#but lowkey proud of this so yay :)
kinardbegins · 5 months
I'm leaving a lil idea in here: how about one or both of them being covered in soot (like tommy was) and them having a lil intimate moment helping the other or eachother clean up?
this one got soooo away from me lol it was supposed to be like 200ish words but omg yeah it got a lil deep
wc: 1.2k
no warnings but tommy's pretty sad in this (and buck's there for him <3)
also on ao3!
sense of belonging
Tommy can’t help it, he has to see Buck. He feels lost, as if nothing is ever going to be okay again, and he needs someone he knows he can count on. Someone he can trust. Which is how he finds himself outside the 118, grimacing at his old firehouse. He can’t deny that he misses it, but he also can’t deny that he never did belong there.
Eddie spots him from inside and makes his way over with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “Hey, man! What are you doing here?”
Tommy tries to smile but it falls short. “Just finished work. Needed to see if… if he’s okay.”
There’s a shift, then, and Eddie just knows. Knows that something must have happened. Something must have set him off. “Yeah. Yeah, man, he said something about getting a shower just a few minutes ago. Got a bit dirty on the last call, which… seems like you did too.”
Tommy shrugs. He knows he looks like hell. Dirt sticks to his eyebrows and dried blood lines the straight-edge of his jawline and god knows what else is there. He couldn’t look at himself in the mirror long enough to clear it off. Not after the shift he had. Not after the civilian he lost. 
Moving swiftly to the shower room, giving forced smiles to anyone who looks his way, he finds Buck stepping out the shower with a towel around his waist. If it were any other day, Tommy wouldn’t be able to look away from the water clinging to his toned muscles and the short hairs trailing below the towel. But now, in this moment, he can’t look away from his face, from the way his eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are slightly parted and his birthmark seems pinker than usual, almost crimson. And then he gets to watch how his face completely changes when he spots him. How he brightens immediately. As if just seeing him makes him the happiest man alive. 
It hits him square in the chest. He’s not sure how someone like Buck can look at someone like him and have that type of reaction. He’s not used to it. Sometimes he still wonders if this is the universe playing some sort of sick and twisted game with him and that one day he’ll wake up to find this all gone. Ripped away. Just like everything and everyone else he’s ever known.
But seeing that Buck is okay–seeing him there and happy and alive–brings up all these emotions Tommy can’t quite figure out right now. There’s relief, that’s for sure, and there’s happiness, but there’s also a stronger feeling than the usual flutter in his stomach and the tightness in his chest and that should scare him but it doesn’t. Buck opens his mouth to talk but all he gets out is a hmmph as Tommy takes two large steps toward him and they collide in a tight embrace. He doesn’t care that Buck is soaking wet from the shower and drenching his clothes, he just needs to feel close.
Buck seems to understand though because he says nothing. Instead, he pulls Tommy in closer and gently scratches at the short hairs at the base of his neck. It calms him down enough to pull back and look at Buck properly, taking him in and memorising that look on his face. Just in case.
“Hey,” he whispers, voice hoarse. 
Buck’s eyes soften. “Hey, yourself. Bad shift?”
“You have no idea.”
Buck cups his face and runs the pad of his thumb over his cheek. Tommy doesn’t remember a time he’s ever been touched so gently before. “I think I have some idea,” he says, sliding his hand down Tommy’s jaw and furrowing his eyebrows at the blood. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
“You should get dressed first,” Tommy mutters. He’s suddenly struck with the feeling that he’s being a burden. That he’s invading Buck’s space. His time. “Incase you need to run out.”
Buck seems like he’s about to protest when he realises that Tommy’s right. “I’ll be back in a second, I swear,” he sighs before ducking out of the room and leaving Tommy alone. It’s not until this moment he realises just how tired he really is. All he wants to do is go home and crawl into bed but he feels stuck. Like he can’t move. Risking a glance at the mirror, he’s grateful to find that he can’t see himself through the steam. He’s not quite ready to face himself yet.
But before he can dwell on it, or think about how it felt to watch someone die right in front of him (not for the first time, but certainly not for the last time either, and that makes his stomach twist uncomfortably), Buck is running back into the room and taking Tommy’s face in his hands. He tilts his head to one side and then the other before tutting and reaching out to turn on the tap, keeping one hand on Tommy at all times. Once he’s satisfied with the temperature of the water, he runs a cloth underneath it and rings it out before slowly reaching up to dab it over Tommy’s jawline. 
“Is this your blood?”
Tommy shrugs. “I’m not sure. I don’t think so.”
Buck pauses for a moment before moving to wipe at the dirt coating his eyebrow. “Do you wanna talk about what happened?”
Tommy shakes his head.
“Okay,” Buck says after a while, scrubbing away the last of the dirt. His touch is so gentle and so caring that Tommy fears he might cry. “Do you want to come eat with us? Bobby’s making his famous lasagne.” He pulls away the cloth and drops it in the sink, running some water over it for a moment before switching off the tap and putting all his attention back on Tommy. Both of his hands drop to Tommy’s shoulders and he smooths his palms across the broad expanse, offering a sweet smile. “You’ll love it.”
“I don’t know,” Tommy sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be, I promise. Bobby will love to have you; we all will.”
And that’s how Tommy finds himself sitting where he used to sit all those years ago, only this time he knows that he doesn’t have to hide who he is. So when Chimney brings up something Tommy did once on a call so long ago it feels like a past life, something shifts inside of him, and when Bobby claps him over the shoulder with a proud smile, that something becomes a little lighter. Hen smiles at him and Eddie bumps his arm against his and Ravi listens intently as he retells the story from his point of view. And when Buck laughs at a joke he makes, his head tilting back to let out the loveliest sound Tommy’s ever heard, and then he looks at him to see if he’s laughing too, Tommy can’t help the genuine smile that graces his face. And he realises he feels like he finally belongs. And that maybe, just maybe, things will be okay after all.
