#but make me soooooooooooo sleepy
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sideflorfauna · 11 months ago
Delicious, sweet, and warm rice pudding… surely you will make a wonderful addition to my breakfast, and not make me very sleepy and need to nap immediately……. right??
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lesbianfakir · 2 years ago
Not saying anything I haven’t already said but it’s 2 in the morning and I have feelings about this!! I want more queerplatonic art and interpretations in the tutu fandom sooooo bad. I keep coming back to how it’s so rare to have a show of this genre where the boy and the girl stay friends without any pressure to make their relationship “something more,” and that really resonates.
It’s not a bad thing but it’s a little sad to me that the tag is so focused on romantic shipping when there are so many other ways to explore the relationships in the show. I would love to see more people engaging with the text in ways that don’t fit in with the conventional relationship script.
Duck feels she is lacking in some fundamental human quality, a narrative that is so very often, an aspec one. For a show that’s so entrenched in amatonormativity I connected with the narrative of tutu in a way that I do with so few shows because it feels so fundamentally aspec. And I want to explore the shit out of that!!
The way the show develops it’s central relationships really resonates with me—rather being built upon some nebulous attraction the foundation of many central relationships come from a place of deep admiration. There is no expectation that that admiration must blossom into romance. At the end of the day, the world is saved through a friendship. There’s no NEED for it to be anything else because that love is complete just as it is. There’s no lack felt—only the strength of what’s already there.
And that said, I feel like when engaging with fanwork that quality is often missing. The idea that these relationships hold the same strength and validity whether they’re platonic or romantic doesn’t always carry through. And don’t get me wrong, I love to see a cute couple. But I wish there was more exploration of the weird nebulous up to interpretation not-quite-romantic, not-quite-platonic relationships the show gives us. It can go either way so it’s so strange to me that fandom tends to gravitate towards only one outcome to these options
Anyways, this is my rallying cry, JOIN ME IN QUEERING PRINCESS TUTU
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linadove · 1 month ago
my experience with shifting for the first time
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hey shifters today ill be talking about my first shift to the obx on the 13th of June 2023
before the shift
I had made some tiktoks on how I'm gonna shift and how easy it is to shift, it really motivated me to make those tiktoks because I was putting the energy out as if I am exactly what I say i am, so as i finish the tiktoks ,I was just fed up with shifting because I had so much motivation and knowing that I can shift, I knew I had to really get into it that night because i did not want the same outcome i get all the damn time and so i decided to take matters into my own hands (the first time I angrily went to shift) i was like "fuck this ,its time to shift, no bullshit anymore ,I'm not going to sleep until i shift", i decided to use the Julia method and no i did not use a guided meditation for this attempt because i wanted pure silence, i was never the type to use subliminals or guided meditations to shift because i found it too distracting (the only time i would use a guided meditation is if i "forgot" how to shift if i haven't attempted to shift in a while or i was just going into a shift not knowing exactly what to do) so, i was doing the Julia method and i kept affirming and counting and i basically repeated the method until i shifted, i would keep my emotions strong, the one affirmation that i do remember using was "i don't care how long it takes i will get to my outerbanks reality tonight" and so 2-3 hours pass by and i get sleepy and then i get to a point where my body is asleep and my mind is awake, i keep carrying on with my method and i suddenly hear john b and jj talking, at first i thought it was something coming from my phone but i remembered i didn't leave my phone on with anything in the background, so that's when i realised im shifting and i started to figure out what they were saying because it was really muffled and i tried my hardest to listen and then suddenly i shifted, it felt like my eyes closed again and once i opened my eyes I WAS IN MY DR, IN MY DR BED.
When i opened my eyes in my dr i saw my room and the realisation didn't come in fast i was just kinda out of it at first, so i wasn't really understanding anything but then i see my suitcase on the floor and the clothes from the suitcase was all over the floor and i thought to myself "who made this mess?" and i quickly realised that it was me ,I made that mess (crying 😭) i kept looking down at the clothes trying to process everything but then i realised i shifted to MY DR. (guys please ik it took me a while to realise, but my mind was just soo blank) i thought to myself "wait if I'm in my dr that means my friends are outside exactly where i scripted them to be" (i was just a curious cat, since this was my first shift i wanted to see if everything everyone that talked about scripting was real, if everything i scripted was exactly in place) and so i go towards the door and i open it , i go towards the living room in john b's house and as SOOONNN as i see my friends around the table i got hit of realism, i saw them right there sitting and talking to each other, i saw how normal it all was and it just blew my mind that anxiety started forming and i started having a bomb in my head, thoughts coming left and right, not getting to fully focus on anything cause i was so freaked out, (i probably looked so stupid to them) so yeah i stood there at the entrance to the living room and stared at them. (now guys this wasn't my best move but it'll only get more cringe from here..) john b says "hey" and the others all look at me and i just stare at them for a few seconds cause im here out of my mind shook not knowing what to do (i also didn't really script much for my first day there) so i say "hi" and they all look at me like i should say something more (HELP) i was soooooooooooo awkwardddd, and i ofc say "hi" again (please im crying i cant carry on like this) , john b says "hey.." again and i then try to pull myself together and i ask if i could go get myself a bottled water and he says "sure" and i turn right and walk a little until they cant see my face and before i got to the kitchen i did reality checks and i wasn't able to summon anything, i wasn't able to put my finger through my palm or breathe through my nose when i blocked it, and thats when i realised like "damn this is it, im really here", so i carry on to the kitchen to get myself a water from the fridge, (im not american so i did a little oopsie) i opened the top part of the fridge not realising it was the freezer and i close it and open the bottom one and i take a bottle from the side of the fridge door, i drink the water and i feel the water go down my throat and it was really cool, and so i close the bottle and i go towards the living room again cause i thought i could handle a conversation, so im standing now in front of the table and you wouldn't guess what i said... "hello" (im done fr) and then sarah, pope and john b say "hi" and im there not being able to focus on trying to really come up with something to say but i couldnt, i just felt really out of it still (i should've just gone back to my room or at least stayed there until i was ready smh) and i also scripted that jj wouldn't be in the living room when i first get there cause i wanna have a few mins to myself before i see the love of my life, but i also did script that "once we say our hi and hellos, jj would come into the living room" which was the worst thing i ever scripted cause i fear that i may have put myself up for failure when i said "hi and hellos" anyways.. jj comes into the living and leans agasint the doorframe and says "hey" and i look over at him shook, (thats my literal baeeee) i walk over to him and i look at him in awe, he then says "you wanna go to the marsh with us?" (just like i scripted) and i say "no i cant right now" (cause lets be honest, me going out to the marsh with everyone on the hms would be the worst thing since i cant even think straight cause im so flabbergasted, i have no idea how a lot of shifters keep their cool...)
ill post a part 2!!
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animalinvestigator · 17 days ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CODA!!!! It genuinely threw me for such a loop when I remembered your birthday was TODAY; the past year has flown by so quickly! But I hope you're having a wonderful one and you're able to enjoy yourself. I'm very lucky to know you :^3 ALSO BAM KIKI SURPRISE ART!!!!!! I used the colors you usually doodle him with bc they're pretty! And I forever associate him with the palette now
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LAIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LAIKA KIKI.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;-; he looks absolutely precious in your art style i'm sosososo happy....the colors are so cute...his sleepy face and furret mouth IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you <3 <3 <3 im so grateful to know you youre such a gift !!!!!!!!! thank you for making me something so lovely and sweet and just for being such a wonderful friend!!!!!! ILYSM!!!!!!!!!! <3 THE KIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!
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artistmonkee · 1 year ago
[Tighnari’s teaser]
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This is more of a part one to the other one but I did that one first soooooooooooo. Just pretend you didn’t read that one first!
Introduction-Alhaithams Demo
(If you haven’t read it yet)
A man sits at his desk with a quill in hand, writing on the letter in thought.
Dear Master,
I trust this letter finds you well?
His ear twitches as the night caws of birds and bugs echoes through the night outside his hut.
Thank you for your kind offer of an akademiya post but I’m afraid I must decline.
The scene changes to him kneeling on the ground in front of some plants, observing the greenery as the breeze flowed past him. A small boy with the same ears as him pointed excitedly to the ground, making him chuckle,
I have taken up residence in the Avidya Forest, where I work as a Forest Ranger.Not an illustrious position,
A bright blue glowing plant pops up from the ground in front of them, make the boy jump and lose his footing, making him crash to the forest floor while the amused older fox laughed at his son.
But my proximity to the rainforest ecosystem allows me to research it in great detail. Of course, not with a little fun that is.
Suddenly the breeze became harsher, making the duo pause their little fun, a small finch landed on the male's shoulder, making him glance at it as it chirped. The boys ears lowered in worry, a small frown replacing the smile he had merely seconds ago.
The male furrowed his brows as he stood up, turning the other way in alertness as he stood protectively in front of the boy as he observed the area, trying to confirm if his theory was right.
Something is ailing the forest. I’m sure of it… So is Nyx, she could feel it as she walked with me on one of our outings out in the wilderness here.
He gazed out into the horizon, the setting becoming slightly darker as the clouds gathered.
And just as a doctor won’t abandon their patients, I will not abandon the forest.
He tapped his quill on the ink bottle before continuing to write, a small smile appearing on his lips as his eyes softened, a new fondness to him.
You promised me status and reputation,
He gasped in surprise, jolting before looking behind him to see a smiling small boy tugging on his tail impatiently, making him let out a small laugh. He bent down and picked up the small boy and settled him on his lap before continuing to write, the boy gazing at it curiously.
Yet I do not care for these, as you should already know.
Though if you are amenable, please consider sending some researchers to help investigate the strange phenomenon in the forest.
The small boy yawned as his ears lowered, making male smile. He set his quill down and folded the paper to finish packaging later, wrapping his arms around the boy and standing up to take him to bed.
“Come on Amir, let’s get you to bed.”
Amir mumbled in denile of his sleepiness, his green tail swishing back n forth.
His father sighed, tapping the boys back in thought.
“How about this. You can come sleep with Mama and I if you go to bed now.”
The boy instantly perked up and nodded, making the older fox roll his eyes.
“Thought so. Now let’s go, Mama is already in bed waiting for us”
The male blew out the candles in his office, heading towards his room in the hut with the four year old clinging onto him.
