#but listen. i can’t control the stray thoughts that plague me
thedeathdeelers · 2 years
no one:
literally no one:
not even the jatp cast:
nor the newer jatp fans who still have hope:
me: maybe they’ll announce a renewal in paris 🤡
also me: bro what is wrong with u
me: 🤡
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jmrothwell · 2 years
“i can’t lose you.” / “i’m not losing you.” for Rulie?
“Wait!” The cry was familiar, an angelic voice he could never tire of hearing. Though it always broke his heart to hear it sound so pained, even more so when he knew he was the cause of it. No thought went into catching her as she threw herself into his arms.
“Don’t go,” she whined into his chest, fingers curling tight into the fabric of his jacket. “I can’t lose you.”
The words crashed over him like ice water. She’d been reasonably concerned before but never so desperate. “Hey, hey,” He brushed his thumb along her damp cheekbone as he pulled her away just enough in order to meet those sparkling dark eyes. “You’re not going to lose me. I promise I’ll come back.”
“You always say that.” Her attempted glare was blunted by the tears still pooling in her eyes and the trembling of her pout.
“And have I let you down yet?” It was as much a reassurance for himself as it was for her. In truth he didn’t want to go, he never wanted to leave but he had very little say in the matter. This time was worse knowing both their intuitions shared the same sense of foreboding.
A foreboding he kept silent knowing she would argue they could run away, leave like they had before. He’d never told her how their last attempt to run away had gone, though she must have suspected to some degree.
Her hands slide around to grip his lapels, and he can see the fighting fire behind her eyes, “I’m not losing you.”
“And you won’t,” he smiled down at her as his forehead pressed against hers, his hands trailing along her arms reassuringly. “I promise you no matter what happens, I’ll always come back to you.”
“You better,” her nose brushed against his. Slowly the world faded to black.
Blinking through a groan Reggie tries to reorient himself, his dark ceiling greeting him. His latest in a long line of recurring dreams still clear in his mind, just like all the rest of them. It was a stretch to call any of them recurring, they were never the same even if they were clearly still connected to each other.
That same beautiful woman showing up in all of them.
A strange desperation to remember her name grips him. Fearing it would continuously remain out of reach like water slipping through his fingers. And he can’t let that happen.
He promised. . .
Another groan escapes him as he roughly rubs his hand over his face. What kind of weird escapism fantasy was he slipping into now?
Not like he was doing it on purpose, he couldn’t exactly control the types of dreams he was having.
The insistent beeping of his alarm forces him to move on and get ready for his day. Debating with himself all the while about if he should bring up this latest dream with any of them. Futilely trying to keep his thoughts from constantly straying back to the questions and wonderings that always plague him after these dreams.
In the end the decision to tell anyone is made for him as the guys notice on their own. Of course they would, Alex and Bobby have told him countless times before he’s as easy to read as an open book. It’s no surprise they could see how rattled he is. Unable to shake either the dream or that weird inclination that something big was about to happen.
He distractedly listens to Luke run through what the set for their gig that night is going to be as the three of them walk to catch an early dinner. He’d feel guiltier about being so distracted if not for the fact that Alex and Bobby were debating what the best place to eat was.
A laugh from behind him draws his attention, his head whipping around to find its source. He shouldn’t know that laugh, but he does. He’s heard its melody so many times before he can feel his heartbeat stutter instinctually to try and match its rhythm.
It doesn’t take long for his eyes to lock onto the curly haired young woman a few paces behind him. Her familiar gap toothed smile falls away as she gapes at him, wide eyes piercing him.
Somehow the distance between them closes though he wouldn’t be able to tell who closed it.
“Hi,” he barely manages to breathe out, his eyes glued to hers. The clamp of fear over his heart loosens as a bright almost relieved smile breaks through her disbelieving stare.
“Hi.” She whispers back and if it weren’t for her friend’s confused glances he manages to catch in his periphery and the confused murmur of his own friends behind him he’d be certain he was dreaming again.
An eternity passes in the seconds that follow before he realizes he’s staring. He shakes himself out of it, clearing his throat in a vain attempt to clear his head of the bizarre ache of missing this woman he doesn’t even know. “I-um, hi, I’m Reggie,” he stammers.
“Julie,” He’s uncertain if it’s the name he failed to remember but there is such a relief pulsing through his bones at knowing her name that he hardly cares.
“Reggie.” Luke’s panicked whine breaks through his haze, remembering suddenly he was in the middle of going somewhere.
“Oh, uh, sorry, but I gotta.” He hooks a thumb back over his shoulders, his body turning as if to walk away but unwilling to actually move. “Actually we were going to get something to eat, if maybe, you want?”
Her smile widens as she leans closer to her friends. A brief whispered exchange takes place between them before Julie is looking at him again with those wonderful warm cocoa eyes. “I’d love to.”
“Ok, great. Let’s move.” Luke chuckles out as they all begin walking again.
They’ve barely walked half a pace when Julie’s hand slide into Reggie’s, fitting like it’s always belonged there. She leans in closer, her warm breath ghosting just below his ear and whispers, “so I don’t lose you.”
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me part 4
Part 1 | part 2| part 3
Genre: angst/comfort
Chat: Troublemaker (affectionate)
Lucifer: Come home immediately. We need to talk.
Mammon: bout what? If its one of your shitty punishments. Think I’ll pass.
Lucifer rested his head on his desk letting out a groan. The second-born was frustrating him to no end. However, the first-born supposes he’s made him this way from everything he’s put him through. Picking up the pill bottle, he rolled it in his hand and watched as the contents slid from one side to the other. He placed them in a locked door in his desk as he thought about how they had been this close to losing yet another sibling.
A soft rapping on the office door pulled his attention back to the present.
“Enter,” he sat up straight as the guest joined him. It was Levi.
“Do you think Mammon still loves us. I-I’ve really been thinking about what’s been going on….. about our family. What if he leaves us? We lost Lilith. I-I don’t want to lose him too…” The Avatar of Envy’s voice quaked. Back when they were angels they were once close- almost even closer than the twins.
“I’m sure he does, Levi.” His response was hollow words. If Lucifer was being honest, he didn’t really know how Mammon felt about them currently. If he were the one in Mammon’s shoes, he would absolutely despise his brothers.“He’s currently refusing to come home, however. It’s likely that he knows what went on today and that’s why he broke up with the human we all know he cherishes so deeply. He didn’t want us to know.”
“I knew it! He hates us and never wants to see our faces again.”
“Leviathan, I never said that.” Lucifer’s voice was stern. “Please calm down before you throw yourself into a panic attack. He has to come home eventually, and we’ll all talk then- if not tonight then definitely tomorrow morning. For now, maybe you should go play one of your games. If you’d like I could join you to help take your mind off this whole debacle.”
Levi nodded his head slowly. “ I would appreciate that….. Actually, I had made this rpg specifically to play-test with Mammon but if you wanted to….we could play it together.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Levi.”
Finally deciding to make his way home, Mammon pushed open the heavy doors to the house. The last thing he wanted to do was face his brothers right now. He already anticipated their reactions. The teasing and mocking that would be thrown his way- there wasn’t any escape for him now, was there? At least no one was here at the moment- that much he could be greatful for.
As he made his way up to his room, the demon made sure to avoid the places he knew his brothers would frequent at this time of night. Once there, he slipped inside and tossed the bag of clothes he had modeled in today from the top of of the stairs into the walk in closet with practiced precision. When he turned his head, he saw her small, blurry form just lying there on the couch.
“Why’re you in here? Ya got a room if your own dontcha?”
“I just….. sorry. I pushed too hard, didn’t I?” Arella’s voice sounded hurt. “It was just that I thought this might be the only place I could go and you’re brothers wouldn’t come looking for me. I’m still really angry with them. Not that they would anyway, not with how I screamed and yelled at them earlier...”
“And Lucifer didn’t kill ya on the spot? Its a miracle you’re alive after that.” He let out a chuckle. “I can’t tell if you’re incredibly brave or just plain dumb.”
“Maybe both…..” Arella sighed, “I… um… I’ll go back to my room now.” As she stood and made her up the staircase, he could feel the sadness radiating off of their pact mark.
“‘Rella, wait.” He grabbed her by the arm. “Don’t go. I don’t mind if ya stay…. We should talk about earlier, okay?”
He watched as she nodded a small frown on her face. Now that he could see her more clearly, he noticed the puffy eyes and tear tacks streaked down her cheeks. Now he just felt worse.
“I was thinkin’ real hard about this morning and I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He started, “I don’t… I don’t really think we should break up…. I know you were just trying to help. That you were worried and scared for me.”
“I was…. Can I tell you something?“ she asks as he nods. “Seven years ago, I lost my little brother and then six months later my mother to suicide. One to cyber bullying, the other because she was so consumed with grief from the loss of a child that she saw no way to go on…. Do you know what was like….. to find their bodies? To realize you could have helped them if you had just paid attention and seen the warning signs? It still affects me to this day….They were the only blood related family I had left until I had found a new family here in the Devildom with you and your brothers. A-and then when you were saying all those things last night, I- I flashed back to the night I had found my brother but instead of him it was you and I-I-”
Mammon pulled the human tight against his chest in what could have been a bone crushing hug if he wasn’t careful and she buried her face in his chest. Her body shook with with muffled sobs.
“I’m sorry. I was running my mouth without thinking ‘bout what that might do to everyone- worst of all you….” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I wont say things like that ever again. No matter how I’m feelin’.
He walked her back towards the bed, letting her get in as he went to go change into some more comfortable clothes for sleeping. He joined her in bed shortly after, pulling her close as he wiped the stray tears from his cheeks. Arella moved closer so she could lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, her crying reduce to quiet sniffles and hiccups by this point.
“Ya know, I think you just wasted your breath when you were yellin’ at my brothers earlier…. I think to them, I’ll just always be the family screw up. I’m already dreading the teasing I’ll get tomorrow at breakfast….”
“It had to be done, though. I think I managed to set them all straight….If you could have seen the look on their faces when I lost control of my temper and fried all the electronics in the common room or when I commanded Asmo to sit so hard he crashed face first into the floor….”
“Wait…you did what?” He quirked an eyebrow as he stared down at her before breaking into a soft laugh, “Ya really are something else, Hon, ya know that? I’ve never met someone who would fight for me like this before- who would call my brothers out on their bullshit.”
“Only because I know you don’t deserve to be treated this way…. You… you deserve good things and to be treated well by the people who you love most.” She yawned as she stretched out a little more in his embrace. “And because I love you and I would be lost if anything were to happen to you.” Her eyes were starting to slip closed.
“I love you too, babe.” The demon hummed as he started to card his fingers through her hair. As soon as he was sure she was out like a light he pressed his lips to the crown of her heard once more.
“Thank you for being here on my worst days, for being my little ray of sunshine down here in the dark.”
Once the morning came around, most of Mammon’s brothers gathered in the common room. They were awaiting the entrance of the Avatar of Greed as it was nearly breakfast time.
Lucifer had figured Mammon would be avoiding them as if they had the plague, so he instructed Beel to drag him in here by any means necessary. They all knew he was successful when they heard Mammon let out a surprised yelp and the clattering of a bowl against the floor.
“C’mon, Beel, Let me go!”
“Not until we all talk.”
“Talk? What’s there to talk about? I didn’t do nothin’ so let me go!’
Both demons soon entered the dining room as the sixth-born sat his older on the couch facing all of them, holding him down by his shoulders so Mammon couldn’t escape despite how he squirmed and tried to wiggle his way out of Beel’s grasp.
“Mammon, stop struggling.” It was a request from eldest, a chance to cooperate. “We all have some words we’d like to say to you.”
Mammon froze at that statement. Here it came: all the ridicule and teasing. He wanted to run. He was the second strongest of them, maybe if he tried hard enough, he could shake his little brother off and get away. What good would that do him though? His brothers would just corner him later anyway so maybe it was just best to get it over with now.
He looked towards his brothers’ blurry figures, a million different thoughts rushing his head. He couldn’t tell their expressions from this distance but they had to be smiling, right- ready to laugh at him any minute now. His body tensed as he braced himself for the harsh sting of their words.
“Mammon, we’re sorry,” Asmo was the first to speak up after a short moment of silence, “We love you so much even though we suck at showing it.”
“You did so much for us after we fell,- you still do a lot for us even now,” the seventh-born picked his head up from the table,“And I don’t think we ever told you how much we all appreciate it…. If it weren’t for you, I don’t even think we would still be a family… don’t forget, you’re the one who kept us all in line when Lucifer would lock himself away in his office back then.”
“I know we act like you’re just a burden to us,” Satan started, “but I think all of us would agree that life would be so boring without you here.”
“Yeah, I-I mean who else would take the time to play games with me when I’m down in the dumps?” Levi asked.
“Or risk getting strung up from the chandelier to get me the food that I want from the human world?” Beel cut in.
“Or compliment me on my outfit or hair no matter what form I choose to take for the day. Or is always there to hype me up when I’m having a bad day? Hell, you even gave up the position of DevilStyle’s cover model just for me! Honestly I think you might be the best big brother out there.”
“We know about all the things you’ve done in secret for us- the things you don’t take credit for,” Lucifer smiled softly, “I’m proud to call you my brother for that. We love you and while you may make some poor life choices from time to time, our lives just wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Mammon looks at them in a daze. Was this really happening? His brothers were…. Apologizing? To him of all people? This had to be a dream. There was no reality in which his brothers really cared about him. The second-born pinched the skin on his arm. That’s what you did to check if you were dreaming, right?
Harder, harder he pinched until the spot was sure to bruise. It wasn’t until Beelzebub placed his hand over his that Mammon realized he wasn’t dreaming. This was reality.
Tears welled in his eyes as he processed the words he just heard. One tear fell down his cheek soon followed by another then another until eventually the demon let out a sob.
“Th-This ain’t real! It ain’t!” The second-born yelled, his body shaking as he sobbed harder. “I’m still dreamin’. I-I gotta be! None of this is real…”
His brothers moved to embrace him- first the sixth-born, then the eldest and then the youngest. One by one, the rest of their brothers followed suit until the seven of them all somehow managed to end up on the floor in one giant cuddle pile, his face pressed into Lucifers as they allowed their brother to cry out all the tears he’d been bottling up for all these centuries.
It seemed they were going to be there a while- Good thing Lucifer had called Diavolo to tell him they wouldn’t be attending RAD today. That this was a more important matter to attend to.
“This stops today, Lucifer announced to his siblings once Mammon had stopped crying. “From today on, the six of us will make a conscious effort to change the ways we’ve talk to and treated you.”
“And if we get too out of hand, feel free to put us in our place,” Belphegor chuckled. “We can be blockheads from time to time.”
“The point is,” Asmodeus sighed as he hugged his brother a little tighter, “We all messed up big time. We just want to make you feel loved and appreciated again- like you’re an important part of this family.”
“We lost Lilith.” It was Beel’s turn to speak. “We’re not losing you too.”
Mammon smiled at his brothers’ words. Finally, he had thought, finally they were showing their true feelings to him after all these centuries.
“Thanks guys…..” the demon’s voice sounded cracked and strained from all the crying he had done earlier. “Even after everything that’s happened I wouldn’t trade y’all for the world. I love you guys.”
A chorus of ‘I love you too’s sounded from the group of demons as another family hug commenced. Eventually, as hours passed, one by one, they had all fallen asleep, each with a smile on their face and still huddled together.
Arella eventually found them in that state. With a soft smile she grabbed the blanket they often used for movie night and draped it over them heading back to her room so she wouldn’t disturb them.
Taglist: @gallantys
Masterlist 2
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obscureamor · 4 years
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— something about you
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⋯  ukai keishin x fem! reader
⋯  t/w  |  nsfw, noncon, choking, mentions of blood (you get cut on a thorn), degradation, ukai refers to himself as daddy, open ending (?), 18 y/o manager
»  ukai can’t get sugawara’s girlfriend out of his head. you plague his thoughts and have him taking action in the worst way possible.
✧  a/n  |  i was putting off posting this for the longest because i’m honestly so nervous about it sksjjss but! this started out as a thirst and then spiraled out of control, so i do hope you enjoy! also... i wasn’t lying when i said i’d make reader work at a flower shop.
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The smell of cigarette smoke clinging to his clothes invades each and every one of your senses, eyes watering at the intrusive scent. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t— You can’t understand. And as Coach Ukai mouths at your neck, teeth nipping at the skin, as his warm hands find their way under your uniform top; you finally realize that he’s going to make sure you understand by the time he’s done with you. 
You were just so tantalizingly sweet. Sugawara Koushi’s precious little girlfriend. The backup setter that didn’t have much going on for him in terms of volleyball games, but who needed that when he had you by his side? You, who’d help manage the volleyball team. You, who’d always try to make small talk with Takeda-sensei and Ukai, profusely apologizing on your sudden— not so sudden —interruptions. 
“C-Coach? I... I—” you choke, words that you want to say getting caught and your throat hurts; the feeling of it constricting with every breath, mouth dry. It seems like all the water in your body is going to your eyes as he presses you harder into the alley wall. The darkness of the night paired with the dull lighting from the street lamp up above doesn’t let your mind fully register the color of his hair. And you think maybe, just maybe, you can picture Koushi biting at your neck and his hands gripping your hips so tight, too tight you know bruises will blossom and you’ll both blush about it the next day.
It’s Koushi. It’s Koushi. Until your mind tells you it’s not.
Koushi would never take you in a dirty alleyway outside your job. He would never slam you so hard into a brick wall, you feel as if something’s broken. And most importantly, he knew where you worked. The small little flower shop that seemed like the epitome of you or you, it. You shine as bright as the sunflowers you care for. You exude love like the roses you de-thorn. You're as calm and devoted like the lavender you use as filler. You don’t know how Ukai knew you’d be here— in this exact moment, at this exact time —flowers in hand because it’s yours and Koushi’s anniversary. 
Freesias, roses, and carnations bundled up and neatly tied. 
Scattered. Scattered all over the ground in the dim lighting, petals crushed and weeping and trembling as your lips part to choke out a sob, trembling as his hand starts to reach into your panties. Ukai doesn’t know what it is about you. He’s asked himself that question night after night of his hand wrapped around his cock, cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he jacks off. His warm cum splattering on his shirtless chest as he gets off to the thought of you. 
“Been waiting for this... for so fucking long.” He breathes, pulling back from your neck to study your face but your eyes are locked onto the fallen bouquet behind him. “You’re such a teasing little slut.” 
Koushi would never call you such words... at least not with so much animosity laced within. If you try, like really, really try, you can once again make yourself believe it’s Koushi’s hand. Koushi’s fingers poking and prodding at your entrance.
Your teeth clench, jaw setting, and— 
There’s a loud smack that rings in your ears. It’s not your skin that burns. It’s not your skin that reddens at the contact. Ukai and you stare at each other as he pulls back, hand gripping his cheek as his other curls into a fist. 
Always the one to be respectful, apologies come rushing out of your mouth. It falls from your lips like cherry blossoms in the spring. Your fingers splaying out before you, a silent warning to not come any closer because ‘You can leave. I-I won't report this. Just please leave, Ukai...’ But you’re so silly. You’re so naïve. Ukai isn’t listening anymore, mind focused on only taking what he wants especially after that little stunt you just pulled. 
His hand falls to his side limply, staring at you with an expression you can’t read. You both can hear your panicked breathing. The way your lips part with words that can’t escape because you just want to get to Sugawara’s house. That’s all you want. That’s all you need, but when Ukai rushes towards you, fingers rooting and tugging you downward by your hair; you come to the conclusion that it’s no longer possible. 
Your back hits the cement harshly, wind getting knocked out of you and stems crushing under your weight. A stray thorn you forgot to take off pricking you, digging deep into the skin like Ukai’s fingers on your hips. A strangled scream leaves your parted lips as warmth sticks to your skin from the small puncture. 
“I-I need to—!” You need to what? You need to what? You don’t really know. Mind scrambling, thoughts running and scattering like petals in the wind. The only thing that registers is— “I-It hurts!” Your back arches, chest pushing into his, and when he places his hand on your chest, shoving you back down, the thorn shifts… a jagged line marring your skin. An even bigger cut oozing crimson that soaks the lone thorn. It’s no longer facing up from frantic shifts but stems still press into you uncomfortably. 
“Look at me.” It’s mumbled, his warm hand wrapping around your throat ever so softly. You don’t think you’ve ever heard Coach Ukai so desperate. Not when the team is about to lose. Not when the team has lost. This is a different desperation that’s running through his veins. It soaks into his actions like flowers soak up water. Your vision clouds more, bright blond being looked at through splotchy vision. Your shoulders raise, body tensing as you look off to the side. “Look at me!” he shouts, hand around your throat tightening with a grip so strong it almost kills you.
Stubborn. Always so stubborn. You don’t do it. Instead, clenching your eyes shut, lips wobbling as you choke out another sob. Sobbing as his hands start to work off your pants leaving your lower half bare before he works off his belt. You gulp in breaths, barely listening as his lips part to utter words of disdain towards you and ‘If you even think about fighting back again, I’ll ruin you, you little bitch.’ The words hold so much weight. They fester in your stomach and the urge to kick and scratch at Ukai wells up even stronger. 
“You slutty little manager.” His cock taps at your clit making you flinch. You can’t help but clench around nothing, an action you correlate with Koushi. And even though he’s not the one doing it, your body still reacts. “Always talking to me for a sliver of attention, huh!?” 
“That’s not true!” you cry, head shaking frantically. ‘Get away! Get away!’ is repeated over and over, breathing frantic and hands coming up to his biceps. His statement is the furthest from the truth. Your actions of respect, mistaken for want. Ukai says nothing as he starts to push in, leaning forward so his face is right above yours. His actions are brash, thrusts frantic but he holds you as if you’re a flower about to fall from its stem. Your eyes shimmer with already shedded tears, brows furrowed as you speak, “Please, take it out! Please!”