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Second nsft crue!slash fic finished for my moot @crueclown22 , hope you like this :)
Nikki sits on the porch at their residence in Moscow gazing up at the bright stars in the sky. The band were all living together again (this time with the added addition of Mick) to record their new album Dr. Feelgood.
The agreement had been that they all stay together, they all work together and that they all, and this was the most important one, stay sober together.
So far it hasn't been…a fantastic system. It turns out living with a group of recovering addicts while you yourself are a recovering addict isn't all that glamorous. Everybody is annoyed and pent up as not only do they not have drugs or alcohol but they didn't have the normal flow of chicks out here in the middle of nowhere like they were used to having.
But while everyone was a little bit bent out of shape about the new arrangement, their music was now at the forefront of their minds and so it was all about making every song as good as it could be without cutting any corners. So they started taking out all their anger and frustration on their instruments and so far it has been working wonders.
Until it didn't.
Or at least until it didn't for one of them. Vince was having a particularly hard time dealing with being sober, even though technically he should have been sober longer then any of them, as the court mandated that he be sober for his probation but obviously that didn't happen and music just wasn't scratching that itch anymore.
So naturally he started sneaking out, somehow got a taxi or a lift of some kind to show up for him every night in the middle of nowhere to take him out to drink.
Nikki found this out from Tommy who had gone with him one night and Tommy being the honest guy he pretends to be, told Nikki this out of sheer guilt for his actions and how hard him and Mick had been working while him and Vince took the cheaters way out and he felt very sorry and ratted out their singer.
Nikki thanks Tommy for telling him and assured him it was okay and that all was forgiven and that everybody falls off the wagon every now and then but that the important part was that he got back on. Tommy seemed relieved and left Nikki to go to bed. Nikki on the other hand skipped the notion of going to bed and instead sat down in one of the porch chairs and waited for their singer to come back to the house.
He waits a few hours, and it's a productive time for his lyrics as he jots down quite a few that he wants to bring up in the next session that he thinks could be massive chart successes.On the fourth hour a car pulls into the driveway as subtly as possible and Nikki sets his pen and notebook asside and goes to stand at the top of the porch steps with crossed arms and a practiced calm glare welded to his face.
Low and behold, Vince stumbles out of the car, he doesn't seem intoxicated though, but he assumes that's part of Vince's cleverly crafted plan, he drinks for a few hours at a bar somewhere, sobers up quickly through misterious means then comes home and acts as if he's been there the whole time, aswell as completely sober this entire time.
Nikki grits his teeth in anger but he bites back any actual words of hate to come. He wants the car to drive away first before he actually starts saying anything to Vince, so that he can't run away.
Vince walks all the way up to the bottom of the steps, looking and waving the car away ,before he actually sees Nikki standing atop the stairs, he freezes at first like a deer caught in headlights ,but just for a second before he smiles at Nikki all friendly like, like he hadn't just been caught red handed and as far as he knew he hadn't been caught fully red handed yet. He had no idea how much Nikki knew yet.
“Hey man, morning” Vince said jovially as he made his way up the stairs. Nikki merely glares him down.
“Are we a joke to you?” Nikki asks, seriously.
These words let Vince know the jig is up and so his fake happiness quickly falls away to defensivness.
“Who told you then?” Vince asks in a deadpan voice as he gets to the top of the stairs and walks past Nikki into the house. Nikki follows.
“Who told me isn't important” Nikki says and he's about to continue when he's rudely interrupted.
“So it was Tommy, I'm gonna kill that little bastard when I get my hands on him.” Vince grumbles as he takes off his shoes and throws them in the corner with all the other guys shoes.
Vince's sentence implies that somebody else other then Tommy knew about the sneaking out, he makes a mental note to ask around later.
“No you're not” Nikki says not caring to keep his voice down. Nikki steps infront of Vince, blocking him in his attempted stride to his room and towers over him menacingly.
“All you’re going to do is apologize to the band at practice today, especially Tommy since your the one who enabled that kind of behaviour again and you're never going to do it again, got that?” Nikki's tone is still relatively calm, but underneath he's attempting to calm a sea of rage at Vince's bratty little attitude.
It seems like he was forgetting who was in charge here and if he kept this behaviour going Nikki was just going to have to remind his singer who he answered to around here.
Vince laughed sarcastically as he tried side step Nikki and when he couldn't he headed into the kitchen instead which was open and right next to the living room, so that everybody who entered the living room could also see everything that was happening in the kitchen.
“And why would I do that, you're not the fucking boss of me, I'm here now and not drunk isn't that enough-”
Vince is then slammed into the kitchen counter with his back facing the aggressor and his front facing the stairwell pressed against the table, caged in by two strong tattooed arms. Vince shivers when Nikki's voice comes out as a gentle breath on his neck, like a spider was crawling on him.
“Don't you dare talk to me like that bitch” Nikki hisses against Vince's earlobe making him shutter again and his eyes widen in fear.
When the initial shock wears off Vince's panic revs up into anger.
“Let me go!” Vince says trying to squeeze out from under Nikki.
Vince then freezes up again when he feels Nikki start to grope him through his pants. Suddenly the fight leaves his body and he slowly melts in Nikki's hands.
