#but like yeh if anyone wants to like see more of her or other ocs too il send 'em
seanfalco · 3 years
Win’s Bad Day | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​
Word Count: 1.1k Warnings: Mention of past self harm, Smoking a/n: No smut this time, just good old hurt/comfort
[ masterlist ]
Win pulled her legs to her chest as she placed another cigarette between her lips, pressing her back to the sliding glass door as she looked over the Estate, staring numbly.  Her hair was a mess and she still wore one of Nathan’s shirts from the other day, not even bothering to put on pants or clean her makeup off, which had long since run down her face from her tears earlier. 
Now she just felt empty, unsure when the others would be back.
"Darling, we're home!" Lydia cheerfully greeted as she walked in, followed by the boys who carried her guitar, amp, keyboard, and other assorted equipment.  
"Winnie?" Lyddie's Nathan called, looking around, the TV was off; the flat was silent. 
"Baby?" Lydia spotted her at the tiny balcony.  "Sweetie, we're back, are you hungry?  I could make some... have you been crying?  What happened?" she exclaimed as she pulled open the door, finally getting a better look at her girlfriend.
Win quickly scrubbed at her face, horrified they’d caught her like this.  “Nothing!” she said quickly, though the word came out choked.  “I-I’m fine!” she insisted.
“You don’t look fine,” her Nathan pointed out gently, but that only made her shrug and fold in on herself even more, trying to avoid their worried glances.
"Hey, look at me," Lydia cooed, taking Win's face between her hands and kissing her forehead gently.  "We love you.  You can tell us anything.  Did something happen to leave you like this?" she wondered, trying to hold back the brunt of her concern.
"If it was Delilah or whatever, Lydia can kick her ass again..." Lyddie’s Nathan joked, hoping to get a smile out of her.
Win tried to smile, but it came out forced and she shook her head shortly, feeling tears begin to well in her eyes again. 
Great, I guess I’m gunna cry in front of everyone again, she thought. 
“No, it’s just... me.  It’s just me.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she sighed, sniffling. 
“She gets like this sometimes...” Win’s Nathan whispered in Lydia’s ear.  “She punched th’wall once… I thought she’d broken her hand...”
At Nathan’s words, Lydia’s expression darkened with worry for a moment before softening as she knelt before her.  "Aw, Winnie, come here, it's alright."  Lydia took her girlfriend into her arms, holding her tightly.  "There's nothing wrong with you, you're just having a bad day,” she said, kissing the top of Win's head. 
"Is there anythin' we can do t'help?" Lyddie's Nathan knelt by them as well, stroking Win's hair gently.  "Anythin' in the world?  Y'have two immortal reality benders and a human fortress at your service..."
“I don’t know!” Win sobbed, finally cracking, burying her face in Lyddie’s chest.  “I just wanna stop feeling like this!  I just wanna disappear!”  No longer able to hold back her tears they ran freely down her cheeks. 
“Let’s get her inside...” her Nathan suggested.  “She’ll catch cold if she sits out here any longer.”
"Come on, let's get inside," Lydia murmured, holding Win as they got up.  "If you feel sick just borrow my power, alright?" 
"Sounds like y'just need some love, maybe some tea?  Or chocolate?" Lyddie's Nathan joined the girls on the couch, covering them both with a blanket.
“J-just some water or juice?” Win asked in between sniffles, curling up with Lydia. 
“Can I get yeh anything?” her Nathan asked, fidgeting as she stood there, unsure how to help. 
“A hug?” Win answered pathetically and Nathan felt his heart constrict.
“O’course, sweetheart,” he exclaimed, crawling under the blanket on her other side to wrap his arms around her.
Lyddie's Nathan ran to the kitchen and came back with a glass of orange juice.  "Here, would a hug from me also be helpful?" 
Lydia smiled, pulling him closer so they could all be together.  She tucked Win's hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek softly.  "I love you," she murmured, running her fingers along the other woman's arm.  "You're the best girlfriend anyone could ask for, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way."
“But I’m not the best.  I’m rotten and good for nothing,” Win mumbled, her words muffled by Lyddie’s chest.
"What?!"  Lyddie's Nathan was taken back by the vehemence in her words.  "That's not true, Winnie!  Meetin' you and Lyds was the best thing that ever happened to us!" he cried, looking to his clone for support. 
"Don't say that, baby," Lydia frowned.  "You’re amazing, and talented, and beautiful, and kind, and sweet.  I have no idea how I got so lucky to have you fall in love with me..."
“They’re right,” Win’s Nathan murmured in her ear as she only hid her face deeper, still shaking with silent sobs.  “I don’t know what I’d do without yeh.” 
He hated seeing Win this way, and though it hadn’t happened recently, he could remember all too well the times in the past where he’d found her like this. 
“No, I don’t deserve any of you!” Win cried, pitifully.  “Maybe I’ve just-just tricked you into thinking that!”
"Nathan might not be the brightest, we can all agree on that--" Lydia began, rolling her eyes. 
"Hey!  We're right here!" her Nathan scolded playfully, cutting in. 
"--But I'm pretty damn smart,” Lydia continued as if he hadn’t interjected.  “I had to have something going for me when I was ugly..." she joked.  "You wouldn't trick me into thinking that.  You just can't see it right now, but you’re incredible.  I hope I never have to be away from you, because I don't know if I could live without you anymore..." she said, feeling tears begin to run down her face as well.
“Oh Lyddie, don’t cry!  See I made you cry, I-I’m sorry!” Win hugged her tighter, no doubt leaving a wet spot on her shirt from her tears.  “I love you too!  All of you!” she sobbed.  “Please don’t leave me!” 
“Is that what this is about?” her Nathan asked, stroking her hair, helplessly.  “We’re not goin’ anywhere!  Not over my dead body, and I can’t die!  Remember?” 
“But.. but what if you get tired of me?” Win asked irrationally.
"We're not leavin', not now, not ever," Lyddie's Nathan assured.  "How could we get tired of you?  That's like sayin' we'd get tired of pizza or-or ice cream, that just would never happen!  Forget it, you're stuck with us," he shrugged. 
"You didn't make me cry, Winnie," Lydia murmured, holding her tightly in return.  "I'm crying because I thought of my life without you.  I’d feel so incomplete... We're not leaving, there's no getting tired of you, you make our lives brighter."
Finally Win nodded, starting to believe them.  “I love you Lyddie,” she murmured, “I love you Nathan, and you too Natty,” she sniffled, looking to each of the boys.  “I’m sorry.  I don’t know what I did to deserve you all.”
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Lydia whispered.  "Everyone feels like that sometimes, it's normal.  We love all of you, all the time, not just the good moments, we're here for the bad ones too.  You're not perfect, but that's what I like about you, you can pick up the pieces and keep going." 
"Lyds has the way with words y'know, but we love you too, so much," Lyddie’s Nathan said, kissing the back of her hands.
Win’s lip quivered as if she was going to start sobbing all over again.  “Can we stay like this just a little longer?  I still feel a little fragile,” she asked feebly.
"As long as you want, sweetheart," Lydia assured her, bringing Win's face closer to kiss her lovingly.  "We’ll hold you all night long if that's what it takes, we're not goin’ anywhere.”
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @santacarlahorrorshow @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator  @spanishmossmagnolia @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @captainsheeballs
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sunnydaisy1 · 4 years
Med Students
JACKSON AVERY X OC  (nr i just found it easier to write with a set name)
A/N: I have been watching too much grey’s atm and I know i have lots of requests to write and a wattpad story to update but the Jackson inspiration is too much ahhh.
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I walked through the halls beside Alex as we made our way to the reception. Apparently we had all been paged and we didnt know what for. As we entered the large area, I saw all the residents gathered and I squeezed passed a few people until I reached Jackson and Mer. "Hey guys what's going on?" I asked, pulling Karev away from Arizona. "Fresh meat." Jackson said, nodding towards the line of sweating students. I grinned, nudging Jacksons arm, "oh how fun." He rolled his eyes but a small smile played on his lips as he turned his attention to Chief Webber. "Alright people today we are joined by a group of first year medical students who you will be supervising." He spoke, giving us all a stern look to silence the mumbles of disgust. "Your surgeries are their surgeries so look after them and try to be nice please. Oh and I will be choosing a chief resident soon so behave. Dr Grey will read out who you have been designated." Alex mumbled something beside me which caused Mer to slap him hard and I sighed, knowing this was going to be a long day. Lexie stepped forward, holding a clipboard and scanned the room for silence before proceeding. "Okay Marcus is with April." April waved and the med student headed over to her, leaving for rounds. I glanced up at Jackson who was furrowing his eyebrows. My gaze turned back to the pale interns and Lexie. "Meredith has Helen, Christina has David." The two med students walked over nervously and I laughed at Christina's merciless glare. There was 1 pretty girl left who I could tell was eyeing Alex up. "Dibs." Alex called, nudging Jackson and I rolled my eyes at their boyish behaviour. "No fair." Jackson said, shoving Karev back. "You fancy Ma.." Alex started but Jackson elbowed him in the side and I turned round, shaking my head. They both looked at me sheepishly and I turned back round as Lexie announced who Alex was going with. "Alex you're with Lydia." He triumphantly clapped Jackson on the back before heading over to his newfound 'love.' I patted Jackson's back, "Looks like you've either got the greasy dork or mr handsome." Jackson frowned down at me, "mr handsome?" I poked his cheek as Lexie continued to read out the other residents students, "not talking 'bout you." Jackson gave me a lopsided grin as he turned back to face Lex. "Maddie you're with Sam." A tall brunette stepped forward, a handsome grin on his face. "Greasy dork it is." I said to Jackson, walking off to meet my student. I heard him sigh which made me grin as I stopped in front of Sam. "Hey I'm Maddie, you must be Sam." I extended my hand out to him and he smoothly shook it. "Nice to meet you Maddie." I smiled at him and started walking off in the direction of Trauma. "Okay so today we will be under Dr Hunt who is head of Trauma. If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask but try not to get in anyones way." Sam nodded, "okay ma'am." He grinned at me as we stopped outside the ER. "It can be a little shocking seeing a proper trauma in real life for the first time so if you need to step out just do it." Sam nodded as my face turned serious. 
I stepped backwards, opening the door to the ER and walking through the the small corridor that led to the ambulance bay. "Okay we need to put on these yellow gowns and then we are good to go." I said, tossing Sam a large yellow gown. I spotted Jackson walking through the ER doors and I smiled inwardly at his pained expression, probably from his pestering student behind him. I unfolded my over gown and pulled it on, nodding at Sam who was tying his up. I was struggling to sort out the crumpled part at the back when I felt a pair of warm hands move mine away and I turned round and smiled at Jackson who grinned at me and finished tying a bow with the strings. I blushed slightly and walked over to Hunt and Torres with Sam beside me. "Morning all." I said, peering at the two grave attendings beside me. They grunted in return. I felt a nudge beside me, "hm?" I asked, preoccupied with watching Jackson cross his arms over his chest. "Is that one over there your boyfriend?" Sam asked and I blushed, quickly averting my gaze back to my smirking student. "What? No!" I said, frowning. "Okay cool." He continued before looking around at the ambulance bay. JACKSONS POV "Hey uh Dr Avery?" The greasy med student beside me asked as I watched Maddie talk to Sam and giggle on the other side of Hunt. "Yeh?" I asked curtly, fed up with this guys constant questions. "Is the ambulance coming?" He said, pushing his glasses back up his nose. I narrowed my eyes at him and titled my head to look at him, "yes." I said aggressively and James nodded, fiddling with his yellow gown. "Who's uh..who's the resident over there?" James asked, trying to continue the conversation. "Maddie." I responded, tensing as mr handsome nudged her. "Oh okay." He nodded and my attention was snagged from Maddie and her flirting student to the blaring sirens of an ambulance pulling up into the bay. Hunt and Torres stepped forward as the paramedics stepped out the doors and lifted the patient down. "Amanda Hart, 45 years old, multiple burns on her left arm and a large gash on both her legs, possible fracture on the left femur." The medic stated, helping us wheel her into the ER. I felt James shuffle beside me, awkwardly moving around the gurney. "Dude move out the way." I grunted, frustration clouding my brain. Hunt glanced over at me and I cringed, I really needed to impress all the attendings if I'm gonna be chief resident. When we had wheeled Mrs Hart into a bay and transferred her to a hospital gurney, I glanced up at Maddie who was working furiously, sanitizing the wound on the patients right leg. I shook my head to clear it and focused on the patient who was screaming in pain. MADDIES POV When we had finally given some pain meds to Mrs Hart and the bleeding was under control and she had an MRI, I sat on a stool alongside her arm where she needed a few stitches. Sam was listening to Torres explain something about a dislocated shoulder and Jackson's student was standing close beside him on the other side of the room as he finished suturing a young man. "Almost done Mrs Hart." I said sweetly to the middle aged woman watching me. "Thank you sweetie, you're a real star." She replied as I tied off the thread. I smiled at her and stood up, walking over to Hunt. "Need anything sir?" I asked, the ER was kinda slow today and I didnt want to spend all of today stitching up people, plus Sam should get a full insight of a hospital. "Uh no thanks Johnson, if you're looking for something interesting to show your med student you could observe in OR 2, Sloan's building some cheek bones." I nodded, grinning and heading over to Sam who was laughing alongside Callie. "Hey Maddie." Sam said, smiling broadly. "I've finished Mrs Harts sutures and I was wondering if you wanted to come see cheek bones being constructed?" I said nonchalantly as if I hadn't just suggested going to see a really cool surgery. "Really? Oh my god please." Sam said, gobsmacked. I nodded, "yep, go tell Dr Avery and his student, I think they've finished with their patient." Sam grinned and walked over to Jackson. "You know if you totally didnt fancy the crap out of Avery you could go hook up with Sam right now." Callie suddenly said as I watched my favourite resident talk to Sam. "Wait what?" I asked, turning my attention the the grinning Mexican. "might want to wait til after work though, if the chief found out that would be messy." I stared wide eyed at Callie, "wh..how?..howd you know I like Jackson?" The grinning attending turned towards me, "you told alex and alex told arizona who told mark who told me, word travels fast around this hospital Maddie." I gaped at her gobsmacked, shocked that all those people knew, I was gonna kill Alex. "Oh and the fact that you two never stop eye-fucking each other across the room." Callie added and walked off leaving me embarassed and blushing. I tried to act normal as I walked across the room to Sam. "Ready to go?" I asked and he nodded enthusiastically. "Wait hang on, dont leave without me." I heard Jackson pipe up behind me before placing his hands on my shoulders. "Alrighty then let's go." We walked quickly to OR 2, Sam and the student who's name I learned was James walked a little ahead, chatting about what they had seen today. "Hows Mr handsome?" Jackson asked beside me, his piercing green eyes glinting with humour. "Good, not that annoying and easy on the eyes." I responded, grinning at my fellow resident. "Oh lucky you." Jackson said, grumbling, "greasy mcdorkface over there wont shut the hell up." I laughed and shoved him slightly, causing a shit-eating grin to spread over his face. "Meanie." I said, glancing up at Jackson. "I'm not the mean one you called him a greasy dork first." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest in victory. "Yeah but we're all dorks so doesn't really count." I said, my side brushing against Jacksons. "I'm not a dork." He said defensively and I chuckled, "sure you're not Avery." "You're more dorky than me." Jackson poked me and I grinned at him, "that's why you love me." Jackson beamed and watched Sam and James stop outside OR 2. "I'll ask Sloan if we can watch." I said, walking past the two students and holding a mask over my mouth. I noticed Alex and Lydia standing very close together opposite Mark and I rolled my eyes, "Hey Dr Sloan do you mind if Jackson and our students watch the surgery?" Mark looked up at me from the patient and grinned cheekily, "depends if you and avery are gonna watch the surgery or undress each other with your eyes." I felt my face heat up and I glared at Alex who was grinning amused across the room. "Uh no." I replied, avoiding the gazes of the nurses. Mark nodded, "then you can come in." I walked back to the door and nodded, letting Sam, James and Jackson into the room, each now wearing a mask. JACKSONS POV We watched Sloan's surgery for 2 hours before Maddie got paged to the ER and I got paged to Bailey. James and I were walking out of OR 2, discarding our masks when the awkward student spoke up, "that was really cool." I nodded, trying to be a little nicer to him, "yeah it was, plastics is really interesting and Sloans a great surgeon." James nodded and walked alongside me down to the nurses station. "Is Maddie your girlfriend?" He asked suddenly out of the blue and I scoffed, "no." James frowned and adjusted his glasses, "do you want her to be?" I glanced at the dorky man beside me and chuckled a little at his attempt to get me to like him. "That's a yes then." James answered, smiling a little at my amused expression. "Yeah." I smiled at him as we turned the corner to the Nurses station. "You know if you fancy her you should just tell her, I think she likes you as well." James said, following me to the chart rack. "What?" I asked, confused why he would think that. "She likes you back Dr Avery. She kept on looking at you when we were in surgery and Sam told me she never stops talking about you." James continued, making me frown. "Thanks mate but I'm not so sure." I replied and James shrugged as we walked over to Bailey, arms laden with charts. Bailey brought me to check up on some post op patients and let James do a few checks himself. I couldnt stop thinking about what he said and I was looking forward to having lunch in a bit when I could see Maddie again. MADDIES POV Sam and I left Mark's OR after 3 and a half hours to grab food and let him go for lunch with the rest of his fellow students. "I think you guys are having lunch in the canteen with us." I said, leading Sam to the loud room filled with doctors. "Cool." He replied, walking closely beside me. We entered the canteen and I saw the rest of the residents sitting on a table in the middle with their students sitting a few tables away. I walked over with Sam to get a plate of food and followed him towards the students table where Alex happened to be sitting beside his pretty student. JACKSONS POV I watched as Maddie collected her food alongside Sam, smiling and laughing with him before heading towards his table. "Whys she over there with him?" I asked, absent mindedly eating my sandwich. "Why jealous?" Christina grinned at me triumphantly and I scoffed, glaring at her, "No." Mer chuckled as she slurped on her milkshake. I looked over again to Maddie who was now standing beside Sam's seat, talking to the table of students. "That dude's been flirting with her all morning." I grumbled, chewing on my straw. "Jackson stop being a wimp and just ask her out." Lexie spoke up from across the table. "Urgh no, I've tried before and she ends up inviting one of you guys." I replied, slumping in my seat and shooting daggers in the back of Sam's head. "Well then you just need to clarify it's a date. Maddie's a bit oblivious to stuff like that Jackson." Lexie continued, smiling at my distraught appearance. "What if she doesn't like me back, then i've ruined our friendship completely." I added, miserably picking at my plate.  "Oh grow a pair avery." Christina said, making me roll my eyes at her as Maddie walked over. "Hey guys." She said sweetly, sitting beside me in the empty seat I had saved for her. I grunted in response, intent on picking at my sandwich. "What's up with you?" She asked, nudging me and frowning adorably. I bit into my sandwich and mumbled, "nothin." Maddie shrugged and started chatting with Lexie about the med students and Mark's surgery. I continued to stay in a grump, mulling over how Maddie was gonna reject me when I asked her out later. I was fiddling with the lid of my drink when Maddie whispered to me, "Hey Jackson you okay?" I nodded and continued to listen absent mindedly to Christina complaining. "You sure cos you seem a little sad." Maddie continued, nudging my shoulder with hers. My heart fluttered at her sweet actions and I just nodded, mumbling "I'm fine." Maddie seemed to accept this but placed her blueberry muffin on my tray anyway, knowing it would cheer me up a little. I smiled slightly at her and she grinned back, now trying to make Christina see sense about her Cardio problems. TIME SKIP TO END OF DAY MADDIES POV Everyone was in a bit of a mood now after their review from their med student delivered by the Chief. My review was excellent so I wasnt annoyed but the depressing atmosphere in the residents lounge was starting to get to me. Everyone was already changed but I was still in my pale blue scrubs as Callie had needed my assistance on a surgery 10 minutes ago. I opened my locker before taking my scrub shirt off, placing it on the side and pulling my long sleeved top over my head. I turned around to get my jeans and when I faced back around, jackson was making his way across the room to me. I pulled my scrub pants off and tossed them to the side with my top, yanking on my jeans. Jackson leaned on the locker beside mine as I buttoned up my pants. "What's up?." I said, discarding my scrubs into the bin at the end. I reached into my locker to collect my stuff and looked at the green eyed boy expectantly. "Uh I was urm wondering if you wanted to go uh.. to go to Joe's with me?" He stuttered and I nodded, piling my stuff into my bag and pulling on my coat, "oh yeah sure, I need to talk to Mer about something anyway." Jackson took a step towards me as I closed my locker and put my keys in my pocket. "Urh no not urm not like that." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "What?" I said confused, frowning up at him. "Urm like a uh like a date." He continued and I frowned even more, confused as to what the hell he was talking about. "A date with Mer?" I asked puzzled, "Jackson shes marri..." I started but he placed his hands on my shoulders and laughed, making me smile slightly confused. "No a date with me idiot." I instantly felt my face heat up and I felt like an utter dork, "oh." I nervously looked into Jacksons eyes and felt my heart beat rapidly in my chest, "uh yeah, yeah I'd like that." I replied, tucking my hair behind my ear. Jackson grinned at me and I felt a wide smile spread out on my own face, still hot with adrenaline. We stayed grinning at each other and I glanced down to his mouth and back up, scanning his slightly blushing face. Jackson took a step forward, leaning down slightly and I felt the world whoosh around me, all sound and movement blocked out apart from the man in front of me. He stopped an inch away from my face, looking directly at my lips, I could feel his cool breath fanning over me. He looked up into my eyes, his green ones shining. "Can I kiss you?" He breathed out, eyes flicking between my eyes. I nodded slightly, not trusting myself to speak. 
