#but like idk if Tubbo really logs in
phatcatphergus · 8 months
It’s so funny that people are low key worried about dappers admin being on tumblr like tubblings haven’t had the fact that tubbo has a secret tumblr account in the back of their minds for years
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guckies · 9 months
I went back to watch the moment about Bad bringing up purgatory and really it’s just that everyone is confused and Bad needs to explicitly say if he is canonically on or off the island without some weird loop hole that gives him both lores on the both islands for one character to know.
Now the mini events aren’t always like a lore canon thing but the eggs are in lore majority of the time. This is cause the eggs are lore/rp characters the same way Cucurucho is and the only way they aren’t is when they explicitly say it or the cc says that the info they’re saying is out of rp.
But this is what happened -
Bad brought up first that he saw Tubbo that day to sunny who had been with Fit the entire day. Then Richarylson questioned him saying “Aren’t you meant to not be spiritually projecting rn” and he said “I don’t know what you’re talking about” which is just as confusing as what Richas said to him.
Then the others asked a general question just saying how was it and if he was winning not anything about any of the lore aspects. He then later brought up the quesadilla lore stuff with Phil despite it not really being the time or place, as well as him not supposedly being there to the other characters (specifically Fit and Phil think he’s kidnapped because he hasn’t clarified and they honestly act like they can’t be bothered asking anymore about it which not gonna blame them on) who all think that he is kidnapped because Bad has evaded the question and not given them an explicit answer.
So the eggs, current quesadilla islanders and the viewers are very confused.
Cause none of it make sense and Bad’s “1/3 is in purgatory”(which is the spiritually projecting thing richas is eluding to) is a struggle rp wise too because how is he meant to participate in lore or rp when he’s giving so many mixed signals if he is or isn’t canonically on the island.
Like he’s telling the eggs about their parents when they’re always meant to be in lore, then telling the other islanders that he’s on vacation which implies he’s not doing lore. So then it looks like meta gaming (because the eggs are just being told info randomly without knowing they’re getting told ie like a twitch chat that a streamer reads except eggs can’t really ignore it) from the pov of someone who has no clue if it’s in rp or not especially when it’s told to the eggs who are in rp 24/7. But then even the eggs don’t know if he’s actually there or not so they have to come up with a rp opinion about it and now think he’s lying about their parents because they aren’t meant to know about it really.
Along with this how come he can only just now separate himself in parts like this(yes things are secret but that raises the question how come he didn’t preemptively do this in purgatory 1), how is he getting the info back and forward from each “part” of him, how is it even a different part/version of him if he’s still in the same dimension(cause travelling back and forward from the island defeats the whole purpose of purgatory 1 and he isn’t a slime so how would he be able to make a clones/another version) and then why is he even telling the kids that information when they are separated from their parents which is just going to make them sad(but it is giving the eggs a rp struggle because not all of them are going to know if they are meant to know that info or not).
But really the real question is why does bad have to be involved in both lores and knowing everything. It’s not as if the others are going to keep everything from him and not tell him. Like when has anyone not ever told people about lore that affects everyone, he will be told everything all he has to do is ask. By the time he’s back the photo if the eyed workers will probably still be up as well all he has to do is ask them about it and they’ll give him an answer.
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galatoma · 7 months
Idk why but seeing the way qtubbo died today reminded me of the time tubbo told empanada "oh no you've killed me! now im gone forever!" and then logged out, where then he immediately said "okay so now that child will grow up with guilt"
Like damn, he really decides to hit Chay, Sunny, and Richas with the tubbo special today. The ol' reliable trauma starter, even.
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lionheartedmusings · 10 months
also i really truly hope tubbo actually remembers to go through with his plan to spreadsheet and delegate all tasks / contracts when he logs on bc that'd be an insane strat? soulfire are grinders to their core, and between the morning crew and madrugaduo i genuinely think that on contract heavy days they can definitely demolish bolas!
idk i just feel like sometimes what soulfire truly misses is direction and a work pace, and in doing this it'd be a great watch. hoping we get to see more of tonight!
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keirawantstocry · 8 months
idk if this is gonna be any good and I'm not very good at explaining but I'm gonna try ahahah ok so like tubbo is like in some cold area or something and feels like he's dieing but if he's truly dieing he doesn't want to be alone so in the snow he shittly draws fit and pac holding hand then he puts his hands on their other hands so it's like they are all holding hands and he doesn't have to be alone in a sense um idk if this makes any sense but it like came to me and i had to share
Im allergic to sad endings so i made it go happy also dw it made total sense to me and now im realizing idk if you wanted me to write a fic or just share ur idea but um i wrote a fic lmao
Everything was cold. Tubbo wasn’t sure he had a single sensation left in his body. He didn’t know where he was. All he knew was ice and snow. He was dying. He was dying. He was dying. Nothing was more sure to him at that moment. He was going to die here. With the few ounces of strength left in him he drug his finger through the snow, half in delirium. One circle, an egg, his daughter. Then he drew lines. Two little stick figures holding hands. He lost all sense of feeling then, only able to stare at the bright red of his fingers on the end of the stick finger’s arm. 
It was almost like he could feel it, the warmth of the other human body. That was when he knew he was truly fucked. All he could picture was Fit and Pac holding his hands while his eyes shuttered close. He tried. He really did. Struggled to keep his eyes open as the wind picked up and flung snow in his eyes. But in the end, his weakness took over. 