Fuck, it's been far too long since anybodies touched him like this. Vince feels his eye lids droop with hazy lust. He bites his lip and adjusts his position between Nikki and the counter as much as he can until it's comfortable enough for him to lean against the table and for Nikki's hand to more accurately reach his dick.
Nikki chuckles in his ear darkly.
“I've barely touched you and already you've given up the fight, and you say I don't own you” Nikki purrs.
Vince growls but can't think of anything smart to say back so he just leans into Nikki's hand that's getting more insistent by the minute it would seem.
Vince whines softly as Nikki's hand teasingly peels away the waistband of his jeans and let's it hover over Vince's happy trail. Nikki laughs sadistically.
It seems like Vince isn't the only one with an old bad habit to kill.
“Touch me already” Vince demands breathlessly, already rock hard from just a minute of fondling,his eyes glued to where Nikki's hand disappeared below his waistline.
“Didn't hear a please there baby boy” Nikki teases, touching Vince's thighs and playing with his pubic hair and literally everywhere else except where he wanted Nikki to touch him.
Vince growls again but this time around it comes out far needier and between clenched teeth. Vince is so tempted to just spit in Nikki's face and save his pride and say nothing.
But he's far too horny to care about saving face right now, all that his brain wants from him now is to acquire an orgasm then fall asleep for the rest of time and hopefully wake up to this whole situation just being a dream.
“Please..” Vince says almost inaudibly, shutting his eyes in shame.
“What was that? You gotta speak up baby” Nikki says, a single finger of Nikki's lightly brushing the tip of his shaft.
“Please!” Vince breaks, he needed this and he'd do whatever it took to get it. Nikki smirked against his neck in satisfaction and finally retracted his hand, spat on it then took Vince's cock from his pants and wrapped his warm palm around Vince's cock.
Vince moans loudly, his back sinking into Nikki's chest. He's so glad that his previous lays can't see him now, broken down and moaning like a porn star over a simple shoddy handjob.
Nikki picks up the pace slightly and Vince embarrassingly enough feels himself getting close.
“Fuck, please Nikki just a little more!” Vince can't keep his own volume at bay that's how absolutely devastated and debauched he is in the moment and the way Nikki's grinding on his ass, actually makes the experience a lot better.
Just before he can cum Nikki stops, and Vince almost blows a fucking gasket. He kicks one of Nikki's legs in pure rage.
“Fucking finish me off already, please!!” Vince spits out, too far gone to care.
“Aww I'm sorry baby, I'll let you cum..as soon as you promise to apologize to everyone today. And you call me your master.” Nikki says with a fake sweet tone.
Vince knows that as soon as he cums he'll regret making this trade and he might just never recover from this loss, ego wise and Nikki would have control over him in a way he could never get back…but if he didn't cum right now he might just go into cardiac arrest.
“I promise I'll apologize…master” Vince breathes out and apparently that enough for Nikki as he strokes Vince tighter and faster then before and even twists his hand at the upstroke to make the orgasm even better.
“Ah!!!!” Vince moans as Nikki milks him for all he's worth.
When Vince finally comes down he pants heavily and crumbles in Nikki's arms, Nikki also pants but not as harshly as Vince does and they just stay like that for a while.
Nikki retracts his hand from Vince's pants letting Vince see his jizz covered hand in all its glory as it dripped from his palm onto the surface of the counter.
“I'm so glad we could come to an agreement” Nikki says cheekily.
“What the fuck is going on down her- Jesus wept!!” Nikki and Vince both snap their heads up to the staircase in terror, where Mick was currently coming down into the kitchen, but seemed to be on a fast track back upstairs again.
Nikki opens his mouth to try and fumble out an explanation but Mick stops him.
“I don't wanna know, but I am never eating off that fucking counter again!” Mick says storming off upstairs again.
Nikki and Vince are still for a while.
“.... See, you going out drinking causes a lot of tension.” Nikki says, trying to pin the whole situation on Vince.
Vince just steps on Nikki's toe with the back of his sharp heel and let's a satisfied smile grace his lips when he hears a crack
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clownattack · 3 months
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I aced my thesis defence with merits and I WILL TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT (once i had my little rest) tm
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grimvisionary · 12 days
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you want to look at my stupid gay little tests into getting back into drawing.