At once, I felt Jackson's plump warm lips press against mine, pushing me back slightly as he cupped my jaw and cheek. My eyes fluttered closed and I relaxed into his kisses, kissing him back softly. I reached behind his neck and hooked my arms over his shoulders, deepening the kiss. I felt his left hand snake down to my waist, brushing under my tshirt and to the waistband of my jeans as he ran his tongue over my bottom lip. I moaned slightly and opened my mouth, letting him slip his tongue in. He brought his hand further round my back, moving his warm hands against the bare skin. I continued to kiss him passionately, feeling the rising temperature in the room. Jackson ran a hand along the front of my waist and his fingers dipped slightly under my jeans waistband. I moaned slightly in response but pulled away, not wanting to get too far ahead of myself. I kept my eyes closed and rested my forehead against his, "I dont want to get carried away." I whispered, breathing heavily. I opened my eyes to see Jackson looking down at me, his green eyes shining. "Let's go." He said, taking my hand in his and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
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Stargazing | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’ verse
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: around 3,3k
Warnings: Strong language, SMUT (lots of it)
a/n: Here’s your weekly dose of filthy, gratuitous, self-indulgent smut, but make it fluffy too!
"You know... In the future you always used to create a starry sky for me to look for constellations, Natty," Lydia said to none of them in particular. "During my finals, you'd bring me food every night and look at the stars." 
"And you're tellin' me we didn't shag? Doesn't sound like me," Lyddie's Nathan mumbled. 
That night the stars were very much real, the quad was sitting on the rooftop having a little picnic.
“Aw that’s sweet,” Win murmured, leaning against her Nathan’s shoulder, slipping her arm around him.
"It might sound selfish, but it feels so good that I don't have to send him back home to his wife and kid anymore," Lydia laughed, laying on the floor with one arm behind her head and the other hand holding Win's
“Wait... what?!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, sitting back up. “What d’you mean, wife and kid?”
Lyddie's Nathan snorted, his reaction had been pretty much the same. 
"Where I came from, you were married to Marnie and you two had a kid. Well, you weren't technically the father, but you get it..." she sighed. "That's why future you rejected me."
“That’s... c’mon, you’re takin’ th’piss,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed nervously, his mouth falling open as his chest constricted. 
He could remember all too well how easy it had been for Marnie to put him under her spell. To think that it could have been him that ended up that way, away from Win... He felt sick.
"Oh, Natty, I wish!" Lydia laughed, although it always pained her to remember that. "I was a bridesmaid at your wedding, I watched Junior every week for five years, I would leave your meals prepped every weekend on the fridge because Marnie couldn't cook." 
“Jesus,” he breathed, slumping back. “I can’t believe... I’m sorry Lyddie. That’s... that’s why yeh came back in time isn’t it?”
"Yeah, I couldn't keep hiding my feelings, so I told you and we kissed, but then you said we could never see each other again in that life, so I found a new one," she shrugged. "I think we all have our issues with time travel..." 
"Oh, don't mention it, Lollipop," her Nathan shivered, remembering what Curtis told him, especially the part when he had to watch Lyds die in front of him.
Win squeezed Lyddie’s hand. She knew how she felt, at least to some degree. Turning toward her Nathan she took a deep breath. “I’ve never told anyone this before...” she murmured, searching his face, he looked absolutely horrified, almost afraid to hear more. “Remember when I was trying to figure out my power and I was borrowing everyone else’s?” 
“Yeah...” he replied warily. 
“When I borrowed Curtis’s... I wanted so badly to use it to go back to the night I got arrested and make sure that Delilah took the fall for it. And she did. But then I realized I made a mistake... because she ended up with you and you didn’t even know who I was...” she explained, shaking her head. “I couldn’t do it, it wasn’t worth it.” “Wait, so are yeh sayin’ you went back and re-changed it back? Just so you could have a chance with me? We weren’t even together then...” her Nathan mused. “You mean, you liked me even back then?” he yelped.
"Look at that, two complete fools who traveled in time for Nathan Young," Lydia teased. "But it's adorable, and it was the best decision I've ever made... I didn't even know I could be this happy." 
She imagined Nathan and Delilah for a second and winced, holding tightly to both of their hands, that was way too disturbing. 
"Hey," her Nathan suddenly asked. "If you came back for me, why'd you say no the first time I asked you out? I was trynna flirt from day one." 
"Didn't want you to think I was easy..."
Win’s Nathan frowned as well. “Yeah, what he said! If yeh liked me so much back then, why’d it take yeh so long to admit it?” he exclaimed and Win turned to him.
“Cause I didn’t want you t’hurt me,” she answered. “You’re such a flirt, how could I know you’d be serious?” she pressed a peck to his lips before rolling to her back and snuggling closer to Lydia.
“It all worked out didn't it?”
"Better than I could've imagined," Lyddie pulled Win on top of her with the biggest smile on her face. "You look so beautiful when the moonlight hits you like this." 
Lyddie's Nathan Immediately turned his attention to them, raising his eyebrows and exchanging a quick look with his clone. 
Win’s Nathan rolled his eyes, a fond grin playing at his lip. “Can’t keep their hands off each other, can they?” he muttered. 
"I imagine you used to break hearts left and right," she taunted. "Bewitching everyone with your charms..."
Win snorted, though Lydia’s words were enough to make her heart race. “Yeah, well, there’s a reason Delilah calls me a slag,” she replied wryly.
"Should I be worried?" Lyddie narrowed her eyes, brushing her lips softly against Win's. "Cause I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you." 
Her Nathan covered his mouth not to laugh at how cheesy she was, but he couldn't deny it was adorable... and kinda hot.
“Mmm, that was a long time ago, babe,” she mused, her lips quirking slightly. “—before I even met Natty. I was a bit of a problem child,” she murmured, playfully nipping at Lyddie’s bottom lip. “I love you too, and I’m not goin’ anywhere 'cept where you lead.”
"I'm not surprised... you're pretty naughty still," Lydia tucked Win's hair behind her ear and pulled her closer. "Looks like I might be the least experienced in this quad, you guys are leading me astray." 
"A sexual deviant like you? You led me astray, Lollipop..." her Nathan laughed.
Win’s Nathan merely watched quietly, moving closer to run his fingers through her short hair as she kissed Lyddie.
“You’re a pretty fast learner, Lyds,” Win whispered, leaning into her Nathan’s touch.
"Hmmm," Lydia nodded, gently bringing him closer to join the kiss. She had never kissed two people at the same time and it didn't seem like it could work, but it was worth a try...
Win turned to kiss her Nathan, letting him get his face in there. It was a little sloppy and a little awkward but somehow it worked, only proving to turn her on more and eventually she pulled back, letting Lyddie kiss him fully, while she focused on kissing his neck, drawing a muffled moan from him.
"Um... d'you mind if I join? 'Cause I'm feelin' a little left out." Lyddie's Nathan propped himself up on his elbows, kissing her neck. 
"The more the merrier," she giggled, moaning softly against the other Nathan's lips.
Win turned to give Lyddie’s Nathan some attention, kissing the shell of his ear, moaning softly as he trailed kisses on his fiancé's neck.
"Maybe we should go back to the flat?" Lydia breathed, arousal pooling between her legs. "Someone could see us out here..."
“Then lucky them,” Win murmured, pushing her thigh between Lyddie’s legs.
"Oh," she gasped, taken by surprise. "Winnie, you're so bad..." she bit her lip while pulling her girlfriend's shirt over her head.
Win shivered as the cold air hit her, but she felt heat wash through her. “You like it when I’m bad, don’t you Lyddie?”
"You know I do," she giggled softly. "And you like when I'm a good girl for you, right?" At these words Lyddie's Nathan felt his cock twitch, grinding against her thigh with a grunt.
“Mmm, yes, you’re my good girl,” Win mused, grinding her thigh against Lydia.
“And you’re both fuckin’ hot,” Win’s Nathan groaned, moving to suck at her neck, bringing a soft cry to her lips.
"Winnie..." Lydia whined quietly, rolling her hips to meet Win's thigh. "I love it when you say that." 
"Somethin' here ain't right," Lyddie's Nathan reached between the two girls and unzipped the front of her top. "That's better..."
“Much better,” Win hummed, letting each of the boys move in to play with her girlfriend’s exposed tits as she sat up, replacing her leg with her hand.
"What did I ever do to deserve all this pampering?" Lyddie moaned right before her Nathan's lips caught hers as the other Nathan swirled his tongue around her nipple.
“Because you were such a badass the other night... and because you’re beautiful like this,” Win said, wetting her lips as she watched. “On your back, your tits out, that needy look on your face. God, it turns me on so much.”
Her words made Lydia shudder with pleasure, sometimes they could be more powerful than touches or kisses. That reaction brought an amused smirk to her Nathan's face. 
"Aw, y'like to hear it don'tcha?" he guided her hand to his bulge. "Y'little tart."
Win let her hand slip under Lyddie’s knickers and sighed as she slid two fingers between her folds, teasing her before sliding in farther. “So wet, Lollipop,” she mused with a smirk. “Do you want my fingers or my mouth?” she asked, relishing the groan that her Nathan made at her words, his mouth occupied with his other girlfriend's tit.
Lydia arched her back, she loved how Win always seemed to know exactly what she wanted, how to leave her wanting more. "Your mouth, please, please, baby..." she pleaded, squirming helplessly. "I need you so bad."
“How did I know you were gonna say that?” Win teased, pulling her fingers free and bringing them to her mouth to suck clean as she held Lyddie's gaze, lust darkening her grey eyes. 
“You taste so good babe,” she purred, bending down to push her skirt up as she pulled her ruined knickers to the side. “How do those stars look now?” she asked as she gave a teasing lick to her clit.
"What stars?" Lyddie inhaled shakily, completely lost in desire. "I only see you guys..." 
Her Nathan huffed a laugh, kissing her neck roughly, leaving a trail of hickeys behind, while Win's Nathan still worshiped her breasts. Both unable to keep from looking at Win and how sexy he was between Lyddie' legs.
Win chuckled, delving her tongue between Lydia’s folds. Glancing up, she noticed both Nathan’s peering at her and she lifted her face.
“What? You like it when I eat our Lollipop out? Does it make you hard, hmm? Maybe I’ll put my mouth to work on you two next. Unless Lyddie wants a taste too,” she purred with a wink for her girlfriend before planting her lips over the hood of her clit to suck, her tongue flicking over the sensitive nub, hoping to drive her crazy.
"Fuck, baby!" Lyddie let out a moan, nearly a shout, she couldn't hold back. She didn't really care anymore that they could be seen, all she could focus on were hands and mouths all over her, and, of course, how excited she was to return the favor afterwards, the idea making her even hotter. "Yes, I'm almost- Oh, this is so good, baby, don't stop!"
Obeying, Win moved her tongue faster, moaning against Lydia’s cunt at the sounds she was drawing from the other woman. The way she squirmed beneath her turning her on more until she was coming against Win’s mouth. 
Giving her one last lazy lap of her tongue she turned her face to nip at the inside of her thigh, hard, before sitting up and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “Mmmm, I love the way you squirm for me, babygirl.”
"Jesus, don't say that... You'll get me going again," Lyddie felt a shiver wash over her body. Lifting her head to look at her girlfriend, she bit her lip, loving more than anything to watch Win wiping those lips covered in her arousal. 
"So, should we take care of them? Or do you want me to take care of you first?" she quirked an eyebrow. "Just tell me and I'll do it, anything you want."
“So eager,” Win murmured, crawling closer to kiss her desperately, shoving her tongue in Lyddie’s mouth.
 When she pulled back, sucking lightly at her tongue she smirked. “I wanna pleasure these boys first. I wanna go last,” she said, almost breathlessly.
"Okay," Lydia obediently nodded, still drunk with the taste of Win's tongue. She didn't know which of the boys she should take care of, so she closed her eyes and reached for the first one she could find. Opening her eyes, she saw her own Nathan, smiling back at her. She pulled him in for a kiss while palming his election greedily.
“Hey there,” Win murmured as her Nathan pulled her toward him. “Hey,” he breathed, gasping as her hand slipped beneath his jeans to touch him directly. 
“You like watching us, don’t you?” she asked, kissing his neck as she caressed him. 
“Fuck yeah, I do. You and Lyddie together are like my favourite wet dream, love,” Nathan groaned, reaching down to undo his belt and jeans for her.
"Wow, you get this hard just from watching us?" Lyddie unzipped her Nathan's jeans, their lips still connecting as she stroked his length teasingly. 
"You two are better than porn, what'd you expect?" he growled, blowing gently next to her ear to give her goosebumps. "So, how 'bout you put this pretty little mouth to use, huh?" 
"Yes, Natty," she leaned in, making sure to give him a good view of her ass as she took his cock between her lips.
Win stole one more kiss before moving lower to run her tongue along her Nathan’s length, her eyes not leaving his as she grinned up at him, swirling her tongue around his swollen head. 
“Oh fuck, Win baby,” he groaned, watching hypnotized as she took all of him in, letting him hit the back of her throat before bobbing her head and moaning, the vibrations bringing a needy whine from him, and soon he was bucking unabashedly into her mouth, chasing his pleasure as he faintly registered his clone getting the same treatment not far away.
Lyddie was quite self-conscious about many things, but her oral sex skills were not one of them, she loved to hear Nathan losing his mind while she pleasured him. 
"Jesus, Lollipop... Slow down, slow down, I don't wanna finish yet. Let me enjoy it a little," he cried, and Lyddie grinned, letting his cock slide off her mouth as she gently kissed his tip. 
"Sorry, Natty, you just taste so good, I can't help myself," she gave him her best innocent look before blowing gently on his sensitive skin and taking him once more in her mouth.
As Nathan came in Win’s mouth, she licked him clean before swallowing his mess and glancing over at Lyddie pleasuring her own Nathan.
“You know, I just realized,” she murmured as he pulled her atop him, drawing her into his arms, “I’ve never really gotten a chance to watch before. This is pretty hot,” she mused, sighing, though she was still aflame with desire, her cunt aching painfully. “Sometime I think I’d like to watch you both take Lyds at the same time.” 
“Jesus, Win, you’re gunna get me hard again if y’say stuff like that,” her Nathan groaned.
Lyddie's Nathan couldn't quite formulate a sentence at this point as he blew his load in her mouth, but his grunts and cries filled her with confidence. 
"Was that good?" she made a show of swallowing and licking her lips, staring deep into his eyes. 
"Fuck, that was... Jesus..." he tried to catch his breath, his face buried into her hair. 
"I believe that's your turn now," Lydia glanced over at Win with a sultry look. "I can't wait to hear you screaming for us..."
