#that being said--this ask *did* kinda give me an idea of what i may be able to do for missa
lilbirdblu · 7 months
(Are you planning to do anyone else’s? Like Missa or Idk Cellbit or maybe Jaiden? No forces of cours)
thank you!! i've actually already done both cellbit and jaiden (and the others can be found here)
as of right now, i've already started working on tubbo's & i'd love to do more. im trying to prioritize people who log on frequently but ultimately it all comes down to who i actually have ideas for. in missa's case, or really anyone whose MC skin is based off a fictional character, it gets a little tricky because i want to stay true to the style/color palette while also not making them look like a clone of the character
so in all honestly it will probably take me longer to come up with something (and i maaaaay be a little picky when it comes to these things but thats because i have to get The Vibe just right)
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peach-the-owl · 8 months
I make my grand return! But I also wanted to try something different from what I normally do and expand my horizons (so to speak), I hope you all enjoy 😁
Meeting Each Other
Hazbin Hotel & Child!Reader
WARNING: Themes of abuse are present in Angel Dust’s scenario, also swearing in his, I did my best to keep the characters in character but there may be some OOC moments, (if there’s any warnings I miss but should add please let me know)
(Set before the events of the show)
Hazbin Hotel:
Charlie and Vaggie
You peek out from the flaming wreckage you used as cover to hide, seeing the coast is clear you carefully step out of where you’re hiding and roam the corpse riddled streets. It reeked of death, not exactly an unfamiliar scent but not a pleasant one either. You hear something shuffle, or maybe someone? You quickly turn around but don’t see anything, now paranoia starts to creep in making you wonder if you may have exposed yourself too soon and any moment an exorcist will swoop down and finish you off. To your utter surprise that’s actually not the case when you see to woman conversing as they strolled down the street, it was so odd to you how casual they looked doing it or maybe you were just getting too used to all the violence that happened on the daily that it struck you as odd. Either way your curiosity gets the better of you and you try to sneak closer without being noticed to see what they were talking about.
“… idea… to work.” You just barely catch the one in the suit say. An idea? Wonder what it could be? You sneak closer.
“…I know… rlie, but try not... aren’t exactly going to…” You hear the one with the X over her eye say, less enthusiastic then the one in the suit. Who’s going to what? You needed to get just a little closer and… you slip and fall. The girl with the X over her eye immediately wipes around, pulling out an angelic spear, with the fire still burning around you she, for just a brief moment, looked like an exorcist ready to strike you. That was enough motivation for you to shuffle back fearfully, as you do her angered expression drops to one of guilt?
“Hello.” You jump a little at the voice, not noticing the lady in the suit had approached you. “Are you lost my little friend?” She asks. You don’t say anything, you’re not sure what to say so you just kinda stare her down. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m Charlie, it’s nice to meet you.” Charlie gives you the warmest smile you’ve ever seen as she holds her hand out to you. You weren’t sure you could trust this supposedly kind gesture of hers so instead you pick yourself up off the ground and give a small nod of acknowledgment, which she still seemed extremely happy about.
“Maybe we should go, you know before their parent? Parents? Whoever might be looking for them comes along. Besides, the kid doesn’t look like they’re much for conversation.” The X eyed one says rather bluntly.
“Or… this could be the perfect opportunity to find our first attendants!” Charlie bounces excitedly before turning back to you. “So you know me. And this amazing person is my girlfriend Vaggie.” She introduces, to which Vaggie gives a bit of an awkward wave.
“I don’t.” You finally find your voice to speak. Vaggie raises a slightly confused eyebrow while Charlie looked at you curiously.
“Don’t what?” She now kneels down to your level.
“She said something about a parent coming to look for me.” You point to Vaggie. “But I don’t have anyone looking after me, even when I was alive no one really did.” You say, crossing your arms uncomfortably. Charlie looked like she was about to cry after hearing that and the next thing you know you’re being scooped up in her arms, surprising you.
“Oh Vaggie! Can we keep them! Please?” She asks, giving big puppy dog eyes.
“Charlie…” Vaggie starts looking at your confused self. “I don’t know… maybe they should decide that for themselves.” She reasons. Charlie holds you out at arms length a less enthused and more gentle smile on her face this time.
“Well? What do you think?”
“Umm…” You stare a bit stunned by all this, not entirely sure how to process everything. You’ve been alone for so long, barely trusting people for your own safety and while part of you wanted to run here and now another was telling you to just give this a chance. “I… I wouldn’t mind… I guess.” You mumble out sheepishly. Charlie bounces around happily with you still in her arms, something you realize you’re probably going to have to get used to, while you catch a faint smile on Vaggie’s face.
“Alright. Well, if you’re staying with us, can we at least get your name kid?” She asks.
“Oh, ummm, the name’s (y/n).” You tell her, she gives you a nod and with some convincing to finally get Charlie to put you down the three of you head off to this hotel Charlie won’t stop talking about.
Angel Dust
“Get back here you little shit!!” You dash away from the Sinners chasing you, mentally slapping yourself for being a little too reckless. You couldn’t help it, the items they had looked so shiny. Having been able to manage some distance between them you quickly skid into a rather empty alleyway to hide. Taking a moment to catch your breath beside a dumpster when a side door slams open, you press yourself against said dumpster and blend in with the shadows around you. You watch as someone is literally thrown out the door another figure peering down at them.
“You think this is some fucking joke! Am I a fucking joke to you Anthony!?” The one peering out the doorway hisses.
“No, no I-I never… I would never-” The other figure sounded panicked, quickly being cut off again by the first.
“Enough! We’ll discuss this later, once we get this mess cleaned up.” With that they slam the door. You sneak a bit closer getting a good look at whoever had been left in the alley with you, their spidery features struck you as familiar, remembering some of those posters you’d see around the city promoting some adult film with a one Angel Dust. And if that’s the case and if he was so popular then he must have some cash on him, ripe for your sticky fingers to grab. This motivation in mind gets you shuffling closer staying as close to the shadows as possible to avoid detection, now all you had to do was reach over and…
“Who the fuck!!” You’re suddenly grabbed by the arm and flung to the ground, now staring up at the angry spider. “The hell? What’s a kid like you doing here?” He still looks mad just with some confusion added to the mix.
“You mean in hell, or just in general?” You question back shoving him back a bit so you could sit up.
“Don’t play cheeky with me kid, you was trying to steal from me, weren’t ya?” He narrows his eyes accusingly at you.
“Trying would imply I didn’t get anything.” You say slyly, holding up a bag of drugs. He immediately snatches it back from you.
“How the fuck did you do that!?” He seemed genuinely surprised you took something without his noticing. You shrug casually in response.
“Oi! Is someone there?!” You freeze when you realize your little stunt cost you time to get away from the Sinners you were running from. Without much time, or thought you scramble into the dumpster just hoping they didn’t see you. The footsteps thump closer and closer, halting right by your hiding spot.
“Well well, if it ain’t the beauty of the Angel Dust themselves.” Shit, you forgot Angel Dust was right there, stupid!
“It is, and what can I do for such strong capable folk like yourselves?” You’re gonna be ratted out for sure.
“Uhh- *ahem* Right, we’s looking for a kid, about yay big and kind of stupid. Like a real piece of shit.” Rude much, if anything they’re the stupid ones.
“Is that so? And what exactly are ya gonna do when you catch them?”
“Oh nothing really, we’s just gonna teach them a lesson, right boys.” A small cheer of “yeah’s” ring from the group. This was it, you were doomed and all because you just-
“I think I saw ‘em run that way and turned left.” You sit there stunned as the footsteps disappear into the distance, unsure if what just happened really just happened. “Coast is clear kid, you can come out of there, hehe cum.” He chuckles at his own unintentional joke. Slowly you peek out from the dumpster looking around to be extra sure that gang was gone before crawling out entirely.
“You… you didn’t rat me out?” You look at him genuinely puzzled, he just shrugs. “Why?” He’s quiet for a long moment before answering.
“Well… why don’t we just say you owe me now.” He says, crossing his arms and looking away from you.
“Oh, so you want my soul for something.” You huff.
“As nice as that would be, I was thinkin’ more a fair trade.”
“Like what?” You we’re getting very confused and curious as to what was on his mind.
“I use my ravishingly good looks and smooth talk to get you out of trouble, and you use those little skills of yours to snag me some of that good nose candy.” You think on this for a second, letting his words sink in and it wasn’t the worst situation to be in, all things considered.
“Alright! You got yourself a deal.” You shake each other’s hands, a thread like a spiders web wraps around your hand while a wispy one wraps around his, sealing your deal together. You both blink in surprise at this. “Did you that was gonna happen?” You ask him as you pull away.
“Nope… eh, I’m sure it’s fine.” He brushes off nonchalantly. His calm demeanour quickly shifts to to fear when the door open once more.
“Angel I’m so sorry for how I yelled at you earlier. I didn’t mean it, honest, it’s just been so stressful today. You understand, don’t you?” The pimp says in a sickly sweet voice.
“I uhh…” Angel takes a small look over his shoulder a second to see his own shadow give him a quick wink then disappear into the darkness of the alleyway. “Of course…” He shakes himself off and with a small second of hesitance, re-enters the studio.
The streets were quiet and the sky was darker then normal as you kept a decent pace behind the odd man with the strange static noise coming off of him. He’d appeared not too long ago seemingly minding his own business, no one bothering to look twice at him but you found him interesting. After all he basically just got here and already he’s strolling around with the confidence like he owned the place. He turns and without thinking you follow, only to end up staring down the dead end street at nothing. The static sound fills your ears loudly, you quickly cover them and tilt your head up to see the looming figure grinning back at you.
“You seem lost my little friend! T̷͈̜̑o̶͊��͈ ̸͔͂̎w̵̫̠̕ḣ̴̗̋a̵̐͜ţ̵̗̊́ ̴̣̯̈́d̷̛̪ȍ̷̘ ̷͉͚̍̓Ǐ̶̬ ̴̠̦̉̄o̸͉̍̔w̶̧̟̃é̸͎̻̆ ̸͉̎t̸͇̀̂ͅh̷̥͝ê̶͕̞ ̷̠̍̅p̴̢̓l̴̨̹̑͒ẻ̷̮̅a̷͔͛͊ş̸̾ȕ̷̩͍r̶̹̔e̸̮̬̓ ̵̱̼͌͗ó̴̧͉̈́f̷̡̬̓̓ ̷̰̝͒̀y̴͚̪͘͝o̵̙͋ǔ̵͙ ̶̙̇̂͜f̵̧̪̓ö̶͉́ͅl̶̢̮̅̌l̶̝͂͘ͅo̵̗̳͌̂ŵ̷͓͓̽i̷̧̛̼̾n̶̹̝̔̈g̷̡̡̿ ̴̤͝m̶̩̊̓è̷̹̭?̷̩̻͂͠” The grin never falters as his tone lowers leaving an uneasy feeling in your gut.
“Umm… c-curiosity?” You say shakily.
“Well why didn’t you just say so! If I’d known I already be paraded by fans I’d have given a better welcome!” He laughs jovially. “Though…” He leans down to get a closer look at you. “You don’t appear as someone who’s well versed in the art of radio.” He raises an amused eyebrow at you.
“Oh… umm… I…” You struggle to think of a good excuse, still new to the whole radio stuff. “I am aware of them.” He straightens himself up, still holding a look of amusement on you, then a look of realization crosses his ever smiling face.
“Oh ho! Where have my manners gone? The name’s Alastor, my fine little friend. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” He introduces himself.
“Uhhh, my name’s (y/n).” You greet back.
“Hmmm, so tell me. What really pulled you to follow me?” Alastor hums in thought, being slightly less threatening then earlier.
“You walk with a lot of confidence for someone who’s only been here for about a week. I was curious for why.” You confess.
“Is that all? Haha! Why it’s very simple my little friend. With confidence you hold the upper hand against your opponent no matter the situation.” He proclaims proudly. “Now then, I for one couldn’t help but notice you’re… unique attributes about you.” You look away from him nervously. “Now now, no need to feel shameful. In fact I believe you should embrace it! And I can help.”
“You can help me? How?” You knew exactly where he was going with this but played along.
“Isn’t it obvious? By giving you reason to put those skills of yours to use! And there’s no better person then I to help give you that reason.” He gleefully remarks.
“I mean… I guess.” You draw out the words as an idea forms in your head.
“So… ĭ̸̍̚͜t̴̝̫̆̊’̸̲̺̈́̚s̸̗̓͆͂͆̀̚ ̶̥̖͋͆̾̆̅̏̓ą̴̢̳̤̋̋̉̽̍͌͠ ̸͓̜̲̭̳̦̠̅͗̋̅d̶̙̾̉͗̒e̴̛̙̿͐a̴̟͗́̂̆̎ĺ̴̠̻̒ ̶̧̺̺̳̕t̵̢̰̍̿̍̈́̓͒͌h̵̢̼̰̠͕̀̔̽ę̵͖͚͕̲̓̋͠n̷̢̫̻̆͐͆ͅͅ?̵̲͗͗͒” Alastor holds out his hand to you a green aura around it as a small gust of wind whips around the two of you.
“Only if you promise me that I don’t get in trouble or harmed by anything or anyone.” You quickly say.
“Is that all?” He tilts his head curiously at you. You nod in response, he narrows his eyes at you a second or two before answering. “Cross my heart.” He says to which you then accept his handshake sealing the deal between the two of you.
There it was, a deal was made and the two of you left that dead end street. You weren’t sure what Alastor had planned but that didn’t really matter to you, all you wanted was protection and that’s exactly what you got.
As for Alastor, while not exactly looking to be someone’s “bodyguard” the pros of this deal heavily outweighed the cons so he let slide…
J̶̡̡̣͈͚͓̱̬̳͇̬̻̲̍̈́́͒̐͒u̵̟̞̞̜̲̖̹̳̇̍͊̀̽͂͜͠s̷̥͖̭̣̞͍̑̄̆̈́ţ̴͎̥̰̲͓̖̓̀͗̄̒̂̒̍̏̽͊̕͝ ̶͔̬̹͚̝̯͖̟̭̹̤̇͋͐͑̉͐t̴̡̜͕͕̠͖̗̺͓̣̫̔̓̑̍́̈̇̚͠͝ḧ̴̰͚̯̯̤͓͍̤͚͒̇̈́̆̌̉̑̚͝i̸̘̬̻̐̊̇̎̚ś̴͇̮͕̐̐̓͆̒̓̍̂͝ ̸̡̡̛̩̩̥̰͈̝͔͓̤̖́͒͛͑̆̎̓̈́̚͘͝ö̴̜̭́̀͑̾̑̕͘̕͝ṉ̸̲̥͌̀̽́̓͋̆̒͝c̷̨̨̘̱̲̰̝̟̠̏̍e̸͈̹̒̆̌̒̆…̵̡̭̙͉̱̣̄̐̈́̀̋̂. I
I hope you all enjoyed! Let me know if you want me to continue this or add any characters. (Side note: I have a separate WIP for Helluva Boss characters coming soon (hopefully))😁
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mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mommy issues, mentions of deceased mothers, brother issues (akashi's), mentions of physical abuse, mentions of suicide, depending on what kind of person you are, this might be kinda dark
Side note: i think i may be projecting too many of my headcanons on these people so i apologize for mischaracterizations😔🙏
Desc: it's Shinichiro's birthday!! (sneaking in the fact that it's also mine and i'm 19 today😋)
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Izana: happy birthday Shinichiro
Izana: everyone's gonna say the same thing so i don't think there's a need for an influx of happy birthday messages
Izana: just dm, to prevent a pointless conversation
Shinichiro: aw thanks Izana😁❤
Baji: you're such a loser man
Baji: with all due respect and no offense of course
Baji: happy birthday tho
Mitsuya: aren't you a virgin, Mikey?
