#but like. doesn’t a comedy character have to be funny? 💀
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Like I hate to be one of Those People and I would never say “I told you so” but I was always creeped out by Miranda Sings tbh. I remember I watched like a minute of one of her videos back in the day and was like “how does anyone like this?”
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crazyforclones · 4 months
I am so ill over Mario and Peach
Continue reading to listen to me absolutely lose my mind over these goobers
Establishing character:
I just adore Mario and Peach so much. And before I get those funny people always like “oh Mario hates peach,” or “peach never “gives” Mario anything for saving her! He probably only does it to get something from her-“ Ima need yall to shut your trap ok 👹
First of all, Nintendo, especially with Mario characters, had no idea how to characterize their characters in the beginning. Peach changes in almost every single different medium. Take the old Nintendo power (I think) comic called the “super Mario adventures.” in which Peach is a lot more outgoing, strong, sassy, and a literal general.
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Not saying this is a bad rendition of peach I actually like it! But I use it as an example of how these characters have changed over the years. And also, often times in games or stories like these where they focus more on the characters than gameplay, we see a more accurate and fleshed out character. Which is why in some other Mario games, characters often say things that might seem rude or out of character but is put there for comedy. (Nintendo obsession with making fun of Luigi in every rpg game is an example 💀). And the same goes for Mario, he’s changed a lot. But I feel in the current renditions of the characters, they have a much more stable idea of their character.
Also another cute picture from the comic-(sorry quality poopy I took it from mine)
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This is peach dreaming about marrying Mario btw.
Mario’s character:
From what we see now, Mario is just an average blue collar man in his late twenty’s who is quite short and also plump. Despite this he is still THE most brave, athletic, talented, determined, occasionally hot headed, and an overall idol to the entire mushroom kingdom. He is often labeled as THE Mario. And people also express their surprised when they actually see what he looks like 💀. But the reason I bring this up is Mario is quite literally just some guy. He’s some guy who entered this foreign kingdom, heard there was a Princess in trouble, and as a New York Italien blue collar worker he could’ve easily just went on with his day or ignored these random peoples pleas, but instead, he immediately decides he will travel multiple worlds so he can save this princess and help the kingdom (also cause the game needed a incentive but still-). From the get go mario was ready to help people. He helps them not expecting anything in return, but because he has a good sense of Justice. There’s hundreds of side quests you can do with Mario, sometimes they’re ridiculous. But you know what? Mario will do it. Because he likes helping people. Because he’s a role model. And because he’s just a good guy.
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Mario and Peach as a couple:
Most of the time, people who criticize or make fun of their relationship are often doing it as a joke which is fine, but this is for the people who genuinely think Peach is a jerk for not giving Mario “more” for what he does.
People often say “Mario has saved her so many times and all he gets is a kiss on the cheek!”
Now despite the fact Peach doesn’t owe Mario anything just because he saved her, I can see why people might be upset over this. However, like I said before, Mario does things not expecting rewards, but just because it’s the right thing to do and he has a duty.
People forget one dire things when it comes to love like this:
Love can be shown in many different ways
Peach kissing Mario in the cheek wasn’t proof that they were in love or together. I’d argue they weren’t really at all in the beginning. Except maybe a slight crush. A kiss on the cheek is often just a gesture of gratitude. Peach usually kissed anyone who saved her. It’s just her way of saying thank you.
What really shows that Mario and peach love one another is how they interact. The things they say and do. They don’t need to kiss to prove they’re in love, it’s simply implied with how they interact with one another. Whether it’s small gestures like holding one’s hand before a big game, or something such as trusting the other person to give you a boost so you can save your partners rabbid version of themselves from an evil space fish.
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Or! It can be something more direct, like peach literally looking Mario in the eyes and saying this:
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Or when she is scared but assured herself she will be ok as long as she has Mario!
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It’s these little things that speak larger than words. Mario and peach simply have a relationship that is there but doesn’t need to be forced down your throats to convince you that they’re in love. They simply are. And their love is shown in many ways. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and so does Mario and Peach!
Now have Mario dancing like a middle aged dad snapping his little fingers to make Peach laugh :)
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starnana7 · 4 months
every time I remember that the hit show supernatural made God, the literal God from the Bible, canonically bisexual but couldn’t do the same with a random guy who hunts monsters it actually makes me feel physically ill.. like blasphemy is okay but we draw the line at making the main character a little bit queer because it would “upset the heterosexuals men”? okay ig… and it’s so funny to me that they tried SO bad to make dean like really really straight and macho and a manly womanizer (I mean dude has literal porn brain and is obsessed with cars and is a film nerd) And still is the number 1 bissexual boy.. I mean no one that into cowboys is 100% straight 🙄 and if they actually wanted him to be that much of a cishet guy WHY would they make him have a codependent homosexual friendship with his best friend for more than a decade ?? and we have so much subtext to corroborates it that it’s actually insane.