His next memory was warmth. Was this the afterlife? Peeling his eyes open slowly, he peered around at his surroundings. There was a fireplace. A crouched figure placing logs on a fire. 
“Fit?” Tubbo croaked in confusion. 
Fit jumped up from the fire and whirled to face him. “Fuck! Tubbo you’re awake oh thank God.” He flung himself at the man, wrapping his strong arms around him and pulling him up out of his seat. Tubbo couldn’t help but relax into his arms and start to sob. 
He felt another pair of arms wind around him, instantly recognizing them as Pac’s and his sobs grew louder. Tears and snot ran down his face in a disheveled mess. “Vai ficar tudo bem, meu amor.” 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Fit soothed. “I’ve got you now and nothing is ever, EVER, gonna hurt you again.”
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leolingo · 11 months
(long post about purgatory and meta and rp)
sigh one thing ive been thinking is that it feels a bit unfair to see so many people complaining or doomposting over how purgatory affects the overarching qsmp rp story or how it ~interrupted arcs~ or is ~disturbing current storylines~ or ~narratively unsatisfying~ like. Sure. its a bit abrupt and most players were caught off guard because lore-wise it stems from the federation which means none of them were told about anything beforehand
but... its only been three days. maybe we could have a little faith? like idk ill be soooooo out there rn and say that maybe the admins did this now for a reason. maybe itll make sense later on. we already see lore repercussions with elquackity and his motives and all the nods to the eggs.
theres fair criticism to be made (when done respectfully) if youre mainly here for the roleplay but i feel like we sometimes need to remind ourselves that the qsmp storytelling is a VERY ambitious project. lmao. imagine being the writing team and trying to wrangle 20+ characters with distinct points of view and journeys on an ever-changing story because of the very nature of live rp. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to tie up every loose end neatly and at this point i dont think we should expect that. keeping up momentum with all plotlines must also be pretty hard, cc's schedules and outside factors like server programming and building and mod tweaking and all those meta elements considered and so on and so on
i DO also want the story to move forward and be cohesive and make sense in a satisfactory way. like i really do!!!!!!! but i try to understand that thats not ALL the qsmp is about. from the start quackity said the server wouldn't be exclusive to the rp aspect. it sure is that way right now, but thats because most of the active members are VERY passionate about roleplaying. thats a good thing! they have fun and its fun to watch and the experience is mostly good for everyone because it corresponds to their expectations to an extent
the thing about purgatory is that i feel like its a lot more meta than most people doomposting realize. it ties into the story, sure, but to me it feels like the sudden switch in environment and vibes and stakes isnt actually catered to the rp and thats FINE. like thats not what it exists for and thats fineeeeeee
pac for one has said he appreciates the event for the change of pace, though its very hard (lol), because regular qsmp was starting to feel a bit stale to him and he was kind of running out of things to do. THATS A GREAT THING! managing player engagement like that is awesome and sometimes necessary. YES, purgatory caters to a very different playstyle than what we're used to -- and thats one of its strenghts.
a lot of hispanic creators have also felt this!!!! roier, rivers and carre most prominently have been VERY excited about this event because its similar in format to a lot of spanish speaking events like mc extremo and such. a lot of these players are also not particularly interested in rp-ing and had not been logging on very often prior to purgatory.
even roleplay regulars like tubbo, fit and bbh have shown interest in purgatory for the competitive nature of the setting!!! thats cool too!!!! something different, new possibilities to play around with. thats what the events should be about. kudos to the admins and dev teams for attempting it in such a big scale. their effort shows and all the mechanics weve seen are really fucking cool
i love the roleplay!!!!!! its one of my favorite parts of the qsmp!!!!!! but its not ALL there is and it shouldnt be! non rp-oriented creators are also part of the project and deserve to have a little fun too -- not to mention a big chunk of the hispanic fan community that has blown up twitter with support bc what we have rn is similar to events they already love!!!!!!! im glad to see so many of them get excited again!!!!!!
at the end of the day, qsmp is a LONG long term project, and purgatory ends in two weeks. by the time its over, we can all choose to engage with it as we wish. it can be a big filler episode in your mind, if you want. it can be just for fun..... otherwise, if its not fun, your regularly scheduled qsmp will be back soon anyway :3 its fine to not like it, its fine to have something negative to say about it if properly tagged and not like. crazy entitled or blown out of proportion for what this situation is.
i just hope we can all manage our online experiences accordingly and avoid making things less enjoyable for each other. this is supposed to be fun
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
QSMP Prison Day 3: Finale
This was…An interesting day
I'm still not sure what to make of it, so this is mostly just gonna be a run-down on what happened, with a few less analyses than I usually do. Maybe I'll go more in-depth on stuff later if I manage to think of anything
We had WAY too much happen today, and I'm not sure I can get through it all, or if I even saw it all (I'm going through the event twitter to make sure I get anything relevant)
Like how upon waking up, the prison was almost completely overrun by mobs, nearly all of which were wearing prison jumpsuits for some reason. Even the spiders for some reason???
There were the interviews that all the guards started conducting, asking very strange questions. Like "Where would you like to go after you die? What would you like your last meal to be? Who will you miss the most/least?" Very strange questions indeed.