Mistuya: a bit hypocritical
Mitsuya: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Mikey: i had sex once, and meh
Mikey: 5/10
Mikey: being confronted with someone's dick and balls was crazy
Mikey: and i have mommy issues so i don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep with a woman
Mikey: but i would like to lay on one's chest as they sing me to sleep
Baji: what does that have to do with anything
Draken: no one asked you for any of that information, just so you know
Mikey: your mom asked me
Mikey: oh, sorry😔
Mikey: they wasn't even part of the joke. i'm genuinely apologizing😔
Emma: Mikey!
Emma: you know that's a sensitive subject 😠
Draken: not really, to be honest
Senju: why's it a sensitive subject
Emma: his mother left him
Senju: ...
Senju: Emma why would you tell me that
Mitsuya: i think we should word this differently or not talk about it, maybe
Mikey: Mitsuya's right, as always (boring 🙄)
Mikey: but Emma☠️?
Senju: yours left too girl
Emma: well i know that, so i'd be sad if someone made a joke about it
Emma: and so did yours🤨?
Senju: death is different. your mom CHOSE to leave you
Senju: skill issue
Senju: was that too far? maybe
Draken: guys
Chifuyu: ok guys let's calm down
Emma: of course a person with a mother would say that 🙄
Chifuyu: ...sorry
Emma: just jokes Fuyu😚
Baji: don't apologize Chifuyu, not our fault we have mom's
Baji: suck it, losers
Mikey: i really didn't mean to start all this, my bad
Draken: it's not a big deal😐
Draken: and Shinichiro-san, happy birthday, but you're still a virgin?
Draken: i'm not judging or anything. i just find it impressive
Draken: all the other stuff is overrated
Emma: 🤨
Emma: we'll talk about that later
Emma: are you actively practising abstinence?
Emma: i couldn't
Emma: not with Ken-chan around, at least😋
Draken: dude
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: don't call me dude☹️
Draken: okay
Draken: babe
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: so?? they know we have sex
Emma: how else would we try to have a kid?
Draken: bro...
Izana: Emma was underage when you got together
Izana: something to think about, Draken
Draken: i was too???
Takeomi: who the hell are you
Draken: me?
Takeomi: obviously not you
Takeomi: "Izana"
Takeomi: who is that
Shinichiro: this is Izana, Omi
Takeomi: i fucking know that Shinichiro
Takeomi: why are you all so stupid
Baji: why are you brining your sour mood here
Baji: go die
Baji: no offense
Mitsuya: you can't keep saying bad things then saying no offense
Mitsuya: it literally doesn't mean anything
Shinichiro: i said i had another little brother remember?
Shinichiro: before Emma was a Sano, she was a Kurokawa. this is Izana Kurokawa
Takeomi: your dad was a man whore. respect
Shinichiro: dude, ew?
Izana: technically i'm no ones sibling because my mom lied to your guys' dad about being my father so i'm actually not related to any of you. not really supposed to be here
Mikey: dude give that up. we don't care 🙏
Izana: i was just clarifying
Emma: Izana-nii you know it makes Shin sad when you say that☹️
Izana: i was stating facts, but alright
Haruchiyo: happy birthday Shinichiro
Baji: you never speak on this group but oh, let the topic be about Mikey
Baji: all of the sudden it's a yappathon
Baji: "i wish Mikey would stick it in!"
Haruchiyo: and i'm speaking now, aren't i😐
Mikey: Baji leave Haruchiyo alone
Mikey: you're the one always scaring him away😔👎
Mikey: hi Haru😋
Haruchiyo: hi Mikey 🙂
Kazutora: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: um, sorry about... the incident
Mikey: (i told you not to talk about that in front of people, Tora💀)
Senju: what incident
Kazutora: uh
Kazutora: almost killing him
Shinichiro: buddy, i know you didn't mean to do that. it's all good
Kazutora: no, i fully intended to kill a person
Kazutora: it just wasn't meant to be you
Kazutora: and for that i apologize
Shinichiro: oh...
Shinichiro: well at least you don't have those murderous thoughts anymore, right? let's dwell on the positive 😁
Kazutora: i do have those thoughts
Baji: you don't always have to tell the truth man
Mikey: dude☠️
Kazutora: but they're about my father, mostly
Kazutora: i look exactly like him, so looking in the mirror is hard sometimes
Kazutora: i'm not allowed to kill myself, but killing him would be close enough
Kazutora: but i can't. because of the law
Draken: dude, are you okay? do we need to talk again
Draken: this is concerning
Kazutora: words cannot help me, Draken
Kazutora: anyway, have a good birthday, Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: i'm glad you didn't die by my hands
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: i'm not really sure what to say
Senju: i love his thought process
Senju: (what the hell is wrong with this guy)
Draken: we can see the text inside the brackets 😐
Senju: fine
Senju: what the hell is wrong with this guy😭
Senju: you were the one who put Shin in a coma??
Senju: the power or friendship really carries this group's dynamic because if it were me, Kazutora would never see the light of day😭🙏
Senju: it helps that you're handsome
Kazutora: thank you. i'm sorry
Senju: you're welcome. you are forgiven
Baji: maybe let's change the topic
Senju: what's wrong with him?
Senju: no offense
Emma: his father used to beat him
Senju: Emma!
Senju: you can't be telling people this 😭
Emma: there's no malice!! i'm just telling you what happened!!
Inupi: happy birthday Shinichiro
Inupi: my sister has agreed to go on a date with you
Inupi: i see you as a really good guy so if you fuck this up, i'd have to kill you
Shinichiro: AKANE-SAN?
Shinichiro: she's too pretty for me
Shinichiro: ok um, please give me her number, Seishu
Shinichiro: thank you
Shinichiro: let's speak privately yeah?
Mikey: Inupi, this is the first time in your life you've ever been useful
Mikey: i'm impressed
Inupi: kill yourself
Mikey: Koko doesn't love you back👎🔥💔
Inupi: Takemitchy is married to a woman
Draken: break it up
Draken: and Koko does love him back, he's just fighting heteronormativity and internalized homophobia
Emma: ?
Draken: i'll tell you about it later
Emma: 🤗
Inupi: you will not
Koko: i am in this group, you know?
Koko: happy birthday Shinichiro
Koko: also Inupi, aren't we dating?
Inupi: huh
Koko: are we not dating?
Inupi: i mean, i wasn't aware of it
Inupi: but okay
Inupi: you didn't ask me
Koko: well, we act like we're dating so i thought we were
Inupi: okay
Draken: Koko you can do better than that
Draken: this is a terrible confession
Draken: i did not sit through hours of Inupi's yearning for this
Draken: do better
Koko: okay...
Koko: meet me at my place?
Inupi: ...
Inupi: okay
Draken: 👍
Izana: can't anyone solve their private matters, PRIVATELY?
Mikey: dammit
Draken: what?
Mikey: i don't like when he's happy
Mikey: i need to ruin this for him somehow
Izana: Inupi fucking sucks
Mikey: he's the worst
Mikey: i regret changing the timeline for his sake
Mikey: should've left him to burn
Baji: what?
Mikey: nothing
Baji: this was about everything, except Shinichiro's birthday ☠️
Shinichiro: to be honest? i couldn't ask for more
Shinichiro: my family being happy is the best present i could ask for
Shinichiro: i really love you guys
Izana: thanks
Mikey: too sappy, i'm out
Baji: that was so corny😂
Baji: (we love you too)
Emma: Shini-nii😭❤
Senju: Takeomi, take notes
Senju: i still don't get how you guys are friends considering the personality difference
Senju: Shin is so kind and lovable and amazing and sweet (and hot lwky)
Emma: ew😐
Senju: you um, you smoke, and you um
Senju: yeah i got nothing
Senju: still love you though!
Haruchiyo: he's ugly and abusive
Takeomi: says the dick sucker
Takeomi: i'm abusive because of the way you are by the way
Takeomi: besides, i've regrettably, never lay a hand on you
Baji: here we go again
Haruchiyo: in another life, i've killed you with my bare hands
Takeomi: do you seriously think you could beat me in a fight
Haruchiyo: i'll die trying
Shinichiro: okay guys um let's please not
Shinichiro: Omi stop being a dick 😅
Shinichiro: Haru, sorry for Omi being a dick
Senju: ☹️
Senju: we love you too, Shin
Draken: uhm i don't know if it's appropriate for me to say? but i love you too Shinichiro, i guess
Draken: this is a little awkward now
Kazutora: should i say it?
Baji: no, Tora
Kazutora: ok
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And now... the (one of them at least) canon explanations for the first Robin suit.
Damian Wayne walks into his father's office holding a photo.
Damian: Father?
Bruce, reading: Yes?
Damian: I found this photo of Dick when he was Robin and, one question I've been meaning to ask, why the no pants? Why would you subject him to that? Ignoring the weather issues especially since we live in New York how is no pants and a speedo benefiting him, Father?
Bruce, groaning for a good couple of seconds. He slams his head on his desk.
Bruce: Look I've been sitting on this information for a very, very long freaking time because Dick told me to never tell anyone this. I am tired of being seen as the strange one, I was not the one who came up with that hero suit, he was. All right, Dick Grayson was the one behind the colors, the design, all of it!
Damian: Really?
Tim, peeking his head out from the door since he was eavesdropping: Seriously?
Jason on the other side of the door: You lying!
Bruce, sits up frustrated: I begged him to wear pants, he wouldn't cave! Alfred begged him too, but... dang it he does a good job with making us agree with his outfit choices. He said it was based off of his circus outfit and I tried to say no, but just lost his parents and he was so precious, I folded. I'm not the weirdo though, you want to call someone weird, talk to him! Be... nice about it though.
Damian: I admire your honesty father I will go make fun of Dick accordingly.
Bruce, vindicated: Thank you!
Bruce returns to work.
Damian, Jason and Tim find Dick Grayson at the kitchen table eating a sandwich. Damian places the photo on the table.
Damian: Explain, why no pants?
Dick, sheepishly: Hm ... There is a good reason why I decided on that design.
Damian: I'm waiting.
Jason: Yeah I am as well because I had to wear that fucking suit too.
Tim: Y- you told me Bruce was the one who came up with that idea... you lied to me!
Dick: Okay I may have realized later in life that the whole Speedo thing was a mistake for someone over 8 to wear.
Damian: It's weird no matter the age.
Dick: Point is, I had a great reason to design it like that at the time.. it's very aerodynamic and it helps me fight!
Jason: It didn't help me fight, me knowing how to fight helped me fight. That just made me look stupid! You know how many criminals laughed at me wearing that at 13!
Jason slaps the man on the head.
Dick: It's not my fault, Bruce wanted to-
Jason: You know he can't say no to you when you give him puppy dog eyes.
Jason hits him on the head again.
Dick: Ow.
Tim, betrayed: Why did you lie to me? I feel so hurt!
Jason: Would you tone it down fanboy! I had to wear the speedo!
Tim: Wait is that why you liked my costume?
Dick: Yes, kinda!
Tim: Oh... Okay I forgive you.
Damian, shaking his head: You are so weak with him.
Stephanie, rolling in Barbara: Ooh drama, I'm here for it.
Barbara: They found out why you had that outfit, Dick?
Jason: You knew and you never told me?!
Barbara: Sorry he swore me to secrecy before I got to tell you.
Jason bonks him on the head again.
Dick: Stop assaulting me!
Stephanie: Tell him what?
Damian: Father-
Dick grabs Damian by the arm and covers his mouth.
Dick: Nothing!
Jason: Oh you fucking will not! Bruce was not the one who came up with that ridiculous ugly costume for Robin, it was Dick who came up with the entire Speedo and no pants at all! And he feels shame for it!
Stephanie rolls Barbara away, the wheelchair woman catching herself at the table.
Stephanie, stifling laughter: Whaaat? Wait, is this true, Mr. Discowling?
Dick Grayson blushes in shame.
Stephanie: Yes, I can mock you for something! You have shame!
Alfred: What's going on? I heard screaming.
Stephanie: The man who still brags about the discowling being a good design has shame! Victory!
Stephanie runs out the kitchen, laughing.
Alfred: Oh, she found out about the original Robin costume.
Dick lays his head down on the table, blushing. Barbara rolls to him and pats him on the head.
Barbara: There, there. At least you're Nightwing.
Dick: I was 8 man, it looked cute and cool!
Barbara: As an 8 year old it's adorable, not 16.
Dick grumbled, keeping his head on the table.
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eggluverz · 1 year
Hi I kinda had an idea for a fic with il Dan Heng x fem! reader if that's okay-
maybe something where reader and Dan Heng are walking around in Xianzhou together when she suddenly wanders off and accidentally freaks out il Dan Heng because he thought something happened (like she suddenly disappeared lmao) but in reality reader's just distracted by something that caught her eye
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PAIRING. dan heng il x gn!reader
SUMMARY. dan heng wants to face part of his past by walking around xianzhou luofu with you, but he freaks out when he notices you are no longer by his side.
SOF'S NOTE. thank you anon for the request!! just some worried and protective dan heng vibes in here <3 this is gn!reader since i didn't have a need to use reader's pronouns LOL hope that is okay!! + happy dan heng il banner release day everyone and i hope we all become happy dan heng il havers soon!!! :>
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“Thank you for coming with me.”
You nodded in response as you happily skipped alongside him. One hand was comfortably resting in his, while the other was holding the bubble tea drink you were sipping on. It really was the food of the immortals.
“Thank you for inviting me,” you corrected with a smile. “i’m always here to accompany you when you need me.” 
Dan Heng gave your hand a gentle squeeze of gratitude as the two of you continued down the streets of the Xianzhou Luofu. 