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lateatnewyork · 2 months
pairing: oscar piastri x bellingham!reader
summary: jude's older sister soft launches a guy, who he has no idea about
extra information: reader is a supermodel, shes 23, and shes super famous
fc: tyla
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liked by landonorris, sza and 609,284 others middle picture is me when mclaren invited me to the las vegas gp view comments
judebellingham wow i see how it is ➥ ynbellingham ur such a cutie jude ➥ user09 LMAO I LOVE YN jobebellingham when were u gonna give me that pic of jude ➥ ynbellingham um lets see... never? averageynlover bro idk if i wanna be yn or be with yn user05 SHES SO PRETTY LIKE I JS STARE AT THE SCREEN WHEN I SEE HER ➥ oscarpiastri real this comment is now deleted gigihadid pretty girl ➥ ynbellingham all youu kendalljenner come for dinner ➥ ynbellingham gimme a time and place bukayosaka thank you for your services with the jude photo ➥ ynbellingham 🫡 ➥ judebellingham BRO ynsno1fan the good genes literally run in the family
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynbellingham and 932,628 others YN Bellingham on the Tonight Show, she opens up about her longtime partner, her music career and who she's currently brand ambassador for! Check out the amazing and multitalented 23 year old exclusively on youtube! ynbellingham view comments
user09 SHES BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP FOR 2 YEARS ynschild WE HAVE A FATHER??? bellinghamsfan chat what is going on ynismother ok but her looks 😍 user58 the bellingham genes are too strong for us to rival 😞🙏 averageynlover EVERYONE FOCUSED ON HER BF BUT SHES LITERALLY RELEASING AN ALBUM ➥ user04 MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY
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liked by oscarpiastri, jobebellingham and 1,893,482 others surprise!!! my debut album 'racing' is coming out on december 8th! andddd im going on tour next year on 14th march, tickets will go up on january 1st, ily guys 🫶 view comments
sabrinacarpenter i cant believe im singing with u🧎‍♀️ judebellingham im so proud of you ynn jobebellingham so proud to be your younger brother ynn oliviarodrigo IM SO EXCITEDDDD conangray december 8 come fasterrr sza you lowkey ate with those tracks gigihadid so proud of you 💗 kendalljenner cant wait ! krisjenner 😍 khloekardashian yay! imaanhammam catch me blasting it in the car anokyai blessing us with this alexanderasaintmleux im so happy lilymhe private show plssss mclaren playing this everywhere when it comes out user09 MOTHER averageynlover IF I DONT GET TICKETS rbrmylove CLAIMING 143 (i want you)
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liked by ynbellingham, danielricciardo and 409,382 others yes shes (ethe)real view comments
user09 YOUR HONOR HES DOWN BAD ➥ rbrmylove HE CALLED HER ETHEREAL landonorris ok caption kinda cute ➥ landonorris but i thought i was ur only man???? ➥ landonorris r u cheating on me ➥ danielricciardo r YOU cheating on me???? ➥ landonorris oh maxverstappen 👍 ➥ user45 max ur so dry 😭 alexanderasaintmleux TELL HER TO COME BY SOON ➥ oscarpiastri she said yes 😊 alexalbon oscar has rizz confirmed?? ➥ oscarpiastri im surprised lily hasn't left u ➥ lilymhe me too tbh ➥ alexalbon WHAT op81loml IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS ➥ user49 wait who??? ➥ op81loml THE yn bellingham
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and 603,481 others date night with the cutest person alive view comments
user09 SHES GLOWINGG averageynlover stop shes so cute landonorris 🧐 ➥ judebellingham 🧐 ➥ charlesleclerc 🧐 ➥ alexalbon 🧐 ➥ jobebellingham 🧐 ➥ maxverstappen 🧐 ➥ lewishamilton 🧐 ➥ georgerussell 🧐 ➥ ynbellingham ihu rbrmylove why is the whole grid in her comments alexanderasaintmleux cuties ➥ ynbellingham youu lilymhe pretty girl ➥ ynbellingham 🪞🪞 ➥ lilymhe date me. ➥ ynbellingham ok! ➥ alexalbon what. carmenmundt ur so adorable ➥ ynbellingham says youu ➥ ynbellingham leave george ➥ carmenmundt ofcc ➥ georgerussell huh kellypiquet marry me ➥ ynbellingham bet wheres the ring ➥ maxverstappen 😕 rebeccadonaldson leave him plss ➥ ynbellingham anything for u bby ➥ carlossainz ??
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liked by oscarpiastri, judebellingham and 992,481 others thank you username on twitter for figuring it out view comments
judebellingham ew ➥ ynbellingham im telling mum ➥ judebellingham STOP jobebellingham 🤮 ➥ ynbellingham me when i see you landonorris stop being cute on main ➥ ynbellingham stop being annoying sabrinacarpenter no way a guy who goes vroom vroom in circles stole u from me ➥ ynbellingham barrykeoghan stole u first ➥ oscarpiastri my career is more than driving in circles ➥ barrykeoghan what did i do 😭 oliverbearman welcome to the family ➥ charlesleclerc hi daughter in law ➥ alexanderasaintmleux UR MY DAUGHTERRRR ➥ ynbellingham literally dating oscar for alex and leo ➥ oscarpiastri i see how it is lilymhe what if we do a double date except its u and me and them ➥ ynbellingham YESSS ➥ alexalbon what. ➥ oscarpiastri ^ gigihadid cuties kendalljenner adorable anokyai i love the both of u
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liked by ynbellingham, nicolepiastri and 402,492 others she wrote an album for me you didnt view comments
user09 CONFIRMATION THAT ITS ABOUT HIM mclaren our favourite papaya couple 🧡 ➥ landonorris what happened to me and oscar ➥ mclaren 😶‍🌫️ f1wagsofficial cutest grid couple oliverbearman hes down bad ➥ oscarpiastri loud and proud liked by ynbellingham and 2089 others arthurleclerc invite her to family dinners now alexanderasaintmleux my daughter in law is so pretty ➥ ynbellingham aw ily alex alexalbon ok hes actually happy so i cant be mean ➥ alexalbon im also scared of yn ➥ ynbellingham good. jobebellingham pls tell me you have bad photos of her ➥ oscarpiastri i do (how much you willing to pay) ➥ jobebellingham thats great (200 bucks) ➥ ynbellingham OSCAR judebellingham couldve lived without seeing the 2nd pic ➥ ynbellingham couldve lived without seeing ur shirtless skims ad ➥ rbrmylove LMAO
a/n thank you for putting up with my mood swings in posting ly guys
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icarusredwings · 9 days
Thinking about Gabby becoming Wade's. As in, Everyone knows that Laura is a copy and paste of Logan. Meanwhile, Gabby lowkey takes after her stepdad.
He's such a girl dad. Their family consits of 3 little girls and all three of them yell "Yay!" When Wade asks "Who wants to commit a murder?!"