and it’s also rlly funny to me that sam would be the most obvious choice for a queer storyline. like i’m not sure this is true but i heard somewhere that he actually was supposed to like be lgbt and that it’s implied in the show he’s pan bc he basically have sex w/ everyone and doesn’t care (like monsters and stuff). i wholeheartedly disagree bc sure he hited a demon and a werewolf and a kitsune and God knows what more But it still were just women and for me he’s still just straight 💀 we do have gabriel however and i would say that’s a valid argument but i don’t actually like them together because of the whole torturing-sam-every-tuesday-over-and-over-again but it’s still a good take ig. again this is just my opinion But anyways doesn’t matter my point Is that sam always felt like a freak and wanted to be normal and like was more open minded and “less-macho-toxic-behavior” than dean. he was a theater kid and talked about his feelings and all. STILL THO dean went and become The bissexual icon (Not Sam, Dean!!). and the fact that he was more manly actually only emphasized to his sexuality (and him being closeted) and sam being the straight one, and bare with me here. as sam winchester once wisely said “well you are kind of butch they probably think you're compinsating.” (to dean asking why people always assumed they were gay) and like this is so true, sam always felt comfortable in himself and like his nerdier and less cool strong man personality. But dean, oh, dean, no, no, no. and it could all be linked to john. we know how much dean wanted to gain his father approval and respect, all he ever wanted was for john to be proud of him. so he’d listen to the same music as john, same clothes… and so on. but when we really see a glance of him, we realize he’s actually much more “““girly””” (sorry for the term i lacked a better one) than he shows, Especially when compared to sam—who’s supposed to be the more girly one (again sorry for the term lol) or whatever. dean canonically likes taylor swift, chick flick films, actually liked when a woman made him wear underwear, the bailarinas shoe were “speaking to him” in that one ep of cursed objects, and so on. and every time he makes fun of sam for doing something not-manly-enough (like drinking lemon water or drinking from tiny coups) he eventually goes and do the same thing 😭 and i’m 100% sure that the writers just thought “haha funny scene this really straight deadly man does something not so convencional/more feminine(?) haha comedy relief time!!” but it actually just made him have a whole perfect queer background developed in the series. specially with the fact that He Does Overcompensate. why is he always flirting with women, why is he so butch and scary, always talking about straight sex and so on? because he’s really just deep in the closet. and it makes so much sense with john being his father, with him having to hunt two lesbians nuns in his 17 bday, always having to be strong and macho and cool and perfect—and therefore straight. even without cas, dean really does immaculate the bissexual experience and i’m so sorry but this is just true.
and now pointing to the subtext that i mentioned in the first paragraph (lol i can’t believe i’m making a whole rant as to why dean winchester is a confirmed bisexual), that whole confession to that priest where he says he wants experience new feelings, new people, FOR THE FIRST TIME. that always that the show mentioned a gay couple it ALWAYS focused on dean—not sam, DEAN. the gay hunters, the gay couple on the bar that the cupid “made”, the two cosplayers partners… the fact that every time that dean liked something it was borderline fangirl (gay) obsessive (the dr. sexy episode, that wrestler fighter). he Had a gay thing—and was all flustered about it. he flirted with a guy throughout charlie. THE MALE SIREN. the male siren like after that ep i was 100% convinced that man was not straight. he had a hot demon sumer with crowley?!!! and it’s so funny to me that not one of these things involves castiel, so if they really wanted to make dean be that straight why would they do that?? and only to dean, not even once to sam. Like. and not to mention all the homoeretic tension with benny??? sam never had a male best friend like that.. all of that and i didn’t even entered on destiel. Because this then really just confirms that he is Not straight. even if he wasn’t In Love with cas, they had something going on and the fact that if cas was a girl it would 100% be canon and filmed and Everyone would ship—and I really mean everyone—it just makes me go fucking insane. they could’ve had it all. the fanfic episodes, the parallels between dean and cas and “real couples”, ruby and cas duality and the fact that sam indeed had a relationship w/ her. Anyway i’m a # bi dean truth believer and i know this bc same boy # happy pride month to my fav bissexual boy in the whole world
also to anyone that says that “destiel” was unrequited love yes it kinda of was but only bc dean was so deep in the closet, he did love cas. he was indeed a bissexual man. i’ll die on that hill.
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amazingmsme · 12 days
Do you have head canons for how the different gods laugh?
(Besides Hermes lmao, his bird laugh is as iconic as it is well known💀)
Love your blog!
ABSOLUTELY! Decided to throw in everyone from god games as well as Hades, so this got a lil longer than expected lol. I always love doing these, & the gods are such fun characters that I’m dying to see more of! & of course I bully my faves
& Hermes is so iconic, I love his shrill cackle, that man loves a good laugh & never really holds back!