He’s so different from Koushi— the feeling of him. His movements. The words he says to you are so different, but when he kisses you so softly, so feather light it reminds you of Sugawara and your pussy just gushes at the thought. Every push and pull just makes you mewl, sobs and pleas swallowed by Ukai’s warm tongue.
“Does he fuck you like this?” No. “Does he make you feel this good, huh?” Yes and even better. 
Ten times better than Ukai could because Koushi knows your body. He sinks into you slowly and teases you so much you sob because you can’t take it anymore. He thrusts into you with such fervor, teasing voice asking, ‘You gonna cum on daddy’s cock like the little whore you are?’ Eyes scanning your body and hands gripping your heated flesh, lips mumbling words against yours. ‘My stupid little whore.’
“Daddy’s gonna fuck you so good.” Ukai’s voice cuts through your thoughts, cutting them away like garden shears to rose bushes in the summer. The sound of smacking reverberating throughout the alley leaves your ears ringing and your heart clenching in pain. An empty feeling in your chest blossoms because you wonder what Koushi’s thinking right now. 
“You want daddy to cum in this pretty little cunt?” He groans. The vein on his cock is pressing up against your walls so snuggly and dragging against your walls so deliciously it makes you moan. But still, you shake your head no.
“Please don’t, Ukai,” you murmur, “P-Please... Y-You can’t—!” 
“Yes I can and you better take every last. fucking. drop.” It’s snarled out, two fingers making their way into your mouth, calloused pads stroking the expanse of your tongue. The pink muscle writhes around his digits, trying to force him out but instead making him groan at your unconscious actions. “Tell me you want it.” 
Garbled noises and whimpers leave you as he shifts his hips, repeatedly hitting that spongy spot. You gasp, back arching and hands grasping at his shirt. Every thrust moves you. It shakes your entire being with how roughly he’s thrusting into you and why does it feel so good? The realization makes your mind go blank, only focused on Ukai’s cock now pressing flush against your cervix with every thrust. 
“N-Nnn... plea—” you try and force out, eyelids fluttering because too much is happening. You’re drunk off the feeling of him inside you but brought back down to earth as stems remind you of who you really belong to. 
Ukai picks up his pace, fingers leaving your mouth and instead taking place on your clit. He’s rubbing tight circles as he raises to get a better look at you. 
The tears in your eyes are now falling for a different reason. 
“Tell me you want it!” he repeats.
“I don’t! I don’t want it!” you wail. “Please don’t! You can’t— You can’t cum inside!”
“I can’t?” He pouts, words mockingly said in disbelief. He watches as you shake your head, trying to move away but your slutty cunt just keeps sucking him in, gummy walls just trapping him. The warmth makes his hips stutter, but he wills himself. “You let Sugawara cum in this pretty pussy? You let him hit it raw?” He’s nodding his head and you don’t know why you repeat the action.
You’re sure every inch of you is going to be marked with bruises as his hips snap into yours, nails scratching at his skin and legs locking up. ‘Please don’t cum in me’ seems like the only phrase you know, puffy lips parting as you mewl. Ukai can see you creaming all over his cock, a milky ring left around his dick as you cry, body betraying you and leaving you with such dread. It’s betraying you. It’s betraying Koushi by cumming on another man’s cock. And even though it’s forced you can’t help but like it, walls fluttering like butterflies in the summer. Flowers bloom in your throat as you try and breathe. It blocks your airway and leaves you loathing the very thing that gives you life. 
If you never met Koushi, would this still have happened? 
Butterflies turn into wasps. You can’t hate him when he has no control over this. 
The sight of you tensing, chest heaving has Ukai’s cock twitching. “I’m gonna— fuck!”
He pulls out... spilling himself on your lower half, shirt staining, and a gasp leaves you. It's silent before you can feel Ukai’s thumb draw soothing circles onto your hip. The action makes you want to hurl and the literal emptiness you feel when you stare at him makes you want to curl into yourself. Warmth seeps into your skin, eyes now focusing on the void sky as you will yourself to look down. Your lips tremble, shakily parting as you stare at the mess. There’s no way you can see Koushi like this. There’s no way you’re facing him with another man’s cum on—
“Let me drive you to Sugawara’s house...”
Freesias, roses, and carnations bundled up and neatly tied, left in a dirty alleyway as Koushi stares at his phone in his room. It’s bordering on 2am and he still hasn’t heard from you.
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alderaani · 4 years
the shape of silence
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this little fic is a gift for @hobiiwan as part of the @starwarssecretsanta event - i really hope that you like it! thanks so much to @lilhawkeye3​ for organising the event, it has been a really lovely thing to look forward to 🥰
summary: it has been two weeks since Nevarro, and Din is still trying to wrap his head around the quest he’s been given. he lands the Crest on a remote, wintery planet so that he can regroup and get his bearings | also readable on AO3
warnings: none, this is just a little fluffy winter-themed piece!
It’s too quiet. There’s the rumbling of the engine of course, the ever-present beat of the Crest’s mechanical heart, but apart from that…there is nothing. The deafening quiet of space lingers on the edge of his mind, like a predator hovering just out of sight. It sounds like it always does, after the bounty has been brought on board and sealed in carbonite, when Din is left exactly how he likes things. Alone, with his own thoughts.
Except this time, he isn’t. Silence, it turns out, can be very deceptive.
There is a clank somewhere deep in the hold and Din jumps, tripping over the corner of a storage crate and dropping the tarp he’d been trying to look under.
“Come on, kid…” he mutters, running a flustered hand over the top of his helmet. “Don’t do this to me.”
Something else rattles, ringing sharply through the durasteel. Somewhere in the gloom a little satisfied giggle echoes, a funny trilling sound that makes him smile through the sharp exasperation in his chest. Din sighs, slumping against the crate.
“I know you’re in there,” he tells the selection of equipment around him. There is no answer, but the silence feels bated, interested. Like someone is listening. “You’ve got to come out sooner or later.”
There is another giggle and the sound of many small things tinkling as they fall. Din groans and tips his head back.
“Anything you spill, you clean up on this ship,” he says, trying to be threatening, but even he can hear the defeat in his own voice. When there is more suspiciously long silence, he sighs again and crouches, lifting up the edge of the tarp and turning his heat sensors back on. Cold blue shapes swim muzzily on the HUD, and he’s just about to give up again and move on when a patch of orange flashes by. The little womp rat is back here all right, just as he suspected. A little bloom of relief spreads headily through him, but it’s not enough to dull the panic that has plagued him for the past several hours, from the moment he turned around in the pilot’s chair and realised the kid had vanished. 
The orange blur solidifies into a dense blob of red as the child comes out from behind more of the junk that Din has accumulated on jobs. Odds and ends mostly, things bounties had with them when they were taken and he’d kept because they’d looked useful. Boxes of scrap so that he can put the Crest back together when it is inevitably damaged. Stuff one absolutely would not want a small, overly curious infant to have full unrestrained access to. Din has seen the kid put a live frog into his mouth, so his opinion of the little gremlin’s judgement is not especially high. He keeps meaning to clear up, but he has yet to figure out how to baby proof a ship when the baby in question can move things with his mind.
The Razor Crest is not a big ship, but Din has quickly learned that that is very much a matter of perspective. He’d buckle the kid down if he thought it would work, but those little fingers are fast; he figured out the controls on his sleeping pod almost before Din did. The fact of the matter is that the child does not get put anywhere. He will tolerate being placed, if Din is lucky. Today he wasn’t.
The patch of glowing red shifts as Din watches. The child stoops, one small clawed hand reaching out to paw at the ground.
“I can see you, kid.” The red blob straightens, and then the shape of two large ears rotate in his direction. “Yeah, that’s right. We’re landing soon, get out here.”
There is a questioning chirp, and then the child is moving, emerging from the gloom. Din flicks off the heat sensors and looks down into a pair of large brown eyes as a body shuffles up to his leg and latches on to the fabric of his trousers with one hand. The other is closed tight, but Din catches a glint of silver through his fingers.
“Hey, what have you got there?” He plucks the kid up by the back of his robe and tucks him into the crook of one arm, then holds his free hand in front of his face, palm up. “Come on, hand it over.”
The kid makes no verbal response, but his ears flick down once, a dismissal if Din has ever seen one.
“I’m not negotiating,” Din says sternly, but it’s all a lie. He’s already starting to sweat a little at the look the kid gives him.
The child’s ears flicker again before he looks impassively out across the hold, hand held protectively against his midriff. Din keeps up the stalemate for a few moments, then hears something beep urgently in the cockpit. He sighs.
“Look, you give me whatever that is and I feed you. Sound good?”
This makes the child look up almost instantly, shifting in Din’s arms with a soft eager crowing noise. His hand twitches, and Din holds his breath. Then the cockpit beeps again and Din curses, half turning back towards the ladder. The kid has started making innocent burbling noises and is sitting placidly in Din’s arms, as if he hasn’t just dragged a seasoned bounty hunter on a several hour goose chase through the hull.
“I’ll double the jerky,” he pleads, patting the pouch on his belt for emphasis. “Come on kid, work with me here.”
The child grins. His little hand comes up and releases a collection of knuts and wire ends into Din’s palm, which he stows quickly into a pocket. He knows that he lost this round, but he’ll take whatever he can get at this point, so long keeps the kid alive and relatively out of trouble.
They get back into the cockpit just in time for the Crest to drop out of hyperspace, a shuddering rumble and then a familiar lurch sending him scrambling for the controls. There is a breathless, weightless moment as the sweeping dome of a planet materialises below, blotting out the stars. Din studies it quickly. Swirling grey clouds roiling within atmo, and where they break, mottled landscapes of white and green. He checks the navi-computer again for its name: Ayarth 4, cold, settled by mining colonies, covered in forest. Remote enough that not even Din knows it, because bounties clearly don’t stray here often. Perfect, in other words, for anyone that wants to lay low for a while.
As he sits in the pilot’s seat and sets the controls back to manual, Din feels a slight tugging on his boots and glances down to find the kid scaling his leg. He huffs out a laugh and moves his thigh so the womp rat can get a better grip, then can’t help the smile that spreads across his face when the kid drags himself into his lap and promptly sprawls, huffing as he draws his feet up under his robe out of the cold.
“You actually gonna take a nap, huh?” he asks, by now starting to recognise the sleepy droop to the child’s big brown eyes. It never happens when he hopes it will, but right now suits him just fine. The kid doesn’t say anything, but he curls his hand over the lip of Din’s thigh guard and rests his head on the exposed fabric, which seems answer enough.
As he lowers the ship into atmo and starts scanning the frozen ground for signs of civilization, Din reaches down to gently worry one of the baby’s ears between his fingers, sighing heavily to himself. The child weighs next to nothing, but he feels every ounce of the small body curled into his. 
The silence presses back in, interrupted this time by the roaring wind outside and the whining groan of the engines, but Din feels it all the same. He’s never minded quiet; when they were young Paz had always been the talker when necessary, happy to utilise the attention his size bestowed upon him so naturally. Din has always preferred to watch. He can read a person’s body, know exactly how they will move next in a fight, but words have too many faces.
Now though...now the silence feels too empty. He knows the deep abyss of space intimately - the feeling of great nothingness and infinite possibility stretching out in front of him. Has welcomed it, even. But there has always been something to go back to, in the past. A tether binding him to the rest of the galaxy throughout the solitary weeks and months drifting through stars. Now though, the covert is gone. They might reassemble, in time, but he has no way to find them even if they do, and so many will be gone. He has his mission, and that alone has kept him going through the two lonely weeks since Nevarro, the image of those piles of empty beskar seared into his mind. 
He’s self aware enough to know that he’s running, though. Panicking, almost. When they left, he was just trying to put as much distance between himself and the planet below in case of any straggling imperials that might try to follow their trail. Now they’re just drifting between fuel stations as he tries to fit his head around finding a people he has never heard of, let alone seen. A ‘race of enemy sorcerers’ no less...all he has to work with is a name, Jedi, and the way the kid’s ears perk up when he says it. He’s good at tracking people, good at chasing them to the far reaches of the galaxy and dragging them back to wherever they belong. But this feels like catching smoke. 
The kid snuffles in his sleep and his ears twitch as debris thumps against the hull. Din watches his eyelids flicker as he dreams and sighs, directing the Crest down towards a clearing. It’s maybe a mile away from where he can see lights and dwellings nestled among the trees. Far enough away to be discrete, close enough that they can run if he needs.
Dusk is falling when he lands, casting long blue shadows against the white ground. The sky, fractured and fragmented by trees, is bleeding purple and orange from a blood red sun. As the Crest settles the snow hisses, steam billowing up around the hot engines and drifting across the windshield. The baby stirs, blinking sleepily up at Din as he runs cool down checks and flips the safety switches, locking out his codes and setting everything to standby.
“Sorry, kid,” he murmurs, settling one hand at the back of his head. It’s too much to hope that he will go back to sleep. Already his ears are pricking, his head swivelling to focus on the little of the landscape visible through the transparisteel. Din thinks that his eyes are distant sometimes - not absent, but focusing on things that he cannot see. Going beyond. It wouldn’t surprise him if the baby’s strange powers allowed him to see through walls. He can already lift beasts, strangle people and heal them with his mind - what’s one more impossible thing?
Din lifts the child off his lap and sets him in his pod, leaving him to wake up more fully as he heads back into the hold and opens the weapons cache, gearing up in quick, practised motions. The new weight of the jetpack on his shoulders is still a thrill. His last blessing from Armourer. An affirmation that this is the right path, wherever it leads.
As he slings his rifle over his shoulder there is a little chirp. He looks down in time to see the kid’s pod bump gently into the open cache door; the child has his eyes closed and brow furrowed in concentration, his hand raised. Din looks at his gauntlet and sees a little red light blinking on the pod control panel, one that he definitely did not switch on, and sighs, feeling his heart sink. 
“Very clever, kid,” he says, even as he resigns himself to never being able to find the child again. “I take it that means you’re ready to go?” 
The kid chirps again, giving him a toothy grin that falters into open amazement as the ramp hisses and lowers, revealing a world of muffled, glittering white. Snow has started falling again, a breaker of clouds rolling in to chase out the sunset and bringing the weather change with it. Din stops to wedge a spare scrap of fabric into the pod, looking critically at the child’s ears. He usually keeps the scraps on hand to clean his blasters, but they’ll do for this purpose too. 
The kid makes a funny crowing noise, reaching towards all that white, and tilts his head up at Din in silent demand.
“You’ve never seen snow before, huh? It’s cold, so keep that on. And let me know if your ears hurt.” He steps forward and fiddles with the pod controls so that that baby will stay level with him. “Best way to explain it is just to get out there. Come on.”
He finds himself almost excited as he steps out from under the metal plates of the Crest’s belly, keeping half an eye on the kid as he scans their surroundings for any hidden threat. The kid’s mouth opens in toothy delight, his brown eyes going big and dark and intense as he stares up into the darkening sky and the maze of swirling white. His little breaths puff up into the air and he reaches for it, babbling when it slides through his fingers and dissipates into the dusk. 
Then, his ears twitch, a quick reflexive motion. The kid turns to look behind him, then makes a disgruntled noise when there’s nothing there. His head tilts as he turns back to this new, interesting landscape, then his ears twitch again, flapping in a manner reminiscent of a sneeze. Din feels a smile creep onto his face as a large snowflake lands on the curve of the baby’s left ear, waiting with bated breath. He can’t stop the laugh ripping out of his throat when sure enough, the ears twitch again.
The kid whines, reaching up to cover his ears with his claws.
“It’s just the snow. It’s like rain, see?” Din says, still chuckling. He lets several flakes settle onto the back of one glove and holds it in front of the kid’s face, watching those clever little eyes latch onto the melting spots of white. The child reaches out to touch and makes a noise of consternation when the snow vanishes, bringing his hand to his mouth. “Yeah you got it, kid. It’s just water.” 
He turns back to the Crest and makes sure the ramp retracts, listening for the tell-tale triple click that means the lock has engaged. Mining communities tend to be insular, but not unpleasant. Not scavengers. He doubts there will be any trouble, but then, he thought that the kid would be a regular job, if high stakes. He’s quite done with surprises.
His breath bounces around the inside of his helmet, his boots creaking as they break through the frozen shell of the snow. It’s been a long time since he saw a view like this, even longer since he got to enjoy it.
“I say we head into the settlement and see if we can get some food. What do you think?” He says, turning back to the kid. He’s in time to see his closed eyes, to hear a coo of deep concentration - but what really gets his attention is the small wall of snow shooting towards the child’s outstretched hand.
“No, kid - wait!”
It’s too late. The force of the incoming snow sends the pod skittering, the child within flying backwards with a squeal as he is painted head to toe in white. He shakes his head like a dog, ears springing free. It’s the most disgruntled Din has ever seen him. 
“Bet you’re not gonna do that again, huh?” he chuckles, righting the pod and sweeping out the worst of the mess. 
The kid just holds his arms out, ears drooping as a lump of snow slides off the tip of his nose. Din huffs out a laugh and picks him up, tucking him under one arm and fishing out the blanket to drape over his legs. 
“When we come back later I’ll show you how to make snowballs. You had the right idea, but we’ve gotta work on your technique.” The kid huffs. “You’ve got to admit it was a little bit funny. Now, how about that food?”
The kid coos and settles his weight down, ears lifting as they set off through the trees. Din hones in on the distant flashes of strung up lights and squat houses, a warm orange glow fracturing off the ice. The child curls into the crook of his arm, now content to watch this new world unveil itself instead of bringing it to him, his face scrunching with every breath of wind. As they walk, he winds one small hand around Din’s thumb, his fingers worrying at the smooth orange leather.
Silence falls again, amplified by the way snow muffles everything, suspending them in a long unblemished moment. 
But this time, with the kid in his arms and the path stretching out in front of them, Din’s mind settles, crystallizing around the most important truth. 
Wherever it may take him, this is exactly where he’s meant to be.
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secret-engima · 4 years
....I lied. If you’re still doing the title thing - if I go down gonna burn with the sun
I thought there was a few more title asks still lurking in here for me to answer. *cracks knuckles* RAMBLE TIME.
-Star Wars AU. Star Wars FFXV sorta-x-over AU where the Astrals decide that Aera and Ardyn deserve a chance at happiness, just not on Eos, and therefore go YEET. The Force, finding these two wayward and powerful souls is like- Sure okay and boom. Ardyn and Aera are reborn in a galaxy far, far away.
-Purely not coincidentally, far away, on different worlds and in different star systems, one Satine Kryze and one Obi-Wan Kenobi take their first breaths.
-Yes I’m serious.
-This would be- SUCH a chaotic fixit AU, both because Aera loves peace but she is NO pacifist and not about to let an entire Culture DIE just because some so called New Mandalorians cannot see the dangers of burying their own past. Two because- well.
-Ardyn has already BEEN a Chosen One and an Accursed, a Hero and a Villain. He has walked the path to salvation and damnation both and seen the worst sides of himself and humanity, and for all they look different, every species in the galaxy isn’t far different from humanity in those regards.
-Obi-Wan Kenobi grows up in the Jedi Temple and he is a Troublesome Child. Too quiet and too reckless by turns, a smile that could melt butter and a tongue that can strip flesh from the backs of whatever bully goes after him this time. The Jedi ... worry. He is Dark, they whisper, was born with shreds of Darkness in his soul. He is manipulative, they worry, he has a temper, they gossip.
-Ardyn hears them all and inside a part of him screams. Because of course he is Dark, they did not have their souls swallowed by a plague for others’ sake, were not consumed with madness until dying (being freed) at the hands of a nephew two thousand years removed. As for manipulation ... he doesn’t mean to. It’s just ... he’s so much OLDER than the other children mentally, older even than any Jedi there (even YODA), he can’t help it that he thinks rings around people sometimes, or that he is so in tune with the Force (with a galaxy-spanning magic that burns beneath his skin like a hundred newborn suns that he keeps buried so the Jedi will not sense it so clearly, will not know how strong and old he really is inside) that he can practically read minds and knows what to say to get the best outcome. He has a temper. Who doesn’t? You try being reborn after a lifetime of AGONY and see how patient you are with petty morons and small minded bullies.
-He says none of those things, and when his time grows near to be sent away without a Master, he does not fight it.
-He looks at the shadow of Qui Gon Jinn in the doorway and something in the Force ... sings. Sad and soft. It speaks of heartache and betrayal and a fear of being hurt again. Ardyn can almost FEEL the two paths branching away under his feet, one with Qui Gon in it, and one without, and he does not know which one will bring him less pain.
-Ardyn does not try to impress anyone in the sparring ring, but after he is done, he slips away. He finds Jinn in the garden, trying to meditate, and settles down across from him without invitation.
-Qui Gon opens his eyes in annoyance. He knows that the Council wants him to take a Padawan, and that this one is almost at the age of being moved to the Corps. He expects the boy to beg to become a Padawan, or to try to impress him somehow.
-Instead the boy just smiles, thin and sharp and knowing in a way that makes Qui Gon feel ... exposed. Like every thought and wound in his heart is on display for this child, “The Council wants you to take a Padawan. That’s why they keep making you watch us.” It’s a statement, not a question.
-Qui Gon raises an eyebrow, “And you think I should take you?”
-The boy shrugs, but his blue eyes are still sharp as knives behind his friendly mien and Qui Gon doesn’t like the feeling crawling up his spine, “That’s your choice to make and yours alone. There’s nothing I can say to change your mind one way or the other.”
-“Then why are you here?” He asks suspiciously.