We had the resolution to the Ghostbit/Abueloier subplot, with Phil and Slime exorcising Ghostbit, though Phil wasn't sure that was the correct move
Then of course, we had the breakout
The first thing they needed to do was get the water-breathing turtle helmets required for the escape, and the guard that had them was VERY suspicious. In that he CLEARLY knew that the prisoners were planning on escaping, but gave them the helmets anyway, making them do strange tasks in return (Like killing someone, or stealing something) And not everyone got them anyway lol, so Quacki had to give them some normal turtle helmets. But regardless, it's strange that the guard was just letting them escape
This could mean that this guard was either disgruntled in some way, not caring if they escaped, or undercover, helping to facilitate the escape (And having fun the whole way lol) Either that, or even the Federation expected the Islanders to all escape, and let this happen. Which means they all played into the Fed's hands. (Obviously meta-wise it was meant to happen, but in this case, I mean canonically)
Speaking of Quacki, btw, she seems to have been adopted by Phil after he murdered her. So that's fun
There's also the matter of those weird vans that were there. We don't know what the deal with those were, or what they were really intended for. It seems strange that they'd be there to transport the prisoners, but only the Islanders and not the Eggs. And that they were basically hollow, with nothing inside. Almost like they were never meant to be used
Then they finally actually got out of the prison, activating a red button via a Create puzzle, then saw a video showing two faceless Fed Workers, one of which got sucked into a Nether Portal??? And Phil said that could've been the two Cucuruchos, with the one being sucked in having turned into the evil Cucurucho. Or as I call him, Cucurubro. And that actually makes a lot of sense to me. We saw what happened to other people who entered the Nether for extended periods of time, so it makes sense that this is the case. Though I can't help but wonder where Osito Bimbo fits into that. Maybe the wacky younger sibling?? Idk
Either way, something activated and caused some sort of Island reset, with the Server shutting down for 4 days. What does the reset mean? Who has the nine keys required for it? And who were the people shown being logged off before it all went down?? What happened to Arin/Luzu after being lassoed into the horizon by the Code Monster??
Also what was that Crucifixion gonna be if it actually happened? Would Saint Felps truly have died for our sins once again??
These are all great questions
Anyways, can't wait to go into hibernation until like Saturday. I imagine BBH and Tubbo will be doing the same, since we all know they have a debilitating addiction to this Minecraft server
It's kinda unfortunate that none of my theories were correct, but oh well. There's a reason I'm not a theorist after all lmao. It's better to put it out there and get it wrong than not try it at all, you know??? But like Quackity said, there's no use getting upset about something that was never confirmed
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So a few of my irls were talking about how c!dream never targetted c!tommy and or had a dependency issue and I just wanna correct that.
c!Dream at the start of the series (since now the start is considered canon) constantly went after the discs even when c!Tommy told him he wanted to have a truce and that they were allies even wanting to play them together with c!Dream. c!Dream agreed to those terms but then attacked him 5 minutes later anyway.
Not forgetting the first disc fight where c!Dream targetted c!Tommy the whole time and only gave c!Sapnap and c!Ponk and c!Alyssa a slap on the wrist.
c!Dream spent a good portion of a Tommy stream donating him msgs to play the discs.
A couple of early streams of c!Dream trying to get c!Tubbo o someone else against c!Tommy.
Not really targetting but he said "Tommy is under my protection" which is that dependency thing idk it counts.
c!Dream built a tunnel to c!Tommys base.
c!Dream during L'manberg arc seemed more against c!Tommy than c!Wilbur and the others more often than not.
c!Dream focused on getting c!Tommys friends against him, such as most notably c!Tubbo and c!Wilbur in pogtopia arc.
c!Dream betrays c!Tommy in pogtopia arc after initially helping c!Tommy out. He tells c!Tommy this is due to 'business' he also tells him, 'that he put something better over friendship' (aka the revival book he got from c!Schlatt) (either way, he still betrayed him.)
He tells c!Tommy at the end of l'manberg blowing up that 'everythings just getting started', and makes it out as if c!Tommy was in the wong.
A few weeks before exile. c!Dream and c!Puffy went around destroying everything including c!Skeppys home and then framing it on c!Tommy with signs. c!Dream in particular is excited for people to log on and for them to get mad at c!Tommy.
The above was confirmed canon when during Exile trial, c!Dream says that c!Tommy had blown up c!Skeppys house (or he infers it), showing the damage that he himself did.
In Exile trial, I'm not gonna lie c!Tommy totallyyy fucked up here by burning a little TINY tiny small tiny bit of c!Georges home and then trying to fix it. And then he lied about it. (/sarc) But, c!Dream was provoking him in the whisper chat with ":)" and "have fun on probation :)"
During exile, he focuses on putting all blame for his problems on c!Tommy. Not just saying that to c!Tommys face but on other people's streams, he was there talking about how much of a nuisance c!Tommy is and what not.
In exile, he proceeds to get c!Tommy dependent on him so c!Tommy will help with his goals later on. But the way he goes about this is to a severe extreme like how he snaps at him and hits him with an axe or arrow, he takes great enjoyment in bullying c!Tommy and getting others like c!Lazarbeam to bully him too, he makes sure c!Tommy is completely lonely even sending c!Ghostbur away who was memory loss so how could he break c!Dreams plans exactly?, he gasights c!Tommy into thinking that c!Dream didn't kill Mexican Dream, he blows up c!Tommys base despite never telling c!Tommy the rule about how he can't have chests underground.
He goes onto track c!Tommy down. And again, its more the way he goes about it.