We also kinda got a canon laugh from Calypso when she giggles right after saying goddesses can’t die. I think she has a very light & airy laugh, almost like the twinkling of a bell. Very cute & feminine
Likewise, we heard a bit of what Aeolus sounds like, but that’s more of a snide, condescending laugh that she likes to use when toying with someone. Her more genuine laugh is higher pitched & more of a giggle
For everyone else, I’m going off of pure vibes
I think Athena tries not to laugh because she has a badass image to maintain, & tbh most of the other gods aren’t that funny, or at least they don’t appeal to her sense of humor. She likes more clever & dry witty comedy, which is probably why Ody’s jokes work well on her. He likes to use a lot of fun word play & his timing & physical comedy is just perfect, & catches her off guard enough to draw out a real laugh. She laughs with her full chest, it’s loud & is honestly such a bright, happy sound, probably because it’s so rare to hear. Much to her chagrin, she snorts when she laughs hard enough. When she’s trying to mask her laugh it gets quicker & higher pitched, & she usually tries to muffle it behind her hand
Apollo’s laugh is pretty similar to Hermes, but it’s a bit deeper & not as erratic & sounds like he has more control over his voice. Idk it probably sounds so pretty & smooth, almost like his laugh alone is a song & more than a few gods accuse him of faking it because it just sounds a lil too “perfect.” If you really get him going tho it does tend to take on a more unhinged & frantic pitch, & it gets real hard to tell the difference between the 2
I just know Hephaestus has a really deep & rich laugh, but he doesn’t laugh often. He’s pretty serious & he doesn’t always get every joke tossed his way, but when he does, it’s this really deep, amused chuckle that slowly gets louder the longer he laughs
Aphrodite has the prettiest laugh, it’s not as high pitched as you’d expect from her & almost has a purr to it, but that could just be her infectious, bubbly giggles
So uh, I love Ares way more than I was expecting to from his part in gg & I’m gonna simp for a sec cause I can. But Ares actually loves to have a good time & let loose! His version of that may look a lil more bloody, but he still enjoys a good time! He can still laugh & tell jokes! So I think he wouldn’t bother holding back & just belts out this deep belly laugh that can make you jump if you’re not expecting it. Funnily enough, I think he also would snort a lot when laughing, so maybe it’s a war god thing lmaoooo. He’s also prone to laugh when he’s sparring or in the middle of a fight, & that’s more of a different sound. He gets this crazed look in his eye & his laugh raises an octave & gets a lil faster until it’s this really menacing, crazed cackling that is just as scary as it is endearing
Hera doesn’t laugh as much as she used to, but when she does, it’s this sly sounding, amused chuckle. Even when she’s being sincere, it lowkey sounds like she’s making fun of you. If something actually gets her going, she’ll throw her head back & her laugh actually sounds authentic, but it still has a more smooth, controlled tone much like Apollo
Now for the big 3
Hades doesn’t laugh much, obvi, but when he does, it’s this really low rumbling from deep within his chest, & you don’t really think he’s laughing until you see his shoulders shaking & notice the smile beneath his beard. But it something’s legit funny, he’ll let out this hearty laugh & lean back & will either hug his stomach or slap a knee
Oh Poseidon, you’re gonna fucking hate me for this. But he usually has this calm, really snide snicker/chuckle he does when he’s mocking someone which is like all the time. It’s such a smug sound you just want to slap the shit outta him because it’s so obvious he’s laughing at YOU! But his real laugh has a rich tenor to it, & is way louder than he’d like. & if something really gets him laughing, it starts to get higher pitched before it starts to morph into more of a bubbly, gurgling sound until it sounds like he’s laughing underwater
It’s no surprise that the thunder bringer himself has a downright booming laugh that can shake the heavens themselves if he really lets himself go, but much like his bitch of a brother, he only really does that if he’s laughing at someone. Otherwise, it’s still really deep & loud, it just doesn’t have as much bass to it. If you listen for it, you can hear claps of thunder when he lets out unbridled belly laughs, & when he’s just chuckling you can hear a buzzing static sound like lightning
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hootbon · 9 months
I saw a concept on instagram by someone saying that no matter who wears it (like Jax in the art it had), it can change the emotion of whoever wears it, nice concept in my opinion (the art had Jax glitching cuz he put on the comedy mask and it was changing his emotions)
That sounds so interesting honestly (I can hear the lethal company from a MILE away)
It’s funny because I’ve thought of something similar for gangle in a way, for my au at least. She had a lot of different concepts I never figured out how to incorporate without it being ‘too much’
For instance,
We had a different idea of having gangle not be a separate ribbon mess but death grip attached to one of the mannequins at all times. And when another abstracted they’d replace the mannequin with the abstracted character until they’ve leeched off whatever was left of them..
That and they’d have their masks on the face that swapped out whenever one wanted control.. (gangle almost never got control).. I mean I wanted to keep this but but I could never get it to work if the original idea i had with that whole gimmick was that gangle dresses up the mannequin to look like a near identical replica to fool even the other members into false senses of security(such the way an actual virus works).. doesn’t work when you got a big ass mask on your face that looks suspiciously like aingle now does it💀.
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Hello I must talk about Hobie Brown or I will actively die. I have been hyper focusing on this man since I saw ATSP. This is a collection of things that I’ve seen others pointed out or my own thoughts compiled into one big list. MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE
The scene where Pavi, Gwen and Miles chase Spot to the force field just before Hobie shows up gives us the basic premise of this technology. It is “impossible” to go through. Miles tries anyway and is struggling with it.
Absolutely no hesitation from Hobie as he blasts through the force field with a wave of sound and a kick.
He does a cool pose. What a nerd.
Hobie canonically knows how to get through the force fields, which makes a lot of sense for his character.
Him and Pavi have a v cute moment and he definitely gives big brother energy.
He immediately knows who Miles is by Universe, which is interesting, isn’t it?