-“Because you’re lonely, and it makes the Force feel sad.” The answer is so blunt, so sure of itself. Qui Gon feels his stomach twist, and old anger makes him snappish without meaning to be (he’s heard of this boy as well, he’s heard that he’s got a manipulative streak and a tendency to twist his Force empathy to his own ends, he’s heard many things).
-(Qui Gon forgets that it is not a good idea, to base judgement on rumors) “I am not, and if I was, I would not need your company to ease it.”
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Initiate of the Jedi Temple Ardyn Lucis Caelum, Sage and Healer King and Accursed, tilts his head thoughtfully, then nods and stands up, “Then I will take my leave. Take care of yourself, Master Jinn.”
-Initiate Kenobi Ardyn the Accursed and Healer King walks away, and a breath later the Living Force twists, like the snapping of cables, and Qui Gon gets the fleeting, distinct impression that he has failed some kind of very important test.
-Ardyn is assigned to the AgraCorps. A life as a farmer for others awaits him.
-The day before he’s to be shipped off, he walks out one of the Temple’s side-entrances and into the underbelly of Coruscant with only the clothes on his back. He doesn’t look back even once. It takes until the next day for anyone (for his friends, if he can call them friends when they are so much YOUNGER and painfully more innocent than him) to miss him. It takes another day for the Jedi to realize Obi-Wan Kenobi is well and truly missing.
-Deep in Coruscant’s seedy side, at the dockyards manned by those who are less than concerned with legality, a boy in ratty (stolen) clothes asks to be taken aboard as a maintenance worker. He calls himself Ardyn Izunia, and there are no Force Sensitives close enough to feel the sunlike fire burning in his blood as he smiles.
-Skip forward several years and Satine Kryze (Aera) is on the run from Death Watch, civil war is on the horizon and her father asks for Jedi protection to keep her safe.
-The bounty hunter who calls himself Adagium finds her first.
-A sword that glitters like blood and cuts through metal like a lightsaber (that hums-hums-hums with magic none but a Force sensitive can see blazing like bloody fire down the ancient blade) finishes off the Death Watch assassin that Satine hadn’t had the chance to shoot yet, and under his hood, Adagium smiles. Satine stills, head tilted as if listening, then she collapses into the teenage bounty hunter’s arms in joyous tears. Adagium- Ardyn- holds her close and cries with her.
- “I finally found you, My Aera,” he breathes and for a moment he lets his magic loose and it burns like the sun through the Force, lancing through the growing shadows in the Force like they’re fragile paper and somewhere far away Sidious feels Doom™ crawl violently up his spine.
-Aka that Fixit AU where Aera is a Mand’alor that DOES want peace for her people but NOT at the cost of burning history to the ground (or being defenseless, she has died to the sword once already she will not go quietly into the night a second time, not if she has to paint the walls in blood to protect her life and the lives of her people), the Jedi are Confused™, and Ardyn is incredibly content to be Aera’s former bounty hunter trophy husband with a tendency to adopt strays (read: Anakin and Shmi who he frees as well as Anakin kthanks, and quite possibly Savage and Feral too tho no one is quite sure how) until the Clone Wars start and Ardyn takes one (1) look at the war and goes: ah. I know this plan. This is a stupid plan. And all of Sidious’s plans go fwoosh.
-Because I’m sorry but there is no way you can convince me that Ardyn wouldn’t EAT SIDIOUS ALIVE in any kind of fight, mental, physical, Force, or tactical. This man is 2k years old. It took Sidious until he was an old sack of bones to get his Empire and that was with GENERATIONS of Sith serving as his foundation, and then he got yote down a reactor shaft by his minion 19-25 years later. Ardyn was able to manipulate an entire Empire into engineering its destruction and fulfill ALL HIS REVENGE GOALS (giving Bahamut a headache, driving the world to darkness and ruin, and ending the line of Lucis Caelum INCLUDING HIMSELF) in like- 30-40 years. While MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY ILL thanks to the Scourge. Fully healthy and in control of himself and with people (Aera) to protect? Sidious would just be fresh meat.
-Also Ardyn adopts a bunch of the clones, possibly all the clones, on the excuse that since they were raised by Mandalorian trainers they count as Mandalorians and as genetic sons of Jango Fett that makes the Mandalorian CITIZENS by BIRTHRIGHT and the Republic can only watch in confusion as their army gets mass adopted by the Mand’alor’s trophy husband who also exposed their new Chancellor as a Sith. Bail Organa, the new Chancellor, may or may not be sweating quietly at the thought of accidentally gaining the ire of the so called Trophy Husband because he’s smarter than most and knows that Ardyn is Very Very Dangerous.
-Also also Qui Gon doesn’t die somehow because I do really like him and I think he’s a good Jedi, just not a good fit for Ardyn as a master.
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Permission to court
(Requested by @athenacross27 : Hello! Me again! 😂 May I request  a Nuada x Reader Reader is a simple girl who works in missions with Red shes playful and is always laughing despite hard times, Nuada becomes interested in her, one day her mom who used to work for the BPRD visits with her two little siblings and Nuada wants to impress her and makes it known he wants to court the Reader? 😁 Some Fluff! ❤)
(A/N): That was an interesting request, I had fun writing it. My apologies if I took too long (writing block was a B****) and if the story strayed away in any way from the main idea.
Warning: Fluff and possible grammatic errors.
Word Count: 3.437
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The beast roared as it flicked its scorpion tail causing spikes to be thrown towards Nuada who dodged them skillfully. Hellboy, however, had taken the chance of the beast being momentarily distracted by the prince and punched its humanoid face with his stone arm, sending the beast backward.
 "You need to calm down, big guy."Said Red as he reloaded his gun.
 "How about a riddle?" You asked sarcastically as you took your shoots while walking closer to the beats with a big grin. "You like riddles don't you."
 "You are thinking about the Sphinx Sister (Y/n) that beast in there is a Manticore." Said abe through the radio making red roll his eyes.
 The Manticore, the man-eating beast that is described as having the head of a human, body of a lion and a tail of poisonous spines, similar to porcupine quills or sometimes more akin to a scorpion's. Hellboy, Abraham, Nuada and you with other agents were sent to take care of it but most of the agents either died by the beast or escaped at the sight of it, except for you who stayed along to help. Unfortunately, none of your bullets were able to penetrate the beast's thick skin. When you were busy trying to reload you didn't notice the spikes flying towards you and when you did it was too late to dodge, you closed your eyes tight and waited for the pain but the only thing you felt was being scoped from your spot, away from the poisonous spikes path.
 "You need to be more careful, little one."
 You heard a familiar voice say to you and when you opened your eyes you were met with Nuada'a golden once. He had a look of worry on his face and you could feel his eyes scan your body for any injuries, you just gave him a grin despite the pure fear you felt a moment ago to your close death experience.
 "No worries pretty elf, I got this under control." You said with confidence.
 Just then another roar broke through the ruined room before Nuada pashed you further down shielding from another rain on spikes that went pass him. You tensed in his arms and he could feel it. Nuada looked back down to you with a smirk.
 "I can see that."
 "A little help here!" Called Hellboy as the Manticore flung him, making him crash against a pillar.
 Nuada no wasting time he lifted you and hid you behind a crumbled wall.
 "Stay here." he said sternly.
 He pulled out his Silverlance from over his shoulder before jumping over to run and run to aid Hellboy. Nuada ran closer to the beast, he jumped to one of the unbroken pillars for support to jump even higher and become over the distracted beast to stab it in the back with his weapon causing his to release a pained cry. You watched from your hiding spot as Red and Nuada fought the beast. Your eyes were focused on Elven prince and sometimes for the briefest moments, your eyes would meet. The beast kept thrashing around and flick its tail allowing spikes to fly around blindly, some of them almost came near you before Abraham finally told them on how the beast's weakest point is its mouth causing Red to have the brilliant idea of forcing the Manticore to swallow a strong grenade. Seeing that you covered you went to a more firm part of the wall to hide behind, you closed your ears, eyes and waited for the explosion that shook the ground beneath you, you could also feel a few pebbles fell on your head and around you but didn't hurt you. When things settled down you stayed in your place unsure if it was safe you.
 "(Y/n)!" You could hear Nuada call for you, you could hear the hint of panic in his voice probably because he couldn't find you where he left you.
 "I'm here!" You called as you walked out of your hiding spot. You could see his shoulder slump from the previous tension after he saw you safe.
 You flashed him a grin that made his own show.
 You were setting in the infirmary and waited for the doctor to allow you to leave.
 "What did the healer say?"
 You smiled when you saw him peeking from behind the white curtains.
 "Nothing yet, I'm still waiting."
 "Well, you will still get these."
 As he said that he pulled his right hand from behind his back and your eyes widened at what was in his hand. A beautiful golden egg-shaped container with what you presumed was an elven carving. The prince placed the golden egg in your hand before turning the key that was on the side around three times then pulled his arms away. You watched in awe as the top half started to turn around and an unfamiliar but beautiful melody filled the air, it started to open like a lotus flower as it kept turning around and in the middle was what looked like a dancing royal couple that turned the opposite side from the golden petals as they danced with each other.
 "Did…did you make this?" You asked aware of the prince's hobby in mechanics but never witnessed any of it until now.
 "Yes." Nuada asked simply with a smile, pleased with your reaction, his eyes never leaving your face but you didn't notice. "I made it for you"
 You were so focused on the dancing couple but when you heard those words you snapped from your little world and looked up to him with wide eyes.
 "I can't accept it!"
 The smile on his face vanished at your words and his brows furrowed in concern.
 "Is it not to your liking?" Asked Nuada. "I can change it and-"
 "No!...Nonononono!" You quickly interrupted. "This is …amazing! It's so beautiful and its obvious you worked so hard on it…I just can't accept it."
 You tried to hand it back but Nuada only shook his head with a smile.
 "Silly human, haven't you heard what I said?" He asked. "I have made this for you, to keep and enjoy."
 You hesitantly pulled your hand back with the gift still unsure. He grinned as he leaned a bit forward.
 "And I thank you for complimenting my work but I must disagree, my dear. For whatever I create can never match your beauty."
 A red blushed crossed your face as you failed to hid it. There he goes again with the flirting and gifts.
 When Nuada first came here he was imprisoned until the B.P.R.D deemed him safe to wander around and join in missions. You at first observed from afar not sure if you should interact with him or not, but when you witnessed how everyone was avoiding him like the plague you couldn't help the disappointment you felt for your fellow colleges for not giving the prince a chance and hurt for how lonely Nuada looked whenever his sister was not around, which was a lot considering her and Abe are now a couple. So you decided to take your shoot and speak with him one day while training.
 He sneered at you, made it clear that he despised you and did not want your company, promised to cause you pain if you came near him again. You didn't listen, kept coming around and greeted him like a friend. When he is training you were there to help him or when he is eating you were there to keep him company and even when you just met him in the hallway by coincident. Each time he would brush you off or throw insults at your trying to drive you away but you would only smile at him and keep coming back. Slowly but surely he started to warm up to you, he stopped insulting you and would show joy talking with you during the three meals
 However, after almost dying in a mission by the claws of a monster that he saved you from his action towards you changed. He started to seek you for just the sake of your company, you started to complement your beauty, strength, and intelligence. Aside from the golden egg in your hands, he had previously given you several other gifts, like a book of his clan history since you always showed interest in learning more of his people. His actions were unusual to you and when you asked Nuala she was as surprised then showed such joy. But she still didn't tell you anything.
 Your phone started to ring shaking you out of your thoughts. You looked at the caller ID before looking back to Nuada.
 "Sorry I need to take this."
 He nodded in understanding and watched you as you walked away to have a bit of privacy with such adoration In his eyes.
 He loved you. When he first met you and learned of how you wanted to be friends with him he thought it was out of pity, so he started to push you away. He tried scaring you insulting you and even tried hurting you when you tried to train with him, all that failed for you will always return with a smile on your face. He had to admit it he admired your strong will.
 He allowed you to be around him and the more time he spent with you the more he felt something towards you. It was a strange feeling that he didn’t know what it was until you almost lost your life that's when he realized that he can't continue this life without you by his side, to see your smile.
 That's why he decided to start courting you. He showered you with attention and attention. He even went to his dear sister who was happy for him and was delighted to help him by telling him your interest whenever you two spent time together. Everything was going perfect, he just needs to keep going, maybe even take you out on one of those outings the humans call "A date" and he will have you wowed in no time.
 "Hey, mom!"
 He froze when he heard you, then unconsciously came closer to eavesdrop.
 "….Yeah, I already talked to Mr.manning he didn't mind you coming to visit …"
 Another feeling started to bubble inside Nuada that he didn't know he could feel.
 "It was hard at first, but after he saw that you were a previous agent of the B.P.R.D he was convinced…"
 His eyes widened a little at that. Her mother was an agent too? That idea didn't make him feel any better.
 "Yes, mom I already told him about my younger siblings he doesn’t mind as long as they are well behaved…"
 Now Nuada knew what he was feeling.
 "I will see you guys next week."
 It was panic.
 You called as you went to hug your mother, who hugged you back. Nuada was standing a few feet away from you both and just watched. He saw movement from behind your mother and saw two younger humans who he suspected were your younger siblings. A boy and a girl, the boy was older and he gave Nuada a look of bewilderment while the girl gave him a look of fear.
 "And I suspect you are the infamous Prince Nuada?"
 Said your mother as she walked closer to him. Nuada bowed his head down to her.
 "Yes, and it's a true honor to finally meet the woman who raised (Y/n) to be the kind of woman she is today."
 He smiled at your mother before kissing the back of her hand. Your mother gave you a look which you can only describe as a pleasant surprise. Yours, however, were of confusion.
  "(Y/n)! can we go to the shooting range?" asked your brother with a grin. "I want to see you sue a gun!"
 "(Y/n), can we go to the library?" your sister asked timidly.
 "Augh!... Libraries are boring!"
 "Are not!"
 "Are too!"
 You tried your best to keep your siblings calm as they argued but at the same time tried to keep your eyes on your more and Nuada. They were ahead of you three and whatever they were talking about you couldn't hear but you could see it had your mother impressed. You didn't understand Nuada's sudden interest in your mother. Since she came he didn't leave her side which made you suspicious. You felt your hands being tugged and saw that your siblings were still waiting for you to decide where to go first.
 "Hmm... I…"
 "How about you two meet the big 3?" Your mother said when she saw you struggling and her suggestion made both your siblings excited.
 "I want to meet Hellboy!" exclaimed your brother as he tugged your left hand forward.
 "I want to meet Abraham." Said your sister as she tugged your right hand forward.
 Now you fought against monsters and demons but you can never fight the strength of your younger siblings. So with a defeated look you gave in and took them to meet the big three, leaving your mother and Nuada alone.
 "(Y/n) told me that you are quite skilled in combat, even Agent Hellboy wasn't able to match." Your mother asked as she and Nuada walked the halls.
 "Yes…" He answered."I am skilled in hand-in-hand combat and carry my Silverlance, which is forged by magical silver. It can inflect deadly wounds to both mortal and immortal creatures."
 "That is very interesting."
 Nuada was feeling very pleased with your mother's reaction. After all, it is his goal tp impress her and have her approval to officially court you.
 "May I ask, if you have all this skill why do you keep training with my daughter?"
 "Because I believe that I can help (Y/n) become a better fighter, so she can be able to protect herself if by chance I wasn't there to do so myself."
 Your mother raised her brow at that.
 "So you mean you will always be around to protect my daughter?"
 "Yes." He answered unfazed with confidence. Your mother stayed silent for a while with a knowing look in her eyes.
 "Your majesty-"
 "Please call me by my name."
 She smiled and nodded.
 "Very well, Nuada…"She began." What are your intentions with my daughter?"
 "(Y/n) maybe unaware of it yet, but I am." She explained. "I am a retired B.P.R.D agent, I have fought against many monsters, have seen many creatures that I have learned from including elves from the Bethmoora clan."
 Nuada's eyes widened with shock but as quickly as it came it was going returning to his confident self. He said nothing, waiting for the woman to continue.
 "She told me about you since the first day you came here and kept me updated on how you two started to become… good friends." She explained. "And how later your actions towards her changed. She hoped that I would know what it meant since I met elven creatures before, which I do."
 A look a panic crossed Nuada's face that made your mother chuckle.
 "Don't worry I haven't told her."
 He sighed in relief.
 "That's why I'm here Nuada." She stopped in the middle of the empty hall, which made him stop too and face you.
 "I want you to convince me why should I allow you to court, my daughter?" she asked. "After all, you were so determined to kill humankind  before, what changed that?"
 Nuada was silent for a moment before he took a deep breath and stood straight.
 "It is true." He began. "I hated the humankind I wanted them all dead so I could save not only my people but the earth and all the magical races that lived in it. I will not lie, I still hate humans…"
 He trailed off. "But..?" Your mother said wanting him to continue.
 "But I do not hate all of them." He finished. "(Y/n) had made me see that not all humans are the same and that there are those like herself who are fighting to save this earth. But that's only part of the reason why I wish to court (Y/n)."
 "She is…one of the most selfless creatures I have ever. She always puts others before herself, she is thoughtful and kind to all, including me who returned her sweet greetings with insults and harsh words in the beginning. I admire (Y/n) strong will and the ability to keep that beautiful smile on her face no matter the hardship she is facing."
 Nuada took a step backward and bowed to your mother.
 "Lady (Y/m/n)(Y/L/n), will you give me your blessing to court your daughter (Y/n)(Y/L/n) with the intention of marrying her."
 "What if (Y/n) didn't feel the same way that you feel towards her?"
 Nuada looked back up to her he saw a strict soldier looking back at him. her question did not shock him, after all, she was a mother who wanted the best for her child.
 "I will keep trying to win (Y/n)'s heart with everything I can." He said. "However, if she truly did not wish me to become her significant other then I shall respect her wishes."
 Neither of them said anything, Nuada was waiting while your mother was still unsure. She opened her mouth to say something but didn't get the chance to say anything as they both turned to the side at the sound of feet running towards them. It was the two siblings who had a big grin on their faces and then you who was chasing after them with a tired look.
 "Mom!" They both called. Your mother greeted them with open arms and a smile.
 "I saw Hellboy!... He was so cool and awesome and …and... And he let me hold his gun!"
 " Abraham knew my name and what I liked from just putting his hand on the glass, And I met a REAL princess!"
 The two were gushing over who they met and your mother did her best to listen but she didn't miss how you went to Nuada's side with a tired grin. He greeted you then complimented your patience with the young once. She watched as you told him of what he missed but what your mother was focused on was the look of care and admiration he held in his eyes when he looked at you.
 "You're are leaving already?"
 "I did say that I only was able to come for one visit, besides your siblings had seemed to have used up all their energy." Your mother said as she tried to keep your siblings awake long enough to reach the care.
 "I'm sorry for not spending the day with you as we planned." You said bashfully. Your mother only chuckled.
 "It's not like I had spent it alone, Nuada was there to keep me company. He is quite the gentlemen."
 "Yeah, he is." You said before smiling at him, which seemed to make him melt on the inside.
 "And Nuada… "Your mother called earning the prince's attention.
 "Take good care of my daughter." She said with a wink.
 "Mom!" You hissed at her embarrassed by her action thinking that she was teasing you but in reality, Nuada knew that he had earned her blessing.
 When your family finally left after saying goodbyes you and Nuada turned on your heels and walked back inside.
 "I love these two but I almost forgot how these two can be a handful." You said as you stretched your hands. "I didn't know if I should stop Red from letting my brother shot with his gun or stop my sister from annoying princess Nuala with questions of 'were you stuck in a tower once'?"
 "It was tiring."
 "It was." You said with a chuckle. Nuada licked his lips to prepare for what to say next.
 "Hmm?" you still didn't look at him too busy stretching.
 "Would you like to go on an outing with me?"
 This caught your attention
 "An outing?" you asked confused.
 "I think you humans have another name for it… a "date" I believe"
 You turned red at his proposal.
 "N...Nuada, a date is a meeting between a couple who have a romantic interest in each other."
 You stuttered thinking that maybe the prince misunderstood the word.
 "I'm aware of that."
 He said almost purring the words for you with a charming grin. Your blush deepened. Biting your lower lip you mustered your courage and looked back up to him with a smile.
 "I would love too."
I hope you all enjoyed this story and if you did don’t be afraid to request
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bookocd · 4 years
Light As Air Chapter 4
This is the next chapter in my Fenrys Fanfic! If anyone would like to be tagged or has prompts for future chapters let me know :) 
Thank you for reading!
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In the aftermath of Kingdom of Ash, Fenrys finds himself connected with a mysteriously powerful fae female. With the confusion of her past and vast amount of power, the Aelin’s court becomes weary of Fenrys’s involvement.
Fenrys is still reeling after Connall’s death and while joining Aelin’s court has been a dream, his nightmares are still plagued by Maeve.
Vel will do anything to get the help she needs, but her past controls her emotions, and her hopes for the future clouds her judgement.
Maybe together they can mend what has been broken, but Vel’s strange origins will continue to keep them apart.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Vel felt like death. 
The area behind her eyes was pounding, her throat was sandpaper as she painfully swallowed, and for some reason her neck felt stiff as a fucking board. 
Her back cracked as she tried to sit up, and ended up only getting her elbows under her enough to prop the rest of her upper half up. 
Opening her eyes slowly, and a couple of blinks later, her blurriness dissipated. 
Am I in an adult size bed? Vel thought as her eyes widened with shock. The room she was in was larger than her father’s whole cabin. While the only piece of furniture was the bed she was on, the stone floor was extensive and the ceiling felt miles away. The floor to ceiling windows made her breath catch. 
Moving slowly, she got her legs off one side of the bed and took her time lifting herself up. When she felt confident in her walking abilities she went toward one of the windows. She looked out onto the city bathed in golden light from the retreating sun. 