Win’s brows rose at the look on her girlfriend's face and she grinned. “Do you wanna hear me beg for it, or should I play hard to get?” she laughed as Lyddie crawled closer, Nathan holding her so she couldn’t get away, even if she wanted to, her bare chest heaving.
"You do look adorable when you beg, but I feel like begging tonight..." Lydia leaned in and kissed Win's neck, a feather-like touch just to startle her. "Can I make you come, Winnie? Please?"
“Oh,” she moaned, the sound coming from her unbidden. “I-I dunno, can you?” she countered, though it didn’t sound as confident as she’d intended with how breathy her voice was just from Lyddie’s barest touch, her body reacting to the other woman, wanting so badly to be touched.
Lyds smirked when she realized how hard it was for Win not to give in immediately. That only made her want to tease her girlfriend more... 
"I can make you feel so good, baby," she purred, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses on her chest, wanting to watch her break. "Please, let me make you come... Don't you want me?"
“I always want you,” Win murmured, wanting nothing more than to give in and beg for it, especially when Lydia looked at her like that.
"Your wish is my command," she wet her lips as she pulled Win's knickers down. "Aw, you're so wet, you must really need me, don't you?" she dragged her tongue slowly along her slit.
“Oh God, Lyddie, I need you so bad,” Win gasped, her voice cracking with need.
“What about me, hmm?” her Nathan asked, his voice right in her ear as he held her from behind, his hands snaking around her to grasp her breasts. 
“Oh, Nate, I need you too!”
Lyddie's Nathan, not wanting to feel left out, was taking turns kissing his fiancé's shoulders and neck and Win's. 
"Hmm, so good, babe," Lydia moaned while still licking and kissing her clit, finally taking it between her lips, sucking on it lightly.
“Your mouth feels so good,” Win mumbled between Lyddie’s Nathan’s kisses. Arching against her own Nathan. She impatiently rolled her hips into her girlfriend's mouth, wanting more, the overstimulation of being touched by all three of her lovers at once going to her head.
"Look who's needy now... go on, baby, I wanna hear you," Lydia teased, her tongue working mercilessly, giving Win exactly what she wanted. Humming as her hands gripped the other woman's thighs firmly.
“Oh yes, yes yes yes,” she moaned loudly, throwing her head back to rest on Nathan’s shoulder. “Fuuuuck, Lyddie, you’re so good to me. I love you, oh my fucking God, I love you!” she cried as her climax gripped her, her body shuddering as she came.
Lydia gave Win one last kiss before lifting her head to meet her gaze, once again licking her lips slowly. 
"I love you too, sweetie," she crawled atop of her, kissing all the way up to her lips. "You make me feel like a sex goddess or something."
Win laughed weakly, caressing Lydia’s cheek as she reached over to clutch at Lyddie’s Nathan’s shirt, wanting him to feel included as well. 
“Yeah well, you are a sex goddess, Jesus,” she exclaimed. “I love you all so much.”
"I know right? This mouth can work wonders..." Lyddie's Nathan ran his hand idly over her back with a heavy sigh. "If anyone else decided to stargaze tonight, they got t'see somethin' a lot fuckin' better instead..."
“You can say that again,” Win chuckled. “As hot as it was to fuck under the stars, I’m ready to get under some blankets,” she exclaimed, wanting to hold her girlfriend and be held by one of her boyfriends.
"That actually sounds amazing right now," Lyddie put her top back on and got up, offering her hand to help Win to her feet. "Nothing better than cuddling after an orgy."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @nightingale-rose @ghouls-buddy @firstpersonnarrator
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars CXVIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: You guys have no idea how attatched I am to this fanfic idk what I’ll do once it’s over omg -Danny
Words: 2,506
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Listen to: ‘Somebody Else’ by The 1975
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Chapter Sixteen: The Agreement.
Mel felt the cloak fall off her and Harry tried to move, but Hermione held to his wrist.
"Not yet! She might not be gone yet."
"She's goin' back ter the castle," Hagrid replied, peering through the window. "Blimey... inspectin' people, is she?"
"Yeah, Trelawney's on probation already..."
"'Mountain's scenery'," Mel scoffed. "That old cow, I wish I could put her in her place..."
"Me too," Harry sulked.
"Um... what sort of thing are you planning to do with us in class, Hagrid?" Hermione inquired anxiously.
"Oh, don' you worry abou' that, I've got a great load o' lessons planned! I've bin keepin' a couple o' creatures saved fer yer O.W.L. year, you wait, they're somethin' really special."
"Erm... special in what way?"
"I'm not sayin'. I don' want ter spoil the surprise."
"Look, Hagrid," Hermione said tensely, "Professor Umbridge won't be at all happy if you bring anything to class that's too dangerous —"
"Dangerous? Don' be silly, I wouldn' give yeh anythin' dangerous! I mean, all righ', they can look after themselves —"
"Hagrid, you've got to pass Umbridge's inspection, and to do that it would really be better if she saw you teaching us how to look after porlocks, how to tell the difference between knarls and hedgehogs, stuff like that!"
"But tha's not very interestin', Hermione. The stuff I've got's much more impressive, I've bin bringin' 'em on fer years, I reckon I've got the on'y domestic herd in Britain —"
"What now?" Mel asked in fear.
"Hagrid... please... Umbridge is looking for any excuse to get rid of teachers she thinks are too close to Dumbledore. Please, Hagrid, teach us something dull that's bound to come up in our O.W.L..."
"Lis'en, it's bin a long day an' it's late," He said tiredly patting Hermione on the shoulder. "Oh — sorry —" He stopped when he noticed he was forcing her to almost kneel. "Look, don' you go worryin' abou' me, I promise yeh I've got really good stuff planned fer yer lessons now I'm back... Now you lot had better get back up to the castle, an' don' forget ter wipe yer footprints out behind yeh!"
As they made their way back, Ron spoke.
"I dunno if you got through to him, 'Mione..."
"Then I'll go back again tomorrow," said Hermione determinedly, then looked at Mel. "You with me. We'll plan his lessons for him if we have to. I don't care if she throws out Trelawney but she's not taking Hagrid!"
"I agree with you," Mel sighed. "I guess I could help you by keeping Umbridge busy with other stuff."
"Like what?" Ron raised a brow.
"Maybe it's time I take your brothers' offer..." She said quietly.
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Fred caught up with her before breakfast that Sunday.
"Hi," She said awkwardly. It was her first time talking to him after the Quidditch match. "What's up?"
"I just..." Fred started, "we never set a time for our... you know?"
"Oh," She grimaced, looking around the Great Hall. "Right."
"Is it okay if we have it today?"
"Right now?"
"After breakfast?" He shrugged.
Fred wasn't doing anything that could be taken as inappropriate but he was, however, sitting far from his twin and Lee Jordan, which was extremely rare. No one had tried to sit on the empty place next to her, which let her know people was definitely avoiding them.
"Hmm?" He replied chewing.
"Does everyone know what we did?"
Fred snorted, swallowing his food and smirking.
"Was it supposed to be secret? Sorry lady, but if you kiss someone in the middle of the Quidditch field, people will see you."
"Not always though," She mumbled.
"I don't understand why are they being so weird!" Mel frowned. "It was just a stupid kiss! We didn't turn into aliens or anything..."
"What's an alien?"
"Nevermind that," She pushed her plate away. "I've lost my appetite..."
"That's unlike you," Fred raised a brow. "You're sure you're okay hanging out after this? If you're not feeling well–"
"It's not that," She said. "I just... I don't like it when they stare at me like that."
"If it makes you feel better, they're all staring at me. They hate me."
"Pfft–" Mel snorted. "How could anyone hate you?"
"It's true!" He said. "They hate me because you kissed me, you didn't choose them."
"What a terrible loss that must be!" Mel said dramatically. "All those broken hearts!"
"Half the school hates you too," Fred added teasingly.
"I know that," Mel smirked. "But what's the reason now?"
"Because you snatched me away from them!" It was Fred's turn to be dramatic. "I had thousands of options but you've stolen my first kiss! Now I belong to you, I can't do anything about it."
"That wasn't your first kiss!" Mel exclaimed.
"It was, I swear!" Then he added cheekily. "It was my first as much as it was yours."
Mel's eyes widened in horror. "Who told you?!"
"Blimey, no one!" Fred's mouth fell open. "I was joking!"
That made her face turn redder.
"Please, tell me you didn't kiss Flint–"
"I'd never kiss—!" Mel stopped, people were starting to stare more intently now. She continued in an angry whisper. "I didn't kiss Flint!"
"Ron?" Fred scrunched up his nose.
"Knock it off," She groaned.
Fred frowned. "I have more questions..."
Mel stood up.
"Time's ticking, Weasley. You better use it wisely."
"You'll clear my doubts?"
"If they're all about Harry, then no," She glanced at him, trying to ignore the whispers as they walked past their classmates. "It would be weird to talk about him with..."
"With whom?" Fred smirked. "One kiss and you're planning our wedding? A bit forward if you ask me—"
"Oh, shut it," Mel rolled her eyes. "Don't you think it's weird?"
"I'm just trying to get to know you," He shrugged. "The romantic side of you– You know, if I'm going to take any part in it..."
"We'll see," She raised a brow. "You're allowed to step out of this if you want and so am I."
Fred continued to walk next to her with ease. He had a soft smile on his face, enjoying himself. Of course he would, he'd always liked the spotlight. Mel was having a more difficult time, this didn't feel like the attention she would get from her friends, this felt like cold analysis, they were measuring her and Fred, trying to form an opinion.
She felt a bitter nostalgia about the way things had unfolded with her and Harry a few months back, this was exactly what they'd managed to avoid, but she had messed up this time.
"So..." She started. "Tell me about your first kiss..."
Once he replied, Fred asked her about hers and she made him promised he wouldn't say a word to anyone, not even George. When Mel finished her story, Fred wasn't that surprised.
"Well, no one caught you kissing or anything," He tilted his head, "We could see there was something going on, but none of us felt the need to confirm it."
"As it should be. Some people are so nosy! Take Skeeter, she gets paid for making up rumours! This wouldn't happen if we could just mind our own business..."
"Life would be boring without a little bit of drama," He nudged her arm playfully.
They sat on a bench, right under one of the trees near the lake. It was cold but not freezing, and they were wearing their robes, so they would be fine for a while before the wind could become a problem.
"My turn again!" Fred said enthusiastically. "Why did you kiss me?"
For some reason, the question caught her off guard. She knew why she'd kissed him, but she didn't want to upset him. Ginny reacted badly when she'd thought Mel was using her brother, how was he going to react?
"I... uh..." Mel fumbled with the end of her scarf, her cheeks pink with embarrassment. "You know I'm fickle..."
"Not as much as before! The only times you lose your temper now is when you talk to Harry. Which is weird, because—"
"I know, I know," She huffed exasperatedly. "Because I was always soft around him! Ugh! I know I had him as this knight in shining armour–"
"Knight?" Fred asked with a smirk.
"I won't fall for it again, all right?" Mel crossed her arms, feeling cornered. "I won't let him get to me this time."
Fred's smile faltered.
"Listen, I know you're not one to play with people's feelings," He scratched the back of his head. "That being said, right now it feels like you only kissed me to prove a point..."
"I do like you," She said, gazing at her shoes. "Not that way though... but I think you're funny and nice— Don't let it get over your head, but your flirting was really good too, even if you were joking..."
"I was joking at first, just to get a reaction from Ron's," Fred gave her a small smile. "But then you kissed me... I mean, I'm confused, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try..."
"It could," Mel sighed. "Whatever happened between Harry and me... Fred, I don't want to ruin our friendship."
"Me neither," He admitted.
"This is a bad idea..." She reflected. "I don't think I'd make a good girlfriend right now."
Fred stayed quiet for a moment.
"How about we keep it casual?"
"We don't have to call ourselves anything if we don't want to."
"What do you mean?" Mel frowned.
"Kind of like... well, you know Eddie Carmichael?"
"He has this thing with Lisa Turpin," He moved on his place to face her. "They don't date but... well, they do plenty of things without being exclusive."
"Fred," Mel bit her lip to avoid laughing. "You're asking for a 'friends-with-benefits' thing?"
"No!" He said, then added. "Yes? Well, you don't want to date me!"
"I said I'm not sure!"
"You're in love with Harry," He stated. "Don't deny it. I get it, you were snogging seven months ago—"
"We weren't snogging—"
"You're not someone that takes this lightly. I'm giving you a choice, Mel, if we insist on making things formal when you clearly don't want to be with me like that, things will get messy, but I still want to make you feel better. Going out and having lots of fun is a good way to heal."
"So you're taking one for the team and decided to be the one who shows me what I've been missing?" Mel joked.
"We must make sacrifices once in a while," He sighed. "It hurts me, giving up my virtue, but you're my friend and your wish is my command."
Mel snorted, nudging his side playfully.
"I'm pretty sure I'd heal even if you don't snog the grief out of my body..."
"You're talking nonsense already!" He rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, Mel. I'll take care of you..."
He cupped her cheeks and kissed all over her face -but stayed far from her mouth- which caused her to laugh in a way she hadn't laughed in months.
"Okay! Okay, I get it!" Mel pushed him away. "We must set ground rules, though."
"How about... since you're still a lovesick mess for Potter, I'll try to keep him off your mind as often as I can, that way you can focus on other things."
"Like you?" She teased.
"Maybe," He smirked. "But also like the D.A.— You're a great teacher, lady. Your students can't have you moping over a boy."
"Okay, but you won't try to kiss me unless I say it's okay."
"Sounds a bit tough," Fred pouted. "You're a good kisser—"
"Also," She continued, speaking a bit louder. "If anyone asks, just say we're dating— even if it's not entirely true, it'll keep a few people away from me and that's wonderful, I don't want their company..."
"You mean Goldstein, don't you?"
"Merlin, the boy is so annoying," Mel murmured.
"You have to help my brother and me with our pranks and products," Before she could argue, he added, "my girlfriend would want to help me succeed! Others might find it strange if you don't spend time with me, they'll think you don't care!"
"They'd be right."
"That's no way to treat your future husband, Lady Dumbledore."
"Finally," She said, standing up and offering her hand to him. "No one can know about this agreement. If we start to date for real at some point... it's our business and our business only. Understood?"
"Yup!" He stood up, holding her hand with a pleased expression. "One last thing?"
"You can put an end to this anytime," He said. "This is meant to be fun, so if you change your mind or it makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me. I promise our friendship will remain intact."
"You can't promise that," Mel said quietly. "You can't know."
"Look at me— I swear it won't change."
She stared at him carefully.
"...We're just fooling around, right? It's nothing serious?"
"Just fooling around," He conceded. "And we can stop anytime you want, just say the word. I only do this for the same reason I asked you last year to the Yule ball. I think we could have a lot of fun."
"This is not the type of fun you were thinking of the first time, right?" She asked doubtfully. Fred laughed.
"Not at all!" He admitted. "But I don't mind this either..."
"Yeah," Mel looked down at their intertwined hands. "I don't mind it much either..."
Mel had to endure the whispering and glances towards her for the rest of the weekend and the entirety of Monday. Fred was having perhaps too much fun with it, and if he was present during the whispering, he would loudly flirt or mess with her.
She was torn between enjoying his attention and mortified at the fact that they were lying to their friends. Sure, they had an agreement, but ever since their talk, Mel had been very careful not to be seen alone with Fred, and she became really quiet about her private life even though all their friends were bombarding her with questions about her 'relationship'.
One thing that she wasn't expecting was Harry's reaction to the whole thing. Sure, she wasn't doing this to watch him throw a tantrum and yell at Fred about betrayal and all, and she couldn't be sure about him not being hurt, but overall, he was handling it with utter indifference.
He would talk to her and share notes while studying or preparing the classes for the D.A. but gone were the hours spent talking about nothing and everything from years prior. Harry was just another classmate.
The others thought that the sight of Mel without Harry was strange, but the pair were warming up to the idea. Truth be told, neither Harry nor her knew what it was to live in the other's shoes anymore.
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere @t-rexs-world​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @21bruhs
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shyfluffymage · 7 years
OC: Diana
after a lot of convincing from my good friend @scribble-breeze, i’ve decided to post my OCs on here. buuut i’m still very scared so it’s gonna be under the cut.
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So this is Diana.
Fandom: Steven Universe
(Spoilers for SU just sayin’)
I’m quite scared of posting this tbh and you’ll see why soon. So, she’s half-human half-gem like Steven and the daughter of White Diamond. See? This is why I was scared of this but like... she’s a thing and i really like imagining a universe with her in it. Since we have no info on WD, I just let my imagination go and it produced this. (Also, contrary to popular theories, I imagined that WD is very short for a Diamond( Maybe 5′7) but has immense control over her height and can appear as tall as the other Diamonds if need be.This is just mostly world-building for this post. 
: (This info is what WD left in a diary for Diana so some events are not explained)  WD didn’t know that the Earth was actually full of unique life. The other diamonds hid it from her and told her it was barren but was made of good materials for a gem colony. They knew she would object to using the Earth if they knew. She didn’t bother going to check considering the amount of planets they usually colonize with no issue, she thought Earth would be the same. The other Diamonds continued to lie to her about the reasoning behind Rose’s rebellion. She was told that they were rebelling because they didn’t want the Diamonds in power anymore so she dismissed it as treason. .
The War?  WD gets so curious as to why they started a war over this planet and she visits it for the first time. She sees all of the life being destroyed and becomes furious with the other Diamonds for betraying her. She holds a grudge against them for thousands of years and continues doing her duties for that time. Until she entrusts her entourage with her responsibilities and her location that they must not share with anyone outside the court. 
She goes to Earth 100 years before present day and travels the world. She meets an aspiring photographer named Brett inBeach City about 20 years before present day and falls in love with him. She wants to help him become famous so she surprises him one day by telling them she can cry little tear-shaped diamonds and wants him to use her tears to pay for a way to start his photography business in Empire City.
He is reluctant at first, but she convinces him and so he starts his new company, Crystal Clear. He goes on to own one of the biggest photo agencies in the country and often asks his now-wife to model for him in the fashion branch of his company.  They decide to have a baby despite the consequences and decide on Damien Weiss Hartlock for a boy and Diana Weiss Hartlock for a girl.They decide to spend their last fewmonths together living in Beach City as that was where they first met. 