Despite Miles showing obvious irritation/dislike for him, he gives him advice, but also ribs him. Huge big brother vibes to the spider band. Also confirms that he knows exactly how to dismantle the force field and then teaches Miles.
Goes against the dynamic of how every other spider person has introduced themselves.
“And I was bitten by a … wouldn’t you like to know?” >:) Hot
Refuses to show off secret identity which is weird right? He just said his name. Specifically, he doesn’t show his face until Spot isn’t close by. Is he worried about retaliation?
We learn he is an activist, an anarchist, hates the AM, hates the PM, hates labels.
I personally think that his rant about hero being a term used by “self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat” is targeted. Probably at Miguel who we later learn very much thinks of himself as the good guy.
This man has read Marx and that’s hot.
Him and Gwen are close and this annoys Miles. He brings it up casually and is very nonchalant about her leaving stuff at his place. I def think they are platonic. Specifically I think he’s queer and she’s like way too young for him.
“Are those my chucks?” “Heh.” SIBLING VIIIIIIBES also someone pointed out that specifically her shoes don’t change like his do and that they’re in her size which probably means he bought them and pretended to leave them out
Him saying he doesn’t believe in teams is interesting to me. He’s an anarchist. What do you mean he doesn’t believe in teams??? Nah nah I think this is much more specific. One of two possibilities I think. 1) Lost a lot of people and teams are scary. It means you care about someone and trust someone, and you could lose them. 2) He’s specifically taking about the Spider Society and/or another “team” that screwed him over/other people over. Juries still out, but it doesn’t make sense.
He hates consistency, yet he’s consistently funny? Doesn’t believe in comedy, yet he makes me laugh so much? Curious 🧐
He and Gwen are immediately going to pick Miles back up after the blast from Spot. Mans cares.
“I’ll do it, but not because you told me to.” DYING. STOOOOOP
Him and Gwen do the exact same technique to pull up the building which means more than likely he taught her that.
This man is wearing full skinny jeans, doc mhartins, leather vest and carrying a guitar. He is DEDICATED to the aesthetic.
Despite knowing that Pav is supposed to lose either the inspector or his Gwen, he immediately goes to help save her.
Does not scold or patronize Miles after he “messed up”. Encourages him and hypes him up.
“It’s a metaphor for capitalism.” 💀
“I don’t follow orders and neither does he.” Hobie is trying to persuade Miles not to go back to HQ. He already knows something will happen if he goes, but he follows anyway knowing.
“I was this cool the whole time.” YEAH YOU WERE!
“Bit much, innit?” Slowly building up negativity to the society. He knows how to talk people out of joining things like this.
GWENDY!!! Adorable and not being scolding
“How much have you told him? Bout his place in all of this.” Assessing the situation while Jessica is right in front of them and can most likely hear everything.
Also knows A LOT about what’s going on. That Miles is a key player, an anomaly. That he is someone who means a lot to his friend, Gwen, and that he matters in taking this place down.
“Maybe not enough.” Miles doesn’t even know about glitching, which means he’s coming from a place of ignorance to the whole thing.
“Apart from having a great name? Yeah it’s super cool and not creepy.” Planting the seed about this place whereas Gwen is downplaying the red flags.
“Bet this doesn’t even do anything.” Actively stealing from this place to build the watch more than likely, and is showing the security theatre of the place. Showing Miles that this place isn’t as high tech and air tight as one would think.
“Propaganda, bro! It’s to distract you from the truth.” His voice is so sincere here, and it’s for sure how he feels. But when Miles pushes back, he changes tactics.
“I ain’t got a Scooby Doo mate.” Yes he does. He knows something, or at least has theories. Also keeping it nonchalant and chill so as not to upset Miles, which would push him further into the Society.
“That’s what they want.” He is correct though. We’ve seen they keep things from people in the society if they think it will make things go smoother.
“Why do you want to be apart of this stuff?” Trying to figure out what he’s missing from home that would make him want to join this cult
“Make your own watch.” Not only does he believe Miles can do that himself, but he’s actively stealing parts to do just that.
The little roll he does and hanging off that thing 😍😳😩🥵 God he’s just so casually hot
“Bet you got a nice set up, nice parents.” Checking on his living situation, establishing if he has parents what kind of relationship he has with them.
The way he looks at Miles when he says he got in a fight with his parents is very telling. It’s like a seriously? kind of face. In the comics, he is an orphan which I think will carry over, so it makes sense he might be jealous.
“That’s a bloody shame. Cuz you’re not ready for everybody else.” He knows about the canon events and if Miles dad isn’t dead, he won’t want to join if he knows.
Trying to convince him not to join, and almost pitting his happy home life against the Spider Society. After that line it immediately cuts to Miguel which means he knows about Miguel’s hatred for him/intentions for him
Physically puts himself in Miles way to block him from going forward.
“The whole point of being Spider-Man is your independence. Being your own boss, you don’t need all this.” Trying to convince Miles right before they go in. He has a chance to run right now without all the chaos that will happen. He’s trying to give him a chance to run.
“Then why are you here?” “Looking out for my drummer is all.” He’s looking out for Gwen and for Miles. Putting himself in a place that allowed horrible stuff to happen to him and his friends. More stealing for the watch.