Logan not only has Gabby but also Ellie now, and you know damn well he's being forced to paint his nails and play WWE in the same hour with these two, sometimes by oppisite girls. And he doesn't mind at all.
I HC she's from a hook up during the time Vanessa and Wade were broken up. He honestly didn't think there would be any consequences, and now he has the best daughter ever. (Who's favorite hero is CANONICALLY The Wolverine and owns a shit ton of Spiderman merch) If you know the lore, you know what happens with Carmelita Camacho, if not, look up Eleanor Camacho, Deadpool's Biological daughter.
Wade with Ellie:
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You can not tell me that these three wouldn't have been the bestest sisters ever!! Technically, Ellies is the youngest, being like 9. Gabbys 13 and Lauras upwards of 22 by now.
Wade with Gabby:
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I just know that these two are a NIGHTMARE at parent teacher conferences.
Wade: *grabs him by the tie and threatens his life* Okay bye Scott! And don't you ever give my daughter detention ever again!!
Scott: *blinks* But she keeps stabbing people...
Wade: And that's her god-given right! Isn't it Gabs?
Gabby: YEAH!
Meanwhile, Logan with Ororo-
Ororo: It seems that Miss Ellie is very..... Creative...
Logan: *raises eyebrow*
Ororo: *gestures to Ellie happily colouring on the wall a massive fight scene with her dads, spiderman, and a bunch of other heros*
Logan: Oh, so thats what happened to their bedroom wall... *is secretly proud*
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ohyoufool · 6 months
jacks women’s March madness NCAA bracket gets pinned to the espn homepage as a “celebrity pick” or whatnot which is cute. Yay! Go Jack! Big Internet Moment! Everyone Is So Proud!
Meanwhile Bitty is sleeping with the pillow over his head because Jack has been up at 3am hunched over the computer for the last WEEK muttering “what….. oh my god…… amazing….” at Caitlyn Clark’s stat line and tape.
and lest we forget! Bitty is a creature of the internet. you KNOW he would be keeping up on the sedona prince drama. he's been lowkey following her since the pandemic! how could he not! she exposed the inequities of march madness ncaa basketball, rose to fame as a queer icon, and had a messy public lesbian breakup. BITTY WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT.
so I would imagine dinner conversations at their house during this march are basically heated debates about actual players and teams qualifications and trying to weigh tara vanderveer's experience as a coach versus upstart programs. AND you know they are both lowkey rooting for TCU because of the gay lore of it all
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xelinue · 9 days
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My first Minecraft skins yay! It was lowkey hard but Im so proud of this thing <3 Insp: @svetoshumovaya
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dapper-zappa · 6 days
Dating headcanons | Warren Worthington III
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Pairing: Warren Worthington III x GN!Reader (up to your interpretation if they’re mutant or not)
TW: Warren’s dad and Senator Kelly literally existing 😒, mentions of undressing and having kids
A/N: yay first X-Men fic ig after a year of not writing?? I got bored + I need to feed myself Warren crumbs. Also I heavily based this after how Warren’s depicted in the Wolverine and the X-Men show as it’s my fave interpretation of him.
I can already imagine him grocery shopping or having restaurant dates with you and just paying for the bills.
I don’t think you can just abuse his money like that as no way would he date gold diggers.
He’s fine to buy anything he wants to give to you or just… smth you want but partners who date him just so they can extract his money is a red flag to him.
Can be a timg bit standoffish when he’s jealous, though. Oof.
When jealous he’s the silent jealous type. To be fair he’s a lil used to hiding his feelings so he just watches from afar with an upset look on his face.
Let’s say a rich guy from one of his dad’s galas was flirting with you despite knowing you’re taken. He’s gonna silently assert that you’re his by putting his arm around your waist or shoulders, until the jerkwad backs off.
Lowkey likes it if you help him preen his wing feathers after they’re molting 🤭
Just imagine him sleeping on your lap during a picnic and you’re helping him preen.
Now, let’s talk about his dad.
Warren’s dad has been known to sponsor the anti mutant organization that is the MRD and bigoted politician Senator Kelly
Honestly if you’re a mutant he’s more likely to be disapproving towards you?? Since canonically he’s ashamed of his son being a mutant (ew)
If he sees how happy his son is with you, he’s just gonna be that (future) in law you don’t interact much.
Would fly you to a rooftop date he secretly set up. Come on, he’s a romantic.
The first time he asked you out, he gave you flowers and it’s a habit he still does to this day - giving you flowers.
I don’t think he’d sleep in a position that squishes his wings so he loves to either lie on his side or on his stomach.
Preferably on his side bc he can wake up to your beautiful face and you love to run your fingers through his blonde locks. (I mean have you seen how he looks like in Wolverine and the X-Men? I WANNA TWIRL HIS BANGS SOOO BADDD)
His wings have a tendency to wrap itself around you, bringing you closer to him whenever you’re standing side by side.
He’s proud of his fluffy wings but at the same time constantly gets reminded of the times his dad would shame him and talk behind his back for his mutation.
Helping each other change into casual clothes after a mission.
Unzipping each other’s suit and leaving lingering kisses and touches on each other’s bodies 🥺
Is open to having kids if you want to. Maybe at first he’s not interested but once it clicks, hoo boy. It CLICKS for him. So excited to be a dad.
As far as I know in the comics he dated a human (Candy Southern) but mostly mutants (Betsy Braddock, Husk, Dazzler, and his younger self dated Laura Kinney) so while he’s open to flings as long as said partner isn’t a bigot, if he wants to have kids he really wants to do it with someone he can truly trust, as he doesn’t want what happened with him and his dad to repeat to his kid.