Wait am I in the palace?
“Oh my gods,” breathing out the words as her panicked body retreated back toward the bed. She knew that she was in the castle, but she had no recollection of how she got here. Her confusion gave way when all the memories of the incident unfolded in her head. 
She needed to get out of here. The thoughts in her head going a million miles a minute. 
They must think I’m either crazy or fucking terrifying, Vel thought to herself as she started to pace, or that I was trying to kill the queen. It was that thought that had her looking for the exits. The two windows were obvious, but the idea of using her powers made a shiver run down her back. 
To the right of the bed, there was a single wooden door. Finding her self in front of it within seconds, she tried the handle, which surprisingly turned. Opening it slightly, voices drifted toward her. Focusing on the voices was easy, but she didn’t recognize the person who was softly talking.  
“She is physically fine. Her hands…” Vel stiffened and knew at that moment the voice was discussing her. The light female voice continued, “Well you’ve seen her hands, and I can’t figure out what or who would have done such a thing. I truly have never seen anything like it and Yrene would need to be called in for further evaluation. I think it would be a similar situation to what was expressed to Lady Elide for her ankle.”
Vel had heard these names many times during her spying, but she was confused as to the situation that was being discussed.
A gruff voice, another that she had never heard, came into the conversation by saying, “We shouldn’t be discussing helping her with past injuries, we should be discussing what to do with her.”
The first voice started taking again, like no one had interrupted her. “The process to fix them would be long, but I want to discuss something else.” The voice changed into something slightly sadder instead of factual. “Have any of you seen her back?” 
Her knees almost gave out at the question. 
Vel’s heart was beating out of her chest and she finally looked down to see that she was in a gown of some sort, one that was only pulled together in the back by ties. Her back was completely exposed. Tears starting to fill her eyes, she still continued to listen to the painful conversation. 
“What do you mean? What is wrong with her back Marna?” The voice wrapped around her like silk, and she knew that it was the golden wolf talking. Her heart calmed and her eyesight was no longer blurred by tears. 
“Um, during the initial exam we noticed that she has scars—”
She was cut off by the obvious voice of the queen, “Whipping scars?”
“That’s what I assumed at first, but upon further inspection they are not from any sort of whip or torture devices. She has two perfectly parallel vertical scars, which look to be many years old and almost surgical in nature. They are completely healed, but both of them are raised, like two mountains. I think something was put under her skin, because they are both hard to the touch, like bone. I was trained at the Torre for over 50 years and I have never seen anything like the injuries presented in this female. I’m sorry to say that this patient is out of my depth.” The breath she let out was tired and she then asked, “Do you have any more questions for me your Majesty?”
Aelin must have shook her head, because Vel could hear faint steps moving until they were too far away to hear. 
Vel wasn’t surprised that the woman was confused and no one except her family had ever seen her back. She had long ago let go of any anger her deformities caused, but she still felt extremely exposed by the whole conversation.
“I don’t care what scars she has,” the gruff voice spat out. “She obviously can’t control her magic and can’t be trusted. I say we get rid of the problem before it gets worse.” 
A growl sliced through the air. “That is not up to you, Lorcan. And if you touch her I don’t care what promises I’ve made or that we are in the same court, I will rip out your fucking throat.” 
She believed in that moment that the golden male would never allow anyone to hurt her. She had no clue what to do with that information, but she smiled all the same. 
Fenrys’s chest was shifting up and down with impressive speed, mimicking his heart, and he had moved closer to the room with his sleeping mate inside. 
He would kill Lorcan if he shifted an inch in her direction. It took all his effort to not kill him as a smirk slid onto his face. 
But the violence ebbed away when Elide smacked the back of Lorcan’s head. The incredulous look he gave his fiancé was fucking hilarious and he knew everyone in the hallway was trying not to laugh. 
“Lorcan isn’t going to get rid of anything or anyone,” Elide’s small but strong voice eased Fenrys slightly. “But Fen we do need to discuss what to do,” she said, with a continuing glare to Lorcan, as if daring him to say something else. 
“She needs training.” Rowan had stayed quiet throughout the day. He was silent after Vel unfroze everyone, he was silent while they brought her to the palace, and he was silent during and after the healer’s exam. He continued, “What happened earlier I’ve only seen one other time in my life.” 
“Rowan what are you talking about? I thought it was just a self imposed burnout, like what I did in Mistwood,” Aelin replied. 
“No Fireheart, you literally let your magic overpower you and take control, but this female forced her power down, so far down that I couldn’t even detect it.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I knew a fae once that was so scared of her own power that she refused to let it out. She went crazy and in the end her magic killed her from the inside out. The fainting and shaking was one of the first symptoms that her body and mind were deteriorating. Honestly it’s so rare and terrifying to watch,” his eyes turned downcast as he continued. “It was slow moving, but she didn’t have the power that this female has, so I’m not sure what the timeline is here…” He looked at Fenrys and he could tell what he was trying to say. This female would die sooner rather than later. Fenrys’s heart dropped to his stomach. 
“Then we train her,” Fenrys said, like it was a given.
“Fen, what if she doesn’t want our help?” Aelin asked quietly. The question hadn’t crossed his mind. 
“I have a way with female’s Aelin. I mean I got you to give me the blood oath didn’t I?” The smirk didn’t hold its full luster, but Aelin still let out a sharp laugh. 
“You didn’t get me to do anything, only realize that you would be lost without my wisdom and guidance boyo.” 
“Whatever gets you to fall asleep at night sweetheart.”
Rowan, who was pointedly not smiling, said, “Trust me she isn’t thinking of anyone but me when she’s falling asleep at night or should I say losing sleep at night.” 
With that, Lorcan turned away grumbling that no one ever listened to him and Elide followed asking why she hadn’t been losing sleep at night lately. Her yelp bounced off the cobblestone walls as he threw her over his shoulder and patted her ass. Fenrys knew exactly what they were going to do and he gaped at them as they turned for the staircase which led to their bedchamber. 
Turning to his queen and king he saw them with serious expressions, but he spoke before their warnings could come. 
“I’m going to go check on Vel,” he said while walking away. 
Fenrys was forced out of Vel’s room by healers, so he hadn’t seen her in hours. His heart started to race as he reached the oak door and slowly opened it.
Vel was laying in the king sized bed, right where he left her. The sun was setting so the room was slowly darkening. Her skin was near glowing, like it was a product of the moon, and her hair was a living shadow. He found himself at her bedside without remembering moving his feet. 
Taking a seat on the bed beside her shoulder. Bringing a hand up to move a stray black hair out of her face and he allowed himself one second of contact with her cheek. Heat raced through his body and a second turned into a minute. 
Gods she is beaut—, his thought was interrupted by sudden movement.
His hand was suddenly turned in the wrong direction and legs shot out and forced him into the air, landing on the bed next to the female he thought was asleep. Within a moments time he was on his front, face smothered against the pillows with a knee pushing against his spine and hand trapped in a death hold. 
Hair suddenly was tickling his neck and a breath was hitting the back of his ear making him shudder… a shudder she most definitely felt. 
Vel’s voice sounded almost playful as she said, “Didn’t your mother teach you not to touch a girl without permission?”
Fenrys was happy that he was on his front, because his cock started to strain in his pants. He had never been turned on while being overpowered by a female. 
“Let me up and I can show you everything I’ve been taught,” his voice muffled by the pillow.
“I doubt you could teach me anything I don’t already know.”
“Oh you would be surprised sweetheart.”
With another flash of limbs and grunts, Fenrys was suddenly on top of his mate with her arms pinned above her head. The exam gown had bunched at her waist, leaving her upper thighs exposed and his legs were straddling her waist, with ample distance so his hardness wasn’t against her softness.
Her eyes widened when she caught view of his likely hungry gaze. 
“This is a much better position to teach you in.”
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thepancakeboi · 4 years
ShuAke Week 2020
Day 7: Soulmates / Nightmares / Free day!
Sleep is difficult sometimes. Especially when nightmares seem to follow you at every turn. Luckily for Goro, he doesn’t have to deal with them alone anymore.
Contains: Spoilers of Persona 5 vanilla ending, reference to character death
The sounds of battle surround me as I fight against the Phantom Thieves. One by one, they fall easily to my strength. They don’t get back up. Loki makes sure of that. Joker’s the last one standing, but even he can’t keep up with me. My sword pierces through his abdomen, and I let go of it as the once proud leader of the Phantom Thieves falls to his knees. Pitiful. I roughly grab his chin with my left hand, the claws of my gauntlets digging into his skin. Joker looks up at me, his eyes silently pleading with me to spare him. He’s terrified, as he should be. A hollow chuckle escapes my lips as I point my gun at his face. I’m not used to holding it in my right hand, but I’m not the one in control here. “Checkmate, Joker,” I hiss, pulling the trigger.
The gunshot rings in my ears as I jolt awake, cold metal walls replaced by familiar wood walls and beams overhead. I immediately turn my head to the right, letting out a shaky sigh as I confirm to myself that Ren is next to me and still among the living. It was only a dream...or more like-
“Another nightmare?” Ren’s awake. Whether it was my sudden movement or a sort of sixth sense, I don’t know. I can only nod, too shaken to form words out loud. He moves into a sitting position, embracing me and bringing me close to him. His voice is surprisingly coherent as he softly says, “Come here. It’s okay.”
I don’t bother trying to pull away like I used to. We both know this routine by now. Ren’ll wait, holding me gently until I’m comfortable to get words out. He’s going to end up asking questions, prying for information so he knows what’s going on and can reassure me that it was just a dream. This isn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last.
Time passes. Ren keeps his questions to himself. He continues to hold me as he quietly hums. The tune, a song called Beneath the Mask, helps me to calm down, and he knows it. Eventually, my breathing evens out, and I’m not shaking quite as much. It’s only now that Ren finally breaks the silence. “Which one was it this time?”
Which one indeed. It’s sad that he has to ask that, though it’s not due to any fault of his. There are several other memories that consistently plague my sleep. Usually, it’s the day in the interrogation room...shooting Ren in the head much like tonight’s vivid nightmare. Other recurring ones revolve around my time as Shido’s personal hitman. There’s even been a few times where our roles from the dream tonight are reversed, and it’s Joker killing me with a sadistic grin on his face. That one is decidedly the worst of them. My voice is barely above a whisper as I curtly reply, “Engine room.”
Ren understands exactly what I mean. He keeps me close as he runs a hand through my hair, the movements slow and rhythmic. “It’s okay. I’m still here.”
“I know, but-”
“No. I’m here and alive, and you’re with me here in Leblanc. Everything’s okay.” I don’t argue this time. Instead, I lean my head against his chest, listening to the steady “lub dub” of his heart beating. “You hear that, Akeppi? Each beat is for you.”
“Sure it is.” I make sure he hears my implied disbelief.
“I mean it. You’re the love of my life. We’re soulmates.”
“Soulmates,” I scoff, “what drivel.”
“Goro,” he says, and my mind stills. He’s the only one who calls me by my first name, and usually when he does, it’s important. It still manages to surprise me every single time. “You mean the world to me. You’re so precious, and I wouldn’t give you up for anything. I’d even fight a god for you.”
“You already did fight a god,” I retort, some of my sarcastic wit returning as thoughts of that nightmare stray further and further from my mind.
“Well, then I’d fight another god,” he replies without skipping a beat. “What’s important is that we’re here together. And I’ll continue to be here for you, okay?”
“I know,” I sigh in response, laying back down. He moves with me so that he can cuddle. I don’t refuse him. “Let’s get some sleep.”
“Okay.” He leans in, gently kissing me. “I love you, Goro.”
After a few moments of my thoughts going insane over how fondly he says my name, I reply back, “I love you too, Ren.” I close my eyes as I snuggle closer, breathing in the lingering scent of coffee that follows Ren wherever he goes. His presence here is comforting. He brought me peace in the chaos that was once my life. He’s my beautiful menace, and the nightmares can’t take him away from me.
I eventually drift off to sleep, thoughts of Ren the only thing on my mind.
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Buy me a coffee!! <3
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of possible Self-Harm/Suicidal Ideation, Mentions of Bullying, Depression.
The echoes of words that, since their conception, carved up your heart without reason or care, still plagued you. The angel by your side wasn't privy to your unpleasant truths - the history etched in to your skin, bygone times littered with bullying and self-disgust. The latter hadn't disappeared like everyone said it would. If they dragged that lie from their own experiences, they shouldn't have been surprised when you became angry, and weak from 'night studies'.
Hitoshi worried half to death, and crafted his words accordingly. He couldn't bear to imagine his company brought you so much discomfort that you refused to let him help - or even just listen. He wanted to understand why pain seemed to dull your eyes, why you isolated like you did...why you declined to let him in, even after months of a strong friendship. He loved that you saw the person past the quirk, he loved the gentle tone in which you called his name. He had hoped that, with the dormitory situation (and your rooms being on the same floor), you would feel more secure and perhaps encouraged to seek help. If you reached out to him...
...Please reach out to him! He had grappled with depression, with that empty, hopeless feeling. He knew it all too well. But his battle had been fought, and he had the skills necessary to aid yours. He could rescue you, but the hard labour was your personal burden. It was horrible. What kind of aspiring hero was as useless as he? It was true. You couldn't win on your own, but he couldn't win it for you.
Gods...he wanted to! He wanted to do everything, just for you!
It was impossible...unless you opened up your heart. He respected your space, but his unrelenting love threatened to crush those invisible barriers. It felt as though you were slipping, like there was a reason more sinister than he had anticipated, as to why you didn't want any help. He grew nervous, eventually deciding that the possibility of you endangering yourself was enough cause to demand entry into your room. Once inside, he could talk about his concerns and lend you an ear. He could also check for anything...sharp. He never wished to offend you or come off as condescending (like a lot of therapists did), but he was desperate. He worshipped you as some beautiful, divine entity - if your anguish managed to conquer the last semblance of hope that still burned...well, how could he live with himself?
How could he live with the knowledge that he hadn't ever told you your worth? If you were reclaimed by nature, whilst believing that you meant nothing...that he didn't completely adore you...
No - he just...he couldn't allow that.
Maybe it was an overreaction. Maybe you wouldn't be so reckless. But he wasn't about to risk that. You wouldn't be foolish. You wouldn't be selfish. This didn't involve anyone else - not even him. But you couldn't keep suffering. Humans could only endure so much.
The mentally ill - for as much as they rebuffed it - were powerful warriors. Each day issued forth a new challenge. Some gave up. Some kept fighting. Some battles were lost, and others were won. These people were incredible - deserving of eternal love and happiness. Hitoshi hoped to give you both. But first, he needed a better grasp on your situation. Voice everything to him! Every tiny thing, no matter its insignificance! He was offering you a chance, a way to stave off the negativity, just for a while. Would you accept it? Or would his intrusion signal the end of your friendship...of a possible, future romance?
He approached with caution...and a full plate of food. Immediately after the school day concluded, you had retreated to your room. He asked around, but nobody could attest to having seen you emerge. Therefore, you hadn't eaten yet. He knew you wouldn't deny yourself and isolate to such an extent - was it a silent cry for help, and...were you even aware of it? Were you holding out for a hero? Despite his allocation to General Studies, his aspirations had only flourished. He could save you from the depths of this depression! He could become your hero...
...if you let him.
A sigh tumbled from his lips, as he knocked on your door. To be honest, he wasn't expecting a response.
"(L/n)...It's Shinsou. I thought you might be hungry? And, uh...I was hoping to talk to you. Maybe..."
A muffled "Go away" could be heard from within, but, being so weak, it couldn't deter him.
He coughed awkwardly, placing a palm against your door. "Please let me in. Please let me help."
There was hurried shuffling, and the sound of you falling over something. It almost made him chuckle. Then, the door opened. You peeked from behind it, eyes narrowed and with a sickly complexion. You scrutinised him for a moment, without words. Next, you looked to the food.
And you let him in. You actually let him in! Relief washed over his heart, but the pain still stabbed through. You were clearly hurting, clutching the hem of your shirt and trying desperately not to wince. He saw it all. He set the plate down, but you didn't move toward it. Maybe you would eat after he left? Well, he wasn't about to force-feed you, so...as long as you did...
"How can I help?" He asked, taking a seat opposite you.
"I don't...I don't think you can..." You started, diverting your attention away from him and his charity.
Unluckily for you, he was determined, and nowhere near satisfied with your half-arsed answer. It had obviously been impromptu, but his questions symbolised an outpouring of emotion from deep within his soul. That was your worth - how much he yearned for every part of you. He knew his lines. They were engraved upon his heart, like wedding vows. He could recite them with ease...but they were far from easy.
"Look at me." He loathed using his quirk on you, but this was important.
The Fates would forgive him...hopefully.
After a minute, he relinquished control. "Please talk to me. I can give advice, or I can just listen. I'll do whatever you need. Just...let me know."
Let me know everything.
Wiping a stray tear from your eye, you relented. "Okay...but please - please don't laugh."
"I won't. You have my word."
You are my world.
"I...I was bullied, in middle school. And...it sometimes happens now, but just...not so often." Your throat felt parched. "It was because of my quirk. They said I didn't have the capacity to do good, and that I would always be evil. They didn't want to turn me to villainy - they wanted me to die. It was so hard, just trying to survive every single day, getting pushed around and tormented...made to feel inferior, like I didn't even matter."
Hitoshi remained silent, eyes blown wide in shock and disgust.
"You know my quirk, right? 'Bone Manipulation'? I hate it. I've hurt people I should never have hurt. I've ruined friendships - probably lives, too. And...and...I can't always control it! When I'm angry...sometimes it just happens...and I can't - I can't stop it!"
You were panicking, rocking back and forth while holding your head. The really frightening parts of your tale were still a mystery. You would reveal them, in due time. But right now...you needed Hitoshi's warm embrace.
Cradled in his arms, you could forget the whole world.
[Word Count: 1256]
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kinkyacademia · 5 years
Can you write a fic were Hawks x Male reader were the reader loses their dog(Preferably a large breed) is a villain attack. Hawks ends up finding the dog, returns it, but is surprised to see that the reader is actually the nerdy kid from his old high school and now the reader looks hot and just go on from there. Don´t judge me.
bI don’t really know who this was for, but I snatched it up because BAM it was cute :)Okay after writing this, I have to say: I didn’t expect to make Hawks such a bottom, but he is SUCH A BOTTOM IN THIS IM SO SORRY-Orange warning. This has fairly lewd content in it, but since there isn’t any sex, it’s less of a lemon and more of an orange.
-Mod Pasta 🍜🍝
🌪”Charles!” You shouted when you got home. There had been a villain attack near your house and you rushed home to check up on your purebred Newfoundland named Charles. Upon not finding him, you got worried, calling the police. They told you that they would look for the dog among the havoc the villain had caused. Anxiety plagued you, but alas there was nothing you could do. It was in the hands of heroes now, probably that up and coming new hero you heard about: The one with wings.
🌪Takami had been flying around for a while, lazily collecting distressed civilians and checking up on people around the firefight. It had been an odd villain: some rando had gone rough and used his attraction quirk to pull builds together. Hawks had neutralized him, then joined the rescue squad. It was a high-injury event because of the violent power, but all injured civilians were now in care. It was near the end of the day, right when Hawks was going to leave and go home for dinner, when he got a heads up from the police that a dog was missing. Some huge, fluffy dog a boy had called in about. He immediately swooped down to look for it.
🌪Finding the dog was a breeze: it had just been accidentally pulled out of the yard of its owner and run directly into the danger. It was trotting along in the rubble, sniffing around for a tasty snack. He landed, giving the dog his hand while he reported to the police that he had found it. The dog barked happily, trotting right up to him and promptly leaning the side of its body all the way into him. He hadn’t expected it to be so loving, and he stumbled back with a shout of surprise, then delight. It was such a sweetie! He cooed at the big puppy, ruffling its ears until the police notified him that they could still hear him and gave him the address of the owner.
🌪The dog seemed comfortable with Takami flying, so he set off towards the owner’s house with it in tow, a little uncomfortable because of the weight, but able to manage. Once he set it down, he had to stretch his arms, his joints popping. The dog barked as it happily looked up at him. Almost immediately the door of the little house opened, the light blaring through the dark dusk as the owner rushed forward, hugging their pet. He proudly crossed his arms, “I found him in the rubble, he’s pretty cute.”
🌪When the owner looked up, he definitely didn’t expect to see (L/N) (F/N) from his old Hero course. You looked up with surprise, “Takami…?”
🌪You two caught up quickly, and you offered him tea as he followed you inside. You had settled as a sidekick to a hero agency, and he raved about how nerdy you had been back in high school. You had worn thick-rimmed glasses, always corrected him on minor arithmetic details, and had a problem with self-care and acne. Now none of those things were present, especially the problem with self care… Yeah, as you poured the willow tea, he admired your ass from your couch as he removed his suddenly stuffy jacket. You took care of yourself alright, very well.
🌪You seemed indifferent to his interest, happily talking about old times and relating them to your new job. Charles ended up laying his body across the both of you, and you laughed, giving his back end a slap. The puppy barked, wagging his tail. Both of you laughed at that, and Hawks rubbed the dog’s head, still infatuated with the baby. His eyes didn’t stray from your own for long, however: yours just seemed so much brighter without the glasses. How could puberty hit someone so late and so hard?
🌪You calmly smiled, drinking your tea serenely, “Thanks for returning Charlie. I bet he’s pooped from running around the city.”
“Probably,” Takami nodded, blinking a couple times before realizing that he still had his goggles on. He removed them, placing them in his jacket on the table in front of your couch, “I’m probably imposing-”
“Never! It’s so cool to see how far you’ve come, Takami, even if we weren’t super close back in Uni,” You exclaimed, and his breath hitched. Boy did he wish he knew you better in Uni…
🌪Hawks was suddenly conscious of his hair. It was all over the place - and your own was quite obviously styled. Wait - did you just push it back to tease him? He felt his body grow hotter… That damn nerd from his old school was sitting in front of him, laughing his cute little ass off at Hawks’ horrible jokes.