“Alright, squashed! But don’t enlist until you know what war you’re fighting.” Doesn’t want to test Miles or Gwen when they still have allegiance to this place. Giving him one last piece of advice so he continues to ask questions and not blindly trust.
Hobie is actively hiding in the shadows trying not to be noticed. Obviously knows Miguel is a threat.
He looks so anxious when Miguel speaks to Miles. Knows what’s to come and is ready to throw down. Possibly afraid of him.
Seems unphased when the box is thrown at Miles. Bad home life? Knows Miguel’s temper is bad?
Immediately eats the Empanada. Based.
The little wave he does. It’s so sarcastic and obviously making fun of him.
Puts his feet up on something, acting all cool and aloof.
“I’m ain’t even here. Or here.” He’s testing Miguel’s patience and having a blast doing so. Also he’s sneaking around looking at shit and being fairly open about it.
“The kids an anarchist.” V cute, loves how it pisses of Miguel
“Taking a crap on the establishment? I salute you.” She obviously knows him as she likes being picked up by him. V cute together. He’s great with kids.
Kind of fades in and out as the tension escalates.
“Yeah what of it?” Defensive much? Was once close with a cop. My personal head cannon is that something forced him to kill a cop and he’s embraced it. More than likely the fact that in his universe in the comics Venom is used on cops to make them stronger.
Reminds Miles how to break free when he is panicking.
“Just for the record I quit.” Actively leaving the watch so no possibility of being tracked and in the middle of the commotion so nobody is paying attention.
Makes a watch for Gwen!!!!!! Also he makes it all punk which confirms that stuff from his universe stays punk after leaving, interesting.
Joins the Spider band!!! He def believes in teams.
Editing to add “You’re not helping.” “Good.” Like god he’s such a rebel and actively antagonizing the situation bc he knows where this is going. Thank you Robnicole for the note!
Also adding to point out that his Docs are laced with blue shoelaces which if you weren’t aware is a code in the punk community. Blue signified you’ve killed a cop.
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cyberfunsupporter · 3 months
for the character ask game, brittany? and rachel?
for brittany:
how i feel about this character
i LOVE her. she’s so funny to me and also i find her compelling personally, even though they didn’t really give her much story… i like the scraps there are 🩷
all the people i ship romantically with this character
santana. that’s it i fear
my non-romantic otp for this character
this is kinda hard. but probably quinn? i know they don’t interact much but honestly brittany doesn’t really have THAT many friends that are properly shown anyway 😭, and i like the idea of her and quinn hanging out!
my unpopular opinion about this character
this is less about brittany but like i didn’t mind brittany and artie dating. not because i ship them or even find them cute or fitting, but because it needed to happen for the story to progress and imo i thought that was a relatively decent way to make the s2 brittana plot happen. and it’s very hard for glee to make anything like that decent. so
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
damn. this is kinda hard. mostly i would’ve liked to see more carefully handled depth but i do recognize glee’s a comedy show it’s just still like. augh 💀 the flatness……….
for rachel:
how i feel about this character
honestly, i liked her a lot in s1! she got more irritating as the show progressed which initially annoyed me and made me hate her but after my rewatch… i don’t hate her. i think she’s funny and important to the show. it’s just kind of her little ongoing joke thing that she’s selfish and irritating and i don’t mind it anymore! plus s1 was just. so strong for her. it really won me over
all the people i ship romantically with this character
quinn. ummm. yeah that’s it really. jonesberry is very cute though and tbh i don’t hate finchel either they’re a relatively good match 😭
my non-romantic otp for this character
mercedes and kurt! also quinn eventually too, i like them as a ship and just as friends (with romantic tension though because that’s inescapable idk) also i like her and blaine being friends. they’re funny
my unpopular opinion about this character
idk how unpopular this is but. i’ve seen a lot of negative takes on her and i have a lot myself, however she’s not that bad. she’s just more outward and less overtly humorous about her faults compared to the other glee characters, but they’re all pretty much bad people and selfish at times or even a LOT 😭
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I WISH SHE DIDNT GET INTO NYADA… at least not the way she did? or in conjunction to kurt failing i guess… that irritated me. the chase for nyada wasn’t so upsetting, more so the fact she ended up getting in and kurt didn’t. so i guess that’s more of a kurt thing although, if kurt still failed his nyada tryout, i wish that rachel’s chase for a nyada acceptance didn’t work out in the end and she had to retry with kurt in the fall. simply because that win was a bit out of nowhere and i didn’t really like the whole setup for it with tina, even. yeah idk if that made sense but that’s what i think about sometimes. after all this show’s about losers…
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
Welcome back is the worst sequel ever for several reasons but the one that irks me the most is that they took a movie like welcome, whose charm lied in the fact that these were people in bizzare situation acting just the right mix of normal and weird that seemed appropriate yet funny, to an over the top caricaturish just another watch and forget bad movies that John has lately made a name for.