Sincerely, your student, Tighnari.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 1 year ago
MAG5 - Thrown Away, more quotes and review
This one? If Amy Patel's statement in MAG3 was painfully normal, this one is more than that, this one is about those parts of society you have forgotten because they are often unseen or just so far away from you that you can't make yourself care about them.
This is gonna sound like the roman empire meme but, how often do you think about the trash truck? I hear it every night as the insomniac I am, and sometimes I wonder about the people that collect the waste, how they look like, what kind of life they have; hell, I even think about where the trash go sometimes, the process it goes trough until it reachs the wasteland or its recycled. Humanity is damned and all we will leave behind is a big pile of rubbish, etc, etc
And then you remember that waste collectors exist, because a fictional guy in a podcast talks about another fictional guy who happens to be a bin man, and the second guy finds weird AF rubbish.
Quotable bits:
Not gonna quote anything from the statement part cuz it Rubs Me Wrong with capital letters.
"It’s nice to have a statement where most of the particulars are easily verifiable." - Freaking Jonathan Sims, acting like he didn't shat his pants, April 1st 2016
" (...) but at least it got Martin out of the Institute for an afternoon, which is always a welcome relief." - Also that guy who records freaky stuff
lmao Jon. U Know when someone tells a little girl how a boy is mean to her because he likes her? This quote has the same vibes.
"(...) but all two thousand seven hundred and eighty of them were the exact, same, tooth." - Jon "u r not sleepiing tonight" Sims
And then he says "End Statement" like you are not looking at your wall in disbelief.
Small review:
The "ominous garbage bags" statement is so goddamn weird, like, you spend 20 sth minutes of your life remembering that waste collectors exist and muttering wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf for a while and then boom, teeth.
Soooooooooooo many teeth.
Now, I don't Know if you guys feel gross out about this kind of stuff, I don't, I'm quite insensitive to body stuff, but wow, this upsets me a lot, like it's sth, u Know...
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(transcript: Sam Winchester from Supernatural saying "not natural?")
General overview: Vibe: wtf did I just listen to??? (but in a good creepy way)
Horror: spooky, the kind of spooky u wanna forget soon
Audio: naisu
Humour: Jon bullying Martin in the way emotional constipated people do when they don't want to face their feelings
Score: 10/10
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your-1up-girl · 4 years ago
When you remember their Starbucks order: 1A girls Edition
Okie dokie so the sweet @tryingmyves let me do a version of her Starbucks series on her blog but with the 1A girls. I hope you like it Ves and thank you again for giving me permission to write this.
No warnings (other than it bearly being proofread) for this one and a gender nutural reader. Also, I'm trying something new for this, instead of saying Y/N, I'm using Y/C (as in your character), just to see how I like that. anyways, please enjoy.
Characters: Tsuyu Asui, Ochaco Uraraka (I will write for the other girls don't worry)
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Tsuyu Asui
Okay, I have never done headcanons like this before soooooooooooo……yeah just be kind please? Also these are headcanons (using that word loosely) but I couldn’t help but turn it into a small fic.
Anyways, we know Tsu can’t handle the cold weather but I like to think that she enjoys cold drinks, especially during the summer
She isn’t much of a coffee drinker nor a tea drinker but she does like fruity drinks
So, her favorite cold thing to drink is a grande Iced Guava Passion Fruit with light ice. While she likes a Venti (she gets the larger size when it’s cold) Vanilla Crème Steamer as her hot drink
You noticed that when you went out with everyone on the bi-weekly Class 1A groceries run, she would get one or the other depending on the season.
You, being the loving significant other that you were, took this to memory and even if you didn’t go out on very many “Coffee Shop dates” together, you still kept the drinks in the back of your mind.
One afternoon when people were staying in the common room, the weather was bad with rain and it was surprisingly cold that day
So, everyone was vibing to the rain against the window, the soft sounds of Lo-fi that Jiro set up with her portable speaker, and the game that played on TV
Well, everyone except Tsu
She was currently struggling to stay awake as she glanced at the video game that flashed on screen. Wrapped in the fuzzy socks, plush blanket, and hoodie you got her
Anyone would have thought she was just sleepy; it was getting late and she’d been working hard all week but you knew that wasn’t the case this time
Her quirk makes it so she gets tired when it's too cold
So she tries to combat it at times like these so if this was a fight and she was battleing in the colder weather she would stay awake. But clearly she was losing.
The way Tsu’s head would gradually lower and closer to Kirashima’s arm. But when her temple just barely pressed against him, she would shoot back up again eyes wide, only for it to happen again. You watched this for a solid minute while trying to explain the point of the game to Todoroki. All you wanted to do was go over there and cuddle up next to her to maybe provide a bit of body heat. But she would always deny you.
“I need to be able to warm myself Y/N. It’s very sweet of you to help me but, I think I can do this if I just focus.”
And it seemed that Tsu was getting the hang of staying awake during the cold because she was able to focus on the screen and talk to Kirishima. Your focus returned to Todoroki after that and he had a plethora of questions that you happily answered with a few laughs in between.
That’s when you saw from the corner of your eye, a flash of green drop followed by a soft “oof”. Tsuyu had fallen asleep against Kirishima. A sigh escaped as you dug through your pockets. Finding a few dollars, you got up and shook your girlfriend awake.
“Hey. Hey, Tsu.” A small hum left her lips as she groggily looked up at you.
“Oh, I guess it’s colder than I thought ribbit.”
You and Kirishima both laughed, “Don’t worry about it sweetie you’ll get it. I just woke you up to let you know I’m heading out for a minute.”
“What?” That woke her up but not enough to get the sleep out of her eyes. “Then let me go with you.”
“No, no. It’s okay. It’s raining pretty bad out there and I’d hate for you to get worse.” You put a kiss on her forehead and she gave a content smile as you looked at Kirishima. “Try to make sure she doesn’t fall asleep again, yeah?”
With a signature shark-tooth grin, he gave you a thumbs up, “You can count on me boss.”
You left after sending Aizawa a quick text letting him know you would be out and grabbed your raincoat, boots to brace the elements. Luckily, the Starbucks wasn’t too busy. But, it was busier than usual considering that it is practically raining buckets outside. After ordering the steamer and leaving a tip for the barista, you nearly ran back to the dorms (just for good measure you ordered it extra hot so it would be good for Tsu).
Upon entering the dorms, the class was still scattered about the common room and Tsu was making light conversation with Kirishima. You ditched your coat and boots for your slippers and walked over to your froggy girlfriend and handed her the drink.
“Oh, Y/C, did you go out to get this just for me?”
“Yup, venti Vanilla Crème steamer. I also got it extra hot so that it wouldn’t get cold when I got here.”
Tsu took the cup with slightly shocked eyes but after the first sip, a content smile found its way to her lips. “I didn’t expect you to remember my drink. I didn’t think you even knew what I ordered, ribbit.”
You laughed softly, “We’ve been dating for a year now, I noticed that you get this one when it’s cold and the guava drink when it’s hot.” Said in a proud matter-of-fact tone you couldn’t help but smile at the blush that came across her cheeks.
“Aww Tsu, you’re blushing.” Kirishima teased. You carefully undid the blanket that she had wrapped herself in and got comfortable with her as she sat between your legs.
“Thank you for the drink Y/C; it makes me happy that you noticed things like that.”
You kissed her shoulder, “Anything for you Tsu.” Kirishima put an arm around your shoulder to offer more warmth and you all set your attention back to the screen; giving playful teases to Sero couldn’t find his way.
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iimdestinyfreereally · 7 years ago
bucky-barnes-af replied to your post: how much anti-allergy medicine do i have to take...
Enough to make yourself fall asleep long enough to not notice the itchiness…
this is my biggest problem with allergy medicine! it makes me nap for the rest of my life!
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kenmashoe · 5 years ago
haikyuu boys asking you out
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scenarios including: tetsurou kuroo, kozume kenma
a/n: I showed kuroo’s one to a friend that HASN’T watched Haikyuu and she said she fell in love with him so ig I’m sort of proud of it? just sort of!!! also I’d really appreciate your opinions and tysm for the support on my previous work!!  ♡
genre: fluff
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kuroo saw something different in you ever since you introduced yourself as the new girl in his class. he caught himself smiling while looking at you walking confidently to your new seat, as if you’ve been in that class for months. he liked bold people, you interested him.
so when you had the chance to show to your class how much you sucked in chemistry, he decided to act on it. “not the brightest bird in the flock huh?” you looked up and your eyes met his teasing mischievous ones for the first time. “not something I’m proud of. I really can’t chemistry.” you mumbled as a little laugh escaped his throat. “it seems like you can’t grammar either but that’s why I’m here!” he said with a very proud look on his face, hitting his chest. “you, me, studying sessions together after class. I’ll wait for you at the school’s entrance.”
and that’s how now, months later, you were sitting down in front of kuroo, squeezing your brains out, trying to keep up with him explaining a problem to you. but whatever got in from one ear, went out the other and all you could focus on was kuroo’s lips as he kept going on about some stupid chemicals, like he had done for months now.
“the notebook is down there, you know.” you went out of your dazzled phase and a blush creeped up your cheeks as he crooked his head to the side, smiling teasingly at you.
you looked away trying not to embarrass yourself more. “I can’t do it!”
“quitters are spitters Y/N!” you could hear the humour in his tone.
“I’m sure it’s the opposite Tetsurou!”
“you seem to know a lot about this shit, but can’t solve a little problem.” he faked a dramatic voice. you looked at him, pouting, but you couldn’t help the little smile that made its way onto your lips. “shut up!”
“I didn’t know you were into this type of things! sick!” he was always like this with you. you wanted to be mad at him for teasing you and to talk back, but you couldn’t stop smiling and being flustered whenever he acted this way. your heart was acting up. you had a fat crush on him.
his eyes were burning deep into your soul as a little smirk played on his lips. “kuroo!” you whined.
“Y/L/N!” he whined back teasingly, placing his elbows on the table and leaning closer to you, making it harder for you to breathe. you couldn’t look at him without going as red as a tomato.
“don’t do that,” you mumbled, looking away.
“don’t do what?” his tone was stern, but also playful, he knew the effect he had on you.
“I don’t know! that! that thing, anything! don’t do anything kuroo! aaaaaaaaaaah!” you were practically saying whatever came first to your mind. you couldn’t think straight with him being so close.