During pregnancy, WD writes in a diary addressed to her future child. After meeting a pregnant Rose Quartz by chance, they share a long talk about what happened and come to understandeach other. WD, however, asks Rose to keep their encounter a secret for now.The only evidence that they were together was what was written in the diary and a short video that Rose suggested WD leave for her child. WD just shares a brief message and sings a lullaby that she created for her child to sing when they miss her. And Rose comes in at the end just to say that she hopes that they and her child become friends. 
Diana: Now we get into the actual character.  
Life:Her father loves her but still has a hard time dealing with the loss of WD so he buries himself in his work and left raising her to a maid he hired named Alicia.She is like an older sister to Diana and isher best support. Her father feels guilty that he is never home in Beach City so he makes sure to let her do whatever extra activities she likes. This includes singing, dancing and piano lessons. The singing lessons lead to the discovery of her sound manipulation powers. 
She is home-schooled as a result of bullying. This occurred because she accidentally fused with a boy at a school dance and was called a monster and treated like garbage because she was different. She became so depressed she developed a difficulty with speaking to most people as she feels like anything she says will be turned against her. Alicia was very concerned as Diana would vomit out of fear before going to school and there were days where she couldn’t get out of bed because of it. So, Alicia brought it up to Brett and they made plans for her to be home-schooled. 
One night, Diana was meditating and she felt a warm glow emanating from her gem. She looked down to see a light blue object in her hand. It was a light blue microphone with a crystalline spiked sphere which she would sing into. When she stood up to go show Alicia, it extended into a morningstar and she panicked further. Her father came home to explain how gem weapons work and suggested that she dropped two of her lessons to learn how to wield it and learn how to fight in general. She got rid of singing and piano lessons and kept dance. 
How did she meet Steven? Well, he was going on a stroll through nature in Beach City and suddenly he hears someone singing. They weren’t just singing any song;they were singing his Crystal Gems song. Naturally, he goes up to investigate and meets Diana. She immediately bolts away from him and cue chase scene. Finally, he corners her and tries to calm her down. Since, she can’t speak, he offers to let her use his phone to explain how she knows the song. She had heard him singing it to the gems on the beach to pump them up for a mission and she fell in love with it. They exchange phone numbers and started becoming friends!
She was hiding the fact that she had White Diamond’s gem out of fear of the CG’s reactions. She was forced to expose herself however when a monster appeared on the beach and she had to use her morningstar to help Steven. He even heard her speak for the first time since he caught her singing. She was only yelling his name, but progress was progress.  Since Diana hadn’t read the diary at this point, she could only explain (through Steven) that she was not her mother and couldn’t control or remember what her mother did. Since it was a similar case to Steven’s, they took the news as well as they could and tried to see Diana as her own person and not as her mother. 
(Further events can be asked to Diana if u really wanna know but this post is at an ungodly length so I’ll cut that segment off there. )
Personality:  Anxious, kind-hearted, fear of failure,quiet, courteous, VERY protective of loved ones, loyal, forgiving, overthinks everything, bottles up emotions and takes it out on others without meaning to, can be playful with friends.
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This post was made originally for MBTI Amino and INFP Amino back in 2018
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so i finally made this after the long wait
introducing my INFP SQUAD 😀😀😀
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• Firryn is my Fi(Introverted Feeling), the dominant function. I kinda see her as some kind of "law enforcer" of my inner values. She seeks to find the truth and what is right, whether it be for myself, for friends or acquaintances, or a community.
• She strongly values the "right" of being special and unique. Such "right" leads to the peculiar choices of fashion, music and hobbies, which may clash with others' taste that they would find "not fit."
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• Netalia is my Ne(Extroverted iNtuition), the auxillary function. Since Ne is like the one making lots of ideas and I mean LOTS, I thought of her as some "mad inventor" who always "invents" concepts and ideas.
• Now look back at the first pic of this post, did you notice how Netalia glows brighter than Firryn? That's because she tends to be more highly active than her most of the time, especially at idle times, constantly brewing up underdeveloped OCs. So if you're wondering how I made my characters, it's all mostly made by Netalia UwU
• Not only does she invent characters, she also invents other ideas, like fashion designs and dessert recipes, so basically she likes to improvise
original recipes are still under development though :p
• Netalia plays a big role among in the squad. Since Ne is INFP's aux function, I would see Netalia as Firryn's "right-hand woman."
• Firryn tends to be very stubborn when it comes to her beliefs and perspectives, if something is not in line with her values, she will conclude it is "wrong."
• This is where Netalia comes in; she helps Firryn in being more open-mined and develop the ability to gather in more information to support her own values.
• Netalia also acts what I would call a "chain breaker", because she is the one who stops Firryn and Sirene (the Si) from looping.
• Loops are stopped when the auxillary function is "activated." I would see this as a very important job for Netalia, because I am very difficult to be taken out in a loop, since I loop most of the time 😅
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• Netalia and Firryn really get along well, they're basically besties helping each other to keep me as a healthy INFP
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• Sirene is Si(Introverted Sensing), the tertiary function. Since Si is all about the past, I would see her as some Child Prodigy Historian, who records as much as many memories as she can.
• Sirene's job is to keep the memories of past events and moments, whether it be good, bad, or just plain neutral. She usually looks back at the past if I lost something (like a notebook) or if I did not know what I did wrong.
• Sirene is fond of looking at my previous memories whether it be long ago or just recently, the older the memory, the bigger nostalgia.
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• The ones to hit her with nostalgia the hardest is music. If the music is like made way back in my childhood...yeh
• Most of the time she revisits the previous chat messages to re-feel the moment of fun. This would also apply to playing games that have not been touched for a very long time.
• She constantly feels deja vu, when I gather info about a character or a person. For example: Sirene saw Chisa Yukizome(DR3); she will think she is Monika(DDLC) 2.0
• Her constant views in the past results her into becoming slightly unhealthy, like wanting the good old days back, and refusal of change, or sometimes past mistakes that she still regrets. This is one of the causes of Sirene and Firryn looping, constantly looking at past events.
and ignoring Netalia •w•
• Netalia hates it when they loop, due to the fact that Firryn is not giving her any attention while looping
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• I would imagine the loop would be some kind of dark red chain with a dark aura that keeps them together
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• Terratora is my Te(Extroverted Thinking), the inferior function. For Te, I see her as some kind of military officer who wants to get everything done.
oh the oh so many words I can say to trash talk about you
• Terratora is responsible for organizing and simplifying stuff. She is also making sure all of my tasks are finished in time.
although I fail to do that sometimes ;w;
• She is very direct and honest (brutally honest, so to speak) on what she says and she ain't having anyone's sh*t(including mine yes). Her way of speaking and her arrogance makes her sound like an insensitve douchebag honestly.
• Because of her agressive nature and "want to get things done quickly" attitude, she constantly attempts to take over Firryn's job because she thinks she can handle it better than her. But of course we all know she can't.
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emily-strange · 5 years
Growing Pains...
Summary: Emmy has been with the gang since she was a little girl. Her mother moved on, leaving her to be raised by Dutch, Hosea and Susan. Arthur and John are her brothers (argue and she will fight you). Becoming a woman is hard when everyone still sees you as a child. Since the Blackwater mess she’s trying to find her feet while dealing with her new feelings for the gangs resident douchebag.
Tagging @strwxberrymilk and @porkchop-ao3 but if you’d like to stop being tagged just let me know! :) Also if anyone else would like to be tagged just say the word xx
Pairing: Slow burn Micah x female OC.
Warnings: Swearing, mention of vomit.
Chapter 13
We ride in silence for about an hour. I just enjoy the breeze on my face and the wind in my hair. The camp feels so suffocating right now but despite all that, I love living free. As John always put it.
I hear Arthur’s mare huff behind me so I decide to pull off the road into a wide field. No reason to take my anger out on the poor horse! I dismount Jett and hitch her to a tree. She’s soon joined by Arthur’s speckled beauty.
Arthur clears his throat and I only just keep the scoff to myself; he’s never been good with emotions. When I turn to look at him, he’s tearing an old shirt from his saddle bags into large strips. This is what he used to do. He’d tie scraps of fabric to low hanging branches and I’d try to shoot said branch off. It’s helpful when you don’t have any empty bottles to hand.
He walks into the field towards a tree and I take a moment to slow my thoughts down. I’ve never felt weird around Arthur. From day one he made me feel safe. I want that back. I’d give anything to not know what he did but that’s not going to happen so….
“Alright. Wanna try fer the biggest piece first?” Arthur gruffs when he gets back to me. I take my gun out of my bag and check that it’s properly loaded. I stand, aim….and miss.
“Yer too tense” Arthur says quietly and this time I do let the scoff out.
“Wonder why that is” I snap back but instantly regret it. We’ll get no where if I’m like this.
I see Arthur nod out of the corner of my eye but his hat obscures his face. He comes over to me and ever so gently touches my arms to reposition me. Too gently.
“I won’t break. You don’t have to treat me like a china doll.” I snap again. God this is going to be harder than I thought.
Arthur sighs, “Yeh….yeh I know….Emmy, I….” but I spin round to face him, cutting him off.
“I’m so fucking mad at you Arthur” I say. Not quite loud enough to yell, but loud enough to make his eyes snap up to mine. I’m trying desperately not to cry, but seeing how tired and defeated he looks just breaks my heart. As does my own anger at him. Part of me is glad he looks so sad. “You know Arthur, you know what he was.”
“Can we…can we put the gun away fer this Em?” Arthur says quietly, with no humour whatsoever.
“If I wanted you dead Arthur, you’d be dead” I reply angrily but put the safety on my gun before putting it away.
Arthur does take a moment to laugh at that, “Oh I don’t doubt it….you had newspaper clippings of Black Belle all over yer wall as a kid. Yer ‘member that?”
And despite my anger, I smile. Taking a moment to wipe at my eyes. I take a deep breath and step closer to Arthur. I speak firmly, “I know you hate talking Arthur. But if we’re gonna move passed this….if you even want to….you need to start talking to me”.
The moment I finish talking, Arthur quickly grabs both my shoulders. Almost like he’s scared I’m going to run off.
“Emmy I want nothin’ more than to earn yer trust back.” he says, looking me square in the eye.
I nod and gesture to the grass below us, “Okay, then. Should…we sit?”
Arthur lets me go and we settle on the ground next to each other. He always dealt better with this stuff when you weren’t looking directly at him. So funny how different he is to John. With John he needed to see your face clearly. He wants to make sure he has all the information your face might give before deciding what to say. Unless he’s drunk. Then he’s just a fool.
“I’m so sorry….Dutch….you know what he’s like.” Arthur starts and I can see he’ll need some guidance getting out what he wants to say. So I help him.
“How did he convince you? Dutch…he said you wanted to kill my father. How did he get you not to?” I ask.
Arthur takes his hat off and tiredly rubs his eyes. Honestly looks like the man hasn’t slept in years.
“He said that you’d be one of us…not that you weren’t already. Just that we’d be all you had now…..and that you’d need things. That kids need things. Ya know, do I 'member what it was like when John joined us 'nd all that. That the money he was offerin' would help with that.” Arthur began. I stayed quiet and just nodded as encouragement. I was taken aback when Arthur turns to actually face me,“I wanted you to have everythin’. You deserved everythin’.”
I smile but it drops as I move on.
“So, as usual, Dutch manipulated you. And hurt many, many people” I whisper.
“I know. I should be used ta that. I guess I still believed in him back then” Arthur whispers back like we’ll be caught by Dutch at any moment and yelled at. He turns away from me again and we sit in silence for a few short moments.
I take a deep breath.
“So. You don’t believe in Dutch’s leadership anymore?” I ask.
Arthur scoffs, “Ah now that’s somethin’ fer anotha time sweetheart”.
I allow myself a smirk before being brought back down to earth. I turn to face him.
“Arthur. You’ve hurt me. More than I ever thought possible….I….you’re my brother Arthur. And I love you. You’ve never said it back and that’s okay. That’s completely fine cos…cos I know you do. You don’t skip out on your fiancé, who you haven’t seen for weeks, to take a kid to the fair without seeing them as your sister. Without loving them.” I smile.
“And wash vomit out of yer horses mane when said sister loses it on  the ride home” he laughs deeply while knocking my knee with the back of his hand. Which I grab and shake.
“Well someone gave me five candy apples!” I yell.
“Two! I gave yer two. John gave yer the others after you told him I said no to ya!” he chuckles, “Was the day I knew you’d be a good con-woman. At 9 years old no less. ”
Arthur squeezes my hand and I squeeze back as our laughter subsides.
“Was only meant to be John taking me that day, remember?” I ask and Arthur nods, “But it was close to Halloween and I was scared to go into the haunted house….I wanted to….but was scared. I always wanted you when I was scared”.
Arthur hides his face from me under his hat. Sounds like he sniffs.
“You’ve hurt me. But we will move past it. I want to move past it. I know Dutch always had this….thing….over you. I acknowledge that and it means something that now you can at least see his cracks.” I say as I start to cry, “But never again Arthur. Never. Again…..or I will shoot you”.
Arthur wipes at his eyes with his other hand and breathes out a huff, motioning to the pieces of fabric hanging from the branches, “Not with those shooting skills you won't”.
“Hey!” I yell and he clears his throat before lifting his head again to look at me. His eyes are red and watery.
“Never again sweetheart….and I do….ya know. I do love you.” he says so quietly that if I were a bit further away I wouldn’t have heard it.
“Jeez Arthur when’d you get so soppy” I laugh, wiping my tears away.
“Ah I dunno. Nearly losing a sister does somethin’ to a man I guess” he laughs back and stands up, pulling me with him. He puts his hat back on. “Now, lets make sure that if you actually do need to kill someone. You don’t miss.”
I stand up straight and brush the grass from my lower half, “Yes, lets!….I won’t be so forgiving if there is a next time.” I say with my sweetest smile.
I get into position and aim my gun. Arthur moves behind me and readjusts my posture again.
“One more thang….this….” Arthur says plucking at the part of Micah’s shirt on my shoulder, “….this anythin’ I need ta worry about?”
I smile wildly and shrug.
“We’ll see” I say before pulling the trigger.
This time I don’t miss.
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lloronala · 4 years
Fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is: canon / oc / au  / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO / EH KINDA
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO / SUBJECTIVE
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL / DEPENDS
How strictly do you follow canon? — Honestly? I just follow canon, and it’s sorta rare for me to do that cause usually I do have something to pick with the canon plot/characters at times? But the film was just that good for me to just leave it be, and even when I have slight doubts about it---it’s going to be considered as nitpicking. So, yeh, this blog is just canon all around.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. — lmao spice? she’ll just step on you, literally.
I? am a terrible seller when it comes to these things lmao, but I guess if you want a mom tm muse to look after you---then she’s your deal. But I think acquaintance-wise/platonic relationships, she’s great too as long as you’re not on her bad side. It’s just hard to get it, but once you do, man will she be loyal and caring to your muse (until you break it).
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?). — 
I wouldn’t say it doesn’t make her interesting, cause I think it gives her a lot more depth, but she can either be temperamental or closed off depending on who your muse is. I guess just keep that in mind if your muse is someone that can set that off???? Idk?????? She’s also stubborn and holds grudges so, yeh. 
What inspired you to rp your muse? — Coco broke me and seeing this character on screen made me wanna explore her characterization? She has so many layers on her, and as an emotional antagonist, they handled her super well and I was really blown away by it! I also wanted to give her some attention considering how the franchise usually focuses on Ernesto, Héctor and Miguel (which there isn’t anything wrong with that!).
What keeps your inspiration going? — I like to write? And I think recently I’ve realized I like analyzing characters and what makes them interesting (it’s helping a lot with a few things I’m doing actually). She’s a great way for me to exercise that, and even if I’ve repeated things before via posts, I still like to ramble and explore her character regardless cause writing her also sorta comforts me ;v;
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO ( BOTH....? IDK )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO ( in between????)
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO (depends???????)
Do you accept criticism about your portrayal? — I do! As long as it’s addressed properly without turning it into unnecessary drama whatsoever, I’m always open for it. This goes for ethnicity/culture as well, considering I’m not Mexican myself. It helps me learn, & I think it’s important for me to know when I’m writing a race/ethnicity that I’m not familiar with. I don’t want to come off as disrespectful, as that’s never my intent, so please always let me know when I’m depicting or writing something wrong!
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character? — ABSOLUTELY. As I’ve said before, I always love exploring her character and if there’s an opportunity given when I can write my heart out about it, then I’m always down.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? — I mean? I’d love to hear the perspective about it, and I think it depends on said headcanon. If it’s based on history accuracy, then yes I will be open to it. However, if it’s something like personal preferences/etc, then....well, I’ll respect opinions as always, but unless there’s an issue with it, I’d like to keep my headcanons as it is if it doesn’t cause anyone trouble.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? — I won’t take it personally? I mean, we all have opinions---right? I’m not here to really....please anyone, so if you don’t like my portrayal, then I completely understand. But please don’t rub it in my face as to why.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? — Okay. So. I had an issue a long time ago when a stan of a character in the same movie came to talk to me on discord. I can actually....tell that they were diminishing Imelda’s character, considering they were borderline kinda being sexist towards her (because the character they stanned didn’t like her so...)? I kind of regret not taking a stand on it, cause usually I’m not here to look for drama (ESPECIALLY WHEN IT’S JUST RP), but I won’t lie and say it bothered me in so many ways because they KNEW I wrote Imelda and liked her as a character, but they didn’t choose to respect that (I fondly remember them saying said character would make fun of her so bad and call her names....something along the lines of it and ugh. not a pleasant memory). And there was that one other incident too regarding Imelda’s character being hated on by another....so, I’ll just say this once:
If you have a problem with Imelda as a character, that’s fine. People can hate on character and that’s absolutely okay. I have characters I hate too, and while I do opinionate them from time to time, I don’t go out of my way to shove it in front of everyone’s faces and tell them they’re the absolute worst. Just please be aware of how you’re saying it, and if it bothers you that much---why are you even following me on this account?? lol But, yeah.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? — YES. I make mistakes ALL the time, and while I do gloss over drafts/answers before posting them out, I’m bound to still make them. So please, it’d be helpful if y’all pointed it out once in a while ;v;/
Do you think you are easy going as a mun? — I try to? Like, this is a hobby for me, and I’m here to chill. As I’ve stated multiple times, I’m not here for drama and all that stuff, so.....I hope I come off that way? I really try to be laid back as possible, and while I might not respond fast/be too active, I’m always open to talk too (whether it’s just ooc or ic)! You guys are p great and I’m super blessed to follow/know some of you ;v;
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by; gently taken from @hamadaxfighter Tagging; anyone!
