#but like krypton isn’t even in hal’s sector. it’s the next sector over.
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shoot-i-messed-up · 3 months ago
trying to figure out the logistics of a Superlantern arranged marriage AU
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story-collector · 4 years ago
This time it’s green lantern style
This entire thing is going to be based of an oc that I have not yet actually created...just fyi...
The Green Lantern I chose..*dramatic drumroll*
Hal Jordan!
Let’s make something clear...I don’t read a lot of the comics (I try but I don NOT have the attention span for that)
I watch mostly Batman based movies
And what I saw...I didn’t like
I know in one series (I believe it’s Young Justice) they are trying to decide who to let into the league
The other green lanterns already in the league are steadfastly against Hal joining the league
He is childish, immature, irresponsible and they just off about him
They don’t give him a chance
If you want to go off the live action movies (which I am entirely tying that into this AU) Hal was the FIRST and ONLY human to ever be a green lantern
We can pretend the others came a little later
So let’s say he was the first green lantern on earth
He fought hard to protect the planet (it’s that one animated movie when the JL first meets and it has Cyborg and I think Shazam’s origins in it... I forgot the name)
He was the only green lantern, fuck they didn’t even know he existed till he showed up
But the big three found him to immature and slowly edged him out till he didn’t become part of the league
He was like okay, what ever, I’m still a hero and this is still my planet (and sector of space) to protect and I’ll keep doing that
He’s a little hurt but it’s okay
Until the other green lanterns show up
When he became green lantern he was one a very tight schedule and had to learn a lot of things on the fly because he couldn’t get a full training from the green lanterns
And after he defeated the threat he just kinda...forgot, to bust protecting the planet and his people
So compared to a lot of new lanterns he is very undertrained, but no less serious
Now the other lanterns show up
And they are almost immediately brought into the league
And.. he has to admit, that kinda hurts
He was the first
And now he will be the last
They got more training and despite him being their senior as a lantern, the act like the bosses of him
The act superior to him and treat him like trash
It hurts
And brings down his self esteem a lot
The other hero’s still hang out with and talk to him like nothing is wrong
Like he hasn’t been slighted
And pushed to the side
He realizes they just keep getting his hopes up only to let him down later
And he just kinda sits on it and simmers and it gets worse and worse and suddenly there’s a red lantern ring coming right for him
Now this is where and OC would come in
I’m making the example female because I have never seen a female Green Lantern and there might be but not a popular one
Suddenly the ring is stopped by a ball of green light
Another green lantern
This one female, her eyes glow with an unearthly shine, even with her mask
Her hair seems to float around her and she has marks across her face and horns on her head
She’s not human, but she came in the direction of earth
She motions for him to follow her and she opens a portal to the green lantern base
The other lanterns can’t meet his eyes
They know why he’s here and they know where they failed, she made sure of that
She releases the red ring to some heavy duty greens and the salut her as she walks with him down the halls
She’s short, barely coming up to his shoulder, but it is very clear who has the power here
She brings him to a nice sitting room and deactivated her ring, and to his surprise, removes it
He had never seen a lantern remove their ring at the HQ and barely ever on earth
She sits him down and explains as much as she can
She’s not human, but she has been living on earth since Krypton fell
(For this AU I’m going to make the Krypton sector a fairly toxically radioactive place so only few species can withstand it, green lanterns can with the glowing shield around them, but not without it so they couldn’t stay on the planet)
This was her sector as she was one of the only green lanterns that could withstand the radioactiveness of the planet
Her home sector was much the same before it was destroyed by war
She reveals that she protected this sector on her own for millennia, through generations of the royal family (I’m making Superman the last prince of Krypton ok)
She was devastated when it fell because she wasn’t strong enough, to injured, to tired, to save them
She saved Supes pod and brought it to earth, a place she knew vaugely from her own planets war
Krypton was gone and she felt like a failure so she set down her ring and hadn’t even looked at it for almost 40 years
Until she caught wind of a lantern on earth
Who wasn’t fully trained
Who was treated like shit
Who was slighted and used and manipulated
And basically said fuck it, I’m going to train another lantern
Now she was one of the first
One of the oldest lanterns (though she didn’t look a day past 25 if Hal could say so himself)
She knew all the wisdom he would need
And she would stand beside him and protect the Milky Way sector
Hers were gone, so the elders reassigned her to the Milky Way and assigned Hal as her apprentice
They knew that he was destined for greatness and that he would blossom under her training
They agree to keep their knowledge of each other and her reassignment between each other
The other earth lanterns did not protect the sector like they were supposed to
So they would do it themselves
So she brought him under her metaphorical wings and trained him
And he became better
And because I love batman so much let’s say she lives in Gotham
And she’s fairly high up their on the social scale
Obviously she can had and transform her very not human characteristics flawlessly
And she’s been around for millions, if not billions of years, she’s basically a goddess I guess
So she knows her way around money and the good hustle
So she probably knows Bruce Wayne
And probably knows he’s Batman, not that he knows this
So there’s a gala like mabey a year after Hal starts his training
And he’s a fucking fast learner, which is good because the galaxy really needs its protectors
(Some how the JL haven’t noticed that their are next to no alien attackers in the last year, the word has spread and no one wants to go against Kryptons Guardian and her apprentice)
She’s literally shown him the universe
(And this isn’t necessarily a love story, I’d like to think of it as brother sister relationship that they end up developing,or like best best friends, but not lovers)
Anyway Wayne Gala
She’s invited and as a regular guest she is allowed to bring a guest
So she Chooses Hal
She knows that the rest of the JL was invited and some other hero’s as well
And she makes sure Hal knows as well
She tells him he doesn’t have to come
But no, with her guidance he has grown so much more confident and fuck it he’s probably almost as scary as her now and can almost as easily command a room
He’s come far
So they show up
And at first no one really recognizes him
He’s changed
He looks more confident, but he’s still got that childish spark (she told him she never wants him to lose that)
He has a new haircut
And the suit
It matches her dress
Green, for justice
So they don’t recognize him at first
Now the OC is a regular so while Hal gets them drinks and brings their jackets and her purse to Alfred (“a pleasure to see you here Master Jordan”) OC is found by one of the batboys
Let’s say Dick
Because he loves the lady’s
And he brings her over so Bruce can show off this lovely lady, and powerful business partner off to his friends
She know who they are (the other two lanterns are their and for some reason they feel very nervous around her)
She introduces herself and somehow she senses Hal come up behind her and introduces him without even looking
They all sweat drop
And then they start talking
They share story’s together, and laugh and act like nothing is wrong and it all comes to a point to where she responds to a story from... let’s say one of the other lanterns (sue me, I don’t know their names)
And she’s all like “oh that reminds me of this one time on Krypton”
And Hal is like “oh you mean the time...”
And the others are like wtf, who is this girl
The party ends and they go home, but that’s just the beginning
I don’t know what else to put so feel free to add your own stuff!!
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