Once c!Tommy is back in L'manberg, c!Dream blows up the community house and frames it on c!Tommy. Getting everyone against him and he tells c!Tubbo that he is affiliated to c!Tommy based on the disc that he says is 'Tommys most prized possession' which is him getting c!Tubbo to go against c!Tommy once more.
After Lmanberg gets blown up again. c!Dream tells c!Tommy "I'm not done with you. Our stories not over... Our stories not over" c!Tommy says "Our stories not over but it will be... It will be soon" and c!Dream replies "I don't think our story will ever be over, Tommy. I think that you're just too fun. I don't think It'll be over."
In disc finale, he proceeds to act like that c!Tommy is his main target, calling him the key to the server and going after him more than c!Tubbo. And puts the idea in c!Clingyduos heads that he needs all the possesions to control the server. (now even though c!Dream staged this whole thing and wasn't actually saying his motivations, c!Tommy never knows that he lied about that not at this point at least. It further riles c!Tommy up and has him believing that c!Dream really is obsessed with hurting him and since c!Dream never explains why properly, it comes off to c!Tommy that he is obsessed for no reason.) (Also possible for it to be half staged making the motivations semi-true)
Then, c!Dream causes c!Tommy to get stuck in the cell with him by controlling c!Ranboo to do that (which this is confirmed that he really did do this, confirmed in the final lore stream and in dream xds video)
The point of c!Dream allegedly lying to make c!Tommy think c!Dream was after him all the time is further solidified when in the prison arc. c!Dream refers to c!Tommy as a light, and key and keeps going on about studying death with him. I know a lot of this may very well be real and a result from him being mentally ill from isolation, but theres so many lies sprinkled in here like telling c!Tommy that he never tested out the revival book before when he had (btw correct me if Im wrong here, I could of got the dates mixed up)
c!Sam also claims that c!Dream kept going on about c!Tommy in the prison, c!Sam also says that c!Dream was practically manically laughing after he killed c!Tommy. (Obsession, putting on an act of obsession, mentally ill from the prison sure maybe all 3)
After c!Dream escapes prison, he immediately goes after c!Tommy. (Which sure is to scare c!Tommy into no longer going after him or whatever it could be an act) But he's still putting the idea in c!Tommys head that he's obsessed with hurting him, and don't say that he did this unintentionally because we already have the 'you're too fun line' and several other moments to prove otherwise. He also then puts signs around c!Tommys home saying 'watch your back' and ":) I'm watching" and he makes a trap for c!Tommy to fall into playing back a messed up disc. Don't say that this was apart of c!Tommys delusion because c!Eryn saw it too and a few others did from what I remember-unless thats retconned idunno.
In c!Wilburs finale, c!Dream can't stand the idea of the discs being burned. (The discs are affiliated with c!Tommy as c!Dream has said before, and has said that the discs are c!Tommys most prized possesion) He still cares about them even now. He also watches c!Tommy for majority of the time.
In Dreams space, he claims that his character was not solely torturing c!Tommy for the sake of it, but that he still really enjoyed hurting c!Tommy. Its to vague to tell if Dream is denouncing the 'c!Dream is obsessed with c!Tommy' theory or not. I believe he is saying that it is half true- as in that his character is, but that he has reasons to do so, and or that this wasn't his only plan.
During the final lore finale, c!Dream claims that he wasn't targeting c!Tommy and that he had left him alone however that contradicts with everything I wrote above, so 1. He thinks he left c!Tommy alone, 2. He was referring to the present where he did leave him alone and purposely/or accidentally ignoring the past, or 3. he knows he didn't and is just trying to rile c!Tommy up. Either way he goes onto admit that he did cause c!Ranboo to get c!Tommy stuck in the prison. He also confirms later on that he genuinely believes c!Tommy is the cause of the ruining of his server. "Why are you ruining everything all the time" "You deserved it (torture)" "I am (a villain), I tortured you."
And not to mention. Out of everyone on the server that gets c!Dream to give up and somewhat open up, its c!Tommy... because ofc it is. No ones surprised.
I think that's everything. as always I'm happy to debate with people and stuff preferably in dms but idm. If anything is wrong, correct it. If anything is missed, let me know. ty
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ultra-violetra · 11 months
I think it's because of the whole. 'These teams are unbalanced.' 'Team Red are underdogs thing.' And it's like . . . all but one of team red's active members logged in and only two of team green (one of them Quackity) logged in. Team red barely scraped a win. Yesterday team green overtook team red after the server was supposed to have closed. Not a big deal. Today team red stayed late and overtook team green. Team red are not no longer underdogs. They just managed to win this one time, using the power of teamwork and trickery! That doesn't mean they aren't somewhat disadvantaged (unless Vegetta and Willy log in, then Team Red might be a bit powerful, I think).
idk exactly what this is in response to but personally I never thought red team was the underdogs. like sure half their team doesn’t log in but the team has really good strategies and are all decent mc players. i know the team themselves thought it was super unbalanced but I also don’t think they give themselves enough credit.
the thing about the active red team members is that they are all Committed To The Bit. if the but is losing and going hysterical, they’re doing that 100%. today’s bit started out dejected, making a cult to wear gas masks, but then the bit turned into winning. the rp side of them realized that winning would be an amazing comeback story so they all leaned into it as hard as they could. they’re using their strengths to win!
it’s unfortunate that the green team loses after etoiles’ hard work, but it’s not like the red team didn’t put in a bunch of work too. same with bbh and tubbo and the other blue team members today. all of the teams worked hard today, it’s just that red team had the best strategies and teamwork. they deserved to win!
now, after today, I doubt etoiles or bad are going to let red team win the same way again. and i think red team is fine with that, they just wanna build their elysium and wear gas masks and have fun together!
but i think ultimately what this day shows is that the red team can win if they try. cellbit was saying at the beginning of the day was that it might not be worth it to put in that much energy if they don’t think they can win the whole thing. idk what’s going to happen and i don’t really care who wins, i just hope that everyone has fun and that the fandom can have fun watching. also for the eggs to return, that would be great too
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writing-oof · 22 days
autism and bees, bees and autism
Tubbo has autism. Puffy knows that Tubbo has autism. Tubbo does not know that he has autism.