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drakexwillow · 5 years
One Long Summer
Chapter 2
Pairing: Drake Walker x Willow (OC) Maxwell Beaumont x Sophie (OC)
Warnings for the series: Smut, Swearing, Drug use, Sexual references. do not read if under 18.
Premise for the series: This will an AU following Drake when he leaves Cordonia to go to Texas for a year, instead of college he decides to get a job and just live a simple life with Maxwell joining him to also get away from court.
A/N: Okay this is my first ever series, i’ve decided to make the jump and just go for it so it might be abit rough around the edges. Let me know if you want on or off the tag list at any point
Tags: @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @lyndsaycdrake1111 @furryperfectionlover @tinypenguincheesemachine  @janezillow  @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld  @msjr0119 @jlynn12273
Chapter one here if you need to catch up.
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Drake was roused from his sleep when his alarm on his phone went off. Groaning her rolled over shutting it off before burying his head back into his pillow. His head was pounding and his mouth was dry, silently thanking himself for remembering to leave some aspirin and a glass of water on his bedside table. He popped a pill into his mouth before downing the glass of water. He dragged himself out of bed and hopped into the shower, hoping it would help him feel more awake. He swiveled the handle letting the water run before he climbed in, he stood as the water cascaded over his body. Once satisfied he climbed out, grabbing a towel and drying himself before throwing on his work clothes and boots and making his way to the living room in search of coffee.
Drake wondered into the living room finding Max sitting cross legged on the couch wrapped in a blanket, eating cold pizza from the night before and engrossed with the cartoons on the TV. He chuckled taking in Max’s disheveled appearance “you look like shit” 
Max groaned as he rubbed his hand over his face “I think i’m dying”  
Drake made his way to the kitchen, grabbing two mugs from the cupboard and pouring coffee into each of them “i thought you’d be used to a hangover by now”
“I’m never drinking again”
Drake snorted as he walked over handing him one of the mugs “We both know that’s a lie”
Max nodded “yeah” he took a sip of coffee while side eyeing Drake “Sooo...you and Willow looked like you got along last night”
Drake shrugged “just being friendly” taking a swig of his own drink and thumbing at his phone.
“so friendly that you kissed” Max waggled his eyebrows as he nudged Drake’s shoulder with his own.
Drake glanced at Max before looking back down at his phone.
“Drake and Willow sitting in a tree K-I-S-S” 
“Okay” Drake interrupted standing from the couch putting his phone in his pocket “i preferred it when you were dying”
 “Hey!” Max shouted “take that back”
Drake chuckled as he walked over to retrieve his keys from the bowl by the door “I’ll be back at 5″
“Are we watching the game tonight?”
“sure” Drake called over his shoulder as he left the apartment.
Willow’s eyes snapped open as she felt the covers being pulled off of her “5 more minutes” she groaned pawing at the blanket desperately trying to pull it back over her head.
Sophie stood, arms crossed over her chest “Willow get your ass out of bed it’s nearly noon”
Willow sat up rubbing the sleep from her eye’s “fine i’m up, happy now?”
Sophie cocked an eyebrow “sitting up doesn't count as getting out of bed and I've come to help you unpack your stuff”
Willow eyed the boxes around the room full of her things. She’d been back a few days and still hadn't unpacked not wanting the memories of the past 3 months to flood her mind. She sighed as she rubbed a hand down her face “Alright i just need to get this over with”
Sophie sat down on the bed placing a reassuring hand on Willow’s arm “Look i know it hard but the sooner it’s done the sooner you can forget about it”
Willow slowly nodded her head “I know”
Sophie pulled her into a hug “It’s good to have you back Lo, i missed you”
Willow pulled her tighter “i missed you too”
Drake was finishing up his work on the ranch for the day. Walking around the stables making sure all the horses were secure. he left the stables pulling the gate closed and securing the padlock around it. He slid both his hands into his pockets and began walking up the dirt path back towards the ranch. He paused as he looked at over the field's and rolling hills in front of him, the sun peaking over then casting a golden glow. Drake as startled when he heard a voice behind him “Beautiful isn't it?” He turned to see Willow sitting under a tree leaning against it, a sketch book on her lap and various pencils laid on the floor beside her. Drake looked back at the view as he nodded “sure is” he turned making his way towards her “I’m surprised to see you out here” Willow twirled the pencil in her fingers “trying to find inspiration”
Drake sat down beside her as he glanced down at the drawing on her sketch pad “you like drawing?”
“yeah, i’m a bit rusty i haven't drawn anything since I've been back”
“Mind if i take a look” Drake gestured towards her sketch pad. She nodded him handing him the book. she shifted pulling her knees up to her chest and rested her head on her knees as she watched him. Drake turned the pages looking through the drawings. All of them of different landscapes, forests, rivers, lakes and various other locations. Some had pictures taped to the opposite page he guessed used for reference “these are really good”
“you think so?”
“Yeah” Drake nodded “have you been to these places?”
“Most of them, i traveled for 3 months.Took a lot of pictures and decided to draw the ones i liked” Willow shrugged
“i think this ones my favorite” Drake pointed to the drawing on the page. Willow shifted to look over at the book, a smile tugging at her lips “Mine too and lucky for you i can actually take you there” she stood picking up her pencils and took the sketch book from Drakes lap “come on” Willow held out her hand to help Drake up. He took her hand and he got up onto his feet. He followed her to the ranch, just as they reached the steps she turned towards him “wait here i’m just going to put these inside” she motioned to her pad. Drake waited as Willow ducked inside the ranch and then appeared moments later. She lead him round the back of the ranch and to a wooded area, she held out her hand “take my hand it will be easier to get through” Drake placed his hand in hers as they weaved there way through trees and bushes until they came to a clearing. She lead him just short of a little cliff edge and dropped his hand, she sat down with her legs dangling over the edge and patted the space next to her. Drake complied and sat down mimicking her position, He looked out taking in the few. Not far down from the little drop was a lake that sat in the middle of a wooded area, as the trees encircled the lake. the sun shone through the trees causing the water bellow to sparkle in the light. It was quite and peaceful, the only sound to be heard where the birds singing. “This is beautiful i didn't even know it was here”
Willow smiled as she scanned the lake “Most people don’t venture past the trees that’s why” 
“So how do you know it’s here”
Willow sighed “My mom used to bring me here all the time as a kid. every night we would sit out here and talk or just enjoy each others company away from everything. Once she died i used to come out here when i need to think  or draw or just be away from everything when it all got too much. i haven't told anyone about it, it’s always been my own little safe place.”
Drake smiled as Willow slowly swung her legs back and forth over the edge “i’m surprised Sophie doesn't know about this seen as its part of her ranch”
Willow shook her head “It’s not, it’s my families ranch Sophie was just looking after it while i was away”
A comfortable silence fell over them as they both took in the scenery. Drake turned hie attention to Willow allowing himself to drink in the sight of her. Her hair was tied up in a loose messy bun. The way the light hit her caused the gold flecks in her brown eyes to shine. He loved the freckles that were scattered across her nose and sprawled down onto her cheeks. Willow turned to look at him, blushing under his gaze, she grinned caused to deep dimples to appear either side of her face “what?”
Drake shook his head not able to hide the smile on his face “Nothing just...thank you for bringing me up here”
Willow grabbed Drakes hand and squeezed it “I know we only met last night but i like you Drake, Sophie’s told me a lot about you”  
Drake watched as her eyes flitted to his mouth and back up to meet his gaze, he licked his lips in anticipation as she started to lean towards him. There faces were inches apart when Drake’s phone began to ring, he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, he fished his phone out of his pocket to see Max’s name flash across the screen. Willow giggled as Drake rolled his eyes as he answered the call
“What is it Max”
“Drake the game starts in 5 minutes you were meant to be back an hour ago!”
Drake could see Willow Biting back laughter as he smirked at her “yeh sorry i got caught up i’ll head back now”
“Make sure you bring food”
Drake chuckled “okay i will” he ended the call and slide his phone into his pocket. Willow playfully nudged his shoulder “i didn't realize you had a curfew ill keep that in mind next time” Drake laughed as he rose to his feet, offering out his hand to Willow “come on I better head back he’ll only keep calling me otherwise”
the pair walked back to the ranch hand in hand, as they reach the steps to the porch Willow turned to look at him offering him a smile “i guess i’ll see you round”
Drake nodded “i’m sure you will” Willow stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss onto his cheek, she turned and headed up to the front door as she reached it she turned and gave him a small wave which he returned. As she diapered through the door Drake headed towards his truck, a smile plastered on his face as he rubbed his cheek.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Brainstorming about my yokai watch ocs: Dimmy and Gorgeous Ambassador, the most cutest family
* My Dimmy's name is Blythe and they are nonbinary. Gorgeous Ambassador is male and i dont have a name for him yet. I was thinking maybe try and make up a dub name for kageusuo (anime exclusive pre evolution) that sounds like it could have been his nickname as a human? Cos his story is that he used to be a wandering mercenary in ye olde ninja times, i feel like itd be fitting.
* Blythe is the main partner of my protagonist in my yokai watch lp, basically the jibanyan of the anime of my heart. Their personality is mostly similar to the Dimmy in the anime, but i feel like theyre maybe older and more powerful than the average Dimmy? Like a weak low evolution yokai thats stayed unevolved for centuries and is actually more skilled and world weary than you'd assume. Protag just got lucky that she bumped into this one super magikarp, lol! Also i like to draw them looking more teenage age by just taking the regular Dimmy design and making the tail extra super long. They stand roughly twice as tall as the protagonist and can wrap around her shoulders like a scarf :3 Blythe is however totally unaware of their super powerful mega skill and is very self depreciating and low confidence. But Mallory totally sees them as a cool older sibling mentor figure and is always trying to figure out ways to make their tol squiggle friend feel included and valued :3
* the way Gorgeous Ambassador comes into the picture is that he was actually the same sort of figure to Blythe! Back in the ninja era Blythe was partners with another human, but he passed away in tragic circumstances and it led to their current depressed self. However he actually reincarnated as a yokai and has been trying to find his lil sibling ever since! I feel like he was a failure samurai who tried to protect people but was so weak he never could. And he was always broke and starving and begging to do any sort of miscellaneous jobs for anyone or even let them punch him in the stomach for a few coins. And he had just as much self confidence issues as Blythe but he coped with it by becoming a compulsive liar instead, always boasting and trying to sell himself as some legendary hero to keep from facing the truth. Since Blythe was a cute lil babby yokai at the time, they always believed their human master's tall tales and looked up to him, which made him feel really guilty and try harder to work on becoming someone this kid could be genuinely proud of.
* Blythe was first born as a household spirit. Cos i was thinking about what Dimmy would be before it became a ninja, since the medallium description says it 'got a job as a ninja to put its powers to use', so like it isnt really a ninja yokai but just a yokai thats a ninja? I guess?? I figured that the idea of being an invisible shadow supporter fit with household spirits/domovoi/zakishi warishi (probably mispelled that) and the various other similar creatures in mythologies all over the world. Just the idea that theres some sort of being that protects your house and if you give it offerings and take good care of the place it will protect you and your family. So yeah its my headcanon that thats how Dimmys are born, and that theres probably many variants wearing different outfits inspired by whatever type of humans they guarded. Tho yeh ninja is a job that works really well with their abilities so it makes sense itd be the primary representative of the species in the games.
* Human-dude-who-would-become-gorgeous-ambassador first met Blythe when one of his various failed attempts to get a job happened to cross paths with the family Blythe was guarding. This family didnt believe in such old suspicions and never gave offerings to their household spirit, so it stayed small and weak and was almost fading away. Baby blythe didnt know why their humans didnt love them, even though they tried so hard to bring good luck and clean the fireplace and stuff. So they felt a sense of kinship with this poor failure samurai who was begging for food on their doorstep. The humans of the household spat in his face and turned him away empty handed, but the tiny yokai snuck some rice from the pantry and gave it to him. They were surprised that he was able to see them, and he gave them the first thank you they'd ever had!
* Addendum note: i feel like gorgeous samurai was cursed with being able to see yokai from a young age and its part of whay made him so determined to become strong enough to protect people. Perhaps his biological family was killed by an evil yokai and nobody ever believed what he saw? And he wandered japan trying to save other people and always failing and being blamed for what happened, since nobody could see the real culprit. This reputation of being a liar when he wasnt = he ended up actually lying about how he was totally fine and not sad and also great and not hating himself. Its not really something he can control anymore, its like a stress response and it keeps getting him in trouble but he cant stop. "Yes sure i can save the day, i'm awesome!" only makes things worse when he inevitably loses again, whic only makes his self confidence worse and traps him further in the lies...
* so anyway, he became friends with this lil babby yokai and kept coming back to visit them and tell more tall tales of his grand adventures. And eventually he managed to help Blythe come out of their shell a little and agree to leave this house where they were only fading away. Haunting him instead, the lil shadow soon flourished back to full health from being loved for the first time. And their new big bro would always give them the biggest share of all the food even when he was starving, and always wasted his money buying things for them, and knitted them lil scarfs and just HE WAS A GOODEST BIG BRO! They also made a great team, and he was finally able to fight evil yokai with a yokai of his own helping him out. Things were good for a few years!
* Eventually though, they faced a foe too strong for them to defeat. (Not sure yet who it is, cos it could be cool if they faced it again in the present day for a rematch?) Blythe's human friend ran into a burning building to save the people being attacked by this yokai, but because he was already gravely injured he didnt manage to make it out in time. And blythe was just a tiny bab who wasnt strong enough to carry his unconcious body to safety. So their last memories of him are of crying and begging him to wake up as the house fell apart all around them, and eventually the flames swallowed him up. the tiny yokai just ran and ran away from their shame, and never saw an ashy figure rising from the ruins and calling their name...
* eventually after years of struggling alone and lacking meaning in life, Blythe had a chance meeting with our protagonist and thus begins my yokai watch 1 lets play! At the same time their yokaified big bro is still out there searching for them, and maybe one day theyll meet again...
* also i wanna go with the pre-evo the anime added of Gorgeous Ambassador evolving from a sad depressed vampire lookin dude. Even if the whole circumstances here are vastly different! But we dont really have any info on what kageusuo's powers or stats would be, so i guess i'm free to mess around with that? I like the idea of it being vampiric just cos i feel it looks like that. But instead of drinking blood maybe its a hunger for shadows? Which is actually beneficial to humans and makes them less overshadowed aka the opposite of Dimmy's power. So if you ever feel that you're radiating charisma with perhaps a slightly lighter shadow, maybe youve been inspirited by this guy! And then the evolution into Gorgeous Ambassador doesnt actually change anything at all, except just looking more fashionable and confident (which is absolutely a lie). His power already made people more fabulous while being unable to affect himself, he just worked a bit harder on himself to try and catch up with everyone else. Self care vampire!
* oh and in this interpretation the way that kageusuo would be integrated into the gameplay is that Gorgeous Ambassador would get a new ability that lets him switch forms in battle, rather than it being a separate yokai. (Tho would still have a separate entry in the medallium just for conveinience of being able to view both character models whenever you want) Stuff that causes low confidence would make him poof between forms, and itd just be something like more attack based vs defense based, or maybe having two separate personality stats so its like his AI is slightly more versatile than the usual frustratingness of most yokai? Srsly im still so annoyed at so many yokai that have two mutually exclusive moves and the ai is stupid about using them at the wrong time to cancel each other out. Like how Dimmy can be given the AI personality to focus on attacking and thus take advantage of its auto-skill to be good at dodging aka a glass cannon. BUT also one of its skills gives that same status to an ally instead, which by definition takes it away from itself cos 'dont target this other guy' means there arent many other options. So you cpuld alternatively play dimmy as a supporter who exclusively protects others with that ability BUT the annoying part is that even when you set an AI profile to one particular move it still only makes it LIKELY to do that and not guaranteed. So every now and again your attacking dimmy will cancel its own buff to protect an enemy, or your supporting dimmy will forget to support abd instead buff itself despite not having the attack stat build to take advantage of it. Plus you cant have both and switch between modes mid battle, so thatd be REALLY useful if one yokai actually could do that, and also could change stats to fit! Im not sure how to give it a trigger condition thatd let you sorta change at will but also not be 100% easy and overpowered. I was thinking tying it to his confidence could mean missed attacks turn him into kageusuo and critical hits turn into gorgeous? But thatd be TOO uncontrollable...
* oh actually i think maybe i'll nickname him Amber! Just cos my brain just mispronounced gorgeous ambassador and It Kinda Works??? Also its a kind of name that sounds very pretty but also has connotations of gentle shyness, i think. Matches the duality of his fake boastfulness vs his true self doubt.
* Oh and i also thought of maybe having Blythe evolve into Casanono, even though you cant do that in canon. I feel like turning into a pretty humanoid would be a good way to symbolize their growing confidence ans casanono/casanuva has a big nonbinary aesthetic in my opinion. Plus of course the fact casanono is a variabt of a confident yokai thats actyally shy. Originally older brother dude was gonna be a casanuva to match, until i heard about Gorgerous Ambassador and decided it fits him better (especially with that new anime form!) So now im thinking maybe have Blythe be both casanono and casanuva at once, similar to their bro's form switching? But itd be more like casanuva is a rare super saiyan esque powerup when they experience rare moments of confidence. Im pretty much just doing this because SADLY casanono is a joke character who is literally mechanically forced to be useless in battle. Its ability makes it harder to catch yokai which ia already goddamn difficult, and it wastes a skill slot too. As opposed to Dimmy who has a similar personality of always being ignored and depressed but its abilities are actually beneficial. Itd suck to go from Blythe being my mvp to being unable to use them at all, so this would be a way to still always draw them as casanono in comics to match their actual personality, but using casanuva in battle cos.. Well.. Yeah its the functional one of the two. Level-5 if youre listening please make casanono useable in future games!! Casanuva is absolutely the worst one personality wise so it sucks that the game agrees with his ego that he's great and also punches his depressed counterpart into the bin of ignoreness DESPITE BEING SUPER SYMPATHETIC AND RELATEABLE AND ALSO CUTER COLOURSCHEME
Anyway thats all the thoughts i have so far. Except oh also itd be funny if throughout the whole story blythe keeps talking about their dead brother as if he was the super best most serious hero and then when the protagobists actually meet him he's this gaudy dork XD
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seanfalco · 3 years
Hey There Delilah | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 3.2k Warnings: Language, Violence Summary: When the quad runs into Win’s step-sister on the street, things get heated and Lydia stands up for herself and Win.