He had told you about the struggles he had reconciling with his past life. Much to your happiness, he believed he was finally coming to terms with his connection to Dan Feng and the Xiaozhou, and he wanted to experience what it felt to walk around freely at the place he was once banished from before he could truly let go. Whether he wanted to avoid his past life for longer, or whether he wanted to confront it head-on, you would be there to support him no matter what. Still, you were especially glad this was the path he chose. Dan Heng deserved to go on with his life without fear or regrets weighing him down. Plus, it meant you got to explore a new world with him—one of your favorite parts about being a member of the Express.
You passed countless shops and booths during your adventure, each with its own charm and allure that drew you in. Dan Heng occasionally turned around to gaze at the look of awe on your face with a smile.
“This experience is more fun with you,” he said fondly, his thumb rubbing small circles against the back of your hand. “Your excitement is contagious, almost.”
“I wouldn’t be this happy if you weren’t the one accompanying me here, so you have yourself to thank for that,” you teased.
Dan Heng brought your interlocked fingers up to his face and planted a brief peck on the back of your hand. He smiled in gratitude. 
As you continued your slow stroll, Dan Heng stopped at certain places to immerse himself in the full experience. The last stop on your trip would be Scalegorge Waterscape, but Dan Heng wished to save that for last and enjoy his time roaming free first. 
You passed by a certain food staff and a whiff of freshly cooked dishes made your mouth begin to water. The merchant called you in with the promise of, “If you finish the spiciest soup here, we will give you a lifetime supply of free food!”
Unsurprisingly, you found your grip on Dan Heng’s hand loosening as you wandered over to the food stall. Along the way, you saw a small shop selling the brightest of jewels, one bracelet had a green gem that shined so strongly in the light, it reminded you of Dan Heng’s eyes. Forgetting the food stall, you walked into the vendor’s small shop and asked how much the bracelet was. You wanted to buy it for Dan Heng.
The Xianzhou Loofa may not be his home, but his connection to it ran deep. Perhaps he would like something to remind him of his experience here with you.
Little did you know that, instead of watching and following quietly behind you like you had assumed, Dan Heng continued walking down the path, turning the corner and marching on before he noticed you weren’t by his side.
Believing he was still next to you, you chatted with the merchant happily. You were asking for her recommendations and thoughts before you finally decided on the original bracelet with the green jewel that caught your eye in the first place.
Happy with your purchase, you turned around to share your findings with Dan Heng. You could not wait to see his reaction when you showed him the gift you bought for him.
“Look! I got you something—” you faltered when your gaze met an empty room.
The store was empty, bar you and the shopkeeper. 
The merchant silently watched as you talked to yourself, before quickly pocketing the money and scooting away. 
Your cheeks warmed as the confusion set in. You knew you had the habit of being impulsive, but you were almost certain you tugged Dan Heng’s hand over here with you...
Before you had the time to recount the events over the past half an hour, Dan Heng burst through the entrance of the shop with an alarmed look on his face. In all the years you have been on the Express, you had never seen him look this frantic. Your stomach dropped.
“Y/N!” he called, distress evident in his voice as he immediately rushed to your side. He examined you from head to toe. “Are you safe?”
Your insides churned as you took in his worry. You hated that you caused him fear for your own safety.
You didn’t hesitate before reaching out to hug him. “Yes, I am safe. I’m okay.” Dan Heng’s arms wrapped around your waist and you burrowed your head in his warm chest. “I’m so sorry.” 
He rested his cheek on top of your head and let out a long sigh. It sounded both like one of frustration and one of relief. His voice was stern, yet gentle. “I was so worried, Y/N. Please don’t just disappear like that without telling me.”
You nodded fervently, squeezing him harder, not wanting to let go.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated solemnly. “I promise I won’t wonder off without telling you again.”
You felt his muscles relax at your promise, but you still sensed some tension in his body.
“I was just…fearful.”
You looked up at him.
“I may no longer be an exiled criminal here, but that doesn’t mean grudges don’t run deep,” he explained, softly stroking the back of your head. “I was scared someone go to you when I wasn’t looking— To exact revenge on Dan Feng.”
You shuddered at the thought. You could only imagine the fear Dan Heng must have been feeling the moment you left his side.
“Nobody got me,” you reassured. “I’m safe, and I am so sorry for wandering off without telling you.”
Dan Heng shook his head, slowly letting you go from his embrace, but not yet moving away. “I understand that is just how you are. Normally, I would know you’re capable of defending yourself if trouble were to arise. But, this place…”
His voice wavered before he could finish and you nodded to let him know you still understood.
“Your worry makes perfect sense,” you said. “Xianzhou was a place of fear and punishment for you. I’m sorry for not being mindful of the setting and your past experiences.” 
The stiffness in his muscles visibly vanished, the distress on his face slowly melting into acceptance.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. “I forgive you. And I’m happy you are safe.”
“I’m happy, too.” 
You toyed with the box that contained the jeweled bracelet you bought for him, but decided to keep it in your pocket for now. You would give it to him when you got back to the Express. But you felt that now wasn’t the time. What you believed Dan Heng needed in this very moment was for you not to leave his side at the Xianzhou Luofu.
“Would you like to continue exploring?” you asked, extending your hand out to him. “I promise I will stay by your side.”
Dan Heng accepted your hand and smiled at the offer. “I’m not sure if I want to see all of Xianzhou. But with you, I feel less fearful of doing such a thing.”
You held his hand firmly in reassurance. “No matter how long or how short you would like to stay, I will be here with you for as long as you need me.”
Dan Heng laced his fingers through yours, gently pulling you along. The two of you walked side by side, down all the paths he wanted to take, excited to complete this journey together.
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months
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Paige Bueckers x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: angst, italics are flashbacks, no happy ending, loosely based on a true story 🤣, paige is SUPER clueless,suggestive but no smut so tht one part will not be in this story, cursing, again paige is kinda mean in this, NOT ASSUMING HER SEXUALITY THIS IS PURELY FOR THE STORY gonna make a new masterlist once there’s more stories 😫
Summary: Y/n knew what her and Paige had but she never wanted that and Paige just wanted this casual
posted: May 30,2024
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This has been going on for months. Ever since I hooked up with Paige we had this little thing going on. Then I did the one thing you shouldn’t, catch feelings. Technically it’s not my fault she shouldn’t be acting like a girlfriend, giving me gifts, taking me on surprise dates and even saying ‘I love you.’ I mean my friends call me a loser 'cause I'm still hanging around. Which is completely understandable it’s been like six months and she hasn’t asked me to be her girlfriend.
“Oh that’s Paige’s girl.”
“Yea Paige is dating that chick over there.”
“I heard they’re not even together yet.”
Every single day. I walk around campus and I hear the same thing. “That’s Paige’s girl.” Like my name is Y/n.
Then you heard someone say.
“Paige said she’s just fucking her nothing more nothing less.”
What the hell. I've heard so many rumors that I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch but I never believed it was true. You texted Paige saying you’re coming over and she said okay see you soon.
“Why would you say shit like that?!” This always happens we always get into an argument about something she said or something I did. It’s like a routine.
“Well are we not just fucking Y/n?!” Paige yelled back. Then you started to tear up. “Well I- I thought you thought of me better, you know like someone you couldn't lose or something.”
She shook her head and took my hands in hers. “I don’t know what you wanna hear Y/n.”
"We're not together"
Well that hurt. “Yea I know Paige. It just hurts that you see me like that.”
“I don’t but- but I do love you. You know that right?” I nodded and leaned forward. “I love you too Paige.” She smiled and connected our lips.
So now when we kiss, I have anger issues.
“Baby, no attachment”
Those three words make me madder than I ever been in my life. I should leave but to be honest I don’t want too. I mean I always had a crush on Paige and when something finally happened I never been so happy. But at the same time.
Is it casual now?
I remember when we just started messing around and in two weeks, and your mom invites me to her house on Long Beach.
Is it casual now?
I know what you tell your friends
“So what’s going on with you and Y/n.” Azzi asked. They were always curious about your… relationship? So they always asked you or Paige what’s going on. Paige shrugged.
“It's casual.”
They didn’t say anything just nodded when they know damn well what Paige and Y/n have is not casual.
Dumb love, I love being stupid.
Sometimes I like to dream of us in a year. You know maybe we'd have an apartment.
And you'd show me off to your friends at the pier.
I walked into our apartment and Paige is already coming up to me giving me hugs and kisses.
“Hey baby how was work?” You shook your head. “Stressful but you know it happens.”
“Come on! They’ll love you I promise.” Paige was showing you off to her new team. “Y/n!”
“Y/n!” I see my friend waving her hand in my face.
Well shit.
Paige and I just finished doing our thing and I was putting my (her) shirt on. “Hey so do you wanna go on a date or something?” Paige asked me and I nodded. Usually we do casual dates so it wouldn’t hurt doing a serious one right?
“Do you wanna go to a restaurant or something.” I saw the panic in her face and she immediately shut that idea down.
“Baby, no attachment.”
I rolled my eyes. “Didn’t know going to a restaurant was being attached.” I got all my stuff and left before she could stay anything.
Who asks to go on date then talk about being attached? Fucking idiot.
Is it casual now?
Two weeks, and your mom invites me to her house on Long Beach.
You just started your ‘relationship’ with Paige Bueckers. Two weeks in and her mom is asking you to go on vacation.
Is it casual now?
I know what you tell your friends.
“And she just stormed off like a kid bro. Just because I didn’t wanna go to a restaurant.” Paige was telling Azzi about your recent argument. Azzi just looked at her. “What?” Paige asked.
“Well what did you say for her to storm off P?” She shrugged. “I told her she shouldn’t get attached.” She said looking down and mumbling. Azzi looked at her again. “How is wanting to go to a restaurant being attached?”
“She said the same thing! Look, it's casual going to a restaurant is what couples do and we are not a couple.”
“Maybe she doesn’t wanna be casual Paige.”
And that’s what scared her.
It's hard being casual
When my favorite bra lives in your dresser
I was getting ready to go out with some friends and was looking for the bra that makes my boobs look big then I remembered that it’s probably at Paige’s which is not good because we are currently not talking.
Whatever I need my bra back.
“What are you doing here?” Fuck why does she have to look so hot. “Don’t cream your pants I need my bra.” She just moves out of the way.
I got my bra and was trying to leave but Paige grabbed my arm. “So where are you going dressed like that?” Is she serious?
“I’m going out with friends.” She nodded. “I miss you Y/n.”
“Ok” and you left.
And it's hard being casual
“Im so tired of this shit Paige!”
You’re finally confronting Paige about this thing you have going on due to your friends hyping you up.
“Tell her you’re over this shit Y/n!”
“It’s been too long for her not to do shit.”
“Tired of what Y/n?!”
“You! This has been going on for months. Almost a year and you still think this is a casual thing?!”
“If it bothered you so much why didn’t you say anything?!”
“Because Paige I try to be the chill girl that holds her tongue and gives you space.”
Before she could say anything you cut her off.
“I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not.” You started to tear up and she noticed but didn’t say or do anything.
“Well I didn’t want to lead you on-.”
“But you did Paige.”
“Two weeks, and your mom invites me to her Long Beach house and you don’t think that’s leading someone on.”
“And I know what you tell your friends. You probably told them it’s casual right?” She looked down avoiding all possible eye contact. “What we have is not casual Paige and you know that.”
“You knew what this was Y/n. And what we have is casual or so I thought!”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh please I fucked you in the bathroom when we went to dinner and you told me you loved me. That’s not what casual is!”
She ran her hands over her face knowing you were right.
Your parents at the table, you wonder why I'm bitter
You’re at dinner with Paige’s parents and before you got here. We got into a huge argument about… honestly I don’t remember but I do know that it was her fault and I’m mad at her. You had been a little rude to her parents but they know you didn’t mean it.
After a while Paige pulled me to the bathroom obviously fed up.
“What the hell bro. I get you’re mad at me but don’t take it out on my parents.” You didn’t say anything and just went back to the table.
“I just want to say sorry for the way I acted today.” They assured you that it’s okay and they know you mean no harm.
Paige wondered why you were being so bitter.
But she didn’t do anything to fix it.
Bragging to your friends
“Yea we’re like doing this thing and like I’m so happy I did it!” Then Paige went on and on and on about you basically bragging. The team was obviously not going along with that, shutting it down immediately.
I hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself
“Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell!!”
You pushed her out the door and slammed it in her face.
Note to self: never be in a ‘casual’ relationship.
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An: ENJOYYYYY MY LOVERS 🤍🤍🤍 but definitely making a wbb masterlist maybe emily engstlers next who knows…
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 3 months
A Deal | Vox x Gen Z Reader
A/N— Decided to turn my little drabble into a little series of one-shots based off of ideas I come up with and any requests y'all may have for it 💅🏻 ALSO a huge thank you to @writteninlunarlight-years for the idea that inspired me to kickstart the series! It's very much 'enemies to lovers' core (kinda, I guess?), but I have no idea how far this will go lol. Hope everyone enjoys this — sorry it took so long :)
Warnings: Reader is implied female, Valentino existing, mentions of souls being owned, reader is close to being an overlord
Word Count: 1,724
Summary: You were a growing threat — and what better way to keep an eye on said threat, than to have you start living under the same roof as three of the most influential overlords in Hell? This is only the beginning. . .
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Since your arrival to Hell, things had been nothing short of interesting — from your offers that couldn't be refused, all the way to the demon's that warily approached or backed off when you were near.
It was quite the spectacle.
You were quickly rising within the ranks of Hell, from a mere sinner to damn near an overlord — for all the souls you claimed in a few short months. It was noticeable — your social climbing.
What you hadn't expected was two overlords reaching out in the same day, both itching for some sort of deal.
You'd heard whispers of the feared Radio Demon and practically laughed at the thought of people being scared of him — sure his smile was off-putting, but other than that, you didn't really see the hype.
So when he approached you outside of the Café you'd began to frequent, striking up casual conversation as if you were old friends, you quickly understood what was going on.
He was powerful. You were becoming more powerful. He offered guidance and you knew there was a 'but' coming.
When it dropped, you sighed, before sipping on your warm beverage.
"I can offer you guidance, and in return, I want your soul as a pledge of undying loyalty, my dear!" He made a hand motion, as if he planned on writing your name in the stars — could you even see the stars from Hell?
"I'm sorry — but other than guidance, what do I get out of it? I've done well on my own for the last six months."
Protection. Respect. Free housing. It had almost been tempting — especially the free housing, especially in that economy. . . But in the end, you had told him that you'd think about it.
In reality, you wouldn't.
Giving up your freedom for half the shit you could get on your own? He had you fucked up.
Then there was Vox; the wide open rival of Alastor. You'd actually seen him around, having been in a couple clubs he was coincidentally visiting at the same time.
When he approached you, it was three hours later and you were actively sending a message to the group chat of demons whose souls you owned, over Sinstagram. You were simply reminding them of the consequences if they took the food that CLEARLY had your name written on it.
You didn't care that you were sitting in a restaurant — if any of them touched that leftover sub quarter, you'd kill them, and not in a funny or ironic way. You'd actually kill them double dead with no return. 