“I had started a pot of rice before you arrived, you can stay for dinner if you like,” He didn’t like how narrow your sly eyes were when you suggested that. You were so tantalizing that he had to stop himself from literally ruffling his feathers.
“I’d love that, heroing is hard work.”
🌪He never thought the day would come that the annoying geek from Uni’s mouth would look so inviting. Did you keep the chopsticks between your teeth when you laughed because you knew he was staring? He hoped that was the case, because he wasn’t about to stop. Hadn’t you had braces? They were definitely gone now, and your entire face was just enticing him…
🌪You could definitely tell Takami was attracted to you. You had run into another old peer from High School and they blatantly commented on your improved physique and looks. You had put a lot of effort into them over the last few years, and you were glad that they paid off. Finding out that an old classmate was now the No. 3 Pro Hero and was practically drooling for you was another achievement you were quite proud of.
🌪He had taken his jacket and goggles off, his gloves soon following. His wind-blown hair seemed all too perfect to run your hands through, but you didn’t quite remember if your peer was attracted to men or not. He was popular with the girls ever since he was in Uni, but had he ever went after one? Not that you remember. You listened to him talk about his latest mission with wide eyes and fascination, and he continued to beef up the story until it sounded fantastical, obviously trying to impress you. You’d never seen him so flustered, his voice shaking a bit and his eyes fleeting.
🌪So you took a leap of faith and called him out on it, “Takami,” He paused, his eyes immediately looking to your own across the dining table, “Are you nervous?”
“Ah shucks, you caught me. Well come on, you know you’re hot, right?” Your heart fluttered. That was so upfront, and your cheeks flushed as you smiled to yourself.
“Thanks, I was beginning to think you just wanted to leave,” Your smile formed into a smirk, and you rested your chopsticks against your teeth as your tongue stuck out. You cocked as eyebrow as his obvious strain to not look at your lips.
“I kinda like it here. You know,” You hummed to let him know you were paying attention as he took another mouth full of rice, “My person motto is that I think heroes should be able to relax and have leisure time.”
“Hmm?” He nodded at your inquiry, and you chuckled deeply, “You don’t seem very relaxed. I could help you with that,” He quite obviously was gawking now, his cheeks flushed and sweat beginning to gather on his brow.
“Really?” His voice was hoarse, and you ended up laughing as he looked away from you, realizing how needy he sounded. You twirled a chopsticks between your fingers, then glanced at the man’s lap, eyes wandering back up to his wanton eyes, “Yeah…” He trailed off, his small pupils now fully blown.
🌪To say the least, Takami’s dinner snack was long forgotten. Once you had gotten up, slowly stalking around the table toward him, he was like putty for you. You took his hand, and he followed you anxiously to your bedroom. You had exceptional taste in style, your bed being plush as he fell back into it. He leaned up, and you cocked an eyebrow, “Finally found a shred of dignity?”
“Never, but I can’t be on my back,” He ruffled his wings, and you rolled your eyes, leaned down to place a caste kiss on his lips that left him breathless, “Fuck,” he whispered.
🌪He remembered being compared to an angle one time in bed. Sweet, flustered, but never submissive enough to back down from a fight. You ended up straddling him, and the blood that was left in his body travelled to his groin. His back was against the headboard, and you were ravaging the hero’s pride by leaving love bites down his neck, his lips swollen from a long, deep make out session, “Where did this… Even come from?” He had to gather his scrambled thoughts together.
“I had expected you to take the lead, but this was just too easy,” He relished in the purr that escaped your lips, and he took a deep breath. You pulled back, looking at your work with smug pride, “Beautiful.”
“Don’t underestimate me, (F/N), I’ve been known to bite back.”
🌪His own love marks were less intense than your own, his touch less rough and more calculated. He had flipped you positions, but you obviously still held the reigns. You were just too much for him to wrangle. You pulled his hips against your own, grinding into him. The gasp that escaped his lips sent shivers down your arms: This was happening. You were going to fuck the pretty boy from Uni.
🌪“We still have a lot of clothes on,” You ran a hand down his chest, and some form of a coo came from him. You gave him an incredulous look, and his cheeks darkened.
“I can’t control the sounds I make, (F/N),” You cackled, ordering him to take his shirt off. He obliged, and you made sure to leave a few marks along the way as you removed your own top. Both of your bulges were now straining against your pants, threatening to pop a button.
“It’s cute. I wonder if I can pull another one out,” You teased, and the awkward, flustered smile you got back confirmed that you were going to pull many noises out of this hero. Your hands travelled down to his belt as you planted another kiss on his lips.
“You’re so different than I remember,” He whispered, and you nodded slowly as you undid his buckle, pulling the belt out and inspecting it. His eyes followed your own down to it.
“I am,” You ran a hand along the buckle, “Every been hit with this?” Your eyes snapped back to his own. The bewildered look he had confirmed that he hadn’t, and you threw the leather behind his neck, pulling him close to your lips, “Maybe next time,” You bit his bottom lip, then tossed the belt off of the bed. At this point you were just torturing the man.
🌪You both had to get out of your pants before one of you went insane. You opened your nightstand, pulling out the bottle you hadn’t expected to use and a condom. You held them up to his face as he was yanking a shoe off. He looked to them, then you, “Nice size.”
“Oh,” You chuckled, forgetting that the size of the condom was labelled.
“Definitely for you, though,” He glanced at his own boxers that were still on, “I can take it.”
“Cute,” You were waiting on him, and he could tell. You pulled your own underwear off, and his eyes travelled to your length. You could see him chewing on the inside of his cheek, and you hooked a finger into the elastic of his boxers, laughing, “C’mon, embarrassed? I’m sure you’ve done this a million times.”
“I’m not a player, contrary to popular belief,” He crossed his arms, and you gave him a cocked eyebrow.
“I’ve heard otherwise,” You pulled his boxers down an inch, and he seemed nervous, “Are you… sure?” You held the condom up once again, “You can back out if you want, I won’t hold it against you.”
“I’m just remembering how you used to be. I thought you were going to be some weird scientist with warts when you grew up,” He laughed dryly, and you gasped, grinning.
“Oh really? I’ll fuck that expectation away, I promise,” You threatened, “C’mon, if you’re going to take me, you gotta be prepared,” You swore he cooed once more, nodding. You pulled his boxers down to see his semi-erect length, and he stepped out of them obediently.
“Yeah, alright, yeah,” His voice was practically shaking. You put a hand under his jaw, pulling him toward yourself. He followed immediately, and you felt a wave of dominance fall over you. Most heroes would feel shameful being so submissive, but this boy practically held pride in it. You were going to love this.
“Let’s start.”
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Love Amidst the Darkness
Chapter 3: Royal Duties
“Mother...will there always be days this boring?”
 “Mmmm…..I don’t think I like it very much,” Althea pouted and leaned back in her chair. The queen was busy writing degrees and signing papers, and she had Althea there so she could see what it was like. Although, the young princess's mind was focused elsewhere. The queen smiled to herself because she used to be the same way. The young girl only thought of romances and fairy tales, although the queen’s smile faltered as she thought about how upset Althea had been the other night.
 “Althea….are you upset with me?”
 “Hmm...of course not Mother...why would I be?”
 “I must apologize for not telling you about the marriage arrangements...it was very wrong of me.”
 “No no Mother...it is quite alright! I’m alright with it now.” Althea cried out frantically waving her hands about. Honestly she wanted to forget about the whole thing, she had a whole year to prepare. She knew her mother would be able to tell she was lying, honestly Althea didn’t want to think about it or talk about it.
 “Princess…” Queen Hestia sighed sensing her daughter’s distress and obvious lie. “You can talk to me, my love.”
 “I...Mother I...I really do not wish to speak about it.” Althea sadly said, turning to look out the window. Queen Hestia sighed once more and put her quill down as she turned in her chair to look at Althea.
 “Princess Althea...look at me at once young lady.”
 Althea slowly turned to look at the stern look on her mother's face. Queen Hestia’s face softened as she stood up to kneel in front of Althea gently taking her hands. She gently took Althea’s face into her hands and wiped away a stray tear. She smiled gently and Althea smiled a little.
 “Althea...you are my only child...I...no...your father and I only want the best for you...I know this isn’t the romance you wanted...but your father and I would never let you marry someone we didn’t think would have your best interest at heart. We want you to be happy...and hopefully you will fall in love. I love you Althea...I just want you to be happy.”
   “Thank you Mother...I was just afraid...I-I’ve never met him and...I’m afraid he won’t...like me I suppose.”
 “Oh my love,” Queen Hestia smiled as she stood up and led Althea to a mirror. She looked into the mirror with Althea and pushed Althea’s hair in front of her and smiled.
 “I see...the most beautiful girl in the entire world right here...I do not see how anyone couldn’t love you...although you are rather clumsy.”
 “M-Mother!” Althea cried out blushing fiercely as her mother giggled.
 “Now I see how bored you are...why don’t you go and find your Father?”
 “Ok I will.”
 Althea curtsied to her mother and walked out of the study. She sighed but tried to push the thoughts of her birthday far from her mind. She had a bit more studying to do, and she wanted to go riding, but Marina had left to visit her family, and Althea didn’t want to ride with anyone else. Perhaps seeing her father would brighten her mood a bit. Not that her mother wasn’t a good presence to be around. Althea felt that she was starting to stress and feel anxious about a lot lately. Ever since her mother told her the news, it worried her. Althea sighed some more as she walked the halls of the castle. The maids were cleaning and stopped to curtsy to her. Althea smiled weakly at them and walked on. A few patrolling knights bowed to her and wished her well, but she just mumbled a greeting and continued walking with her head down. Althea didn’t pay attention to her surroundings and tripped on the carpet, but someone caught her before she fell. 
 “I-I’m so sorry! I...I should have been p-paying attention…”
 “Oh it’s quite alright princess...I was just heading out.” Althea smiled shyly at Lord Derrick and soon realized he still had a hold on her and she awkwardly wound herself out of his arms and straightened out her dress. He gave her a strange smile that sent a chill up her spine.
 “Well princess...I must be off...have a nice evening Your Highness.” He bowed shortly at her and proceeded down the halls. A few knights shared a quick look but remained silent.
 “U-Um...e-excuse me,” she quietly asked the knights looking at her. “C-Can you escort me to the hall where my Father is?”
 They both nodded and walked on either side of her and walked up the staircase to the third level of the palace. The palace had several levels to it, and the inner courtyard was sometimes used to train new knights, and used for the occasional party. Althea had a few birthdays there, and they were really quite fun and nice. The stables were just a few yards from the palace and they were massive. The best horses from all over Edrion were bought for the kingdom. There were even some gifts from the other kingdoms. The palace sat on a massive hill, and there were rolling hills everywhere and the town housed thousands of people in it. The marketplace always seemed to be busy this time of year. With the tournament coming it only made sense. Althea looked out the window as they continued climbing the stairs. The curtains had been drawn up and the setting sunlight was filling the halls and the sounds of the still busy market and birds chirping filled the halls. Althea loved that the castle was always so bright and warm. Although lessons were pretty boring sometimes, being a princess was incredibly fun sometimes.
 “Here you are, Your Highness.”
 “T-Thank you very much,” Althea shyly replied as the knights bowed and walked back down the hall. Althea smiled a little as she opened the door to her father's study.
 “Father...are you busy?”
 “I am never too busy for you rosebud.”
 Althea walked into the room and closed the door behind her as she looked around the study. There were a bunch of books littered around the room and papers too. The bookcases were overflowing with books, and there were several ladders to reach the higher ones. The crackling fire in the fireplace gave the room a warm glow. She smiled as she saw her father groan and tap his fingers on the desk. His crown was sitting carelessly on the back of his chair as he ran his fingers through his black hair. He sifted through a heavy leathered book and scanned through the pages slowly.
 “Should I come at another time Father?”
 “Hmm? No of course not...come over here.”
 Althea smiled and stood next to her father and looked down at the book he was reading. Her smile faltered a little as she saw he was reading a book about war tactics and another about past wars. They were incredibly old...so much so that they had dust on them. The thought of war made Althea sick to her stomach...it was a terrible thing. 
 “Father...must you read these types of things….war is...horrible and scary.” Althea said.
 “Althea...I must always be vigilant...and brushing up on past wars is always wise...to see if I can learn new strategies,” he smiled up at her. “I have to keep you and your Mother as well as the rest of the kingdom safe.”
 “Father...there hasn’t been a war in centuries….it’s so peaceful and the kingdoms have never been more unified…”
 “My princess...I know you have been born into this peaceful time...but you should always be prepared for the worse.” 
 “Yes Father...I just want it to always be peaceful.”
 “I hope it will be too Althea...but for now...we discuss what I know you’re excited for.” He smiled as Althea’s face brightened up in joy.
 “Oh yes Father I can not wait for the tournaments this year! They are always so exciting! All the food and people! The dancing and balls! Watching the knights is amazing too!”
 “Alright alright...I know you are very excited about it. I am as well. This year will be exciting I hear because the new recruits are quite promising.”
 “I heard that as well! I can’t wait to see what they will do this year!” Althea said happily.
 “Well we have to take a visit to Dragleic first and then we have the ball coming as well.”
 “Another ball? We just had one though.”
 “Yes well...your mother enjoys them very much...and it is to welcome our friends from Dragleic...I’m sure you’d like to see Princess Evelyn again.” He said.
 “I would love to see her again...it has been months.”
 “Well we will be leaving tomorrow, so you should go to bed early rosebud.”
 “Yes Father, I will see you tomorrow, I love you,” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
 “Goodnight my daughter.”
 Althea slowly shut the door of the study and proceeded to walk back down the stairs. She glanced out the window and watched the setting sun. She stopped and leaned against it as she thought about seeing the kingdom of Dragleic. Seeing her friend again brought a happy smile to her face. Although, Althea really needed to talk to Evelyn about something that had been plaguing her thoughts. She certainly couldn’t talk to her mother or father about it. Marina couldn’t know either, seeing as it pertained to her.
 Althea continued down the stairs and went into the gardens. Her father always made sure there were fresh roses blooming in the garden for her. She deeply inhaled their sweet scent. She smiled at the gardener and walked over to the fountain and closed her eyes listening to the running water. She opened her eyes to see a phoenix flying around the sky. Judging by the feathers shining more gold than scarlet, it was clear that it was her mother. 
 Althea sometimes wondered how she could just fly around without worrying. Although, she had been doing it a lot longer than Althea had. Flying was something she had to practice a bit more, her fire control was a lot better. Althea still didn’t feel the need to practice most days anymore. It was just a fun thing to do to light up candles...anything else wouldn’t make sense.
 Althea walked out the garden back into the palace to get ready for bed. Althea waved away her ladies in waiting as she stepped into her room. She began undressing looking at the stars in the sky light up. She brushed out her hair and put on her nightgown, already missing Marina and her calming presence. Althea sat at her desk and did some homework that she neglected to do over the last few days. Looking out the window, Althea smiled excited for what the next few days would bring.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/647279481631997952/love-amidst-the-darkness
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/646842488279220224/love-amidst-the-darkness
Thanks for reading!
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
hi! can u pls do number 14 (in the angst section thing) on ur latest prompt post? maybe hurt/comfort or just whump if possible? thank u :D
If The World Was Ending (You'd Come Over, Right?)
A/N: you ask for whump and hurt/comfort, I give you whump and hurt/comfort hehe. Thanks for the prompt, anon, I hope you enjoy it!! :D ❤💖
Read it on ao3 here!
Based off of the prompt:
14. "Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!?"
"Hey Pete." A sigh, low, quiet, sad. "I know I'm the- the last person you probably want to hear from right now and definitely the last one you want to talk to, but..." A pause, some shuffling in the background. "We're all worried about you, Peter. You left, and didn't tell anyone where you were going and-" Another sigh, similar to the first. "Just- call someone, please? It doesnt-" quiet, more subdued, "Doesn't have to be me, just- call Tony, or May, or somebody, let them know you're okay. That's all I ask." Another pause, longer and quieter than before, full of tension, empty words, broken promises. A puff of breath. "Come home as soon as possible, okay? I-... I love you."
A beep signaling the end of the message echoes in the larger, almost empty room, and Peter throws his arm over to press the end button before the robot lady can ask if he wants to listen to it again, or delete it, or whatever. He rubs away the stray, angry tears from his eyes, feeling his stomach clench with the swirl of intense emotions, feeling as it shrivels from the heat of his frustration, rocks from the waves of his sorrow, and bitterness and- and- god he doesnt even know.
Hes just... tired. Bone aching, soul crushingly tired. With everything. With his work load at school growing and growing everyday, spiraling out of his control. With Tony yelling at him in the lab, because he always messes something up. With Harley, who finds something to argue with him about every single day, the screaming matches getting louder and louder every night. With May, moving on with Happy and forgetting about him more and more, time and time again. With his friends, who always seem to be hanging out, but never with him, never inviting him anywhere anymore. With Spider-Man, and the way people seem to keep dying on his patrols, on his watch, because god, he cant even do that right. The one thing he thought he could do with his eyes closed, and he keeps fucking that up too.
And now, now he did the worst thing possible. Worse than fighting every night with someone he thought was the love of his life. Worse than getting scolded at his dream job everyday, by his mentor and father figure. Worse than being forgotten by the only mother he really remembers, by his friends that he grew up with.
He ran away. He broke down, freaked out, and ran. Stuffed as much clothes as he could find into a suitcase, called the first hotel away from the city he could think of, booked a suite for the night and took off without telling a soul. Not his boyfriend, not his mentor, not his aunt, not his friends. Nobody. Because he just couldnt take it anymore. He couldn't handle the constant fighting, the barrage of stress and anxiety a mountain high that he knew he couldn't climb, the loneliness, bitter and cold and empty that surrounded him, suffocated him even as he laid beside a warm body every night, and talked with people everyday. The piercing, heartwrenching thought that everyone he loved was going to leave, to break up with him, to get tired of him, to forget him, and he was going to be all alone.
So, instead of facing it and communicating about his fears like a normal, mature adult, he ran. Like a fucking coward. And, instead of relaxing him and giving him a chance to get away like he thought it would, it just made everything so much worse.
Now, he was stressing out even more, thinking about all the classwork he was missing, all the assignments piling up. Thinking about Tony, waiting for him to show up, trying not to panic when he doesn't, probably checking the monitor on his watch and his suit activity, to see where he had went. Thinking about his aunt, waiting for him to come bake with her like he had promised, and worrying when he doesnt show, because he always shows. Thinking about... Harley. Harley, coming home after a long day of schooling. Harley, noticing that Peter wasnt home, like he usually was. Harley, noticing that most of Peter's clothes were gone, his side of the room left in chaos. Harley, probably thinking the absolute worst.
Peter remembers the calls. The way his phone vibrating again and again as Harley called him over and over, leaving voicemails, telling him he was worried, telling him to call him back, that they could work it out, whatever it was, voice frantic, and then Tony, joining the mix an half an hour or so later, probably when Harley had fully begun to panic. But then, the silence. After about an hour of constant ringing (and Peter trying his hardest to ignore it), the calls suddenly stopped. Harley called one last time, ten minutes later, leaving one last voicemail, but after that... nothing. Pure, unfiltered, crushing silence.
After Peter had gotten to his hotel and broken down once more in the tiny, too clean room, he had listened to that voicemail on repeat, just to drown out his screaming thoughts that plagued his mind, just to listen to the ending again and again and again.
"I...I love you."
When was the last time they had said that to each other? Through text, maybe a few days or weeks ago, but in person? Peter couldn't remember. A while. Too long.
His escape was turning into a nightmare the longer he sat in this room, getting smaller and smaller, almost suffocating as the minutes turned to hours, as the day turned to night, and he couldn't take it anymore, he had to get out of here. Had to do something, go for a walk, clear his head, something, anything.
He basically jumps out of the hard, creaky bed, grabbing the card key had haphazardly thrown onto a table when he first walked in, and exiting the room, the building as soon as he physically could. He takes in a long, deep breath, feels the mid October air chill his lungs, giving a nice tingling sensation before he exhales, already feeling his muscles beginning to relax, his heart beginning to slow.
He looks left and right, before beginning his trek, feet crunching against frost with each step against the frozen concrete, the wind whistling against his red tipped ears, quiet, a whisper, definitely not enough to drown out his racing mind, his screaming thoughts, his growing anxiety creeping and wrapping around his neck like a noose, pulling tighter and tighter the more he thinks, the more he steps, the more he moves and breathes and functions. He takes another deep breath, trying to ward off another attack, another episode, but it doesnt work, the feeling getting worse and worse.
He feels a tingle at the back of his neck, sharp and harsh, but ignores it in favor of his breathing, trying to keep his lungs working as they should, trying to get oxygen to his overworking brain, to his stampedeing heart.
Rookie mistake.
He feels a prick on the side of his neck, and his instincts kick in before he does, his body flinching violently and whipping around, throwing a punch that sends the perpetrator flying back, hitting multiple bystanders before landing on his ass. Peter would've found it funny if there wasnt three others, surrounding him on all sides, grabbing at his arms, legs, torso, anywhere they could reach. And if he wasnt feeling so damn dizzy all of a sudden, the world spinning off its axis, vision doubling. He tries to fight back, tries to struggling, but his limbs feel like lead, his head feels fuzzy, and darkness envelops his vision before he can even blink.