[ masterlist ]
"I can't believe the sun is actually out today, I feel like I haven't seen it in like forever," Win exclaimed, a grin stretching her face as she slipped her hand in her Nathan's and Lydia's, swinging their arms as she walked, looking more carefree than they'd seen her in days.
"Yeah, I feel like I was starting to go into vampire mode at this point," Lydia laughed, excited to see Win so happy.  "I just hope my hair is okay, if the dye gets messed up I'm gonna punch someone." 
"As long as it's not me," her Nathan mocked.
“Ooo you’d be a sexy vampire though,” Win pointed out with a laugh.  As they turned the corner however, her grin faltered and disappeared.
"Shit..." Lydia mumbled under her breath, her gaze following Win’s.
"What?  What'd I miss?" Lyddie's Nathan looked around confused until his clone nodded pointedly at the approaching blonde with a nasty aura and even nastier attitude.
“Delilah,” Win greeted tersely, her whole body tensing. 
“Win,” she replied, wearing her usual fake smile.  “What are the odds?  We just saw you on tellie the other night.  Didn’t know your man had a twin—“ she said, eyeing Lyddie’s Nathan appraisingly, “—or that you were into that sort of thing.  But damn, I should have given you more credit,” she mused.
It took Lydia every single ounce of self-control not to jump on Delilah's neck when she stared at her fiancé like that.  It also didn't help that she remembered in detail all the pranks, the rumors, and the teasing from when she was younger.  She never really understood why someone would be so mean to a 12-year-old. 
"Hey how's it--" Lyddie's Nathan began, only to be cut off when she elbowed him.  "Okay," he mouthed apologetically.
“Oh yeah, definitely into that,” Win replied acerbically, though she wore a rather wry smile that didn’t reach her grey eyes.  “Plus, this is my girlfriend too,” she said, pulling Lyddie closer to press a kiss to her cheek.  “The sex is amazing by the way.  Three at once will blow your mind.”  
Delilah merely rolled her eyes.
"Definitely," Lydia held back her laughter, taken by a sudden fit of confidence.  "It's a little demanding to have so many orgies, but it's definitely worth the effort.  So glad you were able to see us on the red carpet though, it was so much fun, you should've been there."
“Oh, you thought I’d be impressed?” Delilah scoffed, eyeing each of them in turn.  “I was gunna say, you’re actually more of a slag than I thought, Win.” 
Win’s Nathan snorted, cutting in before anyone else could, his arm tightening protectively around Win’s waist, though he grinned lightly.  “Aww someone’s jealous,” he pointed out.  “Can’t exactly be a slag when you’re technically in a committed relationship with all your partners, but y’know.”
"Jesus, you're a bitch!" Lyddie's Nathan laughed.  "How long has it been since someone gave you a good seein' to, love?  Sounds like y'need it."
“Why, you volunteerin’?” Delilah countered, smirking at Lyddie’s Nathan and Win groaned.
"In your dreams."  Lyddie's Nathan was ready to start a fight.  
Lydia's blood was boiling, she knew this moment would eventually come, they couldn't avoid Win's family forever, but she never thought Delilah would be just plain rude like that.  "Better to be a slag than an envious cunt who bullies kids, but that's just me..." she murmured quietly, half hoping no one would hear it.
The situation was clearly escalating and Win didn’t exactly want anyone throwing punches... even if Delilah deserved one.  “C’mon guys, we’re gunna be late,” she said pointedly, giving Lyddie’s hand a tug.
"Yeah, let's go..." Lydia pulled her Nathan with them.  She was anxious to get out of that situation, she hated confrontation, but something didn't sit right with her.  "You know what?  No, the time I used to let people walk all over me is over!  I'm gonna go there and teach that bitch a fucking lesson!" 
"Lollipop, there might be photographers..." her Nathan warned. 
"I don't give a flying fuck!  She can't talk to my girlfriend like that, hit on my fiancé, dump a bucket of piss on me, and run free!" 
"She did what?" he winced.
"Lyddie, trust me, if anyone wants to slug Delilah, it's me, but..." Win trailed off, shaking her head.  "I don't want any of us t'end up back in Community Service over this… or worse.”
"But baby... Community Service wasn't that bad," Lyddie argued.  "Am I still that scared little girl who's just gonna run away from a bully?  Nathan..." she looked for support from Win's Nathan, who grinned.
"Oh I agree, I mean, other than th'whole murderin' our probation workers and all that, Community Service wasn't all that bad.  Besides, I never woulda met yeh otherwise, Win baby," he exclaimed.  "Plus I bet Lyds would look hot as fuck punchin' that twat out."
"It's three against one, sorry," Lydia turned around to go after Delilah. 
"Jesus..." Lyddie's Nathan followed her, wanting to at least make sure she didn't get hurt, but who was he kidding, she was a human fortress.
Win groaned, not moving for a moment, watching the others. "Alright, alright," she mumbled, reluctantly following after.
"Hey, hey there!" Lydia shouted when she spotted Delilah's tacky outfit in the crowd.  There were some people around, but she didn't care.  "I think you owe us an apology!"
Delilah turned around, frowning.  "Oh, y'think that do you?" she scoffed.  "I tell ya what, why don't you hold your breath."
Lyddie's Nathan let out a high-pitched laugh, thinking about how ironic it was that she actually didn't need to breathe that often with her power.  "Listen, I don't know who you think you are, but you can't talk shit about people and expect nothing to happen.  So, you can either apologize to my girlfriend and to me, or we can do things the hard way..." Lydia flashed the girl a hollow grin.
Delilah rolled her eyes.  “Oh, the hard way huh?  What are you?” she scoffed.  “I’m not afraid of you.  Scamper off now,” she exclaimed, making a shooing motion with her hand.
"What am I?" Lydia chuckled, fueled by rage.  "I'm your worst nightmare, bitch." 
"Okay, that was kinda hot..." her Nathan whispered, nudging his clone's arm.
Win’s Nathan raised his eyebrows at Lydia’s fiery comeback.  “Yeah... that’s definitely hot,” he agreed, eyeing Win as she held back, watching.  He knew how much she hated her step sister, so he wondered what was going on inside her head.  Why wasn’t she saying anything?  He thought she of all people would be in Lydia’s place.
"Just do yourself a favor, apologize to my girlfriend and to me, so we can move on and you won't go home crying to your mummy," Lydia tried to sound threatening, but it probably came off more as mockery than anything else.  "And chop-chop cause we don't have all day, y’Paris Hilton wannabe."
Delilah’s mouth fell open and she turned back to face Lydia.  “Are you seriously threatening me right now?  No, I’m not gunna apologize to you or my slag of a step sister.  You call me a wannabe?  Look in the mirror, sweetheart.  You think you’re hot shit because you’re some singer.  Who gives a damn?  You’re tacky is what you are.  Your boyfriends are average and your girlfriend is a fucking slag who’s slept with half of Wertham by now.  She’s such a fuck up her own dad wants nothing to do with her.”
For a second, all Lydia could do was laugh, thinking that had to be some kind of joke, but as she stared deep into Delilah's eyes, her anger grew.  Without thinking twice, she tackled the other woman, which was easy taking in consideration that Lydia was taller. 
"Some singer?  Some singer who just won album of the year, bitch!  What have you done?  Huh?  Didn't leave mama's house yet?  If my boyfriends are so average why do you wanna shag them so bad?" Lyddie shouted, pinning the girl to the ground while her Nathan tried to glamor them so no one would see it. 
"What you've done to me… you made my life hell on Earth, but I don't give a shit about that.  You take back the things you said about my girlfriend!  She's not a slag or a fuck up and if her dad doesn't want anything to do with her than he's the stupid one!"
"Get off me you stupid bitch!" Delilah shrieked, trying to push Lydia off.  "I don't know what the fuck you're talkin' about!  I didn't do shit to you!  Winrey!  Get your crazy girlfriend off me!  You think my mum's gunna let you get away with this!!" 
Win's lips curled evilly, but all she did was cross her arms over her chest. "Sorry, D, you brought this on yourself," she murmured.
"Your mum can talk to me instead, how about that?  So I can tell her that her daughter has been bullying children!  I know what you did to Blossom Bellamy, remember her?  You and your friend Karla decided to fuck her entire life up last year?" Lyddie's Nathan swallowed thickly, he didn't understand why he was so turned on when the situation was quite serious.
"Why do you care about Bellamy?" Delilah cried, confused as she continued to try to fend Lydia off, getting a few good swings in herself.  "Jesus, you're fucking crazy!  Winrey, I swear to God, I'm gunna make your life a living hell if you don't get this bitch off me!"
"I care about her because she's a defenseless child!  You traumatized her for life, you fucking monster!  And you're doing the same mind terrorism with my girlfriend, I won't stand for that!" Lydia's self-healing was coming in handy at the moment, whenever Delilah hit her, she barely had time to feel the pain.  "I'm not scared of your mum, or your dad, or whoever the fuck you’re gonna cry to!  Good luck telling everyone Lyddie Young did this to you... See who's gonna believe it."  Lydia punched Delilah square in the face, drawing blood.
Win raised her eyebrows, but she looked more bored than anything, enjoying watching Lydia get her revenge, even if she knew this would probably come back to bite her in the ass.  She knew Karen wouldn't let this go.  Her Nathan glanced down at her however, sensing an underlying tension and he placed his hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly. "Win?"
Win tensed further at his touch, but she didn't look at him, just kept her eyes on Lydia and Delilah.  
"Yeah, well, now I'm gunna go to the fuckin' police!" Delilah was crying now, tears streaming down her face.  "You're not gunna get away with this!" she sobbed.
"Good luck finding your witnesses, princess," Lydia taunted, ready to throw another punch, but her Nathan lifted her up as you would do with a kitten.  
"That's enough, that was worth an apology and a half," he said, holding his fiancé tightly in his arms.  
"Can you make my fingerprints vanish?  Don't leave a single trace of me on her," Lyddie whispered. 
"Yeah yeah, leave it to me..." he snapped his fingers. 
"Are you alright, baby?" Lydia turned and finally noticed Win's face.
Win nodded slowly, her gaze flicking past Lydia and Nathan to where Delilah was pushing herself up as people walked past, as if not even seeing her.  "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," Win answered, a hollowness to her voice, making her Nathan frown slightly.  "It was good to see you tackle her," she chuckled, sounding a little more like herself.
"I did it for you," Lyddie wrapped her arms tightly around Win.  "I know you're tense, but relax, she got what she deserved... I'm fine, see?  Not one scratch." 
"Jesus, that was... I wish I had a camera, where's Barry with his stupid phone when we need him?" Lyddie's Nathan grunted.
"Y'know you have a phone, right?" Win's Nathan pointed out with a laugh as Win wrapped her arms around Lyddie. 
"I'm glad you're okay, I never doubted you for a moment," she murmured.  "I'm not sure what's up with me," she admitted.  She'd wanted to take out her frustrations on her step sister for so long, so she couldn't understand why she felt so strange.
"So do you!  I was glamourin' them, what's your excuse?" Lyddie's Nathan stuck his tongue out.
“I-I don’t know!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, giving his clone a playful shove.  He still felt worried about Win.  He knew something was going on with her, he just didn’t know what.
"Well, maybe we should get to our movie, yeah?" Lydia pecked Win's lips before dusting herself off.  "You guys are gonna love Percy Jackson, it's not as good as the musical but still..."
“Right, yeah, the movie,” Win exclaimed, letting Lydia pull her away down the street.  It was just as they’d gotten to the theatre, Lyddie getting their tickets that Win’s phone rang and she flinched as she looked at the screen.  “It’s my dad...” she murmured, looking to her Nathan. 
“D’you want me t’answer it?” he asked softly.
"Hey, guys, I got tickets!  Are you ready for some lightning stealing demigods and young Logan Lerman action?" Lydia squeaked as she joined the rest of the group.  "I can get us popcorn and... what happened?" 
"It's Win's dad," Lyddie's Nathan explained.  "The Wicked Bitch o'the West must've told him." 
"Do you want me to take it?" Lydia asked, feeling suddenly courageous.
“No, it’s fine,” Win exclaimed, biting her lip.  She was half tempted not to take it at all, but she knew that would only make things worse.  “I.. I can talk to him,” she said, though it wasn’t very assuring.
"Put it on speaker then, this way you don't have to do it alone," Lyddie held Win from behind, kissing her cheek.  "Don't be scared, we're here for you, Winnie baby."
Win nodded, taking a deep breath.  “Yeah, that might be for the best,”she murmured, accepting the call and holding the phone out so the others could hear. “Hello?” 
“Winrey Jane Lewis, is it true?” 
“Is what true?” she replied, her dad’s voice full of disappointment more than anger. 
“Did you and your friends assault your sister?” he asked incredulously. 
“She’s not my sister,” Win grumbled stonily.  “And no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Win, please.  Don’t test me.  She sent us a picture, she’s bleeding and covered in bruises, and she said it was you and your boyfriend and some girl.  Now is it true?”
Lydia tried not to laugh at the image of Delilah sending a picture to Win's dad to show how messed up she was.  Come on, Lyds, this is serious! "I don't know what this is about, do you know what this is about, Natty?" she covered her smile.  "There were some security cameras around, you can always check them..."
Win’s Nathan nodded, glancing back toward where they’d come from.  Spotting a couple traffic cameras he snapped his fingers and gave a flourish, a focused look on his face before turning back to them.  “This power comes in awful handy,” he mused. 
“No, dad, I don’t know what she’s on about.  She musta... tripped and fell on her face or somethin’.”  There was a long pause as her dad sighed and Win could just imagine him running his hand down his face in exasperation.  “She is rather clumsy...” he replied slowly, though he knew it was a lie.
"How awful of her trying to pin this onto us..." Lydia fake cried, while high-fiving Win's Nathan and blowing him a kiss.  "She must be imagining things." 
"Truly, truly horrible..." Lyddie’s Nathan whispered, laughing against her neck, while she tried to slap him away to hear the conversation.  Oh, she couldn't wait to tell Simon she was finally able to give that bitch a beating, he was gonna be so proud!
“What I’m more worried about... Winrey, is it true what she said... about you dating three people at the same time?” Win’s dad asked reluctantly.  “You know how I feel about the one you brought over here, but we saw you on tv the other night and Delilah...” he cut off with a heavy sigh.  “It doesn't sound natural!” 
Win grimaced, unsure how to answer.  Of course she was dating three people at the same time, two of which were technically the same person.
"Hey, hello sir," Lydia took the phone when she noticed Win's discomfort.  She was really on a roll, after getting a taste of blood she wanted more.  "Hi, Mr. Lewis, I'm Lyddie, your daughter's girlfriend.  I can assure you there's nothing unnatural about our relationship at all... actually nature is pretty non-monogamist if you think about it.  You don't have anything to worry about really..."
Win bit her lip as Lydia took the phone, but her Nathan wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning over her to kiss her cheek.  “It doesn’t matter what he thinks, love,” he whispered in her ear and she nodded reluctantly.  
Win’s father heaved a heavy sigh on the other end of the line.  “I just... I just want her to be happy,” he admitted, sounding torn and Win snorted.  It almost seemed like he wanted to say more, but held back, not wanting to be rude to Lydia.  “Just... don’t attack Delilah again.  It could have been a wind up, she’s pulled those before to get what she wants, but if it happens again, I don’t think I can hold her mother off.  Alright?”
"I can guarantee, sir, we're making Win very happy," Lydia winked at her, trying to make her feel better.  It seemed like living with two Nathans was slowly rubbing off on her.  "Besides we're all pacifists, we would never attack Delilah, we had a very civil conversation, that's all.  But you might wanna look into your step daughter's behavior, you know the name calling, the mean pranks... you might have a certified Veruca Salt on your hands, Mr. Lewis."
“Oh, he knows he that,” Win muttered, taking the phone back from Lyddie.  “He just has no backbone.”
Putting the phone to her ear she sighed.  “There, you happy dad?” she demanded. 
“Not really,” he answered with a huff.  “I wish you’d come home—“ 
“That place is not my home,” she cut in. 
“I’m home here with Nathan and Lyddie and...” Shaking her head she changed the subject. “Unless you wanna make more of an effort.  Piss off.” 
“Wait!  Winrey, I lo—“ She ended the call before he could finish, a strange look on her face. 
“There, now that that’s done, we’re probably late to our move,” she scowled.
"No, baby, we probably just missed the trailers... and even if we are a little late it only gets interesting after Percy goes to Camp Half Blood anyways, come here," Lydia pulled Win into a hug, waving her hand so the Nathans would join. "I love you, Winnie, if Delilah wants to set her mother onto us, so be it, but I'm not scared of anyone... Not anymore."  She thought for a second and huffed a laugh.  "Well, maybe I'm scared of some people, but not them."
A small smile spread across Win’s lips as she slipped her arms around Lydia, burying her face in her chest.  “I love you too.  You were pretty amazing today,” she murmured, feeling more arms envelope them.  
She was right.  This was her home, these people, and the fierce amount of love she felt for them gripped her stronger than before.
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @midnightseance @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator @xenteaart @gurlimtired @phoenixhits @nightingale-rose @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @captainsheeballs
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Chaebols: Music Man (excerpt)
Genre: Fluff
Length: 1.8k
Pairing: Chanyeol x OC
Summary: Yeon-hee hates when her favorite customer is in a bad mood. But an attempt to cheer him up may turn her life upside down. 
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(no copyright infringement intended)
“Yeon-hee, please. The band is going to be late. Just for a little while, just till they get here.” Ji Daewon begged hands folded together in front of him.