When you looked up, he questioned your business with 'the fossil' and was met with a blank stare rather than words.
He clarified that he meant Alastor.
"Oh. I don't have any." You replied simply, reading the few messages that popped up on screen.
At the revelation, he was pleased and began listing off all of the things he could provide that Alastor 'would fail miserably at'.
Money. Protection. Respect. A sounding board for ideas. Anything your heart desired. All at a small cost of being under his surveillance almost 24/7.
That snatched your attention away from the two demons who began arguing in their native languages. Did you understand them? Fuck no. Would you be translating that later? Abso-fuckin-lutely.
"And what's in it for you?" You asked the TV demon. You didn't like the thought of being under surveillance and having little to no privacy, but his deal had already been sweetened by Vox not wanting your soul.
"Power all the way around. With my influence, you can be a billion times better than that staticky prick. You'll practically have demons begging on their knees."
"Tempting." You admitted.
"What do you think?"
"Eh, fuck it. Why the hell not?"
From there it was a flurry of events — you remembered eating, but then you were leaving with Vox and then quickly found yourself in a meeting room with the other Vees and shit you had to sign, stating that you wouldn't spill any details of the inner workings of any of the three companies.
Who did he take you for?
Once you read each document thoroughly, making sure it wasn't a contract for your soul, you signed your name on the tablets screen and sat back in your seat, pulling out your phone to begin translating the argument from the beginning.
"Great! Ground rules — our private spaces are off limits unless we explicitly tell you otherwise, that includes bedrooms, offices, and basically everything that isn't a —"
"Uh-huh, got it." You mumbled — snorting at the beyond creative insults that began to flood the screen in English.
"It's my nap time, TV boy. If you can put this conversation in a text, do it." You sighed, stretching your limbs. They popped as you stood — who showed these fuckers how to make gifs of each other?
You did. HA!
"You know I can kill you, right?" Vox questioned, his claws digging into the table.
"So could a really motivated duck — or a Canadian goose. Those things are straight out of Hell, Box."
"It's Vox." He growled.
Ooh spicy. "Whatever —"
"Can you be serious for five minutes?"
"Ok boomer."
His screen glitched and his claws dug further into the desk as he stared at you.
Velvette barked a laugh and looked away from her phone long enough to see Vox on the verge of malfunctioning, a smirk slipping onto her face. "Can we keep her? I like this one."
"This one's more tolerable than the last." Valentino mused, blowing his smoke into the air. He leaned forward in his seat, uncrossing his legs. "And we don't even know her name."
"The name's Y/N. Don't wear it out." You winked before turning around and exiting the door you had been ushered through, however long ago. The moment the door closed, you heard Vox angrily talking with Velvette and Valentino, who were much calmer than the TV overlord.
Oh, this will be fun. A good idea, for sure.
Thirty minutes later, when you were in the room Vox had told you was yours, both Velvette and Valentino followed you on Sinstagram before adding you to the Vees official group chat.
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Your first week living with the Vees went by rather quickly — of course, you respected their privacy as requested, spending most of your time in your room or the common areas which mostly consisted of the kitchen, living room, and game room.
Still, you'd managed to piss Vox off three more times, and got Velvette and Valentino to join in without trying.
Velvette quickly picked up your terminology, calling Vox a boomer at any given opportunity. It pissed him off to no end. Valentino had only done it twice, mostly because they both spent a lot of time working and only interacted with Vox when he had the time to.
Within the first seventy-two hours, you noticed the weird obsession Vox had with Alastor and you sarcastically quoted a scene from a movie at dinner that night.
"Is this love, Agent Romanoff?"
And he had looked at you weirdly, pausing mid rant. Later you had to explain to the other two that it was from a movie — and who Agent Romanoff was.
Vox avoided you mostly, which you chalked up to him thinking you were annoying. Good.
By the end of the first month, Velvette had you chilling with her while she worked, usually with you being the sounding board for her ideas.
More often than not, you had good ideas.
That little fact prompted her to throw you a sketch book, telling you to get to work.
You were getting paid to be there, so whatever.
When you weren't with Velvette, you were declining Valentino's countless invitations to sit with him while he worked — you wanted nothing to do with that. Porn wasn't really your thing, even when you were alive, but you had a bunch of friends who were super into it.
Instead you went out alone, claiming you were getting lunch for yourself. You'd get lunch, after making a few deals with wayward demons who would thrive under your influence.
That one particular day, you hadn't noticed either presence behind you, until a fight broke out, causing you to turn around to see Alastor and Vox going at each other's throats — and not in an interesting way.
You somehow broke it up just after Alastor cracked Vox's screen.
"Why the fuck are you here?" You bit out harshly, directed at the two overlords who now stood three feet apart like scolded children, neither pleased to be there.
"You left without saying anything." Vox crossed his arms.
"You hadn't reached out, my dear." Alastor hummed, distastefully glancing over at the TV demon.
You groaned, throwing your head back. "Listen, get the fuck over yourselves! At this rate, I answer to Velvette, not the two of you boomers. Got it?"
Alastors eyes began to twitch as static filled the air, whereas Vox's cracked screen glitched as you walked away.
Later, when Vox approached you, you noticed that his screen was fixed. That was good.
"Got a minute, [Y/N]?" He questioned.
You looked up from the sketch book in hand and nodded, mumbling 'sure' as you closed it. You were tired from the long day.
So his next question caught you off guard.
"Why do you do this to me?"
"Do what?"
"Why do you purposely piss me off? You get along with everyone else, yet you call me names and disrespect my entire existence. Why?"
You sighed, not really having a real answer. "That's just the way I am, how I've always been. . . And in my defense, I call everyone names. . . Not just you. So, don't think you're special, Box—"
"— Vox —"
"I'm a bitch to everyone, just most don't realize it because their bitch scale broke a long time ago. Now, go. I have shit to do that doesn't involve stroking your fragile ego."
Vox wasn't sure what it was, but he knew he was going to keep a closer eye on you. What was so different about you?
You were close enough in biological age to Velvette, yet while there were similarities, there were so many differences. . . He wasn't sure what to think about any of it. Especially with you climbing up the power ladder.
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inumakis-boo · 4 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ ur text (inumaki toge) ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
synopsis ␥ you give toge inumaki your phone number, and you become addicted to your phone, and him (for all good reasons). major fluff + friends ↝ lovers.
version one out of three. Enjoy!
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When you first started texting toge inumaki, if you were totally honest, you werent entirely sure how it was going to go.
You had only caught the subtle hints of his personality during the rare times you saw him in person- and obviously, it was through tone and face expression, becaude most other ways well were.. not optional.
So.. when you finally got the courage to write down your number on a slip of a yellow post-it note, you didn't know exactly what to expect. Just because you thought he might be a cool guy, doesn't mean he might feel the same about you. He may be cool only around people he is used to training with, or is in the same field-level at him.
But his eyes grazed over the neat handwriting (you mustve written the same note about six different times before handing it over), and his looked back at you with smiling eyes, and a thumbs up.
you tried not to wait up all night for the text- why were you so nervous? it was just a phone number, you had given it to everyone basically on campus. he was just the last one.. because you were too nervous to actually give it over.
the phone had dinged you awake from an after school nap, and you groggily picked it up, expecting nothing more than the student group-chat aruging again, but found an unsaved number with nothing more than-
UNSAVED NUMBER: it's inumaki, you gave me ur phone number the other day
UNSAVED NUMBER: idk if you remember haha srry if this is bothering u but i didnt see u at dinner, did u eat?
you try your best to blink out of the sleepiness from your eyes, trying to gauge what you wanted to say.
YOU: hi, and no i didnt forget 🤙🏻
YOU: no i was sleeping, i mustve missed it oops
He had read it almost immediately, which was.. honestly refreshing.
UNSAVED NUMBER: we thought so, so i hope you enjoy whats outside ur door
What? Outside the door? You climbed out of bed, and slowly creeped the door open-
Nobody was out here? Was someone supposed to be coming?
You look down the hall both ways before looking down. A small bag, tied closed, sitting perfectly infront of your door. When you pick it up, the bag is still warm, so it must not have been there for too long.
When you return to your phone, you see even more messages.
UNSAVED NUMBER: everyone thought it was a good idea so you dont miss dinner cause we be doing too much shit to miss out on food
He was right about that one; the days of training and missions had not gotten any easier, and energy was too important to start losing.
YOU: thank you, but how did you know where my room was?
UNSAVED NUMBER: tis a secret
UNSAVED NUMBER: wait that sounds horrible i promise im not a stalker
UNSAVED NUMBER: i just asked someone if they knew
YOU: that kinda sounds like what a stalker would say T-T
UNSAVED NUMBER: NOOOO IM SORRY forget what i said, eat well pls, gn!!
Ah, so under his collar, he was just.. a normal guy.
A funny one at that, with a personality? Nearly shocking for boys your age. The food was good too, with the
When you tell Itadori about last nights dinner, he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"Huh, he made you that?" He asks, lips pursed a little. "Thats cool."
"What did everyone else have?" You ask him, as you two both put on your shoes from the school lockers.
"Inumaki made a different dish, a soup."
You had nothing like that- you got salmon and onigiri.
"Huh, thats not surprising." He says after you tell him, "Thats his favorite."
He.. had made you his favorite? and like.. actually made it for you, not just bought whatever from a store. He made something completely different- lighter accounting it being almost bedtime?
So.. he was considerate too.
After that, it didn't take long for the messages began to roll back and forth.
What turned from appreciation for his cooking, turned into meme sharing and tiktok sending, then.. into photos, of homework, of a cat brushing up against his leg on the street, a aisle of snacks, asking for what you want. In return, he got imessage games, where he would never lose, opinions on video games and shows, and hypothetical questions about his curse.
YOU: so lets say ur playing a video game
INUDUMBASS: which one
YOU: literally not important, anything competitive
YOU: anyways, ur playing right in a voice chat
INUDUMBASS: yes go on 🙄
YOU: and you start losing, can you say anything
INUDUMBASS: i try not to actively kill people on the mic so no
INUDUMBASS: it will still go through 100%
YOU: nobody said u had to tell someone to do that 😭
INUDUMBASS: clearly you have not been around anybody who is losing in a game before
YOU: god are u rlly that cringy??
INUDUMBASS: are you just finding this out??
INUDUMBASS: and no, i wouldn't ever do that kind of thing, i do have self-control, yknow
YOU: mhm totally
And maybe he did for online players, but he would not hesistate to make the phone drop out of your hands in the lunch room as you two played 8-ball from opposite sides of the table, just to fuck up your aim as you made a winning shot, turning the game over to his benefit.
It's okay, because you got your revenge pulling out the chair from underneath him, and watching him smack his ass on the hard school-floor, and resist not cursing in pain. He would still smile at you- eventually afterwards. He would roll his eyes, but accept the fair play anyways.
It was painfully obvious to everyone else that you two had something going on.
And maybe you didn't realize how much you were admiring him until the personality in his messages shone in him in reality.
Of course, communication was inconvenient but Inumaki wasn't dumb. One eye look told you everything you needed to know. He would snicker at Itadori's occasional mishap while training, then immediately lock in for his own, all the while never sending a mishaped word out of his mouth. And never using more of his curse than needed. Everyone knew he was trustworthy.
Nearly once a day, if he could, he made food (you thought about the first time he made it for you, specially for you, and it makes all his food taste even sweeter) and you watched everyone enjoy it, then noticed as he helped clean up- even though Maki and Megumi urged him to sit. Self-less, kind.
It was really the time on a friday night, after such a long week that everyone decided to ditch the movie theater to instead use the lounges tv (thanks to gojo, was totally decked out for the students), that maybe you start to notice Inumaki- really notice him.
You had been sitting on the food at one end of the long couches, as Toge sat at the other end, his legs draped over the arm rest as he rested his right side against the backrest.
You honestly don't know why you even kept on looking- it wasn't even that serious of a movie, yet he was so intently watching, sweatshirt not big enough to cover the usual half of his face, revealing the thin inky marks on his cheeks, leading to his lips.
He was biting the inside of his lower lip as he watched, probably an old habit back from when he was a kid- he had always been like this, he mentioned once. His arms were lazily crosed, and even his hair had been pushed so strands flicked upwards in tusseled ccondition. His greyish-violet eyes were reflecting all the action scenes, so relaxed but also, analyzing.
For the briefiest moment, you wished it was you that was sitting next to him, not Maki.
Or, the rest of the night, as you tried to focus on the movies, with your arms wrapped around your knees.
It was so odd to think weeks had passed, and suddenly, a boy that you had never known before and were scared to know, had become such a phenomenon in your life. A sustainable source of kindness and excitement that came from a boy that didn't even speak full sentences.
He made your heart flutter. As embarssing as it is. Would probably say it was embarssing, if he knew. Not like it was really ever that serious, right?
You two were friends, maybe an odd pair, but at the very least, very good classmates, and at the best, two people that loved to bully each other and talk even when words were a non-possibility.
TOGE: hey btw, you looked great tn.
YOU: lmao i looked like a bum
TOGE: well even if you did, it looked cute
TOGE: anyways, ima going tobed, im sleepy,, night night
was this really all in your head?
YOU: night night, toge :)
TOGE: :)))
It had to be.
The next morning was going to prove difficult for that insanity plea;
TOGE: i have nothing planned for today
YOU: you should be studying 😭
TOGE: nah, i should be hanging out with you
YOU: this is hanging out with me
TOGE: no like, hang out hang out
YOU: where? its too hot outside today
TOGE: in my dorm then?
YOU: with who?
TOGE: with you??
TOGE: At six, you should come hang with me, itll be fun
You swallow as you look down at your phone screen, and take your bottom lip between your teeth. That same feeling was coming back, but not out of any of the reasons before. This felt different. An excited giddiness with freckles of nervousness.
YOU: as long as you got the snacks, i wont miss it
TOGE: ill buy the whole store for you
Ahaha.. so funny right?
Somehow, it was starting to feel like the real joke was how well you were fooling yourself into thinking this was just friendly banter.
You found yourself showering and picking out a comfy outfit, braiding your hair and carefully selecting a perfume. You nearly caught yourself trying to replay the memory of getting dressed the night of the movie-party.
"hey btw, you looked great-"
You wish he could tell you to just stop thinking, would be doing you a huge solid. Especially as you approach his room, which you had found yourself wondering what was on the other side, when the boy stepped out from the door frame.
"Konbu." He waved, with a warm smile. His hair was pushed back from his face a little, and he had a white sleepshirt on, with some baggy grey sweatpants.
"Hi, Toge." You had never really called him by his first name before, and if he thought negatively, the small smile reaching his eyes disobeyed the thought.
He stepped aside and let you take your first look into the room- maybe you had not thought about it so hard, but it somehow made sense.
