clothes, or ask if I got them from specific brands, and that feels like a compliment because it means I made something that looks at least vaguely professional XD Honestly compliments on my art always make me happy. Oh, and compliments professionally - whenever a child or parent has positive things to say about me I'm like :D. I think I just like to know that others appreciate the things I can do? What about you??
My turn for a question...do you have a "bucket list" of sorts? Like are there any things you wanna do in life in particular? And do you think you'll get those things done?
0 notes
clenastia · 1 year
self confidence is a skill that can be learned and you have to let yourself and your art exist distinct from how others perceive it. you will never exist or create in a way that nobody criticizes and that is NOT a bad thing. you obviously care a lot about your work or you wouldn't fret over it this much, but fixating so heavily on the potential opinions of people you made up to criticize you isn't healthy and isn't doing you any good. you're allowed to set that weight down and I truly believe you can do it.
I do try! when i catch myself spiralling i generally try to forcfully redirect my thoughts, even if it means completely ignoring whatever triggered it, but unfortunately sometimes i feel like im stuck in a loop because thinking of getting published triggers spirals of anxiety so i cant think too much about it which means i never get around to DOING it which makes me upset because i've always WANTED to get published, but when i try to seriously consider it i get all tangled up in the anxieties and ugh.
in all honesty i fell into the trap of thinking therapy would be a quicker fix than it is, where the therapist could give me a list of steps to do and my anxiety/issues would go away once i did them. so i put a bunch of unrealistic expectations on therapy but unfortunately there IS no magical list of steps to making your brain work right. you just. gotta wake up every day and push your way through the spirals and face the things you're afraid of. meds help, for sure, i don't get panic attacks anymore and the anxiety doesn't stress me out so much i end up crying or shutting down most of the time. but like. everything else, the solution is just: ignore it. keep trying. and there's no. fucking. steps to just. "do these three things and your brain will work like a neurotypical one!" and it fucking sucks and i hate it and i still gotta keep trying if i wanna get anywhere.
I haven't been on meds for a full year yet, and therapy less than that, so im sure with time I'll get to a place where i CAN push through those specific fears and get to where i want to be, and that in a lot of ways i'm still just rushing things and wishing i could be better NOW instead of having to put in months and years of work.
a lifetime of self-worth issues don't get resolved with pills and six months of therapy, but sometimes its just so GODDAMN unfair and i just want a magic cheat sheet to getting better :(
or maybe someone who can do like. literally everything for me so i don't have to face it myself lol.
can there be a business for that? like. be your own ghost writer. someone else gets all the credit and hate mail and deals with all the publishers. but you get to write your silly little stories and still make profit.
that'd be nice xD
totally ripe for abuse and probably actually a terrible idea but like. in an idealistic way. it'd be nice. y'know?
#clena's ongoing issues with “i can't handle when strangers on the internet think poorly of me”#except. you know. that's basically the job of strangers on the internet.#i still get haunted by the one and only time i tried posting on deviantart#and one day when looking at someone's fanart and reading comments someone's signature said click here to see the worst art ive ever seen#and i clicked on it out of morbid curiosity and saw my own art#and never drew another fucking thing in my life because it hurt so much i couldn't handle it#it was probably a script link or something that randomly took you to one of your own drawings#and wasn't targeted at all#but it. you know. completely destroyed a teenage-clena's ability to continue with art#and now years later i WANT to draw but still struggle to get into it and tend to quickly give up on whatever i try#awful prank for strangers on the internet to pull on people. but then. that's what they do and if you wanna be on the internet#you gotta be able to put up with it.#assholes on the internet may be the minority#but DAMN if one well-placed blow doesn't do more damage than a thousand encouraging comments can hope to repair xD#and i KNOW thats why they do it. that those sorts of trolls live for the feeling of power that comes from knowing they can affect you#and that you shouldn't give them what they want and shouldn't give in to their petty bullshit#but it's just so goddamn hard. and there's no magic fix. which still pisses me off.#can i have my magic don't-give-a-shit-about-strangers-opinions potion. please. pretty please.#pretty pretty PRETTY please#i'd sell my non-existent firstborn for it#i would probably go through the grossness of HAVING a first-born for it#like. seriously.