I mean, firstly they go and replace the MC . Yes, I know the most memorable ones of the movie were Nana and Anil, but I think people forgot that the MC was still Rajeev, the guy who was the link tying the normalcy and fear of Ghungru to the incredible mafia life of his BILs, he was still the normal guy holding his ground perfectly in such a flambouyant situation (and Kudos to Akshay for playing the role so brilliantly that even though he was the underdog of the film, he still made his mark as the MC with what he was given) and while that might have seemed a given at first, when welcome back introduces Ajju bhai (yuck) you realise all over that Rajeev truly was one of the main components of the film, neatly joining the mundane with outlandish. Same with Sanjana tbh. I won't go out and say Katrina is a great actress, but the way she portrayed a sweet and somewhat light headed Sanjana despite the circumstances that surrounded her, that is memorable still. I mean, if Katrina seems like a better actress than Shruti Hassan, you know you doing shit wrong😶‍🌫️
And I mean, this argument can be used overall all the replaced characters. Feroz Khan as a gullible don seemed lot more funny than the tried and repeated formula of an Idiot , dramatic don portrayed by Nasruddin. Shiney Ahuja instead of Lucky was an eyesore tbh. The girl who took over Malika's role seemed to lack the wit and charm with which Ishika duped everyone, her scheming was shown a lot more often to be actually as smooth as Isha's.
All in all, bad character replacement. In case of Rajeev to Ajay, bad actor replacement aswell.
Secondly, its the script itself. It sucks, the scenes suck, the dialogues suck, the idea itself sucks. All the good scenes I remember were all references , fucking references either to welcome 1 or other Nana's and Anil's movies. Imagine making a movie so bad that Nana Patekar, Anil Kapoor, Paresh Rawal, Nasruddin Shah, Rajpal Yadav TOGETHER cannot save it and then going ahead and removing Akshay Kumar aswell💀
Just look at the stuff. Lucky’s replacement is more one dimensional than lucky despite having more scenes, Ajay and Anjana’s Chemistry is so bleh when you compare it to how cute and wholesome Rajeev and Sanjana were, Uday and Majnu are stupid enough to fight over the same girl for a second fucking time. Uday and Majnu don’t feel like Uday and Majnu; both were gullible enough and shown powerful, here they are SCARED OF HIDING A DEAD BODY YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING GANGSTERS HELLO?!?!
Thirdly and finally, expanding on the script thingie, the acting that it required from the actors is not what welcome was about.
Like I pointed out, Welcome was a comedy that was absolutely absurd, but what made the charm for me was how rationally everyone was overreacting (how is that any making sense? Lmao). It was how Nana laughed after Majnu got insulted on call, my man looking much less angry than someone who threw someone off a yatch, ready to punch Rajeev after Lucky was presumably killed. Anil Kapoor hogging a road on gunpoint and painting like, idk, a normal person? A don that doesn’t give a fuck? That ek tang nakli guy just being there for plays and it Nana Patekar just keeping him being so funny? Akshay Kumar being rightfully frustrated in situations so, so funky that it feels so wrong yet so right at the same time.
Basically, you get the point, right? The comedic sounds and overracting was limited, they let the comedy sink in and never forced it (example, the ghode gadhe waali painting) The movie was not off the hinges, just barely holding onto them. People acting weird with body language but sane with speaking (mostly), ya must be getting it I hope
Now replace that with a generic off the hinges over acting film, where the comedy is so forced that you just cannot laugh because its that unfunny. The actors are phenomenal, well ‘cept John and Shiney, so and made the last movie so good. Welcome back relied and was banking on Welcome so bad but it lacked the movie’s very essence. Who will like it? What were they thinking making it? Why?
So yeah, tldr: Welcome back sucks and Welcome has no sequel.
This post was made by Welcome is my favourite movie ever gang
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*poster for extra feels*
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vacantgodling · 1 year
It Blursday!! 🖤💜
You don’t have to fill all the roles, and they don’t all have to be from the same WIP, but who’s:
the Ring-bearer, entrusted with carrying the One Ring (bonus: funniest instance they use it to nope right out of reality)
the “Sam”, armed with a frying pan and a wizard of potatoes
Sean Bean, who dies in every movie — falls victim to their own hubris
totally crushing on Arwen and has a really cool sword
Merry and Pippin the “package deal”, very concerned about missing second breakfast
the dude with a sick staff and a concerning amount of explosives, may or may not be an actual wizard
— @outpost51
THRJRJRJR THIS IS FUNNY AS FUCK I LOVE IT also this works so good for tcol bc one of its inspos is very obviously lotr LMAO
The Ring Bearer: it was a toss up for this one between deux and karenza but i’m gonna go karenza for this; she is definitely not someone that is easily corruptible and she’s more resilient than people think because she’s a bit ditzy. she’s amazing in a pinch and can hold her own and her amazing medical knowledge would definitely help on the long journey. the funniest reason she would use the ring is ABSOLUTELY to spy on kiba and eryn because they love to skirt around each other and she’s their number one shipper. i suppose in this weird universe karenza has been living in rivendell with them for some reason? lmao?? funniest reason for escape purposes is because she doesn’t want to do chores 💀
“I can’t carry the ring but I can carry you!”: since it was a toss up for ring bearer i think deux would be best in this spot. she’s strong as fuck literally the physical strongest of the main 5 mcs cuz of her heavy armor and big ass shield she can absolutely carry karenza lmao. also; she’s so much like sam. hearty, strong, good natured, the real hero of the story 🌚 and absolutely has everyone around hers best interest at heart. she’d crush it.