Band posters on some of the walls, poor taken photos of the second years and first years all together taped there too, an occasional plant dangling off a book shelf or window sill, a dresser, a little worn with character, sits nearby with a tv angled on its edge, towards the bed for easy viewing. A PS4 sits behind it, along with a headset, with the mic turned away from the front.
He has books sitting on his desk, an old fashioned hand-carry radio sits on one of its edges, and it makes for also a side table to his bed, sitting on a metal bedframe with blankets and infamous navy bedsheets.
Its springing with his character, and the smell of a refreshing cologne is in the air- the same type she would catch sometimes lingering as he walked by.
"Its not what I expected."
He walked by her to sit at his spinning desk chair, turning to face her. "Salmon?" He inquires.
"Well yeah, its just your style. With the uniform and your curse, it might not be so obvious to other people who don't know you."
He leaned back in the chair and looked up interestedly at the ceiling. Was that rude to say?
He takes out his phone, and a quick second later, presents the phone screen to you, opened to the notes app.
/i never thought abt it like that/
/well, i mean, i have but im glad you understand it, kinda impressive that you figured it out/
/or im just easily readable/
"That would be a good thing, right?" You leave the phone screen on, but puts it away from your view. "That your friends get to read you, despite everything. That means youve gotten good at what you do.."
Toge's lips quirk to one side as he thinks, and your eyes watch as his marks follow the corners.
He raises his hand to get a wishy-washy motion, and you furrow your brows. When he types, he stops you from picking up your phone aswell, only to present what hes wrote in the text box.
/Well, kinda. no matter what I do to express myself, its kinda hard to be fully understood. i miss out on a huge part of everyday life, even if people understand what idea im trying to get across, its atypical./
/no amount of tone or facial expression can amount to words and their complex meanings. i think i am actually really lucky that my curse does not extend to messages- i think id be screwed./
"I don't think its too different to what people really feel like though." You explain to listening ears. "Most people felt like they aren't totally understood, that people just don't get them totally.. but I understand that, you don't have much of a choice, and we take advantage of what we can do sometimes."
You watch his face change a little to settle on your features more- and you feel yourself being pulled into his attention.
"I think even if your curse had taken away your ability to communicate in ways you do now, youre still worth knowing, Toge. I think everyone agrees."
His eyes soften, and it nearly strikes your heart into a million pieces. His smile too, could he be anymore cute? He wasn't hiding it this time. He shows how much he appreciates your words in the flush of his cheeks and the way his palms meet together.
He lets out a relaxing sigh, and looks away, then his eyes light up to bags sitting by the bedside.
"Sujiko." He urges to look, pointing to the grocery bag, which seems to be loaded with stuff. You walk closer and grab it, then find yourself sitting down quietly on the side of his bed.
The bag is full of snacks and drinks, some previously mentioned in chats, like he had written them all down, and got them for you to see.
"You bought the whole store, huh?" You raised an eyebrow playfully.
A grin and a happy thumbs up in return.
As promised.
You spend the next few hours bambling about his bedroom, looking through all the semi-decent hidden school papers, and letting him explain all the pictures on the wall.
He explained things thoroughly, like each detail was inside of him, kept for safekeeping. His eyes would light up in such appreciation, and it almost felt natural when you were caught in his gaze. Like he could keep you for safekeeping too.
Of course, his PlayStation was clean and ready for use, and by the time you two had gotten the controllers out and opened Ramune bottles, the sunlight was long gone. Outside was quiet, but you two didn't care much as you two sat together, him letting you sit on the bed while he took the floor. Glaringly bright flashes of action splattered against the postered walls, and more than once, your playful nudge with your foot against his arm to mess up caused much whining and laughter alike.
His laughter was like an entirely different language, speaking of his delight. It was not a rarity, but still a treasure. It is infectious and only serves to remind you that he is just a teenager, and he is having so well-deserved fun.
Eventually, Maki knocked against the wall and shouted through muffled barriers "Inumaki, be quiet, I am trying to sleep!" the sound alarmed them both, but only created further snickering.
But, they turned off the game in a half-apology and instead put on some horror flick that was on a student-shared Hulu account, and you both settle down eating gummi worms and flavored popcorn.
Maybe it was being distracted by having such a good time, it takes the calm before the storm of the horror movie to realize Toge and you have gotten really comfortable on his bed, backs against his pillows. They smell like his shampoo.. or maybe you are just close enough to smell it off of him. It's soft, comfortable, and clean, and something new to your senses.
He is warm, you can tell. His body is close enough, legs crossed as they lay straight down on top of the duvet, but his arm supports his head, and is behind you on the pillow. He seems semi-entertained (of course, you had challenged him to watch a horror movie.. but maybe challenging a Jujutsu Sorcerer to not get scared was faulty logic. There were scarier things than makeup and bad wigs.)
You didn't wanna look at your phone- you didn't want to see the time and be guilty for staying so long, you knew it must be close to midnight. Would he tell you that you should go to sleep? Would he bring you back to your dorm and say goodbye at the door?
Ignoring the time for the sake of Toge's soft cologne and sheets? Sounded pretty selfish, although it made your stomach flutter.
"Am I keeping you awake?" It comes out as a whisper, and you lean in closer.
"Bonito flakes." He whispered back swiftly with a head shake no, tearing his eyes from the screen to you. He smiles a little, charmingly, as the flecks of violet in his eyes flash with the TV screen. This was the first time you saw them in all their detail, and it makes your heart skip a beat.
When you both turn away from each other, you can feel his arm shift from his face, and around the pillow you were laying on. It makes you shift inevitably closer.
His shirt bunches towards the side he is lying on, revealing the sliver of skin between the hem and the top of his sweatpants, toned and pale in the soft light. You try not to stare.
It makes you think. Was thing.. flirting?
Was the attraction to the cursed speech user simmering ever since the first message? Since the first time you saw him at the beginning of the school year?
Would anybody blame you? All those times when there was nothing to be scared of when he proved nothing less than just a great friend, kind, playful, selfless, and strong?
You knew that would never change- for as long as he was here and breathing. He wanted everyone to know that's who he was.
Who would blame you, as you let the feeling ride with sliding your hand to the middle of his chest? His white sleepshirt is soft after many rounds of wash, but what is even better is resting your cheek against his shoulder, right at the top where his arm meets, and you can feel his eyes glance at you. It feels like such a relief, although you wonder if this is really normal to be happy about.
"Is this okay?" You whisper.
In response, his hand slips away from the distance on the pillow behind you, and the pads of his fingers rest on your arm, hugging you slightly closer.
"Mhm." He hums in approval quietly, and his fingertips graze your soft skin, up and down slowly. "Salmon."
This tango had endured until the near end of the movie, yet you could barely pay attention to any of the plots because Toge was holding you so securely, and letting you trace circles on the middle of his chest, and the sound of his deep breaths were overtaking your thoughts anyways rather than the fake monster on screen.
You are nearly ready to close your eyes, when you can feel a squeeze on your arm, and when you open your eyes, you can see the same notes app in dark mode, with something written out.
/Are you tired?/
"N-No, not yet." You look at the time at the top of the screen. 12:49 am.
He seems amused by that, raising an eyebrow.
"You're just comfortable." You say as you both totally ignore the last few minutes of the movie. "It's nice being with you."
Toge looks at you like he wants to say something, pursing his lips as he smiles and glances away for a moment.
Is your heart racing? This is the best you've felt in weeks. Why does it feel like your stomach is fluttering?
He presents his notes again, and you honestly wish he could say them himself.
/When we first met, I honestly wouldn't think we would be so close. I am really happy we are. I feel like now is a good time to tell u, since we are alone./
Your cheeks feel like they are burning, and its your turn to look away in feble attempt to hide the flush arising.
"I am happy too." You begin to explain, "You're.. you're fun and kind.. you have always been so nice to me and listen to me snore on about classes and training. You watch all the stupid tiktoks I send you and ask for my opinions. I always feel like you notice everything and youre trustworthy. I can.. only hope that I am half as genuine to you as you are to me."
Toge nods in confirmation. It makes you feel like you're on fire, and the background music with the black credits screen cannot even pull your attention from him.
His chest was rising and falling right below your fingertips, and his face slowly focused on you, the tension feels so good and thick, that you honestly wonder how much longer you will convince yourself that normal friendships feel like this.
He was always honest with you. He deserved it in return, but it might be the most vulnerable you've been in years. He deserved that too- he had never held anything back.
"I think I like you."
The words leave your mouth before you even have a chance to smack yourself into reality. Instead, they sit between the darkness and him.
"More than just being friends."
His grip loosens just a tad, and panic seems to run through your body- he was not interested, you had completely misunderstood the situation.
"I-Im sorry-" You take your hands away and try your best to sit up from practically lying down. You were in a boys room, what were you thinking? You should get some space from him, so he doesn't think you a total freak. "I didn't-"
You can feel a tight bond around your wrist, keeping you right where you sit, and when you whip your head back, his eyes are wide with interest and warmth that you want to melt into a puddle of dumb choices. He opens his mouth, maybe to try to say something, but he considers it over and over again. When he feels sure you wont go, he lets go.
He raises a finger to his eye-
both hands cover the center of his chest, cusping it almost-
Finally, one last finger. Pointed at-
Was he trying to say.. I like you?
Your body relaxes finally, and the urge to run away is still lingering, but you can't honestly say you want to. Not with how his eyes are flattering with some kind of emotion, his arms opening.
You can't hold back any longer. Your arms swiftly move around his neck as you envelop him so closely, and he instantly hugs you back, pulling you so close your lips meet the skin of his neck. He sounds like he is humming, his hands rubbing your back soothingly. You sit an appreciate his scent, the feeling of his skin, his warmth, for just a moment or two longer until he slowly departs from you, searching your face for any further comment.
"That's really.. really good to hear." You sigh out, with a bit of a smile, reaching to rub a weary eye; you realize he has taken your hand in the process.
He offers his own hand, letting it rub the corner were some wetness at resided, before letting the rest of his finger skin around you hairline, then through your strands of hair. He follows each motion, as he tries to comfort you.
Your hand reaches to sit atop his, and although its late and if someone knew you two were here together, not only would it at the very least be a detention and school clean up duty and at the very best, be a rumor the other students would talk about, despite this you honestly didn't care when the perfect boy was sitting right infront of you, with tussled hair and red lips, just like that night during the movie-party.
"I know its late." She started to say, but he quickly took out his phone again. "I won't keep you up anymore."
/you keep me up no matter what./
/atleast here i get to hear your pretty voice and see your face./
"What do you think about.. when you think of me?" You needed to know what he had been thinking of you all this time.
Instead of using his phone, his hands gently present themselves, and touch parts of your body chastely.
His hands travel from your palm, fingers skimming past your veins in a kind of silent poetry-
Your scars.. your freckles, your strength, your sunkissed summertime skin.
Then, he brushes past your shoulder to twirl around with your hair-
your beauty, the way you attract people.
Then up your face to your temple-
Your brain, your mind.
Then your cheeks-
Your flush, your sweet smiles.
Finally, the pad of his thumb grazes against your chin, right below your lower lip.
The way you speak, the way you are.
You can feel the urge in him, radiating off his lidded eyes and hesistant touch, quietly as he landscapes your being.
"You can, yknow." His eyes look up towards your gaze, "If you want too. If you are ready, of course-"
"Please," The words stilled you instantly, yet he continued holding your face more tenderly. They were soft and yet thick. "Kiss me."
The curse enacted on you, and although for a brief flash there was some concern in his face that perhaps it was too soon, quickly was dismissed when he saw you come closer by the help of his hand, and for just a moment held the proximity between your pairs of lips before slowly pressing close, your lips gently against his.
It was chaste and quiet on the outside, but it was like adding more gunpower to an already lit firework, the explosion of emotion surging your veins making you never wanting to leave.
His thumb was caressing the side of your cheek, it was making you dizzy with his attention. It was everything you had hoped for the moment you had even thought of him- to be close in every single way, to know every part of the perfect, strong, peaceful boy that you so clearly saw every day.
It felt like a dream, but at the very least, hoped you would wake up on his chest, with the Playstation off and the soft breathing of your boy in the air.
But instead, youre both here, and he is kissing you like he has won the lottery.
You both smile, until you couldn't tell when the kiss ended, and where the laughter began.
Surely, he was smart and kind and self-less and strong and all those things youd toss about in your mind at night.
But the idea that this may have never happened because you were too shy to say hello to the usually quiet and calm boy, made you feel like the stupidest yet luckiest girl in the world.
Maybe it was you that had won the jackpot, just by giving away a simple yellow post-it note.
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thank you so much for reading! this is only ending one. i have plans for a nsfw verison and an misunderstanding verison. please let me know if any of yall are interested!
see you later pookies!
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revehae · 5 months
i’m not asking you to write for wonbin but if you ever do js know i wiillllll be there !
yall have finally did it yall have won yall have Cracked me i hope youre happy bc i kinda am… i had this idea before he cut his hair now im feeling like that one harry styles fan tweet and i don’t even stan fr
warnings: drug use, addiction, is this dubcon idk
wc. 670
dealer!wonbin x (f) rich!reader.
wonbin knew you wouldn’t turn down his offer. not in the state that you were in, moody and tense as ever. the girl he’d seen around here and there at parties hadn’t come back around, not since he’d first seen her bump a line or two, and she’d been replaced by you.
what you had become over the months, at least.
not that wonbin would have it any other way. he liked having you kind of dependent on him, knowing he was the first person crossing your mind when you needed a fix. but the brief interactions, meeting you at a party or somewhere shady at night, your car window rolling up as quickly as it had gone down, weren’t enough anymore.
“no?” you repeated, like the entitled, spoiled rich girl you really were deep down. wonbin had to give you credit, you cloaked it well, but when you were desperate, you showed your true colors. “what do you mean no?”
wonbin grinned playfully, in a way that he knew would aggravate you. “i mean, i set everything aside for my buddy, and i don’t have enough for you right now.”
you rubbed your nose and ran a finger through your hair, exhaling exasperatedly. “well, tell him to wait. i need it more than he does! is he paying you? i’ll pay you twice as much!”
there you went, offering him your pocket money, throwing it away like it was nothing just for a second of your high. but wonbin didn’t need your money. selling cocaine to recklessly needy addicts like yourself was a very lucrative business.
he shook his head. “sorry, that’s not gonna cut it. but i thought of something better.”
you were in the middle of losing what was left of your mind when wonbin said that and your eyes immediately snapped back to him, fixed to him before he could even get the words completely out.