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deancrowleycas · 1 year
I'm writing anon from before. Of course I still get a rush when actually posting things! I used to exclusively write privately so shifting to publishing some things in ao3 meant explicitly acknowledging that in some way obviously I do want people to like it. But, it's a bit of a psychological game. If you pour your heart and soul into something hoping people will like it and then they don't it's crushing. If you pour your heart and soul into something because you wanted it to exist, and then you put it out there in case even one or two other people think similarly, you either don't hear much (ah well, most people aren't you) or you DO hear something and it's a huge unexpected pleasure. I try to never take hits/kudos/comments for granted. I do have some expectations especially after writing for a while and knowing roughly the numbers fics in various fandoms do but it's so content dependent even then. I write things because no one else is, so, either it hits on something that's more widely applicable too, which is cool, or it doesn't, and that's not a bad thing. I write a lot of rather specific ace fanfic for example and obviously the romance side is going to appeal to a wider audience but often times I make conscious decisions to very textually stray away from popular tropes and give them my own spin not because I think that would appeal to most people but because I was sick of reading these things which almost but not quite applied to me. There is an “engagement” trade off there immediately. It's impossible to rate the worth of something like that based on the raw numbers of people who like it!
Basically, just figure out what you believe in before publishing anything and don't let yourself be convinced to stray from that once the story is out there. Of course any writer wants to get better, but that's just practise. You will not get better analysing what other people like. In terms of spelling, grammar, etc yeah sure if you want to get someone to look over and edit those things and give pointers that can be constructive, but even then... I just write what sounds good. Good poetry destroys any rules essays should be following. Your job as a fanfic writer isn't to conform to what is popular, it's to destroy three other individuals who understand exactly what you mean and in the process realise that that thing you thought you were alone in was actually something you had a community in after all.
Hello! I was already asleep when I got this I think, so that's why I am answering now xD
Thank you for your message. I agree with you on all of the points actually, so it was good to hear that. The AU or stuff I have planned most of the time exists because it's not something where I could find much on ao3 - like right now I have a werewolf!AU that's not a/b/o, and I started a little genderfluid Dean x fix-it fic because I love Dean being trans in any form and there is just not enough of that out there :D And then I have an idea for a superhero AU and pole dance fic. So yeah, that's already oddly specific stuff - so why would I expect that it is something for anyone? It kind of destroys the idea of art to just follow what is popular, and yeah, creating something that I feel passionate about and has meaning to me (and maybe three other like-minded individuals to connect with, as you mentioned) only makes sense.
I am also pretty relieved because I guess I connected kudos in my subconscious with the idea of 'how good' a fic is (stupid, yeah - I should know better, after all, I keep running around telling everyone to read fics that are not super popular and not only read fandom favorites because there are so many gems out there), not taking into account other factors like the topic, fandom, etc that come more to the front in your ask. Just thinking about kudos differently already takes pressure away from getting them lol.
And yeah, the part about poetry was also very helpful. Though it's funny that my personal problem is that I am someone who writes a lot of essays and that I struggle because I am trying to break away from that academic writing style, so that made me laugh xD But yeah, I guess I should allow myself to be more intuitive. Play around, after all this is for fun and it should feel meaningful to me. And yeah, it should be readable, but thinking about art like a set of rules it should be following is stupid and snobbish anyways and I am so over that. Okay, a little more private vent following - I did a bachelor's in cultural studies and I spent half of my bachelor's fighting (also defending fan fiction and fandom culture) against rich academics that pretended mass media wasn't art and insisted on 'high art' being the 'purest' form of art and I am SO over those weird 'qualifying factors' of art that are actually often just made to suppress people so I should stop repeating those weird as fuck ideas about judging art and maybe just fucking enjoy it. Like I should know better dammit!!! And I should let myself enjoy my hobbies! :D
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navyinks · 2 years
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diary ↓
the year is half over so i want to celebrate my wins
i think finally i have developed a healthier mindset to art, of course i still have my bad days but i’m feeling a lot happier with where i’m at now compared to the start of the year. i learned to genuinely enjoy the drawing process instead of being obsessed with finishing something.
speaking of finished pieces, lately i was a little upset because i felt that my daily practice wasn’t reflected in my paintings. in particular the last feanor&maedhros piece made me really depressed because everything about it was so bad, i felt so horrible that i was drawing hours every day but this was the shitty result... but when i took a step back i realised where i went wrong. in the last three months i focused very heavily on drawing & anatomy, and did very few painting/shading exercises. so of course it was silly to expect that my finished paintings would improve when i didn’t put that much work in that area.
but when i started drawing some concept character sketches for dandelion children this week i was legitimately stunned by how much easier it was to draw humans in general. i don’t know why i didn’t believe it but doing figure drawing every single day really helped me to draw human figures quickly and effortlessly, and they also look much better than whatever i was doing before. the human body is no longer a mystery to me and i can feel confident to say now that i know how to draw a human xD
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so i concluded that all the work i’ve been doing has really paid off - i improved in the exact same area that i practiced. in the end, it turned out that everything was fine and i’m not permanently broken when it comes to art. maybe there is some hope for me after all x’D
but i also realised that the past three months have been the only time in my whole, entire life that i’ve consistently sat down every day to practice the fundamentals. even last year during lockdown, i binged an entire anatomy course and then abruptly stopped practicing after that because i burnt out too fast. in the past i was far too distracted by the finished product to have any patience to sit down and practice. so i guess i also found the key to having balance in my art endeavors. i think that might be the most valuable lesson i’ve learned this year.