Hubris is strong so down u fall: best in this spot would be deux’s brother dion. this would be a really great juxtaposition if deux was the ring bearer which is another reason i REALLY considered it however i think karenza just works better. therefore, dion is definitely someone who has good intentions (for the most part canon not really but in this lotr bastardization yes!!) but he bites off more than he could chew.
Sword Dad: it’s kiba. for SOOOOOO MANY REASONS. firstly the fact that both of them (aragorn & kiba) are in line for the throne but don’t want it, they’re both powerful and resourceful but are humble and are more concerned with protecting others and being there for them. the only difference i’d say is that kiba is more outwardly jubilant instead of broody; and instead of being with arwen-character and cutting it off bc “she should be with her people” it’s more i’ve been pining over eryn for years and i can’t fucking get a grip (that’s canon also LMAO). he also wields a sword. another good candidate for this would be keevan — however i think kiba being in line for the throne definitely wins out in how close he fits the role.
MY AXE: piper. she wields an axe, she’s competitive, she will kick everyone’s ass she’ll kick her own ass.
MY BOW: forte. clearly. best fucking archer in canon lmao. also forte as an elf *bites lip*
Package Deal: now technically these two are NOTHING LIKE merry and pippin and they aren’t traditional best friends, they’re dating but moira and jagoda are my go to because they’re like… the only characters deadass attached at the hip do not separate. if i were to go closer to merry & pippin’s dynamic, then cameron and miona could be a good fit—the slightly more responsible cameron who wants people to take her seriously would be merry and more lackidaisy miona would be pippin. so either works? it depends on how much of a comedy we’re trying to make this LMAO. so overall cameron and miona might be better but they’re not as attached at the hip as moira and jagoda sO yAKnoW
questionable guardian wizard: if miona and cameron are merry and pippin the jihi would absolutely have to be gandalf. mysterious powerful guy that knows a lot and causes problems on purpose is definitely HIM.
thank you so much for this ask this was amazingly funny to think about LMAO
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Comedic Muse: Tom Holland x Reader SMAU
Anon request: “we need tom holland x comedian reader smau” 
Disclaimer: the England quoted joke is from Michelle Wolf, but her age didn’t fit with Toms very well. Other jokes are either non-copyrighted or from the Face Claim comedian Taylor Tomlinson
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liked by yourusername, harryholland64, and 4, 823, 921 others
tomholland2013: Darling, you killed it tonight! I am so proud of you for overcoming your stage fright and performing your amazing stand-up tonight! Haz and I were laughing the whole time! 😄
view all 264, 532 comments 
samholland1999: I wish I could have made it @/yourusername! Tom FaceTimed the family during it though and u were crazy funny!  👏
yourusername: Wait... he what?! You ALL saw my set? I was not prepared for that! 🫣
nikkihollandphotography: Sweetheart, don’t fret. We all loved it, see you tomorrow night for dinner! ☺️
tomholland2013: I had to love, they all wanted to see it!🤷🏻‍♂️
harryholland64: I must see you live as Tom’s laugh was too constant to truly appreciate your set 😒
yourusername: lmao, low-key proud of that! 🥰
yourusername: baby, thank you for being my rock tonight! I couldn’t have done it without being able to see you sitting in the front row laughing. ❤️ Plus, it doesn’t hurt that you were my muse for several of the jokes 😉
tomholland2013: what?! which ones?
hazosterfield: Lmao I told you mate! That’s what you get for being such a div! 😂
yourusername: I wouldn’t change a thing about you baby. After all, I would have way less material if I did 😘
tomholland2013: ....you’re lucky I love you 🙄
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liked by tomholland2013, nikkihollandphotography, and 3, 569, 465 others
yourusername: I am blown away by your response to my TikToks! I had no idea there were so many other people who are in need of therapy! 😳In fact, since there are so many of you, I am working with my agent to possibly go on tour soon. Until then, drink your water, don’t text your ex, and I guess keep repressing your emotions? 🤔
view all 465, 165 comments 
tomholland2013: all jokes aside, your TikTok following has exploded and I am so incredibly proud! ❤️
yncomedyfanpage: jokes aside? you do realize your girlfriend is a comedian right?! 🤦🏾‍♀️😂
yourusername: @/yncomedyfanpage oh believe me, he does! he is one of those needing therapy haha. Besides, he is saying jokes aside since he knows he can’t compete 😏
tomholland2013: lmao god I love you 🙄😍
nikkihollandphotography: oh congrats sweetie! your comedy is wonderful and deserves to be shared. p.s. this picture is very lush 🙂
yourusername: thank you Nikki! 🥰
jokesbyyn: love that Nikki is safe from jokes but Tom isn’t 🤣
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liked by zendaya, yourusername, harryholland64, and 9, 276, 071 others
tomholland2013: Go get your tickets to see this ace of a woman live at various venues across the US! Link is in my bio 👈
view all 465, 787 comments
yourusername: you can expect plenty of my usual content, MCU jokes (especially about one certain character/actor 😌), etc. Promise it’ll be worth it!😝
zendaya: purchasing all dates I am free right now!✈️
tuwaine: really? Why in the US only, biased much?😤
yourusername: We all know that’s where the trauma started, gotta get back to my roots 💁🏼‍♀️
paddyholland2004: lol after this can we expect a UK tour?
yourusername: definite possibility since I will be in the US I am sure I will be obtaining more trauma and other material for future shows! 💀
ynontour: see you at your local show! Tickets are going fast!