“i’ll give you two grams if you let me fuck you,” wonbin said casually, a wild grin tugging at his lips. “six grams if you let me do it raw.”
you were a little reluctant at first, but wonbin wasn’t surprised when you finally caved, thinking to himself, that was too damn easy.
because he was nice, wonbin let you snort a line before he touched you, but he was on top of you not a second later. in spite of that, he didn’t move like he was in any particular hurry, snaking a hand up your shirt and pressing his lips against your lips. then your neck, your collarbone, your belly. almost affectionately, almost.
it started to work you up quickly, and you even got annoyed, tugging at his hair, but wonbin didn’t care. matter of fact, he could feel his body getting hotter, burning a thousand degrees. he wanted to savor every second of you, every touch of you, every smell of you.
wonbin really liked the smell of you. the sweet scent helped masked the madness underneath when you were like this. he leaned in to sniff your hair, your neck, your clothes, your hands.
it made his dick twitch in his pants and he couldn’t control himself anymore, yanking it free so that he could steer himself between your open, inviting legs, moaning shakily and blowing his hair out of his eyes as he pushed into you. 
knowing that only a few months ago, your dignity would have never let you consent to something like this, wonbin almost felt bad. he may have sold the drugs, but he never touched them otherwise. too many people he had seen wind up like you, selling themselves out for a moment of ecstasy.
but he wasn’t so different. your cunt squeezed and throttled the life out of his cock. sweat was the reason your body clung to his. you were muttering his name, dragging red lines down his back with your fingernails. and for the time being, there was nothing wonbin wouldn’t do for his moment of ecstasy.
166 notes · View notes
shysuccubusstuff · 6 months
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itto's special days:
Content: Female reader (so female anatomy), size kink, heat, breeding kink.
Note: I'm still trying to learn how to write more gender neutral stuff but I always end up making it so difficult to imagine any other thing :(( I'm sorry for those that do not read this type of content! This is kinda messy, so any suggestions are abs valid! This is not revised so there may be grammar issues or simiar stuff :(
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Itto is always so naive and innocent that it is no surprise that when you finally get enough courage to ask him out, he doesn't even think about it, quickly saying yes to your confession despite the surprised looks of the gang.
The first days are just the same as before you and him were partners, running around Inazuma having fun while avoiding that Itto got in trouble in any type of way. At first it was fun, at least you didn't have to endure that ankward phase during the first period of time when the couple has recently begin, but you desired for both of you to get some alone time, so you finally decided to talk it with the rest of the gang (except itto), they all quickly agreed, even apologizing for not being able to read the room, so they decided to give you a few days for you to spend time with him.
The next morning you woke up, losing no time to get to itto's home, he was still slept when you arrived, so you entered, he was still laying in bed, sheets tangled around his legs and body, mouth slightly open and messy hair pointing all directions. You let a small laugh out, he looked so cute and goofy at the same time, as if he had heared you, his body suddenly moved, the sheets allowing you to see his whole chest exposed, his muscles flexing as he moved, why was it getting kind of...perverted?
You decided to leave him be, going to buy a few ingredients to make him something to eat as some kind of loving act, but when you arrived everything went downhill...
Itto was in his bed still, but now he was completely awaken, body sweating buckets, hair sticking to his body, the sheets were laying on the floor and itto kept on moving in his bed, you quickly left the ingredients and sat close to him, putting your hands on his forehead, his temperature was so high that it was almost scary.
"Hey Itto, are you ok?" You asked, your voice a little shacky from the tense moment, he slowly turned, eyes foggy and dilatated pupils.
"Hey... oh uhm... yeah, just kinda... sick? I think I caugh something last night after throwing myself into the sea... not a good idea, I should have listened to you all" He chuckled a little, trying to turn around in the bed, the sheets were still tangled around his body, so he was unable to completely move. You got close to him, helping him to move around and acommodating the sheets so he had no trouble moving. He smiled softly, not talking as much as he did the rest of days.
"Compadre, you should not come here, it would be real bad if you got sick you know? I'm a strong oni, so of course I have no issue with some little cold--" Just as he said that, he almost faded, eyes completely unfocused and a lost expression.
"Itto, you're definitly not good by yourself, just wait a moment, I'll go buy some medicine!" You were about to leave the room, but he quickly grabbed you, his hand feeling extremely hot, his grip was strong, but he quickly weakened it as soon as he realized how much pressure he had made on your small wrist (at least compared to her big hand).
"Could you...stay with me? I mean, I think I'm feeling a lil' better since you came..." Itto's eyes looked almost like the ones of a puppy, big and teary eyes, you were perhaps way too enchanted with him to realize how Itto's marks (the ones that surrounded all of his body) were starting to get... larger? Their colour was changing to a darker tone of red, even his horns were a little bigger than usual. You allowed him to push you closer to him, perhaps way too close for what you were used to be. He let you stay there, maybe too far from him as he would like, but he was not as sick as to not realize how tense you were. So he tried to hide it, his raging erection hurting a little under the sheets, almost making him cry everytime his member made any type of contact against the fabric. He tried to hard to control himself, you had started to go out not long time ago, so of course he couldn't just jump on top of you, taking you right there and now! That was until you decided to get (way too) close to him, your hand caressing his forehead, your other hand supporting yourself on his chest, the clothes that you were wearing allowed him to catch a small glimpse of your chest, his mind getting even more foggy just from imagining how he wanted to take you from the hips and kiss that beautiful skin that was making him lose the little sanity he had left. So he just did, he suddenly moved, his big hands surrounding your hips, he took your whole body as if you were made of the lightest material and put you on top of him, his erection pushing against your butt, his hand running against your clothing.
"Hey... I'm so sorry baby, I... I think my uh... my oni nature is kind of awaking?... Grandma told me a little about it but I never paid too much attention cause... you know, I'm the great Itto, of course I was not going to fall for some dumb inherent thing, you know?... My...my mind is so dizzy right now, it's just like that time when the gang tried to celebrate by drinking so much sake..." He tried to speak, his words sometimes mumbled rather than spoken. You tried to pay attention to his words, you really tried, but the feeling of both his member against your lower half and how there was a lingering sweet smell surrounding the air made it so difficult, you were also starting to feel light-headed.
"Do you...do you think you can help me, baby? Please...I'll promise I'll control it better next time, but my...thing is hurting so bad, will you help me please? Pretty please, I'm sure your cute little womb can help me, yeah?" His fangs were bigger, somehow resembling more the ones that onis tended to have in paintings. You silently nodded, your body was in flames and your head was not that able to make cohesive sentences. Just as soon as he saw you nod, he quickly got on top of you, uncovering his completely naked body, his muscles were shiny from the sweat that was running down his whole body, he lost no time, his hands pulling from your clothes and somehow breaking all the clothes that were getting in the way of what he wanted so badly. There you were, under him, your body was completely naked, you tried to hide it a little, kind of ashamed as it was the first time that he had seen you completely naked, but he quickly took your hands, putting each on the sides of your head and kissing your lips, you were able to feel his raging erection on your stomach.
"I'm sorry... I don't think I'll be able to keep it any longer, but I promise it won't hurt, the oni heat is able to cause some kind of fake heat on normal humans..." Despite the whole situation, Itto was still as innocent as always, always caring about the people he loved and trying to avoid hurting them as much as possible. He positioned his length and slowly inserted, letting a deep groan when he finally put his whole thing inside of you, he was making you feel stuffed, almost making you cry from the overstimulation.
Without losing any more time, he took your body, letting your legs be wrapped around his torso and moving his hips as if he was only able to chase his own release, the whole bedroom was surrounded with dirty sounds, from moans to slaps that formed from the contact of your bodies. Your slick allowed him to move as fast as he wanted, his hands still intertwined with yours, his mind was completly lost at that point, only being able to hear small beggings and pleas from him "Baby... i love you so much... i love you i love you... let me fill you up... let me get that pretty pussy filled with my seed... i'll be such a good father... god, you're taking me so good... i'm sorry i'm sorry... i'm being so rough with you... but I don't think I would be able to stop even if I wanted..." You were able to feel how his member started to twitch, so you knew he was close to releasing himself, he suddenly moved you, he was still on top of you but you were somehow able to see his whole chest and face on top of you, your brain had turned into mush by the moment you were able to hear Itto babble something "Gonna cum, gonna make you a mommy... God you're so pretty... so pretty baby..." Just as soon as you felt his seed filling your womb, he kissed your neck, leaving bitting marks all over it and then kissing your lips, your body becoming limp as soon as he filled you, almost feeling as if your tummy had also been filled.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, he took you in between his arms, your bodies still sticky from all the "exercise" you both had done. "I uh...kinda went overboard there... I swear that as soon as I gain some strength in my legs i'll go running to get you something... I'm sorry for being so rough baby... My mind kind of... blacked out?" He peppered some kisses all over your face, cleaning some of the salive that fell from your lips during the whole thing. He put you on top of his chest, being able to hear his rapid heartbeat against your ear, making you quickly doze off.
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sstan-hoe · 6 months
𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — (kinda) modern!aemond targaryen × fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — well let's just say I was in a mood and would very much like to try something new...
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — squirting, smut obviously, oral (f receiving), p in v, dirty talk
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — am I back? maybe...I have finals and I feel so stressed, but I hope I can be back in May!
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„Aemond! Stop, oh god!“ Aemond draws hard circles over your clit, a shit eating grin painting his face. He had tried for the past two months to get you to squirt and right now he was the closest he’d ever been.
You had nothing against it, even being your idea but right now a weird feeling bubbled in your stomach which you’d never felt before.
Aemond said it had to be like this, you would get a feelings as if a knot was being tied inside you. The knot would get tighter with every passing second, until it finally exploded.
You couldn't pin point the feeling, was it good, was it bad?
Good, amazing, like a relief. As Aemond continued his work he pushed the right button and answered your worries.
Your husband grinned at you as you covered his face with your juice. “You fucking bastard,” you breathed out as you fell back into the pillows. “Bastard? I just gave you one of the best orgasms of your life,” Aemond told you proudly, his ego growing.
When you first brought up the idea squirting, you would have never been able to imagine how wonderful it would make feel.
Still he was a little shit who cheated. “You ready for another?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows with a seductive smirk. “Sorry, but I don’t have to pee again which means you can’t cheat, and we know how the last few times went…,” you trailed off as your eyes moved to the sheets.
Aemond was offended and suddenly grabbed you by your ankles to pull you down further on the bed. A surprised gasp fell from your lips at his actions.
He grasps your hips and shoves himself deep inside, not giving you any chance to adjust to his size — like he did so often. Aemond pulls back and thrusts in enough to move you several inches up the sheets.
The feeling you have felt not too long ago was building up again like a thread that was threatening to be cut with a knife. A snap, a cut, the right angle to the right spot was all it took for your waters to break once more.
Your man couldn’t be any happier as he grinned from ear to ear. Proud of himself that he made you cum and squirt without ‘cheating’.
“Call me a cheater once more, I dare you,” he whispered as his thrusts slowed down. “And get that outcome again?” You cocked a brow at him, receiving a chuckle from him.
“You know I haven’t cum yet…,” he lowly trailed of.
Your eyes widened in shock, “I’m not gonna make you squirt,” you said with raised hands. Aemons shook his head in response, “no my love, that’s not what I meant.”
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secretagentsociety · 2 years
loves makes people crazy
yandere dragon X madly in love reader
Here's another idea,a yandere dragon like all powerful and scary the villager is scared of him,the king is scared of him,the Wizards and pretty much everyone and their grandmother is scared of him but then there's you,you different breed of a human decides to see him for the first time and say "yes that's my hubby" and the rest is history
• people often called you crazy, dilusional and others not so nice insults for being still not being married despite hitting the big 2 0 that and also rejecting the local lords and basically anyone who tries to court you
• now just because people say it doesn't mean you HAVE to follow it yk?oh but you did you played their little fantasy of you being crazy so perfectly people were honestly scared for your mental well being,why?you may ask
• well it's because when khum first arrived at the village (I say first but it's really his 100th time terrorising the village) you decide to whisper something that some people might have heard "he's perfect" you said eyes filled with hearts watching him scaring the sht out of the locals
• honestly you're staring so much he could feel you boring holes into his head,curious he looked around for whoever it is that dared to stare at him for so long and BAM! He saw you,at first he thought you're staring at him in contempt or anger maybe both but then you sigh lovingly and waved at him a fools smile placed upon your face
• he had to look around and points at himself just to made sure he even mouthed "m-me? you're talking to me?!" But you blowing him a kiss and winking made it pretty clear it was him,well let's say after that he couldn't help but think about you "what an odd human" he thought
• "oh my god haven't you heard?! The dragons visit has been so frequent lately our village can't keep affording the rebuilding cost!" One of the villagers said,you aren't paying attention but just hearing him coming back more and more made your heart flutter "I know it's a blessing" you sighed melting into the seat as you remembered the first time he talks to you
•well it happened,khum stood Infront of you folding his hand,what is his plans anyway?kidnapping a human all of a sudden,a weird one at that,"human,do you have a name?" He said
• "you can call me yours,and I'll call you mine" you said "how about the name....treasure?no too basic maybe clove?nah um.....oh darling?" he said tilting his head,khum never thought one day he'd witness a human visibly explode and faint but here we was
• it was a rocky start to the relationship,well...rocky as in everything was so perfect it's scary, here's the recap,on day five of your kidnappings you've opened up to how the villagers had been treating you(not that it's hard to make you open up,all he had to do was give you food and call you pet names while stroking your head and bam! you're dumping your entire trauma onto him) and oh boy was he not happy
• now despite everything he's still a classy dragon,he ofcourse had hoarse of treasure but he also had a pretty nice castle he may or may not seize from a royal you don't have to know that tho so moving on,and with a huge castle come servants and with those come soldiers who needs to maintain security,not that he needs any but you know he likes to have thing's completed and that including the castles needs
• now when his subordinates first saw you absolutely gushing on how cute he was they were absolutely shocked,because one he literally look like a demon ripping out people's heart and two this isn't some flower field it's a grusome battle scene yet you couldn't help but blush when his shirt got torn off,you even closed your eyes to savor the moment after a while
• khum really can't understand your fixation on him,is it like his love for you?but even then he acknowledges your weird behaviour but you literally looked at him as if he was a god,not that he minds,he gotta admit that day he kinda wore a shirt that's a couple of size down so when he does some movements that needs intents flexibility his shirt would rip off in some cool cinematic style,it worked,it worked too well
• so apparently his stamina had their limits he'd come to know it last Night after the battle,oh but the details won't be necessary,oh but don't be fooled if he were to actually try you'd be the one to pass out
• now is he dilusional?nope he knows full well that it's not healthy but does he care?nope he's a powerful dragon,are you dilusional?maybe?...idk...probably....yes?.... Well he is cute so I'll give you that
• he is possesive, but it's really hard to show possesive when the person he loved won't look at other people,you will talk to people normally but once he entered your line of sight the other people can forget ever having a conversation with you
• now for the big question does this technically make you a yandere? maybe..yes.