“why?” the nerve this guy had, asking you that when his lips were practically inches away from yours.
“because!” you replied flustered, raising your voice a bit.
suddenly, he started laughing. a wholehearted laugh, one that his eyes gleamed from. “I’m glad we feel the same way shorty. I CRINGED WHEN I WROTE THIS WORD now finish the problem so I can take your ass out on a proper date!”
making new friends wasn’t that hard for you when you first started high school. but the one guy you wanted to be friends with, didn’t share the same feelings. in fact, he ignored you when you approached him for the first time.
that only fueled you up even more though. kenma didn’t really have many friends, except that one tall older guy, you sometimes saw him with, so you were doing him a favor by trying to be his friend. right?
it became a routine for you to sit next to him in class and talk about anything and everything. he’d sometimes put his headphones on while you were mid talking or sometimes would lazily tell you to shut up. and anyone would think he actually hated you,  at some point you thought that too, but when you finally decided to leave him alone, not looking you in the eye, not because he was shy, but because he wanted to not sound too interested, he mumbled. “you’re not sitting next to me today?” of course you sat next to him. what else were you gonna do? say no?
you were both second years now. you still sat next to him in class and you still did all the talking.
you were telling him something about a fight you had with your other friend, knowing full well he didn’t really care. he had his arms placed on the desk and his head laying on his arms, a few strands of hair falling delicately over his closed eyes. you’d think he was sleeping, he fell asleep on you often, but a ghost of a smile made its way onto his sleepy tired face when you said something.
“why are you smiling?” you mumbled, moving a strand of his hair to reveal his still closed eyes and the long pretty eyelashes that curled from them. “because you’re so dumb.” he replied casually, a determined look on his face.
he moved up, stretching in a slow motion, as a yawn escaped his mouth. “you talk so much Y/N! you tire me out soooooooooooo much, you know that?” you pretended to be annoyed at what he said but a smile formed on your lips. he rarely talked, so when he did, even if he was jokingly insulting you, you always got excited when he talked! (yes kenma call me stupid, I love it TwT)
you watched him rub his eyes. “I sometimes really wonder what the fuck I’m doing with you,” he proceeded to say. you just stared at him as he turned his head a little looking at you. no expression visible on his face, except for a sleep deprived 40 old man like one. “but then again, I guess you just annoy me less than most people.”
you squinted your eyes once. you squinted them twice. what did he mean by that? and why was your heart beating at him telling you that you still annoyed him, just a little bit less than other people.
he looked at your confused face and lied his head on the desk again. that smile again. that little smile that you could barely notice, appeared on his lips again. “kenma you sure you’re okay? you’ve smiled twice today. t w I c e!” you spelled it out, also lifting two of your fingers up.
“geez just shut up!” “okay!”
he watched as a little frown was visible between your eyebrows. he didn’t care. or did he though? you actually had the audacity to make THE kenma kozume worry. he couldn’t really figured that out, could he? he stared at you for a while, not thinking about anything, he just liked looking at you and saying nothing. he just liked observing you.
he sighed and took a paper from his notebook, scribbling something on it. a little, very little, flustered blush creeped up his cheeks while he was furiously writing something. he then folded the note and slipped it to your side of the desk.
you opened it and you saw his messy handwriting. you looked at him, who had turned his back to you, looking out the window and then your eyes wandered back to the little note. your cheeks warmed up and you could swear you squealed a little. “will you go out with me?”
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♡ requests are open!
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teampandawang · 5 years ago
Teach Me How To Love | Part I
By: Mow 
Genre: Fluff // Angst // Smut(? 
Pairing: Suga X Reader (with surprises along the way)
Description: Is when your comfort zone is in its closest state that you will see the brightest sunlight on the outside. 
A/N: Soooooooooooo, this has begun. 🥳 I'm happy to be posting this, it’s been a long time since the idea came to my head and I hope you get to enjoy it. Also, If there’s any disclaimer along the way like smut or something I’ll warn you, so don’t worry. 
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“That’s all for today.” Said the voice of your professor. The echo of his words set you free for the weekend. Finally, with the last goodbye you gave him, you were able to rest.
“Thank God.” You said right after, in a whisper for just you and your friend to hear.
“Never thought you would say that.” She joked.
“I get tired too, you know?” You joked back. The weight of the courses disappearing from your shoulders.
“It always looks like you don't.”
Everyone was used to believe your life was studying, nothing else. You were the president of the investigation department, so you actually had a lot of work to do. Usually, you had to run after class to some meeting with the rest of the group, and after that, you needed to get back home soon to finish any class paper or to practice a project presentation. It wasn't easy to balance your academic life with your personal life, but it was something you thought necessary to not lose your mind. So despite all the college activity, you also had really good times with your friends, but until today, they still felt amazed by the other side of you.
“Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow?” You asked your friend as you grabbed your backpack from the floor.
“Actually I was going to invite you to a party. It's been a while since we went to one.” Jessica answered you. Starting to walk beside you, out of the auditorium.
“Well, we can go shopping and then to the party. How does that sound?” You proposed. You really needed new clothes, even more, if you were going out to a college party.
“Uh, I love it.” She said excited making a small jump.
“And whose party is this?” You asked.
“Jimin's,” She said through an awkward grin, waiting for your reaction.
“You have to be kidding me. Are we really going to that fraternity?” You asked irritated, remembering how that ended the last time your friend's group went.
The thing was that they weren't all bad guys. You actually had worked a lot with Namjoon in a couple of investigation projects, and Hoseok and you shared plenty of classes. But the rest of the guys were not the kind of people you would like to be involved with.
“C'mon! I have to go, Jin is going to be there.” Jessica had a big, HUGE, crush on Jin, so it didn't matter whose and what event was it, if he was there, then she needed to be there too. But that didn't mean they were close, not even friends. The moment Jin stands in front of her, she gets extremely nervous and runs away. This had happened more times than you wanted to admit.
“We'll go if you promise me to finally talk properly to him.” You played, not wanting to keep the game of following Jin with her any longer.
“I… fine, yes. I promise.” She said biting her lips.
“Then this is gonna be really fun, isn't it?” You let out on a small laugh to tease her.
“Please support me!” Jessica yelled to you, making your laughter grow.
“I will, seriously.” You managed to say, catching your breath again.
You were sure she was going to need your help, but seeing her all red and struggling to keep the conversation with him alive was always funny. You kept teasing her as both of you walked to the building's exit, stopping immediately at the sight of a crowd blocking the way. The students were standing in a circle, probably seeing some argument, according to the screams.
“What’s happening?” Jessica asked you softly.
“I don't know. Wait here, I'll see.”
The curiosity dragged you inside. You searched for someone you knew to ask what was happening but there was no one, so you made your way between the mass of people, all of them yelling. Some screams in approvement and the others against. But against what? You pushed gently a few more bodies out of your way, with lots of excuses, until you reached the center of the crowd, your gaze catching a pretty discouraging image.
Standing in the middle was Jimin with his fist closed on the shirt of another student you didn't recognize. He wasn't saying anything to him, but the look in his eyes expressed clearly his aggressive intentions. You managed to see his other hand moved directly to the poor guy's face, but when you were about to scream, someone grabbed Jimin’s hand and took him away. It was a guy known as Suga, one more of the group you were talking about earlier, but surprisingly, and despite his fame, he wasn't directly an aggressive guy as you could see.
“The show is over, go away!” Shouted Namjoon, which apparently came with Suga to stop their problematic little friend.
You took a few steps away to find Jessica between the people left. You were concerned and shocked, not believing yet what you just saw. You weren't a person of fights, not even small conflicts, so this was the first time you actually saw a fist raised to hit somebody else. Is this how it was going to be tomorrow? You hoped not.
“Y/N!” She yelled and your eyes found her. “What was that?” She asked you as soon as you reached her side again, the worried tone clear in her voice.
“Well, that was our precious little host, being the asshole he is.” You answered her bitterly, taking the image away.
“I won't try to deny it, but you know not all of them are like that.” You knew she was trying to stop you from backing off. Which in fact was what you were about to do. “And is not like you have to talk to him, maybe you won't even see him the whole night.”
“Maybe, but is not just him. I have to avoid 3 of them in order to have peace.” You rolled your eyes, thinking of a plan to keep yourself away from them. But despite that, and the bad mood you were getting right in that moment, you didn't want to let her down on this one, you had already done that a lot of times before. “But relax, I'm still going. You need help with Jin.” You finally agreed, hoping to not regret it later.
“Yay! Thank you, Y/N.” She said jumping and smiling widely. At least she was happy, and that made your heart warmed.
She was like your sister, little sister may I add, not actually by age but with the way she acted sometimes, it felt like that. But you didn't mind. Both of you had plenty of good times together, and you were happy with her in your life.
After chatting with her at the entrance for a couple of minutes, you went home.
You unlocked the front door with a smile on your face, the familiar scent from your apartment greeting you as soon as the door shot open. It was always comforting to be home after a long day, and the peace of living by yourself was, without a doubt, the best thing you had found in your life. Everything there went at your pace, everything looked the way you liked it, everything was according to your taste, and that was simply beautiful to you.
“Here you are.” You said between giggles at the sight of your cat walking straight to you from the bedroom. Holly always greeted you when you arrived, sometimes it was just asking for food, but the feeling of her waiting for you was still quite nice.
You filled Holly’s plate in the kitchen before going to your bedroom. The sight of your comfortable bed suddenly making you feel how tired you actually were, your eyes felt heavy and they kept refusing to stay open even from where you were standing, so you changed your clothes in a hurry and laid down, the soft sheets making your body relax in an instance as the heavy thoughts of your responsibilities fade away.
You woke up a few hours later, totally lost in reality. Your hand traveled the surface of your bed searching for your phone between the covers, as you asked yourself what hour was. When you felt it, your fingers curled surrounding it, holding it above your face and unlocking it right in front of your still sleepy eyes, burning them. You groaned softly in annoyance and closed them for a second to adjust to the new amount of light.
The screen said it was almost 9 pm, and your stomach agreed with the feeling of emptiness inside of it, so while you collected energy to stand up and go make something to eat, you scrolled down your social media, waiting to feel fully awake. Not too long on it, you found a post that caught your attention, it was from Hoseok.
