A tiny resting place in the cosmos for crüe fans
439 posts
Call me Starry*18*please try not to refer to me at all but if you must they/them* Crue!slash warning ⚠️, if your not into that just be careful while your on my blog
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hey guys so I've come to a bit of a decision that I don't think you'll will want to hear, or maybe you will I have no clue but I'm going to abandon this blog entirely. This is nobody's fault btw just a personal conclusion I came to to save my own mental health.
I thought I was mature enough to own my own blog and not let it completely consume my life and affect my daily emotions but clearly that's not the case, I mean one person gave me the slightest bit of criticism and it wasn't even personal and I had a full on meltdown and crying fit thinking I had irrevocably ruined everything, suicidal thoughts from months ago started popping back up worse then ever and after having a long sit down I decided that I'm not nearly in a stable enough place in my life to be here as a part of the community.
Thank you so much for having me however, I love all you guys who followed me and all my mutuals thank you for taking time out of your lives to briefly skip over to my side of the road, from the bottom of my heart it was an absolute blessing to have known you, I'm sorry it had to end like this but I'm far to sensitive as a person and far to immature to be on the internet at this time.
I've also made the decision to keep this blog up, in case anybody really liked the content I made on here beforehand :) I might post fics again but I'll probably post them on ao3 and it'll take a very long time I think.
Okay, that's all from me, thank you it was an honour to entertain you with my crüe thoughts, however brief the romp was. <33333333
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Hey guys really sorry for yesterday's piss poor take, didn't mean to offend anyone and @cruesuffix made some really strong arguments in her last post about why I was definitely incorrect with what I said so definitely go read that, again really sorry didn't mean to make anyone sad, always my last intention, I meant something completely different to what I wrote and when I read my take again I was like "yeah, this is not it". Really sorry!!
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Poll time baby, thrid times a charm and keeping up with today's oddly nsft vibes, I'm going to put two of my dirty one-shot ideas up against each other today so strap in. Heavy Crue!slash warning!!!
1.Playboy's finest - Remember that magazine Mick was on the cover of recently? Well Nikki buys it to see what shit Mick would be saying about him and the band so he could make a petty sub tweet about it but ends up jerking it to the pics of Mick. (I think I'm going to hell for this one)
2.Be my daddy - Nikki tries to get Mick to fix his daddy issues by frustrating him to the point of getting Mick to spank him, and y'all knows what will surely follow.
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i agree with much of your interpretation and it's very well thought out, but i think it's funny how that's exactly WHY i write him as a bottom when i do. every tidbit of info he ever shared abt himself in the dirt or in interviews has driven me to three conclusions:
He deserves to experience the prostate orgasme (decent chances he did irl given how chill the other guys in the band are abt admitting their girls fingered them, but whatever, who knows, he deserves it OFTEN and WELL.)
It is my duty to make every fic I write abt him worthy to be tagged Praise Kink and Body Worship.
I want to study his brain in a lab.
Solution: write fanfics where his bottoming is a vehicle for a character study.
Nsft under the cut again lol
Anaal you are spitting straight facts as per usual, yes please I hope I didn't make it seem like in my answer that I didn't like the idea of him bottoming because bottom Mick is legit my favourite way to write Mick because of the implications of a good character study and also yes I agree, old man deserves to pr0state o big time, can't get enough of the idea of him.
Maybe I should be embarrassed to admit this to your (digital) face but I've literally read every bottom Mick fic you have because their all absolutely devine and I eat that shit up every time you write it (also shout out to you're Mick in panties fic, one of my faves from you of all times)
I love bottom Mick so much, i wish I could see it realistically unfortunately I don't think it's ever happened for the reasons I've already mentioned but please everyone write as much bottom Mick as you can cause I really wanna read all those fics!!! :') also thank you so much for liking my analysis!!! 🥺
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Motley Crue high school personalities au
Hi anon :))) sorry I just saw you're message, I have no idea why my askbox is so funky sometimes.
But anyway back to the prompt at hand. Ya know what for somebody who has crafted literally every au under the sun, I still do not have a high school Mötley crüe au unfortunately.
The only mildly funny thing I can think about it short hand is that Nikki and Mick are both in the same class and Mick is not an a+ student or anything but he makes good enough grades without studing and he definitely has the best grades of the group, so when their taking a test one day and Nikki didn't study because, why would he, he's trying to delude himself into thinking that everything is okay and that everything in the test should just be common knowledge but then when he glances over at Mick a few tables away and he sees how Mick physically face palms and says fuck under his breath, then he knows he's cooked.
I could also totally just imagine that a Mötley high school au really wouldn't take place at a “high school” at all, as they'd all just meet up at the front gate, then dip and go cause choas at a junkyard or convince some older biker guy to get them beer so they can sneak into Tommy's house and drink it in the garbage while they all either practice their instruments or just shoot the shit until they all have to go home.