TW: hints of PTSD? idk
The clock ticks like a bomb, set to explode the moment Tubbo takes his eyes off of it.
Technically, there's nothing wrong with Puffy's office.
Things stop being okay, at some point.
Tubbo starts to notice things more, after that first session with Puffy.
Puffy wants him to think more about how he feels. She gives him a journal and homework, telling him to log in it whenever he feels something bigger than usual.
He doesn't have to ask what "big" means. "Choking," she means. "Devastating."
It doesn't happen a lot, and never for very long.
Still, by the end of the week, he has three logs.
Sometimes, Tubbo doesn't behave correctly.
He knows this. It's been a problem since he was a kid, even if Ms Puffy assures him that no four-year-old really behaves correctly.
That isn't the point, though. For the first time, he's really not using 'behave' and 'obey' synonymously.
For whatever reason, Tubbo Underscore does not act the same as his peers.
It's trauma, Ms Puffy says.
Tubbo doesn't think she's wrong, necessarily. Loads of the things that he's done for years are deeply rooted in trauma.
Still, too many teachers have called him the odd one out for him to think that it's just trauma.
"Are you familiar with autism?"
Tubbo snaps his gaze away from his hands to meet Puffy's eyes, surprised.
It's not the question he expected her to ask, at the least.
"Autism," Tubbo repeats, letting his gaze drift around the room as he thinks. "It's a developmental disorder? It affects the function of the brain."
He looks back to Puffy. "Sorry. I don't know. Tommy's brother's autistic, I think?"
"That's Techno, right?" Puffy asks, like she isn't good friends with Philza outside of work. Tubbo's always admired her ability to keep her work and her life separate.
Tubbo agrees, "Yeah. He's weird with chairs."
Puffy hums, letting her pen tap against her clipboard. "He's weird with chairs?" she asks, "Could you elaborate? Maybe tell me what autistic behavior you've noticed."
"No, Tommy told me he was autistic," Tubbo defends, "I didn't just assume he was because he acted autistic."
Not that Technoblade doesn't act autistic. He definitely does.
"That's alright," Puffy says, "I wasn't really worried about that. Could you elaborate about the chairs and other behavior you saw?"
Tubbo nods. "He has a specific place you have to sit at the table. And he's not good with loud noises."
Tubbo thinks for a second. "Sometimes he hits his hands on his legs when he's excited."
He shows her the motion, tapping the heel of his palms against his thighs in a sequence of twos.
"He has headphones," Tubbo remembers, "He wore them at the park because it was too loud."
Puffy nods, waiting for him to continue.
"That's all I can think of," Tubbo says, "Sorry."
"Don't be," Puffy dismisses, "Those are some great observations. Why do you think Technoblade wears the headphones when it's loud?"
Technoblade wears the headphones because he's autistic, and loud things are worse for him. And when things feel bad or painful, people shouldn't make themselves do that bad or painful thing.
Tubbo knows what Puffy's doing.
Unless she hasn't read Schlatt's email yet, so she doesn't know about the dishes. Then, he has no idea what she's doing. Besides, it does seem a bit roundabout to use autism to make Tubbo realize he was being stupid.
Tubbo huffs. "Can you just tell me whatever it is I need to realize?"
Puffy quirks an eyebrow. Tubbo crosses his arms, the scrutiny digging under his skin.
"Sure," Puffy agrees after a moment, "I was going to point out that you share a lot of behaviors with Technoblade."
Tubbo's mind stutters to a stop.
She can clearly see his skepticism, so she carries on.
"When you're nervous, you tap your hands or pull on your fingers. When you're excited or distressed, you shake out your hands like you got them wet."
Tommy noticed that one too.
He'd asked what Tubbo got on his hands, the last time he did that.
"So I have a nervous tic?" Tubbo asks.
Puffy clarifies, "Stimming. You don't only stim when you're nervous. You do it when you're excited or really happy, too. It's not exclusively an autistic behavior."
Tubbo wasn't exactly worried it was, considering he apparently does it too.
"You also have notable sensory differences," Puffy points out and Tubbo frowns.
"I do?" he asks. He's never noticed any sensory issues before.
"There are several types of foods you don't eat because of textures," she notes, reading off her clipboard, "You don't wear denim because of the texture. You listen to music on full volume to destress, but are easily overwhelmed by the noise in public spaces. You have a fascination with multi-textured fidgets, especially ones that click. You hate fluorescents because they buzz and you keep a fan running in your room constantly for the noise."
Tubbo's kind of surprised those things he mentioned offhandedly were important enough for her to write them down, but he supposes he kind of does have sensory issues.
"Is that it?" he asks, surprisingly curious, "Or is there more stuff?"