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“These guys, seriously…” You sighed to yourself.
It wasn't a doubt that the party was going to be wild, because not once one of that fraternity’s parties had ended up without a sex scene, without a fight, without a scandal. Those guys didn't really care if someone got hurt or if something dangerous happened, they had just one thing in mind, have fun, which can be translated into sex, lots of alcohol, and who knows what more. But you were determined to go and have a good time as well, a quite different kind of fun, but fun after all. Also, you really wanted to help Jessica. You knew Jin wasn't a bad guy. Actually, at that very moment, you stopped yourself to think if they were as bad as you thought. The incident with that guy Suga caught your attention. You had always heard that he was pretty violent, so why did he stopped his friend? That wasn't something you would expect from him. Maybe, just maybe, you were underestimating them… you'll see tomorrow night.
You closed the app and locked your phone again, leaving the thoughts for later in order to stand on your feet and make your way to the kitchen. The cold floor under your bare feet took the necessity of jumping into the bed back again, but the hunger was stronger.
Finally, you made something easy and fast out of laziness and then headed back to your bedroom with the hot plate in your hands. You turned on the T.V. and put Netflix while you ate. The movie played on the screen until you fell asleep again, with the plate at one side.
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"What do you think about this one?" You asked your friend. You've been in the same store for what seemed like forever, and because Jessica needed you to make a decision over a top, you were just starting to try on the things you picked. But the thing was that the moment she got what she wanted, she lost herself taking pictures to upload them probably on every social media. "Jessica!"
"I'm sorry!" She said lifting her head from her phone, after checking the last picture she took. "Wow, Y/N, you look so sexy! That dress is going to catch a lot of attention." She almost yelled through a wide smile.
"Is it too much? Should I try another one?" You asked seeing the dress in the mirror, not feeling sure if it was right for the occasion. ‘Is it too short? Or too elegant?’ You kept asking yourself.
"Don't you dare, you look amazing and it's perfect for tonight. We're taking this one." She said more excited than you while taking a picture of you with her phone. She was always your best supporter in this kind of situations, you trusted her.
You rolled your eyes at the sound of the camera but found her enthusiasm funny, and the dress was beautiful, it was very sexy too, but with a jacket it would look more casual. So you ended up convincing yourself that it was a great decision and finally bought it.
After you got all the things you needed to, you drove home, leaving Jessica at her place in the way, agreeing on meeting her later.
The sky had already turned dark with the stars shining brightly up there hand in hand with the beautiful lights of the city. The wind was cold and without struggle managed to enter through the window, catching your still bared arms, sending shivers all over your body, but before putting on your jacket you sprayed the last drops of perfume on your neck, that being the only thing left to be ready. After the fabric covered your shoulders, you took one last glance in the mirror.
The view sent you a strong feeling of confidence and your eyes sparkled at the sight. You looked amazing. The dress, without a doubt, fit you perfectly. Not always you felt like this before going out, but tonight you were damn sure you looked great, and the feeling of that was wonderful.
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tempestuous-cosplay · 5 years ago
Flower Asks
Alisons: Sexuality?
Demi-romantic poly-pansexual.
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
They Them non-binary 
Amaryllis: Birthday?
July 20!!!!! Gunna be 25
Anemone: Favorite flower?
Can’t choose. But its something blue, purple, or red. I really like Hydrangeas and Narcissus flowers.  
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
Brooklyn 99, Avatar the Last Airbender, MeatEater
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Depends on whats needed. 
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
ah, man, i don’t fuckin know. Probably the line “Change IS nature, dad, the part we can influence. And it all starts when we decide.” from ratatouille 
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Water, milk, then sprite. Unless we talkin booze, tequilla.
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Yup. Would love to have that again one day, but not now. 
Baneberries: Favorite song?
Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost at the moment, but consistantly its Pierre by Rynn Weaver. 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
Better than some but has its issues. 
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
I have 5 closest friends whom i LOVE and talk to with any regularity. 
Begonia: Favorite color?
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
I like being awake in the morning bc then it feels like i have so much time to do stuff, but my sleep schedule always shifts to being a night owl.
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
a Kite or a hawk for all that fancy flying.
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian, a puppeteer, or the next david attenborough. 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
I eventually want ONE, just one, of my own when I’m living with a community who will help me raise them. But really, i think too many people are having children who just should not be parents. 
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
Being in love again bc the last times its happened I got traumatized.
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I always used to say i would never get tattoos and now i have one and plans for more. Ain’t gunna stop till im covered.
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
I would travel up to my friend @b-oredzoi and spent the day with her. She ain’t got a choice. 
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Single but with some FWB situations goin on.
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
anywhere outside continental US. Im not picky. Top choices Kyoto Japan, the french countryside, p much anywhere in africa.
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
when im tripping on acid or when my friends are hugging me real tight. 
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
YEAH, got one on my thigh. 
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
YUP, lobes and one cartilage 
California Poppy: Height?  
5′4 and hating every second of it. Wish i was taller. 
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
skill boxers stolen from an ex-friend and a shirt that im not 100% sure is mine??? but I’ve had it for a year and wear it all the time soooooooooooo. Mine now
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I used to sleep with the closet light on until i was, like..... 14? 15?
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
myyyyy mom prolly.
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
my pal Eli
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
something swoopy and pretty. Or the one thats just emojis. 
Columbine: Are you tired?
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
getting top surgery and corona being over. 
Coneflower: Dream job?
philanthropist actor/ director. 
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
We did this with balsom fir. anyway, yes i have been!!
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
depending on who they are, as far as they needed me to. I don’t THINK i would kill anyone, but there are a few people i would willingly die for. 
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
A green and purple dragon named Puff, who i still have. He’s always either in my bed or on a shelf in my room. 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
Didn’t die. Helped stop my grans house from burning down. 
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
so far its getting my associates degree. Either that or dragging myself out of a horrible depressive, self destructive spiral in 2018-2019, getting the help i needed, and doing better for myself and those around me.
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
figure out why and wither resolve it or dump the partner.
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
my dad prolly. 
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Crafty stuff. and animal trivia. 
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
organizing anything, remembering dates, statistics. 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Got okayed for top surgery
got surprise money!
Got a sentimental piece of art from my grandparents (at long last.)
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
p solid. Helped my dad with some yard stuff, made a yummy dinner, saw most of the supplies i need for a new project shipped. 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
mmmmmmm not really, but im getting there.
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
Graduate, move out, get a good, fulfilling job. Travel some more. 
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
The friends who stuck around
my plushie collection
my tarot collection
my print collections from cons
finally having a queen sized bed
my pets (wow, almost forgot about them)
my fursuit making skills
my hair
my gently rising self esteem 
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
petting soft things, reading, watching Ghibli movies. 
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
all them love languages bro. Every single one. I tailor my affection to the individual and what love language they receive most.   Mostly, I cook for people.
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
We’ve done this one too!
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Its a nice balmy 72 degrees with a nice breeze. The sun is shinning with some clouds here and there. I go to the zoo with some friends/ a friend and we just share random facts about our favorite animals. we get some cute plushies at the gift shop and then go to a wonderful meal, either greek or korean bbq or Pho and we go back to someones house to watch movies and vibe, sleepy, warm, and content. 
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
read, craft, organize my room, draw, garden, swim.  
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
I dont have a singular “Best friend”. I do have my Inner circle tho!
Laura- we met my freshman year of collage, first day and we click INSTANTLY. She’s my soulmate and I would go to hell and back for her (RIP to Orphius, but im different)
Bly- we met, like, back in 2014/2015 at house parties but didn’t really start getting SUPER close like we are now until, like, 2017/18/19 ish. Really the only person I actively talk to every single day, my mood twin. We share a braincell. 
Syd- we met at, like, Momocon 2014? 2015?? something like that???? bc we roomed together. We started getting close in 2016 by bonding over fursuit stuff. My go to roadtrip partner. I kinda owe my current joy for life to her bc she helped me through my hell time in 2018 but kicking my ass and teaching me how to make fursuits. 
Eli- we met at Dragon-Con through a mutual friend in 2014, but didn’t really get close until may of 2019. Now we’re p much partners in everything but title bc we just don’t have romantic feelings for eachother. We share a therapist and hang out at least 3 times a month.
Shane: We’ve been friends since, like, 2010 but started getting close in 2017 when they helped me get a job. Then we just,,, stuck around. They kick my ass to get out of the house and do stuff, or did before corona 
Sammi : Friends since 2010 when we were in highschool together. Our friendship was super rocky until we were in different schools and smoothed out as we aged and matured. They are the reason i got into conventions  and cosplay as a whole, so they have only themselves to blame for how I am now. 
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Eli and laura. 
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
my inner circle is, like, 6 people, but friends as a whole like.... idk.... 20?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
“Your gender vibe, is, like, primordial. Its a perfect blend of masculine, feminin and things that are just indescribable.”
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
I hate myself, to be perfectly honest. But Im trying my best to be a good person and a good friend, so I don’t have to like me, as long as the people who matter do. 
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I love my hair. Also how much better at communication i’ve gotten. 
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? 
my adhd and the social symptoms of that.  
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
i liked swinging and listening to the sounds of shoes on carpet. Good stim time.
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
I never really had a best friend for more than 2 years. They would always move away, So i don’t really have a solid “best friend as a kid.” Why yes, I do have abandonment issues. 
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
How my last relationship ended. I pulled some STUUUUUUUPID shit and never got to own up to it or hold the other person accountable for the harm they did to me. It was just overall horrible and never got any type of closure. Likely never will. But it be that way sometimes. 
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
My grandfather died last week and i feel........ almost nothing bc I honestly really did not like the man. He was horrible to me growing up and horrible to my mother while my grandmother was sick and dying. But he did a number of good things too. But I feel guilty for not mourning him more. 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
I chose Sawyer bc when I was younger, I was very good at wriggling my way out of work and my mom and aunts would call me “Tom Sawyer”. I also just like Mark Twain and the name Sawyer in general. Feels good
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
In the suberbs of atlanta in a nice house on the Chattahoochee river. I’m actually still living there while I finish school. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Rosey wall paper and gross maroon carpet until 7th grade, when we painted it all blue and put in blue carpet. It was, and is, very VERY blue. Im gunna be painting 2 walls different colors soon.