Conciousness hits him like a ton of bricks, jerking him awake. As soon as his eyes are open, he's alert, on edge, wary, glancing around the unfamiliar room and trying to pinpoint where he is. It's a dark room, the walls, floor and ceiling all seemingly made of concrete, the only light shining through a sliver of a window near the roof on one of the walls. He must be underground, then, in what looks like some sort of basement, the room too small, and too familiar to be a warehouse or a base for an evil team somewhere. He notices a new more details, like a frayed rope on the ground, a table with some tools on it, and a few darker stains on the ground that Peter tries his best not to think too much about, and comes to some conclusions.
It's a one man job, definitely, not a group of people, and definitely not some well known group like Hydra. 'But there was more of them', he remembers, fuzzily, three men who had grabbed him once the sedative was given. What part do they have to play? Aside from that mystery, he also knows that they've done this before (from the stains that looks conspicuously like blood), and, the most terrifying fact of them all, that they know he's Spider-Man, the strong metallic cuffs that have to be vibranium holding him back, even as he tries with all his might to break through. He doesnt know how they found out, he's kept his identity pretty lock and key, but apparently they know somehow. So that's great, just perfect.
He doesn't know what he's going to do. His first thought is that he'll wait for Harley in his Iron Lad suit, or for the Avengers, or both to come save him, get him out of this mess, but then he remembers they can't. They don't know where he is, he never told them, so they wouldn't know where to look, where to start. They wouldn't even know he was kidnapped, much less know how to save him.
He feels his heart start to race, his chest start to squeeze, this throat start to close, before he forces himself to take a long, deep breath, shutting his eyes and calming himself down. Having a panic attack wont solve anything. He's alone in this, he needs to think clearly.
Okay, where to start, where to start? He needs an escape plan. He opens his eyes, and glances to the slim window, leaning forward and looking closer, seeing faint bars blocking the outside. Okay, so that's a no go for an exit, but what about the door? He looks to the old wooden door, the brown turning gray in its age, with a metal handle and a simple key lock. He could probably pick the lock, or break down the door if he couldnt. Good, now, he just needs to figure out how to get out of these cuffs-
Way too soon for Peter's liking, a loud click echoes in the room, and the door creaks open, a shorter, bigger man walks in, dressed head to toe in black and wearing a white anonymous looking mask. Cause that's not cliche at all. He feels a spike of anxiety either way, and swallows, wishing he had his mask on so he could hide a bit of the fear he knows he's expressing on his face (Harley always said he wore his heart on his sleeve, said it was one of the things he loves about him. Used to love about him anyways.)
"Good evening, Mr. Parker." The man says, voice low and rumbly, sounding pretty much exactly as Peter expected him to sound, surprisingly enough. Stereotypical villain smokes-three-packs-a-day kinda voice.
It's the greeting that causes Peter to snicker, grinning. "Ooo, so formal! You're like a James Bond kinda villain, I dig it! Yo, how do you like your drinks, shaken or-"
He's in the middle of doing his godawful impression when the man shoots forward and punches him across the face, and ow that hurt waaaay more than a punch should. He feels the burns of cuts on his face, the tingling of liquid running down his cheek, sees the brass knuckles reflect off of the sunlight through the window, and thinks 'huh, that makes sense.'
"Shut it, Spidey." He sneers, and Peter winces, his face scrunching up instinctually before he forces it to go blank. Sure, he knew that the man knew he was Spider-Man, but actually hearing him say it, hearing him confirm it sends a chill down his spine, cooling him from the inside out. He must've seen the flinch on Peter's face, because the man continues menacingly, starting a slow walk around Peter's chair. "Yeah, I know who you really are, Peter Parker. I've been watching you for a while now. Know about your wall climbing, your webs..." The man yanks at his handcuffs, making Peter's body crash back against the chair. Peter struggles to keep his face neutral as pain seares up his back, his neck, the back of his head. "Your super strength." He breathes into Peter's ear, before letting go, Peter slumping back against the cool metal, trying to look smaller than he really is. "I know it all, Mr. Parker."
Peter glares at him when he comes back into view, hoping his eyes dont give away his true emotions, dont give away how scared he really is. "That's really creepy, dude. Don't you know anything about personal space?" He gets another punch to the face for that, his teeth throbbing as a warm, metallic taste fills his mouth. He spits out the blood, the bright red a stark contrasting against the older stains on the concrete, and mutters "guess not" under his breath.
"Personal space." The man grumbles, before laughing bitterly, no taste of humor in the tone. "As if you know anything about that."
Peter's face scrunches up, and he tilts his head, feeling bitterness rise up this throat. "Sorry, I'm not following, how do I not know about that? I'm not the kidnapping people after stalking them. I dont even know who you are, dude." He braces for another hit, but it doesnt come, the man just chuckling harshly again.
"Oh no, you wouldn't." The man leans forward, mask almost pressing against Peter's face, and theres a line about 'again, personal space, man' on the tip of his tongue, but the words die and his head drops straight to hell as soon as the man finishes his sentence. "But your boyfriend would."
Harley... Harley's involved in this? How? Why? What did he do? His shock, his fear must show on his face because theres a hint of mirth, of amusement in the man's voice as he speaks. "Oh, the great and mighty Iron Lad, the hier to Iron Man, the savior of us all." His tone is bitter, mocking now, and Peter feels cold, colder than he's ever felt, icy cold horror freezing his heart, his lungs. "That's what everyone said. That's what everyone thought. That's what I thought." The man snorts, short and careless, bitter. "And then he killed my family."
"He would never." Peter spits out venomously before he can even think, his heart racing, aching. He wouldn't. Even if they were on bad terms, even if they were on a break, or whatever he could call what they were going through, he knew for a fact Harley would never hurt someone intentionally, especially not someone innocent.
"Oh, but he did." The man leans back, basically growling now, voice strained, crazy, beginning to pace back and forth. "He did, he killed her, he killed them, all of them. Crashed into our building, our house, our home, and he killed them all."
Peter just stares wordlessly, eyes wide, wracking his brain, trying to think of a time Harley crashed into a building. It was during a fight most likely, but Peter always remembers him in the air, on the ground, never getting hit, never-
Suddenly, a memory floods over him, and he swallows roughly, chest squeezing. "August 1st, 2024." He murmurs solemnly, quietly, and the man's head suddenly stops, head jerking to face Peter.
"You know." He wasnt a question, so Peter doesnt treat it as one, lost in the memory of Harley sobbing loudly against his shoulder, wailing that he had the window, that the wall had collapsed, that there was a woman, and a kid, and that he couldn't save them. It was the first time Harley had ever lost anyone, the first time Harley had watched someone die. It was one of the roughest nights they ever had.
"He tried to save them." He whispers instead, his heart aching at the reminder, at Harley's description ringing through his head. Of how he lifted the rubble off of the bodies. Of how he checked the mother first, finding no pulse. Of how the kid, the son, was still alive, but his legs, his body had been crushed. Of how Harley had tried to help, tried to save him. Of how the boy had coughed up blood, had wheezed, had looked Harley in the eye, his own full of fear and agony. Of how he had taken his last breath in Harley's arms, broken and beaten and bruised. It had taken Harley months, years to get over it, and he still couldnt look at the date without rushing to the bathroom to vomit. Peter shakes his head, shaking away the thoughts. "He tried. There wasn't anything he could do."
"He killed them." The man snarls, apparently not in the mood to listen to Peter's truth. "He murdered them, with his own two hands and-" he pauses, straightens, his voice going soft, quiet, eerily calm and collected when he says "And now, he's going to get what he deserves."
Peter can almost hear the maniacal grin on his face as he grabs Peter's chin and tilts it up, until Peter's eyes connect to the eye holes of the white, porcelain mask, covered only by a thin black mesh. "Because now, I'm gonna take away the thing he loves."
It's barely a whisper, what he says, but with his enhanced hearing, Peter hears it crystal clear, and he freezes, paralyzes, terrified. He yanks at the handcuffs again, and again, the cuffs getting tighter and tighter, cutting into him as he does, but not breaking, not freeing him, barely even moving-
The man walks over to the table, and grabs something Peter hadnt even seen earlier, his phone, and turns it on. "What's your password?"
It would be such an innocent question, if they werent in this situation. Someone someone, a friend usually, would ask carelessly, casually, something like "what's the wifi password?". Peter just narrows his eyes, and keeps his lips shut.
The man doesn't like that very much, as there's suddenly a very real pistol pointed at his forehead, coming out of seemingly nowhere, 'he hadnt even seen the gun, where the-' "Tell me, now."
He sounds serious, grave. Peter swallows a whimper threatening to escape, and gives it to him, making sure to keep his tone level, confident, firm, like he knows he'll be fine, like he knows hes going to get out of this, even though he feels the exact opposite. But he can't, won't let this man find that out, so he tries his best to act brave. To act like Spider-Man, even if he feels like cowardly Peter Parker. Man, he wishes he had his mask.
The man puts the code in, humming to himself as if this is normal, a regular routine act, before a loud ringing echoes in the room, and Peter's stomach drops. Of course he's going to call Harley. Of course he's going to make sure Harley knows what's happening to Peter.
Of course he's going to make Harley listen while he dies. Why wouldn't he? He wants revenge, revenge for something Harley didnt even do, and this how he's gonna get it.
Peter looks to the sky, swallowing roughly and blinking the tears out of his eyes, he's gotta be strong, gotta seem unaffected, gotta have hope. But that hope, that little light in his chest is dwindling more and more as the seconds pass, as the phone rings again and again, as horrible scenario after horrible scenario runs through his head, until-
"Hello?? Pete, are you there??" Peter cant help the silent sob that shutters his body, some of the tears in his eyes spilling down his cheeks as Harley's, his boyfriend, the love of his life, the one he thought he was going to get to marry one day's voice rings out in the cold, cold room, sounding almost breathless with relief and hope that it crushes Peter's already shattered heart even more. Theres so many things he wants to say,  so many words he wishes he could take back, so many he wishes he could say again and again, over and over until it was engraved into Harley's head, never moving, never wavering.
But before he can speak, the man speaks up for him, voice filled with a mock amusement. "Hmm, not quite. Mr. Parker's a little-" he chuckles, dark and ominous. "Tied up at the moment."
There's a pause, long and dwindling, full of palpable fear that causes a few more tears to slip from Peter's eyes, knowing, knowing how terrified Harley is, and when he speaks back up, voice low, shaky, angry, Peter knows he's right. "What have you done to him?"
"Oh, nothing." The man singsongs, grabbing underneath Peter's chin and forcing his head upwards, before brushing away his tears with a thumb. With anybody else, itd be a soothing gesture, an act of delicacy, of love, but all Peter can feel is disgust, bile rising in his throat, and he jerks his head of his his grip, glaring heatedly. The man drops his hand, and his body posture stiffens. "At least, not yet." He mutters harshly.
Another pause, and some shuffling, before Harley's voice cuts back in, sounding stronger this time, calmer, but it's an act, Peter can tell, Peter can always tell- "What do you want?"
"You can't give me what I want!" The man yells, suddenly slamming his fist into the table, Peter flinching from the loud bang that results from it. "I had everything I ever wanted, and you took it away from me! You took everything away from me!"
A puff of breath comes through the speaker, trembling. "I dont know what you're talking about-"
"You dont?" The man interrupts, breathing hard, harshly, before laughing manically as Peter starts to tug at the cuffs again, glancing around the room and trying, trying to think of a way out, of an escape route, of something, anything- "You don't remember? The night you killed my wife and son? Crushed them under the rubble of your mistakes?"
Harley makes a heartbroken, aching, painful noise, the sound reverberating as Peter shouts at the man, spits, "He didn't mean to! It was an accident!-"
The man whirls around and smacks Peter with his gun, hard, making his vision tunnel, the room spinning, his head suddenly pounding where it was only a light throb before. He grimaces, closes his eyes, grits his teeth with a wince, feels the hair on the side of his head grow wet and sticky with blood as he tries to settle this dizziness that's overwhelming him. "Shut up!!" The man roars, causing Peter to flinch again because its so loud, it's too much- "He killed my family! And now," Another laugh, the barrel of the gun now pressing against Peter's forehead, the cool of the metal seeping into his skin. Peter opens his eyes to stare at it, wide eyed and unfocused. "Now, he's going to listen as I take his."
Peter struggles even more, even though his limbs now feel like concrete, as the gun clicks, the safety coming off, the bullet lining up with the barrel, ready to shoot, ready to kill him-
"Wait!" Harley cries, his calm exterior deteriorating, leaving his true emotions on full show, the panic, the distress. "Please, your wife and son wouldn't want this-"
"You dont know that! You dont know anything!" The gun presses further into his forehead, finger laying on the trigger and suddenly, Peter is calm.
It's a strange, out of body calmness that washes over him like a wave, gentle, soothing. He stares up at the anonymous like mask, at the man wearing all black, and the faint sight of deranged eyes he can see through the black mesh of the eye holes, at the reflective gray of the pistol, and he feels calm. He's going to die, staring at this mask, this person, knowing that the love of his life, his soulmate is listening, and all he feels is an eerie calm, everything slowing down to a stop. He gives a faint smile, barely a twitch of his lips, before saying, loud enough so the phone can pick it up, "I love you."
He closes his eyes, and waits for the inevitable. He doesn't hear hear the sob like scream that Harley let's out, calling his name. He doesn't hear the door burst open, and three bodies rushing into the room. He doesnt hear the repulors and guns going off, killing the man almost instantly. He doesnt hear anything but his heart beat, pulsating in his ears, and a loud constant ringing, until the gun shifts against his head, until hands grab at his shoulders and shake him violently, until he opens his eyes and sees Harley's face two inches away from his, blue, ocean eyes wide with terror, mouth moving frantically, the one curl of hair always in front of his face flowing as his body jerks with his movements.
Then, suddenly, everything rushes back. The tsunami of emotions, of fear, of grief, of pain and hurt and 'god I'm so sorry' floods back over him. Sounds, Harley blabbering "Come on, Pete, answer me, please," in his ear, while others (he cant even tell who they are, can't even-) talking beside them, over the dead body of his captor, 'they got him, he's dead, I'm not dead, he's dead-'. His vision, blurry with tears he didnt even know he was shedding, spinning with the concussion he knows he has, going back and forth as Harley's actions get more frantic, more worried, his voice getting higher the longer Peter doesn't answer.
"Peter, baby, please say something, please be okay, please be-" Peter just leans forward and presses his lips to Harleys sloppily, almost missing from the dizziness still plaguing his mind, his thoughts, successfully shutting him up. Harley makes a strangled sound, before kissing back passionately, hands on either side of his face, salty tears pooling out of his eyes and into their mouths.
They pull away after a few moments, only for Harley to pull Peter to his chest, breathing out, chanting, "Oh thank God, thank you, thank you-" and Peter presses his face into his neck, feeling himself start to shake, to tremble as he slowly falls apart, wrapping his arms around his back and grasping onto the metal of his suit tightly, sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"Shhhhh," Harley soothes shakily, rubbing a strong hand up and down his back. "It's okay, you're okay. Everything's okay."
Peter pushes through anyways, needing to say this, needing to- "I-I didnt- didnt mean to run away, I-I just- I need-needed to get away, and-"
"I know," Harley murmurs, cutting him off gently, "I know, baby, I know, it's okay." He sighs quietly, sounding sullen, guilty. "I'm sorry too. But it's okay. We're okay."
Peter nods shakily, hoping, believing him, squeezing his eyes shut and shuttering, curling more into Harley's chest. "I love you." He whimpers, "I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you too." Harley whispers back, pressing a light kiss to Peter's cheeks, carefully missing the bruises and cuts, pulling the trembling boy even closer. "So so much. Forever and always."
"Forever and always." Peter echoes, sniffling.
Things aren't perfect, Peter knows. He knows that they still have a long, long talk about everything that's happened, and that things arent going to click into place immediately. They may not for a while, but as long as they're here, safe, warm, alive and loved... Peter knows that they'll figure it out, together.
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Here is my second entry for @naruto-fantasy-week! Just like with my previous fanfic for Day One, I realized I had a lot of potential and ideas to explore with this prompt and story idea so one day, I’ll come back to this fic and expand on the premise even further. But man, I wish I was faster at writing and had more time to chug out the rest of my fanfics because I am running out of time and have five more to go. Let’s see if I can get them all done in time. XD
The title of this story derives from both the chorus lyrics and the song title “Demons Are a Girl’s Best Friend” by Powerwolf. I did scanned this fic for edits but I probably missed some errors. 
Summary: Demons, monsters, they’re all the same when you live in a small, rural village always plagued with beasts, curses, and battles between magical creatures. Never in her life did Sakura expect to get pulled into the world of demons, thanks to the curiosity of a fox and tanuki demon. Naruto Fantasy Week, Day 2. Prompt: Monstrous. [Gaara x Sakura, Naruto x Sakura]
“You have always wanted to caress every monster.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
There was a good reason why her village established a curfew at night and on certain days of the year they warned the locals not to venture away from the outskirts of the hamlet and wander into the damp, murky woods that hugged near the village’s perimeter, acting like an imposing wall to another world. Monsters, demons, they claimed, laid on the prowl, waiting for the chance to snatch up an unsuspecting, unfortunate soul who strayed too far from the village and wandered into the clustered, dark forest. Their warnings and cause for concern were not groundless, for people did mysteriously vanish or when traveling to another neighboring town, didn’t leave in time to make it before dusk settled and never returned home. Bandits was the common explanation but there had been cases reported by witnesses, stating they saw humanoid beings with claws, fangs, and animals ears and tails. Demons walked among mankind and they were always looking to steal some away and never bring them back. 
Sakura had all these warnings and stories whirling in her brain as she sprinted through the winding, twisted path that would eventually lead her out of the dismal, haunting forest and back to the open fields of her helmet, where she’d surely be safe. She took a calculated risk in coming into the woods to scavenge for plants and herbs but a rare moss grew in these parts abundantly and her shishou needed them to treat the villagers. After a month of braving the secluded, verboten forest with no trouble, now, of all days, when their supply was running out thanks to a fever crippling the younger, more able-bodied folk with dizziness, hallucinations, extreme sweats, and lack of strength, she was spotted and now pursued by two demons. One fox demon and the other, a tanuki demon.  
Sakura leapt over a gnarled tree root, gripping her basket firmly to prevent the contents from spilling out and making her covert trek to the woods all for naught. She refused to look behind her. Looking back would slow her down and speed was critical if she was going to survive this frightful encounter. 
“Hey, hey you! Why are you running away from me?”
They’re just taunting me! They can’t know where I am!
Ducking underneath a branch, Sakura continued to race, increasing her pace even though her legs ached and her lungs heaved as if her whole chest was on fire. The sun was no longer peeking through the dense canopy and by now, she could hardly see what was in front of her. She had to be close to the outskirts of her town soon--she couldn’t be going in circles...was she?
That worrisome musing distracted Sakura momentarily from her mission, her feet still in motion but her eyes and mind were frozen in the sudden trepidation that in her fear of being spotted by some demons, she took a wrong turn and was horribly lost in these forsaken woods. She forgot to check her feet or look down at the ground, for a nearby tree branch snagged on the hem of her apron, startling her so badly her whole body twisted around from the shocking impact, one hand grasping her apron to tug it free. In doing so, Sakura failed to notice the enormous, thick tree root behind her and subsequently tripped backwards, the basket of herbs flying out of her grasp. Her collision with the bumpy, hard ground was agonizing and endless, her head throbbing and pounding like a hammer on the anvil and she tasted blood in her mouth. The back of her head felt wet and something sharp and jagged was jabbed up against her back. She tried wiggling her fingers and toes but was only greeted with a numbing sensation. Darkness swirled in her vision. She inhaled deep and instantly regretted it, her chest constricting and screeching at her to stop breathing while she hacked up some blood. As an apprentice to a knowledgeable, highly skilled and competent village doctor, Sakura deduced she was in horrible shape and if she didn’t get help soon, she would die.
I’m a dead woman either way. I’ll either bleed out or those two demons chasing me will finish the job.
Tears prick her eyelids and stubbornly, Sakura blinked them back, closing her eyes to alleviate herself from the vertigo that plagued her vision and head. Her trip wasn’t supposed to end like this, with her dying, alone and in pain, while her shishou anxiously waiting for her return with the herbs. She failed her mentor and everyone from her village. How long would it take for them to be courageous enough to explore the forest and discover her body? Or would the earth claim her corpse first?
“Please,” she croaked, ignoring the pain that came with every hagged breath. Tears flowed down her cheeks unchecked, her waning willpower couldn’t restrain them anymore. “Please, someone...help me. Save...my village. I’ll… I’ll do anything!” 
A torrent of coughing prevented her from continuing, eyes clamped shut. But in the midst of her excruciating hacking, Sakura swore she heard a feminine, sinister but twinkling cackle. But given the amount of blood she had already lost and sustained a severe head injury, she had to imagine the foreboding noise. Yet the laughter, hallucinated or not, echoed in her head as her head lolled to its side, weariness reaching every part of her, as if a burdensome, cool pall coiled itself around her and held her tautly in its grasp. 
“Sleep,” rang a voice that was not her own in her head. “Sleep, and let the two demons claim you. They will save you.”
Despite the pain, Sakura snorted but didn’t argue with the voice in her mind. After all, she was going to die so why waste her energy debating with herself? 
“Sleep!” the unknown voice commanded again, this time sounding impatient and irked. Sakura’s consciousness slipped from her control and the last thought she had was this was finally the end and she only hoped someone from the village would at least find her basket and bring the plants back to her mentor to treat her ailing patients.     
When the relentless round of bickering reached Sakura’s ears as she slowly woke up, she thought she was back home, in bed, and the near-death experience she underwent in the demon woods was simply a vivid nightmare. Yet as she fought off the grogginess and slowly opened her eyes, the hope swelling within her crashed almost instantly with such a raging crescendo at the sight of the fox and tanuki demon arguing with each other. They were loud enough that she didn’t have to strain her ears to hear them.