“I don’t know, oppa. You know I haven’t played my songs in front of a crowd in a long time.” Kim Yeon-hee shook her head. She moved around him to fill her drink orders.
“I know. Please, Yeon-hee, save me just this once.” Daewon swiveled back around to step in her way again, shaking his folded hands vigorously in her face, “Just thirty minutes. They said they are thirty minutes out.”
Yeon-hee sighed, noticing a customer walk in, one her usuals. “I have a customer, give me a minute to think about it.”
She took her tray of drinks out, a beer for glasses guy, soju for weird nose guy, a fruity thing to the flirty girl that annoyed the crap out of her, then she made her way to the music man. He had been a regular for a few months now, first coming with a group of friends for a bachelor party type celebration. She called him the music man because he continued to return, typically on the days they had live music, and sat alone, watching the show.
At first, he was lively and loud, easily making friends in the bar but after a few weeks he had become quiet. He seemed lost in his thoughts most of the time, and she had a feeling this was not his usual personality. She didn’t peg him for bipolar, he just had a lot on his mind. Music man didn’t look like he was happy.
She approached cautiously, “You look like you need something a little stronger than your usual beer. Scotch this round?”  
“Yeh,” he replied without even looking up at her.
Yep, he was having another bad night. It was a shame that his bright eyes were darkened by whatever issue had been plaguing him. He would perk up some when the music started. Only that wouldn’t be for another thirty minutes or so. He should be okay until then.
Yeon-hee grabbed his drink quickly, setting it down on her way to clean up a table in the back. She didn’t want to admit it, but she missed the kind smile the music man flashed around the place when he first came. His laugh was infectious and there wasn’t anyone who he wasn’t instantly friends with. Seeing him go from that to the silent, solemn man who sat there now, was dis-heartening.
She peered over her shoulder where he sat. Music man looked even more warry than normal. He stared into the distance, swirling the already half drank snifter on the table. She couldn’t stand it. Why his mood mattered was something Yeon-hee couldn’t explain, but if it was music he needed to cheer up, she would get it to him. She took her tray back to the kitchen, passing Daewon on the way.
“I’ll do it.” She told him before she grabbed the music man another scotch. Yeon-hee laughed at the scream of excitement Daewon barked, dropped the scotch off to the music man and made her way to the stage. The house instruments were already set up, and Yeon-hee ran a few practice bars to warm up her fingers and voice, then addressed the crowd.
“The Blue Lounge would like to welcome everyone here tonight.” She began. “Mercury is running just a little late. So, it will be my pleasure to entertain you until they arrive. I’m a little rusty, you guys, so take it easy on me. This first one is called Sing to Me.”        
Just how she had practiced a million times in this very spot, before the bar opened, she let her fingers lazily play over the keys. The song was slow, and sad, one that she had written when she left her parents in the states and moved to meet her mother’s family in South Korea. Her parents didn’t understand that she didn’t feel like herself there, with an American father and a Korean mother, she didn’t feel like she fit. Amanda Thompson, her American name, wasn’t real to her. Her mother’s family had been accepting, so she took her Korean name and her mother’s family name, Kim Yeon-hee, and left her old self behind. At that time, she had just wanted someone who understood her.
“Sing to me again.
Sing the words I cannot understand, but your meaning
is too clear. Your warm bourbon sound vibrates deep
into my black-hole heart, it pulls the ragged breath
from my chest and I am free again.”
Yeon-hee was in her element. She loved the stage and singing, making music all together. She loved her voice, raw but still smooth, and a little more sensual than she usually meant to be, but it mixed well with the type of music she made. Yeon-hee felt like she could finally speak when she was playing her music and singing her own songs. She was free, able to be who and what she was, not having to fit into the tidy molds society deemed were appropriate. When she performed she was a sun, burning hot, and lighting up.
Yeon-hee glanced up at the music man, curiosity becoming too much for her. She almost forgot the lyrics as she saw him. Yeon-hee had meant to cheer him up a little, but the look on his face was something more akin to fascination. He stared at her, intently, his eyes wide, and a ridiculously large smile on his face. They seemed to sparkle.
  Yeon-hee thought for a moment that it was what pure excitement looked like. She quickly shook that thought out of her head. Though she was proud of her music, she doubted it would cause him to grin like a child at Disney World. But still, the way he watched her was unnerving. A chill ran down her spine. She wasn’t scared, he didn’t give off that vibe, but she had a sinking feeling that she’d just gotten in over her head. That smile meant trouble for her.
The next song she played was a cover of a song that was popular at the moment. I was fast-paced and she was pleasantly pleased when people started to stand and dance. The last song was another original. A ballad, not a slow as the first song, but with a deeper meaning than the second. In all, she ended up playing six songs, and the music man never took his eyes off her. Finally, she saw the sign from Daewon that the band had arrived.
“Thank you,” she laughed as they applauded, “but your real entertainment is here. Give it up for Mercury!”
She clapped as she welcomed the band on stage and then returned behind the bar. She glanced back at the music man one last time, but his table was empty. Yeon-hee pouted, and she was very uncomfortable with the amount of disappointment she felt at his disappearance. As she rounded the corner of the bar a hand wrapped around her wrist. She tried jerked away, anyone who was a regular knew Yeon-hee didn’t put up with being grabbed, but there were still the newbies who didn’t know better. She had to put them in their place every once and a while, but before she could put the hurt on him, Yeon-hee recognized those eyes.
The music man lifted the corner of his lips in a crooked smile, as if he was waiting for her to attack him. She held her captured wrist in between them, her eyes narrowed, her skin burning where he touched her.
“I know you know better than to grab me.” She reminded him, referring to when he witnessed what happened to the last man who grabbed her a few weeks ago. The man had tried to press charges for assault against her, but the police laughed it off.
His smile widened as he gently released her wrist, “I know, but I need a pen.”
Yeon-hee eyed him suspiciously but took the few steps to the register and grabbed her pen, slapping it down on the bar in front of him. She didn’t know how it was possible, but his smile widened even more. With a roll of her eyes, she walked away to find Daewon.
That was a mistake.
“I need another favor.” Daewon told her. This time there were no whistles and bells, no complements. Yeon-hee knew that even though he said favor, she would have no choice in the matter. “I just got a call, I need to leave, and I don’t think I’ll be back before close. I need you to stay and manage the bar while I’m gone and close up.”
“Oppa,” she whined, “I’ve closed every day this week, you promised I could get off early tonight.”
“I know, but I need your help, cousin.” He shrugged, “I’ll give you an extra day off next week for it. Don’t forget the guy is bringing the cases of that new beer for us to try, I’ll have Kim Sunghyun come to bounce if you need him.”
Yeon-hee sighed. “Yeh,” she knew there was no point in arguing. He was dirty for pulling the cousin card.
The worst part about being on stage for Yeon-hee was stepping off it. All her other duties seemed so mundane compare to the rush of the stage. Even a small venue like The Blue Lounge didn’t lessen the exhilaration she experienced while playing her music. Her mother had been a piano prodigy studying in New York when she met Yeon-hee’s father, music was in her blood. She didn’t need to be a big star, as long as she could continue writing and singing, she was content.
Yeon-hee split her section between Kang Chun-ja and Jin Eun-hye and stayed behind the bar. The music man ordered a water instead of another scotch, and sat quietly at the end of the bar, seemingly disinterested in the band playing. Seemingly watching every move she made. For hours. She wanted to be annoyed, normally she would be, but the distant, sad look he had entered the bar with was long gone.
The guy with the cases of beer came at mid-night. A little late to be dropping off cases of beer, but it was the deal Daewon had made with the brewer and Yeon-hee wasn’t going to question. She motioned to Sunghyun to keep his attention up, pulled Chun-ja to the bar and started to the door that lead to the back of the bar. The music man was the last customer before the door, and his eyes were still on her.
Suddenly she had a bright idea. Sunghyun couldn’t leave the girls in the bar to unload, but that didn’t mean she had to do it on her own. And she could find out why the man kept staring at her. Yeon-hee stopped at the end of the bar and leaned over to speak to her stalker.
“Music man, you look like you have something to say to me.” She yelled over the music.
“Possibly,” he leaned into her to so that she could hear him better.
“Then follow me.” She shrugged and walked through the door to the storage area.
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clove-teasdale · 7 years
appreciation post edition numero two
((ooc post)) 
HEY YALL IM BACK. unless u live under a rock (or fine, maybe this is your first selection), u would know i was @jynsongxvii during the dreaded obscurantism of ocnet selections, aka dom’s selection. back then, i posted a little thing to boost morale up when some anon stuff seemed to be getting hairy, so i’m doing it again. i should actually be writing my next crooks fic but,,, i mean,,, yeah, whatever. yall will live with the wait if you’re keeping up with that. let’s get started. 
last time i think i did all the girls cause it was pretty early on in the selection, but considering levels of activity at the moment, the fact that the end is getting nearer and the other fact that i’m kinda busy + have fics to write, i will have to keep it brief. sorry if i get ur name wrong, but i tried to remember. this is based on personal interaction and what i’ve managed to get from your characters, so, yeh. if we haven’t talked much i will focus on oc. ALPHABETIC ORDER. no fights.
t h e -  e l  i  t e
me ↠ i go first. i am water. i am also awesome. ALSO also, i suck. all the typos and CAPS. i will send u all the reaction pics i have compiled and u will realize i am a meme. decent-ish writing? crooks trash. i called froy gutierrez fort once because of auTOCORRECT HATING ME. never shuts up. probably should. my face is okay.
anna aka @ladyaadamaier ↠ german secret princess. lonely allegra that lived happily with the stars. tried her best to have two ocs and both reached elite so ayeee, u prevailed. 
anya aka @camille-marshall ↠ tHE SARGENT. or lieutenant actually. i am bad with military and i am not going to do more research, okay? the appreciator of all my caps and typos. has an awkward bean as an oc that must learn to stop being elsa with the “conceal don’t feel” vibe and--JUST ACCEPT U LOVE THE PALACE MARSHALL. gave us the gift of drunk marshall as well.  gOT INTO THE COLLEGE SHE WANTED YEET.  ur face is lovely.
bethia aka @fleur-quinn ↠ seems really nice ooc. has hosted an oc birthday for the redhead star with a fake twin. it’s been interesting competing against u for the side prince so far. nice oc fights on the rp. A+
brianna aka @eloiseduval ↠ the ™ to my ™. i’m glad we’ve fINALLY been able to get close in this selection. u are the coolest of beans but need to actually talk to people more. anyhow. lovely fics, like, yes they are good sHUt uP. always has nice ocs and trying her best. also adamant crooks shipper, so thanks. please give her love. she’s just playing the game. ur face is lovely.
lena aka @claraeclair ↠ super nice ooc. her oc gave all the sweets. was a literal cinnamon roll in and out of character. also, ik u and u are a sNEAKY ONE. she knows what i’m talking about.
simone aka @victoria-seaberg ↠ cracked mal so she doesn’t hate her oc. very active. we haven’t talked much but you’re friends with lovely people ik and it’s pretty clear you’re a literal cinnamon roll bringing all the support. keep that up. her oc is not to be messed with.
skye aka @ladyvenusvale ↠  pInK hAiR for the beauty guru now. has hosted an oc party too! with taylor swift which i technically owe thE DUET ™ for, so thanks skye. also ZEDAYA. like, yes. thank you. if you want oc drama, ask her help. she will do what she can to deliver. ur face is lovely.
zara aka @mistylane059   ↠ wine ™ . has included guards like me! guards are always nice. put a lot of effort on including her maids in fics. also, was my secret santa wuu~ 
some people i will mention because ik them lol. 
cass aka @memeselectionoc ↠ memes. must i say more? i mean, memes guys. mEMES. pretty sure she sends love to people because i am a detective and figure stuff like that out. wants meme not hate. ur face is lovely. oc maya got her bff to date her and was part of the awkward hand-gestures club with... 
issy aka @evelyn-fenton ↠ yes part of that club (i broke alphabet cause i needed these two together). awkward writer bean that had brotp with maya. got herself a guy before leaving. DREW AWESOME CLOVE AS MY SS, LIKE? deserves all the acknowledgment. gOT INTO THE COLLEGE SHE WANTED TOO YEET. ur face is lovely.
chris aka @phaniecastello  ↠ AWESOME. IMPROVEMENT IN WRITING ENGLISH. so prOUD. grandma that everyone should love. had a super nice oc and is super nice ooc. the sweetest bean. loretta was crazy. ur face is lovely.
I THINK SYL? aka @vaticancameos333 ↠ I BELIEVE YOUR OC WAS JORDAN? IF NOT I AM SORRY TO HAVE MISTAKEN YOU BUT,,, has been keeping up with my crooks fics even tho her character isn’t active anymore and I NEEDED U IN THE APPRECIATION POST BECAUSE THAT IS SO NICE OF YOU. THANKS. also i followed ur blog through clove and it’s one of the things that keeps my dash alive. A+
T H E - H O S T S
grace and claire aka... um, lets just tag @nathaniel-schreave & @brooks-schreave  ↠ FICS. SHIPS. STORYLINES. PUTTING A LOT OF EFFORT WHILE BEING IN SCHOOL. trying their best as anyone who is prince does and as all we do as contestants. lots of characters! H U G E improvement from dom the brick. one of them is the reason i will never forget the alamo. ur faces are lovely.
that has been my psa. ik there is stress sometimes guys, I BREATHE STRESS. but let’s be civil, not bitter. remember hannah montanna. see a vine compilation when u are upset. pray if u believe in God. IDK. even talk it out civilly. that’s cool too. but don’t throw blind jabs at each other cause that’s just gonna get us all upset and maybe you’ll make someone who isn’t at fault feel bad. sending love yet again, i will shut up now.
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rfsak2 · 7 years
Look.. I’ve fallen into Harry-Hell. No one warned me. He’s too young. I blame his tattoos and his album. I have a deep appreciation for good tattoos… and his album is bloody awesome. Send Help. *snort* Harry-Help for Harry-Hell… yep. That’s where I be.
I was listening to said album on a walk and I thought to myself: ‘Shay, what would it be like if the person behind some of those abso-fab guitar riffs was this tiny, tattooed, badass female guitarist? How cool would she look in his band?”
So Cool
Then I said to myself: ‘Shay, what if he was totally into her? What if he just thought she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen? What if all of this became apparent during the tour, complete with flirty comments and attending after parties ‘together’? Like he kept getting super close on stage? Like on some of the more guitar-heavy songs, he brings his mic over to her so he can dance with (on) her?”
It would be great
This is where I went. Enjoy.
Also I know that the band does not need another guitarist and that the guitarists they do have are amazing, but this is a little what if and I wanted it. This is short but if it’s well-received, I have some plans to continue it.
Thanks! Now I will get on with it.
Cactus Summary: You look pretty good down here. Harry/OC Warnings: None.
“How’s it?” Mitch grimaced, glancing at her mug.
Brushing back the curly, blonde friz that surrounded her face, she shrugged and set the mug, a funky cactus-shaped gift from a friend, down. “It is smoky.. A bit weird but I don’t half-mind it.”
“What’s tha’?”
The band turns and there’s a quiet, tense moment. He’s here.
This can go one of two ways. They’ve all seen it. Either he chooses to gel with the band and recording this album and the tour that naturally follows are blasts or he remains distant and they are miserable for the next couple of years.
Though she wasn’t planning on touring with them anyways. So it wasn’t really skin off her nose if they didn’t click, if he was the gigantic asshole that his PR peeps insisted he wasn’t. It’d just suck for the rest.
On the other hand, Mitch had insisted that he was cool. And she clicked with Mitch.
The fact remained, he made the first move so it’s them. They have to do something.
Jaime tapped her fingernails against the green ceramic of her mug. No one stood up or spoke. I guess I’m defacto leader then. “It’s tea. I have a friend in London. Anytime he comes across an especially weird tea, he sends it to me. This tea’s called ‘London Breakfast’.” She picked up the box with a smile, reading from the back. “‘Smoky and robust, this black tea is sure to warm up the coldest of days. The perfect brew to accompany a full English breakfast or to chase the fog away on a Monday morning’.”
“Smoky? Who drinks ‘smoky’ tea?” Harry grinned. “Tha’ sounds bloody awful.”
She chuckled. “It is weird, but again not half-bad.” She stood and offered the much taller man her hand. “Jamie Schwartz, studio guitarist.”
“Nice t’meet yeh.” He smiled, dimpled with perfectly straight white teeth. “Harry Styles, singer.”
Yeah, this is gonna be fun.
She adjusted her shirt so it laid the right way and sipped at her tea. She took her seat and set to warming up, plugging in her electric and plucking out a random riff.
When it didn’t seem like anyone would be showing anytime soon she decided to keep herself busy.
She had all but finished Voodoo Child when Harry popped into the studio, leaning on the doorframe. She blushed and stopped abruptly. “Hiya.”
He grinned. “Tha’ was fantastic. I didn’t know yeh had tha’ in yeh.” He ambled over to her, tattoos out and proud in a Hawaiian shirt. “I mean, I’d bet on yeh being a good guitarist but tha’ was bloody fantastic. Hendrix, right?”
She nodded, still a bit stunned truth be told. “Yeah.. Voodoo-”
“Child. That’s right. Well done you.” He grinned, hands on hips, before taking a seat on a nearby stool. “Where did we find yeh?”
“Huh?” She dropped her hand from the fret of her guitar and tilted her head. “What do you mean?”
“How did we find yeh? I know how I found Mitch, but how did my producers find yeh?”
She shrugged. “I’m a studio guitarist, I’ve been working with Columbia since I was like fifteen.”
He gaped. “Really? Yeh’ve never been part of a band or anythin’?”
She nodded. “Well yeah. I’m part of a band out of Nashville. We just finished up a small tour… three months ago.”
“So yeh’re a guitarist wit’ a band out of Nashville called…?” He chuckled.
“Oh Spike and Devil.” She winced. “We’re like a little indie outfit, nothing like flashy or anythin’.”
He grinned. “I like tha’. That’s cool. And th’rest of th’time you work in studio?” She nodded and Harry ran a finger over his bottom lip. “How many albums and tours have you worked on?”