Puffy smiles reassuringly and says, "There's a bit more."
Tubbo nods interestedly and listens.
"Well, you have fixated and restricted interests that you've mentioned you focus on at least multiple times a day," Puffy notes.
Tubbo's eyebrows pinch together, a bit. "Everyone has things they like."
"Sure," Puffy agrees, "but not everyone has things they think about for years and care about intensely."
Tubbo considers her. "Like Greek Mythology, for Techno?"
Puffy nods eagerly. "Exactly like that. For you, it's bees."
And Tubbo loves bees.
In his room at Schlatt's apartment, he has bees all over. He's got a bee blanket, bee legos, bee books, and a handful of different bee plushies.
And he has pretty much always loved bees.
He remembers when he was a kid, that he would pretend that he was a bee, buzzing and buzzing and buzzing inside his closet he pretended was a hive.
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blockgamepirate · 10 months
So....assuming the eye bastard in Purgatory isn't lying and the teams really can save "some eggs" (I don't think this is actually even true but let's go along with it for know) what would be the likely choices?
(And yes I know Quackity apparently said the eggs are not actually gonna be killed off (although I don't have the source for this so idk what his exact wording was...) I'm talking in roleplay mode here because the characters don't know that)
So, how many eggs can be saved?
If it's only two then I feel like there's probably gonna be some kind of thing where the winning team will be broken up and they have to fight each other to be allowed to choose the eggs they want to save. I mean the eye could just allow them to argue but that doesn't seem to be its MO. It wants blood.
If it's six (yes I know I jumped all the way to the other extreme, go along with it) then it'll be a "which egg specifically are we leaving behind" (I think this is pretty unlikely but it would be heartbreaking). There's an argument to be made that Pomme is the one who still has an extra life but she also has three parents still in the game so idk. Red team would probably leave Ramón just by default, because every other egg has parents on Red team and they didn't make a deal with Fit. Blue team would have a much harder time choosing I think.
If it's four, that's an interesting one because seemingly you could account for all the parents (of living eggs) on whichever team wins but in practice not. Red team has Phil, Foolish, Cellbit and Baghera, whose assigned kids are Chayanne, Leo, Richas and Pomme. Blue has Bad, Pac, Aypierre and Missa, whose assigned kids are Dapper, Richas, Pomme and Chayanne. (I'm not counting members who never logged on btw). But we know some of them have two kids.
With Bad his other kid is already accounted for because Aypierre is on his team, but he also made a promise to advocate for Ramón. Then again if Missa doesn't log on then Chayanne also doesn't have an official parent to advocate for him, just his godparents. So if Blue wins and it's four to be saved, I assume Dapper, Pomme and Richas would be a given, but the question would be whether to save Ramón, Chayanne, Tallulah or Leo. If Missa does log on then I assume they'd choose Chayanne for him? If not, I have no idea. Tubbo and Niki would have to choose between Tallulah and Chayanne for who to advocate for, although Tubbo also said he would advocate for Leo, and Bad, I assume, would honour his deal with Fit? Tina would probably advocate for Leo. idk about the others. Tubbo and Niki might choose Tallulah just to honour Chayanne's message to Phil, but they could also choose Chayanne for Missa's sake. It's really hard to say.
If Red team won and it was four to be saved, you would have Leo and Richas as a given but Phil and Baghera would have to choose between their kids. (I'm assuming Wilbur doesn't log on.) In Phil's case, would he choose his and Missa's son or his and Wilbur's daughter? Would Chayanne's words to protect Tallulah affect his choice? Could he justify leaving Tallulah behind when she's canonically the sickly kid? In Baghera's case, would she choose the only Francophone egg as the only Francophone on the team who has to be there to advocate for their daughter? Or would she be willing to risk Pomme who has two lives and could maybe still be saved even if she lost one? Could she look Bad in the eyes and choose to leave Dapper? Could she look Aypierre in the eyes and choose to leave Pomme?
It's very unlikely that Ramón would stand a chance though. Obviously Red team would want to save Ramón as well but they all have other priorities.
Three or five:
I have no idea, I feel like these would just be messier versions of the other alternatives. Three feels like it's just not enough for negotiations (not enough for all parents in one team to have at least one kid saved) but it's kind of a lot for a full on "break the whole team up and have them fight each other over it". I'm leaning towards the latter though, they could do something like have all the eggs represented with effigies and the first three eggs to have their effigies delivered to a goal would get saved and the team would have to fight each other on the way. Or something along those lines.
With five it's basically a mix of four and six but I do think Chayanne's chances go way up because I think if blue can afford to include him they will, for Missa's sake. Then again maybe the players will consider leaving behind one of the duos, so Chayanne&Tallulah or Ramón&Dapper or Pomme&Dapper. idk. To me leaving Tallulah makes no sense because she's got her asthma, she's at highest risk, while Ramón, Dapper and Pomme are all fighters. But I can't see Bad agreeing to leaving Dapper behind, even with Ramón. I do think if the eggs themselves got to decide, there's a very good chance that Dapper and Pomme would volunteer to sacrifice themselves, but I find it really unlikely that either team would do that because they both have parents on both teams.
Red team might, if pressed, leave Ramón and Dapper behind together. Basically if it was a case of either Phil or Baghera having to give up one of their kids, which it basically is. The team might choose to let Phil as the leader take home both of his. Plus many people don't even know Baghera adopted Dapper so they might be dismissive if they like literally only just heard about it now. Plus the duo aspect with Dapper and Ramón, because Ramón would probably be left behind by the Red team no matter what.