•i feel the need to say he is 100% taller than you, I'm sorry but it's just the rules 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
• yes he has two pp lets move on now
• he had a way of marking you so other beasts knows to back the fuck off it's called biting,the first night you ever discover the chamber of secrets together(wink wink nudge nudge)he bit down on your neck,it leaves a pretty little flower mark that's imbued with his power it's very very very tiny teeny I cannot stress enough how tiny it is so it's safe
• now if you EVER even say someone else is cute then oh boi oh my,now I have established that he is jealous have I?,no?well too bad because he is,and his jealousy doesn't play nice,he will rip out the heart and torture the person over and over and over each time reviving them again and again and put a curse of Resurrection on them only to leave them in a forest of ravaging beasts that has lost their minds to be feasted upon and tortured until he sees them having suffered enough. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ Moral of the story? don't just don't say anyone is cute (yes not even babies) (he won't like k.o them but he will like curse them or sum sht )
on that note good night people
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dilf-din · 1 year
Come to Bed (Din Djarin x reader)
WC: 1450
Rating: T
Warnings: kinda graphic descriptions of injuries?? wound care and mention of a needle, language, idiots in love who don’t know it, THERE’S ONLY ONE BED bc this takes place on the beloved Razor Crest (may she rest in peace) tons of fluff, enjoy besties!!
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The sound of the ramp lowering jostled you out of your near sleep. You had curled up in the pilot’s seat wrapped in a blanket waiting for Din to return. The sun had sank long ago, meaning Grogu had been out like a light in his hammock for hours now. You lost track of time watching the stars creep across the sky wondering what pictures and stories this planet’s inhabitants had found in them, the myths they told to their children about the beings who made their home in the night sky.
You stretched your stiff legs and made your way down the ladder with the blanket over your shoulders to see if Din needed any help with his bounty. You turned to see him struggling up the ramp, blood trailing from both him and the body he had tied up. You dropped the blanket and ran to him.
“Get inside, I’ll take care of this,” you instructed.
“I can—“
“Get. In. Side.” you repeated with a glare.
Din limped into the cargo hold and let his weight drop onto a crate near the entrance. You grabbed the quarry and lifted it into the carbonite chamber with ease, shoving it in with your shoulder and turning the controls to freeze him. The body was much bigger than you, but adrenaline had taken over, you wanted to get to Din.
You rushed past him to grab the med kit and cauterizer, taking a deep breath to steady yourself before returning to his side.
“What happened?” you asked looking him over to find the source of the blood.
“Knives were his choice of weapon,” he said through gritted teeth.
His flight suit was in tatters on his abdomen revealing a series of smaller cuts and a lengthy one along his ribs. His right thigh was gushing blood from what appeared to be a deeper wound.
“Maker,” you almost whispered. Your hands went to his boots. “May I?”
He nodded and you made quick work of unbuckling his boots and shin guards and pulling them off his feet. You reached for what remained of his pants giving him the same look as before, asking his permission. He nodded, knowing he had no other choice. He lifted himself up for you to carefully shimmy them down his thighs and get a better look.
“How long ago did this happen?” you grimaced as you tried to clean the perimeter of the wound of any dirt and loose threads. You weren’t thinking about the fact that he was basically sitting in front of you in his underclothes, but he certainly was.
He swallowed thickly, “A couple hours at least.”
You stopped to look up at him, “You’ve been walking around like this for hours? You’ve probably lost so much blood,” you said with a fresh urgency.
“I wanted,” he groaned, “To get home to you. I had been away far too long as it was.”
He would choose now of all times to say something sentimental, but your hands and your mind were in autopilot as you prepared the bacta shot.
“Jare,” you cursed under your breath, no idea at the smile resting on his lips at hearing you speak his native tongue. His hand found your face and tilted your chin up to face him.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” you said taking advantage of him being distracted and injecting him with the bacta.
“Kriff,” he grunted as you pulled the needle out.
You reached for some gauze and clean bandages to wrap around the already healing wound. He breathed a sigh of relief as the cooling rush flowed through his body. You tightly wrapped his thigh, hands holding it gently. You rested your cheek against the inside of his knee and allowed yourself an exhale before rising to focus on his other cuts.
He wanted so badly to hold your head there, take off his gloves and run his fingers through your hair. You moved on from that moment much too quickly for his liking.
You sighed taking in the state of his shirt, “May I?”
“Have at it,” he replied with a smile still plastered to his face. This was one the rare moments he was thankful for his helmet.
You took the scissors for the guaze and cut his shirt from hem to neckline so you could open it up. He feared you would be able to see how fast his heart was beating from that close. You peeled it towards his shoulders and let it hang off his body so you could fully see the damage. You dabbed some bacta on the smaller cuts, tracing a finger over a nasty purple bruise that must have set in on his walk home. Maker, it’s like you were trying to kill him while patching him up.
You drew your attention to the last remaining gash. “I should be able to cauterize this one. It’ll be a nice scar to add to your collection.”
He huffed out a laugh and you smiled reaching for the cauterizer. “It shouldn’t hurt too much with the bacta setting in, but let me know if you need a break.”
“Go ahead, cyar’ika,” he said smoothly. You flashed your eyes to him at the nickname and flicked on the small tool. His hand found your shoulder and squeezed it at the initial touch. “Sorry,” he grunted out.”
“It’s okay Din, I know it hurts,” you said working as fast as you could. “There,” you said switching it back off and running a clean rag over the newly closed wound, “All done.”
“Shower, I’ll set some clean clothes out for you, then I want you to rest,” you said picking up scraps of bloodied fabric and gauze.
“Yes ma’am,” he said almost reverently. As much as he hated feeling weak, he loved being cared for. You tended to be fairly laid back, this commanding side of you only came out when shit hit the proverbial fan. “I like it when you’re bossy.”
You wound up what was left of his pants and whipped them at him, “Hurry up before I send you to your room,” you joked, heading to wash your hands and put the med kit back up.
Din showered quickly, scrubbing off days of blood and grime under the warm stream of water. The bacta was in full effect making his eyes and body feel heavy. He quickly dried and struggled to pull on the clean pants and shirt you had laid out for him. He tried to shake as much water from his hair as he could before putting his helmet back on and opening the ‘fresher door. He looked down to see you curled up in the same blanket as earlier, resting against the wall by the door.
You startled awake again hearing the door slide shut. He cocked his helmet to the side as if to ask what you were doing there. “I wanted to be here in case you fell or something,” you mumbled sleepily, hand over your mouth as a yawn came out.
“You look like you haven’t slept in days,” he remarked.
“I haven’t. It’s hard to sleep when you’re gone.”
His heart ached at your confession.
“I don’t sleep well when I’m away either,” he said softly, sinking on the ground next to you. “I like knowing you’re near. But it gives me a reason to come home.”
“You have to be alive to make it home,” you smiled, leaning your head against his shoulder. The warmth of the blanket and the smell of his soap lulling you to sleep once again. “Foolish man,” you murmured.
He chuckled and offered you a hand, “Come to bed, cyar’ika.”
“No no, you take the bed tonight,” you protested.
“I am,” he said slowly, “And you can too, if you’d like.”
You were too tired to think of the implications, what it would mean in the morning, you were just glad to have him home. He offered his hand again and you helped each other up shuffling into the small sleeping nook. He tried to stop himself from thinking about the way you folded into him, like the curve of his body had been hewn out just for you. All the rough and jagged pieces of him smoothed down to make space for your softness. He fought it for as long as he could, trying to memorize the pattern of your breaths, the small noise you made as you were getting comfortable, but the bacta mixed with the weight of his journey soon caused his eyes to drift shut. For the first time in many years, he slept soundly, and so did you.
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Mando’a translations
Jare: someone taking a foolish risk
Cyar’ika: sweetheart
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
Collab time guys 💅💅💅
I have problems I will ADMIT but so does Lime and Fae so me and Fae are doing a collab and it’s like, my first I’m so excited
I’m posting the hcs and Fae’s posting the fic soon so make sure to check out @imm0rtalken
cough cough btw this is plus sized reader but it’s not mentioned too much rn cough cough
Pervy Butters collab
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• Butters is so the type to eat you out while he’s thrusting up all cutely and like, humping the air and cumming without touching himself because he gets off on getting you off. He’s someone who’s def more focused on your pleasure than his own
• You’re gonna question me but when he’s eating you out when you’re on your back he’s gonna have a pillow under his hips that he humps while he eats you out
• He’s not only a panty sniffer but he’s a panty stealer too 💅💅💅💅 HE FR HAS A SHRINE IN HIS CLOSET WHERE HE KEEPS THE PANTIES OF YOURS THAT HE’S STOLEN!!
• He has a super small collection of your panties and shirts that you’re never gonna see like, ever again. Ofc there’s a few that he’ll return because he feels really bad about them but I can guarantee you they’ve been covered in his cum and washed before they’re returned to your dresser
• There may or may not be some mysterious and very faint stains on them but you won’t question it, it probably just got like that in the wash… it was cum stains that wouldn’t quite wash out
• Butters was soooooo nervous about stealing them too because it’s at least the 2nd thing he’s ever stolen, the first being your shirts
• Like I said before, mans is literally obsessed with you and he doesn’t exactly know how to handle it. He uses your shirts as pillowcases (tell me he don’t have a shit ton of pillows) because it smells like you and he literally loves it cough cough he buries his head into those pillows and inhales your scent like there’s no fucking tomorrow cough cough
•He may or may have not went into your room to fuck with your curtains so you can’t close them and so he has like, constant access to your room. He just wants to look at your pretty face, what can I say 🤷‍♀️
• He totally asks Kenny about it though and he’s always kinda asking him for tips on how to handle things and stuff. He’s always going on asking what to do if he’s obsessed and how to ask them out ya know? Kenny’s his wingman fr
• Butters even admits to him that he’s stolen some of your stuff and Kenny’s just like “oh yeah I’ve stolen some chicks panties before, maaaaan that was a good night” and it gives Butters the idea to start stealing your panties
• Both Cartman and Kenny have walked in on Butters with his shrine, he probs isn’t sniffing them at the time but just looking at them with this like, almost twinkle in his eyes? Bros waaaay too sloppy it’s like he wants to get caught 🙄
• Kenny’s reaction is more excited Tbh, he’s like “dude who’s are those?! WHERE’D YOU GET THEM AND I CAN HAVE-“ . He’s fr too excited for it and he’s kinda proud of his friend?
• Cartman’s kinda weirded out by it and asking honestly too many questions. He’s like “why tf are you holding panties?? ARE THEY YOURS OR SOMETHING YOU’RE A PERV LIKE THAT???”
• Anywaysssssss
• Butters literally loves eating you out and he adores having you sit on his face, he’s definitely gripping your thighs to keep you on his face while he eats you out because he doesn’t wanna stop
• I dunno, it just feels right ya know?? Scrawny love stuck, completely obsessed Butters buried between your thighs as he grips onto them begging you to let him give you another orgasm while he’s literally been cumming completely untouched because he just loves you that much
• He overstims the absolute fuck out of you because he gets sooooooo into it and would def live under you, eating you out for hours if you let him
• Butters would totally beg you to sit on his face and for you to cum on his tongue because he loves the taste of you
• “Please darling? Just one more time on my face? I promise I’ll be good for you”
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captn-trex · 1 month
a tricky situation
Kix x F!Reader
word count: 2.8k
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description: you're used to the antics of the 501st as a mechanic aboard the Resolute, but one clone takes it too far. when pulling one of his typical pranks on you, kix does something you never expected.
warnings: angst, swearing, miscommunication, kinda enemies to lovers I suppose, blood & injury but not in detail, not really proof-read
a/n: I maintain that Kix is a massive tease, but also a massive softie so... here's this. feel free to tell me my characterisation is wrong, I'll probably agree with you
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You were grumbling to yourself once again.
It was something you found yourself doing too often, and you worried that soon enough your colleagues would stage an intervention and send you to get psychologically evaluated. You weren’t actually going crazy, but sometimes it felt like it.
Being a mechanic that worked aboard the Resolute, you frequently found yourself at the mercy of the clones of the 501st. Everyday, there was some new trick, some prank they were pulling. Today, it was the classic hiding your tools that they did at least twice a week, sometimes even twice a day. It was the first of the day, but it still had you ready to pull your hair out.
There was very few of them that actually let you get on with your job, and they were unquestionably your favourites. Though, that only amounted to being Captain Rex and Dogma. The rest, were positively menaces.
You had already searched through their barracks, unapologetically waking a few clones up, you had been to the engine room, the control centre, and through every side room you could possibly find, and you still hadn’t found them. You could use the ones belonging to the other mechanics, but it was late at night, and there wasn’t anyone else working. You stood in the middle of a corridor with your head in your hands.
Where haven’t I checked?
It then occurred to you who would’ve played this stupid prank on you, someone who would also be up this late at night, and you ground your jaw. Kix. You stalked off to the medbay, and if anyone had walked past you, they would have seen the steam coming out of your ears.
There was something particularly irritating about the clone medic, something you couldn’t put your finger on that made him be able to get under your skin like no other. He didn’t even try as hard as his brothers, but every single conversation with him felt like a game, an infuriating dance of taunting and tormenting. It didn’t help that you found him to be the most handsome among his brothers. Perhaps that was the reason you found him so annoying, but you weren’t going to analyse that right now.
You kicked the door to the medbay open with one swift motion and stormed inside, a surprised look on the face of the one you were after.
“Kix, so help me maker, I will shoot you if you don’t give me them back now” You growled at him, and he stood, setting down the datapad he held on one of the cots.
“My dear, I have no idea what you are on about” He said, a small taunting smile gracing his lips.
You clenched and flexed your hands at your sides, “Kix, this isn’t funny, I’m on a deadline with this one. Give them back”
The medic came to stand in front of you and placed his hands on your shoulders, running them down to your biceps. If it wasn’t him that had made you so angry, you may have even enjoyed it.
“Give what back?” He asked plainly, and you shook your head, your teeth grinding together so hard you were positive they would break. Kix could see the flame of anger in your eyes that he so loved. Winding you up was certainly his favourite pastime.
“You know what. I need my tools”
“Why would your tools be here?” He asked, cocking his head to the side, then came in closer, “You do know this is the medbay, right?”
You rolled your eyes so fast they could have rolled out of their very sockets. You ripped your arms from his grasp, and stormed around the room, turning over every single thing and huffing to yourself when you didn’t find anything. Kix watched you with utmost amusement. He would have to tidy up after you, but it was almost worth it to see you so worked up. Almost.
“Alright, alright. Relax. They’re in the closet” He called, and you rushed to the door that he was pointing at.
You switched on the light, which afforded little more visibility, but you saw your toolbox sat on the floor just by the door. You picked it up as you heard the door slide closed, and turned to see that Kix had closed you in with him.
“Get out of my way” You huffed, giving him your best withering look.
“What? No thank you?” He grinned. That damn beautiful smile of his.