So sorry for no interesting thoughts, mind is mush rn, have a headache but don't wanna go ask for meds cause I always feel far to guilty to ask for anything :’) but if any of y'all have a cool high school Mötley au I wanna hear about it!!
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Nsft answer under the cut :)
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom.
Ooooh this is already a really hard one for me to put into words in the right way, but I'll try for your sake anon <3
Okay so my fave is Mick and I think he's a bona fide top, only because he is a very old man that was raised in a very homophobic culture in the south of all places and he sees any amount of bottoming, even if it is with a woman as “gay” and not that he thinks there's anything wrong with being gay he is just dead set on the fact that he is heterosexual because he grew up with the idea and still thinks being gay is something to be made fun of for. (Mick also subconsciously thinks he's far to ugly to bottom and that the person topping him wouldn't find it to be an enjoyable experience at all and that sets his nerves on fire too)
So sorry to all my Mick is a bottom truthers, I think canonically that old man needs to be on top otherwise he gets masculine self esteem issues, which he already has enough of due to being in just the most toxically masculine bands on the face of the planet.
However!!! this does make a fun flavour for fics in my opinion because I feel like Mick sees bottoming as totally handing over control to your partner and that it's the duty of the top/ “the man” (fuck these guys have out dated opinions) to take care and serve the bottom and please them in every way they can, so if Mick were ever to bottom, which would take a lot of convincing I think, he'd be super awkward about it and cluncky in a way that's very not sexy, as in he'd make weird faces at different sensations and try and crack jokes at inappropriate times to make himself feel better and more in control. But, but, but!!! If he was with the right partner that set him at ease and made him feel wanted and loved, this man would become absolute putty in their hands, he'd also be totally shocked by just how good it felt to hand over control in this kinda context I think.
Sorry for the long answer and the kinda contradictory things I had to say about it, I just have contradictory feelings on this topic.
Tldr : old man is a top because he's got to much internalized homophobia to feel comfortable bottoming, but if someone were to convince him to try it, I think he'd like the experience a lot.
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🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
worst discord server and why
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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something i keep thinking of is a mötley crüe streamer au…like i’ve been writing about it for most of the morning.
vince would be a sort of gossip streamer, like he streams the latest gossip and stuff like that. he’s like if a drama channel on youtube had a twitch stream (he calls it Gossip Corner)
i think he’d also do make up looks, and they’d all be very complicated. he’d also recreate historical looks (like 1920’s flapper girl makeup) just for fun but his fans love it and keep asking him to do it.
would update fans on how the bands doing, shit talks his members (with love) and exposes whatever weird shit they do. sometimes one of the members catches him doing it live and is in the comments begging him to stop.
loves hearing the fans gossip, will try to give advice (this suddenly becomes a segment on his streams…mostly gives very weird and almost terrible advice because he doesn’t take it that seriously).
sometimes joins nikki on his streams when he’s reacting to something interesting (talks over him a lot and makes nikki almost banning him from coming on his streams).
always complains about missing a moldy stream, mick never tells him when he’s going to do one.
most of his streams are him reacting to something
he has set schedules for streams and he almost streams everyday
varies from stupid memes to new music
he always reacts to new music on fridays (appropriately called “New Music Fridays”), and he’s uber critical about the music he reacts to (unless it’s some of his friends, then he’ll get all bootlicker)
hypes up the other members streams all the time, even during his own streams. sometimes will abandon his own stream to watch one of the members streams (mostly mick)
does “try not to laugh” challenges with tommy on stream
always fights his chat if they’re being a bit negative during new music fridays
ok this one’s gonna be good
so, whenever mick does livestreams while drunk, everyone calls it a “Moldy Streams” (mainly because mick always refers to himself as being “moldy” when he’s wasted) those are the streams that always go viral.
he usually streams himself playing video games, but does other things like reacting to videos that everyone requests, playing his guitar, doing really weird things (he once tried to see how much hairspray would make his hair really stiff). he usually tries to play certain video games while drunk but he constantly loses and it makes him go insane (one time he was trying to play geometry dash and couldn’t even make it past the first level and immediately started to bash his head against his desk).
when he’s not absolutely wasted, he’s still a bit weird and does things to avoid going silent. one time he tried to stand up on his rolling chair and almost fell. all he could say was “i just wanted to see if i could do it.”
tommy loves to come over to his room when he’s doing a moldy stream just to see how ridiculous he’s being. he’s literally just in the corner of the room laughing hard as mick screams in agony about whatever game he’s playing.
gets tricked into playing doki doki literature club (ifykyk) because a viewer said it was just a cute game about schoolgirls who are in a poetry club together (he’d probably be like “aww that’s something my daughter would like :)”). literally halfway through the game he’s throughly disturbed. constantly goes “you guys lied to me, what is this?” by the end of it he’s just tired and can’t believe he played a game like that.
i’ve said this before but he’s so jerma coded, just purely chaotic and weird but everyone loves him and constantly thirsts for him (he purposely ignores those comments unless he’s a bit buzzed).