Idk what Blue would do because while I do think they would be more likely to save Chayanne if they had the option, they have a lot of conflicting priotities. For all that Bad had a deal with Fit, Ramón might still get ditched, if only to save Tallulah instead. But who knows.
I do think this is an unlikely scenario though, I doubt it'll be six or five, I think it's gonna be four or less. If any eggs even do get to be saved at all by the winning team, which I'm still not at all convinced will happen. Although they might make the players go through the choice before actually revealing that it was all a lie.
In all honestly I do think it's all bullshit. In terms of storytelling, I don't think it makes sense, and there's been zero evidence that the eye bastard has the eggs. They have footage of the eggs running away but that's literally it. That's nothing, they could have stolen that from the Feds.
Anyway, if any of y'all have any different opinions I wouldn't mind hearing those too, obviously I don't watch all POVs so I don't know everything
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
*flails hands of warning* I am being depressing here!!! Fatalistic even! I'm trying to words why I'm enjoying this less than other murder minecraft! I'm talking about concerns I have! Please don't read if this is going to upset you!!! Or if you wanna fight! I'm just hashing out my thoughts!!! Because I can't go back to watch and enjoy and chill until I've been through with them! Gotta pour salt on the ground before I can fill the bottle up with sugar! This is only me talking shit not me talking about bits I've liked which have absolutely existed and if I was having no fun I'd just turn the ducking streams off and not come back! It's just morning and I hurt anx so I'm grumpy!
tbh my biggest concern with purgatory is the knock on effects after it for ccs who genuinely seem not to be having fun. Like they can just not play more, but IC bridges are still burnt (often with OC friends which is miserable to play long term), and like... I'm not actually sure how long Etoiles even if he drops now could still enjoy stuff if q!phil still has issue with q!etoiles after. And I'm pretty sure at least some of them would back off to let those who did have fun continue trajectories it sent them on, and I would miss them?
And it sucks because I know there is fun to be had here, but it's not to everyone's tastes? And it's the people who aren't or weren't having fun who get the biggest consequences after? Because it's an RP reward for a PvP event?
I guess the biggest part of my problem and why I keep thinking there has to be an around or loophole for the eggs it is because it's an rp reward for a mechanics event? And yes all has some rp and some mechanics, but the eggs are most valued as characters at this point. And the fact it's an rp reward means people not having fun are going to have a much harder time stepping away from it.
I'm also concerned about people (red) logging in as much as they are. Because they do not log in that often normally and it's going to burn some of them out.
Idk I want to have fun and I enjoy bloodbaths, but the stakes feel wonky and it's really hard when the people on at my timezome either aren't having fun, are bitching about it, or have potential massive knock on consequences.
If they lose their eggs to this, Fit and Phil are going to be unwatchable. I already can't manage Tubbo. If Fit is miserable Pac is miserable, if Pac is miserable Mike is miserable. For most of the streams I remember it's just those guys hanging out with their eggs. Which we havent had for a while and honestly I kinda enjoy seeing less of them but for the angst because it opens more options, but imagine how fucking intolerable Fit and Phil are going to be near each other if only one of them's egg/s survive? Because the other one did something? Theyd both understand but theyd both be /awful/. Add in that Etoiles is rifted with Phil and oh look theres everything that regularly happens for the PoV that best matches my schedule gone (I enjoy Tazercraft more, but Phil has my exact schedule, so I tend to follow him because no language barrier and I don't miss bits of development for him)
And I know the stakes are the same for everyone, but they're not? Pomme and Richas are basically safe, which covers other morning hours. And Leo and Dapper are also in massive danger, but I don't watch that late normally, so it's less of a concern for me personally?
It's why I have to tell myself the reward isn't the reward, because if it is, everything gets shifted in directions I am not interested in seeing.
Now I think I wonder if part of the reason Phil is depressing to watch is that he's run the same numbers I have, from the same assumption of you can save 4/7 eggs if you win, and realised he can't save both Chayanne and Tallulah even if he wins. Which yeah he has the overthrow the eye thought he did actually share with someone this session but we keep being told it's pure PvP by like Quackity. Which. Tbh pure PvP leads me towards either there is no cursed team or the cursed team is only defined after the fact because??? The stakes??? In terms of reward one team losing is clearly worse???
I also as an aside think it'd really help if the admins were open with the players about how the mechanics work, and had been open in advance about the exact timescale. No hate to them, they obviously want secrets and surprises, but I'm sure Cellbit would be less annoyed if he'd known 2 weeks not like 4 days so he didnt plan and commit as hard to a specific arc plots for himself, or if its had been suggested to wait until after to start something big, and Etoiles would be happier if he could see how scoring worked and knew how shit was assembled so he could more accurate judge what is fair. Shit like beds not working as respawn points and if armour actually is not giving defence should absolutely have been told in advance, though, and to everyone. Admins are new to PvP running so entirely understandable and theres obviously so much work gone into it and they want this to go well and people to have fun, but its misery.
Also splitting people from their friends was obviously intentional but is absolutely contributing to people feeling miserable. Both the ccs who are and the watchers.