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
Miserable, tbh. A lot of shit happened when i was 16 that left me with a lot of trauma and issues that I didn’t really have the maturity or energy to deal with while in highschool on top of being queer and dealing with that. So it was a lot of fighting with parents, self loathing, and struggling in school. It had its beautiful wonderful moments that I love with all my heart, but for the most part it was just kinda rough. 
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Georgia born and raised. She tries her best and is a wonderful mother, but we clashed a lot growing up bc she’s fairly neurotic and likes everything to be precise and orderly and perfect and im... ADHD so sometimes close enough is all you’re going to get. Growing up, i couldn’t communicate what was going on with me or happening in my head very well at all, and it caused a lot of tension. 
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
Hes from Bogota colombia and im almost a carbon copy of him. That means our issues with ADHD have a happen of blowing up at eachother. He’s horrible and constructive communication, but overall is sweet and funny and very very clever. My relationships with both of them are p okay nowadays with a few spats here and there that I will deal with when I don’t live with them anymore. 
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
I never met my paternal grandparents. My maternal grandfather died when I was 6 and i hardly remember him.
My maternal step grandfather was.... not a good man but he was interesting and incredibly smart and fairly liberal. So there was that at least. But, to be honest, I hated the guy.
My maternal grandmother was one of my favorite humans in the world. She spent her whole life a highschool science teacher. She was funny, witty, elegant, a fairly talented cook who always encouraged me in everything I tried. Im still dealing with some emotional stuff regarding her passing, but Im just always so glad i got to spend as much time with her as I did. 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
haha shit. Maybe my 21? A bunch of friends and i went and hung out at a park then got hammered at my house after. 
Peony: What was your first job?
Working at the summer camp i went to as a kid. Debating going back if I ever can. 
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
I want my future partner to be a friend where things just, grew and blossomed. 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
Emotional? I try to be constructive and communicative about who or what caused it and doing something productive to help deal with it.
Physical, i just ignore it until it goes away. 
Pink: Where is home?
Wherever Im going to sleep that night. 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
When my ex broke up with me, I would have cut all ties all together instead of try the whole “we can stay friends” bullshit. I would have just “I don’t hate you, but If we aren’t going to be together, I can’t be friends with you until I’ve had some time to heal.”
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
I’ve made my fortune and when I say things people listen, but I can also run away to my beautiful little homestead with my queer friends and wife and all our animals and children living together in a wonder queer commune. I get to travel twice a year and i never have to worry about money. 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
hmmmm. No idea.
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
can’t pick one person.
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
wind chimes probably.
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
oh man, too many to choose. I’ve lived a wonderful life so far. 
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Too many to choose. THe night I got dumped, my grandmothers funeral, my friends funeral, some others that I don’t wanna talk about due to triggers. bleah
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
I want..... soup dumplings. 
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Depends. really intense or personal feelings involving my depression or emotions is almost impossible to talk about. But my feeligns about films and stuff i have 0 issues talking about. 
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
idk, like 7 hours?
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
im.... technically self employed/ unemployed. I want a job tho. 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My killstar hoodie. 
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
Disaster gay.
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
A tarot deck
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Corona virus. and money. 
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
The entire Heros Of Olymus series The lightning thief and Sea of monsters The trials of Apollo The last unicorn.
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
ideally living with friends and one year away from graduation.
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
*sweats* yea
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
im a witch
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inevitably-johnlocked · 6 years ago
Hi hello do you have any friendship fics? I'm a Johnlocker forever but I'd like to read some cute platonic stuff too
Hi Lovely!
YES! I also love just cute platonic stuff too! AND you know what? I’ve made lists in the past, but I just checked my offline list and I have a TONNE of new ones I can add here for you too! Soooooooooooo Here we go!
See also:
Platonics and Domestics
Platonics & Domestics Pt 2 / Hugs, Cuddles & Kisses Pt. 3 / Tooth-Rotting Fluff Pt. 4 / Love Confessions, Slow Burn & Dev. Rel. Pt. 2 / Established Relationship Pt. 3
G / T / K+ Rated Christmas Fics (Dec. 2018)
T-RATED Pt. 1: Friends To Lovers Fics || [MOBILE LINK]
T-Rated Fics Pt. 2 (October 2018) (LONG POST) || MOBILE POST
The Moment When by drekadair (K, 509 w. || TGG Fic, Friendship, First Person POV Sherlock, Introspection, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock sees John in the pool, and doubts. Set during the end of "The Great Game."
Promises Kept by grannysknitting (K+, 844 w. || John POV, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Sherlock’s Violin, Worried Sherlock, John Whump, Post-TGG) – When they were in hospital, Sherlock made a promise to himself. Now he's keeping it. Set after 'Polygamous Marriage' but before 'Back in the Saddle'
Possessive by Fang323 (T, 850 w. || John Whump, Hospitalization, Possessive / Protective Sherlock, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – His John did not belong. Not here. Not in this blasted hospital. It simply was not logical.
Concussions And Good Old Fashioned Awkwardness by Belldere (K+, 894 w. || Humour, Hospitals, Mild John Whump, Misunderstandings, Platonic Relationship, Concussions, Not-Gay John, Possessive Sherlock) – When John lands himself in hospital... again, all he wants is to just get out of there as soon as possible, too bad his doctor has other ideas about where John may be getting his injuries. Good thing concussions make everything strangely funnier.
Easy like Sunday Morning by lbmisscharlie (G, 910 w. || Fluff, Breakfast in Bed, Epic Friendship, Platonics/Domestics) – John and Sherlock and their lazy, dysfunctional Sunday mornings in bed. In which Sherlock has difficulty sleeping and John makes lots of toast. Shameless fluff. Part 1 of No Mushrooms Please
Realisation by Susie.Donym (K+, 957 w. || Sally POV, Pre-Slash / Friendship, Humour) – It takes her a while but Sally finally makes a huge realisation.
God Save The Queen by Alice Day (K+, 1,398 w. || Humour, Mystery, Friendship) – Sherlock has a new case. John is petrified. The Queen is amused.
I Was Wrong by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,496 w. || TGG AU, Friendship, Hospitalization / Injury, John’s Self Esteem, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sherlock and John have a conversation a few days after the pool face off with Moriarty. And John hears something quite surprising.
Together is What we Have, Together Protects Us by Phantom of the Black Pearl (K+, 1,566 w. || Post-TRF, Friendship / Platonic or Slash, Hurt/Comfort, Insecure Sherlock, Worried Sherlock, Slice of Life) – After a case one evening in the flat Sherlock voices a concern that causes the pair to consider why they've chosen to stick together after all that's happened.
One in Ten Thousand by Blind Author (K+, 1,856 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Discussions of Violence, Worried then Curious Sherlock, Scars/John’s Bullet Wound, Medical Anomolies) – John seems to have unusual mobility for a shoulder wound…
The Adventure of the Mysterious Appearance of Tissues by Gwen's Blue Box (K+, 1,910 w. || Fluff, Humour, Sick John, Caring Sherlock, Hurt/Comfort) – In which there is a case, John has caught a cold and is not interested in investigating, Mrs Hudson is away and Sherlock does the shopping.
Never Have I Ever by Hannelore-Grace (T, 2,073 w. || Humour, Friendship, Drinking Games) – In which the Yarders, Sherlock, and John play the time-honored drinking game.
Drums and Fireworks by Cumberbatch Critter (T, 2,121 w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Platonic Cuddles) – "Are... Are you afraid of THUNDERSTORMS?" John asked incredulously.
The Case of the Missing Blogger by nicknack22 (K, 2,147 w. || Fluff, Humour, Friendship, Worried / Anxious Sherlock) – Alternately titled, The Case of the Oblivious Consulting Detective. In which Sherlock comes out of his mind palace to discover John missing. 221B does not fair well as a result.
Aestival by BeautifulFiction  (G, 1,254 w. || Fluff, Pre-Slash) – There is such a thing as a perfect day.
They're Taking My Wisdom by whitchry9 (K+, 1,939 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Drugging, Dentists, Friendship, Anxious Sherlock, Humour) – Sherlock goes to the dentist. Of course, being Sherlock, things have to be complicated. Oh and drugs. They're always fun.
Crisis Averted by Spartangal22 (T, 2,188 w. || HLV Fic, Missing Scene After Confronting Mary, Canon Compliant, Sherlock Whump / Mary Shot Sherlock, Family / Friendship, Hospitalization, Sherlock POV, Holmes Brothers) – Lying in the hospital, Sherlock receives some surprising visitors, and manages to deal with two problems he's been having lately. A missing scene from HLV about a formal introduction that was never made and a visit that was never shown.
Treasure Hunt by ThessalyMc (K, 2,288 w. || ASiB Missing Scene, Danger Nights, Friendship / Family, Seek and Find Game, Smoking) – Mycroft called them 'danger nights' because he feared Sherlock's mood might drive him back to drugs. John knows better. Doesn't stop him tearing apart the flat he knows is clean, though. He's not looking for drugs, though. He's setting up a distraction.
Work On Your Balance by speculate (K+, 2,448 w. || Embarassed Sherlock, “For A Case”, Skating, Fluff, Friendship, Humour) – In which John is actually pretty good at ice skating, Sherlock's not and insists it's all for a case , and Lestrade is pretty amused by it all.
The Many Faces of Concern by sdrawkcabemdaer5 (K+, 2,473 w. || Friendship, Angsty Fluff, John Whump, Mildly Clueless Sherlock) – John is injured on a case, leading to some surprising reactions and discoveries about their friendship.
Those Days by StillWaters1 (T, 2,663 w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD / Sensory Attacks, Caring Sherlock) – If Sherlock had danger nights, then these were John's danger days.
Domino by Deception's Call (K, 2,689 w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Scared / Worried Sherlock, John Whump, Crying Sherlock, Hospital, Implied Caretaker Sherlock) – When John is injured on a case and is admitted to the hospital, those at Scotland Yard come to realize that perhaps Sherlock Holmes has a heart after all.
Not My Proudest Moment by charlock221 (K, 2,695 w. || Lunar New Year, Mild PTSD / Panic Attack, Coping Mechanisms, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – John tries his best not to get in the way of Sherlock's cases, but when the vivid noises of fireworks unnerve his senses and begin to bring back unwanted memories of Afghanistan, he cannot help but to hope Sherlock will notice and help him before things go too far.