“What do you mean, ‘your territory’? She was wandering on my land when I found her!” growled the fox demon, spiky blonde hair momentarily distracting Sakura with his outburst as he shook his head vigorously. His azuline eyes flashed with rage, pulling his lips back to reveal a sharp set of canine teeth. 
No emotion registered on the tanuki demon’s pale visage or his aqua eyes, his scarlet hair remaining Sakura painfully of her own blood that she was hacking up not long ago. She felt sore, true,  but nothing as horrible as the agony wracking her body when she lied motionlessly, in the woods that evening. Had these two demons healed her fatal injuries?
There was no one else but them who could have reached me in time. But how did they save me? And more importantly, why?
As she pondered these puzzling inquiries, Sakura carefully listened on to the demons’ bickering. Their argument involved her but for what?
The ruby haired tanuki demon sneered at the blond fox demon. Dismissal was the only impression marked on his features now. “Since when did your territory cross over into mine? The once mortal was gathering in my domain and therefore, she will be a part of my clan.”
Clan? Is that what they are yelling to each other about? Whose territory they found me in?
At least they didn’t plan on devouring her. After all, why go through all the trouble of healing and patching up your prey if your own goal was to eat it? 
The golden haired demon’s ears twitched irately and the fox demon crossed his arms. His long, fluffy, gilded tail curled around the side of his left leg, looking so soft despite the anger charging through its owner. “Then why don’t we ask her ourselves?! I bet she’d rather stay with me than you, Gaara!”
Sakura froze as the tanuki demon–Gaara was his name–turned his attention towards her, teal eyes narrowing at her huddled form. Like Naruto, he too had ears and a tail, but his ears were more round and the tail shorter but seemed firmer. The fur on both the tanuki demon’s ears and tail was a tawny hue, with faint patches of black along the tail. 
“Finally, a good idea on your end, Naruto. The once mortal is awake now.”
The mood on Naruto’s face immediately shifted to one of curiosity and excitement and he immediately dashed up to her before kneeling down by her feet. Up close, he had what seemed to be whiskers but they were flat across his cheeks and had the appearance of facial markings or tattoos. From his enthusiasm to the wide beam he was delivering her, this fox demon reminded Sakura more of a loving hound than a dangerous creature. Could she have been mistaken to believe they wanted to hurt her, or at least, this one? The chase could have been one giant misunderstanding–after all, they were talking about her in their domain so perhaps that’s why they were following her after she ran away? To warn her not to trespass into their territory again? 
“I’m so happy to see you’re awake! My name is Naruto!” he introduced instantly, his tail brushing up against her leg. Its fur was just as downy as she imagined. 
“I’m Sakura,” she answered, her throat dry as she rasped out her name. She turned to look at Gaara, who was busy boring a hole in the back of Naruto’s head with a venomous glower. “And your name is Gaara, right?”
The said demon jerked his head up and immediately pinned his uncompromising scrutiny on her. “You were listening to our conversation.” His words were a statement, not a question. 
She nodded her head, figuring there was no point in lying. “Yes, but I would hardly call that a conversation. More like a heated argument.” She leaned forward, feeling some of her muscles groaning out in protest but at least she could feel her legs, hands, feet, and arms and every other limb attached to her. “But before I forget, thank you for saving me in the forest. I was critically wounded and thought I was going to die. But you two spared me and mended my body to practically brand new. I cannot thank you enough. She moved to get on her hands and knees to give them a proper bow, to demonstrate her thanks to such powerful beings but Naruto zapped his hands out to halt her movements. Bright sapphire eyes looked at her with concern and alarm.
“No, don’t move, Sakura-chan!” he pleased. “You still need to rest. It will take some time to adjust to your new body and—”
All warmth drained from her at his last few words, every part of her stiffening at his admission. Dread pooled in her stomach, seizing her by her throat and she recoiled from him, landing back on her rear. “What did you say?!” She nearly shrieked out, frantically glancing down at her hands and legs but seeing nothing different or out of place. Was the change elsewhere, like on her face or head? “‘New body’? What the hell does that mean?!”
Gaara hissed. Naruto’s eyes widened in horror at his slip. 
“Uh, I didn’t mean that! I misspoke! What I actually meant to say was that your completely normal human body is fine and you don’t have to worry about it except for resting up and not overexerting yourself.” he quickly amended. He shot her an assuring her grin but soon dropped it after she narrowed her verdant eyes at him. 
Gaara rolled his eyes at Naruto’s pitiable attempt to cover up his error. The damage had been down and now, the once mortal called Sakura would be panicking now. “Forget it, Naruto. She has to be told. Before she does something stupid, like run off and crash into a bunch of humans and scare them.” Now he was glaring at her, daring her to prove him wrong.  
She cut him a fulminating glower of her own, refusing to be cowed or scared by the likes of him, even if he was a demon.  By now, her fear of demons and what they could execute on humans had long since passed. “Tell me what?”
Naruto fidgeted uncomfortably prior to producing a hand mirror the size of a large mixing bowl and presented the item to her almost apologetically. “It’s easier for you to see than for us to explain to you. But Sakura...you have to understand, we had no choice. You were dying and this was the only method to save you.”  
Her hands nearly trembled as she accepted the mirror but her grip on the hard, curved edges remained strong. As she steadily tilted the mirror’s surface to reflect her visage, her fingers dug anxiously into the metallic, intricate frame until her knuckles were pale as cream, refusing to let go as Sakura came face-to-face with the monster in the mirror. 
Brilliant garnet, gold, emerald, and topaz feathers stuck out along her wide forehead like a crown, skimmed the bridge of her nose before disappearing completely. The same array of feathers poked out in tufts behind her short, pink hair, no doubt coming out from the upper section of her back. These same luxurious feathers coated at least half of her arms and when Sakura tried to shift around to see how far those feathers went, she caught one of her motionless wings out of the corner of her eye. 
For Kami’s sake, I have wings now?!
Still unable to speak, Sakura reached out behind her and felt her fingertips brush up against the bend of her wing, the texture of the feathers firm, smooth, and silky soft. A little tingle jolted up her spine as she continued to touch or stroke her wings and reluctantly, she stopped. Wings were more sensitive than she realized. 
“Sakura?” Naruto’s tentative, worried tone brought the said young woman out of her trance-like observation. His bright blue eyes looked utterly wretched and pleaful as their gazes crossed again that Sakura couldn’t find it in her heart to be so angry at him, even if this transmogrify changed her life forever, in a way she never expected nor was prepared for.
“Was my condition really that severe?” she asked quietly, first looking at him and then Gaara for confirmation. While Gaara tilted his head to the side and barely nodded, Naruto’s head bobbed up and down rigorously like an unstoppable ball. 
“There was so much blood that Gaara had to be away from you at first--blood kind of excites him, you see,” Naruto quickly explained, unaware of Gaara scowling darkly at him or Sakura’s eyebrows rising high at this new information about one of her rescuers. “But he calmed down once I tried to heal your injuries or wake you up, but you were unresponsive. I think you might have broken a couple of bones but I couldn’t tell.”
“What we could tell was that your soul was faint and fading fast,” Gaara interjected, brushing past Naruto to take a seat next to Sakura. His tawny tail brushed up against her wings and Sakura suppressed an involuntary flutter that spread across her shoulders. “Naruto felt guilty that our chase led you to your demise and wanted to save your life by turning you into a demon, one of us.”
“What about you?” Sakura found herself asking, leveling her eyes with his, unafraid to confront and meet his seemingly intense scrutiny. Up close, she noticed black rings outlined his upper and lower eyelids, making him seem less imposing and more...cute? 
Focus, Sakura! Now is not the time to be thinking like that!
“I agreed to help Naruto only to stop his blubbering,” he answered curtly, ignoring Naruto bristling and squawking with outrage at his blunt remark. He paused, cocking his head at her as if she suddenly became a fascinating creature to him. “But I must admit, I was rather curious to find a dying mortal being cradled by the branches and roots of the forest.”
Sakura’s jaw dropped at the last part of his admission. “Wait, what are you talking about? Before I passed out, I certainly didn’t see any trees coming to support me. Yes, it was getting dark out and yet—”
Yet she did hear a strange voice in her ears, echoing all over the forest while she was slowly dying but simply chalked the noise up to hallucination due to her blood loss. Perhaps she didn’t imagine those words at all and there was really a spirit of the woods watching over her.
Her realization must have dawned evidently on her face for Gaara sensed it immediately and narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Yet what? What do you remember?” he demanded.
This time, Naruto was the one sending him a glare. “Calm down, Gaara! She just had a near death experience and has to adjust to being a demon now. Give her a break, will you?” Growling, Gaara turned his furiously at him and the two demons were about to dissolve into another snarling, bickering match if Sakura didn’t speak up.
“I heard a voice, while I was bleeding out.” Both their heads snapped back to her, completely focused on her and her alone. “I can’t remember everything but the woman or whoever the voice came from, told me to sleep a couple of times. And for me to let you two save me, I think.” Eyelids now closed shut, Sakura wracked her brain to think back on those terrifying moments, where she was battling to stay awake and in vain attempting to move when the voice first came to her. The voice definitely wanted her to not be awake when Naruto and Gaara found her but why? Was it because she needed rest for her injuries and the impending transformation and the spirit sensed that? If that random theory was true, then why would a spirit of the forest care about her?
Gaara and Naruto exchanged pensive looks. “That does sound like something Kaguya would do,” the fox demon pointed out, donning a wary expression. “I know she’s supposedly dead and all but maybe her spirit does live on in the trees of that forest. The Tadasu no Mori was known to be her favorite resting place.”
Unlike Naruto, Gaara’s visage was unreadable. “It’s possible. And when she was alive, she was known to transform human mortals into demons.” 
Not wanting to be left in the dark about the spirit or woman who had some contribution in saving her life, Sakura chimed in, “Who is Kaguya? Was she a demon like you?”
Both of the demons nodded, their expressions completely somber. “She was one of the oldest of our kind but as the years dragged on, she became bitter towards both humans and demons alike and sought to bring about the destruction of this world and begin anew with her chosen few.” 
Shocked, Sakura could only stare at them and nodded silently, wondering how her village and people elsewhere never learned about such a catastrophe. Humans had stories and warnings about demons but nothing about a tale regarding an embittered demoness who craved to incite the end of the world and start a new one. Naruto’s face softened as he continued.   
“There was a long, bloody war between Kaguya and her allies versus those who opposed her. The humans that did get sucked into this conflict either perished or died soon after before they could pass along their memories of the war and fighting alongside demons as friends.”
“That or no one believed them and ruled their words as ‘outlandish tall tales’,” Gaara cut in sardonically. “But that’s besides the point. Kaguya was eventually slain in battle, her supporters either dead or capitulated. Her corpse was destroyed, the ashes scattered in Tadasu no Mori. If she is the voice you heard, then we’ll have to be more careful.”   
Despite her head swimming with news that there had been a dangerous, secret war between demons and to an extent, humans, Sakura frowned at the cautious tone in Gaara’s voice. “‘We’?” she echoed. “Why do we need to be careful? Kaguya is dead and long gone now. Even if her spirit was with me in those woods, she couldn’t hurt us, could she?”
“No, but she still has loyal allies waiting in the shadows that survived the aftermath. Some have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to revive her while others assay to continue what she started. And they would be quite intrigued with a human girl who was changed into a demon, a phoenix demon no less. Our whole kind would be. There hasn’t been a phoenix demon nor metamorphosis like yours in centuries.”
“But don’t worry!” Naruto chimed in cheerily, hoping to alleviate Sakura’s trepidation of how interested other demons would be in her. “Gaara and I will protect you! If you stay with us and our two clans, no demon can come along and snatch you up without starting a territory dispute. We can even show you how to use and train your powers as a demon!”
That offer definitely had merit and would certainly come in handy in this new world of demons and their own brand of politics and schemes. As touched as she was with Naruto’s vow of protection, she wanted to be able to better defend herself and learn what she was capable of in this new demon body of hers. The wings and feathers would still take some time to get used to. 
“Weren’t you two arguing earlier about who I get to stay with though? Why the change of heart?” she said, a teasing edge in her voice. 
Naruto’s cheeks flushed a vibrant vermilion, embarrassed as he sputtered and then mumbled up some excuses about ‘the strength of two is better than one’ and that ‘they didn’t know about Kaguya at the time’. Gaara remained po-faced through it all but his lips did curve up in a half-smirk. In the back of her mind, Sakura wondered what he’d look like if he fully smiled. Naruto’s features always lit up so infectiously when he beamed at her. He was like the sun.
“It’s okay, Naruto,” she interjected, reaching out to touch his hand and halting him in mid-rambling. “I understand. Thank you, both of you, for offering me shelter. Being a demon...it will take some time for me to get used to that. Especially since it seems I cannot go back home, right? Or am I wrong?” Deep down, she clinged to the absurd hope that maybe she’d be safe in the village, that while everyone would be flabbergasted or scandalized at her new form, they’d learn to accept her monstrous transmogrification and carry on with their day. But that vain hope flickered out and ebbed away like a small ember in the firesite when she witnessed the plaintive sympathy flashing in Naruto’s cerulean eyes or the disapproving expression overtaking Gaara’s pale features.
“No, you’re not wrong, Sakura-chan,” the fox demon admitted ruefully. “If you go back to your village...things can go poorly.” 
“You will be killed or imprisoned. And I would slaughter the fools who harmed any part of you, down to a single hair on your head.” groused Gaara, arms crossed resolutely. Sakura didn’t doubt him. There was no way she would risk the village being subjugated to his wrath simply because she missed her home and wanted to reveal herself to those closest to her in hope they would understand and accept her. They might but that didn’t mean the neighbors would. There was a reason why some towns had trained demon hunters and while her hamlet didn’t have any professionals like that, the village leaders could easily request one of the nearby settlements to let them borrow some of theirs.  
Her vibrant wings spread out, only a little for her feathery, colorful bends to be able to brush against her cheek, as if to comfort her. So much had betided to her in less than a day, even though time seemed to have stretched itself for weeks. “You don’t have to worry about me sneaking off to go back to my village,” she replied dejectedly, reaching to card her fingers through the differing layers of feathers her wings seemed to have. She couldn’t mull about what she lost besides her humanity.
And shishou must be worried sick by now since I haven’t returned back to her clinic yet…
Eyes widening in remembrance, Sakura snapped her head over to her basket of herbs, relieved to still see it lying there, untouched. She didn’t imagine its existence after all!
“Demons can cast illusions and shapeshift, can’t they?” she queried abruptly, startling both Naruto and Gaara with her out of the blue question. Their eyes watched her as she twisted around to pluck the basket up from the ground and cradled it in her arms. 
“Yeah, fox demons like me excel at both those abilities,” admitted Naruto proudly. He then elbowed his fellow demon playfully. “Gaara over here can cast a glamor but it won’t last as long as my illusions. Why do you ask, Sakura-chan?”
All right, this idea of mine just might work. I simply need to get both of them to agree with my request, Gaara in particular. He might not like what I have to say.
Toying with a stray piece of straw from the basket’s handle, Sakura replayed the words in her head one more time before voicing what was on her mind. “I know we already discussed me returning home is a terrible idea for me but my village needs these plants I gathered for them earlier. If you two use your illusions and glamor, the three of us could safely enter my village without issue. When I find my shishou, I deliver the plants to her, and once we say our farewells, we’ll leave.” The pinkette looked down at her basket, the source that landed her into this new life of hers. “It will be too risky and dangerous for me to go alone so I figured if the three of us go, there shouldn’t be any problems.”
Frowning, Gaara opened his mouth, probably to object, but Naruto quickly cut over him to exclaim, “Of course we’ll help you, Sakura-chan! It’s the least we can do.” He tilted his head at Gaara expectantly prior to adding, “Right, Gaara?”
The said demon cursed profusely, continuing to frown irately even as he agreed with Naruto to accompany her to the village but warned her he wouldn’t tolerate any delays or side-trips. 
“Just give your teacher those herbs and we leave immediately,” Gaara had told her flatly before he cast a glamor over himself to appear normal, like an ordinary human while Naruto’s illusion cloaked both him and Sakura. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll have time to say goodbye to your teacher,” he whispered as he weaved the illusion over them, winking conspiratorially at her. “You ready?”
She nodded firmly. “Yes. Let’s go.” 
They ended up staying in her village a little bit longer than Gaara wanted but he suffered in silence, uttering nothing to anyone when Sakura embraced her shishou and presented the long awaited herbs, apologizing for the wait. Like Naruto, the tanuki demon remained close by Sakura’s side, his eyes observing every little movement, a sentinel ready to turn into a vicious warrior if there was any hint of Sakura being threatened. Tsunade, Sakura’s mentor and mother figure, merely raised her eyes at the two strangers but didn’t comment on their presence at first. She directed her attention back to her apprentice, relieved to see her safe and sound after all this time but was simultaneously puzzled when Sakura announced she had to depart the village and didn’t know when she’d be coming back.
“But Sakura, I don’t understand. What do you mean you’re leaving?” Her honey brown eyes moved from her apprentice to Naruto and Gaara, suspicion etched on her features. While Gaara stoically glared right back at her, Naruto at least attempted to act congenial by beaming toothily and waving awkwardly at Tsunade. “Do these boys have anything to do with this peculiar decision of yours?”  
Sort of. But it’s complicated.
Instead, Sakura answered, “It’s a long story, shishou, but they helped me. And right now, I just can’t stay here any more, not for a while.” Or ever. 
However, she kept that dismal line of thought to herself, stowing it in the darkest recesses of her mind because she didn’t want contemplate the possibility that this could be the last time she’d ever behold her teacher again, the only person who truly cared about her dreams and desires and offered her an apprenticeship in medicine. And if Tsunade believed there was a chance she’d see her apprentice again, then she might be more accepting in letting Sakura go with Gaara and Naruto with minimal fuss.
Even though the urge to tell Tsunade the truth, to break down in her arms and sob that she was no longer human and wouldn’t be welcomed anymore by the people who once thanked her for treating their wounds and ailments, fiercely chewed her up minute by minute, clawing at her to cave in. Instead, she steeled herself against Tsunade’s observant scrutiny and dug her fingertips into her besmirched apron, thankfully only covered in dirt and grass stains and not her own blood.
Tsunade regarded her carefully, her gaze never wavering for at least thirty seconds or so until she let out a heavy sigh and her shoulders sagged. “I know what it was like and what I craved for when I was your age so I won’t press you, Sakura. But please visit me when you can and don’t forget your training. I long to see you become a top physician in your right.” The older woman smiled fondly at her, patting her head as Sakura brightened at Tsunade’s remarks. Even with such little information given to her, Tsunade still believed in her and trusted her judgment. Maybe one day, she’ll tell Tsunade what really happened, after she became wholly accustomed to her demon body.
“Thank you, shishou. I promise I won’t let you down!” 
Her mentor nodded firmly, satisfied with the fiery resolve blooming across Sakura’s visage. “I’ll hold you to that promise, Sakura. And as for your two ‘friends’...” She turned around fully to face them with the full force of her disapproving glower and cracked her knuckles. “If either one or both of you cause my Sakura any amount of grief, pain, and misery and she doesn't break enough bones in your body, then I will personally see to it the two of you won’t be able to walk or eat solid foods for several months. Do I make myself clear?”
Despite being a demon, Naruto immediately bobbed his head, blue eyes wide and alert. “Yes, m’am!”
Gaara grunted but nodded his head slowly, unfazed by Tsunade’s menace. He probably found her mentor’s violent words amusing, just like Sakura’s presence was to him. 
Sakura groaned in her hands. Thankfully, there were no more outbursts and threats and three of them managed to leave Tsunade’s home with Naruto and Gaara in one piece. She had no idea what would be in store in her when she ventured into the world of demons, yet at least she wasn’t doing this journey alone. 
Stretching out her motley wings to get used to their height and wingspan, Sakura watched Gaara and Naruto unlock the complex  illusion that was cast over the main gateway into their clans’ lands and closed her eyes in relief. Yes, at least she wasn’t alone and would have help along the way in training and harnessing her demonic abilities and one day, be able to fly on her own. She was looking forward to that part.
“The stories got it all wrong,” she murmured to herself. “Demons aren’t so terrible after all.”  
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Survey #318
“what can you do, where can ya go, when your mama is a burnout, and your daddy is a pyro?”