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #20
20. LUXEMBOURG Tali - "Fighter" 13th place
Decade Ranking: 73/153 [Above Electric Fields, below Emma Muscat]
For a grand, greatly anticipated return, "Fighter" has always been just there for me. It's summery, upbeat, lightweight and frivolous. Not a shabby, nor a moneymaker. This entry is an FFF (Fun Finale Filler) and it knows it.
How do I know that it knows itself? Well,
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BADLY ANIMATED CGI LEOPARDS 😍 😍. You know how I feel about staging tricks like that. They're tacky and ugly and stupid and transparently try to cover up a middling composition.😍 idk, I love Leopards and I love the colour purple, so maybe it was just tacky ENOUGH to be funny, but I stan the decision-making because Tali > Ochman.
It was quite amusing 2 me that Luxembourg made their grand return after 31 years, only to try to throw vast swaths of cash at unnessecary embellishments because they KNEW it wasn't a high flier and needed to throw in SOMETHING, ANYTHING to make it work. Shirtless sexy dancers, badly animated VR, all the pyrotechnics in the world. It feels... very emblematic to them as a country even though this was their first ever modern era contest? "Money fixes everything", no wonder the EBU wanted their opulent arses back.
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And it is funny they staged "Fighter" like that because "Fighter" always kind of worked, anyway? It was a plucky power-up song, and a clear qualifier in semi 1 no matter from which position it performed.
It didn't NEED the leopards
it didn't NEED the gratuituous sexual tension lmao
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The way to go with a song such as "Fighter" is by finding a balance between tough and cute. The balance swung a bit too heavily in favour of "tough", because "Fighter" just isn't that kind of song, despite the reworks Lux tried to force. It's whimsically French foremost and while "France was historically a militaristic powerhouse,"toughness" suits France historically, nearly everyone associates it with cultural sophostication and romance. (hence why France is always culture focused in Civ, and never the feudal, chivalry-themed warmongering menace it actually was for most of its history ♥)
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As ridiculous Fighter's staging got (and how lowkey BAD Tali'Golergant vas Eshkoli's styling was), it still vibed as a fun time. It might just be my latent alcoholic ass imprinting on the tequila sunrise colous scheme, but still. Tali took command of her dancers, showed her inner strength by fistpumping the air and thickened her braids so they no longer resembled antennae.
And she kinda ate those lives, yo.
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In semi 1 Lux made for an excellent palate cleanser, a burst of energy after the period of inaneness Rim Tim Tagi Dim left in its wake. I love Raiven dearly and I really like Iolanda, but excitement was not their game. Tali came to the rescue when needed.
In the finale it was less necessary, though it did make Israel stand out as even more miserable to me, so there is that.
Sigh, I have to address the Israeli thing, don't I?
Look, I don't fucking CARE that Tali is proud of her Israeli-Jewish heritage. Nor that she visits the fake country twice a year. Nor that her song was produced by that other israeli Tali. I think her views on the matters are misguided and warped, but I get it. She's going to stick up for her OG country and her people, and we'd be foolish to expect her to do a 180° turn just because we believe she should. She has her stance, I disagree with it, but I can respect it. Civilians aren't responsible for whatever bloodthirsty maniac rules the roost or their actions, regardless of whether they elected them directly or not.
(though I will say that her transparent and overtly cheerful agreement with Joost's DQ all "YAY! HE BROKE THE RULES AFTER ALL ^_^ :claps:" made me ALOL. That DQ is still a grim affair, but lmfao what a scrump cheerleading bitch ♥).
But in a sense I wish Tali had been Israel's entrant himself. The only thing that erases Israel's controversy is their withdrawal, true, and Tali would have beenthe perfect horcrux, but if we WERE to have that country at Eurovision, I'd rather have them with Plucky Apolitical Filler (ft. Three Giant Leopards) rather than Teary Propaganda Ballad (Eurovision Reskin), y'know?
Also note, dear Israeli's, that -by my knowledge- Tali was NOT shunned by the other acts or the fan community, nor by the media and the professional juries, despite being half-Israeli and Jewish and zionistic. The few strays that she did end up catching were by the usual dumbfuck bigots on social media and amounted to nothing. So much for antisemitism, huh?
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It's difficult to end the write-up after that rant that had little to do with the performance, so I will just say this: Tali's placement, while a tad high, proved that there's always a place for positivity and acceptance at Eurovision, no matter your background or your political colour.
With retrospection on our side, it makes sense juries would vote for "Fighter" as everyone agreed Nemo should win anyway, allowing them to siphon away twelves like a vacuum on amphetamine. With Croatia, Italy and France picking up the scraps, anyone with a modicum of inoffensiveness would be favoured to do well, (since this finale was HIGHLY jury unfriendly) which also favoured Lux because of the novelty coming with their return.
Ultimately it's our choices in life that define us, and Tali's were to give us a fun time unburdened by shackles of war, and that, in THIS FUCKING YEAR, was worth a lot to me.
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blind0raven · 4 months
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Oh oh oh! Deuce's chance to help and prove he's changed!
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.... pfft
Ok lowkey that's funny I'm sorey Deuce XD
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You were honest about it and you still gave it a shot
And succedded!
Yay Deuce!!!
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Wait no Deuce! It's ok!
She's just shocked by surprise!
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Dylla can say and share all the pictures she wants about how much Deuce change, but its not much to believe when someone hasn't witness it with their own eyes
So I'm glad the Workshop Owner was able to finally believe it
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He's not wrong, but I believe Deuce will rove them all wrong!
And he'll make them all proud!