idk who will read this but going forward i will probably stop drawing much else outside of daily practice. tbh i’m already not very interested in drawing anything else, it’s hard to want to make polished work when i know my fundamentals are still so shakey. but i think i will still make an effort for a completed piece every month. i only wish that i can still continue to afford the time and energy to practice every day now that labwork is really picking up >.<”
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theflyingkipper · 3 years
D10 lore 2, electric boogaloo
D10 lore 1 (just art)
My headcanon for Diesel 10's origins, there's some funny human au content at the bottom
getting @revenge-of-three-au 's attention because I know they like D10 >:)
note: so turns out I have never had an original idea and D10 being Cockade is apparently a very common headcanon . I promise I came up with this independently 😭 also there's more to him being D810 as well so if you're already familiar with this headcanon you are allowed to skip ahead XD
- Class 42s were planned to have further modifications during modernization, but due to their smaller body shapes could not accommodate for extra equipment. With the mechanical issues and newer classes being introduced, the 42s were gradually withdrawn.
- Diesel 10 spent his early life in a BR green livery, and like most of his siblings was named after a royal navy warship. His name was Cockade (or cockhead, when he got snippy).
- yes this means hes british in this headcanon I can not find a reason he would sound like he does in tatmr (I hate this implication though XD)
- D810 and some of his siblings were offered by BR to the Diesel Traction Group, after a Class 22 that was promised to them was accidentally scrapped. D821 (Greyhound) was the only one chosen out of the five siblings offered, as he was in the best mechanical condition out of them.
-  Although Diesel 10 and his siblings were notoriously dickish to one another during their working life, they were desperate to see this last pocket of their class be preserved. Especially D818, who was rather beloved to the staff of Swindon Works and his siblings.
- D832 (Onslaught) was then sent to the Railway Technical Centre, and was restored using cannibalized parts of D818, to the horror of both him and his siblings, who shunned D832 despite him having no control over the decision.
- In early September, 1973, D810 was purchased for a nominal amount of money by a shady buyer. He was taken from the scrapyard while his siblings were asleep. His siblings were cut up believing that D810 suffered the same fate as them.
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(In reality, D810 was cut up September 26th, 1973 at Swindon.)
- at this point, D810 was in horrific mechanical condition, but no better or worse than his siblings. His buyer, P.T. Boomer, was told to "knock himself out" when he said he wanted to restore D810.
- D10 was heavily modified, and it took nearly 11 years to finish his build. (He was one of a few different projects, among them being two modified class 08s that he befriended) He was converted from diesel-hydraulic to diesel-electric after his body shell was refitted, making him slightly bigger and boxier than his siblings. Much of his inner workings were rearranged, and D10 has some trouble backing up because of this. Hes great at accelerating, though.
- A large space was carved out for the addition of a claw, which D10 was VERY excited about. He was not worried in the slightest about the legal implications, he was too focused on the idea of being able to grab things.
- The claw and D10s wheels are powered by two separate electric motors, this makes Pinchy almost a separate being from D10, but he retains some control due to them deriving power from the same diesel engine.
- Pinchy makes D10 significantly heavier than his siblings, and crossing bridges (or crumbling viaducts) runs the risk of the structure collapsing
- D10's claw can be hidden inside his body. (His original model plans had this) Putting moving parts on the back of locomotives is illegal, and visibly having a giant claw would not make him eligible for work anywhere. He was loaned to the NWR for track clearing maintenance (without knowledge of the claw) and no one was the wiser.
- D10s hatred of steam engines stems from a much deeper qualm with replacement and preservation. He and his siblings were treated like a footnote for their time and effort, while all that was needed to be preserved as a steam engine was to be one, and maybe have a pretty name. (He did now take the news of Evening Star's preservation very well.) He has a particular distaste for "special" steam engines, and everyone on the Island of Sodor is on that list.
- D10's hatred goes beyond steam engines, too. He hates the newer classes of diesel engines that replaced his siblings, as well. On some level, he'd be able to sympathize with steam engines suffering a similar fate, but he refuses to equate himself to them.
(In Human AU)
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- the locomotive's story is pretty much the same, though instead of being purchased by P.T. Boomer, D810 is stolen from the scrapyard by human D10.
- I have decided on a whim that human D10 is on the run from the American police and fled to the UK to continue his crimes under the pseudonym "Pete Swindon".
[Images of class 42s, D810 included]
[where I got most of the information on Class 42s]
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