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liked by tomholland2013, harryholland64, thebrotherstrust and 9,364, 621 others
yourusername: Thinking about how wonderful the US healthcare system is. After all, where else will you pay a therapist hundreds of dollars to tell you to "take some deep breaths"? 😮‍💨💰
side note: please check out @/comediccharity for more info on this issue! 🎗
view all 368, 789 comments
thebrotherstrust: while we are a UK based charity, we wanted to share that @/yourusername has formed @/comediccharity which raises funds for various organizations in the US. 😄
tomholland2013: her current US tour is raising money to help those in the US who are in medical debt. AKA she is not only hilarious but a wonderful philanthropist 💕
ynupdatesuk: is there a UK charity program for her next tour? 👀
yourusername: @/ynupdatesuk for that tour, I will be partnering with @/thebrotherstrust who will announce the specific charities as the tour gets closer 🙂
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liked by yourusername, harryholland64, tomholland2013 and 8, 625, 739 others
netflix: “You know how when you break up with someone and they gain weight, and that makes you really happy? I bet that’s how England feels about us.” - @/yourusername is now streaming on all platforms 
tomholland2013: damn she’s smart, breathtaking, and whimsically funny? I wonder if she is single 🥵
yourusername: I mean you do see it was a breakup joke right? 🤨
tomholland2013: ........ hahaha.... look at you making more jokes. Call me? 😥
yourusername: thank you @/netflix for this opportunity to share my work while touring in the UK 🇬🇧
harryholland64: whoever took this photo did a good job, but needs to respect boundaries, I am your photographer 🙅🏻‍♂️
yourusername: about that.....
harryholland64: @/tomholland2013,... I need to join your call with her 😠
stacystarlight: if the series is as comedic as her responses to the Holland family, I will be binging it in one night 🫢
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rawbin-but-mha · 2 years
↳ Genres: fluff, comedy, gen ↰
↳ Warnings: I’m a bit mean to some of them as a joke, mild swearing ↰
↳ Notes: Bakugou is at the very bottom of this list purely out of pettiness and also I think it’s funny (also Mineta isn’t here because I don’t write for him) ↰
Likes to send GIFs to show that he thinks something is funny, but if that’s not an option in whatever app he’s using, he’ll go for the “😂” emoji, or the “🤣” one if he thinks it’s really funny
Yes I know it’s a tragedy. But he’s still cute so it’s ok he can be a bit cringe sometimes. As a treat 
“That was funny. (ᗒ ᗨᗕ) I laughed. (^ц^ )”
As you can see, he uses a horrible mix of overly expressive emoticons and proper language. He gets the emoticons from Izuku. (The overly expressive emoticons from Izuku headcanon is completely stolen btw but I don’t know where I first read it, I’m so sorry about that jdjhsdiuh)
Sometimes he says “Haha.” and he means it as in he actually laughed but it always seems like he’s being sarcastic because of the period after 😭😭
Uses “pfffff” and “hahahaha!!!” with an overly expressive emoticon such as ( ≧艸≦*) (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀) ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
Will also instead send stickers of animals laughing if he can
Keyboard smashes. Will retype a keyboard smash if it just “doesn’t feel right”
Uses ”💀” or “😭” as well
If what the person he’s texting said was REALLY funny, he’ll send a voice clip of him just laughing so whoever said it can have proof he thought it was funny
Also uses keyboard smashes and the “💀” and “😭” emoji
Will also use phrases like “I-“ or “GIRL I CAN’T”
Occasionally says “LMAOOO”
Just plain old “haha”
“I confess, what you just said was humorous.” or some other stupidly formal variation of just admitting he found a joke funny
Very rarely says anything else, but may say “LMAO” if she does
Mainly “💀”, but does keyboard smashes sometimes as well
If he’s feeling spicy he’ll send a reaction pic of someone or something laughing
You might get some “😂”s from her as well because she doesn’t know it’s cringe since she’s never really on social media sites
I have no idea why so many people in this fucking class can’t just be normal, but he’s another one to say a goddamn sentence
“You have excellent taste in humour, I laughed(★ ̄∀ ̄★)”
Very average, as usual 🙄 /j
…….. /hj
Might give you a GIF of a cute animated character (most likely an animal) if the texting service has a built-in gallery of them to send, like discord for example
Very minimal
“Haha” or “Lol”
Uses reaction pictures or GIFs of animals looking happy/like they’re laughing
Will not use any app that doesn’t have the option for him to send these GIFs unless he absolutely has to
Doesn’t ever laugh through text. He doesn’t want to admit anybody made him laugh
Closest to a laugh you’ll get is “SHUT UP”
↳ Masterlist link ↰
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