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Then its a good thing we all came along
We all had fun at the festival and even more fun when participating (or for me cheering cause boo... I wanna race...) in the race too!
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Awww... Deuce my heart can't take it awww
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Deuce simp down from happy squealing
Yaaay!!! I'll be the loudest cheering for you!
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meowriddler · 2 years
Who is she? Part 2
warning: Edward is lowkey a stalker here but ik u freaks like it, Edward has an episode 🥹, reader has questionable taste in men…
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After that incident Edward kept seeing her if only he had enough courage to go up to her and actually talk instead of stealing glances from each other it was never enough for him, he wanted to know her wanted to crawl his way into her heart and mind hoping to stay nested there for all of eternity, even at work Edward couldn’t stop thinking about her, she always invaded  his thoughts it seems as if she bewitched him like a spell that was caused upon him that he never wishes to wear off oh what he would give to see her again to have her attention on him and only him he lets out a dreamy sigh smiling to while sketching what looks like to be a silhouette
Of his mysterious Angel he was too busy lost in thought and didn’t notice the figure coming up behind him Edward flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was his dipshit coworker Zach. He doesn’t hear what he has to say. probably something stupid like that stupid nickname he came up with.
Edward just nods, hoping he would finally leave him alone so he can go back to fantasizing about her, but soon feels empty knowing he most likely would never see her again.
His day has finally came to an end He sits and people watch as always, sometimes wondering what could be behind those lifeless faces. He looks down at his phone, trying to keep himself busy, but when he looks up, there you were in all your glory. Edward couldn’t believe it himself he thinks the stars just aligned for him he then again stares and when u look back he can’t help but get breathless like the wind just got knocked out of his lungs this time though he smiled back instead of looking away that’s some progress, Edward! He thinks to himself, feeling a bit proud. The train stops, and what looked to be her stop, wait she’s leaving?!?wait Edward? She’s walking away?! I just found her I cannot lose her again . I haven’t even realized that I started walking after her. He tried to match his footsteps with hers, not wanting to be seen or heard by her. He felt torn between the fact that what he was doing was wrong and the fact that he was basically stalking someone But also, you're just making sure she arrives home safe! Edward is choosing to believe the latter.
They Finale arrive to her apartment complex he watches her get in and waits, as he sees her lights turn on what looks like to be the sixth floor he will keep that in mind as he stares for a while deciding now would be a good time to head home.
As he enters his home suddenly a wave of dread hits him like a pile of rocks he literally just stalked someone? And tried justifying it, you idiot, you could have just gone up to her and talked to her like a normal human being. God, why can't he be normal? Why isn’t he normal? Because ur incapable of being normal that unknown voice speaks I just want to make a connection he feels tears well up to his eyes why cant he make a connection?! Because you're a fuckup, I’m not a fuckup! covering his ears, hoping that horrible screeching voice would just vanish. You deserve to di, he couldn’t let that thought finish.
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Readers pov
It all started when you saw that cute guy from the subway. Something about him seemed so out of place from Gotham’s usual jarring looking people with his innocent cherubic face. You simply thought he was cute, nothing more. But you could feel eye on you now. You could tell he was staring. He isn’t exactly being very discreet. You decided to give him a glance just to let him know you were aware of his antics. He looks like a deer caught in headlights and immediately looking away as if he was caught doing a crime . I find myself smirking amused by his behavior . When He actually decides to make eye contact with me again I couldn’t help but smile that was the first time I’ve seen him and that was how we interacted from now on like unspoken language that only the two of us knew just exchanging glances from one another however the last time I saw him it was a bit different he grew more bold and what I meant by bold is him smiling back like I said bold by his standards but god call me crazy but I found his small smile so what’s the word? dorky? After I left I felt like I was being followed maybe I was being paranoid? I mean, this is Gotham after all; it’s normal to feel like this, right?
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A/N thank u for reading!! I hope u guys are enjoying the fic so faralso sorry for any mistakes English isn’t my first language
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defensivelee · 18 days
Hi! Unfortunately I have to send this ask anonymously because my history blog is a side blog, not a main. But I just wanted to tell you, as a fellow Lee lover, that I absolutely love your username and think it is, in fact, genius.
-- Revan ( @revolutionarylimerence )
omg yay thank you ^-^ !! I was quite proud of it too tbh
and it's so neat to see someone else as dedicated to Lee as I am! or I guess was... I am in stuart purgatory rn but he will always remain super important to me as my first historical fav, to this day he still fascinates me bc he's literally such a freak 🥰🥰 also he lowkey changed my life ok byeeee
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thesillychro · 1 month
heh… hey chro 😼 its me. ur biggest fan slash arch nemsis
so basicly i think that u r so very cool u were one of theee. first mutuals that i interacted with i think ? it was you and two other people and i was like ahah we are like a gang and now we literally are a gang and we run fuckjng bmc ask blogs togetehr its crazy
when we first got each others discords u sent a bunch of funny shit and it made me giggle and i thought (and still think) ur so fun to talk to 😭❤️
uhhh i forgot what i was gonna saywait
OH YEAH also i have told u this beforre but before i made a tumblr account i spent a few days just doomscrolling through the be more chill tag and i saw ur richjer “WERE GONNA CRAAAASSHH” art it made me laugh so hard i was thinking about it for a week afterwards anyways ueah 👍
hello michael.