Do you have your ears pierced more than once? Yeah. Do you use an electric toothbrush? Yes. When was the last time you changed in front of someone? Oh, I have no idea. That's something I avoid like the plague because I loathe my body. When was the last time you got high? Never. Do you get along with your parents? Yeah. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? None. Have you ever used a Ouija board? No, I don't fuck with that stuff. Have you ever met anyone who claimed to be a witch? Yes. Do you go along with prank-callers, or just hang up? I don't answer numbers I don't recognize to begin with. Would you ever tattoo a lover’s name onto your body? Nooooo. Do you own any version of Guitar Hero? I have a lot of 'em. Do you use mouthwash every single day? No. Do you know anyone with asthma? Yeah, my mom. Have you ever walked through a forest at night on your own? Uh, no sir. When was the last time you were in a graveyard? It's been many, many years. Do you know what an ‘AMV’ is? Yep, used to make 'em. How many items are in your recycle bin? (On your computer!) Oh yikes, probably loads. I haven't emptied it in... I don't know how long. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? A bird. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? Joker. Heath Ledger's is my favorite. Have you ever had a pet rock? No. How much do you weigh? Yeah, no. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Taking nature photographs. Have you ever lost your luggage at an airport? No. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster that actually scared you? I don’t do roller coasters to begin with. Have you ever gone in a sauna? Ugh, hell no. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? No. Have you ever had an eating disorder? No. Are you attracted to people outside of your race? Yes. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? No. Have you ever dated someone more than once? No. Best cough drop? Those creamy strawberry ones. If you have a pet, does it make a lot of noise? One's a snake, so she's silent as could be. My cat is generally quiet, but he has his times where he just walks around meowing, normally for attention. Are you a fan of eyeshadow? If I actually wear makeup, yeah, I like black eyeshadow. Can you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi? Absolutely. I don't like Pepsi. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? Done it before, didn't feel weird. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? A Silent Hill poster. Which of your friends makes you laugh the hardest? Girt. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yeah, as a kid. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. What was the title of the last song you listened to? So today I've really been digging dark synthwave/cyberpunk-ish music, and right now I have a playlist on that's currently playing "DNA War" by Absolute Valentine and Billy Mays. How far away is the closest Walmart? Not even five minutes. Can you do a backflip? No. Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? Well, Ozzy is the lead singer of Ozzy Osbourne, haha. When was the last time you went fishing? Not since Sara visited and we went catfishing with my dad one night. What brand of deodorant do you use? Secret. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes. Do you regret it? Nah. Who was the last person to buy you a drink? My mom, lmaoooo. Who was the last person to buy you dinner? Also my mom, haha. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? Juan's maybe like... 28 or something by now, idk. Have you ever run a stoplight? No. Have you ever dated someone & then dated their sibling? YIKES, no. That sounds miles beyond awkward. Are both your parents still living? Yeah, thankfully. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music, for sure. Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? No, but I do find those super cute. What gives you a quality of life? Not much nowadays, idk. What would give you a high quality of life? A sense of purpose, direction, and worth. Do you have any rugs on top of carpet in your home? We have a big one in our living room, yes. I don't get it. Do you have a mattress cover on your bed? Yeah. Do you hate taking naps during the day? No; naps are normal for me. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Maybe I'm biased, but I genuinely do think Mark for a multitude of reasons. He's just extremely likable imo and sincerely a fucking spectacular human being. Do you have any vinyl records? No, but I would love to collect classic rock and metal ones. Which serial killer(s) do you find most fascinating? I'm quite honestly not well-informed in serial killer stories. I think they're interesting, but not enough for me to learn about them. Have you ever visited any celebrity gravesites? No. How do you feel about archaeology? It's fuckin dope. Any animals whose behaviors you find particularly interesting? ALL OF THEM AHHHH!!!!! But I particularly love learning about social animals, like meerkats (mongoose in general, really), African wild dogs, wolves, etc. What are your thoughts on gun control? I don't support the idea of banning firearms altogether, but I am very much in favor of some reform. There needs to be a much, much more strict and complex system in order for you to legally own a gun, and I also support periodic "check ups" to ensure you still fit whatever criteria is laid out. "Bad people will still find guns;" yes, some most certaintly will, but you can't convince me that the numbers wouldn't decrease. It would take a serious villain to put so much effort into pursuing obtaining a firearm. Do you like animals better than most humans? Sure do. Have you ever had to block people online for harassing you? I've blocked people to prevent that. If you collect anything, what is your favorite piece of that collection? I cherish the plush meerkat Jason gave me most, probably; out of my Silent Hill stuff, the limited edition Revelation flyer I have in Japanese. Are you friends with anybody you didn’t like at first? Hi, meet my best friend lmao. Are there any musicians you didn’t like at first, but grew on you? Probably. Do you have any favorite books you’d like to have signed by the author? Not really. Well wait, Ozzy signing my copy of his autobiography would be pretty damn cool. Do you like any board games or card games? I'm not really a board game fan, but Magic: The Gathering is fun as far as card games go. What historical figure(s) are you most interested in? I'm not incredibly interested in any, but I do think Pharaoh Hatshepsut was a bad bitch. She was one of the extremely few female pharaohs, and if my memory serves me right, one of the most successful. Do you like Breaking Benjamin? I sure do. How many people of the opposite sex have you told you loved them? One. Have you ever had to change your phone number? Yes, because I was getting strange texts from numbers I didn't know. Have you ever played bingo at an actual bingo hall? No. What’s your favourite comic book/graphic novel? I don’t read any. What is something you take pride in? How far I've come as far as my mental illnesses go, particularly depression and PTSD. What’s the biggest magnet on your fridge? I'm not getting up to go look. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No; I hate lettuce on burgers, so. What brand is your vaccuum cleaner? Dunno. Do you believe in sex before marriage? Sure, but I don't believe it's a must for everyone. Plenty of people don't even want to get married. Be intimate once you're comfortable with the person, and be safe and smart about it. Are you for or against abortion? I'm pro-choice. Do you feel like you need to lose weight? It's fact that I need to. My body just doesn't want to, afuckingpparently. All I seem to be capable of is either maintain or gain nowadays. Is summer your favorite season? It's my least favorite, actually. Do you wear glasses? I'm basically blind without 'em. Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German. What do you want out of life? To feel like I made a difference, even if it's a small one. Do you ever get carsick? No. Do you groom your eyebrows? Not really anymore, no. Have you ever liked someone who treated you badly? No. When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? Oh boy, probably not since I had my cyst in I think '16. I was in so much agony and we had no painkillers, so I had to wake up Mom to go to Walmart to grab some. They barely even helped at all. God, I couldn't imagine dealing with that again. Were your last two kisses with the same person? Yes. Do you have alcohol in your house? I don't think we do right now, no. Do you have any personal fashion rules that revolve around your own preferences/body type (e.g., you never/always wear a certain color, sleeve type, or length of dress)? Yeah; I don't wear anything that shows my legs unless I shaved, but I will never wear a dress that isn't at least past my knees. Do you remember any celebrity whose style you admired when you were a teen? What do you think of that style now? Avril Lavigne was/is an ICON. I still think she looks badass. So, is it gif with a hard G or soft G? I used to say the opposite, but I say "gif" now. Apparently that's how the creator of the term says it anyway. When you are invited to things like wedding showers or baby showers do you tend to go or skip? What about graduation parties? If Mom is able to take me, I'll try to go to the first two if they're my closer friends. Do you like spicy chips? Oh FUCK yes. What’s the last movie you watched at a friend’s house? Elf with Sara's fam. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Mom's, yes. Dad's, only the month. Do you read your friends' surveys? Yep, I love learning about them. Do you know anyone with a glass eye? Not to my knowledge, no. Do you ever use the n-word? Absolutely not. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? I tend to like lip piercings. Do you prefer beef, chicken or steak? Chicken. Ever spent the night in a tent? Yeah, multiple times as a kid, "camping" in the yard with Dad, haha. What do you call your grandparents? I called both sets just "Grammy" and "Grampa." Have you ever cried while reading a book? Oh, certainly. How many college degrees do you want? I got none, and I'm not going back to college. Do you know how to play pool? What about foosball? Yes. Have you ever attended a professional sporting event? Yeah, hockey with my dad a few times. Do you own any jerseys? No. Were you born with naturally straight teeth? No; that's why I had braces. If you were the opposite gender, what name would you like to be called? Maybe like... Victor. Idk. Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I love both, but sour. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yeah. What is your favorite kind of soup? I'm not a soup person. Did you learn to type through a computer program for kids? Yeah. What do you take for pain? Advil/Ibuprofen. What is your favorite place that you’ve lived? My pre-teen and teenage years house: in the woods on a dead-end road and down a gravel path that everyone always missed when learning where our house was. The actual road itself had very, very little traffic, and there was a large expanse of cotton fields. I loved it and miss the house itself, but it's got a lot of bad memories rotting in it. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My niece and nephew. <3 Who is your favorite cousin? I don't have a favorite. We barely interact at all. Does one side of your family live in another state? Literally none of my extended family (or half-siblings) live in NC. What states did your parents grow up in? New York and Ohio. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No. Is there a good hospital where you live? God no. It is notoriously awful. When was the last time you were asked out? Did you accept or decline? Mid-2017. I aceepted. Does your job allow piercings or tattoos? N/A Do you want to get married? If so, what color will your dress be? Yeah. Probably white/ivory or black. Ever had a caricature done of yourself? How much was it, and were you satisfied with it? No. Do you like peanut butter and fluff sandwiches? No, I don't like the texture. If you got married and then got divorced, would you want to re-marry? Probably not. What’s your favorite amusement park? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Do you play video games? If so, what kind? Yeah. My favorite are horror games, but I also love me some story-driven survival games like The Last of Us, and then there's "kids" games like Spyro, etc. I like a looot of different kinds. Would you buy used clothes? I don't think so. I know it's easy to wash clothes and stuff, I'd just still feel kinda... grossed out by it.
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retroandreal · 5 years
Lose You (Darius x MC)
HAAAAAAAA!! This was sooo overdue... I’m so sorry for the people I disappointed (I’m sorry my discord family) This one took me a really long time cause I wanted to capture Darius’ angst during the whole ordeal of controlling his powers which took longer than expected... like 3 days overdue @official-alex-cyprin​ cause I love you, crouton loves you xoxox
AN: This was inspired by the song ‘Lose You’ by Eric Nam, who is like my favourite male singer.
Warnings; angst (i tried) and like a small soft smut scene which is more fluff than sinning smut... bye I’m leaving...
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“I’m going to be leaving you for a while”
The shock on her face says it all. Shock? Betrayal? Confusion? I read her like an open book, but I just cannot bare to shut away our story yet. I am not the man worthy to be standing by her side, how can I when all I feel is the guilt of possessing a demon inside of me while being an assassin myself. I would take a thousand more beatings from Cal than to have her turn her back on me. This is why I have to do this; to be apart from you, so I can learn how to control the demons inside of me to keep you safe and carefree for the rest of time itself.
“Da-Darius… what about me?”
A single tear runs down the side of her face, catching the luminescent neon lights of the Ferris-wheel we ascended to the top of. A soft whisper comes out of her
“You can’t leave me, Darius…”
I dare walk the few paces that separate the distance between us. I silently ask for her permission to touch her, to wipe away the stray tear. She leans into my touch. It’s painful. I close my eyes to savor the feeling of her bare skin against the palm of my hand.  
Eyes wide shut, dreamin’ about you
“Listen, I’m not leaving you forever. But I will be leaving the old me behind; the Darius that is confused about himself, the Darius that is afraid of falling, the Darius that withers at the feeling of commitment. But I promise I will come back a better man. A man worthy to be standing beside you as an assassin, as Lust, as Darius Ricci and as yours. I will carry your love with me until I can bask in the feelings of being in your presence again. For now, though, I need to become that man you deserve.”
Hot blood rush turning a cold blue
She collapses her body inwards towards mine. So full of life yet trembling at the thought that she will have to live some time without her near me. The feeling of her softness and weight ebbs and flows through me like the calmness of the rooftop pool where we once made love. The smooth riding of the freight train where she and I made love again under the sapphire moonlight. Those moments in time will forever be suspended in my memory as I recall my forever known Lust being turned on it’s head and replaced by the foreign feeling of love.
“When will you come back to me, Darius?”
I let out a pained sigh.
“I don’t know yet, but I promise the moment I know when it’s right I will return to you”
I gently push her back but still keep a gentle hold on both her shoulders. Her trembling has receded, and her tears have all dried up; now looking at me, expectantly. She has opened my eyes to so many new things about this sinful world. One that I though that has been plagued by the demons. All my life I only knew how to be content with what I have. But she taught me how to love, and now I need to learn how to love myself again.
“I’m going to learn to love myself, so that I can love you”
Staring at perfection, I’m about to wreck it. It’s just something I gotta do
I need to start fresh with myself, come to terms with the demon inside of me that will always be threatening to take over my body. For the troupe, for myself, and for her.
I think I wanna lose you, just to find my way back to you
I give her one last kiss, desperate to relish in the feeling of her unrequited love she is so willing to offer to me despite all the ugliness that I have shown her, forced upon her.
Then I jump to the world below. Leaving my one true love where I once stood next to her.
I don’t wanna to let go, but I gotta let go
It’s been only a few days and I miss her already. The bleakness of this abandoned shipping container that I dare to call ‘home’ does nothing to calm my desperation to be next to her again. But I know I have to hold out, I need to become strong enough to stand next to her and keep her safe; from the demons around us and the demon within me that is constantly trying to claw its way from the chambers of my control and take over. Counting my days that I estimate to be in here, I decide not to continue living out of my duffle bag and unpack the bare necessities that I brought with me. Assigning the appropriate places of the minimal items that I brough I finally have enough courage to fish out the final thing out of the bottom of the bag; my blanket. Our blanket. The blanket that we both used while we riskily made love on the moving train that one night. I never felt as free as I did on that night; free to delve into the lust that I have always suppressed… finally letting it all out and carry the night with myself and MC in a long moment of bliss and love. I bundle the blanket to cover my face and I deeply breathe in; taking in its scent.
“Still smells like her”
You might think I’m some kind of crazy
I flop down on the sorry excuse of a bed and cocoon myself within the blanket, making myself an oasis in the form of a blanket burrito. If only she was here with me, it would be a perfect moment just shared between the both of us. In a sense, I always used sex as a tool to wield; to get close, to manipulate and even to use sex as a meaningless pastime. Sure, I hurt many women but something inside me knew that she was out there. Now, sex is a cherished moment between her and I, that I would never dare to share with anyone else. I want so badly to be sharing the same bed as you. I know you and can even so far as predict you; you’re lying in my bed, the only way you can physically be close to me without me being next to you. Trust me; I really want that too. But we can’t. You’re not safe with me.
I can’t blame you if you hate me, asking me “did you even love me?”
I adjust myself while suppressing the needy feeling of lust and make myself comfortable for another endless night of attempting to sleep… and as usual, sleep doesn’t come easy. Pulling my phone from the charging port, the bright light obstructs my vision as my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. My lock-screen is so predictable; her and I on top of the very train, in our bare intimates and our blanket wrapped around us, her kissing my cheek and my fist pumped straight into the air. It’s amazing how different a week in time can become. Now I lay here… alone.
It’s just something I gotta do
"Fuck... that one hurt a lot"
I look at the burning flesh on my right forearm, leaking with the demonic green blood. Quickly rushing to the sink to assist in closing up the wound, the coolness of the water does nothing to soothe the pulsating ache of the newly open wound. Medical procedures were never really up my alley. Usually Malakai and his basic first-aid training paired with a few hours of bedrest did wonders for me. Recently, before my departure from the troupe, she was always the one who tended to our wounds... paying closer attention to me. Those gentle touches are what I miss on a daily basis; from the purposeful wound cleaning and firm bandaging to the teasing yet pleasurable touches she gave me whenever we had a moment to ourselves. Only she knew how to bring me to such climatic bliss. She knows my body so well, but not without due experience of exploring each other's needs and limitations. It's amazing how far the human body can be pushed to its limit. But never in my life as an aerial trapeze artist has my body ever been tested to its limit as far as my desperate attempt to control the clawing demon inside of me. It hurts. Everyday. But I deal with it.
I'm feelin' nothing, I'm feelin' nothing
I think of her every time. I have only been able to deal with the physical and mental pain because I know once all of this is over, I will be able to return to the troupe. To her. Most importantly. I can feel her again. She's aching and alone in my abandoned bed. I want to reach her, somehow. I break out one of Malakai's books that he loaned out to me just before I made my retreat into self-exclusion.
"Demonic projections... if I can just find the page... dreams, dreams, dreams... here! To enter a vessel's dreams..."
Usually, the demons abused this power of being able to interfere with a human's dreams. To drive them crazy. To manipulate them without even realizing. But I want to use this ability for my own lawful good; I want to see her again, even if it just in her dreams. I know she dreams of me, but she relives the moments where I left her on top of the Ferris-wheel all those nights ago. I stripped that happiness from her... it is my responsibility to bring that happiness back, and even give her a little bit of reassurance that I'm still living and breathing every day.
Dreamin' about you
"For the most painless intervention, the vessel must be in a slumber for the caster to remain uninterrupted or the rift will cause major disruption to one's state of wellbeing" I stare at the paragraph
"Well... fuck me... I hope you're dreaming of me..."
Because I always do
Every night
Since we broke up
I think I wanna break up, just to make it all up to you
Like a white, hot pain, the feeling of the demon scars rips through my flesh and permanently but figuratively scar mt face as if it were an actual indentation from a blazing iron rod. Marked; like the gullible cattle that the demons have rounded up and taken over with their presence and violating the souls of the sinning humans around them. I stare at my marked face in the mirror. It's much easier to force the marks off of my face now that I have been honing and controlling the demon inside of me. Plus, being away from the city of sin itself has allowed me to grasp onto the control i need to master dream interception and manipulation.
Ten past 3am, I know that she is sound asleep. I’ve been observing her sleeping pattern for the past week and a half all while practicing my powers. To her, it will seem like she had a lucid dream of me next to her; but I never talk to her, reach out to her, or call her name. No matter how many times she calls out my name, I know that we cannot be together in her dreams. No matter how many times she tries to reach out for me, I know that we cannot be together.
Just hold on, a little bit further.
See you touch, but I'm feelin' nothing
Not yet.
But I hold onto my projection in her dream as long as I can, before it starts to physically hurt.
"Come on, baby. I know you can see me!"
I start to feel my projection sizzle and dissolve away. She cries out in her dream and I feel her violently jerk awake in a cold sweat. I hastily return to my full form inside of my bleak shipping container.
So... close...
So... fucking... close...
I hurl the closest thing to me and peg it against the rusty, cold metal hearing the echoing clang of thick porcelain hit the tin and shattering across the floor. Running my hands through the tendrils of my already unkempt hair, I sit at the foot of my mattress, cradling my throbbing head in my hands before deciding that paracetamol is a more affective solution than whining like Avi when he has to go to bed before Ripley.
"Painkillers, painkillers... Fuck my head hurts like a bitch…"
I pop two in my mouth, dry-swallowing since I just shattered my only cup, and letting the exhaustion take over my body as I fall into a dreamless slumber.
I'm feelin' nothing
I hear her.
“Darius… baby?”
Wiping the sleep away from my eyes, I turn on a full 360 axis and take in my surroundings. My… My room?
“DARIUS! It’s you!!”
“Wh- What...?”
My vision slowly becomes crystal clear as I can clearly make out the lines of a person. Not just any person, my person. My love, who I have been aching to see and touch for the past days gone by, in my dreams. No, our dreams. Her dainty stature and her signature, unique curves of her body spark the familiarity of her voice that blissfully echoes in my head. The features of her face are what captivate me the most, no matter how long it may be. Thirty minutes, waking up to her in the mornings or after the weeks and days we have been apart. I will never forget her. She is forever ingrained in my mind, and I need to remind her once again.
“I knew you would come back to me…”
She visibly sees how the past weeks have taken a toll on my body, the bags under my eyes and the slight discoloration of my skin. She silently asks permission before she paces the room and jumps into my outstretched and waiting arms.
“Baby, you don’t know how long I have been waiting to finally touch you…”
“Heh… I can tell”
She shoots me her cute but minx-like smirk. She’s the only one that can make me become like this; a blushing mess. But I’m not going to lie that she is the only one that can make be feel this way. Sure, the sex I’ve had up until was nice, but she takes it to a whole other level. She can undo me with just a flick of her wrists… or tongue. She has put a spell on me, one that I cannot fathom, but I don’t want it to end. I shoot her my own signature smirk back.
“Well my angel, what are we going to be about it?”
“Later… this is a dream, right? Where exactly are you?”
I know what she’s doing, she’s trying to bait me. She wants to find me, help me.
Not now.
“Far away from Vegas, but right now I’m here with you. And that’s all that matters”
I’m in California, you, you out in Georgia, but we’re both in the same room
I kiss her, with everything I have. And not long after all our clothes, except for our most intimates are sprawled across my bedroom floor. We’re both panting messes by the time we separate ourselves from each other to catch our breath.
“God! I’ve missed you so much, your skin on mine and the way you touch me”
“Oh yeah? Well, we’re in for a long night you and me”
I slowly place feather-like kisses down the ravine of her breasts, lightly teasing her to hear that sinful reaction out of her.
“O-Oh! Darius!”
Not yet, my love.
Travelling closer to her belly-button, I marvel at her toned stomach and the slight build of muscle that is slowly peeking its way through her Adonis and eventually eyeing my final destination. Hovering over where I want to be the most. I place kisses on each side of her pelvic bones in between my words.
“Try to resist, MC. It will make the experience so… much… more… memorable”
Basking in the afterglow of our many rounds of lovemaking and pent-up lust, a sheen of sweat covering our entire naked forms, still calming down from the multistory climaxes we brought each other to. The tips of the Nevada sand dunes slowly give way to the blistering desert sunrise. Our time together in our dreams is nearly up.
“Are you coming back to me anytime soon, Darius?”
“Baby, I don’t know. I still don’t trust myself to stay sane around you. I sometimes just find my markings on my face while just working out in my room and I go into a demonic rage. I’m so, so sorry MC”
But if I stay with you, we won’t make it
Stroking the nape of my neck, she places her intoxicating feather-like kisses across my collarbones leaving her precious marks all over me.
She sighs.
“That’s ok, Darius. I’m just happy you’re safe”
The familiar warmth of her body slowly starts to dissolve, replaced by a white, hot and painful rage. It’s calling to me again.
Just a few more minutes.
With her.
“Darius! You’re fading!!”
“I know, my love. I’m losing you again…”
“Please…” she cries behind her rolling tears.
She grasps onto the remainder of my solid fingers, not before my body turns into a translucent representation of me.
“I promise, I will make it up to you”
I think I wanna break up, just to make it all up to you
I say in a whisper before I disappear into nothingness… I manage to say one more thing, for her.
“I think I wanna lose you, just to find my way back to you”
I don’t want to let go
But I gotta let go
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