Pulling back to morning hours again where dynamics are a huge part (I assume later streamers too but I know these)... Tazercraft are split (potentially interesting but I really really hope they played this in advance especially given how little Mike can get on atm and that they /stream together/ when time allows), and Phil has nobody who shares his stream times and he regularly spends time with on his team (which when we account for afterwards and knock on effects... ow, because people arent going to long term adjust their schedules over this or at least shouldn't). Fit and Pac are managing to still be cute, but can they sustain it over this divide? Tubbo and Fit were already on shaky grounds and this will make them worse. Mike is barely here because life.
Lose any eggs and have the tension from it split up morning hours and honestly I'd rather Phil just streamed hardcore a while because then at least its solo player isolated not cut yourself from your friends and loved ones over a BS AI making you betray each other for what you thought was the sake of your children.
After the first day where I watched Missa farming stream I've only really watched red and green, but blues spawn fucking sucks and is misery itself.
I am begging for team back up hours sometime, but the more Quackity talks the less I expect it.
But, really, my biggest problem is the streamers I enjoy or at least their characters are fucking miserable, when I try change PoV its still miserable, and as far as I can tell they're going to continue being miserable once the event is over.
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lilbirdblu · 7 months
(Are you planning to do anyone else’s? Like Missa or Idk Cellbit or maybe Jaiden? No forces of cours)
thank you!! i've actually already done both cellbit and jaiden (and the others can be found here)
as of right now, i've already started working on tubbo's & i'd love to do more. im trying to prioritize people who log on frequently but ultimately it all comes down to who i actually have ideas for. in missa's case, or really anyone whose MC skin is based off a fictional character, it gets a little tricky because i want to stay true to the style/color palette while also not making them look like a clone of the character
so in all honestly it will probably take me longer to come up with something (and i maaaaay be a little picky when it comes to these things but thats because i have to get The Vibe just right)
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moomoorare · 11 months
I've seen some hate of red being like ohhh we're the underdogs, but here's the thing. Every time I've been watching a red pov (only one I've watched) what they see is that lots of people for the other teams do log on (even if it's sparingly to us, that's what they see, and remember, the most active player there would be foolish, cellbit too, Phil if he hangs around in VC not on stream. Then Jaiden Charlie log on when they can, usually late, and Carre who knows. So they feel like they have many inactive members, bc when they look at tab they see see who's on. They say Bad counts for three ppl (I mean he's really strong) and they see tubbo and pac,.then they see Tina Niki Aypierre and sometimes even rivers pol, missa and Mariana. So while it's not true that the last ones log on much, what Red sees is that Blue has more active players than they have, so you know, in character they're like FUCKK WE'RE BONED, it's always luck, strategizing and working their asses off that pays off for them.
Also for team green they do feel bad, they do see they have just as many or less active members than them
Idk if it comes off when they argue rp in VC with the other teams, especially with blue, but like right after the banter they come in their own VC and start barking and saying YES RP SUCCESSFUL they love to rile them up for the joke and then just chill and look for biomes or farm tea and apples
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dez-wade · 10 months
“4x1 on bad and him got hunted in the past 2 hours”
I understand that you don’t like the concept of the green team being split and you don’t like the red team and that’s completely fine! But you guys seem to be complaining about things that don’t need to be complained about? Bad literally gushed about how his 4v1 with red team was the most fun thing he’s done since purgatory started and red kept going on about how insane it was that he survived the fight as long as he did and Etoiles was complementing him in chat. They’re all having a lot of fun. You’re completely entitled to not liking the event or aspects of the event but acting like the event is ruined and it’s terrible when all of the ccs have had a really fun day today by their own admission just seems pointless. And again I’m not saying that you’re not allowed to dislike the red team but so many of these asks and answers are creating this “blue team are having/are going to have such a terrible time now :(“ as if bad wasn’t talking about how hyped he was about all of the people being reunited now on blue team and Tubbo being really excited and saying having new people has given him a new burst of excitement for the event and Fit isn’t going to have to be alone for 3 hours as the first on to log on in his team now that he’s on a team with Pac and tubbo and they’re all excited to be able to play together early again. Idk just seems weird to paint this whole team switch as this massive doom and gloom thing that’s going to ruin the event for ccs and viewers when, by most accounts for viewers and basically all of the ccs are having a blast, vent about you dissatisfaction all you like but you don’t have to pretend it’s because you feel bad for ccs who are doing just fine
4v1 isn't the problem, it's them being hunted down for hours without being able to even go to their base and just having to move to one place or the other and try not to be killed and their stuff taken. Which wouldn't be a problem on another day, but having like 2 people online who are constantly being hunted down without having a minute to settle is kinda an issue.
Yes, they're probably very happy they can just go back to interacting with their old friends on the server instead of fighting for a bitter win they'd just get a wave of hate like it happened in the last few times. Do they look competitive? They're excited to play the event or to talk with their friends? Genuine question since I can't exactly claim (and I haven't) if the CCs are happy or not after this because I'm not watching. I hated the decision, it isn't what I wanted and thus I'll not watch the event anymore. If the CCs like, good for them.
All my complaints were about the Green team getting unfairly eliminated just to get split. But it's better now, isn't it? Etoiles and Roier are happier now, the fandom is happier now. They just got a mechanic that can make them hunt down people, something they weren't able to do in Green. All their problems got fixed.
I have no idea why you guys are so fixated on the little complaints me and other few people have when you're having such a blast. I'm tagging my posts properly so it's not even like I'm forcing you to see my downer posts. So go enjoy your event.
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