Bored Games by patster223 (K+, 2,769 w. || Cluedo / Board Games, Friendship, Humour) – Sherlock is bored and John decides that they should play Cluedo. In retrospect, it was a truly awful decision.
After the Bombs by VampirePam (T, 3,337 w. || THoB AU, Drugs, John’s PTSD, Panic Attack, Nightmares, Caring Sherlock, Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – In which the drugs Sherlock used to dose John trigger a severe episode of PTSD. When terrors old and new cause John to fall apart, Sherlock must rectify his mistake and pick up the pieces.
Bored Games by SparksMayFly (K, 3,492 w. || Humour, Friendship, Cluedo / Board Games, Big Brother Mycroft) – Sherlock asks if he can take Reverend Green in for interrogation. John explains that's not how the game works.
Carrying the Torch by chappysmom (K+, 4,254 w. || Friendship, "Hero” / Olympian John, Olympic Games, Sherlock’s in Awe Over John) – Just in time for the 2012 London Olympics, Sherlock discovers John's hidden passion for the Games—but it turns out, there's so much more to it than just sports.
Afghanistan in Baskerville by Amaya Ramiel (K+, 4,357 w. || THoB Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Drugged John, PTSD / Panic Attack, Hallucinations, Worried Sherlock, John’s Past, Friendship) – What if John hadn't seen the hound when Sherlock trapped him in the lab? What if instead, his very real nightmares of the war had materialized all around him? Trapped and drugged, John can't tell what's real and what's not. How will Sherlock react?
What You Are Worth by Lastew (T, 4,488 w. || Observant but Insecure John, Friendship, Crime / Case Fic) – John helps Sherlock with a case, but he questions his real value to Sherlock.  
The Care and Keeping of Your Mad Genius by Janieshi (T, 4,553 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Light Humour/Teasing, Alternating POV, Cranky Sherlock) – If he hadn't been so focused on holding the bastard still, John would have laughed aloud. This maniac really thought John was the pet in this dynamic?
The Refining Fire by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 5,451 w. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Friendship, Alternating POV (Lestrade, Mycroft, Sherlock), Worried Sherlock, Hospital Recovery) – Fire can burn things to ashes, but it can also burn things together.
Hide and Seek by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 6,934 w. || Angst, Rev. Reich-ish, Mycroft is a Dick, Depression, Case Fic-ish, Friendship, Reunion) – Pseudo sequel to "The Refining Fire." "You owe him the truth, and you owe me the proof that will convince him that I had no part in this."
A Friend Indeed by Sanru (K+, 8,190 w. || Missing John, Friendship, Drama, Introspection, Possessive Sherlock, Worried Sherlock) – Something has gone terribly wrong with a supposedly simple case. John Watson is missing. While the search for him is proving to be fruitless, it has made Sherlock realize that having an emotional attachment to someone may have its disadvantages but he liked being able to call John his friend. Now if only he could find out what happened to him...
The Name Game by ItsClydeBitches221B (K, 8,958 w. || Humour, Family, Platonics / Friendship, Sort-of Parentlock, John/Mary, Mary is Nice, Five and Ones, Baby Watson, Mycroft Loves Baby Watson) – The names that baby girl Watson comes up with for her extended family. Or: how everyone—Watsons, Holmes, and others alike— just learned to give up and embrace their weirdness.
A Is For Aftermath by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 10,567 w. || Injury / Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship/Pre-Slash/Bromance/Platonics, Hallucinations, Introspection, Insecure / Worried John, Big Brother Mycroft, Alternating POV, Anxious Sherlock, Self-Deprecating, Mildly Possessive Sherlock, 3G Moment) – John is still hallucinating, Sherlock cannot sleep, and Lestrade has a new case for them. But will life at 221B ever be able to return to normal? Epilogue to M is for Moriarty.
The Hand You're Dealt by MapleleafCameo (M, 10,624 w. || Humour, Friendship, Card Games, Alternate First Meeting, No Slash / Platonic Relationship) – John wouldn't have minded so much if only Sherlock would stop introducing him as 'John Watson. I won him in a poker game.’
The Dying Doctor by Transcendental Starlight (T, 11,258 w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Sick John / John Whump, ACD Rewrite) – Loosely based off ACD's "The Dying Detective." Sherlock relives a case that should have killed him, but instead resulted in John being hospitalized for a deadly disease. Sherlock endeavors to catch the murderer, while attempting to envision a future without John Watson. No Slash.
A Building of Bridges by Unique (K, 12,325 w. || Drama, Alternate First Meeting, John’s PTSD / Flashbacks, Mute John, Dialogue-Heavy, Caring Sherlock, Friendship) – No one would ever send Sherlock in to diffuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that's exactly what happened. "Congratulations, Lestrade," he called out sarcastically. "You're traumatizing a war veteran."
Always the sun by Rose de Sharon (K+, 12,377 w. || Song Fic, Alternate Post-TGG, Friendship/Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection / Reflection, Injury Recovery, Obsessive / Protective Sherlock, Nightmares, John’s Past, Bed Sharing / Cuddles) – Sherlock ponders about how much his life has changed since John has become his flatmate.
The Detective and the Pin-Up by XistentialAngst (T, 15,683 w. || Sexy John, Romance, Fluff, Humour, First Kiss / Time) – Sally Donovan discovers an old secret John Watson considered long buried - a ten-year old "Men of the Armed Forces" calendar, which has John as a very enticing pin-up for August. The image of John might just change the way everyone sees the unassuming sidekick, even Sherlock Holmes. Rated NC-17 for eventual smut, but the story reasonable concludes before that chapter if you prefer fluff and humor.
Hope for Heroes by Richefic (K+, 16,887 w. || Post-TGG Fic, Introspection / Flashbacks, Friendship/Epic Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Sherlock Admires John, BAMF John, John Deduces, Fancy Party, John’s Self Esteem, Domestics) – In the final moments of "The Great Game" Holmes hopes he will have the chance to tell his flatmate that he was wrong. Heroes do exist after all and the one in front of him is called Dr John Watson.
Trust Me, Trust Nobody by BlueMoonOnTheRise (T, 27,751 w. || Kidnapping, Friendship / No Slash, Adventure, Trust Issues) – Whatever he told Mycroft, John trusted Sherlock almost instantly. When a new case shows up - smattered with the usual thrill of danger, death and cool logic - such trust ends up pushed to its very limits...
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munofsilver · 6 years ago
Hidden Secret Chapter 8
Been a while but here’s an update. Summary:  Matchmaker Natalie gives Nathaniel a little push. In a way. Plus some good news. Ao3 link.
Around 1 am Chloe decides to go to bed. With no work to worry about Chloe stayed up later than usual. She wanted to take advantage of having the place to herself. Even though she's not tired, she still slides into bed. Picking up a newly bought book she starts to read.
This is a type of book she would only read when alone. Chloe doesn't want people to know she likes to read these types of books. She took a high risk buying it with Sabrina around. “The Wild Taste of The Flesh. By. Samantha Brooks. I hope it's a good as her other one. The Heat of The Night,” Chloe hums to herself, and she opens to the first chapter.
After finishing three chapters, Chloe puts down the book. “It is better than the other one,” she whispers with bliss. Putting the book in a secret place, she turns off the light. “Good night Mr. Cuddley,” Chloe says to her teddy bear, sitting on her dresser. Then she lets sleep take over her.
“Hello, Mr. Kurtzberg,” Malissa walks up to Nathaniel. “Call me Nathaniel.” “But Mr. Kurtzberg sounds so much more demanding,” Malissa winks at him. Nathaniel wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her closer to him. “What should I call you?” He asked an inch away from her face. “Whatever you want,” Malissa whispers before she kisses Nathaniel. He deepens the kiss and leans her on the bed.
His tongue plays with hers. He only stops to take off his shirt and starts working on hers. Unbuttoning all the buttons. The girls top is gone and just in her bra. Nathaniel looks up, and instead of Malissa, it's Lila. She starts to undo her bra.
Nathaniel wakes up in a hot sweat. “That same dream again. Why do I keep having this dream?” He rubs his face in his hands. He's getting closer to undressing Malissa and seeing a naked Lila. This is the third night in a row he had this dream, and he doesn't know how much more he can take. His time with Malissa was nice, but at the same time, he felt like she didn't want to be there with him. Once she less shy around him that would be different, right?
He remembers when she was talking about that book she sounded different. Same with every time she's not talking about herself. Just like him back in college. Maybe she just needs a little push. Maybe Nathaniel can be the one to do that. Perhaps he wants to be more than friends with her. With the dreams he's been having and the way he keeps thinking about her.
He gets himself a drink of water. On his way to the kitchen, he sees his little sister sleeping on the couch. It seems Nathaniel has forgotten that she would be staying over the weekend. At least he remembers to put pants on before he left his room. He likes to sleep wearing only his boxers. Drinking his water made him think about his sister's question.
“What do I think of Malissa?” Nathaniel wonders about that for a bit, while he finishes his water. Now back in his bed unable to sleep, Nathaniel lays starting at the ceiling. “What do I think of Malissa? I know what I think of everyone even Chloe. When it comes to Malissa, it's different,” he sighs and roles on his side.
“She's cute, fun to be around, a bit shy. I know very little about her. She can draw and her painting very well. Maybe I should get to know her more before I answer that,” Nathaniel seemed satisfied with that and finally able to sleep. He woke up with his sister yelling, “Breakfast ready!”
Getting out of bed and dressed he grumbles as he makes his way to the kitchen. “Morning, Natalie.” “Morning sleepy head brother. Since you're taking care of me you should be the one making breakfast,” Natalie cheers. He just yawns and falls in his chair. “Didn't have a good night sleep?” His sister asked handing him a plate of food.
Nathaniel doesn't say anything just pours a mug of coffee. “Soooooooooooo, you never answered my question,” Natalie pushes the plate of food away from Nathaniel. He knew this was coming. “What do you think of Malissa? You went to “bed” after I asked. I'm not letting you walk away again.”
“By taking away my breakfast. I can go out to eat you know,” Nathaniel stands up and heads out of the kitchen. “Not without your wallet and keys,” Natalie calmly says taking a sip of her milk. Nathaniel freezes in place, as fast as lightning he rushes back to Natalie. Like he teleported. “WHAT!?” His evil little sister only smiles. “I've hidden your wallet and keys somewhere in this building. Unless you want to look for them yourself, you will answer my question.”