“Thank you? You must be joking”
“I helped you find your tools, I think I deserve a little something” He reasoned, and you let out a disbelieving laugh.
“And what, pray tell, do you think you deserve?”
“I was thinking something along the lines of… a kiss?” He suggested.
All of your insides constricted as the word left his lips, and you were frozen on the spot.
“What?” You almost whispered out, eyes still burning with some form of rage.
Kix smirked, “You see, I know you think you’re pretty slick, but I see you looking at me when you think I’m not paying attention-”
“I do not!”
You do.
“- and I know the reason you pretend to hate me so much is because otherwise you’d just be falling at my feet-”
“I hate you so much because you do things like this!” You argued, holding up your recently stolen toolkit.
“Is that right?”
It was then that you realised that you were only a hairbreadth from his face, your nose almost touching his. You breathed heavily, not daring to utter even one word for fear of losing your composure in an entirely different way. Your eyes burned into his with an intensity that you couldn’t control, and his infuriating smirk only made it worse. After a moment, his mouth uncurled from the taunting expression, looking at you only with interest and nothing else.
Your eyes fell to his lips, and he leaned ever so slightly forwards, brushing his nose against yours gently. Your eyes fluttered shut on instinct, and you breathed out shakily. Your mind was screaming out and silent at the same time, it couldn’t make sense of what was happening, and your heart took precedent, giving into whatever it was.
Kix then brought his lips to your ear, brushing back a piece of hair behind it with his hand.
You were immediately snapped from your trance and recoiled, a look of absolute shock plastered across your features. Kix just watched you with his knowing smirk, and your anger flared once again, but this time, it was underpinned by an emotion he wouldn’t have expected. Hurt.
“You’re a cruel man Kix” You seethed out as you shoved him aside, opening the door and storming out of the medbay.
He watched you go, his insides twisting with guilt. He had only meant to tease you, but he had taken it too far, and now you were actually upset. You were usually too mad at him to ever let any other emotions slip through the cracks, but now he realised that maybe he had just never pushed you to a breaking point before. He was foolish to think that you didn’t have a limit.
You fought to keep tears from spilling from your eyes as you finished your work that evening. You were so frustrated with yourself for letting your guard slip, and even more for reacting this way to what was really a stupid prank, and nothing else. It hadn’t occurred to you before that your attraction to Kix was anything more than that, but now that he had truly embarrassed you, you realised it was more deep-set than that.
You actually liked him, he was right, and he used it just to trick you.
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“Hey, I need to talk to you” You heard a voice, his voice, call out as you were slid under a gunship the next day, your arms elbow deep in wires and grease.
“I have no interest in talking to you” You stated plainly, all emotion stripped from your voice.
Kix’s heart clenched at the sound of it.
“Please” He said your name in such a pleading tone, “I need you to know I-”
“Just can it Kix, I don’t want to hear it” You slid from underneath the gunship and looked up at him sternly.
He didn’t intend for this at all. In truth, it was him that really wanted to kiss you. While it was true, he had caught you looking at him sometimes, he had no reason to believe that it was because you liked him, and he only really said it to hopefully push you to a confession. Every time he had wound you up, it was just an excuse to see you react to him, to grab your undivided attention. It was a cowardly approach, making you confess before he did, but now he may never even get the chance if you wouldn’t let him.
“You don’t understand, I-”
“I understand just fine, you used my feelings as fodder for another prank, how surprising” You rolled your eyes, “Leave me alone from now on, if it’s not too tempting to try and embarrass me again”
Kix was floundering for the right thing to say, “It wasn’t a pr-”
“Fuck off Kix, can you not hear me?” You almost shouted, gaining the attention of a few of the nearby clones.
His amber eyes burned into yours. You could see he was sorry, but you’d rather let him feel guilty for what he did than accept any apology he could offer. As you stared each other down with an intensity to rival the previous night, you could feel your emotions getting the better of you.
“Just go away” You said quietly, sliding back underneath the gunship without another word.
You could see Kix hesitate, but you watched him ultimately decide to leave you alone, and walk away. You sighed, feeling your eyes well up with frustration. You were embarrassed all over again.
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It had been a week since what the other mechanics were just calling ‘the incident’. They had no idea why you had shouted at the clone, and you wouldn’t tell them, but that didn’t stop them teasing you about it. A silver lining about the whole ‘incident’ was that the clones had started leaving you alone, and your tools had not been stolen once. It was certainly peaceful, and you were reluctant to admit that life now felt boring, for fear that the clones would all suddenly come out of the woodworks with the worst prank of them all. Not that they could top the one already pulled by their medic.
You hadn’t even seen Kix since said ‘incident’, but your head was still maddeningly filled by him. The most maddening fact of all being that it wasn’t your argument that was stuck in your head, it was the way he looked at you as he pretended he was going to kiss you. It had felt so real, so sincere, and as it kept replaying in your head you found yourself wishing to go back in time and just kiss him.
But that would do no good, it was still a prank at the end of the day.
You were working under a ship, your hands buried in wires and a tool between your teeth. You heard someone call out for you and sat up, whacking your head on the underside of the ship in the process, the tool falling from your mouth as you shouted out in pain. You vaguely heard the person shout something along the lines of ‘nevermind, got it’ and cursed them for speaking in the first place. You brought your hand up to your head and felt small trickle of blood, or was it grease?
Then there you were, grumbling to yourself once again.
You stormed off to the medbay reluctantly, but this time you had no intention of speaking with Kix. You opened the door forcefully with your shoulder and made a beeline for the nearest cot, rifling through the draws next to it for a bandage or anything else.
“What are you-” Kix had watched you come in, and was utterly perplexed by your actions until he saw the mix of grease and blood trickling down your forehead. “What happened?” He asked, coming over to inspect the wound.
You just stayed silent.
He said your name gently, drawing your attention and you glanced at him briefly, “What does it look like? I hit my head” You said, finally finding a small bacta patch in the draw. You took it and peeled off the back, sitting down to apply it.
“Woah” Kix reached forwards and took your wrist before you could place it down, “Let me clean that for you first”
You grabbed your wrist back, “I don’t need any help”
“The grease will only infect the wound” He said, grabbing the patch from you, “Sit still”
You glared at him, “I don’t care, I’d rather let it get infected”
“Well it’s a good thing I care then isn’t it” He replied, pulling out an antiseptic wipe.
You sat in silence with what he’d just said. Is this part of his latest trick? Kix gently grabbed your chin, tilting your head to get a better look at the wound. He brought the wipe up to it, “This is going to sting a bit”
And it did.
You hissed as the wipe came into contact with your wound, moving away from the clone inflicting the pain, but he just kept going until there was no more grease or blood dripping out of it.
“Wait here. Please don’t leave”
You watched him suspiciously as he moved away to retrieve something. He was being uncharacteristically serious and kind for someone who loved to tease you. He returned a moment later with some bacta and a bandage, and applied it without another word.
“You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were avoiding me” He said, the corners of his lips turning up at the attempted joke.
“Well clearly you don’t know any better then” You rolled you eyes.
He spoke your name in a soft tone as he finished applying the bandage, “That hurts” He said in mock hurt, a hand resting on his heart.
“Good” You replied instantly, looking up to his eyes to find him now looking at you seriously. He just watched you for a moment, and your own scowl softened slightly without your permission.
“I’m sorry” He said softly.
You bit your lip a little, looking away, “I know you are”
He brought his hand back to your chin, forcing you to look at him as he spoke, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I-” He gulped, “I wanted to kiss you”
Your heart leapt to your throat and your eyebrows furrowed, and then scrunched up, going through a million emotions at once.
“Is this a joke?” You asked, your tone hesitant and unsure.
“No” He said firmly, stepping forwards and finding himself between your knees, “I’m sorry for… the way I went about it. I only wanted to tell you that…”
You looked up at him with widened eyes, hanging on every word.
“I wanted to tell you that I have… feelings for you, and it- well, it all backfired” He chuckled slightly, and you let your mouth form a small smile.
“And this is real? You actually like me?” You asked once more for conformation.
“It’s real. I like you, I really like you” He admitted, his hand moving from your chin to cup your jaw.
You leant into his touch a little, and his heart did a flip, “I… I like you too, but I think you already knew that” You grinned a little and his lips formed the smirk that you usually found so maddening.
“I might’ve had some idea” He spoke teasingly, then stroked your cheek with his thumb, “Care to try that kiss again?”
You didn’t reply, and instead pulled him down by his chest plate to meet his lips with yours. It was a slow and meaningful kiss, both you and Kix making no haste and just savouring the moment. You felt him hum contentedly against you, and you smiled into the kiss, breaking away to catch your breath a little. He placed his forehead on yours, but you pulled away quickly when your wound began screaming out against the action.
“Sorry” He chuckled then placed a light kiss on top of the bandaged area, “There, that’ll make it all better”
You smirked, “Is that a treatment you give all your patients?”
“No” He smiled, “Only my favourite one”
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weebsinstash · 8 months
Hello! I don’t know if you do this but I was wondering what your thoughts were for a Yandere Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel? I’m having trouble writing a good representation of him and would like some advice.
Honestly I'm gonna humble myself and say that it took reading someone else's post to make me like, REALLY notice the nuances of Lucifer's character
This post right here literally made me rewatch his scenes and go "oh wow he IS like DANGEROUSLY DEPRESSED"
He doesn't remember Charlie told him where she is, or what she's doing, and he can barely follow a conversation despite clearly trying to pay attention. He also just seems kind of scattered, and um, HE LITERALLY MAKES A JOKE ABOUT DYING FROM FALLING OFF THE HOTEL BALCONY like dude is making jokes about death in front of his fucking daughter, like my dudes, I think this guy is BARELY holding himself together
He clearly loves loves LOVES Charlie but he doesn't really know how to properly articulate himself and I have a feeling there's a lot he's concealing from her, and another big question is, is his depression from being cast out of Heaven, or from something to do with his missing wife, or a combination of both? Either way this man is clearly dealing with like, really bad issues. And Charlie also mentioned he wasn't around a whole lot when she was younger, so... did he have depression back then too?
So, that all said, I feel like a yandere Lucifer would almost be, potentially invigorated by his darling? Given a new lease on life? He may not be 100% his old self again but, you get him to like, 65, maybe 70% on a good day. You give him another reason to get out of bed in the morning, or afternoon, or evening or, whenever he can drag his depressed ass out of bed
Given what we currently know, I feel like a romantic yandere Lucifer would pretend to only be platonic and do his best to poorly conceal his feelings because of his whole... "can't ask his missing wife if it's ok for you to be their third" ordeal, the man still wears his wedding ring, and a platonic yandere Lucifer basically adopts you like another kid, because uh, I mean for one he apparently canonically missed a lot of Charlie's childhood, and he's also an ancient fallen angel, so he's got that age advantage on you no matter how old you are. I mean what are a few decades when he's literally thousands upon thousands upon thousands--you get the idea
Yandere Lucifer would want to stay close to you, helping watch over you, maaaaaybe being overly paranoid about you randomly disappearing and going missing For Very Obvious Reasons, and in the process he winds up being unintentionally overbearing. I mean, he did it in irritation, but he basically showed up at Charlie's hotel immediately saying it was a dump and all of HER FRIENDS were 'a bunch of losers'. He never completely pulls his punches when there's something he's displeased with, even if it has something to do with someone he loves, so his darling would get much of the same treatment. "Ohhhhh, you uh, you wanted to move across the city? That's, um, definitely a fun idea! BuuuuuUuuut, what IF, instead of doing that--", like, he tries to playfully tug you in 'the right direction' until you make him put his foot down
Hmmm... what would him losing his cool look like... well, we've already seen that he doesn't mind throwing hands and WILL KILL, but will stop if he's asked to or there's a good reason. With you, though, you're not typically going to be there to stop him from offing any rivals or bad influences, so I imagine he'd be kinda casual about it, actually! He already thinks pretty lowly of Sinners, so say he finds out you've been ditching him and Charlie to go out drinking with strangers, making new friends, maybe having a few one night stands? Yeah, some of those people definitely aren't calling you back, and Lucifer doesn't really see a problem with it. These people are kind of the worst and really don't deserve you, anyways! If anything he's helping clean up Hell for you and his daughter and keeping you safe :)
Losing his cool with YOU... I think would involve him using his powers to finally confine you, maybe even going demon mode to intimidate you into submission in a very dad-esque "now you listen HERE" kind of way. We don't really know the scope and scale of his powers but I can picture him at least being, obviously much stronger than he looks, and transforming to fly you "back home" where he puts you in your room where no one can reach you without his explicit permission (and you also can't leave~)
One second you're just drunk and jokingly defying him, teasing him, maybe even picking him up and swinging him around because you're bigger than him, to you he's just a silly little guy! Meanwhile this Grown Ass Man Who Is Also The Actual Devil is getting more than just a little frustrated you basically view him as a wacky little cartoon more than a grown man, one who has had sex and has had two wives and sired a child. You're just teasing him and stumbling around drunk when he's trying to get you to your hotel room to get to bed to sleep, like you're clearly not taking him seriously, maybe even playfully putting your hands on him (TOTALLY not riling him up in 'fun' ways) and he finally just huffs and snaps his fingers and, you're suddenly magic'd to bed! You're laying there blinking confused and he's tucking you in and chuckling that "you're such a handful!" before leaving you to sleep and somehow INSTANTLY knowing when you're up.
You ARE in his house, after all...
Not to be gross but uh..... I'm not saying "yandere Lucifer who has the power to still get a Sinner pregnant if he wanted to and you wind up fooling around with him and you're waking up with his little apple symbol on your lower tummy as one of those like hentai womb tattoos to show you're pregnant" but uhhhhhhhhhhyeah that's what I'm saying, and whether it was accidentally or intentionally, he's keeping it, and thus, keeping YOU
I just feel like he'd be very goofy and awkward and bad at hiding his feelings and being very clearly overprotective and jealous in ways everyone else but you manages to pick up on (god Alastor would have some MATERIAL) and, in a romantic/sexual setting he eventually just loses his patience with you not seeing him as a man and just gets... progressively more forward. You pop back into the Hotel after a night out and Lucifer's already hammered at the bar with Husk, stumbling up to you, hanging off of you, slurring and embarrassing himself, "You'reeeee SO pretty... like SO pretty.... do you wanna have *BELCH* you wanna fuck? Cause I LOVE to fuck, like when I FUCKED my wife to make my DAUGHTER, my wife and daughter that I have, 'cuz im a DAD, 'cuz I'm a MAN!" and you're just giggling and ruffling his hair, "You're so weird, dude ^^" and walking away while Lucifer internally screams, wondering just how DIRECT with you he's going to have to be
meanwhile Charlie is totally cool with all of this and sees this as a weird double whammy of Curing Dad's Depression + new family member and friend hurray! and she's totally actively either shipping you with her dad or aiding and abetting him in his weird attempts to absorb you into the Morningstar family
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