AWWHWYYAYAYA tgat makes me super happy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ when we got each others discords i thought i was yapping too much so im glad that i was. at least funny!!!!!
you're like super fun and awesome to talk to im soosooooo super glad we are. Heh. Friends
THE RICHJER ART i am somewhat proud of it it seems like an accurate richjer interaction but oh my god it looks horrible
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fun fact i think i followed you first cause you liked one of my posts or smthn and i looked at your profile cause Woah rich pfp! and then i accidentally followed you and i lowkey freaked out cause i thought me followinf you right after you interacted with my post would make me look creepy as hell but Yay! Friend
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hellonpluto · 1 month
Spider-Man 2 (2004) during-the-movie notes!!! Goofy shit under the cut :]
Spider-Man 2 notes
-once again whipping out the banger intro sequence, this time with more colors being used and better transitions
-peter!!! Ur fuckin late peter!!! Gahd.
-pizza ....
-broom closet scene is so silly
-boyfail pt 2
-pizza time(you can kill me)
-pizza time again bc oughhhhh pizza time
-pizza ROLL time in a minute actually(gonna make pizza rolls)
-"ill give you 150." "300." "Thats outrageous! Done."
-desk lady is now nicer! Yay!
-osborn would be proud. He would
-OCTAVIUS???? who's octavius
-"..ben? Oh, peter..." aunt MAYYYYYYYY
-is 20 dollars alot? What year is this set in. Am i stupid
-when peter knocked on the restroom door my dog perked his head up like "huh? What?"
-peter is getting shat on in this one. Like what the fuck
-"eeehhh rosie i love this boy!"
-this movie is making my inner 'getting shit done' want to beat peter up. Reduce time as spiderman, or try and encourage others to be better. Sit down, set a timer for 2 hours to get college work done. Then work. Bud.
-run past the evil landlord guy
-get those carnations for yo NOT GIRL
-"how'd you do that?" "Uh.. work out, plenty of rest. Yknow, eat ur green vegetables?" "Thats what my mom is always sayin'! I just never actually believed her!"
-pider man.....
-🤨 towards street lady
-i honestly think the older suit looks cool
-spiderman. In elevator
-its giving elevator scene from neon genesis
-holy shit its so awkward
-doculous oculous. In the house
-mans could just admit he wanted to wear a fucked up corset but ok
-bro is just showing off his evil lair crap n nobody bats an eye
-"the power of the sun... in the palm of my hand." Girl ok slay
-system unstable? More lik... system of a down
-"he humiliated me by touching me." He saved yo life harry
-horror movie ass scene in the surgery room
-lowkey fire tho
-they act like pet snakes
-"dr. Strange. Thats good! Its already in use."
-dr octopus....
-bro i love how they did the arms. They're so cool
-cool ass doc ock shot
-what the fuck
-shoutout to aunt may for stopping the guy from stealing
-eating the cinematography up rn
-aunt may slaying in this movie, actually
-let peter rest!!!! Let that man sleeep!!!!!
-newspaper man is best character ngl
-peter caught fumbling part a billion
-harry. Wtf. Thats ur lover
-beeber barker loses powers
-bro is just peter parker
-this is so fuckjng sad what
-he did his homework!!!! Yay!!!
-"peter. Im getting married." Ive heard that before
-spiderman no more...
-doc ock
-sorry its 12 am
-pov u save little girl from fire but someone else dies
-mystery girl is so cute
-chocolate cake break
-do a flip!!!!!
-"my back!!! Ough ... my back....."
-why is she recreating the upside-down kiss with her fiance 😭😭😭
-mj knows. I think
-peter pick a fuckin struggle
-peter looks like he has more lip gloss on than mj
-doc ock is def trans
-Doc ock? More like. Do cock
-"did he just grab his BOOBS??" (rewinds a bit) "oh no its just his shoulders... ok"
-"He's... just a kid"
-"we wont tell nobody."
-"HE'S MINE!!" Man what
-"run!" Proceeds to stand there
-doc ock is so cool man
-ew i forgot mj exists
-"i will not die a monster." BANGER AFTER BANGER AFTER BANGER
-doc ock niooooo.... NOOOOOO
-harry wtf
-mj runs away from wedding! Everyone is disappointed!
-"cant you respect me enough to make my own decision?" Girl respect his. He doesnt want u to get hurt, dingus
-ew. Ew
-blue eyes white dragon(pt 2)
-banger ending song version of the amazing spiderman song
-good movie!!! 8-9/10. Rlly good!!
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herclandestine · 7 months
juggling works for more than 10 clients that this company has and my entire morning is basically just cleaning up the company's inboxes and processing e-mails that each client has sent.
i have not started a big chunk of my accounting work yet at this point, but my brain cells are all used up already lol 🤯
but to be fair, as a lowkey nosy person (nosy not in a bad way, i guess lol) i actually enjoy processing e-mails because i get to see what is really happening and it's giving me more info to do my acocunting job well. haha.
also, if i have all these clients on my own, i think i can already be a millionaire anytime soon 💰💰💰 HHHAHAHA 1/2 joke but i'm doing all of these for a company, that's why i'm still unfortunately broke 🤣
anyway, the best part about this job is i'm learning a lot and i'm trying to gather all these knowledge so i can use and apply them one day soon when i finally free myself from employment and create my own company. 🧿🧿🧿 this is kinda a terrifying thought for me, but i'm praying for enough courage to go for it despite being terrified.
anyway, just writing down these thoughts as they flow atm as i'm taking a quick break from work.
also, i'm proud to say that i have improved my focus at work since the last time i wrote about it here! the best things that have helped me so far are not opening any tab that ain't work-related while i work, and i utilized having separate chrome accounts well now. :) yay tried to really heed these tips from @/kindclouds & @/calmkindofchaos. <3 fr, i feel less anxious every morning at work now.
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