A furious Nathaniel glares at Natalie, she only takes another sip of milk. He stomps over to his chair and sits down. Natalie pushes the plate back in front of him. Instead of eating he just tears off a piece of his chocolatine. “I think she's kind, talented, fun to be around, and cute.” He takes a bite of the chocolatine. “Not that stuff. I mean would you date her?”
“The question is, why do you want me to find someone so bad?” Now it's Natalie's turn to be put on the hot spot. That plan backfired on her part. Natalie didn't think Nathaniel would ask that. She was hoping he would either deny or tell her, not turn the tables. Nathaniel smiles wickedly as he waits for Natalie's answer. “Well I want you to date, someone, cause you're 27 and only been on one date with Lila and two with Marc,” Natalie is sounding like her mother.
Nathaniel's smile vanishes in thin air. Like it was never there. “Don't bring up Marc. It's different with him. If he didn't move to Canada, I'm sure we would still be dating.” Marc is kind of a touchy subject for Nathaniel. Natalie should have known better, yet she needed to for her point. “I'm sorry, but you get where I'm going right?” Nathaniel leans back. “I know I didn't date much. Just because I'm 27 doesn't mean I have to have tons of dates,”
Natalie shakes her head. “I don't mean that. I mean you should start thinking about settling down. Find someone, get married, start a family.” Nathaniel's head snaps towards her. “You are sounding just like mom. She wants the same things,” he leans in closer to her. Natalie leans back and slides down in her seat. “Is that really how you feel, Natalie?” Nathaniel is acting like a cat stalking its prey.
Natalie starts to eat her breakfast. Once done she notice her older brother didn't move. “Don't worry I'll tell you where your wallet and keys are,” a worried Natalie hopes that's what he wants. Even though she knows that's not what he wants. “Natalie.” Is all that he needs to say. “Mom wants you to settle down and start a family. I do think you need someone. You've been living a lonely life for three years.”
“I had a date two years ago,” Nathaniel defends himself. “A blind date that Alya set up. It was your only date,” Natalie reminds him. “You need to go out more,” Natalie puts her plate and glass in the sink. “Wait here I'll get your wallet and keys.” “Natalie wait,” Nathaniel stands up. “Do you really think I should find someone to marry soon?” He's afraid of her answer.
“Remember what you said when you were seventeen?” Natalie keeps her back towards her brother. Nathaniel sits back down. Looking at his empty plate. “Yes I do,” he sighs. “If you mean it and want it still I think you should start looking that special someone,” she said as she walks out of the room.
[Been a while, flashback time.] “What's wrong big brother?” Natalie asked as she sees a sad looking Nathaniel sitting on his bed. He looks up at her. “School stuff.” “Chloe again?” Natalie sits down next to her brother. “Not this time.” Nathaniel laughs rubbing his sister's head. “What's wrong?” Natalie shoves his hand away. “In class, the teacher gave us an assignment. I have to write an essay on what I want in the future,” Nathaniel sighs again. “What's wrong with that?” Nathaniel doesn't say anything. “Don't you know what you want in the future?” Natalie asked. “Do you?” “A job.” Nathaniel laughs. What did he expect from a seven-year-old? “Anything else?” Natalie shrugs. “What do you want besides a job?” “My own business, a nice place to live near a park or with a backyard, a special someone, and at least two kids,” Nathaniel list. [End Flashback]
“I have two things from that list,” Nathaniel says to himself. He looks out the window in his apartment above his parlor and looks at the park across the street of his home. Nathaniel still wants a family of his own. 27 is still young, he still has time. Then again he should date more if he wants to find that special someone soon. That does it he's going to ask Malissa out on a real date.
Chloe got up around 11 am. She reads more of her little special book. Just a few more chapters until the happy blonde gets out of bed. Since Sabrina stayed the night at Max's, she will visit most of the day also, great time to read more. They've been dating for a few years and stay at each other's places very often. Chloe hopes her living with Sabrina doesn't ruin anything.
Maybe she should try to find her own place. Can she afford to live on her own? If she can find a cheap enough place, then perhaps. After reading two more chapters, Chloe puts the book away and finally gets out of bed and dressed. Heads into the kitchen for brunch. Only to find Sabrina and Max in the kitchen. Sabrina is cooking, and Max is reading a magazine.
Before they or he could see Chloe dashes back into her room to turn into Malissa. “What the fuck are they doing here? This is not Sunday.” Chloe/Malissa growls under breath as she puts on the wig. Checking herself in the mirror Malissa is here, and Chloe is gone. Then she heads back to the kitchen. She acts like she just walked in.
“Sabrina I didn't think you would be home. You said you'll return Sunday today is Saturday.” Sabrina puts a plate full of freshly made food in front of Malissa and Max. “We'll return back to Max's place soon,” Sabrina chirps. “Thank you. Why are you here now?” Malissa pours herself some coffee. She knows Malissa is a tea drinker, but it's, and Chloe wants coffee.
“I got some news that I couldn't wait to share,” Sabrina moves over by Max, and he puts his arm around her waist. “We're engaged!” They both yelled at once. Sabrina shows Malissa her engagement ring. A beautiful big diamond with a white gold band. An octagon holds the diamond. Not that fancy as to Chloe liking, but Sabrina likes it.
“Congrats you two,” Malissa more like Chloe tries to keep her sadness in. Then again she now has the motive she needs to find her own place. Maybe a better job. They ate brunch together without saying much. Afterward, Malissa did dishes while Max heads downstairs. “Before I go I want to ask if Chloe would like to be my maid of honor?” Malissa almost drops the plate she was loading in the dishwasher. She hugged her friend. “I would love too. I mean she would. Thank you.”
Sabrina hugs her back. “We'll talk more Sunday.” They both nods and Sabrina heads downstairs. Malissa turns back into Chloe. On the laptop, she looks for places to move to. Someplace cheap and close to work. Should she apply as Malissa or Chloe? If she Chloe they may wonder why she needs a cheap place. Malissa, it is then.
Natalie returns with Nathaniel's wallet and keys. “Thank you,” he says taking them back. “What should we do today?” Natalie asked. “Homework,” Nathaniel answers. “I did that,” Natalie wines. “I have a business to run,” Nathaniel leaves to open his tattoo parlor, and Natalie follows him. “What am I suppose to do while you're working?” Natalie whines some more. Nathaniel sighs. “I don't know. Go outside, talk with friends.”
“All my friends think I'm grounded,” Natalie looks at all the cases of rings Nathaniel has behind the counter. “Why is that?” “In case you ask them about me being grounded. I didn't think mom would rat me out,” she picks up a bellybutton ring. “Put that down. I know mom said no before,” Nathaniel sounds all big brother like. “I was just looking,” she complains putting it back.
A few people came in, and Natalie stayed back and quite sometimes. She did talk with some. Around 2 pm the bored teen was looking out the window while Nathaniel was cleaning the glass counters. She jumps up and runs outside. Natalie returns a few minutes later with Malissa. “Hey Nathaniel look who I found outside,” she says a bit too loud. Not wanting to play her game, he stands up and turns around. Only to see. “Malissa.” She waves, “Hello.”
Malissa found a cheap six-floor apartment for only 265.63 euros. Her paycheck is 442.72 euros. She'll have a bit less money, but she knows she can handle it. If need be she ask for more hours at work or a raise. This place does have everything included. She just hopes it also has furniture. Right away Malissa called the landlady. Surprisingly she was able to see Malissa right away to show her the place.
Transforming back into Malissa she grabs herself some coffee to go and heads out. It's not far from work, it is far from where she lives now with Sabrina. She took a cap there and found out she's an hour early, so she looks around to get a better surrounding of her maybe a new home. While walking around, she noticed a nice beautiful park. She could spend some time there. Just away from the kid's area.
On her way to the park, she notices something familiar about this area. It hit her when she heard her name. “Malissa!” Shouted Natalie. 'Oh no. I can't get this place if it this close to his tattoo place.' So much for this place. Need to keep looking. Then again he only works here not live here. Neither Chloe or Malissa know that Nathaniel lives in an apartment above his tattoo parlor. “Good to see you. Come walk with me,” Natalie starting pulling Malissa's arm.
“Hello,” Nathaniel waves. “What are you doing here?” He asked stepping out around the counter. “I have something to do around here. I'm a bit early, so I thought I would look around.” Malissa looks at her shoes. No one notice Natalie sneaking out of the room. Meanwhile, Nathaniel is thinking, 'This is my chance to ask her on a date.' The questions are will he be able to and will she say yes?
“What are you here for?” Nathaniel takes a few steps closer. “I'll be looking at an apartment near here. I need to move.” Right now Chloe is wondering why she told him that. “Where?” Malissa shows him the piece of paper she written the address on. Even though everything inside her is telling her to run and do it now. “Sorry, I need to go now. I don't want to be late,” Malissa lied trying to get away. “I'll go with you,” Nathaniel rushes towards the back.
Malissa started to backway when she bumped into something more like someone. “Hi, Malissa.” It seems Natalie can teleport. “Is something wrong?” Natalie moves closer to the door as to block Malissa from leaving. Just in case. No escape for Malissa. Malissa turns around just in time to see Nathaniel coming back. “Nothing wrong,” she whispers. Mostly to herself.
“Natalie, I was looking for you, I'm going to be heading out for a bit. Why don't you look after the place for me?” Natalie side steps to the side of Malissa. “How? I'm not a tattoo artist. What am I suppose to do when someone comes in?” Nathaniel checks, he still has his wallet and keys. “Easy. Call me and tell them to wait, or nicely tell them to come back later.”
Natalie crosses her arms and glares. She wanted to come with, but Nathaniel doesn't. He feels he'll be able to ask her out better without having to worry about his sister. “Besides you're also grounded,” Nathaniel winks. Then Natalie remembers her lie so she couldn't join them. Now it came back to hit her in the face. “Since I'm looking after you this weekend you need to stay inside,” Nathaniel was able to hide his evil smile and didn't laugh.