does literally anything
loves joining in on nikki and mick’s streams and just being there
he’d do something scandalous like wear a speedo and try not to get banned somehow if he did get banned his fansbase comes together to get him unbanned (which somehow works) and it ends up with twitch unbanning him and reworking the guidelines so that you can wear things like speedos as long as you’re explicit on the age range that should be watching (he’s gotta title things like “time to get freaky (18+)” but he finds it funny so it doesn’t matter).
he’s kind of a wild card in that nobody really knows what they’re going to get when they watch his stream…one time he literally tried to make an ikea bookshelf in his room and nearly threw a hammer at the wall, within 30 minutes he’d moved on to watching some dumb tiktok compilation.
he would SO watch fan edits of himself and react to them live (he loves all of them and is so amazed that people could make things like edits).
all of his streams have “tommy funny stream moment” youtube compilations made as soon as it ends.
the band as a whole would regularly livestream rehearsals, soundchecks, a couple of q&as together. that’s all i really have, i just had a lil idea that’s all!
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yeah so i read a couple of your fic ideas and im now against the polls solution i want you to write them all
Hcidygjd!!! This is incredibly sweet of you to say :') legit tearing up a bit that you like my ideas so much!! Thank you!! <333
How about I do this. I leave the fics that loose on the back burner, as in I delete them for now and then I write them later when I have space again and the one's that win will just get priority (otherwise I would keep them all in my doc's but I'm running outta space lol)
That sound cool with you guys or is this cheating?
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I Want Them😭
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90s crue will always be a fav
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I will 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱 my mutuals from everything. from the cold. from the five nights at freddys. you will be safe just get behind me
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Second poll to help clear out my Mötley crüe fic folder. If you didn't see this first one basically I describe the plots of two of my drafted fics and whichever one gets the most votes I continue to work on and the one with the least amount of votes gets deleted from my fic file.
1. Mötley crüe high school teacher au - What the title says, the boys are now high school teachers, Vince is the gym teacher (so he doesn't have to actually "teach" anything), Tommy is the fun physics teacher everyone adores, Mick is the creepy music teacher that everyone except Mick's students and Tommy is afraid of and Nikki is the newest arrival to the staff as the new English teacher.
Generally nothing but day to day shenanigans with the thread of Nikki being introduced to the staff and getting use to the school and making friends with the other teachers as the thread that holds this all together.
Shenanigans that include, Vince not doing his job and getting blackmailed by his students into getting them fieldtrips and out of trouble with other teachers, Tommy and Mick being leaders of the band club as Tommy use to love being in band in high school and Mick is obligated to run it since he's the head music teacher and how their odd friendship formed like that, and Nikki being tricked at school spirit day and having to wear the mascot costume (I'm giving as little context as possible on purpose lol)
2. College au - Also exactly what the title says, the guys are all roommates in college and shenanigans insue, add crippling debt and existential crisises and the flavour of this fic goes from funny to angsty real quick, but then they smoke some pot and feel better about life again so it's all good.
Nikki is an art major, Tommy's major is horticulture, Vince's is electrical engineering and Mick's is engineering.
Shenanigans include, Tommy trying and failing to join a frat house and then to make him feel better Vince has sex with all the frat guys girlfriends (gross, gross boy), Nikki being all high and mighty about his art to the other guys and then getting a failing grade from his prof. for it accidentally being to similar to another very famous artwork, and Mick having a breakdown that he's going to college at the same time his son is.
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Nikki sixx and Vince neil🎀
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digital sketch :/
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This photoshoot is so funny, I can't 😺
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Hey hey poll time!!! Waring 🛑Crue!slash🛑
So those of you who don't know, I'm going to make a poll with two of my drafted fanfics titles on them, I'll explain the plot if both and then you vote for your favourite one. The fic with the least amount of votes gets deleted from my draft's (cause I need space lol)
I'll start off with an easy one, these are concepts for two one-shots I've had floating around.
1. The Mile high club - This would be a longform one-shot about how the guys dynamics and interactions with each other has changed and evolved (or devolved) throughout every era told only via their conversations in their various planes over the years, expect a lot of deep drug aided conversations about the nature of the universe between Nikki and Mick in the shout era plain with Nikki laying on his back in the middle of the aisle cold and dope sick, arguments between Vince and Tommy about perceived conceitedness on the early 2000s jet and non conversations between Vince and Mick since they always realise is close proximity that they have nothing in common. I'm not gonna lie this will be mostly angsty with a touch of comedy and the Crue!slash will be very subtle, so you'll have to squint to see it.
2. Love is blind- Another long form one!shot, the guys are all solo artists in this AU and they all make different genres of music so they don't really run in the same circles but their all single and looking to hook up with another artist who understands the plight of being famous and so they let a celebrity dating system set them up (it's the early 90s) and they all end up going out with each other and each date has a wildly different vibe then the last. Mostly comedy with some angst and heavy on Crue!slash, I don't know who would be end game if this does end up winning, so I'd have to plan that out better I believe.
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he said move bitch ✨
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