She smiled and looked up as if the number was suspended in the air above her. “Full albums not including what Spike and Devil have put out? Say maybe twenty? But I’ve just recently hit song credit number 150.”
“Wow. That’s awesome. And how many tours?”
“My band has toured three times.”
He frowned suddenly. “You don’t tour with the artists yeh work with in studio?”
She shook her head. “Not normally… no… or like ever.”
He looked sad. “But why? If tha’ is anythin’ like wha’ yeh’re gonna do here, then I want yeh on th’tour. It’d only be right.”
She started shaking her head again. “That’s-”
He held his hands out. “No, don’t say anythin’. I’m goin’ t’make it my personal goal t’get yeh t’change yer mind.”
She laughed. “Be my guest.”
He grinned. “Where are yeh from? Nashville?”
She shook her head. “Nah, I moved out there after high school to work with Columbia there. I’m from Texas.”
He nodded. “Dallas? Houston?”
She laughed. “Nah.. San Antonio.”
He grinned. “I’ve been t’San Antonio! Two years ago! I think. The Alamo right?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I took my little cousins to that show.”
“Yeh did? Did they have fun?”
“They loved it. I don’t think they stopped talkin’ about you for the next year.”
He chuckled. “Did yeh have fun?”
She nodded. “It was a blast.”
“Good.” He quieted, eyes on her exposed shoulder. “Oh! Yeh’ve got tattoos.” He gestured to her left arm. “Can I see?”
She lifted her hand and he ever so gently wrapped his hand around her forearm where her floral sleeve ended. He poked the cactus at the top of the tattoo on the front of her shoulder. “It’s a cactus!” She laughed. He ran his fingertips along the stem of a cherry blossom. “It’s beautiful work.”
She nodded. “Yeah, my brother is an excellent tattoo artist.”
“He did this then? This is your brother’s work?”
“Yeah, he’s done all of my tattoos.”
He grinned. “How many do yeh have?”
She smiled back. “Loads.”
He nodded. “I like a girl with tattoos. Very nice. Hellava guitarist and pretty with great tattoos? Damn.”
She laughed. “Flatterer.”
“No just the truth. Only the truth.”
Mitch stepped into the studio and they turned to grin at him, he stopped. “What’s up?”
“Dude what happened to eight o’clock?”
Both Mitch and Harry turned to her. “What?”
She looked at her watch. “We were supposed to meet at eight... I thought.”
Harry shook his head. “Nine, love. We agreed to meet at nine.”
She frowned and opened up her phone, before blushing and setting it down. “I guess I can’t read.”
Harry pointed at her. “But you can read music!”
She laughed. 
Up Next: Part Ia
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franeridart · 7 years
Hello I love your art and love the new kiribaku kids. I did research on mako sharks and it said "The shortfin mako is on record as the fastest-swimming shark, capable of bursts of speed up to 18.8 metres per second (42 mph)." Its jaw is powerful enough to eat swordfish and sea turtles. And "Like other lamnid sharks, the shortfin mako shark has a heat-exchange circulatory system that allows the shark to be 7-10 °F warmer than the surrounding water. ". So I think mako would be an excellent hero
Never said she won’t be! As I’ve already explained tho the concept is that she’s young and most of he quirk-related abilities just haven’t developed yet - if she’d been living with her biological parents (which means, other people with a shark quirk) they would have already known what to expect from the quirk/she would have knows watching them, but as things stand she’s being raised by two people who’ve never known anyone else with that quirk, so they’re going at it completely blind. As far as Bakugou and Kirishima know her quirk’s abilities could stop at what she has now, but that doesn’t change that they’ll do their best to help her become the best hero of her generation, if that’s what she wants
Anon said: I can't believe the KiriBaku kids are literally Sharkgirl and Lavaboy, it's very cute. I also wanna say that Mako looks very much like one of the student from Ketsubutsu Academy, Nakagame Tatami, who has a "turtle quirk". Could it be that Mako is Tatami's biological kid and that when Tatami died (presumably from battle) Mako got adopted? Their quirks are a little similar (water-animal based), and hero's kids usually have very strong quirks even from a young age. Just a theory, love the kids tho!
I know you didn’t mean anything bad by this and I love how into them you are (thank you for liking them!) but please never, ever tell an artist that their OCs are literally some other characters, that’s the worst thing any creator can ever be told. Like, while I don’t exactly mind it since I knew this would happen even before posting them (as I said, I do know they remind of them - even though Tai’s quirk isn’t only about heating things up - and I’m still of the opinion that Kiri and Baku are pretty damn similar to Sharkboy and Lavagirl themselves so kids inspired by them were bound to remind of them, when coming from me) you might in the future find someone who’ll take it bad enough that they’ll just trash the characters and never work with them ever again, which I’m sure you don’t want
Just, mind your words next time you send this sort of asks, okay?
Anon said:(Hi, I'm the one who liked sharks and thought about mako's quirk too much) honestly some things she might do: be able to move/unhinge her upper jaw, have weirdly made bones because cartilage, absolutely terrify her parents by growing in her baby teeth and then immediately LOSING THEM w a second row ready, literally never get sick, heal faster than average
Her bones are normal human bones but everything else works for me! Tho as far as her baby teeth go Baku and Kiri hadn’t adopted her yet, back then haha
Anon said: here's a question, can mako talk underwater? i think tsuyu can so it doesn't seem unreasonable (don't quote me on that tho)
She can’t! For two main reasons: the first, she uses gills to breathe underwater - at the sides of her ribcage - which means that there’s no air passing across her throat to make her vocal cords vibrate to produce sound. Technically she could probably find a way to switch between breathing systems just enough to make herself able to talk, but it requires a type of coordination she still doesn’t have. She tried, nearly drowned herself, Kirishima freaked the fuck out and forbid her to try again at least until she’s ten; the second reason is that as far as I get it sharks don’t actually make noises underwater, which is why she can’t naturally talk while submerged and needs to switch between breathing systems for it to work~
Anon said:I think u never answered anything ab that so... what are/were your feelings on fat calling Kiri "chickling" when he found him under his belly?
Still unsure whether he actually called him chickling or if FA was right and the correct translation is “what are you, a chickling”, but either way it was adorable and I died a lot I’m so glad Kiri has Fat in his life ;A;
Anon said:Okay so I recently like two days ago recent found some of your Kiribaku art work and thought it was really cute so then I delved deeper and got into the characters and stuff but I thought that Bakugou controlled fire or something like he could heat up his body and stuff and now I really love this idea but it's now actually cannon and I don't want to make an au or anything but I thought you'd like to hear about human heater Bakugou who gives really warm hugs and cuddles to Kirishima- :)
I hc Bakugou as having an average temperature higher than normal because of his quirk, so this still works for me! It’s so soft and good, thank you for sharing it!!! ;u;
Anon said:I ship Tsuyu with Mina but it always low key feels like I'm alone in this :/
It’s not my fav ship for either but I do ship it too!!! They’re so nice tbh and they’re two of my fav girls in bnha so that’s an A++++ concept for me - and I’m sure you’re not alone!!! I’m pretty sure I read more than a fic with that ship as a bg one, so there must be people who main it too~
Anon said:Your BakuKiriKami art has me obsessed with these boys and convinced me to read the manga instead of just watching the anime! I just got to the hero license exam and the first thing I thought of when I saw Kaminari was "omg his boyfriends must find his updated costume so hot" because now I have a one track mind for this OT3 😂
LMAO that’s good and that arc is such a great thing for the ship too~ it was definitely the moment I started seriously shipping it!
Anon said:have you ever thought about doing a web comic?
Yeh! I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I found out webcomics were a thing lmao
Anon said:Hmm... would BakuKiriKami ever have kids, I wonder?
Are you asking me what kid they’d have or generally if they would because if it’s the second then sure - I really can’t see Kaminari and Kirishima never wanting kids tbh, and if it were with people he loves I think Bakugou would want a family too, probs
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dgcakes · 8 years
A Different Hogwarts & The Sorcerer’s Stone - CH4
A Harry Potter Au Fic
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Warning: This is a completely self-indulgent fic because I have some serious problems with some adults in this series and how things are run. This series is heavily based around an OC and rewritten by how she changes things with her presence and actions. This is entirely for fun on my part, so probably shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
Sometimes this au uses bits or quotes directly from the books for effect, but I'm going to try not to overdo that.
Summary: Young Harry Potter ends up taken from his horrible home and introduced to a world of magic and wonder Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Meanwhile, a young woman has been working to try and bring reforms to the school and positive change for the wizarding world’s youth. Their paths collide as Hogwarts, and the world itself, are changed because of it.
Chapter Four - Diagonals, Diners and Discussions
The rest of the ride was a lot more pleasant when they got onto explaining things like Gringotts or wizard money or there being a Ministry of Magic. It made driving through Muggle London and wondering how places to purchase broomsticks and wands could be found among these shops so much harder to think about and so much easier to just believe instead of thinking it might be a joke by the Dursleys. Which, it wouldn’t be anyway - they didn’t have a sense of humor.
Eventually Miss Prills stopped near a tiny little tavern, which no one on the street seemed to notice except them. “Hagrid, you go ahead and take Harry inside. I need to go park properly.”
As soon as they were out of the car, it seemed to vanish. This left Hagrid free to show Harry inside the Leaky Cauldron and then onward into Diagon Alley. Miss Prills didn’t actually turn up again till Harry and Hagrid were eating ice cream after his trip into Madam Malkin’s.
“And what are Slytherin and Hufflepuff?” Harry was asking Hagrid as Miss Prills was walking up to them, easily hidden behind Hagrid’s bulk.
“School houses. There’s four of em. Everyone says Hufflepuff’s a lot of duffers-”
“Excuuuuse me?” Miss Prills leaned into view then and gave Hagrid a bit of a smile. “Whaaaat’s this you’re saying, Hagrid?~” she took a seat on Harry’s other side with a bright smile. “Hello again Harry, how’s your shopping going?”
Harry gave her a weak smile over his ice cream.
Miss Prills’ eyes softened and she reached out to pat his shoulder, “Hey, what’s up? What’d I miss?”
“Ah, Harry ran into a boy from one of the worser families of wizard, tha’s all.” Hagrid told her, then gave Harry another smile. “I joke about ‘em, but Gwen here’s a right fine example of a Hufflepuff.”
“And proud of it.” Miss Prills agreed with a nod. “Absolutely nothing wrong with being a Hufflepuff if that’s where you end up.”
Harry’s weak smile got a little stronger. Maybe a Hufflepuff wouldn’t be the worst thing ever, Miss Prills seemed alright enough.
“Better Hufflepuff than Slytherin,” Hagrid said darkly. “There’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin-”
“Now that’s not fair, Hagrid. All houses have their merits, and I know for a fact of at least one wizard who went bad not from Slytherin, but that’s not a road we need to go down.” Miss Prills shook her head at that. It was clearly a topic she didn’t feel needed to be brought up in front of Harry.
“Vol-, sorry, You-Know-Who was at Hogwarts?” Harry asked, sort of struck by that part of the conversation.
“Years an’ years ago,” said Hagrid.
Miss Prills folded her arms on the table and leaned down to look at Harry better on his level. “Harry, no matter what anyone tells you, no one inherently house is better or worse than the others, ok? It’s all what you make of it and the choices you make.” she gave a soft, half smile, “Some houses have weak or bad reputations, and certain things were let to go on too long and make bad situations worse. But we’re working to change that and make Hogwarts a better place. So just do your best and you’ll be ok. Everyone has virtues and faults, and some people even suit multiple houses. But where you end up is where your strongest virtues usually lie, and what suits you best. No matter what happens though, you’re always going to have people at Hogwarts who will look out for you. People like me, people like Hagrid. It’s going to be ok.”
She gave Harry a soft ruffle of his hair and let him finish up his ice cream, giving him time to think over what he was being told.
Miss Prills tagged along with Harry and Hagrid going to get his supplies. She mostly let Harry stick close to Hagrid, smiling sometimes a little at Hagrid having to stop Harry from ogling books of curses or making silly purchases like gold cauldrons. What Miss Prills was mainly doing was noting the prices of some things in the shops and noting them down. She very often gravitated to the used or discount items for this.
“What’re you doing?” Harry asked, after noticing her doing it in several shops, this time seeing her crouched by a half price jar of certain ingredients and inspecting it.
“I’m taking notes for the Bargain Nifflers. It’s a club at Hogwarts that keeps up information on lower priced goods for less affluent wizarding families or students. They put out a newsletter to subscribers with all sorts of information. I like to keep an eye out whenever I’m shopping.” Miss Prills smiled, standing up again and putting away her notebook for now.
“Are there a lot of clubs at Hogwarts?”
“There’s a few so far. There’s always new ones cropping up or closing as students experiment with things. Having more clubs available has really only been a thing we’ve been pushing for in the last few years.” Miss Prills explained.
“Always used to be some now and then, but never so many as there are now.” Hagrid agreed with a big smile, “All sorts going on at Hogwarts these days.”
Miss Prills gave a soft chuckle and shook her head. “Anyway, have you finished getting your things here? Let’s get on if you have.”
Outside the store, they split again, Hagrid taking Harry to go get his birthday present and his wand, and Miss Prills getting back to checking some of the other local shops for discounts for her notes. She didn’t meet up with them again till they were outside of Ollivander’s.
“Hagrid, do you want to come along when I drive Harry back?” she offered.
“I have to be gettin back soon, but if yeh don’t mind, I was thinking we could stop for a bite to eat before he has to head back.”
“I think that sounds like a good plan, how about you, Harry?” Miss Prills could obviously tell he had a lot on his mind, just from the way she put a steadying hand on his shoulder, but she didn’t inquire further just yet.
The three headed back through Diagon Alley, back through the hole and the wall and through the Leaky Cauldron to the streets of London again. Miss Prills went ahead to fetch her car, which she had to fiddle with again to get it to accommodate Hagrid with Harry’s new owl’s cage on his lap, as well as putting his trunk in the very back.
The ride to a little out of the way diner was mostly silent, other than Miss Prills asking what sort of food they wanted before they left. It gave Harry time to stare out of the window and think about his day, and everything weighing on his mind. It’d been a very big day. He didn’t really realize till they were settling into some odd seats at the diner that it wasn’t a normal muggle one - not that he’d been to many of those, the Dursleys weren’t that fond of them - but one that was seating all sorts of odd folk. It had the same variety of customers as the leaky cauldron had, just with more bright lights and cheery atmosphere, a more normal in some ways. It felt like another subtle hint that the wizarding world was normal in its own ways too and he could fit in just fine there.
“You all right, Harry? Yer very quiet.” Hagrid asked him as they waited for their food.
He’d had all car ride to figure out how to say what he was thinking, and it was still hard, but he’d sort of known this kind of question was coming. “Everyone thinks I’m special. All those people in the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander...but I don’t know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things? I’m famous and I can’t even remember what I’m famous for. I don’t know what happened when Vol-, sorry -- I mean the night my parents died.”
Miss Prills and Hagrid exchanged a look. She put a hand on Harry’s shoulder, and Hagrid leaned across the table to speak, his smile very kind and his eyes warm.
“Don’ you worry, Harry. You’ll learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, you’ll be just fine, just be yerself. I know it’s hard. Yeh’ve been singled out, an’ that’s always hard. But yeh’ll have a great time at Hogwarts -- I did -- still do, ‘smatter of fact.”
“A lot of people have opinions about you, expecting things from you both good and bad. But the only important thing is that you do your best to be the best you possible. That’s all you can ever be.” Miss Prills agreed. “In time, people are going to see you for you. Just be patient and give it your all. Its all any of us can do.”
They left Hagrid after their meal and Harry watched him out of the car window as they drove away, but he vanished. He glanced over to Miss Prills and dared ask an idle question he sometimes wondered.
“I used to meet people on the street who seemed to know me, but they always seemed to vanish when I looked again. Is that just a wizard thing?”
“Yes - well, it’s bits of various wizard things. We have ways of making ourselves unnoticed by muggles in general, so if you saw people out and about, they could have easily been slipping into other spaces. But the more likely case is some of them were Disapparating.”
“Doing what?” Harry turned to stare at her fully.
Miss Prills chuckled. “Apparition and Disapparation - appearing and disappearing? It’s like how people teleport on cartoon shows?”
“You can actually do that?” Harry gaped. He’d only seen that on television once or twice when Dudley was watching it or playing a game or something. It was one of those things the Dursleys didn’t like him talking about or looking at, but otherwise didn’t think much of.
“Yes, but it’s very difficult magic and can go very wrong if not done properly. Don’t think too long about it or you’ll lose your lunch, and you’ve had enough to think about today. Just, leave it as a standard thing for some wizards, but complicated, difficult, and requires a license.”
“Is that why you drive?” he asked looking back at the road again.
“Well, yes and no. It’s hard enough to Apparate one person, let alone multiple people, and it's extremely dangerous, especially on someone so young. It’s why there’s alternate methods to get around for younger people - anyway, there’s also places you just can’t Apparate into, like Hogwarts. That’s why you’ll be taking the train.”
Harry thought about that and sort of stared out the window for a little while longer before another thought struck him and he looked back to Miss Prills.
“Hagrid’s the groundskeeper at Hogwarts, but you never said what you do there.”
Miss Prills’ brown eyes met his briefly and she smiled, attention back on the road in an instant, “I do a bit of everything, really. Essentially, my main job is making sure Hogwarts is the best it can be for its students. I’m there if someone needs to talk, or needs help with something, and I’m there to make sure you’re all treated right by the staff.”
When they reached Privet Drive, Miss Prills handed Harry an envelope with his ticket then helped him unload all of his stuff and take it up to the front. “Your train’s on the first of September from King’s Cross, and I’ll make sure your Aunt and Uncle take you, ok?”
Harry nodded, quietly.
“If you need anything, send your owl here for myself or Hagrid. She’ll be able to find us.” she assured him, then leaned down to give Harry a quick hug and make sure he got inside ok. She stayed just long enough to make sure the Dursleys pointed him to his new bedroom - the one that had formerly been for Dudley’s unwanted things - instead of the cupboard, and gave them one last warning smile before she headed back to her car and vanished into the night.
Harry went to sleep in his new room that night, just taking in all that had happened that day, and wondering what would come when he finally went on to Hogwarts.
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