Meanwhile, Chloe is screaming inside, and Malissa is starting to feel dizzy. She needs to get away. If only she could. Being stuck between brother and sister makes her trap. Panic begins to rise. Nathaniel places his hand on Malissa's back. “Ready?” He asked. Once calmed a bit she nods, and they leave. She shows him where it is. Sadly it's not far from where his place.
A nice apartment. Six floors and the landlady is waiting for her outside. “Malissa?” This old lady wearing a white dress and a yellow sweater is standing in front of the building. Malissa nods. “I'm Abby Appletons. Let's go inside,” she lets them in. You have to buzz to get in, Malissa does like that feature. The free apartment is on the sixth floor. There is a working elevator, and the stars are next to it.
The apartment is to the left of the elevator around the corner. “Number 601,” said Abby. She unlocked the door and let them in. Malissa was first entering the apartment, with Nathaniel close behind, and Abby was coming in last. There is a small little area too with a closet, that people can take off their shoes and place them in here and hang up their coats or purses.
Past that goes into the hallway that leads to the rest of the place. They enter the only room on the left, one of the two bedrooms of this place. Kind of a small room. She'll be able to put a bed and dresser in not sure about anything else. This can be an extra room for whatever or a storage room. Across from that small room is the bathroom. It has a small closet in it.
A walk-in shower and small tub that can fit one full adult in. Nice sink with a huge mirror on the wall. Of course the sink as a counter underneath. Next to the sink in front of the closet is the toilet. She needs to keep that closet door close, or she won't be able to see where the toilet is. A little down the hall is what looks like another closet.
Once opened Malissa found out a washer and dryer inside. When Chloe was looking up info on this place, it didn't say anything about a build in washer and dryer. That was a surprise for Malissa, a nice one she's not going to complain about. Across from the pleasant surprise is the master bedroom. A lot bigger than the other room, with a nice walk in closet. This is the first room with windows. Not like a hallway or bathroom needs windows.
Having one in the other room would be nice. At the end of the hall are the living room and kitchen. The only thing between the rooms is the kitchen counters. Both are a decent size. The kitchen has everything she needs. “Any questions?” Abby asked. “The rent is 265.63 euros correct?” Malissa wants to make sure. “That's right, with everything included. You have to pay for your own wifi.” Sadly the only furniture is some stools on the living room side on the counters. Malissa is fine with that.“I'll take it,” Malissa cheers. “First you need to fill out some paperwork,” Abby laughs.
“Nice place,” Nathaniel says walking into the kitchen. For a minute there Malissa forgot he was with her. “If I didn't have my own place I wouldn't mind living here,” Nathaniel opens the oven door and peaks inside before he closes it. Then does the same thing with the fridge and all the cabinets. 'What is he doing?' Both Abby and Malissa are wondering.
While Nathaniel looks around Malissa and Abby get started on the paperwork. When that's done, Abby asked Malissa some questions.
“Are you going to be the only one living here?” “Yes.” “You do know there's a 131.78 security deposit and an extra 87.85 per pet?” “I know. I don't have any pets.” “Do you plan of having pets?” “Not sure. I'll let you know if I do.” “Do you have a car?” “No. I will let you know if I get one?” “What name will the rent be under?” “Malissa Moon.” The same name on her job application. “When will you be able to move in?” “Before the end of this month.” “I will need the money a week before you do.” “I can do that.”
With everything settled they shooked hands and made the deal. Malissa/Chloe is home. Before the end of the month. “If you need help moving let me know,” Nathaniel has a dumb silly looking smile on, and once again Malissa forgot he was there. Chloe just wants him to leave her alone already. Now that he knows she'll be living here there will be no end of him.
At least she can act like she's not home by not buzzing him in. She likes the idea of that. It may not be lousy living so close to his place of work. Everything done and over with Malissa just has to find a way to tell Sabrina. She just hopes her friend doesn't take it too hard or think it's her fault.
“Thank you, Mr. Kurtzberg. I'll keep that in mind,” Malissa refuse to look at him right now again. While walking back to his place or parlor, Nathaniel tries to ask her out.
“Malissa, how's work?” “Fine. I only work three days this week.” “Are you free Friday again?” Malissa checks her schedule she has it written down in her daily planner. “I work till two Friday.” “How about Saturday?” “Nope. I don't work Saturday.” “Want to go out Saturday night?” Malissa stops dead in her tracks like she just got shot. Nathaniel stops and looks back at her for an answer. “As in a date?” Nathaniel smiles and nods, “Like a real date?” “A real date.” “Malissa, I'm asking you out.”
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Chapter 8
I walk into Shiro's house at about 7, freshly showered and newly clothed. By that time the house was completely packed with sweaty teenagers and the music was at a ridiculously high volume. I walk up his drive way, avoiding all the smokers and red solo cups. The inside of the house was even worse and Rihanna's 'Love on the brain' was blasting. Everywhere I look, there was random people grinding on each other. I spot Lance dancing on top of the kitchen island with people cheering and throwing cash at him as if we were at a strip club. It didnt help that he is shirtless and I gulp. He has abs. Very nice abs. I wouldve admired them all night if not for someone yelling at Lance to twerk. I tear my eyes away as he starts to and I look around. There are cups littered all around him and anyone with eyes can see that he is drunk. He was wearing a tight blue t shirt but it is thrown on the floor and baggy grey sweat pants. He spots me and starts getting down (getting down is a very generous term, it was more like falling down). "Alrightttt Alrightttt, I'mmmm soooorrryyy buttt theee L-Lanceee showww issss doneee nowww!" He slurs as people run their hands over his 6 pack and for some reason I stifle the need to punch someone in the face. He reaches me and I hand him his shirt that I picked up for him. He slings his muscular arm over my shoulders and I fight the urge to blush. "Hey pretty boy-" I trail off as he starts stroking my hair. "What are you doing?" "Your hair is silky like a baby chicken!" He mutters and I shoot him a worried glance. "Umm okay then, lets go find Shiro?!" I reply, practically carrying Lance up the stairs. He continues to stroke my hair, occasionaly muttering 'baby chickens' or 'princess mullet is soft' (which offended me, I dont have a mullet!) and giggled every two seconds. "Shh Lance" I say and press a finger to my lips. He grabs my finger and presses it to his lips, making me shiver involuntarily. "Shhhhhhhh Keithhhh!" he giggles and I sigh. He was acting evem more like a child than usual. How do I even-? You know never mind. We (well I) find Shiro and Allura making out on on Shiro's bed while Hunk and Pidge play Call of Duty. I could tell Pidge was winning because of common sense and the fact that the usually innocemt Hunk was swearing like Lance when he gets slapped by girls that shot him down. Pidge was the 'nerd' (do people still call people that?) of our friend group. Continuing with the stereotypes, I was the 'emo' so I always got the 'cry because mcr' jokes, Lance was the player, Hunk was the angel, Shiro was the motherly/fatherly figure and Allura was the prep. Ugh even thinking about those stereotypes make me cringe. Lance slips off of me and jumps on top of the PDA couple. "Friend Sandwich!" he yells and Shiro groans, trying to push him off. "Bad Lance!" Shiro scolds and Lance bursts into tears. "I-I'm sowwy dad! I won't do it again!" he slobbers, tears running down his face. Shiro looks at me confused and I sigh, flopping onto his couch. "He's drunk." His mouth shapws a silent O and he lies back down onto his bed, wrappimg an arm around a flustered Allura. Lance walks over to me and slings his lean body over me. He gazes intently at me for a minute, finally poking me in the nose. "Your eyes are pretty! They are as purple as the bruises I get playing against the Space Bandits" he says cheerfully, wrapping his arms around me. "Umm thanks?" I frown and everyone laughs. Pidge even pauses her game to watch. Lance snuggles into me and goes quiet. All of a sudden, we hear soft snoring from his form. I look down and admire the was his jaw line was a v, the way his beautiful lips curl up into a sleepy smile as if having a good time, and how peaceful and innocent he looks when he is asleep. He didn't look anything like the Lance I knew and I didn't like it. He mutters something and we all lean in to hear him. "Keith" he mutters and I probably turn as red as my jacket. Hunk chuckles "And you say Klance isnt real!" "It isnt!" I protest "We are just friends!" "Oh so now you guys are friends!" Replies Pidge as she pushes her glasses up "Last time I checked you guys hated each other!" "Well we get along now!" I yell and Lance starts to stir "Shoot everyone quiet!" I pick him up bridal style, ignoring Pidge's jokes and set him down on Shiro's second couch. I place a blanket on him and smooth it over his body, blushing. I look around and when I am sure that no one is watching, I lean down and kiss his forehead. "Rest well my prince." I whisper and I swear I hear a click. --------- After the party After everyone clears out, around 3 am, we start to clean up. There was cups, clothing, and vomit everywhere.  A suspicious substance was dripping from the ceiling and I had no clue what it was. After about two hours, we finish the first floor and we hear Lance finally come down the stairs. "Took you long enough!" Growls Pidge, who had a massive hang over. He rubs his eyes and groans, stretching. I see a sliver of skin and I blush as I scrub the floor with even more vigour. He nods at me "Whats with Cinderella over there?" I shoot him the finger "Oh screw off!" Everyone laughs and we continue working. After two more hours, we finally finish and Hunk drops to his knees. "Finally!!" I check my watch "Ugh 7 am" All of us are barely standing and we collapse. "Let's NEVER do that again!" Says Allura and we all nod in agreement. "You guys are welcome to stay here if you want." Offers Shiro but everyone except Allura shake their heads. "I should really get home, my mom is provably worried sick!" Replies Lance and he turns to me "Do you need a ride neighbour?!" "As a matter of fact I do! Thanks dude!" I reply and I ignore Pidge's suggestive wink. "See ya monday!" We call as we leave and everyone waves as we pull out of the driveway. "Sooo.." I start, nervously rubbing my arm as I put on my seat belt. Safety first! "Sooooooooo..." He replies grinning "Soooooooooooo......" I grin back and we continue to do this the entire drive. He pulls into his driveway and gets out. He opens my door "After you my lady!" He bows and I laugh. "See ya monday!" I say echoing what we said earlier. "Yep see ya! By the way, why did you call me a prince?" He smirks and I groan, running into my house. Damn him! A/N Oooooooooo So ya! Longer chapter. Not gonna talk long cause my phones gonna die but remember to leave a comment or like! Thanks! Brooke
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